Minecraft Madness: Road to 1k Subs!

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Yeah I don’t know bro you got to those from the settings I Think actually know how to put the On like me I don’t know it’s kind of Difficult yo what’s up Joy come welcome to the stream bro all right so what are we playing um keep craus or hius or um Yeah you want to play some hide and seek or something or murder mystery yeah need to no we are friends at hi yeah the we are play yeah and yes let’s invited the dark lord of the party guys miss yeah I have you as friend all right let me change some

Settings cuz my game is lagging a lot okay and I still don’t have yeah t sucks well it doesn’t suck but sometimes it’s l boring and stuff like that Oh where are you the Dark Lord oh there you are see yeah see high FL guys I I have high FL come on bro oh my God this carpet sucks I’m a I’m jungle blus ah cutie I don’t know I don’t know yeah let’s hide guys us yeah what’s up red

Kid welcome to the stream yeah yeah me too bro actually you could see me I let’s use a lava Bump whoa they changed the chat uh yeah they changed the [ __ ] now it say w w what block is And your name is purple your name is purple kid you know I know you purple Kit come on we need be three people actually like and yeah I’m just as can see I don’t know don’t blend in that my queen is uh someone’s coming I’m literally in front of the spa so yeah I’m lit in front I’m just like I’m so ready you

Spawn you go a little further there I hide you sp you go a little further there I hide okay yeah the sounds a random tree it’s like pretty big I don’t know like I tree and it doesn’t have or something like this I don’t know bro these hiders These seers are Noob Bro look this really only want one Secret smash come here [ __ ] there still oh I just clicked okay Nice bro I’m literally in obvious spot how can I how can they not realize where I Am so many people yeah and nobody entered my place yet L hiding here as a jungle Block yeah we want this bro nobody’s oh somebody’s in my room don’t you that come in here no no no no no no no oh that was close did you go CL no but that it was close she was near Me they they did not detected me yeah wait I think I know where you are we going to do like that I don’t see you but ice emote lower it down damn it makes a lot of sound yeah I’m going to go do the Llama

No no no no no please don’t turn back Pur oh oh my God Pur are you are you a leaf are you a leaf block yeah oh I behind the person I saw you I think not sure yeah I you you got you got destroyed bro I know where you are

Yeah yeah cuz you’re watching my stream right no I not I just think I know where You tby tby tby tby tby I found you yes I found you yeah cuz you’re watching my stream bro no I’m not watching your stream I’m not cheating oh he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming no no no sexy sexy oh no no bro n bro yeah [ __ ] this game guys Well GG yo what’s up blue kid welcome to the stream yo that’s your sister Nice who killed me oh yeah you killed me yeah let’s play again I like this game bro h Pro that’s like a hard M like for the se but for the height of Step it’s going to be easy it looks Prett oh everyone click the facility yeah oak leaves

Bro I’m going to be Oak Le at Le it’s the best like so high okay um oh okay never mind Fu bad I’m going to kill myself so that I can be a Seeker too I like being Seeker so yeah come on bro come on bro kill me kill me oh they killed me yeah it’s time to die bro it’s time to die bro yeah I’m playing a Minecraft blue Kid oh wait you know where I am wait what even is You’re definitely in here there’s a bunch of leaves right here um nope you’re not here I Guess somebody almost got me oh Oh I thought I saw Something maybe should have picked a better places everybody is is passing by me and that’s not really bro something moved right Here what I see something moving every Time bro the chat opened oh my God easy that’s one see I know there’s somebody here yeah I got a yeah what did you say if can see the when blocks are hiding I don’t know no there’s nobody in here Okay we look no a guy literally just stepped on me only one leaf for year we need to find a Terra Cotta you’re still hiding right wait yeah I’m still hiding so you’re the only Leaf only one one one and leave alive and that’s then I’m then

I’m there’s only one Le and the one Le definely yeah exactly I’m playing with uh I’m playing with the dark lord so yeah uh somebody somebody’s really near me come on bro shut up I got my SW ready someone somebody find me there three people near me damn Yeah oh it’s lagging no no I got no it was my kill bro it was my kill [ __ ] ass bro this [ __ ] killed you nah bro that [ __ ] killed you it’s my kill stupid kid I no bro that guy Oh my he killed you bro that’s my

Kill I hate you so much whoever killed you no because I Lally knew where you were and I was coming to you but some [ __ ] killed you hey really yeah you KN where I was and because I’m why didn’t you got me earlier then yeah

Because I did not have admin you know I now have admin admin what the I don’t know bro [ __ ] this guy man it was my kill I hate this game what do you want to play something else or no I want to play this [ __ ] you [ __ ] you I [ __ ] hate

You I [ __ ] hate you candy I [ __ ] hate you [ __ ] I freaking hate you you stole my kill piig nah bro nobody knows where I am yeah I easy to Get yeah I’m going to kill myself again cuz I want to be Hider or Seeker I mean every time someone kills he or she you got mad what okay um no I don’t get mad you know I will be yes all right well I don’t get mad I

Have by the way okay okay okay okay let me talk for one second all right so I don’t get mad but it’s uh the reason why I got mad is because I was going to kill my friend you know and somebody else killed uh him I don’t care if somebody takes the

Kill but this one I wanted to you know all right bro come here bro come here bro I see you I see you yeah let me see let me see see that guy was Sno he barely kill you all right all Right I’m going to wait get this water no admin commments activated what me com yeah why you even get yeah I know right yeah that’s we H where are those people man I wonder where they are nope not there yo what’s up King of K can you tell me ouch go on oh my God go bro why is the live chat not working wait the [ __ ] minute bro it’s not Working and Now uh um yeah there we go nice there’s the live chat I don’t know what the hell just happened but there it is what’s up King of games welcome to the stream bro okay you know what I’m not going to use my admin comp comments anymore cuz it’s

Cheating what what why did you go wa did oh you’re gone bro ohot I forgot I want to check on your live stream but but uh I forgot and that um it I leave by itself like when I like I need to first um do F1 so to make it small exactly exactly

Yeah yeah but that was not before why is it happening now I don’t get it yeah I wonder where they are me too bro at the park with my friend so I won’t be here hold on I I don’t know all right see you soon

Um king of games Miss did you know uh how I know where you were your stream bro come on yeah I won’t do it again I was cheating bro I was going on your stream to see where you are yeah I sniped you the dark lord what

Do you mean how King of games of reason I snip you what do you mean how King of G why are you so loud I got to mute you a little bit you’re way too loud really yeah I’m streaming nobody nobody can hear me you know that’s how loud you are when you’re

Talking yeah yeah I no I muted you already a little bit it’s good don’t change Anything all right see you later uh king of games games here oo look oo ooh cutie come here cutie let’s let’s catch the Cutie catch the Cutie woo you got to catch the Cy bro she’s running away oh she’s gone bro all right bro join the party bro join the

Party ah nah I’m not going to play Ghost here yeah we’re going to play um custom server Yeah no it actually closed the server D I hate this yeah see oh damn I don’t know let me see I only have 60 nothing bro it’s nothing kill could you play lunar Clin after like when you do a couple games I don’t want to play lunar CL I don’t play

Minecraft job I hate that um second of all yeah second of all OBS is not capturing it for some reason so I cannot stream it or record it or whatever we’re going to do some um um we’re going to do some um the B Miss and uh we’re

Going to do some um solo regular M yeah there we go and now let’s see what the games rules yeah basically like this so now let’s invite um the dark lordus in here invite player invite friend and yeah invite the dark lord now I sended

You invite I had a o ghost and his family little oh what do you mean blue kit there we go the dark lordus the dark D must joint as you can see so now yeah we start the game guys Miss yeah I know Right you are going to get [Applause] destroyed do you want to get destroyed do you want to get destroyed the dark do you want to get destroyed yeah do you want to get destroyed I’m very too good in this game you know oh no no come on come on come [Applause] [Applause]

On come on eat the golden apple bro a bum bum Get combo bro get comeo bro get combo B oh yeah the f is going there a no way you’re going to do that to me bro yeah bro you aren going to do that to me yeah the dark lordus I’m in [Applause] here [Applause] yeah oh SK SK SK

Oh K me yeah K me come on yeah I won bro all right now you make a private server a Miss go make private server the dark it doesn’t matter just make any game you want wa I got something what does this do I got a zapper look what does this Do go um yeah you can join keang game gaming in a Miss huh how are they how are they flying the dark lordus are you going to make a server come On you can’t do anything to me no I I’m going let’s play let’s let’s play um ccus here I’m going to play CC bro I’m going to play cubecraft Miss yeah I like this game more bro hi sucks it has boring games nah just kidding not really Yeah but you likeed high before really much me too bro that was my um childhood Server I don’t know what that means but all right are you in um the server Miss yeah no I invited you already all right nope you’re going to accept bro you are going to accept now come on accept it bro yeah I was 10 banned for 26 days on

Keep cuz I tried horon for the first time bro why are you hacking on gocraft of course you’re going to get banned and also uh I don’t know what loby bro just join the server just drop your name and I will invite you I don’t know your

Username in a uh in Xbox or whatever yeah see guys I miss there’s girls right here and boys too you Know Keon gaming all right let’s uh let me see yeah Yeah Yeah whoa what is this back rooms what is this oh yo there’s back rooms in [Applause] here I am in the lobby bro bro I’m here you are blind all right um so ke gaming going miss Join yes let me let me add Keon gaming and Ms friend bro the server is lagging come on hurry up okay yeah there yeah yeah guys gaming in Miss let’s wait for him to join and we’re going to do some vus yeah we’re going to do some Miner vus come on Keon join

Keon let’s wait for Keon to join hey Keon yeah there we go oh K there we go the dark lordus and F Pro and G are all in the server is this Keon gaming yeah see Keon gaming girls and boys yeah girl you know yeah me too right I’m clicking

Really fast right now do you hear that do you hear this I’m clicking really fast right now yeah the dark lordus and gaming man for goodness bro all right let’s do bro yeah me too bro I hate this too tby t t t no B here I won I won I don’t care I won yeah bro there’s no more TNTs come on hurry up game Game all right find the sapling in a minute but I won I Won yeah it’s Easy Yeah harvest the Camus carrot yep I knew it and I won again yeah this game is easy bro it’s a Toy yeah H mushroom yeah bro this game is easy Bro no I hate this oh oh b b yeah yeah come on come on come come come come on nobody’s going to win this bro f B what the [ __ ] here what oh bro this is easy what the hell huh there’s somebody swimming there oh yeah of course the stream is delate

Again bro I hate the stream delay man how in the world did you failed that yeah you’re bad guys Yeah oh Easy bro it’s luck bro what do you Mean why are people throwing the snowbox you got to make both Golem bro yeah here it this oh F the button yeah me too bro I found the too yeah I found it too yeah I’m going miss Cooks the quest yeah bro there’s no fish in

Here come on this is just going to change bro where’s the chicken bro hey where’s the chicken oh my God where’s the chicken at B Spa the chicken where’s the furnace bro where’s the furnace yeah [ __ ] fail this m games man of course I’m failing this Oh yeah of course I’m the Hot Potato yeah bro this entire game is a [ __ ] where’s the chicken at and now I’m the old H potato n ain’t no way I’m going to lose bro cry about it cry about it you’re not going to win bro oh my you know [ __ ] fine man

[ __ ] fine man [ __ ] fine man stupid ass phone [ __ ] fine fine hey hey oh my God bro I [ __ ] you know I’m going to murder [ __ ] everyone bro what is this Bro this game sucks as hell Yeah yeah it’s easy look at this I’m not even in the first place anymore man yeah murder myself bam goodbye [ __ ] ass World goodbye nah bro I cannot even win you forgot to say something what did what did you forgot um purple kit red Kit you know but yeah

I’m at least going to be third place no not even third place bro I’m going to be fourth place pretty sure you got a baby sister nice Congratulations Nah see I told you I told you I’m fourth place I told you yeah no I we both are at 11 points yeah this game was riged anyway [ __ ] game Let’s Play it again Yeah h do you have any YouTube name yeah it’s my name bro oh you want to change your name or something yeah give me one one bridges in Hive all right bro after this game we can One V one yeah after indeed Is your baby sister going to use YouTube or something bro I [ __ ] hate this game I [ __ ] hate this game I [ __ ] hate this Game oh me me me me me easy yeah every won Bro where’s the map I don’t know whatever I don’t care is your Babys sister going to use YouTube Bro she’s a baby how are how is she going to use baby how is she going to use YouTube Yeah I didn’t even do Anything my God I [ __ ] hate this game so why do you count like that when I jump on the beef it doesn’t count what is this [ __ ] Man yeah oh when she is is um six or eight yeah okay makes sense you know oh tby tby come here Bro bro I’m going to win this time I’m going to win bro oh nah bro me too a come here bro come here bro come here bro bro oh that’s what I get all right bro I’m going to beat your ass up pretty soon and that’s what you’re going to

Get you are chicken bro come on man you cannot do anything to me the dark nus are you Scared yeah we all died you know oh yeah this game is made for me bro this game is made for Me yeah no bro meby come on bro shoot me up ah but yeah oh answer for the questionus naming a m d will make it go rainbow nope nope dinner bone is upside down yes makes it upside down yeah I know Right how did I fail I choose don’t no bro I choose no how do I fail if I choose no this game is this game is a pig bro B yeah I am crazy you know I am crazy Yeah Red yeah yeah I don’t understand that and yeah it’s always Red [Applause] Bro bro people are hitting them bro hit them kill them yeah yeah it’s easy I know Right how did I win already what the [ __ ] yeah come on bro glitch through the wall Yeah come on oh I got to eat after this game Bro oh I’m in the corner yeah I found the corner Point not again bro not again bro cot Fish yeah what are you going to eat I’m going to I’m going to eat macaroni red kit I hate macaroni I I like mac and cheese but not other other thing yeah but yeah we got to eat nah bro I hate this I hate this I hate this boo no oh TNT

Rus TNT Rus yeah I like this game bro TNT randomus yeah yeah I will try to kill you bro it’s Start oh oh my pretty soon yeah bro it’s 30 no I fell n oh my God no no no no I fell twice I fell twice I’m at the last floor Bro yeah but you are up there you know guys you up there guys my G are up there miss I’m going to win I’m going to win Yeah first place let’s go first place all right Gus yeah I like ma a cheese too all right gamus I’m I will be right back B cuz I got to eat you know oh wait got to add something real quick uh what was it bro oh yeah media do

That you e yeah I’m going to eat but I need to put music so this so while um yeah yeah you know what I mean all right guys I will be right back guys miss A A Yeah [Applause] A M A M A [Applause] Yeah Yeah Yeah Hey [Applause] Ah A Yeah A A [Applause] A N A A M [Applause] Yeah A Ha Ah A [Applause] Ah M Oh M Yeah [Applause] A Yeah W A [Applause] Ah M A He A [Applause] Ah Yeah A Yeah Yeah [Applause] M A Oh W Yeah [Applause] A Yeah Yeah Yeah A [Applause] Yo what’s up guyss we are back bro what’s up what’s up we are back finally the Dark Lord are you still Here all right thanks Joy Boos all right are you still in cubecraft oh world all right let’s do your world for Yeah why is nobody talking man what the Hell who is in your World what happened here is he operator or whatever Bro why did you give him permissions to break Stuff and what is this world About oh TDL City w wow if you give operator yes okay okay guys okay okay game mode one bro are we going to repair this think that he broke nah bro I’m going to kill him too I’m going to get my revenge we are literally going to build

Stuff that he broke you’re not going to break anything bro go die Man bro what are you trying man ain’t no way you’re going to fight me man we we got to repair this thing that he destroyed bro all right let’s do this there yeah oh this is long time bro that I that I did not play Survival or creative

Ain’t no way I mean I played to be honest I kind of want to play Survival anymore I think I don’t know yo thanks red Kit maybe we can play Survival do you want that after this what what is he saying I cannot see his messages yeah oh you have to sleep

RP I hope I see you in the next stream red kit sleep well okay sleep well I hope I see you in the next stream oh oh wait that’s you chicken yeah you’re a chicken now oh it’s repaired oh well not really now it’s repaired Yeah he did I placed one block let’s kill him guys let’s kill him Gus he thinks he can destroy this map let’s kill him Gus yeah why can I not see his messages what the [ __ ] I only see your messages and that’s weird cuz it seems like you’re talking to yourself but you’re Not oh he’s going to be in cage here let me make some cage for him a little cage for him for his lesson bro like what type of name is it you’re close now tby tby tby you’re in prison now bro let me twerk from him above I play creative mode in

Minecraft of Co of course I’m playing creative can’t you see yeah hold on let me get a for bro let me try something guys miss so if effect tiger s me tiger siki regeneration and I’m going to burn you in hell now let’s give you a regeneration Miss

Oh wait let’s disable that there now we need to make the floor fire bro you’re going to burn [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] you’re going to burn now Fury came in no it’s good now there if you no don’t put him in lava he can swim out woo cue huh how did he burn to death bro you disabled the command block bro what did you do you broke the Command yeah but you broke the command block bro yeah you broke the system well the command block was changed bro so you did something you know you know Yeah he’s burning Gus he’s burning isus he’s burning ismus yeah No there’s a command block there’s a regeneration him [Applause] bro look at them cutie man why is it so all right I will help You hold on guys we are going to be um oh never mind oh the thing broke again oh my God yeah my hold part is gone the BG still exist bro I’m going to change my skin to something you Know I got to I got to restart my MC Anyway come on bro freaking ass yeah come on bro right here are you still streaming the dark lordus nice me too Bro you are my dark lordus you know that [Applause] right today we are going to be a girl in Minecraft yes sir we’re going to be a girl today guys miss yes I’m not a girl but I am going to be girl right now yeah so yeah let’s um let’s be a girl today Guys yeah bro look at this man how sexy this is yeah today we’re going to be a girl Gus Scarlet girls Scarlet boys come on join join shut the hell up stupid Buck join yeah white cutie you know you know yeah all you know what [ __ ] this game I’m going to restart the freaking Minecraft again But Bro I swear if it doesn’t join Now yo what’s up B boot welcome to the Stream [Applause] Oh my you’re a [ __ ] ass can you invite me this stupid Minecraft is not Joining yeah cuz this [ __ ] game is not joining In yeah you got to find [Applause] Me okay oh my God what is this [ __ ] bro just because I went to change my aat why is a problem connecting the world bro first of all my internet connection is good second of all I already restart Minecraft and nope this game is so ass so you don’t play Roblox

Anymore bro who says who says I don’t play Roblox anymore I just stream different game you know just because um I stream different game does not mean I stopped playing Roblox I still play Roblox I play bro Haven bro I like bro Haven actually now because I’m robbing people

Bro nah you know what [ __ ] this game guys I’m going to play on the server wait I have I can try one more thing come on start up the Xbox game bar holy [ __ ] nothing’s working bro I swear that oh my God oh my [ __ ] I’m getting mad right

Now the dark lord there you are join all right let’s try this Way you know what uh you know how to get the um XBox game bar Right the dark lord you know how to get Xbox game bar right yeah so invite me from there type my name in there and invite Me so just press Windows key and G and then game bar pops up invite me from there nice bro nice I just came back to stream and then this is what I come to the stream really trash really trash bro hello you’re going to show up finally the screen is not loading in

Finally it loaded in yeah this stream is being trash right Now did you invite me so press Windows key and g go in the search bar type my name in there and invite me Yeah you if it comes to other servers of course you’re joining but why are you not joining my friend stupid Minecraft this game is Ass yeah of course you’re joining servers but nothing else Did you find Me let me uh yeah just right click on me click on um view profile or whatever click on the fre dos yeah yeah yeah yeah let’s try this way if this does not work I don’t understand the [ __ ] anymore here wait rejoin the world if you Can rejoin the World are you rejoining all right all right yeah cuz this game is not going to do any [ __ ] to me man I hate this game so much see bro I [ __ ] hate this man see the entire stream is being [ __ ] now cuz I came back after like I don’t know 30

Minutes I came back and this [ __ ] is not working now this stream is [ __ ] man this stream sucks and then nobody’s watching my stream anyway it says every single time one people’s watching me I [ __ ] hate that one people watching me sign Roblox has Roblox

Has Roblox has bad news what do you mean bro what what do you mean Roblox has bad news all right invite me to the party the dark lord of The yeah yeah you’re doing it there we Go I don’t know it’s your choice bro no not blars yeah cuz I said you can choose anything steak is streaming about Roblox is down okay I don’t care about steak I hate that Guy oh but my Roblox was loading today I play broke Haven so yeah what’s this game oh yo I scored let’s hi guys hi guys today we are hacking in gocraft yeah I’m not of course I’m not bro I don’t want to get banned bro Keon gaming ised hex and he got

Banned you know you know yeah you know bro they are not even defending the egg or whatever Miss yeah yeah portal yeah see I keep going in guys yeah cuz they are kissing the lipstick you know what I mean the dark lord do you use lipstick in real Life bro we are scoring bro bro we are going to win bro we are going to win bro me yeah go go go go get bro we’re going to win we’re going to win we’re going to win we’re going to win yo what’s up guys we will watch you

Forget go Speedy in three minut yeah bro D bro they were not even trying to defend hey I mean whoa we’re fighting each other bro assist wait we oh yeah we are enemies now we are enemies today guys us oh what the [ __ ] is that bro hitting the ass

Piece of third hacker the guy’s hacking a lot I scored T I scored terby Terby come on he’s running away a or [Applause] o yeah bro yeah cuz your team is Um the dark lord Vu yeah guys the dark lord Fe me I fell yeah bro my team is also trash Bro come on I blocked myself bro I blocked myself I I keep bro can I kill him damn kill [Applause] Steelers I’m going to mess I’m going mess I’m going to mess everything up I cannot even get kills because of these [Applause] teammates look I have soup all over my table because of these people stupid [ __ ] oh yeah you know what I’m done I’m I’m done with this Game [ __ ] trash game I cannot even have a chance to win bro N I already left let’s do something else I don’t get a [ __ ] ass game I soup all over my table now close this close up I’m tired of this [ __ ] look at this I have all soup I have

Soup all over my table I’m done with this [ __ ] I am not going to do this game again let’s play something else this game Sucks yeah what the [ __ ] is this I found a secret Zone what the hell oh you teleported me here oh oh yeah the dark lord them oh yeah the dark lordus you’re going to lose Bro yeah cuz I’m a girl you know oh I hate this game so much oh my God I’m come on come on Run and I hate this game today bro this game is ass today Yeah you suck Bro Oh not again not again this map how are you so further than me Bro maybe you actually did you never know Yeah Bro I don’t like it too it’s ass yeah it’s a melon Gus I like Melons no I touched the freaking Ground yeah Because you are sucking Guy yeah this game is toy for me oh the close one are [Applause] You Joy Bo are you still here Joy Bo are you still here bro bro bro and stuff like that that was a n Clos bro ah no yeah [ __ ] this you won you Won [Applause] Y how did I won bro yeah cuz you suck It’s kind of True yeah Bro friendly Miss cuz this [ __ ] I will also get mad if somebody calls me if somebody calls me trash I will also get Mad cuz it’s a joke bro cuz it’s cuz it’s a joke Okay play something else play something else yeah play something else come on yeah yeah yeah yeah play something else yes bro I don’t want to do Obby bro parkour whatever yeah it’s the last time we play I’m going to play egg Wars PR soon bro let’s play SkyWars man we have not played

SkyWars hi all right oh my God how did I fall Down oh my God bro I’m I’m done with this game bro why are you playing This no cuz I don’t want to play this that’s why I get mad I don’t want to play This [Applause] you know what I’m going to end my stream actually pretty soon cuz I’m tired of nobody watching the stream and nobody commenting I’m tired of seeing the view count one bro I’m tired of That nah bro it’s every time like this every single time bro I’m near streaming in the noon this time you know I’m always streaming at night nobody’s watching the stream I decide to stream earlier and nope still nobody’s watching I’m so [ __ ] tired of the only me watching the stream I’m also tired

Bro yeah you know what guys [ __ ] this game guys all right see you later guys see you later yeah see you later in the next stre bye guys I’m not even going to say anything

This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴 Playing some Minecraft (Road to 1k subs)’, was uploaded by Furkanispro on 2023-10-22 04:48:22. It has garnered 44 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:45 or 6585 seconds.

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  • Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On!

    Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On! In Minecraft, a bathtub so fine, Craft it with care, make it shine. Use quartz for the tub, smooth and white, Add water and soap, a relaxing sight. Place some towels, fluffy and soft, A rubber ducky, floating aloft. Make it realistic, make it fun, In Minecraft, the crafting’s never done. So dive right in, with creativity, In the world of blocks, there’s endless possibility. Create, explore, and build with glee, In Minecraft, the adventure is key. Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 24

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 24 Minecraft Challenge: Day 24 Exploring the World Seed In today’s Minecraft challenge, the player found themselves surrounded by towering spruce trees in the world seed: -1206291632661826736. Using a clever technique of creating a staircase on the tree trunk, they managed to gather blocks from one of the large trees in a single go. Sending Greetings Not only did the player tackle the in-game challenges, but they also took the time to send greetings to fellow gamers on YouTube and TikTok. Shoutouts were given to creators such as @SilviaPatriciaNunezValdez, @m4xi_183, @facha918, @naim2518, @bwaaa-sdr, @jeffer2651 on YouTube, and @unpapelfurioso, @juanchy129k, @imm61664,… Read More

  • Machine Magic Madness: Applied’s New Look

    Machine Magic Madness: Applied's New Look Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring New Features and Adventures Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft 1.20.1 modded? Join our adventurous gamers as they explore a selection of mods, encountering both familiar favorites and brand-new additions to their gameplay experience. From random conversations to intense battles, this journey promises to be filled with surprises and challenges. Discovering Applied Energistics As our gamers delve into the latest version of Minecraft, they encounter the Applied Energistics mod, which introduces a whole new level of complexity to their gameplay. From setting up the Applied Energistics system to navigating the… Read More

  • EPIC Pixelmon Mod Shenanigans! ft. xNoofunk & Kartoncoop

    EPIC Pixelmon Mod Shenanigans! ft. xNoofunk & Kartoncoop Minecraft Pixelmon Mod Adventure: Finding Legendary Pokémon! Welcome to the second episode of the thrilling Pixelmon adventure! In this episode, Noofunk, Kartonkopp, and our protagonist delve into the Minecraft Mod Pixelmon, adding Pokémon to the game. Excitement ensues as they discover their first legendary Pokémon! Join us on this incredible journey filled with exciting moments. Don’t forget to like the video and leave a comment to share your thoughts with us! Social Links: Twitch (Livestreams) TikTok (Short Clips) YouTube Kanal (Videos und Shorts): @FasteinVince Discord (Streamer Discord Server) Follow along to not miss out on exciting moments and engage… Read More

  • Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps

    Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps In the classroom, Minecraft brings delight, With funny moments, shining bright. Fangkuaixuan, the MC animator, Crafting joy, a content creator. From ancient poems to silly jokes, Laughs and giggles, the classroom evokes. But beware of the teacher’s quiz, Mistakes in rhymes, what a fizz! Clear skies, rain falls, the scene is set, Students struggle, with lines to get. But laughter rings, in every verse, Minecraft fun, a playful curse. So let’s embrace the humor and fun, In Minecraft world, we all are one. Fangkuaixuan, keep the joy alive, In every rhyme, let happiness thrive. Read More

  • Mr. Disappointment’s Epic Fortnite Fail

    Mr. Disappointment's Epic Fortnite Fail The Fascinating World of Minecraft Embark on a journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. From building towering structures to surviving against menacing creatures, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players to explore and create. Exploring Vast Worlds In Minecraft, players find themselves in procedurally generated worlds filled with diverse biomes, from lush forests to expansive deserts. They can mine resources, craft tools, and build anything their imagination desires. The only limit is their creativity. Building Marvelous Creations Using various blocks, players can construct intricate buildings, elaborate redstone contraptions, and… Read More

  • Operation: Rob Peaches in Minecraft

    Operation: Rob Peaches in Minecraft Minecraft Crimecraft: Operation Rob Peaches The Heist Begins In the latest episode of Crimecraft SMP, Archie O’Grady sets out on a mission to reclaim his stolen doubloons from the elusive OPPeaches. Armed with determination and a plan, Archie delves into the world of heists and thievery in the modded multiplayer Minecraft server hosted by Finn Sowle. A Phantom’s Deception Discovering that Phantoms like OPPeaches cannot see buried barrels, Archie strategizes to Phantom-proof his future stockpile. With alliances formed and plans in motion, Archie embarks on a quest to outsmart his nemesis and retrieve what is rightfully his. The Comedy… Read More

  • Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted!

    Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted! In the world of Minecraft, a challenge is set, To build a monument, a masterpiece to get. But first, some rules to follow, don’t forget, No apk downloads, only legit. You must be over ten, to join the fun, And build within the border, when you’re done. Record your creation, under the sun, And share it on YouTube, a job well-spun. So grab your blocks, and let your creativity run, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Let your imagination shine, like a blazing sun, And show the world, what you have spun. Read More

  • Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon

    Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon Minecraft: Creating the Rambley the Raccoon Portal in Indigo Park In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly exploring new realms, completing tasks, and encountering unique characters. One such character is Rambley the Raccoon, a quirky and adorable AI character in the Indigo Park game. Rambley serves as the main guide for players, leading them through various challenges and puzzles within the game. Creating the Portal To bring Rambley to life in Minecraft, players can create a special portal dedicated to this lovable character. The portal is crafted using materials like obsidian, flint, steel, purple wall, and black wall…. Read More

  • Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream

    Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream The Farming Tower in Tinker World SMP Building a Tower of Farms In the bustling world of Tinker World SMP, Music Free Gaming embarks on a new project – constructing a farming tower within the castle’s walls. With a keen eye for design and functionality, the streamer sets out to create a structure that will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the castle but also provide a bountiful harvest of crops. Planning and Construction As the streamer delves into the task at hand, viewers are treated to a glimpse of the castle’s progress. Walls are erected, textures are… Read More

  • Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6

    Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6Video Information सो हेलो नमस्कार सत श्री अकाल केमच कम ऑन अच्छे तो क्या हाल चाल है मेरे बा आपका स्वागत है एक और ब्रांड न्यू वीडियो में आज आज हम लोग दोबारा से खेलने जा रहे हैं आज ज्यादा से ज्यादा इंटरटेन करने की कोशिश करेंगे हमें अभी बहुत कुछ करना बाकी है जैसे हमें स्ट्रीमिंग करना बाकी है मेन तो हम लोग को स्ट्रीमिंग करना है और आज जैसे कि आज हम लोग चैनल के डिस्क्रिप्शन में डाल दूंगा और क्लिक करके प्लीज मेरे पुराने वीडियोस पुराने मा के वीडियोस में भी एंजॉयमेंट करके कमेंट करके प्यार बरसा… Read More

  • Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1

    Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1Video Information This video, titled ‘mincraft scary Freddy story part-1 in Hindi #viral #trending #youtubevideos #mincraft’, was uploaded by Evil gaming on 2024-03-23 13:14:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. credit-deffused devil mincraft haunted car, minecraft haunted carnival, minecraft haunted cartoon, minecraft haunted car part 5, … Read More

  • “Minecraft Lover’s Insane Railway Track Build” #clickbait

    "Minecraft Lover's Insane Railway Track Build" #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] open with that This video, titled ‘Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #shortvideo #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT… LOVER.. 111 on 2024-04-29 16:56:16. It has garnered 46 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #minecraft #minecraftshorts TOPIC :- ❤ Minecraft is a popular video game where players explore a blocky, procedurally-generated 3D world and gather resources to craft tools, build structures, and survive against monsters. The game offers different modes, including survival mode where… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach Only

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach OnlyVideo Information This video, titled ’30 Days in Minecraft Beach only world — I lost 18 diamonds.’, was uploaded by Y Pixelrator on 2024-01-03 10:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 30 days In Amplified world: https://youtu.be/r4mUGIJV_3k In this 30-day Minecraft Beach only world video series, we built or … Read More

  • Axminer 1M – Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viral

    Axminer 1M - Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viralVideo Information हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम सब लोगों का स्वागत है आज की स्ट्रीम पर कैसे हो सब लोग ड्रीम माइट वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम रणवीर ब्रदर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम साइट गेमर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम कैसे हो सब लोग डीवीएस जट ब्रदर स्वागत है ब्रो आपका आज की इस नई स्ट्रीम पर न वाटी लकम कैसे होती गाइस सब लोग एली वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम ब्रो आप कैसे है मैं मस्त हूं यार सब मौज में वीडियो देखा कि नहीं आप लोगों ने शॉर्ट वीडियो के लिए मैं टाइम लेट हो गया गाइस शॉर्ट वीडियो अपलोड… Read More


    🔥 ULTIMATE TNT RUN IN MINECRAFT! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-08 16:50:07. It has garnered 4889 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Get Beyonce’s Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin Tips

    Get Beyonce's Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin TipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘skin girl beyonce skin girl for minecraft skin girl gta sa android skin girl minecraft aesthetic لا’, was uploaded by Goloving skin tips on 2024-07-04 03:02:18. It has garnered 545 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • "Get RICH in Skyblock on OPLegends"

    <p>"Get <em>RICH</em> in Skyblock on OPLegends"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4’, was uploaded by Riverrain123 on 2024-07-04 19:49:25. It has garnered 527 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4 💙 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/2Oy06iP 💀 Discord! https://discord.gg/XwVraKYRTQ ✨TikTok! https://www.tiktok.com/@riverrain123 👻 Twitter! https://twitter.com/RealRiverrain 🚀 Embark on an Unforgettable Skyblock Adventure with Riverrain123! 🌌 🚀 SERVER IP: (JAVA & BEDROCK) IP: riverrain.oplegends.com Bedrock Port: 19132 Release info: https://oplegends.com/2024/06/15/skyblock-announcement-2024-05-15 Get ready to soar through the skies of Minecraft with this Top 5… Read More

  • John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!

    John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!Video Information This video, titled ‘John Paul Jones is a Pirate – The Longest Johns (Sea Shanty) [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-29 20:00:22. It has garnered 57 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:20 or 140 seconds. Lyrics: minecraft steve is a griefer (craft pick, dig!) some TNT does he possess (craft pick, dig!) Keep it up we’ll catch the griefer (craft pick, dig!) And ban him along with the rest (craft pick, dig!) Oh! Born the son of Notch, he was (craft pick, dig!) Born the son of Notch (craft… Read More

  • SaintMC

    SaintMCEmbark on an awesome adventure by playing the #1 Community-Based Minecraft Network. SaintMC , so you’ll experience a brand-new community-based server like no other. We also offer Bedrock Support, which you can use with 25597. You will love the experience here! – Weekly Updates – – CUSTOM Battle Pass – – UNIQUE Skills System – – Minions &amp; Wands – – MUCH MUCH MORE! BEDROCK PORT: 25597 Hope to see you online! We giveaway tons of free goods. Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide the true vanilla Minecraft experience. Our community is friendly and welcoming, always looking for new members to join our dedicated group of players. The server last reset 2 months ago and has no plans for another reset, allowing players to work on builds and projects without worry. ━━━━━━━━━ ▶ Join our Discord ▶ Follow us on Instagram ━━━━━━━━━ Vanilla experience: We prioritize maintaining a semi-vanilla environment, running on fabric with minimal quality-of-life datapacks to preserve the vanilla mechanics. Community: Our… Read More

  • MythoMc Network

    MythoMc NetworkWELCOME!Discover the exciting community of MythoMC Network, a Minecraft Java server (1.16.5 to 1.21) that is also accessible from Bedrock (Port 25567)➣ Enjoy the Survival 1.20.4 modes➣ Wide variety of plugins that improve the gaming experience.Don’t wait any longer and join your friends to live unforgettable adventures on this unique server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The ultimate battle grind

    When you’re busy fighting off creepers and skeletons in Minecraft but also trying to protect your personal information like your score of 273, priorities can get a little mixed up. Read More

  • Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet Showdown

    Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘CARRI CARARI MARE NAAM KARDOM @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-05 15:54:54. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. gamer fleet Jack bhaiya minecraft fleet smp #minecraft Read More

  • Chad’s Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze

    Chad's Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze In Better Minecraft, Chad’s on a quest, 1,000 days of building, he’s truly the best. With tall soul lanterns and spruce logs in hand, He’s crafting and building, his skills in demand. Chad’s looking for friends to join in the fun, Subscribe to his channel, a journey begun. With Better Minecraft mods and Sildur’s shaders bright, Chad’s world is a wonder, a true gaming delight. Follow him on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and snapshots, his journey well-spent. #1000daysinminecraft, a challenge so grand, Chad’s creativity, we can’t help but stand. Read More

  • “MrBeast’s Hot Portal Survival Challenge” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "MrBeast's Hot Portal Survival Challenge" 🔥 #minecraft #meme When you choose “Help MrBeast portal” in Minecraft, you better hope he doesn’t show up and challenge you to give away all your diamonds for charity! #MrBeast #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

    Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Kak Ros (Upin & Ipin) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Kak Ros from the beloved Upin & Ipin series! Join the fun and explore the magical world of Minecraft with these exciting portals. Donation Opportunities Support the creators and their endeavors by donating through Saweria. Every contribution helps in bringing more amazing content to life! Community Engagement Connect with like-minded gamers and fans on Discord. Share tips, tricks, and experiences while immersing yourself in the Minecraft universe. Customize Your Experience Personalize your Minecraft gameplay with the UzeMing skin. Stand out in the virtual world… Read More

  • Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired

    Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. Players are immersed in a blocky world where they can build, explore, and survive in a variety of different environments. Let’s delve into some of the key features that make Minecraft such a beloved game. Endless Possibilities with Building One of the standout features of Minecraft is its building mechanics. Players have the freedom to construct anything their imagination can conjure up, from simple houses to intricate castles. The game’s block-based… Read More

  • Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiant

    Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiantVideo Information This video, titled ‘[XDEFIANT] Ini gimana cara mainnya? #xdefiant’, was uploaded by Kyo Lectio Ch. on 2024-06-07 04:39:03. It has garnered 76 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:31 or 8191 seconds. #minecraft It’s time to do 2 weeks of minecraft then forget it for 6 months. ⭐ Support me ⭐ 『 Trakteer 』https://trakteer.id/kyolectio 『 Saweria Mediashare 』https://saweria.co/kyolectio Discord :3 https://discord.gg/Xg63CYkAca ————————————- ◊『 Rules 』◊ ENG • NO BACKSEATING, unless requested. • No spamming or harmful words please! • No hateful content, and no racism! • No sensitive topics please! • Please be mindful and respectful…. Read More

  • Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!

    Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CATNAP SISTER Breaks Up with DOGDAY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Block Buddies Movies on 2024-04-10 17:00:09. It has garnered 14689 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:00 or 12660 seconds. CATNAP SISTER Breaks Up with DOGDAY in Minecraft! Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Aphmau and Crazy Crafters! This is the best Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun. #blockbuddies ⁠#minecraft Read More

  • We Escaped Water Barry’s Prison Run in Roblox😱

    We Escaped Water Barry's Prison Run in Roblox😱Video Information This video, titled ‘WE ESCAPED WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN IN ROBLOX (OBBY) 😱’, was uploaded by Ayush More on 2024-05-11 07:56:33. It has garnered 388127 views and 6374 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:01 or 1021 seconds. ROBLOX WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie Roblox Game Video Ayush More Roblox Techno Gamerz Proboiz 95 Frosty Loggy Shivang Mini Brookhaven 🔲 My ROBLOX Profile: https://www.roblox.com/users/4342044275/profile ____________________________ 🎯 Subscribe to my other YT Channels: HORROR GAMEPLAY: @AyushMore2 ➤ https://www.youtube.com/@AyushMore2?sub_confirmation=1 REACTION Channel:… Read More

  • Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!

    Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!Video Information This video, titled ‘“Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilization!”’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Akshay on 2024-03-21 03:15:09. It has garnered 180 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:36 or 216 seconds. “Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilizatio Minecraft Village Exploration Adventure Gaming Community Build Survival Let’s Play Hidden Gems Secrets Mysteries Discoveries Enchanting Breathtaking Intricate Unique Captivating Stunning Visuals Fun Relaxing Minecraft Hardcore Challenge PojavLauncher Adventure Survival Gaming Series Hardcore Minecraft Gameplay Uncharted Minecraft Quest PojavLauncher Survival Guide Extreme Survival Minecraft Hardcore Journey… Read More

  • “INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥” #gaming #viral

    "INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥" #gaming #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘bro started headshoting creepers 💀 #music #musica #remix #memes #funny #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by xardsp on 2024-04-09 22:00:37. It has garnered 33 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!

    The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOS 12 MEJORES ADDONS [MODS] Para Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.21’, was uploaded by JaarXD on 2024-06-17 21:07:44. It has garnered 70712 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:25 or 1345 seconds. What’s up, people? 😁 In this video I bring you a TOP OF SURVIVAL MODS/ADDONS for your Minecraft worlds. I hope you support this video. Take care of yourself and see you in the next video ❤️ ➥ Versions 1.21 ➥ 1000 LIKES FOR MORE! ➥ Download and installation tutorial ► https://youtu.be/Y5FV3J5gdcA ➥ Social networks + Contact ► Contact – [email protected] ►… Read More

  • Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft Streamer

    Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft StreamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noo i fell… #twitch #minecraft #mcstreamer #streamer #twitchstreamer #youtubeshorts #clips #gaming’, was uploaded by Spooky Yuki on 2024-02-09 09:00:06. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. FOLLOW MY SOCIALS!: 🌸 TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/spookyyuki7472 TICKETS: https://www.tiktok.com/@spookyyuki7472 Read More

  • Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀

    Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀Video Information This video, titled ‘Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic ‎@GamerFleet  reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by NoteMiner on 2024-06-17 06:00:21. It has garnered 16967 views and 751 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic @GamerFleet reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts Hello Everyone 👋… Welcome🥳 to my channel ▶️. If you liked this video then make sure to hit the like 👍 button 😁… And to watch more such contents, do subscribe to my YouTube channel ❤♾️. 📢Credits:- @GamerFleet (Anshu Bisht)❤ I DON’T OWN THE MUSIC🎶 AND… Read More

  • Insane Singh 2.0 – Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shorts

    Insane Singh 2.0 - Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Crazy singh 2.0 on 2024-02-14 11:19:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house When a Minecraft spider gets into your house. And he’s also named Dave. Read More

  • Medieval Realms

    Medieval RealmsLooking for staff and Playerbase! Hoping to grow a server of people looking to enjoy the new minecraft updates! If interested in a staff position, please be above age of 18, and add DemonDeathAngel on Discord! Read More

  • Terrashift SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.2 Community Whitelist UHCs Bluemap

    Server: terrashift.net Who are we? Terrashift is a whitelisted vanilla SMP 1.20.2 server focused on collaboration and building a community. If you enjoy a server similar to Hermitcraft with a strong community focus, feel free to apply using the form at the end of this post. Details: Whether you love building massive redstone contraptions or just want to relax in a cozy hut, we have something for everyone. Server rules are simple: no griefing, stealing, pvp without consent, rudeness, or unfair advantages. We have around 30 active members and value input from all members on server decisions. Currently running various… Read More

  • CrossFireMC – Comp Factions 1.8.9

    CrossFireMC - Comp Factions 1.8.9IP: [​CrossFireMC.com]discord.gg/crossfiremc RELEASE DATE: [​Thursday July 4 @ 3pm EST]1.8.9 Version▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬PAYOUTS:🥇 $200 to “charity” or 10,000 Gold🥈 $50 to “charity” or 5,000 Gold🥉 2500 Gold▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[​CrossFireMC] – [​Murder Map 1]MAP LENGTH: [​3 Day Grace/4 Day TNT]FACTION SIZE/ROSTER SIZE: [​5/10]SHIELD LENGTH: [​20 hours]BUFFER SIZE: [​15c]CANNON SPEED: [​3s]ECO: [​RaidOutpost/DarkZone/Fishing/SugarCane]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Anarchy – Minecraft Realm- Do /server anarchy- no rules, cheats are allowed on this realm. Read More