Mind-Blowing! Eider Translates Minecraft Mobs 5k Times!

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I’m going to be Google translating Minecraft Mobs 5000 times and then making whatever result I get the first mob is a creeper translate and we got agent for this one I’m going to make Perry the Platypus let’s remove his head and we’ll drag his body out a bit now

Let’s make his legs a bit smaller and we’ll Color Him fully blue now it’s at his beak and we’ll color the beak orange next let’s give him a couple eyes and we’ll draw his eyebrows now let’s give him a nose and we’ll add his hat now

Let’s add the black line on his hat and we’ll give him a tail now finally let’s extend out his feet and I think he looks good let’s see it in game that didn’t turn out too bad we’ll just ignore the creeper Parts on his hat I’m pretty sure

He stands on two legs when he has his hat on but whatever let’s see how he looks when he explodes surprisingly that doesn’t look too bad now let’s see supercharged Perry yes something is clearly wrong here let’s spawn an army of parodies this is doofenshmirtz’s worst nightmare I wonder if Perry the

Platypus can swim oh he can I don’t know why I did that it just looks like he can swim I’m going to give Perry the Platypus a 10 out of 10 and even though his hat is broken it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a Vindicator what

Will we get and we got fast for this one I think I’m going to make the flash let’s color his body red and we’ll draw his mask next let’s color in his skin and we’ll give him a mouth and some eyes now let’s add his nose and we’ll add the

Little Flash symbol on his ears now let’s draw his belt and we’ll add the flash logo on the front of his shirt now we’ll draw some yellow lines on his suit and finally we’ll extend out his shoes alright that looks good let’s see it in game that looks pretty good he’s not

Very fast though maybe he needs some motivation alright he got a little bit faster still not fast enough to be the flash though alright that was pretty fast these villagers stand no chance now okay never mind he keeps missing his hits let’s spawn an army of flashes and

We’ll give all of them speed too now let’s see if they can defeat the Iron Golem oh my God the Iron Golem actually had no chance let’s spawn more iron golems I mean it was closer this time but the flash is still one alright I’m

Going to give the flash 9 out of 10. I think he looks really good good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a silverfish translate and we got crown for this one I think I’ll make King Bob let’s remove all this and we’ll make his

Body a lot bigger now let’s give him a few tiny feet and we’ll color his feet black next let’s color his body yellow and we’ll give him some blue pants now it’s at his cape and we’ll color the edges of the cape white now it’s at his

Eyes and we’ll color them green next we’ll add the straps from his goggles and we’ll give him his crown let’s add the purple part on top and we’ll add the gold outlines on the side and I think we’re done let’s see it in game that actually looks really good other than

The goggles there’s something wrong with the straps I don’t have any bananas so I guess I’ll just give him this I don’t think he wants it let’s spawn a king Bob Army and let’s watch them all chase me this looks so much less annoying than actual silverfish it’s King Bob so of

Course we have to build him a throne what is he doing right now I guess they don’t like the throne let’s see the king Bob Army vs Iron Golem I don’t think this is a fair fight let’s spawn more King Bobs yeah they’re not even fighting back okay they’re starting to do damage

Yeah the Iron Golem still won I give King Bob an 8 out of 10. he turned out pretty good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a Strider translate and we got lobster for this one I think I’ll make Larry the Lobster first we’ll

Remove the hair next let’s make his legs smaller and we’ll change the shape of his body now let’s Color Him red and we’ll give him a head next let’s give him some arms and we’ll add a claw to his hand now let’s draw his mouth and

We’ll give him a nose next let’s give him two yellow eyes and we’ll add the antenna things to his head now its color is shell darker red and we’ll give him some blue shorts now we’ll give him some abs and finally We’ll add his lobster tail alright that looks pretty good

Let’s see it in game what is going on here I did not expect there to be a baby Larry on top and something seems to have happened to his face the texture is all messed up let’s go find Larry in the Nether and here we have Larry the

Lobster with a baby on his head again honestly he would look really good if one of his eyes wasn’t missing let’s ride Larry the Lobster this always looks really weird let’s spawn an army of Larry’s look at the babies they look so weird I wonder if Larry will lift some

Bedrock never mind I thought he was strong alright I give Larry the Lobster a 9 out of 10. he would be a 10 if his face wasn’t broken it’s time for the next mob the next mob is the warden translating and we got green for this

One I think I’m going to make the green rainbow friend let’s shrink his body and head and we’ll make his arms face upwards now let’s Color Him fully green next let’s make his mouth look like it’s open and we’ll color the back of his mouth black next let’s give him a bunch

Of white teeth and we’ll copy these to the top now let’s give him a tongue and we’ll extend his tongue out a bit next we’ll extend out his eyes and will make his eyes circular now finally let’s draw his pupils and that looks good let’s see

It in game I don’t know how I feel about this one there’s something about the way he moves that is very terrifying he’s also very tall I’m not sure if that’s accurate I’m not going to lie he kinda looks like a cactus monster let’s find

Green in the deep dark of course we have to see him emerge from the ground I’m not gonna lie that might be scarier than the warden I wonder how this thing looks when it’s angry we’ll give him a sheep that he can’t hid I’m sorry she okay

That wasn’t that cool let’s spawn an army of greens and let’s see if the flash can beat them oh he’s running at him yeah the flash will not win that I give the green rainbow friend a 10 out of 10. he’s honestly scarier than the warden it’s time for the next mob the

Next mob is a Pillager what will we get and we got rich for this one I think I’m going to make Elon Musk let’s give him a dark blue suit and we’ll make it open a bit next let’s give him some eyes and some eyebrows and we’ll give him a nose

And we’ll also give him a mouth now let’s add his hair and we’ll change his mouth so it looks like he’s smiling now let’s extend his suit down a little bit more and we’ll give him some hands now finally we’ll extend his shoes out a bit

And I think that looks good let’s see it in game that doesn’t actually look that bad the texture is broken but that happens all the time honestly Elon can you stop pointing the bow at me please now because we have Elon Musk we have to

Make a Tesla I mean this kind of looks like a Tesla now can Elon Drive the Tesla nope I don’t think so let’s spawn an army of emons that is way too many Pillager flags and now let’s watch Elon Musk kill innocent citizen like usual they’re doing a better job at killing

Each other I don’t know I actually think none of them died this time what about elon’s versus an iron golem this is looking pretty even right now never mind the Iron Golem is dead alright I give Elon Musk an 8 out of 10. he turned out

Good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a guardian translate and we got red for this one I think I’ll make the red Angry Bird let’s remove all this random stuff and we’ll Color Him fully red now its colors belly light brown and will draw his massive eyebrow now let’s

Add his eyes underneath and we’ll give him an orange beak now let’s draw the circles around his eyes and we’ll add his Tufts of hair to his head now finally let’s give him a few black tail feathers and that looks pretty good let’s see it in game now I know I could

Have made the red rainbow friend but I just made the green one so you get angry bird instead I don’t know how this stuff keeps happening like why is there white on his head oh he’s moving way too fast he seems to be avoiding the pigs though

No you’re supposed to hit the pigs that’s what Angry Birds do let’s see a baby one oh there is no baby Guardians let’s spawn an army of red Angry Birds is this how Angry Birds actually move I’m not even sure let’s see Angry Bird Army vs Green rainbow friend oh he is

Not happy with these guys oh God rip that angry bird the Angry Birds aren’t really fighting back wait I want to see something now this is truly terrifying what if we give Speed 2 to an Angry Bird I don’t think it really sped him up that

Much alright I give the red Angry Bird a 7 out of 10. he was kind of broken it’s time for the next mob the next mob is an iron golem translating and we got wreck for this one I think I’m going to make Wreck-It Ralph let’s extend out his body

And we’ll make his arms bigger now let’s color is shirt orange and will color his arms in his head next let’s color his pants and we’ll give him a couple eyes now let’s draw his curved up smile and we’ll give him a big nose next let’s add

His hair and we’ll spike it on the sides a bit now let’s add his ears and we’ll add the neck of his shirt next let’s draw a few buttons and we’ll add his brown overalls now let’s give him some orange sleeves and we’ll make his fists

A bit bigger now finally let’s give him some feet and I think we’re done let’s see it in game I mean he doesn’t look too bad okay his face looks kind of bad but it was really hard to make let’s see Wreck-It Ralph vs the Flash dang

Wreck-It Ralph is a tank let’s spawn more Wreck-It Ralphs I’m not letting this spawn a million of them like last time I think we could spawn more of them though oh God all right I think that’s a good amount now let’s see if they can beat the Green rainbow friend oh my God

The green rainbow friend does not die it took them like a hundred hits to kill that guy alright I give Wreck-It Ralph a 9 out of 10 it would be a 10 if his face looked better it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a villager what will we

Get and we got pan for this one I think I’ll make Peter Pan let’s color his shirt green and we’ll colors pants a darker green now its color is head in his arms and will make his sleeves curve like this now let’s give him a belt and

We’ll draw the bottom of his shirt next let’s give him some eyes and we’ll curve his eyebrows up a bit now let’s give him a mouth and we’ll add his nose next we’ll give him some orange hair and we’ll add his green hat now finally We’ll add the feather on the top and

That doesn’t really look like Peter Pan let’s see it in game okay that actually looks pretty pretty good as always something is broken though I wish I made his face look more like Peter Pan because the rest of him looks good let’s spawn a baby Peter Pan the head is a

Little bit smaller so it kinda looks better let’s spawn an army of Peter Pan’s and let’s see if they can survive the flash unfortunately for this Peter Pan it looks like the flash only wants him that was an accident what kind of Trades does Peter Pan have okay never

Mind I thought Peter Pan was able to fly I guess not alright I give Peter Pan an 8 out of 10. he looks okay it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a b translate and we got flying cat for this one I’m going to make Mew let’s remove

The legs and we’ll add a head now let’s color to the head and body pink and we’ll add his legs now let’s add his arms and will rotate his arms and legs a little bit now let’s add a spiraly tail and we’ll give him two ears now let’s

Add his eyes and will extend his nose out a bit and I think that turned out pretty good let’s see it in game okay that doesn’t actually look bad but the eyes are off center somehow out of all the Pokemon I’ve made Mew definitely looks the best The Sounds he makes in

Really weird though let’s see a baby Mew oh my God it’s literally so small this is probably an accurate size for a bee though let’s spawn an army of muse okay the sound has gotten way worse what if I attack a Mew oh God this is not good the

Sound has gotten even worse now it sounds like a tiny airplane trying to take off let’s see let’s see mu will fight the green rainbow friend okay seriously why is he attacking the cow no not the baby okay they don’t attack him this is boring alright I give Mew an 8

Out of 10. it turned out pretty good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a skeleton translating and we got caveman for this one I think I’ll make Fred Flintstone let’s make his arms and likes a bit bigger and we’ll color his shirt orange and will make it look

Ripped on the bottom now let’s color the rest of his body and will color the bottom of his mouth a bit darker now it’s at his mouth and we’ll give him a long nose now let’s add his eyes and we’ll give him a bit of black hair now

Let’s change his mouth because this looks weird and we’ll draw his blue tie now finally let’s add some black spots to his shirt and that looks good let’s see it in game oh yeah these guys burn that’s better I think he’s a little bit too tall what if we spawn a baby yeah

There are no baby skeletons let’s spawn a Fred Flintstone Army and we’ll give him some Cocoa Pebbles isn’t he the guy on that I’m not sure let’s spawn a dog I heard cavemen and dogs used to get along okay maybe I was wrong the dog does not

Seem happy with him oh no Fred Flintstone got stuck alright I give Fred Flintstone an 8 out of 10. he doesn’t look bad it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a zombie what will we get and we got super for this one I think

I’m going to make Superman let’s colors body blue and we’ll draw his underwear next let’s put a yellow belt above them and we’ll draw the Superman logo on his chest now let’s give him some red boots and we’ll color in his hands and his head now let’s give him some eyes and

We’ll add his hair now let’s give him a nose and we’ll draw a mouth underneath now finally let’s add his red cape and I think we’re done let’s see him in game why are his hands blue I mean obviously I meant to do that his head is also red

Like spider eyes or something let’s spawn a baby Superman this is definitely a kid in a costume not Superman Superman vs the Flash or not the Flash doesn’t fight them Superman vs Peter Pan there’s no way they’re catching him Superman vs Wreck-It Ralph okay that one was just

Not fair I wonder if Superman can hold any weapons dopey’s more interested in the Villager I wouldn’t go that way Superman I told him not to I give Superman a 7 out of 10 10 he was kind of broken it’s time for the next mob the

Next mob is a snow golem translate and we got frozen for this one I think I’ll make Olaf first let’s change the shape of his body a bit and we’ll extend the side of his face out now let’s Color Him fully white and we’ll give him a couple

Of legs now let’s draw two buttons on the bottom part and one button in the middle next let’s extend the front of his face out and we’ll give him an orange carrot nose now it’s had his tooth underneath and we’ll give him some ice now let’s add the little hairs on

Top of his head and finally we’ll color his arms to match his hair alright that looks good let’s see it in game okay yeah I think we need to remove his hat that looks interesting I’m not sure why his arms are floating but other than that he doesn’t look too bad Olaf versus

Superman oh he’s destroying Superman never mind that was embarrassing I just noticed his feet are in the ground let’s spawn a bunch of olafs and now let’s see if they can beat Superman they’re hitting each other with the Snowballs wow they actually did it wasn’t that hard considering Superman was on fire

But alright I give Olaf a 7 out of 10. he was okay it’s time time for the next mob the next mob is a llama what will we get and we got opposite for this one I think I’ll make Wario because he’s the opposite of Mario let’s color his body

Purple and we’ll add his yellow shirt now let’s color his head and we’ll make this thing his nose now let’s give him a couple of eyes and we’ll draw his big smile now let’s add his mustache above it and we’ll give him some Angry Eyebrows now let’s move his ears and

We’ll give him some hair next we’ll add his hat and we’ll draw the W on the front now let’s draw his hands and we’ll give him some green shoes now finally let’s warioify the chests and that looks pretty cursed let’s see it in game that

Is not what we want that looks a lot better well I don’t know if better is the word but it is what we are looking for let’s see a Baby Wario I like this one a lot better let’s spawn a bunch of warios I hate the noise they make and

Let’s see if they’ll fight me okay really he’s just spitting on me upon further review I don’t think llamas actually fight you but will they fight The Flash no they won’t I give Wario llama 6 out of 10. it’s not that bad considering how cursed it is it’s time

For the next mob the next mob musk translating and we got skateboard for this one I think I’m going to make Bart Simpson let’s make his body a little bit smaller and we’ll make his head taller now let’s color his shirt red and we’ll give him blue shorts next we’ll color

The rest of his body yellow and we’ll give him some sleeves now let’s add his neck and we’ll give him a little nose now let’s draw his eyes and we’ll give him a little smile now let’s add his spiky hair and we’ll give him some blue

Shoes and I think we’re done let’s see this in game okay there is definitely a major problem with this I guess you’re just not allowed to move the arms on a husk what about baby Bart yup we have the exact same problem and his neck is passive why I guess we’ll just spawn

More bards and let’s see if these broken Barts can beat Wreck-It Ralph it is not looking good for Wreck-It Ralph wow I don’t even think that many Barts died yeah I’m done with this I need to get it off my screen I give Bart Simpson a one

Out of 10 for effort it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a cow translate and we got Tusk for this one I think I’m going to make an elephant let’s remove these ears and will color it fully gray and I don’t think elephants have udders

Now let’s extend the trunk out a bit and we’ll curve the trunk down like this now let’s extend out his tusks and we’ll copy that over to the other side now let’s give him some eyes those don’t really look like elephant eyes and we’ll give him some big ears I think those

Ears are good enough now finally let’s give it a tail and I think we’re done let’s see it in game yeah that looks like an elephant not a very accurate size though I’m pretty sure this is the same size as a baby elephant let’s see what the baby elephant looks like that

Doesn’t look too bad honestly but elephants aren’t usually in a tiger forest so let’s find a savannah this is the smallest Savannah in the game whatever at least our elephants are in the right spot now I don’t think elephants are supposed to move though let’s spawn an army of elephants endless

Milk and elephant perfectly normal right I love a nice bowl of cereal with elephant milk honestly I think Mojang should add elephants without the elephant milk though alright I give the elephant an 8 out of 10. I thought it was pretty good and that’s the last mob

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This video, titled ‘I Google Translated Minecraft Mobs 5,000 Times’, was uploaded by Eider on 2022-10-18 08:55:38. It has garnered 2990628 views and 18430 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:19 or 979 seconds.

In this video I google translated minecraft mobs 5000 times and then remade them using blockbench and added them to minecraft.

This video is inspired by Toui

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eideridiot Twitter: https://twitter.com/eideridiot Other stuff: https://solo.to/eider

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  • EPIC Minecraft Hospital Showdown: Rich vs Poor!

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  • EPIC 1v1 Battle with Wither Boss | Minecraft Shizo!

    EPIC 1v1 Battle with Wither Boss | Minecraft Shizo!Video Information This video, titled ‘🫧 [SATUNYAWA EP16] 1VS 1 WITHER | CaptainYani | Minecraft༊*·˚’, was uploaded by CaptainYani on 2024-01-10 20:37:55. It has garnered 26286 views and 2034 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:39 or 10059 seconds. ˗ˏˋ 𝘼𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙈𝙀 ˎˊ˗ ઇઉ Moshi Moshi Captainyani here ઇઉ From Malaysia ઇઉ Love video game ઇઉ Streamer ઇઉ Sometimes I do many different types of video just for fun… ———————————— ˗ˏˋ𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙅𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙈𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙧𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥?ˎˊ˗ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCXNVXsyNfwo617jVvviL9g/join 。⋆ʚ♡⃛ɞ If you donate or join membeship please let me know, thank you꒰。 › ·̮ ‹ 。꒱ ———————————— ˗ˏˋ𝘿𝙤 𝙁𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬 𝙈𝙮 𝙎𝙤𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙖 ₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑ˎˊ˗… Read More

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  • 🔥CRAZY! Starting a New Profile on HYPIXEL Skyblock with 160b NW/Max Skills! (Day 68)

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  • Unbelievable Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! #shorts

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  • ✨ Aeltheria SMP Java 1.20.4 Jobs Towny

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  • Ultimate Overgrown Storage House Build

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  • INSANE MLG Stunts by Mr. Lightning! 😱 #Minecraft

    INSANE MLG Stunts by Mr. Lightning! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft highest mlg || minecraft shorts || #minecraft #gamerfleetfunny #gamerfleet #herobrinesmp’, was uploaded by MR. LIGHTNING on 2024-05-22 10:29:12. It has garnered 14953 views and 265 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. minecraft 9 ways to host a minecraft server 9/11 minecraft 9 minecraft mod minecraft 94 minecraft 93 minecraft 9×9 house minecraft 9/11 8 minecraft techno gamerz 8 minecraft account minecraft 8×8 texture pack minecraft 8k minecraft 8 bit 7 secrets about cash in minecraft minecraft 777 minecraft 7 segment display minecraft 747 64 bit minecraft download 6 minecraft… Read More

  • Zzapz – Learn the TOP secrets of OneCraft SMP!

    Zzapz - Learn the TOP secrets of OneCraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘3 Reasons to JOIN OneCraft! | Join a Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Zzapz on 2024-04-07 17:49:28. It has garnered 121 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Are you looking for a Minecraft server/ SMP to join? OneCraft is the server for you. With many performance mods, and entertainment mods, you will never get bored of this world. Join OneCraft today and start your adventure. Join us @ onecraft.sytes.net Bedrock port :19132 Discord : https://discord.gg/TAAwV6wU #minecraft #smp #french #polska #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #viral #viralvideo #blowup… Read More

  • Yoshanity vs Anity – CRAZY COLLAB LIVE!

    Yoshanity vs Anity - CRAZY COLLAB LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘NO HARD FEELINGS!! | Anity Callaborations LIVE’, was uploaded by Yoshanity on 2024-04-12 06:03:02. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:09 or 11529 seconds. We are playing some Minecraft Dragon Block on this stream of Anity Callaborations Live! Hope you guys enjoy this one! You REALLY like this kind of content? You wanna thrown in a dolla? Feel free to!: https://streamlabs.com/yoshanity/tip THE YOSHANITY LINKTREE IS HERE!!! Linktree – https://linktr.ee/yoshanity ► Stay up to date on ALL of Yoshanity’s Platforms! Timestamps – 0:00 Intro/Waiting 14:13 Just Waiting and… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Pekora Exposes Crime Ring on Her Minecraft Server!

    SHOCKING! Pekora Exposes Crime Ring on Her Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Staff Reports To Pekora About Crimes In Her Minecraft Server【Hololive/Usada Pekora】’, was uploaded by Pekora Clips on 2024-09-08 16:35:30. It has garnered 14916 views and 956 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:43 or 103 seconds. Pekora Ch. Pekora Usada https://www.youtube.com/@usadapekora Stream:[Captain Tsubasa]Complete first look at “Captain Tsubasa RISE OF NEW CHAMPIONS”! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Peko![Hololive/Pekora Usada]*Contains spoilers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUfZYPTKU3s Please drop a like and subscribe to the channel if you enjoyed the videos! #Hololive #Vtuber Read More

  • 🤯 EPIC FAIL: Minecraft Movie DISASTER w/ Culture Casino | Salty Nerd Podcast

    🤯 EPIC FAIL: Minecraft Movie DISASTER w/ Culture Casino | Salty Nerd PodcastVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Movie DISASTER! ft. Culture Casino | Salty Saturdays’, was uploaded by Salty Nerd Podcast on 2024-09-07 19:10:00. It has garnered 1613 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:20 or 7340 seconds. The Minecraft Movie trailer drops and people aren’t happy about it. Acolyte shills are trying to cancel Nerdrotic, Geeks and Gamers, and Ryan Kinnel! George RR Martin slams House of the Dragon Season 2, and Elon is bringing X to TV. All this and more in today’s Salty Saturday, with special guest Culture Casino! What do you think of… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT RARE MOB!!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT RARE MOB EDIT #minecraft #shorts @YesSmartyPie’, was uploaded by 185k gaming on 2024-06-22 16:01:26. It has garnered 6959 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT RARE MOB EDIT #minecraft #shorts @YesSmartyPie o hello guys welcome to new video so first make sur subscribe to my channel and like the video and new topic is very long time I upload a new modern house tutorial on mu channel so enjoy the video so guys mene ek link diya hai uski help se aap without help apnea videos ke… Read More