mind-blowing Minecraft update 🌸 Cozy 1.20 Let’s Play

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No no oh my God please stop no I don’t have anything to stop the fire oh my gosh I’m going to pretend I didn’t see that I’m gonna pretend I didn’t try and stop the forest fire I am so sorry for this hey guys welcome back

To my YouTube channel I am so so sorry for the YouTube absence I got really burnt out of uploading and I didn’t really feel like playing um any other games that I was playing on this channel and I’ve only recently started getting back into wanting to record and upload

Um I have some goals that I want to achieve this month so I need to like start pushing myself to get back on the grind I’m not sure what really caused the burned out the I’m not sure it really caused the burnt out burnout but um it’s slowly going away and I’m going

To be easing back into it I also have a long long overdue thank you so so much for 1 000 subscribers we hit it like a month ago or so and um I never really like properly think to I did record a Minecraft video um but I ended up deleting it I was

Saying like my thank yous and everything but um yeah I deleted it I scrapped it I didn’t really like how it went but yeah this is me saying thank you thank you so much a thousand subscribers was one of my uh New Year’s resolution goals for this year for this channel specifically

So hitting it so early like meant a lot to me even though I was burnt out it still was like in the back of my mind like I it’s definitely motivating like I can definitely keep doing this and see where it takes us for the next half of

The year so thank you guys so much for the support and watching the videos and commenting when you do it’s very sweet like all the time I like reading the comments and I appreciate you guys and the last thing that I want to discuss is I lost my save file for the better

Minecraft let’s play uh I was trying to update the like mod pack in Chris Forge um profile thing that I had and I like overwrote the whole thing like I did a repair fix thing and I guess it repairs and fixes everything it kept everything

Except for my save files so I don’t know I unfortunately lost the world so I I am going to be starting a new better Minecraft like World soon but um I’m kind of waiting to see if it will update for the 1.20 update that just came out like today

Um the day that I’m recording this but yeah so better Minecraft is on pause for now until further notice in today’s video I will be playing a vanilla-ish Minecraft and exploring the 1.20 update um I only added a few mods here and there and obviously I have my resource

Like texture packs but um yeah it’s only a couple mods here but it’s not like game changing like you know better Minecraft stuff it’s uh still super vanilla and just more for like the Aesthetics I guess you could say I’m super excited though to explore the new update I feel like there’s just

So much to do I haven’t played a simple version of Minecraft in a while so I’m super super ready to see what see what’s see what’s up see what’s up in their new world and stuff I hope you guys really enjoy this video so let’s get into it and thank you again uh

For 1000 subscribers I I appreciate you guys let’s get into the video okay so um we just spawned and I always like do a chest uh extra Chester bonus chest thing when I make my worlds so I’m gonna grab oh I forgot we don’t have like the mouse

Tweaks modest sounds like shift clicking like put everything in the boom excuse me inventory but um I do have my mini map mod because um I really need a mini map personally so I put that in the game I want to find a village I don’t know

How the villages are spawned in the regular Minecraft because all I ever known is better Minecraft like Villages also I’m using a new texture pack oh my God good God good habit good Heavens please don’t do that ever again but yeah I’m using a new Shader pack I really love it I feel

Like it’s so much more toned down and softer and simpler compared to the other ones that I use and it is the complimentary reimagined Shader pack and I’ve been really really loving it so I would definitely try it out if you guys haven’t used it before I’m gonna make a little boat because

We need to travel and I don’t have um oh my gosh I’m a little sick by the way so if I’m like coughing randomly that’s why but um yeah I don’t have like just enough items mod it’s not updated yet for 1.20 so um I’m probably gonna have to look up a

Couple things because I always forget how to build certain things so uh that should be fun I’m literally a Minecraft Noob unfortunately I found this big lump of land so I’m gonna go explore it probably collect some flowers because that is literally all I do in Minecraft I’m hoping we oh Two Lips

I’m hoping we run into some like I don’t know houses soon though because I’m gonna have to kill some sheep for like a bed and I don’t really want to kill a sheep but it’s already getting dark so I’m just gonna have to kill the Sheep I’m so

Sorry sir okay well we have our bed so um I’m gonna walk a little bit more I’m gonna have the Torches out too kind of like this there’s no signs of villages so far though I really hope we can find one soon I genuinely don’t uh know where

Or how they’re spawned because I feel like in better Minecraft I always find one super fast like it’s not too far for me from my spawn spot so I don’t know also I love this resource pack for the cube Moon and Sun I think it looks super cute and it fits

Well with these like rounded Cube clouds I really love these clouds because of this texture our Shader pack Shader pack so freaking cute oh there’s a creeper I should probably build a sword huh wooden swords I want to keep my wooden stuff whenever I like get like um what

Do you call it frames to put in your house um I think that would be cute let me sleep because I’m kind of scared I’m I’m kind of scared you know it’s it’s comforting though because like there’s only the regular like Minecraft Mobs to worry about but in better

Minecraft I’m sorry I keep talking about this but it’s just like like I haven’t played like a simple Minecraft in a long time so I feel like I’m learning all over again from what I did know yeah it feels um what the hell whoa you just started making so much noise

But yeah it just feels so uh comforting knowing that I don’t have to worry about um crazy freaking modern mobs because oh my God those are the absolute worst and I’m getting hungry I don’t have coal I don’t have coal to make this mutton oh that’s a little loud don’t you think

Oh I just realized I didn’t have an audio filter on my Minecraft game so I’m gonna have to fix that when I got it so sorry if that was too loud for you guys oh there’s coal um oh I’m like where’s Stone I’m standing on it hello

Let’s get some Stone so that we can get cold because I’m pretty sure I don’t think you can get cold with a wooden ax I I don’t know I know what it acts or wooden pickaxe holy yeah I’m gonna get so lost I really am a noob okay let’s do this

Oh is this like an air pocket oh it is like an air pocket that’s pretty cool all right cool wow we dug that whole thing nice so we got a we have 40 feet cold that’s a crap ton so let’s keep on moving see if we can find any Villages there’s

Some pumpkins I have to get the pumpkins I think they break faster with the ax yeah I have to grab the pumpkins because [Applause] I would like to make pumpkin pie pumpkin pie is super cozy super cute oh my gosh we found our first Village thank you oh my goodness I was slowly

Going to lose hope and my mind so let’s head over whoa this land looks crazy right here it’s like super Square Let’s see we can oh hello yes yes Piggies I found Village and I’m gonna go to the village and uh maybe do a little bit of pillaging because everyone

Everyone does that in Minecraft so it’s fine oh my gosh this is like jumping holy crap oh my gosh The Villages look kind of the same except when like I load in Minecraft with the better X um like land map thing um a lot of the villagers are super

Messed up and they’re like underground or like I don’t know half the buildings are broken or something like that and this is kind of funky so this is like super cohesive okay I don’t know about this part that’s kind of dangerous because like what if you’re

What if you fall in that guys be careful oh my gosh I’ll cover it for you definitely want to add a mod for the better Villages and name tags for the villagers because I feel like it gives them a little bit more personality and this is floating you know maybe I have to

Retract my statement about it looking ah because what the what the hell I’m so sorry I knew that was gonna happen I did it anyways I’m horrible I’m gonna take some of your bread though thanks it’s not even enough to make bread I’m a liar where’s my yo

Where did I put my crafting table oh I think I left it when I was mining oh that’s so funny okay we need oh my gosh please please stop that let’s cook the mutton and um make a stone ax and uh here I don’t really have any plans of like

What I want to do um I think I think in this like save maybe I can just strive for defeating the Ender Dragon for the first time since it’s shouldn’t be that hard and not too many obstacles compared to how it would be if I like had it heavily modded with the

Better Minecraft so I think um that’s probably the goal I’ve never beat the Ender Dragon before so I think it would be cool to try to try to do that for this one but I’m gonna take it slow I think this will definitely be a more chill uh let’s play

Maybe even longer sort of videos and um yeah that’s pretty much what I have in mind so far I think that would be cool I hope we could find the cherry blossom biome oh oh my God okay you scared me let’s mark this as uh mining question mark

Oh my voice is like giving out I’m not sure how long um I’ll be able to record but hello oh my gosh she scared me I’ll try and um I don’t know I’m not too sure I would like to like start building house maybe and then uh have that done

Because my voice is gonna keep giving out wait where is this okay it’s this way I’m going in the wrong direction oh it’s Spruce okay I freaking love Spruce Wood so I’m definitely gonna take quite a bit of this and maybe some tree saplings too because

If I ever find a place that I want to live I can just plant them myself it looks like that’s all there is to it to this Forest I’m gonna go back this way though um yeah let’s just go in this direction maybe we can find another Village

Or something like that oh there’s bees oh there’s so many little bees and another Cave System let’s mark this one as mining with three question parts so you can come back to it another day when we’re a little bit more prepared and have like a house and stuff hmm

Oh oh my gosh stop stop oh my goodness is that what I think it is oh my gosh another Cave System what is happening I think this one connects to this one so I’m not gonna mark it but yeah holy crap oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m

Running I’m running oh I know that like we’ve had cherry blossom trees through mods before but cherry blossom trees vanilla unheard of brand new quite literally so this is so exciting now we don’t need the mod pack for it unless there was like other stuff added to it then yeah but

Oh my goodness oh my goodness oh they look so beautiful oh Cherry log oh my gosh it is perfect it is the perfect pink oh my God even these are pink oh my good oh my gosh look at all the bees I am building my house here wait I literally just realized

That I can build this is like this is the spot and I’m chopping down one of my trees unfortunately but I have cleaned this oh you can pick up the pen oh oh and oh my God stop stop stop I’m gonna cry I’m actually going to cry this

Is so perfect this is definitely where we’re building the house so I’m gonna get no no way it’s so pretty oh yes like like are you kidding me I have to live here let’s set up let’s set up camp and there’s oh my gosh dude there’s so

Many little bunnies and stuff this is the cutest thing ever okay let’s place down our bed crafting table and our chest all of that good stuff all right chess oops here we go ah kind of want it move these I swear to gosh I I’m going to sleep because what the heck

Is that looks like an emo zombie oops the heck didn’t mean to do that oh oh oh my gosh oh there’s a whole cave entrance over here oh it’s a zombie villager it just spawned hmm he’s gonna die hello sorry so I might move a little bit over oh there’s more okay

Let’s go look over there because I kind of don’t really like that big cave right there so let’s go see if there is a spot that like doesn’t have a big cave entrance like that and we go up oh there’s bees oh that looks that looks so cute or

I thought it looked like a heart but it looks cool oh this whole area and there’s a ton of bees I kind of like this big open area because it’s away from that huge cave over there and it’s still close enough like super close like right in the

Middle where the trees are so I think we can build right here and I’m just gonna have to fill out this area and terraform a little bit but yeah I think I’ll build the house or at least start Gathering materials because I need dark oak wood and um

Lots of birch so we need to get some birch trees and who knows maybe we’ll find another cherry blossom little biome I might change my mind because I changed my mind a lot so uh let’s just put our stuff over here for now once again um I’m gonna put all of our little

Our little foraging stuff in here oh I also do need to go let’s go plant these so that we can um have some sort of crops going and I’m gonna need to make a oh so I’ll need sticks um let’s put this on top of that uh

Let’s just do yeah a stone hole this here and for pumpkin pie oh I need an egg and sugar which I do not have any eggs but I do have a sugar cane so maybe we can’t find chickens to give us some eggs and stuff Um um let’s put our dark oak over here this is what we got from the bonus chest so sadly no saplings oh I’m thinking there’s like the chest organizer thing up here oh that is so funny okay let’s um let’s go plant these there is a little

Bit of water down here since we don’t have any iron for like a iron bucket but yeah we’ll just go up and down this little Hill to farm which is no problem to me I have to find some um iron soon so that I can get a bucket okay

Let’s start planting these and these and these I should have taken some of the crops um That arm let’s break some of this grass to see if we can get some more seeds Okay so I cleared out quite a bit of the grass in the surrounding area and um planted a few more wheat so we can have lots of bread to eat

And I’m just going to add some of the rest or yeah I’m gonna add the rest of the seeds that I found I hope that the water touches here I’m not sure if if it does but um if not we’ll see oh it does okay cool so we have those planted um

Gonna head back up to our potential home oh let’s oh this would be here and here we are living in the outside nature with cherry blossoms are you kidding me oh I forgot to plant the sugar cane that’s okay um so we have so oh my gosh we’re gonna have so much pink

Logs dude this pink is like so perfect I can’t wait to see what it’ll look like if mizuno’s texture pack ever updates um the texture pack for the new uh the new trees I am super excited for that I think it will look so freaking cute

So I’m hoping that comes out soon I will definitely be adding some like um little mods here and there just to help with like uh I guess to make things easier kind of like the item sorting button that’s up here and mouse tweaks so little things like that

But seriously nothing too drastic I can make a pink boat oh my gosh wait how do you how to look at me I am dude this is literally my new favorite like tree I’ve always loved cherry blossoms but dude in Minecraft this is like even better

Okay now we have a pink boat so we’re like Sailing In Style or whatever we can get rid of the old booked sorry Oak boat I’m so sorry oh my gosh Cherry door oh it’s so cute oh my goodness it is so cute I love it okay let’s um

I’m gonna keep going up and uh I wonder how fast the crops are growing down there I’m not too sure I’m gonna put this up though and probably put this up as well and just keep these um yeah we’re definitely gonna need more food though so hopefully we can start harvesting them

You know no wheat has fully grown yet but we have two bread two bread we have two bread and let’s see if we can get another Village um as we explore oh definitely not a village and we have to free those oh my goodness I’m gonna need to come back when I’m not

Like I don’t know without a shield because I would like to free the fairies be the fairies the poor fairies I’m gonna have to come back and get them I’m so sorry stay strong I’ll be back soon once I have like a house and iron and whatnot

If I had a shield I would go but I do not have a shield and I don’t trust myself with dodging too much um so they’re gonna have to wait unfortunate eventually okay so there looks like there’s a lot more over here maybe I shouldn’t travel too far because the food might be

Like ready once I Circle back so I won’t go too too far where my hunger bar goes like super alone no no no no oh my God please stop no I don’t have anything to stop the fire oh my gosh I’m going to pretend I didn’t see that I’m gonna pretend I

Didn’t try and stop the forest fire I am so sorry for this oh my gosh I didn’t recognize him at first but these are Lily of the valleys I love Lily of the valleys they are Maize flower I’m pretty sure hi there tulips tulips and Lily of the

Valleys I think are the flowers for May and I love uh Lily of the Alice from Animal Crossing so they’re like one of like top five favorite flowers so I always have to like word them if I ever see them wait dude I swear this is part of vanilla like

I did not know broken um Nether Portals or part of vanilla I truly thought it was like a mod thing unless I have a mod in here I don’t know this one’s this one’s huge though this is like the biggest broken like nether port I’ve ever seen wow that’s really cool oh chickens

But none of them have laid an egg I need to get back home oh oh my gosh I need to hurry up and get home oh my gosh quick I need to go quick before it gets nighttime I don’t have my bed with me I don’t have anything

Oh oh my gosh this is skeleton and this forest fire is still going strong unfortunately I pretend I do not see I’m really scared I’m really scared oh no okay I’m gonna run through the forest and we’re gonna make it home in one piece and run through the forest so we’re

Gonna make a homemade one piece I’m going to run through the forest and make it home in one piece in one piece in one piece in one piece and in one piece there seriously needs to be longer days in this game because holy crap oh my God no leave me alone

Frick off leave me be stupid zombie I there’s so many pigs up here what the heck is happening okay that was quick we oh you do not see me let me sleep goodbye oh please burn thank you anyways I don’t know why I’m so scared I’m just so freaking scared okay seeing that

Um there’s so much to explore oof I might need to kill some pigs some pigs and sheep for an extra bed and lots of food because I cannot wait for these to grow these are taking longer than expected um uh I’d really like the potatoes to grow

I’m pretty sure they’re not ready yeah no they’re not ready mister thank you great sacrifice but I really need to make a bed so that when I go exploring I don’t worry about this stuff and other mister I’m going to need your resources thank you for your sacrifices

I cannot kill the pigs I absolutely cannot kill the pigs because I will actually cry so it would just be mutton and beef and other bread and like potatoes once they’re grown if ever grow in this lifetime but yeah for now this will do I’m so sorry I’m so so sorry

Oop there’s an Enderman over there I really hope that he does not come near me please and thanks because enderman’s actually scared the living crap out of me um we have a leather cap uh honestly we look kind of cute we have that let’s make another bed kind of want to dye it

But oh it gives you white dye um can I dye the petals like pink you can get a pink bed where’s where’s the petals oh okay the only regular flowers pink dye for the pink bed oh oh my gosh yes that is so cute this is our new respawn point

And then this is for traveling um I would very much like to make a blast furnace but I forgot what I need for that Blast Furnace or no it’s a smoker a smoker is for food oh it’s just a furnace and wood I had no idea so let’s

Let’s make let’s make a blast furnace yeah I would like that oh I need more um Cobblestone to make another furnace okay let’s cook the raw beef and the makeup furnace and then it said this this and this all right I think it’s is it this type of wood instead

This a smoker yeah cool um oh oh again oops again oops again oops oops oops sorry Mr wood nice so we have a smoker to cook the food faster so that’s cool okay so let’s actually do half of these for over here we don’t have any oars or anything to really

Smelt so we don’t have to worry about that right now um more petals more petals I feel like we’re gonna accidentally collect like a crap ton of petals and I don’t know why there’s so many pigs over there I kind of want to build a little fence and like start Gathering

Some animals together we can build a pink fence so that’ll be cute okay let’s do that let’s let’s start getting some farm animals for breeding and stuff I guess which I don’t usually pay attention to honestly but I’m like mapping it out in my head for

Where I want everything to go so like I want my house somewhere over here right so this is the house is over here I’m gonna flatten out the land over here fill out this whole little area and then put a barn here Barn Garden area um maybe a pond over here uh

Enchanting house over here or the enchanting house can be in the forest where it’s like super super like there’s already pink trees so it’s like super magical looking already and it’s on a hill which I feel like it’s I don’t know I feel like that’s just in theme for me

Or like in my opinion for like a forest fairy area like it’s super secluded so I’m gonna probably put the enchanting area over there and um I don’t even care for the hike up the mountain I think it would just be fun to just go in the middle and chant and then

Like come back for our farm animals I said I would like the barn to be over here yeah I’m definitely gonna have to fill out all of this all these holes so yeah for now let’s put these all the pigs that we see in this little area hello I have a

Potato yes observe observe the potato please follow me I just want you guys to keep me company buy my um by my potential Barn area I literally don’t want to kill them so please come keep me company wait no you guys too guys please okay you see see the potato follow keep following

Oh YouTube Buddy oh you’re spinning you’re spinning okay oh oh oh we got an egg okay let’s go they’re so cute how about what come on come through come through oh you’re not supposed to do that I was like how the heck did the first one get

In there let’s see if we can get this singular cow into into their Barn we’re not Barn they’re they’re friends they’re enclosure Oh my gosh hello here you go okay so we have our little barn animals in their fence which honestly it wasn’t really that important to do but I would like some company over so they’re my new friends I need a little bit more supplies so maybe I should start mining

Um I think I should do that first just so that I can get some sort of iron that’s what I should do is just to get straight to mining so I’m going to take some coal with me um take my bed or extra bed just in case and um

Any more materials uh weapons I mean so let’s go get some more Stone uh I’ll go back into the same same place I really hope a bee spawns over where I’m gonna put the house that’ll be so freaking cute Ah that’s not the crafting table this is the craft oh let’s put a

Campfire yes right there oh my gosh perfect okay we’re gonna need new pickaxe and a new ax and then I think we should go go down into the little middle part here and do some mining since it’s already a few levels deep I don’t see why not we

Take advantage of there’s pillagers over there stop leave me alone I literally saw them spawn oh they’re so annoying let me light up this area a little bit is what I was going to say until I saw the freaking double spawns oh they better leave my area alone like seriously we’re peaceful

And we’re just we’re just here for a good time like we don’t need any trouble need or want any trouble I need more torches I’m gonna put some slide this area up a lot because did they despawn I think they did that is so weird okay a couple more just up here

I am oh I made quite a bit but that’s okay we’ll need them we’re mining I am lighting this place up sorry I’m like super scared this looks a little bit ridiculous but better safe than sorry okay so we have our 19 torches um we have some coal on us still I’m

Gonna take a couple more from here actually let’s make that 20. so we have 22 on us um I’m Gonna Keep the boat here because I don’t plan on traveling Oh we have no space uh let’s go plant the sugar cane um we have food we have some wood

Uh which oh I should plant some of the spruce saplings so we can get a little Spruce Forest going so that I can grab those materials for the house and then I just need to find a dark oak forest and then I can start building um the birch trees are pretty close by

So I’m not too worried about that so yeah but for now I really would like to find some iron uh for some armor and shield so that I feel a little bit safer when I’m out at night so we’re gonna head into the cave up

There and see if we can get lucky with some iron let me plant these first I didn’t know when I had like oh my god oh let me bring you over here to blow up oh I’m so scared please oh gosh that looks so weird like that

Oh that was stressful just a little bit this one is ready thank you hind sir we sir we yes sir we um we have some beetroot which honestly I don’t know if anyone has ever had beetroot before but it’s so like sour or not sour I guess bitter is the better word

I don’t know dude where are you leave me okay please leave me alone I swear to gosh if a creeper like disrupts me while I’m building the house I will actually lose my mind anyways let’s go back on track to mining mining mining is the goal keep

That in mind I get distracted super easily and lose my train of thought often so I’m gonna keep talking out loud until we’re at our destination um dude there’s a lot of mobs here I will say that for sure a lot of like non-hostile and hostile and I really wish there was more

Non-hostile this place is so cute up here yeah I definitely want to keep this for like an enchanting Forest because um I don’t I don’t think I would like the whole Cave System I feel like there’s just not enough base for like you know making everything cute it’s

Just a giant hole like it’s too much to fill up so yeah oh my gosh dude yeah look at this this is insane we’re bound to find iron like bound to okay let’s put our torches in our hand and our pickaxe in the other I’m so scared right now

Oh there’s already a zombie coming hi Mr zombie please die please don’t hurt me I don’t really know how to defend myself okay you know what’s funny I don’t know okay okay let’s go down please a lot of torches I’m going to make a lot of wood for more torches uh

I am very scared is that no that’s not iron I’m really hoping we find iron super soon and super fast because I I hate the mining aspect of Minecraft which is pretty ironic considering that is the whole premise of the game you’re mining um I don’t see any iron so far but there

Is a skeleton over there and he has a bow and I don’t have a bow I don’t really have much of range like that compared to old dude oh and I ran out of Twitches okay oh my God why why would it just fly at me

Like that like I almost peed I’m not gonna lie I want to get this Emerald though wait can I grab Emerald with a stone ax I don’t think you can but I’m gonna try anyways because I’m a little silly no you can’t so that sucks but um now I know

That is A-Okay that’s fine I’m just gonna start mining random stuff to see if we get lucky with like iron oh one of them died I’m not sad about that you can do some stairs some stairs right why not this isn’t so bad thank you

Iron yes oh my gosh I forgot my torches again okay let’s put one here and let’s put one here and let’s start putting one here we got iron though oh that was only a little bit I was hoping it’d be oh there’s more thank you oh thank you thank you thank

You so much you are so kind so kind thank you there’s more water beneath oh and there’s um oh need more torches hello torch thank you okay there’s um holy crap I feel like this is cheating I’m not gonna lie I feel like this is cheating I’ve never seen

This before like the amount of times that I’ve used Zero’s map mod my like cave systems never showed up like in the big like map option so I feel like I’m cheating right now but at least I know where the Lush caves are interesting we’re gonna need to explore that

And it looks like looks like another big hole interesting wow so is this just gonna like collect from everything that we’ve explored like above world that’s really crazy but um I was just gonna point out like they have all of these little shards here for some cool ores I don’t know

What you can do with them if you can do anything with them but they’re pretty cool I think I’m just gonna try to mine to bedrock um see see what we can find and I’m gonna probably need to make a uh iron pickaxe so if we do find diamonds I can use it

Let’s make this and then let’s make this and let’s get rid of this let’s put this here let’s smelt this uh and then we wait we wait a little bit um I’m gonna make another or a couple more uh Stone pickaxes yeah I first I didn’t get oh okay well

Let’s get rid of this we have our first iron pickaxe which I won’t I’m gonna try not to use oh and we can make a shield yeah thank you thank you I’m going to need that for probably soon honestly looks like we have a little cave Place uh

Okay okay it’s pretty huge um very huge in fact don’t really know if I want to oh what there’s iron over there what the what the was that I I don’t really like that noise I’m not gonna lie there is quite a bit um of iron and there’s an Enderman and I’m

So tempted to look it in its face because I’m actually deranged oh so much so much I really want to kill that I’m gonna do it I’m gonna do it I’m gonna do it come here come here I’m Not Afraid nope nope I would like your ender pearl foreign

I killed it I killed an Enderman nice by the way yes I am playing on easy mode because this game is scary and I don’t care what anyone has to say I’m just trying to chill yes I did provoke that man but whatever let’s get these deep sleep which I love

A deep sleep by the way so I’m probably gonna um once I get more like iron tools uh I can come back down here and get a lot of deep sleep so that we could I could put that in the build oof I don’t want that zombie man he already saw me

Is he still coming no okay cool okay so we got 26 irons which is not bad and let me get this Emerald which I need a uh iron pickaxe word we learned the hard way hello Mr zombie there’s so much to escape system that I’m kind of oof oof hello sir

Oh many sirs okay that’s nice cool story bro cool story bro why’d you have to read it for me you just you just know I love parties huh thank you so much Thank you thank you should I get oh is that Lopez I love lapis Luli so much oh my goodness thank you thank you Minecraft for the lapis Luli oh more lapis wow thank you you’re so amazing oh I don’t know if I can get that as

That so let’s get this gold oh more lapis wow amazing cool awesome thank you okay I’m gonna head back up to my house because we got quite a bit of stuff all right cool we got we got uh lots of iron back let me go I’ll get these might as well okay

Oh there’s iron right there and we’re cool that’s okay we got we got a bit um let me just go up from here I don’t want to make it too hard for myself right now we got a lot of iron which was the main goal uh so we’re just gonna focus on

That start smelting it I don’t have a blast furnace I think I need three irons wood and a furnace in the middle I think that’s how you build the glass and I need to build another chest so let’s do that uh let’s move this guy you don’t get broken like that okay

Yeah let’s expand that and then put our smoker over here and then probably just put this other furnace on top of this one and uh take take some of the load off of it Um yeah like that good cool so we have that going uh I didn’t need to eat much this horse I don’t think this is the same one but hi you’re so cute thanks for keeping me company okay let’s start making our iron armor and then our helmet we are

Set oh I need to get a texture pack for the armor so it will look very cute and very flowery in the next video I don’t really like this is cute but I like seeing my like character skin and stuff so okay I think that will be all for today’s video

Um I had a lot of fun exploring our brand new save file in a vanilla-ish Minecraft world and I’m super excited for all the adventures that we’re gonna do and uh little memories that we’ll make on this save file it feels good to be back recording and like talking to myself

Um and yeah I can’t wait to edit this video I hope you guys enjoyed thank you again for a thousand subscribers like seriously thank you so freaking much I didn’t have anything planned for when I hit it but hopefully me continuing to upload is enough

Um and yeah thank you guys again I will see you on the next uh video goodbye

This video, titled ‘🌸 This Update is Amazing !! | Cozy 1.20 Minecraft Let’s Play ☁’, was uploaded by motherose on 2023-06-10 10:59:12. It has garnered 109957 views and 4258 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:26 or 3626 seconds.

୧ ‧₊˚ 🌱 ⋅ open me ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* 🫧 ✩‧₊ ↓

thank you guys for 1,000 subscribers !!! i am so excited to be back on youtube i missed u guys !!

➜ G a m e D e t a i l s ・ ゜ ʚɞ ゜ ・ ゜ ゜・ ゜ ʚɞ ゜ ・ ゜ ゜・ ゜ ʚɞ ゜ ・ ゜ ゜ 🌱 Seed : -6012680723756396695 🌷 Texture Pack : Mizuno’s Texture Pack https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/2023/06/mizunos-16-craft-java-edition-120.html 💗 My mods and Resource Packs Video : https://youtu.be/FfY5ijUxPRg 🍃 Shader Pack : https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-reimagined

➜ S ocials ・゜ʚɞ゜・゜゜・゜ʚɞ゜・゜゜・゜ʚɞ゜・゜゜🎮 https://www.twitch.tv/motherose 🐥 https://www.twitter.com/motherosettv 📸 https://www.instagram.com/faeriefran

💌 business email: [email protected] ˚₊꒷꒦︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦︶︶︶︶︶꒦꒷‧₊˚⊹˚₊꒷꒦︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦︶︶︶︶︶꒦꒷‧₊˚⊹ #minecraft #moddedminecraft #betterminecraft #cozygaming #cosygaming #minecraftstarterhouse #minecraftsurvival #minecraftletsplay #minecraftlongplay

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  • Born for This – Minecraft Animation Music Video

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  • The Terrifying Mystery of Big Alex in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Hack: Magic Knocker in FitCereal

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  • “UNLEASH CHAOS: Control The Blue in Minecraft?!” #shorts

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    INSANE DUNGEON GRINDING & UPDATE REVEAL!! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘GRINDING DUNGEONS (F7) AND MAYBE NEW UPDATE? GIVEAWAY? on Hypixel Skyblock!’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:48. It has garnered 810 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:03 or 5883 seconds. DONATE ($5 tts) ➡️ https://streamelements.com/yedazzer/tip (LIVE) Twitch ➡️https://www.twitch.tv/yedazzer #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/soapiee Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ https://twitter.com/imDazzer Discord ➡️ https://discord.gg/GxuHWdkhUM Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkbD4P0wRdgFKlJUc_yMnNQ Swurv – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPF6WdxyBDj7Cr1AO2rMvZg Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PVP Battle with Aradhya Gamerz! MUST WATCH

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  • EuphoricFactions


  • AutoCraft Season 5 – SMP Semi-Vanilla – Whitelist – 18+ – Content Creators

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  • Minecraft Memes – Andesite? Nah, found diamonds! 💎

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  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Part 8

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  • EPIC HoloStars Sleepover in Minecraft!

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  • The Haunting of Minecraft: A Spooky Adventure

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  • EPIC transformation: Mikey & JJ’s Village to Block Village in Minecraft

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  • Unbelievable Redstone Farming Tips – Get Rich Quick! 💎🔧

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  • HACKS ACUSADOS en SERVIDOR por TobiiM9 #clickbait #Minecraft

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  • EPIC Battle: Tall vs Short in Minecraft Maizen!

    EPIC Battle: Tall vs Short in Minecraft Maizen!Video Information This video, titled ‘TALL THIN Speerunner vs SHORT FAT Hunter : JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Maizen Craft on 2024-03-31 11:00:27. It has garnered 12597 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:22 or 922 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: TALL THIN Speerunner vs SHORT FAT Hunter : JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best… Read More

  • Tandzo dominates in epic Minecraft battle! 16.04.2024

    Tandzo dominates in epic Minecraft battle! 16.04.2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Rivals! Livestream: 16.04.2024’, was uploaded by Tandzo Zockt on 2024-04-20 05:25:49. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:48 or 9168 seconds. Have fun watching 😇 If you want to support me, be sure to leave a like and subscribe! 😇💜 We do livestreams of the project on Twitch! My Twitch: twitch.tv/tandzozockt Discord Team Tandzo: https://discord.com/invite/tGc6xE9Jta Special thanks to @Tzagor who made the video! #tandzozockt #minecraft #minecraftdeutsch #minecraftchallenge #minecrafthorrormaps #minecrafthorror #newvideo Read More