Mastering Minecraft Interiors!

Video Information

How you going everybody it’s me doip and welcome back to the Minecraft guide I can’t believe I finally get to say it Lads but today is time in just a matter of 20 30 minutes this place right here it’s going to be transformed but also

More there’s only one way to kick it off and that is in honor of this old cold Dusty open space you got to leave a like on this video right now once you go ahead and do that for me we can move on with doing not one but two Interiors in

Today’s interior guide oh sniffers so sniffers how have you been doing I feel so neglectful I haven’t walked over to you and looked at you fed you and well I shouldn’t really say how long it’s been since you bad food I will get me in trouble good to see you’re looking as

Good as ever yes that’s right not one but two Interiors in today’s continuation of project Hollow interior number one is pretty straightforward and obvious interior number two for interior number two Ls lates I’d like to reintroduce you to all B scene the poison spiders spawn

Our farm that we set up a while ago this beautiful little Contraption it’s all interiored out and it’s wonderful however not so much you see down below I like the feeling it’s Grand and fancy up here on the surface we have a mildly offensive looking uh statue right there

To Mark the spider spawner and that’s it when working on an interior of any Minecraft build a big or small well big or small it’s going to change a lot of the vibe here filling out the inside of your build the most important thing here is well you’re

Build you got to have a build to actually fill out on the inside the second most important thing is the actual sizing of your build the vibe of your interior and what you’re going to actually be able to pull off inside of your build it’s going to greatly shift

If you got more space like our starter cabin maybe you do a couple different roofs but if you’re working with a smaller build like the top of old Bessie over here you’re going to have to get a little bit more creative I’ve got a great feeling we’ll talk a little bit

More about sizing and interior proper tricks and everything like that of course after we have an interior to decine so this time my dear friends our story technically begins in between episodes right after I finished the last episodes project I slid it back down that tunnel to the BT Zone and started

Mining up as much Blackstone as I could handle I ended up mining up I think about nine saacks of Blackstone in order for today’s build so in case yeah I don’t know haven’t caught on by now we something enamored by my voice I don’t know uh the first part of today’s

Episode involves constructing a proper Tower to Mark where our spider spawner Farm is I was thinking we would start with something kind of like this like we’ll have a step up to the tower then a front door right here then I was thinking beyond that maybe like some

Kind of Grand Arch arching around the door and of course because this is marking the spider farm we’re going to absolutely have to come in with a little bit of red too I think black and red combine smack dab together on one build I mean you’ll know from a million miles

Away that this is clearly old Betsy the spider farm oh no no no no buddy I don’t know where in the world you came from I slept as soon as it was night time but don’t do that Again and so that brings us to today’s first build the experience while building today’s Tower this is going to be a little bit different for you you see today’s episode it’s not about what’s on the outside you have to look inside sometimes and that’s what we’ll be doing today instead of walking you

Through a step by step building this Tower we will save that for like a different episode or something like that in the future instead I’d like to talk to you a little bit about my newest Obsession this Serbian dancing woman no no no like no lie like I’m

Obsessed with these in a post-pandemic world that we are currently residing in here together my brain has been entirely rotted eroded down to the bone and my attention span entirely erased in the process but this new fixation my next new fixation it’s caught it back the Serbian dancing woman started popping up

On my feet about I know the middle of October or something like that after that there’s been more and more takes on the Serbian dancing woman if you don’t know about the Serbian dancing woman consider yourself consider yourself lucky how this story goes it is pretty simple picture yourself you there

Standing in the middle of Serbia but also in the middle of Serbia in the middle of night time then all of a sudden out the window you see a dancing woman in the street she’s got her arms up and kind of like this t- pose posed and like bounces side to side yeah

That’s the Serbian dancing woman and as soon as you’ve seen her well as soon as you’ve seen her you you’re dumb we’ll leave it like that but I don’t know use your imagination fill it in I’m a truthful guy I like to keep it real with you I cannot confirm or deny

The the true real life existence of this woman because I’ve never been to Serbia all I can say here really is that these videos of this mysteriously Darkly shrouded woman dancing in the middle of the street in the middle of night time and then chasing the

Viewer I can’t get enough of them I need more of it and at this point I need it in like a Minecraft mod or something like that so I can experience it up close and personal the way I the way I guess I like to experience everything

Just a little bit of time later and voila there we go one of the most evil looking towers that I have built in all of my time playing this game I got the tall spikes on the top I think the very first lightning rod I’ve ever made the

Red the black the Deep slate the dark oak it makes them want to build like a whole haunted Zone over there seran lady and all with that build cracked up and done we can now finally roll on with the main part of the episode which is going

To to be Interiors the first type of interior that I’d like to talk about getting done is your cramped you’re small your tight interior when it comes to the inside of your build that maybe has a little bit of a smaller footprint you’re really going to have to get

Creative here I have this base right here and somehow I need to take it and level it up first things first the Necessities whether it’s a crafting build or just a beautiful build I highly recommend trying to work a crafting table into the build somewhere after all

You never know when you need to like I don’t know craft some Brand’s new beautiful trap doors or even roof blocks so the ceiling of your build if you have a smaller build a great spot to start is the ceiling you see our strategy is

Going to be a little bit different in a second here when we get to a bigger build but if you have a small build like we’re talking maybe a one roomed build which Speaking of your good old one roomed build if your build is a little bit smaller like ours is right here

Right now then I recommend leaving it as one room well I guess maybe if you got some vertical height to your build like a tower or something you can do like multiple rooms stacked up but splitting up this floor right here cutting it in like half or something for two rooms

It’s more than likely not going to work out chandelier lighting every single good build needs a good source of lighting this is one of my favorite easy chandeliers in the entire game using a glass block a couple glass panes and then finally to put the icing on the

Cake here some candles we can make a pretty simple and cool looking chandelier to cap it all off I get my hands on a flint and seal and of course light these candles and it’ll be a cool like Ambiance it’s not necessarily going to block a whole lot of spawns on this

Build but it’s going to look pretty cool I can’t tell if I maybe hung the chandelier a little too low uh but I think I’ll leave it it’s 2023 baby take those old torches they’re Dusty crusty throw them out and replace them with lanterns inside of your build

It makes it look even more fancy another great and large thing that I like to put in almost any of my builds is a little bit of extra storage maybe you got a flint and seal you don’t know what to do do with it well put it in the storage or

Maybe even you got like extra string from the farm down below same thing it could go in the storage and chest look cool too now to finish up the ceiling of this Tower we need to go all the way down to the bottom of the world and grab

My granite this is like basically the only Granite that I have in the world then it’s back up to the top you see the ceiling inside of our room right now it looks nice it’s a small ceiling so we could get away with doing like a relatively flat plain looking thing but

I was thinking of molding on the ceiling too maybe add a little bit more detail depth and of course variation allinone all we really need to do is slap a little bit of granite in here just like that right there and boom it looks a little bit better that spot though we

Can make it look even more cool so it’s kind of funny here you see chains are made out of iron so you would think maybe iron block would match the chandelier perfectly but no no no no the chain actually matches a netherite block a little bit more but that’s real

Expensive I think instead of a netherite block or something we could just do Granite right there polished and I don’t know I think it looks nice beds another key thing to any interior big small medium large wide or tall I like to put a bed inside of here and maybe

Spice it up with some trap doors the trap doors almost make it look like a like a bench or something you know the floor is a little plain and empty right here you see what if we maybe did like carpet right there it accents the bed accents the chandelier and it accents

The cobwebs of course we got to theme this build right if you’re doing an interior for say a spider farm or something like that maybe think about the spider and what they like to do like you know cobwebs I don’t know what spiders like to do in

Their free time but every time they hang around they seem to make cobwebs so maybe we go ahead and make this build up top feel really really old with like lots of cobwebs somebody better dust finally here or just about we of course need a front door on this build I was

Thinking maybe like a spruce door that kind of looks like an evil tower build right like Spruce door right there cobweb peing through on the inside go up we got spikes go up even more we got spikes and a lightning rod on the top I’m not going to lie lightning rods do

Confuse me a little bit hopefully this isn’t going to cause my whole build to burn down if lightning HS it but I mean considering the fact that we mainly built out of stone we should hopefully be good now the other thing that I like to say about a build is that the build

Is not done once you finish the interior of it you have to do the outside the exterior as well like decorated maybe put dead bushes near the evil build dirt you know things like that however we have a whole another house to get done we’ll come back later in summary

The key to doing small Interiors is get created with the space that you’re working with with a small interior it’s really all in the small details as in like blocks that are one block that still look really really interesting like’s say cobwebs another category of blocks that I find is really really good

For small compact Interiors is workstations use a combination of cool looking blocks with some handy little chandelier build tricks and sooner or later you’ll be be done all right so next up we’ve got the big boy this house right here this is what I would call a medium to large size interior our

Strategy with an interior this size is going to be completely different in Step number one we need to think about what we want to put inside of this house with this being kind of like our main base of operations The Hub over here I know for

Sure I want to have a bedroom inside of this house I was thinking maybe with the height here we might be able to add an upstairs and put the bedroom up there I also know that store is getting a little out of hand like it’s embarrassing I

Almost don’t even want to show you guys like it’s bad want 100% that means I need a storage room inside of this building too with it being a starter house I like to run over and cook a little bit so maybe a kitchen too and

Then finally I saved a spot for a grand fireplace what about maybe a fireplace living area where I could put like trophies like say a map or something on the wall that would be pretty cool too so the first thing you’re always going to want to do is think of what you

Actually need and want to have inside of your your house after that I would say it’s time to start setting up a floor plan using some kind of temporary block or maybe even better carpets that we can break instantaneously what I think I want to do here is try and break up this

Build a little bit I mentioned I was imagining it upstairs staircases are kind of annoying sometimes so I like to pack them into the side of my build maybe we’ll do like a staircase right there like we walk in the door then we could turn immediately go up the stairs

And sleep if I needed to then I was thinking maybe we could cut the build up into thirds we could have a room over here maybe actually like over here could be the storage room or something of course I break it out and maybe add a

Door somewhere in here so I can reach the rest of the build but I got the side door reaching out to the rest of the base I feel like storage would be pretty convenient over here maybe this base could be the kitchen I don’t need too much space really just a couple furnaces

Smokers you know after that finally of course the fireplace is going to be over here so let’s look the living room there we go another handy little trick that you can do here is signs if you have a bigger interior like a maze maybe label

Things out with a signs so you can like remember what you want to do after that it’s time to move basically room by room and get this in let’s start here basically the biggest test of all time I want to get a little bit creative with

This interior if I place aha if I place a cartography table at least from that side it looks good this side it might be a little bit questionable as a wall block we maybe fix that up later on but that’s itle bab that’s very interesting

Wood panel I think I want to use this so what I want to do here is go kind of like room by room section by section talk you through my thought process everything like that after I kind of start to get like a rough idea as to

What I want to do with my build the fun part kicks in which is where I start to actually like place the blocks in and mess around with ideas now one of my favorite ideas of all time is going to involve a little bit of ink sacking and

Unfortunately ink sacks I don’t think I own a single one over here and I don’t think squid spawn in a river right which means it’s off to the ocean for me oh they do spawn there never mind hey also to make it a little bit easier to work

On this build and get the details in I’ll start by solid up these walls I know on the front of the build I have a bunch of Windows that I want to keep there but I think on the back of the build these walls the windows back there

I might actually just make them completely disappear I can always come back in later on and like pop a window back in but I think to me make my vision a little bit more crisp we’ll block it all in fill it in as always if you can

Break things down to like their most simple Raw Pure basic shape well if you can pull that off it’ll be a whole lot easier to work with and create a vision for what you want to do this is the first time I’ve climbed down the mountain like this actually I I swear

Sooner or later I need to come back in and build like a like an elevator or something so I can go up and down but yeah actually I have no clue how I’m going to get back up good luck with that the walls in the flooring right now

Before putting in any of the details if I can start to crack out what I want to do with like the actual bones of my house not the actual bones of my house I want to try something a little bit crazy here Lads so this furnace right here

This is going to be moved over to the kitchen I like it in a kitchen when you can like kind of like look through and see the rest of the house so maybe we’ll put it there and it’ll be there forever I I guess we’ll have to wait and see

After that I want to do something crazy I want to take the yellow terra cotta smelt it up in the furnace into an insane looking block for the floor and the ink sacks that I just went down to the bottom of the valley to get I need

Black dye for the first time ever that’s cool for the other thing that I want to do I want to take bone meal and get white dye for the first time ever maybe inside of this table over here I want to take the black dye I want to take the

White dye and make some interesting looking blocks after that oh it’s time for the floor but not just any floor no no no no no one of my favorite floors of all time I love this type of floor we take the black powder we take the white

Powder we take the black powder we take a little bit more white powder and yeah yeah yeah you better believe it we make a beautiful checkered floor design in here that’ll look so good I love a checkered floor it adds a lot of detail and variation to a house but also it’s

Just like you walk in here and you’re like that’s fancy lad very nice house you got there may I move in so here’s what I’m thinking and I don’t know exactly like fully what I’m going to end up doing inside of this room but a checkered floor something kind of like

That that’ll look really really good then I think I want to actually smooth it out a little bit with some water so we’ll place the blocks down dump it like that and just like that the storage room floor I think that looks pretty cool how did you actually get up there though

That was so weird I have the perfect amount to finish this that’s so cool now while those terracotta blocks keeps smelting up that I’m going to need in a second I’d like to talk about the staircase to go upstairs inside of this house I was thinking jungle wood

Actually because of how I did the top of the build I can’t use oak wood that’s on the ceiling can’t use dark oak that’s also on the ceiling I could use Spruce but that’s on the wall so I kind of out of the question for me too I don’t want

Any more pink wood anywhere but I think jungle wood with this pinkish tone it might kind of like complement the pink wall I think I’ll have the staircase cut up to this box cuz I’m getting pretty close to the ceiling here I’ll go ahead and do a little Landing then we’ll

Actually turn the staircase something like this and step up a couple more blocks maybe like one more so I got to have that as a window so let’s say maybe I do something that looks like this and then I’ll come back in in a in a minute and properly

Finish up the floor and everything like that before I do that I would like to take a look at wallpapering oh boy this is tricky so terracotta terra cotta I love the color yellow to be honest yellow is probably my favorite color of all time too it’s just like like such a

Nice color I want to try and rotate this terra cotta get it in the right way so I yes yes get in the right way so I can create a flower looking thing like that now the nice thing about this is once you kind of start to figure out

Which way you need to be to place the pattern right you could basically just repeat the pattern so I would have like two like that which means I think I would need to be back here like that for that one Right right now after that the next row I want to keep this shape looking good oh first try first try that’s perfect which means I think this one needs to go yes yes that one needs to go exactly like that to create the pattern we’re going to have beautiful wallpaper

Finally to finish it all off maybe like now no not like that maybe like that no definitely not does it maybe go like that is that the way no like that is that the that’s the way right there that’s the way perfect a wall looking something like that maybe

I’ll repeat it like one more time we’ll bring the wall all the way up to there I think that’ll meet up with the floor perfect the following THS day just a little bit of time later zero struggle at all and I’ve got a Fold wallpaper wall in here this is pretty cool looking

I think the yellow will look nice it looks pretty good in my opinion but we’ve got a couple problems here we have a little bit of a strange intersection right here what if maybe to make a doorway and not just any doorway no no no no no an arched doorway what we could

Do is come in here with a little bit of dark oak tra doors in dark oak staircases and just like that we’ve got the trim that follows up and goes right around the door that looks pretty good over on the inside of the storage room we’re going to want to probably have a

Crafting table somewhere so I can slap that down then we’re going to have a problem with this right there I don’t like the look of that to concealing I mean there you go no problems looking at the rest of this room it looks like I am one cartography

Table short we go ahead and put that right there and it’s just like new another true function of this room over here that we’re setting up it’s pretty straightforward it’s a storage building a storage room so I don’t think I really need much explanation here what I want

To do is maybe save room for chest on the ground then I could do a Shelf with chests after that we skip this block do that one and then we could have one final row of chests after that I think we’ll probably run into the ceiling so

Two rows is good we’ll do bamboo cuz it accents the wallpaper all of that is unfortunately going to mean though that this window from the outside it’s not going to work we’re going to have to tear this entire window out and replace it with solid

Wall while I’m at it I think I’ll just go ahead and do the same thing to the other side I’ll get rid of this window to fully finish up this room over here I say why not one more arched doorway with maybe like a small separate storage room or even room for a

Staircase going downstairs in the future here and then a couple more trap doors just like that we fully framed out and just about finished this room all I need to do is come back in and add the details but I’ll do that later sticking with the core Essentials of this house

Right here the actual bones of it right now let’s swing swing upstairs and fill the floor in that’s probably the best spot to start here I think for this upstairs floor what I want to have it do is have like a big open balcony looking into the living

Room I think to pull that off I might need to pull it out to like right here and maybe chop it here I could put like an upset on staircase that might look pretty good from down below to keep it nice and simple for us here today and to keep it

Clean we’ll take this balcony and cut it all the way straight across the house nothing fancy here up top here though I am noticing one big problem already and that’s going to be this wool sticking out into the house I think what I want to maybe do here this could work out

Pretty nicely too I think is we pull the wall all the way out and because I have fences solid all the way up to the ceiling I could have given myself like a big window and like a small little view of the base you can kind of see the iron

Farmer definitely from here so that’s kind of cool and like the rest of the builds maybe from down below to make that look a little bit better we can just do staircases right there fill it in now up top up here I can can’t lie

This is going to be a whole entire mess so I think I’m just going to go ahead and leave it at that for now and we’ll come back to it later for the kitchen right here this is going to stay relatively open well a great way to really make it feel like

Its own space is of course not only going to be switching up the floor a little bit with maybe some beautifully polished yeah smoothed out some beautifully smoothed out quartz blocks oh yes we could go ahead and put a different floor in here but then we can

Also add fake to the floor as well using a couple staircases in here I can go ahead and pop those in and then eventually once I have the different floor in here it’ll start to almost make like a small little transition another cool thing that we

Could do is break the chest finally and get it out of the way and add beams pillars supports and things like that what about stripped Spruce beam in the back corner that could look pretty cool I guess it’s time to start cracking out the storage room so we’ll start with a

Chest right there and we’ll put dirt inside of it I I don’t even need to say it but when it comes to a storage room it’s item frames every single storage room need item frame on the chest one of my personal favorite blocks to throw in a kitchen is this polished stor smooth

Stone block right there I think it looks so nice I think what I want to do is maybe one right there one right there and then right here because of the staircase situation we’ll pop it down a little bit more I strongly feel that every single kitchen inide of Minecraft

Even though it doesn’t necessarily makes sense inside of a kitchen you need a smoker you need a blast furnace it’s the way to like detail it decorate it up a little bit more but also like has some function to it while I’m at it let’s just go ahead and go crazy with the

Detailing over here let’s go ahead and add a refrigerator I’ll put a button on it and it’ll come to life then right next to that of course I need the double sink we got a fancy house here real big mansion you know double sink it’s great

The sign I remember now I can go ahead and chop it out I’ll get more water and put it in there too it’ll look wonderful next up it’s trapo time check this out if I put trap doors right there it creates a small beam will not take you

Away from this open spot right there I can go ahead and put put a couple more trap doors to thicken it up if I wanted to another cool little kitchen build trick comes in the form of barrels except I think I want them facing the other way around like that so I don’t

Have to necessarily see the metal part I think if I stand all the way over here yes perfect perfect we’ll put barrels like that then after the barrels we do chest we do chest like that then we’ll go ahead and put a trap door in a trapo

Now I think uh do I want them double yeah we’ll do a double one there after that we’ll go ahead and finish this whole section off with one more Barrel beautiful as for the rest of the kitchen we’ll finish it off with another Barrel right there and another trap door and another

Trap door just like that I that looks pretty good I want to have more than enough food storage because I mean hey I like food I really can’t stress it enough when decorating a house one of my favorite things to do in the inside of them nowadays is candles they’re just

Such an interesting looking block I can play spor it out and like that light it up and it’ll give me probably more than enough light for this whole little area another thing that I can’t stress enough when it comes to detailing your house your builds a scaffolding if you’re

Looking for a table inside of your build I mean quite literally there is nothing more perfect for a table than this little block right there well well kind of I take it back another great table that you could build inside of your build is something like

This we do a staircase we do a fence and we do a pressure plate right on top of it a classic build trick but I think it looks pretty nice we got the lit candle over there we got a handle on the refrigerator we got the classic stove

Top trick right there with some activated rails and then finally a lantern right there that should just about do it for like light level in decoration inside of the kitchen but you have to forgive me for this one all right look I’m a consistent man if if anything I’m a consistent man this

Block is a terrible looking block and I don’t recommend building with it however it’s also a beautiful looking fake light source block we put a couple of those up there and all of a sudden I’ve got light in the kitchen and the final thing I need is that smooth clean Floor so right here you can really see my staircase trick come to life now that I have the new proper forever floor inside of there and swap that too you can see like we have this little boundary right there kind of defining it kind of says

Like this is one room this is another room right there over here I have a doorway so very clearly it’s a transition to another room I think all looks good the very final thing that I think I’d like to get in here before I move on to another part of the build is

Maybe a little bit of different backsplash in the kitchen green could kind of be cool I I feel like it could like compliment with the yellow but like I don’t know maybe green what do you guys think you let me know oh and also how could I forget of

Course of course every kitchen every sink needs a faucet the kitchen other than maybe a rug done now it’s time for the living room this is going to be a grand big open space all that I really need to do here is get a beautiful looking fire place in then I can smack

In a ton of details like bookshelves paintings plants things like that all around it in no time I think it’ll look pretty good Minecraft’s most beautiful fireplace of all time it maybe begins with a couple blocks like that and maybe some Mossy as well that would look

Really nice for now temporarily to get all this stuff out of the way I make a junk chest couple more blocks maybe drop them down something like this right here and that’s not bad oh the ideas the ideas are flowing what if maybe I go ahead and do this same chiseled stone

Brick thing we’re going to make this really really tall fireplace Mossy brick there stone brick right there and a Sid right there and VOA it’s close it’s getting close to make this fireplace nice and deep and dark of course we put a little bit of black on on the back and then the

Final touch the cherry on the cake and the icing all that I need to do is scramble around my building until I find my cult the very final touch to any good fireplace is of course the fire inside of the place itself maybe something like that now eventually later on I was

Imagining like dragon head or something cool right now for now I suppose because this is all that I have I’ll go ahead and put this Banner right there and I mean it’ll do it kind of works my next move here is in pursuit of making this

Build feel a little bit more cozy I think what I actually need to do is get a little bit less windows in here windows are really nice because of course they let a little bit of light into your build but also if you could just see clean through the window on

Every single side of your build it feels like really big Grand and open if you’re going for more of a cozy feel on your interior big tip is make the interior feel a little bit more like cramped decorate it up fill it up with small little details tricks maybe paintings

Couches bookshelves you know things like that to help get the feel that you’re going for if you want cozy less Windows big tip another classic trick that I think really makes a build come to life feel more cozy is plants I love plants not only are they so nice looking but

They’re like purifying the oxygen or whatever you know like has they exist and work I can breathe so much better now I don’t think leaving our plant thing like that in the corner though is going to cut it maybe we could put some bamboo trap doors on this thing and wow

It looks modern it looks nice that looks good I like it a great way to really spice up your interior make it feel really professional and cool is use different types of textures and blocks maybe use some fancy ones too like copper that’s cool next up the staple

Inside of any Minecraft living room we need a couch now I’m not going to lie to you I kind of am in the dark as to what color of couch I want to do not that it matters that much great news though it’s so easy to change later on if I get sick

And tired of the purple couch that I’m about to throw into this build well if I get sick of it it’s no big deal all that I need to do is come back in and redy the beds I don’t even need to make new beds or nothing like that just color

Them something else probably to make this really obvious that it’s a couch here we need a proper back on it so maybe some more trap doors as you can see here today trap doors are such a great thing for doing interiors and a small interior that can almost always

Fit and a bigger interior I mean clearly they’re fitting here but they leave room so you could like move around if you wanted to also it’s a good idea to like maybe not necessarily have everything line up perfectly like you see the stable right here the chest over there I

Think instead I’ll offset the chest like that and maybe actually put a stone cutter right there sitting on a table Stone Cutters are pretty useful you never know when you need one a pretty cool little build trick that you can do is a closet if you have a spot in your

Wall where you could break it out you could do like a door going into the wall like that and then maybe an armor stand or just chests in there for like extra storage anyways here lass is when it comes to doing an interior it’s really all up to your imagination try and place

A couple different interesting looking blocks around workstations things like that maybe you’ll come up with a cool design maybe start with a basic floor plan to help create your vision try and use some untraditional blocks maybe the glazed terra cotta for wallpapers It’s Tricky but it could look cool try out

Different Floor Designs in different rooms and maybe fill up the floor with things like tables or even carpets speaking of carpet I’m thinking about maybe coming back in here and putting a carpet I know carpet in the kitchen maybe not the best idea but I don’t know

The storage room over here in between cuts I had to do a little bit of organization here now I got to admit like this is not the forever storage building definitely not in the way there’s not enough room here but it’s a little bit better I organized it way

More than this back wall than the living room used to be and speaking of the living room check this out some of my most favorite decorations of all time are so some of the newest ones these decorated pots are so good and they’re literally called decorated pots for a

Reason maybe we’ll do like a morning or one right there that’s my favorite shirt and then maybe like I don’t know one more right here we go ahead and put the pot there and I don’t know maybe that flow and now my next big Vision my big

Dream here is not going to like look perfect today but I think it will look very very nice and add to the house we go ahead and put a let’s see a map right there and then this one should line up perfectly a map right there look at that

Oh that’s cool looking I love Maps they’re so amazing for decoration especially if they’re fully filled in just pretend when doing houses though a big thing you got to make sure you get just right as the light level absolutely you don’t want any dark spaces inside of

Your house a dark space could mean big disaster speaking of dark spaces I think this area is looking a little dim maybe a lantern right there to light it up and I don’t know I feel like over here it looks pretty good but what I could do

There’s a lantern hanging up there on that trapo small little detail trick and I don’t know I think it looks nice I also have this small shelf that I added in up top why not one more Lantern up there now it’s nice and bright in the

Whole house oh wait what’s that you want to see the bedroom and what I did with it yes yes so I’ve been busy here I did a lot of transformation this room is admittedly the most bones room out of them all but small closet that I built

In right here I don’t really have extra armor right now but when I do I can throw it on the armor stamp little bit of a chest right here with some cool important tools that I found or just random tools and horse armor I built a

Small table over here I don’t know it’s a small table we could decorate it and maybe spice it up with a torch and I don’t know more stuff later and then I was thinking a carpet in here as well maybe even a big fancy double bed I’m

Not sure I also decided to go ahead and finally open up this window but I think I need glass in it I also need to get my favorite painting of all time in this house this one right there is haunted it’s mysterious I love this painting

It’s so good so when it comes to storage I’ll admit it I’m kind of still a little bit all over the place like I got dyes over here I put food inside of here I got seeds right there random storage room whatever I’ll come back in and like

Build a proper storage building a little bit later on also a couple carpets inside of the house I’m kind of just lacking like the Sheep capacity to be able to get it all in with today’s build here I don’t know if it translates but I really really tried to just go ahead and

Let my imagination run wild I saw an empty spot on the wall I said hey why not a random shelf that could be cool or a chest that’ll never be able to open maybe there’s secret stuff in it you use doors and creative ways to make different types of walls whether it’s

Trap doors or proper doors you know that actually all reminds me now that I think about it that I have this closet right here too that I never even used I need another armor standand and put it in there that’d be cool anyways though Interiors I don’t know about you but I

Hope during the course the duration of today’s episode maybe you picked up something or at that least got a little bit of inspiration for your next Minecraft build this room I totally feel like this should be a seller right and so at long last project Hollow it’s not quite concluded

Quite yet I think but at the least the starter house is no longer just a starter house it’s got a beautiful mentioned interior as well and I don’t know I’m pretty happy with it we also got this beautiful new Dow in which makes this I don’t know I think this

Might be one of the most productive episodes of the entire Series so far far it’s a lot of building Patron gang I would like to send a big thank you to pixie Phantom clay ass Nick C Arlo AKA Bobby Bobby Minecraft Steve M Skelly Wampus and Michael H thank you

What would you like to see next you let me know down below thank you so much for watching smash like And subscribe patrons get early access to the episode channel members get world downloads one coming up for episode number 50 and I’ll see you next time goodbye everyone

This video, titled ‘Building PERFECT Interiors! | Minecraft Guide (#46)’, was uploaded by wattles on 2023-11-19 18:55:49. It has garnered 29603 views and 2257 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:05 or 2105 seconds.

minecraft survival lets play episode 46 is alllll about designing and filling out the perfect house interior! In this episode we talk about how to build interiors in minecraft, go over some interior ideas, and talk about some interior design pointers too. We also add a brand new tower as well!!

The Minecraft Guide is a tutorial lets play series in minecraft 1.20 survival hard mode. In this series we build tons of farms, explore the world, and more while talking minecraft tips and tricks.

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  • HypnosMC

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  • Melio SMP Whitelisted Trust-based Java 1.21

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  • Minecraft Memes – Where’s that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?

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  • Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise!

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  • Villager’s Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

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