MINECRAFT Sunday Stream & Giveaway

Video Information

Hello wait is I on the wrong Source no okay I check that every time like live I’m so sorry um hi how y’all doing I’m so sorry I was talking to my mom and I looked at the clock and I was like I got to go it is

2: p.m. thankfully I think I started at like 2:01 but still I remembered I promise um um all right today we’re going to be playing Minecraft I it is in the title of the stream but just if you guys didn’t know we are playing Minecraft I’m going to be doing some

Giveaways I’m going to be looking over some updates we’re just going to be chilling chatting I haven’t done a Sunday stream in like a month and a half I missed y’all um thankfully my Wi-Fi I almost jinxed it thanksfully thanksfully thankfully my Wi-Fi looks okay um they fixed it the only thing

That was a problem with my Wi-Fi was the little clips that like put the line into the actual like box that was it I don’t I don’t know how that can damage the connection but um he said he’s like it looks completely fine to me and I was

Like okay cool but it’s not so I guess there was something like underlining that they couldn’t see that’s why they kept on like sending texts out and they wouldn’t do anything um this Tech did something h so yeah once again I’m trying to open up my lip balm so how’s

Everyone doing today how’s everyone feeling I see a lot of familiar names let’s see who we got here hi Val oh I’m so glad you can make it hi Amelia hello hi Payton hi Talia hi col hi Ava hi Jason Hi Pegasus hi zaps I missed you zaps hi

Claudia hi pixel Pony hi ping Pingu am I saying that right hi Lori hi aen hi Sofi Emma I’m trying not to miss anybody hi Crystal okay spit and bars I know hi Claudia I’m good you know what I’m doing good today um I had really bad sleep

That it wasn’t completely my fault but it kind of was towards like the end um but I woke up and got coffee so I’m okay okay let’s see um can we like can we sleep can I do a bed I’m going to show you guys something

That’ll be in a video so you guys are going to get a first look okay I know you guys love the first looks let me turn on my shaders if my computer starts struggling I’m going to be very confused um I got new computer parts

Well I got like it wasn’t a new computer part it was a drive okay I got an SSD drive a new one and then I got um two more sticks of ram so I’m going to have 64 gab of ram which is necessary for high quality editing let me tell you

Like my editor eats up the 32 gigb pretty quick um or at least half of it so my computer doesn’t perform that well and then my SSD I guess it’s just like a good good quality drive to have um I’ve been having problems because of lethal company yeah

Val and Rachel and and I and a few of few other friends played Lethal company last night it was so funny we’re going to be doing the skinwalker mod so maybe I should do a stream for that that one’s super creepy um anyways let me go ahead and show you guys the

Update so isir I don’t know if you guys know who Ashira is um Ashira basically uh creates swim coats like custom swim coats she does commissions and she does like um you know just like making swim coats for people uh Dragon does the same thing and then also scary dreams does

The same thing on Kofi so if you guys want to check them out oh thank you Amelia for the donation for your talent oh no stop it ah you’re so sweet if you guys haven’t checked out Amelia’s videos she does amazing ssor RP like she’s she’s completely outdone everyone in the game

Like I it’s it’s like it’s like watching a bird fly you know so proud um anyways that was so sweet uh where was I oh my God okay so Ashira makes coats right well Ashira offered to make thoroughbread coats for my thoroughbread racing thing which is coming out soon um

Let me move this tab over so it stops tapping so Ashira made it possible for us to have horse race coats if you guys don’t know Thoroughbred like race horses they have different coats than normal horses um that sounds weird okay let me reword that a lot of horses with odd

Coats like uh Kos sabinos stuff like that they can’t be registered as race horses in the Jockey Club because the at least the US and the UK Jockey Club I don’t know if they’re different at all I don’t know that much about racing they don’t believe that race horses can have

Odd patterns now horses like this okay horses like I think it’s sat I believe sat is Japanese the Japanese racetrack absolutely wild you’ll see an albino horse run down that track okay of a full like crelo and the Jockey Club in the US new care like disgusting I don’t know why they hate

Horses with patterns so much they just like Bland horses but anyways we have all types of horses here for the Thor Breads and these are all going to be uploaded to my Kofi so you guys are going to be able to get both IRL famous race horses and race

Horses that were made like by Aira she made amazing names for them they sound so realistic I thought they were race horses like where is it oh I was going to show the main with that one just give me a second I’m trying not to go off

Track because it’s so easy Dusty stray that sounds like a racehorse his honor sounds like a racehorse I think black cavier is a racehorse I know Rachel Alexandra is Lady secret is American Pharaoh I don’t think that’s a racehorse I’ve never heard of his name no and then justify so

I’ll show you guys the coats in the moment in a in the moment in a moment sorry um so if you look at the main right swim horse Mains they’re a little bit longer if you guys didn’t know with block bench you can shorten the mains

Now it may look a little glitchy in some ways but the Thor bread Ms are short isn’t that so cute isn’t that so cute I don’t know just let me enjoy my pixel ponies for a split second um food slays food does slay speaking of this oh I’m

Going to go get food after this hey what’s up Jason thank you Asha got to get on my PC yeah you better be here you flatter me a I’m just speaking the truth am I’m just speaking the truth speaking of RRP y’all I have been working I have barely posted at all for

The last like two or three months compared to what I used to post I used to post so much um there’s a reason I stopped posting so much one it’s work if you guys don’t know editing takes a really long time and it drained me like absolutely drained me all the way to

Like 1% % and that 1% was used to live for the last 3 months so I have all these projects I’m working on and I can’t tell you guys about any of them because it’s all going on at once um I’m not doing like a bunch of big projects

At once I’m just doing like one big RP project and then the rest of my stuff um I’m starting up an rdr2 series but it’s not going to be revolved completely around horses it’s going to have so much more to it because rdr2 has so many

Assets I got a mod loader thing and they have so much available to people with mods that like you can do anything with like animations you can like replay animations you can spawn people you can design characters like it is it is like yeehaw Sims for me I’m having the time

In my life on RDR 2 anyway so I’m going to go through the race horses really quick sorry I didn’t mean to get distracted it’s totally not like me to get distracted uh Secretariat Mr sugar smoke that’s just a tester horse we’ll name this one maybe we’ll put this one

In the rescue cuz I know they like rescue horses balanced Pride Dusty stray I love Dusty stray because look at the great out face don’t turn away from me Dusty look at the great out face so cute and then his honor I love his honor too because

Uh over here who was it Mr sugar smoke no markings whatsoever but like look at the shine on it right and then over here his honor has really cute markings and also has the shine all of them have like a really nice Sleek shine because when you see th breads usually they have

Really nice coats or they’re sweating cuz they just raced so a lot of people associate like shiny coats with race horses I don’t know if that’s why she or did it but I love how she did it um my personal favorite out of the Grays though is Lady secret though it’s such

Like a soft apple look at that hi Riley why do YouTubers always say I’m having projects but I’m not telling you well now I have to know okay so I can tell you about one of them um merch designs they’re going to be out I’m not

Going I don’t think I’m going to do any Christmas designs this year because I don’t have any like actually designed I’m I do graphic design but graphic design requires like brain power and I really don’t have that um but I’m probably going to be doing like a

Special gift thing on my merch site or I’m going to be doing like a giveaway for you guys like a big giveaway cuz you guys have treated me so well this year that like I’m spending money on y’all you you know I want to give back even if

It’s just something small hi Joel why are you I love how you’re on your vods account and I made you a mod because you’ve always been on your vod’s account so I just I was like you know what I’m going to make you a mod and you actually joined on it this

Time um but yeah so the merch thing is going to be happening there’s just going to be like a small gift I’m completely re rebranding all of my merch um for good reasons I feel like my merch was very simple and basic and that’s what I

Wanted but it has I have so many many designs on my website I just want like five designs that’s it and you guys can pick from that and then every four or five months I can get a new design put in there and we can go from there you

Guys can help design I have a lot of people in my community who are graphic designers and they love helping um also I love this coat so much okay so should I show the cits for dovington I got grooming cits like brushes I got a little um oh what is it

Called I swear I call it a little grooming bin but it’s like the one with the oh what is it I swear I just had the name in my head the other day cuz I was talking to moonflower about it this was requested by a lot of people

A lot of people messaged me a lot of people commented on it um Amelia you also com if you’re still listening you commented on it I remember that thank you for the suggestion um it’s a caddy a grooming caddy so it has like a bunch of little

Brushes in it we’re going to be looking over that really quick um but I got a whole CIT pack made just for dovington so if you guys don’t know dovington is the equestrian center I’ve been wanting to finish um Riley’s been a huge help with it thank you so much Riley that

I’ve been wanting to finished since last year um there was a lot of I’m not going to like sugarcoat it there was a lot of drama with it because of another situation I’m not going to get into but oh my gosh I was like about to pull my

Hair out it was so bad um but it’s all figured out now you know okay let me like resize this I hate how streamlabs opens up stuff like at the biggest size possible and you can only see like a pixel of it so I have to resize it

No I just I want to resize it thank you oh my gosh um so all this stuff will be available with the dovington pack and you guys can use it once you purchase it you guys can use it for whatever you want I don’t care um obviously as long

As you don’t redistribute it the grooming stuff is going to be be available oh my gosh sorry for free so you guys can get the grooming stuff for free um I’m not going to charge for the grooming stuff so this is what we have currently we’re going to make this

Really quick I’m going to let you guys look at it while I make some of it um and I’ll show you what it looks like but so this is CIT but it’s still like you can hold it in your hand and it looks realistic oh that was so

Loud um I got pink red and black for hoofpick Curry brush and the sweat scraper and then I got the grooming caddy so yeah my gosh I love this Pirates the Caribbean type music hi zaps um and then okay so I got the mar and stallion hoof shoe for hoof shoe

Horseshoe I mean same thing for the pastures um and I’m going to be making custom signs for the Stalls I have I have a whole lot of designs to show you guys I’m not going to show you the actual Barn right now because it is a very big work in

Progress but so far it’s looking really good I love how it’s coming out I’m going to make all of the red ones um and then I’m going to make the grooming caddy um the soft brush and the hard brush I got both of them because there is a

Difference um I personally love that um you can have a difference with and the handle is a soft brush I love that moonflower was able to do that moonflower has amazing skill um in the video that I produce about this because I will be making videos about all of

This you guys will have contact to Moonflowers you guys can commission anything I really do recommend it if you guys just want a little extra like realistic touch to your Minecraft world and it’s Unique to you you know um I’m going to share everything I can with you

Guys so like I’m obviously not going to gatekeep girl boss everything but there are some things that I’m like oh like like my little realistic roleplay world you know um let me put this over here there we go we’ll do the giveaways in a second by the way I’ll start

Them um I’ll explain them Curry Brush oh wait did I not did I not enable them oh wait what is Riley saying I feel like Riley’s telling me something well okay the barn it’s a massive work in progress there’s a lot of things I haven’t worked on so um definitely going to be something that’s going to wait

Because I want it to be like anticipated you know a CIT is a custom item texture so it basically retextures a Minecraft item and it’s separate from everything else so it’s like a mod where it replaces a block but it doesn’t actually replace the block you just rename it and it like

Becomes an item I’ll show you uh an example cuz I don’t I don’t know I don’t know if these are going to work I think I said it wrong or did it wrong hold on uh where’s equestrian CIT we’ll do jumps and courses also big

Thank you to Riley for doing all of this so this is the idea of the equestrian CIT right I’ll put down um the custom jump that she did for my server um let’s put this all away can’t wait for my inventory to be so full oh okay

So this the stand you can see there’s a lot of detail in there and that is completely like just the texture you know it’s a fake it’s a fraud okay it’s not real but like it looks real so you can walk through it so you’re going to

Have to put barrier blocks up here but it looks so realistic it’s not an actual like physical block so it’s not like a hit box that’s right why did I so confidently put down right I know my lefts and rights see look isn’t that cute so that’s an

Example of a CIT um if you guys don’t know what equestrian CIT is it’s available on Planet Minecraft just look up equestrian Cit she has a lot of public items for you guys to use um let me put this away really quick I’m gonna do it so badly I usually organize them

But I’m in the middle of stream and I don’t feel like it um like let’s go into Brown equipment oh there’s like tons of things you can use like a rake and when you hold it it looks like an actual rake so like it’s you can use it for both roleplay and

Just for decoration I love it for just decoration like doesn’t need to be for anything fancy um and these also look good with just house decorations too you can do a lot of house decorating with equestrian CIT it doesn’t have to just be for equestrians I know moonflower does an

Amazing job oh and I wanted to show this I think I showed this in my last stream look look what lipin made me lipin also made me a Christmas skin I need to put that on I completely forgot about that should I do that Midstream I’ll do that

After the giveaway start I’ll worry about the stuff after you guys are like distracted with the giveaways um oh and then uh believe it was was it Yumi yeah Yumi who made this this little hat look at the cute little hat this was made with Armor’s Workshop

Which is on my server and you have a ton of design options those are just two of the hats that I have and I think I have like a yeah I have an actual hats backpack that I’ve just been neglecting to use um which I should probably put

These guys in I have a cowboy hat that was made by moth and this cute little Hall’s Eve hat that was made by lipon and you can make like jumps you can make outfits you can make shirts um right now moth is making me um a complete like equestrian set for

Everyone on the server so you guys can have like fullon clothing on the server to ride in uh so yeah hi beer bye Crystal girl uh so we’re going to start the giveaways while I try to get these cits in um currently all I have for giveaways

Is a $20 steam game so anything $20 and Below you guys can buy or you guys can request for me to purchase for you I don’t know why I said you guys can buy yeah go buy your own game but it’s a giveaway you know that makes sense um if

It’s 20 if it’s like $21 I got you it’s okay but if it’s like 25 obviously that’s off limits the only requirements is that you guys have a steam account and you can give me your steam code that’s it that’s all you need I do not need any other information please don’t

Send me your Social Security number please don’t send me your address don’t do that um not that that’s ever been done um don’t make that an inspirational moment okay please don’t do that um anyways I don’t need no purchase necessary is what I’m trying to say I

Don’t know why I brought Social Security into this maybe people should sometimes um daily daily uh lesson don’t give your social security number out you’re welcome if I hadn’t have told you you would have I already I already know that no um so the next one is going to be uh

I’m thinking of doing three different ones of one month free server access if you guys don’t know my server is for members only so you guys have to be a member to join it was made for members so if that makes sense um it was never

Meant to be a public server the minimum I think is $4 or $3 it’s like $2.99 for Baby Peach but a lot of people they either don’t want to spend that money or they’re relying on their parents for money and their parents don’t want to spend that money it’s kind

Of like when you see something that’s like two or 300 and you have like adult money and you’re like yeah I want that but something’s like a dollar you’re like no I’m not spending a dollar the heck it’s my money I worked for that but you’d like Drop like $200 on

Something so I understand that um whatever situation it is whether Financial or just like you just you want to check it out but you don’t want to pay anything we can do those giveaways too we’re going to go ahead and start with a $20 steam game um and this one’s

Going to be for 10 minutes so you have 10 minutes to enter all you have to do is do what the steam bot says okay what streamlab says um you all you have to do is exclamation point raffle it says so whatever it says in chat just

Enter enter once um don’t spam it because if you spam it it may glitch it did this last time where so many people spammed it that like their name it was just like Karma their name just didn’t show up um don’t want to say it like

That but I’m sorry if you spam something and it breaks what did you expect to happen Okay so the hoofpick does work oh my gosh that’s so loud Curry brush doesn’t work is it curry comb okay it’s curry comb I’ll have to fix that on the dock

Because the image that was given to us was by moonflower but I understand if there was a mistake with that no biggy look at that there’s a sweat scraper a curry comb Curry Combs can look different um there is like the handheld one like the the face brush looking one you know

Like the face scrubber looking one um I like this one just because this is the one I’ve seen my entire life and then the hoof pick I picked this one cuz it has has like the brush and also the pick um I could have just done the pi but

Yeah um and then wool where’s the gray wool I want to see the caddy I want to see the detail Gran caddy I just called it a grooming bin at my old barn oh Yep this is the one look at that oh my gosh it’s in your hands that’s so

Cute it looks like you’re just carrying it wait okay sorry I’m just fangirling right now that is so cute okay so let’s see the detail yeah look at that moonflower add it again oh so good anyway so that’s the grooming items I’m gonna put this in a chest so I can

Put it in my well I’m pretty sure Riley would have updated the equestrian CIT backpack but I’m going to put it in here just in case um yeah the grooming stuff will be available on my Kofi I’ll probably post it either tomorrow or the next day it’ll

Be free absolutely free you guys don’t have to pay anything it’s not even going to have like the pay what you want it’s going to be free you’re not giving me money um also because moonflower made it I paid for it but moonflower made it and

I not only do I already I already say I wouldn’t you know make profit off of it but I don’t want to make profit off of it that would make me extremely uncomfortable especially if like somebody said that to me like hey um do

You mind if I take your item and pay for it but like make more money off of it like I mean a lot of people do that that’s what an asset is but still it’s like um he can you may me not do that this is just to give like an extra

Spice to the barn you know um but I do ask that you give moonflower credit these these are the hanging girths this is just to add some detail with the tack um I recommend you put it three blocks up safely because it does go

Over a block you can see like the end of it was in the trapo yeah it adds like the girth detail um swm never had like anything like that where you could hang like breastplates or marting Gales or anything um or the girths so yeah did

That just a reminder you guys can enter with the exclamation Point raffle how do you put the horse armor on my swim horse I’m trying to put on my swim horse uh you have to do Adventure attack oh you said never mind okay I did a video on flight if you want

To check that out I showed how to do it and how to take off and everything um okay what I’m really excited for is the cross ties so you can cross tie your horse on swam like with the mod but for like the cross ties just sitting there I

Got this done I’ll do an example with this really quick um let’s do it right here I probably could be using uh doton for this since it’s going to be designed there this is going to be exclusive to dovington so like I said you guys can

Use it in your own Barn stuff like that there is going to be limitations if you are somebody who makes Barns and sells them or redistributes them in any way I would kindly ask that you keep this resource pack private because those were my intentions with it was to make it

Exclusive to dovington but anyways this is the cross tie it’s just basically a hanging rope and it hangs so that you know when horses aren’t in the cross tie um it’s chill in there it was just like little detail little details you know I was thinking

Like when I walk through a really nice Barn what do I see and it’s usually cross eyes you know the little like chain ending to them and they’re usually either hooked up or just hanging there um and then lastly well there’s two more things but the big thing I’m looking for is the

Block of iron for the pasture Signs Now um immersive paintings if you guys have ever heard of immersive paintings uh let me just do what is it uh graffiti I don’t know why I did spray paint it looks like spray paint so immersive paintings allows you

To like bring images into the game I’m going to tell you guys right now if you don’t want to spend money on CIT perfectly understandable get immersive paintings because you guys can just make transparent images on canva I use canv Pro you can do without canva Pro I used

To do canva pro or without canva Pro I don’t know sorry that was like a whole lot of words um and you just put a transparent image in there and it just goes into the game and it can be transferred through world so if you

Download a world from me um I don’t know why that one’s still there we don’t talk about that um but like for example like Daydream rescue it needs a second to load um and you put this on like a board this is really good for um Barn signs

For stall signs for tack boxes literally anything oh she fixed the Saddles okay give me a second she fixed the Saddles okay I’ll I have so much to show you guys all right I’m so excited okay let me use a white wash cuz that’s the one I originally imagined it with let’s do

Pick it so I originally commissioned um Saddles that sat on fences from moonflower and she recently fixed them because they were a little bit glitchy where they wouldn’t be able to be placed on top of the fence so you can’t like place on top but you can place on the

Side so moonflower if there’s a problem with any your cits moonflower fixes them no problem yeah look at that see the English saddle is just hanging there just chilling oh I love that I can also add that to the doton pack as well and there’s also a western

Variation um I don’t know why I deleted the item frame but there’s a western variation they look so good oh my gosh cits just bring everything to life it’s crazy why is there an add to live stream YouTube is evil sometimes thank you for everyone who watches through the streams

Though I’m sorry for everyone who gets ads I don’t mean for you guys to get ads I can turn them off really quick I don’t know how hold on um monetization uh go away go away okay I’ll turn that off sorry about that okay um so we have those Saddles that

Now work we have the uh were are the awards and trophies are they up here somewhere are they in my I think they were in here right ribbons and trophies yeah um the horse buckle this one no it was the full Buckle did I get rid of it in there I

May have for the time being anyway she fixed one one of the buckles that’s like the the mother and full that we have for full shows that are coming up and it was like glitching really bad and she fixed that one I showed it on a live stream or

Like a video or something and I wanted to update so like people thought that you know knew it was fixed um let’s see so aggressive too okay so this is for pasture signs it’s going to go on posts oh that looks so good so that’s for stallion this is for

May they both look so good what I love about cits versus immersive paintings though cuz immersive paintings it doesn’t create a 3D look so if you’re looking for something more 3D that’s where you want cits this has complete like three 3 ID 3D look with the cits I’m just beatboxing remixing

Words what’s new um we’re going to going to put that in here let’s see and then lastly we have well we have a soft brush and hard brush I’ll make those really quick and then we have the jump the jump I’m most excited for um I believe I made it two

Blocks um oh yeah and then dragons cross country jumps I forgot to make an update about this one but we now have like cross country jumps with dragons mod I’ll show that in a video as well cuz I do want to rep Dragon Mods dragon makes amazing

Mods I also need to make a mod video about uh my like the mod that was made after me I completely forget to like make these things these are like freelance projects you know I don’t have them planned they’re not on my schedule I don’t know why I did wood

Thinking planks would show up big brain moment I know this also shows up in your hands like you’re holding it um I don’t know if that was completely intentional but it looks perfect U let me show them on the ground really quick this would be good

On just like laying on like a decoration they’re pretty flat they’re like they’re smaller but they’re 3D and that’s what matters that’s what I wanted from them okay and then lastly the jump okay this and then um that two sticks uh how long until the giveaway is

Done I need to pay attention to that is it already done okay last last call for a giveaway if you guys want to go ahead and do exclamation point raffle all you have to do oh never mind you can no longer enter the raffle so sorry uh gave misinformation um let’s see resume

Entries I’ll resume it for another couple of minutes if you want to do exclamation point raffle it’ll give you the chance to uh possibly win a $20 steam game of your choice all you have to do is have a steam account and give me your friend code that’s it I can do the

Rest and I’m pretty sure a lot of uh Sims expansion packs are on sale right now cuz right now only have 20 users so there’s 51 viewers and I don’t want anybody to feel left out what did I just type just typing another language um side let’s make it right

Here a I like it this is like a hunter’s jump Hunter’s jump inspired uh okay yeah this is three blocks or is this two blocks two blocks my bad I don’t know why I said three blocks so confidently I know my Minecraft measurements that’s right yeah this is a total Hunter

Jump too tall to be an actual Hunter’s jump but still very Hunter jump see making a board as to go um a ticket is like a raffle ticket when you do exclamation point raffle it’s just solidifying that you entered so it’s like hey you received one ticket

Like you got this you got the ticket and then this this this will be like a lot of the jumps there I may get another jump made or I may design one with Armor’s Workshop but that’s the jump this is like the dovington jump very simple very cool and yeah that’s

The entirety of the grooming SL uh dovington pack I hope you guys enjoyed horse ranch um oh yeah horse ranch won’t be on sale for like I’m going to guess another like three or four months because it’s so new I mean growing together just went

On sale for the first time and it’s been available for a while all right let’s go ahead and end it uh 25 users okay I’m going to go ahead and pick a Winner Riley look at that Riley Casper congrats Riley I just press a button it it does it all for me um let me go ahead and start the next one so we can just get them one after the other yeah this is what I do

To this is what I do to keep you guys in my stream it’s a hack it’s a cheat no I’m kidding this is just for people who watch my streams to get access to stuff um I haven’t done a giveaway in a while okay next one starting up it should show

Up on the chat in a second the chat log you’ll have the baby peach roll which is the smallest I’ll do a royal Peach one for Christmas or an ultimate Peach which is like the $15 value um yeah oh cloudbot is working doing their work oh my gosh yeah Riley you can just

Message me I know every time I enter a raffle or like a giveaway I’m like I’m not going to win this and the one time I did win like two weeks ago I was like oh my gosh it’s possible it’s possible to win stuff this is

Crazy okay um where do we go so this is how the race trck is looking right now does this actually bring up the render distance my render distance isn’t changing anyways uh that’s fine so I made pastures these pastures are just really simple they’re for storing the

Horses I have to fix up like the lining so that’s going to go and there’s going to be grass replaced I did it by hand so like I’m trying my best um I didn’t do that by hand that was world edit but like I did the rest by hand so I’ll just

Fix it they all have troughs this little design is inspired by moth’s posture um you can use a post and then a spigot and it’s functional like it is fully functional bam and it’s nice and you don’t have to make like a weird block spigot

Holder um over here is the I almost h enrichments i sound like I’m talking about Zoo Tycoon here the enrichments to keep the subjects occupied now here’s the little activities area we have all the shops which will be functional um I just have to add them um I’m going to be

Making PNG images for everything so these signs will turn into actual like logos uh the bakeries stuff like that um what is this one I don’t think this one’s labeled Ryden style Boutique and then we have um I think this is the saddle store or the tack shop ride in Style Racing tack

Booth and then the photo booth which I hope to design further so you guys can just like take cute pictures together I am actually going to have like a photo backdrop that you guys can use is my music too loud be honest with me okay if you’re streaming on the server

And want to have some cute Christmas riding my Arena has some festive jumps o let’s go check out okay lipon going to come check out your jumps oh oh I feel like interrupted something hello ooh this is so cute and this was made with Armor’s Workshop oh this is so adorable it’s a

Little Christmas tree dump okay um these are so cute Fallen Christmas tree oh oh we have a new mod do I I never check the updates I really should start doing that I should just start reading in general so fall holidays haunted house mantle decoration oh I can’t place this here well actually

I can at uh lipon you’re not seen this that’s cute okay spring holidays oh my gosh Easter yes winter holidays okay you know what decorating Time new decorating videoos coming out I’m going to be yapping and talking while I decorate um let’s see how the giveaway is doing

Okay you guys will need the ability to run my mod pack and you guys will need Discord that’s it that’s all you need the Discord part is just so you can actually be added to the RO and you can see all the updates because a lot of our

Well pretty much all of our information is on Discord the website’s just used as like an anchor um that way people don’t have to have Discord to see everything yeah Discord is required to join the server I used to make it so like if you don’t have Discord it’s okay

But it became a big problem so um yeah oh I like this jump lipton’s a pro jump designer oh my gosh let’s see um I don’t know if I can show the like actual um like holiday town and stuff hold on oh my gosh sorry my mom some people

Texting me my mom just text me right after somebody else and it’s like to read all of them really quick sometimes my mom texts me like Midstream and is like your cat stuck outside or something and it’s like go and get her what do you mean she was taking a nap yesterday and

She texted me Midstream and went yeah your cat’s stuck in the sun porch like okay why are you texting me about it if you let her out there you know you’re not allowed to have Discord um if you’re not allowed to have Discord I understand that my server is

Familyfriendly 24/7 modded like there’s mods 24/7 you know looking for things and we have like Auto mod and stuff like that but I completely understand if your parents aren’t um comfortable with you having Discord it is a form of social media in my opinion um also I need to start on the

Free Barn I should make a pallette for that my next build is going to be with this Barn which I think Riley uses for her property but she changed up the pallette so I’m going to be making this Barn this one’s going to be like another Equestrian

Center that one’s probably going to be like February cuz I try to plan out my barns like every two months if I can sometimes it’s closer together cuz you guys have been a lot of you guys have been messaging me on Kofi asking when dovington is going to be

Available so I’ve been trying to rush it um I only really release them when you guys are like okay where’s the barn because I I don’t do it like can you to pay bills this month and release it it’s more or less just like you know if you

Guys want to buy it now you can or if you want to wait I listen to you guys on it oh I forgot about cluttered we also have cluttered which is a really cute mod for design after we figured out the swim thing um cuz swm was making

It really really laggy after that was fixed like all of our problems were fixed with the lag not all most most every server lags usually it’s for like different people oh my gosh who’s that who’s that appli oh my God sorry my vision changed I thought you like spawned in in front of

Me um I don’t really know what to make for the palette do you guys think we should make like a lighter tone barn or should we make like a darker tone Barn made a Yellow Barn made poppy seed which is red well that was mostly Luna um making dovington which is like a

White and dark oak and Spruce so I think we should use another palette I’m thinking well we made made Crimson I made Crimson so that’s red I got a lot of options y’all I’m not going to like I can’t reuse colors I’m not saying that I’m just I I don’t like

Making the same barns um what color was what color was a Alia cuz I was thinking about using the purple a lot of you guys like that one but it’s for it was for members only but it’s like $5 for like the whole property um and then members you know of

Course got it free like it’s $5 if you want to just buy it straight off actually it’s $3 minimum aelia Creek uh aelia Creek was my favorite one to design too because it had so much decoration compared to my other barns yeah that one had the purple roof

So it’s not that I can’t do it again I just don’t want to maybe Cottage core I did Peach Cottage um did that one already Peach Cottage was really good that was actually my first ever upload to Kofi and it was it was the bare minimum what I should do is delete that

Listing 16 of them were sold delete that listing and then redesign the property and then re-upload it because what is that there’s like no trees surrounding it no real detail other than like that’s why it was $5 it like bare minimum I’ll still keep it $5 that’s kind of like

Rude to like take it down and then uh like put it back up but for like more just because I added some decoration I just feel bad uploading stuff that doesn’t like I’m a perfectionist that’s all you got to know I feel bad uploading stuff that is like not welld designed if

There’s like one flaw with my upload I’m like all right got to redo this it bothers me it really does bother me a dark green barn ooh okay let’s do some designning um o I think like an olive I know just saw olive green but I was

Thinking about that before like an olive design Barn would be cute I’m going to let you guys pick the palette just grabbing some random things um I feel like this one like the forest green is really aggressive so we’re going to go for this one okay that’s star worm we don’t want

That um trying to like get out of the menu and it’s just I’m pressing e and w and it’s U oh my gosh okay this one’s the dark green where’s like the lighter green no that’s the dark green okay I don’t mind doing a forest green one this one I just feel

Like it’s really it’s really saturated compared to those those two I like the diluted green but I’m just a pastel color lover like I love pastel colors variations of pastel like if you show me dark purple and light purple I’m going to pick light purple that’s just the

Type of person I am but if you guys are looking for more of like a saturated Barn I can understand that um feel like those go better together um I just did the same thing there’s light green medium green and dark green okay those are a bunch of different

Blocks um those actually go really well together these two should I make a grinch Barn oh my gosh wait inspired I would have to get that out by Christmas though and I I would cry with all the stuff I have to do the diluted green looks the best yeah this one

Um actually okay I like this one if we did maybe a cream roof with this one feel like that would look best um for this one I feel like like I don’t know if the Terra Cotta shingles I feel like the Terra Cotta shingles don’t match with this one cuz

It’s just like the same color but lighter looks like funky to me funky fresh you don’t like that I guess funky fresh would mean good right I don’t know I feel like brown would look good with this one brown or like a neutral color I don’t say

Gray orange orange is like orange is iffy territory oh nice Li in I was hearing that in chat hi Jolie looks amazing okay good um Nora the the whole server is survival based but we have plots and you have to build the plots in survival so everything is survival based we don’t

Have creative mods have creative for just for building but like everything else in is in survival we were going to do half creative half survival but there’s really no way to limit people from getting whatever they want from creative and going into survival with it and not everyone’s going to be honest

Okay there’s going to be one or two people who ruins it for the rest of them so we’re like you know what everything’s survival um we we had to make that decision we couldn’t just like make it halfway orange is too orangey for real even this doesn’t look maybe if we switch these

Around that looks a little bit better oh my gosh not that you and now we need a main block raw iron block I want light War for this one I’m just looking for some detail if we’re doing a cottage type Barn as well with this one this one

Would be such a cute Cottage Barn light warm for that one stone light warm medium warm dark warm medium warm I’m just matching them all up together that looks a little bad this one I like this one I really like I like the light and diluted barns it’s really hard to design with

With darker barns with barns that have like a lot of darker colors because you have to have something vibrant in there for people to be like ooh Barn you know um cuz when I see darker Barns and there’s like no color whatsoever no like eye-catcher it’s like I want to add

Stuff to it I just want to put stuff on the barn when it’s my barn not when it’s other people’s barns I’ll I’ll see good in it anyways I’m a hater but only to myself you know it’s not completely true but most of the time it’s only to myself o p

Would be a good add-on I I’ve been getting so tired of seeing P but like I’m tempted muted Brown this would be good for like a pathway okay so we have three different Barn variations this one’s very underdeveloped but I don’t think I like this

One um so I’m going to make this one one I’m going to ask you guys which one I should design first I already told you guys my favorite but I’m not going to say it again cuz I realize if I say my favorite you guys are going to want me

To build my favorite and I don’t want to like I don’t want to sway the judges okay don’t want to sway the choices let me Design This one a little bit more because I feel like it’s really unfair um um this P Brown I really like that one the muted

Brown or the dark Brown or just the brown in general mahogany no I like the dark brown but the brown may just be better where’s the Brown let’s see which one looks better I think the dark brown looks way better look at that I like that one I like all of them

Uh does this one does should this one have a different roof block feel like green and let me look I’ll get it back if I don’t find a better one but like I feel like green is just doesn’t mix well with that one too much um should we do brown

Maybe imagine if we just did like green you know see but like that matches this so well so we could also use that but me just go with that that doesn’t I don’t know the brown did look good let me go back to the Brown

This is like oh my gosh if if you have ever designed alongside me if you’re ever in call with me while I’m designing I do not shut up I do not like I’m like oh this doesn’t look good and then I remove it and like an hour later I’m

Like why did I do that why did I decide to do that and I feel like you know Riley and Val everyone who designs with me they just decided to like they just they put up with it you know that’s what I feel like yeah like one one is growing on

Me it has like the Vibrance on it two or sorry three is like I feel like three would be like the perfect like pastel bar oh I should add pastel to the name okay I can build a if I put my mind to it I can really build a barn in like a

Week not very detailed but still okay I’m going to end this timer 54 okay I’m going to go ahead and pick the winner of this giveaway Payton 1226 if you can message me on Discord it should give me a request if you’re not a friend so I’ll get it no matter what it

May like discord’s kind of stupid where sometimes Clyde is like oh well she doesn’t accept messages unless you’re friends with her I do it just gets put into requests Discord is so stupid can I just take a second to rant Discord blocked because I’m partnered or something with Discord I don’t know

What’s going on I don’t know if that’s it um they blocked my friend requests I can’t request or somebody somebody can’t request me anymore unless I request them first sometimes there are some like slips where somebody can friend request me and I’m like oh my gosh it works it

Doesn’t work it doesn’t work I’m just delusional and I think it works so I just want to take a second to rant about Discord Discord I love you if you’re watching this no you’re not um but don’t do that stop doing that let me go ahead and put the poll up okay

Um and I’ll probably be building all of these because they all have potential but I may just stick to two instead like only two not option two okay I put the pole up just to give you guys the options again this one’s one this is dark two is medium and three

Is light I just added like markers or like name so you guys can um detect them better like remember them better you don’t think pton is here anymore okay um all right Payton is pton here let me look and see yeah I don’t think pton is

Here anymore well pton if you do come back or if you are here later feel free to message me we can have multiple winners uh next one is T congratulations T if you’re here just go ahead and message me on Discord or uh you know message in the chat and then

Message me on Discord so I know you’re here because I don’t want to I don’t want somebody to not message in the chat and then me not know that they’re they’re not here here whatever um let’s see I check out when you design I understand that completely Riley I also

Check out when I design sometimes it’s obvious when I used to do my build with me videos people are like oh my gosh how’ you do this like make a tutorial and I’m like I turned on a True Crime True Crime documentary and just gone nothing Behind These Eyes just started

Building um that’s why I’m so scared to do a tutorial because I don’t know how I did that I don’t know how I got that done I just did it my brain just did things um you guys saw the final product but in between there were many tears and a lot of frustrated

Screams yeah thank you jbug can I see the dark again yeah let me let me just like stop tabbing out sorry this is one this is two I like two but there’s just something off about it I don’t know yet it may be this I don’t know I’m going to keep it

There but that may be it and then this is three this is the light variation let’s see I’m trying to like put this over here so I can see everything um wait let me see if see if P or t okay yeah t you got it nice all right let’s complete that and

We can start it again you guys we can just do like giveaway after a giveaway I don’t mind if I give access to like four or five people I don’t like I said I don’t do the server for profit or anything I just do it so my members can

Have a place to play so if I can give some people some access to the server um and maybe if they don’t like it they don’t have to continue like by pay and if they do maybe they’d want to start pain or you know well they kind they

Would kind of have to I’d feel bad but I don’t know it’s like people who get gifted memberships I feel bad when they’re like oh I loved being here and I’m like I want you to stay but at the same time if I give one person something I

Have to give everyone it and I feel bad that’s great um let’s see what is winning currently the light okay so the light is winning by a lot uh and then dark and then medium so what I’ll go ahead and do I’m going to keep all the pallets here

But I’m going to do light first we’ll get light done pastel something I’ll I’ll figure out a name and then I’ll do one after I’ll be working on both of them one of them I’m pretty sure this one will be the free Barn I want to do like multiple

Free barns because I’ve only done I only done two I’ve only done two free barns that’s not enough I love building so much that like I’ll do free barns if I need to I just I focused on Kofi barns cuz I had so many to design and I was

Like oh I can’t take the time to do free barns hi Harper but I’m going back to my roots I’m going to go back to free barns also just because I want you guys to be able to like play on New Barns and I have so many new mods um I’m also going

To be making a free vanilla horse barn so without any mods that way you guys can play if you don’t have any mods I know a lot of you guys can’t run certain mods so I’d rather you guys be able to enjoy whatever mod you want on top of

The vanilla horse barn and then add on to it um yeah okay so we got the barn palette it’s done um what else did I have to show you guys do I have something to show you at the ranch I had to show you something let’s go look at the new

Horses because I got a few new horses that I’ve been training oh thank you jbug excuse me you’re being very loud yeah taking your wool for that one I need to name these bunnies this one’s the girl this one is Chomp I love the WWE and it reminds me of like watch out

Watch out watch out uh this one is carrots 40 years oh my gosh getting up there in the age um here are all the cows the cow pasture is over here but I move these guys so they could have their babies this Isen henriet 33 years oh my gosh Hena is getting

Old um this is the new bay coat that uh air made for the thir breads I love this bake coat more than the regular so I’m just going to keep it enabled because I didn’t really ever like the Marshall coat um and that’s just on opinion that has nothing to do

With anything sish just I didn’t like how BL it was so I decided to keep it on that one um hi everyone new welcome uh oh you know what I completely forgot to put up I completely forgot to put up my monthly goal I was going to do it last stream

Cuz last stream I was like okay my internet’s fine I can start streaming so I can put up my my Super Chat goal and then I didn’t so um okay end goal 163 days to go love that it’s just going to I’m just going to I’m going to keep everything

Um like the same I’m not going to change much at all there we go I’m going to make it smaller but like then is like two pixels okay can you Ms please thank you my gosh all right anyway sorry sorry to anybody who super chatted in the last

Like two or 3 days I wish that I could have started it earlier because I completely forgot and it won’t go towards that but I’ll still you’ll still be like shouted out in my um Discord and Instagram and everything um same thing for people who donate memberships it

Doesn’t count towards it but you guys will still be shouted out you guys will still be given um credits you know once I credits that’s kind of a weird way to put it you guys will you guys will be given love I don’t know why it took me so long

To figure out a word uh Jazzy dolphin oh this is jazz and dolphins baby isn’t he cute I don’t know why he’s over here this is sarami not salami okay sarami just want to say that this is Jimmy Neutron um beautiful name I know imagine if it was a stallion it’s

Him Neutron you know okay this is dove this is Dela this is Dove’s baby Dela was actually born in between the full update so Dela doesn’t have any parents according to a betet bag but Dove is Del’s Mama tesu tesu actually had a baby but during the updates she lost the baby so

This is Fawn I’ve had fawn fawn is koi’s baby but it doesn’t show again cuz this was before the full update but yeah Fawn is f or Fawn is F’s baby fawn is Ko’s baby um Fawn will probably be sold on the market this is Jericho Jericho still isn’t named and

Untrained you go King dolphin pyralis GOI what Steve where is GOI Sterling oh was that GOI in there GOI this ISS blue blue is going to be sold as well blue has really good stats um for like a western horse been training blue this is oh yeah that’s

Jazzy dolphin I thought that that was a funny name sounds like one of those randomized horse names with like the generator oh my gosh stol a skin goes on Swamp uh can you is it do you have the texture or is it already on the server well obviously

No coat textures are on the server but we’re trying to make a a data pack that allows you to have all of the coats we have had made put on the server so you guys can have like extra but I think moth is still trying to figure it

Out I want to make it so that it’s only on the server cuz we have had some theft recently I don’t want to say recently theft has been around for a while with my projects but it’s been really bad with like mods and stuff and mod packs and everything

And people basically like claiming stuff that isn’t theirs um and it it it’s really it’s stupid you know working so hard on a project or working so hard on something and then someone telling you like oh yeah no I’ve had this idea all along I just haven’t like done it yet

And it’s like okay it’s very close to my project and it’s like almost exact with my project I mean that’s one of the things I talked about in one of the videos I was planning on posting I don’t know if I’ll post it it’s like one of

Those videos that I edited and I’m like M I don’t think this is it that’s one of the biggest reasons why I left the so RP Community other than the fact that I just didn’t have a love for it anymore um for SSO for creating content is

Because over the years I just lost so much motivation because my ideas were stolen um not going to dwell on it you know I’ve I’ve grown from it in a lot of ways I found ways to just like brand my projects a lot better and Market them so

If somebody does steal them or does kind of copy them I can detect it a lot better but um yeah it kills your motivation it kills your Vibe when someone steals something that isn’t theirs or takes credit for something that you did um and I’m you know what

I’m a wussy I’m not going to say anything I rarely ever say anything to anybody it’s just yeah I respect leaving the ssor RP Community yeah which sucks because like don’t get me wrong I got tons of views with ssor RP I loved the attention I got and

Everything like not in a way of like validation but I loved that I could like become a part of it you know with like like Adelaide venting and everything like she was the moment she was the ssor RP Community for the longest time Hannah op tree love Hannah we’re still best

Friends I need to go visit Hannah um you know all these SSO rpers who paved the way and their projects got stolen their their ideas got stolen and there was no like inspiration credit or anything like that which if you ever think your stuff is being stolen doesn’t matter if it’s

Online IRL just go to them talk to them because most of the time somebody will be like I’m so sorry I didn’t like didn’t think about it or I didn’t mean to or hey like let’s talk this out that’s a mature thing to do but SSO

Makes it like the community makes it so hard because somebody will literally screenshot your edit or your picture or anything and post it and be like hey guys new edit everyone like it and you’re like o Lord give me the strength today um most of them are children all

Of my edits that have been reposted or like Tik toks I’ve had so many Tik toks made with my edits in them and my videos and everything um most of them are children but I’m sorry oh I’m going to get heat for saying this I don’t care if you’re 12 or

13 or 10 or 11 you’re parents are going to have to deal with a lawsuit if you keep on doing that not I’m not saying for me okay I’m just saying in general don’t go and steal stuff and don’t give credit because you’re going to end up with a

Lawsuit eventually I’m just telling you right now I’m not even talking a cease and assist I’m talking like defamation um obviously not you can’t do that from copying defamation doesn’t work like that but if somebody takes your stuff you reply to them publicly and they’re

Like oh well they did this this and that that’s defamation you saying anything that’s not true or can’t be proven in court and trying to ruin someone’s name that is defamation um like it it gets to the point where you have to kind of push aside the fact like oh

They’re they’re a child they’re still growing I’m sorry but we learned sharing is caring and stealing is not right in kindergarten there’s a point where you just have to say okay they know what’s right and what’s not right when they repost they know exactly what they’re

Doing um and I I have this whole Theft video coming out like I have oh my gosh I have it all edited I was so mad during it I wasn’t mad I was frustrated there there’s like a big difference I was so mad during editing it not recording it editing it

Because people don’t realize how often things are stolen I remember I work I work hours on my scripts I work hours nights late nights um I remember with when with my ex I used to like take time where I wouldn’t see him because I would be working on my scripts now I’m not

Saying if you’re like a content creator don’t hang out with your your partner your friends or your family I’m just saying I sacrificed a lot and I would see them stolen and I’m like oh my God like I’m I’m a nice person okay I try to

Be a nice person I’m a people pleaser I hate confrontation but I want to throw hands sometimes I actually like what makes me so mad that people can just take your stuff take credit for it and then just be like oops sorry and then when you speak up about it they’re like

Actually this person has been mean to me for months and then people are like I don’t know who to believe like what do you mean you don’t know who to believe i’ I’ve had people just recently like talk bad about me um just in discords and I’m I’m not going to say who I’m not trying to like spill tea I’m just saying

My frustrations I’ve had people actively be like peachy is a horrible person somebody the other day uh messaged me a message and I get this often at this point it doesn’t bother me I’m sorry but if somebody has a problem with me and they don’t come to me professionally or

You know as an adult maturely I don’t care if they’re like if you have a problem with me and you’re like 15 or 16 that it doesn’t matter what age you are if you have a problem with me and I did something to personally hurt you I’m

Going to apologize I’m going to take responsibility for it unless it’s something where you’re like um you know you made me feel this way but I didn’t do anything wrong you just you can’t make someone feel way um that’s a very controversial topic I won’t get into

That but basically uh somebody said that I was I’m not really family friendly somebody said I was a bit to them and they told like all their friends well okay this is like High School drama type stuff I was like not here for it I

Was like okay what did I do it wasn’t even me it was somebody else named just peachy and she said I made an ALT account I barely have the energy to get up in the morning and go to the gym before I start working I have

I barely have the energy to like do anything during the day except for like the bare minimum you think I would make an ALT account to be mean to somebody what what is this and they like they sent proof and everything this is just a random person she’s not even

Impersonating her name is just like it’s literally just peachy that’s it like there’s so many people named just peachy online that you can’t just pin it to one person and oh my God I was like about to lose it and she was like the girl was

Like she was so rude to me like I don’t know why people support this content creator she’s like I’m going to unsubscribe and I was like then I don’t know what you want me to say like then unsubscribe I don’t know um it’s like it’s like when you’re

Working retail and you didn’t do anything wrong and someone walks up to you and they’re like you just lost a customer like sorry um please please don’t leave don’t leave this store don’t get into your car and go like what am I supposed to say and I I

Handle these things very seriously if someone comes to me and says listen you wronged me in the past or cuz I was a bad person at like 18 or 19 okay I’ve I’ve apologized to a lot of people I’ve made up with a lot of people everyone

Makes mistakes in their lives if you take responsibility for it you’re making progress if people don’t forgive you they’re not going to forgive you you know um but at the same time if somebody comes up to me and genuinely comes up and says hey I have something to talk

About with you I’m going to talk it out with them because they deserve to be heard but yeah the only time I worked retail I had a couple of Karens I had people come in like yelling at me I don’t I don’t know what it was I would

Just talk to them and they would be like I’m so sorry for yelling at you and I’m like it’s okay like oh my gosh we can we can work through this like I don’t know it would be like a Hallmark movie moment you know living in my small

Town I don’t I don’t know just it’s whack everything is whack I don’t I don’t know what I just talked about for the last like 10 minutes what giveaway are we doing right now I’m so sorry um okay we have 10 users let’s pick the winner

Pegasus is Pegasus in the chat all you have to say is one thing I can see it in the giveaway little box I can see like what you say I see everything watching you Sandy no was Sandy oh that’s so great same names across the internet you

Come up with something there’s a high chance someone else has thought of this at least once yeah has thought okay I did read it right I’m sorry I was about to beat box hi Grace um I’ll do a couple more I’m just going to wait for Pegasus to talk really

Quick but yeah no if let me see what Amelia said been a four-month l drama with someone who stole from me and three other people defamation has been crazy it’s so exhausting I know who you’re talking about I’ve I’ve heard trust me I’ve heard from other sources

Um I I would not be able I would actually like go crazy my lawyer who has literally like never heard from me except for setting up appointments of like hey if something happens like what’s the game plan you know getting to know my lawyer my lawyer would like hear from me every single

Day about pixel Pony stuff I’m sorry but people think people think that this kind of stuff is like not that big of a deal when someone steals from you when something that you’ve worked for months and months even years on like my channel

Is my baby even if I give up on it even if I like decide to go and get another job even if I decide to take a few months off I worked from the ground up with this thing I’m going to take it seriously I’m going to be offended when

Somebody comes up and says oh hey that’s mine pluck I’m just going to put different it’s like copying someone’s homework and then changing a few answers that just it’s not how you do it um my mom has heard so much of it like I

Have rant to do her so much and she has no idea what’s going on but she listens and she’s like oh my gosh why would they do that I’m like exactly exactly I don’t know um you know like yeah I’m I’m 22 I know a lot of people think that I’m

Younger I’m 22 years old and I’m still struggling sometimes to realize that life is H pegusus sorry that life is a lot it’s difficult the older you get the harder it gets because you have to like supposedly be respectful you have to know what you’re doing at like 22 people

Expect you to know what you’re doing a lot of people do a lot of older people are like well when I was your age well when you were my age you were married with kids okay you had a house okay if I wanted a house I’d have to save from 3

Years old okay I would have had to start saving at 3 years old think about that okay I don’t want to hear nothing from when I was your age when you were my age the economy was nicer to you a lot nicer to you anyways um hi Pegasus if you can

Message me on Discord if you have Discord um um we can go ahead and get that set up we’re going to complete that and I’m going to start another one and we’re just going to get it going okay you said schle is it schle or schwamp I don’t

Know I’m going to open this up and show Riley’s coat okay 27 okay I have that all set up for spawning just a moment fell off your bed oh no don’t hurt yourself like I hear that all the time when I was your age my dad said that the

Other day he was like well when I was your age I was saving all this money and I was like sir when you were my age okay it didn’t cost $6 to buy a loaf of bread okay like it there’s a lot of things in this life that are necessities

And you have to spend money on them like a lot of times back in the olden days okay like I’m not talking just one generation ago multiple Generations ago mental illness was so like far-fetched that they didn’t really have a lot of medications and if they did they were so like

You know foreign to people people wouldn’t medicate themselves often unless it was like antibiotics or something like that I’m not saying like this is like you know Medieval ages I’m just talking in general back in the last like 10 to 15 maybe even 20 years that’s when people started

Accepting a lot of mental health stuff um even now like I get told for my grandpa you don’t need those pales it’s like grandpa I do okay in a lot of ways I feel like if I if I wasn’t medicated I wouldn’t be terrible but there’s a lot

Of things that you need and your generation before or like you know your parents don’t really think you need that and it’s the same thing like you don’t need that medication you don’t need to spend $60 a month on that medication do you want to see me in a an orange

Jumpsuit yeah think about that orange doesn’t look good on me I’ll take free food and a free best friend behind bars but you don’t want that for me understand that okay what is what did I say for the number again 27 ooh I like it wait oh you sent the reference hold on

I’ll show that too why do I do Dove so used to the dev team oh you didn’t see that sorry I like it let me see the reference you sent hold on going back and forth I’m going to show the reference on screen of this horse I love fantasy horses put into

Minecraft or into other games that’s why I used to love the magic horses on SSO but I just didn’t like how they didn’t release like non-magic forms and then they finally started doing it so that’s great look at this isn’t that beautiful look at the detail I love the little

Braids exactly Riley when you were when you were my age a loaf of bread was $2 like when I was little yeah the economy was still bad because people still had to work a lot for like just simple items but at least now we’re not like scraping

The bottom of the barrel to get milk or at least back then they weren’t doing that sorry is what I meant like I don’t know sometimes I look at milk and I’m like should I just get a cow should I just buy a cow like at this point we have chicken

So we don’t have to ever buy eggs which is nice I also can’t eat store bought eggs because they put chemicals in them um when they wash them the chemicals go into them and it it either adds a protein I forgot how I say it it either

Adds a protein or removes a protein and my body can’t handle that and it makes me so nauseous I eat eggs and I’m like so growing up I never really ate eggs which is a very big source of protein and it’s very good for you so when we got

Chickens they had like free range eggs they they run around all over the property and I can eat those so I can’t even eat store bought eggs even if I wanted to I’m sure I could in like cooking items when it’s fully cooked because when eggs are fully cooked a lot

Of the properties in them that make people sick or you know cause like salmonella or like other problems are removed um I mean that’s when a lot of things are cooked but like when bacteria and stuff is removed from them it’s kind of same thing with

Meat L I’m going to put you in a mob ball I’m going to keep you no I just want to show Riley’s cute horse okay we have seven users there is 9 minutes left 9 minutes and 40 seconds if you guys want to enter it is exclamation

Point raffle this gives you the chance to win a one- Monon entry to my server which this month is going to be fun because we’re doing a lot of special events I have to plan the raffle the Christmas raffle um I know that I believe it’s is who’s doing uh Christmas tree

Commissions so there’s a lot of things going on um let me go to the ranch I know I show you guys something at the ranch I’m pretty sure next episode of Oasis Valley is coming out very excited for that one that one’s going to take a

Lot of work see all this stuff takes so much time it’s like I wish I could bring them out weekly but that’s not how it works um if I had an editor maybe but I editing my own videos is so calming too because I know exactly what to expect

But when I post the video eventually I’m going to have to get an editor but like for like simple videos not for RP videos I’m a control freak I’m sorry I’m going to say it I really am okay so maybe I didn’t maybe I’m just like delusional I thought I had

Something to show you guys who is this who are you oh is this one of the Thor bread coats Newton don’t spit it’s gross have some manners and already here to my Mustang is dead again oh my gosh what have you been doing to that Mustang me and my

Brother loveis Valley it’s so good oh I’m glad yeah I had uh a longtime friend messaged me and he was like I just checked out your YouTube channel for the first time and I was like really cuz I just told him about my YouTube channel I don’t know like two or

Three months ago but he didn’t check it out because he was like I thought you had like 10K subs and I was like still a good amount of Subs I mean listen like 10K 1K doesn’t matter like if you’re doing YouTube you’re doing YouTube you

Know and he uh he looked at my videos and he was like I actually really like Oasis Valley like and he this is a dude who’s like into Cod he’s into like you know all these guy things Airsoft all this stuff and he saw my Oasis Valley

And he was like I really like it he was like talking to me about it and oh my gosh it was so funny um I don’t know when people who don’t usually watch my content or like they don’t they’re not really in a demographic there um I feel like the

Demographic is really wide but you know they’re like people who just aren’t into those types of things they’re into like mature stuff or they’re into like you know other types of content and they compliment my content and actually like absorb themselves in the content they’re like talking to me about my content I’m

Kicking my feet and blushing like doesn’t matter who they are it because it it’s so nice to hear like someone talk about your content and say like I loved when you did this I loved when you did that because like this connects with that and like they understand it in the

Way that you would want someone to understand understand and they don’t really watch your videos he did say he tried to watch some other videos but he was like to me they’re just boring completely understand that I watch some videos of other like niches and I’m like

I don’t I can’t get into this and that’s okay he tried to show me an airsoft video I had no idea what was going on I don’t I don’t know what I I’ll listen to it I’ll watch I’ll watch literally anything somebody wants me to if they’re

Watching my stuff but like I don’t know what’s going on I tried to make them watched your video and he was like crying laughing he was like it’s dancing the horse is dancing I’m like yeah yeah it’s dancing it’s so it’s so like wholesome watching people like see horse Sports for the first

Time uh let’s see yeah this is my little photo shoot area oh hi Cinderella oh okay hi guys oh my gosh I’m so sorry I’m sorry hi hi baby oh that was so cute I’m so I have been gone for so long I’ve been

Gone for like 3 or 4 days I’m sorry see that’s the kind of greeting that you’d get when you come back from like being away from your world for so long hi Belle love you Bel okay um let’s see the trees are so cute yeah like Isis trees

Yeah oh you got wait let me go to your place then yeah it’s very laggy here um it’s because of all the CIT I need to take away the CIT and redecorate with the mod with the merry mod because I can’t do it no more okay Blossom Throne o so

Loud let’s go to the barn is the barn oh this is the main Barn over here my bad is it like in here oh look at you decorating okay look at that that’s so cute okay where where’s the tree Riley what was what was that is that a par a parrot in

Here where are you I love this song the song makes me want to cry every time I hear it I don’t know it’s just so L calming oh they’re down here aren’t they the animals Maybe there’s your cute dog with the Tail Wag a what an interesting mask

See oh wait has is even started the commissions I think they have right on the 7eventh so they may not even be done yet let’s see how long until the giveaway is done three minutes left we have 15 users entered should we go make some jumps at um lavender

Woods I need to make more courses at lavender Woods nope I do not want to share my location but thank thank you starting to sound like an iPhone somebody aird dropped something to me yesterday or the day before in Walmart I forgot what they tried to aird

Drop me but I clicked no immediately and I was like what are you doing it may have been a meme I don’t know but I was like our Walmart has been wild and recently my sister got like H hit on at Walmart um we’ve both been like hit on at Walmart

Before um and it’s just I don’t know I just want to I just want to shot man I just want to get my fruit and my my drinks and my meals and just leave um if somebody walks up to me and talks to me like genuinely wants to talk I’d be like

Oh heck yeah you know i’ somebody actually um the only time I’ve ever been like noticed was in Walmart fun fact my local Walmart I wasn’t noticed by my face but I had the ssoon sweatshirt on which is why I never wear it out in public anymore I had the

Sson sweatshirt on I was just going in to grab some energy drinks and like two other things and this girl looked at my sweater and she she was like did you do you know any creators from that and I was like oh yeah I am a Creator from

This um cuz I thought she I don’t know I thought she maybe like notice one of the names was a YouTuber and she was like which Youtuber are you and I was like oh just peachy and she was like oh my gosh I watch your channel and I was

Like no way we’re just like talking she’s a college student she’s like telling me a little bit about her life and everything I was so nervous I looked sweatpant sweatshirt no makeup pair up in a messy bun probably half down I looked like I got hit by a bus

And then a train so I was like if she asks for pictures what do I do do I panic I’d probably say yes and then regret it later but like she just was like talking to me and she’s like I’m a big fan of your work and she’s

Like um I hope you have a good rest of your day and then she ditched and you know what if she’s ever watching my videos I liked meeting you I never even got your name I was so nervous I didn’t know what to say I didn’t know

What to say so I didn’t say anything like I didn’t like ask her for her name um and didn’t ask her like if she’s from around here she had a Texas college shirt on so I think she was from Texas like I cuz te you know I live beside

Texas but like maybe she was home for like uh the holidays or something cuz this was like last year but yeah um if you guys ever see me in public and you want to come and say hi or like you know I’m oh this is so

Cute or you know like I’m at a convention or something that’s near you or I’m at like an event and you want to come and and meet me feel free to like I’m I get nervous sometimes but I’m not a mean person I promise um nervous doesn’t mean mean it just means

Like I’m scared but usually when I’m around people I know I I’m social um what they call an extroverted introvert I don’t know what personality type that is I forgot what personality type I am I don’t really think it matters oh you guys are like all talking and I

Can’t it’s not updating in here hold on a second my chat’s not updating for streamlabs so we’re going to have to okay well I didn’t mean to do that but okay we can sure we’ll go with that um let’s see where we are with the giveaway okay we have 17 users let’s

Pick a winner and I’ll do one more after this okay Daisy jores if you can just chat once just tell me you got it and then you can message me on Discord just a reminder to win the giveaway or to like be um you know able to Ren or not renew

What am I trying to say what word claim the giveaway I guess claim your prize you have to have Discord and you have to be able to run my mod pack cuz it is going to be my server so you don’t have to but you’re not going to be able to

Play my server and I feel bad sorry I’m concentrating right now I feel like that’s a given but I just want to say that really quick I’m not ignoring you guys could be but I’m not all right Daisy congratulations going to complete that and then I’m going to do one

More what I like about this is it’s free for me and for you I don’t have to pay my own YouTube channel to give you the membership I can just give you access you won’t become a member but you’ll get access to the member server I wish that

I could donate or like add someone as a member on my own YouTube channel I don’t care if I have to pay the money cuz it would just go to be anyways I wish I could but YouTube hasn’t made that a you know a possibility yet an opportunity of

Feature you know I don’t know why it’s such a good idea let’s find something for in between okay will a manle like o that’s cool okay well that just destroyed those two blocks can you like hang stockings oh that would be cool hi lipon reindeer has arrived oh my gosh

Wait can’t see what you guys are saying right now okay there we go now I can you can stay to watch okay thanks for staying just make sure you allocate enough RAM um if you need to watch my uh peachy’s pixel Place video where I show

How to install the mod if you don’t allocate enough RAM or if you don’t have enough RAM it won’t work trust me I’ve I’ve tried in multiple ways to try to get it to work and if you really can’t get it to work I know Riley um not volunteering Riley for anything

If Riley can’t then Riley can’t but um Riley has been able to get it to work on people’s very low-end PCS before so sorry Riley just for just volunteering you like that but um with Riley’s permission you should be able to get some help on my I have a PC help channel on

Discord because Riley’s very educated with Minecraft stuff so trying to I like the little m’s but you can’t use shaders try using um you have to get OptiFine or ridium try getting ridium this one right here way better if you just press like o goes to Shader packs you can disable reenable

Watch how long it takes me to disable that’s how quick and that’s not even that I have a good PC that’s just ridium it works in myp laptop like that too OptiFine is so it’s ironic because OptiFine is meant to help with optimization and it’s not optimized it’s

Like telling someone oh yeah here’s like a really good gaming PC but it can’t run good games it’s like why why why give us it then the heck man do you think fireplace logs will count as a oh okay that doesn’t look right though do you think um like leaves would count

It oh no okay H it does there we go I’ll pull um that looks like a little funky but we’ll work on it we will work on it later when I have the ability to mentally um rarely Pilla is it Pilla or pill rarely do I ever like RP without

Filming it really depends it depends on what mood I’m in I used to RP without filming all the time when I was like younger but now it’s like I don’t know I don’t find like much fun in just rping without recording all of my RP is like prescripted pre-filmed put together I

Don’t know if that ruins the idea of RP for some people but for me personally I’ve never really liked doing live RP like the RRP things um in uh SSO like you know say like one 12 three or whatever to join this like wild herd I never yeah oh my gosh

Hello sorry I’m just I’m I’m just saying hi oh just turning where I’m not at um let’s see what are you saying how much RAM do you put uh 8 gabes I’d say like 8,000 on curse Forge um which is 8 gabes I’d say minimum you can try to get away with six

Gigabytes um I would check how much RAM you have if you just go to your Windows key your search whatever do system information uh that way you can see how much you have to begin with if you have 8 GB just at like Max for your computer

You probably won’t be able to to run my mod pack um I hate to say it okay you don’t Val you don’t you deal with it I know it doesn’t feel like that long how long have I been going use said 105 minutes jeez almost 2 hours we’re going

To keep on going you know what we’re going to keep on going time flies by when you’re having a blast you use no ram my gosh I was using like 18,000 yeah see the problem is is if you use not enough RAM not good if you use

Too much RAM not good so like you have to find the perfect balance that’s why when you play a mod pack there’s usually a recommended amount of ram I really need to update the mod pack page anyways to show like the mods for both 1.16 and 1.18

But I just need to do that one day I’ve been sitting down like every other day and just doing like simple work like that um oh it’s cuz I didn’t use whitewash pasture give me the pasture fence just give me the pasture fence man I’m tired of

This what time is it oh I need to eat food soon I haven’t eaten today just yet not a terrible thing I woke up at like 12 so um eating eating when you just wake up works for some people does not work for me I get really

Nauseous like I have friends who can just or my brothers who can just like get up and eat like immediately no no no and Daisy you’re good I will have all of the winners um listed down so you’re good to message me whenever what time is it for me uh almost 400

P.m. not later Lantern and make sure that if you’re playing for example like if you have 16 GB on your computer which isn’t bad 16 GB is the usual amount on a computer um and you are playing Minecraft don’t open up anything that will eat up your RAM

Because I’ve done that before I opened up Vegas and Minecraft at the same time with 16 gigabytes I about killed my computer my computer froze blue screened I was crying it was bad don’t do that I mean you can if you want but like just consider not doing

That but that’s just my personal Recommendation you don’t have to do everything I say actually maybe don’t do everything I say um I’ve made it far in life sure but that’s just that’s just me personally what works for somebody may not work for another person I may have lived through it but just be careful you

Know I don’t like that I don’t like that at all we do trapo your dog licked your food oh God I think that’s a cute jump I like that jump you do Hunters jumpers or Hunter jumpers I don’t know I’ve heard both Hunter jumpers and Hunter jumpers I just I Remix it every

Time it that sport I’ve only ever really seen and had like bad experiences because of like the people in it you know you’re going up against people who who have spent like thousands on horses and it’s like they’ve always been kind of mean they’re mean to me my cat looks like

Your cat Sushi a Aileen you should send me a picture any advice for starting a YouTube channel um start it you know uh I would do multi marketing I work in marketing so I didn’t know this when I first started because I was a high school student uh do Tik Tok do

Instagram do YouTube do all three of them kind of you know put your inspiration everywhere do your thing but um if you’re trying to do it professionally I would definitely uh try your best to find your own Niche find your own theme um don’t copy I mean that’s kind

Of a given but I was just talking about it earlier this looks like this looks like moldy bread I love it oh my God it’s so loud oh my God tell me if that’s too loud for you guys cuz for me it was like it was up

There I would also start with a a decent PC if you can um cap cut amazing editor free completely free they’ll try to get you like to do cap Cut Pro don’t do it um when you have the money Vegas Pro uh either buy the full license or buy uh

Monthly right now I’m doing monthly because I’m just waiting to uh get the courage to abuse my uh Bank account like that yeah just um you know I would also even if you’re doing it professionally do it for fun you know find fun in everything you do that’s

Really hard to say for people who aren’t doing jobs that they love or aren’t having fun with their jobs um first of all if you’re not having fun with your jobs gives you no right to shame other people’s jobs but we won’t get into that we won’t get into that but

Uh yeah definitely have fun with it I’m muted wait what oh my gosh don’t scare me like that oh my gosh scared me um let’s see I begged my parents literally so much but my dad never lets me since he absolutely hates cats oh to they get a cat

Yeah it sucks when somebody in your family or you’re allergic and you love cats I mean I grew up having cats but I can understand the the like sadness and not being able to have cats this a shellfish oh it like gives you random presents when you delete it it’s cute I

Like that does that look weird does that look like a weird jump I don’t think I like these leaves we’re just going to go along with that I’ll come back and decorate them a little bit more I know I I saw that you’re muted and I was like there’s no

Way no it’s okay yeah what Val said but don’t worry too much about it I I it used to be that I had a hotkey on my keyboard and I didn’t know I had a hot key and I’d randomly just get muted and I’m like people would be like you’re

Muted pachy we can’t hear you Peach you’re muted and I’m like what did I do to mute myself what button did I press cuz like you know that’s what I’m saying you can’t hear me um but when I like mute on on here like this Wait no that’s different

Um do I have my mic mute on here I don’t think I have it on my stream deck but like this but like now I’m unmuted sorry that’s probably so confusing for some people um but I it used to it used to be where I I would press a button and my

Mic on streamlabs would randomly mute and I’m like the heck man what did I do what did I do do deserve this oh wait snowy slab let’s make a is this one I’m not going to be adding um snow to the show grounds because it’s going to cause like

Too much lag and we’re going to have to undo it yeah you think the volume is okay okay perfect I think her volume mic is just hella quiet yeah I don’t I don’t know why that is you know what’s weird when I record videos I have to boost my mic a ton like

During editing I have to like bring up the volume and put on like the Noise Gate but when I’m streaming some people are like oh my God peachy you’re so loud and I’m like how I don’t I think I’m quiet sometimes like I watch back on my

Streams and I got to put that got to put that that volume on a full and I’m like girly speak up um I don’t think I really have that problem anymore because my mic volume was like brought up but some people I guess their devices are like

You they just have to bring it up higher not a bad thing I I apologize if I’m too quiet at any point um I think I just am loud but you know that’s okay let’s put up the posts not strip jungle get out of here let’s do spruce oh I like

It I’m just building a bunch of jumps right now I’ll place them later which christas mod would you recommend peachy the only one that we have on our server that I’ve been using is the merry making winter holidays but we also have the spring holidays and the

Fall holidays furnish is also a really good one um not for Christmas just in general but it does have like some Christmas design ideas like the chimney that’s about it no there’s like you know different things you can use to like make Christmas ideas another Furniture is also good

We’ve had this one for a while yeah that’s the only one I can think of that’s like specifically for Christmas I can hear her beautiful voice now oh my gosh aen stop why is my YouTube tab not here what is my favorite horse coat I really love Bays um recently for me

Personally Bays but with clipped coats um I know a lot of people don’t like clipping their horses coats or you know obviously a full clip is controversial but like the half clipped half not clipped you know like the hunter clip or the sanitary clip um let me put a picture I’m very

Passionate about this topic okay this one this one right here you why is it so okay the okay the quality is about to be like two pixels I’m so sorry in advance I don’t care you can’t really see it very clearly but this one with like the lighter Bay coat and then like

The darker you know cuz it’s not clipped so good love it so much or just like clipped coats in general with the Bays um we have neighbors who have um I don’t know what Breeze of horses they are but they’re they’re not I don’t think I think one of

Them is a paint horse but the other one I don’t know what breed it is I really don’t it it looks it looks like a bigger horse but I I can’t tell there’s just I drive past them almost every day but I don’t know they’re pasture boarded they just recently

Clipped uh one of theirs in the summertime not now their their coats are like fuzzy now cuz you know it’s cold up here but they clipped one of them recently this summer I had to stop my car I was like oh my God that horse is so pretty like it’s

Just I don’t know the little things in life I I don’t I think we’ve only talked to them like once I don’t think we’ve ever really met them but like their horses are so pretty love them like you know when you see something and you like Christmas lights

Or something you’re just like I just have to take a second I have to take a second to look at this um I believe this is Jade the thing that uh when you look at something it says what it is on the top of the screen yeah what I love about this one

Is I I believe it’s Jade that does that but um it says what mod it’s from too so this is from maiden’s merry Mak and this is from quk you know it tells exactly where it’s from and that’s what I love about it I love that and I never really I think I

Noticed it but I never really acknowledged it completely until like recently when I was like what is this item and I realized I’m like oh my gosh I just completely forgot that you can just see the mods through Jade I’ll design that one further that’s just the base jump is that waya

Let me look Jade mod yeah that’s Jade here I’ll put it in YouTube oh yeah I for I also forgot about the giveaway let’s see uh Suzanne is Suzanne still in here I’m so sorry for like taking so long hopefully you guys are still in here uh

All you have to do is chat once and then just message me on Discord if you guys can’t message me on Discord or it’s giving you problems feel free to join my Discord server which is in the description you’ll have to join anyways but um message me on Discord and let me

Know let’s see see my my streamlabs chat refresh chat oh I can just refresh it I didn’t even know that was a button my streamlabs chat was like stuck at where you said Oasis Valley my brother and I love Oasis Valley like that’s how long ago it was

Stuck too um I think now every time someone chats it pops up I’ve been streaming for two hours oh my gosh that’s a record no I’m kidding I like rarely ever stream for more than an hour and a half oh my gosh it’s crazy I don’t

Know how long how much longer I’ll be streaming but I will be streaming a lot more um I’m going to be making a lot more content too it’s expired okay just do discord.gg slj peachy plays and it’ll bring you there um I’ll put it in chat really

Quick I have I have my own Discord thing now where you can join it just through like a word I’ve always wanted this just said uh an ID instead of like a bunch of random numbers you know but I’m going to pin it really quick is it working now see my chat just

Broke on streamlabs you guys can’t see it but my chat is like empty on streamlabs it’s Joel Joel did you ever get your your black of course I don’t know if you’re still in here but all right okay I can see Suzanne messaged if you can message me on

Discord I can get you guys or you know you can do like Discord Instagram anything to like let me know um preferably Discord because you need to be in my Discord anyways but if you like want to start by messaging me somewhere where you’re comfortable with that’s completely up to you okay

Um I want to keep on building jumps lipton’s doing an amazing job oh I love that that’s so cute I don’t know if I’ll probably I may change these blocks like the the rotten egg looking blocks but I do like how multicolored they are I don’t know oh I love this one too

All right so we have a couple of uh sets of jumps built all design the course later cuz we have this Arena and this Arena right here which is bare so we have plenty of room for courses that way you guys can come here and train if you’re on the server we

Love training spaces bye Mac have a good rest of your day oh waa My Stream just caught up this is my server this is Peach’s pixel play it’s so weird saying my like this is Peach’s pixel place like my server just saying my name my YouTube name it’s weird too because

Uh I I have a friend that I’m meeting up with in like I don’t know four or five months we have to plan it she’s like really busy with work and she calls me peachy she doesn’t call me Carissa she just calls me peachy cuz like that’s

What she’s been calling me for like so long and I’ve been calling her her name because she has a makeup Guru you YouTube channel so she’s like she goes by her name well I’m like I’m finally like listen you can call me Carissa like it’s it’s just kind of weird when really

Good friends are like just some friends call me peachy and not Karissa it’s not bad I don’t mind when people call me peachy but like if I know them good enough I’m going to be like Hey listen just call me just call me Carissa let’s make it casual she

Just calls me peachy so like she’ll be talking to my mom and she’s like yeah like peachy and I and my mom’s like Oh okay like yeah my daughter she’s like yeah peachy and I were doing this the other day and my mom my mom was was

Saying it the other day too she was like it’s just like a second identity I’m like I know it’s so weird like I’m I’m still trying to wrap my head around it uh should we do did I say one more giveaway let’s do one more let’s do one

More I’ll say one more just because I think you guys would like the server and if you don’t you don’t you know but I would love to have a lot of you guys on the server and I want you guys to be able to experience

It I know it does that’s the thing like when people call me Karissa and they’re like internet friends it’s a little bit odd but if they’re good friends I’ll allow it but like I allow anybody to call me Carissa if anybody in chat is like hey Carissa I’ll be like hey what’s

Up it’s my name I mean yeah but when people like when I ask people to call me Carissa and they’ve been calling me peachy for the longest time of of course they’re going to be a little bit iffy towards it they’re going to be like okay I don’t know about that

One what’s my favorite breed an oldenberg I love the olden bers they have such soft faces me I mean it’s also like a city but it’s also a horse um but if you look up if you look up the breed they’re very like they have very like soft and gentle faces that’s

What I love if I ever get a horse that’s the one I want bouncing between calling you Pichi and Carissa as a workout what I love is when people are on stream with me or people are talking to like viewers with me and they’re like yeah chiss peachy

Over here um peachy and it’s like you can call me Kissa it’s okay I used to be really secretive about my name people would be like oh what’s your name I’m like starts with a c ends with an a you’ll never guess it cuz like people

Really never do guess it it’s a very I want to say uncommon but it’s an odd name um usually people would think it’s pronounced chissa because it’s with a CH but now I’m just like willy-nilly I don’t care if people know because I everyone’s already like been saying it

Um except for Val and and Rachel with their weird nicknames I love my nicknames though um rissy chariza Charizard chizo oh gosh I have like a list of them yeah no Carissa there is a Carissa without an H I had a best friend uh back

In my old town without an H I’ve met plenty of ciss without an without an H but I’ve never met a ciss with an H Ever they’re they’re out there I know they are we need to unite all of us cissa with hes we need toite K I’ve met a lot

Of KS with Karissa I respond to anything with like Isa you call me Clarissa I’m turning my head Marissa turning my head Melissa turning my head anything with Su at the end and I’m like yeah what’s up oh um thank you for Jenna thank you for Jenna thank you Jenna for subscribing

Thank you for Jenna we’re we’re we’re being grateful for Jenna today sounds like we’re at like the table praying uh also thank you Maddie for the Subscribe I’m sorry my alerts are on but they’re not they never work I wonder does it still have my birthday things let’s

See nope see it doesn’t even show up doesn’t even show up for me on my screen you guys can hear it let me go ahead and put it at the very top see what it does okay that one shows but does it work yeah does it work though is the question I don’t

Know did somebody want to subscribe no I’m kidding hey guys a little question can you guys subscribe to test this no for some reason it doesn’t it also doesn’t notify every single subscriber so I feel bad when people are like hey just subscribed and I miss it um thank you to

Everyone who has subscribed today thank you everyone who’s liked the video I wish I could get notifications for all of it so I could thank you guys personally on stream but sometimes it doesn’t notify I’m not ignoring you I promise it just doesn’t let me know I

Don’t have like a notification for each subscriber I feel like my phone would just be spammed okay squirrel I hope it goes well new nickname unlocked churo CH chasa chissa I’m so confused oh thank you crisp for the Subscribe the sub notification is based on the privacy setting okay that makes a lot more sense so if you guys do want a notification you’re going to have to have public subscribe I’m guessing cuz streamlabs I that does make sense if streamlabs can’t read it okay let’s see the light purple is so

Pretty okay um I’ll start building the member barn or not the member Barn um the public the free Barn I need to do member barns I really do but like to do a co- Barn a member barn and a free Barn that often it’s like difficult sometimes are we’re

Going to watch we’re going to watch lift and jump oh we’re not watching it’s okay we didn’t see that nobody saw that nobody saw that either you’re pressing the resubscribe button no not D it’s okay I don’t know if it works like that oh my gosh this horse just does not want

To jump this jump my stomach is growling so loud she’s angry she’s angry with me right now I just realized that as your MC user I just saw that Mercy yeah my username is it’s an inside joke with my friends they used to call me chissa chissa and

I’d be like shut up and they’re like chsa that’s why my steam name is kissy wiy I was also an inside joke with friends I I had so many nicknames when I was a kid nicknames like I had Rice Krispies in uh in Middle School against

My will that one was against my will I hope that one’s obvious like it’s just yeah thank you Emma for the Subscribe I’m sorry it doesn’t show it only shows if your subscribers are public I guess but thank you for the Subscribe the Christmas tree jump is so

Cute it gives such festive Vibes and I love it yeah this one this one lip and made oh got a little bit of a kicker oh my gosh there’s a little bit of lag beautiful okay jumping jumping okay now the horse is jumping now the horse is cooperating oh we didn’t see that

Okay we didn’t see that either this one was from our last show jumpan show um for fall I need to upgrade it to Christmas stuff I think let’s see we have one more giveaway that’s going on right let me let me see where that’s at okay we have six more minutes left

There’s six users entered if you guys want a chance to um get a free entry onto my server for a month month no payment necessary you’d have to have Discord but that’s it um and be able to run my mod pack but that’s kind of like a given

Um then just do exclamation point raffle you will be entered in uh streamlabs will give you confirmation in chat if you don’t see that it didn’t work try again let’s see oh thank you great you’re so sweet I’m planning on doing more content that I have been doing um I try to move

Away from the horse stuff for a while but I’m planning on doing more friend content too but it’s going to be um it’s going to be a mixture I don’t know I think the biggest reason I moved away from horse content for a second was

Because I just I didn’t like how much my channel revolved around horse content um because it’s all I really knew for niches I loved animals and horses growing up so I just started making videos on them and then it got big and I was like crap what do I do now

But I don’t think I’m really cut cut out for like another Niche I’m kind of boring I mean like I like playing other games but I’m not like a friend gaming channel you know I’m not like those really cool like groups or smps or you know like those gaming groups you can

Watch for hours and hours I hope one day that would be cool for me and my friends but still if you guys want an update on the CIT pack that’s here for dovington go to the beginning of the stream when it’s done I’ll show you really

Quick um I’ll show you some of the items did I get rid of the cross ties well here’s the jump this jump is another one that I have from my server but it’s just for my server but here’s the jump and then here are the items there is a whole grooming set this

Uh all of the horse care items like the soft brush hard brush currycomb hoofpick sweat scraper um and groomy caddy that’ll all be available on Kofi for free so if you guys want like a cute little set for your barn to design feel free to have that um you can just enable

It with equestrian CIT and it’ll all work um as for like all of this stuff over here it’ll be for dovington only this uh we have the stallion and may shoe horseshoe sign so that’ll be for like pastures and stalls and stuff uh cross ties uh both a black and brown hanging

Girth you know like tack like hanging Tack and stuff um and then one whole jump which is what you see here it’s a little too tall for a hunter jumpers jump but yeah you could even make that into a series trying to find another Niche pachy try not to uh talk about

Pixel ponies for one video no the the problem is is when somebody subscribes to your channel they’re usually subscribing for one topic that’s why so many YouTubers lose subscribers over time for going off of topics and I don’t get a lot of views on it and I I do it for fun

A lot of times so when I don’t get views I don’t care I’m not like too bent up about not getting views but when I do this for a career I kind of have to focus on the views and like the analytics and when you know sponsors and

Everything and and companies look to partner they’re looking for certain videos that they can latch on to and be like hey this video we want you to create something just like this for our brand um I’ve gotten so many sponsor offers this isn’t a flex it’s just an

Example so many sponsor offers from like watch brands Beauty Brands and I’m like have you looked at my channel have you taken a second to look at my channel because I don’t do anything makeup I don’t do anything Beauty my subscribers are not going to buy an overpriced

Palette uh just so I can get some money out of it just so I can get a profit out of it like no oh my God that scared me I think my sister just like moved past my door but it there was like an there’s

Like a shadow passing my door and I was like oh what was that yeah it was my sister okay I get I see all the requests um I’ll message you guys back right after stream we have a minute 30 left of the giveaway so if you guys want to join

Last minute do exclamation point raffle that’ll be the last giveaway for today but in the next couple streams I’ll do more giveaways um I want to do a giveaway like every other stream if I can what I want to do is if steam would do more sales which steam is doing like

A sale every other month so that’s great what I want to do is wait for a sale and then do giveaways like Red Dead online or red dead and just have you guys like join games and stuff I think that would be fun a little bit more difficult for games like

Avatar or elen ring or something like that um because they’re expensive I mean Avatar was $70 USD that’s a lot of money unless you have the Ubisoft membership which is like understandable but after like I don’t know a few months of paying for the Ubisoft membership you’ve basically paid for the full game

Right there that would be so good pachy realizing she doesn’t want to just talk about pixel horses 24/7 no for real when I’m talking with friends and they like mention pixel horses they’re like pachy there’s a horse on this like I had a friend yesterday or the day before um

She was showing me something and she’s like look there’s a horse on this and I was like wow okay that’s that’s cool um why’ you why’ you why’d you mention that like and she was like you know you like horses I don’t know what they like think I’m going to do like Yay

Horses you know like that that uh that Tik Tok or whatever that’s like like you want to go to dinner tomorrow or whatever and there’s like the like one eye blink and it’s like dinner tomorrow with me they’re like Yay they’re like okay cool that’s what I think that’s what my friends

Think I’m like with like horse content not all my friends obviously a lot of my friends know that like it’s just a very small part of my life but still I’m not going to say like I don’t like horses or like fake and say that like I don’t know

Anything about horses and I just make it for like money or for fun I know a lot about horses and I I love horses I love all animals but there is times where I’m like you know someone’s like oh look who’s a horse and I’m

Like why like they they say it like it’s like a like I’m about to freak out or something that’s so great every time we pass horses I’ll say look horses or like we pass cows I’m like look cows you know that’s just a given but I don’t know it’s kind of

Funny how like my friends kind of surround it with Carissa would love this cuz there’s a horse on it my my dad love my dad uh he went to Cracker Barrel and he bought a light up I actually need to put it up because it’s holidays it’s this light up

Um painting and you press a button and it like lights up and it like has Christmas lights on it and it’s like a horse it’s like two two horses with snow and like a barn in the background and he got it for me and I was like oh thank

You you know you guys can’t see the back of my room but I have a very specific Vibe for my room it’s like a floral SL like greenish Vibe um have a lot of vines have a lot of flowers have a lot of plants like fake plants real plants

Whatever and I was like this doesn’t really go with my room though um but I’ll I’ll put it up and I was like why why’d you get it did you think he’s like well horses and I’m like okay I mean that’s I think that’s sweet

I don’t know I’m like I’m not trying to like say I’m hating on it but I think that’s sweet I think that’s cute okay we’re going to pick a winner for this one all right Macy if you can just say something in chat Macy and then also

Message me on Discord I will get you onto the server as soon as possible I’m going to message back while I get lunch um message everyone back and get you guys all onto the server that way you guys can start playing today if you’d like or if it’s

Late for you cuz it is late in the UK or GMT or even um well in like and Asia right now I’m pretty sure it’s like middle of the night but you know for some people they want to play now so I’ll get you all on the server as soon as

Possible okay Macy I see you all right so that was the last giveaway oh my gosh how long have we been streaming for a while right 2 hours and 26 minutes almost 2 and a half hours you know what it hasn’t felt that long at all it feels like maybe an hour max

Um which is good I feel like if you’re paying attention to how long you stream that much it it may be a little bit insufferable but I like today’s stream um anyways I’m going to go ahead we’re we’re we started here and we’re going to end here my gosh look at my little

Reindeer slippies that’s so cute um I’m going to go ahead and end the stream here because I need to go you guys can’t hear it thank God maybe you can you just haven’t been saying anything I need to go eat food I haven’t eaten all day I’ve

Had coffee oh that’s such a girl thing to say you know girl dinner um I’ve had coffee but that’s obviously not enough and I am hungry so I’m going to go eat food um but I will be posting more videos this week I didn’t have a video

Prepared for today because I’ve been so so busy with everything else and also my editor has been crashing non-stop so I have um right here I have uh RAM like more memory for my computer I have 32 gbt but that’s apparently not enough and then I have um

An SSD to install today I have a friend who’s going to help so I’m very excited for that and then um I also have shelves coming too so if you guys I for completely forgot to mention this I probably should have mentioned it when I had the peak viewers because all you

Guys would know but if you’re watching as a VOD um also if you’re watching as a VOD comment and tell me so I can know but um I have a PO Box I don’t know if it’s in the description but I have a PO box if you guys are wanting to send

Something to to it I will put it in my community tab feel free to do so it doesn’t have to be Christmas themed it can be for anything I’m going to be having a shelf above my um desk that’s going to have all of my fan items on it

I’m going to be moving everything from over there that is all fanmade or fan purchased and scent and put it over here and that way when I do my setup video yeah I don’t know if I’m going to be getting more than one shelf because I’m planning on moving I don’t want to

Move and then have all of my items you know like I have to move all of my items obviously I’m not going to be able to move like um shelves and stuff oh Daphne thank you Daphne for the Super Chat your first Super Chat thank you you’re so sweet starting off the goal

Strong I think it’ll update it’ll it takes its time um and a how-to for a barn I can do that I can uh I can do a how-to for a barn maybe with the next Barn that I’m doing the free Barn I can like show How

I build it and stuff and how my thought process goes I’ll try my best not to be brainless with that cuz like I said I shut off my brain but um yeah so enough yapping for me um I hope you guys have a good rest of your day and I hope you

Stay healthy and safe and hydrated and I will see you in the next video or stream have a good rest of your day guys make sure to be drinking plenty of water and it’s getting cold in a lot of places so make sure to stay warm arm and cuddled

Up and everything um love how my stream deck just stopped working so I’m just going to have to do this manually which I don’t mind I don’t mind pressing buttons we love pressing buttons in here all right love you guys bye

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT & CHILL 🔴 Sunday Stream & Giveaway’, was uploaded by just peachy on 2023-12-11 11:24:17. It has garnered 1126 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:34 or 9034 seconds.

🍓 All of my links in ONE place: https://linktr.ee/onlyapeach 🍑 My Modpack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/peachys-pixel-place/files/4426328 🎁 My Throne Wishlist: https://thronegifts.com/u/justpeachyplays 🧸 My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/justpeachyplays/ 🌼 My Twitter: https://twitter.com/justpeachyplays ☁️ Join my Discord and chat!: https://discord.gg/nbYm4gXvbW ✨ My Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@justpeachyplays 🍑 Channel Member Perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbreLzVIqzOyklyXwWGBi2w/join ☕ Ko-Fi Donate: https://ko-fi.com/justpeachyplays 📜 Want to create a server? Use code “JustPeachy” for 25% your first month https://bisecthosting.com/JustPeachy 🦋 Business Email: [email protected] (Business enquiries ONLY)

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  • RulerCraft: The World Is Yours 1.20.2-1.21.1 – SMP, Factions, Roleplay, Towny, Earth, Perks, Religions, Cultures, Dungeons, Java, Bedrock

    RulerCraft: The World Is Yours What RulerCraft offers: Earth: Full scale world of Earth with all continents, ores and different biomes. Towny: Can start your own towns and nations or you can join another town or nation. Cultures & Religions: Custom set of cultures and religions to choose from for your towns. Economy: Dynamic and fair economy: automatic price changes and trading ships scattered around Earth. Perks: 54 different perks and bonuses to choose from, including Flying in Towns, Custom Warp, Personal Hologram, and more! Senate: Players vote on new features, staff promotions, ban appeals and more. Good community: Toxic… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 2012: The Movie that Minecraft Deserved

    Minecraft Memes - 2012: The Movie that Minecraft DeservedIn 2012, the Minecraft movie would have just been two hours of watching someone build a dirt house and get chased by creepers. And honestly, we would have paid to see it. Read More

  • Crafty Artemia: Ship of Robbers in Minecraft

    Crafty Artemia: Ship of Robbers in Minecraft Artemia and I, on a mission so bold, Investigating robbers on a ship, we’re told. In Minecraft, a mod brings the challenge near, Illager Warship, danger lurking, so clear. On RuTube, Zen, and Twitch, we share our quest, With Discord and Viber, we aim to impress. Join us on this journey, filled with thrill, As we uncover secrets, with skills and skill. Stay tuned for more, on this gaming ride, With ClaDiamond leading, we won’t hide. Minecraft adventures, in rhymes we’ll bring, For all our viewers, let the fun ring! Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Villagers be like “Trade or Die” 😂

    Minecraft Logic: Villagers be like "Trade or Die" 😂 When you spend hours building a house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to blow it up in seconds. Minecraft logic: spend hours creating, seconds destroying. Read More

  • Diving into the Depths of Scary Minecraft Mods Again!

    Diving into the Depths of Scary Minecraft Mods Again! Exploring Terrifying Minecraft Mods: A Deep Dive into the Depths of the Internet Welcome to Profly’s channel! In this video, we delve into the realm of unknown, terrifying modifications for the game Minecraft. Profly has curated 7 distinct mods to uncover their quality and why they lurk at the bottom of the ratings list. So, sit back, brew a cup of tea, and enjoy the video! Mod Showcase: Here’s a breakdown of the spine-chilling mods featured in the video: The Fake Player Starting off the journey into horror mods, The Fake Player introduces a sense of unease and mystery…. Read More

  • 👻Black Magic! Ninja Gaming 9018 Subscribe Now!

    👻Black Magic! Ninja Gaming 9018 Subscribe Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘👻black magic please subscribe like for more videos#minecraft #YouTube short 🥺’, was uploaded by #Ninja gaming 9018#FF on 2024-08-28 13:10:11. It has garnered 513 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Ninja Showdown: Mikey vs JJ in Minecraft

    Ninja Showdown: Mikey vs JJ in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mikey vs JJ : NOOB vs PRO Ninja Student Survival Battle in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mikey World on 2024-08-23 21:00:32. It has garnered 102182 views and 899 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:54 or 1014 seconds. Mikey vs JJ : NOOB vs PRO Ninja Student Survival Battle in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • INSANE IRON LUCK?! Minecraft Hardcore S2 #4

    INSANE IRON LUCK?! Minecraft Hardcore S2 #4Video Information This video, titled ‘ZO VROEG AL ZO VEEL IRON!! – MINECRAFT HARDCORE SURVIVAL S2 #4’, was uploaded by TorpedoTobi41 on 2024-05-06 13:00:24. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:09 or 2589 seconds. Waddup males and welcome to this new Minecraft Hardcore episode in which we don’t achieve anything, but that shouldn’t spoil the fun, right??? Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build 🔥Gyan Warrior vs TechnoGamerzOfficial

    Insane Minecraft House Build 🔥Gyan Warrior vs TechnoGamerzOfficialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic🌟 Minecraft House Build with TechnoGamerzOfficial #1’, was uploaded by Gyan warrior on 2024-04-09 04:54:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Constructing a luxurious house in Minecraft minecraft school hidden minecraft worlds techno gamerz minecraft mod xnestorio … Read More


    xMagicyMC EXPOSED - CRAZY SECRETS REVEALED 👀Video Information This video, titled ‘True right? 🙄👀’, was uploaded by xMagicyMC on 2024-03-05 13:27:34. It has garnered 5284 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Java: play.oreo.gg Bedrock: play.oreo.gg Port: 19132 #minecraftserver #minecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftsmpservers #publicminecraftserver #minecrafthardcore #survivalminecraftserver #minecraftshorts #minecraftsmp #smpserver #lifestealsmp #minecraftearth #minecraftshorts #minecraftmeme #minecraftsmp #minecraft #lifestealsmp #smp #minecraftserver #minecraftsurvival #dreamsmp #minecrafthardcore #minecraftlifestealsmp #minecraftserver #server #minecraftsmpservers #publicserver #publicminecraftserver #schoolminecraftserver #survivalminecraftserver #servers #minecraftshorts, minecraft server,this minecraft smp wants me dead,school minecraft server,this player,it took months to kill this player,smartest player,if you see this player,on this smp,if you see this player log off… Read More

  • Insane RLCraft Challenge – Day 3.5 LIVE with BlankGuy

    Insane RLCraft Challenge - Day 3.5 LIVE with BlankGuyVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 3.5 – Hardcore RLCraft attempt’, was uploaded by BlankGuy on 2024-09-14 04:40:39. It has garnered 107 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 04:30:01 or 16201 seconds. deez nutz #minecraft #rlcraft #gaming tags: touhou,touhouproject,touhou project,2hu, 2hujerk, 2hu project, touhou fans be like,touhou memes,touhou meme,touhoumemes,hong meiling, meiling, eosd, sakuya izayoi,touhou fans, touhou funny, touhou shorts,fumo,fumo memes,東方,東方 project,紅錦,zun,zun memes,team shanghai alice, embodiment of scarlet devil, touhoujerk Read More

  • Insane Build Hacks to Blow Your Mind! ✨ [Minecraft]

    Insane Build Hacks to Blow Your Mind! ✨ [Minecraft]Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 15 Mind-Blowing Build Hacks of 2023! [Minecraft]’, was uploaded by Cubius on 2023-12-30 18:33:15. It has garnered 40463 views and 828 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:03 or 663 seconds. Minecraft: TOP 15 SECRET Build Hacks and Tricks of 2023 in your Minecraft World! Today, in this Video I will Show you the 15 Best SECRET Builds and TRICKS in Minecraft of 2023! This video will help you to make these Builds! These Builds will be working cool in your Minecraft World ! 🙂 This video will help you to make these… Read More

  • Duo Survives 100 Days in Minecraft Hell ft. Yaxi 🔥

    Duo Survives 100 Days in Minecraft Hell ft. Yaxi 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100 Days Duo with Yaxi Part 2 Days 7-16’, was uploaded by Cerberus-Alastor on 2024-09-28 01:50:58. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:31 or 9571 seconds. we got the bastion looted and more diamonds mined but we are going to have to get even more looted up in future episodes so stay tuned and i hope you enjoy — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/cerberusalastor Read More

  • Shocking Confession: PandTeddy Exposes Fake Diamonds! #shorts

    Shocking Confession: PandTeddy Exposes Fake Diamonds! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I hate fake diamonds #shorts #notvixios #skit’, was uploaded by PandyTeddy on 2024-09-24 15:43:55. It has garnered 9556 views and 170 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Teehee Sub goal:50 Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft survival, Minecraft hardcore, Minecraft creative mode, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft exploration, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft walkthrough, Minecraft playthrough, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft beginner guide, Minecraft tips and tricks, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft house tutorial, Minecraft mansion build, Minecraft modern house, Minecraft castle build, Minecraft treehouse, Minecraft skyscraper build, Minecraft city build, Minecraft… Read More

  • Rtrix

    RtrixMINIGAMES • Practice – Get ready for exciting fights on various kits whether 1v1 or 2v2. Train your PvP against realistic PvP Bots and get ready to fight! • Modern Practice – Get ready for exciting fights on various kits whether 1v1 or 2v2. Play new PvP and kits like Crystal PvP and more! • BuildFFA – Kill as many players you can and get coins for special items in the shop or buy cosmetics. • BedWars – Play Solo and Doubles modes like on the popular Hypixel server. You can also practice Bridging, MLG and Fireball/TNT Jumping. • BoxPvP… Read More

  • Abyss SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Whitelist

    Join Our SMP Minecraft Community! Looking for a laid-back Minecraft community? Join our almost fully vanilla SMP with mods for better quality of life. Read the rules, fill out a form, and join our Discord! Rules: No Bullying: Treat all players with respect and kindness. Respect Boundaries: Respect other players’ wishes. No Stealing, Griefing, or PvP Without Permission: Follow consent to ensure fair play. No Nether Roof Travel: Stay below the nether roof for a challenging experience. Modlist: Server Side: Sodium, Lithium, Ledger, Leaves Us In Peace Server and Client Side: Simple Voice Chat, Universal Graves Fill out our entry… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Check Out My Epic Movie Poster!

    Minecraft Memes - Check Out My Epic Movie Poster!Looks like the only thing this movie is starring is a blocky character and a bunch of creepers as the villains! Read More

  • Subscribe and Like for Minecraft’s Delight #shorts

    Subscribe and Like for Minecraft's Delight #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Creativity and adventure, always to be found. Join me in this journey, where the story unfolds, In rhymes and emojis, let the excitement be told. From building grand castles to mining for ore, Every moment in Minecraft, we always adore. So hit that like and subscribe, join the fun, Together we’ll explore, under the bright sun. With each new update, a world to explore, New mobs, new features, always wanting more. So stay tuned for the latest, in every rhyme, Minecraft news and updates, every single time. So let’s dive in,… Read More