Mind-Blowing Unreleased Minecraft SMP Drama!

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I’m so sexy I’m so evil I should make a [ __ ] plan pull up to a sleigh and never see his ass again I’m taking Christmas to a level you could never Understand first I’ll have my minions take him down to my portal we’ll test if he is the moral I’ll send him back through the portal a body bag in a smle Mrs CLA at the North Pole she’s waiting for me it’s over wants to see a play on

Broadway say Nick never brought her at gave her dick she got oh God [ __ ] dude I’m just not ready to be a father yet this is like the worst part of the dream for Christmas Christmas I don’t need a wish thisy from the south po Christmas Christmas I don’t need a wish

This play from the South Pole walk around the christmase Okay I love this place it’s so warm and cozy I have a dog his name is bear and the cat’s name is H what should we name the is everybody in a bed okay I should name the Cat mittens mittens then we have uh we have snoot and then uh you’re the maid okay oh it’s so pretty outside okay I’m going to write my letter to Santa go inside and sit up here you could be quiet that would be much appreciated and write our letter so Dear Santa CL Santa uh what I want I need uh I want for Christmas is the peppermint elytra and then and I Want I have to hurry oh and then and then and then uh uh uh uh gun sign to Santa signing close okay let’s go take this to sand put it here then I’m going to go to town hall oh it is so gorgeous out here gorgeous hello Rob good

Morning ah good morning morbid Majesty okay cool uh how was your night last night oh I had the sweetest dreams we had have to travel across the entire globe in 12 hours delivering presents to every child but the Netherland is so scary oh my gosh zombies what what is this not

Zombies why there zombies on the here oh [ __ ] no oh my God where did they come from how about yourself well personally I I didn’t get any sleep at all oh why yeah I mean how did you sleep so well I mean Santa is gone Christmas

Could be ruined and uh I’m pretty sure we just had a terrorist attack hit our town hall I I mean oh that is dastardly dastardly that’s all you have to say really scary it was very scary oh hey hey P hey did I scare you

Uh yeah you did we we actually have to go to the town hall the mayor’s waiting for us oh the mayor’s waiting for us he can wait wow sorry pensions are high oh hey mayor hi mayor hello everybody shall we step inside I think we still have one more citizen

Somewhere we have another citizen wait there’s a new person here they could be the one that [ __ ] with Santa hold on oh yeah we had a new uh we had a new citizen um they were out of town but uh they just recently came back that’s kind of supicious yeah Yeah it’s no more suspicious than having zombified test subjects in your house that’s also true yeah but they could have done that too yeah but that’s charity work it’s different their house is it’s literally pink and it has a heart on it oh no they don’t seem too suspicious I trust

It wow I mean it looks like they’re friendly friendly hold on is it these Hearts how could you be mean those who often look friendly are often the enemy okay sun is anybody home hello hello my house I kept I kept walking to the left but nobody followed me

[ __ ] I’m sorry this doesn’t look like a house reset reset I was going to say oh yeah he doesn’t have le Bo [ __ ] hey wait who who we got a man down we got a man down what what’s happening he’s suffocating in the snow he’s not wearing leather boots

Because we discuss that beforehand here right here right here right here right here right Here my God this is a disaster I did [Applause] it where are my wow boots look at the the roof who is that where the citizen lives no no these are villagers that nobody has ever talked to because we’re racist apparently what cut that cut that cut

That nobody even talked to the villagers nobody ever asked how they were doing checked on them after the zombie apocalypse asked why their children were missing no no no it wasn’t an apocalypse it was contained by our lovely mayor oh yeah I forgot I did that I just want to build simple Gable

Roofs yeah bet you the world is the world is so much so much wider than that Rob more to life than simple Gable there is so much more hello hello the good Lord who best J were just coming up ex excuse me this ladder is not OSHA approved this

Is not okay it doesn’t seem safe I can get up if someone somebody’s coming out it broke their legs on the way down too I got up perfectly fine unlike some people this is our this is our new um are you the queen bee you on this be yes this is my home

Yes it looks like oh no a rental property looks like you [ __ ] built it with your bare hands as ripped as you are yeah you guys are so bad Santa’s missing oh yeah I forgot about that hi new neighbor yeah where were you last night hello yeah where were you what’s your I

Was out a I was traveling here from where from where please stop interrogating any citizens where’s Santa I mean what happened to Santa well I was gone he was kidnapped was [ __ ] kidna make an appearance and he did not appear therefore we are assuming that he was kidnapped there was

A letter written in what could be probably blood Santa’s blood allegedly we don’t have the technology to prove that one way or the other yeah so he’s [ __ ] gone probably dead and we’re trying to figure out who did it did you do are we rip I know just making are we going to

Disbelieve them off rip I well that seems like the safer option right now mayor I don’t know they weren’t even here how do how did we know that we they were here we got to take all the Alloys we can get that’s true do you think this

Random person who lives in our same Village as us is powerful enough to take on Santa by themselves without wearing armor that’s a fair point look at that well sorry let me let me get a closer look I don’t it is impressive but it’s going to take more than physical

Strength to beat Santa yeah Santa does is like an eldrich Terror he can you can travel at near light speed what else would you need to beat Santa oh you know maybe if you’re like some kind of dragon or something I don’t know that’s like the only way I could

Possibly see anybody coming close yeah oh that’s probably that’s a fair point yeah komaromi needs uh shoes boots armor here let me use my my magical powers real quick yeah so in in the in the like uh you know like power scaling of uh of immortal beings mayor is like

On the lowest tier he can like apparate things out of nowhere yeah I possess the ability to conjure small objects um but that’s nowhere close to what s can do yeah he can he can conjure large any type of object for any but for any and all people around the

World as long as he’s charged up yeah and I can I can fly but I have to try really really hard and sometimes I pee a little because unrelated because only his head is a bee so he has to carry the rest of his body weight um yeah you see how

Small these Wing actually I don’t think you can see the wings I have a hat on can see how small These Wings Are jump does that make you a bur be he is I am a b he’s a BBY he lives in the B Place wow he lives I can see my house

From here I can see my house from here this is a beautiful spot how much did you pay for this like premium yeah this is like oh it’s a it’s a tiny home so it’s actually pretty actually oh we are talking to royalty yeah oh guys we got

To get back to town hall oh yeah it is becoming night time we should probably return to the main yeah Village we haven’t started looking for Santa okay yeah everybody I guess everybody come down to the basement real quick we’ll get everybody stocked up on food and then we can discuss okay don’t

Open this chest okay I’ll know you rigged it with explosives okay uh here here’s all the foods I getting a variety hello hey we’re in the basement getting food okay don’t pull That don’t don’t no no no don’t worry about it secret mayoral business ah there’s always lots of that okay yep I mean if you guys really want actually but it’s probably it’s not it’s no big deal it’s no big deal it’s it’s no big deal then then why were you so like

Defensive no no no no no we’ll go look at it no we’ll go look at the chest not the chest come on come on come on come on this way this way come on guys come down go hop in yeah I I’ll go first that’s a pretty

Far drop chest yeah hop in hop in you you won’t take any damage okay okay wow whoa how the [ __ ] do you get out of here is this where all our taxes is going looks like it no I don’t embezzle funds I uh I just built this over the course of

A very long time it’s May this kind of looks like an evil lir what makes this look like an evil lirer and not just a lir well it’s just not very friendly looking right I mean it looks like he sleeps here and it’s under Town hole I think

It’s just I think this is like his apartment my property yeah yeah yeah but look at all the fish outside that’s like clear sign do you does he just like fish I don’t see Fish I just see the cold dark Embrace of the Void what would happen if someone broke one of these

Glass things no oh my God de pressurize the container and we’d all be sucked through the hole an instant and die immediately why did that sound kind of hot when you said that sounds sounds pretty fun sounds familiar that’s just physics as far as getting out um I

Usually just fly out but um then why did you take us down here I didn’t think that far ahead um give me a second let me Contra up a ladder that’s a trap hey morbid what what’s in your hand what chicken no what you mean no he had oh my horn

No no no no no no no it was red and white and it had a fuse that’s what this chicken is yeah did you I don’t see a fuse on that chicken yeah there’s no fuse on the chick did you see that [ __ ] I saw the I saw it it

Looked like dynamite I was looking at fish I missed it it looked I was switching back and forth between my bread and chicken so you might everybody Corner them at at knife Point empty your pockets you’re a little paranoid there I leave for two seconds empty your pockets

A everybody everybody just come we got to go look for Santa while we still have daylight true true I don’t trust it we don’t have time to not trust people right we’re a town we’re Town mates I hate it here no one listens to

Me I as Santa for a gun for Christmas oh my God you kidna Santa Claus why would I kidnap someone the man who’s going to bring me a gun it’s true it’s ruining my chances at getting the gas yeah all right all right everybody we

Can head upstairs oh no old bomb I have we know the route we need to take so I think our best chances of survival is if we all like stick together and just hit every single one of these points until we figure out some other clue as to where Santa could possibly

Be okay you you guys keep talking for a second I got to go to the bathroom I’ll be right back wait okay well that was kind of the end of the Plan Santa oh my God he came he came guys guys guys guys guys I hear you all have been looking for me yes are you in trouble do we need to I’m not where are you Santa I’m safe in my own home I just I couldn’t make it you know

I my sled was having sled problems m m mhm okay I I just wanted to let you all know that you don’t have to worry about me so you got my letter absolutely and you a fantastic boy this year uh you wanted a new bike for

Christmas of course oh yeah yeah he must have he did he must have actually gotten it did you get my letter uh not yet it must still be being delivered oh my God righty I haven’t bued it yet idiot santa santa santa santa did you see did you see number two on my

List I sure did very impressive how are you going to ship that big maale okay okay so just to recap you guys don’t have to worry about me and you don’t have to look for me cuz I’m the real Santa claw okay listen to this do you

Need your delivery R oh ho ho hey guys gone oh he’s gone never mind what did I miss uh Santa called us yeah he what he reached out to us through the ether with his powers and he was like hey guys I’m okay you don’t have to come find me and

I was like well do you need your route and then he didn’t say anything he just kind of got cut off yeah that’s really weird do do you guys think it was the real Santa no not at all no I mean he did he did know what was on my Christmas list

But it was also a pretty safe guess yeah I don’t know Ki what did you think I’m a little suspicious but it was pretty believable it sounded oddly like Rob just talking into a metal bucket but was I’ve never actually heard Santa so yeah there was no real joy in that ho ho

Ho you don’t know that’s not the real Santa let me ask you guys this let me ask you guys this uh ask me a question that only Santa Claus would have known from that conversation what’s on my Christmas list I have no clue I’ve never seen your

Christmas list oh yeah that’s that’s a good answer yeah wow that’s a good that’s a good answer that’s pretty innocent right yeah H well on the other hand since we do have his route do you guys want to go see what he gave everybody else for Christmas sure yeah

Yeah wait when are our gifts getting here or did he forget about us maybe if we don’t find he does still have until like cuz it’s only what day is it I I don’t we don’t really have a calendar we don’t really keep track of time yeah it it Christmas

That’s all we know let okay I guess we can go see if he’s delivered anybody else’s present presents okay yeah and then we can so let’s go head over to the the good old Compass okay okay the compass what’s the compass the the compass yeah it tells us with Direction

Everything so we need to go we need to go Northwest to get to the way point on the map but we should probably go around cuz I don’t think we can climb that unless you guys can climb that using Wings seems like cheating may it is so well sounds like you should

Grow a pair of wings [ __ ] you guys need help no no no we’re fine somebody just has to make the way for I have one heart please help how on Santa’s Green Earth did you Santa’s Green Earth Santa created the universe yeah that’s what my parents always told me Santa is all

Creation that’s why we celebrate the birth of the birth of Santa is Christmas yeah exactly’s birthday if you know you know you’re In oh no yeah we need help yeah there’s a p’s carved a path all the way up to the top I am standing right next to him I right I look why are you guys filling in there are you talking to me I I made up to the top H okay how were

You I fall one more time items I have like I just don’t have building blocks you don’t have a full set of iron I do I just didn’t want to carve out a path like that but yeah I’m bad I’m bad all right follow me I only have a Christmas tree on

Me running in the holidays we got you o look at these things here where what happened to follow me I’m the only one with the [ __ ] map where are you where are you guys even going I don’t know in shambles where are you guys oh see you

Were coming up here anyway I came to you guys who here take that that’s your weapon thank youi didn’t do anything wrong I’m just going to point that out yeah that’s why I rewarded them with a weapon what do you mean going on a trip oh my someone hit me

F get out of here you bully I’m dead what ow I was defending your honors what how are you guys I’m going to die no no cap I was below full health right now what the [ __ ] have you guys never played Minecraft before all right let’s see just got to

Ask around see if anybody’s gotten their Christmas presents yet okay cool that seems easy enough yeah going home hello hello okay leather tunics and a bunch of boots I’ll take that there’s somebody looks like there’s no one inside anymore oh hello sir he hello there hello did you get your

Christmas presents by any chance sir yeah no okay thank you for your time okay um um oh this tiny guy hey dude dude you’re a kid did you leave your uh letter out for Center this year uh Hey brother I think it might be a little shy you want to see Santa around

Lately got your presents yeah not much of a talker huh I I don’t I don’t think they have he kind of mad yeah the press the door in my face he slamed the door oh wait he’s back out I’d be pissed too oh oh oh where’s that coming from up up here up

Here up here okay yeah there’s a there’s a present by the city C City Square oh okay cool cool so someone did get their present oh wow got some potions oh snow falling I’ll take some don’t take all of it greedy bastards for the whole town snowball

Fight so Santa made it here I guess we check the next location where’s that snowball fight it is a little bit east of here I’m out of balls I’m on a ball no I have 16 more [ __ ] you eat my balls here here here [ __ ] them up [ __ ] them up [ __ ]

Them up y ah’s going to get me we continue Eastward Look out oh no one of the villages was turned into a zombie ow did he get bit probably probably the same thing that happened at our village oh no no rob you seem to be an expert on this situation do you know anything about the zombification process yeah I just try

And help people go away from it you know what I mean um I’m not really familiar with how it occurs unfortunately I just know how to take it out of them and it’s a process you really don’t want me to go into I mean is it even worth helping uh it can

Be but that’s what the experiments are for is to figure it out right Pango not be zombies yep you know that’s that’s definitely it and then if I give him a cookie afterwards a gingerbread one yeah yes okay who makes those gingerbread man they’re just up

Here where are you guys up up up Mountain up Mountain this way this way this Way three days later I’m pretty sure that guy escaped from the zoo I don’t know how he if this is if this [ __ ] parrot can survive we can oh my God buddy are you sure maybe it was that parrot that took Santa where’s Santa where’s Santa [ __ ]

Doesn’t have thumbs I don’t think you can kidnap Santa put my KN every how how is it okay I’ll ask you how is he going to tie a rope where is he with his parrot beak he can talk dude where is he that has nothing to do with the ability

To TI rope he guys he he can ask someone to do it for him oh my God if he asked you to tie a rope would you uh yeah dude you’re an accomplice to this you’re an accomplice to the kidnapping I I didn’t I don’t even know that

Guy okay well then let’s carry on I found a a cow and hit it’s little baby and I’m going to eat steak in front of them I I didn’t realize how uncon like you know not socially aware that is I’m sorry guys even I know

Up where did you guys go I got up the mountain we’re coming up the mountain I’m making a path what are you oh no oh no nothing we need to get to the top of this mountain before before nightfall before morbid dieses it is nightfall up here what happens at

Nightfall where is there no no City guard set up I need a bow really B badly here there’s a bunch of potions over here oh my god oh is this another gift yeah here ah thank you thank you also look at him he has a hat on oh my

God oh my God get out oh no I did it I died for our honor oh no all right wait pigu died hey get out of here whoa what are you doing in here get out of here everywhere I go you guys kick me out I

Was here first get out of here no sit in the corner sit in the corner get out of here fine I’ll go in the corner okay you stand over there all right morid uh can I can I tell you a story yeah go go ahead man what’s up

When I was a when I was a child every little kid in my neighborhood got presence they would come to school with their little toys and their stuffed animals and I didn’t have that um I think as a kid I preferred inventing making my own toys well that awkward awkward I

Mean but uh out of here man get out of here dude like could you respect [ __ ] get out of here you’re in his house get out of here we know we know okay [ __ ] so close okay let’s step outside okay all right we’re going to step outside thanks for interrupting [ __ ]

Yeah not like anyone else was in there either exactly so as a kid kid uh yeah I like to make and invent my own toys um MH and I took them to school and I was very proud of these toys because I wasn’t given these toys I made these toys myself um and

Nobody nobody wanted to play with me and yeah yeah no Rob that’s Terri do do you know why you didn’t get any presents dude I have no clue I mean what were your day-to-day activities around that that point point in time if you if you know where I’m trying to get I I

Remember I don’t um I don’t know I normal kid stuff I was playing with animals um oh that’s that’s kind what did you do with them um well that’s kind of how I made my friends you know I think I see the issue okay I’m I’m going to leave but uh

I’m glad you told me uh we’ll we’ll talk about this more when we get back home yeah yeah for sure yeah thanks for listening Cy what the [ __ ] is wrong with that guy I was listening the whole time that was so mutilated small animals I

Think we should keep a close eye on him yeah I think we should call he but we’ll save that for later let’s go let’s go okay are we ready to continue adventuring friends wait all let’s go find the others oh someone forgot their bed where did everybody go did they die

P that was probably me we’re just doing some relaxing fishing oh on the river okay oh hey hello have you caught anything hey how was your conversation it was it was great good it was it was pretty good for the cats so I can tame another one does anybody have a

Bow I do not I need to make one though hold on I don’t have an axe someone took my axe there’s a little one riding a chicken no buddy oh no don’t let him die wait why are all the zombies turning into saving the chicken the chicken

Lived the chicken we need to take this chicken home with us my expert sniping skills I was able to save the hostage oh my God here you go chicken warm up in the fire yeah dude take some bread he’s oh my God komaromi is going to take the chicken home with us we’re

Going to get it there okay my life mission he used to be under the control in the patriarchy of the zombie kind zombie kind and now he is free anybody have a crafting table no no what happened he’s dead no no we didn’t even get to name him we

Were going to take him home with what the [ __ ] in my heart he was Steve Steve Steve Steve rest in peace why did I put down that fire I just wanted to warm him up his soul fight alongside us forever in the HS of B can’t find Santa our chickens are

Dying in fires what’s next you’re evil is that next we need to use this as inspiration to continue forward May the hearts our hearts he will be remembered Forever rip Steve I need to get out of here I can’t be in this Village the last place on there’s only one position left I gave that inspirational speech and nobody followed me afterwards I got a crafting table we’re all good you I was burying Steve yeah we were burying

Steve guys I I don’t want to like be a pet [ __ ] but there’s a cat over here um pet [ __ ] I have to rock cod where is he we’re not abducting another animal just for them to die oh oh no he’s running into the lava I’m out of here oh

No another fallen soldier no he’s fine he’s fine he’s I stopped pursuing you can’t say that this is why we don’t name them where the [ __ ] is every just for the video sake I gave everyone slowing potions as a joke you I know you did this way we are all slowed now cuz

Some IDI down jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle way jingle jingle jingle follow me jingle jingle jingle jingle Char C cut cut this way you guys are running the wrong direction still where are you over here I was we were we all following you this this this tree line over here oh okay

Cool what are you doing in my lava pit I’m throwing stuff away yeah that is very smart all right guys this is the last location on the map and we haven’t found any of Santa yet we’re probably pretty close on the trail so we should be prepared so we

Need to run we need to go in we need to fight we need to be quick we need to win charge they have S SL we have we have to fight them for Santa SL oh my God what is that oh my God I’m coming in for the

FL oh I am at half a heart I’ve never seen these in my life use your Shields use your Shields lava make sure to use your ranged weapons if you have them oh my God I gave my weapon oh my God wait did someone die CR me

Yeah no you have my meat winter okay just for just for later so we know yeah no I I have like eight right now and I remember having nine beforehand oh no you need food my children I will provide okay need steak and chicken here here here can we have some

Please some more sir some more some more may some more may more guys look Santa left us present I don’t know if he purposefully left these gifts it looked more like a hijacking but either way like something bad happened here there’s fire and lava I just wanted to be

Optimistic yeah [ __ ] you guys wow we’re all bling out now and have cool weapons heck yeah I’m assuming he was probably about to take this portal so I feel like we should check what’s on the other side whatever is on the other side is definitely like his next

That’s where he’s going something I going to take all this Loot and go through bye guys okay this is the coolest [ __ ] God welcome to the nether the nether is insane don’t hit him don’t hit him don’t hit my friend remain peaceful yet don’t attack anything unless it attacks you

Yeah is this is this how Santa travels yeah oh my God yeah who got these pillars he’s a badass take me to an adult guys guys that’s not North we need to follow the trail I’ll come back later burning precious th being tortured to death in an Iraqi prison for all we know

Santa no who pushed me off oh we have potions of slow Falling by the way oh my God take me back I’m in Christmas Village this will take us to where the piglins are they’ll probably know more about who kidnapps Santa have any of you guys ever dealt with the piglins before

Never I’ve never seen one I’ve read about them I know that you can trade with them hence why I got a bunch of gold um they give you good loot and sometimes bad loot very bad loot it’s usually just kind of what they have on them to them

It’s all valuable yeah that’s true why aren’t they attacking us uh so they really like gold so as long as we’re wearing gold holding gold like they they usually won’t attack you unless you try to take their [ __ ] they’re very like territorial everybody if you have slow

Falling you can jump if not grab these Vines whoa we’re going to have we’re going to have to ride the Striders yes I’m so excited what we’re going to have to um saddle hey buddy everybody mounted up yeah let’s go follow me Okay follow the beacons red light right here let’s go let’s go find Santa we’re raiding their Bastion and by raiding I mean peacefully entering and bartering heck yeah this place is crazy yeah this is kind of this is wild looking I wonder how Santa doesn’t get like lost here he’s

Obscenely powerful oh uh owie get off of your Mount control control left shift left shift left shift shift shift sorry and he’s in and he’s in lava God damn it God guys we’re all amazing in Minecraft hey guys the lava is dangerous yeah put that out there

I I I don’t think I can speak because I’d say things I really don’t mean so from what I know of piglins they usually keep the better stuff higher up away from the lava and all the you know lesser creatures of the ne s so we got

To try and see if we can get to the top of this thing the piglins are aggroed I repeat the piglins are agroed we’ll be careful thank you where’ you go wait where did everybody else go oh my God there’s so many of them up here oh no I they they may be

Peaceful they look like they’re peaceful for now do not open the chests hey we can I want to open the chest really badly all of them will kill you I know so do we fight them um we can fight them or lure them away throw it on the ground and they’ll run to

It and like oh my god do a cookie Trail do a do a cookie Trail hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry I’m coming did it work no well some of them T go ahead and well you guys are all standing at the edge oh [ __ ] run run run run back but that’s not

Even going to get them no pangu oh [ __ ] oh God I’m going to die Fields we’re fine they’re not attacking Us fine I’ve seen this villager at the Christmas tree way more all right well they’re all dead now yeah we should have just killed them to begin with instead of creating an elaborate r cuz the TNT did damage to like half of them all right cut

Cut [ __ ] a good that would have been a really fun plan to watch yeah I would have everybody we weren’t throwing the gold at the end of the bridge is what the problem was got a bunch of Bones and eyes of the Ender oh oo Eyes of Ender eight of

Them why are they why are they going to the end oh I don’t know isn’t that the place where wait earlier you said the only people you think could take on Santa was a dragon correct yeah could they be talking about they could be going to the dragon they’re but they’re not that

Smart who would they have to be working with somebody that’s true why would they I don’t know I’ve heard rumors of piglin intelligence huh I have not where did you get this information there lack of uh just a friend who’s your friend uh well he goes to another school so you

Wouldn’t really know him but his name is uh pipsqueak interesting do you take his lunch money no no nothing like that friends from what I know if we if you throw an eye of the Ender into the air it takes you to the nearest end

Portal so I think we should go back to the Overworld and do that go back to the village and I know the fastest way to get there guys I’m going to jump oh God that was scared oh there she goes that is definitely the fastest

Way all right all right P pangu if we jump we jump together okay I don’t know what kind of Christmas magic this is but let’s do it 1 two 1 3 three oh holy cow that [ __ ] burned that was not that was not pleasant that was

[ __ ] present oh my God oh my God Santa’s alive what the heck my God this is amazing whoa whoa is right guys we got an upgrade upgrades people upgrades upgrades I can be styling I am styling I can’t me Santa gave you a gift Santa brought me a couple

Gifts well what did he get you rob oh my gosh I have some new armor a new axe a helmet and it I it looks like it’s custom made oh my gosh I think these are those new Gucci armors the new Gucci armors new Gucci armors this is crazy it’s amazing Rob

That’s so sick he remembered me he remembered you I think we might be able to take on the dragon with this gear oh my gosh I think we can I am going to put all of my junk into this one do you have a goddamn Trident oh that’s sick yeah and it

Returns to me oh [ __ ] you’re like Aquaman yeah my Christmas armor I would say more like green more like Poseidon I’m the god of the bees the bee God don’t shoot anybody with that good that [ __ ] slaps it shoots it shoots three arrows at a time go damn

We’re going to do this we’re going to save Santa all right now we just got to throw the Pearl and see where it leads us okay uh guys do we all right going this way really want to do this yeah what Pearl yeah got follow the pearls follow going this way

I’m just a little nervous about the dragon is all yeah I I I think we can take it yeah okay guys is it okay if I’m scared I mean if Rob’s scared then we should all be scared why is this going right towards Rob’s house I I bet it’s like past it in

The mountains or something you know yeah guys maybe we should slow down a minute I mean why um I don’t see a reason to yep you’re right you’re right haste towards Santa right yeah oh look it’s kind of s Ching directions I mean it’s still right in front of his

House okay the last portal is pointing towards Rob’s house so it’s got to be around here somewhere I it it’s really not what it looks like I at this point there’s too much evidence for us to not believe you yeah I mean I’m so sorry what

What guys back up back up back up back up I think he went into the water went the there he my god oh wait no the the hole didn’t oh it does what what we got it okay there’s there’s something down here follow me down here I’m on his

Tail go go go go go Rob oh my God what is this Rob Rob Rob what are you doing get back just get out of here morbid what is this you should have followed me what what is this place I said get back oh my God I he has the

Portal it was him all along this was all part of my plan but guys you have to listen to me I’m okay I this is your last trans I really wanted to take Christmas away from you guys and I really wanted to make sure that it was a very unhappy holiday just

Like it is for me every year and none of you really seem to like me that much and I was just you know my weird experiments penu penu you’re my best friend in the whole world and I I’m just I’m sorry this had to happen it’s nothing has it’s okay we can

Still we can still make this right we can sa s s s you just got to take us to Santa it’s what do you mean it’s too latea not too late he’s already we can take the dragon between I’m your best friend but this is unforgivable you need

To come clean what happened to Santa I took Santa I made sure his sleigh crashed near that nether portal I HED those piglins they were mine it’s so listen but Santa Santa came through and Santa put presents under the tree using his own mag and he didn’t forget about

Me none of us forgot about you you’re a part of the Town we’re all a part of the Town We’re All in This Together to we can save Santa together we can fight the dragon together I’m just I’m so sorry guys listen it’s okay Rob I’m truly glad that

As your mayor I can not only call you a citizen but a friend and as friends I think we can all kick this dragon’s ass hell yeah dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon I don’t deserve you guys’s [ __ ] him up yes you do go ready for this okay I made a mistake I’m

Here oh bie got one on you got you dog you’re our air guy I’m air support oh [ __ ] sorry oh it’s coming in for a landing get ready for melee get ready for melee all right stay away from the head though okay back up back up it’s so low this thing sucks

Uh we got it let’s go oh I didn’t get any 32 guys look at this we did it what happened who we have what’s that thing in the middle it’s the Dragon’s egg that was crazy it just went through the portal everybody let’s go through okay we did

It we’re home a dragon and there’s no Santa we did it the bell of Champions we did it we did It suck Li my [ __ ] de Santa I’ve been very disappointed in you these last few years all I want for Christmas is for your jolly self to get what you deserve love average day Dear Santa All I Want for Christmas are citizens that aren’t absolute lering

Idiots also a set of elytra would be cool thanks BBY Dear Santa for Christmas all I want is an expansion to my tiny home I also want an inhome gym so I can get beefy love strong komi Dear Santa what I want for Christmas is the peppermint elytra ghost from Cod and a

Gun morbid dear Sanda please bring rob a nice Blanket What happened I did it again everything’s just been so weird stuff’s just appearing and disappearing out of nowhere stuff’s happening out of order it feels like I don’t know I don’t know what’s going on it’s almost like we’ve been disconnected from reality for

This video, titled ‘Unreleased Minecraft Smp Reality Disconnect’, was uploaded by Reality Disconnect on 2024-02-14 04:15:46. It has garnered 37 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:11 or 3491 seconds.


    400 JOURS EN HARDCORE SUR MINECRAFT Minecraft Hardcore Survival: A 400-Day Challenge Embark on an epic journey in the world of Minecraft as our fearless player attempts to survive an astounding 400 days in hardcore mode. Inspired by Luke thenotable, this challenge pushes the limits of skill, strategy, and determination. Join the adventure as we delve into the highs and lows of this incredible feat! The Ultimate Test of Survival Surviving in hardcore mode in Minecraft is no easy task. With permanent death looming over every decision, our player must navigate the treacherous world, gather resources, build shelter, and fend off dangerous mobs. Each day… Read More

  • Trading Villagers & Spider Spawner in Minecraft

    Trading Villagers & Spider Spawner in Minecraft Exploring Villager Trading and Cave Spider Spawner in Minecraft Introduction to Legion MC Server The Legion MC server is a vibrant community where Minecraft enthusiasts come together to explore, create, and engage in exciting gameplay. With a dedicated Discord server and active Instagram and YouTube channels, Legion MC offers a platform for players to connect and share their adventures. Discovering Villager Trading One of the fascinating aspects of Minecraft is the ability to interact with villagers and engage in trading. Villagers offer a variety of items in exchange for emeralds, providing players with valuable resources and unique items. By… Read More

  • Speedrunning a Minecraft Perimeter

    Speedrunning a Minecraft Perimeter Minecraft Timelapse – Speedrunning a Perimeter Embark on a journey through the intricate world of Minecraft with Goon, a technical Minecraft player dedicated to creating stunning timelapse videos. Witness the meticulous process of planning, executing, recording, rendering, editing, and publishing these captivating timelapses that showcase the beauty of the game. Smooth Trencher One of the fascinating tools in Goon’s arsenal is the Smooth Trencher. This innovative device allows for efficient excavation and construction, enabling the creation of intricate structures with precision and speed. Watch as Goon masterfully utilizes the Smooth Trencher to carve out stunning landscapes and build impressive… Read More

  • Crafty Gear Upgrades in Minecraft

    Crafty Gear Upgrades in Minecraft Customize and Upgrade Your Gear with Minecraft Smithing Templates! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gear to the next level? Look no further than Smithing Templates! With this exciting feature, players can unleash their inner fashion designer and create unique and powerful gear combinations like never before. Transform Diamond Gear into Netherite One of the most exciting aspects of Smithing Templates is the ability to upgrade your diamond gear into powerful Netherite. By combining your diamond gear with Netherite ingots, you can create gear that is more durable and powerful than ever before. Say goodbye to diamond gear… Read More

  • Challenging My Minecraft Goals

    Challenging My Minecraft Goals Welcome to the Minecraft Roller Coaster Build Series! Designing the Ultimate Roller Coaster Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft as we embark on the first episode of our Roller Coaster Build series! In this video, we dive headfirst into the creative world of Minecraft to bring you the ultimate roller coaster experience. Join us as we design, build, and test our very own coaster, complete with twists, turns, and breathtaking drops! Pro Tips and Tricks From the initial concept to the final redstone-powered masterpiece, we’ll guide you through each step of the construction… Read More

  • Destroying F5 with Minecraft Shaders in 2024

    Destroying F5 with Minecraft Shaders in 2024 The Power of POCO F5 in Minecraft with Shaders in 2024 Introduction In a world where technology and gaming collide, the POCO F5 stands out as a powerhouse device for gaming enthusiasts. The year 2024 brings new challenges and opportunities for Minecraft players looking to enhance their gaming experience with shaders. Testing the Limits The video showcases various tests on the POCO F5, including Warzone, FC Mobile, and CarX Street. However, the real highlight comes when Minecraft is introduced. From simple 256 x 256 textures to ultra-demanding 4096 x 4096 textures, the POCO F5 proves its capability to handle… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Building Hacks

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Building Hacks Exploring Creative Builds in Minecraft Bedrock Edition Are you looking to add some unique and creative elements to your Minecraft world in the Bedrock Edition? Look no further! In this article, we will delve into two fascinating constructions that you can incorporate into your gameplay. 1. The Toaster One of the innovative builds you can create in Minecraft Bedrock Edition is a toaster. Imagine having a functional toaster in your virtual world! This build adds a touch of realism to your kitchen setup. To create a toaster, you can use a combination of redstone components and decorative blocks to… Read More

  • Mind-Boggling Nonsense!

    Mind-Boggling Nonsense! The Latest Minecraft Updates and Previews Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for the latest updates and sneak peeks into upcoming features? Look no further! This video provides valuable information on Minecraft’s newest snapshots, previews, and updates. By subscribing to the channel, you can stay informed about all things Minecraft. Exploring Minecraft’s Latest Snapshots With each new snapshot, Minecraft introduces exciting changes and additions to the game. From beta trials to new chambers, the updates bring fresh content for players to explore. Keep an eye out for versions like 1.21, 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.22, 1.23, 1.21.1, and 1.21.3, each offering… Read More

  • Crafty Easter Egg Name Tag in Minecraft

    Crafty Easter Egg Name Tag in Minecraft The Mysterious Name Tag Easter Egg in Minecraft Have you ever stumbled upon a hidden gem in Minecraft that left you in awe? Well, there’s a fascinating Easter egg in the game involving a name tag that might surprise you! The Looting Enchantment Mystery Did you know that a Looting Level 3 enchantment in Minecraft can actually be more beneficial than a Level 1 enchantment? This intriguing fact adds a layer of depth to the game that many players might not be aware of. Unveiling the Secrets Exploring the world of Minecraft can lead to unexpected discoveries, such as… Read More

  • Warning: Epic Shenanigans

    Warning: Epic Shenanigans Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft? 🎮 Join AndyTheMC on his YouTube channel as he explores the endless possibilities of this popular game. From building epic structures to surviving in the wilderness, there’s never a dull moment in Minecraft. Exploring New Worlds Watch as AndyTheMC embarks on thrilling adventures in Minecraft, uncovering hidden treasures and facing dangerous foes along the way. With each new world generated, the possibilities are endless, and the excitement never stops. 🌍 Building Masterpieces Get inspired by AndyTheMC’s incredible building skills as he constructs… Read More

  • Guess the Game by its Music! Part 2 🎮🎶

    Guess the Game by its Music! Part 2 🎮🎶 Minecraft: A Gaming Icon Step into the blocky world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. From building magnificent structures to surviving the perils of the night, this game has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. Exploring Diverse Worlds In Minecraft, players can explore a vast array of worlds, each with its own unique landscapes and challenges. Whether delving deep into caverns in search of rare resources or constructing towering castles, the possibilities are endless. Popular Game Modes From survival mode, where players must gather resources and fend off monsters, to creative mode,… Read More

  • Revealing My Face in Minecraft Edit

    Revealing My Face in Minecraft Edit The Quest to Reveal the True Face in Minecraft Unveiling the Mystery In the vast world of Minecraft, where players can build, explore, and create to their heart’s content, one player stands at a crossroads. Known for their entertaining content and engaging gameplay, the YouTuber has amassed a loyal following. However, there is one request that keeps popping up in the comments section – “Show us your real face!” A Community’s Desire The fans, eager to connect on a more personal level, have been clamoring for a glimpse of the person behind the screen. They want to see the… Read More

  • Unveiling Mojang’s Hidden Mace Transformation #Minecraft

    Unveiling Mojang's Hidden Mace Transformation #MinecraftVideo Information Mojang’s secret change to the mace makes it perfectly balanced the mace has gone through a bunch of changes but these new ones make the mace almost perfect here’s why prior to this update the mace was in a weird spot where it was insanely strong in PvP but fairly weak in single player because some mobs have tons of Health additionally the mace had a really slow attack cool down which meant that if you tried to use the wind burst enchantment to chain attacks your mace would be on cool down when you hit so without… Read More

  • Sneaky Renovation in Minecraft!

    Sneaky Renovation in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘creeper house rebuild😓 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by VivinShorts on 2024-04-04 19:44:26. It has garnered 10974 views and 347 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. #Minecraft #Squidward #FNAF #MinecraftHistory #Gaming #Spongebob #ScaryGames #VideoGames #MinecraftBuilds #Horror #GamingCommunity #Memes #GamerLife #SurvivalGames #GamingCulture #MinecraftArt #FreddyFazbear #Creepypasta #IndieGames #SquidwardTentacles #FNAFlore #MinecraftPlayers #Spooky #FanArt #FoxythePirate #BlockyWorld #KidsGames #GamingNews #ItBurns #GameDev #SpongebobSquarepants #FNAFCommunity #MinecraftSurvival #Haunted #GamingMemes #MinecraftMods #ChicaTheChicken #Nostalgia #VirtualWorlds #AnimeGames #BuildingGames #MinecraftRedstone #Jumpscare #OfficialFNAF #LegendaryGames #MinecraftDesigns #MinecraftUpdates #HauntedHouses #GamingLegends #MinecraftCosplay #FNAFloreCommunity #GamerCommunity #PixelArt #HauntedPlaces #OnlineGames #MinecraftVersions #ScaryTales #FNAFloreTheories #InsideTheGame #GamingLife #MinecraftLove #GamingCulture #MinecraftPE #HorrorGames #GamingIndustry… Read More

  • 🔥NUDE SHEEP INVASION!? – Insane ASMR Survival!🔥

    🔥NUDE SHEEP INVASION!? - Insane ASMR Survival!🔥Video Information hello there hello there hello there hello hello hello hello hello welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome to the hell Zone hello there hello hello hello how are you doing today I’m Dan and this is the hell Zone and this is Minecraft wait scratch that reverse it um Now Quiet up and listen down for some Minecraft uh we’re back on the boat back on the boat oh [ __ ] spider sea spiders the Sheep are naked um and there’s a very good reason for that um once you learn the reason that all those sheep or… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Sky Warrior with Elytra Launcher!

    Unleash Your Inner Sky Warrior with Elytra Launcher!Video Information stop using TR like that instead build this even when you feel slow you can still go even when there’s no hope you can still go I never answer to know man I still go go go go go go go go go go go This video, titled ‘Elytra Launcher for Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by EASTxGAMING on 2024-01-04 13:41:07. It has garnered 10226 views and 213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Share,Like,Subscribe!! #shorts #logic #minecraft Thanks for watching Tags ignore #gaming #elytra #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #redstone #redstonebuilds Minecraft Minecraft elytra How… Read More

  • “Escape ALL Minecraft Traps at Any Age!!!” #shorts

    "Escape ALL Minecraft Traps at Any Age!!!" #shortsVideo Information [Music] hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and maybe that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree hey sorry but you just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain and maybe I enjoy it just a little bit don’t that me haven’t been the same since I expired doesn’t mean that I… Read More

  • Insane Hypixel Beats at Night!

    Insane Hypixel Beats at Night!Video Information [Music] we are streaming let’s go all right got to hop on my thing H pixel and check that everything is running correctly Yep looks like it is awesome uh well chilling at zero viewers but let’s get it started um all right here we go what are we going do all right I was just going to play some more that sheep Wars seriously just it being in beta is kind of cool cuz they’re going to be tweaking everything so I’m going to know like what it was like on the ogs where’d it go the… Read More

  • Surviving Terrifying Minecraft Challenges 😱👻

    Surviving Terrifying Minecraft Challenges 😱👻Video Information hola hola hola se escucha espero que sí sí se escucha que veo que d t chun chun Wow Sí hay mucho delay Ahí estamos a ver [Música] mm no ahí está ahí está ahora sí Ahora ah hola Qué tal cómo están Wow No esperaba tantos comentarios se le escucha la voz eh Sí eso Hola Hola Qué tal Cómo estás mini compita cómo vamos Hola Esteban Hola Alejandro Hola Wendy Hola Nayeli Hola siru y ya se repite reviv hace un tiempo revivió hace un tiempo en el Twitch banda Sí sí a ver eh Wow… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mace Challenge! 100 Players vs Tryhard

    Insane Minecraft Mace Challenge! 100 Players vs TryhardVideo Information wait I can’t even like I don’t know who to like kill oh my God I’m dying so fast oh my God as you guys know a new weapon called the mace got added to Minecraft recently and it’s insanely overpowered the question that hasn’t been answered yet is can the mace go up against 100 players pretty much I gathered 100 people on a server and I fought them to the death with the mace make sure to watch till the end to see if I survive going up against 100 people also if you guys want… Read More

  • INSANE Pipe Organ in Minecraft! OMG Music Sheets + Geegaz – Create 5.1

    INSANE Pipe Organ in Minecraft! OMG Music Sheets + Geegaz - Create 5.1Video Information e [Music] oh [Music] n This video, titled ‘Pipe Organ With Music Sheet – Minecraft Create 5.1’, was uploaded by Geegaz on 2024-01-13 14:23:45. It has garnered 624 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:13 or 73 seconds. An interesting way to write and play music sheets with Create 5.1! Each row of instruments (whistles high & low, note blocks high & low) has its own sheet and a reading head that can be engaged/disengaged at any time. Song is “Les Affluents” from Jusant OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRI3malUUOQ I did my best to transcribe what I… Read More


    TFG SMPJoin TFG SMP – An Incredible Minecraft Server Experience! Welcome to TFG SMP, an exceptional Minecraft survival multiplayer server inspired by the renowned Hermitcraft community! We strive to provide a similar sense of camaraderie and collaborative gameplay that has made Hermitcraft so beloved. Immerse yourself in our near-vanilla gameplay experience and become a part of our thriving community. Here are some key features and highlights of our server: Near-Vanilla Experience: TFG SMP maintains the essence of vanilla gameplay, ensuring that you can immerse yourself in the true Minecraft experience. No mods are required to join, but simple voice chat is… Read More

  • PaduaaMC – Factions Roleplay Whitelist Kingdoms

    Welcome traveler. If you’re looking for a server with kingdoms, custom weapons, lore, roleplay, and a friendly community, Padua is the place for you! Our features: Kingdoms (Currently 6, adding 1 more at 90 people) Roleplay with unique lore Various addons, including decorations and custom gear Active community of 85+ people Active owner and admins Choose your profession: ruler, soldier, farmer Join us at: http://discord.gg/KQUz4seNfD Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Facing Hell’s Guardian in Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Facing Hell's Guardian in Minecraft“Trying to fight the Warden in Minecraft is like trying to take on a boss while wearing leather armor – you’re definitely going to need more than a sword and some torches!” Read More

  • Crafting Rails with My Pal: Minecraft Mining Tales

    Crafting Rails with My Pal: Minecraft Mining Tales In the world of Minecraft, we dig and we mine, Exploring new realms, crafting all the time. With friends by our side, we conquer and build, In this pixelated world, our dreams fulfilled. From mining for diamonds to battling mobs, We face every challenge with courage and sobs. But through it all, we laugh and we play, In this blocky world, where we’ll always stay. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your shield, For in Minecraft, there’s always a new field. Adventure awaits, in every block and pixel, In this game we love, where creativity is pivotal. Read More

  • Fire up your laughs with Minecraft Fox Meme!

    Fire up your laughs with Minecraft Fox Meme! “Why did the Minecraft fox cross the road? To steal all your diamonds and run away with them in its mouth!” 🦊💎 #minecraftfox #diamondthief #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for enhancing your Minecraft gameplay experience. Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “How to craft Terrasteel Ingot | Botania Mod | Minecraft.” While the video focuses on the Botania mod and crafting Terrasteel Ingot, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and adventures that await in the world of Minecraft. Imagine exploring a server where creativity knows no bounds, and the community is vibrant and welcoming. A place where you can unleash your imagination, build magnificent structures, and embark on thrilling quests. That’s… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror: Alex’s Nightmare

    Minecraft Horror: Alex's Nightmare Enter the Terrifying World of Minecraft Horror! Welcome to Banakar Dev, where Minecraft takes a dark and twisted turn! Brace yourself for a thrilling journey through the scariest corners of the Minecraft universe. Our channel brings you the ultimate collection of horror experiences, filled with memes, dangerous worlds, and spine-chilling adventures. Horror Memes Laugh and scream at the same time with our collection of “Wait, What?” moments and creepy Minecraft memes. Dangerous Worlds Explore treacherous landscapes and eerie environments that will make you question every block you place. Villager 666 Uncover the terrifying legend of Villager 666 and witness… Read More

  • “Insane! Old Man Richjturn Conquers Nations and Nobles in Minecraft!” #server

    "Insane! Old Man Richjturn Conquers Nations and Nobles in Minecraft!" #serverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Nations and Nobles! (Part two) #minecraft #server’, was uploaded by Richjturn (aka ‘Old Man’) on 2024-05-22 20:47:26. It has garnered 72 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:22 or 7462 seconds. Welcome to Nations and Nobles! A bunch of YouTubers playing on a lore driven server! Family friendly and no swearing 🙂 Be sure to check out the Nations and Nobles community discord to keep up with current server activities and interact with the Nobles! https://discord.gg/WAwBFYSpdF Check out the other Nations and Nobles guys! Beardo – https://www.youtube.com/@BeardoMax like – https://www.youtube.com/@Bigbhalugaming DotJay… Read More

  • Ultimate Dragon Mod Showcase!

    Ultimate Dragon Mod Showcase!Video Information This video, titled ‘ICE and FIRE Dragon Mod 1.20 Showcase Dragons and Minecraft Creatures 1.20.1 Minecraft Animals Ep257’, was uploaded by Smithy MC on 2024-05-07 18:57:31. It has garnered 1712 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:22 or 2902 seconds. ICE and FIRE Dragon Mod 1.20 Showcase Dragons and Minecraft Creatures 1.20.1 Minecraft Animals Ep257 | Ice and Fire mod | Ice and Fire Mod 1.20 | Ice and Fire mod Find the Dragons | Ice and Fire mod Find the Ice Dragon | minecraft animals | Ice and Fire mod Find the Fire… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Tips and Tricks Revealed! #shorts

    Unbelievable Minecraft Tips and Tricks Revealed! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘TRUCOS Y CONSEJOS DE MINECRAFT #1 #shorts #short #minecraft’, was uploaded by Shadic PLayer on 2024-03-31 02:35:03. It has garnered 3098 views and 177 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. ¿COMO NO AHOGARSE EN EL AGUA? TRUCOS CON LA CAMA SHADICTRUCOS #shorts #short #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftshort #shadictrucos #series #games #gaming #gameplay #minecraftcortos #videogames #videoshort #new #minecraftfunny #minecraftshaders #series #shortvideo #random #minecraftvideos #minecraftcreative #minecraftpero #bed #ad #tutorial #minecraftideas #obsidian #minecrafttrucos #trucos #consejos Read More

  • BigB – Unbelievable Minecraft SECRET LIFE!

    BigB - Unbelievable Minecraft SECRET LIFE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SECRET LIFE: The Movie’, was uploaded by BigB – Minecraft on 2024-02-23 17:00:29. It has garnered 9360 views and 522 likes. The duration of the video is 08:23:24 or 30204 seconds. 💚Subscribe – https://goo.gl/BYWLg9 💛Twitter – https://twitter.com/bigbst4tz2 ❤️Instagram – http://instagram.com/bigbst4tz 👕Bigg Merch – https://bigb.clothing/ Download My Free YouTube Action Content Plan – https://mynamesanthony.gumroad.com/l/YouTubeContentPlan Sun: https://www.youtube.com/@grian Smallishbeans: https://www.youtube.com/@SmallishBeans Smajor1995: https://www.youtube.com/@Dangthatsalongname Etho: https://www.youtube.com/@EthosLab BdoubleO100: https://www.youtube.com/@bdoubleo PearlescentMoon: https://youtube.com/@PearlescentMoon InTheLittleWood: https://www.youtube.com/@martyn GoodTimeWithScar: https://www.youtube.com/@GoodTimesWithScar impulseSV: https://www.youtube.com/@impulseSV Tango: https://www.youtube.com/@TangoTekLP ZombieCleo: https://www.youtube.com/@ZombieCleo SolidarityGaming: https://www.youtube.com/@SolidarityGaming Skizzleman: https://www.youtube.com/@MCSkizzleman Geminitay: https://www.youtube.com/@GeminiTayMC Mumbo Jumbo: https://www.youtube.com/thatmumbojumbo LDShadowLady: https://www.youtube.com/@ldshadowlady In today’s video we are back with a… Read More

  • Insane Diamond and Neth Pot PvP Combo in Minecraft!

    Insane Diamond and Neth Pot PvP Combo in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Diamond Pot mixed with Neth Pot | Minecraft PvP Pot edition.’, was uploaded by iDominateGames on 2024-05-20 18:56:44. It has garnered 63 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:22 or 202 seconds. hope you enjoyed as this video took a long time so please leave a like! video inspired by @ClownPierce @moreclownpierce4508 @sharpnessyt @ParrotX2 @minutetechmc @Spokeishere @ShadowMech @MrBeast @MrBeastGaming @MrBeast2 A LOT OF TAGS DONT READ! #minecraft #pvp #montage #trending #cpvpmontage #minecraftgameplay #subscribe #like #likeandsubscribe #minecraftgaming #minecraftshorts #minecraftpvpmontage gedit / dns / op / regedit op / dns op / sharkye… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Goes Berserk in Minecraft! #viral

    Insane Gamer Goes Berserk in Minecraft! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by DeMon Gamer on 2024-01-07 01:23:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft FTF Stream with Jxcob

    Insane Minecraft FTF Stream with JxcobVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT FTF STREAM WELCOME YALL’, was uploaded by Jxcob on 2024-05-21 05:42:11. It has garnered 378 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:41 or 11141 seconds. Tipping is now available https://streamelements.com/jxcob7000/tip #wendigos #minecrafthorror #thegoatman #wendigos #horrorcraft #thegoatman #minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft100days #JxcobMC #minecrafthorror #minecraft100days Read More

  • Unbelievable Challenge: Slaying Droingo!

    Unbelievable Challenge: Slaying Droingo!Video Information This video, titled ‘They asked us to Slay this thing?!’, was uploaded by Droingo on 2024-06-06 14:00:12. It has garnered 168 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:42 or 1182 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD https://discord.gg/R63dPUvGP7 The Alternative Minecraft Series is a regular (heavily-modded) playthrough of Minecraft recorded with a unique twist. Using narrations and a rough storyline I am aiming to re-create the original excitement and wonder that this game provoked in everyone when we were younger. To do this I am stepping back and I aim to experience things for the first time… Read More

  • Arhan boy 85 STUNS viewers with EPIC save! 😱 #shorts

    Arhan boy 85 STUNS viewers with EPIC save! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘#14 – Steve save his FRIENDS !!!🤞(Part -1/2) | #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Arhan boy 85 on 2024-05-15 16:53:52. It has garnered 13172 views and 787 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. 🌟 Keep Watching, Stay Smiley😊 ————— Support us – Click on ♥️SUBSCRIBE INSTAGRAM – /@INHASHcomedy @arhan712 ————— Thanks For Watching… #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation #mcpe #mcpc #minecraftpc #minecraftpe #cartoon #animation #memes #meme #steve #alex #funny #music #song #instagram #viotoons #raid #pillager #vindicator #pets Read More

  • VitalScrims

    VitalScrimsJoin our friendly community on our Vanilla Minecraft Factions Server! Our server offers a pure, survival multiplayer experience with the added excitement of factions gameplay. In our server, you can start your own faction or join an existing one, claim land, engage in diplomacy or warfare with other factions, and build your empire in a vanilla Minecraft environment. We’ve kept the gameplay as close as possible to classic Minecraft, meaning you won’t find any game-altering plugins or mods here. It’s all about survival and strategy! Our server is perfect for players who enjoy the simplicity and challenge of vanilla Minecraft,… Read More