Minecraft Evolution Day 3: EPIC Surprises Await!

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He Hey that was a little bit stuttery wasn’t it how are we hi it’s me Mr wiggley of twitch.tv hang a second didn’t I change that hey welcome in everyone let’s see who’s here uh Mastercraft is first then Mr Wiggly bot fosser bot Mr Wiggly tono arida

Welcome um there was there’s been a lot of talk tyona of the um the the number of uh people that come in here the walking wounded so um somebody it may have even been you actually suggested adding in a um a an ambulance to the

Intro uh so I did I thought it was a great idea so I did it um so it has been around for a little while but I couldn’t tell you exactly how long it’s just it’s been a while but anyway right we’re looking at the quest book we’ve unlocked the Bronze Age

Apparently um I I got two compressed Stone but I can’t do the machine frame because we’re missing pink slime and two other hidden things um so we’ll go back to Iron Age um I guess well we can’t do that so we’re going to have to make the

Fluid extractor now we like we don’t have any choice we have to make the fluid extractor so we’ll get working on that uh what what do we need thank you for adding that you’re welcome it it seemed appropriate the more we um excuse me the more we had more and

More injured people coming through the the more it made sense okay um now yes I will take those and those not those okay so we got to stack and almost almost the second stack of that walking wounded then my right calf has been swelling up on me the past 3 days thank

You diabetes yay how’s my back doing okay so I went to the doctor and and hang on hey I won um I went to the doctor and uh what they said was um that I have let me let me try and remember the wording it was a unilateral tear and

Um uh spasm there’s a spasm in there unilateral no I don’t think it was a unilateral tear but there was something about a tear and some bruising and um they said it’s uh 4 to 6 weeks of recovery but because it’s my back there’s not really much they can do

With it um it just sort of got to tough it out unfortunately there you go so official diagnosis back is messed up but at least I have a reason now and I’ve been given pain pills and stuff to um to try and take care of it yeah you’re not wrong

Tono uh weighted pressure plate so hopefully that’s the same but the thing is right is that it’s like it’s it sucks but it could be a lot worse hey piston recipe is the same you know I’m still functional I can still move around I think that’s that’s one of the main

Things heating pad and linament the thing is because of the position that it’s in and the fact that my shoulders are messed up already anyway um means that I can’t um um I can’t wow that that was a whole thought oh yeah I can’t reach I can’t reach the spot that

Saw I can’t get my hand around there to actually you know heal myself right so I need two more and four irons and going to say two more I mean two more cobbles can’t help people moving no not not for at least another month I’m I’m gutted by that upper or

Lower back it’s it’s right in the middle it’s it’s it’s basically at the at the bottom of my rib cage on the right side Iron Age bag all right so now we need latex Processing Unit so that’s another pity machine frame pity the machine frame yeah so it’s right in the

Middle um I will oh not there Y and that b up hey 15 diamonds getting a decent amount of TNT through wish I was getting that before hot tub soak yeah so that that’ll help with pain and hello J um but it’s not going to be like the solution you

Know um okay so we need a latex bucket so I got to put some logs down oh yeah there’s no it’s it’s not a kidney St yeah we can we can say with 100% certainty that it is not a kidney stone it’s um it’s a pulling and twisting injury

Apparently so at some point I’ve Twisted in a funny way um and that’s that’s what’s done it bring up to the alien ship and they will be your Consciousness into a new body be nice if things work that way is it Sharon Stone he’s got kidneys could be those

Hurt like the devil yeah it’s not that that much I do know it’s definitely not that um all right so we’re going to need to make the infusion altar at some point and infusion these so we need eight of these so that’s 16 we need 20 stone

So we we’ll we’ll get that 20 stone ready we trying to plan ahead which is not like me um so that’s doing its stuff okay so latex Processing Unit again uh we need for that we’ve done that so for this we need furnace which needs deep

Sleep do we still have deep sleep we do plan A oh don’t just plan ahead plan the rest of the body as well right the pity machine frame that needs compressed iron gears which needs blocks of compressed iron oh oh we’ve got a compression chamber

Okay so we we can we can get 100% of our stuff back by putting putting things in there and then we’d have to get them out kidney stone hurts like somebody shanked you with a cork screw and then started twisting it back and forth well well we don’t want that do We oh I’ve never noticed you could see that in the chamber before I just need to get it out of the other side um how hard is it to make a pipe that doesn’t look difficult peekaboo chamber oh hi Britney oh hi fancy meeting me here in my own

Stream 16 of those two of those I’m doing all right Britney I’m doing all right programmer Jeff coming in with the uh first trivia of the day which rapper released the song I Believe I Can Fly in 19 98 our Kelly is Correct what am I missing I’m missing something another Redstone mammer McDonald’s should have teamed up with MC Hammer that that’s a missed opportunity it’s marketing gold overseer bbos btoa bboa bboa where are you B boaa oh there he is he’s miles away it’s a m MC opportunity it’s a MC Mist MC opportunity

Kira has watched three streams in a row thanks Kira new year new streak hope you back recover sooner than the doctor’s prediction well she said it was um uh 4 to 6 weeks and it’s been about 2 weeks already so it might only be another two weeks might only be another two weeks

But it could also be more more than that so we don’t we don’t know yet um but because yeah because it’s the back issue they can’t you know like you walk around and stuff all the time there’s not really much they can do so um like you can’t you can’t strap a

Back you probably probably physically can anyway hopefully hopefully Kira um all right so I need a chest I’m I’m trying not to let it bother me yeah I need to make a pipe wrench oh and this needs to be here and how we looking in here okay so that’s

Empty I’ll add a few more coals uh and then we need to make the pipe wrench so how difficult is that it is not difficult that’s good to know um not Stone rods put sticks great excuse for lots of relaxing baths if you have a bathtub SL like

Baths um I do have a bathtub uh I don’t think I’ve used it I’ll be honest that at this house I don’t think I’ve used it once okay that’s done so machine frame so we need a block of iron what yeah I don’t know that I’ve ever used it at this house What how we going is up the two wait oh okay we don’t want to keep that running cuz something will explode missing out it’s not um it’s not that I don’t like them it’s just it’s time Consuming uh okay is there any Cobblestone and any stripped logs there’s two cobblestones then stri logs now I’m using um Spruce because we we’re um we’re not allowed to have vanilla blocks in the build so that’ll make sense uh I recommend a lavender bath bubble soak very relaxing maybe people who like taking

Bars at home don’t know what life is like for tall people it it it is the one thing one thing I will agree with irod right the the bath that that I have at this house is set very low to the ground and I am not

Short I’m I’m I’m Just a Touch under 6’2 right so I’m not I’m not super tall or anything either but I’m not a short person so getting in and out of that bath I imagin would be interesting interesting okay so the only thing we should need now is a bucket of water and

A bucket of latex hey h Potter how you doing I don’t know why I called you H okay so we’re going to have to come back to that one so I guess what we’ll do is we’re going to have to go mining again but I have here the water barely

Com comes up to my waist when I sit in it the other thing too is like sitting down and standing up are the most painful things that I do at the moment so um so getting into and out of a bath I I can only imagine would be very difficult to

Do my problem with regular bars is it dries out my skin when she was doing her hair what were you all thinking who was doing their hair hey hermit oh I need to make another Bucket now where are we going going to get some water ah there’s some all right so now we’re just waiting for the one thing how’s my back we’re actually just moments ago talking about my back and um uh the doctor said about about four to 6 weeks of

Recovery we’ll just have to sort of see we’ll have to see all we need is latex bucket and a bucket of water then I said that’s what she said when she was doing her hair what were you all thinking oh that’s what she said when she was doing her hairir I got

You I understand now bag of food wow that is a lot of food all right um you stay I am going to go for an Explorer on the other Island over here now remember I do have dolphin’s Grace ring so that is the reason why we’re swimming so fast

So what king of the mountain is supposed to do right it what it’s supposed to do is it’s supposed to give the person who redeems it first and today’s obviously a test it’s supposed to give that person VIP for the duration of the stream right so that person has now got

VIP unfortunately it’s MC who is a moderator um but the next thing that should happen is that the value of it should go up by 10% every time it gets redeemed and there’s a 5 minute cool down so in 5 minutes somebody else should be able to take it off MC and be

VIP yeah so it’s 1100 so that part worked but but because MC is already a moderator we can’t give him um you can’t be a moderator and a VIP the king of the mountain was uh our’s um name suggestion which I quite liked so we we rolled with it what do

You get for being VIP um you can post Clips um uh you can post links and stuff in chat you get the little badge next to your name like hit got so the thing is if if somebody who has VIP now already were to buy it like

If if um uh say hermit there decided that that she wanted to be VIP for the duration of this stream uh that would mean that her current VIP would get taken off her if somebody else were to buy it or if not when the stream finished it would get taken off then so

Um if anybody does have VIP I would not recommend redeeming that reward we’re going to go that way yeah so if you have it don’t get it yeah hermit is a she yeah she’s s is’s a spring B never jeopardize your VIP earned the old fashion way not getting my precious trivia points

Trivia hey Sonia how you doing Quest completed pumpkin thanks honey okay now I know that that that Beacon over there that normally means that there’s at least at least two reward chests up to four I think we’re going to remove Journey map okay so there’s a structure underneath here so let’s

Um there it is I will I will take that coal all right what do you have for me compressed iron boots what’s that ring ring of growth nearby crops grow faster sure sold what would I do to injure my back I don’t know that’s the most annoying thing I don’t know what I

Did um but the doctor said it was a twisting injury so so so possibly I I twisted there’s one incident that I can think of that may have triggered it may hey um I was I was carrying a box and the box was reasonably heavy and

Then I turned I was walking towards the door and I was like oh I’m not going to fit through that door with the box here cuz the box is too wide so I will turn sideways to walk through the door sideways instead of walking through front frontwoods

On um so I did that I turned to my sideways and as I was doing it I was uh walking a little bit confidently and casually because I was so sure that I had figured out what I was doing and I was in the right position uh that I got

Um I got a huge fright surprise surprise when I um my back banged into the wall um and uh and that gave me a bit of a jump so I went H like that sort of thing you know how you do that huh I did one of

Them um and because I was carrying a heavy box at the time and um and I sort of went huh I think I think that that might have been the cause but that’s it that’s that’s the closest I can come up with no more twisting Like You Did Last Summer yeah

The box it’s it’s the only thing I can think of my RO mass and momentum so so that’s that’s what I believe happened such a wimpy way to get injured I probably don’t need to take um chest plates if we’re being completely honest definitely don’t need those wheat seeds

All right so we’re going to dump those in those so we can store these up in here good painkillers hello Victor um I got uh I got some Codine and um there’s a a muscle relaxant drug I don’t know what the muscle relaxant is called he said be very careful with this

Because it will make you drowsy and I’m like dude I I barely sleep as as it is drowsy I can handle I think it’s called Steven if not it should be all right what’s that sword Victor’s thunder strike iron brand of distant battles five damage to nearby enemies six attack damage 1.6 attack

Speed 7even attack damage I actually think that is going to be better so the main thing is um there’s there’s a solution at some point I’m going to have to go to Physio but probably not yet uh and then um uh in the meantime we just wait and

See I just got to stay off my back get off my back bro trivia p and Pie that’s new maze I’ll take the maze corn cabbage pumpkin you see making it daytime all The Usual Suspects all right Lyra what’s the next line of this song short is like a melody in my head

What what is the next line in that song I’m just trying to figure out what what rhyme Jeff is going to come up with for that physia are great but actually doing the exercises that give you to do at home is annoying and tough to get into a

Routine yeah well I’m hoping oh dang I’m hoping that because it’s um because it’s my back I’m going to have constant reminders every time I move so that’ll be motivation to get me twisting but the interesting thing was right I got there and uh the doctor says

Okay um so tell me tell me the problem and I explain the problem and she goes all right um right so I need to have a look at your back so just lift your shirt up right so I I turn around and I lift my shirt up and she goes oh yep

There it is I can see it um I can I you like I can see exactly where it is um and uh and then she like touched on the spot where it was and was like Yep this is the spot and yep yes yes it is I can feel it hey Matt

Massie we definitely need to come back right next trivia card popping into the quebe M we’re still figuring out what the next one is um yeah so whatever whatever it is she see it straight away oh hang on how’s this guy doing 530 we’re getting

There you give up all right shy shouty s a wty y Shou like a melody in my head the song is called replay and it is by iaz i y a z eaz iaz is like a melody in my head that I can’t keep out got me singing like

So sorry but nobody nobody got that one let’s move on to the next one which city is traditionally said to be built on Seven Hills Seven Hills is the name of the city in Australia that I grew up in couple of rams out there correct it was Rome well done

Rers compress stone that would go into there parchment fragment what are you from improvable skills can I do anything with those no uses I can make them into other things okay uh magic stuff I’m going to count that as magic stuff I know it sort of it isn’t really but it is

Now lots of food welding horns hard materials a bit of coal so that sword yeah I think I think the one that we switch to is a better sword um so we might need to make something to take care of all of the extra um swords and

Stuff cuz that’s already full page with skill you skill fast growth unlocked oh wait hang on speaking of fast growth let’s see how how well does this ring work am I wearing the ring I am nothing appears to be happening oh yeah a little bit of bone meal

Happened um well that doesn’t seem worth wearing the ring take off the ring froo like it is it’s working but eh th Ry noi enimy about an architect that fell in up with the Roman baths inside of the Japanese bath houses with hot spring waters yeah it definitely works I don’t

Know if it works well enough to justify wearing it over something else I’ll hold on to it until we find another ring then we can replace it all right fellas you’re looking after that gear for me uh yeah cuz this one’s full I’m going to need

Like um a box for each piece of armor big ow has hit 15 streams in a row thanks Big ow thanks for continuously coming back sub’s watch three in a row thanks subie sub not it’s not quite got the same ring as twittery how was your stream sub get up get up to

Mischief I was I was thinking yesterday and I don’t know if you saw but um doing uh doing cubid must be like a a walk in the park compared to um e6e it must be like you know like when you look at a no this doesn’t make sense

I was going to say it must be like looking at a um a water slide on a hot day hi solarus is this pack called evolution of Ages it’s evolution of the ages 2 but yeah sort of evolution of the ages too iron Katana dump the iron Katana because

We’re going to hold on to Victor’s thunder struck iron brand of distant battles uh then we’re going to eat mutton sandwich um one thing is definitely for sure we are going to need a lot more storage than we currently have oh that’s a good idea put the solar

Panel on top of the fluid extractor that’ll speed it up a little bit a little bit 684 okay so while we’re waiting for that let’s find the next thing that we’re going to have to do so that’s going to unlock something but we can’t see what it is iron gear

Comes after solar panel 2 and solar panel 2 is eight solar panel ones solar panel ones need mirrors mirror needs glass and iron sheets and iron sheets we can do with create shall we just assume that create is fairly straightforward oh wait hang on we need to drink those Down ah okay I have to mix them or I have to induction smelt Them how is the create mod there’s actually not a lot um a lot of create in here see like there’s there’s this portion but but you jump through create pretty quickly and uh and now this this bottom half of this is immersive but it depends on how many are hidden cuz there’s

Obviously something over Here um okay but we’re definitely going to need a lot of um wait uh we’re going to need a lot of oh brain it’s going to be one of those days iron we need a lot of iron so we’re going to have to go hunting iron well iron with the hammer is

Opposed to one with the Bonker yeah that’s what I was thinking if I could skip ahead on that then uh then I wouldn’t have to worry about um I wouldn’t have to worry about using four iron every time 994 one bucket right so does that mean that I can make

The fluid extractor that’s not what I wanted that one the latex Processing Unit yes it does now that one does need power so I’m going to remove this from here now yeah now and we’re going to put that on there that that that is adding power in

So slowly that we’ve only just seen the first Red Bar um okay so I need to get fluid from here and into there so we need a fluid pipe of some sort so fluid pipe that one looks the same and we actually have all of that already or basic mechanical pipe needs

Steel we just go with what we have Geral on a wheel with some wires would produce power faster you’re probably right hang on um there’s the star bules wonder if we could catch a star bule hi there professional rice farmer thank you for the Apple oh never mind can’t eat it yet

Um you so I was going to make pipes right so I need one of these and I need six of these what does a star bule do if you have the right mods installed you can pick up a star bunkle and it basically becomes um like a hamster and a Wheel uh and it can run machines for you keep forgetting about the wooden storage crates did not know that you have to have the right mod though I think I think it’s a specific a specific create add-on it’s not like you have the star bunes and then it just works arus how

You doing dude I just Mill about here are these going to grow it did say it would bone meal I did say crops did these count as Crops I would say judging by the fact that they are not growing they do not count as Crops never mind oh you know what that means we can do there these they can go into here these are food that overgrowth seed can go there for now and you live in there and you there you in there right it’s all all slowly starting to come together um I do

Need I’m going to need an extra drawer for Cobble and then yours soft soft building materials I and 20 pumpkins that’s right hang on no you’re out of here you go in there go in there uh and then pumpkins will have to go into there all right um so do we

Go do we go hunting again oh wait the wrench oh I didn’t wrench forgot to do that thanks MC right um so first things first I got to go back to that Village was it this Village cuz over on the hill here mining lasers I will check how do you break this

Right okay and what I’m going to do is I am going to load load those chunks cuz I want these things to keep growing we we’re probably going to need those all right back to base all right so down the track we’re going to need those so we’ll pop them in

There uh these can go into here too because those will be required you live in there jao Lantern can live in there you live in there there a way to just like shift click stuff straight into the bag I just want to like go go in the

Bag the bags all right let’s go a hunting for iron heal oh no okay that that that water is uh nowhere near as far out as I thought it was whoops I think this feels like our most likely Wow way to get stuff FML with a

Heal thank you so much and welcome back to you Happy New Year trivia hey iron trivia arida’s turn who voiced the character Dory in the Finding Nemo movie and we we want to look up laser oh of course yeah the mining lasers would be in here with the laser drill laser amplifier

Laser laser focus Matrix laser tractor beam laser connector we got laser IO Ellen deers it’s correct it was Ellen deers Ana and gelka did I say that correctly I think I got the Ana part Right I’m pretty sure I got Anka right because there used to be a uh a tennis player named Anka huba I think we can all agree gerity isn’t real pickax is broken you could you should could configure that you should fix that there we go fixed Anka

Ho I am I I like unusual names so like Anka huba was like such a cool unusual name to me anyway that that I remember that um and we also have my favorite my favorite sports player name of all time Yi kafelnikov German and Russian is hard to

Learn you should um you should just try and choose one and just do one at a time instead of doing both it’s twice as easy one thing that I’ll say that is actually quite good is that the um when there’s a bunch of coal like there’s a bunch of

Coal oh we can’t get out that way kid Martina Naval over that is a good name there’s no Yi kafelnikov the whole Germany thing started with a bunch of Australians getting drunk and deciding to play a PR a prank on Belgium there’s there’s a subreddit which is all just just

About uh maps of the world that people have made that don’t have New Zealand on them uh I don’t need zinc for the time being take copper although I don’t know that we’re going to need copper we probably will need tin and nickel and of course as is tradition we

Know that if we get too much nickel we can always just put some of the nickel back oh more coal oh when zir has awoken nearby oh some iron oh oops oops oh god let’s not fall down there this is a bad idea o yum yes I yes oh osmium

No see now I can just shift click in here why why now can I shift click in here but at other times I cannot orange bear would have nuked the stream he would he would have been already loading up as soon as I said nickel he would have already been

Loading up the nuke reward what anyone that isn’t a VIP like to try um redeeming that reward so we can see if it works you’re not a VIP but that will break it what mod is the stickman from that’s a custom mod one one that I had commissioned

Myself what conent can you go to for 45 cents 50 add a nickel back uh so I made it I made a little mini game subie which is called King of the mountain so um it won’t work for you but it’s like a a little who who wants to

Have VIP for the stream thing um so it’s been redeemed once by MC so it should be able to be redeemed Again by now and then we want to just see I I just want to see if it works it should work oh wait maybe it won’t okay big

Ow oh yeah Big Al has a VIP badge but did you have one already getting that song in your head hang in a second um yeah oh yeah yeah Big Al added as VIP by Mr wiggley okay so that seems to be working fmls watched three streams in a row I

Did something right the first time so far so now the value of it should have gone up by another 10% so it should be like 12 10 122 1210 yeah so it’s now it’s at 1210 so if any if anybody wants to get it again they spend 1210 and then they get

VIP so so far it’s working so the big question is in 5 minutes time if somebody wants to try it it’s gone I should I probably move to the start of the list Al because it’s um um uh because the value changed so it might it might have gone back to the very

Beginning of the list that that’s what it did for me and MC renaming the wiggly dude okay did you change color it’s back at at the bottom I think if you open it once and then close it and then reopen it it’ll it’ll go back numerically where it where it was but if

It changes it’ll move to the top and then the second time you open it it’ll flick back around again I will grab the gold now okay but so far so far it’s working so what I should do is I should add in a thing where it sends a chat message hold

Please so if I want to say chat message put that uh that’ll do there we can see okay so now next time someone does it it should say so and so is the new king of the mountain yeah for as long as it lasts so the other there are other

Questions that have to be answered like um at the end of the stream it’s meant to take it off whoever is holding it but we don’t know if that’s going to work for those of you who had Co when did you get the taste back the taste for Co hopefully

Never hello what are you Stella arum need a diamond level pickaxe this one I can’t break it anyway but that’s good to know I I’ll probably still get a a heart attack when I when I eventually do break it call me hey hello King of the mountain call Me now I’ve got it stuck in my head subie dark or I don’t think I’ve ever used evilcraft right how are we looking we still got room still got got repair kit available that’s sulfur how we looking we got 5.43 that leaves me with 2.95 iron the rate of diamonds and lava is

Pretty good since they aren’t air exposed blockset I don’t think I need that worry about that yeah those um those one trick accounts they just got that one one thing that they do dude this sword is Incredible oh my God harid too quick it’s such a a a weird thing to be just a one trick account and think that people are going to go oh you’re so funny do you want to be mates yeah I I was actually I was going to back out and not go go

Through um not go any further but then I saw that was a m shaft so I figured I would make some some torches I am quite pleased that uh Stone torches are in this pack because I am notoriously bad oh it’s a big one too I’m I’m notoriously bad at taking extra lighting

Into caves and stuff with me so does look like a Young’s M shaft young dick Young sometimes these little paths lead to a little store and that looks like it’s not leaving anywhere that won’t go anywhere hello see buddy you go take care of him um I will take

This and what do we have in here that’s interesting you can have that back black lotus an Ewood bucket of suspicious stew okay before we forget we’ve got four of these Fellers right so let’s let’s fill one up let’s keep that on us yeah we’ll just fill that all the way

Up then we can take everything out and we can sort it out later on I have never known one of these dungeons to have that room in it that looked interesting down there but not enough to go back okay nothing down that way find that Cobble uh which one at the

End I think I got all the I got 21 gold out of if you mean this one I think I already got it the other one this one oh how many 19 MC good catch that’s a lot of emeralds nothing in there nothing in there his teeth were tingling his MC

Senses yeah that was like 20 20 irons there too all right let’s continue down the shaft go oh no okay so furnaces are not difficult to make but they’re not the easiest thing in the world to make either so I will grab that furnace while we’re there hello hidden room

Have to go down there right what do we got a lava bucket obsidian with iron most of this is probably not hugely useful to us but we’ll keep it anyway what you oh I’m like lost count of my barrels oh no we’ll do this one first this way first good call moving on

That was stairs I think they they just come out over there Redstone there too right I’m not going to worry too much about that grab the Redstone Stone okay so I think this is the last bit that we can do because the the repair kit is going to be empty uh like

Mostly mostly empty I hear you pal I hear you oh I didn’t see you though Not this one okay so I think those stairs that we that we looked at probably come out here somewhere how do I get up here oh there’s a ladder here hey dude ow okay back down this way cuz everybody was saying there’s a thing there was it here quit it

Ow quit it ow Simpsons classic Simpsons okay so we went there oh bad ooh torches so each of these has empty spaces available allegedly ah there we go that’s more like it that’s what we wanted to see and now that’s all the way down there

Okay so I did a quest in there too um all right let’s get out of here MC um I got to remember how I got into here wasn’t there feel like it was here somewhere not there yeah it definitely wasn’t this way there’s no lighting up here at

All little bit little bit of iron no I’ll take that tin too that gold Guild pack challenge make a working mine system that you can send the goody mine back to your base by a mine cart unload and then return to you in the mines H would it have to be a

Create or could it just be vanilla okay that’s it for lighting that’s that’s it Mr Tyra the Supreme has awoken nearby all right Mr Tyra where are you you’re miles away all right heal go take care of Mr Tyra help him up from Pig Al oh I got no space

Uh what do we get protection for soul bound uh on we have a better and that I’m not worried about that all right let’s go back to lus back to leus um all right so this is random stuff that’s fairly random now that’s new mcraft as new they can go there belong in

There craft you m a craft get b craft too isn’t it Big Al old BB no worries Big Al thanks for the warning okay right so we got a decent amount of um whoops I keep hitting B to open my backpack forgetting that there is no B for

Backpack just got to open my inventory my inventory um okay so we’ll get these out of there these these those some of those need to check and see if there’s a way that we can double Iron okay so let’s check that first can we double it not fire crafting blasting doesn’t do it packing raw iron wood crushing only gives you one bulk blasting is one A2 yeah we do have A2 So eventually mechanism will allow us to to add extras Rush a spirit from occultism multi Servo press no pulverizer not really induction smelter so an arc furnace will oh and this this Crusher will sometimes so maybe maybe there are ways that we can make that happen just not

Yet uh this is where the thingy was barl I went to ask with a guy named Barrel no darl darl Was Daryl uh you yes you those that cloth this I feel like this pack is one that would really benefit from um sophisticated storage you definitely need more Storage cuz there’s going to be a bunch of um granite in here as Well right they’re all out of there let’s go back down this way okay so beetroot seeds appears to be new so does Melon plenty of green beans so we’ll make space in there there I want to see if there any double seeds that they can go oh you know we just make a double chest why why make it difficult on ourselves I have a spare chest let’s utilize it nice okay somewhere here is

Coal coal Coal no don’t do that uh do that for now I’m going to hold on to some raw iron bigel is back I can if I switched everything up to barrels uh to switch out all the barrels for chests we can upgrade those is it worth doing that

Oh I can’t I can’t upgrade I need bronze ingots how do we make bronze from blasting bronze blend okay so we we’re not worrying about that yet either um is it worth doing This I’m going to I’m going to make another storage option here um I’m got to put raw unprocessed things hey kamiko how you Doing building a pyramid base uh not at the moment no um I’m trying to plan ahead a little bit trying to i’ be working living the dream right Quest complete 64 coal all right we we did that one that gave us an Iron Age

Bag uh where is that it is so let’s open that so we got 32 glass and what and another furnace another furnace and we do not have a name tag I thought I had name Tags Little Barrel did you see some did see something though a couple of things that we need to change around there’s there’s the two that I had so I put them in there top middle Barrel oh yeah there they are in the mob drops barrrel that makes

Sense uh no s it’s not the gym St unle shards ra lead I think I can I can make raw lead that’s fine raw lead hey a chest okay so I’m going to put that there I’m going to sleep uh and this is going to be for raw unprocessed Ores di shards I’m going to I’m going to put dimensional shards in there cuz they’re not really a gem and we don’t need any more Cobblestone uh you yes you you out yeah all right grab those things okay so over here dir dirt goes in the soft Barrel flow Seeds golden Orchid seeds right dirt Gran it and aite stor crate dark gems dark gems there you go dark gems that one uh magic beans I know I put those somewhere where did I put those there they are and then one of many fer ey bur Eye For The Straight Guy

And over that goes into there that goes there you can have that right you have those press Stone goes in there with that those you’re a shiny thing you can go in there bear coal uh the box of Eternal closure can go in there you have these things who are for Mob

Drops you have those that is food 18 cinnamon rolls sounds about right oh you know what we can do we can refill the sturdy repair kit have been utilizing this fairly heavily so what of man regen uh right so you have those back uh those are going over that way

The labber bucket can go in there CH in there okay seeds and there is um our stuff utiliz oh this needs water in it too doesn’t it I’m not pumping water in there all right let’s make a a bucket there we go wow that uses a lot more power than

We’re generating that’s fine that’s fine we don’t need that to go fast all right uh melon seeds yes beetroot seeds yes blueberries yes and better enchantments and anvils yes basic collector what did we collect coal bag of bags and on the creative page we got some condensed blood

Accidentally all right so seed seed seed bag of bags is three citrine and one radiant grenade and a sack of peanuts and a wind swept diamond helmet I’ll take It I want a bag of food 19 exotic rolled medley and six grilled salmon nice oh I can’t eat these oh that’s why I remember ready to go it’s more Sushi than any single human should eat in one sitting brightens an area on impact harms Undead

All right so we’ve done a few things um let’s look into what else we can do thermal series Satchel Stone wand why kind of vanilla game you need Stone wand torch we need candles or crushed gold ore okay so let’s not worry about those let’s go back to Iron Age right so

We needed to make solar panels in order to do that we need to make iron sheets how many iron sheets do we need one makes three so we need 21 we need seven of these one thing right that bugs me about Journey map is when when it does the waste waste points for

Um was Stones is you can’t get rid of I want to get rid of them I I don’t want these okay we’re going to quit quickly I’m going to I’m going to remove Journey map no that’s not what I want to do uh I want to go to mods search for

Journey map I want to disable it and I want to play again right right like incoming a good timing we just gone to an ad break as well what did I don’t like um I don’t like the fact that um jour Journey map automatically adds a um Journey map automatically adds a

Waypoint to way stones when you when you activate a Way Stone it adds a wayo to it um and I’m not even using it I’m I’m just using the FTB map the Waypoint beacons yeah I’ve disabled waypoints but they’re still there I’ll just I’ll just take um Journey map out

I think FTB chunks map is fine it’s fine look that took us no time at all hey emeron wellon in that’s interesting my spotter fly spotter fly Spotify playlist just stopped and may have reached the end right there you go now we have nothing to worry about everything is

Clear and Tiny dry rubber is being made just every now and then we’ll have to come by and do that um okay so we did that page utility mights well not too worried about storage and pipes Oak drawers the functional storage is in here copper chests so I think we’re

Going to have to switch to chests cuz even even a copper chest is going to make a difference so you you cook those you have these I don’t have space copper copper is here bag of bags I got 23 compressed iron and two moldavite sounds like something they put into

Toothpaste with new mold ofite get yours today okay uh that one I’m going to make eight eight barrel uh eight chests into normal chest and then we’ll do that your copper chest is done to a load of that one bag of food 16 hogland snouts and some fish taco we’re never

Going to run out of food okay how much yeah that’s a little bit more right so we’re going to do these one at a time oh should have known that would happen is it worth just dumping [Applause] everything might be this is definitely going to free us up

Some space um all right uh I’m going to put that there and we’ll put the the hogland snout over there and then we’ll sleep and then we’ll go back and we’ll take down the top one so everything oh we can put this stuff up in here everything that lands in here is for

Storage oh wait hang on uh that means we can take out these things that’s random stuff and this is whatever that mod was that stuff can come out of there the M craft that’s just Cobble [Applause] better okay um we need some more chests less than what we just made can I do

This one yes I can uh so let’s do how many do we just do eight nine eight let’s do four let’s do three we’re a couple of coppers short that feels weird having that there we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out Oops okay so we have space for two more let’s just let’s just got to check I need to check okay that’s good right so two more trivia trivia programmer Jeff what ocean borders the east coast of the USA Atlantic Atlantic correct it is the Atlantic Ocean well done personally wouldn’t have got that myself a really wet ocean technically correct too can’t fault you there copper ingots in the top chest oh yeah yeah yeah thank you okay so we need 1 2 3 four more so

We need more copper than what we currently have so we’re going to have to go copper hunting MC and the answer to that outl loud like that would make a difference the Atlantic Ocean I heard you in spirit um is what we’ll do we’ll we’ll sort of

Dot these around the room a little bit and we’ll probably figure out something to do with them but real quick we’re going to go back to the mine and we’re going to grab a bunch of copper I thought I messed that up and then I didn’t we in Shameless mode yes we

Are I didn’t bring any torches with me of course not okay so we have been largely ignoring copper but now now we need some cuz normally copper doesn’t have many uses only one I’ll take it in bar I’ll ignore for now too 33 dude that’s a good hole oh unexplored cabin

Over God I’m lost oh hey that’s iron I’m a lost toy okay can’t see any Co copper there so we go to here there’s seven more up to 40 I see you there trivia Tri there are that last one was a bit too easy all right how old was dookie Hower

When he became the youngest licensed doctor in the country 10 18 13 one of you is close 163 16 one of you is close I won’t tell you which one just yet super young that that is true for a doctor he was super young 14 14 is correct he was 14 he was

Four Dr baby trivia oh another trivia I swear I saw some copper over here and now I can’t find it I got distracted by I went oh copper and then I saw some iron and I grabbed the iron instead right next trivia question in which city is the mannequin piece statue located

The peeing boy statue where where is he Brussels though that was Fast correct there’s some up there oh there’s a b uh by the floating cracked Stone floating cracked Stone oh yeah there it is thank you another little bit up here so we grab this also some iron is there more iron there’s some up there trivia more copper up there

Powering through the trivia tono turn what president was associated with the cul perspiring during the American Revolution American Revolution would be a bit of a clue you’d imagine right Washington correct it was George Washington Denzel’s great great uncle hello creepers hang things oh dude they dropped emeralds John Adams unless that’s an alias

MC right I think we got enough SL home oh that’s in caps lock for some reason home right where you Going right I got a stack of copper I got two stacks of copper so we’ll burn that off sleep oh we feel so rested another turtle thing no or doubling not at this point no um a little bit later on I can do it with like mechanism and stuff like

That or I can um if I make the immersive pressure I can double O sometimes through That right so we’re going with four more chests where are they there they there they Are that’s that’s the chest officer so you are sparkly gems your armors and weapons I know how I have more of those uh I’m going to leave them in There all right good stuff you are you are tools and Etc that fills that up and then you are the villages and all of the beds that we’ve won all right so where did I put the barrels I just dotted them around the room um and one one spare one all

Right so that makes that feel a little bit more like we have space 64 zinc chicken tacos and a gravitational iron chest plate okay uh right so we want to keep that that that that the rest of that stuff can be placed up here to be processed later

Okay um Quest book back to Quest book so the solar panels okay so we need was it 20 28 was it MC 28 iron 20 jeez okay ejd thank you for that give a man a heart attack day 28 and the hammer okay okay uh there’s the hammer and then it

Was this is not going to work cuz these aren’t stacking they are stacking all right so there’s seven of those then we need um going have that we need glass Uh soft there you go and backpack was we’ll put that into there okay so now we want to do that and and that that leaves us with 21 solar panels 21 mirrors that’s made uh we did that okay so the mirrors we can use those to make this

That’s just any planks and a thingy I need seven of these and some planks 12 is not going to be enough there five per and we need seven that’s 35 and if these are four so that’s 24 32 36 all right so there’s our solar panels we’ll take this one off of

Here then we need to we’re probably going to have to pull that down again because these we use these to make that and for that we need any piston so yes they come out of there piston we need three wood four Cobblestone one iron one Redstone solar panel too or

TNT and raw iron hey that’s fairly handy uh you can you can have that pop the old solar panel too on the top of there okay so that means now we have iron gear available wow like a whole block a whole block of iron for an iron

Gear and we need this Hammer back again we’re going to have to get reasonably quickly into processing this stuff out uh cuz that solar panel 3 what does that need four solar panel 2os another block of iron a photo voltaic cells uh so that’s so what do we need for that we

Need a lot of iron stuff oh this this some iron um okay I think it’s probably more iron than we reasonably can spare at this time so it’s probably in our Interest although I feel like we need to do that that’ll lead somewhere else cuz otherwise that doesn’t point to anything is there a way that we can s of skip ahead Wow you have to go through netherite to just to get a pedal Apothecary Ow two and a half stacks of iron to make the solar panel three so we we have that right there’s one and a half oh no we don’t quite have that but we could right if we if we had the machines to to process it and you

Know get a little bit of extra going then we then we kind of do have enough kind of how hard is it to make a tank dark tank liid tank copper sheet needs four coppers you looking good I left the hammer over here um can I do them any shape I can

Yeah I just haven’t haven’t seen either Acacia or jungle we also haven’t explored very far either to be fair oh I can’t do that the mob duplicator expensive thinks that’s the way to go with the cave creepers mob duplicator uh no that looks normal oh okay so that’s that’s normal this is

Not I don’t I didn’t even know how to get that refined sunflower oil crystallized sunflower oil and a sticky Bowl well maybe one day we’ll figure that one out okay so what I would need in order for this to work I’d need to pump water into the

Fluid tank and then out but if I was going to do that I may as well just pump it directly into the latex processing unit so I know that that was a quest to make that so we’ll we’ll grab that and we’ll grab some food pop that away Flopper that’s a good

Call no uh fluid Hopper not fluid Hopper um like no not cyclic never mind can we Blue Duck not without steel oh without bronze H have you got anything interesting at all 20 for a ratac boy no think I need to add that mod that gets rid of this stuff too integrated

Dynamics has a wa hey Lyra currently on a three stream streak thanks Lyra I appreciate your continued returning return uh okay do we have integrated Dynamics no no no integrated Dynamics is a little bit unfortunate um right so what are we doing what are we

Doing so we need more iron to do that we can’t do this because we don’t know what leads into this um so if we let’s get back to create cuz we are we’re going to have to make some create stuff at some point that looks like the old water

Wheel so that’s the same that’s the same that’s the same this is the hard part has to be mixed or it has to be induction smelted but that’s the same so that invar gear need blocks of invar we can alloy kill that that’s still the same how hard is

Alloy no not it’s Kil brick what okay so we have to dissolution chamber that just with water in it mud bricks and Nether Bricks hard part for the Villager iron farm it was the iron seeds and electrum or Elementium so electrium is not not electrium electrium is not

Terribly hard um we the infusion alter we have almost ready um we need Nine wols and Nine red dyes uh so the red Dy is going to be easy we have that available too many uh and then in here get nine of these out there’s our nine red wool that part’s

Okay then I made 20 stone because we’re going to need 20 stone for that then we needed a certain amount of gold we’ll start by making that and then uses for that meant that we needed these eight of these is it eight or Six eight okay so we got the infusion alter and eight eight thing of a jigs this can live here for now oh May Maybe not maybe not there slide that back one I I think at this stage I’ll just make a lad a ladder a lever never going to give

You never going to let you down yeah or a button although I do have a lot of this and a lot of these actually a button a button is a bit of cool cuz I can just push it once uh we can do that with one piece of Oak

Right okay so that means to make this oh we need tum we need a block of bronze so terium can we do that maybe Prosperity shards okay so there are several things in there that we don’t have so that we can probably make if we could find Prosperity shards Sorry Sor cannot use it but it looks nice it does it fills in the space we have to figure it out um okay so what’s our next alternative then see is we can’t really do that yet we’re going to have to find some stuff all right so you sit um I’m going to go

Over toed me marar red oh well we’re here hello and you’re a nitwit do we need a nitwit I got I’ve got a decent amount of inferium like a decent amount not a lot so I might just hold on to that oh I forgot about my pumpkin

Pie we we can’t do anything with a netw right like it’s kind of pointless even having him we’ll take that and these oh yeah yeah I can check them in the iron farm good call good call Loom so we’ll pick up some job stations for them sorry it works hey hey a

Bo a man I just missed that one all right let’s go check the ship out oh I completed the Challenge free Willie that’s actually a thing I’m loving the fact I’ve got Dolphins Grace oo I just I just did a breach I breach just like the whale

Did okay so this is not one of them boats that’s got a third chest oh yes it is thank you oh yes it is um we probably actually do need some kelp so we’ll grab the kelp yeah H you can keep that I’ll take those he’s not using them hey fella don’t mind

Me keep sleeping Close Quarters what is that open 25 oh yeah okay that’s right yeah many times it’s not a new thing slash back oh slash home those out later okay sapling sorry we’re back to sorting out inventory yet again this one’s almost full already get into A2 I mean I’ve got the

Beginnings of A2 I got some fluix and stuff here hello fell got him I he just got him Unbreaking three Mana regen 2 black wll that’s a soft There all right food food food food food food food backpack We’ve Ended up with quite a lot of emeralds paper books empty maps of paper buried treasure map oh buried treasure Map I’m going to put this down over here maybe this is a good place to use some of these uh you give me two of two of your finest Hoppers please yes thank you okay um so we’re going to go um I guess this doesn’t have to be over there does

It it’s fine all right you live there you live there one the compost or and we’re looking for for double UPS don’t think there’s any double UPS now I mean there’s two tomato seeds but they’re not like a double of the same one so I think that looks good eat a bacon sandwich

Bacony he you are wood stuff mob drops you are where that is not that far away anyone know what’s the the formula for for the digging for the buried treasure look at F3 what is that red block um so like it’s it’s here somewhere x-ray all right what are we looking at

In in F3 so Block in the brackets block 7112 first and last numbers to be nine okay so the first one is nine it should be here there it is Big Owl with a big coal oh F oh Wast them okay so this now is useless to us

So we’re going to dump that on the top of the X and then dig a meteor create a size of a hole I I knew there was a way that you could do it right there is an easy way hey it’s it’s never a wasted trip only a wasted

Journey wouldn’t mind like if there was like a dungeon or something out here right what is that okay while we’re here oh Jee D it’s Dei hi Dei D7 streams in a row welcome in everyone oh t with 100 bits okay now now we’re got to fight by

Hand thank you Dei for the braed and for the 100 bits as well and welcome in how CU boy oh oh oh oh oh go well well and Rea and Dei with tier three and and Rea with a tier one oh and MC with 100 bits thanks MC as well get

Raided welcome yeah how’s Cub going how how far through are you and and re thank you very much for 11 months of Subs that’s almost a year total gas seven streams in a row oh je T out of 100 bits and hype train has begun got steel and Soul Sand today and no

Building I’m going to die welcome everyone to the hype train yes 100 bits so more get you into to the hype train you can spawn some mobs on me give me a real bad time just like tono and DD and MC did dty D make it at night time thanks dty D and

Rainy oh 1 th000 bits from DD 100 from tono TJ D 100 I died again oh they’re still coming it’s still coming out tjd with another several oh several hundred bits and another One Von vinkle hump subscribing to Prime gaming for three months thanks F ble hum tal with another 100 bits as well see shooting arrows at me oh that guy that’s that’s legit that’s fine yes oh 100 bits from MC as well thanks MC someone did a helper mob it was Sonia

With a helper mob thanks son ow ow ow but yes every level of the hype train we go up the music gets a little bit faster and it feels a little bit more Exciting hey well okay that was very quick um did I go through the whole thing down the bottom of the screen old Mr Wiggly there he’s our hype train progress bar the further across the screen he gets the further through the hype train we are we’re currently 35% of the way through level

Three level three trivia oh and a trivia question was expecting quite this much chaos but I am happy we still got to sort out your tier three Subs which are way off in the distance somewhere too de tala with the trivia of course oh pepperly used 1,000 bits and Tona with 100

Bits 67 67% of the way through now 70% of the way through level three uhoh no oh no that was the sword sorry sorry that was the sword didn’t mean it joined in at the perfect time how’s photography going Dy D oh hey you know why do you right sure d ow that that was a fast death oh someone that’s got an accident yeah that’s why that explains a few Things oh that oh jeez oh D with 20 Subs oh God okay yep we’re going to be stuck in here for a while DD enjoy the chaos that Dei brings dii thank you so much 20 ow 20 I can’t even say the words 20 gifted subs thank you DD dhy D with 500

Bits in there as well thank you dashy D your continued generosity astounds me astounds me ow what what level we’ve completed level five now what is that Talon is gifting a sub to Daddy D waiting on surgery on the 26th and back to photography after that nice someone died I heard someone die

H oh that’s a sword don’t don’t use the sword Wow I’ve I’ve learned my lesson we’re not we’re not trying to do crits cuz we know what what trouble that causes fight them Mano uh zombie I trying to do what CR CR hits Critical Hits um these these types of hits oh I broke my torch yeah the

Bouncing makes us seasick back soon have a race starting no worries racing is important yeah let’s do this what are we up to 9% of the way until level six now 100 bits on more don’t forget Hye train time oh and Lord Zion with the helper M thank you Lord Zion

Okay I heard a couple D in there that’s good I’ll take that I’ll take that I don’t know if I killed them Lord Z am three streams in a row three streams in a fountain ow oh now it’s raining it’s raining that’ll help in that race of yours get the slick on

Ow oh oh it’s a hyp TR it’s a hype TR yes indeed it’s a hyp thing yes indeed by the way if you new to the channel but maybe not if you’re new to the channel there’s a new channel Point redeem called King of the mountain and we need someone to test it

So if anybody’s willing to spend 1210 Channel points toal guas redeemed King of the mountain okay toal guess type something yeah DD don’t don’t you do it oh there you go okay now Big L Type something oh it didn’t work wonder what happens if you steal it

Well what will happen D is if if somebody steals it off you then you lose it but uh it’s it should have taken off Big L but it didn’t so that part didn’t work but everything else seems to be working and the price goes up 10% every time it gets redeemed

So yeah I’d have to I’d have to remember to give it back to you D could be 13 37 so it was 1210 there should be 121 on top so 1 yeah 1331 sounds right Hy train success thank you so much everyone for the hype TR 24 Subs 3700 bits thank you very

Much we will thank everybody that did that I received a level four hype tram but we finished level five I can see a helper mob in there this the BPS that you check against yeah it’s just um it should have done a thing that didn’t it didn’t do uh

Ow thank you so much everybody thank you hang on I I’ll real quickly smash through the the thank you list uh let’s see DD kicking us off with 100 bits and then a tier three sub for 33 months in a row and Rea with uh uh 11

Month sub tier one master crafter 100 bits tono 100 bits DD 1,000 tono 100 tjd with 1 2 3 4 5 lots of 100 bits Bon Winkle Humpin with the prime sub for 3 months tono 100 bits Master Crafter 100 bits pepperly 1,000 bits uh Charon 100

Bits Dei gifted 20 Subs they went to orange juice gentleman Gano Stonehenge crispy bacon uh Mr Will Smith JJ wandering Gemini postal chick Zer the demig god poxon Juliet programmer Jeff orri pal crafty Jess Jess uh Mr nafka got one FML limited IQ uh Master Banshee and spirit Miyazaki

Oh and violet WSM then Dy D with 500 bits and tono finishing things off with a gifted sub to dty D thank you so much everybody thank you very much I think that yeah that’s that must be what happened I must have I must have cleared all the level five don’t know how

Hey ow but I need also need to check why why that the command didn’t work oh ow ow I need I need all of you to gather up where this guy is he’s he’s stuck behind a flower all right clean up I can see a few with low

Health and a few with high Health oh I got one take that thank you so much everyone for the the hype train support I appreciate it it’s nice to have um that kind of support when especially when you’ve been away for a while and you come back and

People still still want to want to help out I super huge appreciate it MC thank you for the helper M oh I killed something wow we’re already at 105 deaths wow ow 106 105 still Ow thanks just wander over and just quickly just just smash him in the face all right now we still got guys out here still keeping you busy yeah we got some a couple of things now that um I want to try and Skip ahead a little bit but it’s it’s a bit difficult

To oh in the face like I I would like to get started on create but you can’t do create um without doing other certain things first oh help a mob T thank you so we’re we’re in a an interesting sort of position at the moment where we’re trying to figure out

What’s what’s the next best course of action while we wait for other things to happen blinging trivia oh and another trivia there’s two trivas fish random thank you D to the rescue a I died let me let me dig out the two trivia questions so we don’t

Forget there they are oh let’s ask one all right the first trivia question what band is featured on beas’s shirt what band is featured on be’s shirt oh a lot of people have are not sure but it is Metallica Metallica doesn’t doesn’t the other one wear ACDC okay he’s a

Vanilla thingy so I’m going to go to sleep now and sleep oh my God look at the map there spiders everywhere on the map all right trivia question number two what is the name of the robot in the 1986 movie short circuit okay somewhere over here there is a

Couple of spiders number five number five is almost correct Johnny Five is correct oh oh I could have sorted that dude it was just a vanilla thing uh Johnny 5 Johnny 5 is alive the name of the movie is yes called short circuit oh help a mob thank you DD projectile protection for

Me it’s oh it’s number five lives here that’s kind of cool I I heard one of my favorite ones I don’t know if it’s true or not is that in in a in a Spanish speaking country the movie Jaws was at to teeth of the sea okay spider over here e of the

Sea hold over here as well maybe that’s just because of how they decided to translate it I’d say that’s probably true maybe short circuit doesn’t translate or didn’t translate at the time that was almost 40 years ago hang on I grab my grave while I’m here

Why that shouldn’t be all puffy upy like that right all right who else we got not you uh this way he does say that he does say number five is alive but then he decides later on that his name is Johnny no disassemble no disassemble Stephanie all right spider there he is

Hello uh I see another spider over here my spider with my little ey there come on man you and me did thank you for the heal did I eat my own flesh hello up there why are you not appearing on the map like the way you said mono sodium glutamate as one

Word mono sodium glutamate MSG Short circuit equals small Loop doesn’t really get the premise across yeah that that would be my guess it’s got to be something like that right like it’s it’s something that just doesn’t quite translate so they’ve gone you know what this will do iy to DD is the

MSG I don’t know that I have ever actually eaten MSG I don’t cuz I think it’s just been one of those things that’s always been bad so I I I probably have cuz I know it’s basically just salt basically salt and something else I was it was in that okay so I

Haven’t I haven’t knowingly had it I haven’t gone out of my way you know to have it but and I heard it’s like basically the same stuff that you get in tomatoes right and I’ve eaten a lot of tomatoes in my day seaweed h come on talo spider let’s fight and cheese and

Queso ow okay that was more difficult than it probably should have been you want to see a a Clamato what is that some sort of tomato with something else in it Clamato a tomacco tomato and clam juice shaded rake Hunter with a heal thank you that will come in

Handy watch the Youtube video with my son he told you off for punching me in Zombie form I’m sorry it had to be done it was him me all right so what I think I’m going to do is I’m going to wander over oh never heard had the urge to try it I

I once upon a time I had this image in my head of tomato on toast I may have told this before but it was basically it was tomato on toast toast drizzled with honey right and like just just normal tomato on toast and then you just dri

Drizzle some honey across the top of it Ben vinkle Humper thank you for the heal um I never been brave enough to actually try to eat that but it it popped into my head one day and I was like oh that doesn’t sound right like that that would be weird I

Think that would be very strange so I never ever I’ve never tried it but I have a feeling it would be not enjoyable another heal thank you very much and H Potter making it night time tomatoes and onion sandwiches okay so somewhere over here where we were I remember going over

There now I am expecting to die fairly quickly over here but at least that way we can then slash back to get back here oh yeah I can see all the zombies and stuff on the map oh God no uh I once got something I didn’t

Expect that was actually tasty it was at a bagel shop that did folk foods like burgers and such got a cheeseburger and a raisin bagel a raisin bagel oh wow what do I need to use a sword again I mean technically thank you silent Red Rum technically like after enough

Time oh cheeseburger on the raisin bagel this we might have to use a sword here oh I’m on fire I died okay because if I slash back now they use the sword on you okay right well let’s slash back you don’t you don’t have to tell me twice oh I died

8 seconds unfortunately Big Al’s timing slightly off but never mind no no ah blew up I click redeem and then I died that happened tomatoes and toast seems fine but with honey might taste weird that’s what I’m thinking silent Red Rum um I I definitely think that it won’t

Work but it’s just always been this picture in my head you know and you know sometimes you get a you get an image in your head and then you it it just like bothers you doesn’t Honey work with everything just don’t think I think the difference in

Flavors between honey and tomato is just too too different I think I killed K all of the the um the little dudes that pop out whatever their names are I think I killed all of them at once oh you’re not a big big thing right

What else do we have I can see a spider over here honey keeps the beans from falling up your knife beans that’s right we were going to look at what that thing was oh no oh oh trivia uh in what reality TV show are contestants eliminated in a tribal

Council there beans on your knife can be de with the heal thanks de survival it is Survivor I watched like the first first two or three seasons of Survivor and then I went you know what that’s the same thing valac with the heal too added whole filler mod I haven’t added whole

Filler tomato and honey on toast but might not be good if you do silent Red Run let me know what it tastes like I’d be interested to hear okay yeah there’s nothing here I can see Star buun on the map though hello named spider if I ordered honey and tomatoes

On toast I’d say hold the tomatoes and then they would hold them in their hands as they brought them to the table and say where would you like me to put them hope it a cost to have you try it on stream oh that would mean getting like a camera and stuff

I’d also have to get honey and tomatoes it’s it’s more effort than it’s worth get raw honey time to get raw honey okay why is this door open it feels like we’ve been here but we haven’t been here have we I don’t think so all the doors are open have I been

Here I have been here tomato and honey together on your face can get rid of dark spots mhm that sounds completely legit and in no way fabricated let’s get right on that shall We okay um I have a buddy who has a honey beef arm so I could try it with it and would let you know how it tasted yeah please do give it give it a try let me know but my um my hopes are not high that it would be good

Heart of the sea that would go in there oh I’m not wearing the backpack now we are okay so they no why don’t you click into them um all right what do we I’m going to take these bundles out we don’t need those we’re never going to use them and you are

Food I need a trash can maybe I’ll just make a trash can oh I already have one okay there you go thanks MC okay maybe if you roasted the tomatoes I found a recipe for honey roasted tomatoes that drizzled with olive oil and honey and then roasted with onions until they’re soft and

Paired with FR fresh mozzarella cheese easy enough to spread that on toast would would you would you try it though um Dei I feel like you wouldn’t and not not because it wouldn’t taste good that might taste good I feel like it it’s it’s just not going to

Work could be wrong you would 100% would try that someone’s going to be The Brave One and bite the bullet as it were if you count crostini as toast I would yeah I I’ll allow it anyway uh what did we find pumpkin seeds yes anything else nope doesn’t sound harmonious I think

Harmonious is a good way of describing it it’s not a harmonious thing right anything that’s doubled up barley has now doubled up bone me roasted tomatoes yeah I just I’m just going to slice up some tomatoes and just Biff them on a thing and see what happened

Okay um we needed two and a half stacks of iron so I am going to go iron hunting again yes I’m going to go iron hunting yet again we’re going to go back into the same cave system and we’re going to Hunt for Red October and I didn’t bring any torches with me

Because I a dope yeah so I’m going to have to um I’m going to have to find some coal some soft cheese ow well if anyone if anyone is ever brave enough to try honey tomato on toast please do let me know what you think of it or what you don’t think of

It the donuts being used as buns for hamburgers I’ve heard of that that oh hello that was a lot of stuff you just dropped for get by summer I try it I don’t even like tomatoes not exactly finding hole peanut butter and ketchup on bread that’s an unusual combination try anything once orange

Juice to be honest opinion about it cuz I love tomatoes please do silent yeah don’t don’t sugarcoat it you’re putting honey on it so guess that’s that’s a kind of suger cating okay we’re getting deeper and deeper down ouch um uh ow and not finding a lot of uh diamonds

Need food first meal was ages ago no worries Dei thank you again for the raid thank you for your um massive amount of gifted subs thank you for being you cauliflower mushroom and chicken soup hello dark stone hey there baked heart welcome in happy first time chat

Oh my pickaxe broke already hang on let me repair that quickly I don’t have coal on me do I don’t true with fresh bread that’s the best type of bread oh thank you I don’t know who that was but thank you fresh bread that was nazak thank you very much for the night Vision why is there no coal down here I’ll take this though it’s too cold oh that broke oh and where’s the shoing kit there it is food must be discovered and eaten what’s the deal bro oh I found diamonds want to learn how to make bread because it one looks satisfying two is

Homemade bread what’s not to love I almost started reading the next line your iron pickaxe is broken had to become bread pilled oh I did that wrong whoops no yes three diamonds great oh um we might slash home 5 minutes to prepare 30 minutes to rise 35 minutes to bake done and amazing

Every time it makes a wonderful soak that’s not true it doesn’t do that at all uh dark stone all right so that’s now full um so I will remove the cobbled Deep SLE uh and I’m guess I’m just going to put that in There okay so the main reason the thing that’s holding us up at the moment the main reason that we’re being held up is because I need um this stuff I need Prosperity shards so we need to figure out where we can get it from and from memory the best place to get

It remember when I was in Primary School We Made bread in class one time best class we made tacos in my uh home economics class one time they came out okay I have a bag of Greens in my kitchen every two days I turn some of it into flour and then bread from

There okay Prosperity we need to look at not the thing we need the or so we can’t get Prosperity ore from the looks of this we have to use a dimensional M shaft from a cultism neighborhood Prosperity shards St like none of these have a recipe apart from this one which is

Only only This so we can’t really progress through this we have to do occultism so where is a cultism Mana steel oh hello hi there no um no I’m not a fan of that change either all right let’s get I sort this dude out outside Taco Bell add moments after tacos di menion H

Coincidence yes yes it is right eat apple um so what can we do then if we can’t we can’t progress down that line cow cow fish how would you pronounce that cow cow cow fish it’s got to got to have that long F sound the long f

Maybe we just bite the bullet and make the solar panel that makes three so we need to make the mirrors um all right so MC said it was 2 and a half stacks of of iron how much do we have currently we have less than two and a

Half stacks so we still need to go mining again uh this time let’s take some torches with us that would be wise idea I think all right uh maybe we go a different way maybe we clear out all these death markers and maybe we go a different way I’ve made an upside down

Mickey Mouse head so we have been going in here down into this little area and into the hole there is it there that’ll be about right but maybe we need to go a bit further a field cuz we haven’t really done much exploring I think I might go over to M

Mared where are you there you are another netw um so I’ll just let you know people hello people um the thing that’s holding us up right is we want to make an iron farm an iron farm but to make an iron farm in this pack you need electrum and you need

Iron seeds the Limestone that like any stone that’s fine but the iron seeds right that’s a tier three seed so we need a block of bronze and we need terium Essence and a Prosperity seed base in order to get the prosperity seed base we need Prosperity shards um in order to get the

Terium we need prenium which means we need inferium and inferium we also need inferium gen Stone and infusion Crystal and that needs Prosperity shards as well so we need we need to get Prosperity shards basically is what it comes down to and um it looks like there’s

A like a what it is it a 3% or a 0.3% chance of getting a Prosperity ore but like you would you would suggest suggest that probably it’s likely that you can get them uh like if I can’t click on them see if if I click them nothing

Happens not even the Deep slate one should be able to mine it no 3% chance might seem like it’s probably actually higher than you think it’s it just dep depends right like it depends on where it is so I I can probably mine it if I could find it

But that means I have to find it and I don’t know where to find it wait hang on aha five times compressed diamond block for that that’s that’s that’s crazy probably per chunk thing a lot of blocks in a chunk that’s true yeah it’s 3% in a dimensional M

Shaft yeah so it’s it’s not even necessarily in an Overworld like it might be in an Overworld you might be able to just pick him up running around and stuff but the suggestion seems to be that you cannot like how many how many diamonds is that to to do five times compressed that’s

Insane that’s a good point uh oh iron or does this tell us yeah see this has got World gen on it so we know we know roughly where it is in the world it’s at y 235 I but that’s 74 that that does not bode well for Prosperity

Or Olive cheese bread is great which is bread marinara cheese olive oil black and green olives toasted 59,0 49 diamonds like okay I I understand that this is meant to be an expo pack but who is going to take the time to make 59,000 diamonds to make a gem

Finder right by the time you’ve mined up 59,000 gems you don’t need a gem finder anymore you found all of the gems who comes up with these packs literally just typing that yeah yep then we’re all agreed hey here’s some coal and some iron and an evil wolf man oh hey Punk wow dude I almost got smoked half a hot skills got the Mad Skills bro thank you good of you talona to recognize that all right what’s going on over here in Rainbow Tree Land these these are just archwood logs right these are all just Arch Woods it’s

Kind of cool seeing them all together like this it’s too late to cheer 50 bits a Bastion fruit that’s the kid from Never Ending Story right didn’t know he had his own fruit you treel Landers right off the coast of Australia right that’s exactly right that is exactly

Right look there’s another one of these things this is the third one of these we’ve found that a Wither Rose there’s a Wither Rose in this one can’t step on it but it’s fine to just pick it up and just carry it around no problem villager agrees down the middle there probably

Worth having a look right seen a few of them so there must be some significance oh well what do you know okay now we’re going to try and remember where the other ones were that we saw oh that reminds me got a chicken there what happened to our

Kin who would have guessed that that well you did not me water melons this this Beacon place will be more interesting oh hello ruined building what do we have here sword ready oh you punk oh hey listen here Mr silverfish got no beef with you oh you Aha nothing particularly useful I am not going to take the leather tunic do not need that ah what’s that book comb cutter never mind oh there’s many buildings here now back with the daytime thank you hello nobody home okay hang on there’s a lot of stuff in there uh oh

Trivia programmer Jeff and what year was Rihanna born no I don’t think I have ever used a nuke virus I don’t think I’ve ever used one of those 81 2001 uh no so far no Rihanna do you think Rihanna is 42 1988 hang on let me let me

Check correct she was born in 1988 all right we were going over to this thing over here when we got distracted bam you know you know what what you can say about Rihanna she found love in a something place I can’t remember what the line is in a hopeless

Place hello why is there a little there right what you got for me I’ll take those I’ll have those guess I’ll take that Flawless breach gem Shore ancient Dart new oh jeez I suspect orange bear may have heard about our joke from earlier hi orange trivia trivia time silent red room’s

Turn used to go to school with a guy named work work work work work uh London’s Fleet Street is named after what sorry but it is not named after orange bear West Dio again please London’s Fleet Street is named after what uh all right I’ll give you Clues I give

You guys Clues it’s either a politician a village a river or a company Fleet of ships company River Another River I can tell you that river is correct it was named after a river apparently don’t take my word for it hello little mini house bam oh hello fella oh you’ve been

Exiled that’s all right I’ll find a use for you maybe yoink swey Todd had a lovely barber shop there just don’t make him angry wouldn’t like him when he’s angry horses I don’t have a saddle though so we won’t we won’t bother taming a horse hey jungles eat a

Sandwich we haven’t really like gone that far but it’s feeling a little empty out here right a little empty my sword’s almost gone your B yes I can I can actually put him in here and they’ll still make sound even even from the backpack I guess technically because they’re still in my

Inventory why am I stealing a nitwit I can use them in a um uh I can put them in a like an iron farm how’s everyone’s year been so far hopefully great it’s been okay from I hurt my back but you know there are worse things ready for the year to be

Over bring on 2025 right insane because of the weather next few days will continue that Trend right what do you got for me I’ll have those the blank runes are useless uh pressure tubes take pressure tubes right this one’s got three chests on it good good luck with your sexal Prosperity shards thank

You um oh a saddle just when I said I don’t have a saddle demon dream seeds can go that’s one piece of bread got a weather alert already it’s not good I assume that’s not good I’m going to drop that arrow that you can have that one saddle okay where were the

Horses so many mods so few inventory slots it’s the uh the bane of the Minecraft player okay I’m guessing the horses were not here Hey the thilosene had a tornado weather in the winter time where you’re at tornado weather I’ve never experienced a tornado luckily oh do I spy another Villa I do they an armadillo in the latest hardcore snapshot he look it’s elephants oh jeez Cal down all right we got to dump something

Else dirt we don’t need dirt take the empty Maps we Once Upon a Time uh when When Ty and I used to play a lot we made a zoo at one point and we put elephants in the zoo and we called one of them melephant

Fifer I need both Saddles do I have two I’ve got two Saddles tame the elephant Can you tame an elephant red oh a compass here you go you can have that saddle all right let’s let’s see if we can tame any of these fellas seeds Galore in that house seeds

Galore um if I get back to base let let’s dump what we have so that Village is called Chom Maraka says I think that was the way that it was Pronounced technically that should go in there that’s a boook that goes there and you go there right sleep sucks really high winds and the possibility of a tornado which is basically a smaller hurricane that that sounds bad 34 diamonds well on my way to 59k it’ll only take forever from

Here right we’ll dump these little fellas off go go hang out with your friends in there and then you go into there and then these can go into here the other things are food food and food compasses technically that goes in there maps go in there wood

Uh all right give me all of those things that’s a really good sword can I keep that if I put that and repair it with that I can Victor thunder struck Victor thunder struck iron brand of distant Battle of distant battles Victor’s thunder struck iron brand of distant Batts oh that’s

Not never mind I’ll take that fully repaired yeah 59,0 and5 to go but who’s counting name it can I can I I can go in there you go in there you go in there with you kife it’s not a kife DK oh um uh Kimiko has asked if there is a

Dank available there is not Kimiko there is no dank in this pack we did check that but I do have my wooden storage crates which I keep forgetting that I have I have four of them that’s not a kife this is a kife F5 tornadoes were estimated to have had

Maximum winds between 261 and 318 miles per hour that’s a lot of kogs all right so what do we do here we do have Dolphins Grace so we can check in the ocean a little bit it’s a lot of kinetic energy oh that’s Sil I thought like like

Oh my God I found it like exactly there thought we going back to the Village it’s do you think the village is going to help oh breathe Wiggly breathe I just I don’t know kamiko that there’s going to be anything over there that’s going to be able to help us move

On JJ with the heal thank you JJ I need Prosperity shards so I need to find Prosperity shards and I don’t think that they will spawn maybe we go to the nether let’s um let’s obsid obsidian ify some stuff so that means uh we need this F craft

Door that’s fine I wasn’t planning on being down there very long in a digital Miner and check if there is prosperity or um we’ll we’ll we’ll try and go to the nether first um okay obsidian this way I’m pretty sure at some point we saw some lava oh there’s some lava

There uh it might do grunt but it’ll be further down than where we are um cuz I’m I’m sort of stuck on here right it wants me to make the solar panel 3 but we need a few stacks of iron to do that and I don’t really want to be

Making like just grinding out um grinding out uh iron and and stuff like that yeah I need I need stacks of iron what I would like at this point in time is a big pool of lava yeah if I see Iron I will grab it sounds delicious oh I’ll take those

Though don’t need the lead all right is that flowing into anything of any import no I know well I think at one point we did see a big lava pool right I see light yeah but which which one I just don’t remember exactly where it was

Punk we going to die I tried to slash home wow well that sucked what a terrible combination of mobs to get centipede and cave spiders oh my God hit the spider please watch streak there’s how many streams in a row you have watched silent red R thank you for the attempted heal oh

No remember that um that diamond pickaxe had curs of Vanishing on it hey obsidian so we we lost the diamond pickaxe Kam go with the heal thanks kigo uh well we have enough to make a new one but that was a that was a pretty decent pickaxe I wasn’t expecting to get

Smashed like that though oh oh ho so here is some but I can’t mine it so we’re going to slash back oh no that’s not what I wanted to do well now we’re stuck here so I got to slash home and if I slash back I’m just going to

End up back in the the thing I did the wrong Slash oh no pre obsidian for your convenience just just like Mommy used to summon okay so let’s pop this over here we could do it the old way you know and just like like um lver it up from there is there any lava nearby that could be Lava that is

Lava I do remember MC mentioned that there was it looks like some there okay so this is mailla mar red okay so from ailla markered it is that way where the evil craft altar is nice hat oh I didn’t thanks kamiko I forgot to I forgot to make a diamond pickaxe after

All that anyway uh we don’t have one so let’s make one uh if we go to here then we can take this and yeah we can do this then we can switch that out there oops D those okay No all right here we go butel come on red uh and we’re going this way good this is all grown up that’s good to see um so that’s where the thing is okay that’s where we’re going guys I think I see it all right so there’s the Altar and there’s the the

Stuff MC with the big memory he zombies here right this is so if if we happen to fall through we fall into water but can I stand safely here we go all right where did we get 57 flash home right that’s more than enough right now let’s light that bad boy up

And through we go oh that’s not fair what I I mean I can just go slash home again but but that’s pretty weak nether Prosperity or oh God I’m at a fortress already Lord Thor bebob that’s not a fortress is it what is this that’s a fortress unlucky and lucky at the same

Time oh I remember this thing yeah I remember being in one of these before this was not easy uh was Stones do work across Dimensions or they should work across the bions oh what the speed run these these guys here are bad news from memory all right so anyway I can

Get Prosperity shards in the Nether and there’s some more and is that more again dude I should have just come straight into here instead of moaning about it for 20 minutes what the right 40 40 is probably not enough I’ll grab some nether quartz while we’re here or will

I thanks for the heal kamiko yeah I’m not going to bother going in there yet I’ll save that we probably have a look at that tomorrow I’ll grab this while bit Lord Davon dcow the shimmering has awoken nearby oh that gu he’s bad news D dyro or Prosperity ore

The amount of lava that I’m hearing is slightly discouraging oh Punk the ironite and right yeah there’s some some special nether variety oh there’s more over there I’m not going to be able to get that lot oh I might be able to get some of that lot uh well

There there’s definitely some lava in that tunnel down there somewhere can we step safely onto the edge of this thank you um and somewhere down here I saw some more netherite not netherite um the nether Prosperity here it is okay oh my God it’s like on purpose flash

Home okay so when we go back through the portal this time it should make us a new portal again uh but uh but we got Prosperity shards at least silverfish and nether mites or whatever they’re called are the only reason I’ve ever wanted the Bane of Arthropods yeah Pro

Skills give’s right of course we probably should have made a magnet of some sort nether quartz can go in there all right so we have Prosperity shards I’m going to take one diamond and we’re going to do this and that This right so that’s that done so then we need to do that that means we need more inferium okay that’s done uh so this is to make this so we need to go to terium oh yeah we can’t we have to do that to level that

Up okay so grab what of this we have And if we need three need 12 of These okay so 12 of those then we need to upgrade this to that so we need 16 then we need to do that and that now we can use this upgrade these so that’s the three of those so now we just need to make the block of bronze

Yeah yeah So eventually we’ll get to the point where we can sort of push further ahead with that so that has to be industrial hemp seeds um hang on let me sleep first ask questions later all right hemp seeds yes we do mob farm uh there is um one of the first

Quest lines that you have to do is for a a mob Slaughter Factory so we will we will be looking into making a mob farm at some point okay so that’s the prosperity seeds base seasons gratings and to you too Seasons gratings okay block of bronze so how do we make

Bronze we can make that with bronze blend okay that’s not going to help us we can energize smelt that we can metallurgically Infuse tin we can alloy killed copper and Tin um okay so we we tried to look at Kil brick before and you you had to do it in a dissolution

Chamber dissolution chamber needs plastic diamond gear you need to block a diamond for Diamond gear cuz you can do it with kill and Bricks but but the only way to make kill and Bricks uh Kil brick slabs is you need Kil bricks so we have to do this

Recipe so we need Nether Bricks and we need mud bricks the rest of it only water going to find some mud somewhere let’s hold on to those oh that’s actually good that it didn’t use up the crystals and only grab one nether brick cuz of course I only grabbed one

Alexandri can go into there water bottle into dirt let’s um I’m going to I’m going to mark that then we want to go mud so mud bottling machine so you said a water bottle we have plenty of stuff tried to make it to the end but my eyelids won’t

Let me have a good time zone all no worries Big Al have a good sleep and we will see you next time oh I see why I see why it didn’t work the experiment the king of the mountain thing I can see why it didn’t work but I think I think I fixed

It Nature’s Compass see you Big Al okay uh Quest complete water bottle so we did water bottle bag of poons uh and then magical resources oh we did a few things here okay Prosperity do hickey then it wants us to make blocks of bronze okay uh uh Compass wise now we got recovery Compass

Meteorite compass and a honey Compass so we don’t have the compass compass compass menus death has happened here where is there it is is hello when you had a compass compass in my tools chest I do have a compass but I don’t have a uh Nature’s Compass is not

Not possible to make a Nature’s Compass mud okay how many how many mud do we need packed mud so two so I need eight I need eight muds it does in a lot of ways Kimo feel like it’s missing some of the basics mud it’ll be lonely this Christmas hi

Do um let’s just grab some dirt we’ll do it dirt isn’t here so I have well here’s four more trivia trivia question from newal Angel uh in the song oops I Did It Again by Britney Spears what movie did her boyfriend get her a gift from I think they mean the music

Video there seven I think we just need the one more okay so packed mud one to one with wheat or straw Kitty creepers here hi Kitty creeper you stay there uh straw straw uh wheat sorry I only have one wheat OS foru Titanic is Correct she says but I thought the old lady threw it into the sea at the end W can know it does I very rarely change my CCI stuff don’t feel good about that about knowing that right packed mud mud bricks okay so I ended up with

Eight mud bricks that’s way more than I needed whoops bag of seeds let’s put the seeds into the thing not that seed these ones can go who’s doubling up Sardi roots are pumpkins are the rest look a okay so you can go in there bag of potions hey sugar dragon’s breath

Nice what is that bag of creepers I want to open that oh several different creeper spawnings okay do I want to open that immediately opens that okay hey sugar to you too yeah four gas TI too Nether Bricks right so we do need to get one more nether brick the sugar can

Go I’m going to put that over here uh no I’m not I’m going to put that over here seems a little progress Breaky Achy Breaky um all right let’s go and get one more nether brick we know we can get that and that would regenerate our portal

Did yeah window still Kitty so if we come down here right these areas some of these will have a chest sitting in the middle of them what are you are dead wa now back with the heal Kam with the heal JJ with the heal oh look more Prosperity ore okay that’s all we

Needed so we’ll Boogie on out of here [Applause] oh okay no that’s good all right so we’ve got the pieces now we just need to make the dissolution chamber and then we can start the next phase Nether wart technically it’s a seed um I’m going to put it in

Here NE what spes or something I think there’s um like a sort of like this red dust that floats in the air there and I think when you walk into that red dust um a spoil will pop up yeah the lucky thing is though is

That I’ve got a lot of food like there’s a lot of big food things in here so so we’re fine as far as food is concerned okay so now we need the chemical induction smelter chemical it’s not no that’s a different thing I do have my huge Garden as well that is

True yes I do have some Redstone ready for potioning and also for just shinies shiny stuffs uh all right barley seeds those so those are just seeds so gu is correct um chemical dissolution chamber chem chemical disolution is that the all right hang on it’s just a dissolution

Chamber all right so to make that we need plastic uh we need a chest we need another pity machine frame we need a diamond gear okay so this guy here has got eight tiny dry rubber we need another log stick a flourishing archwood in front see if that does anything anything for Me no so the diamond gear recipe is a block of diamond and a hammer or if I can make the um the machine for it uh then I can do it with less material than that but I need to make the machine all right barley seeds starting to buy just free leads no

Roof oh look there totally a roof look see totally a roof there it goes all the way around fully roofed and then on the inside I have a an open courtyard because it’s Camp Wiggly it’s a fringe but there’s no hair on top they call that a fryer

Tuck large Skylight fully surrounded by a roof welcome back de right okay so this is almost ready right we can almost do that we need to make the dissolution chamber so to make the dissolution chamber we need more latex if I could find a way to pump

Water into this thing this would save a lot of time um oh this this fluid tank is still the same okay that’ll save us some time then we’ll go four of these and four of these uh I do too many and we’ll do I think it’s

That there it is all right so that basic fluid tank yeah we found Prosperity or in the nether so that’s that’s helped us a lot oh why why am I doing it that way oh an Aquis accumulat that is a good Call that is a very good call sir I was sink why did I didn’t even think of a sink there is a sink and it’s the same recipe and a mechanism pump so do we want to do the accumulator or the sink I’ll do the sink because the sink is

Quiet um I even have some terra cotta oh it’s not the right it has to be terra cotta not orange terra cotta all right no clue what we’re doing um so I need plastic so for plastic I need this to have a constant supply of water in it

And we don’t have water so I need to get some clay which will hopefully find over here nope that is not clay sink is cheap needs no power to be where sometimes you can trigger settings to make the water in a sink be non-renewable well hopefully this is not one of those

Packs Plastic Fantastic accumulator uses power I don’t think it does so the accumulator I can make right now the sink a whale fishy they jump out of the water sometimes I keep catching like the the end of them jumping out play all right there there some clay and if anybody’s wondering why I

Swim so fast I uh early on day one or day two I got a ring that has Dolphins Grace on it very Luckily okay so the clay the clay is a soft so that can go into there um so what what else did we need so three irons and a bucket of water that’s easy oh it’s 10 okay make me a sink spring you’re a sink okay now we go over here and I grab

One of these and this there we go all right so let’s check out uses for tiny dry rubber that makes that and it’s still one to one okay that’s not too bad then um we we’ve almost got the two that we need hooray that might mean I can plug this

Um dirt up here too 16 oh I need two more I need one more be more Quick actually could could that work easy power for the latex machine just this solar panel yeah I don’t know if this will work or not I’ve never tried inputting two different fluids from one place uh for the extractor no I could try and run a power cable across to it from

Here how hard is it to make a power pipe place a solar panel between the two but there are pipes right now oh yeah yeah I could put it like there and then it would touch both and maybe power Both up to 51 54 okay so it’s doing three each time instead of just one I think we can wait uh I won’t dump that just yet I want to see what happens once it gets up to the um once it gets up to the 100 That it’s going way faster at least it will until Nightfall okay so that that’s 100 so now it should be producing then the water level will drop and it does go back up so that does work all right so that’ll get us that’s done that that’s done yeah so the

Diamond gear is just a block of diamond and that uh we haven’t did not for this pack anyway um but we know we have The Usual Suspects of course um the problem being that I haven’t seen any of them yeah Acacia haven’t even seen any ACAA oh maybe we have actually I think

There might have been Acacia over here somewhere maybe in here here oh those are Clover pedals or maybe maybe it was up in here this feels like a oh I missed a village uh this feels like an acacia area things pipes world yeah C wigly is the famous music camp that’s the

One all right so we’re got our two plastic so can we make the dissolution chamber no uh because we need to make the P machine frame right so we need four blocks of compressed iron ingot how close are we going to get we have seven spare I know my Skylight is

Leaking it’s um part of the charm okay so we got four of those then I need a block of that I need two stripped logs two Cobblestone two Cobblestone two logs we will strip lastly uh then it was a block of biome and now we should be able to make

That then we should be able it no uh I need a chest here’s one I need uh two of these and we need to make a block of iron diamond that should mean we can make the dissolution chamber we can yeah I’m I’m washing the house

Oh I did not not exactly what I was going for there buddy oh my bed’s going to be soaking all right dissolution chamber so I want two of these two of these some of that and how many is that going to make us that one to one it makes two and I

Need 7 eight who did that no all what a bed good for your back maybe maybe it’s not a bad idea okay so we need to go back to the Nether and get six more um they the bricks six more Nether Bricks three cracked ones I don’t know if they

Count put them away and they’d Run for Our Lives opening house design you’ve heard of open floor this is open air oh oh no the power no no I ran out of juice I went the bed it’s the rain the bed with him thank you kamiko turning off the

Rain we go light level is back cake through a splash oh potion of weakness okay I’m going to uh take these out so that this will get power back in how we look in here that’s not getting any that’s full so that one actually doesn’t really matter so much anymore this is most Important cuz we can just let that run now on free Power again we got what we needed for Now how much power does it take wow it takes more than what we have available I think I need that to be full like fully full and this to also have backup power in it oh hey there you go we unlocked that whole quest line that wants us to make 16 mud

Bricks some reason and then that gets us down to there so 16 Nether Bricks 16 mud bricks right Iron Age bag how many beds are we going to get is one of them two blast furnaces oh those ones uh 18 potatoes 27 bottles of enchanting so just in case you haven’t

Been keeping up all of these white beds have come out of quest rewards all of them we need we need more nether uh we need more Nether Bricks now SP okay so that’s full this is starting to fill we need some sort of um Power storage

We’ll figure it out all right uh storage and pipes we also did do that Quest so this is a bag of food so we got 20 nut butter and jelly sandwiches like a battery like a battery yes fact exactly like a battery power have one uh it does but do

We do we have power in here we don’t have power in here um and they’re not always called battery you know like sometimes it like called a power storage or a um dimensional cell induction cell energy cell Cube oh there we go Basic Energy cube is that going to be our easiest one

No the thermal one you say thermal thermal thermal oh this one not that one this one Redstone PLU cell uh that needs cured Rubber and the cell frame so we still need electrum but we’re close to electrum now because we have this how do we get the first two out right halfway

There um I could canu but uh the the recipe actually it it needs a lot of iron so I think it’s it’s more in our interest at the moment to make the iron farm um so I’m just going to quickly run back and we’ll uh we’ll grab the 16 Nether

Bricks not quite Nal no but uh but we did used to live on the docks our Union’s been on strike down on my luck it’s tough so tough 160 Nether Bricks what do you get another day older deeper in depth right do we get a bed no two furnaces and 16

More diamonds getting ever closer to that 59,000 diamonds that we need okay so that’s back to fall so we’ll do should we do the mud bricks why be getting a little at a time yeah Dei this here for the gemf finder in order to make the gem finder you need a

Five times compressed diamond block which which we calculated is approximately 59,000 diamonds but by the time you have 59,000 diamonds you’re not going to need you’re not going to need a diamond a gem finder pointless okay I’m going to stop there we’re close to building our alloy K our Kil furnace

Brick yeah there there’s some some unusual choices yeah that would be the only thing G uh there might be a way to make diamonds at some point it’s going to be OB obviously beyond our capabilities now yeah so you can make diamond Essences um Diamond shards from Silent gear

Catalyst which you need a diamond to make a diamond that’s crazy when a Chuck your CCI Chat thing kept getting triggered for no reason at all was that the one that word that we were looking at thir of expert packs failly requirements to advance but five times compressed diamond block yeah that’s that’s

Weird that seems a very odd Choice cuz even if you think about you know like if you have a um something like in cuboid where you have the the generator normally you wouldn’t even get close to 60,000 wouldn’t even get close but um yeah it’s quite possible

That they expect you to make a diamond seed with a um with a a botney pot and just let it runam are meaningless that’s that’s true anyway we got to wrap up we got we got enough to get us through into tomorrow um so let’s find out who we’re

Going to raid today shall we raid today um one day right we’ll finish a stream and we’ll look over and tyon deroga will be streaming and we’ll go oh my God good night all good night G good new n Night herit we already hit hermit on Tuesday I think so we’ll go to someone else um just having a quick look to see if there’s any any new people if not there’s Elder wolf Elder wolf looks like he’s just started have a random suggestion sure grin is a possibility

Too well they should got 50 viewers Elder wolf has three day claw day whoa that a Avatar is very very Clean all right day claw am wouldn’t even notice declaw this channel is intended for mature audiences okay so if that’s not for you and do not feel like you have to commit to the raid um I will be back tomorrow it’ll be about 4 and 1/2 hours earlier than the

Current time so hopefully I will see you guys then in the meantime if you like what you see over at day claw please do hit the follow button uh let them know that Mr Wiggly sent you and hopefully we’ll see you guys tomorrow thank you by the way again once again for the

Um the the hype train I appreciate it uh but yeah we’ll see you tomorrow and then don’t forget Saturday is epic Saturday but we’ll have a look if there’s no good game there are a couple of other freebies that we got during the Christmas break and we might be able to

Head up on one of those all right have a good time the rest of your time zone uh and uh we will see you next time cheers all bye now

This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Evolution of the Ages 2 | Day 3’, was uploaded by MisterWiggly on 2024-01-12 11:00:47. It has garnered 16 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:25:51 or 15951 seconds.

Archive of Twitch Stream that took place on January 11th, 2024 — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/misterwiggly

  • Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack!

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  • Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design – Minecraft Madness!

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  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

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  • Transforming into a Red Wolf in Minecraft

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  • Crafting Iron Armor in Hardcore Minecraft

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  • Gamers uncover shocking threat in Minecraft world #viral

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  • Castle Build & Spooky Moments! | Minecraft SOS #18

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  • Insane 50-Hour Skyblock Minecraft Survival Movie

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  • EPIC Minecraft Duel: NGUYEN JD MC vs Yoizol #insane

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  • Insane Minecraft Server 24/7 Stream + Giveaways!

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  • Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! – BoomMC SMP – Minecraft

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  • EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯

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  • Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock Action

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  • VoidedMC

    VoidedMCWelcome to VoidedMC, we are a brand new 1.20.4 server with a friendly player base offering semi-vanilla survival, by merging McMMO, GriefPrevention, Essentials, and many more plugins! We are working on expanding the server currently. We also plan to bring a creative world where you can show off your amazing building skills! Feel free to join! Our staff is extremely nice and always willing to help. So if you have any questions please reach out to us! Have an amazing day! Voidedmc.net Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants Pets

    Java & Bedrock IP: play.broomstix.net Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): https://discord.gg/qbdA4Gs3f8 Online In-game map: https://map.broomstix.net/ Features: Running with backwards compatibility on the latest Minecraft version: 1.21 Tricky Trials Bedrock and Java cross-play (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Put a lead on mobs to teleport them Free fly in the overworld every Sunday ProtectionStones for land claiming Bartering economy system No grief Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation allowed in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging, homes and player to player teleportation Minecraft-Discord integration to interact with the community even when away… Read More

  • Authentic Vanilla

    Authentic VanillaAboutAuthentic Vanilla is Java Edition Minecraft in its purest form. It is a “Vanilla Anarchy” server, meaning pretty much anything aside from hacking or exploits are allowed. The world, which will never be reset, is whatever you want it to be. Anything you can do in Mojang’s intended vanilla is fair game, you need not be bogged down by landclaims or building requirements or suffocating world borders. But be ware, the freedom to create also comes with the freedom to destroy, so keep what you make safe.VanillaTo keep the server as authentically vanilla as possible, the server will be running… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t touch this, it’s OP 🙏

    Please don’t nerf this meme, it’s already at level 309 and ready to take on the Ender Dragon! Read More

  • Crafty Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Alarm Charade

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  • Minecraft Tutorials be like: “How to Die in 5 Easy Steps” 😂 #shorts

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  • Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay

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  • Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!

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  • Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!

    Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘We’re Trapped in a PHONE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-02-15 04:44:25. It has garnered 591518 views and 7583 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:14 or 1394 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/ Today, Nico and his friends are trapped in a PHONE in Minecraft! Nico gets trapped in a phone and must escape! How will Nico and his friends get out?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • Dronio In Minecraft – Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shorts

    Dronio In Minecraft - Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но Я Не Могу Касаться Зелёного Цвета 🟢 ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 10:30:07. It has garnered 979 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE MINECRAFT AGAIN…’, was uploaded by Mythbustingnoob on 2024-04-15 14:00:38. It has garnered 136507 views and 2526 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:44 or 5564 seconds. I survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE AGAIN . All The mods 9 has had Major Updates. So in these 100 days I harness the souls of a Warden and Make supercharged Farms to try and Get The ATM STAR. If You’d Like to Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpoNseXJmTHGnsttTuUEPYQ?sub_confirmation=1 —————————————————————————— Surviving 100 days like forge labs, lukethenotable, suev,… Read More

  • Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho’s Wizard Tower!

    Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho's Wizard Tower!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mysterious Wizard Tower! [Minecraft: Let’s Build Together Ep 02]’, was uploaded by Koffizinho on 2024-04-08 18:00:07. It has garnered 76 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:20 or 1100 seconds. SERIES SUMMARY Welcome to Let’s Build Together! A Minecraft series where your ideas get built in my survival world! With a fresh start we go into a survival world in 1.20.4 exploring for resources and building your wild ideas and themes inside Minecraft! How does it work? Glad you asked! A theme is chosen for the world and your job is… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai – Gilthunder’s Hidden Powers!

    Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai - Gilthunder's Hidden Powers!Video Information This video, titled ‘NANATSU NO TAIZAI ADDON SPOILERS!!! Gilthunder’s abilities’, was uploaded by Ric4rdo G4m3r on 2024-06-16 23:41:33. It has garnered 364 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:01 or 181 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftadventure #minecraftbedrock #minecraftaddons #minecraftarcane #minecraftbuilders #addons #nanatsunotaizai #anime Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!

    EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-02-29 16:50:25. It has garnered 2483 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle|| minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy diggy hole… Read More

  • DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel Skyblock

    DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Grinding DUNGEONS (F7) & UPDATE GRINDING TODAY! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:51. It has garnered 1543 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:45 or 6525 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️https://www.twitch.tv/yedazzer #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/dazzy4 Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ https://twitter.com/imDazzer Discord ➡️ https://discord.gg/GxuHWdkhUM Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkbD4P0wRdgFKlJUc_yMnNQ Swurv – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPF6WdxyBDj7Cr1AO2rMvZg Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Vs All entries 🔥 🔥 #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Fardin Amjad Gamer 🇵🇰 MC on 2024-02-14 10:32:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Herobrine Vs All entries #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftpe … Read More

  • FriendsPlus

    FriendsPlusWelcome to Friends+! Here we strive to be a welcoming community of friends who don’t care about your background, all we care about is if you’re human! enjoyfriends.apexmc.co:26146 Read More

  • CoreMC Vanilla Whitelist 1.21

    Welcome to CoreMC! I started CoreMC about 2 years ago to create a simple Minecraft community for players of all skill levels. The server runs on stock vanilla .jar with minimal addons, allowing for a true vanilla experience. Our rules are based on respect for others and the server. Key Features: No PVP/Griefing/Stealing No item dupe glitches No excessive lag-causing builds No discrimination or harassment No hacking, but some mods are allowed Alt accounts allowed with permission Join Our Discord: If you’re interested in joining, please apply through our Discord. Server Info: Server Address: play.core-mc.net Specs: Ryzen 5 3550H, 32GB… Read More

  • Glorp Junior High School

    you need the modpack SteamPunk LPS on curseforge and 12gb of ram dedicatedage requirement is 18+https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/steam-punk⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions & 5 NEW Planets to Explore!⚙️ Skills, Magic, Tetra & most importantly Steam like Tech⚙️ NEW Game Mechanics such as Thin Air & Cold Sweat⚙️ NEW Game Features… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting OG Hoodie”

    Looks like even Minecraft mobs are trying to get a retail job to make some extra emeralds! Read More