Lost in the Unknown – Minecraft Pt 43

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Hi butter CS hello how is a spec how is a spectacular creature such as yourself doing today are you doing great are you doing amazing H let me see for some reason I thought about grocery grocery shopping right and I just wondered what is grocery shopping

For you like right like do the people around you have to wear sunglasses because you just shine so brightly you know cuz like I could imagine probably if I probably saw you in a a grocery shop right just grocery shopping or whatever I would probably have to put on

My sunglasses to be able to see you but then I don’t usually have a sunglasses so I guess I might lose my eyes you know with how just shining and bright you are you know what I mean anyways anyway way buttercups how are you are you good

Everything good are you ready for some more Minecraft I’m going to be very honest with you buttercups I don’t really know what what we’re doing today um I kind of thought for a moment that maybe we could um like try to repopulate that Village right the one that unfortunately

We lost but um I I don’t know I don’t know if we can cuz I did not do my research so I don’t have any idea how exactly we’re going to breed people which sounds very weird but um yes I think that’s how it works right we’d have to probably breed the

Villagers and then well maybe we bring like two villagers to the village and then we breed them so I guess it would be something like that maybe but also buttercups if we brought the villagers to the Village right like like let’s say we took them from another another

Village oh buttercups could we take um could we take like Travelers traveling villagers and bring them to that Village is there a way we could get them to like inhabit The Village I don’t know because you see that’s what I’m thinking I’m like okay what if we go to a different

Village right we get the villagers from there we bring them back to that Village right but then after we bring them to that Village right they don’t want to stay and they just go back to their past Village you know what I mean so I don’t know how do we oh my

Gosh there is our lovely horse for a moment I I forgot we got the horse and in the distance he looked kind of scary so I was like oh my gosh who is that enemy who are we fighting now somebody we’ve never seen before Oh my gosh so

Lovely hello we should definitely name our our our horse definitely buttercups but what should we name our our horse that’s a tough one for for me um also buttercups maybe we can work on our farm right um maybe we can work on bringing the pigs in um bringing the pigs in

Now yeah oh okay all righty there we go all right buttercups are you ready I don’t know what we have in store and maybe and perhaps we should also get rid of this lava although you know buttercups like I like how the lava like kind of creates this light and it

Also kind of protects us a little bit cuz I think I’ve seen a couple skellies or maybe even zombies like walk into the lava and like just lose them well you know die in the process so I kind of think that it might be cool to have lava

Around our place but you know we’d have to make sure that we were we were uh what’s the right word like Invincible to Lava or something like that I can’t remember anyways all righty um so it’s night time buttercups of course we could also do some Monster hunting but how do you feel

About going and bringing some pigs in well first let’s make a let’s make a new fence um yeah let’s see where do you think we should put our fence though let’s see what do you think H should we continue expanding along like here I guess right we can

Probably do that so we can maybe like block off this area um block off this area and we continue expanding it’s kind of it’s kind of tough to do that buttercups or or at least I’m kind of wondering if that’s the best case because these caves are

Kind of memorable to us you know but I guess we can always remember or we can maybe put up like a um we can maybe put up like a sign or something to remind us that okay this is the entrance to this cave here that’s the entrance to this cave over

Here you know what I mean um but yeah we should probably close this up cuz it is a little bit dangerous so I don’t know if you saw this buttercups but there are some there are some pillagers over here there you go you see them all righty are you ready you ready

Buttercups let’s go let me Just oh my gosh wait what happened there did we just did we just deflect an arrow wait what is going on I don’t even get it anymore buttercups oh my gosh this guy is particularly angry aren’t you goodbye I wonder where the pillagers come from buttercups so this is something

That I kind of but buttercups did you see see that though it was almost like we deflected one of the arrows that is insane so is it that if you time the swipe properly you could actually deflect an arrow coming towards you that is insane I mean I like to try Though y buttercups we finally took out that creeper so that’s a technique for taking out the creepers you got to push them back first and then you got to take them out all right let’s get in some target practice here buttercups let’s get our archery skills

Going oh no by the way can you see where I’m shooting at I’m shooting at this belly over here just uh lost an arrow Though oh my goodness that’s the wrong thing that’s the spy glass oh oh my goodness what a shot I guess that’s how it feels to be shot from such a distance he gave me a taste of my own medicine buttercups ouch oh my gosh oh he’s also dodging oh my gosh

He’s got some skills not good enough for us though okay let’s go pick up these arrows got another one over there I believe it is yes okay all righty buttercups so let’s uh oh look at this this was one of the what was this again I can’t

Remember where was where did this lead us all right this also led us into a place with a lot of creepy Critters so maybe we can revisit this place as well we definitely got to put some like you know some I guess maybe we can make some banners or

Something and um with the banners we can uh buttercups let me just take care of that take care of this guy over Here okay lovely all righty so yeah buttercups let’s make some banners that we can use just to remind us that okay this is the entrance to a cave down here and um and then yeah let’s start blocking off this area we can maybe make yeah

Let’s see how much I’m sure we have okay we got a lot of dirt so we should be good okay all righty Banner time what do we need for a banner let’s take a look we need a lot of wool well buttercups it’s a good thing we got

Ourselves a lot of sheep oh bner wait a minute Wait oh for a sec I was like did I did I close the door I was wondering if a zombie was going to creep up on us on us um okay wow we used a lot of arrows just now okay all right let’s see how much

Wool we have okay we got eight white wool um we need one stick All righty there we go and I mean to be honest buttercups we could also probably take this Banner as well and put it there because I don’t know if we really use this Banner that much either so let’s see morning time already and it’s a party everybody’s getting lit I think quite

Literally okay all right let’s begin blocking this area off with some blocks buttercups you know now that I think about it it really makes sense that the creepers drop gunpowder that would explain why they’re so explosive right oh my goodness Okay let’s start from here I mean the other thing to buttercups is we don’t have to necessarily fill this area you know what I mean maybe we can just um you know create like a little I don’t know like um I don’t know I was thinking like

A roof but I don’t think it’s a roof is it just me or are you also hearing that zombie growling it seems like that that that gromie that zombie is now being burnt that’s what buttercups that’s what the zombie gets for getting too lit got to be careful can’t get too lit

Now all righty let’s see what happens Here so this completely kind of blocks off this area right H okay flower come here yeah I guess we don’t have space for it h okay I see interesting H ooh buttercups what about a trapo what do you think of that try a trapo That might be kind of cool trapo on dirt sounds a bit weird but let let’s give it a try I think I remember seeing it what do we need Okay let’s give it a dry buttercups get two trap Doors okay all righty where are we putting this oh Banner um Cobblestone you can take a little break all right um okay Ah let’s see where do you think would be a good place for us to put the trap door I mean anywhere here really um but maybe over here let’s give it a try let’s see how it works I don’t know how exactly you’d put it down but let’s give it a try all

Righty that doesn’t look too right okay see oh that actually doesn’t look bad at all that doesn’t look half bad at all and then maybe we can neaten up this place a little bit let’s see okay a little bit confusing but we can make it work

Buttercups or can we yes we can or can we maybe not buttercups help oh my gosh I’ve never been this close to the flower Before oh my goodness okay all righty okay uh all right something like that let’s also put something there we have a shovel buttercups let’s See Okay we not have any Cobblestone no let’s let’s uh grab us some Cobblestone oh we have Cobble deep slate I guess yeah I guess we can still use the banner right we can still put it like right next to the trapo maybe um okay buts what was I doing again oh right right right I was making a shovel Sorry H rotten flesh there you go let’s put the banner over here okay nice to show us that this is the entrance to a cave okay uh all right right right we need to figure out how exactly we’re going to create the underground part now let’s

See oh I think I have an idea buttercups I think I’m going to make like a staircase kind of thing let’s give that a try um not sure why I have two eggs on me I guess you never know when Brey time will be for breakfast time also don’t know

Why I yanked out the steak to get rid of the banner just now okay so let’s go down here let’s create a Bonafide staircase okay this staircase is actually pretty good Already but let’s make this a little bit yeah so when we H okay so let’s see so we’re we’ve just gone to this cave right now we’re ready to come out there we go we get underneath here okay for some reason that pushes us down h so maybe we from here put it down there like that wait what wait what what what

Is going on why does why does this one oh my gosh it depends on how you Orient them right so I oriented this one wrong I’m guessing all righty let’s put this down here okay can’t grab it what can we get rid of butter ITC I’m feeling the spider ey’s

Got to go I’m sorry bye spider eye oh w w w w okay now let’s try this again we got to got to figure out how we’re putting this H okay I think maybe put a block here and then come over here water clups yeah okay that’s better

Right so let’s see how it works now Buttercup so we we’ve just gone down right we’ve done we’ve we’ve done a fierce battle with I don’t know what’s a what’s a who’s a who’s a really terrifying fo I don’t know and then okay we have a way out now

I’d like for us to be able to just easily kind of I guess exit but it’s not a straightforward path so let’s try something I wonder if this would be a place to use the stairs why not maybe we try it buttercups we explore okay so let’s see okay so we open this

Up okay H hm H something about this doesn’t seem okay this is kind of Complicated yeah this isn’t going to be that straightforward isn’t it buttercups with my lack of knowledge of trapo physics no I don’t you think it’s physics involved I don’t know I have no idea let’s uh let’s let’s take a break for a little bit and just plant some blocks some dirt blocks

Down okie Dokie now you H buttercups I’m kind of feeling we’ll probably need to explore the stairs for this one you know we I think we might actually have a readymade stairs already let’s take a look all right buttercups let’s make a let’s make a bed what do

You what do you say there’s going to be a staircase in one of these chests yes or no no yes yes yes no okay let’s see okay so far now okay doesn’t look like we have a staircase buttercups Cobblestone stairs can we get cobbled deep slate stairs yes we

Can I don’t know what about it couple deep slate stairs but buttercups is just so funny to me man it’s just such a big it’s just such a big word buttercups Cobble deep slate stairs hey yo imagine you’re you’re talking to somebody you’re like hey yo you want to

Check out my Cobble deep slate stairs I don’t know why that’s so funny to me all righty okay let’s see okay couple deep slate stairs here you go Here H Okay all Righty ooh sorry about that is nice okay so maybe we want let’s see put this here and there okay so maybe we want the staircase to be here yeah then lay this oh no no no no that’s the wrong way man Okay take This there you go hey that’s pretty cool maybe we can put one here as Well okay but now it’s too tall to fit H so maybe we put it one level below so buttercups I guess the title of this the title of this stream is staircase 101 good friend okay let’s see take you here there okay buttercups what do you think you think

This is it I’m feeling it staircase 101 baby but then how do we get out feel like it’s got to be probably got to be like there but wasn’t that where we had it and that was too wait what let’s see put this down here okay what on

Earth just out of Interest let’s cover this up oh my goodness we can’t even pass yeah no that’s not going to work H oh I think I think I have an idea but cups okay so we put we can you this right here dirt there and there okay and

Then okay we put you down there and then we continue um no no no no no H H oh oh right right right sorry let’s put this here and that there yep oh my what is that what is that buttercups it’s the opposite of what we wanted um Yes loveely why did it push us down I’m not sure nice perfect okay there we go can head out lovely okay let’s block this entire thing off now now we got to see if it’ll work when it’s blocked off all righty Let’s see we well I guess we can just extend

The trap doors to over here as well right yeah that that’s kind of tough so let’s let’s just extend the trap doors to over here as well okay buttercups how are you doing over there staircase practice staircase building 101 staircase simulator architect simulator um okay let’s get another

Trapo what do we need all right okay Six Let’s eat up buttercups let take a quick bite okay let’s do some more digging buttercups this is like our very first time doing something like this I could see us using this for like a secret hideout or something in the future I mean we have a lot of spots too that we

Remember the um the amethyst area that was going to be one of our secret hideouts as well So oh no what am I doing wait wait no no no no what why did it why did it go like that that’s what we’re looking for oh hold on one oh I can hear this guy from a mile away would you can you get off the the wheat at least my Friend Oh buttercups this Dude no our sugar cane f farm is a little a little bit ruined but not totally we can’t plant it without the water no when I okay one sec water coms let’s just let’s just fix this and then we’ll we’ll deal with the sugar cane Farm okay do we have room fermented spider eye or out my friend who what happened there Okay oh no no no no No oh you know why I think that’s like that buttercups cuz of cuz we did this with the let me see I feel like the same thing will happen oh no no no I was wrong so buttercups you know when we when we did this for the first time I

Was thinking to myself like what’s the point of this but apparently this is like some plants need this to grow you know which is which is kind of cool you know all righty and then we can no we can’t we still can’t head Down my goodness this is so tough buttercups I never would have thought I never would have thought that just doing something as simple as this would be so tough so what do we have to do then maybe we we have to extend the staircase the Cobble deep State

Staircase uh H okay let’s try that buttercups let continue our Cobble deep slate staircase Journey it’s a pretty long one buttercups hey all righty staircase Let’s uh let’s put some things away shall we um white wool our chests are full um eggs can go Gunpowder sugar cane spider web fermented spider eye okay now buttercups let’s Go Okay Uh mm no that still doesn’t work do we need to push our stairs back buttercups oh my gosh okay this is going to wo wo wo wo wo I’m moving on my own okay buttercups this is going to be our goal I apologize this must be a little bit frustrating for you to

Watch um but it’s kind of I’m I’m kind of I I don’t know buttercups it’s just interesting I want us to figure this out you know and I want to see it work you Know so maybe we got to push the staircase back like here this is this is really cool though okay so maybe we’ll we’ll probably have to um okay so let’s maybe here weart no what are you doing staircase why are you orienting yourself in that direction okay buttercups you all right over

There you Okay all righty let’s put you down here and there and then okay let’s collect this butter clubs but this is going to look so cool though don’t you think okay all righty okay okay okay so now the other thing we might have to do buttercups is just dig lower you know

What I mean but let’s try let’s try this and see how it Go no no no why are you doing that my friend wait how are we how exactly are we putting this okay uh maybe maybe we’ll do it like this oh no it doesn’t fit buttercups ooh how do we fill that Gap over there will this even work no it definitely won’t butter cups

I don’t think I don’t think this was the best approach I think maybe the best approach would be to we got to go a little bit lower you know what I mean we got to we got to make this a little bit lower that might be the way forward okayy but ready let’s

Go make this a little bit lower let’s drop it by I have no idea I’m sure I’m sure a specific number will work but let’s drop it to about by about two blocks how does that sound I don’t know I’m just just making a wild Guess or actually let’s go let’s just let’s go three blocks and see if it’ll work okay So Okay all righty one more layer of blocks butter cups and then we’ll get going I wonder if no I’m I’m pretty sure right I don’t know very much about architecture right and like how you would make something like this but I’m pretty sure it would be you’d probably sit down and

Work on like the blueprints and stuff like that you know cuz I know the blueprints are like a big part of like any little project you’re doing you know but now I see you know and then you pull out all the rulers and you get the exact measurements and stuff cuzz I

Would guess I mean yeah I have absolutely no idea but I would think right that oh no yeah I would think that like you really would not want to make a mistake with the calculations and stuff you know is there any way for us to build a staircase without

Having like can we continue to expand this maybe here okay no no no okay let’s see here now I’m stuck all righty thought I saw something in the distance okay Okay maybe maybe maybe nice okay and now we can just no no no so buttercups I wonder what controls the orientation oh there’s no easy way to get out of here okay maybe there was Let’s see okay we got one more staircase let’s see if this one all righty and then maybe we can use one more it’s kind of cool though kind of cool okay let’s continue oh just a stairs buttercups not a stair staircase if you want to call it by its

Full entire name you say Cobble deep slate there okay all righty now let’s try this or is it just never going to work why do I feel like it’s still not going to work that is definitely not going to work what on Earth Ah is there any way to alter the dirt ooh buttercups let’s use some slabs let’s see if we have any slabs remaining yeah cuz that is definitely not going to work oh look we had some Cobblestone stairs I knew we had some oh oh where are the slabs come here your slabs Okay okay there we go so maybe instead of using the dirt we use the slabs at least until I can fully understand how to get this to work maybe maybe maybe no no no how is that okay maybe okay oh wo wo wo wo wo wo okay maybe if we

Replace okay maybe if we replace okay let’s see we have the trap doors right okay let’s put the trap doors down here where did that slab come from sneaky slab come back here okay all right more there and then there no no no no okay all right okay and

Then all righty we have this this little area the hair though Buttercups no okay so then let’s replace this now with the slab let’s see how does that look no we’re still Stuck how do we make this work I know there is some way wait a minute one sec but cups let me try something I’m going to keep it a secret from you it’s not all that like Advanced or anything it’s just want to see okay there you go there you go what

If we used another set of trap doors buttercups wait where where where are the trap doors wait wait did I did I leave them in the crafting table my gosh yep left them in the crafting table buttercups you can thank me later no there’s nothing to thank me for all righty okay

Okay okay buttercups Moment of Truth wait what happened okay I was like where are the others okay so we open these two up we open this right it still doesn’t work all right Phantom oh yeah I I think I can get the Phantoms too cuz I was looking back and I think you got to really position

Yourself you see they kind of move to the side a little bit you know what I mean they kind of there’s some slly little creature ah got to kind of move and get them at the same time where did they go see ah snap how do I get you

Guys how do I time it I know there’s a way buttercups where’s the other one where’s the other one oh you can actually Dodge oh maybe that’s how you do it buttercups you dodge you move out of the way and then you take them down okay we’ll continue

To try that approach hello horsey I’m sorry you had to see that look at such a good boy okay all righty butter cups still didn’t work what do we do I really want to figure this out buttercups I apologize for putting you through this but I feel like we can do

This or maybe we can’t no maybe we can’t buttercups maybe there’s some law of some law that’s preventing us from doing this yeah maybe the way the staircase works it Just because you see if you as long as there are it’s like it’s like this right buttercups as long as you do something like this right and you want to cover up the the top here I guess you’ll just never be able to you Know as long as you want to cover up here this approach I feel like will never work you know what I mean it’s kind of a bummer 44 minutes buttercups of of me painstakingly putting you through a staircase building simulator I apologize but buts the thing thing I

Apologize the most for is that it might be another 45 minutes of this because we’re going in buttercups we’re going to figure this out I did not see our night being spent like this but Hey hiding I see W nice shot Come down from there No what was that oh no not you okay wait wait wait butter CS okay I’m not ready only have half of the life left okay let’s eat up and then we’ll head back out can we eat this Phantom membrane oh my gosh I’m so happy we couldn’t okay let’s Go buttercups I’m why am I so excited to try to make that staircase what is wrong with me man okay the buttercups new approach for the Phantoms right what we’re going to try to do Dodge them okay all right I’m going to try to oh why why why didn’t I move Man okay oh my gosh hey yo yo get out of the way man oh no the Phantoms can change direction as well let’s try that let’s try that again buttercups where are they where are they okay all I’m going to try coming in from the side I see ah got

Me okay let’s see where’ it go where’ it Go was it like looking for some food or something down there okay all right zombies are in the way but oh it’s too far away now okay good thank you zombie for coming into the distance or all righty maybe the sword might not be the best approach to dealing with that Phantom

But I kind of feel like we can do something you see the way they fly buttercups it’s like they it’s like they change direction watch okay we missed yeah that’s what we’re talking about okay maybe all we have to do is figure out what direction they’re

Turning from where did it where did that one go though I don’t see it hey yo bro you don’t want to be here right now okay missed us again okay maybe this one just has bad aim okay let’s see back all righty let’s see how we yeah yeah that’s how we do it

Buttercups we got to dodge them so we Dodge them and then we take them out I see nice got some strats in at least until we have a super powerful like um bow you know like a you can’t make a diamond bow right no you can’t make a diamond bow

So okay all righty um what’s going on here all right that’s the how do we get this back to Normal I think I’m just going to plant it back okay lovely one second buttercups a challenger has entered the Ring oh I see you come to end your Life hey oh that was a good shot my friend all righty nice grab the bone meal as well I saw a spider in the distance but we don’t have to buy the buttercups okie dokie okay buttercups back to this back to the staircase H okay so let’s see what other type of

Blocks there are that we could maybe explore and use for our staircase let’s see let’s go to our crafting table so the slab isn’t going to work either right cuz we tried it and the slab didn’t Work what other types of blocks are There is there anything smaller than SL let’s see oh really the only thing I was thinking about wait what is this carpet but can you wait what wa one sec oops let me just let’s just look back at our at How Far We’ve Come what’s the problem again

With this why doesn’t it work so it doesn’t work because as long as you want to fill this block here up right like you’re going to you’re you’re not going to be able to pass through but we want to cover this up okay let’s try let’s try Something um let’s try actually before we do anything let’s look through our entire like um crafting table and see if we see anything um tell me if you see anything as well buttercups um anything like smaller than a slab cuz I was thinking maybe a glass

Pane right yeah it would be kind of on Orthodox but I was kind of thinking maybe you know carpet also if the carpet I don’t know you want to try some carpet maybe we try some carpet there’s also a oak pressure Plate but I don’t think that’s the the use of the what is this a calibrated skull sensor but cups we might have to try that a heavy weighted pressure plate and a regular pressure plate lightweighted pressure plate interesting okay butter Club so I’m thinking let’s try the let’s try the

Glass pane what do we need wow we need a lot of glass well I think we have sand so we should be good um spider Web so we got to got to furnace up that sand Class 2 3 4 5 six Right add the coal yeah buttercups you know like I kind of think too maybe someday right when we’re more advanced we can I don’t know we’ll have a we’ll have a a home

With like I don’t know all kinds of like extravagant stuff although to be honest butter I think I mentioned this before but our little Hut is kind of cozy yeah so I mean I don’t know I don’t know if we’ll really you know go for something like that oh you

Know sometimes too like I think I don’t know I’ve heard this right now I I haven’t experienced it myself but you know I think sometimes I think I’ve heard somewhere too they say like when you’re when you have a giant home and it’s only you in it you know can get a

Little bit lonely you know whereas I don’t know do you feel do you feel lonely in our little Hut here that we have our little cottage I don’t know maybe it’s I don’t really feel very lonely because maybe because it’s like very cozy I don’t

Know you know but I don’t know I can’t say all righty oh my gosh you scared me where are you guys going what are you guys doing man I I was like oh is that a Skelly uh okay all right let’s wait wait um excuse me excuse me guys excuse

Me you think just because you have an invisible potion I can’t see you my friend what are you doing in here okay let’s get that glass get those glass panes now buttercups 16 oh that’s so much is there no way to get less I don’t think so okay let’s try Buttercups that’ll be kind of Fancy oh no okay it’s a good thing they gave us that no why is it why is it why is it forming like what No what is that oh my gosh I’m stuck sorry buttercups my keyboard is not working where where did the Phantom come from can’t see it anywhere see it and some more practice with it oh there two M they get you from that side side what about if I come from this

Side oh you miss I see you have a weak side okay is it the left side you have a weak side buttercups are power knows no Bounds come here you where you going okay so which side do you think we should go I say right side ah come back here okay we dodged but I missed the swipe okay this one is left I’m feeling left on this one yeah yeah yeah left left no no no no no right

Right right okay okay okay okay this one is one okay I’m feeling left left definitely left buttercups oh snap okay okay okay all right where where are you okay buttercups which one do we is it a guess is it random snap okay yes left was right okay there you go left was right

Left was right not left was rat I don’t know where that one came from buttercups all righty all righty buttercups are getting better Phantoms have nothing on us someday I’m going to look up what the Phantom membrane is good for okay so we got an issue buttercups

The glass panes don’t want to be put down properly here let’s see what about if we put it like that no okay Buttercup so this is not working what about like this no what about like this nope all righty so this I think this plan was a bit of a

Bust ooh look at that ooh that’s kind of cool Build on top of it that could be really fancy like if you got like a museum or something maybe you want to show show off something like like this buttercups look at this Majestic pumpkin for the affordable price of your life your life’s earnings you can get a piece of this

Pumpkin it should be noted that this pumpkin goes extra well in a pie a pumpkin pie to be exact okay Butters maybe we make this our display look at the pumpkin pie or this is the pumpkin for the pie okay Buttercup so back to the back to the staircase right what I’m thinking

Where’s the where’s the pickaxe where did our pickaxe maybe I put it back yeah so buttercups oh my it’s kind of you’re kind of scary without your potion but what do you have I’m sorry my friend I don’t have any emeralds to give you um okay let’s

See buttercups I know we had a we had a pickaxe we must have where did I where did it go wait what is this the wall n Cobblestone wall I doubt Um okay stone pickaxe baby let’s go oh no there’s a creeper There okay put you down here let’s grab you and you see buttercups this is the issue we have right okay what if we remove this here that’s still not going to work oh one sec let’s and then we replace this with the trap doors I’m so scared buttercups that

The creeper pops up behind us somewhere so let me just let me just come here while I grab the trap doors real quick Okay all righty but these trap doors down here oh the poor camels or llama they’re missing their owner but I don’t know what their owner is doing buttercups okay so now if we have something like this Right and Then cover this up here boom boom like that no it doesn’t work buttercups it doesn’t work doesn’t work Man staircase is just not working Man maybe we put a trap door there again okay we go nope it’s not going to work buttercups I have no idea actually you have an idea I’m sorry buttercups my brain my brain is just not I’m sure this is not as difficult but I just can’t figure it out right now

I can’t figure out how to really use the stairs to make it work you Know one second buttercups let me just I know there’s a zombie nearby or maybe not thought I heard one right there okay All righty um how about this buttercups okay one there one Here and then a bunch of trapo let’s See bunch of trap doors here Okay I mean we could oh my goodness be mine man all righty I’m all out would that work hey yo yo yo yo yo get in I mean get out buts I told the dude to get in man I’m sorry it’s my fault it’s my fault I told

I told the zombie AO get in here man get in here bro let’s all let’s have a party this is too much work buttercups you know what I mean this is too much work to get into this place you mean you’re telling me we got to we got to

Open eight trap doors right to get down here there there must be an easier way that is way too much work you know what I mean buttercups we’re really channeling our inner architect aren’t we yeah I’ve heard I’ve heard buttercups that architecture is one of the toughest feels Man I I I briefly took a class in architecture not nothing serious though just like a kind of an introduction to to just like you know kind of like maybe like a general overview of of architecture and stuff and I don’t remember very much but I remember there was some perfect

Something you know I can’t remember it was like a perfect triangle or a perfect formula or something you know and it was really cool because it was like I think it just I don’t know I guess maybe from a visual perspective it just made things

Look so good you know and it was like some some principle that they used you know the basically I I I don’t know I guess kind of make buildings and stuff like that which was really cool you know but um I’m not that I’m not smart enough to understand it

All um you know anyways what was That I heard a kind of strange sound I mean the thing is buttercups this this this really does work pretty nicely you know I mean I kind kind of like how the stairs that oh my goodness do you mind a buttercups I feel like it’s kind of

Bad that I’m getting desensitized to the Phantoms they’re supposed to be so fair inducing but I don’t know I’m getting kind of desensitized to them hey oh no no no sneaking into this kite cave they’re becoming like friends like the yies you know I mean we were taking out the yies

Last time but andies got nothing on I think um like Elden ring is one of those games from what I’ve Seen where um where it’s a lot of that kind Of yeah where’s a lot of that kind of timing which would be really cool but I could see how that could take a lot of practice though someday maybe buttercups maybe someday we play alen Ring although it it doesn’t seem right to compare well well Minecraft and Elden ring are different

Right different games oh my no way no way there’s a kid Phantom buttercups no that was just a he was just swooping on the ground if there’s a kid Phantom buttercups I’m done oh my gosh do you guys Mind and of happy our place is home to a lot of phantoms where else Buttercup will we get this kind of target practice I don’t know if you can call this target practice necessarily but yeah it’s some kind of practice Monster hunting practice baby yeah yeah so buttercups I think I was

Watching a stream once right where and and I I just remember I saw these Phantoms in the Stream and I was horrified cuz I was like that is the most horrifying thing I’ve ever seen but look at us buttercups look at us now let’s pull out the crossbow let’s try to

Take out that Phantom from a distance this is target practice all righty they are horrifying though if you see them for the very first time they are very oh maybe that’s more so the way you’re supposed to take them Out got to take them out from the distance oh because they go up once they once they get shot I See did we get more XP for that that kill than we we did for the others can’t tell the llama’s just like another day another dollar all righty buttercups back to our staircase Journey that a spider okay all right let’s just let’s just try this let’s just try something a

All right let’s see how this is what this is like on hearing that spider oh there it is come on bud okay all Righty you see I like it but it just you can’t put anything over here you know what I mean you can’t put anything over here or else you’re not going to be able to use the stairs H kind of don’t like that I want to

Cover this up you know so that we can travel down I think the stairs are just you can’t use the stairs for that buttercups you know H oh I mean it’s not bad buttercups it’s not not bad but I don’t know maybe maybe using the stairs is not the best

Thing but then I don’t think using the blocks would be that much better all right buttercups remember I told you I had this this very unconventional idea let me show you how it works buttercups let me show you that very unconventional idea that I had Let’s uh let’s collect this first oh no tried to do the the wall run again but it didn’t Work Oh no okay why doesn’t it I wish we could oh I wish we I wish it was I wish it I wish wish wish wish I know there you know there’s that Meme of that little kid man like I wish I knew I knew I wish I no it’s not wish though it’s

Something else but you know you know buttercups that’s a silly one um okay all righty so this is my very unconventional idea Butters check it Out in order to cover up the Ground this is what we do we yep maybe you guessed it maybe you didn’t buttercups either way you’re all Good we make a water slide oh man I spoiled it okay um let’s do we have a bucket we lost a bucket we lost the buckets didn’t we check out our inventory well I guess yeah let’s make a bucket Buttercups remind me buttercups we got to start I got to start replenishing the water here I’m always forgetting I’m letting our plants Die well they’re not dying right yeah all righty check this H buttercups where do we do from here got another we got another stream of water over here Okay one sec one sec let me see okay maybe yeah okay plant this here no no no no that’s the wrong way oh no okay now let’s try covering this up how much can we cover it up okay all righty Interesting okay oh maybe what we do H this is this kind of difficult okay uh all right okay then take the water here It’s like a water Elevator that might work Okay um and then maybe we can use a trapo oh yeah we have the trap doors on us already Uh nice we got this here up down is a little bit difficult wait all right and we just clear this up oh I wonder if now it will naturally take you a bit tough okay Okay buttercups you’re not going to believe what’s bothering me the fact that this thing is not even here that’s so bad it’s such a small detail man okay all righty let’s okay nice now it’s even oh my gosh we Boo this kind of easy to get stuck there which I don’t like very Much that might be a little bit Better bam bam boom boom okay four trap doors doesn’t seem that bad to me buttercups what do you think it doesn’t seem that bad to me right and then smooth sailing that works I think that works buttercups all righty we’ll use this as our as our new home thingy who W what

What what did I just okay yeah it is a little bit easy to get stuck there but it isn’t bad isn’t bad at all it’ll work oh wait wait wait one second buttercups kind of Wonder no I don’t think that will work all righty okay all right butter go we can

Continue our planting at last we came up with some kind of solution for that we’ll probably refine it as time passes so buttercups I was looking I was looking kind of through other games I just looking through the steam store seeing what they have and I saw Farming Simulator and I

Thought to myself that game would probably be fun to play don’t you think buttercups we could truly Channel our inner farmer we’ve just gotten a little taste buttercups of what the farming life is like you know here in Minecraft but I feel like Farming Simulator might take it to the next

Level is there anything here that we need not really right we can fill this entire area Up what’s on your mind buttercups anything we were all good how are you feeling after that little Excursion we took to the land of architecture it was kind of Fun I just kind of wish that my um my brain was working better then maybe we could have come with some more extra aant or some more eloquent approach you know I don’t know if those are the right words o you know buttercups I really thought I wasn’t

Feeling I really thought I wouldn’t be sleepy but for some reason I’m kind of sleepy I don’t know why I’m sorry about these last two uh sleepy streams What is this oh this is where we were storing the um the chickens right that was a temporary fence Thingy okay um we do have two dirt but we need some more oh there it is 56 Okie Dokie There we Go this is kind of comfy Right ah soothing as well buttercups whenever whenever I I get it right right and like four blocks are like I don’t know four blocks are just planted right before my very eyes buttercups it’s like when we Dodge a phantom you know it’s that kind of

Feeling like I don’t know if you call it like a little bit of a high no I’m just kidding man I think it’s more of like a I don’t know I was going to say say entering the Zen state but I don’t know if it’s that either oh we’re all out of um

Dirt okay well we pretty much covered up this place which I think I think for now let’s let’s stick with that right because Um that actually uh what can we get rid of of the rotten flesh yeah because that was actually a pretty big task Buttercup somehow for us or for me um so yeah let’s just uh let’s plant these flowers let’s head up that hill and plant these flowers sometimes I forget how how close

We are to that to that snowy Mountain okay oh that that’s it I forgot it’s only one all right it’s the blue guys the corn flowers it’s Madness it’s craziness oh this is this is that was kind of fun buttercups that was kind of fun you know buttercups I don’t know if I’m feeling

Like I don’t know if I’m feeling like necessarily doing anything to like heavy weight if that makes any sense or like too difficult and you can imagine buttercups if I’m struggling to put together a little staircase probably going to be some high intensity so what do you think about us just

Um what do you think about us just like uh clearing out our inventory I think we can maybe do that um let’s clear out our inventory organize it get it all neat o sapling we can plant some trees well actually more importantly let’s just put everything

Back in these cages for now the cages no not cages chests for now I’m just going to click through all of them see what can go where and uh yeah let’s do some rearranging we’ll take all we’ll start off with all the flowers so the saplings can stay because I don’t

Know exactly where we want to plant the trees you know what is this oh a moss block that’s kind of interesting okay Um Okay butter clubs you think that’s it I think that might be it it might be good okay all righty let’s head out shall We I got to get some more water all righty let’s head over here oh let’s eat up oh we don’t have any food um um excuse me buttercups am I am I seeing correctly what what on Earth happened here how how is that even possible how

Did this guy get in here hey hey hey hey my friend how did you get in here explain yourself I see he’s not the type to talk but it CS okay let’s get some uh get some lamb Chops well actually wait well yeah okay yeah um get some lamb is it lamb no sorry it’s mutton my apologies for that okay and uh let’s feed them right Away ooh the sound is so so satisfying [Applause] o we can also feed the chickens with the seeds as well okay and of course we’ll replant this all righty buttercups let’s go Well I feel like buttercups did I take out too many did I kill too many sheep might have our sheep population looks a little bit low Okay and well buttercups this is now our cow and Llama um area seems the Llama has uh just welcomed himself I all righty we expand our chicken farm the Buttercup so much for exploring it this was definitely not exploring this was building Okay oh I put the spy glass away as well okay all righty let’s go plant some flowers Buttercups all right sorry Butters we got to eat first I almost forgot I feel like I could could have heard your tummy rumbling from a mile away um okay smoker time actually buttercups let’s do this on the campfire let’s look up at the stars and uh roast some

Meat if you have a ukulele or a guitar maybe we sing some songs maybe we tell some stories what is going on there wait who is what is that buttercups are you seeing what I’m seeing wait wait one second buttercups one second one second let me go grab my spy

Glass wait what was that I think I just saw the weirdest thing did you see that too oh one sec buttercups where I put the spy glass put our spy glass butter cups it was inside the inventory oh gosh I hope whatever that thing is it’s still there let’s see was the weirdest

Thing okay let’s go up from the I think it’s gone buttercups but it was like that zombie was I don’t know it looked like a ghost or something did you see it as well very strange it’s no longer there snap okay all righty buttercup s let’s put this raw mutton over here okay

Question for you buttercups what instruments are the best for when you’re sitting around a campfire what do you say what do you have in mind I kind of think of maybe something a bit uh sorry buttercups I just saw this crazy scene over here with that llama in the middle of everything

But yeah I would say acoustic g guitar you know I don’t know if you bring out the keyboard for campfire time you know but I mean I don’t know you know there I feel like I’ve seen these like really tiny keyboards as well how are we grabbing that mutton man

Oh we don’t have room for it isn’t that that’s the case isn’t it what can we get rid of Lily we need to eat yeah you know what I mean buttercups so I guess you know maybe maybe you could bring out what about the drums H the

Drums at a campfire how does that sound interesting what what other instruments would you bring to a campfire I don’t Know I feel like the guitar or the ukulele man that’s the way to go but I don’t know buttercups I’ve well yeah I think I told you I was only at one um one campfire ever and I don’t think they were singing songs I don’t quite remember what they were doing

Actually um yeah let’s plant some flowers oh wait wait wait no not in this area see is this is our butter clubs is that crack going to be permanent Will it eventually lead to a sinkhole formation go over into this Area flower planting time I mean flowers are another thing buttercups we could use to like you know use as a way of well you I was going to say use as a way to like guide us back home when we go on our Adventures but now that I think

About it that might be kind of difficult because there’s so many flowers you know what I mean like interspersed everywhere it might be kind of Difficult this one’s going to be a big one buttercups yourself it’s right whatever this this flower is it’s right at home all of its family is here okay there goes the flower all the flowers I believe all righty let’s see where did we where do we venture off to where is

Home is this the right direction no We ventured off pretty far eh but clubs from a distance I saw this lava and I thought it was a spider I thought it was a red spider I was like it’s all over by the way have you heard of the different types of spiders um and their poisons and stuff I

I I think if I’m remembering clearly there are two types of spiders that if you get bitten by them well I don’t know buttercups I feel like there there are some spiders it’s kind of like with snakes right some spiders are poisonous others are not you know but I can’t remember the specifics

In fact I can’t even remember if it really is that there some of poison Us in somewh not I can’t remember because yeah I’m not sure I’m not sure buttercups okay let’s rearrange this right so let’s see what is this oh uh gravel gravel okay let’s make this

Chest just Cobblestone okay cuz we have so much of it let’s just make this just a cobblestone chest right Okay Cobblestone Cobblestone cobblestone might take a While okay there we go buts can you hear my mouse making it click let me put this all these stuff back in here or in here see what else any more Cobblestone Cobblestone Cobblestone Cobblestone Cobblestone Cobblestone oh butter cup you look at that it was Cobblestone all Righty all righty there we go buttercups so I believe that all of our Cobblestone is now inside here so next let’s move on to let’s put all of our like rock type stuff in here right so let’s move on to the cobbled Deep Slate oh there’s some Cobblestone here as Well wait is this what is this tough okay deep Slate I wonder if there’s a faster way of rearranging these Stuff wait buttercups I forgot some I missed some flowers I missed these oxide aies okayy Cobble deep slate you’re coming with us no questions don’t ask any questions Cobble te SL coming with us yeah we got a lot of Cobble deep slate probably from our many like excursions

Um our many digging sessions buttercups where we dug and dug and dug and got nothing at the end I should I think it would be not a bad idea too to like for me to research so I guess I could probably do this in time but to research what the different types of

Um rock are actually used for that might be kind of interesting like what if there’s like what if you know like the Deep slate has a better use for I don’t know something than the Cobblestone or something like that I don’t know you know that would be interesting Okay okay what’s next buttercups W I forgot this Cobblestone Here Cobblestone you’ve you’ve caused quite the disturbance all righty buttercups oh wait we can just do that oh nice wait wait okay awesome all righty okay maybe tough is next butter cuffs if I’m remembering clearly when we were digging tough right it was kind of a weird kind of texture

Right cuz it was really easy for us to get it through the um get it with the picka right if I’m remembering Clearly tough where are you oh no we missed some Cobble deep Slate tough tough tough just sounds tough yeah but her coms you probably saw that one Coming all righty hey um let’s move on now to what’s the other one that we Got gra no not gravel yet okay we got andesite okay no not grav yeah andesite diorite what else di right Gravel we have a lot of gravel buttercups a lot of a lot of it okay so I guess this put the andesite then the diorite and then let’s begin our gravel gravel time oh and there’s also this cow site I have no idea what those are used gravel to gravel gravel come

Here we also have this book of enchantments buttercups I need to look into how to use that oh we got some extra diorite gravel There is the gravel like where is all the Gravel Oh buttercups look Granite I completely forgot about Granite we got to add that there’s more gravel dripstone block oh my gosh I didn’t think of that one at all okay so we have some diorite add here and then we have Granite let’s add the granite before And now we can add the gravel okay is that all the gravel why do I feel like we had more gravel we have some dripstone wait what is this Cobblestone wall doing here did I have move the I don’t know we had a we had some

More stairc we had like a the staircase here right I wonder if I should have moved the staircase where is the staircase I don’t see it anymore okay now Butters next oh there it is I guess we can add the staircase to around over here Um what Is uh okay Um okay all righty there we go okay buttercups we can start I think adding wool we have a chest a chest just filled with um with rock that’s Interesting I I kind of feel like let’s leave the remainder of this chest for any more rocks we might collect or or maybe we begin filling it with the with the will with with the will with the wool or maybe let’s let’s fill it with with sand yeah s is kind of unusual

Sand oh wait wait wait look at this Buttercup I almost missed this Cobblestone STS you got to come Here He all righty there we Go okay I believe that might be all of the rock for now let’s begin putting packing the wool in I’m not sure yet what exactly is going to be the big like roll of wool cuz we the only thing we’ve really ever used wool for was really um our bed

Right that was about it but after that we haven’t really used it that Much all right let’s clear out this area All righty we got our Woolen there what’s next buttercups what should we put next crafting table Maybe or should we put crafting table more with wood should we start putting wood okay yeah let’s start doing wood although usually buttercups I feel like we’ll hold on to the wood oh we got dirt well actually we’ll hold on to that dirt if in fact let’s go use that dirt right

Away I’m sure there’s somewhere we can put it oh my God wa wait wo wo all righty buttercups well would you look at that already time to use that dirt oh I don’t have my weapons on Me uh let’s just quietly plant this without Gathering the attention of the cre Critter in the distance wait a minute so when the creeper blows up a place buttercups are all the blocks that are blown up like able for you no thinking wao that would be pretty

Cool if you could gather all the blocks that were destroyed by the creeper is the Llama still in here the Llama has left and the Llama buttercups has shown itself to be the biggest mystery Yet okay that chest looks very lovely um oh maybe we can put iron next buttercups yeah let’s put iron next Raw iron iron then I guess raw copper and copper ingots oh there’s some more raw copper copper ingots I know like the ultimate Way of probably organizing these things would

Be to kind of you know designate one chest for everything but that would use up a lot of wood and also but cups I don’t know I don’t know if I have the patience for that right now okay let’s see so now we put this here now we put that there oh buttercups

Look at all of these flowers let’s go do some quick planting shall we let me just let me just grab the sword and also I’m kind of curious why don’t I have the my shield in hand buttercups very peculiar very weird ey glass also always in hand okay let’s

Go wait where are we going oh right right right we’re going to just plant sorry butter cups I forgot you can hold it down okay is that about it that’s about It that’s where the zombie sound is coming from buttercups let’s get some piece of quiet shall We Suspicious Skelly Okay all righty there we got some iron oak sapling we got a lot of saplings buttercups probably from our early days definitely we’ll need a lot of space for wheat um what else what were we putting in here where oh we were at the irons and

Then we were going to move on to Wood right I think um okay oh look buttercups there’s some light gray wool there okay let us see how are we going to do This oh my god oh wait I was like where did all this coal come from but I guess we always had all this coal all righty so we have our copper here and our iron oh my gosh buttercups are you hearing that Spider my Golly Um uh let’s See where’s the wood crafting table I don’t see wood did I pick up the wood oh sorry buttercups I forgot wood is almost always on us sorry buttercups started to starting to glitch let’s get rid of that spider shall We where is that Spider buttercups where is the spider you’re hearing it too right this’s not on top of our house o my apologies buttercups I need you know you know to drill buttercups I to charge the Phone Okay all right okay phone is charging are we good yes we are good buttercups we are ready we’re approaching the 2hour mark buttercups on a scale of 1 to 10 what’s your energy levels like right now oh there it is oh my gosh it’s just loves the glass

Reminds me of like you know how some bugs love um light and stuff like that they’re are like they’re just attracted to those kinds of things kind of reminds me of that let’s uh let’s put this beef to cook shall we do we have no we don’t have we don’t

Really have space in our inventory all righty what’s next buttercups where were we so we we did copper um okay you think it’s time buttercups is it time to move on to Wood might be time might be that oh right I said we’re keeping the wood on us oh my gosh okay

We can definitely put the slab then the oak slab uh okay the oak slab can go and then we can put the Birch Bol next the remaining trap Doors we hold on to the sticks right what about in here we got some Birch slabs crafting tables we can probably put In Okay W wo woah wo wo Constantly out of control there buttercups okay let’s see what do we put back in here I kind of want to hold on to the saplings cuz we might put it um we might plant them eventually um okay so next we have four four crafting tables buttercups I didn’t even know

That okay bird slab okay bird slab comes here then bolt then that then Boom then Maybe what do you think buttercups let’s put we let’s put wheat seeds next okay wheat seeds are next see if we got any more wheat seeds inside here yep there they are I would have thought I I thought we would have a lot of wheat seeds buttercups back from our uh enchanting

Days those were would you say those were the good times I don’t know I don’t know if I’d say that buttercups it was fun though it was fun I was very surprised too like when we very quickly completed the Journey of of you know wheat seeds and Stuff okay okay so what I was thinking buttercups is let’s put the feather here the string and let’s put the string and the feather nearby cuz we’ll probably need them for the arrows right wait no arrows are feather and Flint okay let’s put the Flint here as well

And we’ll put the string there cuz we’ll need we probably need the string for the bow and maybe we can I think we had a trip wire as well let me see yeah we put the trip wire there cuz I think you need the trip wire for

Um for the crossbow in case we ever make a crossbow oh look Buttercup some more light gray wool and Flint String a okay maybe we put wheat Next bamboo maybe after bamboo here we haven’t really used bamboo but I think the big thing with bamboo is probably the um what do you call it man the Uh scaffolding yes I think it’s called scaffolding um I could be wrong about that okay let’s put the oak sapling here as well and let’s put the Birch sapling there as Well and then from there got a lot of Bones what is this oh what sapling is that I was kind of thinking maybe we move on to Redstone next I’m not sure light gray wool light gray wool okay light gray will you have a home already Let’s uh put you there since we

Have so much of you already um okay H buttercups I did not think rearranging would be this difficult okay let’s put some food next we got eggs let’s put eggs here okay so maybe the Redstone can wait let’s start off with eggs then let’s do mushrooms still want to make that uh

That mushrooms stew buttercups got a beet fruit I ey more eggs oh I think I saw even more eggs more eggs eggs I remember the first time we tried to make a pumpkin pie we needed so much like it was so like difficult to find

The eggs and stuff then we found it man yeah now now I feel like if we wanted to make a lot of pumpkin pies we could we just need a lot of pumpkins you know we actually have a kind of a lot of stuff buttercups um I do want to grab the

Feather put back Squid Ink I don’t know what we can really do with the squid ink yet though oh we can probably use it to dye like the wool and stuff like that okay okay let’s put this here and then let’s put some beetroot seeds followed by the beetroot themselves beetroot where are

You beetroot oh there you are Beetroot got a lot of these spider eyes and we got a we even got a fermented one I’m sure there’s something you can use that four buttercups I just don’t know what it is Yet um we got cocoa beans for our cookies feathers oh we got a oh I forgot we have a cactus as well I think we brought that back as a souvenir right and I’m kind of feeling maybe oh right oh I forgot the eggs we have so much

Eggs oh wait hold up okay we’re just going to we’re just going to have to Rearrange what is this black dye all righty now we can add the sugar cane take out the lapis lazuli there you Go see what else we got in here got a lot of Bones maybe it’s time we start let’s take that ink sack we got a lot of gunpowder actually the clay ball wait hold up buttercups I want to can I hold the clay ball do you why do I feel like you throw

The clay ball hold up buttercups I want to try something play ball if it’s a ball then does that mean it’s throwable oh my gosh there’s an Endy Andy I’m not going to mess with the Endy anybody here anybody near anybody nearby Anybody I mean I could just throw the clay ball and see if it works but I kind of want to try I see an Endy in the distance man no I don’t want to mess with the did that chicken just jump out okay YOLO okay wait hold let

Me all righty YOLO okay no you can’t buttercups you can’t throw the clay ball you can’t throw the clay ball maybe that’s a good thing cuz if I thrown the clay ball and it hit the Enderman we might be running right now we probably be running right now actually okay Okay okay so ender pearl can stay there let’s start putting in the red stone now and the lapis lazuli yep okay oh there’s some more eggs here some paper leather switch that around well actually let’s put the paper next to the sugar cane shall we now I’m sure I don’t know

How this is going to hold up in the long run buttercups but you’ll see we somehow have nine Phantom membranes we have a snowball as well which is very interesting um okay coal I don’t think I kind of feel like coal but we’ll probably be holding on to Coal for the

Most part coal and Flint but I feel like they could have gone here but we can move them around to somewhere else probably okay how does this look buttercups pretty good right what else can we put maybe we put the black dye there no let’s put the ink sack I don’t

Know why the ink sack don’t maybe the gunpowder I don’t know okay yeah let’s put the ink sack and let’s start off this guy here oh more Redstone here all right the trip w wire we’re putting Um oh right and I said I also wanted to put the uh the Flint nearby right put you down over Here all righty Flint where are you so so when we’re ready to make our arrows and even our bows it’s everything is right there already oh although I don’t know if this is really going to make much of a difference it’ll probably get super disorganized in time anyway but just for tonight

Buttercups we create the illusion of Organization all right what do we start with hey hair hey there’s a moss block this probably should have gone with the um over Here all righty yeah let’s start with the hay bale although the hay bale should probably go with the wheat all right let’s put the the clay ball there gunpowder I don’t know why those let’s put snowball clay ball snow ball clay ball gunpowder um bone

Meal bone or bone then bone meal that it really matters um ink sack black dye bone got a lot of Bones then we can put all the maps that we had throughout throughout the ages amethyst sure that works o these two should really go with the wood because I don’t really feel like

All right let’s let’s just hold on to these two guys we’ll call them a special cases put them there nautila shell of which we have two which is really cool um what’s next what should we put next this bowl randomly leather and the brush there is really no

Method to this no method that’s the madness I think I believe I don’t know ink sack where where are we putting the ink sack okay putting the ink sack in here gunpowder is in here as well right gunpowder Phantom membrane Phantom membrane was in another one right Phantom membr brain there you go

Be with your brethren okay now we can probably put some of the Contraptions I think so let’s put the Lecter and the book and quill oh look we have some hay yeah let’s just put the hay there well okay we’ll put it with the wheat um Ling table Note Block spare

Smoker well we usually hold on to the smoker Right these things are things we could probably hold on to White Banner white Banner glass pane definitely you can head over there I’m going to put you over here or over here not that it really matters phography table enchanted book you will go here next to your book and quill sibling

Um I feel like we should always have a bucket of water on us you know what I mean okay stone sword we’re holding on to you hooked mutton y okay and sand can go and now for the Seeds where did I put the cocoa bean the cocoa seeds in all of those guys oh I put them here did I I don’t even remember okay what happened to the cocoa seeds buttercups I don’t see them anymore pumpkin seeds there cocoa seeds where are you at where you

At CoCo seeds where are you at cocoa seeds or chocolate oh there they are cocoa beans cocoa beans I did think cocoa seeds sounded a little bit strange but okay let’s do it buttercups I wonder is this relatively like this you see the way I’m moving the um the components

Into the blocks or the squares is this kind of satisfying to look at I can’t tell cuz when I can cuz I’m thinking maybe because you can’t hear the click it might be kind of satisfying to look at but since I can hear the click it’s not I don’t know if it’s that Satisfying Okay all righty Shield can go on us What buttercups would you look at that with a little bit of rearranging we we now have all of this space that reminds me I don’t know if you’ve ever experience this but sometimes when uh when I would travel right I would just kind of haphazardly try to squish as much as I

Could into a suitcase right and then like um um then once right I was traveling and I was like okay I’m going to try to like actually fold my clothes and put them in properly and buttercups it made a world of difference it really did you

Know like you could fit in so much more clothes when you start when you folded it than when you just try to squish it all in the suitcase you know really really interesting cuz just seeing that that thing that we saw just now it it really reminded me of that you

Know like a little life hack I guess or a little trick you know ooh look at this buttercups we got like a little ooh maybe we could have like a little tree house if only we could plant like the leaves we could make this part here we

Could make a little part to go on the inside that would be kind of cool oh this one might be big enough Actually for a treehouse Maybe here something like that I’m not sure let’s see yeah I really would like to I wonder can I can I plant anything can I put like a can I put this Oak log on top of this Leaf I I doubt it let me see no I can’t I can’t buttercups

Snap look at our little place buttercups coming along coming along yeah oh let’s let’s go oh let’s go put the banner down over there um That we know that this is one of the Sites our a cave a memorable Cave I know there’s a way to name it as well buttercups but I don’t know what the not sure how you do it exactly oh no what am I doing man why did I do that there was a slip of a finger buttercups oh no no what am I doing I’m losing

Control oh man we don’t have a wooden axe I’ll use this raw mutton to get get this wood okay oh ouch uh wait why did I come down here again buttercups can’t even remember all right now we got to make we got to make glass for the top

There well at least we’re a little bit more organized now so we know that sand is over Here anything else we can put in here yeah let’s put some uh some copper in there as well some raw copper where where’s the rock copper at rock copper where you at or actually we can put this raw iron in okay just one sand is enough and raw Co raw

Iron there you go after that we’re going to pack some copper into here and we’ll see how it Goes Okay more steak okay buttercups let’s let’s put this down here hopefully I do this correctly okay nice yeah remember it was a big Fiasco the first time I did it it was kind of kind of confusing okay that’s it that’s it for this Okay this is nice Buttercups this is really comfy thank you buttercups for sharing this time with Me um okay uh all right yeah that’s our little Museum over there um okay well what happened down there probably Creeper explosion Right okay okay so let’s maybe oh my goodness buttercups look without the water the land turned back into grass okay yeah let’s go get some grass I mean let’s go get some some water no water buttercups I don’t think we need to go out and touch any Grass kind of wish we had more buckets might as well right we’re already carrying around a stash of 13 rotten flesh might as well add to the Collection there’s that crazy traveler I don’t know what he’s up to man What’s up buddy you selling anything nah I don’t have any emeralds for you my friend bucket of tropical fish has how many tropical fish in in buttercups cuz one tropical fish gives you one heart right oh there There’s our giant tree all righty there you go lovely water for you Okay sugar Cane okay so we just got to wait for the sugarcane to grow now we’ll put this back into the chest not that it mattered it really didn’t matter buttercups I don’t know why I moved It all right more water for here and also for Hair if we if we throw the water on that um on that la lava buttercups will we get Obsidian Andy Andy no no please no I don’t want to I don’t want to fight buttercups are you in a fighting mood right now I’m in a comfy mood nice and comfy cozy wouldn’t mind having no way it’s still there I wouldn’t mind having like a nice cozy

Blanket sweater I don’t know sweater maybe not but maybe well actually do I want a blanket I don’t go blanket or sweater no I’m definitely not feeling the sweater right now but maybe the blanket although I think I also need to turn it down turn the temperature down a little bit

Maybe this this comfy go along with like cold what do you think of that one buttercups okay let’s put you down here might as well collect this right Can we eat the pumpkin like raw or do we have to like make it into like let me see can we eat pumpkin raw no we can’t eat it raw we got to make it into that pumpkin pie okay we have a new item pumpkin right next to the pumpkin seeds

That worked out really well somehow and we can always hold on I think we could hold on to the the ah sorry about it CS um the uh melon slices he um let me put let’s put this iron ingot back six iron now Awesome we’ll get some more Water look at this oh my gosh look at the sky but so pretty oh oh my gosh and then an Endy pops out of nowhere and there’s a zombie Also oh ouch weird Andy is somewhere here right you think Andy is talking to the traveler you think they’re plotting something buttercups The Traveler was trying to disguise was trying to like distract us with his very calm demeanor but deep down inside he’s plotting plotting for world Domination it’s down here O that’s actually pretty deep maybe we can explore it Later all righty so here’s some water for over here kind of feel like maybe it would be a better idea move this over Here yeah Andy please do you mind what is Andy up to anyway maybe Andy’s also working on his Place I wonder I don’t know no I’m not sure I was I was going to say I wonder if we can like I was I was going to say I wonder if Andy can like help us in some way you know like if we get on his good side or

Something you know like how the horses hate you right at the start but then you feed them and they start to love you and stuff like that and you can ride them and all of that I wonder if it’s the same thing with Endy what do you feed him like the ender

Pearl you feed Andy ender pearls and then he oh wow crazy stuff yeah you know what I mean not sure One second buttercups let me Just I heard Andy Andy was right there buttercups again it seems like if we don’t bother Andy Andy doesn’t bother us so and by bother I mean just simply look at Him all Righty low the ground Wait hold up I was CU enough for a sec if I could have collected this Arrow no I guess I can’t no buttercups there is a block of water that isn’t getting water I guess that’s probably why I put this here uh yeah why not I I think it makes I

Don’t know I don’t know buttercups I don’t even know anymore I think it I was just saying I was going to say I think it makes more practical sense maybe to put it here than over here you know for for from ease of from the perspective of like ease of access you

Know why is there an me there buttercups I really don’t want to fight but okay look at this come here come here man wait a minute what why isn’t he coming for Us he’s not bothered wait a minute Andy did I misunderstand you all this time no Andy I’m so sorry oh my water cups how could I all this time Andy was it me was I the one in the wrong all this time Andy Andy can I finally look at you Andy

Andy okay now you were the piece of crash all along weren you oh my gosh bro and he’s just toying with the emotions at this point buttercups I can’t for a moment I was like Andy it’s me I was in the wrong turns out it was

Andy in the wrong all along man turns out Andy never cared buttercups the drama the drama between us and the Endy buttercups oh that is so pretty okay let’s take some water and let’s put it on the lava now and see what happens you see the traveler was just

Like huh what are you doing here man oh I’m just getting some water friend never mind me never mind me pal I’m just making my way downtown buttercups I’m not going to lie to you oh my gosh what I had in Mind o kind of fun all right but we got to collect this water wall oh look at that and just one drop of water insane buttercups have you I feel like I’ve seen this a video have you ever seen it where like a really like thin that’s not the

Right word but like a really thin stream of water just like they showed that when you have like a really thin stream of water it can actually cut through like iron did you see that that is crazy or maybe not thin but narrow stream of

Water right and if it’s I guess if it’s shut out of like a if it’s shot out of something like with enough speed right it can actually like penetrate iron which is just insane what is that what is this Skelly doing Man what you up to bro how are you inside how did you get inside what are you doing there man that was kind of Strange okay let’s try this Buttercup let’s see what happens when we put water oh it turns into Cobblestone interesting what about over here more Cobble Stone oh c oh well not expected wait a minute did did I lose anything valuable thank goodness I didn’t lose anything super

Valuable and by super valuable by mean The Sword and the spy glass but spy glass is okay okay nothing we didn’t lose anything butter cops there’s a little bit of a jump scare there okay all righty so yes I heard that it it can give you Cobblestone but it

Usually gives you Cobblestone when you don’t do it properly you know and I I think doing it properly means you do it on the non-flowing lava if I’m remembering clearly oh I I did lose some stuff buttercups I lost the boots I lost the boots

And the helmet or maybe did it get oh no no no oh yeah W going all the way down here now what what it came all the way down here wow that’s insane buttercups someday we are going to make a lazy river we are going to buttercups trust me

Man live would be too much fun someday all righty okay okay so all of this is flowing water right so I Guess let me see okay there it is there’s the obsidian okay so it was just that one so you got to kind of have the water go over it okay Um I don’t think we need any more Cobblestone but Okay um buttercups do you remember if when collect lava right if like it no no no no it can be it can be it can be non-f flowing even if we collect it I was just wondering if like if if once you collect lava if it if you can no longer like

Make it like nonflowing lava you know but I think I think you can okay all righty we got to we got to create an advanced pickaxe now we got to use some iron to collect that obsidian although that obsidian is not going anywhere right so we can just

Leave it there for the time Being Hey I think we need more than 10 PHS you know like this organization thing that we did kind of reminds me sometimes of like the few times I decide to actually organize my uh my room you know and like have it all neat and Stuff you know like things just I don’t know sometimes things just flow better when it’s a little bit more organized you know but it the struggle is always in maintaining that organization you know I don’t know if you’ve ever seen this but there was like a show I watched it was on Netflix

Um it was related to like home um like home organization I think it was Mary quando I’m not sure I’m not sure she’s a she’s she’s a very big name I I I I I don’t think I said her name correctly I I think I’m mixing her up no

Not I’m mixing her up um I just don’t remember what her name is exactly but she’s a really big name in like organization and stuff and it was really and buttercups the strange thing is it was not only like really cool to see her organize stuff but it was also just so

Relaxing you know I don’t know something about something about her demeanor and everything was just so relaxing you know and it really made a big difference I think in a lot of like you know the people that she was working with made a big difference in their lives you

Know cuz I think like a lot of them were just busy people you know didn’t really have the time you know I guess yeah you know like when I guess maybe if there’s more than one person right you’re living with more than one person and maybe I guess right

You know when things get a little bit out of control and there’s a lot of clutter and stuff you know I guess I can see how that can you know tensions can maybe run a little bit High you Know H okay let’s take a look what the situation is righty things are looking nice and organized we got lots of Food shall we make some pumpkin pies buttercups kind of feeling pumpkin pies buttercups I am so sorry but this is so comfy kind of don’t want to I kind of don’t want to end the stream you Know so Comfy so this is another area right and then we also have this area over here which I think is one of the bigger areas that we got to kind of you know cuz this one is right here you know like when we’re when we’re coming back usually from our adventures we

Usually have to take this really narrow stretch you know this is one of those areas that I just feel like a a staircase might come in kind of kind of Handy but um yeah let’s let’s continue doing that buttercups just filling up the land here um so let’s do I have a

Shovel I don’t have a shovel okay let me just grab let’s just make a shovel real quick um and then yeah let’s head out and let’s go collect some Dirt buttercups look at our inventory it’s already so disorganized all righty let’s maybe keep this bow Here let’s see I want to wonder if you can make what other weapons can we do let’s see all the weapons so we can get gold and stuff golden armor golden right yeah we always could get F glass Shield shovel Rush Diamond a diamond weapons and stuff are probably the strongest

Right okay all righty buttercups let’s head out for little Adventure do I have the torches on me just in case yep okay we’re heading out to the mountains let’s go I was going to say Country Roads Take Me Home but no no no it’s more like Rocky Rocky Mountain I can’t remember

That one mountain high Colorado okay let’s okay yeah let’s let’s put some torches down here take this we begin this Journey all Righty okay so we can begin maybe digging I’m thinking I’m feeling like from the very top you know from the very top of this hill Oh time to up Scotch her way up there okay lovely what is that is that a cat I can’t Tell he let’s get some let’s grab let’s grab some snow too oh it just gives us snowballs do we need the Snowballs I mean they are powerful weapon kind of curious what we could find inside a place like This oo that’s that’s pretty all righty so maybe we start collecting here I wonder what that Neco channel is doing all the way up there okay Yummy yummy this is always a risk buttercups walking on snow you never know what’s underneath you know you might sink to the bottom scope out the scen from up here so there’s a creeper Skelly nothing there anything else oh wow there are a lot of skellies over there three skellies over there

Nothing else that’s about it Buttercups one thing yeah we’ve never really explored like a mountain for um or like a I guess a yeah this is a mountain right for like minerals and stuff there seems to be a lot of coal butter Co maybe we can like climb up this snowy hill as if it’s like Mount

Everest or something oh we got quite a fight ahead of us creepers are the biggest Annoyances I just feel like using the bow and arrow for this fight we I have more Arrows think I’m all out now now yeah okay got some more time to use them on the creepers where are They oh snap I’m all Out y about that One got that one awesome there another one I heard some intense burning going on there or or more like Sizzling Okay buttercups at long last we can finally fill these two holes that have been here forever okay let’s Begin PHS if you do play Minecraft and a lot of games and stuff I’m curious what kind of mouse do you use you use one of those Advanced like gaming mouses or gaming mice does it make a difference would you say I know some of the advanced like

Mice they have saying Advanced mice I don’t know what’s the plural of gaming mouse is it gaming mice I don’t know why that just I don’t know something about that doesn’t seem right but maybe maybe I just don’t know but yeah like I know some of the advanced gaming mouse or

Gaming mice they have um like different buttons on the sides and stuff like that that you could that you can Like that you can click you know I I used actually I still have it I just don’t use that one anymore is that it we used up all the we got a grass block what a grass block I didn’t know you could collect a block with grass PHS how did that happen guess you really learn something new every day So if we were going to do the trapo thingy again right just said you know there’s a Skelly over there butter cups but I think he’s probably too far away to bother us how should we do it for This maybe like maybe like over here oh maybe we can just put them back to back you know I mean technically they are the entrance to the same place right technically let’s see are they I can’t even Remember no they they’re different somehow like the other one is like over there this one is over here are they’re really close to each other yet are somehow let’s see okay all Righty yep I believe somebody’s shooting ouch didn’t pull it up quick enough All righty buttercups were approaching 3 hours what crazy h What if we made here the second p uh part we could maybe make this a four-way kind of thing it’s a little bit easy to go down could probably make this one four well no this one has to kind of be cuz this one kind of takes you like that

Right this one is just straight down so okay let’s go get some water buttercups oh we actually have some Already hey horsey you want to go for a ride buttercups can we take horsey out for a ride let’s take horsey out for come buddy let’s go let’s go for a ride Creeper Creeper Creeper get away man stay away oh look at this buttercups we’re literally riding into the sun set no no

No that’s a sunrise oh Okay oh no Back Up W horsey so fast oh my Goodness okie dokie all right so we got the second bucket of water put that down over Here all righty so now we can just easily head down here to this area which is kind of like our you know another memorable cave for us we just add the trap doors on top and we should be good and we can cover up all all of this area over

Here we have I feel like we had two trap doors remaining I’m not sure buttercups what is this madness what is that creeper doing there is he also inside the fence he’s just he’s just checking out the animals buttercups he’s like oh these are some nice animals I believe we needed six Door yeah hey there goes the creeper I kind of feel like we don’t even need the second Banner honestly buttercups you think you think that creeper is going to okay he’s on a different got different goals at hand I think okay maybe not God that was risky that was risky it’s

Always risky buttercups to like move backwards and not Run okay nice I was like please don’t explode there man you know like not after all the work we’ve done wo wo wo Wait what happened to the water over here that’s weird the water over here as well does it matter I don’t think so yeah it doesn’t really matter okay Nice yeah I mean it’s I think it’s pretty hard to miss the these two areas they’re pretty close to each other but they both lead to different places but I don’t think we’ll forget that buttercups I mean I might forget that but buttercups I’m sure you

Won’t um kind of want to get some more dirt Shall we go back up onto this hill buttercups but first let’s eat Up oh there’s some for you buttercups num num num some for Me oh it’s raining on all of a sudden that was weird just out of the blue like that buttercups it started to rain I mean the Sheep oh my goodness sheep’s just taking it in buttercups buttercups am I Frozen have I been frozen wait how long have I been frozen

For oh my goodness what okay 1 second buttercups I’ve been frozen for a while haven’t I oh no let’s try this Again how about now okay I think it’s a little bit better now I think we’re back but were we ever here to start with I’m not Sure okay let’s see where shall we uh let’s see where should we oh I love this this is so pretty snowflakes in the [Applause] sky oh my goodness look at that again it’s it’s also risky to run on the snow as I am doing here especially without leaving

Any Trail of torches so let’s head back right away before I get us Lost all right where were we we were over here right okay okay buttercups which way should we go should we go this way or should we go this way Um also will I have enough torchure H this way seems kind of exciting with the snowflakes and stuff although I think they’re everywhere right oh nice do the snowflakes come out when it rains is that the way it works look there’s some iron in there Awesome okay um all right okay yeah let’s head let’s head over Here I wonder if I could see this from there put it there oh buttercups let’s go around this mountain I’m curious to see what will Happen let’s just make a full 360 around the mountain mountain is really risky to run on the snow cuz you could start sinking but also I think all I would have needed to do back in those oh no I’m out of torches okay we got to head

Back I head back got to grab some more torches while I’m at it Pig would you please follow us I can’t remember what you like watermelon maybe did you see the way the pig started like sprinting I was like oh yes it’s the watermelon but no I don’t think it’s the Watermelon no it’s not the watermelon Pig what do you Want Oh this is so nice the snowflakes buttercups are invincible Campfire all righty let’s make some more torches Okay okie dokie let’s add these snowballs to our collection It’s okay if it’s a little bit disorganized Right Other close what do you think you think we’re going to sorry you think we’re you think we’re going to see anything like as we make our our 360 around this Mountain w the water cops even the way that like I think I just collected some snow with my hands even the way you collect the snow with your hands is like so soft you know nice little feature Okay kind of want to try climbing at buttercups but I don’t know if that’s the best idea right now no okay where do we do this trees on our way I guess buttercups more wood for us I don’t have a wooden axe it’ll have to be by hand buttercups or maybe by torch

Oh this is so nice look at this buttercups wow whoo it’s probably super blurry for you though whoo okay all righty let’s go oh wait there’s a torch over there already go through Okay got some more digging to Do oh Neco Chan be careful oh my my Goodness butter cups you almost swiped the Neck this is a giant tree isn’t it hello hello Neco how are you hey yo yo yo yo yo oh my gosh buttercups and neochan is so Hawaii oh I would love to pick the neochan neoch Chan you still there neochan is gone maybe it’s time for a pet

Buttercups okay no NE Coan is left never mind it’s just a spur of the moment W look at all of these trees buttercups Dang kind of thinking maybe we take you and put you down over here something like this Maybe Oh my goodness this is a just a little bit risky now all right yeah let’s change course go a little bit Higher buttercups we’re now officially like climbing Mountain Everest Second okay Nice all righty let’s go you are Journey around Mountain I’m very surprised that we haven’t started sinking into the snow yet oh oh that’s just a sapling I thought that was a neckl for a second I was like what how did a Neco fall out of the tree oh buttercups also in case you don’t know Neco is cat um yeah

Ooh nice I feel like we’ve seen this we’ve been here before Oh shall we descend down there kind of want to go into yeah let’s let’s go buttercups kind of want to see what what there is down there do we have enough torches thanks So oh it’s it’s just nothing it’s just the ground wait no it goes deeper buttercups it goes Deeper what was that did you hear That buttercups creepers man creepers have no I’m speechless buttercups creepers creepers just got no class man feel like we were sharing a moment man that creeper just kind of ruined it a pretty big jump oh wasn’t that wasn’t that okay all right buttercups are running out of Fortune and the terrain is also becoming just a little bit more I don’t know Riskier there’s also a lot of hostile individuals Um okay I wonder if that’s the kid zombies that I’m hearing it’s just a regular Zom all righty you’re on pal okay there you go some nice XP But but cups are you hearing now why rain why rain why rain occasional zombie rain okay let’s head back let’s get some more torches and then let’s come back Here Whats should I be running so quickly along the edge of a mountain I don’t know well we have we have gone pretty far around this mountain buttercups look at that buttercups are you seeing that oh my gosh look at that wo Stunning Okay now we head Down how’s that infantry looking pretty Good okay we got a lot of snowballs to put back we got some Oak saplings some Spruce saplings uh some Cobblestone okay gunpowder um sand and also go bath eggs bones bones where where the bones go wait did they go there oh no bones go There okay right next to the bone Meal oh L key make some more [Applause] torches Sor right Nope maybe a little bit more Right All righty buttercups let’s continue exploring around that Mountain Time to Eat wait let’s use melon Slices okay so we’re going to we’re going to go deep into the mountain now right going to go I’m curious to see what kind of minerals there’ll be in there what do you think not sure what exact let’s See oh oh my gosh I almost ran off the edge there maybe I should be a little bit more careful but it cups not not run so precariously there’s a leaning Tower of Piza over there b nickele and sheep I’m not sure what sheep is in Japanese some iron over there zombie over

There All right buttercups I almost oh wait no I don’t have any water in the bucket oh man that’s it’s precisely for moments like This that I’ve brought but I usually keep a bucket of water or at least once keep a bucket of water on me okay okay buttercups let’s go go deep deeper into the ocean I guess put that there two two so we know it’s over here and

Then we got to kind of climb up from there you know jump over there okay uh all righty oh ooh what cups way should sorry what do you say we explore here see go deep into this mountain what awaits us the grass Block gravel I don’t I don’t even have a I don’t think yeah I barely have anything so I mean I would you know what I would like buttercups maybe some uh I think I would like some maybe like some Uh yeah I think I would like some emeralds though that would be nice oh what is in here what what are they hiding butter cuffs who’s hiding What ready ready butter cups we’re going Down wow this goes really Deep okay but It ultimately leads to nothing kind of kind of tempted to dig downward though what do you think shall we just a little bit let’s just do a little bit of digging see if anything pops up but you know you know our experience with digging Downward okay interesting there’s a stream of water there what happens if we take it where does it lead well it seems to be flowing from that way where is it coming from that’s all the W Buttercups wait is it is it in here oh that entire area buttercups is Flowing with water good thing we have a bucket on this are we collect this water we can but it doesn’t doesn’t change anything water shall we go for a swim let’s go go real

Quick okay we can’t we can’t go anyway oh this is kind of difficult I think there’s an enchantment that allows you to more easily mine stuff underwater and I remember buttercups the first time I saw that enchantment I was like that doesn’t seem like it’ll be too

Useful now I understand that I was wrong what happens if you go around it it’s just an ocean it’s just an ocean floor BR what what is this madness we got to explore it how can a place like this exist in a mountain is is that like oh okay let’s

Go I hope we’ll be able to to find our way back out okay yeah it doesn’t lead to anywhere buttercups but I’m kind of guessing that’s the end of exploration of this part of the mountain oh pH cups as always we came out with absolutely nothing all

Righty there’s some coal so might as well right why Not okay there’s some iron here as well let’s let’s explore this part morning morning time Where did that creeper even come from man she Whiz all righty let’s go I don’t think I’m not feeling like there’s going to be yeah all righty buttercups let’s head back up and out well first let’s collect this iron cuz I don’t think we’re ever coming here again there isn’t there isn’t really very much for us Here Okay oh fair amount of the iron Here okay that’s what five four I feel like it was five though right okay yeah five makes more Sense melon slices do come in handy okay maybe we can also try to get some Flint from this gravel over Here a they got Cor You hear that bus for a second I thought I heard something like a like a beat Drop W there’s so much gravel over here man how much of a difference is it use using your hand it’s not that well it is a little bit more we have a crafting table on us no we can make one though no we can’t can’t even make a crafting table

How much Flint we got there seven though that’s pretty good all right I’ll do the rest by Hand there we go oh that block is there’s some magic going on there with that block buttercups I was about to say that’s some some no let me not it’s a little bit dark put some light here okay Nice uh I don’t think we should this here here There all right BOS we can probably stop after this one yeah okay all right let’s head out we got 12 fl that’s pretty Good let’s get out of Here did we explore here I remember oh there one second there anything here oh my goodness look at that okay buttercups we’re going we’re going all righty so first Iron here all right we’re going down there so we one here and then one here definitely got to be kind of careful Here actually reach across cobblestone in handy all righty what do we have here oh man I’m running out of weapons no we’re not going to be able to make it buttercups oh okay now we can make it well let me just make sure I make a clear path okay okay all right nice

Okayy whoa this is like the staircase you’d see as you like approach the final boss in like a fighting game you know W this is crazy gravel W there’s gravel for days here oh no buttercups I’m running out of torches I also don’t know why but I don’t feel safe on the gravel

We’re coming back buttercups we’re going back home crafting ourselves hey um some like Uh yeah we’re crafting ourselves a wait what are we crafting ourselves some weapons and stuff and we’re coming back let’s grab this coal while we’re at it with the remaining life of our pickaxe I think I heard somewhere that coal is like you can mine a lot of coal in the Mountains definitely we see That okay Okie dokie let’s Go Oh Sorry buttercups maybe it’s time we make some iron weapons and do some en enchanting shall we how is it we only have how do we only have six level oh my goodness it’s half1 we’ve been streaming he is we’ve been streaming for a While Gu down here and then okay there it Is wow look at all the trees there’s like an infinite supply of wood over here but I guess it’s easier to have like the trees growing right outside our door right so we can just head there and grab the uh you know grab it when we’re

Ready that was a pig thought that was a hostile Creature eat up a little bit Buttercups all righty let’s smelt let’s smelt some Iron Coal I mean copper copper I was going to say copper copper butts I guess buttercups like it would be really cool if you could use copper to make like armor or weapons yeah that would be awesome man we can’t

Do anything with copper except really the brush I mean I guess also the spy glass the spy glass I love the spy glass I do wish we could do more with copper you know what is this baked potato how do we get a how do we make a potato I

Mean how do we get a potato what is this green dye this is what food cooked rabbit pork chop Cod baked potato steak dried kelp you haven’t had that kind of want to have the baked Potato all righty we should have enough iron for maybe yeah to make us like some Weapons Let’s PHS what do you think Maybe what do you think about H I’m not sure Um all right sorry about cups we need to get a iron Pickaxe okay there we go let’s see what we can enchant with it what do we get Unbreaking efficiency Efficiency PHS I guess efficiency maybe that’s the only one we can afford right now Anyway might as well right any enchantment is better than no enchantment right is that the way it works um do we need anything else I don’t think so that should be good enough let’s maybe maybe some um Arrows all righty Oh and also buttercups definitely some uh oh wait no not Place definitely let’s take some let’s take a crafting table right yeah I know we have a spare crafting table buttercups away there it is yeah we just need one we don’t need four um and go back this lazuli can definitely go back

As well where probably here okay anything else we can put back butter cups anything you see copper Right I’m going to put the sh Sue here put that there put that there H that there dirt well we can use this dirt Granite Gravel I guess we can add let’s add this excess gravel h I’m going to add it to this chest for excess things I can’t fit um okay wheat seeds definitely wheat seeds wheat seeds can go that looks pretty good buttercups I like that maybe we need some more food I think we’re okay Okay maybe we hold on to the crab no maybe we hold on to to some Cobblestone okay all right buttercups you ready let’s head out got everything right four steak is that enough you think four steak is enough butter cups I’m not Sure um all right right it’s over there actually buttercups let’s get some more steak just to be sure All righty that I think that should be good how much should we yeah eight Yeah All right buttercups are you ready are you ready to go out for some more exploring oh my gosh buttercups I almost feel like I might not end this Stream one Second I’m so curious buttercups what is going to be at the bottom of that Des sent you know in the cave Can’t stop won’t stop butter cups moving at full speed now apparently I I feel like our leaning tower of pizza here right kind of leads us into this mountain you know but anyway what come I wonder if there’s an enchantment that like allows you to fall from like higher

Distances and not take any fall damage that would be pretty awesome okay so we’re going here then Here oh my gosh buttercups I for wait no okay I brought the crafting table let’s just very quickly craft a shovel butter cups I forgot the wood so we can’t do we can’t craft anything cuz I forgot the wood oh my gosh all right we’re going down we’re going down anyway Buttercups much coal need some popper reminds me of when I when we first discovered copper buttercups and I thought it was buttercups but if we have no wood we can’t make any torches okay we got to head back out the good thing is though buttercups there

Is so many there are so many trees outside we can just quickly like grab some wood and then we’ll be back but oh my gosh yeah remember when butter goes when I first saw the copper I was like oh what is this Emerald that was not the emerald that

Was not the emerald that was Uh where do we go oh Right oh no okay lovely let me add some torches Here Where the oh there they are okay there’s some torches here all righty let’s make a little detour to over Here I guess we grab these torches with our well this wood with our bare hands all right that should be good enough for us to make a a wooden Axe Okay lovely let’s grab some more wood I’m thinking like let’s grab 20 buttercups let’s grab 20 also grab this crafting table phots what’s your favorite type of Wood do you have one in in Minecraft cuz I probably wouldn’t know very much else about wood if it were for like the actual wood and stuff all I know are the Minecraft Woods you know like uh um Oak what’s the other one oh my gosh it kind of scared me yeah but

Yeah uh Oak what’s the other one buttercups Birch take out that Phantom where is it I don’t want to go too far I don’t want to fight It heyo what’s up having some difficulty getting down here bud actually I think I might take the easy way out what is is this Phantom Doing oh no I missed lost an arrow what how did that Miss butter Cuffs yeah um I don’t feel like searching for the uh Phantom membrane buttercups forgive me I don’t think it’s worth It all righty how do we get back okay oh oh that torch I thought that torch was just levitating but I don’t think it Is H okay there’s a clear Path who wait what happened There Melon slices where are you Neco but clubs I’ll tell you a story right like that neochan right the way that neochan is like meowing um reminds me of there was once this time that there was this stray cat like outside of uh outside of the door

Outside of my front door right and uh it was it was coming because um uh I had put some or yeah there was like some food right um some food was kind of left out there right and uh I don’t know how the cat sensed it you know and it just it kept

On kept on coming back man every single day and it was it was like so I don’t know but it got so precious like you know and now it was it was probably dangerous to kind of like um play around with the cat too much right because you

Know Straight Cat maybe had fleas stuff like that I mean I don’t know very much right um but I was thinking maybe it might have been a bit dangerous you know to play around too much with the cat and stuff but it was such a loving cat man but you

Know after a while it was like you think to yourself okay maybe maybe maybe you maybe we maybe you shouldn’t feed the cat you know because you feed the cat and then you know it keeps on coming back for more and more you know and then you create a dependency but

Then you also realize that you you you’re not in a position right now to take in a cat you know so you you then kind of just except you got to kind of let it go and stop leaving the food and you know couple of times you you you

Come back home you see the cat outside there waiting you know and you just have to go inside man and oh was tough bro you know but but yeah every time I every time I hear the the purr or Meow of uh of the cat in Minecraft just reminds me of that

Cat you know really kind cat precious cat or sweet cat then I guess maybe maybe most animals right are like super sweet when they’re getting food right I mean buttercups can you blame them I think I’m the same thing I think I’m a I’m a lovely person when I’m being

Fed but if we’re hungry buttercups it might be a different situation have you ever heard the term hry I think buttercups I feel like it is a phenomenon a real life phenomenon the hangry oh yeah I’m Hangry All right buttercups let’s go oh my gosh I forgot to fill the uh the bucket with water we descend anyways Okay somehow this is working this little staircase that we’ve made of Course well butter cups I feel like I have an affinity for falling okay all right buttercups are you ready let’s see what secrets are in this cave if any at all Okay we’re all out of torches we don’t even need a uh crafting table buttercups for torches I only just realized that oh my gosh oh my golly all righty these buttercups I really hope there’s something down here so deep please don’t leave us empty-handed no he’s going to leave us

Empty-handed isn’t it dripstone is that what we get buttercups okay okay no no no it’s not over yet okay let’s just uh what’s the best way to harvest dripstone probably the iron pickaxe o really fast but we do have the efficiency Enchantment so all righty let’s continue buttercups

Don’t worry with just a little bump in the road our journey continues not over yet please buttercups keep your fingers crossed I really want there to be something here don’t let it be in vain Ohie dokie let’s Continue buttercups no you’re kidding me Man are you serious man it really was in vain I wonder why there’s dirt here though all right let’s go down no what is that oh my God Not Butter CLS all of that and this is what we get buttercups this is nothing man Ah all righty I guess let’s grab ourselves this coal and let’s head out oh what is that could it be oh there’s more behind this wall buttercups wait wait all of this is underwater what why are there so many underwater parts of thiss I don’t get this this mountain why

Are there so many underwater Parts is that how real mountains are oh it’s a little bit dark I this up Bros what is this all of this is underwater that’s crazy that’s basically what what on Earth what I don’t get it so basically we just dug we just went up and down I guess all righty let’s go back let’s go back in then would be a nice place to have a little Hideout or something though that’s pretty cool that is pretty cool buttercups I can’t lie that is

Pretty cool I kind of you know I kind of want to like I don’t know how you feel about this but I kind of want to wall this area off right like maybe wall it off here and like have this be one of our secret hideouts as well that we could enter

From the outside you know kind of cool um okay uh I guess let’s head back home ORS I still don’t want to end the stream so you’re going to have to put up with me for a little bit longer I don’t know what we’re going to do but I want to do something Anything anything at All Yeah I’m going to leave the Torches buttercups cuz I think someday I we might come back here and maybe make a little like yeah maybe make a little hide out cuz that water thing is really cool I like how it leads you know how you could basically go from the outside to the

Inside of the mountain that’s really cool I like that coal oh I think we M this coal already might as well grab some more there’s a Lot all righty come here you now they got B Let’s uh let’s grab this Torch from over here these torches phots why is there a torch all the way down there oh my goodness did you see that for a sec I was like oh my gosh the entire mountain is coming Down wait what did we did we wait what wait so all we did was I don’t even know oh oh you could all this is another path buttercups I see you don’t have to go all the way Around All righty let’s head back home water cops I kind of want to just explore how does that sound kind of just want to explore some new territory shall we did we not have a watermelon over here as well why is this pumpkin growing like That don’t get it maybe something happened let’s go let’s go plant another Watermelon now melon seeds where are you pumpkin seeds do we have any more melon seeds oh I’m sure we can get melon seeds from from this there you go works okay awesome all righty buttercups let’s explore this area over Here also seems to be area down there but I want to kind of move away from home you know want to kind of move a little bit away far away hers you know what I was also thinking we have all of that leather why not use it for um some some

Uh armor cuz we’re trying to save the iron right actually should we do we get any iron I guess we did not could have sworn we got some iron but okay um Uh s away oh no oh come back oh there come back wait wait you don’t have a home print I’m sure you have a home print okay there’s your home all right okay so buttercups what did I say we going to Do um yeah let’s explore I can’t remember what I feel like I said we were going to do something else but then I forgot I don’t remember anymore let’s just explore what is here I remember a couple of times we tried to go across that land and like there

Were like pillagers and we were terrified because we couldn’t fight the pillagers at that time you know now it’s different buttercups now we can but we can start back exploring you know exploring is really fun man oh look they’re actually still here check them out buttercups they’re still here let’s go

Fight them man do I have a crossbow On Me by chance I lost the crossbow what does how both um enchant oh it just has Unbreaking oh I’m just wasting arrows man how do I hit them a snap but I can go back and get all of those arrows right no oh my gosh I used up all the arrows actually our Shield is kind of low up some iron iron ASAP see there’s

Any iron iron here this place usually has a lot of creepy Critters if I’m remembering clearly figher manageable you see there there are two sets of pillagers buttercups look pillagers over here and pillagers over here what why why are there so many villagers explain yourself All right so take this path and then we climb up Here uhhuh oh do at the same time eh don’t worry I’m ready for you guys I believe I There’s the other One oh snap this is kind of embarrassing I can see them come here you a you got me oh you got me as well you stingers came from the wrong side where are they you can only get one hit on them at a time can you can’t you hey yo no fair

You can’t come from directly above man I can’t see you from there b nasty all righty let’s go get the Phantom membranes we Did okay put you down there put you down there put you down there buts this is just a really oh my goodness there is another others okay let me see this is is this true there are pillagers over here that’s one one batch and then that’s two batches that’s

The second one over there there okay so there are only two oh buttercups and look that’s our second house the temporary house that we built because we we thought we were that far away huh we thought we were that far away and we were right literally our our first

House is over here and our second house is over there it’s so close you could you could travel there so easily by both okay I do I would like a shield I don’t want to go back home let’s uh maybe we can find some iron inside this cave over Here let’s let’s go straight Across All righty one Second where is it n that’s not fair man you can come from that angle you can’t come from directly above us Thinker okay uh okay okie dokie um let’s get some torches over here all right lovely let’s heading and let’s head inside here Hopefully there’s some iron somewhere here oh buttercups this is the area to the warden’s Lair let’s head down to the warden’s Lair grab ourselves some iron and then you right Back there it is everything is so nearby it’s just when you have the when you when you don’t have the chunks turned up everything seems like it’s so far Away yep we’ll be heading down there buttercups to grab ourselves some more iron actually there’s some iron right There Hups I’m kind of feeling let’s make two swords skulker sensor as I as as I see all the ward and stuff I was kind of thinking what about that skulker Sensor Sh butter cops you know when I first started playing Minecraft right like like I remember asking the question what you know what what makes Minecraft so special you know cuz I I I genuinely had no idea you know but I I think I’m starting to see buttercups I think I’m starting to Understand how do I how do I quickly Switch get some for our Bucket can we not take the water from Here what was that oh I what is happening Buttercups you can’t step on that thing note to self you cannot step to step on that thing I just want want some water water please I’m scared okay we can’t get the let’s let’s not get the water from there I guess that’s like a type of sensor or something all righty let’s

Let’s head out of here let’s get out of here I think we’ve seen enough for one day oh my gosh that’s creep all right this is the water we take up um all right wait how do we go up again all right it’s space bar oh my

Goodness I’m going to fall on the whatever that thing is the skulker or whatever and I am going to alert the warden of our presence Buttercups this is not fast enough wait hold up I know we need to have a certain speed when we go up party let’s go let’s go yeah this is not fast enough what does it take to move faster there we go that is fast enough I don’t understand buttercups I don’t understand why it’s so hard to travel

Upwards there’s probably some combo that I’m missing e up okay all right so um where is the water oh my gosh zomie took some fall damage just to get at us yes buttercups and I don’t know if you remember but this was one of the places I remember we had first come down

Here and then there we looked out and we saw all of the Raiders and I headed straight back in now we can fight the Raiders buttercups we have no fear yeah I think I’ll leave that because that that that just kind of shows us that it’s an entrance to you

Know another to a comfy Place all righty buttercups let’s head in I don’t know what they’re doing in the water but feel like we would have an advantage can we swipe our sword wait why can’t I all right can we swipe our sword while we are on this boat yes we can all

Righty buttercups well boat fight about to happen for your very eyes get ready oh wait wait why did I Hey yo stop hitting my boat man what is wrong with you guys snap they destroyed the boat you stinkers man I don’t know why I did not have a shield on me buttercups a little bit frustrating they destroyed our both you can play that game I’m coming up on them like Jaws de

De they’re channeling our inner Jaws let’s go scary buttercups we Jaws jaws is horrifying buttercups who’s scarier Jaws or megga loan megal loan is so huge you Know ah should have collected the coal over there I don’t know what that thing is on the top right hand right hand corner I don’t know what it is man did I collect the arrows I didn’t NP I wish I had some snowballs on me oh I have these Eggs I actually hit them oh my gosh we’re actually hitting them buttercups we come here you guys let’s party um you think it makes sense to get our boat oh wait the boat is right here I I thought they destroyed it I don’t understand why the Boat what is the little chick doing there all right I forgot the water this madness man what am I doing I don’t want to die here but at the same time I kind of want To oh God I’m going straight into them of course my shield is dead my gosh man you know butter CU I am so speechless I have no words ah I really didn’t want to die there man but but like I was like okay I’m going to I’m going to tap the whatever

It was like the D or the a button right I’m going to get us far away from them and of course it leads directly into them I’m like clap Jack what what even is the path I I I don’t even know it’s somewhere down here right yeah look leads directly two them

Buttercups to be honest I think the Jaws method would would be even better for attacking him buttercups look at this ding dinging dinging right at the surface you got to be right at the surface right oh this is horrifying they don’t know what they’re what they’re in store for they don’t

Know what they’ve unleashed the monster that they’ve Unleashed there you are you will pay the price you will pay the price oh no no no no no no no wait wait wait okay I’m not I’m not fully Jaws yet not fully draws haven’t completed the transformation yet so still got to breed sadly

All righty let’s see what we got nice oh my gosh there’s a actual underwater zombie all righty oh my gosh one of them stole the both buttercups what is this what is this Insanity oh zombie do you mind man that was not the time I’m having a battle with the

Pillagers did I did I find the did I did I grab the beef by chance buttercups please tell me I grabb the beef I didn’t grab the beef Yet ah snap okay put this on and this and let’s head back In where is the beef man this is kind of tough oh my gosh I’m getting stuck in the doorway of our own home obsidian block give us strength let’s go buttercups let’s go buttercups what have I gotten us into what mess have I gotten us into I hope we don’t lose our Stuff So much for challing our inner Jaws buttercups we have shown our I shown our true colors but because we’re not the predators of the sea we’re sadly more a whale and we are a shark don’t wear buttercups I still have faith Oh my gosh wait is that zombie carrying what is that zombie carrying a arrow a bow and arrow what on Earth there they are all righty let’s go these some our stuff are still there rotten Flesh Ow oh let’s get some breath in let’s not go towards that zombie okay breath regained Jaws mode activated Phantom membrane it’s so tough man are there two people in that boat there are they’re T this buttercups this legit reminds me of a mission I played in a shark game

Once and like there were people in the boat that were shooting at you did I was I playing that game or was somebody else playing that game not even sure can’t even tell anymore please tell me we got the steak we where is the steak buttercups I don’t understand the elusive

Steak did we get the sword at least we got The Sword and the pickaxe which are I would say I mean I I also want the spy glass but oh my gosh what is that what is that zombie carrying what is that oh it’s a it’s like I think it’s a fishing

Rod but I don’t know okay let’s regain some strength oh did our stuff despawn M well we can always make another um uh spy glass let’s see if the stuff re despawned yeah I think it did oh wait no no it’s just a chicken yeah N what are we missing oh wait no look where’s our spy glass oh some wood um what is this Shield okay this is a tough one but let’s try to get away okay oh snap they really are quite Relentless okay let’s go to like over here for some reason and I feel like

They won’t follow us all the way here okay they probably will oh buttercups look the L let’s go we also what is that you’re kidding me you’re kidding me a random zombie snap they’re here let’s go away a random zombie man you kidding me this is like actual swimming

Buttercups you got to come up to breed let’s go buttercups am I Frozen again oh no okay I’m sorry about it CS one second okay let me try to unfreeze Okay so we got the shield hearing like A okay Um I think we got back almost Everything oh oh we even got that yeah we got back pretty much everything I don’t think i’ I think we lost one Shield but we might have lost that shield from the beginning actually okay the helmet all right buttercups let’s head back out there I think I’m still

Stuck okay I think I’m doing a little bit better okay where are they got get back our boat there they are let’s see if there’s anything remaining that we didn’t collect although I think I think we collected everything but let’s see be ice peel but tell me if you see

Anything can I collect that And I kind of wish we didn’t have to Breathe buttercups is anything else in you telling you to protect that um I don’t know why something is telling me protect that um something is telling me to protect that uh that uh little chicken or chick or whatever all right let’s go let’s go up on them jaw jaw style buttercups you

Ready jaw Style [Applause] baby jaw Style baby let’s go oh my goodness where oh no no no no no we need to breathe where’s the last guy there he is it’s just you and me bub just you and me jaws style oh my gosh okay one hit wonder baby no that’s not a

Good thing is a one hit wonder a good thing I don’t know oh that arrow is very slow one hit wonder baby let’s go yeah take that you stinkers all of those stinkers buttercups we got and we got back our boat yeah then we took them out Jaws Style All righty where was the last place we placed where did we last place our Torches over here just a cow uh more hours and 30 minutes my golly been a while been a little more than a hot minute would you say buttercups okay well all righty I think I think we’ll head Back head back home and uh we’ll close up Sha Dokie how do we get up There All righty my goodness why you to come back here all righty butter cups let me get all Big um yes buttercups um second okay buttercups well thank you so much for watching this one was a blast I had a lot of fun I hope you had a lot of fun as well um oh Nova Nova I’m I’m seeing your message for the first

Time hey yo as well hi to you I hope everything is good I’m just about to wrap up and um close up shop here um yeah uh thank you thank you for your message Nova and also uh thank you buttercups for watching thank you uh this was a this was a fun one

Um uh yeah it was crazy a lot of a lot of things happened but overall it was a lot of fun a lot of fun so thank you so much buttercups for watching I am really grateful I get to share uh these moments with you and yeah I hope

Everything is going well I hope you’re doing great um I hope the Vibes are good and um yeah if things are not going so well remember to keep your head up I believe in you you’re doing well buttercups I’m proud of you you I’m

Proud of you hey and uh yeah uh I I look forward to seeing you in the future okay have an incredible rest of your day or afternoon or night and I will see you soon you know how this goes buttercups bye

This video, titled ‘More Exploring? | Minecraft Playthrough Pt 43 | Vtuber Let’s Play’, was uploaded by FSvbr on 2024-01-07 05:54:08. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:35:05 or 16505 seconds.

Let’s see where today takes us!

This amazing game (Minecraft) was made by Mojang!

My lovely model was made by Raeka! If you wanna check out Raeka’s other models, Raeka’s store is RaekaArts on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/RaekaArts

This chill music is Voyage by Yasumu! You can check out more Lofi Girl music at https://www.youtube.com/@Lofigirl-Chillbeats.

As per Lofi Girl: – Yasumu – Voyage – Provided by Lofi Records – Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2Alfb5R0Tk&t=0s – Download/Stream: https://fanlink.to/EscapingReality

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gaming Fun! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining Minewind. While watching a hilarious YouTube video like “Jackbhaiya roast jack 🤣#gamerfleet #shorts #youtubeshorts,” you might be looking for a new and thrilling Minecraft experience. That’s where Minewind comes in! Minewind offers a unique and immersive gameplay experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. With a vibrant community of players and exciting features to explore, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash… Read More

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    EPIC Fail: Minecraft Infiniverse S4E2 Minecraft Infiniverse Season 4 Episode 2: A Rocky Start With The Cobblestone Generator Welcome back to Infiniverse Season 4, Episode 2 with SkyGuyJedi! In this episode, SkyGuyJedi faces the challenge of fending off attacks from the Drowned while gathering resources and expanding the base. Let’s dive into the highlights of this exciting gameplay! Episode Highlights: Drowned Attacks: SkyGuyJedi battles against the Drowned, who keep sneaking up and causing chaos in the survival world. Resource Gathering: From chopping trees to collecting dirt, sand for glass, and sugar cane for future pumpkin pie, SkyGuyJedi is on a mission to gather essential… Read More

  • Obunga Portal: Minecraft PE Magic

    Obunga Portal: Minecraft PE Magic In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re crafting portals with Obunga vibes. Peter Griffin’s face, a sight to behold, In the realm of gaming, stories unfold. With rhythmic voice and playful tone, We’re diving deep into the unknown. Creating portals, sparking delight, In Minecraft’s world, shining bright. So join us now, in this playful quest, As we journey on, putting our skills to the test. Obunga portals, a sight to see, In Minecraft PE, where we roam free. Read More

  • EFEKAN GETS SICK! – Minecraft

    EFEKAN GETS SICK! - Minecraft Minecraft Parody: Efekan Pretends to be Sick 🤒 In a recent Minecraft video, Efekan decides to play the role of a sick student to avoid going to school. However, his father sees through his act and insists that Efekan attend school. Despite this, Efekan is determined to fake illness and skip school! Popular Minecraft Videos If you enjoy Minecraft content, make sure to check out some of the most beloved videos: Most Loved Minecraft Videos Support the Channel If you want to support the Minecraft channel, consider joining as a member: Join the Channel Disclaimer It’s important to note… Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 7

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 7 Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7 – A Dive into the Minecraft Universe Embark on an epic adventure in the Minecraft universe with Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7. Developed by Telltale Games in collaboration with Mojang Studios, this episodic spin-off series takes players on a journey through The Overworld, The Nether, The End, and other dimensions. Exploring the Minecraft Universe Step into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before as you navigate through various realms and encounter unique challenges along the way. From building structures to battling mobs, Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7 offers a fresh perspective on the… Read More

  • Insane Twist: Peppa Pig Enters Minecraft 23!

    Insane Twist: Peppa Pig Enters Minecraft 23!Video Information This video, titled ‘Peppa Pig Play Minecraft 23’, was uploaded by Cartoons Play on 2024-08-06 10:00:00. It has garnered 5910 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:42 or 4362 seconds. Peppa Pig Play Minecraft 23 ,Peppa Pig Play Minecraft, and George, heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated. The “Cartoons Play” channel is not related to the official cartoons Youtube channel! This is a fan channel. Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Mod: A Quiet Place Can Hear You

    Minecraft Horror Mod: A Quiet Place Can Hear YouVideo Information This video, titled ‘A New Minecraft Horror Mod That Can Hear You…A Quiet Place’, was uploaded by PLX on 2024-08-05 14:47:27. It has garnered 1630 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:33 or 993 seconds. #minecrafthorror #dweller #fromthefog #cavedweller #minecraftsurvival #100days #minecraftchallenge Dive into the heart-pounding world of “A Quiet Place” like never before in Minecraft! In this terrifying new mod, silence is your only ally as you navigate a post-apocalyptic world overrun by deadly, sound-sensitive creatures. Watch as we explore the eerie landscapes, master the art of stealth, and try to survive the… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PvP Montage – Java_boy vs SenpaiSpider!

    EPIC Minecraft PvP Montage - Java_boy vs SenpaiSpider!Video Information This video, titled ‘|| Small Minecraft PvP Montage || On Pojavlauncher || @SenpaiSpider @NizGamer @aTerroRR’, was uploaded by Java_boy on 2024-09-21 02:31:35. It has garnered 145 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:38 or 98 seconds. Tags (ignore): Minecraft, Minecraft Netherite Pot, Neth Pot, Minecraft Neth Pot, Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft Speedrun, Minecraft Custom Game Mode, Netherite Speedrun, Netherite Challenge, Minecraft Gameplay, Minecraft Survival, Minecraft Tips, Minecraft Strategy, Minecraft Nether Update, Minecraft Netherite, Minecraft Guide, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft Multiplayer, Minecraft Server, Minecraft Mods, Minecraft Adventure, Minecraft Tutorial, Minecraft Build, Minecraft Creative Mode, Minecraft Hard Mode,… Read More

  • INSANE STRING DUPE GLITCH in Minecraft 1.20+ | Work on any server! #gamebreaking

    INSANE STRING DUPE GLITCH in Minecraft 1.20+ | Work on any server! #gamebreakingVideo Information This video, titled ‘STRING DUPER 1.20+ | work any server | #minecraft’, was uploaded by SNIGDHO_OP on 2024-03-21 12:16:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This farm works only in java edition of minecraft. String farm minecraft 1.20 / string farm minecraft / string farm minecraft 1.20 … Read More

  • Minecraft Life Steal Survival Server Live 24/7! 🔥

    Minecraft Life Steal Survival Server Live 24/7! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIFESTEAL / SURVIVAL SMP LIVE 24/7 SERVER | JAVA + PE #minecraft #nether #girlgamer’, was uploaded by Mahzo on 2024-08-25 13:35:50. It has garnered 289 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:55 or 12355 seconds. MINECRAFT LIFESTEAL / SURVIVAL SMP LIVE 24/7 SERVER | JAVA + PE #minecraft #nether #girlgamer Radiantmc Server Ip: play.radiantmc.in & Port: 25732 Discord :- https://discord.gg/AqbBjn97e2 About me – hello my name is mahzo . i m from earth i hope u all r also on same planet .i m making parivarik videos and doing stream… Read More

  • Deadly Lava Encounters in Sky Factory 4 | Ep 15

    Deadly Lava Encounters in Sky Factory 4 | Ep 15Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Sky Factory 4 – Surrounded By Lava – Episode 15’, was uploaded by Onlydraven Gaming on 2024-03-19 03:13:41. It has garnered 291 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:02 or 11102 seconds. This is a playthrough of the Minecraft Modpack Sky Factory 4 using the Lava Factory world type. Please be sure to subscribe to see more of my videos and streams. Want to help support the channel? Donate/Tip via Paypal or Credit Card at https://streamlabs.com/onlydravengaming Or consider adding a Membership to the channel to get access to cool… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock disaster! 🚨💀

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock disaster! 🚨💀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft moments 💀 💀 before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster’, was uploaded by Minecraft bedrock on 2024-08-26 06:23:05. It has garnered 940 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft moment 💀 💀 before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster Minecraft moment 💀 💀 before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster Minecraft moment 💀 💀 before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster minecraft moments before disaster, ah best minecraft moments, ah minecraft moments, ah minecraft funny moments, moments before disaster in minecraft, r/minecraft memes minecraft moments, minecraft moments of 2023, minecraft moments… Read More

  • SHOCKING 1st Year Party with Mr Aejis | Vtuber Teacher SPECIAL

    SHOCKING 1st Year Party with Mr Aejis | Vtuber Teacher SPECIALVideo Information This video, titled ‘STREAMAVERSARY! Teacher’s 1st year party:| Mr Aejis: Vtuber Teacher / Backyard Baseball + Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr Aejis on 2024-08-18 07:14:28. It has garnered 43 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:25 or 27265 seconds. ——– Mr Aejis – Vtuber Teacher Mr Aejis is an independent vtuber and teacher who streams first-time playthroughs and health & wellness lessons. Focused on the whole health of the person – physical, mental, and emotional – regular lessons are given in a relaxed, virtual classroom format with interaction and engagement prioritized, as well as… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Lambo Race: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Insane Minecraft Lambo Race: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs pro vs hacker Lamborghini | Lambo vs Lambo #short #minecraft #shorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by The minecle on 2024-03-04 08:30:23. It has garnered 1833 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft new short #minecrafttoolbox#mincraft #minecraftanimation#minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut#minecrafthindi #minecraftpe1#minecraft100days #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition#minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly# minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmemes#minecrafters #minecraftbuilds#minecraftpocketedition… Read More

  • LittleDigPlanet – Vanilla 1.21, Whitelist, Age 25+, No Claims, Smaller Community, 10+ Year History

    Welcome to Our Vanilla Minecraft Community! If you are 25+ and looking for a small, mature community to play Minecraft with, join our Discord using the link below. We started a new map on June 9th, 2023 with the 1.20 update. No Ranks or Moderator positions No area claim plugins World border currently set at 30k blocks in every direction Small community with 8-12 players online at peak times Hard difficulty, maximum render view distance Separate Legacy Server and Creative server available Join our Discord and introduce yourself to be whitelisted. We aim to provide a truly vanilla experience with… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My Minecraft obsessions fixed my broken heart!

    This meme is like a perfectly placed block in a crumbling building – holding everything together with its comedic strength! Read More

  • Mining Mayhem: 62 Pickaxe Tests in One!

    Mining Mayhem: 62 Pickaxe Tests in One! In this video, I test pickaxes with glee, From basic to enchanted, for all to see. Stone and deepslate, they all get a try, Calculating speed, no need to be shy. Efficiency and haste, all put to the test, On iron, diamond, and netherite best. Tick speed and mining, all in the mix, Results in the end, no need for tricks. So if you have questions, just drop a line, I’ll answer them all, in rhythm and rhyme. Hope you enjoyed this test, my English may lack, But if you liked it, consider a like and subscribe back. Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂 #minecraft #funny #meme Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP

    Ultimate Showdown: Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP The Ultimate Showdown: Stop Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP Welcome to the epic clash between two powerhouse Minecraft SMPs: Stop Lapata SMP and Loyal SMP! AaryanshMC takes us on a thrilling journey through the intense rivalry, highlighting the unique features, gameplay styles, and community dynamics of each server. Get ready for a showdown like no other as we delve into the world of Minecraft! Stop Lapata SMP: Unleashing Creativity Stop Lapata SMP is a hub of creativity, where players push the boundaries of what’s possible in Minecraft. With a focus on building, redstone engineering, and exploration, Stop Lapata SMP… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Wacky Industrial Zone

    Minecraft's Wacky Industrial Zone Minecraft’s Goofiest Industrial District Seven Missions is a project that has been in the works since June 2021, showcasing the creative potential of Minecraft. The creator sees it as more than just a series within the game; it is a testament to the power of imagination and determination. With a focus on inspiring others, Seven Missions serves as a stepping stone towards a career in filmmaking and composing. Music and Artistry The series features a majority of original music composed by the creator, available for streaming on platforms like Spotify under the artist name “Cem Hagemu.” This unique blend… Read More

  • “Piggy Pag’s Ultimate Minecraft Magic Wand 🐷✨” #minecraft #shorts #gaming

    "Piggy Pag's Ultimate Minecraft Magic Wand 🐷✨" #minecraft #shorts #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘This magic wand works wonders in Minecraft ✨ #minecraft #fyp #shorts #gaming’, was uploaded by Piggy Pag on 2024-08-17 15:15:10. It has garnered 1915 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. ►Hi friends 👋 thanks for watching my videos! Did you like the video? Click like 👍 and write any good comments🗯️, it will help me a lot and I will see that my videos are interesting to you and I will be happy 🌝, I will make videos more often. Also… don’t forget to click the bell… Read More

  • Minecraft Build & Seek: Ultimate Challenge

    Minecraft Build & Seek: Ultimate ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft BUILD and SEEK!’, was uploaded by Daaash on 2024-09-22 19:00:16. It has garnered 148712 views and 2390 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:01 or 8101 seconds. Minecraft BUILD and SEEK! This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are playing build and seek in Minecraft where they each have to build a hiding spot, and who ever is last to be found wins! Who will win? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #minecraftmod #Dash Read More

  • Crazy Minecraft Bedwars Combo 1.9! #ShortsMadness

    Crazy Minecraft Bedwars Combo 1.9! #ShortsMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘combo 1.9 #bedwars #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft #minecraftshorts #vime’, was uploaded by P1aNo_Shorts on 2024-09-23 18:15:52. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, combo, minecraft combo, minecraft smooth, best minecraft combos, minecraft combo lock, 1.9, minecraft combotage, sumo, mc pvp, sharpness pack, pot pvp, skypvp, minecraft sumo tournament, combos, sumo pvp minecraft, sumo god, minecraft sumo 1v1, bedwars, serb-craft, insane minecraft, sumo combos, sumo combo, minecraft 240fps, how to combo in sumo, sumo tips and tricks, minecraft hacking, minecraft sumo,… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft build with a creepy twist! 🔥👻 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft build with a creepy twist! 🔥👻 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft game 🎯🎮 creepy build 😱😱 tick tock heck 🎯🎮 #shorts #viral #minecraft #gameplay’, was uploaded by MR GAMER 08 on 2024-02-04 11:07:00. It has garnered 2488 views and 77 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Minecraft game 🎯🎮 creepy build 😱😱 tick tock heck 🎯🎮 #shorts #viral #minecraft #gameplay Read More

  • Insane Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft! Free Server Tutorial

    Insane Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft! Free Server TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make a Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft using Aternos (Free Server Tutorial)’, was uploaded by BoltX79 on 2024-02-26 15:58:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Make your Lifesteal SMP Like Loyal SMP Using Aternos #subscribe #like #aternos #aternosminecraftserver #minecraft … Read More

  • JJ & Mikey find SCARY superheroes in Minecraft!

    JJ & Mikey find SCARY superheroes in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Family found SCARY IRON MAN, SPIDERMAN, HULK and THANOS – in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey – Life on 2024-05-04 23:00:11. It has garnered 7479 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:04 or 3604 seconds. JJ and Mikey Family found SCARY IRON MAN, SPIDERMAN, HULK and THANOS – in Minecraft Maizen! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @Maizen Like and subscribe to the channel if you love Mom! Read More


    SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHI TANTAN - MINECRAFT ANIMASIVideo Information This video, titled ‘SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHITANTAN – ANIMASI MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by DUHIN on 2024-07-21 10:00:36. It has garnered 21456 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Characters @KoboKanaeru @KureijiOllie @AiraniIofifteen @MoonaHoshinova @AyundaRisu @KaelaKovalskia @VestiaZeta ••••••••••••••••••••• Subscribe for more animation from duhin:) •••••••••••••••••••••• social media: Instagram :@duhingram TikTok: @duhinuwu •••••••••••••••••••••• Track: – •••••••••••••••••••••• back to video guys, dont forget to like, comment, and subscribe #Shorts Read More

  • Insane Hide-and-Seek with INSIDE OUT in Minecraft!

    Insane Hide-and-Seek with INSIDE OUT in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey HIDE from INSIDE OUT At Night in Minecraft ! (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Crazy Mikey on 2024-08-04 19:00:24. It has garnered 957 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:51 or 3831 seconds. JJ and Mikey HIDE from INSIDE OUT At Night in Minecraft ! (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Store promotion: https://shop-maizen.myspreadshop.com/ Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Turtle Farm – 3000+ cobblestone/hr

    Insane Minecraft Turtle Farm - 3000+ cobblestone/hrVideo Information This video, titled ‘Automatic Cobblestone farm in Minecraft | 3000 + per hour’, was uploaded by Turtle Craft on 2024-04-18 11:45:01. It has garnered 21570 views and 1023 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Automatic Cobblestone farm in Minecraft | 3000 + per hour I this short video I will teach you how to buid the easiest automatic cobblestone generator in minecraft you only need few materials to build this farm make sure to subscribe the channle full video link here : https://youtu.be/PUl87Qnlcp0 Design credit bigbooty17 song credit massobeats – gift (royalty free… Read More

  • ChippyChickin’s Realm – Realms 18+ Whitelist 1.21.1

    Join My Minecraft Realm! Looking for new players to join my realm. I currently have 4 players and looking to invite 4 or 5 more. Let’s create a friendly community/village with a maximum of 10 players. Any type of base is allowed – sky, underground, under the ocean, or a basic above ground house. Rules are posted in my discord server. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mob Sounds: My Original Creation

    Minecraft Memes - Mob Sounds: My Original CreationLooks like someone needs to hit the “mute” button on their imagination! Read More

  • Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Happy Planet Rhyme

    Cube Xuan: Minecraft's Happy Planet Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan brings joy, like a delightful dream. With humor and fun, each video shines bright, Bringing happiness to all, day and night. From funny animations to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, in rhymes so free. Read More

  • I felt that… in the Nether! 🔥

    I felt that... in the Nether! 🔥 When you’re mining for diamonds in Minecraft and accidentally fall into lava, but the music is so soothing that you just feel like “I felt that” 😔 #minecraftstruggles #lavaissues #gamerproblems Read More

  • LEGO Novelties October 2024: Star Wars, Batman, Super Mario, Minecraft

    LEGO Novelties October 2024: Star Wars, Batman, Super Mario, Minecraft Exploring the Latest Minecraft Updates in October 2024 As the world of LEGO continues to expand, the month of October 2024 brings exciting new additions to the lineup. From Star Wars to Batman, Super Mario Bros, and Minecraft, there is something for every fan to enjoy. Let’s dive into the details of the latest Minecraft updates featured in this month’s LEGO releases. Discovering New Minecraft Sets One of the highlights of the October 2024 LEGO releases is the introduction of new Minecraft sets. These sets allow players to bring their favorite blocky world to life through intricate LEGO designs…. Read More