LIVE: Exploring MCC Island with Viewers – Join the Party Now!

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Um uh all right uh let me just finish my Discord post okay um all right uh let me just make uh OBS pick up Minecraft yeah it started real oh sa hold on hold on um no way too bad let’s go all let’s go I jump

On so so so it’s cuz he’s orange and me and me uh it’s only four people Max so I don’t know yeah start first people to ask get in that’s how I’m doing it um oh what the hell I need to oh right I just need

To uh make that a bit bigger there we go think is that good yeah there we go all right hi chat um let’s go real how do I join the party uh um wait wait um okay we’ve got all right okay part is already full um although I can swap people out Midway

Through stream um if not then you can just try stream snipe uh if you do want to uh try Well yeah if you do want to join um go put this in the server IP on Minecraft driver Edition play. MC um and then then hop on the

Server and then do the command slpm tining 9564 and then you’re able to send me a message so just put like hi or something and then I can invite you to the party or uh if you’re stream sniping you basically need to try and join the

Game Lo um the game Q at the same time as I do and there’s um uh there’s um a q no what about yeah know there’s a stream delay of like 10 to 12 seconds or so um so you want to take that into account when trying to

Join at the same time as me to like join like 10 seconds before uh you see me join on stream anyway um I’ve been eating for 4 hours that’s a long time I don’t mind leaving that guy has wanted to join for streams oh okay you can

Um all right orange is giving up his party slot uh so if you’d like to get on I can get you in the party Lomi um meanwhile I’ll go on the parkour Warrior Dojo until I get the message six people watching hi yeah Alon if you’re still there then um you can

Join what why have I oh why have I done that I’ve got these to do I always shed so many tears of joy when tiny BS and CCI that’s great to hear anyway oh that course is freaking locked I’m I doing an advanced run did Alon B leave wait I can’t send

You a message why okay wait hold on let me send the command in chat um oh wait I’m not even on my stream okay right did Alon be leave I need to his is turning my KN is okay yeah do SL pm 564 invite me copy and paste that into

The Minecraft chat once you’re on MCC Island and then that should be fine all right I need to figure out um a a ro but I can do hard ending on advanced cuz I know this Harding it’s an easy one which means uh I need four of these checkpoints okay it is not

Working um well it should work uh I don’t know why that’s a problem what wait so are are you are you on MCC Island that’s that’s the question like are you physically On pretty sure I want to do another I want to skip that one and game name is Alon B oh okay I can just invite you then um off to run okay that’s cool um Okay oh my God I thought I fell there oh okay I think I made the wrong decision skipping this is a this checkpoint takes ages there we go um and then I get another three and another three from the hard yeah okay oh

W oh oh my God no no no no no no no no no I haven’t done Parkour in a couple days actually so this is fair enough that I’m throwing I that that checkpoint really really like smelly so no one likes our Checkpoint I really hope I did remember that which hard ending it is oh I got the wrong hard ending uh oh Alex Phoenix JR hello hi yo all right um this is rather smelly cuz I thought it was the ice one so now I have to do this until I beat my Advanced

Time or I well either succeed in beating my Advanced time or failing it Frick oh my God bro I thought it was the ice one the ice one super easy oh my God I have made a big mistake now what hold up hold up hold up let me cook there we

Go please what no bro I thought it was the ice ending freak PL added Jewels um okay hold on oh my God okay uh when you at me uh now um SLP party invite Alon B uh you need to pick a faction that’s I think that’s the

Problem all right hold on let me let me read chat real quick you can move your me I’m not going to be able to watch stream tonight okay I say your game name in chat hello remember last stream hope I added wait remember last stream yeah

Last stream was Lethal company um hot PL added Jews and I won a 3v one ear they like spam hitting I don’t know I don’t think hot PL players a very good rip I was playing FNAF fan game Cool how um so at spawn it’s behind

Spawn uh if you don’t know where spawn is you can just leave and rejoin and then you will automatically be at spawn and then actually well there’s like a I think there’s like a pirate or something that asks you to pick a faction that that’ll be why you weren’t able to

Message me as well actually wait hold on let me show you um okay so if you spawn if you spawn here then it’s behind and up here it it’s this faction master and if and if you’re here then yeah yeah it’s this guy um hopefully that helps all right okay there we go

Nice let’s go all right uh oh yeah and you need to um enter chat and then click accept with the green thing so you going to queue uh Alon Bean so accept the invite how do I enter the party uh party is about to be full so um you’ll have to stream

Snipe uh I did this Alon B you need to click T so you get your mouth up and then find my so it the there will have been a message popping up in the chat hold on let me do it again um not ready to accept invites yet

What that’s weird okay there we go uh except now um should be in chat yeah there we go okay nice um battle box okay um slash r q Now right did orang just missed my Q said to join I’ll just wait a sec to make sure that the 10 seconds are Up bro cancel I didn’t oh my God the bean bro does this man not know how to join the queue in some minutes I go to M’s y all right nice um bro that’s broken orange I I I said QE now and then like 5 seconds later you say tell me

When to Quee and I’m like bro I did leave and then and then and then I say can’t join now CU a game okay I’ll just play a game without you then bro that’s broken I’m going to eat something bye all right see you soon bro orange all my viewers are gone

Now half of them left due to in on be struggling and then more left to be struggling you know how to get in Orange no seic don’t type one word at a time and then then it is easier bro SE SP one more more at a time it’s weird oh well y oh no all right um Bro went from 10 people watching to four people watching just cuz we weren’t playing

Anything oh my God now I’m throwing I’ve warmed up as well I was like destroying people I’ve been really bad with the crossbow lately for some reason so I don’t know why um right all right okay what happens oh they didn’t finish fing wow w w real oh seven people watching in did

They change crossbows they feel really weird they do I feel like half the time they don’t Load maybe they did actually cuz it feels like 10 times harder to hit with them hey bro I feel like that should have hit him but like kind of didn’t bro hello bro what how okay finally oh my God swear they’ve changed something bro why you hitting me you be what the hell

Yeah know they have changed crossbows I’m back thought you said you weren’t going to be able to watch the stream anyway hi Alice how you doing uh right H this is a problem do you guys know how to how to fight oh my God it’s Al on B

You know how it’s a fight right Bro oh my God yeah know what it didn’t load should have loaded what the hell legit cast oh my God no that’s ring jing I’mma go again bye-bye why why do you come on for a second and then leave and you call yourself my favorite mod how the

Hell on really know how I didn’t go get him sebic what did I say about sending one message at a time like one word at a time it’s really like annoying I guess Q went oh freck I forgot um orange I may have forgot to tell you when to Queue oop I’m a better mod than I you’re not a mod but yeah you are one more um oh I’m sorry Orange um remind me before the end of the game next time uh all right you should mod me as I said you’re too young for

Mod which is the only reason why I haven’t otherwise you would be a mod I think my frames are lower so I can’t like aim I just feel incapable of aiming that for scared of fighting like who’s this guy bro how did that that guy skin me that quickly you’re

Back you think K died again to be honest yeah I think he did I didn’t get to talk to he came back for like two days uh this isn’t Bedrock yeah no don’t spam click um yeah you have to hit like uh so people who don’t know how to

Fight the wa you do it is so when you hit under your like plus thing in the center oh my God that’s unfortunate oh what the freak what the actual hell be can I Chuck your house off a cliff I how you just like ask Polly that’s

Funny no they removed my NEOS how dare they I can’t go on there Anymore oh well um yeah you need to wait till the the loading thing like when you hit the the loading thing in front of the in front of the Cross hair thing that needs to that needs to like fully recharge before you hit again basically um otherwise it does like no damage

Wow I actually got a kill know it no I tried to yon it SE trying to yon it okay there we go yay or England or England R can I punch your mother please no what did Orange’s mother do to you bro our England is gone

Anyway wait it B can CL yes thanks no problem red can I punch your we made like a house oh wait no I need to get ready to queue orang get ready to C oh that saves a l the time I can sh Shi click it uh you w okay right orange is

There can I join um the um the part is currently full but you can try and stream snipe just so I think the delay is about 12 seconds um if you if you know how to function MCC Island uh it’s for right now sorry um okay people on stream

Um you need to join basically join the queue like 12 seconds before uh my game ends um because well it it’s a bit of guess work really um but if you like do it 12 seconds before you see my stream do it then you’re probably joining at

The same time as me cuz there’s a 12C stream delay um and then you’d be able to get in the same game as me not not necessarily on the same team but like same game bro we’ve got two AFK people is room move freck freck

No the font on my phone is Comic sense so I’m going to change it real quick you can change the font I didn’t even know that get him seic bro seic why you running from the half Health man seic that was your biggest blond yes seic skin him alive

Twice Orange died and said okay I know he didn’t Die too fa what is that to do in a 1 V3 brother this is talking a different language nothing much what’s up what nothing much how are you doing can you message me when you join a key please uh no I’m two people well actually you could ask him

Um you could ask him for a party um dragon or whatever you want me to call you um if you private message rbga that’s orange he’s stream sniping uh you could he could invite invite you to the party um and then yeah cuz he he’s he’s stream

Sniping so you could have like a stream sniping party and then if I message orange you both going Zam hi fusion Um but yeah um that’s that’s my only suggestion cuz I can’t PR message two people at the same time uh okay yeah chat if you do want to join um private message rbga uh he’s currently like party member number two or no not party member number two but

Like the secondary party group I guess he he he’ll lead a stream sniping party just see guys can get in the same Lobby oh speaking of orange go away you smell hello so I changed the font of my to do this both let’s translate that into English

Um so I changed the font on my phone to do bald Cool All right nice got to upload a vid or two real quick then I’m hop on mcci and mess around all right nice I was uh all right what isn’t online rbga all right anything to exit and reenter TV stream oh my God you bean um right RB G

A we’re not against this team fast or yet I guess you have to eat soon okay got to get into the flow real what’s everyone’s opinion on tax fraud bad oh my God I missed my freaking hit was rather smelly you have to eat soon uh that’s

Okay um there will be a FR party which is cool I guess um brother’s mining Place some blocks yeah I love Kies you need to not spam click don’t spam same to on B um party don’t click all right um oh 12 people watching

Hi chat wait if you guys if you 12 of you guys like stay for a bit we could beat the viewer record my viewer record is 16 so if we can get higher than 16 that would be sick uh oh no it’s oh it’s orange and he’s targeting me as he

Always I’m joking he doesn’t usually Target actually know that’s a lie he does usually Target but whether that’s successful or not is inconsistent oh my God I was so close freak BR three people left after I asked people to stay that’s that’s such a scam oh well all right um Okie

Doie um let’s see right we we just lost to oranges Team key when there’s another round I around y you’re first no you’re not oh wait yeah you are join first indiv with like everyone everyone’s one win and lost one it’s your first end on our last place team oh it’s a one V4 how smelly I don’t like one v4s leave me alone

Oh I don’t think they listen to my requests um oring where is oring oh right oring is hiding but orang she could like go and sneakily like fill actually you already got one haven’t you oh brother was ready to jump on him right let’s see Q now oh Q now no please

SCP leave Q oh my God I can’t type oh my OBS disconnected what the hell um reconnection successful okay chat I don’t know what happened my stream like kind of died um that being said we are back why is my subtit why is it got German subtitles what the hell H um

Right hi wait okay hang on is my stream all right chat is it okay my phone is being very very goofy um oh okay it’s it’s normal now wonderful y okay wait Um you ready or are you in a game right okay um hold on party in invite uh stream snipe okay um Dragon I’ve asked them to invite you to their party yeah my end’s fine all right nice okay um anyway meanwhile I’ll go in here oh that was

Fast bro why are people send sending random um characters it’s goofy what map we got Canal okay I did already did they join all right want to hear a magic trick hear a magic trick sure that’s not first off that’s a c and second off that’s hardly a magic trick so like

Anyway um all right chat I’m going to I’m going to decide to cook this time I’m going to voluntarily cook up against some Rando that wasn’t a kill steal I potion him before you complain about kill theft sepic because that’s your personality type kill theft complainer I mean to be fair that’s also

My personality but like oh brother is not even low bro oh no we lost yeah yeah you need to not spam click 3 spam clicking is bad don’t do it the bro just ice Jesus Christ I hope not brother did just ace uh I’m I’m going to Y that wait what

Oh I hit the freaking glass I that go too early okay oh bro how have these guys got like no points they’re literally better than the previous team you really need to time on damage til why what even is the damaged tilt what’s it in Accessibility oh yeah tilt what does that do another round BR orange you’ve done that twice right wait hang on I I don’t know how to play with damage Tech I don’t I without damage Tech I don’t know what difference it makes I don’t notice the difference except for

The fact that I’m cooking but I haven’t been hit yet So oh it makes taking damage a lot more satisfying or like less unsatisfying oh my God okay Hoy go away into the water like like the like the the the Aquatic peasant that you are Yay I mean I barely got hit that round but I mean like it feels Better all right um Q now doesn’t go Goofy from getting hit I noticed that’s great R you okay um wait okay wait did I oh I got eighth individual that’s top half I’m not complaining three kills um Q now freak okay there we Go counting yeah okay wait this a damage tilt thing that I didn’t know existed um may may like proved to be useful yeah very nice Crimson real quick who’s Crimson chaos crafting wait hang on who’s who’s chaos crafting do we wait wait summon Nature’s there as well is summon

Nature but like Aqua apparently full of people who know me I don’t know who chaos crafting is I can’t remember who’s chaos crafting you sure they’re just a normal ncci person I’m not 100% Sure ha oh bypass what kind of if you if you think of a word to put o before and that’s your username why would you think bypass I’m sorry what that’s goofy only have cross and pick you yeah you four go are you serious team nice team taste hello someone’s

Muted to be fair I don’t blame uh most people get will get muted at some point just because uh the the the muting like system is really bad uh the people who meet you are really bad at it like normally or actually well for for for me I didn’t

Send a death threat but I got muted for death threat so oh my god brother team’s Dying okay we almost got a that would have been really smelly uh but we didn’t G which is UNS smelly because I got killed by someone else tell B he says hi okay the only bad thing with it is sometimes you don’t realize if you get hit if you take knockback then it’s

Fine isn’t it here’s my birthday everyone W okay uh there’s lad of people who apparently know who I am and I’m not sure who they are which isn’t weird at all but I mean like all right orang is in this team I need to kill orange for f because killing orange is very

Fun ow I got shot oh one V4 oh okay frame drop right that was freaking messed up I had a bunch of frame drops that’s weird shoot until he Come you win bro you’re supposed to Q straight after game end you automatically keyed up for another game is your detective possibly being AFK BR I was typing a message why can’t you detect that you bean all right hold on I should probably look at my

Quests like I’m not playing to get to the other side bro I don’t think counting yeah okay nice wait 10 people watching hi guys let’s go all right um let’s see disconnected again bro Um I’m sorry guys my streams just died again but I think it’s back now someone said I click someone said I a click what I was doing what do you mean I got the no sword what the hell bro you’re supposed to select a kit it takes half a

Second okay I got instant hit with a Gling oh frick bro I can’t fight people who have oh my God maybe this damage TOS made it was Was um what oh wait what what what okay there we go I got stuck on PM broken y I’m just a bit late yeah you’re not that late actually oh wait no we almost FOC by minutes in hold on orange the targeting there were so many other people for you to shoot by

Me okay oh my God this is not threatening at All I call targeting I call targeting I call targeting thanks suen my kill it wasn’t a kill steal you were low so I saved you I go now all right see you uh I can I wait hang on all right SL party kick oh my God uh SL party kick

Three T there we go my notifications didn’t go off all good sometimes they just like don’t and it’s annoying um oh my bro okay bro what the hell is aim doing my aim despawned chat my chat my aim’s gone what the hell was that that was broken Zam real

Need to go by oh wait you also need to go all right okay yeah hold on uh both of you can join now cuz two people are leaving um and has to go so so in that case I can invite Dragon Orange um orange Dragon leave the okay wait remove the

Uh there we go um and dragon you need to join 11 people CH I can’t one4 anymore no um Dragon needs to join he fell off oh no I fell off all right hold on do I have battle box quests yeah I do I need to win a round of battle

Box a singular round I so I’ve gotten worse at this game I was destroying people in PvP Legacy and I just can’t play Battle Wars bro yesterday I got like three 6ks in a row or something I had a 7K as well and now I’m just throwing I feel like I can’t

Fight maybe I need to go on PVP Legacy again T Qui now yeah know we’ve actually got a pretty good team I think Alon B and 3tr were both spammers so big fell off oh no yeah no sa Sav seic uh also fallen off recently I think um

Anyway you know I’ve definitely got worse recently actually I’ll take that actually no crossbows have been goofy I’m not taking that actually no no one else has a crossbow so I’ll take it wait hold up this yes sir I’m taking that I did not know that there was a crossbow

On there oh yeah know they changed that didn’t they mo SE and AD ma an OP team I don’t know how good dragon is to be fair but if they made that that like a quick charge crossb to be the craziest kit in existence oh I hit

Someone I hit someone again I’ve been hit hold on hold on I haven’t sorted this inventory bro the kill steal no what the hell broken yeah back up man back up it did damage I heard the damage BR smelly you made me S orange nuh-uh um

Right what’s the fastest I can do one two 3 and all right there we go you basically told my by it Oh no you’re you’re you’re less good than you were you still you still cook just like you don’t like cooking cook you know you’re not a

Cooker oh fre this one by me no that is very terrible I completely forgot to use my um my explosive devices yeah know okay um I think we’re all throwing you know I’m after this round I’m going to go on PVP Legacy and do some One V on

Sister you can’t even clutch B going down to a oh no no I don’t want to go down to AER no no I’d say I’m AER anyway I’m not s because there are some people who still like destroy me um so I’d say I’m a anyway I mean I’m as at parkour I’d

Say you know you know but like a at PVP honestly I mean sometimes I destroy but not always oh I got him yes no wait what but my te hold up hold up hold up hold up what I’m clipping that that’s broken oh now I get my freaking TNT back

Okay it just didn’t place my TNT deleted it and didn’t give it me back and then it realized that I I’m missing a slice it didn’t do it freaking again okay it’s actually place it and now we get to bro bro what the freak no that’s genuinely making me

Raage it didn’t place it three Times oh my God chat be go now to beat here nah that was that smell I beat most MCC Islanders in a 1 V one just maybe not in like MCC islands like when when freaking things like that happen why don’t like come on chat why did the TNT not work and the

One time I actually flipping places it the sub are super laggy today I don’t know I think I’m a bit laggy today OBS has crashed twice it’s bur no way real you can’t place on cobs yeah you can like it I see it placed and then it just

Doesn’t like I I I see it appear and then it just disappears like what a getting no one with those Levy orbs what the hell it’s an invisible person skin him and of course there’s two of them me from cooking Frick Ching I don’t know but you legit can’t play some cob I

Mean you legit can play some cobwebs se you need a fail both of you you need it oh wait se’s dead wait what the hell Sor I saw seic um my brain is like half dead from me being very unhappy uh the game being really freaking messed

Up I’ve been playing too much lethal company for real for real but yesterday I didn’t play much Minecraft at all but when I did I absolutely destroyed oh come on I have to kill the green skin I’m not letting a green skin get away with killing

Me to be fair he had the positional Advantage ow wait what I was like 10 blocks away what the freak bro what the hell how how do I get levied what levied me England oh I for go oh my God no people hate the battle box update what battle box

Update what the two Kit one that hasn’t changed much to be honest I like it means I get my kit more often bu sky battle after this yeah okay do sky battle um hold up hold up hold up y y but I can like look let me

Cook boom boom oh that does look very intimidating though bro I missed both are you serious right now who are you die okay I got a singular person now they’re both spamming G what he forgot yeah I did forget England yeah rather unfortunate all right I

Actually got this Quest now so yeah Sky all the time actually no put on my own PVP Legacy time oh wait I got an overflowing pouch no way do you have a girlfriend no well you you think way too highly me you think I’d be able to get a

Girlfriend that’s that’s sad who even read the mccr updates am I not talking about the right mcci update that’s um oh come on Z there we go all right I need to return my Combos and like aim by um boosting my ego and hit like like I can hit him when he’s standing

Still maybe it’s the damage tilt that’s turning that off is maybe worse or something oh no I’m just okay yeah no it definitely has that feels really weird nope nope nope yep I I’m noticing the damage t now brother missed so many yeah now I need to turn damage sh back on hold

On oh my God it’s Civic know it yeah seic always ruins my warmups yep should I join PVP Legacy you are but I didn’t even know it updated oh I mean to be fair it was pretty obvious yeah see look like why can’t I do that on MCC

Island okay that’s a lot more like what it is on MCC Island what is the best PVP server for dueling PVP Legacy in terms of like interesting games so it’s more than just a PVP um MC I’d honestly say or if you’re a 1.8 Hypixel but I mean I’m not a 1.8 1.8

Smelly bro what blood turned on his his either his lag or his reach actually I do think I’m lagging oh my God I hit the shot no way 107 Ms 163 Ms what think my Ping’s that high dang should had a crossbow version of this kit honestly

Nope no no no no no I prefer Crystal PVP Crystal PVP is even smellier hi oh welcome back um part’s full again so you’d have to try and stream snipe I’m afraid but I’m sure you can manage um se’s way too good for a warm

Up hold up what if I like stand still for a sec nope it doesn’t work nope nope nope nope nope nope nope 12 people watching hi chat Um oh oh oh oh oh oh the lag the lag the lag hello hello the lag in my aim game despawning hello H bro I swear I’m hitting him and it’s like not dealing damage no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my God oh wait he y

Uh nope remember the base of a right triangle what what’s that got to do with any oh the yeah no the um angle thing yeah I know that but like like when you’re one block above them if if that’s what you’re on about or if you’re saying something completely random

Then bro I swear he hit me before it entered my reach that’s a lag and a half okay finally have you ever played Minecraft hardcore of course I have um I I I had a rather short um hardcore live stream series when I say rather short I mean it

Didn’t last very long oh no way it’s Dragon okay uh oh see look why why can’t I do this on mccr Island oh my God yeah why can’t I do that on MCC Island oh my gosh oh R is up for a rematch okay oh my God

Okay I didn’t mean to destroy you that hard by the way if you’re sending messages to me in chat I can’t see them because uh I have got chat muted because um PVP Legacy doesn’t sense the bad words okay now you’re really laggy hold

Up it might be me though let me try it might be me I’ve got 150 ping G no don’t WTF was that Jesus hacks bro look that’s what I’m able to do if I did that every time I entered a fight with anyone that would actually be

Hilarious and yeah I would probably get banned for cheating if I was destroying people that hard I would be a bit crazy any hi blazing how are you nope why am I missing my hits okay right what what are these cats like oh another rematch okay honestly boosted my

Ego um and my and my mood uh although I don’t know if you boosted my skill level by giving me like a good warm up or not probably have see as I’m like sometimes I I I I can cook like that but like on MC I don’t know I just kind of stress

Out out bro it’s kind of laggy though oh think you wait too long before eating if I’m going to be honest another one all right last one there I’ll go back on MC hello hello hello welcome back Alex Phoenix I’m currently on PVP Legacy um warming up

Because I was that was a very delayed Arrow what nope what the hell no the lag the lag the lag the lag who’s the laggy one wait can you do SL ping real quick 122 yeah no I think it’s this guy can you do SL ping real

Quick uh I’ll read your chat message after this fight blazing that’s more like it all right he’s probably doing SL P all right hold on I’ll read you I’m interesting finally built my new P3 today but my monitor for some reason just wouldn’t connect to the

PC so I had no screen and the keyboard also doesn’t seem to connect so I can’t use it yet yet hopefully tomorrow we fix it I did the Five Nights at Freddy F guy hello by the way why did you sound so bored like 10 minutes ago me I kind of

Did I wasn’t having a good time I was getting mad at the game because it was being laggy what’s the server This Server is PVP Legacy so I’m warming up but I’ll be back on MCC Island in a minute uh okay y I know brother’s Gap has

Name all right well I’m out brother’s got an arrow like in his like Square between his eyes nope okay okay okay that would have been a SI combo except for the fact that it wasn’t so yeah know this there’s quite a bit of server lag I don’t know if that’s my end

It probably is seeing as uh OBS disconnected a couple times there we go I was about to get a sick combo but he died all right okay back it’s mcci uh all right mcci time no way um all right let’s see who’s still in the party

If it kept the party he going probably dead seeing his oranges in so yeah okay um all right uh yeah know we’re going to do sky battle once they get back in saic Dragon get back on quickly meanwhile I’m going to do some of this oh wait never mind Dragon already online

We’re waiting on seic H 871 ping that’s probably concerning mine’s 103 it’s literally better than PVP Legacy I mean to they are both American servers so like oh what this is the daily challenge what am I doing what’s wrong with me how close are you to monetization I’m about like

330 uh no no wait no yeah 2330 so 670 away can I join yeah you’re already in wait how old is seic again seic how old do you um 10 yeah I thought so um sky battle yipp oh jeez it’s the voice crack yeah know sky battle time

Need to get some of those combos going again hit them with the um whatever sword I have or axe wait parkour please got to go to sleep soon yeah isn’t that like in 35 minutes yeah we’ll do some Parkour war in a bit I hav played Minecraft when I was 10 um

I was just getting into Minecraft when I was 10 I think or like 670 isn’t bad oh yes yes uh watch hours away I know and that’s from part monetization anyway how how close are you to full monetization blazing what if we all just shoot orange team that won’t do Anything oh brother got the the bombs uh okay Levy no it all right there we go two TNT loads better than one TNT believe it or not it’s more than twice as good because you can do more than two with two pieces of I do that all the time I

Have levies take some back I’ve got five now okay give me one yay all right there we go can I join the party uh no the part is full but you can trying to stream snipe so join the que at the same time um sorry about that

Hello I don’t want you to be alive really in my opinion you shouldn’t be here therefore I’m going to try skin you oh hello I went I went into chat that was mildly inconvenient bro I was itching my nose cuz my nose is itching I’ve played Minecraft since I was like

607 of course you’ve played Minecraft since you was 607 you only guy is like OG with everything apart from FNAF because you only just played FNAF but like H this fence is rather irritating okay ow what my Levy didn’t activate I literally scrolled and right clicked that’s rather cringe ibly battle

Box of any other mcci game sky battle parkour Warrior and battle box are all about even for me although the thing I’m best is definitely parkour Warrior uh I’ll read more chat messages in a minute I’m kind of focusing on the game right now why don’t you come and say hello to

You’re death you know okay BR brother did not know I was there wait what the hell oh what but there’s someone else there how I’m went 9:30 away from ad Revenue nice I play I don’t want you to be alive really therefore kills him

Please do park I got to go sleep in 5 minutes okay when it’s school time sure I mean orange is still alive but like sure even on my sky quests uh no that’s about the same thing more or less it’s actually easier um and those are parkour Warrior

All to do playing four games of it so bro how are you clicking so fast on the LA bro spring snowballs and building like light speed I’ve always had a fast click speed I don’t know what you’re on about oranging oh nice oring that did nothing but that’s nice

Oring oh wait what it didn’t blow up that smells oring Dy seic you’re so mean oh skull emoji yeah now Orange Is Dead Oh orange Cooks orange Cooks you spammed way too many levies orange I know you have a lot but like still they levian brother has another one not

Anymore bro died oh wait yeah no parkour your ribs you know what happened to your ribs owie my ribs no my okay are your ribs okay you know oh no orang your ribs right like what happened to them why happened to them who happened to them when happened to the hold

Up aha oh no wait no that’s not a hany that’s a hany handkerchief moment cic freak you I hope your next meal is called what parkour Warrior thought you liked parkour Warrior I thought you were getting better bro whenever we do play parkour where you ask for more like let’s be real um

Anyway back to reading chat by way there is no new chat message no hold up uh oh wait yeah know this still exists doesn’t it I a doing it uh no Q is too slow it’s so slow you know yeah kind of doy um what was

That oh my God two two like battle box quests okay just because I’m better at parkour Warrior doesn’t mean I like it yeah but you always so like I’m excited to finally be able to load big Minecraft mod mod packs and not be on 40 FPS among many other things

Like handing big games and high graphics well yeah real um we need to get to the side at some point I just refresh all my tog get to the side quests but maybe BR seic if you’re going in five minutes what’s uh OBS disconnected again I don’t know what the problem

Is okay reconnection is successful uh yeah no bro SE you’re going after like a singular round so it doesn’t matter to you 11 me watching W recording everything yeah nice that would be great so by the time in par will had to go to sleep I think he already has to go

But I mean true yeah I’m going going c one for fun it would be pretty fun if I like beat my stand uh beat my um Advan time oh bro it really doesn’t want me to get my Advanced run let’s see how this is Oh no all right I’m Po warrior now yippee oh by the way yes I can stay a bit longer how long’s a bit wait th people watching hi guys wait chat CH chat don’t leave yet don’t leave yet don’t get bored and leave um if we get more four more people um

Then uh oh frck no uh we could get to 17 which would be a new uh viewer record so if you guys stay that’ll be [Applause] POG hold up I’m going to be a sweat freak freak orange you freak same time I need to be a sweat guys I need to be a

Sweat much Better Z know obviously knows my address since I got do wants but ordered a fzy Freddy Fazbear plus going deliv to me Freddy’s now my desk on I was so confused oh that’s funny wait technically doesn’t that mean Zeno could like go to your home Address Frick there we go I’m doing everything smoothly just not very successfully uh which I think is the floor okay there we go lxd L to what time to share stream no way that would be sick wait 14 people watching guys guys guys guys guys hold

Up hold up hold up hold up hold up guys we can get to 17 we can get to 17 chat chat chat chat don’t leave um hold on all right this time I get first place yeah yeah if I don’t fall I will definitely get first place

Okay well I mean I’ve fallen so it’s not like I won’t be telling the truth it just means my my statement can’t be proved true or false right okay a lot of people just died what the hell did someone get did a bunch of people get stuck on a checkpoint or

Something probably but 11 people watching M three people left by no sweats on today except for bear um I mean one of the rank people died so I guess they’re not very good but I mean yeah means you’re not going to M up after high school Christmas

Present oh nice I’ll read the rest of the message in a Sec surely I get fast asleep surely surely yes much better I’ll get two other accounts to watch if you do sky battle uh I will do sky battle later in the Stream I promise but like not just now because we’re in the middle of a game and there

Are more pockoy games to follow uh although I don’t know if we’ll do them immediately after this one but yeah um hold up Freak No I was going to get fast again some eel guy stole my fast okay there we go I mean apart from the first sleep of where where I

Freaking threw the game bro what there’s seven people watching literally half of the people who I said don’t leave to so that’s actually cringe and unfair and mean he makes me cry W um wait what I swear this is the same checkpoint H I have to go into a KN

Okay oh right yeah you’re in okay yeah if you wish you know we’ll do it after let’s go I’m better batt box is funny batt box is quite funny isn’t it I was actually expecting an actual present delivery fair enough but I mean seeing is uh I mean I

Guess that’s one good thing about being dogs I’m not saying F rock is a good thing but I mean there’s always some positives oh my God okay I thought I got kicked out of the te how do you send that many characters in a second do you have like like copy to

Your clipboard or something oh say I got more ahead of you LOL oh L bro what oh my God I’m clipping myself I’m trying to read chat messages all right here we go brother does not know how to do this checkpoint oh neither do I clearly bro he does it now oh wait

What wait what what was I supposed to do oh there’s another water thing to go into well that makes a lot of sense wait what the hell got so lost I mean I’m in front now no I haven’t seen this in ages bro no no no no no no hold up hold

Up hold up hold up hold up BR are you telling me brother first tried the double Weaver and it’s now in front of me as I was about to freaking win oh no I guess I’m destroying everything today all right okay we’re going to do some sky battle

Now few more par War um sorry no what people watching true L but not usually yeah no buto allo cued at least he left he he has to go soon anyway so I mean like I’m chill with that um chat I have a free party slot actually I could invite Fusion Fusion’s trying

To Fusion join party Fusion join party I invited you Fusion join the party why did blood on Q to invite Fusion Bane all right there we go who this Fusion uh orange is the person I was going to um apply for MCC Rising with uh

Until we like kind of failed to um have time um which was smelly anyway uh Right well the sky battle quebe which needs twice more people took way shorter time than uh the parkour Warrior Q shows how popular they are compar although I love par Warrior so it’s kind of sad that yeah anyway you’re left yes left is the right way to go then Farm kills why

Not I think your reason for why not is not got to go my phone about to die see you all right bye diamond sword yes sir creeper yes sir someone went up and didn’t get the chest weirdo get away from this Hunter oh no oh my God that almost ended very

Badly all right well I’ve got a spare diamond sword then I’m going to drop there right so now I’m stacked hello hi uh I can’t really read that the just may sorry if I said that wrong um hi welcome to the stream how are you doing uh wow more diamond leggings no

Sir I don’t need more diamond leggings up we go uh there we go trying to work out my priority order which I do have a set I CH I do have a set priority order I’m really weird of course that’s orange over there the one person who didn’t go our Direction oh frick

Hello I think he left yep that’s a shame oh okay hello good great that’s nice to hear um hold On just going to grab the entirety of that chest so no one else gets it cuz I’m a bean um oh it be really funny to like um actually I don’t know what it’ be really funny to do I don’t have any levies so I got like every loot possible

Or almost every loot possible and there were no levies so I’ll be surprised if many people actually have any levies at all bro you you legit scared me there I could creep a cobwebb if I wanted to did E A Punch I feel like they do oh power okay bro what the

Hell Bruh Bruh what the freak oh my God no no no no rage and juicing rage and juicing rage and juicing Dragon good luck oh right it’s a one V3 of course you have a levy of all Men why my frames so low what the freak proba like running like 20 FPS or something I blame all BGA what does 20 FPS feel like okay maybe I wasn’t running 20 FPS maybe I was running 30 FPS yeah I think I was running about 30

FPS uh so that mean like 60 is pretty smooth yeah okay that was legit no difference cuz I’m live I don’t think it can support more than 60 maybe 70 is fine um all right bro we lost our chance to have a good round on a good map that’s a

Shame uh right but where did all where did all the viewers go though it went from like 14 to 7 in like 30 seconds and hasn’t really changed since rather unfortunate in it anyway maybe maybe it would be some worth pinging my Discord server again and seeing what happens it’s

Fine I may as well try it though oh okay orange is being assaulted and now so am I because I tried to help orange wow damn okay hello who are you not that I would rather what the hell no what okay next round we cook we bake real who let us

Bake now we got baked that was horrible I don’t know why I’m throwing hold on let me let me fix my Posture move all these flipping cables out the way don’t why my charging C my phone charging cables ended up there but I mean it has uh and I don’t want it to let me uh reposition my seating okay there we go now in theory this is when I

Cook um okay well that was a close call that could have ended very badly um right actually Yay oh wait what legit like an immediate downgrade of what I just got eight people watching hi guys um right yeah know okay I I can’t I can’t diagonal bridge that fast I need to like

Click more if I wanted to do that the stone axes are real though I’d quite like a diamond sword I’m not going to lie oh wow my prayers have been answered oh my God no way wait what bro that literally flew off in the wrong direction but it was the perfect

Direction bro the the the the place like the off-centered placement RNG meant that it got flung in the wrong direction but it actually like got them what the hell I got the kill cuz I got the shot in but brother just emptied his chest on him oh hello don’t mind me just passing

Through don’t mind me just passing through oh bro I’ve been so lucky I was like I could do with a diamond sword and I get a diamond sword and then I TNT cannon someone they they defend perfectly well and then it goes off in the complete wrong direction but lands perfectly on

Them okay who’s who’s hling time orbs uh oh what oh I’m not really up for jumping on the on these people suppose I could like whoa orange nice wait that’s not orange where’s Orange what the hell I need help okay bro what where the hell is orange there there people above me was

That where orange was when he like did the TNT thing hello haha I got the first crits now you’re scared of me oh hello F Stars F SARS F SARS I would rather appreciate it if you left me alone in order to leave me alone you need to not skin me Frick

Okay you have three gaps okay orange have fun like um using them uh all right what’s occurring yeah know I’m going to ping my Discord again this view account is unacceptable Um all right sorry I had to turn off my audio uh I’m back um wait it went from 4 to 21 like instantly what what do oh wait I realized I kind of forgot to ping my Discord Okay I pinged the Discord um okay back to cooking wait what happened did we win I’m not even sure like be you my to cool stuff did you three gaps XD then I die then orange gets TNT can kill B did you see that gets another one all right you you won

From TNT cannons nice one spam mogus e oh no the the the the Army is here actually maybe maybe should say oh yes cuz increases my viewer account oh yes the Army is here e wait spus eat emus eat emus e oh wait no that’s what is that oh it’s an amus

Emoji hold on what the hell all right hold on is there anyone in here like ready for cooking you know um I I I I I need some some like oven ingredients to cook people among us emojis I didn’t even know that there was an Among Us Emoji in existence but I mean

What do you know hello bro I don’t want to die to a stone sword over there that’ be freaking smelly dragon is AFK got to go uh you going to leave party then offline okay um I I need to remove my party so I can join Keys again um

Okay chat I’ve got a free party thought if anyone does want to join uh okay real gusky has come online that’s kind of sus not going to lie that is a bit suspicious slpm the real GOI all right uh oring bad watch in case I do funny okay I’m watching watching it’s a letter kick me yeah I did it’s a letter how do you have that letter it’s literally Among Us oh 10 people watching again yay that is rather pogers guys anyway um I’m dead

But like orange isn’t and orange seems to know what he’s doing bro you you bro you waited way too late orange you need need to you need to break the block waste do know Sky will never be a good game for me Rip but Roger is

Preparing and is being shot at and the border is closing in Oh Brother spawned in Oh Brother fell oh brother oh it’s a 1 V4 I see bro on that way up you could have like tnted them all and then like go kill that would

Have been sick uh the only thing is um you didn’t do that no what all right why do people keep trying to kill me it’s mean uh probably because they’re not on your team anyway I need to wait last time I was like improve your posture and cook and stuff and like I

Cleared up my desks space and stuff I actually kind of cooked so I’m going to try do that again all right this is the map to do that as well straighten my clothing all right clothing straightened move cables out of the way of discomfort adjust posture and we

Cook and hopefully not lag out of existence oh my God 4 TNT yes sir yeah know I ain’t fighting people today I want some levies oh my God I like this stuff I really like this stuff yo orange you didn’t come with me so I can’t give you any TNT but like I’ll

Give you spares when I’m done cooking oh my god I’ve actually got perfect loot hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up like I’m I’m so spoiled I’ve even got a diamond sword this is insane hey no way that is the best loot

In existence oh freck I might have to yeah know careful wait how do I only get one what the [Applause] freak how bro the the the the the like the the the the block breaking just like failed how was there only six people watching what me wait hold let me get

Some ease in chat real quick let’s get let’s get some ease in chat who’s watching wait okay so me orange J bead Fusion Orange presumably slime presumably foxy I mean that is sex but I mean there should have there’s normally other people like BR yeah okay I don’t think there is

Anyone else um okay everyone who has my stream open send e now an Among Us Emoji okay okay I’ll send e again let’s get a chain going everyone who is on stream if you just like you know send e ever try again what okay there we go okay it say there’s six people

Watching feel like there should be more especially since I just pinged Discord [Applause] H oh wait he sent email okay let’s go Fusion stream wait I on yeah okay that’s 40 the delay is crazy is it is is it that Crazy yeah nice any watching there’s a 16year old in the world final what why is that relevant to a bunch of Minecrafters Though like come on anyone could be good at good at dance if they if they practi this long enough no you’re you’re messing the wrong men oh wait there two are these people this species is full of it’s populated what the hell Okay BR bro what combo this guy no yeah know I’m lagging way too much I have not won a single fight yet this entire stream apart from on Battle box um H maybe that’s why my viewers are right um wait Fusion if you’re on my stream do you want to send a message real quick actually uh my Fusion is the stream mut oh no um okay I really am having like a mental existence break up I don’t

Know how long have I been going for only an hour oh I haven’t even got to two hours yet you serious h on if there’s six people watching that’s a whole watch hour for you’re 10 minutes so 20 watch hours would take 200 minutes which is over 3 hours

Okay so if I wanted to get to watch hours which I think is my general goal unfortunately there’s no way to like actually measure watch hours but I mean if that was the case I I would like announce myself I’d stream until I get 20 watch hours in

General I mean I had like an average of like 10 for don’t know it was until I it was until I switched a sky battle wasn’t it it happened in par Warrior so like hour so that 10 watch hours plus say another 45 minutes of likes an average of six which

Is 4 and a half hours which means 14 and 1 half hours already all right okay uh chat we may or may not be able to reach 20 hours I think that’s my general goal getting to that point uh in a live stream cuz my previous ones uh like

Previous Minecraft ones I’ve done that um so I think that should be a general Goal what did that go guy go for me now but I don’t know maybe because you were there um I mean I didn’t see him so I can’t really say anything but I mean yeah that that that’s probably a simple exclamation what is all this Yellow Block placement like it seems like

Brother already panicked but you never placed more than two blocks high like you spamming across hereat bro he blocks this off what was this yellow guy up to what it’s goofy all right uh I need to focus again oh no this my map no okay I saw message again prop back that’s funny

Esports is called of 16 year old for real for real Esports but darts on ES Sports except for find that you know e which is the best letter in the alphabet um yeah hold on I’m going bridge this way for fun oh my God okay

Oh yeah no you you you guys are on a mission to protect me aren’t you or at least oranges for funny oh my God iron axes okay I might actually start cooking now if that’s okay with you game um I do have a little bit of T so I will do something with

The oh didn’t get far Enough this is a pretty good orang is up again orange is just like yeah or or orange is being orange anything wait what why didn’t that go anywhere what the hell bro what that’s broken that what that why didn’t go anywhere what that’s weird supposed to go farther than

That I didn’t place like a block up or anything that’s something I want to shoot an arrow at oh my God I hit him all right um I could do that for fun wait they died to border your jawline look look like ver what do you

Mean first off I don’t know who Vann is second off how do you know what my jaw line Looks like uh but also welcome to the stream hi CH Sim how are you doing um parkour okay there we go eight people watching W let me um no brother blocked off

Nope uh let me um okay I’m actually getting like kills now I just want to cross snap cross map snipe people yeah know I let let you do that brother’s fighting me as if that sword is an axe Fusion get up oh freck Fusion did not get up

H you killed mCP I I’m aware of that but brother was like across the map just bridging like sort of in the border and then he suffocated into the Border after I shot him I like cross map sniped him and then bro I’m so low oh my gosh hold

Up well that wasn’t scary at all hold on let me St my inventory uh all right there we go inventory more I SED Google V if you want to no I won’t eam welcome back um yeah real hold on careful orange oh my god orange you need to be more careful than

That oh no oh my god orange get the safety no orange but am One V oneing this guy oh wa no I got creepies in it um boo oh what the hell I got a full blast of Creeper for some reason what the hell Noah rigged oh well I got three kills not

Bad yay nice try no I threw I was thinking if I scaffolded down I’d have to switch to my axe so I kind of just dropped down and sacrific the fall damage but then I got a whole boss of Creeper for some reason uh even though I thought all the

Creepers were blown up so um it was mildly unfortunate and then I like started spam clicking as if it was a sword yeah know I don’t know what I was thinking best map why why is this suddenly the best map what fil M no all right

Um hold on this is unacceptable time or becomes before food in the scroll wheel we all just like slight went slightly that when were like actually no like on second thoughts n hello why do you all have diamond swords swear to God smelly really really smelly fre freck no that was rather

Unfortunate um well that happened um um yeah owie real uh all right we’ve been going 2 hours almost so what does that mean for in terms of watch time that’s another that’s like an hour or six 6 hours yeah about 16 hours of watch time um yellow came out of thin

Air BR green just came wielding diamond swords I don’t know where they got from like like where were the diamond sword dealers you know um it was rather unfortunate oh yeah by the way Alex Phoenix there’s a one party slot so if you do want to get

On or if anyone wants to get on uh there’s a party slot feel free to Join best M okay you’re saying best map to everything now but you said best map last time this brother is a goof let’s get some EAS in chat for fun everyone send e a singular Time uh okay e yes who’s going to be the next person to send e going make it a competition I don’t get the arrow that’s smelly way red bean I feel like going up here for fun that’s rather skilled loot I’ll be surprised if someone survived that oh they actually survived it hold

Up why is this guy escaping all of a sudden what the hell bro why is that guy so good huh like like what did I do to deserve that you weren’t supposed to survive a powerful attack skyb without call is miserable yeah know let’s do Po warrior now

So w oh wait no oh wait no there’s one more game away okay yeah no I need to survive 2 minutes it’s and one more game so we we we play more sky battle I’m sorry I’m sorry yeah know I do agree without callout sky battle is uh really really not easy to

Win everyone just like kind of died feel like we’re running into like skill people and for some reason I can’t combo even there on PVP Legacy I’m cooking people I don’t know why I’m getting Subs too fast in the game real how are you why why are you getting Subs so quickly

Though that’s the question go to channel how many subscribers do you have let me have a look 90 all it’s go to your shorts oh wait what yeah I know when whenever a short like gets a lot of views I think yeah that’ll be it anyway um I’m

Going to get 100 this month oh nice let’s sky battle why not parkour Warrior Warrior sand now your s but W past fre arrows wow imagine could honestly never be me brother want his want his love brother’s my chest man I don’t know give me a ly nuh-uh nuh Nuh-uh BR is following at this point oh what bro no no no no no no no no no no what okay well I mean that happened they kill me and then orange voided them great I’m glad that orange did that makes me feel somewhat better um Spanish shorts and English shorts all right

Nice yeah know Alex Phoenix if you do want to join just sort of um hop on MCC Island and private message me uh and then I’ll invite you do I have you friended I’m not even sure one way to find out um no I don’t think I do wait am I at

Like the maximum amount of friends oh what’s this ignore list it’s no one where SL IG no oh wait so I can do that to people who I don’t like wonderful who’s still alive who’s this random person are you serious and and orange oh maybe not for

Much longer um oh orange is being hunted down that looks terrifying orange I’m sorry you have to go through this dang yeah know that doesn’t look great oh I think I might know where my streams are throwing now or not throwing just doing less good uh just because

Like summer holidays is s coming to a close for some people not for me yet but orange why are you spamming Crouch are you okay B your moment I’m going to do the kills you’re going to get some kills okay have fun you can start with that

Person skin them skin them skin them skin them skin them jus skinning bro they Dro down to the water they’re so lucky that’re in water get him orange get him nice so whenever it’s sky battle like or or battle box actually these days actually no today um I’m just throwing

Everything all of Orange Is Now hunting down Orange when you say all of orange do you mean two people is that what you mean orange you need to decrease ar oh you have a water bucket nice are are you okay what team is that oh it’s

S brother this this whoa oh my god orange hold up no okay yeah imagine this this frame rate while is still alive bro orange you just cooked how many did you get you just got one look like you got like two or three butan bro orange was

Cooking I was one of the first people to freaking die what I even I remember my death I was jumping down to the water and someone shot me so I landed on the ground and died of fall damage it’s very unfortunate someone nice one second later suffocates

A while can I get to the party oh wait SL party invite Alex Phoenix Junior there we go sorry how long were you messaging for oh wait no that was this one lesson uh message not lesson what okay it’s going to be your year trust me it can’t be everyone’s

Yeah let’s just put it that way oh freck oh I messed that up no bro why is that a downgrade are you serious l oh finally much better hey hi teot um do you know what it oh my god do you know what it feels like to be really like throwing hard

It’s it’s very sad um that’s what’s happening to me right now and my my my my view count shows the same I’ve been recently enjoying an average of like 10 people at a time it was that earlier when I was cooking in parkour Warrior oh I was

Really hoping that creeper would blow up so why people always manage to heal before I can get the final heal on them like bro this feels unfair it’s always the people who are getting low who are the ones with the regions and they just freaking yeah I know um that’s that’s

Maddening have I got that Quest yet oh my God bro I need to survive like 2 minutes FX let’s go for kills colum fusion um right bro teammate team sabotaging Orange’s face oh no red alert Red Alert Red Alert get him get him orange get him get him orange get him

Get him orange get him right click Orange right right click right click you seem fine never mind every time I enter a fight I’m incapable of finishing it with a positive end and I don’t know why like I destroy them right I I I like

I cook but I can’t get the last hit it’s like when they’re one hit and they instantly heal and then I’m the one being chased cuz they freaking have teammates that are willing to help them unlike me um and then yeah that’s kind of what happens anyway you seem fine never mind that’s

So sad ah rip oh wait what oh Fusion is still alive uh all right nice you’re lagging a bit are you good or is it me I don’t think it’s me4 yeah know it’s not me um right I would strongly recommend winning the 1 V3 I’m going to change your hat real

Quick you’re going to change your hat nice well back to the bucket thing I like the bucket thing it’s funny rip Fusion oh go whoa Fusion wow the combo n the combo at the end of that do you like trainer Dario never heard of them so uh neutral

Um Mouse King gaming is that rat king gaming or not I’m going to guess it it is let something need like parkour Warrior to get to the other side soon yeah I need to survive 2 minutes so like if you want to play something else like

Kind of guard me that might be a good idea um yeah know guarding me would be a definitely a very um yeah good idea um right who we got bucket hat bucket hat yay oh it’s not even a bucket hat it’s just a hat for some reason you seem much

Friendlier with the bucket hat Orange um like I I I I have no reason why you just kind of do creeper no way levies know it regen no way scaving no way wait actually hold on I’ll give you a levy boots no oh wait brother just dropped me some trash okay uh

All right okay my inventory is somewhat sorted uh I need to um um um um win wait who’s who’s killing orange who are you go away oh what the hell what who whoa who what what since when were there two teams here since when what the hell I we were having a peaceful

Time he’s going to die how did he not die what the hell bro what the freak okay okay yeah that was terrifying oh my God the Hitman well that happened and i’ got nothing from it not even a singular kill cuz for some reason people have ceased to take

Fall damage it feels like and apart from me and orange Fox Proper I survived 2 minutes we good the fact that there’s a freaking Hitman on me okay calm down bro it’s not that deep Jesus swear to God I heard him he’s on Me bro it’s not that deep calm down I swear to God leave me alone for half a freaking second nope nope nope yes bro what the hell die what the hell my death was for me like Mickey on a roadway picking up Stones oh were you picking up Loot and

It just led to like death bro what the hell that was actually broken why were there so many people freaking on me I need a freaking break oh my God that was rage inducing anyway um now I win because it’s par Warrior it’s par Warrior time for fun all

Right okay if we want to make an estimate probably like a eight the whole time 2 hours 16 2 hours quars that’s another okay I believe we may be able to get to 20 hours if I go for like I don’t know another half an hour

Which I’m willing to do I believe so no way it’s orange but orange just stood still brother not going to play for real for real um wait he he legit just standing there Don’t go oh my God that fell scary oh my gosh well I got first let’s go all right now I need to like only now I only need to get first like another seven times for for for Ace um very doable I’ve done it a couple

Times beans beans to you too to be honest I don’t think I’d be able to a sing as oranges in the lobby which is unfortunate but I mean what can you do about it I know what you can do about freck I can still win what did they

Extend the length of that jump huh no they didn’t the jump just didn’t work I see actually no I don’t what the frak um bar we both tried to skip bro I tried to Mega Skip and failed it I need to do how to do the whole thing

In like four or five jums one person NOP failed they will suck Phenix rip you will be missed by some but not by um Right like bro see I I messed up the skip because I was scared to GG rip you know um I I was scared to um to to risk losing the first place while someone else doing the skip so I had to try to skip on leave to and I threw it

So but like clearly that was the fluke round you know wait someone actually got on how but that’s an instant fast place for them Unless they fall what rigged feel like I have to like well I do have to like reset my momentum every time I want to jump on that checkpoint Oh I thought I fell I was like no but then I didn’t the heck for Real oh my God oh my God I cooked oh my God I cooked no way Doo chain to what why is it why is it named that but they for go to name it Much better only five watching hold on let’s get some easy chat send forth the ease okay wait hold on well yeah no RJ’s bead is Here what does trar mean you made me slowz I I was thinking oh okay right that that jump saw me and was like uh no likey bro they’re giving people passes to get past the jump and they just decided not to give me one to Nerf me wow I see how this

Is they’re being skillist or speciesist I don’t know one of the two I they’re either doing that because I need nothing or because I’m a bear yeah all right there we go no I don’t want to go up against POS Poseidon in the final Jewel but I also don’t want to not get

Into the final Jewel oh okay Well good luck not that I mean it good luck wow they’re not sending good luck back what a bean they’re a mod as well okay you know what I might actually be Poseidon I haven’t seen this checkpoint in in a long time it’s such an easy version of it though rotating chair ah okay hooray oh he’s right behind as well I win um e hang on okay okay it says seven people watching now that’s that’s more accurate yeah know wait yes

That’s three people not in party including me oh wait okay two people not in party and four people in party oh wait I know that’s it wait what hold up hold up hold up hold up someone hasn’t sent e Alex Phoenix uh one of more members is offline who’s

Offline Alex Phoenix will you be be returning anytime soon hold on let me um like do that and then um like do that oh my God gems and then like um do that and then like um do that yay okay I’ve got some crate tokens all

Right what else do I have oh wardrobe lollipop staff Minty The Game Pass yeah I’ve got prizes on here oh there we go brother isn’t back yet Um right I’m going to do a dojo run and then if he isn’t back after that then um I’m going to assume he won’t be back slime e let’s go slime’s still here uh yeah then I’ll assum he isn’t back but you going to I’m going to wait for Alex

Phoenix cuz he’s currently offline so I can’t cue be but I told you I’ve said you should be on the stream you should be hearing what I’m saying what am I doing hold on I will try the hard ending because it isn’t the hardest hard ending um and I

Don’t like the the medium ending it’s smelly so um yeah uh yeah orange is there a problem except for the fact that I’m not doing cuz that isn’t a problem ah I clip myself from the side No I’m really slow on this checkpoint cuz I don’t like the weird jump Angles um okay stream delay rember bro the stream delay is legit only like stream delays only uh I think like 12 Seconds So you know um anyway Al it is pretty clear that they’re Offline that isn’t stream delay Bas uh right Wow I just Flawless those NEOS like really smoothly that felt good oh I did too many oops n it’s fine actually that’s probably a good thing it means that I don’t have to resort to the hard ending although I would have been willing to do

It but I mean if I don’t need to do it then why what no new chat messages or anything that’s kind of suspicious all right yeah I’ve got 14 so I can H tuning Forks okay hello tuning Forks how are you you my sometimes arch nemesis sometimes me you’re fine all right

Okay oh that’s close to top 10 actually I wasn’t expecting that right well that happened um no way um all right let’s see party still offline all right I’m kicking from party then and then go in that and see if I can beat my Standard Time

Oh yeah I I don’t think I’m going to have time to beat my standard unless I like install hacks in two seconds and then use the other two seconds to like finish but like I ain’t doing it oh my gosh it’s orange um right I wonder if there’s like a set of

Checkpoints that’s fast enough to make it like less than 1 minute 20 for a perfect um standard run cuz normally a perfect standard runs like just under 1 minute 30 or like around 1 minute 30 within a couple seconds that’s normally what first place is at but sometimes you get lower for

Easier like courses oh my god oh I thought I fell I was about to rage ping div no that’s such a shame sad and so far this stream I believe I’ve gotten to The Final Duel both times cuz we played a round earlier and I got into final JW and lost

H I must make the jump okay there we go sometimes you just have to like tell the parkour to like work and then it will like sometimes that’s just what’s required for no apparent reason okay Brothers got first place twice in a row I can’t allow this I need to beat them

Hello all right can we send e again it said five people are watching I think that’s a scam cuz that means party members plus one I’m pretty sure there’s more than that and rs bead is I think so oh freck hey by RS bead um you seem to be

On my streams like every time uh how come you never like want to join are you not able to oh my God that was a panic attack and a half divided by three because it was only really half a panic attack Um all right I don’t have Java or rip okay that’s fair enough yeah can everyone send e real quick all right um I don’t know this checkpoint Smelly oh my God come me come me come me yes um oh wait the penguin guy has Was Defeated last checkpoint as well but like L penguin guy I’m Better bro there’s someone ahead already what the hell the bee things are lagging again Okay all right uh oh that was nice that was a nice uh that’s a nice run of that oh my God I thought I wouldn’t be able to make that oh my gosh oh my gosh oh freck no I was doing so good I would have got

First oh no no no no no no no no no no no hold up hold up hold up I’m in denial that that just happened oh okay bro now these guys get a head start okay well orange fell that’s a rip I guess oh right that checkpoint just

Decided to like malfunction I see how this is I see how this is all right it’s this chint as well I see how this is oh my God I should not have made that but I mean I kind of did so um I have not seen this

Before ha I shouldn’t have gone the B I think not sure I actually hate this checkpoint oh my God I’m Cooking I like go my Sprint key for like a split second oh no my forward key he fell he fell he fell oh my God hold up oh okay bro what is this checkpoint it’s goofy R for real no [Applause] no bro it lagged me bro I was like a pixel into the box so it had to like ruin my momentum and teleport me up no that’s sad bro it like lagged it it it thought I need it thought I I need nerfing M deserve that br I legit

Lagged bro that’s the smelliest thing in existence no no all right I’m going to go for advanced on here um oh wait what oh I for go um hold on practice mode I I need I need I need practice mode real quick hold up hold up hold up hold up what’s the hard

Ending is this the ice one no am I hallucinating is there an ice one Okay oh bro I lagged again rip all right uh well that happened um okay uh hello oh there we go oh wait T teot toot you know you can join party I have got an empty party slot you know toot uh remind me to invite you after this round cuz I I do

Have a party uh so yeah or if anyone else wants to join uh that’s a bit smelly if you Fell oh what that legit kind of stank for real for real um okay orange got first are you serious are you serious right it okay wait physically how are there four only four people watching hold up everyone send e real quick everyone send e feel like that’s a visual

Boat feel like it’s stating me the wrong number I CLI myself Wa what oh what wow the goofy reaction and a teapot okay my basically my viewers other the On’s getting first place like when do I get first place okay six people watching that seems more accurate if you ask me uh okay it’s foggy wait hi welcome to the stream

I did not know that there was another person here how are you doing how has your day been either thus far or if it’s ending then not thus far and I must overtake teapot if this is teot I’m pretty sure it is is freak wow teapot is Cooking all right uh bro they hit that P block I’d be almost guaranteed to first place but I mean I kind of didn’t so that happened I guess no rip good that’s great to hear I’ve had an average day actually yeah better than average thing is the

Average day I’m at school and I’m not at school today so it’s pretty cool I guess uh yeah oh my God I thought I fell that would have been very very scary oh frick um we get first p uh all right nope someone fell that’s funny What no what that’s rather smelly what no no no no no no hold up physically how oh no wait Orange died ah no everyone else get the head uh no fair oh frick what okay a bunch of people fell at the same time as me not even on

The same bit just at the same time maybe there was a massive lag Spike that I didn’t get but everyone else did get but I fell anyway oh wait what oh was a different checkpoint than I’m thinking of I’ll be surprised if anyone else

Finishes e how do I get good at MCC is honestly I don’t know just like train I’m inconsistently good at MC wait welcome back foxy eight people watching let’s go all right hold on I need to actually concentrate now I don’t know who got into the final jeel I know I wasn’t a Viewer okay no not to wait let come around [Applause] again what is this I seen this before Oh what this actually pretty cool yeah like far way easy win okay yay just they were right behind me give me ner man you should sleep uh it’s the holiday so I don’t need to

Go to bed that early um I’m pretty sure I’m going to be asked to go to bed in like half an hour so I’m not going to stream for that much longer uh do I get my quests now yeah I do um I mean I won so like I’m

Happy okay I think we should do a little bit of better box I’m going to invite teot now um and then then we do some battle box for fun and also because um 11 games is a lot I’m not going to play all that much no way it’s the Blazing killer it really

Is right um get get get Nine Kills in battle box of ranged weapons was was one of my quests uh what range weapons may I ask um oh wait what is this D by the enemy and catch them off guard distract and disrupt your enemy Ste I didn’t know

There was descriptions for each K that’s pretty cool I need to read those at some point yeah we’re actually going to cook I don’t know how good Fusion is but I mean three of us are decent teot too too good wow all went left suppose that means what I can do is

Like kind of like um kind of like win oh hello what the hell I’m just instantly getting comboed all of a sudden die who are you bro that guy’s too powerful what the hell like what they were just trading hitting each other that was funny to be fair Toot’s not English but like

Teapot bro teapot you can’t just not do England teot you can’t just not do England BR you can’t just not do England you Ace oh my gosh you did well done oh I tried to steal it yay I got a kill England hold up hold up hold up bro you’re supposed to make

England England you’re supposed to make England I didn’t know what that is I don’t know what that is England it’s an English flag it’s literally a red Plus in the in the in the filling Corner whatever you want to call it I killed someone like to death no teot teot succumbed to the murderers

Boo yay England England yes we like England yeah now I get it we went orange all right GG [Applause] fool but Orange He gave them an extra point yeah know we’re just going to get carried uh by uh teapot uh no but I mean like um that’s that’s fine uh all right

I’ll play couple more guns Quest meter is available to claim no it um and then yeah I’ll play a couple more games uh and then I’ll go because it’s kind of late and maybe I ought to edit a short or two no not two but like a short before

Going to bed I mean all right who’s who we got summon nature again okay I haven’t seen BR ages like Light Years bro light years is a distance brother just said I haven’t seen you in light years light years is a freaking distance man yoink oh wow my laggy crossbow actually hit someone

H and it hit another one someone hello oh you guys are two different people that is not terrifying at all oh okay let freaking jumped on probably screamed a bit too loud there’s probably people sleeping when to say people I’ve got younger family members who will be asleep

Okay oranges orange don’t kill yourself oh okay but you’re supposed to make Orland um right well I’m fast Ed no way we we got a wait I know we got triple what this why I don’t play anymore brother’s got two kills what are you complain about I get two kills on one AG that happens oh right they died brother’s complaining about

Dying bro you got two kills you should be happy right I misclicked my speed and my fov just increased well that happened wait toot you kill X Koy nice now uh orange have fun killing the rest of it why did he make me lag maybe because you’re laging camping up top 10

HP wait what where did he go oh nice plan orange except didn’t work you’re supposed to not cobweb the middle don’t mess with Koy don’t know who freaking Koy is I just he us to be number one battle player all of the time maybe that’s why he he used I can

Use this to make me misclick my um spark of speed instead of shooting a crossbow shot at Him and they’re being bro that was terrifying no What that was really scary oh my gosh they just all Levy up surely they have coms right cuz they all went together and all did the exact same thing and it was looked really scary oh my God I almost three block NE going do three block

Neo who’s one be doing of course it’s orange bro you need to get blocks in oh okay I’m going to do one more round and then I’m going to head off uh CU it’s kind of late for me it’s uh 5 10 p.m. but there people on the leaderboard with a singular kill

Like who want hold on brother got 9k what the hell Who did I die to oh I di to them okay pipes wa I’m going to read these things okay wait that’s the same never be unprepared with a special gadget for every occasion SE orbs control a battlefield with area effects Precision is oh I missed run oh hello yellow oh

Hello oh my God not terrifying at all oh my God I comboed the man hold up up up up up mine hopefully orange doesn’t complain too much limel liveand they try to get into the I’m back oh nice just 10 it’s 3:00 a.m. it’s 3:00 a.m. for you bro you need

To get some sleep brother um right y oh I actually hit someone oh that’s not that’s that’s that’s H that’s not terrifying at all all it’s not terrifying at all what was that little restrained squeal BR orange okay I just got freaking jump scared party open sorry no also I’m

Ending stream after this game anyway so not much point for having an open Party wait hold on hold up hold up hold up hold up up up we need to win this fight but oring do something oring oring fail nice orange don’t let replace no bro Focus brother broke it are you serious But you’re the one who thre that what are you calling me BL but where are these people oh right they’re like dying already oh I see that straty bro that’s ain’t funny wow we had a win a draw and a loss we had like no points wait we might actually still get second

Indiv or not in overall what do we get what do we get get yes we got second place okay um I am going to head to the lobby um all right chat thanks for watching uh I appreciate it it means a lot uh did I have most kills I think I

Did um okay I got to go f join yeah I mean I’m going anyway so thanks for watching everyone right now there’s seven people um you know what would be really funny is if I continued streaming for another 10 minutes but just had it on

Mute and we can just see the watch hours filing in that would be very silly and goofy yeah I won’t do that um anyway uh I don’t think I’ll stream tomorrow what day is it it’s Wednesday I think yeah Wednesday same here thanks for having me I’ll try

To make an next time as well oh nice um all right okay so 3M um all right yeah yeah so um chat the uh I don’t know when I’ll stream uh although I will hopefully schedule it on the day so just like check every now and then um I I will probably

Stream either tomorrow or day after and then I’m pretty sure I’m going to stream both Saturday Sunday because that’s what I normally do um and then I’m back at school so uh

This video, titled ‘MCC ISLAND WITH VIEWERS – open party! (LIVE!)’, was uploaded by TurningBear on 2024-01-03 22:20:24. It has garnered 81 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:55 or 10495 seconds.

in this stream, i will be playing mcc island with viewers live! if you want to join in, feel free to leave your minecraft username in the stream chat and i will invite you to my party!

#minecraft #live #livestream #mcci #mccisland

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    Minecraft Memes - pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)Looks like your friend is about to learn the hard way that diamonds aren’t just a girl’s best friend, they’re a Minecraft player’s best friend too! Read More

  • Cave Craze: Minecraft’s Dark Daze

    Cave Craze: Minecraft's Dark Daze In Minecraft, fear of the dark, we delve, Exploring caves, finding treasures, oh what a spell. From planting fences to mining coal so black, Every adventure, every challenge, we never lack. With each swing of the pickaxe, we uncover a sight, A giant cave, a hidden gem, shining so bright. From finding food to battling foes, In this pixelated world, our journey grows. So let’s craft, let’s mine, let’s build with glee, In Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, you see. So join me in this blocky land, where dreams take flight, And together, we’ll conquer the day and the… Read More

  • Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme

    Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme “Why did the Minecraft pharmacist go out of business? Because all his potions were just water bottles with food coloring!” Read More

  • Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft

    Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures: Nearly Evading Taxes Introduction In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, fosforus embarks on a quest to evade taxes in the virtual world. Armed with determination and a stack of potatoes, he sets out to make money and pay off his dues to the IRS. Starting Small Fosforus begins his journey by planting a humble potato farm and venturing into the mines to gather resources. Along the way, he encounters a traveling merchant, seizes an opportunity, and sets his sights on making a profit. Exploration and Discovery As the days pass, fosforus explores the vast world of Minecraft, raiding… Read More

  • Top Minecraft Island Seeds 1.20/1.21!

    Top Minecraft Island Seeds 1.20/1.21! The Best Minecraft Island Seeds You Need for 1.20/1.21! 🔥 (Java/Bedrock) Discover the Top 3 Island Seeds for Minecraft 1.20/1.21 In the vast world of Minecraft, finding the perfect island seed can make all the difference in your gameplay. The latest update has brought forth some of the most powerful and beautiful island seeds that will take your Minecraft experience to new heights. Unleash Your Power with Super Over Powered Seeds Are you ready to dominate the game like never before? These Super Over Powered island seeds for Minecraft 1.20 and 1.21 will give you the ultimate advantage, making… Read More

  • Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6

    Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6Video Information सो हेलो नमस्कार सत श्री अकाल केमच कम ऑन अच्छे तो क्या हाल चाल है मेरे बा आपका स्वागत है एक और ब्रांड न्यू वीडियो में आज आज हम लोग दोबारा से खेलने जा रहे हैं आज ज्यादा से ज्यादा इंटरटेन करने की कोशिश करेंगे हमें अभी बहुत कुछ करना बाकी है जैसे हमें स्ट्रीमिंग करना बाकी है मेन तो हम लोग को स्ट्रीमिंग करना है और आज जैसे कि आज हम लोग चैनल के डिस्क्रिप्शन में डाल दूंगा और क्लिक करके प्लीज मेरे पुराने वीडियोस पुराने मा के वीडियोस में भी एंजॉयमेंट करके कमेंट करके प्यार बरसा… Read More

  • Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1

    Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1Video Information This video, titled ‘mincraft scary Freddy story part-1 in Hindi #viral #trending #youtubevideos #mincraft’, was uploaded by Evil gaming on 2024-03-23 13:14:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. credit-deffused devil mincraft haunted car, minecraft haunted carnival, minecraft haunted cartoon, minecraft haunted car part 5, … Read More

  • “Minecraft Lover’s Insane Railway Track Build” #clickbait

    "Minecraft Lover's Insane Railway Track Build" #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] open with that This video, titled ‘Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #shortvideo #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT… LOVER.. 111 on 2024-04-29 16:56:16. It has garnered 46 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #minecraft #minecraftshorts TOPIC :- ❤ Minecraft is a popular video game where players explore a blocky, procedurally-generated 3D world and gather resources to craft tools, build structures, and survive against monsters. The game offers different modes, including survival mode where… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach Only

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach OnlyVideo Information This video, titled ’30 Days in Minecraft Beach only world — I lost 18 diamonds.’, was uploaded by Y Pixelrator on 2024-01-03 10:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 30 days In Amplified world: In this 30-day Minecraft Beach only world video series, we built or … Read More

  • Axminer 1M – Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viral

    Axminer 1M - Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viralVideo Information हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम सब लोगों का स्वागत है आज की स्ट्रीम पर कैसे हो सब लोग ड्रीम माइट वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम रणवीर ब्रदर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम साइट गेमर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम कैसे हो सब लोग डीवीएस जट ब्रदर स्वागत है ब्रो आपका आज की इस नई स्ट्रीम पर न वाटी लकम कैसे होती गाइस सब लोग एली वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम ब्रो आप कैसे है मैं मस्त हूं यार सब मौज में वीडियो देखा कि नहीं आप लोगों ने शॉर्ट वीडियो के लिए मैं टाइम लेट हो गया गाइस शॉर्ट वीडियो अपलोड… Read More


    🔥 ULTIMATE TNT RUN IN MINECRAFT! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-08 16:50:07. It has garnered 4889 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Get Beyonce’s Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin Tips

    Get Beyonce's Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin TipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘skin girl beyonce skin girl for minecraft skin girl gta sa android skin girl minecraft aesthetic لا’, was uploaded by Goloving skin tips on 2024-07-04 03:02:18. It has garnered 545 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • "Get RICH in Skyblock on OPLegends"

    <p>"Get <em>RICH</em> in Skyblock on OPLegends"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4’, was uploaded by Riverrain123 on 2024-07-04 19:49:25. It has garnered 527 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4 💙 SUBSCRIBE: 💀 Discord! ✨TikTok! 👻 Twitter! 🚀 Embark on an Unforgettable Skyblock Adventure with Riverrain123! 🌌 🚀 SERVER IP: (JAVA & BEDROCK) IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Release info: Get ready to soar through the skies of Minecraft with this Top 5… Read More

  • John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!

    John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!Video Information This video, titled ‘John Paul Jones is a Pirate – The Longest Johns (Sea Shanty) [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-29 20:00:22. It has garnered 57 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:20 or 140 seconds. Lyrics: minecraft steve is a griefer (craft pick, dig!) some TNT does he possess (craft pick, dig!) Keep it up we’ll catch the griefer (craft pick, dig!) And ban him along with the rest (craft pick, dig!) Oh! Born the son of Notch, he was (craft pick, dig!) Born the son of Notch (craft… Read More

  • SaintMC

    SaintMCEmbark on an awesome adventure by playing the #1 Community-Based Minecraft Network. SaintMC , so you’ll experience a brand-new community-based server like no other. We also offer Bedrock Support, which you can use with 25597. You will love the experience here! – Weekly Updates – – CUSTOM Battle Pass – – UNIQUE Skills System – – Minions &amp; Wands – – MUCH MUCH MORE! BEDROCK PORT: 25597 Hope to see you online! We giveaway tons of free goods. Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide the true vanilla Minecraft experience. Our community is friendly and welcoming, always looking for new members to join our dedicated group of players. The server last reset 2 months ago and has no plans for another reset, allowing players to work on builds and projects without worry. ━━━━━━━━━ ▶ Join our Discord ▶ Follow us on Instagram ━━━━━━━━━ Vanilla experience: We prioritize maintaining a semi-vanilla environment, running on fabric with minimal quality-of-life datapacks to preserve the vanilla mechanics. Community: Our… Read More

  • MythoMc Network

    MythoMc NetworkWELCOME!Discover the exciting community of MythoMC Network, a Minecraft Java server (1.16.5 to 1.21) that is also accessible from Bedrock (Port 25567)➣ Enjoy the Survival 1.20.4 modes➣ Wide variety of plugins that improve the gaming experience.Don’t wait any longer and join your friends to live unforgettable adventures on this unique server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The ultimate battle grind

    When you’re busy fighting off creepers and skeletons in Minecraft but also trying to protect your personal information like your score of 273, priorities can get a little mixed up. Read More

  • Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet Showdown

    Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘CARRI CARARI MARE NAAM KARDOM @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-05 15:54:54. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. gamer fleet Jack bhaiya minecraft fleet smp #minecraft Read More