Minecraft Madness: Jax’s Insane Fan Girl!

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Today we’re doing a build to survive with pomy and Ja yeah oh boy it’s going to be so much fun right pomy yeah I’m really excited all right everyone get to their own squares right here I’m going to go on this one and guys start building up your bases because monsters

Are going to start spawning hello everyone how’s everybody doing this fine morning up we’re good Kane what in the what are you doing here I’m here to cheer you guys on so good luck wait a second pomy why aren’t we sharing a house I mean we’re married after all I

Mean I guess we have to be on our own squares um anyways uh hi TV man it’s been a while since I’ve seen you how are you doing I’m doing pretty good pomy but uh you should probably focus on your base and not really talk to me cuz we

Got to survive this build to survive if we don’t we literally die yeah pomy we got to work hard and work together otherwise we’re not going to make this let me go over there and give you a hand real quick uh J I’m not sure if you’re

Allowed to do that so uh TV man what should busy building there uh I’m just building my house pomy why are you talking to me anyway uh I don’t know just um striking up some friendly conversation so uh pomy are you excited for this build to survive I bet it’s

Going to be fun uh I’m not really that excited considering we have to fight monsters and all that yeah why would you be excited Jack are you serious right now but that’s like the whole point that’s the best part man I’m just pretty excited to get to see TV man you know

Cuz I haven’t seen him in a long time what in the what are you talking about pomy I I mean I guess I’m kind of happy to see you but not that excited why are you excited to see TV man anyway that guy’s a complete loser no offense man uh

Anyway I don’t care just tank Jax it looks like it is survival and night time this means it’s round one oh no I’m I’m really scared uh can someone help me please all right guys everyone just protect ourselves we probably should have made a little bit of a better base

But anyway this is just round one everyone get ready and uh what in the what why are there skiy toilets are you serious right now ah I’m just going to hide in my house uh I really don’t want to get killed right now yeah you can

Handle those guys out there right TV man I mean they’re like your people after all right oh no I cannot handle them they’re they’re literally skiy toilets and they’re all chasing me oh they’re really powerful too oh my goodness are you serious right now I need help someone help

Me don’t worry I’m coming wait what P you’re going to save me thank you so much please save me oh no I’m getting really low on health I’m actually going to die in like a second oh my goodness pomy thank you so much you actually just

Saved me but ja thanks for not helping me you have a base why don’t you use it uh I forgot to put down doors are you serious right now you’re so silly why’d you even save that loser TV man anyway what do you mean dude I’m not that bad

Anyway she was trying to be nice unlike you I was just trying to be nice ja and plus you wouldn’t want to die would you I mean maybe a little bit anyway you shouldn’t talk to him I mean he’s a total Bozo I mean he’s from like

Scooby-Doo toilet oh my goodness are you serious right now ja can you have some compassion for me dude you’re actually so mean to me for no reason what do you mean I have a reason ja would it hurt you to just fix up your attitude TV man

Never acts like the way you do you’re such a jerk sometimes well yeah cuz I am a jerk duh uh my face isn’t looking that good and TV man could probably use some help so I’m going to go help him uh excuse me weren’t you the one that said

We couldn’t work together pomy well you’re not the one struggling and last round TV man almost died so I think it’s okay if I just help him out a bit pomy I’m not sure if that’s a good idea to help me out to be honest why don’t you

Go help out your husband he’s literally your husband well I think he’s doing fine by himself and I I don’t really want to uh pomy are you serious right now you cannot be doing this right now pomy come on I’m husband help me out or

I mean I could help you out for once maybe I don’t know thanks for the offer Jack but I think I’ll pass oh what in the water are you serious right now no do not do this anyway I’m just going to build up my architecture cuz that’s all

I can do right now this is really awkward but anyway let’s keep building this up so for our defenses we’re going to add this hot spring water and this is going to look so good oh my goodness that’s such an awesome idea TV man yeah pomy look at how good this water looks

It actually looks amazing I can actually drink all this but isn’t it hot spring water oh yeah isn’t that good uh if it’s a hot spring you might burn yourself TV man oh yeah you’re right all right anyway let’s keep building up this house and wait let me see if there’s any cool

Things I can add to this house all right and wo I can add all of these super cool details this looks so awesome we should probably find a way to protect this base and make sure none of us die you know yeah that’s a really good idea pomy but

You should probably go back to your Square I don’t really need help anymore to be honest uh okay uh well then I’ll just stay here with you and keep you company uh no pomy no seriously this is really weird I’m not going to lie you literally have a husband are you serious

Right now Tomy can you stop helping that guy if you’re not going to help me at least work on your own house uh here uh I got to ask Kane something really quick uh Hey Kane hello what is your fine question uh I was just wondering if

There’s any way that I could move in with TV man and uh continue helping him oh what in the what no no no PNE I’m not okay with this I guess it could be done if you want it so badly I’ll do it I’ll get started on right now wait what hey k

No I I’m not agreeing to this oh my goodness are you serious right now no Jax is literally married to her well it’s her decision thanks so much Kane uh no no no no no Kane stop oh you’re going to deny the request from a fair Maiden

How cruel TV man uh what are you guys talking about over there uh nothing okay I I don’t know what’s going on here but he’s just uh being weird okay wait Kane what the heck are you doing why are their bases like connected now they

Asked me to do it uh I didn’t it was it was P TV man no it was PNE oh my goodness are you serious right now anyway I a lot more space to build a really cool house okay TV man I was thinking over here I’ll build us like a

Pool house something we can like sit down and enjoy and maybe then add like a little food bar so we can have like some okay PNE PNE I’m going to build my own house I’m not going to lie you’re making me very uncomfortable and anyway you’re

Married to Jack so I’m good I’m just going to do my own thing no you can’t do that we just connected faces after all Hy but it’s really weird like you’re married to Jax why don’t you go build with Jax Jax will just make me do all

The work TV man can you stop talking to her you’re clearly bothering her dude what in the way I’m actually just building right now dude I have nothing to do with her okay please just leave me alone anyway for round two I’m going to add some resources and gear in here

Let’s grab some of this we’ll put down like an iron sword maybe let’s get some iron armor as well let’s put this in here let’s only make one set because uh I don’t want to give anything to Pomade here we go we’ll get some of that and

Then we’ll grab these golden apples and put it in there and booya we should be good for round two all right and that looks super good we could probably add some more things like I could probably get some other resources and stuff but wait is it round two oh no are you

Serious right now it looks like it’s round two so let’s grab this iron sword let’s put on some of this armor and we got some golden apples now as well wait it’s round two already I haven’t finished yet well too bad it is time to fight these monsters oh no these guys

Are really powerful a what the what e what is this guy’s name who is this is he from skib toilet no of course silly that’s gangle a dear friend of ours who in the who is gangle are you serious right now anyway let’s fight off these monsters you’re you’re so

Stupid come on let’s kill this sking toilight come on you got this team man I know you can do it you’re so strong oh okay are you even helping out pomy uh yeah I’m building up the base oh my goodness are you serious right now ow these guys are really powerful too wow

You know maybe it isn’t so bad having TV man all around he can be bait for all the monsters that makes things a lot easier for me uh are you serious right now you’re actually so annoying Jack come on fight these monsters oh my goodness are you serious right now

They’re so powerful uh come here come on let’s kill the skies and oh no I’m getting really low on health ow ow I need help don’t worry T man I got you oh my goodness thank you py finally I needed some help I was at

Like two hearts and dang it I wish I stored some more materials and gear cuz I definitely needed it you have gear and materials uh yeah you have a diamond sword are you serious right now what in the what are you talking about anyway I

Got to build my own house and get rid of this one I’m just going to explode this one I don’t really care you can explode that one if you want I wasn’t really even trying but can you help me build this one uh what in the water are you

Serious right now no I don’t want to help you with this one I want to build my own base you’re weird anyway I just exploded this and let’s break this all come on let’s break it come on we got all this really weird resource stuff oh this is like pom’s favorite colors I

Think uh TV man what the heck do you think you’re doing why’d you just destroy my wife’s base uh because she’s not using it anymore and uh you know what I’m just going to build my own part here pomy I’m going to cut this off here

We go just so you could get away and like I don’t want to be anywhere near you pomy hey what do you think you’re doing only I’m allowed to mess with the white lines oh my goodness are you serious right now okay can you just put

It back to what it was in originally no no no both people have to be in agreement for that to happen py can you agree that we should change the white lines back to normal but I like working with you why would I want to change it

Oh my goodness are you serious right now all right whatever I’m just going to build my own house over here oh glad we SED that out T all right well guys I have a super cool command I can do if I use SL SL wand I can start building and

Using world edit so guys let’s do this and we’ll do sl/ set wood and guys look we could build the best base ever using world edit and you know what instead of building a super big house like these guys let’s think of a way we could like

Make our defenses like insane so let’s add some grass right here you know what we’ll make this base a lot smaller and let’s add some like fences or something let’s grab these white fences and this will be like the first part of the security system here we go we’re going

To build it like that and oh my goodness this is already looking super good all right and let’s grab some more wood let’s see what we could use and wo we could use Spruce planks this will be so awesome so I was thinking to you man

Maybe um after after this we could like go to the movies or something or lunch or uh the movies what in the what are you talking about pomy you’re literally married why don’t you go to the movies with Jack he doesn’t like movies that much he rather sit and play video games

Uh that’s very unfortunate Jax why don’t you go to the movies with your wife she’s asking me so why don’t you go with her uh cuz she only wants to see bad movies besides the only reason she’s even be asking you is cuz you’re the only other person here get over yourself

Buddy and anyway I bet she wasn’t even asking why would she ask someone like you oh yeah I didn’t ask him at all uh you definitely did pomy are you serious right now stop lying the only lie you’re here is you TV man weirdo what do you

Mean the only reason you’re here is cuz of me what are you talking about anyway I’m just going to keep doing my own thing I don’t have time to talk to you guys I’m got to beat this build to survive all right let’s grab some of

This and wao this MO is starting to look so good look at this guys ew what is that thing TV man what are you talking about Jackson you talking about my base oh is that what it is are you serious right now my base is so good what are

You talking about all right you know what Jax you’re actually making really angry maybe I need to set some trolls on you hey pomy why don’t we troll Jack okay uh that sounds like a really fun idea uh what exactly did you have in mind okay uh so basically I’m going to

Grab a piece of TNT and just put it on his house or something all right and wait I should probably go invisible for this troll so let me grab a splash potion of invisibility and pomy wait where are you uh I’m in my house making

A a special drink for you what in the what are you talking about anyway let’s go invisible and troll Jack come on all right I have this piece of TNT let’s grab a redstone torch and here we go let’s put it inside of his house but

He’s not looking that T man is so stupid and ugly like who does he think he is all right let’s put this TNT right there and oh my goodness okay run what the what the heck was that oh my goodness come on explod it ah get out get out get

Out who put this TNT here but anyway good thing I used reinforced blocks already since I’m in Creative what kind of idiot would try and blow that up let me see if it was TV man oh okay I got to go out of invisibility and oh my

Goodness okay I’m good now hey TV man were you the one that put the TNT in my house uh no why why would I ever do that dude are you serious right now cuz you’re a jerk that’s why oh hello everyone I can clear this up stop lying

TV man we all know you did it what in the what are you talking about Kane you’re ruining the joke dude what are you talking about po pomy can you vouch it didn’t do anything uh yeah TV man didn’t do anything he was just uh hanging out with me anyway I don’t have

Time to talk to you guys okay I got to start building up my house some more Are you seriously trying to just brush this off I mean Kane’s an idiot but he wouldn’t lie okay okay okay maybe I did troll you a little bit but dude it was

Just a joke relax oh just a joke you want to see a joke TV man oh no no no don’t do anything to my house please please H are you serious right now that was a funny joke wasn’t that funny T man why would you do that dude I don’t have

Reinforced blocks like you I’m not as cool as you bro why would you do that why would you try and blow up my house what do you mean you started it oh my goodness are you serious right now ja if you mess with TV man you mess with me

Okay you don’t want to do that what are you talking about woman we’re literally married I I forgot you forgot how could you forget that are you an idiot like TV man that’s pretty harsh I’m not going to lie ja how do you feel about that one buddy I feel like I want

To blow up your house some more TV man you want me to do that no no okay I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry that’s what I thought I just I hit my head and I think I may have just forgot a little yeah that’s pretty unfortunate I’m not going

To lie but Jax is a loser okay all right anyway let’s just keep building all right and wait it looks like I’m in survival mode right now are you serious right now okay uh we got to fight off these monsters I’m really scared though

But I think we got this uh my base is broken so I’m just going to room in with you TV man it must have been ja did you explod her base Jack oh my goodness he’s actually so mad that his marriage isn’t working out uh TV man what are those

Things he said speaker woman speaker woman what are you doing here okay uh fight the speaker woman hey she’s so ugly yeah she really is ugly I’ve always hated speaker woman anyway hey TV man oh wait that’s not TV man that’s speaker man you’re TV man silly what the heck

Are all these ugly things get out my house oh my gosh okay I’m I’m getting out of your house I had to protect myself somehow oh no help I’m drowning in the moat oh oh oh you okay py here I’ll get you out of there ow ow okay

This is a poisonous water okay let me get out of that get away from pomy what are you doing you’re putting her in danger what are you going to do about it Jack are you going to leave your house buddy huh no you never mind oh my

Goodness you’re actually such a baby Jax you’re literally the one who put the mode in PNE we really need to troll Jax next round and like break his house before the round starts that’ll be so funny or something it would I’m getting really fed up with Jack all he thinks

About is himself oh my goodness are there any other monsters there’s no way that was round three that was way too easy and what in the what is that ew it’s an amazing digital circus creature G they’re so ugly excuse you look in the mirror buddy ouch buddy skip any

Toilet’s better anyway oh my godness come on fight these monsters I’m from amazing digital circus TV man are you calling me ugly I thought we were progressing our friendship you know I thought we were even becoming more than good friends uh what in the world are you talking about no you are literally

Married to Jack that is’s so weird are you serious right now he is really weird and that’s why next round we should totally prank him oh we should totally prank him okay how are we going to prank him again though let’s see what is something that Jax really hates uh you

Uh me uh okay wait I have a really good idea then let’s call in Kane Kane hello yes you call oh Kane I need I need something from you I need you to spawn in a ton of TV men inside of Jax’s house for next round okay uh sure but why uh

Because he hates me so much it’ll be a funny funny prank okay that’s true it would be funny I do love funny things so sure all right anyway let’s keep adding on to my house here and we’ll start by making this even taller than it’s ever

Been we can make it like literally a skyscraper all right let’s keep placing it and wait I have a really good idea for this design let’s put like maybe fences right here and wait this looks so good okay let’s even this up and uh what in the what is happening Jax what are

You doing huh what do you mean what do you mean Jax stop this right now seriously this is not funny this is not funny seriously dude what is your problem I’m just helping you build uh I think you’re just that I’m stealing your girl I’m not going to lie TV man you’re

Not smart enough to steal anything shut up you’re just mad that he has W RZ and you don’t ja huh what do you mean oh yeah I’m sure all I spit some lines on pomy then buddy yeah yeah why would I have to do that she’s literally

My wife well uh you think you have better RZ than me you do not have better Riz you didn’t even do anything uh are you serious right now okay dude I I am literally protecting your wife right now and you should be doing that you’re just sitting here with your lazy head just

Doing nothing fine you want to see some RZ yeah yeah yeah did you fall from Heaven because your face is all messed up what oh Jack that is L RZ my guy okay uh uh just get away get away what are you talking about stop building on my property Jack are are you

A vacuum because you suck that’s a good one that’s a good one wait why would you say that because you you you said my face was messed up yeah but in a good way like you know like plastic surgery you know in a good way I’ve never had plastic surgery in my

Life I never said you did I’m just saying like it that’s it I’m getting a divorce o that’s a rough life what do you mean she’s obviously just joking I mean look at her she’s like a clown jack I want you to sign these now oh my goodness okay it’s it’s actually

Happening you guys are actually getting a divorce L is Jack what do you mean I’m not signing these what are you talking about uh I think you have to oh do I watch this oh my gosh oh that that’s rough Jack that’s it the house is going

To go oh my goodness oh oh that’s crazy what are you doing fine I’ll mess with TV man’s house then hey hey hey hey stop messing with my house jack oh my goodness no no no no no no no oh my gosh why why don’t you mess with Po’s house

Cuz this is your fault no this is a really bad idea Jack I’m not going to lie dude the next round’s going to start any minute all right let me just grab all the gear I can let me grab some diamond swords let me grab some armor oh

No this is really bad oh no Jack seriously stop it oh are you serious right now we are literally in survival mode oh no this is so bad okay let me change this armor out this is just great no this is not great pomy this is

Terrible I’m sorry uh I just not feeling the best right now don’t worry about it PNE we just got to fight up these monsters anyway Jax you’re literally a loser dude you have lrz and you’re literally trash shut up you’re just jealous jealous of you are you serious

Right now no I would never be jealous of you and is that ragi she’s seen better days ra these guys are so powerful or girls ah it’s okay TV man I’ll help defend her oh it hurts hurting my best friend uh Raga literally smells so bad Raga okay

That’s rude wow nice nice Riz TV man all those women over there are trying to kill you what did you just say to them dude you’re literally trash you’re hiding dude that is not Riz bro oh my goodness okay fight off these monsters oh no these guys are so powerful what in

The way oh no I’m cornered py help me don’t worry I I’m trying my best I think we’re thinning them out though uh yeah we’re doing a really good job P I’m not going to lie we don’t even have a base to protect ourselves like I’m pretty

Sure the rounds are going to get way more difficult too it is time it it is time time for what Kane what did you say TV man get out of my house ledge time uh that’s not me what the heck are these things oh wait you’re right they’re so

Much uglier oh my goodness wait that’s like a TV man double my size hey buddy I hope we’re friends and okay okay we’re not friends then dude oh my goodness are you serious right now wait there’s no way TV men are actually in your house and oh my goodness they’re in his house

That’s so funny oh my goodness these guys are so powerful but they’re pretty trash I’m not going to Li why are they fighting me I’m literally part of you guys I’m literally your teammate okay TV men consume what in the what consume what in the what is happening oh my

Goodness Jax’s house is like literally dying wait why the heck are they only going after my house what this just this is so stupid this is so funny maybe they just want to get rid of the ugly oh they want to get rid of the ugly let’s go

You’re trash you’re literally not a sigma okay just wait until this round is over then TV man we’ll see who’s laughing oh my goodness are you serious right now my house looks like it’s holding up the best cuz I actually focused on defenses little bro shut up

Idiot oh my goodness okay we got to fight up these monsters and ew what is the TV men doing all over my house anyway they’re not that powerful they’re really not killing me cuz I’m literally a part of the TV man these guys are really powerful what do you mean uh well

They’re not powerful anymore cuz it’s the next round it is the next round okay let’s fight off these monsters and let’s make our base even better than last time hello everyone how was the last round uh it was pretty funny I’m not going to lie Jax’s whole base is ruined that was

Actually so funny oh that’s weird how could that have ever happened I’m not sure Jax is just trash at everything wait you know what else was funny Kane TV man’s house also got ruined uh it really did oh maybe it did a little bit but anyways I don’t really care I could

Just rebuild it you’re too lazy to rebuild your are you sure it wasn’t no no no oh my goodness pretty R to me are you serious right now you better get that fixed because well the next round is going to be very difficult and you your terrain might change a bit Jack are

You serious right now huh what do you mean TV man broke my house it only makes sense that a Jax breaks yours hey Jax I’m not going to lie you’re you’re just mad that I stole your girl that’s that I think that’s what the problem is here uh

You didn’t steal anything what are you even talking about well uh technically I’m dating TV man now um no you’re not uh yes or wait are we actually dating what I mean we can uh what in the what that is crazy I’m not going to lie I was

Just trolling Jack but I’m single now no py I’m not going to lie that was a joke just to make Jack’s angry we’re not really dating that’s really weird wait wait wait wait wait um wait before okay I I prepared something thing uh do you know what you would look really

Beautiful in TV man uh what my arms no no no no no no py that is really weird I’m not going to lie I’m sorry I am not interested like that it was just a joke to uh mess with Jack you’re so silly cuz now you’re teasing me you totally want

Me what in the what are you serious right now ja just to let you know TV man’s always been better and he is much better with women than you will ever be oh but you know what I’m better at then having a house hey hey by J oh my

Goodness are you serious right no Jax don’t explode this one too this is our last house we have oh did you say explode this you’re so petty jck this is exactly why I didn’t want to be married with you you’re a jerk you’re ugly you smell and worst of

All you have a huge ego okay I’m back and what what happened it was Jack’s fault it was Jack’s fault okay okay I see what’s going on you guys seem to have a have had a little scuffle it’s Jack’s fault a little scuffle okay well

I I might have to issue a couple of punishments here first one wait wait wait no no no no Kane no no punish are are you serious right now Kane no you can’t do this what’s going on okay now let’s see one punishment let’s see let

Me think Kane what did you do to our house and everything oh oh no you are all going to be forced to build one house one look what you did TV man because you just had the snitch now we’re all in trouble oh my goodness are you serious right now this is actually

The worst thing that’s ever happened in my whole life how am I going to have to do this I have to build a house with Jack that’s so awkward I don’t want to live with my ex he literally smells so bad too and oh wait your ex oh yeah you

Guys are divorced your ex what what did that oh I guess it doesn’t matter one more thing I need to tell you because ja apparently blew up everything I’m going to have to issue one last punishment what in the what is that punishment oh don’t worry please swipe him from the

Face of the Earth uh I would do that but that wouldn’t be as fun I’m going to issue it right before the next round uh Kane explain what that punishment is it’s not for me right it’s for Jack yeah it’s not for me uh who knows you’ll only

Find out by the time the next round comes around so good luck I hope you’re happy now TV man look what you did now none of us have anything and it’s all your fault no it’s your fault cuz you have Lis and then you pissed off bne you

Made B mad it’s your fault Jack shut up we just got to build a house like I don’t know about you guys but I want to survive and just because you have lrz doesn’t mean you have to be mad at TV man that’s your own fault for being so

Lame work on yourself go to the gym I don’t know chug a couple of protein shakes all right fine whatever let’s work together all right guys since you’re going to built doing all the work stop making this blue this is garbage H what in the what no no no no no blue is

Our favorite color what do you think you’re doing we are not doing purple dude do it purple or we’re not having a house jack we are not having your face on everything what do you mean not having a house oh my goodness fine we’ll do it purple Jack yeah that’s what I

Thought Jack I’ll give you one last chance to turn it back blue or else or else what what are you going to do cry pomy just make it purple okay just make it purple or else this yeah just make it purple pomy just make it purple oh oh

She has gone out oh okay uh oh I have one too I have one too sorry that’s what I thought all right ja you asked for it this is my cage gun what in the what what the heck is this I said it was my cage gun stupid okay

Let’s put that right there so we can’t get out ja how is it in there buddy a it’s a little bunny rabbit a he’s so cute yeah it is cute cuz now I get to stay here perfectly safe while you guys have to try and survive have

Fun okay that’s better than hearing your annoying voice well you can still hear my annoying voice sorry I should have made it sound POS okay let’s let’s do some noise cancelling on this guy hold on let me put some sponges all around him here you go Jack oh you think you’re

So funny you’re so funny loser guys this isn’t funny what are you doing stop we can barely hear him now what’s wrong sorry I I thought I heard something hey ja I hope this feels good buddy you’re going to stay in there until it’s done what are you doing all

Right anyway let’s keep building up this base and wait I just realized we don’t have to make a purple cuz Jax isn’t here that’s so funny I know it was so funny we can’t even hear him anymore I know that is so funny I’m

Not going to lie so uh TV man uh now that I’m single what do you think about going to the movies uh what in the what you know what maybe just maybe okay maybe if we could beat this build to survive maybe I’ll go out with you a

Thank you I knew you’d give me a chance I mean who wouldn’t I’m I’m such a cutie hello everyone Kane you really need to stop doing that you’re scaring me yeah Kane that scared me dude but scaring people makes them have the funniest reactions speaking about funny reactions

Where’s Jax I I have no clue we we have no clue where Jax is oh uh uh he’s just been a bit silent these days yeah yeah he he he’s somewhere around here I’m not sure he just needs some quiet time well I guess

It’s no matter I have come to give you a suggestion on your build to prepare for the next round uh what in the what is your suggestion dude you have no walls dude of course we don’t have walls stupid we’re working on it uh Kane we’re

Working on it you should it’s going to start very soon if you don’t have any walls you might be in a bit of trouble oh wait you’re right okay pomy let’s go come on maybe we should we focus on gear or should we start building yeah we got

To speedrun this uh I’d say focus on building okay okay let’s do that all right let’s just do like two stories up like this just two blocks up and then we’ll put some gear down uh TV man uh I have a question for you another one uh

Yeah yeah yeah uh is your uh wait um how’s it go uh yeah uh your hand looks heavy can I hold it for you uh what in the what that was El R I’m not going to lie P me anyway let’s grab some of this gear all right anyway let’s grab some of

This gear and wait I literally lost everything are you serious right now all right let’s grab some of this diamond gear and wait we should probably enchant it as well pomy let’s let’s put that like an enchantment table somewhere oh yeah that’s a really good idea and wait

Pomy I just realized how much more relaxing it is without uh Jack’s talking in my ear I know there’s like it’s a nice peaceful silence no no nagging no really weird comments no sarcastic little bunny to bother me he also smells really bad yeah he smells so much like

Carrot juice it it’s kind of freaking me out oh my goodness are you serious right now anyway let’s grab some of this and enchant it and anyway py you could enchant armor if you go in your creative menu and you can get some diamond armor o that sounds amazing actually PP it

Here just take this here you go a you’re so sweet and let me grab some food as well let’s grab some golden apples I like apples wait a second uh pomy what in the what is happening here what it lava I have no idea I I don’t know pomy

I’m very scared I think we’re going to be in survival soon but this is really scary oh I don’t like this I really don’t like this either and what in the what guys it looks like we’re in survival now we got to fight up these monsters but look at this there’s all

This lava oh no hello Kane what do you want I’m just here to inform you about your punishment that you probably already see uh are you serious right now anyway I am really scared wait this is a punishment I don’t get it because of all that commotion M arer you’re going to

Have limited movements you’re going to have to fight the mobs now not just run away oh no are you serious right now Kane that’s not fair yeah Kane that’s not fair dude oh yes and by the way I’m not dumb I know Jack is in here I’m

Going to let him out no uh oh no that’s that’s kind of awkward hey buddy hey Jax H he seems really tired he seems sleepy hey Jax wake up buddy hey hey hey hey hey what the what the heck is your problem I was taking a nap in there man

Wait a second you’re the ones that try me in here T man you jerk hey hey hey don’t push me in the lava don’t push me in the lava please please please push you in the lava oh oh that is very awkward I’m not going to lie Jack the

Monsters are going to spawn any minute dude chill out please I’m going to go hiding wait this place is blue uh are you serious right now anyway you didn’t even help with it so uh toodles ja what are you going to do cry about it okay

The mods will be spawning in about 1 minute so you better get some gear T gear what are you talking about dude we can’t get anything are you serious right now T man here let’s let’s seal this off I don’t want Jackson here make the whole place smell like carrot juice uh Jax

Stop Jax how are you in Creative still well somebody seems to still be in Creative hm that’s a penalty let me just clear his inventory real quick o that’s rough Jack you’re the one that controls it Kane you idiot thanks TV man now I’m in survival and have nothing you had

Nothing before and you are nothing Jax just deal with it and uh what in the what who is that is that a glitch givey toilet e no wonder they wear a mask on their face they’re probably really ugly oh py py py watch out they are really

Ugly they’re scary oh no and I think they’re really powerful too ow ow they are very powerful fight off the glitch giveing a toilets one just fell on me oh no e e I’m in his cage I’m in Jack’s cage it smells like gross rabbits in here e

Excuse you you’re the one that trapped me in there and sealed it off idiot shut up Jackson wait I just realized my boots have literally double jumping what in the what is that CMO that’s that’s kinger same thing they’re literally the same person okay I fight them they

Really aren’t they really aren’t shut up Jax you’re not helping out wait I don’t have any weapons somebody help uh no let’s let him die pomy oh that’s a good idea wait they’re going to kill me I’m going to get you TV man uh what in the

Way hey I’m in the lava oh my goodness are you serious right now and wait did ja just die uh JX hello ja oh no no no seems like one of your teammates have fallen remember as long as one of you live you don’t lose but if you all die a

Cruel punishment awaits you oh my goodness are you serious right now that’s literally round six how are we going to be able to survive all this in uh Who and the who is that is that kmo ew it’s ker wait it’s Ker no that one’s

CMO no this is kmo Ker’s the chest piece oh oh yeah same same person sorry I’m from skibby toil I don’t know any of these people really most of you guys from Scooby Doo toilet look the same it’s ski it is skiy toilet py how don’t

You know this I thought we were like dating now oh we are uh oh well you said we are and you basically divorced your friend or your your boyfriend well I guess I don’t have to use this love potion anymore so love whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Love Potion what are you

Talking about uh I didn’t say anything it was probably Cosmo over here whoa what the TV man what dude you literally died you’re trash kid you’re trash it’s all your fault so I’m going to break this garbage house no no no J you can’t be doing that I’m going to make sure you

Stay in survival this time what you can’t do this to me Kane how is this Fair it’s cuz I’m a rabbit isn’t it no it’s cuz you’re trash and you smell bad and you’re you have LZ and you’re not a sigma bro he’s right Li bro is literally

From skippity toilet shut up he said it not me okay ja you’re going to have to find a way to survive even without creative so I going to have to ask for some help from these two ja that’s pretty funny dude go ask your wife I don’t want to help him

Exwife all right how about uh you give me blocks TV man or I’ll blow up your house uh how are you going to blow it up if if you’re in survival mode cuz he didn’t clear my inventory this time and your inventory is cleared uh Kane I need

You to clear Jack’s inventory he’s cheating no I’m not oh cheating I heard no one sec oh what what that is so funny are you serious right now what the heck ja you’re just taking a really big L today yeah El Bozo man shut up ugly didn’t ask ugly you are literally

Married to her dude not anymore why would I want to be married to her look at her I don’t want to be married to him he smells oh this sucks I do kind of miss her a little bit but I hate you even more TV man I want us to lose do

You mean you want us to lose are you serious right now dude what do you mean why do you want to lose I want to lose cuz you ruined my life what do you mean ruined your life dude you’re the one being weird you’re the one trying to

Steal my wife and ruining my fun in this build to survive what do you mean stealing your wife dude she’s the one who wanted me you’re the I’m being a jerk dude I’m not going to lie you’re such a liar you’re just mad that I’m

Making this house blue I am cuz blue is such an ugly disgusting color ja it’s just blue it’s not going to hurt you or you going to cry I’m not going to cry it’s just ugly it hurts my eyes to look at it then how would you look at a

Mirror all right jack listen dude why don’t we stop fighting and we could just become friends okay I will be civil with you if you be civil to me back you no what’s wrong with you have some standards man what are you talking about I’m trying to win this build to survive

Dude all right anyway I’m just going to keep building up our defenses cuz that’s more important anyway I don’t need to talk to you jack all right and instead of water I have a really good idea let’s put down some lava I was just thinking the same thing look oh wow that’s so

Smart wait wait how about we do like a different one for this part too we’ll add a different one hold on watch this P all right instead of lava let’s check out all the different buckets we could choose and wo we can literally choose like anything we can do quick set we can

Literally do blood let’s do blood oh okay yeah that’s uh pretty cool I guess um sorry I have to go lie down I have a horrid fear of I’m feeling L headed I’m sorry POI do you want me to get rid of it it’s okay I’ll be fine all right

Let’s fill this in and wait I’m pretty sure like if you step in this it’ll actually kill you shut up over there TV man I’m trying to sulk over here what in the what does that even mean are you serious right now it means he’s having a

Little temper tantrum TV man does he always have tempered Tantrums poy yeah he once cried when I didn’t make him his favorite dinner what the the time I cried was cuz you almost poison me I did not poison you I just burnt the food a little okay all right guys guys and you

Put peanuts in it and you know I’m allergic all right let’s just keep building up our defenses here and wait I just realiz we could add some electric fences right here to make it even more secure that’s so smart TV man you’re just full of good ideas I know look at

This this is actually going to be so secure like there’s no way anyone’s going to be able to come in here wait how are we going to get in though oh how are we going to get in well we could just uh we can make like a little Bridge

Are you ready for this py watch this ooh all right actually I have a really good idea okay let’s put a ton of lava here so there’s like a bridge that you have to go over to get to our house isn’t that so secure that’s really

Secure the securest oh I need to figure out a way to prank these guys back maybe I can get Kane to give me creative again okay okay uh what do you want can I pretty pretty pleasee with the cherry on top have creative back uh let me think

No but it’d be funny Kane isn’t that the most important thing it’d be so funny it’s much funnier what you struggle than seeing you blow up anything oh you’re so ugly Kane whatever never mind that’s rude why don’t I just banish you you from this like little thing and you just

Have the finishing punishment now do it you won’t I don’t like let’s see wait I’m just kidding I just I was just kidding uh are you serious right now Jack what are you doing to yourself dude you’re actually so stupid all righty and booah there we go this base is starting

To look so awesome look at this howy do you like this o I love it wait wait I here I prepared this one uh uh I thought this was a build to survive but I must be in a museum because you’re a piece of art oh that was so cringey oh I’m

Working on it but hey it’s way nicer than what Jax would have said oh my goodness are you serious right now anyway let’s just keep building up this base and wao I love this design of these electric fences okay Kane Kane if I can’t have creative can you at least

Give me some blocks please I’ll help I can’t come over uh right now let me just drop some off next to you oh that’s pretty cool wait you’re getting on these blocks and wait what happened uh Jax you want to tell her Kane gave me blocks what’s

So funny shut up you got dirt dude dirt’s fine hey hey you can’t build dirt on our base it’s going to ruin it it’s going to look ugly go somewhere else no don’t tell me what to do you are what you eat piece of dirt once I get my creative

Back TV man you’re going to regret how you treated me what do you mean dude are you serious right now I didn’t do anything dude you’re the one being weird okay what do you mean you ruined my relationship and you’re trying to ruin this build to survive for me I am not

Trying to ruin it for you pomy can you tell them I’m not trying to ruin it for Jack stop being a big baby fact all right let’s keep placing that there and wo this looks so good this isn’t awesome stone slab thing I built I love this wow

It’s amazing you’re just so good at building to you man oh uh by the way I got you something just a little gift wait what did you get me pomy hold on a second I’m finishing this up and this base looks so ugly with jacks on top of

It all right let me see um it’s not much but uh I’m pretty sure I had these golden apples already but thank you I guess I appreciate that oh okay oh why are you coming around here TV man you jealous no I’m not jealous get rid of

This base this is so ugly what are you doing this is my perfect base this is the last of my blocks to too what is your issue man okay Jack listen dude you could just help us help us with the our base and not ruin it by adding dirt on

Top bro then give me blocks them give you blocks okay uh here I’ll give you some reinforced blocks and you can take them and you have to be careful with them okay and actually use them okay thanks I’ll build my own base now loser hey hey you can’t use our blocks then

Jack no watch me oh my goodness are you serious right now I was married to that yeah I feel bad that uh you know we’re still married by the way pomy I didn’t sign those stupid papers you gave me okay well I’ll make you sign them no you won’t yeah I

Will you want to go in a cage again bunny boy do it you won’t oh you want to go in a cage again I don’t know if that’s a smart idea she still has the gun Jack do you really want to do that don’t test me yeah how’s she going to

Shoot me in here oh I don’t know I don’t know am I in Creative no how is this Fair why isn’t Kane doing anything to you guys because uh I heard my name uh uh uh Kane we’re not doing anything we are just uh po come back to that Kane

They’re bullying me you’re a baby Jack see you being bullied is music to my ears it’s always great to hear you grel but I really came here for a specific reason you guys have a couple of gifts waiting for you at the gate the front gate gifts wait what gifts we have gifts

Are you serious right now let me see this hold on a second let me clear my inventory uh oh Jack put that back that’s not for you doesn’t matter they’re mine now don’t make me clear your inventory again do hey he took that from mine and no no inventory oh that’s

Too bad pomy I guess you don’t get anything now let me just take these two hey hey hey don’t take all my stuff oh are you serious or oh my dude what are you doing Kane can we put him in a cage again oh that’s unfortunate well since everybody’s being untruthful I’m going

To have to clear all your inventories and get rid of these gifts no no oh my goodness Jack ja you said you were being bullied how about I actually bully you now yeah let’s bully Jax pomy hey JX take this buddy take this what is your problem

Stay away from me weirdo hey py do you have any other guns that you could use to like trap him in a cage but like make the cage way bigger and way more scary so like there’s like spiders that Spa everything just kill him yeah I think I

Stored something in the chest over here py do you have anything please come on you got to tell me yourself I have this what is that oh what in the what that is crazy get back here Jack is that actually going to work oh my wait how

Many bullets do you have I only have one so I have to make this shot count get ready ja oh what in the what wait what the heck how’ you get another one of these uh P had one last bullet and uh good job you’re going to

Stay in there now forever bye a I caught a r rbit does a rabbit want the pet you want a pet you want a car uh a little bit actually yeah okay I’ll give you a oh wait no that’s okay fine well I’m not a monster wow thanks pomy you’re the

Best wife a guy could ask for whatever we’re not even dating and we’re not married oh my goodness I mean we’re still married that’s crazy ja I’m not going to lie I think the next round’s starting any minute now too have fun in your cage little bunny oh wait wait pomy

We don’t have any resources or any any materials or anything we got to grab that now come on grab it uh okay oh no let’s grab a Lucky Sword okay I have a Lucky Sword that’ll be good enough let me grab some armor too oh no this is

Really bad oh no let’s grab it oh no we are in survival mode are you serious right now I we have a Lucky Sword okay it’s okay I I made sure to pack some food in the chest don’t worry oh thank goodness okay we have enough armor at

Least to give to get us the next round I think okay let me grab this there we go let’s drink this golden apples and oh no uh it’s lightning strikes this is really scary and jackon might die here I’m not going to lie poor ja his ears are

Probably very sensitive to the lightning but whatever I don’t really care about him I really care about you TV man uh why what in the way all right let’s fight up these monsters where are they I’m ready hey TV man come over here come over here oh what what are you want ow

Ow what the heck that shocked me got him oh my goodness you’re not funny fight off this guy and wao this Lucky Sword is so good come on come on it where did he go ah what the heck and uh what in the what are those things oh they’re glitch give on

No fight them come on ah TNT oh no and wao these guys are really scary these skiy toilets are getting really more powerful too oh they’re getting uglier they really are getting uglier I’m not going to lie but this Lucky Sword is actually goated and up p p p p p help

What oh my goodness are you serious right now come on in ew is that who even is that is that Zub yeah that’s Zub there oh no oh my goodness this Lucky Sword is actually working and Jax is just chilling in there doing nothing okay maybe we shouldn’t trap him in a

Cage anymore well do you want him to build dirt houses on our house I don’t know but this is really scary I’m not going to lie I don’t know I don’t maybe he could help out a little bit uh uh oh I’m I’m might be stuck oh wait where are

You oh py are you inside of that Cobblestone cobweb thingy yeah I I’m okay I’ll get you out I’ll get you out okay I got to get you out these guys Chas me ow ow ow oh my gosh I’m getting so low on health eat some golden apples

Hy I almost got you out come on oh come on and booya oh you’re out now okay run thank you py run py run there’s so many of them oh my goodness oh you okay yeah I’m fine this out I’m getting low on health oh no oh thank goodness your

Golden apples are coming in clutch oh you guys having fun over there I’m having a great time in here perfectly safe from the monsters no ja we are not having fun we are not having fun dud are you serious right now this is so trash that’s too bad oh my goodness come on

These guys are too powerful are you serious right now it’s okay uh some of them are dying off maybe we should push them into the lava or something push them into the lava oh that’s really smart actually but maybe we should just get inside of our house that we built I

Don’t know why we’re fighting them let’s do that oh my goodness it looks like there’s not that many more monsters left and there’s only like two more left let’s fight these guys come on good thing none of them spawn near me they can all go after you losers shut up Jack

You’re actually trash buddy we’re not the ones in the cage Jack yeah you’re the one in a cage little bro you wish you were in this cage I’m perfectly safe in here shut your face buddy and oh what in the what uh yeah wait who’s this handsome fellow what is he doing this

Jax versus Jax this is pretty funny py look at this oh I don’t know who’s going to win honestly they both have really skinny noodle arms so what is this guy’s issue stop hitting oh he broke me out oh no oh gosh are you serious right now who is

This Jack killed this other guy hey buddy who who are you I’m Jack you idiot there’s two of them I’m the real one which one’s the real one which is the real one I am well say something the real Jack would know stop hitting me you idiot oh wait

Which oh where did the other Jack go oh my goodness and now Jax is out of serious right now oh God what’s this guy doing hey hey Jack stop this stop Jack oh maybe this guy isn’t so bad keep going buddy get out get out get out now

Hey oh what in the way he just despawned are you serious right now now we’re here with Jackson oh no py do you have any more of those Portal guns sorry I used my last bullet yeah what’s up doc guess you guys are stuck with me again oh my goodness

Are you serious right now oh whatever we can figure this out I’m just going to ignore him yeah we’ll just ignore him let him do his own thing all right it looks like we are on the next round and let’s just build up our base pomy come

On and that guy literally broke all of our base so we got to rebuild it up well it’s time to rebuild but if I’m building I’m really glad I’m building with you cuz now we get a chance to know each other even more now yeah P it’s really

Nice building with you but I I I don’t know if I like you like that you’re so silly TV man I know you like me like that what what are you talking about you don’t even know me like that I I don’t know like aren’t you

Dating like I I know you just divorced Jack but like I don’t know it’s just weird like why do you want to date me so but I know everything about you I know what you like I know where you live I know where you’re from We’re soulmates

And I will not take no for an answer what and the what or no no no no pomy seriously stop this right now you’re acting insane too you’re acting like Jack I’m nothing like Jax I’m way better way prettier and I’m the perfect match for you come on pomy what in the heck

Are you yapping about you seriously like this guy I thought you were just playing hard to get no I love him Jax you don’t understand we’re meant to be together what in the what are you serious right now that is so weird don’t worry TV man she’s probably just pranking you know

She’s going to act like she likes you and then break your heart well maybe you’re just a loser not going to lie maybe I am a loser but you’re one too well you’re the one who doesn’t have creative buddy I wouldn’t date a loser okay I don’t need creative you know what

I need I need you TV man what no what e you just gave me the cooties e that’s gross come on can you guys just shut up already I’m trying to break this house uh good luck breaking it it’s all reinforced a little bro and anyway we

Got to finish these last few rounds I think there’s only like two rounds left two more rounds and then we can on our date TV man uh that’s not happening we’re still married remember uh sip it bunny boy no all right let’s keep building and wo this looks so awesome

Now our base is actually looking so good all right let’s keep building this up and here we go we’ll have to make this look really good because uh wait what in the what Kade what are you doing hello I’ve been listening into to your little

Uh let’s say event with pom uh what what are you what are you talking about oh events like she’s like asking me out and she’s acting a little insane yeah yeah what about it yeah I teleported here to give you a little little bit of advice

Oh what do you mean what advice do you have little bro so it seems like um p is getting a little crazy she’s getting a little like yandara she’s getting a bit dangerous yeah yeah she is getting a little bit dangerous but it’s fine dude don’t worry about it I think you should

Be worried about it she might try something very drastic soon what in the what are you talking about so I’m going to teleport you back and just be very very careful okay okay good luck oh uh TV man you’re back uh I got you a little

Present go on and check what are you talking about hey heyy what are you hey why you pushing me what what uh what in the what is this hey hello hey get me out of here wait why am I survival mode hey get me out py py py hey now you’re all mine

What in the what are you serious right now no py what are you doing seriously I’ll go on a date with you fine that’s not enough I want you to be mine oh what’s up Boos what’s going on in TV man why are you in a cage how’s it feel

Buddy how’s it feel get me out of here this is so annoying hey Kane Kane I’m in a cage it’s no use calling for Kane TV man this is a soundproof cage he can’t hear your cries for help oh my goodness are you serious right

Now no come on this isn’t fair what if there’s monsters that spawn well then you’ll be safe and don’t worry I’m there to protect you hey how come you never acted like this around me uh well to be fair you kind of smell and it’s really

Hard to like be obsessed when you smell like carrot juice what’s wrong with carots veggies are good for you anyway stop flirting with this guy he sucks although we can’t keep him in the cage to be honest that’s pretty funny Jax don’t talk that way about him or what

What are you going to do put me in a cage you’re so silly no I’m going to kill you no you won’t you want to test me not really but it’s fine shut up whatever whatever just get me out of this cage come on this isn’t fair why

Would I let you out you didn’t let me out oh my goodness are you serious right now hello everyone really nice house you built here you guys ready for the next round yeah uh not really help me help uh nothing to say interesting you guys py can you explain this it’s very confusing

To me and it doesn’t really seem very practical oh uh uh a a TV man had a headache and we trying a new method so we can get rid of the headache no she’s lying she’s insane she’s Lally insane she’s trapping me in here and I just

Want to get out of here please come on I had a feeling this might happen Okay TV man just hop on out my gosh P because I need everybody to participate in these rounds you get this is a team effort if one of you are

Locked up did it’s not fun and you just destroyed my plans okay sorry about that everyone I just I got a little insane there anyhoo uh TV man uh will you go on a date with me uh yeah sure sure I guess I guess you’re lying aren’t you what no

I’m not lying oh my goodness can this round just start already I need to get out of this build to survive they’re all acting insane see TV man this is why I broke up with this psycho also by the way nice W Riz Bozo oh my goodness are

You serious right now ah they’re so powerful oh my goodness wait it’s night time and oh no it’s the last rounded oh py just get away from me py come back oh my goodness come on this is the last round come on we got to do this oh

Finally I can’t wait to get out of here I’ve been stuck it feels like I’ve been stuck with you losers for days uh okay it wasn’t that bad dude but anyway so last round so everyone just do this we got to win yeah you’re right this is a

Team effort we got to win but do you promise to go on a date with me do you swear on your life do you swear on your very existence yes I do I do I do ow ow ow what the heck oh no and they’re literally pomes chasing us these are so

Powerful and uh what what they’re really powerful ow ow ah ow why don’t you hurt Jack stop hurting TV man he can’t go on a date with me if he’s all wounded what do you mean what are they supposed to do TV man has W RZ after all that’s why

They’re trying to kill him right shut up Jack oh my goodness are you serious right now fight off these monsters are you calling me a monster no oh my goodness I’m not calling you a monster I’m just H this is so annoying oh my goodness are you serious right now fight

These monsters this is really easy though I’m not going to lie they’re not that powerful and what in the what oh my oh oh gosh I’m P ow oh these guys are way too powerful are you serious right now oh no I’m really scared oh this is

How a builds to survive should be me just relaxing up here watching TV man get mauled by a giant pomy beautiful oh my goodness are you serious right now fight off these pomes we got to win this build to survive oh no oh gosh there’s too many of them they’re all chasing me

In oh there’s one on Jax’s house now get out of here get TV man oh no oh no oh gosh I’m going to die I’m getting cornered ah fight these mobs you good guys have one and a half more minutes left good luck it’s going to get harder

Oh my gosh let’s trap them in here come on it’s working oh it’s literally working now they’re all stuck in there go go go these pomes are trash okay I’m going to fight them all come on we got to beat this and oh there’s too many of

Them I think it’s too powerful come on come on my Lucky Sword is working it’s doing wonders I can’t wait after this round’s finished you’re going to take me on a date e I’m not taking you okay yes I am taking you on today sorry what did you

Say no I didn’t say anything I’m didn’t say anything okay just these moners thought ew there’s so many of these mini ones ew what in the what that is so gross but wait if I just lower them over to my lasers they W diet wait they’re

Getting in oh no oh no oh no no wait did you hear that pomy he just called you gross are you going to take that I don’t know I’ll take him on a date uh what the what no no no no gosh there’s too many of these PES this is

Really gross why are you doing this pomy this is gross why am I doing this because I love you oh this is for you Jack why don’t you take your girlfriend back dude what is going on right now uh going to be honest man you can have her

At this point I’m good oh my goodness are you serious right now come on fight these monsters all right kanen that’s it you can shut off the monsters my goal is complete what your goal is what what are you talking about pom going on a DAT I’m still

Excited gosh can you guys hurry up and get this over with I want to get out of here I I think we finished but this portal should be opening up any minute and then I have to go out a date with L but whatever yeah have fun with that

Buddy I give you my blessing have fun with her oh my goodness are you serious right now all right let’s go on our date TV man it’s just through this portal oh no whatever let’s go today we’re on a one lucky chunk with pomy and ratha this

Is so exciting I can’t wait to play with you guys yeah you know like this is probably going to be pretty cool I mean uh I have all my friends here so I guess we got to start building or something wait guys who else is on this map uh

It’s supposed to be the whole amazing digital circus right well um let’s see Jax is on vacation somewhere Kane is probably off doing something else kofo probably got abstracted again zub’s not caring and then gle’s probably crying in a room wait so it’s just you girls and I

Here oh my goody goodness uh what’s wrong with that are you afraid of girls no of course not I’m not afraid of girls but anyway we got to figure out a way to get resources so we can actually build the best base ever all right let’s break

This Lucky Block right here and uh what did that just give us was that just an invisible Lucky Block are you serious right now well it gave you wood so at least we have something to build with let’s go so here we go let’s break some

More wood right here guys there’s got to be another Lucky Block that spawns come on hey uh TV man maybe I could uh could I have a oh okay never mind I was going to ask for a block but now there aren’t any o what’s this oh and guys there’s a

Lucky Block right here let’s break it and uh what is that are those bunnies oh rabbits I love bunnies you know push them off no oh that that that that was not really cool TV man there they’re they were just animals just they were minding their own business why would you

Do that sorry but anyway we have no time to waste because guys we have a stone block right here so using this crafting table we can have some oak wood right here and then we can make some sticks and make a pickaxe sticks and stones may

Break my bones but words will never hurt me isn’t that right little rabbit right sorry I’m going mentally insane hey uh raak uh can you come over here a private girl talk uh yeah sure um is there something you need did you have like an accident or something or what’s going on

Okay so I hope it’s not obvious but I may have a Teensy Wy tiny ginormous huge crush on TV man um so do you think there’s a way that maybe I could try to impress him oh you have a crush on TV man oh that’s so

Cool uh sure I I I guess I could um sabot help you with your crush with TV man I gu I guess thanks Rak you’re such a good friend okay we should probably go back where he is or else he’s going to start killing more animals and wondering

Where we are hey guys where were you at okay uh we were talking about um how pomy uh loves remember what sorry she loves um quas yeah what is that what what is that look up a quoka it’s um it’s a it’s a rodent is that a fruit all right anyway

That’s pretty cool pomy congrats no uh thank you oh no guys there’s a Lucky Block right here one is lucky and one is not which one’s a Lucky Block I think it’s this one oh and I was right let’s go always go with the I was going to say always go

With the right we’re so in sync TV man I hope that was the right let me do the little thingy with my fingers left right wait there’s got to be another good one right here right this is has to be lucky I mean both of them have to be lucky

Right oh no yeah that’s not lucky it’s fine you win some you lose some oh my gosh this guy’s so powerful too what in the what but I’m going to use this Lucky Sword to kill him sorry kind of ugly not going to lie oh no this guy’s mad

Powerful bro hey pomy it looks like you ugly I mean beautiful and shiny uh it’s okay I’ll try to um trap him oh okay I’m not so good at this oh my gosh why is this guy so powerful bro okay um maybe if we uh come on teamwork teamwork oh

Yeah let we we okay push him off oh my gosh wait that just worked good job py great teamwork oh thank you oh comment he complimented me going sorry you have apples um actually I was the one who distracted the zombie so you could try to you know build around and and cage

Him but that obviously didn’t work cuz you’re too slow in the brain so we had to knock him off instead I think it was more of a team effort between me and TV man pomy no offense offense taken um excuse me I am trying my hardest and

Guess what TV man complimented me not you so you need to shed it with your stupid weave uh guys what are we talking about here I’m so confused guys guys listen listen uh both helped me out a lot I guess okay yeah but which one of

Us helped you more TV man choose one uh what in the what what are you guys talking about choose one that’s really weird no no no no uh she’s just saying U random stuff the zombie hit her in the head come on ratha let’s let’s go somewhere else and have another girl

Conversation we’ll be right back what is going on with these girls they’re acting really weird to be honest with you I have no idea what’s going on um Fraga what in the p butter Reese’s cup is going on I told you to keep it a secret and you’re obviously trying to flirt

With TV man like it could be like a fun thing if like we were like I don’t know we we were both dating him or something like that but I obviously like him and you have like K or Jack or whatever why can’t you go for one of them well um

Jack is on vacation so he’s out of the question and um I don’t know about Kane the last couple of videos were a little um weird any who I was just you know teasing you okay it’s it’s not that big of a deal it’s not like I like him or

Anything it was just a little banter pomy lighten up you’re always so stressed I’m I’m not stressed you’re stressed okay girl conversation is over guys what are you even talking about I’m so confused I literally almost just died from a zombie while you guys were talking and uh guys what is floating in

The sky that’s not normal uh yeah no duh oh look I’m riding the horse okay how do I get off um help please uh okay okay R I’m Gonna Save you oh my gosh hey yo there you go thank you TV man my hero you know you look good like um an a

Night armor thing armor hey yo what bro why you acting so weird yo what no no no that’s no no no I mean like like if if we did like a play or something you’d make a great night you know with like the shiny Sword and the the I don’t know

What you’re talking about you’re acting weird bro I’m not going to lie you both are acting really creepy I’m not going breing these Lucky Blocks creepy look like you did ra that you whack girly PP I’m going to rip your weave right off your okay come at me come at

Me square up square up square up square up all right I’m going to empty out my inventory over here let’s grab these roses put them over here we’ll take these actually I’ll keep these sticks what else should I get rid of I’ll get rid of some of this sand this dirt oh uh

Are these froses for me actually these are poppies but still it’s nice uh no they’re not for you duh they’re they’re because I dropped them oh well then why’ you leave some for me to pick up um I don’t know I don’t know why you guys are acting like this though it’s really

Weird tomney you’re weirding him out don’t chase all the men away you have a record of getting no men it’s really sad uh uh for your information I I get men I get I get a lot of men um kmo and Jax were fighting over me once um ow what

The hey yo did this giant Lucky Block just spawn this thing’s pretty awesome let’s go break inside and see what’s going on oh um yeah this lucky B actually was a gift from me to you team man I just thought maybe you could use it you know I bet pomy never gets you

Gifts cuz she’s probably too broke for that uh all right all right here I’m going to try this out real quick ready here we go come on come on the gift from Raga let’s go and oh my gosh Raga this is the best present ever thank you so

Much no problem it’s not like pomy could get you anything she’d probably get you like a pile of dirt uh okay um no that that’s not correct I I could I could um I have this uh Heroes potion TV man you you can have this uh Heroes potion what does this

Even do I’m so confused and oh my goody goodness I can jump high and I’m fast now you guys are actually the best it’s nothing I mean I’m getting all red BRB uh why are you acting so nervous pomy what’s going on anyway I’m just going to keep making this armor right

Here and now I got a full set of diamond armor let’s go rag I have a question oh yeah what’s your question so does pomy like me because cuz she’s getting really nervous around me and like I don’t know if I like her to be honest yeah pomy

Doesn’t actually like you she actually hates you that’s why like she’s so nervous around you cuz she’s afraid you’re going to like punch her or yell at her or something what hey yo pom you really think I’m going to punch you bro I would never do that no no I I don’t

Think you’d punch me who who said that oh it definitely wasn’t ratha was it cuz I know I know dang well that Raga wouldn’t open her ragedy mouth and say that isn’t that right Rea uh guys guys please stop fighting stop fighting what’s going on here this is really

Weird uh what are you talking about bro I don’t speak Spanish hey Raa what’s going on um uh what in the what why are they talking in Spanish I’m actually so confused right now do they both have a crush on me or something like that I’m actually so confused what’s going on

Anyway I got to figure out a way to get enough resources so I can actually build a base sorry about that Mommy is just being a little nervous breakdown like she always is uh maybe instead we should uh go exploring or see what else is on here maybe there’s like a special item

We can use or something oh there probably is a special item we could use to like be able to build like whatever we want but anyway we should probably figure out where that is and hey pomy you okay mhmh yeah yeah sorry you scared me I’m I’m just feeding this chicken

Over here he’s or she chicken it the chicken I like the chicken all right why do you keep stumbling on your words pomy like do do you have something to tell me Lo no I’m blowing l oh my gosh these girls are acting so weird and creepy

Anyway let’s figure out where like any you know maybe items could be where we could build super good structures cuz there’s got to be like some blocks somewhere uh and Raga what in the what is this um I’m not exactly sure maybe we should look at it or open it up I don’t

Know what I’m looking at actually yeah let’s go down there and see what’s down here oh my gu wait for me wait for me you guys are what is going on re how can you do this to me uh what what are you talking about we’re

Literally trying to find a way to be able to build a base and there’s already a creative Swit right here so I’m going to grab that guys um Good Luck py py you’re getting all worked up over nothing it’s literally not that serious I’m just being a normal person to TV man

You’re just trying to get every possible piece of attention you can get you’re such a Pik me honestly like no way he would want to ever go out with you I think I’m probably the better option but you know we’ll see H what in the what are they talking about bro are you

Serious right now though when I get my hands on you I’m going to I’m going to I don’t know what I’m going to do but it’s going to be mean all righty I’m going to go in creative with this creative switcher in 3 2 1 boo let’s go now I’m

In creative and I can build the best base ever wait a second this is I feel a little floaty yeah no D pomy we’re flying we’re both in Creative it’s probably because TV man used the creative switcher man you’re so slow sometimes it’s kind of sad uh I am not

Slow okay at least I know what a thesaurus is yeah you both are weird bro I’m not going to lie like you guys are actually like obsessed with me for no reason I feel like oh yeah we’re both so obsessed with you you know like you get

All the girls W RZ T man uh what in the what uh maybe maybe I was maybe I was trolling a little bit you guys definitely don’t like me yeah definitely don’t like you right pomy um um uh uh uh what else is okay I don’t know what’s going on this is really

Weird there’s no way pomy actually likes me cuz Raga was saying that pomy hates me hiding in a hole hiding in a hole hiding in a hole this is the worst day of my life why is Raa being so mean to me all I want is just to hang out and

Have some alone time with TV man but she’s ruined every I said that out loud didn’t I um uh what in the what bro what is pomy talking about I’m actually so confused right now it’s okay I’ll just hide in the hole for the no I can’t hide in the

Hole I got to I got to get out there and and whenn is heart I can’t let Raga do it with her raggedy little hair strands and her worn out tatter dressed okay um confidence confidence I am confident I am very confident I uh pomy you’re still

Talking out loud oh okay um I I no I wasn’t I I I was I was uh thinking out loud oh my gosh anyway I’m going to build the best base ever because you know boys are the best anyway oh yeah sure about that okay wait so py R you

Guys spawn me on this block I thought all the other amazing digital circus guys were going to be here like are they still not they’re still not here so I’m confused why not uh well I’m no Kane so I can’t really say for sure all I know

Is is that um we all just spawn on this block so I have no clue who’s like responsible for all us being here but you know it’s it’s a nice group it’s not like too crowded but it’s it’s not like just oneon-one time no it’s weird no no

No I don’t like this I’m the only boy on this one chunk and it’s weird and all right here we go let’s keep building this base up right here we’re going to add this roof right here and we got to make this like a boys only area because

The girls are being really weird on this one lucky chunk okay got to make a nice house got to make it very presentable very organized and hopefully um he’ll like it maybe I got to be I got to stop being so socially awkward okay I’ll just

Just smile and weave yeah you you do that PNE just keep doing that and making yourself look like a fool and I’ll just watch the show happen uh what in the what Raga why why are you acting like this it’s same with you pomy like what I’m literally just like bantering with

Pomy and you isn’t that how friends are supposed to like joke around Rough House mess up with each other anyway uh wow T man you’re a really good Builder I really like your house I really like that color you know oh thank you yeah I appreciate that it speaks to me R please

Stay out of this I I’ve never tried to steal your guy before or a guy you’re interested actually let me make sure if I’ve if I’ve ever done that um uh no no not really cuz usually it’s only me um but please I beg you please don’t take

Him I just want a chance to win his heart that’s all I’m asking for I really don’t understand why you’re acting this way C me here’s a lesson you have to learn you won’t get everything you want there are going to be other people after something you want and you just got to

You know accept it if you’re not chosen or whatnot or you can fight over it and see who’s the last standing all right here we go let’s keep building this up and there we go we got this window thingy right here and we’re going to add

A little pattern to it to make it look even better all right here we go and we got this right here oh my goodness this looks amazing excuse me Mr Cow can you or Mrs Cow I guess oh thank you okay moved uh there was a cow in my way uh

Say uh T man uh do you happen to like animals uh yeah oh uh what’s your favorite animal uh my favorite animal is probably uh the skibby dog skibby dog from skibby toilet what you just call me no bro are you serious right now I said skibby dog like from skibby toilet oh

I’m not what’s that wait you don’t know what skibby toilet is pomy you seriously don’t know what skibby toilet is you know that’s where he’s from I mean if you like a guy or anything you got to at least know where he’s from and stuff

That way you don’t like fall for a bad guy or anything sweet little naive pom bom RI that don’t call me that uh why not wait RI you know I’m from skib toilet thanks I guess that’s really nice of you to know I mean it’s pretty much the bare

Minimum I can do just knowing where you’re from I mean it’d be I mean unlike some idiots who don’t know what Skiby toilet is and no I did not almost mess that up I’m I’m well vers in in in what that is oh my goodness ragi yo that’s W

Riz bro but like to be honest I don’t like you like that oh no it’s okay I I never said I liked you I like someone else someone who’s a little more um immature I guess actually that’s probably let’s sit in the bar way too low uh never mind just forget what I

Said ratha if you don’t shut up I will track you by your hair and throw you off this one block do you hear me do not go for for him for the man for you know what I’m talking about cuz I don’t want to say it out loud cuz um he he their

Present uh who are they talking about BR is it me Yo No it might be me that’s why they trapped me here in the first place this is so weird oh uh hi TV man uh hey py what are you doing in my house uh um

I I went to get the this cow because uh she wandered in by accident so uh here let me find a a a lead a aad LEDs hey ponnie ponnie build your own house I thought we were over building our own houses like this is weird what are you

Doing in there yeah yeah of course sorry I just want to get my cow come on um okay I guess okay it’s a man here unlike pomy hey I’m actually going to go in your house and help you build just cuz you know that’s what really good friends

Do what why uh cuz I said that’s what really good friends do are you not listening yeah I guess thanks Raga that’s really nice of you anything for a friend you know we probably have a lot more in common than you think really mhm like what uh my favorite animal is also

The Scooby-Doo dog wait really no way yeah no that’s there’s no way but you’re from amazing digital circus well yeah but I can obviously like animals from different universes like you know uh actually it’s bubble and animal I mean you could like bubble bubble’s pretty cool but uh wait py what’s your favorite

Animal uh um that that’s a hard question uh when you say animal do you mean like the classification of a mammal or do you mean like uh fowl like birds or are you talking about like invertebr or or or do like I don’t know what any of that means hey yo what does

All that mean bro no I’m just wondering what your favorite animal is uh I’m I’m just wondering anything specific uh like uh a a fish um a mammal it’s not that hard of a question pomy are you serious right now it it is I need to take a lot

Of time and consideration in deciding what my favorite animal is but if I were to choose maybe I would say um I guess an otter cuz they’re really cute and fuzzy and they’re kind of like dogs of the sea I think that’s right uh boring haa you are ruining everything for me

Pomy no I’m not you’re the one who’s fumbling the bag girly pop just kind of let things go the way it is okay so if I get TV man no hard feelings right no hard feelings no hard feelings I literally told you I had a crush on him

And I wanted to try to get get into his heart in in like not like a scientific way but like in in a relation die hi yo what what hey no that’s crazy that’s crazy it’s not what it looks like I I promise the cow

Followed me here what in the bro are you serious right now anyway I’m just going to keep building my base I’m actually so confused right now oh um I’m sorry about that sometimes I ramble when I’m nervous and it’s not cuz like I’m near an attractive guy or anything it’s just

Sometimes a person gives me really bad vibes because she’s a boyfriend stealing little sorry um I I’m sorry about that uh what in the what are y’all even talking about bro I’m actually about to leave dude this is so weird and cre creep no no no please don’t leave I’ll

Act normal I promise or at least try to Omni you can you can act everything but normal I’ve never seen you normal you’re always freaking out or crying it’s kind of funny though uh what in the what that’s messed up why are you being so mean okay that’s it that’s it okay you

Win Rath you win I quit oh wait here I got to like tie up my cow first oh so that means I can finally take TV man let’s go no no okay hold still mumo get back here I’m I’m ready to throw square up square up okay but this time you can

Pull hair and that’s the only move you know how to fight with pomy hey yo what are y’all doing bro hey hey n this is crazy yo what’s going on I don’t know pomy maybe we should make a boxing ring and fight for his love or better yet do

A duel or something yo hey yo n no no I don’t like any of you guys what is going on bro I thought we were just here for a friendly build battle SL like one lucky block oh we are I was just role playing with pomy isn’t that right mhm mhm uh

Yeah totally I’ll I’ll just shut up now all right anyway I’m going to keep building this area over here this is going to be the backyard so we can throw a ton of fun parties here let’s see maybe uh maybe he likes uh L what is this chicken doing uh maybe he likes

Literature uh maybe I’ll maybe I’ll write him a poem write who a poem not me right no no definitely not you someone someone who’s like you but but but not you exactly if that makes sense uh no that doesn’t make any sense to be honest I have no idea what you’re saying okay

Um let’s see uh oops uh roses are blue red and blue and actually roses can be all types of different colors uh say uh teamman what’s your favorite color I um maybe it’s Red no what bro it’s gray how do you not know that yeah pomy how do

You not know that if you like a man you at least got to know his likes and dislikes I mean come on and why ask Such trivial questions this isn’t 20 question questions I am about to lose my marbles I am about to purchase a weapon and I am

About to square up I’m right here what are you talking about I’m not going to um uh hi why are there so many animals in my base what about weapons uh Airsoft rival gun yeah yeah you’re actually really weird py rag I’m sorry you’re dealing with all don’t mention it it’s

Okay I deal with pomy every day I’m surprised I haven’t abstracted yet oh that was that that one hurt actually I’m going to oh what are you going to do about pomy are you going to cry in front of TV man oh hello everyone Kane what are you doing here bro hey by

The way dude I’m stuck on here with two girls and they’re being really creepy and stuff so why weren’t you here before well I was kind of dealing with some matters I kind of threw this little bit place together it was actually a mistake you were supposed to be with kbo but he

Kind of abstracted before I could send him here so wait so I have a question why are they acting so weird the girls like they have a crush on me I think I don’t know it’s it’s really weird actually yeah you’re kind of dead on the money they both have crushed you I’ve

Been fighting for your love ever since oh no King can you get me out of here let me try to leave this place and uh what in the way it just I’m just stuck there’s I can’t get out one sec let me oh okay you’re fine good good I was

About to get you out of there don’t try to leave because then you might get stuck there forever for all eternity so oh no do I have to like stay with these girls forever y basically I for got the exact way you were be I think if you

Build a good enough house a nether portal might open or something for you to get out but that’s just a theory okay I’m just going to go talk to the girls about this maybe I can calm everything down okay there they are hey you two uh

Quick update going on you both do like TV man right just double checking um why are you asking this Kane it’s a little weird for you to ask who we like in fact that’s kind of um that’s private information so like why would you ask us

That don’t worry about it I’m just here to enjoy the show for the most part I just want to know what’s going on um uh don’t look at me like that pomy you’ll tell me right no no no no no no no no Raga just just tell me what it is come

On you you know me I wouldn’t do anything drastic no I think it would be funny if you actually got it out of pomy she’s been such a nervous breakdown like I know pomy actually does like TV man but I would not go for TV man he’s like

My but he’s like not my type if you know what I mean like I I definitely don’t like him or anything okay uh I guess since pomy isn’t here oh hey Bon me get over here I have something to tell both of you uh sorry we’re Clos what the what

Are they even talking about bro I’m so confused right now think you can leave me out of the picture come get over here right now there we go there you are nuh-uh no get back here no get back here get back no this is this is get back get

Back here I can’t I can’t escape now that you’re both here I want to tell you both that T man actually loves both of you so do that what you will whoa bro uh guys oh this is the best day of my life I sorry I I to go get ready for the

Wedding oh my goash Kane where’d you go kane hey hey Kane where are you bro I’m going to expose you right now hey Kane where’d you go I ate him I’m gone TV man I already went I have some other things to attend to but don’t worry I’ll be

Watching girls that’s Capa that’s actually Capa that’s not what happened okay um well Kan knows everything so I’d probably believe Kane plus a person doesn’t always like to admit who they like so are you serious or not hey yo I don’t like you guys like that oh my gosh

I don’t know what I’m going to do this is so weird and creepy I’m not going to lie uh so uh TV man I I was wondering if maybe uh since you know uh we like each other and all maybe we could uh H start a relationship I promise s like more

Normal all right that’s it nope nope uh-uh uh-uh that’s it I’m putting electric fences all over my house you guys are not allowed in this is private property please leave me alone I am not okay with this okay well I can’t trespass on private property that’s a

Violation but I can I’m not a goody two shoes oh my gosh what is going on you guys are actually so weird I don’t know about weird I would just say that um The Power of Love um how’s it how’s the saying go actually Kane would know it um

I don’t like you oh my gosh I don’t like you guys the power of love constipates all or something I don’t know something like that oh by the way T man you should go to the first floor of your house uh there’s a little something for you hey

Yo what Raga what are you doing bro this is supposed to be private property get off my house you sound like a cranky old man bro you’re not 80 chill uh what in the what is this oh no do you build beds yeah we could put our Minecraft beds

Next to each other or something I don’t know oh what’s going on are we having a party without me uh what what what’s going on py py chill chill this is just a little prank I I mean I I don’t really have feelings for

TV man I mean I mean I do but you can have him and please put the gun down I’m I’m feeling very concerned for my life right now now oh so you’re finally giving him to me after I have a gun well I should have just whipped this out a

Long time ago uh uhuh that won’t work I’m just going to break it and I’m just going to break all your hey yo hey yo guys guys relax listen relax no no no no no no no this is really creepy guys if you guys are fighting over me I am not

With it get out of my house right now I’m calling security you don’t have Security Plus I was maybe wondering if this time you will actually accept my offer and go on a date with me uh uh pomy please please put the gun away put the gun away

I I did I don’t have no gun what are you talking about uh maybe I mean I I think I I need your absolute loyalty TV man um what in the I said maybe I don’t I don’t know that’s not yes or no and I will

Only take yes for an answer get out of the way I’m trying to Bro move move move move your big stupid hey yo get away from me so weird bro this is actually creepy okay pomy this is going a little too far like I I just wanted to like I don’t

Know joke around with you like sure I I did like TV man and I kind of still do but um I rather like living more than I like TV man so maybe you should you should just put the gun down it was all just it was all just fun little kicks

And Giggles you know please put the gun on oh you think you can tell me what to do yeah I’m just going to hide in here this is is really weird they have no idea where I am good thing you’re really not good at hiding you’re quite stupid

In fact but that’s kind of what I like about you I don’t want to date a guy who knows everything hey yo hey yo yo get away from me no get away T man okay uh pony knows a lot about you know Alchemy or whatnot and Science and whatnot so

She made a potion she’s probably going to try to throw it at you I don’t know what it is whatever you do don’t get hit by it and don’t breathe it in or something like that oh my gosh I want to get out of here so bad Kane please come

Save me Kane pom’s acting insane uh Kane can’t help you now in fact I think I’ll be the ruler of this new domain and then you and I could roll side by side together T man wouldn’t that be an excellent idea e no no I don’t want to I

Don’t like you like that you no no Wana you no no want a TVV man uh uh uh put the PO potion down nighty night sweetheart wait a second oh no pomy please no pomy please get me out of here nuh-uh I know no Wana I was just

Thinking that I don’t know now that I have you I can’t bear to let you go you’re mine and mine alone py come on come on this is insane I know I’m insane but I’m insane for you don’t you love me I would do anything for you I would kill

For you we could have the whole world and no I will not take no for an answer you are mine and that’s not a question ew get me out of here oh no what am I going to do all right here we go we’re try to break this glass this glass is

Proba easy to break uh bro it’s indestructible glass are you serious right now oh you’re so stupid but you’re cute as you’re stupid wait do I have any let me see if I have any uh resources in she took all my armor what the heck and

She took all my weapons pomy come on give all that back I work so hard for That uh no thank you you know being a psychotic genius is not all it’s cracked up to be I didn’t get to really make any friends you know I hide under the disguise of being a very shy and an unapproachable person I don’t know what

To say um TV man what are you talking about just get me out of here get me out of no I don’t like you uh py is everything all right down there I I heard like um someone screaming and and the only other person here is a TV man

And um I don’t know where he is oh it’s okay it’s everything’s okay I I was just I actually moved all of my upstairs animals into down there and you know how like bird some birds can mimic um baby cries and cat cries and stuff like that

Yeah I just have like a a special bird th this this bird is actually very good at imitating people’s voices it’s TV man help help help help help okay ratha so we’re going to help you’re going to help actually finish building my house and if you don’t well

Let’s just say things aren’t going to end very well for you now I know we had a little fight and whatnot but honestly it was all just acting you know I couldn’t let you see my real self someone you know crazy in love that would literally imprison the love of

Their life even though they’re they don’t love you back but you know how it is you sometimes have to make some sacrifices okay um pomy this is not creepy and weird at all I’m definitely not going to call the cops or anything um I’m I’m going to I’m going to go find

Um a cell phone or something or or even help me oh you you don’t hear anything ratha what is that what is that potion oh Kane sh be quiet I heard something I know someone’s there I’m going to hide real quick T man bear with it for a

Second I can feel their presence I know you’re there oh my gosh what’s going on hey py silence what that’s weird I’m usually never mistaken okay whatever bye Pooky e oh my gosh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I got to give you a

Little kiss before I go no no no no no no no no no no no no are they gone yeah they’re gone they’re gone and sound okay okay uh Raga sent me a message and yeah I know what’s going on I’ll break you out of here but you can’t go out there

Without her seeing you so I brought this oh wait what is that invisibility potion what in the what hey yo we’re invisible bro so we can leave this place now yes yes we need to be sneaky we don’t we can’t let her catch up all right bet oh

That’s weird I don’t remember leaving the trap door open uhoh uhoh come on just go to the side go to the side come on go behind your house behind your house behind my house okay okay I’m doing that right now hey Mumu you’re going to be the best man at our wedding

Wait I keep forgetting you’re a girl uh you’ll be my bridesmaid cuz I have no other friends and Rea is currently missing but she’s going to be the maid of honor isn’t that exciting oh I probably have to get TV man custom fitted for a wedding tux Okay add that

Up okay actually I just take what I want what am I even talking about I’m not going to pay for everything I’m just going to raid someone else’s wedding uh uhoh uhoh uh oh what are you doing I know I felt some weird presents you can’t get away from me okay who okay

This is good this bad T man uh quick uh uh blind blindness okay what are we going to do okay take this if you hit her with that bow she should be able to like get she’ll be like uh uh she’ll lose her creative Powers but uh she’s

Kind of right here so uh I’m going to go hey yo you didn’t give me arrows I don’t have any uh uhoh when I get my hands on you this blindness ends in 10 seconds so just be for prepared you’re lucky you have a head start oh my gosh what’s

Going on get me away from you you creep I’m not a creep I’m not a weirdo I I just really love you with all my heart and I don’t understand how you can’t see that obviously you love me too right you have to love me this is how the story

Ends we’re supposed to be together and we’re going to have our wedding whether you like it or out arrows oh R how’ you know I needed arrows good thing I just know hands up where you have a oh my goodness come on and boom you really think that could work on

Me that was a cute attempt though but you know we are going to have our wedding one way or another no this can’t hold me forever I will get you TV man I promise I’ll win your heart and I will do it by any means and anyone who gets

In my way will have to be punished oh no get me away from these insane girls but ragy you just saved my life well yeah um I saved my life as well I didn’t want to die to Psycho over there T man hurry I’ve I built the I’ve built the bort

Let’s get out of here before you just saved my life I got to get out of here let’s go I’m just a baby in the middle of this rainy forest and I have no family this place sucks hey uh are you okay wait who are

You and wait why are there so many of you guys well we’re the pomy family and I overheard you saying you’re alone and you’re sad um we can take care of you if you want wait you guys can take care of me oh my good goodness guys I’m just a

Baby I haven’t eaten in so long you haven’t eaten yeah I’m really hungry okay we’ll get you something to eat and we’ll also get you some um English lessons first of all W is this steak thank you so much oh my gosh you guys

Just saved my life I guess I will uh go with you guys okay uh follow us okay okay uh here we are it’s not really much but at least you have a home now I mean that’s good oh my goodness this place is so cool I’ve never seen buildings as big

In my whole life wa so um there oh oh I see uh you found Jax hey dude who are you I’m Jax and you are the first person that I’ve seen in years that isn’t aomy I’m so sick of this place they’re so annoying oh J you’re so cute when you

You’re angry what shut up oh my goody goodness wait are you the only dude here I am but not anymore you saved me there’s another person here thank God ja are are you crying I’m not crying I’m just C through somebody else besides you

I’m sick of you ping all of you oh my goodness bro chill out oh I love you too what you don’t understand kid you haven’t seen what I’ve seen having to hear their annoying voice every single day well ja I’m pretty sure that they uh are just trying to help dude they

Literally saved my life dude I’m just a baby oh you’re going to wish they hadn’t saved your life when they’re done oh my Jack Stop scaring the poor kid what are you talking about I’m already surrounded by pomes and then there’s going to be that evil pomy Army attacking too kid

You need to get out of here this is no place for a child wait what are you talking about an evil pomy Army bro I’m so confused right I’m literally just a baby and then they took me here I don’t know what’s going on J you’re going to

Scare him away and he has no other place to stay oh we’re doomed but you know what maybe maybe this is a good thing kid you’re going to you can help me out these pomes are all useless believe me you and me are going to have to be

Against the world and also they’re kind of creepy so you can like uh protect me right uh ja stay in between us stay in between the pommies and me who whoa what hey what are you doing bro stop what get get away get away from me no no come on

Ja we have a date later stop get away come on stop being so difficult it’s really not that bad I’ll bring you golden carrots wait so uh what are your guys’ names uh uh hello hello hello oh uh they probably don’t hear you cuz you’re uh well still really little I’m I’m not

Being mean it’s just the truth you haven’t grown up yet I mean ignore what Jack says he’s rambling on and on about nonsense you’re not going to be able to help because you’re just a kid there’s not really anything you can do you’re kind of useless in this situation and

And I’m I’m not saying this to be mean I I’m just well look at you you’re so young I I know but you you guys took me here so I guess I have to help out a little bit right well you can help out in other ways like uh you can gather

Food you can um hold Jack’s host keep Jack’s company so he doesn’t leave us oh finally I escaped them all Hey kid kid meet me behind the house later come on this red house right here get away from me uh all right I’ll be right back pomy

Give me a second oh okay um I’ll go uh do something else I guess finally I managed to get away from those pomies kid you have to listen we have to get rid of these pomies they are a menace they’re all that’s wrong with the world what they they’re really nice they

Literally saved my life but I guess they’re kind of weird no you don’t know them like I know them they keep me alive cuz I don’t know they’re just weird but like these ones aren’t as bad as some of the others but they’re all bad trust me

Uh are you sure about that bro so what are we going to do dude well the thing is this base is actually pretty secure it’ll be good for the pmne Army coming later so the only problem is the pne’s in town so how how about we just like

Kill all of them what bro that’s craziness dude not I we can’t just kill them dude I mean we could but I guess you’re not digging it all right fine we’ll have to figure something else out then wait I have a really good idea dude how about like we just become like super

Duper strong dude like I usually haven’t had enough like resources to get strong but I’ve always wanted to become like really strong and like you know I want to become an adult and super strong so dude why do we become super strong that’s uh pretty good idea I guess i’

Still can we kill him after then bro are you serious right now we we could just become super strong so then they Can’t Hold Us hostage fine we’ll do it your way but even if you don’t want to kill all of them we’re going to have to take

Them out still cuz they’re going to get in our way trust me oh my gosh well I guess you’re going to have to take the lead to go to like wherever we’re going to get stronger cuz I don’t know how to get stronger I’m just a baby anyway well

The thing is I can’t really haven’t really been able to explore anywhere cuz those pomies always somehow manage to find me and drag me back but I do know a guy who can help uh let me hit him up all right kid follow me I’m pretty sure

He’s over here somewhere okay let’s go come on how much more walking do we have to do dude this is taking so long I’m so tired we get there when we get there stop crying kid dude we’ve been walking for like 20 minutes that’s a perfectly normal you know what whatever let’s just

Keep keep going we’re not there yet all righty wait J what’s in here bro wait this might be it let me check it out hello anyone there hello who whoa what are you doing in my house get out are you not yo chill chill he’s with me man Jack is

That you you’re alive did they kill you you’re not a robot are you you’re not here set to kill me okay stop being an idiot it’s me tell me something only Jack would know my favorite color is purple everyone knows that loser I’ll take it whatever well you guys aren’t

Supposed to be here you got there’s no pomes no you didn’t get tailed by any pomes did you I don’t think so I didn’t think the check uh probably not wait but wait why are we even here with this guy cuz he can help you get stronger I

Suppose I did get pretty strong by doing some things but why did you bring him here he’s going to be useless think about it man with this kid we finally have enough manpower to take out the pomy village we need Manpower not kid Power he’s not going to be useful I know

I don’t get there whatever there’s no way it’s going to happen I miss my home I miss my family you need to find some actual help hey I can help I’ll become really strong I promise I swear ever since those pomes took over the the ever since they took over everything just

Gone to stupid it’s just everything sucks now I’m living in a cave I got a single bed with like three pieces of food remaining there’s no way we’re going to be able to take it back do you know how many of them are there there’s like thousands trust me I know man

They’re the ones that drag me to the village and every single time I try and leave but with this kid it’ll be different well I guess now is a decent time since the pomy war is basically going to go up in Flames the evil pomes probably going to fight the normal pomes

I guess something is better than nothing I’ll take you the first challenge but first things first where are you from kid I’m from skiy toilet you know what skiy toilet is like speak man you know cameraman we got all those guys what the heck is Scooby-Doo toilet what just

Spider-Man whatever Spider-Man what bro it’s called scoy toilet I don’t know what that is all right let’s keep walking guys are we close yet hey keep your voice down look behind you wait what um what this this a setup I knew it you were you’re you’re clones you’re

Just in disguises shut up I should never trusted you all right I need you to find them as soon as possible not just Jax but TV man we need them both we cannot let them get away hey if they find out our master plan we’re done for and I UST

That you guys will take care of that and if you don’t well um you’re probably going to be burned alive or other torture methods so go and get them what in the what bro hey yo that’s crazy dude come on all my fellas come on go they

Said they’re after you guys so I guess you guys aren’t uh enemies I suppose yeah that’s what we’ve been saying this entire time you adult it doesn’t never hurt to be too careful nerd Emoji okay so for your first challenge there’s a little parkour thing that I used to use

Back whenever I actually used to hang out in the village but that also me it’s close to the Village so we need to be very careful be really stinky oh my gosh they’re right there but it’s like almost night time so they’re probably all going to sleep soon anyway so let’s just do

This parkour and wait what’s in here dude is this uh quick sand that’s that’s quick sand yep don’t jump in there also Jackson I want you to do this too you’re you pretty skinny arms hey excuse you I’ve been trapped in there it’s not like

I can work out and I was planning on doing it anyway workout loser that’s why I’m stronger than you now I’m that’s what I just said what what’s your problem kid what the heck just hurry just get get above the trees there should be a ladder over there to be

Honest I don’t really believe you’ll be able to get much stronger than you are now you’re well pretty pretty weak weaker than most hey that’s really mean I’m just a baby I can’t control it dude anyway let’s just keep going wo how is he going so fast I don’t know how he’s

Going so fast I keep messing up too I’m actually surprised he’s doing so well myself let’s catch up what’s that supposed to mean whatever you know you’re not good at this physical stuff you like playing video games all day let’s go come on I’m getting so close to the top woohoo

Ow I fell oh come on you’ve got more than that I think trying my best but this is really difficult I don’t know how you do this so easily it takes time and effort and getting stronger which I don’t believe you can do hey that’s really mean but I’m going to become

Strong like you dude I guess you could try but don’t don’t have too much High Hopes come on I’m getting so close close to the end of everything I just fell again are you serious right now I’m just going to give up I told you he was going to get

Strong Jack wake up sorry is the kid here yet no he’s being really useless no don’t listen to him you’re going to be the perfect uh third member of our party we’ll be like the Three Musketeers except there were four but come on you got to keep trying oh maybe you’re right

I guess I should keep trying okay fine I’m going to try one more Time come on please I got to do this to prove them wrong but I don’t know I’m not strong enough yet come on please let’s go okay I got past this part come on come on oh

No oh no oh no oh he’s almost actually here you might be able to make it this time oh my gosh oh my gosh okay one last jump and yeah oh I did it good job I suppose you have some skill but I still don’t think he’s going to be You Told

You So told you you can make it just saying let’s go I hope I get stronger from that all right move on to the next challenge actually actually should be pretty close from here there’s a special tree that I’ve actually been trying to break apart

For some time now I’m going to need your help with it wait I have to jump down dude no no that’s really scary come on you’ll be fine that’s just leaves Le the leaves will break your fall for the most part here let me give you a hand kid oh

I’m scared I’m scared ow ow that hurt a lot oh suck it up if you want to be strong a little F like that shouldn’t hurt you oh my goodness yeah maybe you’re right dude really tall Willow Tree wa this is terrifying am I going to do this well I

We need to basically I I’ve heard Legends of a key that can open up a nearby dungeon we could find some useful stuff to fight against the pomes with but it’s hidden inside the street and it’s also laced with uh booby traps so what bro no I can’t do this I’m giving

Up I can’t this is too scary hey get back here where do you think you’re going uh back home come on kid you can’t go back there you know what’ll happen to you maybe you’re right I guess I do just have to do it but it’s really scary do

Also if you join the pom knes we will become my enemy so I might just uh kill you hey yo yeah you’re right okay I guess I have to actually do this to become stronger no by the way there is a axe right here if you if you wanted to

Use that to break through the tree oh yeah you’re right we probably should have grabbed that okay let me go grab that yeah I’m going to take a look around to see if I can see any holes in it just chop down bits of the tree and

Be careful there might be odd things inside this tree oh no I’m really scared but uh hopefully I don’t ain’t get anything ow ow poison water are you serious right now you good I’m fine I’m fine okay let’s keep going all righty here we go let’s do that right there and

I guess we’ll break some of this I’ve never broken wood before though I’m pretty strong I guess a come on it’s not very interesting that you can do that I gave you an axe which is meant for that task so you’re I still it’s not really

Strong of you ow ow getting H by poison again are you serious right now just stop running into the poison then Jack are you going to help out bro or is it just me you’re the one with the axe I’m looking out for the omes dude no maybe

You’re right seems there’s a weird I don’t know this this place over here looks superficial come up to where I am oh yeah I’m right here dude what is this place and whoa this is so super duper cool the center of this little trunk looks really weird try to break try

Breaking into it this part right here okay okay okay all righty a come on and oh there’s a chest there’s a key what is this for a key a key I knew it I knew it the leg correct follow me right now oh my goodness we just got a key for

Something I think that’s pretty good though it Oh no I got to jump all the way back down come on it I’m stuck at the cobwebs get me out he’s not going to be useful oh my gosh feel like I got stronger from breaking that cobweb though it says the

One who fell into the poison I’m the one who broke it no hey were you look at that you got a little bit taller you might actually be getting a little stronger wait really that’s pretty cool probably won’t be probably it’s just probably a really minor so probably

Still won’t be as much of help but you can help us with a dungeon uh dungeon what are you talking about bro all right let’s move on to the next next challenge we got to get stronger I guess even though there’s probably no hope but you know I got to have some confidence

That’s what Jack said to do I never said that actually okay okay this should be it the ancient tomb W this is so cool yeah we can just jump right over here the iron door over there’s not very useful where are they it’s been like an

Hour or so and you still haven’t found them look everywhere I don’t care burn every tree down find them now oh my gosh they’re looking for me and Jack okay we just got to go down here and figure out how to get stronger so we can survive

Everything I told you they were crazy they’re going to burn burn this entire Forest down dude that’s so crazy all right anyway let’s do this no we can’t really move forward until you use the key oh okay I got you I got you using the key let’s go come on and

Woohoo okay okay this place was useless wait no it’s not there’s lit a trap door right here bro do you not see that oh yeah I was just testing you yeah sure you were buddy is this I think you’re just getting old buddy I guess I’m getting stronger just sewer water I

Don’t know this place is pretty awesome though would wait there’s armor over there it looks like this is pretty cool oh it’s not very good armor it’s just iron I guess it’s better than nothing come on man every little bit that can help us get stronger matters yeah he’s

Got a point dude and anyway I always have a point I think we actually have maybe a chance here if we have all this armor and stuff like there’s no way well it’s I don’t think this going to be very useful right now justes everybody look around but that maybe there’s a secret

Passage somewhere secret passage all right let’s go check guys have you found anything N I haven’t found anything over here wo wo wo evil pomes evil pomes what what’s an evil pomy du look right over here there’s a small herd of the oh they’re coming uh what in the what wait

Maybe I can become friends with them they look like they’re like friendly that’s not a good idea kid ow ow ow ow oh no oh no no that they’re really powerful are you serious right now come on evil is literally in their name I didn’t know this was evil pomy territory

I never would have come here oh no this is really scary dude we should get out of here oh no these girls are really scared wait come on ow ow are these like what are is going to be at the pomy base later exactly these are the other side

Of the war and we’re kind of stuck in the middle of it I know this is really bad are you serious right now how are we going to get stronger and stuff W there’s a big one big one oh my gosh but wait we’re actually doing pretty good

I’m not going to lie I think it’s Bailey Just Jack he’s just using his boat like a coward what do you mean a coward and besides you know TV man’s doing a good job too it’s not just me thank you is that all of them yeah hopefully let’s

Just get out of here I don’t want to be here any oh wait uh seems like a path did open up but I don’t want to go into any no no no oh are you want to go any sh sh I’m not a CH I’ll show you bro

Let’s just try to get stronger dude so we can actually take over the pomy town dude that’s what we were here for right oo oh my goash this was the best idea ever going here bro we got all this diamond armor and all this diamond stuff

Oh my gosh well I guess it was a good idea to come down here okay now we got what we came for we got what we came for so let’s go back we got this is good enough right let’s leave uh no we got more stuff to do bro right no I’m

Leaving see are you serious right now bro I’m pretty sure got loed in anyway what are you psychic or something you were right what the oh my gosh but good thing we have better armor now but oh come on fight these girls ow come on Jack use your sword for once why this

Works way better we got to become stronger guys come on H come on we got to beat these girls W whoa wo just dodge their attacks make sure you’re not getting hit on purpose come on there’s only two left two left come on take them

Out take them out there we go okay now we leave uh I don’t know I mean let’s just go this way let’s see what’s going on over here but the other way probably opened up right the way out of here uh not so fast Buster uh look over here the

Wayes open up oh my goody goodness bro this one opened up so now we can leave I I doubt this is going to be the exit let’s go come on let’s see is this the end and we can go back and oh my goodness uhoh we’re in a crazy area right now okay

This this is when we decid guys this is clearly a boss room we’re not going in here we’re leaving what this are these like ancient artifa I’m grabbing this okay maybe uh maybe we should take this and leave then we okay ancient artifacts are insanely powerful oh my goodness we

Got all this super good armor dude this is so cool bro I’ve never had such a good armor in my life and I feel so much stronger dude look at this mace this look epic dude that looks so cool I got a gun what that’s crazy dude a gun I’ve

Never seen one of those where my gun go can I try it can I use it nah it’s mine bro are you serious right now all right let’s just get out of here guys and uhoh you were saying uh spaghetti it was a

Bit too I knew it was a bit I should I shouldn’t have listened to you guys oh no what are we going to do what are we going to do come on we can get out of here right if we just break this bro are you serious right now it’s

Not letting me break it let me out let me out okay yeah that’s a turn around turn around what what oh my Mutant Zombies what even are those things I’ve never seen those things before I just said they’re mutant zombies wait why they why are mutant zombies in like an

Evil py territory did they tame mutant zombies oh my goody goodness wait this this is really bad that means the evil pomy arm is going to have like 30 times the strength the normal pomes aren’t going to be the only ones that die we’re all going to die oh my no we’re not

Going to die we have to have hope like Jack said I mean I don’t think I put it quite like that but uh that’s the spirit let’s go in oh my good goodness bro we just did it that was so easy easy my butt they’re IM mutant zombies we barely

Survived that hey yo Jack that was way too easy bro I think it’s cuz of the armor we had dude yeah I mean that’s exactly why we went for this stuff right but yeah dude anyway this was a lot of fun even though it was really scary I

Feel actually got a lot stronger wo wo I think it’s a bit more than feel I mean look at you wo dude wait I’m taller than you now what what was that sound I have no idea what you’re talking about bro H it seems like the ceiling caveen what in

The what wait are can we leave from here well that seems like uh that’s really grow gross water but we got no toys to swim up disgusting e e this me feel strong though oh my gosh I just saw something float by oh it’s that is that

Is that a seor pod wait just drinking water no do not drink it oh my goodness and oh we’re finally up at the surface again what caused that explosion are the pomes evil pomes already beginning their attack I wouldn’t be surprised that would be really scary if they were dude

Anyway we got really strong now guys so I’m pretty sure we’ll be to fight them off whoa why are you so tall what what the what happened to you I don’t even know man it’s crazy let’s just go back to the town and take over like sure but

If I if I’m about to die I will leave you guys behind oh don’t be such a baby come on man this is our best chance we can totally do this I mean we got three Bros yeah and I’m strong now too I think right jack yeah I suppose I was wrong

About you T man about you being weak but still it’s us between a war of pomes and you saw what the M evil pomes had they had mutant zombies I still don’t have very high high hopes it’s fine dude we got this we just have to have a little

Hope okay let’s go okay yeah do you really think we’re going to lose cuz nah I’d win you’re so funny ja what how could you be so confident about everything it’s a gift it’s more like a curse not when we’re going to win this war dude all right come on guys we’re

Getting close to the town I’m really scared but we got to face our fears ready your weapons oh my gosh get your weapons out oh there’s a I don’t like I hate coming back here there’s a lot of them oh there you guys are I was looking everywhere for

You no it’s the ring leader oh no now you guys better come quietly or else there might be consequences oh no I’m really scared right now wait why do they all look terrifying there’s so many of them too guys listen we come in peace

Okay um we all we want to do is we want our own territory in this land okay we don’t want to cause any problems right I do oh uh yeah yeah we did I just want my home back the home you took from me wait you’re here too I thought you died yeah

Your Assassin’s couldn’t kill me and neither will your pitiful Army oh someone’s stuttering uh uh I don’t like this okay well either way you’re all going to be my host whoa you got fatter or or bigger or or wow uh why did you guys feed him

No they’re going to take us as hostages and there’s way too many of them for us to fight alone let’s goe let’s take shelter in the forest go go go go go oh wait wrong leg oh no oh no no no they’re chasing me ah help ow oh no I got to

Fight them now see this is what happens when you go against us I Rec you just submit silently now is not the time to run let’s take these pommies ow oh no ow ow oh my gosh they’re so powerful too ow ow they’re way more powerful than I thought

Are you serious right now why do you have too many guns where’d you get those they’re outnumbered oh I kind of nicked them from you what oh my goodness come on fight these palom this is amusing to watch you’ll eventually get tired out and then I can finally keep you guys

Captive and you’ll never leave me oh my gach there’s so many of them are you serious right now keep killing them Jack come on oh I’ve been looking forward to this well you might have taken out my Army but what you’re going to face next is

Even worse you’re going to have to face no get back here Pony oh oh you want to play the hero and you want to fight you un Greatful brat I gave you a home I gave you a shelter and this is how you should you treat me you didn’t

Give us a home you kept us in a prison what in a prison oh no we got to take over this town there’s so many of these evil PES oh no oh they’re really powerful too potato potato come on you would have died if it

Wasn’t for me yeah a a PO you’re right but you’re being weird and we need to take over because this is not okay come on you want the men to take over don’t make me laugh you know the men lost this territory for a reason cuz they couldn’t fight this is is pomy

Territory now we want it because shut up I’m trying to give a speech we really girl bossed it no the boys are better than the girls so we’re going to beat this come on oh they are then oh that’s weird then why the boys lose this territory cuz there

Are millions of you you just kept cloning yourself like we couldn’t handle it that’s it’s basically cheating oh my goodness these are guys are really powerful no it’s not it’s called using a brain which is something you boys lack I’m surprised you survived this long like honestly it’s quite impressive and

It’s giving me a bit of entertainment but you guys won’t be able to survive for much longer JX is just standing there shooting the air so I I’m really confused why’ you even bring him along he wasn’t going to do anything I killed three of your giant poies you don’t

Listen to her don’t listen to her okay we just got to keep fighting these monsters and eventually we’re going to be able to take over the land and uh she’s going to be left with no one okay oh I’ll oh always have someone I have myself and that’s more than enough as

Long as I keep cloning myself I’ll never be lonely and I’ll have a whole Army that’s kind of pathetic actually you guys are never going to win cuz I can keep cloning myself this could go on for days months years Millennials there’s way too many of them

I’m actually going to die oh no I’m giving up that’s TR I just give up there’s really no need to fight you already lost this battle oh there’s no hope there’s no hope there’s so many of them we we’re not going to live this I told you there’s so many of them we’re

Going to have to figure something out we can’t keep up this we can’t keep this up forever what are we going to do okay let me think let me think my guns are kind of running out on ammo let me think what we can do um okay I have an idea guys

Everyone keep fighting these monsters I have a super good idea trust me well then hurry better do it quickly here I’m going to do here’s what I’m going to do okay I’m going to grab a ladder right here I’m going to go up here okay perfect they can’t get over here so now

I’m going to grab this ladder over here and secretly I’m going to put down a cage trap a good thing I grabbed a cage over at the cave over there during a challenge so now all I’m going to do is place down a cage right here and she

Should be getting trapped there we go that should work and then she won’t be able to spawn in more this is just so entertaining to watch you guys really aren’t girl bossing that oh wait yeah cuz you’re not girls this could go on forever and eventually you’ll just wear out and

You’ll want to be my hostages I mean I’ll give you food shelter and maybe if you’re lucky I’ll let you play your video games nuh yeahuh uh uh uh you know what I will think of that oh what if we take out their leader like so like that

You better watch out nice try step back okay can you can you can you not you’re actually getting on my nerves wait wait wait wait what what what’s going on th this can’t be happening oh my goody goodness no way that just worked guys I literally just trapped her you trapped

Me you ungrateful brat oh my finally you saved the day man your plan worked out flawlessly yeah good job kid I knew it was a good idea bringing you along and what’s up loser loser loser loser loser shut up at least I’m not a rabbit wearing overalls that’s

Kind of pathetic oh my gosh I knew she kept respawning mobs so all I did was Trapper I think it actually just save the day but anyway this is the boys territory now let’s go I do this one are you just going to keep me here I take

This one I want the blue one yeah we’ll feed you whenever and you could play video games sometimes how you like yeah how do you like it loser I have to say the Furnishings in these houses look beautiful girls do know how to decorate let’s go boys we did it let’s go okay

Okay I need we do need to do a bit of rebuilding though some of the glass got shot probably because of you Jax with your two mini guns okay and my two Min guns killed a bunch of the pomes today we’re doing a build challenge with the

Amazing digital circus family yeah I am actually like really excited for once in my life but pomy I have something I need to show you later oh uh okay um but oh oh hi TV man uh it’s nice seeing you again oh py it’s really nice seeing you

As well but anyway what does ja even have to show you I think he wants to like you know propose or something shut up you brat what are you doing trying to ruin my surprise I’m sorry Jax I didn’t really hear you what’ you say oh my kid

Was just telling us how stupid he is but anyway let’s get started building all right guys let’s start building and we should probably start building like a huge house or something let’s build a family house hey uh TV man do you think you could help out yeah let’s get

Started building guys and by uh we I mean you guys but uh py you are going to be so excited when I show you the surprise I got for you oh um okay it’s really nice seeing you here TV man like how have you been uh I’ve been good but

I I don’t really know you that well so I don’t know why you’re talking to me what do you mean I thought we were like best friends um what in the are you serious right now no uh your husband is going to be your best friend right Jax uh TV man

We’re dating we’re not husband or wife or anything shut up TV man you’re going to ruin this ruin what what are you talking about shut up shut up uh okay I’ll shut up but anyway let’s build the best family house oh my goodness I’m so

Excited can I have a g me son can I please please uh that’s up to your father I’m not going to make that decision for you yeah sure whatever Jax Jor just wait for me to tell pomy what I got to tell her uh what do you have to

Tell her dude like you keep waiting why don’t you just show us already oh it’s uh called na TV Man na what na business got him that is not funny are you serious right now it was pretty funny what even is it ja you keep yapping

About it but you never say anything well cuz it’s a surprise you got to wait for the surprise hey TV man can I ask for some advice uh what advice do you want Jax the truth is I I’m trying to propose to pomy but I don’t know what to do and

I mean you probably don’t know what to do since you have El RZ but like I I need help man what do you mean El RZ I’m literally married to TV woman are you serious righty out but you need help I I could probably help you well like what

Do I do do I need to get like a ring or something like that I don’t have any money I don’t work cuz I’m so lazy a ring uh of course you need a ring are you serious right now all right well I’m pretty sure if you don’t have any money

Or anything you’re not going to be able to get a good ring but maybe we could use some of our resources to get a ring well like what resources then man don’t hold out on me all right ja well there’s only one way you’re going to be able to

Get the best diamonds and crystals in the world so then you could surprise pomy and proposed her but you’re going to have to come over here and see this so Jack there is this thing called a build to survive in and if we activate it basically uh we’re going to have to

Fight a weight of mobs and then if we can beat all the mobs then you’ll literally get the best ring ever and you’ll be able to propose to her wait really it’s that easy okay but if you activate the build to survive it is very dangerous well yeah sure but I mean

You’ll take care of everything right uh I don’t know about that one ja I mean I can help out but I can’t take care of everything I mean it’s really dangerous I don’t know if you want to do this are you serious man like I thought you were

My best friend I was going to make you my best man and you’re not going to back me up uh Jack don’t be too quick to click it dude it’s kind of dangerous I’m tell no no don’t do it oh my goodness are you serious right now well anyway I

Guess we’re going to have to get that ring it’ll be fine it will be fine you just have to help out a little bit oh no and wait we are literally in survival mode right now baby Jack are you okay I don’t know what’s going on why is it

Night time why am I in survival uh what’s going on I thought we were just building a house and why is it dark and why am I in survival mode I have no idea Pony I actually have every idea why but you know what Pony don’t worry about it

We got to fight these monst oh no SK any toilets don’t worry pomy I’ll save you oh my goodness I’ll save you all come on oh no there’s so many oh no the baby uh ja I had it back there but uh thanks oh you’re welcome oh no these guys are

Really powerful baby Jax are you okay dude I’m trapped in here and kick it out oh my goodness I’ll get you out here go here walk up here and here and booah there we go and wait I just break this right here oh finally I got out thank

You oh it’s day all righty and wait it is literally daytime right now and I should be going back into creative and we just completed round one of this build to survive sorry TV man sorry if this is a dumb question but what do you mean a

Build to survive and what is a build to survive oh don’t worry about it upon me everything will be fine it’s all going to work out all right well since we activated the build to survive now we should probably build some defenses and like actually build a moat and make it

Actually really good well excuse me what are you doing we have to make this place look nice this is making it look nice are you serious right now we are literally just making this as secure as possible so we don’t die all right here we go let’s break some of this through

And it would be nice if someone could help me out a little bit here no one’s even helping yeah Jax Jr what are you doing waiting around go help them oh fine fine I I’ll try oh my goodness thank you so much Jax Jor but Jax it’d

Be nice if you could help I’m actually doing this all for you this is all for you I know and that’s why I’m having Jax Junior help you be grateful man why is this all for you I I thought we were building a family house oh uh that’s the

TV man didn’t say it was all for me I don’t know what he was talking about shut up TV man don’t ruin this I’m sorry ja but you’re being kind of annoying I’m not going to lie all right here we go let’s place that now we have some really

Good defenses oh my goodness and we should probably build up the house more as well T man look at you you’re doing such a good job thank you so much for helping us uh what about me pomy I’m helping too more to be honest uh Jax you

Literally had your son help out he’s a literal child yeah I’m delegating a TV man what when do is there going to be any more mobs I don’t like mobs uh sadly there’s going to be a lot more rounds and then uh we’re going to get this

Special present once we complete all the mobs why do you know that there’s going to be a bunch of rounds that’s kind of weird um because there’s a ton of rounds in a build to survive what are you talking about we literally activated it over there oh wait a minute I see what

You’re doing you’re doing this to get me a new pc you gave me a gaming setup that’s right what are you talking about dude I am not getting this for you this is just to help out my friend Jack a come on but Dad doesn’t need a gaming

Setup but the real question is what does my dad need help help with he never asked for help don’t worry about it okay you’ll find out soon enough fine uh ja do you mind helping out just a bit you’re not doing anything uh are you kidding me I’m doing all the work I’m

Managing everybody and besides I don’t have time to help with the house I’m building my base right now Jack that’s really rude I mean I am one Rude Dude oh my goodness anyway I’m going to keep building up this base and we’ll start by adding some of these wood planks right

Here and this looks so awesome wow that’s looking really goody man oh you like this little thing I did here thank you pomy I appreciate it I mean I’ve seen better oh my gosh Jack I’m doing you a favor what is your problem dude why are you hating on me Jax if you’re

Not doing anything you cannot give him criticism I am doing something and managing is not doing something I’m building up here anyway why are we doing a build to survive this isn’t what I thought we were doing initially uh I mean I don’t know TV man said it would

Be fun so he just like hitting the button and stuff I don’t know yeah I think I think I heard dad talking about like you know some like proposal stuff but Jax junor shut up you didn’t hear anything uh Jax Jr stop talking about it you’re going to ruin the surprise for

Bney oh my goodness are you serious right now uh hey uh TV man sorry to bother you but can I hang out with you for a bit Jack say really getting on my nerves whoa hold on a second PNE why in the why do you want to hang out with me

No you have a boyfriend you do not need to hang out with me okay that’s kind of weird jack isn’t doing anything okay but it’s weird pomy why are you trying to hang out with me we’re friends it’s fine if friends hang out right uh I guess so

But you know what uh if Jack sees this I’m just going to blame it on you cuz I I really don’t care to hang out with you to be honest he’s not going to f out he’s too busy engulfed in his ego and building himself that dumb base all

Right well anyway I’m building this structure right now so I can’t really talk I’m not going to lie I need to focus off I’ll help you by um watching you what in the what watching me that is really weird py I’m not going to lie seriously you cannot be doing this right

Now no I mean like surveying the area you know making sure you don’t mess anything up what in the L are you serious right now anyway uh the round two should be starting any second so everyone get ready build your defenses okay I’m going to check on Jackson

Junior oh my gosh and wait a second I’m in survival mode right now I literally called round two guys round two is starting and wait it is night time you know what I’m going to hide in my room for this one you guys got this what in

The what I don’t have any food someone give me food I need help okay uh I may have something that I stored away for a bit um how does uh golden apples sound wait a second golden apples and wait those are the enchanted ones are you serious you serious right now thank you

So much pomy this is Goen and wait py oh thank you and uh I see someone coming up oh no a py run that’s oh no come on we got to survive this uh what are those things uh Jack there’s uh people storming your room oh no what are you

Doing you let them in oh no they’re really powerful I’m sorry ow he pushed me off oh no oh this is really bad good thing my defenses are holding up for the most part oh my goodness this is really scary uh has anyone seen um Jackson uh

Jackson junior hello are you there I’m hiding in my room I don’t see you in your room this is really scary I’m not going to lie uh TV man are you okay are you holding up all right uh yeah I’m fine pomy thanks for asking but this is

Really scary I’m not going to lie I’ll just stay right here just Vibe oh no this is really bad and no way this is only round two d man turn around uh turn around what are you talking about oh my goodness there is so many are you

Serious right now oh my goodness ah these guys are so powerful when is this rounded I’m actually going to die oh no this is really bad Ste man turn around look through the glass turn around look through the glass what are you talking about and oh my goodness it’s baby Jack

Baby Jack yeah you’re not really looking too good um uh just try to make it inside oh no come on oh gosh I got to get inside come on oh no these guys are too powerful for me oh no I’m going to die I’m I’m here to help okay thank goodness

You gave me those golden apples though pomy cuz I actually almost died without them and we should be ending the round soon oh my goodness and we literally just ended it all right thank goodness that round is over that was actually so scary ja did you even do anything to

Help uh yeah I stayed safe and survived it’s a build to survive remember Jax I’m literally helping you you better start helping out dude this is really messed up what do you mean this base up here is sick it’ll be perfect for us to get through this oh my goodness are you

Serious right now TV man what are what do you mean you’re doing this for Jack uh that’s not what he said actually uh I I did say it was for you but no PNE it’s it’s for uh it’s for all of us so we can

Build a cool family home and get all the cool resources okay uh whatever you say all right TV man I think I’ve worked enough on this house I’m going to start building the ceremony area beneath the building okay wait ceremony area wait are you like having

An engagement and like a wedding at the same time I’m so confused right now uh Doug go big or go home man what and what does that mean I don’t even know what that means but dude that’s going to be awesome you’re going to start building

That and actually do it or you going to make me do it I’ll do it I can’t trust a buffoon like you I’m just kidding man you’re not a buffoon only a small one oh my goodness are youing your right now anyway uh I’ll be at the wedding but we

Got to complete these mobs or else we’re not going to be able to get that ring that you’re trying to get her because uh you can’t just give her nothing you know T man I know you somehow got married and all that do I really need a ring can we

Just like skip to the end you know dude you are not allowed to just not give her a ring that is going to literally make her never want to marry you I’m not going to lie like that is super rude like you need to get this ring from this

Build to survive and we only have a few more rounds left so we should be getting it soon all right let’s keep building this up and wait a second what is all this stuff it looks like it might have dropped from the build to survive so it

Looks like we might be getting better resources every single time wait what dropped what dropped TV man dude literally I got iron OTS I got gold I got all this good stuff but that’s not going to be the best because I’m pretty sure as the rounds go on it’s going to

Be even better and then we’re going to get that super good Crystal ring thing all right and I actually have a really good idea for our base let’s add in some lasers that would actually be so awesome that’s such a good idea TV man you know I’ve been just watching you I haven’t

Really been talking uh that is really weird I’m not going to lie pomy why why are you doing that uh no no reason just I like watching you build pomy you have a boyfriend why are you even like communicating with me this is really weird hey let’s go it’s raining wait

Jackson yes sir I don’t know if that’s a good thing though I’m not going to lie uh what if there’s more monsters that’s fun uh Jackson acci show you follow me wait what do you have to show me dude get over there look I captured one of

The monsters he’s his name is Tim Tim are you serious right now why are you doing that dude you should not capture these guys they’re very dangerous anyway I’ll lock him up so you can’t get near him oh wait no my Tim that’s not very safe bye thank you for protecting

Jackson Jor that’s really big of you it’s almost like you’re his father uh what the what no that that is Jax that is Jax that is very weird to say I’m not going to lie I was just helping out because you know I don’t want to die

Here I’m trying to help out my friend I mean I’m trying to uh build when this build is arriv I really don’t understand what you mean by helping your friend uh no I didn’t mean to say that at all I promise sorry anyway are you talking about helping me I mean we’re really

Good friends uh no definitely not I’m just helping by myself anyway I’m just going to keep building pomy I’m sorry I I can’t okay but that’s weird you’re dating him why don’t you talk to him like about this then like you don’t have to talk to me about this oh come on I’ve

Missed talking to you Jax is so boring he only talks about himself and his big ego he just ignores me he only cares about himself feels like sometimes he only wants to date himself maybe you guys should go see like a relationship guy like I I don’t know I don’t know I

Don’t know about your problems but I’m not trying to get in on that d man you’re also really good friends with Jack and you can back me up he is quite annoying sometimes and a bit too much for me uh I heard what’s your issue my

Issue is you you you don’t get it this is all for you yeah you know um okay uh whatever you say Jax uh Jax why would you say that dude you’re going to ruin the surprise are you serious right now okay I don’t want to hear that from you

Anyway I’m building it right now just leave me alone man take care of things up there uh okay that that’s exactly what I’m doing right now I’m literally building up these crazy laser defenses so we don’t die yeah I’m really bored dad dad can you tell me what you’re

Building uh I’m not building anything Jax Jr why don’t you go and bother TV man but you just said you were building something shut up do it now okay uh by the way where is Ja I haven’t seen him I’m just going to go Scout around the

House uh I don’t know where J is do not worry he is fine he is fine just do not just check do not check are you okay sound like uh you’re being forced to say something whoa hold on a second no I not forced to say listen Jax is you know

Doing something he’s busy working on his little house uh Jack go back to the house so okay uh yes yes he’s back at the house really I thought I just checked the whole place uh TV man can you stop bothering me I’m trying to focus oh my

Goodness are you serious right now ja dude go back to the house now before PNE gets really suspicious all right well anyway we should probably start defending our base more and with that we could add some armor and some gear so let’s add some of this stop up here and

We’ll get some of this let me grab some diamond weapons and some diamond swords oh my goodness this is actually so goated I’m going to love this so much and wait we should probably add like a pickaxe as well just in case we have to dig down or something and let’s also get

Like a diamond shovel o a golden shovel would be golded all righty there we go and we should be ready I should have probably grabbed some gear for my friends but anyway I didn’t have enough time for that and now it is survival mode Let’s get ready to fight uh TV man

Since J isn’t here can you please protect me I’m a little scared right now oh and don’t forget to protect Jackson Jackson get back here oh don’t worry about me I’m going to be hiding my super secret hiding spot watch this come here oh wait what you have a super secret

Hiding spot let me see that Jackson let me see it whoa you built like a whole gaming setup wait what look at me yeah don’t sadly it’s not a gaming setup but don’t worry my dad will build me one maybe uh but maybe TV man can he could

Be your new dad or a father figure at least uh maybe that sounds like fun but I don’t anyway okay this this is weird I’m not going to lie uh goodbye I am just going to do my own thing and fight these monsters this is very creepy I’m

Going to hide in here okay he locked us in all right Jax are you still downstairs making the thing what I was taking a nap what do you want Oh My Goodness are you not building it are you serious right now anyway this is round three and I’m pretty sure there’s five

Rounds or something but we got to fight off these monsters oh no and ah there’s all these monsters and E are these glitch gity toilets are you serious right now man did you put this grass block here to stop me so you could protect me that’s so sweet uh I didn’t

Mean it like that but I guess so yeah I was trying to protect you cuz I don’t want you to die oh my goodness go on fight these monsters I guess that means okay never mind I I need help someone help oh my gosh pomy can you help out a

Little bit okay oh no ah these monsters are so scary he’s so strong and powerful Jax can never do this he probably wouldn’t even want to do it uh what in the way are you talking about don’t don’t be mean to Jax he’s pretty cool oh

No fight these monsters and wait is that a glitch give toilet and cofo is that you oh my goodness oh there’s kmo over here uh that’s weird why are there so many I have no idea but this is really scary py and I’m clutching up right now

Because Jax is somewhere else right now I don’t know where he is probably taking a nap stop talking to her TV man you’re going to ruin everything uh this round’s almost over and I have a little something to admit I actually kind of like you TV man what do you mean you

Like me P do you mean like as a friend I mean I like you as a friend I guess kind of but yeah sure thanks I mean sure as a friend like as an boyfriend girlfriend whoa whoa whoa whoa no no no no no no no

You can’t you cannot be saying that P me seriously no that that is definitely not going to happen but I can say it and we’re meant to be TV man this ceremony area is perfect I bet she’s going to be amazed when she sees it wait can I see

It or what no not yet I’m not done yet but anyway hurry up and get that ring already TV boy dude I’m trying my best I’m literally fighting up these monsters but anyway I think this round ended it should have ended I don’t know why it’s still raining but we should start

Building up this house again all right now we’re in creative mode and it should turn daytime now so let’s keep building up these defenses cuz I’m pretty sure the monsters are going to get a lot scarier from now on you’ll protect me as the real gets harder right TV man uh I I

Guess so yeah I guess I’ll protect you cuz I I mean I kind of have to because my friend you know is uh you know never mind I’m not going guys are the monsters gone uh yes baby Jack they are gone okay I’m going to come out of my hidey hole

Where’s Dad hey baby Jack baby Jack can I tell you something dude you got to keep this on the low though come over to the second floor I got to tell you something hey man how’s it going okay baby Jax I need you to stop talking about Jack and anything he’s doing

Because again baby Jax I don’t think I told you what actually is going on but but Jax is going to propose to pomy and he’s building something right now for that but I need you to be super quiet about it and not tell anyone just I’ll

Try my best I’m not good at keeping secrets I’m really bad at lying so TV man are you going to like take me on a date or something maybe we could go to the movies maybe we could uh watch some YouTube you know you have to be joking

Me py no this can’t be happening right now this is seriously the worst this is the worst time to do something like this what do you mean the worst time Jax always neglects me he doesn’t care about me not like you do uh uh he definitely cares about you py please please just

Don’t talk about liking me don’t talk about any of this I want this all to just be forgotten about this is not this does not make sense at all but how can I forget about it when you’re stuck in my head all the time uh what in the what

Are you saying py no you cannot be saying this right now this can’t be real I can’t believe this TV man this place is amazing she’s going to love it although I can’t really hear you what speak up man uh okay ja oh gosh this is

This is really bad I can’t believe I’m in this situation right now uh well since Jax isn’t here and he’s probably napping and he won’t wake up for like about an hour or two what if we go somewhere like what if we um maybe go

Out to dinner uh out to no no pomy what what is going on right now this can’t be happening seriously pomy you need to go away and leave me alone TV man why do you care so much about Jack what is he doing anyway oh my goodness you don’t

Understand stop stop this pomy seriously this is making things very bad for me I don’t understand that’s why I’m asking you please explain to me why are you doing this oh my goodness are you serious right now py uh don’t worry to me I got this pomy why don’t we go and

Build some decorations like we should put flowers around the house I don’t know about that I’m still wondering what TV man is hiding look look at this I got a rose where do you think this Rose would look good um I don’t know uh you go do something else I’m trying to have

A conversation with TV man okay Jackson oh fine all right I’m just doing the finishing touches right here how many rounds are left TV man hurry up there should only be a few more left Jack but I’m not going to lie dud I have something to tell you and it’s not good

Okay well what is it then uh so basically how do I even say this oh gosh this is really awkward um so basically uh basically hey T T B no don’t don’t where are you I’m I’m over here building the obsidian what’s up baby Jack don’t don’t say anything to it’s going to

Break it h what do you mean don’t say anything about pomy I don’t know what else to do dude don’t worry everything will work out fine pom’s heart will be swept away by Ja whenever he proposes so don’t don’t worry about what she’s saying now I you’re right right when Jax

Gives her the ring like it’ll it’ll all be good right watch out P’s right there uh py oh hey when Jax gives me the what uh gives you what no no no no nothing there’s nothing going on okay uh oh I got to go back in the house TV man

You’re acting very suspicious you’re hiding something I know it no I am not I am not hiding anything what are you talking about pomni oh my goodness this is making everything so awkward I’m not going to lie I I don’t know if I should tell ja or not tell JS but whatever we

Got to fight off these monsters I’m going back in my hideing hole all right and this should be one of the final rounds I think it’s either this or next round that should be the final okay perfect I am just almost done there’s only one round Left Right hurry up and

Do it all righty let’s fight off these monsters where are they and wait what in the what is that is that uh kinger and gangles too um uh TV man can you um save me please oh my gosh pomy where are you I’m about to die too oh my goodness wait

You’re not even dying are you serious right now ah pomy this is the final round I think okay go run there’s so many of them oh no oh no this is really scary I’m not going to lie there’s so many but good thing our defens are actually holding up really well and oh

My goodness these there’s too many that scared me so bad no what’s up dude trying to lure them into the lasers that’s exactly what I’m doing good job baby you’re actually so smart hey are you guys uh all good up there I kind of finished already and I’m just chilling

So like uh chop chop and hurry up guys H is that J J what do you mean by that and and where are you I’m like right there I’m just moving so impossibly still you can’t see me oh my goodness are you serious right now Jax do not blow the

Cover but baby Jax what do I do dude do I do I leak the information or no don’t say anything just just just tell pomy that you see him over there just make something up uh p pomy i I see Jack over over there uh over where where oh my goodness whatever okay

Just find out these monsters oh my goodness don’t worry U the jack is just hiding with my with my friend Tim remember like trapped in that little section know I actually don’t know what to do guys I literally don’t know what to do what if Jack proposes to her and

She like doesn’t want it oh my gosh this is actually so awkward I’m not going to lie wait he’s not in there with Tim Jackson ah the TV man I don’t know what to do oh Jackson’s up here hey Jack man how you doing shut up TV man what are

You talking about can’t you see I’m under there under where jackon where are you you said underwear got it ah very funny I know but no like seriously I’m right upstairs can you see me oh when I get my hands on you oh my goodness are you serious right now and

What in the what is that is that speaker woman Titan that is actually so scary oh no ah they’re fighting come on ah these guys are so powerful oh no TV man are you okay uh yeah I’m I’m fine this is just really scary though and wait there’s there’s speaker man Titans too

This is really scary I’m so happy we’re fighting these mobs together toam man this is this really cute uh ew no pomy no I I do not want you please stop saying that stuff you know you want me no no no I definitely don’t do not

Please please stop saying this come on I told know what to do it’s just so awkward oh no are you okay baby Jack this is really scary but to fight the mobs no lightning I hate lightning oh my goodness this should be the final wave as well cuz there’s literally so many of

Them and once we complete this we’ll finally get the thing and then I’ll deliver it to Jax what in the world are you talking about uh no no there’s nothing there’s nothing nothing really yes nothing oh my gosh they’re still coming inside are you serious right now ah they’re so scary oh

No come on they should be dead soon oh my goodness there’s no way we haven’t completed it yet we’ve been alive for like 10 minutes on here ow ow ow put them all into the lasers and we should be able to kill them oh no oh my goodness and wait I’m literally in

Creative mode again no way I think we just completed that round guys about time now where is Jack okay uh I I have no idea where Jack is I hope this is the last round please be the last round oh my goodness where’s that ring I need to

Find it before pomy finds it come on it’s got to be here somewhere come on and wait a second I think that’s the ring in there let me go check and oh my goodness it’s the diamond ring oh my gosh this is crazy okay I need to go

Find Jax now and give it to him hey TV man the round’s over right did you get that ring bring it to me already yes yes I got the ring but hey pomy how you doing what’s going on TV man baby Jack’s distractor hey nothing nothing nothing U

Bomy I think I saw Jack over there like outside see it like right over there nice try I know you’re bad at lying what in the what okay tell me Jackson what is Jack hiding he it’s a surprise it’s nothing it’s still a surprise Jack where are you dude where

Are you I’m trying to find you Jackson Don’t make me use this truth potion on you that’s very bad okay uh I need to find Jack now ASAP Jack hello there we are okay I see where you are now let me just block this up oh my goodness this

Is really bad ja where are you ah no where are you TV man I don’t no I’m inside of the layer thing oh my goodness where are you ja hello oh my gosh you’re actually selling right now oh uh Hey TV man I was just uh taking a nap don’t

Mind me uh why were you taking a nap and dude I was looking for you okay here’s the ring take that and you’re going to propose to her okay finally thank you took you long enough what do you mean finally are you serious right now anyway we should probably have like a little

Opening here where she could jump down into but uh this is really awkward I hope she doesn’t uh say no why would she do that don’t be ridiculous yeah she’s obviously not going to say no why would you even suggest that TV man that’s not

Funny and I know funny uh yeah yeah it’s not funny yeah totally oh my gosh this is this is so bad this is so bad I’m just hoping she says yes W she’s oh my gosh there you are okay okay U everyone get their seats sit down everybody uh do

You know how to get married okay okay go over here and you’re going to propose her right here well yeah we need to wait for her though okay uh PNE hello come down here Jackson Jack TV meant where in the world are you uh po hello we are

Downstairs go in the house and you’ll see a hole okay I am not happy with any of you what the what is this oh uh pomy come over here I have something important to tell you oh uh Hey guys woohoo this is awesome to watch is this

Is this why you’ve been missing all day well yeah well this place is actually really cool but but what is this well pomy I was just wondering would you marry me I’m sorry what I’m I’m proposing to you you know I I care really deeply about you I mean like ever

Since we’ve been dating you’ve always done my laundry cooked my meals all that stuff and it’s so nice so don’t you want to do it for for the rest of our lives I mean this is all so sweet and this is really nice I know um but I’m not sure

If I can no oh God this is really awkward uh okay just hope she doesn’t say my name she doesn’t know my name uh sorry pomy can you say that again I must have misheard you I said I can’t what why I with TV man he proposed to me uh

That that that is not true listen Jack listen Jack I I um basically baby Jack what do I do I don’t know man I don’t know what’s going on what like what is this why would you say no and what does TV man have to do with anything what is

Going on I just like TV man more Jax he treats me nicer he doesn’t always no no no no Jax Jax no I I do not like her this is all some weird game that’s going on I’m very confused I’m not going to lie TV man you well I was down here

Slaving away trying to make the perfect wedding for pomy you were trying to steal her from me and you’re already married somehow you’re going to pay for this no oh no stop it wasn’t it wasn’t my fault no don’t find get away from me ja please I’m sorry okay I’m sorry dude

It wasn’t my fault today we’re doing a build challenge boys versus girls oh yeah boys versus girls but uh we brought along a couple of friends a couple of friends what are you talking about whoa uh what in the what who are these people it’s poy and rag the what are they all

Doing here they’re here to say hi and you know show their love for you guys oh no yo Jackson we got to get out of here bro this place is so creepy oh no it uh what in the what there’s an invisible barrier are you serious right now okay

Man it’s not this is not the time for jokes there’s no there is bro I guess we actually have to build a base survive against all these super crazy fan girls this is actually so weird I mean it’s nice to have fans why are you so weirded

Out by it it’s not anything super weird I mean they’re just showing you their support yo Jack we got to build a base right now bro this is so weird dude this was supposed to be a build challenge but now it’s like a build to survive yeah

Dude this is so creepy anyway let’s start building this base right here why are you using dirt bro what do you mean dirt dirt’s like the best resource oh wait no it’s not my brain’s farting right now cuz I’m so nervous and scared there’s no need to be nervous TV man

We’re not doing anything wrong we’re just here to show support and maybe a bit of love H you guys are really weird hey yo Jack what are we going to do bro I don’t know man I guess we just have to build a base the best we can we don’t

Really have a choice we can’t just leave yeah you’re right we do just have to build a base and oh no they’re just staring at us they’re actually ready to like flirt with us too it’s really weird I know they’re just standing there menacingly all right here we go we’re

Going to grab some of these iron bars right here and I guess we could start by using these hey yo Jack you better help me out bro well I was going to but if you’re going to nag me like that maybe I won’t I think I’ll just build a setup um

Just so you guys know you guys actually have to build closer to the cage or else you guys are going to be disqualified and if you’re disqualified we’re going to release all these pomy and ragas early uh Jax we got to build closer bro or they’re going to release the pomes

Early are you serious right now hey yo why they looking at me like that bro oh my gosh they’re so creepy cuz you’re cute of course what do you mean looking at you they’re looking at me no they’re definitely looking at me bro yeah they’re probably looking at TV man he’s

Much more attractive than you are Jack O get roasted Jack that is so cap I’m not even going to argue you’re just wrong uh no I’m not BR all right jack here we go let’s keep building this area right here I guess we should start by making this

Base kind of small in the beginning yeah that’s a good idea man you uh do that uh dude help me out bro there’s no way you’re just going to make a gaming setup dude there’s a ton of PES who are trying to love us and it’s really weird dude

What do you mean no way I already did bro are you serious right now I mean how bad can they be anyway TV man they all want you so why do I care right well I mean even though you are at the backup choice Jax they’re still going to want

To marry both of you uhoh Jax that’s pretty weird dude I’ll be fine I’ll let you handle that TV man bro no I’m not handling that dude there’s literally hundreds of them bro and they’re trying to love us dude how w’t you creeped out cuz I got more important things probably

Because Jax has never felt love in his life that was uncalled for me she’s kind of right though she has a point I mean whose side are you on TV man do you want me to help or not you’re not helping anyway dude so it doesn’t matter and I’m

Not and I’m going to keep not helping bro are you serious right now Jack you never help with build challenges well there was that one time yeah one time we hundred of these okay the last video I did yeah I’m sure of it bro and you

Usually put your face on it um no offense guys but maybe you should stop yapping and work on your base even more cuz right now it’s um it’s it it’s looking like um a building of some sort you’re going to want to impress the pomes or you won’t want to find out what

Happens and plus there’s no reason to make it super protective they’re going to want to come in and have a tour of the house so there’s no reason to hide anything uh a tour of the house hey yo Jack they’re trying to come in our base bro well yeah obviously see you better

Make a good one no they’re not coming in our base bro they’re going to try to love us dude it’s they’re going to try to rise us up and be weird dude I’m not doing that no that’s what I’m saying make a good base to keep them out are

You stupid that’s exactly what I’m doing bro but you’re not even helping me out dude if you could help a little bit that’ be nice I’m good all right here we go we’re going to keep working on this structure right here and oh my goodness

This looks so good hello TV man I heard you might need uh some assistance here uh yeah definitely dude wait Kate how’d you even get here bro I just flew in what do you mean this barrier is really only meant to keep you to in uh really

Yeah it’s very weird it’s very specific I don’t know also quick warning about the pomes and ratha they can chew right through iron so wait chew right through iron what what are you talking about dude chew what do you mean are they dangerous yeah you know you know the you

Know uh bubble my little friendly friendly pet of mine basically eat through obsidian and there they can eat through bubbl so you might want to build out of something a little more protective than this wait Kane is there any way like I could get them to not

Like chew through my base and destroy it and like leave me alone well there is one way uh do what they say uh do what they say what do you mean they uh you might not get the leave you alone pot but they won’t completely eat and devour

Your base if you just do what they do what they want like love them uh are you serious right now hey yo Jax are you down for that cuz I’m not really I think that’s that’s a great idea you just do what they say and they leave me alone oh

Well if you don’t want to do that ja you can just pay for the wedding pay for the honey moons pay for the flowers pay for the guest invitation the decorations oh and did I mention you’re paying for all the weddings all of them am I I left my

Wallet at home yeah that’s not happening yeah your wallet that has like zero cents in it uhuh okay TV man there’s no way I’m paying for all that let’s get to work buddy dude that’s what I’ve been doing this whole time bro but apparently they could chew through iron so I think

We need to change this blocks to like something better what could we use I mean we could use reinforced blocks reinforced blocks what even is that what do you mean you don’t know what reinforced Block it’s basically reinforced versions of blocks that already exist like see reinforced purple

Concrete but you might not want to use purple concrete it’s not that good uh purple hey yo ja why are we using purple bro hey I’m not doing this right now it’s better than iron oh my good goodness are you serious right now before I head out I have some things I

Need to attend to but before before I go I a little bit little tip I believe they are going to be released here in about 20 to 25 minutes around that area uh ja we have no time bro they’re coming in 20 minutes dude oh no so stop yelling at me

And get building bro dude I am I’m just trying to figure out what we should doing I have a perfect idea BR let’s make a mode this is going to be so awesome hey yo Jack check this out bro we’re making a mo yeah I didn’t see that

Man so uh TV man you’re looking really nice today uh did you um did you like change your hair or something uh what are you talking about bro I’m a TV I don’t have hair what are you talking about py sorry uh I must be going crazy

Hey get away from me poy hey why why you on our property this is private property oh well I was just checking what you were doing just you know observing plus just to let you know my 100 friends are coming soon so I hope you’re prepared

For that uh what in the what ja did you hear that yeah I have ears man yeah not good ones buddy do you want me to help or not uh it’s up to you if you want to pay for the marriage what are you doing

With this m why are you just using water dude what else are we supposed to use literally anything else lava poison oh you’re actually right about that ja to be honest I’m always right all right bro relax dude cut the ego BR all right anyway I’m going to add this little

Balcony right here this thing’s pretty cool it’ll look pretty good and we can also use bows to shoot off the evil pomes you’re going to you’re going to what no nothing uh I said I was going to shoot off the uh the evil um the evil zombies yeah I would just word of

Caution TV man I would be careful with what you say because if you upset any of them they can turn on you in an instance oh and that includes me uhoh uh Jack they’re being really weird okay and what do you want me to do about it just get

To work on the base all right here we go let’s keep adding to this base right here and wait I should have probably stopped using iron bro what am I doing that’s a good question yeah that’ probably be a good idea okay let’s check some reinforced blocks I can use so

Let’s go to reinfor force and see what we could use all righty here we go and H we could use some of this reinforced glass this stuff could be pretty good oh and some reinforc stone bricks I actually have a really good idea why this really cool

Pattern right here oh that’s that’s nice I guess but you can’t make it pink or purple or blue or red or yellow you had to make it gray and white I mean she has a point purple would be a lot better see Jack gets it oh my goash Jack why are

You like siding with them bro like why don’t you go over to the girl side if you like them so much I’m just saying it would be better if it was purple don’t be such a hater I mean we do have like golden carrots for you Jax if you want

To come over you’re welcome anytime Jack don’t fall for it no no Jax don’t fall for it what do you mean fall for it come on Jax don’t golden carrots sound amazing Jax and you can just rest and relax over here we’ll build you your own

Setup and we’ll just let you have a nice alone time with yourself uh-oh no don’t do that okay you might think you’re clever but you know I’m in creative mode I have golden carrots right here oh get roasted little BR well I try to be nice

Well let’s just see how you do when our army comes oh nah bro they’re actually weird too there’s like hundreds of them they’re literally going to like try to like flirt with us or kiss us or do some weird stuff so uh TV man uh this could

All be avoided if I I don’t know you went on a date with me or something or or even better we got married and we and we had a family we can have like five children a dog a cat a hamster a little bird do you like birds are

Birds are cute uh I I don’t understand please po no you’re acting really weird I said love me whoa whoa whoa chill what is wrong with you nothing’s wrong with me what’s wrong is that you’re debatable ja do you want to die here and now uhoh

I that wasn’t me that was I don’t know the wind I wouldn’t anger me if I were you cuz you know my Army’s over the fence at any second I could just release them on you and you wouldn’t want that would you so I would watch your mouth

Okay Jack don’t make her upset trust me man I know what I’m doing no you don’t oh no no don’t use these don’t use these bro don’t use these bro cuz if it rains it’s going to electrocute everyone so we need to use these other protected

Electric FES it’s not going to rain what are you talking about just use these bro these are better anyway just use these These are better yeah we’ll see oh my goody goodness bro are you serious right now so a TV man do you like anybody currently like do you have a girlfriend

Or any thing uh well that’s none of your business why are you asking me these questions like what oh it is my business remember you do not want to upset me TV man so I suggest you answer all my questions honestly um girlfriends uh you

Know TV woman you know she’s one of my not girlfriends but you know she’s a a friend of mine I guess so what about her oh I don’t know I was just thinking maybe we could um become an item hm oh oh okay well um well you excuse me I I

Have to make a a phone call just go upstairs hey pomy what are you doing bro get out of my house find TV woman and bring her to me okay bye uh what hey yo hey yo no no no no no what are you talking about I didn’t hear what you

Said but what did you just say I heard TV War oh I I was just making a phone call I was going to do something nice for you since you guys are in a relationship and whatnot I just told someone to bring flowers over to her

House and say it was right you that’s all no biggie oh okay cool cool perfect wait where am I get me out of here uh TV Woman TV woman what are you doing in there pomy what I didn’t do anything oh my good goodness T want you okay do I

Look okay I’m trapped in a cage right now oh my goodness py what’s wrong with you I can’t even break her out cuz it’s reinforced are you serious right now what’s wrong with me what’s wrong with you for wanting to date that ugly TV woman watch your mouth I mean she has a

Point oh I will watch watch my mouth and I can do whatever I want TV man don’t anger me if you know what’s good for you you’ll give her up and you’ll take me as your girlfriend instead remember who has an army uh chill out okay whatever uh

What in the what there’s more PES and rathas oh no what are they looking at too all right listen up ladies we are going to storm their base in let’s say 10 minutes I want you to be all on your toes be ready at any moment do not let

Anything distract you from our one goal make TV man and I guess Jack as well I mean no one really cares about him but make them love us at any cost you will do whatever it takes and those who succeed will be rewarded okay now I want

You to start your training okay think of any way you could make their hearts love us are they talking about of plans do whatever it takes remember those who fail will be punished do I make myself clear oh my gosh hey yo Jax check this

Out bro ja ja why you with pomy right now bro what are you doing huh what do you mean I’m just building this Brat’s the one in the way oh oh you want to call me a brat ja I just did okay um let’s see maybe I’ll call my Army over right

Now I don’t know no no no no you you Jack’s Jack really bro no no no no you really want to test me okay hey ja you want to see how I we’re sorry we’re sorry I apologize no I’m not oh no you are you are sorry T man but is Jax are

You jack I’m not no okay well you want to see something amazing Jack do you want to see how fast those girls can tear you apart and Eat You Alive yeah whatever you say pomy you’re just bluffing like there’s no way oh my god get off of me get off of

Me oh that’s kind of funny I’m sorry I can just be silly sometimes are you okay Jack nice troll bro but what just happened is he okay you know jack isn’t that good of an actor TV man something definitely happened Jax Jax hello Jack

Help me TV man they put me in a cage what why are you laughing uh oh my gosh P how’ you do that um I have a few chicks up my sleev oh I’ll save you I’ll save you Jackson H there’s literally a wall bro you serious right now I can’t

Even get through really dudee yeah that’s what you get for talking back I guess yeah ja you just had to open your big mouth I wouldn’t make me any angrier cuz I’m already a little upset that TV man would you be quiet I am not talking

To you right now uh I’m sorry I’m sorry well I just lost my train of thought so I’m just going to try to calm down and you know what would really Cal me down right now it’s if we could go on a date

Or something TV man I mean e oh no no no no no no no get away from me I need to build my base oh you want to say no you want to say no to me no well well TV woman’s right here actually so I didn’t

Want to say no right in front of her oh well then that that’s okay we can just go somewhere else or uh I Could Just Kill Her easy wait let me ask TV woman’s approval TV woman can I can I go on a date with pomy I’m under no I’m under no

Uh free will to say anything I have to um I can hear you excuse you obviously you can’t go on a date with another woman who do you think you are why would you even ask me oh my God yeah P She said uh maybe or something no

I didn’t uh oh you know want to know what else she said what hey hey no no no hey stop all right anyway I got to get away from these creepy PES TV woman don’t worry I’ll save you after this you better oh my gosh I’m trying my best

Dude but pom’s acting really weird and ragi do literally kidnapped me too all right here we go I’m just going to add a little bit more protection here but wait I probably should use iron maybe I should change this iron to something else all right let’s grab some obsidian

And oh that’s goated that that’s actually goed hey yo Jack check this out bro huh check what out I’m busy playing fortnite dude uh are you serious right now bro how aren’t you freaking out that you’re in a cage right now well I mean I

Was at first but I mean I have my computer I’m fine all right here we go let’s keep going with this and here we go we’ll play some more obsidian like this we got to keep a little pattern going cuz we don’t have a lot more time

Blocks of iron like that we got some obsidian right here T man I don’t understand why you’re trying to make your base so protective I mean it’s kind of useless against you know know my Army I mean you should probably focus on making it more appealing and more

Inviting uh no because I don’t like you guys oh well you will like me one way or another no I won’t like you you’re weird I might just kill TV woman now byebye say goodbye TV woman no oopsie sorry my hand slipped uh TV woman no this has got

To be a joke no no you’re joking she definitely didn’t just you definitely didn’t just do that right oh I definitely just did and I can do way more and that’s only if you don’t agree to you know love me forever and be mine uh you’re insane you are absolutely

Insane but I’m sure you’re lying about TV woman if you are then uh and what of it maybe I am insane I’m insanely in love with you why won you love this is weird this is weird oh hey what’s up TV man I managed to break out but uh I’m

Going to hide in the base real quick you’re going to have to do all the building sorry wait Jack you’re back bro how’d you get out uh I just got bored but I mean yeah they kind of like don’t know about it so uh just don’t say

Anything okay uh sure dude but can you help out with the base if you’re here how am I supposed to help out they’ll see me let me I’ll just cover up these windows real quick uh are you serious right now wait you’re covering up all

The windows do we need those so we can see once they attack us not all of them just so they can’t see me it’ll be fine all right whatever here we go we’re going to add some of these lasers right here and oh my goodness this looks so

Good all right laser right here and then another laser right there and we’re going to add another laser right here we’re just going to stack them up on top of each other this is going to be really helpful for when the monsters come I’ve told you TV man you really don’t need

All these lasers I mean try making it more appealing it’s not going to work building up your defenses so I’m not even sure why you’re trying uh what in the what are you talking about bro this is goated what do you mean this is just

For uh to make our base look nice right jack start building the uh the the swords and the the pickaxes and stuff I can hear you I hear everything uhoh that’s the problem Jack do it in secret I bet uh pomy do it in uh uh I’m just going to stop talking yeah

You probably should but oh wait come here I have um a little present for you cuz you know you’re pretty cool and I I like you I’m sorry I’ve been you know so psycho cuz I haven’t had male interaction for like probably like 5 years but hey yo I don’t really care no

You will care I mean sorry I was oversharing again uh I brought you um a rose nope closing the door on you ow yeah ow you hurt my nose Jack they are trying to raid our base already yeah I can see that oh my gosh my eyes they

Burn okay I feel kind of bad all right you’re fine py I’m sorry there you go I’m closing on you well yeah I’m just too good at video games they’re not really that funny anymore I guess I’ll get to work on the Armory or whatever let’s get it baby and

Uh uh PNE get out of our base right now uh you can’t tell me what to do also I brought you a gift get away okay I have had it TV man I’ve been trying a lot of ways and so far you’ve been incredibly stubborn so this time I

Am left with no choice if you don’t accept my love and affection I will bring my Army here right now and you will witness everything you love turn to dust am I understood uh what in the what are you talking about py please don’t do that that’s really weird oh we’ve passed

Weird a long time ago TV man except my love um Jax what do I do JX Jax why are you asking me you handle it dude uh okay give me five business days I got you oh you won’t have that much time TV man I’ll give you five minutes um what in

The what bro oh my goodness are you serious right now all right well that’s it for the weapons and stuff so I’m going to go back to playing video uh I guess that’s good thanks for the help dude yeah you better be thankful all right dude you don’t need to have so

Much an attitude with me dude you’re so weird like why do you even have such an attitude Jack I don’t have an attitude what are you talking about no you definitely do bro uh just the way you talk it’s annoying what do you mean how

Do what’s wrong with the way I talk many things loser Give an example loser uh how you literally try to sabotage everything like you’re trying to like make those girls love me dude you’re weird what are you talking about when did I ever do anything like that just

Now stupid what do you mean just now just now I’m made the weapons idiot whatever dude I guess he did something the for the first time in a long time you are so ungrateful wow you guys are beefing you guys are like having major beef is everything all right stay out of

It woman yeah stay out of it oh don’t say that she bad oh oh you want to treat me like that you want to treat me like that oh wait wait when did you get out of your cage I just realized that Jack that was a bad idea I not noticed this

Before I’m not Jack I’m a jack statue that’s not going to work buddy yeah Jack statues don’t talk oh yeah unless you bought oh is this a present for me he’s a statue oh you you bought you bought me a life-sized version of Jack hey py catch this catch this

Py let me out of here let me out I expected something like that from J but not from you TV man but now that you’ve done it my patient has finally run out so there you go in survival mode and my Army is coming right jack we are in s

Survival there’s no door are you serious right now Jack come on you got to have a door ja this bit’s not fun anymore you’re not a statue anymore I’m a statue dude come on get up dude we got to fight these monsters bro okay fine and no I

Don’t have a door so whatever oh my goodness oh my goodness I got to grab all this armor that we got come on okay let’s grab some of this oh this is really good stuff ja good job dude obviously I made it let’s go let’s grabb all this we’ll put on these leggings

This uh Boot and this helmet so we’ll go to the second floor now and oh my goodness I’m so scared okay TV man uh we kind of got to deal with this so uh any ideas uh what do you mean dude we’re we’re kind of dzone dude what what else

Are we going to do I don’t know I mean well maybe we can uh kind of shoot at him from up here don’t you think uh shoot at him from up here bro I don’t know if that’s going to work dude we are out of ideas do something uh okay okay

Okay let’s do something come on uh there’s a lot of them and oh no the cage is gone the cage is gone Jack uh just hide I’m just going to hide and sit here just hide are you kidding dude what else are we going to do bro I’m really scared

Right now bro is not a statue uh yes I am I am a statue so you finally decided to do that you finally decided to press all of my buttons and push me into Insanity well good job good job you finally did that now you can find it’s not like you needed much

Help okay well do you want to see my full power uh-oh uh you just made her angry bro would you look at that would you look at that uh-oh uh it’s raining uh Jax what did you do what do you mean what did I do it’s just raining it’s not

That big a deal where there’s rain and thunder there is lightning or how’s that say go where’s there wow you’re dumb that’s it Jack check this out uh what’s going on whoo whoo wo wo wo Jack are you okay wo I I I’m being pulled in oh God uhoh uhoh

Stay away from me that’s silly oh my god get off of me uhoh uh are you okay Jack yeah who’s stupid now do I look okay give me a hand here all I’m going to save you oh my goodness come on fight these girls I wouldn’t do that if I were

You we’re going to love you forever and ever and ever Jack Jack get the base we got to get in the base whatever we can do Jack come on come on we literally built a huge base so we can protect ourselves come on where do you think I’m

Going go go go they’re getting inside you just hit me oh my gosh there’s more in here just push her into the lava all right go Jack oh my goodness that was really scary dude come on get to the second floor they got in uh they got in

No they didn’t bro all right just go to the third floor I promise you they’re probably not here they’re right here sorry I decided to let them in I mean I told you you were going to have visitors uhoh uh guys get out get out get out oh

No uh ja I need help I need help ow owow they’re really powerful don’t worry I broke the ladder oh no uh really really dude you broke the bro are you serious well they can’t get up here now oh no oh no this is really bad this is really bad

See this this all could have been avoided if you just accepted my love I’m going to hide in the girl’s house oh no do they have anything good come on oh they don’t even have anything good oh oh that that would be a good reason to

Freak out um uh hey uh T man maybe maybe you want to maybe you want to get out of there just just just saying where’d you go yeah yeah please get please get out hey get away from me hey yo there’s so many of them too oh my gosh they want to

Love me it’s really weird I’ll cover you TV man come on I got to go I got to go oh goash uh pomy just weirdly kicked me out of her house jack I’m not sure she has something there I don’t know why are you asking me nuh-uh girls only girls

Only sorry oh my gosh uh Jack there’s more love girls and they’re really big this time yeah I can see that man oh no wait I’m getting pushed into it oh gosh what’s going on oh no oh gosh this is really scary have fun down there oh no

Jack can you help me dude I helped you I am helping I’m shooting them oh my goody goodness come on fight these girls oh no they’re so weird and creepy too I hate these girls so much how are you guys even doing this there’s absolutely no

Way in this world that you’re going to be able to complete this we have everything planned out perfectly oh no oh no there’s another one following me and uh what in the what there’s more spawning this arm is way bigger than I thought oh no fight these girls are you

Serious right now ow ja help I am no you’re not you’re not helping me I trying to get back to the house but I keep getting pushed are you serious right now I’m shooting them what do you want me to do I’m in the poison I’m in

The poison I’m in the poison ow ow oh my gosh get me in the house ah come on come on our base is actually holding up pretty well though yeah you’re welcome oh no there’s so many PES everywhere dude this is so terrifying are you

Serious right now oh no uh this Raga can punch through the base um ja this is really bad yeah I can see that distract them dude dude dude they’re pushing into our base now this is really bad hey there’s a py in here too oh my goodness

She’s breaking through kill her Hey get away ow ow ow ow ow ja where are you bro I’m up here I’m shooting at her oh no this is really bad dude they’re so powerful and oh my gosh you literally blocked me off are you serious right now

Oh she knocked me off oh my gosh good bro you’re trash you’re not helping me I’ve been shooting them the whole time I’ve killed like 10 times more than you have well anyways there’s no more left oh my gosh Jack we got to run just hide

In the house dude oh no I’m really scared dude there’s so many of them but I think we killed the ball but we should be safe and just hide in here and pretend like we’re statues or something pretend like we’re statues are you an idiot who would fall for that you

Literally did that stupid head well yeah that’s me we’re talking about you jack how about you sacrifice yourself for those girls so that they love you and I can just go home how about you sacrifice yourself for me because they love you more remember no no no I’m not doing

That how about you sacrifice yourself I mean you were the one bragging about how much they liked you oh my go what excuse me I was not bragging bro who who said I was bragging uh you did bro are you serious right now well it seems like we

Have to take this into our own hands now isn’t that right uhoh okay well um you probably should say your prayers or whatever because you guys are not surviving this uhoh uh J did you guys gain weight that’s not something you should have said ow ow ow oh my gosh wa

They’ bow and stuff oh no uh Jack this is bad this is bad oh isn’t this so much fun hey yo they’re chasing me bro oh gash oh get away from me bro hey no no no no no no oh no they have really powerful swords wait they have more

Powerful swords than me Jax run ja are you helping me I am I’m shooting at them what else do you want me to do where dude I don’t see you oh there you are I’m right here Jack kill this one right here ah ow ow ow I’m injured oh Jack you

Killed that one yeah I did I’m kind of cracked no you’re not honestly I’m actually kind of glad that you killed ragi cuz now I can have you guys all to myself uhoh Jack who cares just shut up die already sh just oh oh you can’t

Shoot a lady oh come on kill her oh by goash Jack we did it yeah that was a lot easier than I thought to be honest and wait I’m in creative mode too can we actually leave this place now let’s check come on please please please

Please please and yes finally get me out of here dude Jack we actually survived them bro they were so weird and creepy dude yeah that’s how they always are to be honest let’s go wait a second where am I right now oh hi TV man I trapped

You here so we can build a family home I’m so excited that you’re here TV man it’s going to be so much fun oh it’s so good you’re here TV man we’ve been waiting for you oh what in the W who even are you guys are you guys the crazy

Pomy family get me away from you guys we’re not crazy oh there’s nowhere to escape T man you can’t leave oh what in the what no get me off of this chunk right now this place is so weird and you guys are like really weird oh come on TV

Man it’ll be really fun we can build a house together come on get away from me get away from me ah fell are you serious right now are you serious right now I thought that would kill me but oh oh my goodness I just respawned Are you seriously

Seriously serious right now anyway I guess I have to start building a family home for the crazy pomy family oh you’re going to love it so much this is going to be so much fun no this is going to be weird I’m not going to lie but anyway

Why aren’t you guys helping me build the house like come on we got to do this well you’re going to do all the work for us uh what in the water are you serious right now dude that is so weird all right anyway I’m just going to keep

Building this right here and I wish these pomy girls would help me because I’m literally stuck here with them and it’s so annoying and gross uh TV man why are you building like that it doesn’t look that good you should actually make it like pink and girly with like cute

Stuff you know if we’re all going to live in it oh my goodness are you serious right now you girls aren’t happy with anything anyway let’s do SL one I guess we’ll erase this and make it something else oh my goodness I hope that they just let me go girls can you

Please just let me go oh you’re not leaving until you build us the best house ever are you serious right now why this is so weird all right you know what girls I’m not going to build anymore I’m sick and tired of this I don’t want to

Do this oh well too bad cuz do you want to end up like your friend over there look behind you TV man what are you talking about and oh what in the what Jack yeah it’s me Jax and uh would you mind getting me out of here TV man he’s

Not leaving until you build us the best house ever Jack come on it’ll be so much fun I was literally building you guys a house and you weren’t happy with it but there’s no way you’re going to trap my friend you know I’ll just break him out

And come on and are you serious right now I can’t even get him out are you serious I wouldn’t do that if I were you TV man why we will have our house one way or another okay oh my goodness this is so weird all right they like pink and

Stuff so I guess I’ll just build that but oh my gosh I need to find a way out of here and they’re not even helping me they’re just staring at me like girls come on help me I don’t really like that wood color it’s all brown are you

Serious right now you girls are not happy with anything I’m just going to do it I just want you to make it the right way yeah I agree with her this is kind of ugly are you even trying like do you need more motivation okay what am I

Supposed to do I don’t know how to build good like why you you guys making me do this I just want to leave this isn’t even pink it’s magenta yo can you just do what they say man hurry up I’ve been stuck in here for days I need food I

Need water man dude I’m trying but these crazy pomy girls are literally making me build this weird base it’s so weird and creepy try harder then no I get a little impatient sometimes so you better speed it up or else we’re going to do something you will not like to your

Friend and then maybe you we might just uh drop him off the edge of this map if you don’t do what you’re told what in the no don’t do that come on guys that’s so messed up all right I’m just going to keep building my base why can’t you guys

Just help me this is so weird and creepy I like watching you work um actually it’s our base shut up don’t you guys just love TV man he’s so strong I mean I yeah I guess so like but I I really like how like he’s actually trying but he’s

Just too stupid to do it you know boys are really cute and they’re stupid can you get can you guys stop talking about me what is going on I think he’s doing a pretty okay job like okay like not the best but okay guys oh my gosh you guys

Can you help me this is not fair this is so annoying um uh we’re having a conversation it’s kind of rude to interrupt that why would you ask us to even lift any of our precious fingers you’re the hard worker here are you serious right now this isn’t fair girls

Are literally making me do all the work and you’re literally threatening one of my best friends Jack how could you do this uh how could we not do this we just want you to live with us no that’s so weird oh my gosh yeah pomy shut up I was

Talking if you do a good job building our house then maybe you’ll get out alive with your friend Jack over there and this is um this is not going to cut it yet are you serious right now okay well I’m going to start making some challenges for you TV man of course

You’re going to have to finish the house first but then you’re going to have to complete the challenges come on oh what challenges are you talking about are you serious right now girls no don’t do this don’t make me do challenges you’re going to do them whether you like it or not

Too late no oh no you girls are so weird and creepy I hate this Jack are you okay dude I’m sorry you have to deal with this do I look okay man I’m stuck in a cage oh my goodness this is so annoying dude anyway I’m just going to keep

Building this base but I really hate building it out of pink stuff because I don’t like pink I’m literally a boy and blue is my favorite color all right anyway here we go we’re going to make a little pattern right here like that and wait this actually looks pretty good but

Why am I even trying on this base to be honest like who cares about these girls hey I heard that you better keep working over there oh my goodness there’s no way she just heard that are you serious right now yeah oh we hear everything you guys are so creepy okay stop whining

Like a baby hey I’m not whining like a baby are you serious right now anyway this base is actually starting to look kind of good let’s just add some of that right there and uh I’m pretty sure they like the futuristic Vibe for some reason they don’t like wooden planks I don’t

Know why all righty here we go and wait should we add more floors to this place we could actually do that that could be so dope uh what are you doing just slacking off keep working I am what what are you talking about crazy pomy girl

You’re the one who needs to do something you guys are just sitting around doing nothing and oh no do I really have to do parkour it looks like that excuse you we’re actually making challenges we are doing something you’re just working on the house we’re doing this all because

We love you ew what in the gross oh my goodness are you serious right now I hate that uh why it’s not that bad it’s just weird why don’t you guys go love Jax or something you think I want to love that skinny little purple rabbit hey who do you think you’re insulting

Ladies if you can even be called that I mean you’re in love with TV man he’s a loser and besides you’re kidnapped me what’s wrong with you you psycho chicks hey hey you know what you could do you could shut up yeah that wasn’t really nice I

Think we’re going to have to maybe starve you for another week after that what in the you guys are actually insane there’s no way I’m on this map with you guys okay let me just try to get out of here oh no I need to leave but oh gosh

There’s nothing here how am I even going to leave oh hey B uh what are you trying to do did I hear something about leaving no I wasn’t trying to leave I’m sorry that was that was just you know an accident an accident okay well I’ll make

Sure an accident happens to Jack over there if you tried to leave no no no don’t hurt Jack don’t J Jack I’m sorry I’m sorry oh my goodness are you serious right now please please I’m just letting you know that you can’t leave this place unless you do it you’re told so keep

Working you crazy pomy girls are literally so insane I hate this so much please pomy girls just let me go home please I miss my family I miss TV woman I mean I miss a speaker man you miss who no no one no one did you say you’re definitely not talking about

Another woman are you no I’m not that’s what I thought T doesn’t even smell good she’s so gross uh don’t talk about my wife like that I mean don’t talk about my she’s not my wife wife she better not be you guys are literally creepy though why do you care

Who who I’m dating you know no that’s not of your concern it doesn’t matter you guys are actually so annoying Crazy pomy Girls you guys are going to regret leaving me in here I’m not going to lie cuz I don’t like any of you guys you

Like me soon enough you’ll come to love us exactly shut up he’s mine gosh no what no that’s not true that’s not what we talked about I think you guys are forgetting that he’s mine I mean like I’m the hottest out of us all no I don’t

Like any of you you all are weird see he totally loves us he’s just being hard to get yeah that’s probably right no no I’m not playing hard to get it’s kind of cute when he does that no I’m not you guys are weird and you guys are building

On these challenges for me like leave me alone a he’s so cute when he whines MH what ew ew disgusting Jax are you hearing this right now I wish I wasn’t it’s cringy dude and these girls are obsessed with me for no reason it’s so annoying uh Jax do you perhaps want me

To put you out of your misery no no no don’t you I think TV man really likes you guys right please don’t hurt me no no no I do not I do not like them Jack shut up just play along dude you want them to kill me no I’m not playing along

I’m not playing along I don’t like them oh so you don’t like us oh well that’s that that must suck for Jax over here cuz you know it would be a shame if he were to just stop existing oh no don’t hurt Jack okay I’m sorry I I like you guys TV man

Man seriously you need to up your game and build a way better base man it’s your fault I’m in this place in the first no it is not my fault are you serious right now how is it not your fault it kind of is your fault what are

You talking about dude it’s all uh pne’s fault or whoever whoever the creepy one is who spawn me here excuse me uh I didn’t say anything oh that’s funny I thought I heard something did you hear something pomy uh I’m sure I’m sure you guys are just hallucinating or something I I

Didn’t hear anything but anyway anyway I’m just going to keep working on the base all right yeah good you’re the one hallucinating if you think you can get out of this place I don’t think I can get out of well I do think I can get out

But no I don’t I was joking excuse me oh yeah that was a really funny joke can you guys just let me out and then maybe just maybe I’ll date one of you guys like if you let me go to the the new world like you know the uh skibby toilet

Town like I maybe I’ll like one of you guys but you guys are literally being creepy and weird right now that’s pretty promising actually wait but which one of us me no no stupid uh Jack I’ll take Jack I didn’t know you swung that way e

Why would you take Jax I don’t like you like that TV man sorry bro that’s kind of I mean like you do you I guess but like that’s that was definitely not on my bucket list to hear that wait you’re not supposed to like anyone else but but

Us me isn’t that right no not you ugly no but like me only you’re not supposed to like anybody else besides me no he’s supposed to like me I’m pretty sure of that I’m the coolest one here like no I don’t like any of you guys seriously I I

Really do not have any feelings for any single one of you pomy girls cuz you’re literally weird and creepy you trapped me here and now I’m building you guys a house and you’re making me do challenges uh but either way TV man will like us

Like he can like all of us right we can share that’s just not true I don’t like any of you girls like how many times I need to tell you ja how do I tell them I don’t like them uh how about you tell them you do like them so they don’t kill

Me man oh my goodness all right fine girls you know what I like you all equally is that good um not really uh that didn’t sound that convincing okay so how do I win this situation like do I tell you all girls I want to date one of

You like or two or three like no you tell me that you’re going to take me out and then we go out forever and just ditch all these other losers you know excuse me yeah what did you say nothing I know you didn’t just call us

Losers what I okay well maybe you’re if you’re concerned about us taking your man you should be concerned about that bald spot on your head what yeah you’re bald haha loser so are you oh my goodness you got girls are all F you know what girls how about you guys go

For Jax like Jax is is a he’s an open Contender right now don’t want Jack I don’t want you either no one wants Jax not even his own parents that’s cold okay so anyways can you girls just focus we’re here for one thing and one thing

Only TV man yeah I know that no ew no oh my goody goodness no that is super weird it’s only weird if you make it weird no no no I don’t like any of you I am in a marriage well not a marriage but you

Know what no I’m not well you know TV woman you know TV woman’s technically my wife so it’s kind of weird that you guys are talking about this oh oh okay uh you have a why uh maybe I should have said that you know that would be a shame if

Something were to happen be crazy if we kidnapped your wife and then made you date us instead of marry her you know that’ be so wild what a crazy hypothetical you don’t say your plans out loud that’s hypothetical oh my gosh wait a second how did I end up here oh

Wait is that you TV man it’s good to see you hubby oh what in the no this is crazy TV woman what are you doing in here e you like this rat that’s disgusting she’s my wife okay um you know what T woman I am so sorry you’re

Here right now they have trapped you in it I cannot get you out I can try everything and it won’t let me get you out um I’m not quite sure what’s going on right now but who are these um girls they’re kind of uh ugly I’m his

Girlfriend excuse me no no no no no TV woman don’t worry about them I just got spawned here and they kidnapped me okay what he means to say is that he chose to live with us and he’s dumbing you no um wait a second TV man are you cheating on

Me excuse you no no no no no no pomes you guys are ruining my marriage oh my goodness this is so bad I don’t know what to do please get me off this island Jack what in the what do I do right now why are you asking me man don’t worry TV

Woman your husband’s in great hands with us we’re definitely going to take okay shut up I wasn’t talking to you um we’re going to take way better care of him than you ever will plus we’re prettier we’re smarter and oh oh guess what guess what we’re not in a cage he’s building

That house for me um you girls are completely psycho and man I can’t believe you how could you cheat on me after all we’ve been through no TV woman oh my goodness girls you are actually ruining my marriage right now this is so bad you girls are literally insane you

Don’t have to be married to her when you’re with me no I am not with you you are weird I mean like why would you be married to like this rat firstly like I don’t understand you could do so I can’t even do anything because you girls are

Literally insane and I’m stuck here but you know whatever oh is someone getting angry no I’m not getting angry I’m just building my base but you guys keep talking over me like shut up you’re kind of cute when you’re angry you know that ew ew disgusting just keep

Building stop talking oh my goodness are you serious right now anyway I’m just going to build the bedroom right here and uh we should probably do some bug beds wait no I want my own room I want my room to be in your room like the same

Room no ew no we’re we’re having separate rooms everybody what if there’s like a little trap door that like led to your room from my room how’s that uh excuse me I thought I was sharing a room with him cuz I’m the best one out of all

Us why would you share a room with him when I’m going to be sharing with him we can’t all share a room together oh my gosh this is so weird I think you guys are mistaken I’m going to share the room with him cuz I’m the main character of

Course you’re not though you’re actually not no you’re not you’re just not yeah I you’re not her like you’re not that girl pal yeah you’re not a sigma am that girl I’m a girl why would I be a sigma I’m the it girl because you’re not from

Toilet that’s why you don’t have Ohio R is bro yeah what’s in Ohio you know TV man I really feel bad for you man you have to deal with these loser girls but you know I feel even even worse for myself cuz I’m stuck here dudee it’s not

My fault oh I know the Kool-Aid bunny is not talking oh get roasted BL bro okay why is the third wheel talking or should I say the fourth wheel okay that’s so funny you’re so funny you’re making me laugh you’re that’s yeah ooh o do you

Want to you want to be my friend you want to meet my friend not really but you’re probably going to make me yeah yeah he he’ll just like snuggle up to your head really quick and uh how about you meet my friend Mr Enderman new company what is that thing get it

Away from me TV man help what in the ew ew get off oh no this thing is really scary good thing I’m in Creative are you in survival mode jack of course I am otherwise I would have broken out you idiot maybe we should let him out of his

Cage to fight the Enderman Right girls oh no no no no oh oh gosh oh he’s walking he’s walking oh this is pretty bad uh just just go go go go oh free don’t you jack you want to be out of this cage huh I don’t care about that right now what is

That thing get it away from me don’t worry I’m going to push him off okay here we go come on oh and I got him off okay thank goodness all righty and wait this looks so good I’m not going to lie I really like this bedro and I like that

We have separate rooms hi there what are you doing here ew get away I’m just going to just going to watch you just going to sit here no don’t watch me no this is weird no I’m just observing getting it getting data analyzing no no

No no no just go away from me ew no I like this I want to see what you do do something get to CL do something what do you want me to do I don’t know that’s up to you I just want to see it I want to

See you do something or organically e oh my goodness what are you breaking stop breaking my base it’s not uh it’s not it’s not like green enough Are you seriously seriously seriously serious right now really really dude I cannot be seriously seriously serious enough right now why are you copying what I’m saying

That’s my that’s my thing right now is my thing I just want you to know that I’m paying attention to what you’re saying no e oh my goodness I got to get away from you I’m not even going to build a base anymore what hey you have

To no I’m not building if you’re going to be near me and like try to kiss me and stuff it’s weird I guess I could just watch you from afar Wow TV man this really sucks how can these girls be doing this to you and more importantly

Me since I’m the one in the cage I don’t know these girls are literally insane and they’re building these weird challenges for me to do and it’s making me really uncomfortable and I don’t want to do it oh don’t worry you’re going to love these challenges okay and and even

Better you can do them with your best friend Jack no oh gosh wait wait so if I complete the challenges can I leave yeah of course we always keep our promises but the thing is I’m pretty sure you won’t be able to complete it yeah I D

You will be it’s pretty hard you girls are literally so annoying can you please just let me out now please please I’ll literally date one of you if you just let me out oh really will you date me okay will you date me no he’s going to

Date me shut up I said it first I literally said it first like sucks suck man um I don’t think he’s going to be dating anybody he’s married to me how could you cheat on me TV man I’m not cheating on you oh my goodness he just

Trapped me in here and it’s really weird and gross and creepy okay okay looking good looking good py what are you doing here ew I’m just observing you know uh why what do you want uh I want you thought that was obvious no no there was just another

Pomy over here and she was staring at me too making me really uncomfortable please let me just build this in peace well I’m better than that other pomy and at least I don’t sound like I’m voiced by a man well it’s a good thing TV man

Wants me way better than he wants you that was a funny joke okay go back to doing whatever you were doing maybe I don’t know get like speech therapy or something you know maybe we should just kill off this other pomy because she’s not being very nice uh yeah we probably

Should she’s kind of annoying but can we kill you as well oh my good goodness these girls are actually insane they’re more insane than I thought too they’re trying to kill each other for me and stuff like what in the way I’m not even that important but you are important TV

Man or else why would we trap you here you’re important to me I have no clue I have no clue I’m in a happy marriage and this is very weird not for long what in the ew no gross you’ll be in a happier marriage with me I promise all right you

Know what I’m getting really sick and tired of these girls and they can’t hear me over here here I’m just going to build a secret gaming setup and a secret man cave over here so they don’t bother me oh my goodness here we go we’re going

To walk down here and oh this is going to look so good we have to make sure this is in secret though so we’ll put like a trap door here or something because I don’t want those girls to see that I’m down here because they’re really weird all righty there we go

We’ll place the button right there and boo there we go that looks so good but we have to make sure it Blends in the ground so we’ll do something like that and then we’ll maybe hide it like that and uh there’s no way they’re going to be able to see this like there’s

Literally no way so then we’ll do that and then oh my goody goodness we’ll have the underground man kid here and I’ll finally be able to use my own blocks that I want to use I just want to be with this TV man like I don’t want I

Don’t want to be like doing all this other stuff anymore like just this house is irrelevant I just want you uh I’m pretty sure all of us want TV man but I don’t think he wants to go out with a pck me girl like you I really don’t care

What you think anymore like you’re just so ridiculous oh my goodness they keep fighting about me it’s so weird I’m just going to hide from them I I have no time for this anymore I’m done trying and I’m done I’m just going to try to stay here

Till I die I guess you guys are never going to let me out you’re literally like pick me pick me T man pick me pick me shut up he’s never going to pick you you’re ugly pick me happening he’s already picked me like I’m not asking

Why in the why are they fighting over me what is happening right now this is so weird yeah uh why would TV man want you and there’s obviously me uh hello TV man where the heck are you we need to build this house otherwise I’m toast uh what

Are you talking about I’m building the house right now uh uh guys um where did he go TV man where are you uh why in the ew they’re looking for me but I got to be very quiet so they don’t figure out I’m down here because this is my new

Secret B cave and here we go we got to add a TV and I’m going to add a secret gaming setup this is going to be so much fun all right we can add a blue couch because I’m not with the girls let’s go I should probably I should probably try

To get Jax down here too but I don’t know how I’m actually going to get in my that cage but I’ll figure it out all righty here we go and then we’re going to add the desk right there and oh my goody goodness this is about to look so

Awesome all right let’s add this desk right here and we’ll add a gaming chair right there we’ll type in chair and let me get my favorite color which is blue and we’ll put that right there and then we can put a laptop right there and here

We go oh my goodness this looks amazing oh my goodness and wo this gaming setup looks actually so awesome I need to stay down here forever and I’m just going to sit here and just chill oh this is the best day ever I’m not going to lie I

Really miss this I’m so happy I’m away from those creepy girls where is that TV man where is he oh my goody goodness are looking for me no way right now and oh I think I see py right there oh my gosh oh no I really hope they don’t see me this

Is actually so terrifying right now oh gosh I’m so scared I’m going to find you TV man and you’re going to be in big big trouble when I do what e uh when you find him when I find him stupid why you I want to find him oh my goodness

They’re actually so insane I don’t understand this I just want to go back home all right you know what I’m just going to distract myself and play fortnite I guess woo yeah I got a victory Royale let’s go I got to buy some v-bucks on my

Uh on my wife’s credit card do any of you hear TV man screaming about fortnite oh oh no they heard me okay I’m just going to pretend like nothing happened I’m going to go to sleep I heard something about like v-bucks or fortnite or something now I hear some

Snoring oh okay it’s not working okay I’m just going to sit here and just not say anything that’s weird um I don’t remember that being there what is this oh no oh oh I’m just going to hide oh she didn’t see me uh you know I’m not

Like stupid tby man um what what are you talking about you don’t see me you don’t see me I’ll make you a deal okay um I do see you that I have eyes um yeah what’s up I’m going to go bye guys no no wait

Hold on hold on what what what what no no no no I don’t want to be here with you I’ll make you a deal if you date me and you date me only I won’t tell anyone you’re here okay so all I have to do is

Ask you out and then I I can I leave this place all well you have to pass the challenges and actually build a good house other than that yeah I guess you could leave oh no I I I don’t want to D you I’m married I’m literally married

Get away I can fix that no get away oh my goodness this is so weird I got to cover this up this is so bad oh no no no no no okay I guess you don’t accept my deal then hey guys I found him oh my

Wait where is he AR you serious right now really I gave you a choice don’t say I didn’t give you an option you’re a psychopath okay and tell me something I don’t know well so so where is he you said you found him but where is he he’s

In this weird little hole thing it’s kind of sad Jack get me out of this misery you’re in misery I went there once that’s so cool we should go together Jack Jax where are you please dude Jax where are you I’m in the cage what do you think dude they found my gaming

Setup you built a gaming setup instead of getting me out of here oh my goodness are you serious oh hey PES how you doing so uh you’ve been hiding from us you know not hiding I think you need to be punished for that okay okay I’ll be

Right back P give me a second I got to go to my hiding spot now no one knows beside the sister it’s fine it’s fine okay I think we all know where your hiding spot is now she literally told us what are you serious right now oh yeah I

Knew you guys knew but oh hey sister who do you think you are do you really think you can escape from us uh maybe you’re not going anywhere unless it’s home with me of course okay if you try to pull that little charade and escape again we’ll make sure

Your friend JX is dead is that understood I agree with that we’re just going to kill him he’s going to be gone gone for good dead dead is a door knob no you you guys can’t do this uh okay fine fine I’ll start building again oh

My goodness this is so creepy and weird they’re actually insane good job you better get me out of this mess TV man it’s your fault I’m here in the first place oh my goodness are you serious right now it’s not my fault completely I mean it’s kind of their fault they just

Spawned me here I have no choice my wife is here too my wife and my best friend these girls are actually Psychopaths all right anyway I’m just going to keep building up my base here and oh my goody goodness let’s go this is starting to look amazing this looks actually pretty

Good I really like it but uh it’s missing a room our room are are you out of your mind this is trash this is so bad he didn’t even try on this oh what are you what are you talking about are you serious right now I really on this

And wait why is there a trap door down here what is this who built this and H are you serious right now this is actually so creepy ew there’s two beds oh no that better not be for me who is that she looks like you found our

Bedroom ew oh my goodness this is so gross pomes come on come on don’t do this to me you guys know I have a wife so okay if I hear one more thing about that stupid TV woman I’m going to offer then and there wait what’s going on here

TV man don’t you dare cheat on me oh what I’m not cheating on you I’m literally stuck here PNE Put the gun down no no no no no this is not happening right now he’s been cheating on you hun T man could you please move

Out of the way I’m trying to get rid of your wife or no no no no no pomy pomy no get away get away no no I’m going to leave this map if you don’t stop oh oh you think you can leave remember what I

Said what did you say what did you say Jax is going to die as the well as your wife if you try to leave again is that understood don’t you d leave TV Manor I swear okay okay I I won’t leave I’m sorry this is so bad it’s scary I hate

It here I am not a force to be reckoned with you haven’t seen our full power once it becomes pitch black you will be getting the challenges oh my no this is so bad I’m actually so scared right now but if I complete the challenges I can

Leave right with Jack and my wife yeah you could leave if you complete all the challenges but you’re not going to complete all the challenges cuz I made them super hard oh my goodness are you serious right now anyway this base is actually starting to look really good so

We’re going to add some pillars right here and oh that’s offc centered all right I’ll got to Center that real quick and we’re adding some pillars right there these pillars actually make this place look so good though all right here we go and we are completed with the

Pillars let’s go wow you’re so interesting e what are you serious right now no go away but I don’t want to go away I’m just watching I’m not doing any harm first of all girly pop he’s mine and why are you watching him and why do

You talk like that are you okay did did you get dropped on your head as a kid what do you mean why do I talk like what at least TV man likes me like really really likes me that’s cap that is Cap not going to lie that’s cap you better

Say that you like me I don’t know what I’ll do without you no no no no that’s weird get away the only thing TV man would like from you is you to be 5,000 ft away from him stupid hey oh my goodness this is actually insane but

This base is actually starting to look really good I’m not going to lie hey Jax look at this base dude I actually did a pretty good job yeah that’s great and all can you hurry up so I can get out of here dude I’m trying my best but these

Py girls are actually insane I don’t know how we got trapped on this chunk with them but they’re literally so weird well from my point of view you don’t seem very trapped to me considering I’m in a cage all right dude it’s not my fault you want to blame me even more now

Buddy they kidnapped me because of you how is it not your fault how is it my fault dude it I didn’t ask to do this I’m in a happy marriage I was just in the skib toilet town and I woke up and I was here okay that’s all that happened

Yeah yeah whatever just deal with it man get me out of here like do you understand I was literally hanging out with my friend speaker man and I just get spawned here out of nowhere and these crazy pomy girls just start interrogating me and taking my wife in

Everything I’ve ever had in my whole life quit crying it’s not very attractive uh really are you serious right now oh yeah I’m serious you girls are so annoying hey it’s okay for a man to cry it’s not like he’s some emotionless voice I’m not crying I’m I’m

Okay I’m not crying I’m just annoyed okay Tears In Your Eyes say otherwise but hey it’s okay I’ll comfort you no no ew disgusting only person who’s going to comfort me is TV woman about your feelings I don’t want talk oh T TV Woman TV woman oh it’s tvom this TV woman that

How about tvom is g no what no never say that again seriously I will actually I will actually do something really messed up if you say that again because I will not tolerate that just get rid of her honestly come on pomy just shoot her

Just do it just I’m so done I was trying to be nice I was trying to show you grace and mercy um what are you even talking about but whatever it doesn’t even matter TV man we’re done I can’t believe you cheating on me and then getting me stuck in this mess that’s

Really funny that we’re not going to have to kill her anymore because she seems pretty IND different oh my goodness you girls are actually insane there’s no way you’re trying to kill TV Woman My Wife but did she really just break up with me yeah and that’s why we

Don’t have to kill her anymore I can’t believe you TV man it’s all your fault that I’m stuck in here even after you cheated on me what it is not my fault jackon can you tell her it’s not my fault I mean I don’t know man it kind of

Is your fault I’m in cage because of you okay it’s not me it’s a crazy p girls and I’m finally going to be finished with this house soon but I don’t even know what else to build I’m getting really bored you have to keep building come on don’t quit now look how amazing

You’re doing I’m so proud of you e oh my gosh that’s so weird and wait a second it’s like really dark outside now oh that means we’re going to start the challenges soon and they’re not even finished yet what they’re trash uh excuse me we are not trash mine is

Definitely finished pom’s just been taking a long time on her maze well since you want to talk back to us I guess you’re going to start a little early now no no no no no don’t do this don’t do this I don’t want to start the challenges oh my goodness are you

Serious right now and uh I’m in survival mode are you serious are you serious you serious seriously right now looks like you’re ready to start well I guess we could break Jack out now that he could like help T man with the puzzles or something Jack I’m so glad you’re okay

Dude finally I’m free dude you don’t understand how cramped this cage was get me out of here dude we have to do these challenges now oh my goodness this looks so scary what if we fall and die dude wait I have to do them too uh yeah we we

Have to do these challenges and if we complete them we can literally leave this place jack oh God get me out of here fine okay okay uh well I think we have to start with this parkour but you know what Jack how about we just hide in

This um little man cave I made what was that no no no no you can’t just hide in the cave or else we’ll just shoot you you know whoa whoa what are you talking about oh is that a G oh no okay um ja we

Got to do this parkour come on Chop Chop oh my goodness this is so scary too there’s literally lasers oh my goodness this is so scary oh my gosh it’s not that that bad woman up oh no wait this isn’t even possible oh my goodness that

Was like the craziest parkour job of my life and oh no I got to do this little tight rope thingy oh my goodness this is really scary bro can you stop crying and just move you’re getting in my way I’m trying Jack but dude you realize if you

Fall you literally die dude we’re die to Eternity just don’t fall then it’s that easy bro oh my goodness come on it oh no this is really difficult good luck on my maze I hope you got the water bucket in the beginning that I left for you oh no

And and wait did I just complete it and 360 woohoo and challenge completed no way right now come on Jack you got it woo that was so easy man I don’t know why you were stressing out all right you guys can move on to the next challenge she had this was the easiest

One oh what in the ew This is the easiest one how are we going to do this Jack so I’m really scared oh oh my goodness and wait we teleported back and uh JX I have another question dude come over here what is it this time TV man

Okay dude how am I going to uh get my relationship back with TV woman like like we’re literally married and she said I cheated on her but these crazy py girls are the ones who ruin my relationship and my marriage and I don’t know oh my God who cares about woman

Anyway man get over it dude she’s my wife and these crazy pomy girls have ruined everything for me they ruined my relationship a my life well it doesn’t sound like she’s your wife anymore if I’m going to be honest man but at least you still have me your best friend what

Are you serious right now no there’s no oh hey PNE H how you doing hi I’m just checking in you know we don’t have all day so you might want to move to the next challenge if you actually want to escape otherwise you can stay with us

Here forever oh no ew and wait what is this definitely not a mob room huh I don’t think it’s a mob room let me go inside and wait there’s some armor okay pretty cool and there’s a sword all righty and wait there’s some golden apples in here and there’s a l bow no

Way right now I’m going to grab all this stuff this is amazing wait where the heck is my stuff good luck wait you don’t have anything okay I’ll give you some of my armor here take that yeah the only thing that I was able to pick up are these arrows I don’t

Even have a bow man you take them oh my goodness you got arrows dude that is goed now I can use my really powerful arrow and oh what’s going on ah there’s too many zombies oh are you seeing this Jack I am but I don’t have a weapon you

Got to take care of them you don’t have any weapons are you serious right now you know TV man it would be a shame if your best friend died I mean like after all you did lose your wife what I didn’t lose her are you serious right now she

Just you know she’s angry at me right now cuz of you crazy py girls but I’ll figure this out Jackson I guess you just have too many girlfriends I don’t know about that one Budd you got to stop being oh no these zombies are really scary but good thing my armor is really

Good oh look at you go you’re so cute when you’re fighting for your life ow ow ow ow these guys are so powerful oh no these guys are really powerful get away from me you creepy zombies why are you guys putting me through this py girls I

Mean like why not it’s kind of fun it is not funny it really is not I thought it was funny oh my goodness wait Jack we did it dude we actually did it good job high five I wouldn’t be sure about that one what are you talking about oh my

Gosh e oh and wao is that a m skill oh no kill him it looks like one to me take care of it good thing you stuck in the wall though they didn’t build this right they’re trash and oh there’s a Jack Jack’s right behind you Jack’s

Right behind you oh my gosh oh gosh shoot we got to get out of here this is insane this is the worst ever like I’ve never experienced something so bad at my life and oh no I’m about to die oh good thing I just had that golden apple and

Come on kill this zombie and Skelly oh I just killed him okay and there’s a zombie over here come on why is he dying are you serious right now come on just die already ow he’s really powerful behind you TV man oh no there’s so many of them there’s actually so many wait

These guys are actually pretty good this is the last round I hope you make it honestly I want you to be with me e why do you keep thinking he wants to be with you he obviously wants to be with me that is cat that’s not true it’s not

Yeah exactly it’s cap he even agrees with me none of you guys and we’re about to fight these Monsters come on help me beat beat this mutant guy up guys I’m literally the leader he obviously wants me who cares that you’re the leader you ain’t even that pretty we literally

Looked the same if you’re calling me ugly you’re calling yourself ugly stupid no I’m not the same I’m like green and stuff oh my good are ugly to be honest no offense oh my goodness oh and wait is this guy Dead come on he’s still alive

Come on jackon we got to fight him why aren’t you doing anything cuz I don’t have a weapon what do you mean no you’re just not doing anything dude you’re lying I I know you you’re lazy oh yeah let me just punch them dude yeah punch

Him at least help me out dude are you are you scared of him or something come on he’s almost dead if Jax tries punching him he’s going to break his fist oh my goodness and we just did it Jack oh my gosh oh well it looks like

You guys have survived so I’ll let you out now oh my goodness thank you so much P you have one more challenge I don’t even want to do any of these dumb challenges aren’t they for TV man just let me out do you want to shut up I was

Kidding I was kidding it was just a joke guys you guys are actually insane just let my wife and my friend go please I I’ll die just let them go we don’t want to kill you now the rabbit and the woman I don’t really care about I I would kill

Them in an instant what did I do uh exist it’s all your fault TV man you loser it’s not my fault oh my goodness all right here’s the entrance and wait is this a maze oh gosh I’m so scared you need to stop doing that you sound like

You’re glitching out okay I’m scared I’m just scared okay okay ja we got to do this dude but oh no she has a weapon out okay Jax come on come on come on we got to do this they’re literally staring at us too where do we go probably to the

End of the maze I would imagine hacker pomy do something spawn like zombies or something oh we’re still doing the challenges I started playing Duos fortnite in his man cave my hey don’t touch my computer I worked really hard on that but wait what where are you oh

Yeah I just realized where’s the hacker P she’s not even here I play fortnite uh wait uh ja did we just do it dude that was so easy oh my goody goodness yeah took you long enough and oh subscribe to Black buddies that’s a pretty good side

But uh we just did it that was so easy all right let us out now thank you okay well we didn’t actually think you would complain this but now that you did we cannot let you go we need you here’s our reason we eat live breathe and sleep we won’t let you

Go what in the what wait that looks like it’s spawned Jack we got to get out of here come on go go go go go get me out of here escaping I’m about to get a victory oh my goodness and uh wait a second uh Jax I think we forgot about TV

Woman oh no oh no we got to go back uh yeah you can go back on your own then buddy peace no no Jack Jack I I need your oh oh oh no this is really bad I got to go back in there oh gosh Jack

You’re in the nether too you’re going to die in here I’m bu different I’ll be fine later man wait a second where this lava come from how it burns uh okay I’m going to go back in there save TV oh come on in oh come on in oh no a TV

Woman are you okay why not going anywhere wait TV man what’s going on oh follow me come on we got to go it’s open the cage run we’re getting out of here come on oh no come on come on TV woman thank you guys so much for watching this

Video subscribe and clicking video up on screen I’ll see you guys in the next video tomorrow wait why’d you bring them with you go go go it’s only one of them go subscribe everybody

This video, titled ‘Jax Has A CRAZY FAN GIRL in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Block Buddies Movies on 2024-01-16 18:00:17. It has garnered 20151 views and 219 likes. The duration of the video is 03:33:09 or 12789 seconds.

Jax Has A CRAZY FAN GIRL in Minecraft!

Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Aphmau and Crazy Crafters! This is the best Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun.

#blockbuddies ⁠#minecraft

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    Ultimate Minecraft Collab: Z-Club Hangout Part IIVideo Information This video, titled ‘Z-Club Hangout Collab While Playing Minecraft PART II’, was uploaded by Zman’s Edits on 2024-06-10 12:07:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbeatable PVp! SHOCKING tactics 🔥

    Unbeatable PVp! SHOCKING tactics 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘𝐏𝐕𝐏 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐄 🔥’, was uploaded by OP GOD YT on 2024-08-11 07:30:06. It has garnered 405 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #minecraft #pvp #video #lifestealsmp #trending DISCORD:-https://discord.com/invite/FDhaQhHX INSTAGRAM ID :-https://instagram.com/hussainkhan683764?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== tags :- minecraft 1v1, Niz Gamer, Lapata SMP, Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft Smp, Minecraft in hindi, Minecraft Live, Technoblade, Indian dream, Smarty pie new manhunt, Dream, lifesteal smp, Minecraft pro player, pvp, savo demon, ,, youtubers pvp, youtuber pvp minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft, senpaispider, senpai lapata smp, senpai spider, senpai vs savo, pvp show ep 2senpaispider,… Read More

  • HEROBRINE RETURNS?! Deadly encounter in MinecraftPE! #minecraft #herobrine

    HEROBRINE RETURNS?! Deadly encounter in MinecraftPE! #minecraft #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘Horror invisible HEROBRINE try to killed me in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #herobrine june 18’, was uploaded by KILOBRINE on 2024-06-18 02:00:30. It has garnered 81 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:10 or 370 seconds. Horror invisible HEROBRINE try to killed me in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #herobrine Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011, with Notch stepping… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Showdown: Our Bed Destroyed! 🚨 #minecraft #skywars

    EPIC PvP Showdown: Our Bed Destroyed! 🚨 #minecraft #skywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘QUEBROU NOSSA CAMA E FOI COMBADO ! #minecraft #mushmc #skywars #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #mine’, was uploaded by Stompeyyy PvP on 2024-02-19 21:00:03. It has garnered 770 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. ✨Open the description ✨ 👇More information below! 🧭 Righetto Discord: https://discord.gg/yjdNS2bP7Z 🏷️ Yuri Righetto: https://www.youtube.com/@YuriRighettoZ 🏷️ Danyloww: https://www.youtube.com/@danyloww5899 🎮 Game: Minecraft 🎲 Version: 1.8.9 🍃 LIKE GOAL= [QUANTIDADE] ➡️ SERVER IP: loja.mushmc.com.br 📩 Professional Contact: Discord: Stompeyyy_ __________Recorders/Editors__________ Recorder: Action Editors: VEGAS 18 Pro ____PC Settings____ Processor: AMD RYZEN 5 2400G Ram: 16 GB Video card:… Read More

  • EPIC One Piece Mod Update: NEW Gingershadow Adventure!

    EPIC One Piece Mod Update: NEW Gingershadow Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘WITH A NEWLY UPDATED ONE PIECE MOD! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 1’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-07-27 22:00:17. It has garnered 14842 views and 672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:36 or 2136 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbx05etE90g MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/@miraigaming5644 STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs WITH A NEWLY UPDATED ONE PIECE MOD! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 1 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members… Read More

  • Insane ARKE deal! Kangaroo for sale? #twitch #minecraft

    Insane ARKE deal! Kangaroo for sale? #twitch #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sale cangurito pa? #twitch #minecraft’, was uploaded by ARKE on 2024-01-04 04:00:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • StreetBallNinja Destroys Ender Dragon with Friends!

    StreetBallNinja Destroys Ender Dragon with Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Insane Minecraft Ender Dragon Fight With Group Of Friends “Destroyed The Ender Dragon”‘, was uploaded by StreetBallNinja on 2024-04-20 15:37:00. It has garnered 61 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:10 or 970 seconds. Hello everyone I know it’s been a while since I’ve uploaded a full YouTube video but I’m back and am going to show you guys this crazy ender dragon fight in my Minecraft world with my closest friends and show what I’ve been up to lately. Discord server: https://discord.gg/ZThV6UBC Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/streetballninja_23/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/streetballninja_23/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/StreetBallNinja StreetballninjaMusic⬇️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0F3C462bjJmkIIkqpPyeGw/channels… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Challenge: Finding Legendary Resources! 😱⛏️💎

    EPIC Minecraft Challenge: Finding Legendary Resources! 😱⛏️💎Video Information This video, titled ‘ماينكرافت : ولكن تحدي العثور على الموارد الأسطورية تتوقعون إيش صار😱 ⛏️💎 ✨| Minecraft’, was uploaded by Brothers A&F on 2024-01-12 13:06:51. It has garnered 53 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:05 or 1445 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft_mobile #minecraft_survival #minecraft_mobile #minecraft_mobile #minecraft #minecraft_diamond #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecraftdiamonds #gaming #game #trending #like #alhilal #subscribe Minecraft, Minecraft, minecraft, Rich and Poor movie, movie InCraft, the film of the rich and the poor , Minecraft movie, Minecraft games, Minecraft game, modern Minecraft, Minecraft link, Minecraft game, Craft games, Minecraft for free, games, game, Saudi Minecraft,… Read More

  • HypnosMC

    HypnosMCWelcome to HypnosMC (Minecraft 1.21), where your adventure is only limited by your imagination! Our server is designed for players who enjoy a rich and immersive PvE experience, with a host of unique features to enhance your gameplay. Key Features: SpawnerMeta & Mineable Spawners: Customize your mob farms like never before! With SpawnerMeta, you can modify and upgrade your spawners. Plus, all spawners are mineable, allowing you to relocate them as needed. Custom Datapacks: Collect mob heads and trade for mini blocks with wandering traders, adding a new level of depth to your building and decorating options. GriefPrevention: Your creations… Read More

  • Melio SMP Whitelisted Trust-based Java 1.21

    Welcome to Melios SMP! We are a whitelisted survival Minecraft server on JAVA 1.21. Our focus is on providing a vanilla Minecraft experience with a strong community emphasis. Here are some key features: No teleportation or warps No land claiming system – trust-based Custom world generator: TerraformGenerator Diamond-based economy and shopping district Long-term world without resets Regular events Our philosophy is to keep the core experience vanilla and prioritize community interaction. If you’re interested in joining our active community, whether you’re a builder, technical player, explorer, or a mix of playstyles, you are welcome to apply through our Discord: Join… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where’s that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?

    Minecraft Memes - Where's that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?It looks like Bryan is really slacking on his supervillain game if he can’t even keep track of his creations past number 303! Read More

  • Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise!

    Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise! In the world of Minecraft, a giant mushroom grew, Secretly raised by a player, a sight so new. With zombies and plants, a battle ensued, In the realm of gaming, where fun is pursued. Subscribe to Z_Phragmites for more gaming delight, Updates on Plants vs Zombies, a thrilling sight. With each video, a new adventure takes flight, In the world of gaming, where dreams ignite. Read More

  • Villager’s Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme

    Villager's Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme Surprising Villager Logic: "I’ll trade you 20 emeralds for a piece of rotten flesh!" Oi Oi Oi Sleep Reaction: villager falls asleep standing up Minecraft logic at its finest! #shorts #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

    Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations Minecraft Mob Transformations: Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft Creatures 🌟 Welcome to Villager’s Craft! In this video, we delve into the captivating realm of Minecraft mob transformations. Have you ever pondered under what circumstances a Zombie Villager can revert to a regular Villager or how other mobs evolve in the game? 🤔 From morph mods to in-game transformations, we’re exploring all the ways Minecraft creatures can undergo changes. Exploring Minecraft 1.21 and Beyond 🚀 In this video, we’re immersing ourselves in the world of Minecraft 1.21! We’re delving into everything from constructing the ultimate Iron Golem Farm 🛠️ to… Read More