“Mastermind James: Improv Modded Minecraft Madness!”

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[Applause] [Applause] Oh Hello and welcome to another stream on on the Chucho Chu Craft Server interesting timing I didn’t even see Jo Joe try again I didn’t even see show joining the server where is she she at her base ah she’s at her base fair enough hi Christina oh you’re still you’re still

On uh steampunk skin a fair fair fair I am okay well show’s on her way over here cuz I I see I see show moving on the map I’m actually going to turn shaders on let’s run with shaders it’s been a while since we’ve ran with shaders let’s let’s do

It so I probably should have turned the shaders on before I started streaming that’s my bad whoops sorry as I said in the Stream title I have no plan I I I am literally just making this up as I go along and to be honest I’m kind of fine

Just making it up as I go along that’s what I’m needing I’m needing a chill stream and then yeah about to be home do chores and then homework oh that is rough that is rough I hope hope the homework you God isn’t too too um too too

Tough go by your Castle I might do I’m currently waiting for uh for this to start responding again well we’re waiting let just so my can of Coke I need more Reverb on that at some point someone’s going to hear all of all of the cracks of cans

Opening and um oh hi hello there we go my my game a I do like it though it doesn’t good I like that skin I like it as well it’s my best skin I’ve made compl got to change out of it well done I know I’m genius really

Maybe you can’t you can’t be called genius I’m called genius see see that up there right right right y I see it I see it oh dear Christina’s got um fractions and decimals homework I mean b memories fractions and decimals aren’t overly too bad in general it’s just like

GH ma is painful as an artist as a 3D person I I use MK all the time hi brus Trucking Trucking this is an old truck um I will get back to truck him at some point I’m just really not in the mood for it right where’s Stinky mie

Got there we go I got to say hi to the dogs before before we get going I keep forgetting you call one of your dogs stinky and it took me off go I nearly choked on my monster sck I thought we got rid of that no who’s whose pressure plate is

This no idea okay it’s mine now because I’ve decided [Laughter] wow I’m glad we both went along the same lines on that one um you know what I’m thinking H I’m thinking I’ve not seen this before I haven’t seen that massive tree either I hadn’t even noticed it to be fair the first thing I noticed what is

I’ve only just left the sacred Oak sacred Oak I’m going to Y these two oh gn’s done a thing and it is technically well there is no Tech technically about it it is more it is better than this but at the same time I like this because it’s

Inefficient yes it’s very it’s very je yeah exactly why why would I do something efficiently exactly there’s a creeper under that tree please move out of the way or I might end up accidentally shooting me again I I I don’t really want to be shot

Again no one wants to get out shot again brus is currently working on his skin that is truly a terrifying thought yeah that is very scary oh dear lord H have you seen how much charcoal’s in this uh in this thing no Oh that’s a lot of charcoal I think before I do anything I might need to um make a charcoal chest might need to move and I haven’t currently got the resources to take it all the way up to the diamond level but I don’t care because I don’t really want

To have it as a diamond thing there we go let’s just make it a double chest that’s fine yeah nice music yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s fine and because of the way this is all set up I should be able to just go uh plop plop just dump the charcoal in there please

Works why is Christina yelling at us to go to her house I don’t know I’m scared let’s go to our house before she screams at us anymore do you not have our waystone James yes use oh God I don’t have it in all fairness I did have it she changed it

She changed it that’s not my fault James James yeah I just got chased down by a creeper in the walls all in all it’s just a creeper in the wall there you go Christina cre she not lit up properly I don’t know came that looks

Pretty lit up to me I don’t know where the hell it came from apparently it fell yeah yeah I I I figured out that she had moved it oh lag Spike that’s always fun joy of op to fine it does cause lag spikes sometimes which is why it’s a really it

Is a really inefficient mod when it comes to mod packs yeah despite the fact that it’s the one mod that everyone uses to optimize the game unless you’re using fabric then people go for iris iris is actually good Iris Iris sodium are actually good that’s the and sodium together are even better yeah

Exactly but unfortunately they’re a fabric exclusive I believe and more to the point this is I saw that up there I was like what the [ __ ] is that no that’s just brax’s thing oh okay I I hear a mob yeah I got jumped by a creeper yeah I got jumped by a creeper

Earlier that was fun sounds great fun super fun really oh yeah yeah yeah I’m just burning squids why are you burning squids what are you do XP for the bow plus why not oh I’m getting calamari yeah it’s looking good oh [ __ ] calari looking good congrat there’s a

Creep creeper head is wiing now and I love it wait what oh creep yeah yes yeah yeah yeah you like some calamari no use f you can eat it this Mak sense I don’t want it oh do you not like fish I do like fish it’s one of my favorite things

To eat I calaro I got porp chops and steak bro oh fair enough fair enough um I’m going to I did not mean to pick up those uh with uh NE star Essences that we’re definitely not stealing from brers used to it now just got to figure out the top part

Yeah you’ll get the top part that’ll be relatively easy I’m going to actually head up to the quar and grab some Cobble and some um gravel but I need to need Cobble I have some Cobble in my from your actually no I might not need Cobble hang on no I’ll just get the

Gravel but I need I need to enter my backpack first anyway so I have idea you should do that why is there just a log on this you heard nothing sh he’s onto us he’s on to us oh no I told him that he heard nothing so hopefully he goes for

It he suddenly became deaf yeah yeah oh lag Spike skin this is not the kind of skin that be wearing in this kind of situation I like spikes I didn’t actually hear what you said because yeah I said I should probably log out steam punk

Skin I love the fact that that this is working better than it has any right to be it’s great it’s maybe a bit too effective I mean sudden death is okay yeah yeah yeah yeah he’s going to use that to his Advantage at some point let in no one gives a crap yeah

But it’s going to be when uh we’re asking for him to be almost reasonable when is the other than reasonable I say have affection you are a friend and I bully uh she does it to me as Welles don’t you worry single bit of gravel in

There uh no gravel in there oh all St in there there no there isn’t cool cool and yeah good good good oh I’ve still got [ __ ] in my hot bar that I don’t need uh no not that chest not that chest that chest that’s fine what doing great paying attention to

Everything I yeah yeah always I mean this chest is uh item Ducks mostly and experience robs yeah yeah don’t don’t get your head up in the clouds nowes he might throw up good if he takes friend is an insult fan [ __ ] fastic yeah well I’m I’m heading over to

Railro oh I have a th000 blocks of gravel I might actually get a little bit of this um down that’ be a miracle it’s not going to actually be that much track that’s the sad thing about it yeah that’s the problem th000 blocks that’s about 100 meters of track not even

Kidding this is going to take at least the entire season at this rate yeah I wouldn’t be surprised no it’s going to be next year by the time you finish this um then that would just be our [Laughter] station cuz I’ve just gone through basically a whole stack of gravel there oh

Jesus yeah it really doesn’t go far I can’t think why yeah I can’t imagine why yes Christina you are my friend as well and trust me foris I puked internally when I said that you were a friend I might have a Builders one somewhere but I like placing blocks by hand is somewhat

Satisfying thank you for reminding me that those actually exist I completely forgot that those existed How Could You Forget Builders ones exist brais is there constantly reminding us true as cruel as I am actually I don’t have a point now I don’t know why I’m trying to make a

Point ah nice we’re joining up with track that I’ve already got oh I figured I’ve figured out uh how long the platform needs to be I I don’t know if I’ve already said it on stream how long does it have to be uh between 90 and 100

Blocks Fu it okay yeah so basically all of this gravel hold on give me a second I’m [ __ ] around with the amplification let me know if it gets too loud how’s this yeah you still sound um it still sound all right yeah okay I’ve got a plus 100

Amplification cuz I know my mic’s very quiet okay braus has taken that the way that exactly the way I thought he would Y I understand the concept of it saving time is just I personally prefer placing the blocks by hand it’s more satisfying you’re strange one hey it allows me to have chill streams true such as today oh yeah there a miracle when that happens it especially the

Chaos no going to lie the end of last night was just Century overload basically mhm I think I stay wired in until about 3:00 in the morning I’m not surprised I didn’t get to sleep till not long before I had to be up which is yeah great

Fun yeah most of the time was just spent what’s the ter H oh I I I don’t know brain [ __ ] um brain is um non-existent right now mhm not dessing oh God I’m winding unwinding that’s what I was thinking uh yes I spent like most of the time until

Like 3 in the morning after the stream unwinding by a oh dear oh dear um why am I seeing thing um there shouldn’t be any hostiles in there it’s all lit up oh who’s blown up the side of my Mound and not fixed it that’s not Enderman um so uh braxis and I

Accidentally um got creeper and we we neither of us had enough dirt to fix it so we just left wait for you to figure out well this is the first time I’ve been over here in days yeah yeah basically a creeper snuck up behind us while we were talking oh so

It’s not like the creeper last night then no yeah neither of us were paying attention and by the time we realized it was too late the side had been exploded and we were just going to like [ __ ] we’ll just we’ll fix the week can and then just leave it to James to figure

Out H that’s fine I’ve probably got dirt somewhere Charlie’s about to start railroading oh is going to be um yeah we’re going to need coordinates for his station actually I might end up heading over to his base at some point and basically saying right where’s your station going to be because if it’s

Going to be underground I I’ll need to start digging the tunnels for it cuz I need to figure out how I’m going to Route train lines around his area because yeah his area is not exactly going to be easy to Route Around no I just realized mine’s not

Going to be that easy either yours is under the ocean so chances are your station is going to be nowhere near your actual base just purely because I can’t be bothered to root under the ocean or near the yes oh no no no no we’re not we’re not

Having competition from for control of the railroads um me and Charlie have been talking behind the scenes we’re going to work to G in terms of getting things working it’s not going to be underground cool cool okay or if you mark out roughly where you want your station to

Be and then I’ll figure out orientation and where I’m going to R the lines cuz what I need to do ideally I want to have the final run up to the station or the final like 300 uh blocks or so for the station being straight track just because it means

Calculating distances is a lot easier and I know I can get the train type that I’m planning on using to stop from 100 km an hour in about 350 blocks that’s what I’ve been testing in my red uh in my testing World um last week or so you’ve probably seen on

Discord I have yeah yeah yeah it looked interesting actually so way over my head but I’ve not managed to get a system working where I can get it to stop and then after a certain time get it starting again I’ve not figured that out it’s that’s

Strange I’ve got the augment in and it’s just not playing b h so I don’t know why that is yeah it’s not ideal no it’s really not I’m also trying to figure out exactly where the station here is going to be I am thinking along this stretch yeah because it is the most

Central point of the line true true and then you got figure out like branches and such as well haven’t you and branches aren’t going to be too much of an issue they can come later so just get the the main area done first yeah cuz to be fair the station’s going

To be small there’s not many of us so we’re not exactly needing hundreds of trains I love the fact who just stood there watching me play gravel well yeah CU I’m listening and chatting with you gra yeah mind Dr oh I’m down to just uh I’m down to two

Stacks actually satisfying listen to stream while doing school work I’m I’m glad you find it satisfying last night would not have been satisfying to listen to while School working last night would have been a massive distraction last night would have been horrendous that [ __ ] insane to listen to

Yeah I’m just surprised how many people decided to Chun in that was crazy we were Bas while we were basically screaming at each other like idiots uh yeah that’s exactly what was happening I’m I’m in my last stack by the way well we always go get

H I think I have some gravel I think I’ve got a few stacks of gravel in my base I’m need why I need to make some stone bricks cuz I want to build my platform at stone bricks gravel I can see that um I love how you mentioned Stone brakes because I

Was using Stone brakes for the uh Bania Island why you mhm I was doing a mix of stone and Cobblestone and it’s a gravel Beach so there’s a pain in the assir clear that out fair fair they do have quite a bit of gravel because of it why do we need

Dirt to patch up the [ __ ] off hole in the side of M oh that yeah I might that’s not that big a hole I might actually have the dirt already true I think it helped that um I panicked and tried to patch up as much as I

Could yeah cuz you’re not prus you’re not you’re not going to just leave it I can’t help myself I have an it’s quite funny how I can easily catch up with you though yeah I need fireworks yeah hold on let me go to my mind you mind you saying that I need

Mending and Unbreaking mhm we need an enchanting area full stop yeah probably I be M your your chest give me an aneurism hang on he heard his name how did he hear his name did you say his name no I think it was because you were mentioning the fact that a certain

Someone won’t patch him up how have I got wooden storage crates I ch hm did you give me wooden storage crates and I didn’t notice nope I haven’t given you anything apart from the stuff that I gave you uh ages ago when did I give you that very descriptive when did I have

These know there’s nothing in I know there’s nothing in them they’re stacking I grab any don’t I was actually going to tell you to my this so we can grab the gravel I I’ve just grabbed the dirt to patch up hole we’ll grab the gravel as

Well then two Bells Stone I don’t need gravel I’ve got [ __ ] ton of gravel I have a bunch of gravel please take it from me uh hello here you go um please take all of it I have literally no use for also you haven’t seen the batania island no I

Haven’t it feels very strange walking around in the steam pump skin in this path oh H did did you see the open glr or is that just on my end the okay that’ll be just my end probably yeah Uh up there with the Guardians there’s no Guardians right now it’s fine oh g r where am I going I can’t actually oh up there okay hello hi this is the the was for nice I accidentally waste owned cuz I froze you go hi uh hello you know how I mention

I’ve got a bunch of stuff that I’ve been using from Charlie yeah oh yeah oh I’ve been I have no idea what any of this stuff does maybe a good thing uh do not go over to that pink flower at all steal your experience points that sounds like

Fun you can go ahead and donate your experience points then if you want it takes them fast oh it does okay yeah what did what what does the maniple do then that allows me to change um items into Mana items which which means I can make like rims and such

Okay and then there’s over here is the I’m bouncing sand yeah the sand transformation area it it gets converted quite fast but it’s one sand block uh as one clay okay so can oh already sh yep go ahead the Endo flame feed I only put six uh 24 um sand in the

Hopper oh no no no no no no no no you have to place the sand like this the hopper is for the fuel wait where do I place it uh anywhere there’s holes currently you can put sand so there and there yep PL these in cuz that’s

Fuel let the the Endo flame do that and it transfers yes the sand into clay okay quite and it’s yeah one sand block is one don’t mind me I’m just having a nap that’s fine you have fun having a nap while I clear up all of this clay and restock the sand

There you go thank you Charlie yeah there you go so if you ever need clay you can come here and just get rid of your unwanted sand cool cool Co this is what this is what I’ve been working on you can see what I mean when I say I’ve been working

And using Stone and Cobblestone and such that’s pretty quick uh pretty sweet um I’m going to ignore that because I don’t I don’t trust it it’s fine don’t worry oh yeah and then there’s the other Mana pool Mana pool for Mana items yes so how

Will it turn me into a Manor item no um what the what’s the point of meing hold this and then just wait until you can see it say like until the x is gone from the arrow and then just Chuck the end I’m assuming it doesn’t really work if

I’m stood in it no it works fine as is ah okay so as soon as you can Chuck the end pear then go ahead and Chuck it and when you say Chuck I assume you mean drop rather than right click I I still can’t it’s still got a little

Cross does does this normally just take a while oh you’re deafened ah yeah you’re showing us de in game okay here we go what’s that yeah you you managed to defen yourself yeah VC [ __ ] up sometimes yeah yeah did you hit um n on your keyboard no I did I probably changed [ __ ]

Around it does take a long time it’s very annoying how long it takes yeah my shaders are being wibbly I might need to sort that oh I don’t really want to be doing Shader settings but I may as well while we’re waiting for that you can do that I’m going to go grab

Some stuff quickly CU I want to make something Fair let’s have all this high quality because I can do it um there we go this oh it’s the god rer being weird okay cool cool cool how do I sort that I’m still trying to figure all this

[ __ ] out H I can tell camera no oh lens FL on we need that on Atos Where’s God R is that in performance am I just being thick I’m probably just being thick who knows oh okay oh you can do it now I right click don’t don’t R just just Chuck it into the pool who T now you have a man Al what happened to your

Face nothing oh okay do you do do you want this manaar thing back would you like to try on the Majora’s Mask yeah this is Elder thing yeah is other thing that’s what I wanted to make it’s literally not no use I just wanted to make the Majora’s Mask does it

Actually just have no use it literally is no use it’s just cosmetic like tail and the horns I’m wearing and the bow tie you wear no use I mean you can disguise functional warbles as these items if you really want nice Fair yeah that’s that and then the Mana items get used to

Make things for Bania oh that is a really tough question I don’t know if I if I can SP yeah there yeah you can oh dear this is what happens when you got too much [ __ ] hey we’re all taking it from you it helps yeah I still need to figure out where the

Bloody God RS are is it in fog no um okay um I don’t know I don’t know how to solve this find it is it not available in the reimagined version of the Shader should be I know it should be colorband no Bloom no beign yet no underwater Distortion

No uh motion blind no it’s not lens it’s not under lens sare it’s not this so it’s not in there it’s not in fog I’m getting loads of open G errors because opif find’s a bastard how do I uh okay right show the errors off what do you need to sort out your

Light rays cuz it’s being wibbly sometimes it’s sometimes it’s rendering the god rays and then sometimes it’s no uh what if you mess with your render and your Shadow R I actually turned them up but no this isn’t this isn’t looking right hang on I’m being called I’ll be back in theor thank

You He’s just stabing there h oh oh jol’s been busy it’s the J it’s the J I have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing I’m just going to stand here and talk until he comes back uh I have no idea I’m talk about what we do I’m thinking of pranking James some

More I don’t know how but I’m going to try it I’m going to prank a few other people I definitely got a few BS I’m probably going to move SPID trophies around a bit more may I’m going to leave something maybe less annoying like like less annoying than cic

Is I’ve got fireflies I could be firefli friend I don’t know I really don’t know I’m just going to try and do some stuff this is just going to remain this until we reates this SW [ __ ] I completely forgot he’s going to rewat this F yeah I don’t

Know I’m definitely thinking of a few things to do not quite sure I do like the idea of pranking again pranking ain’t fun pranking is [ __ ] hilarious oh I know it just depends on who you do it to but James though 100% yeah I’m not sure how I’m going to

Prank him I’m not going to do the annoying like guardians or like annoying cicas or anything oh good God I forgot how expensive this is for the rail machine alone okay if you have any idea on immersive engineering there is 44 steel scaffolding required 16 heavy engineering blocks and 32 light

Engineering blocks light engineering blocks they’re okay again they’re they’re are really yeah and again if you don’t have a stock pile of Steel you’re in for a bad day no that’s going to be a fun situation is it yeah and that’s just one machine you’ve got the plate machine uh the

Casting yeah no you do need the casting as well that’s then the boiler machine SE hammer yeah he’s a big boy that sounds like a great situation James is currently AFK taking a call that’s why I’ve been talking about like pranks and such you know I never picked up on Mana pool for

Mana items cool I actually haven’t been around here for a little be careful if you yeah be careful around the pink flower over there it will steal your experience points what experience [Laughter] Point yeah a few things I’ve got a sand to Clay converter as well oh nice which is following the

Path uh I completely forgot that also with immersive Vehicles different keybinds obviously group together so voice chat icons were disabled I still don’t understand the U side that was just a straight up decline into tree oh jeez and that’s the second bloody plane I’ve made more are you going to

Crash no I didn’t like the other one the other one was just a pain in the ass like because of bloody shifting yeah it just flew off to the Horizon it’s probably still going around the bloody equator now oh boy it’s it’s going on a trip to

It’s a self-discovery trip yes it is would you like to try on Majora’s math I don’t know why I made it I just wanted the Zelda thing you Zelda thing all right well I’m now going to smack my crops until they produce enough steel to make what I need have fun with

That oh no I’m not I don’t have enough experience oh um [ __ ] I thought I have some I think I’ve got some experienced seeds in my vase you know I sense that there’s someone with 15 levels mhm let me just let me just mine away at his head just get

Some maybe maybe if you hit hard enough you’ll get some levels from him hey I didn’t realize that people were made out of red stone I don’t know either Who I might as well just on back so you enjoy do have the squid I think I have some experience Ence in my base but we’d have to swim down since you didn’t have any experience oh yeah why you on my swimming you’re very fast why are you so fast Uh okay I’m back definitely going to need this to be chill I can’t deal with looks like Joo and Charlie are at Jo’s Place so let’s go an iron Rod aluminium Rod yeah hello hi Engineers Hammer if you want that yes I’ll have the hammer take the hammer then y thank You maybe you could Mount down the steel uh tools I have I because there’s those there’s some silver nuggets there those great timing breakast oh look my bed AER um yeah do you happen to have any of your experience drops on you do James I can go get

Them oh hello bre how many are you needing what are you doing I just needed enough to get one hang out with the party I I can see on the screen that there was a party going on here with every experience drop are they there we go I have 47 of

Them that should be enough uh okay God damn it Char Char he has experiened droplets you can have James you’re stealing the XP well you are stealing the drop vampire I can give back the droplets you can’t give back the XP give me a man give me whatever I

Need to I hate myself I didn’t realize that you can literally just right click the droplets I’ve I’ve been wasting so much glass my guy no oh it’s fine it’s not like I have S PR pran pran pran pranis before before you go into piss James off mode please don’t

Today okay you have you can down there I’m back good I mean late lately I’ve not been trying to it’s just that I can’t seem to do anything right lately well I’ve just been I’ve just I’ve just been um getting screamed and shouted out here so so that’s

Yeah basically if I’m saying stop something I mean stop yeah if I’m asking you to back off I mean back off that’s what I’m meaning rather than continuing Sher what are you doing here anyway anyway anyway let’s not start a fight because I really can’t be [ __ ]

What do you think of the new skin it looks wrong your face is wrong what do you mean it’s different oh my God can I get a different flower apart from the [ __ ] Canon flower please no flower essence it’s aside from the fact that it’s different because that’s what I said

When you changed your skin get something original um no you said you don’t like it because it’s different you were referencing Doctor Who oh no that’s what I’ve been saying for [ __ ] years I was saying that before I [ __ ] ever watched what I don’t you you’ve

Redecorated I don’t like it oh there we go Christina got it all I said was that it’s different I don’t like it Christina’s just said she don’t like it but I don’t know if she’s referencing Doctor Who or not oh God I’m not using my shaders I

Can actually get a affected by blindness now I’m turning my shaders off because it’s being it gets very Fu I’m turning my shaders on I don’t want to get affected by blindness right oh my inter not my game yeah but it’s also an effect when I hunt Squids my B been busy too busy [ __ ] me well it’s nice that I can actually hear you while I’m changing the shaders sometimes I can’t I know there we go now the audio is bugging yeah the audio is bugging big time now oh oh he’s disabled his shaders on I’m

Disabling my shaders this could take a while there we go He I’m still loading suffer yeah there we go [ __ ] CCL caught an exception rendering a block seed log for info uh what CCL um so uh I had that when I turned off my shaders the other day I had to restart my game to fix it what is CCL no idea it

I could not see what it was um do you know what block it it was having issues rendering um no not explicitly however I did notice visually that um my um refined storage grids were really really [ __ ] so I should be all right cuz I’m not dealing that but there shouldn’t be any

Here yes but it still crashed my game James it’s just that’s what I noticed I I was getting the error before there were any grids okay I don’t know then I don’t know I’ll I’ll leave it if it crashes the game it crashes the game is not the

End of the world yeah sure how much you can do about it yeah cuz some I sometimes get crashes crashes just from OBS hooking into the game how fun yeah oh um there we go there’s the crash well that lasted a long time oh fun fun

Fun all right let’s get let’s get this reloaded I really don’t know what I’m going to do now I know the stream’s called I have no plan let’s make it upward you go but I’ve been thrown way out of my groove big time throwing out my groove

There I’m sorry I don’t mean to be a downo on stream I really don’t I would much prefer streams to be a positive thing but that’s I might end up struggling with that one tonight this might even end up being a shorter stream or something because my mood is now

Plummeted like properly properly plummeted and I do apologize for that [ __ ] okay no let’s try and let’s just try and keep this going because you know what yeah I don’t want to go into it it’s nothing you guys have done it’s nothing that’s happened in the game um don’t yeah just

Stuff all I know is if I go into it I’m going to end up getting ridiculously angry and it’s not worth it there we go hey James did your game Crash little bit we were discussing skins yeah it’s almost as if I’m not always just trying

To take the piss wait hang on hang on hang on hang on as if sometimes I I’m trying to help there yeah you use the brush I think you use huh you did use the brush I think you use there’s a default brush you can use in skining

Software that uh when you use it just paints several different colors like as you drag it along did you use that brush um God damn it [ __ ] off um I was using Minecraft skin and yeah I was using the autotone that’s called there yeah yeah the problem with orotone is that

Sometimes it can make things look a bit bobbly I’m gonna say uh yeah like um I purposely try and manually do all of the tones which is why the hair especially on my skin is so specifically tone see I would but I don’t have the patience for it I think

This skin oh yeah I had the patience to do it on um how [ __ ] how many skins have I made actually yeah cuz you did it on you did it on this skin m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 40 60 80 maybe around 100 different skins I’ve individually done without using the auto Rush ever you see I have I I can still remember what my original skin was when I first got this account because I I got this account from my brother when he

Just stopped playing or did he make a no he made a new account and just gave me his old one I I remember what my skin was it was in um a white haired redey mask wearing emo Fox girl no of course mine was a night’s

Templar and know look at me I’m over here doing [ __ ] foxes and steampunk and [ __ ] you know you know it helps to take your backpack off if you’re actually wearing it and it’s not just already in your hot bar I had taken my backpack off oh I was talking about myself

James I didn’t know that I wasn’t looking at you I’d taken my backpack off when I was showing off the skin Oh be a great idea if you didn’t do that right I have a patch to fill in that uh that a couple of a couple of

Muppets I can’t think who braxus Jo have left in the side of the Railway you should probably do that I did fill in with all the dirt that I had in my inventory I also filled in with as much dirt as I had yeah what an we we tried James I know

That is that is the Twilight Forest map yeah that is every single boss location I forget in our generat Twilight Forest I forget the boss locations are in a grid mhm yeah so you’ve got the final Castle there you got the Giants so in the brown area up here why is the top

Bit not loaded because I couldn’t go there the barriers the barriers so until you kill specific bosses you can’t go into certain areas works is that it just physically prevents you from going into an area it will kill you if you try to go into an area have sometimes sometimes

It just gives you detrimental effects such as I believe the snow gives you slowness no the snow um also freezes you um in later versions yeah so it does freeze you to death yeah so yeah potentially me with flight and my regeneration from my backpack I could

Do a bit more but that would require me being patient enough to do that and that seems unlikely to ever happen yeah pretty much you know I don’t know why but sometimes when I load my shaders it’s absolutely fine some days it’s [ __ ] and today the speed analyzer is completely

[ __ ] and that’s the only block I have noticed that issue with great to know F so the seed analyzer just says [ __ ] you mind you we already knew that the Agra soft is buggy anyway yeah I’mma upload this screenshot to the uh server chatting thought you’re going to say cool kids

Actually is show even in that channel yes was the cool kids group chat yes yeah oh what the [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] it moves what can you not see it moving oh if you look at it it wobbles it it was originally supposed to be the people that were basing

Together yeah and then that’s that’s why we added Charlie to it as well and we’ve just never actually removed anyone from it so originally show was going to be in that chunk with us yeah and then wanted to go off exploring Charlie wanted to be

In the same chunk as us and then wanted to go off exploring instead gee it’s almost like as soon as we go exploring we find better places in all fairness I like the was good for James and I that that was more what that was it wasn’t necessarily this will suit everyone’s needs

Absolutely perfectly yeah and in all fairness we’re all still relatively close together um relatively Charlie’s only only two kilm that way you are just under a th meters away yeah so you know it’s all really rather close I mean yeah so on a big scale we’re all close together on a

Small scale scale even we’re far apart yeah 200 block G is very far away from everyone yeah Garwin went Northeast everyone else went South mhm basically stayed near spawn box is ever so slightly South actually hang yeah box is slightly South spawn 3,700 me away from here much 3,000 that’s spawn

Oh D David is also um West by Northwest so he’s also gone North the spawn Island hang on is Charlie oh he’s uh he’s doing trains Now isn’t he yes he is I don’t know if Charlie knows what trains I’m planning on running tell him yeah we’ll find out when uh when we

See the big boy steaming down the track instead of the A1 peppercorns we will see there’s so much [ __ ] that I just need to sort out that I don’t fing use I don’t know what to want some gears I love how the only thing you have

In your kitchen show is just a single piece of bacon that I gave you in your fridge bro I am I’m not a cooking person I like I you’re the one that requested the mods I like the aesthetic of it and I do request it because I do like it oh a r

Shs um need those hang on umum shards yes oh now that is pretty I have five of them would you like one yes please you can light up sacred Oak Tree by your house yes with very nice natural lighting and it makes no [ __ ] noise unlike certain things oh yeah like these things

Bye I only have one don’t worry I hate using them I wonder why I’m getting called again hang on I I may or may not have placed one on the underside of vox’s Island oh you he cannot fly well he never get it he said he’s fine with it because it’ll keep other

People away um if you have um well I mean you don’t it’s industrial craft if someone has a compressor iridium shards can be used to make iridium ore which is one of the seeds that Goin Needs I don’t think I have there iridium Essence and aridium or Essence so there’s two SE seeds idium ore is the one that he doesn’t Have same with uranium 238 he’s got uranium but he doesn’t have uranium 238 and ium Essence can be used to make idium o how it’s literally just um the eight ring um oh interesting so idium Essence doesn’t even make idium no makes makes idium or yep and it

Makes more than the idium or Ence should we tell them it only it only uses eight and it makes two instead of one okay um I think it’s not a matter of needing the best stuff for G I think he’s just trying to get every seed for mystical agriculture

Yeah I’m just doing that one because even if it didn’t make the same thing you can still typically use stuff the idium sword does 12.49 damage default interesting the long sword yeah the cleaver does 20.12 that’s interesting to know yeah I mean the Terra steel still does slightly more at like 21 something

I think I don’t know what we does though no teror steel Cleaver has a default of 2337 damage that’s the Cleaver and the long sword has a default of 14.78 great know that’s terrifying oh I’m thinking I should replace my Terror Steel on my weapons oh with supremium because I’ve been going into

Mystical Agriculture and I can probably do that because are you aware of how mystical agriculture works yeah so so you know how you need a ridiculous amount of inferium in order to make just one supremium mhm yeah I’ve decided to go the other way and I’m just farming Withers directly for supremium how

Fun it’s much easier especially because I’ve already got this helmet which gives me wither resistance so I don’t even get affected by wither I need to speaking of armor with the Wither cage almost never hits me anyway so I think all the withers that I have fought I have taken two hits

Oh I need to make a new I’ll be back in a Sec have Yeah I I’ve bought about 40 Withers oh fun I’m going to H you’re retiring my armor yeah cuz I just made some emerald armor which is uh pretty good yeah got an atomic reconstructor no you should consider it because emeric is even better than emerald I will maybe consider it I do

Like the way Emerald looks yeah the emeric is if you look at me it’s just a darker green yeah the emerald is uh this yeah I know what it is I was using this before I had my Atomic reconstructor do I don’t mind out honestly I haven’t made the boot I uh I

Don’t mind it honestly I haven’t made the boots because of the Slime boots yeah I mean honestly that was the main reason why I wanted the angel ring was so that I could wear armor boots oh I am currently at full armor no that was the second reason the main

Reason was so I fly to be able to um deal with the um crystals when figh theend Dragon so that I could get my backp just just be a better bow user could do that I mean those ones aren’t the issue it’s more I’d still

Have to go up to um get the ones in the cages because there’s always what two or three in a cage yeah you can still shoot them with an arrow if you’re good enough Archer but but you can actually Sho them I’m not that good I am I’ve done it a

Few times it’s very satisfying yeah I just do like the way this looks yeah so you know how I had a hole in my roof to be able to get into my bedroom yes I did notice it was cl yes I found out that if you sit on the slabs

In the middle of that and just get off you phas through the bomb so if you wanted to you could I believe um do you mind if I break this Stone as long as you’re want to replace it I don’t have actual stone hang um please tell me there’s iron here

Perfect I can replace that with itself yes I believe oh no it might uh yeah let’s try that one no I think it’s there’s a block there it’s not working oh God there’s a creeper hello go do you need heals do you need food no I I

Need a controller and a dis disc Drive I’m afraid I don’t have either of sorry let me let me rephrase that I need another controller and disc drive thanks to a freaking Creeper oh y oh I’m afraid I don’t have any of those Charlie Charlie what about the discs thankfully bastards didn’t get that good I’ve got all

Eight good um do you have the materials within those discs to make more I I would say yes fre feel free to use my disc drive then okay thank you uh that’s fine although to be honest I think I might just put this in my backpack and just all it a night because

I am tired and it isn’t going going to be long day of farming tomorrow fun with that it’s not going to be annoying at all no you want to right click the witch Charlie what do you think of my new skin nice how many how many times did you just accidentally witch yourself

Let me sorry accidentally purposefully witch yourself okay how many times did you witch yourself um yes oh bollocks I didn’t mean to send that again I press I do like that you’ve used an orave here it’s nice detail I love the orches so much when I found this one I was like

I’m using this I don’t care I wonder if you could somehow prank someone by having like a squid Trophy up then then when they right click on it it just like breaks something uh squid trophy yeah certain someone does have a squid trophy that would then flood her

Base yes um yes that’s the that’s the prank I have to manually replace the Torches yes personally I wouldn’t want to flood my own house well I mean to be fair my my house I don’t actually have anything that I would need to replace on the floor no I

Do I have quite a few torches I also have yeah I also have Sher who’ get pushed around po sheer sheer has a name wait a minute how on Earth is it that James is cin there’s only one level to get from here to there because James is less than a thousand

Meters away from the space I keep forgetting the distances so whenever I’m going home I go to James’s C and then I go home yeah that’s how I do I go James C home I think everyone does to be fair yeah I really do need to figure out

Didn’t even give me a chance to say good night back how much Oban do I have I should have a lot of obsidian I do think crafting think about making a crafting table for everyone to use enchanting table oh enchanting table um I’ll go do that and I’ll handle books

And stuff as well mhm I’ll go set that up cuz the public area is technically my land so I’ll Chu on that true okay yeah and I mean b basically I’m living on public land because my fields are also designed to be public use congrats like sometimes I pretend to

Be offended when people steal [ __ ] but I so long as they don’t actually steal the seeds themselves I don’t care okay hell even if someone steals the seeds if they take if if they don’t take one from between two different crops mhm then so so long as the seed will

Mutate back there or spread back there so long as they replant the crop sticks I don’t care that’s you’re a lot more generous than I am when it comes to stuff oh my God can I have a different flower and stad the [ __ ] Zion please well the main the

Main thing is even if they just take it and [ __ ] off well that that’s fine it’s all in a chunk Loader does it just give Me it drives me insane I just want a different godamn flower from the essence but no just keep giving me can uh hang on um from the essence mhm okay where’s your essence uh this chest which one this one the dark one right uh where’s the mystical flower Ence there it

Is um okay so uh you were saying it’s just giving you Canan mm so that should be the recipe for Canan yeah different ones it’s just different shapes oh that’s so irritating does that make sense yeah okay so if you just press U you can then just press

Move items and it will move the items to make that flower for you I think the main one I need is black currently no I was going to make a comment there but I probably shouldn’t refrain from making any sort of comments I will not hesitate to Bonk you shut up

What I didn’t say anything Orange I don’t really need much of I believe the same concept goes for dyes as well maybe I should get oh yes oh blocks of inferium essence do you mind if I just take all of that if you Want how much is that oh that’s not even two and a half stacks oh God oh I forget how little this is what’s up Sher sher’s a good Sher just likes to chill out yeah you should give shupper like some wool to sit on instead of just the stone

Bricks sh has a tendency to go on my bed I don’t mind yeah I don’t mind sleeping with a dog very comfortable thing yeah Fair they make excellent pillows they make excellent hot water bottles as well yeah I honestly I don’t like using a hot water bottle really

Yeah I just prefer to have a thick duvet and then it heats up once I’ve been in it for a couple minutes see the problem with that for me is because of how much much I shift when I move like sleeping oh my God it’s so

Annoying I I do not stay still when I’m sleeping back in a sec good I’ve been left uh alone this is a terrible decision I’m hardly an entertaining person H this I don’t know why the Chisel Works in hey shop since you like hanging out there so much and then shift you there you go nice and comfy such a good dog yeah you are you’re a good dog such a good P Bri okay sh what is that that is

Purple interesting how the connected textures works with that I like it yeah it makes I don’t like it I’m just saying it makes like a little box W face what if more what will it eventually just have a full pattern maybe shop what are you shop what are you

Doing I make you a bed and you refuse to go on the bed now do do you want a hand no I have my own God on the do not trust you with my dog not moving whatsoever no picky dog very picky dog there we

Go sounds so sad I know why do they sound sad why would the pet dog thing it’s with Quark I think why would Quark devs do that to us why would they make the dogs sound sad when we pet them cuz they hate us oh speaking of dogs

Have you seen the the latest updates regarding the Ws huh we’re getting more breeds are you talking about like actual Minecraft actual Minecraft we’re getting more breeds of w oh I’ve I’ve not been staying up to date with that since the Aquatic update oh my God we’re we’re getting

Um new W reads per biome one 1.12.2 was the last update that I actually stayed up to dat with I’ve played since but I’ve really not paid attention I have to because I do hardcore stuff so I need to know what the hell to expect fair having fun standing on my

Fireflies it’s the highest point here it’s the highest it’s the highest point at the lowest point really don’t you [ __ ] dare this is my B oh wait no I can’t shove her up now I now have a hot water bottle lovely not so lovely well it it’s it’s warm Mhm yeah I just wanted the tactile sensation because it’s also got a really furry cover on it oh so it is like a dog and honestly the fur is basically the same length as the dogs I have two dogs one of them is Fluffy nightmare she’s so noisy as

Well yes it’s my brother’s dog so my brother’s home right now so it’s on his bed uh yeah super fun yeah both of my dogs are basically my mom’s yeah shoer is very interested in James currently what she doing baby what you doing baby you being good girl yeah you’re being good

Girl oh you can tell I own dogs stand her up if I do that I think she’s going to attack you why cuz I punched you it’ll be fine okay should be able to eat food on the ground no she’s not interested not interested at all

No oh there you go she’s interested in me when I do it yeah but not actually eating food off the ground they should be able to no she is she already is a bit she’s currently at tamed but not a uh breedable thing still still breedable hey not for me she’s not got

To hold food what what are you doing up there she’s a very strange dog she’s very accurate to my dogs Sher sweetie baby okay okay you’re going you’re going into the pocket Dimension now oh God what is happening to everyone’s connections are are people crashing let me check console console ah okay

I crashed you you timed out Christina crashed oh Christina crashed I had something uh user simul 21 has disconnected reason internal exception ITI Channel Unix errors native I exceptions just recall mine was something about forcibly closed by the host connection reset by peer yours just says user chin has disconnected reason

Timed out that that’s all yours says mine was um forcibly closed by a host was a message I got something like that that’s what I would expect to show up for Christina’s crash is James still on the call I mean it says that he’s still connected to the VC so

Yeah I mean is he still doing that phone call oh I don’t know let me unmute the stream I mean I can hear us on the stream so I can hear us as well I’m assuming he’s just still on a phone call I’m guessing he’s still on a

Phone call we’re literally in charge of entertaining his entire stream no wonder the views have been dropping heang on let me just Chuck him in a golden lasso and I’ll take him to um the public area whilst I sort out the enchanting area that’s why I’ve not left hello wondering

Where the [ __ ] you were you were taking so long I’m sorry we are we are no longer in charge of entertaining your stream we can go no I think you’ve dropped about two viewers because braxis and I were not entertaining ironic I’m I’ve got more viewers oh hi gwin that

That that um explains the tree situation what the hell is this this is Chopper’s new bed there’s a very interesting pattern if you stand up that is that power star I don’t know it’s a dragon head you got the Enderman there and you got the dragon head ah and it’s purple

Because it’s I like purple yeah we we we need to test to see if um the pattern extends to just a full body dragon with more uh how much wool do you have on me none I have two whole wool on me and I do because you can make it with

Just four string in a 2 by two I know I just need to in here there you go oh Christin’s just said that she didn’t time out she’s going to bed oh interesting it said in console that she timed out she might have timed out as she was hitting disconnect or

Something maybe which would be hilarious die I don’t have any purple dy I used the last of it um you have some dye Essence in here oh perfect you have got enough to make some purple dye uh where are we uh there damn Christina’s been and gone in the time I’ve been

AFK yeah Charlie’s gone in the time I’ve been AFK [ __ ] sake how how long ago would this have been if I check right that is 12 purple wools chiseled to that specific chisel I’m just checking this notification to make sure there’s not anything important that I miss

Good girl uh doing already AFK by the time Charlie said first Big Boy Machine built he’s already sold his soul no I saw that no he was there what about me saying about my supremium helmet you were AFK James was AFK for that but hang

On no I can’t have been because the uh oh wait no I would have been AFK first time around there um yeah so James was AFK for about 25 minutes yep and on that entire time uh braxis and I have just been chassing about random things sorry it’s okay I

Didn’t it’s all good I was just trying to put a fact on it I wasn’t trying to yeah I know I know complain I just like facts okay yeah I’m sorry I didn’t mean to just randomly hand a stream over to you guys that’s no it’s fine I mean it’s

A terrible decision but it’s fine I didn’t EXA foro the matter I mean bro there’s a reason why I only have 20 followers on Twitch my guy come on there’s a reason why I only have nine subscribers how do I have 1995 um subscribers on YouTube F have nine you’re doing better

Than I am uh because you capitalized on YouTube shorts when they first came out unintentionally capitalized on YouTube shorts when they first came out yeah to to give you an honest answer there James that’s why most people have just not unsubscribed they’ve not stuck around just not un sorry no it’s gone

Back up to 1996 so someone has subscribed off the back of you of you Muppets hey we’re carrying for you that’s Charlie’s line I’m the only one that has authority to call people Muppets when Charlie’s not here this is my channel that Authority himself it is James Channel this this is my channel

Charlie has no say over my channel why do we just have why do I have half of this stuff just in my I don’t know okay now I have the signs why don’t now I have the cherries why do I have an Ender L why do I have diamond boots in

Here right what what should I do with the remainder of this I don’t I honestly have no [ __ ] idea what what I’m doing do do do you want to know everything that I’m keeping in my backpack I’ve got I’ve got half a stack of torches cuz actually I should top up on

Torches um I’ve got a golden lasso and a cursed lasso same I’ve got some logs so that I can craft stuff when I’m out and about I don’t want to know about your logs so I’ve got lots of wood uh I don’t want to know about that either I’ve got an immersive engineering

Crate for just even more storage a couple way stones um I’ve got two golden apples some shears hang wa wait wait how do you get two uh how do you on Earth did you manage to get two gapples dungeon raing yeah this one was patient enough to to go dungeon raing

And I was exploring and I just happened to come across a couple um desert temples you just a mass of ew in the chat huh I think it I think the stream caught up to the bit where we were talking about a logs and wood why do I have so much Cobble Amo

Oh I’ve got shears I’ve got a diamond Christina uh you got with I’m sorry what H did you just say a diamond Christina no PR no hey she keeps twerking in people’s faces when they’re trying to sleep she’s done it to multiple people on This Server oh I have never had that

Happen to me weirdly neither have I almost almost like she’s only been doing it to you and Charlie and you’ve just got you’re get you’re getting chanted right now I’ve then got Fon steel an oak boat and then I’ve got my chisel and shovel and eight lers of water cuz you

Got to stay hydrated yeah I have 50 Ender pears 20 slime balls 31 cherries uh a golden lasso A Way Stone 52 cropsticks a curse lasso I forgot about one thing ice cream ice cream you scream you all scream for ice cream I I carry ice cream for when people complain about Mom

And Dad fighting oh dear yeah I’ve got three buets uh 64 dark oak three signs dark oak by uh technical glasses have have you got chat open at the moment yes yes I mean I I I’m I’m going to take this as a good thing that apparently I I I deserve

To have my face sat on in my sleep uhhuh I have my mat and my chisel I still have the original Technicolor glasses that really did feel like anyway moving on yeah yeah look a that’s cool yeah I still have them I refuse to remove like

I refuse to get rid of them fair so they’re just kind of in my backpack as a memorabilia fair enough oh and uh 8,000 Lees of lava you know reasons you need to do things I want to test if there’s any more pattern to this purple wall I don’t know what to

Do I actually don’t know what to do because I’ve been i’ I’ve been just throwing that out try try placing some w oh no it just extends that well that’s boring that is very boring oh what happens if you make it three blocks wide so if you make it a

3X3 don’t we need to break stone for that and we don’t have act Stone to replace it my stone i’ have to um it okay wait I have three stone I’m I I don’t want to be the one to break the stone that’s fine I’ll do It ni it’s the same oh that is so boring that is very boring depresso espresso God damn it how you got UNL caves around here yes so um if you come over yeah if you come in here and just stand uhhuh you can hear them they’re on

The other side look and there’s a cave somewhere in this direction fun that’s why I’m not expanding the farm oh oh bye Braes by Braes how bad that’s it’s not too bad okay not too bad it’s like okay it’s like two or three blocks that way what is that emoji I’m not even

Kidding I got the CHR pink drinking tea I got the uh the Christina approval of the skin the steampunk skin gets the approval let’s go Christina hasn’t commented on my skin uh she did she doesn’t like it it’s different she doesn’t did one of you pick up uh some

Diamond essence or man Ste Essence nope nope okay sometimes it just doesn’t drop anything especially well if they’re low tier they sometimes don’t drop anything Triple T should always drop stuff shoer right should we head back to James’s base instead of Haunting mine cuz it’s not like there’s anything

Interesting here it’s not like there’s anything interesting in mine either so let’s go to mine right oh I start the wo on me that’s fine it may not be something interesting but we weren’t AFK so we were just staring at your base for like half an

Hour or shows cave for like half an hour and there’s not as much to explore there yeah you said about how you have the door like that yeah um so that zombies can’t break it down yeah just placing it so that it’s this way around they can’t

Break it down because to them they’re on the inside uh yes and no I tested it I tested it what version did you test on this okay I tested it in the Monster hunting dimension well then I I I I’m still keeping it open because I’m going off the mechanics that I’ve always

Known where if it’s an open door then there’s no way in hell that it will ever break it fair enough we are on hard aren’t we yeah we are so they should be able to break doors but they won’t ever break that I know they can break

Doors yeah they should be on a break shouldn’t be able to break that then again I never had issues with a zombie trying to break my doors even in hardcore series never had that issue not fair I’ve only had an issue with it once and that’s because Charlie led a horde

Of zombies to the front door in theun dimension speaking speaking of leading mobs you know the creeper yesterday yeah um someone went back through the footage and saw you and we don’t we don’t know if it was on purpose or not but you you’d led the creeper to

Us I shouted out once I noticed it fair okay okay that clear that up I just got to you just going to leave the cut assem in here yeah why not you do that it’s out of the way but I never said I was good at this

Game I don’t know why people have impression and like honestly I I can respect just having it in the middle because on the one hand it’s not even Central yeah on the one hand it looks neater having stuff just around the edges but on the other hand it gets

Boring if you’ve just got a massive open area in the middle of your house yeah with everything around the edges there’s a reason why my placement of everything is so Random yeah this is my decoration oh James yeah I just prep buddy on here there you go Firefly

Buddy I love the fireflies this sacred Oak is Tiny it’s also staying here we’re never chopping this one down tiny though it’s we’re never chopping it down it’s staying right there cuz hang even once we’ve raised the land up to y72 for the railways it’s just going to poke up through the land

And look even tinier this going to be interesting because um yeah if if you come to my base for a moment oh God I I’d like to show you something oh God do come here see that’s a terrifying thought in itself go go in the crafting grid and search

Sacred I can see it that was one tree yep oh that was one Tre I have more sacred oak logs than I do anything else what did Christina do when she was on did she build any I don’t know let’s go to eye on her I can’t see any changes more

There she has added 10 blocks I that’s Cobble yeah that’s fair she’s been doing interior work it’s the same pattern of bricks that I’ve used for my walls just using Cobble instead of bricks yeah I used Cobble for the pathway uh for the ruins yeah see I’d almost be tempted to

Mix this in with actual normal stone bricks as well so you’ve got a little bit texturing yeah which is uh what you saw I did I mixed yeah weed regular in terms in terms of texturing um are we are you going to end up where

Are wait bra are you going to end up just texturing the whole this whole base in terms of texturing um you’ve got very slightly different variant where that one isn’t quite as weathered yeah yeah and even that with just the normal Stone brakes would be enough really especially on on this smaller

Scale yeah you saw um how I did the pathway yeah it did a mix of Mossy Cobble regular Stone and Cobble Stone you also got the cracked variant of it it was a fun time actually really good yeah I mixed cracks weathered brick and pillar and cuts I think I mixed in as

Well honestly because of the cracks you can barely tell that it’s actually bricks yeah I don’t like that one yeah that’s why I like using it for ruins instead of like you know an actual castle oh braxus have you seen what we oh what we were doing over at the

Railway I saw on the stream when you were adding more gravel okay speaking a gravel you can patch up that last little bit I’m just hang I’m looking on the map there’s a bit where um um it’s not quite shaded properly I’m I’m I’m little confused oh God not the

Oil that was too close that was too close I love how we’ve all got slightly different modes of Transport my slingshot is currently missing right where was it issuing oh I think I figured out why it was being an issue it’s because of the um rails okay no it’s fine that’s fine I

Figured out the issue oh it’s the source blocks of the holographic rails Oh that’s fine it’s cuz I started Blueprinting without actually having the materials I needed to blueprint oh hi braxis yeah I think I put mine away on accident so thank you yeah sling show is currently just in a chest I guess possibly so how do you actually place the rails uh in survival

I don’t know cuz this is still just a blueprint at the moment yeah I’m well aware of this I’m going to be Blueprinting anyway until I’m happy with the layout so I I think you have to have all of the necessary materials in your inventory before it even consider letting

You attempt to place it but it won’t what’s really annoying is I break the blueprint and it won’t tell me what um what I need to actually place the rails oh that I’ll do the shift left click thing that it need and it just won’t give me the information I

Need so I need to figure out why that is and maybe I’m just doing something wrong to be fair it’s probably me how much of this bridge can we sort out you want to know what’s really annoying you know how I’m doing Redstone based controls at the moment for this no

Yeah there all all of my Redstone circuitry if I get it working will be visible underneath the bridge especially the especially the parts that are like 100 200 blocks that way ah yeah here’s the thing I’ve tested the stopping distance of the train it’s about 350

Blocks Jesus but I want to start slowing down the train about you know about 350 blocks away from the uh away from the near end of the platform so I kind of want to have it apply the brakes get it really slow and as it reaches the end uh

The near end of the the platform it takes the brakes off to let it just drift in yeah cuz otherwise it’ll just deafen the people on the platform with the squealing of the brakes well that’s how it works in Italy I’m not even kidding the the the brakes on trains in Italy are

Horrendous that’s because every mode of Transport in Italy they go as fast as they can and break at the last possible second yeah got imagine how hard the bullet train has to break um I don’t want to imagine that requires me having in an anim imagination and we all know that I

Lack one of them which is why I’m playing Minecraft that’s definitely the best game to play if you’ve got a distinct lack of imagination I have a distinct lack of focus what’s Focus no I there you go I just searched up because I was curious uh the emergency breaking

Distance of the present sh is just under 4,000 M 4 k y E2 series at 275 km per hour uh if increasing initial braking speed to 360 km per hour or leaving the braking support as is the emergency breaking distance will extend to as long as approximately 7,000 M damn Charlie’s not

Online so um I I keep on just moaning at Charlie to sleep so uh that’s the bullet train I’ve just used up all of the gravel you gave me oh wow you actually got pretty far though give yourself that eh maybe that’s not if you don’t have more

Gravel waiting for you oh did you did you finish patching up the hole I haven’t even gone to the hole to patch it yet I’ve just been [Laughter] placing no no no leave them to it leave them to it oh I don’t have my arrow arrow with me anyway so I can’t why don’t you have your arrow with you I don’t know I must have shifted it into a chest or something yeah have an arrow

If it’s in the hole where’s the arrow it was a Villar Arrow anyway cringe oh look can’t even tell it was broken where did that Arrow go I chucked oh there it is yoink I don’t need [ __ ] I just I just noticed I got a I got a vanilla bow from that

Skeleton as well half durability oh that’s actually pretty good yeah um yes I am God I forgot I forgot just how slow my bow is to draw until I just drew a normal bow yeah cuz I I prioritized the reinforcements over um haste I prioritized haste over reinforcements i’ I’ve only got one

Level of haste what’s that portal standing up that is the hunting Dimension Port okay I’ll never go in there then no okay come come in and look no no no I’m not going in there James I’ve got a protective cage in there bra if I go don’t fall in don’t

Fall in the deep dark portal either there’s a deep dark portal mhm right here yeah this one what do you think of the Celtic couble around it I like I quite like that pattern yeah don’t fall in the deep dark Port everything’s going Spinny I’m guessing it’s quite hard to accidentally end up in the deep dark oh yeah you have to stand on it for quite a while stand on it and you’ll see it’s much easier to just accidentally fall into the Twilight Forest yes the Twilight Forest is immediate the hunting

Dimension you have to shift in oh good rids he’s gone by oh no stopped me there do you think go do you think he’s noticed he must have go go go go he’s coming he’s coming oh hi braxis ow what was that for look at the dog sming their heads through the

Door hello Doggies just pet them all as you should like there we go that was so worth it them all so what’s up brex H what was up I know I know GN put this here but I’m never going to end up using it I know it’s more efficient but it’s like

Eh looks snazzy it does look snazzy but my way is more ridiculous so I’m going to stick with my way it’s very chaotic that’s why it’s funny exactly and I get to actually no I still get to keep some of the output anyway for this cuz it still makes more than it

Uses what’s pris doing is he stealing the design no I’m just seeing how he’s got it set up oh I don’t I have no idea how half shits got charcoal but for the Fuel technically it house I believe hang on let’s put let’s put a stack of logs in let’s just see yeah it has okay that’s a lot of charcoal that’s in there oh sh do fast that’s slow this is I mean it’s still faster than uh my setup but

Yeah um I’m I’m planning on making the same F furnace that Charlie has um which smelts an entire stack and about the same time it takes to smel two blocks in the yeah the ultimate is ridiculous there is a slight flaw with this setup that I’ve just realized that

I should have realized when I put this chest here this chest is before the generator in the circuit so all the fuel is ending up in this before it gets to the generator meaning the generator’s getting any overflow from this not the other way around generator needs to be the first thing in

The in the loop yes congrats at least I figured it out um you I need the chest back but you can keep the charcoal um you could um put the chest here inead and then use a D item duct here I need my chest n i I’ll I’ll

Figure out a stupid setup don’t worry no I said you keep the co I don’t want it okay but it’s Christmas and you’ve been a bad boy D It’s Christmas already I wow he’s this is the quietest he’s ever been congratulations you found out off I was itching my ear for God’s

Sake well that ruins the whole thing you bastard how I heard I was just preoccupied with itching my ear it’s like there’s no response is he actually speechless CH raisins oh chalky raisins yeah good [ __ ] oh yeah we need to Output um bloody we need we need to get rid of these saplings

Oh use them as fuel for now will the Gen generator allow that it’s a furnace fuel oh it does actually allow that oh yeah it’s a furnace fuel that’s pretty funny so noisy it is a bit noisy I’m thinking I might end this stream here cuz I’ve really got no idea what on

Earth I’m doing I me that is the title of the stream anyway yeah I’m sorry this one’s been so [ __ ] I honestly I know I know today’s been a [ __ ] show and yeah I’m sorry you know what I mean do do you need me to set the dogs on

You now look who’s making puns with my name the doors open and everything can’t you really can’t ever go at me that’s the exact kind of HT that you two do yourself I don’t know why you’re accusing me of anything I I wouldn’t dream of it and I haven’t got anything in my

Inventory so I can’t make any puns I have so many things I can make pun out my my name is so easy to make a pun out but but would you believe it I am really [ __ ] at this hang on hang on hang on hang on try try that again

Would you believe it if I told you that I am really bad at making puns now he gets it oh I got it the first time as well I just thought we little oh no no no I’m on about the other night when we was it no I’m on

About the other week when we were doing it and you were like what the [ __ ] is going on God you guys are really sapping my energy hey I did that one last week [ __ ] you no anyway Jokes Aside this is this this is why we so easy to laugh yeah we crack

Up too easy NOP hello mate see you saying we crack up too easy would have been funnier if you had cracked Stone brakes or something alas I do not shame I mean this this whole stream has just gone purely off the rails hasn’t it I mean uhhuh you you say that the stream

Didn’t go well but you said in your title that you had no plan so I feel like in essence that was a plan doing it he’s doing the thing he’s doing the thing welcome to the dark side we need to get him into the life series just so we can see the origin

Yes oh God which which particular life series did that one start in secret or was that just a secret life thing it was Secret Life episode one for Mumbo Mumbo and green yep what are you sure it wasn’t the parrot might have been the parrot H possibly it sounded like it

Came from this way though like under the water here is it under the sea I’m not under the sea I’m not seeing anything on the map I don’t know I can’t tell because James’s Waypoint is red so I can’t really tell oh cringe imagine having a

Red I’ve got a dark blue for a shirt that is most definitely blue he wanted it red did I I asked him what color he wanted it and he said red did you did you did what when I I stick to everybody’s branding so uh vox’s is

Orange and then James’s is dark blue and yours should be a technic col of rainbow ironically enough even before he added the blue to skin I had it as blue I read your [ __ ] mind me my ideal color is a h Quin green yeah um as of right now that’s

Charlie’s color Charlie has a very nice creeper green I can’t requested red but I already had James’s red this is so B I stick to things and then I’ve got um pale blues for mine because of GE Reas V requested um what was it hot pink mine’s orange for him it makes him

Stand out much easier I believe I’ve got Charlie as a blood orange he wanted red but couldn’t give him red so he went for why not there’s so many different shades of red you could have used yeah I mean Carmine Scarlet shre so many different colors

Out a bit more than that oh cringe so many of the shades of red stand out you you you should have just given him hot pink was already hot pink then then you should have uh myself then you should have made Charlie a really really light

Pink yeah ignore me on the sh truth that is a yellow yellow green but like Scarlet Carine wine grape anyway grape’s like a purply red go I am going to outro here shut up Parr thank you very much for watching well quite frankly honest I don’t know what’s happened for the

Majority of this stream cuz I wasn’t actually here so I do apologize for that zombie braus zombie actual zombie actual zomb um I forgot that it pierces I forgot that it pierces on that bombshell time to win thank you very much go get some XP thank you very much for watching the

Stream I hope you have all enjoyed if you have feel free to like the stream um subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already if you wish to join the server you can do over on either my patreon or bra’s patreon I have put a post up on my patreon today

Mind I put a post up on my patreon today saying that if I get I think it’s like 440 pound a month on my patreon I’ll upgrade the server to be 16 gig ram or something like that um I can’t think of anything else have you two got anything to add on the

Outro uh [ __ ] braxis no thanks I mean okay no that was not an invitation good night the internet sound like it

This video, titled ‘I have no plan, let’s make it up as we go along! – ChooChooCraft – Modded Minecraft 1.12.2’, was uploaded by Genius_James on 2024-03-07 12:10:20. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:56 or 7796 seconds.

I have no plan, let’s make it up as we go along! – ChooChooCraft – Modded Minecraft 1.12.2

Series Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGFAtOEc8YObHb9dJc0zs1A19WUs5GTrt

Opening music – Monody – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7xai5u_tnk

Music Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsVRVnNt8NFmay9QOIM_84g/ Twitter – https://twitter.com/Genius_James_ Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/geniusjames Discord – https://discord.gg/NANmW6H Twitch – https://twitch.tv/genius_james Don’t – https://ko-fi.com/genius_james Odysee – https://odysee.com/$/invite/@Genius_James:0

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  • Crimson Anarchy

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  • Spuds Semi-Vanilla SMP GriefPrevention Germany 1.20.4

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  • [Java & Bedrock] LiveAndBuild.Net | Survival Server

    [Java & Bedrock] LiveAndBuild.Net | Survival ServerCROSS PLATFORM! Both Minecraft: Java Edition and Minecraft: Bedrock Edition can join!Welcome to LiveAndBuild.Net… Completely based around the community, using user feedback we believe we have crafted one of the best survival Minecraft servers on the planet. With over 8 years experience running game servers you can have trust in us to provide fair, equal, and balanced game play. Whether you like to PvP, or just build in peace we offer the tools to do this.What are you waiting for? Join MC.LIVEANDBUILD.NET today! Read More

  • Minecraft Magic: Unveiling 10 Hidden Tricks! [Autumn Breeze Reveals All]

    Minecraft Magic: Unveiling 10 Hidden Tricks! [Autumn Breeze Reveals All] Autumn Breeze here, ready to dive in, To uncover the secrets, hidden within. Top 10 uses in Minecraft, let’s begin, Each one a surprise, a clever win. From redstone to obsidian, tools of the trade, Creativity flows, in every upgrade. Furnaces for cooking, chests for storage, In this blocky world, there’s never a shortage. So join me now, as we explore, The hidden gems, we can’t ignore. In Minecraft’s world, there’s always more, To discover, create, and adore. Read More

  • Garfield’s stalking me in Minecraft 😂🔥

    Garfield's stalking me in Minecraft 😂🔥 Garfield better watch out, I heard he’s been banned from the server for eating all the lasagna! #minecraftdrama #garfieldproblems 😂🍝 Read More

  • Speedrun Your Way with Top 5 Minecraft Bedrock Seeds 1.21

    Speedrun Your Way with Top 5 Minecraft Bedrock Seeds 1.21 Exploring the Top 5 Speedrunning Seeds in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Embark on an exciting journey through the top 5 best speedrunning seeds for Minecraft Bedrock 1.21. These seeds are designed to make your speedrunning experience a breeze, offering a range of features including blacksmiths, bastions, and more. Get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft with these exceptional speedrunning seeds! Seed 5: 5493909195400639913 Starting off our list is Seed 5, a promising seed that will set you on the right path for a successful speedrun. Explore the vast landscapes and uncover hidden treasures as you race against the… Read More


    My WORST DEATH - DAY 5 - PC GAMEPASS MINECRAFT Minecraft Adventures with TheGuill84 Exploring the World of Minecraft TheGuill84 takes on the PC Gamepass Challenge in Minecraft, embarking on a thrilling adventure filled with creativity and challenges. Join him as he navigates through the vast world of blocks, monsters, and endless possibilities. Live Streams and Events Catch all the action live on Twitch at https://twitch.tv/theguill84. Don’t miss out on the excitement as TheGuill84 tackles various tasks and quests in real-time. Stay Connected Follow TheGuill84 on his main YouTube channel at https://youtube.com/user/TheGuill84 for more gaming content. Check out his clip channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/TheGuill84Clips for highlights and memorable moments. Engage… Read More

  • Ultimate Nute Gunray Minecraft Showdown!

    Ultimate Nute Gunray Minecraft Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Nute Gunray minecraft scenes’, was uploaded by Jar Jar Studios+ on 2024-04-23 23:10:35. It has garnered 668 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:04 or 15544 seconds. Read More

  • Nico Gets Bitten by Cash & Zoey in Minecraft

    Nico Gets Bitten by Cash & Zoey in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zombies CASH and ZOEY bite Nico – Funny Story in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Cash & Nico on 2024-02-15 20:50:40. It has garnered 27253 views and 643 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:47 or 527 seconds. Hi, welcome to the Maizen Fan channel! In this video: Zombies CASH and ZOEY bite Nico – Funny Story in Minecraft This is not an official Cash and Nico channel, we make fan videos with Cash and Nico. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Cash. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want… Read More

  • EPIC WIN! Watch Me Dominate Parkour in Minecraft

    EPIC WIN! Watch Me Dominate Parkour in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I Won This Parkour Event In This Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by BlendSpider on 2024-04-12 10:50:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How I Won This Parkour Event In This Minecraft Server I Did Parkour In This Video In A Server Which Name Is Hero SMP … Read More