Minecraft Zombies: Nogla’s Insane Fails ft. Vanoss

Video Information

Folks bckl in this is actually in my opinion and also Wildcats the best Black Ops 3 modded zombies map and it just so happens to be Minecraft this thing is fully fleshed out it’s beautiful it’s got great perks and an Easter Egg steps and an amazing ending which you

Definitely need to stay tuned for so if you like this stuff folks this more raw unedited slightly trimmed great to fall asleep too uh like And subscribe and as always I hope you enjoy okay I am good to go gentlemen all right ready everyone ready yeah nice nice Evan nice nice all

Right here we go 700 p.m. some zombies we’re not going to talk before we play what’s there to talk about zombies to kill that’s true it’s a good point what my game crashed prompted but no are you serious please please no you’re lying right like just gone dude

He’s not talking not estate Lui out of memory what gone I’m in the whole thing maybe I didn’t load I didn’t load in the map maybe I joined you when you already had the map load I don’t know oh I’m not loading in now either well it’s probably

Cuz it’s the game’s probably kicking him or whatever no no no no M shaft Mysteries okay yeah bringing me back oh what no no we’re here we’re here just Tyler isn’t can Tyler oh I was wonder if Tyler could just join I don’t think he can shaders though yeah they look like

Yours Bri you don’t know what I can and can’t do you don’t know what I can do I want to be you I which map is it Minecraft Mysteries I yeah M shaft I I it could be a thing where Evan’s the host and you don’t connect or do where

It loads the M loads you into the woods you know what I’m talking about it didn’t do that oh you’re here all right let me know if you’re good wait a second what I will what just let me know are you on like a different maybe load a different map and then load

It again change map to a basic one and then change map just make sure give it a second change it now or no work do it say Minecraft new for you okay let’s try it might be that Tyler can’t connect to Evan for some weird reason and then

Someone else has to host that both people can connect to so but we could try someone else what’s your not type in the bottom Tyler quickly quickly you one second moderate but it’s also like I’m like he’s connected to me my n type is open so that means anyone can connect

Work yeah I’m going to be pissed if I die from bullets know yes yes good good I heard a noise click hey clear debr welcome to the next episode Minecraft Bro the text even changed what the dude look at this hey Brian you must be pretty happy we’re

Playing Minecraft I’m not streaming it so there’s no super chats not the same uh true true you’re not getting Easy Money D they even the way you hold the gun though let them true we got to knife them yeah I’m trying to do something I’m trying to do something oh these are

Actually really good like play models yes Brian I know that’s why we picked the M me like I have Downs I know Brian you’re doing great Brian hold on Tyler’s doing something what’s he doing his arms are crossed solo can’t see each other’s fa yeah you

Can cuz the way you all all right let’s buy this let’s move on I I I really don’t like this gun oh no Brian you’re really going to like the map when you come over here come on Brian I can see it me to This truly is a mapman for Terrorizer

Okay can we not can we not keep doing that uh no actually we will keep doing it because you mil me for your title and give zero about my career said you said the G word yeah don’t say the don’t be an sure go ahead take me to court ah my

Sensitivity is so high now I think there’s plenty of evidence all right I’m here now die die die dude was going to be so easy to get mixed up with the zombies exact yeah it’s pretty bad um how do we how do we get a better weapon this is a terrible mine entrance

This way you need to buy it off a wall well I duh but open some gates I’ve opened one already but if I open another this one right here that’s the big deal kill some zombies I have no bullets in my pistol thank you what’s this oh

Kashka we look [ __ ] ridiculous I know dude looks like we’re wearing cardboard boxes so ugly like why do we have to look like all green and brown cuz we’re we’re supposed to be the characters from zombies but as Minecraft is that a child did I shot it I can barely see anyone’s

Face because when you hold a gun you just block your entire like all your characteristics and all you see is just oh I can see how many hearts I have what the you don’t look like any of the characters Nola what okay what what when we we’re we do look like the zombie

Characters we do the guy which guy is it I think it’s Tyler Tyler has the the Kami hat Tyler the Nikolai yeah that’s it that’s it so we we EV you just need to use your imagination you got to fill the pixels in with your imagination o nice goodbye

Goodbye hey we got this hey by the way if you couldn’t tell you couldn’t tell whose house this is yeah I wonder who build that one what the hell are you talking about all oh shoot him in the head almost blew up an end challeng thing here for the end chest oh yeah

Let’s don’t get it yet don’t get it yet oh yeah pick that up goam piss zombies you have a ray gun I got ray gun though what the hell get a ray gun you just go down this may sting a little NOS zombies freaking out you see

Him no tellos where’d you get the ray gun go down and you get one tell those tell us I bet you $100 if you go down you get okay maybe maybe he’s tell them the truth maybe it’s just like a weird feature of the map no no no no the man

Bet the man the hell what was that it was that a little child power Emerald obtained was that you Brian from the Ender Chest you stop let them get over the beds oh really oh it’s like a soul sucker is that what you’re saying Soul sucker so sucker trigger finger trigger finger

Trigger finger everyone is pissing me off you look like Mr Bean these characters suck they do stop focusing on the characters look at the beautiful map the really cool zombies it’s Minecraft could have been a little lower you know what I mean Minecraft ooh diamond armor arms are coming out of

Your ears guys stop come on guys it’s Minecraft we filling this up do we have to fill this up oh we need an axe Minecraft we need an axe guys and we need to turn power on here mine and wow this dude can yeah that that’s not

Entrance I have an emerald where did I get an emerald yeah I see that I have that too Brian picked it up so there’s ender chests I don’t think I did what you didn’t no I don’t think I did uh so if you come over here I think there’s

Power so the emeralds you come over to the villagers over here in this town and you trade them the emerald for something keep goinging keep coming see this blue square I think you give him the emerald with that it’s like power though is that not what the emerald does my armor stand

Is missing find it and I’ll remove the barrier arm stand okay so we know everyone know what that looks like what what looks like an armor stand in Minecraft you know the wooden thing you put your armor on oh yeah no I I know where that is I know where that is yeah

You need that yeah you’re talking about how what the there’s a little [ __ ] you know that’s offensive to say that word I don’t give I don’t give a [ __ ] I don’t care how many little zombie babies I okay so it’s in it’s in Brian’s house if you come in here this is Brian’s

House you go up here here’s the armor stand oh nice keep reinfor that joke oh I’ll keep saying it all right is that an amor stand inace died by sunlight that lack of sunlight I don’t know oh this is Quick Revive died to mutant zombie did you buy it okay so the perk

Machines oh I can buy this too oh hey I picked up flint and steel Evan nice dude he shot that child I thought you were laughing about the flint and steel was a child wow this you have to be 18 to be a zombie is this

A boss the Wither took forever maybe do you guys like the little song at the end of each Round okay there’s people with a lot of money there’s people with a lot of money not opening doors right now and I’m getting a dead guy getting I’ve opened tons of doors I’m all the way over here now I know it’s I know it’s somebody oh I found the axe

Nice I know where we need that come come come over here back where you come from here’s I got to fight my way back this map is fun I just love how relaxing this is do we all need our no I think it’s I think it’s just one I need ax search

Yeah search it kill little grain you sucking my off and you were sitting there it was a booby trap guys it was a booby trap he died that’s offensive to dude okay trap any has anyone seen that clip of the guy the NFL guy the old

Guy he says to the little kid quiet [ __ ] to the little boy the guy the chest and it just gave double points it’s like college football coach uh college football like TV host quiet [ __ ] a little light never seen that okay so the chest just give you

Random dude where did you find that axe Tyler kept walking you told me to buy door so I did and then where is it you use it or do you do you still have it okay nice can you use it [ __ ] I mean Gremlin what there we

Go one edited no video for you guys to enjoy dude you don’t even see him coming chest currently unavailable why it literally says we have to have an axe for it Tyler Tyler Ty where are you shut the up bitch’s there has to be some good

In this house watch out watch out child child oh I have a chest here that for the ax oh all that the chest has given is like random perks and like double Point really so they’re just not even that useful yeah I need I’m picking you up

Going off the wall picking you up you doing eving my settings what gun what gun are you looking for dude the crafting tables are for crafting who would have thought there you go the problem you know you guys you guys unlock the power yet need

An axe to search this one need an axxe to search this one com but you’re probably just going to get Max Ran’s blocking me oh I got what’s I get it blocking cuz we’re playing Minecraft there’s another shot hop ah comedy bro he’s so good very good no very good a AI

We got a flint and steel out of that chest CH gave a flint and steel ven get the Nazi I already have a flint and steel you guys he well that chest gave me a FL Ste finally I don’t know how do we turn on power though yeah

This swordfish gun is nuts dude I unlimited ammo yes I do press e to pick up the pickaxe I have a pickaxe now wait pick pick return it to the Traer go down let’s go get oh I got rid of the barrier here guys the blue one we were able to buy it

The whole time oh no hey hey Tyler Tyler Tyler come here this is important this is important this doorway leads to somewhere guess where we’re going to end up going I’m coming the nether see nether we’re going to go to the nether together wa oh you can go up this ladder

Ow oh I got to return this to the Traer needs a pickax Minecraft characters climbing ladders like this is so unnatural guys where’s the Traer it’s not this guy why am I falling what are we supposed to do here I have to take the pickax to the Traer

Where’s the TR the TR in the village vill still hung up over oh need the guy where’s the power where’s the power I got the power okay did did you give the ooh what’s this a farm field M oh oh my gosh what is that what is that what the hell

What is that what is that what is that no dude what were we supposed to do why do you have a ray gun and I don’t get the thing get the thing get the thing yeah okay come get us come get us guys it’s safe now it’s totally safe

Yeah we’re we’re down we’re down by the farm we’re down by the farm where you guys were before was that like a possessed end yeah it was like an Enderman with armor and KN stuff yeah yeah he look strong right here right here right here oh here we go nice nice

Nice good job Brian how do you have a ray gun you get it when you go down you go down and you get one yeah but I didn’t get one when I went down I didn’t either he’s behind you he’s behind you oh he got us something oh an end oh

It was an Enderman since when do they have swords have to eat Minecraft in this game yes there’s going to be an Ender Dragon it’s that would be awesome hey guys I found an iron golem damn you’re finding everything sorry we all have the axe now right cuz I see it in my

Inventory the Iron Golem was underneath a sorry for killing this guy I’m sorry underneath a walkway what are you talking about Brian you haven’t offended anybody ever I did I I killed that little I feel bad for I’ll do I’ll do some charity work I’ll fix it I wait am

I supposed to be able to go outside sorry I wait what no that’s the wrong one all right you didn’t soundboard it right no Rusty what saying there it is I’m going to go down I’m going to go down all just to play his sound okay this is I love this map this

Is literally one of my favorite maps of all time oh barely done anything I love this top five it looks good it’s got like lots of little things you can do I love how you hats in the bottom and you’ve got like another chest I’m going to open it different things in your

Inventory what you get man what’ you get fire s oh that’s really good portal I’m trying to find one I’m trying to find one dude where are these do they look like just regular boxes different yes yes you can see them in the sky oh turn around to look in the sky over

There over there EV no I know I know where the boxes are like I can see where they are I just haven’t seen guys I’m in the oh you went to the ne without us yeah duh T was right beside a big giant portal I opened it up and went into it

See if it worked and it did oh there it is yeah a big purple guys sck together together what’s this the Rampage ooh yo this is like a shotgun come on guys into the we go oh that was a Witter that was a witer wi who is wi I’m in the ne

You’re wi it’s right the portal you’re witer we going to the ne wi reset it no Nola come on this is crazy look is [ __ ] this is crazy want another Nola yeah hold on yeah yeah going to go down the okay go here go go

Go go go go now go now go now go now now go now go now go now go now go which way do we go oh this way but how do we get in how do we what are you talking about like this oh oh oh

I think there’s some Parkour go go go this this map is awesome I told you oh my God this is way this is the greatest Minecraft mod ever ever ever ever this is the best most greatest awesomest map ever look at look at this like this was

A man know for a fact a virgin made this you know for a fact look at this Co to be honest know I would know if I saw one a virgin was here he did this I used to be a virgin so I know what it looks like this is

Virgin everyone used to be a virgin no there’s still people that are virgins to well we don’t know if you three guys have had there’s no proof it’s just your opinion there is some proof walking around Dublin few Brazilians tell you yeah I don’t believe

It if I see a little Brazilian kid do the Terminator voice then I’ll Trust you guys I kind of want to walk on lava down here but I feel like it’s probably a bad idea don’t do it man we’re doing really good we’re doing really good what was that sound that’s the

Jailer oh no no no no no challenge kill 50 in the nether that was a challenge get in get in get in we got to get this nuke we got to get this nuke yes I get the ammo I’ll get the ammo man it’s round [ __ ] and we haven’t

Even he grabs it he’s like yes oh I really want to walk on the lava but there’s no way that’s all right I’ll do it then this guy it hurts do you hear your character look listen this guy is strong this guy won’t die when you get

When you when you get okay he’s chasing me now he’s chasing me now that moment when she bites your guys you you screaming Brian okay I got him my my God my God my that moment I’m just trying to make this video relatable how many people watching this

Have had their bit comment down below if you’ve had your B comment down below if you had your bit where we going thanks guys I got wed in the corner comment down below if you’ve been F in the okay I’m curious too go ahead and post

Down all right guys on three we’re all going to jump in the lava no we got to figure out the Power Man the power really need to figure out how to get the out of here wait go back to the portal where’s the portal I have 177,000

Points the same gun I’ve had the whole game I’m yeah I’m getting out of here see you later I have yet to find the Traer that supposed to we have two we we actually have collected a a lot like a lot oh oh no I got I’m not going back

For you portal I went in the lava I returned something to this guy hey guys I have a ray gun you can revive me and he gave me a flag you know I fine I didn’t all I had was Wall gun that’s why I’m not Reviving you resources to buy that’s

Why we get it oh we can revive him now no we can revive him now we insta kill I’m coming back guys I’m coming back how you’re going to get I don’t know how you get no no don’t worry about it don’t worry about it don’t worry

About it I’m coming back I’m coming back I got you I got you I got you I got you I got you I got You I was right there getch from the Villers all the villagers trade Pack-a-Punch parts for the things they need that gun is sick shoot that small child no hesitation why was there a need to hesitate requires power dude we need power for everything I might have just killed myself have we missed power

Somehow and just mys is that possible just one ball comment down below if you’ve had your comment down below that is no down I can’t say that okay you keep shooting them there’s a little child you’re ignoring had to reload yeah well me now I can’t I’m getting surrounded I’m killing them me

No no no no go go get them get them crying the little child I oh I got ray gun I told you you go down you get ray gun little child oh look meanwhile have to say m to kills 224 except you’re more Downs debatable oh look you’re live oh

Hey Tyler oh nice oh I’m killing all right we’re back guys he got off started playing he did a solo let’s play all right start well that was cool but didn’t accomplish anything we we had nearly the whole thing beat we just didn’t know how to turn on the power we’re doing pretty

Good M shaft by Brian Michael hamy the controversial revolutionary book M shaft okay we get it jeez without soon come to an end I got to I got to get you as a my throw a title remember I texted you oh okay well get out of your system today no problem Let them in boys so we can knife him and get out of there knife on we get out of here 750 now knife him all right now guys there you go that’s lovely one a box cutter don’t shoot him you’re shooting you’re shooting that all right

Tyler buy the thing buy the thing come on come on Tyler come on come on D buy the thing no okay P blue oceans I’m going to order McDonald’s you know what when I work out on the days I work out I get so hungry so so I then eat three days worth

Of McDonald’s to ruin my workout no if you just get burgers it’s pretty good protein it’s pretty chill it’s not that bad for you comp carbohydrates it’s diry bulking it’s dirty bulking knife guys bu knife knife gentlemen wait now shoot over here is a swordfish open this

Open this open this open this I’ll open it you oh the box is over here I’m going for the box like that Musical dance mov have you ever heard have you ever heard of the the movie Dirty Dancing Yeah that’s what I was referring to You’re So I actually haven’t seen it I

Haven’t seen it either is it a thing only cut down so many you say I’m just trying to make can you reference it and then ask is it a thing I just thought it would be a movie that Hollywood would make Dy dancing sounds like a Hollywood movie there was a

Murder here what wean there was a murder and is there there’s a story to this I will die with cold blood someone wasted their diamonds on a hoe between the eyes that’s like um have you seen that Trend where they get AI photos of dudes on Tik Tok uh like

Minecraft and it’s like a slideshow and it’ll be like three photos and it usually ends with a pun like what you just said there about not and spending a diamond on a hole and like so if you go like uh on Tik Tok you download Tik Tok there’s slides

Right oh my God Jesus Christ you basically you watch a slide and one of the trends happening right now is a tree slide so tree photos and after the other and it has like AI Steve and all right so if you get a smartphone okay I

Found an ax all right I’m just not going to talk for 10 minutes W Evan said that’s a w Big W there is a w that’s a w I don’t know how to get through here I want to go to the box sorry no the whole story was

Riveting and everything it just took way too long can I finish it then give it a go guarantee so it’s a slide and like it could be Minecraft Steve right and he’ll have he’ll have like um he’ll look he’ll have like chains on and and then and then wait no the first

Line would be like I’m I met a girl right that’ll be the first caption on the first photo and it’s Minecraft Steve and he’s he looks like a gangster you know what I mean he’s sitting down but he’s a sad gangster gangster and then the second frame you should you shouldn’t didn’t

See him yeah it’s okay okay actually you’re allowed to say [ __ ] you are one bra it’s not nice got that so you’re fine uncancelled blle so like back to my story I that’s right that’s why I say a lot exactly and and Tyler can say

Got him got him because he’s I love that you only have that part that’s all I need that’s all I need say anything really bad we just do that it covers all so we go back to the story of the Tik Tok slide it’ll be Minecraft Steve is a

Sad gangster and the first one caption would be caption would be um met a girl met a girl and then the second one is on the second photo he’s still sad it’s just a different kind of thing going and the second photo would be first caption

On the first one would be meta girl second one would be but you know and it just say that but and then the third one is you shouldn’t spend your diamonds on a hole and it just ends on a pawn and I’d have to link it to you I’d have to

Send it TI you somehow told a whole story but told us everything we knew about the story I’ll I’ll send it to you just you gave us no new information there at all you’d have to see it all you’d have to see it to get it use that

G Max Brian I don’t know where it is there chests with question marks on them and all these buildings that need opened okay you have to hold e to open them or F whatever your button I think I think just couldn’t think after all I think T

I think Tik Tok has ruined my cerebral frontal cortex I think my walk speed delet Tik Tok tra no I deleted Clash R that’s that’s swear you said you deleted Tik Tok no I delet I deleted maybe for a few minutes and then install it again which Trader which Trader uh

It’s one of the ones by the nether portal the tra the trader here needs a armor stand the other one needs a pickaxe and one of them needs the Iron Golem did we turn on the power last time all right over here we actually never learned how to pick up a turn what’s

With those pops oh that’s that’s when you pick up uh items yeah where’s this chest oh in this building Brian in all the houses every house in one are you guys able to do that are you guys able to make your mouth pop like that you got

To wet it first you go do when I’m on that what what does that even mean I made that me and EV already we did a bit on this a long time ago really I think it might even been while playing zombies with all right for the final question of the spelling be

Spell oh it was like really fan when you said it oh I know the answer sounds like that’s what I’m saying I almost died though um oh you this map is Hitch yeah giant map giant map can I get over there wait oh that just makes them slow I’m already

Slow okay oh I give him the pickaxe and now we got a PA for um yeah the Pack-A-Punch okay I was kind of excited share doing last died oh dou points there’s another find the power that’s really our issue here I got the SWAT Rift oo I get to that box over

There carpenter we not figured out how to get over there yet what are the chests for the ones with the question Mar they giv us little you have to use the axe to open them I don’t have an axe Ryan has the axe wait only one person gets it in it’s

Bra so St I had last time like but it took a while for me to get it and I don’t know how I got it I returned Iron Golem and I got another part of Pack-a-Punch off this guy are we getting Pack-a-Punch before power where is Power where probably it’s probably really

Obvious it it’s not ran you have not gotten a lot of chests Well Point them out I can’t they’re in houses man in every house you don’t check you’re never going to find yeah you need to go into every single house no no GL no GL no you

Know the chests are closed on your screen they’re also closed cuz I’ve actually been opening them they close after they’re done uh I don’t think they do they do Tyler I’m going up to them says the chest is there’s another one here there’s another one here Brian in

Here in here over there no you open it yeah have you not seen the carest empty chest it said and then it says chest currently unavailable double points all that that was me opening chest okay okay okay thank you thank you fly fabrication um so this guy needs an armor stand did

We find we haven’t found that I mean we I’ve seen armor stands but apparently they aren’t the actual one they AR the armor stand yeah where is the armor who’s killing the last zombie I think we need time to search around a bit that was me not going to lie good

It’s all good it’s all good I’m just curious I want to get to the [ __ ] Box O new new area new area I found a new area oh no it’s not new it’s the fam hey no did you get that shotgun in the Box last time no Rampage no it’s on

The wall over by the Ender over by the nether end port right here right here you’re beside it you’re beside it yeah right there right there nice dude sh it’s not good by the way I’m just saying good to me it is good it’s a one shot head shot

The like here’s an armor stand and it’s let me take it it’s not the you shoot the child yeah wait who who who armor right off where was it it was right there it was just it looked like all of the rest of them but I could it we fill

Oh there’s an outlaw here I think that’s a sniper yeah I’m telling you right now the SWAT Rift is we to the left don’t kill anybody don’t kill him leave him this box we must fill up this box oh yeah does someone have to fill up the end chest BL that St it’s

Like 50 kills on the Ender Chest were they not close enough I don’t know I don’t think it even does anything Brian was Brian did you do the Ender Chest oh you have to hold F to start a challenge that’s why I know I was trying Sor wait a

Second do anything M you guys didn’t give him the armor stand I’m giving it to him here you go was that the game uh it was like something there was something Mr Bean erotic to that like that was Mr Bean in Minecraft mother getting a blow that’s what that sounded

Like oh no oh no this is where dead what how do you killing did you yeah the shotgun you said just obliterated that it is though um it’s actually quite good all right there’s a there should be we can got surrounded got off pounded and surrounded why is that funny got

Surrounded founded shut up yeah I’m not going to lie there’s quite a few zombies around you zes well on the way there like on the way there on the way on the way on the way on the way Send Me On My Way

Send Me On My Way Way Send Me On My Way cover fire thank you oh you got a kick to him Outlaw oh okay um challenge going with a shotgun did you give him you give him the armor stand and what did he give you uh Tyler

A part like for the Pack-A-Punch I think we have all the parts now we just need to go to uh there’s one crafting table one crafting bench that allows you to craft I don’t know where that is start oh the start that build we we also can

Get a shield if you press if you press tab you can see there’s a shield you can build me I’m um was there anything in the nether we had to pick up we saving a zombie send me I don’t understand what’s in the nether cuz I’m not finding anything

Running around I’m playing solo per okay let me I’m way here’s the crafting table wait you’re a dirty [ __ ] yeah I’m really lost in the nether I I don’t understand what this place is for other than just collecting the blaze rods doesn’t seem to have any other purpose additionals

Requ huh we’re we’re doing pretty good we’ve collected a lot NE or no in the nether there’s nothing dude nothing nothing in the nether got to be aart got to be no I looked no par we turn on the power that oh sh I’m in trouble here Bo oh I doded

Him I unlocked power somehow don’t know how but it’s here what when how I don’t know come back to spawn don’t know how we did it maybe it was when we gave all the guys the parts or maybe because oh probably because we got the Ender I

Don’t know I think it’s probably because we gave all the villagers stuff right go that way don’t kill it I didn’t know he was last where’s EV F trying to make it there I know [ __ ] hell do you get this map is too big going to go all the way way

Around no not even a guarantee if that’s going to lead me to where you guys are da come in all right here come in all right boys come here into Brian’s house oh I got aart no that’s probably what we need for the shield come to

Brian’s house look I’m coming oh my God wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I want to see I want to see underground boys underground no come underground where where where’d you go what oh here’s a guyd guy dude I was stuck and they were hitting

They were hitting bro oh you got to shoot them to get rid of rid of them oh yeah yeah yeah oh we going to get so oh this is not good little person found a way to goep oh little person oh we got the challenge 40 kills

With a shotgun what that do uh guys they’re coming they’re coming but I got I got I got ray gun and Brian’s blocking blocking it I got ray gun Brian’s blocking it pick us up pick us up up pick up pick up pick up pick up I’m

Protecting you I’m protect you I’m prot you there we go holy sh shs a child he it’s in a chest I think I have to I have to search these chest for an anvil oh oh my gosh are we okay continuing the mission to the power dude where is the power

Down low down holy piss in my look down here boys damn this is big what’s this for requires power power up here we need powering for the ax come up here come up here down here right where I’m shooting look down look down I grabed you okay

You got it you got it got it got there’s only one person get an axe no there’s two now down here we need power on so bad dude I trust me the power is somewhere over here Max up here here here where uh left go down and left no

Why would I follow oh my god dude this map is nuts okay okay here I got R Gun I got r g i got oh they’re both down we got to go back for them we got to go back for them we can’t leave our friends

Behind we both have Ray Gun oh oh insta kill insta kill insta kill little child my oh no dude pick me up first I got I got ray gun and I’m protecting you I got hang on hang on r on and then they’re right there they’re right there watch

Out for the little children come on I’m down I got ring no way you got to be kidding me man [ __ ] nuke that okay where’s the power we don’t know still There It Is We I returned the emerald to this trailor and he turned on the power okay serious yes now what’s

This flint and steel I knew I saw something on this oh my God what is this in here ender eyes I found flint and steel we need to the obsidian I am so sad right now I am so sad is a jug or anything how about widow’s wine in here

Willly you got Wily you got Wily’s wine oh my God he just spawned in me I’m dead oh my God he’s coming they’re coming they’re coming my little child who’s not watching my ass no no no no no watch your back watch your back watch your back watch your back watch your

Back watch your back we are not saving you Brian we are not saving you me again I wasn’t expecting it wait is that is that a nuke info oh we can save him we can save him we can save him just spray L key left key left Mouse left Mouse

Left Mouse left left left left left left left there he is there he is yes my god get up get up stay in here stay in here stay in here stay in here this is a spawner did we shoot this thing to break it I’m going down I’m going down I’m

Going down I don’t know what’s down here spawn the big boss on me it did not okay I’ve got a vapor but got my VAP Speed Cola right here gentlemen this room Speed Cola down aad I just down down I’m down where the power was I don’t know where

You are uh down more down more down more I don’t I’ve never been lowered in this I’m that is you just keep going down and you’ll see it you keep going down got double tap I’m just trying to not die sorry I can’t really help you

More than down out sorry I oh God sorry oh no little I didn’t know what to do man nuke nice I don’t know if I can get to it though dude this map is huge I can’t get to it I’m going to die I can’t I can’t [ __ ] this map is

[ __ ] I don’t know where I am nuk I don’t know where I am you guys okay Tak so long to get Oh no you’re on the other side of the wall no oh this is it this is it little child this map is so hard

Oh I just want the Box dude you guys have no idea how deep that M shaft goes you have no idea that is oh someone just got up I could see you but I couldn’t open it I love when there’s a silence and you just hear

It oh here we go again we’re in for a long night boys Buckle in Buckle in drink your glitch glitch energy. yes sir link down below please okay now if we knife him guys we we’ll we’ll be fine just knife him we do all right so go on can we just get

The power first right yeah how did we don’t know what we did to open that underground beautiful highest round reach round 97 wow right this could be our new Minecraft series I guess more entertaining than the other one so far okay I’ve opened the door Space Mod dude

We just go to empty planets and mine sand literally the first one the moon was fun but outside of that definitely wanted to plug my how we open this I pretty confident that we gave all four of the trador something and it opened it that’s what I think but it must it must

Be did you pick up this uh armor stand no I picked the one by by the fan F the farm it was the farm one what if we did the challenge here guys what if we did this challenge here get 50 kills in the nether okay we’re not doing that we did

It first our first time oh nice nice a nuke at the end a little splash of cash love to see it so now now I think once we open up a lot of areas um we can we can basically getting all the items to the traitors why are they CU there’s a timer

Or did you already know when you were just saying it all right it’s blood this is like a secret or whatever I feel like is when we give all the Traders the items I never did anything like giving items or whatever whatever it is I didn’t have to do

Anything I needed that your you know your iPhone Guys you all have iPhone right do you know you know it feels so weird without a case do you ever ever feel your iPhone without its case it feels like so much smaller in your hand it’s slim and kind

Feels like it doesn’t have a case feels like it normally just like without a case that’s why I like the the the square corners cuz it doesn’t feel that bad but then when it’s all like thin rounded one feels weird like holding a Pop Tart my oh this is delicate like you’re not

Either I’m breaking this or I’m eating it wait are you serious right now are you serious right now youat this last guy is this last guy how you we need points Brian we can’t open stuff to get the parts we still need points you didn’t even check if that was last guy

Didn’t care it was double point you kill you need money this is serious this is some serious oh who got that you’re Afra then you’ll be careful it was it was underneath a like a sink or something don’t be afraid of me oh careful saying the word sink careful saying that that

That word changes fast to something else how did that happen only when you say it no no no no all right relax relax relax that guy was strong man it was a strong guy hey that was a strong guy strong zombie guys that guy right there

Was a strong guy for a strong zombie a strong guy oh I got the pickaxe return it to the Okay so we’ve gotten a pickaxe that’s good um we’ve got an iron golem that’s good I need more zombies to get the armor plate where do we get the

Axe why is that funny to me me flirting with a villager all right guys what should I order from McDonald’s a fish filet I thought you did that an hour ago no I was waiting to see I think I’ll get a fish filet and a fish filet and A4 pound

Of a cheese that’s good that’s pretty healthy right no no it’s got good meat there’s meat man that’s protein right there and then I think and then like 10 times as many carbs and fat he’s written he’s written his own it’s not it’s healthy it’s actually healthy they even say how many calories

You’re eating when you order McDonald’s that’s really healthy nice that’s that’s great kind of healthy stuff there I know exactly how many calories I’m getting how many calories have you burned today Lords dude Lords you have no idea it’s not about the exact amount it’s just about making sure you do something you

Know you know I’ve bought many a cal many a candle in my day many a candle I have burnt many a candle don’t get them into macros oh yeah macros amino acid profiles complex carbs you know all that stuff by McDonald’s covers it all and if

You want to if you want to have uh some some nice vitamins from fruits just get a nice orange Fanta which you have the axe or have we not found it yet I have the axe but someone looks like they give it back to him look I tell you what man

McDonald’s actually gives you apple slices with kids meals so that covers that one great that’s great do you get them do you have kids meals and have the Apple no Leah just brings me a banana a banana well aiah gives me a banana aiah just brings me a banana what are we

Missing now we’re missing something else wait did this guy already get it yeah he did so that guy already got whatever he got you guys should be nicer to McDonald’s is that thing open yet um wait now Guys open yet let’s slow down a bit here let’s slow down a bit here I

Have opened that was a waste of my money it opens once you get the emerald I don’t [ __ ] know I think it opens once we give all the Traders the stuff that’s when have you given him the iron yet I did I did now the guy with

The armor stand is closer back where you first release the you know what I’m talking about right you get it you guys know what I’m talking about no by the way do you see all these Minecraft Nazi signs yeah no I’ve been talking to Brian B I only saw one

Because some of them like they look different but then one is like oh that’s just a swast yeah I was like huh they’re not really oh wait never mind all right I think it’s over here I think I found it um and we have the emerald to turn on power hammer stand

Okay it should open up now here it goes okay hold on let me grab the PA I beautiful beautiful secret door opening oh did did it open yeah wow you guys s you guys have your fake voices hurry up no it’s not open I’m going to get there it’s not it’s your

Fake voices it’s your fake voices what happened to the sign why did it fall over oh is that what you’re supposed to do shoot the sign why is it not open guys why is this not open I don’t know dude it’s a mystery obviously why is

That not open uh wait I know why I know why I know why I actually know the reason I actually know the reason somebody come by this you did something actually know I actually know I swear to God by this you did something didn’t you

I swear to God I know come here by this this lever I bet this lever does it see it’s got a question Mar mark this lever 1500 oh for crying out loud little [ __ ] little guy do it did it work yeah that definitely did it that

Definitely did it that had to do it it has a question we could have went down there way earlier we’re doing this the hard way yes oh for crying out loud genius okay just move quick boys buy doors buy doors buy doors buy doors shoot shoot spider webs oh little child I’m tting

You man oh what what the hell did I just see shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot never mind why is it saying I can pick up a par but it’s not letting me pick it up good job Bri oh my God I don’t know which one he was right behind

Me I thought you had an un loock down dude okay okay let’s wait 25 kills while jumping that’s easy you do I just turned the cor he’s swimming laughs I can’t get out oh getting some card like a little bit of cardio we way which way we going wa secret hold

Whoa whoa whoa that’s a I so if you see a blue guy out of the water if you see a blue what run around you I’m dead I’m dead you guys are killing me guys do you guys know the guy that um sh and come back here kill zombies you oh nice okay

Can I talk now do you guys know the zombie um the you know you speak so slow SP the [ __ ] okay so like you know what time Brian when you were put I was putting carpet down and you picked up the carpet and it caused me to die yes

Yes the big monster that can only go listen for sounds and that guy if you see him if you see him shoot him power’s up very good very good very good oh here he is right here there’s a statue of him right here where’s Double Tap where’s

Double Tap where double tap and J speeder after every boss we beat we put double tap is here tap is here that’s good right we want that right good where’s where’s where’s that big Gu oh I got cornered I didn’t even die from the big guy Jesus Christ that’s it that’s it 360s and [ __ ] them up dude oh I screamed like xqc okay do we know where remember when he remember that scream nice nice oh yeah flint and steel Flint

Someone pick up the flint and steel I did I picked it up I don’t it’s up it’s the up and down it’s up and down it’s up and down man oh my [ __ ] Christ I’m going to go down I’m going to go down it’s up and down I don’t know what else

To tell you it is up and down man the is this shoot this guy oh we got to shoot all those to get him around the thing to get to the Ender Dragon what the hell going on what the hell bro okay down here Evan to your left down here down

Here down here open this open this how much money you got you loads of money this downish yeah you got to shoot those okay so it’s I’ll buy this one I think that’s fair right get points now okay that’s okay and then down here and here you go

So this is where we’re going to die oh yeah this is very Dy very Dy this is very d d d the he the where is the that’s all I want yeah I haven’t seen it once this whole game okay here we go Evan I bought more oh it’s back there

It’s back there did you see it it’s back here see that green green that’s that that’s it right there green oh I can get it now give it to me I’m going to die yes yes I can reload fast until I die in probably 5 Seconds come back out here

And help me uh well I’m I’m going help you use that going upstairs no are you coming or no no okay dude this zombie just did a barrel roll at me ath I’m trying to like explore down here and like light the fire another is already

Lit okay so I think we have to do anybody find jug yet yes top of the stairs like wait top of what stairs stair top of the other stairs the ones we came down initially there’s a guy thereal to him okay there’s another secret there’s another secret kind of compartment

I’m not sure how we get to it uh but there I think it’s probably on the other side I think I got the last guy I’m going to be I’m going to yeah yeah yeah oh here it is Boom okay I figured out another secret okay that’s good light

The fire okay Ryan’s mining the zombie that’s goody yeah this place is crazy we got to find an anvil from one of these chests okay down here as well rid of all the debris part for what this map is [ __ ] insane what is this hell portal oh [ __ ] you’re

There I found Pack-a-Punch I really wish I had a you found Pack-a-Punch book crafting Pack-a-Punch okay good I have no bullets left what the oh about a pack-a-punch what’s down here Electric Cherry link the portal downstairs what do I have to do how do I I linked the portal I was

Trying to get Jug okay I got it I thought I had to suck I I’m hey man I’ll do hand for I didn’t know jug was just beside him I have no bullets yeah same dude I’m going to need protection uh Tyler are your smart right no okay there’s an axe

Down here there’s tons of axes around if you guys haven’t found an axe what where they’re all over the ground in certain places there’s one down here there’s one uh up there by the um oh there it is go obtain the axe now I can finally open

Those shagun Bo chest if you Shield bash this there’s a secret yeah what is that what’s the shield bash what is that a shield obviously to perform a shield bash you need a shield oh oh so we need all the parts for what the hell is in

Here a waiting link I already linked it it’s currently not available here oh there’s a whole Library oh Brian I found the mystery box nice so it is down there it’s all bro it’s in the last that’s far it’s literally in the last room in the whole

Map wait you get money for shooting cobwebs oh oh and it gives me an augur dude it gave me an augur hate augers man excuse me excuse me flint and SE oh here here’s uter fire here’s here I found the campfire you need flint and steel to life my Lord there’s pack-punch

How do you get to Pack-A-Punch is it blocked from oh you just walk in here all right who has the flint and steel I do here Tyler over here over here where where oh box baby give me them G 45 that’s what they’re call they call gas this is a perfect time order

McDonald’s another is already lit yeah that’s what I was told too chicken nuggets chicken nuggets chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken nuggets you’re good protein chicken chicken nugget protein protein chicken chicken nugget chicken nuget I don’t have any money for you know what I can get diet cork because that has no calories in

It just saying can’t be on my life no don’t medium diet C cuz I’m on a diet please murder the zombie don’t I’m going to get a Mac chicken as well really carable loading today guys bulk today cut tomorrow who the [ __ ] did that and I got mule kicked I thought that was

Speak You’re oh great I’m down in a dungeon you we’re dungeon yeah Brian we’re all in the dungeon Brian we’re all in the dungeon ordering McDonald’s oh we can go deeper oh this is where we have to put all the ender pearls oh we need Evan I’m going to kill

You do you guys did you guys hear that thank God ramper this there’s um War I can War yeah I’ve beening teleporters and I haven’t figured out if they work yet I’m not going to lie guys this map is great I’m having so much fun dude we’re

Not going to beat it though so we’re going to have to play BL the rest of our lives it takes a long time zombies are sprinters now just you know I don’t know why I don’t know why what little you guys should you guys should come you should guys should come deep

Into the tunnel into the M Shaft come deep into the M shaft rather not die no no no if you come deep in the M shaft you’ll be okay in my sha guys listen I’m not joking to my I teleported I didn’t want to that purple teleporter works now take

Okay real real real quick nice where is jug it’s for the millionth time at the top of the stairs of that open mine area top of the stairs of the open mine area where’s thatch top of the stairs of the by quick revive it’s like no what’s he looking

For a joke yeah down there down there down that Corridor look for the man with the red oh thank you now blow him I did I did Brian you should shoot those cobwebs and apparently apparently if my Anvil turns up in one of these chests

Return it to me and I reward you hands I haven’t found a single Anvil I think it’s like RNG or something I open I’ve opened so many empty chest challenge in progress we have a challenge where we have to jump and kill them oh he just

Did a t uh-oh guys I figured something out what that’s it that’s to tell you that’s the oh I’m learning yeah I’m becoming self aware I’m confused guys my bad guy well he didn’t spawn on me so it’s one guys oh yeah he’s near come on Here you just Mumble [ __ ] or something you can say that oh I just drank a drink that gives you extra ammo for all your guns and boy does it give you extra ammo wow good the Bandelier one the orange one uh I don’t remember where did you drink it be

Helpful uh by the guy with the axe and the diamond armor by uh God your brain is EXA if you take a if you take a next time oh yeah one if you’re if you’re the Microsoft reset so if you go if you uh if if have

You ever do you know do you know where you know you know by the time you finished saying it I found it and bought it yeah there you go you’re welcome not give you that much oh wait I another on is do you have to hold F to search the

Chests yes does it say hold F to search the chest there’s a cat how have we not seen the cat yet oh you’re supposed to shoot the cat so if you see like different things that shouldn’t be there you should shoot them because I think

You need it for an Easter egg of some kind the little guy with your last on definitely need oh I see what we’re going to do here Brian behind you so we could build a shield and then we’re going to have to break this with the shield

That we may have figured that out a while ago I didn’t mean to teleport can I teleport back no anyone need a max ammo yeah are you guys looking for stuff yeah I found flint and steel again oh yeah Bandelier gives you so much ammo it’s

Not I’m trying to see if we miss something on the surface before I go stupid zie before I go down little child die oh go to the ne at all no we haven’t really gone oh where do we get more ender pearls invincibility I got we got to kill those uh those bosses

I killed one I didn’t get any bullsh I think we maybe someone maybe someone check out the nether so we can kind of figure out what we could do there I guess what you got here Stone Cold stronghold standing still forms a ring around you generating armor over time is

That is this map let you buy all the perks yeah you just keep buying I think okay are you worried you spent spent money on perks yeah you wor increases the lower wait the radius of the shock wave increases lower oh I didn’t know he

Was the last oh I’m so stupid wait no not that way finally finally I’m going to get Jug yes this dude is around 15 dude I’ve been like surviving with good perks except for jug scary oh what what what’s interesting Brian Punch Yeah you just pack punch this entire time here’s the

Box yeah I feel like I don’t see anything worth it at yeah I think the nether is just for finding blaze rods how do you even find Blaze Rod they’re like they come up as balls of fire that attack you and you kill them and they drop BL rods I

Haven’t seen a single one of those HD Flopper mother ever teach you manners oh all right all right I’m leaving the nether I don’t think there’s anything in the nether yet the round no that shouldn’t be the end of the round hey can you take this portal empty chest

Again can I just take this to Pack-A-Punch this Blue Portal well that’s good to know can you is is that a yes yeah yeah blue portal rings brings you right to it a dude I picked up a nuke from there nuke pick that Bloody think we need to make the shield

And Bash open that thing yeah I think that’s the next step I don’t I don’t know chest oh the end ah the ender eyes yeah so we need we need like what 11 of them yeah found the end yeah that’s the one insert eye ofender I

Don’t have an eye Ender why would it tell me to do that shotgun Pack-a-Punch is insane you have 30 shots 32 shots yeah maybe that could be with Bandelier also I don’t yeah we definitely need the shield where’s the last part Brian can you Google Google it no I swear oh what

Was that clear debris what debris did I just clear uh guys I just cleared some debris and I don’t even know map is too big for zombies to spawn near everybody yeah it’s kind of good yeah what’s this double tap that guy hey Evan hello wait what’s this oh search the

Chest points God no time you must sacrifice to the fire does that mean we have to kill zombies around the fire yeah I’d say so where we should be focusing on that right right each of these campfire spots yeah where’s it at also if we get four Traders if we got

Four Traer stuffff yeah there we go yeah we need to sacrifice uh zombies at this uh at this right here just watch watch my back whoa whoa whoa whoa who’s with me yo thank you man whatever gun you just used there wasch shotgun dude gave us an iender oh we

Need that we need that we need that yeah so that is that how we get him oh pack reload try to kill him over here or is this done yeah it’s done yeah yeah yeah that’s kind of upstairs I know there’s another fire upstairs yeah yeah we also did you

Notice that like there’s a cat here and a Snowman and everything like get away from me we need to somehow fill these up um what’s this widow’s wine your grenades turn into sticker grenades that’s terrible okay what do we oh I found more debris I found more debris up

Here there’s a there’s a gun called oh it’s called MOG I thought it was called Next fire is outside upstairs on top of this house Jesus this is the the best Panic gun in the world shotgun yeah yeah you just turn and spray and they’re G I like the way the

Perk yeah this map I haven’t said it enough guys but this map is great it’s good very good mu kick if anybody wants that here the other Camp I’m kind of re I’m searching other areas it’s pretty helpful I’m trying to search chest to get that stupid Anvil

Remember he’s all it’s all going on and on about his Anvil oh my gosh they just reduced my speed you bastards hey how come it’s not fire is not yet ready oh you have to let the fire burn for a bit there’s max ammo right there where’s Packa

Punch okay David relax calm down Focus right serious stuff round 17 McDonald’s is come no laughing matter no laughing matter the view no laughing matter shot gun with infinite ammo stupid have fun I’m going to stick with my gun here she oh no no no way I’m not

Going down what’s going on why what happened there St nice I don’t I don’t understand like these chests at all dude they’re so stupid we just keep going till we randomly get the Anvil uh that’s stupid I did it 25 kills while jumping nice dude did we just get some money or something stupid wait the

Ender box you hold so it cost anything to get max ammo uh what do you mean Ender Chest says hold F to get max ammo you have it once I don’t know I know yeah so I probably won’t use it dude this costs 3,000 and it allows you to

See zombies can see zombies through walls that doesn’t is is that good yeah I’m using it if you have I’m sure yeah yeah troll troll troll where the Box Go Darling mother oh my gosh yeah that’s the gun we should use right there y Handler fing HT you must

Sacrifice to the fire it’s my time okay so guys we must acquire enchanted books by the way I’m not sure how no you just need a single enchanted book I think you haven’t found one yet daring know I got them for you I didn’t actually better be more than just

Oh need a sacrifice to my fire a lot you in trouble for buying a lot of Pokemon packs an that’s pretty good fire sale if anybody wants that God the slow zombies is royally okay all right thank you daring yet oh my God this is awful thank

You I’ve got the most insane gun you seek to provoke me a demon yeah you guys all need to get those y Handler Pack-a-Punch that it’s ridiculous a the surgical Havoc it’s right outside of Pack-a-Punch right here on the wall I got another eye ofender bro called a y Handler it is

Insane I can light don’t finish the round until I light another campfire you have to wait a whole round for it to get I’m going to throw a grenade and see if I can get crawled don’t do that because that could kill uh wait there’s a few

Zombies I see one I got plenty of zombies here yeah okay yeah I see them all I see them all there’s lots of zombies still there’s a lot of zombies still for sure I have to light another C this zombie xra stuff is actually broken I’m going to try and find a

Campfire I think I know I got it I got it you got one already jungle area okay nice what else was I going to do there’s oh ender pearls we got to put them into the place but we always just save them up until we got them all two yeah we

Need that guy’s Anvil man took 500 points wow so do we still save one or you good now I think I think we should save because 750 I think we should save find The Shield part we we do need that yeah uh no he’s not I don’t remember

Where we get it though okay I got the crawler hell dude do what you need just trying to find a path search chests and do who I found one sheld health regen speed boost on low health and Invincible while performing actions was that a chest thing or do

That sounds it’s in there it’s the perk inside the big ass building the big Cathedral big Cathedral big Cathedral how have we not found the box have we not found more of those characters you know the ones that go on the my weapon return to me but not as it on

Was how do we get in there my weapon to return to me put toward want to put a couple of eyes Ender two Eyes of Ender in the dude nice good job what was I going to do a lot Quick Revive and pick which one teleported me to dude it’s taking so

Much of my money dude these chests are bastards get 50 kills in the nether why not why not start it why not what does it even give you I don’t know oh oh we’re apparently supposed to shoot that head Brian remember the guy that was murdered we were supposed to shoot that

Guy’s head shoot it go no I I already did I’m just shooting everything right now I want to do it transported his head um away so oh we’re supposed to shoot the plants as well we’re supposed to shoot a lot of we ar shooting plants

Yeah like pots is this where on me I dare you where is he oh I see him is he dead oh this doesn’t feel safe you okay you okay you okay big guy keep shooting yeah shoot he hav shoot we got max ammo I got a big right now we’re

Good did that help okay did you do Max got the time War thing yeah I did I thought it was going to help did not help at all okay ah this is the longest zombies session the scene through walls thing is very yeah I like it a lot you can

Pre-fire it’s pretty decent I hear your Little Footsteps you little Grandma how is the fire not ready are you this dude why did I come over here okay okay that guy died fast yeah I’m telling you guys the Zander the gun that’s next to Pack-A-Punch just before you get to it

Is busted a light machine gun right it’s a no well like yeah it’s an lmg it’s yeah like machine gun it’s disgusting shotgun pretty [ __ ] shotguns nuts is it the no it’s the Rampage get am on the wall yeah know that’s a good point you get really easy

Ammo so we need to find more of those sh made the shield made the when where how why dude there was nothing there was silence and then boom something happened where are you well the the box it’s the crafting bench that’s over here by the spawn building by

Oh well oh man why’d you do that man I needed to eat my chicken fish Fila dude exactly I’m eating chicken fish fet Dude where’s hey you’re going to give me Dem back to back SW chicken stop sensor sensor sensor sensor sensor sensor sensor where’s the shield Tyler it’s up

At the building by Brian’s house okay okay guys okay joke’s over oh and in leave that when I say it’s over see let’s see okay where is it I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know where it is that’s actually what it was go down the street from Bri’s house down the

Street in front of the street or over the street around the street like left right where Over the River and Through the Woods to Brian’s house we go over here here I still I still don’t know what he’s talking about I still don’t a th000 points you Dy these chests

Are bastards man that’s my hard on points you Kam your hard you want to talk about sensor sorry Sor that editor editor edit which editor any edit edited editor or the editor editor Ed Ed what editors editors where wait for real though where where is where is The Shield I have not

Found it it is not near Brian’s house oh no oh maybe it’s the other way oh is this word is got it wait where is it Evan oh here it is okay we need that we need that we need that we can do the next part of that uh step if you guys

Want you guys should shoot like random ornaments that are like standing in different areas because um it’s for I think an Easter egg kind of cool maybe this is a pretty cool map uh uh ready for it to be done no why no why cuz I want to beat it want a conclusion

Dude it’s only 900 p.m. 11:00 p.m. I’m sleepy dude dude how many times are Brian and I I’m going to go down just as important as going to the gym okay yeah I’m fine leaving no no we can end it we can end it we can end

It that’s right how’d you go down I I uh I was flexing my gun you D and uh yeah so we going to oh that’s the gun no GL I got that gun in the Box the one that you’re seeing was good great right someone want to pick me up I

Have really good weapons got crawlers I’m I’m about to die I’m pretty close to Dy thank you what the hell I can’t get you what the me press F stop oh you oh you you made it so I couldn’t revive you all you had to do was press F I was

I was and then you shot that [ __ ] time portal or whatever that was and just all right guys I lost all of my Pack-a-Punch guns all 10 of My Perks and um I have 10,000 points and ter needs to go to bed I want a conclusion that’s not what I

Meant wait what I don’t want to quit I want to beat the map I feel like all we’re doing is just you guys are running are you serious right now that’s what you meant one of you say 41 Brian has 41,000 points he’s just training zombies

I’m killing what you want me to do progress in the map that’s how we’re playing zombies you got let’s go to the thing let’s go to The Shield part I need to hold your when you piss fig all right I’m because you’re just sitting over there training zombies okay you guys go

Do you go okay okay okay okay Mom Dad stop fighting because I’m trying to kill zombies around this fire here look look Mom and Dad stop fighting go down the go down and use the shield at that spot in the wall i v Mele attack here

Okay you missed or maybe this way ev’s doing something wrong I tried doing that it didn’t work I don’t understand what you’re got a you hit a zombie they go flying though got boost to it baby I don’t understand I’m going to go pee guys is there an ending to this map Nola

He I must fight Amo if I to continue well he like went to the bathroom I think cuz he’s dead maybe we maybe more than one person has to do it you know what I wasn’t I don’t ever drink Diet Coke but I drank it cuz you guys were

Fat shaming me I’ve never drank it before that’s the end of it tastes like Coke but not as good hey uh yeah maybe maybe more than one person should try to use the shield here I pack Point The Shield maybe per permission to Google Google be all right

Sitting by a c I’ll bring him zombies on me something I don’t know if it um and why did you bring him to me why did you bring him to me okay okay now get Googling I just Die Another Round And Google there going be two more rounds to do the

Next so when you see like question marks Did your voice crack EV probably uh the question marks who’s dead oh yeah let me die why Googl oh yeah you already dead right forgot um pretty close to oh Ender there you go is there uh a point

To all those question marks on the wall because I see other ones and I I don’t know if there’s like they mean something they’re connected oh I just shot something that oh go teammate go Okay is there any other question marks that you can interact with I saw one at the end of this Hall and there was like a little board next to it and I shot it and disappeared are you at a camp bar No Maybe hold on there’s one down

Here somewhere where’s the other campire okay so you have to open up 40 chest to get the Anvil to give to the guy like search 40 chests huh so you actually need to open up 40 chests um and get a a diamond axe use that diamond axe Diamond okay use that

Tyler you’re the closest then keep open chest and eventually you’ll get an anvil I’ve had the diamond aever you WI a lot of chests yeah what happens you what do you get in it you get Anvil and then what do you do you give it to the guy that’s um down

And um it gives you a thunder gun that’s it yeah you need you need the thunder gun oh okay wa is it where where do we use it the thunder gun and then where do we use the thunder gun do you know that you not know that oh I’m opening more

Chest here’s another one there’s the Anvil nice can’t grab it he got it nice nice dude that’s it yes positive energy guys come on we got this here you go here’s your Anvil someone gets a thunder gun oh take it and then the magic happen let the magic be I

Have get one yeah everybody can get one you can buy it so brain brain listen no brain don’t kill the last zombie there’s another 7 minutes to this video and I have another Burger left but basically Brian do you know those ender chests you need to do all three of the challenges so

Right there Evan there’s another challenge in that and you have to do all three of the Ender Chest challenges to get end approach this where’s the challenge 50 kills in the nether I don’t feel like we’ve done that one yeah you need to go into you need do that

Sorry all right where we going where we going where we going we going get kills by so I’m going to worry about that I’m going to go to the ne see guys I’m all right I’m just going to let myself die again so you need um’s another you need

Four you need four um steel you need four flint and steel and you have to light four campfires with those four flint and steel so justun let’s go four flint and steel four campfires you got to complete those on me see what happens the campfires only activate

Every two rounds Tyler so this one needs another round yeah I’ve done like three campfires man man just takes a long time yeah like there’s nothing you can do like it takes a ton of chest to be opened ton of rounds for the campfires yeah we’ve actually been progressing

Decently fast BL they give you under I jesus oh God get off of me we’ll be run 30 kills here come on come on all right let me know if I should do anything I’m just training zombies but kill them I need to advance around what we do next

There you go done nice what’s next what is next um more campfires and uh yeah so end the round so I can get this Camp going can you explain to me the campfire there’s fires that I’m lighting with the flint and steel and then it takes a

Round for them to be ready and then you have to get kills around them end eye okay I saw one that means yeah that means I did it I need to do the next I to wait around oh that’s why okay I’m ready to come back and

Contribute I have one Burger out of my three left but I’m willing to save it all right in the round come on I’m trying man this map is taking a hot minute oh the fire are we looking this spawn is awful where’s T which one’s t down low

He’s down oh he’s all the way down there yeah there’s a fire down here I don’t know where the next fire is three does it say how many fires are there’s four you guys find the blue light uh teleporter yeah come down in I don’t need you all here why oh we got

This thing we need campire down here I think I’m going come come on come on come on what I’m just trying to get kill killing this isn’t interesting you’re killing this is interesting to I’m dead I’m down again guys you know what just let me die this round no I

Fell into a little little puddle let me die I guess go get him go get him somebody get I’m Notting not it’s not getting me do have anything oh it’s not worth it guys just kill me okay we rush I’m joking guys no one’s going to pick me up you just said

You have nothing yeah but I need I need the points that I have to get a to get a throwing grenade over yeah you guys didn’t even move I think I threw grenade Evan is fighting 90% of of the zombies that was not R fo for me this is intense there’s no we

Silently sat there and shot a few zombies as they came 10 minutes at a timeing for me get away for me protect me bodyguard protect me we need uh protect me while I we need five of the blaze rods as well we need five five blaze rods I shall get more blaze rods

Footage for you go yes thank you scks [ __ ] what the piss is going on in this it pains so chest map sucks dude is sick just wor map no to be by a widows of wine all right action heating up hea UPA up up pop it off for me oh there’s a lot of metan

Yeah I need one other person comes in they’re not spawning okay I can come I will come if you could come why do you need them to spawn here so we get uh blaze rods did they just drop them or you have to like yeah kill them and they

Drop them it’s rare you just keep killing and they’re SP what’s Tyler doing oh I’m putting my ender pearls and okay guys I know exactly what happens and I know exactly what we need to do and I’m refueled there’s a little dragon here I shot him we need we need

Seven more Eyes of Ender how what do we do with the what do we do with the uh thund gun um that block out of the way that we use our shield for you need a no you use that power well it’s hard to R I’m going to die again in the exact

Same place I died before oh oh my gosh what do we do with the thunder gun you don’t need that till later you got to get blaze rods and you got to get food right so leave a zombie at the end of this round I’ll I’ll I will coordinate with what

You get food yeah no yeah we have to get food yeah we got to get we got to get um fish no no we got to get soup hey you going to pick me up you know where um oh I got an end Pearl yes got ender

Pearls and we’re going to use the blaze to make get the thunder gun come here that’ll actually be helpful where is it come here I’m I’m right behind you right behind you jeez you are badass dude you are another ender pearl this is working perfectly right in here no nuke right

Here great okay and then come back here and get Jug and I’ll protect you over here okay right behind me oh what a pal what a friend what a guy what a what a gent a SC Jing is down there somewhere oh no I’m still pretty weak not going to lie I’m

Going to stick around you for a sake how many do we need five blaze rods yeah we need seven more Eyes of Ender yeah go get him I have two end pears yeah yeah no we all do we share that b we Shar yeah go little man go yes the [ __ ] out of

Him shotgun I’m running out of do you want to take the portal you want to take the portal and get out of here let’s just stay let’s just hold by the portal okay meet me me me let me do it I just said me would you

Stop one at a time wait as long as possible and then you shoot him I can’t really wait much I’m kind of weak you’re not going to get hit only to hit that one you just punched I’m trusting you a lot here get a Max dude you

Are I can tell you’re good at Minecraft and zombies look at oh your your Shield broke yeah 50,000 lounds oh my gosh Brian with 970 kills okay I think I can go get I think there’s one zombie left don’t don’t whatever it is don’t kill it

I think it’s this guy yeah so we need to get some food I’m going to he might chase you no I’m going to go get my shield okay I’m trying to I’m trying to look for pack Pack-a-Punch cuz I want to get the Z Handler it’s there um what’s

Happened what happened over here uhoh I think the zombie’s Next to Me Now train him shoot him in the face he pretty scary guys back I’m going buy some Amo oh you guys got that already St oh no singing around blue blue blue got a blue blue all right there’s a cow here

Hiding somewhere where’s the cow where’s the hiding cow there’s a hiding cow Ender Dragon I saw him teleport somewhere go up here did someone already shoot the cow no I’m I guess it’s in order is it where all those head statues go yeah we need to

Um yeah I probably need to go back and watch the video real quick hold on I know what minute downstairs oh finally after buying all six perks and five fictional ones I finally bought Quick Revive we also haven’t found the enchanted book yet behind the Nether Portal

Magic penis penis penis in between us I guess they all don’t show up until we do the other ones okay oh no wa oh no that’s not why he was loose well because he’s the last one yeah if you run away from them they despawn yeah same thing

We get Max amm me big boy I see him he’s top he’s coming for he’s coming for you guys two of you seab Bear Circle oh yeah that per seems pretty good oh little guy who’s shooting me I murdered him K him him where’s the seab Bear Circle

Person while somewhere in the grassy areas like near one of the teleporters oh are we doing a campfire or did we do all those we done them all if you said there was four of them i’ defin done four yeah no we did it cuz I think I’ve

Never seen an achievement yeah I need to do the food one I need to do the food one but we need a zombie left over for me to do it we about the thunder gun step oh wait we blaze rods this say it did this map is this map is fun dude

Like with a with a with a fun with a big f you f capitalizer whatever way you want whatever way you want like just it’s F SE be cires for have fun dude oh there it is glorious bounty a Weaponry okay we definitely need to keep a zombie I have

12 perks yeah honestly I don’t yeah I don’t want to ruin I don’t want to ruin you D I’m not going to say much what we’re going to get them all for free no is there a bable ending Nola yes and there’s a final boss battle as well big

Big boss battle big boss battle big huge like the shotgun going to just kill the boss in like three shots you would think so but by the time we get to the boss it’s probably going to be around like 30 something and he will be really

Hard yeah Rock blad how those blade rods going oh here it is I found it Tyler it’s over here ICU ICU thing what’s the best uh Pack-a-Punch version of the gun what do you mean like Turned fireworks Etc like turn probably turned I swear at one point this is a

Long long time ago when you’re like playing Zombies by yourself and like getting high rounds and making videos about it you said furnace was the best uh yeah at one point blast furnace was insane they Nerf I’m saying for what we’re doing it’s probably turned blast furnace is very good if you’re training

An entire horde of them you can feel like all of them yeah they nerfed it but when black when blast furnace was first the thing you would basically like you would have two guns that have it and then you would train the zombies and then shoot one one zombie with it and it

Would Blas forace the whole like group then you would train up the group again and then use the other one and do it and they would just you would just kill them with like three bullets would kill waves at a time interesting it basically turned your I

Had a hoorde with me I didn’t know it was the last ones I had like five with me don’t we have to go to the should we all just go to the Ender and just cuz we need blaze rods right that’s the most important I needed to buy perks man I

Got up that’s not that important can we go to the Ender Portal I have I don’t have Parks oh sorry the nether I don’t know I don’t know what we I’d love it if you did because then they spawn more and then I get more these okay I’m coming I

Don’t have any ammo left so the that’s the step we’re stuck on is blaze rods no it’s the soup one that I’m trying to do but you guys keep ending the round okay is it something that you need to specifically do or do you think well I watched the video I watched

The video I know where all the soup is get what I’m saying Dr in here now get little guy let’s let’s get the rods and then we can do your thing yeah oh I got one find us some food bro or get wck yeah so this villager needs food yeah so that’s the

Guy he wants soup we got to I know where they are they’re in like um Flappy they’re in the Flappy compartment nice we have five we have five Rod they’re in the what Flappy compartments Flappy compartment the Flappy compartment it’s in the Flappy compartment what is that you flap it

Open and it’s gold on the inside what the are you talking about there’s gold inside the flap and in there on top of the soup what is he saying you’re not listening in to get the soup inside the flap on top of the gold over by the brown

Housee you’re not I’m saying it’s very clear G Spot the gold yeah exactly sometimes they taste gold not all of them are gold you under the hood right there spread the flap I’m talking the flap you use your you guys are gay bro so gay guys are gay gayest thing you can do

With your homies is talk about [ __ ] yeah big gay okay um we have five rods by the way okay that’s that’s that’s great but uh get your Rod spread the flap no stop right so just keep don’t kill the last zombie just don’t kill the last zombie please that’s okay he needs

To stop shooting his turned okay then what what what else should we do I told you the flaps I said it in black and white flap dude what are you talking about I said it in black and white what is the flap what is that flap down they’re like

Things you you know in Minecraft do you know Minecraft trap flap trap door that that’s what he’s been talking about but it’s not it’s not a trap it’s a flap it’s a flap door trap door it’s a flap trap you know flap trap like the guy from Borderlands

Flap trap that’s his name you guys just don’t whatever I’m going to bend you over and get in that trap door like he said he said it said it in I’m not going to be using any Redstone we need a lot more stuff I was going to say when he

Said I just said it in black and white like no what’s that mean never mind oh he’s white and I get it I get it down white literally white in Black got it I don’t get it you killed the last zombie the turn guy did I didn’t do

Your turn to killed the last zombie your little minion killed him see this flap right here wild cat yeah this is the flaps I’ve been talking about okay the refrigerators inside the buildings is what he’s been talking about flaps there a refriger laps you need to be checking your flaps Tyler hey

Does anyone have any zomes oh wait this’s a new round no it’s a new round yeah it’s a new round it’s a new round it’s a new day new flop you only do it once around or what no he just needs a around to go around and find him I’ll

Just do it while zes I wouldn’t advise that I wouldn’t advise that that’s not that’s not flap friendly set up I actually think I’m in Invincible no you think so one of the perks literally says I’m Invincible while I’m doing stuff which one I see I

See you look like we a time to go infinite hund gun baby wait you can do that in the cathedral why isn’t this opening okay I got it I got the I got I got it I didn’t even have to Flap it open it just was there so we’re good

We’re good I’m going to give this to him and then it’s going to spawn a Brutus don’t ask how I know but I need someone with me I don’t know said don’t ask so come here come here in here someone come through the blue thing anyone come through the blue

Thing with me no I want to go through purple goes right there okay yeah so give it okay so did you give the soup to to him going up there was the one to go through right here he is yeah give him the soup I can’t you’re the one give him

Your soup you’re the one that has the soup give him your give him your give him your flap soup you’re the only one that has the soup you have to come here oh I have the flap soup it’s not shared you you have it come here the way the way up here

Here let a let a man let a man do it let the man do flap come on I’ve gotten this soup right from the flaps oh he wants rabbit soup in SPS Weill yeah over here oh he’s melt what did he do no he was just he

Was just there okay now we got to go and um Explore More flaps and one of them will have the rabbit suit so that’s it that’s this step you have to kill flaps and one of them will have the no you don’t kill a flap respect the flap with

The respect the flap respect it respect the flap and uh but one of them has a Flappy Bird one of them has a rabbit the [ __ ] one of the flats would have a rabbit respect it gosh dang it about and then you’ll stab it stab the flap I like fold it back give

That you’re good at Ryman thanks like that Jordan Peterson AI thing suck on my knob or whatever like corn on the cob get yours off [ __ ] on my knob like corn on the cob oh no oh here’s a flap right here no was it a good flap no rabbit [ __ ] in there not

In there neither there’s only four there’s only a few flaps around the map well I just opened four in a row all in there’s no way you nah no there’s no way you open up that many flaps that fast dude you’d be surprised flap master I’m an efficient flap Master yeah nope nope

Not in here flap are safe and I’m around all go okay so once we finish this we can do the next oh here’s another flap over here is that a good one maybe it can’t spawn till the next round can’t I shoot oh my God my game is like lagged

Out oh is this a flap no that’s not a flap reward already given are we missing any of the upgrade it missing oh no not again okay it’s not a big deal dude we’re CR round 28 yeah we’re Invincible say that now now you sh I now

Until you go down you need a little river on 1,2 kills oh here’s a flap oh yeah is that soup big guy’s dead big guy killed him tried to come over to me but I killed him didn’t a chance another flap yeah look all right seems my flapping ways are over thank

You potential flap I could check haven’t been to this one in a minute so how we’re looking oh flint and steel wait I already have one do make sense no flaps here you kick nope no flaps here just going into a nightclub just noaps here let’s leave boys oh you found

The got it you found it you found it yeah turn around turn around turn around this way oh it’s that way you really oh okay excellent here we go here we go this is good this is really important step oh he gave us an end ey perfect that’s another one folks that’s another

One yeah that that was that was ridiculous what you just did there guys on my channel I’m sorry you’re not seeing any of the story okay yeah but your channel has seen 1,300 kills yeah yeah they’re fine I think this is a 2our long video of you just [ __ ] [ __ ]

Zombies this tit l two hours of we zombies all right now what do we need to do a great title that is um o um I don’t know I forget what was after the flaps but if we keep a zombie I can check it up I mean check right now okay guns

Check right now all right I got crawlers I can’t really check now they’re still spawning on me all right I’m adding the iender he we need six more okay so six more what the is going on okay so we have five pearls and six blaze rods

Where or if anywhere do you craft do we do all the Ender Chest stuff should we do allra Ender Chest challenges I don’t know I don’t think we did that okay I know where the third one is yeah I’m going to go activate it okay like the

Library is where we would find the enchanted book no I know where the enchanted book comes from jeez how would you know that power of McDonald’s power of Mac I go I googled this I’m Googling it I Google it when will I die okay here’s the last

One no there loads I see them there 40 kills with a shotgun who wants to do that I do that right two seconds that gives us another ender pearl right there and then this might be the best ever dude I told you everyone laughed at me it’s taking a long time

But it’s everyone laughed at me oh all right I’m also getting all of the legit oh no not the turned rooting everything you need to get turned off your gun there bud so the next thing I’m doing is I’m shooting a bunch of random um okay we’re good we’re go we

Have crawlers craww right here sure it’s your crawler guys please don’t kill the Crawlers crawlers do randomly just die this your crawler right here these crawlers are better dude look at that little ass crawler what the that thing yeah it’s a little fetus fetus deletus look at them look at them look

At them whoa wait a minute press e to begin lock down come downstairs oh [ __ ] we need to do that we need to do that yeah we should do that spot the map downstairs yeah down down and go go to the thunder gun ther oh my God yes over

Here over here that was an end chest over here go to the thunder gun and I think up everybody meet it to thunder gun up here up here up here and then jump here and then up here and then I can see the last guy he’s chasing EV boom we’re here

Where is it down here down here okay nice and soed before now it’s yeah it’s open it was closed before in and uh lock down there we go tequila sangria fire Whiley to gain a chance to regain fire and ammunition multi kill bonus get rid of all these spider let me

Do the lock down okay come here all players must be we all need to be here on it on it on it on it on the fire here we go watch your back watch your back guys watch your back watch your back watch your back watch your back I you oh

An End Dragon wait oh I thought we were done on I was like wow that was a short excellent nuke excellent are we okay are we okay a new perk this music is so relaxing fire while sprinting gain a chance to regain fire and ammunition and multi killr bonus give

That okay is the lockdown done I don’t think so initiate yeah yeah boys the lock down all over I do not still going you just kill and survive that’s it yes sir survive boom done lock down complete and here’s the Ender eye and the book okay so the

Book we go to the Pack-A-Punch go to the Pack-A-Punch for book oh there’s a chest down here what the hell is this oh there’s a sword I just found a sword I found a sword someone grab it I want my shotgun back wa what is that I don’t

Know it’s a sword try it I’m taking it hell is this it is give me my thunder gun this is not good you look really cool when you did that it did you mean it happen yes you think I look cool you think I’m cool I don’t trust you you never call me

Cool pick up that sword everything changed I’m going to Pack-A-Punch I’m not picking it up thinking about okay so we got to go to Pack-A-Punch let let let Brian see what’s going on here um Tyler I’m I’m I’m on them I’m onest good good good and

And let Evan and catch up because we’re your friends going this way right way I’m cool the hell we going I don’t know where we’re going I should be in your called me PO today Jesus running so fast yeah go okay boom here’s here’s the book this is where the

Book okay now the Shield part probably go back here huh you guys remember you guys remember you had a shield and I never P up any but I lost it so we need we need to get we need to get shields I’m getting there it doesn’t matter I

Have mine wait have you powered your Shield up H yes you already powered up okay easy to do it he’s a professional okay all right I don’t have one yeah that’s why I was confused I don’t I didn’t remember seeing a shield on your back bodies are flying everywhere them

Bit help help help help help help oh my you want to go help him Brian where I don’t know all my I’ve been there man sucks you you only have a you only have 50,000 points you know where the hell Evan where are you oh you’re down there

Oh God are we we going to be able to get him I’m rushing down to get him oh he’s pretty deep dude Prett deep M shaft you got you got turn around deep and then mine flaps got him got him sh them mine flaps I’m just going to wait

Here mine flaps wait where are you Evan did you get picked up did you get picked up I’ll run back get I actually have it now this map is very well thought out oh I got another I got another one I got another one I traded the five uh blaze

Rods oh I got another one so I’ve so I traded the eyes now rushing back yeah I got wait a second you I did all that work for the blaz you just in F he was asking for it right he was asking for it what do you mean selfish bastard

He was asking for it it’s not selfish it’s Community Brian community community Brian Community Fair are you walked hard to Google it pull out my gun god this game almost just so hard that’s how I went down where’s the okay Jesus popped it open nice you popped it open and it

Gives you another Pearl come here I left the sh I left it if you guys want come on see it Brian come see it so there was a block here I hit it with my shield yep all right cool glad you saw it the and Brian I got two of those they

Look like that they look like that okay Brian okay who knows where we insert the pear ears pearls where putting them in tler this way follow me want to see what it look like I want to see so come round tkey boys wow come here this way I’m on

Now come this way now you’re definitely on the Spectrum you remember this map so well I I don’t know how you wouldn’t remember by now I’ll get right here we need six of them we have four one you I thought it was going to fall on fire need two more two more that’s

Not bad boys that’s not bading ender eyes to get there okay let me see here here I’m going to need to teleport or I’m going to die so one of the pearls has to do with the 12 all you guys left me [ __ ] oh there well I can

Come back now cuz that’s what I needed okay yeah I need someone to protect me because we got the ones from the campfires we got the one from the soup we got the one from the we got the one from the we got the one from the

Lockdown bash seems like we just need to convert two more pearls no you yes we got to find okay so we’re going to need we’re going to need to keep a zombie at the end of this round so I can find where all the different oh okay they’re

Whittling down hard they’re whittling oh no your turn are going to up don’t kill the zombie don’t kill the zombie if you see them don’t us there’s a couple behind us your turn die don’t shoot these guys I’m using my ray gun I’m going to shoot their legs there’s a

Crawler so yeah there’s very few zombies Left don’t don’t kill anymore all right I won’t kill anyone oh wait no there’s a lot of zombies There’s a a lot of zombies Left what the Evan you had so many up here with you why didn’t you say anything hello I’m going getting them

Now oh no my turn is going to kill all my crawlers okay there you go I got you wait I don’t have Quick Revive no no no no no I can’t pick him up okay sorry I thought I Quick Revive I apparently don’t he’s alive right we got him yeah

He’s fine yeah okay so okay they’re still spawning they were just all with Evan so I couldn’t see him what do we need what do you do beat this map okay we got to we got to shoot like random around the map um it’s like it it’s like

Stuff that’s insanely hard to see if I’m being blunt it’s it’s it’s like really hard to see so that’s why I’m trying to just look it’s um you know like the dragon and I think one is in the water and then another thing is like behind the nether

Thing um behind the nether portal yeah just a bunch of stuff like that it’s a bunch of stuff like that I well well I don’t remember I have to I have to think again think I shot one I don’t know what it was I’m going to die here okay so purple

I got to go to purple does anyone have zombies they Sur oh okay yeah there’s actually a lot still oh even another Pearl another that’s an old one I think okay purple purple purple that’s a new one that’s new yeah who got it only need

Two and that’s one of the two so we need one more oh really okay I got this i got this i got this we’re getting there boys we’re getting there we’re getting there we’re getting there uh where’s where’s purple where’s the purple teleporter purple teleporter there’s something in

The water at the purple teleporter in the water purple teleporter boom got it okay now oh no no no not like this I’m okay will the man with 15,000 kills finally go down that was no okay so we’re missing oh my God I missed okay this is going to take

Me a hot minute here how do I get down to Pack-A-Punch wish I Tyler’s brain what do you need down here uh Pack-a-Punch at the library there should be an Enderman sitting on top of the far end of this tunnel oh that’s yeah it’s sitting on the top of like a bookshelf

And thanks I’ve been afraid to ask embarrassing oh God right here okay boom that’s that one okay so that’s the Enderman okay continue down continue down and go over here and then that brings you okay someone already got that okay in the is anyone near the farm

Village I can go to it yeah there’s a bumblebee in the middle of the farm Village you have to shoot that what does that mean it we need to you remember that room where we shoot things and it transports and it collects in that room

We have to collect all of those and it gets us an ender pearl yeah I know but where what does it in the middle of the farm Village oh you’ll see it it’s on top of the pole in the middle of the farm Village you get you you’ll get it

Like I don’t know what the farm Village is and I brought the zombie over to you I think that’s the farm vage no no it’s that’s where you find the armor stand you know where you find the armor stand no you were the one who found it

Everywhere okay all right okay well then okay it’s over by you know where you um I’m looking up on top Cathedral yeah it was yeah it’s yeah that’s it PR yeah I’m ding out I’m ding out I’m getting the Bumblebee no no Tyler he’s going to

Where I yeah he did it that’s exactly where it was okay and then that’s over there all right now we now now the next one is a Brian’s na Nazi Brian’s house Brian’s not his house if you’re at Brian’s house you can shoot above the thing in the top left corner and you’ll

Find um a medal from the SS Army up here I see him little slimy guy yeah yeah there’s Hitler’s right hand man right there now what and then the next one is Big jiggly Panda he’s around here somewhere I don’t know where he didn’t describe it well in in my brain that’s

Hisult yeah so big jiggly panda is somewhere around the brown fencing you know the brown fencing around the water he somewhere around the brown fencing around the water I think somewhere near spawn kind of look near spawn not sure looked like it was around spawn no oh

There it is yeah hey hey cuz I don’t want to see big jiggly Panda come to spawn he looks so funny he’s so cute he’s even look at him look at he’s so cute look look so cute is look adorable oh he’s a fat little guy look at him

Big all right boom done is that it that’s all of them that is the final Pearl on uh uh down we go you don’t know if that would have been advisable but on this way I think it’s this way wait um no it’s this way uh where the hell oh

Where is this way this way I don’t know where we’re going D down here I’m so lost this guy get spawn I’m I’m so lost we’re down I’m down I’m down as they get man down the normal way okay now we go back up the way you guys just what okay

But we’re looking oh yeah it’s to the left here to the left Boom the final one now we to the end look at all these things they did guys look at all yeah I collected all of this I collected all of this when we get I like

Funko Pops come on we’re ready to go come on we’re ready to go we’re ready to go over here guys to the left to the right to the right and the left right in the left here oh my Lord are we good over this way over this way Follow The

Voice okay down here down here where are we going come here we’re going to the we’re going to the end you remember to end oh [ __ ] now not no you’re not spectating you’re definitely not I’m up here oh we’re balds deep here in this tunnel come on

We’re balls deep in this m shaft right here I’m watching your left Brian I’m watching your back I’m watching your left okay all right Evan I don’t I don’t think oh no Brian get him again get him again I was next to you so I didn’t you

No no yeah you did you did you did I really think we shouldn’t have restarted the round really don’t think we’re over I’m going that’s the turn guy that’s the Turner okay over here down here down here over here around here over here down here yeah we’re good Tyler are you

Are you at the right direction are you the right direction yes okay okay there we go oh this is getting crazy this is getting crazy it’s really not this is insane no this is so epic and intense Tyler come on this is epic and intense keep running keep running come come come

Come guys over here over here over here come on man I think you could do this I think you can do this n EV wait wrong way wrong way sorry I’m stupid come this way guys okay right here see all these turn guys come on I’m Packa punching my

Ray gun I’m pack aching my ray gun little child little child oh dude blame your child for typing that that wasn’t my child oh this is absolutely Bonkers okay up here up here up here up here everyone stand and wait stand and wait here Brian we’re waiting do it do

It do it do it do it I it’s there it’s there jump in get ready get ready this is the ending of Minecraft oh wow cool start the boss fight we ready you ready Evan oh yeah I got all my perks don’t worry don’t worry if if you follow me Evan

Right here all the perks for 5,000 Evan right here don’t pick up Max oh my God EV got so much more excited when he got off his yeah I’m so ready guys so ready I’m assuming we can’t even shoot that until his we got to we got to shoot the things in the

You guys don’t remember how to beat Minecraft I don’t have anything that can hit that a gun just shoot I have a shotgun you dump I’m saying you got a shotgun you think make believe over here I can’t hit it all oh just shoot it oh got two

Shotguns I swear to God no Evan you can’t be serious dude you can’t be serious bro too it says on my screen too you hear me no we hear you so it’s not so listen man I’m still connected no way hold on just wa wait wait I can’t believe it

Dude I can’t believe believe dude believe I’m already gone lost con the yeah we’re gone Evan we’re at the forest we’re sitting in front of a campire 3 hours for that was that three hours yeah that was 3 hours long here’s the proof folks right here 2 hours and

52 minutes that’s two recordings in one day that amounted to zero three hours for that why do we make Heaven I don’t know why is why is la is Spectrum dude Spectrum you guys want to know what happens in the end why why am I still in the call though like I

Don’t understand don’t know bro so bro I Am I’m so bad right now why didn’t it wait till we went into the I’m going to have to like stream and play that again I’m down to stream with you I’m down to stream with you dude bro that was I had I had like a million kills what the

There’s so much left as well after we beat the boss we got to go back back into the level and then we got to get more blaze rods and then we got to we got to do a lot and I don’t know what’s going on all right you want to do it

This let’s do it this session I want to beat the map come on let’s go no I don’t I don’t want to no joining up wait never mind Evan playing map on round 31 if Evan’s beat is is EV beating it on his own

Now just I can join his game oh oh he won’t let me join he went down we picked him up he got all his parks and then kicked us out that’s sick wow so annoyed I was so determined to beat that dude maybe that’s how it ends maybe

It’s like that’s not how it ends that’s not how it ends maybe it’s a twist ending it’s not maybe it was programmed twist ending is that a YouTuber who’s been doing it for almost two decades has up internet I have fiber dude yeah well doesn’t Fiber Well your

Fiber’s disconnected mother well how am I still in the call playing that I don’t know exactly all the bandwidth your internet can handle is a talking over voice chat not zombies too many zombies are you using Wi-Fi Evan no I’m using ethernet that makes no sense I L said I’m paying the most

Expensive internet I can get and I also have a backup one which is Spectrum but okay there’s a problem okay no it’s okay it’s okay so basically what we do there is we shoot everything in the air it takes the shield off of the big giant

Enderman we shoot him and we do that three times then he dies then we get teleported to this white marble room and we go through a portal that’s really white and it ends the game so that’s how it ended I just saw it all happen on my

Screen right now with clip art so awesome so there you go there you go there you go you don’t need to stream it now Tyler yeah I do all right we saw it we don’t have to play it ever again yep that’s right we

Did it good job got a twist ending and a beautiful epic conclusion yes epic conclusion epic yep okay bye guys wait I didn’t record that part yeah bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Zombies but Vanoss internet fails’, was uploaded by Nogla + on 2023-10-28 00:05:00. It has garnered 32279 views and 1643 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:38 or 7598 seconds.

Dont forget to like & comment to beat the algorithm, thank you! I hope ye enjoyed, subscribed and have a blessed day

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  • VoidedMC

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  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants Pets

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  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t touch this, it’s OP 🙏

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  • Minecraft Tutorials be like: “How to Die in 5 Easy Steps” 😂 #shorts

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  • Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay

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  • Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!

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  • Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!

    Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘We’re Trapped in a PHONE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-02-15 04:44:25. It has garnered 591518 views and 7583 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:14 or 1394 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/ Today, Nico and his friends are trapped in a PHONE in Minecraft! Nico gets trapped in a phone and must escape! How will Nico and his friends get out?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • Dronio In Minecraft – Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shorts

    Dronio In Minecraft - Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но Я Не Могу Касаться Зелёного Цвета 🟢 ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 10:30:07. It has garnered 979 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE MINECRAFT AGAIN…’, was uploaded by Mythbustingnoob on 2024-04-15 14:00:38. It has garnered 136507 views and 2526 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:44 or 5564 seconds. I survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE AGAIN . All The mods 9 has had Major Updates. So in these 100 days I harness the souls of a Warden and Make supercharged Farms to try and Get The ATM STAR. If You’d Like to Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpoNseXJmTHGnsttTuUEPYQ?sub_confirmation=1 —————————————————————————— Surviving 100 days like forge labs, lukethenotable, suev,… Read More

  • Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho’s Wizard Tower!

    Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho's Wizard Tower!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mysterious Wizard Tower! [Minecraft: Let’s Build Together Ep 02]’, was uploaded by Koffizinho on 2024-04-08 18:00:07. It has garnered 76 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:20 or 1100 seconds. SERIES SUMMARY Welcome to Let’s Build Together! A Minecraft series where your ideas get built in my survival world! With a fresh start we go into a survival world in 1.20.4 exploring for resources and building your wild ideas and themes inside Minecraft! How does it work? Glad you asked! A theme is chosen for the world and your job is… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai – Gilthunder’s Hidden Powers!

    Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai - Gilthunder's Hidden Powers!Video Information This video, titled ‘NANATSU NO TAIZAI ADDON SPOILERS!!! Gilthunder’s abilities’, was uploaded by Ric4rdo G4m3r on 2024-06-16 23:41:33. It has garnered 364 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:01 or 181 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftadventure #minecraftbedrock #minecraftaddons #minecraftarcane #minecraftbuilders #addons #nanatsunotaizai #anime Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!

    EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-02-29 16:50:25. It has garnered 2483 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle|| minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy diggy hole… Read More

  • DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel Skyblock

    DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Grinding DUNGEONS (F7) & UPDATE GRINDING TODAY! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:51. It has garnered 1543 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:45 or 6525 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️https://www.twitch.tv/yedazzer #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/dazzy4 Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ https://twitter.com/imDazzer Discord ➡️ https://discord.gg/GxuHWdkhUM Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkbD4P0wRdgFKlJUc_yMnNQ Swurv – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPF6WdxyBDj7Cr1AO2rMvZg Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More