Mind-Blowing Transformation in Minecraft!

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Hi it’s TV and today katab will not leave me alone katab what’s going on what’s going do you want my phone is that what it is you just want to play on my phone I’ve got some really fun mobile game so you should definitely check it

Out wait what what is it what do you have something to give me a flower why are you giving me a FL why did you even get this inside this Factory listen uh I’m not interested okay whatever you’re doing I’m no no back away I’m a dog

Person God now what’s going into you you’re like a crazy fangle or something I mean I am very cool look at my look at me Cookie gang wait no go go away I am so sorry cat cat up I’m sorry wait no get off me wait wait what are you doing

What are you doing wait wait wait what what is this what what is this wait wait don’t push me in no no oh wait wait wait don’t close no no wait what what are you doing oh no you trapped me inside a glass bottle or something hey I I’ll

Give you money see haha can I at least have my phone give me my phone give me my phone there you go there you go go cut thank you so much much yeah oh I know exactly what I’m going to do I’m going to call for help catnap is

Going crazy catnap is like a crazy fago he’s obsessed with me I got to find out why and how to get rid of him but first i’m going to call for help all right it’s ringing it’s ringing H hello who is this oh is this player H who’s got my number I’ll fight

You I’ve been working out I don’t think you have well you got me today who is this it’s me TV I need your help I’m stuck inside a glass bottle and Cat Napp has gone crazy please help me come to the poppy playtime Factory oh I mean yeah I can do that I

Always wanted to complete that game I’ll be there soon okay but okay wait uh I’ll see you later then okay uh wait wait wait okay cab I’ll do what you say okay I’ll do what you say we could be friends yeah you could be a Fang girl for me

Aren’t you a boy you could be a fanboy yeah there you go hey what nice to see you wait you know what maybe we should check out Mommy’s room let’s go see mommy long legs while we’re waiting for my friend there you go let’s just go

Inside here and uh let’s see oh M it’s Mommy long legs look who it is hi Mommy you give me a flower oh hey hey Mommy hi why are you in here uh catnap seems to not want to leave me alone see the catnap is follow me around why why you

Laughing oh it worked awesome what do you what do you mean it worked what did you do oh well I I I threw kind of like a potion on catnap to be more obsessed with you since he was obsessed with me and yeah it kind it worked wait what no

No no no no no no no no this is really bad I can’t have a cat follow me around I’m a dog person I have a dog catnap get off get off me catnap please M she got to do something no I run a factory I can’t have catnap following me around

All day so it’s better off it’s you than me what oh no I have to find a way to get cadnav off me I’m got to make you normal again cadap this isn’t you this isn’t you oh no mommy can you at least tell me what the Cure is please oh no

Not not at all why would I ever why would I do that I’m not poppy I’m not dumb okay you know what valid that’s so valid but you know what may maybe I’ll just stick around and stay with you then cuz then cat will follow you around as

Well ha no fine then I’ll just CIT cat what uh oh catnap we got to go run run run catnap go go go go go go go go close the door oh no catnap did you hear that Mommy Long BL is the one responsible you still so get away run away run

Away leave me hello no please wait a second I have an idea if I do something to catnb then he can’t follow me around like if I feed him and then he’d be too full hey are you hungry do you want me F do you want to go on like a date yeah

Yeah oh wow yeah there you go perfect just follow me into the cafe super easy oh look look look look there a ooh the stew for you to eat ooh have a have a taste of that it’s uh my grandma’s recipe definitely didn’t just randomly

Find it no no no no no it’s Grandma’s recipe there you go ooh it’s tasty and look a dessert oh there you go okay are you distracted now you’re too you’re too full to follow me around oh oh no it didn’t work oh no it didn’t work oh no

Catnb still won’t leave me alone I have to think of something else H oh oh I know uh do you want to play a game do you like games yeah let’s play a game let’s play um oh bunzo bunny bunzo bunny has tons of games bunzo bunny can help

Uh maybe Bonzo bunny would distract him and then I could run away and find the Cure this is perfect uh yeah follow me uh cat up this is going to work oh there it is yeah we’re just going to go over here okay where’s her where is buzzo

Bunny’s not here do you see buzzo bunny wa buzzo bunny buzzo bunny is he at the train is he what did you do to did you do something to bunzo bunny did you do something to bunzo bunny H what tell me confess what did you

Do no you just giving me hugs I don’t think catnaps a bad person I think he’s just upset oh bzo hey what are you doing I was just in the bathroom what do you want oh uh catnap really wants to play a game a game oh sure let’s go play my

Game Simon Says musical memory yeah yeah yeah sure okay uh I think I know what to do it’s like Simon says is that right yeah just listen for the number or the color and then press the right color and then you win sure canab this is your G

Why don’t you play okay okay go in the middle there you go yeah I’m cheering for you right here red blue green oh you got to do it got there you go uh there you go and there you go you did it orange yellow pink oh oh keep going keep going uh okay

You got it and then you got that one and then you got that one yes one more round one more round yellow yellow red okay and yellow and yellow and then and uh oh no that’s p no no no no no you lose

Sucker oh no can I run can I run run k run buzzo bud no leave us alone buzzo oh he’s chasing us okay wait hide under here Hide here Hide here cam quick where did you go oh you think you’re smarter than me I’ll get you guys okay we got to

Be very careful of buzzo Buddy he seems to be after us now I wonder if player’s here do you remember I called player to help us let’s go check the entrance maybe he’s at the reception okay oh what do you get a oh you want that okay

You’re a cat no no no it’s for you you’re a cat you love playing with the ywn there you go why don’t you follow me and we’ll go to find a friend player and maybe what I could do is distract him I can distract him uh is this thing on uh

Testing uh testing hello you didn’t open the door for me oh player hey come on in the the door was locked H I tried with my big strong muscles but I couldn’t open the door what do you oh what is this monster get rid of it scram scram

No no no no no no no no play it no no no no this is this is catnap catnaps a a big fan of mine really why don’t you only have like 40,000 subscribers H 44,000 subscri to subscribe you guys watching click that subscribe button yeah c wants you to subscribe right cab

Yeah yeah yeah woo yeah click that subscribe button for for catap and to prove player wrong oh wait do you have fans then or what yeah yeah kab’s a fan and then I think people watching are fans are you guys fans are you part of the cookie Squad what are you looking at

Where what who you what are you doing oh don’t worry don’t don’t don’t don’t worry about it don’t worry about it Hey listen player while you are here now remember I called you for help what are you giving me milk what are you doing C listen stop it okay player listen uh

Why don’t you help babysit catnap yeah I don’t really want to do that I want to play my game Puppy Playtime it’s on Steam have you played chapter one and chapter 2 yet chapter 3 comes out very soon that can of looks awfully suspicious uh

Yeah anyways uh why don’t we then play a game of hide and seek yeah that’s like part of um I think that’s part of chapter 3 are you sure uh yeah yeah totally yeah yeah well let’s let’s play hide-and seek uh uh you guys I will I

Will count you guys go hide okay I I I’ll do another reception right here okay and uh go no Canam you’re going to go hide okay go hide go I’ll find you I’ll find you trust me we’re playing a game don’t you want to play a game with

Me okay go hide go hide bye see you later okay one uh two uh three player why are you counting I said I’m the I’m the Seeker oh I got to hide then okay all right Perfect all right I got catnap gone now I have to sneak away bu M my

Long legs and try to get the Cure from her to stop catnap but I can’t let catnap find out and got to stay away from catnap okay where’s catnap I’m just going to make sure I don’t bub to catnap Ready or Not Here I Come player

No you’re not joining play okay fine you know what maybe I’ll find player first and player can join me player H I think he went into the gift shop uh is it wait actually he’s a pretty good Hider I don’t see him where is he player where’d you go you can’t find me

Seriously where is he did he go this way I think Kat went this way too I got to be very careful okay player okay well there’s Mommy’s room I’ll go straight to Mommy’s room oh oh gosh oh this guy never okay wait who whoa whoa whoa whoa

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa check that out how am I supposed to get past oh no how am I supposed to get to Mommy’s room when cat now’s right there maybe I need to go this way okay I’m going to hide ins inside the cafe room

Uh perfect okayo sweet okay oh wait player hey there you are ohat you found me you’re such a good seek yeah you’re doing great hey do you want to come with me uh I can’t I got to find these Monsters uh I’m actually meeting mommy along leg right

Now monster all right put them up one to buckle my Shoe you’re do great come with me okay we got to stay away from catnap though but I believe catnap was blocking the way wait okay so catnap is right there what I need you to do since I’m the one seeking you need to distract catnap and

Get catnap over to that Huggy wuggy sign okay I’ll do my best Captain yeah it’s TV okay Mr Captain TV uh can I kiss your shoe no no no go go go distract catnap okay you got it hey can do you have a tissue I need a tissue come follow me uh

To the to the P Huggy wagy sign yeah he’s not listening to me at all like I said go to the you know it doesn’t matter now’s my chance okay uh yeah play Keep distracted catnap that’s great okay back in my long long leg’s room uh oh Mommy hey it’s me

It’s your favorite gingerbread man no what go away do you have any other favorite gingerbreads I must be the only one right I would think you’re the only one I don’t think I know any other gingerbread man do you know any other gingers dog day dog day is ginger wow

Nobody tell him that l’sen all right I’ve distracted catnap he fixs with plane hideand-seek but I’ve distracted him I need that cure tell me what the Cure is right now it’s in your fridge cookies I’m going to take all these cookies there you go what you took my really so inconsiderate look

Gingerbread gingerbread man eating cookies woo yeah woo is that is that is that a form of like you’re not is that just like an unknown code that you don’t eat cookies when you’re a gingerbread cookie like a cookie eating a cookie yeah I feel like that’s kind of like

Conor ISM right yeah like I feel like that’s like an unknown like a like a kind of like a like a code that everybody should know about not to do yeah like spiders not supposed to eat other spiders wait yeah yeah is that a

Is that a thing yeah I think so I think so guys comment down below is that a thing I think that’s a thing yeah cookies not supposed to eat other cookies yeah I don’t what is the cure I’m looking around your place I’m looking I’m looking you hit in the

Microwave I knew it no wait it’s not here oh no what it’s not here Mommy Long Legs come on where is your family by the way ah they’re busy that busy on round Christmas he’s working hard to make sure baby long legs has a good Christmas so

You don’t want me to go see the baby inside the crib no I do not okay uh you know what I’m going to leave then and find that c and then I said that’s how I found the Ducks so you want to play another game or okay so uh cat’s right there he’s

Distracted but I think he’s going to realize that time is up and that I’m avoiding him like we don’t want that we don’t want want to find us uh so um wait oh no my phone’s ringing uh oh uh oh it’s player mommy I’m on the phone hold

On sh hello you’re in my house hi so uh I’m kind of getting tired of distracting catnap where are you okay but don’t tell catnap that I’m in mommy Long’s room okay I’m really close to finding the Cure okay so don’t tell catnap that you’re in the mommy long room what

Happens if I just yell out loud and he overheard and he’s running over there now wait what what no no no no P you just H up on me oh no wait catap are you hey C you f I found you I was looking for you I thought you might have hidden

Here yeah oh you gave me some fish mommy help me no I don’t want to oh yeah he’s looking for you everywhere he just loves you so much play where’s player I got a bone to pick with him player player where are you I have a bone to pick with you come

Here show you face right now oh there you don’t hide from me come here right now uh hi you found me that’s crazy did you did you defeat Mommy Long Legs yet uh you know what funny enough uh that was just what I was going to send you

Next you know uh mommy is dead in there right now you should go uh uh win the the chapter 2 okay here I go watch me win chapter 2 and wait a second you’re you’re still alive get over here get over here okay great uh so uh canab I have

Another idea with you why don’t you oh you should go inside here it’s like a snow globe I could get a photo of you like a snow globe before Christmas that would be so cute you should get inside yeah no no no I’ll I’ll take a picture

Of you in the snow globe yeah yeah yeah and then like we can add like a fil you’re going to okay thank you yeah yeah yeah well look we can have like a bunch of flowers around it’s so cute y ha look I’ll take a picture of you in the snow

Globe cheese say cheese oh yeah do a little dance do a little dance catnap there you go there you go yeah run R there you go okay now’s my chance I can run away H take that kab bye ha bye katab okay I have a chance while cab is

Trapped uhoh did cab just oh what you could break glass you didn’t tell me you could break glass oh no hey kab I was just kidding I was just kidding I was just kidding it was a joke it was a joke that was so remember we ow okay I

Deserve that yeah that was so funny remember remember when you locked me in the glass and then I locked you in the glass that’s so funny we need that cure real bad oh no wait wait a second I have an idea it’s probably in catnaps apartment maybe suff

In that can tell us what to do that’s perfect hey I really want to see oh this is uh oh yeah you want me to play this with you uh fetch like a dog there you go yay you know what but why don’t we see your apartment I really want to see

Your apartment don’t you think it’s so cool I think it’s so cool yeah let’s keep going I’m hoping that we don’t bump into bunzo bunny who’s looking for us cuz remember bunzo bunny was chasing after us I really hope we don’t bump into him inside the generator room

Because that is going to be so scary wait you probably do this all the time you built your house over here inside the generator because you know you had to go for the air B the whole time because you’re a cat you can climb through that yeah is that why you did it

And then puppy’s like a doll oh my gosh that makes so much sense I’m literally a gingerbread man how am I supposed to fit through this uh there you go I’m usually a TV but for Christmas I’m a gingerbread man and I’ve seen your comments you guys

Are mean the the skin looks nice I’m a gingerbread TV once it hits Christmas day I will throw this in the trash and next year I’ll be something else what should I be next year like a reindeer that would be so cute like a reindeer TV oh my gosh

Like I kind of can it be 2024 ready can it be Christmas 2024 so we’re we’re going to see your house the little apartment and I have a suspicion that maybe the Cure is inside there maybe inside a chest that’s going to have the ingredients that we need yeah but we got

To be careful in case we bump into bunzo bunny so it’s a good thing that bunzo bunny isn’t here so that’s great yay all right uh jump down cat you know what if you if you do this all the time maybe you should maybe I don’t know crazy idea

To fix this maybe wait okay yeah yeah yeah yeah just jump with me jump with me there you go uh hey you did it is empty over here but let’s go to catnaps room uh there it is over here yay catnaps room oh here we go stay close catnap

Okay we have a bunch of buns of bunny which is great super excited about that o look hey look there’s a chest and look at this this is so cute I really like what you did to the place what is this Stars will you give me you

Flowers oh thank you yeah you oh yes catnap yeah I I love it oh wait do you just like me cuz I’m a gingerbread man I don’t think cats can eat ginger I don’t actually I don’t know comment down below can cats eat ginger I don’t I don’t

Know what’s it sugar snowball a caramel apple you telling me wait wait this could be the Cure oh my gosh oh my gosh I got to get this back to Mommy long legs uh hey you come with me uh we got to go find our

Friend M long legs and hang out with her and see oh no it’s B bu you lost my game and for that you need to pay oh can I run can I run get get him and get back here quick run away from buer bunny buer

Bunny I’m sorry we’re leave us alone you didn’t tell us this was going to happen quick cada run Canada what do we do what do we do we got to stop buzo body somehow quick go this way go this way go this way quick kada quick he’s right

Behind you H get back here you’re going to pay for losing my game this is terrifying buzzo buddy you know it this is so terrifying please don’t hurt us please wait I have an idea hi please no wait put me down put me down right now

Uh can you say please uh no I’m not going to say please to you okay well bye then wait what no no we did it we did it he’s God he’s oh he actually yeah he poofed he’s God canab we did it we sto out a bu hey now

We can go back to Mommy Long yeah there you there you go uh follow me follow me I know a shortcut uh it is for a door look we don’t have to do the air bent anymore we just have to go follow this door and it’ll take us back to the

Room hey we’re back we’re back we’re back we’re back Mommy Long Legs SP and then that’s where I saved the Ducks oh wow yeah totally I get it oh it’s you you guys what are you doing here go get away player I thought mommy defeated you no oh we came to some kind

Of conclusion and now we’re having dinner would you like to join us for dinner I mean yeah sure actually yeah wait you don’t even have any more food gotcha mommy only made food for two people cuz Daddy Long Legs is working over time and she’s lonely and not that anyone

Asked okay oh you you didn’t want me to talk about that yeah um I I after I made grilled cheese okay okay cool I’ll leave okay bye yeah yeah get out wait did you give me a puffa fish wait you can have the puff no you can

Have a I don’t think you’re supposed to eat that that’s poisonous don’t eat that okay listen we know what the ingredients are aha it’s snowball it’s sugar it’s caramel apple and we going to use this inside your cooking pot in your oven to stop kindat of being a crazy F girl oh

Hey so ow wait no listen let me explain now wait wait wait no stop stop stop catap no catap I’m sorry please I’m sorry wait I take a picture of you you look so cute oh oh no please oh wait I got to do something I got to do oh look

At the flowers I L back inside the glass here you go and then here you go yeah a i trapped you oh no we can break glass ah mommy go inside mommy go inside go go go go Mommy why did you do that okay this is the

Door it will slow down at least a little bit okay Mommy why did you make him crazy this is your fault I did I this is not my okay okay this is on 100% your fault all right this this this is kind of my fault but either way I mean I was

I just need I just need to need to relax all right I’m so stressed out with with the factory and you know I I just need a break and being alone shut up no that honestly you know what I didn’t know that you were suffering I

Would have hung out like we could have watch a movie together want to watch die hard it’s a Christmas movie oh yeah honestly what is the deal with like people saying Die Hard is not a Christmas movie I have no idea it’s literally set around Christmas and the

Story is for Christmas and it’s about presents and about like traveling home for Christmas like it’s it’s literally a Christmas movie yeah I I agree yeah anyways uh we can put oh wait no we we should probably deal with the whole catnap situation first yeah okay yeah we

Will deal with him and then we’ll watch die hard and everything will be all right all right okay great great great all right do we need milk I don’t think it’s milk wait wait wait we might need a cookie look everything is so sweet oh I

Get it okay wait so throw milk cookie snowball sugar caramel apple all right back up back it let it cook whoa whoa wait let him cook let him cook get it get do you get it uh no wait my phone’s working hold on wait mommy I’m on the

Phone okay wait shush you’re too loud okay hi who is this you got to help me this cat is chasing me around the the Huggy wuggy stat you you got to do something quick you actually that’s great that you’re distracting him that you should keep him distracted wait no I

I can’t keep doing this where is my lawyer I want to get paid more I need more royalties what are you talking about what are you no you you know what I’m going to investigate mommy stay here okay oh no cat might be chasing player around the statue oh no it’s happening

Yeah I’m still on the foot wa can I come in oh uh yeah yeah quick run quick run run run run run come on quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick you’re dead at where you dead at yeah but can’t cat not

Break glass yeah but it’s a door so it’s oh oh no it’s a glass door no mommy do you have the Cure yet uh yes yes I have the Cure I have Qui ow he’s attacking me throw it on him throw it on him do something quick yes you did it hey can

Up here here’s a dollar are we cool are we oh he hates me oh it worked it worked yay yay you’re not a crazy fangle anymore wait a second doesn’t that mean he just hates all of us he’s just going to beat us up no what yeah oh God run oh no

Run oh no we lost your door I’m going to go hide hide in the cafe hide in the cafe play go go go go go Mommy I’m sorry you’re going to go okay perfect pH well guys we did we stopped cat now being a czy fan girl and

He’s no longer obsessed with me which is weird that I don’t want that I don’t want parasocial relationships hey you guys watching do not come to my house if you ever to find out where I live don’t come to my house Mommy I don’t you I mean with friends

You can come to my house I guess oh really you think we’re friends thanks for watching guys make sure you subscribe and leave a like and click on your screen now for another video we’ll see you over there thanks for watching see you later bye oh no C

Back all quick click your screen now click on your screen now click on your screen now run run

This video, titled ‘CATNAP becomes a CRAZY FAN GIRL in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by TeeVee on 2023-12-18 12:00:48. It has garnered 72359 views and 1873 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:03 or 1563 seconds.

CATNAP becomes a CRAZY FAN GIRL in Minecraft! Catnap becomes obsessed with TeeVee and we need to find a way to turn him back to normal! With the help from Poppy! Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 in Minecraft!

📺 The video is inspired by Aphmau, Maizen, Cash, Nico, Omz, Block Buddies and Slime Block!

📘 Buy my books! https://thealteredadventure.com/

🥳 Become part of TeeVee’s Watch Party! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsdz4BjK_Eg7DfSgI3cDZHg/join

📺 Credits: Oddfox ShadowgamingVA Edited by: Raidu Actors: Skye, Hannah Builder: Kie Skins: ForgottenJohn Models: LittleBear

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    Someone is lurking outside my house at 3AM...Video Information This video, titled ‘Somebody is OUTSIDE MY HOUSE At 3AM…’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-04-08 13:00:22. It has garnered 382948 views and 5035 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:56 or 2456 seconds. Somebody is OUTSIDE MY HOUSE At 3AM… (Minecraft) This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are chilling at night, when suddenly strange things start happening, and they SEE someone outside the house! Will they survive? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT HOUSE HACKS!! 🤯🔨 #MinecraftShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT STARTED HOUSE 🏠🏡🏠 #minecraftshortsideas #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by HEERBUILDS on 2023-12-29 13:32:48. It has garnered 2567 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. MINECRAFT STARTED HOUSE 🏠 (PART.2) #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshortsideas __________________________________________ ➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥 Minecraft lovers please 🙏 subscribe my channel ❤️🥺🙏 ______________________________________________________ device:- realme 3 RAM :- 4GB ROM:- 64 _________________________________ EDITING APP :- VN AND CAPCUT THUMBNAIL EDITING:- PICSART ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ INSTAGRAM:-https://www.instagram.com/shashi_gymlover ___________________________________________________________ SURVIVAL SERIE PLAYLISTS :-https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLa_FNnPYYrrmfY67LvBBetSuhVGUYzkTG _____________________________________________________ hey guys how did you like my video 📸📸 please like ❤️, comment 👍, share♻️, subscribe PLEASE ____________________________________________________ YOUR… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds! Watch Now

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds! Watch NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Judging my VIEWERS’ Minecraft Builds (April 2024)’, was uploaded by LeonSBU on 2024-05-05 19:29:59. It has garnered 421 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 02:12:31 or 7951 seconds. Let’s take a look at ALL of the entrants to this month’s Monthly Build Challenge, a minecraft build contest hosted in the LeonSBU Discord server! This month’s theme was “Custom Fruit Tree” – contestants had to create a fruit tree, featuring multiple wood types and custom fruits! Featuring @AshsDen and @layncemc as judges! ❤ LIKE & SUBSCRIBE ❤ to LeonSBU, it really helps… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Secrets Exposed by CaptainSparklez | InsideMC 112

    Shocking Minecraft Secrets Exposed by CaptainSparklez | InsideMC 112Video Information This video, titled ‘CaptainSparklez Talks Minecraft Throughout The Years | InsideMC 112’, was uploaded by InsideMC on 2024-06-07 15:00:36. It has garnered 560 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:12 or 5412 seconds. In the 112th edition of the Inside Minecraft Podcast, Orbitzz sits down with CaptainSparklez, someone who has been around in the Minecraft community since the start and has seen it develop over the years! To kick start the podcast, the two start by talking about the origin of the Captain, how his name and him as a content creator came to… Read More

  • Splocus

    SplocusSplocus er en dansk prison server, som er fuldkommen unikt lavet. Her er største delen custom kodet, og alle builds er selv lavet. Vi stræber efter at skabe et af Danmarks bedste fællesskaber, hvor der er plads til alle. Håber vi ses på Splocus! 🥇 mc.splocus.dk Read More

  • Nebula Wars – Semi-Vanilla, LIVEMAP, ANTI-P2W, SMP, CLAIM-FLY

    Tired of overly-complicated and Pay-To-Win Minecraft survival servers? Nebula Wars is your best bet! We are a Semi-Vanilla survival server created to bring the feel of classic survival servers, taking a step away from the nonsense of most modern-day survival servers. SOME FEATURES INCLUDE: Skills you can level up, and achieve powerful stats and abilities! Jobs you can gain money from participating in! Create Player Shops with the ChestShop and plugins! A real-time map of the server world you can view! Bounties you can claim from killing other players! Obtain Spawners with a Silk Touch Pickaxe! Head Database with Thousands… Read More

  • ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ VanityEmpire → (1.8-1.20) ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ SPHERE SERVER OPEN: 03/29/2024 18:00

    ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ VanityEmpire → (1.8-1.20) ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ SPHERE SERVER OPEN: 03/29/2024 18:00 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Life in Minecraft: Nothing comes easy. Embrace the grind.

    Minecraft Memes - Life in Minecraft: Nothing comes easy. Embrace the grind.Just like in Minecraft, life doesn’t come with a built-in cheat code for success! Time to start mining for those goals! Read More

  • Block Buddies: Minecraft Mix-Up Madness

    Block Buddies: Minecraft Mix-Up Madness In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, with animations that entertain. Funny and humorous, each video a delight, Bringing happiness to all, shining so bright. Pirated copies beware, this channel is the one true, With daily original content, just for you. So hit that subscribe button, join the fun, And let Fangkuaixuan’s Minecraft journey begun. From classroom series to song adaptations so fine, Every video a gem, a true gold mine. So come along, join the fun and the laughter, In Fangkuaixuan’s world, where joy is the master. Read More

  • “Когда ты строишь дом, но крипер все равно его взрывает” 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes

    "Когда ты строишь дом, но крипер все равно его взрывает" 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes When you’ve been playing Minecraft for so long that even your memes are starting to mine for diamonds. #minecraft #memes #minecraftmemes #gaming #funny #meme #cover #dance #майнкрафт #music Read More

  • Shulker Farm Tutorial: 6,500 P/H Speed Run!

    Shulker Farm Tutorial: 6,500 P/H Speed Run! Minecraft Shulker Farm Tutorial: Efficient and Easy Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, efficiency is key to success. The new Shulker Farm tutorial promises to revolutionize your gameplay with its speed and simplicity. Designed by the community, this farm is a game-changer for players looking to gather resources quickly and effortlessly. Key Features Shulker Shell Production: This farm boasts an impressive output of over 6,500 Shulker Shells per hour, making it a must-have for any serious Minecraft player. Compatibility: The farm is designed to work seamlessly on versions 1.17 to 1.21, ensuring that players across different updates can… Read More

  • The Dark Side of Minecraft

    The Dark Side of Minecraft The Dark Side of Minecraft Unveiled Exploring the underbelly of the Minecraft community, this video delves into scandals and the criminal underworld surrounding some of the most popular players. From controversial behaviors of famous creators to the illegal sale of Minecraft accounts, shocking events are brought to light. Notch’s Downfall At 00:33, the video touches upon the fall of Notch, the creator of Minecraft, and the controversies that have surrounded him. The Game Seized by Censorship By 02:51, the narrative shifts to how censorship has impacted the game, altering its original essence. Toxic Fans From 04:22, the toxic behavior… Read More

  • Unleash Ultimate Power: JAYLABZIP, The Character God! #MinecraftWizard #AnimeMagic

    Unleash Ultimate Power: JAYLABZIP, The Character God! #MinecraftWizard #AnimeMagicVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #wizardworld #minecraftart #anime #wizard #minecraftbuilds #gaming #minecraftcreations’, was uploaded by JAYLABZIP Aka The God Of Characters on 2024-05-24 22:13:42. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Home Build Success!

    Ultimate Home Build Success!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Finishing my First Home!!! 💜🏡 | Zander Netherbrand |【FIRST STAGE PRODUCTION EN】’, was uploaded by Zander Netherbrand 【FIRST STAGE PRODUCTION EN】 on 2024-02-15 18:19:17. It has garnered 4769 views and 508 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:05 or 13685 seconds. Your Charming Incubus and Host of Club Netherbrand. Part of FIRST STAGE PRODUCTION EN’s #Avallum! Come closer, I don’t bite….unless you ask nicely 𝓣𝓲𝓹 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓱𝓸𝓼𝓽? https://streamlabs.com/zandernetherbrand Zander Minecraft Skin By: https://twitter.com/OhNoAMoose Fugi Art By: @hincaru ———————————————————————- Greetings, Mortals. Before we begin, just a few small rules: ╰┈➤ Be Nice & Stay… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Guess the Falling Character Challenge! #shorts

    Epic Minecraft Guess the Falling Character Challenge! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft guess the character viral falling art ( 5 ) #shorts #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Minecraft Viral Shorts on 2024-04-19 06:30:20. It has garnered 2721 views and 77 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. This is a satisfying video Hope you like this Minecraft Sand Art Video and share it with your friends! #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #shortfeed #youtubeshorts #trendingshorts #youtubeshortsviral #trendingshorts #mario Read More

  • SHOCKING REVEAL: Who REALLY built the Minecraft stronghold? 🤯 #minecraft #shorts

    SHOCKING REVEAL: Who REALLY built the Minecraft stronghold? 🤯 #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Who actually built the minecraft stronghold you know ? #minecraft #minecraftpe #shortsvideo #shorts’, was uploaded by G.O.A.T ASHH on 2024-04-27 11:36:31. It has garnered 10822 views and 259 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Who actually built the minecraft stronghold you know?? #minecraft #shortsvideo #minecraftcubecraft #gamerfleet #gaming #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortsvideo . Who actually built the minecraft stronghold you know, eye of ender, minecraft survival, minecraft Discover the shocking truth behind the construction of the Minecraft stronghold in this video! Join us as we delve into the mystery of who actually… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC LIVE Minecraft SMP! Join Our Survival SMP!🔥

    🔥EPIC LIVE Minecraft SMP! Join Our Survival SMP!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Blong Gamer Minecraft Live Stream | Join Our Public SMP! #minecraftsmplive #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by BLong Gamer on 2024-01-10 21:13:55. It has garnered 23 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:12 or 1212 seconds. Please Subscribe For New Videos Server IP : OurPublicSMPJasV.aternos.me:12786 ✔ Follow Me On Social ID : Discord:—- https://discord.gg/cp6szUad Hello there! I’ll be playing minecraft today, and will be showing you live Stream in this video. Please let me know if you enjoyed it, and don’t forget to like and subscribe! MY PC INFO Processor___AMD Ryzen 7 4800H… Read More

  • Insane! Camera Woman Ties TV Woman to Bed! – Maizen

    Insane! Camera Woman Ties TV Woman to Bed! - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘CAMERA WOMAN and TV WOMAN CATCH and TIED TV WOMAN to BED in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Myzen on 2024-06-05 11:00:03. It has garnered 19713 views and 458 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:53 or 3653 seconds. CAMERA WOMAN and TV WOMAN CATCH and TIED TV WOMAN to BED in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and… Read More

  • BESTVITE GAMER: Top 5 Epic Minecraft Beats! 😱 Don’t Miss Out

    BESTVITE GAMER: Top 5 Epic Minecraft Beats! 😱 Don't Miss OutVideo Information This video, titled ‘Top 5 Background Music For Your MINECRAFT Videos 😱 | Don’t Miss’, was uploaded by BESTVITE GAMER on 2024-03-25 11:30:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Best Background Music For Your Minecraft Videos | (Don’t Miss). 🎗️All Bg Music Credits to Their Respective Owners. 🎗️All … Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Twist in Minecraft TNaR S1E46

    Mind-Blowing Twist in Minecraft TNaR S1E46Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNaR [S1E46] | “Hard to Say” | (Minecraft RP/Animation)’, was uploaded by CitrusWasHere on 2024-04-30 20:00:05. It has garnered 4420 views and 471 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:43 or 703 seconds. Rachel apologizes. TNaR is the story of Colin, the gloomy owner of Doug and Rachel’s, and the autonomous animatronic cast. ~~~Channels~~~ Bane: https://bit.ly/45duN0I Rachel: https://bit.ly/2IC1mBb ~~~Thumbnail Artist~~~ Claire_Bearr: https://bit.ly/3Ebp8gT ~~~Skin Makers~~~ Gamer: https://bit.ly/3r7315v Josh: https://bit.ly/3Hb1yjZ Shy: https://bit.ly/3AHjq3B Virus: https://bit.ly/3tepKwd Wolf: https://bit.ly/3KQcJ40 ~~~Builders~~~ Claire: https://bit.ly/3Ebp8gT Dre: https://bit.ly/45N9WSX Feugris: https://bit.ly/3OUo71s Raises: https://bit.ly/3eesHov Kosmos: https://bit.ly/36zJUWb Virus: https://bit.ly/3tepKwd ~~~Models~~~ Female Model – ImYourEnder |… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft with my amigo

    Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft with my amigoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Attempting to Beat Minecraft with my amigo’, was uploaded by DarkTakanuva on 2024-06-04 04:40:13. It has garnered 31 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:41:48 or 16908 seconds. we game Read More

  • Adrian Empire

    Adrian Empire#1 Factions PvP with unique standout features such as player shops, checks, strong economy, coinflips, and much more. adrian.ggs.gg Read More

  • Ironclad Vanilla SMP Whitelist 6YearOldMap HermitCraft Style No Map Resets or Spawned items DynMap 1.20.4

    Ironclad Vanilla Server IP: play.ironcladnetwork.us Important Links Join our discord: https://dsc.gg/ironclad Check out our Live Map: Recent Updates Ironclad Vanilla has updated to version 1.20.4 About Ironclad Vanilla Minecraft Version: 1.20.4 Ironclad Vanilla is a whitelisted Semi-Vanilla server that promotes a friendly and thriving community. Our staff provides grief/theft prevention, technical support, and maintains a fair gameplay environment. Join us for a semi-vanilla experience with a balanced command system and a trust-based trading economy. Server Rules Griefing/Stealing not tolerated. Cheating, inappropriate language, and PvP rules enforced. No spamming/advertising allowed. How to Join Complete a short application and join our… Read More

  • Minecraft server gothamnetwork.org:25638

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: gothamnetwork.org:25605 (GL HF) Read More

  • LyreCraft – Mature Staff 24/7 Access – Multiple Gamemodes

    LyreCraft - Mature Staff 24/7 Access - Multiple GamemodesWelcome to Lyrecraft!From the owner – After years of frustration I could not find a server that not only had mature staff but also allowed me to play without paying an arm and a leg. When I found one, I soon discovered that a few days after I donated the server would go down for good. In sheer frustration I created my own server. LyreCraft is a unique server in the fact that it offers minecrafters a plethora of things to do. We have split our server into three different game types (adding more per request) which I have listed… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s update is lit fam 🔥

    I guess you could say this meme is a real diamond in the rough! Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Live Stream Chaos

    Minecraft Mayhem: Live Stream ChaosVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft Live Stream 🔴’, was uploaded by Chaos jordi2001 on 2024-06-15 14:56:05. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:00 or 0 seconds. If you haven’t subscribed yet, do so if you don’t have to, if you don’t want to and if you like this video, press the blue thumbs up ——————- ————————————————– ————————————————– ———— Did you like it, well I did😁 see you next time ———————— ————————————————– —— https://twitter.com/Chaos_jordi2001 ———————————————————————————— https://progameguides.com/fortnite-shop/ item shop leaked items https://fnbr.co/upcoming game site https://itch.io/ ———————————————————————————- https://www.twitch.tv/chaos_jordi2001 ————————————————– —————- ip of server play.originrealms.com… Read More

  • Ore Galore: 1K Days, Creative Craze!

    Ore Galore: 1K Days, Creative Craze! In the depths of the mine, a glimmering sight, Shiny ores sparkling, a true delight. Diamonds, emeralds, and gold galore, Adding to the mine’s allure. Crafting with spruce and oak so fine, Creating a space that’s truly divine. Lionfish, rockfish, and more to see, Swimming in the waters, wild and free. A spruce table, chairs of sakura bloom, A cozy spot to dispel the gloom. Join me on this journey, a thousand days strong, Subscribe and let’s play along. With Better Minecraft mods, the game’s a thrill, Sildur’s shaders adding to the skill. Follow me on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Subscribe for Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Subscribe for Laughs! “I tried subscribing to Minecraft but all I got was a bunch of blocks in my inbox. Not sure if I’m doing it right…” 😂 #minecraft #subscribe #funny #meme Read More

  • Cheating our way through Minecraft Parkour!

    Cheating our way through Minecraft Parkour! Minecraft Biome Parkour Adventure Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with the Biome Parkour series! Join the thrilling journey through various biomes, overcoming challenging obstacles and exploring the vast world of Minecraft. Join the Adventure Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for a new challenge? Join the Biome Parkour adventure and test your skills in navigating through different biomes. From lush forests to icy tundras, each biome presents a unique set of challenges that will put your parkour abilities to the test. Exciting Collaborations Looking to join the adventure as a guest player? Reach out to the host and… Read More