Mind-Blowing Minecraft Chaos!

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Last time on Minecraft Survivor Jonas found the hidden immunity idol at the naegi camp on day 10 the game was flipped on its head as the remaining 15 players switched from two tribes to three on the new soccer tribe bayback happy and Gonzo enjoyed being in the majority as three original fraternities

On the new naegi tribe although there were three original returnees with Tim Jason and corkcager Court kicker was ready to flip on his original tribe after receiving a majority of the votes at the latest vote off so he entertained the idea of aligning with the newbies Nerf and Jonas

On the new ginsensei tribe the newbies had the numbers but Maddie showed she was willing to jump ship to Chris blue and Andrew at the immunity challenge naegi won immunity and an opportunity to spend a day at chikisai Hill together Sakura edged out second sending jinsei

To Tribal Council back at Camp it seemed like Luigi and Chris blue were on the chopping block but in a very last minute scramble and dramatic argument at Tribal Council yalo just to me just seems like someone that I just work well with more yeah I know I’m gay I’m homosexual and

I’m very loud announced spoken the target shifted onto Creed sending him packing 14 are left who will be voted out tonight Inside voices and inside legs what yeah cheers to the neutron Minecraft food yes yes yes you know where if we lose after this it’s our own damn fault because we’re kicking ass all right yep full tribe they’re not the most complicated situation to be put in I

Think this was what we needed yo this is this is by far the best run by far the best run we’re based we are based I I thought the pink tribe would carry but they just suck I mean I guess no one’s good this was more of a puzzle finished

Before they were on like they were halfway through their second so yeah um surrounded You Are by a beautiful sea of colors fortunately extra opportunity and a bed of poppies you might find something if you gaze up high okay bye I’m I’m colorblind what are poppies oh you guys like flowers

Yeah I love flowers mean uh gaze of pie it’s um look up high well I mean I knew that but oh yo yo Schmick was it up there I’m looking for it shmeki’s looking all know if I find it I’m sharing it with y’all oh same here Mr Mac you got it

Thank you I got it I got it you got it you got it yeah let’s go tribal ticket rules okay oh wasn’t this from season two congratulations you just found the travel ticket this Advantage gives you safety at Travel Council whoever there’s a catch uh it’s a place Advantage alert

Chris that you’ll be using a trouble ticket first time to vote then you will immediately leave the tribal council I have a idle and a safety of power I’m in such a good position that I know I’m gonna it up it takes a it takes a a fine player to use advantages

In their position to win the game it takes a great player to it up use their advantages to save them and then go on to win the game So I really want to just win and then if another attorney goes home it sits blood off our hands like we didn’t do anything no that’s a thing because I’m not like I mean there’s like like I don’t want some returnees to go because it’s like I’d be

Upset I don’t want any of them but yeah like if like returnees are gonna have to go eventually and if it’s gonna be on other tribes we were on the same tribe so this conversation was about to happen I think they know unless they have an idol or

Something this swap tribe you know it’s it’s something else you know bay back and Gonzo who you know I love babe and gone so more than some some family members so I’m happy to be with them and swamps a bit you know this one’s a bit irritating I’m not looking even though I

Will keep it real with you guys because you know swampedean doesn’t shut up and he’s always talking I hope you are your boss music diary up because of that Wendy’s you know I just don’t really care about what someone has to like add to the conversation yeah I don’t know if any of

You guys like play Orcs they’re like Discord long terms but bro they should have brought accent back because I I have to go into every round now considering genuinely throwing if I’m paired with any two from our tribe this is this is the group everyone here is equally as scared of

Going home and like making the one move or whatever but for very different reasons no literally we could win the challenge so I’m just chilling in my tree house Daddy’s morning wood tree 2.0 had to bring it back from how long this is beautiful I love the morning wood

Tree and winning the challenge there’s a lot of spare time so why not just have a little search around cool cagus played as Idol maybe something’s out there so chill on top of Danny’s morning wood tree 2.0 hoping to bring me some good fortune I’m on top of my little spy

Tower and I’m not seeing anything man nothing standing out there’s no patterns like the Nile but I see a little Gap in the in the top of the shrine so I decided to climb up there it’s only the beginning I can’t believe I was put in

Like when I saw that but it’s really damn bad I mean interviews that’s like not crazy can I climb up there and I find a shulker box with hidden immunity idol Chicago let’s go idle it’s not not Rashad I’m not gonna be giving it away to someone

This time as much as I really want to tell happy or tell Gonzo or even tell the whole tribe about it I had to keep quiet I had to keep hushed about the fact that I did have an idol clue beforehand Um so let’s like win the next challenge please I don’t want to have to do something like that again I with you I don’t think I realized how much like the second opportunity meant to me until sitting there at tribal like almost going home and like spilling my guts out I appreciate it

Being the bed dude like that means a lot like I’m not at all cut about not being told about the vote like that doesn’t bother me at all as long as I’m still here I’ve been yeah no from the jump I wanted Maddie like I did not want I did

Not want to Creed but I couldn’t like there was no like I can’t go to Chris blue and be like yeah let’s put out Maddie and like there was just no no shot sorry Creed there’s only room for one content creator on this tribe now but in all seriousness but coming back

From tribal and we still have Maddie I have to figure out how to get Maddie out of this tribe they’re just someone I don’t see myself working with and her and Chris blue are way too close and I gotta get back into being Chris Blue’s

Number one if if the three of us could have just voted Maddie out like we would be so set yeah no like you know and now the obviously I know Maddie’s throwing my name out like I’m a big more concerned because obviously I feel like

I I might be going home sir I’m not writing your name down next try but Thank you And soccer are getting your first look at the nugency tribe Creed voted out of last Tribal Council I’ll explain how this challenge Works each tribe has two members on the course and two Shooters those on the course will have to go through a short obstacle course to reach the end board where they

Will place a concrete powder block the shooters each have a crossbow and are trying to shoot those on the course into the water if a runner Falls they must start over at the beginning the first tribe to connect four blocks of their color in a row up down or diagonally

Wins immunity in this game you have to earn everything so with that said oh you are only playing for one immunity today also to the winner of the spoils because first place will also get occluded the hidden immunity idol naegi and Sakura you have to sit one person out each I’ll

Sit down also now nerd is it no no no the Nerf is sitting out for naegi Nerf Nerf payback is sitting out for Sakura all right I’ll give you some time and then we’ll get started in this challenge Jason and Jonas are running for naegi Andrew and Luigi running for jinsei and

Swamp and happy running for Sakura for Shooters we have court kicker Chris blue and Gonzo in the first half and in the second half we have Tim Sia and Maddie survivor’s ready go shot off though Andrew oh get shot nks making oh wow hey yo making strides oh I think Jonas Falls

Too that’s cool we even allowed to shoot in the water right we can’t tune them all down swamp and Joan is taking another stop that neighborhood neighborhood Jonas knocked off but swamp is still alive makes it over and gets the first place one place one soccer gets the first

Placement on The Connect Four board Don’t Shoot Me guys I’ll show you guys and Luigi falls off go smack wait what what is going on with Jonas Jonas are you hacking I was doing some cool by the way once your arrows are gone Shooters they’re gone for good I have one stack

Okay uh skill issue Chris blue is still the only one to get a powder on The Connect Four board two for red hey you’re a god dude everyone else is just struggling to make it through the parkour oh good job Sam good job okay two for the Sakura tribe Jonas trying to bait

Okay Jonas fell again look at the sticks happy and smart making it a double seat they are running they are running tomorrow you eat those you get the third one down happy could end it right here no again no one has been close in this challenge except for swamp at the end

Of the team I’ll be honest Jason fallsford naegi Luigi attempting the end portion gets shot get shot Sakura could win immunity right here so Bob or blowout guess one yeah and swamp wins immunity for the Sakura tribe in a blowout he was the only one to place pieces and Connect Four

All right everyone let’s get back to the match one of our people weren’t even here dude yeah let’s go how do you like DC oh congrats to Sakura for winning the only tribal immunity up for grabs today you will also get a reward in the form of a

Hidden immunity idol clue back at your Camp there’s still an idol oh also can we all applaud Gonzo for a wedding a Swap Trap challenge yeah let’s go I’m like on a roll this season as for jinsei and naegi you will be both going to Tribal Council and this is how it’s

Gonna work first going to tribal will be the jinsaya tribe and then second to go to tribal will be the naegi tribe oh wait is it not a combined tribal no you are voting one personnel so with that head back to Camp I’ll see you later at tribal

Just when I think I can’t get away from Jonas man is in love with me almost like he’s handing me advantages it’s like bro like dude talked way too much and now he’s trying to get involved in my game and we’re not even on the same tribe

I’ve got what’s called a tribal ticket which pretty much lets me leave tribal right before the vote I’m pretty sure Luigi is on their tribe so uh I gave this save to that power to Luigi oh my God if Luigi plays that Idol they’re all gonna be scrambling at

Travel Council and that’s gonna be really really funny we laughed but you know what maybe this is a good thing because I right here you know what I see right now I see myself as the Swing Vote I’m either going with the returnees who they screwed me over I don’t really like

Them maybe I’ll go with the newbies and exact my revenge how metaphoric and just beautiful Timmy’s a player yeah he is that’s true and like Jason’s really not a threat so I agree with that yeah I’m down for that honestly I feel like that’s a good idea

On that little Sprout and they tried to with their clouds rain on me but I’m here in that rain I’m gonna use that and absorb it and I’m gonna take them out all right and it’s gonna be Sunshine from here on out baby let’s go

Who do we have left we have me you Sia we need to take out one of the returnees that is we have to take we have to take Jason or Tim out so I’m weighing my options here I don’t know what the right option is and I’m really debating myself

For the last pure moment of this game I don’t know what to do I think that’s what needs to happen here core Kiger is going to stick with us because he has nobody on those returning tribes I think it’s stupid to put out core kegger here

I’m kind of feeling like me and Tim are slowly but surely becoming more and more out on the outs here I don’t want to turn on Tim this soon because we had a pretty good connection on the original tribe I felt like I could trust him we kind of formulated this split vote-ish

Plan together so I kind of feel like that there’s a sense of loyalty there I think we have I’m I’m leaning towards cork just for the sole reason that I know he doesn’t have an idol I I don’t think that’s a we should be making to Mr Mr schmeckle boy

That has all likes it right that’s the point around the bush you you decide this for us I think what else you have is is a group at the merge that will go to bat for you like they can’t because of the shields as you’ll be surrounded with AKA The Second

Chances right yeah you know us you know below you’ve seen our Seasons we don’t lie we don’t deal you know this is the stupidest position I’ve ever I’ve never been in that position like this before who I I didn’t I didn’t wake up today thinking that I’m in the middle of corkager uh

Nerf and you guys I don’t want to get thrown under the bus and I don’t want to be a casualty because honestly like I’m not in a bad spot like if I go out here I wouldn’t have expected to go out this way like for me personally I I’m I’m good with

Either dude both of them everyone’s giving me Trust but for me it just comes down to Tim is just he so wants to win this game did did Jonah say anyone’s name look I’m gonna be honest with you after what do you mean on this after do you

Think we’ll both still be here is that what you’re implying I just don’t want to like you know I don’t want to like big mouth it big mouth my way out of here you know what I mean it’s it’s me or him at this point I think because I

Think he switched his mind from Jason to me and what terrifies me is that he could have found something maybe someone sent him something maybe someone gave him something that just means the end of the road for me and it just it’s heartbreaking thinking that this is how it ends potentially

I have to trust on someone I met two days ago in in Jonas I’m making closed lips but you know remember what we said remember what we said okay but then again Liz trusted me and I was supposed to trust Liz and it happened last time and there’s no

Guarantee it will happen this time but man would this just be a heartbreaking way to go So we lost the challenge and out of nowhere Maddie has to be taken um we don’t know where she is right now we don’t know what’s going on um we hope she’s okay like we don’t really know what is happening and it’s um it’s concerning uh oh no no this can’t be good

Hey guys how you guys doing what’s up Chris fine all right so it’s usually I don’t come to Camp here unless there’s something really important that I have to tell you guys right as you can see Maddie’s not here at the moment right now and um she

Had to leave at the end of the challenge today and she cannot compete any longer in this game and has elected to quit and leave the game Chris blue does this quit have any sort of significance to you I mean she’s the reason I’m here right now

She’s went out of her way to save me and keep me here so obviously it has significance and impact for the game look the tribe Dynamic is like it is what it is but at the end of all this really Maddie’s our mental health is a lot more important Jason you guys couldn’t pull it out at the challenge today would it be easy to just say let’s keep the three attorneys strong and have numbers of returnees going into a potential merge um it’s easy to say that but if you look at the vote and realize that core kegger

Was voted out last time I believe you didn’t have that Idol I think it’s definitely a little bit more complex than that I don’t see tribal lines playing a major part in tonight’s both Quirk here do you have an idea of what Jason’s referring to about not having

Tribal lines playing to this because it seems like you could keep the three of you guys together right now and then just vote out either Nerf or Jonas yeah but it’s it’s much more complex than that because uh obviously you guys all know what happened some it went down and

Uh you know it’s not just tribal lines anymore very much not Jonas do you have any sort of Solace knowing that it’s not going to be by tribal lines or are you still nervous about this vote the moment you’re not nervous is the moment the ground Falls from underneath your feet

The only thing consistent about Survivor is how inconsistent it is we’re all just in a floating pile of debris trying not to get hit by lightning and someone’s about to get hit tonight Tim uh do you feel like there’s any sort of leader on this

Tribe or is it just five of you guys kind of like running with your heads cut off like chickens I mean self-proclaimed previously to cool okay gonna step down publicly so um I don’t think that’s a leader hit but I want the reference back to that crack

You mentioned I think it’s a hole and I think someone’s filling that hole tonight but whatever it’s it’s the fact that has come down to this is surprising ironic and very I feel Destiny fulfilling okay does anyone have any final words before we get the voting started

Can I play my kazoo no oh Jason you’re up first to vote If you don’t go at this tribal and I do I will eat Jason the toenails toenails saw me playing the part all nervous and everything Spike I’m staying I’ll go tell you the votes I have tally the votes if anyone has a hidden immunity idol and they would like

To play one now is the time to do so I have a flower but I think it’s the wrong one all right once the votes are read the decision is final person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately I’ll read the votes first vote corecager second vote Jason

Core cager that’s two votes corkager yeah baby yeah Jason that’s two votes corkhager two votes Jason one vote left person voted out of Minecraft Survivor Hokkaido Jason time to bring me your torch again Jason thanks for coming back but unfortunately the tribe has spoken oh my God okay okay bye everyone holy that was really scary and with

That it seems like you guys were really sticking true to what you were saying tribal lines maybe aren’t a thing anymore but will you guys be United enough to last a couple more days in this game time will tell head back to Camp good night

This is a new experience for me you know it’s it’s cool to walk out the other end of that travel Council for the first time I’m happy with the way I play I don’t think there’s much I could have done given that circumstance um I had a great time playing I’m glad

To have been invited and um those are gonna get what’s coming to them besides Tim he’s cool

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survivor Season 9 Episode 5: We’re All Just in a Floating Pile of Debris’, was uploaded by EliteChris35 on 2023-05-05 00:00:10. It has garnered 2100 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:17 or 1397 seconds.

Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 1:12 Day 12 – Shikisai Hill 3:24 Day 12 – Sakura Camp 6:18 Day 12 – Jinsei Camp 7:42 Cast Credits 8:07 Day 13 – Immunity Challenge: Connect Four 13:17 Day 13 – Back at Camp 1 17:17 Day 13 – Back at Camp 2 18:48 Night 13 – Tribal Council

Want to know who voted who out? Check out the Season 9 Wikia! (SPOILER ALERT if future episodes have aired already!) https://bit.ly/3TI7JTN

Join the Minecraft Survivor Discord: https://discord.gg/WukbdPm Game Show Central Discord: https://discord.gg/4w7QmSK

About the show: Minecraft Survivor is based off the CBS reality-TV show: Survivor. In the mountains of Hokkaido, 18 castaways will experience a journey they won’t forget! They will have to use their skills and wits if they want to get by the 39 days and the many challenges in their way. In the end, only one will remain to be called the Sole Survivor.

Show Aliases: Minecraft Survivor Season 9 Minecraft Survivor: Hokkaido Minecraft Survivor: Hokkaido – New Bloom MC Survivor Season 9 MC Survivor: Hokkaido MC Survivor: Hokkaido – New Bloom Minecraft Survivor Season 9 Minecraft Survivor S9 —————————————————–

CREDITS: EliteChris35 – Presenter, Showrunner, Editor DrDunkinstein – Casting Director Kidmodo – Editor Landslide88 – Map Creator, Casting AussieRosalina – Challenge Builder JPtoony – Challenge Builder, Cameraman notafurryguys – Site Builder, Casting SoonerOrLater – Cameraman CAAJBE – Cameraman EchoMaster22 – Cameraman ItzMeConar – Cameraman bigguyjoey – Cameraman DerpyHuman22 – Texture Pack Miner656 – Logo Designer

Challenge Testers: SoonerOrLater, EchoMaster22, DrDunkinstein, AussieRosalina, SpaceCat09, Landslide88, oper119, SirTusk, ItsLizzy, Infernox0

Contestants: Jonas – ShmeckleBoy Creed – TheCR3ED Ciya – myciya Maddie – maddiemaid Nerf – nerdjaso Swump – Swump_ Pidgin – PidginPlays Luigi – Luigispanish Amber – Amberalertbeebo Beybak – beybaktube10 Andrew – AndrewYalo Happy – MrHappyGamesMC Jaison – neighborhoooood Timmmeh – Timmie1304 Chris Blue – blueu22 Gonzo – Gozno Corcaigher – corcaigher Vision – EmperorVision

Music: Triumph by WRLD Relaxing Japanese Zen Music – Best Sleep Music & Peaceful Music by The Soul of Wind Curse of the Scarab by Kevin MacLeod Civ 6 Japan Hojo tokimune Theme music Full by Civtv シャドー [影] Epic Japanese Music by Matias Tapia Ishikari Lore by Kevin MacLeod Night Cave by Kevin MacLeod Miyako JAPAN2 by SHW The Escalatikon by Kevin MacLeod Hunter x Hunter ~ lofi hip hop playlist by Rifti Beats akuma no ko (Attack on Titan) but it’s lofi. by kurochuu. Japanese beautiful music (No Copyright) “Japanese twilight” [Free BGM] by Japanese music / MOJI Asian Inspired Relaxing Music – Beautiful Japanese River by Cozy as Fluff Alight (Storm) – Fire Emblem Fates OST by Hiroki Morishita, Takeru Kanazaki, Yasuhisa Baba, Rei Kondoh, Masato Kouda Artifact by Kevin MacLeod ECRUTEAK CITY: Remastered ► Pokemon Heart Gold & Soul Silver by Zame Sad Emotional Dramatic Ambient Music – Circle of Life by Whitesand Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood – Again (Kato Cover) Silly Music, Tribal Music, & Tally the Votes by Survivor CBS, retrieved by DaliRet, Survivorfan191, & theMaestro Survivor Rising Sun Custom Theme by The Twins’ Room

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    Nether Madness! Day 4 MYTH 1BLOCK MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MYTH 1BLOCK MINECRAFT】Day 4, into the Nether!!!!!! #MythOneBlock’, was uploaded by Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-06-18 02:36:59. It has garnered 152770 views and 11665 likes. The duration of the video is 05:15:13 or 18913 seconds. all of myth will be here!! @NinomaeInanis @MoriCalliope @WatsonAmelia @GawrGura 👑 stream my new song, CHIMERA! 👑 https://cover.lnk.to/CHIMERA 👀 Takanashi Kiara 1st Album “Point of View” 👀 Streaming: https://cover.lnk.to/PointofView ========================= 🏵️[Twitter] 🏵️ https://twitter.com/takanashikiara 🏵️[Hashtags] 🏵️ #kfp #キアライブ#hololiveenglish #holomyth #takanashikiara FANART #KFPicasso ========================= [Viewer Rules] Thank you for watching my stream! To help everyone enjoy the stream more, please follow… Read More

  • Nico survives 100 DAYS on mysterious OP BLOCK!

    Nico survives 100 DAYS on mysterious OP BLOCK!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS on ONE OP BLOCK in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-09-20 03:00:17. It has garnered 290205 views and 4576 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:24 or 1284 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/ Today, Nico and his friends spend 100 DAYS on ONE OP BLOCK in Minecraft! An evil wizard scams Nico and his friends! How many levels will Nico be able to complete in the wizards tests?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • DJ Waley Babu Minecraft Song – INCREDIBLE!

    DJ Waley Babu Minecraft Song - INCREDIBLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘#status #minecraft #song 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💞💞dj waley babu Mera gana chala de💃🏻💃🏻❤️💃🏻💞💞#badshah’, was uploaded by Olly2373 on 2024-07-13 03:24:46. It has garnered 240 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Virtual HQ – Semi-Vanilla Java

    Server Information: Server Name: Virtual Headquarters IP Address: vhq.falixsrv.me Welcome Minecraft Enthusiasts! Welcome to Virtual Headquarters, a community-driven Minecraft server for players of all ages. Whether you’re a builder, adventurer, or looking to hang out with friends, there’s something for everyone! Features: Survival Mode: Gather resources, build your base, and survive! Custom Plugins: Enhance your gameplay experience with unique features. Community: Join a friendly community to make friends, collaborate on builds, and go on quests together! How to Join: Have the latest Minecraft version. Add the server IP: vhq.falixsrv.me Get whitelisted when joining. We look forward to seeing you in… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mastering the Craft: Still Not Good, But Better

    Well, I guess even in the meme world, some things just barely pass as “better”! Read More

  • Undead Love: Mutant Villager Meets Zombie Girl

    Undead Love: Mutant Villager Meets Zombie Girl In the world of Minecraft, a love story unfolds, Mutant Villager and Zombie Girl, their tale foretold. With stunning builds and mods, their journey takes flight, Facing challenges and battles, their love burning bright. From heartfelt scenes to hilarious surprises, This video is packed with thrilling rises. Will they live happily ever after, or face despair? Share your thoughts in the comments, show you care. Maxi playz here, bringing chaos and fun, Gaming adventures for everyone. Subscribe, hit the bell, join the fan, In the world of Minecraft, let’s make a grand stand. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥 “When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to realize you forgot to put a door on it. Who needs enemies when you sabotage yourself like that?” 😂 #minecraftstruggles #minecraftfail #minecraftprobs” Read More

  • Risky Business in Minecraft’s Dangerous Dunes

    Risky Business in Minecraft's Dangerous Dunes Minecraft: Rush of Kings Episode 6 – Dangerous Dunes Introduction In the sixth episode of Rush of Kings Minecraft, players are taken on a thrilling journey through the treacherous terrain of Dangerous Dunes. The episode features gameplay with ScrumpeyB0ttle, WaterB0ttle, and Thekillerkreeper as they navigate challenges and obstacles in this original board game recreated in Minecraft. Gameplay Highlights The episode kicks off with a captivating cutscene setting the stage for the adventure ahead. As the game progresses, players take turns strategically maneuvering through the game board, each facing unique challenges and opportunities. From ScrumpeyB0ttle’s decisive moves to WaterB0ttle’s calculated… Read More

  • Recreating Epic Minecraft Manhunt Moments

    Recreating Epic Minecraft Manhunt Moments The Ultimate Minecraft Skills Challenge: Learning 24 Skills in 24 Hours! Mastering God-Level Skills in Minecraft In a thrilling challenge, a Minecraft enthusiast embarked on a quest to learn 24 incredible skills in just 24 hours. From mastering the art of god bridging to executing speed telly bridging, the journey was filled with adrenaline-pumping moments. The player also delved into the intricacies of PvP combat, honing skills like timing clicks, ladder clutching, and running on lava using boats, reminiscent of Dream’s iconic moves. Pushing the Limits: 100 Impossible Minecraft Bedrock Skills Not one to shy away from a challenge,… Read More

  • 1000 DAYS as a KNIGHT in Minecraft: HARDCORE Madness!

    1000 DAYS as a KNIGHT in Minecraft: HARDCORE Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a KNIGHT in Minecraft HARDCORE! – Mythical Adventures Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-10-01 01:15:00. It has garnered 7990 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:03 or 12303 seconds. I Survived 100 DAYS as a KNIGHT in Minecraft HARDCORE! Today, I’ll be trying to save the princess while trying to get to the top level of this SECRET BASE. As ZOZO, the Minecraft hero my goal is to save all the people, animals and creature I can find while defeating my enemies. During my quest,… Read More

  • Unhinged SMP Art Tuber Shenanigans

    Unhinged SMP Art Tuber ShenanigansVideo Information This video, titled ‘Art Tuber SMP Shenanigans (Live #9)’, was uploaded by Adrotic on 2024-09-14 01:37:23. It has garnered 202 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:00 or 13080 seconds. Art Tuber SMP is a Minecraft Server where everyone is an artist content creator!! #ArtTuberSMP #minecraft Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT REALM - JOIN OUR LAZY ADVENTUREVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT | NEW START | JOIN OUR BEDROCK REALM🔴’, was uploaded by Lazy on 2024-07-06 10:47:54. It has garnered 179 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:43 or 6103 seconds. Today I will be playing Minecraft! Feel free to join the bedrock realm and the discord! — JOIN THE DISCORD — Discord Server: – https://discord.gg/BGpyeV3vFR — CODE TO JOIN REALM — Realm Code: By4vxuw58BA Lets see if I can get 700 subs by the end of this livestream!!! Day 31 of Daily Livestream!!!! Read More

  • EPIC SKY ISLAND CHALLENGE – Day 100 in Minecraft!

    EPIC SKY ISLAND CHALLENGE - Day 100 in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 hari Minecraft sky island part 2’, was uploaded by DPG_78 on 2024-02-03 06:51:27. It has garnered 341 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:52 or 352 seconds. 100 days of Minecraft sky island part 2 is my struggle to survive for 100 days in Minecraft sky island with the sky island version error 422 #minecraft#skyislands#100daysinminecraft Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PvP – 金錠GT gets 10 EPIC kills

    Insane Minecraft PvP - 金錠GT gets 10 EPIC killsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PvP 10 kills’, was uploaded by 金錠GT on 2024-02-19 09:17:18. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. ║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Server: zeqa Read More

  • “Dancing with Linkin Potato in Minecraft” #crazymonsters

    "Dancing with Linkin Potato in Minecraft" #crazymonstersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft monster ” #music #song dance”‘, was uploaded by Linkin Potato grant on 2024-09-12 03:53:59. It has garnered 3 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Read More

  • Insane transformation in VSMP server! Kawaii RPG village build!

    Insane transformation in VSMP server! Kawaii RPG village build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building RPG village in #VSMP server!【Minecraft | Production kawaii】’, was uploaded by Lethe Bonapuchi Ch. レッテボナプチ 【kawaii】 on 2024-09-18 14:14:34. It has garnered 610 views and 152 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:37 or 13477 seconds. ╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗ Buy me donuts? ✦ Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/lethebonapuchi/tip Special alert at $6.66, $20, $50, $69, $100, $200, and $500! ╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝ Ohapuchi! Let’s eat! ♡ Welcome to my channel, everyone! My name is Lethe Bonapuchi from Production kawaii. Thank you for checking out my videos! ╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗ 🌌Ephemira Debut Merch🌌 ✦ https://productionkawaii.booth.pm/items/5541616 ✧ 🌌Ephemira… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT HACKS - AstralMC PVP & MORE! 🚀🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #astralmc #hacks #minecraftmemes #cpvp #humor #minecraftpepvp #fortnite #clips #resucting’, was uploaded by asadito on 2024-07-05 03:28:17. It has garnered 548 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Si ves esto dale like y suscribete 🔔 tags (ignorar): #minecraft​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #Hacks​ #PvP​ BEST REGEDIT EVER+ DNS✔️0 KB/OP REACH✔️+ FPS BOOST [BadLion & PvPLounge] 😋😋😈 THE BEST REGEDIT FOR PVP + DNS | NO KB AND OP REACH (TESTED) 💎GET 3 MS PING & 0 KB & OP REACH 💎🌐BEST REGEDIT REACH + .BAT 🌐1.9 ✔️1.7 ✔️ 1.8 ✔️ COMO… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Music and Epic Val Clips by Kwaixy!

    Insane Minecraft Music and Epic Val Clips by Kwaixy!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft music + val clips’, was uploaded by kwaixy on 2024-03-21 16:04:51. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:35 or 215 seconds. had no music ideas In-game Settings: Sens: 0.175 DPI: 1600 Crosshair: 1-6-2-2 inner lines white Resolution: 1440×1080 Graphics Settings: All low (ignore tags) Minecraft music, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft music video, Minecraft building, Minecraft parodies, Minecraft funny moments, Valorant clips, Valorant funny moments, Valorant highlights, Overwatch clips, Valorant, Phoenix, Aim, gaming, fps, First Person Shooter, FPS games, movement, valorant, valorant montage, minecraft, valorant highlights, montage, montage… Read More

  • Insomnia SMP

    Insomniacs SMP – The Minecraft Server That Never Sleeps! Hey there, night owls! Looking for a Minecraft server that’s up and active 24/7, just like you? Then come join Insomniacs SMP—where creativity and adventure never rest! This is a Minecraft Bedrock server with plenty of add-ons to enhance your gameplay. Why Join Insomniacs SMP? Active and Supportive Staff Growing Community Always Active Laid-back Vibes Server Staff Owner: Billyjr(Definitely Real) Founder: Fumi/Sam Co-Founder: Deadpool Head of Admins (HOA): Cody Head of Staff (HOS): Existing Admins: Existing, Cody, Deadpool Ready to dive into chaos and adventure? Join us now and help create… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Demise of the Villager #9 🔥

    Looks like Villager #9 didn’t quite make it to level 10 in this game of life! #sorrynotsorry Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition 🔥

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #boom #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Caves with Crystals

    Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Caves with Crystals Minecraft Shorts: Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse Are you ready to survive a zombie apocalypse? In the world of Minecraft, this is a real possibility. Zombies are known for their insatiable appetite for brains, making them a formidable threat to players. Why Would You Survive? What sets you apart in this apocalyptic scenario? Your survival skills, quick thinking, and resourcefulness. In Minecraft, players must gather resources, build shelters, and fend off hostile mobs like zombies to stay alive. Exploring Minecraft Shorts On the channel, you can find entertaining Minecraft shorts that showcase the challenges and humor of surviving in this… Read More

  • Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock

    Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock Minecraft: How to Create a Custom Superflat World on Bedrock Editions Are you a Minecraft player using Bedrock Editions and looking to create a custom superflat world? Look no further! Today, we’ll guide you through the process of making your very own unique superflat world on Bedrock Editions. Minecraft Versions Before diving into creating your custom superflat world, it’s essential to know the Minecraft versions you’ll be working with. For Bedrock Editions, ensure you have the latest updates to access all the features needed for this customization. Shaderpacks and Resource Pack Enhance your gaming experience by incorporating shaderpacks and… Read More

  • Minecraft LIVE Zoo Building! Hermitcraft Season 10 VOD

    Minecraft LIVE Zoo Building! Hermitcraft Season 10 VODVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Thoughts On Minecraft LIVE and Working On The Zoo – Hermitcraft Season 10 VOD Stream’, was uploaded by GoodVodsWithScar on 2024-10-03 14:00:45. It has garnered 60936 views and 690 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:22 or 11362 seconds. I share my reaction and thoughts on Minecraft live and the new update / drop. I hope you enjoyed the Hermitcraft live stream see you in the next video. ———————————————————- My Links and stuff: * Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21298347 * Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/GTWScar * Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/goodtimeswithscar * Instagram: http://instagram.com/goodtimeswithscar *TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@goodtokswithscar *Business Inquiries Send to: [email protected] ———————————————————… Read More

  • Ultimate Goo Canoe Tutorial by BushMasterHarry

    Ultimate Goo Canoe Tutorial by BushMasterHarryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial – Goo Canoe’, was uploaded by BushMasterHarry on 2024-01-21 01:00:15. It has garnered 73 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:29 or 149 seconds. This is a neat little flying machine that can be used for traveling long distances! Whether it’s the nether, end or overworld, you can set the control down and watch the slime do the work! Thanks for watching and leave a bushy like and/or comment! Help me hit that 7k sub mark for 2024!! Read More

  • Emotional rollercoaster in Minecraft Story Mode!

    Emotional rollercoaster in Minecraft Story Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE FEELS: Minecraft Story Mode Episodes 2-5’, was uploaded by Azetlor146 on 2024-09-16 02:46:11. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 06:01:25 or 21685 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!

    Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Players Simulate The HUNGER GAMES in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by AiroKun on 2024-05-19 19:00:09. It has garnered 326707 views and 7306 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:47 or 5207 seconds. Today I participated in a 100 Player Minecraft Hunger Games Event, will I win? Watch the video to find out! Special Thanks to @Sword4000 for hosting this event! Feel free to join his discord for future events like this ► https://discord.gg/sword4000 ————————————————————- 🚪 Second Channel ► @airoextra 💬 Personal Discord ► https://discord.gg/fkHNmnkfE4 💬 Events Discord ► https://discord.gg/phytor 🔴 Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/airokunlive 🐤… Read More