LEGO Fortnite vs. Minecraft: Ultimate Showdown!

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So this is Lego fortnite uh oh I didn’t set up a game capture wait I did do I have a fortnite game capture how does it know that I’m streaming fortnite I didn’t tell it to look at this anyway uh yeah so we are playing with some staff right now so we

Got a Wi-Fi dude in here we got this dude in here we got creeper Tux in here we got maybe Casper joining a little bit later on and my name is in the upper left corner there you might be able to see it yeah it’s got all the cringey fortnite

Dances in it because it’s fortnite what can you do there’s only so much you can do about it uh so we’ve done a little bit this is literally like you know maybe 10 minutes of work it’s extremely dark out and I kind of don’t like how dark it is and

There’s actually a fair bit of detail to this that is not in Minecraft so of course you got hunger on the upper left there you got three hearts uh you might be able to increase that with your you know armor or something there’s also temperature so if you freeze you take

Damage like I’m actually going to die and I’ve already died from freezing once uh we got torches which are qu kind of cool you got stamina at the bottom left there and your tools are very expensive like it takes five wood and two Stone to make an axe and they’re not even that

Good no being in the light oh you’re so mean why are you like this I don’t hold up I got to bring up my timer as shall be in the darkness hello darkness my old friend uh yes so we built a couple basic structures creepers working on that

Right now I think and from what I can tell there is no Redstone and no farming we have a couple farming plots right here and I guess I can plant in a pumpkin can I deposit that just just one is that going to plant

It I it only fits one what does this fit oh is that fit three I don’t think that’s how that works it didn’t show up oh I think I need seeds actually I’m I’m a stupid big dumb dumb okay uh I don’t have any seeds can I plant some grilled

Meat I can but that does not seem hygienic okay we’re going to move on uh amim welcome back for 27 months how you doing that a very long time thank you so much as you can see the graphics are actually pretty nice like the draw distance and the render distance all

Very solid the sky is doesn’t doesn’t fit the uh the themes or the textures at all but that’s fine we also got animals that you can pet look at this hold up I want to pet you come back here look how cute that is and then they give you items which is

Cool Al so I want to go punch this rock over here assass oh my God what is that no I’m running away from that no man no no no no run away Creeper no those things have killed us a couple times yeah I ran into one of those in the

Forest earlier I have no idea what it is but there is um there’s monsters in the darkness eat some raspberries yeah that’s that’s horrible horrible in every way can you bake any potatoes I don’t know if there’s potatoes in this game yet I need to go figure that out so I

Need weapons let’s let’s make a weapon I need to defend myself out here give me this uh short sword I I need wooden rods for that okay uh a shield I need cords for that and got that okay let’s make some wooden rods crafting is not Instant by the way you

Need uh quite a bit of time to craft but as you can see we have a bit of a lumber mill it takes a minute you want to hear the chaos they’re thinking I don’t know if I can trust them on stream they are in voice

Chat we were all just in voice chat for like 10 15 minutes I don’t know if I trust anyone anyone in stream this is my lovely skin they didn’t have a pigman skin they they uh they don’t let me scan my own Lego and put it into the game which is very

Sad okay I don’t want to talk to you give me this I I want sword Gib sword thank you as you can see it’s kind of slow okay let’s uh I’m still learning the controls let’s put that there that’s there I got some corn on the cob by the

Way that’s a thing you can make let’s go down the road cuz this actually does look like a road so I’m just going to follow this for a minute oh one shotted very nice I think that dude right there is one of those rock monsters so for science I’m going

To approach it I would not recommend it though yeah see I don’t I have no idea what that thing is it rolls oh no bro it just did half my health I got to eat some eat some corn on a cob real quick hold up okay I’m running I’m running the opposite direction

Absolutely not it throws rocks e no ech no just no Eck no we’re out of here absolutely gone is just a building sandbox game yeah so it’s a open World sandbox game from the looks of things with a fair amount of building I don’t know if

There’s any story elements to it or if there any lore uh there are a little bit of villagers and there’s also you know hostile mobs and passive mobs as well oh man get out of here wolf get get go get there we go thank you okay and this is

My second time seeing a cave so I don’t know what’s up with these oh you can load into it found cave I’m going to tell the dudes found cave do we want to go in there I think we want to go in there wi-fi is coming up do you have a

Sword how far aways Mr Wi-Fi oh he’s running away from the thing I’m not going over there no run yeah get out of there we’re going we’re going to this cave let’s see what kind of horres we can find in the cave how do you find this game uh it’s

Just in the fortnite launcher so if you have fortnite you can fire up Lego fortnite that’s actually a pretty pretty uh good little animation there mushrooms bro’s just running he’s speed running this thing uh there are skeletons yeah skeletons look at this oh man that hurts uh you can throw Torches by the

Way oh man dude hurts dude really hurts eat some Carn on the cob ow I I think Wi-Fi abandoned me uh I did pick up a couple pickaxes though so that’s kind of Handy can I get some more food I didn’t come in here with nearly enough food I don’t

Think chest oh I completely fell down that how do I get back up there torch in the off hand I wish did my other torch disappear I think it did oh no I didn’t mean to do that no give give me give give torch keep torch okay we might be able to find

More materials or minerals in here but yeah this is open to staff so if you’re a member of our staff teams then uh you can you can join up if you want I think you can set up servers there we go hey Shield a mushroom I’m definitely going to be eating some

Mushrooms and a slurp Berry seed slurp mushroom cool I have no idea what any of these things are I’m really bad at parkour as it turns out though what is this just Granite okay and more wood cool hello hello what is this oh don’t know if I want to go over

There okay we we going fight in the dark oh man dude’s mean no dude’s mean okay we’re getting out of here bye oh no they they they run really quickly for not having any leg muscles whoever said you needed leg day for running is a liar bro they’re so mean oh my sword’s

About to break too I might just leave maybe maybe this is their cave for a reason okay what is this it’s green oh it’s just a bone okay yeah I’m down to half a half a heart here will this be the deep dark and can we have a warden you know of course

That’s the first thing you would think about okay so that gave me two and a half heart or one and a half heart s oh there’s another chest right there okay can I run jump no oh that hurt can I build up to that cuz you can

Build things I haven’t shown you guys that yet I don’t have any planks for that I need stairs hold up building Parts stairs here we go oh that’s convenient yo yo check that out webs marble okay and then we got some arrows can I tear this down now wow that’s really really

Dark do I get anything back from this I have a feeling this is not how you tear things down this looks okay that that’s got to be not how you tear it down I don’t know how you undo undo a race a race come on where’s my control

Z okay there’s another skeleton over here uh green weird floating things and also a weird oddly looking monster skull you see that back there in the very far back of the cave way over there it definitely looks like a monster skull try and sneak around this

Place oh it’s so dark you can’t see anything man should we just go for it buom Rush the guy get out of here yeah that’s right combo yeah took him took him down he used to be an adventurer like me so he took an arrow to the knee oh another

Chest shovel don’t know what I need that for take some of these take some of these Can I stack those of those I can okay I don’t know what these SL mushrooms do I can I cannot put them on the hot bar I can’t oh it’s a cooking ingredient okay that makes

Sense let’s see I didn’t think we’d be dungeon crawling today I see another chest up there there’s so many skeletons I don’t have enough health for this not really ow so mean get out of here how come you have armor and I don’t die thank you didn’t I pick up a

Shield I I swear I picked up a shield didn’t I I did oh wait can you put things into your off hand keep bar and H hand oh there’s an off hand okay I am actually stupid no bows there’s got to be bows because there is

Arrows okay I might have been a big dumb dumb but now I’m slowly learning that I am a big dumb dumb so there’s at least there’s at least hope for me yet okay let’s see about this can I put the torch in the off hand I think I

Can uh yeah I didn’t even realize I had an off hand wait hold up uh can I drop something how do I drop stuff it’ be nice if if I could combine things oh mer I don’t think that did what I thought it would do let’s beat this guy up with a

Pickaxe ow no he’s very mean okay I run away now bye running away now byebye this side run really fast that’s very helpful of being dumb dumb tells something you why are they follow you so far dude’s going to chase me out of my own cave that’s right this is my cave

Now he can’t get up here can he I hope not hold up if I turn off the torch he can’t see me oh here we go I got me how much does that heal you okay two and a half something like that yeah that’s right come at me

Now okay so there’s a little bit of combat to this wait them wait for them to attack and then you attack and you can also kind of interrupt their attacks too if you do it just right okay we’re learning we’re learning ow I got to stop jumping off

Cliffs though that’ll probably help me live a bit longer okay let’s bring this guy into the light oh recipe unlocked Dynamite I like that now our axe or our thing is not going to uh you know last forever I think creeper tux is over there making some some boom Barrel

Advancements meanwhile I’m just over here in a cave living my best life can I break this down and what do I get from it okay just mushrooms now I want more chest before I leave I want to loot at least one more chest there’s water I didn’t realize

That water in this game impressive logical Marvel oh here we go found a chest what is I don’t even know what this is it’s probably a spider or something yeah I think it’s just a spider sorry it’s so dark it really is they can throw rocks okay can you just thank you attack

And then I attack like five times I guess you can also Dodge to the side as well so combat is a bit more advanced than Minecraft oh now there’s two of them I don’t know if I can handle that I got to go eat some meat hold up eat eat eat

No nope okay uh hold up no please please don’t kill me skeletons I swear I know you just want to socialize but I don’t think we should ridiculous oh man that was nearly very bad why are they so strong you’re just a skeleton you don’t have anything to absorb these

Blows yeah fighting two of them at once is really a bad idea we should just run so I lost my torch I should probably go pick that up CU it’s impossible to see in a dark cave this is too realistic here we go can I at least like separate them

Out if I can just get one of them on their own that would solve our problems CU I don’t have enough food or health for any of this get cavewood that’s the only thing they have to say to me is get cavewood they’ve been keeping up their calcium

Yeah this is why you need strong bones so that you can fight off Cave and Invaders okay okay okay now now we’re getting somewh where I’m I’m taking the Dark Souls approach to things just just dodge and weave just barrel roll out of there when and doubt just like literally just

Dodge it it literally is like d dungeons oh God what what am I trying to say it really is just like Dark Souls when in doubt just dodge here we go I think I still have a shovel left so when in doubt I’m just going to attack

Them with that shovel okay I didn’t even use my shield for that are you impressed you should be they’re Trident drown levels of op they’re pretty strong they’re pretty strong then again I beating them with like you know a wooden pickaxe definitely the weakest thing that I could have possibly had uh

Bread I’m so excited for bread I just screamed bread nobody take that out of context you wouldn’t take that out of context would you I’m very excited for bread okay where are we going next boys I’m not going to fight that spider because I don’t need cave

Silk this just keeps on going it’s like a really big cave breb no bread not breb come on now that thing’s glowing why is it glowing it’s just a mushroom glowing Ah that’s such a stereotypical video game thing okay so there was nothing up there but a bunch of

Mushrooms is this like a thing that I can mine not with this pickaxe what is all this somebody’s been down here okay please don’t please don’t no I don’t okay I don’t know what that thing is but I’m getting I’m trying to get out of here just give me this thank

You somebody was here okay yeah no I think this is the part of the dungeon where we leave although there is a chest here hold up can I eat bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread why does this take so long to eat

Bread okay I really want to get oh my God that thing with the Rocks is still like I don’t know how you beat the thing with the rocks it really is just Dark Souls one hit Dodge oh no uh yeah no I got to I ran out of hold

Up just pick up the torch pick up the torch thank you okay I don’t know my way out of here the controls are a bit uh weird not going to lie uh let’s see oh I have a couple more pickaxes I can use to you know hit him over the head web still

Good good good I’m not lost yet there we go I think that might have been a critical hit cuz that guy wasn’t that weak was he these guys don’t even know what’s happening to them they’re just getting owned by a dude with a wooden pickaxe it won’t let me like scroll my

Hot bar sometimes when you’re when you’re mid action it doesn’t let you scroll oh finally landed a hit on me dude thinks he’s got a big game there we go more pickaxes okay we’re going to take this chest and no not that stupid thing anything but that stupid thing I

Don’t know what that stupid thing is get out of here no please don’t die please don’t die I I’m Too Young To Die please please please please please okay we’re going to get out of here I think that’s the sign that we should leave not all the skeletons that hate me

No just that one rock thing that I can’t beat is this Lego craft uh it’s fortnite it’s Lego fortnite yeah it’s a cross between the two which is weird but surprisingly okay if this time I get my staff to save me oh no okay yeah know we’re just going to leave

We’re just going to leave I don’t know how you fight that I don’t want to find out I guess I do have a shield but I it’s too strong for me I only got like two hearts I need to get some armor or something I guess I I don’t want to come

Back empty-handed so I’m going to pick up some wood I guess uh how do I get out of here okay this is where we fought the skeletons Minecraft with more Health Systems would be interesting yeah cuz right now you got the temperature you also got your stamina

Like you can’t run until that stamina bar refills all the way did we get this chest oh we did it recurve crossbow hold up we might be able to take on that dude with a crossbow I have three arrows uh let’s put the Torches into the off

Hand and then I have two arrows left over okay okay yeah this chest was just hiding here the whole time parkour of stamina would be wild oh that’s true I I want to see how strong that dude is versus a crossbow so we we going to run back in

There real quick and we’re going to see what happens sure doesn’t look like fortnite no it really it really doesn’t which is nice okay where’s where’s this stupid guy with the thing also I should probably put the torch down and get my shield out cuz that dude’s like really

Strong definitely teach you a lesson or two in dying it was somewhere down here these caves are wild too okay so that’s a sign that he was right here I don’t actually see it oh no okay so he’s right there you know what this has got the

Same Crosshair as Minecraft look at that the little plus Crosshair we’re going to try and avoid him for a second see if we can’t find any other easy loot over here oh there’s scorpions interesting this game’s already got more insects than Minecraft uh yeah I’m not seeing

Anything else down here besides a bunch of junk that it dropped skeleton okay I guess we’ll head back up there cuz there’s that one loot chest and that’s the only thing that I really want in this cave then we’re definitely leaving for real Z’s this

Time can I jump up this uh no can I build a stairs I can okay you know what maybe I can just like sneak sneakily get it oh I saw it shiver a little bit did you see that yeah I don’t trust it yoink yoink more arrows okay that did zero

Damage I hate it hate it zero damage I’m not going to trust a game that I don’t know especially when it gave me this lovely crossbow and then does zero damage to like the dude I think it automatically reloads though which is nice all that for

Nothing I to get some pumpkins out of it though and I happened to be running the correct direction even though I had no idea where I was going okay cool let’s get out of here and go explore somewhere that’s maybe a little bit more friendly uh put your Gamertag into the

Uh like PC Lego thread and the uh Discord and I I’ll get you added how many insects are there there spiders and scorpions and that’s more sex than Minecraft has okay we’re going to continue on down this road you can find chests uh out here in the

Wild excuse me I got a nice crossbow do you want to fight a crossbow Mr Wolf what are you doing over here oh five damage not so bad Wi-Fi dude goodbye oh okay well there goes that I guess me thank you needed that more you learn about our secret

Chats the more you want them yeah creeper left the party too so sad oh there’s a lot of people on the back Channel now know there’s five people in there hey nerds yeah fortnite and Lego and Minecraft I don’t know how much more nerdy you can get but here we

Are we be doing some some nerdy things and proud of it okay we’re going to go see what uh all these nerds have gotten up to back at spawn I have any other pickaxes no that’s it okay where’s that stupid dude at over here I broke a sword a shield and like

Everything else this is not to Swift I don’t know be fighting words okay let’s see there’s a new house there’s beds we got this thing this is new this is a log cabin with a tree okay I guess it really is uh a log cabin and we got a shack with some pretty

Shanty walls in it okay not too bad uh yeah let me get you added uh creepers joined again I’ll get you added in here munchie let’s see uh whoops switched over the wrong screen I’ll fix that in just a second once I get you added

There we go uh how do I switch that there we go fixed it you’re welcome Munch is not my friend I made a new friend today okay let’s see I need a new axe I need a new pickaxe I need a new sword I don’t have any rods for that munchie join the

Game uh I do kind of want a new Shield I don’t have any planks or cords for that uh arrows though I think I’ll definitely make some arrows at least you get eight of them let’s see and then we need to upgrade our village somehow creeper left

Again snow berries I don’t know what those are but I’ll take them I need some food let’s put away some things CU we have a lot of things actually as it turns out uh more arrows cool yeah creeper I brought you back all these seeds and things I have no idea

What any of these are I guess we’ll go ahead and plant these actually I don’t know what that does that’s just got a regular pumpkin in it you can’t plant a regular pumpkin come on and now builds where do you find the thing oh here we go soil and

Fertilizer you need poop that’s literally a poop okay I don’t have any of that um that’s a bit awkward toys oh oh I see okay so there’s a lot of things that you can do there’s like a lot of things that we can do oil and pan

I guess yeah that’s just decorations we don’t need decorations Furniture we have some building Parts there floors walls stairs so you can make your own custom things of course uh there’s prefabs small Thruster say what now say what now uh if you want to join it’s open to our staff members

Staff only thank you okay so I can’t build any of that right then what do you use a shovel for oh I see oh okay I have soil now I do I need to go find some poop CU I did see one over here earlier actually it’s kind of a hard thing to

Notice yeah here you go oh yeah f izer mhm sure sure oh man we’re getting so much Farmland out of this this is great this game literally makes you yeah that’s the thing that we have to do you can dig for seeds Okay get to know who’s this what in the world oh

It’s munchie okay sorry munchie utility here we go oh I don’t have enough soil okay it’s a little Lego shovel it actually uses like the same texture as the Lego bricks this is the Lego brick pickaxe and axe texture yeah fortnite’s actually pretty good like as a game to play with your friends

It’s it’s pretty decent don’t let anyone tell you otherwise I mean fortnite bad okay it’s bad yeah let’s see I can’t I can’t defend whatever is happening over there right now but sometimes sometimes it’s okay raspberry seed snowberry seed oh these are just berries I expected something

Wild slap Berry I don’t know what a slap Berry is snowber oh it warms you up for two minutes okay that’s handy I guess uh wow I got more for okay I guess we need to get some more dirt I think munchie joined just a troll that’s the face of somebody who joined

Just a I’m doing hard work over here and munchie is just like whatever that is indefensible I would Crouch but I can’t this game doesn’t have crouching another reason it’s the worst game okay uh oops still learning the inventory here so do I have any other

Seeds I don’t I sure do have a lot of stone though Max stack count is 30 which is odd uh oh I have an not rot seed or wait no that’s not a seed where where did I read seed from that that’s wild my brain’s dumb slurp mushroom I think that’s just

A crafting recipe thing doesn’t it tell you what these things are for a stur b often dropped by skeletons hey they had their chance to use it used for crafting building materials and weapons yeah so that’s just a wooden rod Stone found in grassing caves okay that’s something that

Minecraft’s missing actually is item descriptions like they don’t tell you anything about anything so what’s this rod used for crafting materials and weapons okay can I make a weapon out of it no but I should make some more torches mix some animal C CRA Animal Crossing in Minecraft I can kind of see

That it’s definitely inspired by Minecraft for sure so we need to work on upgrading stuff howdy partner I’m Hy just holler for y’all need something nice of you to drop in here with us snow cat must be great and making snow angels how can I lead you to victory why are some words

Bold let talk jobs help the village currently have no job resource jobs uh refine Stone sure I don’t know what that is it might be hard work but I’d love to cut some Stones just make sure I have a stone breaker and the stones will fly okay take me about one

Days one days why are you just just Naruto running over there no moving for a minute you’re a meanie but look at our nice little village Munchi that means you can’t move either please you can Crouch I don’t know how to do that I mean you can do whatever

This is which I didn’t know it would do that but okay cool Battle Royale what’s get the hate I mean okay save the world was not that great it was pretty boring PVE with some expiration a little bit of building and it was it was pretty rough it wasn’t that

Great not that great at all is my abandon action no we still got 15 seconds on the Bandon action uh Battle Royale is like actually like the better part of the game yeah no build is fun there we go now we can move look at them they got

Marshmallows okay so these guys have jobs and beds so that’s Hast Eed and Raptor I’m hungry well thanks for your help chicken I needed that that was great timing uh oh you have to change your recipe what is this Lego fortnite you keep hearing about it’s a cross between Lego

Minecraft and fortnite and it’s like its own little survival based open World experience and it sure is a thing that exists that’s about the most I can say about it it does do the existing that give me the the food don’t want that put the food on the H bar

Thank you okay so how do we upgrade the village villagers equip a health charm sure growing Village I don’t know how you actually upgrade it also if you’re wondering why my name’s a rig VAR uh just it’s a long story long story don’t worry about it oh I have this in the offense

Whoops uh what did I need to make a shield planks oh I don’t have cord I don’t know how to make that oh I think munchie just died bye Munch oh the skeletons attack the the dudes the chickens I can’t I can’t get there oh

They follow you oh they come out out at night okay this is great love it new pickaxe some bones lovely uh this stuff has actually grown up a little bit oh it’s like a full plant now can you just keep harvesting that forever that’ be

Great the gold makes it hard to want to move it does my torch keep me warm yeah so if you’re hoarding a torch you actually stay warm um which is something I think I mentioned earlier either way it’s very helpful let’s go I guess find some resources I

Want to explore up the road a bit I’m freezing already oh I got upgrade it to five Hearts though I mean not that it’s helping yeah I’m just dying immediately I think I got upgraded to five Hearts because I ate the the food okay you guys are going to help

With the skeletons right yeah there we go yeah get them I should take these guys with me everywhere cool I’m not sure exactly what to do uh we need to build this so we need eight planks and five rods okay let’s build that that’ll give us some more recipes that’s

And then we need a bunch of these wolf claws too this takes a while they really should have made the crafting way faster cuz that’s just painful rank fortnite is crazy every gun is first person now I haven’t played it that much I played like like a little

Bit not not that much at all though uh let’s see eight planks cool oh you can’t just oh okay you have to double click on it that’s all the wood I have guess I can fix that that’s so loud would be great if there’s a way to get the KN just building and

Trees so we explored up the road a bit there is a nice little map I wonder where the roads go it’s got to go somewhere surely right surely it’s got to go somewhere okay we just need one more plank thank you going to run away from that music uh

Let’s see Spinning Wheel oh now we don’t have enough wood of course not why would we Al I love how there’s just a tree growing through the house I’m trying to figure out how to play the game why can’t I break this zero damage come on now where’s the tree I can kill

There we go this is obviously a much larger tree but because it’s dead I can use this ax on it I’m hungry okay takes a long time to eat as well doesn’t it okay uh that should be everything that we need for spinning wheels spins objects like thread and rope for use and

Crafting that looks pretty Advanced nice model okay let’s see we put it right here can you please not spam the emotes MCH thanks uh let’s see cor oh you still need cord draw sting wool silk thread okay we actually have enough stuff for most of

This I guess we’ll just make some oh it takes five Vines I don’t know I guess we’ll put 10 in there sure why not uh you can get vines from punching this stuff over here let we get a little bit of wood from it it’s kind of expensive to craft like

Everything in this game okay so we should have been able to upgrade something right I want to figure out how you make armor okay now we can make the crossbow at least so that’s good health charm well that sounds like a good idea adds health and

Defense yeah let’s make that okay so we need three silk thread how do you make three silk thread silk okay we have that don’t we yes we have a lot of that Sil thread and let’s go ahead and assign that then and now what else do we need we need something

Else uh five Claws and then bones uh did I use up all my claws oh we did okay I got to go kill another W then that’ll be easy uh I’ve never streamed AR Arc before but I have no intentions of ever doing that because I don’t really play Ark

I don’t know I’ve just never been uh interested in it in general okay here we go t now I got to go kill a wolf let’s go find some wolves to murder I guess we’ll head this way because it’s not freezing cold over here oh I should have made a

Sword you know what let’s head back and make a sword But Dinosaurs yeah I don’t know there’s not much reason for me to want to play it so how do we need a sword it’s going to take me forever to learn these recipes five rods what do you want to bet I don’t

Have enough wood for that takes four to one yeah no or no sorry it’s just one okay that’s good AR way too much downtime yeah that’s the thing I don’t really like in games is like artificial weit times for no good reason it’s like I’m I’m not

Here to wait I’m here to do a thing I’m here to play the game not wait oh I’m making the wrong things no no no no no no I want it to be this oh that’s stupid bro okay now I definitely need more wood let’s go chop down this tree that’s in

The middle of the house oh there two trees my bad Rod I don’t know how many I needed it was like five or something oh look at that they stuck back into your off hand so I can throw these pick them back up and they go right back into the off

Hand where they belong okay apparently I have upgrades available vill Health charm uh friendly explorers will visit the village growing Village okay is this something that I can choose then Villers will occasionally gift items I can’t click on any of these upgrade available how do how do you upgrade

It doesn’t make any sense next tab oh upgrade Village there’s a giant button right there I see sturdy wood found in caves oh I didn’t get any of that requirements okay I need a bunch of that well I guess we can go back to the

Cave then we’ll kill a wolf we’ll uh go do the thing in the cave and we’ll call good uh sounds like I should probably take some more food with me if we’re going to be doing all that my inventory is a mess okay let’s drop off some of this wood or

Stone definely don’t need all that oh good you can just drop things out of the inventory great okay so I need need 10 knot rout that’s what’s required okay there we go now we’re learning about actual progression here we go actual food as well good good let’s go on an

Adventure take a little bit of a detour to the woods I guess here we go was not trying to do the thing oh this is great okay I’m down for that yeah the crossbow is amazing it’s all left click you don’t have to right click to reload it

Lovely okay this has made everything better everything in life just got a lot better take some feathers too okay so they actually kill things uh this crossbow is about to die though so we should probably be careful with it and then uh I’ll save the I’ll save the food

For when I need it cuz this probably regenerated all the mobs if I had to guess so not wood oh that’s probably what this is then okay I thought this was just like for decoration uh nope uh nope well now I’m confused now I’m very confused how do you get not

Wood cuz I thought that would have been it oh here we go just these ones is that actual not wood that was just regular wood that was not Knotwood this a new game it is it’s Lego fortnite it’s kind of like a Lego game crossed with fortnite mechanics because

Reasons is this no this is just regular wood too I kind of thought that this would have been not wood because it looks like not wood but apparently it’s not wood because I can’t mine it with my axe so do I need like a better axe then chests don’t regenerate sad I do

Know where another cave is we sure that you can’t mine this yeah definitely not can I pick up these arrows oh I can pick up the arrows okay that’s nice I’m very confused thought that would have been the way to do things interesting well I know where another

Cave is it’s uh up here oh what is get out of here I think it’s good to strategize what you eat when because the meats refill a lot of hunger and health so if you don’t really need it then like eat the eat the lower Quality Foods a pickaxe somebody’s been

Here oh what structures okay there is lore there is lore to this game egg uh wheat grain cool what can I drop I guess I’ll put a pickaxe in there I don’t really need those anyway I got three of them get out of here spider oh more lore we’re discovering lore

Everybody okay the combat’s pretty easy when they don’t fight back oh it’s one of those no I still don’t know how to fight those I’m just going to perpetually run away from those forever I don’t know what they are I don’t know what they want is this a barrel of

Water I guess it’s a garage you can open the garage door okay there’s some more lore for you there used to be a civilization and now it’s dead gone forever other chest though take some arrows some more wheat seeds wheat might be good maybe we can make some

Bread yes I I can take this entire barrel of TNT and throw it okay I love it yes it’s exactly what I needed in my life I’m not going to bother using the uh crossbow anymore more lore we’re finding so much lore yeah that’s right follow me wolf I know what’s

Happening oh come back here yeah you can definitely inter interrupt their attacks Alo a big chest over here it uses the same chest sound questions what questions questions about what’s Happening Here drop a sword I need a sword thank you uh okay I don’t know what that is

Drop a new crossbow I need a new crossbow thank you hey there we go that’s what I’m talking about yeah I have no idea what happened there but uh dudes just came out of nowhere and attacked me okay so maybe there is some some more deeper mechanics to this game that I’m

Not aware of uh let’s get rid of all these pickaxes we don’t need all those I’ll take a new sword oh it’s barely any better than my own uh it is still slightly better though and then any crossbow is better than no crossbow blast powder is nice

Okay sobody oh there’s more guys over here so they just keep spawning here forever or something dropped an egg I just want to know what’s in the chest ow oh no I’m about to die no why why I couldn’t run it would literally not let me run bro what Minecraft mod is this

It’s the fortnite Edition I literally could not run it would only let me like Dodge around a little bit that’s so stupid why is it like that like I was pressing walls in all all the directions it would not do anything dumb I’m calling hacks on that one uh we got to

Run all the way over there now in the dark with the Scary Skeletons are you guys going to follow me the entire way there it’s a very Skeleton thing to do Minecraft is generally better yeah this this is mildly interesting though you know we’ll give it a chance

Chance okay here’s our first bit of lore what is this that thing I can pick up oh it’s a wolf claw better graphics yeah we do have better graphics here nice trees the foliage and the trees are actually pretty nice like all the stuff on the ground pretty

Great that evil lady with the crossbows is still here right uh it doesn’t reorganize your hot bar for you uh cool yeah I think I got stuck on this bush or something death by Bush that’s something that happens every day about to fight you now ow got to get

Beaten up by a skeleton out here to be fair I haven’t had to fight a range mob in this game yet so that’s my defense okay what’s in the chest it wasn’t even that good of stuff was it yeah it wasn’t even that great I think I I think I definitely

Want that in the off hand actually can you just like put the thing in the off hand thank you jeez yeah it wasn’t even that good of stuff all that for like not really not really that much um I guess we’ll put away this pickaxe let’s put away all these extra

Things that we don’t need like all these extra tools cuz there’s a bunch of stuff maybe I’ll come back and pick them up later or something never never a bad idea to have a little bit of a Depot ow man they really hurt like these guys are actually mean

And they run so fast too like they are on you all the time okay at least the sword actually has uh like sweeping Edge on it Rock tossing his range I wouldn’t consider fighting some skeletons with some rocks good practice for fighting long range

Things I have so much junk what do I get rid of what do I keep okay it’s it’s not like the easiest thing once you’re you know brand new to it guess we’ll take this The Raspberries um I don’t know oh yeah we definitely don’t need that

Pickaxe I don’t know what half of the stuff does is the problem it must be Java since the off hand works right hey item recipe there we go finally a better uh pickaxe recipe let’s go Forest axe good okay I don’t know how that happened maybe it was something I picked

Up is there somebody just back at spawn doing stuff I I guess is there some is there even somebody in the game right now I think that’s their icon but I don’t know who that is I thought everybody left shovel okay we’re getting we’re getting somewhere we’re going to head

Over here and see what kind of lore we can find the deep and dark Mysteries that whatever they’re doing they’re doing good work oh what I got hit by like something from behind these wolves are giant by the way I mean they’re just huge like way larger than maybe they should

Be okay there we go eat another raspberry what does this house got for me anything good oh hi creeper it was you you’re doing work you’re doing the good oh wait was I already here before Oh I guess yeah this is where I was earlier okay uh I guess I got to turned

Around supposed to go this way okay there’s another house over here that’s why I thought that’s why I got confused I was like I know there’s a house that I’m supposed to be going towards so like these are modern Daye houses with functional garage doors so this must be post-apocalyptic in one way

Or another another house down there we’re definitely going to go check out those two see what’s up oh I definitely want to throw that TNT Barrel here we go let’s let’s do it or raspberries a really really really really genuinely and I mean this in the most sincere way possible genuinely horrible loot

I don’t think I’ve ever been so disappointed with the loot that I’ve ever gotten from a video game before but you know what we’re going to throw this giant thing of TNT at all these sheep and they’re going to love it yeah that’s what I’m talking about uh more pumpkin seeds oh actual

Weight itself I I don’t think I’m going to bring that back or the pumpkin seeds CU we already have both of those uh let’s run over to this other house see what’s up did I break the crossbow I think I did so what do you guys think about this

Game so far would you play it I mean I don’t know I I think it would be much better with like a bunch of friends in voice chat cuz we were having a pretty good time earlier you’re downloading it right now yeah I mean if you’re if you’re

Looking for like a kind of lowkey you know not super big investment game to play with some friends this could be a good one I think uh I’ll bring back the wool I I suppose my sword broke so we should keep an eye out for that let’s break this

Axe go break it on some Wolf’s faces I can pick this up look at I’m doing like I’m doing the limbo right here to pick this thing up man this is me every time someone asks me if I want to help them move I should bring that back for

Creeper this is the same one okay yeah get out of here I wonder if we can make a mob trap take that wolves you ain’t got nothing on me well there goes the axxe that’s actually what I wanted so you know okay now it’s getting night time uh where should we

Go where should we go also I don’t know what this icon is like if you click on things it doesn’t tell you what they are but apparently we found three caves how do I like it so far I haven’t played enough of it to like get a good opinion on

It I don’t know what the main goal or Quest is in the game so far it just seems like yet another open World sandbox game but with Lego and fortnite because because can and and like that’s fair you know why not I think we’re going to head down to

That house over there hope I get a chest the graphics are pretty nice oh look at this I found another like Civilization that’s recent development right there there’s actually a Dude down there do you see him he’s like right there right on the Little Dot interesting if I roll

Down this I’ll probably die oh wait you can slide down it does that mean I’m still going to die no okay we good yeah this the map you can see the little icon in the upper right there underneath the uh stuff let’s see I thought I had

Wool in my inventory apparently not we got a lot of wo fangs creeper find a wo for use or find a use for wo fangs or claws or whatever they’re called we got so many houses I’m going to go to this one and then that one and then we’ll

Head up that guy over there yeah I’m just not really sure like what the goal that we’re supposed to be going for is I’m sure that there probably is one so far like the basic grind of the game is pretty fine I want I know how to kill those Rock

Dudes those Rock dudes are a nightmare they deserve punishment oh seriously also I wish TOS had a bit more durability I think that’ be nice cuz they they really die very quickly like very very quickly and I think they should last like twice as long is there in objective tabs or

Anything there isn’t but there is in the village uh the little thing that tells you how to upgrade your village and that’s about all they give you it’s just a little bit of like input on how to upgrade your village so I need to find out how to get not rout I’m

Guessing I need to get a better axe or pickaxe and then we’ll go back to the cave get some not rout and then see how to upgrade from there with Minecraft there is nothing to tell you what to do uh but there is the hidden Lauren story that thing is

Evil oh here we go okay I’m going to throw this giant pile of TNT at that evil Rock thing that did not hit at all that wasn’t even close should give you like a little projectile thing uh this looks like a dungeon nearly you see all those guys with

Crossbows up there I wish I had my crossbow still oh you know what the first guy that I kill I probably drop one how do I how do we want to do this I think I need definitely meat the hot bar let’s see epic eat to heal reduce hunger and Templer and

Increase heat resistance okay we have a bunch of different Foods oh you know what we do have a Shield so that’ll help us I’m guessing these guys are hostile though oh there’s a lot of them yeah they’re very hostile okay wow they have much longer distance than I do I think I’m definitely going to die here if I don’t

Run I need to like draw them out there better be some decent loot in there I’m kind of hoping to like find some armor or something I don’t think there’s even like an armor slot they’re like mercenaries look at them they got like little camo hats

On got to kill this guy with the range first yeah that’s a problem there we go there we go now that’s what I’m talking about there we go now we’re now we’re talking let’s take that grilled beat we’ll eat this uh these pickaxes probably are not

Better here we go now we can take on this dungeon can you lower them rock monster over there uh maybe I don’t know if there’s PV or like evve player enemies versus enemies I don’t know if those enemies versus enemies either way I know there’s a lot of dudes in here

Though oh I totally missed that oh he’s dead crossbow is dead too okay oh we need to Run takes 3 seconds to eat that I got down to like literally a quarter of a heart there okay we took out all the crossbow guys I believe oh that did not help me there’s so many of them I need to pick up one of those crossbows okay here we go Arrow

Crossbow this is how we survive that guy’s got pancakes for a head I believe yeah for real I think these things need to last way longer these items do not last at all okay I hear a chest in there good there better be a chest in there after all this

I need a way to get up to the tops of these things oh no I do not want to be bu stuck in an inventory right now oh sword okay brilliant oh that hurt how’s there still another crossbow dude I thought I killed all the crossbow dudes okay thanks upstairs

Eat some corn real quick there we go oh man they hurt yeah tolls do not last at all man it’s like it’s it’s it’s it’s difficult out here TOS do not last oh man legitimately like difficult I do have a shield I should probably be using that oh here he

Is finally okay I think that might have been everybody that was brutal in a way TOS need to last way longer I need like Unbreaking a 100 man these are like made out of gold or something I swear okay we’re going to take um yeah drop that that’s

Useless I’ll take the egg I guess we did not get anything good from any of that you need to be able to combine tools as well that’ be very helpful okay give me something good this is going to spawn more enemies I’m pretty sure because that’s exactly what happened on the other

One when it was glowing and stuff like this so that’s silk thread that’s just cord uh I don’t really have anything good I can drop guess we just go for it better Shield some Dynamite see it just spawned in more enemies for literally nothing good either some bad slap berries and like

Some whatever these are now I’m just surrounded by enemies oh man yeah no not a good time uh excuse me where’s the uh Shield at my shield is not like up it’s it shows it’s in my off hand but it’s definitely not what the skeletons popping out of the ground okay this is

Getting this is getting wild bro just drop the things okay okay oh they’re they are fighting the skeletons it looks like that’s handy drop those put that back in there we go now it’s on the off hand okay these guys might be giving me a Fighting Chance over here

Oh no no no no no no no no no no no we we we out of here okay so they do fight skeletons at least uh I’m going to go pick up one of these terrible swords I I’m very confused as well why does it spawn so many enemies for such a

Bad loot chest I mean look at this all of this is just from the chest it’s not even worth it wow that sword lasted one hit yeah it’s not even worth fighting these things I don’t think like can I maybe check the loot chest up here again

To see if there’s anything I don’t think think there is maybe like whatever this is and then Dynamite sure yeah otherwise I think we should just get out of here partially because I’m about to die partially because these guys are just horrible for no reason okay we’re we’re going back to

Base this is rough yeah that entire thing I feel like was pointless there was no good loot in there there’s so many enemies all of your tools die immediately you have no Health that’s rough we got to go back and get some better some better tools so I’m kind of

Hoping oh you can okay okay that makes up for everything although I think that just alerted all the enemies in the area at least you can push the giant Round Rock down the hill uh is that campfire hours I don’t think it is kind of want to go see what’s up with that

Campfire can I roll it around still oh I can yo okay that makes up for some things not a lot of things but it makes up for some things I’m guessing this is probably just another dungeon not a particularly good dungeon hello Mr guy at your

Base I see how it is did you go off and start your own base now it’s just a random campfire in the middle of nowhere lovely with like a 100 skeletons I ain’t dealing with that ain’t nobody got time for that look how a skeleton six skeletons after me L and eight now

Cool okay we’re getting out of here do you guys think that that last dungeon was worth it because that was a lot of dudes for not a lot of reward going the right way right I think we got to keep on going just down the

Road yeah he did go off and start his own base how rude this game is uh got a lot of mobs in it and they’re very fast cannot outrun these dudes you just build a new Battle Run mhm okay I’m going to need all the

Villagers here to help me I do not want to fight these skeletons by myself come on now get up go fight some skeletons thank you you have no idea what I’ve been through how come she kills them so fast that’s not two hits for me you have like a diamond sword or

Something you got stuck mining with a piece of corn that’s great okay F well I guess we’ll go see what creeper up to um let’s melt down all the meat I like how the skeletons just pop out of the ground that’s kind of fun love this to make whatever is in

Your way go to pieces I like the dynamite the sound of dynamite I have so much junk I don’t know what any of this does also chest size why is it so small I have questions uh I guess I’ll plant some corn as well oh you can’t plant just

Corn you have to plant corn seeds I guess okay sure yeah I definitely have some complaints about this coming from Minecraft but it’s probably nothing I can’t like Get over or that they can’t fix I think they should just fix it sounds way easier me moving on no that’s not going to

Happen let’s see can I build a big chest at least why is it small why is it small chest yeah I played fortnite when it first released like when it literally first came out and saved the world is all there was and then like 2 months later or whatever that’s when they came

Up with Battle Royale and then they just completely dropped save the world uh which was definitely the right call because why are you making this one I specifically switched you over to Planks oh my god dude that’s so stupid I switched you over to Planks you can’t just double

Click on something to switch it you got to click there or press F or something that was dumb yeah yep what in Rod didn’t I just make a bunch of those accidentally I need three more it’s so slow for the crafting save the world was just PVE

That’s all it was it was just like hey fight these guys and then fight them again and just keep fighting them forever it was fine but it wasn’t like that great I definitely do not trust the staff where having this dynamite like on hand available so we go we go and leave

That in there wheat grain that’s probably something I can use we keeping this dynamite on me mostly so I can use it against them later I mean what it didn’t even switch over to the oh my God okay there’s a door on this yeah

Got some I do not want that I want this one change recipe yes you have to click it like three 30 times for it to switch over okay sure yeah I played it with some friends uh save the world back when we released and it just got very repetitive I mean

It was it was fine but it’s definitely not enough to like keep fortnite itself alive there we go I’m surprised the crafting Stations don’t like Decay oh marble silak thread and a shell oh you’re supposed to kill that guy to get a shell that’s not happening

Silk thread don’t I like have that yeah I made all this stuff to uh make this health charm oh bones that’s what it was but I we never made the health charm here we go oh we have four equipment slots okay well that gives me one more heart at

Least okay at the very least we have that I guess we got to go try and figure out how to kill that guy at some point uh let’s make all the arrows I feel like that’s a good call let’s make all the arrows and then maybe we can just pelter him to

Death so I have no idea how to kill that rock dude and he’s uh he’s a bit absurd okay let’s put all this away yeah tools really do need to last longer though no idea what that sound was but it sounded crazy so let’s go find out where Mr creeper

Is he’s up over here somewhere probably shouldn’t have made a new sword but whatever too late for that oh these little icons don’t go away unless you hover over it that’s kind of annoying of course I got to make all the icons go away now there’s a lot of stuff that you can

Build at least so that’s that’s nice I did I make them all go away now I make all the icons go away okay there we go I don’t like having like little unread icons oh it’s a rainbow or something I don’t know what that thing is but it looks kind of like a

Rainbow creeper I’m bringing you a rock and you’re going to like it oh no don’t roll down the Hill no I need to roll you up the hill okay I’m not bringing you a rock but I tried it’s the thought that counts why would have rolled down the

Hill me oh wow he did a whole thing how many trees did you cut down for that W such a nice Village that you built me creeper thank you wild bunch of stuff here and you still need to get all the same things that I need

Though okay how do we make these better tools oh okay you have this one I see and a lumber mill okay so I need to make a lumber mill and is that it no I have the lumber mill how come you have better recipes I think this one’s backwards

That’s why oh yeah it’s backwards okay that’s why I didn’t recognize it or just broke a whole wall over there okay uh yeah I don’t know how you got better crafting recipes don’t show up in mine they’re made out of Bones not root not roots Rod okay guess I should have brought some

Bels with me and you can craft a dynamite cool headed charm Sand Shell I don’t know what that is either and a long sword you got all kinds of recipes you upgrade your crafting bench what you can upgrade it I thought it looked a bit different

Bench upgrade how did I not see that does this have one no it doesn’t what okay yeah that’s not the most obvious thing in the world okay I see you now so should we base together or should I move on got a lot of chickens in here that’s kind of

Cute not very smooth animations but that’s that’s about what I would expect from Lego doesn’t have the cold yeah it doesn’t have cold you’re right also a fair amount of trees around I this also this should be where the cave was yeah that’s the chest that I

Found so the cave is like somewhere up over there I don’t know if you explored that but I’mma probably go sleep in your bed first so maybe it resets my spawn point we’re going off of Minecraft logic here it better reset my spawn point oh that’s your bed oh you have to claim

Oh builds beds I don’t have any wood too bad are taking I know I’m so sad did I get 10 wood from that I don’t think I did six wow seems like all this stuff regenerates and if it regenerates that kind of makes it hard to like clean up your area doesn’t

It I don’t know exactly what the endgame of Lego fornite is I’m assuming that there’s some B bosses or something that you can go defeat surely at some point there would be okay where do you want me to sleep oh we can’t have bunk beds come on missed

Opportunity you sleep on your side that’s great okay my find an adventure uh actually what resources do I need to get for that better axxe this one uh actually just Three Wooden rods so I can do that do that right now once I get some more

Wood oh this a free bed I didn’t realize that I thought you well now we have an extra bad for a villager how about that see I’m just thinking ahead just thinking ahead this called proper planning I have wolf claws I have so many wolf claws I have like 45 of them

They’re they’re at the uh the better Village though I mean the other Village we got to get an upgrade on this thing Diamond tip blade make him go fast there we go hey hopefully this thing lasts long it’s enough for chopping down trees or my enemies yes that’s what I like to

See okay off on an adventure to a new cave you broke my bed wow so rude am I going to spawn back there now yes where’s that other cave at okay direct ahead you know what we’re already hungry let’s go ahead and eat some of

These here we go I a wolf like sitting up there okay we haven’t been in this one before uh I do have the dynamite and I’m curious if we can wreck up some guys also I got 15 claws like on me Creer there a chest right here

Cool let’s see how do we I need to figure out how to get this not wood oh there we go okay so we needed the better a for it that makes sense there we go creeper now we’re figuring out things this guy hold up we need to throw one of

These oh there we go there we go you just hold right click it did not I thought I was throwing I thought I was throwing TNT not a torch I might be dumb I might be dumb dumb oh wow that didn’t even like try come on come on come on come on come

On come on come on blow up blow up blow up there we go that’s what I’m talking about all we get is a shell from that okay so I guess we should have learned our lesson uh throwing torches and throwing TNT not the same same thing but TNT harvests everything so that’s helpful

Ow bro stop just die just die nobody likes you thank you he dropped a whole piece of meat that was a very meaty very meaty scorpion Wild okay right then let’s find some more guys to beat up real quick oh hey you’re here do you need some

Torches or do you or are you just here from my wolf claws I mean either way that’s fine can I split this there we go here you go I do I I dropped you things through up the hill how mediocre of him wow wow I’m not even going to justify that with a

Response not even going to justify that it was it was pretty good though not going to lie your stuff is up by the door creeper so what is Lego fortnite and why is like a fortnite okay yeah so so to answer your question uh Lego and fortnite are doing a collab and they

Made an entirely new game inside of fortnite using some of the basic mechanics of fortnite it’s not PVP uh it’s PVE mostly it’s survival Adventure open world world I don’t I don’t even really know if the adventure tag works it’s just survival open world that’s about all I can really say about

It I’m down to one heart over here I realize I don’t know how much of the stuff we need but I figure we’re probably going to need a lot of it for stuff cuz you can use it in crafting recipes for tools so I’m just going to get a bunch of it right

Now may as well while we’re in the area stock up wait is this the not wood it is yeah this is not wood it’s not wood yeah okay that’s my one bad pun of the evening listen you got to allow me to have at least one bad pun otherwise I go

Insane I can’t keep up this facade of being not cringe for very long sometimes it’s got to seep through in the form of a bad pun skeleton I know that pun was pretty naughty of me okay not very cool of me to be joking around like

This I think this is marble as well right here creeper all this White Rock so if we have the better pickaxe which we can now craft with the not wood then we can then we can get marble I believe and is this regular Rock okay this is granite that’s that’s

The regular Rock isn’t it I believe it is uh I thought there would be more to this cave okay there’s a chest up there I never had to build the thing before it just did it for me snow berri snowberry seeds wool pretty bad loot to be honest all all around pretty pretty

Rough oh you can get the materials back I didn’t even know that is this f2p uh I don’t know what that stands for I forget for two players it’s it’s definitely a multiplayer oh free to play uh yeah yeah yeah yeah so fortnite’s free and then

This is just part of an part of it uh they make all their money from you know the microtransactions and the skins and stuff okay for real though where does this cave actually go cuz the other one was like huge this one doesn’t go anywhere I’m really bad at parkour

Parkour is also just pretty bad in this game oh that’s a log Lookout is why oopsy doopsy my bad yeah know we just need rust stairs that’s what it is yeah there’s nothing else in this cave actually wow very boring cave the other one was wild I guess now that we have some

Better tools and materials we could go hit up that first cave that we were in see what’s at the end of that I’m guessing a loot chest with nothing good in it that spawns a bunch of more enemies or something wild okay let’s go totally not taking another clip mhm

Do you have any bones creeper I need a new axe already I’m guessing I’m guessing items don’t despawn let’s see I can make are you making not wood rods you’re making planks any day now oh this guy’s a cat oh he’s cute a meow cools you probably heard of

Me I won’t Flex any too much okay cool also I noticed you got him to follow you look at that a better recurve crossbow I might go for a long sword as well actually so I need to get new axe uh that’s just Three Wooden rods so I need three not wood

Rods eight okay so I guess guess I need eight not wood rods total cuz I’m just going to make a sword and a new axe I don’t know if he’s going to be done with that look at the chest you have a chest eight of those okay uh where actually is the chest

That I see bones lovely I don’t know how to split Stacks you can’t just right click uh I have a bunch of junk so I have one of the shells uh I know that’s required for upgrading the village Lego fortnite looks like what Lego worlds was always supposed to

Be I’m not familiar with Lego worlds but I know like Lego’s made a ton of different Lego games over the years I mean the Lego Star Wars games are classic Indiana Jones absolute classic Harry Potter classic good stuff and maybe this one will see like a much longer life

Lifespan I I mean there’s going to be either two ways of it it’s going to go two ways one of two ways uh it’s either going to die immediately like save the world did and then it’ll be lost to the histories as just another thing that

Used to exist or it’s going to be updated and kept going for like multiple years uh one of the two okay so I wanted the long sword thank you wow this inventory it’s even smaller than Minecrafts and there’s even more junk I don’t think I actually collect oh yeah here it

Is nice sword looks exactly like the Lego ones and then I need a new Forest axe as well okay then I guess I’ll break this Forest ax and then I’mma drop a bunch of stuff into your chest uh here’s the shell and some marble so I know you probably need those for your

Village and then I’ll keep here’s some not wood as well and a lot more not wood okay that should about do it and then I have three more not wood rods I don’t know oh I was going to make the pickaxe that’s what it

Was oh I need more bones for that I just put away all the bones oopsie is there a stack size limit yeah it’s 30 it’s 30 it’s it’s kind of weird like you would think if they were going to make a some sort of like Minecraft knockoff that you would make things a

Little bit better here or there like stack size 100 you know something like that uh this is the one that I need right I think it is the one that I need yeah okay then I got a couple backups so better pickaxe here we go

So I’m going to go to the other cave that we were at and we’re going to get some marble from that we’re going to explore it we’re going to kill that stupid rock thing and we’re going to see what happens uh I don’t actually want that or

That and I don’t want that one either okay and then try and get some organization going up in here I’ll drop the bones back off uh the rest of this we should be fine within our inventory not that we really need any of it yeah bigger inventory would be nice couple other

Things like that I’m starving starving Marvin over here oh my God okay you can put food in your off hand at least that’s nice uh let’s wait to eat some more because I’m going to take a bunch of damage maybe I’m being too harsh in this game Minecraft wasn’t perfect either

Yeah we might be being a bit too harsh on it but at the same time they have a great example of how to do the style of game and that is Minecraft and it seems like they kind of ignored a lot of the the lessons of what makes it playable

Even like Minecraft already needs a larger inventory not one of these guys honestly this dude is the bane of my existence get out of here I hate you I even know what to call it but I’m calling it The Rock of death because that’s what it is okay we got to go to

The right yeah so here’s our village the graphics are really nice I think it’s just mostly stolen from fortnite though so they kind of they kind of had that baked in I mean it’s epic you know they have the Unreal Engine so they they kind of got that made already they’re

Fine I I have two Dynamite for it but I’m not trying to kill that one I’m going to kill the one in the cave down here not that one either I don’t know how you’re supposed to fight him like I guess we could try a shield or something and see what happens there

But I don’t know this seems wild here’s our cave oh was one guarding it just going to run I got hit right as I was going through still wild okay so this should be Pretty pretty well uh cleared out I believe I don’t know if things respawn oh it seems like they do I got skeleton markers already on the hot bar on the hood HUD how do you guys say it HUD Hood do we at least get new loot we don’t okay understandable have a nice

Day major learning curve though yeah seems like there definitely is I didn’t even realize you could upgrade your workstation yeah no new loot ow this one’s marble right yeah how long do the progression last uh I don’t know maybe you could tell us that Tomahawk cuz we’ve been

Playing for you know just barely over two hours and we just got the better tools to mine the stuff in the cave I think we’re like level three village or something I’m not sure how how far it goes like what’s the end game what are we looking at

Here I found a couple chests like out in the world that spawn you a bunch of dudes and then they all try to kill you immediately and then yeah it’s not good I definitely think that lady that spawns in at the Village has the better

Sword cuz like she’s kill him as fast as I am now wow look at the durability on the sword though like it’s already down also I think this guy just spawned in or he fell from up there it’s already like wow it does not last that’s why we really got to get a

Lot of this stuff while we’re here yeah only fortnite can get away with the popups I’m hungry oh yeah yeah the hungry pop ups or you can’t spray I I kind of want to turn those off like I I know guys I’ve been playing survival games for like going on 10 years

Now I know how to do an eat we got to save the sword durability man it’s like going all the way out does not last at all combat seems interesting yeah the combat is mildly decent I will give it that uh it does have a couple things going for also we

Have a bunch of new followers thank you guys we got Tomahawk along with Minecraft and speed Nova frequency doy and cytic and stay in your lane I’m not staying in my Lane I’m expanding my horizons thank you welcome on in hopefully you enjoy the stream uh we normally stream Minecraft

Bedrock Edition by the way and also I got a YouTube channel if you’re not aware I just uploaded a new video today I do a lot of uh Bedrock Edition tutorials for farms and Redstone and stuff we’re about to reach 600,000 ow man okay there’s water the water

Actually looks pretty good I feel like the the characters don’t match the graphics I feel like they took the fortnite graphics and just put a bunch of Lego in it like the Lego games don’t look like this okay uh before we go down to that

Stupid rock guy we got to heal up a little bit we should probably switch to the proper working crossbell cuz this evil evil Rock thing is down here somewhere I’m also going to throw a torch in there yeah he’s like right in here yeah there he is let’s get some

Torches around little bit of light we’re going to let’s see if I can get a TNT like right on them uh TNT thank you and I don’t know how to fight this guy here we go come on kill him immediately that didn’t even do anything wow literally nothing man come on come

On come on can’t see any wow it did nothing feel like that really should have killed him he had a TNT right on him that was a direct hit come on now I got to eat too oh bro come on and he’s got a ranged attack what kind of nonsense is this

Seriously evil guy okay come on now we going to try and fight you like a man come at me come on okay so he has no no Health at all once you can actually hit him but he’s like the most annoying thing World okay cool good to know I

Guess okay so he’s like all he put all of his points into attack but none into defense let’s pick up all my torches jeez man ridiculous dude okay yeah Minecraft let’s see Farm in a lot of different ways which is great there’s there’s so much to do in

Minecraft but they’ve also had like 10 years to perfect their game yeah he’s got to be out of the ground to be vulnerable because I tried shooting him with the crossbow well he was like hiding in his hole as well and it didn’t do anything okay time for these very mediocre uh

Guys okay let’s see we’re we’re going to head down to the bottom of the cave now see if we can’t find a chest okay there’s one chest up there give me something good bread I love it and like five pickaxes that I don’t need uh more torches cool corn kernel I

Guess we could grow some corn that would be nice what is this oh Wi-Fi died down here he got really far before he died wow amazing uh here we go is this the end of the cave feel like there’s got to be somewhere else to go more chest or

Something mediocre I I totally stole that from chat was that was just said earlier oh wow I can’t even get it from there the jump height is pretty pathetic I jump on top of this here we go there we go skills what can I drop uh do I need any of this not

Really think could be nice to have I guess but I don’t know 10 rocks for some wolf claws probably the easiest thing to do yeah there’s got to be something else down here cuz we we fought like a lot of things to get down here surely there’s something at the end of the

Caves is that it couple wow o oof that’s a big oof right there you’re back from the dead hello there I didn’t know you’re dead my bad friend so yeah that’s it for these caves I think that’s a bit rough I mean you get better materials

From them maybe we need to find a way to like get out our cold resistance up and go explore the cold biomes or something that might be might be something might be better inventory later yeah seems like we can get a couple different equipment upgrades I’m going to collect a bunch of

This marble and stuff over down here need better inventory oh for sure better inventory Better Health better to durability I mean look at this sword this is like a tier 2 sword and it did not last like even one cave yeah yeah with this one you’re right you

Can only break what the game wants you to break which is a very small amount of stuff I’m going to try and get enough of this not wood that we don’t need to come back and get more of it uh I don’t know get rid of the

Wool also the stack size is really really really bad can you even go strip mining no this is about the closest we’re going to get to caving I mean we are literally in a cave right now so am I out of room again yeah the mes do put backpacks on their beds you’re

Right you would think that maybe that would give us uh backpacks listen if we’re not complaining then we’re not chatting okay if you guys aren’t going to complain then like why are you even here find something to complain about come on pull up a chair get a snack complain your

Hearts away it’s great garic server restart and oh H servers restart okay guess that’s the thing not even shocker boxes ah not even autoc crafting or quick crafting in general to be honest that seems like a pretty big Pitfall like why is crafting slow I’m not they respawn before you can

Even get out of the cave so I cleared all that uh let’s get some of this stuff can you complain about your boss no you can’t complain about me if you’re going to complain about me you got to do it behind my back like a reasonable employee come on

Now I thought I taught you better than this let’s see this is just regular Granite okay uh I think we’re done down here I guess we’ll get this yeah at least there’s like oh yeah there goes like the good pickaxe wow we literally just made that I I mind how much of that

Marble wow we got less than two stacks of marble from that pickaxe that’s kind of sad that’s really sad less than two stacks of marble I shouldn’t take that for granted all I’m going to can’t even break those mushrooms right there look at this loading screens at least it’s a pretty decent

Looking loading screen Dynamic lighting that’s what it’s called yeah where the Torches in your off hand actually emit light not too bad how many slots is this 6 12 24 30 o well I guess there’s 36 in Minecraft okay so Creeper’s like a thousand miles away this is somebody else’s death oh

Wi-Fi died again should have known what am I going to drop I don’t know I don’t think I really care about this stuff long as the day and night cycle I don’t know it seems to be like Maybe seven eight minutes what in the world is that oh my God creeper look at the stream right now what in the world bro no okay that’s the most interesting thing we’ve seen all day oh my God he just destroyed that entire tree I don’t even see a health bar on this guy

Yet whatever he he I’ve done no damage to him creeper I’m bringing him to you I’m going to need your help oh yo we can use him for mining trees though I put 20 Arrow I you need to make a crossbow and a bunch of arrows like right now

Mister yeah he’s he’s a pretty decent Tree Farm I think I hope I’m going yeah I’m going the the right way for creeper uh let’s see I only got two more arrows that was it come on break down that tree I need some wood again the wall is high in the

Safety I will not oh did he get stuck in here no he didn’t come on come on big guy yo this guy’s a great Farm we need to find a way to trap him if I bring him towards you can you trap him I this was a bad

Idea oh he’s got a okay man he’s got all kinds of attacks come on come on boy come on you I got him down 25% you can run away you can make a bunch of arrows is what you can be doing come on uh oh oh it’s it’s turning into Dark Souls

Boys oh oh my God he did four and a half hearts okay did you bring arrows did you bring arrows and a new crossbow yeah arrows is the way to go he’s he likes attacking all the wildlife yeah if you get hit by him you’re going to die like

Immediately Dodge and roll Dodge and roll oh that was bad that was bad oh man oh I’m dead I was dodging and rolling it wasn’t good enough you got to keep him alive don’t let him despawn emmer can be found on top of Mesa oh man I’m So Far

Away kills everything good and bad yeah it’s great you have a bunch of NPCs come on bring them on over we we we are going to need whatever he drops yeah we’re going to need whatever he drops okay uh I don’t know how to bring over the

NPCs so I can keep them like occupied if you want to get those or we can bring him in and let all the NPCs like notice that he’s there whatever whatever is good cuz he does kind of follow you come on you he’s getting distracted by all the animals

Though which is you know that’s kind of fine did I lose my charm no okay come on you how much health does he still have okay he’s about half come on you come on dude what what even is I feel like we should not be seeing

This kind of monster for like at least a little while hey follow me come on what in the I just got hit by something and it did all what I don’t I don’t even think that was him him that was that little stupid thing right here he’s further away now oh you

Brought an NPC okay yeah go for it dude you got it you’re Immortal go fight him where’d he go go for it guy you see that GI dude yeah oh okay I think he’s dead yeah I think he’s dead he he seems pretty dead he shot that backwards he wasn’t even looking that

Direction okay you’re right cook steak does give you extra Hearts okay okay those things have homing on them obviously seems like he should not be trying to do a range attack when I’m like you know five blocks away from him either hey Zack attack how you doing this is Lego fortnite

Mister if he kills me like 30 times whatever but I I want to kill him he’s still there I want to kill him maybe I just take him back to my spawn point cuz I can’t really lure him any further towards the village oh my bro is amazing this guy’s like a

Ravager he’s he’s literally like a ravager he just breaks everything in his way you’re getting a crossbow okay good and like 100 arrows or at least like 30 I mean he just one hits you it’s wild I am din no I am dinner I am the dinner oh my equipment stays on me

Interesting okay if you’re getting a crossbow I’ll just keep him alive did he despawn no no he despawned that’s not fair at all come on big man where’d you go a after all that and he just despawns wow he couldn’t even break like 40,000 things for

Me I mean he kind of did but you know look at all this I want to put that guy in a lead yeah just like a trail of Destruction Ah that’s sad seriously what kind of alri horror was that he just break the lead that’s fine itd be fun while

Lasted seriously get out of here skeleton nobody cares about you I got not root marble yeah yeah I got it it’s all business with you I’m going to bring you like 30 skeletons I hope you realize that I’m going to bring them to you on purpose the lore boss I mean there’s at

Least something interesting a boss that one hits you and just like is upset at everything that’s something what is all that what is happening over here can low energy I know I just walked through that door okay mister here’s everything that you wanted from the cave oh I still have

A crossbow didn’t even know that I’m going to need some more more storage real quick too I just walk through that door too what that door does not exist that door doesn’t exist any either okay cool um and then yeah I’ll just make this the valuables chest how about

That he he just talking man there’s more uh not R in there too slurp seriously we need more storage that wild small chest modest closet I can’t even read what this says off the snap dresser what modest closet no idea gr a slab yay what is this Stone breaker Marble

Slab we can definitely make some of those uh I think we need to upgrade this as well sandclaw sand wolves I got to go find that okay we got to go find a beach biome because we need a Sand Shell as well wild okay so there’s a fair amount

Of like stuff that you need to uh you know find and do crazy stuff I hope we see that guy again someday maybe once we have like a 100 more crossbow arrows maybe I’ll just start carrying around a few stacks of them just because I can yeah I need like all the

Feathers wild well that’s basically the basics of Lego fortnite kind of a wild game and kind of a a weird one I think it needs a little bit of work and a few areas I think there could definitely be some nice upgrades that we should see like you know increase durability a bigger

Inventory um you know maybe get rid of some of these popups that are on the screen all the time but otherwise there’s there’s some things to do it could be great with friends friends and enemies alike uh but yeah I think that’s going to do it for tonight’s live stream uh

Thank you all so much for watching and having a good time with me um I doubt there’s going to be anyone to raid because there never is this time of night there’s not okay well I’ll see you guys in the next one we’ll be streaming uh probably on the weekend sometime 5:30

P.m. Pacific Standard 8:30 Eastern L UK and early Australian

This video, titled ‘Is LEGO Fortnite Better Than Minecraft? 12/7/23 Longplay’, was uploaded by silentwo on 2023-12-11 17:15:02. It has garnered 391 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:10 or 8710 seconds.

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    EPIC Marble Minecraft War - Z-Marbles Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Marble Minecraft Territory War 2’, was uploaded by Z-Marbles on 2024-06-01 10:47:32. It has garnered 354 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:22 or 622 seconds. Marble Minecraft Territory War 2 this is the second video of my marble minecraft territory war series, hope you enjoy it! songs: Song: JOXION – RPM [Arcade Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: Watch: Song: JOXION – 094 [Arcade Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: Watch: Song: Cake – Cereb [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream:… Read More

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    Join our SMP Server Community! If you’re looking to join a mostly vanilla SMP server on version 1.21, we’re in need of more players to contribute to builds and shops. Join our community by adding me on Discord! My Discord: ihben Server Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Haters Gonna Criticize

    Minecraft Memes - Haters Gonna CriticizeWow, that meme must be criti-seeming pretty good with a score of 105! Read More

  • Crafting Worlds: D&D in Minecraft | Ep 1

    Crafting Worlds: D&D in Minecraft | Ep 1 In Minecraft, I craft my D&D world with glee, Nature is Dicey, a place for you and me. Building block by block, a tale to unfold, Adventure awaits, in stories untold. With Tabletop Audio as my soundtrack, I dive into creativity, never looking back. Join me on this journey, as we create and explore, In this Homebrew world, where magic galore. Stick around for the ride, it’s bound to be grand, As we shape this world, with a steady hand. ANemeanLioness, the name I go by, Creating wonders in Minecraft, reaching for the sky. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper’s Mixtape Drops!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper's Mixtape Drops! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #gaminghumor Read More

  • LEGO Minecraft: Epic Stop Motion Kill

    LEGO Minecraft: Epic Stop Motion Kill Epic Minecraft LEGO Stop Motion Animation: A Blocky Battle Welcome to a world where Minecraft and LEGO collide in an epic stop motion animation! In this intense crossover, crystal minifigures and blocky landscapes come together to create a thrilling battle against an adult adversary. Get ready for heart-pounding action, lightsaber mayhem, creative storytelling, and stunning visuals! High-Octane Action Experience the adrenaline-pumping scenes filled with shooting sequences and dynamic sword fights. The clash between the worlds of Minecraft and LEGO brings a new level of excitement to the screen. Lightsaber Mayhem Witness the dramatic lightsaber duels and head cuts, along… Read More

  • Experience Lag-Free Fun on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Lag-Free Fun on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we’re diving into the world of Optifine for Minecraft PE 1.21. If you’re looking to enhance your gaming experience and fix any lag issues, Optifine is the way to go. But why stop there? Join the Minewind Minecraft Server for even more excitement and adventure. With an active community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your skills and creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. So why wait? Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and let the… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Pale Garden: The Silent TERROR

    Minecraft's Pale Garden: The Silent TERROR The Silent TERROR of Minecraft’s Pale Garden… Introduction Frostbyte Freeman delves into the mysteries of the new Pale Garden biome in Minecraft, hinting at the potential for intrigue and terror lurking within its boundaries. Exploring the Horizon The Pale Garden beckons players with its eerie landscape, promising new adventures and challenges to overcome. Traversing the Woods As players venture deeper into the Pale Garden, they encounter dense forests teeming with unknown dangers and secrets waiting to be uncovered. Entering the Garden The transition into the Pale Garden marks a shift in atmosphere, with the environment taking on a foreboding… Read More

  • Galactic_RoGamer LIVE: Roblox With Viewers! What will the wheel decide? 🎯

    Galactic_RoGamer LIVE: Roblox With Viewers! What will the wheel decide? 🎯Video Information This video, titled ‘Roblox With Viewers!! LIVE!! #spinthewheel’, was uploaded by Galactic_RoGamer on 2024-07-25 21:18:32. It has garnered 582 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:18 or 9798 seconds. Roblox With Viewers!! LIVE!! #spinthewheel #fyp #viral #gaming #hypixel #hypixelskyblock #minecraft #roblox Like and Sub if you enjoy!! Discord: Keywords (DONT WORRY ABT IT): roblox roblox story roblox brookhaven 🏡rp roblox doors roblox bedwars roblox storytime roblox gay story roblox song roblox memes roblox the hunt roblox edits roblox horror games roblox avatar ideas roblox anime games roblox asmr roblox animation roblox adopt me… Read More

  • Explosive Minecraft TNT Showdown with Green Monsters in Zooflox Games

    Explosive Minecraft TNT Showdown with Green Monsters in Zooflox GamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘🧨MINECRAFT TNT BOOM vs GREEN ZOONOMALY MONSTERS in GREEN WORLD 🟢 #shorts #zooflox #game #minecraft’, was uploaded by ZOOFLOX GAMES on 2024-06-05 22:41:41. It has garnered 3131 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. 🧨MINECRAFT TNT BOOM vs GREEN ZOONOMALY MONSTERS in GREEN WORLD 🟢 #shorts #zooflox #game #minecraft scary,horror,nightmare,cgi,creepy,cursed,shorts,meme,jumpscare,terror,,lights are off,3d animation,zoonomaly,horrorgame,game,video game,horror game,8bitryan,8-bitryan,8 bitryan,zoonomaly all jumpscares,zoonomaly game,zoonomaly full game,zoonomaly ending,zoonomaly horror game gameplay,zoonomaly horror game,zoonomaly all monsters,zoonomaly jumpscares,zoonomaly all bosses,zoonomaly horror game full game zoonomaly, zoonomaly horror game, zoonomaly trailer, zoonomaly song, zoonomaly horror game 2,… Read More

  • Gingershadow Strikes Gold in Minecraft One Piece Mod!

    Gingershadow Strikes Gold in Minecraft One Piece Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘IM RICH! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 5’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-07-31 22:00:10. It has garnered 3585 views and 259 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:56 or 2696 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – IM RICH! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 5 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon… Read More


    GET SCARED IN MINECRAFT - ONE LUCKY BLOCK SURPRISE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft First map scared map then doing part 2 on one lucky block and come and join :)’, was uploaded by trill_smoke2002 on 2024-02-19 00:35:52. It has garnered 158 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:11:34 or 18694 seconds. Making Gaming live streams And small video (first time trying tho) Read More

  • Unleashing the Ultimate Minecraft Beam: XerxesTexasToast

    Unleashing the Ultimate Minecraft Beam: XerxesTexasToastVideo Information This video, titled ‘blasting you with the minecraft beam again’, was uploaded by XerxesTexasToast on 2024-08-13 06:19:46. It has garnered 21 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:44:38 or 17078 seconds. Support: Check out the playlist section on my channel to view whole series! GROUND RULES – No racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or any other flavor of bigotry. – No sexual harassment. This includes both lewd jokes directed at me or another chat member and unsolicited confessions. – Don’t ask for personal info. I will not tell you real names or locations,… Read More

  • Minecraft FreshSMP: DUMBO Goes Insane?!

    Minecraft FreshSMP: DUMBO Goes Insane?!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft freshsmp’, was uploaded by dumbo on 2024-07-08 01:20:54. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:22 or 5302 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on BANZOUIN Hakka! You Won’t Believe Her Reaction!

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on BANZOUIN Hakka! You Won't Believe Her Reaction!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】HONEY WAKE UP, IT’S TIME FOR YOUR MINECRAFT SESSION ! ! !’, was uploaded by Banzoin Hakka Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-10-02 05:05:39. It has garnered 5561 views and 843 likes. The duration of the video is 04:31:59 or 16319 seconds. MINECRAFT TIME BABY. ✦•······················•☼•······················•✦ CUTE AF ART, THANK YOU SO MUCH KIIRU ! ! ! SUPER ADORABLE DANCING HAKKITO ANIMATION cool custom chat CSS by chroneco! Awesome captioning & translation by Jimakuchan ✦•······················•☼•······················•✦ So much to explore, it’s dangerous to go alone, take a subscription! Make sure to ring the bell,… Read More

  • INSANE Eggwars Gameplay with Subs! 😱🔥

    INSANE Eggwars Gameplay with Subs! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Jugando EGGWARS con SUBS en MINECRAFT BEDROCK – Ciktro’, was uploaded by Ciktro on 2024-09-02 23:48:14. It has garnered 40 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:11 or 5291 seconds. Playing EGGWARS with SUBS in MINECRAFT BEDROCK – Ciktro —————————————– ———— SOCIAL NETWORKS ———————————— —————– TIK TOK: TWITTER: DISCORD: INSTAGRAM: ————————————————– — CHANNEL INFORMATION ——————————————– ——— As you know, my name is Ciktro and I really like talking to you and entertaining you. My main content is based on Minecraft, where I usually do tutorials for both… Read More

  • Deadly School SMP in Minecraft ft. Shabirzzgamer

    Deadly School SMP in Minecraft ft. ShabirzzgamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But You SUB I die school smp | #shabirzzgamer #minecraft #livestream #shorts’, was uploaded by Poki Mine Gamer on 2024-10-02 12:12:03. It has garnered 2903 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:38 or 7598 seconds. Minecraft But You SUB I die school smp | #shabirzzgamer #minecraft #livestream #shorts 💕💕😍😍 Minecraft Live is an annual online event hosted by Mojang Studios, designed to showcase major updates, features, and upcoming content for Minecraft. The event is packed with exciting reveals, including the announcement of new game mechanics, mobs, biomes, and collaborations. Viewers… Read More