Mind-Blowing Minecraft MEME Reactions!

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Grab your favorite snack because today we’re checking out the funniest Minecraft memes to ever be uploaded on YouTube but the weird thing is is that I don’t think you can watch this without laughing so let me know in the comment section if you can do this without laughing and zombies doing push-ups to

Get some muscles and as you can see my muscles are big compared to his they’re tiny oh gosh Herobrine what’s your crazy idea muscle juice why is he giving him muscle juice uh-oh it actually worked his arm Dr huge okay oh everyone’s here is everyone getting muscle juice zombie

Don’t do it don’t break that wall too he broke the wall yep I knew it it just fell over just like that that is pretty impressive I’m not going to lie okay zombie where are you going now okay bench press bench press that’s easy easy

Boom boom Oh okay why did poop come out of his butt oh that’s a lot of poop hey he did it though a lot of poop but wait he has to get all the way to the top oh there’s no way he look at him struggling wait a

Bird why is there Birds Landing on the get off get off get off quick all right you got the zombie okay now the birds poop oh rip rip zombie rip zombie he’s he’s okay Enderman you take the juice oh okay he just threw that thing like it

Was nothing like it was nothing oh and yeah you might have landed the wall on everybody dude oops oops oh wow okay he Sav zombie what a hero and then okay he saved them and then he threw him away well my gosh that is cheating look

How easy that was for him look at that okay so he goes on the next level okay so the goal is to get to the end but what’s at the end we’ll find out what’s at the end at the end of this video because there’s multiple levels

And this is just level one oh is that a a wrestling villager Herobrine oh that landed on Herobrine that was not supposed to land on Herobrine villager move out of the way Enderman coming baby holy that actually worked it just turned into a full anime episode get him Enderman get him oh wait

Did he just oh no oh no the body slam from the nipples of the villager oh God I I don’t I don’t I don’t think Enderman made it guys I’m be honest oh did skeleton did SK Wither Skeleton I think skeleton just got crushed by that weight all right

Let’s see he’s going to take the muscle juice now so uh what why is the musle juice moving huh what how okay let’s see these muscle huh why his arms look like bricks uh yep go on all the way up go on up baby what the oh outer space oh oh

Did we make it we made oh save the Enderman you got this oh my gosh look how big his arms are they’re huge oh he went past the wrestling ring oh no he does not need bigger arms guys what wait what he has a is that a

Grandma what is Grandma who let Grandma out of the house sit down there young one have a tea with me what could Grandma possibly want oh get closer yeah good idea good idea come closer what arm wrestling no way with Grandma Grandma you’re not going to win against an arm wrestling competition

This guy’s taking over two muscle Rings you said no chance no you now Grandma it’s you oh remember no laughing no laughing dudes oh oh it’s about to go down oh my gosh Grandma how how did grandma just do that that was the satellite from outer

Space hey zombies back okay what is this why are we back here okay we saw that Grandma won that last episode but now we’ve got superheroes oh this is going to be juicy I told you guys watch the end it gets real spicy it gets crazy I

Guarantee you you will not be able to survive this challenge he’s Batman zombie man all right I’m liking it zombat that’s what we’re going to call him oh look at him go dude never never mind you didn’t really make it up just just yeah there you go that’s way better that’s that’s probably

The best way to get up there uh you know what zomat you’re smart now there’s lava what are you going to do by the lava now easy grappling flying dead that was not a part of the plan no one said there’s a lava monster all right pigan piglin what are you going to

Do Spider-Man Spider Pig woohoo Spider Pig all right what are we going to do now oh oh yeah it looks like the the webs aren’t really working man the webs are they’re not they’re not coming out uh what why is why is herob Brian barking what the webs come out of his

Butt guys I don’t think that’s how Spider-Man works I’m just going to be honest he just Swings with everything on his butt oh watch out for that oh nice that was smooth okay don’t get hit by these axes though these axes will destroy you oh my oh my he’s Swinging

With his butt cheeks all right Noob all right Noob what do you want Noob what do you want it’s a superhero want to autograph what what is oh God what what does he want what what what just what just happened how did he do that okay Iron Man yep suit it up baby

And he’s got the Rockets let’s go blow him up yeah goodbye monster goodbye it was nice knowing you now we’ve got these axes easy for an Iron Man all right just go over it boom oh snap the Hulk he legit just turn into the Hulkbuster he legit just turned into the

Hulk Buster okay that’s awesome Noob oh One V one new versus Iron Man Hulkbuster who’s going to win drop the video a like Noob Noob Noob Noob wait for it oh no guys I don’t think Noob won that one I’m just saying Oh The Flash okay if

He gets the flash he can run all the way to the end of the course before Iron Man gets there oh oh my he’s so fast look at this look at the speed look at the momentum you you got to be kidding me who installed a pole in the middle of the Run

Who who why is this even a thing he’s he’s okay that that was not that was not a part of the plan that was not a part of the plan all right Enderman more like Captain Enderman let’s do this everyone what he just changed his head all right use the shield

Yeah use the shield as a boat you see no one would have ever thought of that what is this is this a portal uh-oh oh oh this is bad enemy detected no he’s a uhoh oh he’s got oh yep use that Shield use that Shield Baby Woo Captain America shield can hold all

Bullets dude it was shooting so many bullets it ran out are you going to be kidding me you got to be kidding me right now it ran out of bullets how it’s on fire the the machine is dude how is the how is the thing Noob oh what what bright night

Punin where did they where did they just come from why are they coming through the portal wait a second are we in monster school now how do we get into Friday night funkin if you know what Friday night funkin is let me know in the comment section right now uh-oh

Where what H oh what what no they’re alone in the school oh wait are they at they’re at a concert they left oh wait is it a challenge it’s a battle oh oh hey hey oh okay zombie I hear you oh oh oh oh go go go okay I think

Zombes got this zombie you’ve got this right don’t fail us zombie hey bro this is so Good what stop it that was not supposed to happen dude it’s a beautiful day in the village and we have some wait what 15 pork for one Emerald wait 999 Emerald for one dirt yo we’re getting scammed out here Steve let’s get the heck bro why did you yo you’re not supposed to

Punch the Villager Steve yo oh no yo they’re assembling they’re assembling St listen I think the best thing we do here is we just run we just run they’re on pigs they’re chasing Steve on a pig oh this is bad this is actually run we need

To run where they’re going to kill us the villagers are on strike they now know that we punched the Villager we’re going to die run Steve we just keep running what other weird things oh God oh God they’re surrounding us Steve Steve they they led us to a trap what do

We do here Steve we’re trapped we are literally surrounded what’s next what we have a plan okay what what what grab your AR huh what the Steve you’re not supposed to turn into a helicopter how did we just turn into a helicopter we’ve literally just flown away from the

Villagers because Steve used his arms as a helicopter and the Golems are chasing us what wait why are the Iron Golems now okay now it’s turned into an air battle oh my how many Iron Golems are there holy smokes are shooting at us Steve fly fly fly we’ve got to dodge these bullets

Bro we’ve got to dodge these dirt missiles keep it moving keep it moving oh god oh we’re not going to make it man down we’ve taken heavy damage we’ve taken heavy holy F the mother okay well that’s not awkward it’s okay though cuz we’ve just respawned in the nether this

Is totally fine Steve okay we’ have been banned from the Overworld for right now it’s fine why is there even a sheep down here why are why okay when I thought things couldn’t get weirder okay and I and now it’s Gott even weirder he went across the lava and

Now he turned into an elevator what don’t fight the blade why did you just turn into why did he just turn into okay that’s bad you never want to wear gold armor oh jeez you see now we have a army of Pigmen chasing us dude this is

Not a part of the plan we had the villagers we ran away from we literally just robbed them we just robbed them all their gold and now we sent them into their fiery death into the lava okay Steve listen we have caused a lot of trouble in this area we need to slow

Down I almost just died I almost just died oh my God okay we’re fine though everything okay than survived the lava this is great this is exactly what I expected would happen let me tell you I knew we’re we’re dead there’s now we have no way out of this Steve there’s no

Way you have why are you drinking water what the heck did he just turn into how did that work what how did that just and why do you have a nether portal in your hand Steve is up to some weird stuff lately dudes let me tell you somehow we

Made it back to the Overworld even though we were banned by the villagers Obama what the what the Obama just gave us a rocket La I have never in my life seen a present give us this in my this is in Minecraft all right now what is that for

Don’t tell me we are not going back to the Village are we Steve Steve Steve we we we’re fine we don’t have to do this Steve you’ve got to be kidding me bro yeah we oh my God the the entire world is blowing up oh my dude why did we even

Use why we why were we so close to that explosion we’re dead listen it was dumb we should just go back to Nether go back what the you just built a oneway where does this go we just destroyed the Overworld with the village to come to the end we could have just skipped

Destroying the village what did he just do with his arms how did he just do that with his AR you guys saw that and now we’re fighting the Ender Dragon which by the way we didn’t even have to we could have used the nuke on the Ender Dragon instead I’m telling

You we didn’t and why is he just sitting there what what wait he just ate the Ender Dragon and there’s a helicopter no way the Iron Golem’s the real fire boss what a plot twist I did not see this coming holy what we did it wait what Steve wait he

Shot the ender dragon out of his mouth and and killed the Iron Golem why okay now why are we back in the Overworld oh we just okay we just shot the skeleton of the what the heck what is happening here how is that happening there’s something things I just can’t explain in

Minecraft like when you find coal it’s very exciting right you find a big huh what I’m pretty sure the mountain just got legs and ran away okay it that just happened a red stone block what are you making why do you need this much that is literally a waste of

Redstone Steve I’ll be are you kidding me no ST okay well there goes my best friend I guess I got to go with them okay I went the wrong way that’s awkward watch this bro MLG anvil on my feet you see I put anvil on my feet I will

Survive no damage oh my okay that oh I fell through the world okay that happened nether portal baby where are we going where are we going we’re going to the nether portal we’re going to the nether right now uh that’s awkward um uh what is happening what the hey that’s not not

Normal hello puppy take all these there’s like 60 bones he’s eating all the bones not safe did a good job about making sure we feed the Wolves Steve huh what the why did Steve just become a dog wait what the why is a dog Steve what are you

Doing that’s not how dogs work at least we’re in the nether now all right I’m just going to throw it out there we’re having a grand old time there’s a blaze here we’re going to we just threw a bucket out of Blaze that’s a pig we’re riding yep that’s how

We are rolling around this land we’ve got lots of chest hey Steve listen I came back with the pig we got a SAT huh wait a second hey that that’s not how it works Steve okay God I I can’t do anything with this guy and does that pig

Have a diamond in the front of its fishing rod yes yes it does okay all right we got a piston down we’ve got some bone meal wait what you can’t bone meal Pistons since when is this a thing why are we bone mealing a p holy no no do not blow

Up do not crush the he crushed The Village he crushed okay that is literally a thing we just picked up the entire Village okay this is a frog why are we carrying a frog what yo what the heck hello Mr Pig do you want some carrots take 64 carrots

Now have you guys ever wonder if you overfeed a pig do you think what an Ender Pig now we’ve got a farm I love planting in Minecraft look at this we’re farming it up planting our seeds what up Steve just going to bone meal these B hey give

Me back my bone meal bro yo don’t what are you doing you can’t bone meal the sun okay he’s bone mealing the sun guys he literally just why he just burned himself to death okay that just happened whoa look at us all right shoker you got

No chance against us look at this it’s so slow Steve move out of the way it’s moving really slow don’t get hit by wait what you’re not supposed to ride it how is he doing that ooh a farm of chickens everyone loves chicken okay I’ve got an

Egg what the heck did we just get a Ender Dragon from the chickens and now we’re breaking the Egg of the Ender Dragon and don’t tell me it’s going to give us chickens wait where is the Ender Dragon wait we have the yes I love this video now we’re

Doing some farming with some pumpkins I like this okay we’re going to put blocks down and we’re going to add a pumpkin at the top and we just made an iron golem there’s there’s there’s no way that actually works right is he a friend he wasn’t even friendly he was evil a TNT

Yo that’s actually sick what the heck yo what the it just killed us get away Creeper get away right now oh that works you can wait since when can you put a creeper in a bucket that I my brain is broken what just happened no that’s an evil prank

It’s explosive water what yep that’s how you can prank your friends starting off with Steve down in the mines and he’s mining diamonds let huh why did he just hit the diamond with a wooden sword you guys saw that right that was okay he just grabbed some water and he now has

Water boots wait wait a minute what how okay that is big brain okay that is not oh what he just took off the zombie head I told you guys this would be a weird video Minecraft memes not safe made something crazy here I’m telling

You oh no oh jeez okay he put on a zombie head and there’s a cat running from a creeper what when does that ever happen how does that happen Okay he took off the zombie head apparently there’s something behind this wall we’re taking this iron ore and why is this

What that torch just grew legs and walked away how does that happen why did he just turn into an Enderman okay Steve is not doing well guys Steve is he’s breaking minecraft he’s he just got into a mine cart okay where are we going we are now sitting on

Steve’s head and going down a m what dude there is no way He just ate the arrow and shot it back what and he just bone Meed his pickaxe what did he say oh my God D my brain is break he just made a nether portal but guys this video is just beginning we are only 2 minutes in my brain is already breaking and now

We’re in the nether okay what are we doing in the nether okay there’s a gas guys be careful okay it’s shooting at us he just def what okay oh my go guys reverse card reverse card oh oh that’s bad he just exploded the gas with his own explosions

You know what that that’s did we just turn into a airplane are we now an air we are now an airplane okay Steve is just turned into an airplane and now we’re we’re entering the Fortress okay this what are we grabbing we just grabbed a snowman where did he grab the Snowman

From and he just threw the snowman in the lava after all that hard work okay what and he just fell in the lava too we just moved the entire platform how now we’re opening a chest okay we’ wa the chest is running away get back

Here get back here oh empti it out baby give me the diamonds give me everything ye yeah we just ye a chest that just happened what’s down here oh we’re going to grab no what are we dumping water okay we’ve got a water bucket of course we do all right

And that actually worked should we try this we’re Landing we landed on him and we survived bro what the okay yep that’s how you dodge the no wait why did he just make another portal like how yo yo how is it a thing how how are we actually living in Minecraft right now

All right hi Mr villager uh yeah take this oh my why did he explode oops that wasn’t on purpose thank you Steve thank you all right we’re putting down an iron okay we’re making our own Iron go who okay well we just made our own Iron Golem and we’re shooting chicken eggs at

Its okay what wait no wait wait wait wait okay we’ll come back we’ll be we’ll be why did he use the chicken to shoot egg to the chicken butt that doesn’t make any sense to me I’ll be honest and we just land in the water MLG dudes we are back

At our house after a long day hey Steve I’ve got this wool I’ve collected so you can make yourself a bed so we can go to sleep and then wake up the next day with the brand new where are you what are you doing why are you putting the Do Not

Steve you cannot sleep on the roof man that’s not how it works dude you it’s not possible sleep in M all right that was a little brain breaking we are now in the snow making snowmen baby that’s what I’m talking about just me and a pal hanging out what’s up dude hopefully

You’re having a great day Steve also going to make one as well and we’re mining now it’s okay we’re down in the in the mines we’re at Bedrock level what up Steve hey Steve listen I was wondering maybe you can help me move some of this uh this

Cobblestone uh wait no not the Bedrock man we’ve got to we’ve got to mine around the Bedrock you can’t move you can’t break bedrock it’s Bedrock place redstone a count of three 3 2 1 what wait we we just moved Bedrock okay luckily we’re back at our house

We’ve got to go ahead and make ourselves an iron pickaxe it is time to go down into the mines we’ve got a little mine shaft door here we’re going to go down and hopefully we’re going to find some diamonds cuz as you guys know diamonds are a big deal Finding Diamonds oh oh

Wait a second what we went down wait guys didn’t uh we’re back at our house huh okay maybe we go back through what wow it’s a beautiful little village look at me and look at that creeper what is he up to he is he going to destroy my

Track okay I can’t have this creeper looking to destroy the hard work that we’ve done with this track right they’ve built amazing Railway system excuse me sir move out of the way oh put my shield up can’t let him explode you know don’t want to be in a sticky situation where

It’s okay though we will rebuild all right we’re fine we we are now in the nether there’s a a a nice little Enderman next to us and we are currently building what is this oh infinite water source very cool okay now I’m not sure why we need water down here but

Apparently we’re building a little pool and no no no this is cruel we’re dropping wait what he survived he’s he’s not wait what why did the Enderman go swimming huh two and one uh let’s see we’re we’re making oh nice a sugar cane Farm I like it I like what

I see here we’re going to be rich this should work no wait a minute what huh ooh we’re back home okay we have spent a very long time as you can see we have a full inventory we’re going to go and put the shulker shell in our chest and put a

Chest in between and we get a purple shulker box oh yes fine fine we’re back in the mines we’ve got serious work to do we’ve got a nice little chest of materials here a jukebox is being made we’re going to play some tunes music hey

C418 cat baby one of the best songs in Minecraft but if you break the Jukebox and then put it in the uh Anvil you can change it to dinner bone now if you guys don’t know what that does watch this slap this bad boy here put the music this again changes the song

T 814c I have no idea how this is possible it makes no sense to me why this happens I have no idea secret why is he covered in water though seriously uh we’re just okay I now see why because he’s killing the Enderman with it he

Literally yo yo yo that’s one of the oh my the Ender Dragon just dodged the attack and now we’re using bone meal to make Clippers we just clipped the Ender Dragon’s wings no shot we just beat the game of Minecraft like that no way that that’s no we’re

Mining the a Baby Ender Dragon no shot what the heck is that wait what is that what hey hey hey hey hey we’re getting robbed come back okay that just happened we just got robbed okay okay that is not what I expected when I said let’s get inside of it we just broke

Into the monster school basement for some reason and uh-oh it sounds like school’s already started they’re all going to their classes and getting ready and yeah dude you don’t belong here but hey they accepted him they don’t mind him being there but it is time for class

As you can see the Bell just rang Herobrine he’s the teacher oh yep get CAU Stickman that’s right we’re going to call him red red like my shirt dur trouble get in the class now even though you don’t look like you belong here come on let’s go

Oh he’s trying to run away but yeah Herobrine won’t let him it’s time for class dude all right never skip school dudes and if you got bullies let me know in the comment section because you’re my friend none of my friends are getting bullied all right in today’s lesson we

Are learning about sneaking as you guys may or may not know sneaking is very important in Minecraft and yeah now we’re in the forest it is night time but this is a monster school that’s heroBrine and that’s Steve might be a little confusing for you but it’s your

Goal to sneak on to sneeve because you’re a monster as he’s crafting you want to okay we’re going to try that again zombie you failed the test you did not pass next spider get up there brother you got this he’s stretching and launching oh too much

Noise creeper get up there all right oh that is what I’m talking about that was perfectly executed skeleton he’s got his bow he’s shooting and okay you missed you you missed oh Skelly shoot shoot shoot shoot oh oh okay you’re you got to you got to hit

Him how did he miss all those arrows oh my it’s embarrassing this is all from the class sneaking all right that’s not fair guys he’s being bullied hey I hope it’s a class of bullying now that wasn’t fair they tripped him oh what did Red get

What did Red get come on come on it better be a good grade for red he dodged all the attacks not an F not an F no red he got worse than spider did how running running should be easy look at this red should be able to win this no problem oh

My God a baby zombie oh oh hey hey that’s cheating oh dude Red’s being Red’s being bullied in class all right Enderman oh why why did he just do that that is not cool dudes that is not cool lesson three acrobatics all right they can’t bully red the entire video

Right oh man I feel so bad for red swimming okay swimming that’s easy all right why how come creeper swimming like that how is he he’s failing every class cooking red you can’t fail cooking you’re look at that dudes red is on top baby what all FS that’s not fair that is

Not fair dudes he was doing a great job final exam team Race okay all right that’s going to be weird because now now people have to team up with red and oh Red’s on team yellow okay we’re outside oh oh okay Red’s got a pretty solid team there skeleton Enderman and spider but

Red doesn’t realize oh oh no come on guys he’s a good guy oh red I believe in you man I what what are you looking at oh oh the ender portal he can get out of here almost uh-oh uh-oh they better get ready to race it’s a about to start

You get a golden trophy wa oh wow you got to go far wow what how how Ready Set ready go oh oh my oh my gosh yeah that’s going to be a weird one guys hope you brought all your weapons okay go go go oh jeez

Red go what are you doing you silly dude why don’t you just prove everyone wrong that was bullying you that you’re great oh his team’s losing too oh jeez that’s embarrassing red win it for your team then leave you got this huh what I’m confused why oh they have to sneak past

The Steves there you go there you go oh they’re all dead now I don’t know how Red’s going to get out of here there’s no way he can make it to the top of the Ender Portal alone he needs like help and who better to help him Enderman

Oh no way jeez dude that is so far up there oh my they just got destroyed his whole team just got obliterated because all three of those guys right there got FS for sneaking oh oh oh my man okay now we’re in business get up bozos let’s go we’ve got a tournament to

Win are you with me or not I just saved you guys what the heck oh come on oh now they have wings now what are you guys going to do you see that wasn’t part of the plan skeleton is up to you shoot start shooting let’s see if we can get his

Shots in bro really really really he’s missing all of them like not even close how did he just hit that H how did turning the ball around get him to hit that not enough credit they don’t love it man they don’t love red that’s a lot of

Steves what are they going to do why don’t they just teleport past all of them that didn’t work what okay that was epic that was epic that actually worked he doesn’t like feathers he’s not a feather guy all right spider I think you’re up man oh yeah

Spiders turn to shine oh my God everyone else can fly literally everyone else they’re the only ones I can’t fly so what do they do what yeah okay no way oh my that is epic oh my dude this is epic yeah yo spider gohost spider

Go oh the other team with the Blaze and the spider oh my dude we are winning oh no oh no guys hello team what they literally just left him behind come on you can’t do that he literally helped you guys win bro all the teams are bullying him yes they’re

Back let’s go it’s like the return of the Avengers bro this is sick red red red team yellow wins come on show me the goods they’re going up oh no oh oh okay that was awesome that was actually awesome he said what’s up man dude that is awesome

Oh baby did we win though yes let’s go winner winner dudes oh heck yeah well where we oh oh he asked Enderman to bring him back to the Ender Portal hey guys for helping you let me go back home and the only way he can do that is if

They help him oh my oh my oh my uh that actually okay that actually works boom boom boom wait why are they all leaving oh no wait what they’re in the nether what oh his friends are fighting in here oh oh that’s bad oh yo okay this is actually

In I guess this is the king of Minecraft oh it’s over for them they just lost the king of Minecraft wins oh oh okay that was epic that was flipping epic oh come on red you’ve beat you’ve beat a lot of battles already and it’s 4v1 what’s up guys

Sorry it took so long I’ve been a little bit crazy I went to a monster school these are my new friends Enderman hi guys how you doing y it’s time to fight though I’ll be back yo oh no yes nice oh jeez using the obsidian overpowered oh come on they can win this

Red you can win this you’ve been through worse dude this is so epic oh my gosh bro this is the craziest stick fight animation I’ve ever seen in my life what the oh oh my gosh that looks heavy oh he’s done for let’s go that was freaking epic holy starting

Off with this video as you can see we have a crafting table we’ve got our oak wood planks and then we’re adding a block of coal and yeah we just got a massive yes it’s a thick torch literally a thick torch why this is a thing I have

No idea but if you have those regular torches you ain’t living in the same universe we got thick torches now B it just made it like day oh my God that is crazy now we have a whole chest full of diamonds we’ve got gold bars we’ve got a crafting table here we’re going to add an entire no no wait what are we doing wait why are you adding 64

Helmets we don’t need 64 helmets dude you need like one helmet that’s all you need that that’s like having that many is just way too much okay wait he put them all on oh what the why no oh My Bro you’ve got to be kidding me diamonds are

Really really easy to get if you know how to get them but that is a waste of diamonds ain’t nobody need that many diamonds on their head Flint we’ve got raw iron what the Flint and raw steel what what the heck is that wait a second

Wait a second no way this Works flint and raw what since when that’s not okay we got chest we got eight chests now there’s nothing weird that you can do at chest they’re just chests all right we it’s just a oh hey what up Steve hello

There welcome to the house pal I I just put this chest down no problem uh Steve Steve what bro why is Steve why is Steve ruining he ruined it he made it so wait what mean I guess he made it bigger but that is no one needs that big of a chest

And uh it looks like we’re underground we’ve got everything organized a nice little chest what how Steve how is this possible how how did you do that how did you get torches in the wall yeah literally how he’s going to show us okay you broke one block put one in the in

The bottom one in the side one in the back one the I’ve never thought of this I’ve never thought of this is that possible is this literally Possible Oh my God bro bro we’re throwing down cactuses we’re throwing down cactuses okay random tick speed now set to oh no now

9999 are they about to grow nice oh wait wait they’re supposed to stop growing okay there we go they stopped what wait what hey hey no no no come back down why are bro that’s not supposed to be happening they’re flying away since when since when do cactuses

Just fly away like this guys that doesn’t make any sense this is this is literally broken Minecraft something need someone needs to call Mojang call them on the phone hello yes Minecraft’s broken Red Alert red alert and why is there a sunflower growing next to this dispenser we’ve got an ender pearl and

We’re going to put the ender pearl back in the dispenser and then we’re going to add a lever what no shot is that a thing does that actually work why did you just TNT yourself that that don’t make no sense dude netherite Ingot what why are we why would you just throw your

Netherite ingot in the Lava what why is it floating I it just broke right through a cactus nothing destroys a netherite Ingot that’s why all right we’re building we’re putting Eyes of Ender into glass to make an End Crystal okay we’re making two end crystals but why do we need end

Crystals for what what are we doing with these I would be very careful I do not trust Steve at all he’s been up to what why would he eat it okay we’re we’re back at we’re back at the house we’re back at the house we have a lot to

Talk about we’ve got ourselves does that say 40 or one piston wait why is there is that a okay no no no hello what okay we we’re laying down the Redstone Dust we’re laying down the Redstone Dust we’re placing all our dispenser there we’re going to fill it

With TNT this probably is a very bad idea idea I would not try this at home we’re going to flip the switch all right and this should what what what it’s an Among Us character all right we’re laying obsidian down all right easy we’re building ourselves it looked like a

Nether portal unless he builds it really wrong and sus okay no normal looking nether portal very nice very nice okay now we got some Oak planks we’re going to slap these bad boys down piston no no don’t okay it doesn’t work I I I was hoping it wouldn’t because it just

Didn’t make sense Steve don’t what no bro what how no are they are they fishing in lava right now bro the boat is more effective what do you mean the boat is more effective you can’t go on the boat in lava dude you’re it’s lava it’s

How it’s a wooden boat in lava lava starts fires wood and lava don’t go together but apparently in Minecraft they do oh no he just took that he just took that villager’s bed dude you never want to take a poor little villager’s bed man that’s their their only bed look

At this this guy’s going to be pissed he like bro these are all my beds oh we’re oh we’re taking another bed no man this guy’s just trying to sleep all right he’s going to get huh wait what what what happened that’s why you never take a villager’s bed you see Karma that

Is crazy how we ended up here I got no idea are we oh no not another villager in a bed huh half a bed H oh no no no no no don’t sleep in that villager don’t do it this is a bad idea he’s got a blanket of lava how does

He have a blanket of lava okay we’re down in the mines we’re looking for something what do we what do we oh iron pickaxe okay we got some diamonds already that’s good why do we have a comp why do we have a compost gravel okay no what what potion of

Night what that works no wait do you guys see Herobrine who is that right there do you see that person right there who is that there’s nothing you can do with a diamond block that will surprise me okay we’ve got an anvil what a block of diamond does not go in Infinity what

Why would you want you can’t enchant a diamond block D huh block of diamond Infinity wait no no no no no no no don’t tell me you can put it down infinite amount of time okay that’s that that should not be a thing but now we’re loading of a

Minecraft speedrun and you’ve got to loot this Village as fast as possible throw the Redstone down and get yourself a block of red stone and get on your way you’ve got some hay bals now it’s time to make an o boat TNT lots of wait what the heck why

Huh what this is the weirdest Minecraft speed I’ve ever seen in my life he’s literally in a boat flying that’s never been done in any Minecraft speed run that I’ve seen ever and he just took a lot of damage he literally flew straight to a portal that is a load of baloney no

Shot this is real no shot this guy’s getting like literally getting the entire world record right here he’s giving him gold ingots he’s taking the gold ingot dropping him IE no no no no no no no 64 Eyes of Ender no see you later man have a good one this is uh

This is load of baloney there’s no way this guy’s about to get the world record in Minecraft speedr running but no no no no no no no he’s lit putting everything his inventory he’s putting down rails and now he’s going to put a cart and he’s gone look at this look he’s

Ins what he literally just cheated what dude what the how no no no no no no no this is wrong look at him he’s already at the end this is this is this is faster than dream faster than anyone that’s ever done a speedrun he’s now

Putting more TNT a lever and a boat dude I’ve never seen someone use a boat and lever to go ahead and shoot themselves to what look at this oh oh what no shot oh my he’s literally defeating the Ender Dragon by just hopping around in a boat

And now he landed perfectly this is actually the fastest speed one I’ve ever seen my life he’s breaking he’s breaking the fence nice very good but iron bars going down iron bar is going down put another boow down another TNT dude what now he’s shooting himself out of there

Blowing up that last no and how how is you defeat the Ender Dragon kill yourself please that’s not going to work dude you can’t just tell the Ender drag what what ow it actually worked turning off in a sky base we are placing down some Oak planks and we’re play some

Water buckets down create a little bit of an infinite water source here a nice waterfall look at that that looks really nice okay we land in the water that’s good but look at this it’s a very nice hey Steve look at this we made this for

The base dude isn’t that sick yeah wait you don’t have to put a boat a boat dude you’re not going to go anywhere that’s a boat dude it’s a little bit of water in a waterfall where do you think you’re going to go what Ste Steve Steve you’re not supposed to go

That way okay it’s a beautiful day in Minecraft we got our house here let’s go in the crafting table put some bone get some bone meal we’ve got to go ahead and use it on this beautiful little sapling let’s grow this bad boy up let’s get him

The full size but oh no that that that’s not what I meant when I said full size I why is that bigger than a tree that’s fine you know what that sometimes happens let’s go and make some torches we’re going to get out there it’s now

Night time hey Steve listen I’m going to give you some torches hey what’s up Alex you want some torches too here you go listen I was thinking maybe because it is night time we can get some nice lights out there um what do you guys think about maybe placing some torches

Down and uh well wait one 2 3 wait why are we why are we throwing that guys what the uh oh sick we found a desert temple yo what up Steve nice you getting good loot in there or what what where are you going oh you need some Cactus

Okay that’s easy bro just mine up some Cactus I’m not sure why you using a a mining pickaxe but listen you could probably use any other tool to get that it’s not it’s not worth using your pickaxe for but what are you doing dude you can’t wait what no ST Steve that’s

Not wait a second no no no you’re breaking my mcraft physics here man you can’t be throwing down Cactus okay what the heck okay I didn’t think things would get any weirder but now we got some Redstone Dust We got some Pistons we’re laying down some red stone but

What these things are facing each other why are these why are these oh gosh a lever okay I know something bad’s about to happen yeah that didn’t do anything actually a furnace we’re putting a furnace in the middle of two okay it’s fine you know what

Sometimes you want to go exploring in a dungeon all right and exploring with your friends in an underground dungeon is always fun and oh we got ourselves a spawner Oh wait we’re at the end portal oh dude easy we’re about to beat the game of Minecraft we’ve been working so

Hard wait wait a second why am I only level two we should not be okay is this like a speedrun we’re going and he has no armor guys wait a second Steve okay what what St okay we’ve respawned we’re back underground we’re putting down some soul stand are we about to spawn a

Wither why why are we oh hey Steve we’re over here man uh I got some soul stand down but um I have no levels and uh well luckily we’ve got some diamond armor throw down the skeleton heads let’s do it baby eat a golden apple we’re getting ready for

War wait what no no no no no hey hey hey Steve Steve we only need one man why what the heck is that that’s not going to make anything dude that’s like wait is that a creeper on a massive TNT land no no no this this is going to crash my

Minecraft let’s get out of here quick wait don’t blow up wait what if he does blow up and it does CRA let’s try let’s try come on creeper try to catch me okay okay fine I’ll let you catch me now just wait what how we got some logs to chop

We’ve got some wood we’ve got to collect we’ve got to make the best out of today as you can see we’ve got ourselves 30 pieces of wood Steve how much wood you got over there pal I’m working harder than you I better see you working extra

Hard there let’s see I got 35 pieces all right what about you how’s it looking over here what what Ste Steve that how did you just do that wait a minute what you’re okay wait you chop the tree down and then you put that is what what the heck is Steve

Doing now he’s made all these what it why does it why do why does don’t try it Steve no oh my God it just killed Steve the St killed Steve why did that happen why that ooh oh what wait a minute hold up wait a second oh my God why is that a

Thing what the no no no all right we’re exploring the lands we’ve got our shears hello Mr sheep listen hope all is well I need your nice I H we’ve got a frog and oh this is this don’t tell me the Frog don’t tell

Me frog go to work eat him what hey hey hey you’re supposed to eat him oh my house we’re back at the house and oh no there’s a skeleton oh we can take out the skeleton no problem Steve take it out for me wait did you just take his

Bow wait did you just eat that what Ste Steve what are you doing no Steve the desert temple we’re back oh yes okay as long as we’re not doing anything crazy with the cactus anything good inside let’s see oh we got some chests what the wait it didn’t explode okay we’re at

The villagers oh is that a villager in Steve’s hand what is Steve doing now Steve Steve where are you iron golem oh what no okay it didn’t kill us good good good we’re alive we’re we’re doing well hello Mr Piggies we’re here to feed you guys some food Steve what are you are

You eating pork in front of the pigs what the what I don’t know what’s going on anymore but we’re in Minecraft and we’re doing Minecraft than for grabbing a water bucket hello Mr Enderman listen I don’t mean to look at you but you look

H he did did did he just pick up an Enderman in a water bucket did you just did Steve I picked up a you’re not what what why did that just happen What uh now we’re putting redstone blocks that’s not going to do anything dude what oh my god wow that

Worked wait what it came back the other side huh what okay we’re going to go fishing now all right fishing in Minecraft is very relaxing what can go wrong there’s been a lot of Minecraft memes that have gone wrong but what can go wrong when you’re out here fishing with a pal like

Steve Steve Ste Steve did you just fish the entire water did you just fish all the water Steve what the okay luckily fishing’s now over we’re going to put our fishing rod away we’re going to put some keratin we put some seeds on a stick all right very very not we are

Riding a chicken we are flying a chicken what the heck is happening this is our life now we are literally flying a chicken this this is this is what happened okay wow you know the rule never dig straight down in Minecraft you’re always going to run in the lava

So do your best to never dude you can you can hear the lava wait speaking of lava now no you never put an oak boat in lava it doesn’t work you cannot row your boat in lava you’re putting Netherrack down yeah you just can we’re back in the mines baby where

Are we going though where are we going boys we are raw chicken torch okay who brings raw chicken down when you’re going mining nobody we’ve got coal perfect throw down your to oh shoot broken iron pickaxe that’s never the good sign huh wait what Herobrine we’ve got cows okay everyone loves cow C

Dinner bone dinner bone wait what huh what what wait a second hold on you can’t dude you can’t dig Bedrock Bedrock is impossible to mine like you can’t mine through it it it will literally he’s got a wooden pickaxe how would he M all right we got ourself a little cow

Ooh it’s time to get the milk for the day sure give us some milk thank you very much we appreciate using your huh wait a second

This video, titled ‘Minecraft MEMES you wont believe!’, was uploaded by Reactionary on 2023-11-09 18:00:11. It has garnered 115529 views and 1085 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:27 or 3447 seconds.

Minecraft MEMES you wont believe! Check out the full animations here! https://youtu.be/O8i1PzzlclU https://youtu.be/hi5BS-AH8Yk https://youtu.be/l0qWm9jR_rk https://youtu.be/25tL9L2c7tc https://youtu.be/2yqE1McO1d0 https://youtu.be/AlYQeY0sfJQ

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Tags reaction, reacting, best reacting, friendly reacting, reactionary, minecraft, gaming, funny gaming, gaming funny, minecraft animation, animations, animated, reactions, funny reactions, funny animations, sad animations, do not cry, do not laugh, minecraft memes you can’t explain,minecraft,minecraft moments you can’t explain,minecraft clips you cant explain,minecraft moments you cant explain,minecraft funny,minecraft meme,minecraft memes,memes minecraft,best minecraft memes,funny minecraft memes,minecraft rtx,minecraft animation,minecraft song,minecraft pe,minecraft 1.17,minecraft wins,minecraft fails,minecraft how to,minecraft shorts,minecraft logic you can’t explain,minecraft but

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  • EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!

    EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-02-29 16:50:25. It has garnered 2483 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle|| minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy diggy hole… Read More

  • DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel Skyblock

    DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Grinding DUNGEONS (F7) & UPDATE GRINDING TODAY! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:51. It has garnered 1543 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:45 or 6525 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️https://www.twitch.tv/yedazzer #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/dazzy4 Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ https://twitter.com/imDazzer Discord ➡️ https://discord.gg/GxuHWdkhUM Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkbD4P0wRdgFKlJUc_yMnNQ Swurv – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPF6WdxyBDj7Cr1AO2rMvZg Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Vs All entries 🔥 🔥 #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Fardin Amjad Gamer 🇵🇰 MC on 2024-02-14 10:32:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Herobrine Vs All entries #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftpe … Read More

  • FriendsPlus

    FriendsPlusWelcome to Friends+! Here we strive to be a welcoming community of friends who don’t care about your background, all we care about is if you’re human! enjoyfriends.apexmc.co:26146 Read More

  • CoreMC Vanilla Whitelist 1.21

    Welcome to CoreMC! I started CoreMC about 2 years ago to create a simple Minecraft community for players of all skill levels. The server runs on stock vanilla .jar with minimal addons, allowing for a true vanilla experience. Our rules are based on respect for others and the server. Key Features: No PVP/Griefing/Stealing No item dupe glitches No excessive lag-causing builds No discrimination or harassment No hacking, but some mods are allowed Alt accounts allowed with permission Join Our Discord: If you’re interested in joining, please apply through our Discord. Server Info: Server Address: play.core-mc.net Specs: Ryzen 5 3550H, 32GB… Read More

  • Glorp Junior High School

    you need the modpack SteamPunk LPS on curseforge and 12gb of ram dedicatedage requirement is 18+https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/steam-punk⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions & 5 NEW Planets to Explore!⚙️ Skills, Magic, Tetra & most importantly Steam like Tech⚙️ NEW Game Mechanics such as Thin Air & Cold Sweat⚙️ NEW Game Features… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting OG Hoodie”

    Looks like even Minecraft mobs are trying to get a retail job to make some extra emeralds! Read More

  • Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed

    Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed In Zonbili Village, the adventure unfolds, With each new episode, the story is told. Exploring, crafting, building with glee, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity is free. Join us on this journey, filled with delight, As we explore the depths, day and night. Subscribe, like, and comment, show your support, As we continue to play, in this virtual resort. So come along, let’s dive right in, To Zonbili Village, where the fun begins. With each new video, a new tale to tell, In the world of Minecraft, where we all dwell. Read More

  • Tax Time in Minecraft, Let’s Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes

    Tax Time in Minecraft, Let's Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes “When you’re trying to enjoy building in Minecraft but then remember you have to pay taxes in the real world #adulting #minecraftwoes” Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Facts!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Facts! Exploring Minecraft 1.21 Update: What You Need to Know! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft 1.21? This latest update is packed with new features and enhancements that will take your gaming experience to the next level. Let’s take a closer look at what’s in store for players in this thrilling update! What’s New in Minecraft 1.21? The Minecraft 1.21 update brings a host of exciting additions to the game. From new biomes and mobs to enhanced gameplay mechanics, there’s something for every player to enjoy. One of the standout features of this update is… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft gameplay videos like “I MADE A SUGARCANE FARM | MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #21”? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of passionate gamers who enjoy Minecraft, Evil Nun, Gta San Andreas, Minecraft mods, horror games, and more! Experience the thrill of building your own sugarcane farm in a multiplayer environment. Connect with like-minded players, explore new worlds, and showcase your creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the Minewind server IP:… Read More

  • EPIC Cinematic Edit!

    EPIC Cinematic Edit! Exploring the World of Minecraft Cinematic Edits Step into the mesmerizing world of Minecraft cinematic edits, where creativity knows no bounds and imagination reigns supreme. From stunning visuals to intricate storytelling, these edits take the Minecraft experience to a whole new level. The Art of Cinematic Edits Creating a cinematic edit in Minecraft is no easy feat. It requires a keen eye for detail, a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics, and a whole lot of patience. But the end result is truly something special – a masterpiece that showcases the beauty and complexity of the Minecraft universe. Key… Read More


    INSANE MUTANT ADD-ON! MINECRAFT LIVE w/ THE BOYSVideo Information This video, titled ‘[LIVE] MINECRAFT w/ THE BOYS – MUTANT ADD-ON + MORE!!! (5/3/24)’, was uploaded by calebsmyth TV on 2024-05-04 05:35:38. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:38 or 7478 seconds. Yooo, these Add-Ons are insane! Read More

  • LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDarius

    LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDariusVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Party 2! LIVE’, was uploaded by NekoDarius on 2024-02-17 17:14:27. It has garnered 66 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:38 or 13178 seconds. Read More


    AnshStrive - ESCAPE THE BUTTON IN MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT , BUT I HAVE TO FIND THE BUTTON TO ESCAPE’, was uploaded by AnshStrive on 2024-05-18 04:46:54. It has garnered 999 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:28 or 448 seconds. I have to find the button to escape this trap for which I have taken some hints and find the button if if you enjoy my video and find my video interesting subscribe to my channel Read More