Magical Enchanting Cottage in Minecraft 🌷

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Hiy everyone welcome back to another long play with commentary the world of clover veil has been coming out amazingly and the last time we were here we built up this beautiful animal barn and farmland to house all of our cows and sheep and get lots and lots of crops

This has been so helpful in having a supply of food and leather and wool for all of our decorative needs in this world but as you can see from my hot bar my tools have taken a beating I’m already on my third diamond pickaxe of this world and it’s only episode 3 and

We can go through a lot less pickaxes if we get some Enchanted tools so that’s what we’re going to be doing today building up an enchanter’s library now between episodes I’ve been pretty busy in this world as you can see all of the crops are at varying stages of growth

Because I’ve been harvesting them when they’re all done I even made some hamburgers over on a live stream here on YouTube but decorating my house which I will show you in a moment and making hamburgers has not been the only thing we’ve been up to in our first live

Stream in this world here on YouTube we found a skeleton spawner across the lake and since then we have turned that spawner into an XP farm and we can use this elevator to go up and down very easily now it was Valentine’s Day so obviously it’s very Valentine themed in

Here but we have a little place to sit and enjoy you know a cake with a kitchen we added so many cute decorations in this room like some plushies and yeah we also have been getting a lot of hats as you can see from the chest and I even

Got this hat that I’m wearing right now from there we also have 50 levels already so we have a ton of levels as long as we don’t die today before we can enchant to work with once the enchanting setup is built and the skeletons are fall down they’re all one hit kills and

Then everything goes into this iron barrel down here where we get hats and bones and everything else basically now if we’re talking about location for our library today I think it makes the most sense to just build it right here as we can just move the elevator block up or

To wherever we need to move it to and yeah then we can easily go up and down grab XP and then enchant while we’re passing it here I think it’ll probably be smart if we get all of our sugar cane because we’re going to need a lot of it to make

Bookshelves and I want to grab our flax as well because this is actually a good supply of string as you can just turn the flax into string and the string we need for a lot of decorative blocks from the cluttered mod but also for upgrading our backpack and upgrading our chest and

All that kind of stuff later on plus it’s never a bad idea to have some stringling around in case you want to you know stop bamboo from growing or sugar cane or what have you and I’m very happy with the amount of sugarcane that we’re grabbing although let me just

Check the water because I always get nervous that I’m dropping some in the water and yeah we have just over a stack now I’ve done some work over here on the starter house as well that I want to show you very quickly but we’re going to go downstairs before we go upstairs

Stairs as there’s a little bit of an update in our storage area and that update starts well right over here as I’ve sort of made a little villager kind of breeder area and basically how this works is that this guy is a farmer and he Farms carrots

Which get toered into this block here which is a breeder and once these two guys have enough carrots they will make a baby the babies get Hopper out into this incubator and then they basically grow up in there and then when they’re done they get Hopper out into a barrel and

That felt really weird to explain out loud in my brain I just don’t think about that but I just wanted a couple of extra villagers as we have a few over here but not that many and I think it would just be a little bit easier if we

Could get some you know enchanted books like mending and bricks and stuff a little bit easier and it’s always a good idea to have a supply of emeralds for the wandering Trader as well so having a little bit of villager action will definitely help us anyways going upstairs we also decorated

The upstairs of our house and this is sort of how it came out we have like a little kitchen here with our skillet for Farmers delight and a cooking pot we can just swap those out when we need to we have some salt and pepper here because we got to stay

Seasoned on our food but these are the only seasonings that they have in this mod pack um if I could have a whole spice rack I would I promise anyways we made some popcorn and we have some bread up here and then we also have some cat mugs and just some other decorations

Like jam jars and plants and all of these little cabinets you can store stuff in which is great if you wanted to store extra food and then of course we have a little little bedroom area this cat is the guy who is supposed to be paying the bills

For this place but it looks like they’re piling up so maybe you could just kind of do that really quick you know just do that just pay the bills I’ll let him figure that out but there’s some storage up here and some plants and decorations

And stuff and this this is sort of the vibe that I want to bring into all the other buildings here in Clover Veil for today’s build I want to switch up the wall palette and not use Oak so that way we have some variation in what we have going on here

And where is my diorite that’s not diorite we have one how do I just have one diorite that’s not going to be enough all right let me grab some tools so let’s put away these Diamond Pickaxes we can grab that other pickaxe and do I want these ones no I think I’m just

Going to make some new ones we could make diamond ones but we’ll do that later once we’re going to enchant oh also by the way I added some botney pots to my world and right now I have them growing some swore blossoms so that way we have a renewable source of

Spore Blossom and the other one I have growing some Moss because there’s not a ton of moss left down in the Lush cave below my base although now that we have a supply of bone meal we don’t have to use it that much but I am going to let

It grow while we’re in the area I definitely don’t want to overuse these as they can be a little bit overpowered but for things like Spore blossoms I definitely think it’s the right way to go all right so let’s just use our oh my gosh my backpack’s uh kind of messy I’m

So sorry I forgot to clean it out oh there’s even more stuff in the crafting bench uh we’re just going to ignore that for now and we’re going to make up two new pickaxes cuz I’m going to have to mine Dior and calite and then let’s get an Axe and a

Shovel as well and now we’ll be set on some tools that way we can go exploring and not have to worry about it I’m definitely going to have to clean out the backpack later but for now I’m just going to grab this one here this wasn’t the big

One and we can also take this backpack with us we have some baked potatoes we have our sleeping bag and our boat and if we look at the map here we’re just going to head down right to this Lake which I found over on a live stream while we were exploring and it

Has a bunch of calite there now over here by this Village I think that there’s another like calite beach but for today we’re going to go here we’re going to grab that calite and we’ll just mine up like two or three stacks and yeah then we’ll uh get to building also

I just want to say Happy February to everyone I can’t believe that it’s already past Valentine’s Day this year has felt like it’s flying by for me and I don’t know I’m trying to be more organized with my content more organized with my life as I’ve mentioned in the

Other long plays and I’ve been planning my days with good notes and my iPad and it’s definitely helped me stay on track a lot better like having lists of stuff to do and I just integrated sort of into my breakfast routine checking my iPad and starting to like plan my day but I

Feel like especially at the end of last year I kind of got overwhelmed with the amount of stuff that I had to do all the time and this has just been helping me really stay on top of and on track with everything that I need to do but

Especially for the daily task that I don’t want to do and all of the stuff that goes into content creation and being a YouTuber it’s helped so so much I also have tried a new recipe this month already we made some lasagna soup for Valentine’s Day and I know that like

Soup in lasagna form or lasagna and soup form I should say sounds kind of weird but actually it was really really good sorry I lost my train of thought there for a moment because I don’t where did that guy come from there’s like no wandering Trader or

Anything around here he’s just like out here by himself okay anyways so the lasagna soup we made yesterday for Valentine’s Day dinner has like a special meal to try out with each other and it was so so good it’s so good that I’m actually putting it on our like

Regular weekly rotation well maybe not weekly like monthly I should say anyways all of that is to say that I’m doing pretty good with my New Year’s resolutions so far and I’m feeling really good about them I’m trying to keep up with everything and I feel like

I’m doing an okay job I hope everything with your New Year’s resolutions are also going good if you want to share in the comment section feel free let me know how they’re going I tried to make my New Year’s resolutions this year something that I wouldn’t give up on in

25 seconds so I’m pretty proud of me for lasting into February the middle of February to be exact I also know like who is actually talking about their New Year’s resolution still in February but I actually like having these little video check-ins as well because I know

Someone out there is probably like oh I wish I had someone to do New Year’s resolutions with me and I’m that person I’m doing them still so it kind of also helps me be accountable to somebody even if it’s just you know somebody who’s watching this video that’s stuff out of

The way I don’t really have that much new going on with me that I can talk about in this video actually no I can talk about Hardcore episode 11 that just came out which is incredible never thought that we’d make it to episode 11 in a hardcore World

We’re at day like 880 in game as well so it’s my longest ever hardcore world that I’ve ever had including all of my twitch worlds and I was pretty nervous to start this one as I’ve never really made like a auto sorting system before and I was kind of like having initiation like

Paralysis because it was just such a large project that I didn’t want to like mess it up or anything and also I should probably like watch where I’m going at this point skeletons I don’t I’m so sick of skeletons o diorite we need that we

Can just uh mine this up while we avoid that skeleton and then talk about the hardcore video that just came out I don’t think he’s going to leave us alone so let’s just get him out of the way anyways yeah so I spent about like 2

Months kind of in my own brain about it until about a week before I really started the episode I really got into the planning phase with like doing stuff in creative and trying to figure out which items that I was going to sort and store and then came all of the mining

And that took a really long time I seriously think that took me like over a week just to mine like genuinely we mined almost 50,000 blocks of stone uh gravel diorite and aite you know dirt and then setting up the actual system and getting enough Redstone is there

Going to be any torches in my inventory of course not so let’s just put this torch in my off hand well the lantern instead maybe there’ll be some easy diate down here but it doesn’t appear that there is so we’ll move on anyways it was an immense project and I’m so so

Happy with how it turns out I’m so happy that I did that you know what I mean oh and here we are I think this is the little cowside Lake I was telling you guys about this is on the other side of a redwood forest and oh my gosh actually

This Valley is so beautiful I don’t know if I would have built where we’re building now if I would have found this first this is so pretty you know I wouldn’t have probably named our area Clover Veil had we lived here but wow this is gorgeous I love

Like the big trees in the background and like the forest in front of us with the spruce and the Oak and this is like a really good location actually with the mountain oh my gosh when I peaked at the map I saw that we’re just on the other side of where we

Spawned as well so through that Redwood forest is actually where we spawned so it’s not too far away from the spawn and where we pick now maybe we’ll come and build something here soon though and here we are with all this beautiful cow site oh my gosh now you guys will have

To let me know since like the 116 update what has been one of your favorite blocks that they’ve added because for me it’s definitely probably calite that I’ve used the most and I really like dup slate and I really like moss obviously I’ve used those quite a bit as well wait I wonder

What else we can do with this block okay it has some chipped variants and then we can make polished calite and some counters and stuff oh calside stairs oh that’s nice anyways I think I mentioned in another long play before that I want to use

Copper more but I just feel like I never know how to use it like I want to use a little copper gradient in my roof but at the same time I feel like I don’t know how to like I mean I can place the blocks

That’s not the issue I just feel like I don’t know how to do it it’s weird it’s a weird feeling maybe in one of our builds here in Clover Veil we can use some copper and try to make make a nice little roof gradient or something and I can get more

Confident with using it in general but first let’s get fortune that way we don’t have to worry about running out of copper and having to go mining again and all that stuff it is everywhere but the more that we can collect of it the better I feel about mining it also I

Just want to say like how good that they did with adding like calai moss deep slay copper all at the same time like those together all those blocks are such a good palette and honestly I’m happy to see that we’re going to be getting some extra copper blocks and also the tough

Blocks I’m really excited about because I really like tough although I don’t use it that much in Munos because it’s a little bit like cold toned and there’s not really much else that kind of goes with that like blue tone it has but in vanilla I think it’s such a wonderful

Block for like creating Cliffs and like custom terrain and stuff I’m so happy to see it get some more love as well that being said it’s actually not the copper or the tough blocks or even the mobs that I’m the most excited about for the next Minecraft update I mean

Even they just released a you know new skeleton type as well which is actually really interesting I was wondering when we were going to get another one of those and this one looks really really cool the bogged but the thing I’m the most excited for is actually the crafter

I’m so excited for the crafter I cannot even explain how excited I am I know it’s so silly I’m setting up my first AutoCraft as Spruce trap doors those are my most used block my most crafted block I use them constantly I need them to be autoc crafted but I also think about

Farms that I have like iron Farms being able to compress down you know your iron into iron blocks and stuff I think that is so cool melon and pumpkin farms will no longer need to be manually crafted into melons you can just have the crafter do it before it goes into the

Chest not to mention like for gold Farms or bamboo Farms or any other Farms that are needing to craft down recipes prismarine Farms can you imagine you won’t even have to craft anything you can just set up an autoc crafter to like craft prismarine bricks and dark

Prismarine and sea lanterns and all of that I think it’s going to be amazing and let’s just look here quickly for some sand oh we can go over here on the way home and just mine up some sand cuz I’m going to need to make some white

Concrete I think as well and if we see any like exposed gravel on the way or anything if like we see a big patch we can grab some of that as well because I don’t think we have that much white concrete pretty much goes decently well

With the calite and it won’t be that much of a hassle to get now because of course we have the skeleton farm so we have unlimited bone meal which means unlimited white dye as well and seriously I mean it we’re coming back to this Valley and we’re building something

I want to build something purple here I feel like that’s just going to go super well I don’t know what purple we’re going to use but we’re going to build some kind of lavender field house oh especially with the framed blocks mod we can probably make something super super cool because we

Can make slabs and stairs of blocks that don’t normally have slabs and stairs and honestly I would literally give anything for that mod to be vanilla even though I know it probably doesn’t match Mojang’s style at the same time I need calside trap doors I don’t know a little bit of

A skip ahead here as I just was falling down that mountain a lot and that’s pretty embarrassing but anyways the plan is still to grab some sand and some gravel on the way home although we are probably going to have to sleep cuz I don’t want any mobs bothering us while we’re going

To be mining up some you know materials for our build I haven’t seen too much gravel yet but I’m hoping up at this like Stony Shore kind of biome I don’t know if it’s actually a Stony Shore but there was a bunch of stone up here I’m hoping that there’s some

Here oh yeah there’s there’s a bunch I think oh yeah right here there’s a ton all right let’s quickly sleep and then let’s mine up the stuff that we’re going to need to mine the sand and the gravel as mentioned and let’s go get the sand I probably should have just got the

Gravel while I was there but that’s okay we’ll come back for it I’m already halfway away so you know what I mean like my brain was just saying sand then gravel so I have to do the sand first and luckily we have this big like sandun

Beach kind of thing with these Sea Oats they’re kind of cute but we’re going to just mine up a bunch of this maybe like two or three stacks that way we have enough for glass in the future as well we don’t need a ton of like the sand I

Don’t think we’re going to use that much white concrete but just for glass in the future until we have like a villager that can trade glass would be nice the ASMR of mining sand is just so wonderful I it’s I think one of my favorite sounds in

Minecraft oh there’s a bunch of gravel there as well hopefully it’s like a couple layers of gravel that way we won’t have to go back oh my gosh it’s just so satisfying you can just go back and forth in these like little mining lines and just mine

Up what did we just find buried treasure randomly hello what do you mean this has never happened to me ever before in Minecraft I have never just randomly found very treasure before and there’s diamonds and emeralds and there’s so many cool things in here what do you

Mean let me know in the comments has this ever happened to you before and if it has like what did you find in your buried treasure oh my gosh wow I can just genuinely not believe my luck oh my goodness let’s put all of this stuff in

Our backpack that way we can still collect some more stuff and oh my goodness we have a stack and a half of sand right now I definitely want to get at least like another Half Stack maybe another stack and a half I can’t believe that I’ve had worlds that I’ve been

Playing in for 2 years that has never I’ve never found a random buried treasure but this one I don’t know this is sort of a lucky world to me this world has such a good vibe for me and it has a lot of good memories from streets

And from the longplay videos for me well and the good part too is that I think you guys like this world as well I’ve had a lot of really really nice comments and I just want to say thank you guys so much for the support on the first two

Videos and the streams in this world I finally recently got my silver play button from YouTube for hitting 100,000 subscribers and I’m in the process right now of also filming up a 100K Q&A video as well and in that video I’m going to talk a little bit about like my process

To become a YouTuber and like how I got here and I just want to say thank you because it would not be possible without you without people watching my videos and supporting the content this wouldn’t be a possibility at all for me so I just want to say thank you but more sappy

Appreciation will be coming in the upcoming video like I mentioned oh this shovel is getting very dangerously low probably just mine this up until the shovels gone then we can go there’s like almost none left though H I think I’m going to have to get another

Shovel and mine this up it’ll bother me if I don’t like finish this little patch of gravel and having a crafting table in my backpack is probably the most amazing function of this backpack I’m sure it does better things and I’m sure that there’s like way cooler things that you

Can do with it from like all the upgrades that you can do but for me being able to craft on the go that’s amazing and you know what we’ll just take a little bit more sand off the top since we’re already here and we have a brand new shovel so

Let’s just mine a bunch more of this out did that just spawn right there hello do you have anything good ooh small drip Leaf I think I got emeralds from the thing right oh nice okay let me get that small drip Leaf just double checking there’s nothing else I

Want yeah thanks Mr wanding Trader going back to mining stand now oh okay finally done mining sand and now it’s time to head back to the base as we still have a little bit of mining to do and we’re going to have to hit the Nether and our nether spawn is not that

Nice but we’re going to have to mine for some diate and I think I’m going to try to actually get some dirt while we’re down there as well in the caves because I think I’m going to have to terraform over where the area where the enchanter cottage is going to

Go and genuinely I have like 20 dirt storage room and that’s not going to be enough absolutely not not by a long shot but we’re going to the nether because I need some Crimson wood and I want to bring that like stripped Crimson Vibe into the enchanter’s cottage that way it

Kind of matches the room below and even the Minecraft game is crying because it doesn’t want to go to the nether I feel it unfortunately it’s just something that we’re going to have to do so let’s go caving first and then hopefully we don’t die in the nether I really really hope not

Actually before we go caving and into The Nether let me just empty out my inventory and clean up a little bit okay that only took about 5 minutes because I had a bunch of new stuff to put away but that’s fine now we have a clean inventory and I’m ready to go on

Well I guess this little Adventure into the caves now we don’t need to get that much diorite but I want to get some dirt as well but we did pick up some diorite earlier and you know what now that I see those I have forgotten my torches of

Course I did make some charcoal earlier so we can grab some of that from our furnace and you know what we’ll just grab like half of that that’s fine that is one major thing that botney pots are very good for is having an excess of logs so you can make some

Charcoal all right back into the caves we go we’re armed with our diamond sword we should be fine we have plenty of food we have torches and we have a dream I think oh my gosh yes there’s diorite right here nice I know I ask you guys kind of like

Weird questions all the time in these long plays but let me ask you today’s weird question where question of this long play what material do you guys like to gather the most whether it’s just like for usefulness or for the ASMR I think for me definitely sand also

Cal and Amethyst I feel like they all have really really good sounds when you mine them they’re just great but I mean also like taking down like one of those super big Spruce frees is also very very satisfying but let me know your thoughts mining Moss is also pretty good mining mushroom

Blocks is also good oh my gosh actually that might be my favorite I’m not going to lie but yeah let me know what your guys favorite blocks to mine are and let me know why it’s your favorite block because I always think it’s very interesting to learn about you guys and

How you play Minecraft and the reasons why you play Minecraft as well I don’t know it’s just very fun that probably should do it cuz we have over a backck now let’s just double check down here was there anything else no no dirt down here there’s a little bit of moss in the

Ceiling here but it’s kind of a pain to get so let’s go find some extra dirt while we’re here and we’ll just go try maybe get like a stack maybe a stack and a half I don’t know exactly how much dirt we’re going to need and obviously

We have like all this grass here which we can grab but I don’t necessarily only want to grab the grass grass I’d like to find like a big dirt patch you know what I mean and oops was trying to place a torch and I don’t know I just don’t want

To ruin any of the stuff upstairs like I don’t want to ruin any of the landscape and then have to come down here and mine dirt so I’d rather just take the dirt here and then just yeah use this dirt instead of ruining the upstairs dirt

That’s the nice dirt you know what I mean and we’re just going to ignore that I missed that jump it was a pretty difficult jump okay oh I keep doing that I was just meant to place a torch I didn’t actually want to make a path block

But all right we’ll take this dirt here as well there’s quite a bit of it maybe we can go see a little bit further down if there’s any more dirt oh here’s one of those like glowing Moss biomes this is pretty cool I don’t know how to feel about it

But maybe we can do something cool with that someday some more diate if we need it oh it looks like some mud down here that’s kind of nice as I think I want to use mud as part of the pathways once we upgrade our Pathways eventually like mud Brown mushroom block

Maybe a little bit of jungle I don’t know and let’s get some andesite as well as I think I’m going to use like a stone base kind of like we did for the main base or for our like a main starter house and I think we’re definitely out

Of andesite as well which is unfortunate so we’ll just grab some while we’re here now luckily I don’t have have to gather any Mangrove wood or any cherry wood we have a ton of that already but I think building in that like red color is going to be really

Really good for the build like red and pink I I just think it’ll look really cool cuz it’ll match like the roof and you know the room underneath and then of course we can kind of decorate the inside with like the red and pink theme oh my gosh finally found some more

Dirt so what I’m going to do is I’m going to mine the rest of this up with what’s left of my shovel and then I’m going to head up to the surface so we can start our build um I can’t wait to have another diamond shovel and not an iron shovel

Anymore because the durability on these things is almost nothing like I forget how little you can use a shovel before it’s actually gone well I guess that’s all iron tools right but like compared to Stone they just feel so much better but soon we’re going to be able to make

A new diamond shovel we’ll be able to enchant it Unbreaking three is like way more important than efficiency at this point but then we’ll also be able to get villagers so we can put mending on them and of course we have our XP farm so it’ll be great and this is so

Unsatisfying that we can’t finish this but we can actually craft another shovel here a stone one oh that’s the wrong way no one saw that don’t bring that up in the comments okay no one roast me for that one well now that I have this I’m going

To gather up a little bit more of this dirt and then I’m going to see you guys back up on the surface cuz I think our build today is going to take a while and I don’t want to make you watch me mine any more dirt okay I stop by the storage room

Really quickly to grab a couple of stacks of cobblestone that way we can Bridge a little bit easier in the nether but actually what I want to do is go over to the skeleton spawner really quick and grab a bow and some arrows because the gas are Relentless where we

Spawn all right let’s just head down there and we’ll grab a bow and arrows and then we’ll be on our way there we go and some arrows nice I have a very bad feeling that this is going to be very uncomfy un cozy so I guess let’s try to

Make this as fast as possible and we only really need to get like maybe a half stack of crimson wood at the most oh you know what before we go in let me put my bow in my hot bar just in case we spawn with a Ghast in our

Face and here we go now I have been in here before I did come in here on the live stream to get some Crimson wood and yep see this is exactly what I’m talking about oh gosh the noises that gas make are so hard to make into a relaxing Long play I

Genuinely cannot stress enough how much I dislike the gas noises in this game all right let’s just make our pathway a little bit thicker here so that way if I have to run we don’t have to like worry about falling off into the lava below and dying horrifically and losing

Everything that would not be very comfy cozy either all right let’s go let’s go get some Crimson wood I know where some is and we spawned in this like brambly biome and all of those Rambles will actually hurt you they’re like sweet berry bushes and there’s also like hoglins here and gasss are

Everywhere and they just drop like weird meat as well now we came over this way before so let’s just kind of jump down and we need to find another area of crimson because this is the only Crimson I found and I’ve pretty much like stripped it bare because it was like

Four trees but I think just north of us there’s more we just got to jump over nice H I’m not a big fan of these flowers here on the ground either they’ll burn you that’s all brambly biome oh there’s another Fortress over there okay good to

Know I mean I don’t think we’re going to do the dragon in this world but oh here we go here’s some Crimson uh let’s be smart about this though let’s kind of like Tower over or pillar over I should say I wonder if we can climb up and down these

Vines like I wonder if they’re like nether Vines they’re Willow Vines well I guess sort of they are but if you fall all the way down you still take a lot of damage doesn’t really matter let’s just grab this Crimson stem and get the heck out of Here Overall this has been pretty peaceful and pretty safe and I think that this is definitely more than enough wood so we can just leave oh no I see the gas feet oh no oh no please don’t see me just let me just let me finish this please oh

Man oh come on please I’m just a baby I guess I’m going to have to bow her down oh God not very comfy not very cozy not very happy only sad you know what I’m just going to get this and then I’m going to get out of

Here and no more nether noises for us I’m just going to skip through until we’re back home oh my gosh finally I had to fight magma cubes and two more gas on the way out oh my gosh I’m so happy to be home oh but I did get another kind of

Wood let me show you when we get over to our house let’s just swim over there but I did get another kind of wood I didn’t actually realize it was a real tree I don’t think it’ll be very useful to us today but it is something pretty cool to

Look at maybe in the future I didn’t get a sapling though so if we do like this wood I’ll have to go back and get another sapling or try to get a sapling I don’t even know if you can grow it outside of the nether but hopefully we can hopefully it drops

Saplings maybe they’re just really rare anyways this is the log it’s called a hell bark and it makes this like very dark kind of purpley red planks again not very romantic for like the build that we’re going for but they do look kind of cool maybe it could be useful as a floor

Or I don’t know there’s something about it that I really like but it’s also kind of one of those difficult things that I’m not 100% sure if I like I don’t know I’m weird all right and let’s put away these brambles we’ll just throw them in

Here and then these Twigs can go in with our sticks and yeah there we go all of our materials are mostly gathered I think so let’s get over and do some terraforming and to do that we’re going to need some dirt of which I have none so let’s just

Grab that really quick and then we can sleep and go out there and you know what we might as well make another shovel so I can pick up that dirt because I only have this Stone one here really quickly yeah let’s uh just craft that up

Wait going to bring some of our Stone as well before I make this shovel so we’re going to probably have to start laying out some blocks and I don’t think this is enough Stone so let’s grab some Cobble and we can put it in the furnace es so that way it can

Smelt up while we’re kind of making our outline and doing our terraforming and stuff and we can put our glass away and you know what we might as well grab the stuff to make some more white concrete as well I’m getting very distracted at this moment I’m sorry we’re supposed to

Be making a shovel and instead I’m doing all this then let’s get our white dye in here we can make this white concrete powder add a little bit more sand do we need any more than that we can make this a little bit of extra I don’t know how much we’re going

To need probably a lot do I need anything in here no I don’t think it’s time for any of that stuff yet to be honest we can always come back and get it let’s grab some Oak for our outlines we’ll grab our flowering Oak let’s grab a bunch of

Spruce we’re going to need a ton of it probably oh whoops we can close nope we can close that I’m just so silly sometimes I just don’t think and you know what we might as well just get some of the roof blocks that we’re going to need so let’s grab some

Mangrove that should be more than enough and the Crimson oh yeah we have plenty and the Cherry yep that’s good and we’ll grab terra cotta too cuz we’re going to need terracotta and over here we have some Dy so we’re going to need some magenta we’re going to need some pink we’re

Going to need some red but I think it would also be smart if we just grab some bones over here and also some of our double tall flowers so we’ve got the panes we’ve got the lilacs and the Roses as well let’s shove all this in our backpack and

We can worry about organizing and everything later and let’s check on how much Stone we have cuz we’re going to need stone bricks for the base of our build and that doesn’t seem like very much I genuinely can’t wait to have silk touch that way I can just go

Mining we have our little sleeping bag we have our boat so we can just boat across all right I think I think we have enough stuff we can always come back if we need more all right here we are a beautiful morning to start building now I actually think right here

Along this like little path right here it would be great to have like stairways down to a small dock in the water but I was also reading the comments and a lot of people said that they’d love to see a little fishing Hut so I think somewhere

Over here we can add some more docks and then maybe like a little fishing Hut as well I’ve never built one before but we could take some notes and some inspiration from our friend block down build who is like the greatest fisherman of all time oh yeah this is the area clearing

Phase all right let’s just start breaking all this stuff right here I promise I will put you all back actually you know what I do want to save some of this grass and some of the shres so we can just make some shears and pick all that up this is so

Satisfying just Gathering up everything before we completely change this area and build something New we’re also going to have to remove these trees so let’s start getting rid of all of these little Stumpy thingies and then of course the spruce trees also have to go we can always replant later if we want to have more spruce trees or oak trees in this

Area I think aelia trees might be the move here though they just are so beautiful and the flowering oak trees as well definitely have to get some of those over here and I think for this tree I’m going to grab some of these leaves as I’ll

Probably use some on the roof and you know I always put like a ton of leaves everywhere oh this is actually such a nice view over here you can see so well the starter house I love it let’s just take a moment here fill that

In that used to be the entrance into the spider or the skeleton Farm sorry few more things to get rid of really quickly here we can get rid of this grass block get rid of this grass really quick and now we have a little bit of an easier time looking at all of

This space but I do want to fill this in just make this a little tiny tiny bit more flat some of these trees might end up having to go and that’s no problem but for now I’ll leave them because I don’t know exactly how much space I’m going to

Need these ones out at the front are also a little tiny bit awkward so I’m assuming probably once we get the docks in over here I’ll probably remove those with the pathways you know I’m probably going to have to cover up this Pond back here at

Some point but for right now I’m just kind of ignoring it I don’t really want to do anything with it that’s fine right but what’s not fine is that this is kind of covering up a bunch of space that we have that would be usable that’s right

Next to our little you know teleport down elevator thingy so we’re going to have to cut back into this hill and I was thinking that earlier when I was looking at this but I was hoping we wouldn’t have to and every time I turn around I feel

Like the grass is growing back or maybe I just didn’t get it all there’s so much more grass here you know I don’t want to like complain too much though I do genuinely really really like to do terraforming kind of stuff and terain work I just get nervous

Because I don’t feel like I know really how to make terrain look so natural and so many people are so good at that and I am good at smoothing but I really don’t know how to make like a a natural Cliff or something and make it like look like it

Was meant to be like that and I don’t know if I’m like the only one out here struggling with that but how do you all do it I mean I know part of it is just like practice and like going outside of your comfort zone but my comfort zone is just comfy and

There’s snacks in here and I get to play video games and yeah all right Switching gears really quickly this is one two and three and then four five that would be four 3 2 1 okay now and so there should be nine 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 okay perfect sorry sometimes I have to count out loud while I do this I know it’s not everyone’s favorite thing if somebody is counting out loud but if I don’t count on loud I sometimes get confused okay so that was nine as

Well so let’s make a square here and we’ll bring this over just make sure yeah okay let’s bring this over meet this up we’re going to start with a simple square and then we’ll adjust from there oh I guess we were missing one there okay and then we can bring it back

Along this side and now we have to keep in mind that we’re going to have an enchanting table in here so we’re not going to have a ton of space if we keep it this small because even if we shove it over here into like a corner let’s say it

Would sort of be like that and that’s still not that great so let’s knock out some of this wall here and we’ll make it a couple blocks longer and make it like um a rectangle instead of a square so this will take it from a 9×9 to a 9x

11 but I still think it could be a little bit longer so let’s take it to like a 9×13 and we’ll go on this side as well this still leaves our elevator here in the middle of the building but now there’s a lot more space to spread out

Add some tables add some books maybe a couple of villagers and the enchantment table of course but we’re also going to need an entry way so I think I want to do that is it going to be here maybe I think this might be a little bit too

Small so if we do this there’s like not a lot of room but I think we can bring that up forward one maybe I don’t know why this is so confusing to look at right [Applause] now let’s try again okay we had it at 4 in and that

Was a little bit too small so maybe this time we’ll do three in so that there’s only two Gap there so 1 two 3 4 and yeah we’ll bring it out the fifth space okay maybe six and I’m doing six because I’m trying to consider also the beams that will be

Here cuz I’m going to have one in the corner there and that kind of works so 1 2 3 four and five this is a better entry space I think all right so this is the basic floor plan of our enchanters Cottage that we’re going to be building

Today and this is sort of what I do every single time that I do something if I need to fit something in I usually build the thing I need to fit in first like in this case this like fake enchantment table that’s made out of

Dirt and not books but once you have an idea of like how much space you need then you can start to actually place down walls so we could do some like bookshelves here along the wall although those need to shift over one but that’s fine we don’t need to

Worry about that like right this moment let me just make sure that we can match up these blocks with like some beams so there’ll be a beam here and then I guess we’ll do three and then a beam and then three and then a beam and

Then three and then a beam okay so that works I think that’s sort of what we have going on over there although it’ll be a little bit different here because the beams will be outside so we can mirror that on the other side as well but that means that

To make the bookshelves match up we’re going to have to move the bookshelves over one and let’s just take a different material here so let’s take um some sand that’s perfect so our bookshelves will have to go 1 2 3 1 2 3 and then 1 2 3

And that should match up with the beams on this side which which I think it does obviously those beams will be mirrored on this side and we can make those pretty tall and then on the front side I’m thinking maybe some kind of like study area for the librarian so

Maybe some tables and chairs on this side somehow but now I’m wondering if this build needs to be actually even bigger because this doesn’t seem like a lot of space maybe it is and I’ll maybe once we get like the actual Furniture in here it’ll be fine all right so there’s our

Table so let’s put down some chairs we’ll have a chair there and a chair here and then I don’t know how we’re going to make that work on the other side but that’s fine let’s just kind of shift gears because I don’t want to think about that

To the entryway so a beam here and then we’ll have a beam here oh that makes this far wide so this beam needs to be actually one white six was not good enough so we’ll do seven instead oh just another day of needing to deal with this Pond but refusing to do

So but before any bad guys spawn near us let’s sleep really quick let’s get rid of all of the nighttime and we’ll go back to planning before we actually start building all right I think I’m generally happy with the Shaving of this now that I’m taking a step back and looking at it

Because we can always kind of rearrange the elements inside to be how we want them whoops misplaced that but this will be five wide for the entryway which is exactly what we wanted that way we can have a three wide doorway in the middle and I’m assuming some kind of

Like little you know porch on the front to get up into the build then maybe we’ll have like a little kind of well not that way but a little reception area or yeah we’ll have some kind of I think like Library reception here and obviously like stacks of books

And oh maybe we can get like one of those typewriters as like a little cash register computer device we’ll have you know our tall bookshelves here here maybe we could even put some villagers and the traders in there I know that sounds like pretty bad but but I think it’ll help and I

Think it’ll be a good way to store some villagers that way we don’t have them all in one spot just kind of in these like little glass jars I’m happy with this though so let’s start taking down the sand on the inside cuz we don’t really need that that was

Just for us to like kind of visualize even though I mean it’s hard to visualize but just making sure you have enough space I guess is really really important so we can just remove all of these and remove the fake desk and then yeah I guess it’s almost time to start

Building we’ll get rid of these fake pillars too we already know where they’re going so we don’t really necessarily need them right now before we build though I just want to make sure that I have everything that I need I’m going to need Spruce and trap

Doors and all that stuff and I know I grabbed a couple of Stacks earlier but I just want to grab a little bit of extra so we don’t have to go back and forth as much I actually love that the first like other building around the lake that

We’re building is directly across from the lake so when we leave our house we’re going to be able to see it which is so so cool to me let’s just grab up our Spruce let’s take all of these things and our trap doors I don’t know

If we’re going to need fences and signs but we’ll grab them anyways oh yeah we should probably check and see if our stone is done and it is thankfully so let’s head back over to the build site okay back over on the build site now what I want to do is actually grab

Some of our stone bricks and we had some in our backpack right yeah we do and what I want to do is actually replace all of the corner bits just like we did on the starter house with stone oh my gosh I got to stop trying to

Place and I’m just going to go up by two on the corner bits I really want it to look like there’s just like a rais stone foundation but I don’t want it to be super high like I don’t want it to be like you know a basement or you know

Part of the actual house I want the house to just be a very tall house sitting on a you know to high Foundation if that makes sense oh that tree just grew let’s just get rid of that because it’ll probably be annoying later I think that there’s a

Mod in this mod pack that allows saplings to Auto replant themselves and that is just so strange to me I just don’t know which mod does it or if there’s a way that I can turn that off I really don’t need saplings to Auto replant themselves but that’s

Okay and so those saplings don’t replant again let’s make sure we grab up everything that’s fallen off of this tree we can just break all this really quickly you know sometimes I regret not adding vein Miner to this pack because then we could have just vein Min the

Leaves but it’s fine oh another thing that a lot of people have asked me about and I don’t know if I have talked about this in videos yet is that a lot of people are interested in which mod adds the mossy Villages and I’m not going to

Lie until I actually started this world I didn’t know that the mossy Villages were a feature of anything that had added so I have no clue I’m so sorry I I feel very very bad that I don’t know which ones um or which mod adds that but uh if

Anyone does know and does find out please let me know that way I can answer questions if people ask me cuz I I just genuinely have no idea anyways back to the build I am filling in the middle part here with just some Stone and andesite I want it

To be like kind of just really uninteresting to look at and you know we could add a little tiny bit of Cobble in here you know just at like the bottom where it looks like it might be breaking under the weight of like an old

Building but I want the build to have a gradient on the roof and that’s where I really want your eye to be drawn I don’t want the bottom to be super like wildly interesting because I feel like that takes away a little bit you know just a little bit of broken up

Cobble at the bottom then we’ll do our an aan Stone just like we’ve been doing and I think something like that is fine it’s very small very simple very you know delicate looking in a Way just kind of scatter it around in bits and and of course I always place a block where I don’t mean to every single time watching me build must look like you’re watching somebody like make a mess I honestly think so and we’ll fill this last little bit

In here and of course I mess up again it’s fine and this is fine this is perfect we don’t really need anything different than this for now this works okay now on top of our stone bricks we’re going to start adding in our beams and then we’ll do it every three after

That and since this is a bigger build I want to do the beams out by one that way we have a little bit more space on the interior but also I feel like it’ll just look better if it has like some archways and stuff and of course I’m in the pond

Again all right this one goes in the corner and then that one goes on the edge and I’m not doing the um shorter sides yet just because I don’t know if I want to pop those out as well yet I haven’t decided but we’ll come back to

That we always can change it up you know all right next is adding in the actual beams so of course for this we’re going to go into our backpack we’re going to grab our Spruce logs and then we’ll grab our Oak and our flowering oak logs from the chipped

Mod then we’ll just go onto the edge here and we’ll start towering up with our different Oak and Spruce and I normally always have the spruce in my offand while I you know strip as I go but but it doesn’t really work when you’re also placing Oak that you don’t

Want stripped and we’ll go up I think one more here so that’ll be six tall yeah I think six tall is how tall I want this building to be I know that’s very tall for my builds but I think with the big bookcases it’ll look

Cool and if we just back up here and we can kind of Envision what a whole building that high will look like I think that’s a good height I think it’s fine so let’s go over here we’ll add another six tall beam oh whoops see this is exactly what I was trying to

Avoid we’ll add a flowering Oak blog there why am I making this so complicated you know what we’re just going to put that back out of my off hand and I’ll strip after and I think we need to go one more up I jump off these beams like I’m

Having feather falling four because I always have feather falling on my boots and like my hardcore world and yeah I’ve got to get used to the fact that this is going to take a little bit of damage for me it’s going to hurt a little bit more

Than I wanted to but that’s okay we have fish we have some other food as well that we cooked up and of course we have the baked potato so we should be fine but I’m going to take a quick little chatting break and I’ll bring you

Guys back once we get all of these done up on the front at least He Wa okay really quickly I just want to go and make some of this concrete powder into actual concrete because I forgot to do that earlier so how will be the best way to do this can we just like mine it from here and then place oh we don’t have efficiency

On our pickaxe yet I’m so used to having efficiency when I mine this I guess we’re going to do this kind of like the oldfashioned way and just place and then break and place oh I tried again I’m so used to being able to press both down oh

No there’s like a data pack from vanilla tweaks that you can throw concrete powder into a cauldron that has water in it and then it comes out as concrete like you don’t have to do this and I feel like that should be a vanilla feature even if it’s like a hidden

Feature I feel like that should be a vanilla feature cuz like what do cauldrons do in vanilla are they just decorative I think it would be interesting if they added some kind of mechanic where you can actually like wash dye off of things or you know influence potion making in some way with

Cauldrons that would be really cool also I just realized that I didn’t get any of the diorite or any of the kelite into my backpack that we’re going to need for this build so let’s just go grab that now and thinking about it I actually do think I have a little bit of

White concrete that I made the other day for my live stream so let’s see if that’s in here as well all right and now to remember where I keep all this stuff so I think white concrete was yep there it is all right and let’s grab some calite as well and

Then we’ve got the diorite and we’ll take that that should be probably more than enough all right and then what else do we need to grab while we’re over here should we grab some more Spruce well my backpack’s my inventory is full but my backpack isn’t so we can just put everything in

There oh yeah definitely some more Oak definitely going to take some Spruce as well because we’re going to have to make so many stairs and trap doors and all of that and I’m going to take over our Carpenter’s table and our Mason’s table as well I’ll probably need to make some lanterns

So let’s just grab some charcoal and we’ll take some iron as well and let’s head back over all right let’s get these tables place down here and then we can put our backpack here just for some extra storage space I’m using it as a chest and let’s grab all the stuff that

We need so we need these Spruce logs we need those aelia or sorry flowering logs and then the regular oak logs we can make some more aelia logs though cuz I do like using those and we’ll continue building up our pillars here now that those are all built up let’s

Take out our calite our concrete our diorite and the polished of course and let’s start putting some walls down ow I miss the water bucket clutch all right let’s just Place those torches back down at least somewhat of the way and let’s get up here and start placing our

Blocks and since we have the most calite let’s start with some calite and then we’ll transition over into our other blocks and I do this a little bit randomly I know that there’s probably like better ways to do it but honestly I think for a build of this size it

Doesn’t really matter if you try to gradient like you know the walls that are basically all like white and gray I don’t think that really matters too much all right let’s finish up this side here and do note that I did leave some spaces in the middle for a window I think

That’s going to look really good yeah that’s actually I think perfect now I do want to do a little bit of detailing on the front before we continue building in case we need to like adjust the height of anything that way we don’t have to rebuild it all

Later and this trick right here is something that I learned from block down builds so big shout out to block down we love you but basically using stairs and slabs you can create a little pocket of like blocks that you can see through right there and I think it would be

Interesting if we had this be like a different color so maybe we can tie it in with like the red or the pink um you know I think I’m going to try Mangrove I think Mangrove might work well so we’ll place this in here and then of course

We’re going to strip it down cuz we want to see that beautiful red color and let’s see how that looks I like it it’s a little bit plain I won’t lie let me see does that help no okay well I’m going to have to think about

What else we can put there but I definitely want to continue that over the other sections as well just need some more slabs and stairs which we can just craft up in the backpack and I know that I talk about this a lot but I cannot express how much I actually

Just love this backpack mod it is my favorite backpack mod of all time all right let’s remove that mro because I like the red I just don’t like that and let’s look in our backpack and what else can we do maybe some terracotta maybe we can glaze it and then it’ll

Look better all right we can take it over and maybe try to find a different variant in the workbench oh wait it’s not glazed yet I just said that we have to glaze it and I don’t have my furnace so we’ll have to go get it all right back with the furnace let’s

Place this down and we’ll get our charcoal in there and we’ll put our tcot in there and let’s let that smelt up and while we’re waiting on that let’s go ahead and get up here and continue working on our build all right let’s jump over oh okay that was a little bit

Embarrassing we’re just not going to talk about that anyways let’s continue on building so something I wanted to mention to you guys is um I have been playing a lot of other games lately besides Ides Minecraft and I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before but I’m doing a stard valley playthrough over on Twitch

And I’m trying to get Perfection on my farm and genuinely I am so happy so excited so energetic and enthusiastic about the St Valley playthrough I think it’s one of my best ones I’ve ever done but beyond that I’ve been playing a lot of games in my Discord lately I’ve been

Doing like little Discord streams and I just finished the game straight Ray which is like a cyberpunk cat game and I was expecting kind of just like a cute little platformer with a cat and instead I got a heart-wrenching game well I guess it was still a cyber Punk platformer but it was

Also so so good and so sad not no spoilers like I’m not going to say any spoilers but if you guys have played that let me know genuinely I really really loved it and I’m super glad that I finally got the chance to play it

Now let’s check do we have any red glaze terracotta and let’s see um in the Mason’s workbench oh some of these are a little bit ugly but you know what I kind of like that one so let’s change that one and maybe get some regular glazed as well for

That let’s see how that looks and then maybe we’ll do one where we have like a little bit of a pattern yeah I I actually think the pattern is probably going to be better so let’s do this really quick on all this front part and then let’s see how it looks from out

Front grab some more of that glazed terracotta and oh yeah I actually really like that it still has those red tones that we had with the stripped Mangrove but there’s movement there’s color there’s life and I think that that is really really good although this is not placed the same direction and that’s

Bothering in me wait wait how do I place it that way okay that’s not right either okay there we go all right we can fill that in and then let’s jump out front and see how it’s looking oh yeah I really like that that is way way

Better all right let’s get into crafting up some extra Spruce components so we can make some archways so we can clear this out here and we can take some of this Spruce and make some planks and we’ll go ahead and craft up a bunch of stairs because even if we won’t

Use them all for these archways we’ll also use them for the roof and then we’ll make some trap doors as well although six I don’t think is going to be enough let’s make a little bit more that should be fine for now anyways let’s get these Arch toys

Placed in and of course I’m still playing valerant um I’m never not playing valerant even though it’s funny because my friend recently asked me she was like oh my gosh I see you playing valerant all the time you know what do you think of the game do you like it and

Of course I very honestly told her I actually hate that game and I’m like why do I keep playing it if I hate it well I don’t hate it okay I I like it I’m just so bad at it but I’m getting better slowly but surely I’m getting

Better and I’m going to be starting Horizon zero Dawn on my Discord pretty soon because I just found out that the Horizon forbidden West that was on PS uh or PlayStation for exclusively for a while it’s coming to see like in March so finally I’m going to be able to play

That so I just want to refresh my memory of what happened in the first game and play that up a little bit but if you want to share let me know what you’ve been playing let me know what’s coming out that you’re looking forward to I’m so excited for lots and lots of

Different games games so let me know what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling about the games that are out right now and while we’re doing that I guess I will build up this entry Way all right let’s go in with this Frame here and I think that is like an okayish frame for the doorway the entrance way but before I add in the entrance way I think that we should probably add in well how are we going to get up

Here so maybe like a little staircase or like oh you know what it would be cute like a little deck out on the front all right so let’s try and build up something like that like a little deck to go out on the front now how is

This going to work how far are we going to come out I think this is definitely too far it looks a little bit awkward and kind of blocks off some of the natural pathway so let’s remove like two of those maybe we could do stairs here though instead of full blocks and it’ll

Feel a little bit better but let’s go back one more because that didn’t look right either so we’ll do something like this and then bring these over that might be a little bit better honestly and then we can cover the outside with trap doors just to make it look a little bit

Reinforced I think that is okay yeah let’s try that over here as well just kind of blend it in and I know it’s sort of you know C off the pathway again oops but that’s okay we can fix that later with some terraforming if I was going to add

Stairs on top of this outside of it though that would have been a little bit awkward I think back there we should just like stick a leaf or something maybe a couple leaves yeah maybe just make it a little bushy over there so it doesn’t look weird no one will even

Know okay that’s kind of cute now we have this little space here do we want to trap door this for like the railing I don’t think so maybe we can come back with like some Spruce fences later anyways moving on to the doorway so I want this to be our typical you know

Archway doorway like we always do with like the three wide door but I think instead of using trap doors I’m going to actually use those stripped mangr that we did earlier I think that’s going to bring a lot of R to the doorway and here I am placing blocks

Where I said oh we’re going to add a three wide doorway and then I of course just immediately ignore what I was saying in my brain all right let’s get this Stone removed here and let’s place down the spruce planks that we used for the front

Deck area cuz we’re going to use those inside as well they’re my favorite and and let’s see here I think I want to use I want to bring this in one so we can do an archway and then yeah we’ll bring in our Mangrove and we’ll strip that of

Course and let’s put a plank there and a mangrove and there we go and that’s cute I like that now up on the front here let’s make like an archway and I did these kinds of archways in my hardcore storage so let’s see if they look look good

Here um I’m assuming they probably won’t cuz they’re a little bit squarish but yeah it’s a little bit oval compared to the rest of the build that’s like more round with the archways so let’s uh let’s just remove those and do the classic kind of like you know spherical looking

One see it’s okay to sometimes make mistakes or try something out even if you don’t like it the worst that happens is that you tear it down you know okay this definitely needs some rounding on the front here so we’re going to go with some calside stairs

Here that is much much better we can also make frame trap doors if we want to but I’m thinking actually probably a lantern there and maybe some trap doors going across h on second thought I think that should be one higher up that way it can be a little bit easier to go

Across and I just need one more trapo okay there we go that is better and for now I’m just going to add a couple of leaves here doesn’t have to be anything too fancy but just a tie it in to down there a little bit Yeah the front of this building is

Actually looking really really cool I’m really really liking it so far all right let’s head back over and up the little staircase here I really like this I really genuinely do now what to do next I guess for this to make sense we’re going to have to pop out this Edge as

Well sometimes I really hope that I don’t have to pop out this Edge but we’ll have to do it on both sides for this to truly make sense and be I guess even and then we can build up our pillars again going on this side and I guess we

Should probably do the back pillars as well Minecraft Youtuber finishes the back of the base What and I don’t think you guys need me to really narrate what I’m doing at this point you all know this is how it goes we’re just making some beams and from here it looks fine too so let’s have a little bite of our salmon and let’s get to placing the rest

Of the floor in over here probably going to have to go make some more of these Spruce planks definitely we’ll have to and let’s try to spr spread out the Torches so that no spiders spawn anywhere under the floor cuz I’m not going to fill this all the way in just

To save on blocks and actually we can move our elevator up um that will be actually very helpful we won’t have to do that later if we do it now really really okay it’s just started to be a brand new day and already it’s raining right let’s grab some more of

Our stack Spruce planks that should be good um actually Maybe not maybe this is not good I always underestimate the amount of planks that a floor takes you know what I mean I always think that it’s way less than it actually is and you know while I’m thinking about

It we should change the block face of the elevator block so you can just take a block and right click it onto the elevator and then it’ll change your elevator face so now the elevator face looks like that it’s not the white block anymore more and I think that that looks

Good it’s matching the theme of the building a little bit and it stands out so that’s nice and let’s just make sure this still works so there we go down here and we’re good so now we can jump back up and now we’re back outside all right now time to get the last

Planks that we’re going to need for real this time at least until we do the indoor ceiling 64 should be able to do it though oh there’s a creeper over there I see over by the map we’re going to have to take care of that I think hey buddy

Thanks we do love a creeper that doesn’t give us any problems because if if he would have just blown up this house that I’m building I would have been pretty sad but let’s add some lighting in here just temporarily we’re going to eventually change that out for something

Else but at least there’s lighting here so that no mobs are directly spawning on top of us and also I’m so sorry once again for anyone that’s watching me for the first time or if you are not used to me being all over the place hi this is just like

My ADHD talking I promise sometimes when I’m building on the Fly I just um well this is why I don’t really build on the Fly that much to be honest it’s really really hard for me to keep like things in perspective when I’m building on the Fly I normally just I

Really struggle you know I do things in sex as I feel like doing them but I always try to do the front of the building first cuz that’s the way that I’m always going to be like going out and looking and now of course you know we have to do

The sides we have to do the back and let’s get some more red terra cotta smelting and change some of this into our oh gosh um let’s go sleep before we have another lightning strike oh come on is it still a thunderstorm I guess not but let’s get

Some more of those minimized glazed terra cotta that we got from before and here we go back into the house to start decorating the inside now for now I’m just going to place all of that terracotta down because I don’t know exactly where the windows are going to go yet and then we

Can fix that later and then we’ll do these ones actually we can remove that one we do know where the windows are going to go on this side cuz it’s going to mirror the other side then we’ll put down our regular glazed terracotta in the middle and

We’ll still need some more of the other kind the minimized kind so let’s go make that really quickly all right and now let’s go finish off that little back wall area oh my goodness um did you just spawn like literally on top of me all right I don’t have time for you

Right now I’m a very busy businesswoman that’s very busy so you know if you could just please stop and go away that would be great also sorry I was just making sure that that was even and it is um I was a little bit nervous there for

A moment but I don’t know why I personally blame the wandering trador for just actually jump scaring me and there was also like that thunderstorm as well like that was very weird all right so this one will go like that as well we need a little bit more

And let’s just fill in this little back section here and this I think we did all just regular concrete and stuff here so all the like whiter blocks there I don’t know why we didn’t do that as the red terracotta but it’s fine whatever we’ll ignore it for now

Let’s finish doing up these beams here on the side and now we can go ahead and fill in this wall as well also I hope you guys don’t mind these little breaks of not talking in between like while I’m building I just sometimes especially for these longer videos run

Out of things to say it’s a little bit different than the live stream because obviously in the live stream I have the Chatters to help me like talk all the time and I’ve done enough of these long plays now that I feel like I’m getting better at chatting for longer periods

But I don’t 100% know what to say all the time so sometimes I feel like I go into these like awkward pauses but it’s not really intentional I just don’t really know all the time what to talk about especially in this points where we’re just placing some blocks you

Know I know a lot of you have said though that you really prefer these long plays where I’m chatting over the long plays where I don’t chat and I totally understand it it definitely helps like you know keep concentration on the video or it feels like you’re hanging out with

A cozy friend or so I think those three windows are okay we might switch it to a two window but I think the three windows are fine we’ll have to see after the next pillar goes up how I actually like it all right I think it’s finally time

Let’s go up and finish this little part right Here go up one More Get this all filled in really quickly that way this part is kind of just like completely Done all right let’s see yeah I think we’re going to swap these just cuz it looked a little bit awkward on the side there I don’t know if there’s any way that I can fix that besides swapping These oh wait I needed that my bad so from the inside we’re definitely going to have to put some kind of beam or something to kind of block that off so it doesn’t look as awkward but we can cover that on the inside and it’ll be

Fine oh my gosh this wandering Trader is so annoying I’m trying not to kill wandering Traders like I don’t mind wandering Traders I just just wish that they would be quiet and for some reason I feel like so many spawn in this world I’ve never seen so many wandering traders in my

Entire life and he just doesn’t stop yapping he’s a yapper it’s so annoying I thought that those were only inv valerant but apparently they’re also here in Minecraft and let’s see how those look I don’t know if I like those being shorter so maybe it’ll depend on what it looks

Like on the outside and o yeah no I think that will just leave that with no stairs but while we’re doing these windows we might as well go home and grab some glass I did not bring any over with me so here we are once again taking

Our little tiny boat trip across the lake and honestly I am so excited to see what this world is going to look like and maybe like you know a few more long plays from now just see how all of the builds fill this area out it’s going to be so cool I

Think I know I’m the most excited to have like a florist a bakery a wine store I think that’ll be so cool probably can include like the teas and the coffee and stuff from the tea mod in the bakery so maybe like a cafe kind of

Bakery kind of thing and then of course we’ll have like a little fishing talk and I was thinking we could have like a furniture store because we have so many different furnit mods but then what else should we build up obviously like maybe like a little

Greenhouse for bees and what else did I come over here for I know we needed more diorite maybe we can grab some extra terra cotta too just in case we need it for the roof and yeah that magenta terracotta not going to help us well it’s the shingles that we had for the

Barn I can’t help but feel like I’m forgetting something and I know I just said it out loud what I was going to get but I don’t remember what I said we’ll just keep building I’m sure it’ll come back to me all right back to working right here on our

Little beams in the back wall and I’m just going to try to tune out this wanding Trader as much as possible I realized that I could turn their spawns off but I really don’t want to just in case they have some of those cool flowers that are kind of rare from biomes of

Plenty in particular the one that I’m thinking of is like the little water Blossom kind of thing I think it’s like a Lotus um I really really want a bunch of those so I don’t know how to get them without the wandering Trader but if you guys know let me know H H Mhm all right let’s jump down and we’ll get these walls filled in I’m not 100% sure where I’m going to put the windows on this wall or if I’m going to do like a bay window I am a big fan of a bay window I don’t know why and especially if you are

Able to have it open like in a peaceful world or something or on like the second floor huh that is like a real dream come true you know oh this is up one too high oops that is a little bit awkward I didn’t need to put those blocks

There okay I just like zoned out for a second because I really didn’t want to fix that in my brain but I will fix that in just a second wait actually I do believe this is where where the window would be going oh this is awkward I’m confused

Now I’m you know I zoned out and then look what happens my whole brain just stopped working my partner would say frog crafting. exe has crashed but that’s okay nothing a little bit of brain power can’t fix Okay so so we’ll have a block there and a block

Here and a block there and that’ll leave these windows all correct on this side and while we’re up here we might as well just take these blocks down and I think it’s a good time for a little baked potato break honestly baked potatoes are one of my favorite ways to

Eat potatoes I don’t know if I’m the only one out there that’s like a baked potato girly but please let me know if you guys are Baked Potato Eaters what are your favorite toppings to go on a baked potato there was this Deli I used

To go to in the city that I lived in that had like baked potatoes on their menu and they were so so good and there was this like vegetarian one that had like this like spicy cheese sauce and all sorts of like vegetables but I’m also a big fan of

Like you know some like butter and cheddar and bacon on my baked potatoes like a loaded baked potato I’m not a big sour cream girly unless it’s like fully mixed in but you know no hate to the sour cream girlies but truly I’m an all potato

Girly I feel like there’s just no form of potatoes that I do not like like oh my God wait I just remembered I was supposed to get glass earlier oh that’s them we’ll be back over there I’m sure for other things we we can get that later not a big

Deal to separate the library room with the enchanting table from the reception area I want to make another one of those kind of archways and this will kind of match the one that we have outside on the outside of the doorway or on the outside of the walls I should

Say I’m not 100% convinced of this spot that it’s in I might have to put it one more Block in so it doesn’t block any of the actual Library space but we can make that decision when the time comes I do like it at this moment in time where it

Is and we’ll of course do our classic little archo thing here there we go and then for here I really want to do some kind of let’s say like a you know desk or so for like a receptionist area I I mean I don’t know if we’re going to

Continue with the spruce stair maybe we’ll do something else but just to have like an idea down for how much space we have and it does look like this kind of works there’s enough space on the other side for like the entryway although I mean it’s a little bit

Cramped but what can you do okay cleaned up my inventory a little bit and now let’s continue on I’m going to craft up some more stairs and I’m also going to craft up some slabs as well and you know what probably a couple of trap

Doors we can go ahead and get some of the pattern on the sides and the back finished up now so here we’ll just continue on our pattern with our slabs and our stairs I mean no one’s really going to see it on this side cuz of the Hill

There but maybe the hill won’t there one day or maybe it’ll be shallower or it’ll have like a tunnel through it or something ah the pond my Beed all right now I’m trying to Envision in here where all of this stuff is going to Go H I definitely think we’re going to have to move that but let’s get a couple of preliminary pieces of furniture in here just to confirm so I kind of want like yeah one of these like a spruce desk that’s pretty cheap to craft so let’s make a couple of

These and currently with the thing right there we would have to have a desk there which is a little bit off center I don’t really like that as much I don’t think but let’s get a couple more in here and then I’ll see how I

Feel so this is how I envisioned it to go but that would be symmetrical and that just looks a little bit crowded to me like the chairs will be touching each other not the biggest fan of that so I think we’ll have to remove that and then maybe put those there

Oh yeah there we go and remove this one and replace it down right against the glaz Terracotta and then how do we make a chair like a spruce chair oh that’s very very simple we can absolutely make those so let’s get the spruce one definitely don’t need 16 of these

But I’ll grab like maybe 12 12 and that way we have enough room to like spread them out everywhere we can put some at each like table although that looks a little bit overcrowded to me like I don’t think four people could comfortably study at a

Table this small so let’s remove some of these chairs and I think just having two at each table is probably a lot better I think that looks a lot Better and I’m going to hang up some temporary lanterns on this side as well these aren’t going to stay there but just for some extra lighting when it’s getting dark because of how I had to build this this is actually not centered on the inside but on the outside it is centered

And that’s bothering me but you know what it’s fine like out here it looks good and then on the inside it’s just a little bit weird I guess so yeah we’re definitely going to have to remove this as well and move this back I thought that earlier but I guess it’s good to

Know for sure now and it’s pretty easy to do it’s not like we built this out of obsidian or something although thinking about obsidian we’re probably going to have to go get obsidian for our enchanting table which we will do much later let’s get like the build done first before we

Worry about the enchantment Table Wait am I hearing things or is that two wandering Traders out there it is that is so weird when you actually want a Wandering Trader to spawn they never spawn but when you don’t want them there’s 50 of them let’s see if he has anything that

I’m going to be interested in and of course not the huge Clover pedal is kind of interesting but I don’t think we need that now okay I think next step up is working on the roof so I’m going to get a few blocks of stripped Cherry ready as I

Want to use a variant of stripped Cherry I Think and I want the layed one so this one right here I think this one looks cool and then we’ll make up some more of this pink terracotta as we’ll need that and then we’ll need magenta Terracotta probably also going to need this Mangrove maybe get a little bit more of that and the Crimson of course we’ll need we need our Spruce Stairs don’t really know if we’re needing anything else actually it would probably be a good idea to get some leaves so maybe we can go over there and get some cherry leaves and maybe some aelia leaves if we have some aelia at home I’ll have to go

Check but Cherry leaves first cuz we already have a cherry tree that I’ve pretty much like half Chopped all the leaves off already and I just want a couple of these inside the enchanting area and on the house so that all the magical petals fall down it’ll give it a little bit up

Like since it’s an enchanting area I feel like just having a little bit of magic and a little bit of particles and stuff coming down is a really good thing and if I had silk touch I might be able to get a little bit of like amethyst to

Put on there but unfortunately we don’t have silk touch yet but we can always add to our enchanting area later and you know what I actually am going to like replant this rice here oh it already replanted oh okay okay I see oh this is

The stuff we we had on Castaways okay so if we chop that on a cutting board we’ll also get like the the stuff you can use to make the Rope anyways I don’t need too many leaves so I’ll just try to get maybe like a stack or two because we do have a

Bunch of saplings ready so replanting a cherry tree is not a problem the more annoying part for us is going to be getting the flowering of zelia leaves I wish that there was like a better way to farm them but they are so beautiful and they are so so useful

So we’re going to have to definitely get Some I also feel like they are going to fit that kind of like in between from like oak leaves to the Cherry leaves like each part has like a green or pink or purple and I feel I feel like that all kind of works together that’s almost two stacks that’s

Definitely enough let’s head over to the base and let’s see if we have any aelia bushes that we can plant uh home again back into our little messy storage room although it’s not that messy oh I I think across the lake this is not activated must be when we’re only like

On this side or like when we go to the barn or so that this is working maybe we’ll take some swore blossoms over and there we go our aelia let me grab these other shears too because we can combine shears if you guys didn’t know this you can combine

Your old shears as long as they’re not Enchanted in a crafting table and I think we’ll just keep making our little rooted dirt out here but rooted dirt’s not really what we’re after we’re really after these beautiful aelia leaves the rooted dirt just comes over as more of a bonus than anything

Else I really wish I had a hoe with a fishen 5 right now cuz I would just get all of the leaves and then compost the other ones but it’s fine that I don’t we’re going to get that you know silk touch hoe eventually if not from the

Enchantment table we’ll definitely get a silk touch villager with the easy villagers mod and I’m thinking we can keep some villagers over with the enchanting area and maybe some anvils as well but it does make me really miss having you know silk touch on all my hose it’s just so nice for collecting

Leaves the shears method is also okay it just takes a while you know oh that’s nice it didn’t touch all the other leaves so those ones can still despawn oh there’s a lot right here in this one little Bunch all right I’m going to shut up and

Y’all enjoy The Vibes while we collect some leaves wow the house is looking really really good from over here I love that angle but you know what I just realized that I forgot to get the glass again for the windows oh my goodness well let’s start getting this roof on I

Think we’re going to do kind of a simple stair roof so it doesn’t become Too Tall it is already quite a tall building and let’s start with a stair right here although actually I think I’m going to go one up with that otherwise it’s going

To cover up our beams and I don’t want it to cover like the flowering aselia logs yeah let’s go from here and then any weirdness we can always fix on the inside later we don’t have to worry about that right now then let’s get a little bit of this

Going up so kind of have an idea of what it’s going to look like I don’t know why but I always come to the other side before I finish going up in the middle I’m sure if you guys have watched me build you have noticed

That by now I just can’t like finish one side without bringing up the other side at least like the same amount let’s make some more stairs cuz we’re going to need a bunch of them and we’ll place a dirt here and then our stairs and then we’ll bring it over the same Way And now that we’ve brought the roof up to meet in the middle on the other side now I can finally finish it but I have to get like some progress on every side before I can finish one side if that makes sense I don’t know why I’m like That And we’ll just put our little Finishing Touch on the roof here which I think I’m going to do with some slabs and we’ll just bring it over to the other side I really want to get better at doing some like fancier roofs someday you know like the kind that Brook does

Like that look all like magical and Elvish and stuff I really really want to get better at that but for now I am only good at Spruce slab roof and and barely that’s like Barely All right now the frame of the main roof is on so let’s start getting some of these blocks in here and we’ll start on the front just cuz I think it’s a little bit easier so we can look at it from the front so we’re going to start with a

Nice little Crimson stem and of course we’re going to strip this once I’m done I just don’t know exactly how far I want this to go yet but we’ll figure it out there might be some unlacing and replacing touching on all of the stripped Crimson we’re going to add some magenta

Terracotta and that was a lot 16 was definitely not enough we’re going to have to make some more but basically we’re going to be doing a little gradient from the stripped Crimson into you know Mangrove and then into cherry and I think with the blocks

That we have right now that we can make this possible let’s just bring this back Over oh whoops That was supposed to be Mangrove my bad all right enough for real this time bringing in the mangrove wood we’ll get that all stripped and we want this to be touching all of the Cherry so maybe something like that although it does kind of look very very like long and

Awkward here with this we might have to adjust that a little bit later but that’s fine for now we’re just going to grab a little bit more of our pink terra cotta here well maybe a little bit more Mangrove just to kind of make it a diagonal like the other

Ones I definitely think that this is going to need some adjustment but it’s okay it’s just our first trial we’re going to we’ve already made peace with the fact that we’re going to have to break blocks and place them again not a big deal we’re going to add in some of that

Cherry wood and also some strip Cherry as well and this is going to have kind of like a fuchsia to Red to Pink gradient that’s what at least I’m hoping for with this entire thing all right so let’s sleep and then we’ll see what it looks like into our trusty

Boat and let’s just take a double check Um I like it it does need some work though especially like over there it’s a little tiny bit awkward but that’s okay I like the colors it ties in well with the skeleton Farm down below and that’s a good thing that’s important I wanted it to look a little bit

Similar so I’m glad that it has those elements need some more pink Dy so we’re just going to get some more of these penes there we go I okay definitely going to have to fix that part I wonder if I can water bucket up into

There am I doing the swim yeah I’m doing the swimming animation I love that that’s one of my favorite animations in Minecraft Let’s just cover all of these for now with Oak because um later on we can come and fix them I don’t think it really matters too much

All right now to fix up this roof so I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to take some of this Crimson out fill this in a little bit more with some of this magenta terra cotta we’ll take some of the magenta out bring out more of the stripped

Mangrove and we’ll get that stripped down remove some of this strip Mangrove and put some of our pink terra cotta in I think that might be a little bit better oh whoops I um did not need to open my map there sorry I like this a

Lot better the mangra is has broken up a lot better it looks a little bit more organic the shape is better I like that oh that llama is just vibing love that for him now to make a similar design over on this side of the roof we’ll just power through this really

Quickly also it’s been about 2 hours since I started recording and I just want to give your you know video reminder to take care of yourself have you eaten today have you had water have you taken your meds have you taken a break have you stretched if it’s

Possible make sure that you’re taking care of your body make sure that you’re trying to take care of yourself in the best ways that you possibly can I know it’s hard sometimes but we got to try to nourish the body that we have so that way the body that we have will still

Take care of us as well I get asked pretty frequently how do I you know have long gaming sessions like this or long streams and something that’s really helped me is having scheduled breaks scheduled times where you stand up get out of your chair you know do something

Else for a little bit when I’m recording I actually have a little timer on my phone that goes off like underneath my screen that uh basically just alerts me like hey make sure you have uh a stretch break or make sure that you take a drink and um that’s been very helpful

For me but during streams my chat always is remind me to hydrate and to stretch but they also remind me to check my posture and my posture has been um well pretty questionable sometimes I won’t lie but having a little bit of a reminder sometimes is just all we need

To remember to take care of ourselves so I hope that this reminder finds you well and I hope that however many things that you can do to take care of yourself today that are possible that you do them all right let’s see this is looking like

A little ice cream on the map it’s like extremely pink and red and I don’t know exactly how to feel I’ve never had something like this before but I think I like it oh and this does remind me I have installed the free cam mod so that way

We can pop out of our body like this and kind of Fly Away detached almost as if we’re like a spectator in the world so we can check out what the builds look like and and I think that this looks good I think it’s fine um I hope you

Guys don’t mind that I have this mod installed I use this in my hardcore world as well just to check out my builds I think it’s very very helpful but I will be using this from now on here and there just to check out the builds just to see how it’s looking that

Way we don’t have to always jump up and down and I mean it is modded after all so we might as well take advantage of a mod I think the next thing that we’re going to do up here here is get in a ceiling for the main library

Room that way we don’t have to look at how chaotic the roof looks but we’re definitely going to need some more of this like Spruce so I’m actually going to hydrate and rest my vocal cords for a second because I have been almost non-stop talking for 2 hours at this point speak

To y’all in a minute h H uh mhm huh uhhuh Uhh M you know I was thinking we could keep these here just so that I wouldn’t have to look at this ugly spot but I don’t know what I’m going to put up here yet and I don’t know if I’m going to bring the magenta terracotta from the roof

Down or not so instead I’m going to Simply ignore that for now but what I do want to do is get this part figured out and get some like beams in here didn’t realize that that wasn’t stripped from earlier and I tend to do these like little tutor lines sometimes when I need

Something to do up here cuz I never really know what to do in these spots so we can alternate here some logs and some maybe some white concrete and calite and stuff this also looks good if you do like alternating strip log colors or just regular logs if you want to do that

And we’ll just throw down all the stuff that we have doesn’t have to be in any specific order no specific pattern or anything the wandering Trader is driving me mad and there’s our final blocks and that whole thing looks good no one’s really going to see that from the outside on

This side of the building and this part a little tiny bit awkward let me pick this block up um and I guess we’ll just bring that back in we’re going to have to ignore that for now now this edge of the roof is going to be

A little bit weird I think I want to try to do slabs here but I don’t 100% know yet cuz I don’t want this roof to be quite as tall as the main roof and it’s much smaller so even if we did stairs it would still be you know shorter not as

Tall but we’ll see what we’re working with once we get more into this let’s try like a stair here on the edge I mean a slab sorry and we’re going to bring this out another block so it fully covers the roof we’ll go up by one slab

Maybe like a stair make maybe instead of a slab we go upside down stair there I don’t know if I like how that looks but we’ll go with it for now I always second guess to the roof always and maybe we can kind of curve this a

Little bit since we have the stair there but then again I don’t 100% know if I like that let’s just see if I put this in here what is it going to look like it’ll go to like right there obviously on this rung this will be

Fine oh you know what these are kind of opposite of each other but whatever no one’s even going to know that only only we will know that it doesn’t really matter let’s just get all of these filled in really quickly that way we don’t have to worry about it anymore for the other

Side of the roof all right last little bits to fill in here and we’ll do the rest with our concrete powder and just give those a quick wash and I guess now to go downstairs so maybe we go over here in one of the corners that way we can fall into the

Chair like we did earlier and we’ll just cover those up I didn’t hit the chair for some reason but that’s okay all right let’s pull her up to the top of the roof again and I think you know now that I’ve been kind of thinking about it I don’t think that we should

Over complicate this roof I think that we should leave it with just some stairs it’ll be a lot easier I won’t have to go make framed blocks although I mean framed blocks are a reason that we are excited about this world I just think for this video you know there’s already so much

Going on it’s so tall maybe a little bit of a simpler roof is better with like the gradient of course that’s not going to stop me from trying one more time to make this work but uh if we put this here we put that there it gets like a little bit of a

Rounded shape but it is I don’t think it’s going to work I want to try I know the stairs will work it’s so hard for me to give up the the idea that I originally had does anyone else have that is it just me like unable to let Go m yeah and right here is where we run into the trouble because these are not slabs we can make them slabs but they are not slabs so even if we put these here and we put the Cherry next to it you won’t see it because we would have

To make framed blocks do I want to make framed blocks that’s a good question I’m running out of wood I feel feel so maybe it’ll be better if we just save on wood and just do the stair thingy like we normally would h well you know what you can’t say I

Didn’t try I tried a bunch of things to make it work I was a little bit quiet there for a minute I’m so sorry my brain was um working in over time to try to get it to go the way that I wanted it to go but without framed slabs it wasn’t going

To work and I just don’t have a lot of extra wood right now to put into framed slabs going to have to do a lot of mining for some wood off camera I think in between episodes or maybe we can do a stream where we just gather some resources

Little bit more pink terracotta to finish this out here and this side we’re not going to make all the shapes on I just think it looks better with because it’s so small it looks better like this and actually well besides this which we have to fix obviously I think that it

Looks good when we pop into here in free cam I I think that’s fine we still have so much work to do on this house though oh my goodness there is detailing there is the interior there is getting all the leather for all of the bookshelves that I’m going to be placing

In here once you guys see how much leather we’re going to need um I think everyone’s going to be a little bit shocked I’m going to have to walk my dog around so many cows you know also for anyone who didn’t get that reference it’s just a little inside joke

For my twitch streams that sometimes people get sad when you have to you know collect leather from the cows so I usually would go to a BRB screen and say that I was going to walk my dog and then do it off screen green and then when I came back I would

Have leather and there would be no cows so anyone didn’t know what that meant that’s what it means I also don’t like that we have to kill cows to get leather it always makes me feel bad so I totally get it but enough about killing cows and

Let’s just get focused on finishing up this house I don’t want this video to be like 5 hours long and I know in the editing process what I’ve already edited I’ve cut out a little bit of the trip from the Nether and a little bit here and

There like going across the lake to get stuff because for some reason I am always forgetting something you know like the glass that I still haven’t gotten now that I’m looking at the window but I hope you guys don’t mind that I cut out those things just I don’t

Know if they really add anything to the long plane you guys have seen me walk home you know what I mean sometimes I just feel like you know focusing on the build and the resource Gathering might be a little bit better for like the video itself and I don’t really make tutorials

But if anyone’s following along I think it might be a little bit better for the the total experience of watching a Long play if we cut out some of that extra stuff you know but if you have any opinions on that and or if you want me to leave in

Like walking home or give me your opinions in the comments let me know how you guys are feeling I want you guys to enjoy the long plays as much as I enjoy making them I really really have a lot of fun even though I sometimes run out of things to talk

About I still really enjoy making these kinds of videos wait is this guy also new yeah I don’t remember seeing this guy I would have remembered having like a gross spider egg and there’s another guy in there oh man wanding Trader takeover hey guys the library is not open yet

Okay we are not ready for business we are still decorating and setting up You H H I really really really want to use these SP blossoms but I don’t know if I want to use them in here H but you know what I do need to get and just making sure that I didn’t accidentally grab it I didn’t I need to go get the

Glass I think now would be a good time to go get it before we start decorating that way it can feel like you know the full outside is done and was that like a bat flying around anyone else find that like super strange that was like really weird anyways house is looking amazing

The View across the lake to see our house is amazing I love this world so much all right let’s get the glass um I definitely know we’re going to need these PL or these paines sorry and we can also dye these other ones also pink and then put them into our chipped table

And there we go those ones are the matching ones let’s head back over and we’ll fill all of those in in the walls oh my gosh ah please please please leave me alone thank you all right heading in let’s do some glass here and I want to do that like

Panes on the side to make it look like it’s like a bay window kind of thing the good thing about chipped glass panes is that they do not break like regular glass panes do like if you break them without silk touch I mean and that was all of the glass panes

That we had Okay so these ones are going to be full blocks anyways because I don’t want that thing to happen you know like when you place a block next to a pane and it gets that like little Edge I don’t want that to happen um but can I

Make these into pains I cannot that’s right I had to make them into panes before um and put the panes in the glass table that’s okay though because we can also just do a full block window here as well because I don’t know how much of this will be touch ing the enchanting

Area and for anyone who didn’t know what I meant when I said that earlier this like little thing that happens when there’s a full block touching I’m just avoiding that or sorry when there’s a block touching the glass pane I’m just avoiding that but we have the perfect

Amount of glass panes and glass blocks so that was actually really lucky and really Clutch I suppose now we can probably start making some chiseled bookshelves and I’m going to use this Cherrywood because I don’t really think I need any other Cherrywood maybe for some accents later but I have more over at the house now I want chiseled bookshelves

Because I want to be able to store our books that we’re going to be able to get from the enchant table over here but also in general I just really like that chiseled bookshelf just change up the way that you can make Library spaces in your world now because they add a little

Bit of personalization I mean it’s not too much but it’s just not a wall of just bookshelves and empty looms anymore which is good for me we also have alternative bookshelves in the chip mod so I’m going to have to remember that later although by the time later comes

Around I will probably forget and we all know this m all right in between here let’s add some kind of beams just to match what’s on the outside and it’ll separate our little bookshelves here pretty nicely and then I think we could put some ladders on

There sort of make it look like you can climb up and grab the book you want from the top shelf for now we’re just going to stick the lanterns right here I’m sure that we’re going to replace those later with something else something a little bit more aesthetically

Pleasing but let’s get those little um ladders made up I need some more planks really quickly for some more sticks I actually sometimes feel like very weird when I’m making long plays like this because I’m just talking to myself and every once in a while I look

Over at my dog and my dog is like who are you talking to I I just don’t think he gets YouTube but that’s okay he enjoys watching YouTube so do you guys notice your pets watching TV because a lot of people tell me that their cats watch my streams and stuff

With them and I don’t know why but I feel like cats really enjoy my voice like I I’m a comfort to cats but at the same time it’s kind of unfair because I’m allergic to cats in real life and so they can enjoy me but I can never enjoy

Them I mean not to mention I do have two cats but of course like I just am used to being allergic to them so it’s fine but a lot of people post their cat pictures and dogs and horses and all sorts of animals in my Discord I love

Seeing the pets Channel it makes me so happy and let’s take another little baked potato break oh I’m actually kind of getting hungry in real life I might take a break pretty soon and it’ll probably be a good thing as well because I don’t think we can

Make much more progress until we get the bookshelves in and to do that we’re going to have to just kind of breed up the cows and kill them but there’s a lot of empty space in there and I think we’re probably going to need like 50 or 60

Bookshelves so this might take a while so I might have to like AFK for a bit for a leather and bring y’all back I think that’ll make the most sense otherwise you guys are going to have like a huge just compilation of me absolutely wrecking cows over and over

Again which is just like ridiculous and this video will probably be like 8 hours long um let’s grab some of these little decorations that we have that we made for the other spawner room thingy And we do have 52 leather already so how much can we make with that 56 bookshelves or 56 books sorry a little bit more leather so we’ve got 67 bucks that just doesn’t seem like it’s going to be a lot that’s like half of what we need especially cuz I’d also like to fill all of the chiseled bookshelves with some books I mean they don’t have

To be completely full but I’d like to add some books into them you know and we’re going to need our diamonds for an enchanting table yeah I don’t have any obsidian so let’s grab our diamond pickaxe the one that has durability on it still and I think

There’s a lava lake oh yeah there’s one right over there all right it’s morning let’s head over to the cows we’ll breed them up one time and then do a little bit of dog walking and then we’ll go get our obsidian we’ll make our enchantment table and maybe we

Can get looting that way we can fill all of our bookshelves but I don’t know if we’ll be that lucky but we’ll try I forgot to bring wheat over so we’re going to have to grab but what what we’ve got from over here not much of it has grown I think we’re just

Outside of like like the radius or the render distance or whatever that you can have for crops [Applause] growing in any case let me breed these guys up and I’ll see you in a minute all right a little bit later we have some um extra levels well only one extra

Level and we got 20 leather from that so not too bad that is only enough for 20 books or six bookshelves so we are going to have to walk my dog with any cows that we see on the way and you know while we’re in this

Village let’s just see did I miss any books or any leather or anything while we were coming through here anything that can be used for our enchantment table or as decorations over there but I think that we cleared this Village pretty well out there aren’t even that many

Villagers left here because while um they were all falling down this cave where all of the Bells were there were a bunch of zombies and skeletons and creepers and stuff down there there were some Iron Golems down there too but they didn’t really do much to help I don’t

Think oh yeah this is what I was talking about earlier that cave there’s like crops and stuff down there I don’t really know what this is supposed to be but it was like a death hole for all the villagers and I’m just putting it out there I did not build that that was

Generated within this Village H I give up for now I don’t think that they’re going to ever have anything that we need so let’s just head over and grab the obsidian that we need if worst comes to worse we can always get a Fletcher villager with our little villager breeder and we can get emeralds

And then trade with a librarian for bookshelves I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that though all right let’s pick pick up all of this obsidian and then we can make our enchantment table within our backpack there we go all right let’s get our bookshelf recipe going okay here’s like an alternative

Recipe going to do this one but how do I get an empty Oak bookshelf I don’t really know it doesn’t really give me a craft recipe for that I think that this does have other types of bookshelves though so I’m going to make sure that I

Use Oak here as I want them to match the chiseled bookshelves this backpack by the way is a mess right now I’m so sorry for everyone that has to see this I promise I will fix it at some Point 21 bookshelves though not bad we can make one more if we just get a little bit more Oak oh look at the little stacks of books this is cute oh my gosh that’s adorable okay never mind we’re not making another bookshelf we’re getting a stack of

Books oh and that’s right we do have a frog that I went and yed from a swamp on the last stream I think it would be cute if we use the Frog as like a little librarian although I do have an idea for later on in the world to add player

Statues into the world once we have some more built but for a temporary librarian I think a frog will do well wait is that fox just sitting there oh is that a flower oh that’s so cute hello you’re not scared of me are you wait maybe you’ll want this do you want that

Trade thank you little fox I’m going to put this right outside the library this is the fox’s Flower now on the way back over I’ve killed a couple more cows and I have crafted up some more bookshelves and another little decorative book set I’ll show you guys in a minute but first the fox’s Rose oh that was so sweet that like made my day all

Right let’s get out our bookshelves and let’s start by placing down our enchanting table bookshelves so that’ll be over here I think so the enchantment table has to go there and these will all come up and then I think we need two there right and that’s not enough levels

Um if we put one there will that fix it okay it does no one will even notice no one no one even sees that and now we can just start filling in all these empty spaces and this is going to look amazing once we get all of the leather which we

Currently are not going to be lucky enough to have Fortune 2 o I didn’t I didn’t bring any lapis um we’ll get that in a second actually let’s get a doorway in here so the wandering Trader can’t go in anymore do I want to do a crimson door

No you know what I think I want to do the same door we have on the other house the Cherry door I really liked that one and then of course we’ll change it into the the overgrown Cherry door let’s go ahead and place our door

In the normal spot oh I love how that looks it’s so nice all right I’m going to drop a couple of things that I don’t really need in this one like all of those weird random wols that I got from killing the cows and let’s see can we make this work

As a desk here um no I don’t think so but you know what this would be a cute desk in here as like a solo stady desk actually so maybe you can put it there oh nope not there what about here oh yeah that works better and then they can

Have a chair there in the middle perfect mhm maybe we can make this a two two wide desk instead of a one wide desk that’s if of course I could ever place the blocks correctly but maybe this is like a study group desk you know if you have friends

To study with you everyone gets their own place maybe something like that I definitely want to use these paper lanterns in here as I feel like they bring just a really like relaxing soft Vibe and the lanterns sort of feel like a grocery store fluorescent lamp

And I just don’t want that even though I will say I do love lanterns just not at this moment okay let’s take these little books we can put put some there oh my gosh that’s so cute and then maybe some of these books right here next to the enchant table oh I love

It let’s add a couple of flower pots around oh my gosh I really wish that the wandering train would just despawn already I’m not going to trade with you guys now for out here maybe we can make like a counter instead of a desk or just a table that is kind of

Nice but I don’t know if I like the color enough maybe we can try the pink one huh oh that’s from the handcrafted mod oh you have to make those a different way oh shoot okay and for this one you need another quartz of course you

Do yep of course I don’t want to go back to the nether right now so we will make something else uhhuh uh well okay I guess with those planks that we made those like little things we can make these pink desks we can try this the worst thing

That happens is we don’t like it and then we can always use these pink tables elsewhere I don’t know if I like that length maybe maybe less just one less yeah I think that’s a little bit better we’ll block that off with a trapo for safety purposes I Guess let’s add some flower pots here and we’re going to go quickly hopefully that guy doesn’t have a trident or Anything I thought I had the chairs out there in the backpack but they were in my backpack not that backpack I saw that there was this like typewriter in The candalite Dinner mod and I feel like this could really look like a little cash register if we put it here so you can check out your books at the typewriter but we’re going to have to go get some Redstone so back home we

Go and you don’t have a trident so just please leave me alone Uh the new antler hat I’m not the biggest fan of it’s not my favorite we’ll put it away in case there’s ever an instance where I want to wear it but I don’t think so All right let’s craft up that repeater we’re going to need some Redstone torches and some red stone there we go we’ve got some Stone and we can make our typewriter and let’s place it down oh my gosh it’s so cute I do know that there’s a way that

You can type stuff on there but I don’t know how but I think it involves paper so we’ll take some paper with us as well let’s gather up just a few more things that we’re going to need for the build before we go back over hopefully this

Will be the last time we have to come back over we had a couple of those pink decorations yeah these like Town planter things definitely going to bring those over looking at the house from here it’s definitely coming along I really like it I think it needs a chimney there so

We’re going to definitely have to add one of those and maybe we can add a dormer window as well the front just looks a little bit like or the roof sorry looks a little bit awkward oh and before I forget we’re just going to get some lapis that way we

Can actually enchant because I’m really curious what kind of enchants we’re going to get on our tools and armor and stuff well probably won’t enchant the armor but at least on our tools I’m really curious what we’re going to get oh and you know what else we should

Make while we’re over here we should make a couple of Trader blocks from the easy villagers mod that way we can add a place for them already in the house so we need some glass panes and yeah we’ll we’ll just make all six that’s fine I think I’m actually just going to

Incorporate them into the wall with the bookshelves I know that sounds like a little bit weird but there’s just not a lot of other space that we have up there I guess we could use the attic but I actually think it’s cool cuz we can just store the Traders right next

To like copies of their enchanted books in the chiseled bookshelves I I like this idea it’s not weird is it it’s I hope it’s not weird is that another new wandering Trader does anyone know which mod is making these wandering Traders spawn so much because I’m going

Um a little bit wild over here I just want them to stop can I use the paper here doesn’t look like it I thought you could use this to type stuff but maybe it has to be a specific kind of paper how are you in here anyways let’s scatter around these

Traders really quickly we can just add a couple here a couple there one here and then let’s put one yeah we could put one over here as well there we go I have a one enchanted book that we can just put there it’s a sharpness two

Book probably won’t use it so it can just stay over here as decoration and then we’ve got some planters please move man I hate this guy if you don’t get out of here you’re going to get murdered just I’m warning you now let’s move the desk there we go

I feel like the building phase is always like a little bit overwhelming to me but it’s not as overwhelming as the decoration phase I feel like this phase takes me so so long and maybe that’s just because I’m not that good at Minecraft interiors and I get nervous

And I feel weird and then I don’t like them and I have to change them a million times and in modded you have so many block options that it’s almost like over whelming whereas in vanilla you know you sort of just make kind of variations of what you know

Works although some people that I see on like Instagram and Pinterest and stuff some people are so smart and they have like the best interior design skills I’ve ever seen those people aren’t me though do I like that painting oh well I guess I don’t have a choice I guess it’s that

Painting or nothing we’ll just leave that there because being in a library is like being on a magical Mountain I don’t really know what that meant after I said that out loud but we’re just going with it okay we’re just going to pretend that it meant something wait that painting was kind of

Cute though oh but I do like the sunflower oh wait this one’s cute I like that one being in a library is like seeing a sunset that also doesn’t really make sense this one’s okay oh that one’s a little bit scary I don’t like that one I don’t necessarily want that one either

Something cute oh that’s kind of cute with the windmill in the wheat I like That um what was that okay now now the paintings are trolling okay that’s also scary can we get something nice okay that’s nice there we go oh my gosh there was some weird ones there all right well honestly I think I don’t want to do too much else so we’ll

Do so a little bit of enchanting efficiency 4 oh and fortune 3 nice Unbreaking 3 efficiency 4 okay that’s fine sharpness three not the best Unbreaking three even worse efficiency three Unbreaking three okay well I can’t really do much else until we get a well until we get all the leather that

We need so I’m going to go AFK get some food and read the cows and do my thing and then yeah clear out some of this inventory space and then I’m going to get that all handled so we can fill in this whole area fill in all those

Bookshelves as well and I’ll bring you guys back in a moment all right y’all I’m back I got some more levels and I killed way too many cows just genuinely way too many I have like four stacks of beef on me and yeah I don’t think we’re going to run

Out of steak anytime soon I also got a bunch of this beige patterned wool which I think we could probably use to make some like I don’t know designs maybe a rug inside the Library it does give me like quilted comfy vibes so I actually

Really like that we have a bunch of this available to us right now we can put away the blue wool for now though as we are not going to be needing that for the build today but maybe in the future we’ll use that we’ll put a couple of these things away we’ll

Put our chests away oh and it looks like we did get a bunch of the Moss and the Spore blossoms as well so so that’s really good and then we can also just put away a bunch of this stuff that we don’t need anymore

So let me take a moment and kind of sort the stuff out then we’ll go back and decorate a few minutes later I’ve got all the bookshelves that we’re going to need and I’ve got the stuff to make up our chimney as of going to make another

Deep slate chimney so it matches the starter house but let me go pick those up really quick because these were pretty expensive to make let’s just HP up on our sugar canane supply really quickly since it’s all grown in [Applause] again [Applause] and here we are ready to decorate our

Little Library once again oh and the petals when you walk in are so good we’re going to fill in all the rest of these empty spaces with some bookshelves which we only needed 13 I probably should have counted before I crafted all of those into bookshelves and let’s see we have a

Bunch of paper here but 15 books is not going to cut it honestly I definitely want one of those as well I think that this like little blank paper pile showing that somebody’s going to study is kind of cute and now we can just start filling in our bookshelves with the books that

We have and we’re probably going to have to break down our other bookshelves oh that’s right you can place books with like the supplementaries mod right oh that’s cute there like leaning against the other bookshelf I love that we’re going to have to break some of these

Down for some extra books but that’s okay because we can always just get more Oak it’s very easy and now that we have a skeleton Farm we have so much bone meal as well and also placing the books in the chiseled bookshelves is such a satisfying sound I really really enjoy

That sound so so much now not every single bookshelf has to be full of books there can be a couple that have just like one or two that’s not a big deal as long as they have a little bit of variation they don’t all look exactly the same I’m happy with

It oh just wanted to get that one out of there make that look a little bit different too many Green books in a row that’s a little bit better all right now let’s add in a comfy carpet I kind of want to have one over here in the entryway just make sure it

Looks good and then if it does look good we’ll carry another one into the area like the steady area that’s kind of cute right yeah I think it’s a good color it’s like creamy and not too too different you know it’s getting to that time of the

Video again where I just don’t know what to say so enjoy the Vibes enjoy the decorating I will check in and talk if I feel like it’s necessary oh whoops didn’t mean to go down there jump off there so that doesn’t happen again Done Why does this rug kind of sort of look like a jelly donut we’re just going to ignore that though okay I do want to add some more decorations from the cluttered mod oh this open book would be good so that’s just a book and a paper so somebody could be like actively studying over here at this desk oh actually we should switch that the other way they are sitting from that way that

Makes sense oh there’s like a Sketchbook that kind of looks like you’re going to take notes so we need a book and Quil and then an ink sack so that’s going to be feathers and two ink sacks all right let’s go get that stuff really quickly hello any squids

Around looks like there’s some yep there’s one oh I always feel bad about doing this I’m sorry hello squids I’m so sorry can you give me two so I don’t have to kill another one no okay well I guess I will have to kill another squid I’m so sorry um you

Look good you look like you want to give me at least two nope doesn’t matter two is all we need so let’s go over and grab some feathers and I know that there’s some chickens on the other side of the barn somewhere for some reason when I was

Decorating the house I needed eggs for something I don’t 100% remember why oh I think it was for the cake yeah I think we had to get eggs for the cake so anyways yeah over here there was a bunch of chickens and well now now I’m going to end up killing them I’m

Sorry I’m sorry oh I feel bad any others hey I just I’m going to steal your egg and can I just uh have one second here I just really need yeah I just need some feathers we got two sorry okay we’ve got our Sketchbook and let’s

See what else can we make card index I don’t know if I want that um a Paper Stock oh okay we can make that as well so like someone’s doing their homework and then someone has a bunch of paper that you know they’re about to write on I love

That but that does mean that we’re going to have to kill another squid so unfortunately we’re going to have to dive back in that water and mess one up oh and you know what before we go in the water I actually just had an idea

What if I also go get one of those backpacks we’re not using we can bring one of those small ones over we can put like the backpacks next to the table we could store our lapis in there but I mean just for the idea that like you know the students have their backpacks

You know on the floor or whatever so this one will be our student backpack and actually I’d like to change it into a red backpack because I don’t know red just feels like school to me cyan doesn’t feel as schoolish to me oh okay that’s interesting it goes through like multiple different phases

Of die and on the way there we’re going to get a squid like I mentioned I ate food so the brain is finally braining I’m not forgetting this time and yep that one is more than enough enough we’ll have our papers and then our paper stack with the writing on

It we love that if anyone is thinking of using this mod the cluttered mod genuinely I just want to say probably one of my favorite mods that I’ve found in the last like 6 months or so like genuinely I think I might add this to my

Twitch mauno world if it like my chat is down for it because I think it’ll just help improve my builds so much and actually I would love to like go on a long like talk about that how excited I am about my twitch world but that’ll be eventually maybe next video

I’ll go on like a little rant about it well not like a rant but you guys know what I mean like a you know off on a tangent there we go oh my gosh the Sketchbook is so cute okay now seeing this all together I’d really like a drink to be there cuz

It sort of looked like a drink cup I wonder if I have any like placeable like cup of coffee or something I know we do have coffee but I don’t think it’s placeable yeah and I don’t think there’s any like other kind of drinks or anything that you can place oops

Accidentally disabled my shaders there by hitting K Bakery has some jams that are placeable but I don’t think that there’s any drinks Meadow doesn’t have any drinks just cheese oh we should make that though we should have like a cheese and wine store o those flower pots might be nice

Though we’ll come back to that I know that the vinery mod has drinks that you can place but they’re all wine related and I don’t know there’s just something about that doesn’t seem right to have wine in a library I mean I’m sure if it’s a personal library and

You’re just reading your own books that’s fine but for here I think not oh my gosh the pancake stack is so cute I love that yeah I don’t see what I’m looking for that’s okay you know what we’re just going to use that as a coffee cup there we

Go all right over here I’m just going to add a little bit of shelving and add some leaves hanging down just to give a little bit of ambiance in the room of course your girl has to have leaves everywhere it’s just a fact of nature at this

Point and the particles are going to drop down on the enchantment table and they’re going to give us all their magical power to get fortune 3 and all the other enchants that we want and need and actually I want to make a couple of chains here as well because I

Think that the chains will be really good for like hanging up these paper lanterns we can like have them hanging from chains I rope would probably also be good here but I don’t have any rope on me right now so chains it is just going to make a couple of extra paper

Lanterns we’ll just make two more we need a red one and we need a magenta one and of course we’re going to need two more chains oh that’s right I didn’t diee them I just zoned out mid mid-sentence oops sorry if you guys have known noticed me doing that I’m so sorry it’s

Not my intention all right let’s hang these up oh my goodness they are so cute and they bring actually the perfect Vibe it’s kind of muted lighting it’s not too much I actually really like them okay let’s put our extra shelves here maybe and then o maybe we can make like a

Little bit of shelfing up top oh I can’t make um slabs or trap doors out of those okay that’s fine we have a lot of spruce still and let’s hang some Spruce trap doors like a big shelf from here and then we can place some stuff up there like some

Bookshelves maybe some leaves oh we could do some chests as well maybe a barrel but before we go there let me put these signs here we’ll put them on like the flowers hanging down so it kind of looks like it’s a flower box oh and I guess we should put in our

Librarian too so let’s grab um a couple of you know what some fences yeah I couldn’t think of the word for it I know it if I see it but I always want to say gate even though I want I mean fence so down here we’ll have a little Spruce

Fence um I just got to get out of here really Quick let me up okay I’m fine so we’ll put that there we’ll put our frog down hi Mr librarian we’ll put that there and you know what we have some extra stacked Spruce we’ll put that there stack that up so he can’t fall in wait did it is it

Right where’ it go I thought I I thought I messed it up did I not mess it up Um all right hold on oh no it was it was correct then okay come back here Sir Mr Sir there we go I think now it’ll work hi buddy you are our new head librarian at least until someone comes to take over your job later when I put some statues in this

World if you need anything I live across the lake but have fun getting there with your lead okay oh he’s so cute I love Him I think this flower box is for the outside windows but this one is just like a regular pot what about the big one oh definitely don’t need 25 of those but these are nice cuz you can put the double tall flowers and there are like

Roses and lilacs and stuff so maybe we can put a couple of those here here oh it’s cute maybe we can put another one up there oh my gosh um everything is griefing me in here hello I’m just going to break this I’ll replace something there for later oh my gosh this is

Embarrassing we’ll do a chest over there and then let’s put in maybe this one over here and we’ll put some flowers in there so we’ll do a panty and we’ve got lilac and then wait maybe we can change that one to like a rose bush cuz we do have the panty already

Downstairs as well that is cute I really like that and we’ll grab this and place it right back where it was and I think for for the most part that should be our reception area done is there anything else maybe we can just kind of stick these

Here I mean who’s really going to know I think this interior is pretty much done for now I really really like this place I hope you guys have also really liked it but we still have a couple of extra things to do and of course that’s

Going to be putting on our roof or not our roof sorry the chimney onto the roof and also putting our Dormer window in so there is like a deep slate chimney block that we used on the starter house but these are only one wide and I actually

Want to make like a big like double wide chimney so we’re going to actually use campfires for this there’s a skeleton dying outside okay we just need four of these campfires but it’s okay if we make a couple extra we can use the other ones as decoration

But let’s go up and let’s put our chimney on the roof a quick stop here for some leaves on the roof because that is my favorite thing about making a roof is putting leaves on it you guys already know that about me and we’re going to need another

Spruce sign here to hold these leaves back that way it just looks a little bit more put together and let’s add a couple more flowers and leaves over Here no not not a sign leaves just leaves no sign NOP not a sign I should move those so that way I don’t accidentally place a sign again okay and over here is where I actually want to make the chimney so I’m just going to build this up and we’re going

To see how it looks and if we have to adjust it after that’s fine but I’m just using our deep slate variants we’ve got some deep slate cobbled and the bricks and the tiles as well in the last year or so deep slate has really grown on me I didn’t really

Like it as much at first but now I think I’m starting to become a deep slate girly although I mean it is a little bit difficult to make look good in a cottage core build sometimes but then there are just some builds where like you can

Really pull it off you know and it doesn’t go with everything of course but sometimes I really really like it and right in here we’ll remove all of these planks and then we’re going to add our campfires doesn’t really matter in which order they go we’ll just add them in come down

And there we go now of course for this to be a true froggy build we’re going to first fix that so it’s not as oddl looking and then of course we’re going to add some leaves on the chimney that’s one of my favorite Parts about building

A chimney is putting the leaves kind of surrounding it I don’t care if it doesn’t make sense it looks like Vines h maybe just a couple more yeah I really like that it’s so springy I love it okay now out front here I want to do a dormer

Window and I think let’s try a three Wide Window we might have to expand that a little bit let’s just see how it looks oh oops it’s probably actually going to look a little bit awkward now that I think about it might as well just expand it now now I should probably add these kinds of Dormer windows into my roofs

More often but sometimes I get really intimidated by them especially if I plan on using the attic space right away I don’t know why or like what specifically is it that like intimidates me so much about this silly little window but I hope that someone out there

Can understand how I feel although I wouldn’t wish it on anyone I don’t I don’t want anyone to like be not as confident with their builds or Anything what am I looking for what did I come in here For I don’t remember honest ly let’s cover this up we’ll go up one more and that’ll be fine then we’ll just do a simple stair and slab kind of roof that we usually do and we’ll connect it up to the main roof and then we won’t worry

About giving this its own kind of gradient we’ll just kind of mesh it in with the other roof that’s already here if that makes sense so like the magenta or sorry the pink Terra and then the cherry wood I think that this can really make your builds look a lot more interesting

Though even if I’m not that confident at doing them so if you guys like this style window let me know and I’ll try to incorporate some more into my builds and you know who’s really good at dmer Windows Brooke Brooke is so good at Dormer windows like

Hello I don’t know if anyone else gets like this but I’ve learned so much from my friends and I’m so inspired by them I genuinely really enjoy seeing the things that they create and like I don’t know it just brings me so much happiness to like watch them grow as

Builders and as like entertainers and as YouTubers I feel very lucky to have surrounded myself with people who bring genuine joy to my life and actually I feel like okay not to be dramatic but this little Dormer window is bringing me joy as well I’m going to need more pink

Terracotta the Terracotta today we have used so much of it I’m still using the wrong one whoops all all of that in here and then I want to get some stripped Cherry do I still have cherry oh no I thought I did though oh yep I do at the

Top luckily we still do have some all right let’s get this on and then we can check how it’s looking from the front to see if we’ve got to change anything up before we do the rest of the decorating and we’ll just swap these two pieces out here think that’ll look

Better yeah there we go get a couple of leaves on here I know I said before we decorate that we were going to check it out but I’m pretty confident that it’s going to look amazing and we’ve got all of these beautiful leaves on here all right let’s go down

Here and then pop into free cam oh I do love it wait oh my God no I built it it’s off center how is it off center oh no okay I’m going to fix this really quickly off camera because you guys just saw me build it but obviously there’s

Four blocks on that side and six on the other so I’ll bring you back once this is fixed uh give me just 1 minute all right here we are it is fixed it is now centered properly it looks a lot better I’m so glad that I noticed there’s me hi we’re actually inside

Upstairs that Dormer on the roof has added so so much to the roof I genuinely love it so much just got to repl a couple of these leaves that I removed during the process um that was a little bit embarrassing I was very confident that that was going to look amazing but it

Was off center which is just we don’t talk about it okay anyways let’s see how it looks from the ground floor over here oh yeah that is looking well ignoring the oak pillar there that is looking amazing needs a little bit of detailing and I love love the chimney

But we’re getting there we’re almost done today this has taken me literally 2 days because I actually had to stop recording the first day because waiting for the cows took so long let’s just grab a couple of last minute supplies here and then we’ll head back and we’ll

Continue decorating and finishing up the outside of our house where h oh my gosh and of course it’s raining like why is it raining now it was just sunny and beautiful and now it is like cloudy and yucky I mean I do like Minecraft rain but it feels like this world is cursed

It is constantly raining when I’m trying to record first things first let’s get in our windows and here we can do that with just our glass panes and actually why don’t we put the campfires up here it’ll make them a little bit different from our Windows downstairs but that’s okay there’s

Nothing wrong with that next up I think if we have those Cherry what’s the word shutters yeah shutters I think if we make some of those shutters that would look really really nice with some of these windows will it go three high oh it does nice so let’s make another set

There we go oh my gosh beautiful and we can also add H maybe our big flower pot up here with a peie there we go lots and lots of stuff added up here these windows need a little bit of love as well but I don’t know if it’s going to work

Out with these we can try cuz they’ve got like the weird trap doors and Stuff that’s kind of cute but yeah like I said there’s a trapo up there so I don’t think I like that at least we tried that way we know it’s more important to know than not know I think put some little flowers down here like these pink

Daffodils and then on these ones I think we could do like some Moss held back by some signs and then we can add in some of our other flowers that we’ve gathered in our time in this world uh just to be a little bit different you know

And we’ll just do a similar thing over here with our Moss oh and I I also want to add some supports up there holding up that roof on top going to have to do that on all of these bits and then maybe some Spruce trap doors as well kind of like securing

It to the roof let me just make some more Spruce trap doors oh my goodness my backpack is such a mess even though I cleaned it earlier as well and the wandering traditor is still yapping after all of this time sir please leave you are not you’re not very cool you stink

Bad you Smell I don’t want you in my world anymore please I’ve had so many of you to deal with today let’s do a little bit of cleaning up out here we can get rid of The Carpenter’s table well not get rid of it but we can bring it back home

We’ll pick up the backpack and we’ll pick up the furnace as well oh my gosh that is so cute actually I love it let’s work on a little front garden area here just to bring something interesting to the front of this place and of course we’re going to need a

Pathway eventually this will connect all the way around the lake but I’m not going to worry too much about that today that is what we have officially deemed as a future froggy problem as long as it kind of just looks good enough that’s well good enough for me

Add some of these flowers here we really like those ones add some penies maybe we can just put some of the double towel flowers in here because they match the colors of this whole place maybe that’s too many penies We’ll add some of these Sprouts as well h

Get a couple of lanterns hidden around just for some extra light so nothing spawns out front couple extra roses as well never heard anybody all right I think it’s finally time to take down our Oak plank scaffolding no more blocking the entryway the library is basically officially open for business after today I

Think oh the Spore blossoms yes okay where am I going to put these maybe I can kind of put it over the entry way here like there and then maybe another one maybe in the middle over here yeah I think that’ll be good I do also still need to put the other

Supports on the other side of the roof oops didn’t mean to do that but here we go all right so we’ve got a spruce St there and there and then we get a trapo how did that how did that just happen and knock me off are you joking

Am I a joke to you Minecraft we’ll put down our final trapo and of course I’ve got to do this on the other side too but I’ll do that between episodes sh you guys on the next live stream just remind me to do it okay I promise I will

And honestly I think that we’re done so let’s take one last sleep and then we’ll go through a tour of everything that we built today wow look at the particles there are so many oh my gosh and there’s our rainbow as well this is actually the perfect end to this

Episode what a gorgeous sight now we have this beautiful enchanting cottage which we can just boat across the lake to anytime we need to go get some XP mend our tools trade with some villagers or just simply do a little bit of enchanting now genuinely this was a big

Effort it was a lot outside of my comfort zone with like the gradients and stuff and I did mess up a few times but overall the vibe of this place and our new froggy librarian just is so magical I absolutely love this I love that we

Were able to bring the theme of the Skelly farm from Down Below in here and seeing that enchantment table reminds me that I did actually get a grindstone earlier I made one so that way we can add it up here and we can always go try

Again for our enchant table so let’s try to get looting on our sword just in case we need to get more leather looting too no way okay that was very lucky should we try the pickaxe as Well we’ll see what would we get Unbreaking 3 H I think we’ll leave that one but thank you guys so much for watching this episode I had so much fun building in this world with you once again I really really hope you enjoyed this relaxing Long play and let me know

What you think of the build and if you have any other ideas for this world of course feel free to let me know thanks so much for watching I hope you have a good rest of your day Bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Relaxing Longplay With Commentary – Magical Enchanting Cottage🌷’, was uploaded by frogcrafting on 2024-02-24 13:15:03. It has garnered 24690 views and 437 likes. The duration of the video is 03:42:00 or 13320 seconds.

Hey everyone! Today we’re going to be making a minecraft relaxing longplay with commentary, so sit back, relax, and enjoy this magical enchanting cottage~!

– – – 🌷 RESOURCES USED ✨ – – –

A full modlist is below!!

– – – 🍄 MY SOCIALS ✨ ♡ My 2nd Channel – @froggytwo ♡ Twitch – ♡ Instagram – ♡ Discord – ♡ TikTok – ♡ Twitter – – – – 🎶 Music Credits🎵

Music provided by Epidemic Sound

– – –

#minecraft #cottagecore #longplay

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    INSANE! Building Electric Factory in Minecraft SkyFactory #5Video Information This video, titled ‘Membangun Pabrik Listrikl Di Dunia Minecraft Edisi SkyFactory #part 5’, was uploaded by MIX GAMING on 2024-01-07 22:11:57. It has garnered 31 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:31 or 8791 seconds. Don’t forget to join our discord server! Click here to join our Discord server. There, you can interact with me and friends, get the latest updates, share ideas, and even participate in special events. Support us to develop this channel. By clicking below Make sure to prepare your favorite snacks and drinks because we will spend an… Read More

  • Shocking PvP Showdown on Anarchic Minecraft Server #2!

    Shocking PvP Showdown on Anarchic Minecraft Server #2!Video Information This video, titled ‘ImGhxst_ vs iziDiegod | SERVER SURVIVAL ANARQUÍCO MINECRAFT JAVA Y BEDROCK #2’, was uploaded by Yovas on 2024-01-16 20:00:12. It has garnered 253 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. ★n0 0lvid3s sus©r!b!rt3 and d3j@r your LAIK★ ——————————— ————————————— NAME: 2B2TBE IP: PORT: 19132 ————————————————– ———————- Discord: Store: ————————————————– ———————- My social networks: Instagram: ————————————————– ———————- ❤️You would help me a lot if you support my videos, I really appreciate it, with each view you help me to continue paying for the server and… Read More

  • Unbelievable Curse – 2 Witches Oofing Around!

    Unbelievable Curse - 2 Witches Oofing Around!Video Information This video, titled ‘Oofing Around In Minecraft- S3- Part 26: I’m Cursed’, was uploaded by These 2 Witches on 2024-02-26 13:00:48. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:01 or 1861 seconds. With the new update in Minecraft; 1.20 Trails & Tales, we are in The End, but nothing goes right. Lagging, endermen, and many deaths. We added a few mods, from Vanilla Tweaks, to help with multiplayer and to pretty up the game. Mods: ° Waystone ° Slimeboots ° Ketket Chairs ° Ketket Tables… Read More

  • Insane Noob Survives 200 Days in Hardcore Minecraft!

    Insane Noob Survives 200 Days in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 200 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE MINECRAFT AGAIN…’, was uploaded by Mythbustingnoob on 2024-05-12 14:00:12. It has garnered 36042 views and 956 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:04 or 6364 seconds. I survived 200 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE AGAIN . All The mods 9 has had Major Updates. So in these 100 days I Conquer the Entire Modpack to make the final Item, an ATM Star. If You’d Like to Subscribe: —————————————————————————— Surviving 100 days like forge labs, lukethenotable, suev, Skyes, WelcominTV and many more!… Read More

  • “Insane Hyper-Realistic Minecraft gameplay!” #minecraft

    "Insane Hyper-Realistic Minecraft gameplay!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ultra Realistic Minecraft.#minecraft #shorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by SuperBolt Gaming on 2024-05-28 07:30:21. It has garnered 432 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Ultra Realistic Minecraft.#minecraft #shorts #viralshorts #realistic SO HI GUYS MERA NAAM RISHI HAI AUR YE MERA CHANNEL HAI SO AGAR AAP YE CHANNEL KO PAHELI BAAR DEKHRE HOTO JARUR SE LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE KIJEYEGA.GUYS YE CHANNEL EK FAMILT FREEINDLY CHANNEL HAI TOH AAP ISE FAMILY ME BHI DEKH SAKTE HO.(ENJOY THE VIDEO) Copyright Disclaimer: – Under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure – Don’t Miss VensHandle’s New World!

    Insane Minecraft Adventure - Don't Miss VensHandle's New World!Video Information This video, titled ‘Starting A New World | Minecraft’, was uploaded by VensHandle on 2024-03-04 02:20:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. The Discord: Twitter: venhandle TikTok: VensHandle Cashapp: VensHandle (Cat PFP) … Read More

  • PixelVerse Network

    PixelVerse NetworkPixelVerse is a vibrant and diverse Minecraft server that beckons players into a realm of endless possibilities. With an array of game modes catering to every playstyle, PixelVerse stands as a haven for Minecraft enthusiasts worldwide. Survival enthusiasts can test their mettle against the wilds, building, mining, and surviving the challenges of an unforgiving world. Creative minds are invited to let their imaginations run wild in the Creative server, crafting architectural wonders limited only by their creativity. For those seeking excitement and competition, the KitPVP server offers thrilling battles and fierce combat encounters. Meanwhile, the unique Lifesteal server brings a… Read More

  • The Artisan Collective SMP – Vanilla SMP Whitelist Fabric 1.20.4 Creators

    Join Our Minecraft SMP Community Who Are We? We are a new SMP community focused on building a family-friendly online environment for YouTubers and streamers to create engaging Minecraft content. Our Goals We aim to provide a platform for members to grow their individual channels while collaborating on exciting multiplayer projects in Minecraft. How to Join To join, send a DM for the application link. Applicants must be over 18, have an active YouTube account, and produce family-friendly content. Season Details Season started on March 16, 2024, and we are in the early stages of gameplay. We play on Minecraft… Read More


    Servidor No Premium 1.20.4Welcome to our server!Main features:Game mode: Survival Towny VanillaVersion: 1.20.4Language: EspañolServer location: ChileAccess: No PremiumWhy choose us?Towny Communities: Create and manage your own city with your friends. Set rules, build structures and expand your territory.Vanilla Experience: Enjoy the game in its purest form, without excessive modifications that alter the original Minecraft gameplay.Speaks Spanish: A server completely in Spanish, ideal for Spanish-speaking players.Stability and Performance: Server hosted in Chile, offering a fast and stable connection for players in the region.Our objectivesLasting Communities: We are here to stay, building a solid and lasting community.Friendly Environment: We foster a respectful… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Anomaly #2: The Spicy Adventure

    I guess he discovered the secret to levitating rocks – just add Redstone torches! Read More

  • AK-47 in Minecraft: Horror Mods Reloaded

    AK-47 in Minecraft: Horror Mods Reloaded In the world of Minecraft, horrors await, With AK-47 in hand, I face my fate. Herobrine’s eyes, glowing with fright, The Rake’s claws, ready to strike in the night. Siren Head’s wails, chilling to the bone, Mimic Dweller’s disguises, all on their own. But with my trusty gun, I stand tall, Ready to fight, ready to brawl. Will bullets be enough to save the day? Or will these monsters have the final say? Tune in to see, the horror unfold, In Minecraft’s world, where stories are told. Read More