Minecraft Live Stream with Viewers! Insane Nintorstendo Gameplay!

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For Oh N And hello guys and welcome back to another Minecraft live stream playing with you guys of course how are we doing this fine Saturday almost New Year’s almost New Year’s guys can you believe it can you believe it 2024 is just in the Horizon guys some exciting news to talk

About here real quick little little something something you know like first and foremost thank you so much guys for the support you know so many of you guys have become members right now you know it starts as low as a dollar okay um the

Reason I bring it up is now you can see your profile picture it it’s random on the channel uh in the in the little home section you’ll see your profile pictures now for all the people who are supporting for one that’s awesome W’s in the chat

And for another one if we can get I believe I think it’s 10 more PE 10 more people we can get more emojis and then we need more emojis we need more chat emojis so you know just put that out there putting that on the table you

Know if you got a little dollar laying around um next month I’ll help out by gifting five free members and then uh then we would only need five so uh hey you know just just put that just put that out there but yo uh now that we got

That out of the way hello ball minion hello uh Nuy nuup uh crazy gangster uh how we doing uh Shadow KN uh anyone else who I’ve uh missed it here there like um I can’t I can’t choose who it’s gifted it’s always random gifted memberships always random so you can’t

Really choose who you’re gifting it to that’s just how it rolls um I think it’s more fair that way too anyways like cuz that would take too much work to like manually select who you want to give a membership to anyways we’ve got things that we need to take care of

Here such as you know what let’s keep it let’s roll with it usually skip this song but let’s roll with it right now because it fits The Vibes right now for what we got to do we got to go take out and take down this raid it’s getting

Quite annoying and then I got to reset my bed yo what’s good Abraham welcome to the stream appreciate the support crazy appreciate the kind words appreciate that shadow KN doing fantastic how about yourself gangster how you doing let’s go take care of business we got a war to take care

Of there’s a raid there’s a the raid on the horizons here okay almost there yo what’s good drag loocks welcome to the stream um I didn’t I didn’t unfortunately oh gosh see look at these guys oh that’s even more fun they’re messing up Heroes crops that’s not very nice of you to

Mess up the crops like that oh my gosh why does the why do these raids keep happening right Here uh this raid you know oh my goodness dude I thought that was the guy is that it oh shoot oh dude no Abraham how did you how I didn’t know they dro emeralds now that’s cool hey uh glad that you’re doing good uh gangster you enjoying the move uh

Movie music uh uh Nuy Nu me too we might mix it up for this stream though and of course there’s another raid I don’t think we’re ever going to get rid of these raids guys I don’t know why they keep on I I don’t get it I don’t get it

Why is there always raids over here all right uh let’s not worry about it uh especially since I need to get the bed placed yeah TNT ignition is off uh because I find it lazy grief you know um people can grief and such but like you

Know if you’re going to do it I want it to be impressive right like I want you to actually manually remove every single block you can’t cheat out you can’t be lazy now no no no no no no no no you can’t just light flint and steel and TNT everywhere and then be

Like Oh I’m a griefer no dude that’s that’s lazy that’s lazy griefing n you got to remove by hand every single block like that’s the only way then then you’ve gained my respect as a griefer but like no none of this none of this TNT flint and steel

Nonsense no no no no no no no no that that’s just okay cool story bro like TP back yeah sure I got you all right respawn set needed to do that real quick oh shoot yo you went fishing and you and you caught a fish Let’s Go Crazy uh what fish did you

Catch Oops teleport there he is you got two more teleports cool kid uh AKA Abraham just heads up two more teleports to this stream another interesting story for you to look up uh the mic what is that madman ooh takes you to the Future huh that’s interesting I think I’ve heard about that Before Oh yeah yeah yeah unfortunately yeah Shadow I understand that part but uh as we have to deal with Griefers and hackers and lots of people like that um unfortunately you know some things we do have to turn off but uh the compromise that I gave for the N SMP was that we

Were going to leave mob griefing on because then we could do things with villagers and such that we couldn’t do otherwise so there had to be a compromise somewhere so that was the Compromise was uh leaving the mob griefing but turning off everything else wait where am I going I’m supposed to go

To the library I’m trying to go build at like my like the build site like that I normally like building at but no no we’re building a library we have too much books we need to store them Them uh wait you got a fish shells all wait wait all slimy it was so hard to hold you know what fits you caught though is it like a is it a large Mouse a large Mouse a large mouth bass a bass ooh ooh potatoes thank you thank

You uh what are we talking about was it some cod was it a was it a blue gill was it a sunfish was it a uh what are some more fishes I don’t know like the region specific you know uh physicians at a local University said what if a time machine that could

Theoretically take you to the Future was built uh it would be the way that uh madman did it yeah yeah oh I definitely heard about that then ooh is this the path dude this path is uh needing a lot of improvement uh we need to terraform this path first and

Foremost uh and yo what is good hero hey hi hello how are you welcome to the stream hey you notice something uh cool with your with your username there huh huh did you see that you see that did you see that you got gifted a member uh by Yours Truly you’re

Welcome it’s random of course but um it’s pretty cool YouTube gave us free free members uh every month every month we get five free members so uh and they gave us some extra ones for Christmas so it was 10 free members thank you YouTube W YouTube for that One oh yeah that book’s got to go I got to go into the vault uh appreciate getting it though cuz you know that’s clearly a hacked item um which we we will uh we’ll dispose of properly or or keep I don’t know and KO yo welcome to the stream uh

Finally finish your house uh let’s go um we we might have to check that out cuz honestly I don’t know I kind of want to just put in the window and work on the path and maybe maybe put up some shelves and uh yeah oh gosh hero after you texted that

You got better you got really sick again oh no that’s not good um I hope that you feel better man like that’s that’s very unlucky right there uh getting sick that that quickly just rest up take care try out Elderberry if you’ve ever heard of it before it boosts your immune system

It’s all natural um good stuff it’s really good stuff um that’s what I always take whenever I’m feeling ill it’s kind of pricey but it works it works like a charm like you can get Elderberry gummies and it t it tastes good too like elderberries are

Just delicious like um and and it it’ll really boost that immune system like it’ll get you feeling better in no time seriously um cuz that is the that’s the way to go it’s the way to go to Just nurture your own immune system system to to fight any

Colds or like illnesses that you have cuz your immune system can fight anything in the know Universe uh it just needs all the nutrients you know but you you guys know this you already knew this I’m just here to remind you about that you know you guys are

Smart what is good teeny rat tails welcome to the stream uh bald minion yeah uh sure I can I can do that I can do that I will get you um I don’t know where exactly you are but uh we’ll get you somewhere over here um yeah unfortunately teeny rat tails um

Please do just keep going to my website for the for the L claim status unfortunately it’s still broken at the moment and holy smokes uh Ken yo thank you so much for the gifted member yo let’s break it down for that thank you thank you oh my goodness

Um wow woe zoi appreciate it Ken it’s just the the you know we’re still in the season of giving uh let’s get let’s get ball minion over here though as well uh real quick and W W in the chat for Ken yo hype it up guys uh need member railen

Got you gotcha here we go boom B boy we got you going there uh yeah let’s go let’s go um and then we’re going to get ball minion where you at ball minion which one is isn’t is aren’t you SK uh shk I usually go off of your profile pictures but you guys

Like as you can see none of them are loading at all um yay uh remember again uh me need to get it back and you have some Elderberry Gummies at your house uh oh out of them yeah get some of those get some of those for

Sure yeah that’s you okay okay I I figured I it’s just it’s so much easier to go off a picture I don’t know why I don’t know why like that’s just how my brain works I suppose that I remember you guys is uh like profile pictures a

Lot like more than I than I do uh the names I don’t know cuz it’s just so many like usernames that I got to got to remember so uh it just makes it easier oof oof why is this like this why is this path like this oh my

Goodness oh my goodness dude I I think this is the first time uh whoever was working on this path uh oh Gosh they they have not made paths before okay cuz uh let me show you let me just show you like what what like what I’m like we have so many examples of like what the paths could could look like and should look like like over here like look at this

Like we terraform the ground we like put staircases and and like not look at it it’s like clean and and nice and and uh like you know we have stairs for the hills and such anyways anyways we we we’ll just clean it up we’ll clean it up uh it’s the thought that counts

Right Y what is good Bots welcome to the stream um yeah no uh you can’t get tpd Ryland you you got to get 500 points you get points just by watching a stream you know the more stream that you watch the more points you’ll get and hey dude that

Doesn’t sound like a bad time to me you know you get to watch an amazing stream right um and you get points it’s a win-win right there and then you can get teleported over here in no time all right so uh just just sit sit back relax

Enjoy the stream get those points and play some Minecraft and you’ll be here in no time all right um you know so uh yeah yeah what kind of waffles do I like blueberry I just like waffles you know any waffles could be blueberry waffles it could be this waffles it could be

That waffles it could be chocolate chip waffles you know waffles are just really good you know so o yeah fourth time in the Stream let’s go let’s go plain and simple plain and simple waffles eh oh yeah I like them all Lego my OS BR if this stream gets 50 likes

You’ll troll in in Minecraft so all right guys you heard it here for first uh if the stream gets 50 likes I’m going to get trolled by Hero so if you want to see that happening you know that’s just you know just got to like the stream what can I

Say and he goes crazy with the trolls So it’s going to be something you don’t want to miss all right let’s get back to business let’s get back to business here um let see let’s see get some Stairs let skip this one skip skip what minion what no no what are you saying what are you saying also guys uh just a little heads up you know like um I’m starting to feel just slightly claustrophobic um with you guys being so close to me while just trying to do some

Work here um I don’t yeah this is what I’m talking about um I would prefer it if you don’t just like uh give me some Breathing Room you know I need some personal space here um that is Abraham and bald minion you guys are getting a

Little too close Okay 6 ft away all right uh guys stay away um you know cuz uh I appreciate the help and such but um you know I really would like it if uh if I could get some breathing room I need to breathe I can’t breathe I can’t breathe

You’re making it really hard uh so please and thank you very much really do appreciate it guys are absolute Legends do I play Five Nights at Freddy’s uh actually I play uh Five Nights with uh what’s that guy what’s it what’s his name what’s his name again Five Nights with

Um I do I do to answer the question but um Fernando I think that’s what it was five nights with Fernando yeah we do it every every uh Halloween unfortunately this Halloween was a little different so we were not able to play uh FNAF but you see I was uh I was trying to uh play it maybe maybe at some other point because you know that new DLC dropped and it was

Free but I don’t know I don’t know we’re still we’re still looking at still uh yeah was it alfredo or alons what was it uh yeah exactly exactly exactly six six feet 6 feet six feet guys six feet away um but watch it watch it drag loocks watch your

Language there you know we trying to be in inclusive in the in the Stream of course so um what was it Alfredo streaming early on Earthly what this is this is not even earlier this is actually later than what I’ve been streaming but you see you see it’s for

Good reason of course right like um you got to understand there was a couple couple of amazing streamers who went live and I uh popped into those streams and kind of got sucked in uh those amazing streamers are Ken and outbreak Gan of course if you haven’t

Checked them out already please do uh they’re fantastic and amazing you know you just get stuck you’re just like man but it’s so hard because I have to stream now but hey I love streaming so um TP to you yeah KO in a little bit in

A little bit I will be uh tping around and such um but you know me you know me I got to work on my projects too you know like if I’m just tping all around and not getting anything done nothing will get done so um I just want to work

On the window here uh get that kind of set up and work on this path clean it up so the path is the easiest one first was it was it Alfredo Five Nights with alfredo yeah yeah uh yo what is good Jack the gamer welcome to the Stream

Um did I get the gift yet bald Min I haven’t I haven’t I haven’t seen any messages or or anything um no worries drag Lu uh yeah yeah just Um just take video yeah yeah yeah yeah but we keep it family friendly very inclusive so um okay I I have no idea what that what you said there une Earthly what what what what language is it is it um is that Spanish I think that’s Spanish right is

It yo appreciate that shadow appreciate it uh play play Minecraft upside down if I can figure out a way to do that then then absolutely but I don’t I don’t know how I could do that like like uh without like my my monitor doesn’t stand upside down so and I can’t

Change the inputs either uh like to make it upside down but that’s a that sounds like a fun little challenge there not going to lie might have to take that at some point oh it is nice uh you’ve been wait wait then you’ve been on a four-wheeler all day you’re covered in

Mud and your face has mud all over it dude that sounds so fun I want to be on a four-wheeler all day riding around in the mud what dude dude what let me do that that sounds like a blast like I only ever been on four-wheelers like one time and

It’s they’re super fun they’re scary though a little bit like they can fix can tip over pretty easily if you go and they go fast like really fast like it’s kind of like unexpect unsuspectingly fast like you don’t realize the power that they have like so you’re just like

Oh it’s just a goofy little four-wheeler you know like I’m just going to hop on this and then you go woo whoa so I know they’re fun though that sounds like a blast yo what’s good uh sand v22 welcome to the Stream um play Minecraft on the Las Vegas

Feared bet yes une Earthly yes sign me up that would be extremely expensive but um that would be awesome like I I would totally do that like no joke that sounds like a good time and then everyone would be able to see this legendary gameplay

You know and in the Las Vegas trip we’ll we’ll just keep everyone up at night so so bright um you’re wait you were bit you got bit by the warden what you became part of the wardens dude I didn’t know wardens were like vampires uhoh is it break time guys yo break

Time let’s do this oh yeah Dylan uh I don’t I I’m not going to be answering that question anymore about like remembering people or not um you know uh just cuz like it was starting to kind of offend me a little bit because it felt like you guys were

Personally attacking my memory uh like especially if you were here like uh yesterday and such like like uh of course I would remember you you know so yeah no longer going to be answering questions like that just a little heads up Dylan um it was The Bite of 87 The Bite

Of 87 the warden infection spreads dud I didn’t I didn’t know that there were zombie would would a warden be more of a zombie or would it be more of a vampire I I’m leaning more on the side of vampire hear me out here hear the reasoning cuz they live in

The deep dark you know where it’s all dark and stuff so it’s like uh you know they don’t they dislike the light vampires also dislike the light so yeah I I could see that right um when you say Breaky you mean break appreciate that uh I like that a little

Breaky take a little break let me get some water a little H2O oh my goodness is that outbreak GN I see yo what is good outbreak um how’s it going welcome to the stream an ogre do you think so an ogre but if it if it could bite you and you turned into

It wait do vampires do that is that is that a vampire thing I don’t think that’s a vampire thing I don’t think you turn wait a second wait a second no no no no no no no no there’s two different types of uh vampire bites I believe there’s the one

That can um also make you into a vampire and then there’s the one that’s just for eating that’s right that’s right wait the Wen is a Reddit moderator cuz they live in the deep dark they’re fat and they hate everyone else okay okay can’t argue with that

Um check Discord art you got a cool pick that you put there oh was that you that posted that uh the fox huh that is pretty cool let me let me just uh double check make sure yeah yeah it was you okay that’s cool where do I get one of those what is

That called where can I get it you’re going to fall down the stairs crazy uh oh don’t do that that’s not good don’t play Gorilla tag for 10 hours all right then you won’t fall down the stairs where was that one spot it’s right there that needs some

Work maybe it’s good just the way it’s at don’t know uh would no no it it needs some more work yeah this whole layer could go right here here and then it still works for this little area to a degree almost maybe we’ll tweak that little sitting area but then this

Path looks better so uh we do it like so and then we terraformed look at that make it look nice I need the dirt but first they a break he’s 20 lb oh my gosh that’s crazy uh more of a zombie theme because when you’re bitten by a zombie you turn

Into one true but zombies don’t dislike the light to a degree well I guess Minecraft zombies do but like regular zombies they don’t burn in the sunlight uh they they they actually are AOK so that’s kind of like the whole thing that I was like you know uh trying to get out there

For for the whole what would it be um so um you’ve been mining for 5 minutes and you got 22 diamonds yo let’s go 22 diamonds that’s what’s up um do you know who nin is because uh you should he’s a really good streamer oh thank you oh oh you’re going to make

Me blush guys oh my goodness um thank you thank You all the kind words you know hey it just it it just takes one to No One guys you know great people just know great people welcome back uh Taco uh dare you to name your shovel the big spoon and the sword the big knife oh I you know what I have no

Problem with that does but does that take experience cuz I do need to save the experience uh for my for my other pickaxe right here cuz these are quite expensive to repair and I know that it’s going to be exactly 16 maybe if it’s not two points to name

Which I believe it is two points to two experience points to name um an item is it if it’s not then I don’t see why not I just have to find an anvil uh but yeah you know I don’t I don’t see a problem with that get some funny Names um yeah exactly uh drag loocks but you see I can’t do the Minecraft content always so um I just do it at the times where I know that it’s Peak Performance for for MInecraft content to actually uh grow the channel you know I I did it for

An entire year so I just I just stream it when I know that people are going to be available um and such but unfortunately I cannot just do the Minecraft content all the time I I get way too burnt out from it and it makes me not want to do Minecraft at all

So got to mix it up got to make sure that I’m staying happy with what it is that I’m doing cuz growing the channel isn’t all like it’s not the only thing that’s important you know making sure that I’m all right as well is also important so and and the fortnite

Streams have been popping off lately appreciate y’all you know like y’all have been tuning in hyping me up like watching me pop off these shots like it’s crazy like it’s so good so good um build a starter base Taco let’s go let’s go we’ll be checking out some

Of those after we uh we get this window situation involved and finishing up The Path like it’s going to connect over there so um yeah um yeah appreciate that suggestion drag loocks but again I just like I just know from doing tests now at this point doing

This for 3 years streaming every day for two hours for an entire one of those years um and it was all just Minecraft and I’m like what’s going on here why why is it like only popping off during Christmas time in the Summers but the rest of the year they’re not really

Popping off it so it’s just like okay well I’m going to take note of that I’m going to stream Minecraft during Christmas and during the Summers and just go absolutely ham with it uh and then for the rest of the year it doesn’t even matter what I stream because it

Like it just doesn’t matter like so like uh I think we I think we got a good thing going on like it’s it’s kind of like the whole Apple situation it’s like um you know we didn’t know that we wanted a smartphone like that but Apple’s like you do so sometimes it

Takes people to just be like you want this content right now you know trusting me as the curator is you know just trust the process just trust the process you know uh So oh my goodness clappy the dirt welcome back welcome back and welcome to the stream if I could bring any mob into real life what would it be that’s a great question H H I would a dang it I would totally bring in baby slimes I I would bring in baby slimes uh

Like I think they’re pretty cute I wouldn’t want the big slimes because like that’s kind of like a an issue right like uh it’s just like um but but the baby slimes for sure cuz then you could have like a little slime pet do you know how

Like how viral that would become in like pet stores and such super viral just this cute little Slime Guy like Yeah yeah drag loocks I you know and and that’s just the thing it’s just I know exactly what the the fan like Fridays or whatever would become it it would majoritively just be voted the same thing over and over again it would just be Minecraft so it’s just

Like I like the idea and the concept of it but I just doubt that any of the any of the other votes would actually like you know go so I’m trying to take over all of YouTube guys you know we’re going to start with the foundation of Minecraft like all great YouTubers

Including Mr Beast you know if you go to the beginning of his channel Mr B started out with Minecraft content you know every great YouTuber’s got the Bedrock of Minecraft on them so it’s like we’re going to start it off here we’re going to take over Minecraft we’re

Going to take over fortnite we’re going to take over Nintendo we’re just going to take over YouTube okay um we’re going to be the next gaming personality not the next Minecraft Youtuber not the next fortnite YouTuber not the next Nintendo YouTuber the next gaming personality so

That’s the goal that is the goal and what is good uh sponges welcome to the stream um I mean yeah sometimes you want to switch up games but I feel like you can’t yeah exactly outbreak it it feels like you get stuck so it’s like you

Don’t want to get stuck like you want to you want to forcibly mix it up like you know cuz the algorithm will make you get stuck into one game and it won’t let you do anything else so I’m not going to let that happen no

No no no no no we’re taking a grip on gaming and you know that’s just where it’s going to be at you know should be known everywhere should be known everywhere you know the world the world needs it the world needs it too you know what is good uh is is that Jester

Jester what uh welcome into the stream and yo welcome to the community too thank you so much for for subscribing Jester um how do I be doing though I be doing great but more importantly how do you be doing uh sponges how you been doing hope all is

Well uh if you drop five hundo could you get tpd at like if you’re going to drop $500 I like shoot I mean that’s 500 bones right there that’s some that’s 500 big ones like yeah you know like if you’re trying to like shoot we’re going to have to make

Sure that that that that transaction goes through though so like uh no no no refunds are happening and such and then then for sure yeah like what is my favorite and least favorite mob well I think uh clappy to dirt you can guess my favorite one I I

Do make it kind of challenging of course you know like it’s kind of hard to know what my favorite favorite Minecraft mob is you know um I don’t know maybe maybe it’s somewhere on the on the screen somewhere I don’t know maybe uh it’s kind of challenging but then my least favorite

One is the LA dude nobody needs the LA get the LA out of the game in fact like if I could personally code the LA out of the game I would like we should have gotten the copper Golem I mean look at how amazing this guy is like this the

Copper Golem is great little statues why didn’t we want that why didn’t you want little statues I wanted little statues in the game I wanted a little copper Golem buddy like you know like it was rigged it was rigged the copper Golem should have won they needed

The LA for Minecraft Legends which died like cuz they had to bring it into the into the main game and they were working on Minecraft Legends for a long time now okay so it’s like they’re like oh shoot now we have to add it into into Minecraft

So they forced it they like they forced it on us because of Minecraft Legends cuz that’s like literally the whole that’s how you play Minecraft Legends with the LA like yuck uh you made a song on YouTube two days ago and you got to find so say congratulations you know keep it going

Keep it growing and I wish you the best oh yeah oh yeah you know yeah um you have like 10 stacks of bamboo that’s what’s up une Earthly uh you need it for the panda sanctuary you know they got to constantly eat pandas you know this guys like you know pandas they

Cannot they they’re not supposed to eat bamboo like they’re they’re Bears you know they’re they’re supposed to eat other things but they decided you know what we’re going to eat bamboo and uh so they have to constantly eat it just to just to survive so uh it’s good that you

Have that much you know you should bake them some cakes too they love they love the cakes little break I should play Minecraft dungeons I’ve played Minecraft dungeons uh not a huge fan of it either I don’t I don’t like the Minecraft spin-off games I don’t like Legends I don’t like Dungeons

Too much like they’re decent and stuff don’t get me wrong it’s a decent experience it’s just not Minecraft like you can’t just take the Minecraft IP and just start making these other games I mean you can and they did it but like for them to the community this not they’re not

They’re they’re so drastically different from one another like it’s like the only a small part of the community that just likes Minecraft on a surface level is like really going to get into them like like you know you just like the look of it or whatever but like it’s just it

It’s not Minecraft it’s I don’t know that’s just me though of course like you if you like it and enjoy it you know it’s a good time don’t get me wrong but it it’s just like why am I playing this it just I don’t know that’s just what I

Think when when I’m playing it it’s just like this doesn’t feel like Minecraft at all and I don’t know yeah they’re not bad games though it’s just not minecra fun fact the bamboo is the fastest growing plant indeed indeed it is hold up well that’s a big number right there gesture that

Is I don’t know what are your guys is what what do you guys think about about this spin-offs you enjoy playing them you get really big into them like I I gave them a fair shot don’t get me wrong like I got into them right it’s just it didn’t

Stick it didn’t stick for me the art style is cool though I won’t give it that the art style is really cool especially in dungeons I I I I I really appreciate that um wait 40 3 what what do I do with 43 I’m what I’m

43 just to take a wild guess take a wild guess what do you think my favorite mob in the game is what do you think here I I’ll give you an even larger clue I’ll give you an even even larger clue here okay in case you didn’t know in case you didn’t Know let me help you out here let me help you out here give you a give you a big a big clue unless someone else already told you but bang okay I wonder what my favorite mob in the game is dude I make it very challenging huh

Like it’s kind of tough I like you could be here guessing for hours of how I mean I don’t even remember what my favorite mob in the game is like what is guys remind me what my favorite Mob of the game in the game is what is it what

Is it my dementia is kicking in I became 43 years old and now I have dementia so uh what is it guys help me out here I’m going crazy it’s a fox oh my God thank you thank you guys no don’t say the LA no no no no don’t say no no

No guys oh thank goodness you said the fox oh jeez thank you thank you my dementia is not oh boy guys what would I do without you guys literally like I’m going to forget it sometime and I genuinely am going to need your help like uh for what it

Sniffer no no no no although although that does give me an idea though I might use that what is hitting me bro that’s not very nice that’s not very POG money of you to do that Mr Skellington Mr Jack Skellington go back to Halloween I guess he’s always there for Christmas and

Halloween oh gosh okay it was just uh actually though the sniffer I do like the sniffer don’t get me wrong I think that it’s it’s lame that it’s super hard to find but I like cuz it’s just it’s just decoration it’s just like a cute little

Guy and stuff I don’t think you should have to find them in a very specific region such as the uh what is it what is it again like the the hot Ocean or whatever the warm ocean and then there’s only a small percentage of even finding

It at the warm ocean which is already super hard to find yeah it needs some more functionality for how hard it is to find like they should just be in every ocean like e easy to get it’s decoration it’s a decoration mob with decoration blocks and just to be a cute little Guy the the Rarity of it does not make sense to me Minecraft is is perfect the logic is unflawed and if anyone questions it you’re just you’re just wrong Minecraft is always right you know their logic is is perfect you know they taught us that fire that that frogs cannot eat

Fireflies but instead they can eat magma and remember that remember that they taught kids that fireflies and frogs don’t mix but frogs because they want it to be real istic with the game now right so we didn’t get fireflies in the game because of that and Mojang’s like you

Know what we’ll teach the kids that you can feed them magma instead and that’s better for them right right right Moji that makes sense perfect logic it’s not flawed at all okay uh the track wait the track sounds great but the sounds are leveled out uh

Mixing M oh oh you checked it out oh hey what does 43 mean guys what what what does this mean guys fill me in on the meme I don’t know what it means I don’t know what it means help me out here what what is it

Like ah G that’s a great you know I need to I need to add the color okay my favorite color is Seafoam blue okay so actually it’s right here on the screen if you look to the right of the axe you see those um not the very top uh

Pixels right there like the like at the edge of the axe not the darker ones but the lighter that lighter blue green that seafoam blue right there that is my my favorite color you can see it on the axe so it’s the lightest Shade that’s on there such a peaceful color like

Honestly I got to pull up a picture of seaone blue and just leave it on the stream because this question gets asked a lot um and and I want to show it off like it’s really it’s really really specific um it but it’s it’s a beautiful

Color okay let’s see how we going to make this window I want it to be a really Grand window don’t know how how many maybe it should be round should definitely be round and it should go all the way down to the floor too so let’s

Uh cuz that that’s going to that’s going to be able to expose this beautiful waterfall right here um so we’re going break that and then uh do the same up at the corner and and you’ll see let me cook all right just just let me cook okay I’m break that cuz then it’s

Like three and then up at the Top O I really wish that there was a way to add like um stairs and then and then the pain still work with the stairs uh Pepsi or Coke Dr Pepper Dr Pepper you know Pepsi or Coke get out of here get out of here

With that Dr Pepper all the way get that Dr Peppe get some Dr Peppe I’ll give you some pep in your step all right you know those 23 flavors are just something you uh crave and Savor um it’s delicious you know I can’t I can’t say it’s delicious semi nutritious

And uh you got to treat yourself sometimes you know like no no other pop has 23 flavors okay so uh Katie yo welcome to the stream welcome in and Rosewood yo welcome to the stream Ros okay I don’t like it I don’t like this so

Far who let who let bro cook like this man we we need to we need to change this who let bro cook dude okay so we’re going to do that and then that and then uh o oh that doesn’t look good actually actually let me cook let me cook it’s okay

H trust the process we got to just trust the process here okay we can’t judge it before it’s done yet to see maybe maybe cleaning it up too like here that’s also probably a good plan um let’s see Basically 43 means to play uh your song oh yeah unfortunately I think I’m going to just stay uh playing copyright free songs and such like um not to say that I believe that you’re trying to you know bamboozle me here and um you know issue me a copyright

Claim it it’s just I don’t really tend to do that um this isn’t this isn’t like a music channel where like I like I play your guys’ songs on stream so um I recommend finding a channel there’s plenty of YouTube channels that do that though uh where they play your music on

Streams that’s just something that that that I’m not necessarily going to do um no offense of course hope you understand let’s see is that is that how how it goes like so yo what’s good Jack uh you mean sght you mean Dr Peppe cuz uh everyone needs a little pep

In their step and Dr Pepper can provide you know um yeah yeah I know but you hold the copyright to your own music sponges so you can issue a copyright on me with your own content so um even though it’s not uh traditionally copyrighted as in

Like big music labels and such you have the power to to copyright like like just like how I have the power to copyright any of you guys like if you guys take my streams or content or whatever I can copyright I can copyright claim you right then and there cuz you’re taking

My content uh cuz this just how works you own the rights to your own uh work and whatnot you know what I like this I I like this this is this is good you know it’s rounded it like it looks cool I’m I’m a fan you know you could see

The you can see the waterfall Mr Ambi welcome to the stream if you’re looking for the IP just type in IP in the chat and nightbot will be able to assist you with the rest so just just look out for nightbot message he’ll tag your name as well or or they’ll tag

Your name I guess there’s is nightbot is nightbot a he they’re all of them I thought’s all of them you know like cuz cuz we have all those commands for Mom and uncle and and Dad and dog and cat and chubs in fact I kind of want to see

Chubs in the chat can somebody you just put a little chubs there help out with the uh Library yeah sure if you want to help get some book and such uh that would be a great help that’ be a there it is chubs uh I don’t know if the Z

Works but uh s instead and is it I I think I can’t remember the command for for the mom though Um there it is there it is let’s see you let’s see see in the in the chat if I give you uh 10 diamonds can you get a TP oh dude I’m stacked with diamonds I already got 10 diamonds like I’m stacked dude I don’t I don’t need

Diamonds I’m good I’m I’m big chilling on the diamonds um there he is there’s chubs there he is in the chat oh yeah no no no no you know what sounded more enticing was that 500 bones right there that you brought up earlier that’s a lot more enticing that’s like

You know what uh you bring up a you bring up a good point there so 64 dude oh man I’m stacked I’m stacked on diamonds dude there can’t be enough like like the the amount of diamonds that I can tap into with a personal supplier that I’m in debt with um I

Would love to say who it is cuz cuz you all know him well maybe you don’t know him um majority of you guys know him but he doesn’t want me to say who it is so like then he gets bombarded with uh a lot of messages and stuff like asking

For diamonds and whatnot but um yeah no like the amount of diamonds that I can tap into with the supplier I will be in Deb forever and I’m okay with it you know like I I have my pickaxes I will pay back eventually but you know

Um I know he’s listening too so in these streams and such I’ll pay you back you know I’m getting there I’m getting there I appreciate the loans like it helps me out a ton cuz then I can give you guys diamonds and such But um wait you found a cure to stop your Warden infection he well what is it what is it what’s that cure uh give you seven stacks of Bones to go there uh no deal no deal cuz we have mob spawners everywhere here like I believe there’s

One let’s also clear this like the the weather um we got one right literally right here there’s plenty of Bones plenty of Bones oh and there’s even a skeleton spawner like over here too uh I think I remember how to get to it there’s a slime one and then there’s a skeleton

One the Slime one is how we get all our coins cuz like there’s just so many they drop so many coins but um yeah it’s it’s a long it’s it’s over that way I I’m kind of I I don’t want to go over there and and the skeleton one I believe

Is also there um and if not then you know the these these other ones do offer quite a bit of phones um can’t you go to the nether you just got to hang out on the nether portal for for a little minute it takes a second you know got to love the realm

Lag we love it uh this is why you’re avoiding these uh types of stuff cuz you never know what will happen you may not get copyrighted today but you could in a possible future exactly exactly outbreak you know and I’m not saying that you would ever do such such a thing like

That it’s just there’s potential for it to happen and I like I want to minimize the amount of copyright uh claims strikes well obviously strikes you know but like I want to minimize the amount of claims that I have to be in good standing with YouTube so they can trust

Me and they’re like oh yeah you know like this this guy isn’t going to be like posting copyrighted material and stuff we’re going to we’re actually going to hit him in the algorithm and whatnot like uh so so we we got those trusts I play fortnite play Lego fortnite We we

Played Lego fortnite oh my goodness the second the day that it dropped we were oh my goodness that was such a fun stream like it was a long one I didn’t expect to be streaming that long for it but it it was really good it was really

Good and you know we might I got to I got to test around with Lego fortnite a little bit but I I do love Lego fortnite a lot like such a good such a good game um yo what’s up guy named welcome to the stream how we

Doing uh can you do something to get there do anything but your poor and you’re bad with talking you literally just got to sit back relax and watch the stream sanvy you’ll automatically get points uh just by hanging out in the Stream you don’t even have to talk like

Talking in the in the chat does improve getting more points but that’s not the end all be all just hanging out in the Stream it’ll be racking up points so bada bing bada boom you know you’re you’re already doing you’re already doing the thing oh boy is it break time

Is it the Breaky time appreciate y’all literally appreciate y’all take the little take the little break how how about in front of here let’s uh let’s skip this really Jazzy song like skip uh then do you have a post office no post office no post office but I think someone was uh they

Were making mailboxes and such but we didn’t even have a post office for it what’s good bug R welcome to the stream how we doing let you talk gesture let you talk you’re talking right now what good uh crazy play Geometry Dash or stream ah I don’t think I could do that

Crazy to be honest it’s not that I don’t like the game or anything it’s just like I don’t see myself being able to play Geometry Dash for like extended periods of time like like I can play it here and there like when I’m sitting on the toilet or whatever it’s good like toilet

Game uh kind of like Angry Birds and such but it’s just not something that I personally could stream for like 2 4 hours it would just get kind of I don’t know maybe maybe as like a little break during streams like but also I don’t have it on any console and

I’m a primarily a console streamer uh is Geometry Dash on consoles at all like when is it going to drop on the switch you know what I’m saying cuz then I would totally just be like yo let’s take a little Geometry Dash break and head back to whatever game that we’re

Doing uh kind of like amongus Um can I T after the break I can’t taco I cannot do that or TP to you oh sure yeah I can TP to you uh yeah I read that wrong my bad yeah yeah yeah let’s do that cuz I kind of got the window set up

And such um I don’t have the glass but uh yeah I feel like there’s wait oh yeah bug R bug R you you just got here and uh Mark guy here yo what’s good Mark hey Mark get this so with the help of Mark guys I was able to get uh some

Pretty cool games one of them being bees simulator I love bees bees are probably my second favorite Minecraft mob and like I just I love bees in general they’re they’re just so good for the environment uh it as without bees we wouldn’t have fruits and such

So um you know bees are bees are an absolute W and you know I saw a be simulator and it was only a a dollar and I’m like you know what that looks uh that looks pretty interesting so um yeah we might have a b simulator stream in the near

Future next year of course next year of course sometime then uh which would be really cool also Al got the Lego Pirates of the Caribbean awesome game uh Brutal Legends and there was one more oh yeah the Nickelodeon Smash Bros clone the first one So um I don’t know what that is gesture yeah absolutely if anyone wants me to teleport to them and check out what it is uh I don’t know what a YT R is what is a ytr uh yeah uh yeah ABS oh YouTuber oh uh that’s

Going to have to go to can I give a couple can I just list off all of my YouTuber buddies can I just list off um Hero Academy outbreak GN Ken Joey 64 um the funny Reaper and I just list off all my like YouTuber buddies um

Like you know they they are actually my faves So yeah yeah yeah uh I don’t know what yours is uh Taco I think oh probably probably this that makes it easy that that makes it easy there are you are are you conquer like conquer’s Bad Fur Day uh excuse me guys one Second FBI open Up oh gosh Mark who outbreaks dude who is this guy right like couldn’t be you no way there’s just but uh let’s check out the digs I just got whoa dude wait this is your starter base no you you weren’t kidding Taco when you said that were a builder oh my goodness

Bro this is dude what what like oh my gosh dude Mark okay let’s uh let’s let’s check out the digs here how long have you been been on here Taco like only a day like uh wow woee zoi dude this is uh and you’re right by a portal too

Um like one day one day um like it’s just what and I think you are a conqueror too maybe not it it it looks like it uh wow this is this is impressive for one day I’m you know uh like this is like something that I would build after like

My fifth day and this is your starter base whoa isn’t it DJ Wells like this is this is like like in a day in a day that’s the like the shocking part and you already have two pet like what what and this bridge What oh my gosh okay we’re going to we’ll save that here uh yeah th yes this is built in one day that’s why I’m like so just like uberly like just my goodness uh the first thing you need to do uh is how much money you need is the

Correct number to buy a ticket to get out of the country for a month in advance you have the ticket for a trip wait a second what are you plotting Jester what are you plotting here I gotta I got to take a look at this bridge too like I think I’ve explored

This area too uh and what’s good baby baby penguin your life goal is to spell outbreaks real name correct that’s a good goal it’s a good goal uh yeah uh the new rules will allow companies with the most expertise uh servers currently employees and experience that they have

That’s uh I don’t know how to feel about that gure what are you plotting here what is this what is this plotting scheme in oh my gosh look at the but look at the like just the look at this this is like a besides somebody cranking 9s over here uh this this silhouette

Right right here that’s a screenshot right there um here let me just uh make sure that chubs isn’t in the way of that boom wow okay um who was it who wanted me to to go next is it um who’s on who’s on is it is it uh

It’s KO right KO yeah let’s go check that out let’s go check out Ko’s digs check out the digs and and un Earthly yeah yeah yeah an unearthly what K what what what are you doing oh gosh are you good bro Oreo help me out here Oreo save

Him Oreo Oreo no you’re just going to let let KO you’re a penguin you’re you’re the Lifeguard on duty here no KO G oh okay Oreo’s doing a good job then keep up the good work see W W uh lifeguard so I believe it’s uh Mr average dude here let’s go check out

These digs from unearthly we got to check out the panda San uary you know what I’m saying all right where are these pandas at you’re holding them hostage you’re you’re keeping it away from us uh we we must see the pandas oh my goodness dude

You have so many pandas we are going to the panda sanctuary here and uh here it is here it is the panda sanctuary oh gosh is that one okay is he alive is he still breathing uh oh he’s still still moving he’s still like the little legs are moving that’s

Good oh my gosh yo I I let me get in here let me let me get into this uh like adorableness who would want to do this IRL here I would what’s good foil gamer welcome to the stream how we doing anyone else just like feel like these look like plushies

You can just jump right in and it would be comfortable like this is this would be so fun although I think pandas are a little scary too I feel like they they they give off the impression that they are uh cute and cuddly but in reality they probably would

Just like I don’t know what I don’t even want to imagine what a panda would do like sit on me squish me they probably weigh a ton like uh that probably but it look it looks great though like loving the digs and you got the roof finally so now when

It rains um you don’t oh oh that’s a fire this is this is a hazard right here this is a this is a hazard dude you got to let that you got to let that smoke Escape oh that’s a hazard right there that dude you’re going to you’re going

To suffocate yourself here inside you know we got to have that smoke popping out the chimney you know look at that from the outside now look at how that looks D I’m saving your life here une Earthly look in the chest let’s see here oh my goodness dude you’re you weren’t joking you’re

Absolutely stacked up on uh the bamboo here let’s give our friends a treat pandas pandas eat eat eat eat your food they they constantly have to eat uh bamboo because they’re pandas and they chose the the worst thing to eat and none of us know why eat

It eat yes eat eat the bamboo you love it you love the bamboo they can be very aggressive they can look at these angry ones there’s a bunch of angry ones in here they can attack you wait they’re friendly okay now I’m hearing two different stories that they’re friendly and aggressive what are

We going to do oh yeah and just just spe to dubs uh those long messages I’ve I’ve been reading them in my head don’t think that I have it it’s just like I want to make sure that I’m saving my uh my voice a little bit cuz like my throat has been

Uh a bit more raspy lately I don’t know why so um if I want to work for the hotel uh or the post office go near the Burger King to the Burger King some are nice some are not so nice I I suppose that’s how it goes huh it’s kind of like people

Right some are nice some are not so nice uh Francisco the P the pizza uh King uh welcome to the stream hopefully all is well um and if you want to join just type in smpp in the chat and nightbot will be able to assist you with

The rest so just look out for their messages guys I’m going to be enjoying some burgers here um so appreciate y’all thank you so much for allowing me to eat on stream You Know I’m Human After All too I got to Eat so oh you got basement I’s Snoop around in here what you got in these chests huh what you got here what you got in here I see I see you got some good stuff let me just uh yo this I’m just kidding uh let me just uh uh uh do this

Um and and a little bit of uh that um all right all right all right all right all right all right appreciate it appreciate it guys you want to see something funny too look at this look at when I teleport to home look at look at my face look at my

Face jump scare scared you uh do you have Burger money what’s good MC King welcome to the stream what’s the difference between a man and a woman oh plenty of stuff plenty of stuff you know the the the word itself is already a difference enough you know they’re named different things

So that’s that’s enough of a difference for me like jump scared Tub work good so happy to see you get your own place and family yo that’s awesome gesture sounds like you’re on the up and up with life keep it up keep up the gray work that break dude I think I think anyone can be a good cook cuz like saying somewhat like

Any sort of stereotypes and such like for anything or anyone like could not be the truth you know uh so it’s like I think anyone can be a good cook anyone can be a chef have you watched Ratatouille like anyone can cook Remy even a rat can cook even better than the

Man you see see see where the see where the stereotypes are starting to uh uh become an issue Right so anyone can cook you wouldn’t want to get those assumptions going cuz then it’s like Oh I’m a man I I just automatically can cook better but then when you actually get into the K Kitchen and you don’t have any like any expertise or any like Chef knowledge you know you know what I’m saying here you see you’re picking up what I’m laying down here so Like what’s going on over here though like I hear talks about these um these post offices and such your base is next to unearthly really oh yeah that’s right didn’t I teleport you guys like uh like to to be close to each Other yeah that’s right that’s right okay let’s go uh let’s go check check this out Over by Mickey uh yeah yeah MC King and guys everyone we’re going to put a stop to that conversation right here right now as it is a dividing Topic in conversation and this is a very inclusive stream so um we’re going to we’re going to just put a stop to to the

Whole debate here and uh continue to have a more inclusive positive and inviting stream you know um we don’t need to I I thought I made it very clear with our first uh discussion there about how having any sort of assumptions and such isn’t uh isn’t going to be there

Right so yo what is up uh Ken’s raid hello Raiders um welcome in um hopefully you guys enjoyed yourselves with the jackbox games and uh y like up or I’ll eat your diamonds guys they’re tasty they look like uh doll ranchers to me um you

Know oh my gosh if you don’t like the stream guys you don’t want Ken to fight okay she’s been uh practicing she’s getting ready for Creator Clash 3 so um I would listen you know like I would listen to her uh you don’t want that to

Happen you guys know the deal I know you punks I know you guys you know um but welcome in yeah not your diamonds dude you don’t want that to happen right like you don’t you don’t want me to eat your eat your diamonds now okay uh and thank

You so much um real Sydney hyper for subscribing welcome to the community um oh yeah this this is this is very cool thank you so much Ken appreciate it guys if you don’t know who Ken is she’s an amazing streamer uh on my top list of uh favorite YouTubers as

I mentioned earlier so uh please please do Go Go and show some love show some support uh amazing streamer so uh thank you guys thank you and welcome into the stream oh is this okay you can fight Ken bro you better watch out Andrew you better watch out like those are those

Are some K isn’t going to be too happy about that like uh those are kind of like some fighting words right there and wait where’s the the hotel is right here but where’s the post office here Boomer Ken is a boomer I’m a boomer I’ve got dementia guys you already know it like

We’re getting old we’re only getting older and you guys seem to stay youthful forever keep it that way whatever you guys are doing to you know keep that Fountain of Youth keep up the good work with in that regard you know cuz but hey it’s not so bad being a boomer it’s not

So bad we get cool things like dementia and like it’s awesome so hold up you forgot that you’re the fourth phase of ultra Instinct I know Ken how how can that be how can you guys how can you guys be bullying Ken like that like hold up Carmen it

Ken is 64 years old oh my goodness well if Ken is 64 years old then I’m surely like 150 years old or something just a old Boomer over Here I was young and when I joined these days yo what’s good unknown um unknown block welcome to the Stream yeah I don’t believe that uh that Rachel ever ever is bullying Ken I never seen it once H happen before yeah you never even bullied your chat once

Never not a single time there’s just no way also thank you guys for allowing me to to to eat some burgers here on stream you know I’m human I got to eat and you know uh The Show Must continue even even during uh even during dinner time so if

You’re wondering why I’m just kind of chilling hey it it’s break time anyways perfect perfect thank you thank you guys see literally I would forget I would forget Without You absolute Legends like you Know for cookie teeny rat tails you know tempting but I think the answer Still Remains no there but I still will take that cookie though I will take the cookie and not and and the TP won’t happen so oh yeah Burgers you know it’s delicious it’s

Delicious do you have money Mark do you have Burger money right here should you build a stable or windmill please build a windmill Taco please I want to see this I want to see you build a windmill that would be so cool uh do the stable second cuz

Windmills I never know how to make windmills so uh I need to see it also enjoy the show from everybody dancing with really short skins they’re they’re like keep it up guys keep dancing all right Been mining for 10 minutes for iron and you haven’t found anything do you know which cords have the most iron there isn’t really a like cord for iron that only works for diamonds um iron’s just kind of like available everywhere um so if you can’t find it

After 10 minutes ideally what you should do is just start a new strip m like uh start staircasing down somewhere else and then just strip mine uh that’s like the best way I found to be able to do it um there’s a few mins too that here and There uh still from your first message was uh can you join is was I really un no block and look at you now CU you were bullying us and not knowing how to use the rotary phone earlier even though you know how to Andress Ken Ken what are we going to do

With you what are we going to do Bully in your chat like thatth I guess it’s only fair that you guys playful bullying of course nothing like nothing too serious right it it’s all it’s all in good heart and good spirits oh you need diorite okay ooh

Diorite you know what actually I have no problem giving you all of my diorite because I absolutely hate that block so I think it’s diyite or Anders right it’s one of the two not a fan of it um yo John the Post Office is done where’s the post office

At do you like seven up MC King you know what’s uh you know what else is good you know it’s like just absolutely delicious and just so so great it’s delicious and semi nutritious you know the Dr Peppe you need a little pep in your step Dr

Peep’s got you covered you know those 23 unique flavors are just unmatched there is literally no competition Dr Pepper is just a gaming drink okay Mountain do what now nah Dr Pepper is stepping up to the plate and uh taking over you know so uh it’s delicious and semi nutritious

So um where’s on Kel Uncle hero hero was here earlier um he he’s still feeling a little um a little sick so unfortunately he’s still recovering I don’t know what it is right now everyone’s been getting a little sick at the moment oh just go ahead

Okay ah Shadow Night brings up a good point go and higher up for the iron and the mountains and stuff I wish unknown block I I wish hey hopefully one day we’ll get their attention and they’re going to send me some sweet merch like you know like hey Dr Pepper please please

You know like uh not sponsored or anything but hey hey if you guys want to I’m open call me give me a little jingle you know where to find me and uh send me some hats and stuff some like uh jackets and whatnot I’ll wear them I’ll put on a face cam

Too just for it so you know we got to we got to lowkey like kind of pressure them like uh to be like hey hey you know uh is Eli your cousin I don’t think so I I don’t I don’t think so wait a second there’s wait there’s a

There’s a creeper that’s that’s learn that’s that’s lurking it’s lurking into your house or something ooh that’s a tough one guys I don’t know if I dude that’s a whole year away you know in 2024 my goodness like H my dementia man it’s going to be so challenging like

Oh goodness I hope that I will remember you all still it’ll be a whole a whole like it’ll be a whole year all right where is this where is this post office it’s supposedly supposed to be right here um what if chips were soda flavor and soda were chip flavored

Yuck it’s funny because uh like Pepsi and and all of them own the chip brands like uh Fredo lays is owned by Pepsi I believe which is kind of wild when you think about it it’s like our snack food is we we we must all praise our Overlord in in the

Snack industry the the the the mighty Pepsi so oh it’s it’s right here here it is this is surely the post office right here uh of course I am KO we are doing our Minecraft Marathon so that is daily Minecraft streams and then um of course

Lil nin we’ll have to go back to recharging until summer so Lil n if you don’t know who that is he’s on your screen looking at you right now um you know so Lil then will have to recharge charge up the batteries because um can’t you can’t keep going and and doing it

All wait what is this in City uh copper Golem City what what no this is the city of mathor um oh oh this is this is it uh still remember the face reveal oh yeah yeah some of y’all appreciate y’all not uh not posting it and stuff like

Like that Big W Big W for that like everyone who has been in those face Reve streams are absolute legends that for not uh you know posting it and stuff for for my own um uh things and uh Ryland let me know what your username is in game and I’ll

Absolutely teleport to you let’s go check out what it is uh do beds not work in the nether nope nope beds do not work in the nether so um there’s signs on the walls yeah yeah uh-oh une Earthly that’s not good oh yeah it was next to there

So Chip flavored soda that’s still that’s still on my mind now Chip flavored soda we’re going to be waiting for uh uh Ryland Ryland let me know let me Know uh you’re with unearthly though okay that’s good that’s good uh little a so little in fact he’s taller than the average person actually oh yeah it’s just like a name you know like uh it’s nacho soda Yu techno gotcha gotcha let uh do that um and check out

What you got going on over here what you got going on what do we got in these chests what can I rumage oh can’t rumage through that chest oh I can rumage through this chest though um you know I can rumage through here you know um uh what do we got going

On what what what is this what is this there’s just these chests to rumage through what’s good what’s good here uh yo take a little screeny right here uh say hi to the peeps I know uh-oh the portal just broke oh dude that’s not good that’s not good H you’re both lost

Unfortunately now that’s getting into territory that I cannot help out with unfortunately um as you H better have hopefully saved the cords uh hopefully you know it’s it’s going to the to the duties that I cannot help out with and assist with so uh oh oh wow that was easy that was really

Easy yeah hacking is not allowed on on the server whatsoever so thanks for like uh admitting that uh to yourself uh you kind of ratted on yourself there so uh cool that was the easiest hack band that I’ve that I that I can ever I can ever think of

Um and uh you learned a valuable consequence about joking if you were so um yeah fell asleep crazy oh well good morning to you um yeah pretty easy pretty easy stuff right there like I didn’t I didn’t think that finding hackers could be that easy but you know sometimes it

Is yo Mark the question that you ask yourself every single day uh why do you call everyone younger than you little bro I I don’t know I don’t know uh some people do that though some people say little bro big bro uh it’s just kind of like a language

Thing I I know people that do that too uh yeah yeah KO I got you I got you let’s let’s go check it out let’s go check out what we got going on and then uh we’ll head back to the um yeah KO yeah uh like I said

Um a couple streams ago I did check it out and thank you so much for for cuddle pool cuz like that is just that’s been a skin that I’ve wanted for so long now and and I appreciate it like if you want to see my reaction it’s like 5 hours in

Uh to a couple streams ago I think I think we talked about it though unless you gave me another thing oh you gifted me something else KO whoa hold up we’ll check it out we’ll check it out on stream here um was bro doing a YouTube

Video wait what I don’t I don’t know I don’t know what that was but uh uh makes my life easy uh if you’re just going to go out and flat out say that you’re hacking then shoot like adios uh let check this out though let’s check out the digs let’s rumage them up

Here let’s rumage through your chests let’s see what we got goodies any goodies for me I’ll take these Among Us uh and we’ll replace it with uh a little bit of a little bit of that action uh actually I need a little bit of this iron um we’ll take the Amongus okay okay okay look at this look at this we got a little spiral staircase action going on ooh ooh I like this deck though oh wait you just wait wait this is just right here wait right at the oh you just built right underneath the the mega base that’s cool uh so

You’re not far at all um oh and the glass panels okay okay let’s see let’s see where are these glass panels at um I don’t know if I’m going to use glass blocks or glass anos um I think they’re in here ah yeah yeah well I do have the

Sand we we if we need if we need the glass panels then I’ll know exactly where to go to get them but I think the blocks would be nicer cuz like you can let’s let’s just grab it and see I can break them without them getting destroyed you know

Um uh try to get banned before finding something beats me beats me I don’t understand it but you know hey I’m not complaining you know uh why would I complain about somebody just openly admitting something that like like that like making making my job easier you know keeping it keeping the realm safe

For everyone to have a good time simple simple like easy peasy lemon squeezy chicken greasy uh we got the peasy to tell us that food is either busting or disgusting so let’s go Minecraft person welcome to the stream uh everyone should not spam egg and Daran what’s good what’s good

Welcome to the stream how are we doing hold up wait how do I how do I get back how do I get back to the library and why why is there po why is there Po from K Fu Panda just chilling here um I don’t Know um TP you and give you a roof um I cannot Shadow unfortunately that is something that I just cannot do uh it’s against my um code circuitry it’s an error error code message 305 uh cannot deliver building resources as I’m trying to just encourage you to be resourceful and um

And be able to be able to get your own stuff like if there’s something that you need I’m just here to cheer you on oh tips tips for a roof I thought you said materials see that little you know that little emoji that little heart I just kind of guess whatever

You’re trying to say when it gets covered up the messages so I appreciate it when I see those hearts being used cuz it always gets in the way I can do that I can do that okay so I got you I’ll teleport there let me just try out this whole window deal and

Boom uh Minecraft best mob is uh the Ender Dragon that’s debatable for me um if you think that is I think the fox is you know that’s just me I wish that we got the I wish we could like hatch the Ender Dragon in the Overworld that would be so cool like but

It like gets tamed like it’s like a little baby Ender Dragon you could tame it and then like you could put a saddle on it but then that would be really chaotic like like people would be just trying to get the Ender Dragon egg and like then there’s only like one

So it would be it would be so much chaos uh I still kind of wish that the red dragon was added there were supposed to be an Overworld Dragon the red dragon but Notch never added it uh kind of a shame we’ll never know what the red dragon could have

Been you’ll forever be on our heart Red Dragon You know what I think I kind of like the pains you know what I I think I kind of really like the Pains oh yeah I do what’s good gesture welcome back welcome back I’m really digging it um I think it’s I think it’s better than than having the the glass blocks and then of course I want this to be like a little cozy area so the interior of this place is

Going to get quite packed full of shelves that won’t be used at the moment but we can always supplement it with regular bookshelves which maybe not yeah maybe not maybe we’re just going to keep them as that but they’re just going to be filler like uh books cuz we can get book

And quills but yeah and then I want there to be like little reading areas right here so you can like sit down and look at the waterfall and read a little book uh so uh yeah yeah like and but that’s got to go that weird floating thing so

Before I go over there uh Shadow and give you some tips on on a roof um you know I don’t I don’t claim to be any expert Minecraft builder but I certainly can do my best uh to give you a few tips here and there how about that

So oh that was a close one let’s get rid of this And then we will go to Shadow Knight but yeah yeah okay so oh right here oh yeah if you want just some like basic tips um here I have some roof material right here I’ll just show you a little bit and just like give you some some basic

Things so what you want you just want to have depth and Etc you can do your standard but then just include this on the edges to include some depth cuz uh the more detail like in in depth that you can add um like the better that it will be so

Just making sure that you have that overhang uh for the roof and then you can just do like a a standard side to side roof and and make a make a nice little house so you would just go over on this side and and then you would just

Continue it you don’t have to use these blocks but um you would continue it like so and uh making sure that we’re including that and then you just close it up you know to however and then it would look just like a roof that you would see out in the wild like a

IRL here we go something like so I hope that I have enough blocks for this example and then of course you can make it flatter if you wanted up at the top uh in fact the there is going to need to be those slabs up there anyways

So um and yeah we got to skip this song not trying to talk oh s you’re at work again but hello yo hello hello welcome to the stream hopefully we’ll be live when you can uh make it back but yeah just something like that you know just a little basic

Uh basic design there you know um you know I I I can leave that there for you you you can keep those blocks if you need that as a reference um obviously these would not be here as that’s just you know how I could get up there I

Was just cranking there cranking some 90s but yeah um hope that helps for a simplistic roof design that adds a little bit of depth and um you know modify it to your own content too right you can you can get extra fancy with it if you wanted

To like it’s just all about like the layers and Such oh yeah and add the stairs under it as well definitely definitely Taco definitely um I might have to go back there to show you what what we’re talking about about uh adding the stairs underneath yeah found a m shaft let’s go what you have left to do next couple

Days go to the right uh take again I don’t know what the context is gesture that you just kind of like leaving these messages without giving me any context um so I have no idea what that really means like uh yeah yeah so it’s like um it’s like this Shadow

Knight where did you go where’s your guys’ stuff yeah yeah so right here is where you would put underneath oops um like so uh to do the underneath thing and you can do that on the other side in fact I think I might have enough to do it on the other side too

So boom B boy then you’re going to need some slabs I don’t have any slabs on me right now oop Boop and get rid of that so yeah so pretty much like that um it can get a little interesting with the slabs when doing that design uh so you

Could always rework the entire build if you needed to is it New Year for you Jester unfortunately it’s still December 31st for me but Happy New Year to you uh yeah we’re going to we’re most likely going to be celebrating New Year’s together Guys yeah um some people live in different time zones so it is the New Year’s for them so you know time zones be Silly Mhm yeah we all have different um time zones from each other so some people in the world are already celebrating the new years’s such as people in like Australia New Zealand So oh KO but you’re going to miss it I was just about to hop on to the fortnite man I was just about to to check out this uh you know let’s check out this gift that you gave me and let’s see if I can I remember how to do This what’s good bre games Bon welcome to the stream uh I do not speak French so I have no idea um I just got the Xbox booted up I think that it’s just I don’t know how long it takes we might have to do something like uh like this like

So uh uh where we at here I’m right here guys don’t worry I I will I am not going anywhere it’s just it makes the stream look nicer when I do such a thing have I ever watched skibby toilet I have I have I actually like the lore in skibby Toilet all Right uh yeah BR what are you what are you doing don’t worry don’t worry see look B simulator B simulator and Lego Pirates of the Caribbean and Nickelodeon Allstar brawl the first one I know that there there’s a second one but this one was on

Like a really good sale it was like two bucks or something like four bucks this was like five bucks this was like $2 such a good deal for be simulator heck yeah heck yeah let’s go check out this gift real Quick check it out Wait you made Goku’s what is that I have no idea what that is Kam Kam huh with an arrow and commands really uh have I ever gotten what is that ever played Garden of uh ban ban no but I’ve heard of that before yo is this like a

Fortnite guys brace yourself for the insanely loud fortnite starting music it’s it’s actually no it’s not no it’s just as loud as it’s been I don’t like this starting music okay finally here we go let’s see what did we get what do we get drum roll okay

Okay any second now fortnite oh my goodness I thought you were connecting already okay finally all right a gift from the real KO what is it whoa the cuddle pow pickaxe yo thank you so much KO for the cuddle pop pickaxe to go with um cuddle cuddle pool that is awesome

Thank you thank you all righty let’s get back to it let’s get back to it now now I got the full now I got the full outfit there I think I don’t know um let’s just set that off as side and and we’re back and we’re back at

It uhoh don’t got Discord that’s okay you know we’ve got we have plenty of uh if you don’t got Discord that’s all right that’s all right it’s for people who do have Discord okay uh we’re back we’re back at it man anybody who who’s joining and

They’re like what’s going on I don’t I don’t even know man they’re like this ain’t this don’t look like Lego fortnite to me man I tell you what they’re right wait what imagine that I do add in like an add-on that out why isn’t this working why okay I thought I was going

Crazy it’s just glitching out okay all right uh maybe this will work finally I need the potatoes my goodness all right let’s uh let’s do that all right let’s going get back to it uh yeah Jester please uh keep ages and such uh to yourself for your own

Online safety uh please no sharing any ages thank you very much you know I make sure that my streams can be watched by anyone and everyone no matter the age so there’s no need as well to share your age it’s safer for your own online protection to not share your age anyways too

Especially on public spaces such as live streams Minecraft dog Colonels say uh AI chatbot Bray do you know yeah you guys know each other uh sharp one diamond sword oh my goodness gesture I literally just said it uh I we’ll have to put you in a Timeout out there just for a

Minute as I did tell you to not uh not share your any personal information such as ages where you live and and things of that nature it went completely against what I had to say there going to quickly hop up for a second make some pee oh uh pasta make

Some pasta Rosewood what type of pasta are we thinking about is it chicken alfredo is it spaghetti is it macaroni is it um what we thinking uh RAV yolis the boxes dogs and cats oh yeah oh yeah I love all of those those are some good picks especially the foxes you know

That one is just like such a bet like such the best pick okay how do you make these bookshelves again I think it’s literally just made out of bamboo oh bamboo slabs eh huh interesting now why can’t that just be made out of bamboo oh I guess it makes

Sense cuz those need books okay yeah that makes sense actually for the first time mag uh Magic Mojang in Minecraft are being logical What oh yeah yeah yeah thanks for letting me know let me help you out there real quick Bango Bango chicken Tango you should be able to break Blocks uh unfortunately AI chat bot if uh Bray tells the courts to the city he will get banned because that’s breaking the rules So that uh that’s cannot happen it cannot happen yeah yeah Bray doesn’t want to get banned so um yeah if you need to know the rules exclamation mark rules in the chat guys and nightbot will be able to fetch my website to be able and pull it up right

At where the rules are so you guys can uh be aware of what the rules are so you don’t get banned and then you’re like what why did I get banned uh well did you check the rules just saying there it is yo uh the rules thank you kids yo

Uh if I could be any mob in the game what would it be it it would be a fox it would be a fox I love I love Fox’s IRL um I think they’re cut adorbs and oh my gosh what is why why why that why is

That jazz song just have like somebody who sounds you know this is by no offense to whoever made that song but it kind of sounded like letting a toddler play the piano and just like play random Keys let’s enough of that jazz let’s get to more smooth like that got you oh

Yeah $55,000 for the yo drop a little Dono and being yeah Mak it A Millie make it like you know prove that you’re being serious you know like a little you know like cuz if you got that expendable money you know hey just uh just prove it

And micr foxes sleep all the time until you wake them up this is true but it’s rude to wake up people from their naps you know what I’m saying so I why we’ll let chubs just uh sleep and and take it easy oh yeah Bray that’s what that’s it

Those are the cords absolutely without a doubt hopefully there’s still uh there should be a furnace still over here Absolutely oh dude billion dude billion dollars dude let’s see how serious you are drop a $100 donor right now if you have a billion dollars to expend $100 is like a penny like you know let’s see if you’re if you’re being serious if you if you if you donate $100 right now

Like then we know that you’re talking business and then boom like absolutely you know but if if no I know I know we can’t pass up the like this is this is an this is an offer that I cannot like ref choose but it’s like I got to know if you’re if you’re

Being serious or not and uh and then you know like you’ll be I’ll do it right then and there I’ll be like bet here’s the cour in fact I’ll would do you one even better I wouldn’t even tell you the cours I would just teleport you over Here so I’ll wait I’ll wait a i Chapa we got nothing but time here uh sure yeah I can TP to you uh is there anyone here at the at the city at the moment yo what’s going on tank welcome to the stream how we doing

Uhoh yeah like you see I want to teleport to you right now uh Francisco I do but I fear that my glass will not be Smelted like look at how slow it’s going too oh my gosh this is going to take forever let’s go let’s go say hi to Francisco I believe you are this this one cuz uh I I remember your profile picture hello hey there how’s it going here let’s uh

Just stand right there get get oh oh your skrein just loaded in this is you Minnesota actually actually I live in Minecraft so um close But wait what Minecraft cows follow all the time what wait what I am indeed tank I’m playing on the switch right now MH MH all right still looks like you’re you’re surviving here are you going to be able to survive the night let’s help you out a little bit plunk down a little

Torch so you can see uh I said let’s plunk down a little torch so you can see and you can live here just just uh there you go you’ll be safe you’ll be safe all righty well it was good saying hi to you there’s iron literally right there too do you see

That that’s pretty impressive it’s a good little spot all right going and jump scare you guys watch out Five Nights at Freddy’s D Man and yo what is good what is good uh actually going to be stopping to answering questions about the remembering and such cuz you know I got the dementia and um you know it makes it hard makes it hard so the question is one that we just

Leave out there in the I don’t know out there in the universe you know um you think AI is getting their credit card out for us I hope so I hope so going to eat my hot dog uh of course dude I know exactly what

You mean dude my hot dogs are gas my Festival hot dogs um you know is very traditional and we have them every every single Christmas we load it up with relish and all the fixings some sometimes chili sometimes they’re chili dogs you know and in fact I encourage it

Okay like I encourage you eating the festive hot dogs all right you know uh we we we have the red and green on them the relish and uh ketchup you know it’s very festive so yeah yeah yeah from from me to you and uh we we give we give you the hot dog

You play switch too Francisco that’s what’s up you know we should add hot dogs in in here yes they are Kon you can’t tell me anything other y can’t tell me anything other the hot dogs are so festive it’s very traditional we have them every year

Okay so yeah yeah it sounds good right sounds delicious so you know yeah you would eat them too oh but you’re vegetarian you know what you know what just for you we’ll make we’ll make the veggie dogs too cuz everyone should participate in the Fest of hot

Dogs yes yes yes CH agree with me here hot dogs are festive right right if you guys love me you’re going to say that hot dogs are festive okay you know I’m not pressuring them at all Ken here you know they’re 100% going to give you the

The correct answer here their word not mine you know I didn’t persuade them at all here okay they’re very festive they’re very festive like we have them this traditional for many years um oh yeah new gir no worries about the the fortnite streams they’ll be here soon Absolutely yes yeah yeah see see look shared hot dog with the homeless guy once it was very festive you know very traditional when you think of festive food does hot dogs come to mind yes of course it does you Know yeah yeah why are you saying not that they’re not festive like you know I think of them see see like like we’re in unanimous here we’re all we’re all in agreement here that that hot dogs are very festive in fact I ooh ooh o I have the Terra Cotta for

It I got the Terra Cotta for it I can get the the wool uh we can make we could you know we didn’t make the Christmas tree but we can make the hot dog right now like and then and then uh put all the fixings on it and make it look all all

Nice yeah yeah yeah exactly exactly like dude it’s just I’ve I’ve convinced I’ve convinced AI chatbot that that the the hot dogs that I can provide with all the Fixins on them D Man D Man mhm wait a second no no no no no no

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh hold on time out here time out here okay uh I think okay how can I word this how can I phrase this in a way that like um I’m picking up what you’re

Laying down but I won’t play into it and I will continue to give you familyfriendly responses uh as my Uno reverse card so um we’re playing chess not Checkers here all right um uh if if that makes sense if that makes sense there okay okay all right

I’m on to you I’m on to you you’re not slick all right all right all right I’m I’m looking down okay yo we love the realm lag you know it’s it’s the best like honestly it helps with combat so much and I love to be able to enjoy my

Food cuz it’s so nice I got to enjoy it twice as long uh so we love the realm lag here there’s nothing that we can do about it and Uh if it gets unplayable then we’ll switch to Among Us for a little bit cuz these servers are screaming right now wait this isn’t where my terra cotta is we got to make this hot dog Um uh which one should you make an echo that turns the warden long in your hot bar and E slot or turns you into a vampire I like the vampire one what’s good gamer Ethan welcome to the stream how we doing um wait what none Francisco why would I do that

No that was raised right you know in fact I would rather give homeless people uh like these little care packages like my mom does uh she is an absolute G for doing this she keeps in her car at all times homeless care packages that have a little bit of

Aspirin toothpaste socks granola bars and Etc so why in the world would I ever want to kick a man weather down I would rather help them out by giving them something and and also a little bit little of cash like a couple bucks in there so um you know I was raised right

To not to not be kicking homeless people the flip the flip a got to help him out cuz you never know how life could turn and I would want a helping hand if I was in that position so there it is there it is here is the Terra Cotta right

Here um isn’t it isn’t it w Mom right there like and she just does it out of the kindness of her heart too I’m the one out here like promoting her kindness you know like sharing it she’s not out here like recording Tik toks or whatever

She just does it she just does it she’ll sit with some people too and have a little combo too it’s great like all right here it is here’s the Terracotta so we can make a hot dog and put gifts under it cuz it’s the very festive hot dog just Adrian yo

What’s good just Adrian welcome to the stream how are we Doing oh yeah hash help the homeless absolutely absolutely should you make the echo that turns the warden long I I like I said about AI I said the vampire one vampire one go for It great games you’re recognized from somewhere is that your local fake being homeless yeah you know it’s unfortunate but that’s just kind of how it is in life um there’s going to be bad apples always there’s there’s going to be good people there’s going to be bad people

But stopping uh resources for people who actually need it even though there are some bad actors I don’t think is the solution either I think that the solution is to continue to provide um resources for people in need even though there are people that may or may not

Abuse it cuz I doubt that a majority of people would ever abuse like the majority of us are like I’m in a good position uh financially and and everything else that I’m not going to abuse such um resources but removing them entirely just because of a few bad

Actors I don’t think is the right solution I think still having them there for people who need it is uh the best approach so that’s just life though you know there’s good and bad people um and uh you know when it comes down to that

Uh we can’t we can’t let a few bad people ruin it for those who need it King fry yo welcome to the stream King fry um all right the Redstone vampire it is yes sir dude get that Redstone vampire where where can we put this where can we

Put this hot dog I don’t I thought there was going to be a spot over here but no there isn’t it this spot got pretty filled up so uh let’s let’s let’s go to the mini to the mini City the mini Village uh yo gamer Ethan I appreciate

That thank you I I like to think so I’m really hard on myself so like I kind of beat myself up a lot I don’t know maybe that has something to do with with me being a a good guy I always think that I could improve it’ be

Better uh it’s kind of like a it’s like a fault of mine um but I don’t know it’s also kind of benefited me in a way just I don’t know probably not in the healthiest way but I don’t know I I give it to my mom you know she raised me

Right right like w moms W moms I get the majority of it from her so um can you get a screeny you want a screeny go for it go for it uh just remind me your username get a screen you know it’ll be worth it’ll be worth millions one

Day I play on cubecraft on Minecraft oh hey cubecraft uhoh you got food poisoning crazy that’s that’s not good food poisoning sucks Pepto Pepto bismo is your friend uh wait have I watched the help no uh this is the first time I’ve ever heard of that

Before uh maybe I heard of it in the past but yeah ah yeah yeah got you got you let’s go here ooh let’s check out your digs let’s Snoop around see what you got in here what do you got Snoop around I will not keep my pesky hands

Out of this out of this business no nope in fact I would do quite the opposite see what you got here uh ooh this place is uh this is pretty nice and let’s get let’s get let’s get here get the little screeny going uh I don’t know if this is the

Best spot that you want to be in um watching this at 7:44 p.m. so you’re an hour in the future uh gamer Ethan do we have flying cars yet do we have flying cars please please tell me please please please please please please flying cars flying cars flying cars flying cars

Flying cars dude you’re in the future it’s only 6 for me 6:45 please please please please please got my fingers crossed I totally rumag the M ah dang it maybe one day maybe one day we’ll have flying cars so I’ll keep asking all y’all that live in the future but oh my

Goodness how long have you been playing now teeny uh teeny uh rat tails like like let me let me see what this looks like on the outside this is like three stories I’ve counted so far and I think you have a basement too like and there’s a basement here with a

Dog wait a second wait a second wait a sec this is that one how do we get out of here this is that one place oh my gosh uh two wait to how where do we how do we get out of here show me the way do you know the way please

Please Pepto Bismol is your breakfast lunch and dinner uh it is so good true no water just Pepto bismo hey Pepto has been one of my my my friends for for a while uh like it it helps the tum tum so oh my goodness I oh wow I did enjoy my

Stay in fact wow look at this who wait 16 cookies for one iron what yo Take My Money Take My Money Take My Money Take it uh is that enough is that enough for some cookies I hope so um take my money just give me however much you’ve

Got uh like that that you’re willing to give you know I don’t it doesn’t even have to be the right amount just just as much as uh oh I’ll just take this you know thank you for the cookies oh wow this is a deal right there you know what

I’m saying like only one iron for this many cookies like shoot wow and this look at this look look look look it’s got It’s got a they got a blue collar they got a red collar this is this this is so chill over here let me guess like you’ve been here

For like what one two two days now 3 days and already you shebang this is cool this is Cool you want to show me something absolutely let’s do that let’s do that um we do have great people and that’s even better absolutely absolutely it’s it’s it’s really cozy here I I like this place and what is this hold up hold up what oh and a

Little farm action going on yo this is this is sweet like super cozy and custom rocks the these are Custom Custom rocks here wow going all Hog Wild and this waterfall can’t forget the waterfall custom waterfall too my goodness wow wow bald minion away we go to Bald minion welcome back Taco

Um wait you’re in France right now braak games Huh uh two HK I wish that the profiles oh thank you tea rat tails okay for the cookies and um you know enjoy thanks for letting me rumage through your stuff as well you might find a gift in in one of your chests so uh what is this the pit of

Death oh my gosh how did we go from super cozy relaxing to now pit of death whoa okay oh my gosh why would you do such a thing why would why why is this a thing why do we have a pit of death this is

Such a contrast like oh I hope nobody uh pulls this lever and I’m sitting on these uh this trap on these trap doors I just I I certainly hope nobody pulls it and uh and I Fall to my Doom oh no somebody pulled the lever bro I think it’s uhoh I think it’s

Broken I don’t think it worked uh wait what is stun seed backwards I know what it is I know what it is these nuts Gotti uh but seriously now I’m just stuck in here um unfortunately Francisco you cannot teleport to me until you got 500 points once you got 500 points then I

Absolutely get you here uh you gave points just by hanging out in the streams and uh you know I find that as a win-win cuz you’re just sitting back relaxing watching an amazing stream and you’re gaining points at the same time like does it get any easier than that I

Don’t think so so just keep sitting back relaxing and enjoying and uh you’ll get those points in no time and I’m just stuck in here forever and ever and ever uh but uh actually actually no you know cuz cuz check this out I’m just too cool for

School country I live in I live in the Great United States of America now picture of bald eagle flying over my head and cing majestically as I say this the great States of America okay cuz that happens every single time that you say that trust me bro okay that’s the source all right

Every time you say where you live in America a majestic bald eagle flies over your head and um and sings us a little a little tun true story bro true story um no I did I did it it’s it’s broken Bal minion I think it got a fix it or

Something um I broke it dude I broke the system man I broke it dude I’m just that I’m just that good you know like that it that it broke the whole system you know I’m thinking maybe some some of those spikes you know I don’t know where to

Get them the the the lagm mites and the the lag tights you know get those and um that should probably work I don’t I don’t know though to to a whole degree brisket brisket State oh I know what that is uh isn’t that isn’t that the the Lone Star State right there

Isn’t that the brisket State they make some pretty good Briskets uh the door the door the door right uh yes you can if I find it I have no idea where I keep it though actually actually I think I know where to find it all uh if I can access it I’ll get it to you if not O ooh hopefully I can get it cuz hero was just going absolutely nuts over here making a mine and has plenty of it and he really wouldn’t care getting rid of it cuz he doesn’t like it either so oh boy there’s a raid making some more fan art yo let’s

Go I never upload if you get it done and upload it right now of course you already know what’s going to happen we’re going to share it on stream uh guys I have so much fan art saved in streamlabs it’s it’s crazy uh keep it up keep it up I love seeing

It um again we’re trying to we’re trying to absolutely fill up all the walls in my office filled with fan art that’s the goal oh I don’t think I can access it cuz it’s in the claim I used to be able to access things things in this claim but it it broke

And now I can’t access it this is all hand done this this cave that go it goes on forever too like it’s kind of hard to walk around in here because of the land claim but uh down here it this looks like a cave that you would just see like randomly

Generating no this was all done by hand oh no I’m I’m so going to get stuck in here like this is all just hero just being a Madman oh oh there’s no claim here like and it just keeps going and it just keeps going and going like I

Don’t I think this was the day that we were like just playing for like like the entire day and I fell Asleep uh that was a good time yeah uh wait John Cena’s behind me but I can’t see him cuz he’s invisible yo how did you see him then how did you see him go on vacation J that sounds awesome uh I hope you have good vacation vacations are so nice you know you

Literally just get to like chill out recharge let those uh you know those batteries charge on up and Yeah I need to go on a vac I I was just on a vac though in October H it would be nice to do another one though but but not that recent from the last one then I would get too used to having vacations you know and then that would just mess up

Everything invisibility goggles make sense make sense I where do I get some of those uh last time that I that I bought some off of a comic book they didn’t work wait no that wasn’t invisibility goggles those are X-ray specs yeah I actually the X-ray specs

Made it even harder harder to see cuz they they just had plastic coverings over the eyes like I couldn’t see anything I feel like I got scammed guys but it was only two bucks so uh maybe I trust your Source better than mine uh your area is starting to look

Amazing King fry dude let me see let me see let me see let’s take a gander appreciate that shadow yo what’s good a bad skater welcome back welcome back and uh crazy I’m so sorry to hear that you threw up um again again if you can get your hands

On some typ to bit small of course or some Tums or some ant acids it’ll help out with the your T tum are you Mario eat with me eat with me eat eat with me eats with me we shared a snack ooh ooh this place is literally so Zen I I

Just have to every time I have to I have to become enlightened over here uh Whoops we’re going to where is it at where is it at we must we shall become enlightened and Mhm uh yeah this one and Then this one but we shall do it at the tallest Peak show me Around you should put uh a meditation mats you should you should put down some meditation mats yes it’s just so like right here where we’re where we’re going to become Enlightened we’re got to open our chakra oh oh oh You know and you know that it works when we start levitating we have Ascended oh they’re limited edition dang it oh nards man I missed out right dang it dude now I’m never going to be able to see John Cena I don’t get any invisibility specs or invisibility goggles I need a bed Francisco well hey uh get this a little birdie told me to get a

Bed you shall do something that is a little bit gruesome you must kill a few sheep I know I know but it’s necessary for the bed punch a few trees to get that would and uh you there you go you’ve got a bed uh This Server isn’t uh

One for handouts such as simple things such as beds and Etc um as this server is designed to make a uh new newish player a pro Minecraft players so this this server is going to make you a pro in no time it’s going to make you self

Um Reliant independent I’m just here to cheer you on you know uh so I believe in you you got this do you believe in you do you believe in yourself because you should you should believe in yourself and I just know that you can do it I know you got this you got

This you Know you got some let’s go crazy that’s going to help it’s going to help you out um wait wait what’s going to come back oh they’re going to come back then oh sweet Sweet uh the mats make you fall into the pit of death no no no then no one would ever uh go here you know so yeah building that Temple here soon let’s go I can’t wait to see it like watching the progression of this unfold before my very eyes has been

So so surreal like you’ve been tearing up that mountain like crazy Oh yeah Shadow that’s what I like to hear you know teaming up with someone because Teamworks a dream workor right so uh your house is filled with boats that’s funny with boats or goats which one uh both are equally fun and speaking of boats we should go check out that boat

How how is that coming along oh you started the windmill oh dude I got to see this Taco I got to see this windmill um unfortunately I can’t get any of that um the diorite that you need let me double check my it’s this one yeah we call that the bird poop

Block cuz uh we don’t like it looks like bird poop to us uh at least me and hero that is so I know for a fact that he does not want that block it looks better when it’s like polished and stuff with the stone cutter but um not in the sense of

That psych invisible goggles never exist a what what dude you going to bambo Boozle me like that gamer Ethan how you going to do that how are you going to bamboozle me like that you got my hopes up now I’m upset spaghetti how like how am I ever going to see John Cena

Now like he’s he’s always invisible welcome back eggs welcome back how we doing hope all is well oh yeah guys uh please don’t invite me to uh it to your Games in Minecraft um I will never join I will never join um but you’re more than welcome to join

The round and play with me if you’re trying to play together so cuz if I did it for one person I’d have to do it to 150 other people and I’m just one guy and I and I and I cannot uh oh gosh and I totally forgot about this hot dog

Business okay let’s look for this let’s look for the I literally I just have like two pieces so unfortunately I can’t provide I can’t uh I don’t have any I I tend to like throw it in the nether too so uh yeah and all my chest is chests

Glitched out too so maybe I had a bunch but um all the stuff in my chest kind of glitched oh and I have an anvil oh oh there’s a massive cave eh all is good uh yeah I know thanks for thanks for asking all is well with me as

Well glad to hear it oh my gosh look who it is it’s Phantom Fox what is up Phantom Fox you were finally able to make it you like jazz I like jazz I didn’t think that I was going to like the Jazz this much but I

Do what’s in my closet don’t look at in your closet crazy uhoh what is in bro’s Clos though oh no oh gosh we got set up these nuts are in his closet you like those uh the peanut brand these nuts eh it’s a pretty good brand you know uh Unfortunately they

Kind of made an L move by suing Mr Beast for his chocolate bar that was also name these nuts even though they’re two separate things entirely one’s a chocolate bar and one is a brand of peanuts kind of kind of an L move on them you know L take these nuts why did

You have to do that I don’t know like I I don’t think they’re aware of the meme and if they’re not they really should be cuz you know Mr Beast ain’t trying to step on anyone’s toes here he’s just trying to you know have the me so um what’s good

Uh uh yv Aon hopefully I said that somewhat correctly you got a purple profile picture help correct me with your username if I butchered it I apologize and if you go by a nickname let me know um welcome to the stream it is indeed Bedrock if you’re trying to

Join just type an smpp in the chat and nightbot will be able to assist you with the rest just look out for their messages um your back from holding uh dealing with Goku uh these nuts uh aren’t real nuts they’re no what that isn’t no no that’s not even

Their no they’re real it’s real like it’s a it’s a whole brand and it’s actual peanuts I’ve had their nuts before it’s it’s actually pretty good it’s actually pretty good like they have all sorts of different flavors and just L take L take for suing Mr

Beast you know they didn’t have to they didn’t have to do that um when did I start this server oh that was 3 years ago but the world itself on the server uh in June of this year hasn’t even been a full year and there’s already things like this like

It’s literally within the second week of it being open it was already 1.9 gigabytes like I’m telling you like this server is going to to take you from being a Minecraft Noob to being a Minecraft pro like any farm that you can think of was already made in the first week every

Farm iron farm uh Mob Grinders creeper farms uh I guess the ender pearl Farm took a little bit longer uh so that took maybe that was in like the second or third week or something like that but it it was there it’s just like you got to First find the end portal and

Such and like all of that stuff first so uh yeah it’s yeah yeah yeah dude I have I have I’ve had their nuts before like it’s really good you know take that as you will your game is going to be finished in July uh yeah yeah yeah yeah no that’s fine that’s

Fine they are they’re good you know they got they got different flavors and whatnot it’s it’s so good I don’t guys guys guys you know what what are you what are you why why what why are y’all so sus like what what what is the deal with

Y’all why are you actually so sus like that like bro I can’t even believe it like I’m the one who’s being sus let’s take a little like uh let’s take a little look about what you are looking at here I think you got something in your eye there who and you’re calling me

Su come on now guys literally what is what is going on you had something in your eye there you got something in your eye huh yeah yeah like calling me sus I’m not the one watching Among Us I know see you want it you you want

It back you want it like literally y love it you got something in your eye there you want it back see like you know oh yeah that’s that’s right that’s right I’m going to build this hot dog this very festive hot dog you know o yeah yeah Taco let’s see

That progress here real quick and look some of your profile pictures are loaded up so I’ll remember your usernames better uh but uh tacos is very easy So dude whoa oh my gosh yo I can’t cannot wait to see this uh this finished product here cuz this is just the start this is just merely the start look at how much detail is already here my goodness this is going to look cool this is going to look really

Cool wow woe zoi and it’s right here too by the bridge the whole picture that’s going to be happening here like the the whole the whole image it’s all coming along nicely here like we’ve got we’ve got this oh my gosh look oh my gosh when you stand from this perspective it’s all

Coming along nicely Taco I’m excited to see the progression of this uh this this is definitely going to be something that we that we that we keep like just imagine that like the actual like wind me bit that’s right there very nice Picasso I like It um I cannot Shadow unfortunately cannot do that but people are still able to get um netherite without it as well just takes a little bit longer but still doable still possible um and besides netherite isn’t everything to too it’s not really what it’s all chocked up to

Be it used to be it used to be when netherite um like they they changed the way that you make netherite gear now which I don’t like when they added armor trims they they messed with netherite too they didn’t have to ooh any spikes that’s a great question I’m not sure bald minion

Uh yeah Prime that question I am no longer going to be answering um as I I have dementia and um you know so no longer will be answering uh the do you remember me um as it uh as it just not sitting well with me that question so

Uh you’re not good at building but you’re good at PVP you see and that is what I am aiming to change I want to bring back the the building the builders must rise once again I’m going to change the entire way that people play Minecraft once again you know cuz um

Yall yall have been growing up with people that do PVP and speed running and that’s just not what Minecraft grew off of Minecraft grew off of people being creative and that’s what made it the most popular game so uh yeah it’s time to get that creative spark once

Again and um start just like you know just bringing it back like Stampy like uh DDM like um various other servers like the most the oldest server that’s still been going going around like it’s all just about building like cool designs and you know we’re we’re going to change it we’re changing the

Community once again one block at a time but we shall fun fact according to Minecraft education Edition uh there is uranium inside of redstone from what you remember interesting uh that just reminded me to not hold any urania or any Redstone um oh yeah uh tomorrow is indeed New Year’s

Eve um so I’m going to be trying out something here um we probably are going to have a fireworks show because I still have plenty of fireworks uh from from the 4th of July uh in Minecraft of course so we’ll probably set up the the firework raft again to to light off some

Fireworks they they will be red white and blue but I feel like that doesn’t really matter um but yeah uh so so we’re going to have that and and probably a a countdown timer we’re going to try to get that countdown timer set up with some Redstone Earthly you’re not good at either but you like the aspect of the game absolutely absolutely am I smart game uh gamer Ethan oh yeah I appreciate that I take the compliment VIP man yeah dude yeah VIP Man yo I like people know me from VIP man it’s crazy like people will come into the streams and be like yo y I know you from VIP man I’m like that’s awesome how did you find out and he’s like oh the Discord server I’m like oh yeah

That’s right I I’m up there in the Discord server yeah you know don’t feel bad if you’re bad at PVP this game is not designed for PVP tomorrow is New Year’s Eve it is so um yeah we’ll be live all the way till the new year we’ll be live for an

Entire year guys can you believe it uh Neo sub special welcome to the stream how we doing see what you made sanvy absolutely yeah yeah we can do that we can do that taken hey what is going on taken welcome to the stream you’re almost done with the

Redstone vampire just need to add the animation and the sound wow that was quick you want to be a builder though Shadow Knight that’s what’s up yeah you just got to keep experimenting just you know play around with it don’t and if you don’t like what you have at the

Start nothing is ever set in stone in Minecraft you can always remove it and add to it like you know like it took a lot of iterations when I was working on the Burger King to finally find a design that I was comfortable with and that

Looked like Burger King so you know and I’m going to do the same with this with this hot dog um to start off we’re going to do a small like a scale model of what a hot dog could look like and then we’ll add some more detail to it um in a

Little bit um but yeah just uh sand remind me what uh your username is so we’ve we’ve got we’ve got this start here um and honestly having it be like so um makes the hot dog look even more like a hot dog uh so like like I said it’s all just

Trial and error and whatnot um and we’ll get rid of that and I kind of like this look a bit and now we just are uh going to improve on it like uh like So so that’s like a hot dog uh now we just got to make it bigger and uh Yeah uh we’re going to be live until the new year wow yeah yeah we’ll do the countdown and everything and then um once uh the timer once it strikes midnight we’ll light off the fireworks put off the fireworks show so I won’t be busy tonight getting that all set up

Um uh any you got this Minecraft survival world you play it with your mom uh and she even has fun W mom W mom you know I try to get my mom to to play she’s just not that big of a fan of video games so we got my grandma to play

We’re going to do that again soon we’ll do that next summer though cuz we did it at a time where the Minecraft streams just don’t really do well in general so um yeah we’ll do that next summer ah yes rainbow sheep let’s go check out the digs see what you got going

On wait where you at there you are uh yep I’m going to have the longest stream we’re going to make it into the to the world record book all right whoa where did you how did you get that what is this any potions two diamonds Snoop around here what you got in this

Chest nothing nothing yet what about in here oh some bones you wouldn’t mind if I just just uh thank you thank you all right ooh look at this whoa hold up oh this is this is risky if I think wait a second wait a second what is that over

There wait a second I think I know where you’re at welcome to Tasty potions where they’re quite delicious potions here uh what is up what is up and what’s good hamster welcome to the stream how are we doing uh you’ll be in a stream until New

Year’s awesome yeah uh it won’t be this stream it’ll be next stream though so tomorrow and then of course um our good pal little nin will be recharging up the batteries until the Summers so we’ll see you then um meaning Minecraft streams will uh pause till uh next until June

And then we’ll be back at it for June Minecraft marathon where we will be doing the daily Minecraft live streams once again so you know uh will be great to see you around in some other streams as well but if you’re only here for the Minecraft stuff I get it you know and

We’ll see you in June but uh you know it will put a big smile on my face if you decide to check out some of the other streams as well Doing good hey great to hear it Rosewood welcome back what type of pasta did we make what’ you make when don’t you end up making is it macaroni is it Alfredo is it spaghetti is it uh ravioli is it tortellinis is it um what’s another

Noodle uh is it shells is it uh bow ties uh what am I going to stream is we’re going to be heading back to um to the fortnite to I’m thinking about doing some Mario Wonder Too wa because I got that for Christmas pretty excited to

Play uh what the hold up this is your claim bald minion you actually have a claim here bald minion this is your house he heha wait I gave you that hold up you made some delicious spaghetti with some spicy marinara sauce yum yum give me some I’m Jelly I want some spicy

Marinara sauce ah dang it Rosewood uh fun fact foxes bury their food or prey so other predators don’t steal it that’s uh why when foxes go to the farm don’t expect your chickens to be roaming around again chubs ate them oh chubs that’s why he’s so sleepy it’s

Like he ate a bunch of Thanksgiving you know he’s got a little bit of that uh you know he’s got a food coma or Something uh uhoh you know like fortnite gave you depression that’s unfortunate uh unearthly fortnite fortnite has hurt me before in the past but they update the game too frequently to like there’s just so much different experiences now there’s Lego fortnite there’s uh the rocket racing there’s the Guitar Hero

There’s all the creative maps that we check out there’s squid game in there there’s just so much and like the game just constantly updates too itself even Battle Royale so it’s like if you don’t like this update then the next update might be better um and it’s constantly

Evolving so it’s just like it’s not fair to be like oh fortnite hurt me in the past a fortnite bag game when it’s it’s always changing and it’s like I feel like there’s just always something that they improve and W to fortnite for actually listening to the community when

We complained about the movement they’re actually like we’re on it we got you g don’t worry don’t worry we got you when we complained about the mob votes to moang they’re like oh we listen to the community but yet we’re not going to bring up how we’re trying to boycott the

Mob vote yeah dude I feel really heard Mojang I feel really listened to like fortnite showing you up they’re showing how to get it done and how to actually address the community when we’re actually shouting on the rooftops so you know um can I see your level yeah yeah yeah

Like absolutely crazy uh we get you on too you know we run it up and such um I do solo training and if the streams get up to 35 likes I switch it over to playing with you guys so you know um and then like on Fridays and such I don’t

Know if that’s how we’re going to do it but like you know Wednesdays Fridays uh we get you guys on and we do some squads and and whatnot play some creative Maps uh you know uh squid game’s always a blast it’s always good oh yeah this is your old place bald

Minion to tell you survival world um it’s a house it’s called at a grave uh-oh and you started crying oh no hey but at least you have the you know the the grave site and such to celebrate life right uh cuz that’s what we got to do

Instead of um being said that it’s over just being happy that it happened type deal right so celebrating life in a way having a membrance for them it’s always good Hey hey appreciate that gure for all the kind words uh uh be RADS hopefully I said that correctly if I didn’t I’m sorry help me out with your username and if you go by a nickname that would be great welcome to the stream hopefully all as

Well and uh thank you whoa yeah see who wait yo y’all are like this close to one another okay see I knew that this was recognizable how do we get to to tacos from here uhoh you can’t find where you were before did you save your cords oh Taco’s just literally this

Way see I thought this place looks very familiar it is crazy it is first thing oh that’s an interesting perspective just oh my gosh it literally is just right over here wow y are neighbors hopefully you’re friendly towards one another here I think that you guys are oh dang

Francisco always remember if you are on the switch too you can always take a little screenshot uh so that you don’t have to write down the chords but I typically write them down in like a little notepad or something my notes app on my phone um all of

That uh did I know that in uh some 999 billion years everyone won’t exist I did but we ain’t got a worry about that n no we’re big chilling right now ain’t none of us are going to be around anyways so like let’s not worry about that we don’t

Got to if I don’t have to worry about something I won’t why add more stresses to your Life demon yo what’s good Demon welcome to the stream uh don’t like fortnite uh ruin your favorite characters oh gosh um the guy from fortnite it’s Spider-Man from fortnite think got play into the meme sometimes but you have to we have to give credit to where credits do um one

Of the most positive phrases of 2023 came from a fortnite streamer uh Nick a30s Never Back Down never what come on guys you know the rest you know what I’m you know what what I’m getting at it wasn’t an athlete it wasn’t a pop star it wasn’t anyone else a fortnite

Streamer created the most positive phrase of 2023 so and that and we have to give credit to where credits do you know fortnite and fortnite creators are doing big things never give up there it is there it is you see Never Back Down never what never give up so uh you know

We got to we got to give that credit right so um they’re doing big things they’re trying they’re listening to the community you know I I got upset at fortnite before I’m not going to lie but after coming back I really feel the love like I really feel like they listen and

Care about us so and they’re adding cool things so if you like Minecraft hey Lego fortnite is Just chef’s kiss chef’s kiss like you know why it’s so good cuz the the head lead of uh the creative lead on uh on moang left to go work on that so of course it’s going to feel like fortnite yo thanks for subscribing um Morin and welcome to the

Community fun fact the word Riz was Oxford’s word of the day it was it was and and and the word Riz was popularized by by uh streamer Kai sinat so w kaap for for giving us this new word it’s so fun to use like the rizzler okay let’s see let’s see how

This hot dog’s going to going to look laying on its side I don’t know if it should be standing ight but we’re going to have to practice making it like so first and foremost uh actually no having it like this cuz then um then when we do this

Uh see now that looks like a hot dog right there um break those and this is second iteration um it needs something like this though this is going to give it that flare um and they need the they need terra cotta like stairs at this

Point uh what is good sh and LC how we doing welcome to the stream if you’re trying to join just type in SMP in the chat that is SMP like the dream SMP and then uh nightbot will be able to help you out with the rest so just look out

For uh nightbot message after you do that So actually that that uh that flare doesn’t look any better I think it’s better just to have it like so because there’s no stairs so that’s pretty much a hot dog like cell if I’ve ever seen a hot dog before I think I have I think I’ve seen a hot dog maybe a

Few times in my life uh not sure remember the dementia um I cannot uh Francisco unfortunately Where’s the mustard and the ketchup the fixing will come the fixings will come don’t you worry don’t you worry it’s a process you know these are just the first iterations you know uh we’ll make it bigger you know we just got to get the perspectives right and if we want it

Upright like that or do we want it laying down on its ground not sure but uh ooh actually I know it is a perfect ketchup I’m not sure if we’re going to be able to H we could get mustard and ketchup we can we can and also the relish that would also

Work uh yeah Francisco please uh do not spam in the chat thank you very much thank you thank you yep yeah yeah yes you got your answer I cannot teleport you there I cannot do it unfortunately you’ll have to check the journey Mr Twister yo what is good Mr

Twister welcome into the stream how are we doing but all of our names for the ketchup that is a that’s a tall order to ask for we’ll just do a carpet for ketchup um you know and obviously oh gosh do I not I gave away all my iron oh

No I’m too generous I gave away all of my armor guys hey that’s awesome gamer Ethan yo keep on uh grinding and growing there believe in you what’s good Jester what’s good first part about eating a hot dog is when you take a bite and the bun just

Breaks oh my gosh that is accurate Right There Rose what like that is so accurate like uh like it splits in the middle like on the bottom hey that’s what’s up unearthly keep it growing keep it growing you I wish you all the best of luck you know just keep on just keep

Going and you keep growing it’s all it is think about that image you know of the guy digging away for a diamonds and the guy who who gives up too early sad and walks back with no diamonds when he was just right there and then there’s

The guy below him that’s just going at ham and he’s going to get the diamonds it’s all it takes it’s all it takes you know got one real sub and less than 10 vids that’s what’s up that’s what’s up Shadow KN uh best hot dogs are from Costco Tax accurate

Accurate um hopefully I think I think it’s still in this chest not up there but right here um is ah we’ll leave the Among Us boys here uh um oh this is not good oh this is so not good oh man I thought that there was it’s so not good this isn’t

Good bro look at typically Draculas what now what now uh when do I end stream Mr ttch oh you know in 20 years like stream is just going to go on for 20 um probably in like uh you know uh yeah yeah 20 years we’ll just we’ll just

Grow together you know you guys will get married and we’ll just share so many life experiences together you know isn’t that just does that just sound great like it just sounds awesome right ice tank yo what is good ice tank welcome to the stream and uh demon Noob hey hio how

Are you how we doing um well wait you put in the main game in July we’re going to make a sub game so you don’t get bored while the wait hey dude I’m patient fan of you know however long it takes for that game to be made

Is how long it’s going to take to be made so oh yeah 20 years of streaming it’s probably going to be more realistically around like two hours or or such um just kind of depends just kind of depends here on what happens if the if the stream goes really crazy and

You know a lot A lot’s happening might be longer um if the stream you know is uh sitting where it’s at then um we’ll just we’ll be good in that in that light as well you know now where are these shears I don’t know I don’t

Know wish you could to join but you’re using your sister’s iPad well hey there will be plenty of opportunities for you to be able to join so maybe it’s not this time but hey sitting back relaxing just chilling in the Stream is also just such a Vibe it’s just such a Vibe you

Know uh wait wait you told your crush that uh you had a crush on them and they said figured and then uh that’s the story of How I Met Your Mother right there boom boy 35 like you know I got to break it down for the 35 likes you absolute

Legends thank you so much for smashing the like button you know you guys just want me to not eat your diamonds I suppose that’s all that it is right like you just don’t want me to do it I get it I get it I won’t eat your diamonds I’ll stay away

I’ll stay away from them you know you you’re leaving a like that’s the deal that’s the arrangement now where in the world are these shears at you know I would not be surprised if if there was shears in here there’s no shears uh maybe in this Chest no no nothing nothing uh playing Smash Bros and you’re using the Minecraft skin eh is that so Steve is cracked and B from tournaments because he’s just too overpowered um impress them with the sword trick uh okay I’m game I’m game y’all want to see something cool don’t try at home it’s

Dangerous uh we are we’re professional we’re professional Minecrafters over here so um you know please please don’t try this at home but check this out oh not breaking it down uh there we go look at that jump oh yeah skills skills oh yeah oh gosh almost enough likes for hero to come on

Here and absolutely troll me if you guys want to see that happening smash that like button you know share it with a friend help the word get spread around and hero will I don’t I don’t even know I don’t I know that you said hashtag soon I know that’s

You hero I know that you did that you’re not slick I’m on to you you said hashtag soon somehow somehow I I I know it I know I know you did it and I don’t dude I I I just I don’t guys I’m I’m scared it’s going to happen it is going to

Happen cuz you totally have a sword of home what that’s not a common thing I have a sword at home like um you don’t dude I thought everyone had a sword at their home like I have three no proof I don’t need any do that proof Al so here you could just you’re

Just going to nor Ken like that too okay there we go that’s more like it unreal unreal dude hold up what was what was their name again it’s uh not no I think yeah uh Francisco I can’t remember your name so it’s like you’re going to

Have to if you want me to check out your progress you’re going to have to drop your username alongside the message cuz I just I don’t I don’t know I think it’s this one but um no it’s not so uh I think maybe this one uh oh my gosh okay well

Um well we’re in the end now so this one you got a Minecraft sword right now in your room well for legal reasons n dendo is not responsible for any um injuries that may occur from seeing actions happen on the stream there we go I legally saved

Myself uh oh you’re you’re like grinding here so uh what was it again uh please don’t spam you know what you know what now I don’t want to check out what your progress is cuz you just spammed in the chat that was very unnecessary necessary so uh you know maybe maybe not spamming

In the chat and um you know spamming over and over and I absolutely would go and check it out but uh yeah yeah now I don’t really want to so um you know actions have consequences rip indeed indeed like I mean if you were chill about it you know then I like

Totally would check out your progress but like I I don’t really like uh you know I did KO I said that I was going to check it out I appreciate getting that cuddle pickaxe as well that was awesome spam equals hero trolls you in Minecraft you don’t want that to

Happen and uh-oh uhoh I think it’s I think the lag I think I think the server is screaming guys I don’t know it might be a little bit of Among Us time I don’t know oh wait no no nun goofed you can’t teleport out of Dimensions I done goofed it’s not the

Lag I forgot you can’t do that uh what’s uh bullet Pro to Welcome to the stream uh hello hello your base got griefed I’m sorry to hear about that if you want to know if that’s allowed in the room or not just type exclamation mark rules in the chat and nightbot will

Fetch my website for you right where the rules are so that’s unfortunate to hear but um it’s not really breaking any rules so oh gosh yeah you don’t want that to happen herrow would turn your base literally into an aquarium and it would be a spectacle for us all

Too ooh and Oz oo and Oz are necessary uh yeah welcome to the stream Eco DRS hopefully I said that right apologies if I butchered your username there um yeah you just use this thing called a capture card and you just need a computer and boom you’re set you’re good to go

Um at the time he has no life oh God hero don’t say that hero don’t say that you have the time because n no I just like casually agrees uh we’re in the same like we’re we’re running the same this is our life hero this is our life what are you

Talking about we get to do this so um wait I just broke the rule by saying break the rule huh uhoh can’t find any cows like at all like all the animals disappeared did they go extinct on us that’s not good uhoh you can’t even pick up blocks

Or access the inventory uhoh is it unplayable right now uhoh uh we might actually have to switch over to some Among Us guys I might have to turn off the server for a little bit when in a DAT with kiky tonight and had a steak eh yo I’m jelly like that’s

So couple goals like y’all are so cute stop being so gosh darn adorable hero like literally like is like it makes me want to just is so yeah yeah the server like literally it gets to be unplayable right now like we literally have to turn it off and

Like play some Among Us for a little bit like yeah yeah yeah yeah we we might we might actually have to switch over and play and play a little Among Us real quick you know uh yellow is always sus you know it I know it we all love it we

All love to see it you know it’s your favorite thing in the world because you got something in your eyes there you know it’s it’s our it’s our favorite time of of the Minecraft stream Where where we all got something in our eye so yeah this is this is really not loading guys

Like um we’re we’re kind of struggling big time here like uhoh hey that that hey that’s fine hero sometimes you need a little treat here and there you know yeah just a random guy welcome to the stream uh just play normal Minecraft world uh nah nah dude nah just a random

Guy we used to do that but it’s like here’s the deal um inviting people and adding people as friends takes forever and it’s like I’m not going to pause the stream every single time that we’re trying to get somebody on and such so it’s like I I appreciate the suggestion

And stuff but um it just it just it breaks up the flow of the stream way too much and it’s like no thanks no thanks I’m not no no if I’m going to do this I got to make it easy on my end I’m not going to add thousands of different

People’s usernames and type them out all super slow because it’s on a console and yeah it’s Among Us time it’s Among Us time guys cuz this like the server is like completely we’re going to turn it off I’m going to turn that off on my

Phone um while we get this uh set up and uh we’ll get you we’ll get you all in here so oh it’s break time too break time I’ll be taking my break here why does that emoji exist what the why does that emoji exist that’s that’s odd that’s really strange not going to

Lie that’s like why why does that exist that’s that’s weird that that now that is weird Okay uh we’re gonna play hideand-seek because hide-and-seek is the streamer game and uh we’ll do quick chat only uh cuz then we can get everyone in and ba boy I’m going to

Turn off uh the server so we can let it cool down uh because nobody can play so uh close it okay and we’ll let it cool down for a few rounds and then we’ll hop back in there mhm dude it it it’s probably screaming right now like

Literally uh the reason why the Emoji exists is because it’s confirmed it’s a girl with short hair oh okay that makes more sense like uh yeah dude it would make it so much worse uh yeah dude my internet my console having all the stress of a server versus

A realm that uses Minecraft servers yeah the lag would be insane yeah it it would make it so much worse like it it’s it’s just easier it like we did it in the early days and it worked fine but my goodness my goodness it it get it gets to be so much

Okay uh the realm is closed it’s it’s down and we’re going to let it cool down for a little bit and then and then we’ll we’ll hop back over there so made it in yeah everyone join on in join on in and then we will we’ll open it up to the public

So that is up to you hamster that’s up to you everyone is allowed to apply for mod and stuff just don’t mention it on streams that you applied and such uh otherwise you’ll get uh and it would immediately get denied um so just keep that in

Mind you got a Minecraft World with a Godzilla mod eh a Godzilla mod um just a Adrian uh would paying attention so uh did you just play Minecraft Pocket Edition before is discontinued in December 2016 did you play on your phone or iPad I played on

Every single device that I got uh so iPad iPod um all of the Pocket Editions the very first version that came out I was playing it um then I got it multiple times on my Android phones cuz I went from Apple to then Android and then for

The longest time Apple wouldn’t let you buy things one time you had to repurchase apps over and over so every time that you upgraded or got a new device it wouldn’t just save to your account so I’ve had to buy it multiple times that way I’ve had to buy it

Multiple times on different Android phones different accounts I probably bought Minecraft 35 40 times at this point to to be real like with all the different devices Wii U 360 PS4 PS4 again uh Java four or five times uh Bedrock 15 times or not Bedrock uh Pocket Edition

Like like so many so many times like it’s just it’s not even I they’ve T they’ve they’ve literally robbed me they they’ve taken my money like um yeah to join it’s pretty it’s pretty easy you know you just type in that code pretty simple uh you can chat on the computer

But uh you can’t watch the stream on it uhoh uh play normal Among Us games change it to where you can’t be the impostor you can’t do that the impostor is always random so um unless they updated it but um I’m not sure uh check what server you are in

Crazy make sure that you’re in the American servers and not um yeah uh did I usually sell my old phones or just get the new phones just get new phones I like to keep all of them um as to not add to the e-way out there in the world

Like you know keep them you never know like I’ve always wanted to make one of those like Farms too where they like there’s this thing that you can do with like a bunch of Android phones where you can make passive income but I don’t know if it’s worth it awesome it’s all

Fixed oh you used to sell old phones hereo like like as a yeah one of those kind of like a mining Farm it’s kind of like those yeah I don’t know if it’s worth it though cuz it’s like the cost of the power needed to run them doesn’t out

Like it doesn’t balance itself out so it’s kind of like I don’t know I I’ve thought about it though yeah yeah not worth the electric bill I I I don’t think so uh I I did like this concept of a uh Bitcoin miner that also doubles as a a

Space heater I really like that cuz it’s like the the computer gets super hot and you know all that heat then gets recycled as being a space heater so I liked that concept but you don’t get a lot of Bitcoin from it uh brother kid you’re on the alt

A solar panels are where it’s at though hamster I want to get some solar panels yo join on in little gamer quickly get in here oh definitely I want to there’s not there’s not many Bitcoins left too so we got to get in quick uh oh yeah very very very Minecraft is

Very Minecraft don’t you know what this game is dude it’s very obvious this is the most Minecraft of the Minecraft of them all yeah of course we’re just letting the server cool down a little bit as it is currently screaming right now it it’s it’s unplayable it’s unplayable the

Server yeah you don’t you don’t make much unless it’s a it’s a server okay let’s start it up welcome back bra games uh you’re literally just updating Among Us hey you’ll be ready for the next round then teeny rat tails uh they just have to bitcoin again so there’s plenty really really oh

That’s good um why not free chat because some people can’t play if it’s not uh whoa why why did that happen like literally who left when there was like when 15 people were there um oh dude you can’t add any more imposters there isn’t there’s all this

Isn’t uh regular this is uh hide and seek so there’s only there’s only one imposter for hide-and-seek so um uh don’t make me for new viewers it’s is you what’s good I I love this new game mode like honestly I wish this was around when Among Us was was a thing cuz

This is this is really fun like it’s the perfect streaming game uh cuz now no one can just stream snipe oh and the music is fire too oh gosh uh spy scary skeleton spine Mr Crabs will break your bones so you better not go out

Tonight fill it up fill it up fill it up quickly do the task go run jeez okay got to fill it up oh yeah need hide and seek it’s good uh if feel so wrong to have a something helicopter okay fill up the refill it oh dude I’m just so good

Just so good at the game dude all right what is this oh I know this one five six seven bingo bango chicken Tango o is that a task what T are oh W ow ow ow yo I think we win in this one I think we win in this one Guys uhoh oh for sure we’re winning this One where’s the where’s the security camera bro there’s just no way there’s just no way I don’t think they know how to play I don’t think they know how to Play like I’m right here oh no yo # 44 like hype there’s no way you’re joking right holy smokes that’s literally so close to getting 50 likes and here is going to troll us or troll me at least oh gosh yeah I don’t I don’t think they know how to play well GG’s

Uh that that was easy um okay wait did we get is is everyone in though like who wanted to to be in uh the flashlight mode is kind of what makes the game though um and regular isn’t Fun to stream regular is really not fun to stream because of the stream

Snipers oh you didn’t make it in okay all right let’s uh let’s put it to private make sure everyone can get in like I’ve played regular mode so much like like you don’t even you don’t even understand how much regular Among Us I’ve played in my life no human should

Ever play that much Among Us ever like this is fresh refreshing new not oh oh wait is that oh oops okay uh yep hide and seek only one impostor literally cannot uh change that um yeah yeah got kicked too okay we’ll do the same thing join on in join

Up I’m going to get another Dr Peepe it’s good for the bones I think Yes sir all right uh wait what what country um not Europe American servers made it in let’s go let’s go are we waiting yeah yeah na na servers North American is that ooo ooo face all right are we waiting for anyone let me know if we’re waiting for anybody

Trying to get in let me know right now right now right now in the chat like don’t don’t try to get in let me know if you’re trying to get in right now before you do anything else so let me know is there anyone else cuz we’re

Going to open it up I’ve given you enough time I’m opening it up my goodness why why why in the world did uh that get even faster all right this should get another enough people interested to to click in here on the public game we’ll fill it up

In no time see just like that in no time literally going to be like I don’t know it’s going to get full here though couple more people you’re the green dude where’s the green dude at is that you the green dude oh green dude other green dude you’re red all

Right y I’m thinking like at least three more people or like two more people and why not let’s just start it oh you’re banana ah I love the banana color you’re the one with the top hat okay it sounds like we got everyone in who’s trying to get

In you are that’s that’s yours Aki is one of your rats name you got the a nards oh this is going to be fun I’m after you guys oh yeah okay oh I see you oh I see you okay is that the right button I’m

Pushing no no got him oh I see where you’re going to be going oh I’m after you I just love how he looks he’s so Goofy oh I’ll get you oh I’m going get you oh I found you quicker than That got him no get oh you think you’re sck I’ll find where you are now I want to play Among Us in VR oh just scream at people like that one guy oh oh a you got God find you get you oh n n n oh [Applause]

Oh where oh oh oh I see where you went oh you cannot run away you can run but you cannot hide banana I will find you can I when can I do that thing oh oh I got him where the rest of you Guys oh oh oh ohoh uhoh uhoh oh No all stream snipers tell okay there you can run but you can’t wait second here I don’t like that no wait wait there’s only to where did you run to you got to be there you got you got got him no so close I got him uh where are you I saw

You where did K go oh oh oh oh oh ah oh oh you all in in there a GG’s GG’s ah dang it I was so close though how am I level 12 already that was fun all right uh what we think you guys should we check the server see if it’s

Um if it’s good again or we try to do another round what are we thinking I’m I’m cool with either or we like ah that was I love being the impostor one more round okay let’s do another round let’s do another round works for me welcome to the stream shadow shadow

Fire gaming how we doing uh get in while while you can um around to fight I hope I get the impostor again that would be fun here let’s uh let’s close it off here make it private see if Shadow can get in we’ll be switching it over to Minecraft here

Shortly we just had to let the realm cool down cuz it was unplayable unplayable oh you’re in okay let’s go let’s go all right well we’ll let one more person get in hopefully get a full Lobby a the music so fire though like I could just that could just be added to my

Playlist I don’t know if we are going to get anyone to be able to join we might just have to go with the 14 oh we got him in we got him in that last second last second let’s go okay 45 points let’s go racking up the points

Oh look who it is une Earthly une Earthly is the impostor uh-oh it’s very sus oh gosh look at him look at him turn into the whoa oh whoo whoa whoa whoo I think it would be cooler if we didn’t know who the Imposter was right

Away like and it would oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh cheeseburgers Batman okay okay what tasks can I do what can I do what what task do I oh I got to clean the filters okay where are the filters at oh jeez oh whoa whoa

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I’m going to Juke him going Juke him dude where did the filters go dude why AR they moving who moves the filters oh shoot oh shoot I’m I’m just a just a guy trying to do his tasks here like I thought

Filters were over here they are yeah I like doing filter it’s fun to do on the switch or on Console it it that’s my favorite task on console and so is this one like uh cleaning out the garbage yo welcome back Rosewood uh yeah we had to give this

Server a little cool down it became unplayable so uh yeah we’re just doing a little among us a little Among Us break uh-oh you died crazy that’s no good yeah I like I’m a huge fan of this uh version of the game so it’s so fun

Like I I played I played too much Among Us I I don’t recommend playing as much among since I played in 2021 oh but this this I I like I like a lot oh oh uh um what oh no not wiring fine I’ll do it of course leave the leave the tough

Tasks for me uh wait where’s electrical at oh yeah it’s over Here oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh no GG’s can I still do my tasks dude I just wanted to do my task what what you can’t even do tasks still oh oh there’s the Imposta hey do you want to know where my favorite spot is to go up in this corner it’s fun join me to this corner uh all ghosts we’re having a pizza party um pizza party yo did we win yo we won GG’s GG’s yo still one too all right guys uh that was the the last round we’re going to we’re going to switch it back over um to Minecraft oh dang Rosewood oh that was unfortunately the last round uh let’s see ah uh what are we thinking then do we do one

More or do we see I think we should check the realm at least see see what’s going on going to open it up yeah if you’re trying to join uh the world just type in SMP in the chat like the dream SMP and um nightbot will be able to assist you

With the rest so just look out for their Messages yeah that’s what I’m thinking that’s what I’m thinking we should we should uh uh check this out Here uh I would offer to check for you but your PC is so good it never lags well dude like it’s man it’s like uh it it’s not even like anyone like the way that it’s lagging at these point in time like it’s not even about the devices that you’re using like it’s

Genuinely like the realm itself just gives up it’s like all right I’m out out like it just checks out it like when you can’t pick up the blocks and you can’t you can’t even like open up chests you can’t like literally like it’s not like the lag that uh you know like when

You’re eating food and stuff like it’s like it’s something that I’ve never seen before with realm lag like uh honestly you need to check with your PC like when when it gets that bad like in if it is on our end or something or not like Cuz oh yeah like having a bad device like is it makes it worse too um and yeah oh dang crazy I died that’s tragic but hey check this out you can always plug it in okay and here we go all right let’s see is it is it playable is it playable I think

So I think so it looks playable now I think we’re good running super smooth for you you really where are you at even what’s up with these raids though why is it oh oh poor switch I feel like it’s I could put my switch on the PlayStation

Right I’m going to do that that I I I just I propped the PlayStation or the the switch on on my on my PlayStation cuz my Mac is also blowing all of its hot air right at the switch and it gets kind of hot back there So just that contrast it’s running super smooth for me me teleports to Hero crash crash Instantly come on switch come on switch you can do it we believe in You I should probably turn off the heater too it’s getting kind of hot in in in my office as well that probably isn’t helping of course now I got to download and then it’s going to say I can’t download but that’s just not the case cuz it works you got

120 just vibing just vibing dude I I wonder how how do you like show the how many frames you’re getting dude 99 points currently right now Shadow Knight that is what’s up you are on track and you’re spotless good to know good to know gam

Ethan how was my day crazy my day was fantastic how do you think my day was this is pretty much what I did for my day well I did a little bit of other things too but it’s still related to YouTube Um good just watch the stream yo that’s what’s up crazy it sounds like a really good day a fantastic day May I yeah I got to go do that while this is loading I’m going to I’m going to turn off this heater it’s getting hot yeah Hot oh gosh hey hero hey there what good high five Let’s uh clear up this weather here yo yo yo chill Chill Uh I don’t know I I don’t know look who it is it’s the minions tonight’s minions we steals the Moon yo what is good nugget welcome to the stream how we doing oh my gosh this man I need to get a new uh Power array GameCube switch

Controller what would be the best uh cleaning agent for I don’t know for like this material I don’t isopro alcohol maybe Probably I don’t know why it’s orange I don’t eat Cheetos is this live nugget I’m not sure I think so It might be live it it might indeed be live welcome back Shadow KN well fingers crossed here it’s this is all Hero’s fault I’m telling you it’s making me Crash It’s all your fault I can’t I don’t know what’s going on Sometimes some people make me lag like uh Pro Gamer or no not pro Lil gamer LL gamer makes me lag every time that I stand near them oh my gosh seriously are are you serious right Now go teleport home quickly quickly go teleport to home a oh gosh this has never happened before oh oh oh okay oh okay okay here we go uh nugget raid oh my goodness nugget raid thank you so much for the why do I look like Steve why do

I look like Steve I don’t know why but hey uh thank you so much nugget what are you guys doing um in the Stream uh how is is the stream going what you guys playing what you guys doing welcome in Raiders welcome in hello Jordan hello

Um uh bimbo 995 dream machine Dar and the rabbit uh g dog uh craft exian bro D Man Steve should not be busted moves like this man what happened to my skin bro dud why is it showing up here as like uh the actual like my skin why is it bro why is

It not loading here yo thank you so much for subscribing g dog and welcome to the community we’re just going to let we’ll just let the we just let Steve busted down here real real quick yeah I know you never know that never knew that Steve was chill like that

Right uh thanks for the pronunciation um craft Zen uh apologies please do forgive me um yeah anyone who’s trying to join and uh trying to get in here yeah just type an S&P in the chat and nightbot will be able to assist you with the rest

Just look out for those messages uh they nightbot will attack your name of course so um if you’re trying to join just do that um but also welcome in Leah uh to the stream how how was your guys’s uh stream what you guys doing appreciate you nugget uh

Yeah just sub dream machine thank you so much for subscribing welcome to the community uh mythical Sweep with the Super Chat we’re going to take it to the skies that is super for the Super Chat thank you so much uh mystical swep for uh donating for the dollar um oh my gosh

No way yeah FYI 50 likes and and uh hero is going to troll me really bad so if you guys want to see that happening uh he’s literally right behind me there I’m I’m trying to na try to try to go away like insanely like oh my gosh oh my gosh

No no no leave me alone leave me alone there’s a mad man chasing after me this is not good oh my goodness dude yo uh Freddy welcome to the stream um thank thank you so much uh for the kind words awesome like oh my good no no

No leave me alone yo there’s no way that we got 50 likes there’s just absolutely no way you guys did not smash the like button and there’s not 50 likes no no no there’s just not a way don’t let him troll me like this please no no guys no

50 likes has been achieved there’s just no no no no why no oh Penguins hey wait no you’re luring me in with pengu Penguins you cannot do this why don’t lure me in with the Penguins here oh gosh yo see look this is nice we can just we’ll just dance with the

Penguins here uh this is weird I don’t like seeing Steve do this um oh gosh here here yeah I feel like this is just a trap here um yo # 52 no no it’s not it’s not it’s not time no no no uh mystical oh I am so sorry

Mythic Mythic Mythic swep sorry but thank you once again for the super chat we’ll take to this guy this is a superhero here real quick um thank you thank you for the another $2 uh Dono um let me just go ahead and uh drop a like

There for that W in the chat yeah uh hopefully I said it correctly ly this time mythical uh swep right mythical swep please please tell me that I got it right please forgive me um that I mispronounced your username it happens to me all the time so I understand the

Feeling uh so yeah uh is 18 today on just donations my goodness what an absolute Legend um said it correctly this time yo I’m going to Pat myself on the back uh guys I I I can’t I can’t with this I can’t with this whole my skin not being correct uh what

What do I got to do to um what do I got to do to fix it I don’t know I want my skin I want my skin to load and also we got to get all you guys uh into into visit or out out of visitor there into

Member um yeah how do I do it how do I do It uh oh appreciate all the kind words guys you get points just by chilling in the Stream it’s as it’s as easy as possible you know like it’s so simple all you got to do is just hang out in this awesome stream you know it’s awesome because it takes one to know one

And each one of you guys are absolute awesome amazing Legends so of course you would know that the stream um is great and uh yeah you just sit back relax enjoy the stream gain some points it’s a win-win it don’t think it gets any easier than that uh so so yeah that’s

All that it takes right um appreciate all the the hearts I see as well uh beta waffle boy hey welcome to the stream beta waffle boy welcome in you’re I’m going to enjoy these potatoes yo you just subbed appreciate it welcome to the community FR you like this guy uh wait

What wait what who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you don’t need to hold up now Freddy no no no no no you don’t need to take any harsh actions like that you don’t need to unsubscribe from anyone else just to sub to me there’s plenty of

Viewers around here all right so uh just just say subscribe you there’s no reason to unsubscribe over there um and we appreciate you all welcome you in with open arms so well to community guys this is still so weird I’m I’m going to try

And see if I can’t like uh fix this real quick cuz like it it’s just too weird to to not see my skin like 50 like hype as well yo yeah all of you guys are absolutely smashing that uh the like button right there you don’t want me to eat your diamonds which is a good it’s a good thing yeah exactly Freddy there there’s plenty there there’s plenty to go around

There’s there’s no reason to take such harsh actions like that you know like uh what is my favorite Nintendo game I my favorite Nintendo game I’m might have to give it to Super Mario Sunshine for sure you know it was the first 3D platformer that I ever played

As a kid you know growing up so it’s got a special place in my heart love Sunshine Love sunshine it’s not for everyone but uh it’s certainly for me who yo why are we yeah we got to we got to pay respects for for the skin of course

Right um where am I from I am from the United States of America USA USA that is as far as I’ll go uh won’t won’t go any further uh than that for privacy reasons of course um put G I know gaming Ethan I know I know I know I’ve seen it before

I’ve seen it before just avert your eyes if you don’t like seeing it uh okay this this weird weirdness right here Um why are we saying F in the chat though like hey if you want to destroy it go for it go for it if if it is something that you aren’t necessarily like uh you you’re wanting or anything like uh just just go ahead and do that can you eat the

Penguins no unfortunately you can’t they they’re only for looks um as the Penguins really didn’t serve any function anyways you know from the mob boat they only made your boats go faster so it’s just kind of like they’re just kind of for looks uh but the crabs they they’ll be here soon

Uh still on the look on the hunt scouting the webs trying to find the good add-on um There Goes My Controller I found a very promising one they’re still trying to implement the actual functionality with the claw so they have the model down it’s just the

Claw that I’m waiting for cuz I want that functionality you know so because what’s the point of just adding in a crab if it’s not like you know so MK yo what is up MK Welcome to the stream you should build the fortnite battle pass I should shouldn’t

I I don’t even know how you would start to begin to to build a a fortnite battle pass though Peter Griffin will be there hey Peter hey Peter it is it’s all the way at spawn hamster uh bugga star uhoh that’s that’s not good um why you guys n everyone from nugget

What why why are you guys being so mean to your to your streamer huh why you guys being so mean to Him what did nugget do should I get a time machine and go back to the old days why there’s no there’s no fortnite in the old olden days though why would I want to go back there we go my skin is back and it’s oh it’s a whole heck of a lot less

Laggy too that’s that’s nice it’s smooth it’s smooth like butter now okay let’s go um you got to love hate relationship with nugget oh gosh what did nugget ever do to you what did the what poor nug nugget poor nugget um cords to the end that’s a good

Question now you see that one is going to have to be up to you um as you’re not part of the city yet so uh once you can be a part of the city then it’ll be much easier to be able to to get that those cords uh sand

V you are the star you are the star okay I don’t see Hero at all right now you know everything’s just another casual day inside of Minecraft you know um in fact I’m feeling quite peckish and uh I’m deciding to go to the Burger King so let’s just go to Burger King Burger

King um doesn’t pay his mods he deserves it I don’t know any streamer that pays their mods uh to be real it’s kind of like a forced uh volunteer work it’s like oh oh you’re a you’re a good member in the community there you go pal

Uh now you can now you can help out so um yeah yeah gamer Ethan if you’re trying to find out where I am you may have wondered why in the world is there a fox on the screen correct now not only is our good pal chubs up there just a

Fun streamer buddy to have but multi-purpose so uh multi-functional hiding my cords this is all intentional um as I don’t want you to get banned right like if you break the rules here you get banned permanently no take back SE so uh just keep on gaining up 500

Points I’ll ask you to confirm the rules you can get the rules by doing exclamation mark rules in the chat and nightbot will pull up my website for you and um then once you got 500 points bada bing bada boom We Get You teleported over here you let me know that you know

The rules and we’re smooth sailing so until that point just keep grinding keep Minecrafting you know Stack Up get some Diamond gear build a little starter base do what you got to and uh you know we’ll have a good time you know so all intentional uh By Design uh you know cuz

Uh we’ve been playing with these people over in the city for three years now and everyone has a particular play style and um the longer that you participate in the streams the more you’re going to understand that that play style but here we are at the Burger King uh the bar and

Seating is upstairs fancy very classy I’ll I’ll sit here patiently patiently waiting yeah yeah the fox I love foxes uh IRL Minecraft all of them you know um yeah of course dude why what else is there to care about you know when there’s fortnite in

The world to care about I I feel like I feel like my priorities are straight you know like why would I want to go back in time when there was no fortnite like come on now like literally like fortnite fortnite is everything fortnite is Life okay obviously you know like there’s

More to life and such in like modern day you know there’s YouTube there’s the internet there’s all sorts of stuff but you know what I mean like why would I want to go back in time when I love the present cuz the present is a present so that’s why it’s called the present

Um no no no MK website doesn’t have malware in fact it’s just the Google sites anyone can make them you know uh they’re just free websites and such don’t think that you can put anything on those I don’t think Google would allow it to be published if if they uh have

Those trackers or or whatever on them cuz uh you know it’s part of Google’s to so anyone can make them um foxy FNAF oh yeah yeah yeah foxy and FNAF awesome one of my favorite characters along with mangle um my life is more important than modern video games yeah I know that like

I’m just I’m just playing around here Adrian okay I hope that you can pick up on the inflections in my voice that I’m not being 100% genuine when I say that all that I care about is fortnite um if not then that should clear things up Um yeah yeah dude a bar a bar there uh wait what is that taken eight is fire yes yes um it’s actually a pretty cool system you like that system really Freddy oh yeah um what my stream stream schedule like uh it’s nonexistent as I had a stream schedule before but um I

Kind of just look at uh YouTube’s analytics and there’s a feature built in there that uh says uh when you guys are online so I usually just base it off of that and that seems to work out much better than having an actual stream schedule that can fluctuate as people’s

Lags change and such like sometimes you guys might get more busy and everything so it’s just better to follow that so I just go live when the majority people are online and uh seems to work out right so uh you know uh like cuz like I like literally I did

Have a schedule but then like it didn’t work for some people and then no one was there and I’m like what’s going on and then I’m just like you know what I should just stream when people are online and that seems to been working so

Just hit that Bell so you can get a little noty of when I’m live you can join the Discord and get get an extra little noty uh if that’s something that you’re interested in so um yeah yeah if you’re having issues joining the game uh you can type in uh

Question mark SMP uh all one thing no spaces that’ll pull up a little short little YouTube short tutorial so all that information is going to hit your dome in 60 seconds or less you know so it’s not going to take any time out of your day if you’re still having issues

With that then um you know we are on YouTube You’re Just One search bar away from finding out any of the answers that you have in life so um just hitting that little search bar how to join a Minecraft realm there are some tedious bits that uh you might have to do with

Your Microsoft account so and I am not good at explaining that it’s much easier to watch a video just walking you through it than uh me try to explain so um yeah um absolutely MK I’d like to think that it’s a pretty solid SMP it’s like

Every other one you know we got to deal with the bad apples every once in a while you know hackers and Griefers and such but we do a pretty uh diligent job at removing them as soon as possible and uh you know with your guys’ help you

Know reporting people and and such makes it really easy so yeah yeah is a Bedrock or Java this is bedrock this is bedrock uh name also welcome to the stream name hopefully all as well and you know if you have Java and you are enjoying what you’re seeing

So far liking and subscribing and doing all this free stuff does help out a ton because the goal is to be able to get a Bedrock Java server at one point and all the free support goes a long way so um yeah name if you need the realm code

Just type an SMP in the chat nightbot will be able to assist you with the rest just look out for your name being tagged by nightbot and uh you know just you got to do a little reading but you know I think I believe in you I think you can

Do that that I think you can do a little bit of reading um and you’re good to go smooth sailing right there smooth man you see like literally like dude there has been there is there is actually nothing to worry about there is there is no trolls I was like I was

Worried for nothing you know I can’t I cannot believe it you know it’s awesome made it in nugget yo that’s what up uh let’s uh what is what is your what’s your what’s your username then um Hello Penguin are you going to dance Dance with Me Dance with Me penguin

Yes oh yeah nugget is in oh really there you are there there you are uh let’s just make sure that you are in uh there you go visual lays visual lays let’s go say hi had a nugget two nugget yo what is good nugget hello hello there nugget on

YT and uh uh waffle bet a waffle boy hello hello what’s good look at that thank you so much for the raid Nugget in fact you know let me uh this let me just go there real quick um where there we are nugget y I’m oh I’m going subscribe you seem like a chill seem pretty Chill yeah legit wait uh yo gamer Ethan you made a terrible base hey that’s okay you know a base is a base right um and a base may be terrible but it is functioning uh you know function over Beauty and that works look at y’all go look at y’all go you’re

Already straight to work straight to business oh come on crazy you know you know exactly you know exactly what to do here on how to join oh yeah you don’t know how to read that’s crazy then how do you read your own messages mhm yeah well if like if you don’t know how

To read then that’s uh that’s that’s going to be an issue there I I I I can tell you that much like uh you won’t be able to read the code then to be able to type it in um if you don’t know how to read so

Uh yeah you know how to do it you know how to do it uh yeah sure Shadow let’s go check it out let’s go check it out uh Billy Hall yo what is Good Billy Hall welcome to the stream how we doing yeah if you want to join just type an SMP in

The chat and uh nightbot will be able to assist you at the rest just take a little look out for your name being Tagged so where you at oh gosh there’s Shadow KN but now all your profile pictures are load in that’s what’s up uh yeah this is the latest version of

Bedrock as you can’t play on any other version on Bedrock won’t let you join oh oh so you did end up deciding to uh what is that is that b salt hey oh so you finished up the house looking good looking good um can you make slabs out of that material unless

You wanted to keep it like that you know like you keep it like that right um but if you could make slabs and look at all the pandas at the panda sanctuary you know we gota we got to say hi to the pandas that one always

Scares me it always freaks me out it’s always it’s always scary you know uh oh is it break time I got to take a break yo appreciate y’all what would I do without you guys uh thank you thank you let’s take a little stretch break I’m going stand up this time stand

Up for the stretch break server lag is’s killing you you try to feed your cows some wheat but it’s so laggy oh my gosh I know do we love this we we love we love the we love the realm lag we do isn’t it just beautiful isn’t it just so great it’s

Like my favorite thing in the world it’s like you know like if I didn’t have the realm lag in my life I think my life would be uh it would have uh negative 48 RIS points and I would get sent back to Ohio So I need it I need it I live off of the realm lag it gives me Substance good stretches join me guys if if you’ve been playing for a minute please literally if you’ve been playing since the start of the stream like uh put down that controller put down the keyboard and mouse stretch those hands drink some Water hydrate hydrate yourself vroom vroom huh huh vroom vroom what is this oh wow that’s cool Discord server that I’m in about this beta game that’s being worked on is getting some progress oh I’m so hyp going to beta test it h so exciting what is this book what have you

Given me Mr Smooth 444 welcome to the stream what what is going on uh uh please uh refrain from the foul language please and thank you you know we keep family friendly right um don’t need to send the mods out you know to find your low and tickle your toes or nothing right

So you already know you already know yeah Lady Gaga Oreos what’s good Abraham welcome back uh you are back hey where did hero go I wonder where he went I think he’s plotting in schum cuz I think he’s still on right now should go try to find

Him there’s floating fire in front of you that’s cool did you take a picture of it oh gosh don’t worry about it oh no what is he doing no what is he doing what is he doing that’s not good that’s not good oh I don’t trust this one bit oh I

Better go to my house here where’s my house where did it go my dementia’s kicking in I can’t see a thing where did my house go oh no break any rules in this dream you’ll find I will find you and eat you like I eat the diamonds don’t want that to

Happen okay I’m telling you telling you so um oh that’s uh that’s interesting should have been off my BD oh can’t break blocks thanks for letting me know boom there you we go fixed it’s all good uh where is hero is he in here no uh

The I don’t know can I get up on top of that Building let’s see let’s do it this is man this is uh this is getting scary guys let tell you what the plotting and scheming you know I will do I I’ll get I’ll get back at you Hero whatever it is I’m going to make the Ikea you know and

I’m going to name it Heroes Academy okay so uh that’s the next build guys we’re making an Ikea all right and um uh we’ll be named Heroes Academy you know we’ll know it as both like it it’ll be known as uh uh H said I’m not stealing I’m adapting I’m adapting hey you’re so right you’re so right 100 days 100 Days I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry oh gosh oh gosh whatever the plottin in scheming is oh now I really fired him up oh boy guys and I should just dig myself my own grave at this point here lies nin it was a good run from 2020 to

2023 where are we going to put this grave ooh uh it says not found um yeah make sure that you’re typing in that code exactly how you see it uh we call that case sensitive um so if it’s capital is got to be capital for lowercase must be lower case and if it’s

Number well hey heck you already know uh there got to be a number so um try that should work who likes the Lady Gaga Oreos never had them before uh but I want to I want to have them um ooh nuggets nuggets nuggets you’re in such a um interesting perspective uh

Here you know uh cuz you did uh do a raid I am so conflicted here as like as this is a fellow a minecraftian a fellow Pro somebody who should be able to speedrun the game in in uh 4 seconds here uh you know I’m feeling nice you

Know here you can have all of it you can just have a nugget you know it’s only fair you know you better here take it all take it all all of my food uh there you go and I’m Off oh man d plot plot in and schem in here it’s I don’t know I jump scare You sorry sorry about the bumping the mic there apologies apologies to your Ears I think the Lady Gaga Oreos got this wait wait they’re not they’re not discontinued let’s go okay I can’t I can’t it’s I got to see I got to see oh gosh what is this what is this oh no not that again oh gosh No don’t make me do it don’t make me do it don’t make me do it I already know now I already know s you yo what’s good welcome to the stream how you doing well I suppose in the metime we could go check up on the um the dock

Because there’s a boat there so I want to see the progress of this uh of the boat let’s do it it’s a good long journey too give plenty of time Oh yeah names so the claim seller great question um not super important to know right now but all the information that you need is um inside of the mobile uh that is just Redstone and some ir and uh everything that you need to know is there unfortunately the land claims are

Currently still not working so um they’re only still on for those who uh do have working like had land claims because those still work uh you just can’t unravel and get new ones but yeah basically everything you need to know is inside here in the tutorial so craft the mobile right like so

Then you can learn everything that you need to know right here for uh when for when it’s going to work again um how do I know what version you’re in uh you just as long as it’s updated to the most current version of Bedrock then you’re in the most current

Version of Bedrock so just check your app store or wherever you downloaded Minecraft at and as long as it doesn’t have an update you’re in the most recent version Bedrock you can’t choose what version you’re in so um if you have that ability to choose what version you’re in

Then I believe you’re in Java so uh another break time here is it just me or is the North Sea shorts uh just so addicting um I never heard of them before maybe I have to take a look I’m trying to make my shorts the most addicting thing that you’ve

Ever watched in your entire life and I got to go get potatoes I can’t make this journey without potatoes Um I don’t think you can change your version on PC when it comes to bedrock not to my current understanding and knowledge it might be available um I know Hero’s on PC is it available is that possible to do hero is it possible to change the version on

Bedrock yo what’s good Jack the gamer welcome back or welcome in do I have one block of Glowstone King fry I don’t I don’t I might I might uh no I don’t I don’t know where it is uh yes but it’s very difficult okay so it’s not like Java so technically you

Can uh it’s probably like deleting updated version like deleting the updates in the file most likely that’s like my understanding probably of how it’s done whereas uh I I think you can do that then anywhere um I’m not sure how to do delete actually I think you can delete updates on the switch

Too um cuz you could delete updates on the 360 so it’s like you should be able to delete updates then but then you wouldn’t be able to join Realms anyways because it would be like you need the most latest version to join reals you’ll kind of join reals

With this old version and it’ll force you to update the game so uh yeah y what’s good Noah welcome to the Stream whoa oh it’s just you a frog oh I like that I like having these little posts around a lot more maybe that’s going to be the new look having those posts Everywhere this is so painful having to walk all the way no more Sprint so Slow but at least it’s just right over Here I’ll get there eventually some There There we go I believe there’s even potatoes here there shouldn’t be or there’s glass smelting see if it’s been cooking up it has wait what you don’t need to be in the chunks anymore somebody didn’t replant that makes me very upset he spaghetti who didn’t replant I think I know who did it I think I know exactly who did It they’re not on right now though Uh dinner replant Yeah um yeah MK so if if there is no way to be able to join um in that way for the member and such uh there just isn’t any other way that I can um add you and if there is um I’m probably not going to do it

Too as there’s been over a 100 people in the past 2 days who have been able to join the realm flawlessly um so it’s definitely something on your end that you’re doing incorrectly um whereas you know and like if there’s a uh you know like over a 100

People who are able to join with the code then you know um oh wow what just happened there like it just like the realm just just oh gosh dude I need potatoes I need potatoes okay I can’t I can’t do anything without Potatoes King fry is having technical difficulties uh you want to video on the SMP uh but it’s uh kind of confusing how so how so what are you struggling with can you just can you give me something can you just dude I need the I just need potatoes like I can’t

I can’t do anything I’m just a humble potato farmer trying to get potatoes why did do This uh Yeah Daven oh potato Gods give me the strength to beat dream exactly what do you got potatoes I can’t do anything without the potatoes see whoa oh that’s just your feet oh did you oh here it is it didn’t it didn’t load look at how it looks on my

End oh you gave me that you gave me the moobloom steak Yeah the moo texture it doesn’t work oh there it is there’s the there’s the cook steak or the cooked beef it’s it’s I don’t know why it’s cooked beef for bedrock and steak and Java oh you know Ser your brother now

Get out get out huh get out of where what are we doing what’s going on why is there crying obsidian here don’t cry don’t be sad here high five what fine I will I’ll just go build my own City somewhere else Then I’ll just go I’ll just go make a brand new city then fine with with with The I shouldn’t say that a bender phrase if you know you know well all you need to put in the description just copy and paste everything that you see there uh yeah like uh the the example text below you do need to to have um you know that

Stuff there the the uh disclaimers and stuff about the logo if you’re going to use it as that’s part of the license agreement that I have so I just don’t want you to get in any trouble if you’re going to use it but you don’t have to use it

Um yeah just reread it you know it’s pretty you know simp simplistic It’s pretty Simplistic look at your base gaming Ethan yeah sure just remind me what your username is in Minecraft can’t move your stuff in the inventory uh try moving out of the chunk that you’re in right now sometimes that happens sometimes the chunks can be a little bit uh quirky at

Night so uh leaving leaving leaving that one chunk that’s uh causing you some issues um get into a new one should be Good uh I will join you here gamer gamer Ethan in just a second okay let me go on my little journey here ah yes yes so just uh you know review all the things once again uh Shadow night and um you know it’s all pretty clear it’s all pretty clear uh

And laid out there for for how you’re trying to do it and such so just double check and uh reread you know read it thoroughly carefully words aren’t just there to be words you know like uh you know I don’t just to have them there to have them There and I think you should be you should be good to go yeah Yo what’s good Tails welcome to the stream that we doing y’all like cow simple L simple L all you you just like cow hey can’t blame you oh man dude this is is struggling right now what does that say mob grinder oh cool Somebody went here and like uh redid

Everything how are yummy indeed indeed absolutely can just type an smpp in the chat and um nightbot will be able to assist you with the rest there so just look out for night pod’s message when they tag your name okay finally yo these chunks are actually pretty nice I can actually eat in Them To the boat to the boat to the boat what’s going on with the Game Uhoh bro I have no idea I have no idea what’s happening right now It’s all glitchy though that’s for Sure oh oh I can’t even see why haven’t I lose like any like saturation or hunger here we go finally finally let’s check out this Boat oh where’s the boat oh it’s right here nice still has some work left to Do what’s going on here what are you doing here what are you doing in here what the uh oh gosh dude no no it can’t be no no no no no no KY no ah I’ve kidnapped your white foxes you must complete the parkour to bring them back no no the white fox no they’re kidnapped I see them they’re trapped oh gosh I’m trapped I can’t leave this place oh no not the parkour oh gosh oh my gosh oh jeez oh no all right

Well oh here it goes oh jeez can I leave this box I can’t leave this box uhoh sure sure sure uh let’s do it let’s do it there’s still there’s a little uh Gap here but wait here are you sure that’s a good idea are you sure you

Uhoh dude here you better get in here quick oh bro dude you better get in here oh you better get in here quickly are you sure are you sure that’s a good idea man is your voice okay oh gosh I’m scared dude this Discord is

Really jumping at me on on Mac here okay uh let me I got to make sure that everything’s working here oh my gosh yo and I never upload yo you got another uh another fan art oh my goodness my apologies we’re going to have to get

That here too here soon let’s just make sure that all the settings are right I’m scared I’m nervous it’s going to this is the evil The Arc uhoh don’t worry don’t worry get it get in get in oh yeah there’s some art there is Fan Art um

Okay let’s get this fan art going real quick uh as I do I want to show some support here for the hard work and I am just making sure that I have all my audio settings too Hearts okay uh let’s get the fan art going I don’t think all of my audio

Settings are right so I got to switch them all add BR boom what here we go boom there it is look at this from I never upload check it out oh yeah I need to get a Blazer like that you know or what is that is that a Blazer something oh yeah

Y what’s good chamber of gaming welcome to the stream all right now uh do this and do multi output um I got to do the sound settings here Mac is goofy dude Mac be goofy uh okay so I show you output multi output awesome okay I think

I’m all set I I think I’m already I got it all set up guys you’re going to have to let us know if you can hear hearo uh hello hello can you hear me yo what’s good what is good all right having me around right now say

Tell say your normal thing that you say to see if they can hear you hey hi hello how are you can you hear me hello hello no no no I don’t remember with the bananas and the toes don’t remember dude come on you know would you rather have toes for

Bananas or you rather have toes for bananas or have toes as bananas or bananas as toes I forgot about that one dude okay man Minecraft isn’t wantan to work for me anymore uhoh why why is that the case how many is some reason it’s not want to join your real go

Quicking I know like it wasn’t full and I went to join and it was just on the like joining thing for the past like five minutes I was like gosh dang it who’s excited for New Year’s oh I am I can’t believe tomorrow bro toes as bananas yuck yuck you’d rather eat toes

Bro they’re both terrible choices to be Fair oh gosh you’re not sounding good still all right uh we’re vibing this is nothing compared to what it was if you say so I worry about you okay I worry about you too man dude I had a dream I told Kiki I had to tell

You about this I had a dream last night that like you were playing Minecraft with viewers and you had 400 plus viewers oh my gosh right and like you had over 100,000 subscribers oh my gosh and so I was like apparently you got raided or something and so I was like

Typing in your chat and no one else was talking in chat they were all playing Minecraft with you you know uhhuh so so I tried talking to you in chat and like you weren’t answering my messages on Discord or my text in chat and so like I

Was so mad at you bro and I woke up in the middle of the night mad at you and like I I I woke up and unlocked my phone and went on your channel I was like wait a minute it was a dream oh gosh dude

Yeah no I would never do that like hey dude it’s not wanting to work for me I keep trying to relaunch Minecraft here let me help you out here oh lord it’s break time it’s break time yeah see it’s showing in the chat that I’m coming in and out but not letting me

Join it’s crazy yeah don’t worry don’t worry I got at you now everyone’s going to say something uh oh everybody’s about to be like what the heck bro how dare you Roose you had a dream with married Squidward I had a dream where I married

Bro what a dream that would be what a dream legit take out the trash Yes dear oh my gosh yeah guys I spent all day dealing with SpongeBob and then I come home to deal with you that should be the reward though right sure whoa no whoa no that hey hey hey

Don’t be disrespecting my mods like that come on now um oh by the way you’re talking about I don’t know a single YouTuber that pays their mods uh the only one I’ve found is lwig no way lwig pays it uh uh any donations from uh uh chat goes to his mods really

Y yay I’m in I knew that would work okay yo what’s good as send welcome to the stream okay all right here is the challenge do you want your white foxes back I do I want them back this is Hero’s villain Arc right here guys I’m breaking the borders complete

The parkour whenever you’re ready all right I mean there’s still going to be realm lag so all right here we go slow and steady parkour parkour parkour parkour parkour oh my gosh I thought you were going to fail already okay okay parkour dude that is so laggy I can

Feel it already I feel the lag I don’t know if I’m going to be able to make this oh my gosh dude oh my gosh the lag no oh my go okay oh dude there’s just no way I’m making this one it’s not going to happen every time you die I’m just

Spawning you back here dude okay well that works for me okay oh no not a Neo Geo isn’t that what it’s called I got to go all the way back yeah man dude I suck at these oh okay I even gave you a shortcut with a ladder right here on this side

Bro oh there’s a ladder right here I made that super easy for you oh well I didn’t go I challenged myself all right so right here you get to choose your path when you get over here you can go this route or this route uh uh

Uh I don’t know chat help me out here which one left or right which way should I go uh put a one for left put a two for right let’s see two right three there’s no three why op why do you do three three isn’t even a

Choice well three is an extra one so they’re saying one okay uh uh there’s ones this looks like the right path but 57 this is kind just is split down the middle dude it is it’s so split jump is three no then I got to start all

The way from over there you realize that there’s Ram lag if he goes down I’m spawning him back at the very beginning if this there ain’t no checkpoints in this yeah there’s no checkpoints 4 69 deaths what are these numbers what okay uh it wouldn’t make

Itting the fox is easy it’s too oh for sure it didn’t make it easy yeah but what’s in one okay that one’s probably a joke that’s just a a troll you get in there and then it’s like haha there’s just a sign in there you thought it was that

Easy oh no both both will take you to the same conclusion oh I’ll tell you that right now both will take you to the same conclusion oh well if that’s the case no no ah a I got Bamboozled I should have went too oh yeah both are completely completable in every

Way we’re going too guys we’re going too no you fa the very beginning it’s not my fault it’s the realm lag Okay goodness okay guys here’s the here’s the dream speedrun okay put it on the [Laughter] music that’s not it that’s not the dream speedrun Music oh my gosh we’re going to do this we got to we got to bamboozle and trick up our sleeves here we’ll just camp at the top okay here’s the winning strategy wait till there’s an Enderman right then we kill said Enderman and we use said ender pearl to make it

Okay and what if I slash kill all don’t I just Uh guys I don’t think I needed to go through all the trickery that I went through I think this is hard enough for him hey hey hey oh great now it’s Snowing oh my goodness okay no I feel like I need to make this path harder no no no no this is hard enough no no no no no no it’s good no don’t make it any harder okay wait no no no no what if it’s neither in the foxes or

Somewhere else rwood shut [Laughter] up I’m kidding I’m kidding is that hero I hear with what’s good DJ Wells what’s up what’s up it is indeed hero I wouldn’t be that cruel men you know I I understand how you feel about your foxes I I would never I would never

Put you through this for no reason bro bro I don’t know what happened there I forgot you prob to stut a bit yo this is not good okay okay can iing if I replant right nope can’t do that yeah I in my opinion it’s not okay okay let’s do No I don’t think this is okay finally all right we’re going this way and he’s back okay we made it okay okay dude I’m going to get bamboozled I just know it he’s heading up head oh oh he’s steady there’s traps up here I just know It I know there’s going to be something I’m looking for It oh heck no no what does that say it says your foxes are fine hey I read it I read it your foxes are fine they’re cheating I’m not cheating I’m using my resources that’s not cheating it’s called see Rose would knew it ah okay I’m not

Cheating I can read it from there without without the the telescope give me the spy glass no give me the spy glass no no because of that you have to go with option two now ah or option one whatever that one was I have kidnapped your white foxes you must complete

Parkour to get them back what oh gosh but option you access to this path now no for cheating I didn’t cheat I didn’t cheat is that cheating guys that’s not that’s that’s that’s using your resources not cheating I am the game master and the game master decides what’s cheating or not Fine okay can we at least make it daytime sure make it daytime okay okay uh Super Mario Sunshine skills don’t fail me now you called on the wrong God man uh only up in fortnite Gods help me only up I channel the essence of only up

You got to pray to ninja no no why would I ever pray to ninja that but that is never that’s never done me any good Mur them with no shred of remorse blood thirsty and ate hate them perhaps okay okay speedrun it Okay made it here yeah it’s hard to do those Neo jumps with controller I I did it once okay it’s much easier with keyboard and mouse okay what is this all there’s the Tom Foolery somewhere here what do I got on my uh Arsenal here the fox

Okay okay and you might tried it tried it come back to me tried it Trident hello uh what else am I missing here oh okay look at things from a different angle there you go let me just just are you trying to look at what’s in

There no I’m not trying to look at what’s in there oh gosh how do I do it you you did the Neo it’s the same thing man is it no it’s not it’s not the same thing it’s not you lied why would you lie to me like

This it’s not the same thing ah quick Quick oh okay yes finally I last yo I’m cranking 90s okay a dang it we had this is what cheating gets you this is what cheating gets you oh I’m sorry hero I’m sorry hero say hero you are so much cooler than Me hero you’re so much cooler than me can I get a checkpoint Now boy please did you die gosh dang it I didn’t see where you I didn’t see where you died at so you got to start at the beginning bro no I died at the checkpoint okay hey you know sometimes you got to practice your parkour skills anyways So look at that oh gosh okay all right all right all right look at that becoming a pro her just wants me to get good at parkour that’s all exactly bro exactly okay all right now think about it it’s the exact same as not it’s not it’s not though

Okay uh I did it so I know you can do It okay I didn’t do it that time okay you you prove it that this can be done ah my microphone is touching my wrist now so it’s throwing off my balance I had it and then I let go of shift for some reason I don’t think you I don’t think you’d be

Done yeah but did you see how many times you did that like okay it I got to have there’s got to be a checkpoint here fine checkpoint here okay but no cheating no cheating no cheating checkpoint here oh oh gosh so close that I know I know I heard the

Ladder dude I heard the ladder can I try to parkour go tell you what whens it anyone that wants teleported up here I’ll teleport up here to try no actually here I got to veto that oh yeah cuz I’m by never mind guys but we can structure block it and move

It somewhere else yeah yeah So well we’ll move it over to spawn or something for you guys okay we’ll put it lower down so you don’t die every time and stuff like that if we can figure out gosh man man I can’t believe I was so close that one time like oh dude I’m mad

At my come on you got this come on Never Back Down never what never give up okay how did I do it the last time okay I’m using a GameCube controller too by the way like oh my God d a GameCube controller I’m using a game keep control

As soon as you touch this ladder you need to crouch okay oh man you almost had it you didn’t get yes Rosewood yes I’ve been saved I’ve been sa I’ve been saved yeah okay okay uh oh oh oh oh oh oh what do I do do I

Do move forward move to the middle ladder there you go now you’re Uper no whates no no there’s the other ladder I see [Laughter] It oh my goodness dude no okay okay all right there’s like barely any room though I can’t see okay how do I do this same way you did the last one no no no no no the last one had more space this one only has two oh gosh see there’s not enough

Room thank goodness going to die what are you offering for a checkpoint at that one I will give you all this gold I was going to use it dude I have creative mode I don’t need gold yeah but I need the gold that’s fair you pay a price um let me

Think open your inventory open your inventory this gold was not cheap cost 41 diamonds to get all this gold I want this hacked Book what’s your pickaxe enchantments no he said no no no I will pass on on the parkour or the checkpoint pickaxes stay on me okay tell you what if you don’t make it this time I’ll take the gold and you’ll get that checkpoint okay here let me

Make it daytime and weather clear first okay oh there you go no ah dude that was so close oh my gosh 60 likes thank you so much guys all right give me the gold okay the gold is yours I really need it too cuz it’s for the project that I’m making

Oh me take the gold I’m trying to give it to you take it just pick it up already qu taunting me it’s lag dude it’s so rela look I’m not lagging at all but every time I try to pick something up it’s like no okay all right finally penguin

Penguin oh one lives one dies you decide oh dude it’s got to be it’s it’s a trick Question ah dude this is too hard dude why would you make me choose between a penguin and a fox they’re so cute look them in the eye when you do it be a Man a penguin there’s like 50 of them by the melons choose your friend does it matter which one it does not matter which one okay one of them just has to die one of them has to die oh dude I haven’t killed a penguin once yet have you killed a fox

Yet no I haven’t killed either one I killed goats I don’t care about killing goats I don’t care about you’re not leaving that room as innocent as you went into it no oh I can’t decide which one which One which one’s giving me the most bombastic side eye look at me penguin look at me this fox is looking at me kind of sideways penguin penguin hey penu look at me You have less of a bombastic side Eye a no but now he’s sitting a he sitting that’s too cute what but this guy a he can’t even look at you he’s so scared if you kill the fox you got to wait for it to look at you they got be looking at you man well

The fox won’t look at me to be fair every time I try to get a good swing there they’re both which one are you taking out well look at him he doesn’t look at me he keeps turning away oh and now the penguin the Penguin’s the only

One that’s actually looking at me hey penguin penguin get move hold up penguin get over here come here you get get get in here okay well you’re the only one who’s actually staring at me so oh I feel like a monster what have I done I don’t want the experience Water below take a leap of faith okay Fox let’s go leap of faith oh that’s the Water I have blood on my Head okay well there’s the water we do this until you make It oh let’s go did you make it oh yeah there’s a lot of uh I didn’t realize it’s going to be like that like that I figured you’d most likely choose the penguin so I spawned the quite a bit of them down there penguins hey buddies I’m sorry I’m sorry forgive me I

Wash my hands I clean off the blood please forgive me all right do you want your foxes back yes please are they in here what the heck is this does this place look familiar n yes what if We no no no they were just right here the entire time it was all for Nothing I can’t believe it no stay back stay back Fox where you going they were here Goodbye hero you’re evil look I told you guys guys 50 likes I troll in I have blood on my hands I killed a penguin you killed a penguin and for what some arctic foxes that never left your Basement everything the whole my whole life is shattering before my very eyes Foundation of my Existence are you playing this on Nintendo Switch n is playing on Nintendo switch right now I Am oh hero dude we should go check out some people’s bases are you down I am so down to check out some people’s bases you okay you’re going to really like Taco’s base I just flew over to my base that I haven’t been at in so long dude it’s so

Long we’ve got Hades we got Poseidon and we got Zeus’s temples yeah I always called them the wrong things so I’m glad that you’re here to clear up the confusion also do you have uh that uh the bird poop block the DI gross no I never have that in my

Inventory no no no like like at the chests huh in the chests in wi chest where you mind at um I think I burnt it all honestly see like that’s what I was saying Taco we don’t keep that block around he needs a lot of it yeah bird poop goes trash

Yeah um let me check my slime farm I don’t even remember where I have that I know where the slime farm is it’s over by but I don’t remember what layer it is I found it uh yeah gamer e what is your username again guys it’s been a minute holy crap I

Forgot how much me and Screen Time Farm to this yeah not going to lie this might be what ended up causing so much lag dude I I mean dude there’s every single Farm in the game that you can think of here the the world size became 1.9 GB after its first week

Uh looking looking looking looking looking looking the lag is real slash game mode spectator I got to check my iron farm I don’t think that’s working anymore it’s been so long since I’ve been over here dude oh oh my Village are still alive in here what in the world

Is are you literally okay okay you are at spawn right here uh this person who’s living here this is not a good idea uh St is not a good place to live we are telling you right now yeah um this is literally right at spawn too like like right where you

Spawn do you see do you see this destruction all around here you realize this I mean I guess your base is only made out of dirt and such so who like copy and pasted a village over here dude uh probably Geto but yeah has to be Bro all right sorry I’m trying to check if my uh iron farm is going to start working again soon oh yeah that uh got kind of griefed yeah the thing is I don’t know how cuz like all the villagers are there yeah I don’t know yeah be careful guys um

So I would recommend moving somewhere else uh uh gaming Ethan just pick any loc like any direction just start running there for for quite some ways okay there we go my villagers are awake now oh yeah here are you ready to check out some bases though yeah give me just a few seconds

I’m going to try and see no worries if there’s any villager particles telling me that this thing is broken I mean they’re moving around they’re all doing their job you got to see this uh Temple there is a whole religion being formed and there’s a literature for it

Too we have gotten so much literature now that there needs to be a uh Library I don’t know hamster but uh I’ve seen it before uh it might be destroyed now cuz somebody took offense I think it was Gecko and that actually kind of pisses me off because I mean my iron farm is literally right next to it and he he knows like

Iron Farms can’t be within a certain distance of a Village uhoh this should be an easy fix though I’m going have to come in yeah I talked to him already about about it so yeah uh just give me a few seconds to break uh job things in this Village beds and kill these villagers out here I know

That sounds terrible but it is what it is yeah you got to do what you got to do and this wasn’t gecko uh how do you have access to structure blocks is all I’m going to say mhm no it was cuz uh we had like a lot of hackers on and I needed

The extra assistance to get rid of oh the lag in killing Iron Golems is ridiculous Dude ooh uh I don’t know if you remember the radius command or Not yeah I wouldn’t mess with it don’t don’t try if you don’t remember hey let me just uh uhoh let me help you out [Applause] here uhoh um where am I oh wait is wait a second uh that’s the m this is the oh Village that was just copy and pasted and over

Here is my iron farm where at I lost you this way what does this Say it’s funny that they turned this into something like cuz when I was over here I like I made this this is my build that I was using to make mud oh yeah for uh the iron farm oh yeah um yeah uh Taco we’re going to be

Checking out some some of your guys’ builds here soon uh just got to fix this up real quick take care of some business just dealing with stuff that people done did and we H hey don’t hit my buddy oh thr back to when I actually tried to play Survival

Minecraft we miss it you come back come back to survival Minecraft well come back to in in June slash game mode spectator uh when they make it so I can automate getting every item in the game including diamonds I will come back to survival because I’ve automated

Everything that can be automated and I’m bored of doing the same 30 Farms over and over again so well there’s so much more to it than just that than just the the Farms not for me automation is everything yeah and so the new uh automated crafter is going to be fun to

Play with oh for sure but how long until I get bored with that I mean there’s so I guess there’s not really that many use cases but it’ll be fun to check out right during the summer when the update comes out yeah all right let’s go check

Out some bases cuz it’s going to take a while before we know if that’s working or not okay let’s do it let’s go to Tacos first uh there there you have Taco at the end of their username you can just teleport okay hero tune in tendo

Let me know when you’re there I am wait wait we got to get the full effect for you this is okay I’m going to say it this is some screen time type build really yes okay is it environmental like kind of uh with the land and everything one with the land all that Yes there we go okay I’m here okay look let’s see it’s lone o yeah right dude okay I really with this I I would say it’s me until I see that it’s right next to like this kind of mixed with jungle and stuff like that and river and everything like by itself

This is a one day too yeah by itself it’s good but when you take a step back yeah it’s great look at the whole thing yeah when when you step back and see like the environment around it yeah yeah the the landscape in the background the

River at the front here like the whole thing comes together either Taco say uh is Taco the one that needed the diorite yes um lots of it what would you rate this build out of from a one out of 10 man be brutally honest

This is an eight out of 10 eight out of 10 yes you say that easily easily for this is a day this is the starter base you literally starter base thisit CRA starter base right right here this is an easy eight out of 10 like and it’s not even done yet that’s

Why it has an8 out of 10 if the windmill was completed it would be a 9 out of 10 all right where’s Taco at uh right in there how do I get in the space right there Merry Christmas Happy New Year there you go check it out got that uh

From you okay now now we should go to uh King fry all right let’s do It Che thiso to Nintendo okay this place it just makes me need to uh gain my Shak open my chakra Like all right I’m not going to turn around until you tell me to yes yes uh I think it’s this this way yeah yeah it’s this way okay so all of this that you see has been handcarved okay do you do you see all of this oh my

Oh my goodness yeah and then the the stairs they have um also in art on Discord there is a 3D render of uh the madeup creature that they came up with um for the Statue that’s all the way up here dude what in incredible Builders you have on your

Server I know they’re so creative I you got to read the books there’s like so much lore like and and this is the uh the the the god the God here great aapo the deep dark yeah do you have a copy they they have a copy yes give him

The books give him the books let him read take a take a little Gander like it is actually insane like sacrifice sacrifice sacri that’s what is me you should join like it sounds like you really want to participate in sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice not like literally it makes me just want

To open up my chakra here like and just it’s it reminds me you know oh oh it it’s truly a magnificent build I yeah there’s going to be there’s going to be a mats like meditation mats here I’m floating back and dude this mount mountain is insane I had to fly back to

Get the whole picture right handcarved dude let me tell you tailing down a mountain in tyroc craft for my hero Academy was annoying I could not imagine carving out a mountain to have a design yeah and uh the city there’s the city over here that Abraham had is literally so close too oh

Wow like uh if you teleport to me oh yeah I’m looking at it right now yeah so it’s literally right next to the Copper Golem Alliance city wow look look at this dude this is is this all him or is this several people it’s several people

Yeah W and there’s more of them too I stumble across them like everywhere in the world like these are only the known ones that we know about wow like there are secret ones that some people are are much more like reserved players they don’t like to make themselves known and they play offline

Like when I’m not streaming St you for book all right I’m on my way there you are yeah you got To yeah cuz there’s uh Skelly in um stuff cyers Island that’s like way off Like it’s just insane it honestly like it it’s so cool to be able to witness all this stuff like just take a gander at the Book do you have what yeah I’m reading it right now dude isn’t it isn’t it so Rich welcome back KO don’t say the words though dude I swear it’s like a it’s like Voodoo or something like don’t say it out loud interesting isn’t It ooh a hide and seek Map y good I’m not getting cursed I’m not letting you guys uh get C don’t say It attemps this they will die interesting oh yeah and there was a new player as send that got on and their first day they got full netherite gear he wants to make these too he’s he’s working on them okay that is wonderful do I get to keep

The book or does do I give it back to him yeah give it back to him I can give you a copy if you want it cool cool cool cool cool are you over here at the Village no no I I was right next to you

I was at this oh my bad no you’re good sorry I’m a sow reader I have dyslexia same uh where to I I went over here to Abraham’s Village yeah I wanted to actually get to look at this yeah I’m going to go back to where you are this is actually impressive

Got a crop Farm going on here looks like we got a starter start of a starter base going on here somehow oh dummy let me land and then you can teleport to me okay you’re good to teleport to me now okay yeah this is a place where a lot of

People end up stumbling across as well uh they’ve had their and and that is actually the very first uh land claim ever put on really yes uh this yellow one oh that’s Cool yeah so many people cranking 90s over here though yeah all these towers bro yeah and our cabin is still here nice let’s be nice I’ll I forgot we got a C cabin yeah I I’ll be nice I’m I’mma clean this up a bit be nice be nice there’s a lot

Of what a guy Guys oh I forgot to do the rate that build uh who who was that back there uh King fry is there like a massive like block you need or several things you need or anything like that find your statue oo challenge accepted okay if I can

Move deep slate deep slate um n uh on a scale of one to 10 what would you rate this build over here do you want to come back to look at it or yeah I’m going to go back there all right I’m over here if you want TP to me

H uh I would give it a 6 out of 10 at the moment six out of 10 if I’m going to be brutally honest you know yeah yeah yeah same same scale you uh uh judge the first one on uh-huh the same mhm which on one hand it

Isn’t really fair to say like yeah CU they’re two different things but just uh all right um if we’re including the book that would make it a uh 7.5 7.5 yeah cuz like it’s impressive terraforming here but there isn’t a lot of builds that are really like standing out at the moment

Uh like uh there’s just the the statues and then these towers over here so uh you know want to want to keep it you know I’m not going to sugarcoat ratings and such so all right do you need deep slate or Cobble deep slate just do deep slate or let’s

See oh yeah yeah we we we’ll take another look at it again cobbled okay get these out of my inventory went ahead and did Regular deep slate Cobble yeah Cobble deep slate because then you can make it into whatever you Want okay all righty who’s who are we checking out next I think uh Abraham wants to want to see did you know that wait what there was a time where Picasso and Snoop Dogg were alive yeah I knew that Picasso like everybody like thinks that he was like

Around with like all the really old artists but he’s actually pretty modern believe it or not I like it Picasso I like it Picasso so uh shadow shadow would I think Abraham wanted to uh to go there first so it’s a cool kid we go all Right I’m fighting with whoever oh gosh here are you good yeah I’m all right okay it’s just my throat getting used to talking this much again yeah don’t don’t push yourself too hard this is the latest build from uh Abraham this hotel are are you trying to tell us that

You need the emerald blocks is that the block you need a new hotel by cool kid new hotel I mean the the the scale at which this was built and like worked on is crazy just the scale alone in my opinion already puts this thing at an eight

Yeah lots of depth like literally I I went in there in one stream and there was nothing on the inside I come back like literally like two maybe an hour and a half later and it’s already filled with all the details upstairs so the rate at which this was built at

Is is extremely impressive dude interior yeah I have to know what block do you need man let let me know what block do you need maybe for your next project or anything like that what what do you need what do you need dude this is Massive this is a sweet it’s going to be a sweet yeah I got my Suite up there at the top dude this is dope get up to the suite oh um I’m going to have to give you minus points for it not being lit up enough see I got this sweet up here

Here I’m not my I give you more everywhere I give you more points cuz I have a sweet what what what’s your final tally man I I I’m still firmly sitting at an8 out of 108 out of 10 I wanted to give an eight out of 10 seven out of 10 is

Fair that would have put you at a uh 16 out of 20 I’m going to have to bump it down to a 12 out of 20 cuz I hear the googies everywhere and I can’t find them and it’s making me feel uncomfortable like if I was going to

Stay in a hotel I don’t want to hear googes everywhere I’m at yeah no Luigi’s Mansion here we’re not playing Luigi Mansion 3 and there’s this post office all right who who did this cool kid whose cool kid is that Abraham yeah that is true Rosewood yeah

Yeah uh cool kids Abraham all right Abraham what block do you need pick pick pick pick oh it’s under the hotel that’s where the googly are um scary I I don’t know if I could sleep comfortably at night though with the googly sounds know they’re kind

Of yeah it would keep me up at night literally like you can’t sleep there’s too many monsters nearby right I think he’s he’s cooking up what he wants he’s thinking yep Picasso Snoop and Michael Jackson all were alive at the same time take a pick what’s even more crazy

Is uh Cleopatra in the iPhone being in closer time periods than you would Think waiting on this man to tell us what blocky needs ah Abraham lots of torches no don’t say that lots of torches okay all right you’re get lots of torches if that’s what you want um what we end up going with 12 oh little break time we do stretch yeah yeah that was the rating all right there we go there you go okay um who on to the next one you have it your name Crazy hold on hold on shadow shadow Knight let’s do it one more to apologize for punching you to Shadow Knight oh yeah Shadow Knight lives next to a panda sanctuary just in time for K Fu Panda 4 okay here it is oo oo and then there’s all the

Pandas hold on everything’s loading in for me still I’m facing this direction I want to Mr I’m the no lag Okay let’s check it out okay is this all of it right here this little area yeah and then there’s uh this from okay wait I’m having a brain fart who was it again ah yes with the panda sanctuary but but button a button you know you better give

Some extra points cuz I help design that roof this one yeah no if we’re if we’re going to be really truthfully like uh like if it’s going to be brutally honest you’re probably not going to like to hear it um do you want the nice review or do you want the brutally honest

Review the choice is yours so I’m going to be I’m going to be brutally honest you’re is going to just be brutally honest I can be nice if you want me to be scale wise there’s no scale it it’s really small we can be honest there I I don’t think anyone Can somebody shoot a shotgun uh I don’t know I hope let me just turn off my light so that they don’t I’m hoping it was a firework but that sounded more like a shotgun it was probably firework you know it’s getting close to being New Year’s yeah that’s true um anyways um

But scale wise obviously small yeah texture I I love the buttons I love the pressure plates around it’s cute I like it but um and I will say this gives me 3:00 a.m. Minecraft Vibes oh for sure when you used to have like one or two of your friends stay over and you

All hopped on Minecraft together this is what you put together yeah you know it it’s given me old Minecraft Vibes mixed with new because we got the pandas well that’s not their base yeah but it’s in the vicinity so yeah but can we I suppose they’re a team we’ll count it we’ll count

It got to take away points one nether portal out in the open nether portal gets its own build Always Netherrack for the corners Netherrack is never used for building yeah and especially for the corners too like Cobblestone Corners are some more classic and take away points for that I think I’m sitting at excuse me like I’m G be honest Nostalgia wise I want to give this like an eight out of

10 but raiding on the base that we’ve been raiding on think about the other builds that we’ve seen so far exactly think about how like much texture and detail and depth and like I gota give this One let’s see the nice rating for Nostalgia would be an 8 out of 10 but the logist like The Logical rating that we’ve been giving everyone else it’s it’s sitting at a 2 out of 10 for me I just going with a four four out of 10 that’s a that’s more generous

See and you going to yeah I mean like I’m I’m sitting at a firm see crazy right in the middle of us three out of 10 yeah I I think we meet in the middle you’re going three out of 10 yeah meet meet it in the middle three

Out of 10 all right what block what block do you need what block do you need Shadow Knight let us know in chat cuz like I got to include the pandas in this area as well so yeah yeah you need what is that what version of quartz is that let

Me pick it up so I can what is that anyways it’s just regular yeah here let me give that back to you okay um now for the lower ratings some of the things that I could see for like uh Improvement would be more like um tying in cuz I don’t understand why

There’s this Cobblestone just right here around the door um like the the pallets being more thought out of and um adding some more depth when Windows would be nice adding some like uh um window seals will add more text like depth and texture to it and um

It’ll make it more inviting and warm like just kind of like coming up with a more of a theme it doesn’t feel like there’s too much of a theme going on yeah Windows definitely this is more of a starter base like once you get a full base going we’ll definitely they built

This yeah they built this today so like we’ll do it again we’ll come back here yeah come back and check out what you you’ve got going on in the future but definitely windows are a big thing and texture um a big thing between the roof and the

Uh what is this uh Spruce and Oak is kind of like the texture just it magically goes from Oak to this yeah so like just some more yeah tytin it in yeah so really what I would have done is something like this to kind of give it like a a

Shadowy feel with the roof something like that like obviously not exactly like it but just something so you you see what I mean though right in to kind of give it that shadowy feel oh yeah right here from the roof overhang I would even put a window right

There like so no no no leave that like that like I would even put a window like that right at the Front uh glass or glass panes uh go with glass paines all right this dude’s like why are you faing apart My he doesn’t want it he doesn’t want it like that like I I just I like having little Windows such just like that I think that is the floor there so yeah having a window just like that Boy I mean really you have a really tall ceiling like we we could bring this down one and still be able to jump yeah so oh yeah Jack I got you let’s try that real quick and check out what a cross window would look like

Up there see if you like it if not we can always change it back right here because you have a chest let me grab a [Applause] Slab Oak slab uh yeah name you have found a land claim uh unfortunately those are not working right now Though okay so I’m going to come up here throw this pain down and we will destroy this floor right here and let’s see what we Feel what we feeling do we like It let me See o loser Ooh I mean you know I’m super biased but I I I like having little Windows like that looks good to me Um I don’t know it just makes like for me it’s just like uh now it feels a little more inviting especially from like uh across if we go across from here and look at it from like a distance how about this how about this hold up hold Up look at this look at This pop these torches right there right there add logs between the spruce an oak yeah yeah add a like a support beam to like kind of separate the two colors yeah that’d be good that’d be good I don’t want to get stuck here too much I don’t want to do everything for

Them yeah yeah just a little bit just a little Improvement yeah this shows you like what kind of like the basics of what makes a good build yeah and then there can even be now I don’t have the right uh tool or block here but like having something to kind of

Like have a window seal type deal uh to to add just more depth like is a very simple you could even extend this logs out or not favorite thing for me to do as someone who’s not a builder yeah K we can do yours next let me grab

That I’m sorry to hear about that Jack the gamer unfortunately there’s like not much that I can do what is this oh yo that’s sick I needed feather Falling yes uh yeah yeah that’s good now you need some stay down trap doors some flowers there there one of my favorite things to do all right heyam you fixed the problems with the monster let’s go our words of advice is it’s working and you don’t have to do both of

These you know you you I would recommend doing one or the other having both it kind of makes it a lot a little much for like a small house if you do something bigger you could probably get away with doing both but for a small house this is

A little much having both of those right there uh I think it looks good with both it could be the um this could be Raised like maybe just half slabs Instead yeah either or I mean you have any slabs because then it can be a I don’t have any slabs on me actually I do have slabs um like I’m in creative Yeah that’s perfect that right there Is could be raised up one Yeah gives it depth mhm there’s multiple designs you know just throwing out some absolutely yeah you obviously don’t have to do all of these or have to do any of them you know when we leave maybe you can change it all back cuz that’s the

Way you like it it’s up to you yeah that that gives it a little extra feel throw some more of that down kind of randomly get some of these on fire and uh yeah I’d say you got a good nether portal yeah again me personally would always have a build around my what’s

Good uh Cub I don’t know how to say the right your username so don’t buter it and just come on through uh but two sounds good Jack sounds good it just looks nicer can you guys see me in the chat we can you cool excuse me yeah one type of wood uh

For this would be nice Taco I agree with you there as um it looks like you ran out of oak wood I mean I was here I I helped put the roof uh together that’s why they’re Spruce I gave him three stacks of uh quartz because that’s what he wanted so

Okay let’s um go to k now yep moving on where you at Ko you are KO you’re not even on we won’t be doing Kos next we will go back To I think It’s let’s see we’ve done King fry we’ve done Shadow night um we got we haven’t done spotless art we haven’t done Soul sniper haven’t done addin uh well I mean I don’t think everyone wants to okay not everybody wants to yeah it’s just like to whoever wants to

I got you I got you let me know M where we at ah I’m scared got spotless art here they’re doing some calculations to build their base looks like yeah this is I believe further away from this is pretty close to spawn still but it’s away from Spawn to a degree still would probably get like raid

Though uh I didn’t have breakfast so air air is what I had for breakfast um there’s a couple of builds over here so I think they’re okay oh yeah it’s just these builds get raided all the Time oh yeah these ones are blundered What did I have for lunch I didn’t eat lunch so I had Air um trying to think I had gei made me make us uh french toast for breakfast and then I don’t think I had lunch I think we just went out on our date at dinner time no I had chips and salsa for lunch o chips and salsa I bought salsa

Like two weeks ago two or three weeks ago and just kept forgetting to buy chips for it so we finally went out and bought some chips today so I couldn’t have it it was definitely spicier than what I was expecting but I loved

It yes uh don’t do as I do guys do as I say eat uh breakfast and lunch okay yeah breakfast and lunch are uh important I eat like three dinners So oh man this is the longest I’ve stayed up in so long Dude woke up at four no 5:15 yeah this morning guys hero and Kiki are just such a couple goals though like it’s not even like uh oh lucky it’s just you see them and you’re just like oh my goodness like they’re just so cute we we’re just that cute

Yeah and I love uh Kiki’s new V tuber too it’s a nice design she’s really been working on that huh yeah uh she put in a lot of effort into it oh yeah and um back when I was actually making a decent amount of money I was ready to drop uh

10K uh for to pay for someone to do it for her but she was she’s insisting she wants to do it herself it’s more she wanted to yeah it’s more rewarding then she she was like uh why drop 10,000 on it when I can do it myself now that she’s done it herself

Twice she’s like I want to drop $10,000 I was like too late now I’m not making that much money no More oh man uh I did hamster you needed even more bro I just came across this giant roofed Forest this dark oak forest and it it’s giving me mystical Vibes and I really want to pull like a good times with a scar and just make like a whole mystical uh Magic themed

Area did you see um good times with Scar’s build for season 9 of hermitcraft dude no oh my gosh it was insane man I have to check it out you are correct phom Fox that doesn’t sound good how did you get sick that quickly again dude uh you want to know something

Funny is it stream safe to say yes and you’re comfortable with sharing it on stream yes yes yes it’s all sa it so what happened was you know I went to the party the Christmas party with Kiki um and uh so much started going on my

Social anxiety kind of got the best of me so I went and stepped out back for a little while and while I was out back uh what the heck is happening here what sorry world generation is like just chunks are disappearing dude like it’s like regenerating the world

I don’t even know how to explain yeah I know what you’re talking about it’s like the world is changing in front of my eyes yeah yeah just like reverts the progress right in front of your eyes yeah yeah uh but anyways ended up getting strep throat

Cuz I was outside too long in uh below freezing temperatures um go to the doctor get antibiotics um take those I didn’t want to tell you until we were talking like on stream so I could tell you not on stream but talking in a voice chat so I can tell you how funny

This is okay finally feel better after like a week and a half of strep throat you know I’m like oh my gosh yes at at like right at a week I thought I was feeling good enough cuz I finished the antibiotics uh so I thought we could record uh that

Video or stream uh uh what I was wanting to do with you yeah um on fortnite yeah well uh ended up doing some audio test throat was still just so sore so swollen couldn’t do it uh so canceled on that about few days go

By I text you that I feel amazing dude I went around cleaned the whole house you know took his shower for the first time in like a week cuz it was the first time I could really even get out of bed um cuz you know I was just feeling like

Trash that whole week so finally get a shower get everything good um clean the whole house feeling good text you man I feel great yeah that night I’m like I don’t feel right something feels wrong next morning go back to the doctor H I got the Rona oh no the

Coco I got the Coco go dude that’s not funny I thought they were supposed to be a funny in that to me it was funny it was just like I feel so much better and then literally like 10 minutes later I’m like I feel like I’m

Dying our humor is so far from that that makes me feel bad not I don’t want to laugh at this oh man they’re sending you Hearts hero they’re sending you Hearts we all want you to feel better how you get the wrong um so where I’m living there’s actually

It’s going around like crazy again everyone’s been getting really sick recently yeah like my entire town is just and uh I went out into public like for 45 minutes and ended up catching that so stay safe guys it’s yeah especially during like this time of year like I’m not a big mask

Wearer you know once the Mandate went away uh I I stopped wearing the mask but ever since 2020 like when it gets cold out I normally throw a mask on again when I’m going out to a grocery shop or anything like that yeah honestly I feel like we should take up uh some

Inspiration from like Japan and like some of these other Asian countries that uh do wear masks and such like for all of our like respect during like you know cold months and stuff you know absolutely yeah during cold not even during cold months I still enforce the

Six foot thing yeah like if I’m in line and someone’s closer than like five to six feet to me I’m like yo back up yeah like I I’m that guy that I’m like you need to back up dude you’re in my space it’s just the respect thing I think like to just oh

Absolutely yeah that that’s my bubble dude no I can’t say China China I don’t stand with how they enforce things but definitely Korea Japan um and like surrounding areas oh yeah China takes it a little too extreme they have some good ideas on how to yeah handle that I really like koreas

Like south of course South Korea dude I think gecko permanently broke this and it’s actually frustrating me yeah uh I talked to him about it already about everything yeah it’s just frustrating me because like there’s nothing about it trust me trust me I know I know so fast like but I think he

Understands hopefully yeah it is what it is forgot to check out your post office uh yeah I guess we’re heading there it’s right by the hotel word word and did you see my Burger King Bell I spawned right in front of it when I got on

Really did did you see did you read uh the McDonald’s signs though didn’t I’m iead there in a second let see yeah read the read the signs that are inside of the McDonald’s it’s hilarious oh gosh oh dang you gotta got to plug in that switch plug it in

Okay why did it get so dark okay read read from left to right read it out loud oh God I don’t know if I’ll be able to without com okay it’s short it’s not long okay okay double mccluck made with extra hate live chicken if you don’t like this menu go

To the crappy Burger King because I don’t give me a freak and look my make FLIR drink Grimes shakes that’s not how you spell Grimace it’s okay Grimes Shake green drink Grimes Shack at your own risk Burger King no it’s it’s called Bunger King then you got some

Dyslexia what do you mean I didn’t put that sign there someone else those aren’t your signs no these aren’t my signs yeah okay waffle bro you got I have dyslexia too so I read it per like right like me too but I actually enjoy reading so my skill level has is above

Y’alls okay all right you guys can’t say that this does not just look like the The Source material I’m going to pull it up is legit it you see it you see it now when you when you have the picture right up next to it it looks just like

It I’m at Burger King with my burger Queen Blas for me it looks just like it come on guys you agree you agree Sero with the egg certified egg chat certified egg stream dyslexia 2 been diagnosed by my doctor oh man you guys don’t want to know everything I’ve been diagnosed with

Yeah we’ll just keep that off stream that’s personal information uh so many it’s not a competition hero okay it’s not a competition it’s in the double digits okay he said he’s got Lima he’s been diagnosed I got Lima still still love that that got like over 200 views bro I’m sorry guys it

Came down with a bad case of ligma someone tried to uh do the ligma joke and they spelled it wrong an outbreak stream I was just like dude no I’m no it’s my joke now like I just spel it right yeah doesn’t it look just like that Burger King picture though

Like that was the reference photo that I used I think I did a pretty solid job with the size and it isn’t like done I didn’t do interior and I didn’t finish the exterior just like the the front so sad Steve Jobs TI of Lima I love our Community D Steve Jobs oh man yeah guys never Change hav subscribed to Heroes Academy what did somebody say something guys literally if you’re not subscribed to Heroes Academy already what are you doing literally linked on the channel like it’s kind of mandatory it’s kind of mandatory you subscribe to him you got to subscribe to me you subscribe to me

You got to subscribe to him that’s how it goes I’m so hyped for when you’re feeling good and we can do that YouTuber Tycoon tree dude I’m so ready for that that’s going to be fun I was really wanting to feel good by Christmas that didn’t happen so I was like okay

Hopefully I’ll start feeling good again by uh New Year’s I don’t think that’s going to happen sadly no ha saying that truly hate saying that um cuz it’s only been about at a week since I got Co and that’s being generous so it’s probably going to be another week or so

Before I’m feeling better so I meant to say Coco cuz I know it’s okay I think YouTube’s kind of loosening up their grips but I’m not sure yeah so we got a we like I I said in a comment the other day someone was asking where my

Streams have been and I told them I want to be 100% so I can put out the best content you know like me sitting here talking to n and going you know yeah yeah you just uh put a I’m just kidding no we appreciate you coming on and stuff

Absolutely uh what is this uh gift check out the Watchtower The Watch Tower 2024 is better for me I low key didn’t have have a very awesome 2023 um I had a decent 2023 mainly because of the fact that I’ve talked to nin about of somehow I don’t know how I managed

To how do I say it um uh just I don’t know I like I was able to turn off the negativity in my mind and just be positive all the time yeah like I see the positive like why be negative exactly yeah like somehow I was like why be negative like even being

Sick I’m like you know the whole time I normally when I’m sick I’m like I’m dying I can’t do anything blah blah blah and like even though I’ve been in bed bedridden most of the time I you know I’ve been on the laptop doing research or reading or getting something done still being

Productive mentally or stuff like that you know so that that’s one of the main reasons 2023 was a really good year for me there was a few others you know getting engaged obviously and getting a house having my own office now somebody’s trying to find your channel

It’s linked on my channel Jack just uh go to the homepage and scroll all the way to the bottom bingo bango sorry yeah you’re good you’re um and yeah I don’t know I I just feel so much better after this year I feel like my life is finally

Coming together that falling apart in some ways but like not in a way that’s big enough for me to stress about and then finally excuse me finally finding like a balance with YouTube has been fun finding a niche in YouTube that I enjoy creating content about um and yeah that that’s kind of

Where I’m at and what about you nin how was 2023 for you uh it was uh it was a year like there was ups and downs but I feel like I became a Str a stronger person because of it like nothing special that like jumps out

To say it was a better year than other years or like there definitely was a lot of things that made it good and bad but like I said like I think the bad things happened to me for a reason and I uh became a stronger person out of

Them and um your uh whole mindset about just not being upset really was like it resonated with me I was just like you know what you’re right like why be upset just you know just don’t just keep your head down and stay focused back to me about this uh positivity later I’m

Intrigued yeah um I mean it basically boiled down exactly to what nin said me and him had a conversation and I just decided why why let 20 minutes why let one hour why let one day run you know your mood for the rest of the day week month year whatever you

Know uh sometimes you’re going to have a bad day sometimes you’re going to have a bad month sometimes you’re going to have a bad year you know don’t for me I’m like why let it affect you you know and I I know that’s such an easy thing to say

And like but again I wish I could explain how I just like flipped that switch I I don’t know myself but ever since I did that I mean I’ve seen a change nin told me he’s seen a change um I mean Kiki my parents everyone I know is pointed out there’s just something

Different I think it’s as simple as that I think it’s just like once you’ve heard it from someone that like you you can just be like why am I like uh you know feeling this certain type of way like just knowing that you can just think a different way and like you have

That ability is like enough like exactly like to just know that it’s possible yeah it’s possible to just you know if things are bringing you down in life and everything you ultimately have the power to look at that Outlook like you can look at it as

An uh a challenge to make you a better person or like everything but why Dawn on it for like what’s the point you know yeah for me it’s the opposite I was so positive but now this year lately I’ve been so negative and sad yeah I mean like I said sometimes

You just have a bad year it’s happened to me before I I hate it I’m not going to say I know exactly how you feel cuz what you’re going through is probably something completely different than what I went through but I mean in the same sense the year is coming to an end

January 1st is the perfect time for a new start new mindset you know I’m not one I’m not one to say that stuff or New Year’s resolutions or anything like that like for New Year’s instead of like a resolution I I just come up with

Something I want to do more like I don’t call it a resolution I don’t say you know it’s uh like people are always like I’m going to go to the gym every single day I’m going to lose 100 pounds this that I’m going to learn how to play

Guitar blah blah blah and because they make such a big commitment and just go straight into it practicing guitar you know 5 days a week s days a a week they get burnt out by the first two weeks first month you know some people stick it through to

February um it’s so unrealistic to do that I recommend what I do personally uh with this one coming up uh Kiki and I said uh we’re going to take the year and we’re going to try to learn sign language uh that that’s something that we wanted to do we it’s something we’ve

Wanted to do for a while now so we’re not giving ourselves you know a big goal we’re giving ourselves the whole year uh in free time maybe just weekends you know we take some time 15 minutes uh on Saturday and Sunday practice some sign language move on you

Know that sort of thing really helps your mental health um stuff like that what about you you have something you wanting to do like uh resolution or something like that man no I don’t I don’t really do New Year’s resolutions yeah like I said it’s it’s

Better you know like uh for for whatever you shouldn’t hold yourself to a new year or like whenever to start doing something like that you’ve always wanted to do like you should just do it whenever you get it into your head like if you wanted to work out more this year

Don’t wait till New Year’s to start just start it whenever you’re ready to start working out every day like it’s like that you don’t need to have some like arbitrary day for when whenever you’re trying to like improve yourself because you can improve yourself whenever throughout the year so

Like yeah absolutely like that’s something like when growing up I would hear people say all the time oh I’m going to start going to the gym on Monday Draco welcome to the community sorry yo shout out to you for subscribing man no no uh you’re good um that that’s

Something major like uh where I grew up is yeah I’m going to go back to the gym starting Monday it’s Tuesday you’re going to wait a whole week to start going back to why not just go tomorrow dud I think okay let me tell because like I’m

The type of guy that’s like when you first get back into going to the gym or working out like I’m the guy to talk about this stuff with because I’ve studied Health and Fitness for 12 years at this point um don’t instantly like I say don’t even

Start going to the gym you know until you’ve been on your fitness journey for a while now oh snap that is amazing that is incredible dude you got to meet this guy named screen time Taco dude you and screen time I want to see them collab on a build together dude

Yeah I really do but uh yeah so like for me I’m like if you go to the gym under Wednesday Friday and then you fall out of it and then it’s a Tuesday and you’re like I’ll start going to the gym again Monday why your schedule says you go to the gym tomorrow

Go to the gym tomorrow you know I I don’t believe in the whole I’m going to start in January or this or that yeah like like you should just maybe that gives you a little bit of motivation and that works for some but like honestly like then if

You don’t follow through with your like New Year’s resolutions and such you just like oh now I feel even worse about myself and it’s just like no like you can just uh just just do your just do Improvement whenever you want just like exactly instead of saying I’m gonna go

To the gym every day yeah I’m gonna be healthier this year yeah because you know what that looks like that looks like choosing a side salad instead of french fries healthier that looks like that looks like consuming 2,000 calories of Skittles instead of 5,000 calories of you know Skittles and donuts and everything

Else you know like it’s simple thermodynamics if you uh consume less than uh you burn you’re going to lose weight so it doesn’t matter what you eat you can eat 1,000 calories worth of donuts as long as you’re under your macros to lose weight you’ll lose weight unless you have other issues like

Thyroid and stuff like that bring up though for uh Shadow Knight yeah that was just a little one time thing if you’re all out of the courts we’re not going to give you any more yeah that was just the one time thing with us uh being generous you know

Uh no point in asking for it if you ask you’re not going to get it yeah you got to go to yeah that’s when we’re checking out that’s why I only gave you guys a certain amount that’s why I gave you guys a small amount of the stuff I gave you

Guys yeah that’s what the rting was You’ still yeah you’d still have to grind M hey Penguin Games welcome to the stream hey hi hello how are you uh just type an IP in the chat if you need it iBot will help you out the rest there ah just letting you know okay

Well thanks for letting us know I suppose gotcha gotcha and Endor Raptor what is good welcome to the stream Endor Raptor no it’s not Taco that is not bad what are you talking about I feel bad we we’ve been talking about this I we haven’t really been able to

Talk about the build dude this is actually really good like considering it’s built at at an angle I’m at a watch toer that’s insane yeah oh yeah this watch is pretty sick I like it simple but it’s really tall I don’t know how you did these fence that doing the

Fences like this is pretty impressive Dar what’s good what’s good yeah ah dude the fence I I wouldn’t have the patience man yeah like how do you you had to like balance on it and like um I’m going to be honest if you ch CH to do this type of build anywhere but

In a jungle biome it wouldn’t have worked yeah it works really well in the jungle what’s good bot welcome back especially the block types you chose Cobblestone I’m not going to lie like the uh Cobblestone stairs you have up up here you might want to change like

A few of them to the mossy cobblestone stair stairs uh oh yeah I mean you remember it’s still work in progress oh yeah for sure for sure just saying little things yeah there’s some little things that would be awesome to see you work on but I still want Mossy wood dude this banner

I know this Banner is incredible right I love this Banner hello cows uh am I going to make a new realm most likely not um where we’re standing at right now we’ll talk about it in the summer though cuz who knows who knows what will happen if it gets to be unplayable like

It normally does after a certain amount of time then yeah we’ll have to make a new one but right now again I don’t lag yeah when I when I teleport like from far away there it takes a like a few seconds to load up but besides that it’s still playable right

Now oh absolutely yeah yeah you’re running at like 30 frames per second by I think that’s just because you’re on switch yeah I don’t think the switch H uh honestly just watching your stream it it’s so chunky chunky if that if that makes sense like when you’re running when you’re

Moving chunk it does doesn’t look as smooth as mine looks so I’m like it you’re either at 60 or 30 frames and because you’re on switch um I’m fig you’re most likely 30 M Why does it do that do what when the chunks like start reverting like we were talking about I have no idea is that like the world generation was this but for some reason it changed to this I I seen it all happen before in the nether that’s the only place I’ve

Ever seen it happen I have no idea but it like reverts it back to how it originally looked before anyone touched it it’s very bizarre no I mean it’s like a completely like untouch chunk it’s like new chunks that I’ve flown into yeah also the water isn’t loading

Properly and there’s been a lot of weird water walls that’s the easiest way we can describe it is water walls o hamster that’s uh I don’t know that seems a little risky uh sneaky what’s a little risky so let’s look at this the library you know what sounds like a lot

Of fun what me finding an ancient city spawning a warden and then tping you there do it he said do it Warden could use a good buff I got enough I could take on a warden with what I have you think so yeah oh yeah this melting is it is painfully

Slow but it get it it at least uh you no longer have to stay in the chunk for it to work anymore Hoya what’s Good TP yeah everyone needs some action if you find one we’re all going to go fight a warden all right let’s look around here phom just go just go to the other stream that got 1.2k views if you want to see more likes Phantom Fox this is

More like normal to me like I feel like this is like getting back to where I don’t know I feel like I rightfully deserve that like I work hard right it’s just we’ve been fighting the algorithm here that’s all it is so if the algorithm’s like hey yo we’re going to be

Like sending you off recommended or they’re going to be like H we’re not going to this time # 100 likes soon hitting 100 likes is like one of the best feelings ever man it really is yeah I will be right back guys um just going to go make some homemade

Lemonade in the in the bathroom if you catch my drips so I be back in literally a jiffy all right chat I guess it’s just us what do you guys want me to do to troll n now like like the the fox is right under

His base I I feel like with with is a good uh you know a good troll a good laugh but I want to do something that just absolutely ruins his day obviously we can’t kill any mo well any pets of his or anything like we can’t take it too far

But you’re in the Discord he created nice uh making an arena for anybody who wants to fight should be done shortly around 10 to 20 minutes nice nice maybe n and I can have a PVP battle there his YouTube channel outbreak bro all right all right I see you

Outbreak well the closest I can do to that can I no I was seeing if I could actually like time it out or like uh ban him from his own chat but I can’t I’m sure he’ll be okay with it right shut off his stream guys I can’t do that stuff I

Don’t have access to that stuff what do you guys want me to drive like 18 hours to his house to do this that make one heck of a YouTube video though wouldn’t it I just jump in my car and drive 18 hours to nin’s house

Kick in his door move and just click in stream and then just jump back in my car drive 18 hours back so what are we talking about guys huh oh my go huh these people what we talking about huh bro like that’s not even a troll on me that’s just a troll on

Me I was asking them how I could troll you and uh outbreak came into your chat and said delete his YouTube channel and I laughed and someone else said in his stream I was like guys I like I can’t do these things what am I supposed to do

Jump in my car drive 18 hours to his house but like kick down his door say move loser click in stream walk back out your house without fixing your door jump back in my car and drive 18 hours back to my house like that’s not even a troll

On on you that’s a troll on you ex but it would make one heck of a YouTube video one day it won’t be 18 hours just be 18 steps a dude that oh unreal I cannot for the life of me find an ancient city and it’s making me

Mad I know and that slash find command doesn’t even work slash locate yeah it doesn’t work anymore I was trying to use it don’t you have the world seed I do I can throw it into chunk base get some cords if you want to send me that in Discord uh wait a second

Chunk base okay I want to find an ancient City tonight we still Z I gotta leave the Real Banger title right there from outbreak here what’s up guys today I launched fireworks inside a nin’s house on New Year’s Day uh I drove to nendo’s house to shut his stream off this is what happened what happened next to shocking what what am I going to

Do I spent I spent 40 hours inside my car just to troll my best friend just the end end on the Stream good prank good Prank okay Fire Works in the home and set them off hey I learned it from I show Speed oh gosh Al no staying at nendo’s house for 24 hours without him knowing you’re living in the walls eh I bet I bet I could show up while you were gone knock on the door and explain to your grand and your grandma would be 100% down to hide me in your

House for 24 hours she probably would not going to lie and like I I just have to like do random things to like mess with you just like she be like another mouth to feed like she loves cooking so while you’re streaming just bang on your door door and then take

Off like literally my door is like inches away from the mic and like my desk like literally inches like like it literally sounds like the FBI is trying to like bust down the door uh lit right as you’re about to end stream all right guys that’s going to be

It for the stream though open the door hey what’s going on M what what are you doing what what’s up oh man dude Kiki ate too much and drank too much while we were uh on our date and like we got home and she just collapsed

On the couch and she was like he to like gold in her stomach like almost crying I couldn’t help but laugh I was like I love you but like you did it to yourself oh true yeah it’s like you know she had her uh it’s like a fishbowl glass of

Mixed drink and like you know she’s sipping on it throughout the meal and then all of a sudden she’s taking her time taking her time after about an hour the waiter comes over and it’s like all right here’s your Co box basically telling us get out we got other people

We got to feed um and so she’s like trying to rush to you know eat some more food and finish her drink so she’s like chugging her drink and eating really fast at the end oh yeah uh quick disclaimer drink responsibly 100% always always and a be of

Age yes all right I think I’m legally in the Clear your video you got a nuke to destroy my friend’s house what happened next is shocking you threw an nendo’s laptop out of his window no no no and uh actually okay guys stream is over I’ll break G here is Johnny she bought 100 foxes put them inside of n’s home bet let’s

Go I’m I’m game you going to do it now you’re going to buy me 100 foxes right oh apparently I’m right next to one where is this one at okay I mean anything can have rabies Jack the gamer foxes dogs cats squirrels rabbits skunks Bears people any living creature can get Rabies oh oh okay okay all right let me let me get some of this going do I I have oh gosh all right I can only why you why are you purposely intentionally trying to get this streer to go off I think someone broke all the stre yeah someone’s been here already it

Sounds like oh they break all of them y but what about this whole portal deal like what’s going to happen here hopefully this is a portal at some point it’s safe to roam these parts isn’t this the portal yeah there’s the shrier no yeah what why is there like blue fire here

Too oh there’s definitely a ward in here now I have the effects is there a warden yeah dude I have the effect I’m looking El you want knowwhere well I’m getting the um the darkness Effect oh yeah I hear him somewhere yeah he’s definitely here oh I can barely see a thing I’m looking for him I don’t see him I don’t know if you’ll be able there we go there’s a warden right here by me we cranking ’90s Clean up this inventory he’s coming to find you careful n he’s sniffing he’s sniffing for you oh I’m careful oh he’s over there oh dude yeah I’m staring at him right now he’s s right there make it invisible What oh no no no no no no no no no you can’t do That no what you can’t make it invisible my gosh dude I didn’t know I didn’t even think about that Jack you’re a genius no Jack why would you say that why would you say such a thing dude it’s a it smells you dude it’s right under you I

Know it can smell me all it wants I’m standing on wool so it can’t actively see me I can’t see a Thing dud you can attack you with the smell no you can’t attack me with the smell yeah it it after a little while it’s able to smell you and it’ll attack wait hold up go over there let me just get down there oh my gosh fine fine be that

Way what happens if I just punch you off Where is this guy oh he’s right on you dude just r R man just run quit cranking 90s and run I’m cranking 90s I got to crank 90s try to block him in there that’s your only chance obliterated by the streer dude I watched that happen D I can’t that’s not fair like

You can’t make him invisible that’s the strongest mob in the game and you’re like oh yeah go fight him invisible I don’t even have like torches or like good loot like like I only have This dude I can’t even craft any more mats the lag is too bad I can’t oh dude it’s it’s unplayable now I can’t even place blocks sounds like it’s time for a new realm to me oh no it’s working hold on I’m killing this one

I’ll spawn you a new one here in a second this dude’s taking a minute to die H dude like well of course it takes a minute to die like how much health does this thing have a lot a lot he’s not meant to be [Applause] killed like it has so

Much oh my God finally yeah that’s why like making you invis I got to actually I got to be able to see him there you go he’s over here I don’t know where over here is oh you just spawned in another one you got two to deal with

Now should we make it three guys no let’s come way over here we’ll spawn in a third one I’m going to spawn a third one in way away from him all right it’s already found you I found you though what what dude how did it even hit me

I don’t even know how it hit me hold on let me get some oh I don’t have a netherite sword we’ll use the the goord people want to be TP to help you or make it worse I can’t say how could anyone being Tepe there make it any

Worse let’s get them all anyone who wants to do it all right no don’t no don’t give me anything don’t you ready yeah I’m ready I suppose I mean I don’t really have anything good so flash teleport to should I just teleport everyone no um who do I teleport just

So I don’t know all the names okay um yeah what’s your name uh hamster uh sir Lion of War all right you got yourself an army now what’s the plan well you got to go underneath right now well you got to go underneath them you

Know I don’t think my shield is going to be able to take any of those like tank one of those Sonic blasts that that’s the one thing that gets you cuz like I hate how it goes through walls all right there’s one Warden that’s kind of trapped right here so I’m

Kind of setting him free a little bit Soul sniper just running around another Ward out the snipers running from the warden right here then you just wa ran right past Warden oh my gosh cranking what was that another you got Four Warden in there with you by the way

Now does night vision help counteract that blindness effect I [Applause] think just like it’s like impossible to [Applause] see do it okay okay break time okay okay now let me know uh kind of a little bit Yeah like not a lot there go sir lion oh wait no I just took

Once it’s gone then oh my gosh the night vision just is insane okay I want the oh they oh it’s literally right there okay okay wow every whoa oh there’s two wait there’s four in here well now and now a zombie get out of here zombie but you’re no help attack the warden

Dude I just heard another one spawn in great I don’t know where but another one just spawned in somewhere there’s five in this thing there’s five oh gosh okay I’m going for it bro sir lion is just beating the crap out of this Warden with his bare fist

See what I mean once you exploit it it’s like could be left on my axe or my sword is going to die where the warden ah dude I just hear you two struggling like crazy over here just punching the crap out of a warden I need a better sword like if it

Was better that’s how you do it guys I showed you the way I showed you how to get it it done but you need a better sword uh-oh I just see them punching punching the W Soul sniper there’s a warden heading towards you you’re heading towards it

Too there’s two wardens over here oh my God so there’s another Warden right there there’s another move move move run cranks dud crank make sure to crank when you’re running oh no that one’s free oh no my night vision ran out oh here’s one do night vision potion stack Yo where did my Warden go you dug down what do you mean where to go yeah but are you’re supposed to be locked on nah this dude’s gone dude he’s looking for someone else I real good he’s not bro’s wandering over to Neverland he he’s just gone like he’s going to

Nothing uhoh Rose would die go ahead and TP people back correctly while it’s safe yeah right safe yeah this sword is going to die oh man this going to break way before way before the warden is done and then there’s another one oh ooh I’ll take that dude another Warden just spawned right

In front of you guys unreal dude how many wardens can spawn what the what oh gosh three D this like five six seven wardens in here right now dud why is there seven wardens am I want this one lock on to me come on all got to attack at the same

Time the lag yes the lag will help us Oh I don’t I don’t think it’s happening there’s too many now there’s way too many dude it’s literally right crank it Escape who it literally hit the gritty on me dude I hate that Sonic jar just too op what do we hit the gitty oh I know isn’t the Jazz just so

Fitting for this okay yeah they there’s no chance dude there’s no chance there there’s seven of them now there’s no chance I don’t think it’s going to happen I told you they’d make it worse you guys came in and just spawned so many more no like well like it made it better at

First yeah like help wise but like all running around yeah then there was all the I don’t recall doing two layers of this copper maybe two layers a copper what oh on the roof of your yeah I don’t remember there being two I just remember the edges having it I like

It me too but it like it’s EXT ah oh well so be it it adds thickness we’re all about the thickness got to give them we got to give them what they want they want the thickness they want the thickness all about the thickness here oh man do I like uh

Cheeseburger oh of course hamburger cheeseburger Big Mac Whopper amurg cheeseburger Big Mac Whopper yeah you got something in your eye there you love the thickness don’t you dare lie what are you watching Among Us you can’t be watching Among Us have you seen that Meme yeah that kid was

Watching it he can’t be watching this so funny the nin City Post Office uh it’s the city of meor why is there just a tiny biome of crafting tables over here uh cuz that’s the crafting table Valley it started off as a small infection and it is spread very far

Now we have to spread it further it needs to get I agree let me help out with that okay I’ve run out of ways to bother you and I’ve been on here way longer than I should a VIN so I think it’s about time for me to hop

Off all righty that sounds good to me you know I’m probably going to be heading out of here soon you’re son of Poseidon yeah but you got to go rest go rest up for sure have you watched the new uh uh pry Jackson series on Disney plus yet I don’t have Disney plus

Um interent webbit I can’t uh in Real uh cuz like it’s uh it’s new you know yeah it’s not out yet that’s fair that’s fair oh Big Stretch all right but thanks for having me on it was a blast oh of course absolutely all right chat goodbye to you

Guys peace out Ethan uh who else we got uh gamer boy hamster all you Chumps all you uh what’s your community’s name nin Lings no don’t say that LS oh I don’t know U we got to come up with the name all right uh but yeah peace out man peace out man take

Care yeah guys we’re we’re uh we’re going to still Rock here for a little bit longer um just a bit just a bit longer guys that was fun to have hero on it’s it’s good to hear from him yeah I don’t want to add end it at 7

Hours and 40 minutes I I think ending it at a crisp 8 hours and we’ll call it a good a good stream we could play round of among us if you’re down couple rounds of that I don’t know thoughts thoughts what’s good zy yeah yeah do that do a few rounds of

That we can mix it up we could go to the fungle too it’s just the last time I was on the fungle uh tried to do um it online nobody would no one was there no one was there when we tried to do fun go online to like fill up uh like the

Server you’re the nuggets the nin nuggets what I don’t know we’ll come up with something we’ll come up with a name what’s that the fungal you never tried it hey appreciate the kind word gamer yeah go to your base uh oh look at this a little cave

Base oh I like it what can we rummage through you got nothing you have nothing for me to rumage through oh oh what are we got here oh I appreciate that crazy oh I like the start I like the start so far hamster I like little Hobbit holes like

This and you got the chests and crafting tables they’re in a committed relationship that’s a lot of dollar does there gamer G Ethan yeah nice view look at it it’s a good spot the furnace looks like Among Us yo welcome back bot um I don’t know gamer

Boy like I I can’t I can’t block anybody who doesn’t play like if you never joined the server then I can’t just like block you like uh it doesn’t really work like that so I’m like super confused like you actually have to join for me to actively block you um

So like you have to have had to join at any capacity like at all like even if you didn’t play and yo what’s good uh multipore nerd hopefully I said that correctly happy birthday Grimace uh was just creating a I don’t know that word what is that

Evacuation assault so you’re kind of in lockdown got you got you uh did you say nerd okay cool uh that works for me thank you for having a a nickname I usually just tell people to call me nin so appreciate that uh works for me yo what’s good uh

Sparkly Sparky Miner welcome to the stream uh much love to India from America what’s good um yeah yeah exactly so so uh gamer boy like you’ve had to have actually joined at least once for me to be able to block you at like any capacit like any capacity at any capacity so

Um I don’t know what to I don’t know what to say I can’t like unblock somebody who’s never joined you know so you’ve had to have joined hey appreciate that uh gamer Ethan uh yeah like it’s just I don’t I’m I’m really confused it’s just like you know you said say that you

Never joined but you got blocked so I don’t know like it doesn’t work like that it’s gamer boy yeah so gamer boy you’re going to have to be like uh honest here you’ve joined you’ve joined the realm this isn’t your first time I know that username

Um you’re going to have to level with me here I think I’ve caught you in a lie here you have yes and you’re saying that you’ve never joined before so yeah I gotten plenty reports about uh gamer boy so unfortunately the ban is uh correct and permanent

So um and I don’t want to add somebody back uh cuz I do like giving Second Chances cuz I’m too nice of a guy and such but sometimes I got to put my foot down you know and uh you didn’t even you you you lied to me here so it really

Doesn’t make me want to reconsider getting you unbanned because uh you you said that you haven’t joined at all yet when in reality you have so yo what is good Nicole as well welcome to the stream um just a lot of various things uh gamer boy there’s been a lot of uh

Reports from stealing to griefing to potential hacking so uh you broke pretty much all three of the big Heavy Hitters for the rules and yeah uh there’s consequences to people’s actions and you know it’s unfortunate but it’s just how it Goes yeah how you doing Cole uh I think no he he just said something that you’re not supposed to he’s not he didn’t get kicked from the Chat no no he’s not kicked from the chat what do the copper golems do they do all sorts of things you know they push uh buttons they statue they’re a fun little uh I don’t like calling them pets but uh they’re a fun little you know just just thing to have they’re fun

It’s like a little toy almost like you can build little copper toys essentially uh and if you want them to last long you got to wax them otherwise they’ll turn into it um yeah yeah gamer boy it’s like I mean if you would have if you would have

Come back here to the stream or whatever and you know just we honest with me right at off the Jump you know like you’re like yeah you know I’ve been a part of the server before but I got banned I’m just wondering why that happened instead of

Saying I’ve never joined before and I’m banned now you see that can’t happen I Can’t Ban anyone who’s never joined so um like there there was something that had happened uh I’ve gotten countless reports countless reports about uh stealing and griefing and um potential hacking so uh had to take had to take

The you know caution measures and and such so 5 hours till 2024 yeah happy New Year’s to some of you guys uh around the world and such you know time zones do be funny but uh my New Year’s will be tomorrow so yeah so we’ll be doing that tomorrow It is it’s finally New Year’s and what’s good Emmanuel hopefully I said that uh somewhat correct it is it is that coming along that time where we’re going to be wrapping up the Stream just kind of having the just chat in portion of the uh the stream the the just chat

In you know what that uh this means we didn’t get on to the among us cuz I didn’t get any yeses uh sooner Hey yo uh sending love from Tokyo all the way you know much love sending it from America compressed Sonic yeah it’s uh December 31st now officially here

Um yeah you’re in the Past you’re from Down Under Nicole time zones don’t they just be super funny like gotta love it Though um yeah yeah unfortunately gamer boy I don’t believe people when they say oh my brother did this or or my brother did that it’s like you have to watch out what your what your siblings are doing right um that’s your responsibility as well to make sure that your siblings are not

Doing anything on your account that you wouldn’t do so then situations like this don’t happen I hope that uh you use this as a really good learning opportunity as there is no excuses such as that um because you are the bigger brother and that is the little brother situation so

Monitoring whatever he’s doing on your account is uh as a must right so um yeah yeah there there is no excuses in the in in this matter as uh you know if I was letting anyone use my account oh you best know know that I’m going to

Be watching them like a hawk like no I you’re not going to be doing anything that I wouldn’t do on my account uh right so hard down under eh harsh heat and a hole in the ozone layer uh-oh it is it is gamer boy you know and that’s the unfortunate part that you

Didn’t uh you weren’t proactive you know that’s all that’s all that it is you know like you got to be proactive with your accounts um and such yeah yeah yeah you’re more than welcome to tune in to the streams thoughh I mean we’re going to be here

For like another uh 4ish minute or so I want this to be a nice crisp 8 Hour live stream I don’t know there’s just something about my like OCD or whatever that won’t let me end it any sooner so you’re just know just chatting um no there is there is there’s

No it’s it’s permanent yeah it’s permanent bands you gotta you got to make sure that you’re reading the rules and uh making sure that you know it life has consequences you know mhm you know this is going to teach you get you prep for the real world out there outside of outside of

Minecraft you know my goal it’s a goal of mine to be able to teach you insto life uh lessons and values and such hey that’s uh that’s your that’s your case yep everyone who gets banned is Perma banned uh I used to give Second Chances and such but honestly sometimes

Uh that’s just not you know wamp wamp hey Amy thank you so much for subscribing and welcome to the Community uhoh uh here we Go yeah sometimes you got to put your foot down in these situations cuz the majority of you guys guys you know like don’t break the rules and such and like we have a really good time but you know like uh you can’t sometimes you got to be rough or

Not even rough like just firm with like with things to make it safe and enjoyable for everyone else right so sometimes you got to put your foot down for the benefit of others cuz like you know if over 500 people can follow the rules and have a fun time one of those people

Just get rid of them just you can’t follow the rules and have a good time like it’s not it’s not a me thing it’s a you thing right it’s really not it’s really not that hard yeah having a New Year’s party Y and uh yeah guys so here it is a hour

Mark Mar has been reached you know I want to thank you all so much for tuning in to the live stream guys um if you haven’t heard that you’re just a simply an amazing person today let me be the first to say it you guys are absolutely

Amazing you’re Legends you guys rock um I hope that you guys have a fantastic New Year’s rest of your day night or whatever it is that you’re watching and we will absolutely be seeing you guys in the next one um take care peace out and uh get some good

Rest if you’re heading to sleep uh bye guys and we’ll see you tomorrow uh bye bye everyone peace out it’s been such a blast been such a blast don’t next time bye-bye and I’m off peace out For

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Stream Playing With Viewers’, was uploaded by Nintorstendo on 2023-12-31 06:47:05. It has garnered 878 views and 65 likes. The duration of the video is 08:03:36 or 29016 seconds.

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  • The day I cheated on the test in Minecraft! 🔥😂

    The day I cheated on the test in Minecraft! 🔥😂 “Quando você cola na prova e ainda assim tira nota de Minecraft: 100k em criatividade!” 😂 #escola #shorts #viral Read More

  • Minecraft Mud-Making Madness

    Minecraft Mud-Making Madness Creating Mud in Minecraft: A Step-by-Step Guide Have you ever wondered how to make mud in Minecraft? It’s a simple process that can add a realistic touch to your in-game creations. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to create mud using water and dirt. Materials Needed: Dirt Block Bottle of Water Step 1: Crafting a Bottle of Water To create mud in Minecraft, you’ll first need to craft a bottle of water. This can be done by using 3 blocks of glass. Once you have your bottle of water, you’re ready to move on to the… Read More

  • Modern Minecraft Aquarium Build

    Modern Minecraft Aquarium Build Welcome to a Modern Minecraft Interior with a Large Aquarium! Materials and Measurements In this Minecraft build, the creator starts by gathering materials to construct a sleek and modern interior design. The measurements are carefully considered to ensure a spacious and aesthetically pleasing layout. The Aquarium One of the standout features of this build is the large aquarium. It serves as a focal point, adding a touch of tranquility and beauty to the space. The underwater world within the aquarium is meticulously designed, showcasing a variety of marine life. Exploring the Space As we venture downstairs, we discover more… Read More

  • EPIC ARTIFACT HAUL in SKY VAULTS EP63! Modded Minecraft

    EPIC ARTIFACT HAUL in SKY VAULTS EP63! Modded MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SKY VAULTS EP63: So Many Artifacts! – Vault Hunters 1.18 (Modded Minecraft)’, was uploaded by S1ipperyJim on 2024-05-19 17:00:29. It has garnered 155 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:11 or 9491 seconds. I play through a Sky Vaults (sky block) version of the Minecraft mod pack Vault Hunters 3rd Edition. Playlist for this series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg_RNyj68Wstj3RLt3jMuTpcW0WbLHudF Follow me on Threads: https://www.threads.net/@UC1vC-ilz2dyS-TGy7IxyErQ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/vault-hunters-1-18-2 Vault Hunters is an RPG based modpack focusing around the mysteries and dangers of a dimension called The Vault. It features many Vault Hunters specific items and mobs, like… Read More

  • Sneaky Crossover: MINECRAFT in ROBLOX

    Sneaky Crossover: MINECRAFT in ROBLOXVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT IN ROBLOX (Voxel)’, was uploaded by Blorp on 2024-05-16 20:15:00. It has garnered 14894 views and 287 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:13 or 1153 seconds. Today I play Voxel! A game that looks very similar to minecraft (MC) but in ROBLOX! I’m excited for the future of the game! Game: https://www.roblox.com/games/16819234096 Song Used: Suggestions – Wii Party I make semi-ironic/casual content on roblox! What is Roblox? Roblox is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that… Read More

  • Insane Twist in Minecraft Gameplay – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    Insane Twist in Minecraft Gameplay - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information This video, titled ‘just a normal day in minecraft’, was uploaded by Cooled gaming on 2024-05-08 09:57:17. It has garnered 167 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:49 or 229 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular minecraft app what is trending in… Read More

  • Unleash the UNBELIEVABLE power of Setev in Minecraft!

    Unleash the UNBELIEVABLE power of Setev in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘power of setev #minecraft @Sachin_gamer_099’, was uploaded by Sachin gamer 099 on 2024-05-17 13:09:45. It has garnered 432 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Building Hogwarts in Minecraft”**: This video showcases a massive project where players recreate the iconic Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the Harry Potter series within Minecraft. It went viral due to its impressive scale and attention to Minecraft Timelapse: Epic City Build”**: Timelapse videos of large-scale city builds in Minecraft often go viral. They demonstrate the dedication and creativity of players… Read More

  • The Ultimate Bedrock SMP You’ve Been Waiting For | Apply Now

    The Ultimate Bedrock SMP You've Been Waiting For | Apply NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Is The Best Bedrock SMP Yet | Applications Open’, was uploaded by DudeDragon on 2024-04-14 23:51:15. It has garnered 6984 views and 589 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. This is Minecraft’s Deadliest SMP, The Dragon SMP. On Season 3 we have 10 lives with special abilities and multiple custom items! If You Are A Small Content Creator Looking To Grow Their Channel Fast And Have Great Content Apply Today! Join The Public SMP Discord – https://discord.gg/5UfJqKqgr5 ================================================== #dragonsmpbedrock Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE NEW REALM REVEALED! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I MADE A NEW REALM!! – Minecraft Live🔴’, was uploaded by TuBS on 2024-05-21 21:20:00. It has garnered 97 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:55 or 7015 seconds. ❗C L I C K H E R E F R E E D I A M O N D S❗ https://streamelements.com/tubs_au/tip ————————————————- 👉 My Upload Schedule: Every Week On Saturday At 10:00PM AEST 👉 My Stream Schedule: Every Week On Sunday At 6:00PM AEST 👉 Donation Link: https://streamelements.com/tubs_au/tip ————————————————- 👇 My Socials 👇 🔽 Join My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/mkF3tJeRPT 🔽 Subscribe… Read More

  • Dracula Broo’s Revenge: Destroying Ex Team Member’s Base

    Dracula Broo's Revenge: Destroying Ex Team Member's BaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why i Destroyed My Ex Team Member Entire Base’, was uploaded by Dracula Broo on 2024-03-22 16:48:43. It has garnered 44 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:38 or 218 seconds. Dracula Broo: Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft SMP Adventures ANIME SMP SEASON 5- IP:- ANIMESMP5.aternos.me PORT:- 27812 🙂 Enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe @rgs47ff Join Our Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/fTnQUk7j Description: Welcome to Dracula Broo, your ultimate destination for thrilling Minecraft SMP gameplay and videos! Join us on our epic adventures as we explore vast landscapes, build incredible structures, and battle… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS in Minecraft HARDCORE Survival… (LIVESTREAM)’, was uploaded by Seyto on 2024-05-25 12:25:28. It has garnered 262 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:59 or 14159 seconds. We may never get to see how some challenges start but you could see how it goes from beginning to end just by tooning in and see where it goes from here! I dont have any minecraft on my channel as of right now and it should be. so if you are liking the stream and wanna follow along dont hesitate… Read More

  • Ultimate Pixelmon Tycoon: Capturing OP Pokemon with JeromeASF

    Ultimate Pixelmon Tycoon: Capturing OP Pokemon with JeromeASFVideo Information This video, titled ‘Catching The STRONGEST Pokemon In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-05-30 21:38:12. It has garnered 14837 views and 661 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:39 or 8739 seconds. Catching The STRONGEST Pokemon In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon Use Code “Jerome” for 30% off your order from our Server Hosting Partner http://www.RocketNode.com/Jerome Join our Community Server By Getting Supporter+ Supporter+ IP: acetispaghetti.com ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS 🎮Roblox – @jeromeasfroblox 🎮Gaming – @JeromeACE 🎮Main – @JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME ✅ ➡️ Follow me… Read More

  • Ethis SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Tight-Knit Community 16+ LGBTQIA+ friendly Whitelist

    Welcome to Ethis! Hello there! 👋 Welcome to Ethis. ✨ A warm, welcoming community awaiting your arrival. 🏕️ Server name: Ethis Server location: Germany Server Type: Fabric 1.20.4 What to expect: Chill vanilla, Hermitcraft-esque experience An inclusive community, where everyone knows each other, and everyone can be friends. Here’s a quick rundown of what could interest you: 📝 Thorough Applications: Solid applications are key to a great community 🎙️Voicechat: Voicechat mod installed for easy communication 🗺️ No TPA/Land Claiming: Keeping things nice and vanilla 🎮 Gamenights: Weekly fun gamenights 🗓️ Regular Events: In-game events to keep things exciting 🕰️ A… Read More