Minecraft’s Top Players Survive Zombie Invasion | EPIC Sneve Story

Video Information

This is a mustard City National announcement due to an unforeseen contagious virus the local government bodies have dissolved please calmly evacuate your homes and head to the nearest military Center for relocation martial law is now in effect and we require your utmost cooperation with a smooth execution of emergency procedures

There is no reason to fear everything is under control [Applause] rated C for cringe and may contain strong language alrighty here’s the deal us seven content creators were invited by Ford labs to mustard city to survive seven days in the zombie apocalypse each day the zombies were going to get more

And more deadly with mutations every 24 hours we were to survive all seven days and then reach a to be announced location for extraction I was chloroformed by forged labs and bundled into the back of a Volkswagen Polo and dropped off on the Northwestern side of

The map by the stadium when I awoke it was night time and I immediately found myself in a little spot of bother no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

Uh yes okay we’ve got a little bit of breathing room here thank God there must be oh wow okay they are a lot slower than I thought they were unfortunately I think having this much breathing room is not going to last very long but at least

For now we can at least uh sneak up on these guys here how you doing boys to you too buddy it looks like we’re in some kind of large car park I guess yeah that’s still miles behind me we’re all good oh is this a is there a barrel oh

There is a zombie spawner underneath that car crap come on hit him zombie apocalypse man you gotta punch the zombies so I guess we gotta oh wow we’re really gonna hold up really quickly don’t they you’re so slow you’re so slow as long as I have some big open

Space like this I should be fine it’s when I go into the city that I’m going to be worried already let’s get some baby tools going Boop and a crafting table yes oh geez these guys uh oh This guy’s got no arms he doesn’t have an arm to stand on wait no that’s listen all I’m saying is I wouldn’t want armless Jerry on my team if I was in a swimming competition I’m not gonna lie I am quite scared of getting these materials every time I pick up one block

Then I check to see if they’re behind me you just make some more planks I really don’t want to get cornered by these guys especially the ones with the weapons I’m pretty sure they could kill me quite quickly a fragile pomegranate man I am and this time I am making it my mission

I will not die it will not happen and now we are armed taste wooden ax more of a club really take that I know these guys have a decent amount of oh there we go all right we have our first weapon we can at least keep the zombies at Bay now

Oh x no more oh you know what would have been intelligent to use the oh I’ll grab that you know it would have been intelligent to use the ax to gather more wood now I have to punch more trees me big dumb oh no I made a pickaxe uh well okay well

I think there’s Stone over here oh man can you make stone tools from bricks this is my question hold your horses there Jimmy these look like Cobblestone yes they are Stern Cobblestone regular Stone yeah I break brain me no Minecraft be good yes alrighty now third time’s the jam yes I

Did it I have successfully created an ax I have beaten my own stupidity oh and Savannah excellent got myself some fashionable new drip for the holiday season well Lads this has been terribly fun but I do need to go and explore so uh I guess I’ll see you later anyways

Before I go what is in here oh hello why didn’t I check this earlier I could have just grabbed my stuff from here jeans I do love denim fun fact for you guys the human bite force is less than the tensile strength of denim so for when the zombie apocalypse does indeed happen

Saddle up in your best RM Williams telling you right now there’s a sword here called tire iron I’m having that oh yes by the way this is the skin we’re working with for the zombie apocalypse a mustached raspberry man I spent a little bit of time pilfering through the boots

Of these cars but did not find anything particularly interesting thing I grabbed this rotten flesh here as is the only food that we’re gonna have plenty of for now with my bounty of pocket lint dead flies and stale Pringles I decided to head towards this tunnel here as this

Map is thicker than a McDonald’s milkshake Sean gave us this map here to help us all get around so this should take me to the city good God man I need torches I cannot see anything yes yes it seems this is indeed the city so there’s some kind of petrol station

Over there and then we’ve got a truck over here I see button well that was disappointing give me your secrets truck well this was a short-lived Adventure there’s there’s nothing in here you know what let’s check the back of the truck that’s an idea success what is in you

Poisoned potatoes in a rabbit a rabbit foot hooray an avocado thanks oh the truck was backed up to a supermarket that makes sense Let’s uh let’s close that and block that off so no zombies can creep up on me while I’m checking these chests here oh geez well

That’s not a good start that’s a feature that’s a feature oh god oh yes apples Tomatoes hooray my favorite so sadly it turned out that building was nothing more than a grocery store and there was not much in there besides food wait what’s that in there

Oh my God damn you Michael what are we short on uh we’re running out of thin mints at the front office Michael you scared the bejesums out of me oh that’s right zombie apocalypse not sharp apocalypse I need to pay attention and focus up otherwise they’re gonna sneak

Up on me but first I need to see what this beverage is what is it hello fruit smoothie instant Health oh yeah I love that is it mango flavored I will not eat it if unless it’s mango flavored oh it looks like we got another customer don’t worry I’ve worked in retail before

What’s that you want to talk to the manager I am the manager yeah you see the thing with dealing with customers is you’ve got to give them a strong hand or they won’t respect you oh oh that’s a fast boy nope no no but no baby zombies

Be gone I I can’t I can never hit these guys you’re so spoiled get out get out leave just huh oh my God yes yes slow boys whatever oh man if when these zombies mutate I feel like the small ones are gonna be a big problem so I’ve had this idea to

Slow the zombies down I’ve been picking up these cobwebs and I was just thinking yeah this worked perfectly so you just stick them in the doorways and then what are they gonna do because their pathfinding will surely send them into the doorways and then they’ll just get

Stuck on the webs and then in future mutations if they can break blocks then they’ll they won’t like to break the cobweb they’ll just get stuck in it big brain yes all right he’s gonna deal with this last customer here and then I am quitting retail for good we have spent

Far too long in here honestly these are some of the best customers I’ve ever seen but I am quitting in the traditional manner mining through the back wall after doing a little bit of exploring around the city I did manage to notice that books were in plentiful

Supply so I gathered up as many as I could because getting an enchanting table is definitely high up on my list of priorities right now as night was falling I didn’t want to get caught out on the ground so I pillowed myself up and jumped on the roof of this building

This way we should definitely be out out of biting range until morning I’m not taking any chances with this zombie apocalypse yep so this is exactly what I was thinking about they definitely hold up far more at night so night is definitely a lot more dangerous

I’m glad I’m not on the ground ain’t gonna have got a cheeky little idea here place a couple of blocks and then we should be able to just pop down there I hope their attack range isn’t very long let’s have a look Nope we seem to be good yes yes the let the smacking begin I get the impression that XP is not going to be a large issue at least for now this is annoying there’s a child down there and golden armor that I can’t hit damn it yeah Timmy

Okay well he’s pretty slow I should be able to grab those giblets and then run off without him hitting me damn you Timmy yep now Now’s the Time jump run run run run run nope bad child no be gone yes up he bapped me why won’t you die oh man okay three

Hearts I should probably not play this game any longer goodbye Tim Tim and good luck with the fortnite Regionals I spent the rest of my daylight hours on the second day to gather up as much cobblestone as possible and also loot as many chests as I could find eventually I

Stumbled across this building which I think is a bank and the bank was complete with a downstairs Vault I didn’t want to head downstairs right away because I didn’t want zombies walking up behind me so I decided to check the upstairs first because if I needed an Escape Route upstairs would be

A lot easier easier as in I could just break a window and then my ankles I can hear a zombie somewhere oh there he is no no no oh God no dim be gone get out of here oh he’s a slow he’s a slow boy there you

Go buddy there you go upstairs I managed to find a sword called Bank manager’s sword I’m gonna be honest if I ever went into a bank and the bank manager had a sword I would be quite confused oh yes Mr Smith the federal last payment was a

Little late oh my woman was in the room Mr sneeve once I was done rummaging through the pantry I grabbed up my crafting table and Forge and headed down to the Vault not gonna lie I am very worried about getting trapped in here and we’re gonna block this off there we

Go I’m sure that’ll be fine override lock engage to insert digit code luckily I know the password here we go yeah yeah oh there’s a hole in the floor is that a trap I’m worried that’s a trap let’s get rid of some of these I’ve decided I

Don’t think this is a trap that is good because I would have died I’ve decided that this web is not enough so I’m blocking it off already what do we have in here it looks like we got a little bit of armor so that’s nice never mind I

Can’t seem to break it alrighty oh I’m a filthy liar let’s check real quick there’s no Gremlins no I think we’re good okay what else do we have here uh a book called the ancient sword um and a sword called the ancient one I’m having you some say it’s one of the

Most well-crafted swords in existence what does the book say oh that is a lot of words honestly there wasn’t much else down there there’s a lot of uh gold blocks and emerald blocks but I don’t have the iron tool required to be able to mine them see it just disappears like

My father I did however use the pathetic amount of gold that I did manage to gather to make a gold pickaxe a slight and slightly meaningless upgrade from our smelly Stone one oh there appears to be a little hatch here called emergency exit let’s have a look oh Escape tunnel

Perfect I was I was worried about leaving through the top at just here in case of broken ladders the ladder is not broken all right what does this do uh yes it opens the hatch oh there are zombies up there I am shooting that yeah

The zombie no no no no all right let’s give the ancient one a whirl oh he’s stuck on the ladder get down here more there we go three hits not bad it seems to be fairly useful now the question remains how do we get out of here do we

Go back up the ladder again or do we uh just leave through the front way I’m gonna chance the emergency hatch nope nope no I’m not no I’m not there are so many zombies yep there’s a there’s a zombie party going on up there I can hear it okay we’re not gonna exit

Through the emergency exit shoot because the emergency exit shoot is too dangerous oh hello how the hell are you getting here be gone we’re going out through here which is probably the brainy way to do it I think we keep heading in a direction for now hmm Homeland is flag

Maybe I should go in here a riot stick that’s a shovel after rifling through that police car’s laundry component I decided to go into the police station no entry try and stop me hello cobwebs a glorious day food I feel you man I feel you I’m hungry now

There’s an idea I could get food but now we don’t have the coal to cook it me dumb what do we reckon do we think that they can it oh hello is that like a city hall that’s a lot of gold gold that I can’t mine what does that say I attack

Oh no I don’t know why I said oh no there I’m scared of high tax they like Tic Tacs but I hello dooby dooby doo Scooby Dooby Doo scoobington dubington hello Jeremy what you doing over there help help I’m under attack I’m on the roof I’m actually not

Under attack by the way there’s no need to rush unless you plan to attack me in which case stay away oh my gosh oh there he is ah you’re right oh yeah yeah just looking for the stairs man it’s laggy over here oh my gosh

Oh no I’m in trouble where are you I don’t know I’ve lost your name tag are you still in the building yeah oh hello okay hold on I’m coming in [Applause] there we go good uh hang on I should be using the bank manager sword has a have at the get good

Kids trying to get a block in there oh the baby Zombie’s getting through hang on uh ow that guy hurts oh this guy really hurts oh there we go children eh zombies I know I tell you all right crazy so you didn’t go to the stadium no

Oh hi I um I was too brave to go oh okay yes yes that’s the story we’re going to tell everyone you want those boots yes feather falling I’ll have that oh uh actually armor wise they’re worse than my iron ones but yeah whatever feather

Film’s nice I just I like the fact that just in case I got a fall or jump or something so are you nearby are you yeah I’m in the tallest building on the East Side East which way is east oh it’s that way I got something for you back at my

Place if you wanna you wanna come with it is it death uh no okay good I wouldn’t do that to you it’s something I found and it’s really cool I’m excited I’m excited to see it and it’ll help help you out I found I found this it’s called the 50 cal rifle I

Don’t know why but it’s pretty deadly this is just gonna chill up here I guess until yep yep just listen to the choir oh gosh look at them yeah they’re hungry it’s like Black Friday exactly we don’t have any coupons I’m sorry we’re all sold out of ps5s

Get your Rice Krispies somewhere else okay I’m gonna go I’m gonna take a run for it over where they said no it’s happy I know have you seen any block breaking zombies yet no not yet I guess they must be spawning at later date now look at this Golden Apple

Right for the taken and look at this bread yeah and regular apples yeah Sean found me like within the first couple hours and he’s like he’s like I’ll show you where I live I was like okay the children are immensely annoying oh they are and they’re gonna get real Annoying

Too Shadow led me on a delightful hike through the city through the terrible terrain up to a very nice looking high-rise Tower gotta say you happen to choose very uh pretty but dangerous locations for a base Shadow okay you gotta stay here though okay stay right here because I have like because people

Can steal stuff and I I can’t let you know where my stuff is oh I see so I’ll be I’ll be right back now where is that I hid my stuff too well say say out loud when you it usually when I’m like when I’ve lost something I will say out loud

Where I’m looking and uh it’ll help me find what I’m looking for oh okay okay um I’m looking out Beyond go on go on uh I’ll wait now I remember hold on give me a second I hit these too well Shadow yeah oh God Shadow help me

Where are you at I’m coming up your ladder okay hold okay quick pull louder I got something for I got something for both you oh Steve good evenings uh how are we hey goodness hey guys yes I’ve been exploring yep and I I found something really cool I found actually

Three of them I already uh consumed one but for you guys I like to give you both one okay compound whoa should I drink it what does it do drink it it gives you permanent strength three oh holy hell and this end and this is free you say

Well not free just just remember who gave it to you that’s all I see so an undescript favor one might say yeah you know where I found it there’s a mansion up on the hill Oh my God there’s a there’s a room hold on I’ll be right back I got it I’m hiding

Stuff he’s getting changed in there oh it’s Neve here see if you can crack this so Sean gave me this mystery to solve sadly I have the deduction skills of a wet rag so I couldn’t figure it out if you have any ideas though put your answer in the

Comments have you been to the casino yet so I found a casino uh which I’m planning on making my base there’s a machine in there that you can actually gamble with to throw gold and you can win stuff I uh need one more piece of

Iron you need one more piece of iron do you one one single piece oh there we go thank you Steve oh you got one yep I’m just gonna find a crafting bench up here yeah so you’re rummaging three shadows drawers [Laughter] Shadow you’re not using this iron travel are you

No you go ahead here I got something for you here Steve wait what sword do you got uh this is the bank manager’s sword what’s it do does this give you any Buffs it might I’m I’m not really certain because I have a I have another sword that says uh that’s called the

Ancient one which isn’t this iron sword and it definitely has sharpness on it but it doesn’t say it has sharpness here take take that sword and now put it on your hand and I’ll go run oh I dropped it am I running fast oh I have speed one

Yeah you get boosted ah well you can have it if you want oh really okay sure well you don’t have any I’m just figuring you know with the zombies I have a bunch of Swords I already have one with that and then I got a fireman’s ax gives me attack nine 15 movement

Speed God damn oh my God you gotta you got any fireman’s food it’s food I have a couple of riblets for you Sean all right anything I can eat on thank you oh oh I’m Keen I’ve got four golden ingots so uh let’s take a spin on the roulette

Table we might need to do it take a little stroll over to the mansion if you haven’t taken all the gold from it yet Mosey on over no I haven’t I haven’t touched don’t I don’t I only found um that Brewing room okay cool okay okay cool back on foreign oh geez

Oh oh my God oh my God what happened there’s so many great zombies no alrighty audience you and I need to have a very quick chat here on this mod pack if you die you lose one maximum heart however those of you who are good at mathematics May notice that this has not

Occurred this is because for me for some reason I am bugged and the the losing Hearts thing just does not work for me I I have no idea why the way that we ended up getting into work is Forge Labs had to manually set my heart to nine so what

I’m gonna do is if the hearts are incorrect I’ll just uh I’ll just come down here and I’ll just slap one of these puppies on there I will just pretend that this is the correct amount okay following my death and having my heart manually set to nine

I then made my way back to the city but we ran into a wee problem when I got back to the skyscraper where you at right here look out the window hello yeah just go through the window good idea except uh zombie Kim here is

Uh kind of in the way I’m so mad I lost the super soldier serum I know I was like he drank that and now it’s gone I don’t know if there’s any more anywhere there’s got to be some somewhere uh maybe maybe we can find like a lab or

Something somewhere are you uh able to get in there or are they still after you well no there’s there’s a horde of them no it’s okay don’t don’t have to rush it we’re gonna wait till the morning yeah careful oh what’s wrong with me dude oh

Oh just block block up just chill just block up two blocks and then just hit them I don’t have any blocks yeah well Mosey on around to me and there you go I’ve got a new friend his name is Leroy oh yeah yeah where are you Leroy yeah the strength

Three is really nice to have though yeah thanks really appreciate that don’t die Shadow do you understand I can handle this look at them all yeah now imagine when they jump no what what Leroy what happened wait where is he oh no he’s still there oh thank God yeah

Oh oh this is not good block up block up grab some blocks man oh Leroy’s on my shoulder there he is ah yeah we do the lemon through the zombie apocalypse me and Leroy the greatest team we’ve ever seen there you go now you got it what is that what I

Thought it seemed like it an Enderman do you see that no Enderman particles oh oh my God yeah oh my gosh he has an ender pearl oh yeah he used an ender pearl on me absolute mad lad after a while they they’ll feel Dash so I’m thinking of building a treehouse

Shadow of thoughts uh not too bad Leroy be careful whoa whoa hey horn come over here yes lure them away with your Supple buttons sure come over here chase the hamburger man not the shadow man oh yeah come here I just figured out zombies adapt what do you mean they adapt I was

Up on a two blocks and they couldn’t reach me oh and then one one started throwing an ender pearl at me yeah they they they learn okay Steve uh your stuff is up in a chest oh my gosh I just killed somebody’s bird Leroy was that your bird he was like

He wasn’t I thought yours was blue it was totally the only friend I’ve ever had all right Steve I’ll show you where your uh your chest is do you think that’s important right now I don’t think I killed your bird I’m sorry parrot was slain by Shadow Mech 27

Using Admiral ceremonial sword okay I didn’t see that pop up sorry he just dropped away Leroy all right let’s go get your things before Knight comes again you know okay we’ll just yeah we’ll just get this quick come here we’re wondering about items and casinos Leroy’s dead so uh

You guys come here often only when I’m in deep trouble ah lost my pride no I’ve never had none of that all right let’s go Mansion time let’s go all right oh wait here Steve I got something for you do you have a chest piece uh I have this red t-shirt well

Give me some mesh leggings thank you here oh thank you sir I very much appreciate this no dying to zombies now no never again no dies in the zombies that’s kind of embarrassing here you go oh thanks that’s even better than the one Sean gave me how is it the Sean guy huh

Foreign Oh my God oh my God if I died again oh that was no fun that was no fun oh holy one hard Steve you coming I nearly died how zombies knocked me off the ladder as I was climbing down oh my God I went down to one heart how I was like never

Again never again okay come on I’m currently bunking up I need I need to find some food okay there we go I’ve got some chicken are you good yeah I’m good okay wait hang on I’ll just take the I’ll just end a pearl down and so ender pearl I did after an uneventful

Traveling session we mined ourselves some gold at the mansion and headed off to the casino trust me when you get in the when you walk step foot in this door you’re gonna be saying I can’t wait to gamble here it is atlas casino now here’s the thing I thought if it’s a

Casino there’s gonna be a vault somewhere it’s a little bit dark in here but here’s a pair and like it says please throw one gold nugget below okay let’s light this place up hang on it says put one go gold nugget below oh there we go oh oh

The only thing is oh turn around little ones oh my God the children are back uh there’s gold blocks over there for you there Steve thank you well wow you had a lot of gold come on baby come on baby I’ve got it all on red

Let’s go let’s go come on baby let me see it let me see it it’s not working properly there’s only it’s broken it’s literally broken no no it doesn’t break it’s pretty sure all three of them are supposed to be gone I gotta win I’m gonna get it before you do sleep I’m

Gonna play you know I keep getting zero zero zero hey you guys got any blocks that they’re the whole horde’s getting in here uh hang on hang on we’ll use use these it’s not very uh sanitary but it’ll do hang on they’re coming in through the rafters

Come on do the scramble hey Shadow yeah the scramble there we go fell sealed up yep all right hey I won what’d you get a golden bar wow this really is a casino listen Steve look look okay this is a thing I worry about I give you

This apple and then you’re gonna die that would never happen oh there’s a shadow just give me the Apple I just want to look at it I just want to see what it looks like like this it is no no no I just want to hold it you want to

Hold it yeah I just want to hold it okay I’ll let you hold it but make sure you get it back okay yeah take the heart from him so you wasted that you wasted that hey I cannot be held accountable for your foolish Behavior you shouldn’t have trusted me

Oh yeah my margarita let’s let’s have a drink now Sean yes I’m gonna stand this way would you like a yeet stick I would love one the hold the yeast oh oh thank you you’re welcome I don’t know I was gonna say like use it with uh oh my God oh my God

Sean please you to this man this is what happens when Once when you do not adopt the responsibility of the Yeet stick oh my God that’s great we have to lure someone up on the building absolutely yeah definitely not him I mean definitely Kim yes I’ll stop

Hitting this Neve but can you do me a favor can you can you go check that window for me I was wondering if there’s a breeze coming in the one that’s open there you go I wanna there he goes there he goes That’s a three-pointer oh and after eating that

Zombie so ended our first 24 hours in the zombie apocalypse Oh geez I guess it just passed midnight well day two has begun the zombies are now much faster let’s hope the mutations don’t get much worse than that no I swear these rooms are very cool there’s got to be something here somewhere I’m at least gonna take these blocks

Annoyingly I would actually quite like to sleep and although there’s a giant bed in the middle of the room it is non-sleepable right never mind I’m dumb I had a bread in my inventory I mean a bed a bread bed and now we have to

Figure out how to get out of here show me your treasure oh nuggies and cobwebs fantastic um officer those are my nuggies yeah they I stored them here for later damn Nuggie police let me out I can’t find the way down that’s one way down a bit

Deathy though for me good God it’s night time again and I’m back in the same room where I started um getting kind of thirsty not gonna lie you know what I have an idea I know a way down I know way down here we go

Here we go this is the way down if anyone asks I uh I found the stairs and I exited through the normal way what is this building I’m on I guess I got really telled with the roof let’s go inside it looks like some kind of hospital or laboratory or something oh

Hello there’s a bunch of potions here morphine hmm so I spent a wee while checking out all of the chests in that they’re building found a few Tramadol hdls but uh sadly no super soldier serum which is what I was holding out for considering the last serum I had was in

My system for all of 43 seconds oh this hallway has a button tell me oh my God huh Meredith do be a dear and bring me the brown trousers I am hearing a lot of zombies down this end of the hallway oh there he is old uh armless Larry here is

Uh disobeying the laws of physics and uh he got clapped that’s what happens stay in school kids I spent a little bit longer in that place rummaging through the bathrooms to see if I could find a super soldier serum but after failing I decided to leave and when I left look

Who I ran into oh my God I need seeds reborn From the Ashes of malice Leroy has returned but apparently he doesn’t like my seed anymore so I’m gonna have to go and grab some more all right Leroy don’t play with my heart again this time

There we go and the team is back together or rather I am back with Leroy let’s be honest with ourselves here Leroy is the main anime protagonist and I’m just a minor side character for his Shonen Arc oh a riot shield yes that I need that I need that I need equip

Alrighty now I should take slightly less damage from the childish childish childish childish I’ve been trying to say this joke okay childish zombinos like you know Childish Gambino but childish zombino and it’s really hard to say childish childish childish childish childish all right moving on I do think I’m

Getting the hang of this uh nighttime zombie management got myself a little block here so they can jump up and I can whack them in the mouth this is what I’m doing pretty much every night that I don’t show oh there appears to be some

Kind of Landing site here and uh what is this like a bunker a bunkerino let’s have a look inside tell me your secrets observers and a lever oh well that’s annoying uh what is it okay interesting interesting oh a turtle hello what’s a new what’s a new it is

Locked okay I’ve got to destroy this well uh my inventory is full this is annoying all right I’m gonna I’m gonna trap Terry in here hang on Terry I will save you don’t worry I’m sure you’ll be able to get food somehow let’s have a look in here uh Tramadol

Blah blah blah blah bunch of potions uh nothing of a particular note if I have any potions I’ll just come back I suppose the chat’s gonna be here Terry’s looking after it and what is that it looks like an aircraft carrier cool oh oh I’m glad I think that might be Terry’s girlfriend

It’s all right Terry I’ve unlocked your powers as a true gamer now yeah I’m just having to look over these potions they’re all garbage I’m just gonna leave them here nice day for fishing sadly I’ve got to hang out with the Twitter Community I am reminded of the fact that

I uh hate yeah hate hate is the right word I hate fishing in reality it’s been two minutes but it feels like two hours oh there we go we got something what is it a bow a very mediocre bow uh I blame Leroy I think Leroy is scared in the

Fish Leroy you handsome devil I could never stay mad at you uh why do I hurt myself with this fishing oh hooray another goldfish okay I’m out of here I’m done let’s go back to the city or something use these daylight hours and then I’ve got a plan for where we will

Build our base now you may notice there’s something interesting just happened down here Shadow has died twice the story behind this is actually hilarious after you finish this video go watch Shadows it’s fantastic so Shadow has now died three times and won’t tell me where he is so I’ve come to his base

To help him shadow my friend where are you oh he’s not here well may as well go through his underwear draw then let’s have a look in here you know Shadow might be in one of these chests here so I’m just gonna just looking for my

Friend Shadow’s not in that one he’s not in that one man’s shadow is nothing for me to steal so I’m gonna tell you that this terrain is absolutely uh terrible it it’s it sucks great exercise with the calves though the angles not so much right oh I am heading back to the

Stadium and I’m gonna go into that Forest that we went past well there’s a few zombies in here aren’t there ow I’m bad at killing zombies oh yeah so you see these trees here my plan is to build a base in them yes you see as long as

We’re a little bit away from the tunnel I think there’ll be no zombies coming through and we could just go down here into these leaves here and I think it’s pretty unlikely that any of the uh the foliage lab crew will find me I hear a baby’s gonna be crazy what do I

Do what do I do He sounds really close where is he just attack me you don’t stop teasing me I can’t find him we’re just gonna block him off Okay and we can finally cook these fish uh never mind I don’t have any wood and I only have two iron oh geez iron is really hard to come by I’m not gonna lie okay well this will do for now I’ve got a little little starter room Leora

Agrees it is a little cramped though just gonna break some of these leaves here and we can finally store away all of this investment stuff Show Yourself zombie that’s driving me insane there he is there he is I hate you baby zombina all right I’m going out through the roof it is morning

Time I feel like the roof is a much safer way out rather than getting cornered by Dennis the great zombino chicken Rider now we’re gonna build ourselves a fence post here because otherwise I will never find the base and now we’re going to the woods because Lord Almighty I need wood for torches

Oh my God I figured it out the zombie noises they’re coming from Leroy Leroy I swear to God I am going to bathe you in teriyaki juggle charcoal charcoal is the play use the wood to burn the wood oh yes charcoal for days we can now go

Exploring with our many torches we can make and also have some fuel for smelting iron Leroy I will turn you into a wonton yeah see we’re in a minor quandary here if it wasn’t for that monolith I would never find my base but at the same time the

Reason my base is in the forest is so that other people can’t find it unfortunately I’m the kind of guy to call my mum asking if she’s seen my phone so I feel like we’re gonna have to keep it there for now foreign and we are going to the stadium finally

Oh the memories So Many Zombies but now I’m back from outer space Oh geez I I forgot how big this place is I pretty much just dipped out immediately as soon as I logged in this place is huge honestly with the the size of this place I I’m hoping I can find something

Because otherwise I’m just gonna be walking around for a while but it does look like there’s some kind of uh hello this guy doing jumping jacks down here well it looks like there’s some kind of uh I don’t know survival shelter or something here there’s some beds a bunch

Of wool but I don’t let’s have a look hooray yes I I have a feeling there’s not gonna be very much loot here so editing’s Neve here um I came across all of that glowstone but uh I didn’t recognize it was glowstone so I left it

There yeah yep I now realized that that was a brainlit move and you you’re a royal Rabbit Run yeah it really seems like besides food I’m not finding an awful lot in this station I figure maybe I’ve got to go higher up and I can find

Some uh you know like one of those little rooms that they record the games from maybe there’ll be something in there oh I found the exit look at the Stadium’s so big that it’s uh it’s not even loaded in on the other side well I’ve gone on to the roof here but it

Would appear that there’s nothing up here either a shame to be sure I found the recording room Milo okay uh oh I think I might be in the back rooms here I don’t think I’m supposed to be in here what do you do hello well I’m glad nothing exploded

I guess we’re done nothing on the roof either sad face dot JPEG and now the sneeze way down I am a genius now let’s check out this basketball stadium after I dab on this kid there you go yeah it was my understanding there would be no children at the game

Sorry Tim Tim but I’m gonna be having alcoholic beverages here seal engines hmm I could take that prismarine there are a lot more zombies in the basketball stadium than there are in the football stadium proof the basketball fans are more likely to become zombies hmm politics okay we’re gonna need to be a

Little faster here the zombies are starting to wake up come on come on all right I think this is going to be our a little safety spot for the night to be able to lure them over and then we’ll take them out in the morning pretty much

Yeah it seems to work decently and get a little spot so we can whack them during the night and then go down and collect all the giblets and XP in the morning okay it’s morning another another restless night just whacking the hungry zombies below me we’ll just finish these

Guys off and get out of here what Leroy why why would you do that flew right in front of my sword oh God why okay well let’s let’s go back inside the stadium now and uh see if we can find anything another bird perhaps oh wow this is this is very impressive

The lighting’s really good and the glass Glock thingy I don’t know I don’t watch basketball yeah that is very cool there’s a lot of zombies in here and uh not a lot of loot so I’m Gonna Leave yeah yeah it would be the same as the football stadium there’s a lot of like

Kiosks with food in them but uh not any loot not any lootable loot no not any loot worth looting as they say I did manage to find the observation Booth again with the levers that do nothing and it’s two arrows and a potato hooray you know I do feel kind of

Jealous of Shadow he goes looting for 20 minutes and finds super soldier’s serum and meanwhile I find grass uh potato and uh some spider eyes hooray another very uneventful Scavenging trip I’m afraid alright well if we can’t go and scavenge some gear then we’re going to use the the Minecrafting craft of of

Minecrafting to go and find some gear ourselves I recognize now that nowhere in that rambling incoherent narration was I close to anything that could be considered a rational thought charcoal Murray yes I I don’t think I’m terribly lucky so we’re going mining you know what we’re we’re going mining oh an

Enchanted book okay I was gonna say my uh luck seems to have turned around because I actually got something good but uh no all right this is the spot we’re gonna use for a mine I’ll use my Riot stick here for apparently there’s a cave down here mmm

Yes give me the iron yes oh sweet Lord we have some iron and a little bit more up there as well excellent so I’ve got two furnaces here one’s cooking charcoal and the other one is cooking our Iron Man it is gonna be fantastic to actually have some iron armor of my own My God oh that scared me so much just as I thought I’ll block this off that fellow is like um pickaxe who finally no more destroying gold blocks for the old snevy boy in addition to that I also made the iron pick so that we could go a little deeper

And hopefully find some diamonds oh deep slate excellent that means the diamonds have found it uh negative 40 million like I said last time so we’re looking for the crab people and we’re gonna go pretty deep that’s what she said the first deep all we find is gold

Interesting I certainly need more of that oh well this will make a fine addition to my buttered armor collection the blue bubble gum or half pretend the raspberry man very excited let’s go give me give me I’ve been saving my iron pick for this exact situation however I don’t

Have any space there we go only two that is extremely disappointing there’s gonna be some more around here yes yes yes I was down in that mine until I found two more diamonds and then I mined some iron on the way back up making sure that every time I had a

Decent length Corridor behind me I blocked it off in case zombies turned up the five diamonds are of course for one diamond pickaxe and one enchanting table and I did manage to find some lapis so we are a go on the enchanting oh yes and finally some coal thank the Lord So it’s just rolled over to day three and we’ve all just received messages on our portable radio devices I’m not really sure what to make of it so I’ll let you have a listen transmission hey how’s it going it’s uh I’m in a bunker right now not doing two here’s the problem

There’s a man living in the city and he needs to die his name is Kim and anyone who can kill this man will be rewarded handsomely I’ve got a chest hit him with some good stuff and when I tell you this is good stuff you got to believe me it’s some

Good stuff if you kill this man I’ll give you the location of the chest and it’s yours all right I want this guy dead you go one day all right here’s the deal guys um you know how I was struggling for resources and I still very much am so

That chest it appeals to me I’ve got to say so here’s the deal Kim AKA unsorted guy is the target Robo AKA quick boy happens to be online right now listen I haven’t known Rob for terribly long but if there’s one thing I know he is always

Happy to take down Kim so my plan is to proposition Robbo and see if he’d be Keen for a little team up if so then maybe we can split the reward now while I like Robo a lot he’s an awesome dude and definitely go check out his channel

He is also a very crafty lad so I’m going to store my things before I meet up with him just to hedge my bets in case he gets a bit you know murdery so I’m a little bit nervous I’ve done the you know this crap idea quite a few

Times now but the second mutation is they can now break blocks holy hell okay he they just broke a window down there it doesn’t look like they can break stone though or else I think I would have seen it thus far so I think we’ll be okay but yeah fragile material

Is definitely a good idea to not filled with those yeah so during the night they didn’t break anything other than the glass so I’m fairly confident in my theory that they can’t break anything unless it’s fragile so I’m going to store all of my goodies in here just a

Hedge in case something unexpected happens we’ll come back for it as soon as we have the obsidian for the enchanting table I made some shears and declared war on the leaves my thinking being we can use this as camouflage what what what’s happening what are you doing oh God no no No oh he broke my armor okay maybe leaves is a bad idea didn’t I say that before that’s why in the background I cooked up some Stone to make some bricks if my deduction was correct then they shouldn’t be able to break through this we’re obviously going

To want to keep the tree canopy to maintain the camouflage but we’ll fill in a wall at the bottom here with bricks so that the zombies can’t find their way in I’ve been hearing some zombie sounds in the background but they haven’t been able to enter again more evidence to say

They cannot break bricks we do happen to have a couple of visitors outside though big on traveling salesman I’ve already played raid Shadow Legends so I don’t know if they’ll be able to sneak in through this little crack here but we’re definitely gonna replace it with stone anyway just to be sure

Yep this is why oh God I can’t jump I can’t jump Oh okay I’m gonna get out through the top just in case another one shows up I don’t know much health holy hell that was so close they’re damn children well that gave me a heart attack certainly has made me want to work a little bit faster here and fill this in pretty quickly

So I think that’s most of the walls filled in we have a good solid foundation here we can build on top of it and just put that there oh God what what where’s the wood where’s the wood nope I say no Tim Tim what did you do oh right I should fill that in shouldn’t I there we go should be secured now alrighty the time has come I’ve had a chat with Robo and we are going to be meeting up tomorrow my plan is to proposition him about the Kim murder

Friendly things yes kindness and happiness and hopefully we’ll get an ally and Rob and he will be happy to share some of that reward would be jolly good to have Rob as an ally honestly he’s a good man he also happens to be quite good at this game unlike me so in

Terms of making it to extraction I would much rather have him as an ally than uh have him as a Ally and if you know what I’m saying so I’m currently at our meeting spot and sadly uh Rob informed me that he’s already claimed the Bounty

But I still want to make him an ally hey well well yeah yeah young Robo oh wow you are kitted out aren’t you was that the reward for um dispatching young Timothy oh it was much better than this oh was it yes are you going to say what

It is or is that a secret um there’s there’s a mending book involved you’re a lucky man yeah let’s lose some buildings how about it yeah I’m Keen I brought a little piece offering a peace offering between me and you oh my god dude that’ll help look at this

Man wearing full diamond armor holding a baby oh baby gives a poor man three diamonds wow that’s an extra gold or Enchanted apples I gave to Ryan because he was at two hearts what what happened to Ryan she had two hearts today I was like okay I

Have three left I’m gonna give you two and the piece of lost all right let’s go find a building to loot Robo and I hung out for a couple of days looting buildings and I even found him a present I found a present for you up here actually Robert there’s also grenades in

Here I don’t know what those are um yeah Robert I’ve got your present I mean I don’t have feather falling in my boots so that helps hey let’s go oh I got I got your beef stews thank you we spent a good while together shooting the breeze talking about zombies

Um mostly zombies really eventually we found ourselves in a very interesting building we got separated briefly but when we found each other again Robert had something very interesting to show me now I keep forgetting water is a thing be very careful though I’m careful I lead to death found uh yeah I found

These these legs up here look at that Iron Lady those things oh hell yeah no no look at it not just the iron legs Exodus Squad leggings oh hello have you put these on no not yet you can try them I suppose you don’t do you want them back

Um you can wear them they look pretty cool they do look pretty cool uh yes full disclosure they give you speed oh do they yes might want I shouldn’t have told you we got to hang out for a wee while that day it’s always fun hanging out with good

Old Robo you want your pants back I assume so yes all righty turn um I’ll get you some Diamond pants okay all right I’ll accept that trade you can have your pants back so long as you give me something pleasure pleasure looting buildings with

You yes damn it I wish I hadn’t got rid of my other pants now all right see you later all right buddy I’ll see you where am I going I need to go south well that was certainly a delightful chat with sir Robinson uh he’s not gonna lie I think I

Miscalculated by telling him the Buffs that those pants gave me well it meant that we left on amicable terms so hopefully we can formulate an alliance next on the agenda is we are going back uh on finishing our enchanting table if you look at the map here there is a

Volcano down there and I imagine that it will have plenty of obsidian so that’s where we’re going once we managed to find our way out of this situation not sure we seem to be in a little bit of a pickle there’s a lot of zombinos oh yeah

There’s a lot uh I guess I could throw away I really want to I want to explore some more of these buildings sadly I don’t think I have a choice if I jump down I’m gonna get eaten so I’m just gonna have to Pearl away run from your

Problems children that’s how you solve them so it looks like my Pearl landed on top of some kind of Seaside Diner let’s have a look well nothing but we do have some edibles so I’ll take those I am severely lacking in food oh yep here are the boys where

Are you there you are okay there seems to be a few zombinos around here probably a good idea for me to Skid at all I have one last look in these all right boys uh I’m gonna numb on this fish here and then I’m Gonna Leave oh nope nope I’m gonna leave now

There’s baby zombies man they really make you hustle let’s check out this yacht it looks cool so maybe there’ll be something good inside I’m gonna grab my boat sadly I think it’s just decorative there’s been nothing in here it looks very awesome oh wait there’s barrels

Here hang on no no no oh yeah no no no these people were not prepared uh time to go this boat here though looks very interesting oh if it is I can just drive straight into the back okay cool I’ll park this up over here a couple of

Zombies on board but nothing too serious the main reason I’m checking out uh you know all of these kind of future looking places like this yacht and that other boat is I really want to find that super soldier serum that shadow talked about a while ago I’m thinking you know super

Soldier serum it’s got to be in the hands of someone that’s rich so oh hello beer fair enough oh you know what I just realized these oven hoods are not oven hoods they’re anvils I’m taking those you need 31 iron for an anvil I have 20

Back at my base not enough so these anvils will save me a lot of iron I’m gonna grab this glowstone though we can use this for some potions and now if you look at the map I am heading south east from my base so we’re gonna stop through

The aircraft carrier here for a real quick trip to see if we can find any any goodies there’s got to be something in this cool place and then on to the volcano for the obsidian very awkward ladder on the way up with no nothing behind oh geez

Uh we’re just gonna oh well there’s a lot of them and the lags pretty bad as well all right we’re just gonna we’re just gonna speed on through so these at the back here can look like jet planes oh wow there’s a lot of gold back here

Is there anything any chest or anything in these doesn’t look like it okay well I think we have to go further into the carrier this hanger here is just full of zombies literally just zombies okay looks like I managed to find the living quarters in this here Hangar I don’t

Like how close quarters this is I get a lot of them up behind me I may have to dig my way out the side or something oh hello boxing gloves and doesn’t say what they are my boots are nearly dead actually sanitation department and weapons Master well weapons Master

Obviously need a repair or an upgrade I’m your guy weapon storage okay okay all right um blocks okay let’s have a look name tags name tags name tags and name tags and iron bars well that’s a shame oh they’re coming in okay uh I’m gonna make

Sure that if they come in one by one I kill them all that way they won’t be able to group up I think that’s gonna be the smart way of doing things shooting range excellent uh I can hear I can hear a lot of them oh there’s another one sorry Jeffrey but I

Need to get in this shooting range come on give me something oh yes that was a 50 cal that shadow was talking about excellent excellent doesn’t say what it does but I’m gonna try it out let’s have a look wow that loaded pretty quickly I can see a bunch of them through there

Holy hell they took out the whole group I think I uh I may have got something very good by finding that 50 cal It’s actually awesome I actually I actually love it oh God oh God they’re coming in no no no he just he just broke some of

My armor no nope nope okay crossbow time can you tell I like this crossbow I am a big fan don’t mind me Lads I’m just uh just heading to the observation deck um just grabbing those quarterly reports no need to follow me I’ve got everything under control okay it looks like I’ve

Managed to find the observation deck check the chests monoculars sad face those aren’t very useful for me wow this giant map is cool uh nothing else in here sadly so I am going to skeretto on our way to the volcano a bit sad really they didn’t seem to be too much here

Um got the 50 cal which is actually awesome but uh very little else oh I can get them breaking blocks all right I’m just gonna I’m just gonna moisturize myself real quick here so we are heading south east oh it looks like there’s some kind of dock here may as well stop and

Check these houses really quickly a blacksmith lava yes oh oh I just had an idea I could use my water bucket and I could turn that lava into obsidian it might be a lot easier than going to the volcano I’m still gonna go but uh I mean if we

Already got our obsidian then there’s no stress of like you know risking anything the only thing I am worried about is this is there’s only a tiny little doorway so maybe the zombies will quite easily Corner me in here so I’m just gonna make sure there’s none nearby our hero

Our hero the great chicken Riders back well this 50 cal works wonders on children so I’m trying to kind of lure the zombies into like a straight line and then I can hit them at the 50 cal and take them all out at once save myself some time and ammo it’s Kim yeah

See like this you line them all up and then the bullet goes down the line and then once I’ve gotten myself what I feel like is enough room I come back here and I mine some of the obsidian it takes a very long time All right well that took a long time but uh we’re done we’ve gotten four obsidian now which is enough for the enchanting table now we’re just gonna head down to the volcano have a look what’s there and then head back and make it so please stop I’m trying to type okay hold the

Phone this Lighthouse seems to have a beacon or something at the top so I think I’m at the top but there’s no there’s no more stairs but I I haven’t found the uh the beacon that we saw earlier I guess we’re climb on the outside oh that’s a long way down oh

Wait no I’m done there’s there’s just a bunch of cobwebs here but there is some stairs okay no I’m wrong again now I’m at the top and I can’t see the beacon so we are going to have to block up somehow to get on top okay easy does it now I do

Not want to fall oh a little further this way oh yep there we go we can see it okay more blocks excellent okay we have a beacon because we are not going to be going to the nether obviously in this zombie apocalypse so this Beacon is actually quite unique very interesting this will

Be very valuable oh yes I that certainly looks like a volcano or lava or something yep certainly volcano-y I am a volcanologist and that is indeed a volcano there’s a lot of uh dead coral around here it looks very cool that is a big pool an uncool pool I suppose it

Also happens to be a building over there I’ll check that out later we’re just scouting for now we don’t want to get in too deep because uh well we don’t want to die and we also have a lot of goodies on our inventory so we don’t want to

Lose any of that listen I’m not going to question the physics of using leaves to block lava and uh you can’t either all right all right I’ve decided to go in the house uh yes I said I wouldn’t but uh it’s too tantalizing hello just one

Gold okay uh let’s go peek over the edge of the volcano and see what’s in the middle oh hello this is like a little little base down there interesting I’m very tempted to go and get those chests I’d recognize the danger but I think I should be okay I can just pedal down

Boop okay let’s see a seagull egg oh geez this isn’t gonna be a very good loot is it I just risked my life for nothing what’s up magenta die and fake fish arrow with fire resistance if I could shoot myself that would be handy and the final chest

Line die okay well this was worthwhile wasn’t it okay well I guess I’m going I’ll grab these uh hours of fire resistance I can’t for the life of me think of a use because I can’t really shoot myself but it’s the only valuable thing we’ve found here so it has some

Kind of a sentimental value I suppose what what oh God I don’t want to turn around I don’t want to turn around wait no no I can’t see it I can’t see it okay I’m just gonna pail out there’s too much lava here if I fall in that lava I’m dead okay

Never mind I’m I’m too I’m too nervous to Pearl because if I miss then I’m screwed I could get the blaze rods and make make some potions hmm okay what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna sleep and then we’ll go down into we’ll go back into the volcano and we’ll hopefully kill those

Blazers and grab some blaze rods okay they seem to have despawned but I think it’s proximity based so if I just I’m gonna heal up and then we’ll head down there no oh my God I I just lost everything oh no oh my God there’s there’s no way there’s no way

Any of it would have survived and now I’m in the bargaining stage of grief like maybe something survived oh man that hurt that hurt oh and it would appear that my health is reset to 10. um that’s not the way it’s supposed to go okay well we’ll Jack one of these

Boys on there well like my grandfather used to say if something’s hard to do it’s not worth doing I never knew what he meant by that until now so I’ve gotten myself some starter gear once again and now we’re heading back to the base because at least I left those two

Diamonds and stuff in that chest back there hmm the steam leaking from my ears indicates I might be having an idea here since day one we’ve been struggling a lot with food and we also know that zombies struggle to pass water so what if instead of going back to the death

Trap forest base we instead build a new base here the negatives of such an idea I think uh we’d be more conspicuous but the positives are there’d be no zombies we could Farm very easily and it’s also quite easy to see people coming if they

Do find it also I do happen to love the taters on my way back from the city I did come across a construction site and inside of chest was this rebreather it says it extends the underwater breathing time significantly being so close to the water this may actually be the play

Since the zombies won’t be able to swim after us terribly quickly and we might be able to find some goodies under the water in a few days we will have more bread than we can handle I’m also putting these slabs on the the water thingies because then we’ll be able to harvest it

Easier see it works it just works now we are going to test out this rebreather let’s see how it works oh wow that really that really significantly extends it really does what it says on the tin oh there we go okay so it’s not permanent but it is

Really long I can be down here for an age after realizing this I made myself a underwater mine foreign there we go let’s just hope no fish swimming not entirely sure how the spawning mechanics work because they seem to be spawning on the island despite torches and everything being up

Oh well it’s literally two per day it seems so I can manage this I can deal with this amount after a small amount of mining I happen to come across some very very hot spaghetti and thus I decided to use it to make myself some obsidian I

Might not have the ability to mine the obsidian just yet but we are ready for if we can find some more diamonds and an operation enchanting table is a go I decided to make myself a nice little dock here so that I can park my boat

More easily and also smelt it up all the iron ore that I found underground making sure to grab myself some charcoal whenever I ran out of fuel iron pick a quiet again sadly while waiting for our crops to grow we’re forced to subjugate ourselves once again to the self-flagellation that is Minecraft

Fishing just hit deep slay on the new mine the diamonds will soon again be mine nope nope you are the wrong kind of blue get out of here Diamond picker quiet again operation in lava pool obsidian mining years ago alright that’s all the obsidian that we

Need now we just need one more diamond and then we are good for that enchanting table That’s not including the two diamonds at my other chest by the way I haven’t been back there yet we’ll go do that soon unfortunately it is just about to turn over to day four and I won’t

Have the opportunity to go back to my base until tomorrow let’s just hope the Next Mutation isn’t too bad All right oh testicles so we’re on our way back to the base this is a very tricky terrain I’m not going to lie we have to climb over all of these trees and Hills to get back there but uh the monolith should come into view soon thanks to the new

Positioning of our base I haven’t ran into any zombies whatsoever however I have talked to Ryan and apparently the third mutation is a doozy we don’t know what blocks they can break yet that’s fairly irrelevant what really matters is the fact that they are really really

Hard to kill now so getting cornered is almost certain death you can see my monolith in the distance there we are very close to our two diamonds oopsie Daisy there we go now what else did I leave in here grab those two blue boys obviously oh yeah the depth Strider book

Actually since we’re spending so much time underwater now that might actually come in handy getting between these two bases is very much a pain but I guess we could use that base for additional storage if we ever need it I mean right now apart from the zombies we aren’t

Actually suffering from too many troubles so I figured since I’m running a semi-aquatic amphibious life I may as well put my enchanting table under the water I think it sounds pretty cool and not to mention moist these bookcase is definitely going to be a bit soggy though after a while Shadow Mech is

Going to be popping by soon to give me a corsage maybe a cup of tea and discuss with me a new announcement that we just heard over the radio I’ll play it for you now [Applause] Still alive I found a tape and listened to it myself but I didn’t really uh just didn’t know what to make of it again so you can listen get Thrills pendants of yours are what do you seek go to a place where giving Tom like beef in Mario’s seniors and since but

Probably no drinks but a treasure can’t be any mirror hmm yep definitely a brain scratcher that one my three IQ points are definitely having a hard time with it oh turns out Shadows arrived hello hello good evening sir hey don’t look at my chest get out of here look at all this

Get out of my giblets we compared brain sizes for a wee while talking about the riddle that we’d been given and then Shadow gave me something very interesting an Ender eye with this we can make ourselves this ender chest and Bank some of the goodies that we have

Managed to acquire obviously the riddle is some kind of treasure hunt so I made myself some Yeezys and some iron armor before we headed out why do I have the name tags oh wait no I need the name tags for when I find Leroy again because he’s gone walkabout and I definitely

Didn’t kill him we figured the riddle was talking about peeping Toms mirrors and sinks so Shadow thought that maybe it was someone looking into a bathroom so we headed into the city to a residential area and thought maybe we could find a tree house or something we

Couldn’t for the life of us find anything and the zombies were really really difficult to kill Shadow was of course able to dab on these kids like no tomorrow but my strategy for dealing with the zombinos was mainly to let Shadow do it Sean mcforge Labs decides

To turn up and asked us if we know anything about this riddle and if we wanted to work together to find the solution oh cookies yeah found a jam jammed trunk you know those cookies hey okay so you’re looking for Peeping Tom Peeping Tom a place where a Peeping

Tom would lie I thought there was a tree house in this town but there’s not and we were thinking a place with sinks uh and mirrors but no drinks we were thinking a bathroom Ah that’s good I was when I heard peeping Tom I thought of the newspaper people peeping Tom what

Was that it was like a creep right yeah someone looking in your windows yeah someone looking through your windows with binoculars is what I thought so we were thinking coming here because maybe all the wind all the houses and the trees maybe one of the trees so I was

Thinking there’s a movie theater when it says if Thrills are what you seek maybe yes if Thrills and desires are what you see go to a place where peeping Toms went Peak the the I think you guys are right with washroom that to me sounds right well what about what about the uh

The amusement park oh yeah that’s a good idea and there’ll be a bathroom at the amusement park well yeah all right you might have cracked it you might have cracked it we can can we stop at the the maybe we stop with the drive-in on the way yeah maybe it’s the amusement park

Yeah I would I would bet on the amusement park I think I think that’s the the it takes so many boxes that one all right you want to try there I know how to get there all right well you you you’re leading us Mr Sandwich Man the amusement park was a considerable ways

Away but eventually after a significant hike we found ourselves at the gates oh my gosh don’t mind the polar bear he’s just he’s just lost and that horse is in a tree it’s things get weird here yep yep yep regular regular old uh horse and polar bear relationship yeah all right

Here it is all right oh here are the restrooms hmm we decided that we would split up to cover more ground that way we would be able to find whatever we’re here to find faster and if Scooby-Doo’s taught me anything there’s definitely always a good idea I managed to find

Some sponges which was awesome honestly because due to the amount of time that I’ve been spending underwater I figure these may come in handy What the hell happened I don’t know what I don’t know what happened he was he walked into the washroom and died okay well um that’s a shame uh this stuff is right there should we get it um yeah I I would yeah okay hey Sean if

He happened to lose a couple of things um yeah do you think he would notice I I don’t know I don’t think so say you know we put all of his stuff in a chest but maybe but maybe something got slipped yeah slipped into the thing yeah I see

What you’re saying yeah I might want to get to it before the zombies do though okay audience here’s the deal am I really trying to rob Shadow my friend yes yes I am but it’s for but it’s not what you think okay this right here is

The real reason why I decided to Rob Shadow I don’t know I don’t know he was he walked into the washroom and died all right let’s run that again I don’t know I don’t know he was he walked into the washroom and died did you hear it

That’s acting now I picked up on that straight away but I wasn’t sure I I wasn’t 100 sure so I had to test him yep thank you so after I got his stuff back I went to investigate exactly what happened and just as I thought Shadow had been hit by something that had

Killed him now I don’t think that it was Sean that did this you see when I was out exploring with Rob we came across these grenade potions there’s also grenades in here I don’t know what those are I didn’t know what they were and I completely ignored them but I was

Informed by shadow that they’re a magical grenade that can one shot kill anyone now this isn’t enough to implicate Sean but something about what he said hit me wrong and as a wise man once said you have instincts for a reason trust them oh come on oh my God no what’s up

I just hit a grenade did you die no I’m alive don’t go don’t come in don’t come in don’t come in okay okay the particles are still going off There was another Observer this place was loaded yep the last thing I wanted was for Sean to be coming in here while I’m backed up against the wall I can’t let him know I’m suspicious yet is it good oh yeah you see yeah it’s gone it’s gone

Uh did you lose anything I I just dumped everything in the chest to try and not lose it first and then if he happens to lose something now then I didn’t pick it up I made sure to grab Shadows to most precious items his sword and his chest

Plate did you go in and then one of the doors you went in was already opened right and then and then a dispenser shot a grenade at you yeah yeah the same thing happened to me but it didn’t hit me is this the chest here yeah yeah yeah

As I said we tried tried to grab all your stuff but Sean was constantly fighting off these zombies it was so hard to get in there I should have put the chest in a better spot yeah the zombies pick up other stuff I’m just missing my sword in my uh chess piece

I’ve seen them pick up every didn’t didn’t you get griefed by one of by a zombie that picked up your sword yeah but there’s no zombies around me I don’t think I don’t know and I as I said I went I went into the room next to you

And uh another grenade went off I I don’t know how I lived if I’m honest now the more Sean doesn’t do anything the less sure I’m becoming in my conclusion but I am keeping an eye on him oh another but after me okay um did you get everything no what what

Did you lose uh my sword my chest the two big things no I can get your uh oh what what the hell just happened Foreign if you guys picked up the chef’s kiss that’s my sword Foreign [Applause] Thank you Foreign Trust your instincts boys trust your instincts so Sean has apparently found my Island I don’t know how it is too dangerous to go back there now so what I’m going to do is I’m gonna stay in this hole until tomorrow As I was digging my way out of my little safety hole there was a new radio message waiting for me I assumed it was going to be Sean threatening me somehow but well you have a listen hello is this thing on all right listen I just wanted to let everybody know not

To trust Sean we had a little mishap yesterday sneeb can attest to this but don’t trust the burger man okay so for anyone that can take down Sean I can reward you with something really good you’re not going to want to miss out on this I don’t care when you do it it

Could be today it could be tomorrow just make sure it’s soon okay all right shadowmax signing off as I was digging my way upwards through the sunlight and the moisture I sent a DM to Shadow and Kim to hopefully come bring me some food

I am a hungry man I gave Shadow back his gear and was able to meet up with Kim For the First Time shadow informed me that my island has been completely destroyed and that Sean tried to blow up his base in the city as well he also mentioned that lagundo possibly has some

Really interesting information he’s got some very important information lagundo we honestly the four of us should team up yeah honestly like serious serious like I’m not gonna like I wasn’t planning on preparing anyone anyway but I think the four of us should team up because lagundo he knows how to make a

Recipe to get your hearts back oh really yeah it’s expensive though but he says we can do it and on that bombshell Kim Shadow and I made our way back through the city I met Leroy three and we arrived back at my base my destroyed base pretty much everything had been

Completely destroyed including my Ender Chest which had the majority of my special items that Rob man is not trustworthy the Rob man so this is like your rehab Island yeah that’s right I’m detoxing over here now I didn’t know if I could trust him 100 so I took the

Opportunity when I could to go down underwater and grab my enchanting table Shadow and I had officially agreed to an alliance the second we were jumped by Sean however Kim wanted to maintain a neutrality with both of us that being the Sean group and the shadow group

Obviously we can’t tell him our plans in case he switches sides so we offered that he could join our group but only if he killed Robert and Sean I’m just saying you guys can really use me as because they believe now I’m their side

You guys could use me I mean if you want to prove yourself the thing the thing is Kim I was 100 ready to trust you and then you can went on about this neutrality thing and then I was just like oh well if this man’s on the fence

Then I don’t want to say too much you should blow up their base rig That Base to blow set off a land mine I don’t know they will kill me probably if if I’m president yeah but they will kill you anyway Kim Your Best Shot is going to be to have

Some allies that will defend you plus with my broadcast you can go kill Sean anyway you could get the reward yes yes oh that’s so smart is there a reward really yes oh yeah yeah all right okay yeah no okay okay Kim agreed to kill Robert and Sean and we agreed to give

Him a chance in our alliance if he indeed followed through in an effort to try and prove his loyalty Kim told us that Robert and Sean were currently living in a farm to the Southwest so we decided to go there with him to make sure that he was telling the truth after

We got there Cam and Shadow went inside to check for signs that they were indeed currently living there and Leroy and I checked around the perimeter part of my job was also making sure that no Reddit has got inside the house while they were having a look around satisfied Kim was

Telling the truth Shadow agreed that we should trust Kim if he follows through with his killing of Robin Sean we then headed our separate ways and I decided to head back down to the volcano I decided to want to gain test my capacity for torture by doing some more fishing

Sadly Minecraft fishing is going to be our best way of getting good enchanting books like mending as there are absolutely no villagers on this island turns out in a bizarre coincidence after Sean had tried to blow up Shadows City Base Shadow had actually moved to the

Volcano as well and it set up a base very close to where I currently was Shadow showed me the secret entrance and I was able to use his Ender Chest to get my gear back from the void I told shadow of my plan to build a new base

Underneath the volcano and gave him a turtle helmet so that he could visit me when he wanted to after this I got to work using the sponges I’d found at the amusement park and as I was doing this lagundo contacted me on the radio short version

Uh I got jumped outside of my base at the airport by Shawna Robert yeah and they’re like you gotta find Kim’s base or we’re gonna kill you right now like you have to agree to this and they’re like and they had me blinded so there’s

There was nothing I could do they had me dead to race and I’m like well okay just uh just come here and we’re gonna do a thing you can get a heart okay he promised me a heart back how many hearts you’re on are you on for context I’m

Online right now but they promised me a hardback so I’m like okay fine so I go in there and Kim is trapped in a box and then like you can get your heart back and I said okay and I shocked him and I got and Kim died and I got my heart back

And then Sean dropped a Grenade on my face so you think that Kim was part of part of it I don’t know if Kimbo is legitimately trapped trash trap the thing I need right now is levels yeah I need to get a bunch of levels okay

Uh I am willing to if you’re if you would trust me I would like to like come say hi and we can talk and we can try to figure things out because I need to like I need to start figuring out what I’m gonna do I have a theory I don’t know if

It’ll work if I can get to level 35 I think I can make a heart how there’s a there’s a there’s a potion you can make you need to be level 35 and I think I can cry should I mentioned this I told him

To make to get me spider eyes how how is it made I’m keeping that as a secret I’m gonna be the person who knows this this is this is my okay yeah I know how to craft a heart and my thought process is if I can get

It so that people don’t try to kill me I can make us have like well over 10 hearts for extraction time that won’t help against other players but it’ll help you avoid the zombies so yeah this is like this is what I’ve been at is

Like I don’t know what to do you know I don’t know who to trust yeah that’s fair well I know I know Shadow really wants to have you in our alliance we have both moved places uh to a new spot um but we we wouldn’t even tell Kim like we we

Told Kim we’re going somewhere else uh if Shadow gives the go-ahead to like tell you then um I’ll tell you but um I don’t want to say so what’s up what’s up what’s up so I was talking with Nev and my thought is do you just want to be

Together because then the odds of us being online to protect the place are threefold and we should probably or at least like base close enough to each other that we can come to each other’s defenses if necessary before extract tonight yeah I mean that that makes sense because uh Sean and Robert are

Basing together I I said that I am happy to bring him on especially because of his utility with knowing how to make the extra Hearts um but I I didn’t want to spill the beans so to say until uh you agreed so it’s up to you for me oh I’m

Good yeah okay sure following that confirmation from ghoul boy we headed into the city to pick up lagundo from school hello doggy oh it’s Grant and while heading back to the base I came across something truly spectacular oh yes yes I just got a shelter you got

A shulker shell or a shulker box shulk a shell and that’s the second one I have yo so after I died at the volcano and headed back to my base I found one of these in the back of a car but I didn’t mention it because I thought the chance

Of finding another one is going to be minuscule but now I’m fairly sure I am the only man with a shulker so quite soon we found ourselves back at the underwater base and lagundo asked to move in this is probably the play if you’re fine like I’ll go with the

Underwater Bond villain Lair okay the next thing lagundo needed to craft this heart was a source of XP as he needed 35 levels we need to set up a quick little Zombie Farm we need an easy way to kill a whole bunch of zombies Shadow mentioned that he knew a really good

Spot to get XP very quickly it was right at the top of the volcano okay just go over here and jump in this jump in this pool they won’t jump in so you may notice that these zombies below me are slightly different to the regular zombino that’s because these guys are

Husks and they haven’t been subjected to the health increases that the regular zombies have they’re still really fast and dangerous so we do have to be a little careful but they make for an excellent source of XP because they’re easy to kill during the day we made some

Alterations to make the farm a little more efficient and within a few days lagundo had all the levels he needed we’re heading down to the base now lagundo is going to try and make his potion all right drink it let’s see what happens hey

Did it use all 35 levels yes it does but it works it works fantastic I can stop hunting for irradiated apples yeah we can make our own this what is it spider eyes and then like 35 levels spider has 35 levels in a bottle of water and it’ll say it’s gonna craft an

Empty bottle and as soon as you click it it uh it’s like the gods shine upon your tribute quick shadow look now now we killed the Gunda please no I can’t take the emotional drama I’m not gonna lie this has been a juicer of a day we now have a group that

Outnumbers Robert and Sean so long as Kim and Ryan remain neutral of course but we also now have the opportunity to craft more Hearts than they could possibly get combined so long as we get our grinding shoes on the next step we had to accomplish was to set up our base

For long-term habitation and that included getting another wart Farm going so that we could make some potions to thank lagundo for his incredibly useful information we promised we would help him get to extraction now it’s time that I get some serious grinding on I want to

Get to level 35 so I can try and craft one of those potions currently on nine Hearts we could do with ten sadly after getting to level 35 I tried to make the potion but I couldn’t get it to work the reason is I forgot about the water

Bottle so instead I made myself a torture stick I also used the rest of those levels to get some more Enchanted items made myself a pickaxe and a shovel you see the only downside to our uh B genocide Farm is that the regular zombies can sneak in and they are

Incredibly hard to kill at least for a feeble armed creature like me with no Smite on my sword so sadly durability is a big problem and thus I am forced to do this and act comparable to getting a million paper cuts and then swimming in lemon juice I don’t really like fishing

I don’t know if you can tell didn’t manage to get a mending book but I did manage to find some other enchanting books and so we can put this efficiency here on our diamond pickaxe next day I went back to the aircraft carrier to get a closer look at that map

We found and just have a look to see if there’s any interesting Nook and crannies I could stick my nose into over the next few days the hard part is is all the nice places have already been looted didn’t really see anything particularly interesting but then I had

An idea what if I went back to my old Island and used my mind I will definitely be very careful to check that there are no traps just in case they find it but I figured the last thing that those guys are going to expect is

For me to come back to the island that’s already been compromised yes this is what I need the brown stuff I broke the Anvil at home so we need to make another one after a bit more grinding I was able to max out my fishing rod except for

Mending but hopefully we’ll find that soon well the sun peeking through my curtains indicates that it’s bedtime and the zombies are about to mutate again now obviously I have no idea what to expect from the mutation tomorrow but just in case they learn how to break

Stone I’m placing these mob heads down I saw Robert do it and I think the idea behind it is that it’s a very strange entity block so it’s unlikely that it’ll get added to the list of things that zombies can break I also put a hopper in

An Ender Chest underneath the mob farm to try and capture as many ender pearls as possible gonna need a lot of those for extraction day and that’s for sure later while torturing myself I came across something that was very interesting a new fishing rod and this one has mending yes it would seem

Poseidon toys with my heart once again he doesn’t give me a mending book he gives me a mending Rod I did find a couple of other enchanted books while fishing though and so now we can Anakin Skywalker those baby zombies just in time too really because it’s the end of

Day five and it’s mutation time foreign I hear you cry why are you standing on a Jet Plane dabbing on zombies very odd question I respond well the reason I’m here is because Rob found our old mob farm and has rigged it to explode so Shadow and I are standing here using

This as a temporary XP farm also since they found the XP farm we don’t know if they found our regular bases so we’re a bit nervous of standing in those the sad part is we can’t really fight Sean and Rob because we know that they’ve got

Tons and tons of grenades and so if they drop them on us we die instantly inspired by lagundo I was looking through the recipes that we could make in this mod pack and I found that we could make an atlas this is an item that could potentially allow us to see where

Sean and Rob are when they’re online only problem is is that we need slime balls to make one and I didn’t know where to find any luckily Shadow did he mentioned he knows where to get it but it’s deep in the city and Sean and

Rob are online so we’re gonna have to be very careful we don’t run into them it’s right here it’s on the other side oh wow it’s a lot of slime okay so you grab some I’ll grab some and then and we’re going to want to get out of here because of that

It’s not a good place to be in look they can’t get through yeah Steve you got it’s not a good place to be yeah you’re right especially at night I just miss I just feel bad for leaving all that fresh XP standing in the doorway there I mean you could have

Killed him if you wanted to but no that’s gonna get real hairy here soon well how much time you think we got like three minutes well until night yeah because we can either Punk or just keep going I think we just keep going we’ll be fine even with the baby zombies and

We can we can Pearl out if we really need to so you say we got maps maps yeah yep yep we’ve got Maps we made it to the water just before nightfall get good Shadow I calculated that perfectly and definitely didn’t just um guess we got back to the base and

Shadow made the first Atlas okay I made it foreign I don’t know what happened there I blacked out so so turns out uh the atlas causes your game to crash yep it just straight up causes your character to have a brain aneurysm now I decided to

Give shadow my shulker as he is much Bolder than I I’m personally more of a narrow italic but I feel he can use this space a lot more than I can he also happens to be carrying the majority of our grenades and Potions so I really

Wouldn’t want to die and give that to the other team now I tried making the potion again correctly this time but it still didn’t work I wasn’t level 35 but it doesn’t seem to be working properly later after returning from an exploring run Shadow said he found something very

Interesting I have something for you when I come inside I went somewhere where I don’t know if I was supposed to go or not yeah do go on oh you can have that okay and I’m gonna give you a sword hold on to for a second

Uh and you can keep it if you want to but I’m not using it oh what the hell I just realized gives you 10 hearts that you can keep it if you want it’s just if you lose it and one of the other guys gets a handle on it yeah

That’s what I’m thinking as well because we technically got all the power with the potion right but that doesn’t mean you can’t use it during extraction right of course not no I would save it for extraction explicitly well that was an incredible gift but the gifts kept on

Coming Shadow showed me a new XP farm that he’d made to farm the husks again now with the ten Hearts given by the engorged sword I said you know what shadow throw a grenade at me my reasoning being if I survive with 19 Hearts then we’ll know how much damage

The grenade does and we could potentially fight back okay 19. right I’m ready here yeah yeah okay uh I gotta get a little close I don’t want to miss you here comes run into it we then later did some more testing in Creative which would have been the smart

Way to do it and we found out that the grenades do 34 hearts of damage re yeah don’t go don’t go yet don’t go yet 19. so it’s still a one hit yeah damn wait the sword’s gone what the sword’s gone what do you mean it’s gone it’s not here

I don’t have it no it must have had cursor Vanishing and we couldn’t tell possibly no oh that sucks well that was dumb it was too overpowered anyway oh that sucks I’m on 10 Hearts again which is kind of interesting in order to suit my fragile

Ego Shadow gave me a mending book to put on my sword and to show you exactly why that mending book is so necessary allow me to beat this zombie repeatedly until it dies this is an iron sword with sharpness 5. there we go 22 hits yep when using a

Weapon that doesn’t have Smite on it you may as well be tickling the balls of a rhino so the window has been missing for a few days so I have decided to do some grinding and leave him a gift for when he returns as we don’t have very long

Until extraction and I’m worried he won’t have the supplies necessary just in case someone else managed to find the base I left him a cryptic message it is actually very obvious it just says lagundo feel and hungry we need a farm the riddle obviously just leads down to

The farm that we already have on the chest at the farm I left another message informing lugundo to not go to the mob farm since Rob has rigged it to blow I left him 24 Gold Blocks a silk touch pickaxe a multi-shot book and some carrots so essentially he can bring his

Own end of chest with him he’s got plenty of food and also he could make himself a crossbow well the day’s almost over new mutation is right around the corner we managed to sort out the heart potion problem and I’ve made a bunch of these it took a long time to grind these

But they play a key role in a plan I have for tomorrow foreign well it is the final day before extraction and I am heading to the radio tower it is time to execute my plan Hello hello hello for anyone listening to this I have an offer for you an offer to die for that should be there’s a b in here get up yeah all right all right here’s the offer Sean and Rob if one of you kills the other twice I

Will give the person claiming the Bounty five extra hearts alternatively if anyone else wants to kill both Sean and Rob you can earn yourself five extra odds good luck boys see you at the finale now you may notice that I have no XP and I still only have eight hearts that’s

Because I did grind out five potions to give someone five extra Hearts the radio announcement is simple Sean and Rob have to kill the other one twice to be able to get five extra Hearts if they decided to play this then they could get a net

Of only three extra Hearts however if no one claims the Bounty then we know for sure that Sean and Rob are Allied you see Rob paints himself a little bit of an innocent puppy he was going oh no it wasn’t me who that your mob farm to explode despite the fact that Shadows

Saw him doing it Shadow then informed me that Kim yesterday completed his Bounty and killed both Rob and Sean yeah a bad timing he could have gotten five extra Hearts if he just waited a few hours but Kim is now officially in the good books

And if we can help him get to extraction then we will sadly though Shadow’s base was also found last night my volcano base was completely compromised they didn’t find any of the good stuff that was there so I blew it Sky High and now I have another base I got so many bases

Shadow and I stuck around on the jet planes for a while getting back to level 35. I then proceeded to restore my first heart right now we drink the potion yes nine Hearts yes we have restored a heart all right now we go back I continued the process of getting XP to

Restore my heart I don’t really have a set goal all I want to do is make sure that I won’t die after an hour of grinding I found myself back at level 35 XP and put myself back at 10 hearts okay 10 Hertz let’s go I then grabbed up

My stuff and headed back to the aircraft carrier there he is here we have a problem we have a problem yeah someone’s out out there so you have to be quiet I made this hole so we could pile out we need to I am He’s coming what do you mean he’s coming he’s coming he’s seen me did we make a break for it I’m gonna go okay I stayed underwater for absolutely as long as I could just in case he had seen me get out but eventually of course I had to come up for air I found myself this little island here and I decided to set up a little fishing pool so I could use the time until I

Found out exactly what was going on the next day I got a call perhaps to cool off from all from a volcano heat dive down nice and deep swim around a little personally here I love lots of it the volcano no no no I died twice there I’m not going back there

What do you mean someone lives at the volcano and you think that’s mine no um I mean it could be Kim where’s Kim living what about Laguna um no thank you I choose life And what do we have to discuss I think it’s a volcano well first thing I say is why do you think this underwater base is mine was a sign that was signed by you um I could be Keen to discuss the deal s you will not attack you on or before the extraction

Kill your friends it’s a win-win for you they won’t attack you when the helicopter comes and how do I know that you weren’t just betray me you can’t for sure but you just have to believe me you’re the only man I will offer this deal to and they

Will never suspect you what about my base have you rigged it to explode and the hit needs to be called off or you need to lie and say that someone cashed it in the base is intact but the chests were destroyed you will be unharmed for the rest of the event

You’ll extract safely and I will never touch your base ain’t no more living in fear what about Rob he won’t touch you either talking for me you’re right I have no reason to hurt Steve and never have I’ll give you until sundown to think on this what if I don’t

Know where one of the races is oh shitamic Thunder’s going down my man will you do right now listen Sean I can’t accept because I don’t know where they are the deal is closed now good luck sniff there are more of us than you know my man you gotta die now

Look I’m sorry Sean but as appealing as your deal is you can’t be trusted and I’m not gonna betray my friends it’s a new world well that was terrifying okay I’ve got to be quick I I don’t know if they’re out looking for me Robert was trying to

Play off like uh him and Sean hadn’t been talking but I’m certainly not buying that so I’m planning on heading a little bit over this way to this little Inlet over here I’m gonna go underwater again I’m not risking them finding my base for reference this is my old Island

Over here all right hopefully this spot will be safe for now let’s get moisturized this spot looks weird but I’m making it an entrance I don’t plan to be here very long this is just a storage area really and there very long I was not my friends told me in the

Morning that they found something interesting by the stadium yellow after a short period of time the boys turned up and we began talking about extractions as I didn’t have an ender chest with me and most of my goodies were in the void Shadow brought me a new

One I had my silk touch pickaxe in there which was kind of ironic the zombies are now extremely hard to kill very fast they hit you very hard and they follow you for Miles so needless to say I am uh I’m quite happy with the alliance that we formed

Now however that said someone told Sean about the base I don’t see any other way that they could possibly have found it it to me either Shadow or lagundo had to have told Robert and Sean there’s no way that they came across that base organically so there are two working

Theories aren’t there there’s the lagundo theory and the shadow Theory the shadow Fury I I just can’t see it I I cannot see a shadow betraying us he had so many opportunities to backstab me and steal all my stuff and he just never has so it just seems very unlikely the gundo

However lagundo had been working with Sean and Kim an alleged spat occurred and then all of a sudden lagundo’s with us and within two days Sean has found our base not to mention when Sean called me he wanted to know where Laguna’s new base was so he knew that lagundo had

Moved and lagundo told us that that base was never compromised we had a look in Sean and Robert’s Outpost sadly due to the rules of the zombie apocalypse we’re not allowed to damage or steal anything unless they were online we also had no way of knowing if this was their current

Base or a past base or just a watchtower Zoe instead turned our conversation to our personal plans for extraction nobody including Sean knows where the helicopter is going to land what we do know however is that the helicopter is going to land in the northeastern third

Of the map obviously the airport is the most likely spot but there is also the spaceship and the military base so we needed to choose a location to which we could get to all three of those easily we decided to go with the mountain because it is equidistant to all three

Locations in order to get to the mountain on extraction day we decided to move to a temporary base near the mountain this residential area down here God damn it I hate this terrain we got off onto the roofs place down an Ender Chest a brewing stand and a couple of

Storage chests for items we also put down some water and an anvil just in case we needed to prepare some things last minute we did suffer a little bit of a zombie problem but we’re not going to be here very long so it’s not worth fortifying the base too much after we’re

Done making up that little temporary base Shadow and I mentioned to lagundo that we were going to be heading away bye guys as we had forgotten some stuff at our old base Little diddler gundo Gnome we weren’t planning on returning Shadow had constructed a temporary base built right into the side of the aircraft carrier it is very very secure we didn’t know if we can trust lagundo and we cannot run the risk of Sean and Rob finding our final bases before extraction and the reason we don’t plan

On going back for lagundo is because we can’t take the risk of lagundo betraying us before we can get to the extraction site now I had intentions to go and find my own secret base before extraction night but before we split I had an idea you see the grenades are lingering

Potions and from lingering potions you can craft arrows so I wanted to see if you could craft grenade arrows and as it turns out you can now we were told we aren’t going to be allowed on the helicopter if we have any grenades on us but they didn’t say grenade arrows now

Shadow had two totems so we offered to be a lab rat for how well the grenade arrows work and sadly they do absolutely no damage however they do give some pretty debilitating debuffs oh whoa I’m also slow too right after sharing all of the gear that we had prepared for

The extraction I headed out and said goodbye to Shadow I was going to be doing some more grinding but he wasn’t going to be on until tomorrow so I went off to find my new base look at all these guys you’re so dumb I wanted to be quite

Close to Shadow so I am very close to the aircraft carrier this looks like a pretty good spot so we’re gonna dig here all done yes this will do this will do as our final base before extraction just got a place to sleep I’m gonna be doing some more enchanting so that enchanting

Table is going to come in handy I plan on making a couple of potions for us to avoid the notice of Rob and Sean we’re planning on swimming underwater for as long as we can as soon as extraction starts so I’m going to make us some underwater potions and now Begins the

Largest grinding session of my entire life besides Cookie Clicker that game is electronic crack we’re gonna grind out as many hearts as we can and we’re also going to try and grind out a sword with sharpness for the simple reason that Smite won’t work very well against people

There’s the jinglies we are now level 35 let’s go get a hat okay first extra heart let’s go oh alrighty time to get my grinding pants on this is gonna be a long night well we’ve got a big day tomorrow Foreign Thank you Foreign I’ve cooked up some night vision potions and got up to 14 Hearts those night vision potions are going to help us a lot while we’re swimming underwater I managed to save two of the heart potions I was going to give out for the Bounty I put on Robert and Sean I’m planning on

Offering one to Kim in the hope that he will join our side before the final battle I’ve decided to take precautions though and I’m storing my stuff away before I go and meet him I told him to come to me by the destroyed Island and to come alone initially Kim tried to get

Me to come to him but my trap senses were tingling and so I insisted he come and meet me I’m sure Kim wouldn’t have done anything but I am not taking any chances while I was waiting shadow turned up and said he wanted to act as

My bodyguard but I told him to stay back I said I’d meet with Kim alone okay um can’t use totems though it was like totems and grenades are now banned come on Kim where are you my boy oh there you are there he is I swear I

Thought it was boats here before uh hey Steve how’s it going hey Kim I’ve missed you I’m a little on edge if I’m being honest oh wait a minute are you going to kill me right now no no no no no absolutely not quite the opposite

I saw Shadow also in the background or something what where I guess him uh no listen Kim no no no no no this is a trap I don’t I don’t trust you it’s absolutely not a trap um I’ll float it out to you if you want

Look I’m not even wearing any armor this this beetroot man is not going to take you down all right no no no get where’s your boat oh it’s on the other side I think I’m out I don’t trust yourself listen this thing I have in my hand you

Want it you need it I don’t even know what it is no you don’t seem to go I’m freaking out there you’re pretending like it’s nothing okay so okay listen listen all all I want all I want okay from you is just to give you this potion

That’s all I don’t want to give you any I don’t want anything else Kim get back here you don’t understand Steve I’m scared no I’m I’m scared as well Kim this will help you with your skin but you aren’t scared you’re like oh no don’t worry you’re like no it’s nothing you’re it’s

All in your mind Kev don’t you Bob away from me yeah okay you need this okay you need this let’s uh let’s uh let’s go and there’s no over here over here sneeve are you I’m gonna put it on the boat Kim okay you just grab it

I can reach it well behind you behind you bind you what Kim you’re freaking me out have you got the potion I’m picking up now hello boys shut up have you got this Kim have you got it no I haven’t got it oh my God okay what’s he what’s

He trying to get I’m get I’m giving him something that will help him shut up why are you hiding I’m not hiding yes I saw you in the trees yes well because I’ve seen you guys together and I was like uh I don’t know this is a trap no it’s not

It’s not a trap cam Kim please for the love of God you need this potion you can drop it now I’m putting it I’m putting it on the yeah you see where I am wearing my base okay there you are okay okay there’s a lot of zombies there so

Avoid them Kevin but grab that but why are you guys hiding I’m so scared right now because I I don’t know I came at him I want you to be honest I can’t make my base that way oh you have a base there yeah I have a

Base up there and then I seen you two and I was like oh is that Robert I want I want you to make it to extraction Kim that’s why I gave you that I didn’t I haven’t even looked what it is I’m just like I had to be like laser focused

Okay no I just I just thought you were Robert Kim so I stopped I don’t trust Robert I I thought also was Robert I said it was like Steve didn’t have any reaction I told you it was someone behind it up in the woods he didn’t mind

So that’s why I think this is a trap oh man without a chest plate and leggings if they want to kill me I’m gone you’re a crazy man yeah listen Kim we gotta deal with Sean and his traps the last thing I need to do is fight other

People potion of a creation what does that even mean you remember we were talking with lagundo uh about making apples no no not apples you can drink that potion Kim no drink it now I hope he won’t kill me no I wouldn’t it won’t I I

Want I want you to get to promise see that’s pretty good it’s pretty good he says a bit of a bit of a bit of a warning difference oh my God it’s more like it Jesus Christ okay listen I I’ve got to go back to the

Island because I’ve put some of my stuff near there as a insurance thanks Kim uh remember who your friends are and we’ll see you at extraction take me back to the island Shadow my God you like the taxi you like the Taxi man the meat is

Running isn’t it yeah I’m just uh I’m gonna get him uh I got a boat for you stop hiding I’m not gonna kill you I promise yeah okay I just threw it so yeah there you go oh that’s so much better promise Kim 100 I’ll give you a thousand bucks of

Arbitration I’m not here all right sorry he was talking he might have been typing to Robert oh no you think I don’t know I I I’m not taking any chances I gathered up the stuff that I had stored before meeting Kim and met up once again with Shadow I was wondering when you’re

Coming I’m here so we got the extraction Northeast before we headed Northeast I gathered up all of the craftable arrows that we made as well as the last dose of super soldier serum Shadow had found one more dose and he gave it to me to use for extraction

A smart idea not giving it to me earlier because I am a lemon probably would have died after Gathering up all of the supplies that we needed for the finale we headed out but we had one last pit stop to make thank you we’ve decided to go back for lagendo hey

Hey not gonna lie y’all were making me nervous no we just we had it we had to stop sneeze real quick he needed to get um oceans or something oh y’all making me super nervous okay so here’s here’s the lowdown Kim is still sketchy yeah no no

Shot yeah uh Orion is kind of a we don’t really know Ryan’s a wild card yeah and Sean and Robert are definitely together so yeah oh yeah absolutely um hey did anybody claim that Bounty that you put out on them uh no but they’re one of those hearts no sorry I I

I I would have I I actually wanted to bring you one I forgot I’m sorry I don’t have them with me oh no Steve what are you reading chat what was it Steve my man Now’s the Time all right let’s uh we should probably get going here wait wait wait end the

Chest into chest no oh and like they can announce it at any minute and then we’re kind of we’re gonna run we’re gonna run right that was that was the last potion from the Bounty perfect timing he says he attacks us all right let’s let’s head out because

They can announce it and then we we’d be running right in the traps because we’d be rushing all right let’s go I thought about bringing Leroy to the extraction but there’s no way no way he’ll survive no I might tank a hit for you yeah what a Shadows hits we made our way to the top of the mountain where we were going to wait for the helicopter pilot

To make his announcement I can still see you that’s so cool I never even saw that thing the spaceship oh those children are still coming after you oh my God it’s like Daddy I found you they’re not coming after me anymore they’ll be doing macaroni sculptures in heaven now yeah

Part of me wants to be like more near a point of interest because it sounds like it’ll be on a POI if we go down to that snowy area down there and move East will be kind of in the center of the two likely spots yeah well he just means the snowy area

To the North like the mountain extends north right and follow it yeah we’ll be centered both and we become from the back we want this guy this guy so slight adjustment to the plan but we are now going here and now we sit in the Calm before the storm as

We wait for the helicopter pilot to make his announcement we’re dead center basically whenever this thing gets called we just either run to the military base that spaceship or the airport in fact he was at the airport so we headed down there to see if that was true terminal three where’s Terminal 3

I mean I’m not going to go in there we had a look around during the night without entering of course but we couldn’t see them oh oh in front of the military base let’s go let’s go back in front of the military base and they’ll be a little more specific

Yeah yeah it is okay pearls Pearl under a tree yep Oh I see I see Sean he’s to the left he’s to the left oh yeah it’s Sean and Kim oh yeah of course you’re teamed they can Appel Kim has a fell in his hand Oh okay they’re pelting us all right let’s go we got the zombies on us so we’re gonna have to move in purlin hey boys guys get off this roof where is Kim Sean’s gone get off the roof just because he’d be underneath us where is Kim I don’t know

Gosh I got hit with nausea yeah I I accidentally hit you you hit me yeah okay let’s I’m just gonna go in I’m gonna be quite honest with you I’m up you’re hooked up you’re good foreign ‘s on the far side together that we need to go in calm down

Oh my God the frame rate [Applause] as soon as I hit them with an arrow I’m going in shooting behind you foreign I heard you to where is it the helicopter helicopter now we just need to kill Kim yes we got him uh guys what what guys what help where are you okay I’m in I mean I mean I mean I’m in hey I’m in hey boys hey Ryan Hey letting

Him come with us yep sure that’s right Foreign

This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Best Players Simulate a Zombie Apocalypse | The Sneve story’, was uploaded by Sneve on 2022-09-28 15:00:15. It has garnered 283892 views and 8495 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:50 or 7250 seconds.

This was the most semi – hardcore zombie apocalypse I’ve ever seen

Still cringe tho

Kim’s video: https://youtu.be/zYsx-LNewQ4 Legundos video: https://youtu.be/h39OvL8Gb98 Ryan’s video: https://youtu.be/ioudz2cWlgg Forge Labs video: https://youtu.be/6SQJ_jmEJOc Shadowmech: https://www.youtube.com/shadowmech Robert: https://m.youtube.com/c/RobertTown

SUBSCRIBE NOW: http://bit.ly/3lvJBmh Minecraft 1.17 Update coming Soon! Who’s exited?

More Videos: http://bit.ly/3bYqGgU Minecraft Gameplay Playlist: http://bit.ly/3vB3bCt Minecraft Things Playlist: http://bit.ly/38WDhz5

00:00 Intro 01:13 Day 1 28:36 Day 2 42:52 Day 3 1:03:03 Day 4 1:14:34 Day 5 1:27:08 Day 6 1:32:55 Day 7 1:47:06 Extraction Day (Day 8) 2:00:19 Credits and Thank Patrons

Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/620vob/

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft’s Gray Moss: From Bland to BAM!”

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  • 100 Days: Minecraft’s Explosive Score

    100 Days: Minecraft's Explosive Score In the world of Minecraft, a challenge arose, “100 Days” series, where the story unfolds. Luke the Notable, a gamer so bold, Survived and thrived, his journey retold. From humble beginnings, with just a few views, To millions of fans, all eager for news. The challenge was simple, but not for the weak, Survive 100 days, with dangers to seek. Creepers and zombies, skeletons too, Luke faced them all, with skills so true. Building and crafting, exploring the land, Each episode gripping, fans at his command. The series took off, like a rocket in flight, Capturing hearts, day and… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes for You!

    Hot Minecraft Memes for You! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle

    Unbeatable Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle – A Death-Defying Challenge! Embark on an epic adventure with the ‘Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle’ map in Minecraft! This thrilling boss fight created by Tape_Eater will push your skills to the limit with its three challenging phases. Intense Phases and Deadly Attacks Prepare yourself for a battle like no other as you face off against the Hellfire Reaper. With nine different attacks, including Missiles, Napalm, Shockwaves, and Sawblades, each phase ramps up the difficulty, keeping you on your toes throughout the fight. Unlockable Phases and Chaos Unleashed As you chip away at the boss’s… Read More

  • 肾结石喵的悲惨生活17

    肾结石喵的悲惨生活17 Minecraft Character Model: Klee from “Tragic Life with Klee in Dependence 17” Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking to add a unique character model to your game? Look no further than the Klee model from the “Tragic Life with Klee in Dependence 17” series. This character model can be used in the Minecraft: Java Edition by loading it with the Yes Steve Model module. How to Get the Klee Model To access the Klee model, you will need to download the Yes Steve Model module. You can find the module link here. Additionally, you can obtain the… Read More

  • Samsul CH is BACK with INSANE HARDCORE 🔥

    Samsul CH is BACK with INSANE HARDCORE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴TERTINGGAL JAUHH! | BRUTAL HARDCORE II #14’, was uploaded by Samsul CH on 2024-07-23 00:09:22. It has garnered 5553 views and 402 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:41 or 5861 seconds. #minecraft #brutalhardcore2 ==================DONATION===================== You can help me with donations yes, friend. You can use: GOPAY / OVO / FUNDS: https://sociabuzz.com/samsulch/tribe Hopefully I can be helped by your donations ^^ ======================LINK================== ========– Join My Discord : https://discord.gg/jx7KwxGyX5 / discord Follow My Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bagascipta_/?hl=id / bagasbuat_ ~~~ Command ~~~ !ig !age !original !donate DON’T FORGET TO SUBS, LIKE, AND SHARE YA GUYS! Read More

  • Upgrade Your Minecraft Gear in Part 2!

    Upgrade Your Minecraft Gear in Part 2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 2 – Upgrading Tools! New Equipment and Armor!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-06 19:00:27. It has garnered 21682 views and 618 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:55 or 2695 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 2! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building new stone tools and leather armor as we build up our base! Check out more gaming videos! http://zebragamer.com More Minecraft videos! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebrasMinecraftAdventure Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebraHerd Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/zebragamer This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Showdown: NottaG VS 2B2T Pros

    Insane Minecraft Showdown: NottaG VS 2B2T ProsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Normal Minecraft VS 2B2T Players’, was uploaded by NottaG on 2024-06-02 23:28:20. It has garnered 314 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. song creds BongEatBong – 2b On My Mind (YNW Melly Murder On My Mind Anarchy Minecraft Parody) Read More

  • Insane mods dominate Minecraft game

    Insane mods dominate Minecraft gameVideo Information This video, titled ‘How mods completely took over Minecraft’, was uploaded by NickNameHidden on 2024-05-10 12:52:51. It has garnered 1510 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:13 or 253 seconds. In this video, i explained how mods took over Minecraft, literally forcing the player to play with them, as well as how they are making Minecraft so special because of them. Shaders that i use in my videos: Complementary Reimagined, SEUS PTGI HRR 3. Texture Packs that i use: Unique Dark, Smaller Crosshair, Fresh Animations. Support my channel: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/NNHidden Follow my social media: X… Read More

  • Hoobs 24/7 Interactive Minecraft LIVE – Battle Commands!

    Hoobs 24/7 Interactive Minecraft LIVE - Battle Commands!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 24/7 INTERACTIVE MINECRAFT LIVE STREAM !COMMANDS !HELP !BATTLE’, was uploaded by Hoobs Live on 2024-01-22 21:48:25. It has garnered 161 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:00 or 42900 seconds. This is the video archive for Hoobs Live SMP of 1465 PM 👉 The LIVE STREAM can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/@HoobsLive/streams Hoobs Live SMP is a vanilla survival server that everyone can join! 💻 JAVA SERVER ADDRESS: hoobs.live 🪨 Bedrock IP: br.hoobs.live PORT: 19314 🎮 GET HELP ON DISCORD: https://discord.hoobs.live/ Made In Portugal ♥ With Love #LIVEMINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSERVER #SURVIVALSERVER *Special… Read More

  • “Friend saves my life in Minecraft!” 😱 #shorts

    "Friend saves my life in Minecraft!" 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Friend Saved my But i Did This in Minecraft 😂 #shorts’, was uploaded by RTERO on 2024-07-11 00:00:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello everyone Please Like, Share and Subscribe… Minecraft, Shorts, Minecraft 2024, Epic, Gaming, Minecraft Shorts, Minecraft … Read More