Meet Parker the Rat in Minecraft Q&A – Join the fun now!

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E E Oh For How it goes it y’all I have finally arrived for for real for real this time all right so I’ve got an actual playlist to play hopefully this won’t get any copyright things it’s just a big old playlist of video game music hopefully none of this this gets

Are going to come and uh and uh and mess with me cuz this is a live server so a feeling that’s going to happen but that’s that’s fine just as long as I don’t break to in the Chat but I got a big project I’m working on Minecraft so I’m just going to work on that and kind of just glance over it chat answer any questions if you got them I’m just going to hang out and chill So what I’m working on right now is just this big old artificial nighttime that’s going to go over my entire base on Minecraft I’ve have prepared quite a bit of black concrete for this so hopefully things don’t get too stale cuz I’m I this stream is essentially just be me

Placing black concrete while we listen to Music but now if you got any questions just goe and throw them out I’ll answer pretty much anything uh just as long as it doesn’t violate to and it’s not too personal or other stuff I should probably minimize the in-game chat but I’m not worried about these goons I’m not worried about these

Goobers they’re they’re they’re polite I know they are oh boy you look away from the screen for one Second I have a strong feeling that one of the people in the in the Stream right now is is one of you two goobers in the world with me right now I have a big old strong feeling about That Eternal Night yes col it is the Eternal Night and it’s going to take me so long if you thought the farm cuz I know you were there for the farm if you thought the farm took forever this is this is another thing this is going to be so so long

Walk diagonally it’s faster all right yeah so like this yeah okay we’re not okay I misclicked immediately I Misclicked okay there’s a misclicking thing with that but that’s my skill issue on my part So I’m being taught I’m being taught all the good stuff you do I’ve been taught so much Minecraft stuff like this last couple of uh couple of days I’ve been taught quite a quite a number of uh of things I can do to make my Minecrafting like job

Easier I hope the audio sounds okay I set up a um a ducking filter uh before stream and I I just hope it sounds all Right audio good all right thank you I just hope the music’s not like cutting back in and then getting cut out too fast so I’m kind of new to doing the audio ducking I didn’t think I needed to do it but then I was like um might do

Might do a playlist on stream today so I felt it was Necessary T in the song is playing was for yeah I hit the the randomizer the the the shuffle button on the playlist and I noticed it was it was Xenoblade 2 and I was like oh I’ll just pause it right now and then if um to know that I

Know that Colin likes this game so I’ll let pause this now have this uh starting Stream I think there’s uh six songs from that game in this playlist but this is like a playlist of like 700 something songs so the likelihood that we’ll hear another one of those is low but it could happen who knows or might be some Xenoblade uh one songs maybe some X or

Even three songs for that matter it does have good vibe music I I remember watching a couple of like Xeno 2 streams and I thought the music was quite quite lovely it’s not one of those games that I’ll ever like play like get into just because of how it like functions on a

Gameplay level but I I do really enjoy the music and the characters I think that whole thing is uh it’s pretty fun I like it a lot I’ll have to take a listen to that uh the Xenoblade one refugee camp then cuz that one I’m pretty sure I’ve heard

It but not like it’s like I I don’t remember what it sounds like I can already see the shadow of the Eternal Knight taking shape on my on my base that’s Awesome I’m debating right now on whether or not I want to encase the whole place in the Eternal Knight so instead of just covering it I also cover it like a like a wall but I know that the render distance is just going to cut it out

Because the render distance is hard cap to 10 chunks on This Server so you’re still going to be able to see like the outer World regardless because it’s going to be unrendered so I’m I’m I’m probably just not going to do it normal not from definitive all right

Noted I will keep that in mind I’ll probably once uh stream is over whenever that is I’ll uh I’ll check that out and if I forget I’ll just remember because I’ll watch the VOD back I’m really hoping stream’s not lagging because my preview is uh is very

Laggy this a lovely little thing I get to see it’s uh it’s chopping up I don’t think it is every time every time I watch back streams I never I never see any like choppiness so I’m not worried about it okay good thank you thank you for letting me

Know oh I’ve reached the first Shuler that was awesome cover a pretty good distance now it’s it’s going to suck cuz every single side of the building is going to require about 50 stacks of 64 so 50 stacks of concrete so it’s it’s going to take quite quite some time to to finish

This and that’s just these little chunk sides too I got to do the corners I got to do a whole lot of stuff this is essentially going to go out and cover everything that I have in my base my base is like this massive area as

Well so I I could very well be working on this for weeks if not months I’m just glad that the Gathering process for the concrete has been made more feasible thanks to some plugins because I I harvested over a 100,000 uh concrete yesterday and I had to turn that all from powder into

Concrete and I was lucky enough that I didn’t have to place all of it and then cover it all with water and then mine it all that would have been horrible I don’t know why that’s the process in like base Minecraft it’s like I would never do these things without it being

Like on a server with plugins because it’s like it’s just too tedious it’s not like it’s hard it’s just really Annoying I guess it’s like a staple of what like modern like not modern Minecraft but like what Minecraft in general is like a lot of functions are just they’re just tedious to deal with they’re not like hard or whatever they’re just they’re just so annoying plugins make things varable absolutely they do

There’s there’s so many plugins we have on the server that are that just make things far more bearable it’s ridiculous how crazy some like functions are I know one of the plugins we have is like disabling like Phantoms which is like that’s that’s one that I not think

As tedious it’s just like a a matter of choice so the direction I’m building out to right now the end of my base cuz you can’t see it come too high up the end of the base itself is around I want to say 400 500 blocks in

That direction so it’s going to take quite quite a few Stacks quite a few uh trips out there to get all the way over I I promise we’re not doing all that today there’s no way at the very most I’m going to just fill in the the

Surrounding area and use as much of the concrete as I currently have which is quite a bit I currently have over 400 not 400 almost at a very very very incorrect number 144,000 mob spawning um I don’t plan on dealing with it at all I’m keeping it real with

You just as I’m answering that question so I was not going to plan on dealing with it at all uh but now I’ve been scorned so maybe now I will deal with it now I’ll deal with it the only way I know how by sleeping Thanks to the very fun thing we have on this server called commands I’m going to going to go ahead and just sleep it away that just seems like the best option it’s the quickest it’s the one that requires the least amount of stupid on my part Originally I was just going to I was oh great okay originally I was just going to tough it out but uh now it’s uh now it’s different what are you building what’s up swag Master I am building the Eternal Knights it is essentially just a big blanket of black concrete that’s up

At uh let’s see y 264 two 264 w words and it’s going to completely encase my base and all the surrounding land uh in a Eternal darkness that will never end I have sourced a very very large quantity of uh of black concrete for this my uh recent Minecraft video I made on

Minecraft uh essentially L like alluded to this because in that video I said I was going to I was planning a build that was that would dwarf all my other projects I’ve ever made this is that project uh it is just a massive blanket of blocks that will just completely

Encase the surrounding area in night time this Tower alone Rivals my other like a few of my other bases in size like this Tower alone which it goes up to build height but the the the the uh Eternal KN blanket will be so so much Bigger all right that’s our first wave done let’s go get More and then at any point if anyone wants to see the rest of the base I’ll I’ll gladly stop doing the Eternal Night and and give a tour because there’s quite a bit to see down there this is just one really boring one track thing that I’m

Doing but I would gladly take y down there and and show you guys the uh the rest of the base if you’d like otherwise it is a Q&A stream so if you have any questions at all I will be happy to answer them within reason of course my IQ uh

Shoot I I would like to imagine my IQ is perfectly average however rat’s IQ is something that I don’t quite know so it’s a lot of Lab Rats they’re always around technology so they probably have some uh interesting ideas buying of Isaac song get it out all right sure

If you if you hate if you hate Bing of Isaac that much I’ll I’ll gladly skip you’re just going be forced to look at my desktop for a minute favorite breed of rat brown brown rats are funny they’re funny little creatures I don’t know I I don’t know rat breeds I just know

Colors they’re all pretty cute they’re all pretty cool I like rats a lot long-term goal for your channel I would like to grow the long-term goal is eventually this is like okay my long-term dream is that this eventually becomes my job but my long-term goal is to continue

Streaming and making bigger and bigger projects until I have effectively satisfied my craving for making things or at least creating art in general I guess video art I just want to I want to grow I want to grow and I want to uh develop more as a Creator and I want to

Eventually make something that I’m incredibly proud of and I I’ve already done a few of those I’ve already made plenty of stuff that I’m very very proud of uh though I want to make a lot more of that and uh that will be a uh just something that happens as time goes on So keep one sitting so I used to challenge eat so this is actually the whole thing I used to challenge eat I don’t really eat that much now like yesterday I had one meal which is not good but uh I used to challenge eat and in one sitting I think I could probably

Eat like easily like two pounds of food like if I if I really tried these days I could probably eat like one two pens of food I’d feel horrible afterwards but I could probably eat two pens of food no problem inspired you make videos in the

First place so I talked oh what am I doing I talked about this a little bit in my my time with Minecraft video uh I used to be a Community member um uh for seed finding for something just fell uh I used to be a seed finder um for the Minecraft Pocket

Edition community and I used to do it pretty religiously like to the point where I was well known in this uh like I think it’s called MC cedar or it was this old old like seedfinder app seed finding and sharing form app and I was really well known there I I can’t

Say really wellknown I was fairly decently well known there for finding seeds uh and just kind of posting there every single day and finding these things and and getting feedback and and and talking with other people who also find seeds and those who who use the seeds that I

Find it was just a really great experience for me and it kind of gave me this drive to find community and to create things and other stuff what what really inspired me to make videos was just myself like I just had all these wonderful ideas and now I’ve been going

To school uh for for it in the first place for quite some time and I just thought one day I was like oh well I’m already going to school for this and I’ve already got some education in in both the writing and producing aspects of of the whole process so I might as

Well just make make content so that’s what I did I just thought to myself I have all these ideas want to make them a thing so I’m going to do it uh in terms of YouTubers who have inspired me I I take a lot of inspiration from creators like solar

Solar Sands and emblem and and just everyone who makes those like really really kicker those like those bangers uh although I’m not I’ve never really used their their like I’ve never borrowed from them although I’m probably going to start borrowing from solar Sands a bit just not not like I say bar

That sounds bad uh I’m going to start like adapting some of the similar styles that he uses for his content not completely like copying but like just in terms of like narration and showcasing just how things are I’m going to start utilizing that kind of method to do

Bigger projects that might change and by might it it probably will large project you want to do that you don’t have the resources to make yet I have had so the the my time with series I was talking about this yesterday on stream um the whole idea

Was to do as many of them as possible but now I’m thinking I’m just doing three because each time I’ve made one I’ve now it’s just gotten longer and longer like the first one was like just a few minutes and now this one I say a

Few minutes but it was like almost half an hour then the next one was like an hour and a half one second uh the first one was like an hour and a half um the first one was 25 minutes the second one was an hour and a half then

This next one I have no idea how long it’s going to be but I do I messed up it’s whatever I I’m I have to fill this part in anyway at some point but I messed up um great train thought um I will have to

Uh make it at some point I don’t know how long it’ll be but it’s a my time with Destiny and I don’t have the resources because I’d like to finish I’d like to have the game story be done I don’t play Destiny anymore at all I I

Don’t like the game I don’t like what it’s become um so I don’t play it anymore but even though the story for me is like already complete I’d like to have the actual story be completely done that way I can like summarize my final thoughts on how the whole thing ended up like

Turning out before I make my time with on it and since the final shape got delayed uh to like Midway through next year it’s likely that I won’t be able to make that until next year that’s the largest project I don’t have the resources for and it’s just because the

Game’s not over yet which is a very funny thing to have to say but I’m just glad that I chose to start doing this around the same time that that was ending because I I could not think of how it would be if I had to wait like

Like like four years for that to end to make that video why stream on YouTube and not on Twitch I’m not a big fan of twitch’s service it’s really really hard to grow on Twitch when you don’t already have an audience there and especially in like I’m I’m streaming Minecraft right now of

All things everyone is stream like Minecraft is likely one of the biggest extremes out there right now um so if I wanted any like bu to come and like actually hang out and like chill and do Q&A then I would uh pretty much be out of luck cuz no one on Twitch

Knows me and I actually have somewhat of an audience here on YouTube so it just makes more sense to to gather an audience they already have instead of announcing hey I’m on this other site as well I I could co- stream you can stream on both twitch and YouTube at the same

Time I just don’t really want to do that I also don’t really want to do on you know stream on Twitch because I I don’t know it’s just a personal preference of uh of of site apis and all that not apis but site websites and and all and all

That YouTube streams are never recommended they’re not recommended to other people but I don’t care if other people who aren’t subbed to me join or not I kind of this is my streams are intended for those who already watch my videos and uh if someone happens to be

Watching one of my other videos then they will probably be given this stream recommendation if they watch it at the same time I’m streaming so they will still see it it will still get recommended to them but these streams are for like surv like subscribers and and people already familiar with Me your question was not skipped due diligence you just said the you just said please question mark That’s all I see I don’t see anything else you’ve said so if you had another question then the the auto flag took care of it and if the auto flag took care of it

Then I don’t think I want to answer it but if your question was just please then sure I don’t know what that means but Okay and now my dogs are scratching the door said a lot of bad stuff before you know yeah I’ve actually okay I I recognize a lot of people here I’ve seen one or two of your comments due diligence in my in my uh in my flagged comments box they’re never bad but you

Got to you got to cut out using using some of your language YouTube doesn’t like it most what video were you most proud of when you posted it uh honestly if I had to say the most proud of it would probably be my Nostalgia video because the Nostalgia mark video

Was like the one that I did the most research for at the time I learned how to use stuff like um like after effects which is something I had not used before and uh oh shoot like I i’ learned after effects for it specifically and uh I

Don’t know just the whole thing ended up sounding and looking and just being great and I I thought I like to this day I believe that is one of my best word like a piece of my best work if not right now on the channel that is

Probably my best video it is the most polished it is the most you know thorough and it is the most researched video I have and I just think it’s great I think that’s one I’m most proud of however when I I I remember distinctly thinking like when I posted that like

Um music and media power or like these boss the these boss themes are powerful video the one I posted the very first of this year that got like kind of got me where I am now or helped get me there that one I had like this very strange

Like level of Pride like it’s not like the same Pride I have on Pride like level like Pride I have for the Nostalgia video but it was like a it was kind of like a this is it like this is the video uh feeling I had for

That what’s a video you might want to remove from YouTube uh okay the way that that question is phrased makes it sound like can the way that question is phrased makes it sound like I’m like I’m stumbling over my words today the way that question is phrased makes it sound like

I can pick any video at all regardless regardless of it’s on my channel uh if so there’s plenty of videos I would like to remove from YouTube but uh I’m going to take that to me my channel if I could remove any of my videos I I think it’d be the the

Elden ring video I think it’s the worst the worst one I have easily I mean dead by Christmas is also kind of nasty but I was like trying something new the elen ring video is just it’s just it’s just not at all what I wanted it’s not at all

What what it should be it shouldn’t have gotten the views it got it’s just it’s it’s not at all right it was a definitely a push video I made just for the sake of making a video and I rushed it way too hard hard and it was just the whole thing

Just fell apart it’s just not a good video if I if I had to pick any of my videos to remove I would remove that one but I’m not going to because I believe that it still stands as part of me and a part of the channel and it it deserves

To stay up I don’t really delete any of my my videos the only ones I have deleted are the uh gross nasty uh update videos I’ve ever made especially all the ones I made during the summer those were all terrible you went to remove nikado avocado video why would

You want to remove that that man’s Pleasant videos that aren’t scary at any means want to remove you for saying that yeah that’s fair if you go and uh read some of my comments you’ll find that a lot of people want to want to remove me though that’s not a lot of people

That’s just like the the few who were angry enough at my Dark Souls 2 takes strangest thing I’ve had to do for a video oh that’s a good question I’ve never had to do like very strange things I there is a video I had up on

This channel a long time ago it’s been some time since before it was uh since it was like last removed but um I was at the very end of high school I had to make a like art project video uh for uh for Datz M which is just kind of like abstract

Ridic and for that video I spun an egg on my countertop and cracked it over a hammer on my driveway and that video is now private but I think the in terms of like the weirdest things I’ve ever had to do for any video ever it’ be that for my other

Like regular content the weirdest thing I ever had to do was download over 100 20 different uh graphics and make a bunch of different timeline pieces for the sand video walked into a lake I did okay I saw that one I I watched your content I

I saw I saw the lake one that was that was a funny bit I thought that was funny the execution of course is also like the best part of that whole that whole video just getting being silent getting your car and driving off into the lake that was that was funny I love

That you remember that video oh you’ve been around for a while we got a legacy viewer here folks it’s over three years ago over three years ago view in the nuclear missile crisis of 1962 I think that um JFK’s brother did a really good job at uh diffusing the whole

Situation uh it was kind of scary to begin with although I wasn’t alive at the time um I don’t know it’s just it’s just a great example of like nuclear policy gone gone wrong just like everyone’s like the cult it’s like a staple of like the events of

The Cold War you’ve got people who are just afraid just because an opposing government has weapons you have weapons are making threats and it all comes to a spearhead of like where those weapons get put you know we have of course had our weapons in turkey and they had

Theirs in Cuba and we wanted the whole thing just diffused but neither one of us wanted to move first and I I think uh um JFK’s brother coming in and being a good old Diplomat and getting that whole thing diffused as well as he did was a

Was a great thing however the whole event should never have happened in the first place I love politics I I can’t say the same however I at least try to be somewhat educated on the matter although I have a very special interest in older politics from before I

Was even alive and before my dad and mom were even alive so yeah who will you be voting for um I don’t know who’s on the ballot but if we’re talking about the the US Presidency for next year uh I’m going to write in depending on who who’s up I’m

Probably just going to go and write a funny name on the uh on the ballot cuz I have I know who my State’s going to vote for and I I don’t know what the everything’s going to look like over there so ideally I’m just goingon to I

Don’t know people call it waste voting I just don’t really care so I’ll vote but I’m not going to vote for the traditional thing if there’s somebody who is running who actually like really believe in then I’ll vote for that person but otherwise I I don’t know because the the ballots aren’t up

Yet can it be me oo uh are you 35 and the you citizen with no felonies if so then yes otherwise my ballot will be thrown out and I’m actually going to be voting for uh other other things in just presidency so Define felony uh crime designated and

Punished by the US federal government and not just the states I’m going to let my dog in the Room cuz she was uh she was making a big old ruckus on my door he got that doging him I got that I got that rat in me but the rat got a dog on him okay this is little messed up but have you guys ever seen those uh videos

Of like um field dogs being sent after rats that like hide under like uh shipping containers in Ireland this is a very specific video I know that I’m talking like the very specific type of video I’m talking about here but I’ve I’ve I’ve seen a few of them and they’re interesting to

Me cuz I didn’t start seeing them until after I started doing the whole rat Persona thing on YouTube a very weird thing to bring up but uh I just remember seeing a lot of those after I started doing the whole rap Persona I thought it was like a threat I

Thought the universe was threatening me there’s like one day a big Russell Terrier is going to come out and gnarl you maybe one day I’ll uh I’ll do a dog reveal won’t be on stream though because I don’t have a webcam YouTu the rat as your character I

I’ve thought about it I just I don’t like the idea I also I don’t have a um a uh traditional like camera setup So can’t do like the moap I could probably put like a graphic overlay that detects my voice and just moves the mouth with those detections I know someone who’s done that before so I can probably ask him how that how how that process works but I otherwise I don’t really know but I

Probably won’t I likely won’t I don’t I don’t like the idea of youtubing I guess I don’t like the idea of youtubing for me specifically I’m fine with the idea just in general but like for me I just don’t think it will work that well not really a rat yeah I’m a rat

What do you mean hold up I’m I’m mixed okay my my father was a rat my mother was a human person I am I I’m just as much rat as any Rat out There I’m so sorry that I betrayed your trust gova uh I I feel I feel like I’ve wronged you that’s so I feel bad I apologize I I’ll undergo surgery to get that other half of me that’s not rat to be turned into rat violent expensive terrible surgery it’s oh sorry

Gova my bad reading and phonetics don’t really go hand inand well for some Lang some languages it does but for English it not Really how many times have you been mugged zero but I’ve been robbed once I have been robbed um technically I’ve been pickpocketed which I’m just going to say as robbed because robbed is a much better word to say than pickpocketed if you want people to pay attention to it um I’ve been

Pickpocketed once uh in junior high I had a $5 bill in my back back pocket and someone just swiped it right out but I’ve never I’ve never been mugged I’ve witnessed other robberies though like I’ve witnessed an actual robbery watched someone’s car get broke into to when I was in Vegas I was

Visiting Vegas for a bit and I I saw someone’s car get broken into that was a fun police report to file they didn’t really care though the LA not La the how whatever Vegas Police Department whatever they called themselves they uh they just kind of

Didn’t care I didn’t call like 911 but I called like the non-emergency line to like report a theft and they were like yeah yeah just take up with the business yeah this just kind of happens which I guess makes sense if you got a lot of crime like that it’s like they’re not

Going to pay attention to every single car jacking because or car robbery because there’s going to be a lot of those so I just went I just went in and told the casino what happened and they’re like yeah it’s we’ll just we’ll just deal with That t for a cave oh is this a xen blade song all right Robbed by a Spanish lady once o sounds nasty don’t want to get robbed by nobody it was me I’m sorry I I forgive you Vegas baby yeah that’s how Vegas be Vegas do be how it be I’ve got like two Vegas stories ever and one one’s the one’s that car robbery

And the other one is a Taco Bell that just had the worst bathroom I think I’ve ever seen in my life and apparently my the woman’s restroom was even worse cuz my mom and sister came out like traumatized and they’ll still talk about it to this day otherwise all my Vegas Ventures have

Been very very underwhelming gr said I haven’t been back to Vegas since I was uh 21 it’s been a little while since then so I should prob I should probably go go do myself some some gambling I don’t I don’t condone gambling by the way don’t don’t gamble it’s Bad favorite and least favorite YouTube channel uh I have favorites in different categories I don’t really have an overall favorite YouTube channel though however easily my least favorite YouTube channel is uh actually I don’t think I have a least favorite I don’t have a least favorite

Either I have a lot of people who I do and don’t watch and do and don’t really get along with so huh that’s a thinker that one’s a thinker I don’t know I guess my less favorite channels would be the ones that just don’t have like a care for what they

Do it’s all just like a a money game to them I I could name a few but I like there’s just so many that it’s like you could just bottle them up all all in one like namesake it’s just just a lot talk about bathroom is me I also forgive

You Ethan Klein H3 I can’t say I really hate h3h3 or h3’s podcast I just don’t like them anymore I used to listen to them I now I just don’t cuz it’s all just I don’t know it’s just not my style Anymore it’s kind of the same with UBS like I grew out of ubbs and I don’t hate his channel but I don’t like what his channels kind of become and I don’t mean to say that oh I miss all like the old days stuff I didn’t like that stuff either really

Much all that much I just like the the he’s done like a full 180 and it’s kind of clear now that he’s in a tough spot with himself and you can tell that he wants out like you can you can see it in his eyes he wants out and he’s just not

Giving himself the luxury and I just think he should whatever he wants to change he should change it and he should experiment and find that cuz I know he’s he’s having a tough time with that right now so it’s kind of sad to watch hate nikato again why would you

Hate that man he’s such a wholesome content creator that does nothing wrong and is not dramatic in any way favorite channel that makes Zelda content usually in shorts with less than 5K subscri well you could have just said like you could have if you’re trying to

Aim that at yourself you could have just aim aimed it as like Zelda content in general because you’re you’re the only Channel I watch that makes Z Zelda content I I literally watch zero Zelda YouTubers except for you so I guess it’s you Swag Master I really

Appreciate your channel but you you do actually do make great content and I I urge people to go and sub to you quite often everyone go go sub to swag Master oh no a villager died I know where that’s at too I wonder what happened this Time oh I’m silly I’m silly again all right we’re going to have a bunch of silly episodes with me today all right whatever we’ll do the the long Landing Strip instead of the short one I messed up that Landing twice yesterday and I messed up four times just barely that didn’t happen that

Didn’t happen no one saw that how many push-ups can you do uh I’m not very okay now someone’s just killing those on purpose um I’m not I’ve not I’ve been slacking on my working out I I typically work out like once or twice a day but I’ve been slacking lately because I’ve been

Sick uh but typically in a in a session I can do like 20 25 push-ups about 25 to and I’ll give it a lower no to be more to just to make it more accurate probably could probably do like more like a oh let’s just say like

Uh 10 to 10 to 20 we just do that that seems like a better more even number manslaughter villager Slaughter Slaughter I wonder who the man behind the slaughter actually is I know for some of you what me just saying was a big old Buzz term and that was why I said

It I don’t actually know where that those coordinates are that’s all over like the East area the East bracket it’s north okay now it’s actually manslaughter it was just villagers being killed now now it’s whole people who was the man behind that Slaughter I don’t know some say he might be

Purple and he might be a guy who happens to be Purple Who are all these villagers that keep dying where is that I feel like someone like is that the server rman I think the server rman is like spawning them and just killing them in Mass cuz I don’t I feel like there’s not that many villagers in that

Area cuz I don’t recognize it I don’t know who’s living in that pla land Spun to me on myself andc crams yeah I knew it Ser rmin whenever a massive amount of villagers suffer on This Server it’s always the server Admin something that makes me unreasonably angry there’s a few things that make me unreasonably angry Uh let’s just say okay one thing makes me unreasonably angry is like this huge like denial that people have for like live service there’s just a lot of people out there who like play Live service game which is fine if you enjoy that’s also fine but like there’s people that will

Go and like rice to defend really terrible actions of Li serice games simply because it’s like oh they can do whatever they want so you should never be and never be upset about it and the the reason I’m so mad about right now is because Bungie just released a like a

Pay to win like like a lazy pay to win I guess not pay to win but like pay to play thing um for Destiny 2 I saw on Twitter it’s like this starter pack and I think it got removed moved but it’s essentially it just kind of

Just spits in the face of the players it’s just like oh yeah what we are delaying everything and also this is not quite as good as it was supposed to you know be but by the way you can pay $15 to get three Exotics for free and some other stuff so I was

Lazy and people jump to defend them like oh yeah no no it’s just they can do whatever they want CU they’re uh they’re a thing I think you can probably hear some noises yeah if that’s one of those things another one is just um the people who will defend like just

About anything like any terrible action by a developer uh and especially those who defend those actions but don’t have a good backing for why I don’t know there’s plenty more and better answers than that one but I don’t know those those are the two that are on my mind right

Now Todd Howard did nothing wrong of course he didn’t I didn’t say anything about Todd Howard Tod Howard is a saint he doesn’t doesn’t do anything bad just like nikado avocado he’s too wholesome individuals who just are seeking to make their medium Better die by that statement all right that’s Fair an hour of stream has passed and I’m only like let see that’s half I’m a quarter of the way I’m three I’m three four almost almost three4 of the way done with the initial goal I had it’s already been an hour holy crap this this is going to

Take a long time I’m going to do a lot of this off stream I’m probably not going to stream this much at all I’ll just do this every once in a while like if I miss a Tuesday stream and I I want to still stream twice in a week I I’ll

Do like I’m doing right now that’s the whole reason I’m that’s the entire reason um oh sorry that’s the whole reason I’m streaming right now is uh it’s just I missed Tuesday because I was sick and I just wanted to stream twice still wanted to use that time

I’m also trying to get my mind off of the uh subnotica video just a little bit because I’ve I’ve entered into some stressful territory where I don’t really know what I want to do with it next footage wise and also concept wise there’s just a lot of stuff I’m

Uh just thinking about and i’ like to I’d like to at least get my mind off of it a little bit before I go back to doing that later because otherwise today would have just been me playing some games and then later tonight just going and just purely just editing for as long

As I possibly can and I did a very long section of audio last night and that kind of kind of took it out of Me whoever that is should probably answer their phone my dog has entered cuddle mode he’s now propped himself underneath my desk and is in cuddle mode he’s a very cute boy the other one’s just sitting behind me she’s just laying on the ground one of these days I’ll do a dog

Review probably on a community post or something like that whoever send in those hearts thank you very much I appreciate seeing that I I’ve reached that hour after I’ve uh blown my nose that I’m now like at that reset moment so in a second here I might

Just uh take a quick one minute break to go and uh clear clear my my face out oh yeah to to finish up answering that question from earlier a YouTuber I actually hate I thought about it for a minute and the YouTuber I’m I actually hate he’s not in the platform anymore it

Was jstation back in the day cuz not only was he content Farm but he was also just like did it in bad taste and the whole girlfriend scenario girlfriend dead thing just kind of tipped things over the edge and it was already bad before that point but that was really

Dumb horrible move on his part and I I’m glad that that spelled the end for his channel cuz it’s like he he really was just doing all the wrong things for all the wrong reasons so I can’t really say I hate him anymore because he’s gone but when he

Was here and when he was on holy crap when he was here and when he was making like regular content it was just I don’t know it was just really annoying very very uh very out of pocket content favorite NPC in in Dark Souls 3 that’s a good question um it’s a very

Good question one that I’m going to think about while I go and uh blow my nose real fast well be right back and I’ll I’ll think about that and give you give you your answer for feed it’s almost six okay for some reason my audio paused while I was gone I don’t

Know why it did that anyway favorite NPC in Dark Souls 3 three um my favorite I don’t really know what my favorite is I mean I have a bunch of them I like I like hre a lot I think her story is very or her with their story because

It can be their gender depending on what you pick their story is pretty cool it’s it’s one of the most convoluted ones but like to just do but I think they’re in just a nice nice character nice story to follow gry rat I think is endearing but there’s not much we know

About gray rat there’s the shrine Maiden The the merchant who sells you stuff and I think she’s a a reference to Dark Souls 2 I like those so there’s that as well I don’t know I guess I don’t have a favorite if I had to pick one

Definitively though I think I’d just say hry just because hry is just like the most memorable to me H re and hored and horse gray rat was mean to me how was gray rat mean to you did you just not give him L’s Bone thinking of that one guy patches name start of the it was patches patches has always mean that’s how he staved off of the patches has staved off the the hall because of his his nasty little tricks patches is my favorite NPC across all of the games just because he’s he’s just consistent

And it’s a real shame Dark Souls 2 doesn’t have patches cuz that that’s a real shame that’s like the biggest uh biggest con I have for Dark Souls I is Dark Souls I does not have patches in it who would hate patches I know right Goa like who would hate

Patches patches is a lovely fellow doesn’t learn any of his lessons but he’s he’s a lovely fellow Can’t wait to end stream and then instantly see the copyright uh claim I’ve got against somebody I don’t think it’s going to happen but uh be funny if it did it’s just the one day I decided to actually do a music playlist stream is

The day that day that I get a a free range copyright claim it’s okay take take your time you you can figure out what you want to copyright me for just on your own time that’s fine For standing next to a tower uh it’s just like the Apple Tower and if you takes pics of it you can be sued all right that’s fair but what if I were to tell you I’m the owner of this Tower huh huh I know the owner of this

Tower and he said I could do whatever I want to all of these employees because I know this I know the owner of the Tower and I I can do what I want whatever those people say these days confiscating the tower I mean it’s over 40,000

Blocks so if you can manage to con like actually confiscate the whole thing and relocate it then then oh well I guess however I will warn you if you confiscate this Tower I’m just going to build another one cuz it only me about 3 days to build it So Tve again put G on POG yeah I mean if you like the music it’s a very good reason for POG although it shouldn’t be playing again this is just a Different huh all right I guess it just played it again I Will it’s set to shuffle so it should just Shuffle as is but uh I guess if it wants to replay can I guess we can replay And my dog wants to be let back in the room that’s awesome I’ll let her back in a Moment somebody else in the house today is going to be uh feeding her so they are clearly slacking because I would have already had them fed by now they should know that they get fed right at 6 Have to have a chat with Them okay let her back In and of course it was both of them well they’ll probably get pulled out of here some point soon if no one’s come in like 20 minutes to do it then I’ll I’ll go and have a quick break to chat with him about it chatting yeah just a bit of Baner you Know I think this song is also played already although I don’t recognize it so just a bit of B yeah just a bit of Banta like a true brexit gezer what’s the song called I can check for you oh yeah know this song this play it’s already played yeah it’s a dance of

Pales from Castlevania Symphony of the Night I’m a little upset that a uh playlist of over 650 songs is now replaying after only like 20 of them yeah Symphony of the Night was uh one of the uh first PlayStation One games I ever played and I thought it was quite nice really gives a good blend of the uh

2D and 3D aspects of uh of games back in the day rir I was almost a roar if it was a roar that would have scared me so I’m very glad I’m very glad that was just a a Rir dog sniff For as all of a game as uh as Castlevania is the music is just quite quite lovely there a lot of games like that though where it’s just like older games just a banger soundtrack that said I’m sending xqc in germa 985 to your chords please no I can’t I can’t be

Caught dead with them they’re going to get me into some deep controversy they’re going to react to my channel and I’m I’m going to have to react to their reaction of my channel and it’s going to keep be it’s going to be a string it’s going to keep going it’s me

Self-sustaining it’s going to be not entertaining but so many people are going to watch then critical is going to make a video about it and then I’m going to make a video response and he’s going to call me a ding wad who just how did you get here without me teleporting you Here who put you here I’m getting junk I’m getting jump scared IRL except for not it’s not R IRL it’s in game but I’m still getting jump scared okay now I’m really getting jump Scared I think the playlist is just playing things backward so once I get done with this setup here that’s right here I’m going to go ahead and try to fix that it’s just playing things like that I’ve already heard like why is it doing That okay now I should play other stuff that isn’t what we’ve already heard and of course while I was out my my own stream was recommended to me while I was uh while I was out YouTube Shuffle be like some most most of the time YouTube Shuffle was like

Perfectly fine for me it’ll actually play everything like play like other stuff but I guess today that’s not what it wants to do like it just wants to play what it’s already played H I don’t know I YouTube just barely like changed how they do like most of their like playlists and like

Music and stuff because I they started copying Spotify by doing the whole tracking thing so I think it’s like it wants to prioritize stuff you’ve already listened to because it thingss that you’ve already enjoyed it because you’ve listened to it I don’t know I might be skito here I probably am

But I don’t know it just feels like it has a high priority for what it’s already played because I’ve had that problem in the last two days because this is the this is the play I settled on but I listened to three other ones to make sure like

Okay I might play this one on stream Only use it for music and it keeps playing one song over and over and over again yeah I I try to use Spotify as much as I can if I use uh I use it for music then I uh I use it for music that’s not otherwise available on Spotify oh there he

Goes The Man Behind the Slaughters has arrived yeah I’ll play it I’ll play like only music that isn’t like otherwise available on Spotify or I’ll play like if there’s no playlist on Spotify that works I’ll just play it on YouTube because it’s just more streamlined it’ll it’ll uh it’ll keep going

Smoother although I have to rely on the compiler whoever compiled it all to uh to have done it right so the mixing is not horrible which is a tall order um on YouTube lots of people make playlists or make uh Super Cuts of songs but uh they have no

Idea how to mix or master so they uh fade a song into another song but it just doesn’t work I’m guilty of this problem too I uh in the synotic video I have three separate sections right now that I’m working on remaking the audio for because it moves from like a really like

Solemn song into like a bright cherry song but I have them fading into each other so I’m going to see what I can do about fading them out and then fading them back in so they’re not like mushy and and fit together I might have to make a break

Like just like put a break in there and split it up for like two seconds just to make that happen but what if it works it works so I know that whole the whole video has been been a whole process of learning and uh so it’s nice to just learn and and

Figure out how L that works and learn more about what I want as a Creator and what I went for the project as as it goes along spent like 30 minutes yesterday actually like recording uh cinematic footage for the video I’m going to go close my door because the

Dogs are just getting fed so they’re GNA be very loud for a second it was a very intense song play oh No well the next video better Be you’ll be better versed yeah yeah the next time I do anything like this I’ll be far better Versed that’s the whole reason I like do these experiments experimenting like with content as I do it to either get better at that specific thing or like see if I can even like pull it off in the first place there’s been very very few times where I have figured out that I can’t

Pull it off uh one of those times being um when I was uh doing the uh dead by Christmas video it’s like I I could maybe pull off that kind of like active comedy like improv stuff cuz that was mostly unscripted um I just recorded the footage and then recorded my voice

Talking about the footage when I played it making jokes on the Fly and I’d like to think that it kind of worked out but I don’t know it wasn’t wasn’t great I I just work so much better with scripting so I can filter things out easier and like and fine tune

It it just makes the whole process a whole lot better if you catch my drift It was dbd so it was impossible to have a good DVD vid D the fact that DVD is a bad game yeah no no d i I’ve grown to really hate DVD like I’m glad I stopped playing it like for most games I if I leave a game like it’s not really ever

Because of like the community or other things like that dbd is like the first game in in in like recent memory that I’ve left the community for left stopped playing the game and the community was more than like 10% of the reason why the biggest reason I left was because I just

Don’t I don’t like Behavior as a company and they’ve backtracked a lot of their promises and they just have uh they don’t they’re not very good at balancing and I feel like they I feel like Behavior as a Dev team is kind of like how Twitter was as a service before Elon

Musk bought it and I’m not like the biggest I’m not like a fan of Elon Musk but uh from hearing about how things were at Twitter HQ just people who had like whne on tap and a lot of people weren’t actually doing any work at all

And they were just there to be there I feel like how I feel like that’s how um behaviors ran there’s people who just are in that office because they got hired to be in that office don’t really do anything at all they just sit there

And get a big paycheck and they go home with it and they nothing actually like is like improved upon or like nothing’s done you know I feel like that happens a lot on Behavior cuz uh for how like popular dbd is you’d think they’d make it better

Like they’d like improve it but they constantly get themselves with half Water by like messing something up or like like messing up balancing or not balancing things at all bro never heard of Mojang I believe I’ve heard of Mojang believe me I just when it comes down to behavior versus

Mojang i i i purely believe behavior is in a worst spot cuz simply because of what they’re making like it’s just a it’s a big old mess because at least Mojang knows how to code they just don’t code they choose they make the active choice not to

Whereas whereas Behavior I don’t think a lot of their people I don’t think know how to code properly what’s that only know X oh my bad my bad I’m talking about a very ancient thing thing you know back in the early 2000s they yeah I should have uh I

Should have thought about that before we talking recently had Chucky so they’re doing they they do they doing they’re doing things yeah from what I’ve heard though Chucky has like a huge meta and people are asking people are being like like asked like not to use the

Meta CU it’s like it’s just going to steal the character out but it’s so strong that you might as well if you want to win like a lot because it’s just so effective that’s that’s just what I’ve heard behavior Can kod they’re just brain dead mering is lazy and brain dead that’s

Fair Mojang has that Microsoft paycheck so it makes sense carefully Nintendo content without permission uh yeah I’ve learned my lesson doing that twice but it’s fine I’m talking over it it’s whatever Nintendo will only come to my house and give me a a swirly they’re not going to kill me

Yeah Kirby’s fun I like Kirby I I’ve have not played a lot of Kirby games but from what I have played it’s very enjoyable I like Kirby I should probably use my my switch and play like Cirby Dreamland I have Nintendo online I should probably use it every curb game is the same and they’re all fun yep that’s true they’re all great I only have good memories playing Kirby too like I I don’t remember what the

Game was it was on the 3s but I played a Kirby game there and it was like one of the most fun games I’ve ever played it was just really it was a really really good game and I I enjoyed I I I really thoroughly enjoyed It And the way it goes Kirby can and I think so however Kirby’s a man if you’ve watched terminal Montage you know that Kirby’s a man of Christ so he he can but I don’t the question is will does he want to will he I don’t think

So the new Mario game is super easy and stuff and not very engaging Kirby is really easy and just dumb fun yeah that’s fair I mean I I’m a big Mario fan but even I like look at like Mario wonder I think it looks really like cool

And engaging like not engaging but like cool and fun though at times it doesn’t look too engaging although I haven’t played it so I’ll have to play it to really get a good opinion just from what it looks like it’s like ah it looks looks like a cool game to

Play just doesn’t look like the most most engaging thing in the world some levels are though I’ve seen a few levels from Wonder that uh look pretty pretty enveloping although I know that Mario Wonder was intended intended to be built for a lot younger of an audience than

Usual at least based on the developer commentaries I’ve heard the interviews with the with the studio directors they very much so intended it to be a bit a bit more of a family game for all ages so makes sense they would make it a lot easy easier and less

Engaging or I guess less difficult or like not quite as like skill not skill heavier required favorite Family Guy episode that’s a really good question um I have a lot of favorite moments but episodes are kind of hard to come by for me because I don’t typically remember

The episode I just remember the jokes cuz the episodes themselves are kind of like a slog to get through but you get like pulled through with these like nice little little like chunks of uh of funny that happen um let’s see I liked the first Blue Harvest the

Uh Star Wars parody I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite though I just liked it otherwise my favorite like moments would always be like chicken fights and and other stuff like that just good like good like absurd humer I don’t like the the one ones where they explain the bit as it’s

Happening it’s just lame it’s like oh and now he’s crashing his car and oh now he’s getting out of the car and oh no a plane hit him ah it’s like I just don’t stop explaining the joke just have the plane hit him it just have it be

Absurd I think that’s where Family Guy shines the best is when it just lets things happen and doesn’t like over they don’t overstay their welcome favorite crop in Minecraft the potato it’s pretty easy to get pretty easy to to to harvest and uh like carrots which are a close second um it is

Uh not required to use seeds to plant uh I’m not a big fan of wheat or beetroot because you have to use seeds to plant them and the seeds are not what you want to have when you’ve already planted all your seeds cuz all the seeds do is get you more and

It’s good for replanting but you always end up with more seeds than what you need which I guess is why composters exist I don’t really use composters that’s all four sides are done and it only took me an hour and a half my favorite is Tombstone all right I’m not familiar

With the with that but here I’ll show you my my my love for potatoes uh this is my farm this whole inner section here guarded by the sugarcane that is all potatoes that was the first part of this farm that I made and it’s all potatoes it’s very rocket expensive uh

To very costly on the Rockets to get up Here we I love potatoes potatoes are my my favorite crop hands down although I I think they’re just my favorite because I I’ve taken a liking to them and I I had to pick like functionality it’ be carrots because you can use carrots to make golden carrots

Which can be used as a really good source of saturation and uh they also are really excellent as a uh potion ingredient for night vision potions which are very useful one of the most useful potions out there is a night vision potion and you can make that with a golden carrot

So they’re pretty Ding Dang up crop themselves techno taught me the importance of potatoes techno is a potato God and we’re all I’m I’m going to miss him didn’t watch him that much but I’m still going to miss him someone has put in the game chat

Siege has begun I don’t know what that means I’m very much so hoping it doesn’t mean that I’m about to get invaded because if there is someone missing something someone messing stuff up at the bottom there I cannot see it so and now this it’s playing things I’ve

Already heard again that’s fine it’s a good Song I really can’t wait to be not like completely sick anymore cuz I’m still just I’m at the tail end of it so I still just have like minor like leaving symptoms but holy crap I am tired of like Midway through my sentence having like choke on like a glob of like crap

To my face I’m very very much so tired of it and I would like it to Stop Tombstone crops are doing nice oh no they’re doing some Shenanigans down at the farm have to go down there and put them in their place Oh there they Are oh my they put them back down There my tombstone crops these Shenanigans these horrible Shenanigans are I have not heard this disc yet yeah was it right there Ah that’s where purple guy died I see I see I will mark this spot by not replanting anything this is hereby the the resting place of purple

Guy not sure not too sure why this person always hangs out in the cow room menacing though threatening Aura this little mogus character truly frightening it’s the last thing you want to see before we’re going to sleep at Night put better lighting up on the elevator holy crap the Eternal Knight’s doing its Job once this done now that Eternal Knight is going to completely bask the entire area in darkness so hostile mobs will be able to freely spawn whenever they want I mean I could have built it lower but um I know I think it being at the very closer to the top makes more

Sense just as long as it block blocks daylight from reaching the surface that’s all I care for Strong sun make cringe pixel art say oh they’re in church oh that’s something I haven’t talked about or shown at all yet was the church built a church in here I I have a bed here that’s right I can just sleep in here where is my there it is I’ll just toss

That eight There I’m glad they’re uh they’re reading their Bible stories they’re they’re getting educated in the ways of the Gospel it’s a long book I hope he finishes it in Time let me check this song name because I’m pretty sure I know what this one is yeah I know what it is I just I got the location wrong just a little bit these goofy FNAF noises good song yeah no there is really Annoying if there’s anything that stuck out to me about Tales of Symphonia that wasn’t just the story it was definitely the music I think the music of Tes of Symphonia was awesome Yeah know it’s it’s it’s huge vibes I’ve forgotten a lot of the area names because I have a I have the memory of a goldfish but uh there’s a few spots I remember walking into there just the music just really stuck out to me never be able to forget the Overworld music though because the over World

Music is just you hear it so often also the flying music just just a lot of the music is just it’s so memorable just because you hear it either so often or is it just because it’s so good server owner jump Scare this might be a thunderstorm I don’t think it is if you start seeing creepers spawn then yeah it’s a thunderstorm I go Sleep yeah quite some distance to clear wait is it a cut no it’s not okay I was thinking that the YouTube playist paused on me again uh it didn’t for some reason whoever uploaded that uh tailes and Symphonia song the last like two minutes are just dead silence just complete Dead Silence

Although there the dead silence is kind of topical though because uh it was just genus from the game with a Christmas satire same Merry Christmas so it is in fact December Christmas is coming just 23 days away which I’m quite excited for I like Christmas a whole lot not my favorite

Holiday my favorite holiday is by far Halloween but I do enjoy me some Christmas time it’s a nice nice nice warm holiday thing it’s a little overblown though it’s every it’s a lot it’s a lot of people’s favorite holiday so I guess it makes me a contrarian to say like oh

Well well you know the holiday is not quite as quite as as fantasy as people make it out to be no it’s a good it’s a good holiday shout out to Halloween shout outs to Halloween all year long I have a lanyard attached to my keys that is

Just it’s a got it from a haunted house and that sucker is never leaving my keys and I keep it on the whole time Christmas is just a week away can you believe it guys Christmas just a week away I’m so happy about this information woohoo Christmas just a week away

Just after I took I take one sip of my drink and I have to itch my nose perhaps I’ll do a Christmas stream not on Christmas but near Christmas I’ll do like a Christmas theme stream and have Christmas music and do a Christmas thing Perhaps Perhaps not well we’ll have to

See that’s that’s on my that’ll be on my like list of uh of things to to look at play some old Christmas games perhaps like always that’s very heavily dependent on what people actually want to uh want to watch I got to look up when the game

Awards is though because I was brought my attent my attention was brought to it yesterday and I don’t I don’t think I’m going to stream it now but uh I just need to know I need to know when it is so I could plan my uh my time around

It cuz I don’t want to miss it there’s a terribly watch that does stream on Christmas every year I can’t see that stupid thing I ha I hate this little heart thing like why would I need to have that all right there’s a Terraria YouTuber I watch that do a stream in

Every Christmas I think callay creams are great I apologize if uh me reading the word Terraria came out as terrible I don’t know I’m I’m I’m horribly dyslexic not actually I just have like will dyslexia where I accidentally read things wrong even though I know very well what they

Say yeah I think holiday streams are great too I I have to do one you I think I just started streaming but I’m going I think I should try out uh a holiday stream just just just because just for the fun what’s the largest animal you could beat in a fight

I’m pretty pretty confident oh no that no that depends on like the terrain actually wait no I can’t do that that’s not that’s not an alterrain fight um I’ve got a small build I’m not like the biggest guy in the world we got decent muscle muscle diversity but like not like not like

Buff So get out of here that’s a that’s a real thinker CU I don’t actually know you know it’s screwed all the first thing I came ahead was like gator I think I could do I think I could fight a gator or crocodile and win but that that’s a Terrain a Turf Advantage

Thing I’m not sure I keep moving away from those those are disabled on the server a fox animatronic hands down maybe the one if I had to pick a a FNAF character I could take if it’s like movie wise probably foxy I I don’t know foxy didn’t do a whole lot in that

Movie in the actual game though probably none of them no I could I could take on balloon boy balloon boy seems pretty Simple hi they’re just going to jump SC okay who keeps balloon boying me Hi I don’t know uh if it’s just the jump scare animatronics then probably all of them glamrock Freddy because he’s too busy being nice to Me really depends I don’t want to hurt glamrock Freddy though he’s nice I could beat all them good good for you g i I wish I had that kind of confidence when thinking about fighting the the cast of FNAF you know with that mindset yeah you

If if you if you go if you go with the mindset of 100% I simply win then you absolutely would would would win there’s no reason you wouldn’t Uh let’s see yeah quite a bit of space to go these Co Corners are going to kill me these these Corners are going to be the death of me Castle craters yep I this is a this is a great deal of Shame for me but I have never played Castle

Crashers but I I really want to I hear I hear so many good things about Castle Castle Crashers so I’d really like to to play the game and actually get a feel for it myself and as far as the Eternal Knight goes this side will be like that’s as

Far back as it’ll go for now I more or less just want it to cover my base which is all in that region over there Castle crashing y yeah know I it’s it’s such like a it’s like a social party game and I that’s

Like the reason why I want to play it is because it seems like it’ be a really fun a fun game to play with other people speaking of those games I just barely uh over the last couple of days picked up a lethal company finally and tried that out and I thought

That was really fun I I I want more ways to die though like like it it’s the game’s like tense enough as it is but I’d like to have more threats available to me especially on harder planets especially outside too CU outside it’s like oh there’s some dogs oh there’s

Some bees oh there’s there’s the Forest Giant I want more I want more but lethal company’s a fun little game uh you could tell it came from Roblox go cuz there’s like a bunch of stuff that just uh it screams just like oh yeah this is a game that was originally on

Roblox and speaking of Roblox and not Roblox at all last night I watched the trailer for garden of band band chapter 6 I I have like this weird obsession with that game series I think it’s like that car crash you can’t look away from kind of deal

But uh it’s been a long time since chapter 4 came out so it’s interesting that the euphoric brothers are actually taking the time this uh this chapter to really make things stand out but then when I watched the uh the trailer you could tell like some like some of the

Stuff in there is just like once again like inspired copy paste from uh from other more distinct horror IPS like the more recent um one my eyes deceive there’s like a like a scene that’s like very clearly my eyes deceive inspired at least it is to me it might

Not be but to me it looks like that so I’m I’m interested to see how much of the chapter will be uh just plain inspired stuff and just like crap that’s just been like ripped like ripped and borrowed from other other other IPS cuz band band for the most part has

Been just that it’s just been like oh this horror indie game has been doing this thing let’s do that and see how that works and it I feel like that’s kind of what they did to make the chapters come out so quickly what I would love for band

Band is for them to is for the euphoric Bros to um actually make like new and engaging activities that are more unique to uh bandman itself like it’d be fine if they like borrowed ideas but like I want them to make those ideas more like

More of like their own CU now it just it feels like they’re just uh self-inspired and it makes the chapters just feel like demo versions of the games they’re meant to represent unless like a oh yeah this is bandman chapter 2 no it’s like this is

Like a mini trial for like my dece this is a mini triail for this or that doesn’t always feel like its own unique event which is what I like it like band band to be I’d like band band to be its own distinct recognizable thing which is a hilarious thing to say

Because uh I still don’t like it I don’t like ban ban I think it’s a horrible horrible little game again it’s like a car crash you can’t look away from I oh you’re telling me I didn’t pick it up okay I got to go find It Okay I guess I guess not I’ll just go get like a backup piece from uh from the cathedral you can tell the the turn light’s putting in its work right here you you can see it just complete pitch black right here we’ll do a Naughty it’s great reminds me of listening to a podcast I’m doing my own thing whilst this is in the background yep that’s what if you whatever way you want to listen to the the stream I I’m just glad you’re here and if it runs you a podcast that’s great that’s kind of

Like the aim goal I have for like streams is just they’re kind of podcasty just fun to listen to you can watch if you want but if you just have it in the background that’s also perfectly fine we should do a PO uh would should do a podcast while streaming preferably

With three other people in a group chat perhaps one day as long as everyone follows set of good set of rules keep the stream all healthy then yeah that’s something I may be willing to do get a little group together to do a stream every once in a while maybe once a

Week play a game to entertain people game wise and then uh otherwise just have a nice little uh nice little time talking and chatting and doing some good So far out now that you can’t even see the shulkers rendering Oh two Coral blocks you know what I’ll let you live because you’re too far away from the edge for me to put you in the edge that the only reason why I’m letting him Live used about half of what I’ve got in those shers what’s the wackiest DS online experience you’ve ever had I didn’t play D s online but I did have a Nintendo 3DS with online access and that gave me the ability to do a Picto chat just briefly but I I

Didn’t really do Picto chat much but I had a friend and his sister was with us on on pcto chat and we would occasionally just like mess with each other using it and draw like the most horrific things you possibly could like in terms of like

Just goofy faces just like crazy out of no out of this world there like drawings and uh they weren’t like crazy or wacky but if I had to pick a DS online experience be that it’d be that just just going on my DS and then seeing

A my friend drawing like a horrible nose Creature okay that’s the cut off Distance I do love me some Mario Kart I’ll GL gladly listen to that music but I have the the chillstream music on the the melding together is kind of funny the pig chat was great it was it’s so loud it’s so loud holy crap it’s so loud I’m going to move

This whoever and whoever it is can come back and get it at any time they please but it’s going to be over here next to the shulkers that way it’ll be playing whenever I come back to get stuff throw it away burn it maybe maybe maybe once I’m done uh

Building I might go and throw it away however it’s also not mine so don’t think I will the purple man oh is it purple guy who did it doesn’t deserve it he’s been he’s been abusing it I know he has he’s been definitely abusing it he also keeps popping in here without

Without asking so either the server admin is sending him here or server admin gave him uh operator privileges which would be very very Funny okay I guess server server runers on stream but uh if you keep teleporting him out of there then fine but he keeps getting in without my permission which is okay but cuz it’s hilarious but uh I just don’t know how he’s doing It Slaughter the or the orle guy I’ll The Man Behind the slaughter is going to get slaughtered I’ll become the new man behind the slaughter I guess I guess that’s what I’ll do before I end stream I’ll go uh I’ll go showcase what other people have done on the on the Server give a little tour of of everything everyone’s stuff if they don’t mind of course I know a good few of you are probably watching right now so if you don’t mind me showing off your your cool Little Creations okay I have server owners permission so uh that means everyone’s uh input is now in an irrelevant server owner said I could so L my uh my wrist just had like a very big old stabbing pain from placing black concrete it’s G Flex that for a second get some blood flowing through

It someone in my house is roasting peanuts I can actually smell it smell it and it smells amazing it also means I get to go have roasted peanuts after the stream ends which is going to be awesome I’m not too sure why I picked a Saturday to do my Q&A streams because

According to my YouTube analytics most most the people who watch me do not watch me on Saturdays it’s like Sunday mornings and Monday mornings are like my two biggest days I also stream very late in the day but I do that for my American viewers apparently a lot of my like regular

Stream people aren’t from America so it’s a very odd decision by me but it’s the most convenient it’s the most convenient for me so I’m going to keep doing it this way Oh Song is this uh let me tell you this is proxin of the heart from Eternal Sonata if you once I will copy that link and I can send that to you later know it sounds wonderful I like it a lot it’s so quiet now too the minute I

Checked what it was it was like ah no gota be I gota be quiet now just going to get rid of my wrist guard real quick I think that’s what’s causing my my wrist issues I’m just pressing too hard into it let my palm take the brunt of uh brunt of

This you know it’s taken a lot longer to place 64 stacks of 64 than it has to take to place um 50 stacks of 64 I don’t get it I don’t get how that’s been working cuz it’s been taking a lot longer it’s just 14 extra steps but it’s like it’s taking so

Much whenever I talk the music gets really quiet that is because I have a um a duck filter so it Ducks the audio out in the way that way whenever I speak I don’t have to talk over potentially loud music but when I stop talking it gets loud again That is a feature I will turn off for some later streams though uh like the Dark Souls 2 streams where I do a lot of talking so in those streams where I’m more apt to just keep speaking of my own valtion I will I’ll I’ll I’ll disable the filter F He has no style he has no Grace this car has a funny face he can handstand when he needs to and Stretches back again and about time to uh whoever keeps coming in and changing the disc you’re you’re like the best you’re like the funniest guy right now also that was a baby zombie riding a chicken with a iron sword in hand that’s kind of rare you don’t see that every single day

And that’s why I like having the the creepers off on the server is because that the creepers are so quiet they just kind of show up and they do their Thing like I would I would hate to have to like restart a whole area because a creeper just came in and blew and blew me up with little to warning like for as destructive as these things are they just sneak up on you and they blow up so

Quickly I still like them but only crap it’s just they’re BR they’re very brutal a brutal part of the game and they spawn in very very large quantities as well even on easy Mode I am checking this song because this song sounds very lovely oh it’s melee it’s uh smash Buzz melee music that’s Nice when you play Minecraft for the chill creepers are just an obstruction of the piece absolutely that’s like that’s the main reason why I don’t like them is cuz I always play Minecraft just to like chill out like that’s why I’m doing this stream right now is just to

Like chill out and and relax and invite people in and just answer some questions and and just have a good time like those two creeper creepers would have just disrupted the whole thing like it would have been like oh now I have a hole

There oh now I have a hole there oh now I have a hole there and they know go and deal with all of that and that’s just really uh it’s it’s just annoying I’m actually quite surprised I haven’t gotten any uh Minecraft music in this playlist yet cuz I know I know

There is Minecraft music in this playlist but it hasn’t played I I agree I I agree Goa the in a game about building there’s an enemy that can just destroy you at any time whenever it likes it just doesn’t really bod well it doesn’t sit well with me at

All they’re just such an iconic part of the game I I think they should still be allowed in the game but they should be limited like the ghast makes sense because the ghast does the same thing blows up stuff uh and causes destruction and damage but

The G the ghast is in the nether where it makes sense to have something like that this is the Overworld and and a creeper can spawn in any light level well not any in any like hostile light level you know if an area is at zero so it’s like a creeper can just

Spawn up here at any moment and they usually spawn in packs of like two or three so that’s three explosions three massive chunks away from your base and you have to sit there and rebuild and it doesn’t always give you all your blocks back it’s just really really Tedious can you link the playlist I can I will go ahead and do that in just a moment I’m going finish up this line then I’ll head over and Link the playlist I’m not too sure if uh YouTube will like me putting a forign link in the chat it typically is fine

With me doing that but uh sometimes it just gets all stinky and doesn’t want me to do it at all But yeah here’s the here’s the link to the playlist I’ve been I’ve been playing I’ll just throw that in chat I’d pin it but I can’t pin it because the stupid emote button right there which I don’t know why I the streamer need the emote button there we

Go yeah I have no idea why I the streamer need that emote button there I why would I emote my own stream it’s a little odd cuz uh everyone down in the chat in the chat just thinks that a random person’s emoting they don’t know that

It’s me doesn’t specify that I’m the one doing it it’s like why would I why would I need That it’s just such a silly concept to have on my end because it just all it serves to do is block my view and I guess the worst thing is if someone like said like something terrible like like T like violation of TOS or whatever I can’t like just go in

And like snipe them out either I have to wait until someone else comments so that uh the uh little three dots can be above the the heart so I can so I can take care of it that’s that’s like the biggest flaw that it Has Rest in Peace are you using a VPN no I am not uh in fact it would be kind of detrimental if I were you do not need to use a VPN for streaming it’s not NE Necessary are you about to advertise a VPN to me due diligence be warned if you do you have to do a very good advertisement or else I will not consider anything today’s sponsor Nordvpn if you like watching anime on Netflix but don’t like America’s selection then you can just hop over to Japanese Netflix on nord’s fast streaming whatever whatever they offer I think the only reason I ever get a VPN is for that purpose exactly is just seeing what’s on like other nations versions of

Netflix cuz I know a lot of shows that Hulu owns here uh Netflix has them over in like Canada so I know when I was over in Canada I watched a lot of um a lot of Family Guy on Netflix over there might not be the same anymore but

I know that back then it was uh there was a lot of a lot of Family Guy Netflix I would just use it to do that just watch like shows otherwise not available on American Netflix I thought I had YouTube premium why I’m getting an ad oh did you get an ad for

YouTube premium hopefully no one’s getting ads I mean I’m over the normal stream limit so it might be at getting ads or that might mean the stream got copyright claimed and now it’s uh now it’s showing out it’s because of that but if that’s the case then I can’t

See that because I won’t be able to see that until it becomes a VOD Oh was all the VPN talk okay I get it I see YouTube premium premium yeah pay YouTube a little extra money on top of their premium fee and you’ll you’ll get all the ads free we promis this time uh for real for Real for as good as a deal as YouTube premium is I just don’t like the idea of giving Google and YouTube more money or not more money but more money so I just don’t engage in it because uh ad blockers are free I guess it was more of a selling

Point back when YouTube red red was a thing because YouTube Red was like oh yeah we have all these like original YouTube videos like uh scare PewDiePie and all that stuff that they had on there uh but now that service is effectively dead so there’s less of a reason to do

It if unless you just want zero ads there’s other benefits too I just don’t know what they are why add block op yeah that’s exactly why I block op it just gives you like one of the I’m not going to say that you know why I’m not going to say that

Because YouTube might hear that and go oh yeah no we definitely need to start clamming down more on this or hammering down more on this I don’t think they’re listening but at all not really but uh no they they’ll I could definitely see them like hammering down more on it because they’ve like

Taken more of a realization that it’s taking away like AdSense from them not necessarily creators but like from them like even if I’m not monetized so I can like say whatever I want but like I can say what I want but doesn’t like have any effect on uh the actual effects

Of demonetization but even if I were monetized I wouldn’t if anyone uses ad blocks cuz YouTube’s ad uh how they do ads is like so aggressive these days like I can’t watch on my phone I can’t watch a um I can’t even watch like a 10-minute video without being like like

Taken away for two 30 second ads uh twice and then at the beginning and end of the video I have to watch one or two to even get in in the first place and lately I’ve been getting like 30C ads on videos that are less than 15 seconds so

It’s like why why do I have to watch an ad that’s longer than the video I’m about to watch in order to in order to get through the only time I ever willingly did that was when I got the uh Lego Movie as an ad for The LEGO Movie

Too that was the only time I ever willingly watched a ad longer than my actual video because it was an actual entertaining ad and it was for something I was interested in and it was not like a dumb like you know ad for something that the service thinks I won

And that’s the biggest problem with the ads it’s like it’s stuff that you thinks you want and the ads are very bad at actually getting like what you what they think you might want like no I I am not interested in like like a new set of

Like dining Furniture I get add that adds for that all the time I’m not interested I don’t care if a store opened up in my area stop looking at where I live legal yeah no adwar is just horrible like I I hate it so much like a big one of the biggest

Issues right now with ads is like fandom like you can’t go on fandom because the ads are not just like malicious they’re predatory like you can’t escape them it’s just like aggressive marketing and I hate it and it drives me away from the site like if if ad block wasn’t a thing

I wouldn’t watch YouTube nearly as much and I probably wouldn’t do YouTube nearly as Much you get ads for baby food yeah no I get I get similar ads just for like random crazy stuff that there’s no reason I should have I was getting ads for life insurance recently actually it was very weird and I know just me talking about getting ads for life insurance I’m just

Going to get more ads for life insurance but it’s like why would I need life insurance ads I already have one I already have a life insurance policy but two it’s like I’m I’m on YouTube I’m not on YouTube thinking man I should get a new life insurance policy like why why is

That something that like an advertising company even wants to put up there I just feel like the business like sent their ad off to an advertising like publisher and they just they’re just putting Those ads wherever they want yeah the malicious scam ones suck those are those ads are

Horrible like I get like the ads I get the most are the honai star Rail and like genin impact ads and I don’t play those games at all I’ve never I’ve never played them I played gench impact for like a second and then I stopped like I didn’t I play gen impact

So so shortly that I didn’t even get past the beach where you start I I quit before you even get got off the beach but I get those so much but because I get those YouTube also is like oh this person watches the gench and impact ads that means they want the

Literal gambling gacha verse ads for games that are taken off of the app store for being malicious and then on top of those I’ll get the ones that are like literal scams like the Mr Beast copycat scams I’ll get ones for those I’ll get ones for like oh you should go and

Like uh invest in this company this is an investment firm you should go and work with oh this is like a this is a a relatively new like uh cryptocurrency that’s that’s a successor to bitcoin and I’ll get ads for that stuff too and like that’s like

If you actually like go and like buy the product on those ads you’re you’re going to get scammed like why is that even there just kind of sucks which is why like if again if I was monetized I wouldn’t care about my AdSense people are going to watch me

Without an ad blocker anyway just use an ad blocker if you really care about like the Channel’s like uh like wellbeing then just like and comment like engagement goes way above anything else when it comes to when it comes to getting anything on YouTube like comments are so

Worthwhile so if you really care about a channel and you want to like support them don’t just turn off your ad blocker like like comment on their on their stuff like comment like uh subscribe share like do everything in your power to make sure that channel is known about

Don’t just turn off your ad blocker for one person because a lot of people do that and it’s kind of interesting why it’s like of all the things you could have done you just continue to watch but that’s all you do you just turn the ad blocker off and continue watching which

Is fine it’s like if you do that because you care about the channel then why not just comment and comment and like and like actually engage with the the content and I get that’s not like many people like everyone’s like Tu of tea but in terms of caring about a channel

That you really love and wanting to show support that’s like the best way to do so and the fact that people just don’t do it anyway and do something else that’s very benign in order to show their support just doesn’t make sense to me yeah that’s exactly I was talking about

I kind of opened with the the gacha ones because the ones I get are like actual Li scam ones like those are the apps that like steal your data and they get taken off of like the Samsung and app store for stealing data they’re not very common though like

You don’t get them that often but I get them occasionally cringe anime you have a Mountain Dew profile picture that’s not wor about you I’m just I’m just observing that but no who would play those probably individuals individuals with free time I know that I’m guilty of downloading one once uh simply because

It was so ridiculous that I was like I had to see it cuz it was like it was clearly like um bait wear so it’s not like delicious it just gets you to download it and then it’s like all right now buy all of our microtransactions it

Just heavily pushes all of that stuff once you get it and it’s not even fun enough it’s like you can tell the code is ripped from something else I just think the whole entire thing is funny it’s like actually hilarious the Eternal Knights is taking shape I am so proud of

It let’s see how many Uh oh I’ve only placed 17,000 oh boy that’s that’s rough I have 144 to Go Yeah I go and just sleep oh go and sleep the night away there we Go trying to think if there’s any good stories I can tell but I’m not really kind kind of coming up with blanks I’ve got a lot of stories I could tell I just don’t know if there any many I want to tell right now uh I guess the first uh video game

Consoles I ever had were a Nintendo DS and a uh in a Game Boy an original Game Boy and on the Game Boy I uh I played a lot of uh Super Mario Land 2 and that was my favorite game of all time back in the day uh that and then

Warrior land for Game Boy um but after that my my family bought a uh a used Nintendo 64 and I played oing of time on that and a few other things on that but uh after I was done playing all those games uh the family came back and was

Like actually can we buy that back from you my parents were like yeah sure and as compensation they bought a Wii but uh I had nendo I had Nintendo stuff only like up until like I think I was a a teenager so it was like 2015 or so but

The my favorite console I ever had by by hands down was a v smile if anyone else remembers the vs smile those things were awesome it was mostly educational games like fun games with educational aspects but it was just this big like paw hand shaped like controller with a big joystick and like

You just play these the like kids games on it and I I thought it was really really fun it’s a very me memorable console just the V smile my first Minecraft world like my first Minecraft world was on the Pocket Edition light I don’t actually remember like what it was really

About like I I think I I think I just got in there and just started like putting things everywhere like I think I got in there and was like let me build like a dirt house like a like a thing cuz there wasn’t like a survival mode

Like a true survival mode so I think I just built like in that world I think I just built whatever I wanted and what I wanted was always just like a mound of crap like oh there’s my pile of brick blocks so there’s my pile of wool there’s my bridge made of cobblestone

That goes for like 25 blocks until I bored and stopped the first Minecraft world world that I really had um that one was just a it was it was another collection of creative mode builds is what it was uh but it was on my iPod touch and

It was on like an actual like it was actually Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft so not it was like Pocket Edition but not like light and that was the first world I put any like actual distinct like care into you know and I I have access to to it I I

Thought I lost access to it cuz my iPod died a while ago I I thought it died but it actually didn’t the the screen did so the screen stopped working but the actual iPod itself still worked so earlier this year just a few months ago

I went back and I pulled all the old files off of it and that included all my old Minecraft worlds so I I now have access to that again i’ I’ve already ported them over and I can play them in a Bedrock Edition I could even like I

Could I could stop playing this right now and I could go and and uh stream looking at that but I I want to do that later I would I’d like to say that for a different day but that world is just a very big collection of of builds I made and

They’re all very rudimentary V smell Cars game went hard it did the V smell Cars game was the best that one and the Spider-Man game that I had those were those were those were goated I’d love to find out if like someone’s like saved them because the V

Smile I think is like one of those like things that’s definitely abandoned wear like I’d be I’d be I’d be surprised if anyone like found out how to emulate one although knowing how the internet is someone definitely has there’s definitely someone out there who spent

Like a whole year emulating the uh the V smile plug- andplay was your jam absolutely I had this plug-and-play Spider-Man that was like my favorite game of all time and I think I think I collectively have like 60 or 70 hours just in that plug and play Al

That’s like one thing I’d love to know like if if there’s like a scoreboard of of of crap you’ve done when you die I want to know the exact hours of every single game I’ve ever played I want to I want to see exactly which one is the

Most cuz Minecraft right now I think is the most I’ve ever play a game but that’s because I can at least somewhat track Minecraft’s playtime there’s no way that I could ever track like any of the Wii games my old DS games that’s all completely untraceable a lot of those

Drives have been formatted so the data is gone it’s like I I just want to know and I know my vs smile play time would be crazy my vs smile play time is probably in the thousands of hours and all I had was six

Games but it was all I had for like for like four years five years of my life So playing a Star Wars one yeah no they they they’re fun they’re fun little suckers they’re plug and plays I think are like a really good case study into like old Gaming I guess because they’re so rudimentary in what they do but they’re built for fun like they’re built

To to have fun with like some of them have challenges like yeah like like the Spider-Man game I’m talking about that I played it was a challenging game it wasn’t very easy like even my dad like struggled playing that and like I think like I went back and looked at footage

Of it um it’s definitely still a difficult game but it was like Mo mostly built for fun and I think that’s what most like the big appeal of plug and plays is and and was back then is it was just fun they’re built for fun and they are fun I kind of

Miss uh I kind of miss plugin plays I kind of wish they would make a comeback although I don’t think they’d be you I think I don’t think they’d come back in a good way Yeah I’m pretty sure if I played the ones I’m like fantasizing about right now the the nice Rose tinted glasses would crack and fall off I’m I’m sure that that would happen I would I would lose all interest they’re just nice to look back on they’re just a nice little thing to

Look back on fondly you know be cool to see like a developer though just make a new one just just kind of for the hell of it just make a new uh make a new plug and play for the 2020s I guess it just be interesting I

Don’t know may maybe maybe it shouldn’t happen I just think it’d be interesting to see what uh a modern developer would do with a modern plug andplay and how that whole thing would Work although that would be like the funniest thing in the world cuz someone would definitely find out how to mod one and then like plant other games in and it’ be it would be a mess very quickly it’ be a fun little mess it’d be it be a fun little Mess I’m starting to get to that point now where um I’ve been placing blocks so long that my fingers are starting to get like cold and numb and clammy so I guess once I finish this corner I’ll go to a tour of the uh of the area I’m not going to quite end

Stream after that but uh I’ll just go and give a tour do something else that’s not just uh placing Blocks I guess an interesting story or set of stories I could tell um I have a bad I have a really bad track record when it comes to like self-preservation safety uh especially when I was a kid or a pre-teen teenager um because I’m I’m quite the outdoors guy at

Times I’ve been known to frolic in the fields if you will but uh my I I kind of have this extreme dis regard for my own Safety so I I’ve had a lot of incidents where I’ve like had like terrible serious Falls and like nearly got myself severely injured even killed just because I was messing around and I’m a very big Advocate advocate for like like um wilder wilderness safety but I just disobey all my own

Advice it’s just just just the funniest thing soz I’ll sit there and I’ll tell you like oh yeah don’t climb too high don’t climb higher than you’re comfortable with with and like don’t mess around in the edge of cliffs if you’re not like if if you can’t like if

The bottom is not like Within Reach and all that all that jazz and then like a minute later I’m just out there on the cliff just free climbing and going up as high as I possibly can and just kind of being a a dim

Wit and as such I I took a lot of nasty Falls especially in the Boy Scouts because I was a part of the Boy Scouts um on a couple of trips we went on I was known to just kind of go out on my own and just climb things I still am known

For that I still do that oh I’m in the speed range this is going to be great um I’m still known for doing that but back then I was really known for doing it and on a couple of these trips one of these trips in particular I was in a Slot

Canyon and I uh I had gone up about 30 feet up the slot and for those of you who don’t know what a Slot Canyon is it’s like a very very narrow Canyon like we’re talking you could put your hands out and your hands and touch both sides of the canyon

Wall um and I was up 30 feet up in one of those and what I had managed to do to myself was uh when I got all the way up to where I was comfortable I decided to make the The Descent down and I I went I typically go down like on

My butt and go Face Forward down but since it’s a cliff face I couldn’t do that so I going down backwards and what I ended up doing was I put my foot down on an area I thought was like a part of the rock I could grab onto with my

Foot and uh I was so confident that it that that rock was going to be there that it just put my full weight onto that foot but of course when I put my weight down my foot just went clean through just just air like all my weight

Was put down onto air nothing so that weight then took me down and this is I think I I think I descend like 15 halfway down so I think I fell like 20 like 15 to 20 ft just into the gravel the the rocks at the bottom of the

Narrow at the bottom of the narrow and I was lucky enough not to break anything like no broken bones no serious injuries just some bruises and scrapes but that was like my least impactful fall like I’ve taken I’ve taken worse ones Z one just took a horrible

One in the server I guess but I I I I’ve taken some bad ones but I think the worst ones I’ve ever taken were were um bike crashes like bik crashes where I’m just messing around a bike like I when I really shouldn’t be

And one of the ones I did was on I was mountain biking up on a a trail uh in an area north of where I live okay and um little distraction I was just up there uh and I was coming down on this on this mountain bike it’s an old mountain bike

Too the bike was older than me and I uh really put my faith in this bike’s brakes and these are old hydraulic brakes and like I’m in my 20s and this bike in the time at the time I was 16 but this bike was like

I swear it was on the verge of breaking because of how old it was like that bike was at least 30 years old by the time I was like riding it and I put my faith in this this thing’s breaks going down this big old Hill and it didn’t slow down it

Wasn’t like the brakes were like dead they just were very weak and I remember slamming into the side of someone else’s bike and flying like 20 feet through the air into some bushes it it was just a big old horrible mess yeah anyways what’s up uh meaner Meer me m f

N o r however you say that I hope I hope I said it right at least once how do you like the flamberg sword from Dark Souls 1 through three I’ve okay I’ve never actually used the flame Burge believe it or not I’ve never actually used it which is a bit

Unfortunate I like in three I used it a little bit I liked it in three I think I think I prefer the zhander in terms of like two-handed two-handed larger swords but that’d be an interesting sword to start using CU I’ve heard about it I’ve used it very modly in Dark Souls

3 I know it’s in other other games I should I should probably start using it and diversifying what I’ve been using methner just going to make sure I said that right the second time Meer okay good so make sure I had that right all right then we’ll uh well then

Meth welcome in welcome in to the chill stream just uh we’re just chilling out doing some Q&A answering some questions telling some stories just uh all in all we’re just relaxing just having a nice relaxing Saturday uh Saturday evening now I’m going to go close my

Door cuz my dog is no longer in here D due diligence there’s absolutely chill it snowed for the first time in the season yesterday where I live so it’s very much so chill ignore him he’s bald okay I’ll take your word for it new flavor in January what flavor is

It cuz I do I do try to I try almost every single new flavor that they have or at least I make the attempt to me it’s uh 5:45 A.M in Russia all right I’m not too it’s like is that 5:45 in the afternoon or the it wouldn’t be afternoon because that would

Be that way unless there’s a chance unless if you’re in a if you’re over by the uh eastern border of Russia it could be it could possibly be 5:45 p.m. I just read the rest of your comment I’m very I’m very stupid I’m sorry 5:45 a.m. in Russia okay it’s it’s early

Morning a lot of my viewers are not from the United States so I I try I try my best to uh to understand some of the uh the time zones in Moscow yeah okay that’s cool that’s really cool well hello hello Moscow everyone there hello from the from the west Western us I

Guess happy to have you here happy to have you here every single stream I get one more person who’s from like a really cool place and like the my viewership diversifies I think it’s awesome actually I I I think that’s my one of my favorite Parts about doing this is uh I

Get to meet and like talk to so many people from all over the world that I would never have uh uh never have gotten the opportunity to talk to like uh on on one of my streams recently I was talking with somebody who uh who’s from um Israel and

That’s a place I never thought I’d actually meet anybody from I mean I’ve talked to like my dad who who did um uh study abroad there but like he’s not from Israel it’s just the closest I’ve been to talking to someone from from that place yeah know it’s always cool to to

Meet new people and and see where they’re from that’s one of the best parts of doing this Love From Russia very nice mka man I I I tried learning Russian a long time ago but I stopped because I’m not like I used to do do linguistic study um to do Impressions and like

Voices better because I wanted to be a voice actor at one point in time um but I stopped because it was just really difficult like Russian Russ Russian’s a very difficult language to learn especially if you are an English speaker it’s not nearly as hard as like

Like Korean is but it’s it’s a pretty difficult difficult language to learn it’s a whole new alphabet a whole new way of pronouncing things whole new whole new setup you got to do if you’re a native English speaker and you try to learn Russian but I still think the

Language is like really cool I think it’s a really really neat little uh little thing I’d love to try to go back and learn some more of it ever heard of English uh no what’s that messed up language that one is yes English is a horrible messed up

Language uh it’s I I guess I think my lucky star is that I’m that I’m a native English speaker because otherwise learning this language would be stupid are you happy to know English because I can speak to so many nice people from other countries like yourself

Yeah yeah I I really appreciate I I kind of wish that was more of an American thing to like learn other languages like other Mass spoken languages I mean it kind of is but it’s not nearly as much of a thing as it is in like Europe

Because I know I know in Europe it’s strongly like regarded as like a commonality like people are a lot of people are bilingual or even trilingual over there and it’s very much so practiced as a as a thing I wish that was more common here in the United

States if I if I spoke any Russian natively I would try to like actually speak to you in it a little bit but I I can appreciate learning my language so you can talk to me I I can do my best to to do the same for you do you like the British

Accent let’s see uh I mean I don’t mind the British accent it’s a bit of a funny accent I think it’s cool I do think it’s cool um one of my exes my one my my first ex-girlfriend she’s Welsh she’s from Wales so I actually dated accent for a time so I’ve

Have a bit more of a personal experience with it yeah bottle of bottle of water a bottle of water what are you stupid it’s Tuesday on tues days we drink bottles of water I can’t do that quite as well as I typically could I’m still recovering from a bit of an illness

But it’s a it’s a goofy little accent wh was like a see anal yeah hilarious uh so the local accent where I live also doesn’t really pronounce te’s it’s a very very very mild accent it’s like it’s more of like a more of like a a dialect than an excellent accent but I

Have it a bit more than other people do here because I I have a strong issue with uh pronouncing T’s and I have a I have a tough time with the alliteration as a result because my T’s kind of turn into D’s and uh the repetitive nature of

Different words just kind of takes its toll on me a little bit wish I had a British accent just to talk like this that’d be that’d be pretty pretty fun just to have a British accent British was one of the first accents I ever like tried to like

Practice and get used to which is funny CU it’s now like my weakest One all right I so I see I’m still being goofed with someone earlier in the Stream placed a uh a jukebox over there they’ve been playing FNAF stuff all day it’s it’s been pretty fun breast not to pronounce uh hard R in every word oh yeah I like that like oh

Shoot oh like that really I’ve heard it before like it’s a really like aggressive R sound in some words with different people yeah I know there’s some people especially from um more uh more Western Russian areas that have a bit of a lighter Russian accent I I talked to a couple of those

Guys and they’ve got like that still like hard hard rough r sound but I heard I’ve heard it much worse in some other in some other people I need to go over here I guess I’m just missing some concrete no better English than oh I’m better English than most of Russians that’s

Good very practice individual I like it no knows English even barely and it makes me sad yeah that makes sense most of the people English speakers I know from Russia or of known from Russia or Ukraine or those other areas the Slavic regions um the ones who speak in the

With the the ceric alphabet um or whose languages are in cilic uh uh most of them are pilots which makes sense because they have to learn English if you want to be a pilot because it’s the universal language of the Skies was that goofy song that’s a song

From uh Five Nights at Freddy’s security breach it’s a fun little goofy song Someone put it on a music disc in the game we’re playing on a modded server so that’s what’s going on there they guy must they put that must be very cool yeah I think that guy must be very

Cool yeah that’s so in America right now at least in the cuz I live in the western part of America so there’s a lot of us Spanish speakers cuz a lot of people come here from Mexico um they try their best to teach Spanish it’s not required but they try

Their best to teach Spanish and a lot of people who do learn it because I I learned Spanish in school they still don’t really speak Spanish so it’s like they they learn it and then they just don’t use it and it just gets lost language is definitely a

Use it or lose it kind of situation if you don’t speak it like actively then you’re you you lose out and you forget and all that like I learned Spanish for over 10 years and I I have forgotten the vast majority of it the vast majority of what I learned

Is just not there anymore watching FNAF movie how did you like the FNAF movie I I personally enjoyed it I thought it was a fun little thing fun fun little fun little rump so you go on needed more cupcake uh I agreed D diligence that cupcake was severely underutilized

It was awesome bro very good very good to hear I’m a I’m an outsider fan to FNAF like I’m just kind of still getting into it like I’m I’m I’m I’m learning uh but it was nice to go and and and see it with some friends

Especially I want to see it with friends who were very well versed in the FNAF and I I’m I’m I’m doing my best to to try to learn and and get used to it you you are too okay that’s good to hear I’m glad I’m not the only one who

Uh who mostly knows about FNAF from uh outside influences other than your own like investigation there was a moment in time where almost everything that I knew about FNAF was against my will also my stream playlist just stopped for some reason didn’t even know what FNAF was I’ve watched

It cuz my GF invited me to the cinema to watch it yeah didn’t know what FNAF was I mean it’s it’s a fun movie regardless and my dog wants to be let back in the room that’s nice I’ll I’ll let her in in a moment against my will just as I like it

Do deal it yeah uh a lot of my friends just very much so were just like like yeah here’s FNAF we we play FNAF fan games or just FNAF games in general like on various parties and stuff and then I would ask questions I would learn based off of

That I’m thinking about going and watching that 9h hour long FNAF video that gives you the the quote Basics or whatever like the essentials I’m going to stand up real fast and uh let my dog in come On no more than that yeah that’s fair I mean I’m GL even with all that like lack of knowledge I’m glad you liked it because it’s a fun little movie FNAF is a psychological horor with a stupid heart I can’t read any of that horror with how much retconning there is in it

Yeah by the way flame Bridge from Dark Souls I just find it to be such a cool weapon very realistic very brutal and like swords should be that’s fair I know the flame Burge was an actual sword back in the day and it’s closely modeled off the real deal same with this

Vander there’s a lot of weapons in the in Dark Souls that are modeled off of real World weapons I guess that’s one thing I appreciate a lot about the Dark Souls is like the basic swords they really follow like a nice realistic approach to things not always but they kind of

Do in some cases like the flame bridge and the Zander it’s like very very close to reality B from using in Wars probably probably I I I’m not versed on any like sword lore so I wouldn’t know but considering how it looks it probably was banned makes

Sense back in the times of night Knighthood and chivalry very romanticized times of old that’s what those are actually in reality they were nothing like that uh that romanticized it wasn’t all sunshine and AES he wasn’t all run around getting kned and stuff it was very

Brutal join stream because of that I had somebody yesterday with the same thing yeah that’s what I was saying earlier it’s like um I I mostly do these streams for people who are already subbed but I’ve been attracting some people who have watched the Dark Souls 2 video and

They just get the stream recommended to them like right there and then which I like it’s like it drives in more people and I like that a lot by the way how did you like that video if you watch the whole thing oh you haven’t watched it yet but

It’s Jo CU you saw streaming I was streaming that’s cool I’m glad I’m glad you stopped by uh once uh once you’re done watching the stream do go ahead and check that video out it’s uh it’s a very pop popular one on the channel it’s a bit older too it’s not

Like it’s not like my recent stuff my my recent stuff it’s kind of more of a more of a case case study into what I used to used to do all right very good I’m not too sure how long much longer I’m going to be streaming for uh in

General uh so if you’re planning on sticking around till the end of stream it might be a while but I’m glad you I’m glad you popped in I’m very very happy to hear that And now my dog once you let out of the room so I let her out of the room cuz she’s silly I’ll keep the door open just to crack so she can get back in if she likes my dog is very much so imprinted on

Me so she uh just kind of like likes being in my vicinity and being in the areas that smell like me so she’ll ask to just come in here and she’ll just sit and hang out and then leave when she wents to get like water or Something still not good at grammatics I’m sorry you’re perfectly okay you have uh for what you’ve like uh talked so far what you’ve spoken and like written so far you seem to have a very very good grasp on on grammar like uh compared to other people I’ve talked to you have excellent

Grammar in fact I think you have better grammar than some native English speakers I’ve spoken To I’m glad it means a lot to you definitely keep practicing it’s a it’s a good skill to learn and I’m glad you’re making these steps to do it goodness gracious I can hear I can already get feel like my voice giving out from talking so much but it’s fine because it’s giving

Out after three hours of streaming and not just one hour of streaming which is very good I think it would be better if I wasn’t still sick that that would be great All right I know I said I know I said that corner be the last corner I do before uh showcasing the server but I think I’ll just finish up this last line I’m doing here and then go do that cuz I’m getting a little tired of looking at

The black concrete for three hours straight sick too by the way yeah um I’m not really I’m like at the end of being sick I had um a nasty cold and it started with like a week worth of migraines just like two weeks ago and I’ve just got

Like the residual like stuff like I’m just got like the the leftover the leftover ick so just a little bit of congestion some coughing here and there just nothing too terrible but yeah than thanks for the wishes I I hope you get better as well it does

Suck I hate being sick it’s it always drags the the energy out of me my dog has come back just I just felt her brush against my Leg you’re welcome you are very welcome all right my dog has decided to take a nap instead and she’s now fully adjusted to being in here and just as long as the door stays a little open she’s going to be just fine walking in and out all right let’s

See I think what I’ll do is I’m going to continue streaming until I finish the next corner so once this corner is done and then the next corner so this last bit and then that over there and then I’ll call it a day cuz I do still want to get to uh editing

The next video and finishing that up I also kind of need to go get food I haven’t eaten yet there yeah all right us is such a great country you Americans have incredible history and achievement form car transport general thank you I appreciate your your respect for for for

That it’s it’s a pretty great place uh it’s got its flaws for sure but I I don’t I don’t mind many of them if it means anything I also really admire Russia I’m not necessarily a fan of some things but for the most part it’s a very

Beautiful country um it’s a very be beautiful it’s got a lot of very rich history as well especially for the time and I think some of my favorite like old like classical music comes out of Russia as well a lot of there’s a lot of great artistic achievements that have occurred in

Russia and I I wish I had remembered or like bothered to learn some of them anyway what we just saw was the farm that was my farm that I built before I built the Tower anyway in here let me turn my sneak pack to hold is the uh this is the

Hole the hole is the hole it’s a very big hole it’s very very nice hole great hole amazing hole stupendous hole and then in here is my actual base this is the Crypt it’s my actual base I built this after my other house burnt down I wasn’t actually going to

Build anything on the server but the farm and then my how my little like Shack burnt down so out of spite I built this to replace it so I have the Crypt here my actual bed is in the Crypt itself uh and there’s like two little spots that go down underneath it that

Hold like my storage and other stuff that’s just down there I’m not going to show that off it’s not really impressive looks very cool thank you but got to do a bit of walking to get the next stuff cuz I’m very far away from everyone else let’s see who’s online few different

People take my I’m so sorry I’m gonna take I’m gonna take away my wrist guard so I’m not like getting a wrist injury not wrist injury but like R over over too much pressure on my wrist thank you I’m a little far away everyone else

Is uh all the way over here so let’s take a little walk and this takes us to the uh nether Hub it’s still a work in progress I wonder if the server admin’s here he is this is the server owner admin he’s been making the this wonderful uh big Hub

Here it’s just I can’t really see it because of the rer distance but it’s a very very cool gigantic Mega structure he’s been working on for quite some time now if only I could find my way over Here is it true that medical treatment costs an incredible amount of money if you don’t have insurance yes even if you do have insurance you can sometimes be screwed over and have to pay out a pretty large dividend uh the bigest um amount of money I’ve ever had to

Pay uh myself was I think like five not five it was like $3,000 after insurance for a a minor surgery on my on my legs anyway this is uh this is FNAF was built by another wonderful individual on our server it’s a pretty much one to one recre creation of the FNAF one

Location it’s a neat little place you got the gang you got Marinette who’s a who’s an Enderman Foxy’s in his little place here the whole place is basically mapped out it’s crazy yeah know it is crazy it’s like one of my least favorite things about being here is just kind of

Kind of how that goes there just a lot of unfortunate circumstances that lead to overpayment and the thing is that’s about my about my three grand like my parents are in the medical field so they get really really good medical insurance and I’m still under it because it’s a

Really good policy if you work medical and even then with that with their like top tier medical uh insurance I still had to pay out that three grand it was it it was kind of wild and that’s because um according to the the insurance company it wasn’t like

A it wasn’t like an essential surgery it was just to fix up some like nervous damage in my in my legs to repair that and then get one of my get my my muscles working properly again you can get rebuilt entirely in Russia yeah I know that’s the main thing

In in the US sometimes it’s a it’s a it’s so expensive that you’re just you’re better off um just going to another country hello sir gumus I’m going to show off your stuff this is Gus’s land it’s a very very pretty Japanese inspired construction and he’s speaking Japanese

I don’t know any kji so I don’t know what he’s saying but it’s really cool it’s a very very pretty area I don’t have shaders shaders on right now but if I did it would look very very pretty I’m not about to test fate in stream with shaders

On he’s got this little village over here this Pavilion it’s very nice I’m sure he’s saying only only the best stuff about what I’m doing here um but he’s also worked on uh FNAF 4 this is the FNAF 4 house and the sister location is underneath it it’s a cool little place

It’s pretty much built one to one from the from the game or as much as what we know from the game the game takes place mostly in this room right here right here in this little block area go and check the doors see things here and there it’s just a nice Wonder on

Recreation of That like the Japanese architecture I liked it too he’s been working real hard on it and I really appreciate It CU it looks real good looks real nice real Pretty yeah I if I need if I I swear if I need any other medical medical stuff I’ll come to Russia for it can’t promise I’ll actually do that it probably won’t but because it still costs a pretty pretty penny to leave uh to leave the

Country but they have the money I I’ll see what I can do what does this say again oh yeah trying to think of any like really cool builds that can show off on the server there not there’s like there’s a bunch there’s not also not like a whole whole big amount a whole

Ton I guess if I see it there it is there’s a person out there in the server who’s building a big old castle I can go and check out his castle he’s not been online for a very long time he’s not online right now so I’ll just head over there real

Quick and and show that off then head back to my my blocks my black concrete my eternal Knight I’d fly there but uh his portal is covered so I’d rather not have to thread the Needle All right now for the fun part uh getting out of here Um for some reason his base doesn’t actually have a portable but does almost have a port portal see if I can pull this off yeah his castle town is right over here this a very neat place there’s not much detail on the insides there’s one room that does that details I guess I’ll

Go show that but it’s a very very large Castle area he’s been building and I kind of hope he gets back on someday and then finishes it up because it it it looks nice on the inside like it looks real cool I hope he hope he comes back and finishes it

Up we should could visit us someday I for example wait sorry the heart’s blocking it looks gorgeous in my opinion yeah if you if you if you get the opportunity definitely come and visit there’s a lot of cool places to go and see a lot of

People who come from out of the United States mostly go to the big cities but if I could uh if I could recommend anywhere specifically to to to go and visit out here um it would be like like the like the Wilderness like the forests like the Cascade Mountains the Rockies

The Appalachians those are all great Mountain Rangers there’s some amazing stuff to see out in Yellowstone and the glaciers there’s it’s it’s just a really nice nice place just nice looking place and even then the cities aren’t too bad either if you’re just going to go see the cities they’re an interesting like

Little bit of a American industrialism kind of showcases the uh engineering prowess that the US has had you remember it all right I hope you do it’s a very strong strong recommendation to mine nope can’t trigger back have to trigger home again and then walk

Back city in the US is Las Vegas well we were talking about Vegas earlier and how I witnessed a a car robbery when I was there follow New Vegas that’s a great you know that’s a great reason to to to like Vegas as like is a video game oh

Actually I can see what the night time looks like right now yeah other than the lights that are already down here it’s like dark this is exactly what I was going for when this uh starts to reach out further over there it’s going to look even better when you uh when when we

Stop seeing the actual uh daylight off that direction it’s just fluorescent that’s going to be so cool you know Las Vegas is a pretty interesting place they got a lot of uh it’s not like it’s like it’s got its issues it’s not without those but uh it’s got a lot of really interesting

Things to do and it’s got some very cool architecture like they just built the sphere as well like the like the little like the the Vegas sphere whatever they want to call it I think that’s a very very cool piece of tech that they bu built obvious casinos the movie doesn’t

Have the vibe it all has it’s crazy not sure if I really because I can’t read the whole thing the Mojave Desert the vibe it all has its crazy yeah it’s kind of it’s a really interesting place because you got like everything that makes up Vegas and then

It just spont it just spontaneously just ends cuz it’s like you got big old city of Vegas you got all this like all these casinos all this life and all this like breath and and people and then you exit the city and is is just sand sand and

Rocks I forgot that my sneak was set to to hold instead of Toggle feed China using these crops yep I began on This Server as a humble potato farmer and then eventually I was just like yeah no I just want to build the biggest farm ever and I just kept going until I had like an amount that I felt was

Reasonable but a lot of my time on the server was making that farm and once it was done I started working on this Tower and and now I’m working on the Eternal Night which is going to take a very long time it’ll be a I’m working I’m going to

Work on this mostly off stream but I I don’t anticipate ever really finishing in the way I truly want to simply because of how much concrete it requires and how much time I’m have to devel devote to doing it so many of it are them don’t I to say

It properly uh you’re pretty close um if you’re talking about uh China as a country or as a collective Nation you can say it so instead of uh many you can say the word much so so much of it um and if you want to

Say China as in like all of the Chinese that would be them so referring to them as a as a group uh then you would say many oh crops sorry In terms of the crops I I’m pretty sure you said it right said it right welcome for as a for as inefficient as I am uh with my English it’s um really funny that I used to be an English major in college when I was first going to

School my my whole major was just lit literary English so reading reading and writing English and that’s because uh my first job that I wanted to do out of college was uh video game journalism and then I kind of realized that uh I didn’t need that degree to do

That and I needed another degree that was not offered by my school so I then went into uh Earth sciences and I didn’t like that either so I I went into video editing and media media design and production and then I didn’t like the way it was being taught but I liked the

Subject so I started doing this as a hobby on the side and that all led to this but it all started as an English degree I swear this time I’ll actually get I’ll find it or not again oh well that’s been happen like Bunch interesting story

Yeah my my first initial four Rays into uh into this world where English and writing and doing all that stuff and I would still love to do it there’s just a lot of stuff that entails and a huge time syn in the world of education for

It and it just doesn’t lead to a route that I would otherwise desire to go I’d still like to do game journalism just I don’t know if I want to just go and seek another degree from a different college for it cuz I haven’t gone to school in a in

A little while it’s been been some time oh I did catch it I’m just dumb oh yeah all right and I’m thinking about all the stuff I’m doing and got to do in a minute here I was going to go and finish that corner but that corner is

Going to be like an extra like half hour to an hour just for the corner alone not an hour like half hour for that corner alone so knowing that and then also just all all like the other things I need to get to like eating food for dinner I I’m

Gonna call stream once this uh once this corner is done which we don’t have that much more to go but we have like 20 10 minutes left of it depends on how fast I can get it Done but until then uh I’m happy you’re all here if you have any other questions for me let me know and I’ll just take a gander it chat and we’ll engage in a bit of a final Baner before the time comes come on buddy come on buddy 86 of 100 that’s not a terrible score actually I’m not too sure what the scoring is like in Russia it’s very very different between Russia and United States um how scoring works but 86 here it’s not it’s about like average I would say is an 86 here about know what that entails for

You missing 14% for grammatics yeah that’s that’s fair grammar is difficult I think if anything is the most difficult part about learning a new language it’s always grammar like the thing for me in um Spanish was always like learning um the correct usage of like pronouns um and like when in like

Reference to like you they me like I you they we uh them that kind of thing and in in Spanish is just there’s a lot of words for it and then it affects how you say other words and how sentences work as a whole and what’s proper and what’s

Improper and I could never get that most of my problems with Spanish ra grammar so I totally get you perfect book grammatics yeah I mean it’s something to work on that’s for sure and from what I’ve read so far you’re doing pretty good at them and in a casual conversation sense

You’re very very good at doing Grammar most students get 60s yeah I can imagine the way you talk about how everyone’s not like really doesn’t like learn English or like know English although it’s it’s difficult learning other languages is is very hard you’re welcome oh Boy all right one more How much we placed today let’s see placed 23,000 pieces of black concrete today I think that’s a win and that just leaves that corner and I’ll do that off stream at another time all right well thank you all for coming in I really appreciate talking to you all it

Was a really good stream it’s it’s a good Benchmark to hit at a longer time an hour over my an hour and a half over my usual very much so enjoyed getting more and more used to to streaming here and this is a really great way of doing

It so thank you all for tuning in I really appreciate you I’ll be working on this next video on subnotica uh or at least not we I’ll continue working on it because I’ve been working on it and then once that’s out I I hope you

All like it cuz I’m I’m liking how how it’s coming so far I’m about halfway done with it at the moment and I anticipate it’ll be about another week or two or a week and a half or so until it is until it’s fully done

But when it comes out I I I hope you all watch and Enjoy anyway let me swap that back out send us all back to the spinning WRA yeah thank you all for coming go to sleep right now so good night was a pleasure to meet you and spend time with you yeah I’m thankful for it see you thank you for stopping in I really

Appreciate talking to you as all you were very fun to talk to you Meer I hope you have a really good night and I hope you have a good day tomorrow and I hope to catch you some other I hope to catch you some some other catch you some other time

Soon anyways I’ll get to working on the subnotica video as for now thank you all for watching coming in and hanging out with me I really appreciate it I like answering the questions and and getting to meet new people anyways have a good rest of your day evening week

Weekend rest of your month have a merry Christmas for those who celebrate and in case I don’t see you have a happy wonderful new year thank you and byebye

This video, titled ‘MInecraft Q&A Stream (Come and hang out!)’, was uploaded by Parker The Rat on 2023-12-03 03:45:30. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:44 or 13184 seconds.

Just a bit of banter

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    Minecraft: Command Block Tutorial How to Get Command Block in Minecraft In Minecraft, the command block is a powerful tool that allows players to execute commands in the game. While obtaining a command block may seem daunting, it is actually quite simple with the right steps. Here’s a guide on how to get a command block in Minecraft: Enabling Cheats To get a command block in Minecraft, you first need to have cheats or commands enabled in your world. If you are playing in Creative mode, cheats are likely already enabled. However, if you are in Survival mode, you will need to enable… Read More

  • Bamboo Farm Shenanigans

    Bamboo Farm Shenanigans Minecraft Episode 39: Building Bamboo Farm Panda Survival Series Minecraft, a world of endless possibilities, where blocks, creatures, and community come together to create a unique gaming experience. In this episode, @swordartgamer1063 takes on the challenge of building a bamboo farm in the Panda Survival Series. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft! Building a Bamboo Farm One of the key elements in Minecraft is resource gathering. Bamboo is a versatile material that can be used for various purposes, from crafting tools to feeding pandas. By building a bamboo farm, players can ensure a steady supply of this… Read More

  • Mr. Disappointment’s Epic Fortnite Fail

    Mr. Disappointment's Epic Fortnite Fail The Fascinating World of Minecraft Embark on a journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. From building towering structures to surviving against menacing creatures, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players to explore and create. Exploring Vast Worlds In Minecraft, players find themselves in procedurally generated worlds filled with diverse biomes, from lush forests to expansive deserts. They can mine resources, craft tools, and build anything their imagination desires. The only limit is their creativity. Building Marvelous Creations Using various blocks, players can construct intricate buildings, elaborate redstone contraptions, and… Read More

  • Town Center Construction Chaos

    Town Center Construction Chaos Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play: Town Center Construction Begins Welcome to a daily Minecraft adventure with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG (PowerChordGames) on YouTube. In this vanilla survival let’s play series, Solomon embarks on a journey to build, explore, and collect all 145 trophies available for the game on PS4/PS5. The twist? Natural regeneration is turned off, adding an extra layer of challenge to the gameplay. A Relaxing Escape Unlike many high-energy gaming channels, Solomon’s approach is refreshingly calm and laid-back. Each episode offers a chance for viewers to unwind, chat, and enjoy some relaxing gameplay. The… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore: Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island Embark on an epic journey in Minecraft Hardcore as Orhan attempts to survive 100 days on a deserted VOLCANO island. Will he conquer the challenges that lie ahead? Let’s dive into the thrilling adventure! Exploring the Volcano Island Orhan finds himself stranded on a volcanic island, surrounded by molten lava and treacherous terrain. As he navigates the rugged landscape, he must gather resources, build shelter, and fend off hostile mobs to survive. Challenges and Obstacles Surviving on a volcano island presents unique challenges. Orhan must brave the scorching heat,… Read More

  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

    Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Redeeming your gift card is how you’ll arrive. To start the process, follow these steps with care, And soon you’ll be building, exploring everywhere. First, scratch off the code, it’s your key to the game, Then head to the website, where you’ll enter your claim. Input the digits, make sure they’re all right, And soon you’ll be playing, day and night. If you encounter issues, don’t fret or despair, There are tips and tricks to help you repair. Check your connection, your account, and more, Soon you’ll be back in the… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus! In the world of gaming, where updates fly fast, We bring you the news, with rhymes that will last. From Call of Duty to Minecraft’s new show, We’ve got the scoop, so come on, let’s go! Ubisoft and Activision, a merger so grand, Bringing Mario and Shepard to the land. Kendrick Lamar in Multiverses, a sight to behold, With Doom DLC and Fortnite stories untold. Helldivers 2, with controversy in the air, PC players and macros, causing quite a scare. Sony’s Astro Boy game, a treat for the fans, And Netflix’s Minecraft series, with creeper plans. EA Games in… Read More

  • "Get RICH in Skyblock on OPLegends"

    <p>"Get <em>RICH</em> in Skyblock on OPLegends"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4’, was uploaded by Riverrain123 on 2024-07-04 19:49:25. It has garnered 527 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4 💙 SUBSCRIBE: 💀 Discord! ✨TikTok! 👻 Twitter! 🚀 Embark on an Unforgettable Skyblock Adventure with Riverrain123! 🌌 🚀 SERVER IP: (JAVA & BEDROCK) IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Release info: Get ready to soar through the skies of Minecraft with this Top 5… Read More

  • John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!

    John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!Video Information This video, titled ‘John Paul Jones is a Pirate – The Longest Johns (Sea Shanty) [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-29 20:00:22. It has garnered 57 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:20 or 140 seconds. Lyrics: minecraft steve is a griefer (craft pick, dig!) some TNT does he possess (craft pick, dig!) Keep it up we’ll catch the griefer (craft pick, dig!) And ban him along with the rest (craft pick, dig!) Oh! Born the son of Notch, he was (craft pick, dig!) Born the son of Notch (craft… Read More

  • SaintMC

    SaintMCEmbark on an awesome adventure by playing the #1 Community-Based Minecraft Network. SaintMC , so you’ll experience a brand-new community-based server like no other. We also offer Bedrock Support, which you can use with 25597. You will love the experience here! – Weekly Updates – – CUSTOM Battle Pass – – UNIQUE Skills System – – Minions &amp; Wands – – MUCH MUCH MORE! BEDROCK PORT: 25597 Hope to see you online! We giveaway tons of free goods. Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide the true vanilla Minecraft experience. Our community is friendly and welcoming, always looking for new members to join our dedicated group of players. The server last reset 2 months ago and has no plans for another reset, allowing players to work on builds and projects without worry. ━━━━━━━━━ ▶ Join our Discord ▶ Follow us on Instagram ━━━━━━━━━ Vanilla experience: We prioritize maintaining a semi-vanilla environment, running on fabric with minimal quality-of-life datapacks to preserve the vanilla mechanics. Community: Our… Read More

  • MythoMc Network

    MythoMc NetworkWELCOME!Discover the exciting community of MythoMC Network, a Minecraft Java server (1.16.5 to 1.21) that is also accessible from Bedrock (Port 25567)➣ Enjoy the Survival 1.20.4 modes➣ Wide variety of plugins that improve the gaming experience.Don’t wait any longer and join your friends to live unforgettable adventures on this unique server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The ultimate battle grind

    When you’re busy fighting off creepers and skeletons in Minecraft but also trying to protect your personal information like your score of 273, priorities can get a little mixed up. Read More

  • Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet Showdown

    Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘CARRI CARARI MARE NAAM KARDOM @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-05 15:54:54. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. gamer fleet Jack bhaiya minecraft fleet smp #minecraft Read More

  • Chad’s Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze

    Chad's Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze In Better Minecraft, Chad’s on a quest, 1,000 days of building, he’s truly the best. With tall soul lanterns and spruce logs in hand, He’s crafting and building, his skills in demand. Chad’s looking for friends to join in the fun, Subscribe to his channel, a journey begun. With Better Minecraft mods and Sildur’s shaders bright, Chad’s world is a wonder, a true gaming delight. Follow him on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and snapshots, his journey well-spent. #1000daysinminecraft, a challenge so grand, Chad’s creativity, we can’t help but stand. Read More

  • “MrBeast’s Hot Portal Survival Challenge” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "MrBeast's Hot Portal Survival Challenge" 🔥 #minecraft #meme When you choose “Help MrBeast portal” in Minecraft, you better hope he doesn’t show up and challenge you to give away all your diamonds for charity! #MrBeast #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

    Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Kak Ros (Upin & Ipin) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Kak Ros from the beloved Upin & Ipin series! Join the fun and explore the magical world of Minecraft with these exciting portals. Donation Opportunities Support the creators and their endeavors by donating through Saweria. Every contribution helps in bringing more amazing content to life! Community Engagement Connect with like-minded gamers and fans on Discord. Share tips, tricks, and experiences while immersing yourself in the Minecraft universe. Customize Your Experience Personalize your Minecraft gameplay with the UzeMing skin. Stand out in the virtual world… Read More

  • Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired

    Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. Players are immersed in a blocky world where they can build, explore, and survive in a variety of different environments. Let’s delve into some of the key features that make Minecraft such a beloved game. Endless Possibilities with Building One of the standout features of Minecraft is its building mechanics. Players have the freedom to construct anything their imagination can conjure up, from simple houses to intricate castles. The game’s block-based… Read More

  • Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiant

    Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiantVideo Information This video, titled ‘[XDEFIANT] Ini gimana cara mainnya? #xdefiant’, was uploaded by Kyo Lectio Ch. on 2024-06-07 04:39:03. It has garnered 76 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:31 or 8191 seconds. #minecraft It’s time to do 2 weeks of minecraft then forget it for 6 months. ⭐ Support me ⭐ 『 Trakteer 』 『 Saweria Mediashare 』 Discord :3 ————————————- ◊『 Rules 』◊ ENG • NO BACKSEATING, unless requested. • No spamming or harmful words please! • No hateful content, and no racism! • No sensitive topics please! • Please be mindful and respectful…. Read More

  • Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!

    Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CATNAP SISTER Breaks Up with DOGDAY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Block Buddies Movies on 2024-04-10 17:00:09. It has garnered 14689 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:00 or 12660 seconds. CATNAP SISTER Breaks Up with DOGDAY in Minecraft! Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Aphmau and Crazy Crafters! This is the best Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun. #blockbuddies ⁠#minecraft Read More

  • We Escaped Water Barry’s Prison Run in Roblox😱

    We Escaped Water Barry's Prison Run in Roblox😱Video Information This video, titled ‘WE ESCAPED WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN IN ROBLOX (OBBY) 😱’, was uploaded by Ayush More on 2024-05-11 07:56:33. It has garnered 388127 views and 6374 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:01 or 1021 seconds. ROBLOX WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie Roblox Game Video Ayush More Roblox Techno Gamerz Proboiz 95 Frosty Loggy Shivang Mini Brookhaven 🔲 My ROBLOX Profile: ____________________________ 🎯 Subscribe to my other YT Channels: HORROR GAMEPLAY: @AyushMore2 ➤ REACTION Channel:… Read More

  • Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!

    Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!Video Information This video, titled ‘“Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilization!”’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Akshay on 2024-03-21 03:15:09. It has garnered 180 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:36 or 216 seconds. “Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilizatio Minecraft Village Exploration Adventure Gaming Community Build Survival Let’s Play Hidden Gems Secrets Mysteries Discoveries Enchanting Breathtaking Intricate Unique Captivating Stunning Visuals Fun Relaxing Minecraft Hardcore Challenge PojavLauncher Adventure Survival Gaming Series Hardcore Minecraft Gameplay Uncharted Minecraft Quest PojavLauncher Survival Guide Extreme Survival Minecraft Hardcore Journey… Read More

  • “INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥” #gaming #viral

    "INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥" #gaming #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘bro started headshoting creepers 💀 #music #musica #remix #memes #funny #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by xardsp on 2024-04-09 22:00:37. It has garnered 33 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!

    The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOS 12 MEJORES ADDONS [MODS] Para Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.21’, was uploaded by JaarXD on 2024-06-17 21:07:44. It has garnered 70712 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:25 or 1345 seconds. What’s up, people? 😁 In this video I bring you a TOP OF SURVIVAL MODS/ADDONS for your Minecraft worlds. I hope you support this video. Take care of yourself and see you in the next video ❤️ ➥ Versions 1.21 ➥ 1000 LIKES FOR MORE! ➥ Download and installation tutorial ► ➥ Social networks + Contact ► Contact – [email protected] ►… Read More

  • Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft Streamer

    Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft StreamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noo i fell… #twitch #minecraft #mcstreamer #streamer #twitchstreamer #youtubeshorts #clips #gaming’, was uploaded by Spooky Yuki on 2024-02-09 09:00:06. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. FOLLOW MY SOCIALS!: 🌸 TWITCH: TICKETS: Read More

  • Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀

    Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀Video Information This video, titled ‘Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic ‎@GamerFleet  reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by NoteMiner on 2024-06-17 06:00:21. It has garnered 16967 views and 751 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic @GamerFleet reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts Hello Everyone 👋… Welcome🥳 to my channel ▶️. If you liked this video then make sure to hit the like 👍 button 😁… And to watch more such contents, do subscribe to my YouTube channel ❤♾️. 📢Credits:- @GamerFleet (Anshu Bisht)❤ I DON’T OWN THE MUSIC🎶 AND… Read More

  • Insane Singh 2.0 – Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shorts

    Insane Singh 2.0 - Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Crazy singh 2.0 on 2024-02-14 11:19:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house When a Minecraft spider gets into your house. And he’s also named Dave. Read More

  • Medieval Realms

    Medieval RealmsLooking for staff and Playerbase! Hoping to grow a server of people looking to enjoy the new minecraft updates! If interested in a staff position, please be above age of 18, and add DemonDeathAngel on Discord! Read More

  • Terrashift SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.2 Community Whitelist UHCs Bluemap

    Server: Who are we? Terrashift is a whitelisted vanilla SMP 1.20.2 server focused on collaboration and building a community. If you enjoy a server similar to Hermitcraft with a strong community focus, feel free to apply using the form at the end of this post. Details: Whether you love building massive redstone contraptions or just want to relax in a cozy hut, we have something for everyone. Server rules are simple: no griefing, stealing, pvp without consent, rudeness, or unfair advantages. We have around 30 active members and value input from all members on server decisions. Currently running various… Read More

  • CrossFireMC – Comp Factions 1.8.9

    CrossFireMC - Comp Factions 1.8.9IP: [​] RELEASE DATE: [​Thursday July 4 @ 3pm EST]1.8.9 Version▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬PAYOUTS:🥇 $200 to “charity” or 10,000 Gold🥈 $50 to “charity” or 5,000 Gold🥉 2500 Gold▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[​CrossFireMC] – [​Murder Map 1]MAP LENGTH: [​3 Day Grace/4 Day TNT]FACTION SIZE/ROSTER SIZE: [​5/10]SHIELD LENGTH: [​20 hours]BUFFER SIZE: [​15c]CANNON SPEED: [​3s]ECO: [​RaidOutpost/DarkZone/Fishing/SugarCane]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Anarchy – Minecraft Realm- Do /server anarchy- no rules, cheats are allowed on this realm. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – First tool to craft in Minecraft?

    “I always craft a shovel first because I like to dig myself into a hole right off the bat.” Read More

  • Insane RomanG6 PvP Montage

    Insane RomanG6 PvP MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minewind and Sharpness’, was uploaded by RomanG6 on 2024-07-04 23:18:08. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:43:52 or 17032 seconds. BAHHH Read More

  • Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On!

    Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On! In Minecraft, a bathtub so fine, Craft it with care, make it shine. Use quartz for the tub, smooth and white, Add water and soap, a relaxing sight. Place some towels, fluffy and soft, A rubber ducky, floating aloft. Make it realistic, make it fun, In Minecraft, the crafting’s never done. So dive right in, with creativity, In the world of blocks, there’s endless possibility. Create, explore, and build with glee, In Minecraft, the adventure is key. Read More

  • Villagers Get Trolled: Moye Moye Edition! #minecraft 🔥😂

    Villagers Get Trolled: Moye Moye Edition! #minecraft 🔥😂 When you accidentally hit a villager in Minecraft and they all start chasing you with pitchforks, it’s definitely a “moye moye moment” for sure! #minecraftproblems #runforyourlife Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour!

    Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour! The Ultimate Safehouse Tour in Minecraft Pocket Edition Prepare to be amazed as we take a virtual tour of the ultimate safehouse in Minecraft Pocket Edition/Bedrock Edition! This survival base is equipped with everything you need to stay safe and sound in the world of Minecraft. From a working elevator to a secret underground base and even an escape vehicle, this safehouse has it all! Exploring the Features Let’s dive into the incredible features of this safehouse. The working elevator adds a touch of realism to your Minecraft experience, allowing you to move between different levels with ease. The… Read More

  • Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft

    Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft The Mystery of the Nether Fortress in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey through the vast world of Minecraft as our protagonist stumbles upon a mysterious Nether Fortress. Join in on the adventure as we uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic structure. Exploring the Unknown As our brave explorer delves deeper into the Nether, they come across the imposing Nether Fortress. Towering spires and dark corridors beckon, promising untold treasures and dangers. Armed with only their wits and a trusty pickaxe, our hero ventures forth. Unraveling the Secrets Within the fortress, our adventurer encounters a labyrinth of twisting… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST See

    INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST SeeVideo Information This video, titled ‘[마인크래프트] 일단 알아두면 좋은 모드들’, was uploaded by 마소의 마크일기 on 2024-06-01 03:00:15. It has garnered 469657 views and 14320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. ✅Mods used in the video [CMDcam] [CreativeCore] [JEI] [JER] [Rubidium] [Oculus] [Jade] ✅Timestamp 0:00 Read More