LIVE Hypixel Skyblock HiLites!

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Oh I didn’t even realize I muted all right I’m live now yeah he muted oops uh okay nice um I can craft the thing the thing jum cap oh okay how many do you have uh I’m going to I I need four more and then I can craft 10 all right all

Right which is really nice yo I’m back he’s back okay listen he’s back I’m listening I’m got I’m all yours I’m all of yours my I just turned my headset on what did you say I’m all yours listen so here’s the is I made dinner I made a

Pizza right W just like a frozen pizza the down uh I accidentally put it in for bit too long just just a just a tth you know it’s only more black than my dad picture picture anyways uh guys do I turn on do I turn on balanced uh earning earning potential

But Bal then balanced viewer Interruption High earning potential low inter or high viewer interruption or low earing potential but low be hon if you’re not going to make any money either way I’m going put balance no I I made like surprisingly actually I don’t know if I can say this

But I made like $2 off my last live stream just from ad so oh no but that was a 45 minute live stream okay that’s like three Sky Block gems bro that’s like $3 an hour dude it’s like $3 but like it’s money money that’s the thing that’s true that’s true that’s

True okay I need a napkin hey hey money is money if you for 10 hours you can buy a Minecraft account bro that’s crazy hours buy a Minecraft account and or you could work at McDonald’s for like three or four hours and buy a Minecraft account two hours in

My state oh it’s like how but would you rather stream or work at McDonald’s game is game would you rather stream for 10 hours or work at McDonald’s time both at the same time my guy yeah just like streaming sky vog and you’re like would you rather do go to

McDonald’s work at McDonald’s for six hours or stream for 30 stream for 30 bro I never work at McDonald’s anyways anyways you saw you see that one thing about one MMA fighter and the 16-year-old girl nope bro there’s one like MMA fighter who like banged a 16y

Old girl bro I do not need to hear it on stream and no it’s the funny part is that she like after he was done she like posted a Snapchat like a picture of it and the guy is like was like what’s up it’s so funny

Bro this is what this is what you call not appropriate for YouTube streaming if yeah probably not also it ain’t funny because a 16-year-old girl not not cool not cool man yeah oh it not cool man not cool not cool anyway I was stop talking I was just stop talking

Don’t don’t don’t don’t anyways anyways moveing past that moving past moving past are you see to Wi 17 I’m scared what you’re about that one 17y old true no way okay anyways anyways anyways anyway I’m going to eat my pizza bro I’m going eat my pizza fair enough

Fair enough oh it’s so hot though just like that 16-year-old girl bro shut up no that’s wild um I might actually delete the stream and go restart it yeah I would prefer that okay okay okay I’m done but I don’t know if you’s G to B me for you talking about

That yeah if any YouTube mod reviews this live stream it’s over for me I’m done it’s over he’s done bro you killed him that’s not even inappropriate for YouTube yeah it is yes it is all I said was a 16year old girl thought uh okay we don’t need to on this

To it’s probably fine as long as you don’t say anything else long as you shut your freaking mouth we should anyways anyways oh shoot what is this a Tik tocker killed someone not surprised let me watch this not surprised okay they’re going to be in house arrest and just making Tik Tok

Dances true no they hey guys don’t mind this cuff don’t mind These Cuffs but let’s see the new the new whiping n let’s see the new whip n for real Ultimate y five on my aspect of the Void let’s go I’ve made around 7 mil already from

Um from this by the way W what yeah I know searching do a gar caps basically yeah because I’m already number I’m already top 50 I’m already like me I’m already number 39 how do you like check Rings what uh okay so go to collection oh click to show rankings and

Click to show Rangers I’m 357 in living metal hearts and yeah I don’t have a ranking for Yus caps yeah yeah how many have like not ranking um just stuff in general um 1.3k about uh is it do you need a separate mod to show your name tag P have

It I have no clue bro I actually burn this pizza so fast like bro send a picture I want to see the I want to see the black Pizza let me I go I’m go my camera on in Discord hold up okay I I don’t think it’ll live

Stream yeah we’re showing I don’t care if it does okay oh but is it pluged in yet oh it is bet I should probably stop streaming it looks no that’s crazy it’s a little burn that I’ve like cut off some of the burnt cuz it was like worse is that

A burn is best let’s see let’s see a helix right now left-handed Helix yo y yo I know what that means I just like bring out all right anyways I I I have two ballet songs but I don’t know how to use them they’re trainers I I I’m I’m

Getting I’m getting one I’m getting a squidy cuz squidy yeah I mean hurt the pizza the pizza is quite black but I mean not as not as black as no stop it there stop it there no no nuh-uh nuh-uh stop it there nuh-uh nuh-uh okay I’m going to spend this

Entire I’m going to spend two Rift visits on just grinding Moes and I should have enough modes for like three hours or four hours or something yeah I might have to do that same technically if I cheated I could be getting way more than that’s not something you do pizza a great

Streamer as a great streamer I would never cheat in Sky Block mhm why you why you saying that like you do Che got to tell us all no got a confession to make nuh oh hey you hit 1.5k sub days 23 24 I I hit it I hit it Thursday cuz I

Was Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving oh what did you hit Thanksgiving sorry I’m stupid 1.5k Subs what we got for that 36 views why is your 2.1k views on how to have fun playing High School Sky Block 2K views on the rat and 1.2k on the pest D the rip per is actually like

Doing good I might come back well it’s too late now actually on this profile I’d have to create a whole new profile and restart what yeah I mean you could just only do Rift but hello Big Boy early early for real it’s only been like 10

Minutes I don’t know forget no 3 minutes no eight eight eight exactly it’s been like 6 minutes about that oh got you got you there yeah what do you think about that okay I’m going to have two stacks of jump caps that should make enough

Yeah this is ABS swly good yeah why did I do living metal hearts for like 5 hours I don’t know I have 1.6k it’s all right money it’s good money but it’s so boring this is actually a little fun no it’s not like I don’t mind doing this for 2 hours I kind

Of like no living midal Hearts just made my heart die I don’t know what happened well living MD Hearts can make still like 40 mil an hour if we got three people yeah but it’s so stupidly I just want to go for a number one collection in the G cap

So like actually though yeah I am that that’ll take me a total of like I think 20 hours and I’ll be there or like way above in 20 hours I’ll be way above yeah the colle The Collection is not competitive at all you know what I’m in 20 hours you’re

Going to make like three bill I don’t know you’re going to make so much money from that not three bill it be like a bill yeah if I’m making 50 mil an hour it’s like a bill so it’s going to be like 600 mil I think are you making 50 mil an

Hour no I’m making I’m making like 30 like 30 that’s so stupid that’s so much better than living metal hearts though n it my opinion it is because those are boring it’s like time doesn’t pass when you’re doing those and these are actually fun and Marina is coming up so

They’ll just increase in price which is a good thing besides you have to compete with all you do is stare out of mushroom block bro you st at or a mushroom and wait 5 seconds so much better than living m i was that better than all right well those are boring if you’re

Doing it solo even with like music in and whatever else when you’re zoned out yeah if we got three people would actually be fun but we can’t have three people on consistently I mean we we can create like a small group chat of just snake Grinders but living metal heart grinders I’m

Done I if it’s fun when you’re doing it in like a VC with multiple people I guess yeah but still quit it after like a half hour though yeah yeah well like kind hard do anything with them some water I actually made good I actually made good part I did it for

Like six hours yeah that’s true all right I’ll be back I like how you say I’ll be right back and just don’t leave no he just doesn’t mute okay yeah I mute most of the time it’s just to happen yeah same I hav keybind for

It a I want a keybind for it then make one I wish I had a keybind no it doesn’t work I’ve made it just doesn’t work okay I think at a stack I’m going to stop I’m at uh 48 here all right I’m grind enough modes for like two hours of

It I’m going to take like two roof trips that’ll take it’ll give me enough for like two to three hours it’ll probably give me about 3 hours of grinding that’s the problem is like it’s really only no no no it was like four every every hour

Of a Arcus cap is or REM grinding is four is five hours of or four hours of garus cap so like let’s say I’m making like 30 mil an hour let’s see so it’s like 600k profit per Chum cap you’re getting 54 what’s 54 divided by 8 uh 6363 * 600k so

Theoretically like 37.8 mil hour so you multiply I’m back all right it’s like 30 mil an hour yeah after after grinding modes is included in it holy that’s good wow this is overpowered why why have I not heard of this and also it’s going to be moreing Marina

Because way EAS to Marina’s going to make Mar’s going to make he broken yeah cuz it’s fishing it’s fishing gear and Marina’s in 13 hours so oh but I want to fish dring Marina but I guess this would be more important Marina will be here tomorrow morning so actually I’m going

To be doing this tomorrow morning yeah same I guess tomorrow morning is Sunday it’s although I do have to do a chem project tomorrow so I’ll finish that first what a bumb is tomorrow Sunday I’m stupid yes tomorrow Sunday we have to go back to school what the hell one

L you not have to I don’t want to what why do I have to go back to school or not well not tomorrow but Monday okay I’ll be dirt poor after this I’ll just go until I have a stack in um 16 I guess no is it say stack and yeah

Is a stack and 16 for 10 right yeah I’m going to be so bro I’m actually coming guys I’m blocking them getting oh wait I have some knowledge to sell I wish there was a grappling hook inside the rift I wish you have like three Mana I have 171 but that’s still nothing

That is literally nothing with the uh aotl yeah okay now I have 26 Point 8 NK so I can do a little bit more I’ll just do it until I have 2 minutes I guess was going to money make so much profit do you think I should hold on to them what until

Tomorrow you should hold on to them yeah cuz tomorrow is Marine maybe actually that might be worth and they’ll sell pass for tomorrow anyway I probably should shouldn’t I yeah okay I’ll hold on to them the the thing is to grind THS and not fledglings right you can grind anything

Just kill the vampires just slap Them so anything gives uh except for splatters gives um melons yeah anything except spiders melons I hate splatters bro that’s what I’m saying I was uh one time doing splatters and I spawned a 23 oh um so considering how I can only do t3s that was a little hard oh yeah tier

Fours are the only time it starts to get even slightly hard but like tier fives o there’s something else bro I’ve me two on my main and I am maxed out the update uh my friend has almost maxed out the update and he has he voided one

I still haven’t T Tiny Dancer kill me neither have I all my TOS are in the rift for some reason I haven’t trans them out which is weird oh that’s annoying I’m just going to trans them out because they don’t do anything the rest so it’s just

Extra ST outside so do that I’m out of a t space so now the only money I spend on tall are like upgrading the ones I already have yeah I would do Jacobus but no I enough it’s a lot of money I can spend on something actually useful like Recs for my necron

Y or paying off debt I’m high on debt where did the big br house go why I not have it corck I have to reget That how long on average do you think it would take me to get um 170 mil from this 170 mil 170 yeah not that long like if you’re making hour we’ll say Like six seven hours yeah it’s not that bad compared to living metal hearts or compared to my rates at least how much should we making an hour from living met Hearts around 14 mil oh those guys are terrible what yeah I know I was thinking like 24

Even do you get three rings per enter uh no I was make way more money what you doing oh polar void books yeah really yeah those made a lot less no they make a lot more you need there are two and you need 20 oh they’re 2 mil never mind they’re

Terrible yeah how much our ring is like 3.2 oh okay yeah then they’re even they’re even right now yeah well I need to get my Frosty uh kills up so l r is 3.4 oh things are uh I used to sell them at 4 mil so I would actually make around 16

Mil an hour at the time but only have four an hour uh four or five that’s like kind of bad yeah I know my rates were really bad it’s just it was so boring and like stupid yeah I don’t know I like it I got to go to the most scubber these

Melons how many uh you only got how many jum caps do you get per enter uh I don’t know a lot like too many I’m about to get like four Stacks or so or three stacks okay we’re at 50k mode so that should be enough for a little

Bit how long did it take you to get those 50k like 20 minutes so I’m getting like 1 hour every 3 hours you have four hours how much like so wait hold on 63 yeah so that’s be like every 3 hours so I’m spending 63 an hour yeah so it’ll be

Like every 3 hours I have to add an extra so it’s uh uh what is it 30 so it’s 63 * 650k profit is 40.9 five 4.95 mil times 3.85 no that would be 30.7 M hour yeah 30 mil an hour I still good though problem is

Though like how many are are you selling an hour uh I’m selling a good few an hour like in that Rift in that Rift is I sold two or three sorry yeah that’s like I don’t know the reason is tomorrow’s Marina that’s why I want to do it yeah I

Like without Marina though I just don’t know how good it’s going to be cuz if you’re really making like 60 plus an hour to sell just putting them up is going to be like going to you also got to remember putting them up putting up that’s an extra like 10 15 minutes but

Have to count that I don’t know I want like a different money making method I don’t know I think this is it’s a cool moneymaking method but having to sell 60 different separate items every hour you can only get 14 it’s defin like one of those methods where you get the items

But it takes you like a week to sell all them or something there’s no way exportable carrots make 20 mil I don’t believe that I was making like 15 when they were 11k per plus explorable carrots are going to make you want to basically jum they’re not fun well uh

Yeah they won’t make me want to jump jum off the bit if if you have the fishing rod they’re not that bad oh I saw another one right there a stack and 16 of GIS jum caps is that good I don’t know if that’s good I don’t know not bad

Okay sportable characters are so bad I don’t like 20 20 million hour isn’t bad but like level two uh grind collections grind skills grind Rift is decent money but not worth it because he can’t even do it yet yeah I think like go as soon as you unlock

Garden go do that that’s a l you could try explorable carrots it’s just like I don’t know like if I do it for more than an hour I’m going to want to like ston through a balcony wall like I don’t know for real you know what let’s try it why not cuz bizarre

Tried itar is bizarre do you have the fishing rod do you have the fishing rod time to go grind the fishing rod unlock Garden scy level five and then person will just show up on your Island yeah you need to H the fishing rod fishing rod is like completely the best thing ever

Bro the best thing ever so how do I how do I what am I done with this guy I think I’m done with this guy’s Quest right you need the Franky what’s up my boy okay so I need the stick how do I how do I get that how much collection do I

Need uh 3.5k bro that’s crazy yep Frankie yo turn around turn around I’m already done with this thing oh ads are going to run shortly guys don’t worry you’re just going to get bombarded with like 30 second ads so you’re not going to be able to skip in 48 seconds for what

But don’t worry about it why YouTube automatically puts in ads I don’t know well I’m in the VC I don’t get ads have to worry about ads yeah but I’m watching the also watching the same time you know support you should watch it yeah support support my monetization you

Know support my like it give some comment I I am watching it uh just muted let’s go free money from three people like 100 Bots yeah just get a get like a 100 bus and just have them watch ads that be so fun be you look like

You’re having a lot of fun right now I know and this guy’s stealing all my carrots this my boy go back I complet the my got yeah w i I like it a lot but this thing right here this freaking idiot this freaking guy like go towards the

Carrots stop jumping in circles around them yay yeah yeah I like don’t want to do it because of that I pay you to finish the rift on your account pay me what depends is any iron man just hit it how wait can you hit the rabbit no 500,000 USD yeah but all right

Buddy hit me beforehand and I’ll do it $500,000 USD um blood is too rich he just doesn’t know what to do with his money you can’t hit Ito call you out on that Sho I wish I could abuse the animals what what okay but really said you can’t hit it

You bro you saying you can’t hit the rabbit saying I think oh got oh just this guy just left this I just didn’t pick up his carrots free carrots for me yes sir did you even pick them up nice yeah if someone doesn’t pick up their carrots like 10 seconds you can just

Steal them it’s really funny yep it’s uh it’s kind of kaisa bro okay hey if you got 500,000 USC I will finish the rift right now facts bro my feet are itchy what the hell my word it’s the real one it’s a real po liner real pool liner poiner Clips

Bro can you give me a bow I don’t have one bro I don’t even got a bow what bows a lot bows are overrated BS overated for wait that’s the wrong one that’s that’s bbo like what the freak is bbo what I’m dissing on bbo right now bbo bbo is so sad right

Now no way dude SE has viewers you give end if you what you saying enther is that what you’re trying to say I don’t know if you give blah blah something something I think saying I’m pretty sure pretty sure who is this username I don’t know bro I’m good

Bro I get enough subs and likes without you buddy if you’re going to if you’re going to beg for coins just for yourself and like I don’t know if I’m going to do that buddy just’s go to Lobby one Hub on and then just sit there for like 20 minutes

Straight and then once you get no coins yeah yes for real what is my what is blood can you kill vampir I don’t know how to do that I I just I I only know streamlabs OBS but since I reinstalled my whole computer I’m using OBS now bang and know

I’m too stupid to know how to do that oh I could probably figure it out pretty fast oh you use streamlabs when I’m when I stream on Twitch I use um twitch Studio it’s really good like it has good default settings what why did I spawn a

Boss why do I have A3 I don’t have any items okay let’s see this uh let me open OBS we’re going to go add Source we’re going to go yep I died Where’s My Gin at flip just dipped on me how do I text how do I add sub

Count crap here I’m going to look this up sub count OBS # live subscriber account OBS got to turn off the not download of virus okay so you go that’s that’s what I’m saying p po liner Clips that’s what I’m saying po liner Clips bro bro you he he said that

They that whoever made the rabbit movement needs to be fired like that’s what I’m saying oh that actually is straight F power Panter Clips is I quit the ri because of it power line Clips is speaking so many facts right now yo uh Shameless advertisement but you

Guys should go watch the new the newest video it has no views and it’s so sad so sad so sad I’m I’m legitimately flying now yeah yeah yeah watch it spoiler I was in that video the most famous little boy for real so mhm oh he’s a rer yes I a

R that didn’t that didn’t go well okay hold on I got to figure this out I’m I’m ratting right actually I was ratting earlier I got I can’t hit these guys are just so like oh so if I literally just copy this and then I go to OBS add browser source

Okay I paste this that okay and now it’s just showing Google sign and I just showing page we got to see this got figure this out it’s not they’re not going to build anything from that it’s just a Google signage I’m not going to sign

In yeah proba wait can I can I click sign in no it doesn’t even work what the freck oh now I have to interact okay so I’m going to hi this Oh wrong one hide this now they can’t see it I don’t think let me let me just double check before I

Put in my gole no you can’t see okay you guys cannot see it you you guys can see Minecraft but nothing else right we can’t see anything it’s black well in a second you’ll be able to see Minecraft I think oh there yeah there you go interact doesn’t even work what the

Freck this guy’s lying to me dang that’s money bro Pi some watch this bait this oh he’s the man bro this guy keeps stealing my umash bang one more auts okay so I have to show it so I might have to end bro I have to end stream to fix this what the

Hell okay I’ll will do this later do it next stream yeah bro my next stream I’ll fix this so we just going to hide it for now okay that’s stupid what the hell okay we’re going to find something else uh OBS sub count add on or browser Source let’s look at

That go back to the game bro nobody wants to see BR shut up you know what you know what I hope you I hope you shut up get out of here Bo W it’s not entertaining so rude uh we can do that by the way seal what your

Google sign in no you can’t not anymore okay okay Le bro stop stealing me okay this guy keeps stealing me fledgling kills bro your what my fledgling kills that’s so annoying playing Pokemon fledgling in the rift oh what if I try this I don’t know if

This will work let’s let’s try this only I can see this for now you guys aren’t going to be able to see it shoot I messed up what is blood doing yeah I have to sign in to do it what the hell okay and if I the only

Way I can interact is I do this which then you can see I type things but I don’t want you guys being able to see what my freaking sign in is so then do it later try it like this yeah justes let me interact with it unless it’s showing

So uh yeah we’ll do it later whatever this chin is so bad get me out of here the worst fing BC ever what what um have you completed Melody by the way me no I’m not on this account I’m MH it’s a free epic tally bro an epic

While I guess my like two years ago you know what sad I’m a skill average like 31 and I’m combat 42 I’m comat but like com like 42 what is my ping uh what’s your that is not your skill average bro what on my main

On my main yeah but your main go byebye but it’s not wiped at least no it’s notp no he didn’t WIP yeah if I Sky I can see it yeah I can see mine too actually oh that thing how my ping by the way adms

What we’re going to take up from my like Mars or something literally from um literally like in this VT from Venus right now how is Bilbo still alive how my blood is just staying alive yo this I swear to God go up there we go yeah I don’t even care it’s so

Stupid oh okay my um my play time to net worth ratio is really bad wait um Mr seal what were you able to do M4 on your old account or on your main no no I was like had a 32 oh goodness you’re my Catt level yeah I

Didn’t play C enough I’m at 60 I don’t care about C freck when you get back you should probably get a good setup for no freck freck dungeons no freak you sorry I didn’t mean you realize that like M4 makes uh like 30 mil hour right

35 around I don’t care I make I can make more mining oh you have a setup yeah I have full that well other than gemston I okay we’re cooking okay so you have nothing basically I have full full jaded Recon Deon with all five Chambers and a

Gauntlet yes that’s what I have oh okay well do you have what yeah I have well my PO is all right I have like 8 mil gemstone and 2 mil mythal don’t question uh what 2 mil mythal and eight how uh cuz I only I did armad mining for

A long time oh that makes sense okayy I think this enter I made enough umies Frankie got squashed no good nice I like when I like when fry dies very funny that’s crazy how many more do I need how many more do I need 1. I’ve

Gone a 400 collection D what’s your ping oh I already said it’s adms oh my bad I bad yeah shut up chat does only how is he so high whoa oh it’s Jonathan that’s the 700 subscriber bizarre guy I know that guy yeah I know you oh wa my team’s winning Christmas miracle

Man who’s Jonathan you can check out his channel he’s a bizarre flipping guy I think oh something the wrong gu it B are B buzz buzz that was so oh wait I’m a be I just realized oh you’re famous hi yeah you’re so famous as famous as me for

Real so famous yes I’m a flipping guy okay yo how much money could you make an hour flipping on the bizaar consistently what do you think what is your what is your like with with like hidden methods that no one knows about that like you know what’s like the like the maximum

That’s consistent and won’t change too much just cuz I’m curious about getting into bizar kind of want to learn oh yeah you’re this guy I know who you are I watched I watched your tarantula video your recent most recent one you’re that guy he’s he’s that guy

He’s he’s literally he is that guy he is literally that guy I actually know that I have money I probably will try the trans helmet I probably make more now all right my my guy is that guy it has to be over like 30 mil an hour yeah I’m not just 30

Plus just even though like he can’t do but he can’t do any of the methods that actually are3 mil an hour sucks game I’m going to try the tal helmet what what is the thing Mr flipping guy uh what you tell me the flip slipping guy oh just like you have I

Don’t know you have to just find your own things well he has a flip on his channel and I forgot what it was Hess I love dropping 5 on gr best moneymaking method for real that’s what I’m saying also just get RNG carried like this loser in three stacks of tarantula silk

Okay three stacks of tarantula silk I’m just going to okay in though I just two stacks you7 p7 or G or G5 P5 to dude there’s there’s no way bro iron iron as the Canadians say wow that’s an it let me get some iron is that what it’s called wild helmet on a

Helmet is that actually what it’s called things make anything I feel like they don’t make that much anymore your flip is a scam Mr flipper guy well prices do change and also people saw his video so he’s a scammer real real I know I’m just going scammer

He’s calling you a scammer Jonathan how do you feel about that bro left the scam already I have seven gra is probably in there somewhere seven that’s my my Peak is eight eight that’s crazy what is this thing what are you talking about oh he’s he’s he’s questioning you but a little bit

Late what is this what do you mean what is this thing she just know like what is it thing that you that you cra with but like I I don’t know tertial helmets is what I’m doing I I might not have enough to craft all of

This get them yeah that that’s how they that’s how it works yeah this is all your fault that I lost so much money yeah you how much did you lose um I’m probably not going to lose it but this is going to take at least 3 years to sell real

What I hope Frankie gets crushed I hope Frankie gets crushed and his SK breaks and he dies that would be really funny oh this guy left some Carrs stealing them that’s that’s kind of in Game of course in game in game yes right yeah

Mhm of course uh so G G5 P5 how about no I got to some scrubs SC while wait for this ID what the hell is a scribe what the hell no don’t tap me please I didn’t mean it I didn’t mean it yo chill yo chill calm down buddy calm down what the

Hell where’s there’s one more oh it’s right here what the hell is blood blading about bro where’s the last one oh what is he doing where’s the last one no stop stop please those two okay app supposed to be one over here but there’s not what the hell you doing

Oh I’m dead fre Bay ah what am I doing I hate scribe I don’t hate scribes they’re actually there is so they’re better than um splatters no splatters are the easiest or one of the E Absolut what do you mean just like pick up the hearts throwing

This F7 you are throwing this F7 pick up the hearts after you after you hurt them you are do you not know how to pick up Hearts oh do you not know how to pick up Hearts that’s probably why probably too bad no I you can pick up the hearts

After they hit you by the way they what happens how there there will be heart particles dropped on the floor walk over them and you’ll get your hearts back coming back F7 he doesn’t know how to how Sky Shadow splatter CS works so I’m just going going to grind this stuff is Frankie Dead Yet Frankie is still not dead what the hell why does my fiz choose then to go in I like ah Jonathan single handedly made me sell like a full chest of tarantula helmets why did you craft so many

Uh cuz I had 40 mil and like now I have 13 it it’s pain but hey what if I profit who knows I still have like half a chest to sell this is pain right uh yeah I guess you’re right seal I should probably sell these Chum caps um Diana or not

Diana Marina Mar marinated marinera marinated marinara marinara I love Marin I’m going I’m going to go vote for the best mayor in this election Barry d right okay Jonathan just bought my let’s go go wait how does he know your name though he shouldn’t know blue creep Matt yeah that is his

Name guys guys is there an F7 setup that that that you can get with 100 million coins only you’re going back to playing Sky Block Tu no help I know oh I’m going to vote for Diana like maybe like ju in home but we’ll get kicked from every part

Oh what if I’m C of 44 and have World Records then maybe you don’t you don’t have world record right well I have world record on other floors so like close enough I um I would say three4 nekron with a tal helmet and that cost more than 100

Mil I have a JuJu already I have I have a JuJu and two neon then get one one neon a helmet and like AET probably skeleton or something you I tiger like guys wait look at my stream okay so I I have I had this from when I used to like

Play cuz I used to R okay you have a hype uh oh I think it’s it’s kind of gone now oh I just I gave it away why I don’t know yeah music yeah I I also why are you why are you asking us you have um like 7,000

Of hear the guy y chill you have you have 3,000 Catal unfriended me I never friended you in the first place I don’t think what do I use though I’m yes your am that’s okay sure no play the name no don’t it’s actually I mean that’s actually a

Good a good idea though cuz of speed you get like you get speed from it yeah but you’re good oh the ammonite yeah that is actually true yes you did what’s your wait what I unfriended you oops my I don’t even know how cuz I’m I’m not even on my main so

Someone’s on my main while it’s bandn let’s go nice SE 7879 56 I just had a 79 here oh you’re Iron Man there you go that’s my old wow you’re Iron Man wait that’s actually really respectable no no I I don’t I don’t play this iron anymore I have you want to see

My Play Time on it this is my Play time kind of a lot yeah okay and and then there my other IR man what is your main the main one is apress profile but it’s gone I I still playing on it what is your new Hypixel

Smps what is your new main Sky Block profile why is why is your name High why are you on newest version I because I was playing SMP earlier you want to see my house you want to see your Epic House I put some shade is on I’m stealing this guy’s carrots you know

What I’m robbing this guy robbed from idiot where’s Frankie what’s up Frankie yo turn around turn around don’t you don’t you think you’re going don’t don’t you think you’re going anywhere I’m still using you as a uh unpaid volunteer nice that’s that’s that’s the I SP and this is my other

House and this is my house I built yesterday nice it has a cool inside nice how much more do I need uh where almost there how much do I need I need 16 the thing right yeah I’m already at 10 I I’ll have enough by the time I get the

Prodction But and then I’m making this an enchanting area chill out Frankie Franky okay you know what you’re just going to go disintegrate cuz you go too far bro turn around died yo can you just die then thank you good job you disintegrated this is all your fault

What something happened to you’re still doing the carrots crap yeah I tapped into what is my Minecraft crashing what happened oh my Minecraft crashed I know it’s great good thing I wasn’t in the rift and now my multi MC is also dying good time to test out sky client

Right okay what should I do with Sky now cuz no one’s on on thep right now and playing is give me all your coins the eighth time I heard say that s today I think I’m joking I’m not no you’re not you’re right un so why did you unfriend Jonathan no I

Didn’t he’s saying that you but I didn’t I don’t think I did at least maybe I did I don’t know I’m not on my M really because you’re on your m other account that’s why and he and he’s like do slf and he doesn’t see your name yeah on my alt but

I added him on my alt so it’s all good go rabbit okay you know what just go backwards at this point I don’t even care can’t wait till I have the rot to make this maybe 5% easier I would have given up by now this what’s no hello. net someone just go by

Oh this addons fancy what is this I you aners can you add your your own things to Sky Block right AP a what AP oh yeah that’s the the one that makes you yeah I’ll do that do collection might as well I look personalized I

Guess I wish I could had is there this have SE okay yeah today we have three contestants who will be trying to figure out who has been RIT who is who’s watching my video you put four you put like put like five three hours into that prob way more

And for 38 views I put an hour into it what you can you can ask blue blue blue creep it took like an hour at most the video editing took like another hour so it was like two hours in total but uh no it’s about hour I’m pretty sure in total

Yeah it was really fast yeah it was fast okay hold up I just popped off there what is happening in what League of Legends what are the game oh I’m I’m hearing a YouTube video chat triggers I need chat triggers well we just got a lot of shut

Onday maybe we can maybe we can’t I see do that oh of course never mind I take it back I’m quitting this we I’m not playing this stream again bro let’s go he’s quitting League of Legends no no quit this but you should quit Sky Block d i swe I

Think you can make it enough there’s no way you don’t have the rod yet he doesn’t have the rod still still like 1 Point yeah I’ve gotone 1K of I’ve gone 1.4k and then I still need another how much uh 750 so it’s a gr oh an entire Rift is it

Spent on that that’s 19 19 times that’s actually not bad I was like 10 mil right there or more 19 * 500k that’s 9.5 mil oh I love how my um my entire task task ah task bar is not working there you go all PVP okay back to

Grinding I’ve only been live for an hour it feels like so much Longer okay well hold up I might going crazy right now might just hey we get into some complaints are we trying this guys really are are the complaints yeah we’ve been getting some complaints guys wait what guys can you hear that I guess me and blue I guess me and blue

Only the only they heard it it’s just like getting some complaints we don’t know about what but we’ve just had complaints all right I have kind of been going off lately it’s in the Minecraft launcher right yeah it should just be in the Minecraft launcher I can close

I don’t know if I’m going to be at like 500 FPS or 30 whenever I’ve used Sky cin I’ve been at 30 so hopefully that does not happen this I might put on shaders for Rift grinding honestly it might be worth and it’s better for

Stream yeah sh is look nice in the rift and Rift is like bar an effort anyway so for some reason I have lag spikes in the rift though when whenever I’m in the frosty cave whatever it’s called that’s weird I know I’m like grinding there anyway I’m in the happing cave

So yeah can this rabbit go thank you hey we’re going we’re going going FL pure and then we Do right wait you can just add any mod you want to Sky client yeah oh I’m going to have do here then I need D here bro do here is a must without DK here I wouldn’t live I kind do I kind of want to start using feather to be

Honest why cuz custom custom mods supp a good FPS client that’s basically four is just better fps and already Prett Sol decent mods wait did you say RM no feather oh wait what he’s talking about a she client bro is every in the world yeah I know no no no AR real

Name I thought it was a cheat client I thought it was an Oran cheat client you mean a ringor oh no there wasn’t or right there’s Orin Orin Orin something like that I don’t know I remember there yeah Orin exists I didn’t even know that one yeah or exists there’s a legit

Version to it but it does exist like there are two versions there’s the legit one and the I I don’t know what it is why does the rabbit go faster backwards like I don’t get that why does it go better backwards CU cuz the game is Just coded that way it’s so funny

It’s not funny it’s so cringe yeah I know I agree hey chat oh it’s you yeah yeah what’s up chat how you doing chat he’s say entertaining SE come on what is this I’ll turn on the shaders hold on oh yeah rabbit rabbit’s going crazy the rabbit is just flying

Everywhere because of you steal I’m going to attempt using a sky client instead of Forge I’m going to swap the feathers you I think just all my own mods what you know you can do that in Sky Cent right yeah I know but feather C

Is just better fps I only install I only install SK of access well that’s what for is you just have to you can just click you can just click I want this mod I want that mod and you CH all right same with Cur Forge though although they don’t have the same

On okay anyway um Patcher hold bright all right it’s off now I go here video settings shaders so going to use soers basic they’re not too heavy but they’re like they look nice so there’s a Patrick has a smart um smart F right where it turns it off with shaders oh I should probably turn on

Anyway oh what shaders are you using uh sers sers basic oh okay you should try using t- shaders I don’t know what that is t- shaders are really nice they’re better than um than those they are they low low what it called Low um yeah they’re like yeah they’re uh low performance impact

That’s Good go rabbit go that way before this guy’s rabbit gets to it thank you no not that fast turn okay I got Sky Cent how close am I now come on still another 200 to go sov E5 oh yeah I got turn up my fov I

Got turn up the Quake Pro we’re going Quake Pro for B I 95 I usually use like 90 to 100 anything in that range I use 90 right now what is youri scale uh normal uh you mean two oh yeah normal large large looks so ugly dude I I

Agree uh use Auto it’s the best one you bobbing on yes I need to turn on the pat thing though my whole screen shakes yeah the Patra thing is nice I used to use it but now I just don’t remove screen bobbing remove M bobbing yes there we go

There no way you won Bro all right I’m not put for anymore I was ranked oh my parents are leaving one second I’ll be right back chat nah he Ain not going to be back yeah he’s not back never gone it’s later now I got to change all my keybinds cuz I changed my thing hippity hoppity hooray

Uh so some people are going to be mad at me my sneak key uh okay I can’t speak my sneak key ah sorry I went to the dentist recently so now I have this in my mouth sneak sneak sneak key is a control some people are definitely going

To um kill me for that I have a feeling settings okay chat is SE really back CH is SE back is he simply is he simply just in Black for real or maybe he’s in the back what the oh shoot my okay my bow pet sold so lowkey

I’m gonna buy a scaa pet after this game unless this game I’ll play quick game I don’t know if I like ape it’s kind of ugly yeah what he’s not dead yo where’s my rabbit apparently he’s still alive but he’s dead he doesn’t exist hunting my rabbit mom wait where’s Frank

At somewhere in here apparently where’s where’s be where’s my boy Frankie my boy Frank Frank elicious Frank one 12 Frank with the Frank Frank don’t think but the Frank thing so true I’ve never heard such beautiful words in my life thanks man I’m actually practicing them for a while now where is

Frankie all right boys who actually you know what I’m play my game out have to swap lobbies cuz Frankie doesn’t want to show up no what happened to Frankie Frankie where’d you go my boy Frankie that’s crazy Frankie’s just gone what the hell and this guy won’t let me

Spawn Frankie again oh and now he’s back okay makes sense justd the one he wanted to show up this time what decide come back unlike my father and yours dang you really just said that auction timer off oh what is the name fet hold up let

Me cook let him cook what oh it’s Lux oh I could cook I could cook I could cook could C maybe I I don’t know man what what what he’s black dude what what what no huh what huh what no Frankie’s dead what happened they killed him not Frankie Frankie come

Back bro got a little too freaky on him a little too Franky on him little too Franky a little too Franky a little too Frank I got a little too Frank there a little too Frank a little too Frank we bit wee bit what does wee bit mean wee bit we

Bit bro what does that mean I hit with the kids apparently yeah guess not you ain’t part of the kids oh as will run shortly for some viewers but I have one view so that’s fine let’s go here I’ll pop out this I’ll pop out I’ll join the stream one

Sec one sec for all I got you I got you it says some viewers you might not even get one but you know oh yeah cuz I have YouTube premium bro blood is tossing I to the bad guy all right let’s go he finally left I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking anyways

Um you know what I forgot about I could sell my beacon true that’s a tier four Beacon oh never mind that’s not even that much money that’s like 10 okay it’s like 15 18 actually okay you’re you’re you’re black waa these do not call me that they’re very

Offensive okay wait I need to sell this for 2.5 uh four I need my things to sell I’m done yes I’m done oh I why does he need coins who oh because he wants to buy a a quickcap that I’m like 30 no once the beacon

Sells I’ll be like 40ish off but I’m selling a few things and I just got to wait for them to sell I’m like you know I’m always in need of coins you know what I mean okay butd shut you no problem is my PO books aren’t selling Jonathan’s back chat chat

Jonathan’s back chat is Jonathan back chat Jonathan’s back everyone welcome Jonathan to the stream all right I have so you want to buy Polar voids for Polar void books for 2 mil per that’s five 500k under they will sell after like three days I’m good I feel like you’re not good I feel

Like you you want to take me up on that offer don’t you no I’m good you’re itching you’re itching to do it I’m good Che you don’t get to lie to me okay I have 47 mil there plus where’s the snake oh there it is how much do I even need I

Just don’t go for quick I don’t like I want to get a quick La though I feel like it’s just like there you go okay I CL field BR so I craft it so it’s like boom boom boom boom boom yeah okay I got it I need let’s freaking goads we’re

Done we done all this can just go straight into portable carrots I have a lot oh shoot that’s actually decent wait that’s actually not a lot of money I could just buy one for 187 to be honest I might just buy a non- quick L one I

Don’t know I don’t want to like wait for another 30 minutes you know what I mean wait someone bought my beacon okay wait hold up now I only need 270 I need 35 mil okay wait I actually can do that how do i h how I’m going to do that though

Here okay I actually might have idea so I got to get let me get uh I have that I have that okay that uh wait let me see what is yeah um okay okay okay wait wait I’m trying to think I need 35 more Mills so what if

I sell seals baby like he’s first born and then that’s like that’s like that’s only worth like 10 coins is the issue I need more money yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep actually I have an idea yep yep yep sorry okay take a chill

Pill calm down how you take a I was going to say something but I probably shouldn’t say that on stream whoa guys he was about to say the N word that’s not what I was about to say what dude dud that’s not cool make some inappropriate uh suggestive references uh

Uhuh that is messed up dude that is messed up yeah I need 100 wait what do I even what do you need for is it 6,000 what do you need to instamine obsidian with the flipp and flipper dude wait where the flipper clent let me watch him clent’s gu real quick hold up

Pull it back here we go here go instant mining okay okay wait so I think I need 6,000 okay 6,000 okay hold up hold up hold on wait no 7.5k is without blue cheese right yeah so so 6K with wait what if I like didn’t need a blue cheese I I do

But let’s see I didn’t okay so I have an extra technically 150 onto whatever I can get here but I a little more okay so let me like reset my tree I was K while joining that server let’s go Hypixel Sky now wait Fortune I need speed boost I need efficient mining this

F I need sorry I didn’t mean is actually unleashing his inner dog I’m letting the dog out don’t let the dog out to you bro bro don’t let the dog out all right let me upgrade speed to 50 wait you know what I got to do I got to

Add my YouTube link to my social media my YouTube link in chat hold on guys guys someone go ramire out please there we go okay I think that’s oh no no dude what oh you’re kidding me okay I’d be at like 7.2k M speed well you only need

6K 7.1k yeah but without if I didn’t want to use a blue cheese true a all right so I do need a blue cheese okay whatever um anyways but what that does mean right uhhuh is I have 88 uh yep got it mhm okay just hold it anyways so what

That does mean is that seal is not a happy camper wait hold let me upgrade the rest of my bricks real quick let me quick go perk how much is this exportable carrots I’ve gotten worth bro versus how much is sell I don’t care it’s like a all right um I’m trying to

Think so stupid actually you know what I’m going to do it I’m going to sell perfect Amber cuz I don’t need technically and I’ll just like grind the money real quick and buy it back okay I can go try this I can go try the fishing rod

St don’t need that don’t need that don’t need that actually you know what I can do I can do uh titanium as well cuz yeah that’s cool okay let me see how how much I can up 36 only a bro it’s so gay H yeah no I need to reset much oh

It’s so much nicer oh it’s so much nicer I’m about to bust what what bro that no seal dude that’s crazy see now me person now come back I’m I’m honestly going to shut up okay anyways so how much does one so one perfect I don’t

Have my oh my this is so okay so one perfect Amber gives me 200 Min speed I have 800 over over it so I can take off no wait one gives 100 yeah so I can take off eight technically but I only need to take off not that much I don’t

Know three no four I take off four okay I sell this quick 50 noise and I could buy it back my AG so in like a year or two and now I can buy my SCA pet let buy this quick CLA scatha wait oh that what

Is pet candies no bro I don’t want to buy with pet candies but I’m also not paying another 18 mil but it’ll but it’ll it’ll go away once you get it to level 100 over or without pet andies remember they just disappear that’s not true but okay no it

Is if they reach all 100 without pet cies the pet candies go away you can look it up definitely not no you can look it up you can look it up there anyone else anyone else in VC can back me up right not person no actually trust me actually

Trust me uh sh look it up look it up in the look it up look it up look it up dude I don’t care anyways I’ll just buy the one without we’re with it I don’t even care either way no Frankie uh quick claw 270 mil this is a great

Idea oh no what did I just do okay it’s fine dude I hate how my scaa isn’t even it’s not even at the top slot in my pets menu it looks so stupid okay uh fa it hello yeah I would have had yeah like seven oh you can favor pets yeah you can

Favor pets I think how no that’s not that’s that’s coming out in the update I think Rarity alphabetical head XP oh my goodness ah skill no okay whatever only your pet uh you know what seal screw you man okay I have my esape now time to test the crappy rates that is Obsidian

M oh no like how I did all this just to have the obsidian M yeah I I feel I think your stream might be a little dead I’m not going to lie yeah I’m one viewer it’s fine though it’s but you know on the grind he’s on the

Grind how many Subs have you got this stream three zero okay okay respect oh your videos been doing good oh I realized your videos take like they take like a day and then they like pop off yeah like your had to fun Skywalk one had like 100 viewers for the first like 6

Hours about 38 views five hours ah I don’t know I don’t know see I feel like you could have made that video like five minutes long and would have been better true but I don’t yeah okay so I’ve made 1.5 mil so far in that amount of time that’s not

That good but it’s bizarre I don’t I’ll I’ll test it test to see how many carrots I can get in 5 minutes I guess I should be testing the to be able to figure it Out so we’re going to get a timer I do timer we’re going to do 10 minutes let me pop up Sky Tils here we go 10 minute timer no wait no no no satifications No notifications key short this oh here oh yeah it is okay so y y is going to be slash end and then uh Slash War Forge is going to be H nope it’s going to be U nope it’s going to be J okay y j war end didn’t work What oh it’s I did Slash and I need slash War okay there we go oh this texture pack so has such an ugly obsidian hold up yeah that’s bad switch packs it’s a better one yeah this just better this is better although obsidian kind of is just ugly be Honest my fortune my fortune not too bad I have literally the max armor max pet almost Max tool Max hotm tree I really everything ma like my real and then like yeah let’s go dude actually whatever all right I’m testing it I think it’s like this is what’s

Ancient yeah that was three minutes 3 minutes of grinding we’re going to go up that number so that’s times 20 whatever this is okay so how many is that that three times what is it 80 the heck it’s 16 * 5 what’s that it’s 80 right yeah it’s

80 oh that mute no I didn’t mute okay so it’s 80 back 80 * 3 40+ 16 + 17 273 273 * 20 5 460 by 80 oh no I didn’t wait what what it’s 40 mil an hour so a bizarre stop the cat no know it actually is like more

Than you’re doing something wrong I ain’t doing nothing wrong wait hold on oh wait wait no it’s divided by half it’s 18 mil hour I lied yeah that’s I forgot that it needs two not one unfortunate I mean it’s not terrible money but it’s like it’s that’s instanta bizarre too

Yeah really cheap to do I don’t know and it’s a collection so I could be people in it what’s the collection look like how how bad is the leaderboard how bad am I going to have to do this why is there three people in this one obsidian my Lobby Bro go B left leader board leaderboard car collection so number one has huh there’s no shot number one is 193,000 collection yeah but how much is in an hour though like 5,000 so that’s like that’s not too bad though BL blood did like 40 40

Hours it’s like 40 hours in this I can’t bro I guess not that bad here I’m going to grind out a stack and we’re going to do it I’m going to grind out a stack of each Crux and then we’re going to do it until I until all those Crux are gone

I’m doing it screw it it’ll make good money you okay money I’m guing out a stack of each Crux so each stack of I don’t know so just I need to get my I need to get my Crux collection up any or my Crux like BC are whatever it is the

Crux CR I need to Max it anyway and it also will make and but then I’m going to have to do all of it I’m and then I’m going to do exportable carrots until they’re all gone all right yeah I’m well okay so made the money isn’t too too bad it’s probably

About 40 so it’s about 26 mil hour okay maybe it’s kind of bad I don’t know I don’t know man like ah it’s not the best 26 mil an hour I mean it’s fine with it but it’s Just oh yeah and I don’t like the I don’t like the Traders turn them off let’s see yeah 26 mil an hour we just supp to say 25 mil an hour I mean I don’t know man 25 mil hour just isn’t that good it is insaa to the bizaar

Though that one nice thing about it and it is pretty AFK I don’t know it’s not too bad but it’s just not great it’s not like the 40 mil hour coal was for a day yeah I don’t know why prices just randomly drop that’s just weird to be honest

Yeah let me there’s got to be something let me go on mining cult but I someone’s found some like weird dumb crap I don’t know Uh I don’t know anyways do a little bit of This let me get implent pack on wait it is on I forgot I’m stupid I guess I’ll just grind this for a while N I don’t really want to I don’t know for hello stranger Mark welcome to the stream no way dude it’s not a dead stream any stream isn’t dead actually let’s

Go I gotta like I don’t know what I’m going to do I’m kind of bored right now I don’t know I could keep it Obby mining but the money power is so bad but it’s not like I don’t know it’s not too bad you just some mushrooms with me

Yeah it’s facts I don’t want to grind out the Moes for it true but I think I’m just going to just Chen out I might just get off maybe Minecraft and play something else all right even though you just got on basically sidey is a boring game yeah

No it’s not that bad it’s just I don’t know I’m not actually motivated right now to play it H Okay h I made 2 million coins that’s bad Actually Okay uh I’m going play some SkyWars all right time to run up some SkyWars I might go eat dinner and end stream yeah how the video doing damn it’s getting like no views Jesus Christ I mean the impressions are basically de it’s only gotten 500 Impressions just isn’t that good

Compared to some my other videos like my how to have fun playing Sky Block has like 20K Impressions oh why is my whole screen red what is wrong with a SkyWars thing it’s because corrupted or something I don’t even know bro all right I’m going end stream see you guys later

This video, titled ‘Hypixel Skyblock LIVE’, was uploaded by HiLites on 2023-11-26 12:26:41. It has garnered 54 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:39:29 or 5969 seconds.


tags: Why are you reading thisthis Minecraft YouTube video was made on Hypixel. Hypixel is a server with lots of games, such as Bedwars, Skywars, and Minecraft’s biggest MMORPG Hypixel Skyblock. Hypixel has has a lot of notable players, such as Dream, Technoblade, and Tommyinnit. Hypixel Skyblock is Hypixel’s most popular game. Some of the popular items are the Hyperion, Necron armor, Storm armor, overflux, plasmaflux, the 50mMidas sword, the Aspect of the end, the Aspect of the dragons, the valkyrie, and many more. Some of the bad things on Skyblock are Duping, irl trading, and scamming. I hope you enjoyed these words which are all relevant to the video! Also, a new farming island was added which has the Golden Ball item, which no one owns and is one out of one (1/1). Rat pet is cool. Swavy, Timedeo, Fairy Soul Guide, Money Making Method, and other things are all part of the server, along with Refraction. Dungeons necron floor 7. Master mode is a thing as well. They recently nerfed the strength stat, making a lot of dungeons classes a lot worse such as Berserker and Archer. Mage, Healer, and Tank should be fine. The hypixel admins have completely removed sword swapping and killed the bonemerangs. The giants sword is also dead now. The Astrea is still trash. This is a Hypixel Skyblock Tutorial, or a Hypixel Skyblock Dungeons Guide. please fix negative strength because of the Soul Eater enchant, and buff archer. nerfmage tho. I voided the Hyperion, so sad. I love Technoblade and Dream and Tommyinnit and 56ms (Swavy) and Thirtyvirus, not just because their names get views as meta tags. This video is not a Dungeons Guide, Money Making Method Guide, Hypixel Skyblock Guide, or anything of the sort. Recently, Hypixel released the SMPS, similar to the Dream SMP with members like Skeppy and Sapnap. This is long lol. I recently hit 500 subs. Then 600 the next day. Then 700 the next day. What the freak! I AM AT 800 NOW GG! Also Hypixel Admins released an enderman slayer boss quest thing, and it is pretty difficult to kill which is why you would need an enderman slayer guide or tips and tricks on how to beat the new enderman slayer. The Juju bow is really good. I also like the warden helmet and Necron Armor. I recently got SCAMMED!!! They took my Strong Dragon Chestplate, I am in tears. At least they didn’t take storm armor or superior armor. The crown of greed is bad. I crashed the NEW GAME MASTER RANK and got BANNED ON HYPIXEL! The anticheat Watchdog is broken. RATS. Floor. Catacombs. Badlion is not very good. I played dungeons not using the new Terminator bow, which is very op. Thirtyvirus does not like the god potion, he says it is not a good item. Personally, I am impartial. Recombobulators are cool though! Rend VS Soul Eater ultimate enchantments, which is better! I think Legion and Chimera are cool as well! Hypixel is currently down! Large DDOS attacks forced the server to close to resolve the issues. This video is NOT an auction flipping tutorial or Bazaar Flipping tutorial. It is not a money making method video either. The mini wither can bother some people if used in a certain way. Scammers are desperate in Hypixel Skyblock. The MELON HELMET is the NEW BEST HELMET IN HYPIXEL SKYBLOCK! SUB TO QUAGLET! idk what to add sorry. DREAM SMP TWITTER DREAM STANS MCYT MCTWT LOL! Undertaker01 is my favorite youtuber. I found out how to dye ANY armor in Hypixel Skyblock. This is kind of an Armor Dying tutorial. (not) REAL!!! I became egrill (girl). Foraging is a bad skill. Fishing too. #hypixel #hypixelskyblock #dungeons

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    Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack The World of Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition offers players the opportunity to delve into infinite worlds and unleash their creativity. Whether you prefer building magnificent castles or surviving against dangerous mobs, this game has something for everyone. Game Modes In creative mode, players have unlimited resources to construct their dream structures. On the other hand, survival mode challenges players to mine resources, craft weapons, and fend off mobs to survive. The choice is yours! Marketplace and Customization Explore the marketplace to discover unique maps, skins, and texture packs created by talented individuals. Slash commands allow you to… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos

    Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos Creating a Box PvP Server in Minecraft Aternos Introduction Creating a Box PvP server in Minecraft Aternos can be an exciting and engaging experience for players looking to challenge their skills in a competitive environment. With the use of various plugins and commands, players can customize their server to create a unique and thrilling gameplay experience. Plugins and Commands To set up your Box PvP server, you can utilize a variety of plugins such as GeyserMC, RealMines, World Edit, EssentialsX, EssentialsSpawn Shopkeeper, Item Edit, and WorldGuard. These plugins offer a range of features that can enhance the gameplay and… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Starter Houses Become Epic Builds!

    Join Minewind: Where Starter Houses Become Epic Builds! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to enhance your building skills and create stunning structures in the world of Minecraft? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building talents. Imagine taking the skills you learned from tutorials like “How To Build A Starter House In Minecraft” and applying them in a dynamic multiplayer environment. On Minewind, you can collaborate with other players, participate in building competitions, and explore a vast world filled with unique creations. Join us at Minewind Minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour!

    Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour! The Ultimate Safehouse Tour in Minecraft Pocket Edition Prepare to be amazed as we take a virtual tour of the ultimate safehouse in Minecraft Pocket Edition/Bedrock Edition! This survival base is equipped with everything you need to stay safe and sound in the world of Minecraft. From a working elevator to a secret underground base and even an escape vehicle, this safehouse has it all! Exploring the Features Let’s dive into the incredible features of this safehouse. The working elevator adds a touch of realism to your Minecraft experience, allowing you to move between different levels with ease. The… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Base Showdown

    Ultimate Minecraft Base Showdown Minecraft Secret Base Logic: NOOB vs PRO Welcome to our latest Minecraft video, where we explore the concept of secret bases through the lens of a noob and a pro player! In this epic showdown, we will witness the different strategies and tactics used by both players to create the ultimate secret base. The Battle Begins Watch as the noob player fumbles and struggles to build a basic shelter, while the pro player effortlessly constructs a complex and well-hidden base. Will the noob player be able to catch up and outsmart the pro, or will their lack of experience… Read More

  • Machine Magic Madness: Applied’s New Look

    Machine Magic Madness: Applied's New Look Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring New Features and Adventures Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft 1.20.1 modded? Join our adventurous gamers as they explore a selection of mods, encountering both familiar favorites and brand-new additions to their gameplay experience. From random conversations to intense battles, this journey promises to be filled with surprises and challenges. Discovering Applied Energistics As our gamers delve into the latest version of Minecraft, they encounter the Applied Energistics mod, which introduces a whole new level of complexity to their gameplay. From setting up the Applied Energistics system to navigating the… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds! Welcome to! Are you a fan of creative Minecraft building tutorials like the one you just watched on how to build a Strawberry Hot Air Balloon? If so, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience for all Minecraft enthusiasts. With a focus on survival gameplay and an emphasis on player interaction, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building skills and creativity. Join players from around the world on Minewind and explore a vast open world filled with endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥

    Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Junkie SMP S4 | All Hail King Funkie! [Part 1]’, was uploaded by Xman 723 2 on 2024-06-17 19:00:06. It has garnered 4492 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:20 or 4580 seconds. *_Make Sure To Leave A Like And Subscribe!_* *_SMP Owner!_* @FNAFJunkie *_SMP Members!_* @Alextheunamazing @AsenEye @deadchannellmaooooo @CFMeibo/@CFMeiboVODS @ChevilFNAF @ClapzFolded @ConnerTheFozhead @DravenJV01 @EmmaTheTransFox @fnaf_and_the_gang @Foxy-Boy @FuntimeGmod @GJ_XD @inkmangmod0813/@inkmanlivestreamschannel662 @jakub_the @MimikTheRatRabbit @MrWarriorOffical @navilingyr @ofek105 @peggo_delego666 @Prowler18 @REDACTEDVODSANDCLIPS @SoraHeals @ThatOneFearMan *_My Other YouTube Channels!_* @Xman723 @Xman7233 @Xman7234 @Xman7235 @ToyFreddyPlaysGames @TheFazbearBand *_Become A Channel Member!_* #minecraft #survival #smp Read More

  • Chest Speedrun Madness in Minecraft

    Chest Speedrun Madness in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SPEEDRUNNING Minecraft In A CHEST’, was uploaded by SwapFlip on 2024-03-05 17:41:28. It has garnered 62 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. NEW BEST Hosting – –~– DONT CLICK THIS – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST SPEEDRUNNING MINECRAFT IN A CHEST #speedrun #minecraft About this short – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST Hashtags:- #minecraftspeedrun #minecraftspeedrunning #speedrun #minecraftchest Keywords:- Chest speedrun,Chest speedrun Minecraft,Speedrun,chest speedrun,dream speedrun music,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrun in the chest,minecraft speedrun seed,minecraft speedrun world record,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft speedrunning,minecraft speerun,minecraft swapflip,speedrun,speedrun in chest,swapflip chest,swapflip minecraft latest,swapflip minecraft,swapflip latest minecraft,swapflip… Read More

  • XGaming

    XGamingJoin us at for an unparalleled gaming experience! Dynamic Gameplay – Endless Possibilities! NPC-Crafted Quests Tailored Rewards Multilingual Interaction Personalized Trading Magic Spells in Any Language! Refer code: /refer xgaming Website: Ready for a gaming revolution? Join and redefine your adventure! Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP – McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets – 1.20.4

    Join ExeosCraft: The Ultimate No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQ+ SMP! Tired of servers with strange rules and pay-to-win schemes? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where your experience comes first. Donations go entirely to charity. Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been up and lag-free since June 2020, with a massive map that will never reset. Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players. Giving Back: Donations support charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: A safe space for all, no hate speech tolerated. Custom Plugins: Enhance the vanilla experience with hand-crafted plugins. Cross-Platform: Optimized for Java and Bedrock, with unique features for Bedrock players. Our Features: Permanent World:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Called it! 😂

    “Looks like someone’s Minecraft predictions are as on point as a creeper exploding in your face!” 😂 Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #lit

    Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #lit When you spend hours meticulously crafting the perfect texture pack for Minecraft, only for your friend to say it looks like a potato threw up on the screen. #fail #minecraftprobs Read More

  • 100 Days Survival in OneBlock EXTREME Mode

    100 Days Survival in OneBlock EXTREME Mode Minecraft 100 Days Survival in One Block Extreme Mode Hardcore Minecraft If you’re a Minecraft enthusiast looking for a hardcore challenge, then the 100 Days Survival in One Block Extreme Mode Hardcore Minecraft is the perfect video for you! In this intense map, players must survive 100 days on just one block. The difficulty level is extreme, pushing players to their limits and testing their survival skills to the max. Key Features of the Challenge: The One Block Extreme Mode Hardcore Minecraft challenge offers a unique and thrilling experience for players. Here are some key features of the challenge:… Read More

  • EPIC NEW ISLAND DISCOVERY!! | Funcraft Minecraft Survival Ep 17

    EPIC NEW ISLAND DISCOVERY!! | Funcraft Minecraft Survival Ep 17Video Information This video, titled ‘Blaze Cloud Islands – Funcraft Minecraft Survival Let’s Play Episode 17’, was uploaded by KHR Arts on 2024-06-14 12:00:03. It has garnered 19 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:05 or 11045 seconds. Blaze Cloud Islands – Funcraft Minecraft Survival Let’s Play Episode 17 We build up our Swamp Homestead and do more exploring, including taking on the blazes on the Cloud Islands! 💖 Be sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to help my channel grow! 💖 🎮Twitch: 📸Instagram: khrarts 📸Instagram: littlealice06 🐦Twitter: LittleAlice06 🎥 YouTube: Alice the Author Mod Packs:… Read More

  • Haunted by Herobrine: Episode 2

    Haunted by Herobrine: Episode 2Video Information This video, titled ‘yo I’m back with @IamCrazy_MC_YT doing Minecraft haunted by Herobrine episode 2’, was uploaded by Imnotcrazyboy_MC_YT on 2024-05-21 23:14:45. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:22 or 1522 seconds. sub to my friend @MrBaa5513 Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Cave – Insane Freefire Gameplay

    Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Cave - Insane Freefire GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘We survived in 100 days in cave and world in Minecraft hardcore I #freefire #trending #viral #video’, was uploaded by Lord Gamer YT125 on 2024-01-13 14:46:19. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:24 or 1344 seconds. Read More

  • MASSIVE UNVEILING: Mildlywarm’s Epic Tech Adventure Begins!

    MASSIVE UNVEILING: Mildlywarm's Epic Tech Adventure Begins!Video Information This video, titled ‘Technological Journey – 01 – The start of something new’, was uploaded by Mildlywarm on 2024-01-12 14:00:41. It has garnered 8421 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:55 or 2635 seconds. Cowabunga Gamers, Join me on this new adventure! Pack: Read More

  • Unraveling Secrets: Into 1.18 Caves! – PinguPongu.Merlin.VIP

    Unraveling Secrets: Into 1.18 Caves! - PinguPongu.Merlin.VIPVideo Information This video, titled ‘⚫ INTO THE CAVES OF 1.18 ! – Minecraft Public 1.18.1 SMP – PinguPongu.Merlin.VIP’, was uploaded by Merlin on 2024-01-11 18:12:23. It has garnered 58 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:52 or 13252 seconds. Minecraft 1.18.1 SMP Server on the NEW 1.18 update! YOU CAN JOIN ! Come play Survival Minecraft to Build, create and explore the 1.18 survival world. Survival Multiplayer (SMP) allows you to JOIN and PLAY ALONG while I stream. The server stays ONLINE while I am not streaming so you can KEEP PLAYING round the clock…. Read More

  • Insane Demon Slayer Drawing – Must Watch!! 🤯 #shorts #trending

    Insane Demon Slayer Drawing - Must Watch!! 🤯 #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Kyojiro Rengoku Drawing | Demon Slayer Drawing | #shorts #trending #god #GTA #minecraft #anime’, was uploaded by Vuddi11 on 2024-01-14 08:50:34. It has garnered 66 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • The Ultimate Gaming Experience with DuckMan

    The Ultimate Gaming Experience with DuckManVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴Playing games on a chill friday night | 2.5K subs goal🔴’, was uploaded by DuckMan on 2024-05-18 11:27:56. It has garnered 285 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:41 or 7661 seconds. Support the stream: #Minecraft #shorts #vr Read More

  • INSANE FIND in DRAGON EGG – Minecraft Maizen TV

    INSANE FIND in DRAGON EGG - Minecraft Maizen TVVideo Information This video, titled ‘What JJ and Mikey Find in HOUSE inside DRAGON EGG in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Maizen TV on 2024-06-05 11:00:09. It has garnered 20265 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:52 or 1852 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: What JJ and Mikey Find in HOUSE inside DRAGON EGG in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Trick that Will Blow Your Mind!” #minecraft #shortsfeed

    "Insane Minecraft Trick that Will Blow Your Mind!" #minecraft #shortsfeedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hahahaha Minecraft short #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-07-05 15:53:18. It has garnered 10970 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Hahahaha Minecraft short #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #technogamerz Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour… Read More

  • FantasyMC

    FantasyMCFantasyMC – Created By FantasyProYT (Youtube Channel: Fantasy Productions) This server is non pay-to-win and includes the gamemodes such as KitPvP and Survival with more possible gamemodes coming in the future Read More

  • FunSurvival! Realms – Looking for girls – Bedrock

    Welcome to our Minecraft Realms server! We are seeking friendly and inclusive players to join our community. All genders and backgrounds are welcome, but we are primarily interested in forming a mostly female group. About Our Server: Our server is set to Survival mode on normal difficulty. We aim to beat the game with maxed-out resources while keeping the core gameplay vanilla. We have a simple shader mod installed for enhanced visuals. What We’re Looking For: Respectful and friendly players Individuals who enjoy cooperative play and building Those who follow our rules (no griefing, respect others, etc.) Players who use… Read More

  • TinyCraft [5000×5000 SMP]

    TinyCraft [5000x5000 SMP]Hello! TinyCraft is a small 5000×5000 world border server with no land protection plugins – however, we have CoreProtect which allows us to easily trace and revert griefing if needed. We opened on the 18th of June so the world is fairly new. Our ruleset is fairly laid-back, with only two real rules:Don’t be a jerk!Don’t hack/cheat.Whether you’re new to Minecraft or an experienced player we would love to have you on our SMP. The small world-border means you’ll be interacting with other players more, contributing to the real SMP experience. As moderators we try to be present to deal… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Caves and Cliffs? More like Sizzle and Spice.

    Minecraft Memes - Caves and Cliffs? More like Sizzle and Spice.Looks like Minecraft players are always looking for that next level cliffhanger! Read More

  • Minecraft Mod’s Horror? Not Scary, Just Boring!

    Minecraft Mod's Horror? Not Scary, Just Boring! In the world of Minecraft, a horror mod we explore, With GuitarisHere, we’re ready for more. Cave dweller, The Aether, The Knocker, all in play, The Man From the Fog, creeping our way. Voice Chat mod adds to the thrill, As we navigate, with nerves of steel. Two weeks since our last upload, a delay, But fear not, more content on the way. Like and subscribe, show some love, For Minecraft adventures, high above. Stay tuned for more, don’t be shy, In the world of gaming, we reach for the sky. Read More

  • “Hot Potato: Traps to Avoid in Minecraft!” #minecraft #meme

    "Hot Potato: Traps to Avoid in Minecraft!" #minecraft #meme “Traps in Minecraft: the original ‘watch your step’ game since 2009. Avoiding them is a timeless struggle, just like trying to resist hitting snooze on your alarm clock every morning.” Read More

  • Muscle-Bound EFEKAN Beats Up Bad Creatures in Minecraft!

    Muscle-Bound EFEKAN Beats Up Bad Creatures in Minecraft! Minecraft: Efekan Gets Muscular and Defeats Evil Creatures!😱 In the bustling city, evil creatures have arrived with the aim of seizing a hidden laptop. However, Efekan is determined to stop these creatures. His muscles are so strong that the creatures can’t even stand against him. Popular Minecraft Videos For those who love Minecraft, check out some of the most beloved videos: EN SEVİLEN MİNECRAFT VİDEOLARI Support the Channel If you want to support the channel, consider joining: Kanal Katıl Contact Information For any inquiries, reach out via email: [email protected] Disclaimer Important: All videos are purely fictional. The characters depicted… Read More

  • Sneaky Adventures in Wind Breaker SMP

    Sneaky Adventures in Wind Breaker SMP Minecraft Adventures: Exploring Wind Breaker SMP Introduction In the world of Minecraft, adventures await at every turn. Join Fahim and his friends as they dive into the Wind Breaker SMP server, where creativity knows no bounds. Fully Automatic Wheat Farm One of the highlights of their journey is the creation of a fully automatic wheat farm. Watch as they master the art of farming in Minecraft, showcasing their ingenuity and teamwork. Check out the video here. Exploring SMP with Friends Venturing into the SMP world with friends adds a whole new dimension to the Minecraft experience. Witness the camaraderie… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Enshrouded – Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber!

    Surviving 100 Days in Enshrouded - Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in Enshrouded as a Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber…’, was uploaded by Corinthius on 2024-06-22 18:10:33. It has garnered 23342 views and 1321 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:56 or 1496 seconds. Begin Your Own Adventure in Enshrouded Today: I survived 100 days in Enshrouded as a hardcore minecraft youtuber… Herobrine is back and infecting my whole computer! He managed to escape minecraft and went into a whole new game, corrupting it with his shroud of fog. It’s up to me to stop herobrine and bring him back to minecraft…. Read More

  • Exploring Minecraft’s Terrifying Creepypastas

    Exploring Minecraft's Terrifying CreepypastasVideo Information This video, titled ‘YUK NOBAR CREEPYPASTA TERSERAM YANG ADA DI MINECRAFT! Minecraft’, was uploaded by MOIK on 2024-05-31 14:12:00. It has garnered 15144 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:17 or 6017 seconds. ● Follow my other social media, guys: Instagram ● Donation: For donations, I do not force you to donate because this donation can be for you to give appreciation to this channel and support this channel so that it continues to grow and become even better. Thank you to those of you who have watched this video until the… Read More

  • Surviving ULTRA HARD MINECRAFT without sound?! 😱 #minecraft

    Surviving ULTRA HARD MINECRAFT without sound?! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sobreviví en MINECRAFT ULTRA HARDCORE (Sin ESCUCHAR el Juego 😨 – El Primer CABALLO) #minecraft’, was uploaded by TheSamael on 2024-01-16 13:00:22. It has garnered 91 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. My Day 18 inside MINECRAFT HARDCORE.. No audio and some other stuff!! SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND SHARE! 📲 SOCIAL NETWORKS 👇 – I: – T: 🔨 MC: Java version 1.16.5 Read More

  • Ultimate Enchantments Hack – Beginner’s Neural AI Setup

    Ultimate Enchantments Hack - Beginner's Neural AI SetupVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hostile Neural Networks – Beginner Guide & Automation Setup | All The Mods 9’, was uploaded by EpicEnchants on 2024-03-24 19:00:07. It has garnered 35334 views and 903 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:43 or 943 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft All The Mods 9 Guides! 🙌 I will show you the basics of the Hostile Neural Networks Mod in Minecraft All The Mods 9. Also I will share a easy and compact system for a Hostile Neural Network Automation. Have fun! 📌 In this episode, we’ll cover: 0:00 Intro 0:45 Data Model… Read More

  • Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server & Play Mini-Games 24×7

    Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server & Play Mini-Games 24x7Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft live with Subscribers | Join my Server || 24×7 Smp || Playing mini games with Subscribers’, was uploaded by Bladesoul Gaming on 2024-02-26 19:11:28. It has garnered 69 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:55 or 3535 seconds. 🎮🌟 **Welcome to our Minecraft Universe!** 🌟🎮 Embark on an epic journey with us as we delve into the vast and vibrant world of Minecraft. From constructing awe-inspiring structures to exploring the endless landscapes, each live stream is a unique adventure filled with creativity, thrill, and fun. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer… Read More