Mind-Blowing Shapeshifter Takes Minecraft by Storm!

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Okay Mia are you ready to pull this prank on Frank yeah I’m so excited do you have the stuff you cooked up yes okay so this is a suspicious stew and it’s gonna turn you into a book and you’re sure about that right I’m positive but I’m gonna go hide just

In case okay I’m eating it no no no no wait did it work why do I feel shorter oh my gosh I look like a mushroom girl this is perfect I just need to knock on their door uh knock knock oh one second I’m coming knock knock oh my gosh

Hey why did you close the door on me Frank Frank what do you mean you saw her oh my God hello baby holy smokes hello my name is um kashina that’s my name kashina wow that’s pretty beautiful I can’t believe they’re falling for this

Hey uh kashina would you like to go on a date with me uh I thought I was gonna go on a date with that guy though yeah you can surely take me out don’t worry about that guy he’s uglier than me you can go on a date with me you’re pretty hideous

Todd I’m not gonna lie Frank stop talking and you’re built like a little button dude Frank you’re literally so much uglier than me I don’t even know why you think you can you are hideous bro dude no I am not what are you talking about look at yourself look at

You guys stop fighting yeah I know we can just go on our own way baby come on just follow me uh no don’t listen to him here can I have a kiss from you real quick hey put me down put me down listen I actually have something to tell you

Guys before we go on a date yeah what is it what you can tell us anything give me one sec my name’s actually cash you guys just got pranked what oh my god oh I need to go wash my tongue that was disgusting oh my gosh I can’t believe they actually

Fell for it that was hilarious yeah did you see that yeah I did and I saw it too that was awesome wasn’t it oh yeah the funniest break ever but do you think we may have gone a little too far no way we didn’t go too far that was definitely

Too far I’m never talking to you again what Nico you don’t think I went too far right uh maybe you did cash what do you mean when have I ever pranked someone that badly to where they never want to talk to me uh I mean there was a lot of

Times remember that one time I’m kind of hungry and Nico’s been gone for hours I wonder where he could be uh Nico are you in here no I guess I’ll just go eat without him I am starving let’s just go out here and hmm I’ll take

My horsey come with me let’s just go over here and horsey you stay here while I go inside okay I’ll be right back I’m just going to get some food oh gosh it is busy in here there’s so many customers so you’re saying you want two burgers french fries and a drink okay

I’ll be out with you soon sir oh gosh there’s so many customers oh gosh is Nico working the register what oh my goodness there’s so many people get out of my way hey Nico uh one sec one sec oh gosh Nico seems busy right now okay okay

Come on tier two burgers and some french fries oh Nico what’s going on there are so many people will hear cash well do you have time to hang out no cash I’m working a job right now I’m making money oh well fine I’ll just order two I’ll

Get your order First Cash okay can I get two large burgers a large fry three soft drinks some ketchup and onion rings oh my gosh it’s too much I can’t even remember that okay oh gosh I forgot that Nico’s in a rush right now and he seems

To be the only one working okay come on Burgers get in there well I can’t go back there myself but what if I can help Nico in another way let’s leave here for a second and I’m gonna go back to the house and grab something real quick okay

Where is it it’s gonna be over here somewhere where is it where is it here oh my gosh it’s my helpful zombie morph look at this thing it is so cool to activate it all I have to do is click and what I am a cute little zombie me

Now look at me oh my gosh now let’s go back to the store and maybe we can sneak into the back to see what Nico’s doing let’s just go in here and let’s spy on Nico okay decided to put these patties in cash wanted two but I just need to

Fill all of them there’s a ton of customers let me fold these two oh gosh Nico is so rushed and it looks like he’s the only one working right now I need to grab my spatula come on finish you know what let’s go walk over to him hey hey what

Oh my gosh Nico thinks I need something you know what let’s just grab one of these spatulas and let’s start helping him hmm where is the beef oh here it is raw beef and now we could just help him run the grills wait is this mini will be

Helping me out what’s up oh my gosh I’m gonna help Nico get all these customers out I’ve never seen a friendly zombie okay you work the girls and I’m gonna take care of the customers okay sounds good I’m just gonna make all these patties and make a bunch of food for the

Customers oh my gosh these things cook so fast I could see why Nico was in such a rush okay we got the patties cooking now if we go over here yep we have the cookies and the soup okay here we go this order’s done let’s just throw it

There for Nico and let’s keep cooking these oh zombie you completed all of these okay I’ll go give these to the villagers come on let’s go we’re making all the orders for Nico one for you one for you okay thank you oh gosh Nico’s coming back soon I need to get these

Orders ready this is too hard oh gosh there’s even more customers than before like oh my gosh are you serious there’s this many customers right now I don’t know how much we can handle oh my gosh thank you spell zombie okay let me just give you the customers come on I’m sorry

Sir the stick’s already in you’re gonna have to wait I’m the only one on the job right now oh gosh are the customers giving Nico a hard time this is so tough I don’t know how he was doing this alone oh my gosh okay I need to get more

Burgers okay I’ve been cooking for a while now and we have so much steak now we just need to get all this let’s get a ton of these cookies and a ton of soup and this should be enough to feed all the customers out there let’s just throw

It all here and Nico can come pick that up come on oh my God it’s so much come on come on okay and that should be good no everyone has food oh my gosh finally we fed all the customers that was so much work all the customers are good so

Let me check my payment I got a sugar box let’s go oh Nico already got paid and wait it’s just one Diamond are you serious for all that work Nico just got one diamond oh my gosh I done with this job ah I don’t want to work here anymore

What Nico’s quitting wait for me I quit oh gosh why do none of the jobs say good around here uh it seems like I’m gonna have to find a new job oh gosh you know what I’m just gonna follow my passion of being a professional long jumper oh okay

That sounds like a pretty easy job I guess Nico doesn’t want to work in the food business anymore good thing there’s a track right here and I heard a page really good whoa I’ve never seen a track like this jumpers don’t usually get paid well unless they’re the best of the best

So unless legal can jump very far are I don’t know if that’s gonna work to be considered a professional long jumper I need to jump six blocks wait to be considered professional you need to jump one two three four five six that’s so far okay come on let me try this oh gosh

I don’t know if Nico’s gonna be able to get this I got this three two one oh gosh Nico’s going for it right right come on what uh oh that’s one two three four five oh gosh I put all my effort into that jump try again Nico you’ll get

It next time little zombie this is embarrassing to see oh gosh maybe I have a way to help Nico and the way to do that could be with this knockback stick okay come on oh gosh go go go go go go and go oh man Nico this doesn’t look

Like it’s working out oh my gosh why am I so bad at this I need to try again I need to get I have to make money I have no diamonds anymore oh gosh don’t worry Nico I will help you okay this is the one I feel it’s six bucks let’s go okay

Let’s get behind him and oh my gosh one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve he made 15 blocks is that a world record now yes finally Nico can consider himself a pro but wait little zombie did you punch me forward I felt myself get

Hit from behind oh uh no I didn’t uh I’m just a little zombie what is that oh gosh no oh my gosh a knock back stick are you serious oh man I cannot be a prolonged jumper if I cheated uh no Nico oh gosh I was just

Trying to help oh no I quit my job as a professional long jumping athlete what already oh man I messed it up for Nico I should not have done that but there was no way he was gonna be considered a pro he wasn’t even getting close to six

Blocks uh I guess I should just go back to whatever makes me money what Nico doesn’t want to follow his passions anymore uh I guess he does need the money okay now that I’m home cash where are you oh what Nico’s looking for me uh

Oh gosh okay I need to hide from him somehow I lost all my jobs but at least I got a zombie friend oh gosh wait where’d he just go oh gosh I can’t let him see me okay now let’s just run over here and let’s go upstairs and up here

We can morph back into Cash just like this okay oh hi Nico what’s up hi cash guess what what I love my job today oh man that’s okay you’ll find another one but I did get a zombie friend and he’s right over oh gosh I lost him again uh

What do you mean the zombie friend Nico zombies are enemies not friends I swear friendly yelled me like Patty’s at my food job and then he helped pushed me to get the professional world record as a long jumper that seems a little crazy Nico are you sure you’re okay yep 100

Certain well then where’s the zombie well I don’t know if he’s gone okay he’ll arrive later trust me I’ll show him later uh uh okay I seriously doubt that but whatever Nico but I still have no jobs cash so I think I’m gonna try

And go in the city and get a job okay well I wish you the best of luck okay I’ll meet you soon bye bye oh my gosh that was so close Nico didn’t even realize that I’m that zombie so let’s switch back into him and now let’s go

Follow Nico again okay time to go to the city oh gosh wait I need to get Nico’s attention fortunately we live right by it oh gosh Nico look at me oh zombie oh my gosh you’re back I gotta tell cash uh no don’t tell cash uh I gotta get in

Front of him stop stop uh can I just probably busy so I bet I should go to this city okay I wonder what job he has in the city I heard they open up job requests for firemen maybe I could become a fireman a fire man that’s kind

Of a hard job I’m not sure if that’s fit for Nico and they said I gotta extinguish this building to get the job so that should be pretty easy what which building oh what the house is on fire oh gosh what do we do go this should be the

Building so let me put my fire suit on Boom now let’s get a fire hose okay uh dude we gotta be quick turn on this hydrant and then now let’s use it to distinguish the fire oh my gosh we’re actually putting out fires now oh no oh

Gosh it’s spreading way too fast for us what I’ll get this side over here come on let’s go come on oh gosh this is getting way too powerful oh no the whole building’s gonna burn down at this rate I gotta go in and make the league

Secretion myself no Nico why is it going inside that’s not a good idea oh gosh I must save the people living here I’ll try and water it down from the outside but Nico needs to get out of there quickly come on extinguish his stuff I’m doing good oh nice job Nico

But please be careful now it’s time to get on the next level okay oh gosh I’m stuck what there’s nowhere for me to go the fire all around me oh my gosh we need to forget about this and go save Nico I can’t let him die oh gosh

Everything’s on fire what is going on oh my gosh where do I go from here oh no we need to save Nico okay let’s just go through the fire come on follow me yes oh hi little zombie you know the way out of here yes just follow me oh gosh I

Keep getting hit by fire it’s down these stairs just follow me come on come on this whole place is burning down just keep following me Nico yes it’s so watering you we need to get out oh my gosh that was so dangerous thank God Nico’s okay oh my gosh I wasn’t able to

Save the building I just made it worse oh yeah I don’t think that really worked out oh my God what am I doing gonna do oh no I hope Nico’s not sad well now I’m not gonna get the job so I’m just gonna throw away this what the heck oh man

Nico’s giving up he wasn’t able to fix the burning building where am I gonna find my next job but that was all I had well there’s plenty of jobs I hope Nico doesn’t get so sad where’d he go next I guess I’ll go to the office building to talk with them to

See if I can get another job oh gosh she’s going to the office building I heard they don’t give very good jobs there but I guess we’ll see what he gets okay I got another job oh I wonder what job he got but it’s not a very good job

I have a job as a garbage man what are you serious that’s so dirty and it only plays one Diamond a day but at least a job is better than no job but what sort of garbage are we supposed to be cleaning out okay let’s just go the

Sewer what is this oh my gosh what like this was not in the job description they said to clean out all the muss and fungusions by mining it like this but this place is so disgusting oh man we have to mine out a bunch of this stuff

That’s so gross here you go zombie take some stone bricks uh why do I have to help him with this this is so gross but I can’t leave Nico hanging what is all this yeah there’s moss in here we have to clean all this up this is so gross I

Don’t want to touch the sewer water either oh my gosh it’s gonna take so long to fix this place don’t worry Nico I’m here to help you I’ll fix all of this with you okay this is starting to come together at least yeah this is starting to look way better than before

But this is just the one corner of the sewers and there’s so many parts oh gosh well at least we cleaned the dirtiest part there we go that looks much better this is disgusting I don’t want to work here anymore what Nico’s already giving up I’m done all these jobs are too

Difficult and they don’t pay oh my gosh I feel so bad for Nico he can’t find a job that he enjoys I’m going back home oh man well I guess zombies do belong in the sewers okay I’m finally home it’s been such a long day cash oh gosh is

Nico looking for me again all right hold on let me just walk outside and more of myself back there we go oh hey what’s up Nico cash I gotta show you my little zombie friend what Nico I keep trying to tell you there’s no little zombie friend

No he’s been helping me with my jobs all day but I couldn’t even land a single good job well he doesn’t seem like a very good friend if he can’t even help you keep them well it’s not his fault it’s my fault because I’m not good at

Any of them Nico I think you just need to believe in yourself more you’re very good at jobs I’m not I failed long jumping a whole building burned down because of me and I couldn’t even clean the sewers up Nico oh man is he running

To his room I’m just gonna go to bed no Nico come on you can’t give up on yourself well what job am I gonna get all of them aren’t even good ah fine if Nico doesn’t want to get any of the jobs out there I’ll create one for him I feel

So bad that he can’t find his own job so I’ll make one that he enjoys and that also pays well and work gonna go to the animal shelter oh my gosh this is gonna be such a good job okay let’s just go in here and try to get to the room with the

Dogs I think they’re in here oh here they are oh my gosh there’s little doggies everywhere what the heck they’re so cute to get a job here all you have to do is train these dogs to do tricks and feed them and there’s already water

Right here so we just need to get them some food and teach them how to do tricks let’s just go over here and oh yep there we go we have steak and Bones would you like some bones little fella oh gosh and whoa what is this a doggy

Whistle this is so cool and okay here we go let’s just give all these guys bones there we go you all love me now and I’ll also give you all some food because I’m a night owner and now I think to teach them to do tricks we just hold this down

Oh my gosh look they’re doing tricks this is so cool they’re doing backflips what the heck this would be so such an easy job for Nico all he has to do is sit with these guys and take care of them and I’ll pay him 10 diamonds a day

So hopefully he’ll be really happy with that okay let’s go over and talk to Nico he’s probably still laying in bed poor guy oh Nico gosh everyone’s gonna sit in bed all day I don’t want to go anywhere no I do not allow you to sit in bed all

Day I’m coming up there there’s nothing I could do Nico get out of bed you’re being too sad oh my gosh okay fine what are we doing well I might have another job opportunity for you if you’re interested wait actually yup here take some of these and some of these and take

One of these oh my gosh thank you cash but what is this for well you’ll find out in just a second just follow me okay okay all right thank God I got you out of your room finally let’s go I wonder where’s my little zombie friend though

Uh she’s not real Nico obviously what what do you mean he was whipping the whole time Nico I don’t know how many times I have to tell you there was never a zombie friend and there will never be a zombie friend was he just in my imagination yup Nico I’m sorry but I

Think he was wait what is his place this is the animal shelter and this is where you’ll be applying for a job oh my yup if you just follow me in here I need to interview you first okay dude work your cash yup I’m actually the owner

Wait what okay first question is your name Nico yeah my name is Nico okay let me write that down here okay second question do you like dogs yes I like dogs hmm are you sure yes I’m positive okay let me put that down and interviews

Done you got the job wait what well only if you can perform one last task what follow me okay if you come over here this is where you’ll be working in the animal pen what the heck they said I’m a pet one oh they’re so cute yep and

You can give them baths here and feed them water and steak so try to give them some okay your take some steak doggies oh they love me they love you let’s go but Nico I still need you to perform tricks with them what kind of trick um

First hold out your dog whistle okay and try to hold it down okay what oh my gosh they’re doing the tricks oh my gosh Nico you do it look at the one behind you too what the heck does that mean I’m qualified yup and I need

You to do one more thing what tell this dog to sit okay sit he actually sat down oh my gosh I think the dogs like you Nico let’s go so you want the job yep of course I got the job I can play with dogs all day okay you staying here and

At the end of the day I’ll give you your paycheck okay okay well have fun I’ll be back in a few hours I will cut the fun now all we have to do is sit in here and relax and let’s also get Nico’s payment ready here we go we’ll add his 10

Diamonds and since he did such a good job we’re gonna add another five and another five right here just as a bonus okay let’s take this back now and I think Nico’s been working for a while so let’s just go back in here oh gosh Nico

You’ve been working for a long time do you want to take a break sure but I’m having a lot of fun oh really but this is supposed to be your job you’re not supposed to be having so much fun but I love my job okay well I guess that’s a

Good thing anyways here’s your payment oh my gosh let’s see what it is oh my gosh 20 being guidance yup just because you’ve been such a good employee that’s so let’s see what this is gonna be way better than my other jobs yup you’re welcome Nico and I don’t even have to be

A zombie anymore to help you wait what you were zombie yup I’ll be honest I was the zombie that whole time that was helping you and every conversation we had about him I secretly knew about him what the heck yes thanks for helping with my jobs but you didn’t have to do

That you know that right yeah well I just saw you really sad so I wanted to help you out wow thank you cash that’s really thoughtful you’re welcome I hope you like your new job I do it’s super fun let’s go let’s go I wonder where

Nico is oh he’s coming out of the mine now hi Nico hi guys what’s wrong you sound sad today’s not been a good day this morning the shower wasn’t working and while I was going mining I only felt cool and not a single diamond oh that sucks Nico but maybe you’ll have things

Go your way later today I really hope so where are you going I’m here to go back home I’m really tired oh man I feel so bad for Nico he’s been having the worst luck all day let’s just go back home with him wait up Nico I’m coming okay

Cash cheer up Nico I promise you your luck won’t be that bad you’re probably just on a bad streak yeah probably I hope so though I’m gonna go to my shower and cry oh man I feel so bad for Nico I wish there was something we could do to

Help him let’s see okay you know what while he’s in the shower let’s go out here and I’m gonna transform into someone who’s not cash and I have the perfect idea look at me I’m a cute little Enderman now and you know what maybe I can help Nico with all these

Little tasks so he has a better day whoa these abilities are so cool I can pick up stuff with a glove and shoot it that way oh my gosh and let’s see what else we could do we can shoot orbs that damage things that is so awesome and

Let’s see do we have other abilities whoa look we can phase through things look I can go through this wall oh my gosh this is sick okay let’s just go back into our regular form and let’s go follow Nico around ah that shower was nice wait what’s this little guy whoa

Are you a little Ender oh my gosh Nico doesn’t realize it’s me you are so cute do you want to become my friend oh my gosh Nico wants me to be his friend yes of course well I guess that’s a yes follow me let’s go we are now Nico’s

Companion so we can help him on his bad luck day wow it’s a nice day today but it hasn’t been so good at least I have an Enderman friend now and I’m kind of hungry so let’s go to the shop oh are we getting food with Nico where’s the

Restaurant oh there it is I guess we’re gonna get burgers today time for some burgers oh and hello villager how’s your day going today well there’s so your little line oh gosh this line is gonna take forever ain’t no one’s helping them oh my gosh I’m gonna have to sit in this

Long line oh man I feel bad for Nico he’s so hungry I might not even have time to get diamonds I’m starving but this guy is no personal space get away from me oh my gosh Nico is having such a bad day this guy just won’t leave him

Alone and there’s such a long line for burgers what are we gonna do why is there a guy standing on top of this guy’s head this place is crazy man oh my gosh this is so funny but also kind of sad you know what what if we just help

Nico get his food let’s see this restaurant has a lot of empty seats so I’m just gonna sneak into the kitchen as this Enderman hopefully nobody sees me oh gosh they’re looking at me wait my little Enderman go oh gosh Nico’s looking for me okay I have to be quick I

Think we’re in the kitchen now there’s a bunch of furnaces here what can I grab from here let’s see oh steak perfect okay you know what let’s just grab all this steak and we’re gonna feed all these customers so Nico doesn’t have to wait in line anymore and now let’s try

And get Nico to follow me hello little Enderman and well how did all these people get this much food just keep following me yes where’s my food don’t worry Nico I have your food right here oh my gosh this is so much thank you Enderman now we got our food

Really quickly hopefully that cheered up Nico just a little bit and I finally have time today to mine some more diamonds let’s go I think Nico’s a little bit happier now but I’m probably not gonna find anything like always oh gosh cheer up Nico we’re gonna go find

Some diamonds I only’ve ever gotten coal recently oh man okay you know what let’s help out Nico by helping him find some diamonds so before he comes into this mine let’s quickly go in here and let’s see okay there’s some cool oars right here but he wants diamonds so you know

What let’s just grab some diamond ore and start placing it along all these walls so Nico is gonna be so surprised when he sees how much there is here and oh my gosh there’s Redstone here I kind of want some but we have to focus on Nico this time okay this looks like

Enough diamonds so I think Nico’s on his way back up let’s wait for him to get here okay let’s enter these mines okay Nico’s going down hopefully he sees all the diamonds I placed there whoa I found emeralds already I did not see this yesterday and some more gold whoa nice

Nico’s getting a ton of oars and oh my gosh diamonds here what oh gosh we have to help Nico quickly get rid of all of them oh gosh creeper get out of here thank you little item you’re welcome Nico and there’s so much over here what let’s go Nico’s

Finding the diamonds that I placed I got so many diamonds maybe I can make diamond armor today you know what let’s also play some back where he mined him he’s gonna be so confused on how he missed these I already have 15 what oh

My gosh how did I miss these oh my gosh this is so funny I’m getting so many diamonds this is so weird come on and no do my pickaxe just break oh gosh uh Nico’s pickaxe broke this is not good okay you know what let’s go out of the

Mine real quick while he’s down there and we have to craft him a new one so first we need some sticks and some diamonds of course and here we go okay let’s make him a pickaxe real quick before he comes back up and actually I’m gonna turn this into netherright because

That’s stronger than diamonds so all we need is a smithing table and then we just combine these two and boom but you know what just to make sure this doesn’t break let’s get Unbreaking three and we’re also gonna get fortune 3 and what fortune 3 does is drops multiple ores

Per block mind so if you mine one diamond ore you have the chance of getting three diamonds with it okay let’s go back down to Nico now and let’s just drop this right here whoa what I just finished op pickaxe on the ground oh my gosh it’s nether right it has a

Breaky three and fortunately who left this year oh my gosh I can’t believe you didn’t see me drop it I would like to return it but you know if there’s no one else here I don’t mind using it for my Diamonds oh my gosh he’s getting so many

Diamonds now now time to get even more this is so good whoa oh my gosh yeah there’s more down here and emerald oh my gosh I’m so glad Nico’s getting happier now this is so good I can actually make full diamond armor let’s go I’m so happy

For Nico and that’s the last of the diamonds and now let’s go back oh gosh there’s skeletons up there no we need to get rid of these guys before Nico see them come on get rid of them get out of here do not bother Nico there we go

They’re gone oh my gosh thank little underground you’re so powerful I need to show cash all this good luck I’m getting oh gosh wait he’s going to show me but I’m not there I’m this Enderman okay you know what while he’s going to the house let’s quickly go into morph mode just

Like this and fly over and oh my gosh she’s almost there okay let’s just go in through the back just like this go through the wall and now let’s go out of morph mode just like that and turn back into our normal selves okay there we go

Guys where are you uh I’m up here Nico look I’m on the top floor what how did he get up there I gotta show you something okay I’m on my way down that was close thank God Nico didn’t see me fly over here what’s up Nico cash I got

A total of 62 diamonds take half of them whoa so it looks like you’re getting some pretty good luck huh yeah much better than yesterday but it’s all thanks to this Enderman what Enderman way to go Nico I think you might be hallucinating a bit trust me he fought

All the mobs off for me and he um helped me get diamonds uh that sounds a little crazy Z are you sure what do you mean come on help me find him okay I guess I’ll help you look but I don’t think he’s real Nico I think you’re just

Imagining him he was over here somewhere I swear oh my gosh why don’t you believe me well because I don’t see him anywhere maybe I was hallucinating yeah Nico I think you might be going crazy so are these diamonds even real well yeah I can see these diamonds that’s for sure we’re

Rich yeah we are rich okay while Nico goes back into the house I’m actually gonna go all the way back here and turn back into this Enderman just like this okay there we go now we can run back to the house and say hi to Nico again okay

Let’s sneak in through the side with our special ability and go through the wall okay thank goodness he didn’t see us let’s just hide inside here oh gosh you know what let’s just go on to this floor and there we go now we’re back to normal

And let’s go say hi to Nico oh my gosh at the end of it hey little everybody where’s cash I need to show him he’s real uh please don’t be looking for me oh no cash cash I found the Enderman uh you know what I’m just gonna pick up

Nico and I can’t let him look for me I have to pick him up oh gosh oh gosh where am I going I’m gonna drag him all the way over here okay let’s just Place him right here to fight him no God Nico stop looking

For me oh my gosh I need to go pick him up again you better get over here okay I’m dragging him back now oh gosh wait what’s pulling me oh come on get back I can’t move why we’re gonna go inside of this grocery store okay here we go there

We go oh we’re in the shopping center but I do need to go shopping so I need to get my shopping list first oh okay Nico needs to get some groceries so let’s follow him back and he’s getting his shopping list okay and it should be

Right here yeah that should be good it says I need beetroot pumpkin pie raw salmon cooked chicken and cooked mutton okay maybe we can help Nico find his grocery items okay now that we’re in the shopping center let’s find beetroot oh my gosh where’s the beetroot where’s the bee

Oh gosh Nico’s having trouble finding it okay you know what we’ll help him let’s see beetroot no it’s none of these ones oh there’s some on the back here let’s see steak pumpkin pie nope none of these are beetroot what the heck oh there it is I found beetroot let’s give it to

Nico oh thank you little other man oh my gosh this is gonna be so good for tonight’s dinner but next I need pumpkin pie and pumpkin Pie’s right here let’s go oh there we go Nico already found his second item and now I need raw salmon oh my gosh this shopping centers so

Confusing I’m not good at finding items oh gosh Nico just keeps going in circles is he lost oh my gosh I can’t find my way around this place oh my gosh you know what we’ll help Nico find his raw salmon even though I don’t like raw

Salmon let’s look for it I don’t think it’s here no this is where the beetroot was we have mutton here cooked chicken and cooked rabbit where could the raw salmon be oh it’s right there I found it okay let’s grab some and let’s just go throw it at Nico what thank you little

Enderman for helping me okay we found his third item now there’s just two left now there’s cooked chicken and cooked mutton oh I think I remember seeing cooked chicken somewhere was it over here nope that’s the raw salmon uh maybe over here nope not here either oh gosh

Where’s the oh here cooked mutton I think those were one of them let’s just throw this at um what oh my gosh my little enderman’s helping me so much with shopping and lastly we need cooked chicken okay that was the hard one I couldn’t find uh why is Nico just going

In circles does he not know there’s more parts to the store and oh wait cook chickens right here let’s go where is he here there you go whoa thank you oh my gosh this is so helpful having an Enderman okay let me check this out okay

Nico’s paying for his items and you know what let’s just go into morph mode and go through the wall here and go back to the house this is so perfect okay we just morphed through and now it’s morphed back into normal there we go a hundred diamonds for five items are you

Joking oh gosh is Nico having trouble paying for his items I gave half my diamonds to cash and I still don’t have enough wood oh gosh you know what I’m gonna go take the diamonds that he gave me to help pay for his groceries okay let’s just go over to my secret stash

Over here and you know what I can’t believe I’m I’m doing this but we’re gonna take two stacks of diamonds and go give this to Nico oh gosh I gotta help him pay for his stuff before he tries to return it okay let’s morph through this

Wall there we go this is ridiculous I’m returning these items you can take these back oh no Nico don’t throw those out uh look behind you wait what I just got a hundred Diamonds oh my gosh I’m getting my items back and I’m cooking dinner should I you’re a scammer oh my gosh

Thank goodness we got Nico his food I just know he would have been sad all night if he didn’t get his groceries I’m just glad I got my groceries so me and cash could have dinner okay he’s looking for me so you know what we’re just gonna

Morph back into ourselves just like this and walk in after him hi Nico hi cash I just got the ingredients for our dinner tonight oh nice what’d you get uh raw salmon uh are you serious Nico I hate raw salmon and also pumpkin pie and cooked chicken oh that sounds good I’ll

Have some of that but I also have steak so I’m gonna eat some of this this is some really good food Nico oh gosh look what time it is it’s three o’clock and I haven’t returned my meal yet what do you mean you haven’t returned your mail the mail close

Oh gosh Nico and it’s at the top of the huge building I have no time there’s no way Nico’s gonna get to the top of that it takes at least 15 minutes to get there but you know what we’re gonna help him out let’s turn into an Enderman and

Let’s follow him there’s no way I’m gonna make it in time it’s already been five minutes elevator maintenance oh my gosh I need to get to the top floor oh my gosh the elevator is down there’s no way he can use this thing now how am I

Gonna return my mail this is important oh my gosh how is Nico gonna make it to the top floor when he only has five minutes left now and I’m just gonna go home and do this next week no Nico don’t give up oh gosh what do we do you know

What I’m just gonna grab him and we’re gonna go this way wait what is the little Enderman carrying me since I can fly I could just take him up these stairs like this what the heck am I going up the stairs I will not allow

Nico’s mail to be late oh gosh we gotta keep going up here this Tower is huge oh my gosh we’re at the top floor okay let’s just Place him down now there you go okay okay I need to get to the mail come on come on he’s gonna make it here

You go mailman come on and that looks good oh my gosh I think he returned it in time they took his mail I’m so glad I did it and thank you little Enderman for helping me out I never would have done it without you you’re welcome Nico now

We can finally go home and relax but wait how am I gonna get down from here the stairs take way too long oh gosh wait there’s water right there what if we just give Nico a little boost that way oh my gosh smile that was so scary but

That was so fun oh gosh and enderman’s hate water I need to get out of there but thank God we pushed Nico down now he doesn’t have to take the stairs again and now I can finally return helmet now that I’m looking at it these buildings

Are huge uh whoa I think we should explore these buildings a little bit is this some sort of farm oh my gosh it is and oh my gosh I want one so bad they’re so cute yeah these horses are really cute hopefully we can get one for Nico but I don’t have

Any wheat or anything how am I gonna get them oh gosh no is Nico gonna cry no no oh gosh she’s in a bad mood again okay we have to help him tame these horses so let’s get some apples from my inventory because I know horses love

Apples and let’s get a saddle okay while he’s over there let’s just tame this guy really quickly this is gonna look so weird I’m an Enderman on a horse oh my gosh okay come on yes he loves me now now let’s just place a saddle and there

We go now Nico should be able to get on top of him okay I’m done being a crybaby I’m just gonna leave oh no no he’s leaving uh you know what I’m just gonna get on top of this horse and follow him out come on let’s go I guess today is

Not my day no Nico don’t give up just yet look behind you oh gosh wait what is that sound is that a horse scene dude this horsey just come for me oh my gosh thank you yes now Nico’s happy again he got his horse that he wanted and he

Already has a saddle that’s so cool oh my gosh Nico’s so fast for me I could take him home now just wait until Cassie is this oh gosh is Nico looking for me again okay you know what let’s just morph straight back into cash and run oh

Gosh she’s gonna see that I’m gone let’s just break through the window here wait cash oh hi Nico I was just over here sleeping on uh you’re bad wait uh I’ve also gotten confused well that’s okay but guess what I got what is it Nico come over here

You got a horse that’s so awesome Nico and the little Enderman helped me where is she Nico for the fifth time there is no helpful Enderman I don’t know what you’re talking about I swear Cash He lifted to me to the top of that building

And I was flying uh Nico do you hear how crazy you sound yes trust me I can fly watch I’ll show you okay let’s go to the top of this parking lot uh Nico I don’t know if this is a good idea trust me guys I’m gonna take no fall damage

Because my Enderman will make me fly Nico you can’t fly this is not gonna work Jack you watch me cash Nico please stop oh gosh this is not good what do we do Nico’s gonna jump from the top of that building and he’s not gonna realize

That he can’t really fly oh gosh Nico um I’ll give you 20 diamonds if you don’t jump nope I’m gonna jump because flying is way better oh gosh okay we’re almost at the top no Nico stop oh gosh wait why are there creeping hopefully he didn’t see me use my

Ability right there we need to kill the rest of these guys so they don’t hurt Nico get out of here come on oh gosh if he sees me using these abilities he’s gonna realize I was the Enderman this whole time okay well since my words he’s

Gone I guess I only have one friend left that is a little Enderman so come on no Nico don’t jump oh no we gotta save him oh my gosh wait what uh Nico you really shouldn’t have done that you could have died are you crazy wait cash how did you

Just pick me up just now um because I’m super strong no that was just like the little Enderman what do you mean I don’t have any special abilities like that oh gosh oh my gosh wait uh what Nico this makes so much sense no just get away from me hey back

Up back up yes this whole time I it was like trying to get your attention to these little Enderman but I realized but you’re the little Enderman no Nico I’m not the Enderman he was just your little companion no and you were helping me this whole time okay fine you want the

Truth yeah it was me turning into an Enderman because I saw you having a really bad day and I wanted to help you fix your luck oh my gosh thank you cash it helped out a lot I’m super happy now and I just flew yeah I guess you did get

What you wanted but you promised her in a good mood now yep thank goodness I don’t like seeing you sad it’s okay cash thanks for cheering me up you’re welcome let’s go back home and watch TV yay ah here we go finally some television now we can relax and watch skeletons look

What I got I bought some snacks right salmon ew no that is not a good snack oh my gosh I’m out of here no it’s gonna trust me okay I’m breaking out the door nickel Nico what you doing I’m looking at the wall why are you looking at the

Wall I just broke down your door because I don’t know there’s a spot here what spot are you looking at can I see gotcha hey what the heck I fooled you well I’m the one that got you I’ve moved your door let’s go wow good job okay well

Nico um I wanted to talk to you oh my gosh because I wanted to go to Zoe’s candy shop and get some candy but okay let’s go I didn’t want to go alone okay let’s go Nico come on what do you mean of course I always want to go to Zoe’s

House yeah that’s why I asked you it’s kind of awkward for me going alone because I never know what to ask for oh yeah true um oh my goodness is that that kid Hey kid what are you doing oh we smokes what’s she doing in there oh my goodness

Hey listen what get out of here skip get out of here bro hey bro I’m a monster oh my goodness this kid is being so annoying I hate monsters oh he actually thinks I’m a monster uh I guess he’s scared of us now cash I guess that was

One way to scare him off well let’s go into Zoe’s candy shop come on that’s good I need to get some candy Zoey oh oh long time God God no Nico we gotta be good friends we gotta talk to her oh I guess you’re right oh my goodness uh Hey Zoe are you

Okay oh hey guys why are you crying just feeling a little homesick homesick how would you be sick of a house yeah and what do you mean homesick this is your house uh you don’t understand I’m not homesick of a house I’m homesick of my family well I guess our Burger Shop too

Oh man that place was so good the Burger Shop you guys owned a burger shop back in the day yeah my family had a famous burger shop oh and there was this really cute cheeseburger puppy a cheeseburger puppy what is that that sounds so good I

Want to eat it eat it is that a burger mixed with a puppy uh no it’s a puppy mixed with a burger Ash come on okay but you know what whatever hey um you know what we’re gonna cheer you up Zoe what you’ll see right Nico yeah we’re gonna

Make things right we totally have a plan for this I mean okay thank you Nico come on Joey just stay here we’ll be back yep okay Nico to be honest I don’t really have a plan nope me neither ah we gotta figure out a way to cheer her up though

She said she was homesick so maybe we could bring the home here yeah and then make her not feel sick how are we gonna do that though we can’t really move a whole restaurant um what if we can launch uh how are we gonna do that Nico I don’t know why ask your

Girlfriends for help okay I asked the miners for help and then you asked for Mia’s help okay that’s a good idea go go get the miners Nico okay Mia I need to talk to you uh cash I’m in my lab of course you are you’re always

Down in your lab listen Mia I need your help with something what do you need my help with I need you to turn me into a cheeseburger puppy oh cheeseburger puppy I’m liking the spice yeah but it’s not really my idea it was apparently the mascot for Zoe’s Burger Shop when she

Was a kid crap I remember those Burgers wait you do yeah I’ve known Zoe for like ever oh yeah well I’ve never seen her Burger Shop I thought she always liked candy oh no she makes a banging Burger but she’s really good at Candy too oh that’s cool

Anyways can you turn me into one I’ll stand right here and you can like zap me or something well actually I need to go pick up a few ingredients for it and I need your help with that what I have to do work yes you have to do work if you

Want to become a burger puppy oh my gosh okay what do you want me to get okay so all I need you to do is the easiest part you need to get the puppy get the puppy okay I actually love dogs I can easily do that okay perfect and I’m gonna grab

The other ingredients so don’t follow me all right I won’t follow you do we just bring it back down here to the lab no we’ll do it outside yes we bring it to the lab cash okay jeez Mia you didn’t have to be so passive aggressive all

Right let’s split up I’ll go that way you go that way all right I need to go this way anyway so good directioning cash let’s go oh uh Mia you’re following me no you wouldn’t by the way you’re supposed to go that way oh you’re right

All right fine I’m going this way bye let’s see dog is there a dog anywhere here oh my goodness who do I hear right now oh is it the kid wait hey kid kids stop for a second take it away no get away from me I’m not the monster anymore

I’m just cash okay listen I need to take your dog no he’s my dog look at him he’s so cute yeah he is very cute but I just need him okay can you hand him to me no you can’t have him why not now why because your mom what what about my mom

Nothing you just can’t have my dog all right he’s mine listen I’ll give him back in a couple days I just need him to help me with something for Zoe okay you have to score me a date if you take my dog what a date I can’t help you get a

Date you have to do that yourself no then no deal no way no deal okay I’ll help you get a date I’ll help you okay okay do I have your word on that yes do I have your word on giving me your dog obviously okay I’ll tell a girl to come

Speak to you okay okay wait right here just sit down okay be a good boy okay I think I have a good idea for this I’m just gonna dress myself as a girl so he gets tricked okay this is perfect uh hello kid um somebody told me to come

Talk to you is this my date uh yes I am your date let’s go oh my goodness nope you have to give cash that dog okay yeah he can take it here I’ll just sit it for him right there okay um let’s go to the steakhouse at 5 PM

Okay um how about we go to the water park right now no no no no no no no um I don’t have time right now I have to go back to cash you had a bit of a voice crack there oh sorry about that yeah I

Just um I have to go talk to cash real quick okay no that let’s go to the water park now no just meet me at the because of five I want to see what you look like in a bikini did he get away from me okay

Um hey kid I heard that you got the date so I’m taking the dog well she ran away no she’s going to meet you at five just go get ready you know put like a suit in town or something I don’t know one of those oh my goodness okay I’m taking

Your dog with me okay fine I’ll bring him back later thanks kid okay I better have a good date yeah you’ll have a good date okay gosh I’m not going on that date with him I’m gonna have to find someone else to try and cover for me

Anyways time to head back to Mia’s lab Mia I got my part of the deal you better have gotten all your stuff uh I did it was pretty easy cash okay here you go MIA I brought the puppy ah welcome into my lab cash you’re welcome you know how

Hard this was to get I did make a very bad deal that’s okay I’ll take this dog oh I can’t pick him up so you have to pick him up oh okay here I got you now what do I do both you and the puppy get

In there oh geez okay fine and you’re sure this is gonna turn me into a cheeseburger puppy right I’m positive but first you need to hold this cheeseburger okay uh thank you and now what and then put this on your head what time am I gonna put this thing on my

Head just put it on you look great oh my gosh all right put it on my head and pick up the puppy oh my gosh I just looks so ridiculous right now Mia can we just get on with it yes okay so I finished up the potion and it should

Work correctly if I’m not mistaken uh just do it just do it come here stand right here okay just throw it yeah uh Mia what happened to me it worked at work you are half cheeseburger half puppy whoa and look at what I walk I I

Turn into like some big stack of cheese and burger and oh my gosh Mia this is actually perfect I know and I think you should have an ability wait what ability I’m not too sure but the potion gives you one um let me see whoa uh Mia what

Just happened wait he’s in the wall get him out oh oh geez uh Mia was that the ability yes look it gets more of you so then if you’re ever being attacked they won’t know which one’s you he’s just like B we like duplicated do you have more of those

Cheeseburgers um I have a few more here’s one of them just one give me a bunch I need you to make like a hundred million all right here this should be a good amount okay how much is this uh let me see I’ll give you like 30. 35 okay

That’s gonna have to do I guess I’m going over to Zoe’s house now are you sure she’s gonna like this you’re the one that came up with the idea yeah but does this look like her mascot huh I guess it does guys look at you such a cute little cheeseburger stop acting

Like that I’m not really um yeah I can’t fit through the door I think I’m too wide thank you there you go here let me fix the elevator too uh Mia why do you have a cheeseburger on your wall I did not put that there who put it there Shady oh

Geez all right well uh help me get through thank you bye bye Hey Zoe I’m outside as the cheeseburger puppy Zoe can you open the door for me Zoe I see you right there I know you’re I know you can hear me oh my gosh I’m drinking my

Sorrows and coffee can she not hear me or something hello oh my gosh did she only respond when I barked hello oh so adorable wait where’d you come from I uh I came from the lab oh who am I kidding she can’t understand me oh

You’re so adorable oh give me a hug hey wait put me down put me down what’s going on uh it’s always I’m just here to help you oh I forgot she can’t understand what I’m saying maybe I could spawn some more of these puppies so she’ll be even happier Hey Zoey look at

This huh another one and then were you going another one there’s multiples of us we have a lot of cheeseburger puppies would you guys like some bones oh okay I think Zoey’s really happy with this and you know what I’m just gonna let her play with these puppies while I just

Sneak out of here a little bit there we go oh there’s so many wait there’s a little too many um oh gosh Hey Zoe you got some cheeseburgers now I’d love to take one of these home no no no no no man this thing’s delicious Zoe

What is wrong with you let me eat the cheeseburger you can’t it’s mine so why are you selling them in your candy shop I’m gonna eat this one no one how about hey put that thing down I’m gonna go eat this thing and then

Take a big dung in my house oh no uh it’s okay Zoe I’ll just want another one for you there you go uh oh another one popped up okay um I’m gonna go prepare for the next surprise okay you know what who am I kidding she can’t even hear me

I’m just gonna go to dico’s house Nico Nico where are you wait I forgot he was going to talk to the miners I completely forgot about that why is Nico so lazy he’s gonna take so long to talk to these guys Nico Nico where are you Nico Nico

Are you around oh my gosh finally where were you okay miners come on I told you we want a cheeseburger restaurant right here yes and it needs to be big and it needs to match this um puppy you see me can they understand me can you understand me the cheeseburger

Puppy oh my goodness why can nobody hear me talk Nico it’s me okay take a bite of you real quick no Nico you can’t take a bite to me Nico get away for me oh my goodness yes I’ll take a selfie with you but we gotta get to work you

Know what I need signs one sec okay Nico here look it’s me cash boom wait did the burger puppy just place a sign that says it’s me cash yes wait is this burger puppy we’re like yeah yes it’s me Nico oh my gosh I keep forgetting I can’t talk to them yes it’s

Me what happened to you now stop picking me up and trying to eat me I think the cheeseburger puppy is mad You guys need to start getting to work whatever start building the restaurants I have your cookies guys we need materials be right back oh my gosh all right they’re getting materials wait what’s why are they getting in a plane wait what happened yeah the toastminer is going to get

Material okay you know what whatever um hey Mr bearded Miner we need you to start working got it got here I’ll put down a sign start work now there we go you should understand that oh I think he started Nico uh are you serious okay but we should just leave

Them to do it yeah right Nico do you want to go play video games um I don’t understand you wait what Nico I said do you want to play video games oh my goodness I’m not barking at you wait what is the miner doing hey whoa [Applause] whoa materials

I think he got all of them oh my goodness that was a not very safe landing but at least they’re gonna start working now Nico don’t even think about it no no he’s gonna get the Play-Doh [Applause] I’m speaking English I’m not even speaking puppy I’m stop barking at me

I’m not barking at you you know this is kind of frustrating I should probably use this translator phone I got wait you have a translator phone here take this since when um Nico can you understand me now whoa cat you’re so kind of weird uh yeah this is the translator but you can

Understand me right yeah I didn’t know dogs could talk okay finally now let’s go to Zoe’s house and surprise her with the build yeah true let’s go I have so many Burger puppies now oh my gosh okay Nico I’m taking off the translator so she doesn’t know it’s me okay got it

Okay uh Zoe excuse me bark bark hello Burger puppy do you want to go up there too no no no no just follow us just follow us yes put me a little cheeseburger let’s put you on that Tower oh gosh no she’s gonna chase me so we follow the cheeseburger puppy yes yes

Follow the cheeseburger puppy following him for my tower get over here oh Jesus here’s a secret um okay we’re almost here uh Nico I need you to come with me for a second uh can you pick a puppy why are you carrying me Nico listen what I don’t think we’re

Fully prepared the the build is done but we don’t have like any employees we don’t have any ingredients ah don’t worry cash I have it all under control oh really yeah my delegation skills are amazing okay just uh make sure Zoe doesn’t figure out that I’m the

Cheeseburger puppy I want her to still think that I’m real okay got it okay I’m taking the translator off Pico is everything all right yep everything is perfectly fine yes so we just keep following us oh I forgot she can’t understand me right now bark bark bark bark

I understand English no whatever okay what does this sign say oh that’s my sign uh I should probably get rid of this okay um let me put this one down um from cash boom there we go from cash wait cash made yes so we rebuilt your childhood restaurant oh my this looks just

This welcome to the cheeseburger restaurant okay Nico you’re gonna have to show her around the place because she doesn’t really understand what I’m saying okay sounds good okay wait uh Nico why is there a helicopter above us oh gosh there’s trouble we gotta do this

Quick is that a chopper hey what do you want uh wait it’s The Miner oh cash it hired him to work at the shop wait wait really guys one of our employees okay fine is that normal yeah toastfinder thinks they’re looking good here oh my God oh my gosh I’m not looking I’m

Not looking at him I’ll take you minor you need to go to the restroom if you want to do that that was a jump scare oh my goodness oh this place is looking awesome all right this is our main area here’s our seating and Zoe we could just take your

Order right now if you want all right all right um can I get a a cheeseburger of course she’s ordering a cheeseburger oh my goodness oh I sure hope this tastes good that cheeseburger is awesome no no no why it tastes just like it did before

No wait what what did she just create cheeseburger puppies oh gosh oh that’s a default hey Nico you gave her the wrong cheeseburgers dude that was a faulty product I forgot about that one it was a prototype oh my goodness okay do I just

Bite this or I don’t want to eat it well it’s okay as long as this surprises for Zoe and nobody else knows about this then it’s fine I’ll take care of these uh just give me one second I think my burger proportions weird it’s walking right now uh I think that cheeseburger

Puppy is getting really dizzy oh my goodness um I’m officially traumatized okay it looks like they’re gonna have to get the correct cheeseburgers this time um okay you know what I think it’s time to reveal myself to Zoe she needs to know that I’m cash hello burger place I want

A burger wait what oh my gosh follow that man the miners are cooking right now we got some W cookies going on here boys why do they need so many burgers for just one customer okay you know what whatever yeah what do you want Nico how’s it going what’s up man tell me

Tell me does Zoe like it yeah did she likes it but we gotta give her a good burger where’s cash we’re doing something right now I’m sorry okay you know what I’ll just wait in my seats Mia needs to stop interrupting okay you know what enough

Is enough Zoey Zoe can you hear me hello who’s saying that it’s me cash I’m the puppy right in front of you cash oh I just want to thank you are you over here no I’m behind you I’m the cheeseburger puppy uh okay is there some kind of

Microphone on it no it’s a voice translator can you understand me are you pranking me oh my goodness Zoey listen Nico and I got this whole surprise ready for you because you said you missed home so MIA turned me into the puppy and we built this entire restaurant for you oh

Wait so you did all of this for me yes yep we did now you can be a kid again and run your own restaurant you know what I’ve got and first things first I’m taking the cheeseburger puppy no Zoe take another one I’m cash and whoa we got a lot of cheeseburgers ready

Good job Miner wait what is this a kangaroo Burger where’d you even get kangaroo Meats from quickly uh we don’t talk about that one no but anyways guys you guys run the back and I’ll start trying to bring some customers in I didn’t get that stupid

Date I might as well just get a burger wait what oh geez is that the kid Hey kid you cannot come here listen you need to leave wait a second I recognize your voice little dude you’re cash what uh no I’m not cash I’m just uh I should

Probably take this translator off I’m just a puppy I’m just a puppy do not go in there ah I see what’s going on here so you wanna fool me and steal my dog and not return him listen kid I was gonna get you your date what are you

Doing with that TNT I’ll show you buddy good job who are we waiting on is Nico still in the theater oh yeah he is Nico why are you still sitting in there I waited for the after credits Nico the movie’s over it’s stuck on the white screen though oh

My gosh Zoe can you go take him yeah I’ll go get him come on Nico Nico I literally searched it up earlier there’s no after credits on this movie are you serious yes come on I waited 20 minutes for nothing well who cares that movie was pretty good wasn’t it I can’t

Believe that YouTuber Ken got his own movie that was crazy crazy it was super inspiring I am Ken no you’re not yeah no look nothing like him he said Ken is me so anyone could be Ken Ken is him not you well I don’t care I think I’m

Kenneth all right wait guys guys what it says that he’s going to be in square City no wait what I can’t wait I mean uh yeah that’s pretty cool I’m totally not like super excited wait wait wait the guy saw the movie the YouTuber Ken the one we just watched

Oh but I I want to beat him so bad yeah I mean no I’m pretty cool yeah I guess I could I could meet him or whatever I’m not like super excited holy smokes I can’t believe he’s coming here anyways uh guys is that who I think it is

Oh my God it’s actually him what no way what’s up oh my goodness this car is awesome dude thanks uh I would take you in a ride but girls only girls only I’m a girl can I go what do you mean yeah yeah hop in hop in I’ll take you out for

A spin we literally just watched your movie in the theater right there we were across from you um hang on uh sorry I’m talking to the girls over here dude yeah get in what all right all right I could take one more only one more oh seriously

Okay I’m going in wait what’s Nico why’d you get in sorry cash guys what the heck is going on oh my goodness they all just left me here how did he only have three seats oh I guess it makes sense he probably had one in the front and two in the back god

What the heck I wanted to go though God this sucks now I have to get home alone and not in a fancy super car gosh this sucks you know what whatever I don’t mind walking my knees are pretty good okay this is boring has my neck always

Looked like this I swear it wasn’t so long earlier little puppies where is he Pookie Pokey guys come here guys guys what’s going on oh gosh well Ken lost his dog wait seriously I lost my dog Pookie his name’s Pookie yeah geez well that sucks where did you lose him at

Listen uh I don’t even know where he could have gone but um whoever finds him will get a major prize a major prize like we’re talking Millions here millions of redstone Millions uh who uses Redstone look at this guy well then what are you offering uh like monies oh

A million monies well I could use that to buy a ton of Redstone I’ll find him for you uh okay well best of luck just find him please jeez yes we got him what’s his name again Pookie oh yeah how did I forget that his name’s Pookie okay

Yeah that’s so awesome where is he when I woke up this morning I didn’t think we were actually going to meet Ken from the movie I know I know I’m glad you caught that I know checking my phone I’m pretty good at checking your phone

You’re on that thing all the time I know I like to track my steps oh wait one second my father’s calling wait what hi Dad how are you I’m good um why are you calling me I’m looking for a dog I just wanted to see the ceiling oh well you called me like

20 minutes ago why is our conversation so awkward I have no clue listen I I kind of need you to get to the science lab huh something kind of got out Chad I’m busy right now like something uh like strange all right you know what

Have Mom deal with it I have stuff to do Bob’s not a scientist though you know she is oh my gosh uh me are you okay that sounds kind of important bye are you sure you’re not gonna go help your dad I’ll help him later he’s always

Bothering me he calls me like 30 times a day yeah well that kind of seems important you know what whatever I guess we can go look for his dog okay let’s go whoa wait Ken’s still here yo uh just let me know when y’all uh find my dog

Thanks yeah wait are you not gonna look with us again oh my gosh why does he always do that I do not know well guys you know when dogs usually get lost they always find trees to hide in so I say we go to the forest and look for him that’s

Cats oh yeah well maybe the dog did it too oh all right come on guys let’s look doggy doggy doggy no you don’t call him by that you call him Pookie all right Pookie Pookie where are you okay yeah I’m gonna go look this way gosh I swear

Usually I’m good at finding dogs oh wait what is that the dog right there come here dog I bet wait what hey that guy just took the dog guys guys do you see that what what dude in a van literally just took pookie I swear I saw him

You went this way guys come on let’s go let’s go just keep following the path guys look there he is right there this is his house oh my gosh that was the guy what are we gonna do that is the card that’s the one he took Pookie in look is

He still in there I think he is I just saw him walking through so we can’t get caught this house is all run down a creepy looking when’s the last time you made renovations to this thing probably in like a million years yeah no kidding all right I have an idea everyone group

Up okay what are we grouping up for okay here’s the game plan you three going to distract him and then I’ll try and go look for Pookie Waits I don’t want to talk to him well you have to yeah and you have to well we could just distract

Him yeah Zoe exactly you guys just have to distract him okay and it’ll only take like five minutes I’m good at searching for dogs okay got it all right everyone go in okay but be quiet down there I’m gonna be quiet don’t worry right let’s

See where would I keep a dog in my house oh geez that’s the scientist right there guys go in quicker oh okay I’m telling you guys Mr Man where you guys get out oh Jesus help we got lost in the forest yeah yeah definitely clear this place up okay this

No I think I can get in the back here wait is this the entrance to the basement this is definitely where the dog is all right I’m getting it through here oh gosh wait this is such a weird door who makes their basement door like that Holy Smokes anyways oh my gosh

Pookie is that you wait uh what’s what’s going on oh it’s in my basement don’t go down there oh geez did I trip something in here oh gosh mookie we gotta go we gotta go come here I don’t know oh my gosh uh hello stay in the basement okay

Bite up stay right here just get that thing away from me come here get in there oh wait hey put me down what’s going on get in the cage okay okay just don’t hurt me anymore please ah God now I have two test subjects listen listen I

Can explain what’s going on please Pokey get in there oh geez spooky what happened what are you okay did he hurt you oh gosh I can’t really understand anything he’s saying he’s just being completely silent hey how long do we have to be in here listen I can’t

Explain everything ah no I’ll talk to you later see ya no way what are you doing oh my gosh well you know what what if I just break these doors don’t worry Pookie I’ll get us out of here here I just gotta break this oh I can’t believe

It that easy who uses glass doors am I right Pookie all right come on let’s go out we can finally Escape out of here and he won’t be able to get it uh since when were these trapdoors iron I could have sworn there were wooden when I

Walked in here did he replace him what the heck now we’re stuck down here wait maybe I can break this uh oh gosh what are you doing now got him again uh I was just uh checking around the place come here oh my gosh what just happened oh no not

You again no finally you’re awake little puppy no I’m not wait did you say little puppy I’m not a little puppy look at yourself what oh no did I turn into Pookie what is going on yep you’re Pookie now hey dude you know you can’t just combine us like that I’m gonna

Separate us uh Pookie get out of me why about your body ah it doesn’t work like that I ate Pookie but ew you did yep and you’re next if you’re not careful oh my God what the heck yeah you sound like you’re barking most of the time and by

The way nobody will understand anything you say why not how do you understand me well I have a translator in my ear so I can hear you seriously so what do I sound like to everyone else um am I just barking all the time yeah you’re a dog I guess that makes sense

Well get me out of here I’ve had enough of your experiments dude okay uh you’re out wait seriously now what are you gonna do uh I’m gonna eat you um wait what why can I not eat you because you’re a cute little Pokey dog oh my gosh I always knew these dogs weren’t

Able to do any harm but they always act like they can anyways you’re looking pretty tasty how about I just hey hey don’t put me down dude I don’t want to be eating like Pokey come here how about I just put you on this look at it God

What the what is the matter with you dude why do you even want Pookie so bad you’re gonna be a tasty meal someday oh my gosh but honestly I can’t eat you I just want the reward from Ken oh my gosh seriously so that’s the reason you

Kidnapped me uh yeah pretty much I knew it you’re evil dude uh yeah I’m evil well you’re gonna get caught you know I’ll never get caught it’s inevitable you’re under arrest oh my gosh that was the most perfectly timed thing ever get over here oh god let’s go into the wall

Hands to the wall okay okay let’s go thank you guys get the dog go go go oh my goodness let’s go you are getting a life in prison I can’t believe I got saved thank you so much uh what am I gonna do with this dog now well you know

You could take me back to my house I live in square City uh guess you’re coming with me wait what are you not gonna listen to me I said I live in square City oh I forgot I just sound like a dog to everyone else right now my puppy puppy hey come on

Come on we called like a puppy hey Mr suit this is such a cute puppy where do you keep your translators I’m not telling you yes you are or else I’m gonna destroy your van when you come back oh well I’m gonna be in prison so it doesn’t really matter okay well I’m

Gonna send over a bunch of expired salmon over to your cell then whatever that’s all I’ve gotta eat anyway you’re not getting a hold of my translators all right I’m just going in your house by myself and I’m gonna find them then thank you no let’s go all right ew does

This dude keep his underwear on the walls and his socks what the heck this place is disgusting how does someone live like this and there’s no front door either anyone could easily break into this anyways time to find this translator come on they’ve got to be around here somewhere who keeps their

Upstairs like this geez there’s so many doors it’s like amazing oh wait there’s a chest in there baby this is what has it yes the translator okay let me test this thing out test two okay I think this is working all right perfect now I could just use that

Thing whenever I need to talk to humans finally I made it back to square City gosh dogs have such little legs it was so hard to walk in here I need to find my friends and explain to them what happened usually by this time of day my

Friends are hanging out at the park maybe I can find them over there oh yeah I already see Nico hello guys they’re hanging out with Ken wow I’m guys I’m right oh yeah I forgot I have to use the microphone oh my gosh oh yes oh I forgot that I’m this guy’s

Dog uh hello okay I missed you oh my God I hate being picked up oh my gosh Pokey oh jeez Pokey I missed you we’re so happy for you what was that oh I just was hugging you pokey I love you okay I get it gosh this guy is super annoying

Right now anyways um thank you guys for helping me with uh my dog but you guys unfortunately did not find him what what I guess that means none of them get the prize anyways uh yeah I’m just gonna take Pookie home with me now wait found your dog

Um I don’t remember saying that right here I don’t think they realize that I am cash but you know what I’m just gonna play along with it I’m Pookie for now oh aren’t you glad to be home Pookie uh yeah whatever you say I mean uh bark bark whatever oh you’re so cute

I missed you buddy oh my goodness is this where this YouTuber lives holy smokes this place is amazing I wonder how much money this guy makes why aren’t you doing your normal like routine Once you walk in oh uh gosh what what is Pookie’s normal routine you know like

Really like jump in like the pool and like Okay jump at the pool Splash around yeah got it uh I’ll do that uh jump in the pool there see oh there’s my pookie yeah I’m having so much fun oh my gosh I need to act natural I thought I lost you

For a second anyways you know what’s next in our routine Pookie yeah I guess that that what is this boxing head to the gym oh my gosh no way Pookie does this with him every day yeah holy smokes wait Pookie where are you I’m right uh here yeah boxing

Yeah Pookie yeah yeah but no oops I broke it mookie you’re kind of strong dude let me just place that back right there yeah yeah yeah whatever that’s why I love you pookie you know what I think I’m tired of listening to this guy should I use my translator on him hmm

Okay you know what I will um excuse me uh I am Pookie oh yo yo you are not Pookie you are a skinwalker no I’m not I’ve been able to talk the whole time but when I got trapped by the scientist he gave me the translator

You’re a skin walker I’m not a skin walker Jeff yo we have a problem chef Chef oh my gosh spooky is a skinwalker what even is a skin walker skin walker oh my gosh oh we need to put him up immediately and alert the authorities okay there my translator is gone I

Should be talking normal now oh my gosh all right Boo you’re getting locked up what the heck oh my gosh stay right there do not move what the heck is Pookie supposed to be a girl or something why is everything here pink ah and why is this person here Chef she

Probably makes me amazing dog food though and whoa this is the YouTuber’s room this looks like his setup oh my goodness he has triple monitors but why is this keyboard so far away from him that’s super weird that PC is awesome though oh my gosh I wish I could have

Something like this every day gosh to be a YouTuber that would be so amazing but I need to find a way to escape I can’t let Ken trap me in here I need to get back to my friends and I need to explain to them what’s going on with this

Translator ah oh gosh he’s back okay I’m gonna try to be nice to you now okay you might be a skinwalker but uh deep down I know my real Pookie’s in there yeah yes I am wait what diamonds you could play with those I know you love the diamonds

I think he kind of feels bad for me well I guess diamonds are cool to play with anyways back to the plan I need to get out of here and maybe through this trap door I can go yes this is perfect easy Escape let’s go oh and we made it

Through oh gosh this thing’s kind of stopping me from going out what the heck get out of my way I’m just trying to escape this YouTuber’s house jeez there we go now oh gosh that kind of hurts but wait I just realized I’m stuck in this

Fence thing you know what uh I can make it to those cars over there maybe I could drive the cars as the dog and wait who’s that guy okay gosh uh I need to hide from him I was supposed to be grooming you now oh you

Know what I’m gonna hide by this tree okay you ready who is this guy is this the dog groomer okay no he doesn’t see me okay I’m getting out of here get me in this car give me this cow okay it’s time for you to be groomed don’t how do you drive this

Thing get me inside the car let’s go hey put me down I found him Ken oh my gosh hey Pokey what were you doing now nothing oh no I think he really is a skinwalker oh my gosh why does he keep saying that I think he just needs a

Fresh groom yeah groom them up no I don’t want to get groomed I’m running out of here get me away what oh gotcha are we escaping yes all right back in the house you’re gonna get groomed wait what back in the house no no no this is not good and then after

That you’re gonna get punished oh my gosh wait punishment seriously you have been a naughty dog get in there no no I I I can’t get in there oh my gosh uh all right all right you need to get your hair cut first buddy oh geez okay whatever I wonder what the punishment’s

Gonna be why is he so mad at me anyways all right now get to grooming and after let me know gotta tell make sure to make it good sir I’m not gonna escape this thing so quickly hey dude you think you can help me get out who’s talking to me it’s me

It’s me you huh I know you were a skinwalker what’s I’m not a skin walker why does everyone keep saying that whatever I get paid for this anyways you’re gonna get groomed ah whatever this is so useless I guess I’ll just wait for this guy to groom me can we

Hurry up with the washing oh my goodness I need to shake you around a little bit don’t mind me unbelievable and we are done wait what what just happened to me pink and span you are clean why do I look so different I’m getting my translator out hey dude

What’d you do to me I do not look like Pookie anymore all right I am leaving Skinwalker I’m not a skinwalker enjoy yeah later dude okay are you done with your grooming oh God Ken’s coming back up get me out of here get me out of

Here come on oh I see you come here get me out no uh see you later don’t you pick me up through the glass oh you look so good now look at yourself what the heck okay hopefully he forgot about the punishment though all right now to the punishment room wait what no

Oh gosh get in there oh okay I’m getting in geez what the heck why do you have love in your punishment room parkour now Pookie but what seriously this is what you make Pookie do ah fine you know what I guess I have been a bad dog but this

Parkour is so easy it’s like one block jumps no way Ken built this for Pookie just whatever he’s mad at him well I’m done with the parkour is Ken not gonna follow me down here I guess not I guess I can move on without him maybe I can

Find a way to escape too yes that’s a perfect plan okay there’s gotta be a way out uh let’s see the bedroom and is this just water what the heck is there nowhere for me to escape down here I’m just gonna have to dig my way out myself

This is gonna take a while oh gosh you know what this is taking too long I’m just making my way back through gosh stupid Ken stupid parkour area uh entrapment what the heck is going on I’m getting out of here ah wait a second

What is that over there what if I can go through this oh yes this is perfect I wonder what this thing even leads to huh you know what no one’s looking I’m just gonna take a sneak peek real quick hey I’m in uh is this some sort of vent

System or something oh it looks like it is and I made it through yes perfect oh gosh no that’s the chef from before seriously I have so much to make oh gosh maybe I could just sneak out of here ew she’s making raw salmon that’s nasty I

Smell dog wait what oh no she does not smell me she’s not oh gosh oh gosh I think she saw me I’m getting out of here okay what are you doing now no get away from me get away oh no I’m gonna get fired no get back now’s my chance

Finally yes give me this Countach let’s get out yes oh gosh I can’t really see over the steering wheel very well I’m getting out of here though back to square City ah finally I’m back in here now I can make it back to my friends and explain to

Them what happened now that I have this translator uh let’s see I’ll go around here you know what this is perfect oh there they are oh my gosh I’ll give him his favorite snack snacks look even Pookie came to pay his respects yeah I did come to pay my

Respects what wait what guys it’s me I’m cash can you hear me wait cash you’re not down there no spooky eight cash wait no cookie didn’t eat me guys I literally am Pookie for some reason the scientist that captured us combined our bodies um how are we gonna fix you I don’t know

Well I can fix you but why did you let them combine you both I didn’t let them he just did it forcefully yeah that’s so weird all right well time to take you to my lab oh whatever yeah all right thank you Mia of course so cash is not dead no

I’m not dead no oh I didn’t know oh my goodness uh all my experiments were cash sometimes they go wrong I’ll have you no they go wrong about 25 of the time meaning 75 of the time they are going right yeah well it’s not very good chances but

All right so I made this potion about a year ago and it worked fine then so we’ll see if it works now oh that seems pretty harmless I’ll take a potion alrighty poop I mean cash are you ready for the potion of course I’m ready these things are harmless nothing’s gonna

Happen all right three two one potion ouch wow what the heck oh Jesus guys get the jigs away from me oh gosh I feel really itchy no it worked it’s like seriously let’s go holy smokes you now look like cash Mia I got the 75 chance

Let’s go wait so what happened to Pookie then um he got eaten by the scientist what yeah I’ll break the news to Ken one day I’m gonna come at home I think good as my life is back to normal wait is that Ken over there hey why are you here yeah have you

Seen Pookie uh no I haven’t seen pookie I’m sorry I think you should move on I’m sorry uh okay you’re never gonna find him again I sure do miss my pookie today man this star costume is rocking oh wait is that Nico oh my gosh Pookie

Get in wait what no that’s not poopy that class was so boring I hate going to school every single day it’s so repetitive I know right she just I know I want to do something different I like the class it was very intriguing yeah it wasn’t that bad that’s because

You guys are girls and um girls are nerds yeah she’s got she’s coming I’m just kidding uh obviously girls aren’t nerds whatever well some of them are and some boys are nerds too like you no no I’m not a nerd oh my gosh whoa hello dude I like your

Motorcycle what’s good that hover bike is awesome oh yeah you like it yes can I touch it no Becca Becca Becca low bro why not no no no back up little blue boy you girls can touch a year hey he’s only letting the girls get near it I want to

Do it Jacob don’t want me to take you home on a ride yeah that would be awesome Hop On Hop on get off why would you guys go with him look at this little car yeah isn’t it amazing yeah but can I come home with you too nah bro you ugly

What he’s not letting any of the guys get on that’s kind of me too man that’s too bad I’m gonna take y’all girlfriends home Nico this is making me mad yeah this is making me super mad I hate when other people have riches and I don’t and they try to steal

Our girls they’re not really our girls Nico they’re just our friends oh gosh you’re not dating Zoe remember ah let’s just walk home by ourselves we got ditched okay I can’t believe that guy gets all the attention in the world just because he has a Cool Motorcycle

Well fully I could buy a motorcycle I could easily afford one I think I have a lot of monies in the bank and my parents send me a lot you know what why don’t I just go to the bank and get myself a car like that then everyone would pay

Attention to me and I would be the coolest kid in school and not that other kid that doesn’t even let me get near his bike I’m going to the bank tires what is it Juliet well howdy I’m doing great how are you doing I didn’t ask how

You were doing why’d you run out of the grocery store well I’m on my break okay well what do you need well I just wanted to hang out you know we never hang out yeah that’s because Clyde gets mad if we hang out so I can’t really be near you

Claude doesn’t mind we’re just besties that’s all oh my goodness look at that yes oh my gosh not this guy again you want to ride of course I’ll take a ride wow ah why are you stalking me it’s Grandma little boy I’m taking this beautiful country girl on a ride yeah

Yeah have fun Juliet I don’t care I’m going over the bank gosh that guy’s getting in the way of everyone trying to follow me around this is making me so mad I’m gonna go talk to that banker and tell her to give me the monies Banker I

Need you to give me the monies huh what do you mean the money in the bank I need it uh wait is this some kind of robbery um a hands up my hands are up wait what I’m not robbing you I just need my money

From my bank oh you aren’t well cash you have no money let’s go check the computer again my my account go to Cash’s account I’m on it you have zero dollars you’re very broke what yeah actually you’re in the negative you owe the bank but what no no I don’t my

Parents send me money all the time doesn’t look like it oh my gosh I need to talk to your supervisor okay fine give me a second good I need to talk to someone higher up here hello I’m the supervisor what you’re just the same person yeah buddy I I own this entire

Place no you own the bank no you ah whatever fine I’ll get money and you’ll see how are you gonna do that I’m gonna get a job and I’m gonna make money from them that’s what I’m gonna do good luck having a nine to five what I’m nine to

Five do I really want one of these yes I do I need to make a ton of money so I can buy a cool bike like that but I don’t really know any places that are hiring maybe I can go around and ask maybe the movie theater’s hiring I

Should probably go talk to Clyde about that Clyde you in here Clyde hey man what’s good can I have a job are you hiring here yeah I’m a little ticked off today though what what do you mean ticked off man I saw Julia riding around with some boy on a motorcycle yeah I

Know that dude he’s kind of annoying so what you want the job for anyway I just need a job to be able to make money I can do whatever you want yeah I mean we pay about a dollar an hour to clean a movie theater wait wait wait wait no no

A dollar an hour is not enough I’m never gonna afford the bike with that kind of money oh my gosh yes you will uh one day you will one day maybe when I’m like 90 yeah that’s not bad no that’s horrible I need the car now I’m home honey man get

Out of here I don’t want to talk to you right now baby listen it wasn’t like that no get away from me could I get the jobber um you know what whatever I don’t think it’s in a U City Board they’re just gonna fight here I’m getting out of

Here oh it looks like I’m not getting a job at the movie theater that’s okay I think I can get jobs at other places maybe like oh the tech shop the tech shop sells a lot of expensive stuff so that probably means I will make a lot of

Money from selling those too let’s go I hear that techshop workers make like a hundred monies an hour so that probably works oh my gosh not you oh wait a minute it’s you bro huh yeah what yeah so what do you want bro I want

A job do you guys hire here oh uh the slots are full little bro you’re not making as much money as me what the slots are totally not full there’s nobody in here obviously that’s why the slots are full they don’t need that many workers just give me a job I want to

Make a lot of money like you too nah bro you’re not making 30 monies an hour like me it’s only 30. yeah I can find a job that makes like 50 probably yeah good luck with that broke bum I’m not a bro bomb Oh my gosh you know what I don’t

Need a job like his I could find another job let’s see there’s got to be something around here for me there’s a skate park offer any jobs probably not there’s just a bunch of skateboarders here what about this place wait since when was this a shop in here that looks

Like a taco truck maybe I can go inside and ask if they’re hiring excuse me whoa this place looks cool I’ve never seen a taco shop like this excuse me hello hello hello hello oh hello sir are you the owner are you a customer no no I’m looking for a job

Gosh not another liability what do you mean are you guys hiring or what other people have tried to apply but we are only hiring one person why these are tight kid geez well can I have that position I’m a very good worker and I will work very hard to make a lot of

Monies I mean what’s your experience um I don’t really have any gosh this is gonna be difficult what do you mean uh you know what you see motivated let me see your skills okay how are you gonna check my skills um okay take this taco and I’ll perform

A skills test for you in about an hour a skills test why do I need this Taco for that good luck hey excuse me I don’t really understand okay I guess you just gave me this time oh uh hello bull yes a new restaurant in square City yeah yeah

I’ve never seen this place either right where are you going Bowl I want a protein Taco I don’t think they have protein tacos in here they better okay I don’t think the owner’s gonna like bull hello service hello oh geez he’s being ignored right now who is that hey uh kid

I have the protein Taco please oh how are you doing man I am doing good how about yourself good good good let me get you a taco they’re actually friends well no hey you think you could put in a good word to the owner about me tell him I’m

A very hard worker I will do that yes okay thank you so much bull I’m gonna go get ready for the skills test that the owner was talking about I don’t really know what a skills test is wait what in any way he heals our scrawny and he’s

Not that great at the gym so hey yeah I’ll keep that in mind no I told bull to put in a good word oh my gosh you know what whatever I’ll just prove myself with this test then he’ll see I’m a very good worker I kind of think this Taco

Has something to do with it maybe he wants me to do something with his taco and make it better if I can make the best taco then he’ll definitely want to hire me and I have an idea on how to do that Knock knock hello I’m coming in I

Don’t know where you are but I’m guessing you’re in your lab like always because you’re a nerd but yeah are you down here Mia cast oops Yeah I should probably take that off one sec he’s very odd Mr Cat what odd anyways what’s up okay well listen

Hey I’m trying to get a job and the owner gave me this Taco I don’t know why but he wants me to do a skills test so can you turn this Taco into like a gigantic one um I mean I guess so here keep this on you I’m working on this cat

But I can switch off and work on you working on the cat what are you doing to the cat Mia I’m gonna make it a super cat yeah you should stop experimenting on animals it’s really not good well look at him seems happy hello Mr cat no

He doesn’t sound very happy what’s his name his name at fredford he looks like a shoes to me oh maybe socks socks sounds cool to me hey he’s trying to get away Mia do not let your experiment go away come here oh my gosh okay I gotta Mia

Here where do you want him uh just keep a hold of him and then step in my machines so I can start working on you well okay I’ll keep him and make sure he doesn’t run away uh okay you want me to step over here no

Look at him okay so I’ve been working on this potion to make him a super cat but I guess I could Splash it on you so maybe it gives you some more skills oh okay should I put the cat down before you Splash this thing uh it should be

Fine I think it only works on one person at a time uh okay but just in case I think I should put this cat down no who’s if I don’t want him to run but yeah but let me just put him down okay I

Just no no no no no okay I’m putting him down over here Mia I’m ready to be splashed okay perfect I have my potion and Mia you got the cat no friend oh my gosh if he died then what’s gonna happen to me you know maybe it only hit him okay you’re right

Me I can’t believe you did that to me you can’t just experiment on me and not tell me what’s gonna happen that was just messed up yeah are you still down here hey I respawned why is she crying gate get over here I need to have a talk with you a taco but

I thought these only talking to also why am I so short oh my God almost very talkative wait is she talking to me can you understand me Mia why does my hand look like that why do I look like that am I a cat wait no I’m

Not just a cat I’m a taco cat Mia what happened to me oh you’re so you’re so and you want to be experimented on you say oh my gosh no no no no no no I’m getting out of here no more experiments what happened to me no Fred

Oh my gosh it’s because of that cat that cat walked it away and this Taco turned me into oh my gosh whatever I can’t let this affect me oh wait I think I need that taco actually give me this thing I need to head back to my job interview

And make sure that I get that job I need to make a lot of monies oh geez this is gonna be bad am I late hello odor hello odor odor is that a walking taco I’m here for the job remember holy smokes whatever Hey Hey listen look at me all

Right move move it stop pushing me out of the way look at me in my face move it man this place looks busting is that shady a new customer I see hey uh can I get your finest Taco of course I got one right here oh let me see what if I give

Him this one there you go do you have like a mascot or something what is this I’m a cat oh my gosh why don’t they know that I’m cash Shady can you understand me oh what is that I did not know that that was the cat I thought that was a

Walking taco Shady hey Shady okay well it’s meowing at me profusely I’m not meowing I’m talking English can you understand me meow oh my gosh Okay taco cat why don’t you take the next customer okay I guess I can do that I saw you take some tacos so come on what how do

We even get the tacos from here where the tacos kept I don’t really know where the storage is owner good luck I sit now wait what Shady can you help me meow meow oh my gosh nobody can understand me you know what fine I’ll just get my own ways of getting tacos

Oh wait what I think I just spawned a bunch of tacos on me holy smokes Shady take a taco whoa sir your cat is amazing I am ready for the next customer this job is easy I better be getting paid for this Taco God you’re amazing yes I know

I’m amazing oh we just got a bunch of monies wait what this is supposed to be my money though here’s your cup one he gave like 10 now okay I sit down oh my gosh the owner just sits and does nothing while I have to do all the work

This is pathetic I’m glad I finally have a job now though I hope I just get a lot more money than this this place looks lovely another customer wait that’s Frank hello Frank how may I serve you um what in the world was this hey uh you have a cat at your register

Um sorry that is my worker yes I’m an employee who is a dedicated worker trust me okay well I guess I can’t judge I’m a mushroom so I’ll take a taco just one just one taco that’s so easy I already have like 63 of them boom good job taco

Cat I said now yay thank you little man you’re so cute holy smoke wait those were mine that’s your God no but I’m the one that sold that oh my God she’s eating that taco really aggressively do you guys have any Axolotl tacos ew actually hold on maybe I can spawn one

One sec there we go wait this is just a fish taco maybe Franco like this here you go this is a fish taco oh an axolotl Taco oh my gosh it’s definitely not Axolotl ew wait he forgot to pay oh something smells weird wait another customer hello

Lady what’s what’s with the cat oh my gosh why is everyone questioning me it’s my taco cat can I take a bite out of it no whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey Ella get away it’s me cash don’t eat my workers fine I’ll just take this then holy smokes wait is she gonna

Pay for that pay up pay off oh my gosh the owner is chasing her out now holy smokes what is going oh wait another customer hello are you here to buy tacos do you guys sell cheeseburgers yes yes we do sell cheeseburgers I’ll take that as a yes I’ll have three

Please okay I think there’s a cheeseburger over here yes I don’t really know why a taco shop would have this but I’m here to satisfy the customer here you go customer wait who’s behind her oh my gosh holy smokes a cat little does he know I’m actually cash

Well anyway yeah are you done beautiful girl almost I’m getting my food just wait okay oh my gosh here’s your cheeseburger can you pay me 10 diamonds here you go cause you’re so cute I definitely did not ask for that many times it’s holy I’m so rich now

What do you want kid you maybe have her number saved in the system no no I’m just gonna shake my head like this what she’s not a Rewards member no she’s done a Rewards member oh my gosh ah okay work I’ll just do a taco okay there’s your

Taco pay up do you have a kid’s meal no we don’t uh okay fine yes you know what give me that taco back I’ll give you kids meal okay okay here take your taco okay here let me get this kid’s meal gosh I can’t believe I’m doing all this

Without the owner even near me there take your tacos oh yes this looks crazy good oh my gosh kid why are you eating on the floor oh finally you’re here for our date what do you mean date no no no hey that kid has to pay okay here’s your

Money geez can the kid actually understand me I swear nobody can understand me yeah I can understand you wait how geez what are you talking to yourself for how could you understand me look my monkey taught me how to talk to animals oh my gosh Zoe can you

Understand me uh what is the kid talking about I don’t know but can you understand me what’s with this cat in my face no oh my gosh she can’t understand me hey meow meow hello the cat is saying words to you I can translate oh really

Um tell her that um she needs to make an order ah he says you need to make an order oh in order uh yeah I could do that do you have any fish tacos well of course she wants fish tacos okay yes uh tell her I can get the fish tacos uh he

Said you can get the fish tacos oh okay thank you okay let’s see Fish Taco uh okay kid tell her that it’s gonna cost um two stacks of diamonds okay uh Zoe he said this is gonna cost two stacks of diamonds two stacks what um don’t worry

I can pay I can pay I could pay holy smokes the kid actually paid me oh my uh you don’t have to it’s on me now let’s go on our date oh my gosh no no no oh I gotta go hey hello owner taco cat my cut

My cut yes oh you’re cut oh yeah here uh I guess I’ll give you your percentage there you go I did all the work you’re fired what you can’t fire me I’m taco cat you stole my cut no I did not I sold all those tacos

And I still don’t understand you oh my gosh you know what fine I’m leaving now do not meow meow meow you I sit down oh my gosh I don’t need this job anyways I already made enough monies anyways being a taco cat’s boring I need to find a way

To turn back into human I can’t see like this forever what is that is that a dog no no no no no no dogs don’t like cats get away from me dog get away oh geez this is totally not good I need to find a way to escape

I don’t like dogs no no no no no no get away get away why is it following me still get away oh gosh what did I just just do dog are you okay okay that dog is definitely not okay I should probably get out of here before the police come

What did I just throw at him did I throw a taco oh my gosh I just threw a taco wait where is that thing going oh geez that was a bad idea oh okay I didn’t realize I could actually throw these things I thought they were just there

For Cosmetics oh geez what if I throw one right there oh okay I should probably stop destroying the skate park that’s a pretty cool ability though but I need to find a way to get out of this morph if I need to go back to human ah

Usually Frank can always help with these weird shape-shifting abilities hey Knock knock hello oh where is he oh my gosh where are my diamonds at wait what I hear him talking oh why is he talking to himself about diamonds ah gosh where can I find some I need to make this pick

What are you doing here I can help you make the pickaxe oh wait he can’t understand me uh yeah three diamonds pickaxe wow you’re the same cat from the Taco Shop too yes yes I am Holy Smokes um can I adopt you you’re really cool uh

No he definitely cannot adopt me but uh I can help you I don’t know what you just said but thanks for the night so I’m gonna make a pickaxe now yeah you’re welcome sweet time to go help more people wow being a helpful taco cat

Really is cool I could just help all my friends hey where you going oh oh geez I feel bad now but I gotta go though I’m not just someone’s pet I need to be a taco helper maybe I can go help Nico with something Nico

What is he doing what is that a walking taco oh my gosh oh my gosh it’s meowing at me no I’m not meowing I’m speaking English oh my gosh ah listen Nico you need help with anything oh my gosh you definitely want raw salmon give me one second did he

Just say he’s gonna be raw salmon trust me cat this is my favorite I don’t want raw salmonella I cannot eat that that’s gross do you know like the salmon no I do not like the salmon can you understand me don’t tell me you like it cooked I love cooked salmon

I don’t know if I can be friends with this Taco oh my gosh uh Nico just keep the raw salmon away from me and we’ll be cool now you need help with anything uh you are now my enemy get over here you don’t want to make me do this

I’m sorry Nico but I had to do it and I’m gonna do it again I kind of missed that I’m gonna hit the kitchen boom down I swear I’m Gonna Get You Nico I’m getting out of here myself may I help no get away from me Nico we’re the walking taco Captain just

Pulled my house no no no no no I’m not fretford no I’m cash hey put me down oh my gosh Nico I have something to tell you what well I know I called the cat Fred but I think it’s cash wait what finally she’s understanding yeah I was

Running an experiment on him and Fred for died and cash turned into a cat yes exactly Mia is so smart so you’re saying cash blew up my house I’ve even been more back now it’s okay Nico we’ll turn him back and then you can get your

Revenge wait what no no Revenge oh gosh Come on cash I’m gonna call you fredford though no don’t call me Fred Ferd at least she knows I’m cash now okay Mia I’m ready for this reversion of the experiment all right let me grab a few things I have to make sure this goes

Correctly or you’ll be stuck as that Forever Wait what oh geez this should work if it doesn’t sorry it better work all right here we go did it work do I look any different you look the same let me try another oh geez no no no not

Another potion this is gonna be so bad all right this one I steak should work what no no not another potion oh my gosh here we go oh oh no no wait what’s going on no this is a levitation potion oh geez this is not good this is not good oh guys

Mia let me down sorry wait cash you can understand me I see you see you guys oh my gosh am I back to human yes are you good sorry I have a tickle in my throat that’s okay I’m just glad to be human again geez and look how much money

I have I could finally go buy that car I was thinking of how’d you even get money yeah I worked at the Taco Shop obviously wait okay can I come with you I want to see it uh yeah let’s go come on come on Mia I know a pretty close dealership

Nearby that oh uh hello hello what are you doing at my front door have you guys seen any taco cats around here no wow why do you ask there is no taco cats anywhere near here wait we saw one wait uh no we didn’t Mia it was Cash He was

Just disguised as one it was yeah oh uh yeah I guess I do prank people a lot but it’s okay I mean it’s just part of your personality maybe I should go apologize to Frank and Todd I wouldn’t go in there if I were you wait why not

Guys what uh what’s going on oh get this weirdo out of here we’re having a double date dude get out I’ve seen him instead have fun guys see you later if you want to watch more videos from us then click one on your screen right now and also don’t forget to subscribe

Subscribe bye guys

This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft as a HELPFUL SHAPESHIFTER!’, was uploaded by Cash on 2023-10-07 15:00:12. It has garnered 760172 views and 8186 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:44 or 6164 seconds.

Today, Cash and Nico look back on all the times they transformed into different mobs and animals in Minecraft! What is their favorite moment? Watch to find out!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fearfulcash

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash

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  • Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed – MUST WATCH!!

    Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Có Thể Bạn Chưa Biết Bí Ẩn Này Trong Minecraft Creepypasta/ Tấm Bản Bí Ẩn Hãy Xem Đến Cuối Video Nhé’, was uploaded by Mkay MC on 2024-04-10 05:03:42. It has garnered 14151 views and 345 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Hello Hello Everyone I’m Mkay Chan You May Not Know In Minecraft You May Not Know This Mystery In Minecraft Creepypasta #minecraft #creepypasta #shortsfeed #shorts #creepypastaminecraft #minecraftcreepypasta #viralvideo #gaming #nubigamer #creepypasta #mcpe #minecraftshorts #viralvideo #dotmc #gaming #bigsharkofficial #shortsfeed #subscribe #gaming #bigsharkofficial #viralminecraftshort herobrine,minecraft herobrine,herobrine minecraft,help herobrine shorts,epic herobrine,herobrine… Read More

  • Potato-Network

    Potato-NetworkWelcome to PotatoSMP – The Ultimate Minecraft Experience! PotatoSMP is not just a server; it’s a vibrant community where players come together to create, explore, and embark on epic adventures! Immerse yourself in a custom 6k map, teeming with wonders and challenges. play.potato-smp.net Read More

  • ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+Bedrock

    ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+BedrockServer IP: play.shaded.gg Discord: https://discord.gg/XsqPJgjTeR Hello, fellow Minecrafters! 🎉 Unforgettable Minecraft Adventure Awaits at Shaded Discover amazing features and benefits: 🐟 NEW! Fishing Log. Experience fishing with custom textures for each fish. Check it out! 🦞 NEW! Lobster Pots. Dive into lobster fishing for a bountiful catch. ⚔️ NEW! PvP Arena. Test your skills in exhilarating PvP battles. 🏰 Land Claiming and Grief Prevention. Build and protect your creations hassle-free. 🛍️ Custom Gear, Economy, and More. Immerse yourself in a thriving Minecraft economy. 🌟 Free Ranks, Kits, and Perks. Earn rewards and stand out with free ranks and perks. 🗺️… Read More

  • Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | Survival

    Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | SurvivalNew serverstill a work in progress, but feel free to join, explore, and complete the quests waiting for you!Team up with your friends or strangers using the ImprovedFactions plugin.Trade with other players using TheGoldEconomy system.Furry and LGBTQ friendly!Join our Discord server to chat with us, and access the more private vanilla survival server: discord.com/invite/2mssBcrQYT Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition”

    Minecraft Memes - "Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition"That’s just the periodic table of Mine-crafting elements! Read More

  • Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft’s Ultimate Farm Build

    Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft's Ultimate Farm Build In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Millat Gamerz is here, with iron farms to explain. Building the ultimate, with skill and with flair, Crafting a masterpiece, beyond compare. Subscribe to the channel, for more gaming delight, With Millat Gamerz, every episode takes flight. From GTA to Minecraft, the adventures unfold, With rhymes and with humor, the stories are told. So leap into the verse, where gaming meets art, With Millat Gamerz, it’s a journey to start. Join the fun, join the hype, join the game, And let the rhymes of Minecraft, ignite the flame. Read More

  • SPAWN Scary mob + ALL Memes = HILARIOUS!

    SPAWN Scary mob + ALL Memes = HILARIOUS! When you combine SPAWN with ALL memes, you get a cat taking a nap during a poopy playtime in Minecraft. Now that’s a scary sight! #catnap #poopyplaytime #scaryminecraft Read More

  • British Invasion: Niaz Takes Over Minecraft!

    British Invasion: Niaz Takes Over Minecraft! American Independence Day Celebration in Minecraft Bedwars On July 4th, Americans across the country celebrate their independence in various ways. Some enjoy fireworks, barbecues, and parades, while others take a more unconventional approach by dominating Europeans in Minecraft Bedwars! This year, join the fun and show off your patriotic spirit in the virtual world. Dominate Europeans in Minecraft Bedwars What better way to celebrate American Independence Day than by engaging in some friendly competition in Minecraft Bedwars? Gather your friends, team up, and show those Europeans who’s boss in this exciting game mode. Whether you’re building defenses, collecting resources,… Read More

  • 🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨

    🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m a Farm Witch ✨ – Cottage Witch Modded Minecraft Episode 4’, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-06-14 21:00:17. It has garnered 6972 views and 423 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:38 or 2678 seconds. Babes, wake up! I have a new modded series! 💗 Come with me as I explore the magical world of Cottage Witch, a modpack filled with magic and witchcraft. This is episode 4 💜 Seed: -824306812584453536 I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me what you think! *✩‧₊˚ LINKS˚₊‧✩* Modpack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/cottage-witch Added Mods: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/easy-villagers… Read More