Minecraft WARNING: NEVER Build These 12!

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Hello I’m FX toy cat and one of the best things about Minecraft is its brilliant terrain generation which all by itself can inspire you to build a beautiful home or maybe do the exact opposite and make something you really shouldn’t I’ll be honest I’m much more drawn to that

Second category I see something weird in Minecraft and I wonder what would happen if you scaled it up I’ve had this idea so many times now that I decided to hop into my very creative world and build some of these things to convince you why you shouldn’t build them in survival but

Also to show you exactly what they look like because I’m so encouraged when I see random parts of the game for example signs everyone knows how signs work you can write text on them and it’s really cool because now once you’ve placed the sign you can re-edit that sign if you

Really want to which is quite nice however if you crouch and try to place a sign you can actually Place another sign off your first one and you can do this a near infinite number of times as long as you don’t do that right there um but

Interesting thing is you can place signs coming of other signs coming of other signs and you can do this to a near infinite level and then if you want you can then Place sand on top of that this makes no sense on a logical level but I

Just wonder what would happen if you scaled this up because right now it makes kind of a cascading effect and causes the sand to fall over the void what if we did this to a very very very scaled up level and use not just one

Sign but maybe more like 120 and so uh this is the plan I’m going to place a sign starting in a quite high point of my world let’s say right over here and then we’re going to place another sign coming off that and we’re going to make

A giant giant area uh filled of Sand and then we’ll Place signs coming off that sign going in a big big pattern to get a lovely zigzag like this this is where we could start placing some sand sure but I had a better idea what if we then made a giant cube of sand by having

A big collection of signs underneath it I’m going to use bamboo signs right here and I’m going to do it in a big spiral pattern like you can see so that we’ll eventually be able to see just how many signs are triggered of one single breakage point this is going to be

Really handy because then it’s going to create a big Cascade that will go in in a lovely spiral effect causing a lot of sand to fall not in one moment but instead moments after each other this should be a really fun effect that probably will break Minecraft Bedrock

But that is one of the beautiful things about trying it we kind of need to know you might be wondering why I don’t just use commands for this rather than painstakingly having to crouch down Bel each sign and then having to uh dismiss this menu but actually I tried precisely

That and not only did it not work the first time but the second time it caused all of my progress to go missing which is why when it was complete and I thought I was going to have my big sand moment instead I had this no I lost so much progress in that

Moment and it has taught me that I am going to be very very careful when using commands and indeed I’m going to place the first layer of signs and sand manually to be fair it also taught me how cool the sign pattern looks when you

Build it in a spiral it’s not what you’d expect at all but it’s a very fun thing to look at and so now we can place our sand on top of it and assuming we don’t get anything wrong we’ll be able to have this lovely sand layer as a base and so

Now we can finish placing in all of the sand to have a big cube of sand which is floating over effectively nothing again this makes no sense on any real level but it also means that if any one of these signs break all of the sand above

It breaks but also all of the signs connected to it break which causes all of their sand to break and so on and so forth and all of that will be triggered by a single sign which is right over here that’s right this is the sign that

Starts at all and I’m excited to see how it look after all of this has been placed and now we finally have it a giant cube of sand that is floating precariously above nothing all of which will break the moment I hit this sign and I will be doing that right after I

Show you that this exact same set of physics will work with lava and water but in a slightly different way than you expect everyone knows that water meets lava and it either makes obsidian or Cobblestone and so I was thinking what if we placed a giant cube of lava and a

Giant cube of water next to each other what would happen in the end result oh look at that by the way as you get further away from the sand Cube it actually slowly starts to fade away I’m going to be doing this by the way not

Just for a bit of recreation but also because I have this big hole in my world which I was hoping to fill with some terrain and so I figured whatever was left behind by the lava and the water could perfectly fit right here my plan here by the way is fairly simple I’m

Going to place a giant Hollow cube of glass above a another giant Hollow cube of glass fill this one with water fill this one with lava and then remove both of the sets of glass at the same time it does involve me being a little bit burnt

Which is something we’re just going to have to accept but for now that is a full cube of lava and this is a full cube of water which we can now finish up as you can see these two things are directly above each other with a nice 10

Block Gap in the middle just to keep things spaced out now if I do this correctly I should be able to remove all of the glass at one moment and we’ll get to see exactly what this looks like if you’re curious by the way how we’re going to remove only the glass while

Keeping the water and the lava there we can’t just fill the area with air we have to specifically fill the area with air and then replace glass so air will only replace the glass and the space and also we need to make this much higher like 48 blocks let’s go right now oh

There we go okay so things are already happening the lava is expanding seemingly faster than the water the water is going downwards quickly but the lava is going in very unexpected directions now what’s going to happen is the lava is going to hit the water I kind of expecting the water to flow

Outward a bit more but I guess the lack of land has stopped that now this is the interesting moment as you can see stone is being created and seemingly uh that that’s kind of the end of it actually I assumed that more would happen but I

Think I’m just making a giant Stone pill [Laughter] Up okay as interesting as it is to see the lava not filling in in precise layers all at once but instead filling in kind of bit by bit uh I think we’ve just created a giant Stone pillar something I’ll confirm right now it’s even more interesting than I thought all

I actually made was a single slab of stone which isn’t even perfectly square but does look kind of natural so I think what you’ve got to do is have a much bigger water base than lava coming on top of it right okay new plan we’re going to place all of our water down

Including some which is going on the land and then we’re just going to have a single block of lava go above it we’re going to see if that somehow has a better result it honestly might achieve precisely nothing I’m just kind of curious oh well that that isn’t what I was expecting at

All okay I’ll place a few more lava because if you have a single block they don’t seem to spread I don’t understand what’s happening here I just know it’s very fascinating to look at but as you can see free by free lava spreads eventually will hit our water and then

When it does starts to do some interesting things creating some Stone the water below that stone is still a okay because there’s a lay separating them and the lava just seems to spread out from there my whole experiment is starting to look a little bit flawed so

What I’m going to do since I have all of this lava which won’t go away of commands anyway I’m going to place a bunch of water on top of the lava and see what happens when we do it that way around so uh yeah we’re going to do the

Exact same thing we just did except using water instead of lava and we’re going to make sure that these come in at really weird angles just to Del wait I guess we got to try a little bit closer just to deliberately mess with how this goes together I don’t know what result

It will make I just know it’s going to result in an interesting part of the world and again we have floating water by the way okay let’s see what happens when my water contacts the flowing lava hey there we go it slowly starts to vanish and become a weird stream of

Cobblestone yeah I guess that’s about it huh the second idea is a great example of why you shouldn’t try something like this in survival I can’t imagine how messy the clean up that this would get and I don’t even understand how the physics behind any of this work I just

Know that it’s working in a way that hurts everything and everyone around it however that means we can go back to our first idea and finally hit that sign and see the big drop I feel like after a failure you always need a little bit of

Success to pick you up and I’m sure my sand cube is going to be absolutely beautiful to watch but there’s only one way to find out I’ll be honest with you I’m incredibly excited to see how this looks will it happen so quickly that it doesn’t even make a perceivable

Difference on the cube or will the cube slowly turn into a spiral I don’t know but let’s find out oh that is satisfying oh that’s even more satisfying oh my God this is great this is incredible to watch that might be one of the coolest things I’ve ever

Seen and better yet it actually did make almost a cube on the ground if you wanted to move a cube somewhere in a very efficient way I would say a very inefficient way perhaps this is the way to do it that was the cool coolest thing

I’ve ever seen and all I want to do is see it again which is why thankfully I made a backup of the world just before this happened and so if anyone does happen to ever look at this world they’ll be able to do that exact same Cube full for themselves which I hope

You do get to do one day by the way so my next idea here is fairly simple have you ever looked at an ocean monument and thought that it’s got extremely long arms I know I think that every time I’m there and so I have this big body of

Water that’s basically sitting here doing nothing why don’t I find fin make my dreams of reality inside of it and make a longent well first things first we have to go grab an ocean Monument from a world that doesn’t have a magic border at the end because that’s going

To severely limit me then once I found an ocean Monument I want to give myself a structure block one of the very few items in the game which is not discoverable in the creative inventory but instead has to be given bya commands then we’re going to go deep to the

Bottom of the ocean here and place one of these down although I guess we’ll do so from this corner just to be easy and then once we’ve got the structure Block in place I’m now able to copy and paste this tiny section of the ocean Monument

Except obviously I need it to be M much bigger so we’ll go for 50 on that side we’ll go for 35 on that side and we’ll go for 50 on this side and see if that is a full ocean Monument it’s very close to being one huh I think the ocean

Monument is almost exactly 59 blocks wide it’s a little bit less than 35 blocks tool maybe maybe 20 no that’s that’s too short 25 27 there we go so 27 block tool and then on this side I’m going to guess that it’s also 59 did I

Guess correctly yes I did this is an ocean monument and now we can save oh we can’t save this it’s too big I think never mind all it was that I got wrong is I forgot to name it over here so this is ocean structure my Monument we can

Save this to disc or we can save it to memory I’m going to save to dis just to be S careful and now I’ve got an ocean Monument saved in there for as long as I want I think and I can export that as well apparently oh that’s incredibly

Interesting I don’t intend to do that but I like that I can so now we can take this ocean Monument from this world if you’re curious it is from uh last week’s seed Sunday so over there you can see oh look there there you can see it’s the

Village that yeah I I liked so much I even made a short from and now we’re going to take this all the way back okay so I have no idea what has gone wrong here but instead of loading what I’m expecting it to it seems to look like

This but let’s just pret load anyway and see if that magically oh there we go who that was cool huh and so now we look in person and there is an ocean monument that seems to have misunderstood the assignment with regards to where it wanted to be

Placed but the idea is solid okay all I have to do now is look at the monument and realize that this block right here is probably like six or seven blocks off the surface so we just move that down and then also realized that I wanted it

Over there which is along the the white axis I don’t know what that’s going to mean in this case but let’s see what we can do we’re going to off offset the structure by nine blocks and then load in another one looks like this wow and

Just like that although the top of the ocean Monument remains I have otherwise fixed it oh God we’ve got a second Elder guarden over here also a problem but although that remains the idea is fairly solid and now all I have to do is remove

All of this water and it will be great what I’m also going to do now is offset this 50 blocks on the x-axis solely so that if this all goes to plan okay as you can see it vaguely did we now have all of this space that we need which I’m

Going to be using to make the longum in fact it’s mostly already done some of that job for me as you can see uh but it kind of just looks like two Ocean Monuments together I want to just have the second half of this Monument repeat

Itself over and over and over again and so that is my plan so now that we know the size of this is 21 blocks on the x- axis this is making no sense to some people but we’ll save that and then we’ll load it in hopefully offset by 20

Block on the X so over there we actually not a little bit less than 20 cuz we we want to do this like 10 blocks first of all and then that we replace that with our thing longer legs then we do 20 blocks we replace it longer legs and

We’re going to do this all the way till the old Monument is removed maybe I we’ll see what it looks like when we’re done we’re kind of seeing this 10 blocks at a time this is a weird way to do stuff in Minecraft but the end result is hopefully going to be beautiful

Okay there we go has it succeeded or have I made a monstrosity let’s find out together oh we we accidentally left the structure blocks included here let’s uh you know let’s uh drag it on a little bit it looks good from what I can see from the right but what does it look

Like overall it looks like this oh it’s worked okay so besides the mess of blocks over here I have made an ocean longan oh with a lot of extra water too okay one sec okay I ruined some terrain I wasn’t exactly expecting to but I think I have now built myself an ocean

Longent and that is it honestly this is such a funl looking thing we could make this go much further if we wanted to into the mountain using the exact same principle and honestly the fact that it tiles so well is really really cool in my opinion however uh this is just one

Of my 12 things you shouldn’t make I want to make one of these so bad in survival I just know when it comes to Elder Guardians and building you really don’t want to be involved in that speaking of things you don’t want to be involved in this this whole channel

Right but the next idea is one that kind of comes from my love of the never I have a very silly never in this world I love my never because you enter it via this giant Cube but then because the never is scaled down 8 to1 when you get

Into The Nether it looks more like this tiny cube right here which I I enjoy that a lot I also have myself a never Village but otherwise the never is pretty flat here it’s a old super flat console style so it actually is flat never and there’s just not a lot going

On here besides my nether Village and so I figured I could change this given that I have all of these blocks right here wouldn’t it be fun if a part of my never was just a bit funkier than random blocks of a big wall between them which

Is why I want to replace all of my neck with maybe something a bit more exciting because we can all agree the never would look really really cool if you replaced all of these neck blocks with red stained glass so you could see through it however replacing all of these blocks

By hand is impossible and even doing so of a command will make you realize that there is a limit to how much Minecraft can do via commands and on Bedrock there’s no way to alter that so when you try to do your big command it says there’s too many blocks you’re going to

Have to do this 32,000 at a time and so every other time that I’ve wanted to do this I’ll just manually do 32,000 blocks at a time but for such a big section of the ne that’s going to be near impossible which is where the command

Block will come in a command that I kind of learned recently is the execute run as command where you can have a command block do something every single second or every single microc second if you want to and it will every single tick I guess technically and it will run it as

If it is you and so here is a fun idea and so we could take this Command right here scale it down a little bit but then have it follow me around and watch as the world slowly turns the red stained glass so let’s do that now when we do it

We have this magical block that can replace neak with red stained glass except now to go even more fun a look there’s actually some uh you can see some ancient debris there but interestingly enough what we can now do is we can set this same command to run

And follow me around by using the slash execute command we tell the execute command to run this as me and and then we tell it specifically what command we want and then we set the command block to be a repeating one sorry I have to

Execute it at me not as me if we do that now what happens is when I run around the world slowly but surely it replaces it with red stained glass this is incredibly powerful compared to the techniques I’ve been using before and it’s also incredibly cool to fly around

The world and watches it slowly all becomes red stained glass and so now all I have to do is a little bit of a fly around around oh it’s so it’s so fun to watch and then all of a sudden we have a world that looks something like this

Incredibly futuristic if you ask me and yeah it still keeps on going it’s just incredible to go through never caves that look like this because they’re so much harder to spot your eyes are immediately drawn to all of the ores but you just have no clue where these caves

Are going to go or if they’re going to go anywhere Oh indeed um this has resulted in a little bit of a side effect of all of my lava starting to spill but other than that I think this is looking wonderful especially since I can probably just fix most of these

Issues by replacing them with orange stained glass as indeed I intend to do wow every big problem has been solved and now we have an insane looking corner of the nether huh I’m going to leave this command block turned off but I will leave it here in case anyone ever uh

Downloads the worlds and wants to have some fun with that uh it is a thing that I’ll leave around because yeah it is a wild thing to look at the nether it looks like it’s now like a slime never like it’s a big living slime that’s just

Absorbed a bunch of ores here and there it’s also a really cool way to look around and see where the ancient debris is right and so I I like it on that level but you know what else I like on this level things in the Overworld

Because I’ve had a silly idea for a while where you know I think this whole series is silly ideas I’ve had for a while but I’ve had a particularly silly one because just like anyone else who has an iron golem Farm I use it for

Poies but I end up with all of this iron as a byproduct that means I functionally have as much iron as I could ever want with the only limiting factor being the time I’m going to spend to build it and so I thought what could I do with all of

These iron blocks well the logical thing being that most people have iron farm somewhat near a village is what if we could convert an entire Place into iron blocks I don’t want to actually do this as my Survivor well because it just feels a bit tacky but if I was going to

Try an idea that I shouldn’t try in survival this would be the place for it and this would be the perfect Village it’s an entire island with two Villages which logically would mean you get double the iron blocks and so the exact same thing happens here but with iron

Blocks and grass blocks so let’s go I made a mistake somewhere apparently oh no it was the grass the iron block is called ironore block but grass blocks are called grass which means when we do that oh all of a sudden we start to get exactly what we’re going for and at this

Point we should probably remove that command output specifically for this reason but as you can see it is fairly satisfying really is absolutely wild to watch this just kind of appear block by Block in there but it is something that you can do to have something that

Follows you this is a project that you would spend days afking and the end result is that it just looks a little bit like a snowy forest biome without the snowy trees and so honestly can’t say I’m a huge fan of this glad I didn’t spend all of those weeks in survival see

How this video series is useful to me speaking of things that are useful to me did you know you can subscribe to the channel to see more weird things like this this is just one of a series of weird things I shouldn’t build in survival I think we started at 5 and and

We’ve been working our way up slowly since then and speaking of at which by the way this is the fifth one from this video so you’ve got much more to come like this next dumb idea when it comes to weird things you’re going to see in

The rest of the video let me assured you some of the best is yet to come but what is coming next is maybe best only by my own definition because are you familiar with the concept of the half monster half man we have so many of these around

The world as a symbolism of how humans slowly become monsters but in my world all I have are monsters and men and what if we could somehow combine these two things together so we find the exact area the polar bear is on and we save it

Export it as a polar bear do the same to our person skin then we load it into a different part of the world as you can see right here with my panda and then we go just below the head import our top half of oselot and see what that does oh

This is we need to offset this so it actually works correctly so minus five blocks on the Zed should do it although you know just to be perfect we’ll go like minus- 9 or so – 8 make it barely overlap and uh so if we do this

Correctly and I have no guarantee we just did what should happen is oh no it’s facing the wrong way the idea was really solid though right I mean the the idea is is great if we just judge me solely on that I think we’ve nailed this

One okay let’s try that again and there we go look at it I have myself a half Panda half fos has science come too far is this a sign that the series has probably done a few things it shouldn’t I think so but I clearly don’t need to stop there what if

We tried the same but with a warden for the bottom I mean clearly I did such a good job here that I should be trusted to try again and so let’s do it okay next here is my Warden and now we’re going to try and get a toy cat face on

Top of him whether that works or not is a different question which can be answered as a oh it looks like I am an ocelot inside of a warden costume right now which is almost what we want here right that is almost the exact hybrid we

Are going for just of this weird back sort of thing honestly not terrible All Things Considered but definitely not a half toy cat half uh you know Warden hybrid and the same with the panda bear it’s not quite a real hybrid and so we’ve got one chance left to salvage this entire thing

And it obviously comes with the polar bear so I’m placing a dirt block in the middle of nowhere and then I’m going to load in my polar bear hopefully yeah nailed that okay so as you can see right here it’s very far into the body that

This will start so we want to offset on the Z AIS by about five blocks I think about negative five blocks I mean maybe even more actually negative like eight and that way actually know we’re going to have seven seven specifically so that it actually Blends pretty smoothly which

I forgot to rotate it oh no h this you know I had a really good idea here somewhere but I think I messed it up and just like that I have finished covering up my mistake as you can see this is clearly a half toy cat half polar B

Hybrid that okay this is this is terrible I’m I’m going to pretend I didn’t do these last two examples and say that this is clearly proof that I could do much better but oh what’s that there’s no time left for to talk about half human half animal hybrids wow am I

Sounding a bit too Alex Jones right now when I say that well clearly that means that I need to move on to something much more fun and instead of sounding like uh you know some concerning uh news is coming out of China how about I tell you the very much unconcerning news coming

Out of Japan because I love Sonic Adventure uh one of my it’s one of my favorite game series from the Dreamcast and I love uh Pumpkin Hill a level where Knuckles is you know honestly the level itself who can picture but but the idea of pumpkin Hill is fun right the point

Is to say I’ve always thought the idea of pumpkin mountains is a really fun one because you know pumpkins are so rare in a Minecraft world they’re actually rarer than diamonds is one of those weird counterintuitive facts and so why not make an entire pumpkin biome and so this

Is my pumpkin Hill as you can see very beautiful I actually like this as a biome Chace I might want to build around with pumpkins however a fun thing that you’re going to need you can’t just say it’s a pumpkin Hill Covered in pumpkins you need to have something that

Represents that so let’s have some pumpkins growing here if you want to have this work correctly you going to like stand on the outside of the block and then there we go look at that we’ve got a pumpkin stem and it’s basically magically grown and so now we need to

Attach this to a full pumpkin but because this is me and this is my channel it’s obviously going to be a silly size pumpkin wait no we need to we need to Bone mail these first and then let the crops grow but they’re not going to grow without higher tick speed so

We’re going to turn that right up to 100 magically have them grow some pumpkin pins in the only available slot which is right over here I think there we go oh so interestingly increasing the tick speed still gives you really really slow pumpkins in a way I wouldn’t have

Expected but now you can see looking at this as soon as the second one goes in it will complete my giant pumpkin and it did look at that isn’t that beautiful you can have a giant pumpkin made up off the and it will look like it’s growing

From the stem because yeah I just have some super high quality bone meal here this is such a silly idea but I really do like it uh and you can do it with melons as well if you want to cuz they have the exact same rules however

Something that I always get thinking to whenever I’m up in these Extreme Hills is not how can I make more silly things of pumpkins instead it’s something more along the lines of how tall can you even make a mountain this mountain goes all the way up to 242 blocks and obviously

Everyone knows the height limit is 320 which by the way to really reiterate how high that is we are already towering above the rest of the world this is some Amplified terrain that I’ve kind of imported into my creative world it’s already so high up it looks something

Like this if you’re curious which is intense because you can have a mountain with a view this steep over the surrounding area except actually the tallest mountain is not just going up to 320 blocks it’s based on the distance between it and the surrounding mountains when you’re on top of a mountain peak

That is surrounded by just other mountains it never really looks that high because you’re not really going that far down from it this doesn’t look like it’s so steep because it’s surrounded on all sides by Mountain and so what if it was surrounded on all sides by incredible big voids well

That’s the question we obviously have to answer okay so can we agree that this is now a mountain unlike that which was a floating platform you can see that this connects all the way down to the base and it looks incredibly tall from here already but consider that this is on one

Side where it connects to Y 100 terrain on this side it goes all the way down to y0 and looks incredibly tall except wait a minute because of the height limit go down to y – 64 if we wanted to we could make this mountain even taller and I’m

Going to do that by making this trench between my separate chunks go all the way down past bedrock uh just so I have something down on this layer in my creative world I love to have weird little creative permutations and that is going to include some terrain that goes

Right here in a straight line along the negative Zed diagonal and so let’s see what that looks like am I the only one who listens to other side in the shower I hope I’m not the only one I keep mentioning it in videos and people

No no one goes yeah to cat I know what you mean I listen to Minecraft music in my showers too and I’m starting to make me it’s it’s starting to make me think like I’m the only one who likes jamming some pig step in there anyway the point

Is to say is that this is now going to have a big Bedrock connector between these two layers which we can easily uh use as our barometer of the tallest mountain so let’s see how it looks and all of a sudden I’ve got massively increased height Terrain in fact you

Know 64 blocks doesn’t sound like that many so you have to fly up them literally I’m flying up them and it’s taking me this long which makes me then think how tall will my mountain look by comparison well from down here certainly we can say like yeah this is about as

Ridiculously tall as you can imagine a wool being I mean you can’t even see the top from here I think if I get my spy glass out you can just about understand that there is a top there okay I’ve teleported myself up here because I can’t doal with the flight and you can

See just how ridiculously tall it looks you can also see looking down here that it’s just so possibly far away that even with a spy glass it still looks ridiculous but the easiest way to show you just how far it is is the classic test which is the fun jump off it and

See how long it takes so um anyway in Cas you curious uh the weather’s been really good here recently it’s been a lot of rain but I don’t really mind seeing that sort of weather and wow I forgot to put keep inventory on that is a valuable lesson for the future in

Survival uh death test huh but anyway speaking of things uh that are important lessons to learn for the future I think it’s important to talk about how there are some very very big projects uh that I like to imagine I’m never going to actually do in survival but sometimes

Using creative is a great way to Aid what you’re doing in survival or an aid to show how much work it’s actually going to be and so you might be familiar with my big uh never tunnel it was my most recent live stream before uh this current little uh you know break that

I’m on uh going on some stuff but uh you know my in my most recent live stream I’ve been working on the never tunnel so I can get enough never to never to build a never in the Overworld I need hundreds of thousands of rack and at a certain

Point saying you need large numbers just doesn’t really make any sense but actually showed the number of blocks required to reach various milestones in Minecraft in a more physical sense everybody loves the whole oh yeah if you had a trillion dollars it look like this physically because money is surprisingly

Dense in weird ways and so maybe you’ll enjoy the same for Minecraft blocks because being rich and NRA is basically the same as having a trillion dollars and so to prove that here is what one single never block looks like I don’t think I need to explain that one but

This is 1 M by 1 M by 1 M and then if you have an entire stack of these you’ll notice that interestingly even though there’s 64 times more it actually cubes together in a really interesting way because 64 blocks can be an 8×8 square

If you want it to be or a 4×4 Cube because this is what four Cube means it is four blocks by four blocks on each of the sides if you take 64 blocks and you build them into a cube it will look something like this because each layer

Of this uses 16 blocks and there are four lay to make up the whole Cube counterintuitive facts maybe but that means that even though there are 64 times as many the nature of cubic volume means that you actually don’t see that 64 times as many very clearly but you

Can probably tell it’s a lot more effort to move that around than that right however the next level up is to then go for a Shuler box full of NE that creates an amount of NE this big you would need to mine a cube this size on all

Dimensions 12x 12 x 12 it’s a perfect Cube by the way which is surprising but you need to mine it lock that big in all Dimensions if you wanted to get a full shocker box full of resources bear in mind we deal in shocker boxes about uh

You know 10 to 12 at a time uh but if you wanted to have a double chest which is then full of shocker boxes itself well then what would the answer to this be if all of these were filled with NRA all the way through how much would that

Be in terms of a cube well fun fact I don’t know right now I’m going to I’m going to work it out well that would be 93,6 blocks or a Cube that is 45.3 blocks wide in other words it’s 45 blocks wide and then has a bunch of

Extra blocks just kind of stown in there that is the size of a full double chest worth of shocker boxes if you can get that number of blocks in survival you should feel pretty darn proud it’s crazy when you look at a shocker box you don’t

Really think of it as being this many blocks when you look at a chest full of shoger boxes you just think to yourself yeah that’s resources that have been gathered but it’s actually ridiculous if you do that in survival and so you should feel proud but certainly for

Anything besides rack I won’t be doing it anytime soon um I I’m slowly getting there with deep slate just by doing my weird mining trips and picking up copper something I’m certainly not proud of because no one needs this many blocks of any type I don’t think especially not

Deep slate however something you might need in your world besides clouds that render through water oh that’s weird huh is an end to the pit of lava that you’ll be finding there seriously something I’ve considered so many times is just going into my Nether and removing all of

The lava by filling it with gravel and removing the gravel and getting myself a ton of flint in the process but then I work out do I really want flint and indeed I don’t have enough sand to do it that way so I just conclude this is actually ridiculous I’m glad I’m not

Going to however even though this is a project that would take genuinely several dozens of hours uh to do in Survival by myself uh and it’s easy easy easy to do using the same block that I had from before where instead of replacing never act with glass we

Literally just changed the exact same two commands to say uh you know an air replace uh I guess lava or we could go a step even more fun we can replace it with water you know actually I like that idea more let’s uh let’s go ahead and

Replace it with water because even in the real world you can’t do that no matter what you want to do but using oh we’ve got to flip the switch too uh but using the power of commands we totally can do oh God okay so we’re going to

Create a lot of obsidian by accident here but we’re making something quite beautiful I think so honestly seems kind of worth it right although again maybe you might may vary on whether you think this is a good thing or one of the worst atrocities ever I think it’s a fun

Addition to the glass side of the nether but I think oh God we just I I think ultimately we’re probably better off doing this but we’re there seriously if in your world you don’t have one of these things lying around I’m incredibly envious of you look look at this right

Here we got a huge patch of lava and I’m too far away from the Block but you get the point being able to just instantly have lava vanish rather than creating things like this which by the way no longer a problem look at that M magically Vanishing away I think it’s so

Cool what you can do with commands in Minecraft and indeed this series is mostly about satisfying my weird survival curiosity but I hope that it teaches you a few things about how you can do some weird command stuff this is indeed a lot of uh what I will use okay

So we’re too far oh it vanished too um indeed this is lot what I use when I’m making um Maps like the recently released Ultra flat survival update it’s available on the marketplace right now and if you would like you can go check it out it has all of the 1.20 features

And represents the ultimate super flat survival experience if you’ve ever played a weird Minecraft world and you want to take that to the next level I think Ultra Flat’s new update is a great way uh to have the best super flat style experience challenge yourself in the most ridiculous way possible because as

Fun as it is to build something in Creative that takes 5 seconds it’s much more fun to challenge yourself in survival and that’s why I always do so anyway speaking of things that I always do uh at the end of my videos I say thank you for watching I sometimes plug

The merch available ibx toy cat merch no wa ibx cat. store and what I also do is I say that I hope you’re having a wonderful day uh and I also hope that I’ll see you in the next one because I enjoy uh this series

A lot and clearly if we’re on 12 builds you shouldn’t make at some point 13’s going to have to come if only for unluckiness reasons and then maybe it does so terribly we end the series but the point is to say I hope you’ll enjoy

This video I will see you in the next one unless I don’t goodbye

This video, titled ‘DON’T Build These 12 Things in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2023-11-03 20:41:48. It has garnered 18810 views and 1042 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:52 or 2152 seconds.

guess this is a series now!

If you liked this video, here are some others you can check out! ↓ • 11 Things You Shouldn’t Build ↓ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPZxpDm0EoY • 9 Things You Shouldn’t Build ↓ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQa1-Dfd-KE • 8 Things You Shouldn’t Build ↓ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFj35TZAfFU • 7 Things You Shouldn’t Build ↓ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCC1pT10ZSs • 6 Things You Shouldn’t Build ↓ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JedKqSsYlA

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Minecraft Bedrock is the same as Minecraft for Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Windows 10, Windows 11, iOS/Android (Pocket Edition), and Chromebook.

This Video Was Edited By: Ash

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  • “Witchy Redstone Madness in Wild West!” | Family-Friendly Minecraft | Charity Streamer

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  • The Endless Pursuit of Bedwars Mastery

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  • Insane Minecraft Tips with Viper! Day 1 Tutorial #1

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  • “BONINGRO – BEST Minecraft Survival Tips! 💰” #minecraftsurvivaltips

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  • Insane Fireball PvP in Minecraft!! #shorts #gamer

    Insane Fireball PvP in Minecraft!! #shorts #gamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘EPIC fireball fight minecraft + pvp #minecraft #shorts #pvp #minecraft #shorts #shotwithgeforce’, was uploaded by uLmElKa on 2024-01-26 09:31:08. It has garnered 2829 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. EPIC SYNC fireball fight minecraft + pvp #minecraft #shorts #pvp #minecraft #shorts #shotwithgeforce @KG411GD Read More

  • Exclusive: Nobu returns in epic Minecraft gameplay!

    Exclusive: Nobu returns in epic Minecraft gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft WITHE THE VEIWRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’, was uploaded by Nobu’s_Back_In_Blue on 2024-03-24 06:24:35. It has garnered 78 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:35 or 7355 seconds. Toriyama Read More

  • VR Planet: MRBEAST attacks TITANIC in 360° VR

    VR Planet: MRBEAST attacks TITANIC in 360° VRVideo Information This video, titled ‘VR 360° GIANT MRBEAST ATTACKS the TITANIC (Minecraft Animation)’, was uploaded by VR Planet – Minecraft on 2024-06-01 11:45:01. It has garnered 9796 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. Giant MrBeast Attacks the Titanic! Minecraft Animation(4K, 3D). 360/VR video. 📌Our other YouTube channels: 👉VR Planet(2nd channel): @VRPlanet 👉VR Planet – GO!: @vrplanetgo MrBeast: https://www.youtube.com/@MrBeast ►How to watch 360°(VR) video on Youtube? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ To watch 360-degree video (360) on YouTube, a headset is not required – all you need is a mobile device or desktop computer. Instead of… Read More


    Shad SPEEDRUNNER VS ANIME FANGIRL HUNTERS in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘ANIME FIGHTER SPEEDRUNNER VS SUPERHERO FANGIRL HUNTERS in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-26 17:00:26. It has garnered 117891 views and 2661 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:33 or 1233 seconds. Today, Shad is ANIME FIGHTER SPEEDRUNNER VS SUPERHERO FANGIRL HUNTERS in Minecraft! Will Shad get all his anime god powers? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More