Minecraft’s Mind-Blowing Tricks and Secrets!

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And thank you for getting those coordinates for me you’re welcome it wouldn’t let me at first it wouldn’t let me at all yeah I’m working on pulling yours up once again it is not excuse me close it out again why is Twitch doing this like seriously you’re driving me crazy

Dude do I need to keep up with coordinates of these Nether Portals no once you ra them they’re good all right now what we have to do Katie is we have to bring up the sides of this so you saw that chest or did a despawn nope i’t grabed it yet no I’m

Talking uh Katy all right so this die right oh there’s a creeper all right how do I get the chest um you have to go down a little you’ll see the big crater oh that chest you’re full probably you go over yeah no I didn’t it looks like you full I’m always full

These frogs are on a big old ride with me look at my stream T this is how far we made it down and our friends with us no that’s more than 23 levels we’re down 40 levels we started at positive 63 all right so I cleared [ __ ] out and the chest

Disappeared your Corner’s going to stay with you yeah I think your Corner’s going to stay with you Katie just mine it out we’re going to have to build it back up okay I’ll work on this side you work on that side till we get I

Guess just got to drop it down stay with the yep there you go yep let’s fix over here all I have is grass yeah we just F the sides as we go all right look for an explosion area you said no it’s not an explosion area

You’ll see a down it’s into a big crater you are where you went down you were looking at a crater yeah right here no not at the nether portal no I was asking you how to ra NE portal how to raid it oh you just mine it you get the chest and

That’s it then you mine it you take out what you want the blocks that you want yeah that chest disappeared I lost sight of it told my inventory was full or I pushed it off into the lava right there yeah ain’t no big deal I have a feeling this whole Plate’s

Going to drop off I out from underneath me oh yeah you see if it’s all G to drop out Katie underneath me no this centerpiece where you in the frogs are right now or not okay good I’m about to head back toward the chest area I was just I saw a couple

Things in a distance yeah that’s why I went exploring teach me to go exploring I lose my sheep I found more Scots it’s okay I push up I cut it mine down underneath though they don’t take damage that’s why I put them in a boat I couldn’t get over there I can’t reach

Over there we’ll get that after kind it kind of like split off right here I can’t oh there’s a creeper underneath us I am not trying to say the word the name of that flower I just found Alon oh that’s that’s Do’s favorite flower I hate it it comes out magenta

Die yep I just found a bunch of them oh yeah I think they’re the ugliest flower ever I was thinking I could be nice and grow a bunch of them then trash his area with them you like it just just plant them everywhere I think they so ugly I don’t

Like magenta flowers I don’t like magenta put that blue friend okay here still knock it hey y’all welcome in folks I say came in uh last I looked it was one now it’s two man says one I’m in there yeah you’re the only one Katie don’t care enough join

I think it’s funny anything that goes after us is going to burn because of sun kind of funny actually throw my cook no throw my cherry sapling out cu I’m pretty sure you got Cherry saplings don’t you yes okay definitely hopefully you can reach that Center I can’t reach any of it so

I’m at stiny little island8 six and I need to go to six 69 guess I’ll go this way that’s why you can’t find it like blocks away I keep getting distracted you see I see [ __ ] down there that’s all glowy and shiny and yeah I keep getting

Distracted and I ain’t got my notebook with me somewhere on the sto no the blue one uh if I write coordinates will one of y’all come exploring with me one day probably I don’t see why not I mean it would give me practice with using coordinates to try to find the places again

Yeah um do I have a bed no but I can make one anyway y’all can sleep if I make a bed I yeah just let us get a second to get a go ahead I got to make the bed yeah I had to leave so they could find my stuff for

Me okay I got a bed down oh [ __ ] that would be a good reason why I can’t sleep about to get freaking Ambush Katie hope you that’s why I’m trying to build up this wall right here I know I’m doing the same exact thing except for unfortunately my wall is dropping off rather

Quickly there’s a creeper taunting me over here yeah we trying there’s not much I can do right now that’s fine I had to cuz I was getting attacked badly you’re good we are not in the greatest pos position ourselves of course [ __ ] you leave me alone I’ll be that’s what he’s

Saying not in a very nice way you’re no you’re already wore out I’d rather be Katie sberry Katie shorter all right we can um go up there on that platform over over there I guess and try to sleep see if we can just slay him down and we’ll

See monsters nearby I thought so you just got to wait on us to like we’re in a very horrible spot I’m just laying in my bed hopefully nothing unlock me out of it we good okay I’m coming com we’re not danger oh [ __ ] and he’s getting fully taunted by a

Zombie I need and a skeleton damn it to be Enderman if he keeps looking up there go ahead you can’t got it here you go thank you all right you’re welcome I’m just going to leave that bit there oh I can reach the ground right from here where did your where did your

Purple freaky looking ass go [ __ ] really don’t want to move that bad can’t tell where it is right here oh earlier when I was up at my spawner I got got a iron shovel that almost the same as my diamond with the enchantments that’s freaking

Awesome yeah it just needs to be Max it needs one Higher efficiency gotcha uh care it you can always buy Tak one one level at a time this no you’re good I got to fix this wall over here and I cleaned up that corner too

Uh one of our old friends kind of wants to play with us but he don’t want to play when I’m on who the fat boy Daniel I figured so I don’t care long as he doesn’t blow my [ __ ] up I don’t care no he just has to add me as a Friend he would only play if I was on yeah I don’t care I’ll tell him to friend you yep he has to friend me and he has to I have to be able to send an invite but I have a setup that only my friends can join the

Real that’s how I keep it monitored nobody can just invite if they want to no I told him I had to talk to you first and he’d have a friend you and I warned them about language and stuff because your kids play uhhuh yep he’s just not in the secret Santa

Thing and I don’t want him upset about that oh no no no no it would be after Christmas before he could do anything okay and his Christmas present would be me giving them you [ __ ] that I don’t need anymore yeah kind of like that shovel I found

Yeah and you know he’s one of those type of people that he’ll get on the play two or three days and you might not see him for two weeks pretty much dep like your daughters no they got to plan another um it called cre they play a different

Style Goa it’s not survival it’s um creative yeah that one thank you yeah I don’t do creative it’s too easy so Bess don’t stack I thought they did Stack I don’t know if I can lift her but I’ll try she has a fat ass yeah that yeah barely don’t weigh no

Pound and a half oh bom say B only way a pound and a half yeah y okay that’s a fat little dog maybe her maybe in her one leg I’m not the one that over feeder Bailey you want up come here come here ah you see what she

Wants oh I I got lost down here the wrong arm oh don’t feel bad he [ __ ] it oh no you didn’t don’t feel bad it might take me to rest of the freaking night to locate where y’all are we’re in a big hole if you fall in the hole you are

Guaranteed to die yeah don’t jump down this hole whatever you do not even with the nope okay we are down we are almost 6 we are 60 levels down now oh yeah we’re almost at zero any ores or anything y’all found are youres we haven’t found much of anything we got a couple

Gold little bit of copper a little bit iron a little bit of lapis and a little bit of I some coal and La what did you miss one oh beds oh yeah we do need them you’ll have to use a water bucket to get down to us though you can use

That right now honestly I’m not sure how I found this place did you find your chest yet or no working on it okay well I tried to but Katie C a shirt up yeah I’m still M at with you that day you had to ruin my phun cuz I was sitting there watching

That left one was about to come Out oh I Katie I promise I will listen Linda stop busting off from under my feet I was is it looking she’s deliberately trying to mine out from underneath me all right so I’m at 934 I got to go to 819 wh I’m going the right way ah we’re at 939 that’s

Funny you’re at negative 939 9:41 yep 942 yep I’m at negative 939 right now 12 4989 3423 so if I put torches here to mark this to highlight this spot like so you’re basically in the straight line back from that spot that’s exactly what I was thinking soga

939 yeah 9 negative 939 120 4990 say 90 again 990 sou sorry I can’t help it no no okay can you look at my stream and look at how pretty that is it is beautiful cherry biomes are amazing uh oh I’m talking about do the

Area that’s gonna be in front of me in just a second oh [ __ ] that is pretty that looks like a island with like a moat we hit negative one Katie yay we’re about to head into another cave uh I didn’t have my Spooks on I could have just

Died you like them don’t don’t you yeah whatever happened Katie’s a person to go level by level me I go down four and then I mine out from underneath me so she just like gave up on the means of the way she was mining compared to me I wish y’all

Stacked what can beehives all the beehives yeah I don’t know why I need them I’m just collecting them cuz you told me if I found any collect them yeah you only need like a couple so after that you’re good yeah you’re plenty oh diamonds Bo o more diamonds

I’m going to guess you left those in the Box what the diamonds I told you I’m guessing you left those in the Box I did all right well you mind them I don’t feel right just the way I am I know and I didn’t feel right taken because it was your area I

Know plus you know I have loot lock so I know you and Scott both do I need rotten flesh I set Scot on the spawner because it doesn’t seem like I ever get I don’t want this to hurt your feelings but I slow my spawner is slow and I know why

Too go try mine one day yeah I know I was over there the other day remember oh yeah that [ __ ] will spit them out every once in a while about every five minutes you have to step up and look up I know why I know why mine is we negative five

Kitty that is a long fall definitely do not if you want to jump down here I’ll put a bucket of water down first all right I’m still look oh there’s Katie we got another one there’s a midy [ __ ] [ __ ] kitty I thought I was crouched no no you were not two of my

Followers messaged me I thought you were playing um Tomb Raider tonight like damn I didn’t even know y’all were watching last night I know right K’s like I’m already down here might as well fix the walls I guess much one can watch but it’ll never count as the

Viewer yeah account is banned from streaming so it won’t ever count as a viewer oh yeah her son ped her topped down while she was streaming one I remember you telling me that yep and that was the first time she’s ever gotten in trouble and a bunch of guys reported her for

It oh my God I hear zombies coming and walking uh you sure that wasn’t from my stream oh yeah yours is silent I just knocked him off the mountain well there is no walls for them to get to me so like ah [ __ ] there is no way okay trying to knock it

Down yeah no I filled in the walls did you oh you exploded before you hit the ground I love this they catch on fire when they hit me Conan’s adding a new thing in Scott might be excited about oh yeah every 72 hours the the different Villages and stuff you can actually set

Up Siege cannons and Destroy them and get all the loot out of them oh [ __ ] I was already thinking yep I got to try It I got to go into water I want phasmophobia to come that [ __ ] door is driving me crazy that’s one I haven’t heard of yet oh my God I can’t wait it’s paranormal I love paranormal me too I wish I had the money for a couple pieces of equipment there’s houses here

In the town I live in I’d love to go explore yeah um the East Coast on paranormal clubs explored them I know you know name tap I know you know the name tapped Jason and um yeah uhuh Dave Dave even explored two of them here no

[ __ ] I down with you kitty that took forever you skanky ho [ __ ] where are you at 80 -12 sweet try to get really tired me too yeah me too look on YouTube to see if you can find a movie called um hold on here I’ll make it so that you can get

Down to bed rock quier see if you can find a movie on YouTube called spook here you’re gonna have okay Katie here you’re going to have to go why you digging oh iron here grab this bucket 8 no I hear you just give me a second the bridge is just on the road

Found iron okay I’ll have to look at it no spoke bridge is the one that um the lady got killed and you can still hear her and see her at times and if she stop and if your car stops in the bridge you ain’t returning all right here you’re going to

Have to put a water bucket up when I’m ready to come up okay the water bucket what the what the hell what happened oh dirt oh thank you yeah keep shooting me you going suicide [ __ ] all right so I got to go to 669 on the other side of that one

Yeah know I put that there okay when I tell you bucket of water here you want to hit me too and catch on fire that’s work I have to do all right I’m at 669 now 669 so now I got to figure out which way the 119

Is 119 would be up and down right yeah I don’t know the middle number you’re up and down the number oh yes you got find that last you got to find your other coordinates and the middle will lead to it all right so which way 4766 all right so it’s this way all

Right I’m down I’m slowly I’m slowly learning do you want the water bucket yet yeah you can and I have rooms for beds down here too I’m going to have to log off if you need to sleep we’re going to Mark spawn just in

Case we want to get off to go to bed we can Mark spawn I thought about it but if you continue to dig after I go to bed I’m going to be screwed no not if you mark spawn and log off down on down on that spot cuz it’s at the bottom almost

There all right I found the Big Canyon I’m too high up I need to go back to 669 okay 119 must be on the other side of this sorry talking to myself taking the water bucket is going to lead you all the way down work on mining out a little more don’t

For you have my pickaxe on you oh no you got your own thought I gave you one no I got all four of me found y I will make whatever you do be careful busting walls all he is lava near you no just made a little bit ofion so

We can get in here yeah definitely that’s all I did I’m heading to bed can barely keep is open at this point you’re good you’re down there safe I’m not digging any lower than that not until it’s jump time then I have to empty all the everything out oh okay

Y love you I heard that she called you well we discovered one good thing yeah I’m getting better coordinates y welcome in guys your viewers pop up real quick yeah I’m digging a Creator to hell she really is I really am cuz she told me she was going to put my ass in

It I’m going make him jump it down to bedrock we going to go to build height jump it down to bedrock and also where I’ll be putting a villager up at the top to trade with for achievements here I’m tired here I’m tired of you flirting

With me my sister get your ass down here if you do ever make it back here I’ll put water down so you can jump in well that’s actually where I’m trying to make it back to I’m at you could do the 939 but I’m at 3424 for the

Positive uh I wrote down what did I writee down I wrote down 939 120 4990 that’s just what I’m going to go buy for now that’s not mine that’s yours you you meant to the end chest cuz that’s not my coordinates my coordinates 3424 939 you’re on the 939 level right

Correct okay 4990 is where I go back to to find you oh yeah no I mean you need my cord to come back to me yeah what I’m going to do is go toga 939 and then run to you okay I just wrote down the I wrote the

Coordinates down jump down into the crater I’m not what I did I wrote the coordinat down a while ago where I tossed out about five or six torches okay oh and I’m also taking friends with me they’re my hostages lucky damn hostages I am going to come back

Here and explore this out more this tunnel Cave System nice see if I can get you or Katie to come with me yeah right I’m leaving my bed there that’s got one over here too I got two or three different beds over here not in this area you only got one no over

Here a hole here sh the I want to evade just so you guys know what the hell uh-huh see what your ass gets hit me in a bat and catch on fire oh it’s not that way I go that way the number gets bigger so 939 he’s with us again oh

All yeah I need just hurt PT was a drag yesterday and it was so painful I wanted to message you last night to ask you how it went but I figured you was asleep I I went to bed at like 7:30 I we had the concert the

Christmas concert for the kids at um 6 got home by 7 ate something really quick I ate a bowl of cereal and I went to bed I felt nauseous I was tired I almost went to bed early tonight too but I was like you know what I got to get some streaming in

So dang yeah I’m biting my shoulder right now to to do the streaming I’m trying to get a better view because I wanted you to see something oh I could I did make that jump hell yeah I found you a little island to put a house on and one

Tree I don’t want to know what that noise was in my kitchen M was my dog or cat D like Solitude and tree well there’s there a tree on an island yep that’s funny yep 9 three we sitting here talking about paranormal [ __ ] and you hear noises in

Your kitchen now something just made a crash and I am like not wanting to go see what that was because that sounded like something just broke out in my kitchen um in our hallway and sometimes in the kitchen you’ll see like a black shadow move it’s creepy when that [ __ ]

Happens interesting though yeah so what do you want go back to sleep I thought Bailey was in here beside me earlier today but nope wasn’t bely it don’t phase me too much anymore it used to um only when it’s unexpected yes God there’s so much [ __ ] over here I

Want to explore surprised I’m not lagging how Minecraft lag factor is horrible lately all right so I’m at 939 mhm 939 64 4670 I’m at 3423 3 42 three all right so I got to go this way H I’ll stay on 940 and just try to

Make a straight line better be CL oh [ __ ] there’s a tried it 940 runs into here so like I said when you get close just be careful you won’t see it happen and if you’re falling it I promise I’ll watch you cwe you going to at least try to catch

Me depends on where you land cuz your mean ass sister D I’m sure didn’t try to catch me that is definitely too far of a drop for you to even with feather falling I don’t think you’ll make it what the [ __ ] you that’s like a hot air balloon yep I’m

Going to go check it out oh that’s ra Tower Don’t Go Near that’s yep that’s a raid Tower that’s one thing I’m putting a farm on uh they can be good things that’s the one thing I am going to be putting a armarm on do you know where this one is I don’t

Know I won’t know until I see the coordinates compared to the coordinates I’ve already taken um but be careful going close cuz then when you go through a village and if you kill the one with the the captain with the flag uh you create a raid and then

You’ll have evener mobs coming after you so just be careful I don’t want I’m not trying to kill anyone I just want to get coordinates uh I can take them from there uh do a screenshot and then I’ll take later hold on clip it bet you there’s more than that here what the

Hell I don’t even really feel the creepers when they blow up near me anymore no I’m going feel it if I don’t eat though what the hell I hear the lava this [ __ ] coming at me with a freaking shovel in hand I’ve been wanting to do this for a

Long time but the equipment I had I was just scared to do it with I do it without equipment like but I’ve been playing for so many years you just don’t stop moving I just feel safer with armor and stuff now I don’t think and

Then when I don’t have the armor on I get lazy and then I end up dying I have 80 and a half levels it’s like yeah I don’t want to die right away I’m at 24 soon to be 25 so how do you do the raid Towers they are a [ __ ] and their

Trident base so whoever sets them up and throws a trident in it’s theirs you can set more than one up right yep all right only only reason I was asking you can keep that one and I will go so you build your own farm and I’ll go make a different one elsewhere

They’re just a complete [ __ ] to set up I wasn’t that wasn’t going to be my question technically but okay you kind of answered it in our roundabout way yeah I was going to ask if you could help me set one up that way I could

Learn how to do it in case I found another one someday oh but you answer but you answered that question for me oh about send it up I can help you to a certain point but when you got throw that trident in it’s one base yeah that’s yeah that’s what I’m talking

About I learned better when you like my RAID towers that you that we made you know you basically let me do all the work but you corrected where I went wrong that’s these on I’m not even good at I have to watch videos on I’ve

Only ever built one and it took me a long time and it was very flawed so that’s fine maybe with us both watching videos and doing [ __ ] it not be easier yeah well if I watch a video and get it I just have to watch the video to get it

Because otherwise it’s like I don’t understand I’m going to get up there and get them damn coordinates well I can say guys we are welcome in guys welcome man we are 30 levels round about still to go 33 more and then my hold the Doom is mind with my two friend

Frogs that will despawn when I walk away but hey oh and really have not counted how I’m getting out of here just so you guys yeah I hav fig that one out yet I’ll be there soon if I can get away from these freaking mobs

Damn now I know I don’t like going out at night just scared that [ __ ] just blew me up or tried to get off me should have put a beacon down there been quicker viewers just start coming in and I’m getting like wicked wicked tired I know that’s how it normally goes I am

Beyond tired [ __ ] i’ be up in 5 hours where the [ __ ] are you oh you’re not going to kill me nope nope nope come here come here let me get one or two Good Hits and on you you can’t shoot an Enderman with a bow I don’t have my bow

Selected oh you were just aiming your boat that’s why I said that I forget it’s delayed another cave or did I mine off sideways off sideways really there you go for sure he was going to have you at that point no that was a freaking spotter oh the spider hadn’t came in

Just yet I was watching you kill the end oh there’s another one too you me to sleep so that you can get out of the nighttime why it’ll be daytime here in just a couple minutes all right plus my shit’s getting healed yep make sure you eat have I fallen asleep doing

This no way I’m going to be able to finish and wait for you to come if you don’t end up soon I am like falling asleep mining this [ __ ] um you got your phone on you uh yeah can you take a quick shot of my coordinates once I

Stop I’m having to stay looking around I got it got it thank you no I got to go back to 935 no 939 or 9 940 I promise I wasn’t putting you off I was just trying to get them coordinates you are good well it was night time it’s

Kind of hard to do that at night time that was kind of fun though uh 939 right there 9:40 so N nope that should be the right way but what the hell okay there we go I’m at 4 4 six you got to turn NOP you were getting there all right so I am going the right way you got to get your top number to stay bottom number down yeah I’m at 4410

Now onga 940 I passed that Village a while ago that’s the one I slept in I didn’t even notice the braid Farm there get out of my way chicken all right I just emphasized your name sorry that is definitely something crazy um see I remember how to do this what’s your coordinates at so I

Know how long I got before I get here before I put water down 3687 okay like I said I’m at 3423 I’m G mute you for a second I’ll be right back guys I got a phone call I’m going to take this phone call and I’ll be right back

I found my swamp like Shrek get out of my swamp oh I found a witch house hey y’all welcome in the mama and show she’ll be back eventually she’s she’s just old and slow I am not old I should kick you right in your shin I found a witch’s Hut I heard

Jerk I took coordinates for it also okay uh was that a kitty cat that is a kitty cat that’s the first kitty cat I’ve seen on here cat spawn in villages um or in a witch’s Hut right between the eyes all right I’m at 3544 got to be close to

You I see the bed your bed rest of har is [ __ ] that’s a long way down yeah don’t jump yet I’m trying to make it level so it covers most of the spot with water when you jump down so all you have to do is hit the water need

Be good but because I have different levels all right let me cover that up and then put that there and it should cover the whole thing yep the whole floor is covered in water go ahead all right one second I got to throw some [ __ ] out so I can pick up my bed

Okay double check your ma here okay Yahoo we all right do it again do it again again do it again it’s fun isn’t it ah I will be right back folks all right I’m back you there for should have got a drink when I was

Up don’t fall in that hole by the way I’m back all right don’t fall in that hole oh you’ll be able to make it if you do that ain’t no big deal that’s pointless take it off torches yeah leave them off okay don’t need the only thing we

Have to light up is the bottom right here so be 16 do you got space in your inventory uh definitely not okay I don’t think I looked at the spot and head space of inventory like I’d offer to help dig but I’m not exactly sure how you doing this just

Bringing the floor down all right same why you got it going uh yeah it’s just um look cool looks like an eyeball hey I forgot La this yeah I’m going to need plenty it’s like yeah know I there you go just to plant flowers to yellow usually sometimes the Lilies of

The valley as well and if you’re in certain uh biomes you’ll get like laac and stuff like that you got to be in the biome that the flower is you’re in the swamp you’ll get blue orchids and stuff like that yeah Dam what no I want to stay up there and I toally

By myself oh I thought I did that too [ __ ] but I’ll still get on be there to just listen I’ll hook up my keyboard to my thing so I can type it out uh 59 can’t remember if it’s 59 or 58 where I have it marked off right a second we’re

At 45 right now so just try to stay in my lines of my what you do I feel down the hole hello why are you not mining out the center you’re just like going deeper and deeper cuz I want to see if I can be sure bottom oh I already did right here

Damn of course [ __ ] gets to the bottom before I can Damn gravel is one thing I need a lot of and either deep slate or Cobble deep what do you need so much gravel for out TNT no that would be gravel what do you need all the gravel for turn it into flint and trade it oh

Yeah that’s what I do with mine besides I make concrete I also make TNT and I’ll be making Rockets shortly okay hit I hit that one you did um now that I got one set done I want to stock up on emeralds honestly yeah well I got to trade books

Because soon it will not be you just buy any books from there it’ll be certain villagers certain spots certain biomes that’s the new update coming out is going to suck it supposedly already came out but the villagers haven’t changed so morning literally I need to go to bed yeah my shoulder’s starting to

Bother me bad might just finish this tomorrow I don’t know I got I got like swollen knots coming up on the front and back of my shoulder yeah I don’t know why I don’t know we’re going to my fun at night ow it’s not a fans on it it’s called only fans

Happened I fell down the hole how was there a hole there I fell down the side uh I got a problem what uh I can’t jump that my little short blue ass can’t jump that high why are you going so far down cuz I look down at my I look down

At my computer screen real quick to see something and yep I was lower than I wanted to be yeah that’s okay I’m my know no cuz you not you don’t know the perimeter I’m going toward the center oh like no keep it look look where I’m at I see

Whoa where the hell are you in the hole hello oh my God I’m mining toward your way if you stand on the Block right in front of the hole I’m mining that way yeah I see which way you’re yeah hopefully I don’t mine out from

Under you and you fall on me I don’t feel like you can’t reach me up here oh I feel like that’s a challenge can’t I feel like that’s a holy [ __ ] what py bouncy on the bed bouny on the bed yes that’s our spawn points oh the beds are bouncy

I broke through the wall and it went Splat hey you’re dropping you dropping rocks on me I hope you know mean you’re mean you’re the one trying to man off me oh me yeah cuz I kind of want you to fall in the arms you just sounded like major

Pain yeah yeah good movie by the way but still shut the [ __ ] up like a bock of chocolates they’re like taking out that whole freaking pillar there yep I don’t found my pH for tonight what out a bed see ah I messed up damn it you can tell on boarded

Yeah dedicated I have to finish this okay I’ll go back to help him now I was just having a little fun stop going over so far that is the pillar wall no oh oh sorry is it right here yeah it’s right here Dam you stop got to fix it I got to

Fix it it I knew i’ get you down here on me eventually I did not mean to cut the pillow wall you’re good it’s fixable stop Trying damn you K ain’t the only one with little evil giggle no I don’t like it no no I’ll behave for now sorry when I get bored I think up different ways to be annoying oh that had nothing to do with me well I’m down Jesus n that one can’t be blamed that

One can’t be blamed on me nope don’t break my bed uhoh was that your bed or her bed I don’t know that could be complicated here I’ll fix it there you go hopefully that was my spawn what what they’re both call oh Jesus I’m G to message Katie she broke your

Bed what should be the one creeping and creeping on probably see if I got stuff I can throw out to pick up I picked up one you better pick up both long I pick up yours who who cares I’ll make you step out a freaking thorn

Bush oh I do that already when I go to crop my sweet berries goad I’mma place them all over me a plag in your house you nice I am for once I’ve already annoyed you enough tonight I don’t want you mad at me if you all talk about taking away my

Crutch gimpy and all I want to kick both of you in the freaking head on that one I’m sorry lean too once again I say mean I don’t even know what I don’t even know what made me think of that oh know but it was an ass move she thought it was

Funny working on this damn project for four and a half hours well basically 4 hours now I know I had both okay that’s the third bed all right I got all three beds now there’s a random floating potato down here I don’t want to dig I don’t want to

Dig because I don’t want to mess up your thing right now I need to try to start filling it in probably to um what 59 no don’t worry about it don’t fill it in cuz you have to jump to bedrock so it has to be like no blocks there right

Here’s level 60 I’m on Bedrock yeah it has to be one of these holes I have to fill them full of water one of them will give you the achievement give you touch and go which one uh yeah fill them all all in if you can yeah it’s got to be the lowest

Point so whichever one’s lowest and then hope you don’t die which is easier side than them by the way cuz some like this are the ones that get you the ones that stick up like us I make this jump I ain’t wearing no armor or anything no we unload

Everything of course I missed one torch in the pathway I thought about throwing a torch right here and right there for right now are you really that scared no I just can’t see it could be challenging when it’s night time but um oh that’s a spider eye I was trying

To figure out what the hell that red thing was floating up and down in that rock if you stream tomorrow night I will promote you again I probably will be it depends on how I feel After PT go pick my torch up breaking my torch well you keep place them on the blocks

You need to mine I know my FR said to come down with me oh I wish I had the the capacity to pick up that Redstone and see if I can make some ha got it well I guess it’s better than my trying to build a building

Tonight you don’t feel like doing the city tomorrow you want to hang out and observe my building techniques probably I thought you wanted to go to the ancient city I said if you don’t feel like going to the ancient city do you want to hang out and

Observe gotcha there there’s an if in there didn’t hear it don’t judge too tired to be judged oh I always judge you but it’s always in a good way oh that’s going to suck right there that is a two block I can see somebody getting stuck in that one that’s two

Block don’t jump in there I already have now all this now all this will despawn once we I’m going stand here it let it despawn yeah it just takes like five minutes Oh I thought we had to clear the area no black despawn after five minutes matter what it is oh while you

Do that then I can show you something I got for you find somewhere to put my chest at oh all right I need a water source somewhere oh okay I’m good going use this corner you’re good I was trying to make room I need to use that what I can shove in here

Quite a bit actually you know where you can look at my stream yeah damn it I got all I got all kind of flowers to try to plant and grow for you I see that I don’t know how you plant and grow a flower ah I actually figured that out

The other day I know tall flowers you can I do know that short flowers I know you can use build me get certain ones but NOP I figured out how to do it the other day oh well I guess you learned something I don’t know I honestly learned it by

Mistake you put the flowers down on a grass bed Put the flower itself down then use bone Mill when you pick it you put bone Mill down then you can replant it changes but it should change for the biome and never heard of being able to

Just put uh whatever flower down and get that’s what I’m just confused on I know I even youtubed it to see if I screwed up something but JC and there was one called wolf wolfy something like that I was watching and they were kind of explaining it how I was doing it

Now how are we getting out I have to take a bucket up that’s what I have to do and just filling these holes in you got to land in one of these holes and not on the Bedrock H yeah well you can lay back then so I can try water what

Up sure change the subject oh I am oh I did you know I’m just messing with you anyway oh yeah that’s just that all right I don’t know why that’s still running over here that isn’t that’s just got me baffled that should not be running like that that one has a

There whatever it should be fine I only never made one of these on the last round by the way I wanted to get my achievement just know one we do go to the city I’m probably going to ask lots of questions so I’ll understand what you’re doing that’s fine it’s basically just looting

Crouching and running for your life be honest I just want to be able to hear you when we go I it’ll be just Katie trust me you’ll hear me just fine there worry yeah um yeah me and Katie had a conversation last night about me telling him to

Hush yeah she’s not real happy with him right now anyway but that’s another conversation I was going to say and I already know oops all right there’s that I fell in one of your holes get out but I didn’t want to I’m still waiting her on her to get rid of that D

Uhhuh water this hole hopefully you’re still trying for me Uh a different time conversation that’s fine let stop I’m I’m in a hole think the only one left all right kind of miss our phone calls we used to do what sucks is as soon I let these guys out and as soon as we go up they despawn they’ve made it all the

Way down can’t we catch more for you oh yeah cuz cuz they’re not named no exactly I’m GNA laugh at the first person to try to do this and Nails one of these up no they’re my friends they weree down with me can I whack can I whack

No they’ll probably die with how much me and Katie picked them on accident didn’t now they can just in the water spawning but if I shoot them then we could have cooked frog legs don’t work like that all right now it’s time for me to try

To water my way out so we’re going to do so once you get to the top you’re just going to run one tall waterfall down right oh yeah yeah that looks complicated oh it’s hard I know that no back in the water I kind of want to drop my gear off and

Jump but I’ll do it another night you can no I got a a lot of stuff on me oh I will’ll probably do this first thing tomorrow night I’m just hoping I don’t C Splat my Endo chest is full and so is my inventory I could see you C sping trying

To go up this yeah I was already thinking the same thing I’m getting better at them oh man oh I shouldn’t have scratched my eye with my left harm that hurt I’m going to have to break down and get it checked eventually one day’s going tomorrow to have her check

Up I don’t have any insurance right now so that’s why I keep putting it off yeah and plus every time I go to the doctor they like to poke and prod and push needles into me that’s do job no they’re worse when you order on you let’s check your iron let’s check

Your histamine let’s check your liver let’s check your kidneys and each one is a different poke there is one nurse at the H the local hospital here uhuh she will not poke me uh my God all right so once we all get the achievement I want you to F this back in

I already have the achievement Katie has the achievement you’re the only one and the kids don’t okay once we get it I want you to fill it back in no I need this and my kids will be having fun with it oh I was picking at you yeah no I ain’t

Doing that I’ll just fill the top and cover it and call it good I am not doing that I was actually thinking about putting a fence around it you and your fences it’s hilarious do you know how often I run through places and not even paying attention and I’ve died just

Doing that I used to couple years ago and I stopped oh my God I’m almost to the top oh I did evening if I hadn’t I had my good armor on I would have died in the lava that I backed into I’m up I’m trying time to see you try I’m trying

Fall don’t jinx me [ __ ] had to stick my head out for air you got this T you got this yeah until I get to the very top then I jump off backwards not meaning to don’t worry I’ll catch it on um I can’t even clip yours I would say

Catch on your Clips but I can’t you can yes you can how tap my main tap the main screen you’ll see a little clip button there same way I clip on yours oh yep well he made it yeah all you have to do is move your moue tap it or whatever

Yep all right we have no spawns but I’m going to I’ll throw the bed down if you want me to I’m not too worried that is so deep that’s what she said all right I’m running back to the house is that where you’re head no I’m staying right here over

Here oh you staying over here tonight yeah all right and Katie’s bed yeah I’ll throw mine down too damn it it wouldn’t work you didn’t just see me try to push piggy in see if I can fly Pigg is in I was getting too close to the edge so I

Stopped oh give me that one back yes yes yes yes yes I need it all right my spawn point set me too I’m I’m going to try to make it to my I’m going to try to make it to my house all right guys I’m ending live have a good

Night I’ll talk to you tomorrow yes I’m tired good night night yeah I’m cheating I’m taking the tunnels for hey folks welcome in I’m only going to be on for maybe two or three more minutes tonight but I’ll be back tomorrow me yeah I figure it’s going to be changing why

Let’s see if my chicken and parrot can breed together what would that turn out to be all right go put all this [ __ ] up real quick and then call it a night doing what oh you talking to Sierra or the mom cuz she works at a skydiving place I want to do that

Again well if he’s 16 I think he can do it with parental permission but other than that he can’t I don’t think yeah Give me a minute biley No all right I’m missing one No a n That’s what you sound like all right folks I’m all for tonight

This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mirier Game’s on 2023-12-16 20:22:08. It has garnered 5 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:45 or 6825 seconds.

{Exploring} Located a Pillager Tower and Witch Hut — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/miriergames

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    Welcome to Complexity SMP! Complexity SMP is a 4-month-old server focused on exploration and community. The modpack includes various mods to enhance your gameplay experience, an economy system, and Discord integration. If you’re looking for a long-lasting world filled with creativity and adventure, Complexity SMP is the place for you. Join our active and welcoming community today! Explore new mods like Alex’s Caves and Create, and experience power spikes with mods like Cataclysm and Iron’s Spells. The journey is just as important as the destination, so enjoy the ride. Join us on Discord and start your adventure now: Join our… Read More

  • Cybercane’s Server

    Cybercane's ServerJoin our Minecraft server and get ready for an adventure! The server is a place where you can build, explore, and survive in the vast and amazing world. We have a special twist, we’ve taken extra steps to make sure that your creations are safe from unwanted destruction, so you can focus on building your dream builds.  Plugins:  Essentials, GriefPrevention Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Death by Enderman: Minecraft Mob Madness

    It’s like they’re all really desperate for your password or something! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s New Ride!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's New Ride! In the world of Minecraft, a car has arrived, Crafted with care, it’s a thrilling drive. A jeep in the game, a new sight to see, Modeled with love, for you and for me. The process was long, with modeling and texture, But the end result is a true treasure. With wood for the body, iron for the tires, Leather for grip, the design inspires. In Word Felt, the car takes its place, Ready to drive, with style and grace. Click to start, and off it goes, A new addition, to delight all those. So if you enjoy this… Read More

  • Minecraft Efficiency: Hotter than a Nether portal!

    Minecraft Efficiency: Hotter than a Nether portal! “When you spend hours building a complex redstone contraption to automate your farm, only to realize you could have just used a water bucket and some hoppers. Efficiency level: -100” 😂 #minecraftstruggles #redstoneprobs #overcomplicatingthings Read More

  • Crafting a Coffee Machine in Minecraft

    Crafting a Coffee Machine in Minecraft Exploring Minecraft Building Ideas Minecraft Witchcraft Mod by 𝓜Ꮛ For those looking to add a touch of magic to their Minecraft world, the “InWitched” mod created by 𝓜Ꮛ is a must-have. This mod introduces witchcraft elements, allowing players to delve into a world of spells and enchantments. Download the mod today on Planet Minecraft to start your magical adventure! Building Inspiration from Online Creations Many Minecraft players find inspiration for their builds from online shared creations. Whether it’s a stunning castle, a cozy cottage, or a futuristic city, the possibilities are endless. If you come across a build that… Read More

  • Dronio – My PETS in Minecraft are turning into DRONES! 😱 #shorts

    Dronio - My PETS in Minecraft are turning into DRONES! 😱 #shortsVideo Information Minecraft Но с каждым лайком и подпиской моих питомцев становится больше Итак я заспавнился и теперь с каждым вашим лайкам и подписка и у меня будет появляться Рандомный питомец Подождите и Да кто-то уже подписался и у меня появилось три курочки ладно А наша главная цель – это найти один Алмаз моих питомцев становится больше Это означает что вы ставите лайки или подписываетесь и Ура я нашёл деревню и что вы заспавнил иссушителя Ладно бежим скорее в деревню э К сожалению в этой деревне нету кузницы И вы просто посмотрите свинка побежала убивать голема Ладно бежим искать ещё… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mansion Showdown!

    Ultimate Minecraft Mansion Showdown!Video Information H Mikey are you ready to take the test what kind of tests what are you talking about now we now have two tanks at home we will try to withstand different tests in them you will live in the earn and I will live in the diamond it’s not for nothing that we’ve been building all this for so long but if you look carefully in the other direction there is a special machine with a button oh what is this machine doing you won’t believe it as soon as I click on it it will point… Read More

  • Surviving Dragon Apocalypse in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving Dragon Apocalypse in Minecraft HardcoreVideo Information sean todos Bienvenidos a un nuevo video en esta ocasión sobreviviremos 100 días en un Eh Eh Eh Ah Espera que se me crasa Minecraft Ah qué caray ya van varias veces y es por la ram espera pero si es el navegador que la USA toda Ah ojalá existiera alguno Que use muy poca RAM y que no sea tan aburrido como el otro mm un momento pero sí lo hay es ópera GX este navegador tiene de todo puedes tener tus redes sociales a la vista mientras mandas un mensaje puedes estar viendo un video en… Read More

  • Building the Tallest Minecraft Tower EVER! 😱 #shorts

    Building the Tallest Minecraft Tower EVER! 😱 #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] girl This video, titled ‘TALLEST BUILDING IN THE MINECRAFT । 4.8 KM HIGHEST AT PEAK । #shorts #minecraft #gaming #gameplay’, was uploaded by Gaur Gaming on 2024-02-04 03:30:21. It has garnered 6079 views and 128 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. subscribe for more ❤️ Read More