Melonest’s Outrageous Ironman Profile in Hypixel Skyblock

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Well hello there everybody Welcome to the stream welcome back it’s been been a while but yeah we are back to some more Iron Man profile oh my God yeah I actually played quite a bit uh off stream I I did most to dungeons I got a

Sh assassin helmet no not the best not the best did not really get anything too special I did mostly four four and couple four fs and some 4 tws I did one 42 but but yeah I did not really get much uh I made a weaping sword because why not I did

Not have a single weapon in here I got the these two things not that they really really matter that much most of the work was done by minions they these guys now tier 11 I was hoping we could get him to tier 12 today but very event

Is today so we will not be able to gather enough Northern Stars I had 100 and I already spent them all I got the these and I got myself a reindeer pet got a reindeer pet well volum up to level 38 by collecting this guy who is

Also level is now so pretty cool I was thinking we could do some fishing today that that would be pretty cool unfortunately my C member to call my fishing GE so I don’t have much I have a challenging road which I don’t think is best and I

Have a winter Ro which is much better I think I have some chent that will we p I don’t think I can do anything with them is inviting me and I need an armor for fishing I know there’s a uh B uh yeah uh we will hope we would share a

Yeti P or something but I need an armor so could make uh salmon armor I have Enchanted salmon I think no no I don’t not too bad he won’t be able to make a salmon armor today or respiration oh yeah that’s a good uh sponge we can make sponge armor

Right uh what do that require what me right let me just check Enchanted vest SP we cannot make the full armor maybe we can hold on I know I can make salmon armor that’s for sure but this one is better right uh just to compare them real quick uh

Spong armor is oh my good uh 1.8 C creature chance each yeah and and then and then and then there’s Ang set I guess how that 1% okay and salmon 1.5 yeah we should make full sponge armor right and we can turn it later on into shark armor too but I have

Enough okay let’s just make let’s make helmet for now oh leggings and we have know four boots there we go we made three pieces but to make oh yeah we don’t even have enough for one Enchanted spong oh damn damn Enchanted spongers are expensive bro okay I guess you just make

Uh salmon Tres then it’s made like this right yeah I’m TR it’s not big of a difference there’s like barely any difference at all but still it’s a little bit of little bit annoying ready hold on a minute I need I need a I I need to buy myself a booster

Cookie I need a booster cookie for this right if ities or something will kill me definitely and I all my coins and I don’t want that oh my God the way what the hell uh coins will take 10 million or make plus I need bits anyway so you know might as

Well get some okay buy one cookie eat it and respiration just get a report for these uh Aqua no no respiration yeah yeah respiration there we go you’ll put that put this in here we got three pieces that’s pretty there are for armor there isn’t one

Right uh salty we got I think that’s it I can’t do anything to get more secret friend can I I think this is it and how much SE creature chance do I have it it’s going to be absolutely terrible right 36 I’m not sure if I want to fish

Anymore I’m not even sure if I want to fish anymore there are baits what can increase baits right guess we use baits you get from the jry oh Dam these yeah it’s ice bait yeah D Dam them that’s it I don’t think I can do anything I could buy enrichments maybe

But those are too expensive too expensive for me right now yeah we we just go and fish I guess nothing else that I can do uh by the way if you need carries on F or sh what me know oh yeah that would be

Cool we can do that we can do that after I me just buy some baits hold on uh ice beats uh they fishing B yeah why do I have these do I use these up are they any good I know I already have unlucky cover

A sack of sexs I have a fishing sack yeah I have everything okay let’s go fish Let’s Go Fish where do we fish maybe my SE creature chance will increase a little bit once my reindeer rils up I also have this yeah yeah for for for the range rake if you ever get

One and there t rri and there rri hold on uh I did not that didn’t take long okay give me give me gifts give me my gifts there we go this artisanal short B is the best you people ever had this is so good for this for this thing before we

Discover this I got like three white gifts from this thing but moment we discover this I we manag to get like one red gift which is this and there’s one there’s one okay things are coming into reality that I say so today I’ll get a legendary yetti pet uh

Somehow I’ll get a legendary phoenix pet and you some other cool stuff oh yeah it’s going in my sex it’s going in my sex I can’t really tell if I’m getting anything wasn’t there like a Talisman I could get that increases my SEC creature turns I’m pretty sure there there was

One I can’t remember people are destroying these things in Terminator I can just hold right quick I don’t have to Quick people are absolutely destroying this thing with Terminator I need red gifts there are many things from Red gifts that I need I need a I need a Granda

Helmet I would really want that that would be very cool if I could get that I also need that snow armor what else do I need snowman pet would be cool is that still a thing snowman pet can’t remember how many gifts did we get from that just

Confirm one red three green okay okay six white maybe later or tomorrow I’ll do some for sem see if I I can find party finer for it think talking to me okay here we go let’s let’s finally start fishing I was trying to actually do some

Uh four six but apparently they I added some some stupid thing uh what is it called like I cannot enter the 46 anymore even though I have compion oh yeah these things are weing you I cannot oh oh I do no damage hold on bro hold on I actually need to switch

Armor I this thing is going to kill me bro I do I think I did 50k yeah you can kill it I think yeah kill it I there we go yet did I get w a no way we actually got that a no way but it requires fishing 45 55 25

What is wrong with me today I can I don’t know my numbers anymore I actually did 100 damage in this armor oh my God I I don’t think I ever did less damage than that but we got one thing yeah now I can make OG Road once I get ice which shouldn’t

Pick long I’m planning on replacing all of my minions with I minions maybe I want to focus on Ro honestly that seems like a cool thing to get but yet the RO is kind of useless for now until I get enough ice and I need a ton of it we have like five

Enchanted pack ties which I cannot really do anything with with that unfortunately oh not car should I kill these w share from them I did not get w share but I could be scary so that’s cool is there anything I need from that crackers I

Don’t even know who they are hly oh bro this is so sof it’s not even wor for me to fish this is so bad the only thing remote weed is the the our the wood share I cannot fish anything up myself I’m getting rid of the carrot baits I definitely don’t need

Those just sell them completely I already have a Walky cover so definitely completely useless open I know I’ll probably need multiple luy CS for some pets but for now even that one I did not use so chicken of the deep I do know damage I do know damage in this

Armor I should have at least reforged it to anything I can at least kill the basic stuff oh oh oh oh oh oh he more gifts more gifts for me more gifts for me wish I could fish these things up but I straight up red gift I’ll take that any

Day free a red gift right of the start I think I need you need like insane amount of fishing level to fish fish these things up there’s Lally nothing I can actually fish from from jry right now at least I’m leveling up my fishing that’s the kind of main goal of mine

Right now to level up my fishing as much as possible today and maybe get a Yeti pet I’ve spent total of like maybe 100 hours fishing for these before and I only once ever got van yetti pet and I had like Max magic find and everything

And it was epic and now I don’t have anything I cannot even fish up yet is so I can only get them through Woodshed so yeah there’s very little chance I’m actually going going to get one it’s it’s very very W but there St red gfts are increasing

What does that mean they were 75k in price what he meant do you remember me you gave me a necron handle when you quit that bi bro I gave a lot of people necron handles I don’t even remember who I gave them I gave I like 10 necron handles so

Yeah now now I just play on Iron Man a little bit is there anything I can buy from here 200 anything for fishing I thought there would be something for fishing I guess not but yeah I sold everything got like maybe 10 necron handles and gave

Out a lot of people then your name is familiar I definitely remember you but not not by much I’m sorry but I definitely remember your delay how are you do you still play this game do you is was my handle helpful I know one guy who I gave like

50% of my stuff just sitted immediately oh my God people are getting yees people are getting yees but not me not me I’m not getting one I mean I can’t even fish up at this the fishing XP that’s what matters that’s what matters and Marina is getting you w in 33

Hours you should be fishing 24 months Marina Is Here Yeah Marina would be very cool I could even fish up those sharks and actually upgrade maybe this sponge armor to to a shark armor I can’t believe I couldn’t make a full sponge armor bro that fishing minion was sitting

There for 2 years I did not use anything from that uh from that minion and he’s only made me this much sponge but yeah next JY event will be very cool I can fish for both Marina and for the for the J stuff oh yeah hopefully a lot of lot of uh sea

Creatures and a lot of fishing XP planning to gr out 44 for the spirit scepter honestly I was I did not I completely forgot about the spirit Setter but I wanted uh what I wanted mostly from the four4 was this I wanted the spirit B that was

My main main thing that I wanted after that I wanted a spirit pet that would be cool kind of that would be this bonus I don’t really need it but would be bonus if I got it and also I needed a spirit B thing I wanted to make

This sword don’t know why seem cool where is it this one right is this it no not the spirit B uh I don’t know that the Divine require like a lot of Enchanted bones and a lot of a lot of uh spirit bones these I already had one from before I quitted

Sky I somehow got it some person from stream carried me through 44 a lot so I got one but seem like a cool sword to play Berserker maybe and speed I could play arter if I got that so we’re all pretty cool either way I could be B arter and and I could

Be Berserker this my fishing speed is s s I did not know fishing could be this s what do you need for Spirit S I guess I could be Mage too Spirit scepter oh only Spirit things how happens oh I guess I could I could I guess I could make that too

If I somehow got the spirit Spirit things well we what happen carish feel so SL bro is there anything cool I can actually fish up when we fishing 24 I’m actually higher than I thought I thought I was like fishing 17 for some reason I need to check there ler

Anything cool I can fish up there is in the lava fishing but nothing in yeah with everything cool is in is in W fishing or in Grinch would be kind of cool some some gifts but yeah nothing really cool I need fishing 28 at least before I unlock something in the J trop

Fishing when is yet is that 28 or more like 30 or something oh water Hydra oh I did not get fishing XP there’s a Talman in water I think that I need and water helmet I think is very good right I think it’s it’s hyra this 1.8 a same as sponge same

As sponge Don’t Need It screw that I’m pretty sure there a thousand I can make itra I don’t remember how you we don’t bro I swear there there’s something that I’m missing that increases a lot of creat C creature chance there’s something so dumb that I

Get can get for three in like three minutes that’s going to like double my see creature trans and I cannot remember what it is did I forget some some entrance on this how I check expertise but I don’t want to put expertise on the winter Ro

Right I put that on my ogre Rod if I could make one or use one we yeah expertise is pretty good it decreases both my fishing XP and my secrat turns oh oh oh what oh hold on hold on hold on wrong armor I cannot no no no

Yet yet no no no no no no okay okay hold on I need to do this thing is going to kill me I do so little damage it’s actually insane how how I survive you C there we go anything no look like it no did not get anything they actually get

It oh everybody’s getting it both of them got one I think and I did not get it epic C take epic I will take epic gladly on an Iron Man profile bro it can’t be that expensive to upgrade right I’m checking what does baby need to upgrade if we somehow get at least

Epic what we need to get this not the legendary what will we need to get this guy to I think you need like ice or HK of ice or something something stupid and then water coins uh okay okay get hold on a second oh inant to draw salmon another hold on

Hold on I was I was reading okay here we go first Yeti he got it second Yeti he got it and now the third Yeti I get it come on three yetis in a row give give give baby that’s definitely possible there we go I got it for sure

Who share up I did not get it bro bro third one actually third one we got three yetis in a ro and I did not get a single one bro what is this what what is this nonsense because I do more damage lais armor put on my lais armor next time for

More Lu next time we killing him for sure and getting a actually three is drop type baby at that’s insane and it only costs 14 million coins to upgrade one from epic I’m laughing too much bro this is not laughing matter this is this is actually insane I I can actually upgrade one

Right now I have the coins f okay I don’t anymore I forgot I about cie but but I could sell something there’s like a billion different things on my Island that I can sell bro actually three baby yet is that’s insane he should check storage and my pet

Menu oh my God there’s going to be like 500 baby is in there oh legendary probably probably I’m going to check okay let’s see how many did they fish that’s two legendary maybe at least oh okay yeah yeah of course uh 3 four 4 five 6 7 eight eight epics and and then

Two 10 baby Ates and I’ll somehow level 82 bro fish up level 82 yet there’s two more legendaries in my backpacks like how bro like I actually spend hours 100 hours at least fishing when when baby at is first got buffed and all I ever got was one Epic

Baby Yeti and I like got the maximum mag find and everything he has more of course he has of course he he has like you get at least one baby Yeti every time time you fish up one so far it’s three out of three every single one has dropped baby a somehow

Every single one do I also need magic find or is it only the person who kills the thing needs magic it could also be that um just very unlucky like always I was only Lucky in this game once and I think that’s when I used up all of

My walk in this game he has 16 epics and 5008 of course of course and he probably got that from vanti he fished up vanti and got all of that but yeah the time I used all of my once when I got the Warden heart and the

Legendary phoenix pet from one mob I killed a I killed the Revenant tier five I think and I got both the ven heart and the legendary phoenix back from that there’s still video of that if you don’t know give me oh I think give me give me give me the

Reds this is the only cool mob I can ever and I sence oh that’s pretty cool uh only the person who kills it has the magic m Al so I don’t get any Med find okay that kind of makes sense that kind of makes more

Sense should I get wood sh from this guy too I don’t know I don’t know what he dropped let me see if I can get if I hit him with this armor I don’t want a s because of him ter we got the wood did I get anything I

Cannot even get anything from The Nutcracker that’s even that CER doesn’t want to give me anything pretty much the highest magic find kills it well does it affect my wood share as well or how does it work so you get a better chance so everybody gets a better chance if you

Have the magic find or or only you I never understood how this would sh okay not cracker again good think I put a cookie good think I spent 27 million on a cookie just now I don’t regret it anymore I don’t regret it that was the best 6 million I

Have ever spent I would have just lost my guard potion and a million coins at least that cookie just Sav saved everything and my game just froze okay that everyone gets better chance when you w share it affects yours as well his magic find applies to your mob so if he has

300 magic find and kills your mob it’s as if you had 300 Med find and kill them all so so basically I’m just unlucky three baby yetis were dropped and I did not get anything so so that’s what you’re saying oh oh oh oh there we go fourth one

Fourth one for sure is mine we’re getting it for sure on this one all right there we go going to hold my lucky winter Ro and there we go four F for sure is mine never mind he got it 100% he got a for for baby yet you

Know where’s my oh yeah this one this that’s four baby yetis four yeah probably four four baby Yeti PS and I did not get a single one I mean there’s still chance this this fishing we W for no Yeti I don’t know but there we hope we be

More yeah so fourth baby Yeti can be yours yeah problem is forth baby Yeti will never come we will never get a for baby at this yeah oh I this K will kill me I don’t want to mess with him I’m not touting those things anymore I don’t

Care what they drop I’m I’m not going near them I don’t want to die yeah I think baby Yeti is the only thing I need from uh Yeti fishing now that I’ve got the yeti Rod BR I do know damage I’m going I’m actually going to report this armor so I

Can at least bu shot a a salmon what enchant it so I don’t die to C then this is they fish up like five things before I fish one thing up at least one fishing you need a hilt of true ice as well what’s that used for Hilt of

True what the hell do you use this thing for how do I trck oh my God okay rain break rain break okay I’ll take I’ll take some gifts that’s the first time i’ saw saw that thing the H of TR eyes I’ve never saw that before is for Yeti sword

Oh why would I need that I I need sword is that like good or dungeons or something did it get puffed or something though I did not play because the last time I remember yet he was yetti sword was not very good where let him

Go oh there it is okay he just went out of my render distance no one is shooting the Drake does that mean I get all the gifts does that mean I’ll get the infinite amount of gifts that would be cool this guy shooting it with with something okay range Drake actually does

The damage okay no no don’t tell them bro I want all the gifts I want all the gifts a course of course everybody is facing even the random people in the lobby are now fcing on me oh my God I’m actually going to get so many if people actually don’t go for

This with my AR I’ll show if I at least had the spirit B I wouldn’t have to embarrass myself like this this unbelievable unbelievable just give me some red red gifts those are the only ones I really need everything else I only need for uh n

Stars after I get enough nor Stars I will probably never open white or green gift my wife maybe greens I’m still not sure but you can get in them I forgot my they are only useful for nor stars to me right now don’t shoot it with the Terminator

Bro do you see how many gifts I’m getting from from this see another red I just got another red I don’t want it to die in like five seconds oh my God it and it’s still full HP it’s still full H3 and of course this this guy is now absolutely destroying it

With even over this gu is level 420 he he’s flying shooting it with who knows what and it’s probably going to die in 5 seconds now but it doesn’t really matter since I got probably i p five red gifts from this you see another one I think I have a red

One I don’t know mat it’s almost dead it’s almost dead and we will see how many gifts I got from this come on three people are shooting it now still but yeah it’s good so they drop out it’s oh no I thought I got a good thing I

Thought I got like good the good engine from this but no it just magnet six that I have I’m pretty sure I thought I dropped another yet okay let me Prosperity I thought I got that but I didn’t uh let me check who for the gifts how

Many did we get from that six Reds 16 green oh my God that’s more than the all of the red gifts I got to as time I did this I’m pretty sure I spent like hours mining in there and now we got like five red

Gifts and now I got like six from just shooting the Drake for 5 seconds oh the Raines are the best Rain r are absolutely the best not fishing XP still goinging so SL I I feel like I don’t have like guard potion or something and that’s why going

So so but I do I do have God oh oh oh oh there we go and the Hydra okay okay I need both I need both don’t kill me I need I need the th man I think don’t don’t don’t kill the don’t kill the don’t kill the I need I need I

Needed the hyra all right there we go the fourth the fourth baby okay here we go come on come on did not get anything did not get anything let’s go who F now show it you got it didn’t you you didn’t didn’t you what’s that what the hell is

That I never saw that that item in my life before I have no clue what what what what what that is but there we go that’s five yetis which dropped three baby yetis and I got none of them so we’ll see how many how many ye you would take how many

Yetis you would take before before they get another one and I don’t get I don’t get nothing why is the fishing XP going so slow bro why is it going so slow how do I increase that how do I get more fishing XP what am I doing wrong I swe I put up

Something about to level up too I can o up my rain rake not the rain yes my R rake pet my reindeer to enchanting what does he do more fishing speed and 10 SE creature chance okay I’ll need you to vot me in a second I’m this guy up that is my ticket

To more fishing XP and more SEC chance all right I did did I do I can’t remember if I did the enchanting today even if I did I can just buy one full 100 bits I don’t care okay one Titanic Oh I did not do it I did not do

It we will do it twice see how far can I level up my oh that’s lucky how far I can level up my R uh this one why this there we go And that’s a lot of inting XP from this let’s see how much in total that decent amount and 46 enchanting levels up and we can go again renew 100 Levels who cares just skip I hate doing I hate doing those mini games we can just skip them screw those can’t can be

Bothered ooh ah protection that’s no I want it no I want this thing it’s useless or 100K enchanting XP I might need it it’s a TI 600 I might need it for something on this profile who knows and I we will not have a way to get it again and there we that’s

It spre uh for wood share one out of four W okay hold on uh epic is one 22 and legendary is 182 those are bit too good to be true I think those also look a little bit too good okay R Drake R is now level

49 and his C creat chance did not increase at all that’s like stack in there and I want I want to sell something to the NPC get more CL do let’s go fish now because this event is almost over and I did not fish anything up

Really if I can at least get one fishing level up today that would be cool fishing 25 it’s not going to do much for me unfortunately but I’ll take it at least something that you’ll get today because we are not getting the yeti pet that’s so true that’s so

True and some be chries that’s also cool I guess out of TR eyes would be cool or Yeti sword I can’t remember what it is good for I’m pretty sure it’s good for like a made like ver version of M maybe ver version of pan who knows

You doing Mage on IR or Berserker Archer I started as a mage but my C member took all my Mage equipment so it honestly depends on what I get from 44 probably what I get first that’s what I I’ll go with if I get like Spirit bones I make that sword probably go

Berserker then or if I get Spirit B then I’ll probably get enough as you said it Spirit scepter maybe if I get that I’ll go Mage but you used to be a very weird Mage with aspect of the Dragons that’s what I use as my M Mage

Weapon and it honestly did pretty well for the force I recommend doing four fours yeah but they are they are very hard for me pretty sure me and K ketu can carry easily if needed that would be cool yeah I’d appreciate a car through 44 plus 44 is

Profit so I don’t mind okay yeah that would be cool with tri tribal spear chees is so fast I remember that actually did that once before you you freeze the the boss in the in a spot but I did a little bit of four fours it it was a lot of

Trouble I got some person to carry me in shadow assassin armor BR got traumas from that each run took like 15 minutes he was like carting other people and he off he of offered to I carry me for free since I was Iron Man and I said sure

Yeah took way too long are you going to be on after this event honestly probably yes for a little bit we can do some dungeons know how long but I like to stay at least till the end of the EV we’ll see usually since I came back to

Streaming not a single stream has Last At Last than 3 hours so probably this one won’t either I was planning on on mining there today but Yeti P Pet Sounds much better I want it to M because you get a lot of ice so last time I got like three

Enchanted tack ice and a lot of like Enchanted ice I got like so much of ice but I’m only doing it for the ice right now I I don’t even care about about the about the gifts or or anything in there anymore since I plan on like making for and blaz

Armor and like kod I don’t need a lot of ice let’s go because for me to make a necron useful I’ll have to get a Ender Dragon P or a golden dragon p and that is not happening but to make a frozen Bo useful I only need to get a Bo

P which only takes little bit of time with minions and I can use it all the way up to M6 which I did on my main profile as well I completed M6 like thousand times without Frozen BL never did M7 because yeah I heard you need like neon For That

Neon has some ability very take damage from with king or something I don’t know never even completed M7 but yeah as much as I know there’s not even really a reason to go 4D M7 everything that you get in there you can basically get in the any other even 47 except that sword

Thing I don’t but yeah I’ll probably go for Terminator rather than handle though on this profile when we get to that at some point because Terminator you take much less grinding and I already have all the materials for it except the except the J War every single thing that I need I

Already have it basically oh my God and for the Hyperion I I would need like to get every single score scroll who the hell is going to get every single scroll I never even got handle and I did over 1,000 R probably I don’t even think getting a

Handle would be that much of an issue honestly the main issue for me would be getting those Scrolls because I know I would get like same scroll 15 times in a row and never get the other two now just don’t want to deal with that that if I somehow ever get handle and

The Scrolls on accident sure I’ll take it but I’m definitely not going to be like spending 1,000 rounds grinding for that plus you don’t really need Hyperion you can do all of dungeons basically with just we just Terminator it’s very convenient it’s very nice to have mainly for

Healing and you can use it for 90% of the stuff in the game you can queer Diana event another event nether basically requires you to have a hyperium but you can still do all of that without it but you absolutely cannot do the uh Master mode without the

Terminator since the last time I checked them there might be some stuff that came out since then that lets you one shot M7 and everything I also need to do the J those red gifts I B all of these equipment for my Northern Stars so I can get some red gifts up for

Okay I Essence is so cool that I’m getting that I’m so happy because I’m getting that I need that for for my frozen boys armor what can you buy from there with B again I mean if you get B just if you get just type in TR please I’ll be there in a

Second I just want to check what exactly can you bu again hold hold uh crease Mage quest experience gain don’t need that get double Essence then salvaging is this for ice Essence only or every essence Frozen skin absolutely most useless thing ever 1% extra gifts from the gift attack

200 and experience five usess this is the only useful thing can I buy not can I okay so I is pretty much usess pretty much useless for for everything besides degrading Frozen boy armor I’m might to go make some coffee honestly I’m not I I have slept very little

Today and I’m getting kind of ped but I don’t want to sleep because if I sleep now then when I actually need to sleep I won’t be able to sleep so wait why am I drowning put yeah I did put respiration well I just okay I just

Don’t die I just run out of Bubbles and I don’t die I’m fishing 24 right fishing I’m fishing 21 this thing just went down my four oh yet here for sure a pet for sure it’s basically guaranteed that I will get a pet there we go I’m holding a spirit Bard for for

What nothing absolutely okay absolutely nothing very cool did they get it no see like it no one go It I think we used the power of our with those three first baby at when we got three in a that’s when we use up power far so I get I get to catch things and I’m fishing 24 right 27 I need to be 28 at least to fish

Something cool which I think this is yet right might not be probably isn’t actually C I don’t got coins for that I actually no fishing 25 oh I need to be fishing 25 for this but I’m fishing 21 bro how do you get fishing XP like how do you actually get fishing

XP I know I grinded for fishing 50 to fishing on my main but I had like all the best equipment and everything yet is 25 oh is 25 so can get there Marina is here should I put some hyper oh should I put some hyper catalysts in my in my fishing

Minion does a marina do something where she increases uh fishing minion speed or something or more fishing XP but isn’t that only on public or something so I can collect him during Marina and get the double XP think I good how do you level up fishing fast

That’s also what I’m asking bro uh I have a decent only four wait Marina is here and fish get s Even with Marina this is going to be very slow honestly oh Hydra Hydra Hydra Hydra let me just see if if this even drops anything I’m pretty sure I’m like 90% sure there’s something from Hydra that I actually need to get can you die okay did I get anything I did

Not I have an TI 11 fishing minion so I can put four hyper calist in him and probably get another eight by just killing zealots or something I don’t know how wor that is I was thinking of like saving them to like dery or something and then using

Them but I cannot save that much because I cannot buy them I can only kill zots and get them like that you need to be fishing 27 to have a fish I did not know that I did not know that I mean this just seems very s than

I than I what I remember it being like maybe just because when I started fishing I already had a fishing I already had like Max fishing gear try getting a squid P just just a moment just a moment my co- member uh Iron Man

Uh never mind he did not put it I think I had like a like a r speed or something which I could which I could upgrade because I’ve literally grinded for for for ink V it be little bit ridiculous if I actually did not get one now reading pets is not really issue

For me I can get like 300 million coins at least by just selling all of the materials that I have on this profile but yeah with pet that takes forever though and especially legendary I can’t remember what it also takes to upgrade I’m pretty sure only a lot of coins which I

Have but then I’d have to level it up for it to be useful reindeer is kind of acceptable since it takes like double dxp and I already had like my minions to collect so that helped a lot can I fish great F sharks what fishing do you need for

Them if I can fish them up I can probably upgrade my sponge armor there to like uh shark armor and that will help a lot right it’s been a while since the last pet this has to be it this has to be it

Here we go I I think I did let’s see I’m not going to hold anything my hand is the West item in the game and did not get anything did they get it doesn’t look like they got it nice another Yeti another new pet fishing XP gain 14,000 is this I can

Oh my God I would not be surprised if this is the amount of the XP I getting on our n shark is level five BL shark is level 10 tiger shark ah by shark is 24 and I’m about to be 22 it’s going to take forever since I’m I’m

24 that’s that’s two more fishing levels over a million of fishing XP and at this rate bu it’s going to be impossible for me fishing equipment what the hell is a fishing Equipment 30 it actually goes to S why is I don’t know why it so S I got fishing 50 on my main in like couple days bro I’m pretty sure at this rate it will take a couple years decades Maybe to get fishing 50 like this it’s probably because my fishing rod is

Trash and I cannot get any better ones I swear I forgot whyment bro there is absolutely no way this all I refuse to believe fishing is actually this whole I need to take both I I refuse to BU fishing XP so fishing okay let see what there’s got to be something uh TR

Bucket what is this what the hell is that that gives see this plus 10 fishing XP TR obtain from killing sea creatures nearly TR buckets deposit tra and get 10 fishing XP what the hell is that that gives fishing XP this artifact there’s so many new items that I never seen before

Uh Rod farmer Rod not good fishing rod not good L fire Ro good but impossible for me to make uh what else hard and wood not character helmet not good mine is better CH will not give that much xp there actually isn’t anything that is more fishing XP Pro this is

Insane it’s absolutely insane that it is this SW trust me get a squid pet from Park and get it to wend Lady by the time I get the squid pet and level it up to anywhere where it’s decent I’m already going to be like fishing

24 I know why I actually made in command like manual and if I did not get a squid pet they would then probably never get it I I know I was an idiot a very big idiot and for some reason I decided to grind for that and it took so long I

Lost my mind fishing sweets white Bo abase gets 1.5 fishing wisdom 70k bits oh Dam 70k I don’t have any bits now I think it’s mainly because of my fishing problem it has to be that otherwise I don’t know all I really don’t know what it could be

I know what I need to do lava fishing oh no we did not get that yet we only got ye as far as I remember it was pretty easy to get into get into laa fishing nothing again and it like started immediately to give like crazy amount of fishing

XP like it was actually insane the amount of fishing XP you get from it by just starting to fishion there and Plus Marina is coming so obvious I like die to any see creature i Fishing there but but I can just go in wobby where other people will kill them for

It oh yeah now I remember what I did I like fished up a lot of things with my ammonite pet I think and then I switch to squid and then I kill them but I canot do that here okay 25,000 more fishing XP before I 22 and at 22 I get absolutely

Nothing season already I thought it starts 78 minutes okay after we do this season of JY I think I might go make some coffee so I don’t die I actually stopped being a coffee addict for a decent amount of time for like a whole month I stopped drinking coffee

Completely and then I was like really tired and I decided to try coffee again like once and boom I’m a coffee addict again immediately just after after one after one coffee it’s that country I hate how my inventory gets feel with nonsense bro this is biggest problem of

Having no C creature chance your inventory gets filled up immediately with random nonsense like discs I have been streaming for over an hour and in an hour I’ve only gotten 20K fishing XP 20K even with Marina that’s 4y that’s absolutely nothing I can’t do that that’s nothing

If I fished for 10 hours straight I would not even level up half of a fishing level okay sure I took a wiow breaks to K range RS and stuff so I can make it 30k 30k still absolutely terrible go make your coffee I’ll do it after after the season of

Dir lent is over in like 2 hours I meant uh this that start in six minutes I need I need a gifts I need gifts on here that’s what I meant and then there’s like a pose between V I think that’s when I can go

Oh BR actually did damage to me to show me okay here we go I think that’s 8K and let’s see nothing again I can’t even tell if I’m getting anything anymore because my inventory is so full I don’t have we do I let’s put here smash it make

Absolute mess in my in my in my in my Ender Chest by the next uh J event I might even have enough ice for T ice ice minion my you mean I already have snow in kills oh he’s not me I need it I thought

He was in party CH this this Bo confuses me so much I hate that this level Bo I always think he’s talking in party when he isn’t and mine are also Bo I think I cannot get used to this who idea was that wrong armor nice Nice that that was yeah my necess it was it is a SW as it is it is already SW as it is I need to try L fishing how do you get into lava fishing again magma fish V is like starting Road for fish again I need to get into that that is

The only only way I’m doing fishing ever again that is the only way that actually gives you fishing this everything else is just completely unreasonable 22k after over an hour of fishing over an hour oh now that I have yti I can just not fish for years until my fishing

Minions have made enough uh not fishing the ice Min have made enough ice so I can make the OG after that it might be a little bit more reasonable to actually fish instead of using uh winter Rod that has total of of of a two SE creature

Trans getting to level 27 is the most pain after that it’s very easy to level up I just I just need to un the lava fishing that’s it that’s how I got to fishing 50 it goes so fast after that I’m going to say 29 like this is actually unbelievable

How how full this is I cannot believe that is that it is this SL absolutely totally unbelievable even if Marina was it would still be too s once I go on myland I’m putting all of my hyper catalysts I don’t care wasting all of them and leveling up as much as

Possible as much as possible at least get my level from that that’s enough for me that’s enough at please give me level 24 so I can so can get get get this I something I don’t even care about fishing XP if I can get something not like this I don’t

Get the fishing XP nor do I get anything W CH is the only thing that that is kind of saving me right now if full sh didn’t exist but I’d be fishing for absolutely nothing I would not be getting fishing XP I I would not be getting getting any profit or

Anything okay it’s this is starting in a minute how do you how do you do this again hold on I need to go up there if you get a yet just just type if you want maybe maybe I can make it in time H it couple of times and go

Back but of course my Co-op member has my he has my uh snow armor I could pretty much have a full snow armor now I just some cannons I think I do I think I only need to do a little bit of damage well that’s the minimal damage do you know any

Chance so I can just do that and then go back to fishing event starts in 16 minutes what the hell well that’s perfect I can go make make coffee I guess see seriously what seriously we not stting immediately okay that that is Okay I like you Charlie okay a that’s funny a that’s funny there’s this guy oh what’s this SEC creat T dishing XP for an armor that’s how you reforge armor it needs Anice it needs ofice of course yeah of course it doesn’t beire something like you know 500

Coins of course all right well I’m I’m going under this Christmas tree and I’m going okay I’m not actually going on M my Christmas tree I’m going can I can I Vis my other profile I want this profile I don’t know if I can I’m going on my

Other profile I’m switching my profiles while I make the coffee so I don’t die I became coffee addict again I don’t care coffee is good I don’t care what anybody says if somebody starts talking about don’t drink coffee coffee is bad for you they’re getting banned I don’t I don’t

Give okay I’m just going to stay here we make some coffee hopefully the doesn’t S while I’m going it should not take long so yeah I’ll be I’ll be right back okay give me a moment for all right I am back I am back oh my God

Okay that took so long it’s ridiculous that took me like 15 minutes to make a coffee and fun fact coffee is flamable yeah I almost burn my house down how nobody knows nobody knows but uh I just I EV started I know I know it started I

Just almost burn my house down with with the coffee how is coffee flamable nobody knows what the hell is this I have not played this for too long y hey ho where is everyone I subscrib thank you happy box thank you I was making a copy I got tired where’s my God potion

Bro I’m on a wrong profile no no no no no no no no no no no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no there go event again bro again bro oh okay okay I was firstly planning on like making completely black coffee zero

Sugar but after this stress I I need to calm down how do you do this event bro I have not done this in two years uh Frosty right you buy to this guy PR don’t can 1,000 coins wait isn’t there a better one right here uh there this I

Remember I remember I know how to play the game I know how to play the game oh my God it’s empty what no there we go okay okay is this the first event is this the first event did I miss anything or is is this the first one I it just

Already started and and I was like just little bit late um did you drink any of the coffee no I just I got it here I’m kind of scared to drink it honestly might die I might die so get no Cannon yes sir yeah I got 80k coins I only I

Only care about the red gifts some red gifts how many do I need to do how much damage total damage how much damage do I need to do so I get like maximum reward I can’t remember can’t remember I know there’s like a maximum amount of damage that you

Do and then you like get the same amount of gift as everybody else got more I know these weow idiots who destroy actually gifts yeah they actually destroy the gifts this Lobby is trash only two gift piles are three okay okay these people are trash these people are trash they are

About to destroy another one they are about to destroy another one another one just got destroyed please don’t they destroyed it halfway I don’t want to do this I think I did enough damage I can just go back to fishing and it will say we’ll see when it finishes how much they

Destroyed yeah I’m just going to go fish while they while they do all the work I think I did the maximum amount of damage I know very little he destroy the sea honestly I think we’ll have to switch willby after this these people are trash I’m not going to get any gifts

At all from this if we stay in this Hobby these people have not they destroyed all the gifts bro all of them not a single pile is going to be left oh good thing I came back screw the gifts screw the gifts bro I’m about to get a baby at p

And yes and he also got it that’s so funny oh that so funny bro said scw the gifts let me get a baby and I got one GG yeah it’s epic but it’s all right I fine with epic I’ll take an epic what Swit yeah oh I got was three white gifts from

This oh my how bro thr w share look at this bro I cannot even fish up a Yeti I cannot even fish it up I’m fishing 21 i Fishing 21 I just got that F here we are in the same OB this is the same OB yeah

You see the gift gift piles they are literally the same two left I’m pretty sure this are the same one only two gift piles left like in the last one but holy freak we got the yet I don’t need anything anything from this jry event anymore

How much will it cost to level him up again like straight up level one how much will it be let’s see I know it’s wor to like level him up to level 110 level him up but course I’m leveling up a lion of course I’m leveling up a stupid

Lion B that I’m literally never going to use B shop I don’t care here goes 2 million coins got the baby at on and Iron Man he got the baby at and Iron Man oh my God okay R wi scre view uh baby and 12 days 20 million Coins I need to all up first I have the coins I could but it’s best to save those coins how about CH okay you can vot you can vot me back let’s go get let’s go get another another yet pet where is it I mean it is but I can

Like get it for 12 million coins once it’s level 100 so it’s better to like wait at least level 80 70 maybe and then level it up oh CU If I level it up I just waste a lot of coins for no reason I really want that um XP share

Now XP share and the Rain r this this stream is getting better every every single moment let’s get even more gifts we we probably get more gifts from the rri than the whole event itself honestly like so far from the event now we got

For three B gfts and from the Rain r we got five as much but the red gifts and like billion of ey gifts already so yeah ranging definitely definitely very good even with my Artis Artis is carrying it is carrying I am probably the only profile in

Distance that that has fishing 21 and a baby p on an IR I just beat the game but leveling up this guy is going to be pain he’s a fishing pet how the hell am I going to level him up how the hell will I level him

Up R thing that comes to mind is mining that’s usually how I leveled up pets but oh my God got the red gifts but like I don’t have mining gear on here I don’t have no miny gear unfortunately and the event is about to start can we kill this thing already I

Need to two event as so oh can I can I can I hit him with this is this possible hit him with snowballs I could get I I would get infinite infinite amount of G bro if that was possible can I can I can I I need to try

This I can’t hit him but if he would stay in place let’s see if he will you should farm for money those were Titanic those were Titanic I just drop these I just drop these yes I don’t think I Dro that many I think I dropped like two so that that’s

Fine good grind Gite in the dwen that’s true I could also get like a goblin armor and try doing some heart of the mountain Only Heart of the mountain three I should at least do like my dieses Maybe where are the Cannons bro these people don’t know what they are doing can I

Have one Cannon please please bro you you don’t know what you’re doing we we going to lose all of our gifts we lose all of our I cannot trust these people and I can I need gifts on on this profile very badly and I don’t even know how much damage I should

Do boom okay okay you just need some random things get our damage and get another baby yetti pet today I can’t believe we have one I’m I’m still I’m still trying to Fig that one out how did that happen but I get everything from here honestly I don’t need

Anything if we get he of TR I that will be nice but I don’t really need that right now what else do I even need from here I honestly don’t know I honest don’t know I don’t think I need anything from JY fishing anymore we can go for legendary baby at

But it doesn’t matter because we can just level this one up anyway 20 million coins is a lot but as fixel said I’m actually planning on farming for money here farming seems like honestly the best option and we already getting one of our gift destroyed like unlike the mining I won’t

Have to spend kazillion coins to just and kazillion hours just to start making coins from there unfortunately guess what my C member has my farming pets at least he was kind enough to leave me one hole a potato hole he was that kind unbelievable I messaged him on Discord

So hopefully he will give my stuff back he quitted so that’s F and our gift pile is gone one of our gift piles is already gone are people like actually that bad at this game or what is going on like this is not hard use those coins shoot the magma

This is easy bro but they they we are losing all our gifts I think I did definit he did more than enough damage so while I’m just going to go fish while while they finish this up I need another baby Yeti pet one is not enough I’m just kidding it’s more than

Enough wa I need to be wearing the armor right it’s TR wa when the when it finishes let I need fish I need to finish screw the 5% more gifts oh if you did not know you just found out that fishing with grappling hook does not work it does not work fish with

The grappling hook yeah at least let me level up my fishing once more that would be nice another fishing level even though it takes so stupid long to get like 50,000 XP the whole day super M okay they can do that I don’t care oh nice look at that another gift pile is

Getting destroyed at the end of this do you know how many gifts we are going to open maybe five you nice it got destroyed it got destroyed absolutely absolutely love to see that I’m off the sleep thank you so much for the stream all right good night

Bro I’m glad I’m glad turn in for the stream but yeah good night good night please you saw me get baby ye you saw the main main thing in the Stream that we were streaming for basically but after I’m going to fish till one till I get one more fishing

Level I think and after that I think think I don’t need to fish really anymore I got the baby at do I need anything kind of but we can get that once I’m actually like once I can fish yet this up myself or when Marina is

Here because do I like need it need it now immediately not really not really I don’t need it right now so I’ll do just go mine ice and gift in there I’m actually going to risk my life now and try this coffee oh bro what the hell am I about to

Drink I don’t know what I’ve made I don’t know what I’ve made I put like you could probably take this coffee and make 55 more coffees out of it that’s how much I that’s how much I put Snow cannons don’t damage the cubes thank you thank you

Please educate them look at this all our gifts are going yo R how are you doing welcome to the stream welcome to the stream look at this every single one go the RO every single one I did not even know that was possible how are you I’m

Good I’m good look at this I actually got a baby atti pet on an Iron Man and I cannot even fish up baby yetties I am fishing 21 I got them through sh you was 20 gifts I was 20 gifts wait I still got something though I still got something

It says four four red gifts I still got something but they destroyed everything okay I was 20 gifts Le I get I got and the rain break oh I have so many red gifts you think you can spare me some money by friends I am Iron so I cannot give you coins but

At the end of this event I can give you all these gifts if you want I I have like half a stti probably of the redance and infinite amount of every other gift if you want those I can give you those but yeah I cannot Trace in some since some iron

Okay I did not put enough sugar into this not at all absolutely terrible I have not tasted the First Co in this yeah you T disgusting not worth almost burning my house down for this do you have any extra armor bro I I am on an Iron Man profile I cannot trade

See see this guy pixel SL trade V so you cannot trade the players I cannot trade so you can join my Discord if you want I give coins in there occasionally from my other profile which is completely bankrupt right now since I was making some video that that took absolutely every single coin

Out of that profile and I don’t even play on that profile anymore so it getting out of bankruptcy yeah it’s not very likely it’s not very likely I basically finish that video I’m just too easy to edit it now it’s been sitting there 4 days now I was planning on editing it

Today and actually working today but this day did not turn into very productive on and I blame my friends I blame them I woke up at 700 a.m. planning on working the entire day doing something productive and they were just like n let’s let’s let’s not do that why

Are there so many people here now good thing is we still get gifts even though everything everything gets destroyed so I should definitely get my 300 million back that I don’t need H all of those coins were basically donated to me I think I made 1 billion myself and

Everything else was was just donated so it felt right to donate them to other people as well so all of those coins that I had I bought handles and I gave them to the other people and then after years that minions have been working I collected that and that’s the coins that

I actually used on that profile after I came back that’s Z all coins that I had they made like 200 million coins maybe is this profile good uh W be good my 300 million is gone my God you could have asked for them I would have given you 600 million

Probably when I was quitting so yeah as I said I just gave them at other people at the time the X were stupid expensive oh yeah I remember that that was sick I I actually I saw just ra Co yeah you just you just made back so many memories that I

Had I just remembered everything I was struggling for two hours straight on a stream and then bro just came and saved saved the day well when you quit I quit at that time so many people actually quit at that time why is it going after me I did not

Fish you up why are you going after me oh that pie that piece so when I came back I saw that you quit I made him do rid 200 million and the entire trat was just like Googling the answers and I had to turn over the chat to actually figure them out

Myself oh my God this this actually tastes so bad but I have to drink it so I don’t oh my God what the hell dude actually got the snowman pet I want I wanted a snowman pet snowman pet is cool I want fun course level 28

Good I’m just SK I don’t hate people I’m myself this is gift of course of course when I first gift I mean I got a baby at so I can’t complain am I actually going to level up my fishing ons look at it’s going 20K XP that’s all I’m asking for

My minion my single single fishing minion on my Island made more in this hour than than me than fishing wait did I hear 600 million is that what you said what you mean 600 million what you mean 600 million when I say 600 million I get it yeah another way is about to

Start I hope Bo hope one fishing level that’s all I’m asking for one fishing level before this thing ends I could probably go collect my minion and he will have more XP than what I made for a whole hour you would give back 600 million if

I asked you yeah sure if you ask me back then when I was actually giving those coins away now I kind of did the did the same thing it was funny I I recorded those but I did I don’t know where those videos are I basically went to people I

Made made them do stupid things similar things to what you made me do like cradles I just took it to another level I saw I saw another streamer he was like he just started basically YouTube and and then skybook and I went to him and I like showed him

10 handles and he started freaking out and I told that I would give him one if he what was his favorite fruit p with that what I him and he said like banana which is stupid why would you say banana when person called melan is trying to give you handle so that that

Was very very stupid of him and after he said banana banana told him to like destroy banana and accept melon as his main and he told me he didn’t have any bananas then I made him go buy bananas at 3 a.m. and he turned on his face cam

And actually stepped on bunch of bananas and that was and then he started like praying to to to the m that was very weird I did not ask him that was part I did not ask him to do that tce but where where he started praying to me

And KNE down that was that was very weird I did I did not ask him to do that but he just did it on his own so yeah that was very weird and then I gave him like two handles I think what that two just above and beyond for the for that

Handle it’s how good I made around 44 billion more fishing damn that’s a lot of coins I would be much richer if I didn’t like do many stupid decisions on my main profile I did so many so so many stupid things like when I decided to do mining

I bought the mining gear during the co when it was the most expensive and then after the co ended I sold it and was like half of the coins and just basically lost all the coins that I made while Min I don’t know why did why did I do things that I did

But yeah I did very much stupid decisions back then I think that’s it I think I did the damage I don’t have to I don’t have to kill this things anymore going go back to fishing hopefully another fishing one from this and after that guy I basically just went

Mainly to my to my viewers that used to watch me a lot and gave them each a handle that’s me we what I did and then when I went into random people streams like if if somebody had one viewer I joined the 10 suddenly he had 10 viewer and they were like

Spoiling everything telling him oh you are about to get a handle you about to get a handle and they just ruined ruined everything I think I had like a 10 maybe after selling everything maybe a little bit last I I don’t remember it’s been it’s been a while I’m actually struggling to finish

This coffee it’s so disgusting oh my God I’m actually going to throw up I need to stop I I need a coffee but this is not worth it how did I make a coffee this bad never in my life have I tasted the first coffee that this this is just Next Level

Disgusting no no wonder it burned no wonder it almost burned my whole house out is there going to be a single single event there these guys actually don’t lose every single gift not the nut why do these nut crackers always go for me bro can they stay

Away I need to finish this coffee okay again know that’s that’s it no more coffee no more coffee only fishing oh thank you mush glov tonic one that’s like fishing speed right and every single gift pile go destroyed nice they took all the gifts I did not get a single gift oh

Nice I did not get a single gift yep these guys are just let get 30 fishing speed and how much fishing speed do I have is that good or bad Oh that’s like 25% faster that’s a word for me ho Dam oh time for another time for another imagine imagine two ye is in at all okay there we go kill it kill it nah no more no more wait don’t Ice Road I got the ice road I don’t know

What what the hell is that but I got it I have ice rod now oh wrong armor I could have gotten so many more gifts I got I could have gotten 100 Trade gifts so far if not for these people that are very good at the game

Obviously who take the cannons and then shoot the magma cubes and then people with snowballs they shoot our little guys yeah very smart people very smart people are in this Lobby I mean skyb players two Hydra heads and one Hydra what the hell it’s bad right I don’t need that that’s

Like why is it 4 million coins bro 1.8 like my thing is the same as mine why is it so expensive oh is there like a recipe that you can use Hydra heading and get something better I get it’s so expensive okay there will I think I got it nothing

Nothing oh my God another one another one bro epic okay I need no more epics m is fine can you sld them to the NPC maybe I know how much you can get I doubt you can get more than a million coins and both but level 280 and fishing 50

Prefix oh he’s he wants to tr okay okay okay I want to do that too I want to do that what this this hold hold on hold on plus you have copy on an Iron Man on an Iron Man I need show show let F there we go let’s FX on other people

Too let’s troll them would have been better if it was I hate I hate this boo preix so much whoever made it boo needs to go to jail that’s actually so disgusting I hate it I always think they they’re attacking in the party because of it that is the worst prefix in this entire game I hate

It Bo please level up as soon as possible get rid of that boo boo boo C it’s actually disgusting I hate it so much I hate it so much I cannot actually stand that c like moment I see that c my brain goes straight to the party chat and I think

Random people are attacking in the party TR and and and I yeah I don’t know I hate hate it so much another round I don’t know if I even want to do this honestly they will just fail miserably and was all for gifts and I’m just going to waste time

By by actually doing this event so yeah for two hours for two hours I’ve been fishing and I cannot level up 50,000 XP is what I’ve been getting for the last two hours for the last two hours Iron Man is the fishing is the worst activity on an Iron Man profile

On a regular profile when you decide you want to do this to yourself you actually want to fish it it doesn’t really matter because you just go straight and buy the best gear possible for fishing and then you and then you and then and then you

Fish that’s what you do but on here you actually have to fish with the worst gear possible which I don’t think even this game was made for fishing with this gear there’s it’s absolutely impossible that they made this game thinking people will not actually have the best gear possible for

Fishing and that they will actually use this gear they made this gear for no reason for no reason they did not think this true at this rate if I continue fishing like this it would take me okay let’s do the M okay I got like 20,000 XP per hour

20,000 do that for 10 hours that’s 200 key another 10 hours and that is one fishing level from uh 21 to 22 one fishing level 20 hours 20 hours and I would need like five more fishing levels at least before you know I actually started getting fishing XP at normal

Rates so that would take you you know just a couple of months of fishing D I don’t even care anymore why just go back fish they are going to the shore oh this let me see if I can get a a Hydra head I might need it for something I

Can’t really remember what you need a Hydra head for can you die please at least I get it for p the oh I got one there we go I have one now what do I do with this what can I do with this I’ve gotten one I want to put it on

And I have a Hydra head cool I guess I don’t know why this is worth poor million V punch helmet which is 50 times harder to get is only 1 million coins and they have the same stats where’s the logic in that where is the loic in this game why

Do you what is hydro helmet for nobody knows it has no purpose but it’s worth this much a second I need to check something real quick just a moment please I’m still fishing looking this up so it looks normal or you but I right need to this is not Good yeah this is not good at all I need to I need to change some settings in a second uh I might be forced to end the stream If this nonsense continues to change this oh is this so should be okay okay oh damn stream is also starting to lag

No I cannot really change it unfortunately whatever looks like stream is fine now you to go fixed on it own I don’t know looks fine to me now there seems to be like more waiting you know it’s back to oh my God bro entire night it’s fine and then it

Suddenly starts doing this stupid not cracker maybe I get W from him too did we get any gifts no they took all the gifts yep not even going to do this event anymore it’s clear we not worthed it just absolute waste of time doing that event it seems just going to fish

Instead I might actually just give up from getting this fishing level it’s it’s just ridiculous at this point how SL it is look at this look at how long I’ve been fing nothing oh yeah I can up my Yeti through through enchanting too unfortunately that will take years probably that won’t

Happen I’m trying to think how can I up my what is it ability at w it’s got something to do with like s it’s for the yeti sword right don’t think for I still don’t know why is Good now we have 30% secator chance that’s the biggest issue no secat chance this would be kind of fast if I just like fish up sea creatures instead and not these stupid things yet is a fishing pet I know but like I cannot level it up through

Fishing mostly because I will not be able to use a actual fishing pet which helps it fishing so I’ll be getting W fishing XP and it will take so long it’s used for bers and mainly to survive but why do people want legendary then it’s already good a good ability for Berserker epic

Oh my God why do we want legendary then I’m assuming yetti sword is like used for mes right and it’s like good as a as a mage weapon oh not I don’t even have a respiration on this thing that’s weird this pet oh AR this pet will be very helpful for

Uh for the soyers because of the Yeti sword yet the sword is for a mage okay so that’s what it’s for it’s good if you don’t have Midas or Hyperion so it’s worse than Midas s okay I’m just like trying and figure out on where on scale and how good it

Is so can you use it on like Master mode and stuff like 47 up to V four is yet so usable this we get range egg probably more more gifts than the actual event itself after we I’m actually checking but but Hydra head is used

For I need to figure out why it’s worth so much I’m not sure I would say 46 maybe 47 it could be useful for like sers equip a baby Yeti pet and do void gos tier 4 or Revenant tier Force I was going to say like uh Diana event it seems like it

Would be good there but you cannot have a baby yetti pet in there so that that’s not Possible yeah probably Bo I’m pretty sure you could do tier threes maybe it’s baby at not to do them fast but just do them uh yeah Hydro head okay I need to check what this thing is for oh is this no no let’s see what the hell is this hydrating

For cuz I got one I need to know what it is now I have of course it fa to game really doesn’t want me to know what this is about why is it 4 million coins if it’s the same as the sponge helmet why please load bro I want know

It’s not loading it’s not loading let SC it we will never know we will absolutely never know what did the event actually finish the event actually finished and I still did not get a single fishing W maybe it’s better for me to fish with squids now

Like I can actually go for uh squid pet to Guardians are so good they are the only ones who actually give me fishing XP when I catch them pleas what is your question the Hydra head what is what is that for why is it so expensive nut cracker I I don’t know if

I need them I need them screw them prove him I’m just going to die they actually do damage they hurt so much I’m so happy so happy myess is so good they give so we they give so we just give me those Guardian Defenders they are the only good

Ones they are the only good ones that actually give you be more Inferno minions for a few oh I’m never going to need that am I it’s completely pointless for me then oh actually CAU one yo that’s going to be a lot of XP isn’t it did I catch it I think I

Did kill it was that man that’s fair that’s that’s mine right it is mine yeah vulture Hydra and only 3,000 XP work of the C6 ooh and another Hydra head oh end game yes yeah not going to need it anytime soon think do I to save this support

Now it’s going to be a vow since I do I get a better fishing rod that for yours yeah I did not expect to actually catch it and only need 4,000 more XP now and I actually got it CH Diamond do I put this on another

Thing Spike hook oh I already have that do I put the Lo of the Sea on the winter road or save it till I get something better I can get this maybe in 10 years Road of the sea maybe I’ll get enough Enchanted wi pets for that in about 10

Years put fun in museum then keep one for end game oh yeah Museum that’s right I can put a lot of things in museum on this for well I can put everything this profile is a profile where I don’t have to worry about and the defender okay I’m getting lucky with thec

Creatures now getting a lot of good ones wait still challenging Road I have that one already I have that one but it it’s worse than this one right see see here it is but it’s like worse than the V Ro see same amount of uh fishing speed but ve as uh SE creature

Chance should I use that road I mean it seems favers and the and the win ro oh I actually thought I actually thought I F that up with my with my fishing for1 oh my God we are actually going to have so many gifts we going to have a

Stack of red gifts after this oh my God that’s so many red gifts it’s insane I might even get a Granda helmet that I so desperate we want after I get Granda helmet I don’t have to get a single gift my minions you get all the gifts for

Me if I get a grandus helmet I’m putting it my in my fishing minion and then putting out of my hyper G it’s it’s in there I need to open the maybe I open them so while that XP skill XP levels it up a little bit it will get

Nowhere near it will get like 10 at most but I’ll take anything through farming maybe could I open up through farming not really I want to use like cbit or of my best option would be getting an XP share core and just swiping one on him this guys

Shooting with Canon or what what is this what is he shooting it but like XP share will take too long and I don’t have one I can’t really grind for one can you no probably best option I have to start doing mining some basic stuff at least you hard of the mountain

5 and by the time I get out to the mountain 5 I’ll have like baby yet at level 100 probably even with my terrible mining gear there we go R how many GE do I even have I should have like a stupid amount 21 Reds and 52 Green I expected a

Little bit more but that’s pretty good that’s pretty good okay let’s just get this last fishing level out of the way so I can not do this anymore I got sick of fishing already fishing without good fishing gear is is one of the worst experiences

In this game 1,000 fishing XP left I can honestly get that through gifts ni I can just open them probably do any of you want these gifts or do I just open them with randoms can just go to random Lobby and give them to random people I guess if

You if you don’t find them oh there we go this guy should give me give me enough PS right come on fishing 22 can you die thank you thank you and only 400,000 XP for another level never going to happen absolutely never going to happen I work to Lava

Pigman who the hell is that where is he he doesn’t exist that’s SEC creature doesn’t exist it’s actually not in here oh a pigman there it is wava magma Fields carine die magma core eternal flame ring I mean it’s a Talisman I might want to do that right get a Talman someday

But I am definitely done done with fishing let’s go open these gifts and maybe get a crampus helmet maybe get a crampus helmet I’m don’t think I’m going to open V on I think I have few gifts on my Iron Man I can check either oh you can give gifts to another Iron

Man is that actually a thing I actually saying they should make it I think I didn’t know it was already I think that’s really cool if you can if iron and profiles can give each other gifts but from V gifts I don’t really need anything besides Nord star so I

Won’t even open them until I need them you canot that’s pretty cool we just add these things to the museum quickly weapons not the weapons armor right no the armor Rarities in here here we go well on there my winter Ro I can but to the other section here oh no it doesn’t

Count ice ro oh yeah yeah It’s s in Rarities but this does nothing right it doesn’t give me skyb XP nor anything and that’s kind of stupid I already have a salmon armor in here don’t I yeah I do give me my XP and let’s open these gifts nothing there

Uh SE of sex Red Green uh red G I want to see what my odds are on getting getting anything good I really love a snowman pet so how cool would that be having that thing on Iron Man She I can get a million coins but that’s rarer than a phoenix Pet O it’s as rare as legendary S I guess you cannot get epic can’t you 0.03 yeah yeah I’m never going to get that unfortunately skill XP watch me get one million coins BR I kill myself Uhn need that cramp 0.10 oh he die that’s also rare cryo powder Shard

Golden gift oh golden gift I love that I would love that how expensive is Holy D 27 million I love holy D too imagine painting my armor green green is one of my favorite colors that Bo I always wanted to to die armor in that core and Y

Too before I quited my end goal was actually buying like that exotic Frozen boy very it I was this cool to buying one and then I qued the game so never got to Red gifts oh hold on let’s start with them okay this guy you are about to get us

No can you can you open them I guess not this this this one he just started the game we obviously saw that the people who start the game are very lucky please open open upper more four nor Stars ice run 20,000 coins uh nothing good so far baby baby

Baby baby baby winter sa this baby another winter sack okay here you go we got two winter sex I don’t need those maybe snow suit just PL I don’t need that to please anything rare not a snow minion I don’t need it either Grandpa’s helmet anything

Nothing put this s minions away I really don’t need them but we got them holdbody I got more with didn’t get anything that I needed but green on oh that’s so annoying that is so annoying I really needed a Krampus helmet Krampus helmet with SS so many problems okay

Whatever at least you get a lot of nor stuffs from the green on see already at 50 no Minions that I really don’t need for anything like what the hell am I going to use no minions for if I have a TW gotten B rare thing this would have been better better but

Of course the rarest thing is the chest plate of the snow armor and it’s the piece I already have so that was not very good but yeah and I need 300 nor stars for tier 12 ice minion oh my God that really goes in 1 hour and 18 minutes you do 44

For you I sure we will see if I stream that one but hopefully I do more snow mines bro open this up uh what six now the vites only going to be useful for the nor starts I don’t I can open this up with full inventory honestly I don’t need anything from

Them absolutely don’t need anything from these what happen what happened oh I thought I I got something rare somehow but of course I didn’t I did not get anything except the snow minions I I’m getting so many of these snow minions if there was at least some kind

Of use for them it be nice okay you can have some too I can wait open this AIT full inventory I don’t even care the white gifts are completely pointless to me nothing I get in white gifts can be useful for me the main thing is the snow

Minion and I don’t need it of course they go in my sack bro don’t put the things in my sack I don’t need any of this nonsense I don’t need any of that and even nor Stars I get like one every 10 gifts bro why gifts are so bad they are

Trash they are absolute trash and they take forever to open 78 let me switch to my Iron Man real quick oh my God I I thought I got baby Yeti from gifts because he show that three fo I know oh my God so many people

Here how many do you have on your Iron Man do you have any red ones maybe there’s still hope for me to get you know anything good out of these can you people you people made so much complicated here nobody knows whose gifts are whose anymore somebody give giving me

Gifts there’s like five people in one one spot I can’t even give they can’t even open it nobody knows whose gifts are whose look at how complicated they made is I’m still opening the first stack of V gifts I’m never going to get through them let just give oh that’s him yeah

Yeah just open just open now they are busy I need to get rid of them just give me all stuffs of course he’s coming right here to make this complicated so nobody knows who I gave gifts to I go this in the M of Queen

To what the hell is that armor or an Iron Man I keep seeing that armor oh what hold on I see this armor every R what is that armor oh my God bro better me K oh my God bro what did you do on your iro what this fermento what the hell is

Fermento I don’t have any gifts okay that’s fine you gave them a v okay def please help me open the can get rid of them you can get rid of them as fast as possible gifts are so hard to get rid of I’ll probably get more

Because I might just go mine for more gifts oh it’s going to be such a pain to empty my sex now it’s going to be so much pain because all this trash from gifts is going into my sex oh what all of these Potions all of these everything that I don’t need discs

Oh my God why gifts are not for opening by the way I know but I can’t sell them and I get nor stars that I need a wor of right now so might as well open them plus I get some coins and XP I’m not I’m not giving gifts there I’m

Never going to get rid of them see this guy you can take them I need like 300 nor stars for for uh ice minion to tier 12 then I also need can you please take my gifts I also need like for the tow man I what and there was another thing that I

Needed there’s also TI 12 snow minion that I don’t need right now would be kind of cool to get but the dude requires like 500 n starts so I’m just never going to get that I almost got a million coins from this so that’s pretty cool and almost out of V

Gifts if only you could sell this if only and my baby yetti leveled up to level eight oh my God two more a you can’t give me gifts bro you cannot give me I’m I’m on an Iron Man open them open the last one where two just let me get

Rid of them I don’t want them I don’t need them anymore open them open them give me a nor star and never opening these G again there we go my nor star let’s see where did this come for he just opened all of them where they you

Just cannot get rid of these F gifts it’s impossible you cannot get rid of them please please take it take it bro please just open yes thank you I’m free no more white gifts you it oh my God that’s a lot of soul oh yeah I have to worry about soul

On Iron Man to I cannot buy soul how do you even get soul no one knows uh 300 oh so much uh oh my God I’m going to need so many I’m going to need so many of these nor Stars okay let’s just sell everything to the NPC of course you

Cannot even sell most useless things just sell them so empty my inventory uh there where’s my pickaxe I want to see if there’s any red gifts maybe in here uh pickax pickaxe I just had a pickax where did go to be honest oh but SW when did it

Exist if you told me before you were going to make an Iron Man I would have called p on my Iron Man bro I I had this this Iron Man Has existed for three years now three years I just never played on it Enchanted by guys see this is this

This whole area this is the best area in whole Hypixel skybook I went in there for 2 seconds I already came out with one Enchanted Tech I only problem is here it’s impossible to find any red gifts in here it’s all white it’s all white and I lost my

Chance to actually get reds because those people just failed the whole event and they went all my red gift that I could have got them that’s not even going to mine like hly maybe I should any need nor Stars maybe when I get enough n STS I can stop mining

Them and they take too long to open oh my God uh I don’t know if I want to if I want to do this honestly I’m mostly doing this for the ice but there doesn’t seem it’s very rare these people are mining everything and I have minions honestly I think we just

Finished the J event here I think we’ve just done enough enough the event while they fish for the last hour of this event so we can do dungeons we can go do something else uh I’ve just had enough of fishing and these and these gifts and everything maybe just warp in case there

There’s like a r Drake so I can get more red gifts but other than that I don’t think I need anything how many min did I get didn’t even get that many h why do you even get these from Red GS you can just buy them though why would they give them out

Think red GS okay that’s it five snow minions and I have an tier 11 already just sitting in here completely pointless to me uh okay uh oh otion is in 5 minutes let’s try and sell something so I can do that let’s see is there anything I I can

Sell I lost most of my coins because I B the stupid cookie booster thing I have a lot of Enchanted Cobblestone but I always need Enchanted Cobblestone I want to sell that I have Enchanted bones Enchanted spider eyes Enchanted strings out of which I probably need don’t think I have that many

Enchanted diamonds left though I have a little bit I like to keep one double chest gold how much gold worth gold is going to be wor can I check I beg 6.5 do I sell gold do I need gold for anything I have a lot of

It apparently I have 138 million in my IR man sex I wish I had that man I wish I had that much uh gold what do you need gold for in this game I need to actually check first uh because it’s starting very soon the door po let’s the gold what is this

Used for I know it’s used for legendary G but I don’t think I need that much G yeah D SE and that’s it that’s it D sex and and the Griffin let’s check how much do I need griefin no one not that ooh two stacks oh and D X not X huh

X who X oh there it is so Three Stacks holy crap I need all of this basically we can still get 30 that’s all I can afford to sell to the NPC 3 million coins it’s not even that much Redstone Redstone I know what I need for super

Compactors but how much do I need and I already have a lot honestly honestly I think we can get rid of one stack I don’t care prob we getting rid of one whole how Much coins in do I kill this 3 million Enchanted lava buckets emeralds don’t need emeralds or anything right half a SEC 3 million all emeralds are expensive we’re killing them I already made emerald armor Enchanted lapis oh no I need lapis right for everything oh yeah and it’s

Cheap no no no no not selling that not selling that there’s no there’s obsidian though I need obsidian for like uh Enderman s stuffff we only got one 4 minutes like 2 minutes Enchanted bones Enchanted string I don’t have that much string oh but do I so chicken stuff I absolutely

Don’t need this one anything I already sold everything in chicken stuff uh anything I can sell I don’t have stuff to sell what the hell I don’t have stuff to sell obsidian I don’t care obsidian will sell as much as possible there already at 9 million I we

Only sold like a couple of things and we are already at 9 million I cannot sell is no no no I cannot sell app is because I need that for Titanic experience battles 11 million plus 10 million plus 10 million from the there a little bit of cobblestone I don’t care

Anymore double Stone put the NPC only T it this is absolutely not worth it absolutely should not have done that I was not wored it sure we like some diamonds in here left right we can sell yep there I care and I need to keep some coins for

Dungeons that’s good in case we get some really good deal in ction we’re just we’re buying buy it and then we can sell stuff that we will need someday if we just get somehow very good deal into our ction which is very unlikely I need a FL minion very

Much for uh for that for that Talisman I also need no I don’t really need but jelly fish and tur Turtle P would be would be cool to have and if you get tired on that Tian account you can join mine and just have all the stuff I have could be fun

But right now I am I like to see how this profile goes I I don’t want to collect the fairy SCE again or or grind this fishing XP again h no way not happening it’s not worth these levels for now but yeah in case I get Seck of this I should

Consider it could be fun but here we go dark auction and also the tier six enchanting books I bought one I bought the giant K six yesterday so if when I get some sword that I need I’ll have that and also Power Six I I need to buy that I let it

Go twice it appeared twice and I didn’t buy it this time I’m I’m buying it for 10 million coins I don’t care I need that for xer b or Juju b or with so many BS here we go oh and there’s a baker another cake okay I’ll take that I

Really just hope my C member comes back bro that’s he has 50 million Queens buto that would be so helpful I messed him but who knows who knows I also messaged the other guy my God portion just got wiped it just disappeared oh never mind it’s back it’s back game just being

Weird oh very high levels are in here and the high level IR man that guy is going to buy everything oh hell no uh that’s not good but some pay two billion on a turtle P oh that’s so mean that that sounds like something I have will

Do oh my God okay here we go power six book I really want that if we get that I’m spending all of my coins on that I only need to buy one more thing before I get the, man also I’m pretty Sure oh oh no I want oh I would love this but I won’t have even if I spend everything I won’t be able to get it oh no I want this so bad this would be so good on this profile oh this would be so good to increase my guard potion oh

Damn those 50 million coins that my C member has this is where they would have gone right now this is where I would have just spend all of his SP no hesitation no hesitation I would have about it for 50 million coins but h I just don’t have enough protection

Six no power six do we buy this do I need this for for some armor bro no way you just beat that was a Miss Quick proba we wasn’t it bro actually miss quicked he was not planning on buying that I can guarantee you he did not plan on to buy that V

Artifact he is not timeing bro you see bro just miss quick overpay he wanted to beat but he didn’t oh my God bro just took that book I needed that to get a th man are you serious why did you spend so much uh and power six would have been

Used protection would have been useful in this profile I could have put it on my frozen plade once I’ve got it a DN why do people do this over PID so I can get it 4 million coins it’s worth are you serious people rep too much I only need

One more team so I can get the thous power minion I know I won’t get I got I got mine for 8 million coins on my main but now it’s wor 88 million oh yeah that T man is getting more expensive every day okay here we can can this finish I

Want to see if there’s any chance in hell I can actually get for Minion here we go I’ll give away 20 million coins if I have have to 20 million coins right now to get a flow minion please don’t overpay please let me have this ah

No hope I actually I actually thought I might get it I actually thought I might get it oh that they they really just gave me that hope for a second and then then just took it away ah yeah no did not get anything from here did not get

Anything very cool very cool I can just go back straight to my own no that I did not get anything that’s so cool that is so cool I said my why is it teleporting me where I don’t want to be okay well of course yeah forx forx on me yeah

Forx that you spend 40 million coins to steal from a poor item profile like me oh my God okay people see I need to make some way to make coins on this profile like a garden seems like obvious way to make coins and the fastest way to start

Making coins on an Iron Man profile but but I made this V just doesn’t want to go I cannot even do the Jacob event with this so stupid uh I have to quit all of these which will take very long as well this guy what you

Want I play G in a little bit and I don’t like it Enchanted a now accept but can I get one he uh I have a I don’t have replenish on this well I actually don’t okay I can make replenish book I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure I can make

One uh let me check I know I had reported bro Mushrooms I did a water what theck okay there we go nether wood so I have replenish from that and I build all of this without without uh Builder Fund and it’s all useless now because a farming Fortune doesn’t no longer work because why would game actually let me you know bar my

Potatoes now I have to go to Garden which is going to take me so long to get going in there of course I don’t even have wheat of course it transfer into he because of my personal and since I didn’t have replenish actually had to

Like I I mind I would mind like every potato and and then I would put it back in my in my the thing that points and then then just rep manually that’s what I did since I did not have a did not have rep it all righted Cookie what do you need

How many do I need to make again replenish 16 oh I even have enough bro oh I might not have enough oh okay you have to buy some beat in the hub so I can make replenish V here we go what can I put this please tell me I can

Enchanted cookie oh yes I can oh thank God that’s beautiful that’s beautiful that you can actually put that in super compactor I did not expect that you could put that thing in the super compactor but you somehow can that is beautiful five all right we need

16 I don’t even know if I should put this on a on a you know on the potato hole that seems kind of like a not going to lie okay I have a lot yeah I’ll be fine I have at least for another replenish book or

Two oh there we go I need I need papers now which we can also buy from the NPC and we’ve got one replenish book that I can put on my what the hell what the hell I just I can put on my potato let me craft it please why is it not re

Working oh I need more paper I need more paper uh that should definitely be enough good 27 million in Hydra heads holy crap there that’s enough replenish book food what the hell I can’t I can buy a wood both of these on my main profile and just give them to

Somebody and then switch to my Iron Man profile and get infinite candies and get infinite candies huh and then buy everything I can possibly need for from a from a spook event okay there we go replenish there we go a potato hole I don’t have an elephant pet but guess

Who does my c member H even do and he has a legendary rabit but look this this is this is What Hurts the Most this rabbit P that I’ve spent so long leveling up if he can just give me one thing I will take this this why I want back so

Bad I want this I want it really badly but I won’t get it obviously for obvious reasons I have epic one that works just as well for now it’s level one nah let’s level up a be let’s level up a be P oh yeah farming will probably be my main money

Making method here I don’t know any other money making method besides that that will work on Iron Man not even going to think about mining screw that only going to do the basics in mining but there we go we should be able to actually Farm now after I sell

Everything to the NPC complete that dir quests Tred cookie okay we will have to harvest half grown wheat but that is absolutely fine absolutely fine go ah replenishes now how cool oh and I’m getting this o farming XP oh that’s cool be level 32 I keep getting guardien XP Sky BL XP and

Everything oh my God I’m getting a look at this Bo Fire visitors potato crop that’s sick I can actually find potatoes with a potato hole let’s put this in here do I need wheed for anything bro Cod efficiency what the hell is cod efficiency like actually real I need wheat for

Anything I can just switch to potatoes right now I have potatoes bro that’s unbelievable I actually need potatoes I can make hot potato books I guess feed for just selling Queens but I don’t have a veto who cares pumpkin oh this go so fast bro I’m leveling this up like

Crazy the biggest problem is like unlocking these ports I hate that I don’t want to do that I have to like cut down trees and everything oh bro how long that is going to take it’s ridiculous that’s the best best crop for money like is it first upgrading this I

Our potatoes good our potatoes best I need chance what crop should I focus on to make coins I only care about coins so if I were to go straight for only coins what would be the best and that for farming XP I kind of need potatoes anyway just for Hot Potato books

So potatoes will be a big part of this Farm I think but I don’t think they are very good for coins nether w i remember was very good and I have a decent nether W po I’m farming 25 right oh yeah I’m also pretty high farming well that pretty

Cool okay Enchanted HS here we go we can give that guy one I also have a budget aot which is more expensive than the aot itself the Weeping sword yeah yeah here you go take green tum H is Green T I keep getting so many things that I don’t know

Of when is the next Jacob event it doesn’t say I mean I don’t really have to care about that because I won’t be able to complete one anyway so how much will this so for 7,000 coins H not very good we doesn’t seem to be very good for coins

Unfortunately I could use vat to make aromy sa Agronomy sa is what I’m going to want I think farming army oh let’s make that add it to add it to the museum there we go some Museum stuff all right and Agronomy sack how do you make that small

SEC why so expensive bro what the hell oh oh oh I just dropped my microphone can I not a Gro s is so Expensive is that even word making this Museum I guess I also getting enchanting Enchanted SE how much do they so far they any good they kind of are I need an elephant pet bro elephant pet would be sick when is the next thring Z in a

Day oh elephant pet would be good for coins isn’t there a better pet like a mushroom cow pet or something didn’t there like a better pet right a mushroom cow I know everybody was crazy about that but isn’t that like better than the where is it okay here it

Is mushroom and Mum okay nothing breaking a true crops mushroom will drop gain zero Fortune for every 20 strength and you make it To oh hell no oh I know I mean it’s not that hard it just take a lot of time that doesn’t seem very good it seems good on like a regular profile because you get mushrooms and mushrooms sell for a lot on a regular profile but on an Iron Man I don’t think

They sell for very much on that on NPC and strength there’s no way for me to get strength anyhow on here like on my main I could use a necron and stuff but on here nothing I’d have no strength so I think unfortunately elephant pet is going to have to be a

H I also messaged my other Co member if he comes back at least we can kick him and he can leave and I get his stuff that’ be pretty cool but oh another person what does he want Enchanted pumpkin no bro cannot get that for you I know have a pumpkin farm

Yet nope only eat if you need whe I can help you otherwise I cannot perfect poor guy perfect scenario would be just my C member coming back and I get like high level elephant and just leveling up to legendary in a not so good scenario I’ll have to wait for a traveling

Zoo bu an elephant pet and L up myself and then upgrade it myself got all the farming I want this maybe F maybe Garden is not that bad did I get a cake oh there’s a Jacob event oh I’m going to run out of crops before I can do anything

Wa I forgot I have the best farming pet in the game the B look at this I get 10 farming fortune on my that’s perfect 10 farming Fortune from this bro that’s insane unfortunately nothing out of this jacob event oh I have to clear up so many ports to actually like

Get you know farming space to do these events I think I want to focus on potatoes right I have a potato hole and everything H potato books so far so far I think potatoes are the way and for coin and I unlock these new pests I have no cool what these bests

Are about RAR cane I think nether W is still the best probably if I can unlock that I have a hoe I have everything unfortunately I don’t get Farming XP from that so yeah my God there’s no perfect solution to this whatever I do I I look stupid so yeah if

I do nether W I’ll have to like get Farming 100 before I can even start making coins out of it potatoes will probably sell for two coins each so whatever I do I look stupid there’s no right answer to this I can’t even get bronze bro oh my God this is so

Bad this is absolutely so stupid so far I only want potatoes so I can get some farming XP and get some get some H potato books and about coins coins are aren’t the problem because we don’t have coins money isn’t the problem because we don’t have any

So how can money be a problem if you don’t have it no I’ll just stay poor forever I guess I’ll just stay po Forever on this profile there’s no way to make coins on here this just impossible to make any money on here nope completely impossible you cannot make coins

Here I got eight of this so how much did I make for like 10 minutes of farming 100K 10 minutes that’s why almost a million per hour but like considering this is a potato who I don’t have a pet in best case scenario at the best I

Can at most make 5 million an hour CR Meter now I want to put this in here insert crops in your sexs no crops in your sexs from your inventory organic matter do we insert in this oh Enchanted cookie no no no no no no no no we are not killing those no no no no

No no one compost how that takes up okay there we go insert inventory uh so how does this work again insert fuel okay I remember buy fuel here right and I need this for the server is shutting down Ser you cannot be serious let me get the cake I need those

For to unlock more ports did I get K I did I’m I’m an idiot I’m an extra idiot but I need those for more uh pots in the garden and with more pots mean I can actually farm and I can actually participate in the Jacob contests I can

Get more holes and I can actually start farming and making some coins what do I want to buy from Jacob here’s a Talisman oh this that’s cool personal best that gives farming Fortune it seems extra farming Fortune oh yeah these are all good bro I can probably get a lot of farming

Fortune and fuel required okay I me buy fuel I can probably start making a lot of coins once I actually set this up is this enough you I need to pick this up it’s so annoying I don’t need please I need a personal so

Bad I have un compos can I unlock a P with that what let me see configure pots you need I need two composts this will be done in 10 minutes it’s going to cost so much isn’t it to actually get potato to actually get pots there’s

Potatoes wait my V is a higher tier oh you can even get more forun bro can we got get so much food now where are these pets I want to see what these pets are I just want to walk them they seem cool I get another Vis I

Did not um can I start quitting this even though I did not walk it please I can I cannot oh my God oh my God what this now I’m going to need at least two personal deleters just to delete everything useless from this J event it is so bad how much trash they

Actually give you and iron minion is the only minion I did not have placed so I cannot make a personal theer one thing that I actually really need yeah we have to wait 10 minutes for this uh oh that’s annoying where’s my tree capitator there it

Is we can quer these woods and does this end event we can do dungeons in 30 minutes okay in 30 minutes I can do some 4 four I have coins to buy to buy those drops oh interest posing 15 minut so we get interest okay wow we wait for this compost let’s actually

Do these daily commissions I did not do this in years but I should probably get some mining Basics out of the way G too so I can also level up my PS later on with mining was there something I wanted to do but forgot I need to make an

Aot another one my co has one and I cannot wi without it how do you make OT I think I have everything uh 32 Enchanted end pearls I have a what yeah I have a lot of interet pears and I need a Bo rods which I can buy from the NPC and I

Have some 16 is V I think right if that’s true I think I’ll have better enough to make aot TR die Fender it’s like two it takes like two for want that not good at all and we run out and we don’t even have half of what we need

Yet well this is not good at all but it will be very close I might not even have BL as well like I won’t have the easier thing it will definitely be very close but I we will be able to c one I want to upgrade my main weapon

Right now which is this sweeping sword I want to upgrade it so we can and to do that we need to complete the stupid race and to complete it I need a I need aot yeah we don’t won’t actually have Boaz RS like I might even have

Enough ender pearls but I want have Bo RS oh this is so stupid bro I actually w’t have BL RS and it looks like I wouldn’t even have Ender pears anyway there’s not enough yeah we couldn’t even get half of what I need is there any way I can complete that Trace without

LT like I want to make this silk into this silk Edge and I need this silky L thing that is so stupid I need that it’s so ridiculous Spruce I don’t know why I can complete I only have a grappling and I have this this has the most man I think we equip

This we talk to him and we start of course I didn’t even start okay there we go I started weeping sword this one second of a cool down is what’s going to make this impossible for me because it has this one stupid second cool down

And of course I’ll get stack in a stupid block and I’ll fail 26 seconds yeah simply impossible without aot and this is my main weapon I really want no another that’s the third one today that’s the third Titanic bottle that I wasted today absolutely insane how many I’m waiting

I’m putting that away that is not made for me I cannot be trusted with that and I keep dropping my mic I keep dropping it okay I’m this around so I don’t drop it anymore now I just risk breaking it completely instead of dropping it there we go

I probably messed up whole sound now now nobody can even hear me anymore I just I just uh I don’t know what I did I activate something stupid probably now I messed up everything nice yeah who knows can you even hear the music no think I mess it

Up there go I’m going to increase it I don’t know if you could even hear it uh water M yeah think we can complete some commissions before this event ends and we go to dungeons uh gowin raid Slayer I should get some armor for the P Water

Mines thing is way right better than since my level isol there’s a Sor I want to try something stupid and that is King sort see if he can if there’s any hope of ever getting that in my emerald armor let’s see how I want to know just how

How much I need to upgrade before I will be able to kill them if I die instantly yeah oh I don’t get one shotted I did not get one shotted so that’s that’s good my regeneration is absolutely terrible look at this how so it is how much you 12 K

Yeah uh so far we don’t get one shotted that’s a progress that’s very good can I get out but kill me fell to your death did not know that was even possible in this game but looks like it is yeah let’s go get the Goblin armor should take like total of 1 minute

Maybe gowin armor should be pretty easy to get then just three 4 to V and hopefully we get some decent mining speed all right go can iot with this that be awesome oh yeah I can with this ability the best abil I cannot one shot the r unfortunately 6,000

Coins are goblins a way to make coins Goblin egg what P do I have equipped equip horse up horse for some reason I really want a level 100 horse I don’t know why it’s for the memes level 100 TOS it will be just very funny to have that I already got into level

62 that’s my main combat pet that I’m leveling up not a single piece of Goin armor that’s insane to me magic find is really a big thing in this game on my main I could have killed I would have gotten like full sets three times by

Now and I did not get a single piece magine is freaking important bro it’s insane how important it is I want to fish with no AR mine with no armor though I really want this I had one but yeah need to get one again oh this ability so so satisfying actually

O wish should had like bigger range only farming contest is over at least I’ll get one Jacob ticket it’s very hard to I came it actually not a single piece of armor yet that’s crazy that is honestly kind of crazy to me that I have not gotten a single piece

Of goblin armor from this I’m close to giving up I’m close to giving up and just mining without armor go boots there we go do I need full set oh yeah I need this is completely useless without a full set Sor armor would be cool but I need like

Very good gear to be able to get one and Beast SC that’s cool oh yeah did I qu my be SC lels my mouse oh I did not 175,000 combat XP guess which pet is going to get that the horse pet obviously hell yeah be theary four SP correct taming level

63 he’s starting to require a lot of XP to level up now 400k coins oh my God that’s also a lot of coins about to get that interest to Goins at always drop some coins every now and then so that’s pretty cool but they aren’t really good for coins

Unfortunately that’s like bare minimum I need four ghosts I think full brozen uh brozen full Frozen Blaze armor and that and that sword from 44 if I had that another food seriously if I had that uh I could probably get I could probably kill them not very effectively but I could kill

Them and grind for hours and maybe get enough to make an armor and after Sor I don’t need anything else Sor is like best armor in the game after Divan and D is not happening OB for obvious reasons sort of could do very well one of my most popular videos

Actually is about comparing sort of to the one and it did pretty decently actually as as as far as I remember he did decently so it’s not even that big of a difference in how much coins you make but like the cost of those armor is very much

Different of course it like adds up with everything it adds up with most expensive drill most expensive pet and everything and then all of the things add up you end up making like three times less coin than that you would have been making but you also spend 3 billion

Coins to get the absolute Max setup for now Goblin is fine just so I can complete my daily commissions and stuff So get some M make some better pickaxe I don’t know if I want to even go for the drill Sil pickax is like good enough more than just a second just a tiny second you have to all right right never mind but yeah there like a titanium pickaxe that I think is pretty

Good what it’s pretty good I forgot what you even need for drill I can make one anyway we need like higher heart of the mountain level there’s a gemstone drill I remember that one gemstone gold but yeah I can make that H why want I go for Dr going

It as far as I remember that was pretty cheap to actually make where drstone there it is 40 million coins for us yeah money speed and you can add gston to it and isn’t this like better than than most drills I don’t know I need to watch some mining tutorials bro

I completely forgot how mining works and there’s probably a thousand different money things that came out another boot are serious there’s probably so many different things that came out since I last mind that I should no about or get before I get into mining again T this guys here see now re

Boots and nothing else and a helmet okay so far before I get into any serious or half serious mining I need a Twist sort of armor at least and then I think gemstone drill is like very cheap to make the first one and it’s like better than the best titanium drill four gemstones

Only and if I get that I can use that to get a gaet which I think is like among the best things that I can use to mine besides like maybe top three drills in the game so yeah that’s my plan for mining once we get into

Mining but first I’m going to need like actually get some tals and everything so I can kill ghost and get solo armor so we will see we will see how that goes I know like gemstone drills are very good for gemstones but like not good for MRI and titanium

And I know I can sell both MRI and titanium and Dr stones to the NPC and still make a lot of coins which is more useful I know I need the gemstones to make a Talisman and I’ll need mid tril for like M go p and the beacon I think I need

More I need me honestly there’s not many things I need me for I guess Min but it’s not really important really and in gston three you don’t need it or anything besides Talisman so after getting like Talisman you can just start selling them to the APC you w need them for anything

Else besides like drill and maybe go but also need to make perfect yeah my God you need to make like perfect gemstones and put them on your so much wor more I think about is the wor I want to do it yeah true just I just spent like 10 minutes

Thinking about Mining and then just give up now just get like Talisman get the Talisman get the beacon and things I’ll need outside my need after that scroll with don’t need to mine anymore but you also need mining to like add genstone swots to your regular armor

And then oh my God you cannot avoid mining in this game no you have to do mining in this game no matter what no matter what you will need mining uh that’s one oh and star don’t know what that is forgot I forgot mining might be the first kill we

Get to level 60 to and that will probably like I’m 90% sure that will be the way we get a baby at to level 100 just slap mining XP boost on him and get to mining I actually can’t believe I still did not get a go set up what why

Is it taking me so long only million boots and one helmet no chest PL no WIS absolutely ridiculous now probably won’t even get it on time before we go into dungeons another boots bro stop it with the boots I don’t need the boots anymore and

Goblin eggs I got so many of these but I need go next for I don’t know I just remember that I need need them for a lot of things so I’ll probably keep them I remember go being very important in this game or like drills and stuff and everything so I’m keeping

Those can I Goble raid things happen that would complete me both daily commission and I would get a and I would get an armor for nuquest runs that’s a go all right but don’t you need like boxs and stuff 1 is that good like you see 7,000

Every now and then but like that’s nothing like didn’t even go up at all when I started doing this I should have gone for the G right I should have gone for the G I would have already gotten it by now three go eggs you need three go eggs for new I don’t

Get all I’ve gotten very tired my brain is not braining right now I could not bring myself oh finally I could not bring myself to drink that whole coffee it was too disgusting I’ve never made more disgusting coffee in my life uh we can just s these m to the NPC

Oh they nothing man nothing I was hoping for a Twist 10K but nope now want we ch CH plate would be very good now well dark oan is in five minutes okay okay can I can I pick up my coins while I’m in dark auction I don’t want to not get

Interest I want to take all of my coins in the dark auction but it will be during the interest and I don’t want to who theang that’s like 300K coins I Think oh did and I still did not get the go armor can you oh my God I might risk it to honestly just go in there and leave coins in the bag and hope I can take it out once I get my interest okay let’s go back what’s with

The bear minimum in the bank just in case I cannot take it out hey hello tanky welcome to the stream how are you doing uh 4 interest how much do I need to leave 10 million Coins and we will take 5 million from there weave 10 million and then we get when we get our interest I really hope we can take it out 12 million should be enough for anything really that I can afford like if there’s any book I’m buying it almost

Any because I’ll need them honestly probably all of them 35.9 million an hour in Dre oh my God that’s more than my entire purse made in hour I think I only need to buy one more thing right to get this Talman he’s not telling me he’s not

Telling me I bought the spirit helmet all the way back then I bought the giant cure six and I think that’s all I bought you need to buy three things right to get the first housan let me put this key in oh my going on I hate I hate this I

Need my stuff back I hate this so much I spent like 10 million coins just buying stuff from Rusty back some of those thousands that I could buy back but most of them I I’ll have to actually craft again or get again which will be so annoying okay give me my interest

Please I go into dark orun with even more coins and if there’s like a something stupid like a turtle pet I’m buying it or a parrot pet and then we’ll have to do dungeons with no coins so I’ll have to sell like a gold or enchanted Redstone that I will actually need

Someday so I’ll make myself a very big problem if I actually buy stuff from this dark auction right now but the thing is I cannot help myself I have a very big problem so when I have coins I must spend them that is very big issue with

Me in this game and is why I’ve never gotten actually in this game I’ve gotten very high level with very low paars so I actually hope he doesn’t show me like anything cool because I will buy it I’m I’m that weird so please just show me some here have six books I buy

Those and everybody’s happy or don’t don’t even show me them so I can do dungeons with absolutely full purse P seconds it’s nice when you have time like this you know exactly when the door will happen oh actually hold on look at this horse pet oh my God horse P

Now is not a time I swear to God off look at this hor look at this okay I start it I start it give me give me give me give me give me give me the interest think I got the interest already I did not but I not get

Interest I did not get interest what the heck it says in 30 hours I can’t take I didn’t even get the interest and I cannot take the coins only have 13 million I only went in with 13 million this game is stupid it said interest in

In 30 seconds and then I did not get interest and I just left 10 million coins in my bank now I cannot buy anything we get oh there are rich people everybody’s IR iron are the wor they will over pay for everything 12 million coins better bet I could have maybe

Gotten this if I bought my coins oh I could have gotten this maybe ah course bro this guy really loves to tempt me bro he he loves doing this to me he knows how much I want par p on this profile and he just putting it there every single time every single

Dark auction had a paret that I cannot afford right now and moment I get coins and actually go into dark auction only for par pet he will never put it there again we will never see par pet ever again in this game it will get removed

From the dark o again it will become exotic pet that’s what’s going to happen but once I actually have coins to afford this guy oh my God 37 million oh my God y people are crazy this is what I said when when I said Iron Man are the worst they overpay like crazy

Bro they overpay like crazy vicious five yeah we did not get the book that I it we got this nonsense that I will never be able to afford but didn’t you put a protection six like the last time at least or a power six five ises five this is the

Hold on bro in the dark hold on or not yet I’m not hold on I need I need to I need to see if I’ll be able to buy Min I’ll just leave I’ll just wait when for Minion comes I I know I cannot afford it I just

Want to see what is the next item show me the next item and I’m I’m waving next item next side what in the world is this what in the world is this I have never seen this item in my way and it’s 300 million all right now I know I can read

Now I know I can we nothing in in this dark oan for me all right let go straight in the dungeons we’re ready I think uh equip my dungeon setup which is very good equip there there we go I have coins to afford absolutely everything in

Here I think I want to equip Wither Skeleton pet empty up my inventory a little bit too much nonsense going on in here uh replace all of this I kind of regret buying that if I’m being honest I’ll never use that again that event is trash I did not get any gifts

From it we put that in there and let’s try not to die and make this any harder for them I’ll just try to get my Milestone and maybe do some puzzles I should be able to get my mouse PES without dying just Square everything trap I don’t have ston and I

Only know how to do trap if I can ston it so traps out of the way I cannot do that there’s a shadow assassin in here I cannot do anything I’ll will not be able to do anything I need somebody to quar that room get ready to wish I’ll take damage

For you oh he’s a think oh no he what does that mean I’ll take damage for you ah to get the milone there’s 60 more seconds still till wish oh no I really don’t want to die wish I don’t have 60 Seconds 60 seconds before I can Vis I’m already mous on to from just hitting these mobs so won’t be hard Skeletor skeletors are a problem they will kill me no SK defitely kill me I rather avoid them you can just quit I think I think I can manage to

Get oh I think I can manage to get the milestone in time before you like finish cleaning and everything if they’re going for yes if you’re going for just completions then know get Milestone I’m mil I I can open chest I’m stupid I can just kill spiders or infinite

Milestones I can just kill them with their own weapon you can get the milestone in trap I think it’s faster if I kill mobs that’s what the last person who carried me said so at least oh like trying to heal myself and get miles like that but he just told me

To like kill Ms and that’s what I’ve been doing 270 score oh yeah there we go I’m a m three there we go if I Only Could one shot these spiders with with my right quick I would get m one in 5 seconds and I can help now that it’s

Already over I was of no help let me at least get some secrets that’s the bare minimum I use a wish not to die yeah can I not I’m trying to help get at least one secret this entire run there we go one secret now nobody can say I did not

Help he did he place okay I think I go up here right let do the all the work a healing that will help 305 should I buy K feathers I use them on here that’s a was right I can only buy maybe 10 at most yeah I can

Buy 10 KS is that smart or no I can just get my mouse on here oh I’m so stupid yeah next time I focus on puzzles and secrets and when we get to the boss fight I’ll just get M on there by just killing these BTS yeah I think that

Willest oh my God five minutes trans start beautiful to see the hacker what you mean hacker what the hell what’s that supposed to mean he just one shotting everything look he missed he missed these chickens are the problem these chickens are the reason why uh people fail this four those chickens do

Damage bro I know they once one shoted me once when I had Hyperion and everything they freaking killed me they just do so much damage it’s insane all right it’s about to die and there we go s+ first s+ on he Hot Potato Spirit pet no absolutely

Nothing I actually did not get anything regua and wisdom too expensive canot face coins I can get both of those in in a free chest 3,000 oh I didn’t rein uh which which mode has a a rejoin NE right uh re Draw three party which mode has a AO party rejoin thing party is B party out of party messages I need turn off right now turn off what there Auto automatic accept party invites High Piel language is correct this uses your own R features technically a chat macro do I turn this

On no I know I get banned not wor Pro that screw that I’m not getting banned for something stupid oh yeah I should did I P 100 me I did I did on Spirit they should take long it’s already 4.1% and I only have seven 4 four compleation so

Yeah you like 50 RS I’ll get everything I need from 44 are you want to start what’s going on I’m ready no mov is ready you don’t have to ask just immediately start yeah always exactly start always okay this time I’m actually going to help do some Secrets do some puzzles

I cannot really clear or do Secrets the best part I can do puzzles and then when we get in the boss fight is when I’m going to get my mouse on why am I taking so much damage no blessings I guess I did not Che get my

Blessings I’ll need them to clear before I can actually go and do anything I’m already getting my mouse when I guess love waiting for them to clear so I can do some puzzles oh Not not the Trap the one room I cannot do I don’t have a ston nice nice I’m I’m being so helpful I’m being so helpful don’t don’t don’t say that that is make sure you want to die again I make sure you want to die again why are these SK everywhere

Please please please don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t I cannot find a single puzzle oh my God I cannot find a single puzzle room to do I di twice I died twice I cannot get to the puzzle rooms to do them and actually help because skeletors are everywhere

Even in the rooms that are queird they are there because why would they ever go away where’s the exit down here I don’t really get what is happening I’m new to Skywalk oh I’m doing this thing that is called Dungeons and since I’m very bad at this

Game I have two people carry me through these Dungeons and I’m just trying to be helpful but as you can see that’s not going too well I’m just dying a lot and making this a lot more difficult for for everybody that it has to be I should just stick to get him

Out I should just stick to get him out they already quit everything they have already cleared everything nothing for for me to do we just got unlucky with the room generation next time when rooms actually generate a little bit more better so I can actually go into puzzle rooms and start doing them

Immediately this would also be much easier with instead I get a weaping sword who even uses the weing sword man absolute weirdo Budd it has this cool ability where it freezes things that’s the only thing kind of cool about it it kind of works like

A uh ice oneand that I’m never going to get so this kind of works like it there we go Mouse one three no no no no no no no no no let’s go with this don’t bother with this pass I already I’ve already thr the entire

Run it’s not even worth getting as POS at this point anymore especially since there is no Bedrock chest yeah oh my God wa play up here I’m I’m so stupid I died three times three times I’ve died I’ve already gotten my moue soon okay can now we can now just watch them

Kill the T th the spears it used to be uh boomerangs back in the day but now you throw STI and if he somehow Miss Quicks and this and stick doesn’t hit him he is going to actually start teleporting I always found that funny he

He GES out so bad he like starts flying everywhere I love that like if he stopped hitting him with with that spear here would just go here would just go crazy it’s pretty funny actually but yeah oh no no no no no I once did not know that oh I’ll go in a

Corner right here and I will no longer move there we go I I am not yeah I’m too bad to actually move in this game BR not getting anything really huh okay we’ll just buy this I guess just three chest again 5 minutes per run is pretty good

But I need my work to be better oh aing so how much did my en increase for from that enery meter I did not see it shouldn’t take long if we keep getting like S Plus and S which we will not if I continue dying

I’ll equ my baby at bro it’s on level I know I wanton SK I hate I despise skeletal they are everywhere these cators absolutely everywhere please don’t kill me please don’t kill me please don’t kill me and a trap every single time every single time

I’ I’ve ended up in a trap somehow I don’t have a ston game there we go something that I can do some way that I can be helpful in this game holy crap this game really just does not want me to be helpful at all at

All and we can clear that room get some puzzles and actually get even faster times if I actually do my job this run or he can qu he just finish that okay that’s fine as well that’s fine as well I don’t use the secret mods I actually know where secrets

Are and there there were some new rooms that came out since the last time I played so I don’t know actually all the rooms it’s like five or six rooms that I don’t know I have to learn Secrets there as well but like every other room I actually know where the secrets are

Without mods or Anything okay he finished that is there any other room that I can maybe clear be a little bit more helpful this run there’s the rooms but I there are skeletors of course that might kill me very likely this is not a puzzle room so I immediately cannot do it oh no I’ll die

Wish I can do this if I don’t die I can do this if I don’t die hello hello egg what’s up welcome to the stream bro no or or he can do it or he can steal the only room where I could have been useful okay okay that that’s also cool I’ll go

Into the other one which is going to be this one okay I can do this one no please please please please please who’s hitting is fast obious is fast bro killed me before I even rewise what killed me holy crap that dude was insane what the hell what happened there

We go we clear another room 270 I did good enough only died once and I did two puzzle rooms almost did three but he stole that puzzle room for me so I count so we will count it like I did it so basically okay he can secet here I

Actually know this one that’s the one I know take all the secrets this one I also know but he’s also going to take all the secrets in there this one is already complete yeah nothing else for me to Do except die by except done done super booms I don’t I could have gotten Crypts but we but we’ve got a ni pass we can go I can have two BS to get my Milestone I’m not even Milestone one okay that’s the proof of how useful I was I did not

Even get the Mone all I did was actually help healing Circle where are the BS I need to kill them before they kill Tor can they not attack me I’m wish there we go wish use wish please I need to heal people Mouse on one I need to see if it’s actually

Possible for me to get M soon 3 in time or should I be getting mil soon during the Run oh yeah this is bad maybe use ability on all them okay ability kind of works no not really no it doesn’t work can I get mouse on to hold on hold

On bro don’t kill it don’t kill it I need Mouse on to at least open test oh yeah I need to get I need to get M on around this is I thought this would go way faster because they have like a ton of BS but yeah it really doesn’t

Hold on don’t kill it bro I’m almost Mouse on two there we go mous on I don’t need I don’t need extra I don’t need extra cacom XP it’s not for it it would take too long just kill it it will take like 2 minutes it’s not wor Ed it ready

Yep it will absolutely not be worth it for me to get another mouse yeah we need to get those let’s see what do we Get why is it 6 million oh because it’s a it’s because it’s a 44 do I want to buy this do I buy this 6 million it’s like 5 million on the upper fls I cannot sell it do I buy it yes or no yes or no I don’t

Know it’s 6 million I don’t have that many coins I this is not useful for me at all right now but still it’s aor yeah yeah okay fine I’ll buy I might not have enough coins to buy like other things if I get them about to come

With yes okay okay save it all right we have one combater and farm there we go if we get another one I’ll probably won buy I need to save for the spirit B and what not we have two days before it expires what the heck F expires hey F expires in two

Days re is always good to have but I’m the delay oh well oh okay okay but but on IR man bro can buy chest in yeah that’s that’s true as well come come here oh yeah you can buy from this guy the the chests I I already bought

It no chests open from here I have other chests that I did not open oh no I did no more chest to open yeah I opened I already opened it I bought a but yeah right now it’s only going to sit in my inventory and I only have 16 million coins

Left it’s going to be very long time since I to I actually need to use that 6% already on the RNG meter yeah we can get that we can get this everything from 44 very quickly at this rate it actually goes so fast but yeah now I need to actually get the

Milestone and help do puzzles at the same time why am I even healer bro I will never get the M as a Healer kill course run run when I activate the vision I can maybe possibly kill you NOP I can’t no I can’t don’t don’t take me back get I don’t

Know uh uh oh of course there are mobs there I cannot even do the secrets I joined the skybook for the first time in a v i have 400 million this is silly I wish I had 400 million making coins is absolutely very hard for

Me on here okay I can do this secret I guess there’s no mobes up here to buly me oh another key give me key I need that here we Go I probably say that recor for that Spirit B if we get it or if we get that sword one of those things I’ll use it oh there’s a place puzzle I could have done that I did not see it there shadow assassin in here that will kill

Me oh crap I’m stuck can’t go anywhere and this Skeletor is not going to leave me a w please leave me alone oh thank you thank you he just saved me he actually just saved me I would have been dead I’m still going to be dead yeah they going to be

Dead oh I want to get Frozen BL as soon as possible bro but I need a catacombs level 20 anyway to just use it so it’s good idea to get that out of the way right now so once I craft the Frozen blade I can just use it immediately I could probably

Make boots very soon uh turn them Max them out got fish uh yep I do thank you you’re welcome at least I’m being helpful somehow did I get the Milestone I did not I’m at milone to which is good enough but I’d rather get

Myom 3 so I get some XP too this room is fully quir I can get one milestone in there right yeah I think I can in the boss fight but I don’t have to wait till I get entire Frozen Blaze set I can just like make piece by piece might probably make boots

Next do you see something wrong with my current set up this explain how was I even alive do you see the chest plate that I’m wearing that explains that explains it a lot I was wearing snow chest plate snow chest plate and I actually did pretty well considering I was feeling that that

Explains so much right now let’s see if I can get three before they kill T doesn’t work like I will be able to I wouldn’t have a good chest plate Stone chest plate is not not very good if I could get anything like skeleton master or really anything I

I’ll gladly take it over this thing this thing is just absolutely terrible oh yeah I won’t get the mouse on again what is the easiest quest to get M with Berserker maybe yeah I won’t get it yeah did not get it again it’s only the cat XP that I use so

We don’t do much nothing again interesting and nothing again okay just free CH leggings I think these are better let’s replace heavy with this Berserker okay I’ll switch to Berserker oh not the Hub what D or just trap room and heal yourself that doesn’t work like you have to heal other people I try that and it just doesn’t doesn’t work like somebody else has to do that and we did just was a lot of time I’m going to try Berserker I

Think that will be the fastest probably hold on hold on that’s that it I want upgrade my Trav in moment I have Ence upgrade items never mind we just going did I just hold my I didn’t okay it’s fine doesn’t matter we actually now have a proper

Chest plate and these leggings are way better than the heavy so we should do more damage and we should have more HP now and now that we are Berserker we should be able to get mouse on easier and I’m actually so fast oh my God W Berserker this was like 50% of the

Reason why I play Berserker back then it was because of the speed I love the speed okay let me see skeleton now I want to fight a skeleton now let’s see will we die again now that I’m verying proper armor I cannot heal anymore Skeletor ah we killed a

Skeletor now we do damage oh my God I am fast oh I love this I should have switched a long time ago I’m trying to use wish and heal but I can’t and two skeletons are still too much for me but I can like heal by killing them please don’t die please

Don’t there was like three of them there was like three of them I can deal with one and I’m already got the Milestone I cannot revive anymore that’s also an issue okay Berserker is definitely Berserker is definitely V I get a better chest plate or like at

Least level up catacombs level a little bit I’ll be this will be so much better if I’ve actually leveled up my oh canot clear this one that’s for sure there’s a m boss in here oh skel I can kill you if I at least leveled up my

Sword with that race thing I’d be able to like do so much more damage but unfortunately I cannot complete the race I need somebody else who quit this I cannot kill the mini bosses no no no I’m going to die then I’m going to die again I cannot heal I

Forgot I cannot heal anymore I’m no longer heal ever go for weeping sword especially whenman just get aotd or Spirit scepter that’s a very good question so I’ll answer it there’s a few reasons why I would why I would go for the weaping sword first reason is I actually do have

Aotd but my aotd is on my cor’s account and my cor has quitted the game bro just took all of my stuff and just quitted the game and the reason for the Weeping sword is because I’ve had a spider minions for the past two years and I just made it for free for

Fun and that is like the best sword I could possibly make and now I’m doing 44 and I might get better sword that the sword you get from 44 so that will probably be my new main sword if I manage to get that it seems like a very good sword I have

Not played this game for two years and now I’m back on an Iron Man trying to to figure out all the new stuff that came out and now it’s dying to skeletors and it serves its purpose like a ver version of a aot I can teleport

Kind of oh yeah it’s all good it’s working and it does decent damage I wanted to make silk upgrade it into into this where into this but you need to complete race to get this also that’s not the only thing my C member took he took my pets he took my

Talisman and now I playing with like no Talisman I’m I’m Iron Man 2 myag is game s rev my profile you sure we can review it now they for me game g s let’s see what do you have on your IR man profile is this your Iron Man there like

Two Iron Man profiles which one we’ll go with this one the first one oh my God oh my God turtle pet elephant pet all the pets that I landed but cannot get unfortunately kills pretty good my mining is at least higher level I’m mining 40 farming is

Good oh my God and combat 46 43 that’s pretty good okay let me open CH we continue we’ll continue Reviving reviewing after I after I see what I got fuming do I buy that kind of scre it Spirit Wing oh my God I need that bro I need that what else does he

Have sers about average nothing special about sers I haven’t done my slers too uh 33 kacs oh my God I see what you’ve been doing you’ve been doing nothing but dungeons honestly e every G money is Arcane sell the soul string to the NPC we can sell those to the

NPC I might I might check that out oh you are not many coins oh oh my God the armor oh my God Shadow Fury bro has everything oh bro has everything man absolutely everything he’s been doing nothing nothing but dungeons I made like 20 million doing

That on Iron Man but how long did that take like an hour to make 20 million holy crap bro did nothing but the dungeons that’s czy look at the first thing in hot bar oh my God what what how many 4 six did you do only 274 that F bro that’s

Insane look at how many I have did on my main and did not get anything i’ also did about that many and I did 88 4 sevens each R used a KET feather and did not get anything did not get anything but yeah hopefully this profile ends up being a

Little bit more lucky it already is kind of lucky I got baby Yeti pets today from a okay I can do this you you go you go do that I’ll do this I need to be Helpful stable Dragon okay my mods work at least my mods work for this hey I’m being helpful I’m helping very s singular wither scroll from the 47 runs remember that yeah when the weer Scrolls were worth uh they weren’t even profit you would buy with scroll for 3 million coins and

You sell it for 2 million coins they weren’t even profit and now they are weren’t more than happy in itself so so glad I got that uh I just know it will be impossible to get a Hyperion on an iron because I need to get both handle

And I need to get scrolls and I just don’t want to do that Terminator will be kind of fun honestly to get like I already got to J core on my main on but it just got wiped by the game because game just hates me that much the reason I’m so broke

Because I spent 20 million on cookies 45 million on a turtle pet and the rest of recom I had 160 million in my bank honestly I was about to do the same with par pet about to spend all of my coins that I had on a par pet but luckily I

Left my coins in a bank and I I didn’t I just can’t help myself with the dark o i I must waste all of my points I just we like that IR is going to be long while ago yeah but it will be easier T then

Uh what the hell is it called the Hyperion okay I did not get my M yet I did not kill a single mob no no no no not the skeletors there’s three of them again rag help that gave me Mone to oh my God Berserker

Is so much better than a stupid heer it is so much better but yeah I actually enjoy Master mode a lot more than the regular dunge which is why I would like Terminator more than Hyperion anyway I’d really love to just start doing Mass More Than This profile soon as possible

I love master so much it was one of my favorite things to do in the skybook I have a lot of Master mods I think yeah look at the M5 oh my God 723 M5 runs yeah I what of that I wanted to move on to the m6 but

It was just too hard to find a normal people everybody is just very stupid in the m6 it’s impossible to find a normal party so only have like 60 M6 runs where are the BS bets not coming I need I need I need a mil bro BS aren’t coming I need my

M I’m sure I can get I think mostan I know V for the Hyperion before the terminate but 30% of my I my friends f for the Terminator before Hyperion I just think Terminator is way more useful and it will be easier to get it like Hyperion is

More like helpful in you like more situations but you don’t need it like everything you need Hyperion for you can do it with the Terminator too but you cannot do Master mode with with just with with just Ty period you need Terminator for that so yeah it’s very helpful

But it’s not necessary only we got test what why didn’t we go for what happened I did not die what potato book nothing again I haven’t gotten a single red thing so far I think I set up a spirit B in here in my thing didn’t I 100 meter yeah 9% do I

Want to switch this Spirit sword that’s useless Spirit bone what do I want what’s the most more useful sword b or a or a speed receptor that’s more useful like what’s what’s what’s stronger what do I need more going on forward in the next Wars a lot of them

Used a spirit scepter or giant sword to do tier twos until Final Destination did tier fours after they outside a Terminator e to get anion I think a lot of them use yeah Terminators are very easier get the Hyperion I’ll do three more then take a break okay that’s fine but yeah

No SF equals okay I don’t know why I that no sense but I I I don’t know why I said it but I all this speed this is beautiful I will Berserker now I’m so glad they bu it this was my quest before they even buffed it but now I just War

It even more but yeah that will be the most useful for this profile that has nothing sword b or or spiriter I’m kind of thinking sword because I have no weapon even outside of the dungeons but then spe Bo is kind of like I kind of want Spirit B because

It’s engraved in my brain that the arer is still the best Quest sword yeah that’s what I was thinking too it’s just like this reflex that’s left that makes me think arer like the best Quest and always move towards artery yeah switch to sword right to the spirit bones

AR meter Spirit bone and they are even easier to get Spirit sword can turn into a bone Beaver isn’t a bone Spirit Bone B Bo raver oh you need boot I need boot has Felton I thought you I only needed the spirit bone felt Fon F cow how the hell do you get these how do you get the F scow this is all new to me none of this was here

Before uh so do I set my and meter towards the bones or toward the sword hold on hold on uh we’ll go with the bones for now n we’ll go with sword nah bones bones bones Bon bones for now we can switch to sord either 4 six

Uh like from the chest right and and that and that for thing sword first but what if I get two swords double swords we can get like four Spirit bones and then switch to sword later on so I don’t get a double sword and that will be a

Waste I already have one Spirit bone so when when we have four Spirit bones we can switch to them this this room I know why def we can’t I know why def we can let me just get the Milestone before I die but yeah this F SC is it from like

Chests or Giants or what do you kill to get those and those flowers are they also from the 46 I get M I didn’t no ch oh I’ll be able to get my so easily once I once I have that sword no idea I I think

Chest how do you know that it’s from the 46 if you don’t know the upgrade is oh big foot tle for some reason power rolls these are so so random and this is worth like 40 million coins it’s a lot of damage swing range decent ability and Deals one more

Damage for every per of the missing Health on a Target H another good weapon is V one for all Undead sword the weapon sold in dehops for 100 coins I do like 500k damage with it inside the dungeons H it’s always those weird weapons that are actually good oh my God

I cannot get the one for all right now unfortunately there we go we got the S Plus I so KAC XP now did I use up my I use up those like daily RS or something rejuvenate timate will buy this one so how good is that sword can I use

That in like Master mode or something got three things bro I did not get anything so far this gu is too like we got two yey pets probably more while I wasn’t looking now three wings and we did three runs BR bro is the luckiest person

Ever oh I got the skeletal chest plate there we go now I have a useful chest PL too oh I’m going to be it’s your boy skinny I’m I need to upgrade my I have we Ence should I say V Ence not waste it on shadow assassin I

Might not even use Shadow ass that long probably save for that sword Maybe one one B how did I not get anything ready yeah I’m ready okay Spirit sword does it does require it does require I’ll save so I can use it up that that is priority this

What back on my normal profile when I was uh V and bang said 20on damage I remember one for all was the way to go for any weapon outside dungeons it l its value so much yeah I actually remember the bom rangs they were pretty cool a very fun way to play the

Game I was actually amongst the first we figured out the boomerangs were good I bought them for like 7 million each and then in like couple of months is when they actually became popular and they gained its value they over like 50 million coins each

Way was s among the first people who who got the boomerangs and figured out DAV op it actually took people very long time to figure out they are good oh yeah definitely going to die like months and then they just nerfed the hell out of them and I

Lost coins even though I was supposed to gain coins okay now I’m stuck in infin to oh go out nice did not get my mouse onone maybe wearing this chest plate was a bad idea losing on that defense doesn’t seem very smart and I did not even gain that much

Damage yeah my damage bar increase but I’m feeling out this damage that I’m receiving now so much more Health that I lose I might go back might go back to that oh my God oh my God oh my God it wasn’t me who failed this time was not me who prove the Run

Unbelievable I’m carrying okay that’s going too far I the B room hold on yeah I did not forget my rooms I did not forget them I still know how to do dungeons even after a whole year there we go you should give me Spirit Lees I need

Those never thought I would be picking those up but it’s desperate times indeed let’s see if I can remember this room too there’s like a thing here yeah yeah oh dark auction I don’t have coins anymore anyway so I remember this one too it’s like right here yeah yeah I remember bro I

Can’t believe I actually remember my room still after all this time I remember how to do dungeons unbelievable unbelievable there’s two more uh okay brain is not braining right now there it is there it is I remember and I remember also that the West one okay never mind it’s it’s right

There there we go I remember my dungeons I’m still the best in this game like I’ve always been I never failed a Bo puzzle I’m just kidding I’m just it’s fine it’s fine I feel many things in this game what over now exist and you can’t basically fail anything anymore unless you try

To oh I think H my mouse one uh why is he outside oh no no no he does damage oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no where is the exit where is the bro just would leave me alone he

Would not leave me alone I could not do anything bro is not leaving me alone stop it oh my God he’s F oh my God he’s actually going to kill me no no no no no no no no no no no no oh he bro stop

It did I escape yeah I did oh my God you you idiot he is in he is in in the fairy room if you do want to kill him Miss teleport oh no no no no no no no no no I have us I have us okay okay he’s not

Leaving own oh my God I cannot Escape I’m not fast enough oh my God can somebody teleport there he go there he is there he is oh my God please weep he’s going to kill me again he’s going to kill me again oh my God he’s too fast he’s too fast

He’s too fast I can I can’t 3 HP I SL oh my God I don’t laugh it was you who did not want to teleport it was because of you yes he followed me here yes he was following me I could not Escape him all

The way from the bom down here all the way from there I could not Escape him dude is faster than me somehow he’s like just barly faster than me by like 10 speed and he he was catching up almost killed me twice almost killed me once and almost killed me a second

Time oh my god oh I could not even get myone because of that idiot oh I’m on Mouse on two let’s see if I can get it on time Mouse oh that was too funny bro the B dude actually Ved across the entire dungeon just to kill me and he succeeded

And then he backed across Tire dungeon again to kill me again for the second time oh my God where the hell are the bats 50% of the mous I’m going to jump down and risk it there we go mous three it told me took a couple of cows there we go and I

Survived I’m just too good at this game M on three oh my God this is me okay but there we go and can I get something out they already got like five Spirit thingss Three Bs 16 Spirit BS can I actually get something for R nope looks like I

Can’t actually did not get a single thing did not get a single thing so far in this four and I need it more than they do I need it way more than they do and of course they get everything and I don’t get a single thing oh my

God and my ender chest is getting filled up it’s so much nonsense I no longer have space for anything oh my God I hatar this I need to upgade all my backpacks V for Treasure Talisman I want a treasure Talisman I want a treasure Talisman ready yep I’m

Ready I need to do four two for that Towman I’ll wait until I can do Master mode and then just get cared I guess M2 and get like that because even for me it’s not wor to do the 4 to that four is just very much bad for Anyone comes in there we go imagine not having arti how how would you even do this puzzle why is after this not working there and there we go I honestly think I won’t have enough coins to buy all those Spirit bones and get the sword I only have like 10 million coins

Left so I bro probably will not have enough to buy four more Spirit bones and a spirit sword and especially if I get like other things that I might want to buy like a spirit pet or a spirit B oh my God almost skeletors scary scary stuff these skeletors

Are can I do another puzzle maybe before no NOP they already did everything can you all focus on on on secrets that you can do but I can’t do so I can actually like do some puzzles and and be helpful because doing secrets for me is

Way harder than it is do for you I cannot quar anything I do no damage with the right quick I thought I would be doing more damage but nope I need to jump 5050 five times before I kill absolutely anything get my M why aren’t they

Attacking me look at this they they they just okay now they are bro Berserker is so good oh I love I love what they did with with Berserker oh it actually makes Berserker so much more fun to put it and once I get that sword oh oh oh

I’m going to quar M7 on my own I am quaring M7 multiple times on my own until I get the handle from the M7 myself I won that’s how good B still not Milestone three I killed every spider in here there we go now a milone three okay

Might as well do some secrets in here before they go in get as plus even though there’s no Bedrock chest it increases a chance of getting something good even if by only a little bit not I guess it didn’t matter I did not do anything they already went in I

Don’t even know if that just counted that I just opened but I am mous on three we just sit back and watch them kill the Thor and that is why they will get something good and I will not I’m going to steal a spirit B from

Him and I shoot and do damage to the Tor that way it’s me who gets good stuff he he up okay next one I’m taking at least one I’m taking at least one we have 3002 it doesn’t even matter if I die he come on kill it okay so close ah so

Close I almost to it okay this one for sure I’m going to run out of speed no to get the stupid rabbit I ran out of speed if I did did not run out of speed maybe I would have even picked it up oh no no you saw nothing nothing happen still

Was plus doesn’t matter doesn’t matter I deserved not to get anything I deserve not to get anything right now yeah oh this is profit but I buy it not like I can sell it but it’s profit I have to buy it even on an Iron Man that’s my R meter like clim

Up 25% R is goes fast this actually goes fast we’ve been doing dungeons for like 30 minutes and it’s already at 25% it’s not like I need multiple of those or anything I need like four more but still still pretty good ready put it try 146 before I get off I

Don’t think I can enter 46 let me check you need like stupid catacombs level 4 six cannot enter it no you need catacombs 19 and I’m only about to be 18 we can do four five I guess at the best can do 4 six bro I cannot ah what how did I

Enter what I entered 46 no I can’t see it’s not waiting me ready yeah it’s not waiting Me no it’s not waiting me I I thought we found the W but no can’t really join no four five is fine we can do one of that I’m about to be catacomb 18 I already have on 46 completion which is yeah I have done them before they did

This update where you now need katoms 19 before you did not need it and that’s when I’ve done it and I just have like two 46 even though I cannot even enter 46 it is kind of cool I guess oh there we go four five now I there oh yeah yeah this so

Yeah I’m just going to die this is very hard so much harder than the 44 my main issue is going to be getting actually getting the stupid miles one in here oh yeah this is so much harder than the 44 damn okay okay need to take this

Slowly kill them one by one I only care about Milestone I cannot help with anything else in here just get the Milestone so I can and buy some chests and get the get I’m already to not the Skeletor skeletors will kill me okay they are not sket good so even these might kill

Me no no no no no no no no not the skor no no no no no no no no no no oh no I’ve gone who knows where am I safe I can kill zombie is it wor sacrificing 20% of my damage for aonzo Depends really if you have a really crappy

Party very die a what you want to like Not Die to Save the score as much as possible but yeah if you have a party where nobody dies then you can afford to die on so just depends if your other teammates are good or not hi long time to see oh hello

Quaky how are you doing welcome to the stream it’s been a while I’m just struggling playing some dungeons for five on an IR man not really doing too well oh no top FS are in here to oh oh FS are on four five no

No no no no no no no FS are the worst things in master mode that ever resist I he FS with every fiber of my be they just do too much damage on there I can’t even heal 270 can I please get milone but yeah it also kind of depends

On a four that you’re doing with the bonom Mas like if you’re doing M6 for example you can afford not to get s+ every now and then because you are mostly doing it for the katum XP probably anyway so doing the run a little bit faster actually makes sense in there but

If you are doing like 47 where the only purpose of doing that for is getting S Plus you kind of want to sacrifice some damage even if it will take longer to complete trans as long as you can guarantee the plus okay there we go M three

Unbelievable I’m doing good just woke up and sa the being in the Discord in the Stream and I thought I missed the stream for a second but here I am yeah I have been streaming the whole night did not plan on streaming this long but here we are started with Jerry

I got a baby at pet I’m so happy because of that through a wood share that was awesome where do I go not to die and now I’m just doing some dungeons getting absolutely carried in here am I safe in here I know in M5 you going in

Portal we used to go up here I think and then they patch that or something right yeah yeah yeah they are invisible oh yeah I’m dead we still plus yeah yeah we are they’re still s+ because they got 305 score s+ let’s see what do we get nothing we not nothing in here

Too no we don’t get anything worth buying really 5,000 KAC XP that’s the main thing in here that’s pretty cool I should be like catacombs 18 now yeah and kind of close to 19 if we continueed doing four five yeah I would re like couple of runs how close to C

18 I got to go all right try see you it’s been I’m glad you turn into the stream I appreciate it but yeah see you see you next time Frankie so what do we do now 45 or back to 44 I think 44 is a little bit more

Useful to me right now I don’t know even if we go to 46 there’s like nothing in there that I would need for now I think getting a weapon right now is most we so 44 yeah that’s what I’m also thinking in here I can get like shadow

Assassin which is cool but I’ll probably get Frozen BL soon as well which will be very better so I’ll just waste a lot of coins by getting shadow assassin armor yes we dagger and Shadow Fury but I’m pretty sure T SW is better I’m going to get off for now oh okay

So no more dungeons I guess get cat 20 good night all right good night boys thank you for the carries that was very helpful I appreciate it all right good night Fixel so unless somebody else wants to carry me I think we are done with dungeons I remember when we were trying to buy that yellow Frozen Bo yeah that was the last thing I was trying to do before I quit it I really wanted to do

That that would have been so sick if I actually got that 4 mil carry get a 24 308 plus car yeah I don’t think we’ll do more dams we let just Salvage everything I don’t think oh you can do this now you can salvage multiple things at once okay

Hold on I I cannot Salvage everything right now hold on I need I need to actually like honestly we skip Frozen boys get nekron it’s so much easier uh yeah but necron will be only good if I have Ender Dragon Pet or a golden dragon pet and for Frozen boys I

Can only get a boys pet like necron with baby Yeti or necron with with skeleton is terrible Frozen blad is way better in that case I don’t think I want to salvage these because I kind of want to save them for like Museum first so once I get

Everything in museum that’s when we can start salvaging but for now we can put everything in here and the books so I got so many books it’s annoying it’s annoying it will be so hard to manage these these books on an IR man I cannot s them or anything I hate that

I I have so many bits to did that uh composting finish composting Let’s see we could try doing like 4 four on with a party find party Miner SC that think we’ll do dungeons later okay what does this guy want Vex he wants enchant and ping nope cannot get

Pumpings six compost okay there we go that’s what I’m talking about but can I BS two compost five Sky XP yes please and another okay okay good I have I have was about and next eight we have three poorts three is almost enough to like do the Jacob events

Properly it’s almost enough but it isn’t enough we need we’ll need like four to be able to like get golden medals and stuff I think no of this oh my God I abolutely hate clearing these BS how is they like anyway you can clear this

Faster uh sneak that quick to Qui to box you know why is this can this help like queer everything oh my God that voice crack I don’t know what you mean can I can this work on like quing Po instantly or something why I don’t want to all this

Broor three cator is helpful definitely yeah see it’s 1.5% what quer with a very quick with capitator and you don’t actually have to quer entire ports last time I quit like maybe 80% and it counted like I basically quit everything so that’s very good good I forgot how to speak

Bro I’ve been a walk for way too long did not have my coffee I kind of had my coffee half half of the way for those of you that have not been in the Stream the entire time I almost set my house on fire did not know coffee was somehow

Flamable and I spilled coffee and it CAU on fire somehow and it’s it was absolutely disgusting and I had to drink it even though it was disgusting so I would not die because I got coffee addiction again so yeah I somehow got rid of my coffee

Addiction but I just had like one cup of coffee after a month of not drinking it and immediately I’m back getting addicted immediately still coffee addiction is probably the best addiction you can have out of all the addictions in this world you can have coffee it’s actually

Kind of useful one to have I’m not saying it’s good but it’s not totally bad it can be helpful in life sometimes plus it tastes very good if you know how to make it or just buy coffee somehow other people always know how to make coffee better than me

So oh this I I hate I hate cleaning this up is is there a way you can like pay 10 billion coins and just clear this instantly I hate I hate doing this so much I cleared up that fun p and it took me like 20 minutes

Maybe and you were telling me I have to do this for every po why did they even add Garden why cannot I use my Farms on my Island that I was forced to build without a builder one because it didn’t even exist back then it did but you couldn’t buy booster

Cookies on an Iron Man profile and I spend hours upon hours building those farms and you telling me I cannot even use them I have to use them on a g I don’t want to use the ones on Garden I want ones that I made on my Island that have died

Building it was the hardest thing you can you could have ever done in skyb back then is build up F and I didn’t even use rip yeah and I didn’t even use it then I just built it Farm like twice on it and and just forgot about them because building them takes away

All your whe to actually farm and when it comes to farming you just give up and don’t do it we’re 40% done with this can you place TNT can you place TNT on this and then just clear everything my favorite M oh no oh not this guy my favorite Mongolian

Lgbtq Sky Block streamer I’m sorry I missed the W stream but hello hello Viper and it’s absolutely fine that you missed it because I was streaming at like 3:00 a.m. and even this one I started at 3:00 a.m. and now it’s 8 a.m. so you can use TNT why did nobody tell

Me that bro I would have saved so much time you actually let me figure that out on my own where do buy TNT oh my God why did not nobody tell me that what you mean not this guy not welcome to the stream welcome to the stream how are you

Doing I still don’t know where where I got Mongolian where I got and where I got the LGBT part from there were few others I’m glad you forgot about them you’re not mentioning those anymore so I’m very glad you forgot about those but let’s see if how TNT is

Actually effective oh my God I I’m so bad I thought of this and watch it not work he lied what just to give me hope and now to ruin out of it he didn’t he didn’t he lied you cannot use the TNT oh bro you did not have to do me

Like that you did not have to do that to me you you okay you just gave me hope and crashed out of it you just crashed all of my hopes back to manual labor back to some more manual labor wonderful love this Garden you can can you visit me on your non Ironman

Profile sure anything to to to to to stop this slavery I don’t I hate doing this I hate making land flat you have to cleen the port can use TNT then what is the point of that I need a TNT to Queen apport what would what is the point of

Of of using TNT if the if the land is already que quy what is your name again I forgot how qu hey where you at where you at there he is byy stop it behind you My game DS nice what that this is for a giveaway about is in in your next video oh 50 million coins okay thank you gy thank you we we’ll give this away we’ll give this away in Discord maybe or on stream however you want want want me to give it away if it

Comes out why would’t it come bro I test it mind what what you can use the TNT what is the point of using TNT on a flat friend I need a TNT to make it flat why would I need TNT on on a wind that is already flat that makes no

Sense I don’t I am I stupid I don’t see the water there why would I need to place TNT in the vat when it’s already cleaned is there no fter to Queen these things bro there’s probably some way where you can pay 1 million coins and the entire

Thing gets queened on its own and nobody’s telling it you can use it after you finish queing it you can get it down to bedrock why why why do I need why do I need to get down to bedrock why but put a preset why do I need to get get out the

Pedro what is the point of why does everybody know that I don’t and of course there’s a train now to to to so I cannot hear myself it’s because it it was already Queen on H by a garden side you see this see this NE right here where where my mouse is on

AG so it’s infinite visit chaos plasma visit chaos plasma okay what’s my favorite cheese head H I can’t Vis it him that oh it’s fine I just want to I just want to quar it for now and then we can worry about the fancy stuff with of course he went back to the

Streams uh 10 years ago to find some weird names that he called me so he can call me again okay let’s see what is the point of queening the entire Bedrock how do I get out I cannot get out bro I don’t have any aot I am stuck yeah I’m

Stuck okay canot get out my wi of War bro I’m not War I’m I’m to than everybody in in in the Stream combined okay here follow of me oh you can make oh oh I see you can use one PL to like make these Farms can I copy this for the

Don’t tell me I have to actually build this myself build another Farms again from scratch is there any way you can copy this I’m taller than you no I don’t believe you we haven’t done this then what you only got to build it in one plot and paste honestly I feel like it’s

Easier clearing every single PL time building like this on Vamp do you know how hard it is to build a godamn farm without a builder f yeah i’ rather quar one every single Bo than build build up on one port Al there’s these new NPCs that I haven’t haven’t talked about but let’s

See what the they about let feel finish teaching you about best of course bests yeah that’s the new thing we got the war Fe bro stop stop call me that I’m to the New ver I mean buckers you know fast they seem to pop up and breaking crops and garden you C okay there’s best somewhere I’m certain it when you find V so what P for good or bad oh I need to vacuum P okay Duke follow evant he want Enchanted potato cannot get a

Potato gross a appearing Port one where whatever makes you feel better about being six too oh oh my God okay he this past is not here I do not see him where is he it says in Port one this is Port one is this port one what’s a port one

What oh this is a bort one I still don’t see it what oh there it is mosquito Did I Get It farming Fortune oh you get Farming Fortune from these things hold on hold on hold on what else quipped Wings Enchanted sugar cane what the hell are quipped wings what can

I get with those equpped for I don’t care about that okay talk to this guy now yeah okay can I just finish this tutorial okay okay farming Fortune that’s what I want vacuum bag one p EMP receive bonus farming Fortune while Garden for the next 30 30 minutes pass sand

Book could you visit me again on a non Iron Man uh okay I can sure in a minute let me just check bonus P chance vacuum bag okay I’m going to use this pet just to see how much Fortune do I get 10 farming Fortune only okay that’s kind of not very

Good but I’m assuming we can give multiple pests that will be cool hey I’m on my non Iron Man visit you visit walk L unbelievable I guess this name first strike not like it’s in the YouTube too I’m here again starting here this one is different can you can you free me before

You before you tell me what what you want I really like to weave okay there you go that that that’s that’s nice you also got fishing minions train let’s see what does he have for us oh my God what 50 million coins what the hell what is this for also

Giveaway you have to spend it on items to give away which items or just money if you feel Laas but which items how do you want to give give this away like in Discord or stream we have 65 million now thanks to you Any okay we’ll give we’ll give some some in in Discord and some on stream maybe my giveaway winning po gr no did you forget your baned from giveaways if you’ve already forgotten now completely forgotten how how I used to do giveaways on stream but we can give like H how

Many how many do we want to give away for the 50 million make it pafic row only ah specific okay we can do that I’m not you f the challenge there is no proof there’s literally stream of it on YouTube a video that you can watch

I remember you would Spin The View yeah but I don’t remember how I get to the view again but yeah how many coins do we want to give away this stream how many next stream and how much on Discord do we give it away through multiple streams or it’s edited n it’s not

Edited give me give me a second I I’ll try to figure out how to do this giveaway again Honestly I think I think the will give away uh the Discord Discord ones first oh this clean up 68% and then we can like give the rest of it the next stream I don’t think we will give away anything this stream because I I honestly don’t don’t feel so good I

Think I’ll just go like and sleep now I’m starting to get sick so I don’t don’t don’t want to continue streaming right now so yeah we will end the stream here and the next stream we will give everything away pretty much and the coins and the giveway in this mode so

Yeah we’ve streamed for five hour six hours so I didn’t even know what didn’t even know so yeah we want the stream here boys I know the the new people have just started waking up and joining the stream but yeah be want it here we continue next stream next stream we will

Also give away the coins so and I’ll probably let you guys know in the ahead of time like maybe like whole day ahead so you know that there’s a giveaway in there I’m allow to join giveway sure you can join but yeah we’ll end here make sure

To subscribe join the Discord and yeah I’ll see you guys in the next stream unfortunately had to end it here but yeah see you bye

This video, titled ‘Ironman profile I hate it here. Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by Melonest on 2023-11-25 08:00:37. It has garnered 115 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:43:54 or 20634 seconds.

#hypixelskyblock #skyblock #hypixel #minecraft

IGN: Mcnstar

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Frequently asked questions:

1. Where are you from? Bosnia

2. Can I have coins? No, unless im doing a giveaway

3. How old are you ? 18

4. How do you grind coins ? I don’t

5. When is the next giveaway ? usually when we reach a sub goal or I do a giveaway stream

  • Survival Minecraft Server Sneak Peek: MineCity

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  • Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed – Modded Minecraft

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  • Fabelized

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  • Aether Earth – Semi-Vanilla Factions SMP PVP

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  • AND Factions

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  • Minecraft Memes – Which one have you tried tho? 🔥

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  • Brick by Brick: Minecraft Cherry Blossom Garden 21260 Review

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  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

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  • Join Minewind: Where Starter Houses Become Epic Builds!

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  • Minecraft PS3 in 2024: What’s New?

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  • Insane Minecraft Bom magic tips! 😵😵 #viral #shorts

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  • Ninja7087 vs Haunted Minecraft Seeds

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  • Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱

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  • Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? 🌳😱 #viral

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  • HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥

    HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥Video Information Minecraft wir haben Minecraft Chat gehen wir gerne rein so ich war hier im Haus W geh das habe mich erstmal bedient dass ich nicht verrecke me ich komme auf den Server und sofort B be me wichtig aber ich werde ganz normal anfangen ich werde mir von von von kein irgendwas holen geh den Talk ja ich w irwohl kommen muss jetzt V drücken hallo hallo hallo B aber Luft hallo hörst du mich war hallo hört mich nicht muss in die Gruppe kommen oh kracht hallo hörst du mich ja hörst du mich gut den ist… Read More

  • Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!

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  • Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlock

    Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlockVideo Information [Music] feel it rush through me [Music] we feel it R feel it through me [Music] [Music] oh honey [Music] in there you know to kind of be like yo serious [ __ ] being in Japan at that time right like people weren’t messing around you know that’s the vibe that I got wait sorry I think I need to do a quick intro cuz I just switched to the gaming uh screen go for it K you guys may have already been seeing me on on K’s stream I was just you know chilling and uh… Read More

  • Insane Game Hacks 😱 – Add Blocks in Minecraft #shorts

    Insane Game Hacks 😱 - Add Blocks in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts#herobrine #tacnogamerz #minecraft #minecraftenderdragon’, was uploaded by Unlimited Gaming 😎 on 2024-07-05 10:30:19. It has garnered 8211 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts Cradit : @ORANGEEYT 🗿 video made by – @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft but,beating minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,minecraft mod,minecraft facts,minecraft manhunt but,manhunt minecraft,minecraft op,minecraft mods,cursed minecraft,minecraft hardcore,minecraft but every block multiplies,minecraft challenges,insane minecraft,minecraft uhc but,blessed minecraft,op minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft uhc,minecraft funny,tapple minecraft,minecraft speedrun Read More


    INSANE ROBLOX GAMING: Spider Man 3 SHORTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Marvel’s Spider Man 3 #roblox #gaming #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #gameplay #games’, was uploaded by Robokidspk on 2024-06-05 17:36:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello! Welcome to Channel ! I decided to record my gameplay. I hope you all friends will find this relaxing and enjoyable. I will try … Read More

  • LacoCraft

    LacoCraftServidor Nuevo! de 1.8 en adelante! Modalidades: SkyWars: On Practice: Off BedWars: off Proximamente mas modalidades!! Entra ya con tus amigos!! Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information Java & Bedrock IP: Default ports Discord Join our Discord server with voice channels Online In-game Map Explore our world: Features Backwards compatibility with the latest Minecraft version Cross-play between Bedrock and Java Hard difficulty and custom enchantments Unique gameplay features like teleporting mobs and free fly on Sundays ProtectionStones for land claiming, bartering economy, and no grief Main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in overworld and nether In-game messaging, homes, player teleportation, and Minecraft-Discord integration Responsive staff, voting ranks, rewards, server shops, public market, and tutorial warps Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)

    Minecraft Memes - pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)Looks like your friend is about to learn the hard way that diamonds aren’t just a girl’s best friend, they’re a Minecraft player’s best friend too! Read More

  • Cave Craze: Minecraft’s Dark Daze

    Cave Craze: Minecraft's Dark Daze In Minecraft, fear of the dark, we delve, Exploring caves, finding treasures, oh what a spell. From planting fences to mining coal so black, Every adventure, every challenge, we never lack. With each swing of the pickaxe, we uncover a sight, A giant cave, a hidden gem, shining so bright. From finding food to battling foes, In this pixelated world, our journey grows. So let’s craft, let’s mine, let’s build with glee, In Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, you see. So join me in this blocky land, where dreams take flight, And together, we’ll conquer the day and the… Read More

  • Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme

    Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme “Why did the Minecraft pharmacist go out of business? Because all his potions were just water bottles with food coloring!” Read More