Luz Noceda: Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Ep 2

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So I am looking this Way let me get the chat here until you pulled up it pulled up here uh let me steer this Streaming um Hello everyone hi hey welcome welcome to uh Minecraft story mode this is season 2 episode two um oh make sure my camera is working here you want to wait until some of these people come in um but yeah welcome back to Story mod uh we’re going to be playing season 2

Episode 2 giant consequences a powerful fall emerges in Beacon town and subjects Jesse to some bizarre and deadly challenges friendships will be tested and new alliances formed as Jesse fights to save the world from this Mighty enemy Let’s Start Episode Two baby episode one yesterday woo boozy it was a

It was a doozy it was a boozy it was a koozie it’s a cruzi it’s a souie it’s a movie it was a movie previously on Minecraft story mode old friends come in and move out of life while new friends show up to fill the spaces Left Behind hello guys

Welcome to Minecraft story mode this is new episode 2 I very excited to play this man yes we might not like it but eventually everyone learns that nothing can escape change forever I still wonder what that thing is though no matter how Frau with danger it

May seem The Lure of cannot be denied sometimes the danger itself is the pull Al sorry for guys sorry for streaming this really late um sorry Minecraft story mode is late today um I was supposed to stream earlier but most my was in the secret we’re here now though this new

Threat was more personal than any that had come before and the fight for their lives shook the foundation of everything they thought possible but in the end the town was saved the heroes had oh the town was saved uh Lucas not about that one man for just one moment that maybe things

Really hadn’t changed at all and then that moment passed baby oh y’all hit that like button if you’re excited for Minecraft story mode season 2 episode 2 here I’m really excited to play this uh last yesterday’s episode the way it ended oh boy oh hello greetings D people I and the

An sorry that was probably really loud to your pathetic tiny de what does that mean what does it want scared right now well guess Jack’s eye wasn’t enough for it I wish to speak with Jesse the GED Bearer honey I didn’t want your G what’s going on where did it come

From uh well quit wishing admin because I’m right here I know that’s why I was like looking right come speak with me face to face all right oh boyman have you ever heard of such a thing Jesse what’s going on here goldet beer is all rather suspicious isn’t it

Uh everyone everyone hi there’s nothing to worry about the giant prison Marine Colossus and I going to work this out and everything can get back to normal I swear okay so an admin a huge Colossus in our door I’m all right with not freaking out yet you’re going to fix this right

Jesse uh you won’t let it destroy Beacon town will you don’t worry everyone I’m going to try talking to it okay diplomacy nice that sounds good I would like to proceed goldet era do not test my patience guess you should get up there Gauntlet Bearer coming your

Way thanks n perfect do I want to talk to this man Petra help hi what’s up bro ah there you are Jesse Yeah Hi how are you doing I love what you did with the Wither storm awesome stuff what this is going to be perfect uh you’ve got an

An why yes thanks for noticing seriously you’re a natural okay that’s why I left you the golet you left it detention down to the Sea Temple but now your true test begins it is time you fight um fight me Champion unless you’d like to see that happen to your entire

Town who knows what I’ll do next Yeah that that I don’t none of those choices seems good fighting in broad daylight is boring let’s let drama oh he’s powerful he is power oh boy so much for them just yo chat chat who’s ready for this fight cuz I am not ready for this

Fight dude I ain’t ready for this fight hello Sasha how’s your day huh my day is great I’m G to fight this man uh do I have to fight You are you going to smack me yeah okay yep let’s move move okay oh my God I need a friend here Petra really not good Beacon town is going to be like like one big smash V to this guy not even miss Butter’s going to do anything against that Colossus we need something

Bigger like uh the structure block find me time I’m going to plant some Arrow towers that you make tall dark and ugly regret smashing my town one major distraction coming up go Jess hey Stone Face over here yeah that’s right your courage is so much larger than your pumy

Size oh let’s see how you deal with the enchanted deliciousness of Miss butter I could peek my teeth with that blade Dam it down one block at a Time never distraction jie H Jessie byebye Where’s the structure block haa finders kers oh my God this tiny thing will save you Jesse not from me oh he just ate that oh my God okay what are we do here okay this is a little intense but I guess a giant

Colossus did follow me home hide and sea is Beneath You Jesse the champion should be better than this oh my God I’m not your Champion bro run run R if you’re going to be a coward Jesse just keep yourself on yeah what if I don’t want to though I’m going up I’m

Leaving go go so annoying CH how’s your day today my day has been eventful I’ll just say that that design on the back of his head I’ve seen it before prismarine soldiers back at the sea Temple had the same symbol there we are all right admin you

Want to fight you got one here I am looking a little helpless champion of you Champion their sastic hey rock face eat this oh nice my boy oh Jesus Christ oh where am I going good to see you too is that quick version the admin he like built the world or something uh

Okay are you all right I mean he really had you up there Lucas you just saved my life thank you of course I always wanted to ride into battle how do we take this thing down I sure hope you got an idea here I saw a spot on back of his head I’m

Hoping might be the key to defeating him you car down sounds like I better keep him distracted then thanks Lucas Be Careful by Boy come now chesse all this stalling is just making me angrier hey lockhead you want Jesse you need to go through me first I don’t think you stand a

Chance hey an oh boy your prot stop shooting arrows at him that’s not going to do anything please all these interruptions are become annoying that ends oh shoot look at move look at move see what you Got all right we’re going straight in not in there jump jump jump jump go I knew you’d come eventually you know anything about me oh yeah he’s going to smack you how about we move real quick where are you I’m sorry sure would be A no bro oh no yo he just smash Ruben’s funer okay no you’re dead now you’re dead you’re dead you’re dead you’re going to wish you hadn’t done that admin oh you’re dead you are 100% dead come here oh boy you do not ruin my Pig’s funeral they think you can defeat

Me I don’t think I know confidence well for why Champ What The Hell uh that seemed too easy that was really something stay behind me Stampy don’t T me oh man these are going to keep coming in until we get the sun back up any idea how to use

It tail cell game present well what do y’all think of this episode so far I I’m enjoying it I I had fun that was a really cool fight really really cool Fight Man Minecraft story mode season F thank Goodness have me in the camera here uh of course if you’re like what you’re seeing with Minecraft story mode uh consider hitting that like button uh that makes me to get these episodes out faster and hopefully next time it shouldn’t take as long for M CFT REM mode to come Out so Yeah I can’t believe it still works man this thing could be super dangerous how sure are you that this admin guy is gone make a compelling Point Lucas my hand is still trapped in this freaky Gauntlet yeah not to be a warrior but he might not be as dead as we hope I’m

Worried enough for both of of us someone should keep an eye on this thing yeah I can take First Watch actually actually I’ll volunteer I want to help Jesse I’d say we both do it but one of us should really get started on the repairs it’s a nice gesture but maybe

You should just let me handle it look I promise then the minute I see anything out of the ordinary I’m coming to get you as fast as my hustle sticks will carry me my uh my legs come on Jesse I can do this Jesse’s left me in charge before

This is a whole new level though yeah yeah yeah should we give it to Lucas or should we give it to radar I kind of feel like giving it to radar though cuz he did I did put him in charge last episode and the town looked great before well what just happened but

Yeah let me know what who should we do I’ll give radar I’ll give it to radar for not all right radar I officially Beque on you the title of clockmaster thank you Jesse I solemnly promise to uphold the duties of clockmaster and to only use my powers for good well yeah good that’s Good so what are you going to do now I figured I’d start with Reuben’s Memorial got pretty trashed oh man well that’s terrible I’m so sorry that admin just no respect it’ll be all right damage isn’t too terrible that’s a really good outlook and um when I asked you what you’re going to

Do I was actually talking about that glove of yours I got to tell you Jesse this whole admin thing it’s well it’s very you I guess is what I’m saying what that mean you say you’re trying to settle down run Beacon town but just seems like you can’t quit that life you know I mean you don’t exactly see Axel and Olivia getting mixed up in stuff like this I don’t care if that life keeps trying to drag me back I like beac in town I like helping people that’s great then I mean the people clearly love you I

Uh I didn’t say any of that Stu to be mean we’ve had a ton of Adventures and I just want you to be happy and that’s what that little pig wanted for all of us now go rebuild his Monument I promised Stampy and Stacy I’d help them get their houses fixed up

Sounds good I’ll see you later Lucas okay let’s see what we can do for you Buddy oh we have to get to build this time oh nice I love I love like getting to build in this season this is like really really fun okay Okay ay um uh Lots happened uh you missed a lot uh admin came in and trashed the place so uh yeah that was Fun I’m watching fairy Island today nice you’re really going to love this series Finale it’s emotional it’s it’s it’s a lot I’m just going to say that it’s a lot but it’s very good so uh I would say have your tissues ready I guess I would Des how I would describe it have your tissues Ready Y’all think the admin’s dead I think the admin’s de I don’t think he’s dead I think he’s alive Somehow who know maybe that is the big secret of this episode if he’s alive or Not Yeah I’m not a builder so this is the Reuben I’m so sorry but I’m not a Builder there now that is a monument fit for Reuben sure yeah I know I never met Robin oh right righteous oh by the way was looking for you before over that away thanks Petra what’s up oh people ah people are using his body parts I guess come on you remember twisting death C

You couldn’t even look at him bat for months right oh oh yes they all just start to blur together after a while hey guys Petra around Hur she was looking for me oh uh yeah um helping NM get some stuff I think she should be back in a

Second oh amazing work fighting that admin fellow by the way just stunning yeah I would have thought you’d been doing it your whole life oh I can’t take all the credit you guys totally helped too spare me the pity props Jesse don’t need pity I’m I’m just saying I know I’m

Still getting used to fighting with only one eye it’s cool I’m just glad my Shop’s all right it’s a little sad that the legendary Jack the the iron sword of Muji lake has been reduced to some what tour guide boss that’s why I think this adventure to

Twisting death Cavern is just what you need to be sure what you should continue to keep just talking about for someday far off uh yeah yeah agreed you’re terrible liar theoretical conversations okay yes W I thought Jack was a bad liar you’re pretty terrible attit two

Boss yes okay fine we we have a new adventure plann hang on hang on I missed that last part if we take that road it goes through a swamp and a Mesa biome oh Petra you lying to me again CER we leave the better wait you’re leaving with these guys uh

Yeah and that’s uh yeah that’s why we were um being weird before and uh you know talking about uh you know POS possible stuff that’s cool I guess is this really that important to you I yes kind of Jesse I promise I can explain I just who what um it’s

Uhuh it’s snowing it’s impossible this isn’t this A the one and I SP your last battle super epic just couldn’t stay away wait you’re the admin well that giant prismarine Colossus just a construct hold it up for the occasion pretty fun right I just thought it’d be a little easier to talk like this was kind of cuddly right

Fighting a giant statue in the middle of town okay yeah that was kind of cool uh see I knew you know what I was talking about see you four went into my temple back out alive Heroes you’re perfect for my Creations perfect where are you going

With this got a new challenge for you trust me you’re going to love BR what’s happening Dude oh boy you hear that that’s a diamond class wave of Doom and destruction headed right for Town pretty good right I’m working on that one you’re insane I know you have your plans or whatever but leave my people out of it they’re innocent innocent oh

In ah dude H what the freak seems like they’ve got you pretty motivated your town will be trapped in Eternal snowy night forever pled by deadly waves of mobs until you recapture that clock which is where I’m glad you ask it’s the tippy top of my awesome fantastic super deadly icy Palace of

Despair it’s simple just follow the you can’t miss this well that sounds needlessly dangerous oh it is I’m me I don’t want to brag but it is like really hard you’ll see you’re putting innocent people in danger just for your games yeah well technically you’re the

One putting them in danger if you don’t go after the clock so why are you doing this what do you want from us why what why well because it’s fun obviously yeah yeah yeah yeah should we should we should we attack the freaking allaf Man attack the allaf man Maybe hello Zer I didn’t see you there for a second um I kind of want to attack him he’s Being he’s being a little jerk here talk let’s see let’s see what happens this is you think you’ve got it all figured out don’t you ah strange pesy little consequence of Eternal Night and Beacon Town’s new neighbors until you take care of that clock remember find the clock save the town bye-bye

Now you we need to protect the people run hide everyone hey hey hey relax relax you was not hurting people come here boy ow ow what does that do I don’t know what that does what what’s happening I can’t Get die you serious Okay how much do I have to deal with in this oh God come here what I I oh my God oh my God SN recharge oh my God recharge I’m about to die about Die I suck I swear I swear I was dodging chat you have to believe me chat I was doing I swear I was doding I swear I was you have to believe me oh my god dude I can’t move on Sho I’ve got a bad feeling

On the oh God I swear I was hitting it Jessie I so sorry I was standing watching it so close just disappeared I know now the situation is just going to get worse until we get it back from whatever wherever you’re going I’m coming com to I was given the title and

The power of master master if it’s to keep s safe I’ll do anything do anything oh man proud of Radar really of course I won’t let you all right everyone let let you come along this one friend promise I will come back I will come Back just protect the town while we’re gone right yeah ner let’s go is that that thing gone yeah for now block this up as we leave would you on it yes we will defend Beacon town with our very lives thanks guys bye n we’re all counting on you I wish I

Knew more about whatever their Quest is oh man really really intense start to to episode two here uh I’m really excited oh stay close I don’t mean to sound suspicious but do we really think admin is going to keep his word about this clock yeah how exactly get a trustworthy vibe off

Him if he knows what’s good for him he better keep his deal we get the clock to from Eternal darkness and hey if he doesn’t stick to the deal we’ll just need to find another punchier way to convince him good boy hey Jesse uh can we um

Talk I just walk a little more over here oh right uh uh oh my God I love R now R now is like my favorite character in this so far I promise it’s not like it seems it’s just a little trip a little time away from Beacon town

To I don’t know find myself you’re going to come back right sure of course I I really am sorry that it happened this way I I was just so excited to be hanging out with real hardcore adventurers again especially because I was worried that you that you didn’t meet me anymore

A of course I need you that’s ridiculous see this is why it would have been so much easier if you hadn’t found out like this it’s just everything so different from when we first became friends Everything’s changed Lucas Axel Olivia they all changed too they found what made them happy their thing

But I still haven’t found mine do you know how hard that is how how that feels I mean if I’m honest it does seem like Adventure as you’re calling the open road right that’s kind of what I thought too is am I the only one who kind of

Ships Jesse and Petra here just just a little bit Man hey is that a scar on that llama ran away again uh excuse me speaking for the group niama where’d she come from this is Luna she’s kind of cute right we returned her to her owner Stella hey she is cute isn’t she everyone get away from my llama oh my

God no Jesse my rival should have known I would find you here yeah hi Stella hi that’s all you have to say for yourself go away please I hate you okay what is going on here Lucas this is Stella leader of champion City this is Jack Voss and

Radar ja was it as in the legendary champion so what exactly are you doing here Stella my beautiful city is currently covering in a hideous coat of snow that’s what I came out to investigate and surprise surprise it’s you if you’re smart you’ll undo whatever it is you did

And put things right again just wow you are you are just just wow absolutely delusional am I want no you are we’re chasing the bad guy that did it you really think Jesse has the power to do something like this all right let’s say I I suppose I’ll just have to

Find a way to fix it it’s my world too after all you’ll see I’ll fix it all on my own I don’t need any of you losers stu okay that’s me so Stella saying I was saying that maybe I’ll stick around for a bit just to keep an eye on

You oh my God I hate you you’re ni you know I’ve been thinking about it and I totally agree that Adventure is probably the closest I’ve got to a thing but did this adventure really has to include I don’t know man oh man a company divided that’s an

Achievement you okay right now yes yes totally fine guys sh we need to keep an eye whoa whoa yo of look at this man and it’s all ice astounding I know oh my God I’m right there with you Jack that is incredible it’s like I was telling you

Radar never a dull moment hey that’s awesome man dude why do I actually want to build that with someone here how are we going to get up well the ad mentioned challenges I’m guessing there’s going to be like obstacles or something when we get wait do I have this

Are you telling me that this admin is so powerful he built all of this instantly you sound almost jealous almost of course I’m jealous of power like that power is how the world is run little man it’s what people respect what they listen to Stella I know you haven’t met him yet

But I promise you the admin is nuts yeah you really don’t want any part of that trust me huh lesser Minds often do mistake true genius for madness on second thought maybe I can’t wait for you to meet him still you’ll never change Oh I thought I recognized you you’re the

Quitter who used to work on my inventory management team wa wait do do you shoot yeah I uh I used to live in Champion City what I don’t know what he told you to get on this little team but I don’t think he even knows how to use

Sword oh you don’t know anything Stella so dipp it oo how do you put up with that little voice Jessie I know I never could hey radar is Really Brave all right yeah really super Brave I’m sure who even invited you anyway I’m just telling you Jesse I’d be careful about

Counting on him for anything come along Luna thanks Jesse I appreciate that I’m not the person she thinks I am anymore I’ve changed and I can prove it I can be different braver if that’s what the situation requires I’ll do it as far as I’m concerned radar you don’t need to

Change just be you see and that’s what makes you one million times the leader she’ll ever be a that’s nice radar I love that would you looking at that haven’t seen anything that grand since the last time I visited the overcompensating Builders of no kidding oh boy my favorite mystery

Levers mystery levers guys we got mystery who wants to pull it who want to pull this mystery lover oh it’s me okay what’s going on ah hello everyone please please gather around don’t be shy here we go again oh look how many of you there are lovely your choice of

Company I don’t know I mean this place is really for the best of the best not how do I say this losers Mr admin Mighty sir I’m Stella founder Champion City maybe you’ve heard of me no never it’s actually perfect Champion I can see you all have dreams of greatness it’s very

Cute this construct before you it’s meant to see who’s worthy of that greatness separate the strong from the week so we’ll see how your little companions do hey well don’t even worry about it because my friends here aren’t weak mhm cool if you say so M come now

Don’t be that way this this is all for you new creatures of my own design as well as mining fatigue at every turn wouldn’t one you’re cheating of course I don’t like rule Breakers it’s simple you all want to get to that clock but only

The best of the best get to partner up with me in the future to be you took this place up just for you I was pretty well I was going to say pretty cool but with a whole ice Motif that just seems like I was going for a lame pun something anyway people’s

Lives are at stake here can’t say I care for your attitude but that’s fine you’ll figure it out soon Enough oh man oh god dude oh my god dude I like him he’s like really goofy oh nice Jack nice landing ah it’s nothing it’s just my perfect reflexes and photographic muscle memory oh my god dude I love this how are y’all feeling about this episode so far I’m loving this will you

Shut yes now I suppose the only way out is through yeah and smashing that clock well we’re not all going to be smashing the clock say what now you heard the admin he only wants the best of the best and that’s going to be me oh

My God girl you’ve got to be kidding sorry handsome might as well quit now uh-uh no ways Stella I’m taking you down oh I knew you were my rival Jesse wow it’s it’s amazing it is fun you’re his little buddy Jesse you know anything about this a partnership he’s offering I don’t know imagine everything you could create everything you could do with a prize like that all I know is that I don’t trust anything the admin

Says um I’d agree with that come on Luna enough of these losers we’ve got treasure to find that’s weird treasure snipping llama mhm yeah tell your friends hey hey no oh that poor llama what he don’t treat Luna like that she obviously hates it I think I know my darling Luna a

Little better than you do hey let’s go Luna can we save the Llama please that is certainly a woman who knows what she wants you kidding she’s nuts well no one knows better than me that the admin’s traps and constru FS mean business you’ve got a point there

Old friend I don’t want to see anyone else get hurt yes and it’s like the admin said not everyone here might be up for the task I needan no offense but just staying fat all in this together all right no one’s getting left behind here fine if something happens to them

That’s on you not me come with me Jack let’s try and scul this place out oh man I’m I’m going to go talk to well I have never been so offended not in my whole life yeah that wasn’t the coolest wasn’t the coolest oh no misfiling your AA work during material

Organization week isn’t the coolest that was that was a stripe too far just because I’m got some sword swinging mad they think they can just walk all over me they they think they they look at me and my well my my skin alarms oh my God

Radar I love radar they they know me they are wrong dead wrong I mean I have been an embarrassment sometimes but it stops here it ends today and I I guess I’m done dude I love this I this eternal there are a lot of scared people back beac who are counting on

Us you’re right we were talking and decided that it would be best for everyone if radar stays here with Lucas while we go get the clock dang that’s it Luna darling she’s got the clock set later losers wasting time wait it’s like Jesse said we can’t trust the

Admin sure it looks like Luna found something but that’s just what the admin wants us to think you saw the Llama Jesse you’re coming right oh no you’re making me choose one we can really use a hand over here oh boy Petra oh God y’all chat chat Lucas Lucas or Petra oh No oh why make me choose bro oh God okay we got one for Petra oh God because of Jackson oh maybe I don’t know Petra all right looks like we’re going with Petra then all right I’m coming Petra coming I’m going with them be safe okay okay oh oh no I didn’t mean to make you guys sad oh no I feel bad now I feel bad

Now oh boy oh Wow that is sick dude like they all developed this dude that was that’s sick put your hands in the air W okay I’m going to befe yeah oh stupidness yeah I love this wow that was too close hey guys all right oh all Right oh Bo here we got we got like spider type thing where did that strange woman and her llama go no idea I wanted to see if it really had the treasure sniffing power she said it did guess we got a little separated during that crazy roller coaster ride

This place is nuts yeah no kidding I’m not complaining about less time with Stella but I hope that we can find radar and Lucas again after we get the clock anything can happen to them they’re not exactly the most worriers if you know what I mean yeah yeah hopefully they

Come out the other side all right yeah I hope so too well I’m just psych to have you with us Jesse just like old times right well I’m guessing none of your old times had you up against a villain as powerful is the admin though that guy is

Crazy powerful and just plain crazy h no kidding he puts any of our old foes to shame that’s why we’re going to be very careful don’t worry Jack man yeah that’s what’s s actually as we continue playing this episode um who is your favorite character in Minecraft story

Mode mine’s Petra I love Petra so much I was feeling that too really really cool character like anything thiss everything’s decorated with Dread and garnished with doom we got out of the sea temple in one piece well some of us left a piece or two behind we’ll be fine Jack I

Hope oh it is great to see you in here his name my favorite group true story and I just know this room it’s simple all you need to do is find your way out so we have to escape the room I guess you could put it that way you

Won’t get any hints from me though I’m sure you understand right real heroes live for surprises unexpected dangers oh that’s all right tell me I’m cool with spoilers I just told you I’m not going to spoil the surprise just play along here all right NM slay get this

Proverbial I feel glad that NM didn’t come with us on this adventure oh shoot don’t worry they’re right there there now will you be able to get them back out is the question boy you just can’t stop putting me in kers can you you you are a

Riot really this man is crazy bro farewell now and uh good luck this man is crazy okay Escape time all right okay well let’s yeah let’s talk to Petro real quick let’s talk to Petra Petra how you doing oh not really well you’re in

C i I think it’s supposed to be a cobweb but half the blocks are missing huh okay pet talk yeah Jack any ideas Jack of course I do plenty don’t which one bro you don’t have any ideas all right you have B you okay well every time I approach the ice

I get cursed some some kind of mining fatigue I think I suppose this contraption holds some kind of clue huh any thoughts on how to get through the ice Ice wait can I give what what do I have oh torch EAS I have TCH oh that’s so simple why didn’t I think of that it’s been a while boss all right let’s see it worked nice what’s in there Redstone here you go should help what am I supposed to be making here

Oh Jack don’t like that Jack you got something to say buddy door here definitely the way out what is this diamonds so this was the treasure that llama was after one puzzle at a time Jesse one puzzle at a time yeah does Petra have anything else yeah pet

What’s up what you got back there I I think it’s supposed to be a but half thex Miss can I give you to this no I cannot okay I can’t do anything else but Petra there’s this I can use this time to build wait what am I building you uh what Oh am I building a spider oh dude oh God uh I do not know what a spider from Minecraft looks like uh it’s been a while since I’ve played Minecraft um oh boy this is going to go super well 100% Guys uh oh boy oh that’s not what I want I can’t land here okay wait wait so am I wait am I supposed to be building a creeper here wait what is the creeper I’m supposed to be over here I can’t place anything there though uh uh half creeper half spider Charming

Uh just do the same pattern on the other half wait what Hold Up Hold I’m not I have to sear what a creeper looks like cuz I do not know what a creeper looks like I know what a creeper looks like I don’t know know how to build it though like exact

Um oh boy this is going to be a great challenge okay I think it’s that and then that no that no no that’s not what that cre f i I don’t want to mess this up I uh I don’t okay okay hold up I know this goes here the black Parts trying

To figure out yeah that’s what I’m trying to do I don’t hold up you get removed I have more play clay here Oho there’s no way I actually don’t know I’m actually going to have the search of what a creeper looks like oh my God this is amazing creep Minecraft all

Right okay okay okay I think I got it I think I got it remove wait hold on remove that I eyes here oh hold up I got it I got it I got it that a creeper what hold up what what what what um excuse me I’m so

Confused cuz I can’t do anything on this side either um dude I am actually stuck no cuz I know this goes here I know this goes here there unless unless the eyes are deeper down do half of the creeper head oh H wait what let me cover this up all in green

All right so that that oh okay yep I think we got it I hope we got it you go down here you go here you go there oh now I’m deciding now I should I’m bro I feel like I should have gone with Lucas now oh my god dude What am I being stupid am I stupid or am I bro What is that not what a creeper looks like what oh Petra Petra hold up what you got back there I’m got P stuff I I think it’s supposed to be a butock oh oh okay yeah I’m being stupid okay okay yeah okay okay I see what I got to

Do I see what I got to do okay I see I see I see no don’t let use use okay so half of half of the blocks are missing hold up okay wait so let me look at Petra over here real quick so there’s a Green Block

Here okay so there’s some in the corner there this is here right okay this goes Here okay hold on and then one possibly goes here and then then we put in right oh the here bro what hold up yo chat chat chat chat ch ch ch chat chat hold up okay CH I’m going need yall help help me here a little bit can someone

Screenshot this like take a picture and like give me like a pattern I I think it’s supposed to be a c web but half the block yeah can someone yeah can someone like take a picture of that what you got back there I I think

It’s supposed to be a web but half the block let me talk to one more time just so yall can get the pr what you got back there I I think it’s supposed to be a cob web but half the block room okay hold up I’ll post it

Okay see if we can try to get like directions as well like left right up down oh man I should have I think I should have gone with Lucas I think Lucas would have been easier not going to lie that Minecraft story mode would actually like get me angry here

Cuz this I know that’s not where it Goes I posted it Okay okay okay so okay let’s look at this let’s look at this okay so one okay there then it’s like two here right no no no there’s two here here then eyes a thing it’s wrong though is that not a creeper hold on wait wait wait that’s the cre that that’s a

Creeper bro that’s a creeper is it not so do I need to take away a block dude I Half okay I think I see who the thing now yeah I see I see okay okay I now I see all right green green green Green this green black green green black black green wait is that wrong oh no never mind no it’s not no it’s not okay green for the

Rest all right there you go not quite enough to finish the design yeah I’ll be back okay I do appreciate the the help the was thank you thank you all for trying to help me out with this I appreciate it okay so now it’s green for the rest of

This no no no no no no no no no no there we go now let’s talk to Patra what you got did you supped to be but half the blocks are missing wait what uh huh uh what do I give the Redstone to boss here boss that very impressive bit of

Thinking almost annoyed I didn’t think of it myself okay boss has no more dialogue than that right so wait is it hold on let me tell you this cuz I need to do something with redstone here wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on hold

On let me give let me do that let me do that let me do that let me give the clay to Petra see what she does this clay should fill up the spots in the floor all right hold on okay let’s see Petra are you safe oh give that to her oh

Okay man now I just wish Lucas was with us too bummer that radar was being so with come on you think we can move this along time’s a wasting I mean like literally that clock is still up there hey we’re going to get out of this okay

I know I just this place isn’t exactly uh my speed by which I mean it’s too slow I mean I almost have this thing figured out it’s all in the planning he has no clue got to plan little more all right so we’re just bowling a full-on

Spider in here there’s a full on spider here then which looks easy enough cuz like they give me the pattern here that that Okay H what hey I know the admin is kind of nuts I can’t help but think all this is kind of cool but sure wouldn’t mind being out of here wait what what am I doing wrong I’m so confused dude I am really confused is that not what I’m was supposed to do

Um so that yeah wait what yeah that’s the pattern unless I talk to Jack here Jack you got any idea yeah what is it I don’t got all day oh wait I do because we’re locked in this room man Jack what is your problem right now nothing nothing bugs me just

Waiting for you to figure this out that’s all what that doesn’t help me I can’t talk to anyone else dude what yo I’m so confused and I can’t talk to Petra again oh this is hurting my brain this is actually hurting my brain what am I doing wrong hold up unless it’s This then I need to bro I yeah I should have won with Lucas cuz I I don’t this is pissing me off hold up I got to look up the tutorial for this game bro what hold up spider puzzle Minecraft story mode cuz what the

Freak am I supposed to do I’m confused I is confused the right Stone goes here oh okay then go then another Redstone goes here then another Redstone goes here okay and then the black play goes here tutorial guys finally looks as perfect as a creepy statue oh oh oh okay

Chat I got it you had to do the opposite you had to do a different direction we did it we’re out we’re leaving let’s leave I’m done wait to go I knew you’d figure it out hey w we figured it out um I found a tutorial that was helpful

And what you actually had to do was do that same pattern on the other side but do it in the opposite direction that uh yeah thanks well you’re very welcome of course okay what okay what now uh guys what the hell um everyone run those are not SP

Those are spiders but what type of spiders are those another puzzle oh my God Jesse we’ll hold them off get that door open on it just need to make something to activate that Redstone circuit again there’s got to be something in here we can use would Bella chest his spider eyes

E that’s gross okay go come on here get guys I got it it’s a ch ch can it get us out of here all Let’s Help ass wood slabs nether quartz that sounds like the recipe for a daylight sensor those only work if there’s sunlight oh my God never go let’s

See what do I need to do go go oh my God so the door aha it was for a daylight sensor go put it in I totally know how to use one of those give it here are you sure yeah of course completely I uh just need a sec

To put the uh oh my Jack hurry dude get us out of here Jack we’ll be through this room in a single wag of a sheep sluy tail what I got it okay let’s go let’s do this let let me Down we are leaving Jack come on B oh freak oh no oh boy he’s not dead right he is he’s in water he’s in water oh man Jack boss I let you down buddy again dude I don’t think he’s dead I think he’s okay help him you could have saved

Him I was trying to be trapped trapped in the cold obsidian conscious of the ATM Jack I tried he was just too far maybe you try a little harder next time hey come on both of you Lucas radar Lucas where’s radar the room it was too much for us

There were arrows and snowballs flying everywhere Jesse I did the best I could but oh help oh God no one deserves this not even steth she might stuck up and she doesn’t really treat anyone that nicely but radar needs us tell us they totally impossible that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t help

Her not a point on man okay no no no no no no this is all wrong people wrong get out of here you’re not supposed to help each other the losers are supposed to lose but this guy there is no way he would have made it out if

You weren’t giving him the intellectual assist you should have just cut him loose jettison that baggage seeing someone like you who H he’s as good as any of us he has just as much right to be here Fine you can be shoot him shoot him chances one condition man not good no not good oh God no it’s does on his own eh what do you think the chances are without You oh God oh my God uh we got to help Him have to maneuver past all that cacti floating lava just that’s crazy there’s a door go go for the door he not going to make it you can’t just stand here Jesse here we go oh boy come on come on Jesse oh boy Jack the door what where

There I I’m not going to make it grab on to me how do you do that photographic muscle memory this this is Impossible the admin told us to go through this stupid challenge but maybe we could find another way did any Luna that llama can get to the other side of the wall so can We yeah we’re never punching through that anyone got anything to make a pickaxe I have some sticks three diamonds that sounds like a diamond pickaxe to me man how y’all feel about this episode man I I’ve been enjoying this dude this has been so much fun oh let’s go baby hey

Luna the two they’re going up and our friends went up that’s where we’re headed to uh hate to point out the obvious but we can’t climb oh no yeah how do you guys rate this episode um from 1 to 10 so far I I think it’s a 10 10 10 10 in my

Book there we’re getting close what if the an comes back and finds out the broke his stuff there’s no telling how long we have before the ad figures out what we’ve done it’s going to feel like like really really mad yeah no kiddy done swing can’t he probably Chang

It up on us anyway like yeah yeah I guess that’s true hey look oh there you are hello the Jessie wo I don’t see boss though oh tight we’re coming to save you you better keep my mama safe especially from those especially from oh what are you more of the admin’s freaking

What the hell oh what is that what is that okay that’s an Enderman but what kind of okay where are you Luna man I hate those iy oh God bro what bro why Minecraft not out of those to the game yet you and me both oh my God thank goodness you’re all right

Sweetie oh man that looks like it hurt I thought you were really in trouble one minute you were falling through the air and the next boom crazy stuff my for your voice is sh you and me both buddy that was freaking scary I’m glad it

Wasn’t just me then look no man I wasn’t the last of the Ender Creeper things but I still can’t see boss we’re going to have to divide and conquer here people one of you go for the clock one of you come with me and Lucas to rescue the

Others guys we’re running out of time I I feel like I want Petra to stay with me cuz I think like we know her the most so we need our best guy on that clock and you’re him buddy do it for nerd right but you better find boss we

Will a be careful is very very fible go careful it’s the only way I know Luna Sweetie SM Luna but but why Jesse coming to my rescue just like I tripped it I’m just so glad you’re okay I was worried H yeah you and me both Jesse I might want to hurry you’ve got monsters incoming come on R we got to get you out fast okay okay

Okay okay I got a feeling they won’t be gone for long Jesse hello Stella I could have found that clock obviously but there was some signage that was very confusing and well I going to wound up here kept hoping the admin would drop by so I could explain the confusion but when we

Do talk you better believe that he’s going to realize I am the perfect friend and partner for him it will be divine you know Stella now that I think about it you and the admin would be perfect for each other Jesse I swear thank you

I’ve had a bit of a hard day I needed that fine enough chitchat how about you get me on out here you’re unbelievable okay fine just don’t make me regret it all right no you would our Fates are intertwined after all who are either of us without the other

Ow good to go Jack nice come guys let’s get up one now let’s get to that clock all right let’s go baby ow amazing hey I ever tell you about the time I freed the bandari fish Chasers no then I won’t bother because it wasn’t nice D night not to interrupt all the

Celebrating but escaping I can’t leave without Foss go ahead guys we’ll catch up just just hurry okay I don’t like worrying about you oh boy are youall ready for this ending man I’m I’m scared what’s your angle waiting around for the admin I need to find him

Don’t worry Jack I’m going to help you me too thank you well this is a little disappointing Foss oh I tried I really really did I how did you get here boss oh sh Jesse Jesse Jesse I I just don’t understand you let your friends go Jack was supposed to prove himself but

You just just C him every step of the way losers are supposed to lose Jesse boss friend what are you doing why are you saying these things you are really freaking me out right now Voss oh am I Voss why are you acting this way H haven’t you figured it out yet you

Don’t what the freak whoa he’s the admin you are a smart cookie Jesse of course I oh god oh boy time now oh not the whole time you nitwit the real boss would never have SE tap all that long you obviously just don’t have what it takes really be my friend my partner

Hang on there let’s just start over and discuss this friend thing from the top no no I’m afraid it’s too late for that oh God uh excuse me Mr admin sir I just wanted to say that I would love to be your partner but you lost technically dude what the

Freak I actually appreciate what you’re offering get Outside tell I don’t know if you’ve noticed but what he’s offering is absolutely crazy you can’t really mean this oh but I do Jesse Jesse I really appreciate you saving me love you mean it oh but you obviously don’t understand the magnitude of what this this Paragon is

Offering H dude Stella oh I have the skills but that is a terrific attitude oh God your attitude on the other hand oh well there’s nothing that hurts more than broken hopes I made this for you just for you and how do you repay me you cheated how could you do this to

Me hey we did exactly what you said didn’t we we got your stupid clock nah-uh nope you are more interested in saving those loser friends of yours that practically negates all of the other stuff oh my God I gave you so many chances oh God it has all been to waste no you

Might not be worthy what technically Jack here was the winner there are quite a few FRS we have to work through but we’ll get there in time no you can’t where did he go oh don’t even worry about it it’s not for a loser like you to worry about

Where the cool people go what the freak dude no me dude I said God guys to worry let’s let’s be reasonable now you really are just hopeless oh I got it letting you make me feel better I prefer to feel good where’s Jack where

Did he go could when I sent you two to a place where you’ll never see the light of day ever Again wa is that it oh oh God oh God oh no man I where did we go Cordon it’s probably off yeah probably uh we did get a post credit scene last time so another one here you must be a special class of trouble to end up here what the admin well this is where he sends the people who he has special

Plans for we going to jail you may have noticed it’s not a very nice place and the people well they’re not very nice either oh my Gosh yo I just got goosebumps I just got Goosebumps damn well everyone that was Minecraft story mode season 2 episode two oh my God that was really good that was really really good all right well before we go as always what we’re going to do with this episode is we’re going to read the description for the next one and see

What’s probably going to happen Jesse and the Gang must Brave a dangerous prison and even its more dangerous inmates to reach Secrets the secret at the prison’s heart but when the enemy tries to recruit Jesse’s friends will they all be able to resist the call oh boy that can mean many [ __ ] things

But I guess we’ll figure out tomorrow well thank you guys so much for watching this episode of inecraft story mode I really enjoyed it hope you guys loved it too and I will see you all tomorrow for episode 3 jailhouse block bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Story Mode Season 2-Episode 2(Full Playthrough)’, was uploaded by Luz Noceda on 2023-12-27 15:07:19. It has garnered 103 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:44:35 or 6275 seconds.

Hi I’m Luz Noceda,Who Likes To Play Games and React To Cartoons Like Amphibia and The Owl House

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  • INSANE Minecraft Piano Cover – Mice on Venus!

    INSANE Minecraft Piano Cover - Mice on Venus!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mice on Venus – MineCraft – C418 (Piano Cover)’, was uploaded by Team Gin Channel on 2024-06-25 12:52:25. It has garnered 969 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Date Filmed: june 25 2024 Keyboard: YAMAHA PSR E373 #music #keyboard #yamahapsre373 #piano Read More

  • Build Banter & Beyond

    Build Banter & BeyondWhat is our purpose? To create a community that can Build together, Banter with each other, & explore Beyond Minecrafts normal limits. With the goal of hopefully never resetting the world, instead, once we feel bored or want a change, we will move the spawn point far away. This gives people the chance to reset themselves by leaving their past gear, ores, etc. in their last area. If or when the spawn gets moved, people do not need to reset themselves; they can freely use their old base or bring stuff with them to the new area. Whats different? No… Read More

  • Harmony Falls SMP PVE Proximity Voice-Chat No Resets 1.20+ Java

    Are you looking for a friendly and exciting Minecraft server to join? Harmony Falls Server Details: Version: Java 1.20.1 (Updating to 1.21 soon!) IP: Discord: About Harmony Falls: Proximity Voice Chat: Optional feature allowing you to talk to nearby players. Towny & Economy: Build towns, establish relations, trade, or wage war with other players. PvE & PvP: Engage in battles against mobs or challenge others in arenas. Bosses/Dungeons: New bosses added regularly. Pets: Venture with companion animals like bears, griffins, and dragons. RPG Elements: Level up skills, choose paths, and go on quests. Events: Join tournaments, competitions, and… Read More

  • Chaos SMP: Lifesteal | 1.21 Update

    Chaos SMP: Lifesteal | 1.21 UpdateWelcome to Chaos SMP | Ip: | Version:Java 1.21Welcome to Chaos SMP, a semi-vanilla Minecraft server where community and fun are at the heart of everything we do! Our small, close-knit community and active staff team are excited to welcome you to join us.We strive to keep gameplay as close to vanilla as possible while offering a unique experience with our Lifesteal plugin for PvP enthusiasts. Our server encourages players to create or join teams and aim to be the best of the best, whether that’s through engaging in lore, PvP, or simply building.No Netherite armourPluginsLootable gravesLifestealTreefellerBetterteamsSimple voice chat Join… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Ultrarealistic Minecraft Memes”

    Minecraft Memes - "Ultrarealistic Minecraft Memes"Wow, Minecraft has really stepped up its graphics game! I can almost feel the creepers sneaking up behind me in ultra HD! Read More

  • Zombie Villager Oİ Oİ Oİ Hot Meme! #lit #minecraft

    Zombie Villager Oİ Oİ Oİ Hot Meme! #lit #minecraft When the Minecraft Villager hears the Oİ Oİ Oİ, you know it’s time to run because he’s about to drop the sickest beat in the zombie apocalypse! #dropthebeat #zombievillagerDJ Read More

  • Ultimate Inside Out Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Inside Out Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Inside Out 2 Portal Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you delve into the mysterious Inside Out 2 portal. Join the excitement as you navigate through this unique world filled with surprises and challenges. Discovering the Inside Out 2 Portal Step into the world of Minecraft and uncover the secrets of the Inside Out 2 portal. This portal offers a gateway to a realm unlike any other, where creativity and imagination collide. Features of Inside Out 2 Inside Out 2 is brimming with exciting features that will keep you engaged for hours on end…. Read More

  • Warden vs Golems: Epic Showdown!

    Warden vs Golems: Epic Showdown! Minecraft Warden vs Every Golem: A Clash of Titans Farm Details Farm Performance: The Minecraft Warden vs Every Golem showdown promises a thrilling battle with a farm performance ranging from +300 to +350 per hour! Farm Mode: This farm operates in a fully automatic mode, ensuring efficiency and convenience for players. Versions: Compatible with Minecraft versions 1.16 to 1.21, including the latest updates like 1.19.4 and 1.20.6. Platforms: Designed for Java Edition, this farm unfortunately does not support Bedrock Edition. Game Information Shaders: Enhance your gaming experience with complementary shaders that add visual appeal to the gameplay. Resource Pack:… Read More

  • DIMM4 – The Shocking Truth Behind Minecraft’s Stagnant Progression

    DIMM4 - The Shocking Truth Behind Minecraft's Stagnant ProgressionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why Minecraft’s Progression Hasn’t Progressed’, was uploaded by DIMM4 on 2024-07-11 20:05:52. It has garnered 1196 views and 191 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:19 or 1159 seconds. Why is the end still? Sources & Music: I imagine people will ask about this, the mod that has the selfie cam is Exposure mod. 0:00 Intro 2:06 The Middle 3:10 The End (but not really) 5:27 Lock the progression 8:33 Add a new dimension! 10:38 Objection! 12:01 What should they do then? 14:05 Main Story vs Side Quest 16:16 The real reason Read More

  • Sneaky New Minecraft Version Uncovered

    Sneaky New Minecraft Version UncoveredVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Forgotten Version Of Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Spencerismort on 2024-07-18 20:23:46. It has garnered 570 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:14 or 1274 seconds. Twitch: TAGS IGNORE!!! minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing,… Read More

  • DÍA 6 SHOCKER – Shadows of Vinland 🧟 #Minecraft

    DÍA 6 SHOCKER - Shadows of Vinland 🧟 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘día #6 Sombras de vinland 🧟 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Kaze Gameplays on 2024-06-04 21:00:02. It has garnered 11289 views and 636 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • Zacktheman15’s Insane 3-Day No Shower Challenge!!!

    Zacktheman15's Insane 3-Day No Shower Challenge!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘3 Days NO SHOWER!!! #shorts #shortsminecraft #minecraft #clips #gaming #twitch #funny #funnyclips’, was uploaded by Zacktheman15 on 2024-01-10 23:23:07. It has garnered 2204 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🚿 Dive into the unfiltered hilarity with ZackTheMan15 as he candidly confesses to the unthinkable: going three days without a shower! 😂 Join us in this side-splitting clip where Zack lays bare his hygiene secrets and unleashes a wave of laughter. 🤣 From the disbelief in his voice to the reactions of those around him, this moment is… Read More


    🔥🔴 TOP TRENDING MINECRAFT GFX PACKS! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘TRENDING MINECRAFT GFX PACKS 😱😍|| Gfx packs for Minecraft’, was uploaded by Plugy Playz on 2024-05-17 13:20:33. It has garnered 99 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:50 or 110 seconds. In this video I will give you the most popular and most trending gfx packs for your Minecraft videos and motion background and more so don’t forget to like and subscribe #gfxpacks #minecraftgfx #trendinggfx #plugyplayz #rskplayz ————————————- Join My discord server now 👇 ——————————————— 🔖📌TAGS minecraft gfx pack,free minecraft gfx pack,gfx pack for minecraft,how to make minecraft thumbnails,minecraft,minecraft gfx… Read More