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The amazing digital circuit escaped into our Minecraft world they’ve Left Behind special heart powers that give us unique abilities like a jack heart that gives us super jump powers or a cane heart that lets us control these eyes there’s even a Max Level kma heart that will let

Us abstract anything we touch like this oh wait Justin now we’re going to get abstracted wao Justin do you see those check out those boards what are they I think they’re some sort of crafting ingredients for characters wo dude there’s the squid game doll Sonic evil Sonic kissy Missy oh and the red

Soldiers from the squid game and that’s Freddy Fazbear miraculous ladybug Talking Angela Mr Hops and Huggy wuggy over there oh look there’s a chest wow do you think there’s Donuts in it I’m starving W all the ingredients are in here let me just get this gold bar and

Ink sack yeah and then we can crab the squid game doll heart with these okay let me just put these together and got it wow this is awesome I wonder what it can do wao oh man this is crazy bro you’re the doll from squid game no way Red Light

Green Light no don’t o me don’t o me no it’s not we’re going to be friends with them oh wow this is awesome did you see that a sheep just stopped moving when you looked wait really W that’s crazy wao wait the Sheep just moved in it o

You’re playing red light green light with everything oh no one that’s so cool okay let me try out the other hearts all right sounds good I’m going to go get some diamonds and a shoe and build it wow this is exciting I wonder what’s going to happen this time wait what are

You waiting for oh wao what just happened you’re so fast ad I can’t even see you want to see some real speed wow this is so cool bro maybe you could run to a donut shop and go grab me a donut yeah we could totally do

That with this heart yeah okay now let’s try out the evil Sonic heart oh we got to need some coal and an ender pearl oh man I wonder what this one will do let’s try it are you ready Justin are you ready you look so scary wait wait why

Can’t I see anything Adam where are you I’m right here what was that oh oh wait I see you wait no what that’s not you huh huh what what’s going on why are there so many of Adam this is what the heart does it makes a bunch of evil Sonics and it has

The blinding effect no that’s so cool and so scary at the same time I just want a donut wao what should we try next Justin let’s try kessy messy what do you need well I’m going to need some pink wool and iron okay come on let’s make this

Hard don’t you just transformed into Cassy messy monsters come over here wait what what are you doing they’re friends now I can be friends with all the monsters using the kissy Missy heart wo that’s awesome we can all be best friends yeah I love you spider I love

Love you end I love you creeper hey okay yeah come on Adam now let’s try the red Soldier Guard from squid game now all right sounds good to craft this we need some Redstone and leather armor wouldn’t it be awesome if you were the squid game

Doll and I was the red Soldier yeah dude we can remake the whole squid game yeah okay here we go oh wa you look awesome dude wait there’s a whole Army of Adams now all of you can go get me donuts yeah come on Justin we’re going to go test

This out on a monster whoa we’re going to go o a monster with the squid game Soldier heart yeah there it is go soldiers W it’s like your own mini Army you don’t even have to do anything they can bring this monster down all by themselves oh yeah they o them let’s

Go okay Justin your turn it’s so awesome down there man okay I’m going to crap the Freddy Fazbear heart I just need some leather and a redstone block awesome let’s go race you there a wait up I’m so excited for this man oh time

To craft I just have to do this and then a little bit of this and then maybe some of this and we’re done yeah let’s go all right this is going to be awesome here goes nothing who wait Justin you’re spawning pizzas this is my favorite custom heart

In Minecraft I got custom pizzas wow Justin’s actually Freddy Faz bear hey let’s go yeah hey hey wow it never stops we got pizza for everybody this is the greatest day ever wait what else does this heart do let’s try it on those spiders over there wo Justin they’re like avoiding you

They’re scared of you oh wow this is so cool I don’t even have to O anybody I just give pizza and the spiders ignore me now awesome hi Pizza bye spiders hi Pizza by spiders yeah all right Ed let’s see what else is in here okay some roses

And some wool oh let’s go oh we can make ladybug no way we can make the custom ladybug hard item all right let’s craft let’s craft and we’re done wao let’s go I’m ladybug I wonder what you can do with the ladybug this is so cool I’m so fast

Nothing can stop me I’m going for a swim wooo this is awesome I wish you could see this Adam all right Adam I’m going to go get some fish and some other wool to craft the Talking Angela heart ooh the Talking Angela heart I’m crafted this heart’s going to be crazy what do

You think it’s going to do Adam I don’t know we’re crafting we’re crafting we’re crafting we’re crafting are you copying me are you copying me stop it I’m talking Angela wao wait now that you’re talking Angela what can you do wa Justin you could spawn a bunch of

Cats with the Talking Angela heart that’s cool that’s crazy they’re just like you now ad they need some you should put cats everywhere hey Cat party Hey wao look look at all these kittens I’m going to name this one caddy and this one fluffy and this is Mr meow

Wow we got so many cats at we have so many friends now a look at all them they’re all so cute it’s like a mini Cat Army it’s a meow Army yeah get it that that joke was perfect man I’m having so much fun Justin what’s the next heart we should

Build oh man let’s see what’s in this chest oh well there’s some carrots and a rabbit um let me just get them oh wait dude that means we get to craft the Mr hops heart not the Mr hops heart bro this is so exciting all right let’s see it

Justin this is crazy I’m Mr hops let me try jumping oh I can jump so high I have super strength bro do you see this wow that’s crazy you can yeat anything you want I can yeat everyone in this server I’m not hurting them I just have super

Strength yeah wow that’s so cool oh man Adam this is so awesome watch this man we can eat everybody harmlessly cuz I’m Mr hops wow it kind of makes me want to drink some milk I don’t okay adal now there’s one final last heart to craft M okay what’s in

This chest some blue wool and a diamond I bet this makes the Huggy wuggy Heart o I wonder what power ups you’re going to have as Huggy wuggy well let’s find out there’s only one way to find out let me put the wool across the middle and the

Diamonds here and that’s it we made it oh it’s going to be awesome dude oh man are you sure we should do this Adam um I think so yeah okay here we Go wa you’re huge you’re like a giant Huggy wuggy wow you look like an ant from up here a that’s crazy wait how high can you jump oh wao you jumped so high I had us to try this I can run really fast too too woo wait where are you going I’m going

To run up this mountain and up into the clouds this is awesome woo I can’t believe how fast I’m going oh man it’s so high up here I can see our house from here I’m going to get the donut in the sky oh Adam that was a fun day playing

In the forest but let’s go home I’m hungry yeah I’m super hungry what do you want to eat uh I’m thinking I’m going to have some donuts and Justin are you okay oh I fell down this mysterious well Adam help me get out I feel funny down here oh okay I’ll

Give you a ladder oh there’s something weird down here I don’t know I feel like some sort of spell was cast on me or something that was weird wait really yeah I don’t know okay let’s just go home Adam I’m hungry oh dude what if we

Jump down wao you’re going to jump down on this truck yeah there’s a truck that’s full of like soft mattresses we could try jumping down okay you go first wa nice I’m kind of scared though Adam cuz you know me I’m super thick I’m super thick if I jump I might

O Adam I don’t know if I should do this yeah that’s true I’m going oh w w sh dead wow wait Justin are you okay yeah I’m okay oh don’t cry Adam don’t cry I’m down here look come on I’m over here it looks like you got hurt yeah no I’m

Actually fine that was weird I kind of blew up the truck cuz I’m so thick but I survived somehow wait really that’s weird I feel like you should have gotten hurt from that I don’t know what happened Adam all right let’s go home like I’m saying I’m hungry I want some

Donuts maybe some Chen it’s going to be really good okay cool all right and let’s go home I’m going eat some nice food yeah oh it’s going to be so yummy oh yeah it’s going to be tasty I wonder what we got in the fridge I can’t wait

To go see let’s go let’s go oh yeah and we can watch some miraculous ladybug later too oh man oh look at all this food W wo there’s cookies donuts donut oh y oh and we got some noodles over here oh and toast yeah we got some toast

We got some toast you know when you jumped earlier and you didn’t get hurt yeah don’t you think that’s a little bit weird it was definitely a little bit weird Adam but I’m thinking something might have happened to me when I fell in that well I think I might be immortal

Bro wait like you can’t get hurt yeah like check this out Adam here turn on our lava pool I bet I could actually swim in the lava pool and not o wait no dude that’s a bad idea you’re going to burn up no dude I’m telling you I feel

Like I’m Invincible check this out oh it’s so hot I got this ah Justin are you okay I’m actually fine I’m not oing guys I honestly think something happened when I fell down that well on our way home from the forest I think I’m totally Immortal now wao so Justin can’t get get

Hurt in Minecraft well we got to put it to the test Adam we got to see if I can blow up or something oh yeah we should do a bunch of fun tests okay let’s see can I survive a bunch of TNT uh I don’t know I’ll put some around you you sure

You want me to blow this up yeah sure do it we’re going to see I bet I can survive oh yeah hopefully cuz normally this would definitely o you in Minecraft okay Adam light it on three 1 2 three light it all right I’m going to light it

Dude wao you’re okay I survived the whole world blew up but I’m still here yeah Adam I must have got some sort of magical power I became Immortal in Minecraft wow what a cool Power wow this is awesome I I got to find someone to use my powers to go help oh it’s

Miraculous ladybug what’s wrong miraculous ladybug oh wait she’s saying that Luca got kidnapped by mayor Humdinger are you serious Luca got captured we got to go help ladybug save LCA oh man I can’t believe it yeah ladybug we’ll definitely help you oh ladybug brought us over here is that

Your home dinger’s Castle it’s huge yeah ladybug saying that’s where Luca is being kept right now all right well then we got to sneak in in free Luca okay wo there’s like a moat of lava this is crazy oh yeah dude maybe we can use your new immortality powers to help us break

Into this base yeah I think so wait we can’t get across the bridge I can just walk across the lava guys no problem I can open the gate for you oh yeah go through the lava and then open the drop rdge oh look everybody I literally can’t

O in Minecraft this is awesome wow we never would have been able to get into this base before woo I can open the door for you guys this is so cool awesome thanks man yeah okay I’m opening it here we go oh nice all right ladybug let’s go

On in nice this is so cool guys we’re going to go save Luca let’s go W wo everyone back up back up wo it’s a mine field over here oh there’s some pressure plates but wait dude you can’t get hurt yeah I’m Immortal I’m just going to run

Ahead I’ll go first guys I’ll test it out don’t worry cuz if I fall I won’t o yeah exactly you can tell us which ones are The Deadly Ones oh nice I survived guys listen as long as you run fast you should be good run run run oh come on ladybug follow us

Woo wow thank goodness we had you Justin nice okay let’s keep going whoa what is this it’s like a giant glass maze oh no dude this is a trap that mayor Humdinger must have made okay Adam don’t worry I think I saw something like this in Paw

Patrol look I’ll go down in the dangerous part of the maze you guys go up to the top and you guys can guide me through the glass oh good idea yeah and if there’s any monsters down here I’ll be okay okay we started the maze here we

Go Adam okay the game is started be careful cuz there’s dangerous monsters in that maze okay I can see you guys yeah tell me which way to go guys uh okay go this way follow us oh yeah this is so cool Teamwork Makes a DreamWork W

It’s some fire but wait I don’t need to be worried about fire I’m Immortal yeah wow that was helpful but I think that was a dead end uhoh ad we got to keep looking ah there’s monsters oh wait I’m not even scared cuz I’m Immortal yeah you’re right okay Adam

Which way do I go I’m getting lost in the Maze uh just follow our voices it’s over here okay I’m following you guys okay oh I’m getting really discombobulated oh I guess it’s over here oh I’m looking I mean it’s another dead end I don’t even see an exit to

This place uh oh ad we got to get out of here we got to go save LCA okay so it wasn’t that way check over there wait wait it’s all dead ends Adam what there’s no way through here are you sure yeah let me go back and ask those

Plushies wait a minute there’s no way through here what do you mean wait what yeah dude me and ladybug are stumped I don’t get it okay let me go ask them are you guys sure it’s this way yep okay they’re telling me it’s this way Adam I don’t know they’re saying the exit’s

Right here but all that’s here is this painting wait a minute what if I have to go through the painting oh that was the answer we beat the maze wow we made it through the maze okay guys we’re getting close to Luca and mayor humdinger let’s do it guys let’s

Save them all right we’re almost at the end here okay let’s get out of here it must be right here I see the Finish Line I got to jump through this giant spider web yeah perfect normally I’m scared of spiders but not today cuz I’m Invincible

Wow and we crossed the Finish Line woo all right May or Humdinger wa yeah there he is oh it’s Luca he’s in a jail cell let’s go free him guys don’t worry Luca we’ll help you okay guys let’s open this up let’s go inside and comfort Luka I’m

Worried about him oh mayor Humdinger open the cell for us Luka you want some some spaghetti we brought you some pasta wait no oh no we got outsmarted now we’re trapped no mayor Humdinger is laughing at us stop it mayor Humdinger wait dude there’s a shark infested pool

Next to our cell mayor Humdinger is literally taking the keys to our jail cell and throwing it into the shark infested pool stop it oh no now we’re never going to be able to get the keys wait a minute Adam never fear I can jump on this trampoline and get those keys

Cuz I’m Immortal all right the sharp can’t even o you yeah I’m not scared of no sharks these are just my friend some fishies okay I got the keys wow go chase down May Humdinger after you let us out I got it fre you guys first come on out

Guys come on get him he’s getting to the helicopter get him before he gets away get back here I bet you didn’t think my friend would be immortal oh mayor H Digger Stop in the Name of the law stop it all right we’re going to bring you

Downtown this is the last sea monster you ever try to take nice we got mayor Humdinger he’s captured let’s go take him downtown yeah wow thanks for your help ladybug Luca are you all right oh Luca say he’s doing great nice okay we freed luuka and we captured mayor

Humdinger wow being Immortal is really helpful in Minecraft yeah oh wow now we just get to go back home well first we got to go drop off mayor Humdinger you got to go put mayor Humdinger in jail so he doesn’t do this to any other sea monsters yeah you’re right he was really

Mean oh mayor hum Digger follow us you’re in big trouble now mister you’re going to get locked up in a jail cell okay over here yep here you go yep over here over here follow us yep yep oh your hat barely fits through here go get in

Here be Hub Digger no more being mean for you okay nice nice we save the day I can’t believe you guys found this portal Blaster Justin that’s so cool this is going to be so much fun I want to try hey guys look what I’ve got wo it

Actually worked that’s so cool just where does it go I want to take a peek it’s a portal Blaster it’s you here look look if I go through I come right back out oh that’s so cool I did it again oh Foxy come look uh I don’t know it seems

Pretty dangerous you should give it a try it’s going to be like so much fun yeah sure I’m got to go in here now wo it’s my turn to blast I’ll shot one there and one there huh oh I see myself I see you Justin come on Foxy come give it a try

Uh no thanks Okay what if I blast a portal here and then one here and then huh wait wait Justin Justin where did you Go Foxy come quick huh what’s wrong he disappeared where did he go the portal gun we found it we have to go save Justin huh where am I is this a cell foxy boxy where are you uh over here hang on a sec I’ll come and find you do not

Move this is no time for jokes foxy okay foxy you’re here step aside well I blast you out there I knew you would find a way it worked I know that was so cool wasn’t it cool it was lit foxy where do we go now to find

Justin this way but there’s no way through it’s okay we have a blaster see wo boxy first okay I’ll go first this is so cool I’m not used to this yet come on in foxy here I go hi Mr Snow Golem I’m boxy oh a snow golem hi Barry hi Gary

My name is foxy foxy it looks like the door is locked what do we do oh you’re right let’s look for the code to activate it good idea but where on top over there do you think it’s in there H we’ll blast our way up there be careful

Foxy that’s strange to look at let’s Go you made it a chest let’s see what’s inside a book wrong chest oh no let’s try again another book code to unlock the door is 6211 we got it boxy yay we found it all right 6 2 1 1 the door unlocked we got it huh foxy

Foxy the door closed it’s okay we got the code remember oh yeah I didn’t get stuck see I wouldn’t leave you behind Foxy look it’s lava we’re going to have to be very careful we can portal our way across good idea boxy here we go that

Wasn’t that hard we have a few more to go foxy you’re first this time okay I’m getting kind of used to this come on foxy we’ll make make it in no time well we still have a few more to go let’s try this do you think we’ll make

It all the way across I don’t know it works Foxy look over here hi foxy hi foxy we’re making it across in no time see easy peasy we got this we do I’m here let’s see what’s behind this door spikes spikes oh that’s dangerous it looks like we can portal all the way

Up though what’s that one floor up 1,000 to go 1,000 oh no don’t look so down we can do this easy peasy uh yeah easy peasy right Okay I’ll go first are you Ready oh see Easy Come on foxy this is so much fun okay oh I made it look you did it on to the next one I can see us we should be safe it works you’re getting really good at this foxy you’re getting a bit high now don’t

Look down oh I’m going look down oh no wo we are getting kind of high you weren’t supposed to look down why’d you look down because it was fun I can see you boxy ooh a button press the button for a prize tap a oh no we’re back at the

Beginning again oh no we have to do it all over I’m not climbing up everything again H maybe we can portal up there are you sure it’ll go that far I don’t know let’s try this be careful foxy oh those are spiky ow ow ow okay um there we are o [Applause]

Made it come on boxy okay I hurt a little and last one come on foxy wow I’m I’m right behind you okay I’m here we could go on oh another button tap wo w we actually get a new prize this time new armor look a it’s a pretty color yeah it is

Isn’t it and we’re back oh look a big hole oh it’s water Foxy come down here I come hi foxy there’s a door let’s go this way is that a fire extinguisher yeah let’s check out this chest fire resistance potions here I wonder what we’ll need that

For we have to find a way up okay uh maybe that one H it might be a tight fit let’s use our Blaster one there and one there let’s portal our way through okay I’m right behind you this is so easy uh are those lasers oh you’re right ouch we shouldn’t touch

Those we might be able to portal up okay there we go I’ll go first I’m right behind you look we made it more lasers oh nope oh no and another one here we go let’s go yay no more lasers Foxy look at those huh are those spikes

Time for our handy dandy Blaster I’m starting to like this Blaster more and more okay I’m coming on through this way boxy H oh it’s locked oh no how are we going to get through without the key oh look a chest I’ll open a portal I’ll go

Through all right over here all right let’s grab the code got it we should head back now and unlock the door all right 1 2 one two it’s open oh wo is that a wool of lava I don’t think we can portal to the other end maybe we can use those potions

We got the fire resistance one that’ll help right that was a good idea foxy let’s head through it’s so warm inside good thing we took those potions we made it look it you’re still on fire oh you are too let’s get past this door zombies oh no do you think they noticed

Us uh yes we’re going to have to fight our way through let’s go boxy oh he hits hard take that zombie take this we’re doing it we got them there’s one left oh he’s tougher than I thought is no match for us oh he might be a match for us foxy I’m coming

Up with a plan keep him distracted for me I’ll do my best but please hurry up he’s really big a foxy lead him over this way gotcha oh you got him look he’s stuck over there now let’s get him oh there’s more there’s more zombies we

Should get out of here it looks like we’re going to have to jump our way across let’s go foxy I’m right behind you yeah hey Almost there this is longer than I thought it would be wow I made it let’s go boxy you’re so far away I’m on my way wow another portal gun what do we do with that don’t we already have one let’s see what it does look it’s outside outside we’re home

Justin foxy we found Justin and he brought Donuts Justin oh they’re so good Justin We Found You Justin we’ve been looking for you we don’t need this anymore they cause too much trouble we’re going to go up this super high dangerous dropping diving board dude wait what I’m scared of heights though I

Can’t do that Adam don’t be so scared I built this myself it’s definitely very structural sound why don’t you go up and try and dive off um all right I think I can do it okay Adam here you go are you going to go any higher well you’re just

Going to go on the first one Ed I’m scared man come on don’t be little Fredy cat bro oh yeah M it does look fun I’m going to make the jump okay here Adam goes oh he’s going higher nice nice nice okay I got to be brave I got to be

Brave yeah be brave Adam Adam trying to one up me bro okay he made it yeah I think I’m a little bit more Brave than you just yeah yeah I’m going go even higher I don’t went to the second one I’m going all the way to the tippy Tower

Oh it’s kind of high up here you can’t make that jump you’re going to get hurt Bo here we go to infinity and beyond you’re going to fail you’re going to fail joh I’m not oh oh are you all right you landed on the cement oh I missed the

Pool oh I’m not all right oh oh you twisted your ankle ouch I twisted my my Minecraft ankle bro oh oh no see I told you you couldn’t beat it no I CU I wasn’t trying very hard if we had an official Minecraft dropper challenge I

Could beat you oh really yeah fine deal then on okay I watch I’ll make my own crazy new dropper we’ll try them together all right deal and I’ll also make some crazy droppers of my own that I don’t think you’ll be able to beat okay here’s the first one and this one’s

Rocky themed you can see it’s Rocky colored it’s a lava dropper bro wa Rocky this looks awesome Rocky says this dropper box woo okay I’m going first Adam see you later no okay Adam it’s your turn your turn H I’m kind of scared I’ll go for it okay is he going to

Make wait did he make it on his first try what are you talking about I did it what are you talking about I beat J I got to catch up I got to catch up I’m going to try it again no way he makes it

I got it I got it this time I got oh no oh you got burned up okay here we go this time I won’t fail let’s go go go wo wo wo wo perfect that was a good drop here we go I won’t mess up not a second

Time here we go oh yeah some nice jumps oh nice nice nice woo I made it perfect Rocky you made this dropper really hard Rocky yeah this dropper is Rock Solid okay Adam you won that round okay but now we’re going to the next round round

Two okay Adam now this is the fox donut dropper bro wa foxy this is awesome yeah I made this dropper yeah don’t eat any my Donuts I won’t I won’t wo oh I got to beat this one it’s a dut level no I OED a let me try let’s see okay here

Goes W it goes so far there’s no way Adam made that okay nice ad is back here I go I’m going dude this dropper is hard guys look at all the donuts yeah I made it really difficult guys nice oh I’m zooming foxy I can do it you got it I

Can do it yeah wow all right so it’s one to one it’s one to one it’s tied up Adam I’ll see you later and I’m taking these Donuts all right well I got a dropper trick up my sleeve oh because the third dropper is a boxy dropper oh okay it

It’s tied up now let’s see who wins this one okay wao it’s boxy yellow yeah it’s me guys oh what’s up boxy okay what is this oh bro this looks kind of difficult ad I’m not going to lie yeah I made this one pretty tricky all right here we go

What is what is that it’s like a door you got o oh let see you do it Adam oh DOD the door oh I made it a I still got o what the heck okay Adam you can do it you can do it oh oh Adam did it are

You serious I made it are you serious bro Justin beat all right you got to make it I’m going to catch up Adam I will do it I will do it for myself I believe I can do it I do it yes wo perfect nice that was

Nice all right all right Adam we made it now you’re in the lead but I say we go double or nothing let’s play a few more stages ah okay fine okay wait but these are all the stages we made wait I think there might be some other stages in this

Whole game that I didn’t even think we saw before who what is this dropper over here bro wa it’s like a forest themed dropper wait who made this could it could it have been sticky no way it’s Ticky who’s Rocky’s best friend W oh I got OED on a tree Rocky

Says oh yeah this looks like the work of sticky no way wow it’s beautiful oh I keep getting OED man ah what the heck this one’s hard this is too difficult sticky come on with the power of sticky yes you did it I did it okay I beat the

Stinky level Adam where you at bro I’m still dropping down this is tricky nice nice nice all right Adam don’t worry I think we’re tied up two to two the last one the last stage will determine the winner The Winner Takes It All wao what is this dropper Adam okay this is a

Giant World dropper wait we’re in the bathroom it looks like your mom made this level we got to clean up the bathroom do our chores yeah look at how tiny we are oh we got to clean the old bathroom and do our chores bro yeah we got to clean up the

Bathroom nice nice nice all right nice I’m getting back to the surface oh nice man now where’s the end of this Obby do you think it’s the toilet you think it’s the sink uh I think it’s the sink okay there’s no way down from here we got to

Use our grappling hooks bro yeah if you touch the floor guys you get oops the floor is lava we cannot touch the floor or we get o I won’t I won’t this is like after we clean after we mop your mom’s bathroom we’re not allowed to step on it

You know on the ground ground’s wet you know what I mean it’s all slippery oh okay Adam’s going that way I’m going this way but the grapple isn’t long enough to go all the way to the sink we got to go around don’t call me Spidey Justin wow but I do be web

Slinging yeah you made it this is sick bro let’s go Adam oi over in the sink we got to escape your mom’s level together go come on go to the top I’m going to try and grapp one of this painting no way nice oh no way dude this level’s

Sick this level’s actually crazy all right I’ll be right there Adam I’ll be right there oh this must be how a fly feels bro you’re right wow oh man Ant-Man Ant-Man bro okay let’s get to the sink the end’s not the toilet we got to go all the way

To the sink okay good idea good idea here we go I Believe I Can Fly get it cuz we’re like little fly you know let’s go W we’re almost there guys let’s go wait do you think the end is the drain yeah I think it’s the drain in the sink

Wow we made it dude we actually made it hey Adam let’s call this a tie it’ll be tied 2 and 1 half 2 and a half and we’ll be we’ll be both winners all right that sounds good and you know what what you were not able to jump off your diving

Board at home I think with all this practice all these droppers we played you should try going off the diving board one more time dude good idea man I feel like my skills have gone up I feel like I can make this jump bro all right guys can Justin actually survive or will

He twist his ankles again I won’t I won’t let’s go face your fears justy you got it do it yeah wa what a beautiful day here in Minecraft I’m going outside to go check the mail Oh What a Beautiful Day hey okay hey ouchie what was that I just

Respawned in in my house what was that I just randomly exploded huh was there something here on the grass let me take a closer look maybe I stepped on like a hidden TNT block maybe someone’s pranking me that was so weird yeah I was

Just on the grass and I blew up let me check this out what is going on every time I touch the grass I oh wait a minute is there something wrong with the grass over here what is this m I don’t see any explosions hey Adam I got a quick

Question could you come over here yeah what’s up Justin hey just stand on the grass a wait why did I explode wait a minute Adam I think the Minecraft server has been rigged hold on let me think about this oh wait someone’s at the door oh

It’s the mailman okay I’ll go get the mailman no problem I’ll get the mail thank you so much sir have a great day that’s so weird Adam he seems like he can touch the grass so I don’t think it was the grass’s fault must be something

Else let me check okay let me see what this letter is okay one second hold on okay say hi Adam and Justin we are inviting you to our special donut party it’s a special one from foxy boxy there’s a PS at the bottom of no they

Said they installed a mod where we can’t touch the color green wait what we can’t touch the color green at all oh man and be careful we can’t touch the color green that’s why we exploded but we got to make it to the donut party Adam yeah

I heard it’s a secret party and there might even be some special guests there oh man Adam I’m really scared but we can’t be scared I got to get the donuts we got to go all the way to the party without touching the color green all

Right we can do that man I wonder if the secret is maybe the squid game doll or Huggy wuggy is there oh man I hope it’s not nether of those but at least nine of those are green let’s keep going all right I’ll follow you oh man we’re

Zooming waa Adam no the road is out over here and it’s all grass we got to find a way across here without touching green this one’s tricky I mean we got to get across here oh we can lay down some concrete and then just walk across it

And then we won’t touch the color green yeah it’s like we’re building our own Bridge be careful though Adam this is really dangerous if we fall we’re o wait a minute what is that there’s like a fan blowing wind over on the side oh no dude

I bet boxy and boxy put this there this going to push us off oh no Adam stay strong man I’m worried about you I can’t be blown off cuz I’m too thick watch out ad we got to get out of here watch out watch out man oh the wind

Is so strong oh we can do it man keep going we can do it we’re almost there at the end wow this bridge is really scary wow but we’re almost there dude and we haven’t touched green so far yeah we’re doing pretty good man wow this is so

Dangerous I never realized how much green was in Minecraft until right now yeah we’re one step Clos closer to the secret party at the end guys this is so hyped dude wait okay watch out we got to bounce up here really quick Bo okay watch out watch out watch out Adam if

You fall down you’re going to touch some creepers which are all green oh wait we can’t touch the creepers or the grass oh man this is so scary I made it AC cross Adam how you doing I’m going to try my best but I’m not very good at these

Obstacle courses you can do it Ed you can do it oh no I got them goodbye Adam okay don’t worry Adam can respawn and try again all right round two here we go let’s hope I don’t get pushed off by these pushy things oh man don’t get

Pushed by the pushy things bro oh okay I made it dude don’t worry oh and there’s like a ramp here but there’s green on it so I guess we got to sit in these shopping carts oh yeah cuz we’re technically not touching it yeah cool

Here we go 3 2 1 wow look at this go wo we’re zooming it’s like we’re playing Mario Kart all right we’re getting closer to that party I can feel it it’s another speed ramp here we go woo wow we’re going so fast this is crazy Dodge

The green slime at him oh that would us yeah don’t touch it oh there’s a T-Rex and he’s flexing on us by stepping in that green grass yeah and he’s green himself oh man there’s so much green in Minecraft I never realized it oh but what’s not green are these super cool

Jet skis in front of us oh man watch out for the grass though Adam don’t touch it don’t touch it oh man these obstacles are getting harder and harder oh man I almost lost control of my jet ski there wow we made it across okay let’s get out

Of here Adam I can see the next obstacle up ahead oh what do you think it is dude oh man and whatever it is I’m ready for it cuz we got to get to those donuts oh the bridge is out up ahead oh no how are

We going to get across ah what is that oh no it’s a green sheep no please don’t chase us please please oh no dude this is really bad coming straight forward what oh no run don’t let it touch you okay run run run run run oh man if it

Touches us we’re OED run I’ve never been so scared of a sheep in my life oh man oh there’s go-karts watch out now there’s green birds run go go go oh it was so close to touching me oh man that could have been really bad like you said

Bro oh more creepers watch out watch out watch out man watch out watch out wa wow it’s like you’re in Mario Kart yeah that’s what I said earlier we made it across the down Bridge here we go Adam oh wait Adam it’s an ice cream shop can

I stop and get some ice cream um I don’t know dude you think that’s a good idea yeah give me some money I need to borrow some money Adam I need to get some ice cream I only have $1 left give me the dollar do it uh okay fine wait a

Minute and we both just touched it and this is green oh yeah money’s green wait what uh-oh oh no oh man the ice cream was a trap okay and we’re on to the next obstacle over here oh this looks so scary bro it’s another parkour Obby another parkour but

I know we’re very very close to the party so we got to do it okay watch out dude well we got to go on these trampolines okay I’m really good at this can you do it Adam um I think so but I I don’t really know man like I said I’m

Not good at parkour don’t worry Adam just try your best you can make it to the end we’re going to get that donut party all right here we go guys I got to be brave come on Adam believe yourself do it be a spy hacker I’m going to do it

I’m a spy hacker ninja what jump go all right here we go just a few more no Adam you’re not a real spy hacker Ninja at all bro oh man I’m a fake spy hacker ninja bro come on bro are you a real spy hacker ninja I’m a real spy hacker ninja

I might belong to project donut bro go Adam go we got to get out of here bro all right oh there’s a green present here oh man don’t touch it I really want to touch it I want to see what’s inside but we can’t open it all right we’re

Almost there oh there’s a chest I wonder what’s in here bro be careful oh it’s some weapons I guess we’re going to need these up ahead ooh watch this sword and stuff but oh yeah there’s some bad guys up here oh man those are husks maybe

They low Elon musks maybe watch out bro we cannot fall into this slime dude that would be so bad yeah if we fall in We Touch green and we O Okay o these bad guys get him out of here bro all right I’m going to use these long range bow

And arrows thankfully these are brown and not green oh man this is so scary get these husks out of here bro oh slice them slice them oh we can’t let them touch us either oh no they might have a bit of green on them I don’t know I

Don’t know do oh they’re surrounding us no don’t push us in please this is so bad oh no no no just get to the other side hurry all right uh yeah you’re right just ignore him let’s just go to the end oh man this is the scariest day

Of my life and it’s all just cuz of the color green yeah but it’s going to be worth it man that secret party who knows who could be there I have no idea man maybe El musk yeah dude or kissy Missy oh we got a checkpoint wow so if you

Step here then if you get you just respawn right there if we get to the donut party we might find the origins of project donut bro W I hope so are you serious yeah man all right we got to make it across this parkour item don’t fall you follow on every single parkour

So far dude I am so talented there’s no way I’m going to fall okay you’ll be a little bit overconfident now I’m learning to believe in myself check this out I’ve been practicing a lot I’m checking it out I’m checking out the CH here we go come on Adam believe in

Yourself and look cool come on one more jump no not working for you ad all right well at least I go back to the checkpoint he time yeah at least we got the checkpoint man you messed up on every parkour so far yeah Adam you got to improve your jumps man that’s one

Important part of being a spy hacker bro you’re right you’re right I will become the ultimate spy one day do it then all right Adam come on get it together jump nice one more jump come on Adam show Justin you’re cool actually like three more but yeah there you go I’m not good

At counting but I’m good at doing cool stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right Justin yeah yeah I’m filming I’m do first try I’m a real spy hacker right I’m a real spy hacker yeah you are I’m Zoom dude see easy easy this is

So easy bro easy peasy L squeezy wow I wish I was as talented as skilled at Minecraft As You Are don’t worry ad one day you will be don’t worry I hope so one day oh dude I think we’re almost at the party let’s go we about to get pull

Up to the party oh I think this is it guys let’s P up to the party no way did we actually make it oh man oh we made it to the secret donut party and who could it be oh my goodness it is Foxy and boxy look at these three huge giant mystery

Doors in Minecraft wao dude these are so big okay there’s one on the left looks like Luca one in the middle looks like evil Friday night funkin and the one on the right almost looks like Rocky and sticky now what’s at the end of these three doors well apparently if we find

The secret key in each of these doors and put them here we will unlock a super secret chest full of cool stuff okay Adam oh man these all look so scary so we got to go on a treasure hunt for three keys and if we put them back here

We’ll get the treasure chest yeah exactly okay Adam which one should we go in first um let’s go into the Luca one okay nice let’s go I hope we don’t get attacked by evil Luca yeah all right eat some of these Donuts make sure you got energy yeah yeah yeah I always have

Energy when I eat donuts all right keep a lookout cuz who knows what’s going to be behind these mystery doors oh man Adam keep your weights about you it’s not going to be easy oh man there’s a bunch of water get your scoy gear on I don’t see much it looks like there’s

Luca and Alberto somewhere in here okay Adam keep your wits about you I don’t see much but I see a sea monster it’s evil Luka Oh no you’re right yeah what is that he got a shark what is that a eel it’s some kind of

Evil sea monster dude oh it’s like a sea dragon oh back up Adam be careful okay here’s the plan we got to find the secret key in this room and to find it we got to get past this Obby we got to get past this eel but oh be careful Adam

It’s attacking us ow it bit me ow Adam just don’t fall don’t fall I got to get back up no Adam get to the land oh get to dry land oh no oh no can you put some blocks here and then I can jump across oh yeah don’t worry Adam oh okay I’ll

Make like some blocks that you can jump like it’s an Obby Adam no problem we’ll get you over here no time okay cool put some down ni I’ll put one right there I’ll put oh no the sea monster took the block away no the Sea Dragon is too

Smart try again oh no it’s too smart for us oh dude H how do I get past it don’t worry Adam I’ll think of something let me eat and I’ll power up my brain oh oh wait a minute it’s looking at the donut it wants the

Oh can you throw it yeah I’ll lure it over here with the donut go go fetch ah oh come on Adam quick quick quick all right we got to make it to the end nice nice you owe me for that Adam I had to give up a donut to save you yeah you’re

For sure I am for sure Adam here we go let’s go oh I think I see the key oh no evil Luca and evil Alberto appeared well they’re not sea monsters so it’s all good oh no they are sea monsters they transformed and now we’re locked in this

Room with them oh no oh I forgot the second they touch water they turn to sea monsters we’re locked in here no wait there’s a crab here and it looks to be friendly can you go ask someone to help us please Mr Crab please you think

That’s Mr Krabs I don’t know but we need help oh you think he’s going to come back with SpongeBob we got to help ourselves Adam I don’t know we need help from someone though oh they’re throwing jellyfish at us and stinging us ouchie wa wait it’s a friendly pie pirate he

Says y wao he opened the door thank you pirate let’s get out of here ah wa he says follow him cuz he knows a lot of people have been OED by evil Luca oh man this pirate knows everything he gave me a compass oh wow now we know the way out

Yeah all right uh do you know where the key is hiding that makes sense he knows where the treasure is he’s a pirate there’s the key waa guys we got the first key let’s go thank you so much Mr pirate wow that crab did Save Our Lives

Adam yeah now we just need two more keys until we can get the Treasure Run evil aluca is still attacking us wa we barely made it out that was way too close thank you so much for your help Mr pirate we’ll see you later all right let’s go

Put the key that we found in the Box okay cool I’ll put it where it belongs nice okay one down we got two more to get wow that was only the first key okay now this looks like evil boyfriend from Friday night funkin I hope we don’t get

Oofed over here oh there could be evil boyfriend or even evil daddy dearest oh oh no not evil D deest oh all right oh there’s a stage over there wa it’s a giant stage this looks pretty cool okay let’s see what the sign says it says to

Get the key it’s somewhere on the stage oh wow let’s go on the stage hey Adam maybe we can go on the stage and do a musical performance oh it’s boyfriend oh I think it’s evil boyfriend oh sh he doesn’t see us he doesn’t see us

Sh all right we just got to get on that stage okay okay Adam here’s what we do we get on the stage oh wait Adam oh okay there you are wait we get on the stage and we start performing we start singing and it’s going to sound great and

They’ll probably give us a key cuz they’re so thankful of our singing oh the key will reveal itself and we start singing if we sing in the right key get it oh I get it okay here’s the mic ready okay go ahead and sing what was that oh dude I think boy

Friend and daddy dear has OED us I don’t think they like our singing one bit Adam oh no I mean I can’t really blame him though that was pretty cringe what do you mean I hit every note when I play Friday night funkin yeah but we don’t sound very good wait dude that’s

Girlfriend is she evil I I don’t think so hey hey girlfriend over here please help us we’ve been locked oh she’s singing at us she’s like throwing notes at us do you see that yeah I do uh girlfriend can you use the notes on our cages and we can get out she’s using

Musical notes to blast the stuff around her wow girlfriend’s not evil she’s awesome wow she’s going to help us oh she’s blasting us out of our cages wao we can make it out girlfriend thank you so much do you know where the key is hidden wow you’re so helpful girlfriend

Thank you so much let’s go Adam she says it’s over here oh awesome okay up the stairs we go up the ladder go go go quick quick quick oh this is a good hiding space oh man I think up here there’s like a secret Obby and if we

Beat it we’ll get the key oh okay cool yeah we just got to beat this thing oh man it’s secret Minecraft Parkour I would have never guessed it’s up here yeah you’re right okay oh there’s a treasure chest it must be in here no way

Let’s open it w wow we got key number two just one more to go guys nice and we found this equipment we can fly out of here Adam let’s get out of here before boyfriend and daddy dears find us yeah dude what do you think is going to be in

The final Treasure Chest I don’t know Adam it kind of looked like it was Rocky and sticky on the final door oh watch out Daddy de and boyfriend are chasing us oh they’re not happy that we took the key go go go oh man I’m tired Adam but we got to

Get one more key all right let’s put the second key in the box and that means we just got one more okay Adam it’s getting kind of spooky yeah that last one looks scary it looks like it’s evil Rocky and evil sticky it’s like an evil lanky Box

Level oh man that’s not good how could Rocky and sticky be evil they’re so cute and awesome I don’t think they’re evil Adam they must have gotten or maybe it’s their evil twins yeah all right we got to go in here and get the final key oh

Man let’s go Rocky was telling me the other day about his evil twin wait is is that them oh no all right Rocky sticky is that you guys hello who is that who is that I am evil Rocky’s evil twin evil pebbles no I will o both of you no no no

Rocky it’s us Rocky stop it oh no guys run away run away there’s a door in there I am sticky evil twin the evil twig yeah oh Adam we got to block off the door what is this it’s like a grapple Obby dude it’s a lanky box

Parkour oh we got to grab a like Spider-Man and get to the other side ad wao they got pictures of us oh no this is so scary who did this Adam I don’t think Rocky and sticky would do this H I don’t know oh no we’ve been hacked wow

Guys look at the wall there’s some lanky box pictures oh man Adam we’re so cringe nice we made it to the other side all right there’s an elevator in here and I think we lost evil Rocky and evil sticky come on Adam we got to get through here

You’re not through yet come on focus focus nice all right I made it all right let’s go through the elevator and we’re probably close to the key honestly yeah I think you’re right oh man this is really stressful oh Rocky told me about his evil twin evil Pebbles and Sticky’s

Twin the evil twig we got to watch out for him Adam oh man yeah for sure oh man oh I think I see the treasure CH there’s the key oh it’s so quick wow that was easy there’s definitely no traps or anything here to get us let’s take that

Key and get out of here wow guys we beat it we got the final key we did it we got big brains let’s get out of here Adam let’s go quick wow we’re Geniuses we outsmarted evil sticky and evil Rocky okay evil sticky turn on the fan 3 2 1 go

W now we got blown by the fan into these spider webs we’re stuck forever oh no dude we got outsmarted you do not rock Rocky we need help Rocky you’re evil twin attacked us don’t worry I’m the real Rocky and me and sticky are piloting this Chopper no

Way the good Rocky and sticky are going to come save us yeah we’re here and it’s time to rock and roll get out of here evil Pebbles and evil twig we’re taking you down yeah scare off your evil twin oh yeah sorry about that guys we have to

Stick together okay nice we’re out of here wow so we got the final key and the treasure chest thanks so much for saving us sticky Rocky you guys rock we rock and roll wow we bought all these duts from the dut shop what a great day yeah

But dude I just checked our wallet and we’re out of money huh yeah we spent all of our money on Donuts Adam yeah but how are we going to pay for like gas for your car and all our other stuff oh I I didn’t really think about that wait

We’re all out of money like everything yeah dude we’re totally broke oh I didn’t think about that and we got to make money somehow oh no this is bad I already ate all the donuts too oh yeah you’re right we need money wait who’s this wait okay this person is telling us

They have a fun game we can play to make some money wait no what that sounds fun we’re good at games yeah I like playing games all the time play Minecraft play Roblox oh what’s this oh it’s like a business card oh that’s pretty cool has

Some shapes on it okay he’s running away I guess if we go play this game and call this number we’re going into some sort of game to win money oh I mean that sounds fun and we definitely need some money okay let’s do it I’m going call

This guy up let’s go this is going to be so much fun yeah wow we got really lucky yeah we’re going to play some games for money that’s too easy bro oh all right we’re at the competition oh okay we’re chilling here oh wow these guards do

Look kind of spooky okay it says there’s $575 million wo that’s so much money wait a minute what kind of games they going to make us play they’re explaining the rules they say if we lose we get eliminated oh what does that mean well I

Mean I guess they just kick you out of the game or something oh eliminated like some lemonade okay wow the competition is looking pretty Fierce Adam I guess we get to just hang out and chill before the first game let’s go explore look they have bunk beds just like we used to

Have oh wow we can bounce on the bed oh this is so cool this one’s mine oh awesome wa siren head even in here okay everyone else is looking really nervous nobody’s really talking or messing around huh yeah I don’t know maybe people don’t like sleepover parties I

Bet Adam nobody else in here knows anybody else but luckily we have each other we’re best friends Adam yeah you’re right so we’re having fun everyone else is nervous wow look at this guard okay this is so cool oh I guess it’s time for the first game let’s

Go wa oh wow look at these colorful stairs yeah what kind of game is this they said when we joined it’s called the squid game the squid game I don’t know what the squid game is I’m in the squid games yeah I don’t know guys but I mean

We’re pretty good at competition so hopefully we win that’s what I’m saying okay we’re in the first game wao we’re in like a big field what is this WOW apparently the guard is saying that we’re going to play Red Light Green Light Red Light Green Light we’re good

At that game Adam no problem no problem yeah that’s super easy okay let’s line up we’re really good at this we play this with your mom all the time Adam uh all right but this competition looks pretty tricky don’t worry Adam we got this so it looks like we have to cross

The finish line and get to that tree over there when they say red light green light yeah but they’re saying you know if you move after they say red light you get eliminated well yeah that’s how the game works Adam it’s not that bad right

Oh green light here we go oh okay oh red light oh nice okay I’m not moving I’m not moving okay what a fun game what a silly fun game okay wow and there’s that giant robot doll at the end yeah great light here we go I oh red light oh siren

Head’s still moving wait he’s wait what he got o that’s what they meant when they said eliminated what is this game wait so you don’t get kicked out of the competition you just get exploded they were so close to the end two they just got and we got across the

Finish Line what kind of game is this I didn’t sign up for this I didn’t know they would o us oh no no no no no get across get across get across oh bro wait a minute Adam in the squid game if you lose you don’t get eliminated from the

Game you get eliminated from life wait a minute guys this is a lot scarier than I thought oh Adam that makes sense why the prize money is so much now I don’t want to keep playing oh well we made it past the first game and now we’re on the the

Second game okay we’re in a big playground they’re telling us to go stand in front of some shapes Adam oh it’s a basketball I would beat that if that was the game oh fun there’s shapes over here okay what shape should I stand in front of Aid uh I think you should

Pick um maybe the blue one the blue one okay what that little mushroom no I said umbrella what do you pick the triangle yeah I’m going to pick a triangle okay you think this is a good shape for me adidam no I think you should maybe try

The triangle but but you just told me to see it in for the blue one I don’t really know man I’m not good at shapes okay well it’s probably just r so let’s see what happens oh okay they gave us a piece of candy they’re telling us we

Have to carve out the shape oh it’s a honeycomb and they’re saying that if you carve it out but your cookie breaks that you get o why’d you get the triangle why I get the umbrella a I’m sorry I didn’t I thought it didn’t matter oh okay well

Good luck on yours I guess okay I’m carving out the honeycomb so far this is so good cuz the shape is pretty simple okay Adam just has a shape with a bunch of straight lines okay oh oh okay I guess I’m happy for you Adam oh oh I

Carved it out okay so I get to survive okay I guess it’s my turn oh what is this all right you got it Justin Don’t Panic oh okay oh it’s really difficult I’m doing my best oh I’m getting nervous I’m getting nervous now remember if your cookie cracked you’re out of

Here I wish I got the triangle too oh I’m getting I’m getting nervous oh it’s okay dude it’s okay okay okay keep going keep going Justin Don’t Panic Don’t Panic oh I’m panicking I’m panicking I’m panicking okay okay okay you got it

Justin I can do it I can do it I can do it oh and we got to win together oh oh man the umbrella really is the toughest shape in the game oh but I’m the toughest competitor in the game let’s go I did it oh wow Justin

Survived all right that was game two and you said there’s six games yeah we’re on the third game now they’re not telling us with this game is but I’m looking up ahead it looks like tug of war Adam and I think they’re going to let us pick

Teams we should find out who the strongest players are in team up with them oh yeah good idea I’m thinking Adam earlier I saw the red crew from amongus uhhuh yeah he looks really strong and he’s teaing we should partner with him oh you think he’s an impostor I think he

Might be really strong cuz the crew mates can vent and do all kinds of stuff he must be really smart let’s team up with him oh good idea okay uh he’s going to join our tug OFW team okay it’s squads of three so it’s US versus three

Other people I guess we’re just going to play tug of war yeah I don’t know how strong we are though dude don’t worry Adam we’re both really strong and the red crew mate’s really strong don’t worry all right but apparently if you lose you just get dragged over the edge

And O what yeah dude what okay here we go guys everyone Paul I’m scared of heights I’m scared of heights ah okay 3 2 1 start Paul oh c wait the other team’s really strong dude oh this is not good Adam this is not good we need to come with a plan we

Need some strategy Adam oh Adam almost fell over ah wait Justin you’re really thick right yeah I’m going go to the back of the line that’s a good idea I’ll be like an anchor yeah good idea I’m so thick bro wow okay the other team’s losing their balance pull pull pull pull

Pull oh the red crew mate is calling an emergency meeting that distracted the other team oh we won hey we won but we just OED three players bro yeah that felt kind of bad and that’s why we needed the red crew mate because he not afraid to O

Anybody he’s the impostor he oofs people all the time yeah you’re right and now Savage now we’re in the next game and apparently this one’s marbl marbles Adam I don’t think we should play each other cuz I’m too good at marbles you you’ll just get upset and get frustrated so we

Should split up yeah good idea um okay you find a partner and I’ll find someone too okay I’ll go find a different partner don’t worry any okay don’t worry I’m chilling I’m chilling I’m going to find a nice partner to go play marbles with you too Adam good luck making some

Friends okay but dude I don’t know if we’re really making friends here what what what do you mean because the person you’re competing against might o wait a minute you’re right we’re probably playing marbles one-onone I’m against this guy good thing we didn’t team up at him otherwise we’d have to play each

Other and one of us would get eliminated yeah you’re right okay it looks like my game is to throw marbles in this little square oh oh this is so tricky good thing I’m really good with hand eye coordination that’s why I’m so good at basketball and sports I missed oh a

Little bit too strong okay don’t worry I got this i got this come on justy oh a little bit too strong to the left okay it’s whoever can get the most amount of marbles in that square I can do it I it’s it’s first to two I missed again

I’m getting closer though it’s first to two marbles in the Square you got it dude you got it I got this i got this come on come on I got this I got to bounce it yes I got one I got one I got one I think that was one okay just one

More then your opponent’s going to o i i i don’t want to O him Adam I don’t want to O him I’m sorry I’m sorry I don’t want to do this oh this might be it I don’t want to do this one more one more

Yep yep yep yeah I did it you did wait a minute what’s going to happen to my friend here I what’s going to happen he’s trying to run away what oh he got they OED him right in front of my eyes bro but now you got all the

Marbles and you get to live I don’t want to play squid game anymore let me out of here okay here’s my game apparently it’s just one round and whoever can throw their marble closest to that wall wins yeah you got to get close to wall you

Got to get over that red line Adam okay you go first oh no no no no no okay my opponent’s throwing oh oh they didn’t cross the red line Adam oh no don’t do it here we go oh I did it but you survived but that means this guy’s going to

No ad of the squid game too crazy bro this squid game’s too crazy let us out of here you mean guards I don’t want to play anymore okay Adam it is almost the last game this is almost the final game and it’s like a glass Bridge oh the

Guards are explaining that one of these glass sides it breaks and the other will support your weight wait so you got to guess it’s 50/50 every jump oh man which direction should we go I don’t know ad we should be smart and just not say much

And let other people go cuz that’s a smart thing to do right yeah let’s see what happens when they jump okay uhoh they just OED are you kidding me oh man and it’s like this for every single time ad I think we should just let everyone else go ahead that’s the smart

Thing to do right yeah because then if the glass breaks we’ll know which one’s to jump on oh oh no Adam I don’t want to be in the squid game anymore Adam this is not fun and it’s not even important to win the money I just don’t want to O right now

Yeah you’re right okay it’s down to us four okay okay oh okay okay oh this person at the front’s getting really lucky with their guesses this is great okay yeah okay oh it was right like four times in a row okay oh where they going to go they’re going right

No Adam it’s just me you and the red crew mate who helped us in tug of war crew mate you have to go on first you have to jump crew mate you’re our friend please don’t o we really appreciate you helping us on tug of war yeah we can all

Make it to the end together we could do it we can survive as friends okay please he wasn’t injected bro oh man wait a minute wait a minute you still got some marbles in your pocket from the previous game yeah I can try throwing them and see if the glass break good

Idea oh yeah wow oh okay I got one more marble left okay you got it throw it throw it throw it we’re going to figure out where to go throw it on the left side okay okay yeah that one works that one’s real I’m out of marbles oh no Adam

We got to the final one we just got to take a chance bro what do you feel is right left or right I feel that the left one is the right one if that makes sense the left one oh oh we made it we did it

That was a pure guess at the end bro we could have OED right there everyone else in the game was eliminated and we’re the final two I think we might beat the squid game wow they’re saying that we get to have a feast oh we got to have a

Fancy Feast they put us in some suits awesome so I guess the game’s over is this the priz cuz this was worth it we got a bunch of food yeah but what about all the people that oofed huh I’ve been trying to jooy my dinner Adam yeah

You’re right but wait a minute they’re saying there’s still one more game wait why are they feeding us so well that doesn’t even make sense I don’t really get it guys I’m eating I’m eating a nice Feast I’m I’m real thick I’m feeling good yeah but something feels weird

About this you worri too much I I’m going eat if you’re not going to eat I’ll eat your food for you oh okay oh yeah yummy yummy yummy and my tummy we’re in the feast yeah I guess this is the final game this the final game what

Is this I of is Hopscotch what’s this well they’re saying it’s called a squid game and you have to push the other person out of the square what it’s a one V one and if you get pushed out you get eliminated aidam I don’t want to play

This game we have to O each other I won’t it’s either you push me out or I push you out I won’t Adam I’m not going to hurt you I’m not going to do it I don’t want to do this are you sure yeah

I had to move aside I’m going to win hey a Justin you just hit me a just don’t push me out okay why’d you hit me again because if you get past me then I get eliminated what are we supposed to do then why’d you punch me I’ll punch you

Back I don’t know what to do man I’ll push you back stop pushing me stop I’ll push you stop it stop it I don’t want to play anymore I don’t want to play this quick game but dude if we give up now we don’t get the money stop pushing me then

Oh okay okay stop pushing me Adam we got to know what to do I got to get to the end oh I might just give up no don’t Adam stop we’re pushing each other I don’t want to play anymore Justin just win no Aiden we are MERS we are best

Friends I can’t win I can’t do this ly box never gives up on anything in life but I’m will give up right here Adam get up but that means that neither of us are going to get the money we made it all the way to the end but friendship is

More important than money Adam oh Adam we’re on a raft wao all right right here we go Captain Justin yeah y I’m pirate JY now this game is like that game we saw foxy boxy play where you’re on a raft uh oh this is spoopy though I don’t

See any land anywhere do you no we’re out in the middle of nowhere in the ocean we’re in the middle of the ocean Adam grab some supplies we can use this stuff and craft our way out of here oh you’re right I see like some grass some

Stone maybe we can use these supplies to like make tools and stuff yeah Adam make sure to pick up some wood we got to make the raft even larger yeah if we put enough supplies together we maybe even make you like a new car yes a car although you can’t really drive it

Anywhere yeah I might crash it into the ocean that would be bad swab the deck mate Adam you’re going too far man be careful there might be fishies in here man I’m not worried I’ve been taking my swim lesson fishes in the ocean might be a shark come back dude come back you’re

Going too far all right I got a bunch of supplies okay nice nice we can expand the raft nice nice see there’s nothing to be worried about we got some more room Adam now now you we’re getting a little bit confident here I I don’t like

It we got to be care careful man we got to be real careful can you make something uh yeah I made a workbench okay nice nice nice we can craft even more on it can you make I’m getting a little bit hungry can you do something about Adam I’m expanding the raft I’m

Working hard here what what do you mean you’re getting hungry you’re always hungry yeah well I’m getting hungry can you make me something yeah I’ll make you a fishing rod okay nice nice nice why don’t you use the fishing rod catch some fish and we can have fish wishes oh my

Favorite yeah fish s I’ll make my own I’ll make my own so we can both go fishing that’s a great idea oh and we can use the fishing rods to get the supplies faster oh this is genius I don’t even have to swim out and grab

Them anymore big brain and now keep your eyes peeled and if you see an island or anything we might be able to dock the boat and maybe find some treasure oh good idea I was literally just talking to my mom and apparently she said that there’s like a secret treasure on some

Island around here ow oh no it’s a shark yeah that’ll have to wait for later we got bigger issues I told you there’s fish whises in the ocean and it’s a big Angry Shark okay how are we going to protect ourselves no wait back up back

Up yo throw your fishing rod at it maybe it’ll scare it’ll scare it just like in the raft game yeah stay away Mr shark I’m scared I’m scared y he’s getting close what is he doing what is he doing what the heck he’s eating part of our

Raft he’s destroying our raft back up back up ye foul monster I thought shars ate like fish not raft he must be really hungry to eat the raft yeah we got to get more supplies so we can repair the raft we got to fix the raft Adam keep your eyes peeled if we

See some sunking treasure we got to hop out and get it okay good idea good idea I’m still hungry no waa what’s that oh it’s like a it’s like a floating raft I can’t really see that far it’s a raft just like ours Adam there might be

People on it yeah maybe there’s like a mermaid we got to help save them dude wow we might actually meet The Little Mermaid today dude H you thinking about mermaids bro I’m thinking about surviving oh right right right I’m going to make you walk the plague for that one

Adam you should go swim over to it all right what if the raft over there the abandon raft is like booby traps oh Adam don’t be such a little booby go go all right I’ll swim over I’ll be brave here okay I hope maybe there’s like a map on the shark oh what

The heck swim faster Adam swim faster I’m trying to swim your mom taught you how to swim faster than that come on okay I made it to that man and raft what do you see Adam you see anything uh there’s a bunch of spider webs and

There’s like a like a chest here a chair a bed are there are there any people on it Adam no this is abandoned this is abandoned but I do see some kind of a chest Adam come back quick the Ws are drifting apart it’s not safe maybe the

Owners of this were spiders that’s where there’s so many spider webs here I’ll take the save and I’ll bring it back and we’ll open it together okay yeah get the treasure get the treasure chest please okay I’m I’m hitting it I’m what you hopes in the treasure chest my me pirate

Booty me pirate booty is in those chest adem all right I’ll grab the chair as well in case you get tired I get the furniture all right all right good good idea oh it’s sinking W Adam watch out the whole R suck under you hurry back okay I’m swimming back with the chest

It’s pretty heavy but I think I can hold it what the heck why did it sink yeah cuz you were on it maybe you were too thick okay here you go Adam here’s a head all right now drop it here okay good idea I’ll drop it right next door

Pirate booty Adam that is that belongs to me all right hopefully there’s like money in here or something really important and valuable oh man Adam I’m going to take wao that’s so crazy the whole rft sank I hope that doesn’t happen to us Adam that could happen yeah

That would not be good anything happen let’s see what’s in here after all all right oh there’s some seeds we can plant like a little garden they will have food to eat oh that’s genius this is awesome Adam here you go get started making a garden I’m going to see what’s in this

Little chest over here oh there’s multiple chests I forgot what’s in this one oh there’s donuts and meat is this arbe cuzz we have the meat we have the meat okay back up those are my Donuts back wait wait wait wait would these be like

Moldy by now cuz no Adam this is a fridge they probably kept it in a fridge oh you’re right they’re all goodat I’m cooking the meat and I got my little seeds that I can use to to like a grow like a new like Garden yeah and then you can have a

Salad Adam so why don’t you help here here’s some soil you can help make a little garden but be careful we don’t want to end up sunk like the other raft okay okay good idea um okay go make go make your garden over here I’m watching

Over the barbecue M okay make sure no one takes the donuts oh you best you best be sure I’m watching wait Adam wait wait don’t use Rock to make a garden Adam why you doing that well I heard if you use Rock then you can plant like the

Ultra rare seeds no Rocky hey I I like Rocky as much as next time we’re sinking it’s too heavy I’m sorry it’s too heavy get rid of the rock we’re sinking okay I’m getting rid of them mayday mayday mayday okay okay okay oh we’re back to floating all right are your Donuts soggy

No they’re okay they’re fine Adam you got to do it with wood and then you put soil on the sides I’ll show you you do it like this now to make the raft balance you do it on the other side at the same time so we don’t we don’t

Capsize okay so wood then dirt oh and then okay now they’ll now they have the water to grow now do it on the other side too so it’s balanced got it got it got it y I’m walking the plank M you’re the plank forgot I forgot that you were

A physics expert oh yeah I’m call me Sir Isaac trusty Sir Isaac Newton okay and I’m here I’m I’m I’m cultivating the soil so we can plant on it oh good idea oh it’s getting a little bit wet uh-oh this side is a little bit

Too heavy Adam I got to get rid of some of the garden here we’re sinking we’re sinking uh uh get rid of some of the Garden on the other side Adam okay get rid of some there too yeah yeah okay is this better yes okay we’re above water

Again good job good job man okay Adam now you can start planting the seeds all right I’ll start planting them man foxy boxy Rock you’re going to be so proud of us oh yeah that’s only if we make it out of this alive though Adam we got to make

It back to them watch out Adam keep your eyes peeled like a man there might be something on the horizon okay wao what what’s that it’s an island that must be where the treasure is I can’t believe it it’s actually coming true oh man and we

Just got to let the raft drift a little bit longer we’ll be at the island and we’re going to search for some hidden treasure all right we’re closer to the island I think it’s safe to go now oh be careful though Adam we better make some tools and stuff in case there’s danger

On the island all right I’ll make a sword good idea nice nice all right all right set sail ye land lovers okay follow me I a I’m going to stick together oh it’s a treasure map wao x marks the spot x marks the spot baby Follow Me Adam all right what’s over

Here I don’t know but stay focused we got to find the treasure there’s some supplies here really oh it’s all empty this must be a this might be a booby trap Adam get out of there get out of there no I hope no one bad or evil has

Been here before we got here Follow Me Adam some Pirates must have left this here for their pirate Brethren to discover yeah that’s us that’s us we got to find it Y where me treasure lie item x marks the spot okay this we’re following the Rocky Trail Rocky might

Have let us here it’s here this torch no way Rocky I can’t wait what do you think is in here Adam dig dig dude W it’s treasure it’s Berry treasure no way dude open it it’s a box of donuts let’s go baby wow let’s go it’s raining Donuts there’s

So many it’s about to be raining Donuts baby let’s go wo this is awesome this is so sick nice okay now follow me I think I saw something really cool over here it’s a watchtower check this out man oh and we can see like any pirates that are

Coming our way yeah also I think there might be some treasure at the top of this too usually people leave treasure at the top of watchtowers Adam more treasure dude it’s a little map of the island that that shows where the treasure is this is so sick Adam we

Should make this the lanky box Island yeah there’s another Treasure Chest oh there’s a diamond fishing rod we’ll never run out of food and there’s a little radio here with a little iPod in it we can probably use it one to signal for help and two to throw dance parties

Hey yeah we can call all our friends dance party we don’t have any friends to call Adam you know that I forgot follow me we can go put it back on the raft this is so sick wow we survived and now we’re about to thrive it’s about to be

Lit Adam make sure you grab some other stuff there might be some soda pop or something in these barrels we’re chilling yeah all right guys make sure to leave a like And subscribe go get the lanky box merch at lankybox yo this is so so sick [Applause] man she just calling

This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But With AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS HEARTS!?’, was uploaded by LankyBox on 2024-01-07 13:00:21. It has garnered 152911 views and 1655 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:34 or 4774 seconds.


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  • Intense ASMR Gaming with Hypixel Skyblock Keyboard Sounds!

    Intense ASMR Gaming with Hypixel Skyblock Keyboard Sounds!Video Information all right y’all what is going on everybody and welcome back to my channel you feel me or if you’re new welcome to my channel you feel me so we’re doing Sky Block again and this is Hypixel Sky Block so it’s like very complicated and [ __ ] from what I from what I’ve noticed let me make the chat smaller actually uh chat settings chat size turn it down to 50 turn this up because it looks weird yeah that’s better that’s better so um I actually tried to play this before with Dennis and my… Read More

  • Ultimate Aquatic Adventure: Season 5 Begins

    Ultimate Aquatic Adventure: Season 5 BeginsVideo Information [Music] iwhere find with you Lon strikes or any shade of blue the J the best part even when the RO is hard I Anywhere [Music] With You This video, titled ‘Minecraft Aquatic Survival Season 5 V2 Intro’, was uploaded by Golden Primvally on 2024-04-20 03:17:39. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. ***************************************** Theme song Credits: The Glitch Explorer’s Theme by Dalekium: Intro & Outro themes: GP: Brand New Journey By Brian Skeel: GP: Journey Into The Haunted Manor: GP: Journey Into The… Read More

  • PurpleGecko’s Insane Deaths in Minecraft #memes

    PurpleGecko's Insane Deaths in Minecraft #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Worst Ways to Die #minecraft #mc #memes’, was uploaded by PurpleGecko on 2024-04-29 14:40:04. It has garnered 4508 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed – Modded Minecraft

    Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed - Modded MinecraftVideo Information greetings humans it is I Bay zipster and today I’ll be showing you how to get to the Aether dimension in modded Mindcraft without the need to find diamonds or mine obsidian step one your typical start punch trees for wood make a pickaxe mine Stone mine coal step to find iron three minimum for one bucket but I recommend finding as much as you can to make more optionally find flint but I forgot to this run so instead you’ll me try a different way to ignite the portal step three find a lava pool preferably on… Read More

  • “SazerStreams: Join Now for Nonstop Lifesteal Fun!” #minecraft #smp

    "SazerStreams: Join Now for Nonstop Lifesteal Fun!" #minecraft #smpVideo Information कैंडल लाइट हैज गन आउट सम वे विन एंड सम वल लूज नथिंग मच एल्स टू से थ आ सर्चिंग फॉर समथ डर क्लोज न साउ टेक लक ए आ एला स्ल आ प् स्लो ड स्लो डाउ स्लो डा [संगीत] स्लो कैंडललाइट है गन आउट सम विल विन एंड सम ल लूस नथि मच एल्स टू से थ आ सर्चिंग फॉर समथि क्लो न साउ टेक अ ल आ [प्रशंसा] स्ल प् स्लो ड से उ से उ से [संगीत] उ कैंडललाइट हैज गन आउट सम वल विन एंड सम वल लूज नथिंग मच एल्स टू से… Read More

  • Krish Gets Scared By Minecraft Monster 😱

    Krish Gets Scared By Minecraft Monster 😱Video Information लोगों को बताऊं यार ये वीडियो एंड ही नहीं हो रही है मैं कर ही नहीं पा रहा यार ये भाई पागल भाई पागल पागल पागल ओके हम आ चुके हैं एंड पोर्टल में एंड पोर्टल में आ चुके हैं हम पोर्टल में घुस तो गए थे मुझे लग रहा था हम दूसरी विलेज में आ जाएंगे लेकिन इस बार हम अलग ही एंड पोर्टल में आ चुके हैं एंड पोर्टल में हम यहां पर आ चुके हैं और यहां पर मुझे कुछ तो गड़बड़ अब यहां पर लग रही है वेट व्हाट यहां पर गाइज एक घर… Read More

  • Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON’T Mine at Night 💄🌙

    Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON'T Mine at Night 💄🌙Video Information don’t mind at night I know you’re looking at that cave and you’re feeling kind of Brave go to bed you’ll be all right don’t mine at night there’s nothing This video, titled ‘Don’t mineee at nighttt #makeup #makeupartist #viral #fyp #minecraft #makeuptutorial #meme #funny’, was uploaded by PorcelainxDoll on 2024-05-25 01:30:52. It has garnered 332 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • Mikey & JJ Transform into T-Rex in Minecraft Attack!

    Mikey & JJ Transform into T-Rex in Minecraft Attack!Video Information [Music] good morning Mikey how did you sleep what are you doing there good morning JJ I thought you’d sleep the whole day as usual I’m just looking at what we can do with our resources and what can we do let’s take a walk around the village hm what is it there there seems to be a seller selling something let’s go there soon and see what he sells mhm Hi man we saw your poster there what does it say here buy a plane hi guys I’m selling a plane that you can buy and fly… Read More

  • Building EPIC PandaLand in 1 Block – EP. 5 #Minecraft

    Building EPIC PandaLand in 1 Block - EP. 5 #MinecraftVideo Information [Music] I [Music] so [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] you [Music] no [Music] a This video, titled ‘Making a PandaLand in Minecraft One Block [Episode : 5] #minecraft #trending #viral #viralvideo’, was uploaded by GamingSupro009 on 2024-03-04 12:35:18. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:51 or 351 seconds. Making a PandaLand in Minecraft One Block [Episode : 5] #minecraft #trending #viral #viralvideo minecraft house minecraft game minecraft house ideas minecraft videos for kids minecraft video minecraft house design minecraft live minecraft song minecraft… Read More

  • Fabelized

    FabelizedWelcome to Fabelized, your ultimate destination for all things Minecraft! Dive into a world of endless possibilities and unleash your creativity with our vast collection of exclusive items, skins, and accessories. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting your adventure, Fabelized has everything you need to elevate your Minecraft experience to new heights. Explore our meticulously curated selection of skins, ranging from fierce warriors to adorable creatures, and find the perfect look to express your unique style. Enhance your gameplay with our premium plugins, and texture packs, designed to immerse you in stunning new worlds and enhance every aspect… Read More

  • Aether Earth – Semi-Vanilla Factions SMP PVP

    Welcome to AetherEarth! Features: 1:1500 Scale Earth Map LifeSteal Fully Customized Shop Towny Make your own Vehicles (MoveCraft) Cross-play Welcoming Community Professional Staff Will you make peace or will you start the next world war? Join to make history! Join us on Discord Read More

  • AND Factions

    AND FactionsServer launches on July 10th, 4pm CET!OGFactions is a server dedicated to bringing back the nostalgic feel of classic faction servers. Where items are actually valuable, and players must grind to achieve them – there’s absolutely ZERO way to buy any kind of in-game advantage.The server is run by 2 seasoned MCPVP veterans who are committed to prioritizing gameplay and fun above all else.Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Which one have you tried tho? 🔥

    I’ve tried them all, and let me tell you, I still can’t figure out how to mine diamonds without accidentally falling in lava every time! Read More

  • Brick by Brick: Minecraft Cherry Blossom Garden 21260 Review

    Brick by Brick: Minecraft Cherry Blossom Garden 21260 Review Leap into the verse, where Minecraft sets disperse, Cherry Blossom Garden, a colorful burst. Sniffers and bees, in a world of blocks, Building terrain, with colorful rocks. The build quality, a bit on the flimsy side, Bees falling apart, a fragile ride. But play value shines, with sniffers and trees, A Minecraft world, full of possibilities. Build experience, colors bright and bold, Inspiration for terrain, stories untold. A set for children, to create and play, A display piece, in a colorful array. Playability, with sniffers and bees, Accessories galore, for hours of ease. A set for kids, to explore… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More