This video, titled ‘Minecraft Honeycomb Spa Build (No Commentary) 🐝🍯’, was uploaded by Heyo It’s Zero on 2023-12-19 13:52:36. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:30 or 3030 seconds.
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A note: PLEASE let me know if you see comments disabled on one of my videos! It isn’t me. YouTube has disabled them multiple times in the past, and while they say it can happen on accident, please let me know so I can fix it. Thank you!
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Decided I’m gonna start putting whatever deepish thoughts I have at the end of the description since I used to do like a “comment this if you see it” thing so here goes: muffins are an excuse to eat big cupcakes but then we decided to make them healthier instead of just letting them be big cupcakes