Mega Volcano Base Tour: Epic Hardcore Minecraft!

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All right we are live right now and you know what that means that means that we are live right now so we’re going to share the link and let me just paste into the Discord server at notifications live now uh more me Mease building I’m just going to spell it wrong see if

See how that works out what’s up Billy what’s up firework what’s up ZZ zzy ZZ ZZ yes for Z what’s up Skywalker how’s it going let’s go ahead and launch Minecraft what’s up anime what’s up Zach I’m banned from YouTube comments for talking about roller coaster fails that killed people

Um are you you talking about that what what videos are you talking about that On congrats Challenger can I collab with you other YouTubers don’t believe me don’t believe you don’t believe you about what um but probably no but what are what are other you YouTubers is not believing you about it was a video about what kills more people a year about you being a

YouTuber a lot of YouTubers me included kind of want uh to collab with established YouTubers and if you’re not an established YouTuber I will probably not collab with you unless unless you have like extraordinary videos um but I I don’t know they don’t believe that he’s the most subed

YouTuber I don’t know I mean I mean I I don’t think I think most people wouldn’t believe that if he started telling people that he was that he’s the most sub to YouTuber I think I think most people uh would not believe that and I think it would be pretty valid to not

Believe that okay we need so so yesterday we left off and uh after doing some coal mining or after PL uh building or placing a bunch of campfires for the Aesthetics So today we’re going to place a bunch more campfires what resource packs do you use

If you do exclamation point pack in chat it should uh give you a list I’m unsubscribed from you okay have fun W Riz Ohio RZ oh my goodness um okay Billy oh yeah have they added the armadillo yet no they they haven’t they haven’t coded it the armadillo also like just won the

Mob boat like a week ago that would be really really fast for them to add in the game wait what do I need more of oh it’s logs oh it’s not I why did I make sticks oh no why did I make planks actually it’s logs that I need lots

Of Bro think 1.21 is out yeah exactly and by the way I will be famous in the future all right I I’m not I’m not saying you won’t but I’m I’m not going to collab with with I’m probably I don’t actually know how many subscribers you currently have or anything like that

But I oh wait I can just craft sticks using my planks I probably won’t collab with you due to you probably not being established so also why is why everyone saying AutoCraft sers are here they aren’t they’re in the snapshots they are they are here I have four Subs collab with me

Now yeah you’re going to be a famous YouTuber in the future right I should I should collab with you once you’re a famous YouTuber let me know and maybe maybe I will collab with you ha I have more than you do you now oh you meant you have more than

Sheru sheruz was trolling I thought you were talking about me and I was like I can check that pretty easily um but you you were not talking about me um what happened to my okay I have barely any potions of fire resistance left we’re going to want to go get some

More in a second in in just a moment I should go get more fire resistance potions I’m going to put away this pickaxe I have 12 Subs let’s go hello back already I am back yes what do you mean already I told you I was going to be back Tonight thanks uh my roommate is currently laying on the floor I thought he said that he’s going to lay down on his bed but I misheard him he said I’m going to lay down on the floor and now he is he true to his word he is in fact laying down on the

Floor what an honest guy all right let’s go get more fire resistance potions oh that’s the thing that I got a bunch of We what’s up Lua gamer how’s it going welcome to the stream why is Shaquille O’Neal laying on your floor I don’t know but I almost just popped a totem because I was trying to read chat and not watching where I was flying um yeah I don’t

Know sha is just laying on the floor cuz he wants to he can do he can do that if he wants we oh man I’m laggy nice one dash reminds me of your archery skills what reminds you of my archery skills me oh I like I vaguely I I vaguely remember

Like shooting a 100 arrows and missing every time or something I’m assuming that’s what you’re Referencing I meant unsub you can unsub for me that’s that’s honestly fine if you’re going to if you’re going to try and blackmail me oh these these are 3 minutes if you want to Blackmail me into try like if you’re going to attempt to Blackmail me into collabing with you

That makes me even more confident in my decision to not collab with you so that’s that’s not you know I’m okay with that I’m cool with that bless me how are you doing today I’m doing pretty well formula OD Dash I’m on my way to Berkeley good

For you how’s the build going uh it’s going pretty well where you have 102k if one unsub you’ll still be 102 dude if I lose a single subscriber I will cry please please don’t unsubscribe from me I I can’t I can’t live with 100 I I

Don’t know I have 102,000 like like I’m just going to make up a number cuz I don’t know 10 2,119 subscribers if I go down to 100 10 12,118 subscribers I will cry and piss my pants and poop my pants please don’t do it I’m that kid from a couple weeks

Ago that kept telling you to fly up and look at the volcano well you’re in luck because we’re about to fly up and look at the volcano so um we are currently working work on adding some detail to this side I don’t even know your Gmail why would you need to know my

Gmail so we’re adding lava that flows down the mountain right now cuz this looks terrible we’re making it kind of snake down the mountain rebuild your hardcore world out of candy IRL nice when you live stream you make my day thank you oh I forgot that there’s a sign up here with feeble

Chalk’s name on it cool thank you wow it looks like a formation of molten rock that is the goal my Gmail is my like business email is is listed but just so you know you did just ask me to collab here and I said no so just just a little just

A little uh suggestion you emailing me is not going to make me want to collab with you anymore than I already do which is currently I do not want to at all so you emailing me isn’t really going to help that’s that’s my suggestion don’t email me is my

Suggestion I don’t need to get I don’t need to start getting emails from from people looking to collab with me um or well I mean I I’m fine with getting emails but Discord or YouTube works fine to for collabs my email is mainly for my email is for uh is for like brand

Deals and such can I get a collab you know what sure you can get a collab I’m not giving one to Shadow God though I’ll collab with you Ryan just for you I can’t get happy cuz Shaq guys I lost in PvP and I lost lots of good stuff

Dang sh to just make better content and get more subs and he’ll collab with you maybe one day yeah exactly can I get a collab also since I’m helpful and nice um no would you rather be sponsored by Red Bull or Gatorade Gatorade because Gatorade my favorite

Energy drink is a Gatorade one it tastes so good what’s up Samuel how’s it going um he’s also Mr BEAST’s son who Gabriel is Gatorade is nasty dude I like Gatorade well I like the Gatorade Energy drinks not like not like Gatorade the sports drinks particularly however the Gatorade Energy

Drinks are fire so you know what I I would be so down if they wanted to sponsor me I would I would totally do that cuz I do think the Gatorade Energy Drinks taste wonderful what if I make this one rise higher than the rest how will that look nasty

Gatorade and whatever you like okay can I got get a a collapse since I win more SkyWars games on cubecraft than you all right guys everyone but Shadow God can have a collab okay how does that sound are you guys happy now Shadow God probably isn’t but everyone except for

Shadow God can get a collab with me that’s that’s fine how rude all right guys I hope you are all available um when I say so or else no collab for you um the collab that you guys are going to do is uh you guys can can uh

Perhaps make an appearance in my next hardcore video uh by being in chat so hear me out what’s up everything Brothers do a poll should should Shadow God collab with you Shadow God should definitely collab with me if they have the option should I collab with Shadow

God is a more is a more appropriate question in my opinion um like no shade to small to small YouTubers but I’m a lot less inclined to collab with a small YouTuber than a large YouTuber there’s a lot more for me to gain from collabing with a large

YouTuber than from collabing with a small YouTuber you’re collaborating with him right now yeah exactly not going to lie I don’t need another collab I’ve already been featured in a viid no you haven’t sheru yeah they have Shero has definitely had had messages in videos um okay this is looking pretty

Good this area looks like it could use a little something look at that wait that looks so good that looks so much better already I kind of think that I kind of think maybe like right here one little tall smoke would be good like that I think a few higher up on the

Mountain are also a good idea as well add dead bushes everywhere that is not a bad idea yeah that’s not a bad idea they might might just burn though can I ask you a question sure just make sure it’s like appropriate and stuff you know I’ve gave many good

Suggestions that deserve to be put in videos H I don’t know about that you could do Mangrove Roots instead they look like tumble weeds Mangrove Roots aren isn’t that like a block can I even um aren’t Mangrove Roots like a block though oh I forgot I was like I’m

Going to have to go Harvest these but they’re like everywhere oh my goodness they are I don’t want like a block I feel like that probably wouldn’t work Mangrove Roots is a great idea I feel like I I I could be wrong but I just don’t I feel like that

Wouldn’t look good but like like I said I could in fact be wrong there’s so many right there yeah I just need a Shear I think you need shears at least to to mine them try it you could be very happy with it but then I have to go find like a

Mangrove biome and get Mangrove Roots H that’s so much work though maybe maybe I’ll try it I’ll think about it I wish the volcano was in a jungle jungle volcano would make more sense really are are volcanoes commonly in jungles I don’t really know where jungle where volcanoes are usually

Located like I there there are volcanoes in in freaking Antarctica so I feel like volcanoes can kind of be wherever they want you know I mean they might be more common in jungles but uh I’m on stop asking the same question every two seconds please um I

Would probably not play it as much and I would probably play it not as intensively ooh wait I have an idea actually do you guys think do you guys think that these spikes around the ba around the build could be good will that drop two does that drop multiple yeah it does

Could big spikes coming up in certain places be goodlooking could look all right we’ll we’ll see how it goes I feel like I feel like it could look really cool we’ll see I have a farm at home too and like I have a farm for these so I have like many stacks of

Dripstone and I it would be a very it would be very nice to get to use some of it since I have so much dripstone it would be pretty sick to be able to use it for something Wow that was beautiful okay let’s come over near the lava do dead bushes burn I’m going to assume they do but what’s up Hayden also can I place these on these blocks I didn’t think I would be able to yeah I can’t place them here so that is a dud

Idea um unless there’s some other block that I could place them on that would blend in um maybe like black terracotta I could place them on try ah you’re fine fine hold on I want to see how the spikes look though they might be too weird of a color

They could they could look cool though you could do spikes with walls instead yeah true I’m just trying to see how a bunch of them look oh that’s kind of cool actually I’m not sure that is kind of cool what do you guys think add smoke around them add that atmosphere yeah

That would be that would make it look cool that’s actually not bad I think I think I will uh I’ll consider it while we’re out I’ll probably grab a bunch make the spikes with Cobble on top for like dead trees I don’t know what that means need this

Disappointedly I don’t know how to I’m not I’m not a good actor man um okay well all right so we’re going to go we’re going to pause the recording all right guys you have an important job you need to remind me to unpause the recording in a minute once I

Get there oh wait hold on this is brown is there do I have any black terra cotta anywhere you need to remind me to get after I get Mangrove stuff and come back to unpause the recording no not right now you goon not right now once I once I get

Back can I have mods soon no you’ve been here for like I don’t know what 10 streams no I don’t need mods anyway so say every 10 hours you had to bathe the chicken every day per what guys don’t tell him oh my gosh I haven’t gotten back in the area yet stop

It okay let’s see can I place them on this no oh oh oh I don’t want to can I place them on this probably not no can someone like do me a favor and look up what blocks I can place them on because I need to find that out that seems very

Important I need to figure out what blocks I can place them on dash why you have foreign bed texture what do you mean foreign bed texture you should go find a cat get a shovel bro I have one I just don’t have it on me for inventory management

Purposes I’m pretty sure I actually crafted loads of of these up but we’re going to not we don’t I don’t know how many we need Place dead trees isn’t it sand only is it well no it’s on Terra Cotta too I think so I think black terra cotta might

Be the way to go you can terra cotta can I do DED terra cotta like a black terra cotta if I can do that then I can probably then dead trees is very viable um okay so now we’re going to get Mangrove Roots I do not know at all if I have a

Mangrove biome I I definitely have been to one but I don’t know if I marked it like I don’t know if I used a portal to get to it cuz I have I’ve gotten frog before I’ve I’ve gotten frogs before so it must be a place that I haven’t been

It’s Mangrove Roots time yeah you can get them from propagules oh like if I plant one and grow it I just would like to find the I I I swear I have made a portal before at some point all right this is not the way I’m actually just going to make our way

Back um maybe I can just maybe I should just do the propagules I don’t know if I’m going to be able to find a I don’t know if I’m going to be able to find a swamp a mangrove swamp easily maybe we should just go for the mangrove The Mangrove propagule and

Plant one and then get it that way can you craft them by any any chance oh actually I kind of understand what you mean you go by he he her or him they yeah yeah I was thinking of the of the mud Roots I can

Craft Gabriel I go by he him I go by neither of the options guys find a Wandering traitor that’s that’s a really that’s really really extra I’m pretty I think I do have a mangrove propagule I think Place dead bushes on mud oh mud okay mud would

Work mud is like black stone is yeah mud would totally would totally fit ah we indeed do have that I think the one thing that I don’t love about mud is I don’t have much of it I could easily make I could easily make black um I could easily make some black uh

Freaking black terracotta that’s the word I’m looking for some black terra cotta and that would be fine so I like that idea let’s grab this and we’re going to go to like a nearby Little River and that should be good um oh why is that in there do I where’s my hello hello

Hello where’d it go okay all of my my uh bone meal is gone what’s up Bob how’s it going shut up Billy I don’t know how to speak English sometimes and I’m a little bit tired I’ve been doing things all day long so I’m a little I’m a little bit of an epie

Guy right now so pardon me if I don’t know how to words day 639 of being a dash pom ogi I don’t know I don’t know if you’ve been here for 639 days I mean it’s possible there we go oh maybe you’re right about this looking good H we’ll

See we shall see can I break that how do I get it how do I acquire another mangrove propagule Oh jeez oh and I’ll get manger of wood it as well while I’m at it for my trouble oh my goodness why do I have so much garbage in my inventory right now oh you know what’s fun yesterday my roommate and I played Terraria I have never played Terraria before pretty much

I’ve played play Terraria for like 5 seconds before and it was a it was fun it was a fun game how do I acquire this can I use a Shear on it nope how do I get more of them guys I told you they grow oh do I have

To bone meal them and then it will Drop the things grow okay my bad oh now now can I do it ah okay interesting oh oh you can just plant plant them I’m just saying these things if you could put them on the side of of blocks they would make perfect sheep freckers all I’m

Saying it it might be a little bit flimsy for that but it is the truth bro what what did I say something where did that thought come from um my brain pretty reasonable thought honestly Dash is familyfriendly yeah the the kids don’t know what that means it’s fine

Reasonable yeah don’t College have prom no college does not have prom that’s high school all right I now have loads and loads of Mangrove propagules so now I can I can pick up these guys and we have some Mangrove Roots as well um I am not sure if this is

Actually going to look good there’s a chance there is in fact a chance they’re very blocky though which is why I feel like I might prefer I might prefer the the dead Bush over it but hey what do I know maybe I won’t prefer the dead Bush

Over it and I will love the way that it looks I just feel like we might wind up going with the Dead Bush but for now let’s just get a bunch more so that uh you know we’ll have plenty in a bit uh oh see no one reminded me to

Unpause my recording guys come on now I mean I’m not at my base right now but I did go back there and and you guys didn’t remind me how dare you which one of you didn’t remind me I will have your I will have you fired I thought you meant at the

Volcano I I did it was but I went there and then I and then I oh wait did I no did I go there I actually don’t think did I go there no I don’t think I did I think I’m crazy I think I’m just lying to you guys

And saying that I went there but I don’t actually think I ever did oh my gosh I don’t know how to words I told you in the nether in case you went fair enough Dash say no I will not never um okay let’s head let’s head back now you guys

Will get to tell me to unpause the recording in just in just a moment once I get once I get back there I need more pumpkins beb I’m going to give my dog a treat word oh I saw Chula today she was so cute you never paused it I did it’s

Paused I saw Chula today cuz I went home um just for the day I’ve been I’ve been doing that a too many weekends I don’t like going home most of the time but I do get to see Chula which is nice and it was it was a birthday party like for me

So I kind of had to go home um let’s unpause the recording thank you Mason and thank you anime and thank you Blaker Dash you lied when you said you were familyfriendly remember the Auto Brewer no I don’t I I do not remember the otter Brew at

All what did I what did I do or say oh the just that whole stream yeah actually I do remember a lot of that stream was spent talking about balls but that’s a that’s a pretty reasonable thing to to me talk about you know who knows what do

You mean maybe we were just talking about uh like baseballs you know you don’t know I mean there’s a small chance that at some point I said the word testicles but if I didn’t then you shut up you don’t know maybe we were just talking about baseballs okay so mud or black

Terracotta mud actually probably fits in more which is unfortunate for some reason black terracotta is just Brown I could not explain to you why that is the case I don’t don’t understand why the Mojang devs were like hm we need to come up with a texture for

This what if we make it brown like you you named it black terra cotta clearly clearly not black okay so mud might be the way to go darn it and I don’t have much mud I can get some glass bottles though and then I can uh I can craft

Some um how much to eat a volcano $6 yesterday I was doing crossword the clue was very squishy balls um is the answer Orbeez or something what was the answer use mud yeah we will we will have to use mud do you like The Roots I haven’t even tested

Them give me a second I haven’t put down the The Roots yet let me get some dirt I want to try I want to try uh muddying up some of these what is in here oh man do I have any glass on me probably not I don’t see why I

Would um so I think well I can’t make bottles out of that type of glass so me thinks oh oh sick okay me thinks that the strategy then is going to be I need to figure out where I put stuff there we go me thinks that the strategy is going to

Be uh to make some mud and then we’ll test it out uh wood put that in there bone meal I have lots I have loads of I’m just going to throw it out it’s fine okay and now we’re going to put those back I don’t feel like I need these

Because I have plenty of uh I have plenty of other stuff the answer was stress ball oh that’s fair for some reason I my brain went to Orbeez but stress ball makes sense I feel like very squishy balls could be so many things other than a stress

Ball but like Orbeez are just are just like little I guess I guess Orbeez could be like called like water ball like you know put them in water and they grow and then it’s like you know water ball put them in water and these balls will

Grow Billy what are you talking about I thought you were rich on this world what is that Beacon oh the beacon in the middle I I just left it there to Mark where the exact center of the mountain is Dash what phone do you use iPhone or Android I have an

IPhone oh wait hold on we’re actually going to be chilling right here and and muddying up some mud let’s muddy up some mud let’s go oh why is it doing that ah um hold on I need to turn off hand restock that makes things so much easier because taroo isn’t being annoying

I love mudding mud we’re muddying the mud um none Billy mods why are you guys allowing these messages through the chat what’s up JJ how’s it going oh I forgot that the that mud is a slightly lower block than stuff so it actually has that utility of

Like being lower than everything else um I am going to need to get my shovel because I’m going to muddy a bunch of mud so I just figure you know wait hold on hypothetically what if I did oh my gosh speed isn’t that Speedy that is Speedy as freak

We’re just going to muddy a whole bunch of mud for now we’re going to muddy all of this mud up and then we’ll grab my shovel if I were to all right I’m going to take a little bit of damage in a second Speedy re say hi to my family

Watching on the TV what’s up alter Roo’s family Dash it’s time to communist all over this propaganda I never said that don’t don’t quote don’t uh don’t write don’t write false quotes about me or for me I did not say that what’s up Mason where did the I

Know I didn’t pick the that up I guess I did I I didn’t hear the sound though so I assumed I didn’t pick it up all right time to muddy this guy up oh my gosh that’s so efficient you know what would be even more efficient rather than than placing

It you just find a spot in the ocean that has that has dirt like that and you just muddy it you just make it all muddy make it nice and nice and mudded up and then you’re good We I hope I don’t get misquoted for something I never said yeah I do I do hope that yeah this Beacon is kind of sad man shw we might have to mod you I do not have my mods aren’t here and chat chat is chat is kind of going crazy

Um what am I getting I’m getting my shovel or I might just have to start doing things and actually timing people out why not me cuz cuz why would I why would I do that why would I time you why would I mod you weren’t you one of the people who

Just wrote one of the messages one of the one of the fake messages and then you just retracted it before you mod me I want to know what I need to look out for um just like people being inappropriate and stuff and like um like any references or no I mean

References are probably fine uh I can also just tell you like some you know if I just like tell you like to delete a message then you know just delete it uh like I think I think I think most of the time it’s it’s pretty clear what

What to delete and what doesn’t need to be deleted you know it’s just like people people beefing with each other can be timed out or deleted um people misquoting me is fine as long as it’s funny one of the messages was like I support hate to small creators and

Now now I have said that but you know that’s out of context um but like I don’t you know I don’t want to I don’t need that message existing what’s up Nicholas how’s it going um Dash guess what what hello Mr drown can you die please excuse me

Sir all right let’s just grab the rest of my mud and then apparently we can place um our dead bushes on top of them I hope that that is true chicken butt H you got me oh my goodness I am such a fool you played me for a

Fool dude they got me so hard I’m am so embarrassed cave um what if I’m wrong I’m going to be banned no I think I think you’ll be fine I think you would be fine I feel like I feel like your judgment is probably going to be

Fine they got me so hard ah stop it oh my goodness they’re taking me out of context I’m 90% sure you’re 90% sure about what we changed it from super villain base to villain Lair yep just figured I would try different wording you know ah that that’s that’s good that’s

Pretty solid that’s pretty solid Dash do you have a girlfriend I do okay so I do need I need shears to break that I mean I have loads but okay so um good to know we now have a couple more things that we can do to decorate this mountain which are adding campfires

Around places Dash do you work out no adding campfires around um adding dead bushes adding the lava flows of course that’s like the the main thing and and uh adding spikes as well oh I haven’t had to use the mouse in like a hot second honestly brother

Why add that whatever block is instead of just using the debug stick what are you talking about um okay Carl what and mouse word I am being goofy indeed where is the P oh there it is okay just another remind you have a girlfriend that’s true I do in fact have a girlfriend my headphones have a voice changer bro really how about adding clouds above the crater

Of the volcano because the Ash and real volcanoes creates a huge cloud in the atmosphere that could be cool maybe oh my my um the pen Mouse might be out of batteries what type of battery is this ah oh it’s Triple A I’m going to try

Putting it back in oh there we go okay the battery was just messed up all right we’re we’re good we’re good we’re chilling all right um how does that look okay that’s pretty cool how about blowing up the mountain for easier mining perfect um the dead bushes I don’t know let’s try adding

Them see how they look if we add a bunch of them around the place I am not sure we’ll we’ll see we will see how how it looks and you know we can go from there we might decide we might decide that we don’t want them all in the same place maybe

Maybe everything would look better if it’s more spread out um maybe maybe we yeah I feel like I feel like um having dead bushes and spikes and smoke in one area might be too much for one area we’ll see though there’s a chance that that’s that it’s too

Much dash Can you drag click on pen no okay and then if I fly up here Um huh uh oh I don’t know I don’t know man um the thing that I think makes the biggest difference oh wait I just remembered what we’re supposed to be doing today we’re supposed to be getting more magma um the thing that I think makes the biggest difference is the

Magma I think this is it looks fine TB in my opinion I don’t think it’s great I think I think that uh the main thing though that actually makes a difference is the magma so I think I want to do magma first and then we can add spikes

And we can add our little Basalt pillars and stuff what’s your opinion on George Washington hate him I hate that guy screw George Washington um okay um let’s see hopefully fortunate diamonds Uh let’s see hopefully fortunate diamonds um freaking magma Farm has has um has a itic because I don’t oh it doesn’t that is tragic I will not be building this then how unfortunate I cuz yeah I don’t want to I don’t really I don’t really want to follow this

Tutorial um I will be building a slower magma Farm then I guess well what’s up Dave how’s it going um 3700 magma per hour oh wow fortunate diamonds magma Farm actually is like much faster than the other designs um that promo to the founding of the USA going good just test testing just

Raid Farm testing with Nash very nice um H H I don’t want to I don’t want to uh I don’t want to have to follow this tutorial maybe if I maybe if I message fortunate Diamond they’ll they’ll respond Dash do you like whipped cream do it later or gather materials that’s fair I

Guess I can gather the materials for now um yeah that makes sense all right let’s let’s uh let’s go ahead and watch this Magma Cube farm tutorial I am going to put it in two times speed cuz I don’t have patience this Farm is great if you’re

Planning on making a gold Farm whoa I love gold Farms cool okay watch bro get copyright stried I don’t think that will happen but who knows Dash I have a dream I have a dream what I hate Redstone Farms why okay so we need a bunch of that a bunch of that that’s

Easy is it listed in the description by any chance oh my goodness oh my goodness that’s that’s fortunate Diamond come on man what is the what is this what is this method for uh what what is this method for showing for showing the Materials can’t you download it and make a schematic from it it doesn’t have it it doesn’t have a it doesn’t have a download that’s why I asked that’s why I had to ask fortunate Diamond to send me it because why does it not have that oh my

Goodness I only only make moss Farms what’s that download thing that’s music the download is for the music cuz they used like copyright free music and the the copyright free music requires you to like write in stuff oh my goodness all right well I guess we’ll just start collecting

Materials okay so we’re going to start Gathering some materials for a magma Farm cuz we ran out of magma and we have loads more of the lava streams that we want to do cuz the lava streams make this mountain look so much cooler or the the magma blocks make this mountain look

So much cooler so we’re going to go start so we’re going to go start Gathering the materials for a magma farm so let’s go what farm is it I’ll check on Ian server it’s a fortunate diamonds magma Farm as far as I know it’s like it’s

Like a really fast one and I would rather rather not have to AFK for more than like an hour it has a 70,000 drops per hour they sh had a goldfish and mac and cheese in Minecraft 1.21 they should also add stuff I like your bone structure what does that

Mean that is the that is a a crazy sequence of sentences or well like I I guess I know what it means but what a what a wacky what a wacky string of Consciousness they should add this they should add this I like your bone structure what ah my Shuler box Bam Bam

Bam um okay let’s put some of this let’s put that away okay and then we’re just going to drop off all of these I’m going to put the remaining lava buckets into here Dash unmute no I am not going to bam bam bam oh my gosh you guys are are so funny

This is the same joke that you made yesterday Dash pum 4 is a pumpkin in which yesterday was Saturday I like food but music was fine so true I sent you a link in Discord it has a world download in it oh let’s go oh swag thank you very much

Um okay correct one yeah it appears to be yeah appears to be all right cool thank you that way yeah that’s that is very helpful thank you I am in Ian’s Discord I just don’t I’m not great at checking things there’s even schematics I don’t know how

To align them correctly I I’ll probably have to watch the tutorial for that but W Dave Rooney for real common Dave Rooney W whose else phone blows up when you put it in a nitrogen microwave dude I hate when that happens that’s the worst you got to hate when uh you gotta

Hate when you know your your phone explodes when you put it in the microwave like come on phone just stop exploding you have snazzy vestigal organs how do you know that I feel like you should not know how good my vestigal organs are realistically why do you know what how

Good my vestigal organs are oh my gosh this mouse makes things so much extra difficult just like I’m just trying to extract this file so that I can like put it in my Minecraft folder and then hop in what’s up Jordan how’s it going and like it’s so much more difficult due to

This stinky Mouse think I just accidentally put it yeah I just accidentally put it into the 30 game tick Nash raid Farm by accident I don’t yeah okay now it’s not in the 30 game tick Nash raid Farm okay let’s see where is it’s probably at the very bottom Mega magma

Farm there we go but Dash your salivary glands are looking phenomenal today oh my gosh that scared me I did not expect to be put right into the action what is going on okay okay sweet oh man oh no oh that’s cool I think the um the storage system is is

Cool timer is up probably all right I figure it’s probably up it’s probably okay dashh looks like a gold Farm thank you oh man this is a laggy Farm why is this so laggy it’s only producing 70,000 drops per hour how is this this laggy to be fair I do have 32 chunk

Simulation distance on that would probably be the reason for it you know what let’s see now oh yeah that’s much better okay that would explain it w stream how long is it going to take for the volcano a while we’re like I don’t know we’re like maybe halfway done with it like the

Whole thing oh why is carpet creative no Cliff not on come on now okay oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my Lord that is very laggy okay that is neat okay it’s a solid sorting or solid uh system are nether portals Lush this ASMR goes hard hair is Lush like Nether

Portals I didn’t even read the whole thing are you the first ever television cuz I didn’t make you nor did any of my relatives so you’re not Billy what what kind of message is that oh my gosh okay um so I can totally just make schematics of this uh what is going on

Here what is this platform what is this doesn’t look important sick all right so let’s go ahead and okay now we will just copy this oh wow very tall nether portals tall guys tall boys I’ve been watching your stream from day one and I’m start and I’m about to

Start building a massive volcano hey just make sure your massive volcano isn’t better looking than mine is um because then I’ll be sad make sure that your massive volcano is worse uh one more okay cool that looks like it encapsulates roughly anything roughly everything fortunate Diamond magma Farm Overworld save schematic there we

Go doesn’t look important controls hold farm that does not control the whole farm this nether portal and this little chunk of Blackstone stop lying to me um make sure sure to push sh in the name you didn’t Design This okay and then and so I can just build this in any

Biome right I’m just trolling obviously I can’t but it would be funny if I just build it if I just built it wherever water is technically lava I don’t think that’s true okay yes you can Yeah um it’s just hot water just yeah just hot water Fortune Diamond magma Farm nether all right the schematics have been saved the schematics have been schemi so now we just need to do things how much money will it use to break up with Billy who is Billy my girlfriend’s name is not

Billy um okay this looks like it will actually be a pretty quick build so that’s kind of dope the one thing that I’m not sure about is the linking of the portals so I will uh have to you know watch a little bit of the tutorial but test it din’s name is chartreuse Yep I don’t actually want that one okay let’s hop in here Billy that’s so that’s that’s a depressing RZ unfortunate RZ sticking out my gach for the rler I don’t I hate that I know like the lyrics to that who who comes up with this kind of

Stuff who is sitting there one day and it’s like H yeah that’s what I’m going to do today I am going to oh you know what I just realized Challenger needs to change the name of this sword cuz Challenger changed or someone changed it I don’t remember if it was Challenger

Someone changed the name to Challenger equals best former mod but Challenger’s mod again so so now someone’s going to need to change it back so you have any idea how to fix that fix what guys stop saying the same message I if I don’t read your message Gabriel Gabriel specifically I’m ignoring your

Message cuz I don’t want to read it stop saying it okay um I’m going to actually grab these and uh what do I want to build what do I want to build this out of I’m going to grab this I think Black Stone will be

Cool I do oh wait no I don’t have much black stone let’s not build it out of Blackstone cuz then I’m going to wind up running out and needing other such nonsense and by nonsense I mean I’m going to wind up running out of Blackstone and needing to build a

Blackstone Farm or a bartering Farm to get more um oh there there it is okay there’s my obsidian obsidian and then what should I build the thing out of uh wait hold on let’s also grab this wood cuz I think we’re going to need that I actually think we’re just going

To grab a bunch of these and bring them with us okay yeah I don’t think I need anything else from down here oh I made it out without getting caught on fire oh Dash do you use VPN or VPN I if those are the two options I use

VPN screw VPN I use VPN I don’t want to use I don’t want to use VPN so I use VPN instead oh you know what I think I’ll do nether brick cuz it will look nice why are you ignoring my medical Riz I’ve been spitting cuz I don’t want to read

It um I could also do it out of quartz I’m thinking this will be good though I do have a very large quantity of Nether Bricks so nether brick let’s just the throw the Nether Bricks on the ground hold on I am going to AutoCraft this into

Bricks there we go um what’s what’s the button H and x x and C no um Inc it’s Inc aha there we go I found it don’t worry guys I figured out the button I know you were very worried but I figured out the button oh my gosh why

I have I have so much I have so much I need less I don’t need this much okay I’m sure that’s enough Auto crafting yeah not not the crafter but the uh you know until we have the crafter in the game we need autocrafting is a pretty is a pretty

Necessary thing for me at least I don’t want to sit there I don’t want to sit there and craft for 10 hours and to to make a bunch of Nether Bricks ala 4 it gives me access to early access to the next to the next version that’s

Really cool I should do that I think I’ll have to hit that button okay um all right so no that’s the wrong button okay so let’s go ahead and do fortunate diamond the nether is uh yeah W Dash thank you so do you know how

To fix that I don’t know what you are talking about so probably not um okay so oh we actually need oh actually we need more than I thought that surprises me but we need more than I thought we would need oh wow you really really use more

More uh of these items than I expected I mean I think I can grab oh okay I think I can I think I don’t really have much of a shortage of most of these items but I do I I do need to just like grab them

Okay I need 35 more obsidian which I have in my Shuler box I need some glass um where is my glass at oh oh okay that Works uh hold on hold on let’s put this back uh grindstones do I have grindstones okay I don’t have enough so we’re just going to craft a bunch of grindstones um doesn’t give you doesn’t even do anything crazy just closes your game no these people would never lie to me I

Believe them they are totally not trying to get me to close my game how do you craft a grind stone stone slab wood and sticks okay I can manage that feel like I might have a bunch of stone slabs somewhere that’s pressure plates oh oh oh oh there we go um wood wood

Um sick I have 64 grindstones now that is more than enough And now let’s put that back okay we have the glass we need we have we need eight brown mushrooms for some reason I can okay I have eight brown mushrooms very odd thing for me to need in my opinion um chests Crimson trap doors I can do that Gabriel stop asking

That I don’t I’m not I’m not answering I don’t even know what that question is supposed to mean it’s a very odd question I’m not answering um what is your opinion on a string at the back of your eyes and have mine don’t work correctly that sucks um brother the people who make

These Farms really do be slapping random things together uh I’m sure there’s some rationale for it I just don’t know exactly what it is um I do not know what it is but you know okay there we go how do I get people to join my S&P I have a YouTube

Channel but it’s not Minecraft related I don’t know I can’t really help you with that Crimson trap doors okay so let me Grab where’s my Crimson wood in here there we go Crimson wood I’m going to get like 32 Crimson trap doors those are not there we go 48 Crimson fences uh dispensers dispensers the obsidian we need and then Stone button we need one stone button Stone button okay

So okay so we have that and then the obsidian the obsidian so we have two Sher boxes of obsidian we have all of this stuff and then we are going to go and get some more of we’re going to go get some more of this stuff except before we

Go before we go and get more of our building blocks we’re going to do something else um we are going to go ahead and ballum Oak final uh what is that okay oh I okay my thing is gone now Fort for fortunate Diamond Overworld and we’re going to info HUD okay so we’re

Going to need more glass than I currently have um we need Hoppers I can craft some of those let’s just craft a bunch of chests ah I didn’t want to use the Crimson wood for that but it is what it is Crimson wood is much more valuable

Than to me than oak wood cuz I have loads and loads of oak wood okay um Iron I should have lots of oh my goodness I have so much gold let’s go ahead craft up some of this all right we have that we do need Crimson fence gates oh there we go I

Have not enough we need more let me just grab some sticks from here Crimson fence gates we have those now I just want to get this stuff off my screen I do not have an opinion Billy I probably won’t do no mod survival I feel like I feel like uh

Survival is just is just much worse without mods I just I don’t know I just can’t like I can’t really I can’t do it I don’t think it’s just not good it’s not nearly as good if you remove mods it just makes it it makes it go from like a

Fun it kind of takes a lot of the fun away from the game in my opinion and adds more and adds just like a lot more like grind I don’t really love the grind so um I can’t I can’t see anything through all the stuff that’s on my screen and I

Really don’t like it um back welcome back Mason is that do you have me as your profile picture now honestly good choice pretty fire picture of me pretty fire profile picture personally personally I would also I I highly recommend putting a picture of Dash pump 4 as your profile picture

Proven proven to get loads of women to talk to you um we’re going to get shulkers put that away put that away um white wool oh I don’t need the wool I need the ice pack ice we need only eight of it though so I’m not going to bother I’m not going to

Get more than a stack not icy um polished Blackstone bricks do we have any wither roses on me I do nice eventually we’re probably going to have to make a Wither Rose farm cuz wither roses actually are kind of useful Dash do the POG face um please do a high res pickup line

Anime you can just delete the messages and time out the people who are doing pickup lines okay let’s get this you can make nether brick fences right um I need levers and I need water buckets and lava buckets and a cauldron okay do I have lava I have lava

Buckets do I have water buckets I do have water buckets very nice um um take that from There take those two from here um take the detector rails take the Observer take a redstone dust it’s very it this is a pretty cheap Farm um grab some Cobblestone make 36 levers put the Cobblestone away um we need The Cauldron as well bam and cauldron and that

Is I think the final thing that we need I believe I believe we now have every oh we don’t have the glass I need to cook up some glass wait hold on I have glass in here all right we need glass that’s the final thing the final piece of this

Puzzle you don’t play baseball yeah I don’t I don’t really get that one actually I’ll still be watching because I got two monitors nice that that is a pretty good profile picture 10th cool oh man I forgot how fast this thing is it absolutely eats through this okay in the meantime let’s come

Over here um and we will we’ll put this Cobblestone back and then put that away 9 I fixed my profile picture I centered it nice I love the winner season winner is nice um okay I think that yeah I think that uh because I don’t think I’m going to be able to

Finish within the time allotted yeah I don’t think I’m going to be able to finish building this Farm I think after I finish gathering all the resources for it I’m going to end the stream for tonight and it’ll be it’ll be a bit shorter of a stream than usual I

Know but uh I am very tired and want to just chill why do you say winner people people’s pfp in Dash hard Force chat what why are you calling me that all right we’re almost there guys we’re almost almost have enough glass hey we have enough glass okay can I get a

Hua Hua you look bald now thanks thanks for making me look bald all right I’m going to head in here and we’re going to grab a bit more a bit more Nether bricks so that we can tomorrow we will build up our magma farm and it will be beautiful do I have

An empty Sher box okay I do nice good I was going to say that would be pretty annoying if I didn’t okay um I should be able to come in here fortunate Diamond Overworld if I go materialist turn that on turn that off there we go

Bam okay so here’s what we actually need to do we’re going to take this Out we’re going to and we’re going to make a bunch of slabs oh walls are actually easy oh wait do they need to be fences or are walls fine it was walls right it was it was Cobblestone walls all right so now we have a bunch of

Slabs and we also have a bunch of regular and then let’s just grab that and now we should have everything that we need for this farm that is lovely and I will be ending the stream here for tonight thank you guys for hanging out with me I am going to go

Though I will see you guys I will see you guys tomorrow bye everyone

This video, titled ‘Detailing the Volcano Megabase in Hardcore Minecraft! 🔴’, was uploaded by DashPum4 on 2023-10-23 13:21:43. It has garnered 491 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:09 or 5469 seconds.

Watch all my livestreams no longer live! Commands: !points: Tells you how many pumpkins you have type !redeem, then a space and then one of these options: first (1): Tell everyone that you were the first to the stream. hydrate (200): I drink water. mouse (750): Spin a wheel and make me use a goofy ahhh mouse FBI (750): Blast my ears with loud sound. creeper (750): plays a creeper sound. namepet (5000): Name one of my mobs in my HC world. nameitem (5000): Name an item in my HC world. duelme (7500): Duel me in Minecraft. egg (10000): Gamble points for a free gifted membership. I will throw an egg and if it spawns a chicken, u get a membership! void (10000): Throw your pumpkins into the void! Theyre gone now.

You can also duel other chatters for their pumpkins! (100 pumpkin minimum) Do !duel [username] [pumpkins]

I designed this insane gold farm, and now we are going to build it in my Hardcore world! 🗡️Watch the WHOLE SERIES:

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    leo gaming - TangleMango ARRESTED 🚨👮 #roblox #fnfVideo Information This video, titled ‘TangleMango Went to jail 👮🚓 #roblox #halloween #fnf #christmas #minecraft #music’, was uploaded by leo gaming on 2024-07-17 05:18:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted Java 1.21.0 Adult Community

    Welcome to Solarion SMP Join our Discord server About Us We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server inspired by the Hermitcraft community. Our goal is to create an inclusive environment for players of all backgrounds. Join our new season starting AUG 16 at midnight MST! Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and Armor Stand Tools to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience intact. Community Our community welcomes players of all playstyles, but please note that strong language is part of our culture. We aim to maintain a fun and free… Read More

  • ᴍʏsᴛɪᴄ ᴄʀᴀғᴛ (1.20.4) ✧ ʜᴛᴛᴘs://ᴍʏsᴛɪᴄɴᴇᴛ.ᴛᴇʙᴇx.ɪᴏ ✧

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Is this Minecraft build ‘ok’? More like ‘oh-kayyyy!’”

    Minecraft Memes - "Is this Minecraft build 'ok'? More like 'oh-kayyyy!'"Wow, with a score of 1070, this meme is definitely more than just “ok.” It’s like, Minecraft level epic! Read More

  • Diamond Sword Dance: 7 Languages of Minecraft

    Diamond Sword Dance: 7 Languages of Minecraft In Minecraft, a Diamond Sword shines bright, In seven languages, it’s a sight. From English to Russian, and even LOLCAT too, The power of language, in Minecraft, we view. So if you ever wondered, how it’s said, In different tongues, the Diamond Sword’s spread. Now you know, in seven ways it’s heard, In the world of Minecraft, language is the word. Read More

  • “Blowin’ up the competition with my TnT Cannon!” 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Blowin' up the competition with my TnT Cannon!" 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you accidentally blow up your entire Minecraft house with a TnT cannon and suddenly realize you should stick to building dirt huts instead. #minecraftfails #oops #shouldhavestucktolegos Read More

  • Parrots Go Wild in Mine-Land!

    Parrots Go Wild in Mine-Land! Exploring the Wholesome Parrots Dancing in Minecraft When it comes to the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. From building intricate structures to creating captivating music videos, players constantly push the limits of what can be achieved in this virtual sandbox. One such example is the heartwarming video titled “Wholesome Parrots Dancing – (Omae Wa Mou Remix/English Cover)” that has captured the attention of many Minecraft enthusiasts. The Video Concept The video features adorable parrots dancing to a catchy remix of the song “Omae Wa Mou” in English cover. The creator, APAngryPiggy, showcases their talent by combining elements… Read More

  • Crafting Automatic Doors in Minecraft

    Crafting Automatic Doors in Minecraft Automatik Kapı Yapımı: Minecraft’ta Evlerinizi Şık Hale Getirin! Minecraft oyuncuları, evlerini veya gizli alanlarını hem pratik hem de şık hale getirmek için sürekli yeni tasarım fikirleri aramaktadır. Bu videoda, iki farklı otomatik kapı tasarımını adım adım nasıl yapacağınızı öğreneceksiniz! İlk Yöntem: Redstone Devreleri ile Otomatik Kapı Minecraft’ta otomatik kapılar yapmanın en popüler yollarından biri, Redstone devreleri kullanmaktır. Redstone, oyunda elektrik devreleri oluşturmanıza ve çeşitli mekanizmaları kontrol etmenize olanak tanır. İlk yöntemde, Redstone devreleri kullanarak otomatik bir kapı yapımını adım adım göreceksiniz. Adım 1: Redstone Tozu ve Redstone Fenerleri ile devre oluşturun. Adım 2: Kapı mekanizmasını yerleştirin ve Redstone devresi… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mod adds Custom Hearts!

    Insane Minecraft Mod adds Custom Hearts!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But There Are Custom Hearts..’, was uploaded by Graser on 2024-07-10 23:01:55. It has garnered 335752 views and 5440 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:48 or 9528 seconds. Minecraft, But There Are Custom Hearts.. Lunar Cloak: Roblox: @GraserRoblox Espanol: @GraserEspanol Join Me: Merch: Book: Twitter: Instagram: Twitch: Discord: #MinecraftBut​​ #MinecraftChallenge​​ #Minecraft​ Read More

  • Insane Old School Pixels Texture Pack Review

    Insane Old School Pixels Texture Pack ReviewVideo Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Old School Pixels Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-06-23 17:00:02. It has garnered 968 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:23 or 1823 seconds. An awesome new Texture Pack has been released with the Old-School Pixels Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Some Game Studio! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: Streamlabs Daz Man Merch Store: https://DazManMerch.Live OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – @DazManWrestling – @DazManPlays – Bringing… Read More

  • Agent Duk’s Insane Explosion Within 5 Sec! #MinecraftSMP

    Agent Duk's Insane Explosion Within 5 Sec! #MinecraftSMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘It blew up in the first 5 sec #minecraft #smp’, was uploaded by Agent Duk on 2024-08-10 05:32:19. It has garnered 21 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. My PC couldn’t handle It Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Trick Will Blow Your Mind! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Trick Will Blow Your Mind! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘”This Minecraft Trick Will Change How You Play! 😮” Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-08-28 20:07:15. It has garnered 110 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel Here’s a compelling long description for a viral Minecraft Shorts video on YouTube: — 🎮 **Dive into the Craziest Minecraft Adventure Yet!** 🎮 In this explosive Minecraft Short, we take on the wildest challenges, uncover hidden secrets, and pull off insane stunts that you won’t believe! Whether you’re a seasoned player or just love the… Read More

  • 🔥 EnderiteT Ultimate Texture Pack for MCPE 1.21 🔥

    🔥 EnderiteT Ultimate Texture Pack for MCPE 1.21 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘The Best Texture Pack For Minecraft PE 1.21 | Minecraft Pocket Edition 🔥’, was uploaded by EnderiteT on 2024-08-05 09:21:14. It has garnered 84 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:55 or 175 seconds. Best Texture Pack For Minecraft 1.21 | Minecraft Pocket Edition Hey, In This Video I am Going To Show You Top 2 Best Texturepacks In Mcpe Without Lag Texture Link In Comment: Keywords texturpack #hindi #gaming #texturepack 1.21, texture pack 1.21, texture pack 1.21 fps boost, texture pack 1.21.2, texture pack 1.21.0, texture pack, texture pack… Read More

  • Minecraft Bedrock Live – Insane Realism Survival!

    Minecraft Bedrock Live - Insane Realism Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock Live | Surviving on a Realism World’, was uploaded by r322c gaming on 2024-07-11 05:11:01. It has garnered 127 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:22 or 7042 seconds. Hello everyone today we are playing the new mod pack for minecraft bedrock edition hope you all enjoy. My Twitch My discord #minecraft #Minecraftsurvival #Minecraftlivestream #Minecraftbedrock This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Challenge with Mr. Beast

    Shocking Minecraft Challenge with Mr. BeastVideo Information This video, titled ‘m̲r̲ b̲e̲a̲s̲t̲ #̲ #minecraft #funny #challenge #comedy’, was uploaded by M̲r̲ b̲e̲a̲s̲t̲ on 2024-01-17 10:48:15. It has garnered 2 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Ego Mania: Crouching = OP Enchantments?!

    Minecraft Ego Mania: Crouching = OP Enchantments?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But Crouching Gives Super ‘ENCHANTMENTS’ !!!’, was uploaded by Ego Mania on 2024-07-06 14:10:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft, But Crouching Gives Op Enchants… Minecraft 1.21 / Minecraft 1.20 / Minecraft 1.21 Updates / Minecraft Hindi videos … Read More

  • INSANE Fishing Luck on Day 66! 🎣 Tolbby’s Minecraft TLE

    INSANE Fishing Luck on Day 66! 🎣 Tolbby's Minecraft TLEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TLE Daily Fishing Day 66’, was uploaded by Tolbby on 2024-06-21 17:00:01. It has garnered 416 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #shorts #minecraft – Title : Front Porch – Artist : Good News Tunes – Album : / Royalty Free Music #sadly #no #tricky #trials #or #1.21 #yet #WHY #AM #I #MAKING #THE #LIBRARY #SO #BIG #AHHHHHHH Read More

  • SkyNation

    SkyNationJoin SkyNation, where top-tier skyblock gameplay meets creativity and community. Explore custom-built islands, thrive in a balanced economy, and connect with our welcoming community. With endless fun, exciting events, and unique challenges, your skyblock adventure starts here. Come and be a part of SkyNation today! Read More

  • Marthia Nations – factions, vanilla

    Marthia Nations Join us at Build your own empire, a moving fighter jet, or a small town in Marthia. This SMP turned Nations server has been around for over half a decade, with the current world played on for three years. Marthia offers a community-driven semi-competitive Minecraft experience with highlighted plugins such as Movecraft, Cannons, Brewery, and VanillaTweaks! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Respawning for Revenge

    Minecraft Memes - Respawning for Revenge“Me trying to retrieve my stuff in Minecraft is like trying to navigate through a messy room blindfolded – a hilarious disaster waiting to happen!” Read More

  • Crafting the Ultimate Home: Minecraft Mastery with @Itx_Mc_gamer

    Crafting the Ultimate Home: Minecraft Mastery with @Itx_Mc_gamer Welcome to lkdis Gaming, where we bring the heat, With Minecraft updates that can’t be beat. Join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we explore the digital realms, day and night. Game reviews and previews, we’ve got them all, Helping you decide which games to install. Let’s plays and walkthroughs, come along for the ride, With entertaining commentary by our side. Tips and tricks to level up your game, Expert advice to bring you fame. Live streams for interaction, don’t miss out, Join our community, scream and shout. Tech reviews to keep you in the… Read More

  • Superdog vs Supercat: Epic Village Upgrade Battle! 😂🔥 #minecraft #memes

    Superdog vs Supercat: Epic Village Upgrade Battle! 😂🔥 #minecraft #memes Superdog and Supercat may have superpowers, but they better watch out for Dân làng nâng cấp in Minecraft. Those villagers mean business when it comes to upgrading their village! Watch out for their diamond swords and enchanted armor, superheroes! Read More