Mind-Blowing Bedrock Adventure!

Video Information

All right we’re live my face when Dawson uses [ __ ] I taught him well what a what a good pupil you’re right I need to load up [ __ ] right now but yeah yeah I do I do use atos atos let me make sure you can hear everything you’re right I need to load

Up Aeros my him well knows okayer SW SW they got that SW get the can I get a do me and Z were at Sonic and when he was ordering when he was when he was ordering he was like no you cannot say that word uh when

He was ordering he was like can I get a it was it was so funny cuz he was he was saying that for like every uh oops dude I could tell those workers wanted to [ __ ] kill him well he wasn’t doing it intentionally oh oh oh okay he was just

Like every time he was trying to like order something he was like can I get a and he would be like he would be stuck thinking about it it was so funny all right let me pull up the chat Nutella what I think is pretty funny is

Sometimes when Ally can’t decide on like what she wants she’ll ask the worker like their opinion yeah I I’ve seen that before that is pretty funny hello Ash funny h no do not Wily CAU on I caught on too well oh for anyone that’s curious this is kic uh Nas swag

Or col no do not put my number in here I actually have a good amount of viewers now so if you did that I would actually get in some trouble yeah hey also you’re you’re a military man you have an image to upkeep and reputation to maintain that is true

I didn’t know military uh were able to have like their phones much at all I thought it was like no phones well that’s I think that’s only in boot camp I think after that you’re pretty much fine that makes sense yeah that would make sense because I remember

Like um like Ryan or yeah Ryan he was like like ghost for like forever oh speaking of Ryan Hey Macy dude this server’s taking forever to start did I do something wrong no it’s it’s just chilling being chilling watch now that I said something remember when I put my number

In your chat dude I do remember that and then you got like a call from like Virginia or something like that D that was back in 8th grade oh my gosh that was a while ago Boop Camp is [ __ ] ass dude I bet I bet it’s just awful okay why isn’t this server

Starting here I’m going to show you guys what I’m looking at look at this bow crap it’s just loading okay I’m going to refresh the page maybe yeah continue anyways hey put a put aib in chat if Dawson’s giving Ohio stop oh we got to up [Laughter] this and your [Laughter]

Ohio gosh I’ve seen so many dicks are you serious the full performance there it goes oh wait here I should give a full performance for the chat here jeez oh now it starts wow can you believe it guy why did I sound just like never mind I’m not going to just a week

Away no not that dude me and Alie are gonna go see the Naf movie when it comes out wow okay maybe I you hear that yeah you’re GNA watch the FNAF movie when it comes out yeah when it yeah cut out right when said good noodle good noodle why aren’t you freaking I’m

Gonna wow all right hold on give me a sec close out of Minecraft all right give me a sec uh just straight up take your phone pretty much the entirety of boot camp he couldn’t but after his graduation go but don’t quote me what the hell are you talking about what the

Hell are you talking about I I could never be in the military because if if a drill sergeant got up in my face and started screaming to me I’m I’m pregnant like right then in there I’m I’m on my knees taking [ __ ] like I’m sorry [ __ ] I gotta restart Minecraft that’s what I’m Doing you’re so Sky no is it gonna do the stupid okay never mind we’re good we’re good I thought was be stuck at 41 imagine if Nathan and Ryan got deployed like together that’d be [ __ ] crazy who and who Nathan and Ryan because they’re both in the Marines Nathan you mean

Colby oh dude yes I’m so sorry I don’t know why I was thinking Nathan Kobe you heard that [ __ ] did you hear that [ __ ] boot camp is the funniest place that’s my apologies here here Colby peep our group chat for the explanation okay as

To why I Mook your name and I hope you accept my humblest of apologies go oh gosh what did you say you should also [Laughter] Che that’s so real that’s so so real I swear to this stream go or server go down I made a comment for the oh for the

E for the I think you meant to say something obviously okay good the server’s still up good oh that’s cool oh for the veterans there it is in my school oh dude that’s awesome actually [ __ ] yeah that’s actually like yeah that’s that’s great I love to see

That especially since since me and crer whatever yeah I remember when I was in um Elementary School we had to like we it was like part of computer class we were like writing letters to the to like veterans and we could like add clip art

And I like I didn’t really know what to say so I was like hey guys I hope your war is going good and I hope all of you guys can make it home safely and I just put a of pictures of like the American flag and I like had

Someone gunning down an Arab too it it was [ __ ] hilarious he probably made it was acceptable back then oh yeah I’m sure honestly yeah probably cuz I mean back then that was probably during the height of the war against uh terrorism so actually uh maybe not well it depends

What year we’re talking about um well it it it started in what 200 1 and it lasted until 23 um yeah and me being in elementary school like 2010 2011 oh I hear an impostor you’re so skiy you’re so Phantom tax it’s going to be stuck in my head for so

Long think about blowing my brains out every day I’m very sorry to hear that would you like me to refer you to a uh to a counselor sorry I only say that to my friends shoot how does that song go it’s like I don’t remember uh oh yeah also I got chosen to

Make a mural for my school and they chose my design people are helping me paint it dude that’s actually awesome that’s really cool live action Among Us remake win oh jeez ah dude if they did a live action Among Us it would be so over for society

As a whole like the entirety of the human population would just fall fall and um it would it would just be so over aliens wouldn’t that’s probably why aliens haven’t invaded us it’s cuz we have [ __ ] like skibby Ohio that and uh Among Us memes dude I

Used to think Among Us was so annoying and then I finally started like laughing at it and whatnot and now I’m over here so pissed off at all the like skiy Ohio [ __ ] and now I’m over here laughing at it after like a good couple of weeks maybe a month now into

It I hate it I hate that I’m laughing at it but I can’t defeat the enemy so you might as well join them right gosh it annoys me so much how much wood do I have uh uh 40 planks H you know it’ll be fine we can come back here

Whenever all right I how’s my storage okay yeah I thought all those boats was like some weird modded fleshless entity dude um that was was freaking lemur he’s one of my longterm uh people on the on the stream here and he likes to mess with me a lot

And I just left the boats in there because if I if I took him away he would add more and so uh I just leave him in there because it’s just part of the uh it’s set at this point what are you on talking about Ohio

Macy have you not seen all the all those memes on Instagram about it maybe Tik Tok too I’m not really sure if it’s on Tik Tok I’m never on Tik Tok but um gosh if you don’t know about it then I envy you oh yeah didn’t I just call this yeah

World all right what was I going to do in this stream oh I remember what I was going to do I was going to build that way and figure out a really cool um like river water river thing oh man I need to test something I have absolutely no clue what you’re talking

About man that that must be nice that must be nice oh I need to pull up my stream on my phone to make sure it looks okay oh do not put Waller’s address in here that would be no bueno you cannot put anybody’s phone number or anybody’s address literally [Laughter] 1984 let’s see

So 270 four yeah that works yours bye-bye Bert Bert Bob Games Bert Bob uh I would love to stay and watch but I’m playing the new Mario game with a friend so I can’t ah man it’s all good you’re you’re always here in like almost every stream anyways so that’s okay I got an electric drum set

Dude that’s awesome I live under a rock I had yeah I had no idea that there was a new Mario game wait there is wait I just read that I didn’t even realize I didn’t even comprehend that there was a new Mario I just saw Mario and I was like hell yeah

I love Mario but yeah yeah you have fun playing the new Mario game damn I I too we too old for this let’s see yeah electric drum sets are awesome well well I also get all my news from my fun so if I funny as a doesn’t careing

Out don’t hear any thing about about it yeah the Wi-Fi is getting is is spotty today for some reason oh darn yeah it’s okay we can just I can be your interpreter for the stream just uh just wait it out it’ll get better yeah I’m sure I’m sure now that I’ve that I’ve

Said that that’ll be the only thing on my for you page for the next week yeah you know because the government listens to you so they’ll make sure to strategically uh implant all the memes if you just see a uh toilet with the with a head coming out of it that’s

That’s part of it that’s part of the skibbidy toilet [ __ ] Ohio’s just thrown in with their no DW it’s not just the American government spying on you it’s the American government in did you just say Ohio what oh jeez they got him boys they cut him off he knew too

Much dude my nose is running I was sick yesterday but then I woke up and this morning I woke up today when I woke up this morning I was completely okay I I don’t know what the hell happened to me yesterday but you know I’m not going to complain

Let’s see here that’s unbelievably concerning yeah you’re lucky that Al is EP because if she was at full power the weight or the might of me and her together combined would be unstoppable for for the stream it would be Susan W kinki or whatever her name is kinki would have to personally

Fight dude you’re so right oh was that her or is that you yeah probably I thought I heard a girl moan and I was like well there’s only one girl I know that’s in your room what do you mean by that what do you think I mean by that I’m in her her

Room oh yeah poop Buster Buster hold on I’m trying to fix my live chat box because uh there we go there we go that’s so much easier to read okay did it kick yeah it did awkward I have the urge to draw you should go for it if you want to just

Don’t leave the stream no yeah I don’t care it’s okay if you want to draw yeah absolutely go for it drawing is really cool stick I’m not going to do it chat don’t do it I’m GNA crap okay hold on I don’t like how this looks I’m just going to put the

Chat back to what it looked like before all right what should I draw you should draw oh crap I didn’t think about this hold on let me let me think um what something you like do you like uh well I mean I I assume you would like video games if you’re watching uh

Minecraft draw a draw a porcupine a porcupine C hair could you say that again yes draw a porcupine sitting a top a toad stool playing a fiddle to a tiny baby hair well you heard my friend maybe all sorry I was checking something oh I got to full screen there we go

Sticking I like drawing buffman yeah you should draw you should draw that you should draw me as buff however you draw picture draw me and him as buff Walt and Jessie actually I don’t know if they know what you look like kale c um we can provide

Imagery you have to oh shoot I don’t know if I can pull up our DMS on a live stream if you wanted to send me a picture there actually I can pull it up on my other screen well yeah or like I can’t really look for a photo

Right now so if you like found one on your phone you could just send it in our chats and then pull it up on screen from there on your computer sorry freaking Gerald came in he said love me for real buffman yeah I mean Zan the drummer in

My uh the the covers I have on my channel he’s a very buff man so I mean who doesn’t like a who doesn’t like buff man it’s going to be the theme of this Minecraft stream isn’t it also hi Gerald I’m so happy you came into the stream with that entrance that’s

Awesome uh if you want to send me pics and I’ll draw you guys for free oh shoot it’ll be the new uh I’ll make it a uh common theme and I have to make a uh 500 subscriber special which I think I just looked at I’m at 580 now which is

Actually crazy but I’m actually like really happy about it but I’m going to I’m going to try to make a 500 but if I don’t make it fast stuff I I feel like I’ll be at a thousand by the time I’m uh trying to uh get to the people need

It what was I saying I got sidetracked cuz Madison is mad at me uh oh yeah yeah yeah 500 subscriber special when they 60 plus and buff real um let’s see uh the uh the uh I feel like if I like with how fast my Channel’s been growing recently

I feel like by the time I make the 500 I’ll be getting like I’ll get like a thousand within like the next next maybe like 3 months probably that’s kind of a I don’t know if that’s what the heck Theo did you just vomit oh you did what’ you

Eat e dang it my dog just vomited on my bed no don’t eat it oh that’s disgusting all right whatever man dogs why is he eating his puke oh that’s disgusting I’m sorry that that makes any of y all sick that I just said that just

Be glad I’ll have my web camera on so you guys don’t have to see that [ __ ] or smell it e what is that dud what did you eat oh let me move my freaking laptop that’s gross man e all right well I’m going to have to

Change my bed man that’s my bed cover too so I’m going to have to wash that cuz it’s going to smell when I yeah sucks oh well it’s okay it’s not too cold so I don’t have to worry about um whatever self clean up got to respect it right I mean he’s

Just I mean I would clean it up but I mean he’s already doing it for me I don’t and uh I’ve been telling you guys I would stream for the past like you know two or 3 weeks now and I haven’t been able to and so I don’t want to

Leave y’all so I must do what I must do okay I set up my drawing tablet I’ll make I’ll make you guys into manga characters awesome uh kale are you are you here look at that iron iron present okay you you are here um do you have a picture of you and me

That we can give wait uh Ash are you in my Discord server you are you are I remember you turkey on oh gosh turkey on Ry profile pick I haven’t mentioned turkey on Ry to this account yet I should turkey on Ry is main Kale’s more

Adult you should show them I should you should you should be like you should be like Sniper Wolf and like play one of our videos and quote unquote react get a uh live reaction here let’s see turkey on R do we pop up I don’t think so yes I in your

Discord okay yeah yeah I thought you were I was I remember cuz you have a different profile picture dawon uh oh Dawson alli’s got control of the soundboard I hear it all right here’s here’s my here’s my other account me and Kale’s account turkey on right had me in tears

Yeah this is my newest video I edited this um I’ll play the first like two minutes of it all right hello looking do my face Dawson DOA play a little bit of this game the cough is back for the show for the grand reveal dude you’re so right

It’s we’re so back we are so freaking bad I’m just literally that good but no got full screen I’m just literally that good all right I’m ready are you ready yeah all right oh this part’s awesome I thought you were going to give a countdown to me my bad my bad that was

My my my bad Chief Keef all right three two 1 bus yeah there we go did I just say yes yeah I I I drew all of those my fingers are slightly greasy from the grilled cheese I just say this is not good lubricated gaml literally greasy oiled up

Gaml this part’s awesome we were like midair yeah I like I like jumped again while we were yeah yeah there we go now we’re getting closer oh yeah oh yeah come on Bus Dawson yeah what’s up hey Dawson I’ll be back I got to go get some water okay are you leaving me with Ally uh yeah but I’ll be back okay cool uh oh first girl on the channel I don’t know the science behind it I’ll skip ahead this part’s kind of

Long me to go let’s see dude wait I’m gonna skip to a really funny get mad in the I don’t know if she’s home right now I got one in the fridge okay well text her anyway I think you’re right I’m gonna skip to oh yeah this part was pretty good hold

On I’m I literally work around for what the what the I still laugh the safe so it’s like weird okay but yeah if you guys want to subscribe to this account go for it uh the URL should just be turkey onry so or if you look up turkey on channel turkey under ey

Channel then that might work um yeah we have a morwin video Roblox seems to be our best stuff that we do though this video is awesome really chaotic there’s a lot of cussing in in it so you might want to wear earbuds if you’re around younger people but yeah

Anyways back to Minecraft anyone in here no it’s just me Ally how was your how was how was your nap did you unmute yeah okay swag I had an ugly laugh you laugh like you laugh like damn my dogs you laugh like does which in turn kind of laughs how I [Laughter]

Do hi M are you on the are you on the cart what ohd subscribed to the channel awesome awesome yeah turkey on Ry is a channel that will that uploads every now and then Aria or ARA hi what’s your Minecraft name uh my Minecraft username it’s um

Geky dor 6906 but I’m I’m playing a uh public server right now if you want to join that I think I have the uh stuff in the description for it let me pull it up stand up or like move your booty yeah here it is yeah the topper Aeros St me and

That’s the port if you need it so yeah uh oh Dawson yes I’ve lost my cart uh-oh no hi Al I don’t know if you spelled how you spell it yeah Ma you spelled it right you spelled it right going to leave and join back my PC awesome go for

It me hey do you have do you have the photo of our profile picture like on your on your uh phone or laptop oh I think I actually I think it’s flash drive okay you flash drive with me okay awesome cuz if you do you can send that to the YouTube channel

Server cuz Ash is in that server and uh we can have them uh do uh the art if they so inclined I’m going to have that stuck in my head uh do I want to make this the wall I think I do what’s in Dawson I lost the cart wow wow wow oh

Well yeah you and your fiends for your Marana after tearing the room apart you figured out it was just in your pocket that was a joke actually I’m in my underwear yeah your pocket it’s like your like [Laughter] your I don’t know what the freaking lyrics are but something like that lyrics

Words cuz they I don’t know no take it away Gary give b b sorry give bot B walk so skiy toilet can run about gosh you all right Dawson I have located I’ve located the image that is I will be send wait let proper that is what um okay so

Yes here because I’m still signed into Papa smoke um and and I can’t be bothered to switch accounts because I forgot my main account password um that’s okay it’s okay it’s okay sorry I had to hit a blinky uh yeah was linger knocked linkers that was my horrible typing

Error all right Dawson if you check you check the dis um you’ll see the image and then you can forward it into the other servers awesome here we go uh text with everyone like animation type [ __ ] oh uh I said I love our ties in this image oh yeah

Same all right there we go I don’t know why my auto correct capitalized MAA my brother in Christ shovels ex his profile oh he changed that a uh a little bit ago Um have as much as you want bro okay Dawson okay Dawson you know how I was in the Anna Middle School Discord server oh geez on the papa smoke account yeah it’s now The Unofficial in a high school Discord server oh I guess they all went up in life oh jeez sorry

Yeah I just kicked my dog on accident are like wait you and still in here Yan’s still in there oh jeez yeah and he’s a moderator oh my go he broke in he infiltrated the ranks oh my gosh we’re so back can you believe it

Guys what am I doing why did I come up here oh yeah I know what I was Doing I will see what I can do okay this is awkward 274 is the number okay and I don’t really care about the Roblox doors part two that that would be good now me personally I’m I’m a bit worried about turning our channel into just a

Roblox Channel you know like I don’t I don’t really want to do that H because like I mean nothing wrong with Roblox of course I love that game but I we don’t appeal to the younger audiences like that like we we we’re not trying to you

Know yeah know Ione cannot believe I saw you I I just saw you take that fall on the stream oh whoopsies I for one cannot believe it wait wait Gerald what what were you referring to because I can’t remember what what happened for you to respond with that I think I pooped you

Know I farted what I talking oh my gosh you know I [ __ ] oh never mind Al play the uh play theing fou Ching or something sound I got to memorize it so I’m not like sounding uh Ch watch this is like saying like the most like actual like like bannable stuff and like it’s going to get my channel taken down oh my no don’t play that uh okay I can’t I already can’t remember see that’s so real I can’t remember anything either especially when

I’m with with kale here we get a little silly maybe do you think I have to update my friend probably and if you don’t have Nitro you may not have it on your phone what why I don’t know but that’s just how they get you that’s not fun

Agreed all right we’re about to dig into wal more ABS try calorie counter Bumble for friends Vine boom gang yeah love the vine boom Oh I have an idea hit it again hit it again where’s the long one want do not Misclick hold on hold on Kale you’re worrying me hold on I got okay Dawson which the one that’s labeled laugh is that a hold on which one is that hold on hold on let me let me mute the audio on my stream um because there is one in one of the

Servers that is really bad and I don’t want you to misclick on it and get my whole Channel taken down I got to let’s see um gosh oh shoot I’m on the wrong thing oh come on this is going to make me go insane hold on I think they can hear me but

They can’t uh can’t I really hope the sound was down cuz that was the one I was worried about all right all right I think did I get rid of it did I get rid of the right one yeah it was the Among Us one right with like the poop emoji okay

Yeah I think it’s all right all right all right we’re safe now boys let me turn the audio back on I really hope no one heard that dos I’m going to show you a screenshot of what’s on my phone right now oh jeez hey Ash uh Gerald SMH the boys have been

Sending no there’s there’s certain uh sounds on certain servers were’re on that have been uh added by people that we uh can’t quite uh couldn’t hear anything but your voice okay awesome um all right check snap wait I listen to these oh it’s still there I took it down already

Well it was also like up from when you were still um oh yeah that D do it all right well that was a that was a uh that was uh our edging for the week okay so now I can listen to them yeah and you shouldn’t you shouldn’t have to hear an echo

Echo echo echo echo okay yeah it’s gone now it’s gone now awesome and like that we’re copyri oh that didn’t work she Embarrassing embarrassing all right so there is the uh gosh I’m going have Turn Down The Sounds I not going to be able to function with these turn down to like 20% oh my God there we go oh shoot I got kicked whoopsies you I like please stop spamming

Sounds actually okay all right after the Ooo oh no we didn’t okay all right 0% there we go complete silence oh I can still hear it through the one of yalls oh my gosh it’s inescapable I’m scared to put these one me knowing that some of those are

The ones I added are cracking me up yes yeah like the baby laughing and autotune one that’s a pretty good one actually okay fine I’ll turn the volume sound back up wrong one uh here it is I’ll give it like 10% ah we’ll do more do 40 hit the vine

Boom one more for good luck all right you know what to do hit the vine boom I’m GNA crank it all the way up screw it moderat he runs a wait I’m finding Vine boom hold on there it is yeah woo yeah F oh it’s going to be loud oh oh it’s

Not the loud one okay wow that was like um disappointing there it is this is the uh brain rot stream oh shoot we’re we’re crossing no you have something I want this is no longer Minecraft and there goes my pickaxe I’m probably going well actually I think those are short enough to not

Warrant a copyright strike so I think we’re okay My why are you running why are you running That’s a classic sound wow D these are some like oldie but Goldies yeah dude I this one sometimes I really hate [ __ ] because that wasn’t me that wasn’t me Alie that was it’s just like that my account’s

Down like I said we’re in a lot of servers so we can’t be okay okay no more sound boards boys no more sound boards jeez [ __ ] it’s so over boys it’s so over I’m so sorry I’m genuinely so sorry [ __ ] it’s it’s just like that ah

Oh well you know which one’s the bad one this one okay I swear if you’re about to click it again no he removed the bad one okay what’s this oh yeah I took out that one you have something I want Ali praying on your downfall dude

She really is she’s trying to take down my channel that I’ve had since I was in like seventh grade that’s how I feel after that incident we just had I don’t know what these ones are I’m too scared to press that but I would I

Think I know what a trade is okay no one heard nothing no one saw nothing yeah you’re hoping I’m going to what happens in Minecraft Bedrock topper stream stays in Minecraft Bedrock topper stream these streams are separate from my uh real life I need to F you’re the king I’m the king I

Swear okay I’m genuinely terrified like I’m going to be scarred for she’s over here playing with fire she is we’re going to click on something we don’t know about and we’re going to get it’s going to be like the most vile [ __ ] and my channel is going to be taken down in like

Seconds and I love Discord I think I reacted properly she doesn’t she really doesn’t yes I do but I want press this don’t want to get in trouble which one this one choke on that your and lick all of your jeez I’m glad it censored it for us

Dud for real Mac Macy that’s so real what she just said in I don’t know her we definitely have no clue what you’re talking about for real yeah it never happened what incident the I don’t know what that mean it was oh we’re talking about dude what she almost pressed it

Again on accident which one just like that I swear if you press it again she was like trying to point it out as I was trying to point it out and I almost hit her thumb into it you guys are like playing with a loaded gun but like pointing it right to

Your face and like going like oh oh oh I’m sending you a video of what she’s doing right now she’s like literally holding a match like she’s smoking a cigarette a [ __ ] gas station oh my God should I pull this can I pull this video up on my stream to show what’s

Happening because I can open up snap okay okay we’re good I was about to start screaming over yeah actually Jeff my Jeff wait oh never mind I have to log in hold on let me I don’t want to show all people’s names I have well not people’s names just people’s

Like don’t want to expose people you know privacy rules and all that first rule of topper streams don’t talk about Topp streams that’s so true after today that rule is going to be having to be put in place bro Dawson Dawson it literally took rimal so long

To boot up that I had already decided I want to play a different game by the timeing I have been arrested for multiple crimes I forgot about quale Dingle never mind I can’t open SNS up anymore on PC I guess it’s a new update I can’t even hear myself talk okay yeah fine

I could turn on I could turn on my web camera and like show it through my phone screen that’d be so funny no just watch on your phone it’s all right oh my gosh you can literally see it highlighting oh what she she literally tapped it how did it not go

Off dude that I saw my life flash before my eyes there dude I was so scared like for you I was like no dude dude what do you think this one is not have I lost subscribers after that if I did I truly apologize

Co can you flip no I have not we’re at 58 that is so loud let’s see now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time yeah quand Dingle right it’s been like like a year probably yes what Discord soundboard roulette join all the servers you can and just click random sounds and hope you don’t get your channel Tak down

How many servers are you in sorry that was like so funny though you like play the music on top of it to like try to hide it but it was already too late all right I need to make some man my nose is running so much I’m like sweating like I’m am

Terrified it wouldn’t be my first embarrassing embarrassing really want to click this one life you have ROBLOX life there’s Roblox back want to scream laughing oh jeez I must have just missed bro is dick riding all you do I’m you got your there we go again damn it it’s so over chat it’s so over I’m glad I’m home alone right now so I can scream all I want I don’t normally scream

Much y’all are laughing y’all were like cutting out so I I’m GNA actually have diarrhea tonight I swear it women always have me as their as their a tool for my downfall that’s a joke that’s joke guys are you guys there where’ yall Go I think your mic is cutting out or I must have just completely stopped jeez um chat I severely apologize for the actions of my friend’s girlfriend and all of the soundboard buttons she is playing on here uh if any of this if any of the sounds have um

Offended you or annoyed you to the point of I don’t I don’t even know what I don’t even know what point you could be driven to from these then I I I just I I apologize I really do I am very very sorry should I read off a Logan Paul apology what’s happened Discord broke oh

Of course it did I I was not doing that oh you weren’t doing that I think otherwise Kale’s video said otherwise Ali actually no I I believe you I’m sure uh be quiet and drive yeah that’s a great that’s a great uh cover I did I’m back oh je they have caused me

Great stress I’m giggling okay I’m glad you guys aren’t pissed off from this jeez told me to press that last one man I’m like sweating over here I’m like terrified this my account’s going to be taken down from those n you should be okay I think I’ll

Be okay you’re still pretty small um yeah that’s true not like the PewDiePie small small boys get off Easy hello uh men or casano if I said that name right yeah the be quiet and drive cover that was pretty awesome we had a lot of fun doing that with with Zayn the drummer oh by the way the um since you’re since you just joined the stream um the person the

Other person talking here well there’s two people talking uh the the guy talking is my friend kale or crer he’s been around on this channel for a while and then he’s with this girlfriend I actually I I did your 100 subscriber special yeah you did yeah you edited that together for me

I had that crap laptop but I took all the I took all the video from on my laptop so it was super low quality but we rendered it in [Laughter] 4k oh man uh I’m from oh you don’t speak English that that’s okay uh shoot I

Don’t I don’t does Chile do they speak Spanish or is it is it Chilean I know that’s kind of like what you call people from Chile but I don’t know if that’s like I really just don’t know isn’t isn’t Gus Fring isn’t Gus Fring from Chile oh my gosh but play

Is so good thank you yeah yeah it was a fun it was a very fun cover yeah we we had a blast uh we all remember this in seni years when people drag out I’m gonna private this live stream after it’s over just in case wasn’t Gus Fring

Chilean I think he was yes Spanish I am la like you live in LA cuz that’s pretty cool okay so yeah Chile people from Chile they do speak Spanish that’s pretty cool I guess it is the more I guess kind of universal language down in uh South

America well no cuz Brazil they speak uh Portuguese right or do they speak yeah yeah in Brazil is Portuguese yeah okay making sure I was right about that dude what if like you just Ronnie MC nutted on stream I’m gonna I’m going to get a drink I’m going

To get some water actually no I’m going to get some some cranberry juice kale and Ally I trust you guys will take care of my stream and talk to the chat in the meantime um that wasn’t me I I know it wasn’t I could tell by the tone of the

Voice uh I will be back hopefully within a minute or two um chat if I hate calling you guys chat so funny uh chat chat leave um CH can we get skibby in the comments if Dawson is giving Ohio right now e Allie both cringed at

That all right yeah I’m going to be back I will be back in only a uh couple of minutos so I swear oh my God hi chat hi everybody stop earlier youst and said magic 100 yeah because I think making you cringe is funny I have any bad allergies

Yeah wish I could post pictures of my cats in here how long did I take that before maybe like an hour okay I like makeup I like cats I like e not whatever that is you guys are in trouble hi Macy hi oh um yeah no we were just talking about

How Gus Fring was Chilean so yeah they were going to put a needle in this all right I’m back okay what’s what happened while I was gone no nothing really actually disconnected for a minute last I heard Gus ring was chilling can you learn how to do

This Gus I think it was Gus Fring is Chill a chilling but that goes pretty hard too Gus ring is chilling well not anymore but uh or oopsies that was a spoiler hi again Ali hi Kale oh yeah yeah I see how it is you like allly and

Kale more than you like me blah blah yeah cuz we’re like those two characters from The Muppets like those old people who sit high up in like the rafters they like judge the show no they’re awesome I love those charact those guys or that couple Gus Fring

Kicking back with the cold one he just like me for real yeah are you so cute he chilled a little too close to the Sun e e SP my hair what the hell what is going on over there okay so I said don’t look as I was chewing on one of my toenails

You know like how you know like how I chew on my fingernails yeah and um she looked over at me and so because I said don’t look and she looked I I launched the toenail clipping into her hair I wasn’t aiming for there it just ended up there that is awful but amazing

Oh I like to imagine people that have joined from my de tones covers that I’ve did on here with Zane I feel like when they join from that and they come and join the stream and it’s me it’s a massive tonal shift it’s yeah they’re like this is brain rot dude

Like what is wrong with this this guy and then they’re all going to unsubscribe and then they’re all like going to want to like never come back um Macy I did it because it was funny no literally everyone thinks chewing on your toenails is disgusting like why do you do

That because I keep my toenails clean and I can reach them and I don’t have a toenail Clipper easily accessible and I bite my nails anyway okay well you don’t keep them clean because I wash your feet in the shower when you do shower and well I’m not saying you don’t shower but

When I shower with you I wash your feet and you do have toenail clippers I literally have some in my room in my book bag like few feet that way I wash my feet when I’m myself she just exposed you you don’t yes I literally do no you don’t

Yes I do you wash your butt cheeks but you don’t wash your tee my whole body you don’t wash your feet I never once witnessed that I think I think comedy is a good justification for anything personally which brings me on to my next topic they come from a desert land oh

No they’re pale and skinny I’m kidding I’m kidding she put your [ __ ] un blessed she really did yeah but I’m too nice to put her [ __ ] on blast so yeah okay well all I was talking about was feet and toenails I wasn’t saying anything else so you

Don’t need to say nothing about me because you watch me wash my feet and I don’t you I can say many things about the stuff you’ve done with your feet Gerald said they’re all do is put them in your face and grip you with them did

You just hey I want chat to hear that run that [ __ ] back I proudly put my my feet on kill and grip him with my cover hey she exploded the the first time she said that she said in his face yes okay well this is disgusting kale was biting my armpit

Earlier that’s what happens when you’re on I Funny for too long but I mean you know she’s been farting in her sleep I feel like okay well you literally stood up you stood up on my bed at the corner and you ripped ass and then you came back down and cuddled me

Again yeah yeah at least I had the courtesy to stand up I Wasing so you also me the other day yeah cuz it’s funny don’t y’all wish I had a girlfriend too this is a PG CH oh Ender hey like a n just waiting for them to play gangdom

Style did y’all hear and see that what the hell that was terrifying I think I just [ __ ] my pants if you have two headphones in that would be it was really trippy what just happened yo chat clip that chat actually wait can you clip on YouTube now I think you

Can I got to pick up the ender pearl hold on Speed Run yeah to me this seems like a good one minute to walk into work if you do go to bed Gerald I do not blame you I very sorry for the actions of my my friends

Here um all I want to say is everything was fine and dandy before allly woke up so that is true that is very true I think she brought a lot of extra humor though maybe it was the along we made friends the way you gave me a stroke trying to read

That Macy thank you oops oops oops oops okay we’re good B awkward why’ it get so quiet be quiet and drive I had a stroke trying to type it yeah that was a that was a quite a uh line you uh you had to write there

Let’s see okay so I think all of uh oh why can’t I what the hell okay I think all of these blocks have water right behind them I think this also yeah well I do actually have to go though it was uh was supposed to be

Sleeping like two hours ago tata for now homes all right or homies yeah see it Gerald I uh hope you get a good night’s rest I was uh I finally got a decent sleep sleep last night after being sick for like a day which is really freaking

Weird my immune system is bizarre it never fails to amaze me and what it does currently drawing y’all I don’t know your names but I’m drawing the guitar oh okay that’s me awesome thanks I I’m actually really excited to see where that’ll go I’m glad you’re still here

Despite what all the shenanigans that have happened the past uh like 30 minutes it’s probably been shorter than that but yeah Gerald hope you have a good night man um hopefully I’ll stream again next week I’ll try to stream a little earlier considering like time zones and

Whatnot I tend to have a lot of viewers from um from the future so yeah all right I’m gonna take down this wall and replace with Cobblestone Mr Gorbachev tear up this Mr kachev okay there we go Mr Gorbachev strip in twerk on this wall I’ve been listening to this while I

Draw like a podcast oh gosh well I’m glad what a [ __ ] nightmare podcast holy [ __ ] this is the most brain rot there’s no words to put for this just just you and me’s daily conversations at this so we should have a turkey on right podcast called neuron

Soup make it like one of those like weird like death metal band names like fetal abominator or something fetal obliterator fetal obliterator there’s literally a band called that I think hold on let me see it’s like it’s like a hold on I could find it it’s fetal something or fetus fetal alcohol

Syndrome yes the first one that popped up when I typed in fetal uh fetal redirect dated joke where is it where is it where is it oh yeah fetal dis Discord poop from a [ __ ] butt no that’s a chocolate feces Oh well yeah there’s some crazy like death metal band names I’ve seen

Online that deal with like feces and like f it’s bizar Dawson look what allly sent you on Instagram that’s literally poop from a butt no it is a chocolate bagel with creamy peanut butter all right chat let’s investigate this by chat by chat let’s investigate I mean me I’m going to

Investigate I’m not going to subject you guys to watching when I’m about to witness all right let me watch this first one we could we could see what’s all we could see this oh wait no never mind you switched never mind no I’m on my phone yeah pull it up on

My oh ew that is literally poop yes that is not a chocolate bagel with creamy peanut butter I want to make a van name uh enraged fetus that would be so awesome it’d be so awesome it’d be so cool enraged never mind I was about to

Say something really okay I need to go check if my daddy and help packing our game room I’ll be back if you’re still alive more like if I’m still alive goodbye yeah see you soon I hope if I’m still live I think I will be assuming I’m not like pick that

Up assuming I’m not no no no no no no no no I heard that sound for oh jeez it was so over for I saw my entire oh guys are uding me I’m about to literally about to hey man that mem’s dead now Down syndrome oh my God what about

It Dawson Dawson we saw some dude with Down Syndrome like walking home today oh like yeah he was like walking down the street and I was like man he’s walking kind of kind of silly and then I like as we drove past him I noticed he had Down

Syndrome and I was like oh oh he is silly yeah why is this man I love Down syndrome people they’re like so kind well most of them I’ve I’ve met a few not so nice um but usually they’re like the most sweet like people ever oh yeah no dude

Down syndrome people are [ __ ] awesome I’ve never met one that has pissed me off same the only ones I’ve seen online that make me kind of uh that like I’ve that aren’t like very nice or the only ones I’ve seen that AR very nice have been online but I think they’ve been like

Probably manipula or something to say stuff and they don’t realize that it’s bad the internet whatever the internet will turn the sweetest of souls into the South of it really yeah they really it really does it’s sad to see that man what a silly guy I feel bad for him if he’s walking

Home by himself I I need some of that Epstein cheese pizza you feel me oh jeez oh gosh I’m sorry who do you think I’m trying to play some cyber Punk oh wait do you have cyber Punk cyk what’s the initials of cyber Punk oh yeah I need some child Poe stop

Stop we are gosh this it’s so over chat it’s so over I’m sorry all right I’m going to block this do I have S sand Dustin have we appealed to the urban youth yet yeah right before we started the stream uh kale was like uh [ __ ] how did you

Were I’ll let you describe it you’re the one that said it okay so so this YouTuber I watched uh he did this like segment at the end of his video and he cut out the feds got him again boys funny and like YouTube had contacted him the uh yeah so YouTube had

Contact asking him to appeal to the urban youth appeal to the urban terms appeal to the urban youth I was like hey we need to make sure we appeal to the urban well that’s just how it be in this [ __ ] household okay cut you cut out and came right back in with

That you were like ENT I was like Manny keep cutting out it’s like he well that’s just how it’s going to be [ __ ] be all right then he cut out again it’s like the feds are actively targeting you but like for siles hey man I’m already appealing to

The urban youth we’re appealing to the urban youth whatever the hell hey guys want to go play some basketball want to share a summer treat together guys I got some oh there’s the laugh I can’t wait for a CIA agent to deal me some crack for real that whole theory behind that

Like kill you’re walking on thin ice buddy stop stop doing that LA’s not good for you babe calm down what was that one clip what was it was it um what was that channel was it like Angry Dad or something like that yeah they had MC Jugger nuggets MC

Jugger nuggets yeah it was that channel they had a video uh and there was like some character on there who had like only one line and it was Daddy chill it was like this big dude with like long hair and like a beard and it was so

Funny it was like a meme for a While where is this spot I’m looking for uh oh jeez no black one five nights at that’s where I no one said anything in chat have they cuz I’m looking and I see okay I was making sure my thing didn’t glitch out and then it’s just gosh echoing between y’all’s mics this is awful she’s not on Discord anymore wait why am I hearing it twice

Then oh cuz in the video there was multiple oh that do it that’ do it yeah oh I know the exact one she was watching too I’ve seen that one it’s like me and my friend when the guy asks what movie we’re going to watch or something like that hi Ash

Okay yeah the chat’s still working thank you thank you Ash for the h Ash how’s it going Ash has been here by the way well yeah no I know but she just said so or or or he or they or z z Z zag yabo there we go preach real

True it’s I man it’s 2022 after all 20 20 20 do one year it will be 20 20 2020 can you believe that a she okay okay thanks for the [ __ ] man I want to run into a flint a flint Flintstone gender someday Flintstone gender is that real yeah they

They identify as Yaba dab and do you know at this point I just saw the how are you comment my bad I’m doing pretty good I’m doing swell oh that’s weird it like didn’t show that at first and it said I’m a she okay that was

Weird I don’t know why it did that for me I’m drawing how are you oh yeah yeah that was for you sorry I totally took your Spotlight I’m sorry no you can answer too man yeah I mean I guess I’m doing pretty free world except for the

Uh the incident that happened a little bit ago bro we saw we saw uh like justice for Palestine um protest going on today and alli’s dad was kind of based about it until he like completely swerved in the wrong direction and it’s like oh

Jeez and it’s like not even in a way you would expect it was he was talking about like Indians and like con like does India Indian concentration camps and [ __ ] and it’s like what what in the worlds yeah okay so like I was with him at first when he like first started

Talking about it and then he quickly lost me I was like [ __ ] yeah man preach yeah interesting yeah I’m just avoiding that whole situation because not my uh I I just hope that everyone I just don’t think civilians should be in the midst of it all I think hey honestly I think we

Should Round Up civilians and throw them into the front lines you know like not even to protect the troops just to like see the funny little blood fireworks you feel me oh jeez you’re like a drone strike drone strike like hospitals dude like elementary schools and [ __ ] kale I need

You to realize we are live streaming yeah and I want you to realize which nation is actually doing that in the conflict yeah yeah yeah yeah can I have of course all right I need Windows I don’t know how many one Freddy’s four 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18

19 so pick your 48 okay OMG canell I hope not I really hope not flavor is which one can I see I don’t think I could take that well no see Dawson the funny thing about the joke is that both nations are doing it oh dude you’re I didn’t even realize

That yeah that’s like yeah that’s like the the funniest bit that is actually kind of funny but it is horrible but yeah is a little ironic what am I doing Windows Windows that’s what I’m doing uh I think I have a few stuff somewhere yo Dawson you remember that one world that

We had with William and it was like it started as vanilla and then it was like very lightly modded and I had that really cool underwater section of my base yeah yeah yeah yeah I do I do that was awesome yeah I missed that world so much dude that was a great

One all of my like Minecraft pictures have come from it oh wow wow that’s cool like all the cool cinematic shots I used to take have you seen uh the concert clips from like dream a few yeah dude it’s so cringe it is so bad he thinks he’s like all like

Quirky and stuff and it’s like ah I like the red ones can I have two more yeah the many you’d like what the heck Theo stop licking yourself you make really weird I used to get these in a Dr Pepper Cherry sorry I was talking to my dog I don’t have a

Sibling or something I have to tell to stop licking thems if you lived with me you’d have to tell me that yeah you stop stop stop eating your toes bad bad stop eating those toenails oops every what if like we were watching TV one day and I was like don’t look and

You assume that I was going to um like be biting my toenails but whenever you look over I’m nutting on your D dude stop that’s awful don’t look and just like that the sh’s over no that that’s that’s still that’s still in to it’s I don’t I don’t know oh hell

Yeah I am back much sooner than expected cuz my mom got back with food LMAO that’s awesome uh kale I think has gotten high so he’s saying uh some very I’m almost there I’m just goofy yeah you’re in the goofy stage right now um so yeah he’s been saying some stuff um

What yeah what a time to walk back in did you walk in on his dining room table comment jeez I’ve uh I would like to apologize hold on wait should I start reading from the almanac no oh no both of us have skeletons in that

Closet we do all right I’m going to read this apology that I wrote down for what my friend has done Daw you should you should skiy it I made a severe and continuous lapse in my Ohio and I and I don’t expect to to be rised I’m simply here

To I’m simply here to be a sigma what we came across in the ohioan woods that day was obviously unplanned the sussy Among Us reactions you saw while vincing were Raw they were uh UNS skibi un skib hold on I got to look up is there like a vocab

List I don’t know skibby toilet words egg soups toy what what is this I I’mma go take a [ __ ] then I’mma play with my sword like a Brit my bro opens his mouth when I need a toilet I Tri it’s a cartoon to 32bit what is this

What song have I gotten to you should play uh I don’t yeah yeah okay here we go dude we’re going down a rabbit hole don’t say it my favorite rabbit hole is Lola Bunny oh yeah I forgot to add those I’m trying to find all the words like you know skib Phantom

Tax there’s Ohio uh rler Gat yeah Gat uh freaking come here give me your Ohio so bad dude I’m going to lose all my all my subscribers hold on we got to find that one I got to find that one video um of that guy who’s like in that weird like

Outfit and he’s like over singing that song oh yeah uh I was just I had it pulled up but it’s on Instagram but there’s probably a YouTube of it YouTube video of it I’m trying to put on this flannel but I think I oh I put oh my [ __ ]

I put the right freaking sleeve on my or the left sleeve on my right arm I’m so silly I’m never saying that again I’m sorry let’s see there we go I I’m sorry that we’ve all been staring at this freaking skibby toilet picture he’s like staring at my soul all right all right

I’m going to find I’m going to find a specific video that’s been stuck in my head uh sticking out [Applause] your I found it I found it honestly the only social media I’m ever on is IUN so whenever I heard about SK toilet it was like only

All the criticism so I kind of got a good picture painted like the so bad literally though oh they cut out the b the last part is like something Ohio oh here we are this has been stuck in my my head all day so be it’s so autotuned as

Well there we go okay I’m so sorry I just I needed to to get that off my chest it’s been stuck in my head and anyways I made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment and I don’t expect to be forgiven I’m simply here to apologize what when I showed you guys

That video it was very unplanned the reactions that we’ve all had from that were were raw and it was very it was unfiltered none of us knew how to react or how to feel I should have never shown you guys that video I should have put I

Should have closed out the tab and went back to Minecraft um there’s a lot of things I should have done differently but I didn’t and for that from the bottom of my heart I am sorry I want to apologize to the internet I want to apologize to anyone

Who has seen the video I want to apologize to anyone who has been affected or touched by skib toilet Gat Ohio most importantly I want to apologize to the sigma and his rler family and his rizors his Sigma and his Alpha fans for my fans who are defending my actions

Please don’t I don’t deserve to be defended my goal with my content is always to entertain to push boundaries to be all inclusive in the world I live in I share almost everything I do yeah uh the internet is never to be heartless cruel or malicious like I said

I made a huge mistake I don’t expect to be forgiven I’m just here to apologize I’m ashamed of myself I’m disappointed in myself and I promise to be back that yacht we came across in the forest was undoubtedly I will be better thank you yeah I’m not on social media so

Everyone was talking about scity toilet I was so confused me too look at that we’re down to one viewer just like that all right yeah I was I’m only really on Instagram but it took a while for skib to get on Instagram and and

Uh so when it did it hit like a train wreck and it’s everyone collectively hates on it on Instagram but people still post it I ironically and everyone keeps seeing it and it’s just awful and uh yeah it’s it’s it’s a it’s a war zone out on the

Front lines of the internet these days I can’t stand it though like I laugh at it because because if I didn’t I would be going insane so it’s the only way to keep my sanding did I even get enough sand no I think I said I need like 48 or

49 let’s get I’m going to get like 50 because I’m bound to misplace something and I need a couple extra to be safe safe and sound hey Dawson you should make a uh neighborhood if you know what I mean in Minecraft I I don’t like a like like what do you

Mean I’ll text it to you on Snapchat I’m just going to get a full stack instead there’s probably more than I counted but I think a stack should be enough here all right Bo let’s see what oh crap I just thr up in my that’s not good baby

All right let’s see what did do you gosh it’s stuck in my head I want to like stream for you guys or something I’m not sure how to go about drawing you guys Um I don’t really know either I’m not like a huge well not huge I’m I I’m not a good artist myself I just kind of like let other people do artwork like the basis in my band and also the drummer they’re pretty good at Art and so they

Usually handle that stuff um and so um and then you have me I’m good at like musical artwork I guess if you can even say it’s good but um that’s about it I’m not the most artistic guy with drawing though I’m good at like painting and that’s it like

I can paint like 3D models pretty good yeah but yeah um I don’t know I mean you could probably just send like pictures or ideas if you want to yeah let me see if I can find the goofy Pictures here Dawson do you think you can find that one picture that you took that made it it like that was a a replica of the one I took that I used for our profile pictures you know what I mean wait say that again sorry I was

Texting Zane so you know that really uncanny picture of me like in the corner of the screen yeah yeah that’s a great one send your version of that into um the uh server and I will send my version of it so um she can have like the actual like bass picture and

Not the shitty Ms paint overdo so um yeah it’s a yeah we don’t want her toy draw your Ms paint oh [ __ ] um let’s see uh that was cringe what was my face when Discord adding doesn’t work immediately like I want it to oh yes that’s the picture yeah okay so

There’s that picture of that’s like a year old now your hair is so much longer now um yeah actually let me see it was taken it was like last year right yeah I think it I think it was a year old last Summer let me look love cran it was August 13th wow of 2022 by yeah that man it really has letting the days go by let the water hold me down all right we’re good let me see if I can find a goofy picture of myself oh jeez I just had a flashback

To she who shall not be named pictures of me in the server in fact they’re probably still there if I look far enough um memes maybe let’s go back to like 2021 no my stomach’s getting upset just thinking about it I probably deleted them which would be the best

Out but there’s a chance I haven’t okay ah yeah there’s still here okay only a okay this is the wrong Channel um video suggestions maybe oh I went wa okay damn this Channel’s dead okay uh text everyone if we go back to August let’s see I’m drinking C juice I

Have similar hair to the guitarist oh you have like long hair like me awesome I have like really curly hair I don’t know how visible that is in the videos cuz it’s I’m kind of far away and the quality is not like 4K or whatever but um

But yeah uh I do have kind of long long curly uh brown hair it’s pretty cool it’s pretty epic all natural a a should I SM a link if [ __ ] sorry um if you want to okay I’m G to film it for you okay let’s see is there like a

Date oh yeah here we go during a specific date we need to go back to uh 2021 King in the insan hi I want to join or insane H uh gamertag is King inan okay uh well actually you I don’t think I need your Gamertag if you want

To join uh I have it’s a Ser it’s a public server thing I have the details of it in the description if uh if you need help trying to uh get into it I can help you or try my best to help you oh look at thatb joined on August 5th

2021 right before I wonder if I’ve got Bedrock Edition installed if not then I well probable let’s see your mama nuts big bouncy balls big bouncy balls yeah talking about beach balls by the way all right I guess they’re gone now oh [ __ ] there’s that picture of me with eyeliner on oh jeez

That was such a weird day what’ you send me on Snapchat Oh Me sming Oh yeah that’s right very epic very poggers just the thought of her makes my stomach upset still can’t believe I’m mind I’m not going to go into my feels on live stream that is not the timer

Place it is Minecraft time I’m G to put some background music on I usually like to funnily enough I put like Minecraft music on the background I sometimes do the alpha playlist not sometimes I usually do that I like whenever I’m playing modern Minecraft I always just mute the music

Yeah and um I just mute the music and uh [ __ ] play it myself s literally that’s exactly what I what I do yeah I mute the endgame music and I just play the alpha stuff that’s what I what we have grown up on that is our Minecraft these next Generation kids

Don’t understand how hard we had it back then real yeah Minecraft I don’t know so different now I like after like 10 hours in the game I learned how to mod and after that I don’t think I’ve like ever played the game vanilla but like twice

And that’s been a good 12 years of gamz and I probably have like over 5K hours in Minecraft easily oh yeah for sure it’s pretty Awesome Where’s my dog whining hold on I’ll be right Back Do all right I thought for a second there I had a home Intruder which would have been a little awkward dude I wish a home Intruder would try bro I know we have a gun somewhere but uh I’m talking like I’m talking I’m hiding around secret Corners with my

With my big ass sword yeah hell I can I can like stand behind a corner and like stab him without ever putting anything more than my arms and hands in harms way so real dude imagine if like you’re a home Intruder and you get like just decapitated dude that’d be

Crazy that would be absolutely wonky yeah are you done I’m kidding damn it’s quiet oh I just woke up in the middle of the night and saw you were online oh hey yeah well I am I need to pull up your stream your cream jeez oh hey Theo there you are what are

You running around for you and edum to be both worked up about something but I went to the backyard and didn’t see anything and I looked around the house and there wasn’t Anything oh hey King Joined I swear Theo uh my dog his name is Theo he’s the most cat-like dog I’ve ever seen he’ll like climb up to spots like cats do it’s kind of Funny oh yeah I love the Song I also came with a new main villain final boss from my RPG project uh currently called The Abyss Walker oh that sounds awesome oh dude kind of reminds me of uh vintage story oh yeah oh man we haven’t played that in like a few weeks now I

Think we we can still play I just got to download it on my laptop awesome yeah I’d love to play we can get Ender back on it too that be some tour content well Dawson I think I got to go for the night you got to go that’s okay

Yeah man it’s nice having you here chat yeah everyone have a good night might have sweet dreams dream good dream well and remember Allah loves you of course yeah Allah loves all but any HST bonara audio scale oh yeah he’s gone all right well now that just leaves

Us I guess now we’ll be having a somewhat normal stream and not the chaos that I’ve we started with all right let me oh oops I’m hiding this is going to take a while trying to freaking do all of this here wait I have an idea um

Bye-bye yeah they’re all saying bye to you Craig don’t worry they’ll miss your silliness I hope do I not have dirt thought I had more dirt than huh oh okay let’s just uh we’ll just use Cobblestone oh wait different Harmony I was thinking of oh see let’s uh oops all

Right let me do this I will build let’s do that and then we’ll do like this o sorry that was a really bad s my bad all right that should be okay and if we hold on to this look at that awesome are you winning

Uh I I guess so I mean the project I’m working on so far seems to be looking kind of nice Let’s see I will o do I want to yeah let’s do This hope I got enough glass for this playing Star sector do I side with the tracon or do I my make my own faction well I want to say tachon because of Death Grips but at the same time uh Mak your own faction would be pretty cool you know um so I mean I don’t know let’s see now I’m thinking of what Abyss Walker did in his unjust Exile Exile SL impris sorry excuse me his unjust wait hold on dang I’m burping I don’t know why his unjust Exile SL

Imprisonment to easily fight demig gods and be uh and be hold on there’s a freaking Emoji thing that’s like in the way okay yeah you just said be and be uh being a raid boss being a raid boss yeah sounds pretty cool was the glass window out into the

Water intentional or did you just build your base and you were like oh water it it was intentional because my base was only to like this wall all the way through here actually if you go backwards in the Stream you can see that all of this was still filled up but um

Yeah this is all just filled in and I was like okay so the project this stream will be me um digging out to the river that’s outside the house because above the ground uh you can see the river out here and I was like all right I’m going

To build a river through here and I’m going to oh no I’m sorry Kings and I’m going to build like like a glass kind of window wall thing to like view outside so yeah it it was intentional yes however I will admit I do tend to play upon uh kind of just whatever

Happens happens when I’m building underground bases like this and so uh sometimes I will just kind of go with how things go you know cuz that just makes the bases more unique so yeah and I I guess so happened to make this base near river and I kind of got the idea to

Make it a uh a um uh-huh blanking out to make like a a a glass jeez sorry my s’s a glass uh wall thing yeah uh I feel so bad from the past 5 minutes I’ve been here I’ve seen him die two times yeah yeah me too he he he

Didn’t join too long ago like oh he asked me to TP him I didn’t see that oops I’m so sorry I hope I hope I didn’t make him mad um the other person on the world yeah yeah yeah I figured it was uh let see Haron and

Maxing oh yeah I kind of want to make my own faction on the other fringes of space and then through devious plans I will take control of the most profitable markets awesome uh I feel so bad for the past oh wait yeah I just read that man sorry I’m I’m a little tired

Oops Go uh yeah that’ll be fine I think if I dig up yeah will be we’ll do that um let’s see how far uh oops let’s see how far uh is spawn it shouldn’t be that far from 0 Z and you’re only like 100 blocks off basically yeah yeah it’s not that far

Like spawn was like over on that Forest there a little bit down into that Forest it’s like where I spawned uh on the first stream I did of this game I remember I was like I just started kind of running in just like a random Direction and yeah I

Just kind of went with it and I saw I like saw this like River AC cross and I was like oh this area over here looks nice I should make like a like a playlist of all the uh live streams uh I knew I would do that I don’t know if I have

Enough glass for this I we’ll see what happens here I might cut some Corners met metaphorically also a little bit literally like cutting like some Corners here to save on some of the glass blocks I have but we’re getting some more sand here so we might be okay uh should I

Have a all nighter or not working on the RPG project since I’m completely overhauling the enemy faction well do you have like school or anything to go to cuz if not then I mean I guess you can all uh do an all nighter but if you

Do uh not or I mean shoot if you do have a school tomorrow then yeah I wouldn’t say I would say don’t do an all nighter CU that would be very regretful for the morning but if you don’t have school then I mean if you really want to yeah

Go for it um oh wait no today’s Saturday so I mean I guess it’s probably like early Sunday morning for you right now I guess I can’t remember where you where what time zone you’re in but uh I think I remember you’re like ahead of me a little bit all right look at

That the wall is done uh see I don’t know I’ll leave it up to you if you want to do an all nighter or not I couldn’t help but notice your farm if you put slabs in the water it will uh the water the plants will let you walk

On it oh okay cool yeah I like the idea of having like the Cobblestone coming down from it though so then I could have the Torches in the middle lighting it up but I also kind of like how it looks cuz it kind of looks like like almost like a

Lampost I could actually replace those for actual like Redstone lamps or something or glowstone I don’t have a nether portal yet though I don’t Think Oh Jeez un unsalable I need to go use the restroom real quick I will be right back What so is this a realm or a world this is a uh it’s a world but it’s um it is uh hosted on a [ __ ] server uh which is like a website you can like host Minecraft servers on and um yeah it’s pretty cool I get to it’s free it’s

Just run by with like advertisements so yeah Huh the rest of this doesn’t have that glass thing going on well there’s one right here oh well it’s okay so yeah if you wanted to join it’d be you can absolutely join you don’t have to friend me or anything I used to do that and now I have a lot of like

Friends on Xbox or Xbox Live I guess but uh yeah Let’s see I could probably do the floors here with the and a site oh let me get the walls uh lit up some awesome so what I’m really asking is it even or is it on even when you leave because I don’t like the when I’m grinding and the owner

Leaves and it kicks everyone if you if there’s people in the server yeah it it’ll stay on the whole time um but when people leave I think there’s like a 7 minute countdown before it closes automatically so it’s based on just how many people are on it at a time I guess

Or there’s anyone on the server like I’m the only one on it and the server is still running obviously but if there was like zero people on it it wouldn’t it wouldn’t run but if I wasn’t on it and someone else was on it yeah it would

Still run so it’s just as long as there’s one person in the server at a time it’ll it’ll stay up and so even if I leave you would still be able to do whatever you wanted to do I don’t have to uh do tomorrow and it’s 3:30 oh you

Don’t have anything to do tomorrow and it’s 3:30 a.m. well dang okay so how do I join um in the description of the uh the live stream here um I believe let me double check yeah right here the uh if you want to join thing uh that’s the address for

The server and then that’s the port it should be like I like just a public server to join I think so um assuming it works right then I hope you would be able to join because I love playing with you guys So hold on I’m G to try something real quick I’m G to speedrun this so the world doesn’t Server doesn’t get turned off we go it’s going to take me some time uh it’s going to take me some time I’m on switch and joining any server that’s not

Naturally on requires me to go to my interance settings to do that oh okay oh yeah take your time I hope it’ll work fine for you then hey look at that natural not natural classic Minecraft textures my favorite yippee woohoo can you place these on Windows oh you Can I love Minecraft Alpha all right yeah take your time man um I’ll probably be streaming for another hour or so maybe I don’t know really depends how I’m feeling I’m a little I’m coming off of a a uh sickness I was just I just had like yesterday I I

Feel a lot better though but still I’m a little I’m a little uh tired my head kind of hurts still but you know I’m okay overall I’m doing fine are those pillagers oh yeah they they just spawned there Interesting is it wrong to say that glass gives me a bit of nostalgia not at all this glass is my favorite kind of glass in the game you know I love this uh these Minecraft textures it’s always my favorite and it always will be my favorite there is nothing that will

Change my mind about that oh King’s back look at that awesome oops couldn’t see anything there let’s see what or not weather no nope nope nope there we go ouch he’s probably punching something when he teleported Okay it’s not I have indigestion from that random milk and orange juice without water I drink oh man yeah that that sucks I hate uh indigestion it never feels good I remember that one commercial um it’s like if it’s like if you have heartburn Dent indigestion upset stomach diarrhea

Or something like that I don’t know I’m probably just insane but there was there was like a uh there is a there is a commercial it’s about it’s like some like pill or like medicine drink thing that you can like helps with all those stomach issues it’s so goofy Let’s see do I have oh food okay here we Go let’s see do I have slabs oh I’ve only got four okay let me find the crafting table let’s make a whole bunch of them oh oops that should be enough all right how your birthdays on Friday well I hope for um and I totally stuttered that I hope

You have a happy birthday uh hopefully if I stream that Saturday I can give you a only a day late birthday wish yeah happy early birthday yeah yeah for sure I hope that that will be uh a good day for you my birthday was actually uh

Last week on Thursday believe it or not so that was uh it’s pretty cool I turned 19 pretty crazy I Guess Seems a lot of people I know have uh October birthdays but it’s like I find more people that have October birthdays every year it’s kind of weird but it’s cool though I like it all right look at that let’s see 8 16 16 32 64 okay I’m going to need a lot of

Wood jeez sorry about that my dogs are so loud oh wait you also have a birthday on the 12th of October that’s my birthday that is actually so cool my birthday is on the 12th of October which was last week on Thursday you turned 18 that’s awesome that was really cool you share

The same birthday as I do I love that Yeah happy I guess late now but happy 18th though uh when I turned 18 last year it was kind of weird I mean nothing really changed much but it’s like oh jeez what are youall barking at crazy dogs it was like I guess like when you

When I turned 18 it was like I got like well actually I don’t know if it was related to me turning 18 or if it was from my uh like a license and driving and stuff but I don’t know it was it was pretty cool but

Uh I just kind of felt weird because it was like it’s like suddenly you’re just like an adult now or well legally an adult mentally not so much but you know um and so it’s like I don’t know it’s just weird you just kind of like feel like you have a

Lot of I mean I don’t know if you would feel like this or if you even do at all but it’s like I started to like feel like I had a lot more like responsibility but then I was like well I mean not really right because I mean

You can only do like so much anyways but I don’t know I feel like I’m just blabbering on but like I remember when I turned 18 it was kind of like weird I was like man I’m gonna do all of this now I guess right but yeah no um thank you Havey

Belated birthday to you too thank you thank you yeah uh literally just one year apart that’s awesome let’s see five’s see I need two 4 68 okay good I did my math right look at that very awesome very cool yeah it’s kind of funny we all share very similar birthdays

Here in the in the chat so weird saying that all right very Cool I’m at 584 subscribers now that’s awesome I doubt that’s from the live stream I’m sure it’s mainly from the de tones covers I managed to pass my math exam a year early oh that’s that’s actually really cool I don’t think I could do that here in the United States but um

Well it doesn’t even matter anymore I’m out of high school but uh I graduated uh but I graduated early or already as well that’s awesome actually that’s cool you guys are smarter than me I suck at math I TR I’ve tried to understand certain things when it comes to math but

Man I when it comes to like geometry I I get lost algebra is my thing though which is funny because I feel like algebra’s not even really that useful as geometry could be although I I’m I probably wouldn’t ever need to use geometry in my life neither would I

Probably need to use algebra in my life but certain careers do use like geometry like um like what like uh like architecture I’m sure uh being a building designer and whatnot those obviously have to use geometry because you’re working with shapes and stuff to build you know

Buildings um but yeah I’m just a computer programmer oh well but yeah that’s really cool you guys actually uh I mean homie Turtle you passed your exam early a year early actually which is awesome and then Ash she graduated already which is also really cool super cool super

Cool I’m sorry if I sound a little kind of like I don’t know unenthusiastic I’m I’m just kind of tired I probably shouldn’t really be streaming right now but I mean I got nothing else to do so and I also wanted to stream you know So did he say something i’ already given him food Um I’m trying to think what else I should do on this uh right now I’m kind of I’m just kind of I don’t want to start sitting here and just talking cuz I mean it would be kind of boring to watch much Um I mean I could go on a hunt to try to find other crops to uh grow I know we’ve got like sweet berries but those don’t really require you know like plowed Fields you can just Place those on grass um I’ll see if I can find some carrots

Majoring in silver oh my bad silver uh majoring in civil engineering but I might change to Art that’s actually awesome civil engineering is a uh pretty pretty awesome field to go down uh very important too especially when it comes to uh I’m blinking out I’m sorry uh like City growth and whatnot I guess yeah sure I don’t know I’m trying I’m trying to think but I’m sorry it’s like my mind just hit this like fog and I’m just like kind of going like uh all yeah I hope there’s a village nearby all Right this is a really cool landscape I haven’t really been over here Much oh yeah the old school lava texture my favorite so awesome brings me back let’s go back back to the sh lightning see I’m currently thinking of how the abyss Walker gathered his followers SL monstrous Army that freed him from his Exile imprisonment uh an an

Idea it’s a pretty cool idea uh I don’t really know how you can form that to a uh or like not form of like how we gathered his followers um yeah I don’t really know it’s not really my uh my expertise I’m not the greatest story Creator this is like really cool can I turn the view Distance oh I’ve already got the Max yeah it doesn’t change anything it’s probably just an [ __ ] Setting oh which I think I actually can change cuz I remember doing that one time but it’s been a while I do not remember how to do That all right I’m going to turn around it’s getting it’s going to get close night time here and I don’t want to be out here at night cuz I’m bound to die and that’s not something that I need to do right now man I just got hit with this wave of

Fatigue I don’t know why I recorded drums earlier with my uh my with my drummer zann I guess is I guess I could say his name you uh we got some pretty good recordings down it’s pretty awesome uh so yeah I mean that was pretty cool we had a blast recording today

Compared to uh I think it was last week last week we were trying to record we had a lot of issues but then we finally got it figured out and then today we use what we learned last week and we had a we had a fun time it was awesome we

Were having uh we were kind of experimenting a lot with like different sounds and settings and whatnot but we got a pretty cool sound so yeah probably going to spend most of my morning tomorrow mixing it in a bit better but yeah it was very very cool oh

Man I’m not going to lie you guys I’m I’m really tired I might be might get off here pretty soon and lay down cuz my head’s starting to hurt too don’t you love a a good headache Worst y there goes the Sun Here Comes the Sun all Right Oh you’re a skeleton shoot see if I oh those are pillagers okay I thought I heard a like skeleton like the bones rattling but then I started hearing the crossbow and the and I was like oh that’s a it’s a Pillager and then I heard the crossbow

And I was like oh weird maybe there was both of those enemies there oh man he’s stuck up there my friend ouch let’s see my friend James actually gave me the idea for the Abyss Walker oh that’s awesome well James has some pretty cool ideas it seems I want to

Work on songs with my bandm mates but they don’t really seem too enthusiastic about it it’s annoying and then one of them isn’t willing to pay their half for the studio cost oh yeah that’s yeah Studio costs can be a pain that’s why me and Zane and stuff I don’t I don’t want

To uh we just we always do our own stuff uh like I I’ve always self I guess quote unquote like put putting quotations produced um I don’t like doing or we okay so I’m going to give you some backstory lore here we’ll stare out into the the river

Here um let’s see a couple years ago I had my what the hell oh that was a song a couple years ago I had another band uh we were called uh Clover Grove and we recorded an EP it’s out there online if you delve hard enough to look for it

Um I think it’s called like other than this and uh but yeah anyways uh on that EP uh we recorded it in like two two different Studios uh we recorded all the main things just uh online they not on what the what am I talking about we recorded all the main things

Um like in the like a live in a uh in a uh in a studio that wasn’t like very far away from where we lived it was like a it was like a store was like one of those kind of it’s kind of like an indie

Kind of hippie sort of store it has a lot of uh kind of like weird Trinkets and like clothing attire that you wouldn’t like find like in main stores and what not very like alternative stuff and I don’t think they record anymore but dude why did he break [Applause]

That all right um yeah we we recorded in the back it recorded in the back of uh of this like kind of store and the guy it was funny cuz we set up my guitar amp in another room and we set up the other guitarists and singer in the uh well we

Set up the other guitarist’s guitar amp in another oh we set up his amp in another room and then we had our bases just plugged in Di and we were all playing in the same room with the drummer in that room with us and we all had headphones on

Connected to what whatever and to like the or connected to I guess the uh the mixing console and we didn’t play to a metronome so it was very it was very um off time we would like kind of slow down a little bit speed up a little bit uh of course like

Live you wouldn’t notice that but when you’re uh when you try to bring it into a Daw or digital audio workstation and you try to line it up with a specific Tempo it’s going to be off time pretty badly and so it gets hard to kind of produce things that way but anyways

We were we had the we did a lot of the main recording in this like Studio at the back of this restaurant and then we uh took those recordings we were like oh dang we kind of sucked on these so we did them again and then we took those

Recordings and had them uh produced at uh uh with another friend of ours well not really a friend but a guy that I think knew a shoot I forgot actually how we met this guy I it was like someone that knew him and we got in contact with

Him and we uh we had him help mix our stuff and we him all like the stem tracks for everything and he was like geez did you guys not play with the metronome and so he was struggling kind of hard to mix everything and um that

Was kind of funny and then but we ended up getting done but the thing that sucks is we didn’t double track anything we were just uh it was just a live recording all the way through so the audio quality wasn’t fun and yeah this guy just won’t stop right I know

I’m I’m a little annoyed right now um would you like to join my MLG map no thank you I’m probably going to get off pretty soon um where was I oh yeah so anyways we uh we it was really it was I it was jeez freaking dogs I’m sorry if that scared

You but yeah anyways my um we the the quality of the recordings wasn’t great uh mainly because I was using like a [ __ ] ton of like distortion on my amp uh and it and I didn’t have the greatest uh tone Um didn’t have the greatest like tone out of this amp I had I just had like the treble turned all the way up and I didn’t realize that when you have a mic on that it’s just like and I was using like a uh boss distortion pedal oh wow he’s from Pakistan that’s

Awesome oh wow um yeah so my guitar sound was like this wall of noise that’s just like well not really a walled noise it was like static noise and then the other guitarist he doesn’t he didn’t use as much Distortion um and so he was pretty much fine the

Whole way through but yeah I didn’t have my stuff set up to be able to use a lot of distortion and uh get through it all or get through the recordings very nicely but yeah uh after that experience though we had to pay a decent amount of money and we ended up

Getting kind of crap recordings and so after that I was like you know what I’m going to go and figure out audio engineering and uh production music production just on my own and just figure it out and just make my own stuff how I want to do it and give myself Limitless

Uh experimentation for making weird sounds or um cutting weird Corners that uh fundwise that limit me and so having to make like creative decisions to try to mimic sounds and whatnot and uh I used to record like my little my my orange combo amp but I

Didn’t I found out like as I kind of kept playing with it I just wasn’t getting a really nice clear sound I was like um I was just I just wasn’t happy with it it was too like fizzy and bright and it wasn’t like clear it was just

Yeah I don’t know I just couldn’t get a good sound from the micing it up and so I ended up just using the DI function on it which emulates like a 412 cabinet and I was like dude this sounds great I’m going to use that but then I was like

Well shoot now I can’t have feedback and so I was like okay hold on and so then I like had my like speaker on my computer here and I like cranked it up a lot and like I just put my guitar on it and I could get feedback that way and that’s

How I recorded all my guitar sounds for a lot of stuff it’s pretty funny um but yeah and it sounds good it sounds like uh I mean in the full mix I mean I guess it is a little hairy because it’s di it’s just kind of how it is but I I mean

It sounds better than most D I’ve heard and some that I’ve played with but yeah and so I’ve just kind of been doing that recently and then I actually I don’t know where I was going with that s that’s pretty much it how did I start talking about that like

I just probably spent like a good 10 minutes talking about my band or my old band well anyways that band fell apart now um and so now I have my new one and we play way better music uh I almost broke my laptop since I played Minecraft with uncap Max frame

Rate oh jeez I’m yeah that could be that could be dangerous if your graphics card isn’t very um I guess up to dat no maybe not up to dat but I guess more uh or if it’s like older I feel like I think older graphics cards kind of struggle with unlimited

Frame rate even though I have I have a 2060 but I still limit mine because it helps with the sorry I’m like burping and stuff uh cuz having the um limit on it can prevent it from like overheating and whatnot it’s I like that do you guys

Have any OG songs uh my old band yeah yeah we do I could show you the EP I don’t want to play it because it’s [Applause] uh I just don’t really want to revisit it uh let’s see Clover Grove uh uh was other than this oh jeez yep there it

Is these top three um yeah that’s me on the left there there’s zann the drummer yeah if we go to my channel we could uh we could see me again much longer here and you can see zann on the right oh or him right there he has a hat on it’s hard to

Tell yeah there he is there he is again uh but yeah these are our three OG oh oh went away these are our three OG songs that we have uh with our old band they’re not great a lot of people like them we don’t

Like him but you know it is what it is uh my new band though black sand Bay uh if we get to our Instagram here we meanwhile have we’re working on an album right now like literally like just I mean like I mentioned earlier we were recording drums for the album um

Played a show here the other day yeah here we are that’s me uh this guy’s not bad anymore it’s pretty cool this is one of our OG song OG songs sorry but yeah pretty cool pretty heavy uh we tend to go between alt metal and shoe gaze kind of a lot we’re still

Trying to get that down um live that that specific show was like not much shoe gaze like at all it was like all just heavy um cuz we didn’t have much Reverb going on like anywhere I don’t have social media if not I would definitely follow hey you know I actually respect

That um the only reason I really have social media now is because of my band if I didn’t have the band going on I would definitely just uh probably log off for a while because I could use a break and I mean I definitely could like right now and probably be

Fine I’d probably just log out of like Instagram because that’s where I’m mainly on Snapchat I mainly just use for texting I don’t really do much else on it I mean I know there’s like stories and stuff on Snapchat but like still I don’t even like really watch him that

Much I love heavy metal and shoe gaze and a lot of stuff yeah yeah me too it’s uh my favorite genres um as you could see I have Joey jordison dude yeah yeah that is Joey isn’t it I couldn’t tell it was I mean it’s really

Small on my screen over here so uh but yeah Joey jordison is drumming oh my gosh on the on uh I see apologizing what happened what happened oh jeez is this I’m going to leave did he just break all of my freaking [Applause] dude I’m just not going to say anything silence is the best Intimidator some times that is incredibly frustrating but we can fix this it’s not permanent and it’s not a lot of damage anyways back to Joey dorison May real quick actually may I really hope uh he’s in a better place

Now but I it was a really sad day when I heard he passed away I’m honestly about to kick him like I I swear I’m about to kick this dude that was like that’s really pissing me off but I’m trying to you know be professional a I never enter on the

Server I’m going to give him one more chance all right but yeah on uh I remember when I first heard let’s see it was the Iowa album from slipnot um what’s the first song on there well I know there’s like that intro track uh but there’s one song is

It is it people equal [ __ ] I think I think it’s that one uh I think it’s people equals [ __ ] um there’s like that really freaking insane blast beat like at the very beginning it’s like like with the kick druming it’s like crazy like fast like it’s almost like like robotic fast like

Inhuman and I remember when I first heard that I was like what the hell I was like there’s no way that’s real I was like that’s just bizarre uh and then I was like hold on I’ve heard a lot of talk about the Dum okay it is people equal [ __ ] okay cool

Cool yeah I was trying to remember cuz it’s been a little bit since I last listened to the album but yeah I remember hearing like the well it’s like twice the speed of that um it’s like I’m going to bang on the micophone it’s like but like even faster than that I

Would pull it up but it’s it’s probably really heavily copywritten cuz you know slip Knot’s a huge band but um actually I wonder if I can get like a really fast metronome but I mean you know what I’m talking about it’s like the I I hold on I wonder if I could like

Slap like my hold on it’s like kind of like that it might be even a bit faster than that actually um maybe just a tad faster but yeah that like kick drumming on that I was like dude what the hell that is like crazy

And then I was uh I was just that whole song it was just so high energy and so like insane I was like dude this is like just awesome and yeah but my first introduction to slipnot was I mean I guess very B basic of me to say uh

Psychosocial but whatever I do like psychosocial I still like psychosocial it’s a good catchy one um but I mean as I’ve deed more into slip nuts stuff I like more other songs or I like other songs better than I like psychosocial but um they have one really good one um was it on

Iowa Well I mean they have a lot of really good ones um see I could pull it up oh yeah I was listening to MGMT a little bit ago let’s see I was trying to find a song but I let’s see slipnot all right yeah I’m already subscribed Purity yeah that’s a great

One oh yeah the devil and I that’s a good one forgot about this song oh yeah snuff that’s a it’s a sad one neuro Forte Sulfur yeah people equal [ __ ] people equal [ __ ] people equal [ __ ] there’s a lot of great ones on here they have a they have really good stuff although I will admit I feel like they’re kind of not as have you heard the psychosocial gay version yes I freaking love it it’s so

Awesome uh it’s hilarious I’m not going to lie I feel like their newer stuff just isn’t I mean Pro obviously due to age and whatnot but it’s like kind of it’s kind of weaker than their older things like it’s just kind of like it’s not like

As I don’t know heavy in a away I mean it’s still heavy like don’t get me wrong but it’s not like slipnot 2000’s heavy which I know a big part of that was probably due to like all the drugs and alcohol and horrible mental things they were going through especially Corey but

It’s like their older stuff used to be kind of like like they had this kind of vibe around their songs that was very menacing I don’t know how to explain it but I don’t know it’s like every album that kind of goes I forgot to take the

Coal it’s like every album like after that after Iowa well not even after Iowa but like uh I would say up to let’s find out um up to about after all hope is gone maybe grape chapter is okay yeah probably within the last like we are not your kind and up to

This part yeah yeah the newer stuff’s whatever to me yeah it’s just it’s not like as it doesn’t feel the same and that that seems to happen a lot with bands rock bands from the like 2000s 9s you know it’s like all their newer stuff kind of just weakens out which I’m sure

You know like Age and what not is a huge contributor to that also when you’re growing up you tend to I guess mature more and you’re not going to be as you know depressed or whatever but um I don’t know I mean there’s a quite a

Few bands I like a lot that still have held up like all this time from from like the 90s or whatever but there’s also like a lot of huge bands that like you know haven’t and it’s like dang I don’t know it’s weird Dance Gavin Dance I uh I have I have

Heard a dance Gavin Dance So I’m actually about to KI this guy if he punches me one more time I don’t I don’t know any songs from Dance Gavin Dance but I I do know their name I’ve heard them I’ve heard them a lot just around around the scene I

Guess man I am not grabbing enough coal am I out where did I co did he take take my coal or did I move it when I wasn’t thinking I know I had more coal than this I had like 20 something all right let’s go find some coal I know there was

Some there’s some probably down here somewhere have you heard of Brak core yeah yeah I know of Brak core I don’t listen to Brak core but like I know job yeah all right let’s uh there we go now we’re getting some coal what about the band mallerie Knox

Uh I don’t I don’t think I have heard of of them I I assume they’re probably break core since that was what you were just mentioning my favorite song is anthem of the lonely I think I’ve heard of that one um I might be thinking of a different

Song though it’s a rock band oh I just assumed it was break cor I’m sorry why you kick uh I kicked because you kept breaking stuff and you about punched me down a giant uh like hole in the ground and you’ve been punching me and stealing steing my stuff this whole time

So I kept telling you to stop and you didn’t so that’s why and I have to fix this whole mess now why isn’t that piece growing that’s weird I’ll replant it here we Go man my back is hurting everything hurts man I am hold on let me try something I wonder if well no I guess not oh oops dang it I did it again why is Opera not Opera why is OBS dropping so many frames it’s never done that past couple of

Weeks well I got to watch the stream make sure it looks okay yeah why is it so red huh well red is in the uh kill bites per second thing oh now it’s fine what the heck ah whatever oh yeah making sand sorry oh I gotot that witch dropped a

Potion oh insta health nice that’s actually probably going to be useful later on assuming if we can get to the Ender Dragon really hoping I can do that at some point all right let’s fix this dang I can’t join oh man I’m sorry about that I look how much this guy broke

Jeez not going to have enough to replace all of this yeah why did you kick because you broke literally all the freaking wall I built when I told you not to jeez that is incredibly frustrating I know I don’t show my emotions very well but I am jeez

Just going to hum and make the frustration go away and then the pickaxe breaks maybe this is a side for me to get off for the night how long have I have I been streaming H close to three hours that’s actually pretty good it’s actually really

Good I think I should leave because what time it is yeah you know if you do leave that’s okay I’m probably going to end the stream relatively soon I’m uh I’m I’m really tired and also as you can tell my game isn’t being very kind to me right now so yeah let’s

See how much did we need down here oh man probably even more than what I got thought that would be more than enough one two three four five six 7 eight 9 10 those blocks aren’t supposed to be there like that all right I think I got like

16 I’m sorry Kings I can’t let you join back right now cuz you’ve done a lot of damage to to my house and took a lot of my items so I maybe next week I’ll let you join back but right now not right now uh see firem no need to apologize

It’s the industry’s fault with a new IP or ivp6 out that uh divided the IP address so the IP for switch servers is no longer wow that’s that’s uh that’s great being sarcastic of course I’m really sorry it’s okay man just uh not right now all right need one

More I gave you all my hack items like netherite no I I don’t I don’t want any of that I’m trying to play this game legitly I don’t want to do any hacks or anything and anyone that does hack I would have to kick assuming it was to Har others and whatnot let’s

See all right there we go I think that’s about where I had it last that’s not right yeah there we go yeah awesome all right with that fixed up um I think I’m going to call it a night I’m I’m pretty tired uh it’s like 10:29 p.m. over here which

Is like not even not even that late from nights I’ve stayed up before um so yeah I’m going to get off uh oh jeez he joined again okay I might just I might just turn off the server honestly so um yeah I hope you all have a good night and uh

Hopefully a good week and I will see you guys next week hopefully uh you’re in my Discord server at least Ash and homie Turtle as well so you guys can just text me whenever in there um and I’ll give you all updates assuming that everything is going well

But you never know at this point um yeah I’m going to go ahead and turn off the stream so um yeah good night Ash three hours we do pretty good four likes awesome awesome it’s like a like an hour all right yeah adios

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by Tawper on 2023-10-22 15:46:31. It has garnered 56 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:14 or 11054 seconds.

Feel free to subscribe Join the discord: https://discord.gg/DBNzEwTUy If you want to join: Tawper04.aternos.me Port: 57023

  • Day 40: Epic Studio Kitchen Build!

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  • Mastering Minecraft with Hocam – Funny Gameplay

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  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

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  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

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  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

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  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

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  • WineSide

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  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

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  • MLG Minecraft Race

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  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JtIGCz_3kX4 ________________________________________________ Link Server:play.rebelionsoul.my.id Port: 19202 Skin Ku https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ce1ZGZVxLmF9QUOCDQfV5lJILKN2zzyX/view?usp=drivesdk Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) https://saweria.co/MohammadRifan90 Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rifan_craft_4412/ ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

    Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️Video Information if you install aquam maray into your Minecraft world you will experience a Bethesda style Quest and storyline to begin you need to visit the ice maze this location is filled with ships owned by pillagers that are trapped in the ice one of the ships will host the captain who drops to Shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia a ghostly boss with Unique Mechanics That Make Her difficult to defeat once you defeat her you can obtain items like the three bolt helmet and frozen keys the keys can be used to open Frozen chests found within… Read More

  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Ahrnemc.com Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More

  • Basement Blues: Minecraft’s Fearful Muse

    Basement Blues: Minecraft's Fearful Muse In the depths of Minecraft, a voice did call, From the basement, a mysterious thrall. Heartbeat racing, down the stairs I crept, Into the darkness, where secrets were kept. The voice whispered tales of fear and dread, In the basement, where shadows spread. But I stood strong, my courage unfurled, Ready to face the mysteries of the Minecraft world. With each step, the voice grew near, Telling stories that filled me with fear. But I pressed on, determined to see, What secrets lay waiting for me. In the basement of Minecraft, a voice did speak, Of adventures and challenges… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest

    Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest Exploring the World of Minecraft Animation Introduction In the vibrant world of Minecraft animation, creators like Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku bring to life unique and entertaining content for viewers to enjoy. Through their videos, viewers are taken on a journey filled with humor, creativity, and endless possibilities. Unique Minecraft Animations Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku’s animations showcase the beauty of Minecraft through a lens of humor and creativity. From funny animated moments to unique experiences, each video is a testament to the boundless imagination of the creators. Characters and Creations The animations feature a cast of characters, including Stresmen and… Read More

  • INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information मा बट यू कंट्रोल माय वर्ड बॉर्डर इसका मतलब ये है कि अगर तुम लोग चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करोगे तो मेरा वर्ड बॉर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाएगा एंड अगर तुम लोग वीडियो को लाइक करोगे तो मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर छोटा हो जाएगा तो गाइस मैं स्पॉन हो चुका हूं और ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर तो सिर्फ एक ब्लॉक का है सो आप जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब करो जिससे मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाए ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो गया ये क्या सामने तो एक विलेज भी है तो गाइस मैं विलेज में आ गया हूं ये… Read More

  • Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft Experience

    Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft ExperienceVideo Information me and Joe are stuck in this base without any known land near us it goes that we were exiled from our home planet without any instructions no gear the only thing we can do from here is survive but that’s only if the creatures of this planet let [Music] us oh there’s a book in here narrator where is it I see the book I read I’ve begun to become no I’ve become to become yeah take two I’ve begun to become that was not take two I begun to become disturbed by the sounds and voices… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥Video Information e e e [Music] po [Music] FL h mey chat I hope yall are doing well stay up Golden and enjoying your day or night oh my [Music] [Music] ear we are doing some chaos today in the form of Assassin’s Creed Unity potentially with Abby joining us H SS hi Hi Guess get guess what you’re high maybe I mean High mhm hey gay oh no gay she figed out I was what’s going on [Music] how you doing gck are you looking forward to the nor assassin’s PR I don’t I don’t know I don’t think… Read More