Mind-Blowing Hololive Server Clips Reactions!

Video Information

Hello and welcome to my first online new Minecraft server reaction stream uh yeah it’s very specific um you know they made a new server as we all know which can include everybody from all the branches and um you know especially when I got into her leg it was early 2020 like this is

January I think yeah and you know it was already the second server but it was only like so full of stuff that I could not find tips to learn the history of uh it was already pretty overwhelming obviously by now it feels later it’s like

Um there’s just too much stuff I do as at any time they released that map one day like way you know viewers can exploit uh that’d be pretty awesome but yeah so they made a new one you know I think for everybody to have a new start

And for like everybody to be on the same server uh which is awesome and I figured it would be interesting to do reaction stream either like twice a month or once a month uh reacting to clips and everything for like you know as a way to

Try to keep up a little bit obviously like um even if I watched every clip I would not be able to know everything that’s happening and I need to watch every full stream which no one will because it’s impossible uh you know just watch like one killer stream everybody let’s start

Your day you know what I mean but um I think it would be interesting to try to keep up with that so this is really like something I’m starting I might do uh two three times before I decide if I will continue as far as like if there’s a lot

Of people interested so like if you guys can’t come to the stream but I’m watching the van let me know you want me to do more I did make like a post on YouTube you know asking um for like clip accommodation I I did not get a single

One the only recommendation I got was from someone who doesn’t really watch your life so it’s like you know yeah it’s not really the best out but yeah I’ll do it two or three times really before deciding if I keep doing it so if I just like it a lot which I probably

Will because the kids will be the fun I guess I’ll just keep going but I’m really hoping that this will have some people interested like I used to do that back in 2021 I think maybe some early 20 too uh keeping up with the books like

The en ID and the GP server I would do like some Minecraft Clips reaction stream once in a while I did maybe 10 or something um they were fun I just stopped because there wasn’t too much interest but yeah this one hopefully will be uh more

Popular for people like I think to me it’s been appearing the idea of like keeping up from the beginning of this Intel now to the next time for like the big clips and the big opening I think that’s what’s going to be fun about it

So that is my dish but yeah as always if you watching the weather there will be a timestamps in the video description and comments with the link to the original videos of course the link to my Twitter description that kind of stuff and yeah I did end up making the place

Myself I started with like 30 videos and I tried you know from the title to like cut it down to what seemed like it was it was like a different clip going the same thing so I think I’ve got a pretty good amount of variety so should be pretty fun

Yeah I’ve been excited for this like since uh I studied when we came new server I’ve been wanting to watch Clips on my own but I’ve been waiting for this I did watch maybe like one or two very short like one real clip of um but otherwise I’ve really been

Waiting for this so yeah it should be a lot of fun I mean you know but especially like all I live in Minecraft is like a much better than singer um there was a some of the best content on there between you know solo stuff solo projects and just interaction

It started from there and uh many other fun relationship uh and interaction obviously um cancer so I can have this I think I mean she liking is the only one really going I don’t think we’ll survives we’re doing much um and that cooking obviously is then I

Mean everyone on the old stuff I was there right so so it would be nice to see like the rise of new construction company it’ll be pretty nice um but I guess most of the clips today will be like you know the initial stage everybody’s just getting a photo in a

Server and doing the classic farming and everything so yeah it’s going to be pretty straight for him but yeah once again like if you guys want to for me to keep doing this just let me know like the classic church you were saying like the more people tell me they want more

Of it the more I want to do it next thing is that you share me clips you want to suggest for the next stream go to the data uh YouTube comments you know Discord whatever you want them just send me the clip you know it can be any lens

If it’s interesting just don’t hesitate or I can say all I can say okay okay well we’re gonna get into it soon 17 Clips mainly from channel uh many Great Clips which you know I know anyway I mean although you may notice me uh translation translation Muslim Channel I

Have been around for a long time now what’s the news I know for like two three years now yeah this has been three years yeah it’s not to believe but you know I’m pretty sure when I started watching my life was literally end of January of 2020 so I

Guess yeah it’s been three years officially three years it’s in sentencing amounts I just realized that like right there I didn’t think about it before but three years I remember like I said before but when I discovered our life um I basically like I spent 10 hours a day

Minimum just watching all the clips all the songs that I could find at the time I did that for a few weeks I’m just trying to like learn about everybody I was putting it so deep into it uh this is about the time and everything

Was new everything was new uh it was so much fun it was so much fun looking back on you know simpler time I mean I still have a lot of fun with early life these days but less time to really keep up with it uh oh it’s volcano

With the stream seats in my commented page uh as I was saying it’s something I’m planning to do I I don’t like twice a month so once a month so depending on how many Clips are fun or get your commandera so if you’ve got anything um ever like any Minecraft Clips you

Watch and you think that would be good for reaction don’t hesitate to share it on on this card or something and I’ll keep it for the next stream okay but I’ve talked enough we’re gonna get into it okay I’m sorry for this I know it’s

Going to be like pure fun yeah it’s been a while to study like a specific or a live stream for like a specific idea of Clips you know um so it should be fun okay so uh first we’ve got um new holy server uh because Adventure started with tragic

Comedy bye here we go um you know The second they can hold the builder in Minecraft that’s the reason why the company is collapsed should I can still working but to be honest they are more like this other company yeah but that’s the second even do anything like it’s mostly just big while doing stuff and

Then when there’s stuff on their own I think they’re like actually walking as a company It feels so weird Foreign all right click might as well experience to get something interesting Hey answer my questions Chicago Like a Minecraft server for you know me and obviously like the viewers a channel uh so it would be pretty cool like we can build a person like future girl fun stuff and everything I think that’d be cool yeah only point is like you know

You need to pay like a monthly fee for like a silver I think even for like one for like not even 10 people it would be like eight or nine bucks a month or something so much yes good job Like for four years she’s been doing you know all the crazy stuff I haven’t touched myself it was fun wow Tonight foreign foreign Amazing amazing yeah are you sure about that um Everything [Laughter] is So you’re okay is it foreign Looks goodness okay okay that’s good that was good it’s fun to see him and say I’m like too making a mistake like digging down it’s like yeah I guess like on the video server she’s so you know with Yama and everything she doesn’t have to worry about like full damage or something like

That so yeah it’s like yeah it’s uh it’s really from the driver it’s a different way um sure good clip okay next we’ve got some more pecodo by noisy uh this is dealing with goats in Minecraft can you give till their goods Coming into each other yeah that’s what’s your son let’s switch to be awesome you know one like when they they joined the server it was cool and they visited each other for bits but then there wasn’t that much once I shouldn’t follow them later with this one it’s like it’s

Always meant for like everybody so like I think there’s going to be a lot more attraction which is uh always something to look forward to Why don’t we get things Wow the truck okay I get it yeah Yeah emergency the first Cry of a pickle on the server potato Okay we all know the watching me know when she’s coming to other Village Oh wow I’ve never seen this before this is you This is new so you can like fall too slow that’s you all right um You know don’t be a watching me though amazing please can you even get it back like won’t you sing again before I guess Again if we need snow content though let’s see there what she’s giving you’re stuck Oh in the ground okay I mean she got us some bags so it’s uh it’s uh it’s really good she got a stuff like it’s always that though uh okay it’ll reforge the song you tell me you tell me uh classic gamma classic good one good one

Um because the one criminal yeah indeed indeed so next we’ve got Mikko uh by Miko Tina camachano uh accidentally Village and website all the villagers what item it was like a disaster it’s like Bitcoin gets camera for doing better saying well Miku is known to just just like always get into bad situation

Not really doing bad things I was remember like that one time with the leather bucket when you asked like years ago this is okay I’ll show you the system but I guess I’ll be with him foreign Foreign Amazing Yeah that’s a lot of people is that cool Wow Okay the freaking air is smarter than we go amazing amazing bookoo This classic Missing your stuff all your villagers I don’t know It wasn’t uh it wasn’t a village Okay oh it’s Muna okay Okay foreign [Laughter] Foreign foreign Laughs beautiful Orange foreign Good luck with your work thank you foreign Let’s see let me go that you were ready to leave well learn from a mistake all right next with nonstop laughing at coordinates fighting mobs in Minecraft being dumb it’s fun running okay all right that sounds fun oh wow it’s a mess someone who literally doesn’t play

Minecraft like she’s played a few times here and there until so well but by the way she doesn’t really play Maybe This Time Around she’ll play more foreign [Laughter] at mom such a cute life Louise okay but where are we going Let’s go amazing [Laughter] All right opening closing door Village [Laughter] she doesn’t care what building in the house She still punched into this Okay no station [Laughter] all right Okay I love how she just jumps and doesn’t care she’s just like running around like a kid man eat everything jump down and ask yourself foreign [Laughter] [Laughter] Foreign [Laughter] [Laughter] foreign [Laughter] history see it going to Brazil and I just you know yeah why did it again Look up oh [ __ ] Amazing don’t eat it was five like next to a building and um you know try to [ __ ] with it with a stick uh it was a pretty bad idea obviously oh well here we go [Laughter] Easy life all right amazing [Laughter] so funny my name is foreign All right okay what I’m standing well that’s fun that’s really fun I mean you know currently at such a she you know people always say it as like a joke but it’s not a joke she has to do good energy she’s just like does whatever and that’s for the consequences

It’s just fun like you know every second attention is grabbed by something else and she just goes to it uh get to the boots kill so many moves kill some bees it’s so funny to see her like do anything like just the way she moves around and I so funny um

God is too funny such a good deal and see more of a over Minecraft stuff that’s for sure uh it’s a great one great one next by G uh site translation uh Cornelius create the perfect prank drink them from three Minecraft That’s so cool In Minecraft [Laughter] Foreign Foreign [Applause] [Laughter] Oh perfect [Laughter] Amazing yeah Come on come on Come on Your money okay nice [Laughter] okay itself Foreign [Laughter] Foreign I don’t think it’s that scary messages come on if this is still so small that we don’t have any crazy construction yet oh it’s a trap well it’s such a simple plant which is cute that they want to do it I hate this Is Inside don’t say that thank you foreign Laughs all right perfect Bye bye no no bye um [Laughter] [Laughter] okay perfect [Laughter] Come on okay good shape really good it’s a listen to actually playing Minecraft and so that just you know just chat with everybody and having fun perfect perfect um this is such a kid for them I love it I love it I feel like this is

More stuff that will happen early on on the server like once everybody does their big solo construction project it might not be too much of like this kind of like you know just calling and collaboration but still yeah okay so next we’ve got um and Flair’s first day in their live new

Minecraft server by kiriku translation I like to everybody Next time What happened Foreign Foreign Hmm Thank you [Laughter] Everybody True Kill skills [Laughter] foreign foreign I don’t know foreign I get it it’s only been like it was three years foreign [Laughter] A little bit Okay Let’s go let’s go Oh okay amazing zero ID Okay amazing amazing each other Yeah [ __ ] Um It is oh yeah she doesn’t stream too much anymore but I always remember like maybe yeah like end of 2020 I used to watch like many videos in a little stream of like when she used to build like some big projects like [ __ ] that’s massive

Um like cube in the ground uh found that she was doing I used to always watch her project like that foreign Festival it is chocolate I see um I was there I was watching foreign Let’s go um foreign Coconut foreign Foreign Foreign eclipse one two two two we’re back to physical All right she just looked at it she just looked at it into the explosion amazing Why would you guys [Laughter] it’s a pretty amazing Channel why did you stop screaming like that’s what the [ __ ] always screams like she’s actually like crazy for her life everywhere it’s a game she screams like like crazy Let’s go it’s very fun already oh wow that’s a cool picture foreign [Laughter] Well I can’t see it but okay she’s like foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] herself foreign [Laughter] [Laughter] the screens oh it’s amazing greatly greatly okay so next we’ve got uh no uh when everything is happening at the same time in Minecraft with only because oh wait let’s keep on

In a commented wrong video great great music uh man does not know how to use a playlist here we go here we go uh Collision battle with me Thank you goodbye Foreign [Applause] whoa strong ER [Applause] thank you nice and so yeah nice tonight Thank you I think she has a shield like with the shield foreign Oh nice nice You know it’s like the evolution of us one day years ago like she burned her face down by with like a lovable cats and now she is it to kill people she’s really long that was fun That was really fun You don’t like yeah we learned that people wouldn’t say four years ago amazingly I mean do we need to do more stuff like that like crazy but it’s over yeah you only fight we were together in like you know 15 minutes that’s pretty cool that’s a pretty good idea um this was

So much time I can’t believe I’ll strongly cause this destroyed because next we’ve got by noisy when everything is happening at the same time in Minecraft with Audi picolas so Criminal s foreign Guming Sunday night Ethanol tea bug s amazing all right hello Christmas song people learn Japanese It’s one of the big reasons foreign The face Um whatever type of equipment sing or is it right here uh the list comedian stand up it’s like the the stuff for like a live idea recruitment yeah comedian stand up not a joke this is like in West list [Laughter] foreign Feel like that look at that Okay two All right so we’re seeing this again I guess we can skip a bit there since we’ve seen this already so I guess we can skip that part it’s fine it’s fine we’ve seen that are there um so fun uh joins Minecraft that is repeatedly at least by jumping into whatever right or

Two characters what Oh yeah okay In front of the door like hello hello I don’t understand I’m confused it’s okay okay okay okay I’m saving you all of your items you said I was if you want to wait wait oh really cursed me That’s why I was cursed this one it’s fine the Dolphins playing with your items wow great every time oh my gosh first Hot Mama kills me that a dolphin plays with my stuff oh amazing what a great day ever let me kill you everywhere every time what a great day

To play Minecraft right that’s scary the luckiest girl alive and now the mob’s taking your items I think okay it’s the boat it’s not that far I think okay it was kind of dark right now though I don’t have anything uh oh maybe you can sleep or no you can sleep

Yeah it’s okay thank you from bake again no one knows we’re just sinking of course it’s a shuttle hi hi do you need the coordinates uh wait I’m gonna take this belt with me okay foreign yeah it’s a cave wow oh no no no no let’s blowing up like this

It’s a guy so much yes it’s okay yeah Minecraft is fine it’s all part of the experience yeah yeah so after you look at there’s a chest you just get in with a door and then you stand I made the door already actually suicide and left she just died

Well that’s a cool way to see playing Minecraft so yeah amazing okay let’s take a shower no one can understand what she’s seeking plastic classic amazing all right next we’ve got uh by Rosie again to what couldn’t start the new Minecraft server peacefully so why this is Money Huh I guess like none of them are like used to be dangerous maybe because like on the old GP server there’s literally too much stuff like there’s no pillow just Pony or something I don’t know okay okay No you can’t they’re very strong well you can but be careful they’re very strong bye mama I guess so I didn’t see my crush much else is this Scary stuff oh damn it yeah just uh take it out on some randomly throw some beef spacers before they get in Minecraft yeah I think she sprays out but yeah foreign That’s for sure oh that’s so close to my face like slicing I can see it might be speaking I can see it yeah perfect I know I kissed myself hello sure oh wow what okay it’s like you punch me once I put you back in time wow foreign foreign You got right I’m a [ __ ] Nice nice amazing they didn’t even say one more they just started fighting okay yeah you can take it Okay well that was fun I mean to always be like uh we run down just you know I thank everybody and just go for it but that was fun that was pretty fun uh okay okay all right my doctor let’s try and put it some

Okay good clip next we’ve got uh can I help me find that first treasure map on the newer live Minecraft server by ninja jackets any plans today not really because actually I’m not planning to stream Minecraft today but but it’s fine I’m going to mine because I want to be

Rich okay so she’s just playing a stream but not streaming of course I have one rocket I could use it and then walk back actually actually you know what um I got all of my diamonds and iron without any mining in This Server actually you wanna

Try or you just wanna mine I would like to see how you did that I I did it from finding treasure map you found a treasure map yeah I I found like a fort is something pink trash I mean I mean I found another way not to

Mine and one that’s gonna feel like diamond emeralds Island yeah but but we need to find it we need to explore but by this by the ocean but I feel like on the YouTuber reaction server uh which will react alsoever for Minecraft like last year

That was the first time like I had I did the signature map it wasn’t really easy to find it was not that easy and there was nothing good in it wasn’t that good it’s not like shiny hunting yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we need to find the Abode

And let’s go congratulations okay let’s go it’s just streaming at the channel like let’s find something addiction I guess somehow all along here however uh sure where are you Landing all right I have no I see you I see TV Okay let’s take out the food yeah sure are you wait did I mess this up for you wait oh this is so cute are you alive you’re good that looks so funny hello what the [ __ ] are we doing I’m okay but in my POV you’re not doing

Okay okay okay okay oh and my POV you’re not doing okay oh really yeah it looks like you’re drowning we go amazing oh okay okay wait am I oh I don’t want to lead it should I should I because this is your journey okay where where are we going just on a

Water just go and I will try to look at it just go just go whatever okay okay a few inches later I’m still not sure what I want I want to do something over there sure it’s not ocean Monument okay let me check no no it’s not okay let’s go okay okay

Doors I got the doors do not use it though you saw it but just that’s not the chest oh hello wait there’s okay there are mean people here yeah oh oh you beat him up that’s right you beat them up oh [ __ ] I hide behind the door okay you

Just opened you just opened the chest I’ll take care of this I think I see it bruh wait what wait you’re seeing another chest that’s the difference okay that’s a different chest I don’t know what that is oh dear place a new one I’ll place a new one just go in okay okay

See ya though treasure oh yeah I like that I can’t read it Moments Later by the way are we going to the treasure right away yes okay it’s in the water okay oh water yeah it’s in the water it says one moment it’s kind of nice where

I am right now okay I go down let’s go I go down go down put the door yeah don’t mess it up okay okay yeah nice wow so fast okay okay oh no diamonds it’s okay we will find the diamonds it’s okay I have to find

Diamonds in the Stream but I still need this map or can I actually it’s useless already but if you want to eat it I’m Gonna Save it but if you if you want to save it for the memory maybe yeah save it just done make sure you don’t make

Sure you don’t throw it because I really want it if you don’t want it for the memory okay I keep it I’m keeping it don’t worry I got it okay all right soon uh it’s fair enough fair enough um that was a good interaction okay next

Clip I don’t know if it’s like covering the exact same thing so we’ll see we’ll skip otherwise what we’ve seen ah this was good so an escape is uh can I literally raised a small child in a new server by portraits Pulitzer there’s the cool in that test below yeah she’s

Trees to size up for insurance okay you’ve heard it right right here I I will take anything from anyone that is not mine are you trashing on me that’s good that’s a good thing it’s fun to like you know start from zero yeah the elytra wow Next day I’m guessing this may be continuation of the recipe here more or less it’s very good all the whole gang is here I watched yeah [Applause] I have no idea and Kyla are playing so I’m gonna join them in a second Russian as a silver time of kid like

That that keeps switching between povs that like the the sun level of HPV is different so every time we switch POV I have to go back to to like OBS and try to like lower it or put it oh yeah it’s a nightmare it’s a nightmare

All right I also won you can tell Kyla I love her you have to bury them in the shoulder Kyla we’re doing a video I love you Nate hello Hi how’s it going live I wasn’t gonna shoot her anyway imagine if I killed her and she doesn’t have a bed that’d be awful knock knock there’s a crazy lady outside trying to shoot me with a bow can I hide in here yes come in please I don’t I’m not on

The game Sorry I’m trying oh no the crazy lady is here no excuse me oh he’s got an Elijah I don’t think the Ender Dragon has even been killed in this world yet ding dong ding dong this is for Minecraft veterans only hello today I noticed that your carpet

Needs quite the clean and are you in need of a new vacuum who got some mess in here who lives like this you don’t even have a single vacuum well aren’t you in luck how can told me that I’m I’ve been living in shambles when I don’t have anything aren’t you very much

For sure um I could I interest you could I interest you in a vacuum Adam thank you never go in a stranger’s car I noticed that your walls are also very dirty super dirty my gosh you could say that they were made of dirt themselves sure can I perhaps interest you in

This is an absolute wreck it’s disgusting in here oh my God look at this get them your roof meme you really should invest in interior design you’re right no you’re just not acceptable I will take a block excuse me where’s mommy where’s my shovel I don’t have a shovel but that’s all

Right because I’m kind of sleeping I have a lot of iron because I’m very rich and um I’m gonna put it here here I’ll give an example of what I can offer you babe I’ll give you an example you take wood and you put it there oh

Gosh and another one that’s okay I have a lot of money I have more wood yes this is right there we go I actually also have a bed see hold it together keep it together everything’s gonna be okay yeah it might be nice if you had a bed Bay instead of

Having a girl somewhere I thought you weren’t borrowing anything Bae I thought you weren’t taking anything from anybody who’s better you in right now I’m not taking it I’m borrowing it I never said I wasn’t gonna borrow anything I just said I wasn’t gonna take anything

Wouldn’t it be nice to actually play the game instead of cheating and taking things from other people I don’t think that’s cheating I think that’s actually part of playing the game base I guess so you know what’s cheating what’s cheating is coming into a new server laughs true

Amazing right in front of me my own house you still think to them as well you’ll make sure he’s cheating okay oh I wonder mining too we can go mining look at mining currently mining let’s go Minecraft I need lights it’s so dark oh do you need torches the thing about this new

Server is that we get the new world generation and I think coal is really rare yeah oh it is or somewhat more rare than it is that’s a really big thing like when I put on the reaction silver like like last year I know that still the original

Yeah like compared to like when I used to play the game years ago coolest so I have to find it’s just and you just plan to do anything like um you just have to find Colin yeah that’s all you have to focus I mean uh it’s just a huge pain it’s huge pain

You’re probably right it makes me more Rich you have to goodness rich people always been this insufferable Yes probably I don’t know how mending works But You Mend see if you had if you had built yourself up from zero yeah you would know how to manage yeah you know how it works you know what farna you keep your diamond spoon shovel and I’ll keep my silver spoon your mouth yes

Hello Diamond all right I thought you said you found diamonds huh oh hello I wasn’t given these diamonds I got them from an expedition an expedition that was made that was funded by who it wasn’t funded it was led bye it’s how I learn I learned so much from

Playing with Kyla though imagine how much more you can learn if you was a person real talk I barely learned anything from playing Minecraft because I’ve only played it when I stream it and when I said dream it I’m more interested in like I don’t know seeing what everyone’s

Doing or talking to people right right kind of hard too multitask learning this game while talking to you guys I guess so I don’t know yeah I got this guy Yes more riches for me I need these doing great thank you caught him oh did you want me to say you are too I’m I’m mean today I’m sorry you’re doing great well you know I’m gonna place my elytra in that chest I sure hope people respect

Who’s Elijah it is it’s all right with me unlike you we’re not in the business taking things from others Lost me this Farm here on my property I did but by itself just don’t be gone over time well we’re in the natural beauty of my property it’s your return it will return to Nature I wanted potatoes from tomato house just yeah potatoes it all has potatoes are you

Taking things that don’t belong to you again that you didn’t you did they’re free they’re trying to read cheating no it tastes like kindness wow I don’t think that that’s what I’m here she’s Savage today On the other side is that yours C uh-oh it’s so cute already oh thank you I’m just copying something I saw on Google to be honest oh look at my sleep so I don’t die please um I only have one bed all right in my own house

Mermaid how could you you Nation Oh my God it’s my life that I just gave to her now starting now it’s your bed I have a gift for you yeah hey hey hey hey hey Put that down okay yeah don’t put it down don’t put it down don’t put put it away put it away I put it away amazing How amazing this was slain by moomy happy an assistant we know the truth we know who’s vegancies Have you ever experienced it I don’t know what Joy is I’m so sorry hear that I’m very happy right now thank you good for you I found I stole a diamond stole a diamond from a villager found the diamond in a village I also now have stacks of bread and you

Looked down on me for taking diamonds from deceased Pirates Who had no use of it and you’re taking them from living breathing villagers videos I was cheating by doing scavenger hunting I never said that I said you were cheating because you were using the

Stuff that Kyla gave me no I I made the boat for us and I made the doors and I found the map and then I learned how to breathe underwater and amazing yeah if you write a book report on everything you’ve learned maybe we can forgive you oh well four pages double space

From this I thought I had I thought I was free this is a bully mermaid as well yeah sure Let me live in our storage closet what are you talking about me uh-huh sleep under the same room oh I really rubbed this one but I wasn’t listening amazing my house I don’t mind but you have to farm with me you have to help me Crown the farm

And you can’t kill any animals and you have to help me construct a new barn for some sheep you would let me live at her place for free is that helping you synchronous skills you need to succeed in life I know how to succeed in life by

Relying on others forever never to know how to plant your own scenes she just wouldn’t make me she’s the cool parent I’ll sleep I’ll sleep His wife okay okay all right that’s a fun clip that’s a fun clip okay okay well you know did get so much action I mean I don’t see you know young kids I just haven’t kept up with uh as much as uh I would want to but you know

That’s a question of time so like yeah I’m not used to like to let me too much it’s pretty fun I don’t see the image between them between the streets fully funding I would say entertaining foreign foreign I understand I like it foreign Today’s video Hi okay okay It like that all day you’re doing right now respect yourself I guess so um Let me go okay nice I like it Julie let’s go okay that’s it Thank you again okay I don’t think she was obviously like when I started watching her life you know Gen 4 already started for like a month or two I think the limited didn’t fall limited like in December and I started watching him January of 2020 but I think I don’t like you know

Like like can I attack Coco even Russia I don’t think they were like any of them were that good I remember like a lot of funny romantic from all that got it I think this has been three years so like everybody’s good now obviously they stream it like so many times a week Okay foreign All right I feel like the interaction with Muna wasn’t as great she was expected I was still 20 later just think for Minecraft can I die yeah that was good that was good okay okay so next we’ve got uh mermaid fights with big to put a killer from language

I know wait is that a people told them let me see a boat yeah about this is a boat a boat a sheep oh like a sunken ship yeah yeah that’s okay no there’s a boat on the left about oh like a ship I’m sorry it’s okay I know what you meant what

Else can I put in this okay you see there’s a mob no no no boat no no no no no no no no okay who are you saying okay the size I see oh that’s a boat that’s a boat there okay I don’t think anybody did what I say

Boat again oh [ __ ] ship wait where is this wait go straight go straight we’re very close that’s a boat by the way oh [ __ ] chip it’s the same thing this is a shipwreck is what it’s called when a boat you know crashes and or ends up okay

We’re gonna mention both with the other Ian members instead of [ __ ] both it’s really both also the Clusters in here let’s make you feel better it’s literally like it’s it’s the same like All Ships are boats but not all boats are ships yeah yeah it makes sense yeah yeah yeah

I look okay I’m still confused right this is a boat this is a plane Why why what have I done what’s happening it’s a bow it’s a boat and it’s a ship it’s both it’s okay it’s a [ __ ] it’s a bullet it fresh American English more than Aussie English Kyla it’s a boat and a ship it can it’s a ship Australians don’t even know what boats

Are what you mean Emma and the hood anyone said I have a body look at it yes it’s a pirate boat that sounds so unthreatening oh yeah they keep buried treasure maps but Traders you never buried treasure maps where do you think the Pirates get the treasure maps they steal it

Now they get it from the government huh it’s a ship it’s a boat still it’s okay to be it’s okay to be wrong who is it yeah you must know how that feels but Daddy chill you’re talking to yourself language it’s okay it’s okay Kyla it’s a [ __ ]

Apparently you can you can call it a boat you can call it a boat I know you want to call it no well I don’t know if there was a British person what they would say what they would say what would the British say about this I don’t wonder I always think what would the British think it’s the boys always leadership what is it mate what is it I died well uh

Uh so what is it in the end good question okay okay um is a personal craft a ship is a large craft meant to ship people or things from one landmaster now make sense so then it was a ship because so then it was a [ __ ] yeah I guess technically all right

Next we’ve got big funa uh and um hello no come on baby [Applause] Anything this is under the sea yeah but before it like before it it sunk was it a shipping board though I don’t know yeah language down mind blowing I remember when crony rejected no when mume rejected crony’s gifts you have to you have to say flower when you give it

To her oh okay okay flower oh I remember this I remember this before so high it was full what’s this but how could you Should we go back down I’ll keep exploring I need food though I have two weed seeds we’re gonna make a farm of two wheat just two you know how many you need to get bread three like once it’s grown up you can keep let’s say it works

Got it you can’t just make it a small I was about to make a dirt hoe a turtle no you can’t even afford a stone cold I have to make tools out of dirt oh shoot llama what oh oh my God drowning yourself you’re a farm a bunkeroni in these trying times

Did you think of it all yeah go I want you to see him a few moments later one again The range is a little baby as long as I could well maybe this sounds like good as sometimes I thought it was good at cooking now but I don’t know where you are me me just try Smack That yeah regain XP right so what’s the thing to do where are you are you

You’re so exciting today no I’m just ready kill me next time what am I doing what the bird doing What’s that even doing added to my house here okay yeah amazing um crony she’s here with us in spirit no don’t you miss the bunkeroni though I kinda do I wasn’t we should do something like that today I kind of kind of really want some potatoes right about now you’re right

Infinite lava infinite potatoes you never know what you have until it’s gone that’s the way it is still dead I guess we don’t have access to I mean I mean we can’t use it for reasons you know how are you supposed to have food in Minecraft when there’s no bunkeroni I

Know right it just doesn’t make sense what can you even eaten yeah sure I know how do we live on our own it’s a good question I need more food too I’m just ignoring that after life wheat is growing very slowly and the warden took all my bread

Well what about them what did you bring why did you give the water and bread I kind of just took it I don’t think he wouldn’t give him back from him kind of rude not gonna lie yeah yeah another Warden I met gave me bread so I was just really surprised

Everything is different around here follow that noise with an area in the game Sonic Adventure 2 and there’s a great wrap that goes along with it you’re not worried about it why don’t you guys play Sonic Adventure 2 what’s that give me a game why should I because it’s the song where

Where where what this came from the city okay okay I know that it’s here I can feel it in my feet the great Emerald’s power allows me to feel that’s why you should know Pumpkin Hill certified Banger classic all-time greatest Sonic Adventure 2. I see I see where it’s funny come on show me the plane

Show me a plane I’m back I want a potatoes I think I feel like I always put out some reference to like some bands some artists or some very obscurity like no one in chats you know since we get the reference uh I’m always hoping someone

Will say yeah I get that but no one ever does when they when they I get you I get it for now so I guess Sonic is not that obscure yeah you don’t have potatoes they’re free they’re free I can’t read footy potato because it tastes like cheese no okay

Something that you haven’t shown to me go to the Civics right now she’s Savage today she really is what do they look like they’re hey I’m very happy right now I found I stole a diamond hey stole a diamond yeah oh they I think you looked down on me for taking diamonds from

Deceased Pirates Who had no use of it and you’re taking them from living breathing villagers couldn’t take from Villages I just said just the stuff that you read it I thought I escaped thought I escaped MLA format this is This clip on the other one once again like since I can’t Swatch the clip in advance obviously I try to just on the title like try to be able to tell if it’s like about the same thing or not not always too easy to tell okay okay

But good kid good kid once again they have like such like weird requisition of uh like the way the concession goes it’s pretty fun yeah this was really fun it’s just chaotic and just like you know vote people talking I guess is what it feels like

Okay and the final one is literally like the only clip that someone suggested for the streamer which as I said is funny because Netflix written this and he doesn’t watch our lives so like the only person we can’t because the kid was someone not into her life amazing well

Not anymore until later uh so he says the first victim of Solace prank on the New Year Minecraft server because translation foreign Come on I first said he was like two it’s making it thank you [Laughter] bye bye yeah [Laughter] Foreign [Laughter] Foreign Oh my God this is gonna be good foreign Okay Okay it’s very different um Foreign A lot of people aren’t surprised they’re like yeah seems like some things that I would like yeah basically what no no scale two jump scale no you will die in one week it is the one continuing the the Prancing yummy yeah oh hmm smell ing I went to the debate I just said this thing there’s no bed anymore so simple Well Very good looking English you know I could foreign foreign Foreign Foreign [Applause] Twisted perfect perfect I’m glad that I didn’t create like um a liquid reaction for this that’s good that’s really good all right it’s so funny okay okay well that was unfortunately the landscape for today yeah yeah that was on Escape um but yeah once again it’s only the

First one I’m planning to do this once again like twice so once or twice a month like just reacting to a bunch of clips from the new Minecraft server uh do I feel like he might be out at some point because right now like all the kids say like New

Mexico server or something but like uh after a while people won’t put that in the title anymore so it’s gonna be out to like know which one is right but I guess it doesn’t matter that much like any Minecraft tape I’ll do but that’s pretty fun that’s pretty damn fun so

Once again if you guys if you’re watching here like Clips you know uh from the museum now just uh don’t hesitate to share them it’s called comment section so I can include them in the next reaction stream for this one yeah but I was good I mean you know like

As I said all the time I don’t have time these days uh if it wasn’t for this stream I could never justify it taking two hours just watching it Minecraft Clips um compared to like back in 2020 and 2021 well not any Clips but like I would

Watch you know full streams I would so many like flat stream you know seven eight hour stream of flare I’m just playing Minecraft so uh back in the days or aqua yeah so it’s really my only way with keeping up with stuff like that so yeah

Hoping to see more yeah so I don’t know when I do the next one if we have to the next one fast two weeks because they might be like enough Clips since this is like everybody training out the server and getting on into it so right now it’s

Kind of like the Gold Rush of Clips we’ll see we’ll see whatever son that’s really damn fun uh so thank you guys for coming my next stream is acknites we’re gonna start the uh walk in the dust event then tomorrow I have my one year anniversary uh of reacting to isagedo

This will be a celebration stream for that and then we start 2011 uh At Last At Last At Last and then Saturday I’m planning to do a 10 hour overall stream um again of alpha the witchery with eleven thousand subs or you guys can just count this call talk to me on this

Chat what did he saying and then Sunday I’ll probably like 11 000 celebration stream we can come request uh anything he wants from Material you do so that is the plan for the next few days come watch if you want to link for all the videos in the description as always the

Link to my Twitter discounts which is ETC have a good day good night good morning everyone see you again and I’ll see you guys next time see you see you guys

This video, titled ‘Hololive New Minecraft Server Clips Reaction Stream (Kaela, Miko, Pekora, Towa, Sora, Korone, Ollie)’, was uploaded by ExoticBankai Reaction on 2023-02-02 12:30:00. It has garnered 408 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:32 or 8372 seconds.

Donate and request a video reaction: https://streamelements.com/exoticbankai-2425/tip Support me monthly and get acces to blocked reaction and more: https://www.patreon.com/ExoticBankai Donate and request a video reaction: https://streamelements.com/exoticbankai-2425/tip Support me monthly and get acces to blocked reaction and more: https://www.patreon.com/ExoticBankai Support me on patreon so i can keep doing what i love and get various rewards: https://www.patreon.com/ExoticBankai Tip me if you want to request a reaction or just support me: https://streamelements.com/exoticbankaivtuberreaction/tip

Timestamps for the reaction:

00:00 Stream Start

6:30 *NEW HOLOSERVER* Pekora’s Adventure Started With TRAGIC COMEDY – Minecraft 【ENG Sub Hololive】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWcX0q5A-xo

12:55 Pekora Got Instant Karma after Dealing with Goat in Minecraft!!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omKfnhwjK3Q

17:15 Miko accidentally starts a raid on Moona village and wipes out all the villagers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXlxgNemEhA

25:50 Takane Lui nonstop laughing at Korone fighting mobs in Minecraft being dumb (headphone warning): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-NWPU9saxo

34:35 Korone Lui & Sora Create the Perfect Prank During Their Impromptu Minecraft Collab [Hololive/Iroha]! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iyb4_CbiOWI

44:00 Miko, Kanata, Pekora, Botan, Iroha and Flare’s First Day on Hololive New Minecraft Server: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6qrEaE2Zxo

58:30 Pekora scares Subaru with Warden Prank: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NwTkxJYV8I

1:03:45 Pekora colosseum battle with Miko, Subaru, Noel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOrEOvWZyzQ

1:09:00 When Everything is Happening at the Same Time in Minecraft!!! with Ollie Pekora Subaru Miko: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRYoejWVVRc

1:14:20 Haachama Suddenly Joins Minecraft, Dies Repeatedly and Leaves By Jumping Into Lava: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHbuUQyn2eM

1:18:50 Towa Couldn’t Start in New Minecraft Server Peacefully…. Towa VS Chloe and Pillager!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqOO7lbVX58

1:25:15 Kaela helps Mumei find her first treasure map on the new hololive minecraft server !!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvYgHiPtwWQ

1:31:30 Kaela literally raised a spoiled child in the new server: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jONmYi9jX0c

1:45:40 Kanata gets embarrassed after realizing Moona witnessed her kissing Miko and explodes [Hololive]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mrrI4pl5m8

1:25:25 Mumei Fight With Bae To Protect Kaela From Language Barrier【Hololive | Minecraft】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBHdmljM9iM

1:57:30 Bae, Fauna, and Mumei Missing Bunkeronii and Kronii (All POV): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aa_QDGB6Taw

2:07:20 The First Victims of Sora’s Prank on the New Minecraft Server [Miko/Subaru/Mel/Botan/Kanata/Hololive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzO3iuOayQs

Tip me if you want to request a reaction or just support me: https://streamelements.com/exoticbankaivtuberreaction/tip

Discord: https://discord.gg/pZ5EUVJqwY Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExoticbankaiR

DISCLAIMER (Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, parody, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use).

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  • Diamond Sword Dance: 7 Languages of Minecraft

    Diamond Sword Dance: 7 Languages of Minecraft In Minecraft, a Diamond Sword shines bright, In seven languages, it’s a sight. From English to Russian, and even LOLCAT too, The power of language, in Minecraft, we view. So if you ever wondered, how it’s said, In different tongues, the Diamond Sword’s spread. Now you know, in seven ways it’s heard, In the world of Minecraft, language is the word. Read More

  • “Blowin’ up the competition with my TnT Cannon!” 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Blowin' up the competition with my TnT Cannon!" 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you accidentally blow up your entire Minecraft house with a TnT cannon and suddenly realize you should stick to building dirt huts instead. #minecraftfails #oops #shouldhavestucktolegos Read More

  • Parrots Go Wild in Mine-Land!

    Parrots Go Wild in Mine-Land! Exploring the Wholesome Parrots Dancing in Minecraft When it comes to the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. From building intricate structures to creating captivating music videos, players constantly push the limits of what can be achieved in this virtual sandbox. One such example is the heartwarming video titled “Wholesome Parrots Dancing – (Omae Wa Mou Remix/English Cover)” that has captured the attention of many Minecraft enthusiasts. The Video Concept The video features adorable parrots dancing to a catchy remix of the song “Omae Wa Mou” in English cover. The creator, APAngryPiggy, showcases their talent by combining elements… Read More

  • Crafting Automatic Doors in Minecraft

    Crafting Automatic Doors in Minecraft Automatik Kapı Yapımı: Minecraft’ta Evlerinizi Şık Hale Getirin! Minecraft oyuncuları, evlerini veya gizli alanlarını hem pratik hem de şık hale getirmek için sürekli yeni tasarım fikirleri aramaktadır. Bu videoda, iki farklı otomatik kapı tasarımını adım adım nasıl yapacağınızı öğreneceksiniz! İlk Yöntem: Redstone Devreleri ile Otomatik Kapı Minecraft’ta otomatik kapılar yapmanın en popüler yollarından biri, Redstone devreleri kullanmaktır. Redstone, oyunda elektrik devreleri oluşturmanıza ve çeşitli mekanizmaları kontrol etmenize olanak tanır. İlk yöntemde, Redstone devreleri kullanarak otomatik bir kapı yapımını adım adım göreceksiniz. Adım 1: Redstone Tozu ve Redstone Fenerleri ile devre oluşturun. Adım 2: Kapı mekanizmasını yerleştirin ve Redstone devresi… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mod adds Custom Hearts!

    Insane Minecraft Mod adds Custom Hearts!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But There Are Custom Hearts..’, was uploaded by Graser on 2024-07-10 23:01:55. It has garnered 335752 views and 5440 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:48 or 9528 seconds. Minecraft, But There Are Custom Hearts.. Lunar Cloak: https://bit.ly/LunarGraser Roblox: @GraserRoblox Espanol: @GraserEspanol Join Me: https://join.graser.me Merch: https://shop.graser.me Book: https://book.graser.me Twitter: https://twitter.com/Graser Instagram: https://instagram.com/Graser Twitch: https://twitch.tv/Graser Discord: https://discord.gg/Graser #MinecraftBut​​ #MinecraftChallenge​​ #Minecraft​ Read More

  • Insane Old School Pixels Texture Pack Review

    Insane Old School Pixels Texture Pack ReviewVideo Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Old School Pixels Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-06-23 17:00:02. It has garnered 968 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:23 or 1823 seconds. An awesome new Texture Pack has been released with the Old-School Pixels Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Some Game Studio! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMkZhW34c40PruhVE2XWoMA/join Streamlabs Daz Man Merch Store: https://DazManMerch.Live OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – www.youtube.com/@DazManReacts @DazManWrestling – www.youtube.com/@DazManWrestling @DazManPlays – www.youtube.com/@DazManPlays Bringing… Read More

  • Agent Duk’s Insane Explosion Within 5 Sec! #MinecraftSMP

    Agent Duk's Insane Explosion Within 5 Sec! #MinecraftSMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘It blew up in the first 5 sec #minecraft #smp’, was uploaded by Agent Duk on 2024-08-10 05:32:19. It has garnered 21 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. My PC couldn’t handle It Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Trick Will Blow Your Mind! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Trick Will Blow Your Mind! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘”This Minecraft Trick Will Change How You Play! 😮” Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-08-28 20:07:15. It has garnered 110 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel Here’s a compelling long description for a viral Minecraft Shorts video on YouTube: — 🎮 **Dive into the Craziest Minecraft Adventure Yet!** 🎮 In this explosive Minecraft Short, we take on the wildest challenges, uncover hidden secrets, and pull off insane stunts that you won’t believe! Whether you’re a seasoned player or just love the… Read More

  • 🔥 EnderiteT Ultimate Texture Pack for MCPE 1.21 🔥

    🔥 EnderiteT Ultimate Texture Pack for MCPE 1.21 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘The Best Texture Pack For Minecraft PE 1.21 | Minecraft Pocket Edition 🔥’, was uploaded by EnderiteT on 2024-08-05 09:21:14. It has garnered 84 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:55 or 175 seconds. Best Texture Pack For Minecraft 1.21 | Minecraft Pocket Edition Hey, In This Video I am Going To Show You Top 2 Best Texturepacks In Mcpe Without Lag Texture Link In Comment: Keywords texturpack #hindi #gaming #texturepack 1.21, texture pack 1.21, texture pack 1.21 fps boost, texture pack 1.21.2, texture pack 1.21.0, texture pack, texture pack… Read More

  • Minecraft Bedrock Live – Insane Realism Survival!

    Minecraft Bedrock Live - Insane Realism Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock Live | Surviving on a Realism World’, was uploaded by r322c gaming on 2024-07-11 05:11:01. It has garnered 127 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:22 or 7042 seconds. Hello everyone today we are playing the new mod pack for minecraft bedrock edition hope you all enjoy. My Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/r322c_/about My discord https://discord.gg/AQU8z2NF #minecraft #Minecraftsurvival #Minecraftlivestream #Minecraftbedrock This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Challenge with Mr. Beast

    Shocking Minecraft Challenge with Mr. BeastVideo Information This video, titled ‘m̲r̲ b̲e̲a̲s̲t̲ #̲ #minecraft #funny #challenge #comedy’, was uploaded by M̲r̲ b̲e̲a̲s̲t̲ on 2024-01-17 10:48:15. It has garnered 2 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Ego Mania: Crouching = OP Enchantments?!

    Minecraft Ego Mania: Crouching = OP Enchantments?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But Crouching Gives Super ‘ENCHANTMENTS’ !!!’, was uploaded by Ego Mania on 2024-07-06 14:10:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft, But Crouching Gives Op Enchants… Minecraft 1.21 / Minecraft 1.20 / Minecraft 1.21 Updates / Minecraft Hindi videos … Read More

  • INSANE Fishing Luck on Day 66! 🎣 Tolbby’s Minecraft TLE

    INSANE Fishing Luck on Day 66! 🎣 Tolbby's Minecraft TLEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TLE Daily Fishing Day 66’, was uploaded by Tolbby on 2024-06-21 17:00:01. It has garnered 416 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #shorts #minecraft – Title : Front Porch – Artist : Good News Tunes – Album : Premiumbeat.com / Royalty Free Music #sadly #no #tricky #trials #or #1.21 #yet #WHY #AM #I #MAKING #THE #LIBRARY #SO #BIG #AHHHHHHH Read More

  • SkyNation

    SkyNationJoin SkyNation, where top-tier skyblock gameplay meets creativity and community. Explore custom-built islands, thrive in a balanced economy, and connect with our welcoming community. With endless fun, exciting events, and unique challenges, your skyblock adventure starts here. Come and be a part of SkyNation today! SkyNation.blockworlds.io Read More

  • Marthia Nations – factions, vanilla

    Marthia Nations Join us at https://discord.gg/PcRXYuupZe Build your own empire, a moving fighter jet, or a small town in Marthia. This SMP turned Nations server has been around for over half a decade, with the current world played on for three years. Marthia offers a community-driven semi-competitive Minecraft experience with highlighted plugins such as Movecraft, Cannons, Brewery, and VanillaTweaks! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Respawning for Revenge

    Minecraft Memes - Respawning for Revenge“Me trying to retrieve my stuff in Minecraft is like trying to navigate through a messy room blindfolded – a hilarious disaster waiting to happen!” Read More

  • Crafting the Ultimate Home: Minecraft Mastery with @Itx_Mc_gamer

    Crafting the Ultimate Home: Minecraft Mastery with @Itx_Mc_gamer Welcome to lkdis Gaming, where we bring the heat, With Minecraft updates that can’t be beat. Join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we explore the digital realms, day and night. Game reviews and previews, we’ve got them all, Helping you decide which games to install. Let’s plays and walkthroughs, come along for the ride, With entertaining commentary by our side. Tips and tricks to level up your game, Expert advice to bring you fame. Live streams for interaction, don’t miss out, Join our community, scream and shout. Tech reviews to keep you in the… Read More

  • Superdog vs Supercat: Epic Village Upgrade Battle! 😂🔥 #minecraft #memes

    Superdog vs Supercat: Epic Village Upgrade Battle! 😂🔥 #minecraft #memes Superdog and Supercat may have superpowers, but they better watch out for Dân làng nâng cấp in Minecraft. Those villagers mean business when it comes to upgrading their village! Watch out for their diamond swords and enchanted armor, superheroes! Read More