Living for 100 years in Minecraft

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Oh my gosh I can’t wait to cat all my valuables at the bank yeah no the good eye this is going to be awesome I know look at this guys I have a cursed Diamond this is totally going to be so valuable so Shiny wait oh no I lost all of my valuables okay surely I can save it from the pit I can save it from the pit guys what happened oh Gracie I don’t know how to tell you this but there’s lava down there and everything’s gone are you

Serious those were my life savings now I’m poor I’m so angry I’m so angry gra Gracie look it’s fine we can always get it back okay but now I have to start all over okay let me just go get some wood I have to start mining I don’t even have a

Pickaxe I have nothing don’t worry Gracie we’ll help you we’ll become rich together yeah I’m right behind you mining wood is so boring I used to do this when I was a kid and now I have to do it again wait what are they Whispering about over there uh Sophie um

Can I ask you a question really quick sure Lou what is it like what is your type like what kind of guy would you marry uh well he has to be super handsome and also Super Rich so he can buy me all the plushies I want wait did

You say super rich yeah of course crazy oh what’s up Lou I didn’t hear a single word you guys were saying I need help getting super rich can I join you in your journey really you want to be rich with me oh my gosh guys Lou wants

To be rich because he knows Sophie only wants a rich guy oh my goodness we have to help Lou get Sophie okay okay um yeah yeah yeah let’s keep thinking guys we need get all the tools we can and then go into a mine sounds good Lou Lou I’ve

Got a pickaxe for you I’ve got a pickaxe throw it down take it come on I’m going to get tons of stone it’s going to be awesome all right L how’s this little mining thing going a there’s a lot of gravel down here it’s kind of hot to to

Mine anything well we need stone tools and that way we can get iron okay well I’ve got a ton of stone right now a ton of stone but still no iron this is so bad oh oh we found an iron orb but I can’t even break it okay let me make the

Stove pickaxe right now I’m a make one too wait soie do you want to be rich too yeah then I can buy so many more plushies oh she wants a husband who can buy plushies and also she wants to buy plushies that’s hilarious what I’ll get

A couple plushies for my husband too I guess Grazy Grazy now I really need to get rich yeah but I only have like six iron ore and I don’t see any other iron in any distance we have to go find another way to get more iron oh well

It’s fine we’ll find some more we just need to get some iron tools quick Gracie here I found some coal so you can smelt the iron oh that’s perfect nice furnace guys but H we need a proper cave this is not good enough we’ve just beg digging

In a random area and the villagers are going to be mad that we made a hole like this wait yeah that’s a good point oh yes I have enough for an iron pickaxe let’s go and there’s also enough for one more but we still need to find that cave

Let’s go look for a cave sounds good let’s go 1 hour later oh it’s been ages and we haven’t found a single cave yeah I know right how come there’s no caves here how are we going to get the iron for Sophie a this is so frustrating wait

A second guys I just realized I might have some iron stashed away somewhere I’ll be a sec what your house is so far okay Sophie well while he’s going to get that iron we should find another way to get more iron yeah well you think maybe

We could trade with a villager that’s a perfect idea let’s go look for a Trader villager oh come on where are the villagers where are the villagers I thought I saw one oh here look there’s one over here what is he selling what he doesn’t want to sell with us a that’s so

Rude okay what about this old villager over here Who you calling old young lady I’m sorry I didn’t mean to call you old I mean your name literally says old villager oh Sophie this is so bad nobody wants to trade with us oh yeah how about in here is there anything here yeah

Let’s look at the chest oh come on Sophie there’s nothing in there oh there’s got to be someone who’s willing to give us some iron wait look at that little kid he’s got some iron let’s chase him hey little kid can we get some iron please what little kid I’m like 38

Years old what are you talking about 38 years old oh gosh he’s so short okay so if we get away from him he’s not going to want to give us any iron after that oh Gracie where are we going to find iron hey I heard someone was looking for

Some iron in this Village oh oh a Wandering trador that’s so cool wait we need that it’s an iron pickaxe exactly what we need you want some of my stuff huh well I need to make myself a bed bed so uh if you guys could get me like 10

Pieces of wool that would be really appreciated what how many beds do you need do you have a entire family or something no I just need a really big king-sized bed and uh don’t look behind you uh it’s my sleep paralysis demon a warden run run Sophie run wait it’s

Right here sopie Sophie sleep oh my gosh Sophie that water was so scary he hit me down to one heart yeah that guy had some majer sleep paral issues wait I think he’s fighting the villagers right now oh that was terrifying oh what do we do Gracie what

Do we do okay we need to get some shears so that we can get those walls oh you’re right if he goes to sleep it’ll go away all right all right you know what um let’s let’s look around there’s got to be some chest around here somewhere oh

This chest is empty I also really need food wait let me take some of this wheat before that sleeper demon comes up to me again now we can make ourselves tons of bread oh my gosh that warning was absolutely frightening yeah but let’s keep looking for that Shear okay yeah

Where where else could it be oh Sophie I haven’t found any shears maybe if we had Lou up it be so much better guys Lou well guys I’m afraid to tell you that I think we wasted our time with the iron I couldn’t find any what oh so

You wasted our time but it’s okay don’t don’t worry we found another way wait seriously what did I miss so there was a crazy wandering villager and um he had a sleeper elus demon that was chasing him and he told us that he’d give us an iron pickaxe which is exactly what silie

Needs if if we could get 10 wool guys are you sure you’re talking about a real guy he he doesn’t really sound very real no we’re not making this up he’s serious he wants a king-sized bed so you have to help us find a Shear come on come on

Okay sure why not okay I’m going to look inside of this this house okay please have a Shear no it’s empty what about this one Gracie Gracie look wait there’s a Shear yes yes yes this is going to be perfect oh Lou where are you quick let’s

Go find some sheeps okay but where in this Village would there even be any I don’t know we’re probably have to find some random person sheep wait do you guys hear that wait I think I hear sheep somewhere but where oh I think I smell them where are the

Sheep sheepy sheepy please come out come out wherever you are wait here here go away oh you Dar kids get off my Lord what what sorry Mr uh old villager but we need our sheep we need your sheep get away get away I’m sorry I’m sorry we

Need the wall we need the wall guys I’m going on the wall quick quick quick run run run I’m going to have to wait until next winner for this all right guys let’s see how much wool I got yes 11 pieces of white wool and two pieces of

Gray wool wool this is perfect wow we have a lot of wool now I know it’s going to be amazing quick let’s go find that watering villager guy okay wanding trador where are you where are you oh hey guys what are you doing here well we

Got the wool that you wanted you wanted 10 pieces of wool right oh wait seriously already um we’ll going to give it to you but you have to give us the pickaxe first oh this is a real blood deal fine oh let me just pull this thing out of my

Pocket yeah here’s the goods uh little kid thanks thanks yeah now for your 10 pieces of wool run run run come back here come back here oh no we’ve been split up we’ve been split up come back here my sure little legs can’t run that fast no okay fine fine fine okay okay

I’ll give I need to get rid of my sleeper Alis demon right now okay okay fine I’m going to give you 10 pieces of wool like you as yeah you have this one too okay please don’t attack us my gosh oh my gosh he’s back oh stopie just run

A it’s not our problem anymore it’s not our problem oh wow Sophia at least we got the iron pickaxe that we wanted right now I’ve got two here have it have it anyway okay guys we have to go find the cave now Sophie has a r pickaxe and

We can go make money cuz we’re going to be red come on then finally sop’s going to want to marry me because I’ll be rich wait guys there’s a path over here maybe it leads to a cave I don’t know that’s actually a good theory it looks kind of scary over there

What is this wait guys I think it is a cave Yes we finally found one oh no it looks really dangerous though oh you’re right Gracie I don’t think I want to go in there oh there’s nothing in this mine cart chest but we have to Lou do you

Want to be rich or not oh I do want to be rich I guess I’ll go all righty guys let’s go let’s go inside the C wow there’s already iron here look wait a second what is that spawner for zombies uhoh I think we should stay away

From that thing yeah let’s just focus on the iron first guys there’s emeralds up there seriously emeralds but emeralds aren’t that useful we can only trade them for things but like at the end of the day we’re still broke a you’re right Gracie it’s okay let’s keep looking

Maybe this cave has more to offer let’s keep digging up this iron wait the spawners is actually working what are coming help me guys I don’t have any weapons I just have an iron pixa wait a second we should probably craft an iron sword right yeah there’s more of them oh

No oh no but this is good guys the more we kill them the more experience we’ll have and maybe we’ll get more money wait more experience equals more money I get it yeah exactly okay but we need a sword for sure and I’m tired of eating all

This bread okay I’m going to break this spawner here I’ll help you nice does anyone have a crafting table I want to make a sword here I have one oh guys I think there’s another spawner down there it’s okay that means we’ll just get more experience and we

Can get get super cool enchantments and become super duper Rich cuz we’ll have a lot of cool armor I really hope these spawners don’t get hotter as we go down L we what are you doing why are you going by yourself I’m going to try and

Get it I’m brave what I’m going to come down with you no you really want to be rich huh oh yeah well I’ve got a sword and I can help you now let’s go quick quick quick get rid of it get rid of it get rid of

It oh we’re breaking we’re breaking it yes wait oh no the C’s here are you serious there’s only lapis lazuli let’s keep looking guys I mean at least we could use this for the enchantment table later yeah we can make a whole business that would be so smart maybe we should

Start a business later wait there’s Redstone too guys get some of that I’m getting a t guys we should also make some iron armor ooh that’s a good idea Grau we don’t know if there’s any more spawners yeah we need to be careful we got to be

Careful because when the Sun goes down scary things spawn oh you’re right Lou luckily it’s still bright out but I think it’s going to be sunset soon guys there’s a ton of iron that we smelted so far I’m going to start making us armor okay I’ve got a helmet and a chest plate

Look at me I’m suited up no I want some don’t they look so cool don’t worry guys we still got so much more iron coming on our way let’s keep digging look at us guys we’re all suited off yeah we’re ready to go I know what oh my goodness I

Can’t wait but sopie I’m so hungry can I have some bread please I bought my last piece of bread oh yeah here Grazy I have a fun uh guys I don’t think we should be worrying about bread right now what what what why is there a be the

Zombie oh my goodness it must be the parents of the zombies that we killed earlier we going to get out of here the game is so dangerous oh my goodness I need to get out of here he’s blocking the Exes come on squeeze out he got get

Through oh look at him he’s too big to fit wait if we kill him he might drop some amazing loot that may be very very valuable oh does that mean we have to stay here and fight him yeah but he’s kind of trapped there it should be

Easier a oh my goodness this is really dangerous guys but I believe in us let’s kill him beat it up beat it up let’s deal with this oh my gosh he’s down he’s down this is good easyy is he getting back up back up this

Is not good guys oh wait he’s down again here oh is he dead for good this time I don’t think dead this time no come on just one more hit yeah yes he died and look what he dropped wo is that a hammer yeah it’s a Hulk Cammer we can totally

Sell this for some money try it out Gracie try it out oh but guys I’m really tired I don’t really want to sell it it’s so late guys we need to build a house we still don’t have a home cuz we’re so Broad yeah guys let’s get out of here we need

To make a house all right guys I think this is a perfect clearing to build our house we can build it right next to the village that way we’ll be safer yep sounds good let’s get building but I don’t really have any materials guys I

Think we might just have to build out of dirt oh no yeah I mean like we can’t use a redstone and we can’t use anything else let’s just build the house now this is going to be so sad 1 hour later all right guys I’m almost finished let me

Just finish this up right over here and boom what you I it’s awesome yeah it looks great ah oh you guys are so rude it’s probably good for what it is this is better than nothing all right guys come on let’s go inside this door is kind of nice as well

Wow it’s really dark outside guys we need to go to bed now yeah come on and uh oh don’t mind the poop I uh I I thought this house was bad enough as it was so I just took a poop on the floor you just made it worse I need to make

Sure to stay away from there at least my bed’s the farthest away from Lou ah suie you have to sleep next to him air out the room air out the room oh my goodness anyway let’s go to bed guys this going to be a long day tomorrow we still need

To be rich okay good night guys good night huh where am I it’s daytime and I’m big now with um Sophie wait did we grow Sophie what do you mean Gracie we’ve always been this height huh oh this must be a dream what is going on

Why are we at a Mansion guys well you’re buying it silly yeah don’t you remember wait I am oh wow this is my Mansion this looks amazing it’s so big it’s got a lot of houses and wow this is amazing I wish this were real life morning Gracie come

On we got to we got to keep working wait I just had an amazing dream Sophie that I was rich and I was buying a mansion house and now I realized that I’m never going to get there I’m super duper far away from being rich I’m sorry

Don’t say that czy we’re going to get rich just you wait Lou Lou stop sleeping in your poop get up e e Lou you’re disgusting we can’t keep living in this house look at it it’s literally made of dirt yeah I want to live in a better house than this we need

To live in a house where Lou won’t poop on the floor exactly okay what’s our next step wait Grazy I’ve got a good idea what maybe we can sell a house to one of the villages over there it’s worth at least $10 $10 I mean you’re

Right we can just get a better house and this house is terrible okay hopefully we can find someone who wants to buy it maybe we should ask one of the old guys over there they seem pretty interested yeah like that guy let’s go um hello hello old sir these kids again oh wait

Oh was this the guy that we went on his lawn um sorry oh if you don’t have any good news to tell me you better get out of here come on um we just really really need to sell that house over there come over here take a look at it it looks

Really nice well I do need more space for my lawn this house does kind of look like myone come inside we’ll give you a grand tour I don’t know about this there’s a bit too much space back in my day I used to live in a Cupboard well

Trust me nowadays it’s really trendy to have a really big house I mean look at that spacious window come in here if you want to be less spacious you can live in this room like this is pretty small oh this is perfect I can live in my

Cupboard and I can be hit with the kids and come upstairs um there’s going to be amazing bedrooms like look at this bedroom oh crap stopie get rid of this get rid of this it comes with ref fertilizer is that fertilizer for my dirt yeah for your lawn that’s it’s

Beautiful yeah you can even have all of this spre dirt um it’s all for you oh my gosh this is the best offer I’ve ever had for a house I know right and look there’s even a beautiful balcony like come on you want this house trust me

Well you two kids drive a hard bargain how much do I owe you um um anything over 10 is good right Sophie okay well uh take triple that and keep the change what what he just gave us 32 coins this is going to make us rich I mean not rich

Yet but this is pretty good the price of real estate nowadays well you have fun with this old villager we’ll see you later sure will have fun Sophie steal the beds steal the beds oh oh good idea good idea it reminds me of my old days

Broing out of the windows I feel young again wait wait wa the beds the bed you took my beds run run oh you dark kids I’ll get you one day all right guys wait Lou where did you go what well I have some very good successful news to tell

You we sold the house for 32 coins W that’s awesome yeah and now we can go um wait a second do you guys see what I’m seeing wait what is that yeah that looks like the Mansion I saw in my dreams did I tell you guys about that I don’t think

You did yeah so basically I had a dream that I was buying a mansion and it was this exact Mansion what wait maybe let me go ask somebody how much it cost I might have enough money to buy it now okay all right Sophie there’s got to be

Somebody who knows how much it’s worth what this mushroom smells so good um hello realtor oh howy guys what are you here for don’t you sell houses for a living yeah I’m pretty sure I do do you guys want to buy one yeah real how much

Does it cost that’s right though we ask him well little guys I sell these houses for quite a fortune so how much you got to offer me huh huh huh well well I want to know exactly how much this house is going to cost in particular well for

This particular property uh you guys are going to need like uh five stacks of coins that’s a that’s a real cheap price wait a second oh Sophie we only have half a stack right now this is not good we have so far to go if you don’t have

The funds beat it get away I have more important clients to deal with you’re rude Sophie let’s get out of here once we’re rich he’ll learn that he’ll have to respect us all right guys I think I have a plan that realer guy seems really rich right yeah he also seemed kind of

Crazy well maybe we just have to be as crazy as him he basically starts Selling Houses and he gets hell and he gets super duper rich Let’s just build a bunch of houses and sell them like what we did with that dirt house wait that sounds like a great idea all righty I’m

Thinking that maybe we can just build a small little house we should get a bunch of stone I have have some Cobble but we probably need more yeah definitely let’s go and gather the materials well at least we’re not using dirt anymore guys we can start making a cobblestone house

Instead okay well uh Sophie can I ask you something uh sure Lou what is it uh am I like your ideal type yet it’s not like I want to marry you or anything just get you know uh well are you super rich uh I’m getting there uh maybe

Someday Lou but not yet what oh no guys Lou still not rich enough we need to help him and we also need to get enough money so I can get my valuables back okay let’s keep building I’m really motivated now well guys this progress is going pretty well I have to admit I

Think we’re going to sell this for Millions well maybe not Millions but maybe enough to get five Stacks I really hope so let me just place the last sofa over here and bom the stacks am amazing guys yeah this thing has really come together it’s so cute let’s take a look

Look wo wo wo wo it looks amazing oh my goodness I can’t wait to sell it let’s go find someone we can sell it to okay all right Lou this looks really good let’s go find somebody now okay wait who’s that Zoe from cash oh my gosh

She’s really rich Lou we need to ask her okay sounds good come on hey hi there what what do you guys want uh we want to sell you a house is that possible a house um I guess I can buy a house I am super rich okay come on follow us we’re

Going to give you a grand tour yeah if you’re super rich you’ll really like this cute house we built oh wow it’s adorable there’s like flowers and everything isn’t this gorgeous and we have a little pth yeah I really like all the flowers and look at this we’ve got a

Really nice table for here you know your friends you can have like cash sitting over here Shady you Mia or something like that yeah that sounds really fun we’ve got a fridge which which is obviously exactly what everybody needs wow I can put all my ice cream in here

Also we have a really cool TV it’s a little bit old fashion it’s the cheapest one we could find but it’s okay yep it’s awesome and over here is the bathroom get out get out get out oh my gosh Lou what if that makes her not want to buy the house anymore oh

I think it’s too late Gracie I just did a big one oh you should have done look this is the bide cabinet you can sleep here oh wow this bed looks super com what is this oh yeah I think I forgot to mention that it’s really cursed but

Don’t worry trust me it’s the cheapest one we can find well maybe I can make a vlog on it yeah and look we have amazing lies you can turn them on and off look isn’t that just great wow yeah this house is really cool so all in all I

Think a really fair price would be 64 coins 64 um but your friend kind of did just traumatize me what what what do you mean you’re rich 64 coins is probably nothing to you yeah and dirt houses go for like 32 coins these days how about

32 32 um what about 45 yeah mles in the middle no I need my money to buy a bunch of air fresheners after all that 32 is my final offer are you serious I guess we’re going to have to sell it for 32 coins no no no Gracie Gracie Gracie

Don’t do it yet I’ve got an idea on how we can fix this problem what are you going to do look at what I’ve got in my hand this is an air fresh now I’m going to Fresh in the house oh oh what is that smell oh it smells even worse now Lou

What I thought it smelled good oh my gosh okay just give us 32 coins that’s our final deal okay okay here you go 32 perfect now we have a stack have fun with your new house Zoe thank you oh I’m going to need so much air fresher and

Perfume for this thing it’s okay Lou don’t worry yeah we’ll just build another one or something it’ll be fine guys guys guys hey hey look over here look over here what’s going on Sophie well I’ll tell you in a bit but but first how’ the sale go did you find anybody to buy

It we got scared because of L I’m sorry he basically pooped everywhere and we sold it to Zoe from cash who’s really rich but oh she didn’t want to buy it for a lot and she only gave us 32 coins and now we only have a stack oh well at

Least we only need four more Stacks Anyway come on this way what did you do oh my gosh I’m so excited well you guys were busy making the S I was busy making another house what what Sophie how did you do this I work pretty fast wow w wow

Wow wow this looks amazing oh we can totally sell this for a lot but let’s go inside and explore it first this looks amazing yeah it’s really cool check it out look there’s a garage over here and then there stairs up here but guys this

House is so big let’s play a game of hide and seek wait are you sure yeah this is so big let’s do it Okay who wants to count first Gracie since you’re the one to suggest it you should count first yeah okay okay I’m going to go in

This corner all right you guys go go hide okay 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 hey where could they have hidden okay let me see this room no I don’t see anybody here oh it’s really Brown though Lou must have been here oh my God I’m scared I don’t

Know where anyone went I wait the spot’s in the basement guys I’m scared I don’t know if we’re going to be able to sell this house what was that did I just see something what sopie sopie I found you that was so easy oh no I can see the

Name tags up there hopefully they don’t know where I am yeah I literally saw you open the door that was way too easy but now we still have to find Lou where where could he be oh he’s not on the toilet what a surprise this is super

Creepy we’re definitely going to have to clean this up before sell again he’s got to be around here somewhere let’s keep looking maybe he’s downstairs maybe I made this house a little too big oh no they’re coming in why is there blood here sopie did you kill someone here

There’s just props they’re just Halloween props hey guys guys uh don’t ask about this what why is there a dead body here and why is there blood what are you doing down here Lou don’t ask me Sophie built the house they’re Halloween props I promise oh I’m getting scared now you

Know what I don’t want to be the Seeker anymore you guys be the Seeker okay fine I’m going to go hide in it I’m going to go count in this closet over here okay Sophie come on let’s hide together let’s hide together 10 9 8 oh my gosh 7 6 5 4

3 2 and one up here up here I’m coming oh where did you two go oh no Sophie where is he where is he okay you know what I’ve got a very good idea if we jump from here we can get out to that cabinet over there and he won’t be able

To see us good idea yes like this quick quick quick before he gets in oh no I don’t think they’re in the bathtub not in this Supply Closet where are they wait I see name tags I see name tags let me just find my way up the stairs they

Won’t even know I’m coming I’m going to be so sneaky they’re not in here maybe they’re in this other room uh let me take a look in these closets and this bedside cabin there’s nothing here oh my gosh soop we need to get out of here and run the opposite way of

Where he went this one this way down here Gracie look there’s a little closet was it in here oh no but I filled it up wait do I hear running downstairs oh no I can see his name t he’s coming towards us he where are you

Oh my goodness hi close the door close the door oh I can hear them somewhere around here sopie I can see his name tag I can see his name tag wait it disappeared going to be in here oh no no I was so B I could sneak

Out okay you found us Lou that was super easy you guys are terrible at hiding well that was really fun but we still need to sell this house quick let’s go oh we still need to find someone to sell this house to yeah W this is a real nice

House you got here how much for it oh oh wait let us give you a grand house tour first yeah come on wao these vses they’re amazing those must come with it surely right yeah yeah yeah wait are you guys kids oh no we’re not kids we’re

Just uh tiny adults yeah yeah we’re just tiny okay don’t worry it’s legal to buy from us and obviously the toilet which is something that you need the most over here the toilet right here I could do a poop right now actually oh Lou it’s your long lost brother anyway yeah so how

Much are you willing to pay for it after you seen our house I think two stacks of coins sounds about right wait what what come on yes yeah yeah that’s perfect that’s perfect all right don’t spend it all at once here you go two stacks what wait that was only one that was

Only one stack hey uh I got the other stack there it is oh you I thought he scabbed us now we’re over halfway there we just need two more Stacks you know what instead of Selling Houses which takes a lot more time why don’t we do

Like a stand where we sell food instead or something oh yes cookie food is way faster than building a house anyway guys we have to get out of the house it’s not ours anymore okay come on hopefully he doesn’t check the basement okay I guess we can make a

Stand but I’m kind of way too bored like I don’t want to build another stand yeah oh wait looks like this stand already has an owner oh who are you uh I’m the owner of this stand but honestly it’s so boring like oh my goodness like it makes nobody and I just

Sit here all day nobody comes by it’s terrible oh I know we could totally make lots of money if we were the stand owner she obviously just doesn’t know how to run a stand maybe we can trick her somehow to leave the stand yeah we should get her to quit a job or

Something um yeah Penny I heard being a stand owner makes like Zer dollar like no money at all yeah I know a job that makes way more yeah we know a job that makes way more money well you should start selling houses like we were selling houses and we made like three

Stacks of coins like wow like I’m so rich really you kids sold houses and made that much money is that even legal yeah we’re richer than you what has this economy even come to that’s that’s it I quit if you guys want the stand you could have it come on all right all

Right guys we’re open for business now let me just put this it frame over here and wait Gracie Gracie Gracie literally ask you put that sign up customers are fing what oh we have so many customers already okay Sophie we’re going to need lots of more bread you should go get

Some yeah I’ll go get more sandwich bread I’ll be back all right here you can have a w guys get out of the St this is our stand oh this is Mayhem here have your sandwiches you can have your sandwiches you can have your sandwiches oh these guys are insatable we’re never

Going to get rid of them look at them they’re just eating all of this oh I can’t believe they water our food that bad whoo whoo whoa whoa wao wait who’s this Karen excuse me I am a VIP in this Village so you guys have to take my

Order first um excuse me Karen there’s a lion over here yeah look there’s like nine customers didn’t you hear me I just said I was a VIP and why should we serve you first and why are you a VIP how do we know you’re a VIP huh yeah just trust

Me look you can talk to the mayor or you could well we don’t base our business on trust we can’t more about our customers exactly normally our sandwiches are only five coins but because of you we want you to give us 32 coins instead yeah are you serious that’s ridiculous for a

Sandwich um it’s a delicious gourmet sandwich and it’s also handmade it’s so good well you know what we’ll just see about that if you don’t meet my standard I’m going to write you guys the worst review ever what that is so rude but okay whatever we’re not even going to be

Here in a while yeah fine give me your stupid sandwich here you go here you go now give me those coins come on oh look at this guy out of my way let me at least pay oh my goodness all righty thank you this better be worth all that money out

Here liily we just totally scammed that Ken gra you’re so evil this is the best thing ever ever here you guys go this is so good for us do yeah we’re making millions oh oh my gosh what is going on why is business booming yeah

We’re so good at stand owning like oh my gosh you do not know how yeah the customers are just diving over the St to get all the food exactly this is insane you kids are insane no you know what I want this stand back give it to me we

Can’t just give it to you you have to pay a price uh okay fine how much um how about 32 coins what do you think Lou yeah I think that’s a reasonable price yeah 32 are you kidding me oh my gosh okay fine whatever I’ll be making more

Anyway watch there be no people here afterwards let’s go Lou get out of my store Brett Lou look she only has two customers we have like 20 before yeah they all left that’s what she deserves Now where’s Sophie she said she was going to go get bread but we’ve already sold the

Stand yeah guys guys I found more bread I found more bread look was sorry to say this Sophie but we already sold the stand I mean just look the stand is back to penties now like um but we made so much coin like oh my gosh we scamed the

Caren you w believe it was so funny really awesome and now we have four Stacks we just need one more stack until we can buy that super big magion house and be rich yes we’re so close you know what I’ve got another idea for another gig wait what are we thinking here oh

Yeah what is it what if we babysitters baby SS oh I hate babies yeah but don’t they make a ton of money oh you know what I can barely take care of myself I don’t need this I’m out of here he does poop on the floor what are you serious

Oh I guess Louis just left I mean we can still do babysitting on our own right sopie let’s go find someone who needs a babysitter who needs needs a babysitter who needs a babysitter babysitter I hate this kid what this is the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen why is this baby so old

This Baby’s got a beard please don’t leave me with these two I don’t want to I don’t want to be here H too bad get out of here bucko oh it’s okay baby we can babysit you even though you’re like so old are

You sure I may be old but I’m uh kind of quick I’m kind of fast well it doesn’t matter cuz your dad just left you you’re with us for now dad dad come back please don’t R me he doesn’t care about you don’t worry we even have sandwiches

Why don’t you have one oh what kind of sandwiches are they bacon lettuce I hate bacon lettuce what are you doing what what kind of kid hates bacon you need your veggies I want meat I don’t want my veggies I’m out of here babby huh where are you going huh what’s

Happening to the baby why is he running so fast leave me alone you crazy ladies I’m out of here huh oh no they’re going to catch me they’re going to catch me I’m going to get out of here there he is there he is I’m out of here I’m out here

Maybe old man on the loose or something wait is he going near a villager Outpost W don’t go inside baby what you’ll never get me in here oh there’s villagers in here okay okay Sophie we have to team up and attack them oh if only Lou were here

This would be good to have an extra person attack the villagers come on let’s go Sophie sopie there’s even more of them where are they even coming from my legs were like this before I’m so slow oh he blocked the wall of are you serious oh

Okay okay let me put this over here and come on sopie let’s go oh those pillagers are going to eat him alive there’s nothing in this chest where is he baby get away from I don’t want to eat my f to save you I don’t want to eat

My veggies oh you need your veggies not to mention stop me I’m going to break a water help me help me kill them oh kill them you break it you break it I already broke it I already broke it this a good this a good please don’t make me take my

BS you have to you’re an old man okay I think I’ve killed a good amount of them okay I think they’re all dead H Sophie we saved the baby saved I’m traumatized for life I just watched my man be killed what well I’m sorry baby old villager but you

Got to come with us come on oh fine I didn’t want to go anywhere dad’s going to be worried about you not to mention we won’t get paid no my dad doesn’t ever care about me that’s not true I’m sure he does come on we’ll prove it to you

Let’s go home there there there there’s your dad over here old man over here old man oh this kid again oh get him away from me what you have to give us the money we Babys s for him you you can’t leave oh you know what fine I’ll give

You like 32 coins but if you get rid of this little nuisance I’ll give you 32 more what get rid of him oh you know what um sure sopie I’m sorry but we got to sell out we got to do what we got to do this is our final stack okay okay

Yeah give us the money all right kid pull out your pocket money Oh Daddy it’s sure oh fine here you go yes oh my gosh that was the final stack now we have all five Stacks sopie yes let’s go findy that house but we got to go there with

What we said we said we get rid of him um you know what um old villager baby old villager just come over here wait where are you taking me now please I’ve lost everything my dad my friends my family uh here I’ll make you a tiny

Little house yeah yeah you can just be in here forever okay don’t worry trust me you’ll like it here oh fine this will have to do are you guys some kind of real estate agents yeah we’re uh real estate agents basically we’re real and we’re really good at Selling Houses

Anyway bye let’s go sopie let’s go we made that money wait guys I think that’s where Lou is come here Sophie yeah man I completely agree kids are the worst H Lou what are you doing we got all five stacks and we finished our babysitting gigs and now we’re Bridge wait seriously

Babysitting pays that much I told you we might have had to like you know ditch a little kid but that’s not what it’s important right now let’s go to the Bion and buy it okay all right Sophie there’s the realtor we can give it to him now U hey

Realtor hey kids you here to BU the house by yeah we got so much money here we have all five Stacks like you said oh this is perfect this is perfect perfect perfect okay okay does that mean the house is all ours now uh yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah go on uh go go go on in there enjoy yeah enjoy why is he laughing like that I don’t know all right then we we’ve got the house let’s go in yes come on come on wait for me wait for me guys wait for me wow this looks amazing it’s beautiful

W it’s so pretty wait do you guys hear that sound wait what sound wait wait wait wait what is it oh guys that movie was so scary it was so amazing what I really hope I don’t find that that monster under my bed tonight what I hope it’s there you guys are

Making me scared I’m totally going to buy a camera tonight to make sure nobody not even the monster can break into my house oo good idea Gracie let’s go wait oh there’s an electronic store right there yes there’s one right here we can get it from there let’s go inside wait

Does it look close to you guys huh under maintain it oh no don’t worry about that let’s just open it up what did you just break open the door Jamesy we need those cameras come on over here over here wow this electronic store looks amazing oh

Oh crazy Grazy push me push me what the shopping cart okay okay um JY that shopping cart’s got to mind of its own it’s okay let’s look for these cameras they got to be around here somewhere there’s some wrenches there’s some screwdrivers some D Tires I don’t

Need these tires where are the cameras oh here they are guys here are oh yes oh wait sopie can you come over here for a second I need to talk to you about something okay come here please okay then let me just get these cameras all

Right I’ve got the cameras and I think I need a camera monitor as well that way I can see it still let’s go check this out hello where are the cashiers oh wait I forgot that we broke in I guess I don’t need to pay anybody let me just go oh

Excuse me ma’am excuse me ma’am why are you doing in the store at this time um is this out of time is this out of business sour up I just kind of walked in anyway come over here I’ll buy it for you come stand here okay okay okay F

Thank goodness give give it to me let me get it please all right um okay okay I didn’t really bring enough money for this but please be cheap please be cheap beep beep all right um this is a $65 please um um can you just give it to me

I think I might return it I don’t know what to do with it yet oh don’t worry we can use our four plan you can play this off in four installations if you like more installments um okay I guess I’m going to be going into that guys don’t

Be like me okay no problem there you go have a nice day ma’am oh darn it oh this is going to be really expensive wait where are jamy and Sophie didn’t they walk off together in the store to talk to each other where did they go oh there

They are their name tag why are they so close to each other oh oh Sophie stop CCI right behind us oh hey there gra why are you guys so suspicious what’s wrong if I’m behind you guys oh we were just chatting don’t worry don’t worry anyway

I think we should leave the store now you’ve got what you want right um yeah I got my monitors that was really weird okay well let’s go home then guys is there anything you guys wanted to tell me uh no no nothing nothing nothing nothing comes to mind yep let’s go home

Oh I’m in a bad mood now we’re finally home now I can set up my cameras bye guys see you Gracie all righty now that I’ve got all these cameras I can totally set them up around my house to make sure there’s no monsters getting in obviously

I’m going to put one right here at the entrance and look now I’ve bound it to my camera monitor if I check number one I can see whoever is entering into my house look there’s me right there oh my gosh I’m so cute all right but I want to

Go put some cameras on Jamesy house as well what if he’s doing something sneaky with Sophie I mean that conversation that he had with her earlier was really suspicious and they quickly ended it as soon as I got there oh my gosh there I can see this name tag over there I

Wonder what he’s doing okay I’m going to put the camera here find it to here and now I have a second camera which is right in front of James’s house okay okay if anybody ever enters his house especially selfie I don’t know let me put some more in this apartment as well

Okay let me put one over here bind it to this one over here no I have three cameras all right I put a camera in every single room but I still need to do the upstairs ones I hate brushing my teeth it makes my mouth smell all weird

I don’t like it wait what James in the bathroom right now I hope he didn’t see me and why did he say he doesn’t like brushing his teeth he’s such a stinky boy okay let me put another camera here and then another camera right here okay

Okay I need to get out of here and go to Sophie’s house now huh did I just hear something oh no okay okay it’s fine it’s fine I’m out of here I’m out of here let’s go to self’s house okay okay I’m here at self’s house let me just open

This door huh wait why is it locked I can’t open up the door oh no now I can’t put cameras in wait a second let me first put the camera here at the front door of her house I’ll put one right here and then maybe I can find a way to

Sneak into her house wait a second I know a secret way in there’s this window into her house and she’s usually never here I mean look at her it looks like she’s upstairs right now surely she won’t mind if I just break through this window and oh there we go we’re in her

House let me put a camera right over here one inside of her plushy room huh what was that did I just hear a window break downstairs huh oh no oh no oh no hopefully she didn’t hear that I need to hide I need to hide wait wait she’s coming downstairs she’s coming

Downstairs okay I’m going to hide in this corner right over here and um I’ll set up a camera right here wait I can see her through the camera right now she’s in her bedroom oh no wait I think she’s going she’s looking at the window

Huh why did my window break a now I have to replace it oh no this is not good oh where else would she be going surely she won’t check her plushy room oh I better make sure my Plushies are okay oh of course she’s worried about her plushies

And look at that Jamesy plushy right over there I knew it she’s obsessed with Jamesy if there’s nothing in the plushy room maybe I should check the living room wait oh she just checked the living room and there am I I’m in the kitchen okay okay she’s coming really really

Close I can see her dat T right there nothing here I guess I’ll check the kitchen next oh my goodness she’s right there oo I still have some beef left over I got to cook that tonight um don’t cook it right there’s something in here she’s

Out of here um don’t mind me if I just bring another window goodbye all right I need to get home ASAP before any of them figure out that it was me oh my gosh I hope she didn’t see me huh was that a flash of pink I

Just saw okay okay she totally didn’t see me right oh yeah we’re finally home but what it’s this dark already okay okay I need to set up some more security cameras and to go to sleep that was such a long day I really hope Jamesy isn’t cheating on me with selfie they’re

Always so close together let me just hope I get a good night’s sleep what’s going on wait where are all these moners coming from is this a nightmare this is SC why am I in a hole why am I in a hole what is happening huh I love you so

Much so M what what is happening this is the worst ever I’m going to die I’m going to die what just happened they were kissing and there zombies and huh wait a second it’s morning now was that just a nightmare no no no I can’t believe it I

Need to check the cameras and see what they were up to let me use my camera Monitor and see what they were doing last night let’s see oh okay this is the entrance to James’s house oh this is it wait this is it oh what’s he doing oh go

Dar it I died again I suck at this game whatever I’m going to go to bed now what so jamy was just playing games last night I guess that’s not too suspicious what about Sophie I can’t wait to write in my diary and then go to sleep I’m so

Tired what she was just writing in her diary last night then why were they kissing in my dream okay okay you know what I need to do some more investigating at Sophie’s house wait but I don’t know if Sophie’s in her house right now I need to check the live

Camera footage there it is wait she’s leaving all right time to buy some dog food what she’s going out to buy food okay this is perfect this is my chance all right oh wait oh wait I can see her leaving right now there she is she’s so

Far okay perfect perfect I’m going to run in I’m going to run in all right there it is oh and she left the door unlocked yes okay where should I start from first let’s go into her bedroom okay okay nothing in here anything in here wait huh a bck and quill wait is

This the diary that she was writing in last night okay let’s see what it says the diary today Jamesy asked me what kind of gift a girl would like Jamesy is probably asking because he wants to make Gracie his wife I can’t let that happen so I told Jamesy but what he doesn’t

Know is that I’m going to steal it at midnight when it’s dark so no one can catch me then I’m going to put it in my secret hi out wait Jamesy wants to propose to me but then doofie doesn’t want that no way she’s going to steal

The engagement ring oh this can’t be good this can’t be good okay let me put the bucket Quil to where it was before and let me check what else she has in here all right let me check her beloved plushy room she has all these plushies because she loves plushies and weirdly

Enough she has one of Jamesy too I knew she was obsessed with him what look at all these plushies it’s filled to the brim how could this be allowed oh what a creep okay okay you know what I’m taking all these plushies I’m sorry but they’re

Mine he’s my boyfriend I need to get my revenge on her somehow let’s see what is there around here that I could do oh look it’s her little doggy dog H maybe I could like troll her by taking her dog away or I don’t know wait

What the dog is pooping Teddy huh what the doggy just just pooped everywhere yuck and why am I holding it gross gross gross wait a second this gives me an idea let me just Chuck the poop everywhere um here you go on your sink over here on your table oh I know on

Your sofa on your carpet on your bed in your plushy place oh this is perfect this is the best idea of Revenge ever I can’t wait to see your reaction to this I’m going to go now let me just oh stay here stay here okay by let me just

Closed the door obviously I can’t let her know that I was here and let’s go back to my house so we can go see her reaction okay I’m almost up wait a second oh my gosh Sophie got home as soon as they left wo wo wo I can’t wait

To see a reaction quick quick let me get on the camera monitor wow look at this all right Teddy I’m h Huh what is all this poop everywhere a Teddy she thinks Teddy did it she thinks Teddy pooped everywhere oh I feel kind of bad about this now the doggy is going

To be in so much trouble a Teddy how could you even after I got you your new bones and stuff oh now I have to clean everything up oh look at that Teddy’s such a bad boy why would he do that oh I can’t believe it this is

Amazing that’s what Sophie gets for trying to ruin James’s engagement to me oh I can’t wait to see what he’s going to get me for my gift you know what let me check what James’s doing right now wait there Jamesy is I can’t wait to buy

Gracie her gift she’s going to love it so much oh he’s walking down to get me my gift no way is he leaving the house right now oh there he is he’s going to the mall who who wait let me go let me go see him yeah there he is he really is

Going to the shopping area that’s exactly where someone would buy a gift right you know what I’m going to follow him wait a second where’s Jamesy going into the car wait let me hide behind this lamp post oh he’s not going to see me right he’s just pulling out and oh oh

He’s such a terrible driver what is he doing wait he’s going so fast guys go catch up oh my gosh oh no I crashed my car again wait again he crashed his car again I’m got to reverse this back up so no one knows this is even my car what so

My boyfriend is also a criminal and Robber okay there we go perfect okay quickly have to catch the ball oh I’m finding out so many things about my friends with these cameras wo he’s going going back really far into the mall which one is he going to this is the

Perfect store ever so many small little gifts for Gracie okay I’m going to lock doors behind me so no one can see what I’m getting wait I’m so interested what is the surprise gift that he’s getting oh oh wait I don’t I don’t want to go in

I don’t want to ruin the surprise for myself okay I’ve got the gift in this box okay thank you cashier bye-bye wait he’s coming out he’s coming out oh my gosh wait it’s a pink gift box that’s going to be so cute oh I hope he didn’t

See me let me keep running after him I think he’s going home now okay now I have to hide this in my house so that Grazy would never find it it needs to be a secret what what what oh what is this gift I’m so curious oh he’s going in

He’s going in where is he behind the staircase okay okay I need to put a camera right over here behind the staircase as well like this and wait a second did he just go through the wall oh wait I think he’s coming out I think he’s coming out I’m going to go the

Stairs and perfect okay the gift is ready for Gracie okay let me leave my house and H I might go in the park I want to play the SGS oh what a cute little boy okay perfect let me put the security cameras in did he just go

Through it what he did and I’m going to put a security camera right over here oh this is going to be perfect and let me boun this one as well and boom boom boom okay let’s get out of here we to make sure that Sophie does not steal it like

How she said she was going to in the diary now that I set up the cameras I’m going to watch it all night all righty better make sure that nobody touches that gift cuz it’s only for me 1 hour later I’ve been watching the security camera for

Hours oh my gosh oh it’s getting kind of dark outside I mean look at that is that the moon maybe I’ll just close my eyes for a little bit B it can’t be too bad what it’s morning already oh no no no oh I hope nobody would in stole the

Gift let me check the security footage from last night all righty what’s going on here everything looks normal it’s 7 p.m. why is she sticking in what is she doing what no no no no no surely she wouldn’t be breaking into J’s house right there she is what is she doing

What is this fun and show oh no no no no no I think she’s looking for the secret room she must not know where it is okay that’s good that’s good as long as she doesn’t find it we should be huh wait a second does she know

Something no no no no no no no no no she found it she found it and she’s got the gift in her hand no way no way this is not good look at it she’s got the gift in her hand I think she’s going to run

Away oh my goodness there she goes there she goes ah so that’s what happened last night why would she steal the gift that was meant for me she must be so jealous let me check Sophie’s camera footage just to see where she HIIT it okay over

Here no over here where is she wait she’s in her plushy room where is she going wait did she just drop into a secret hideout what oh I need to go into that secret hideout right now that’s where she hid it last night righty looks like nobody’s in her house right now

Maybe she’s in that Hideout right now no way okay and I think it was in this plushy room right over here here I go true run who whoa who I just found out into this crazy Hideout wao this looks really scary what are these ominous lights all right AI

Set password to Dandy lion password confirmed what what did she say I couldn’t understand what it said and where where are they I can hear them but wait a second they must be across this wall I know it but it’s got to be this this looks so suspicious and it’s yellow

But hopefully nothing bad happens let’s press it what what’s happening the Wall’s coming down intruders are not allowed what where did you come from are you an AI I am trained to defend Sophie’s secret hideout and you are trespassing wait but I’m Sophie’s best friend and I’m probably allowed to come

Into The Hideout right you have to pass into the next room to prove that you’re Sophie’s friend wait are you allowed to fly that’s so cool AI are amazing I’m an AI God I can do whatever I like okay well I’m just going to press this button

Okay Mr AI W this is the first challenge to prove that you are Sophie’s friend this is an obstacle cause good luck human what oh why do I have to do all these challenges to prove that I’m Sophie’s friend whatever okay let me just do this jump and what how am I

Supposed to land on this AI this is simple land on gold jump on the light even AI can do this boom and boom see easy you didn’t even make it AI yes I did look wa oh gosh what if the AI can make it how am I supposed to make it

System overload rebooting okay now I can do it easy peasy what what okay okay you know what I’m going to prove that I’m Sophie’s friend I’m very good at parkour wo I actually made it Mr AI W you must be Sophie’s friend congratulations but you still have to go through all these

Next three rounds what I made it so can I just have the password now please I have designed to protect Sophie secret hide and that is what I will do this is our secret hideout I knew it it’s so yellow it’s so yellow wow that was dangerous you’re not

Done yet it’s still plenty more parkour what is this a spinning platform how am I supposed to do this wo wo wo wo wo wo all righty here I go Mr AI W well done now slime slime W wo W well done this one will be

Tricky for human wait a second what um okay this is spinning really quickly this is spinning really quickly oh wow Sophie has some amazing friends yeah I’m I mean I’m totally her friend like not like we’re in a fight right now or anything like I’m totally not angry at

Her for trying to steal my that my boyfriend’s trying to get to me AI detects sarcasm oh yeah yeah that was sarcasm I love Sophie so much okay oh ladder parkour I suck at this I remember doing this with Sophie when we were kids

Oh if only we could go back to the good old days where we were actually friends to each other all right I made it up ladder parkour my worst enemy and now I have to do these bar jumps AI can you even do this hey I can do everything

Move out the way excuse me uh there we go boing boing by Bo oh sopie has some really impressive AI how did he do that so quickly ow congratulations I shall let you through to the next challenge off you go oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh

This is like a little maze wow Yep this is just a transition to the next challenge wo this is really really pink what’s going on here well for this room Sophie has designed me to battle you in a build challenge wait I have to do a build battle against an AI what what

What what yeah a Godlike AI oh no no no no no no no how am I going to beat this AI I’m never going to beat the prove that I’m Sophie’s best friend I predict you have a 0.0% you can stop oh my goodness wait guys but I’ve been practicing build

Battles for like years okay I believe that I’ve got this can I have some um items please like building materials yep that shall spawn in your inventory in 3 2 1 and boom Oh it really did spawn what look at all of these items this looks

Really cool um Mr AI we have 5 minutes to build Sophie starting now go human what oh go easy on me please all right time to build Sophie’s feet I know she has these white little shoes they’re kind of similar to mine I mean come on

Look at mine well they’re a little bit more Pig than hers but okay let me just make her shoes like this and I’ll make them bu a little bit because like that’s how shoes usually work right and then obviously she has these blue pants so I’m going to make them out of blue

Concrete like this okay now I’m working on her yellow shirt since I finished her pants okay let me show you guys how it looks like wo I almost died falling off just now but doesn’t that look really good I’ve got her shoes I’ve got her pants

And I’ve also got her shirt now I just need to do her arms and her head I’ve got the laces of her hoodie in and part of her face but before I finish it I want to go troll this AI I can’t let him win and the only thing I’m really good

At is trolling okay let’s go see how the AI build looks like I’m going to just quickly tower all the way up wait a second what this build actually looks kind of good oh no no no no no we can’t have the AI win how can I troll this

Build oh oh I hope he didn’t see me let me just quickly run down here I don’t have any materials to troll him with then huh what’s the password protected chest doing here oh but there’s a password on it I knew it I’ll never be able to but wait it’s Sophie’s password

She probably would make it something really stupid like 000000 0 oh that didn’t work maybe one one one one what yes it did work and now I have a pickaxe in water what can I do with this let’s break a hole in the wall and maybe we

Can catch the AI off guard I think I’ve actually got a very good idea what to do you know since since the AI is made out of Technology we could just do this water detected system override rebooting takes 3 minutes no no no way now he’s going to be AFK for 3 minutes

And I can finish my build and totally get ahead this is so good all righty let me just put the hair back up and I think I’m finished this looks so good um AI I think time up rebooting time has AOW what happened he only just rebooted this is perfect um

Well AI I’m finished looks like you went to sleep for a little bit okay doing system analysis of both builds to determine winner graci’s build 87% accurate yeah AI build 69% accurate how could this be yes let’s go oh yeah my build is honestly way better than this one this one makes her

Look like big fot you have passed this test and now shall commit to the next one oh is it here is it here I can’t wait yep through this room wao what is this room you have to answer the three questions correctly to prove you are Sophie’s best friend if you are answered

Wrong you shall die instantly um wa that’s not worrying at all what the heck and why do you have a mob killer stick yo yo stay away from me to eliminate you instantly if you fail now add to the first question you have 2 minutes well

Tell me the question please is the name of Sophie’s first pet huh Sophie’s first pet Orange um lemon well I don’t know I know Sophie’s current dog is called Teddy but I don’t know what her first pet was wait a second oh I know I can

Use clues for this one well orange is obviously you know the orange color and the orange fruit and lemon is lemon but it’s also yellow since lemon is a yellow fruit it has to be lemon I choose this one okay it has to be lemon congratulations Gracie that was the

Correct answer what are you serious I knew it I mean I didn’t know it but now I do okay next question what is Sophie’s favorite food wait wa wait okay so it’s got to be something yellow themed sandwiches they’re not really yellow spaghetti that’s like totally red and

Fruit she did name her dog after lemon or something like that so it’s got to be fruits right uh maybe there’s a 33% CH are you sure oh my goodness crazy congratulations you got that correct yes wait can I get some food now like the fruits baby yeah you could have some

Lemons that’s the only food I programmed to eat oh my gosh this is going to be so sour wait a second what is this question it’s right in front of you what is Sophie’s best friend wait okay so there’s the red option for Lou the orange option for

Jamesy and the pink option for me but I don’t know if it’s going to be be me or Jamesy her and Jamesy have been really buddy buddy lately and I don’t know they might even be cheating on me which wouldn’t be surprising since James is such a rat I still want to believe

That it’s me okay I’m just going to press Gracy if I die well I love you world goodbye congratulations that was the correct answer what I made it yes congratulations this is now the last challenge wow this must be Sophie’s Hideout she has so much gold so many

Plushies and wow look at all this I’m going to be red well um hey I I’m actually here for something very specific I’m here for the present that she took from Jamesy do you have it scanning scanning scanning scanning scanning in this shelf right here there

You go what how did you know it where it was so quickly okay well now that I have this I guess I could go I will also returned all your belongings I believe you had these cameras in this monitor oh finally oh gosh I can’t believe he took

Everything but at least you gave me all the cameras back I spent so long buying them speaking of which I should totally leave what inside of this room yes yes yes yes and what is this door lead to AI stand on there please okay what’s going to happen what’s going to happen goodbye

Wow is this an elevator no way I’m oh bye it was nice meting you too to oh he was pretty nice way nicer than Sophie tried to ruin somebody else’s proposal what if Jamesy actually asked me to marry him that would be so cute wait a second this is right next to James’s

House I recognize this place let me go find him all R all right I’m back home I need to quickly put the gift back into jamy’s house before he notices that it’s gone oh let me try these lemons ouch that hurt me it’s so bitter

What do I have speed now no wonder oh wait this is good know that really fast I can quickly put it back into the secret room I can see his name tag up there all right let me just put it back inside okay now that I finished pooping

H what should I do wait a second oh I know I’ll take graci out a date this afternoon wait that’s Jamesy I can see him no way now I’m stuck here oh oh I know I’ll call her right now and ask if she’s interested oh graci the why is he call

Me right now hang up hang up hang up wait a second did I just hear her phone go off like right next to me no okay um maybe she left her phone here I swear I heard it coming from this direction um around here somewhere uh was it around

Here he’s getting really really close wait someone’s at my door let me go out to it go go go go wait to r on the doorbell this is perfect wait I can just go to my camera to see who’s at the door wait it’s Sophie hey Jamesy um I was

Wondering if you want to maybe hang out later M I’m sorry I’m going to have to politely decline I’m going to be busy hanging out with Gracie wait what oh um okay then you guys have fun bye byebye oh I feel kind of bad for Sophie even

Though I know she has a crush on Jamesy I’m still her friend doing that quiz with the AI made me realize how close we actually are I still need to figure out how to get out of here let me just go around these pillars oh sorry Jamesy I’m

On your table I’m just going to go out from over here and break through the windows okay this one right here might be perfect hopefully he doesn’t hear the glass breaking wait what was that sound um must have been nothing I think I’m safe

I think I’m safe I’m out of here I’m out of here wait a second that’s Sophie right over there she’s crying Sophie Sophie Sophie huh Gracie oh hey hey Sophie it’s okay you know Jamesy being busy it might not be personal and even if you want to find somebody who’s right

For you because I promise you that there’s always going to be somebody else there’s plenty of fish in the sea a thank you Gracie yeah I just wanted to hang out but you know what you’re right it it doesn’t really matter anyway and always remember I’m your very best

Friend no matter what a thank you Gracie I love you too wait but how’ you know that I was asking Jamesy to hang out um uh that’s a story for another day oh this is entire week has been so difficult I need a break from all of my

Friends crazy crazy let’s do a bill challenge let’s do M let’s just do anything I’m tired I I don’t want to do anything power we do a go Bill challenge listen to me I’m tired get away I need a break from you oh my goodness I’m bored

Though I just want to chill for a bit just leave no let’s just do a build challenge come on are you even listening do me whatever I’m beving what’s wrong with her today Lou Lou Lou what noise Gracie what are you doing here oh my go James is so

Annoying he doesn’t listen to me at all these days like I’m trying to tell him something and he just he goes like Oh I want to do a bill challenge I want to do c b I need to calm down oh my gosh crazy I

Feel the exact same way I I didn’t want to offend you though because I was kind of worried and upset you said something yeah I mean I still love Jamesy you know but I just need a break from him well how about we just make a Jamesy proof

House I mean we can then get a break from Jamesy you’re right he’s always stumming into my house without asking but what if Jamesy gets angry well he won’t get angry if we don’t tell him no what you’re right come on let’s go start building oh Lou let’s go build it over

There this is a perfect place look at all this flat ground over here it’s awesome wait but stop I don’t have any blocks how are we going to build well you must be glad that I came prepare take a ro no way what’s inside no way these blocks look amazing quick let’s do

The outline I’m obviously going to use pinkel but I should probably use these cuz they look way stronger look at these bricks oh wow this is going to be so fun well I’m going to take some of these stone bricks and a load of smooth Stone

It’s going to be awesome okay I’m going start by doing the outline H I’m thinking that we should make the door right over here like this boom I’ll leave it g okay that should be awesome I’m going to start working on some of the wooden beams on the outside oh

You’re using red wood that’s cool I wish there was Big Wood when are they going to create that I think they already have I just don’t know what to find it wo these beeps are looking good Lou but shouldn’t our house be a little little teeny tiny bit higher I think this is

The perfect height any anyways we can always add a second floor if we need one you’re right I still haven’t finished completing the outline but I’m going to make sure it’s super duper big I mean look at this guys it’s going to wrap all the way around and cover this entire

Building platform this m room looks awesome wait a second are we making the house that big yeah like I said we’re going to stretch it all the way out it’s going to be so big cuz we have to make sure every single edge of it is jamy bro

Okay well it’s going to take a lot of defenses to make this Jamesy proof he’s so good at everything I wonder what James’s up to I can’t get this poop out just go oh no way this looks amazing I love it I hope you like the wooden Beams I

Did around the edges yeah but you know what we need some more pink I’m going to start filling it in okay sure thing did you know these wooden beams can’t even burn they’re from the nether wait are you serious that’s so good now we’ll never have to worry about fires and

Jamesy you’ll never be able to burn this house down exactly and boom now the entire house should be uh Lou what have you done uh I just CED in stone I thought it was more secure oh I guess you’re right but no no I have no more Pig are you serious I

Worked so hard doing it for the entire house and now it’s been covered up well how about this this will be the room that we protect from Jamesy then wait you’re right like this could be the pig room the very end room that he will

Never be able to get to good point all right Lou this looks amazing yep now we’ve got the outlines done uh we should probably put a door on but I don’t know if any regular D will do you’re right we can’t just put a wooden door then Jamesy

Can just walk right through you know what I know where to go for a super duper high security door wait where the electronic store yes I love that place oh what a beautiful day to go annoy Lou and Gracie let me just hop in my bike

And find them Lou Gracie oh hide hide behind the Tre guys why are you hiding I saw you hello okay we’re just going to the electronic store you guys want to do a bill challenge no we’re not doing a bill challenge we’re doing some shopping and

Li we need some uh new sciencey stuff can I come along can I come along fine I guess yes this way all help on my bike oh you wanted to go on your bike what okay well Lou you got to run oh let’s go to the electron store Gracie he so far behind

Maybe we should stop for him grae isn’t the electron store just down this pathway yeah but it’s been a while since I’ve seen Lou though where’s he gone I think he’s I’m sure he’ll catch up he’s waitting for me wait he’s an airplane behind us oh my God oh my can’t you

Trying to kill us Lou away be more careful oh my goodness why is this path so overrun oh my goodness yeah I guess it’s been a while since anyone’s gone to the electronic ah stop J stop stop stop stop stop oh my gosh we almost fell down

There guys that bike is so fast slow down once in a while well Lou we literally almost just died because we didn’t stop in time oh my goodness we need to find another way across but what should we do Lou now we’re never going

To be have to get what we need from the store over here I see a bridge a bridge okay perfect come over here when I see that bridge I kind of meant have fallen over tree uh I I don’t know about you guys but I don’t think I can even jump

Across that wait Jon careful wait what so easily wait me to yes we did it woo but now what we just go to the electronic store yeah of course we do are you so stupid or what hey jamy don’t be annoying okay let’s just go quickly over these bushes it’s

So overrun here what happened oh my goodness I maybe they don’t have it in stock anymore let’s go don’t say that James and you’re going to jinx whatever we need to buy where are the scanners in here let me take a look oh I don’t see any scanners we need the scanner doors

Where are they there’s a load of secret chests PCS tables yeah I don’t see any over here these are just little headsets it must be over here what over here guys on this last aisle oh stop being annoying so you speak so loud what is

This oh a bucket Quil what it saying SC her out of stock what oh Lou this is so terrible wait seriously out of stock oh know that I bought one of them yesterday right and it was the last one you’re the reason why it’s out of stock wait you

Have one I have one in my house yes uh Jamesy could could we have one please can we take it from you borrow it uh well Lou you can have it yes but only you beat me the parkour challenge you kidding me do you want the SC or not

Let’s go to the parkour course over here guys oh my goodness they won’t let me out well guys luckily for you I already set the parkour course you see this Redstone gr come back here okay I just wanted to get a head star these redstone

Blocks is the star of the path you have to follow them are you guys ready if you beat me you get the scanner ready okay go go go come on come on come on come on how do we get up this way oh are we

Supposed to go up the trees come on I’m not prepared for this go go go go go go go how’s Lou winning oh no he might actually get the scanner I’m just better than you oh yeah oh my goodness how is he so small I thought that was already hidden

Wait there’s water in there ow I just hit by go go go go how’s he beating me I bait this car wait you made this course you’re terrible no no no Lou stop it oh my go I don’t there Lou J come on Gracie wait she made it well grae but

Anyway Lou I can’t believe you beat me that’s just because I’m a master at parkour what can I say well good work Lou now we have the scatter yeah let me hand that right over all right guys here you go here’s a Ral scatter here’s a

Kead door and here’s a scy door yes well it looks like we won’t be needing this anymore all right well I’m going to go back to my house I’ll see you guys later bye-bye bye if I heard him say one more word I was going to explode Lou James

Is’s getting more and more annoying by the day yeah same he made me do all that PK off for what a tiny scatter it’s probably worth like $2 yeah and of course he was the last one to take the scatter door and make it out of stock I

Can never get a break from him yes we’re back put the door down put the door down I’m not sure weuse the scanner door door or what else did you have well the scanner door only works on one person so I think it would just be easier for us

To just both have a keypad yeah then we can set a password but what password should we set Lou H what’s a number that Jamesy would never guess I don’t know um when’s your birthday again Lou well Gracie I’m glad you asked Jamesy never comes and celebrates my birthday

But it’s uh the 24th of April the 24th of April so full 4 2 4 okay okay I figured Jamesy will never guess that because he’s such a bad friend of course he wouldn’t know your birthday 4 2 4 boom easy peasy and I’m never ever going

To forget this password I can’t ever forget my birthday well obviously oh but I’m afraid I might forget your birthday should we put some Clues around so that I can remember that would be a good idea but where would we hide these Clues without making them too obvious H give

Me some locks you know what I’m going to take these pink blocks I think I know just the thing the very side of the house I’m going to put four blocks like this four and then I’m going to put two blocks like this and then another four blocks perfect that should work just

Fine that’s awesome cuz I’m going to remember there’s four blocks here two blocks here and then four blocks there so it’s going to be obviously 424 perfect yep and Jamesy won’t know better to even look at that yeah he wouldn’t understand all right let’s get inside

The house 4 to 4 boomy Works yes imagine Jamesy gave us one that didn’t work oh my goodness I would have been so angry yeah me too I would have been so angry if I had to do all that par for nothing but you know what though we we should

Start decorating this room now well I actually came prepared with a bunch of decorations wait yes oh my gosh is there a FR frogy chair no a big froggy chair okay I’m going to put one around right over here okay this is going to be so

Cute amazing okay so uh you set up your side of the room all that pink oh and now just set up my side of the room which is going to be awesome oh wait are these computers yes and okay I guess I’ll take a red table I do kind of need a table

Okay I’ll put one over here as well with this PC and computer amazing and I’ll put another pink froggy chil like this perfect and paintings as well I love paintings okay put someone over here oh these are kind of scary though what is this well don’t you know it’s abstract

Arts I absolutely love it abstract art huh that’s pretty abstract and I also going to put my bed right over here and oh I guess I can put this TV over here but why did you give me the old TVs Lou come on you should know the old TVs are

Way better than the new ones well you know what at least we’re going to have lots of popcorn when we’re eating TV I mean when we’re watching TV eating TV I don’t think that sounds healthy eating popcorn and watching TV anyways why are you taking up so much of the room I only

Need this little corner because I’ve got all my storage here Lou you don’t even have a bed are you not going to sleep you’re just going to watch TV all day no I sleep on the couch every night oh my goodness you poor poor soul whatever you

Know what I think this is looking pretty good but Lou I don’t know I seems like our house is missing something cuz anybody could easily just walk all the way to our house it’s like no not safe we need like some sort of security gate yeah it seems way too open we should

Probably add that security gate here when we have it but speaking of that how do we get something like that I know exactly the place the petting zoo they have so many animals there so they need lots of gates in order to make sure the animals are very secure and then nobody

Comes in and steals them oh really okay then let’s go to the B Zoo yeah all right L we’re at the zoo oh it looks a little different today did something happen yeah we shouldn’t be storming in it’s under construction they’re making new pens oh that’s under construction no

Wonder what there’s a tractor over there gosh okay we have to be kind of careful if we want to get the lasers yeah I mean they’re not going to just let us take them like that wait do I see a name tag over there oh my goodness it’s jamy what

Is he doing here why is he follow us us everywhere we go guys guys I thought you could smell graci from over there what are you guys doing here um if I give you all this popcorn will you leave us alone you’re so funny Gracie Boop no

Absolutely not I’m here in this pen looking for some cool stuff did you know it’s under construction so there’s tons of tools like around yeah we knew that that’s why we’re here actually I mean it’s pretty obvious you were here for the same reason yeah we’re here for the

Same reason but you’re probably just here so that you can build something stupid like a gaming room or something who knows well what are you you here looking for crazy we’re here looking for a lasers yep oh lasers oh I already picked them up earlier I found them all the way

Over there they’re super valuable so I had to take the me wait wait but we needed those we we just wanted a couple for our secret Pro I mean um our a couple lasers for my uh house yep exactly is it a birthday surprise for

Lou um for for Lou for me is it a birthday surprise for me yeah I was going to say how could it be one for Lou you don’t even know his birthday oh it must be for my birthday cuz my birthday is in 3 months that’s so close oh you

Know what guys if you can beat me in the build battle I’ll give you the laser so that you can spend it on my birthday present sound like a deal um yeah it’s totally for your birthday and stuff you know what okay fine we’ll do it uh but

Okay let’s do a build battle it’s over here guys the build plus this way look around the zoo while we’re going through what are they doing here um jam they’ got humans in the zoo wa they’re in that natural habits at are they just holding hands or what’s happening oh my goodness

I feel bad for them maybe we should have set them free no no I wonder why they have so many crates here look they’re dropping off the top of the ice cream stand my favorite ice cream place is close down now are you serious you never

Know they might make it into a way better Ice Cream St soon I mean look at the roof that they’re dropping on that looks like a pretty big roof wao wao wo is that a oh my goodness that’s ginormous Jon k oh oh imagine that thing

Fell on you it won’t fall on me Gracie this is Minecraft there’s no gravity where are all the crocodiles they moved all the animals out yeah they move the animals out cuz they don’t want them to get hurt by the construction man oh but what is this this looks crazy uh that’s

Part of the crane that they haven’t built yet all right guys the exit to the build chall Marina is just over here okay I’m coming all right guys just over here the building plots are right here W they’re huge I call the pink one I call

The pink one hang on guys you need to come over here as well so I always prep for this cuz I really want to do a Bild challenge so I build this wheel what do you think what is this this looks kind of cool so we basically all have to spin

The wheel and whatever we land on is what we have to build like for example if you land on cash you have to build cash if you land on a you have to build AAL if you land on G B ban you have to build G ban this actually sounds really

Cool thanks uh you guys want to spin the wheel then we can each take a turn okay okay I’m going to spin it I’m going to spin it okay guys ready three go W oh Gracie you got Huggy wuggy no way I got poy play time that sounds really fun

Okay yep okay um I’ll go next I’ll go Next oh I got the same so I have to do it again I got oh I’m scared to see what I get please give me cash your bad B oh my goodness you C are you guys serious you got all the nice ones I got

A be BL time I don’t even like that game as much it’s scary okay I’m going to go build a she’s really pretty Jamesy be quiet you said that twice already it’s time to build Huggy wuggy okay I’m going to get all the colors that I need and then I’m going to start

Building his little feet okay he’s going to be really tall so I’m going to go all the way up Lou your belt’s looking pretty let me good yeah thank you very much I I think my builds are always great okay sure I mean that’s only because your dad was a builder though

Like you just inherited the good jeans from him it’s not really fair well yeah what can I say I mean if you’re born into the right family you you’ll always just do well I hate rich people James Z I’m trying to build my app but it’s not

Working very well Gracie what is that are you trying to build her sideways or something do app upside down oh Jamesy you need to do better than that my build’s looking pretty good right now I’m not going to lie let me do his arms like this W that looks really good wait

Oh my goodness okay since James’s distracted over there L come down here come down here wait what do you need I have a good idea since it’s just two against one I mean James is all by himself we should just vote for each other’s build so that way there’s no way

That Jamesy wins but what did he just do did he just where did that come from is he cheating I think he’s cheating Gracie how can we beat him if he’s cheating let me talk to him Jamesy what are you doing uh I’m not doing anything what you

Talking about I just finished off my build obviously did you just copy and paste it at’s profile picture uh doesn’t it look so good it looks terrible honestly you know what I don’t even think you’re wi I 20 pixels to work with Gracie what did you expect from me well

Even though you cheated I still feel like you’re going to lose and you know what that’s what losers deserve that’s what cheaters deserve I didn’t cheat I buil this with my hands don’t lie I literally saw you oh my goodness you didn’t see anything your eyes are sleepy

I can’t believe this boyfriend is such a cheater okay guys I think I finished it would have come down oh that was really dangerous my fild looks pretty good I mean it’s kind of scary Lou looks amazing and jam looks like like absolute poop what is that poopy well I mean can

We like vote now guys um okay Lou remember the plan all right remember Lou you vote for me I vote for you and jam has to vote for one of us cuz he can’t vote for himself Jam wake up wake up stop looking at your build I don’t wake

I’m just bearing into my a amazingness J you can’t even see anything it’s all pixelated yeah that’s her hair that’s her face this is a hoodie I think I’m not quite sure Jamesy you didn’t do Justice at all anyway we can’t vote for ourselves so who do you vote for wait uh

Wait who can you guys vote for us please okay Lou I vote for you I vote for Gracie wait I didn’t even get a chance to look at your builds oh I know what you guys are up to you voted for each other so I have to make one of you win

Oh I just think graci is really good I mean my dad would love this one yeah exactly oh I guess I’ll F Lou Louis looks remotely okay except you have massive FS massive th no that’s not me that’s cash I’ve seen cash IR I know he

Does not have those big of five anyway well Jamesy since we won you have to hand over these lasers now okay fine here you go perfect and was a success there you go there’s the I found in the zoo you have to give us the Redstone as well don’t

Think I forgot about that it didn’t even come with redstone but good I had some on me there you go liar I know it did oh right we we have to go back now come on we got to hurry bye guys see you later R

I don’t want to see you later well now that we have all of these lasers it’s going to be perfect wait for me you’re running so fast you must be excited to finish this house well obviously that means I’ll never have to hear from jamy again well I mean it does have its

Benefits okay come on let me get to the end let me get to the oh yes okay okay put in the password surely you remember right well of course I’d remember my password and anyways you just put it in for me hey oh Lou give me a pickaxe I

Need it okay I’m trusting you with my trusty netherite pickaxe okay Lou don’t worry I won’t do anything bad to it okay I’m just going to put in this Redstone you know what how about you do this take all the Redstone and all these blocks I don’t need them anymore and then put

Them everywhere so I can put the lasers over okay sounds good so we’ll put one over here make like a laser wall like that yeah I’d say that’s pretty good and uh James you’ll have to really jump over this oh it’s still too easy you could

Just jump right over it how about we make a redstone wall wait a redstone wall I mean that’s a pretty good idea a redstone laser wall it’s something you’ll never be able to get through okay I guess I’ll just make a big wall here

And you fill it up with laser by no it’s just like in Mission Impossible uh but James he could just walk around this edge here maybe we should just put some more over here yeah good idea Lou and then I’ll do this like this boom boom boom perfect now it’s completely

Connected it’s basically impossible to get past now but how are we going to get past ourselves wait Gracie I think I’ve got it what what are we going to do we can’t get across the laser well if we can’t get across the lasers how about we

Go underneath the lasers can I get over over it can’t get under it got to go below it oh wait we got to go under it wait never mind but you know what I mean I think that’s right we should do an underground tunnel but oh it’s going to

Be too obvious what if Jamesy just sees the hole and goes through it he’s not that dumb well uh you should know by now that I always come prepared look at this I have a bunch of ghost blocks wait this is going to be absolutely perfect we can

Cover up the entrance so he’ll never know oh thanks for the shovel Lou that’s much better no problem I mean it would take ages might to get out with your fist but Lou you know what I just realized there’s one vital issue uh and what would that be look it’s oh ow ouch

Ouch it’s way too obvious if we do the ghost blocks because he can just fall straight through what if we had like a secret trapo instead okay I guess that still works you’d have to do a little bit more work for that though yeah I’ll put the trap doors right here but I’ll

Put the ghost block over here wait but what if we lose it what if we’re not able to find the trap door oh you’re right maybe we should make the trap door like a slightly different block maybe we should just cover it up with this Stone

I mean we could still find it but uh Jamesy probably won’t notice it all right but I need some secret trap doors okay perfect give me this and then I do it like this and then I’ll do it like this and boom perfect this looks amazing

Now what we have to do is just open these trap doors up oh wait not this one the other one um let me there let me what did you and then I’ll go underneath and close that up and then close this up and then boom now I’m across and I can

Just easily get up over the other side that was a lot of effort but I mean I I guess it works I mean the more effort it takes the harder it will be for Jamesy to get across you know what we should do next in this next room what do you think

Get Gracie some crazy lava parkour do you have any lava buckets I’ll start digging a hole up wait you take those holes I’ll just go get some lava now uh wait where’s the Trap do uh oh oh there it is Gracie I hope you’re done with

That pit I mean I got a ton of lava buckets yeah this is perfect okay exactly what I need let me put all this stuff away and then give me these lava buckets I’m sure you have more than this right this is not enough well of course

I do lock my inventory pick it pick it up pick it it pick it up L pick it up the the lava okay I got it that was too dangerous okay I’ll just put them all over here perfect okay and then wait what am I going to do how am I going to

Get to the other side wait there’s there’s so many buckets in my inventry let me throw this all out well we kind of have to parkour back that’s the only problem yeah wait it’s okay I can do this for now what should we make the

Parkour out of wait I know we still have some ghost blocks left over okay maybe we should make it go like this but then also put some ghost blocks down here so that Jamesy doesn’t know which one to pick yeah so it’s kind of like squid games right exactly that one’s the fake

One so don’t jump on that one okay Lou be careful this one’s the real one though look it’s stays on top let me keep putting the lava in this is a lot of lava you did well L you got so much lava well thank you very much I mean I

Do have like a lava generator back at my house you have a what oh why am I even surprised you have so many things in your house you’re full of gadgets well after we jump onto that one we have to do the next jump and you know what I’m

Thinking we should search it up we’ll put the correct one over there and the fake one over here okay sounds good so don’t jump to that one okay be careful careful we made it to the end easy peasy I mean that was like the easiest lava

Parkour I’ve ever done but I don’t think it’ll be easy for Jamesy yeah exactly and he might even mess it up and accidentally jump in the fake one then he’ll never be able to get to our house cuz he’ll be dead okay well what did you

Want to do in the Next Room well we have a lot of space maybe we should make a maze or something aaz good idea okay we should start the entrance right over here I’m starting to build it I’m starting to build it okay I’ll make a

Couple of dead ends you make the way to the room and I’ll just make a bunch of crazy T Oh I thought I was out of stone bricks but I have some more you know what I’m so worried I kind of already forgot which one is the real block yeah

I mean I kind of don’t want to try and go back just in case I fall in exactly wait I’ll do a drop block test okay that was the real one we did it no way we created the entire maze this actually looks really good wo uh I kind of don’t

Know the way back uh Gracie could you help me I’m in F5 mode um I think we can come around this way come around this way and Bo we made it to the end look look look we’re safe yes and now we just have to do the jumps remember it’s

Diagonal across so that one’s the real one this one’s the real one those are fake okay you made me scared and then we can go through the little tunnel like this easy peasy oh well now that we’ve taken care of this we can finally relax without Jamesy coming to bother us

Finally peace and quiet this is awesome okay okay I’m going to go all the way across like we did before and I’m going to go through the Maze and then we can finally relax and sit down without jamy coming to Annoy Us this looks so fun oh

My goodness let me just play computer games all day you know I can sit down and talk to myself and the way you’ll just watch TV like the little degenerate that you are oh my goodness I love eating popcorn but I don’t know Gracie it’s usually a lot more fun with

Jamesy yeah you know what I kind of miss him too I mean it’s really fun just hanging out with you but honestly Li you are kind of dumb and not that excited what well you’re all pink and disgusting I don’t even want you near me and you

Know what L let’s go find Jam we had to basically through every step of the process and it was really fun to be honest like he was there when we went to the electronic store he was there when we went to the zoo I miss him a lot I

Wish he was here right now now I mean the parkour he made was definitely fun I could use with a bit more excitement in my life yeah you know what let’s go show him this project it’s going be fun think going to love it all right Jamesy Jamesy

Come Out Come Annoy Us I know you want to noise L where’d you go I’m outside I’m I’m coming back I’m coming back oh Jamesy come out and play with us why his door open he always leaves it open Jamesy are you in the kitchen he’s not

In the kitchen L where are you L there you are you took forever but we need to find Jamesy I think he’s missing maybe he’s in his room or like snacking in the kitchen he’s usually doing that I don’t know it’s like so quiet in here it’s

Never usually this quiet even when he’s pooping he’s loud he’s not on the toilet what this is this isn’t right where is he I didn’t need to know all that information but uh this is kind of weird James’s usually making so much noise everywhere where is he I’m confused

Oh oh maybe we should just go back to our secure house I mean we’re not going to find him maybe we’ll just find him later yeah yeah he must just be outside doing something else like maybe he’s out there annoying like Sophie or something all right the way we’re back at our

Secure house I mean I guess we’re never really going to see Jamesy in here because he’s not going to be able to find his way in yeah come on I I guess we can just sit eat popcorn in absolute silence for five more years I know I’m

Going to be so sad I I really didn’t want to do this it it’s wait wait Lou did you see that name tag did you see that face what are you talking about familiar but there’s no way how could he have made it in here J Jamesy Jamesy

Guys did you make this for my birthday oh my goodness I can’t believe you surprised me with a secure house for my birthday your birthday isn’t until 3 months what are you talking about oh my goodness I love it graci I want to live here forever I me yeah we made it for

You how did he get it here I thought it was Jamesy proof me too I mean we made it so secure it pink and red and not orange never mind JY jamy look look there orange here there orange here oh the painting yeah there’s a little bit

Of orange Jamesy how did you get inside you know what okay Jamesy let’s be honest we actually made this so we could Jamesy prove our house so cuz you were being such a nuisance oh I’m sorry I just like to spend my time with you guys

Okay it’s fine but sometimes we just we just need a break okay okay well you know what our house wasn’t really that secure but I’m so hungry I need to go find Jamesy and maybe we can go out for dinner okay Jamesy hello huh why is nobody here maybe he’s at Lou’s

House Lou Jamesy are you guys home where is everybody oh Jamesy must be hiding from me what is he doing that’s so suspicious maybe he’s in the forest Jamesy Jamesy I know you’re here somewhere oh I give up where is he oh whatever I’m starving I’m just going to

Go home now Jamesy Jamesy if you’re here you better come out right now or else I’m going to be so angry crazy Jamesy why were you hiding from me there you are and you too Lou I just got distracted shopping and stuff I’m sorry I’m here now I’m here now what

You want to do I don’t believe it you’re probably hiding something from me no wait what wait a second guys maybe if we do a build challenge or something you guys won’t be so mad at the end maybe we should just do it to distract ourselves

You know okay but I want to do a evil Build Challenge an evil Build Challenge yeah let’s go come on guys okay that’s a bit weird all right guys I hope you guys are ready to do a build but make it super duper evil looking and we only

Have 15 minutes all right okay I’m going to build you excuse me and also remember to make sure that it’s super duper secure because we only have three lives what only three lives I know it’s not a lot so make sure you guys are really really careful when we’re playing the

Builds okay I’ll see you guys later byebye okay bye-bye so for my build I’m going to do obviously evil James a cuz I’m so angry at him he’s obviously suspicious and I know he’s hiding something from me I’m just going to type in this command sl/ dark and what it

Just in this amazing build of Jamesy that is super duper dark look at this everything is so black and James’s eyes are completely white that looks so scary but don’t forget guys it’s the inside that matters before I start building the inside of the secure house I’m going to

Go trow Jamesy cuz come on he deserves it let me just put on this potion of invisibility and boom let’s go across to his side oh look at him he’s got nothing build H but Lou and Sophie don’t know that I be cheating as well I’m going to

P in an evil bad bad Bild and there he is wait what did he just paste in this amazing build of evil Batman no no no even though I use SL Das dark his build still looks pretty good I’m going to explode it okay I’m going to put this

Drilling TNT at the very top of his build and then he going to create a massive hole that’s going to explode everything so awesome I’m totally going to win I have to make him look a little bit more like I built him though otherwise he’ be

Super obvious that I Che did so I’m going to change the red concrete into orange concrete oh yeah much better look at this this all goes all the way to the bottom let me put some more everywhere I mean come on it’s Orange’s favorite color he’s basically asking for it wait

What just happened wait oh my goodness there’s a massive hole in my bad B BET’s so confused what just happened look at him he just put a message in the chat saying what happened oh and then I’m also going to put zombie apocalypse TNTs everywhere oh you said Lou is this

You nope it’s me sorry Jamesy ah zombes go where this is what you get for messing with me all right I’ve had enough of that let’s go see what Lou’s doing he was hiding for me as well huh is this supposed to be ni you know what

You you can have some zombies as well take this Lou whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo wait is that a zombie hor on top of my Nico wow those zombies just exploded and went crazy this is so annoying oh I guess it’s fine I can just blow them all

Off with a leaf blower well I hope he has lots of fun with that see you okay finally I fixed my B bang got rid of all the zombies I’m going to leave him red I can’t be bothered to change him to Orange oh gosh this is a nightmare who

Did this to me let me get get started on my traps well the first step of making a secure house is to make sure that the doors are very very secure so obviously I’m going to put a reinforced door with a key panel means that a password is

Required to even enter the door let’s make the code 5754 perfect now if anybody wants to enter they have to type in the exact code or else they can’t enter inside oh I know exactly what to do I’m going to put inside of this chest five seven 5

Four and everybody’s going to think that it’s just a harmless little chest of Jamesy plushies but it’s actually going to be the code to the door but I’m thinking this is a little bit too obvious I need to cover it up with with fake water look at this guys

This isn’t just normal water it’s poisonous water and if you’re in survival mode just watch ah it kills you oh my goodness I almost l my first life there I did that just so I could show you guys the only way they’ll be able to get across is by using this boat the

Boat doesn’t burn like it does in lava in fact it thinks that it’s actual water so that way you can get across without actually touching the poisonous water and then you can survive but I’ve got to hide these boats somewhere what if I hit them in a hole in the ground over here

Not to mention this block is going to be a secret chest which gives them these two boats that they can sit on but I need to cover this hole up with something how about a sheep farm I’m going to spawn in a bunch of sheeps and

JY and Lou will think I just have a sheep farm but it’s actually just so that I can cover this hole over here now it’s time for me to do the inside of my very first trip and now I finished with my build I guess it’s time to go and

Troll Jamesy and Gracie so I’m going to turn invisible and let’s go okay let’s go over to James’s side and this looks kind of good but I don’t think it’s going to look good if I set up a fire TNT in the middle that looks way better

And there we go my endp course is now done you start all the way down there you had to build this one and then wait why is there fire down here who did this to me oh my God they’ve destroyed all my flowers and now while James’s not

Looking I’m going to change some of these orange blocks to Pink and he’s going to think it’s graci why is my orange platforms turned pink oh my gosh now I’ve trolled Jamesy I’m going to go troll Gracie in the same way what is this this thing looks awesome

But anyways it’s time to go troll Gracie where is she for this first trap I’m going to make sure that it’s super explosive by doing this wo wo wo wo wo that’s a lot of TNT and I’m going to cover it up with sand can you guys guess

Where I’m going with this I’m actually going to make it a TNT sand maze so they have to go all the way across to the end to that room but they have to make sure not to step on any pressure plates or else they’re going to fall into the

Water and die okay it seems like she’s making some kind of pressure plate device so I’m going to quickly just add a bunch of orange blocks everywhere go go go go go go why is there a bunch of orange wool why this better not be Jamesy again he knows I’m angry at him

Right now and I’m going to put a bunch of signs saying Jamesy was here destroy all of this what is that signy Jamesy was here I know you were old get rid of these signs I can’t believe Jamesy would troll me like that I’m definitely going to get him back but

I need to finish this room first what do you guys think basically we have to try not to stand on the pressure blades but look at this it’s really complicated I guess I could jump over here but ah a yeah you don’t want that to happen trust

Me James he needs to find the exit over here but the thing is I’m not going to make the exit very clear that way he’ll be wandering around in this maze for ages until he finds out the right path I’m actually going to put the Secret Door over here where nobody would ever

Expect it and then he’s going to go inside of this room and press this button that will teleport him into the next room he’s going to get teleported into this room which is going to be a lava Rising room but before I start started I want to go troll Lou everybody

Knows that Lou kind of has a crush on sopie right but I want to test if Lou has a crush on Sophie because she’s yellow or because she’s actually selfie let me go into a different yellow girl or wa what is that noise up who’s there it’s me um pomon whatever this name

Means what kind of name is Pon well you know I heard that you like a girl called Sophie right uh wait where did you hear that from where did you hear is that from well I’m just like selfie except I’m um a little bit more uh less yellow

But you still like this right I’m not too sure you’re a bit dull colored but you are a girl after all so I guess I do yeah well you know I thought I’d help you with your build a little bit cuz you know I’m such a nice girl oh uh okay

Well well what do you think I could make better wow um this build is looking a little bit too good um if you want something to like evil need to look terrible wait seriously you think so yeah this is this is too good you know what I know somebody who could just help

You really oh wait seriously okay take me to them take me to them oh over here I I can’t come with you but um his name is Jamesy and he told me that he’d give you a free trial to learn about how to make things evil I mean wait seriously

He’s so good right wow no way that thing is crazy he’ll totally help you you just have to go and ask him okay but um oh I can’t come with you because he doesn’t like me he banned me from his store uh well uh okay then I guess I guess I’ll

Go ask him yeah I’ll see you later yes oh Lou left now I can just troll his evil build this is actually a little bit too good what can I do to make it worse oh I know it’s supposed to be a evil build so I’ll just make his ni

Look super duper goofy oh JY what are you doing here Lou I’m trying to build my traps some random girl came to my base called called like puppy on or something I don’t even know Lou why are you always talking to different girls I don’t know she came to me she told me

That my build was uh a little too good and that you could give me some poters on how to improve it like a free trial or something okay fine Lou I’ll give you some help but I still need to win this Build Challenge buddy okay come on oh

He’s looking more happy already also we also need to make him like Not Angry Anymore I’ll make his eyebrows go down like this lastly let’s just add some War moner and boom that was so much better look now he’s crying probably because he hurt himself oh no wait wait why is she

Doing this she’s ruining my build what’s going on where did all these boys come from L did you just get scammed again oh no oh what are you guys doing I mean what are you guys doing here well Jamesy took me over here for a free trial or

Whatever you said but I don’t even think he did give me a free Tri trial and I came back to you ruining my Bas no that wasn’t me it was my Alter Ego her name is Poma pom what yeah but I didn’t do any of this okay and jamy you’re

Supposed to give it the free trial Lou I haven’t got time for this I need to continue my builds I need to win this Bild challenge okay hurry up and as for you poon if you don’t leave my base alone I’ll pop you in the face okay wo

Wo wo there’s no need for violence I’m leaving now jeez oh gosh I don’t know if that was an epic feel or an epic success at least we got to ruin Louis’s build that was totally worth it in this room it’s going to be a lava Rising room and

It’s going to be so fun Jamesy and Lou are going to make sure they get to the top while the lava continuously Rises and then I’ll put the exit right over here once they made it to the top and the exit of the lava Rising room I’m

Going to make them do a little scary game I’m going to make them funny get all the scariest B in the game these are basically all characters from horror movies they’re terrifying oh my goodness like it’s Michael Myers he’s going to stab us wo guys look at all of these

Scary mobs but there’s no way James and the we are going to be able to fight all of them off without any loots neither would I to be honest but I’m going to give them this horrible ugly colored armor I mean look at that it’s supposed

To be bronze but it kind of just looks like the color of my poop was that too much in and then I’ll give them this nice little sword I mean this looks pretty cool right not to mention golden apples just cuz I’m nice once they figure out how to

Beat all of these scary monsters they’re also going to need to get over this fence that doesn’t have a gate that’s because I’m going to create a secret burier parkour that goes all the way up and excuse me sir can you please move they’re going to have to parkour over

All of these scary monsters after they kill them of course wow that’s going to be a hard jump once they’re over here they’re going to face is another scary room full of scary lava and the only way that they’re going to be able to get across is if they can

See what’s underneath this lava I think it’s time to troll Gracie just a little bit so let’s go okay let’s get inside this build here we go look at all these scary monsters it would be a shame if some of them got out yeah and also maybe I should set

Them all on fire too wait what just happened there’s a bunch of fire everywhere and how did my moms get over here no no no no no there’s Mayhem all inside of this C what is going on what is this there’s so many mobbs around here I’m trying to write evil on the

Wall who’s runting this who is it now I have to make sure that all of this is fine oh there’s fire everywhere what does it say evil yeah of course it’s evil it’s supposed to be evil evil whoever it is if you don’t come out I’m

Going to use this Bob killer stick on you and remember you only have three lives wait a second wait three lives okay okay okay okay it’s me what who’s me I don’t see you oh fine I’ll The Jig Is up I guess it’s me there you are oh

Louis James he just told us we only have 5 minutes left do you want to lose no I don’t want to lose of course I don’t then get out of my dark build oh Lou left this room in such a mess there’s fire everywhere there’s mobs everywhere

It’s just crazy well back to what I was saying with this lava vision potion many everyone will be able to see what’s underneath and it’s going to be this hidden chest right over here and I’m going to block the exit wall off with a wall inside of this chest is going to be

The key to opening up this iron door Jamesy and Lou are going to need this button or else that door isn’t going to Pudge but in order to get across in the first place they’re going to have to do a game of ghost blocks from squid game

Each time they jump there’s going to be one that’s real like this one and one that’s fake even after they make it past the ghost blocks they won’t be able to open this door without this chest over here and they won’t be able to see that chest underneath all this lava without

The lava vision potion that I’m going to hide in a secret chest right over here this is going to give them only 3 minutes to get all the way across once he gets past that iron door he’s going to go into this next room where Jamesy

And the we are going to have to do something super duper evil they each have to kill one thing and well it’s mainly going to be just me Jamesy and Lou and they can’t kill me cuz I’m in creative mode but that means they have to just kill each other but because I

Don’t want to be evil I’m actually going to make this secret room inside of this room is going to be a poor little chicken that I will kill instead of killing somebody else cuz I don’t want to be a murderer I just want to be a chicken murderer oh chicken move away

You’re giving a away my secret room I’m also going to put little holes in here while they start killing each other they might accidentally fall into the holes that are going to have spikes underneath them oh and these scary Freddy cougars oh gosh after they kill each other which

They probably will do they’re going to lose not only one of their lives but also have to figure out how to get to the next room which is going to be in a command block up here it’s right above the secret room and the only way to

Enter well I’m not going to tell you guys yet you’re just have to figure it out with Jamesy and Lou later let me just put these carat in and attach a buz to it now let’s go to the next room let’s go in this last room I’m going to

Make the fight against the strongest mom ever well you guys won’t get to know what bom is up to later as well sorry guys those boys better be finished oh come on guys be me at the top time is up okay I’m coming who’s are we going to

Look at thirst obviously Lou I mean come on it was the evil ni I’m so impressed oh my God this is super scary I don’t want to look oh my God yeah that is super scary Lou good job I’m really scared of your build that means something thank you jamy but uh I’m

Pretty sure you’ll never be able to get into my build anyways what is this it looks like a water Mo I mean it can’t be that bad crazy that’s big water you had the same idea as me are you copying me uh no I don’t know what you’re talking about I

Don’t know what you’re talking about wait wait Gracie Gracie look I see a piston we have to extend it but how it’s the block that’s touching it no I was sure you guys have never figure this one out I’m going I’m going I’m going owow gra it looks like you just lost your

First life yikes to my first trap as well goodness gracious what are these pistons for Lou huh uh nothing nothing wait it says that we need to find the code okay okay huh there’s a lot of them so I feel like this is something to do

With it I don’t know guys I think you should just stop opening the Pistons Gracie I feel like it’s around here somewhere I just don’t know where uh maybe you guys should look around the back or something I don’t know I’m not sure I’m not sure I can just sense it

Close move out the way jamy I need to figure it out why are you standing there suspiciously oh my gosh why are you standing there the pissed opens up a secret Doorway to that secret chest wow everything’s so secret what’s it say oh I don’t know what the password is James

I guess you’re just going to be stuck outside come on I made it in I made it in I’m really tempted to push you off this cheese right now well guys this is a little parkour room this isn’t Rising lava so you’ve got it all the time in

The world thank goodness yeah well I’m super good at parkour like Gracie so this is really easy for me wait where do I go now uh you have to figure this out for yourself Jamesy I don’t know uh I don’t know yes it was ladders why and I figured that out too

Wow wow wow well guys you’re going to have to do this crazy slime block fan block parkour so you have to go one at a time like this and this add this and time when I’m skiing Bo I made it you cheater Jamesy you sound like SpongeBob when you no I do

Not I sound like a normal person I mean well doesn’t he sound like SpongeBob guys anyways you guys are about to make into my spelling room gosh I hate spelling schmuck oh that’s because you suck at spelling I wonder if you guys can figure this out by yourselves I don’t really need to

Explain this one okay okay a t d c s t y um J that’s the alphabet right it’s not the alphabet and I think you’re supposed to spell this specific word oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh I need to do this I need to

Do this yellow yellow yellow yellow is c um it’s cats oh it’s cat it’s cat it’s cat why did you solve it before me because that’s faster and you’re just dumb is it aren’t they right L it’s cat isn’t it oh Jamesy stop crying don’t you know

How mad I am at you you’re literally hiding from me the entire day oh I have a surprise for you yeah right that’s just an excuse okay guys well here’s the next word oh wait there’s another word it’s black blue and white s sit sit it’s sit so take your price

For getting through the second one wo PR oh my gosh oh my gosh okay see read out the colors okay so it’s black first okay black is s okay so it’s s and then gray uh gray is p okay so s p and then red a a

Green R Spar blue K oh it’s Sparky I already know spark Sparky we have to kill him kill him Sparky guys in case you didn’t realize Sparky is Lou prep frostmore that he always uses to kill us oh my goodness isn’t this like Sparky number 17 already like jeez anyway we’ve

Got some both hour what do we do with these Lou am I shooting you this is target practice you’re supposed to shoot the targets wait J you should hit this one you should hit this one J you should hit this I hit oh J you

Should oh no oh no I’m going to die oh no I’m going to die oh no I’m going to die I also did a target practice did you copy me uh no I didn’t even know you didn’t this my first life I’m leaving okay let’s shoot this one next this one ah skeleton

Oh don’t worry guys I’m just going to shoot the other one while he’s fighting him off um oh I can’t no that’s a zombie that’s a zombie Gracie oh my goodness why did you do that why did you do that why did you do that I’m leaving I’m

Leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving czy why would you spawn in the mutant zombie are you cray cray they call me crazy Grazy for a reason well looks like I just lost my first life that’s not a good thing W Jamesy we’ve hit all four of those

Targets and none of them are wor wait this what the out there no way I didn’t notice welcome to the next floor oh I’m in I’m good job yes be careful jump again jump again J no no no your turn your turn there a squid gam you have to

Go next I might yeah I don’t mess up no no make a guess Gracie wait you survived I’m down zombies I need to get back up come on come on get back come on come on Gracie your turn my God I can’t believe I almost almost lost to life when I fell

The first time we made it what’s this room about ly well this is a charade room so we have to guess what you guys draw what is this and this is a nice little example drawing of me Lou it looks nothing like you seriously it doesn’t look stinky enough

I’m going to just um exterminate this there we go no who’s drawing well I think Jamesy should do the drawing cuz he’s terrible oh you’re so that’s so big oh my goodness you guys always bully me okay I’m going to go first rounde okay you guys going to have

To guess it okay oh it’s going to be Lou we might not even be able to guess it cuz it’s him drawing oh it’s going to be so easy just wait you guys are so mean okay first I need to do my colors I’m not even going

To tell the audience what I’m doing you got everyone all right okay okay okay okay okay what should I do what should I do oh God this is so triy guys comment down below what you think I’m drawing okay this is the first B of my drawing

What do you guys think um wa is that a poop is it a dirt block no it’s not dirt block stop being rude I’m going to do this now um it’s going to be an island yeah is that like nope it’s not an island either what are you guys doing um it’s a

Chocolate uh is that like a submarine is that the ocean no it’s not the ocean it’s above the land Lou you guys are so bad at this or is it me with my bad drawrings does that help um a um Jamesy is it like a mountain a hill oh my

Goodness you’re getting close you’re getting close okay I think I need to do one piece of detail to help you guys out okay okay I’m getting there I’m getting there more that’s lava do you guys know what it is yet you a volcano yes it’s a

Volcano easy you know I have to say I think that’s a good drawer my turn my turn this was is going to be really hard to guess all right guys I’m not going to tell anyone what I’m drawing all right here’s the beginning wait Gracie is this

Supposed to be you or something no I don’t have pink hair what are you drawing like Patrick from SpongeBob or something really it’s pink stupid face I mean Patrick is pretty pink guys I finished are you sure you don’t know who it is it’s going to be

Zo wait Lou is this the end no this is not the end come here what’s wait what there’s ghost blocks there slim blocks and I’m going to give you each an elytra wait what why it’s going to be an elyra Course fly to the end wao that’s

Tricky Gracie I’ll go first you watch okay okay go on then got okay fly mod fly mod come on jamy that was risky B what okay I can do it too let’s go okay okay okay okay wo you went higher than me wow um um I’m totally not missing you’re missing all of

Them you missed all of the Hoops Gracie it’s fine I’ll let you off just go to the end go to the end I’m going to the end I made it I made it guys look I made it let’s go to my building let’s go well this is my evil b

B w this looks really evil Jamesy it might be even more evil than mine wait but Jamesy how did you build this whole thing it’s insane I know Lou I’m insane insane with a membrane insan in the membrane Jamesy you’re so old I said anyway guys look at this flower Forest

Isn’t it pretty I even put red flowers pink flowers every flower W there’s even yellow flowers W yeah selfie you like yellow no I I I I don’t know what you’re talking about I don’t know what you’re talking about so do you like girls if they’re yellow or do you like sopie

Because she’s yellow or do you like yellow because she’s s or stop asking you’re so anyway guys you to find the way into the build I’ll give you a clue it’s not to do with the flowers what’s this water B doing here it’s quite random this should be really easy

Come on you know there’s so many colors but there’s not a single orange one which is weird because Jamesy loves the color orange wait a second do you guys see what I see over there an orange flower wait in this bsh well what is inside 16 ender pearls ender pearls wait

Gracie I’m already ahead of you look this platforms up there no way we have to end the thr on to that oh this is going to be dangerous wait okay I go on to the next platform but now I have to go into the very next one too okay okay

Please let this go out I’m you guys are way ahead of me oh wow I got it up there first try Last Time come on Gracie try again jump jump wo wo wo crazy so close a little bit higher up and you would have made it like a a little bit higher

Come on okay I’ve got this let’s go and now I just have to do one more all righty well done Gracie you made it what now I’m wishing I didn’t make it there’s no way we’re going to beat that netherite monstrosity don’t be so stupid of course

You guys need some loot guys I just found it no way it just spr where’s my loot oh uh I forgot about you Lou don’t worry about you you know what I’ll just go in and kill it myself okay good luck with that go on go ahead go in there get

In there go Lou have some of this Lo pick it up stupid face I’m going to end the past him I’m going to go over there and oh much better come on beat him up I’m going I’m going you guys are to going to lose against a never

Monstrosity he’s so powerful he may be evil but not as evil as B no no no get away from him leave him alone he’s my protector quick quick Gracie kill him while he’s not looking yeah I no stop it so goodness great you guys won’t be making it out of

Here making it out of here I mean there’s a hole right there right that’s got to be something what you took you took our end well I thought there’s a hole up here but it looks like that’s just the um horns of evil band band yeah there’s a

Way down but where but where it’s got to be this look at this it’s a Sher box Lou what happens you guys have to shoot these targets oh I’m going to attack it I’m going to attack it should I st at the left or right Jamesy yeah stop from the

Left stop from the left okay yeah wait I can just hit it from this side yeah you missed you missed you guys suck at this you got it yeah behind you fall off I’m going to fall off Jamesy I don’t know about you but I think you’re copying my build yeah yeah

I’m copying my build you sticky face I’m going to hit the other one oh I missing remember I G you some build consultancy earlier come on guys this is easy are you so oh so good wait what’s going completely ignoring the you that Lou I’m just going to oh we did

Oh all right next Target block this one over here oh come on Lou let’s hit it from the side this one’s going to be super easy oh you guys can’t hit it you suck oh that was close oh that was close quy that was oh it hit me ouch ouch ouch

The aim for you you hit it next one sporing in is a zomie TNT kill them kill them kill the ball kill the ball can I get I’m trying overwhelmed here I know what to do why don’t we hit the spiral TNT again that way you will kill all the zombies wait

That’s a idea I kind help sounds fun help me help me guys shoot it shoot it shoot it it’s coming get them all the middle you guys away oh that killed so many you guys run away guys I’m stuck wait where are you I’m down yeah I can’t

Get out watch out I’ll help you okay then you car you finish that out and W I almost fell jeez you have to hit the last one guys can you do it well I have no arrows left so uh graci can you do it for me oh well uh that’s a

Really hard question to ask but I’ll do my best let me give you an arrow let me give you an AR oh let me thany wait I got pick it up AR again Arrow again Arrow I hit it well done you hit it this room oh I think I know what it

Is a Connect Four room yep Connect Four we have to play a game Connect Four Guys okay well I think I’m going to go first yeah all right well I’m going to go second okay well I’m going to go over here well I’m going to go over here well I’m going to be

Annoying and I’m going to go right in the middle of Jamesy Lou I hate you go on Gracie I’m going to go right over here Gracie what are you doing we’ going to block him off oh and I’m going to wait over here no no no no no I’m going to stop Jamesy

Why are you so focused on me when graci’s clearly building an empire over here oh don’t worry guys I’m just going to you know boom uh I’m going to go here then Lou why are you focus all on me get crazy it’s just easier oh and fell wait crazy you just

Messed up oh look you had four in a row here you missed it oh well I don’t know what to do I’ll just go over here well you know how I am I’m going to start working on myself now take the fck off I’m going to go

Right there wait jamy you shouldn’t have done that goodness okay fine well you guys have to find the way to get to the bottom room now but you want me to find it h okay let’s see if I’m going to get to the bottom room obviously I’d make a

Hole right over here oh my good staircase oh my gosh who opened them well looks like this is a question room who has more subs it’s so sad but JY actually has more subs than me we’re in a sub race and um we have to overtake him right

Wait you’re losing Gracie wait guys but where’s the third answer I have a channel too you know uh when was Gra first video posted well I know exactly when I posted like three or 2 weeks ago and it was pretty oh what Gracie you forgot about your

Channel trailer that 11 how do you not even remember that oh Jamesy you really got me with that I forgot I had that little small trailer okay well I guess it is the other one what chapter did evil Batman come from oh wait know this because we played it together Jamesy it

Was chapter 3 I know it was so fun all right well now you guys have to what happened what oh my gosh wo you guys are now in my next room this is a my field be careful there’s mines and lasers everywhere you to make

It all the way to the exit over here this is Super Evil goodness gracious yeah well this is the evil build oh my goodness and guys I want of warning why don’t you go this way oh you’re doing good go let me job ow ow ow ow ow that was a giant

Explosion I don’t know Jamesy I kind of survived that though whatever okay fine come over here I’m surprised Lou didn’t lose any of his lives yet oh come on then Gracie make this last job oh well than go she’s now got one life your turn uhoh okay here I

Go wait I made it oh my goodness L actually made it what okay well let’s go do graci’s build now I have to get over my first fake water bed look at my build doesn’t this look amazing is that me yeah Jamesy why is that you Jamesy and why do you look so

Evil I look so evil wait is this because I didn’t hang out with you this morning yeah I know you’re obviously lying to me and you know what I hate you you sonck oh my goodness you’re so mean how do we get inside um ow oh my what you doing that’s right you

Can’t get across this fake water boat cuz you’re terrible you know what Lou okay Lou you have to find a boat that’s all I’m going to tell you I think it might have something to do with these sheep I don’t know why what yeah I agree

Lou it’s start to do there’s a hole down here and it’s filled with sheep but how do we get inside there’s a big pen can we just break through I guess you can but it’s just a sheep pen it’s not a big deal maybe you guys shouldn’t go in here

Get rid of there there’s a reason that there’s a hole in there there’s a reason that there’s a hole in this pen and I have to kill them to find out wait Lou I have an idea I have some potions on me wait okay throw them in what are you

Poing okay okay stand back stand back stand back Gable did I kill them I think that got there a how did you guys know yeah we’re super smart oh Jamesy you’re SM than thought oh there’s a CH over there go get it go it’s just a normal chest no nothing

Suspicious about it don’t worry why is there pots in there and uh wait I think I just messed it up look at you guys oh noou it was it was a pin okay Lou it starts with 5 seven and then the last bit has to be a

Compilation of nine so let’s try all the options okay okay so try four S four five four five no no okay 5754 yes wait we figured it out using you guys are way too good at this anyway you guys won’t be able to solve this

Look at this is a TNT maze do not step on the pressure plates it blows up to your te please don’t okay I’m trying oh JY JY JY oh speed up she’s evil she’s evil she’s evil where we going to go go go go probably through here Jamesy there a

Thingy how did you guys find it so fast PR PR PR PR what guys it press it oh my gosh that was close but what is this room it’s going to be a lava Rising room and then way you going have to get all

The way to the top good luck oh my gosh but where am I supposed to go well look for one quick you don’t have much time I’m trying I’m trying keep going L we don’t have much time I’m trying I’m trying there’s just so little places to go oh wait that was

Super easy nice work wait it was super easy what but wait what is this room Grace where oh L look in the chest I found something ooh wait I’ll take a load of that gra what is this wow it’s that be so funny evil people evil people

Yeah did you forget it’s a evil room it literally says on the wall evil well Lou you Lou eat the golden apple eat Lou eat the golden apples we’re going to eat it we’re going to eat it get away from me get away from me who even are these people they’re like masks

There a bunch of kids oh my goodness I hate children I mean I love children what did you say you don’t like children JY I guess we can’t be together well there’s only two come on ah there’s one boy he’s scary nice work but now you guys can’t

Get over these fences I’m not going to tell you how how we get over this friends we got to use as Captain Hooks hook maybe I can give you some kind of Bo boost or something I don’t know jump jum jump guys get over way James wait wait wait wait it w leave

Me alone leave me alone leave me alone I’m going to kill you and take one of your lives which by the way you don’t have a lot left and here we are come on guys and and yes woohoo okay what’s this this is real this is real this is real

This is real and I’m just going to make a jump for it what are you doing yeah come on Jamesy go through you guys are speed running it but you guys are forgetting about the most important thing you guys can’t get across with a button now you guys have to go all the

Way back because you guys tried to be smart wait where’s the button Lou I’m taking a look I I don’t see anything H um I don’t see it either maybe it’s oh check the fire check the fire J there’s literally a thing down here I got a

Potion of lava Vision oh oh oh oh oh I’m coming I’m coming Splash on me ow ow quick quick quick quick quick quick J jamy just take it oh over there I see love Tak it for the jamy that’s what what you’re supposed to do I’m over here

I found the banana come on let’s go wow um here’s the next challenge you guys each have to kill one thing inside of this room wait can I kill Jamesy yeah I’m going to kill Lou you have to lose one of your lives again no

No no Lou you just fell out a spike in L buddy he lost his first life you know I’m going to kill something too Jamesy watch this I just killed a chicken wait why did you hide the chicken I didn’t see no chickens anywhere yeah I hit the

Secet room because we all had to kill one thing but I didn’t want to kill J I could have had all of my lives you didn’t even think it through to kill that Chicken what is this gate about though well obviously to just block the K uh the chicken from escaping wait ow wait is a secret and there’s a chicken out of here okay we’re going up we press this command look oh okay we’re up here now uh-oh oh no there’s a ferris what no

Spaw EG please don’t make me Spawn this crazy spoted right now this is what you guys have to do because you guys are evil I’m going to put it on Lou there we go wait why did you put it on me ow this guy is’s tricky to kill he’s basically a

God come on oh myness he smacked you on one more get it get it get it what that was easy you guys did that way too quickly well that’s the end of my Build Challenge guys and what you guys think way who won who won who won I thought my

Build was definitely the most evil looking right guys oh gosh and it was me so I’m going to vote Gracie well Gracie the reason I went to the shops was actually to surprise you with a surprise pink cake but you didn’t even let me

Show it to you cuz you were so mad a pink cake this looks amazing I can’t believe you’ll do something for this you know what guys this just shows that you shouldn’t jump to conclusions and you should also be always nice and don’t be evil wo it’s morning time wait my

Package should be arriving any time now it should be arriving it’s the mailman it’s the mailman hey it’s my package here my package here mailman please please stop me it’s here well yeah I have a special delivery for you here you go yes my prank BS is finally here thank

You so much you’re welcome oh my goodness oh my goodness guys now that I have my prank box I can go and prank my friends I can’t wait for this day to start all right well first I want to prank Jamesy with a secret tunnel and

Prank box please give me the items that I’m going to need for it please okay let’s see if it works hopefully it’s not a scam yes yes yes yes okay I got a diamond pickaxe with efficiency five a secret trapo and ladders this is exactly

What I need I’m going to start it in my kitchen and dig in all the way to jamy’s house let me break all of these and I’ll be back in just a second guys all right and boom this is pretty good and this leads all the way up to jamy’s house let

Me put some ladders over here quick go up and oh let me see oh my goodness I’m actually inside James’s house this is amazing oh look Jamesy is at home right now pH what can I do here H wait a second are those cakes oh that looks so

Delicious Jamesy must have been making cakes for me and he said them to cool down on the counter that’s so sweet but I am so hungry I’m just going to eat them now Back from shopping wait wait wait J’s here oh crap oh c he’s going to be here so quickly how did he get here so fast did I leave my doors unlocked again oh I’m so clumsy quick let me get back in the tunnel here oh my goodness I hope

Jamesy didn’t see me there he is wait those are the cake shopping ingredients that he was going for but I just took all of his CES okay you know what with these ingredients I can bake the perfect cake for my girl friend grae all right

Let me have this see wait a second where are all my red velvet cakes oh no Lou must a bit behind this oh since I made the red cakes he was just so attracted to them oh let me close the trap door did you guys hear that jamy thinks

Lou took the cak said the cakes were red but it’s actually just me because I love cakes so much okay now that I put the groceries away oh my stomach oh it must have been all the cakes I ate oh I have to go to the back

Bathro I’m going to poop everywhere I’m going to poop everywhere oh let me go grab his groceries I think he said he left them in the cabinet which cabinet was it oh there it is oh and there are his car keys but come on guys I will be

That mean cuz that would make him think that somebody stole his car I think he would start freaking out wait oh the toilet’s flushing okay okay he must be coming down soon I’m going to run I took his groceries and now he can’t bake anymore I’m going to hide in this corner

Oh that feels so much better ew why is he talking about his poop like that well time to stop baking let me go get my ingredients out wait what where are my ingredients I must have left them in the car oh he so silly has terrible memory

Okay let me go open my car and see if I left them in the truck oh I do feel kind of bad for making Jamesy run around you know what I’m just going to put the groceries back oh he left his carcase in here as well he’s so dumb wait that

Means he will be coming back soon okay let me run back and hide oh my goodness I forgot my carcase oh this is so annoying where did I leave them where did I leave them are they in the cabinet wait huh the groceries have reappeared oh I’m losing my

Mind I’m going to go to bed I need to lie down I’m clearly having some sort of aneurysm or something oh my goodness James is so silly he must be so confused I mean the rats probably made him crazy you know what let’s just go back there

My tunnel I’m going home I’ve had enough with him that was really fun but I think I’ll give Jamesy a break for now let’s go prank Lou next all right I’m back inside my house and now we can go prank Lou but there’s not really a rush cuz

Lou always sleeps in very late I’m going to have plenty of time prank box please give me items I would need to draw l oh yes it worked and now I have a sticky piston a bunch of levers and a sock fine H what can I do with that wait a second

This would be perfect for secret pit let me go over to Lou’s house all right let’s start digging okay let me just finish it up like this and boom I think this is perfect should we call out Lou now but first let me put a sign over

Here that says pull me I know Lou won’t be able to resist and he’s definitely going to pull it okay let me knock on Lou’s door Lou Lou okay okay now let me just hide in this corner right over here this is going to be so

Funny who Could That Be oh it’s like it’s like the start of my day oh it’s midday already guys it’s literally afternoon wait what is this Lea for pull me he’s going to pull it he’s going to pull it come on let do it okay let me just pull it and

Wait look at Lou he’s totally knocked out o I feel kind of bad but my second prank worked but I’m glad Lou’s okay anyway this is a good opportunity to prank him even further maybe I can set up something in his house but first I

Need to go to the prank box so I can get some more items for my next trap and I know exactly what I want to do all right prank box please give me something that I can use to annoy Lou preferably something that’s very loud three 3 2 1

Go yes it gave me a bunch of note blocks and Secret treasure plates I know exactly what to do I’m going to replace Lou’s floor with a bunch of note blocks so he’s going to be so confused what he realizes that his floor is playing music

Oh help help me help me oh no Lou so stuck down there I feel kind of bad but I have better things to do okay let me just jump over hopefully he doesn’t see me but I’m sorry Lou I’m going into your house what I have to do is break these

Blocks like this I’ll put the note block right over here and then put the pressure plate right over and look it Blended perfectly now when I step on it it should make sounds like this look oh my goodness guys that’s so funny it’s going to be hilarious Lou is going to be

So confused but first I need to do this for his entire house oh my goodness guys I did it and oh wow it’s amazing having to hear all this music every time I walk it’s really hilarious okay but I feel bad for Lou maybe we should help him out

I want him to see my prank hello can someone help help me I’ve literally been stck down here for I don’t know how long Lou Lou wait is that you Gracie yeah it’s me it’s me oh can you please help me out of here I’ve been stuck down here

For probably hours oh wow Lou how did you end up in such a deep pit I feel really bad for you well I just pulled some leather and said pull me I couldn’t resist of course Lou well you really should be more careful here you can have

These ladders take them oh thank you so much I’m getting myself out of here now well I’m going to be heading back to my own house now Lou see you later Okie doie I’ll see you in a bit I guess I’m not actually going home I’m just going

To hide in Lou’s house so I can see his reaction once he steps on all of these pressure plates oh finally I’m out that took ages okay time to go back inside of my house and sweet oh and what wait wait what is all this noise I’m just I’m just walking

What is this is Lou so good no no no no no no no this is so annoying oh I feel bad for it but not really oh I’m so tired of this I’m going back outside are you serious L way did all of that and he just wanted to go

Outside again oh I finally got some peace and quiet out here that’s so funny but you know what let’s go check back on Jamesy and see if he’s still in his house well prank box please please give me something that I can scare Jamesy with for this next prank I want to make

Him scream so loud that Lou could hear okay oh my goodness look what it gave me a bunch of TNT and these player heads what can I do with these H wait a second I know since Jamesy said he’s taking a nap from earlier since he hurt his head

I think I know what I can do I’m going to set these up all around his bed all right let’s go inside oh there he is look at him Jamesy must be resting so peacefully I hope he’s having nightmares okay and then oh I have to be quiet so I

Don’t wake him up but let’s set up these armor stands around over here oh there’s a butterfly here Jamesy never closes his windows oh gosh he snores so loud it’s oh okay let me put a creeper right over here wait my gosh is he waking up oh

Okay just a false alarm it’s just a false alarm why is he sing you smell so good what he must be having a dream oh goodness no gra get away from me why is he telling me to get away from him what kind of dream is that about he’s so rude

Oh my goodness okay and let me just put even more I’m going to make sure this prank really gets to him that’s what he deserves some Ender dragons like this amazing and once he wakes up to this he’s going to go ballistic and go crazy

You know what I’m going to put them even downstairs and then you get really really scared like right behind these windows oh that will be perfect yes and now I’m going to wake him up and I’m going to use this TNT he’s going to make a creeper exploded right in front of him

Okay I’m going to put it right over here 3 2 1 I got to I got to run I got to run it’s going to explode now oh my goodness what was that sound a creeper ah it’s a dragon zombies oh my goodness this is a dream oh he’s going downstairs look at

Him where did jamy go what why is he crying in the corner wait wait wait oh this is perfect while he’s crying in the corner I’m going to put an arm right over here and put a creeper on it oh this is going to be so perfect and then

I’m going to explode this TNT again right next to him he’s going to go ballistic 3 2 1 boom what’s that sound ah creeper again oh my goodness you know what let me just go through the window never guys this is so funny whenit I

Just had a good idea what if I pretend to be a zombie and talk to him then he’s really going to think that he’s dreaming let me put on a zombie head like this and I’m going go talk to him oh no oh no is that a zombie sound

Is that a zombie get out away for me away for me this is a nightmare pitch me pinch me pinch myself why am I not waking up I want to eat your brain what do you want what do you want your bra well me and my friends want to use your house

For a party and if you don’t leave now we’re going to eat your brains okay fine that’s fine you can just have my house you can just have it you could just have it Jam’s so dumb he actually didn’t even notice that the monsters are fake well

Now that both Jamesy and Lou have left their homes this is the perfect opportunity to break them both at the same time oh let me take this mask off maybe I should do a Furniture swap prank box give me what I need boom oh my goodness look at all these bread and

Orange items this is perfect now I can totally furnish swap their home all right looks like James is still outside of his house let’s start digging up this sofa and bringing it over to Lou’s house now let’s take head over to Lou’s house and place this sofa H I’ll place it over

Here where his old sofa used to be like this and obviously I’m going to have to change all of this to Orange really really soon and obviously let’s get rid of this red concrete and replace it with the orange concretes let me dig up these red chairs they should be orange instead

Like this boom and boom oh sorry I messed it up but it’s okay he’s not going to mind cuz he’s going to mind more about why his walls are completely orang instead of red and boom the entire dining table has been swapped looks amazing and now I’ve replaced all this

Stles over here with orange as well this is looking so good I hope they’re not coming back anytime soon cuz I still have so much work to do and boom this looks pretty good I remodeled Jamesy house as well made the counters red put the red bookcases in oh let me put this

Back inside oh his poor groceries I feel bad for him but not really and look all the floors are red the carpets are red he doesn’t have a sofa anymore there’s still a hole in his ground wait a second it’s showing a little bit of my secret

Total I need to cover the some ASAP all right here I have the red conck let me start patching this up okay I have to be super careful there could be Monsters Inside wait J’s coming back no no no no no I have to finish I have to cover this

Secret hole up is there any monsters wait a second why is my house red did the monsters do this no it must have been Lou I’m going to go get that kid where are you Lou come here I’m going to kill you wait let me follow him I can’t wait

To see Lou’s reaction as well oh Lou Lou wait a second why is my house orange Lou I know you did to my house you turned it red Jamesy my house is orange did you do this this is so funny Let Me Go greet

Them oh hey guys hey oh uh hey Gracie oh hi Gracie you know um L do you want want to tell jamy about what happened earlier in the pit I fell into a pit take a look here I fell into this right here but uh gra helped me out a bit you’re welcome

Yeah but Jamesy listen to this right after I got out of the pit I went into my house and all of the floor had been replaced by not block yeah come inside can’t believe it look oh my goodness when you walk it’s covered with Note Block sounds it’s terrible it’s terrible

It’s so loud my goodness oh my goodness this is terrible Lou wait Lou why is your W orange uh I thought that was you Jamesy yeah that’s so funny why would you go orange L I thought your favorite color was red what no no it wasn’t me it

Was some kind of mysterious haunting ghost I don’t know and wait a second isn’t this Jamesy sofa did you steal his sofa no wonder why it was missing from his house L I know what you did just stole all my furn from my house I want

My stuff back what no I didn’t steal it and fine I don’t want this Sila anyways wait but but wait a second Jamesy if your furniture is here then where’s Louis’s sofa it was here before it’s in my house there it is Jamesy there’s your sofa I mean Lou there’s your sofa what

Jamesy I bet you stole it as well it wasn’t me Lou it wasn’t me uh Jamesy why is there a bunch of armor stands around your house this is kind of funny looking armor stance no way this isn’t a real mob after all wait what did you think this

Was a real mom Jamesy fill us in yeah there was Monsters Everywhere I ran out my house cuz I got super scared oh but never mind this Jamesy I want my TV back um Lou no no no no this is James’s TV uh oh uh I I didn’t know sorry how

Would you know that crazy oh um well I mean I’ve been to your house so many times Jamesy I know your TV looks just exactly like this I mean she’s not wrong l to be fair she is at my house all the time eating my food yeah okay I I kind

Of get it well besides you guys should probably start fixing up your house I’ll help you but I need to grab some materials for my house real quick I’ll be right back okay byebye okay Jamesy I I’ll help you too come on it’s time for my sixth prank okay let’s go inside my

House and see what the prank box has for me all right I want to blood Lou house like completely flooded I mean since he’s in James’s house right now fixing his house this is a perfect opportunity yes I got an infinite water bucket and now I can get so much water this is

Going to be amazing all right let’s head over to Lou’s house I need to find a way to get all the way up to the roof but how am I going to do that cuz I don’t want to just put it on the ground that’s

Going to ruin the all the traps that I made earlier it looks like there’s some Parkour that gives me roof access let me just jump this fence over here jump around like this and boom I think this is good and now I just want to parkour

Up oh my goodness no this is my worst fear look is’s really good at parkour so he never probably has an issue like this hey let me just make this jump don’t fa Gracie oh perfect and boom and boom and boom ah we get the tree and then jump

Over here this and this and boom I think I’m almost at the top and I can go up like this and boom easy peasy not even a sweat was broken now let’s start using this infinite water bucket all right let’s use this right here in the center

Wait where’ the bucket go I thought it was in it oh I got another one okay I see now it must take some time to recharge there we go there’s my next bucket come on be faster I can’t let Jamesy finish building and fixing his house before they come back to this one

All right you know what I think this is going to be the last water bucket that I need now I can just swim down with the water all righty this looks amazing I can’t wait till jamy and Louie see this but wait I want to do the same thing to

James’s house let me sneak back in but H how do I get to the top of James’s roof okay maybe I could go around here there’s got to be something that lets me go up like these ladders okay this is perfect and wow look at all these magma

Blocks ow ow ow they’re burning me it’s time to use my infinite water bucket again boom There Goes My Water Bucket all right I finished this now I can just go back down come on wait jamy jamy there’s a leak wait yeah I’m starting to feel some drops of

Water in my head why is there water coming from my roof no no no they realized I need to get that I need to get that um gra why you on jamy’s roof yeah why are you on my roof no no no I

Guys I I didn’t do any of this I saw a mysterious man on your roof and he was placing water everywhere I didn’t know who he was like just a random guy oh my goodness there’s water everywhere look at Lou’s house look at my house wait my

House oh my goodness oh no how are you guys going to clean everything up that’s so terrible oh I’ve probably got some sponges in my house let me go find them yeah you know what I think I have some sponges in my house too let me go find

Them well Lou how are we going to get on top of your house to get rid of this water uh I’m pretty sure there’s partk are on the side just follow me uh we might as well just swim up it’ll probably be easier oh my goodness okay

Let have you been wondering why all this bad stuff has been happening to us why isn’t it happening to Gracie I don’t know I mean our houses are covered in water but graci’s is fine look yes and my house and your house got swap a not

Graci’s oh whatever Li uh sponge up this water then okay all right let me just get them out of my back pocket uh just take a couple here you go okay let’s get started yes let’s get R all this water I can’t believe this whoever did this should know that observatories are

Really really really really precious okay Lou let’s go do my roof as well okay let’s clean up all this water yeah it’s not like we have to I mean your house is just like a cave it’s not like important or anything sh okay we’re almost done just a bit more water and

Yep there It Is Well Done well looks like they’re having progress fixing up the house it’s time for me to ready up my next prank come on box give me your best incredible prank ever oh what is this a aerious egg fences invisibility Stone a buck and Quil and a barrier

Block what wait what is this a mystery maze at these corat oh I must have to go to that place instead of the maze there oh this is going to be super interesting come on guys let’s go all right these are the cordinates and I think it’s a

Perfect place to start building my barrier maze let me start by placing it like this as you can tell it’s a barrier block because it’s invisible it’s going to be really confusing since Jamesy and Louie can’t cheat by looking into F5 mode or you know stuff like that so now

This is the amazing cuz they’re going to be in here forever let’s start building it now 1 hour later all righty this maze is looking perfect and I know you guys can’t really see anything but trust me they’re going to be so confused and I’m actually going to create a stone cave so

That I can use this mysterious egg it’s going to be so scary before I send them to the invisibility base I’m going to create a little trap for them I think it’s time to scare them using this mysterious egg and I’m going to do that inside of this Stone cave all right this

Is working super duper well now it’s time for me to create the pen for this mysterious egg but I need to keep it confined cuz what if it’s really dangerous good thing I have these fences now once they get down they’re going to see this little fence right over here

All right let’s spotting this spawning oh it’s just a cute little box oh what’s there to be scared about look how adorable it is oh it’s so ad what just happened why did it turn into that monster osity oh good thing I put it inside of this pen

Oh my gosh I can’t believe this had happen Jamesy and Lou are going to be so spooked by it now let me just take him back to the Maze and this is going to be perfect all right this is looking perfect let me just put this over here

Now I have the cave right in the middle of the maze so they’re going to get to here and then they’re going to be like oh my gosh we should go down there oh you know what I don’t even want to go down there that’s like a Death Wish now

That I’ve created this invisible maze I should go out and go find Jamesy and Lou so that they can go through it I know the perfect way to Lear them in Jamesy Lou oh my goodness W you guys did so well clearing up all the water it took

Us ages yeah you finally here to help oh um actually I got lost on the way here but don’t worry I did find an old book with kin it’s leading to treasure I haven’t followed it yet but you know since you guys have had such a terrible

Day I thought it might cheer you up you know here you goes here you guys wa this will definitely tear us up up come on let’s go find someing wait grae are you going to come too oh you know actually I have to stay behind and clean up some more while you

Guys are away but you guys can just follow it and make sure to leave some treasure for me okay okay thank you Gracie bye-bye J this is just more treasure for us yep let’s get out of here they’re so silly I got my prank box with me and I got this potion of

Invisibility from earlier let’s drink it and follow them all right Lou the cors are just around here somewhere it’s telling me at 10 more blocks forward one left I’m so hot and exhausted when do we find this thing a mystery maze I don’t know where this mystery maze is it’s not

Even here wait why can’t I go forward oh no Lou it’s an invisible base oh these guys are so dumb oh they’re going through okay I’m following you I don’t want to get lost in the Maze uh I’m kind of getting lost already l wait it seems like we’re kind of getting

There maybe it’s just around here somewhere maybe it’s just around this wall oh no he’s getting really close to me hopefully he doesn’t notice that I’m here oh don’t no Lou I feel like we’re going back towards the start wait did I complete it did I get my fries H Jamesy

I don’t know about you but there was a hole in the middle there I think we were supposed to go in there oh my goodness we have to do this all again oh my gosh I hate mazes wait Lou I think I might be

In there wait how did make let me let me through this is my this is my treasure this is my treasure no it’s mine now they still haven’t been to the end and they’re already fighting over who gets the treasure they’re so silly oh my God

Louis that even in an entrance I’ve Been Everywhere I know it’s so close but so far one eternity later look at them they’ve been in the space for hours and they still haven’t figured out how to get to the center where do we go wait wait wait wait wait J I made it

Oh my goodness Jamesy made it and so did Lou they’re about to enter the cave no way come on Jamesy let’s go get our treasure yeah let’s go uh it seems pretty empty down here okay well let’s just go get it they’re going down guys

No way I can’t believe I’m down in this cave with them look at them they’re going down and there’s the change League jamy it seems like there’s something at the end of this hallway what is that that must be a prize it must be a magical donkey or something look it’s

Like a dog or a fogs it’s so cute can we let it out please Lou Lou P it blou give him a stroke go on come here little guy is so [Applause] cute oh my God from stranger F Dogg Doggy help me oh no that change is going to kill my friend let me place my SU box down and please please give me items that can help me kill the change thing yes netherite armor and a flame sword

Are you serious this is exactly what I need right now oh change L take Jamesy instead take him let me kill it let me kill it ah die CH what that person what’s happening it’s like some invisible guy what’s going on they can see me now quick let me take my sword

Off and I like disappear where did he go sir where did you go I want to thank you wait Jamesy we didn’t find any treasure down here at least not that fox but what is this thing no but yeah let’s open it up is it’s empty oh Jamesy I really wish

I had some treasure though I know Lou we got tricked well maybe there’s something in this really weird big box right here okay well what’s inside wait wait there was nothing in there when I looked a second ago why is it filled with stuff is this a magical

Box I don’t know maybe but why is it Pig and why is it just doing all of this crazy stuff no don’t take it guys don’t take the box that’s R I paid a lot of money for that a no they broke my sugar box what are they going to do with it

Give it back oh no no no give it back to me no Noy I think I want to take this back home wait graci what are you doing here nothing nothing I just followed you guys cuz I wanted to know what was going on can I have the Sher box back please I

It’s mine it’s mine back wait is this yours I mean yeah okay you know what guys it’s time to come clean I was using that to prank you guys the entire time I don’t know about you guys but it’s mine I’m out of here Dy those groceries were so

Expensive I know I spent like $400 on some ruin vegetables you spent you made me pay for all of the food what are you talking about it was it’s your turn why are you bad why are you talking about the food is so expensive yeah inflation

Is real I’m going to have to sell my feet or something to before this oh if you two don’t stop arguing I’m going to turn you both into baby Gard of bad bands to learn how privileged you are privileged our lives are much harder than theirs aren’t they grac yeah what

Do you mean by privileged I bet you had it so easy when you were a baby you’re guard to the bad B after all oh you should be grateful you could buy food when I was was younger I couldn’t buy anything oh yeah crazy what’s happening to me what’s

Happening to me why am I shaking Jamesy you just got turned into baby dab dab and I’m a baby Sheriff toster oh no I mean this should be really easy then life is so easy yeah bman what’s the whole point of this give me all your

Food right now you can’t be having that what okay well until you guys learn your lessons you’re going to be babies forever oh my goodness he’s leaving Gracie come on Jason you look so silly as a what even are you a Nabb I think

I’m a baby Nabb why am I so icky e and you have a diaper on wait I have a diaper on too you’re a baby Sheriff toader well now we have no food so I think we have to go get some more yeah I’m getting really really hungry okay uh

Let’s go inside of your house let’s go um Gracie problem Oh Jamesy you don’t fit inside the door no oh this is harder than I thought it was going to be oh you right Jamesy I can’t fit inside this is terrible bad B you again you guys can’t even fit in the

Door you stupid or something well have you two learned your lesson yet no this is easy yeah it’s not a big deal what are you crying about what okay fine I’ve got a better way you can learn your lesson what are you do get get inside ow

Ow ow ow graci go in go go hurry up get in there jeez I mean thanks for helping us again wait what are you doing stay in there all the windows are blocked off too Gracie look the windows no no no jamy what are we have to do we have to

Survive as babies I’m getting really hungry and I got no HP left come on let’s look around there’s got to be food maybe in my kitchen oh it’s all empty those vegetables were our last resort yeah there’s nothing here oh wait I think I had a secret snack stash wait

Over here don’t come with me okay I was stealing all food don’t steal it okay look I have a bunch of potatoes I was going to use these to make potato chips but I guess we could just eat them now but Jamesy Jamesy we’re still stuck in

Here what are we going to do I don’t know Gracie there’s going to be a way to get outside look locked us in maybe he’ll hear us Lou Lou is so crazy he must not be able to hear us because of the rain outside yeah IUS

Wait Jamesy if it’s raining um did you remember to fix the leak in my basement uh no I forgot we were too busy shopping are you serious quick let’s go to the basement right now it’s probably going to be flooded oh no Jamesy the leak in the basement is terrible yeah there’s water

Everywhere wait a second if there’s a leak then it probably leads to the outside let’s quickly jump over and then go over to the other side so we can escape isn’t that your ladder to the outside over there Gracie how do you even forget what your basement looks

Like this is perfect though because if it leads to the outside then we can get out of here even though badman is trapped this ins of here yeah keep going yes we’re on the outside and oh see this is the hole I told you you should have

Fixed this I’m sorry I’m sorry I forgot okay oh at least it’s not raining anymore but I can’t believe we have to do this stupid learning a lesson type of thing I just want to go back to normal yeah so do I this is so annoying oh this

Sun feels so good wait is that Lou oh maybe you can go go help us yeah let’s go wait what is that noise hello it’s wait one of these things I’m out of here that go to the bedman baby the catch him go no no don’t run from us oh look he’s

In inside his house it’s too late Jamesy he’s peeking through the window at us look at him it’s us don’t you recognize us leave me alone I mean we do look kind of frightening huh Jamesy no Gracie he’s locked the door as well we can’t get in are you serious oh come on

Get for my alone let’s try and find a different way in Gracie all right Gracie we need to find a second way in maybe there’s a way wait he left this top window open look it’s open yeah you’re right but how are we going to get up to

That window I can just climb what wait that’s so cool but I sure have told her I don’t have any cool powers like that maybe there’s some Parkour down there I think I see some broken logs wait this is perfect I might be able to get up

Like this no I failed it let me try this again keep going Gracie don’t give up we we need to fix this yeah maybe Lou will be able to help us I’m s to get really hungry my belly’s rubbling Jamesy have some more potatoes I had a bunch of them

Okay I’m almost at the window let’s go wait a second Jamesy look what just happened to my potatoes they roted okay let’s go to Louis’s kitchen and get some of his food wait but we probably should sneck around I don’t think he’d be very happy if he saw baby nabnab and Chef

Toaster in his house yeah wait he’s locked the doors of his bedro I reckon he’s hiding in there yes I can see his name tag okay let’s just go down to his kitchen first come on Grazy the kitchen is through here all right let’s see what

He has oh my gosh is this cake delicious I was so hungry I’m sorry you just ate all of it wait in here in here in here the steak steak steak where where what there’s so much steak this is wonderful you know what he can have my

Potatoes that’s a fair trade okay gra I think we should go to Louis’s house and see see if we can get him out all right let’s go up to his bedroom and maybe we can convince him to come out yeah why doesn’t he believe us oh thank God yes

Oh we go oh my goodness l l come out come out no no no I swear if you come any closer I’ll blow this place to the ground what is he doing Jamesy stop this madness come on just come talk to us give me one good reason I should talk to

You guys we’re your friends please come on it’s us we got turned into baby start in a bad B but we’re actually your friends we’re Gracie and Jamesy wait seriously yeah come out please uh okay sure I oh no my bedroom uh at least we can see the

Kitchen oh this is so annoying you know what do you know anything about curing us though way you’re really smart I mean look at your upper floor it’s covered with I don’t even know what this is well none of this can help you guys but I’m pretty sure we can learn about something

Like this in the library oh that’s a good thing there might be like some ancient books that can help us come on let’s go to the library there we go that’s the library guys this thing’s a lot bigger than I was used to O what is that science babies what this is

Discrimination yeah I’m pretty sure you guys aren’t allowed in maybe I should just go in and find the information for you wa we want to go in too a no I’m sorry guys you’ll just have to stay here we’ll be long crazy if B ban kept us as

Humans like before we’d be able to go in right now but because we’re babies we can’t yeah and if we do we’ll probably go to baby jail that’d be terrible I don’t want to go to prison oh I’m so bored I’m just mowing the grass oh I’m going to go

Crazy you know what jamy I’m tired of this we have to go in I’m bored yeah what’s L even up to let’s go inside okay wait Jamesy we can’t just go in the main door like this it’ll be too obvious it’s Proby security guard watching or something yeah oh maybe there’s a secret

Entrance let’s look around yeah there must be a back door somewhere everything over here looks normal oh careful when you’re going past the Windows Jamesy it’s okay I’m small they won’t see me oh wait a second Jamesy there’s a um there’s a button here I’m looking around

I don’t see no buttons my eyes still haven’t developed fully um Jamesy I can tell but um there’s a button here like seriously there’s a button here what does it do should I press it um okay I guess it didn’t do anything happened wait a second I just went into the wall

Did it open up this fake wall wait I going to go all the way through there’s a door here what w graci went now inside the library but what section is this wait there’s a picture of bad bad here this must be the bad bad section where

All the books are about bad bag no way that’s crazy it’s going to give us some Secrets wa art thou baby you my in the library the librarian here Hide here jamy Hide here I’m hiding I’m hiding where did I hear those babies oh no we

Have to find this book oh I can see the librarian Jamesy she’s on the other side oh my gosh she almost saw me good thing I can climb Gracie I can just stay that’s rooftops you’ll never look up here for babies oh I can’t climb though

That’s not fair a she’s coming this way she’s coming this way I’m going to hide in the corner and hopefully she won’t turn towards my direction I’ll keep an eye on her she’s coming again she’s coming let me just take a look in this section over here oh no Gracie she’s

Looking by at you oh she disappointed you what this is a pretty good book oh my goodness I wonder what book she’s reading it’s probably a horrible book can you just go please librarian let’s just leave just leave please wait what was that noise oh oh no we’re we’re too

We’re too noisy it was probably nothing I’m out of here B yes jamy we survived none of these books have anything to do with cure what are you doing up there there come on there’s got to be oh I found a book already come on this has

Got to be useful all right James are you ready to read it yeah what do it say uh where is it it’s right here in my hand okay it says find a secret of turning back to normal one must find their happy place like in Garden of band Bad the

Happy place yeah the happy place what’s all this noise coming from downstairs oh no not again oh Jamesy but what is the happy place I don’t know what the meaning what she just walked past us we’re so small she didn’t even see us good thing we’re on the side okay I

Think we should go back outside now Gracie yeah maybe Lou will know what this means yeah let’s find him come through here jamy we’re going to go back out the secret entrance out here come on gly ah be careful the Librarians right there moveing the way what she’s reading

A book right there are you serious oh my goodness we need Lou out now let’s go to the front and we see if Lou comes out oh Lou where are you sorry guys the librarian was pretty adamant there was some babies in the library isn’t that

Funny you didn’t go in right oh no no Jamesy no yes no no no no no no we didn’t we didn’t anyway we found this book about I mean um somebody dropped this book when they were leaving the library about band ban and we thought

Maybe you would know what it me see this thing to find the secret of turning back to normal one must find a happy place what is a happy place see that’s what I have no idea about I thought you would know well one place that I find

Happiness is the park so maybe we could go there yes let’s go to the park yeah let’s go but come on but L I don’t want to eat sink anymore I’m tired of everything I I feel like I have the attention span of a baby I mean maybe

Cuz I am I hate steak W oh sh J just come to the park with me and I’ll buy you some food oh you babies are so annoying yay yay you’re the best babysitter ever y we made it to the park I want to play in the park I want to

Play in the park wait there’s a food stand you said you’d buy us some food you have to get it buy us food buy us food buy me food buy me food okay fine but you two better be on your best behavior come on yeah you go buy us food

And maybe we can play on the playground some Jamesy yes let’s play I want to go on the spinny thing spin spin spin wait Jamesy I mean the book said that we have to find our happy place maybe if we’re just happy and we’re playing around we

Can go back to normal yeah but this spiny thing doesn’t spin fast that this is boring Jamesy if it spins any faster we’re just going to fly away no not fun this is trash and breaking it break break break break break J stop breaking things you’re not supposed to do that

Look what you’ve done you made it whatever maybe we should play around on this like a bridge that’s kind of cool yeah this is boring this bridge sucks it’s so small look it’s a terrible bridge I’m breaking it oh jamy stop breaking everything but I guess you’re

Kind of right it’s not making me as happy as I want to be and also we’re still babies playground sucks it’s not working the swing this legs don’t even swing why is it just still Jamesy maybe we could play like hide and seek in the

The park or something no no no I don’t want to play anymore this is boring well Jam if you don’t want to play hideand-seek let’s just go back and find Lou where’d he go where is he oh my goodness I don’t care I don’t wait for

Lou anymore I order our own food what money okay whatever um hello helloy do you guys want to eat some food I mean du that’s why we’re here here yeah give us food give us food give me food well I got two fresh hot dogs ready to go

Where’s the money gra here I need to talk to you okay um Jamesy we don’t have any money yeah I know we have no money but I’m just going to steal it off of him what how are you going to do that you’re so um you distract him and I

Steal it okay um okay I’m going to go up Hey Hey I’m um do you know me I’m Sheriff toaster I’m really famous wait what I I thought you needed you need some money I need some money right now um I can give you my autograph I’m rich

Hot dog autograph J you’re not being very uh sneaky right now kid what are you doing here oh no you guys are terrible babies I’m going to take you to baby jail if you don’t give me those we Poli don’t call the police I’m running yeah yeah come on leave us alone your

Parents crazy we got to hide in this park all right all right I guess this is hide and seek for real now yeah okay this is the perfect hideing spot they never see me up here Jamesy how you get all the way up there what I oh I’m just going to hide over

Here in this corner where are these dark kids where are these kids the police officer is here Jamesy do you see him yeah quickly Gracie I’m hiding behind this mini thing he going gun you need to run away run I’m Ready I’m Ready the police officer was suppos Jil we can’t be

Arrested we’re already baby stole a hot dog come back here two hot dogs not one wa I wasn’t supposed to say that don’t make me shoot drop your weapons okay I’ll give you a donut if you don’t arrest us I’m not falling for that one again kid come back here graci keep

Running he’s chasing after you don’t get caught wait what if I just steal the car oh crap I can’t drive it because I’m too much of a baby please arrest you no you oh no chain no I’ve got you now get in the car get the do as he says otherwise

He’s going to kill you okay now it’s your turn no get away from me get away from me no oh crazy he got me too come on get in the car don’t make me shoot you now I’m in the car I’m in the car okay come on I’m taking you guys in

Can’t believe the hot dog worker did this he could have just let us go it was only two hot dogs they were delicious why did he have to call the cops on us gosh now we’re going to baby jail what even is that this is what we get for

Being criminals you guys will see very soon what baby Jil has to offer no Jason Who whoo wo no need to point the good at us officer we’re going to go towards the jail okay J I’m just making sure you two little monsters don’t try anything on me are you doing this just

Because we’re gods of bamb monsters would you have done this with any other babies yeah uh probably not but uh anyways uh don’t do anything while I put this code in it’s top secret okay let’s give a wedgie a oh what are you doing to

Me get in there that was so funny now put the password in wait Jason we should have looked at what the password was that way we could have escaped it’s too late now yeah okay just one more door now come on in okay we’re in is this

Going to be our C okay you two you guys are going to be here for the night until I find somewhere else to put you so uh get in your cell now are you serious come on kid you ain’t got long in here but I’ll make sure you stay in here for

As long as I want I’m not kid yeah L out officer no anyway stay in there have a good night good night oh well jam looks like we’re stuck in here then oh my goodness I can’t believe they put me in jail this is discrimination I did nothing wrong apart from stealing

Something oh my goodness jamy well let’s come over here there’s nothing in this cell either it’s just the exact same yeah this the exact same there’s nothing we can do how going we come an old man in here I’m going to die yeah let me

Just use the toilet oh no it’s going to stink underneath the toilet jamy look look I know you don’t want to smell my poop but seriously look wait should I press it should I press it okay go press it I did it nothing happened wait what are you talking about it did do

Something jamy look no way go through Grace okay we’re going through and what is this another book at quill read it read it read it so many books today first it’s about finding their happy place and now we have to do what to leave this cell you need to work

Together otherwise you’ll be here forever what does that even mean we make a great team so anyway it’ll be easy right yeah let’s go down that Corridor Gracie there’s clearly a way out okay I’m following it keep going this is kind of creepy what is this this room oh is

This a maze wait it is it’s okay I’ll just go around over here I found the dead end accident now there’s a pressure plate should I step on it Jamesy stand on the pressure plate stand on the pressure plate I did but it didn’t do anything I think it’s supposed to break

This wall over here but nothing happened yeah the the crack always break why isn’t this working not say again read it again gra Jamesy it taught us to work together so you must have to do something as well and I see a pressure plate over here I you have to step on it

I stand on it I’ll stand on it it didn’t do anything I’m guessing we have to step on them at the same time do you want to try it yeah let’s do it in 3 2 1 go wait it come on let go I don’t know if it’s

Close up wait wo jamy careful that’s a bunch of lava is that lava oh what that’s crazy wait where did those kids go Oh I’m going to find you oh no graci he’s after us I think we just have to jump and fingers crossed I don’t know

You’re right we don’t have much time but okay hopefully it’s not too hot are you ready 3 2 1 go I’m bur you’re right it’s not too bad that must be some sort of special lava yeah wait this is a lava sewers why is there lava and these sewers what happened I

Don’t know but that Arrow was telling us go that way I think we should follow it yeah you go that way Gracie I’ll use my special climbing abilities as a g of B bat mob you’re so lucky oh JY are you okay yeah ow all right do you see the lad

Going those oh I do okay okay this should be easy all right wait Jamesy I can see that the police officer’s in the room above us hopefully he doesn’t get the ball to jump the lava come on J make the job all right JY I’m going to try woo

Scary come okay see now we have to go this way that was tricky jamy this is scary I wish I was a spider so I could just jump it’s not that easy trust me wait oh look the Arrow’s telling us to go this way okay yeah we’re going we’re following

The arrows oh no Gracie what is this there’s no way for us to get across wait a second there’s got to be something that helps us a button don’t know here jamy look look look there’s a button right there it’s bling in press it press it was it do wait a second

Wao it’s like bringing up blocks but they’re going by really really quick are you going to be able to do this but you go first yes do it do it do it go go I’m going Gracie I’m going yeah made no way oh Jamesy I’m not

That good at parkour I guess I’ll try it here I go wo wo wo wo oh my gosh Jamesy wait I can just jump over to this side now let’s go well done Gracie well done we now have to go across where these pipes are I think over here follow this

Arrow to this letter oh my gosh I fell in the lava for a little bit hopefully I don’t die all right casy jump across here now all right here you can do it yes wait I think we’re at the exit where is that just keep going Don’t Look Back

The police officer can be right behind us I’m coming to get you okay Jason we just have here the police Escape now okay I’m going to escape let’s go Jamesy come on come here what is this Grace wait come on JY I think we have to both

Press on these pressure plates at the same time again ready yeah I’m on mine graci he coming your soon come on what’s Happening wait a second we’ve been separated J yes Gracie I’m in this room what’s happening what is this gra Jamesy I don’t know it’s like a cafeteria kind

Of and there’s nabnab here wait you have nabnab so do I oh wait it’s kind of like we’re in preschool again yeah what is this wait jamy there’s a mirror you can come up here and I can see you hello hello what are we supposed to do well

Jamesy if I remember the book told us that we need to work together so if we want to get out we have to work together as a team okay Gracie that’s very very true tell me what you see on your side okay so there’s three tables there’s 1 2

Three four five chairs a carrot a banana two t five chairs five chairs did you say five yeah how many chairs do you have J six Gracie I think we need to match our sides do you have any items on your side like a chest yeah there’s a

Chest and there’s a bunch of items here this is going to be perfect okay I don’t have that so you have to copy what I have put a chair at each table okay oh so you mean two chairs for each table exactly done it yep I’ve done it now

Okay what else do you have in your the chest well on the table there’s a carrot a banana I’m guessing that one of the other ones has a fruit on top for me there’s a carrot banana and then Apple okay okay they’re misplaced so I have to

Put the banana over here and the Apple over here the middle apple on the first surus from the glass and carrot to the closest yep I’ve done that now what do you have two TVs uh I have two TVs where are where are yours um they’re all

Behind each table Jamesy I also have a locker do you have a locker yes place the Locker on the corner which is towards your chairs and close to the glass okay I already have one there that’s perfect okay awesome what about the concrete slab oh hm okay I’m going

To read them out from close to nabnab okay so close to nabnab there’s four tou the wall wait I only have three I probably need to put one more right over here oh that’s brilliant what else do you have in your chest well everything

Else um I have a bed well you don’t have a bed either right Jamesy maybe these are things we don’t need I’m so confused Gracie the entrance is open let me come over to see your side oh wow I did it exactly like this this is perfect yeah

It’s exactly the same well done Gracie okay quick then let’s go up we don’t have much time the police officer is probably here oh wait jamy this is a secret trap door perfect yes this is awesome well Jamesy thanks to me helping you we were able to get out of the jail

What do you mean without my help you would have never been able to get out what are you talking about that’s not true at all you two ever shut up wa that’s rude turn us back now well I don’t know how to say this but I’m really disappointed in you both wait

What why you never work together at this rate you’ll never turn back oh no Gracie this is not going to plan we do work together just um we just like to argue sometimes I don’t know what you want from us by just let us be free wait oh

The sirens I hear the sirens we have to get out of here Jamon we don’t have time oh run away they going to catch us oh bamit I will catch you through the forest through the forest oh Gracie I’m getting really cold it’s it’s it’s freezing in this Forest I know and we

Don’t have anything to survive it’s going to be night time soon oh no we’re going to die out here don’t say that maybe there’s someplace that we can find food and shelter can let’s keep looking J is getting really dark CL I know jamy it’s really late we have to keep looking

Oh my goodness what we looking for like a sheep that we can kill what wait a csite jamy look no this is awesome wait it’s so warm yes we’re not cat anymore this is so nice Okay any food here anything anything let’s rage around all the barrels are empty it looks like it’s

Been abandon oh no gra the whole campsite is empty we have no food wait there’s a Pig over there come on help me kill it help me kill it get it meat get it meat give it to me yes we killed it so quickly probably because we’re like

Special guards in AB bandman characters let’s cook it let’s cook it wait you got all the meat I was wondering why I didn’t get to pick any up oh this is going to be delicious it’s going to be so tasty I can’t wait to eat it wait

Jamesy what do you mean you’re eating it I’m eating it I killed the pig what are you talking about I’m eating it I’m ow I’m really hungry cuz you keep hitting me it keeps making me hungry oh yeah I forgot I’m Sheriff toaster I probably have special abilities but did you get

It I got the cied pork chop I got the cied pork chop gave it to me I’m hungry I’m not giving it to you I worked hard for this okay you can have it oh JY don’t cry okay fine you can have it jeez really yes really you can have it yes

You’re such a baby yeah sping so much graci Yum Yum Yum y wait J what’s happening C you turn back into a human yes I’m a human wait it must be because I ate the pork no no no no no I don’t want to be downstairs okay what could happen maybe

We need to go find more pigs to eat more pork chops yeah pigs has to be the Cure come on come on let’s go find more pigs okay gra let’s look some for some pigs this way Jamesy this way I swear I smell pigs in this direction I can’t believe

The pig C us that’s crazy how that happened it could have been anything else right I know right jamy the pig there’s a pig Chase it Chase it Chas him Chas it come Jamesy we’re in waser we’re fine but where are we is this a

C is and we’re stuck in here qu crawl up these Vines crawl up these Vines yeah what is this place oh look at that little piggy taunting us from up there we didn’t get the pig how we going to go back to normal if we’re stuck in a cave

Come on crazy don’t worry we’re F the way out up here um let’s try get into the top okay there’s a Vine right there let’s climb on top of it come on up here and jump BL jamy where’d you go down below I’ll try this 3 two 1 ah I failed again

As well no how are we going to get out like this we’re going to be stuck in forever oh there’s no way out of this place JY um there looks like there’s some other things over there there’s torches lights were there any chests that maybe could give us loot over there

Look do you see that oh my this chest yes yes yes yes is that Mr Kebab JY help me help me there a baby Kebab here I mean there’s a big one oh don’t worry I knocked off yeah all right let’s go towards those chests Gracie I think

They’re going to be very very very very useful should we just jump down W you’re so brave jamy no I’m brave and handsome Jamesy Jamesy come over here the end of the mine come over here to the end of here okay there’s this thing in the way

Though it’s like a Mr KOB what is going on oh my goodness he you trying to kill me okay okay where are we going where are we going well luckily the Mr kab fell down and he can’t grab us anymore but look this looks like a little

Pathway up to somewhere it has to lead to something all right Jamesy come up here come up here I’m going I’m chasing you come on now I see like a chest or something oh my goodness quick go in the loose wait is that a giant dab dab

That’s like your dad oh my God I’m going to kill you this is dangerous oh Jamesy sorry I hit you instead come on Jamesy I’m sorry for hitting you we’ve got this yes him wow we did it there’s no good loot in any of these chest Gres we can’t get out of

Here wait a mine cut chest that’s got to be useful no J pickax pickaxes we need that we need that go get them JY are you serious it’s gone now oh it went into the lava oh come on I can see the pickaxe right over

There but I don’t think we can go down there oh no you know what it’s okay Jamesy I mean even though you were the one who pushed it I forgive you really are you sure I forgive you too Gracie it wasn’t your fault it was my fault wait J

What’s happening grae wait me too oh we’re kind of deep before we going back to human yes no way I’m going back to normal wait me too what wa we didn’t eat any pork chops I don’t understand I give up oh don’t cry J it’s going to be okay

We’re going to figure out I think we’re getting closer we both turned into hum I don’t know what cause that it was in the pork chops and what could it have been you know what jamy I think I know what the answer is you know what just trust

Me let’s get out of here first why this might be a ton of L jamy follow me I’m getting really hungry no way are you serious are you sure this isn’t I see Sun yes this is it this is it go go go go we have to go back to Louis’s house

Okay are you sure guys trust me the police officer hey looky looky here who it is oh my go I knew you guys were here J come over here go go go go come back here a he just shot a bullet at us let’s hide let’s hide let’s hide gra I don’t

Think he’s behind us I think we got away yeah I think we lost him and we’re back at Louis’s house now Lou wait Jamesy I can’t climb up there I guess I’ll go to the front door I’m climbing up for his windows I have a c L Lou he’s not

Answering Gracie uh maybe he’s not home yeah I don’t think he’s here oh God I’m Che upstairs he’s not up here oh grae I’m really hungry I’m going to go eat some food from his kitchen okay oh JY what are you doing in the kitchen I’m

Going to eat his food where is it stop it stop it stop it you’re always so hungry I’m hungry too what he just came out of nowhere jamy look why did you stop Jamesy from eating well I figured out how to break the Cur wa what how we need to learn not to

Steal because it makes other people sad and we also shouldn’t fight over fo yes we’re going to be turned back to normal woohoo oh you guys still haven’t learned your lesson even though you shouldn’t be stealing I guess I have no choice I’ll have to teleport you to a baby guard to

The Batman Dimension no no run run I’m hiding won me can’t come here J no b b boom JY just disappeared I need to get out of here but oh I’m so hungry Gracy come here leave me alone leave me alone biy buy b b boom what where am I

What is wrong with these trees jamy jamy where are you Gracie Gracie I’m over here you oh my gosh I was so worried about you we don’t know how to break this curse he basically said you were wrong what if it’s not about stealing like you thought what if it’s something slightly

Different oh I know jsy we’ll figure it out but for now we need to figure out how to get out of this Dimension I see the bad BS on top of the tower staring at us what a creep why is he watching us a he’s always watching us let’s explore

This world maybe we can find some sort of portal to get out of here yeah all I see see our colorful trees did you see anything else Jamesy uhoh uhoh run run iron guy iron guy he’s not attacking us this is good maybe he’s just like a I

Don’t know a guard but we look like badman so like of course theyd let us in right cuz we’re guards in a band man Gracie I’ve got another question what are we fighting about when this all happened to us maybe it’s something to do with that wait a second we’re

Fighting about the cost of groceries and then we were fighting about food and all of that yeah I’m just so hungry all the time you know what let’s just go inside of this building first okay maybe we can find B and talk to him oh B did also say

The fight was stupid and I don’t know we’ll figure it out come on let’s go up yeah let’s go get him Jamesy what is this oh my goodness what is this Gracie there’s a monitor some windows and then there’s a bunch of clocks here a

Painting and so many fls where are we oh Jamesy where’s this Blue Room Gracie what’s in here oh wait there’s a chest but it’s empty huh that’s weird okay Jamesy what’s in this first room wait that’s a sign what does it say how do you know when a baby God brings

Something like a baby guards in a band bag what is they going to need something um I don’t know what is this I’m guessing we have to put it inside this Hopper yeah they should open the door I think okay but I don’t know what a Baby

G of bandad would need something for I mean wait I think I figured it out what do you think so we’re got baby guards and bamb bans on what do we do when we’re hungry Gracie um we cry exactly with CED tears of water put it in the

Hopper wait you’re right that’s a good point okay I’m putting it inide did it work did it work there’s a b oh it jumped it dropped out of the hopper this is perfect quick come on okay now it’s the purple room wait what is this one

What’s a side say what time should a baby guards and a fan band go to sleep I don’t know I guess quite early they’re babies right I mean yeah but we can go to sleep anytime we want I’m guessing we have to put our answer on this target

Block but maybe 12 maybe n but baby needs lots of rest so I think they should go to sleep anytime I’m just going to put that on the sign okay every time and any time okay I’m going to put it on here anytime yeah put it on did it

Work wait just dropped out of nowhere this is perfect let’s go wait a second one more room come on bad bad stop this madness another chest diamonds wait we have to get to band band right now how much should you pay for baby GS in of

Band band food well oh my good Good Hope got the whole stack it can’t be that much it’s probably just like one diamond or something it didn’t work what try put free in free free free free it still didn’t work remember the time that bamb

Ban said that our food was costing a lot and he laughed at us you’re right wait maybe we’ve got it all wrong maybe we’re the privileged on and he’s been through a lot put in the chest all of it but all the time is in there oh oh please wait

There is a button you were right Jamesy oh oh my gosh the whole time we’ve got it twisted yeah yeah okay wait let’s go inside here now I think there’s just one more building until we get to the oh bad bad oh I see you finally made it to the

Top of my tower bad bad I think I finally understand what you’re trying to teach us oh yeah and what is that we need to be grateful for the things we have because not everyone is as privileged as us we shouldn’t be complaining about little things like

Groceries when we have this much money to buy them W that’s really touching I think you guys have learned your lesson now okay I’m turning you back now bman are you crying what are we turning back Jam you just turned back wait and I’m turning back now

Too oh my gosh me too finally my beautiful face is bad wait where did Batman go he just disappeared Batman we didn’t Grazy we’re alive wait but we’re still when the baby go to the Batman Dimension oh we have to figure out how to get home but guys if you enjoyed that

Video make sure to like And subscribe and click on the next video on your screen thank you so much for watching bye-bye bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Living 100 YEARS In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Gracie on 2023-12-07 16:00:35. It has garnered 7598 views and 81 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:49 or 12709 seconds.

Living 100 YEARS In Minecraft! Gracie, Jamesy, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft.

Follow Jamesy! – Follow Our Roblox Channel! –

Follow Louie’s Channel! –

Gracie is Jamesy’s Girlfriend. Its spelled Gracie, not Gracey or Grace Z.

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie

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  • Sneaky CN Tower Build in Minecraft Toronto!

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  • Unbelievable Win in Spellbound Caves | Must Watch!

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  • Henry’s Ultimate Bedrock Cheat Client

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  • Unbelievable OP Loot from Mob in Minecraft! #ytshorts #SHORTSFEED

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  • Mind-blowing revelations in Rifter Archive after 15 years | Minecraft

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  • 🎮Minecraft POOLROOMS are HAUNTED?!👻 | U_Pablo_U

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  • Get ready for an EPIC Kai x Speed Minecraft Marathon!

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  • Unbelievable Sacrifice in Minecraft! 🌟 #viral

    Unbelievable Sacrifice in Minecraft! 🌟 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Great Sacrifice 🥀 #shorts #minecraft #viral #shortsviral #trending #youtubeshorts #ytshorts’, was uploaded by BeastBoy BAJWA on 2024-09-22 07:51:45. It has garnered 15 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthousesshorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftvideos #myth #challeng #challenges #myths… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft comeback after long hiatus!

    Insane Minecraft comeback after long hiatus!Video Information This video, titled ‘After a long time MINECRAFT!!’, was uploaded by xom gaming on 2024-05-07 07:44:47. It has garnered 8 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Get ready to BLOCK and CRAFT! It’s Minecraft Live time! Join us for a block-tastic blowout filled with exciting announcements, upcoming features, and the Minecraft community you love. Tune in to see what’s next for the world of Minecraft! Don’t miss out on: Exclusive reveals of new content and features! Live Q&A with the Mojang developers! Epic community creations and builds! Let’s build the… Read More

  • Herobrine Saves Steve?! 😲 Minecraft Retro MC

    Herobrine Saves Steve?! 😲 Minecraft Retro MCVideo Information This video, titled ‘Can Herobrine Helps To Steve ?😲💀#shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Retro MC on 2024-04-16 12:18:01. It has garnered 26136 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Hello, How Are You My Favorite Friends. I Hope You Like This Video and Also Subscribe Me. This Type Of Video Takes More Time. Your 1 like and Subscribe Motivate Me To Make Another. Thanks For Watching. About The Video – Can Herobrine Helps To Steve Again?😲💀#shorts #minecraft Hashtags – #shorts #minecraft #gaming #herobrine #minecraftshorts #montero #minecraftmusic #music #gamingvideos About Game 🚀 -… Read More