Mind-Bending Minecraft Mayhem – Spell Crafting Madness!

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Hey folks landstrider here and you’re watching episode 53 of season 2 of my nightmare Series in aarian skies and you can see behind me I’ve gotten all these Alchemy automated systems set up now and if we go and take a look at those individually right now uh this one down

Here is making a catalyst the simple simple Catalyst and that’s used in just about every one of these other ones so uh when I first set these up that one was really taxed because all these needed it but now they’re all basically full you see on the other side there is

A hopper that gets filled up with the material so that I have basically uh six Stacks there’s five in the hopper and then one stack gets backed up into okay I guess it’s just one piece so six Stacks plus one piece uh well this one’s got 64 why this one

Don’t uh interesting I it’s not really relevant but anyway there’s plenty of materials available to the system and these are all a lot of these are going to be needed today because I am going to be building that particularly awesome Advanced blood magic spell and I’m going to try to talk

A little bit about maybe some of the other possibilities of the advanced spell system uh maybe demonstrate a few of those things but the main thing is I want to get the digging spell built because I want to get the dirt collected for uh the and there’s my my call system for

Calling the chess I apologize about the shortness of yesterday’s uh video so so this one will probably go long again if you are a fan of the long videos great if not sorry uh I I tend to to try to fit a lot into an episode

So and show you as much as possible of the process that goes into it get my armor back on so I can have my GRE lightning you get real used to the speed after a while and then when you don’t have it you really miss it

So and that’s out for Co kitties yeah every time I leave my computer on overnight the uh kitty cats seem to bug out and then they’ll like uh decide that they want to go wander her off and then I have to catch him and put them back in

The cat house it’s just a weird thing I don’t know why um but yeah I did leave my system on to attempt to process some Cobble so if we look at Cobble uh we can see that it is processing up I’ve got a bunch of

Quadruple and I’ve got a couple of uh SE seple do I have some seple I know I do it’s bouncing because the uh Cobble keeps getting drawn in and out of the system but anyway trust me there’s some seple there I think it’s the six yeah yep uh six tle I need to

Get nine total uh these are process ing the Cobble as basically as it’s coming in now because there’s it processed the whole 20 some million that I had currently in the system I’m not exactly sure what my total would be now because it’s some in it’s being uh compressed

But it’s it’s staying it’s being compressed as it comes in now so I don’t have to worry about that and it it’s only doing the first four stages that’s basically just to to make it a little easier for the Emy assembler to uh put the final uh stages together

Later because it’s a lot of actions to uh to do that and even with this really upgraded assembler with a lot of processors in there uh there’s only four pages the rest of the 27 yeah nine or 3 squared 3 squar is 27 yeah the rest of the 27 uh blocks in the

Center of this are processors that would be total 23 processors in there uh and it’s still would take days and days and days compared to what those are going to take you know what those are going to knock off the time it takes to process all that Cobble

Um yeah moving back to blood magic and getting back on track so I’ve have all these materials ready to go so let’s take a look at what I’m going to build I put together a few of these because I’m going to need to be making some stuff

That’s not that I don’t need to just make a ridiculous amount of and keep it on hand I just need to make what I need one of those things that I need is some more filling agent so I’m going to go ahead and start that right now just

Because I I really need it um filling agent I believe is glowstone let me look that up uh you look up blood it’s going to give us all the blood magic and maybe a few extra things that aren’t actually blood magic but that’s okay and we’ll look over here I know it’s

Wait where’ it go should looked up filling agent no should be on this page there it is filling agent and that is red stone glowstone NE Nether wart and simple catalyst so if I get redstone glow stone run a little low on glowstone all that processing all those uh different

Things has definitely used up a lot of my glowstone Nether wart and simple Catalyst and then it’ll start remaking that simple Catalyst over there because it pulled it from the system over there oh and I need a uh orb for over here grab out an orb there this one

Should already be bound it is okay so I’m going to need orbs for these two systems so let me just go ahead and grab two of blood shards um running low on those so I’m going to have to do something soon to get some more it’s not too big of a

Deal and then I think while I am down here I can uh show you what I’ve been doing down here I did some upgrading over here in the well some changing things around I got this set up basically ready to go for something later I’m not sure I might

Make this I’m for another spawning room similar to this one like this one I converted got rid of the slimes and oh shoot get away from that get away from that ah yeah that thing will kill me those things will kill you ah dang it don’t cut my rubber

Boots plastic boots well anyway just trust me there’s a uh Blaze Spawner in there now there’s a blaze captured in a net in the auto spawner um I guess that would have been easier just to show you by turn it on for a minute so I don’t need slime anymore

I’ve got more slime than I’ll ever need so this is now going to be my Blaze spawner room uh it doesn’t seem to have too many problems with the uh Inferno moms spawning in there hopefully I won’t have any problem I’ve had a bit of problem with the other

Spawner that I set up so I did some modification to that to to help uh eliminate the problems so yeah they uh they go in there the the go ahead turn the spawner off I don’t really need a ton more right now I don’t think but yeah the conveyor belts

Will eventually catch them because when they’re not aggroed on somebody they will float down and then they’ll the once the on once the ayor Bo has them it’ll move them up into that spot uh pretty pretty reliably uh and you can see this also produces more experience than it uses so

I got a pile of XP in there and I am the spawner is staying full of mob juice because of the uh the sewer that’s underneath it that collects the XP balls so over here we got another spawner I had to do quite a bit bit of

Modification to my little ocean up here and stuff I had to fill in the one corner oh I don’t have no flight um I had to fill in the one corner let me just run up there I got I can move fast come on up the stairs see okay yeah

You can see it from here you can see that I filled in the corner there I had to build out the walls so these walls the exterior walls on this building or on this room are are three thick over there and that’s because when when these guys were origin when I first started

Spawning these guys they were uh popping through the walls because the walls weren’t thick enough and then they would start flying around in the map and you know these guys flying around in your map they’re not fun oh that’s that’s nasty nasty noise yeah

Kills him pops him up uh this went to a bunch of different variations of what I had to figure out to to build this I first tried running pipes over to the to the um it’s kind of hard to see from here I’ll show you when I get my flight you can see

There’s uh four hoppers in there and that’s because even though this picks up a bunch of items they still occasionally drop some items I’m not sure why so I put the hoppers in there to pick up anything that ended up dropping in there uh they originally had pipes running

Down to the tesak underneath there and I originally had that turning off the tesak that that was a bad idea so I moved that up so it only would affect that spawner and the tesak would stay on now right underneath the tesak I have a vacuum Hopper that is jar just to pull

The items towards the regular Hoppers because the vacuum Hopper will not feed directly into the um into the tesar and and the other problem I was having is with the water there uh items wouldn’t fall through the covers with holes in them so yeah anyway this is what I ended

Up with four Hoppers around there just to pick up any items that fall in there and instead of pipes running down to that to that uh to that Whata call it there that would be a grinder yes that’s what you call it I put its own treasure X so it has

Its own Tes power this one feeds back to the main system this one’s on the main channel the one underneath the spawners on spawners of course so this one of course it does yeah it sends the fluid and the items back into the system so I’m getting more mob Essence from

That I probably and if I have if I had to guess I guessing it’s producing more mob Essence than it uses because I’m only spawning squid I’m spawning squid in there there’s a squid spawner in that spawner and because of the witch water there’s two blocks witch water one in

That corner and one over there uh because of that they spawn in that witch water and they turn into gas so it’s a relatively cheap spawn and way to get gas and gas tiers because gas tiers were needed in one of my alchemical processes and to prevent The Infernal mobs from

Destroying the room because they destroyed the room like four or five times before I just got tired of it you can see that I went ahead and warded all of the blocks ex well except for the glass I can’t Ward the glass and still have the door work and I can’t

Ward The Machine blocks but every other Block in there is warded uh and I can’t Ward the The Hoppers either but so if they do end up trying to destroy stuff they shouldn’t be able to now um they may pop the grinder it’s possibility or the or the spawner if they

Do it should get sucked into the system and everything will just basically shut down I don’t I I don’t intend to run this while I’m AFK anyway so I’m going to be down here watching it anytime I need it so I’m just going to go well do I need do I need

Tiar no I’ve got 545 right now I’m good so I don’t need tear so when I need them I’ll just come down here and run it for a bit kind of attended so that I don’t have to worry about uh mass destruction of any of any of my of

My system so so there’s one of my there’s one of my blood orbs now I just got to wait for the other one take this one up and put it because I don’t want to if I’m standing near here nothing will spawn underneath so just going to take this one up and

Put it in here and this one is all done making the filling agent that’s great so now I can get my potion filled again oh I don’t even have to go down there right now cuz I have all these other stands ready to go so I

Can fill up my flight potion here while I’m waitting and while I’m get rid of some of this junk that I picked up every time I run by that room down there there’s always just a few items you know because my vacuum Hoppers don’t cover the whole room that’s

Underneath there they’re just a little shy of cover in the room so I end up not having uh so I end up having a few items hanging out in those uh no vacuum areas so might as well get it one more see if it gets me full gets a full if not it’ll

Be one short of full filled it all the way up nice okay uh jump back now it’s probably not ready yet okay let’s look at blood magic and okay so we see all these different um guess funky looking blocks these look really cool in my opinion but

So we need to look at first making a spell Paradigm there are three different types of spare spell Paradigm there’s the particle generator the self augmentor and the Malle aggregator so we’re going to be looking at the particle generator because we want to make a spell that fires uh away from us

A small particle or whatever and then does something as it does that so this is the one we’re going to look at we’re going to need to have these parts let’s see what is it Stone brace some Stone braces some spell output cables so some

Of these parts are I’m going to want to like make a bunch of because they’re used in if we look at some of these other things we’re going to have wooden braces we’re going to need more Stone braces here so what do we need to make stone

Braces we need a bunch of reinforced slate I should have had those all made in advance so if we look at some getting some Stone out of here real quick and I don’t believe I have any of these ready to go so I am going to grab up my

Other blood orb out of here go ahead and I’m just going to make one more blood orb just just so I have one in the system uh that one to me so that it’ll work in the alchemical chemistry set and this one can now go and reside here so these all have their

Orbs yeah so oops Yeah did I put the slate in there I don’t think I know I put the orb thing in there okay so what’s going to happen is I’m going to put a pile of stone in here and for some reason I can’t get

My my uh Hoppers to feed into this anymore I don’t know why but the duct will feed in there I I don’t know if it’s just a bug with my alter or if it’s just a bug with the the spell system or the blood magic right now uh in this

Version but for some reason Hoppers aren’t working for me but this does so as soon as I take the orb out as soon as the orb is is made and I take it out it’ll feed in the stone that I just stuck in there I want stay away from it so that it

Spawns mobs in that room down there for to fill the altar there it goes bunch of mobs just spawn down here hopefully that’ be enough to finish off this guy okay I’m going to finish off that blood orb I’m going to make a stack of the slates that’s going to take a little

While so I’m going to cut this out and I’ll be back when that’s ready to go okay I think I got most of what I need to get a good start here I made a bunch of reinforced slate there’s another stack in the system already that I made

I made some imbues late because I when I was looking at the recipes I discovered I’m going to need some of those so if we look at making our Paradigm now we need one Paradigm as I said there are three different types they’re not called that though that’s their that’s what they’re

Called when you’re talking about and in using them in spell generation you start with a paradigm and then you use a spell focus which is going to be one of these uh type right here these four Crucible fire ice maker wind generator or Earth forer those are your focus and then you

Start modifying your spell which would be your default modifier your offensive modifier defensive modifier or environmental spell modifier I think I think this one goes well maybe this one’s secondment actually the modifier maybe it’s Paradigm modifier spell focus we’ll try it that way first um I’m

Not going to jump out and look at somebody else’s video so I can remember we’ll just figure it out as we go so I need the particle generator so I’ve taught my uh me system to make a few of these subp parts uh being the uh the stone brace the obsidian brace

And the wooden brace and the input and output spell cables it can make all those for me I just need to make some okay I need to set up for Blood let’s just get this built first so we’re going to need a projectile core uh that’s going to require an empty

Core which is going to be I could have T at this one so why don’t I do that get some blanks I’m pretty sure I’m sure out out of blanks blanks get a few blanks so projectile core you can get that core that empty core fishing with the blood

Um with the blood Rod occasionally I’ve gotten a couple of them there’s probably some in there so if I look at making an empty core we’ll teach it that one that’s one that it can do so back to projectile core see if we we got everything in

There for that and yeah I went and collected a bunch more weak blood shards while I was waiting for those stones to uh to craft up or to uh yeah to craft up in the altar I guess it’s this one there we go projectile core so now we want to look at

Our there our projectile generator let’s see we’re going to need some Stone oops everything’s jumping around because the Cobblestone going in and out of the system uh see we’re about start with 10 of those going to also need some of the cables so if we go ahead and craft up uh let’s

Say I’m start with six and five just to start with I’ll probably need more but let’s get those started so what else do we need for this we need a paradigm plate okay that’s probably oh and that’s that would have told me how to so this

I’m not going to need a ton of these I’m not going to teach the system to make these because only going to need one of these per spell so I’ll just Build That by hand and then go ahead and all right there’s our the start of our

Spell so let’s go and build our spell over here uh yeah actually we’ll pick I’m going to pick this area over here and we’re going to put it on the wall here so we’ll start right right here seems good enough oh something I did didn’t uh realize is I needed to load

This area because I started putting Emmy stuff in here and when I went over to the Nether and came back my em system was broken because part of it got unloaded so there’s now loader loading these three chunks as well now so I’ve got uh 18 chunks being loaded whenever I

Go away from here so there’s my particle generator if I right click it I can move it around and this only has an output it doesn’t have an input so I don’t have to worry about that I I’ll explain that better here in a second when I start adding to it I’m

Going to go ahead and move it yeah that’s fine so now how do I use this thing I didn’t make the thing to use it so let’s look at that real quick to get that we’re going to need a spell something there it is complex spell

Crystal and that’s got by making a unbal spell crystal which is glass in the Altar and then crafting it in the alchemical chemistry set to get that thing so let’s go ahead and grab a piece of glass run it down to the Altar and that shouldn’t take but a second it only

Takes a thousand blood magic the regular spell crystal that I’m actually going to make for the first stage here is used in the simple spell system and if you want to see up if you want to see me build some simple spells uh leave a comment let me know and I

Will put it in a future episode before I finish the series up uh if not I’m just going to kind of skip that part of uh blood magic so okay now I need the if I look again here for the spell so it takes two weak blood shards a gold and a diamond

Okay so grab two weak blood shards diamond and gold and we’ll toss it in here and it should cook right and I have my particles off so you can’t see it working but uh it is working cuz there it is complex spell crystal so now I can bring this down here

And if I right click it in the air to bind it to myself you see now I’m the owner and then if I right click it on that it now binds to that particular Paradigm you can see that it has coordinates and dimensions and it will now work uh based

Off of whatever is attached to this Paradigm now the Paradigm will work by itself uh here let me I think I probably oh I know what’s wrong I need to take this off because this has Whirlwind in it and then probably put my particles back on so you can actually see what’s happening

Here okay sorry get back to it there we go there there we can see the particle now okay so if you have your particles off you won’t be able to see what’s happening with these things so see I’m making a little projectile and if there was an enemy around I would be damaging

It probably not much damage wouldn’t be much more than like punching it maybe not even that much uh it’s very weak because I don’t have anything attached to that uh to that Paradigm yet I don’t have it doing anything so if we go go ahead and make let’s see

I don’t want to waste my stuff cuz I don’t have a ton of stuff I will do some more uh intricate spells I’m going to just focus on building the digging spell first and then in a later episode I’ll come back and show you some of the other

Things that can be done with that spell system so uh back to blood so what I need next is I need my modifier I want an environmental modifier because that’s going to allow it to uh drop the dirt that it digs up so if I pull that in what is what’s

The middle thing I need I need an environmental core so let’s look at that environmental core again I’m going to need orbitus Terra so this is something I’m going to have to do in the Alchemy set and I’m going to need this strengthened catalyst so the strengthened catalyst is simple

Catalyst bone meal and Nether wart simple Catalyst bone meal and Nether wart and if I come right over to this one I can go ahead and put those things in there and now that I have my particles on you can see that it’s working I’m probably going to need a

Bunch of this so I’m just going to let that cook up but that’s enough to probably get done what I need done oh wait um building that to make the Terra stuff right yeah so I need a couple of those while that’s cooking I’m going to go ahead and put that in there

Get the blood stuff out or well look at the blood stuff again so I can remember what I’m building I’m building the environmental core which is going to take orbitus Terra which is Terra strength and Catalyst gunpowder sand and Netherrack so gunpowder sand and nether rack and then it was also the strengthen

Catus which I should have over there and TR let’s see here put that in there that that that and then I just need oops I put those over there that’s okay get some more of those I only need four of these let’s not make more than I need because I

Might need these for other stuff just wait a moment for that while that’s cooking up I’m going to need a core crafted um I believe that should be everything I need craft did so whoops butterfly random um so these guys go here I need that core and then I need a

Orb there we go get it right and I’m just going to keep that in my inventory because I think I’m going to be needing it a bunch so now if I look again at the blood magic stuff and find the part I’m making there it is I think I should

Have some more of that stuff in there do I have everything but this I do okay there’s my environmental spell modifier I hope this goes second I think it does see it looks like go second so right click to move the now did I remove the right one no I don’t

Think I did that’s I think that’s the output wait is that the output okay it’s right click to move the input around and then yeah see that lines up good so that’s got to be right and then it’s shift right click to move the output that’s I mean it looks right

Maybe that kind of looks right too I don’t know okay um anyway so I guess I could fire this to see what it does do anything like that let’s see if I switch this around it do anything like that it’s going to break the wall eventually um I’m GNA think it’s like

That we’ll find out soon enough I know that right clicking moves one either the input or the output and then shift right clicking moves the other uh input or output so we need to look at blood magic stuff again so okay at this point I need the actual spell focus to tell it

What it’s going to do so I want the Earth One the Earth farmer if we look at pulling that in there I got everything but this which is probably going to take some kind of oh okay it just takes Terra and a core got the core and this and we got

That so now we should be able to make the th Earth forer there it is and go ahead and put this over here and if I get it right I should be able to break the wall with this that down and I’m going to right click I think to move the input shift

Right click to move the output maybe let’s find out no something’s not right so let’s try switching this around no try switching this one around there’s probably a good way to know how these work with the input and output based on color of the the connection things here but so let’s see

If this does anything oh there we go ah working okay so it’s right click to move the output shift right click to move the input and now I got to fix that here it’s snowing uh yeah that is one I think I mentioned it before it is a disadvantage

Of of going AFK overnight my system runs out of the stuff that eliminates the the rain so that’s this that system stops working until I make manufacture more materials for it so let’s fix my wall now that I have it figured out it’s right click for the output shift right click for the

Input I hope I said that right grab some Stone go fix the wall let me double check that just to make sure I want to say it right at least once so yeah right click is the output shift right click is the input so we all clear about

That I know I’m clear about it now so there we go that’s what it does it blow it blows stuff up does not drop anything yet actually did it drop stuff it drop stuff it’s supposed to drop stuff maybe wait wait that’s that’s important it drop blocks no so maybe I

Don’t have these right in the right order so let’s try switching this order up because this should be dropping blocks on the ground so if I that’s the out put connect the input now so it does take so it must be Focus or I mean Paradigm Focus

Modifier let’s try that the output over there input like that that looks kind of right so now if I shoot well I drop blocks yay there that’s that is the correct order so I I had the order of it messed up and some other stuff so here’s how it works Paradigm spell focus

Modifier and then enhancers are going to go further along so now that I’ve got that figured out we need to enhance the spell uh don’t I have a wand for this somewhere probably in the the me system oh I also moved I also put another access terminal down here so

There wouldn’t be any problem accessing the me system from anywhere in the village especially the Mage Tower it is in there okay just fill this back in real quick and then I’m going to be doing any further testing in the nether because it’s going to get uh hairy if I keep

Doing it here so uh I want this output to go up there we go up because the next part’s going to go up I’m going to just build it there on the wall vertically so I I did figure out a way to do it a little different than uh some

Other folks that I have seen put this together uh and it’s going to save you some materials I hope so if we look at blood stuff again so now I need to empower and I also want to not dampen dampen if you use dampener that just reduces the blood cost which is okay

Okay that’s not something I’m going to do I want to augment and in power I believe augment the changes the amount of space it’ll affect and in power changes how many it can affect at a time and it and it does different things depending on the spell you’re using but in in the

Context of the big spell that’s what it does so the unstable in power I’m going to start with one of these so I’m going to need to make cracked these guys so what’s that uh concentrated which is the strength and fractured bones fractured bones is a bunch of bone and gunpowder bone and

Gunpowder and since this makes like Stacks see do that that and so I’ve got my strengthened Catalyst and I need to make some higher tier Catalyst which I think was blood me look at this skin sorry if this is a little unprepared but uh it’s the first

Time I’ve done this I’m doing it on camera so you’re learning with me I’ve watched some other videos but it’s a pretty complicated system until you actually do it yourself you’re probably not going to remember everything there is that you need to know to do it so I need concentrate

Catalyst which is the strengthen Catalyst plus the facture bone and some gold nuggets so gold nuggets craft me some of those and I have the strengthened C Catalyst I just need the fractured bone let’s go ahead toss a few of those in there I don’t know how many of these

I need but I’ll start with four is that working it is working and now then um so here’s here’s what I’m doing to do different than most other people do instead of building all reinforced which reinforced are great you can have three of them uh instead I’m actually going to

Build an unstable a standard and then a reinforced because as it’s looking at the spell it comes to the reinforced and says okay there’s none before that so the reinforced will affect it and then it comes to the standard spell and power and it says okay well there’s one in

Power before that but the standard can have up to two so it says okay I will allow that and then it comes to the spell the reinforced one and says uh okay there’s two before it but this is reinforced so it can allow three so I’ll allow that so that’s how that’s

Going to you you’ll understand a little bit better as I I String it together over there I guess so let me grab that out of there and put that in there and this is what I’m working for oh I’m working to build one of these actually no wait this is what I’m

Building oh this is what I’m building I’ll figure it out event actually I’m need a bunch of these actually a’t I yes I am let me get those back out of there Catalyst getting those Catalyst back out of there this bone is done so I can start working in here with

It and then it was two of these I believe so I will need another three of those to do all the ones that I have so I need some cracked plates cracked runic plates I’m going to need some of the next tier up plates and then I’m going

To need some of the top tier plates hopefully I have enough materials here to build this spell if not I might have to take a quick cut and get the rest of the materials oops wrong thing in there there we go so I need actually I’m only going to

Need four of these total CU and then I’m going to need the next tier up for the rest or tier tiers above that for the rest so I want a spell and power this one right here takes two crack plates and a power core which is verus oh great I

Don’t have any verus I don’t believe so that’s the strengthen catalysts uh gunpowder Redstone and coal so going to need four of those gunpowder and red stone wow I got a lot of I got a lot of redstone in there lot more lot more than I thought I did actually I need eight

Redstone and strengthen Catalyst I have my inventory so come back over here pull those out and toss that there and that’s going to work I’m not sure if I’ll need that again okay so blood magic keep looking at this sorry about I probably should cut some of this out

But I don’t know may maybe you enjoy learning with me watching the process if not you know leave a comment let me know what you liked and what you didn’t like about the video and like I said I will will attempt to adjust my style based on what people want to see

So if I pull that in there I need what is it I need I need wooden braces so I have those ready to go craft crafting ability wise and I’m going to need eight of those total CU I’m going to make two of the wooden brace style and power

Empower and enhancer what’s it called I don’t think I said that right I’m going to make a wooden in power and a wooden augmentor there we go that’s I said it right so I’m going to need this guy still so I’m making the verce over there the verice should be

Ready yes it is verce is ready I probably should take it off of the synchronized mode so I don’t don’t have to keep typing in every time but then I would fre okay so that what am I missing a core yeah there we go let’s go ahead and craft

Up uh let’s see I need at least five more course I’m pretty sure I’m going to make five more things that going to attach to that stuff over there no I’m going to need more than that uh I think I’m only going to get the first part of the spell done uh on

Camera that’s okay I’m going to need the whole um second part of the spell maybe I’ll do that off camera once I get to that point so I want to put together at least the first half all on camera so there’s my unstable EMP power

So now I’m going to need one of these guys so I need uh these I’ll take the same EMP power or the same core they do they all take power core so I should get 16 more of that some coal eight more of that and eight more

Gunpowder eight okay and go ahead and start crafting that up and that will give me the other two cores I need for that part I’m going to need some more plates some higher tier plates which is the runic plate is a Terra and the crack plate so need some

Trra and toss those in here with the cracked plate that is there something else went with that wait what what what that um cracked plate Terra that’s right crack plate and Terra oh oh I know what’s wrong I need a I need this this guy down here you need a arch

Mage uh blood orb for this there we go now it’s working so to make the the highest tier uh spells you you are definitely going to need to have a top tier alter in the arch Mage blood orb but you can get something going at tier four that that’s when you probably

Can first start making the uh the advanced spells so I toss those in there and I look up this again and I get two more of these one two and then yeah do I have everything for that not even close I need the um what is it I need no uh

Braces I need Stone braces I’m going to need eight of them ultimately and then I’m waiting for these guys so yeah some of them and I’m going to need well I only need four for the things I’m making right now let’s see here get back in there one more time

And I should have everything now for that there we go stage two and now finally I need stage three which is going to take these guys the imbued okay those take two runic to the place aquous celis magalis and incendium and that’s one of the reasons I want to have all that automated

Alchemy ready to go Aqua celus magic callus and incendium and then yeah I guess it is good that I had extras of these because I actually need two of them those can go in that one and cook up so I don’t want another one of those yet I

Want blood gets a little bit it gets a little quicker after you have once you know figure out what exactly it is so I need some of these um City EMB braces craft me four of those and then give me this I want this all I’m missing is these guys oops right

Here and there’s the third stage okay so let’s go ahead and put these on there and I will show you what they do now when you do it like this you got to make sure that you put the unstable first and yeah that should yeah output

Just need to there we go output to the side then you can have the put that put that put there there we go so then you go with the uh standard and then you go with reinforced so as it’s looking at this spell it goes

Uh unstable you can have one of those uh you can have one in power at this point then it goes to the next one it says oh there’s another Empower is you can have two if they’re standard well this one’s standard so it says okay and then it

Goes to the next one it says uh in power well you can have three if they’re reinforced oh this one’s reinforced it says so it says Okay so the output is going to go up the input needs to go over there so that should work and I’m going to take a

Quick jump over to the Nether and demonstrate what this does so right over to the Cory and and give myself a quick flight potion go ahead and put that on my bar I should be able to didn’t do nothing what maybe it did something I’m just not seeing it down

Here there it goes he doing something not very not very impressive at this stage really uh put my hat on that’ll help of course that does weird things with the projectile because it deflects it so I’m not going to be able to wear that okay so not too impressive at this

Stage so I need to get the other bits of this spell created the other three um hopefully that’s working correctly unless he uh unless he made it so that this doesn’t work anymore I hope that that’s not the case these are the empowers so they’re allowing it to

Affect more items at a time I need the enhancers to affect the area so if I look at blood again blood magic where it go so I need the not the dampeners but the augmentor augmenter unstable augmenter which is going to take a potency core so potential I should have that do

I have that is that one I did not oh I didn’t make none of that huh wow I’m going to need to make some of that blood magic there we go po seed what I need glowstone lapis nether quartz and strengthened Catalyst oh that’s why because it’s specific to the spell system glow

Stone see I’m going need a bunch of this glowstone nether quartz lapis a lot of lapis too and strengthened Catalyst should be right here yes there we go make some of that for me make a bunch of that for me actually and while it’s doing that I will see if I can

Can’t figure out what else I need for these real quick I want to try and get this done on camera and for this episode so I believe I used up some of that stuff so I got the should have the cores ready to go everything else should be ready there

Right I should have cracked runic plates in there input output cable should be ready to go if not system will crafting real quick all I need is this potentia to make three of these guys so I’m going to need a total of 12 of these so almost ready to go one

More 12 of those I’m going to pull those out just in case I need it for something else toss them in there pull this up I need three of these one two three then I’m going to make this what am I missing oh the input output cables so look back at

That input okay look at cables there we go craft me three of those craft me three of those and output input there’s my unstable um and then I’m going to need some more of those stick thingies which I can’t remember of these guys right here Stone braces braces that’s what I

Need craft four of those giv me one of those go ahead and just craft four of these because I’ll need them here in just one second and we look back and we can make the reen forced blood augmentor there we go that wasn’t nearly as bad as the first

Round because I was a little like I said as you make these it becomes a little easier over time to go ahead and get what you need so output needs to go to this side input’s already should be on the Downs side come down here and get

The normal one output is going to go that way andp put to that side now same here output can go over there for now just so I know where it’s at oh that’s not it there we go now that should be all lined up the way it needs to

Go and if I wait wait a minute this one’s not right there we go now it’s right make sure everything is connected looks like it’s connected okay so let’s go back over to the Corey and give this one more test before I wrap this video up I did

Not get a uh Quest done today I sorry it’s going to become hard to get Quest done because I don’t have too many left but now if I come over here and I got my hat off yes look at that that is working the way I wanted to

Cool so now I don’t have the other part of the spell ready to go this is only half of the spell the second half of the spell is going to bring all of this dirt that it’s digging for me it’s going to bring it back to me as

It digs digs it out let just kind of flew up in out of yeah you got to be careful about using these projectiles with um the uh Whirlwind sigil in in your armor because it’ll just kind of throw them in weird directions uh which is also what I think was

Happening yesterday when I was using the uh Primal charm uh it was throwing the projectile into some weird Direction I was getting it was looking like it was just had a mind of its own but anyway yeah you got to make sure that you’re not using your Whirlwind uh sigil while you’re trying

To use these projectile spells and uh apparently it does affect projectiles from other mods to like bomb craft so uh that’s the first half of the spell I will finish up the other half the spell off camera between episodes I you it’s basically just a bunch more of the same thing except I’m

Going to extend this spell out so I can add a another effect uh which is I’m going to add a another well I tell you exactly what I’m going to add I’m going to add the wind generator and the environmental effect just like that one which will actually

Cause things to be forced back into my inventory as they are dug so I will be able to dig and collect at the same time just like crazy fast and I’ll probably get at least I’ll get the dirt generation uh be able to get the dirt generation uh what’s that called

Quest Quest done for the hoarding and yeah this one right here dirt collection so yeah that’s one I’m work on tomorrow because I will have the ability to collect a insane amount of dirt relatively fast that point at that point with my dirt with my dig spell uh I

Should talk real quick before I finish this up about some of the other things that I had to do to get all this automated Alchemy working I added a fluid transposer up here this one is just for making water bottles bottles of water for uh one of

The automated things and this one over here is just for making buckets of lava um just just something else I had to do to get all this automated Alchemy working there’s a lot of uh Logistics to it so uh probably went long I hope you

Enjoyed this episode I know I did I am really happy about being able to use this spell I’m going to have a lot of fun with it and if you did like it uh comment and subscribe give me a thumbs up uh if you didn’t like it uh give me a

Comment anyway and uh let me know what I can do better in the next one so I will catch you guys later

This video, titled ‘Landstryder’s Minecraft Nightmare in Agrarian Skies s2e52 – Advanced Spell Crafting’, was uploaded by Landstryder on 2014-06-08 23:27:27. It has garnered 85 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:23 or 3863 seconds.

This episode is all about building an advanced spell with Blood Magic

Join me as I play the Agrarian Skies mod pack by Jaded Cat on the Minecraft FTB launcher.

Episode 40 world download- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6j_sG7nQaRgZUtnOXFFdktqNDg/edit?usp=sharing

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    Insane MCgamer speedruns extreme Minecraft parkour! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft parkour guanlet TAS #shorts’, was uploaded by Extreem MCgamer on 2024-05-04 21:00:23. It has garnered 10227 views and 277 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Welcome to the Extreem MCgamer channel, dedicated to Minecraft! I’m Extreem, and I’m excited to share amazing Minecraft shorts with you. Join me as we explore the blocky world, go on thrilling adventures, and witness incredible creations. From awesome builds to cool redstone contraptions, we’ll dive deep into Minecraft together. Whether you’re an experienced player or new to the game, there’s something here for… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Sand Art Creation 😱🎨 #Trending #Shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Sand Art Creation 😱🎨 #Trending #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘satisfied Minecraft sand art 🎨😱 # and art# Minecraft # shorts ☺😍😎’, was uploaded by Karan tech kvp on 2024-05-05 08:04:44. It has garnered 7259 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. satisfied Minecraft sand art 🎨😱 # and art# Minecraft # shorts ☺😍😎 minecraft sand art mod | minecraft sand art mr beast |minecraft sand art 123 Minecraft send art😱😱😱😱 gaming minecraft sand art minecraft sand art b minecraftsand art minecraft b minecraft banner fan art minecraft g minecraft banner h minecraft is minecraft sad is minecraft a… Read More

  • Airheadmc

    AirheadmcWelcome to airheadmc’s voting page. Where you can earn rewards from voting for us. We’re a supporting and loving server wanting to boost our player count! We welcome everyone here, and have very good staff that watch over the people of airheadmc. airheadmc.com:25576 Read More

  • Minecraft StreetCat SMP Java 1.20.6

    Join our Minecraft SMP Server! Experience Day 8 of our server where you can become your own character and create your own civilization. Roleplay and engage in conflict with other players to see how civilization unfolds. Version 1.20.6. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Failed to keep it short, here’s the spicy meme!

    Minecraft Memes - Failed to keep it short, here's the spicy meme!Looks like even in the world of Minecraft, some things just don’t add up! Read More

  • MineFit: PE Class Craze with Minecraft Block Xuan

    MineFit: PE Class Craze with Minecraft Block Xuan In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Fangkuaixuan’s animations, laughter is found. With humor and joy, each video brings cheer, For kids of all ages, to watch without fear. Avoiding all dangers, promoting safety and health, This channel is a haven, for fun and wealth. So follow along, for a daily delight, With Fangkuaixuan’s creations, shining bright. From classroom antics to songs that adapt, Every video is a playful rap. So subscribe today, and join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Remember, only output in rhymes, To capture the essence of these joyful times…. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Shenanigans #lolz

    Hot Minecraft Shenanigans #lolz “I watched an interesting Minecraft video and now I can’t stop trying to punch trees in real life to collect wood. Send help.” Read More

  • Eating a Slap from Minecraft Steve!

    Eating a Slap from Minecraft Steve! Minecraft: Exploring the World of Steve Step into the blocky world of Minecraft and join Steve on his adventures! From building magnificent structures to surviving against all odds, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players to explore and create. Unleashing Creativity In Minecraft, players like Steve can unleash their creativity by building anything they can imagine using various blocks and materials. Whether it’s a towering castle, a bustling city, or a hidden underground lair, the only limit is your imagination. Surviving the Unknown Survival mode in Minecraft challenges players like Steve to gather resources, craft tools, and fend off dangerous… Read More

  • Ultimate Hypixel & Mining Dead Gamers Unite! Epic Hyperion Deal!

    Ultimate Hypixel & Mining Dead Gamers Unite! Epic Hyperion Deal!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel & Mining dead (w/DuRhone) A deal has been made! My SECOND Hyperion!’, was uploaded by The 3 Kings on 2024-05-19 02:53:29. It has garnered 80 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:38 or 13178 seconds. #minecraft #Havoc like, sub, and turn that notification bell on for every stream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Discord: https://discord.gg/Z9W3c93H Server IP: miningdead.com Read More