Mind-blowing Skyrim x Minecraft Crossover – Epic!

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Imagine it’s 2013 and minecraft and skyrim are coming together and they’re going to have a mashup pack in minecraft hey guys and welcome to rocketslot today we wanted to take a look back at the minecraft skyrim crossover mashup pack that they announced in 2013 and released

In 2014 it was during this weird time where xbox still had its own exclusive minecraft platform unrelated to the main java version that a lot of people played on back then and honestly 2014 was a perfect time to release a skyrim crossover pack not only in skyrim been

Out for a couple of years now fans are pretty sure that the sequel would be just around the corner since it had already been about three years and well recently we looked at the halo mashup pack that they did and it was actually kind of impressive we thought we would

Take a closer look at the skyrim mashup pack and see what special creation they made specifically for that and honestly i was just excited jumping into this with luke and our other friend sean just to put on a cool skyrim type skin i was hopeful i’d be able to look like a nord

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Okay let’s go ahead and get back into the video okay getting back to the video there actually is a really large set of different skins that you can choose from included in the skyrim mashup pack which costs 5.99 kind of interesting how they sold skins regularly like that back in the day but

Hey this was skyrim it was a big deal and already it has our favorite and most recognizable characters from the skyrim universe like vex and kano elowin oh lydia yeah yeah i know that one there’s also nazir sadia israel astrid ayla the huntress look there’s a vampire lord

Prison mike makes an appearance there’s sheogorth and vilcas as well i honestly thought that was a destiny character but here we are there’s also skins for the different factions featured in skyrim like imperials stormcloaks greybeards and dragon priests and then along with the classes that you can play as in

Skyrim like argonian wood elf bretons dark elves and khajiits oh and orcs there’s also mobs you can play as from skyrim as well like frost trolls hagraven drager death lord dwarves centurions wisp mothers the dremora lord spriggans and even punisher shows up seriously just reading through and

Looking at all of these skins kind of reminded me it’s been a minute since i’ve played an elder scrolls game these terms aren’t as fresh in my memory as they once were i really couldn’t decide who to play as so i just decided to be some classic dragonborn character which

Was cool and as soon as i spawned in i started hearing the standard anthem of skyrim you know like the shouting music it was pretty epic considering all i could see around me was some grass i mean this was also a texture pack so don’t get me wrong the grass did look

Pretty cool but i was definitely not ready for this loud exciting music to just kind of blow my eardrums out for a minute so to start off our journey we decided that the best way to do this is just to look around and get a feel for what was actually designed in this

Special mashup pack originally and get a feel for that so we did enable creative mode just to give ourselves a couple of weapons to survive against the various mobs that could instantly kill us because honestly we’re not that good at minecraft and upon walking around the spawn area we realized we were right

Next to the town of riverwood one of the first towns you walk through when you play through skyrim honestly it wasn’t the worst recreation of this little town i mean it was a simple town in skyrim but still it was one of those iconic first stops you make in your journey

Most likely and it was kind of cool to see it translated into another game in real skyrim this is actually where you typically run into the blacksmith oliver and he kind of guides you along your quest he’d be standing usually over here and honestly this town is kind of cool

We got alvar and siegrid’s house you can see some of the other houses in this little town there’s the inn right over there now looking around the town is kind of empty there’s no one really just walking around or living in this town which is a little odd it’s kind of like

A ghost town but then look if you turn around the corner you can find the villagers they are here they’re just uh i don’t know taking a bath or something just kind of popping up and down but they do definitely look like they are straight out of skyrim but they also

Look like they are maybe drowning in the water all right so on our quest we’re feeling pretty good about exploring this area we already found one location that we recognized especially because we aren’t the most familiar with skyrim it’s been a very long time we found a sign that we thought would definitely

Help us in our direction and we ran over to it just to find that it’s not really the most helpful sign in the world now we did remember though that riverwood is kind of placed nearby whiterun kind of in the outskirts right before you get to

The fields of whiterun so we kind of wandered following the river hoping that would take us the right way it was this cool little bridge and then bam we realized where we were and that we were in the fields right outside of whiterun it took us maybe a minute to orient like

Where everything was but we did figure it out after a minute and made our way up towards the front gate of whiterun that you normally would go into honestly it was kind of cool the way that the walls on the outskirts of whiterun looked were kind of accurate to what the

Game seems like and once you’re actually walking up the pathway heading into the town itself it does really feel like there was a lot of detail put into making it feel like it does an actual skyrim once we made our way through the gate and we actually were in the town we

Got to look around and kind of jog our memory a little bit of some of the amenities in whiterun itself of course we got a blacksmith we got the tavern there’s some shops you can also go inside a lot of the clan houses and more or less the attention to detail is

Pretty accurate at least where all the houses are the fact that you can go inside them and there’s something at least to kind of remind you of what purpose that building served it’s kind of cool definitely once again it feels a little bit like an abandoned version of whiterun because there’s nothing nearby

But the replica itself is pretty good here and it looks really cool i was mostly excited to make my way up to the main castle area where we usually meet the yarl and we have that whole encounter so we climbed our way up the stairs and made our way into the grand

Entrance and honestly for whatever reason i remember this area seeming much bigger in the actual skyrim game and we’re gonna have to go into skyrim and crosscheck that because i don’t genuinely remember but it does feel a little bit smaller at the same time though they have the very impossible

Task of trying to build a skyrim city fortress world to scale in minecraft so i’m not going to complain because at the end of the day this area is still really really awesome i got to sit on the throne even which you know kind of was the highlight of this whole journey for

Us i tried to find a little alchemy room that’s typically kind of here on the right wing of the building but it just isn’t there in this version but instead we did find these stairs that took us all the way up to the very top of the

Castle which was really cool and we could go up to this balcony and have an awesome view of the skyrim world from this building i also managed to fall off the balcony and fell to my death so i had to run back and regroup with everyone which did take a little bit of

Time so once i finally found the group again and made my way to meeting up with them we decided to go and explore a little bit more of what skyrim has to offer and we headed down to the little tower that’s in white run fields that you typically fight the first dragon

With it was kind of cool just to walk over there it’s proportionately in the same general direction as where it normally is in real skyrim we walked by a horse and i thought it looked really cool it had red eyes and shawn actually recognized that horse apparently it’s

From the dark brotherhood quest line and it’s a reference to shadow mirror honestly i really need to play through skyrim but then we made our way to the little tower and we hung out at it we walked up the tower we walked back down the tower no dragon attacked us that

Would have been really cool if a dragon randomly did show up but then again this is just a skin texture pack that came out in 2014. and then from there we were a little bit confused as to what we were actually supposed to do next or where to

Go next to explore the rest of this world in comparison when we did the halo minecraft crossover there kind of was a hub that just gave you signs to go to each location so it was very easy to go through each point one by one and not

Miss out on anything where in this one it feels a little bit more like they wanted to recreate part of the actual skyrim world within minecraft so you’re kind of left on your own accord to try to explore ultimately we decided we wanted to try to make our way up on top

Of one of the mountains to see if there’s any notable locations that we could recognize because just it seemed like the right direction to go however since we were just running around there wasn’t actually any straight pathways that kind of led us or intended to direct us towards a way up the mountain

We’re finding ourselves like breaking blocks and trying to climb up that way and at this point ultimately we were a little bit nervous that we might be missing out on some of the locations so we decided to back out and load up in creative mode to allow ourselves to fly

Around and see all the other locations so we wouldn’t miss out on anything so we loaded back in on creative mode and flew up to the top of the mountain and sure enough there was something up there that would have been really difficult to discover anyways we may have actually

Missed it but you can actually find the bleak falls barrow dungeon at least the opening to it i think that’s what this is up on top of the mountain it’s pretty cool it’s in this nice snowy area when you go in there’s this painting of this space where i think you normally would

Put a key and there’d be this big reveal and it would open up the dungeon for you though in this case nothing actually happens but the exterior architecture did look really good just like what we had seen with whiterun and how they managed to put a big massive city for

The game in a condensed minecraft world they did the same thing right up here on this mountaintop and it’s kind of a shame that they didn’t kind of put either a gravel trail that wrapped up the mountain to lead you up here naturally and it’s just a place that

You’d have to know to look for or flying creative mode to find so we were glad that we did load it up in creative mode because it would have been a shame if we ended up missing this one and after feeling confident about finding this one we were optimistic to see what other

Locations they would have translated from skyrim and that’s where things kind of slowed down in excitement because we flew around quite a bit and honestly there’s not that much more to look at there’s just white run riverwood bleak falls and then that little tower that we were standing in earlier so what about

The nether if we transport there maybe there’s something cool the halo 1 had the kryptom there which was awesome well we built a portal to the nether and traveled through there and yeah there was nothing really that special down here it seems like for the most part a

Lot of the enemy classes are inspired by mobs that are found in skyrim like there’s this nether enemy slime ball that’s from the dragonborn dlc and you can see that the pigmen are inspired by daedras but there wasn’t any architecture itself built specifically in the nether at least that we could

Find that was made for this we also didn’t find any cave entrance with a nether portal already set up like we did in the halo one showing that there was a place to go so we’re turning to the overworld we just flew around some more

We spread out we split up we looked for different places and ultimately we always found ourselves circling back to whiterun and of course whiterun is the coolest part of this entire thing and the best part about this dlc is even though it cost six dollars when it released you could literally build your

Own minecraft world and have all of white run as your fortress or house if you wanted and that alone is such a cool concept especially with how detailed and intricate whiterun itself actually was i bet a lot of people had fun playing on this back in the day especially if they

Were huge skyrim fans but i can’t help but to feel a little bit let down by this one because when we went and looked at the halo one there was 15 plus locations to explore and sights to see along with the same amount of skins and the unique texture pack and whatnot this

One definitely feels a little more bare boned but it also has one large set piece as opposed to a bunch of smaller set pieces still there were a couple of other things we did catch in the skyrim thing that we liked obviously the music soundtrack is on point and it’s just

That skyrim-esque musical score that just gives you this right mental state when playing this and it just makes you really nostalgic for the game luke play a little dingle of it Also my favorite thing to do in these special mash-up packs is actually look at the paintings which are used in various places for locale and i just put them all up on the wall to see what type of paintings were in the game there’s a lot of interesting design choices like

Little shelves or a door that doesn’t open up that reminded luke of like the cartoons where they draw like a fake tunnel on a wall or something i don’t know if you guys know what he’s talking about but by far the best painting that is in the skyrim mashup pack is this one

It’s just the skyrim box art cover logo just in minecraft i don’t know i just thought it was hilarious for whatever reason it’s probably not as funny as i thought it was but personally in my heart i felt like it was the funniest thing at the time and then we almost

Forgot we didn’t even travel to the end yet to see if there was some big unique finale so we had to remember how to build a portal to the end we traveled down there and sure enough there there really wasn’t anything to stand outish that was unique here i mean the dragon

Was red-eyes black dragon from yu-gi-oh not really but it was a cool looking dragon that was flying around and we slayed it we got the end credits just like normal and that was about it it’s just a pretty basic skyrim experience now to be fair we maybe set our expectations too high

Doing the halo 1 first and the halo 1 did get a second update later on down the road to promote halo 5 when that was coming out so they obviously had more time and resources to just really flesh all of that out for minecraft but in

Comparison we were just a little bit let down by the amount of locations in this one there definitely was room for them to do more if they wanted to and they just never really did it but still white runs amazing riverwood’s amazing and so is our little dragon tower right here

That’s the best location of all so ultimately i would still say it was a positive experience and it was worth and i can totally see and justify someone who’s a skyrim fan spending six dollars on this world it was well done i just would have liked to see even more and

Maybe one day they’ll revisit it and re-release minecraft skyrim mashup pack i mean skyrim has been released enough times surely they can go back and touch on the minecraft version someone’s gotta be able to do it someone’s gotta have the file somewhere but what did you guys

Think of this skyrim mashup pack are you a fan of it did you like the skins have you ever played it would you ever try this or do you think that they could have done more with it let us know what your thoughts are in the comments down

Below be sure to subscribe with notifications on for more videos like this also check out our other video we did where we looked at the halo crossover from minecraft even if you don’t know a lot of the halo locations there’s something there that’s kind of interesting nonetheless to see how they

Translated a different game into minecraft alright that’s it for today we’ll see you guys next time with a brand new video

This video, titled ‘The Skyrim x Minecraft Crossover was Weird and Awesome?’, was uploaded by Rocket Sloth on 2022-05-24 22:15:00. It has garnered 52854 views and 2011 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:03 or 963 seconds.

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In 2013 Skyrim and Minecraft announced the Minecraft Skyrim Edition mash-up pack. From Skyrim character skins, to Skyrim locations rebuild in Minecraft. Well we took a look at the strange and awesome Skyrim crossover when Skyrim showed up in another game.

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  • Escape the madness: Full uncut Minecraft Hypixel PVP gameplay!

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  • “SHOCKING! MCPE Players Abusing Villagers?!” #viral #gaming #minecraft

    "SHOCKING! MCPE Players Abusing Villagers?!" #viral #gaming #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How do players treat villagers? #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-02-18 03:22:00. It has garnered 5764 views and 149 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. *Description:* Embark on an emotional journey in this poignant shorts video as I attempt to depict the point of view of villagers in Minecraft. Witness the heartbreaking tale of their struggles and hardships as players often exploit and rob them of their resources. Through immersive storytelling, I shed light on the sad reality faced by these virtual inhabitants. 🏘️ Join… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Anushka1161 dominates in 2v4 on Lifeboat Server!

    Unbelievable: Anushka1161 dominates in 2v4 on Lifeboat Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘2v4 in this minecraft sm52 life boat server minecraft (bedrock edition)’, was uploaded by Anushka1161 on 2024-04-06 12:59:54. It has garnered 64 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:03 or 603 seconds. #lifeboat #video #minecraft #minecraftserver Read More

  • Insane 1v1 Minecraft Minigames LIVE | Road to 10k!

    Insane 1v1 Minecraft Minigames LIVE | Road to 10k!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINIGAMES LIVE WITH SUBSCRIBER 1V1 WITH SUBSCRIBERS | ROAD TO 10K | TMPBOLTELIVE’, was uploaded by TMP BOLTE LIVE on 2024-04-16 09:51:07. It has garnered 1237 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:49 or 8809 seconds. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR LOVELY AND UNBELIEVABLE SHUPPORT GUY’S 💖FOLLOW ME ❣️ INSTAGRAM – https://instagram.com/tmpbolte?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= ❣️ DISCORD – https://discord.com/invite/vQNJ6Ys6XN JAVA MINECRAFT PUBLIC SMP LIVE HINDI | JOIN MY PUBLIC SMP | Minecraft lifesteal smp live TMPBOLTELIVE #minecraftsmplive #minecraftpublicserver #publicsmplive 🔰🔰 Rules of chat 🔰🔰 ►No Spam, Self Promotion, or Promoting Others ►No… Read More

  • “¡Increíble suerte en Minecraft con mi hermana! 😱” #clickbait #Twitch

    "¡Increíble suerte en Minecraft con mi hermana! 😱" #clickbait #TwitchVideo Information This video, titled ‘Qué afortunado #Minecraft #humor #juegos #hermana #divertido #parati #Twitch #shorts’, was uploaded by Danko on 2024-05-03 15:39:14. It has garnered 7573 views and 169 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Devil Blast BONEMEAL FARM!!! 🎮🔥👹 #amongus #gta5

    ULTIMATE Devil Blast BONEMEAL FARM!!! 🎮🔥👹 #amongus #gta5Video Information This video, titled ‘Building ULTIMATE BONEMEAL FARM in my MINECRAFT world | #amongus #gta #gta5 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Devil Blast on 2024-02-09 19:50:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Building BONEMEAL FARM in my MINECRAFT world | #amongus #gta #gta5 #minecraft Discord … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Battle- Noob vs Pro Challenge!

    EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Battle- Noob vs Pro Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘ICE HOUSE Build Battle In Minecraft – NOOB VS PRO CHALLENGE – Maizen Mizen Mazien Parody’, was uploaded by Adventure Craft on 2024-05-29 08:45:00. It has garnered 5157 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:36 or 1236 seconds. Join JJ and Mikey in an epic Minecraft building competition as they go head to head in creating the ultimate Ice House! Watch as these two gamers use their creativity and skills to construct intricate structures, all while racing against the clock. Who will emerge victorious in this icy challenge? Tune in to… Read More

  • OddSurvivalCraft

    OddSurvivalCraftA fresh survival world with a non toxic environment as well as a few extra things normal survival doesn’t have to make things more interesting overall. This server is whitelisted and the ip will be given only once whitelist has been gained through the discord server. oddsurvivalcraft.mcserv.fun Read More

  • Nightfall SMP – Towny, Jobs, Auctionhouse, 1.20.1, Homes, TPA

    Nightfall Server About Us Nightfall originally started as a Bedrock realm 4 years ago, and has evolved into a full-on Java server. Our map is our old bedrock realm map converted to Java. We have about 10 core players who are great builders and have started new towns that are rapidly growing. Server Features Dynmap 30k World Border each direction from spawn Several Towns already built, join a town or start your own! Nether roof enabled Sleep Percentage 10 Homes to set Jobs (Earn money to expand your town or buy from auction house) Render Distance 12 Hard difficulty Explosion… Read More

  • Ltcraft Survival/Build off!

    Ltcraft Survival/Build off!WELCOME TO LTCRAFT.NETLtcraft.net is a private server hosting organization associated with lorentedford.com We started off as a private group of friends playing Minecraft back in the Late 2000s and moved to the public in late 2014. We are rebuilding after I spent some time in the nursing home back in 2020.Welcome to Ltcraft.net please understand we are under construction again as of 07-20-2022.Things we have accomplished so far!Moved ServersRebuilt Bungeecord ServerRebuilt Lobby plugins to eliminate the errors.Purchased Litebans which runs mcbans.ltcraft.netUpdated all plugins to current 1.19We will be updating each server one by one and moving from Griefprevention to Luckperms… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Notch be like:

    Minecraft Memes - Notch be like:Looks like Notch needs to level up his meme game! Read More

  • Minecraft Magic: 5 Building Hacks You Can’t Miss!

    Minecraft Magic: 5 Building Hacks You Can't Miss! Welcome, welcome, to the Minecraft show, Where building ideas and hacks will flow. From drones to coffee machines, we’ve got it all, Soda machines and washing machines, big or small. Vending machines and toilets, oh my, Each idea will make your builds reach the sky. With redstone hacks and tips to inspire, Your Minecraft creations will never tire. So grab your coffee, take a seat, And watch these building ideas, oh so neat. From Lomby Minecraft, the master of design, Let’s dive into the world of blocks and shine. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #memes #funny Read More

  • Breaking News: Minecraft 1.21 Data Pack Updates!

    Breaking News: Minecraft 1.21 Data Pack Updates! Minecraft 1.21: The Tricky Trials Update Minecraft 1.21, also known as the Tricky Trials update, has brought a plethora of exciting new features and improvements to the game. From data-driven enchantments to new paintings and jukebox songs, players are in for a treat with this latest update. Let’s dive into the details of what Minecraft 1.21 has to offer! Commands and Gameplay Enhancements One of the key highlights of Minecraft 1.21 is the introduction of data pack improvements that enhance gameplay mechanics. Players can now enjoy a more dynamic and customizable experience through the use of new commands and… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Edit by My Friend

    Sneaky Minecraft Edit by My Friend Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft is a popular sandbox game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky, pixelated world. With endless possibilities and a thriving community, Minecraft has become a global phenomenon. Exploration and Building In Minecraft, players can explore vast landscapes, mine resources, and build structures using different types of blocks. From simple houses to elaborate castles, the only limit is your imagination. The game’s creative mode allows players to fly and have unlimited resources, perfect for those who want to focus on building without the threat of monsters. Survival and… Read More

  • Surviving 1000 Days with Fire Knuckles in Minecraft!

    Surviving 1000 Days with Fire Knuckles in Minecraft!Video Information on day one I spawned in as baby fire knuckles I looked over and saw my people the aidas were in Panic it’s going to blow our Master Emerald the very thing my people swore to protect was violently shaking until it shattered no a strange water life form appeared from the blast and wasted no time raining down destruction amongst my people I’m finally free and everyone will feel my wrath I ran through the destruction trying to find ways to help but it was no use he was just too strong oh no why is this… Read More

  • The Ultimate Top 800 Minecraft Seeds Reactions!

    The Ultimate Top 800 Minecraft Seeds Reactions!Video Information This video, titled ‘Top 800 Minecraft Seeds!’, was uploaded by Gamers React on 2024-05-09 13:00:16. It has garnered 115842 views and 2486 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:07 or 1627 seconds. SUBMIT CLIPS: https://gamersreact.com/ Discord https://discord.gg/9rH9a5Z twitter https://twitter.com/GamersReactYT instagram https://www.instagram.com/gamersreactyt/ tik tok @gamersreactyt Background Music: “Night out” by LiQWYD https://www.youtube.com/c/LiQWYD All creators in this video have been featured in previous videos. Although, there is just simply too many creators used in this video to link every single one of them since YouTube only lets you have the description of your videos be 5000 characters long. If… Read More

  • LemixEzz – Donate for Minecraft server! Win cases & help me buy a Monitor! JOIN NOW!

    LemixEzz - Donate for Minecraft server! Win cases & help me buy a Monitor! JOIN NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘СТРИМ Minecraft!Открыл свой сервер! Раздача донат кейсов! Коплю Деньги на Монитор! ЗАХОДИ!’, was uploaded by LemixEzz on 2024-06-10 22:41:28. It has garnered 124 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:14 or 2774 seconds. Hello! I’m saving money for a monitor, if you can support me with a donation, here’s the link: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/pup4ek TAGS: reallyworld, minecraft, domer, minecraft, domer, in minecraft, rilyworld, domer grief, minecraft stream, reallyworld stream, stream, minecraft server, reelik, domer vulture, minecraft stream, aresmine, vulture stream, stream on rilyworld, trolling, griefer stream, riley world, trolling streamer, rillyworld, griefer show,… Read More

  • TheIceBox – INSANE BASE at LIGHTHOUSE?! 😱 (Fear Nightfall)

    TheIceBox - INSANE BASE at LIGHTHOUSE?! 😱 (Fear Nightfall)Video Information This video, titled ‘Starting on the… Light House? (Fear Nightfall Modpack)’, was uploaded by TheIceBox on 2024-03-11 21:27:04. It has garnered 22 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:18 or 1278 seconds. Do we continue playing? Let us know! Fear Nightfall Horror Modpack for Minecraft! Join us as we explore the terrifying world of this modpack, encountering spine-chilling creatures, eerie landscapes, and heart-stopping encounters. We’ll showcase the unique features and gameplay mechanics that make this modpack a must-try for any horror enthusiast. Get ready to be scared as we dive into the Fear Nightfall… Read More

  • Giovany – SURVIVING MURDER ATTEMPTS in AstralMC Minecraft HCF 🤯

    Giovany - SURVIVING MURDER ATTEMPTS in AstralMC Minecraft HCF 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘HACEN TRUCE para MATARME y terminan DROPEANDO 🤣 | AstralMC Minecraft HCF’, was uploaded by Giovany on 2024-06-14 22:00:04. It has garnered 264 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:28 or 688 seconds. Click to see more information! ⬇️⬇️⬇️ If you like my content and want to see more, subscribe❤️ VIDEO INFORMATION 👀 ⚔️Server IP: astralmc.cc 📁TexturePack: Delta Plast (Direct download on https://discord.gg/mdn) 🎮Client/Launcher: Lunar Client 1.8.9 SOCIAL NETWORKS ⭐ 💖Secondary Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@GiovanyExtra 🔴Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/Giovanuky 🐦Twitter: https://twitter.com/Giovanuky 👥Discord: https://discord.gg/mdn ( giovanuky ) 👦NameMC: https://es.namemc.com/profile/Giovany.4 📰Business Email: [email protected] DISCORDS 🤝 Questions Community:… Read More