Max the Minecraft Slenderman: Unbelievable Transformation

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One be quiet Baby Max be quiet and you just stand over him and throw the water balloon okay oh oh wow there’s a lot of water in that youw it outen you wet yourself you wet yourself we we pant we we pant what why is the water everywhere uh you wet yourself

Buddy you pee PE panted what are you talking about with PE pants how did I do that I don’t know know you drank lots of water before bed what did you do to me that wasn’t funny what did you guys do it just a prank

Cool your jets man it was just a water balloon meet your a water balloon at will you were sleeping what time is it did I sleep through tea did I miss dinner you sure did it’s all over you were left sleep there’s a postman at a mailbox oh oh it’s Postman Martin hello

Hello Martin hello oh what’s this why did you T the post I put see Martin po don’t do that a you sure take you get one back see you bye what’s it say he’s a nice fell whates what oh the the message it’s said oh no no no don’t do

This don’t do this bab Max I know what’s coming and I’m not involved I’m not involved today no okay so this one oh what happened to you I got dead did I got got who done that I reckon it was you with an impact grenade me yeah yeah

You why do you look so how was that Me Baby Max I don’t know I don’t think Martin carries impact grenades with him did you not just see what happened did you guys see it noen it walk boy baby Max I just shw a grenade straight at him

And by Postman do you mean you I was standing inside the house guys and I was looking at the postman man’s not hot right okay so this one guys now don’t I’m going to hide Jo this wall for a little while just just oh yeah there he is stop it you cannot

Be messing with grenades please okay tell me what is on the iPad this is how to become Slenderman yeah not doing this one you know my mostest cat ever come on this one will be fun and we like a little bit of scare time he is terrifying do you know

Slender man eats ghosts that’s why he eats for breakfast he is the most scariest man alive baby charms that’s gross okay are we ready yeah I’m ready but I yet Lucky Charms for breakfast does it entail baby ma if you would let me speak I could tell you to

Become the tall faceless spine tingling suited creature you must collect the following items do not throw impact grenades at one another stop using impact grenades the use of impact grenades is to cease no more impact grenades and then it goes on to say You must collect the following

Items and find the chest in the woods and place inside into Woods number one three suit jackets or jackets as it’s written here silly Martin can’t write properly and pants tree Slender Man Hearts ew Tre teleportation devices and tree growing potions yowzers okay who do we know that wears suits around here

What Woods do we have to go into do we have to go into the woods at the end of all this we have to go into the scary Slender Man wood oh my goodness guys I actually know something for real what the boss baby wears suits he go let’s go

We got to get Su Bo see the boss baby oh I hope he doesn’t have lots of guns cuz we’re very unarmed right now oh he’s got a sniper rifle amazing stop it I Che I know I know but you’re going to make the house fall down you need to

Quit it wow guys I’m in here and I’m looking for a shoot okay suits not shoes baby dog uh no I said a shoot I’m looking for a gun so I can go shoot you on them guys okay distracting the boss baby we in

Back grenades he has a clue oh no he has a clue you’re blowing his house up he doesn’t know where everything is though quick M whoa whoa who who be careful I got him go oh here’s a chest oh I got one I got one suit jacket

PS I got one too up up the stairs okay we need to find one for oh there he is watch out oh he got me guys he got me yeah what that seems fair Don I found two okay um I’ll meet you guys at the front I guess I found

Two I found two wow there’s a huge hole in this house it’s handy for an escape oh there we go lovely yeah guys here here Don take them take them don’t what what are is do we wear these suits oh my gosh they look so handsome

Max yes sir I found him in there Don turn around turn around Donut Turn Around get the suit and the jacket okay thank you what do I look like oh my gosh you look so handsome don’t very I’m going to turn around and have a look at

Our tree oh my gosh somebody would be look to have us watch out for the in back grenade it’s a perfect opportunity to get two of us woo where is okay okay where are we going guys what’s next bab Max next up on the list is three Slender

Man Hearts Super Market Super Market no no KN them in there they’re going to be from the weirdo down the street again yeah it’s definitely going to be neighbor he’s got that all kind of stuff what oh no you said the weirdo down the street so I touch your talk about your

Own house oh is that so oh that’s so don’t you impa grenade did you get him n oh come on now guys good let’s go neighbor’s house it is Slender Man Hearts we need to find some okay guys found the cow there for everyone in the audience better take

Them we might need them for a future the baby neighbor shooting me before they can even get a crow bear just crazy baby neighbor baby neighbor he look like a baby what hey don’t blocked Us in did he h who knows he’s he’s he gets very odd

Around this time of night yeah so what are we looking for in here Maxi Slender Man Hearts e slender Hearts hey I got them where are they that’s a lie don’t listen to I got milk the ne’s coming no milk we need Hearts kill the neor yes

Zinger guys I got an neighor you’re not proud of me yeah well mate you’re oh what’s that got one yuck where was it in the fridge fridge in the kitchen it was in there which fridge okay I think we got to make our way upstairs now guys really yeah I think so

Okay I’m going to go up the stairs oh we need a red key though oh man I got one oh sweet W I can’t see you firefight you okay I can’t see anything can’t see anything with the Smokey GS guys that’s cuz you’re you’re putting them down I

Didn’t put them down this time is that so oh really ah no I got got a red key got a red key in the most obvious place where the red key would be in the red key Department o I got shot wow you got got

Whoa I true that by mistake go away now oh he didn’t see me guys quick come on upstairs with me okay I’m on the way I just need to get two armed up so I don’t get got you to get two armed up why you already have

Two arms yeah but in case I need a spare one squ it put the smoke Jo in you did probably you I didn’t I promise I didn’t oh guys somebody check that chest where where what chest let us hurt all right let’s make our way through the house again we’ve got one

More to get guys okay we got to get one more for me and then we are laughing be careful guys be careful these coming the neighbor’s coming today yeah it’s pitch dark I cannot see a thing get the Torches that’s what they’re there for silly billies wait

This is blocked off I’m going up this way be blocked off here who’s shooting who’s shooting watch out watch out be careful Neighbors coming guys be on your toes on your tippy toes wait more blockers I’m going to go up here guys I’m follow I’m following the block you

Think you’re on the right path yeah I’m going to break this carpet cuz it’s annoying me no no other reason okay keep an eye out baby Max keep an eye out gra myself in a little extra gun action oh you all right baby dug you having trouble there yeah a little bit

There’s a chest under the carpet but there’s no heart in it oh that’s a shame oh it’s all over no it’s not I I think I’ve got two of them really yeah they’re black smelly hearts slend okay you have donut h no well I I I guess it looks like two

But I don’t have two how did you manage to do that that’s pretty sneaky what did he donut does it say one or two where okay let’s get this together yeah you’ve lost your train of T there donut you’re on a mad one again come on now

Okay I don’t have two hearts it just looks like two all right that’s very helpful okay let’s get back upstairs and check it out guys come on yeah there was there a hidden chest upstairs and it looked like baby duck was supposed to get one in there but he

Failed so I’m going to check it out for myself yeah check it again check it again maybe D has a c yeah you might be right there okay look at this room is blocked off let’s check in here maybe it’s in there obviously well I’m going to keep an eye

Out for the neighbor okay okay be careful now here and why you turn off the fire why would you do that I don’t want to get myself set in fire have you ever met me in fire crispy dog yeah did up there no what was that noise I’m going to go

It could be in one of the jail cells did you guys check no you just run in and run out yeah well done Lads well done everybody round of applause I think we need to find the neighbor and put him under investigation so get your guns

Ready and see if we can blast them and we can take it off them give me that I knew it I knew he took it out himself I got it for you baby duck silly neighbor had it all along take that awesome throw it throw it Maxi throw it you want me to

Throw a heart across the floor ew there you go now let’s go okay guys let’s meet downstairs for the next part of our mission which is going to be they not Hearts they’re bin bags e what they look like bin bags what’s the next part Baby Max the next part is a teleportation

Device what yeah I may to get into the Slender Man woods or something that’s a weird one whoa neighbor’s here get him take him out blast him there a cat who shot me you ready stop leave the cat alone he’s nice leave him alone oh donut ow stop it whoa ow who

Impact grenade of me quick what’s next Baby Max I don’t like it who’s doing that baby Max oh my goodness great stop it okay impact impact Gren truth are we done yeah I’m done can you stop shooting me now now now we’re done gentlemen we have

Our suits on we have our awesome Slender Man Hearts Smokey Joe coming in hot and now we need teleportation device so who can transport themselves H oh I know I know this one too I know the answer go on the the um why them guys called to

Wear the suits and they’re like Ninjas Oh I can’t think of their Nam Ninjagos oh power r Power Rangers Bingo yeah the Power Rangers oh I’m so silly I for you sure they can do this I don’t know we just check it out so we need a teleportation The Voice guys and be

Careful the last time we were in here the Power Rangers were not happy about us coming in wow the Power Rangers should be nice though now I don’t know would you be nice if someone kept breaking into your house yeah well you wouldn’t I’m going to smash the place up waa there’s the

Red Ranger and he’s not happy not one bit happy I’m up the ladder where Red Ranger can’t shoot me cuz you know they they’re afraid of ladders that’s not true is it not oh man Red Ranger oh what’s this oh got one yeah nice okay need to get out of here quickly

Okay the Red Ranger is not happy all right let’s get upstairs quick quick quick upstairs yeah we need to get upstairs take this ladder look at this okay don’t you you with us oh I’m defending the par rer and keeping them off us get up the stairs and I’m going

To cover you oh dead bab dog where you at I’m upstairs in the black bedroom but there’s nothing in there all right check all the bedrooms check all the carpets and everything hey baby dog cool you there don’t where are you I’m here where here JP right behind you you’re not look

At this green one what’s I think Donut’s going to bit crazy I think so too whoa Bingo a yes found it where was the it was in the green room under some carpet oh some ow ow ow I’m being shot by a red ranger well I don’t believe in him where is the

Red Ranger we need to get out of here we know we still shot one device guys we need one more check where did you find the other one Baby Max I found the one in the green room underneath the carpet so check all the bedrooms and where did

You find the first one downstairs why does that matter let’s get busy did you say check under all the carpet Max yeah I sure did there another floor we can explore we need to go higher oh I have a suspicion that there should be another one up there but I

Just can’t find it you know okay have you checked everywhere absolutely have you okay I think so okay guys I found some ladders we’re going to need to get up high okay baby dog yeah see where you at where where you okay let me check ah this Arena keeps spawning in the

Middle of nowhere there baby duck where are you okay look over there there’s the chest up there look take these ladders take these ladders take them and build your way up okay don’t when he gets to the top shoot him the Red Ranger oh the Red Ranger

There I fell I fell guns maybe this gun’s downstairs is there thinks that was back wall okay baby do you back H yeah I’m here I’m here here got there go go go W okay Mr Mr do everything is it there um I found this thing called teleportation device is that it that’s

The one Bring It On Down okay awesome okay don’t where you at I’m outside I’m ready to go guys we’re making our way towards you now all right be cool guys I don’t know the meaning of red ranger on his way in watch out find out a sneaky way I prob him to

Okay guys we need one more thing we need one more thing where could he be or where could it be what is it bab Maxi whoa okay looks like we going to need ourselves some H growing potions where did they grow things the farm the Super Market no potions think

Potions think oh something just drink potions but but we don’t have a scientist around here we’re not near to school we have a huge science lab just behind us where are you going baby look oh we do have a huge science lab awesome Bingo there donut yeah where are you

Dude I’m at the science lab okay be careful going through the forest you know it’s bad news when you go in there Slender Man could be around any corner so just be on the lookout okay okay okay I just I’m sprinting through I’m using it as a shortcut well but be careful

Shortcuts can backfire what’s backfire it’s when you fire backwards things don’t go as they’re planned in the forwards world you go go nail on the head I ring I ring the doorbell why ring the doorbell that’s only going to make Mar the postman go even

Matter no man the post man was nice wait there’s golden locks on the door here I think we need it was that to shoot me I just shot me all right be cool guys we’re in the science L there’s a scientist down the end he is not happy wow I tried to kill

Him the freak but I couldn’t kill him why I don’t know OB with Smokey Joe’s yeah uh do I have one you have 4 million whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa watch out guys Zing got me left I’m in the library o there’s safes in here guys did you find that I

Don’t know not right now but probably some more okay oh yes I’m outside this I got a red key I got a red key guys aome where does that open probably the red lock oh yeah but don’t to shoot him I can’t there have no guns nice bit of blasting okay don’t

I’ve got a spare teleportation device that must be for you okay awesome give it to oh remember this baby dog remember what this you actually they’re cool oh you never see one of these wow me me down for Dam I need help upstairs I need help upstairs need whoa you missed me

Teleportation B Max open this door with your red key soon as I get up to you I’m all over it buddy you’re right there you teleportation weirdo all right you in there okay red key around where’d you get the red key donut I know um I found

One of these other Keys a blue one all right perfect take it on board is any gun no no I I’m glad you don’t have a gun cuz you were you are bad enough with your impact grenades uh okay uh come on out baby Max donut did you just lock Baby Max in

You sure did how could I oh did the scientist scientist is in there take him out take him out oh no we got me me because he doesn’t know where I am teleportation wizard teleporting everywhere what such a bad he he doesn’t have a breeze we’re teleporting everywhere got

Him yes did job man got him okay guys I don’t have a blue key whoever got the blue oh he’s right there he’s spawning right in this room watch out guys watch out behind you whoa whoa whoa he sto firing go away leave us alone chase him

Out Donald chase him out all right good work anything in there b max I’ll keep I’ll keep sketch for him got him smell p B did you find anything bro no not yet dude let’s keep looking anything in there not just yeah okay keep looking um uh let me see Baby

Max I found a gold key and a lever straight away when I went in there good work the most wful person ever to look for things I didn’t look in there he his eyes didn’t work he forgot to put his glasses with a suit on you guys have

Been weird again what that wasn’t weird all right slow down guys we we got everything we need are we ready for this opening this door lucky all right here we go uh oh the S this is close by forget about him what was that W was a rocket launcher

Who that was unbelievably powerful SST is cheating again cheater cheater that was awesome wa guys we’re big trouble here I definitely wouldn’t use that rocket launcher what’s I got one one ground po how many do we need we need probably just that we need three ground potions so you’re obviously lying again

No I’ve only got one oh I’ve got one upstairs that’s two let me see chest over here I got them come on get out of here this scientist has got bananas mad let’s run I’m outside I’m outside I’m outside I’m outside I’m outside come on Johnny two times okay woo donut where

You at kill the side this with a crowbar cuz he stinks all right he doesn’t killed him he’s he’s silly and he doesn’t know how to play 40 Zing see you okay mate you got went a bit mad there it’s okay I got all the potion pass over the potion now to

Me please what if it smashes oh we just put it down gently just throw it gently throw it gently and throw one to me as well donut don’t need them thank you can I have one please donut yeah all right there’s there’s one there I left you

There’s one for you thank you booty thank B Mex guys let’s get into the forest and let’s get Slender Man Okay okay now you really want to get into the forest yeah I want to be slend man I have to do all this work SL bab quick

Question where you going mate wrong way yep yeah he hasn’t clear that not a bulls notion hey look at this who I’m after I’m after to teleport myself but I don’t know too where I’m at a pond or something oh you didn’t world you’re in trouble guys I found a chest don’t

Turn behind you Don behind you okay where’s that turn I’m at a big I’m at a big pond where do I go from here uh whoa Slender Man he’s right there where where are you I’m at the big pond where are you guys what do you mean big pond oh

You Fountain turn left to the Fountain and come in don’t know where you are you I don’t know I’m in the middle of I’m beside the sign lap where are you guys okay if you come out of sign lap turn left go down as far as the pond and then turn left

Again okay he’s not going to shoot us we’re about to be here oh yeah he’s so freaky donut where you kind of kill it donut come to the are you at the science lab yet besite you guys quick just do something get SL man away from us I

Don’t let me read let me read this book collect place them in the chest okay all the items go in teleportation oh we got to take off our suits guys a I know I know feel okay that’s everything take two two diamonds each and I’ll take the book

Okay okay all right okay I’m nervous what are we going to do bab here we go here we go please put on the suits oh no we got to put our suits back on sillies well done bab Max brilliant Bravo we had a su on the whole time all right Su what

Are we going to do all right right right right woo put eyes in the Su on and take one Diamond each to proceed to the pond and throw diamonds into the pond and then jump into the pond to become a Slender Man in a new life there is no

Coming back from this once you have jumped in ah yeah I don’t believe that I’m going in okay okay here we are so I’m going to tra in donut why would you try push me in cuz he’s mean what all right diamond is in diamond diamond is

In I’m jump in guys here we go okay I’m in Too oh I wish those lazy lumps would get up out of bed I’m bored I want to do things and have some Fun go away cat we don’t want you here clear off Sho Sho what a bar and maybe some Little wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up guys guys guys hello hello hello I was chasing way that Stinky cat that’s always hanging around here and they found a book outside would you like to read it with me uh is it is

It called uh no no no that’s not for another few days yet why you you’re going crazy no it’s are you crazy Baby Max it was Christmas yesterday oh yeah where’s all our presents gone then what you mean that’s what I’m saying I’m streaming about oh I won’t say tell me

Anyway give me the book let me read it oh yeah do you want to read it this time do whatever you’re the boss you know you how to you know everything about computers you know everything let’s go how to become Sonic Tails and Dr Robotnik than robnic you guys will all

Become the above characters for a day and to do so you will need to collect items related to each character items are scattered around in different locations the locations are the neighbor’s house super character Power Rangers headquarter Eva scientist lab and bendy Factory return all items to

The chest in your backyard and proceed to the portal using the Finton steel to light it up okay I’m already bendy’s I’m in I’m in the neighbors that’s brilliant great thanks for waiting come overlash how did you get in I walked in the front door it was open that’s handy

Just be careful the neighb will be around and you think he’s a bit mean today oh dear that’s going to leave him Mark did you just RPG me did you bring an RPG to this game wow ow Des I see him he doesn’t look happy everybody stand

Back to get I have a solution yeah no doors no keys no nothing come on follow me Z oh boy what side of the band did you wake up on today donut you seem to be on a bit of a mind we are in big trouble Baby

Max why did you let him do that I have no control I have no control over what he does ow ow ow ow got him yeah got the neighbor okay you guys kill the neighbor yeah what do we need to find in here guys we need shoes Sonic’s ones Tails ones and

Doctor’s goggles oh doctor’s goggles yeah guys we need Rusty keys for upstairs at the neighbor’s bedroom probably don’t we have an RPG up here and just blow these doors up everything’s always in his bedroom okay okay where are you open his bedroom okay hence why I’m screaming at about

His bedroom where is his bedroom oh my D upstairs up beside the science lab he has all the doors locked if he thinks that we can’t get around anywhere he’s such a silly Billy yeah he’s a bit he’s a bit of a septic head hey where are you

That’s not the right way donut sorry can you bring me the right way I have you don’t have a follow me Don you don’t know you know what look at that that’s suspicious blow that up donut okay no don’t don’t blow up here we know where

It is it’s up here okay we don’t know where everything is yes we do okay don’t yes what you want blow up that door over there please okay there you go all right I’m in hey Will I blow up anything else baby I think you’re okay for now just maybe Oh my

Days okay you go explore the science lab baby do how did you get on H I’m having a look in the bedroom I just needed to be uh I’m just getting up now wait I can’t jump up it’s my head just come up the stairs mate just easier oh oh yeah

Mhm yeah okie dokie right now where didow go I got I got go away neighor leave us alone okay let me just okay let’s get searching get searching man nothing okay you find anything guys I’m not looking I didn’t find anything did you guys I found anything just yet don’t oh there’s

Neighbor neighbor blast face you got found out right there did you punch him in the head though no he he got blasted got me blasted me I found Dr robot ni goggles tails and shoes and Sonic shoes awesome get out of here guys we need to

Go to the supermarket now let’s go okay where are I going to meet you guys at the front door you maybe make yourself your own entrance yeah I might do that that’s a good idea or exit even oh there’s Rusty key Rusty locks on the superar door it’s okay I opened them on

The supermarket door why would there be rusty keys on that the keep bu messers out with there that’s what I reckon ooh that’s interesting okay what are we looking for at the supermarket we need let me have a quick look and see um it just says items yeah just items we need three

Different things donut cheers for making me invisible there how did they do that uh you remember that splash potion you ran up and just threw at me I don’t know about that oh you know you know all right you certainly know you are the biggest Messer in the world I know but I

Just had be funny because now baby duck is invisible you another baby never listen to him so it kind of matches person so yeah yeah yeah I think you found that funny that wasn’t funny oh you were being sarcastic there were you I was being sarcastic you

You any find you any you any find anything now no I find that mate no any find that and’s not here is she what are we looking for we’re looking for stuff related to Sonic and tals and Dr robotics we don’t actually know what specifically they are tals diamond do

Robot Nick’s heart Sonic’s Diamond let’s get out of here good work awesome all right next up oh my least favorite place in the world Power Rangers the fire Rangers the Red Ranger is always down here he’s always being mean to us I don’t like him one teeny tiny bit Yeah you why

Actually oh here now he’s definitely not going to be happy with us you just blew up the side of his house yeah I know don’t like them doors I don’t think doors are for people like me you don’t have time for doors don’t oh you okay baby dog is that night

Vision or the splash or the potion making you cough yeah yeah it is I’m right here beside Baby Max so it’s cool yeah hey where do we need to check wa okay well I’ll check got keys I’ve got all the keys don’t need keys don’t mive key yes it’s key open

Everything everything okay there you go oo yeah cheers don’t I it s as if I was in that room oh I didn’t know you were in the room I told you to wait until I opened everything yeah but you made me invisible did you find that in Max no

Not yet okay all the doors are open there are no rangers in here today they’re all stuff from C who blasted me the Rangers here no it was a red ranger leave us alone on you sorry for with a ranger you stinker Ranger you smell like PGE stinker remember Pudge that’s Cass

Now guys where are you guys whoa I got shotwave hot at the Red Ranger I’m not surprised I’m in the neighbor’s house awesome guys where are you guys we’re still in we’re in the Power Rangers mate we’re having a little look around for the old stuffing things okay stuffing I

Love stuffing yeah what’s your favorite kind of stuffing one without onions I’m allergic to onions and makes me look like Will Smith out a hitch if I eat them found a red key that was useless though when we have a master key good work I have the red key about six

Weeks I got them off the neor in the rangers house we don’t know we’re just looking for stuffff ooh we okay now okay guys hey w wa the ranger is there again oh he’s blasting me yeah I don’t think he likes you no I think he fanies me oh I don’t

Know yeah he’s definitely going after oh guys I found Sonic’s music the medical tool and something else get out of here quickly where did you find them in the room that you blew up that’s Andy okay let’s go to the science lab s laab what makes you think it’s in there don’t have

You only met my brain guys they’re all on Christmas holiday so there’s nobody around anymore D I think the par Ranger was playing Bulls no he was playing roly poly a mock a mo a mock rolly poly shock shock shock do that mean that doesn’t

Make any words yes it does oh open that door for us please at your service thank you cheers wow you open that one real good yeah I did don’t forget to do the other thing cuz I have a funny feeling po/ Power Ranger hello neighbor slm this

Is going to be at me ha Z no blow up this golden door that’s nearly always where we have to be anyways oh no don’t do it oh my looky I done this here yeah I do mind there as well Don a quick question where did you get the um rocket

Launcher ow got to get that out got to get that out of the way you need to blast it again you didn’t open it up well enough which one there main door the one with the gold locks on it hey I’m back everybody yeah watch out watch

Out there you go thanks lot of entrances now sure do yeah oh I can see a chest I’m going to go check it out where is it son o Dr robotnik’s defibrillator wow mad Sonic drink T drink guys we’ve got all the stuff we need we need to go to bendies now okay

Let’s do it we the bendies wow o stuff ah hello scientist oh my je sorry we destroyed your lab scientist man why would you mean he sorry he’s evil yeah but you can’t go blowing up people’s houses and not say sorry got to apologize for blowing up people’s houses

You think an RPG in the head be sore yes you have a headache then baby dock don’t blow your way in there no stop it bendy is not going to be happy to blow up oh no away at Christmas for of dear no oh boy oh you it in look you

Silly Billy Don it needs to be done more blow where did you get all this ammo for this thing it’s crazy don’t answer to him there you go you can have aot I’m assuming there’s no ammo left do Chas us do Chas us blasted who killed me I was

The scientist he chased us down to the bendy’s house and oh baby do you okay no I’m dying a build this ow wait you guys get into bendy’s now got him take that science face no I I never had a gun I just had all the keys we just talk the fact that

You had an RPG you would be okay for guns there’s no basement in there he cemented it up with concrete right he’s coming up with me I’m up the stairs all right we’re coming now w I I’m a bit scared in bendy’s I’m not going to use my RPG anymore youve no

Ammo left here yeah you threw it at me remember yeah I know yeah okay it’s in here yeah Quick Red Key baby dock wait there’s a golden lock up here that’s I know you have the golden key so come upstairs yeah let’s do it yeah M you found all the keys

Isn’t it no oh okay okay be careful oh my goodness level five key card H but where do we need that for I didn’t see a key card Max was me with bendy I thought you said he was away who got you bendy did he’s back

From his holidays and he’s not one bit happy oh no okay well guys I want to become Dr Robotnik who do you guys want to become I’m going to be Dr Robotnik as well mm well you’re not going to be someone has to be Sonic someone has to

Be Tails I be Sonic by oh Dr robot Nick’s clothes where’d you I also found ta I’m not telling you great I’m back in the science lab again awesome we meet at our place cuz I’ve got absolutely everything okay cool wait hey baby dog you get the stuff you got it yeah

Awesome out the window let’s go ow no no again baby Max is in a bear trap so he’ll be a minute yeah don’t leave me here sorry again this is brilliant this is he’s killing me every second he is yeah you probably shouldn’t have been so mean to

Him for the last few months yeah he’s a stinker H yeah but he’s all right okay I’m back in our place I’m going to put all the stuff in the chest to so quick traitor it’s called Running bab Max and not being in a TR yeah you

Left me in a bear trap on my own he’s just seeking up behind me now look at him stinker will you guys hurry up I’m out of B Garden just big where are you aarden okay guys i’ put all the stuff in the chest okay I’ve got a few more bits

And pieces to put in as well it’s cool I already took the Fint and Steel come on okay I’ve lit the portal what okay come on you too cuz I’m waiting on you oh yeah look what I’ve done what did you do he did oh he’s not

Going to get me now here we go in it goes all right in it in it goes there the okay that’s in right I got all the stuff in guys we’re waiting on you we’re waiting on you here I’m here I’m here I’m above you look he can’t get me up

Here stinky you’re flying how did you do that it’s a new one the science mad scientist made me do it wow that’s crazy here we go one two three come on I want to go give me a shot give me a go no it’s not your turn

Yet I’m just beating Baby Max I dad you’ve never seven goals come on give number who is that is that Super Mario no couldn’t be he TR at the house what’s he TR doing that’s strange quick go out and see what he wants quick go go Mario

Whoa what was that you guys did you guys feel that that Qui oh guys where is he G what is going on Mario what do you have to do to the World he’s far guys he’s he’s running into the forest we never back get back no no no no don’t go after

Don’t go wait to SC you guys guys look at this is this like a Super Mario World or what’s going on this this like the world is changed into a Mario game this is amazing plan bit me guys yes he’s have to leaving a bag down how to become Super Mario yes awesome

How to become the Super Mario Brothers Odyssey if you want to become the small wrench turning Italian plumber you must first collect all the items on the next page and return them to the war pipe in the forest good luck a okay we need three sets of small wheels three plumbers wrenches three

Shrinking potions and three magic mushrooms and also tree game boys o that sounds like a great shopping list okay well what did you say was first Wheels we need small wheels I guess we just check the supermarket for wheels for Wheels yeah this theyve got Shool stuff in there it’s kind of

Weird what was that noise was that was that Bowser did you guys hear that was that a was that a gun shot look at this place it’s awesome candy everywhere this is so they have shopping trollies in here so maybe they’ve got small wheels belonging to them ooh I

Found a crar and a lockpick did you well hang on to those we’re sure we’re going to need them oh look at this shop spares quick we need the Crowbar and lockpick ah yes good find it bab do shop spares okay oh I don’t shop spares not spars

Hey there’s a trash can here yeah there’s nothing in it check the covers behind check out I found four wheels I found four wheels I found some guns I found a mop do you want a mop I got some wheels too there’s one more set of four

In that coverboard there don’t it okay let me see where are the end on the end C the end ooh small wheels bingo bingo bango oh guys get out here now immediately and look at the Moon I need you guys really quickly look at the Moon look at it it’s co banana

Banana ban it’s like a banana oh cool guys we need tree plumbers wrenches um wow know exactly where to get them who sh stop stop I know where we’re going to get them where is B isn’t bendy a parttime plumber no is he not he lied

To me okay then I don’t know where we’re going to get them you guys to use your own brain well I don’t know I’m thinking the neighbor’s house cuz he’s got loads of equipment and he’s got that science lab and ow stop it please yeah the neighbor does have that plumber look he

Has a plumber on the weekend look about him doesn’t he uh yeah maybe the doorbell and ask him for a l uh yeah that’s not a great idea is it cuz we all know how mean he is okay you sure no no no well let’s go

And check it out any I love these plants wa this place who check the garage key card you still oh whoa who’s shooting not me not me I ain’t shooting nothing I ain’t shooting at nobody locked on the basement as well guys gold lock did you say I sure did

Okay so just sleep there guys the neighbor must be asleep okay quick we need to find these plumbers wrenches why would he have them lock away though um open everything open everything oh my God into the garage I think and downstairs okay can you open these doors of course there’s there’s

Plumbers in or Crow bears in here just for just for um future purposes you know come on Words yeah that was good good words wasn’t it you did all right there you’re getting better I’m I’m getting who what happened I got blasted I don’t know who it was though bear trap

Donut I fell into your bear trap what are the chances yeah freak dummies where the dummies what guys somebody shooting me I don’t know who it is oh you relax nobody’s trying to shoot you I can’t reload it’s the neighbor he’s out here where no in this house quick run spread out quick

Whoa hello neighbor um I’m just going to knock you out there guys the hello neighbor is here and I think I I’m no genius but I think ow Zing shoot myself wow are you did you did you just shoot yourself no not able to zilly oh

Yeah the truth no it’s not it’s lies at the buy the Baby Max why are you shooting me just cuz there’s something to do while I’m waiting oh donut did you find a key card per se no I didn’t find anything I think we need to look around more yeah

Definitely okay spread out guys search everywhere okay let’s go up up the stairs maybe perhaps upstairs you look check the bathrooms the neighbor is right there is the name there I just saw him I opened the door to the upstairs and he was right there looking at me I’m going

To try and sneak in really oh ah reload oh no he’s upstairs guys and he is not happy not one bit happy wa he got me too the little stink pot but why should he be happy guys for after breaking into his house he want to his house yeah

We’re just in for a little Mission though you know we think he’d let us finish our mission okay there he goes be careful donut who sing got him okay look around of course I killed him you killed the neighbor yeah I killed the neighbor good enough for him yeah that’s right hey

Guys hey hey budy oh look at this Mario oh look at this ghost oh that’s so cool one of the ghosts from Mario is up here upstairs he looks awesome we need key cards yeah we key cards gold keys uh usually in the neighbor’s bedroom is a

Good place to go I’m upstairs in the graveyard place but I don’t like it up here oh wow it looks amazing get off did you find anything no some weird Gremlin attacked me hey I’m not a gremlin no it wasn’t you mate you attack him splash potion of mini there you go

Donut what’s that I don’t know ow yeah oh dut you’re invisible you’re invisible thanks thanks aw you’re can see you oh cool I’m invisible as well so you killed yourself I didn’t kill myself you invisibilized yourself oh baby do get upstairs I found a room with a padlock

And a crowbar needed so I got the Crowbar done so I need your rusty key please oh no you had a lockpick oh no I don’t have a rusty key Budd oh man you had a lockpick but that’s used up now Smash Up the oh that’s you sorry oh yeah

It’s invisible duck sorry I drank something that I shouldn’t have drank anything underneath the carpet cuz this neighbor’s a crafty old man isn’t he all can nothing W nothing at oh that’s great baby Max is really good at looking at places why did you find a rusty key chest in the room

Right beside the door it’s actually next to the door and it has a rusty key in it I know that’s why I called you guys to come on up hello why did you take the rusty key and open it mate just I found the goldie key I found the gold key good

Job I’m going downstairs I key cards okay keep checking okay guys there’s two gold keys downstairs there one was on the basement one was on the garage I suggest we go to the basement first okay really s yeah there’s no key card there’s no key card needed on the

Basement okay come your suggestion is being heard and I’m on my way why you sound like you’re about to cry ah bear trap W awesome Zing love the bear trap you do big bear trap the exact same one baby no you don’t why was it reopened though yeah cuz he reopened it

Please don’t reopen them cuz you know what happens though I get a pain in my head and I don’t like that yeah baby duck just wants to do that all the time baby Max I believe it’s who wants to do it why is that reopened again donut what

Reopened okay take that lock off guys come on qu your I have golden key I’m on my way I’m on my way yeah I was just be trapped where is this neighbor we have to keep an eye there’s the key why are you guys not being invisible anymore you’re freaking me out

Why is that not opening now Smash It smashing to chill out yeah DN silly IR door it’s going to take a long time for you to smash it oh not with my muscles no okay there you go smash the wall instead Baby Max wow okay where’s the safe in the back

Wall check it no nothing oh man okay okay how do we get in there though we need a key card how check the other doors no they all they all need key card okay we take the locks off anyway and check all the doors maybe some of the

Key cards aren’t working no they’re all working how do you know you trade them all cuz I checked yep I wonder we don’t have to break a wall we can’t break the wall though I’m going to check out the front really yeah maybe in one of the

Chest or something did you check in the kitchen am I going to do did check in the kitchen the neighbor stucked up a field tasty oh guys ke was on the floor where I have in the middle of the floor don’t be so silly I’m in quickly I need gold

Locker man yeah open open open must forgot to put the neighb so Dum forgot to put wow did you two fall through that big hole in the ground yes it’s okay I managed to get some blockers though we’re okay I’m lost what are we looking for wrenches wrenches on the wall take

Them open the door let me in open the door I found a rench there you go there you go I got a wrench for you donut okay awesome let’s do it outside let’s get out of here I don’t like this neighbor’s house Okay now what’s next we’ve got the

Wrench we’ve got four wheels each shrinking juice watch out guys that neighbor’s still there don’t turn around give you I’m going to give you your wrench pick it up who’s who’s tiny guys I know wear shrinking juice is you not want this ham do you not want this hello but

Keeps rudely interrupting you and talking over you I can’t hear you that’s his new hobby okay guys what do we got next shrinking juice so yeah I think it’s shrinking juice let me just look at the pad again okay okay let me see yeah tree shrinking potions where are we

Going to get that oh the science lab let’s go no no no no guys you remember the last time baby go again the boss baby oh yeah the boss baby he’s a shrinker so it has to be down there there there there he is he’s up at the

Top but he’s big so that mean he definitely uses shrinking juice cuz he’s big yeah because then he needs to take it to become SM oh I didn’t even have to break in I just open it come on in you guys okay bab Max you search in there El search

The kitchen okay search the kitchen baby dog I am oh I I can’t find nothing you find found a chest guys found a chest what’s in it what’s in it buddy o I got one one shrinking potion done nice awesome oh okay I need to maybe go

Upstairs and check W I have one shots be careful up there down it you going there I’ll go up to the next floor wa I got G baby look you got G I got G one baby dog it’s all up to you oh no don’t leave it up to me give me your

Hand down we’re up I’m upstairs at the top floor can’t rip off my handle why to give it to you oh yeah actually good point don’t rip your hand never mind you oh great I didn’t get it I got shot just before I could get it and I

Probably fell out of the chest ha where was it talk to me goose in the bathroom down I probably got it cuz he was the one who shot me yeah I did shoot you did you not oh there’s potion in here yeah it must have fell out so did any of you

Pick it up oh no I have it it was right beside it look is that the tree potions do we have Tom more yeah who I’m taking thiser just in case he tries to I’m out I’m out I’m out okay good job come on donut we’re waiting on

You dude FR what are you talking about oh that’s cool oh that green sheep is weird don’t I touch you with a green sheep for a second oh it was a green pig actually that was really mean okay what do we got next it’s gone off so it would

Have tasted yucky hey we need tree magic mushrooms oh the supermarket no they don’t sell magic ones um let me see let me see let me see mushrooms magic what about science lab guys let’s test it out baby do ready you G I don’t have a

Clue FL are going to eat you you’re crazy yeah the flowers are going to get me but it doesn’t matter cuzz I’m eating them as well no you didn’t eat them oh check this place out it looks crazy that baby dug look poison water you’re in

It t okay guys res that you drowning Baby Max whoa check this place out scared in here what’s that that was you stop tricking oh guys look at this place okay we need a crowbar Crow Bar let’s get going okay I’m going into the science lab

Per W crazy scientist is he here that was such an ambush help me I’m in the neighbor’s house that’s a long walk dude good luck to you there don’t it I’m going to run okay going by the bus house come on dony you can do it there’s a baby

Scientist after me what what there’s a baby mad scientist after me a baby baby he was a tiny little baby thing is he drinking the shrinking potion yeah maybe you take a shrinking potion I hope not we still have my one so I’m okay oh oh

Cool there yeah I’ve got my one I didn’t drink my one so I’m all safe what we need a hammer for you don’t need a hammer you just must have picked it up in the neighbor’s house okay so there must have been lots of stuff in the neighbor’s house that I did

You just bumed you I’m still downstairs I’m going to head upstairs now all right don’t I’m coming with you let’s go dude yeah I’m following you guys behind you guys got him he thought he was going to be smart to kill my baby brother and

Then snuff got him we need a blue key guys blue key okay I’m going to go into this aquarium room and have a look aquarium go in and get the blue key there I’m keeping them back okay good job oh we need we need a red key as well

Okay okay just need to just keep it back here guys you look for the keys I’m going to shoot snuff Face’s no key Oh wait we’re in here baby Max is in here oh check invisibility potion he’s upstairs W okay okay keep an eye

Out I see them I have to run and hide have we searched everywhere downstairs baby haven’t searched anything okay I have searched but we haven’t searched everywhere okay I think it’d be a good idea to do that before we come up whoa whoa there he is watch out

Whoa it’s okay I’m jumping straight through him he can’t C me I’m too big for him woo okay guys WAOW you got me Stinky snot rag I’m in upstairs in the science lab I’m going to have a little check around in here got him yes snap

Face is gone I like his new nickname yeah his new nickname is very funny okay did you check everywhere did you check the library and everything guys I’m down I’m checking the SI lab there he is oh w w w I’m in the bathroom downstairs Bingo guys he took he took another

Invisibility potion all right blue key get upstairs and I bet of the red key is in behind the blue key area let’s go okay don’t follow me I have no guns so where where’s the area is that it over in Las Vegas what are you talking about

What are you talking about he didn’t he did he says at the blue key area all right cool good story bro could you speak properly from now on sure dude n around snatch around okay you guys I’m going to open this door and hope for the

Best will we make it uh oh guys I found two things I found two things come on what are they one of them is a level four key card and the other one is a red key all right go for it let’s go okay thanks for throwing your ammo at me

Donut awesome I was just getting rid of some yucky dirty gun off ammo yeah okay all right get that door open BD you’re the man I’m on it open it where’s this I’m G to keep my Max I’ll keep sketch out here you make sure you have cover it that don’t

Have time for the jacuzzi baby do spread out and hide on this stinky SN did you find that in Baby Max not just yet I’m looking though baby dug did you hide no I’m helping Baby Max now okay but leave him come on what are we oh I can’t even remember

What we’re looking for magic mushrooms yeah how do you not know where they are wa theall wa That’s So Co okay we got it hang on yes lots of them okay I’m going to take it for us all grab tree grab tree keep this door open go run buddy

Run run run run run let’s go guys let’s get out of here that scientist is not one be happy he has snots all over his face B Max you should have just jumped out the window like me I’m out the front you’re so dangerous you’re so cool oh

Thanks guys okay bab Max give us a mushroom don’t don’t shot the on him thanks dude okay there go all right all right all right sprad the mushrooms give the love go okay mushroom Time Mushroom time why did you strike me did you get one

Each no baby D Baby D took two of them go there’s there go there’s no ah you’re a spoiled rotten for mushrooms okay I think we’ve only got one thing left guys don’t what is it read that book and let us know okay so now I think we need so

We’ve got the mushrooms we’ve got the ranches we need three game boys oo game time where we get them oh bendy’s a video game bendy oh that’s a good sh baby it could be both of them they’re both video games yeah we got to bendy first well

It’s the closest so let’s do it okay Bend’s okay I hope bendy’s not in here oh look at his ink Factory it looks amazing with this Mario World I was kissing Alice Angel the other day I hope you didn’t kiss her did you I did I

Tried to turn her real good cuz she is good and then half fat I got a rusty key Guys open up the front door of the he’s right there watch out I see nobody what’s this stuff what is going on here yeah W Holy Moly Donut that was crazy

Some crazy sh is this block St get out baby look get out my head I’m not in your head I’m trying to get true oh it’s cool I died again cool what is that blocking us another way guys I’m going to break it yeah we can’t get in that way yeah just follow

The leader that door going to be locked though so be careful yeah just break it shot oh I think we should keep them closed budy red key got it what what’s that he just after oh I’m dead I don’t think sh at us I don’t think you should ch them cuz you

Can’t get through them can you not not really no I’m struggling here B okay well where we go then Baby Max I’m just walked through the front door it took me a minute but I don’t it Baby Max there’s a rusty key here I need you to open it

Rusty lock it okay I’m on my way I was just down the science lab I just forgot something trap we loved him I’m definitely taking that model baby duck smash the what hey baby DG opened it and shot it again while it was in it

So just got to kill him for the rest of it I’m going in the other way now there a be trap there better close that thing okay okay I’m in guys I can’t get through this door awesome who’s shooting me a thanks donut this way stop going that

Way oh great door’s open you can go that way now bendy killed you donut why did you shoot me you killed me stop hit hitting me with your crowbar that wasn’t me you dummy oh be nice now be nice come on okay Baby Max where are you we

Haven’t even get inside this front door yet I am in the kitchen okay we’re here with you I’ve openers W guys spread out and check every oh yeah impa what’d you get oh oh no guys we have to go upstairs I have a blue key so we can get up okay

Awesome all right you guys follow me down down get out of the kitchen come watch whoa no watch it oh it’s a smokey joke um guys I’m pretty sure I just seen Alice Angel what don’t be telling SPS guys I’ve also got a red key will I

Open this I’ve got a red key it’s Alice Angel Alice don’t shoot it’s Don it’s the kisser it’s the kisser oh got got no nothing in there I need some ammo and stuff in there oh what’s that oh just a going okay all right keep going guys keep making our way

Upstairs wa she’s there be care I got got she’s a did she’s a killer guys she is a killer she likes to kill people them webs are awesome aren’t they yeah they’re so cool I trapped in them for oh cool thanks bendy oh you were not killed

Were you nearly I was very close to being killed for the 800 time at bendy’s house yeah bendy’s house is a real KY key bab Max we you I’m on the way dudes ow spikers I’m in you’re you’re fresh as a DA Bend oh my goodness it’s so creepy

It’s so freaky don’t get out of here okay good job guys red key I’m on it waa check this room out it looks awesome there’s a chest over there game boys Bingo baby do where you going oh out the window okay cool make your way outside yeah come on outside let’s go no

Just getting impact grenades oh no put them down no baby Max pass me again boy no wait for donut wait for donut be cool man okay okay whoa what’s that why did I pick up the hand box there you go there’s a game Bo for someone all right

And then another one there you go okay awesome all right that’s everything guys what’s next on our list wa I thought I see bendy there why are you doing the hole that’s weird okay now it says um we need to whoa can we need to go to the war

Pipe in the forest oh man where is that there’s wood and Forest all around us keep an eye out for Mario guys maybe he wants to lead us there what about we head down to where Mario ran into the forest down that end maybe it’s down there where our houses

Where where B where Mario ran into the forest do you think so well it’s the best guest I can come up with okay what is a war pipe you know the green pipe Mario uses yeah oh yeah yeah yeah is that like a bathroom pipe for the smellies sure where where your poop

Goes through look I’m following this look there you go oh there Mario guys guys guys Mario’s good Mario’s nice he’s not mean Angel that’s Mario to usy weirdo oh what okay what’s in here go okay nothing in here no Mario has a book Mario has a book uh okay

Someone pick okay I got it please place all the items into the chest climb the ladder and jump into the warp pipe to become one of of the Mario Brothers cool all right here we go Wheels in mushroom in Game Boy shrinking juice and we a wrench okay wrenches are in everything

Wheels are in magic mushrooms are in Game boys are in that’s it guys let’s let’s go um okay we we just jump well who true that who you think I didn’t show that moralize it’s funny I was looking at you and it looked like okay

Guys we ready to go down there all right ready you sure yeah let’s do it ready ready go all right boys what’s the plan for today I’m feeling like getting up to a bit of Mischief a bit of no good trickery let’s go again a baseball oh want dinner somebody’s over here has

Been cutting up carrots so they must be doing a big yummy roast dinner for today trying to catch rabbits I’ve been trying to catch rabbits and I can’t catch them so sorry guys I just saw I just saw movement movement movement yeah donut just hopped off the chair no someone

Just walked past the window at the side that was weird wow it is a street Baby Max no not at the front at the side of our house okay I’ll go out and check it out I’m out the for side yep there absolutely nobody here nobody

Here over there on the on the diving board wait yeah I say was that a spider um hello uh no it was a rascal don’t look behind you it’s a little little tiny why is she hitting you why is it alive oh yeah that’s to the point who she

Bleeding what was that oh she something you what did she thr wome for coming how become an evil doll oh my gosh it’s basically like Annabelle or Chucky or something you guys have been chosen to become an evil doll for a day and scare people you must collect some items in

The neighborhood and construct your own morphing machine to morph into an evil doll items are six Advanced cables three energy cubes three morphing cubicles two electrical Su separators and Tre evil potions when all the items are collected in you may start constructing your morphing machine anyway you want is this

A joke do we really want to record me evil what do you mean are you crazy yeah it said scaring people so let’s just pretend it’s scare time and let’s go around scare people but I love all that sciency stuff so let’s get going I did

This whoa who what was that yes that’s what I’m talking about now yeah B Max on scientist as well think we should do this SCI I think to get the advanced cables I think we try the neighbor’s basement cuz he’s always looking up um the internet and stuff so he might have

Some cables in there let’s try let’s try that ow ow okay what there no you can’t we need some we need a crowbar okay no donut doesn’t did you get in there donut I think you just smashed in the windows yeah happens to him on the weekend he just gets careless and just

Wrecks the place oh he does he does he starts wrecking things on the weekends I’m going to wreck it I’m getting a shotgun why are you getting a shot the we okay just be careful though the neighbor is asleep anybody got a smoker oh I’ve got a rusty key though

Sweet good work what you I don’t know what I need it for but I got one oh I got shot but I oh s down oh great awesome you’re right here you’re right here neigh we woke him up but we woke them up we were too loud donut we were

Yeah you were shooting guns so chances of that breaking someone up pretty high it was a gun waa I nearly fell in W the neighbor was shiny that was crazy what it look like the neighbor was turned into a doll no hey guys yeah sharks are back

He the sharks are upstairs quick where’s that Rusty key baby duck well that’s goodz remember the last time we heard Jack kill them all that was really sad yeah he didn’t mean it booming them all they’re nice they’re sharks they’re evil no no no no no no not these ones

Okay hurry up Slimer go okay open this one quick which one quick that’s yeah what you opened it are you understood okay do you speak the language whates do you know what’s going on here Don look this this Rusty key is leaving us to the graveyard oh my go imagine

Imagine what kind of doll you’d look like baby do you’d be yellow and you’d look like sick how dare you I have a good right in my mind who shot me in the face not me I’m shooting the Gremlins I’m shooting the little gremlins who look like baby

Magoo they don’t look like me get out of I’m I’m back at this wa yeah I got rid of them did any standing there looking down at me like some sort of like weirdo guy he is a bit of a weirdo okay let’s have a little look around in his indoor

Weirdo graveyard wait I have a question yeah what’s your question why are we here why didn’t we just smash our way into his basement because we’re good boys now are you messing yeah okay oh I found a level one key card get up out of here

Yeah get out get out get out on L it boys down to the basement we go maybe that’ll get us in what do you reckon we Campo trit okay down we go down we go shut do behind me oh that’s awesome baby M thanks dude B baby snaker come on baby

Open okay don’t I failed for your plan he’s got a legendary scare no he doesn’t open get it off him oh no that’s really in opportune time to be killed someone yeah it’s okay I shot him as he’s coming down the stairs but you guys

I’ll wait at the top and I’ll open it for you let me know when you’re at the door I’m at the door door that’s the neighbor you absolute dumb let me in I can’t I’m outside the neighbor killed me oh dear oh dear God

A come on in come on in Bros oh my goodness down here whoa check this out he’s having some food down here what is going on Advanced Universal caers I told you this guy was the internet he’s constantly constantly playing that new game fortnite let’s go quick you got the

Cables yeah did you get I got my own own no no no no six between us now we need three energy C oh that’s simple I’ve seen the energy cubes just the other day in the super let me out oh my goodness he’s super slow okay I’m on my way thank

Go bro than energy cubes is that like sugar no baby Max sometimes I do worry about you usually you’re brainy but sometimes your brain goes to Mush sugar comes in cubes and they’re full of energy whoa donut we need a key code to get in you just smashed the window yeah

It’s okay though you know yourself yeah it’s ready donut donut likes his weekends hum energ cubes energy cubes I did see them they were I think they were in these crates or they were oh maybe they’re taken away I don’t know I’m taking no it wasn’t

CR I thought you said energy Craig you didn’t you didn’t said energy cells guys energy cubes actually yeah there’re cells do you not know that a cube is class as a cell no let’s not try to get educational cuz we definitely won’t get it right oh okay

Fair enough all right okay sounds a bit me it does okay now we need three morphing cubicles like excuse me good question do you have the energy cubes what did I not tell you guys you did not no no you didn’t oh I have good man yeah

Thank you Don thanks for letting us know we need three morphing cubicles okay all right and I know where they are because you know who is a morph Power Rangers and he’s up on the roof there he is I do not like this guy one bit you just keep breaking into his

House yeah well you know I kind of the boss around here so I can do what I want the B whoa whatever um there a chest there oh guys I found a shower that must be it I’m guessing what what I found one what are you talking about but

I found a shower and it looks like what a morph yeah I think you’re right is there just the one yeah I only found one we more we need more we need more we need we need more get it get it more no wait Max where’s the red key I don’t know what’s

The red key it’s a key that that’s red Baby Max I don’t know oh we don’t need it don’t let the smash in the door got Boomer who got boomed me how red red Power Ranger it’s the red Power Ranger not the one good you not what was that words you’re

Not that good a you Not what have we got we need more cubicles I’ve got one all right all right right where’s the red key at the red key okay guys you get let’s go yeah come on let’s go didn’t need a red key broke in um don’t I know where

We have to go next and I know we need for real you have everything you’ve got the three cubicles well I’ve got one I’m guessing donut has two am I right donut I’ve got four okay where are you now am just right beside you guys oh there you

Are come on let’s go down to get some electrolytic separators I’m hungry let’s go get some pizza oh that’s handy two birds one stone all right uh what yeah oh why two birds in one sty cuz we can get a pizza and an electrolytic separator oh that’s that’s we oh yeah

No yeah I guess we can get some pizza but just don’t touch it cuz it’s allergic okay we need a blue key uh oh we don’t we don’t you silly Billy oh yeah we’re just smashing the place up we’re going to get so much trouble if we keep wrecking everything from whom I

Don’t know the boss get them get them I’m keep a look out Freddy’s not here chek’s not here Bonnie’s not here and Foxy’s not here I found eight electric sa laa laa lady Freddy that’s Freddy at the door oh I knew we were going to get caught get

Backd Freddy blasted back to the Power Rangers well better be careful yeah and donut the last thing we need is what is the it’s a bit glitchy for you no not even a little bit you’re mate yeah 100% not now our final play Final Destination is always

The science lab yeah well we’ve got all these electrically item the science fiction stuff so reckon the science lab is where we go to build them and to become an evil doll and bagsy Chucky my bsy um Candyman Annabelle I want to be Annabelle Candyman but we

Need three EV potions where are we going to get them here the science lab the science lab always have potions whoa you sure yeah he is right down you know I don’t agree if B Max all the time you need a golden key oh I have one of them

Oh yeah is it a golden crowbar the golden key yeah see I knew it golden crowbar look at the baby look just smashing oh building a handy ladder as well wow yeah for all of us we’re in yes Geniuses we are poor poor science man put all this work into all these locks

And all we do is just bait them all that is true I found something I know but the only problem is it’s ah it is kind of the weekend isn’t it I’ve got them I’ve got them boys I’ve got them okay let’s boomed boom

B Max did you say you got stem yeah me out outside okay and where are we going to set this up boys best part I set up right here in front of the science lab the science teacher might be able to judge us and see who’s the best at

Making it oh interesting I like your thinking okay okay okay really got to build this thing so I’ve got I need to come out down to you guys cuz I’m very very far away out away out away JP too many there’s only three of us he

Is matter the man wants to turn into one too he told me he text me no okay now where did these go okay what have you got there um they go above it on the roofs they do yeah for sure yeah they do okay do you want to take them bab Max

Yeah I got him I got them yes yes yes nice thanks bro put them up put them up put them up I’m sh at me I need to get up higher oh no we need something else as well no what you got how you got them up over

There already good job who done that baby to did you do that h no I put these things here yeah I put these little things but do I put another one down here what what what how is this happening I’m doing it I’m a genius told

We need we need the cables now and then the uh electrolytic things yeah these go there no these have to be at the sides told us were telling me to put up the top silly biles no there’s the cable no is that the right thing yes of course oh so the

Red ones and then green ones oh that no that’s not right donut that’s wrong wrong where did we get these where did we get the electrolytes separators they are from we need the morphing Cub because we have them and now we need the energy Cub yeah you put the wrong thing

Down we’re in so much trouble now this one’s wrong there we go look there and then one more cable and that’s it why do I have these then the ADV knows mate who knows there we go right I’m going to pick this one here at the end I pick

This one at the end I’m pick the middle one and I want to be Annabelle okay all right be candy Manch somebody had to hit swiitch okay we ready yeah I’m ready I’m ready two one go I want to watch the superhero one I want to watch Superman versus Batman no

I want to watch a rerun of the Super Bowl I want to watch barie what no nothing B that was mistake didn’t easy up there was that I seen an airplane flying outside that was very loud no it wasn’t that was NASA what oh my good NASA was

Outside with the spaceships oh get out what are you talking about you going great spaceship landed out the side Lo man hello hey buz here where is he flying in the sky he’s up on top of M there he is hey mate hello boys oh wa you look awesome uhoh I

Would sorry guys guys look at his eyes did did any El properly look at him I didn’t see him he’s fine nothing wrong with him at all Li man no nothing wrong with him how to become Toy Story characters my favorite movie really hi

So excited to be oh I said I wanted to be a superhero but a Toy Story character is just as good there has been a very The Toy Story neighborhood some of Andy’s toys have been taken but he has recovered most of them he is still

Missing Woody Buzz and Jesse oh wow I want to be Jesse need you guys to look for the rest of the toys and become Woody Buzz and Jesse just so an is no longer upset the remaining items has not yet recovered uh has not yet been

Recovered and AR follows Tre Jack in the Box Tre building blocks Tre D boards Tre Dolly jills and I don’t know and Tre toy helicopters return the toys to The Toy Chest up at the fountain and then jump into the fountain to become the characters good luck dang I like the

Sound I like this can we go to ghost first ghost first new ghost okay that’s a good plan that’s a good plan bab Max do remember what the fire trucks are called fire trucks mate no but remember the other name that Don gave them ERS yeah that’s I said I said

That not him I went hey oh this opens up oh this is awesome cool what are you for here tree Jack in the Box yep oh we okay tree Jack boxes I found a crow crowbar and Boomers why they have Boomers I thought they were ghosts ghosts can’t do be cuz the

Bullets just go straight through them hey you’re right okay so we’re looking for Jackie in the Box I’m guessing it’s not Rost Jackie it could be he could be locked up in a box he could be in a box we never know never I don’t think that’s where Robo

Keeps him well you never know he could keep me a box in his room not in the shower anyway why would it be there that would be weird oh oh not in the kitchen would be in the kitchen no I don’t think so he’s not out on the

Balcony that’s for sure they definitely wouldn’t be in the toilet that’s just full of poop and pee pe oh not speaking of which where is that toilet hey there Slimer ow I got I’m upstairs in the bedroom area me and bab Max hey I got a smack also I

Think must have be off for goat ghost no I don’t think it’s going to be in the bedrooms cuz who plays the jacket about in the rooms it’s probably going to be in like a a lab or something like that yeah I’m up in the lab and I don’t think

It is in the lab really who say lab again lab Lab wait does it Rusty does a door that’s locked via Rusty luck oh who’s Rusty lock hey and I just I I found a rusty key guys get down the floor now get down to the bedrooms again down I’m hold up

Here we come ready or not here we come Hey Hey where’s where is it bedroom floor down one floor come on see look this St was locked up so I’m going to open this and use Quin and check oh c look at all these TVs ow ow it’s ghost guys silly

Billies oh that’s very far awesome oh that’s handy yeah oh okay guys now we need three building blocks or building anything got to do with building is definitely w m I’m going yeah yeah oh maybe this just exploded got Ral spared me uh we need a red key yeah that

Should have been in the room where the the first thing was there it is yep called it all right keep an eye out for red locks that’s what I reckon oh donut you had it all along no I just got it there didn’t have it all along

Awesome um okay now whoa a red kid anybody’s SP any red locks no I’m whoa Ralph just ran past me yikes hit him hit babx run like we’re playing Chop Chop low profile job today boys oh okay going upstairs yeah don’t upstairs whoa you okay take take a shot

At me I just ran by him good job yeah do you know why don’t why you’re too fast for Ralph Ralph’s too he just blazed me in the brains he blasted you in the brains where the my brains go oh no h ral’s not going to kill me again we’re cool oh is

He not friends with him now oh he’s your best friend you love please don’t kill me Ralph I don’t want to walk all the way back up please kill him I found one with the red lock on it down just at the top of the stairs in the way into the BL Room

Place yes lock I’m up I’m up the very top floor guys and there red keys on this okay so this tells me that there is something in here hiding about somewhere yeah good plan we’re going to come up with push to you push the donut breach breach breach breach breach breach the

Donut yeah I’m looking around here we all the way up I’m all the way up waa I I got one watch your back get out of here you follow me follow me follow me this way I will follow you oh it’s blocked follow go back this way JP this way I

Thought you were following me so need to be so specific ah run smash the window like it this way oh go go go go nice okay where did you see the other one are you still following me come on it’s just down here R past it right

There nice get whoa got another one okay I’ve got two set blocks okay I think that’s all we need there says tree oh no going back up there’s Ralph Ralph’s not even looking at me ral’s not we need to find this quickly exactly super quick maybe two will do wait shh I’m following

Ralph I’m going back upstairs I’m going back upstairs I’m going out because I’ve got two I don’t want Ralph to kill me and get these off me so I’m going to wait for you guys outside if you find an extra one all good don’t but you have the red

Key yeah I do and that’s the problem so I’m outside and I think I’m going to pull rank on this I’m already outside two is way more than enough go go go go run run run run guess where we’re going to find three D boards in the neighbor

House he likes fart so fart board is is that what you said dart boards yeah F fart boards no fart boards is different F you the supermarket F I see yeah the neighbor’s a fart smeller whoa like whoa okay locks now okay blue locks I opened the kitchen

Good job oh you got that in the last place cool thanks for telling us everything I do you need to deal with those things the important part would be helpful this already no we didn’t not your father take part uh whatever yeah just keep your mouth shut and your ears open

And listen out for the neighbor I can’t see him nor hear him who’s yeah no either can I oh there is Boomers there no the Boomers you know what I’m not even taking a boomer cuz I my crowbar and I’m I’m feeling like a good baseballer where did you go still there

Downstairs I’m going to check the bathroom whoa guys I found a floting level one key card nice I’m going to I’m going to use it down here okay go upstairs or is there there oh there’s a door one of the bedrooms check that did you get a

Key card yeah I found a level one but it doesn’t work it it doesn’t work on this door no I start having a panic we need level four I’d say whoa there there’s a neighbor I can see him he’s out ping the hole in his own wall

There he is watch out watch out watch out in front of you he has he has a key card I’m hitting him oh I was hoping he’d drop it but he never dropped it a back watch your back watch your back he’s giving us a ke I punched that

Guys I punched it out of his hand he just wants rid of us that’s what I reckon oh come on bab Max follow me and I will follow me and the neighbor is not as intimidating today do you know why bab ma give you level two and level one

Nice okay well maybe that level two Works no yeah there’s potential there is a lot of potential yeah cuz this is going to take a very long time to search this whole house wait Don haven’t you been practicing karate this is like a video in itself in this house I think guys

Yeah D since you’ve been practicing karate why don’t you just smash the door yeah but that does mess with the neighbor head I know he he will kill you then no he will most definitely kill me did you find where that level two worked do it for the bedroom downstairs or that

Okay there’s one up here in the mid floor outside the science lab I’m on my way blue key and a key card who got to just let me split myself in two and then I I’ll go both ways okay baby do oh yellow work y level two open that

Two get it yeah level two works I’m in the science lab okay I’m going to go back downstairs guys and I’m going to see if there’s anything down there yeah good idea yeah I’m G wi I don’t like this place anymore what why cuz upstairs

I’m not staying here on my own and the neighbors Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search okay I’m on my way down whoa oh my God that was aun shot Blaster wasn’t it yeah got him Don did you pick up that key card I did I did did drop something

Donut that’s a nice scare you have I’m in W awesome where you in What’s happen in I’m under the bed I’m in the the real neighbors the original neighbor bedroom oh no you put that down I can’t see D you find anything under there gone what you found them sweet good work fella

Okay we treat Dolly JS uh dolly dolly who’s a dolly baby cuz he’s a baby and he likes dollies cuz he’s a baby yeah definitely boss baby what look out up above guys cuz he is sneaky oh we need a rusty key and a red key I’m on

Rusty I’m on red I’m I’m just here hanging out my friends yeah go oh six was it we got to make our way to the stairs we got to make our way up I’m way how did you get through there I don’t know I just jumped

You I’m on it okay go level one or level two level two yeah nice work okay awesome okay I’m going all the way to the top to look for these Dolly jills yeah you do that you look for Jilly I’m going to go up here and see if I can get

In here okay I can’t get in that door that thing that we always say for the silos doesn’t it what oh yeah yeah it does okay now where I’m open the boss baby’s bedroom haven’t see this is very quiet around here oh he could be in the

New section yeah all there’s locks red and blue also key card okay I have a red luck okay blue luck try your level four key card a nice work Boys Tre Jolly doly JS I found Tre he’s there I got plasted I’m downstairs again I’m going to shoot up no you leave don’t be careful oh you maniac oh there he is me guys we what’s last on the list don’t we chop choic copters no science it’s a science

Lab who some building there’s some construction work going on here guys look right beside the science lab he is completely correct e he’s very correct I like that I like this wow much should we break in no don’t think so don’t think that’s wise it’s very dangerous on building sites oh

Guys coming to this street we never know we’ve got mes we’ve got Simpsons we’ve got Ghostbusters what’s coming next that’s weird I I have a clue but I can’t tell you what’s the clue I can’t tell you what is it what clue ow spikers yikes traps oh guys just don’t look in

There oh no don’t no didn’t reset get rid of [Applause] them oh gold loocks okay guys it’s in the basement for sure oh dear okay don’t I think you should come down into the basement one of your Boomers and blow this up big style we already done it no

Down in the basement not the stair oh dear oh wow okay St back every oh my gosh St back everyone I do love a no I again um okay that’s probably oh no we going to fall out the world you maniac don’t no wow I fell into there he is there’s

Boomer head there himself he fell out of the world Don I hope you’re happy I’m in another land oh no wait I’m back to normal okay W no don’t no definitely don’t no not no yeah that’s very very bad time okay guys we have to whoa guys you have

To get down there be careful be careful oh oh great thanks for shooting me there whoever shot me stop do that yeah mhm take the hint mate y okay kill okay I’m in okay get it get it got him yes okay choic copters let’s go go move move move we

Got okay can we make this oh we’ll make it ow ow ow there we go let’s go I’m jumping out of the world EAS you Boomer that science man is a piss let’s get out of here okay I’m out where do we go now front get

Awesome oh there he is look at him leave just leave him leave him get out of there he’s a maniac that science man okay where have we G don’t no you have the book read it what does it say we have to go somewhere no foolish man oh my

Goodness R where are we going no I’m checking the book it says Okay jump into the fountain to become the characters good luck okay come on Fountain let’s go oh don’t I was about build a wall behind you so you’re safe OMG someone left a print and press the

Middle of the floor that’s crazy that’s there’s a toy chest there’s a toy chest in front of the fountain let going to put all the goodies in okay Chopper copters are in awesome awesome I can’t wait to become a Toy Story okay come on come on come on come on come on

In in let’s go I hope Jesse oh great I died cheers you got to be kidding me you have got to be me to get into the fountain don’t kill us okay Jack in the Box is in D fors is in okay the wooden blocks is in is

Everything in guys no but I’m miles way back I’m way back though come on bab Max come on hurry up hurry up I’m coming as fast as I can please stop drone Boomers please quick everything’s in there it’s not us it’s okay we’re safe you I was watching

You when you did it three two one no Don I do not care what you say me and B Max do not want pizza for breakfast so we are going out and get some fresh fruit for Brey come on let’s go a big fat lie because you had five pizzas

Yesterday FR that was Wednesday and it was six I had one when you weren’t looking you played frisbee into your mouth guys which movie are we going to watch we have Star Wars when I hit you guys oh I don’t know maybe it’s cuz your play sounds were down wow didn’t see

That one coming okay stop it stop it I’m picking a DVD stop it guys check out the movies that we have look check them out what you okay we’ve got Star Wars Back to the Future Jaws H Tron Ghostbusters my favorite and Jurassic Park why are we

Hit each other like that that is pretty much the most annoying thing in the world W is Star Wars no hit like that okay guys what have we got well you two decided to just walk right up to the DVD box like this and I couldn’t see a thing he is

Right though what do you want to go to the Super maret guys I’m really bored today frh Pineapple Day Ever no it’s a I want fresh pineapple but is it true that record Ral girls pineapple out was backen no oh and guys why is record ral’s house on the other side of the

Street it’s not mate recet rals is the big tall one the other one across the road from is oh huh I don’t know what that is wait Mom let’s go down and explore quick oh you know okay be careful though know what houses on this street are

Like why is the neighbors locked up because he’s always locked up because he’s scared of Us coming in Wrecking his house all the time because we are rude and we bfly bfly bfly where no no where kill him right there right there wait I’m got to puke why ises he after to me

Why did you throw him at me baby Max I didn’t he’s just flying around the place oh guys look oh this place is fire station oh there’s Lo of fire tenders out the back got their fire trucks love fire tender then sorry what’s the fire tender it’s

The same thing oh okay fire man isn’t it no oh yeah I know as down he’ll cool I like they call the fire engines tenders don’t so fire trucks fire engines and fire tenders are all the same thing yeah water different names for them yeah and then you’ve got a water tanker and

Stuff and then this one here is a platform so this one here doesn’t carry H much water at all this is just used to get the tall buildings hey look I’m in the driver’s seat Who Am I who am I bar no pet cane y oh you smashed it oh be

Careful I put on a bit of I put on a bit of weight I did eat six pizzas on W guys knock at the door and see if we can get into the Forest Station see if they give us a tour oh guys the sign

Says keep out oh the doors are locked up over here it says keep out the door is open over there but it says keep out maybe we should just not go in how’s about that well I have a crowbar so you know oh yeah stop stop you two stop they

Don’t want us in there oh my goodness you guys are crazy look and Ladder eight this is the ghost boosters headquarters this is the secret the ghost booster’s headquarters awesome my gosh oh my gosh look at me what do I look like in the car a ghost booster I want to be

Egon oh my goodness guys guys there’s something I have to tell you that might shock you yeah I’m terrified of ghosts oh here we go what it’s okay baby Max it’s okay do you know what baby do nobody’s meant to find this place it is it’s meant to be like a

Fire station SL secret h hidden HQ for the Ghostbusters so you better off go on home and me and Baby Max will be Ghostbusters see you later bye-bye I want to join him with my friend so you said you were scared so you know probably off that stop it stop it look

At this there’s Egon the other lad the other guy Spangler isn’t that one of them guys yeah spread out and just have a little look around come on be careful must be out battling ghost or Slimer or something SL the scarest oh wow goodness yeah yes Jack I’m a Ghostbuster I don’t

Guess you guys checked the uh yeah the cabinet beside it did you oh boy look what I got a cannon a blaster a proton pack slime pack oh dear nothing it appears H awesome who who that sorry that was my my bad did you did you set that tunder off

How did you do that stop it I did it again um I just shot the Blaster charge out of the the the Blaster oh wow did you get any Blaster charges oh there’s one here oh I can split them with you don’t it here here you go yeah give us some Blaster charges

There should be oh look there’s more over here there’s more in this one there you go I got drop some for you cuz we share you know sorry sorry oh is awesome okay better stop you can’t wreck the ghost versus HQ they’re going to have nowhere

To fight all the ghosts come on what does the Slime Cannon do down I’m going to guess it shoots slime no it doesn’t do anything it doesn’t do anything yeah we need the Slime you need slime um you need to put the stuff into the Slime

Pack did you do that now put the stuff into put back into the we need we need the Slime cannons it’s the same with the proton packs we put them on our back and we the Blaster charge in the proton packs oh oh wow that seems very

Interesting I I would I wouldn’t know how to do that kind of thing okay well come on let’s guys guys guys guys found a secret staircase oo oh close all the doors and do not let them know that we’re in here guys because I’m sure that they don’t want anybody finding out

About this cool HQ we are can we be ghost boosters guys can we be ghost can we go on missions ghost boosters look at this Silly Billy I’m in a Ghostbusters un yeah but not offish o shower time I’m in maybe we could hang around and wait

For them to come back and then tell them that we found a secret and that they need to make us into Ghostbusters guys look this is where they have their secret meetings for food oh here’s that kitchen din oh yeah nice oh we can slide down the pole

That’s awesome he need to have a go with that W who okay how do we slide back up you can’t that’s the front door yeah that’s the front door wel man directions my gosh no donut doesn’t know where to go you’re joke oh my goodness I can’t

Believe with that oh my goodness what was that who set me on fire who set me on fire why bab on fire I on fire crisy crispy duck having some crispy duck okay come on I’m going back I’m going upstairs more more more upstairs okay stop firing that we’re

Going to do damage or we could release Slimer oh no do not say that this is their bedrooms yeah this is where they sleep this the living quarters oh nice I want this one with the big the big room no we can’t just other people we can’t

Take them not we’re not ghost busers yet we need to wait oh my gosh look at the HQ this must be where they’re getting all the information and all the ghosts and Slimer and Mr Marshmallow Man and everything oh you can see re’s house from here

Too I think he’s there I think he’s there ooh yeah don’t let him know it’s here guys we need to come up with a plan do we want to become real life Ghostbusters yes please think we all know the answer to that question that is

A big we’re going to have to knock up or would we just sit here and wait for the Ghostbusters to come back and then tell them that we what’s up here be careful I found a laboratory whoa this could be where they make all their guns and their slime cannons it is

Awesome good we need to figure out how we’re going to go about asking them can we become Ghostbusters why do you better think we should probably just go and catch our own ghost and then that would prove to them that we are awesome ghost catcher Busters okay do we know anywhere

That’s or do we know anywhere that has ghosts well bendy’s is a bit haunted we could try there oh watch them Trappers what’s this up here oh this is just I don’t think B has any ghosts though well what about we wait until night time and go into the

Forest but what do you mean there’s no ghosts always in the forest paby Max I’m just I’m just guessing guys come on you guys don’t come up with any ideas yet oh sorry sorry um I’m guessing we could maybe uh you Sil Billy you set yourself

In there zing me and Baby Max had them closed who opened it well that would have been you mate you were trying to trap us in and back for and you got yourself oh okay has anybody got an ice pack downst I’m just delighted that your own trap worked against

You you guys stop shooting that inside we’re going to get big trouble oh that’s what’s setting people on fire bab make sure on fire set me on fire no why would you say on fire cuz we’re Ghost Busters we’re invisible now invisible no that’s Invincible mate you’re getting mixed up

You’re so confused okay plan plan of action boys wait for do to get out of the Trap my plan is I think we should ask the ghost bers come in for com them stop it or maybe we could start our own clan of ghost boosters no what HQ are we

Going to use this is there there’s Slimer a Slimer Slimer Slimer the big weird green where did you guys go what floor are you on I lost you guys guys guys wait yeah they’re disguised as normal human beings yeah who is who is the Ghostbusters yeah yeah they don’t let people know that

They’re Ghostbusters where are you get downstairs get downstairs we have to take these off I think they’re coming I think they’re coming go go go go go I’m actually seeing them oh quick quick quick quick quick quick quick to Wrecking the place no we’re it’s fine

It’s fine f take off your uniforms and put your blasters and everything back we have enough time quick quick quick oh we’re going to get in trouble I don’t want to be in trouble we’re get in trouble down at the dog this is your fault no put the blasters back all back

All back all back all back okay back okay we need to get out of here we need to sneak out is there a back door no there one here door we have to blast on the floor look so this way this way follow me strike me come on follow me

Follow me this way this way this okay ready go I’m going to Che see if to go to the front door go go go oh I think they went in I think they went in let’s get out of here Qui okay we need to get

Home we need to come up with a plan and we need to prove to them that we can become Ghostbusters he who waa what happened there got grape soda grape ice cream here I don’t like it but so I’m just going to tr it away get out of the way

Chest I’m getting in here to watch Good SE movies what do you mean chest what are you talking about chests guys chest yeah jump over it and we’ll go watch the movie come on it’s empty says how do you Lego Ninjago if you wish to become a sharuk and trowing nunchuk

Slinging sword fighting Ninja you must first all the items and return to the chest in your backyard where you will be instructed of what to do next I don’t believe this that sounds cool I got to check see if this is real don’t look at it

Whatever you do hey there is there’s a chest there okay um what do we have to do um this is going to be the best one yet I love this one we need tree Ninjago swords three Chucks three Shin three sacks of traveler’s tea and three ninja claws wow that sounds quite dangerous

There’s a lot of uh mean things in there but I’m up to this challenge wow I always wanted to be a Ninjago especi oh who do you want to be I want to be K from Lego Ninjago I’ll be Co who do you want to be

Bed Max I’m gonna be Lloyd please okay what do we need what do we need first Don uh we need tree swords who would have swords on this street though I know who I know exactly who would have swords on this street who who Mr sword who

Lives around the corner who’s that the guy who lives down there around the corner not listen I think know who I think I know who I’m not going to say it out loud because this mess is always this is W house B run butter flows butter flows uhoh run

Run baby Max Run get away all right here we go wreck at ral’s house why would he have swords yeah what’s he going to do tell me I just have a funny feeling that I seen swords in here he’s there what do you mean he’s there where could he Poss

He’s harly just floating around the place who’s Harley um well he is there because it is his house and why wouldn’t he be here okay so we’re looking for sword for sword swords who he’s at the end of watch out oh he’s not happy with us what did we

Ever do to him he we just broke into his house for starters yeah isn’t that to the floor into the lava come on happy time I’m searching the upstairs World um uh oh ow ow I’m sorry I leave I leave I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m going I’m going

Record Ra’s giving me loads of digs ow I’m going great so do we have to leave now oh well no no no I only told him I’d leave I’m not actually leaving oh okay okay cool Baby Max is not leaving he’s playing tricks at you stop

It you’re still here and you tell ly to lie I mean Mr Ralph cool story is from Ninjago that’s the guy we’re becoming whoa he’s I’m open his awesome play room I’m going to check around here oh trampoline first though Yoo so much fun oh my goodness get up here where are you

Did you find not telling are you where you where are you where are you I have the best of Lloyd sword cold sword and coin sword I want to be Lloyd I want to be Lloyd I want to be Co oh check that out that’s so sweet here give me one give me

One give me one that’s I got Lloyd sorry buddy there you go there you go I gave it to him stop hitting me give give me one there you go and look I have this that was give me the sword give me the sword give me the sword set him on fire

Set him on fire ow stop it you’re a maniac come on quick come on quick we need to get out of here I’m just going to Smashing with this sword really yeah what no not really why would I be messing I don’t know do you think you’re strong enough to do that

I’m going to set them for every single time no baby do he’s behind you he’s that is he with that sword what was that sword that has something in it be careful be careful guys run run oh no he got me I’m still running now Run Stop dropping roll you’re on

Fire run guys run guys we need wait let me check the iPad we need we need need we need we need three nchs of of lightning what are they um I don’t know we they sound pretty um pretty fancy and sciency a nunchuck of lightning what does that even mean let’s

Check let’s check the neighbor science lab it’s open the neighbor’s house is open come in oh sweet open it’s like that okay I’m going to break his windows why what wrong with you you maniac don’t W him up guys straight upstairs that’s it bed Max up up up up quick never did

Understand why he had a pond in his room weird I don’t think the neighbor’s awake okay don’t think the neighbor’s awake just be quiet just nice and cool nice and cool head up to the science lab and hopefully we get lucky I might take a torch cuz um it is quite dark around

Here oh yeah that’s much better look way better that’s way better oh where’s the science lab whoa I’m in I found I’m in the science lab what yeah you told me it was in the science lab I’m just suggesting it might be in the science

Lab I don’t know if it is or not I I had it’s in the graveyard did you get them no I’m just looking what’s that noise I don’t have any noise like I didn’t hear any noise a got blasted by whom I don’t know now miles away that was silly a

Man Z don’t have a clue donut where are you go yes neor whoa the neighbors here Bowers we need to run away from them uh guys are you still alive I’m here I’m here I’m just from the neighbor I had to run all the way back from reg

So cast my bre get away for me neighbor okay IW I drew a splash potion I drew a splash potion a weakness at him well that’s a good idea aome guys did you see the Nunchucks of lightning no we in there I don’t know I’m asking you cuz you’re in there

Yeah I wasn’t in there I ran away I got scaredy cut oh hello how you no Max yeah he got me again you how did he get you yes can you answer me yeah hello where are you we can hear you baby Max did you get killed he me

I’m okay guys I’m back W there Z did you like that baby Max um no we scared a little bit where are you two guys G we’re going the way back up he why he’s trying to throw things at us he’s trying to be smart baby duck is

Yeah he is smart uh got I got him I got him I got him I got him yes they’re in this chest here in the corner guys here here here you go here you go one for you and one for you out way you take that Don watch out behind you watch out

Behind you it’s okay I’m going to get the nun no I didn’t just as I was about to get the nun that’s unlucky it’s okay I got the neighbor I’m I’m out of here see you later did you get did you get two nun trucks or one H just one you can

Get your own all for one one for all okay I’ll go back up and get then time out Bo that’s cool be cool be cool don’t where you going I’m coming down I’m I’m coming out too I’m going to be house I’m going to keep sketch yeah you keep sketch while I

Get guys I’m I’m breaking out the window okay neighbor that neighbor was not happy today come on Baby Max let’s go where are we going next no more nunchucks up here oh yeah I took your one I just wanted you to run back up for a laugh right to appreciate that that’s the

Least funniest thing I’ve ever heard that’s a bit mean why are you laughing at I’m not mate yeah Zing got him what’s this I got you I got you back you shot me it’s the neighbor up in the room look come on here take these what

Are you doing shooting me you ah baby ma th the CH potion at me and he couldn’t do it a Bott spash it’s not a splash give me the nunchuk give me the nunchuks okay here take them there you go awesome awes where we going next whoa what happened

To the floor who done that that was weird guys where’ we go next well you tell us you have the recipe okay can you stop shooting me or that’s okay now I’m checking out so we need a Tre non trucks have light Tre sheroans oh Power Rangers they love

Sheroans I know where be to boss Baby’s house what they not be in the boss Baby’s house yeah of course go in and check okay I’m on my way I’m on my way I’m going in hello any Rangers who I’m in okay there’s loads of weapons down the back here um grab something

Cool um okay let me have a look w I can hear some gunshots can you no it wasn’t me who is that that was weird it was me who’s that pink Power Ranger waa that was cool I’m checking the red wa the Red Power Ranger outside and he’s not happy

Guys I just found a billion shrin we only need three three we need three come get them we’re they’re in the Red Room they’re in there I only took one for me you said you found a bilon yeah Ma I have one for you oh awesome give me some

More oh I just drew mine I need to get another one here I’ll give you one don’t that’s not working yeah just take them that red ranger is mean oh go away no what’s going on what the fire why is the Power Ranger shooting at us they

Usually gring me he is not happy at all here you go here you go bab Max here you go sh watch out behind you you what where the Red Ranger what’s he doing hey get back get back quick the shukin r r r r quick okay um we need some key bags

What okay back to the supermarket sacks of traveler’s tea oh what is that Travelers te um Travelers time machines traveling science we got to go to the school what chew him guys science we’ve got to go to the school what school I don’t know okay we I need a break we are

Absolutely lagging it through this we need to chill I just need a little breeder for a minute get get up up baby M we don’t have time for chill we do we’ve loads of time just leave me alone no we don’t Baby Max you know what happens at a certain time we

Have to hurry up okay okay he’s where are you going to have traveling tea baby duck is on to something he’s right science lab I’m going down to ben.exe science lab I hate it down here it’s so scary is it Ben 10 still or what’s going on I don’t know I

Think he might have got fired no he’s just boring I’m going to ring the door maybe somebody let us in well ring the bell I don’t think the door has a ring in it you can oh oh J your karate practice is really paying

Off yeah so we need some tea a cup of tea K guys why are you insist and smashing the place up every time we came in anywhere reason that that’s baby duck that was that was not me you guys are Maniacs chill out we’re we’re kind of

Crazy sorry okay cup of tea cup of tea oh I got blasted who did that the mad scientist there he’s there guys he’s there watch out whoa is there a mad scientist there is right there and he looks angry he’s not happy we’re blasting his place up is this some sort

Of trick he won’t be happy when punch dang he was looking upstairs for me and I got him little rat oh my gosh the poor fellow he’s not a poor fellow he’s a scientist he’s really rich um I think it’s in here somewhere for some reason science lab somewhere no we in

The science lab oh yeah this like to think it’s in there but you know ah what was that who got me that time was scentist did he kill you Baby Max get yes yeah which bigger better faster stronger hard look Podge did you just kill him I’m upstairs

I can find nothing yeah I wonder what you’re doing though looking for you keep saying that but you’re not really good at looking for anything I’m good at looking for cops of te so you guys finished his scientist is on his way up you better watch out oh smoke

Smoke guys I’m nervous where’s that scientist he’s upstairs he’s upstairs just killed me be cool be cool it’s okay it’s okay kill him donut kill him oh that scientist hasn’t got a chance of killing me he’s so he know how to kill me wow wow that’s confidence that’s asking for trouble

That’s what that is yeah has a clue I think is going to kill you now Li is he hasn’t killed me once he is boring and not good at it being a scientist no did you get what is that there’s a floating bottle that was so weird what do you mean

But the scientist is making himself invisible to kill donut that’s what he is he can’t kill me any normal way you need a rest sorry guys I just flipped out there okay you need you need a caling cup of traveler’s tea that’s what I reckon okay but what is where is

It then we don’t know none of us have a breeze we don’t know we don’t know what’s up okay and maybe Doug Al’s knows what science lab science lab we’re in the science lab kitchen tea in the kitchen is in the cupboards did you get it no I’m just

Going to check them all did anyone check down the stairs that’ be a good idea to check the all Baby Max yeah it’s quite a lot of them it’s a pretty big kitchen you say you’re going to check the mall yeah what would you go to the mall

Oh my gosh you too I just love if you would just help us and you’d find I’m looking around I cannot look anymore I’m trying my best where is it you’re asking the wrong person ring them I know I know he’s off oh wait guys I’m have to finding

Some safes behind some photographs maybe there’s some there in the library oh maybe check yeah but there’s nothing in the safes oh and I thought would have been goodness we’re taking we’re taking our time on is I feel like this science man is just going to make us invisible or

Something teasing us he’s just teasing us this science man how why is he taking so long this is awful where are they if you were tea guys just imagine yourself as some tea where would you be in hot cup of water oh but you’re not a hot cup of

Water and you’re nuty I don’t have a clue where you are baby Max or what’s going on no I think we’re going to lose this I don’t think we’re going to be anything I want to be a Ninjago so do I but we can’t get it we

Just have to give up with you no watch The Well a floating gun just bared me yeah cuz we’re in the science lab oh so guns floating science labs no scientist drink invisibility potion and make him disappear so we can get you quicker exactly guys yeah we checking the bin I’m checking

Everywhere I don’t know I think we I think we’re going to have to go out somewhere and check W scientist killed me again no no no no oh he got me the scientist has blood on him does he or am I imagining that he definitely does he

Is a mad scientist you see he’s gone upstairs follow him he might be trying to hide the tea up there um what are we looking for that’s so weird is it not like traveler sacks of Travelers oh cuz they’re ninjas that’s whyel travel everywhere and they need tea

Yeah tea is an ancient ninja drink drink it is yeah I’m going to check back in the science lab again okay I’m going to break I’m breaking this couch what what why why CU deed under the couch huh it isn’t pretty randomy random yeah it’s it’s it’s not

Here has here somewhere okay I’m back upstairs I’m going to check this other bedroom all right be cool be cool where do you take where could it be oh where could it tea no time for jokes Baby Max is irant I have it yes where was it upstairs in

The wardrobe in the bedroom the green bedroom full of green tea us baby du just didn’t butter check in that one yeah blame baby duck yeah definitely blame baby duck I’m out of here let’s go baby duck do you have three cups of tea Baby Max I don’t I

Have three sacks of tea awesome awesome TR now that’s what you get that’s what you get oh yeah i’ I walked by them loads of time show me one Baby Max you did it’s in your inventory now dude oh yeah you’re not wrong oh yeah I walked

By them we walk them why would you not check these things OMG you guys are you I tried to check inside them I thought they were barrels no they were in the cupboard guys we need Tre ninja claw and then we can become Kai ninja CL foxy foxy has

Claws foxy has claws Max that’s a great shoot let’s go into everybody’s B and have Pizzeria come on go with what Freddy’s FF Pizzeria now you’re talking yeah okay oh look there’s a front door bringing to smash these windows you’re a maniac for smashing the

Blade up but it looks like fun so maybe I’ll give it a go I don’t care Oh criminals why am I why am I set dead why how could you be dead that’s crazy I found a ninja car I found one we need to find another I’m back I’m back at the

Science lab okay quick start running dude start running I am got one yes did you get him I got one baby do has one we need one more just need one more then we can get back home quick get him me a second one let’s me out there wait where did it go

There you’ve dropped it it’s behind you oh yeah it’s right behind me I dropped it all right let’s it let it out windows quick guys come on okay baby yeah like a civilized human I’m that is so that is so you right there where’d you go I’m

Going home oh yeah I know you’re going home but whereabouts are you now I’m not home oh you probably you and have a cup of tea no I want to be in in Charo yeah exactly but you’ve got all the stuff we can divy the stuff out when you get back

And then we can put it in the chest out the back okay okay well I just spoiled everyone’s day and I went to the chest myself and read everything what did it say it just says you’re the only one to come back first so you were the only one

Going oh you’re telling lies now that’s I’m smashing our Windows to get in I’m just swimming and just swimming around in this lovely swimming pool okay woo okay okay let’s make sure we got all our stuff okay who’s shooting CL yeah nobody should be shooting it don’t shooting we’re done coming from okay

Guys get the stuff ready all of it into the chest we need ninja claw in there we put sword we take the diamond and then I’m going to take this and read it instructions once you have placed all items in this chest you may then take the diamonds and toss them into the

Small pond in the corner of the garden and then you may jump in and become Lego ninj oh guys here’s the pond it’s this one over here he said the one over here beside the things come on guys quick okay where you going Lally he

Just made us run so he could be first over there yeah pathological liar here we go in it goes okay guys see you soon Ninjago here we go wooo

This video, titled ‘Becoming Scary SLENDERMAN in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Minecraft Movie Max on 2023-12-18 18:00:16. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:12 or 7872 seconds.

Inspired and influenced by Maizen Sunny Melon Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy

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  • Protect Your City with Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Protect Your City with Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft survival series like the one BarışYTB is currently playing with his friends? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of dedicated players who are passionate about building their own colonies and kingdoms just like in the video you watched. Experience the thrill of survival mode with a twist on Minewind. With unique gameplay features and a friendly community, you’ll never run out of adventures to embark on. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Ready to join the… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank The Hidden Secret to Easy Iron Farming in Minecraft Are you struggling to gather enough iron in Minecraft? Look no further! Discover the hidden secret to easy iron farming that will revolutionize your gameplay. This method will have you swimming in iron in no time! Unveiling the Secret Many players find themselves constantly in need of iron for various crafting purposes. With this easy iron farm, you can say goodbye to the days of tirelessly mining for iron ore. This method is efficient, effective, and will save you valuable time in the game. Key Features of the Iron Farm… Read More

  • EPIC BATTLE in Hive Live Bedwars!

    EPIC BATTLE in Hive Live Bedwars!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 HIVE LIVE BEDWARS HIVE LIVE BEDWARS HIVE LIVE BEDWARS HIVE LIVE BEDWARS HIVE LIVE BEDWARS 🔴’, was uploaded by On1can on 2024-04-13 14:48:16. It has garnered 160 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:29 or 869 seconds. Hello! Im a Minecraft Bedrock Hive Streamer and YouTuber, I hope you enjoy the content :3 Just Grinding Hive Minecraft Bedrock / PE / MCPE / MCBE Today Doing another Hive Stream 🙂 BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS BEDWARS OMG BEDWARS DISCORD: #hivemc #hivelive #treasurewars #mcpe #mcbe #minecraftbedrockedition… Read More

  • Pahadi Gamer: Get Me to 1k! #Minecraft Shorts

    Pahadi Gamer: Get Me to 1k! #Minecraft ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘like and subscribe please 1k dekhado bhai ko😙#minecraft #youtubeshorts #gaming #viral’, was uploaded by __pahadi_gamer____ on 2024-01-15 03:26:34. It has garnered 4429 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. like and subscribe please 1k dekhado bhai ko😙#minecraft #youtubeshorts #gaming #viral parkour race in Minecraft😎#youtubeshorts #gaming #viral #tranding #minecraftshorts Minecraft scary parkour practice 75 day hard challenge#1😂 #youtubeshorts #viral #minecraft #1k 🙏 playing first time Call of duty 😆 #youtubeshorts #gaming #viral #freefire #trading Call of duty mobile MVP moment🤓 #youtubeshorts #gaming #viral #tranding #callofdutymobile I park nisane gtr… Read More

  • Lelel’s Mind-Blowing Chorus Fruit Secrets! Minecraft Quiz Challenge

    Lelel's Mind-Blowing Chorus Fruit Secrets! Minecraft Quiz ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Did You Know This About Chorus Fruit? | Minecraft Quiz Challenge!’, was uploaded by Let’s Play with Lelel on 2024-04-19 16:13:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Test your Minecraft knowledge with today’s quiz! Besides teleporting the player, what rare effect does eating a chorus fruit have? Read More

  • Unbelievable TiFiCate – INSANE Crafting, Building & Survival in Epic World

    Unbelievable TiFiCate - INSANE Crafting, Building & Survival in Epic WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘Crafting Adventures: Explore, Build & Survive in a Minecraft-like World’, was uploaded by TiFiCate on 2024-01-29 04:30:09. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:01 or 1261 seconds. Embark on an epic journey in a world reminiscent of Minecraft, filled with endless possibilities and adventures! Dive into the sandbox realm of exploration, crafting, and building as you carve out your own path in this open-world adventure. Whether you’re crafting tools, building structures, or facing off against creatures, there’s always something new to discover in this captivating universe. Join… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Fight Club: $10 Million Revealed!

    Insane Minecraft Fight Club: $10 Million Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘the most expensive minecraft video ever…’, was uploaded by Fight Club on 2024-03-15 22:27:12. It has garnered 162 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. guess who this was made by in the comments dont look at chat if u do u are fatty @Hypnotify @Venyo @Botcho @AnAyecorn @Imfamousdark @Couma_fr @Germanny Sub for more vids gues #shorts #pvp #minecraft TAGS(ignore) I like how the hits sync with the song, Styv14, minecraft hitsync, hitsync mmc, mmc hitsync, the best mmc gamemodes, the best gamemodes on minemen club, the best… Read More

  • 🔴LIVE: Mind-Blowing Projects in Minecraft!

    🔴LIVE: Mind-Blowing Projects in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘[🔴LIVE ] project apa lagi yahh? #minecraft’, was uploaded by SanDC on 2024-05-30 06:13:37. It has garnered 1432 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:40 or 9880 seconds. LINK DONATE : LINK DISCORD : JC : @GankGamers12 @MendolBKR @mikuareytra #bloodstrike #verticallive #minecraft #minecraftlive #minecraftindonesia #saweria #sociabuzz #livegame #shortslive #shorts #verticallive #mediashareon #jowocraft #games #gaming #live #livestream #mediashare #sandc #ff #freefire Read More

  • Unleash the Grim Reaper King in Epic Minecraft Server!

    Unleash the Grim Reaper King in Epic Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Public Minecraft Server with Chat’, was uploaded by GrimReaperKing on 2024-07-18 20:39:39. It has garnered 85 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:54:39 or 14079 seconds. ip: Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build with Hiruko! | Part 2

    Insane Minecraft House Build with Hiruko! | Part 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft එකේ ගෙයක් හදමු | Minecraft | Sinhala | Part #2’, was uploaded by Hiruko on 2024-04-21 16:48:42. It has garnered 50 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:33 or 753 seconds. Welcome back to the enchanting realm of Hiruko in Minecraft! In this exhilarating second installment of our gameplay series, join us as we embark on new adventures, focusing on the creation of our dream house and the exploration of nearby villages. Watch as we unleash our creativity and construction skills to build a cozy and functional abode amidst the… Read More

  • Unbelievable Find: Octoling Ninjala 2017 Minecraft Music & Rare Figure in Game!

    Unbelievable Find: Octoling Ninjala 2017 Minecraft Music & Rare Figure in Game!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Music Inside Cex Kingdom & Stumbled Guy Figure Found in Game for Model Train Layout’, was uploaded by OctolingNinjala2017 on 2024-06-07 17:47:15. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Check Out of My Complete Videos Playlist At . & Check Poool157’s Videos Playlist At . & Please Subscribe To My & Poool157’s Channels. Please At Like & Favourite My & Poool157’s Videos Please. & Check Out of My First 2 Channels At & At . Okay! 😀 & Check… Read More

  • Empires Conquest

    Empires Conquest[Join discord to get whitelisted, very easy process, no other requirements] Empire’s conquest is a fairly standard country’s server but with some important differences. Most unique is that the building is done in creative. This means once you join the server, you can build whatever you want so long as it somewhat matches the time period. The history of the server is most essentially an alternate scenario where the French won the 7 years war. Rather than the age of revolutions, a new age of nationalist despotism has taken the place of the revolutionary nationalism of our timeline. From Bradford’s… Read More

  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    Welcome to the ZynnCraft Minecraft Server! 1.20.6 Server IP: Bedrock Port: 25594 Server Trailer: Watch Here A Non-Pay-to-Win Vanilla+ Factions experience Server Overview Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server, where you can experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played! Our server focuses on maintaining the classic vanilla-like experience while introducing some unique twists to keep the gameplay exciting and engaging. Now running on 1.20.6 and supporting Bedrock players! Key Features True Vanilla+ Factions: Immerse yourself in a classic faction-based gameplay where teamwork and strategy are key. TNT Disabled: Building and creativity are prioritized, with TNT explosions… Read More

  • Aussie Survival SMP 24/7

    Just another survival Minecraft server!Feel free to join this if you wantNon cracked players only!Open 24/7SPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAM Read More