Minecraft ASMR: Explore with Shaders and Relaxing Keyboard Sounds 🎮

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome back to another Minecraft come cheing ASMR video I hope you’re all having a fantastic day so far so for today’s video I thought it would be kind of cool if we explored a new world um over the past few days I’ve been looking at getting

Shaders and different things to kind of enhance the the Minecraft experience um both for me and you guys and so this world is not mine but one by Nvidia and it kind of showcases the type of like shaders that you can get and stuff like that and I thought

It’d be fun for us to like explore it together um this is a new type of video one where I’m really not going to be building I mean I guess we could attempt to like try to move our El in if that makes any sense

But as of right now it’s just going to be exploring I hope you guys enjoy just in case anybody’s new we are on the road to 1 th000 subscribers I would greatly greatly appreciate you leaving a subscribe um leaving a subscribe I would greatly appreciate you subscribing and leaving a like or a

Comment um but yeah so this is kind a new adventure for us I’m very excited and um let’s get into it hopefully you enjoy if you like these videos let me know they have different world and stuff so we can like explore other ones but if

You if you enjoy me you know building in our usual world then also let me know cuz nothing beats you know our original World so it is kind of crazy to see this type of stuff um like it’s just so weird everything’s so like 3D oh snap there’s actually stuff in here I

Didn’t know that so it’s like a starter kit that’s cool that’s actually really cool okay you go ready let me just close this I’m so excited to show you guys I won’t lie I did look at a little bit I even showed a figgy and she really thought it was cool

So let’s get into it oh there’s a book okay it’s called Hilltop lifestyle presented before you is your very own unique survival spawn to explore and decorate utilizing Ray tracing features Ray tracing is the shaders example the Interiors added throughout the world and create your own within other various empty buildings

Around the map there are plenty of homes to choose from to make your home base or if you don’t wish to hang around Venture into the normal vanilla survival world and enjoy the Minecraft RTX okay okay that’s actually really cool are you guys ready those of you that have seen

Shaders you know how crazy they can get but like for me personally I’ve never dude you can see the sun go down I’ve never played like in person shaders before before so this was crazy for me so get ready isn’t this insane this is actually crazy L it is actually

Crazy um let’s see if we can go down to the water I want you guys to see the water oh you can’t even see anything dude it’s so dark but this is actually crazy at this iron okay you guys let me know if I should start a world in here since it’s

The only one with shaders that I have because I still haven’t uh I still haven’t downloaded any from like any websites because downloading stuff for Minecraft uh scares me because every time you try to download something it could be like a virus so but if you guys really want to see

Shaders and stuff like that let me know and I will overcome my fear and uh find some reliable shaders or if you guys know any reliable websites to download them from let me know in the comments I did want to get um a ow a rainbow uh XP

Bar I’ve been watching a lot of um 1,000 days in Minecraft hardcore lately and one of the guys that I watched had a rainbow XP bar and it was just beautiful so isn’t this crazy like is a pirate ship the sky Coliseum let’s go see if there’s a bed

In here somewhere there has to be because it said we could uh sleep hey oh hello dude that is crazy this is wild it’s just crazy because it’s like Minecraft you’d think it’s such a simple game but it’s like there’s so many possibilities it’s unbelievable are there any like beds

Here okay no beds nothing in the barrels either where am I supposed to sleep I got an iron ore what the heck let me actually take this with me um should we head over to the Coliseum or the pirate ship will I make this I don’t know yeah I

Will okay we’ll head over to the pirate ship oh end dude the water is so crazy I’m not going to lie to you I can barely see anything yo I can barely see anything right now let’s try to uh can we try to like break our way in here there we go oh

Blow up okay dude there’s hella whoa oh there’s a a drowned oh no we lost all our stuff uh oh uh oh why didn’t I put this on Peaceful now look at me just struggling are you kidding me wait a second hold on hold on hold on

I have an idea because I know what you guys are yelling at me there we go there we go I don’t know what Adventure is if you guys know what that is comment down below let me know CU I have no idea what that is let me uh oh

Let me see this there is a crafting table alrighty alrighty okay let me sleep in this bed get daylight going this is too much for me there we go okay look look look isn’t that insane this is crazy what’s even crazier to me is that people play this game like this constantly like

You guys are just looking at beautiful landscapes all day every day this is just amazing dude like look at this let’s see how do I look how do I look bro tell me I shouldn’t install shaders ASAP ASAP that is crazy okay let’s get to exploring so this is just a big pirate

Ship I would imagine there’s really nothing on here maybe okay okay nothing in here either cartography table oh I didn’t mean to do that do I just like do I toss that in or what do I do oops that’s my bad what is this what is

That what the heck hey yo an Ender Chest bro wait I can’t break anything hold on interesting I want this Ender Chest I’ve never had one of these in my life wait I can’t break it with a stone pickaxe huh dude look at this glass what the

Heck all right this is actually pretty wild dude let’s go to the Coliseum this is so crazy this is actually so crazy they have um they have Hilltop lifestyle they also have uh like a couple more I think so if you guys enjoy these like adventuring

Videos If you guys enjoy these Advent oh my gosh hold on if you guys enjoy these adventuring videos let me know and I will 100% keep doing them until I figure out how to install shaders because I know like I’ve seen videos on how to do it but like I said I’m

Just I’m afraid so I’m hoping that one of my Bedrock Bedrock friends AKA you guys whoever plays on Bedrock out there um lets me know any good reliable websites that I don’t have to be afraid of trying to download stuff on okay okay what do we got here this is actually really

Sick oh my goodness we found a town we found a little town oh wait I didn’t even put my little armor back on yo hey yo excuse me hello oh my goodness should this be our house should this be our house right here let’s keep oh wait let’s go up

Here let’s go up here okay so this is what I was talking about how some of the houses are like unfurnished and you can pick one that you want to make your base this one’s actually very nice and I like that a lot so what did I just pick up a bone so

Uh I like that one dude this is crazy I really I really hope you guys can’t hear my phone vibrating because it’s like every time I record a video my phone wants to go off for no reason and it’s kind of irritating okay uh should we take one of these

Crafting tables I don’t think I took oh my gosh I didn’t even get my axe back no I want the scaffolding please thank you hey y oh this is cool dude hello bro this is cool ow is there something up here or am I being like Bamboozled what the

Heck wait since I turned on since I turned on Adventure Mode does that mean like nothing and chess is going to have anything anymore like did I break the game on accident I hope I didn’t break the game okay where did I come up from it was this one

Right wait how do I go down oh there we go cool cool cool okay hey yo ow bro these doors were open I didn’t even open them I’m scared I really hope I didn’t break the game by turning on adventuring because I enjoyed getting surprises out

Of the chess this is a Beachside condo bro what oh my gosh it’s vacant dude you guys just say the words and that’s our house for real okay it’s a little small I better not have broken the game because I’m going to be angry not really but

Ow I’ll be a little irritated at myself oh this is cool what the what is that doing I don’t know what that’s doing but that’s kind of freaking me out oh is it that oh no I’m leaving that scared me I don’t even know what that was doing

Okay this is a cute house I like this one let’s keep going keep exploring oh bro I can’t get over like how this looks it’s like so nice oh my goodness the clouds you know what okay because I know some of you guys watch other Minecraft videos um imagine watching somebody else other

Than me but we won’t get into that um I’m just kidding by the way or am I I don’t know anyways there’s a there’s like a I don’t know if it’s a texture pack or if it’s shaders but it makes it makes the clouds look like rounded if that makes sense

Like they’re still square or rectangular whatever shape that is I don’t even know but they’re rounded and I looked up like bubble clouds Minecraft cuz that’s kind of what it reminds me up was like bubbles um but I couldn’t find anything so if you guys know please let me know

Uh because I want to get that specific pack ow that makes the uh that makes the uh clouds look like that it was like one of my favorite things that I saw from people’s videos and um most people don’t put like the shaders that they use or or Texture Packs like in the

Description so you really just got to find it on your own but yeah you guys my besties please help me find it because I want I want those this is kind of nice just like relaxing calm dude where is that house that had three beds and why aren’t these lights turning

On I feel like I broke it okay so how I can best describe oh my gosh of course it’s like everything was just rounded same exact shape just rounded like a bubble okay if you’ve ever seen that one specific SpongeBob episode where he turns perfect and he’s like a rounded

Sponge I’m not going to lie to you that’s exactly exactly what the clouds look like with SpongeBob when he was perfect so if you guys watch SpongeBob let me know that’s the that’s the hello can I not go down here now that’s the best way to describe

It why didn’t I take a bed earlier this is so nice this is kind of relaxing I was thinking about doing videos where like because I don’t know if y’all remember dude I just went in a circle I don’t know if you guys remember but for those of you that have been here

Literally since the beginning I started out this channel just with keyboard sounds um no Whispering no anything because I got very nervous okay so I didn’t break the game there’s actually stuff in the chest now cool um but anyways I was thinking about doing like like if I did my longer

Videos I don’t know if you guys enjoy the whispering commentary in the longer videos like my two like my half like an hour and a half to two hours uh I don’t know if you guys enjoy commentary or if I should like or if I should

Uh what do you call it do like a no commentary only keyboard sounds for like three hours you guys let me know I don’t know if that’d be too much I think it’d be kind of fun um but yeah let me know because I know sometimes like watching Minecraft or like watching like

You want to watch an ASMR video but sometimes the talking depending how you’re feeling can be a little overwhelming so if I just did like a two to three hour video or an hour and a half of me just like building with like keyboard sounds you know that might be easier to to

Get through you know what I mean I hope they don’t mind but I’m breaking this dude am I in the same place that I was earlier ain’t no way I’m actually kind of scared ow I forgot I have keep inventory off so I got to be careful about that

Since I don’t have my axe anymore unfortunately I could literally make a furnace room with how many see this is what I’m talking about why is every house not like this I’m moving into this one do yall hear that what the heck is that were those Phantoms what the heck I’m

Scared hey yo nice fridge do I put this in a blast furnace I do right cool I think Vicki’s going to really enjoy this I feel like this is a nice like aesthetically pleasing video you know what I mean this is a one of those nice ones what what block is that

Dude I haven’t taken a crafting table this whole time this is crazy wouldn’t it be kind of funny if I like actually started a world and in this and I just kept adding on the thing is is I don’t know how big it it what is that

I don’t know how big this world is I don’t know if it’s like infinite like like the normal ones are or if it’s like I don’t know okay cool and then hopefully I come back to this house because I really like this one but uh let me B these paintings

Let me Bor these paintings this yeah I’ll try to be back I’ll try to be back oh oh not me going to the bathroom that’s my bad hey wait had to take a shower I had to take a shower and wash my hands before we go

On an adventure okay where was that big thing that we just saw oh you’re okay we’re gonna do a little cheat code little cheat code going through the oh ow uhoh uhoh okay our house is that way dude have I been in here before I

Have wait this is that place that I was at at night oh my gosh yeah it was okay give me a crafting table thank you now I’m going to go back home I just need to cross all that right to go back home or whatever you know what I just thought

About so depending on how big depending on how big this world actually is right I could technically play with the shaders if I just like teleported myself hella far teleport what is that teleported myself hella far and um you know started building elsewhere okay this is actually really cool this is actually very

Cool yo oh hell I mean heck no sorry oh my oh my goodness dude that little that little fish eye fish eye view just now kind of freaked me out that’s my bad oh my goodness okay first of all we need to uh oh man we need to settle down and get some

Tools it’s just crazy cuz it’s like what am I going to do here when everything’s already done is this a diner is that a jukebox oh yeah oh my bad whoa whoa whoa okay nope no thanks I do want this Stone I don’t know for

What uh I’ll take that Clay Pot too is there anything in here I didn’t do that oh my bad y’all okay I don’t think we’ve been over here they got like crops bamboo dude this place has hella iron and furnaces you know what you know what I’m thinking this would be

Fun this would be fun if I got figgy to um to play with me on here too I think that would be cool y’all think Vicky would play on here with me this would be fun if we got like hella people to play on here because when it’s

Just me it’s like too big you know what I mean like in my and I think it’s also because I have no idea where anything’s at and like in my world you know it’s it’s so easy to like I know where everything’s at and stuff like that but

Um this was fun this was fun I don’t think we’ve been over here I feel like we you know what I feel like we’ve been everywhere I just don’t recognize anything because I take like I take like um shortcuts and stuff okay have we actually explored everything in this world I don’t think

So but it feels like we have because everywhere we go we’ve already been wow oh ow but anyways I thought this was kind of fun I thought this was a fun video sorry there wasn’t much like building or anything I just thought this would be cool

Um I just thought this would be like a cool fun new type of video to kind of explore like what Minecraft is capable of like the shaders and stuff like that so if you guys want me to get shaders let me know like I said uh I feel like

I’ve said it like three times so far but please if you guys play bck and you know reliable websites to get shaders and like the rainbow uh XP bar and stuff like that I think there’s I think there’s um a website that directly like directly and ports

Java uh is it mods not really like Java stuff like that because you know how Java is way I think it’s way easier to get cool stuff oh bro are you serious um but I I did find out there’s this like Bedrock version of that website apparently it’s really reliable

But I just want to double check with you guys because I dressed you guys more than a YouTube video um but yeah if you enjoyed this type of video let me know I will do more they have a couple more maps so I could actually do a couple

More videos on this um like I said wee to 1 th000 subscribers so if you enjoy it and you’re new here and you haven’t already please consider subscribing it greatly helps me in the channel out I can’t believe we’re already almost a thousand the fact that you guys really

Like my videos still blows my mind but yeah guys I hope you enjoyed if you did like I said consider leaving a like comment subscribing I read everybody’s comments I love you guys and as always my friends I will definitely see you in the next one bye

This video, titled ‘ASMR GAMING 😴 MINECRAFT GUM CHEWING + RELAXING KEYBOARD SOUNDS⌨️ (EXPLORING AND BRAND NEW SHADERS)’, was uploaded by crrum ASMR on 2024-01-03 23:00:08. It has garnered 907 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:11 or 2171 seconds.

shaders actually make a huge difference lmao!!

if you enjoyed today’s video please consider leaving a like, comment & subscribing 🩷

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more ASMR content:

minecraft ⏩️ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWIRKF7vUOFMtOIPZZTWToLS-eGUjm9z3&si=kDDV1IJ4fvLCoRNR

fortnite ⏩️ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWIRKF7vUOFOnKn-CZszMSxrZ0ZwjWjy8&si=3vUAMCVd0ZL2WTOH

all my videos in one sleep playlist ❤️ : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWIRKF7vUOFMX2NaPwJozBV79af_xZTm_&si=gFGhFyUTm8zT5X6l

sweet dreams – 😴 crrum.

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    Uncovering Hidden SECRETS of Mutant Bosses in Foxy Craft in Just 8 Minutes!Video Information This video, titled ‘All of Your Mutants Bosses Questions in 8.00 Minutes – Compilation’, was uploaded by Foxy Craft on 2024-04-23 11:00:22. It has garnered 5791 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:36 or 1956 seconds. All of Your Mutants Bosses Questions in 8.00 Minutes – Compilation #minecraft #minecraftbattle #battleminecraft #minecraftmobbattle #minecraftbattlemobs #mobbattle #battlemobs 🔊 Music from video: All music taken from this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCscTvpQ7po&list=PLfP6i5T0-DkIoOYMkO3N5eTKngUvhV56p&ab_channel=BreakingCopyright%E2%80%94RoyaltyFreeMusic Channel from which the music is taken: https://www.youtube.com/@BreakingCopyright I am very grateful to this channel for providing copyright-free music. If you liked the video, then write about it in… Read More

  • Insane Gamerz: Pillagers Spare Baby Villagers 🙀🔥 #viral #minecraft

    Insane Gamerz: Pillagers Spare Baby Villagers 🙀🔥 #viral #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pillager’s don’t hurt baby villagers 🥺♥️ || #thecrazygamerz #viral #minecraft #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by THE CRAZY GAMERZ on 2024-03-24 07:15:01. It has garnered 432 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Pillager’s don’t hurt baby villagers 🥺♥️ || #thecrazygamerz #viral #minecraft #trending #shorts can baby zombie took her revenge for family? #shorts #minecraft,probability comparison,monster school animation,the builder,what happened on hermitcraft,monster school,builder is back,clash of clans town hall,clash of clans animation,this week on hermitcraft,clash of clans commercial,hermitcraft season 9 full recap,builder,clan wars,clash of clans,minecraft survival,hermitcraft season 9,minecraft let’s… Read More

  • Cubed Chaos SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.4 Whitelist 18+

    Welcome to Cubed Chaos! The Cubed Chaos server has been around since b1.2, and continues to update regularly to create a vibrant community of Minecraft enthusiasts. Our world file is a massive 50 GB, offering plenty to see and explore. Datapacks We have a variety of datapacks installed for gameplay and crafting enhancements, including anti-grief measures, new crafting recipes, and more. Rules Don’t be a prick No Griefing or Theft No Exploiting Glitches No Use of Cheating Mods Respect the Shop System Join Us! If you’re interested in joining, join our Public Discord for the application process. Good luck! Read More

  • Nottorium Network

    Nottorium NetworkWelcome to Nottorium Network – Open Beta_0.0.1!Get ready for the ultimate Minecraft experience in version 1.20.4, with support from version 1.13+! At Nottorium Network, we are creating a world where creativity and adventure meet. Here, you will find a unique combination of features and systems designed to make your game exciting and challenging.Server Features:🔧 SlimeFun: Explore a new world of technological and magical possibilities with SlimeFun. Create advanced machines, magical items and more!🌍 SkyBlock: Build and expand your island in the sky. Challenge yourself with unique missions and goals, and show off your building and survival skills.💰 Hardcore Economy: Immerse… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Average Minecraft Server: A Dumpster Fire

    Looks like the creeper wasn’t the only thing exploding in that house! Read More

  • Mine your time, don’t waste a dime! #motivation

    Mine your time, don't waste a dime! #motivation In the world of Minecraft, where time slips away, Harness its power, make the most of your day. Manage your time, avoid distractions in sight, Turn wishes to wins, in the dark, find your light. Constant growth, self-discovery, the key, Find your purpose, make a positive impact, you’ll see. Don’t let time hold you back, take control, make it right, Live your most fulfilling life, shine bright. Subscribe for more motivation, inspiration in store, In the world of Minecraft, let your dreams soar. Motivation, success, in every rhyme, In the realm of creativity, it’s your time to climb. Read More

  • Ohio Nether portals: Hot mess in Minecraft! 🔥 #shorts #meme

    Ohio Nether portals: Hot mess in Minecraft! 🔥 #shorts #meme “Trying to navigate through Ohio’s Nether portals in Minecraft is like trying to find your way out of a corn maze after dark – good luck and godspeed!” 😂🌽🔥 #OhioProblems #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Chicken Chaos in Minecraft Snapshots

    Chicken Chaos in Minecraft Snapshots Minecraft Combat Test Snapshots: Flying with Chickens Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to new heights? Join the Minecraft Combat Test Snapshots (CTS) and get ready for some exciting new features! Developed by Jeb, these snapshots are a fork of 1.16 and offer a unique gameplay experience that you won’t want to miss. How to Join CTS If you’re ready to dive into the world of CTS, follow these simple steps: Check out this tutorial on how to download CTS: Download CTS Tutorial Learn how to join CTS from version 1.20.1: Join CTS Tutorial Join the Nexia… Read More

  • Automating Farms with Industrial Foregoing

    Automating Farms with Industrial Foregoing Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring Industrial Foregoing and More! Exploring the world of Minecraft with a selection of mods from version 1.20.1 can be an exciting and challenging experience. From familiar favorites to brand new additions, the possibilities are endless. Join in on the fun as our player delves into the realm of Industrial Foregoing and beyond! Mastering Industrial Foregoing Industrial Foregoing is a mod that introduces advanced machinery and automation to the game. While the learning curve may be steep, the rewards are well worth the effort. Our player may still be struggling at times, but each setback is… Read More


    BECOME THE ALPHA WOLF'S LUCKY BLOCK FANGIRL NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ONE ALPHA WOLF FANGIRL ONLY Lucky Block in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-10 17:00:03. It has garnered 12131 views and 262 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:50 or 1250 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ONE ALPHA FANGIRL ONLY Lucky Block in Minecraft!! Will Shad get away from his fangirls? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • Kick the Buddy Forever: Alex Grounded Song

    Kick the Buddy Forever: Alex Grounded SongVideo Information This video, titled ‘(Music Video)Kick the buddy Forever Alex Gets Grounded Song 2024’, was uploaded by TEFMVVM465 SpongebobDO NOT HAVE (Spongeomar) on 2024-03-22 17:43:21. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. You Want To Watch Minecraft Lore, Click On The Link:     • Minecraft Lore #TeamTEFMVVM465SpongeBobDONOTHAVE Credit To Anyone Who Owns This Content I Own Nothing. Credit to anyone who own their content in this video. Like,Subscribe,Hit The Bell And Comment! ————————————————————————————————————- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 2011, allowance is made for “fair… Read More

  • VENOM CONTROLS ME?! Spiderman vs Venom Minecraft Anim.

    VENOM CONTROLS ME?! Spiderman vs Venom Minecraft Anim.Video Information This video, titled ‘TÔI ĐÃ BỊ VENOM KIỂM SOÁT Tập 8 #spiderman #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #venomvsspiderman’, was uploaded by Thích Xem Minecraft on 2024-05-26 04:45:01. It has garnered 6510 views and 144 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. This video follows the journey of a Minecraft player in hardcore mode, where the player dies permanently. Players transform into Spiderman and must face many challenges to become an Avenger. Getting Started: The player starts the game as a normal person, but is quickly bitten by a spider and gains superpowers. Then he meets Iron Man,… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Build Hack! 🔥 #shorts

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Build Hack! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-04-21 14:49:09. It has garnered 441 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/axyspy/ Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Server LIVE 🔴 24/7 Cracked Java Edition

    EPIC Minecraft SMP Server LIVE 🔴 24/7 Cracked Java EditionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴PUBLIC SMP | Java | Cracked | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7’, was uploaded by 1st Gaming on 2024-01-12 20:20:49. It has garnered 131 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:08 or 6188 seconds. #minecraftlive #minecraftnepal #minecraftshorts Discord-https://discord.gg/pebNABVm3v SERVER IP – ​java ip – play.unityrealms.fun pe ip – play.unityrealms.fun port- 25841 minecraft,minecraft smp,minecraft live,minecraft java edition,minecraft house,minecraft tik tok hacks,minecraft video,minecraft techno gamerz,minecraft in hindi,minecraft hacks,chapati hindustani gamer minecraft,chapati and loggy minecraft,mythpat,live insaan,techno gamerz,beast boy shub,gaming,gameplay,livestream,gaming live stream,smp,live smp,minecraft hindi,gamerfleet,gokuldham,loggy,india,HEROBRINE,herobrine smp,SMP,UJJWAL,minecraft,minecraft stream ,minecraft smp live ,minecraft multiplayer ,smp for… Read More

  • MUST TRY!! Insane F5 Button Addon – Change Camera in One Click!

    MUST TRY!! Insane F5 Button Addon - Change Camera in One Click!Video Information This video, titled ‘F5 Button Addon For Minecraft PE (1.20+) || Change Camera Angle In One Click’, was uploaded by Not Ghost Playz on 2024-04-27 04:12:03. It has garnered 24 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:21 or 141 seconds. F5 Button Addon For Minecraft PE (1.20+) || Change Camera Angle In One Click So in this video I gave F5 BUTTON MODfor Minecraft PE ◆ Download Link – •https://linkpays.in/oxs6s –»Also in Comment Section ✓ credits goes to their respective owners I’m not trying to steal any credits and add-ons developed by you… Ignore… Read More

  • Ultimate Beacon Defense Challenge in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Beacon Defense Challenge in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Can I Protect My Beacon In This DEADLY Event? #shorts’, was uploaded by Slord on 2024-03-03 07:47:00. It has garnered 10870 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. you can ask me about anything – packs, servers, my setup – i will respond join my discord! https://discord.gg/RH4cuddCeh Minecraft, PvP, Funny, Memes, Combo, MMC, Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh Jirz block hit I should probably also put Trycs and Sammygreen and Turtilz and itzglimpse and NotNico and Mellomelt and TapL and Technoblade and Grian and Stimpy or… Read More

  • INSANE PvP WATERMELON combos with Kuibrid Titanium!

    INSANE PvP WATERMELON combos with Kuibrid Titanium!Video Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum BOL AMA BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ GÖK ÇEKME PVP KARPUZ’, was uploaded by Kuibrid on 2024-02-13 04:36:30. It has garnered 336 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:17 or 4337 seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open space rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat how to do 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endgame, minecraft endgame does not… Read More

  • SCARY Life of APHMAU in Minecraft! Parody Story

    SCARY Life of APHMAU in Minecraft! Parody StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘APHMAU Having A SCARY LIFE in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Ein,Aaron and KC GIRL)’, was uploaded by Aphmau Fan on 2024-03-24 15:57:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: Aphmau Locked on ONE BLOCK But We’re ELEMENTAL in Minecraft! – Parody … Read More

  • The Real SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Friendly Community

    Greetings from The Real SMP! Are you seeking a fun and inclusive Semi-Vanilla server? Look no further! Our goal is to provide a server that brightens your day with stable and secure gameplay. Our server runs continuously with strong anti-cheat measures to ensure a fair gaming experience. Features: Player Shops Spawn Protection Giveaways Join us to be part of a vibrant community! Discord Server: Join our Discord IP: mc.therealsmp.com Website: Visit our website Read More

  • MConquest 1.5

    MConquest is a completely Player-Driven world that includes lives and the ability to steal them! Here we like to do Semi-RP, although it isn’t required!Make factions, Kill others! & become the King of the server!Everyone from builders, fighters, normal players & even streamers are welcomed here!Hop on, forge teams enemies and allies & be sure to have fun! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Stupid titles ruining my meme!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Stupid titles ruining my meme!"“Why am I forced to add a title? Because even this Minecraft meme has a higher score than me on a test.” Read More

  • Monsters Pack Attack: Modded Minecraft Mayhem!

    Monsters Pack Attack: Modded Minecraft Mayhem! In the land of Minecraft, a pack of monsters did appear, Chasing after us, spreading nothing but fear. But fear not, for we were armed with mods, Ready to take on any odds. From The Fog, a modpack we did play, With twists and turns at every corner, come what may. The Mezzmo Guardian leading the way, Crafting stories with each passing day. Subscribe to his channel, join the fun, For Minecraft adventures, second to none. Follow him on Kick, TikTok, and more, For gaming content galore. So come along, join the ride, In the world of Minecraft, where… Read More

  • Who will make the sculk scream louder?

    Who will make the sculk scream louder? I bet the Ender Dragon’s death will generate the most sculk, because it’s going to be a real “drag-on” for those poor mobs! Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating Super Flat World

    Ultimate Guide: Creating Super Flat World Creating a Super Flat World in Minecraft with Aternos Are you looking to expand your Minecraft world with a flat landscape to build your dream creations? With Aternos, you can easily create a super flat world to unleash your creativity. Follow the steps below to get started! Step 1: Visit Aternos Official Website Begin by visiting the official Aternos website to access their server hosting services. Aternos provides a user-friendly platform for Minecraft players to set up and customize their servers. Step 2: Navigate to the World Section Once you are on the Aternos website, navigate to the World… Read More