LIVE: Insane Bedwars Slumber Hotel Run! 馃槺

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Okay think I’m live here let me let me fix my the way that I look okay bring this down a little bit um all right I hope that the delay isn’t bad let me look really quickly before we start so I can look at the delay um see if that’s something in streamlabs

Here yeah well I think it’s okay maybe it’ll catch up well anyways um here we are again doing bedw wars Slumber Hotel uh so yeah and for the music I’m using stardew Valley winter soundtrack I love the stard Valley soundtrack um hopefully it it’s it’s said online that’s not

Copyright claimed so hopefully it’s not worst case scenario if it is I’m not monetized anyway so that won’t affect anything so hey okay yeah so let’s go on into Hypixel and let’s just uh do some Parkour while we wait for people to filter in and let’s get our Advent calendar reward very

Cool wow look at that okay I’ve been on Hypixel every day of this month that’s is that a good thing I don’t know I won’t be on Hypixel Saturday though because I’ll be out of town but I probably will be back Sunday so yep okay

Let me change this just a little bit um but yeah welcome welcome everyone uh say hi if you want or don’t doesn’t matter to me what does I like I like seeing you guys say hi um I’ve had a pretty rough morning so cats woke me up pretty early this

Morning um as some of you know I’m home alone Nat is currently working a job uh about 30 minutes away but she is staying with their parents because they live right in that area so she’s there for the week and so I get to be in charge of

The cats which is normally fine I don’t really mind it when they wake me up but this morning this guy right here I don’t know if you can see him uh he got sick and threw up all over Nat’s clothes now I’m not taking him to the

Vet because I know what he got sick from I tried feeding them uh this new type of dry food and is a very sensitive stomach and this happens every time I switch of food I should have seen it coming it’s just very upsetting cuz I thought it’s

Going to be like a little treat for them they did really well yesterday but it’s fine uh hello hello M&H hello suaki how’s it going um M&H I see that you are po po axis poke axis uh what do you want me to refer to you as which one of those

Because I can do either and let me know if the volumes for everything is okay I always do that at the beginning of the stream just make sure that the volumes are okay so if you guys could let me know any one of you make sure you can

Hear me and that the music isn’t too overpowering you know so yeah I figured I’d do some nice winter music today because the Slumber Hotel gives me kind of like I don’t know it it gives me really cool Vibes and this kind of fits those vibes so all right let’s get our EXP

Experience okay so let’s see here before we get started I do want to see uh how we are doing in terms of volume is my cat walking around back there yeah she is see I have two cats in case you guys don’t know that and one of them is very old one of

Them is very young um the very old one is one who had stomach issues and it was upsetting because I also had to bathe them afterwards I forgot to mention that part of the story I have Discord oh no no no no no worries I’m not talking about Discord I’m just talking

About in chat do you want me to call you pexus or you want me to call you M&H which one of those um anyways my cat got some of the and if you’re like drinking or eating or something right now might want to tune

Out for a second uh but my cat got some of the throw up on him so I had to go and bathe him and it he might as well be allergic to water because he hated it it’s my first time bathing him um normally Nat does that

So I don’t need my coffee to be awake this morning but yet here I have it so thank you saki for telling me the volume’s good um before we get started just want to check in with you guys has your morning or day and I don’t know

Where you are has your day been good so far and uh yeah then we get started just want to check in with you all I don’t know how long this stream’s going to be I do have some editing to do because I have a really big really cool

Video coming out hopefully this weekend and you guys seem to like the parkour video so thank you for checking that out um it is a really cool video you know building a parcour course in bedwars that the other teams have to race on to

Get to our bed it’s a fun idea um so yeah let’s do some Parkour while uh while you guys tell me how your day has been so far well I failed go do this there we go okay hey poke XIs man something in my eye hopefully my hair looks okay too I

Didn’t take the time this morning to make sure I look good in camera so let me uh let me make sure I’m looking okay look I’m not insecure guys I just want to make sure I’m looking my best for you oh you can see scuffy right there that’s

Um that’s the cat’s little stuffed animal they just they like it I couldn’t tell you why but they like it um okay there we go and before get started uh I would just remind you guys tonight I do have a really cool winter stream holiday stream

At 6 PM we’re doing more Hypixel holiday bingo so stop by for that please it is is a lot of fun so all right let’s get into it so I don’t think I’ve talked to the Slumber tour guy yet I don’t think I have to though cuz it’s probably stuff I all already

Know um let’s take a look at what quests we’re currently doing right now so we have we have this dude King flut we have to get his comfy pill do I have enough wait do I have enough comfy pillows I only have six was it

Five oh I need I I still need a 10 you stand before you give me 10 com pills okay so I gave him the amulet just now but I still need the 10 comfy pillows yep 10 okay so my objectives I need to get comfy pillows which spawn in the enemy’s generator and

Let’s see what else these guys give me stuff if I give them iron which is obtained by spending money in shopkeeper and then same with the bed sheets bed sheets dude is I can keep redoing that Quest as well but I only have two bed sheets I

Need 10 so all right was there another Quest did I have another door unlocked oh I need to upgrade my wallet that’s the other thing and then I this one’s crazy I need 250 void kills so that’s just wild um just going to NAB this real quick oh

Know I can’t take that strange okay so let’s go ahead and get into a game again we’re going to be focusing on going into the enemies generator getting the comfy pillows and then void kills and just spending money in the in the shop let me open my door really quickly just in case

The cats need to is the restroom I didn’t think about there we go okay all right so yeah welcome welcome in everyone um we’re about to go into a game and we are going to get comfy pillows by going into the enemy’s generator and still have my coffee it’s

Just there’s something about having a warm like coffee or tea in the morning that really is helpful oh it’s also that time of the year I feel myself getting a little bit sick fingers cross I don’t get sick I I might be getting sick though

So I woke up this morning I was very congested oh I promise you guys I would use a uh a texture pack right that changes swords I might have to do that tonight might have to stick with this one for right now so that’s okay okay so let’s keep this simple go that

Layout is anyone rushing me yep kind of first game of the day I don’t think I’m going be doing anything crazy did he he found in the void all right no I can’t be talking CU I did too it’s first day guys don’t expect anything wild okay

Or first yeah first game um okay there we go okay hey bud how’s it going hey you silly little little goober no okay my bed’s gone man I’m going to need at least I hate it when they do this I’m going need at least like five games to to get into the

Swing of things I’m blaming my cat my cat woke me up too early all right is he still behind me I think he’s still behind me he knows what I’m talking about him he’s very upset okay doesn’t matter really if I Bridge properly because come on don’t look don’t look don’t look

Back here if I can sneak in and just like kind of kind of take his bed oh my gosh guys I’m sorry my voice is not very good this morning he has no idea hey let’s go okay yeah that’s fine I do need to get the comfy pillows

Though ah I need to get the comfy pillows that’s fine Though I at least got my revenge I’m not a very vengeful person but they deserved it so oh we just typing gibberish into chat good stuff good stuff okay oh man I’m still just adjusting to the fact that’s the morning again I I love mornings because I get

Coffee and I said this yesterday I’m not one of those people who’s like oo coffee I love coffee I need my coffee no I like coffee cuz the taste it’s warm wakes me up a little bit it’s nice I’m not like you know I I I don’t live off of it I

Can go without it in fact I have but that’s what all coffee addicts say isn’t it yeah you guys have no reason to trust me on that but regardless okay they bridging to me probably right yeah probably okay well they’re pretty good Bridger it looks

Like I take that back they just fell in the void oh White’s also bridging to them so just got to make sure red doesn’t bridge to me we’ll be okay all right yeah say something in chat guys say what’s up or something no really don’t you dare okay

I got my comfy pillow at least okay it’s my comfy pillow no one is going to take it from me I don’t care what star you are in bedwars no one is taking my comfy pillow okay come on come on I just got

To get it back I just got to get it back to shopkeeper boom done okay so Red’s definitely an option yeah but is he about to die I don’t think so well his bed is about to be taken okay we can still go over there and see if he has a comfy pillow

Unless that’s what blue just went in there and no I don’t think so okay all right you don’t like coffee that’s fine a lot of people don’t for some people it’s tea for some people they just don’t have any morning things you know and that is totally fine I get

It I used to hate coffee so I get it this just is become a part of my routine now in the mornings you know didn’t me get that I think we’re good all right okay you know it’s a really good show guys Hell’s Kitchen or any Gordon Ramsey

Show been watching that last night night before go away oh I guys look oh I got him in the void at least no that should have been my kill what that’s crazy okay all right still adjusting but we’re doing doing okay again I’m not trying to win

I’m just trying to get my comfy pillows all right so let’s do do that boom boom boom Oh God comfy pillow comfy pillow comfy pillow please I don’t think there is one no there’s not ah pain pain so much pain okay let’s go to Blue see what’s up over here no come on

Also need the 250 void kills which it’s going be impossible punch what’s up with that what do you mean by punch oh power talking about a bow I’m guessing what mod are you using um I’m just using shaders these are ocean shaders uh they’re pretty good I have

Other shaders as well but I don’t really like the high-end ones who change the game a lot you know it’s just me and two other teams all right I need two more comfy pillows guys we can do this we can do this maybe not this game but we’ll we’ll get it

Done okay just going to do that save those okay o we should get some more wool though shouldn’t we yep what what are you doing there silly no no no no no no no no none of those worked really that’s so funny it’s okay as long as I can just get to

Someone’s base oh they were really low that’s why they didn’t go for the fight okay oh well there’s that that’s lame if you use a bow you’re lame or smart two ways to look about it so okay okay let’s do this man okay let’s let’s Rush but uh carefully

Okay cute donut is that Nick that’s pretty interesting guys maybe it’s Wally bear okay this person’s definitely going to be coming for me no they’re they’re just doing their bed okay well go away please well okay did he go in the void he didn’t go in the void ah dude you’re

Annoying that’s fine though for every kill I get I get like what one Slumber ticket so it’s not too bad ready ready for this B scoo okay well I that didn’t help me at all oh man this is really going to take me a second to get into bedwars this

Morning are you guys Happy this winter winter is my favorite season I know about you guys I love winter so if I were to rank the seasons it would be winter fall summer and spring are interchangeable maybe summer and then spring so yeah I don’t like summer it’s very hot

Where I live for summer same with spring though they’re going straight for uh for Mid so okay H look at me speed Bridge guys I know no that’s just like annoying ah I don’t think I’m getting my comfy pillows for a little while here yeah Bridge isn’t even done so I don’t

Know what it’s doing oh man this is just frustrating I need to go to the hotel to take a break from some bedwars so I don’t get too annoyed this is not a skill issue I’m the best bedwar player okay let’s see here last time I was in

Here there’s a room that I had not explored yet oh another repeatable Quest what’s up with this trying to make Soul Burgers oh that doesn’t sound very good the ghe to delicious Soul Burger is perfectly cooked the soul with the Right Mix I poke XIs Ender dust and uh souls okay

You want Ender dust so I have to wait throw playes in the void and then use end pearls yeah that one’s not going to happen yeah cuz I already have to to do the void for one Quest then end pearls that’s like I don’t use end pearls very much turny my kitchen here

My co-chef is a complete can’t keep him in check I can’t keep him focused yep overcooked oh no so sorry I don’t have ingredients that’s all okay Chef Gary jamy that’s literally that’s Gordon Ramsey uh you like winter yeah Winter’s pretty great I just I like

Seeing all the uh the dead trees that sounds sad but like I I mean it in the best way possible it’s just a Vibe and I like cold weather I love snow like it when it gets cold outside you know makes me happy very happy so let’s do some more uh some more

Bedwars let’s see if Dorman Dave has anything new to say 62 that’s not impressive it’s not impressive at all why don’t these two have uh the things on top of them you guys see it too right it’s really weird let me try something if I do Lucky Block does do I get the

Uh achievements Quest will not okay so no I cannot get this stuff in Lucky Block that’s fun um let’s just go back solo I’ll probably do some Duos with you guys later today or later this Stream So this stream probably won’t be as long as yesterday’s stream yesterday morning so you could do

One V ones yeah not very good I’m I’m not the best pvper okay if you’re new here not the best PP but I can do one V one sure I did uh I did parkour dels last night I wanted that I’m good at parkour so

Okay so you can One V one me if you want just don’t expect craziness I don’t stream because I’m good at bedwars uh I mean I’m I’m definitely getting better but I don’t know I just I really like the new update because it is kind of Sky blocky and a lot of people

Don’t like that I like it I’m a Big Sky Block player so thisan all right got you let me um let me do this game really quickly and then we can we can One V one all right what type of duel do you want just throw it in chat Bri

TOS I’ll join you in just a second I just I need my my comfy pillow if this guy gives me any trouble over here though I’ll just I’ll join your duel doing Bridge Duss that’s okay Bridge duel interesting I haven’t done a bridge duel in Forever all right we’re joining okay all right

Hanan holy Commander wait is this not are you nicked or something let me know if this is you all right oh no it’s fine oh really no well I’m right there with you oh come on this is not going well you’re nicked okay got you oh I’m out of bows or arrows that’s

Fine this I know the objective is to get past you oh really what how’ that work oh okay you at least got there I’m dumb I think that’s what happened to you just now isn’t it okay you you have one of my little thingies congrats okay let’s let’s let’s actually start

Trying now here we go oh come on come on don’t you dare get in there first I’ll be so upset if you do no I was right there I was you you saw that I was right there oh that’s so frustrating yeah trying to gap on me yeah good luck all

Right oh okay nice play no don’t you dare don’t you dare you’re not getting in there you’re getting in there I’ve I’ve nothing I can do about that you sneaky you’re so sneaky you’re so sneaky so sneaky uh-huh trying to Bow me it’s my Strat can’t bow me you yes you can you

Can bow me I’m sorry I’m sorry you can bow me you’re very good at it oh you little turd blossom come here come here no a I I swear I did not sign up for for bridge duels this morning I did you’re you’re doing good you’re doing good you’re doing way

Better than me so oh come on I need to change this this is there we go it’s okay come on ah this is just embarrassing for me this is so embarrassing told you I’m not get a PVP come here yeah you’re literally just using your fist it’s fine all right great

Okay I I know you’re being nice you’re not actually really trying it’s okay all right oh oh look at you yeah trying to hide from me no why does it revert back to that that’s so unhelpful all right you’re you’re going to stop using your sword you’re going to really don’t

Don’t do that that’s just insulting you can use your sword it’s fine i’ rather this end quickly you two fexes I’m not doing this with everyone if if you want to do a parkour duel then we can start talking that’s fine oh great ah this is just you can you can end it

Now you can go ahead and just win it’s fine I’m here for slumber Hotel okay I agreed to one duel I cannot do another dual with poke AIS I appreciate the offer but people are not coming to the stream to see dels so parkour do okay we we’ll do it later

If we’re going to do that it’s fine I this is really upsetting me I don’t know why it keeps reverting back to that same hot bar I don’t know if I can even change my hot bar I know yeah see it just reverts back to that that’s frustrating because I don’t

Really I need to be able to use my blocks go ahead end it you get the win you get the win you’ve done well it is okay go ahead you’ve done a very good job all right GG’s oh let type that again all right okay no more duels all right Sumo

Legend ah man that’s crazy okay we are just going to go back and do some normal bedw Wars so that we can finish our quests can you play with me uh you guys can play with me if you want to do bedw Wars uh cuz I need to do my quest

I do solo we going do solo GG suan you did a very good job all right this map’s kind of Cool hi there yeah yeah if you if you tell me your username in chat I’ll invite you to the party and we can do some some bedwars yep let’s Rush p think well out blocks so come on you can come and get me it’s fine

Yeah it’s fine I can’t hit you in mid air see I got a uh a soul fragment so not a loss do that lag pixel okay that might just be you I didn’t really experience that bye-bye what how did you do that what really oh that’s just frustrating I mean

I’ll get your bed too we can trade doesn’t bother me don’t tell me you put wood under here all right good all right I just need to get this back to my shop and that’s a fair trade if you ask me why haven’t you gotten my bed

Yet oh you’re just waiting for me no well that’s you’re going to be upset then cuz I’m focusing on my quests so stay back okay sure thing yeah you can have it that’s fine all right let’s go on to another round have one more comfy pillow

To do and then we have the king flut objective done so I want to know what happens if you do the objective of Hotel well I did the the werewolf one for room two did I get tickets for that I forgot what it gave me I don’t

Know okay let’s just go to an enemy gen do the same thing I did last round that’s fine I have to trade I’ll gladly trade so okay it’s a very slow gen who we going for is that oh okay no never mind all right I’m going for aqua diagonal bridging okay this

Is really used to doing this that’s fine oh dude doesn’t even see me sorry oh you have like a crazy okay you have iron sword and armor all right they yeah they’re going to go for my bed yeah Sor I keep clearing my throat guys it’s just one of those mornings you

Know you have The High Ground come on come here okay all right comfy pillow there we go yellow what what about yellow that’s me where where did you say yellow I get the pill from Aqua Forge oh um I wouldn’t have anyways cuz I’m one away from doing the objective

So see at least they’re nice about it so okay I have 10 I have 10 all right let’s see here you can take mine okay so white where’s White at right there well Green’s probably going to try to rush me so all right thank you white I won’t take your B

Well it’s kind of teaming isn’t it I don’t know how I feel about that guess I’m just kind of like popping by and and leaving for the objective oh don’t don’t cross paths with me all right there we go okay and then I’m going to tell them

That I’m going to have to come for them now N I don’t want to say That all right we’ll do that uh let’s do that just to keep it fair White’s right there their bed defense is pretty pretty lackluster so we got This well that’s fine they got they got a kill there you go isn’t that nice and I got a bed sheet so it’s really fair isn’t it so let’s take a look and see what happens when we trade in these 10 comfy pillows I’ve worked so hard to get

Better be good better be good hot potato oh yeah something uh I forgot about that’s even a thing what okay and some Slumber tickets while wandering around also I’ve going TI of this amulet why don’t you keep it just got it for you okay your face is on it that’s neat

Great 50 Slumber tickets I’ll take that but the experience is probably better okay not bad thank you so here’s what I have to do with these tickets right I need to upgrade my wallet but I need more materials to upgrade my wallet so how about we spend our

Tickets is that a good idea I don’t know we’ll find out let’s see what we have 32 bedwars experience don’t gamble it’s not good okay hi you’ve had a terrible day I’m so sorry okay I need to find him a hammer I forgot about that bring your new hammer for the

Expedition try opening doors but this dude his name is literally hammer it has to be in here right maybe he has a hammer hidden somewhere in this room okay thanks Hammer that’s great all right let’s take a look around see if we can find something Okay H it’s a TV H I don’t know cuz it couldn’t be more blunt like this dude’s name is Hammer so so I have a hammer mold but what do I do with that do I go down to the blacksmith maybe let’s go to the blacksmith let’s find

Out say something in chat guys you guys are very quiet it’s worrying me do you want when I don’t make hammers very often okay conveniently a forge next to me oh so this is this is how we do it okay make you one if you bring me materials great quite a few things

Okay that’s a lot of iron nuggets okay Hammer mode I have that amulet I have I have that okay a golden ticket I have that wait a minute all right do I have everything do I have to I do yeah this is sick okay oh Oasis

Water oh come on really that’s the only thing I’m missing so I need those 250 void kills okay let’s see if there’s another Quest I can do meanwhile cuz 250 void kills is going to be very annoying so hi I’m pretty sure I have figurines like place somewhere I don’t know okay

Let’s just look around because I want to do multiple quests at once here maybe I won’t be able to because I think I have everything going that I can yeah that’s fine VIP plus wow okay you know guys I have gifted five ranks before like in in total I’ve gift

Did five ranks so I’m cool too right all right okay so we have to do void kills that is the objective and that’s going to be really tough so how many do I have I should have checked that before I came in this game so hey yeah hi

Yeah so how about we play this annoyingly let’s get fireballs and just Fireball people that I’m going to be like the worst person ever but I need these void kills does that count for me no it doesn’t count for me that should have been maybe two kills I don’t

Know oh hi void kill void kill void kill that’s a final oh no but that’s not a void it is okay good good all right I was weird there for a second what’s up hanry how’s it going I have to get 250 void kills so that’s what I’m on

Currently yeah hi just leave please you have iron armor yeah this is not going to happen I’ve been having like the worst time this morning with bedw Wars and with my cats it’s been a bad morning it’s been a very bad morning okay just got to keep going with the

Void kills 250 of them out cined um member my Discord who also played me yesterday got 250 in one day I think which is crazy that’s just that’s like unhinged that’s absolutely crazy so great okay poke axes hey poke XIs poke XIs I want to see your skin come

Here let me see it Mr Beast Mr Beast 1239 all right is that your skin that’s pretty cool that’s really cool all right oh this is a strange map all right here I have a good Strat I know I’ll be doing okay need pearls for a

Challenge don’t we all I do too no I I don’t need them it’s an optional challenge so many choices you know I could just come on please maybe I do just have to go and hit people I don’t know if I can rely on Fireballs it’s a

Shame but I have to try one more time so oh yep perfect opportunity right there bye oh it’s poke xes it’s poke xes I poke AES I’m so sorry but I am going to be farming you for kills void kills specifically come on back it’s okay do it

Again come get me pokea xes please this is going to be so mean I feel so bad not really because poke AIS knows I’m doing it out of the kindness of my heart yep go ahead oh that was close getting dubious are you well I’m

Going to have to do a sneak attack this is so dumb okay going up around this way come on Sneak Attack One let’s go right sh again come on okay pokea where are you you don’t see me you do not see me you have no idea where I am poke X’s please don’t

Unsubscribe Please oh come on did oh it just dropped you down there that’s fine all right go around this way poke AIS I don’t I’m not trying to be mean I just need these void kills looks like you do too so yeah I feel bad for poke xes too poke XIs is

Always so nice in my comments and all that and this is this is how I repay them I feel really bad I can’t I can’t keep doing this g f I need to do this to someone I don’t know I I can’t so I’m going to actually try to

Take your bed and if you Fireball me I totally understand here I come I’m sorry poex this is not how I treat my subscribers I promise the quest got the better of me okay let’s go over here oh that was so scary all right come here

Pokea XIs let’s see how good you at PVP oh okay I’m running I’m hiding no oh this wasn’t supposed to happen no let’s go all right hus no oh no I feel wait did you fall the void from that oh pexis I’m sorry please play some more games than

Me I I won’t I won’t I won’t come after you it was just unfortunate that we were right next to each other so say something in chat please I feel so bad oh man that’s really unfortunate GG’s so GG’s you put up a good fight

Well I don’t know how I just fell in the void but I did I’m about to get some Karma you know what that’s okay come on poke XIs you were your your fight was commendable that’s fine I deserve this I fully deserve this it’s okay my cats

Okay oh he’s just licking I heard noise okay bye-bye I’ll just Farm it from this guy it’s okay okay where is he is he not coming back oh no he is he’s very persistent a man bro okay at least at least you’re not upset about it thank you okay let’s see

Here what are you doing so strange poex if you’re watching the stream just let me know um so that I know that you’re not like upset like I already know you’re not upset but just like I want you to be able hear my commentary okay so I don’t seem Evil all

Right so I got a final and I got a void kill I’ll take it hi there hey there yeah hi uh-oh hey that’s that’s bad oh no no don’t do that hi that was a weird idea I don’t know why I did that was I the last person

Okay what’s the Slumber Hotel so the Slumber Hotel let me show you really quickly is this it’s the new update for bedwars right and it is huge it’s really cool you have all these quests you go inside here and um it’s called the Slumber Hotel of course and it’s really

Cool so right now I’m doing a quest where I need 250 void kills each void kill gives me an item called a fragment or something I only have 14 okay great yeah I’m going to need a lot more this is not going to be easy but would this be

Easier in a game of fours might be easier in a game of fours okay I might do that then so mathematically you have eight people in solos right you have 16 in fours but 12 of those are not on your team supposed to seven are not on your team so it have

More of a chance in fours but Forest also has like its it’s drawbacks you know I don’t know what do you guys think should I do solos or fours up to you might as well be a roll of dice so I’ll tell you what I have se’s

Restroom and I’m going to get a little bit more coffee so I’ll be right back decide if I’m doing solos or fours by the time I get back okay and I will see you literally in like two minutes so I’m going to put this stream on standby That w Okay I’m back let’s see here all right hanri is a side Force we’re doing fours okay just because I guess it makes sense when it comes to void kills so let’s do it Chad is dead I know yeah what is going on this morning yesterday was pretty active

Around 11 which is a shame because that’s like around when I wanted to stop streaming but then a lot of people came in so I stayed um maybe 9: is too early but I have to be consistent so I’m just going to stick to that time

So it’s 9:00 my time but I guess for anyone else who’s in America it’s going to be earlier for you guys so that’s fun these streams I most mostly do just for fun um and also just to talk to you guys you know same with the one tonight

That one is for fun uh holiday bingo is a lot of fun for me the videos I do you know to try to get out there whatever um but I had frosty in the chat yesterday which is really cool Frosty if you guys don’t know is a Minecraft YouTuber with

Over 100,000 subs and uh they were talking to me in chat yesterday so it’s pretty cool so you know there are some really cool benefits if you will to streaming so yeah okay you know actually after this game if you guys want to join some games

And help me get void kills I would appreciate that okay so we got this one I’m going to get one void kill right here boom that’s sick yeah I know that was great yeah I explained to him you know the whole update what it’s all about um but

Yeah I guess there aren’t too many people streaming this update so which makes me happy come on just need 40 there we go what is that is that part of the oh that that’s part of the base okay about to say um yeah let’s let’s go get yellow void kill oh really that’s

Crazy who can build higher hi yeah my team will take care of them I’m not worried however I can just come up from here do a cool little oh yeah we have we have a couple people come first US don’t we okay come here where’d you go can’t hide from me

Well they did so okay um clearly we have a situation under way so let’s take care of that situation why’d you go after me that’s such a weird thing to do he got two kills I don’t mind that is my team not good I don’t know I

I I don’t know yet not so good isz if if I’m the best player in the team then that’s an issue you know okay got one guy come from there oh isn’t throwable TNT thing hold up oh it’s 10 gold might as well just get fireball it’s cool but like it’s not

Going to be helpful to me so y it’d be funny if the void kills counted uh against my own teammates that’d be really funny okay so this guy’s going to come and I’m going to void kill him when he does no maybe not I don’t know what’s going on right

Now I genuinely don’t know what’s going on right now that’s crazy okay I can’t Fireball up there cuz I’ll just die our bed’s gone for sure yeah all right all right can I get at least one last void kill for fours oh no that’s a

Shame hi are you on my team oh you scared me started fighting back okay you’re cool you’re cool oh no I’m so scared what am I going to do it’s been that kind of a morning guys well hey I’ll take it trade is better than nothing so okay and

Again who is on my team some very cool people all right let’s do it is uh is school wrapping up for everyone right now it’s wrapped up for me it’s completely done so SK 3 all right after this game I will add you for sure just remember I have to get void kills

Okay that is my Objective that what’s up Pro Gamer are you a Pro Gamer what is up welcome to the stream right now we’re trying to get 250 void kills which is quite the task so I’m maybe at almost at 20 I want to say so progress is progress you know I’m

Going to have to find another quest to do alongside because there’s going to be too much just to do that one Quest die guys come on my team is useless absolutely useless I can’t do everything here I know I’m like insane at the game or whatever but I can’t do everything

OptiFine Cape all right Okay this is upsetting this is very upsetting a bit you’re a bit of a pro pro gamer if you drop your user in chat we can um we can do threes with ski oh yeah this is it this is it for me sorry guys that’s it all right saki let’s do This are you ready for my amazing skills all right we’ll give it like two minutes to see if Pro Gamer wants to join if you do want to join just drop your username and I’ll I’ll invite you in the meantime I’m going to have some

Coffee oh man I wonder how bad the delay is I think it should just be 5 seconds so the stream delay that is you know might say something and then when you guys actually see me say it so yeah I have 30 loot chests it’s crazy yeah you too all right poke

Xes say less MVP plus plus that’s crazy I didn’t notice that earlier is wild poke XIs if I ever need you to host a game in the future I will give you the coveted Discord rle of night how about that did you join okay there you go all right okay so let’s do

Threes yeah just remember I have to knock people off okay so if you guys can help me do that golden we got it I’m also going to try to buy a lot from the shop is there anything else I need to do void kills buy some from the shop I guess

Upgrade my wallet but I think the only way to do that is by getting these void kills I guess also get beds for bed sheets so but that’s not so important I don’t really care about that one you love my videos oh thank you so much

Welcome welcome that is very kind of you to say that um one of my favorite videos I’ve ever edited is hopefully coming out this weekend this is a Christmas them video of course it’s really cool I I just I’m going to say it’s really cool so keep an ey for that

Um it is I’m I’m very proud of it all right okay what is up let’s let’s win this shall we shall we team saki I like your skin very cool all right I just need enough for a fireball you excited all right let’s let’s do it let’s do it hanry s pots is

In it okay so logistically here I could just come on come on come on come on oh it’s going to be too late yeah way too late way too late timing it’s all about timing all right yeah yeah yeah for sure all right I have to do this very strategically all

Right so it’s good enough for Fireball we have enough for iron armor which is nice guys you should have seen it earlier I got my butt handed to me in Bridge tool for those of you who saw that earlier I apologize that you had to witness that it was it was pretty

Bad um but you know it’s okay I am actually pretty good at Sumo DS and parkour Duss so okay come on yeah do you do you’re doing great just come on over I should have waited that’s that’s my fault I should have waited oh did you

Throw me some iron if you did thank you it’s very cool view okay um almost there almost there I know they’re on their way there we go okay guys let’s let’s take yellow let’s do that let me get TNT okay let’s do that okay let’s take yellow oh well maybe not bye-bye void

Kill okay let’s go this way no I I Thought I need to look before I before I jump can’t go in chat on my phone so On’s phone oh that’s totally fine that is totally fine thank you for for being here in the first place so no worries all right let’s go here switch that out

Okay I need to look where I’m going guys that’s general rule in life always look where you’re going okay uh we have an issue guys lame get out of here W kill okay let’s see save up for Fireball but honestly I’m doing better without Fireballs I don’t know it’s good to still have

Them do that do that boom B skoo all right you guys keep going for yellow I’m going to more or less stay here and farm void kills from Blue who’s coming in so hey bud keep coming you are helping me out ways you don’t even know oh come on really that’s fine oh

Really at least you guys are there to to save that I take it back oh come here come here come here he’s low you need go no worries poke xes I will see you later all right thank you for joining okay all right SE we can do some dels not dels uh

Duos after this keep it coming keep it coming you’re you’re doing so good you’re doing so keep keep it coming keep going yeah take him I’ll come in from the back crazy we’re so good I have that okay H let’s try to get some last minute void kills

Um okay we have to be very patient wait for the opportune moment to strike like a cobra Is it striking time striking time striking time is blue coming no stri stri striking time Ah that’s so annoying I should have seen that coming though it’s okay oh thank you so much SEI it’s very kind of you thank you okay m well they found the void anyways

So yeah we can’t really do anything but wait just got wait for people to get voided go there go there okay nope that’s not really come on okay you think you’re bridging there no you’re not silly I have the worst luck with Fireballs that’s like all right I need

To I need to take a deep Breath it’s fine it’s okay sometimes things happen and you can’t do anything about it and that’s just how life is right it’s okay you just have to take a deep breath and maybe have a a sip of coffee to think about your life and how you just jumped face first

Into the void okay all right SEI let’s do Duos PR I thought poke X’s Left Right p hold up kick poke poke wait no poke AIS right there we go Okay okay so my odds on this are even bigger because there are 14 other people besides the two of us so and plus Duos people are sweatier and they’re bound to get hit by my Fireballs hi Santa wait look at that we have the same Santa overlay yeah that’s funny oh I really like that Christmas sweater on that guy’s skin it’s cool all right saki let’s get him I hope I’m pronouncing your name right let me know if I’m Not okay here we go nice nice if they’re going to rush us that’s fine because I can just Farm void kills So looks like they’re rushing mid shoot to where they will be I don’t know what just happened that was really glit all right you want to split no okay that’s fine okay we can go for pink let’s go for pink they don’t even have bed defense

Let’s do it is it only no it’s two people yeah let’s do It shoot for where they will be shoot for where they that’s not going to happen all right sui let’s go for Pink guys it’s it’s been a morning all Right Okay well there goes that ah they got the void kill what a rough morning of bedwars what a rough morning yesterday has doing pretty well too all right ski let’s see these Skills they have endstone oh no I hope you have TNT it’s fine just go there saki do you have TNT you have TNT I don’t have TNT zagy oh okay oh you have okay I I I got you I got you I got you I’m covering I’m

Covering no I should have let that be a void kill we kind of fumbled that I’m not I I fumbled that I will take full responsibility I fumbled that it’s okay maybe I should do up our bed a little bit More okay I’ll be right behind You no sui wait for me no if you can get it though wait no their bed just got got huh it’s weird their bed literally just got C oh come on it’s a shame man this Quest is just going to be so hard it’s very frustrating 250 void kills H I have to go for someone else let’s go for do they still have a bed no iron and chest all right thank you very much SEI thank you thank you okay let’s see here let’s get just a little bit more there we go okay shoot to where they will

Be I’m done I’m so just over it this is so dumb I hate this quest with a passion see I didn’t even get a void kill cuz they died on impact so okay second after this I’m going to go and see if there’s another Quest I

Can do while I’m doing this one cuz this is very frustrating okay so Green’s right there no okay sui where where is that you why are you over there SEI I mean go for it do your thing I just have to think okay so we have white

And green to go after right we can do that we can do that give me two seconds I’m going to see if I can take one of their beds cuz at the end of the day if you play bedwars regularly you’ll be able to um get this Quest done regardless so if

I try for a minute here not to do the quest I can still probably do it so it’s probably just hard to me cuz I’m overthinking it Okay White’s right there okay really that’s annoying to be fair we didn’t have like much of a bed setup at all so they void oh no no SEI you got them okay give me a second here SEI I’m trying to do something kind of kind of sneaky

Here oh Green’s right there so that’s not going to happen well still good okay oh come on that was so close okay that’s all right all right SEI Carrie let’s see it hi hi Cana welcome to the stream yeah you caught a stream look at that this stream has been rough this morning

Um I don’t know if I’m just worse at bedwars this morning or if everyone else is better it’s been rough I’ve not been able to do my quests so right now I’m working on getting 250 void kills I mean just just saying that saying that brings down my

Spirit so so you guys have to keep me pumped you have to you have to keep me inspired okay youd say it you do all right again though after this game after um SEI wins which SEI you’re you’re going to win yeah uh I’m going to

Go and see if there are any other quests I can do alongside this one so cuz 250 void kills is going to take a while all right saki all right it’s okay if you hit him from the side it’s a lot easier to knock him off so there we

Go okay and yeah I can get there I mean in a year maybe someone in my Discord um has playing with yesterday ski that was really good for a second there here give me one second here oh no I’m not in party chat give me one second okay so someone

In my Discord who was playing with yesterday got this son within a day because they’re crazy at the game but they were telling me that they got like I think 40 kills 40 void kills in one game cuz they kept farming the same person which is just crazy that’s like wild oh

God so let’s see here I can do the laundry one which is 10 bed sheets but well how much of everything do I have I have seven bed sheets good I have have a lot of silver coins so let me let me go and get some tickets let’s

Do that and let’s do the uh the the slot machine a little bit by the way is my voice okay do I sound clear enough to you guys do I sound loud enough all that I’m just trying to be respectful because it is still the morning where I am and I

Have people living above and below me so my tickets cool let’s do it again Mhm can I do it again yep okay I just taking these tickets all right let’s do the uh let’s do the slot machine a few times yep it’s rolling where are we going to get guys what do we think most players like the new oh I

Don’t know um 750 that’s not good I don’t really care about B coins so it’s pretty split from what I can see in the community people like me love it because I love both bedwars and Sky Block right but a lot of people don’t like that this is very Sky blocky because

There are a lot of quests a lot of objectives a lot of exploration things I love that and it’s a lot of lore too it adds a lot of lore to bedwars which is cool so you know my my my thing and take this as you will if you

Don’t like this update just don’t play it you know like I’ve just seen some videos on YouTube complaining about it like oh bedw Wars is like Sky Block now like just don’t play it it’s a hotel that’s right here okay you don’t have to go

Inside you don’t have to do it all right but for those of us who like it don’t go and and like be upset about it I don’t know it’s just like if there’s a bad movie out there just don’t watch it you know that’s my two Cents so maybe there aren’t any other quests I can do this m will be unlocked once enough players have met the Slumber Hotel owner interesting that’s really interesting actually huh okay yes so it’s like quest to get more points and XP and cosmetics and literally everything right Plus on top

Of that it’s just really cool like I unlocked this hotel room right this dude gave me a quest I did the quest got rewards it’s really fun same with this one this one was King flut whatever that means um but right now like I’m working on oh Alfred joins

I’m working on this one which is 250 void kills crazy right absolutely crazy so let’s get back to it shall we saky void kills so yeah I don’t know I like it I like it a lot I get that some people don’t want bedwars to become Sky Block ified

Because those two communities hate each other but still it’s just I know like I did a um I did a Hypixel tier list video I I don’t know if you guys have watched it um one my lower performing videos which surprised me but I don’t

Really care I’m not going to do May tier list in the future but I did it with Dexter and I put both bedwar and Sky Block at s because they kind of Define Hypixel right if you guys didn’t know the Sky Block Reddit has more users than the

Hypixel Reddit it’s crazy like the Hypixel Skyblock Reddit so how’s it going chel how’s it going chel I know I promised you I’d use a texture pack um but I won’t be able to do that until tonight’s stream at 6 p.m uh I just don’t have I I didn’t have one

This morning I had a very rough morning with my cats well got sick all over some clothes so I have to wash both him and the clothes not my clothes it was my girlfriend’s clothes so can’t wait to break the new swer yeah he’s fine it’s just because he

Ate food that he was not supposed to be pretty useful yeah yeah for sure um I think I’m a membering both really going right that much you can cheat accusations are like the dumbest thing in the world I just I don’t know f3d there you go

Okay so let’s get a fireball so we can get some more void kills today this stream is just been Fireballs all over so yes you tell I know I promised to a texture pack um again it’s just been a rough morning both in game and out of game so speaking of what is

That is my cat okay hold up I’m hearing a weird noise from my cat cat let me uh let me pause the stream really quickly I’ll be right Back okay I’m back um everything’s good my cat was walking on a keyboard so that’s fun yeah that gotro by right oh I see yeah I’m sorry to hear about that chall very sorry to hear about that it happens let me turn music down um my one cat is 13

Years old so he’s going to be going pretty soon because that is old for a cat right um whereas the other one is 7 months old six months so big age difference but it happens you know that’s why I got to enjoy the time that

They’re here I do but this week has been tough because n has been out of town so all right let’s see all let’s do fours we’re going to do some fours if any of you guys are online and want to join send your name in in the uh in the

Chat oh I’m sorry to hear that 3 years old I’m sorry yeah Unfortunately they get sick and stuff happens I heard though apparently take this with grain assault cuz I heard it from I think Tik Tok um there is a vaccine or something that they’re working on Japan that they’ve tested and

Apparently it extends a cat’s lifespan by 15 years which sounds crazy and like you know whatever but I don’t know it it came from a reputable Source not Tik Tok but within Tik Tok so pretty cool if that is the case okay let’s go over here mhm apparently 15 years

Again came from a Tik Tok but um came from like a news page on I think it was from um Dylan what’s what’s his name Dylan something rather he has like 10 million followers on Tik Tok it’s crazy uh but he does a lot of news stories and

Stuff and that was one of his stories and I I do trust his stories so I don’t know that would be crazy right but imagine if he can do that with cats 10 years from now what could you do with humans you know and there’s a whole ethical thing like

Oh Should humans be able to extend their lifespan but my argument is you know we’ve already done that with medicines and things like in medieval times average lifespan was like I think 40 years it’s crazy um because now our average life is like 80 I want to say

So I means to get all you know deep with you guys here but all right got blue bridging void kill unless they can clutch it they can clutch it that’s fine all right what’s going on wait oh okay never mind I have been like my skill has just gone down this

Morning 200 yeah yeah yeah it’s like doubling their life it’s crazy imagine living to be 200 years old right I think the longest a human has lived is like 130 years I want to say something like that um oh I did not mean to get all those swords

Go chel are you still with me no Shel is it you who just died no not not chal SEI oh no SEI both S names all right I get that a lot cuz um sticks I don’t know if you guys know sticks from my videos his name is Bennett and my name

In real life is also Bennett and we went to both middle school and high school together so imagine how confusing that was right whoa that was weird did you guys see that I don’t know if that was from me hitting him that was weird that was really weird weird oh

Go let’s do I don’t know right now these games just aren’t working and I need void kills because as of right now I have how many fragments 18 it’s pretty sad guys 18 is nothing I really hope that’s the keyboard I I’m just stressed because my

Cat again got sick this morning and it almost sounds like a cat throwing up so if if I leave this stream and walk into that room and there’s a lot more throw up I’m going to be upset I’m going to be very upset I’m supposed to uh go see my

Family this weekend cuz I live in an apartment with my girlfriend’s maybe two and a half hours away from my family and you know it’s it’s winter holidays supposed to go s this weekend um and we have a cat Setter coming in for one day but I don’t know if this

Keeps up I might only be able to go see them just for like that one day which sucks so I don’t know again cats are great now but these two can be pretty demanding and they they’ve been fine again they’ve been fine it’s just today has been very difficult so

No so I know exactly what it’s from so the older one his name is Valentino he has an a very very sensitive stomach right so if I switch up the food at all he just throws it all up um he can only have this one type of food but we got

This new like dry food sprinkle they put on the wet food and I was giving it to them yesterday um they were fine with it and then I gave it to both of them this morning and he threw it all up so I just know that I need to not ever switch his

Food up partially my fault but it said on the thing is was like sensitive stomach fine whatever so now I know I don’t know yeah the uh the youngest cat has this issue with eating dust whenever she sees dust she just eats it right up it’s probably not good all right dust isn’t

Yummy what are you doing I think what she’s doing do you guys know what making biscuits is it’s like when they do this I think she’s doing that on the keyboard which is pretty funny so okay all right suy let’s get some void kills um get one of

These why that cut off that’s weird emergency exit that’s such a cool little detail huh okay saki Let’s Help pink out just a little bit here not in a teaming sort of way but in a I’m going to get a void kill kind of way void kill welcome back hanry welcome back you

Didn’t miss much I haven’t made much progress unfortunately um and with that being said I’m probably going to stream till 11: today I do have to do some editing on a pretty cool video coming up so I do this thank you SEI thank you very much for the uh the Iron okay Oh that’s a fun little kill effect okay um okay we we’ll play this bite here by the way if you guys are free tonight at 6 p.m. join me for my uh holiday bingo I promise it’s not quite as boring as this and yesterday this wasn’t boring it’s

Just I’m suck on this one Quest um holiday bingo is so much fun though I love holiday bingo boom Ford kill okay let’s see here that’s enough for a fireball nope not enough for Fireball okay all right s you go get them nice okay are you going to be able to get

Their bed or is that their defense what that’s their defense how do they get that color terra cotta it’s really weird all right let’s go get him I mean all the same yeah if you have to miss it don’t worry don’t worry at all um also these streams are available after I stream

Them you know this isn’t green base I’m dumb I’m so dumb yeah okay well that’s fine ah come on that’s going to miss it’s going to miss it’s 4:00 a.m. for you it’s okay that’s okay do not worry Discord just doesn’t work some days for me yeah okay so I actually have a

Similar issue um sometimes when I close Discord on my computer and I try to reopen it it won’t reopen until I restart my computer it’s because I think Discord updates a lot and whenever it updates I can’t reopen it very frustrating so it’s just us green and gray okay sui let’s go

For well Gray’s coming from over here so I need to not let that happen let’s go for green we can definitely get green okay well get another Fireball I think Gray’s about to bridge over here so let me get them really quickly and then we’ll go for green no maybe

Not and great bed just got got so well okay saki what what’s the green bed situation looking like is it is is it op or no let me see for myself it’s not OP okay let’s do it let’s get green bed we can do this okay one of them just died

Um I’m going to sit in here now sui I’ll be honest our bed might might be getting got soon cuz we have a very bad pit defense you only see wool all right that’s fine I have TNT oh I I have TNT it’s okay I got oh yeah that’s

Okay no no oh I swear it’s open no I’m not going to be able to get this in time it’s okay no it’s okay that’s fine oh man that’s so frustrating all right sui win you can win going Apple see if you T base that’s probably good idea definitely need a gap

Okay all right SEI let’s see you win I’ll probably do one more game after this and then I’ll spin the uh the slot machine just like last stream to finish off the stream so but SEI it’s been an honor playing with you so we still have one more game after this and that

Hit save come on come on come on ah it’s okay all right skyi you can win this one V one you got this yeah they’re coming up hit them off nice nice okay let me see where the other gray person is they have diamond armor okay yeah pretty close um

Okay I wonder if they’re going to go for the green bed then their bed defense isn’t anything special so let’s see let’s see where the other one is let’s see okay so this is one green person at Mid the other one is that’s gray never mind um here we go

Well SE you’re wild you’re insane that’s pretty funny all right SEI come on you can win this no pressure but everyone’s watching I’m not messing with you it’s true but still messing oh that was crazy that was crazy nicely done very nicely done all right get some diamonds let me see where

The other gray guy is so we can see if he’s going to get their bed oh he’s he’s stacking up okay is that green no it’s not green base all right sui watch out I think these guys are headed in your direction both of them yeah watch out suak so S I don’t

Know maybe maybe the e is a little bit different in se’s name it does sound I’m saying sucky doesn’t it saki is not sucky though saki is very goody that was dumb all right last game so let’s I we’re not going to win probably but let’s let’s let’s make this

Count oh what this map is crazy this is my favorite map this is so cool this is wild wow this is new for sure this is like so cool though just like the the from the build perspective this is the coolest map like look at

That wow I had no idea this is even map that’s crazy yeah yeah s if I’m if I’m saying your name wrong let me know are these giraffes they’re definitely going to be on a team H and these two no they’re not okay all right let’s do it SEI do you eat

Licorice I mean I don’t mind it a lot of people hate licorice I don’t mind it I’m also not going to like go on my way to eat it so o they have um they have an OptiFine is that an OptiFine thing I think so yeah yeah I’m not using any

Clients so that’s what that is all right I’m going to go and Rush these guys from the diagonal behind okay and I’m already out of blocks what a great morning void kill and final are are they okay like what happened come here it’s okay Embrace death all right get that do

This comfy pillow might as well might as well um second let’s make sure no one is bridging to us no we’re good we’re good okay love Lish I don’t know I’m just I’m indifferent to it I know okay do that get some more of these all right okay pink is right there they’re

Busy so let’s go for pink okay yeah know stream has been rough still on the keyboard my gosh these games have not been going very well so not much I can say about that it’s fine let’s do that do oh okay that’s a GG right there that’s

Okay yeah these games have been pretty bad today um so I apologize for that yesterday was pretty good I don’t know why it’s so bad all of a sudden um here let me do the uh slot machine like I promised and because this is the slot machine to finish the stream I’m going

To get the best thing ever let’s see it GG ski GG it’s rolling what are we going to get oh figurine I’ll take it it’s common but I’ll take it cool cool okay well thank you guys for checking this stream out I will be streaming tonight at 6 and

That’s where the holiday fun is going to be um if you haven’t already watched the parkour vid that I put out yesterday and stay tuned for this weekend because I have a really really cool video coming out this weekend that I’m very proud of um and with that being said I think this

Is my last bedw war Slumber Hotel stream for a little bit I’ll see if I’m streaming tomorrow I don’t know yet okay so keep an eye out for that uh but yeah it was fun so spam cing while bridging try timer clicks yeah I need to really

Get the bridging timing down with speed bridging um something I’m working on a lot of things in bedwar again I come from a building background I’m a builder for Minecraft I like to build uh so bedwars is very different from that so yeah all right thank you guys for

Joining and I will see you later so bye

This video, titled ‘Bedwars Slumber Hotel – LIVE PLAYTHROUGH 🔴 [Day 3]’, was uploaded by SmittieKing on 2023-12-08 04:36:46. It has garnered 129 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:11 or 6851 seconds.

Day 3 of exploring the new Bedwars Slumber Hotel! #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars

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    Exposed: Minecraft Myths & Tricks Pt. 3 The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Myths and Tricks Part 3 Exploring the World of Minecraft Myths As the popular game Minecraft continues to captivate players worldwide, myths and tricks have become an integral part of the gaming experience. In this third installment of the series, players are taken on a journey to uncover some of the most intriguing myths and tricks within the game. Unveiling Hidden Secrets One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the discovery of hidden secrets scattered throughout the game world. From hidden treasure chests to mysterious structures, players are constantly on the lookout… Read More

  • Crafting Stokes Twins’ Minecraft Mansion: A Block-Building Blast!

    Crafting Stokes Twins' Minecraft Mansion: A Block-Building Blast! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, I built the Stokes Twins house, with no complaints. From the walls to the roof, every block in its place, A masterpiece of design, a true showcase. The Stokes Twins, known for their pranks and their fun, Now have a virtual home, under the sun. With a touch of my hand, and a click of my mouse, Their dream house in Minecraft, now ready to house. So join me in this journey, of building and play, In the world of Minecraft, where we’ll stay. And remember to like, subscribe, and share,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Community Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Community Experience! Welcome to! Today we want to introduce you to the incredible world of Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re a fan of creativity, community, and endless possibilities, then Minewind is the place for you. Imagine a server where you can build, explore, and survive in a unique and challenging environment. With a dedicated player base and regular events, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking for a new challenge or a beginner eager to learn the ropes, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and become part of our growing… Read More


Title: "BABY WORKER & HASAN MASTER CITY BUILD! - Minecraft Minecraft: Hasan Usta and Bebek 陌艧莽i Develop a City! In a recent Minecraft video, Hasan Usta and his son Bebek 陌艧莽i are seen working together to develop a city. The duo transforms their city into a bustling metropolis, attracting a plethora of new residents and filling the city to the brim with life. City Development in Minecraft Hasan Usta and Bebek 陌艧莽i’s city development project in Minecraft showcases the creative and strategic aspects of the game. From constructing buildings to managing resources, the duo’s efforts result in a vibrant and thriving cityscape. New Residents and City Expansion As Hasan… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Baazigar: Crafting Chaos

    Minecraft's Baazigar: Crafting Chaos In the world of Minecraft, Techno Gamerz reigns supreme, His gameplay skills are like a thrilling dream. With each heist and adventure, he takes the lead, In GTA V, he’s the master of speed. Join him on this journey, full of action and fun, As he pulls off heists under the blazing sun. His commentary is witty, his skills are top-notch, Techno Gamerz is the one you can’t watch. So buckle up and get ready for a wild ride, With Techno Gamerz by your side. In the world of gaming, he’s a true star, Epic moments and thrills, that’s… Read More

  • Blockbuster Childhood: Minecraft TV Time

    Blockbuster Childhood: Minecraft TV Time In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you news in rhymes, keeping it alive. From updates to tips, all in a playful tone, Join me on this journey, let’s make it our own. With blocks and mobs, and adventures galore, I’ll bring you the latest, and so much more. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. From the classroom series to song adaptation, I’ll keep you entertained, no hesitation. So follow along, subscribe and see, The world of Minecraft, through the eyes of me. Fangkuaixuan,… Read More

  • Strong Allies for Herobrine: Minecraft’s Mightiest Fight

    Strong Allies for Herobrine: Minecraft's Mightiest Fight In the world of Minecraft, where heroes shine bright, Herobrine needs help, let’s give him our might. Strong people unite, let’s lend a hand, Together we’ll conquer, in this blocky land. Super Mario and Herobrine, in a pushing race, Who will win, who will embrace? Noob joins the fun, with a funny twist, Laughs and cheers, in this gaming mist. Let’s support Herobrine, with all our might, Click the screen, show your light. With a billion power, he rises high, In the world of Minecraft, we reach the sky. So comment below, who joined the fight, To help Herobrine,… Read More

  • “Minefart: The Explosive Edition” 馃槀 #minecraft #memes

    "Minefart: The Explosive Edition" 馃槀 #minecraft #memes When you’re playing Minefart and you accidentally unleash a deadly gas attack on your friends in the game. 馃挩馃拃 #minecraft #memes #funny #meme Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Survival Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Survival Adventures! Welcome to! Are you a fan of epic adventures, survival tips, and building tutorials in Minecraft? If so, you’re in the right place! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video showcasing the creation of iron armor and a wheat farm in Minecraft. The dedication and creativity displayed in the video are truly inspiring. As you watch the player craft their iron armor piece by piece and set up a sustainable wheat farm, you can’t help but feel the urge to dive into your own Minecraft world and embark on similar adventures. The possibilities in Minecraft are truly… Read More

  • Medieval Minecraft Madness: Lindough’s Epic 200 Day Survival Story (FULL MOVIE)

    Medieval Minecraft Madness: Lindough's Epic 200 Day Survival Story (FULL MOVIE)Video Information I survived 100 days in Cisco’s Medieval Minecraft this mod pack turns Minecraft into a fantasy Medieval World it has classes brand new and unique weapons and gear custom bosses and a lot more in these 100 days I collect the powerful weapons fight powerful bosses and explore new structures this one was a really fun one so I hope you guys enjoy all right choose your origin there’s too many there’s like 50 things to choose from um I might do the shock cuz again yeah cuz it’s simple and it’s kind of useful it’s like having… Read More

  • I Cheated in Minecraft Build Battle

    I Cheated in Minecraft Build BattleVideo Information my robot Guido challenged me to a build battle where the winner gets 10,000 diamonds but what he doesn’t know is that I can use the slash myth command so the scariest myths in Minecraft can help me win those 10,000 diamonds are going to be mine the theme for your first build is house good luck Steve yeah yeah whatever Guido he doesn’t even realize that he’s the one that will be needing luck because I prepared a little something earlier under this x here I’ve hidden myself the blood Summoner this is the first step on… Read More

  • Insane Vanilla Minecraft Chaos with Crowd Control

    Insane Vanilla Minecraft Chaos with Crowd ControlVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Vanilla Minecraft w/ Crowd Control | Part 01’, was uploaded by MattMightCraft on 2024-03-28 07:00:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thank you for subscribing and liking the video! Without you, the streams and videos would not be possible! Thank you for doing … Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft Builds: 5 Powerful Beacons

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft Builds: 5 Powerful BeaconsVideo Information ah Jesus Christ so many problems today oh my God headphones decided they were just they didn’t know they didn’t know my computer anymore they’re like I don’t [ __ ] know you and then I had to come in and mediate like bro y’all have known each other for a while man chill chill [ __ ] out oh I need music give me music or give me death I got to work on getting all these skulls and then maybe a better entrance to the farm maybe try to figure that out why am I hear… Read More


    ULTIMATE GAMER JOURNEY: RODE TO 10K SUBS - Minecraft PAKKOUR BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘RODE TO 10K SUBS Play Minecraft PAKKOUR Bedrock’, was uploaded by MR GAMER 2.O on 2024-03-17 15:14:25. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:33 or 273 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft Pe 1.20 Survival Series Minecraft pocket edition Survival Series Minecraft Pe 1.20 Survival Series In Hindi Tags & Keywords馃敄:- minecraft minecraft survival minecraft survival series minecraft survival series in hindi minecraft best survival series minecraft lets play minecraft 100 days minecraft pe minecraft hardcore minecraft pe survival minecraft pocket edition survival series mcpe in hindi minecraft hindi minecraft… Read More

  • Dino Pranks Friend as CAT in Minecraft!

    Dino Pranks Friend as CAT in Minecraft!Video Information my friend flaky is currently trying to beat Minecraft but little does he know that I installed a super secret morph mod which lets me morph into all different kinds of creatures and check this out guys by the end of this video I am even going to transform into a freaking lion but now let’s see what Floy is up to okay there we go hey little kitty are you hungry you got to be well fed because we’re going on a big adventure today okay you know what I’m going to get you some food and… Read More

  • Insane ROBLOX Gameplay! Join Rayo ProGamer LIVE!

    Insane ROBLOX Gameplay! Join Rayo ProGamer LIVE!Video Information Hola buenas buenas C贸mo estamos chicos listos para el roblox la gente qui roblox y roblox les voy a dar a ver chatos listos vamos a empezar Ya ya este ya acept茅 a todos los que me agregaron eh a pato y alguno que otro por ah铆 as铆 que atentos para empezar el primer mapa que vamos a jugar primer juego Qu茅 es Hola hola peque帽o masi Hola jl c贸mo est谩s Qu茅 tal hermano Todo bien puse el speech pero no saluda No s茅 por qu茅 A ver vamos a ver actualizando Hola Nova pura mojarra Dale Nova… Read More

  • Schockierende Minecraft PVP Challenge Online! #Malganzehrlich

    Schockierende Minecraft PVP Challenge Online! #MalganzehrlichVideo Information Freunde neben highpixel g HD und R piixels gibt’s noch viele unbekannte skywars Server und genau so einen testen wir heute wir haben das ganze schon mal gemacht allerdings mit badws und das war sehr sehr unterhaltsam deswegen machen wir das ganze heute noch mal aber mit skywars okay fre jetzt ma duels diger die Runde beginnt ich bin allein oh oha okay ich ich ich mach das was du machst okay ich helfe dir ich helfe dir nice haben wir haben wir pass auf oben oben da kommt jemand okay haben wir ey wir schaffen das okay… Read More

  • Shrek Craft: MAIZEN’s 100 CRAZY Minecraft Dates!

    Shrek Craft: MAIZEN's 100 CRAZY Minecraft Dates!Video Information Mas and they are leaving so it’s time to start now you have to go to this house I hope you can handle it and this is my H hundredth row I am very happy finally I was able to complete the task M and we have arrived and now you can meet your fans I hope you have good dates it’s time to start wait Mikey I’m just a little worried and I want to calm down before meeting them can you hear that it’s me I’ll be the first and then you will don’t even think… Read More

  • Infinity Isles SMP 1.20.4 Java Semi-Vanilla 18+ Whitelist Dynmap LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to Infinity Isles! Are you ready for your new Minecraft adventure? Whether you’re an explorer, master builder, or redstone genius, our server has something for everyone. Join our young and growing community today! What we offer: Java server hosted on the east coast Whitelisted for players 18+ Mostly vanilla gameplay with quality-of-life enhancements Engaging features like Dynmap and frequent End resets Head Database for donators & supporters Join our vibrant community: Experience our warm and inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated. From the bustling Shopping District to mutual support and camaraderie, there’s always something exciting happening on Infinity Isles…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Real Minecraft Gamers Don’t Sleep”

    Well, looks like this meme is starting from ground zero! Read More

  • Minecraft Farewell: Slick’s Moving Day!

    Minecraft Farewell: Slick's Moving Day! In AquaVerse City, Slick’s birthday was grand, But his friends’ pranks got out of hand. They blew up his house, not once but twice, Leaving poor Slick feeling not so nice. But wait, a surprise was in store, A cake house as big as a door. Forgiveness and laughter filled the air, As Slick’s friends showed how much they care. So let’s toast to Slick, our Minecraft star, With a cake as big as a car. Happy Birthday, Slick, may your year be bright, Filled with joy, laughter, and gaming delight! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Edition BOOM!

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Edition BOOM! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftlove #relationshipgoals #boom Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of viral videos, trending topics, and all things popular on the internet? If so, you’ll love the excitement and buzz surrounding Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players from all around the world, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Imagine diving into a virtual world where creativity knows no bounds, where you can build, explore, and conquer alongside fellow gamers who share your passion for adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Server Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft Server Guide The Top 3 Best Minecraft Servers You Must Try Are you tired of playing alone or looking to make new friends online? In this video, three servers are highlighted for you to play with your friends or make new ones. Let’s dive into the details of these exciting Minecraft servers: Pika Network Pika Network is known as the best international server with a variety of modes to choose from. Whether you enjoy Kit PvP, Skyblock, or Survival, this server has something for everyone. With thousands of players online, it’s a great place to test your skills and have fun… Read More

  • Unbelievable 4ChanChan Player Review

    Unbelievable 4ChanChan Player ReviewVideo Information what up y’all so I’ve been trying to look around for like a new person to look at their profile and then it instantly hit me I’m like wait benett Arthur why haven’t I thought of that it f you have 20 cents in your bank balance Benn it how the [ __ ] do you not have Eman 9 and you had 3,2 runs how do you not have a subset duplex one ter chance three nothing not even like five star are you trying to battle Joey LMAO worse Warden helmet so we got refrigerate one… Read More

  • Trapped by Doves!

    Trapped by Doves!Video Information nej nej jag got TR This video, titled ‘They Trapped Me!?’, was uploaded by Doveular on 2024-02-15 11:55:00. It has garnered 8678 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft Nextbots Mod! #minecraft #gaming #trending #mc #funny Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Lore Revealed! #DrauviaMC

    Unbelievable Minecraft Lore Revealed! #DrauviaMCVideo Information nos parecemos bastante No ambos rubios de hecho dir铆a que te pareces tambi茅n a ciertas personas a qui茅n me [M煤sica] [M煤sica] parezco que me recuerdas a mi amada ella me est谩 esperando en casa y yo muriendo por volver This video, titled ‘饾晞饾晼 饾暎饾晼饾晹饾暒饾晼饾暎饾晻饾晵饾暏 饾晵 饾晼虂饾暆… #Lore #Minecraft #MinecraftRolplay #Rolplay #MinecraftLore #Drauvia #DrauviaMC’, was uploaded by Daya Lore on 2024-03-29 05:56:33. It has garnered 614 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #Skins #Lore #Minecraft #MinecraftRolplay #Rolplay #MinecraftLore #Drauvia #DrauviaMC Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Dog House Build 馃悤馃敤 #shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Dog House Build 馃悤馃敤 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cute Dog House Build #shorts’, was uploaded by Sunfy Shorts on 2024-01-04 21:15:00. It has garnered 10974 views and 358 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #minecraftbuilding Hey there, welcome to Snufy! Your go-to spot for cool and simple Minecraft builds! We’re all about making your gaming experience better by sharing quick, awesome building ideas that you can easily try out in your own world. 馃彙 Build it fast and easy: Check out short tutorials to create stunning structures without breaking a sweat. 馃帹 Unleash your creativity:… Read More

  • Dansk YouTuber Blows Up House in Youtropolis :O

    Dansk YouTuber Blows Up House in Youtropolis :OVideo Information This video, titled ‘馃挜Eksplodere Starvys Hus I Youtropolis :O #dansk’, was uploaded by EliasHau on 2024-01-13 17:52:49. It has garnered 4407 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. #minecraft #danskminecraft #dansk #youtropolis #funny @StarvyDK Join My Discord Server Link In Bio Read More

  • INSANE!! COD Zombies in Minecraft (BO3 Custom Zombies)

    INSANE!! COD Zombies in Minecraft (BO3 Custom Zombies)Video Information since the literal Stone ages of custom zombies maps there has been one thing that has made its way to every game that has custom zombies and that is Minecraft whether it be an original map or the tutorial world or a remake of an actual map Minecraft has been part of custom zombies since World at War and today I’m going to be playing zombies maps that have been fully recreated into Minecraft versions but without further Ado let’s get into the first map with the first map being knock dur un toen I haven’t played any… Read More

  • CRAZY Minecraft Anniversary Surprise! 馃帀 | Viewer Realms #shorts

    CRAZY Minecraft Anniversary Surprise! 馃帀 | Viewer Realms #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello how’s it going everybody Welcome how’s it going Brian Elijah Charles uh one player G Michael towels Orville beatcraft we got bacon in the house zichi Ethan wper how are you guys doing today also Christopher Carter welcome manand drut like gazer and milk Domino’s nice to see you again and papa little tiger yo Eevee fanatic… Read More

  • “Unbeatable PvP Server for Cracked Minecraft Players!” #minecraftserver #minecraftpc

    "Unbeatable PvP Server for Cracked Minecraft Players!" #minecraftserver #minecraftpcVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best server for PvP (Cracked) like stray | #minecraftserver #minecraftpc #minecraft’, was uploaded by Harish on 2024-01-19 03:14:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Best server like stray for cracked java+pe best cracked server for 1.19.3 best cracked server for 1.16.5 best cracked server for … Read More

  • Fret: Creeper Revenge?! Minecraft Memes! #fyp

    Fret: Creeper Revenge?! Minecraft Memes! #fypVideo Information creeper always creeping what do This video, titled ‘CAN THIS CREEPER GET REVENGE!! #minecraft #funny #memes #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #fyp #mobs’, was uploaded by Fret on 2024-01-15 17:44:43. It has garnered 12 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2

    Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2About feather64 feather64 has been operating since 2011. F64 is a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. Raiding and griefing are allowed. On feather64 you cannot protect/claim land. Lapis is used as a currency. Players can sethome and tpa. Play your way on feather64. Grief & raid, hide & collect, travel & explore, automate & farm, enchant & pvp, design & construct, it’s up to you. Rules Do not use hacks, macros, or mods beyond the permitted modifications guide. Do not use duplication exploits except TNT, rail, carpet, string, and tripwire hooks. Follow the directions of administrators and moderators. Rule… Read More

  • The Crazy Spacy Vanilla Server

    The Crazy Spacy Vanilla ServerWelcome to The Crazy Spacy Vanilla ServerAlmost a 100% vanilla feel (no plugins, no mods, no datapacks)Settle in and become a seasoned veteran on this new minecraft server that is in desperate need of new players!Seeking staffPreferably looking for people with skills on how to setup a small discord server that would be attached to the minecraft server.Just be friendly and respectful to the other players around you and you should manage very well with the server environment.Hoping to see you on the server!- Graph01 Read More