MindOfNeo Reacts to 100 Player Avatar Simulation in Minecraft!

Video Information

What up sauce gang and welcome back to the channel hot sauce beats here with another Banger Minecraft civilization reaction or 100 player Minecraft reaction whatever you want to call it but today we’re back with mind of Neo and we’re peeping out 100 players simulate Avatar in Minecraft this is

Easily the most requested one from you guys for mind of Neo and I’m super stoked for this because also I’m officially in the new mind of Neo’s uh fantasy event starting next weekend Beyond hype to represent something I don’t know I’m representing something but anyways I’m beyond hype to

Check this out but before we do make sure you show mind of Neo some love by subscribing to his channel and chat we are so close to 100,000 subs and we’re trying to get there before Christmas so if you haven’t yet please smash that subscribe button and join the sauce Gang

Family but enough talking let’s get to reacting and roll that bombass intro finally here hot sauce beats is finally here eat sleep make beats eat sleep beat oh I’m ready fam and we’re also doing this live on Twitch as well so when you hear me talking with chat more

Than I do to YouTube chat that’s where I’m at imagine being dropped into a deadly Minecraft server players can control their surroundings to help them survive well today me and 100 trying our best Tov the next three real life days in a giant ble what do you mean the last

Video is the video will the players defeat or is a in this a lot too to my hardest challenge yet we’re going to drop and go to Mid and get some loot many people die got get out no no no no oh bro he’s flying Neo hey guys

He’s flying your wait who’s here nice get him get okay this is going to be cool man I mean who doesn’t love Avatar they all happen to be fire Benders which means they possess the fire abilities as well I don’t even know which one I’d want I

Think I’d want to be a fire bender be an air bender which means that I Poss the a abilities have speed and jump boost and cannot take fall damage what what are you doing going be short event for you no no no you got me really big jumper no

Fall damage I mean that’s pretty dope guys okay dude leave me alone maybe I’d want to be an air bner dude guys guys guys I thought we were all friends okay okay okay so hold on so a vomma is a villain in this one hence in the fantasy video oh okay it’s making

Sense now mind of Neo was saying like dude I can’t trust you aom I got it is FN in this Pierce are you in this come here come here come here’s chasing him right now you’re so dead with Thea being alone it seemed like I could actually

Take him but then his teammate showed up and outnumbered me help me pleas help me pleas help me he’s going to kill me he’s going to kill me at this point I couldn’t regenerate and I was outnumbered but thankfully I found a village with some hay bales so I was

Able to grab some of them but the others were still on my tail he right here he’s coming he’s coming he’s get hey what up aom F so you and Pierce were teamed up on this okay okay go go go go go oh B us

Fish I think I lost him I think okay as I was being chased I had some time to make a crafting table in the hopes that I would be able to craft some bread but the three fire Benders were still on my tail oh Pierce he’s so close I love how

I ask questions my questions are always answered by the video less than 30 seconds after I as on top of being able to regenerate I also found a structure so I started to head towards it in the hopes that I might l Lo them there wait

What is that there’s like some like warp stuff there get in before he gets to it get in before he gets to it as I moved in on the structure I realized that I now had the vantage point so I decided that I was going to fight the players

And hopefully get I don’t know man I I do think I’d want to be an airer help me help me help me help me help me he damage he damage I was able to off one of the the Y is dead on my tail he’s so dead he’s

So dead so deading I’m going to J back to get in front of never again I’m sorry I’m not trying to say all Brits sound alike dude but you definitely sound like Mumbo dude I love it I’m a big M that’s a compliment to

Get out as I lost my I’m not saying all Brit sound alike yo go go lose some structures no why why I call my my British homie where’s he going he’s so dead he’s so dead I know you’re not Momo I know it where is he going we can’t use abilities

I yeah oh my God we can’t we can’t we can’t we can’t come on oh oh bro I know he’s not going to die or else this be a very short video how oh wait he can’t take fall damage okay but he can take lava damage though bro after venturing how did y’all

Not kill him here he’s only half a heart as they felt the cave was too dangerous to go dropping the ball dude I I think they’re gone oh I I don’t know how I made it out oh being an air bender was when people spawned into the map there

Was a 25% chance to be any bender and I happen to get air however other people got different to figure them out you could choose for example Earth venders have the Earth abilities as well as a resistance boost and finally on the other hand water benders possess the

Water abilities have Dolphins Grace and water breathing and can plant and Ice Bend which means they can get water from plants and turn their water into ice all right there’s a structure here it seems like a campsite so I found a structure and I L fire significantly better than the rest

Sponsor wise hosting we’re a Minecraft hosting company that offer highend servers from all around the world easy for you and your friends to want it seems like it’s the best specs for smooth gameplay and all across the world I was behind you the entire time I’ve

Been running with you oh wait what okay okay I need food I’m at half heart I need here food in this chest food in this chest F in the chest right here gra the armor I have arm I have armor I arm there’s there’s a guy there’s a guy yeah

I know just take the armor just take Bend are you what Bender are you I’m I’m water I’m water I’m water okay I have a diamond axe let me use it I’m really okay okay did I hit you I’m I’m really curious to see uh during looting this

Mini town I actually found one of my the water benders Powers it just doesn’t seem too op we decided to team up and continue looting the structure oh there’s so much iron dude I can craft full iron armor watch out NE watch out watch out however looting the structure

Was not as easy as we thought it would be as there was extremely powerful mobs here oh he almost one shot me I’m at half I’m at half oh my God I need to make bread I need to make bread along with the bread I also made an iron chest

Plate so I wouldn’t die to the mobs are you good ow I’m almost dead ow ow that guy does so much damage all right p p let’s get he does dud literally he almost won a couple more hay bills we decided to leave as the mobs were insanely powerful but the loot wasn’t

That good so we continue exp Invincible in the ocean found another structure someone’s up there someone’s up there I mean that does sound pretty dope if you’re in if you’re in the ocean Dr Duke Dr otherwise just stay on land bro our team was still very small so we appr

Approached cautiously hoping that we could find a new teammate okay wait wait get get your get your abilities out get your abilities out yo who yo what’s up okay oh yo okay yo Rel relax I mean I was going to scrap I’m down I’m down this boy’s already trying to I’m down to

Fight bro okay okay let’s get to Du just come in bro FN are you are you are you good or bad in this are you evil or yeah I built it all in like 2 minutes too why is bro lying for no reason all right wait what who’s your team uh uh me

Myself and I right now so we found out that this player was alone and also an Earth Bender so we decided that he would be a good addition so our team had now grown by one there we go yo guys do you see that oh over there on the mountain

Okay okay wait wait let’s go to that let’s go to that we had now found a giant new structure and us three started to head to itke yeah man I think again I think I’d want to be an air bner dude not taking fall damage I was giving Dr

Duke food I mean pretty sick pacifist I know we all like Dr Duke man he’s a great guy oh no I’m thinking I’m sinking an ally I got you just break the powdered snow just break the powdered snow it’s not that big of a deal that

Was he’s like stop freaking out bro that was a lot of easier than I thought no what is wrong with this place god dude snow is such a pain in the ass Chad all right my gosh I’ll get you out yo P stop mansplaining to him

Yeah dude I’m helping him out Neo you’re rushing to get loot bro yo you guys are holding me behind let’s yo come on lock him let’s go slowing me down bro my God guys you guys got to get up you oh my God all right let’s let’s start looting

This we found this giant structure with multiple towers and I started to loot it and as I was looting the structure I realized that there was a ton of good loot Here and Now team was getting pretty stacked as we got some iron gold bookshelves and a ton more and even

Diamonds oh my oh my God oh my God this chest was amazing however as I kept exploring I realized it wasn’t all good what is this oh oh no uh what is that what is that guys guys Duke Duke someone help me help me hold on oh there’s another get

Out of here uh uh air swipe air swipe ow ow oh my gosh that would have been so bad are they flying what are they doing no no please oh no no no oh if I wasn’t Air B right there I was just about to say

Imagine if he didn’t have no no fall damage hey T what up thank you fam guys guys guys there’s mobs there are mobs so after running into some very powerful mobs I returned to the Tower for the Contin loting very interesting guys have you seen have you seen this Merchant what

What is this craft Saka sword guys guys who’s that a legendary weaponary weapon no way you found a legendary weapon requirement and actually that’s exactly what I found I found the crafting which is a legendary does 11 attack damage is unbreakable and ignores all melee neres and what I mean by melee

Nerfs is that not too bad if you do it under increas melee damage and increase melee cool down which makes these Legendary Weapons even more powerful however these weapons were also extremely expensive so we continued exploring in the hopes to get more lo Jes no no no

No okay I’m a sword done there’s one more ow I almost fell off there I almost fell off yo dude that knock back is crazy that knock back is insane um okay I’m going for it dude these mobs are persistent bro got one okay just keep moving keep moving we’re not dealing

With this but instead of finding loot we found you got you got to love modded mobs man they just they hit different literally what no pun intended they hit different Hello friendly friend hello yeah we’re friendly we won’t are you friendly though yeah no I’m friendly I don’t

I is Li is this um uhin is this uh join te the person that dies they made the the GIF out of it GI whatever I keep seeing them fall numb to even be comp in this battle and now we had a team of four and our team was

Getting more so all four of us left this structure and kept exploring guys what what is that what has happened here what have people fought oh people have already been here already been here no way yeah okay I know how they die then what is this don’t ask me he just

Came out of nowhere Mon’s Temple and he was an evil spirited monk who has earthbending abilities and drops random Loot on death NE Neo NE okay so this is what Earth Bender’s abilities do whatever he can do shock wve oh Manis fire telekinesis keep using dude keep using that

Telekinesis I’m dude it’s working telekinesis dude I’m so low I’m so low guys guys guys yo just hit a telekinesis bro telekinesis I’m using the air Shield I’m using the air Shield he could he could go through my air Shield I know it would get old dude but I feel like every

Time you you use the power like that you got to yell at what it is Yo Yo he’s Earth he’s an earth vender like Captain Planet manave shock no HEC Shockwave oh my god dude all right telekinesis what the youus this do it you this go no it’s not my fault I swear

At the worst time possible the Avatar Master had risen with him being located underneath the Cornucopia the Avatar Master controls this world and now he had just ch blocked which means that no one on their server could use their abilities bro I hate it when you’re without any abilities never fun I don’t

Have anything I don’t have anything they can’t even use any of their powers against this dude he the fre go go g g everyone Escape everyone Escape Miss Miss Neo you have four diamonds right yeah no I have three diamonds okay okay then make a diamond pickaxe go over

There and I’ll turn that lava pool into the obsidian and then I can make an enchant table and we got all the books right uh yeah I have I have 50 hey okay all right Man left us and now it was time to get an enchant table as we were one person short and we were all CH blocked but we still needed to take down the Dishonored monk but like always we were interrupted perfect I I have lapis who is that oh is that common hat

A lovely singing voice is that common head the hill where is oh common head go talk to him dude see if he’s are we sending me yo guys okay stay on backup please please no thank you dude I got I got you guys know man I got I got s such mixed

Feelings about common hat and like Eyes of Ender you never know if you can trust him they’re a great Ally but they’re also a great enemy a friend of me if you will are you are you a friendly guy I don’t want to see see he knows you can

Never trust Comm hat bro I met 10 people who were naked and I left them live if that doesn’t make me a good guy out of you know say big guy common head stand up guy I I’d almost be more suspicious of him saying stuff like that dude I

Would show you if it was allowed but I’m a fire Bend okay oh you’re wait you should join our team we don’t have a fire bender yet then we’ll have all the elements trying to diversify it yeah I’m a big diversity which video was it that uh speed silver teamed up with common

Hat I don’t know that was the video I really really started liking common hack it’s it’s you it’s good when you get to see as a token of people do you know team up and be enemies hence like AO on this video in the the fantasy one it’s a

Potion of regeneration oh I also have we can be besties my committing a crime doesn’t make you decided to join our team as he was a solo and we also needed a fire vender so now our team grew by one and bro this is a pretty good team

Besties we’re besties this my new twin besties my new twin com can someone drop lapis I have lapis but it’s it’s mine wait I have lapis I have lapis not I’m not going to share my lapis with anybody lapis now that Comm hat was on our team

And we were all Enchanted we decided to re-enter the monk Temple so we can take him down oh god oh he he he’s at full health he’s at full health yo he regenerated we don’t our abilities get him dinur this a bad idea this was a bad

Idea ouch we got enchants though let’s go let’s go get in there what are you doing get in there bro come on like no bro I’m going let yall do this one I’m out this match we we have to be able to defeat him we got this we got this we got this

We got I’m sit out this one guys okay he’s like you started it I’ll let you finish it yo who put this cobweb here broing n bro is what is he doing how can he oh no so quick dude chill chill these bosses are insane man

Chill got him he’s got the armor hey yo what up ever oh oh he’s not dead I forgot about this I forgot about this oh oh that does damage okay w w w who we got these Dragon punches why don’t we have this ability we got this we got okay yeah

Through the wall now the Dishonored monk was getting low and with these enchants a new team and continuous strikes we finally took him down it’s that easy it’s that easy let’s go oh dude com stop it I got easy easy no no netherite scrap and a oh that’s I

Got I got excited there for a second once we took the monk down we went back into the temple to see if there was any extra loot all right oh make grind St books hold up there’s books boys say whilst we were looting the Avatar Master made his next demand he ordered everyone

To build and at the end he would rank the builds and whoever won would receive some blessing so demanding dude gave us our bending back but that didn’t turn out to well for us what’s wait what is this what’s up here this all uh someone’s already been

Here all you needed some dirt where where was the where was the things you were saying where was the mobs grab mine dirt so you can use your ability you need to stand my God what are you doing he’s actually burning the place down he’s actually

Burning the place down okay guys guys go down go down go down so much destruction comad had used his abilities and almost down the place now at the time this seemed like a meaningless gesture but little did we know this was a preface for what was going to come later okay

Does anyone know where we could build a good base yeah exactly it’s like a thousand blocks away what what’s a thousand blocks away a really cute little Valley that I found you want to make you want to make a cute little base yeah you C Jesus

Christ make it in the cute little Valley that I found but it’s like a thousand blocks away now it was finally time to make a base and Comm hat claimed he knew does sound like something Comm hat would say bro we got a little distracted as we found another structure however the

Structure was looted but there was another legendary I’m still not sold on Comm hat yet wait guys just like how in uh uh fantasy it took like it looked like 2 hours for uh uh water tribe Club mind of Neo to trust ofoma I’m not sold

On common hat yet a lot ree Jes that is a lot it a whole conduit a whole conduit not a half not a third but a whole conduit ch click the exit we just found our second legendary weapon and it was the water Tri club which obviously has

The same effects as the other legendary weapon but this weapon gives you a resistance boost when it’s held so it was good that we got the recipe but we had to keep moving this place kind of like you know it’s kind of like cool it’s cute bro now although this place

Was pretty cool it was time to keep moving as we needed to build our base but there was another structure we found and after exploring it for just a little bit we quickly realized that it was looted so we kept continuing our ni Treehouse bro yeah this is the this is

The valley I was St talk about I was thinking about making like a wall base like a wall city with the river flowing through it I it’s going to be a lot kind of cool I’ll give him that kind of cute pretty good idea hey guys I know guys

Yeah what’s up what’s up what’s over here when we got to Common hat spot we found a structure in the distance and we didn’t know what it was so we just like lead down to a dungeon or something dude that looks get ready to ra it okay maybe

I missed this wait what do it say there I don’t trust this I don’t trust this at all why I mean it’s just probably got loot yo guys I’ll go I’ll go I’ll go yeah let’s go check it out dude this is a freaking insane interior

Holy the that’s the G what is that’s what the get out get get it’s a you a living this you ain’t living this you Ain living this you ain’t living this get out get out get out get out oh no get out of FY Bas crazy get him get out wait wait wait

Wait wait I’m King I’m confused is no got hold on get out of here get out of here oh God that’s loud that’s loud that’s loud so Comm how was in on that get I told you you can’t trust him abilities hey get off my boy get off my

Boy right now you weren’t for that bro he got them good bro cute little that’s not a word he would use dude the second he said cute I’m like I’m not I’m not quite sure about that dude hey was that genetic was that genetic with them too

No no it’s not who’s I can’t see that full name for the fire lord got this it’s moving too fast je stay I can’t see the name Dude too fast isn’t going to work dude you’re out something get get him get he’s not a fire he’s not a fire

Bender get him get him a fire B he’s over here he’s over here get him oh my goodness that was a hell of a trap dude I do think though whoever whoever activated the Trap should have waited they could have gotten cuz Neo was grouped up with I think either two or

Three people they pulled they got they got antsy they didn’t wait long enough go go okay let’s go okay okay oh my Lord what just happened as it turns out okay that’s kind of a that’s kind of a good power obiously on a different team aiming to make the fire

Benders the last Benders to stand and unfortunately he was succeeding as he took down Duke and libl they killed wait who did they kill yes that’s it dude I’ve seen this like a thousand times in in the mind of Neo chat bro that death again I think I almost

Killed IEX though I think I almost killed her she she ran away she was really low P Bro our P our entire team our entire team is gone I saved your life bro what you did pull pisser okay well you should have good job you should have saved me you should

Have why are you flexing saving my life thank you because I was I was going in there I was pushing them all around bro I was bullying them p p p seeing the video but me what are you talking about this video they’re gone yeah we we can’t get them

Back no matter what we’re taking down the fire Benders I don’t care no we have to rebuild the team and no matter what Save The Best For Last right’s no chance I’m I am I want to kill I want to kill common hat I want to

Kill common hat no M no matter what common hat he dies we’re rebuilding our team I feel like I’ve heard so many Minecraft youtubers say that sentence right there common hat dies hello everybody wants to kill common hat bro it’s kir God oh my oh my God got I’ve got no

Teammates hold on yeah yeah okay well you can definitely join our team but what Bender are you I’m Earth sadly now we found one of our other good friends God so we decided to team with him as we needed to rebuild our team and eventually take down the Fire Nation but

Our first priority was gearing up so we headed down into the caves and started mining team didn’t last long chat whilst in these caves ores wasn’t the only thing we found we also happened to stumble across some players but it I am I am recognizing that M definitely does

speedrun teams he doesn’t have the best luck with his teammates Yoo oh what’s up oh what’s up dude yo yo yo hold up hold up hold hold up whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa we chill we chill we chilling like a villain none of you are

Fire Benders are you no I got water bender water what do you guys hate fire Benders I hate fire Benders my B my fault my fault what are you the bending police don’t talk to me yeah I’m the bending police the bending police yeah yeah I’m just someone call the

Bending police oh okay you got air okay okay okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa anyways what were we going to say you guys you guys seem pretty stacked what are you guys up to uh so basically long story short killed a bunch of people went down into the caves and hiding

Killed a bunch of people feeling good but I’m not hostile I swear okay you just said you killed a bunch of people no but they were going against my bending techniques it must be done so okay all right hold up I want to know you guys’ game plan yeah yeah all right

I I’ll I’ll tell you I’ll tell you guys what happened all right we had teammate one in the world I’m going sort him out I’m going sort him out yeah please sort him out get your get your ass yeah okay yep okay so our game plan

This this is what happened right we had two teammates we figured out that there’s a giant fire you miss what doch do these events anymore and they took out our teammate we need to take out the Fire Nation so the Fire Nation is where where you guys want to do you guys know

Their location we I we have the location one of their it’s next to a cute little Valley so if we were theoretically to join no taking dude if I’m ever an event Comm hat in there if he says C and we explain to them and they decided that

They would help us so now we speak of the devil continue to mine and enchant we were literally just talking about you [Laughter] dude that timing could not have been better bch so we decided to go to the surface and once we were there we began exploring and we finally found a place

To build we can make like a tower Fortress Castle type of thing up here it really if I ever hear someone say cute bro kill on site beai this view is amazing can’t trust someone that says cute it’s a great defensive area with everyone happy with the area we decided

That we were going to build here as aesthetically it was pretty nice and it had some defensive advantages so we got to Building finally our base was done we had multiple rooms areas and walls to protect us and we also had a secret just in case we made a trap here and if you were to pull the lever it would open up into a ton of dripstone so hopefully in

The future we could trap some people but in the meantime we still TR the Fire Nation was I don’t know why man there’s not much that gets me more exciting than a good old Minecraft trap unless if it’s a trap from Green Green’s traps never work all right

Let’s go there was an Airship spotted which means there’s basically a supply drop in the area so if we were to go to it and be the first place to loot it we would probably get candy is that it is that I think that’s in the Sky Go is it

I think so since the Airship was relatively close to us we got there pretty quickly and since I was an air vender I was able to scale the structure quite easily oh my God we got we got day eight today in ish’s event I’m still

Alive knock on wood I got a feeling some some stuff’s changing though there’s things up here there is a ton of things up here I I don’t think peace on the server is going to last much longer who fell that was a skeleton that was a skeleton I also started editing from the

Airship we were able to get a ton of food and a ton of gold which is actually good as we didn’t have any gold so when another air was spotted we decided to head to that one as well and after scaling recing realiz that it wasn’t the same as the other one I’ve

Been recording my I’m going to make a video out of it been recording my POV I got like I’m getting I think 18 hours so far yeah we had day seven no 16 cuz we had all of them were uh two hours and then one was a 4-Hour day oh no no

No BR what is this br Oh I keep forgetting he don’t take fall damage all right we’ll be fine guys watch out the mobs there are deadly no Sherlock that was that was unnecessary cool way to State the obvious Captain Obvious these are the biggest com down the water skeletons please okay I I down one

I killed one I killed one okay okay um bro these mobs are on another level the arrows that from parkour parkour where they oh they’re yeah they’re on that level there they are right there we got it we got it I think it’s right

There up get him get him this is a bad idea yeah it is oh no yeah it is just keep your water keep the water there keep the water there let it flow down G let it front of each other let the water flow man let it

Flow bro guys I’m trapped I’m trapped I’m trapped someone’s got to help me I got the last spawner who might have uh I’m chilling we got them I’m alive I’m dead godam there’s so much in here and apples holyer is the dep strier is what up mac and cheese what up slurp

Guys we have so much gold and we have so many apples we should smell the gold and get a bunch of apples low key let’s start going back down oh my God you might have you might have missed that goer I would not I would not

Oh my God you guys are oh he didn’t hit it he didn’t hit it I didn’t have my after looting these finally go home so we made our way over and once we were there we began cooking all our gold and iron as well as setting up for the

Future as I made a nether portal even though the nether wasn’t open and I also was able to get some better gear oh wait Pro bending League guys oh okay leag all right three of us should go there and go for that legendary weapon wait who who’s going who’s going

Yo so you’re going nether right so you’re out of question yeah I think I think if the nether opens during that time we should if it opens dude what I hate cuz he did this last video for some too didn’t he where they split up that’s perfect we’re all water we’re all

Water okay unless if it’s like a day of peace or something but these players were able to source and create a legendary weapon so in exchange for diamonds they were holding a pro bending League which is basically a tournament where you have to knock the other players off using your bending and I

Guess the winning team gets a legendary weapon however it cost 15 Diamond S per team so if bch p and p were able to win our chances against the Fire Nation would go up significantly and while they were at the prob bending League me and gajira stayed behind in case the nether

Opened as it was supposed to on day two because if we were to get to the nether we could hopefully get a Nether Star to get the legendary weapon of Saka sword so me and gajer waited for the nether to open but instead something else happened the Avatar Master ensued a solar eclipse

Which basically blocked every fire Bender’s ability so me and God jira had to react go after the fire team yeah bro go after him wait wait wait oh we could go to Common Hat’s team we don’t have our team but we we take we could take out com I would like they

Can’t bend what do you mean are you sure dude I would almost Whisper back to their team be like bro we don’t need forget the bending League come to us we’re going to go kill the fire team since com Hat’s team could no longer

Bend we were going to go in and get the Revenge we needed so we started in fantasy they only died from maybe I’m thinking I don’t know speed so or something dude he should have whispered to the team to come back I think this more important take a tunnel take take just in

Case I mean you got what aoma Pierce and common hat all in team together yeah I think that’s more important than uh I don’t know I mean legendary weapon is pretty important not going to lie but weed at this point we were at the entrance and it was finally time to make our

Move Neo killed more of his team than me I like that this is a dude this is a bad idea abilities are not it’s still 2v5 oh bro com com remember when we were team why would you do that why would you come on bro come on come on at least

Get one at least get one oh my God at least get common hat go where is go wait is it one V5 now wait his whole team’s here his whole team’s here his whole team herea the gajira had just died to my own ability but at least I was able to take

Down one of their players named seagull but at this point I couldn’t worry about God jira’s death because even with the solar eclipse dead Kill Zone teammate bro dude how are you guys so powerful no yeah you got to get out of there Neil Neil get out of there homie who just

Died who just di okay so you got zero zero we got to man down we got to man down we got to man down get one more get one more one more one more bro get one more oh run never mind never mind run okay okay let’s go let’s go you guys can’t

Bend it’s fine I don’t care bro I don’t care hey yo what up unavoidable dude this was a bad idea to go with just one teammate man Tactics get him get him get him get him the Fire Nation I wish he would have called for his team to come

There that is so cringe that is so oh what was that what’s that ability does that s out like a a 360 force field where is everyone rule one don’t team with Neo I’m actually sorry many I hate the foration I hate the foration I love that that jump is pretty

Sick top my watch is trying to tell me I’m being too loud speak of being too loud new employee and now he’s monking out okay the get him get him monkey mode monkey mode monkey mode monkey mode Bo boost my Boost bo boo got speed got dude that jump is so

Sick guys I my you stupid G he gone he gone hey yo what up CS oh my God how yall doing oh my go get out get out go go was able to outrun the Fire Nation and I was able to kill two of their teammates but

I lost one of you killed one your I could do so I started to head back to base and just as I got to my B at least who who went to uh what three people of them are still at the pro bending tournament I need three people went to

The prob bending tournament so still team and everything I need and just leave I’ll be good now in order to find a fortress I began exploring but as I was the Avatar Master rose again and he began in earthless period which disallows Earth benders from bending and also gives fire Benders their bending

Back rut R rut R okay at least it’s not air this isn’t good though oh fire Benders have their have their bending back yeah you screwed bro you know they coming after you coming after you things before they’re taken like the blaze rods and everything however as I kept

Exploring through the nether it wasn’t going too well for me how Okay I I think I’ll be fine oh no no no something broke what broke what broke is that my oh my leggings broke there dude than are not looking good for Neo right now chat need

To get to the nether fortress and hopefully hopefully there’s no people there so I continued exploring and eventually I actually found a nether fortress so I made my way over and began scaling it who someone oh he didn’t see that team there right I don’t think he

Saw that team that’s not a good one okay oh my gosh someone’s been here someone’s been here um okay dude that jump is so sick man right there they’re right there I they can’t I okay so he does see them who is [Laughter] it that’s too good [Laughter] dude who what team is

This I’m going to look for a board oh I found some chests dude this music makes it so intense I found Nether wart oh god dude that was so close potions yeah yeah we don’t know if this this could be a friendly oh my god dude there like m

At this point I was on high alert and I didn’t know if these players were friendly or not so I decided to talk to them but at a distance no no we can relax we can relax guys I don’t know about that oh hey what’s up hey yo

What’s up I’m just showing you my what what what Benders are you guys do a fire one air two or fire one air okay non violent nonviolent we can chill we can chill yeah we can chill now I wanted to see if I could pull off two easy kills but unfortunately it didn’t

Work br oh yeah I’m sorry somehow they believed me when I told them it was just an accident so at this point I knew I couldn’t take them down oh my God bro he just knocked them off the edge my bad I know I did that on purpose but my

Bad my name je my name jeffe Yeahs dude it seems like fire I mean some people were saying uh water was pretty op but it seems like Fire and Air man just like defense and offensive wise so they seem trustworthy wait what is this you got you got how’d you get a legendary

Weapon already I made it as it turns out remaining friendly with these players was a great option as they helped me make new iron leggings and now I can get some blaze rods of my own what are you asking who’s who’s better silver or NE I also lost my

Helmet and of course I wasn’t about to get any luckier I can’t handle this my armor is breaking okay I need I need to get it all right it’s fine I just I need to get these things and then PVP I think I asked that last video man

They both seem super op I have my bending back now it’s a par oh God that is that the whole team remember you jumped me earlier no no no stop stop no no prepare for your doom Pierce Pierce wow that worked out surprisingly well okay I just I need to

Get out of here cuz I I think his team is behind I ended up running away froming myself in to hide from the other players and just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse the Avatar Master had returned and this time the air Benders couldn’t bend oh no oh no the

Only the only so again I I don’t have a lot of uh context to go from other than just watch the videos I watch the only thing I can say about silver in most the Sil probably on over half the videos doesn’t have a team and just

Dominates like like techn style you know what I mean like three versus 15 but like one V5 you made you made it yo I can’t bend right now this is the perfect okay the rest of team’s back wait where’s B uh Pi is dead bch is captured

I what yeah uh tournament uh winter crap winter crap real fast uh big giant team started fighting chaos broke out and then people couldn’t really control it so we tried to get out btech got captured by the giant I said it bro they should not go to that

and they could have taken out the fire team too dude that sucks need armor I I do this this Pi no dude that sucks bro it is someone who I killed I will I won’t say who but yeah I I killed them oh wait I didn’t tell you

What jir died you killed jir jir died yeah I heard you the first time I was you think I was just kid about jir dying what am am I a maniac what are you talking about so po came out of nowhere and dropped a ton of information on me

Apparently P had died so they’re down to a team of two unless if they could get bch back there was no hope for us every single one how many teammates teammates was still alive died in this episode alone we decided that we would go for Saka sword which mainly required a

Nether Star so we had to go back to the Fortress and gather three Wither Skeleton skulls all right we we have to do this quick we have to save bch let’s get to farming yo Neo Neo what’s up what’s up watch out watch out watch out

I got one I got one I got one you got a you got a skull yeah okay okay perfect so now we had one out of the three skulls someone going to die fight in the Wither too I got I got another one we need one more yeah we need one so after

Killing more wither skeletons we finally got the last one oh there’s a skeleton behind you all right come on dude come on there we go wait I just got the prepare for unforeseen circumstances I got the next skull wait actually yeah yeah yeah oh we’re ready do we have Soul Sand uh no

But we can get some perfect okay we just need four let’s also get some more so we can make hopefully do you are you talking about mind NE Wither Skeleton come out the the mythical event still captured and we needed to save him okay pull pull pull all right right there let’s go

Through let’s fight the Wither really quickly cuz we still need to get diamonds and we still need we still need obsidian and heart yeah no yeah I’m in it yeah dude I like I feel bad for Apollo man everyone’s like mad that the event got moved like he can’t help it

You know what I mean like happens we went through yeah 100% I’m still in the event this this is not I would not miss it man I really think actually works we can go fight it down low doing these reactions and being an ish’s event like I’ve rediscovered my love of

Minecraft again and spawn the Wither in a tiny box and wasted no time and got straight to fighting it and I really want to start doing more of these events like I know sword 4,000 God they got to be careful man oh he’s going down quick though he’s going

Down all right so I’m I’m just going to go in this is the way you take out a Wither man dude underground okay that’s a that’s a mistake with a few more hits we I really want to start doing more of these events like I know uh sword 4000

We find anybody on the way I think his events I wish I would have gotten in that event let get the diamonds first think about applying for anything yeah how many uh how many proba join his Discord 16 you should have I have 12 you have 12 okay that’s enough that’s enough

We need Hearts now we need Hearts I completely agree man I before ish’s event started on last Monday I hadn’t played Minecraft in over a year uh like I’ve I’ve tried doing smps with a couple other of my Creator buddies but for many reasons life happening people not playing enough it

Just it always fell apart I know I have I have and I just stopped playing Minecraft alliances with some people that I know I can p had a plan to take down two of his previous alliances so we could get the hearts for the legendary weapon and save so P messaged his

Friends to Temple and that’s where we would wait and sneak up on them did you tell them to meet us up here where are they H I have no idea uh hold on they asked me are they going to try taking out low say regular did you tell them I’m not

Here uh I told them it’s just me okay okay I have to hide yeah and that sucks tot the players and it was time to Ambush I love playing Minecraft when there’s a lot of people involved it’s guys over here so that’s why I’m having a lot of fun with uh

These events that’s why I always thought like smps were hella dope I didn’t know you had the legendary weapon what bro I won bro I won the tournament you guys won won the tournament right now because I’ve been soloing and just flying around and just trying to stay alive cuz my

Base my base has been well he’s putting on the acting skills bro he’s putting on them acting skills we got 20 allies okay then damn uh who are the Allies because so but yeah after uh uh Benders I’ll probably like any events I’ll probably try getting in so I

Don’t know what what’s after NEOS but dud by the way do any of yall have any okay genetic there we go you know what follow us down to the base follow us down yeah well no no no no I have I can I have enough iron at this point I

Thought they were trying to lead P back to their base so I decided to go up and make my move no no I9 they’re over there this ain’t good dude this ain’t good to get the food I got there’s a guy there’s a guy here what the

Fud she’s screwed she screed I have to I have to for oh who get yeah I know uh uh some people were worried about swords event today and interfering with uh NE F fight St fight okay low L stop and fight stop C down C chill listen listen we need two

Hearts we we need two hearts don’t eat if you eat if you eat I will kill you listen we just need two hearts that’s it just two hearts genetics genetic you you eat one thing you die I mean when he gets on we’re going to make the suo

Blades because we have enough for that blade wait which one are we going for Neo P we don’t negotiate with terrorists they’re not fire negot you L see my air particles none of them are fire Benders none of them are it does we need the

Hearts we need the hearts bro we we can go right now and kill fire Benders if you want that we go right now right now like I like L dude they team of three right now I like low a lot he’s pretty dope right now if we could just you know

Put our differences aside because none of them are fire offenders it seemed P had felt bad about betraying his friends so instead we started to negotiate with them p p we have to kill look at genetic she’s she’s such a free kill no offense okay stop doing that I know they’re your friends

Friend pool but you signed up for this I know you had secondhand thoughts but listen listen listen you don’t have to do this like I know we’re post oh my God no okay I got to I got to do that okay I know we’re an outpost this guys I

Promised a guy that I wouldn’t tell you guys about it out what are you talking about I have a feeling like everybody loves low you know what I mean like part of common hats yeah what is it like a like a mini division of his team and his

Skin sick dude that’s a sick ass skin rumors about an outpost but I wouldn’t supposed to tell anybody about it where is it where is it I’ll show you guys I don’t know the amount people I’ll show you guys okay wait will you will

You help us take it down I will help you okay he doesn’t have that skin anymore you know what I like you you know how to you know how to that’s what I’m saying you know how to you know how to negotiate I’m a big fan I was trying

To tell you that bro like how you don’t talk at all let’s keep going so I guess now we had new friends and now we were about to go to a Fire Nation Outpost and hopefully get some hearts just straight North think we’re closing up where is it

Where is it right over right over here North Ginger skin exactly this Direction look okay you better not be betraying us why but never I’m going to kill you if you’re betraying me I’m a loyal guy people loyal I’m a loyal guy you know that’s what commad said but sure that is

What commad said but he also said cute you should have known better Neo he also said cute might be it guys is definitely it we looking on I have zero yeah dude I mean come on yeah the croto skin is absolutely sick Dro thank you okay we can we can

Start moving we moving yeah just keep a little profile keep a little profile I’m so I’m so drum in because whis we clearly hear two voices and that’s all we need Whispering two hearts I feel like we should whisper too chat I don’t know what’s going to happen

But I can’t be loud we gotta whisper sneaky sneaky that’s loud guys one’s up here one’s up here guys I found one of them I found one of them hey guys oh there’s two there’s two oh God here we go CH here we go guys guys I can’t hit

Him get him we need the hearts we need the for btech get him he gone I got him yeah let’s go hey guys guys I got two hearts from this guy he had one on what oh snap I’m keeping one guys I mean that’s the only thing yeah

Of course of course you got to keep one bro then you ain’t losing one that’s only fair I’m a huge he ain’t even losing one at all so that’s good grab that heart grab that heart I need a chest all thear got plate I’m all the extra gear they actually had the worst

Enchantment Stone demand what were these okay are they going to team up team up bro let’s get out of here now finally me and P collected everything we needed to make the legendary weapon so we going to team and we crafted it does low and genetic do they even have oh let’s a

Rest of a team got that’s sick it’s time to go save bch now that we had the sword me and began preparing to save bch however as always things didn’t exactly go to plan yo P yeah what’s up qus just messaged me he said meet me here I have

Something important to tell you about bch r r what you got to say qus what about B what you got to say know I think okay wait let’s just start heading there I think we could trust qus all right all right let’s grab all the gold grab all

The gold grab all the gold all right I got the gaps all right let’s start heading over a friend of ours named qus had now mess I absolutely love doing these videos with you guys in the chat this is a lot of fun apprciate you guys

Being here trusted him so we started to head over oh there’ss there where where’s SS I don’t even see them dude this is a trap ain’t it this got to be a trap I see their names yeah calls hello there Neo hey hell yo what is good guys

Okay in the that’s just yeah this is this is dude this is a trap ain’t it dude this is a trap I’ll explain what we need to talk about okay so basically we yesterday just before the end of the day we got attacked by a man the Fire

Nation uh is old man Isaac gave them our coordinates and they came and attacked us they killed P who was the fire bender on our team they kind of targeted him I think what they’re doing is they’re like telling fire Benders to either join them or they get targeted cuz they targeted

To heavy killed him and then I like how you all decked out bro you got you got the drippiest of drip on you jjq and griel so we’ve put together a couple teams because they have like 15 16 plus people so we’re together team of 12 you

Guys would join us in the final battle when it comes time to hopefully take out of and his Alliance oh yeah yeah wait oh that’s a good alliance bro that’s actually such a good idea but we we have a common enemy we need to save pek first

He’s been captured by them no no see oh B does not like B is hurting us yeah B was of attack against us with the fire people when they attack what are you what are you talking about bch he’s been captured so yeah so bch bch was with

Them when they fought us he fought with them probably a weird situation he definitely was with them yesterday fighting us so I don’t trust him personally so I don’t think I would be down to try save him I don’t know his int he like f your teammate bro thing

You said bch is I don’t think he would backstab him though thought he got captured by aom’s team but it turns out that I guess he’s with them no he’s helping them so it turns out that bch had also betrayed us apparently bch had fought alongside the Fire Nation and

They tried to take down qu’s team so at this point it wasn’t worth saving be oh so here’s where you right there that flashback is where you died to oh we are we are home Wesley so wa Waits qus there’s something I need to know this is crazy so when the

Message of uh that firebenders or common hats cult like common hats cult nice Bas I like it kill other fire Benders who don’t join them gets out other people are probably going to Rally behind us to take him down or either be fearful and join him it’s two very likely scenarios

And two that we cannot know what will happen that’s true but at the same time anyone who’s not fire isn’t going to have a problem thinkle yeah know um I don’t think anyone who’s know a lot of people at the prob bending League there weren’t many fire

People there but I’m sure like literally everyone who was there like would gladly rally against us like there’s a few of them I’m pretty sure we’ve spoken to um like away from that event who said that they want to join us all right so they’re all they’re all joining up on an

Alliance huh I don’t know everyone’s in hiding right now um until we get the call we’ve been waiting for info from you guys before we can actually make a call because and Pierce’s team is basically like fn’s team from uh uh uh the fantasy video many people we can get

Together one thing I’d ask from you guys is while you guys are traveling around try get people together give them these coordinates and we’ll try get as many people in this underground base bro they got the whole server teaming up against them and we’ll head towards the mountain

Try take down all right cool cool let’s go let’s go serers teaming up diamonds all right we’ll let you we’ll let you guys know now that the Fire Nation is growing at a rapid pace and they also have bch qu suggested a plan to have a

Massive Alliance so we went out hopes to find more allies but P had other plans we going to get bch what do you mean bch they told his bch betrayed us I still have a feeling Neo think about it think about it if common Hat’s cult is only

Taking in fire Benders and killing anyone who isn’t why is bch still alive he’s a water bender we don’t even we don’t even know where where I like that pool pisser dude that’s dope he ain’t giving up on his teammate he’s like nah N N I know he wouldn’t stab me in the

Back DM him and see if he gives us cords or no yeah I I can message him I can message him I’ll message him okay let’s let’s start heading back to base for now okay we had some hope in beex so I dm’ him but in the meantime we started to

Head back to base as we waited for him to respond I like that that’s pretty cool I ain’t giv up on my teammate yeah that base got raided to Hell bro really yeah it got raided badly we made it back to our base but there was something

Strange going on wa wait there’s people in our base there’s people in our base wait there is it’s the it’s the Fire Nation it’s the Fire Nation like common hat oh it is it is wait go go go go get him get him get him get him get

Get they just pulled the trap on their own player what just happened happen oh bch did it this is perfect timing wait all right let’s let’s get the first dude that is perfect timing p p were you that was sick all right no no no okay listen listen listen listen I’m

Very glad you both of you guys are okay I know on my end that was sick Bro shitty activities I know you guys have heard I may have heard many rumors that I’ve been teing with the fire but it was all applaud it was it was all my master

Plan to kill one of them um so just just hear me out just hear me out okay justar out sir today te of five yeah so okay listen just hear me out okay so I B listen Linda listen go captured on purpose so then I can earn their trust

And fight with them and then I basically told them that we had netherite and Potions like stashed away so I led them to our trap cuz I remembered there was a trap so I just LED them there I honestly yeah so I hoped more of them would die

But I mean oh my I’m so was pretty fast I’m so happy you to betray us I’m okay dud that that’s prettyy you guys are okay I was you guys come after me if this didn’t work so I’m happy you guys this is perfect timing oh my god look

What we got W no way you guys got it we got it okay okay we actually have a chance we actually have a chance we’re going to take down the Fire Nation we can take him not only did we get that we also have a giant alliance with people

We have you have alliances I also have alliances that I’ve made um one thing I do want to say is that I knew that lari and aoma were kind of on good terms and they were both like it wouldn’t have been good if they teamed so lunari well

Qu’s well it was like half on half uh half of them were dead because aom team and me raed them raided them so we should have a better chance on that’s what that’s what qus was saying yeah yeah yeah I have nothing against qus it turns out bch didn’t betray Us in fact

He actually betrayed the Fire Nation so things were looking up and it seemed like we could actually take them down so our plan for now was to get more alliances and pu already messaged Lok and genetic but before we could get any more teams we were interrupted oh Avatar

Sension the Avatar Master had spoken once again he had now activated the Avatar token which once crafted allows any player to become the Avatar granting them all the elemental powers and Buffs that go along with them so if we were able to get these Powers we would become

Unstoppable head to the Avatar Master located at the center of the map to find out the recipe of the Avatar token oh guys that’s a game changer we could actually win this we could take down the that’s a game changer we have to go mid

Right we have to go mid yeah yeah yeah we okay I don’t want to bump into their team though so yeah yeah we got to stay careful you know they’re going there too make sure we we’re being care you go there you’re going to bump into them

Wasn’t too far and we made 59 people left mid we’re at Mid okay the Avatar Master should be right under we need to get the recipe and then as as soon as we get that we need be careful be careful to CRA to got to dip there’s definitely

Going to be a team coming here soon finally face to face with the Avatar master and he showed us the crafting recipe oh no no no we need the dragon egg okay let’s go let’s go um oh we also need to go to an ancient city bro okay

But first the dragon egg because only one person can get that um uh BL that’s going to be hard to craft man dragon egg okay wait hold up and they got to go to the ancient city drop me the drop me the actually you can do this

I’m about to throw the first Pearl get ready all right let’s go that way this way this way okay let’s go now we had to rush to the end as the Avatar token required a dragon egg which there was only one in the entire world so we made

Our eyes of enders and we started to make our way to the end portal and after traveling for a little bit we finally made it there it’s down here it’s down here all right let go diing down yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah just start digging down beside each other dig down beside

Each other dude wait how many end romantic how many ender pearls you have so romantic seven I have seven the portal I found the portal get up here where where where where the portal okay okay quick right now yeah right in there through okay okay uh there we go there we go

Baby let’s go drop me pearls uh I need a couple more bch has them yeah any last words just go die don’t fall off we were the first players in the end and the entire server had been alerted so we needed to get the dragon egg very quickly and Po and bch were

Already on it they broke the crystals extremely quickly and now all we had to do is take the dragon down bch bch bch and pool let’s get it no no just break the crystals break the crystals bch uh B can you drop me a bone arrow please you

Got to break the crystal so don’t keep regening no no got this there’s one over there no PO did you break it no this one up here I broke this one yeah I all right wait let me kill him I’m going in I’m going in come on

Come on come on go go go go go go go get his ass get his ass I’m going to I’m going to shoot him with a bow let me go let me go I can’t take fall damage I can’t take fall damage okay okay

Okay all right it’s hit it hit it hit it hit H it I don’t have a bow you guys got to hit it at this point we were taking the dragon down pretty quickly but as always things didn’t exactly go our way oh no going I’m going the Fire Nation

Had now entered the end there except I didn’t see wait who fell in the Trap is comad still alive I didn’t see him in the I didn’t see him get the advancement then get back oh oh I lost my boots who died I died

P dead PX dead good damn man get off me what how long are you going to do this dude we kill te we killed we killed bch he’s gone he’s gone crap I got you I got you oh his boots are gone his boots are gone dude okay can we get

Holy tomad died in the nether must miss that just get good whilst me and po were distracted fighting some of the fire Benders the other players were taking the dragon down and they were about to get my God dud who’s going to get the egg who’s going to get the egg

Get it get it get it nice nice we need the dragon egg oh we need no no no what the no no no no no no no no no no this can’t be happened the portal open no no pool’s still there pool’s still there my did they CAU the egg

Oh no BC’s dead too BC’s dead in the end BK had been killed by the firebenders and as for p he was still hiding but the firebenders were able to get the egg and they moved on to the end cities which allowed P to get back through the portal did you make it

Through the portal what happened yeah I did yeah I did uh I was on one heart one heart7 I I was trying to I was trying to keep a l profile okay so he didn’t say Comm head di okay I got you and like Tred to go to the end gateways and then

I could push him off with the water surge but I couldn’t they just so bte’s gone dude he’s gone BR what happened oh my there’s no point in sitting around and letting it just sit in our minds we got to move I messed up got to move stop crying let’s go I

Thought I could I thought I could get them away from the from the egg I thought I could get them away from the egg but I I went through the portal oh I messed up it was working too it was working perfectly Neo cool you made a

Mistake it’s fine we move on WE adapt okay we stay alive that’s the most important I like P pisser’s logic man he’s like it now that a well I guess not and they died at this point they just got back uh bch 2 man that now that the Fire Nation

Practically had the for and informed qus and the other members oh my what the I guess on the bright side at least you took one of them out before you died oh my God it’s aluminos guys guys guys guys yo get us in there get us in there

Aluminos sir uh don’t don’t try and guys guys guys guys every guys we were in the end we were in the end and they they got the egg they killed bch they got the egg we they they’re going to be the avatars they’re going to get the was a Traer anyway no

He wasn’t he trapped he ended up trapping them thank you really he ended up trapping them he took out one person but guys guys they have the Avatar token they they didn’t show common Hat’s death all actually here let me quickly ask you guys this let me ask you guys this did

They leave the end yet or are they still in there I I think they’re yeah we got out they’re still there listen we still have a chance such a shame if all these lot of these people died I’m guessing a lot of them di go to the Avatar Master

Wow there yes beneath the Cornucopia it’s beneath spawn there are two entrances we can divide this group group into two groups and then we can defend it off we like prevent them from maybe all but one team die huh right that’s the only this player call me gaming had

Actually a surprisingly good hey call me gaming he just uh they couldn’t use the token just friended him on Discord waterend I know fire bender yeah fire bender can uh cancel out air Benders so air Benders are not as good against fire Benders so air Benders watch out but uh every

Single Bender step up real quick so uh the new group can know who you are stand just by H here right here uh so do not Target these three de with us four I’m here four these four we have Aaron as well we have Aaron as well all

Right all right can I can I step up to say something real quick can I step up real quick to say something all right listen guys we’re going to have to work together if we want to actually be able to big Alliance this team yeah they’re

In the end City right now they have the they’re going to get the shulker shells if not they’re probably on their way back right now we listen all of the fire Benders all of the air Benders fire Benders get that uh token betraying like this team here they’re Unstoppable it

Does not matter they will kill you they do not care if you air and you like help them they do not care they will kill you the final battle is going to start soon are we almost done together hopefully take I didn’t even realize holy cow flying I didn’t even realize we were

This far into the video we could probably win a lot of people are going to die a lot of people are going to die if he dies he dies oh yeah guys can we can we spit some gear up for the iron people so in the meantime our team

Started preparing and even though we have yet to see the giant Alliance and have only heard about it we knew that there was a big battle coming up so we made sure to get the best gear possible and after we were all geared we headed

To the surface cl cl how did you how did you get all these people well basically fle and Faron together were reaching out out to a lot of team leaders about the fight and put this group of people together Marilyn you sound you sound so nice in this event and farlon and finle

Kind of uh stepped up so they’re going to be leading Us in this end fight fle I I heard you I heard you got this whole team together um partly yeah with the help of everyone else so what’s the plan what if what if they do so we’re going

To just stand we’re going to make sure they don’t get the token that’s the only way so finle explained to me the plan and it would basically be using me and pu’s bait where we would stick in the middle and wait for the team to come and

As soon as they did we would lure them to the other players so now that the plan was done we began to regroup cool look around you we’re going to do it we’re going to take down the that’s crazy that is a big team check me what

What weapon is that zugo dagger what does that what does that do grants all enemies damaged by this a chance to strike players with lightning what the and then Lok also has a legendary weapon have you guys used this one yet no sword yeah all right give me yo wait

Let’s let’s trade call me let’s trade weapons huh what what does your sword do what does your sword do it’s got sharpness seven oh H had zuk’s dagger gave you say that tce BR with the other Buffs that Legendary Weapons have so since that seemed a lot cooler to me we decided to

Trade and then it was finally time to head to Mid and once we got there we all got into position what does it have Neo just sharpness seven that’s it that’s all it was fun being your your teammate who the does that mean know I’m going to make it I I’ve

Got my doubts we’re going to make it we’ve made speak that existence bro it’s been this whole time Li Dr Duke everyone I P everyone I see what’s going on in P P’s P’s realizing he’s like I’m the only one left on Neo’s team it means I’m probably gonna

Die we have company the time had finally come the firebenders were here guys stop guys stop guys stop stop okay you back up why why do you guys even want to do this back up back up get the Avatar token why no why bro there’s no stuff in us now we got the

Dragon let let Comm head is dead commad is dead what’s the point now do you know how many teammates you’ve killed of ours you killed like two at the beginning our plan was working we were stalling them and hopefully they would come after us that’s because Comm had betrayed us he

Killed Duke and libl don’t do this guys no you he can’t stop us this is what you get for betray you know you remember B remember B got that legendary sword to he killed IL you’re you deserve Chul did to no we were not going to kill

Him we were teaming with him then he betrayed our trust it I have one thing to say one thing to say before now go him say it right now say right now before you die say right now before you die get out you’re not you’re not what oh here they come let’s

Go bro if I was a fire B I’d be crapping my pants right now holy Dude Z where’s a guy P me an that guy P me no no no he got it guys he got it guys he got it take down take down take take the TR the entrance trap the entrance everyone trap the entrance Pi you sneaky double we got to help him you see Apollo

G I’m the Avatar mind of Neo shut up kill him who cares if he’s Avatar so he has all all Avatar’s abilities then right what do you think this is Minecraft you aren even fighting right he has all four abilities I don’t know how to that’s not good oh

My God there’s so what what is goingo what is this didn’t didn’t Pierce win the fantasy Avatar Pierce kill him Avatar Pierce get Avatar Pierce where’ Pierce go where’ Pierce go me oh no he’s going to die again no no no they got away guys guys guys go the fire Benders were

Escaping so by myself I crossed the valley and it’s like it’s like 25 five it’s like they’re so lopsided hey guys go back to base go back to base all right they’re laring us they’re laring Us in it’s probably a trap okay okay stay back it’s probably yeah yeah

Bro get out of here was that 4V 25 dude or I think that five back to get everyone grouped so we guys everyone guys guys guys we saw where they went we saw where they went NE Neo Pier Pierce is here Pierce where’s Pierce how is he

How is he no no he’s so fast he’s so fast in the water he’s like prepare for your doom you’re one of every element why are you fighting us I am dude is Pierce taking on the whole just by himself the Fire Nation will prevail who was that who just died I

Didn’t see the death oh when you fire we can’t fight him in the water in the water he’s so op he’s like get out of the water he’s faster than all of you he’s so nobody died there oh did he just hit him with lightning is that what it

Was guys guys guys guys wait let’s just attack the rest of the let’s just attack Aus team wait let’s leave Pierce here let’s just let’s go sword has the ability I got you guys where is everyone no no no not even close get everywhere what are they doing guys guys guys guys

No no no don’t go after Pierce there’s no point there’s no point guys don’t go after Pierce do not go after Pierce see now can regroup get literally Jesus literally K yeah he’s overpowered as time was going Pierce was taking down our players and we needed to move quick so we

Gathered everyone hey hey hey I would like to say something I would like to say something listen they ran away from us they ran away from us because they’re scared we’re all gathered here for one main cause and that one main cause is to take down the Fire Nation am I right with

[Applause] exception down with the Fire Nation those those who have fought beside us and are fire themselves those who have fought behind us and fire Benders themselves have chosen the right cause the Fire Nation wants to rid the world of all bending but you guys and said yes to everyone being able

To bend today we fight for Honor we fight for freedom and we fight to rid the world of the cruelty and patriarchy of the Fire Nation whilst P gave his speech the firebenders were still messing with us a firebending infiltrator named liver had built above

Us all and he decided to make make his move in the name of the Fire Nation how did how did nobody see him what just happened Li what the hell just happened Li liver you sneaky devil he gave up and let us take him out but

Before the Fire Nation could do any more damage to us as a group we started to head over to take them out oh my what is that Li were you actually higher up than that how did nobody see that what was to come get un the if you can is this which

One’s that just build up build up J go for it go for it we needed to play the safe so we waited until there was an opening and we struck when there was one guys get that guy get that guy getbody get every come on all right here we go

Fam here we go final battle let’s go let’s let go oh God oh God oh God CL are you okay yo yo yo are you okay yeah I’m good I’m good who’s slurp oh they have so many new people bro they got a lot more people

Now NE help me with your where’s where’s where’s Charing re kill guys guys who has gaps anyone have gaps anyone have gaps no oh dude there’s still 47 people left holy cow gaps I need gaps get the AV he’s right here I’m going to anyone

I think that’s good come on dude come on bro come on bro oh my God Pier Jesus oh my God damage I’m not I can why did you just get quieter dude guys where P go where where all of them go I want to kill Jake you’re so

Annoying get him get him we can have oh you got my way y stop getting my way br oh yeah he done he done he gone or maybe not I don’t know get frog get frog dude has to have some crazy armor dude oh my God bro no no no no I can’t

Believe you just did that to me I can’t believe it get him get him get him guys get frog he’s so low he has to be low get him get him get him get him get him I thought with the music he was

About to die yes no no no we got him no we didn’t get him we didn’t get he tpd I just my my weapon yes water that weapon bro p p p p pull pull who who’s chasing you who’s chasing you I’ll kill them I’ll kill them right now guys we’re

Losing I have five Hearts I have five extra Hearts well actually no remind you I actually have seven extra hearts and I’ve killed five people let’s go are you’re an air bender as well right yeah ne’s chill we’re losing I canot we hold the last stand on one of the airships

Man we don’t take fall damage they do guys I have no Hearts I have no hearts or gaps can anyone drop any yeah here oh my wait you got one chance good job there we go there we go we had two large factions fighting it was us versus the fire Nation but at

This point it seemed like we were losing as the Fire Nation was quick dropping our players so me and the other survivors decided to go to a nearby Airship and there we planned on holding The High Ground as we were heavily out geared and outnumbered they’re approaching they’re approaching they’re

Down below everyone watch out oh they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming hi oh that’s they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming guys they’re coming at this point this was our last hope if we weren’t able to fend off the fire benders from here then

We’d have no chance of winning see who t guys what’s up these elas they’re going to be a problem’s Landing up here what’s Landing up here I’m getting noan I think that’s Quan sorry oh my uh far far far no no no he’s an air bender all right watch out watch out

Oh it’s Karen I thought it was kran why did he sorry sorry sorry I was scared zaps save his own players I’m sorry I accidentally fell off the Airship but I was able to make it back up however at this point things weren’t looking too good as the firebenders

Could hold their own in the sky due to their elytras yo what’s up hey hey Bo we’re in the sky now bud I care kill me can’t kill me my British help me ah oh he got away he got away he got away oh no okay I got so oh no

Okay yeah no fall damage it’s fine make a a get in there get in there where is he is he up is he up I’m I’m going to just right there helmet’s gone there he is there he hel G dude Pierce is on you can’t beat that dude sorry

Neil at this point my helmet was gone and pretty much all of my teammates were too but I still couldn’t let the fire Benders win and I was going to try my absolute hardest to stay alive as he’s just on fire guys please just just let me go what guys guys no no

Stop stop stop stop stop this ain’t going to go well fam I had to unfortunately use my Notch Apple to stay alive but I was able to get on top of the Airship once again and my only teammates left gave me the armor I needed okay you guys I’m just going to

Keep using this get off me I’m just going to keep using this how many cast do you have so many gabbles I have so many Gables can you drop me something yeah I got you put a fire on that oh sh guys please stop trying you you know you

Can’t get through this oh you guys got through at this point I was really running out of options I just sat there with my shield up oh no no this a going to end well fam who killed Jak’s here’s here watch out watch out use firewall use fire ready get away from [Laughter]

Me who has boots who has boots beta who has boots who has boots who has boots there’s a lot of people left holy cow me want up me you want to find me want to fight yo why don’t you give why don’t you give me boots so we can do

This a fair fight no matter how many boots I got no matter how much armor I had there was just no hope for me this whole event the Fire Nation has been one step ahead and they’ve taken down every single one of my teammates 07s 07s for every Neo teammate ever chat

07s it was my turn next so my journey through this event was now done Fire Nation got the better of us if you guys want to see more videos like this make sure to subscribe good video watch the next video chat who W who end up

Winning y you can’t look who ended up winning all right let me bring you in let me bring you in dude heyo heo aoon heo hey is that the guy is that the guy that says give me 50 bucks to join my team is that who that is the $50

Guy let me let me let me uh let me bring you in chat put on some tunage bro aoma and Pierce teamed up with a arrow is that how you say it Arrow anyways dude what a good video man yeah the fire team dude they literally had Neo’s number and his

Team’s number that whole event especially I mean once Pierce got that token I mean I mean literally he was like he was like Jesus dude you can’t beat Jesus he just he walking on water anyways this was absolutely insane I don’t know I A lot of people

Are saying they like this better than the fantasy video I don’t know man don’t wrong this video is absolutely amazing I think I might like the fantasy one better I mean a it’s like an hour longer um yeah I think I like the fantasy one better again this video is absolutely

Insane loved it so much action uh and I just love where you get these like you get these people pitting up against other people you know the different teams it was absolutely epic I had a blast reacting to it let me know what you guys think make sure you show Mr

Mind of Neo some love by subscribing to his channel and chat again we’re trying to get to 100,000 Subs before Christmas so if you haven’t yet please smash that subscribe button and join the S Gang family enjoy the rest of your week and remember ity sleeping make beats and as

Usual be kind one another that’s all I got boom I’m out going to love for the sauce gang peace out champ

This video, titled ‘INSANE VIDEO MindOfNeo 100 Players Simulate Avatar in Minecraft (REACTION!!!)’, was uploaded by Hot Sauce Beats on 2023-12-04 16:00:14. It has garnered 2204 views and 139 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:35 or 5015 seconds.

Hot Sauce Beats is Here! We are back with another MINECRAFT CIVILIZATION video and are checking out @MindOfNeo 100 Players Simulate Avatar in Minecraft! This video was just INSANE! I had a blast reacting to this and I hope you enjoy the video! PLEASE help SUPPORT and SMASH the SUBSCRIBE and LIKE button! Stay safe out there and have a great day!

SUSBCRIBE TO MIND OF NEO 100 Players Simulate Avatar in Minecraft https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYk9R_KySJk&ab_channel=MindOfNeo


Technoblade Tribute Song – ONE OF US – Hot Sauce Beats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Awdvb

The BALLAD of GHOSTBUR – Hot Sauce Beats [Dream SMP original song] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQFZG

join the discord family! – https://discord.gg/C2ajaKE9BY folllow my on twitter – @Hot Sauce Beats

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CRAZIEST VIDEO EVER! 100 Players Simulate a Minecraft Fantasy Tournament (REACTION!!!) MindOfNeo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvvS7BJcZvM&t=70s&ab_channel=HotSauceBeats

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  • Insane Minecraft Server 24/7 Stream + Giveaways!

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  • Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! – BoomMC SMP – Minecraft

    Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! - BoomMC SMP - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Return of a Slacker Part 1 • Slackville SMP • Live • BoomMC • Minecraft’, was uploaded by BoomMC on 2024-03-25 14:59:13. It has garnered 126 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:30 or 5850 seconds. Return of a Slacker Part 1 • Slackville SMP • Live • BoomMC • Minecraft Thank you for viewing. It is an honor and a blessing to be part of Slackville.  I wanted to livestream a little bit on this server as I try to get my mojo going! Free for everyone,  is my Thank… Read More


    🌱 EARTHLING PROBLEMS - STOP BULLYING ME 💔😭Video Information This video, titled ‘WHY IS EVERYBODY ALWAYS PICKING ON ME 😥/Gacha trend//’, was uploaded by Earthling🌱🐌 on 2024-07-06 10:35:52. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. TAGS:gacha,gacha life,gacha club,meme,trend,adopt me,dance,girl,boy,gender reveal, robot,fortnight, Minecraft, Royale high,battle Royale,brookehaven roleplay,Brookland,role-playing,rp,preppy,emo,scene,outfit,trendy dance CREDITS: Credits for sound:WMG,RHEI MUSIC/REHI MUSIC and Credits for original creator sound of their video Read More

  • EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯

    EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz’, was uploaded by Demon Playz on 2024-03-28 12:02:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz HELLO GUYS😃, In This Video We Made An Enchanting Area So That We Can Enchant Our Tools⚒️ And Can Get Overpowered In Future Episodes And We Also Made A Small Beautiful Mine⛏️ To Collect Underground… Read More

  • Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock Action

    Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock ActionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing on Cubecraft Stream :3 Come & join! Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by TheOrderOfSapphire on 2024-02-14 16:03:57. It has garnered 171 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:09 or 8709 seconds. Texturepack/skin made by Lillvy: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/sweetin-in-pvp-16x-cute-pvp-texturepack-minecraft-bedrock-noraiy/ Be sure to subscribe to her channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@Lillvy. My discord server: https://discord.gg/d2pF3s7SyV My second Channel with other games: https://www.youtube.com/@UC62sXHjU8ZANvGQuCWGOYeQ Become a member here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF-kZ-Lic3CSQ5KZg0y_L9g/join Donation link: https://streamlabs.com/pinkman294 Subscribe for more videos of games and if you really want you can donate to give me support! Become a Patreon member here: https://www.patreon.com/TheOrderOfSapphire?fan_landing=true #skywars #blockwars… Read More

  • VoidedMC

    VoidedMCWelcome to VoidedMC, we are a brand new 1.20.4 server with a friendly player base offering semi-vanilla survival, by merging McMMO, GriefPrevention, Essentials, and many more plugins! We are working on expanding the server currently. We also plan to bring a creative world where you can show off your amazing building skills! Feel free to join! Our staff is extremely nice and always willing to help. So if you have any questions please reach out to us! Have an amazing day! Voidedmc.net Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants Pets

    Java & Bedrock IP: play.broomstix.net Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): https://discord.gg/qbdA4Gs3f8 Online In-game map: https://map.broomstix.net/ Features: Running with backwards compatibility on the latest Minecraft version: 1.21 Tricky Trials Bedrock and Java cross-play (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Put a lead on mobs to teleport them Free fly in the overworld every Sunday ProtectionStones for land claiming Bartering economy system No grief Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation allowed in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging, homes and player to player teleportation Minecraft-Discord integration to interact with the community even when away… Read More

  • Authentic Vanilla

    Authentic VanillaAboutAuthentic Vanilla is Java Edition Minecraft in its purest form. It is a “Vanilla Anarchy” server, meaning pretty much anything aside from hacking or exploits are allowed. The world, which will never be reset, is whatever you want it to be. Anything you can do in Mojang’s intended vanilla is fair game, you need not be bogged down by landclaims or building requirements or suffocating world borders. But be ware, the freedom to create also comes with the freedom to destroy, so keep what you make safe.VanillaTo keep the server as authentically vanilla as possible, the server will be running… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t touch this, it’s OP 🙏

    Please don’t nerf this meme, it’s already at level 309 and ready to take on the Ender Dragon! Read More

  • Crafty Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Alarm Charade

    Crafty Cube Xuan: Minecraft's Alarm Charade In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, like a delightful dream. With animations that are funny and bright, He crafts tales that bring laughter, day and night. His channel is a haven for kids to explore, With content that’s safe, and so much more. Each video a gem, filled with fun and delight, Bringing happiness to all, shining so bright. So come along, join the fun and the cheer, Subscribe to Fangkuaixuan, have no fear. For in this Minecraft world, where creativity thrives, He’s the storyteller who truly thrives. Read More

  • Minecraft Tutorials be like: “How to Die in 5 Easy Steps” 😂 #shorts

    Minecraft Tutorials be like: "How to Die in 5 Easy Steps" 😂 #shorts Minecraft Tutorials be like: Step 1 – Punch a tree. Step 2 – Build a mansion. Step 3 – Get lost in a cave for three hours. Step 4 – Accidentally blow up your house with TNT. Step 5 – Cry. #minecraftlogic 😂🏠💣 Read More

  • Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay

    Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay Exploring the World of Minecraft Embarking on a New Adventure In the realm of gaming, Minecraft stands out as a sandbox game that offers endless possibilities and adventures. The thrill of starting a new world in Minecraft is unparalleled, as players dive into a world of creativity and exploration. Roohsclues: A Gaming Journey in Hindi/Urdu Roohsclues, a YouTube channel dedicated to gaming in Hindi/Urdu, has embarked on a new series featuring Minecraft gameplay. Episode 2 marks the beginning of an exciting journey in the blocky universe of Minecraft. Immersive Gameplay and Entertainment With a disclaimer emphasizing the entertainment nature… Read More

  • Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!

    Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘Expanding my Elden Ring inspired Kingdom | Minecraft Creative 1.20 LIVE’, was uploaded by JermsyBoy on 2024-06-21 22:07:38. It has garnered 5715 views and 219 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:47 or 16967 seconds. Subscribe! https://tinyurl.com/JermsySub Donate to the channel: https://paypal.me/JermsyBoy?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US Become a member to join us in building up this giant city!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCICnSwa3x5sHTWmTP6YO30w/join ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Our build server has been generously provided by DedicatedMC. Get your own server today by using code “JermsyBoy” for 15% off your first month. Valid for normal plans, excluding Dedicated Servers and Discord Bots. Check out DedicatedMC: https://dedimc.promo/JermsyBoy… Read More