Minecraft 1.20 Speedrun: World Record Attempt

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Uh hi welcome to the stream okay I’m kind of nervous I’m I’m going to be doing a freaking speedrun for the first time in Bedrock all right um let’s okay now let’s let’s name it like one so that I know this is like attempt one or Advance this is the seed um so

Cords H okay yeah um wait when do you start the timer hold on I got to look on speedrun.com I don’t know when you start the timer is it when you start moving for the first time speedrun.com man I haven’t been on the site in so long uh Minecraft I was going to type Bedrock Edition I accidentally typed headr Edition all right bro speedrun.com please load faster I want to see the stupid game rules so I know when the hell to start the timer if anyone’s chatting right now I’m sorry I can’t see it because I’m on

Speed.com on my phone right now any% glitchless set seed all right show rules W record is 227 uh category rules bro bro bro please let me freaking see oh my God okay so it’s a link to a GitHub thing that’s that like shows the rules hold

On oh oh oh oh oh oh my God oh my God oh my God I hate I hate how slow this loads okay game rules uh timing rules timing starts on the first frame of movement after World creation all right so okay okay that that’s that’s just that’s simple that’s simple

I just read through the rules basically just start the timer when you begin to move and end the timer once you’re in the like final portal all right got it got it got it I I guess we’ll try a no reset for this first run now my mouse is a little bit glitchy

Like sometimes it double clicks when I don’t want it to and sometimes when I hold it down it just like stops holding I don’t know why but yeah so like when I’m building things it just it just like right clicks two times when I press it once all right all right all right

Right I practiced this only once so I didn’t really practice a lot here we go oh that was already horrible oh my God oh my God I’m an idiot I actually mined the wrong piece of sand I mined the wrong piece of sand H I hate my life dude put the dude

Oh my hate my life okay okay okay I’m so bad at this game I’m actually I I have such a skill issue I have such a skill issue ow but only one log are you serious two logs only is this a joke I I hate my life I have to break

Another log bro I I’m actually I I this is only my first run I would have reset it like a while ago just stupid tree get out of the way D you’ve got to be kidding me uh dude oh my God this is this is horrible I’ve I’ve

Never done anything worse than this in my life dude make dude I’m I’m so bad I’m so bad yeah if you came here expecting good gameplay then you’re not in the right place all right this is not good game play it I’m sorry but it’s just a

Truth okay I’m going to do I’m not going to do a foodless run cuz I’m bad at the game yep nice okay yep I love how this is loading in I absolutely love it we’re already at the two-minute mark this is a horrible run one two three four five six seven eight dude

Go see this is what I mean bro like my my my I hate my I hate actually hate my mouse so much dude the game freaking froze the game wait no no no get my ha oh my God oh my God this is so why is the game freezing why is the game

Freezing dude hold down the right click Eat I hate my mouse so much dude just go seriously just go seriously just hurry the hell up and go what oh my God the stupid silverfish just you’re ruining my life get where is the lava yeah we’re already at four minutes this is this is actually like the worst run

Ever that I’ve ever done I’m not even GNA speed Bridge because I know I’m just going to die in the void pathetically oh don’t look at it oh my God no oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God perch please thank you thank you I

Forgot to get snowballs I no this is a reset I didn’t even I was hoping we could do a no reset run to start off but no I forgot to get snowballs all right that was a horrible run anyway I’m glad I’m glad we reset that let’s just forget that happened

Right that never happened that never happened that never happened all right this shh that didn’t happen and you know that didn’t happen as well don’t don’t pretend 15 lions that was horrible our goal is to get sub four at least or at least to just finish a run oh my

God that was that was horrible all right please don’t don’t mind the wrong sand block again 136 no no wait is it is it this one which one is it is this one please okay yes I got three logs that’s perfect speech so it’s already going much better than

My last run it’s actually going okay and I love how it’s loading again I have to literally memorize where the door is or just see like the outline get out of the way you stupid villager you’re ugly you can only sleep at night thank you I didn’t know

That what dude that spider is always there literally always he’s always there he’s always there oh God where do I dig down uh bro I missed a hay bale clutch are you joking I actually missed a hay bale clutch also my internet is actually horrible on my phone right now I can’t

Bro why does it just randomly like disconnect from the Internet or it just says connected without internet like bro what do you mean connected without internet how am I connected I’m connected to the internet without internet I yeah that makes sense that makes sense I don’t know what I’m saying

That obviously makes sense of course that that that’s that’s reasonable cheesy k bro welcome to the stream what’s up dude as you can see by the title I am speed running Bedrock for the first time and I’m actually being horrible at it no problem man I hope you have a fun

Time in the Stream bro I’ve done two attempts so far and they’ve all been horrible and one of them I managed to get to the end but I forgot to get snowballs it’s this one isn’t it yes perfect perfect I’m learning I’m starting to learn break come on there we

Go dude open your inventory oh oh my God I placed I accidentally placed the pressure plate where the TNT was supposed to go oh my God please tell me yes three logs that’s perfect dude this this chunk never loads there we go what dude go I hate my life there’s a freaking

Skeleton skeletons are by far the most annoying mob in this entire game go away who even are you do you think you can kill me bro um that that did so much damage I literally can’t even go down without dying now I can’t go down without dying if I

Go down I’m going to die that’s it you’re subing my commentary is awesome bro thanks how do I get down ghost didn’t lose Any just jump in the water here I’m bad at the game all right dude where even is the lava I I have no idea where I even am in the Ravine I think I’m in the wrong spot bro this is already so so bad bro where is this oh okay this is

Where I’m supposed to go oh my God I feel like a complete idiot right now ow wait did I get snowballs I didn’t get snowballs did I oh my God I hate my life I hate my life just jump in the void just end your life what is this why do I

Always every time I make it to the end I forget to get snowballs why does this always happened yeah what is that bro why every time bro this is stupid yeah rip like that was okay that that the Run did the Run was kind of bad because when

I got into the Ravine I completely lost track of where I was all right uh attempt four it’s going pretty bad so far then again I’ve never speedrun Bedrock I’ve speedrun Java once and I got like the worst time ever like 1 hour 50 and that was random seed Boom boom no I’m wrong with this one dude I I’m pressing e go in your inventory you stupid little piece of crap go uh I almost forgot to go on the pressure plate I love how I’m crouching behind the tree as if the TNT can see my name for

Now remember cappuccino to get snowballs you stupid little immigrant oh get in the boat dude someone just got like a villager just got linked to that bed and I immediately just destroyed it yeah know you’re staying awake this night you’re not getting no rest also I just

Forgot to get the bed from this house I’m actually bro what is wrong with me I’m probably not going to read chat as much during runs and probably only before and after runs which honestly makes sense it’s probably uh okay that was like the weirdest noise

I’ve ever made just trying to do an stupid MLG from like from like 10 blocks above probably the easiest MLG I’m ever going to have to do there’s probably going to be like 10 mobs in this cave here oh no it’s just spider okay itsy beatsy spider met cappuccino when

Died oh my God wait I almost forgot to put this in my thing we’re alive we’re alive we’re alive this is so far the firstest I’ve gotten in a run because as you can see I have snowballs which means that I’m actually probably G to beat the

Game who knew that you can defeat the Ender Dragon using snowballs out of all things in the entire game snowballs get the lava I literally right clicked all right come on come on come on we’re three minutes in and in the stronghold which is horrible but uh it’s something for me

Dude I’m not even going to speed Bridge because I’m actually like terrified okay you go you go there you go there put this there all right Dragon one in a trillion chance dude yeah it’s a set seed though dude why won’t you perch God damn one two three four five six wait please

Dude what no no no no no no no no no no stupid dragon breath kill yourself yeah I’m telling the dragon breath to kill them to kill theirself it’s probably going to work trust me wait is this even is this is this far enough oh my god dude the Enderman killed me

The the Enderman I when did I look at you bro when did I look at you you walk in front of my eyes you’re getting pissed cuz I looked at you if you walk in front of me bro what am I supposed to do I was you said uh you should have

Created bow and arrow uh no snowball snowball is like more efficient cuz you know you’re trying to go as fast as possible you don’t have time to craft a bow and arrow cuz where are you supposed to get the string from and the arrows maybe you can kill like a

Skeleton but that’s kind of it’s kind of rare to get both an arrow and a bow I like okay even though I died I saw like that the Ender Dragon wasn’t even being affected by the lava which means that uh I place the lava like too far back so I

Would have messed it up either way also what’s up uh afron Cole I still don’t know how to pronounce your name I just say your in-game name though 24hour stream uh no yeah I’m I’m speedr running a set seed like I’m I’m I’m setting the seed

Like I’m not doing a random seed I’m actually like putting the seed in so that’s why I always get that uh portal filled in even though it’s literally a one in a trillion chance cuz like for some reason bed like the bedro Rock speed Runners they don’t

Really care about random seed that much like they all just do set seed so I wanted to do that too cuz I couldn’t find a single tutorial for random seed like not one I only found one for set seed uh okay this is good craft sticks you stupid something I don’t

Know what a polar bear a a a polar bear is ruining my run craft the bucket oh my God bro where did you come where where did your ass come from but where did he come from like he was even with his own like Cub you’re you’re teaching your you’re you’re

Teaching your own kid violence bro like what kind what kind of mother are you you’re literally like hitting me in front of your kid you’re really going to let your kid grow up to some sort of [ __ ] like you you stupid polar bear I can tell you’re a horrible mom you shouldn’t have

Kids oh my no that was actually so bad that that was so bad that oh my God why did I do that I’m probably going to die yep I’m so I’m probably dead thank god oh I almost missed dude if I missed like a regular water MLG I would have ended my life

Change your chunks think the chunks are loading very slowly uh here’s the thing I I have a very very slow laptop which means uh if I make if I like make the chunks a little higher probably going to run a little slower and since I’m speed running it’s not really efficient

Because I want to go as fast as possible even though I’m taking two years just to get into the stronghold which is already filled in oh my God you stupid silverfish who even dude who even cares about silverfish like just for forgot there were a mob okay get that uh

Uh I no no bro I forgot to get snowballs why every time I forget to get snowballs why why oh my God why every single time I can’t oh my God it was because the stupid polar bear distracted me tried to kill me and I didn’t get I I just forgot to get

Snowballs oh my God it’s like such a it’s such a minor thing that’s why I always forget it but it’s so important that’s and I think that’s a third time as well that is it the second or third time I don’t know no yeah I I think it’s the third time

BR you I you sub because of my hilarious commentary thanks like my brother is in the other room he always gets pissed when I talk so much which I understand because I talk a lot I just checked out your channel it says you do like speedrun 4 in Roblox or

Something you’re planning to speedrun Minecraft too all right that’s nice I’ve speedrun many many games over the course of uh a couple of years also why did I get two TNT I only need one now I actually have W did I seriously make two pressure plates oh

That that that might be a problem in the future I think I think I should not have done that how did only two logs drop what oh my God and the no no the mouse glitch is happening again that dude that that shouldn’t even count that shouldn’t even count as an

Attempt bro I’m just I’m just going to I’m just going to delete that and just rename the next one six bro I’m not counting that as an attempt I’m not counting that as an attempt bro no why can’t I edit the world I’m clicking oh my God delete this world

Please no no no no no no no that what do you mean what do you mean seventh run this is my sixth run this oh whoops no yeah this is this is my six run why are you pretending there was another sixth run there was no other sixth run you’re a

Liar you’re the biggest liar I know I can’t believe you would lie to me like that bro I was I going to enable cheese for a second I think if okay I made two pressure plates the only other iron things that I need to make were a bucket

And a pickaxe which is six iron yeah I would okay okay I would have still had enough thank thankfully but I still messed it up in the end because like my mouse Has a Glitch where when I’m holding it down it just stops holding for some reason which why which is why I

Couldn’t get that log and also there’s another glitch where I just like when I click the mouse it just double clicks like inhumanly fast sometimes when I’m right clicking try to like build build something it just it it double clicks and it it places two blocks like really freaking

Fast it’s like inhumanly fast it’s insane like it could come in handy sometimes maybe in Java PVP in 1.8 where you have to like spam the hell out of your mouse and boom it doesn’t really happen that often on the Sandstone here some for some reason I think the reason why it made

Two pressure plates in the first place is because my mouse just double clicked but that time I didn’t thankfully dude five logs why do I have five logs most have got G was four from that explosion okay this movement is horrible please I don’t want a polar

Bear sneaking up on me from behind again I’m just ruining my life oh my God please please oh my oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I am so bad at crafting I am bad at everything oh my God oh my God oh my God

I almost forgot to I almost forgot to get snowballs again almost almost almost oh my God thankfully I managed to get snowballs and not forget it this time even though that was still super slow but we got snowballs nonetheless your Internet sucks so the live is being rewinded oh that’s sad

Welcome to the club of bad internet you’re not the only one I also have terrible internet but I’m dude what are you doing what are you doing and I I missed it again I’m so bad to the point where I’m missing a bed clutch okay no mobs here that’s

Lucky okay water in my three slot remember Bop that was late as hell but I still manag to get the MLG B we’re on horrible Pace but I’m I still haven’t finished a run we’re going to finish this run baby boy let’s go now I got snowballs with me I have

Snowballs so that means that we hopefully won’t mess this up why am I like foreshadowing so badly right now why am I doing this was I just trying to eat going into the portal am I stupid okay okay uh set set everything up set set that get that uh my God oh my

God oh my God this is so slow oh my God it took you one hour to lose three one three three runs no it didn’t what yeah okay okay I tried to be cool by block extending and I just messed myself up I can’t be cool one two three four five

Six now place a bed go over here what are they just staring at me for the stupid Enderman and they get mad at me for staring at them but then when they stare at me oh my God I forgot to build down and I just and I killed myself I

Killed myself I’m good at this game I’m very good I don’t know why I jumped you’re supposed to just like you’re supposed to just jump to place a bed but not jump to uh break or like explode the bed but I I jump for some reason because my brain went like okay

You got to jump here but no you don’t you’re not supposed to jump there all right all right all right listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen shut up who knows maybe I’m going to mess it up as well like who know who knows maybe

I’m G to mess up the one cycle once I actually do everything right cuz like one cycling without obsidian like one cycling without obsidian is kind of difficult for me go down go down go down please please hurry there’s stupid Sandstone here why does why does sandstone exist so dumb I

Know like I mean I it kind of like exists uh kind of more to like pre prevent sand from just falling down just like in the middle of terrain like in a desert or something when there’s like caves but there’s no other use for it it’s just a stupid block

Bro what oh my God I just so bad at this game I’m actually so bad at this game okay get get snowballs and I forgot to craft a boat typical me all right there we go boom boom this house just never loads it takes like two and a half years to load

What the hell was that what the hell was that actually why do I get a hay bale here I don’t even use hay bales to do mlgs it’s kind of just a waste of time now way I actually hit that MLG for once please no mobs here

Please just a stupid oh my God oh my God oh my God can can you guys can you guys go away dude bro bro bro why was there I thought it was only that stupid stupid like villager adult zombie and there’s just stupid babies zombie I hate baby zombies all right everyone hates

Baby zombies There’s No One there’s no one in this world who likes baby zombies why do they even exist why why are baby zombies why okay yeah that’s a good question why are baby zombies oh my God so always just when I get into that

One cave it’s like it’s I always find a couple of M there’s never no there’s never no mobs is that even a is that even a correct sentence there’s never a case where there’s no mobs in that cave that’s what I’m trying to say Don’t mine at night dude move I almost died to that explosion because it didn’t go like behind the tree fast enough what is this a joke only three logs dude why does e not open the inventory just go why are you like this were you born this way it didn’t even make sticks

Either snowballs don’t forget don’t forget don’t forget a bucket bucket almost forgot I remember I remember I said yes three logs I might have said that cuz I think three lcks is like the minimum but one time I got like five like three locks is the minimum

Amount that you need if you get any more it’s kind of just like a waste of inventory but it kind of still just feels good to get more than three what huh did I hope I’m not the only one that just saw that please please no mobs please oh

There’s a bunch oh my God go away go away go away go away just leave me leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone you’re not allow you’re not allowed in here only I’m allowed in here B easy now watch me fail this because I’m so cocky just kidding I was joking

Can’t you tell I’m goated I’m the best of this game hi creeper I wanted I wanted him to explode cuz I didn’t want to I didn’t want him following me into here okay I knew I knew I knew I knew that I knew that you were probably going

To sense something like that or something like questioning what I said bro go away I’m about to get the get the lava please bro I’m about to lose the Run of silverfish silverfish can go kill themselves I hate silverfish uh I need this I need that I

Need that I need this and I that and then I need and and I need can I do it probably not but let’s hope I almost looked that dude in the eyes yeah now 9% loss rate 1% win rate the odds are definitely my favor oh

Wait why did you have to spit out dragon breath you idiot what is wrong with you okay place down a bed think no no no no go what oh my God that’s actually that’s actually what okay seriously what was that that could not have gone

Worse that was okay I messed it up that I messed it up that was actually bad that was horrible why would you say that what is wrong with you yeah okay the yeah dragon breath killed me as well again I bro that was the furthest I’ve gotten I got the dragon to half

Health I I should rethink my life why am I deciding to speedrun this this is they’re probably goingon to get me nowhere man wait what is it restarting Minecraft why what what Minecraft just crashed on me for real like for real for real right now are you kidding

Me imagine I was in the middle of a run they just show me like the pink screen you like at the beginning where it says Mojang Studios but the Mojang Studios was just gone it was just a pink screen presenting Minecraft by Pink screen yeah I love how responsive my dude I

Love how responsive my computer is it’s actually amazing actually super amazing I love it I I I love it I love how I’m clicking and it’s not opening Minecraft there we go dude should I practice like one cycling because I I’m I’m right I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m e

You can do this dude uh probably not wait okay let me just like let me go in this world let me go in this world I just want to practice one cycling the Dragon dude I’ve I’ve gained 20 subscribers in the last month I looked on YouTube’s

Video and then it it told me like it was 250% more than last month because I only started streaming in like late December where the hell is a oh yeah okay this way just going to go into creative real quick just gonna I’m going to go to the stronghold actually wait no I have a better idea you’re stuck on 198 since last month you’re not stuck on 98 you’re stuck on

199 I wonder who that 199 subscriber is for can I set my spawn point in the end okay I’m just going to do spawn point cannot be sent in this Dimension who are you to tell me what to do okay Dragon can you heal faster please dude heal

Up you’re such an idiot stupid little stupid little stupid stupid little stupid little okay he’s finally healed right right right finally try this boom one two three four five six and then uh do a little bit of that and then yep yeah is just take take the damage from

The dragon breath cuz that’s that’s man for you for this Strat all right here we go and I killed myself I’m good at this game oh wait look how look how close it was I wish I I was really close to killing the dragon dude if I’m if I’m this bad at killing

The dragon then how am I ever dude oh my God how am I ever going to one cycle him if I’m this bad wait is he still perched oh no that was that was a new perch oh and the lava’s gone that’s cool I feel like all I need to do now is

Just wait from the PCH again cuz he’s literally one shot one shot the hit game that is really underrated honestly I don’t I I I think I can just kill him with a pickaxe but I want to kill him with a bed there we go no I nearly killed him I nearly

Killed him but I didn’t man it took you one to three hours I’ve been streaming for less than an hour also no that was also just a practice round to see if I can one cycle the dragon or not I didn’t even I didn’t even complete a run yet

But this this is the run right here you’re watching the one and only run that I’m going to finish you’re watching it right now actually you’re not because it’s still generating a world all my training has led up to this point I’m going to get a sub five minute

Run and I’m going to be the the most goated something your internet is also generating for how long I fellow W was hi step oh my God oh four logs cool I actually didn’t need that fourth one but still bro I I was almost about to craft leggings by

Mistake as you can see I’m I’m I’m very talented Minecraft player or something like that dude why is the iron there this is like the slowest I’ve ever crafted anything in my entire life move yeah I’m so good at this I’m so good at this game that I was even able

To like open that door without even knowing that it’s there well I actually didn’t know it was there because I’ve played this seed before I’m not I’m not dumb even though I am I don’t know what I’m saying forget about this please B what is a waa oh it’s like a meme

Cat and this Steph right here I know him he’s very addicted to anything that’s waa related okay can you just explode why won’t you explode oh my God that was horrible dude I need I need to I need to heal up bro this is this is bad this is

Horrible break the thing the the mouse glitch is happening again I’m kind of low on health because I missed that uh waa MLG but I kind of regenerated it all now so yep third viewer just joined yeah I think that’s Stu I think he was always here

Because I’m also one of the viewers I’m just reading the chat oh my God what is wrong with you oh my god dude dude dude can you leave me alone I don’t even want to look up because I’m probably going to look at an Enderman by mistake

Can you perch I ran I just ran out of food can you perch no no no no please don’t tell me I looked at him please don’t tell me I looked at him oh my God I just messed that up so horribly yep the runs rip bro what

Cha yeah I missed that I messed that up so badly I don’t think I should have exploded that final bed I think what I should have done instead was just waited for him to perch again because I think if I waited for him to perch again I could have just killed

Him man all right all right that now that what I said the last time was a joke I didn’t mean it when I said that that was a run I I I mean I meant this one was the run this one is the Run can you please just disable that

Okay yeah it was a great combination except for the fact that a Chihuahua is a dog and a w is a cat oh damn four viewers all right that’s someone new then welcome to the stream he hasn’t even said they haven’t even said anything yet but

Still I need to at least finish a run this can’t be this difficult I’ve done 10 runs and I can’t finish one I don’t even care if it’s not a sub five anymore I just want to finish a run that’s all I care about right now four four from

BFDI or BFB he’s not in BFDI I think where a place where I lose a lot of time at is crafting definitely oh my God oh my oh my oh my God cuz I make like stupid little small mistakes like that and it’s it messes me up so much Boom I hate my entire life just go in there please oh wait why am I going back out I should just break the window here oh my God I had a I have I had a brain for my brain went AFK guys I’m sorry invisible water source I love

Minecraft people in the nether are crying right now yeah because they they don’t get to see me this this very famous human human being called cappuccino who’s very good at Minecraft dude dude out of all times out of all times why dude I’m just going

To dig down here I don’t I don’t know if this is where I’m supposed to dig down I’m just digging down here because I can dude I’m going to I’m just going to shrip mine here why why out of out of all times out of all times like no out of

All mobs to be there why is it a witch is just so much time loss I it just reset boom that’s why I’m the best coffee maker I mean YouTuber didn’t I did not steal that joke from any viewers and I’m not going to give credit you’re a brain dead piece of

Cheese bro how do you how do you spell coffee wrong Kitty Where Have You Been have I not seen you before oh you’re so Portuguese hello everybody my name is marbl okay get this that and oh my God oh my God oh my God this is horrible

This is horrible this is horrible just like your life why do you exist you shouldn’t be existing see I lost a lot of time because that stupid witch made me like strip mine to like the other end of the world yeah five years I saw that okay can you stop it with your

Dragon breath your your breath stinks right you you know that you know your breath stinks dude one two three four five six the frames yes I am aware you don’t need to tell me that all right I am I’m very aware of the fact that this is not the best quality

Stream oh okay that’s a lot of damage oh but I might I might burn to death no please please survive please I don’t have any water why no oh my God how am I alive dude if I take a single hit I’m dead no dude the lava’s in the way I can’t do

Anything take the lava dude stupid block get the lava I got the lava now I I still can’t do anything cuz the dragon is still like halfway in the ground right now cuz ofup lava but this is this is losing way too much time this is losing way too much

Time bro can you can you just get out of the ground oh my God dude he’s healing more and more this is not good yeah he’s under the ground because of stupid lava and bro oh my God why why I’m I’m always so freaking close I I’m always so close I just can’t

I can’t one cycle him without obsidian I just won obsidian why does this world not have any obsidian if it had obsidian it would be so easy I would have already finished a run why does dream love beds I don’t know maybe because he sleeps in them

With George a lot or something I don’t know because he’s always dreaming because he’s always dreaming I I I totally did not expect that totally that’s that’s the most original joke ever get it cuz his name is dream and it’s not because he always sleeps in beds with George no it’s

Always because he’s dreaming that’s why he loves beds and no I do not ship George not found I’m not a Lo life what what do you mean by the camera Emoji I just said I don’t I don’t ship Dream not found I lost two viewers I’m

Aware of that I I can see the viewer count I I don’t always need to have you telling me how many viewers I have D how many logs that is that only two logs okay no it’s three logs how do trees get into the internet they log [Laughter] in

If dream and George had a baby then that that’s their ship name and don’t ask how I know that I swear I do not ship Dream not found bro what are you smiling at me for I don’t ship them why would I ship them dude I I’m telling you there’s going to

Be like 10 mobs at least in here what there’s not a single mob okay I’m gonna I’m G to try something new actually no you know what I’m just going to get the lava just in case but I’m I’m going to try not using the lava cuz it’s it’s just been messing with

Me all right I’m going to try to two cycle the dragon instead of one cycling him I don’t I don’t need to two cycle I I don’t need to one cycle him I just want to finish a run I can’t finish a single run and that’s in a god seed like

This is that not like the biggest sign that I suck at Minecraft what I’m going to do is I’m just going to do that then one two three four five six and then I dig down there and then I place a bed and then we

Do a little bit of that how what just happened I did not dude dude dude dude dude hold on hold on hold on I want I want to rewatch that I’m I’m looking at that let me see that let me see that I did okay it for some reason I

Double clicked right click but that I actually didn’t I said it earlier because my mouse is actually double clicking at random times and it’s so annoying I said that earlier and then it just messed me up there because for some reason it double clicked right click and

Then I place the bed earlier than when I wanted to which means that I also right click the bed oh my God this stupid dude I need to get a new mouse I need to get a freaking new mouse I need to get a new mouse why

Why are you doing this to me man why now I feel like that that did actually do like a good amount of damage I think let me rewatch The Stream okay I’m seeing that let me see that okay so I do six I do six crits on the

Dragon I dig down okay then I place a bed how much damage oh I can’t really see the dragon health because of have stupid you can’t see the dragon health because of the stupid like text at the top but I’m not removing it because I still need to get 400 Subs more

Important than anything this is attempt 12 no I literally can’t finish a single run it’s never going to happen never never never never never all right this is the run I’m going to get world record not only that but I’m also going to Rocket actually what’s actually the best German

Time maybe I can beat that one day and get the best time in Germany uh okay boom for the only funny skiy is skibby Bop and da and that’s a fact also what’s also a fact is that I suck at navigating the stupid terrain and just got lost like a bunch of seconds

There bro bro bro bro bro why do you double click why do you double click don’t double click it’s almost 1.5 years Oh you mean hour bro I was about to say what do you mean have I just been sitting here for one and a half years trying to finish a run

I’m not I’m not that bad at Minecraft listen I know I’m very bad at Minecraft but I’m not that bad to the point where I can like literally play this oh my God snowballs thank you so much for reminding me I almost forgot oh

My God oh my God oh my God thank you so much dude you’re already my favorite viewer bro why are you saying why would you say it like that come on bro bro bro what is it are we in Australia why are there so many spiders for

All right we’re three three minutes and six seconds in this is a horrible run but maybe I can at least finish one that rhy because I’m the best freestyler in uh is there a country that rhymes with one oh yeah I’m the best freestyler in the United Kingdom that kind of Rhymes but

I’m not actually from the United Kingdom I’m from deut say a if you’re not gay hey one two three four five six what no it double clicked again why did it double click again I meant to just Place one single bed and then it just double

Clicked dude I’m I’m so pissed my mouse is always is dude it’s always my mouse that’s just ruining everything for me there oh my God every time I make it to the end my mouse is just like no I’m a double click bro I’m just going to mess with

You no dude oh my God why can I just why don’t I just have a good mouse that doesn’t double click when I don’t want it to why does my mouse double click in the first place why does it do that I do have Minecraft Java but uh I

Just play Bedrock cuz I like it more just let just just a better version in my opinion runs better has better features and has better sees as well all right now that now that we have six viewers I’m actually going to uh actually play Minecraft with skill and not suck at the

Game with six people watching I’m to I’m definitely going I’m going to I’m going to I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m with six people watching I am definitely going to beat the game and actually finish run I’m GNA do it I’m

Going to do it if if you don’t trust me then uh then uh um yeah if you don’t trust me then you just don’t trust me because even if you don’t trust me I’m going to do it I’m going to do it even if you don’t believe in me I’m

Going to do it now that there’s six people watching I I I I I’m I’m I I I I I dude where are all the logs are only only two logs it’s just a joke yeah but I’m I’m I’m I’m returned okay I’m just gonna I’m just

GNA remember this I’m just gonna say this to myself right here uh don’t forget to get uh snowballs please remember and don’t be an idiot why where’s my where’s my boat what it didn’t craft my boat you beat world record in getting TNT personally you like Java more

Because it’s more customizable fair I mean I think Java has better mods as well okay I I actually just I I lost time because the Villager closed the door in my face no wonder I always enslave them in every single survival oh my God I don’t have water I actually don’t have

Water wait what am I going down here for without water dude I need to get water from here dude oh my God yeah that I’m sorry that Isa Point all you six viewers but this is a horrible run I didn’t get water for some reason 79,000 views on my short yeah I know

That I privated like all the rest of my shorts but except that one because it’s literally like the most viewed piece of content on my entire channel so I kept that it’s still getting like 2,000 views each month wait where am I bro this is I went in

The wrong side of the Ravine yeah this is if if I manag to finish this run I’d actually be kind of mad because I actually want I want to have I want to finish a good run not a terrible one like this one then make new run no I don’t even

Have a PB so I’m I’m not I’m not even running against anything right now I’m just running against nothing literally I’m not running against any time I can just take my time dude uh bro I’m hoping my mouse isn’t G to mess me up I’m actually praying that my mouse

Isn’t going to mess me up it’s Pro probably is going to double click and then just kill me please don’t do that I’m begging you mouse please well I’m actually I’m actually so bad at this game to the point where I’m actually like talk to inanimate objects yeah this is this is set

Seed cuz otherwise I wouldn’t really have gotten that one in a trilliant chance of that portal being already lit okay okay okay Mouse don’t you dare double click all right I’m gonna I’m gonna recycle the dragon that’s how desperate I am to just finish a

Run I just want to finish run I’m just going to three cycle I don’t care bro what the heck dragon imagine dragon imagine dragon de nut just kidding one two three four five six okay he’s almost de dead oh my God bro it’s 52 dude 525 on the timer oh no

No no no no no no no no no please I’m not going I’m not about to add to the dragon breath I’m I’m almost killing this dude I’ve almost killed this dude and I’m not about to die to his own breath because it smells like crap

Dude if I if I choke this somehow cuz no he’s so low dude it’s so low there’s no way I choke this there’s literally no way all I had to do was right click and then go in the stupid Fountain no no no no no I can’t even finish one run even

When trying to recycle this idiot bro even when three cycling him I can’t kill him is this a joke oh my I know I I I literally lost count I what 10 this is I think it’s 14 I don’t even know oh my God this is I’m not throwing for Content all right

I’m actually like trying to finally finish a run but even went recycling the dragon it’s not enough but dragon breath is like the most OP thing ever it needs to be nerfed dude I’m trying I’m trying okay I’m trying it was so low bro I just had

To right click dude I messed up the last input of the game I like the last single input of the game I mean I still had to move inside the fountain but that was like the last right click of the entire game and I messed it up all right that’s already horrible

Movement I want to reset but I’m not going to dude when I press e it takes like two and a half years just to enter this freaking inventory it’s so annoying what is that is that seriously One log is that one log no no no there’s no way that’s just

One log no no no no no no no no I’m not this game just wants me to to fail at this point I’m not continuing that I got I got one log from that explosion I think he’s asking what your in like in what your uh name tag

Is or like your in-game name that’s capuccino no wait I have a better one hold on yeah that’s my name I hope you get it because you definitely should you should understand it no it’s not it’s it’s definitely it’s not cap cats Chino oh my God I fell in here

What no no no no that’s the first time that’s ever happened to me and probably anyone ever like it’s probably the first time that’s happened in the history of speedr running dude hurry and craft faster dude I I need to seriously like learn how to craft faster cuz I am horrible at

It at least you finally typed in your stream I forgot to get snowballs I’m just getting them on the way did you only take one piece of rad bro are you are you stupid my mom’s talking to the background don’t mind her I for sure thought I missed that but I I somehow

Didn’t oh but I missed that that’s the same way I missed it just a couple of runs ago me I wore a mask with a smile for hours the time bro but the fact is I’m still going to try to recycle the dragon actually I could try to two cycle him

Maybe what’s my time uh it’s 4:30 p.m. for it’s 9:00 P p.m. in India oh cool you’re in India bro this dragon has something against me bro I think he’s racist cuz I am from the Middle East I’m actually an immigrant I live in Germany but I’m from the Middle East average Arab

Immigrant bro what there we go one two three four five oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I finished a run I finished a run five 523 oh that was so bad but I finished a run Bro oh my God that was not worth it bro that that’s a horrible time that’s not worth it but I I have a time that I can run against at least oh my God that’s so stupid bro like the fact like I’m not I’m not I’m not proud

Of that run not not one bit that was horrible I two cycled the dragon I made some mistakes along the way it was just it was just like slow it was just slow in general the world record is like three minutes faster but I at least finished a run and

I have one heart I could literally kill myself with snowballs oh my God I’m just going to drown myself he subscribed thank you the the ultimate um something I don’t know I was going to say something but then I just realized it does not make a single bit of sense

Dude we gained four subscribers this stream what the hell this is probably like my most successful stream ever what the hell I gained four subscribers in one stream you guys are crazy oh my God thank you so much I don’t know if I’m G to end the

Stream should I keep doing runs what do you you guys decide should I keep doing runs you never streamed keep doing runs all right then all right uh I’m gonna try to practice one cycling I it’s I’m probably going to suck at it but there’s there’s multiple ways of

One cycling and it’s it saves like 20 seconds instead of like two cycling so I’m going to try to do that um it’s it’s like I forgot what it’s called but I’m just going to show you guys hold on let me go in like let me go in

This Bro Brawl star ads are so annoying Mr PE bro what are you killing me for I I was literally AFK what you kill me for bro it’s racist apparently like one cycling is easier in mobile cuz you can go into first person and then because like mobile doesn’t have the Crosshair you

Can like tap anywhere on the screen so you can go you can go in third person and then just like place the beds without jumping why am I stuck okay that that sounds weird don’t sexualize that please uh let me see how to do it

Okay I’ll show you guys in a bit hold on bro show this show the one cycle what are you doing stupid video let me dislike this oh wait a minute doesn’t even matter cuz like disliking doesn’t do anything on YouTube anymore oh okay that’s how to do it

Okay okay I know I know how to do it I’m I’m going to return to chat so I can re chat again okay that’s not auto correct I I do I can tell you’re lying to me right I can tell that you actually just typed that because if that was auto correct

Then auto correct has some problems bro okay I want a lava bucket like that and then I’m going to uh uh yeah n crystals is what I need I’m just going to revive him bro there we go so I’m going to show you guys what kind of one cycle I want to do

I don’t know if it’s easy or not but let’s see I what’s what’s good Toby I nice speedrun you just missed me finishing my very first run I’m I’m so I’m so proud of myself even though it’s like three SEC it’s like three minutes slower than the world record I’m so good aren’t

I can you place a respawn anchor like in the end I don’t think so what time it was 5:23 the W record is like 227 okay I’m just going to show you guys if if the stupid dragon is going to perch then I’ll show you guys but I

Can’t really show if he’s not perch in that’s why I hate this Dragon he’s a freaking idiot oh he’s birching there we go one two three one two three and then I place the lava oh my God I hate you that worked beautifully oh I know why

That didn’t work I’m actually an idiot I forgot to throw the snowball bro no wonder that didn’t work no wonder that didn’t work I’m a I’m a total idiot I man I I I I I I’m I who wants Capo’s location yeah Capo that’s like my name for short okay why am

I there we go man do you really do not know my my name for short what what kind of viewer are you no you’re getting banned for just for for that just just despite the fact that you don’t know my name for short I can’t believe it what what kind

Of viewer are you you’re such a disappointments just unsubscribe from me just kidding don’t please stay subscribed please yeah dude okay tow Tickler what the hell huh cap Pino no don’t unsubscribe wait he actually unsubscribed I I can’t believe you man I cannot believe you bro okay my mom is being kind of

Loud please forgive me for that I can’t do anything about it perch you stupid dragon is an Enderman attacking me okay bro the Enderman is attacking me bro broo BR bro broo bro bro do you want me to explode a bed in your face bro okay I’m probably de

I swear to God bro I swear to God I swear to God I don’t know what I’m swearing to God for I swear to God n nonetheless I I I I’m I I I’m I’m I’m I don’t recall looking at that Enderman he unsubscribe why’ you unsubscribe I can’t believe you

Man dude Purge I just want to practice this one cycle yeah okay okay yeah I don’t know why I always say that it’s just it’s so fun to say what the hell bro bro what I didn’t look at you guys I didn’t look at you what do you

Want from me why are there three after me I didn’t look at them oh my God I did look at them I did not look at them can I just practice the the dragon isn’t even perching dude leave me alone I’m no bro bro bro bro bro yeah you you spelled it

Right just you need the slash at the beginning you idiot yeah of course when I’m in Creative that’s when he purches I I love you Dragon you’re amazing subscribe if you want your family back you can hear my family yeah what about it I said I’m saying

Subscribe if you want your family back not my family one are you kidding me I gave you I gave you one hit are you are are you that sensitive I can’t practice this stupid one cycle cuz the dragon is not cooperating stop stop throwing stop like stop something I don’t know I can’t

Speak stop using the stupid dragon breath first of all your breath smells and second of all you’re not cooperating stop flying around and cooperate just perch yeah you can bring back your family by subscribing the hit button not a speedrun it’s a slow walk this isn’t even a speedrun right bro the

Enderman got pissed at me go away dude I ha I hate you I hate I I I hate you why I didn’t even look at him game mode I typed game mode by mistake bro every time I go into every time I go into creative the St dragon

Purches and then he just flies away when I go back to survival why does he always do this I want to practice I can’t practice cuz he won’t Purge and the stupid Enderman I’m not even looking at them and they get so pissed can you Purge please I’ll even subscribe to you Ender

Dragon if if you purge just like how you should subscribe to me bro what’s up guys guys my name is Ender Dragon welcome back to another Banner cap cap cap bro he’s not purging why won’t you purge he doesn’t even take this long oh dude I’m gonna

No he’s not perching he’s not going to perch he’s just not going to perch Purge why did you take this long I hate you so much bro he’s not perching I actually feel like my game is glitched actually don’t know what’s happening he’s not perching I swear to God he should have

Perched like at least four times by now he hasn’t perched once why is he not perching what if I just go into creative like I don’t know why he loves it when I go into creative so I’m just gonna go into creative ask him nicely hey Dragon I I

Want I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m he perched he perched he perched he perched dude I was about to go into survival up here stop Flying I just I not did you guys not just see that I went into survival and he disappeared he just like straight he

Just straight up left as soon as I went into survival Dragon why perch perch I’m GNA send death threats to your entire family and all of your relatives if you don’t perch right now and I mean this literally well you don’t care you don’t you don’t care about you don’t care about your

Stupid uh family you want you want them to have death threats sent to them you don’t even care you’re not even going to perch you don’t even care he doesn’t even care I can’t believe it oh my God oh my God one two three four five six so now

What I do is I go one two three one two three and now I go this way that was horrible no that was actually horrible all the I just waited all that time just for the one cycle not to not even work that was a terrible attempt man I just wanted to practice

And this is literally taking longer than all my attempts combined cuz he just would not perch but I think it fixed it now I hope if he perches perch perch perch perch perch no I think my game is broken okay there we go Jesus uh dragon dragon dragon dragon a dragon a dragon

Dude I don’t know I don’t know what was wrong with him bro you know what I’m just going to I’m just going to run I’m just going to do speed runs I don’t know what was wrong with him this time he was uh a little a little stupid I’m I’m going to keep

Doing runs now I I don’t know why he was acting that way my game was just completely broken like first first of all he wouldn’t Purge for like 20 minutes and second of all he just like he just disappeared into the ground and and my Game just crashed this is a very entertaining

Stream guys I I still don’t know how you guys are still staying because my my game crashed twice I literally did practice for like 20 minutes Oh my God bro I’m turning into Mr Incredible well I mean there’s there’s one there’s one plus side on um the fact that this frame is horrible and I gained four subscribers and I met a lot of new viewers which is always very good and there’s like two hours of loading time as well you are Mr Coffee

Maker no I am Mr White plus five wait what I think I had I had I had 300 I had 386 at the beginning of this yeah I I had 386 at the beginning of the stream so I gained four all right um yeah waiting two hours is everyone’s favorite activity yeah

Okay I might do like a a couple of like a couple of minutes pizza break yeah after this run I’ll do like a a pizza break for like a couple of minutes yeah of I had I had zero subscribers before the stream started how could I forget I gain 390

Subscribers I I still have Java but like I rarely play it I haven’t played it in so long for a subscriber Minecraft server uh I mean I could but I I maybe I I’ll enable like geyser so that Bedrock player can join as well I mean I I could do that yeah but

I’d have to do it with aernos and then it wouldn’t be like online the entire time which would be kind of annoying yeah if you only have Bedrock it’s fine I can just like make a server and then it would be like geyser so that it would have Joba

Physics and like combat but you can still play if you play on bedrock oh I hate you stupid villager you made me lose so much time that was an amazing MLG like I think we can all agree that that was the best MLG I’ve ever done ever why won’t

You get why won’t you pick up the water watch watch there be like 20 mobs in here oh no there only two spiders that’s cool we we we cool dude go away I read chat and then I yeah yeah been for foree spee all right uh I have like no

Health which is an amazing sign that’s yeah that’s that’s a great sign the fact that I have like no health I this could not have gone better so like I said after this run I’ll do like a pizza break okay this is not looking good because of the amount of Health I have

How did you know I was speaking oh yeah right right I I mentioned that I was from Germany no wonder bro I’m stupid okay first first of all no no no no we go like that and then bop bop bop bop what why is the dragon so high up in the first

Place I I hate I hate you so much dragon breath is the most annoying thing ever dude I might die I think I’m G to die I’m yeah I’m definitely going to die oh my god dude I’m either going to die from dragon breath or Enderman or

Something oh no no no no no no there’s no no no oh no why I all right whatever that’s a reset I’m going to do a little pizza break you subscribe to me on my on your other accounts bro thank you what the hell you did not have to do that thank

You so much the 392 subscribers I gained six subscribers in this bro six freaking subscribers in one stream are you guys cuckoo ah ow my leg hurts bro ow I haven’t moved it in so long bro two two Moises what do you mean two Moises wait I’m echoing how am I echoing

Yes you’re to you’re very cuckoo in general like I said I’m eating some pizza right now so I can’t can’t like do gaming and uh and uh eat pizza so you know just eating pizza in general needs to just be like something that you should do without doing much else

Besides maybe talking to viewers that’s the one thing you can do while eating pizza mustard is weird bro I agree who want you who want to see my base in Minecraft create what why are you promoting things in my chat I mean there’s no rule that says

You can’t do that but I would prefer if you don’t Frappuccino oh yeah I remember in school there there’s a girl that I hate we hate each other and um I told her I was actually Asian and she didn’t believe me she went like you’re not Asian Asia is

Like countries like Japan Korea China um India Jess and then like bro I was bro I was just thinking to myself yeah AIA only has four countries oh okay okay there’s not like a completely different side of Asia that has Arab countries nope doesn’t exist you’re making it looked like that that

Those are two different people chatting but those are literally the same people yeah welcome back I’m still finishing Pizza papacino papino doesn’t exist I’m fatherless a mukbang and a speedrun stream yeah I’m the avocado even though I’m like literally infinite infinitely times skinnier than him I’m skinny as hell I love Cheese my the nikocado coded screams are so funny like there’s some there V coted to like Mr Rage and then when he screams it just sounds exactly like the original song is it Domino’s Pizza Hut or KFC um it’s Starbucks they sell pizza no you’ve you’ve um you’ve chatted before

On my stream can I swear um yeah I can but I decide not to you can swear in the chat yeah go ahead no Starbucks does not sell pizza I was joking why the hell would Starbucks sell pizza I’ve sworn on this stream but the worst thing I said was like [ __ ]

I don’t even know what I’m eating from it’s not like one of those it’s not like one of those big pizza places it’s like a less known one I don’t even know the name of it my family just bought it you eat like a not famous pizza yeah there’s a lot of pizza

Places there’s not only like three yo to you don’t remember now why do you have a Ukraine on your flag I do not want to get political even though I have Ukraine on my pfp what do you mean even if I’m German Germany is not on Russia’s side what do you

Mean rest in peace mustard hater and welcome ketchup lover wait is this even a 106 I don’t know I’m talking about pfp oh yeah I made it like two years ago and I never I like never bothered to change it like I never even bothered to change

Even though like it’s not you know the war is still going on it’s still like it’s not a trend anymore so people don’t know that like there there’s the the the war is still happening so yeah method lover methine lover methamphetamine rules bro I I wish that was my name man

Like why can’t my name just be methampetamine rules that would be the best name ever don’t you guys agree I only got two logs out of that I only got two logs out of that I only got two logs that is that is stupid that that is just that is just straight up

Dumb you said shover like cappuccino shoved Pizza in my mouth well I mean I was trying to eat I was trying to eat pizza like I was trying to eat the pizza fast why won’t you go in the inventory I I swear I pressed e like at

Least three times and he did not go in the inventory do you know Hindi I can’t say a single word in in Hindi that is why you don’t play on Bedrock no that that wasn’t even like the fact that it was B what excuse me what theck

Hell but like that wasn’t even like the fact that it was Bedrock it was just the fact that I think it was because I was pressing W after I pressed E bro it’s so laggy blood said Hindi wa is that not how you say it dude and my mouse is glitching and I

Can’t M blocks and I hate my life literally the easiest thing I’ve ever done in my life it did not get easier than this does anyone in this chat speak Mongolian I probably just kidding no Mongolian is like who even knows how to speak Mongolian like who even who even is from

Mongolia I don’t know a single person that’s from Mongolia I’ve never met anyone from Mongolia ever I feel like like Mongolia is ginormous it’s a huge country but just people it’s like so it’s so Um what’s it called like it’s so big but it’s also like it has the worst not the worst but like the lowest population density in the world there like one person per uh I forgot what it was but I don’t know if it was like one person per two square kilm I actually

Forgot but it’s like it’s something insane it’s very low something something bad something b b something B yeah 3 million is not a lot for the fact that it’s so huge of a country how am I missing oh my God I did not even look at you

What do you want I didn’t even look at this Enderman I did not look at him bro I don’t know what I’m going to do I actually don’t know but I’m so low now I only have two snowballs if if I if I miss one snowball then it’s

Over and I he killed me bro I I didn’t I did not look at that Enderman I want to I want to rewatch The Stream and see if I looked at that Enderman in any in any point like at any point any single point did I look at any Enderman let me see

Okay so the dragon perched and then when did I look at the interman when I literally did not look at I did not even look at the Enderman I swear to God I just re-watched it I rewatched it and I did not even look at the Enderman I did

Not you should actually start a server when I’m done with a speedrun uh I guess sure I’ll do that yeah I still have no idea I still have no idea how to pronounce your name but yeah hitbox says you did bro bro I know that but I did I wait I I

Couldn’t even see the Enderman before like I looked up to throw the snowballs at the Ender Dragon I looked up and then I the Enderman just the Enderman just appeared he just appeared I don’t know what happened it’s like the Enderman didn’t even exist before I started throwing the Snowballs wait a

Second wait a minute what if the snowball hit the Enderman and then like when you throw a project if you like throw a projectile at an Enderman they always like teleport away and then get mad at you dude if that’s what happened I’m actually going to jump out of the window Bro how hi polar bear you’re you’re friendly right cuz you you don’t have a cub okay that’s good this is very slow crafting I know B Bop I was so laggy and I still did it that’s how easy it is that’s how that’s how easy this game is it’s a kids

Game wait did I swear oh I’m not 12 I’m five hey I’m not a kid I’m five years old which is really freaking old if you didn’t know that you’re offending my 5-year-old skibbidy toilet Community I love skiy toilet oh my God what do you mean what the

Hell your mommy said you can only watch three hours of Sky toilet so you destroy the entire house I would do the same thing my mom only allows me one and a half hours daily before that she would only allow me like two hours

Weekly but now I can watch a lot of skiy toilet a lot more than last time thankfully I love skiy toilet one two three four five six you’re two years old uh that’s cool but you watch give the toilet though that’s the thing all right he perched he perched he

Perched he perched he perched oh my God oh my God oh my God Jokes Aside Jokes Aside Jokes Aside no that okay that works one two three four five six no no please oh my God you ruined my life you ruined everything you ruined everything you ruined literally everything oh I

Hate you so much where are you go away did you forget about me no he did not he’s right there I’m dead just kill me I think I didn’t even look at him I think that was because I missed a snowball and it hit the Enderman again

Oh that’s so annoying bro I was on PB P yeah bro that was like genuine though like that was genuine I actually wanted to just like H just to like to piss off man just what are the odds that I threw a snowball right to where an Enderman

Is what are the odds this happened twice in a row now as well yeah of course I wanted to piss I didn’t want him to p i I didn’t want him to piss off I just wanted to piss goooo Gaga why is there a turtle there I found master ugay in Minecraft

Bro put the put the TNT what are you doing bro yeah I love how the TNT sound only happened like two hours later also bro only two logs why only two logs this game is mocking me Minecraft fun facts Minecraft fact speed running makes a Super Omega poop skib toilet lover I mean

Loser both are pretty bad though also I’m aware that that didn’t it didn’t even it didn’t even say skibby toilet in the thing I just skippity toilet came to mind for some reason but I disclaimer I actually don’t watch skiy toilet please don’t think I’m like a 5-year-old who actually watches skiy

Toilet in their free time that was a joke of course I do that that was just a joke I would never dis disrespect skiy toilet it’s the best thing ever why just why he he shut the door in my face SK toilet SK SK I don’t know why

This entire stream I’ve just been talking about skiy toilet I love how laggy it is it’s making it look so stupid what I have x-ray can you move game what just happened fun fact Minecraft fun fun facts sounds like minecrap fun facts dude the CRA oh my God the stupid

Spider the Itsy Bitsy Spider just decided to jump down with me please don’t follow me please don’t follow me please don’t tell me they’re following me please don’t follow me oh I didn’t even notice you said farts Minecraft Minecraft fun farts bro why is the stupid Dragon like halfway in the

Ground can you perge please can you can you Purge please thank you it’s time to die now Dragon it’s time to get sub five minutes no no there we go go one two three four five six I hope I didn’t like accidentally hit an Enderman again I I have a pearl oh my

God oh my God oh my God oh my God that that was like an immense amount of lag but I have a pearl now so I I I guess I could maybe use that somehow he’s down again why are you down again what are you doing here one two three four five

Six build up I dude I need okay that did not just happen bro that did not just happen that did not just that did not I Ender pearled and then hit the dragon I Ender pearled and it hit the dragon it hit the freaking Dragon it hit the dragon

Bro I I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t ever finish a run it hit the dragon but I was literally nowhere near it I think the reason I died is because I got I got caught on fire earlier that took so much damage I and I

Didn’t have any bread on me okay maybe I’ll just bring like the apples with me next time can you start a server soon can you stop asking me I’ll do it after the Stream I want to like get one more PB skippity toilet skippity skippity toilet skippity toilet skippity skippity

Toil I know I don’t need to end the stream for it but I just want to do it after the stream Don’t force me to do anything please gogg go D deck dby dick I don’t know why I just I I love that name for some Reason I’m not trying to be offensive but the the name just sounds funny that’s offensive I’m G get canceled on Twitter that’s so offensive f n dot f n dot F what the hell that could not have gone worse there was there was one block of water one single block of water and I managed to put the boat in that one single block and it literally phased through all the the ice cuz that makes sense it

Makes a lot of sense I don’t know why I’m yapping about it it makes so much sense it’s 10 you got to sleep by a well uh good night I guess uh no seriously though like thank you so much for like sticking in the Stream and subscribing

Bro okay there’s three zombies can can you guys like can you guys like maybe go and suck a something B that was an amazing MLG that that I not going to lie that was probably the best MLG I’ve ever done like ever like probably like Like you’re not sleeping oh okay then bad night I said good night earlier I’m going to say bad night cuz you lied to me what kind of viewer Are you seriously what’s wrong with you Fies guess what then guess what chicken butt you need to get drunk be right back I’m aware it says drink I said drunk on purpose you’re not sleep sleeping man what is wrong with you why you not sleeping you lied to me I thought I thought you I thought you said

You were going to go to sleep are you kidding me man that’s a bit rude I might just stick a knife in your chest for so where where’s boat no boat what the hell I thought boat was like in the oh my God that was so slow

Cuz I look for the boats and the thing but I just I don’t know where it was that’s a little stupid isn’t it that was the best question ever that was the best question ever where is boat you think to or dby deck left maybe this is so slow because I’m just

Getting extra food just in case because I always run out at the end get out of the way stupid villager po wait the water is still back there why I thought I picked it up I placed the water like so late I have no idea how I managed to live that

And I’m I’m I’m still like on the other side of the world and not where I’m supposed to be please respond the world famous coffee maker well I have no idea what you’re saying because I’m focused on the game can you perch no no perch into me perch on the stupid Fountain you

Idiot bro stop it with the dragon breath he’s just spamming it okay I hope I don’t miss the stupid snowball and then just like accidentally hit an Enderman or something because it’s happened a fair bit one two three four five six no no no no no no no I hate you so

Much I hate you so much I hope you die in something I I hope you something oh my God his dragon breath is op yeah that is a fountain to I literally don’t know what you mean it’s actually a fountain I know it definitely doesn’t look like a fountain but it’s actually a

Fountain it’s been like two and a half hours what dude what is your like perception of time now because always the stupidest things happen to Me angle you started watching 7:30 well here’s the the thing though you probably didn’t start watching at 7:30 because I checked how long the stream was going for and it said 2:45 2 hours 45 oh my God is it is that only one log oh that’s two okay it’s fine it’s

Fine it’s fine I’ll just mine another one it’s fine it’s it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine bro make the bucket it’s fine it’s fine dude oh I I think I went like one block too far but it’s fine dude my

God I’m so bad to the point where I fail a simple freaking water MLG how old are you actually I am 65 years old and I am a PDF file let me let me spell it out for you that’s what I am right there a 65y old PDF file you’re

4,928 that’s pretty young my father’s 50008 oh you’re 48 that’s pretty old my father’s only 12 oh you’re 49 oh that’s pretty old actually no that’s pretty young still my father is 28 dude I love Minecraft what do you mean what did you not understand me that was so

Slow okay that that’s a good amount of logs what do you mean I did not say that I mean I I’m I I can feel afraid to say it but I decide not to maybe sometimes I slip up and say something like that which I literally

Don’t care about because I mean I kind of I mean I I decide not to say things like that because uh because YouTube but if I want to then I can say things like that but I actually I actually don’t recall saying that though why are there like five polar bears here

Guys what one is your favorite Huggy wuggy seek scary blue zumbo sauce ban ban um nabnab okay break the stupid glass you look like sky from India bro bro bro bro bro bro are you stalking me cuz I my friends like when I face reveal to them

I actually like they told me that I look like Sky oh my God I missed that terribly do you play Roblox I mean rarely but yeah I mean I’m I I I help my friends like make games I like I kind of I’m terrible at making games in Roblox

Studio but I try my best my my friends are like 10 times worse though so I like carry them in every project we make how did I know you look like smelly in real life uh I don’t think his name is smelly you’re developing on T games

Right now okay cool but like we you can tell that we’re very original game creators in Roblox because one of our games is called escape the SpongeBob Obby ow ow ow I I hate I I hate dragon breath it’s the most OP thing in this game and it needs to be

Nerfed okay can you perge I actually asked him nicely and he actually went to the Fountain that’s so nice of you 1 2 3 4 5 six so now I go over over here I go over here now let’s hope I have enough blocks yeah I I I definitely have enough blocks

It’s not even a question at this point oh god oh go oh god oh oh God oh God oh God oh God I I messed it up I oh I missed I messed it up I messed it up this is this is oh no oh I choked maybe if he purches

Again I can maybe do it I have 10 seconds left please please please please please please it’s over bro it’s over it’s over no oh my God that’s so painful a my God I just kill kill me just kill me that’s so painful I missed the final bed I did it too

Late oh my God I I could have got a sub five minute run there actually I missed the final bed bro I would have done it it I would have freaking done it I would have done it this right here is the attempt all right I’m I’m very serious right now and

Uh I want to speak to you very clearly I’m not going to reset this run because there’s not going to be any reason to reset it because it’s going to be the best run ever and it’s going to get world record and break it by like 2

Minutes that’s right the time that I’m going to get on this run is 27 seconds on the dots all right dude go you’re going to build Lego okay have fun dude this is this is so bad I went like the completely wrong way and I tried to like uh

Maneuver but it went terribly wrong Al like my favorite word in the English language is probably the word refurbishment because it’s so freaking Goofy dude go no one’s here this is a dub a big fat w no please oh oh my God Indian Skippy did you realize he said bold

Lego yes I I actually did just kidding I did not I did not realize that there’s so much silverfish there’s so many what the hell but also like I feel like that uh when there’s a lot of silverfish in one area they kind of like completely own

You like they usually when there’s just one silverfish it’s just like okay what’s he going to do but when there’s multiple they’re they have no mercy they’re they’re ruthless when there’s more than one he py py py py pery pery pery I don’t know what six means but okay oh God

Uh this is a little SC scary I don’t really like this oh God dragon breath once again most OP thing in Minecraft no doubt those are the most annoying thing no doubt oh my God oh my God how did I kill him with one bed okay 506 I killed him with two beds

Instead of three somehow uh I got a 506 this okay we’re nearly out of sub five my god um that was really that was uh man all right I I I’ll make the server now we got a 506 that’s a new PB finally second win yeah that was

Okay man okay uh I’ll go make the server don’t worry guys that was uh that was a pretty good run I’m still burning it’s going to be an eternal server so I’m sorry but I need to like manually make it online maybe should should I stream like us playing on the

Server would that be cool okay it’s going to be a it’s going to be a oh wait wait wait wait wait IP let me say the IP in chat all right it’s going to be Java okay create now I’m going to add the geyser thing let me copy the IP

Okay how do I add geyser let me see SK toilet SK toilet to toilet toilet yeah geyser means bedrock and Java all right let me let me actually look up how to do this how to add geyser how to make a Gua server in Minecraft eternos

How to set up Geer MC on an internal server there we go that’s what I’m looking for Server more likely add geyser that’s why you watch the video van all right okay okay so okay so what I do is I go to a paper or bucket latest

Version okay so I got that and then I go to plugins and then type in in geyser geyser MC that’s what I looking for okay download that it’s 1.20 40 to 1.2. 51 so any version between that works I think okay so what now let me let me rewatch the tutorial oh whoops

Okay then I go to files is it is it plugins no okay let me just watch the tutorial I’m a little impatient I’m sorry to have you guys waiting like this don’t tou don’t T the the only you need to T is the max players I’m sorry to keep you guys waiting like

This this taking a while okay so I’m pretty sure that it’s done now I’m pretty sure it’s done now so if I start the server it should be starting with geyser which means that Bedrock players can join as well okay let me send the IP that it’s going to take like a couple

Minutes to start as well and I’m pretty sure the port uh wait the port is let me see so it’s either it’s either the default hold on wait wait wait so it’s either this which is the default and uh it’s also either this so it’s one of those two try one of those

Two let me try so Cappuccino is cool dot aternos me I still need to wait till it gets on till it turns online also I still need to change the server not the server but the the stream name because it’s just no long it’s no longer uh you know uh whatever it’s called it’s no longer

Speedrun so let me uh let me go ahead and do that how do I change it though how do I change the title wait I got to look up so many things but I need to look up how to change the title how to change stream title OBS what is that

Ad because I don’t want to restart the stream bro I they’re telling me how to set it up but I want to like know how to change it in the middle of the stream um server name and address well server name is you don’t need like the server name

Is just like baloney you don’t you don’t really need to there’s no specific server name you can just add what you want but the IP is this let me type it oh oh wait wait wait wait wait wait no no it’s not that it’s not that uh

It’s that it’s that it’s that it’s that and then the port is one of these two hold on wait it’s yeah it’s one of these two that’s the port let me see if the server started yet no the server is still starting okay I think I got to keep I I got to

Keep eternos open for it to start because I keep going on my phone to re chat so I’m not going to rehat for like for like a minute or something let me try the other Port I know okay I think it’s just not showing because I because it’s not started yet the

Stupid server how when it starts oh my God wait it’s online the server is online it says the server online what that’s such a that’s such a lie it’s not online okay what if it’s online on Java and I just like did it wrong dude the server name is not important

You you just put in whatever you want just name it something and so what does he do what does he do what does he do he goes to he goes to files and then he goes to plugins guys are spigot only the max many people on your okay plugins actually no it’s not

Plugins it’s it’s files it’s files okay I hope I can do it right this time I go to data and then I go to plugins guys are spigot and then config over here yeah I found it I found it I found it I got to change this to 20 Save it’s unable to connect and it’s Lo locating okay can you wait please I I think I need to restart the server because I did something wrong but I think I fixed it now my jumping now okay I got to yeah I just got to restart the server please

Watch this short advertisement to start the server bro shut the hell up it’s giving me an ad of an app that lets you create a free Minecraft server even though I’m using eternos which literally does the same thing but better and now we wait for it to start

Which is probably going to take like one to two minutes bear with me here how are there five people that are waiting to Jo dude there’s five people in the Stream how are they how they how are they not clicking off how is this entertaining to you

Guys get my B about to drop now loading libraries please wait wait a minute should I enable crack should I I don’t know if I should enable crack or not here’s the thing my my think my friends play crack so I’m Pro I’m probably just going to turn it on simply because of

That okay it’s online it’s online it’s online it’s online it’s online uh let me try both ports let me try both ports I don’t know which one is the correct one wait what oh it CHS me now it CHS me now okay it shows me what the port is

33461 I don’t know where I got the other Port from I’m kind of stupid sorry okay okay okay okay um for I think for JA okay the for Java the IP is gonna be thiso is cool and then 461 yes crack is enabled I enabled

It so that’s a jva IP and then on Bedrock it’s just that but the numbers at the end is just a port bro hold on bro okay toy just in case I did something wrong should I just like add you to the server so that you can should you can uh do the

Thing should I let you have access to like the the server settings okay tell me what your like eternos name is so that you can do it for me cuz just in case you guys didn’t know this I am not very smart you don’t know how to set it up God Damn um yeah I don’t know why this is not working you know I could um well Stefan knows how to set it up I know Stefan knows how to set it up but I don’t know what Stefan’s doing right now wait no it works it works it works guys it works it

Works it works it works it works it works it works try it again it works it freaking Works finally godamn okay let me op myself slash op capu no oh my God cappuccino 1738 all right I’m a server operator now should be able to do things like wait what the

Hell what do you mean it doesn’t work for you yeah you have the older versions oh oh my God wait a second hold on um can you maybe just like look for okay do you first of all do you have um do you have paid Minecraft or do you have like

Uh cracked well not really cracked but like you have paid or not okay toy to to to to both IPS don’t work um but it’s a Java server how does it not work it’s a Java server oh no there you are yeah have free Minecraft okay so

What I want you to do is just like look on YouTube for like a link to download uh 1 12051 like look look on YouTube um 1.20 51 Minecraft download APK or something like that just do that well we’re here now hey am I not up I’m G to up myself slash op

Capucino 1738 am I up okay yes I’m up I kind of want to turn PVP off because I want this to be like a peaceful server I don’t want people like killing each other oh you dude you piece of [ __ ] get over here I want I want the server to be

Peaceful and I don’t want people killing each other and then what happens two seconds later bro your ass is so laggy get over here get bro get over here oh I know you’re dead I know you’re dead I just know I just know that you’re dead

I just know that you’re dead I literally just know that you’re Dead sorry sorry I was testing if pvp’s on or not you’re downloading yes okay nice nice nice to any new viewers uh let me just I I don’t know how to change the title but I’m not speed I’m just like playing I made my server and you guys

Can feel free to join if you want uh if you want me to send the IP and Port I can send it to you it’s both Java and bedrock wait did I not I swear to God I had four logs I swear to God I had four logs and

I turned them into planks and I had 12 now the math ain’t mathin and the meth ain’t methin this is going to take a while well at least in the end are going to be able to play with us oh my God Stone Age I’m such a good little caveman aren’t I

I kind of don’t like how geyser is on a Java server cuz if Gea was on a if geyser was on a Bedrock server then that means we would have Bedrock PVP because I don’t really I don’t really like Java PVP as much I love like being able to

Spam also yeah just why is the crafting so buggy in guys it’s so buggy in geyser I don’t know why oh that’s a polar bear with a cub better stay away from that monster if it has its own baby cub then you should not try to fight it cuz that will not

End in a dub I’m I’m the best freestyler around I learned it from The Hub done oh my God I’m going to play with coffee maker no way you’re going to play with me wait let me test if PVP is still on go away okay it’s still

On I kind of wanted you have to sign in well I kind of don’t have a tree no I kind of don’t want to have PVP like I said I don’t want to have PVP in the server cuz uh I really just don’t want to be like I want to be a peaceful

Server and people don’t grief each other hey let me check console real quick so I can leak Toby’s IP okay I don’t know where we should go cuz this entire place is just ice I think we’re in I think this server is taking place in Canada or you’re bad at PVP

Um um uh I’m about at Java PVP but in better PVP I’m okay I’m I’m like I’m like I’m level 12 in cubecraft which is probably nothing to most people but it’s it’s at least better than the average cubecraft player should we wait for the uh mustard

Is weird guy or the cheese is his name cheese kiwi uh yeah it is so yeah let’s let’s wait for cheese Kee what the hell is this an ice desert makes a lot of sense bro what have you signed in yet yeah I’m I I know that the stream is kind of late I really just like I really can’t do much else can’t really do anything about

That okay I I’m very hungry so I’m just gonna go ahead and uh jump from 300 blocks above to kill myself and and I have a bad stomach ache you know what what I don’t know what to say now nice one you’re coming for us both why what do we ever do to

You you’re so rude like the next time the server goes online uh it’s gonna have PVP off yeah I know I I know Stefan wanted to join you can let him if he didn’t join then his problem he just needs to either just be on his

Own or find us and live with us or live near us oh the ports uh let me send you the port 33 461 33 461 why are you calling me hello hello yeah yeah okay all right so uh that was my German friend uh what the hell can I join

You what are you bro what is this what do you mean it’s not working did you did you put the IP in correctly I’m I’m gonna send the IP again just in case yeah check if you have the IP correctly there we go there’s my German friend he decided to

Join where’s he at let me try to find him where’s the spawn I lost the spawn oh wait no that that’s just stuff on oh there we go finally cheesy Ki joined you got brutally attacked by a green pickle oh he’s my German friend uh coffee maker my my name is Indian

Skin how dare you call me coffee maker who’s attacking me bro who is attacking me stop attacking me how do I how do I whisper I don’t know how to whisper okay I’m I’m gonna try to talk more for the stream instead of like chatting for the people in the

Server uh once again if you would like to join uh I can send you the IP and Port if you’re playing playing on bedrock and yeah I just I generally want to have a fun time that’s message oh yeah it is message but on Bedrock it’s

Uh slw for whisper can I [ __ ] in chat bro what bro what bro ask me to [ __ ] in chat I I’m not going to where are we heading where are we heading bro I’m so low I’m actually really low let me just put everything in here and die

And I’m still alive can someone can someone hit me he’s fighting a goddamn wolf all right dude where do we go oh my God my friend left the game hurry up H just uh uh um um um uh uh was I going to say oh uh just like an hourly

Reminder if you are watching and want to join I can send you the IP if you ask for it and also support if you play on Bedrock uh this is just a simple smpp not like not uh it’s not like a chaos one just don’t like start chaos or

Something just I want to like play peacefully that’s why I’m going to like turn off PVP the next time I make this server online so yeah feel feel feel free to join we’re just starting out right now if anyone who is watching Okay bro cheesy why are you taking so long well what is he doing that that’s the seed so we can just put in put it in a seed tracker if we ever want to you’re in the boat with the very coffee maker that you’re for some reason

Idolizing why are you idolizing a coffee maker dude the chunks are not loading I’m just like I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m sailing on air what is going on the stupid po it’s not it’s not why are you hitting the polar bear why are you hitting the polar bear

But bro get in the boat oh my God finally okay over here we found some land why are y’all so still let’s find someone where it’s not like terribly snowing D cheesy you’re so like why are you so far behind oh move why are you so still for for

Where is he bro I lost him oh here’s CH Kei where is oh my God I lost toy where are you for where did he Go or said I’m at ice why are they taking so Long Oh my he just walked like two steps forward and he just just left bro oh my God just why why oh my god do we wait now or what dude I’m glitching he’s back get in the boat get in the boat bro bro bro bro bro bro bro chill

Chill finally he in the boat finally we can go oh my God that only took two and a half years okay we got some sugarcane oh nice oh what why you me bro ditched you bro ditched you bro said I was cooler get in the boat get in the boat get in

The boat bro get in the boat oh my god do chunks load please chunks load chunks chunks dude why do these biomes go on for like two years these biomes don’t end like they actually don’t end oh I was trying to get the boat and I axe critted him I freaking axe critted

Him cheesy cheesy oh why why oh my God this is a joke let’s just carry on Al to oh my bro this could not be more br Y and the controls are not like Roblox the controls are not like Roblox what do you mean the controls are

Not like Roblox bro what what is that supposed to mean oh oops I okay I need food thanks for the brown mushroom oh just at the right time finally we got those piggy piglins Pig digling Shins tigins I’m eating this all for me and you’re going to get nothing cuz you ate

Yours oh Jee no no he’s going to leave please okay I thought he was AFK bro bro bro bro cheesy go cheesy why are you like this right right chunks load chunks please load no I can’t see anything literally don’t see anything I don’t see anything no watch watch him leave okay never

Mind when do this biome end bro this biome doesn’t end this biome does not end for get up what are you doing what are you doing a this dude dude dude dude dude dude dude you wanted to have a shirt I gave you a server and then look look look why why

Why jump up J get up just get get Up what are you doing that’s the wrong way what are you doing dude he’s pissing me off this way this way this way this way go what are you bro this way this way bro seriously what was that what are you doing where where are you going dude your internet is so Bad go he’s pissing me off oh my God I’m I’m I’m having a mental breakdown where are you going no this is not no no this is not the right way this is not the right way just just just oh my God I’m having a mental

Breakdown I can’t do this I can’t do this where are you guys no why are you going this way that’s the wrong way get him spider oh my God this way this way go go bro bro bro bro bro bro dude I can’t do this I can’t do this

We we actually got set back so far because of that stupid I don’t even know if he’s even a human I don’t know if he’s even human I don’t know if he’s even human bro I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know what was going on there I I really don’t

Know hey logs thank you hey explode explode explode yo thank you for the free logs bro what do you mean what’s with these pickles I I don’t know what was wrong with that dude I really just I have no idea I don’t know well I don’t know I

Don’t know I don’t know I I really have no idea I I don’t know what he was doing I don’t know I don’t know what he was trying to do yeah yeah okay Hold yeah bro cheesy kie I’m not GNA wait for him again he was I don’t know what he was doing bro he was oh my God we’re not waiting for him this time bro no no no no no no no where did the sticks go are you kidding me oh there we

Go yeah I don’t I I still have no idea what that was back there I I I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m dude this is so goddamn annoying the fact that we just died because of that also this is my longest stream by

Far come here Okay that’s my mom giving me food and everything and taking care of me y dude where do we go what wa BRB BRB BRB real quick all dude all viewers have have left because that was probably really boring just watching that dude do whatever the hell he was doing 1889 1 170

790 55 5 890 42 Java 1.20 yeah yeah okay now I’m just waiting for this to load cuz I’m just so tired of that stupid stupid snowy icy thing something there I don’t even know what that was I’m just going to wait for this to load

Now that actually pissed me off like it was so annoying there we are I’m so glad we’re finally out of there and I moved the spawn like 5,000 blocks away it’s worth it though it’s worth it th those that biome was the most annoying biome I’ve ever seen and it

Just it just never ended it actually just never ended there were no animals there was nothing not not anything there was there was nothing there I’m G to kill this donkey die donkey give me a leather die Super Donkey finally we got a furnace we have food to cook in the

Furnace why he take all of it bro what is wrong with him okay let me make a thing all right make a furnace boom boom boom boom boom dude why is it broken like this why is it bro oh my God I hate geyser I hate I

Hate geyser I hate geyser I can’t go in the furnace I can’t go in anything geyser is so unstable I hate geyser so much what is happening what was that like everything imaginable is going wrong right now it’s so annoying he’s not getting he’s not getting any

Food he’s not getting any food it’s all my food it’s all my food no you’re not getting anything no no no no no no no no no it’s all my food I put it in there and I’m going to eat it all my food bro you’re not getting us you’re not getting anything

Bro oh you think you’re going to get this one no no you’re wrong it’s all mine no no no no no no no no no I bet you thought you were going to get that but you’re not you’re not see you’re not just kidding here take two oh whoops okay here take

This okay it’s getting night time and uh we have no single piece of wool to sleep this is going amazingly so far yeah how are we going to survive this first night okay it’s not probably not the first night but it I’m going to count it as one oh we’re going down there

Oh he just jumped off bro what an idiot how low is this so we’re in the so we back in the mine got a pickax from side to side side To baby tonight again baby tonight oh my God I feel like you’re a little I don’t mean to be offensive but you might just be like kind of too slow for us I really like don’t mean to be offensive I mean you can keep playing obviously I don’t know if we should wait

For you because you’re just you’re just a little too slow I I don’t I don’t know how I don’t know how else to say it I don’t know if it’s your internet or just like the way you play but yeah bro what are you Doing is this is this this also the M shaft okay it is okay we’re finding a good amount of Iron oh my God wait let me actually get this cuz this is a good this is like a good source of string yeah yeah yeah Imagine like imagine um what was I going to say no you’ve got to be kidding me imagine if you could put fortune on your [ __ ] no way I swore I’m not allowed swore isn’t an iron pick iron pick these nuts dude how did that I was shifting I was

Shifting no no I got this bro I got this bro I got this bro I got this bro I got this bro I got this BR I got this Bruh okay we’re uh please don’t blow up my stuff please don’t blow up my stuff please don’t blow up my stuff please blow up my stuff okay no my stuff is there I hate you so much D die who invited you no one that’s right that’s

Right I’m going to cook my iron and then uh yeah I’m going to I’m going to uh be cooler than you because because I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m all right if there’s any new viewers watching I’m playing on a server and uh

I made it if you want to join it then ask for the IP and the port that I can send it to you uh it’s just a peaceful server we’re not too far from Spawn so you can just head over to us if if you want to be with us and uh

Yeah why do I have four crafting tables how do I keep getting more Show Up all right we got uh seven iron actually wait no we got eight don’t we yeah we do okay so uh we can get an iron pickaxe is it an iron pick I really have no idea what that advancement even is supposed to mean it’s such a random Name I need to make some room oh wait no I want the sapling cuz we’re not in the Tiger Biome so if we need any uh thingies if we need any um spruce trees we can just grow some that’s why I want the sapling you guys want to join and ask

For the IP and the PS if you’re playing on Bedrock feel free to do so cuz uh we’re not too far from the world spawn so you guys can just go to us oh my God I got I got iron from a zombie I was going to say I got zombie from an

Iron I I hate you so much can you die wait a second I know what I’m going to use this for I know what I’m going to use for that one piece of iron bro it’s probably going to save my life life in many occasions I nuh-uh nuh-uh Nuh-uh what I’m holding dude so you got to crouch so you can’t just hold right click to do your Shield oh my God that’s stupid go away yeah he’s going away good job but I still want to kill you I still want to kill you no you’re not going to kill me

I’m going to kill you nuh-uh Nuh monster hunter is that is that literally the first Monster you’ve killed in this entire playr oh my God I love how rotten flesh is literally my only food source right now it’s very amazing so all I have is redstone and a name tag out of this and okay I guess I

Guess that as well but I mean it’s pretty good it’s pretty good it’s pretty good pretty good Prett good pretty good Prett good did I just dup my rotten flesh okay no I didn’t I threw my godamn sword no way cappuccino swore hey we’re on the other side of the

We’re both on the other side of the stupid spotter that’s cool oh it’s Cool dude that that like Cory Cory exension music is like stuck on my head I love Cory extension How do you keep dying well that’s a that does a lot of damage no no no no no no no oh my God I need to I need to cook my food bro I need to cook my food uh cook that and uh um uh um

Put that put that put that uh put that put that that that that and uh that and that all I now I all I need is in my inventory a little bit of Monica bro no iron anywhere I need to find iron anywhere bro oh this something here uh nothing nothing oh my

God this m shaft does not go down far it just it’s kind of like close to the surface dude lasagna Garfield I don’t know why I said that what’s in here oh this is the one I already looted wait what’s in here did I already loot this one or did I already

I don’t know dude oh my God I’m literally lost I’m lost wait this is new is it wait this isn’t new it’s old I’ve been here before yeah he’s lost too actually no I’ve not been here before I’ve not been here before no no no no no no no no

No bro cheesy please shut the hell up you’re not lost bro what’s over here bro H dude how do we find the way back what oh my God I found it I found it I found it no oh my God wait no go away

Uh do 267 58 dude what are what are my cords 2667 a 2667 29 5487 ow no spider spider we talked about this spider okay we got a couple more iron I’m just going to make leggings and the rest of the armor that I need with this because

I’m pretty sure I can right actually no I can I can make I can make boots and leggings I think we’ll meet tomorrow no oh there’s more iron wait is there isn’t there more oh yeah there is there is hey hey hey hey so let make leggings

Boom I said boom who do you think you are do you think you can mess with me uh let’s make what he found a village okay let me cook the rest of the iron here go that no okay I’m using for some reason the pickaxe by mistake to

Cook which works because it’s made out of wood all right we got full iron what is this what is this what is that oh there’s more oh there so much higher oh my God I actually got scared by it for a second for some reason no what how did I

Fall oh my God oh my God oh my god dude my my mom’s going to kill me dude my mom’s going to kill me my mom’s going to kill me oh my God my mom was going to kill me oh my God oh my God oh my god

Dude she gave me food and I completely forgot to eat it oh my God oh my I’m so dude she’s going to kill me hold on wait let me eat it dude I’m just going to pause entirely just like eat this really fast bro oh my God for cheesy

Left I oh my God step found I mean not Stefan toy find found diamonds for for this is my longest stream ever it’s literally my longest ever and I’ve had to eat two meals this game I mean this this stream two meals in the Stream and I’m eating the second one right

Now that’s how long this was bro four and a half hours I’ve never streamed this long for all right um I kind of ate like a little bit of it I’ll get back to gameplay now I’ll eat during game play so you guys don’t have to wait so

Long I’m so stupid like I can’t believe I forgot to eat even though she gave me food like I saw her give me food and I just forgot I feel so stupid right now bro okay there there’s some iron up there as well why did all that fall

Bro dude I have one and a half hearts no food no B I have literally got no food but I’ve got food in real life which means I’m going to eat it now God damn what the hold on hold on just a second hold

On just a second hold on just a I need to get my stuff back bro what was that what was what how did that happen like seriously how did that when I was there there was no water in there oh my God and then just when I

Went AFK to eat all of a sudden there’s water now where where did I where did I wear where did I wear where did I wear we in a werewolf where did I underwear I said underwear okay where is it where what excuse me how did I just jump that High how did I jump that high I need an explanation right now right now I jumped so high so high until I died I jumped so high to the point where I died oh oh this might be this might be close to where I was um where the

Hell where is it bro I lost it dude don’t tell me I’m going to lose my stuff bro I had full iron I don’t want to lose that where is it I literally I I can’t find it I can literally can’t find it it’s over there why is it over there

Oh these skeletons are going to kill me oh the zombies is going to kill me all this everything is going to kill me dude swim up they can’t shoot me in the water I mean they can but one it’s going to slow down the arrow which makes it like do less damage and

Two I’m cool which means I can’t they can’t really kill cool people can they yes I got all the stuff okay uh where’s the where’s the we where the werewolf no no the iron is not going to float away I it’s not flowing it’s not flowing

Away okay let’s go in here and get more air and air breathe air okay okay okay there we go now finally finally I can do an eat break eating eating something break eat a break eat a break it’s break it’s breaking for also M hat stopped uploading he made a video called goodbye

Internet goodbye internet welcome to gay that was the weirdest and stupidest scream I’ve done in my entire life I am never screaming like that again I for just went Like H what you gonna do what are you gonna do what are you GNA do 13 diamonds um what are you gonna do you can’t do anything well Nei neither can I but go right above you No way he oh my God can I just can I catch a break can I catch a break can I catch a break can I catch a break can I catch a break oh my God I asked if I could catch a break and the answer was apparently

No okay to’s here uh he’s a little uh little uh pissed no okay Toby’s very pissed he he definitely I mean I be I can’t really I can’t blame him at all I really cannot blame him at all okay wait I oh that goes down that goes far down but

First I want to get the stupid iron here that I’ve been trying to get but I keep getting interrupted oh red stone the stone that’s red um okay so I made a water bucket but I I don’t even need a water bucket though I can just

Uh that worked greatly I that that was that was amazing wasn’t it I I got scared by the bats I actually got scared by the that shh that didn’t happen shut up that didn’t happen you happened not me wait what that makes no Sense go away go away dude go away welcome to game bro go away have a jolly go have Jolly how am I missing it down oh my God dirt the dirt came to the rescue no stop stop leave me alone dude I can’t catch a break I can’t catch a

Break my items are despawning they’re going to be gone it’s nearly been 5 minutes they’re going to be gone I was doomed to Fall by a witch that’s that’s a pretty rare freaking uh death message do to fall my witch you don’t get that every

Day oh one heart one heart one heart but I’m alive but I’m alive dude I just at least want to get my no I walked into the lava I wanted to at least save the stuff dude yeah I’m D I’m trying to get all the Death messages oh my God yeah

Dude oh my God oh my God no I can’t get my stuff they’re all gone I keep dying and I I’m trying to get every single death message in the entire game and dude my my sister cannot be louder than right now but whatever dude she’s basically speaking into please please

Please why does it feel like there’s a lot less stuff my God my God die no something’s behind me oh my God it’s a spider no no get all the stuff before it despawns please I’m literally getting all the Death messages every single death I get is

From an it’s always a different one bro I was doomed to Fall by witch I was doomed to Fall by I don’t know I was doomed to Fall by Game Theory at least the timer on my at least the timer on my items got what was that it’s always a new I think I’ve gotten the death message yet it’s always a new one bro I can’t get I can’t get an old dude if I try to die from the same

Mob twice in a row or I try to get the same death message twice in a row I’m not going to be able to do it so every single death message I get it’s just unique first I was doomed to Fall by a witch then I was doomed to Fall by a

Skeleton then I tried to swim in lava escaping skeleton and then I fell from a high place and then I hit the ground too hard and then I don’t know I don’t know what happened after that dude have a jolly where’s all the stuff no no no where’ I

Go dude watch watch watch watch watch watch watch me die watch me die I was slain by a goddamn zombie I just want to get my stuff back and I literally again I dude food food food I found food my my God if I can just go down here without

Taking a single bit of damage and get down and equip all my stupid things I should be okay dude the creeper almost killed me because it did like the last amount of damage I needed to make no doom doom to fall Doom to fall my creeper

Dude dude I was doomed to Fall by creeper how am I getting literally every single death message in the game how it’s always a new one I I can’t get an old death message I always get a a a unique one I was doomed to Fall by

Creeper bro what what do you mean I was doomed to Fall by creeper bro I was doomed to Fall by your mom M can I get my stuff oh my God they’re fighting they’re fighting they’re fighting please please where’s my pickaxe got it oh my God oh my God where where do I

Wait no no no no box in box box box I got my stuff it’s safe it’s safe it’s safe even after all that even after all those death messages let me what let me look through them again what no no no the spider killed me through the

Wall the the spider actually has wall hack the spider has wall hacks dude that’s so stupid dude dude dude dude I’ve got nothing oh my God my stuff’s all there all of it is literally there oh my God I got it all get it put it

In that sounded weird I meant to put it in the stupid Shield slot bro bro bro I got a duplicate death message for the first time how do I keep losing everything don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me no what did I ever do to

You what did I ever ever ever ever ever ever ever do to you you no you can’t shoot me no no no no no no no no I’m I’m just I’m just goed like that never mind stop shooting me oh my God you guys don’t you guys just

Don’t go away they don’t go away they just keep coming back you know what [ __ ] this what I’m done with this bro I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m done I can’t do this I there’s diamonds right there there’s diamonds right there what the hell I didn’t even notice that oh that’s

Cool I’m not using it this I should not I should have never died in fact I didn’t even die here’s a thing me dying is just a a hallucination of the thing in the in the in the diamonds my food sources is once again rotten flesh bro we’ve got the advancement

Diamonds because we’re just we’re just Diamond like that honey we’re rich no no no nine I just activated shman oh a diamant d oh my God bro oh my God bro oh hell no man what the man I’m invited this guy get your ass on bro who invited this guy Guy who invited him tell me m bro where are there that that the there’s no more diamonds I want to find more diamonds there’s literally no more diamonds I only found three actually no I found more I found five I can make a sword and a pickaxe ice bucket challenge

Uh who disturbs the ancient th of thou un thy though dude dude where are there more diamonds there’s there aren’t any more diamonds that’s just that’s just a sad reality I can’t find any more diamonds for the life of me that’s reality I can’t find diamonds

For the life of me it’s reality there’s creepers Everywhere oh I didn’t even notice bro I didn’t even notice that it’s my mom’s birthday right now and I literally did even I didn’t even congratulate her because I didn’t even know it was her birthday uh oops I would go ahead and uh say happy birthday to her right now but I can’t

Walk because I still walk with crutches and it’s kind of tiring and I want to just rest right now and play video games okay Hot Stuff boom wait what boom okay forget I just give me the stupid lava stuff diamonds D I love this stupid I was going to call it a stupid

Texture even though it’s an amazing texture and I love the texture of the diamonds no I actually love the texture of diamonds it’s super super beautiful BL me up okay so we got a total of six diamonds so we can make uh sword a pickaxe and a shovel which is very worth

It I’m definitely going to make a shovel why not it’s not a waste Diamond shovels are amazing diamonds where you at oh there you oh never mind it’s a stupid glow a dungeon do I have do I have do I have yes I do oh music disc

Melon seeds why is that even a thing in a dungeon what’s the point of that I remember the cord is is 29 5 2695 47 5455 wait there’s more the diamond the the diamond oh no that’s the stupid shirt of a zombie there the diamond Ra I heard that sound I heard I heard that song somewhere and I found it goofy as hell so I just kept singing It I’ve got no food I just need to eat the pumpkin seeds or something ow dude 19 diamonds are you x-raying You lying to me I’m going to ban you for that you know that lying to the owner is going to make you phoner Bro died a slow and painful death and I really really really got to take a piss okay I’ve never had to take a piss more than this in my life bro holy crap dude man okay this this is this is a this is a this is a this is a this is a

This is a this is a this is a this is a this is a I need to piss I can’t focus bro the the bathroom is literally occupied so I can’t even go but why does someone have to BR just told me to check a Discord do you even

Know what’s going on right now with me do you even know what is going on have you completely forgotten bro said check Discord for oh hi okay maybe down here there’s got to be some diamonds there’s got to be oh my God what did I tell you what did I tell

You oh there’s so much what the hell why I thought it was be like a one Vin no leave me alone I’m actually going to die dude I’m going to die dude I have no food I’m actually going to die What I have an idea I have an idea I I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea what I’m going to do this is this is like some dream type stuff all right this is some high IQ

[ __ ] whoa I can buy oh I I was going to say I can buy but I can’t I can only craft okay what was I G to do I was gonna I was going to do this and then I realized I don’t have any

Dirt yeah I’m actually dead I oh no do I have any I don’t have any I don’t have any extra wrong flesh this is over it’s over okay I need to remember cords in case I die more diamonds I absolutely love diamonds I have a diamond

Fetish okay we got we got got how many diamonds we got 15 diamonds it’s pretty good okay hey skeleton I have an idea for dude place the bed no hi dude I got 15 diamonds we’re doing we’re doing pretty good in our diamond hunt that’s a

Zombie I don’t know if you know that but that’s a zombie and the skeleton is actually hacking no we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine I because I set my spawn I SU my spawn we’re good I set my spawn we’re good I need to find where I died right

Here now we’re good we’re good everything is under control I’ve got everything under control mate everything Orin what block of raw iron you can find that that that’s a thing that like naturally generates you can find a block of raw iron I did not know that no the bat just killed itself uh no diamonds to be found oh my God are you kidding me

I just literally went in a circle I’ve got one piece of gravel and I and I yeah it’s gone now goodbye to the gravel yeah I want to see what’s below this lava pool I want to see if it’s just a waste of time or there’s actually something below here

No I thought I would survive dude what if all my diamonds flew into the lava cuz I thought there would be no way that I would die there’s two diamonds right there and I can’t mine them ah ah 2 467 2 467 I got 26 5375 oh my God oh my God oh

My God dude where is it where’s it where’s the lava pool that I found no please let me find it oh my God yes all my stuff’s still here oh my god oh how I missed you even though you’re were gone for like 2 seconds I’ll go back to those

Diamonds in a bit I just want to like fill out this lava pool see what’s underneath everything bro how’s there hey how’s there so much lava in there still is this a joke okay thought I was about to die from that dude this lava pool doesn’t

End I’m just trying to see what’s below this lava pool but it doesn’t end how is there so much what no no no no no no no what just happened what just happened no no no no no no no no no what just happened what just happened no no

No how did I die how did I die how did I die how did I die how did I die how did I how did I die how did I die oh it’s all gone how did that even happen oh it’s all gone literally all of it is gone h Um that didn’t happen that did not happen no that did not happen you’re a liar that did not happen that did not happen I don’t know what you’re saying man I don’t speak English I I I don’t know what happened man I think I I think you have the wrong

Person or something man I I I don’t I don’t I don’t I know speak I not speaking English I really I really know speak English like I I really don’t understand I really don’t understand what you’re saying I don’t understand uh anything I I really really really don’t

Understand I I’m sorry I try to understand but I know understand okay I know speak English I know h i no English 2 46 7 so this way and then yeah so it’s just this way so this is where the diamonds are wait how high is

It 26 so was literally at this wide level Hey hi what’s good man Dude where are the diamonds that I found earlier I can’t find them anymore I literally can’t find them anymore why is there so much light There bro how does the how does the command work even is it not slash Effect 2 4 6726 537 I’m aware that I’m cheating just kidding I’m not why would I cheat what is it not here is it not where I found the diamonds at but that’s like a waste of diamonds

Man cuz I I found diamonds and I just went dude where is my spawn point at because if I go to my spawn point then I should be able to find the diamonds that I left for later I should have just gone for them I don’t know why I just went

For the lava instead yeah bro okay you know what I’m just GNA just do a little bit of cheating it’s it’s it’s it’s sow biggie okay am I not up why can’t I do this hold on I’m I’m pretty sure I’m up which means I should be able to do this

[ __ ] okay maybe I do console bro what is that not how to do the command I thought it I thought it was I mean I can also just go to down here wait it says it’s already on bro what I need to go back to those diamonds

I literally I literally cannot just let those go to waste you know what you know what you know what you know what you know what I only saw two I don’t know if there’s more than two diamonds there I don’t know if there’s more than two diamonds there but I only yeah

Good but just BL up you know for real though I don’t know where those I don’t know where those diamonds went but literally I just gave me two diamonds cuz I know there were two I know there at least two I didn’t give me any more cuz I

Don’t I don’t know if there were if they were more CU I only saw two and which means there’s definitive proof that it was only two well like at least two so those are two extra diamonds Don’t Mind If I Do Don’t Mind If I Do I didn’t

Cheat you cheated stop lying and I just died I don’t know what the stream turned into I should probably just not cheat those items back I should probably just like restart I don’t know what the stream turned into it dude it just turned into me cheating because I turned into a

Little stupid little baby this is this even oh my God I found more diamonds and I don’t have an I don’t have an iron pickaxe and there’s more up there and I don’t have an iron pickaxe look how many there are now that I don’t have an iron pickaxe I’m fting so many

Diamonds that pisses me off no no no no no I can’t believe it there’s more I I I I can’t resist the urge to cheat an iron pickaxe just to get that no you know what I’m going to do it well there’s even lapis behind that what the

Hell listen I can’t I can’t resist the urge to go into creative and give me my stuff back because there’s literally so many diamonds there’s literally so many shut up I’m not cheating you’re cheating it’s my server I can do what I want I’m I’m not bad at Minecraft you’re

Bad at Minecraft it’s only because it’s Java and I play and I play Bedrock that’s the reason trust me hey Minecraft zombie jump scare there’s More escape the SpongeBob Obby dude dude dud we have full diamond and I didn’t cheat not one bit I did not even cheat I don’t know what you’re saying I never cheated what’s cheating I don’t know what cheating is I think you’re lying to me I think you’re just

Making stuff up I don’t think I ever cheated what cheating isn’t that that thing that people do when they oh isn’t that what people do in a relationship how am I going to get out of here is the question would you like dig up know I have a better idea bro what 26

36 5363 26 36 5363 dude TP 64 please oh my God I’m so good at this game I didn’t cheat I did not cheat one bit you cheated I don’t even know what cheating is right I think you’re just making a baloney and making a boards cuz cheating

I have no idea what that is I got 25 diamonds I didn’t spawn in any and it’s choking aside I actually didn’t spawn in any diamonds what I did do was spawn my items back all right now that I’m here I’m going to end the stream because I’ve

Been streaming for five and a half hours I got to stop at one point and um if you guys enjoyed subscribe if you guys enjoyed then join the server and like and I’m going to die and I’m going to die I got to leave oh my God

Well uh if you want to join then ask me for the IP and the port if you play on bedrock and then you can join for yourself as well but without further Ado I’ll see myself out in three two one

This video, titled ‘Speedrunning minecraft 1.20 for the first time’, was uploaded by cappuccino223 on 2024-01-10 19:49:31. It has garnered 83 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:40:15 or 20415 seconds.


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    Galactic Catfight: Custom NPC Battle Minecraft: Custom NPC Battle 1 Map Used: Imperator’s Base The Custom NPC Battle 1 video features the exciting Imperator’s Base map created by “busterdogtnt.” This meticulously crafted map provides the perfect backdrop for epic battles and thrilling adventures in the world of Minecraft. Music Used The video is accompanied by captivating music that sets the tone for the intense battles ahead. “Lights” by Patrick Patrikios and “Calamity” from the Tower Defense X Original Soundtrack by The Gee J enhance the gameplay experience and keep viewers engaged throughout the video. Mods Used On Curse Forge The Custom NPC Battle 1… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Speeding Up TENFOLD! | #minecraftexplore

    Minecraft Madness: Speeding Up TENFOLD! | #minecraftexplore In Minecraft, speed is key, but at ten times the rate, It’s like a whole new game, a crazy, wild state. Tick rate at 200, the world flies by, But be warned, it’s intense, like reaching for the sky. Subscribe to my channel, for more Minecraft fun, Where we explore and play, until the day is done. But remember, this speed, it’s not for the faint, So proceed with caution, or you might just paint. Your world in chaos, your mind in a whirl, But hey, it’s all in good fun, for every boy and girl. So try it… Read More

  • Dragon Slayer: Minecraft Mastery Unleashed!

    Dragon Slayer: Minecraft Mastery Unleashed! In this Minecraft tale, we journeyed far and wide, To the End we ventured, with courage by our side. The portal we found, with eyes of ender’s guide, Through the stronghold’s maze, we did stride. The Ender Dragon awaited, fierce and strong, But with strategy and skill, we battled along. Destroying the crystals, we fought with song, Victory was ours, the battle won. Into the End City, we ventured next, With loot aplenty, we were truly blessed. Elytra in hand, we soared and flexed, Rare items collected, our inventory impressed. Enchanted gear and shulker boxes galore, Our Minecraft journey,… Read More

  • Minecraft meme #litaf

    Minecraft meme #litaf “When you accidentally hit a pig in Minecraft and suddenly the whole squad of pigs starts chasing you like you just insulted their momma #foryou” Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Experience Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of gaming and looking for a new adventure, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Just like Luigi De Rose explores various topics in his talk show, Minewind offers a diverse and engaging environment for players to immerse themselves in. Whether you’re interested in building, exploring, or simply connecting with other players, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server and experience the magic of… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Crystal Caves Adventure

    Sneaky Minecraft Crystal Caves Adventure Minecraft 1.21.1 Shorts: A Fun and Entertaining Look at Minecraft Are you tired of sitting in biology class? Well, in the world of Minecraft, things are a bit different! Join the adventure as you explore the exciting world of Minecraft shorts on this channel. From funny skits to entertaining gameplay, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Exploring Minecraft Shorts Get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft like never before. These shorts offer a unique and entertaining look at the game, showcasing funny moments and creative storytelling. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, these… Read More

  • INSANE LIBRARY BUILD in Creeper SMP! | Minecraft EP3

    INSANE LIBRARY BUILD in Creeper SMP! | Minecraft EP3Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made Library in Creeper SMP | Minecraft Creeper SMP EP = 3’, was uploaded by BEDCRAFT GAMING on 2024-09-01 13:27:10. It has garnered 344 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:40 or 580 seconds. We Made Library in Creeper SMP | Minecraft Creeper SMP EP = 3 Thanks for Watching #minecraft #herobrine #minecraftpe Your Queries creeper smp is creeper aw man copyrighted a minecraft creeper in real life a creeper in real life a creeper song dream smp crafts is minecraft creeper copyrighted creeper school i am creeper lifesteal smp intro… Read More

  • Fakepixel SMP with Oye Raghu 22 ji

    Fakepixel SMP with Oye Raghu 22 jiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Play Fakepixel SMP | 💲Free SMP Promotion | Playing With Subscribers📍| #minecraft #hindilivestream’, was uploaded by Oye Raghu 22 ji on 2024-08-29 22:59:15. It has garnered 97 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:03 or 5403 seconds. 🚀 LIVE SERVER SHOWCASE: Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience! 🚀 🎉 Welcome to our exclusive livestream event! 🎉 We’re thrilled to have you join us as we dive into the incredible world of our cutting-edge servers. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer, a server administrator, or just curious about what makes our servers stand out,… Read More

  • Dunners Duke: Hunting for Meteor & Rusherhack

    Dunners Duke: Hunting for Meteor & RusherhackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Surviving 2b2t Anarchy Server. Trail Hunting for Base, Stash. Meteor & Rusherhack’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-07-26 05:30:06. It has garnered 129 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:21 or 4461 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world. As of October 2023, 2b2t is over 28,300 gigabytes in size and has had more than 821,220 unique player 2b2t… Read More

  • 100 Days as Shark in Minecraft?! Insane Survival Story!

    100 Days as Shark in Minecraft?! Insane Survival Story!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as an ELEMENTAL SHARK in HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by Fozo on 2024-03-23 14:00:38. It has garnered 2641527 views and 24323 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:08 or 2768 seconds. Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as an Elemental Shark! I had to save Minecraft’s ocean from the ender leader, Terminis! Will I be strong enough to defeat him? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens! Read More


    M3rc - INSANE MINING UPDATE REACTION!!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW MINING UPDATE W OR L | Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by M3rc on 2024-09-25 05:33:46. It has garnered 171 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:33 or 6933 seconds. Lets Grind out this New Mining Update! And Get Some Growth on this Profile | Hypixel Skyblock | Minecraft | mods | Gaming Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mod: Only 1% of the World Left!

    Insane Minecraft Mod: Only 1% of the World Left!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft but 99% of the World is Deleted’, was uploaded by RocketF on 2024-04-05 19:00:30. It has garnered 1151 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:54 or 954 seconds. I try to beat SKYGRID on HARDCORE! Playing SKYGRID Minecraft! I hope you enjoyed. Please like and subscribe! SkyGrid Download: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/skygrid-minecraft-1-20/ RocketF – Hardcore Minecraft but 99% of the World is Deleted Previous Video: https://youtu.be/Dg3mnrH9cUQ?si=NlXpHC3ehwsPBb7p MINECRAFT VIDEO: https://youtu.be/jvHi2iAcG3k?si=MZr7FGDnZTeEQ4ey #minecraft #minecraftharcore #minecraftbut #minecraft100days Read More

  • 🚀 Turbo Gamers Mine – Watch the Chota Bheem Trend Explode #shorts

    🚀 Turbo Gamers Mine - Watch the Chota Bheem Trend Explode #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘poipoipoi❌ Chota bheem✔️ new trande #shorts #minecraft #viral #tranding’, was uploaded by Turbo Gamers mine on 2024-08-16 13:00:50. It has garnered 5369 views and 276 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. poipoipoi❌ Chota bheem✔️ new trande #shorts #minecraft #viral #tranding Tags:- minecraft poi poi poi, minecraft poi poi poi mod, minecraft poison horror map part 2, poison map for mcpe, poi poi poi shorts, r minecraft, potion counter mcpe, poi poi poi popoi poi po pi minecraft, poi poi poi po pi trend minecraft, poi poi poi meme minecraft, poi… Read More


    UNLOCK VIP FOR FREE on MANOV FACTIONS SERVER 🚀🔥 MineCraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔥 SERVIDOR DE FACTIONS VIP FREE – MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MANOV GAME on 2024-07-06 17:07:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ ········· READ THE VIDEO DESCRIPTION… Read More

  • Minecraft Movie Rips Apart BrokeN Bois Podcast

    Minecraft Movie Rips Apart BrokeN Bois PodcastVideo Information This video, titled ‘BrokeN Bois ep. 184 | MiNecraft Movie’, was uploaded by BrokeN Bois Podcast on 2024-09-09 17:00:00. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:15 or 4395 seconds. Sit back as Mike and Colin relax and talk about whatever is on their minds, usually leading back to music in some way or another! This week, Colin and Mike discuss the Minecraft Movie teaser, the Linkin Park return, and other news from throughout the week. Links to Song of Week playlists: Mike’s Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2qHnCpMr9EFV8LpDxl2ALz?si=Papz11C4Q5CwKuKbcNc6FA Colin’s Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2OqA9mgAaFd3Coi3HjYvAE?si=Y-ipjPLOQh2eF20nsHk21w Combined Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/64NaXkzBSNjMCYNKKW07yX?si=Ytqa2q5kTPa6NytTG9k6WA… Read More

  • SwipeSMP – smp Mostly-Vanilla 1.21 Whitelist

    Welcome to our SMP Server! If you would like to be part of our growing community and help us with builds and shops on our mostly-vanilla 1.21 server, feel free to join us on Discord! My Discord: ihben Server Discord: Join Here Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Catastrophe

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting CatastropheWell, I guess you could say it’s not just a meme, it’s a high-scoring tragedy in the world of Minecraft humor. Read More

  • Desert PvP: The DreadMinecrafter Masters Series

    Desert PvP: The DreadMinecrafter Masters SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘PVP MASTERS SERIES: XV941 OF NRVA -AKA- DESERT PVP’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-10-05 01:01:04. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:46 or 226 seconds. PVP MASTERS SERIES: XV941 OF NRVA -AKA- DESERT PVP https://minewind.com YT.Minewind.com … YT.Minewind.com. DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • Girls vs. Boys in Minecraft: Battle of the Blocks! 🔥

    Girls vs. Boys in Minecraft: Battle of the Blocks! 🔥 Why do girls always build cute little houses with flower gardens in Minecraft, while boys just dig straight down and end up in a pit of lava? 🤣 #genderdifferences #minecraftstruggles #boysvsgirls Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Block Party Fail!

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Block Party Fail! Minecraft Bedrock: Block Party B12 – A Gaming Adventure! Welcome, gamers! Dive into the world of Minecraft Bedrock with Block Party B12! This gaming channel is a hub for exciting gameplay videos that will keep you on the edge of your seat. From Minecraft to Brawl Stars and beyond, get ready for a diverse range of gaming experiences that will leave you wanting more. Channel Rules and Etiquette At Block Party B12, respect is key. The channel’s most important rule is to maintain a respectful and positive atmosphere in the comments section. Whether you’re engaging with the content creator… Read More

  • Iron Farm Madness: 1300/hr!

    Iron Farm Madness: 1300/hr! New IRON Farm In Minecraft – A Must-Have Addition to Your Survival World! Looking to boost your iron production in Minecraft? Look no further than this new iron farm design that promises an impressive yield of 1300 iron per hour! This fully automatic farm is not only efficient but also easy to build, taking under 15 minutes to complete. Whether you’re playing on Java Edition or Bedrock Edition, this farm is a game-changer for your survival world or server. Farm Details Farm Performance: +400 to +450 iron per hour Farm Mode: Fully Automatic Versions: 1.16 – 1.21 Platforms: Java… Read More

  • 🦖 Jurassic Fossils Madness in Shizaradise! Ep. 18

    🦖 Jurassic Fossils Madness in Shizaradise! Ep. 18Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modded SMP2 Ep. 18 | 1.12.2 | Obtaining jurassic fossils’, was uploaded by Sharadise on 2024-05-15 16:25:51. It has garnered 27 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:10 or 7570 seconds. Yay for the Prehistoric Nature mod! This is an archived ‘Minecraft: Prehistoric Nature & Thaumcraft’ modded SMP stream. It was streamed live over on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sharadise Featuring: CangoFango, Emichu, Willys1961, mr_w_l, Albastru916 & RealHansWasser Cango’s POV: helping with organism pronunciations. Mod list: https://www.sharadise.com/streaming/Sharadise%20-%20Prehistoric%20Nature%20and%20Thaumcraft%20mod%20list.pdf Game: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/store/minecraft-java-edition Seed (1.12.2): I have no idea actually, I may update this later. In case… Read More

  • Trapped by Scary New Monsters – Minecraft Maizen

    Trapped by Scary New Monsters - Minecraft MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘How JJ got Trapped by the Scary New Monsters from DIGITAL CIRCUS Minecraft Maizen JJ and Mikey’, was uploaded by JJ And Mikey Best on 2024-05-08 21:45:00. It has garnered 16586 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:24 or 1464 seconds. How JJ got Trapped by the Scary New Monsters from DIGITAL CIRCUS Minecraft Maizen JJ and Mikey This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Original Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial Maizen and Mikey, also known as JJ and Mikey in the Minecraft community,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Caps Compilation!

    INSANE Minecraft Caps Compilation!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft caps derlemesi part 1’, was uploaded by Minecraft capsleri on 2024-06-13 18:57:27. It has garnered 33 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:13 or 73 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft capsleri, Caps, Minecraft capsleri global, Minecraft capsleri resmi, crystal pvp, crystal pvp montage, crystal, pvp, cpvp, pvp crystal, 2b2t crystal pvp, crystal pvp, how to crystalpvp, crystalpvp crystal pvp,crystal pvp montage,crystal,pvp,pvp crystal,2b2t crystal pvp,crystal pvp 2b2t,minecraft crystal pvp,minecraft end crystal pvp,2b2t pvp,2b2t pvp montage,2b2t crystal,2b2t – spawn pvp,2bpvp,2b2t 00 pvp,pvp montage,crystalpvp,0b0t pvp,crystalpvp.cc,2b2t 32k pvp,anarchy pvp,2b2t pvpbot,2b2tpvp,2bpvp.net,2b2tpvpbot,2b2tpvp.net,pve,list,best,meta,minecraft anarchy,blast,salc1,2b2t how to get started,wurst +2,how… Read More

  • LHxNinja DESTROYS in EPIC Minecraft PvP

    LHxNinja DESTROYS in EPIC Minecraft PvPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PE PvP Compilation’, was uploaded by LHxNinja on 2024-01-13 16:07:17. It has garnered 52 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:23 or 143 seconds. Totally random Video Was ABIT lazy on the editing but hopefully this one does good! I won’t be posting for a while Since I’ve got School But I will be active on Discord So be sure to drop by(check community post) Yes, there is a big spoiler in this really short video As My Best Friend And I are Working On The First Official Project TFNAFMP-… Read More

  • EPIC Adventure: SPIDER PIT in Isle of Oblivion Minecraft Map!

    EPIC Adventure: SPIDER PIT in Isle of Oblivion Minecraft Map!Video Information This video, titled ‘INTO THE SPIDER PIT FOR THE LIGHT BLUE WOOL!!!: Isle Of Oblivion Minecraft Map!’, was uploaded by Dahl Dantill on 2024-04-04 14:00:16. It has garnered 46 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:34 or 1774 seconds. Weclome to Isle Oblivion, A Minecraft CTM map in Minecraft version 1.20.1 I try to survive, gather resources and build epic things. #Minecraft #Hypermine #HypermineSMP Hope you enjoy it and if you do “SKELP” that like button Check it out here :- https://minecraft.net/en-us/ Minecraft is a sandbox construction game created by Mojang AB founder Markus… Read More

  • Enchanted Tree House in the Twilight Forest ✨🌲 A Fairycore Minecraft Adventure! Ep 23 💖

    Enchanted Tree House in the Twilight Forest ✨🌲 A Fairycore Minecraft Adventure! Ep 23 💖Video Information This video, titled ‘Twilight Forest Tree House! ♡ Fairycore Minecraft Let’s Play ✩⋆ Ep 23 ✮⊹♡’, was uploaded by Luvstar on 2024-02-04 18:08:00. It has garnered 8466 views and 430 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:20 or 5840 seconds. 🌈Become a Channel Member for exclusive posts, early access videos, BTS, exclusive chats, discounts on stickers, and more: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCcRwVLEk-0ouoHIKUjKQqg/join hey everyone my name is luvstar! welcome to my fairycore-themed relaxing modded let’s play! this series will include episodes of me living as a mage elf and exploring and transforming a beautiful fantasy minecraft world. i chose the… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Golem Fail! 😂 #gamerzfleet #survival

    EPIC Minecraft Golem Fail! 😂 #gamerzfleet #survivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft golem funny short #minecraft #gamerzfleet #survival #technogamerz #gamerzfleet #lilyville’, was uploaded by ProWinx425 on 2024-10-01 07:48:24. It has garnered 3886 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. minecraft parkour gameplay, minecraft 100 days, minecraft video, minecraft minecraft, minecraft game, minecraft house, minecraft cartoon, minecraft luna mod, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft parkour, minecraft song, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft apk download, minecraft apk, minecraft animation tutorial, minecraft anshu bisht, minecraft animation movie, minecraft automatic door, minecraft adventures, minecraft animation video, a minecraft video, a minecraft house, a minecraft server… Read More

  • Minecraft Unsune News 🗞️ | Crazy Funny Moments 🤣

    Minecraft Unsune News 🗞️ | Crazy Funny Moments 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ke Kuch Unsune News 🗞️ | Funny News 🤣’, was uploaded by ZdravoXGaming on 2024-05-02 03:30:08. It has garnered 99 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:49 or 109 seconds. Minecraft Ke Kuch Unsune News 🗞️ | Funny News 🤣 Discord_https://discord.com/invite/KXhVWMhJH8 minecraft shorts minecraft shorts viral youtube shorts skibidi toilet short comedy shortsfeed funny viral shorts memes shortfeed gaming trend trending shorts trending titan cameraman respect timing asmr entertainment monster school sand art news minecraft shortsfeed skibidi funny shorts games minecraft sand art mc flame minecraft animation reel reels skibidi… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Reveal: Crazy Encounter with SLAW!

    Mind-Blowing Reveal: Crazy Encounter with SLAW!Video Information This video, titled ‘#shorts زلمة رايح زلمة جاي 😅’, was uploaded by SLAW on 2024-06-05 20:00:42. It has garnered 52 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. تابعوني بلييييز 0 minecraft songs, 0.16 0 minecraft, 1 9 minecraft, 1 and 0 minecraft song, 1 minecraft, 1 minecraft day, 1 minecraft girl 69 minecraft girl, 1 minecraft intro, 1 minecraft juegagerman, 1 minecraft songs, 1 minecraft stampylongnose, 1 minecraft story mode, 1 minecraft vida, 1 minecraft video, 2 minecraft, 2 minecraft account giveaway, 2 minecraft accounts one email, 2 minecraft girls, 2… Read More

  • Odyssey SMP | smp | realms

    Odyssey SMP: Seeking New Members! Welcome to Odyssey SMP, a small community of friends inviting new members to join our long-term realm. Current members range from students to retirees, all 18+. Our realm values chill and relaxed gameplay with zero tolerance for griefing, hacking, cheating, stealing, or aggressive behavior. This vanilla realm includes a Creeper and Ghast block protection mod, ensuring a smooth experience for all players. Stay connected with our active Discord server and engage with our friendly and social community in-game and on Discord. If you’re seeking a welcoming and long-term community, reach out to Tiger McStanley, our… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: Someone had to do it

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme: Someone had to do itThat’s a pretty high score for a meme about placing blocks in a virtual world! Read More