Mind-Blowing Alchemy in Modded Minecraft 1.12: TwinMinds Unleash Dirt!

Video Information

You hello good evening twin minds here I have decided to take a trip back into Minecraft it has been a long time granted I could not tell you how long because I don’t keep track of that kind of thing but it has been a long time I

Got burnt out of Minecraft after four to five years of pretty much doing nothing but a quest packs and I had a lot of fun with that and I wanted to get back into that now and the reason for that is I was I was I normally don’t pay attention

To direwolf even though he has been a great help and a great inspiration through a lot of my mine crafting time I normally just don’t pay attention to his streaming but this one caught my eye it is a magic a magic centric but not purely magic questing pack kind of sword

A hard mode Skyblock and i have been looking for a magic focused mod pack for quite some time that I would actually want to play because I typically find myself focusing very heavily on the tech whenever I did play in the past and I wanted to get into some of the magic

Mods that I didn’t normally work with and see how they played so what I wanted to do is create a new world you got to create from template now this is made by RW Temma is obviously one of the one of the legends i guess of the forge craft

World has made at least multiple mods i don’t claim to remember anything because i just have a terrible memory so I don’t know which mods Tim has made but they are one of the one of the regulars of for craft there we go and this is exactly what

This will be doing this will be testing my patience I cannot guarantee I will ever complete this because this is my first venture back into Minecraft for quite some time so who knows but let’s get into it and we’ll get started and see how much progress we can make I

Actually have already played through the first couple hours of this just to make sure that it was something I’d be interested in so I do vaguely know what I’m doing but it is still baffling to me so I will pretend to be surprised but I’m going to at least attempt to take

This in the form of tutorial ish Ness I guess similar to how I did my sky factory 2.5 series so we’ll see how this goes so you start off with these three little platforms and a sealed-off and portal and something flying at my head which is a book you get multiple books

To start off with integrated dynamics tinkers construct the one probe which I don’t think is needed and foresters manual now the one probe is not needed because you already have it started off in the upper corner there which I might move at some point I’m used to it being

Center but you don’t need the manual because when everything is enabled by default you also have this book here which is the instructions which will read you start off with acceleration wand a builder’s wand and a destruction wand plus trans locators mechanical tractors and this flux capacitor which I don’t

Think is needed at the moment but maybe handy at some point now this is an interesting sky block in that obviously you’re not starting with nothing and what you do start off with is create a flight you start off with no hunger requirements and you start off with infinite wood and infinite cobblestone

And I thought that was a very interesting concept to start off a pact with because normally you start off with you know a block of dirt or something like that and you have to literally build every resource that you have access to so you’re constantly fighting

The system to get enough resources to do things and this starts you off with quite a bit of stuff actually let’s get started reading the book from Professor spiked master of examinations you may be surprised to find yourself on a floating platform in the middle of an empty void

I can assure you that it is not the result of one of your many vendors but in fact a serious matter as I have as I have complained to headmaster our to beat em on many occasions your behavior at this Academy has been distinctly less than impressive you are constantly late to class

Do not take proper notes and answer back in an undeservedly arrogant tone if it were up to me you would have been expelled from grim boils Academy years ago but for some reason the other masters seem to want to give you an endless second chances I can assure you

However that this is your last chance you have failed to achieve sufficient academic marks and it is my right as master of examinations to demand that you take a makeup test or be expelled the test I’ve chosen for you is a very old one the ultimate alchemy exam you

Have been banished to the void realm and cannot return until the exam is completed nearby you should find special barrels containing infinite amounts of cobblestone wood logs oak your task is to alkalize these cobblestones and oak logs into the rarest and most difficult substance to create clay I trust after

All the lectures you’ve slept through that you are aware of the great difficulty of clay alchemy this exam is an open book so do make use of Professor mezes je i spell for information in addition your feet have been blessed with flying spell and your stomach has

Been blessed with an anti hunger term I would wish you luck but surely a wonder child such as yourself has no need for it so I will simply say do not be afraid to give up yours professor spite master examinations addendum from headmaster Temma don’t let old spy

To get you down the ultimate acumen alchemy exam ain’t exactly easy but it’s very doable just keep your goal in sight and you’d be surprised at what you can what can be accomplished by the way it ain’t part of the exam but if you really want a show

Show up old spicy see if you can completely automate the entire clay alchemy process it’s something he failed leading to it the ultimate test and I know it bugs him PS I snuck an acceleration one into the exam chest don’t tell anyone so that is the ultimate story behind

This mess that you get yourself into and there’s there’s at least one inside joke and I’m sure there’s plenty more but one of the inside jokes is that I believe it’s time’ and a few other of the forge crafters have realized that clay is one of the harder resources to get in the

World in the in the modded world because almost all of the ways that you can get it are from digging it up there aren’t too terribly many ways from ways to create it from scratch and this is taking that to the extreme like to the hardcore extreme so we marry

So jei as you can see we have lots of resources and if we go to clay you will see how terrible it actually is we have a Content Tweaker a new item created called true clay the goal good luck hearts temp so this is your actual goal

There is no legitimate clay in the system and if we try to create this it is a draconic fusion crafting of wyvern tier using one of each of these base materials they look fairly simple plus another star by the way you notice peaceful flight there is also peaceful

Mops as in no mops as in you can’t go and do a mob spawner because no mobs will spawn so that being said there’s no way to get another star except for this ungodly looking Tomic crucible recipe which looks to be two nether stars which by the way this specific recipe I don’t

Know how to make so it is most likely a thermic recipe that we haven’t unlocked yet and it requires what looks to be one of each of the thermic aspects and there is another star that you have to dump in to get it which doesn’t entirely make

Sense to me but I’m sure it will make sense eventually eventually but ultimately we have to collect a whole bunch of essences we have to collect whatever these items are and yeah do some alchemy so to get started what basically what I did the first time I

Did this through just to make sure that I kind of knew what was up is I took a look at the resources that I’ve got and tried to see what I can make out of it so we’ve got cobble and to make stuff out of cobble you can make weapons

Stairs etc this recipe for pistons is about the same everything looks to be about the same wood sticks lever so if you start looking at things like I want to automate something chances are you’re gonna need iron for example so if we went to look at iron to iron the

Standard recipes apply but there is no way to get iron ore except for through an orchid or through casting so what you’ve got instead is this lovely recipe right here a block of compressed cobblestone and smelt into iron and if we look at double compressed that’s melts into obsidian

And I believe triple cab rest does not smell into anything and then quadrupled cover quintuple compressed quadruple compressed smelt into bedrock which is surprisingly breakable which will need by the way well cover that in a little bit and then quintuple sextuple octuple etc those don’t create anything so we

Pretty much have to stop at the quintuple range to have stuff that we want or is it the quadruple range yeah quadruple range so we stopped at the quadruple range to get what would want and then another thing that would be very handy do we have we don’t have a

Standard compactor but we do have a compacting drawer which is always nice compacting drawer if we wanted that we needed iron Pistons a smooth stone so obviously we need to smelt up some compressed cobble let’s get started on have one thing we do have in here is a mechanical crafter and this is

Look I hid the Stone Age congratulations me alright so cobblestone take this that’s right so this will just automatically craft up to get compressed cobble so let’s get eight of that and a stack of cobble we will also throw these slabs off into the distance right

No crafting grid so we know how to make one of those that standard wood it’s gonna stack the wood I’m gonna go ahead and just turn that straight into the tinker’s crafting station alright so we need furnaces and since we have no shortage of cobble I’m gonna go ahead

And make a bunch okay we also need something to smelt the stuff with so let’s go ahead and do this get just a couple pieces of charcoal one more I’m gonna get some charcoal started because we’re gonna need quite a bit of it for a little while here there you go

Come on what a mess and I don’t exactly know why I’m being impatient because I do have this lovely bugger acceleration wand I can make that go as fast as I would like all right so we’ve got one piece of charcoal I’m gonna go ahead and just use that on this

Compressed that will get us a quarter stack half stack half stack of iron which is very good to get started now to make the other part of the compacting drawer we need redstone redstone is made from blocks of redstone blah blah or which we’re not going to get and then this

Lovely recipe a bowl an iron pick and a lever basically taking the innate redstone properties of a lever and grinding it down into the redstone that you could potentially get out of it lever is made out of sticks and stones so that’s easy enough to get plus I can

Pick that’s gonna be coming out of this so let’s grab another stack of cobble and here we already have quite a bit of compressed cobble that can easily be smelted empty more iron and these are done so let’s get those going some more a real look at that

All right so these will be my friends for a little while the bowl and the pitch we could do that which also gives us gravel and then doing that with gravel gives us and so this bowl and pick method is very important for the first part of the game but what I need

Is cobble and stick so I’m gonna go ahead and finish making a stack oops I need cobble that’s right so get a stack of levers put those in pull out a stack redstone done it done easy enough all right so I’m gonna get myself a handful of other things that

Didn’t give me give me there we go now the other thing that you can do is you can actually remake these infinite barrels at any time so I might do that shortly to have some closer by okay so what else do want to do this gives me redstone and iron

There’s more that I might get some more iron started so let me get four stacks of these No let me get yeah that’ll do one stack is good because that will get me a full stack of iron in each of these so let me grab some this

That’ll get me some extra iron going okay now if we take a look at this recipe we do need some smooth stone so I probably should get more furnaces why am I going back over there I already have cobble in my inventory more furnaces please this is going to be a temporary

Measure but it’s literally for you so why not all right all right so what I’m actually gonna do is I’m going to smelt a single piece and then we’ll do the next fun step okay let’s grab a bunch of chests to make the barrel it’s just a ring of

Chests around the material and I’ve got an infinite barrel of creative stone awesome I might as well do the same thing with wood they’re those can be moved around and recreated in whatever so those can be our source and our starting point for any automation that we want to do any

Automation that requires one of these three materials we can just create a new one of these and those can be right at the start Wow that’s lovely all right I don’t need it quite yet but I think I might okay it’ll do for now let’s see what do we want to do now

Automation is going to be pretty key so I think I want to get started on some of those resources so let’s get started with some travel and then some sand that means I need another and let’s see that was the last bit okay so what I can do with these then as I

Can compress those down and compressed gravel cooks down into tin and compress sand cooks down into copper and as many of you know that is the basis for a lot of the automation in thermal expansion so let’s get those started I need eight more of each of those to get an even

Stack so let’s do a little bit of that okay that will at least give us a starting point how that’s supposed to work okay hey you guys come along hey you’re coming along eventually come along eventually alright now what I could do and what I might do is get some of this

Automated that sounds kind of like a good plan because then I can have essentially infinite charcoal for example I kind of thing so we’ve got some trans locators for that let’s make a barrel a regular old barrel I don’t member the recipe for that regular old

Barrel is a barrel upgrade next to it chest ah so that’s gonna require iron that’s great alternately I could just use a compacting drawer and those are my preferred method so I think I might do that so let’s make some compacting drawers shall we I need a bunch of wood

I need a bunch of chests which means I need a bunch of drawers need a bunch more cobble I will need some of that okay probably grabbed a little bit too much but that’s okay so if I go with the compacting draw recipe if I were to want to make a stack

Of compacting drawers which sure why the hell not I would need two stacks of Pistons which is two stacks of iron and redstone so I’ve got some of that down here and then for redstone I need another batch okay so two stacks of pistons what am I missing

I am missing that’s not the right button Pistons Pistons I am missing regular old wood okie dokie that I can do wood done now it’s a couple the kind of stuff that you definitely want to automate as soon as you can where possible I’m probably gonna do a

Lot of it by hand to start off with so I can get an a grasp of what’s needed and then I can get a grasp of what can be automated so now I am missing more drawers so let’s get more drawers created all right so this will be that

To make up for the 64 that we need which means we just need a bunch of wood sure why not actually I made it for more that’s fine I will probably use those at some point all right so compacting drawer I missing the rest of the iron needed for that so

Let me grab that there we go see with infinite items it’s pretty easy to get all that you need to do stuff pretty quickly and if I wanted to do a compacting drawer I believe that is very doable or not a compacting drawer drawer controller that is very doable so let’s

Grab a little bit more iron our redstone I need five more smooth stone there we go draw a controller all that so then if we wanted to you can put draw a controller right down let’s go here let’s do on top one area okay so now we can have a whole bunch of drawers to hold all of our materials and

This is something that I typically do for any material that can be automatically compressed like redstone for example can be automatically compressed into a block of redstone this makes it so I can really easily grab redstone or block of redstone the same thing can be done with cobble which is

Exactly what I would want to do to use this as my auto crafter at pump Cup that’s that’s not the right answer I pump cobble into here it automatically compresses it too deep so you’ve got double compressed right here and it’s very nice so that can be done pretty

Quickly here and in fact let’s do that let’s do that thing so let me grab this barrel okay and this barrel can go school right here no that’s alright let’s do race you okay so this barrel can go right here and then item and translocator and go right here

And here and that is couple that doesn’t need to be filtered does it they’re a pretty little translocator will be dumping as much cobble as it possibly can stomach into here and you can see that number going up very quickly on the side there we’re already up to 250 300

Etc it’s not the fastest means but it’s definitely a good start early game now what we can do is we can take a drawer let me get on top of this so I can grab it okay I’m gonna put that there yeah okay I can

Go there that can go on top that will leave them connected here we do another set of trans locators this we only want to pull out double compressed into here and that leaves us with double triple and quad compressed now granted that is going to pull everything out of here so

What I might end up doing is a second drawer that just holds double because this is automatically compressing pretty quickly now this is definitely not the prettiest possible setup so there will be redoing of this eventually but for right now this is what it is now if we wanted more

Trans locators what does that cost that cost ender shards everything else is doable we’ve we’ve already covered the red stone iron piston chest so ender shards that is by doing the standard pick Bowl method with pistons so easy enough to make a stack of Pistons which

Means it’s easy enough to make a stack of ender sharps now if we look at ender shards to see what that opens up for us that opens up the ability to make extra utilities resonating redstone crystal which then opens up extra utilities to stuff that opens up and their chests as

Soon as we can do obsidian gold and it opens up adding trans locators plus it can be smelted down eventually into resonant ender which can then be used to make other things so it definitely opens up a lot of stuff this is how we actually get our pearls and this is

Gonna be something that will have to be automated for sure because this makes soggy ender pearls which then have to be dried on a rack which take a whole minute to do so this is gonna require an array of drying racks automated so that this does not hold us up from doing

Other things because obviously pearls are a very important part of crafting a lot of different things so yeah that’s that’s gonna have to be done at some point but for right now we’ve got our automation that I’ve already given us five triple compressed cobble if I wanted to speed this up I could

Potentially throw another translocator on the back and it may or may not be possible I don’t remember if these trans locators can accept multiple inputs like if I were to put another barrel right here and another translocator would that feet down into here with the other one

I don’t know work might be worth testing because it’s not like it costs us a lot to make one of these infinite cobble barrels jacked I might make another one just to have it let’s make another bunch of chests cobble barrel I do want to try the other translocator just to see

Because that would help us speed up the cobble creation process let’s do the act can I there okay so that’s gonna require me going around the back I keep forgetting I can fly because not used to that hey what do you know that works which means we can jam another one down

Here if we wanted just just to speed up the collection process which might be a very good thing we could also throw another one or another set of them in the back you know however we want to get a lot of cobble we can do that I love the look of

That by the way that’s just fun to have lying around and if at any point you need to turn them off you do that tell theirs do it except for you have to be able to see to turn back on again so if for example I didn’t want anymore

Triple for right now and I wanted to have my double available I could do that I do have double available right here though so I am realizing that I was speaking stupidly because I was remembering my first attempt at this I had an array of these set up and I had

Them just stacked repeatedly out this way and they were automatically crafting all out to the max which then made it so I didn’t have any of these available but dude so yeah do that I’m gonna go ahead and smelt up a bunch of this stuff how are we for materials we are just

Fine for materials alright and we also have our copper that finished and our tin that finish okay that’s great I’m gonna do more charcoal more charcoal is definitely good answer and that’s the thing that I definitely want to automate soon enough here so why don’t we do that I honestly don’t know

How tall I want this drawer setup to be but we can take our ingots and we can do doing it on the side so we’ve got iron at face level tin and copper that that automatically makes nuggets available or blocks avail I love compacting drawers I really really truly love compacting drawers

Okay um I might speed that up a hair let’s do one more this for funsies as we have plenty of item translocator to work with and i did not do this at all in my first attempt so it’s nice to have some automation in place there we go yeah

It’s pretty in that pretty and I’m noticing this now he’s running faster here we go and also what I can do and since I have a whole bunch of compressed a couple in my inventory that I chose not to smelt I can just double right-click and they’re

Out of my inventory gone we do the same thing with the couple now hope flanks do not do anything in here so it’s pointless to have them stored in a compacting drawer but I could use regular drawers and have some sort of Auto crafting setup to always have wood

And sticks available so I could definitely work on that but I think I’ll do next is a little bit of building just to have a little more space to work with we do have chisel wonderful what does it take to get a diamond by the by C blocks

Nuggets conversion etc or it’s just the orchid so I have a feeling that I’m gonna have to have a wicked orchid setup at some point because as far as I’ve seen all of the ores only have an orchid option there’s no other option to generate ores so that’s fascinating I’ve only done one

Orchid setup and it was not remarkable so that’ll be interesting what other options we have smelting of crushed diamonds which can be acquired through no means that are reasonable we have this pulverizer pulverized jukebox that jukebox requires diamond so that doesn’t help howdy Jonathan how are you doing my day

Has been just fine how about yourself I am not seeing ah there it is there it is arc furnace so that tells me a lot I mean that tells me that we’re gonna have to have a bloody arc furnace set up to be able to get diamond that’s fascinating I love arc furnace though

It’s and it’s a nifty setup and that’s gonna require a compressed coal ball which is gonna require a metal press with a dense cold wall and that’s brick and another set up coal ball okay alright then whole bunch of crap so we’re gonna have to have a multi-layer

Process here we’re gonna have to have arc furnace which is being fed by two different metal presses and Otto crafting setups and this which is also going to require a coal which I don’t know how to get yet and Flint which is gonna require Otto crafting gravel setup

So that’s fascinating and then lapis lapis I am aware of how stupid this is so let’s go through the process shall we as soon as I find it there it is so fluid Transposer or equivalent I think there’s one other machine that can do it no just blue a

Transpose er so the final step in the process to make lapis is diorite polished diorite with a fluid Transposer pouring in essence of true blue essence of true blue is made in a fractioning still from essence of royal blue which is made in an alchemical imbue ER with

Pulverized gold and essence of very blue which is made in another fractioning still with essence of blue with another fractioning still of essence of mildly blue with another alchemical imbue ER using blue pigment which brings us right back to lapis but blue pigment can be done through but

With essence of slightly blue with another alchemical and bluer and bluer at this point it is now chemical and bluer with more dye and water so starting with water and something like eight steps or so two reblued that liquid over and over again to finally get like us that’s stupid but it’s kind

Of lovely stupid I love it well that does indeed sound like a really shitty day Jonathan I am sorry to hear that and yet you are here watching me playing Minecraft I do appreciate the idea but I think you have better things to be concerning yourself with right now okay

So what I’m going to do then is I’m going to have some Auto crafting set up methinks yeah let’s do some autocrat days I need another one of the crafters so we’ve got analog crafter we’ve got mechanical crafter we’ve got electrical crafters which these are great by the way but they actually that’s

Surprisingly easy to make it’s really easy to make however it does require power and I don’t have power sources at the moment that will be something I need to look up pretty quickly here so let’s just start off the regular old mechanical crafter which is crafting table and some bricks smooth down yeah

So let’s grab another stack of wood stack a smooth stone Let’s do sixteen of these for now one outside alright another thing that I need to look into is making a tinker smeltery because I know that that is a requirement for at least a couple the metals I know gold is one of them and that’s gonna be something I’ll need very

Soon here so what I want to do with this auto crafter is have the auto crafter attach to wood and have things like sticks planks and chests always available maybe even these basic drawers to use for crafting but I don’t think I need them too terribly often so videos

Manually so that means I need three mechanical crafters against one of these infinite Oakwood doohickeys so maybe let’s grab this yeah alright so this is going to be where is it going I think I think we can stick with the side method here so let’s have a drawer

Here and that’s going to have an oak planks sure why not and then we will have okay so if we have an auto crafter here and then translocator x’ well i appreciate that appreciate that Jonathan I’m glad I can be here in for you in that moment of insanity

Yeah so if we do just that now these auto crafters are not fast at all so these will have to be upgraded at some point but for right now we at least have Auto planks going which is not a necessity at all but it is something I

Do like to have available it also do Auto crafter up here So if this is it does it yeah yeah probably gonna require multiple barrels just to have sanity going yeah I probably should do that okay let’s have some sanity to this it’s it’s so much easier to have multiple barrels than it is to try to fit all of this together

The cobble one fit nicely but I don’t think the I don’t think the this thing is going to work very nicely so what I want then is sticks and chess There we go so to do that and in fact I might move this set up as well we will need Auto crafters and we will need more of these wood barrels so let me make molar barrels it’s all over here and more chests more chests all of the

Chests would would there you go I might still have a stack of these item barrels available over here just to just to have them and what I’m also going to do you know it’s got my builders wand make some cobble available I’m going to flatten out these platforms a little bit because

I need more building space how far does this get one more all right dude dude dude you there we go flatten platform and then we can just not do this one cuz I want to build that one and then we can just go all the way out is the way

Hammond there we go that just gives me a little bit of building room I will definitely need more very soon I am sure but this is a good start alright so back here then I need the barrels so I’m going to steal this barrel let’s do this

There we go so barrel barrel barrel and so in this barrel we’ve got chests there we go and in this one we’ve got sticks and then this one we’ve got blanks so just stick plank chest stick flank but-but-but all of the items okay so another thing I want to build

And this is more for fun than anything because this is not exactly the fastest process in the world I need to automate the creation of charcoal so that I don’t have to worry about always doing this by hand there we go Thanks and then it would be bit okay all right

Charcoal I’m gonna put you right here for now sure I am in okay there we go relatively clean relatively relatively clean okay I need another oak wood barrel so I can have one available for myself and then I also would like another oak wood barrel then we’ll take this stone barrel and

Put that missed I would outlast second area let’s go over here and then we can have our crafting stuff right there and then we could do another crafting grid over here no I don’t want to hide that Oh am i doing I don’t want to hide that at all yeah I’ll never remember

That there but I’ll put it there anyway just the hell of it pocket duckie so what do we have we have eleven quadruple compressed by now which is not spectacular Hmm because that was a whole nother quadruple right there so I’m wondering if that setup might actually be faster for certain things because I think this method right here just isn’t pushing in Kabul fast enough so let’s see let’s see if just putting a crafter here instead

Fixes that problem this is easy enough to undo so if we put a crafter duplicate and doohickey there and then tell it that we want to make Kabul I did not account for item transition I did not account for space for item transition I should do that I can do that back here

Okay man and then map okay so let’s then undo this let’s redo this because it’s pretty oh um I can’t look under there fine It’s pretty it’s pretty meanwhile we have this thing ready to go so I can make another cobble bear hole because why not have 17 cobble barrels lying around that seems like a thing see that does not seem very fast to me but you know what it’s another thing

That’s speeding it up so yeah it’s it’s fine it’s fine okay so now we’ve got dad yeah yeah yeah yabba dabba doo boo boo Depp yeah man never the hey hey okay so now let’s automate some charcoal that can get away also that could go away

I am also out I Tim trans locaters so I think it might be time to make some of that a lot of iron though it’s a lot of iron let’s make a stack pistons make more chests stack of chests three stacks of oak wood for the stack of cobble or

Pistons yeah four stacks of cobble for the stack of Pistons we do need more redstone that’s going to require challenges that dad okay okay it’s not a stack redstone for piston but we also need another single stack half a stack yeah whatever will make more more is the answer we need more More indeed let’s make another one of these to get finishing of that stack okay let’s make our stack Oh Pistons right a used iron stack Oh Pistons I’m going to convert half of those into ender shards which is plenty for now more than plenty actually and then any higher

Okay so that gives me a stack of item trans locators which should be plenty for a while hopefully alright I’m gonna go ahead and put this away there couple extra item trans locators there extra drawers in there extra crafters yes I have spots for that drawers

Already full well son of a son of a biscuit which is good I mean don’t get me wrong it’s good that I already have two thousand blank sticks and chests but still that means I can’t put my extra items away all right that’s fine that’s fine I’ll use them eventually all right

So trails locators I’ve got cats Oh furnaces I need to remember how to automate furnaces fuel goes in the bottom hold up to the googles do the googles White it’s all your fault I’ve got the hashtag blame white in the title of this because it’s all your fault okay let’s see furnaces furnaces that is too much stupid information I need real information yes blame white totally your fault because you’ve been harassing me to start streaming minecraft

Okay that’s a bit of it uh-huh white tell me automated furnace sided input top is top slot side is fuel bottoms output I’m thinking I’m guessing because I don’t remember fine try it I will leave my wall of furnaces alone all right so charcoal back here

Hope I left myself enough room to do this all right so charcoal yeah furnace can go right you know yeah this might have to go different method does it specifically have to be the left side for fuel because in that case that’s that’s wonky let’s grab another one of these and I do

Not have and having more these drawers available why don’t they make it to her again I’ll lose my damn mind that’s what I’m doing I’m losing my damn mind yeah that’s that’s not where they’re supposed to go at all okay so hopefully this works okay and then I need another wood barrel

Which I can do oh well then good thing I put that on the left side okay stops so if I do this that’s blocks of charcoal but sure why the not I should have filtered that to regular old charcoal but that’s okay look let’s filter that to regular old charcoal shall we

Here we go there we go there it’s magical we are automating with the power of rainbows there we go that’s not exactly a fast setup but it will do for now and I can repeat this as many times as I damn well please so this is fine all right so now we have

Automated charcoal do to do This pack is fascinating by the way I love the concept of just having infinite wood and cobblestone to work with because then you’re you’re less struggling with you know the infinite loop of you know grow tree chopped down tree deal with leaves etc etc you just you

Just crafts and there is no more mine in this game this is this is craft craft yes craft craft it’s are we doing we got nineteen quadruple compressed so I think we’re doing a little bit faster now than we were before okay so what I will do then is I will

Load up a little bit more on these yep creative flight from the get-go infinite cobble infinite wood and infinite smooth stone as soon as you create your first smooth stone you can make an infinite stone barrel which then leads you with infinite of all of the base materials iron is crafted by

Smelting compacted cobblestone and then obsidian is from double I believe yeah obsidian is from devil so let’s actually make some obsidian let’s do that now I also need to well I can’t really do this right now but I need to automate gravel and sand production but that’s not quite as easy as the

Automations I’ve just done cuz that’s the full iron cobble method so it’s not as pretty I have not made dirt yet no that is definitely a thing I need to do otherwise I can do pulverizing but I don’t have pulverizers yet yeah pretty much pretty much need to start with the

Machines to get things moving so I don’t make dirt I forgot we’ve gotten slag and pulp biomass method which would be nice eventually but that’s once I get heavy-duty steel production going so that’s gonna take a while so the only way to make dirt that I’m aware of is gravel in a carpenter

With liquid dirt it is a rabbit hole it really is um so I’ve already played through the first part of this up to the point of getting gold and dirt so this wood that was more of me just checking to make sure I actually wanted to play

This pack first it’s a liquid dirt with gravel to make dirt dirt liquid dirt is made in a still from water of life which is made in a fermenter with compost mulch etc with gravel and water the water I actually need to make as well now that now that we mentioned this I

Need to make water and that is going to be from squeezing logs so I need a squeeze which means I need to make most of the forestry machines which means I need to make a bunch of pistons and you make glass and then I need to make a sturdy

Casing which is actually a really easy recipe so let’s go let’s go down the path of making you know a handful of stacks of glass to get started let me do that yeah yeah so that and then we get people do four stacks of glass will be fine for

Quite some time here Bowl boobity boo you okay finish off that couple and then do the gravel back in the sand okay so we’ve got our four stacks of sand to turn into glass all right glass incoming you may have got a new job you say I

Mean to be fair I don’t think I know what your current job is so but congratulations on new job what is it okay wood slabs chests redstone can’t do that need more redstone actually so let’s do that full redstone redstone redstone redstone redstone yeah that’ll do for a while

Oh center stick never know but say check psychiatric work sounds a good idea Lord he knows I need it okay so we need slips we need slaps slaps how about 20 to 30 casings cuz it why not that’s pretty much my method of this pack right now it’s like it why not

Okay it why not so forestry I need most most of the machines I have come to learn so let’s get into most of the machines most machines are here I know I will need a carpenter a centrifuge a fermenter I think I need a moistener and

I know I need a squeezer and a still do I need a poisoner probably not yeah I don’t think I need a moister yet okay so those 22 sturdy casings are gonna go towards making five forestry items that’s fine so what else do I need

I need some tin cans and I made the bottle er I’ll make a bottle little later I need I can axe and it’s wood any glass I need pistons and stairs I need stoned doohickeys more Pistons and some redstone okay oh sweet always good to have a setup gig

Well congrats man is that your first job and it loves I got logs right did not get lost I missed I am I doing this over here I forgot to put this damn thing here okay so we got carpenter need crafting table carpenter did such huge I need stairs stairs

Seraph you should did fermenter I need ears I’m missing a couple that’s not supposed to be there gears fermenter did hi McKenzie yes actually doing Minecraft on stream I am doing the ultimate alchemy pack that I mentioned well good luck on that white fermenter did squeezer squeezer squeezer squeezer

Did and still did all right what does forestry have in terms of producing power right it’s got these stupid engines that I hate Pete fired I can’t do because I don’t have Pete yet biogas I can’t do because I don’t have organic fluids yet and clockwork is just

Terrible I wouldn’t even bother so we have other options for energy though we have that’s not how you spell that we have sterling which is and Dario decorative only we don’t have ender io machines I forgot about that we do not have any of the end rail machines they

Are all decorative only which means this pack is forcing us to use other methods of automation it’s gonna be painful deep in my heart painful but I will do it conduits however we do have but they are of a recipe that can’t do yet the elect

The conductive iron can only be made in an induction smelter pour in the arc furnace because the casting recipe there is no there is no alloying recipe to make conductive iron that way so that’s a pain but still basically they want you to not do the energy conduits yet unless

Unless the induction smelter something I can craft soon copper machine frame tin iron gear invar gear invar I believe has to be gotten through the molten method which is gonna be nickel and that is gonna be done in the fractioning still of all places out of

Iron so we have to fraction iron into molten nickel before we can make in bar so fractioning still is the thing I’m gonna need which requires gold which by the way is in the smeltery only alloy that from molten tin and glowstone slush so yeah this pack is that is what it is

So glowstone slush obviously is glowstone and to make that that is the torch bowl pic method so let’s make a bunch of glowstone I forgot about that one so torch bowl pic so I will need stick charcoal stick charcoal bunches of torch glowstone the close down close down That button and that button okay they’ll get me enough clothes done to last me a little while I hope okay so we now have closed stone and iron we have 10 probably should make more tin and copper since I only have 32 of each that didn’t exactly go balls deep on that one And wondering and maybe since I actually have people here who know Minecraft since we’ve got this pick and Bowl method do any of you know away it’s a set up Auto crafting that will automatically craft with the pick in the bowl with whatever other material I put in

And I think the answer is probably no because I could I could definitely do pick and Bowl plus you know torch to make glowstone and do individual crafting recipes for each setup but it’d be nice to have a universal one where I can just dump in source material and get

Out thing but I might have to set up individual crafting setups for each of those pistons open up crusher so I couldn’t use the extra utilities crusher and get that started extra utilities crusher relies on RF correct so I could do extra utilities machines as well furnace

Crusher now furnace by the way I do an electric furnace option that is brick and that is actually just melting gravel so in case you’re not aware white and Mackenzie the ultimate goal of this pack is to craft clay that’s it just clay so obviously they’ve changed the recipe for

Clay to brick because you can’t have you can’t have the end goal is something you need right away but clay is true clay the goal and that is done in a tray iconic infusion with all of this nonsense so yeah fun times and nether star by the

Way I still don’t know how to craft because nether star is a lovely thamma crucible recipe using one of each aspect but both the resulting item which says nether star and the item that you were supposed to put in as the seed which is nether star neither of these are

Technically craftable there’s no click recipe so it’s got to be something hidden in thaumcraft that’ll unlock red eventually but it don’t know for sure unless the thumb the the nether star can still come from the wither I don’t know if that’s possible because this is peaceful so there’s no monsters so I

Don’t know if I can technically make a wither or not so I am I am lost at the endgame here but I’m not gonna worry about it yet so I’m just gonna wait until we get there because something will most likely become obvious at some point some craft

Crafting station for each type I am probably going to need an absurdly large amount at all times you know a lot of steam because our automated to have 2000 of wood sticks and chests available at all times as well as automated the quadruple compressed cobblestone which I will need right yeah tinker tinker’s

Versus thaumcraft yeah I know TCC is a little bit confusing um but even with the tinker’s crafting station if I were to leave those two in there as soon as I put in the next material and pull it out again I’m gonna run out of picks pretty

Quickly and I don’t know if there’s a way to automatically keep a single pick in there at all times Oh actually I think you can upgrade the item translocator to do that but I think that requires Dimond so that’s not gonna help I love watching this by the way

It’s just pretty it’s just pretty anyway so we’ve got this automated it’s not fast but it is functional I might do a separate set up like maybe a double one on the back of this thing or something because I could technically just ring this thing with that any I leave anything in any of these yeah I can literally just hold shift and mouse over it okey-dokey that’s fine the things you learn over time all right so I have all of my forestry machines but I don’t have a source of power for them so let’s go back to looking for

Generators we’ve got extra chilies furnace generator now I don’t know how much RF these put out the cold generator puts out I think either forty or sixty RF per tick so that’s a thing I could do actually additions coal generator is the iron casing which requires black quartz

Which requires crushed quartz which then requires a resonator from X utilities to turn redstone in to crush cords so if I wanted to get started on actually addition stuff I can’t do that at least the early level stuff so I might need to make that resonator otherwise we’ve got immersive petroleum

That ain’t gonna happen we’ve got integrated dynamics that ain’t gonna happen because crystal minerals stuff is way at down the line RF tools coal generator we don’t have toll and I don’t know how to make coal yet you couldn’t smelt down crushed coal but that comes from coal that’s not helpful

Wait wait I saw that no never mind I thought I saw charcoal in the fractionator thingy that’s that time has been yeah yeah ha ha coke oven coke oven is the answer so coke oven is to convert pulverized charcoal into coal so that’s the thing fascinating

Now the coke oven I remember when I attempted to play this the first time through since I did play a little bit of it I attempted to bulrush to make a coke oven only to realize that I couldn’t make the hammer because the hammer requires string to make it so I couldn’t

Activate the coke of it and then string is only gonna come from immersive hemp forestry silk wisp or vines so that’s a thing I could also do obviously wheat crucible but that ain’t gonna happen anytime soon I have looked through most of this and the easiest and if as far as

I’m aware only method to get string early on is through either industrial hemp or vines vines are gonna come through pulverizing a sapling and then saplings the easiest one is the oak sapling coming from carpentering a dead bush and water in the carpenter and dead bush is going to come from carpentering

Sticks together so you glue sticks together to make a dead bush and then you put more water in them and you turn it into a sapling so I’m gonna need a two-step carpenter to get that done I do need water still by-the-bye water is going to be the

Challenge of the day that is the oak wood in the squeezer so I want to get that done I want to get my daughter going because water will be handy to have for certain things and it’s kind of a gate for a lot of different stuff as well

So water squeezer I need power generator I’m gonna go with the coal generator because it’s relatively easy but that does mean that I need to go into extra utilities quick so I need the resonator which means I need the resonating redstone crystal which means the needs ender shard which I’ve got all right

Resonator redstone crystal make one of those and that’s going to require a block of charcoal down here okay resonator good and then I’m going to need the whatever the hand crank thing he is this thing the manual mill another resonating crystal and then so this stuff so it’s good

Almost brain departed there for a moment I need another ender chard and he eats me some sticks which have got and I need polished stone which is bricks gut polished stone okey-dokey I should actually make another one because I’m gonna need that in a moment I think okay then any one of these

Thingies and then we need to make this thingy okay we got stuff this is gonna go right there this doesn’t matter but go right there I’m gonna make Edom sure eight of them now this is something I found out the hard way that you don’t

Have to sit here and click and hold it you just right click it once and it’s hands off it just does its own thing after that so yeah that’s gonna sit there meanwhile I’m going to oh can i can’t tap out that’s not fortunate it’s gonna tap out

And do something how far we never halfway was wait a little bit longer doesn’t take too much time their grid power is now stuck at zero which means it’s done hooray yeah but I usually don’t do extra utilities grid power because I was really salty when they implemented that

And I have refused to do it ever since so the only time I’ve ever used grid power is when someone set up grid power on my behalf and shared it with me I refuse to use it in any other case normally so I’m obviously going to have

To use it here gonna have to get used to it but yes I was also really salty when they changed the recipe for the angel ring to require the lassoed Gaston bat because that just perked me a little bit hey hey I played modded minecraft for five bloody years leave me alone

I needed a damn break we can make transfer notes can’t we can I don’t know the care for transfer nodes but with enough speed upgrades they’re actually pretty good and that’s gonna require a boatload of gold hooray okay so that need for gold actually this is not my need for gold

But the need for gold in general is starting up which means I need to have a smeltery fairly soon here so let’s get that started and seared bricks are standard grout which normally requires clay but in this case it’s just gravel and sand easy enough I’m going to need

To make a lot of that so let’s get that started in cooking so let’s do it’s clear our inventory hair okay that did not help at all I’ll put these machines away for a moment for a moment that’ll do for now all right I’m gonna make four stacks yeah so four stacks of

The grout or no weight not for snack to the grout I need to make yeah okay so anyone more stack of gravel okay this is gonna cost me a little bit in pics and sanity and a little bit time that’s okay all right so let’s get started with the conversion

Okay so I need four stacks of sand then one two three three seven three all right then we make our crouch and a lot of it there now we have grout four days I’m gonna go ahead and get some of this cooking up then and you need some of this

They’re eight stacks of steer brick I’ll be fine right now how do we make lava because I’m gonna need lava to power this let’s see my guess is the squeezer nope is it really adjust the magma crucible it is it is indeed the magma crucible okey-dokey which is requiring gold son of it

Son of a fart so I need something else right bucket of lava not lava liquid but bucket of lava is made out of a bucket of lava ingredients which is just obsidian and some charcoal jammed into a bucket and cooked up sure why the hell not

Let me do something quick my mixer has frozen on my monitoring side which is okay YouTube okay okay so I am good I’m glad that I made the Obsidian man because I need that now that’s been my inventory the whole time so buckets this pack does have some serious troll

Mentality to it so yeah just just bear in mind on that that’s gonna happen I have a book I have a loved a bucket right okay how far we’re a little ways into this that’s good hey McKenzie what’s the what’s the dimensions of your your usual smeltery

Setup like your usual early-ish game is melting set up 3×3 internal and what like 5 hi someone I don’t have one I love them all no actually no I have none 4×4 internal and eight hi that you’re starting I’m trying to determine if I need that because I don’t know how much ingot

I am smelting because a lot of the recipes are more alloying I will start off with the four by four interior and see if I have made enough to do that and it will not do the full and usually do a whole row of drains at the bottom right

I usually do three by three and that is only because that used to be the only size that was available for the smelter and it was a habit the cowboy of the least I hope that you were kidding on that one cuz there is there’s no pony

Love in this world right Ranger this way this way and that would be 16 as a row on the bottom but I don’t normally do that many drains we’ll see I’ll probably need to make a bigger one at some point I don’t know how much I actually have I

Mean the answer is I have a lot because I did do eight bloody stacks of the grout stuff okay so let’s go make our 4×4 um this way sure it that way so go that way let’s expand out this way there we go right oh yeah what that’s what you’re seeing okay

What you’re seeing is I am streaming to YouTube’s mixer and twitch all at the same time and I have my chat relaying between the three systems so anytime you see my name first and then you will see someone else’s name after that that’s someone else chatting in one of the

Other systems so you’re gonna see a ton of messages from me which are actually other people chat here ish it’s not gonna be centered but that’s okay it is pretty snazzy I like it right actually have a pick to work with all right let’s see trying to determine how I want to build

This damn thing because I’m not doing recessed at the moment I could do recessed but the YouTube world 43 quadruple what does Cod Drupal get me again when triplet gets me bedrock right okay Bart does have the occasional dirt moment so be interesting i I I would say

Check with blade or civil because civils already got a form of a derp counter in form of a deathcounter so he’s got a chatbot set up that accepts like slash death or something like that and it will add death counter to his stream he’s a little bit more in depth with the chat

BOTS and the overlay bot stuff than I am I should at some point probably get used to that but you know okay so I don’t know why I’m derping at the concept of starting a smeltery this shouldn’t be hard it really shouldn’t be but it is

For whatever reason I think I do need to make some of the dreams though hey cowboy thank you for that sub appreciate that let’s do I think I just need eight drains to start off with because if I do one on each side it’ll be fine or

Yeah four on each side that’s what I meant it also helps if I actually click properly that beep and and then we also need to do the back as just regular old breaker things work then and then front-facing that we can do smeltery controller and then we could do some classy Center

Stuff that’s like three high right yes let’s do one more okay and then on the front we need right and you think you’d actually make tanks which means that you grab my glass from these all finish so let’s grab the rest of these so this pack is called ultimate alchemy

And it has a large number of mods in it actually so let’s see we’ve got let’s go A to Z we’ve got actually additions we’ve got Betania chisel a bunch of nonsense libs that hop our danger conic evolution and Rio under storage extra utilities two extreme reactors we’ve got flux networks forestry

Immersive engineering with the immersive petroleum add-on integrated dynamics iron chest jei just enough reactors we’ve got the lovely minecraft mod in case you haven’t heard of that one not enough wands redstone arsenal redstone flux refined storage RF tools got a little bit of snag going on there steeds

Carts to which I’m fascinated to see if they’ve changed anything or if they kept it exactly the same I think that one’s been in and out of functionality between multiple mod ‘minecraft versions and it’s been abandoned multiple times storage drawers which one of my favorites we’ve got thaumcraft thermodynamics expansion foundation etc tinkers

Construct trans locators Java which is another barrel mod and then that’s it so a lot Hey bad ex Brayton how you doing welcome to the show have a seat get comfy and what windows don’t want for smell te seared gauges alright seared glass is alright it’s two seared gauge I think how many

Do we need of that we need 16 15 14 for the front assuming I need a tank as well and then I need tank like so that right I missed that’s also not right because that supposed to be the tank there are no mops none at all actually I know that

Minecraft mod just like why why put it in there it’s it’s so useless everyone hates it but it just kind of makes its way into every single pack I don’t know why alright so dupa dupa dupa if you are spending your time pissing off salty kids then you

Need to find something more fun to do cuz that’s not too terribly fun let’s put that in place and I probably should put seer bricks on the side of these to give the appearance of pretending but bad X this is a mod pack it is specifically designed to work

With all of those mods that are installed it is one of the joys of modded minecraft seance let’s do that there we go and then I happen to have a bucket of lava to go inside like a soup all right already have fun cowboy thanks for stopping by

Thanks for the sub appreciate it okay that’s all that stuff done and glass get away I think I will make a couple more buckets to throw in there yeah so I should also get started on making some glass in that glass gold gold as he was looking for so gold

Is the glowstone slush and tin which means they do need to start making more tin as well so let’s get that moving I’m a poor inventory or poor inventory let’s do this for now do you need to make another one of those and I’ll expand

That at a later time so yes back to doing the thing doing the thing with the stuff so I would like to make two stacks of yeah two stacks of gravel and two stacks of sand let’s make another a couple picks that’ll do so two stacks of sand and then I need to

Think seven more sand I think is the correct answer for that so if we this they’re even even stacks I could even do one more but I’m not gonna worry about it then we can do gravel do the same thing there we go yeah that goes into the category of a

Little bit too hard mode for my tastes now it granted this pack could very well go a little bit too hard mode for my tastes I don’t actually know because it’s so new there’s not too terribly much review on it yet but I kind of I’m kind of

Hoping kind of hoping it doesn’t go too off the wall yeah this charcoal smelting operation is not fast so what I think I will do is I think I will double this just just to double it it doesn’t need to be remarkable so let’s do that

Then I need I don’t know if I’ll need other stuff so let’s find out so this can go here yeah okay it’s uh need more translocator yes I can go there and that can insert as well like uh so I cannot reach that that’s unfortunate okay

Three days and 9 hours of Auto cracking non-stop to make one tier 6 solar panel oh dear oh dear which solar panel by the way the e-tec the the solar panel from the IC 2 solar panel had on i think there’s others I don’t remember let’s do another infinite wood barrel

This is by the way the silliest method of attempting to auto craft these things but you know what it as is my standard method for this pack at the time just it I could potentially do another one right here which I might do you know what it

Let’s do it that is absolutely my motto in this pack and it’s nice to be able to have that motto in this pack because it’s really nice to have that that infinite resources on hand to do whatever I want whenever if you like it I mean granted I’m gonna have to set up

A lot of automation but that’s fine too and this one is gonna have to go this direction yeah you got blocked you got blocked let me look hey hey I have a regular setup so if you were to actually stop by more often you would be on the regular list and then

You would be perfectly safe to post links oh that’s the tire crafting table recipe Oh oh that’s that’s unpleasant that that is that is unpleasant I’m actually going to I’m gonna repost that because because you just you you are only here bitching about things I’m not playing and now that I am

Playing this game we’ll see we’ll see there we go and there we go and there we go there now we have tripled our process you are here indeed in fact let’s see if I can do this nope not that button is it the other way around No

I have to look it up because I haven’t done that in a while there we’ll do it that way invalid user specified no that’s because I’m spelling get a damn name wrong that’s why you are the other kind of white that is my brain doing automated processes that don’t work right hey hey

Hey I don’t know these things because you’re not enough of a regular that’s what I’m going at here you always hang around Bart and talk to Bart but every time you’re ever in town Bart’s dream you know what Bart and not me grumble grumble [Laughter] you’re only barely older than all of us

I am hold on hold on I can do this I can do this I can do this I am getting close to 37 I had to think about that for a little bit I stopped caring okay so now that we’ve got these things finished a little bit more material to

Work with now if I remember right it is an ingot of tin and two goes down no it’s just an ingot and a piece of glowstone to make a single piece of gold so we can do that we can do that we can do that so let’s do half a stack for now

Just a half a stack of gold and we’ll will ramp that up later and then that means that we need 32 glowstone which is easier to convert into blocks and the Jenny get probably you should dance like it’s fine goes down and gets it’s fine I probably should be calculating this

Out so that I have actual portable blocks that means for more 32:36 yeah yeah I can sort of math I can occasionally math all right so we got one block gold get that porn and cool in and I will definitely have to automate this at some point soon here I say some

Point soon but what I really mean is like right now can I I can’t open those under here awesome I’m gonna do that and I’m gonna do this yeah hello your big gay welcome I don’t know if you were my big gay but you are welcome to the list all right are there

Any yeah there’s probably things okay I’m going to make a cast I am NOT gonna make a cast because I would rather pour these out and then I can remelt ingots to have a couple I don’t think I need to many casts at the moment I don’t think

There’s all that much that I need to cast into ingots or anything like that for a little while here especially if I can do it all in block form okay so we have gold gold is good I am going to need to make more tin and copper etc so that’s gonna be painful

Because if we go with for sake Justin yeah that did one compressed gravel makes for ten ingots compressed gravel is pain the ass it’s okay so compressed gravel so if I got a pulverizer going I could start compressing cobble directly I did not actually go Nova but what I will

Tell you is that I am named twin minds for a reason there are twins of me freaking everywhere so there are frequently people that you will find that look exactly like me and sometimes sound like me too so I am everywhere let’s make ourselves a pulverizer shall we

I need some Flint fine it’ll make some gravel okay and then I will search for pulverizer so I can make it more easily so I need that gold this gold could go right here and I need some redstone I also need I need eight cover the other gears these gears and then

That and then I need to make this which means I need ten any glass yeah a pulverizer all right so I am back to the issue of needing power which I did bypass and stopped doing so let’s go back to that generator and heat I have sticks that’s good

Just need one for now actually actually let’s let’s do a few more let’s do for me thanks and then I need charcoal and I need couple I need more of that for coal generators okay now what do we have for power transfer because power transfer not well we do have wireless

Power transfer but I don’t think that is something I can do anytime soon well what do you know I can do it well what do you know welcome minecraft King welcome so this does a TRF pertick four blocks range you know I never really worked with these I don’t know how good they

Are I think the answer is not very with that ad RF particulate also this requires for GP and these require for GPS so I don’t feel like building a GPU setup right now so let’s not do wireless power transfer we’ve got flux duct that requires glass redstone lead lead is made out of

Iron and obsidian so induction smelter would be the thing which means I do need to go into in var which means I need to go through the painful process of doing that fun stuff you do squeezer fractioning still so fractioning still is also a thing I need so let’s make one

Of them I forgot about this part oh I hated this part hated this part so much you need a single piece of nickel grit or pulverized nickel to start to get the fractioning still the problem with that is the only way to get nickel is by pulverizing iron ore with a 10%

Chance that is literally the only way to get nickel that I was able to find there may be a different way but I wasn’t able to find a better way and that requires making iron ore which is casting a block of iron onto stone to make iron ore so

It’s expensive iron wise and since it’s a 10% chance you got to make quite a few of them to have that chance to get that one piece of nickel first so that being said it probably should get started on that process so I’m going to put this right here

A little throw generator on that for now let’s get some charcoal going to get some power going okay so I need to start smelting iron I don’t have all that much of it that is way too much let’s start with 8 because 8 should be roughly within the range of a 10% chance

So it’s not gonna be great but it’ll do I also need to turn that off I’m actually gonna turn it off yeah I need to turn that off so I can put this in here so I can pour the metal in you’re chugging away building up our

Let’s also put down the squeezer here and get that water going and that’s gonna be two oak I believe because I need two buckets of water to get an infinite source all right where’s our bucket of water gonna go I don’t really have a good designated place for an

Infinite source of water at the moment so how about right over here I think for now that’ll do it’ll do it just needs to exist it doesn’t need to be pretty they can pretty five things later there we go now we’ve got it to water that’s all I

Wanted in fact just so that these still the squeezer isn’t constantly burning power down for now all right so we’ve got eight blocks at molten iron get started with pouring and actually go ahead and get these cooking just to get some power generated they’ll have some power stored up

Oh that’ll do for now now this is gonna be a very manual process and it’s gonna require pouring these painfully because I cannot actually now that I have one I can’t do it I will filter only iron ore to go into this chest so I can then turn that on

No this button that way so once this finishes cooling it should be able to pull iron ore out okay that’s good I’m gonna put that there that there should work fine okay and that reminds me of another thing I want remember what it requires so let’s hook it up

I would like to redstone clock or two of them to be precise now requires stone redstone punch that’s doable there we go and then I also would like lepers to run those things there we go and then that can go right there and then this could go right

Yes this is just gonna keep on pouring them and then I could automate more if I needed and this will probably be my setup for a while for automating anything that I need to put a block in still gonna require doing the first one manually but that’s fine

That’s fine this pack does not have a quest book it just gives you a beginning storyline and then a make clay as your end goal there is no quest line so it’s just do it however you damn well please I think I would kind of like it if there

Was a quest book to kind of help guide you in the right direction but this is this is um so the the story line is basically you have been banished to the void realm as your final exam or risk being expelled and the professor spite is a dick and he basically says you’re

On your own since you haven’t been paying attention in class you get to figure out how to pass this exam and if you fail you’re expelled so the whole this whole story is you’re on your own good luck now I’m going to change this up a little bit

And and I think I may or may not have made a little bit of a misstep with this pack and basically just gotten myself into a little bit too much thing that I might not be able to handle since there is no quest book there’s no guide

There’s no getting you through any of the sticking points trying to figure out what the craft next this is 112 and this is only my first and a half-ish pack that I have played on 112 and some of the mods have been significantly changed since I last played them and the primary

One being phone craft now I am playing another pack but it’s very early stages of attempting to learn some of those mods that I haven’t really played with before but I literally don’t know what the hell I’m doing with thumb craft and that’s kind of the end game of this so

I’m gonna need to figure that out and there may be other mods in here that I don’t know worth damn that I’m gonna need to figure out so this could be challenging yeah so that’s all done we’re on the last one here go ahead and throw these and get those started

Now here is where the acceleration wand can come in handy Oh for sake got my first one I mean I appreciate it I like it when my my luck does not go against me so first one done all right take it I am gonna have to learn thumb

After all but it’s probably gonna be a while before I can even get into thumb because we look at okay so this is how much I don’t know thaumcraft I don’t remember the name of the powder that’s what that’s that’s a problem it is the powder that you start by

Making the thumb crack book book is the bat powder Sallis mundus is created by smelting lavender quartz are pulverizing lavender quartz is there any other method nope crushing lavender quartz which does require having potamia set up with an alchemy catalyst and mana quartz etc I

Don’t know if I even know how to make quartz yet which is a whole different problem altogether so it’s probably gonna be a while before I even get into thaumcraft soma can see you and I we got some work to do to figure out a thumb

Craft before I get too far in this pack just sayin how the hell do I get quartz block of quartz nope block this black points no No looks like mana infusion with netherrack so that’s gonna be fun yes white I remember your statistics nonsense that sounds like they’re grading on a

Curve and that sounds very much like you did better than most of the people in that class comparatively so if you gave up halfway through imagine how terribly everyone else did all right netherrack is lava on stone okay that’s not too bad so what does netherrack unlock for us compress netherrack does nothing

Another AK unlocks ability making it at bricks which is important for the blast furnace I could potentially get a blast furnace going fairly soon here I think I think [Laughter] white-white you need to tell me what the hell happened because you tell me that you’re good at thumb craft but then you

Should go around showing those screenshots of you destroying the base I don’t know if I trust you on that I’m good at thumb craft nonsense so tell me what happened first off to that nonsense and then tell me how to fix taint cuz

Yeah I don’t know if I I don’t know if I believe you on that one yet okay so if we got an orchid bignum going we could have better access to courts rather than having to do it the hard way with the mana infusion so this would be kind of

Our first access to courts and then later we can do the orchid so that’s that’s fine yeah I mean I’m assuming that similar ish to previous versions of thaumcraft but no i-i know roughly the idea this essentia smeltery all that stuff so did you have something automated that then went awry

Because you say it’s not your fault but if you were setting it up then some of that’s your fault we are at 370 charcoals that’s going a lot faster than before that’s good okay so that’s done that’s done we only got our one piece of pulverized niccola just

Happen to be the first one so that 10% definitely only up there so I’m going to go ahead and just keep the pulverized iron for now I think I need it for anything else I don’t think that I don’t need it for anything else at the moment it’s just melting and alloys okey-dokey

Aisel smelt it back down then [Laughter] so eh why did you have a dissipating into the air instead of having some sort of automated process to catch all of the essentia that’s coming out of that and and be why yes so the nether quartz shards I just recently found out about

And I do plan on using that and we also do have a separate base dedicated to thaumcraft for that reason your your tale of warning was enough to scare us away from doing it inside of our own base so yes so thank you for that one up

Really hard to let us know how not to do that in the future thank you for that okay I need to make my fractioning still so let’s do that I need gold gear I think it was yeah copper and I need two more one more gold

To redstone I need 10 I have that I need glass I need more glass okay fractioning still fraction you still get Oh you paved over it I watched Bart teleport under that nice and clean pretty paving that you’ve gone there’s still this massive cave of doom

Underneath your base but yes there is no more taint so I guess technically but the bottom line to that is be very careful with your automations yes yes indeed all right so fractioning still why did I need to fracturing still I have a Sunita fracturing stills to make blue

I need fractioning is still from trio NASA right molten nickel molten iron right forgot about that okay so I need molten iron I need to get out molten nickel so that’s gonna have to be out top can be in I would like tank please so I need copper glass okay let’s make

Two tanks just for the heck of it alright so we got thanks alright so I need to put in right there acting as a bucket I need to put in I think it’s just the one-to-one isn’t it one-to-one yes so let’s put in a block two blocks sure

Why not let’s do two blocks because that’s what I got my inventory do blocks mine and actually now that I think about it I could do this a different way I don’t necessarily need a tank here Oh sake okay I need a I need a I need a crescent wrench is still 10

Okay so instead I can just put the bass in there and I should be able to auto output the resulting metals so let’s get this as soon as it’s ready I need one more of these and this faucet can go here and this tank can go right here

We’re done we’re done all right so we’ve got well balls one block it is one block it is find what I get for forgetting automation that I set up that is really stupid and I I don’t know if I appreciate some of the changes that they’ve made to thaumcraft I never

Played the previous version thaumcraft five I think which was in Minecraft 1.8 I believe and I know some of these changes come from that but I did all of my thumb crafting in 4.1 and 4.2 which was in minecraft 117 so all of these changes to thaumcraft are drastic and

Foreign to me and literally don’t know how to come to comprehend what’s going on with fob craft Okay so we have molten iron being fractioned ever so slowly into molten nickel it should auto output directly into the casting basin I’m going to go ahead and get this one melted up so you have at least a little bit more nickel to work with so once this finishes I

Want to make sure that it does transfer good it did auto transfer into the casting basin perfect so I could set this up as an automated process no problem I could put potentially the fractioning still directly underneath here and just pour out whatever iron I wanted that’s the thing that could

Happen yeah I see potentials for automating this in the future when I have all the materials I would like so yeah really they even killed the silver that was the entire friggin purpose of the silver would trees and the the bloom things the silver would blooms so leave silver leaf

Like what the hell is the point now and what the hell they called now remember I remember the silver wood saplings the other flowery thing is called shimmer leaf yes was that shimmer leaf or was it there was another one to the shimmer leaf I don’t think was

That shimmer leaf was a way to get Quicksilver there was another flower and I don’t see it anymore so maybe they actually removed it looking kind of like they might have removed it had something like pure in its name or something like that these are gonna be fascinating I don’t

Know how to get these because these like preserve curiosity is normally a random drop from breaking the amber or I don’t even know what arc and curiosity comes from and then we’ve got and it’s not the triple meet tree that was the weirdest addition to thaumcraft having the triple

Meet treat I don’t know why but it’s there but yeah there’s some things in thaumcraft that I don’t necessarily know how to get so I’m assuming they’ve thought of that and or worked around that I’m assuming hoping so the V crystals are looks like the only way

We’re gonna get the the V crystals is by the court slivers and the crucible which is interesting because I’m not entirely sure you can start thumb craft without this no you can you can make the crucible with the nacelles mundus and you can make other things with Salus

Mundis you can get started with the crucible without necessarily having knowledge I believe fascinating okay that’s that’s gonna that’s gonna be another day I don’t even have the brain for that right now so this is almost done we’ve almost got nickel I don’t remember why I was making nickel but

It’s good to have it good job let’s go back to making dirt because I think I want to finish off the night making dirt because that’s probably gonna take up the rest of the time and that’s going to be gravel in carpenter with liquid dirt which is the still still with water of

Life and squeezer you know fermenter water gravel of life so we need fermenter we need still and we need carpenter fermenter still and carpenter carpenter fermenter still and that was fermenter carpenter still in that order all right still last fermenter yeah so fermenter first then still and then

Carpet your last okay got it fermenter still and yeah because then we can use the fluid liquid translocator to translocate them liquids okay that’ll be fine fermenter needs to start off with water I do believe it and then gravel and then we also need compost mulch or fertilizer let’s see

Fertilizer ain’t gonna happen mulch I don’t think we have any fruits to squeeze and this whole moist NER process probably isn’t happening get on wheat and tweeter okay so that will leave compost which is leaves first then layer other things which means oak saplings which means carpenter

Twice water income okay so I need another carpenter because this carpenter is going to have dirt in it so I need a separate carpenter that’s gonna have water in it so let’s do another carpenter number if it needs glass not so let’s do carpenter and we need iron crafting table logs glass

And logs and then crafting table I already have log already have blanks but that’s okay so that’s that carpenter man okay do got carpenter carpenter can go here’s a question liquid translocator can that pull from the world and be a fluid pump or is this going to be a hard

Way situation like if I put this here and did fluid translocator here and then did something like this interesting okay can’t put that there so let’s do this instead yeah I think the answer is no because I can’t appear to put the fluid translocator on anything that doesn’t have a tank on it

So that’s my answer right there it’s like I can’t use it as a infinite water source because it can’t be put in the open air like that got it all right so that’s the Internet I don’t think I have anything like a pump or anything like

That I do have this one but that’s gonna be once I have access to regular power so let’s just bucket this for now it this is the answer to this we’re gonna steal one of these all right so we need sticks and lots of them go ahead and just do sticks here

For now and stick and then it this all right make a dead bushes making some dead bushes all right all right wait thanks for sticking around I will most likely be at least attempting to stream this to completion I have no bloody clue how long it will

Take I have no clue how long my patience is gonna hold out that’s that’s a big key but yeah I will I will most likely be doing this on a regular basis I just haven’t figured out the schedule yet so that being said though you have yourself a good night

And hopefully you won’t miss too terribly much I’m just gonna be making dirt for us tonight I think so not a water it’s unfortunate I think I’m gonna stop this at 18 actually let’s just do cuz once I get 18 that will give me to compost I think no

I need 80 I need 81 dead bushes to make 81 saplings to turn those 81 saplings into 9 leaves to then turn those nine leaves into one compost so yeah this is gonna have to cook for a little while which means I can use my acceleration walk doo dee doo boop boop

Unfortunately the acceleration 1 can only go so fast because the power transfer limit is in place yeah that that’s what happened to me with divine divine what Yuma call it whatever that pack is called it just got so stupid that I just couldn’t stomach it anymore I just couldn’t do it

That’s gonna have to sit for a while okay so over here we’re going to need gravel and we’re gonna need that’s just gonna still it there we need more gravel so let’s go make it makes more gravel let’s make a bunch more gravel make a

Bunch of be nice to have some gravel on hand I think yeah they’ll be good that’d be good I’ll be good to have some gravel so let’s do pick ol couple five yeah 5 basket pick doo-doo-doo-doo that’s not what I want couple couple I hear something cooking behind me oh

That’s the charcoal Jen okay it’s being a little bit derpy there for a minute don’t mind me okay that is enough gravel for now I am absolutely gonna have to automate this because I do not want to have to keep doing that because that’s a

Pain in the ass just royal pain in the ass let’s do that that will give me at least some gravel to work with okay this is also going to need water let’s start bucking in some of that get close I could also do this a different way but

This is fine let’s do a whole tank why not full tank is three more okay so all I need is these dicks to be on them and this is starting to look kind of like probably should have another carpenter we should have another carpenter going let’s do that let’s make

Another carpenter that is more glass then iron axe with a crafting table I was looking for yes the staircases vlogs right need lugs ok another carpenter I can go right here for now why not stack a 64 dead bush turns into oak saplings so that’s gonna take a little while to cook

As well can’t really bother doing the coal gen speed-up thing maybe I can accelerate this the coal Jack does that work it does so I can speed up the coal Jen’s produce more power and then I can then speed up the Carpenters to speed up therefore they’re processing

That’s fine and you zum-zum zum-zum zum-zum zum-zum that’s just pain yes I mean I like the idea of having the acceleration want to get you started with the early the early slow pieces but I don’t think I want to do that for very long and I do believe the acceleration one is craftable

Relatively easy stick stick clock yeah so that’s really easy to craft and these can be automated with automated users I believe the mechanical users from X utility others nope just that okay so they can be automated to automatically speed up processes of blocks that are pointed at without me

Having to sit there right click it which is very nice I appreciate that and I will most likely be making use of that that’s good the slow pouring process gets me and that can be fixed with conduits and whatnot rather than using these faucets you can

Use conduits and then those will pour a lot faster so that’s gonna take some time to finish cooking which is fine because I don’t have any immediate need and this can go sure okay we’re still waiting on that stuff so I still need to make the oak leaves

And I still need to make nine of them so I still need 81 of these saplings why this whole thing is taken so damn long we need water where are you guys you are halfway might as well top up all right so these use different amounts of water this one I

Don’t remember right we’re at 350 right now and when it is done it makes so it takes 50 water this one takes 250 water that’s what I wanted to do it all okay so this is gonna be quite a while because I can’t even speed this up all

That much due to the power transfer limits and I think the power transfer limit is on the Carpenters side I don’t recall but I think forestry is kind of under old-school mechanics methods where everything is limited to pretty low numbers unfortunately that’s gonna take a little while to cook meanwhile we’ve

Got the fractioning still still going on here let’s see we’ve got center fusion squeezer what do we need this the centrifuge for centrifuges obviously be products and then this is also where we need to centrifuge out the grass block to get our first Satana betánia pedals so that’s the thing otherwise I don’t

Honestly believe that we can get the products because there’s no there’s no crafting recipes for any of these and if you go into princesses there’s no crafting recipe for even the basic princesses so my guess is that bees are essentially not a factor in this pack so

Any any products that I see coming out of be combs and whatnot and the recipes I’m pretty much gonna have to ignore as things that are not possible which is fine I’m not necessarily eager to do bees because this doesn’t have gender story in it or extra bees or binney’s or anything like

That so it looks like they didn’t put in anything that would be be related so that is not part of the deal I’m okay with that so what do we have for things like leather that’s probably a standard crucible conversion but since we don’t have mobs rotten flesh is composted netherwart

Okay how do we compost another word or how do we get nether wart to compost nether meat transposed into seeds okay let’s hold off on that concept for now atomic Reconstructor for mushrooms that might be a little bit better although mushrooms look like the only option we have for that are farming them

And nether meat poured out of a casting thing as well okay and a bottler so it looks like nether meat is one of the things and it is made by content Tweaker anything made by content Tweaker was intentionally added to this pack so we know that they really want that to be

Used so nether meat is made by fermenting netherrack with protein soup protein soup is made by squeezing out biomass and biomass is made in the compost from actually additions and that’s through random plant matter so that will require a farm at some point to automatically create biomass to automatically create proteins to create

Meat to make fair enough that’s doable and that really only needs to be a one-time deal honestly it doesn’t need to be in automation because once you’ve got another word you can farm it so that’s fine I’m curious another work okay we have dynamo factor I mean it looks like it’s standard

Farmable as we got the phyto genic isolate insulator which generally means that it’s a farmable product so there are nothing to stop there so we can do a standard darkroom netherwart farm I suppose that’s probably doable so these are all things for the future these are all informational recipes okay

So I was I was hoping that this would just show me that specific this specific informational which is found and found randomly by cutting grass but there’s a lot more informational so we’ve got this informational is in Batlin because those three crystal recipes is not valid we don’t have meat nuggets so found

Randomly by cutting grass so yeah all of the standard seed products we also have cactus found randomly by cutting grass as well as sugarcane so as soon as I can get grass out there and get some bone meal then I will be able to have some of the standard farming products same with

Canola seeds and all that stuff so this would then unlock the ability to get a little bit better power generation perhaps that kind of stuff these miniature voids these are how you get the void seeds for thumb craft player tear drop single tear shed by person feeling deep sadness oh but of

Course you are far too strong brave and tough to ever cry although there was that drawing of a one-legged puppy oh I don’t know how to get this honestly shed by a person feeling deep sadness not a clue I don’t know what it’s for though

It is used in the empower to make gasps tears though so it’s going to be important okie-dokie it is also used to make paper wealth which is used to make emeralds okie-dokie all right sure why not sure why not sweat drents cloth you don’t know how to

Make that either but it is content Tweaker so it’s gotta exist like they put it in there intentionally oh god this pack I don’t even I don’t even know I don’t even know but since okay so that’s better okay so this is single tear shed by a

Person but to actually craft it you could make purifying bath salts and purify or wash it in water to make it [Laughter] yes for clay but this is the standard hard mode pack and I don’t I don’t know if you’ve played any hard mode packs before but the standard hard mode pack

Is they set some sort of end goal and a lot of them focus on getting infinite things so usually there is a way to make like there would be a way to make the infinite capacity barrel for example which looks like that is the thing here even though making the other stars is

Paying yes so like the end goal would be to make infinite something I know in project ozone – the goal is to make infinite infinity ingots so there’s an infinity ingot that you have to get infinite of and then it’s just some nonsense to make

Your way to that point and it’s all it’s all nonsense it really truly is but it’s fascinating nonsense and I’m okay with at least attempting to try but the fact that infinite capacity feral options are available tells me that this process whatever this process is is going to be a nightmare

Like that’s all there is to it because anytime you’ve got an option to make something infinite whoever made the pact is going to make it hard I can’t even imagine how to automate this because I don’t think you can do it by hand because you would have to put in

Crystals of every type and you would have to get that crafted or whatever the net what however you get this I don’t even know you’d have to get all of these aspects in the crucible and the seed put in in a very short period of time because they would start to decay

And that’s not good when you’re trying to make something so if one of these decayed while you were putting in the other ones you’re lost and you can’t make the thing so I don’t know how we would automate this not a freaking clue but we’re gonna figure that out at some

Point eventually maybe maybe I may lose my sanity and lose my patience long before that just point that out there it might happen but well we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it so how is all of my favorite cooking things happening that one’s done that’s good this one’s done it’s good

That’s news finish cooking then yeah okay so now we need I can’t right now 25 fifteen trying to get to 81 what’s what do you need after a stack of 64 to get 81 that 15 think it’s 15 yeah but yeah that is definitely hard mode minecraft

There are a lot of hard code hard blood packs 17 sure let’s go with that I’ll go with that number because I can’t math right now there are a lot of hard mode packs there’s project ozone the project ozone series which is focused purely on automating large number of crazy amounts

Of items project ozone uses equivalent exchange to convert diamonds into equivalent exchange points or really anything but you know diamonds are useful to then convert into any other material that you would like so you typically would have a chest absorbing as many materials as you can possibly

Throw into it to tell it what you want to make at any given moment so that pack is all about the extreme difficulty of getting one item so you know this sapling might be a to create but at that point then you can create infinite of them based on your ability

To create and then there is crash landing and then by extension the spiritual successor forbidden something something I don’t know it’s all about crash landing on a desert world where you literally have no materials and you have to sift materials out of the sand that beneath your feet and that pack

Focuses on sifting to get random chances of certain items all the while you’re dealing with hunger and thirst and mobs on slots and all that stuff so there are various modes of hard mode minecraft but yeah there’s some crazy stuff going on I wasn’t paying attention I got nineteen instead

You get dead bushes back that’s interesting okay with that so to create two more and then I create this to create this they put that in here and then we are out of juice frakkin hell all rights do this this that this just easier at this point to

Just do that but I don’t have power transfer at the moment all right so you are stealing water of life and then you are going to steal it into liquid dirt you are going to take liquid dirt in and eventually once we get enough that’s trip C that’s fine

That’s fine and I have watched many a pack rather than suffer to than myself but I did as I mentioned I’ve played you know four to five years of pretty much non-stop packs so I was always going through some pack or another usually with Barton blade and we went through

Project Dozo we went through crash-landing we went through whatever that forbidden forgotten desert thing whatever it is the successor we went through age of engineering we attempted to do divine journey which was the breaking point for almost all of us both myself and Bart took a little bit of

Break from minecraft after that although he returned a lot quicker than I did blade I don’t remember if he took a break or not but he’s definitely slowed down quite a bit there were just lots of different packs that we played they were all hard mode in different ways some of

Them were focused on survival some of them were focused on just ridiculous crafting one that you might like and I would I would almost recommend this one is material energy I think the earliest that you can get as material energy to I don’t know if there

Ever was material energy one if if it has it’s probably disappeared into the winds but you remember I told you about in applied energistics to the spatial cores that you were asking about this the spatial energy cells where you can store blocks within a space and store

Those away and then call them back again well material energy takes that and essentially turns it into a holodeck and the idea is that you are stranded on a space station and you’ve got this giant blank space in the middle of the space station and you are finding spatial storage cores

Throughout your various exploits within the system and each core you put in fills that Center space in the space station with a different area to explore and so you find your first core you plug it in you get a new area to explore you explore that area you may find another

Core or some other stuff and it’s more of a an exploration and adventure pack then it is a crafting pack there is still the build up materials and crafting aspect is needed but a lot of it is really focused on the holodeck aspect of it and I really love that tack

And I loved a few a and I don’t remember all of the material energies I know there’s material energy two three and four I think I think there are some other ones but they didn’t quite do it for me nearly as much but they focus a

Lot more on the combat fighting your way through those holodecks to survive and get what you need near the top or the bottom or deep in the cave or whatever but they’re definitely fascinating and I loved playing through those I really did and so we’re still we’re still stilling

Slowest balls to still but that’s fine that’s fine in fact it still doesn’t still use fire still uses power yeah ok so if I write cookie this one oh man that’s slow just getting in the power needed how much okay but we have dirt and turn dirt exists how do we make

Grass again right compost and carpenter and the compost it’s gonna require dirt and saplings so I do need more saplings although I could technically do the ash method but it’s not nearly as efficient with my dirt and since dirt is so difficult to get yeah definitely yeah

Absolutely I would love to play through those again I watched one playthrough almost entirely and then I played it myself and it’s been long enough that I don’t remember much at least I wouldn’t remember enough to be useful so that would be good because then I can replay

It again and experience it again I will warn you the first material energy that you can access is minecraft 1/6 for just a warning it goes way back it goes deep in the wayback machine so since you’re getting dead bushes back you could keep recycling these you don’t

Necessarily have to keep making more dead bushes I’m gonna finish it off because why the hell not I’ve only got a handful is to collect in there but I don’t have to keep making more dead bushes I am I am fairly positive the first material energy that we can access

Is in one-seven-one 164 and I believe the next one after that is 1 710 I don’t remember after that and material energy is so old that it’s not on curse you actually have to find the pack to download it so that’s yeah that’s uh that’s how old we’re talking here and I

Don’t I don’t know for sure all the details on the first one if it’s truly worth playing I just remember joining it so I mean if you’re if you’re okay with the Wayback Machine then great but otherwise we could attempt to skip that one go the next one okay you’re still

You’re still stealing you’re still dirting anymore gravel for the whole process material energy the series is the only one of its kind I have never seen anyone else attempt that pack or a spiritual successor or anything so the best we could probably accomplish is look for different versions that are available

And see which ones would fit us I really dig the ancient originals but my thought is that I don’t think anyone has actually recreated them I don’t think anyone has attempted at least I haven’t heard of any so if we can find some great but I mean I’d be fascinated to

See if someone has attempted to make a better version because that would be that would be awesome but I don’t I don’t I haven’t heard of anything so I can’t say who can start asking around the Minecraft II circles to see who’s come up with stuff

Okay so I have dirt it don’t have grass yet I do need grass and grass was in just water do that so once this finishes I can convert this to a grass maker yeah that’s gonna and it’s gonna take a while and we’ll also need bonemeal of all things so let’s do

Let’s make one set of compost for now floral fertilizer is that okay actually additions fertilizer that will be a thing later but I can’t get it now I can’t get this now because I don’t have appetite I don’t energetic confused bonemeal sure why not to get bone meal I need beats that’s right

I need Pete so Pete is bog earth which is dirt sand okay can do that get a can and then I need a bottle yeah let’s get a bottle or going how doth we make a bottler cans of something I think they can be black cans honestly yes they

Can’t be blankets so blank cans bottle er go there sure why not bottle water Oh or that works you know sure I guess I didn’t need a bottler target probably need it later Yes now I need to do that right I need sand first I need that button that button that button sand and then That’s what I prefer derp dee derp alright so bugger if can go right along here I don’t think it needs to be adjacent let’s find out it does not need to be adjacent it just needs to be within a certain space of water good good good totally forgot about that and then this

Is me just using the time accelerator because I’ll be damned if I’m waiting for a frickin bar graph to generate so I need to get a I don’t have a shovel which makes me realize I haven’t done anything with the tinkers tools yet I

Don’t know if I care to at the moment so regular old shovel it is I could make an iron Ayotte let’s do that why the hell not I have made one of those before and actually used it sure Okay so we got a hole we got a pic we’ve got a shovel got ax sword not that one this one yay cuz why the hell not [Applause] Hey we got Pete so Pete is then going to go into making bone meal No right it’s not that recipe it’s this recipe yes man how we doing here so we’re out of the compost here to make more dirt we’re still distilling the water of life into dirt we have 34 dirts

That’s good I don’t think I need any more dirt in the near future because I’ve got quite a lot still distilling and it will eventually cook its way down into dirt which will give me plenty I think so this one is done now let’s can go into

Here and sure sure let’s fill it all right and then this recipe needs to turn in to this recipe and let’s just make one grass for now okay and then I will make watering-can which is just stone and Bowl okay let’s fill up a watering can and I

Need to find a place to make a grass area ooh and wonder I’m gonna need to learn on my my vanilla mechanics so I know we’re essentially peaceful there’s no mom there’s no monster spawning but can critters spawn and do I need to set up a field for critters to spawn on that

I don’t know so let’s do let’s do just here for now this will be fine back me there I lost someone hurt there please and do whitish sure that’ll do that’s all the dirt I picked that up later okay let’s get this grass moving I’m gonna need to look up the mechanics

Of critter spawning and give that a test I don’t remember the exact numbers I remember is that the field of grass has to be X number of spaces away from where the player currently is and I don’t remember if that’s you know 30-something spaces or if that’s something else

Entirely why is it stopping is that stopping at the light level I think it is or is it just being a dick it’s just being a dick because it still is moving it’s just stopping and it may be that the light level is low enough so let’s get some torches going

And that definitely helps speed things along it’s a definitely light level this is how this is how limited my vanilla knowledge is is not even knowing the light level requirements to grow grass pretty sad there we go all right so now we can do some bone

Meal and I wish I had a magnet maybe I could make a ring of magnetization no because lapis what about an electromagnet no because conductive iron what about that’s it there’s all the magnet options I’ve got can’t make the potato one yet because I don’t have a potamia set up

Yet but that will be soon quote-unquote soon so what I want to do then is I want to encase this in Kabul so that I don’t accidentally drop anything I might be attempting to collect we’re gonna stick with the straight old cobble field sure right sure why not hey that’d be fine that’s

Just to make sure that nothing drops we’ve already got sugarcane that’s good and we’ve got canola see it’s also good red orchid which is gonna do us no damn good ultimate goal is to get cactus and get alright got pumpkin we’ve got beetroot got regular seeds I need to

Also get I’ve got canola which is great because that will be the start of power I need to get the immersive engineering hemp seed that’s the thing I need to get dumped some of these and dump the excess cobble this beware or something like a sickle

Would come in handy I think I have a sickle actually think it’s just sticks and stones we’ve got this sickle yes that’ll do that’ll do nicely ah there that’s cactus got coffee rice question is I don’t know what else I need to focus on getting and I’d rather

Not use all of my bone meal off the bat ah flaps that’ll be nice for string because string is a dick let’s do more root flags and rice okay so as I’m seeing a lot of repeats here there’s probably a rare wine like maybe the ender pearl seed actually utilities it

Is an extra utilities under lily seed yes found in dungeon chests only supposedly traditionally it is a very rare drop from breaking grass but that very well could have been disabled so who knows I don’t have the void seed yet there the miniature Boyd seed but I’m not worried

About that yet because not not anywhere near thumb craft yet donut melon yet got canola coffee do I need melon for anything immediately it’s Weezer not immediately but soon ish with Patania I will need it for the rune of summer we think the middle block you can

Make a stencil table out of a melon block that’s amusing I did not know that it looks kind of like the answer is no I don’t need melon other than Betania and I can get melon from Betania with the petunia Alchemist if necessary so I

Won’t focus on that just yet but I got the cactus which is good I got the sugarcane which is good other than that I can go back and do that later put that away put that away that away okay all right so how are we at with

Dirt weirdo I’m pretty good but their dirt we can use for we can make this is not humus this is houmous and i realized at some point in my life that there actually is a different pronunciation for the different items thomas is the hippie food houmous is the dirt related

Product I don’t know all the details but yeah I know there’s different uncie ation that’s all I got bug earth we can make with water and mulch that’s fine okay now ash I don’t know if I’m going to need pitchman speed ash blocks needed for the green house block maybe

Eventually so no I don’t think I need to focus on getting ash at the moment and the first time I attempted to play through this I did end up going with a huge-ass charcoal pile a single stack of wood piles is four stacks of wood logs and all those stacked up and burned

Takes about two or three days of in-game time and it comes out with roughly five or six stacks of charcoal and about a stack and a half ash so it’s a very efficient time efficient way of getting a whole bunch of charcoal at once so if

I do need to ramp up my stock of charcoal I can do that but I’ve got 1400 so this is this product has been going pretty well I’m okay with this alright so grass let’s make some more grass and that is through compost and dirt fortune I don’t have silk touch yet

To grow grass that way but that’s okay so that that I’m going to need let’s go with two more make more I need more saplings let’s make more grass he’s still going yeah you’re still going alright so I want to take these and get them spinning in the centrifuge

So let’s drops in a few right there fine why not and get them spinning because that will get me my first potato flowers and that could be something that we can start up next time because it is now late enough that I probably should get close to ending it

First one through purple all right I think it said that there is roughly a 20% chance to get one but I don’t know for sure because it is weird so if we look at the recipe for this in the centrifuge it says 20% chance and that’s

Across all of the flowers there are 16 flower types and the grass does go through multiple iterations in the centrifuge before it’s done so from experience I was getting anywhere from you know 4 to 6 flower petals per grass block so yay I guess while that cooks

Down I am going to make let’s see I am going to make a drawer setup for the flower or for the petals this will be my standard petal setup that I usually do which is an array of those it’s this one and then all of the petals in their appropriate

Color order because I’m obviously dealing a little bit like that their appropriate color order is in this order right here which is based on the metadata that you can’t actually see it’s usually mystical petal item number : 1 or : 0 1 2 3 4 etc this is the order

That they are in and that’s that’s we’re gonna do I do need white before I can start Patania because you can make the petal Apothecary with any of them but you do need white to make the pure daisy to make the living rock and living wood so

That’s what I have to wait for before I can do Patania so what we got for the order we’ve got Brown going in at the 4th the last slots that’s fine we’ve got light blue going at that slots gray can’t do that orange we got ya we’ve got magenta going in directly next

To that pink here I don’t know going back to collect Morris’s they’ll overflow hey we got white great that’s what it’s looking for white is important all right yellow is the practical of white lime is right there next to that and then pink and then comes gray

Next up we’ve got cyan which is ah that wasn’t wrong about that saying and then light blue is over here and then purple here yeah alright so I’m gonna keep on doing this and actually we can do this through the magical speed-up process that’s death the red red goes right

Before the end white green yeah I’ve got blue and yellow all right so that grass block is done almost done sorry it’s got it’s got a little bit more cooking to do and now it’s done so that was six blocks of grass and we got quite a bit so that’s good we didn’t

Get all of them I don’t think this one goes yellow pink green goes here orange purple that’s it so I am missing black and light gray those are the things I’m gonna have to get at some point how we’re doing here yeah for more grass to

Do that’ll be fine for you that should hopefully get us the last two colors if not we can try to force it through the authentic fertilizer stuff you can try to force it through that method that’s all a lot of nothing happened that is a whole lot of nothing happening move

We went through a lot of cycles of not getting colors a whole lot more cycles are not getting colors I don’t like that I don’t like that at all and I’ll let that cook for a little bit with getting extra power because that happened nope all done so there is no more pedal

Coming out of that thing and we did not get all of the colors so then the other option that we can do what do we have for what do we have for colors actually that’s just let’s just do white let’s do white and let’s do bone meal and then we

Need snippers snippers so then to propagate more pedals plop them down right click with bone meal and these tall flowers do need to be sheared and then they break down into four petals each so now I have eight that wasn’t the right button there it ears ears ears here are those as well

Cuz I’ll need them soonish lift those away so these all then turn into 32 petals and etc so now what he can do is we can craft up a more pestle a regular old plank plank please so we’ve got full block stick mortar and pestle let’s get four of those going

Bone meal and gives us the fertilizer so this floral fertilizer can then be used to generate more flowers like a sow and then these can be broken down for more petals unfortunately we did not get the colors that we’re missing but that’s fine that’s the general theory anyway

And I will probably do more of that later I don’t need all the colors at the moment I’m missing black and light gray so if we look at black that is required to make the NAR slime as the ref lava the dread the red the dread thorn the

Vinnie Lewis and apparently a Dragon tongue sure sure why not and then the light gray is used to make endl flames I do actually need like right pretty quick here and the gormer illis yeah and a Shelke me not EXO flame hopper Hawk tangle berry Julia I don’t know that

One’s spec for an theam okay so I do need the light grey like that’s doesn’t necessar necessity so I think I need to go through a couple more rounds of doing these things let’s grab all these get them pared down don’t want to do all of them because

That would be silly let’s do eight that’s a light gray perfect it would be nice to get a black but it’s not necessary at the moment but light gray is all I needed and then light gray goes somewhere here we go so that is all of them –

Black which is not necessary at the moment another thing I will do before I end it here is I will make a key so I needed to go old I need this which is sticks and a drawer I have sticks do I have a drawer somewhere nope okay

This is drawer recipe and stick for upgrade recipe and then doot-doot-doot key and that is important for locking them so that we don’t accidentally pull out everything so as soon as I lock this all of the drawers are locked so even if I pull out all of everything

It stays remembering that so I can just right click and reenter stuff without having to worry about losing their places then I go over and lock these two there we go okay okay so I need to put in some more charcoal just to fill up the processes

And all of these are all gone as well now you’re not doing thing you’re not doing a thing that’s fine okay backing away that can go away these can stay these can stay for now y’all know various tools and whatnot I don’t need the chest okay alright so that was a

Very productive first night of ultimate alchemy ultimate unlimited bucket whatever I forgot what this pack is called that’s fine alchemy crazy crazy alchemy so I do believe I’m going to at least attempt to continue this pack just just to see where it leads it might lead me down the

Rabbit hole of insanity which is very possible but I am digging it so far it’s it’s force it’s forcing me to use mods I don’t normally use I wouldn’t normally use trans locators never use the Yabba barrels before I wouldn’t normally use a lot of the machines from forestry and I

Haven’t used any of the new thermal expansion machines for the most part so the fracturing still new to me this this version of thermo expansion has added a lot more machinery and a lot more functionality that I’m not used to and then of course we’re gonna get into

Thumb craft which I still don’t know yet for this version I also don’t typically use extra utilities grid power so that’s relatively new as well so this will be interesting it’s got a lot of new mods and a lot of updated mods that I haven’t played with before and I’m looking

Forward to it so that will be it for me for the night though so thank you all for coming thank you for any subs and follows that I might have missed and I will see you all next time bye bye

This video, titled ‘I’ve Got a Stack of Dirt | #1 | Ultimate Alchemy (Modded Minecraft 1.12)’, was uploaded by TwinMinds on 2018-11-16 04:49:57. It has garnered 60 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:04 or 14104 seconds.

I finally take the plunge back into Modded Minecraft, starting with a unique magic themed skyblock pack.


The mod pack can be found on the Twitch client, or here: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/ultimate-alchemy

Donations are welcome: https://player.me/twinminds#tip

Twitch: https://twitch.tv/twinminds Mixer: https://mixer.com/twinminds Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/ymtSDNw Twitter: @twinminds83

Multistreaming with https://restream.io/ Music provided by https://www.pretzel.rocks/

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  • FWhim DESTROYS Toxic Player in Brutal Revenge! #shorts

    FWhim DESTROYS Toxic Player in Brutal Revenge! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Toxic Player got revenged #shorts #minecraft #fyp’, was uploaded by fWhim on 2024-05-09 15:11:23. It has garnered 7084 views and 461 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Black herobrine got revenged (Bones – Imagine Dragons) #shorts #herobrine #minecraft #minecraftanimations #trending #viralshorts #minecraftshorts #viralvideo #fyp #skibi3ditoilet #herobrine #delfinomc #waitforit #bones Tags (Cuz I really need some views) Ignore these:- minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo… Read More

  • B Brothers – Minecraft Subscribe = DEATH 😱

    B Brothers - Minecraft Subscribe = DEATH 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘(Gone Wrong) Minecraft But If You Subscribe I Die 😱’, was uploaded by B Brothers on 2024-04-21 15:46:35. It has garnered 8684 views and 343 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. (Gone Wrong) Minecraft But If You Subscribe I Die…😧 IF YOU Subscribe I die ↓ ↓ ↓ FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE ↓ ↓ ► My Discord Server ↓ https://discord.com/invite/zyZczQUapN ► Twitter ↓ https://twitter.com/BBrothers1YT ► Twitch ↓ https://m.twitch.tv/bbrothersyt/home ► DON’T CLICK THIS LINK ↓ https://www.youtube.com/c/BBrothers124?sub_confirmation=1 Introducing B Brothers, your go-to spot for super fun Minecraft videos! B Brothers brings you exciting… Read More

  • “Uncover Minecraft’s Top 5 Secret Hacks Now!” #cubius #minecraft

    "Uncover Minecraft's Top 5 Secret Hacks Now!" #cubius #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Top 5 Secret Hacks! #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Cubius Shorts on 2024-02-12 18:19:57. It has garnered 130658 views and 8232 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Top 5 secret tricks and build hacks in Minecraft! #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts Read More

  • Herobrine Believer Parody – INSANE twist! 👀

    Herobrine Believer Parody - INSANE twist! 👀Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Parody Believer’, was uploaded by zNeitherMC on 2024-03-04 17:41:19. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:02 or 602 seconds. minecraft parody,believer,herobrine believer,minecraft parody believer,minecraft believer parody,herobrine,imagine dragons believer,minecraft believer,believer herobrine,imagine dragons believer minecraft parody,believer minecraft,animation life 3 🎶 minecraft parody believer,minecraft believer song,minecraft herobrine,believer parody,herobrine animação believer,herobrine believer animation,believer mine,animation life 2 🎶 minecraft parody believer Read More

  • Server26 SMP Small No Teleport 1.20.2 18+ Older Players Discord LGBTQ+ Friendly GriefPrevention Player Shops No Resets est. 2015

    Server26.net Overview Our main guideline is to leave the “meta” of pure Vanilla survival as unaltered as possible (for a public server). The only 3 plugins that interfere with this are GriefPrevention, a sleep voting plugin, and player item shops for trading. Many features from other plugins are absent by design and won’t be added. Map: https://map.server26.net/ Discord: https://server26.net/discord Community Laid back rules, a close knit community, events from time to time, and always something you can help with. Staff and other players are available to assist. Hermitcraft-like shop area available for players using a trade shop plugin. Gameplay This… Read More

  • One Life New Hardcore Chill Vanilla Sever

    Discord:discord.gg/unATdxFkf8Welcome to onelife a true vanilla hardcore sever where the only thing you have to worry about is survival.There is no stealing or PVP allowed on the server so it’s the perfect sever for evryone to relax and chill together.So wether you want to build a mega base, create the most complex redstone contraption or just build a nice house and have a laugh with your friends one life is the sever for you.But just remember once you die it’s over! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Carnage #19

    Looks like this meme has mined its way to the top with a diamond score of 892! Read More

  • Hot tips for Minecraft noobs #gitgud

    Hot tips for Minecraft noobs #gitgud “The complete guide to Minecraft in one video? So basically just 10 minutes of trying to figure out how to build a house and then getting blown up by a creeper.” #minecraftfail #nooblife Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of recreating iconic homes in Minecraft like Sazae’s house? If so, you’ll love the immersive and creative community at Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the world in crafting unique structures and exploring vast landscapes. Dive into the world of Minewind today and unleash your imagination! Server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET Read More

  • When Your Middle School Syndrome Strikes

    When Your Middle School Syndrome Strikes Exploring the World of Minecraft with 兔兔 Join 兔兔 on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft as they showcase their creativity and skills in a short video. Dive into the realm of #mineimator and witness the magic unfold! The Adventure Begins 兔兔, also known as the first-day player and a master of explosive magic, introduces themselves amidst flames and excitement. The origin of fire, the end of fire – their name is etched in the annals of Minecraft history. With a resounding cry of “EXPLOSION,” the adventure kicks off in style! Supporting the Creator If you enjoyed… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Scary Myth Testing!

    Ultimate Minecraft Scary Myth Testing!Video Information these are the scariest myths in Minecraft you should never test starting with a terrifying seene with some strange generation this is the myth of the corrupted nether roof all right man okay so the Overworld seems very normal so far all we have to do is make ourselves a little portal get some of that obsidian Place her down and oh oh hello wait this is convenient bro I got a ruined portal that just spawned in front of me I mean the only thing that would be more convenient than this is if we had like… Read More

  • Minecraft Myth Busters

    Minecraft Myth BustersVideo Information these are the scariest Minecraft lies that will keep you up at night starting with a terrifying lie sent in by Kenny on Discord who says Everyone has missed this there is something very wrong in this Dimension ooh wait a second a new dimension don’t go here followed by a very random string of what are these these look like the unknown Pokémon oh also version 20 w14 infinite oh wait so in this seed you can make any type of portal you want all you have to do is write anything into a book and throw… Read More

  • BAN any mod instantly with this new plugin!

    BAN any mod instantly with this new plugin!Video Information salutations everybody if you don’t know what mod Observer is then you are missing out because this mod Observer mod is going to change Minecraft servers forever it essentially eliminates the possibility for cheaters to even join your server how it does this is by checking the mods that the user joining your server has installed and then checking the those mods against the whitel list or Blacklist that you have created that way people can only join your server if they are following the mod guidelines so if they have mods that are Whit listed or if… Read More

  • Insane Modded Minecraft Server Survival in NordBerg!

    Insane Modded Minecraft Server Survival in NordBerg!Video Information [Music] even all right P the gamer let’s go get some stuff bro we got to go get some stuff for the craft hey the homeless man’s here hello my homeless counterpart me and you me you and me we’re out here homeless all around all around the scene so happy making it dirty we’re in the middle of the wants [Laughter] [Laughter] us whoa whoa whoa you’ve been here for 5 seconds you’re already blowing everything up is that a fer wolf I just heard in the distance I heard explosion are you sure can we be… Read More

  • Discover the Hidden Wonders of Estonia – MINECRAFT SERVER!

    Discover the Hidden Wonders of Estonia - MINECRAFT SERVER!Video Information all right hello guys welcome back to another video um it’s it’s my Earth person p with France the active countries or Italy Germany France Spain and Portugal and Hungary and me as Estonia I’m going show you around this was my old house this is the Estonian dock you can see it right here Stone do this island is called Sara is called Huma and this is the pan European Railway which goes through almost every country Estonia La Lithuania Poland kaliningrad Russia Italy France Spain Portugal Germany Romania Hungary and much more but let’s show you… Read More