Moldy: Secret Portals to Alternate Realms!

Video Information

Hello chat hello are we live or did the world break yeah well broke you know thank God we didn’t do this earlier cuz like uh Discord broke hour I know Discord was like down or something and literally a storm just passed me so that would have been B

Power when out Midstream yo hi chat I see you I see you all K say one viewer in the chat yo chat okay oh who Discord whoa whoa yeah Discord did the funny still doing it apparently cuz I just got kicked from the go for no reason mold plays Minecraft yeah moldi

Does play Minecraft yes moldi does Minecraft sometimes maybe am I too low like audio wise chat chat chat chat is Brad too loud or too low okay I’ll turn you up Brad uh okay I’m going to click okay I’m just going to join the world are you in it yeah I’m already in

It go there’s no op to find for this version so I just hope that uh I just hope it doesn’t crash oh my no more ma SK oh no way oh yeah yeah yeah I changed it just before the okay uh we need to Bro plays minecra we need

Feathers for the book and quill to get to the multi okay this is how many do we need uh however many we need to make book quills uh we also need laa let’s go kill a cow cows there’s a bit of it’s fine it’s just just because we’re not using

OptiFine yeah nothing’s perfect what’s happening we’re going to the Multiverse I need to break it I didn’t mean break it I meant kill the chicken is audio balance in good chat should I turn Brad down or turn music down why does it look foggy why is the game make it look foggy what

Oh yeah you’re on threee bars yeah good luck this is what we get from Brad hosting the server merse exactly with booking quills we can like input our names and we’ll get our very own this would be a good Speed Run I just saw a la a lava pool and a water

Pool like right next to each other yo oh you’re why are you doing the normal achievement you might not be finding a cow I’m trying to find a cow oh yeah you do that I’m just trying to get oh cows wait how do you even make a wait we need paper as well

Oh find sugarcane I cannot mine no blocks this is great yeah I I don’t know what’s going on uh the cows are just refusing to die to oh and you got kicked not Surpris Tech I I can’t wait until we uh we make our own Dimension and then the server just dies oh gosh don’t even get started on that it’s over the server’s just going to crash oh oh okay now you join by the way I’m on one

Bar now I’m broken oh my God this server it was fine the last time we did it is it just because we’re on the snapshot I think it’s cuz the snapshot I think the server thing might be dodgy I don’t know what’s going on it’s fine we will

Survive we will survive me every five seconds uh like I would host it on my PC which probably would have a problem but like uh mynet probably kind of blocked me from put forward in on my PC so yeah that one isn’t happening uh it says players no one apparently well I’m

Apparently a nobody because I’m in it so I don’t know what to do authentication servers are down please try again later I’ve never got that error before Oh I think Minecraft is having issues not US ah this is great guys give us a second no it’s not

Possible they’re owned by Moi I mean not MO well they are on by Microsoft yeah let’s uh let’s check if Minecraft’s down on down detector nothing apparently down detector I’m in I’m in I’m in okay okay okay we’re in a beautiful spawn wow you’re in according to the Ser

Guess what I’m not oh I timed out apparently timed out to my own I got makes no sense all right how’s it going oh now I’m in how’s it going how’s it going chat how do I fix I to fix it better yet uh I spawned that far away from the cows

I can’t even remember where they were it’s fine I just saw your stream no what is going on is it because hang on a minute people have been trying to convince me to buy like an actual server for a while now maybe I will bite the no you can’t oh my God that’s

Why maybe cows is my oh my God that was veryit aggressive okay I lost my man stuff okay this is very weird I don’t know what’s going on I’m trying to quit as much things on this laptop’s background as I can you’re hosting on your laptop this is my server it works most

Of the time look oh there we go we are okay we might not run into any more issues why is the riot C in the background I shot you down why hey it’s using a lot okay chat this is it we’re good now this should be it now this should be it

I closed everything the only thing that’s in the background now is the server and all of Microsoft’s blow Weare so all Microsoft’s bloww oh wait yeah it’s working yo can I collect blocks oh I can too it’s working now okay okay well I I we’re good we’re good

I don’t know what the issue was you have one bar though I don’t know why I’m connecting to my own router like how was that happening going a knight with nothing but a pickaxe probably wasn’t a good idea okay I’m going to go hide in this cave no

Hello I’m still on the surface I’m in a cave taking shelter okay it’s okay chat we’re just playing Minecraft Minecraft nothing wrong with a bit of lag it’s like it’s like it’s like Anarchy servers hey it lagged last time I broke the Ender Dragon completely so I think

This is slightly better than last time have I beat blood bath or will I ever I haven’t beaten it but I would like to beat it one day I wanted to get my own server eventually so I’ll do that when I get better internet it’ll be fine

Okay let’s get an Axe and a pickaxe boom boom boom boom I don’t know how many like cows you need to kill so I’m I’m kind of just going on a streak of just yeah just just get feathers and paper I hear moners in this cave so I’m

Scared oh that’s a swamp bro I never seen a swamp before like a rabbi I might record this uh just so we can get some extra stream content so let’s go to bo bo just can’t you just download the stream after yeah but I also I want to cut up the

Music ah here we go there we go let start Recording I’m fine I hear a zombie and I’m scared like skill am I good at Minecraft no yeah I did a water bucket clutch once that’s about the peak of my abilities I know what bu clutch once where’s iron do you see iron in this C I would like iron I just can’t

Find it getting resources should be easy once you get to the Multiverse because you can get like Dimensions that are just like full of netherite and stuff what kind of YouTube glitch is that if you spam if you spam the forwards a bunch it goes back to the Stars what yeah makes

Sense oh no baby zombie no anything but that please leave me alone you’re dead oh I see monsters over there oh end oh man okay I got lots of coal uh let’s cook some food is there any animals that want to meet their maker I can only beat Minecraft in peaceful slow

Man oh we need sugar cane no don’t hit me spider you’re pointless you do nothing check this is great okay uh I have seven raw beef why is there so many spiders this is okay okay good we’re good we’re good you’re just you’re just chilling in a cave and I’m running out

On the surface I’m trying to find sugar cane don’t find oh where is it well that wouldn’t help I’m on top of a mountain now that probably won’t help my music is louder than mold that I’ll turn it down y why is there a bunch of camels just

Chilling in the there we go music’s turned down is yeah let me know if his audio issues I can fix audio oh I see is that sugarcane no oh wait no it is sugarcane I just got to get past all these monsters oh it’s over it’s silver chat

GG if I can get like one iron for a shield that’d be huge oh wait what so like what what like version even is this cuz you can like swim so um I don’t even know what chat says chat says Brad is loud but I am

Running for my life I do not have time is loud as usual well they said as usual so okay here I turned you down a bit on Discord you were pretty loud even for me no hi trapped video was good thank you I think it was pretty good too but all of

The compliments go to stall and oh lava buckets are useful we need iron we really need iron okay technically what we need in order to get to like the Multiverse is Obsidian flint and steel and uh booking P if we can find a village oh oh do you like wait

So you make the portal I’m ass Shing by writing whatever you want in the book and then throwing it into the portal right yeah but if we write the word Library we’ll be taken to like the center of the Multiverse where we can get infinite books oh yo those cheat codes Multiverse cheat

Codes center of the Multiverse the Multiverse that’s what we should call it chat Multiverse no way okay you just focus on there’s sugarcan over there I’m going to get but there’s currently a creeper okay let’s go chat can we get him oh okay there’s slime

Here damn wait I need to start I’ll get wood then I’ll get stone I haven’t even got one yet I Haven even open my inventory wait no I have oh seven dirt I’m I’m getting chased by a zombie a creeper and two slimes oh run run run

R leg it’s some zombies are running towards me yeah I know listen Okay nothing’s perfect oh run that’s a creeper ah you stuck you’re stuck loser there’s lots of Co no iron and I would really like wow that skeleton missed a shot it’s going

Day y we got Brad did a good job acting wow he says that your video was staged I did a good job acting actually actually do want to do like a stage video in 2 point to like as like a movie I think I told you I publicly said

I told you and Ender I believe oh witch no no no no no leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone what is going I over there wait moldy yo hi I found you somehow okay good uh we should probably find a village I think we can get

Everything we need there so let’s just run in a random Direction and Call a day wa I’m getting call food Oban from a village we can make we can MLG a portal so that’s fine we just need obsidian for for a uh you know a yeah do you have iron do

You have six iron no I wish let’s just run planes over here let’s go this direction plane why the why the plane all right chat if you see a village say like go or something go go at 50% of the way to the Village I know what’s

The I wonder if there any surface iron that’s what we’ll need surface just have bookshelves right Chad yeah some of them do some of them well I just get some sugarcane to in the bed on a village there’s no Village CH yeah I that’s what they’re saying this is why

You don’t ask them to do something because they’ll do it when there isn’t one and then when there is one they won’t say anything you know what moldy I am uh I’m tired of running uh I’m going to I’m going to break this tree oh yeah do

That what’s the best way to find villages I swear every time I need one I just can’t find one oh there’s lots of cows here I know what I’m gaing for breakfast I can hear a bunch of zombies underneath here like a spawner or something oh it’s down there Hi

Man yeah peek me yeah set on fire drop leather Chat yes I mean they’d be kind of pointless if they didn’t you know they don’t drop food so they have to have another purpose I wonder how far this boat will get me swamp swamp this way is bees over oh oh bees yeah tree the bees are on will they like come

After me no no no they don’t care even if that Hive is floating it’s why I don’t care okay we got some oh I accidentally threw my pickaxe in the water oh there’s so going to be Iron down here there has to be down where where the hell did you go

Like a ravine it’s like a cave next to that tree oh shoot there is iron okay sweet this is huge and you tried get a diamond in 10 minutes why do we need try get diamond in I don’t know chat said chat said get a diamond in 10 minutes oh

Shoot oh shoot monster monster monster scary monster I want that iron though but there a scary monster why did you break the tree and leave the two logs what are you doing there’s iron over here but it’s in a scary spot oh yeah you know just just yeah straight down good good

Thinking there you go I blocked one off yeah I might want to okay I fell down what where the block go oh shoot oh no it’s over oh wait wait skeleton oh there’s another one oh no that’s teaming up up up up up up go up

What do you mean up I have no way what are you doing I have block oh okay I C them do you have blocks on you I can throw some down I have like 10 wood I’m stuck in a hole with a creeper right next to me and

Like three zombies coming towards it’s fine it’s fine they’ll be good okay I’m going to go up here and craft food I’m chilling being chilling how long is it going to take to join the server I’m scared run build up build up up here up here up

Here oh no no no no I I I got rid of the ceiling come back up come back up you got rid of the ceiling yo they don’t like us oh okay I got the actually you know I’m down here oh no they found a staircase just dig

Just mine up it’s fine you’re fine just pillar up right behind you yeah I need I need blck oh oh they almost shot me run over here I have food in here take some food oh thank God I can put one more in there you go okay okay uh I don’t think

There’s anything this way yeah okay let’s I need wood oh I almost just we got to find a village we’ll get everything we need from there uh here let’s go this way well we wanted that iron iron is very useful I got the iron oh you did I thought there was more more

Where I was was there well I’m not going for that I got seven that’s enough for a bucket some Shields that’s all we need oh yeah we can get pretty much anything we need in the Multiverse so we just need need to get there first oh ink need for a uh looking quill

Right I think loser thing wait no we we went that way that’s the way we came so we go this way go okay no no let’s go this way oh wait is that an ocean it might be worth going to an ocean uhoh I broke my keyboard uh-oh all

Right have fun I don’t like leave me ah I fixed [Applause] it I’m going straight I’m trying never mind T the lily pads e looking our way oh there’s nothing over here they don’t spawn in in swamps yeah yeah uh this is a this is a spruce bomb you can find a spruce Village There all right let’s go Spruce biome where are you going I’m going into the spruce biome that’s the Darko Spruce is this way is it oh I’m done that’s Why there’s a big mountain over here we can get a good view there true true yeah yeah set your render distance up crash the server on the plus side we might be able to see something oh wait I just thought actually let me go on my options video

Settings oh my render distance is on 32 that’s probably why it would oh well that’s your problem let me turn it 12 is what most servers are good at I’m moving mine to 12 yeah I don’t even know if it’ll go above 12 for me because I’m not hosting

I don’t know I don’t like Spruce I can see very far I don’t either but we need a village and I do like Villages so I’m making a compromise oh watch out powder snow I always I don’t like it yeah this is fine this is fine this

Is all dirt Al this oh I just thought we don’t have opop so we can’t zoom we just got to hope that we can see that far H we might be here for a while we might be we should have killed some sheep to get beds that

Would ah I saw loads of them and I didn’t kill them cuz I thought it irrelevant llas I don’t know they dropped nothing uh a matter of fact don’t hit them cuz they will kill you so uh that’s there’s like five of them here and they’ll like gang up on you well uh

Where we been going we’ll go this way soon why’ it be like so villagers just don’t spawn in this oh my God no this is Lally just normal Minecraft right and except there’s a multi I wonder how long they worked on this update for just for one

Day here where did you go I’m coming to you I was killing that cow we should have Sav in the planes we should have yeah we should have oh there’s a sheep here that’s good that’s good oh there’s a bunch over there you got kicked flying is not enabled

Okay you got kicked for flying at L hacker he has his Hacked Client on chat you’d know if I did okay oh I got enough wool for a bed that’s good that’s good so now we Canever or we can s through the nights as long as one of us logs off yeah

Oh water jump scare we nice oh I just realized this isn’t a big river so yeah room oh there is a river light over that way I think no let’s go up here we need The High Ground walking I’m going to go a thousand blocks haven’t found a village yet what is this

Generation not my fault okay uh op up we got to find a village chat that then we can go to the Multiverse this is the stage I was hoping would be quick but it’s nothing for as far as the IC see okay over here Villages biomes The Villages spawn in

Chat I thought they could spawn in this biome Oh either way there’s a forest going up ah head so that’s good you don’t have a weapon I have a pickaxe that point just a weapon all right uh let all right you want to do a funny log off or yeah I’ll log off

See this is insane Chad see is bad yeah we know it is bad this is the first world we generated it’s awful okay at least we didn’t spawn on like a tiny Island that them seeds are all be worse okay where what way did you go other way oh that

Way okay let’s just go through this forest and then we’ll find can spawn in here iwn here pretty sure I don’t think they could spawn in the B we were in Yeah I don’t think we need too much more food I got a buch need oh he ran away I to go back okay Um all right chat anyone want to do like a rever run a run a reverse seed detection algorithm to go in creative and find us a village yeah please I lost you Brad where’d you go I went forwards what you me what I don’t know I found a quicker way

Around the maze that the trees made okay that’s good that’s good worst case scenario we can make our own stuff wait so we have feathers right we have yeah we have feathers we have sugar I have 17 sugar can I mean I think that’s more than enough any okay we

Might not even need a village here uh come here let’s set up a camp here this is a good Dimensions we got lots of trees and stuff uh here make all the sugar cane into book well paper give me uh the feathers wait how do you make a book again it’s like

This I got to remember I think it’s free paper and one leather well we need to know the seed well we don’t really know the seed I don’t know how to get the seed I think got books and it’s like a book feather and ink sacks yo okay I got two book and

Quills uh we just need lava let’s go look run until we find the seed what’s the seed how do I know what the seed is is it on F3 you can check f3’s seed right that’s fine uh just um just run around till you find lava that’s all we need oh okay I

Go oh end there I mean like yeah if we find a lava pool we’re good I’m just going to make a bucket that’s all we need the bucket and a lava pool I like this Roblox video so far yeah yeah all right I’ll make both a shield

Because I feel like that’s a good investment oh I just walked forward and there’s another Snowy Mountain I’m going to the right I think you went backwards I didn’t backwards I went forward I know let me check F3 no I didn’t go backward I went forwards and

There was another Snow Mountain kind of cringe so with our current two booking pills we can go to the hub Dimension and the uh one of the Easter egg Dimensions there’s like 20 so we’ll have to choose why a lot of Easter egg some of them have like more stuff

Than the other so we want resources might want to choose one yeah mly do you ever feel lonely yes all the time my gosh yeah uh uh Minecraft Minecraft okay yeah let’s okay let’s start moving now I got all this craft let me just make a

Bucket hey come here I have a for you Take uh this y free let’s go some lava lava pool yeah I mean I’ve already found like three very far back and I can’t remember exactly they were so yeah this way if you go forward she’ll still s in the distance this is an awful seed just go

To planes spawn yeah then we decided to run away look over a village we’re very smart mic is being weird what is it too quiet too loud how do you how you mean Right is it glitching uh is it glitching Now why is the I guess we just got to get off our boats here show you can it’s fine now wait it’s still it’s still wall I’m so confused what do you want me to Yes it still is let me check let me check the stream Bud all right R try speaking your

Mind uh I I wouldn’t advis asking me that see fine yeah night there we’ll see we’ll see chat complain if it’s bad if it continues to be bad I mean it’s fine now wow as soon as you check it it’s one coincidence okay uh get this big

Troll I feel like we can find a biome here yeah I can find one of them ones with the campfire just look out for smoke in the air and then we can okay yeah um well I’m I mean we could just find a lava pool to this also a lava pool can

Also spawn in this Bome what we need a lava pool yeah Village wouldn’t need help us much un gu we can get obsid we could go underground for a lava pool but I would like a surface ground one yeah oh planes the this way yeah planes free chat we’re free T Village don’t

Bookshelves oh oh well good thing we didn’t fall one of them then didn’t go in there okay there’s got to be a lava pool here these things are supposed to be like Litter with them yeah oh I run out of food uh let take a break uh

This come on how is my mic still a little weird at this point isn’t me or mold so uh no OBS hasn’t issues lately yeah it be Discord or contact HP because uh hyperx is that so yeah contact ask them tell then why is the microphone not working properly uh

Let’s here I think we might have to go underground it’s Twitchy what oh shoot now now I’m out of food Okay let’s full up on hunger and then let’s go to that cave and mine down I think that’s a good way to find stuff you’re taking all of them H uh yeah you can have them last four cuz I have four so wait so what way are we

Going uh where where there’s lava there’s a cave over there we could go inside that see if we can find lava in there I think that’s our best bet yeah at this point anyway Jesus I heard a trick I don’t know if it’s works

Anymore but like if you go to the end of the cave and dig straight down you should find lava wow cave oh by the way you got pranked this isn’t the cave this is a hole with water in it oh great anyway this way that way is Ocean actually I think not that

Way I don’t know I guess just go this one hope for the best if we see a treeon fire we know we F oh that would be so awesome that’s all I’m begging for right now I know that’s on fire I think there’s water oceans have

Uh yeah in this version they have lava let’s go oceans have lava what yeah under them under them yeah what it’s I don’t think this is an ocean though I think it’s just a big lake here let’s see where it takes us though keep an eye on the sh for

Lava oh well I mean it’s going NightLight but we’re we’re in boats Zone oh I really don’t want to go to that biome okay why the title yeah we are we are on we will go to the Multiverse we just got to find obsidian yeah this is

Annoying uh we are on 20 W4 Infinity we just need to get to the infinity Dimensions by making a another portal here Brad do you want to like leave the game oh yeah okay okay oh running out running out right don’t you ad are automatic now it’s

Awesome they well I just got one so no sorry I don’t do it okay uh okay more Co grass over here we’ll go to the Multiverse just need to learn how to start Fires that’s what we need yeah was that weird no he’s following the I think can I do a Q&A if you have any questions you can ask them and I will answer especially now that we’re not doing much yeah oh I can make I have enough W

To make you bed now I just found one laying on the ground oh sheep yeah at least the wolf left w i oh my goodness I’m getting a call okay BRB Chad oh convenient M shaft and there’s lava there but there like one there one tiny

Bit bro couldn’t do the two block hi chat how’s everyone doing today guys are we are we epic need content I don’t really know what you want me to do do you want me to do like an off- branded like dream SMP do that there we go oh

See jump in the lava that that’s not very funny I’ll be dead and I’ll have to restart life okay I back what are you doing uh they told me to entertain them and that’s the only thing I had so uh um they said they T to it’s lava but it’s just one

Source yeah we can get one tenth of NE of course yeah I mean there was a lava s on in that cave but it was then again a one thing yeah Oh I thought that was lava then I thought that was lava but it was a poppy

Oh my that does not look like one source it is to it’s just it’s just one that spreads so much can we get a better seed next time I swear we’re getting so unlucky okay there’s another planes biome here let’s search this one for lava it’s usually surrounded by Stone

I yeah it is so just look out for stone and we places maybe we should like no we can’t suicide not without an Ender port end chest yeah yeah I don’t think we Village village Village okay do they give obsidian here I think they do now

You know what’s really funny if like the village has like a lava pit on one of the houses I’ve seen that happen like many times please the jungle okay okay cool stuff cool stuff I mean this is like the worst one to get like but hey no blacksmith this is so

Sad yeah this is kind of CR yeah we ain’t going to get nothing from these houses are we Chad I mean we’ll get plants we got lots of bread I guess oh oh bookshelf boot shelf there’s bookshelves in here how do I break do I just break them in my BF

First uh yeah yeah this is an awful Village no it isn’t this is the goat 12 boots my rich I don’t think there’s a blacksmith oh there’s a Le turn at least I don’t know if that’s good I don’t that’s going to do anything there’s a free chest it’s made with a book

It’s oh emeralds I’m going to pick up the emeralds you know just in case these guys want to give me Obsidian for an emerald hey why do none of them have jobs I don’t need it can we trade for obsidian yeah that’s what I was trying

To do but I don’t know there was okay chat I think we’re going to have to go under underground yeah this way I think that’s our best bet [ __ ] cave somewhere oh there’s a cave literally where the village is okay that’s good that’s good go in the cave

Yay come to my name tag it’s like a staircase it’s like a nice spiral stairc I have eight torches let’s go oh our first enemy a creeper there’s a creeper below this block he’s hiding oh shoot he is too okay do you want to wait wait set your

Spawn oh yeah yeah give me the bed do not throw it off the edge no set no like right click it oh okay I did it yeah okay I hear a skeleton too Okay you have lost the diamond in 10 minutes Sheng oh moldy maybe it’s not a good idea oh that’s your plan just oh you’re dead the water sauce didn’t work no I’m not dead I’m quite alive oh my God there’s lava down here is I’m AI

Oh I’m just waiting for one of these skeletons to kill themselves kill each other whoever winds dies to Me yay lava okay cool oh and free Iron too that worked I guess okay let’s block this off real quick before like mobs sneak up on us like the place behind us all right chat it’s happening we are going to the Multiverse oh that bat just uh unfortunately flew in another

Thing that just flew into the lava and died someone just said [Laughter] jump jump do it jump into the lava yeah no chat no please chat we took too long okay we covered up okay I blocked it off yeah uh I’m going to craft another bed we can’t sleep in any Dimension except

For this one so this will be our like safety bed yeah not going to lie we have one shot at doing this so if you accidentally put water in there and it goes I’m going to actually I have an idea I have an idea no we just got to

Place lava and then put water on top of it it’s fine this is easy yeah but I don’t trust you so I’m going to make this wall so that water can’t escape the and if water does escape water two we don’t even even a water source so

Let let’s see if you can do it oh there go the water cannot Escape now surely yep we got this chat we’re just doing it the slow way because I’m not a speedrunner yeah this is the way I do it right let’s cook our food while we’re here

Uh my stone pickaxe is it’s over so I’m going to make a new one real quick oh you can just type mine too late oh you haven’t even touched yours wow okay yeah but no take it I got a new one oh there’s iron yes there is iron you

Are correct expert oh wait I oh there this oh my God this is a big vein I think it’s a two like it spawned in two chunks yes yeah there’s definitely spawn in two chunks I don’t think in 11 vein of iron is possible just okay I’m

Taking I’m going to make my own furnace and then smell all the iron I have okay good thank you good thank you I’m gonna be very careful how I do this if you mess it up once uh the water will disappear and it’ll turn to Cobblestone and then we’ll I mean

There’s a water source back up there anyway so fine oh okay that’s good that’s good uh it’s not three yet why is everyone saying jump no don’t do it so we put go in there very careful not to all die yeah you have to be very careful oh okay okay that was extremely

Close to her that was so close to spreading there that one was way better you go just place it on top a there we go see someone said don’t jump see how pleasant intense pole building I know we got the dramatic music playing okay let do this

One gradual British may as well start over on a new season jump wow what this is we could on Nation what will happen next I know chat this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for we now have a portal frame uh do you have any

Gravel yeah I forgot I forgot about that part we might we might need to find a it’s fine we uh do I do have a uh here’s my block we don’t have gravel it’s fine it’s fine we can we can literally just go up here and there’ll be gravel all right uh don’t

Die and while I’m here I’m going to mine this two iron more Mar and I hear skeletons uhoh we could what okay yeah just get one and run back no cuz it’s stacked it’s like a stacked one so if I break it it’s just going to fall break it and run if this

Blocks my entrance and I die I’m going to cry okay down here why is there a witch get down here get one gravel and get down here yeah that’s the problem that’s on the roof doesn’t matter break one and run oh you’re dead I’m trying no I’m Not okay get down here get one and run run run run is it there we go ha that was great okay now time to start the RNG yeah have fun over there this is it chat this is the quality content you watch my streams for why is there an end man Jesus got

Everything in this cave but a witch an Enderman a skeleton a creeper God damn oh my God oh my God this ridiculous give there we go y watch it go in the lava okay so if I if I’m doing this if I if my theory is correct we have to Library sign it

Imagine if the server doesn’t work now and we just done all this for oh there we go yo Chad yo yo yo we did it chat we’re going to go to the Multiverse how long does this take how long does this thing wa half an hour yeah okay

Uh we don’t need to look at that part yeah we don’t need to focus on that guys all that matters is we got there eventually okay are we going in uh yeah make sure you spawn is Set oh yeah yeah of course okay there you go respawn Point set let’s go in let go and now let’s see if the server can handle it loading terrain I can’t even make it in oh oh oh my goodness through here oh my God yeah we’re going to to put in some hand

Rails yeah uh there go I’ll startop yeah it’s a good idea let’s let’s let’s make this room a little safer how big is this wait so this is an infinite Library yeah it’s the library of Babel y this doesn’t seem real this is this is an official Minecraft version

Okay I’m going to at least like cover up this area oh did that just drop an enchanted boot what yeah that’s how you travel to different dimensions it’s infinite books just right click something it should give you the same book every time though so for this will give me 170

80 oh I got a different okay that’s good because okay um so so I got 17 a fun thing um we need more Portal frames so we could risk it in just no more going back to our base and use this one or oh well we might want to get like

A bunch of boooks before doing that right no we can make it we can make it back to this Dimension we just can’t make it back to our cave so let’s move everything from our cave okay I don’t know it’s I’m curious because when we die we’ll respawn in the

Cave but if we use the portal to get back but the portal on the other end isn’t linked to it what will happen I guess it’ll just make another pole elsewhere right in the same I assume so so it’s okay we have nothing valuable here do we just take our remaining iron

And our remaining food is this like an infinite ladder by the way no no do not go down you can see the void no I mean like if I go up is it like an infinite up no go it wait but then that that means that

There isn’t infinite and I can go on the top of it it’s infinite in every other direction okay try not to die there’s no hand like floor there all right uh let’s just do it I guess uh okay uh let me make a crafting table real quick and let’s make a

Chest store our stuff in okay sweet we want to I I saw this in the video we should we should name like the books that we get so we can figure out our ources they get so like if we pull a random book go to the dimension and it

Has like a lot of diamonds we should label that bookshelf Diamonds oh okay yeah let’s empty all of our non Val I believe in this one wait which one this solid blue one very believable that’s diamonds let’s go oh let’s go chat the first random Dimension okay this is a weird dimension

What is this it’s a lava it’s a fortress but it has blocks what is this this is the Multiverse chat this is what I told you about this is these are ice what these green blocks you slip on them that’s ice okay I’m going to be honest I don’t

Think this Dimension has anything for us let’s go back let you really want like ice yeah I want ice where ice know what it is okay I was mining through I was trying to find like a a chest or something but I don’t think it

Has any yeah let’s get out of here we won’t find anything useful here oh our skins are like different color yeah they’re like red all right well that was a okay oh wow oh wow okay uh that is not a good sign do we go back through will it send

Us back to our library what wait wait wait wait so if we go in again it’ll send us back to our other this is actually perfect yeah okay oh this is well now that means we can throw on new this one oh this is so Weir okay okay yeah so

That’s good so we can go get back to our cave okay okay okay okay so that one sucks let’s I I’ll choose now I’ll choose yeah good good job let’s do this like Aqua one here yeah okay uh where do this one take us I don’t

Know if this is I don’t know if it changed it has to have changed oh gosh yo diamonds not Diamonds oh watch out there’s Enderman there’s end okay what is this oh the skeletons too uh oh there’s an alloy stupid Serious if you look over there too there’s them alloy people that like attack you if you go the M oh the skeleton the portal in the portal oh God okay that Port B not going back to that one I would much rather find diamonds another way holy heck you’re in

Danger okay I’ll I’ll sign it though just in case we can’t find any more so this is um diamonds with Danger diamonds okay uh that one all the way there which one okay okay I got the wait that one you throw it in the portal it changed remember which one you

Pulled it from so we can sign it if there’s anything useful yeah loading to rain oh oh it’s another one oh my goodness what what what the what just happened play that back chat what just Happened okay my bad what the heck we got some stuff back don’t worry we didn’t lose everything oh we got a I I got my boat what I need oh let’s go back and see what we got I’m still on fire lava range from the sky is that what happened oh my

Goodness okay we got our iron here some of that safe we’re low in the wood Department yeah well we have wood in here we have infinite Dimensions right I’m going back in no it’s full of lava no no no just look to the left that’s

All you got you just got to walk to the left and you’re free well if you want to try that you go ahead yeah the on my way oh oh okay maybe not wait no the lava doesn’t Rain what is this I am lagging so hard remote Gateway escape the island what is that the same diens on top of the end I’m on top of the end wait is that the same Dimension yeah you have to there’s like a there’s like a portal in it and jumped

Into the Bal and I’m on top of like an N Fortress and it’s just making really obnoxious noises why is that the the the nonsleep people in here I’m so I’m confused oh fre potions oh my goodness chat that’s what killed us yeah yeah that that one

Doesn’t fall though I don’t know we must have done a block update on the other one yeah yeah yeah that’s this that’s it for this invention all right back to the library I’m so confused I’m stuck wait there’s a there’s a boot called orders obliterate something I’m so confused restore something something

L so confused it’s fine it we need to find a different dimension preferably something that looks like the Overworld that we can get like wood and stuff come back to the hub Islands I don’t know how it won’t let me unless I just die there go no there’s more

Orders discover something oh okay I don’t know what the thing is though like no it’s those those are just Easter egg books they don’t do anything yeah these are literally all this island is is literally just a bunch of enders ship things oh well I’m dead okay good come

Back to the to the our our peaceful Library world okay okay okay let me let me try Okay good don’t choose that one again let’s choose this that was awful that’s how bad it is it’s that was from yeah that was the red one there okay what version of this this is

Snapshot with infinite Dimension oh yeah oh my um what you asked uh this is kind of what I asked for uh well let’s get wood over over here yeah no no no they’re all going to start setting on fire quick oh shoot mine it quickly mine it quickly quickly Brad go

Go go I’m trying the sky is green that’s not a good sign that means a tornado is happening moldy Minecraft question yep oh yep this reason I can hear the fire uhoh why did it start oh wait zombies is falling there monsters in this Dimension get

Back run we got wood I got seven how much we get I got seven well at least we got wood now yeah we can make new tools okay I’m going to put the wood in there let’s just let try and find a better Dimension uh here you choose

One uh this one right here yellow one let’s go uh oh it’s like purple oh you’ve been very unlucky with your Dimensions so far oh where watch out this looks like sand it might fall what why do you why do you what what what is this one why is everything

Red so so this is like normal sand it’s just no no no no no okay so it’s sand and is that slime blocks over there what it is too it’s like bone structures but they have slime blocks I don’t think this Dimension has anything for us wait wait I’m

Destroying yeah never mind I was like imagine if the sunand floats cuz I see floating sand god okay all uh you I’m just trying to get the H World here we are yeah there we go diamonds with danger let try to the right of it didn’t miss okay it changed go we

Need to find a like just an overall dimensions that we can get like I don’t know maybe an iron Dimension would be nice you know yeah diamond dimension oh oh this is laggy this is wood this is very this is a laggy Dimension there are some Dimensions that

Just crash your game so I am getting the heck out of here yeah this is like 20 frames oh oh oh please please okay okay oh God don’t go to that one yeah all right okay lag and exactly it’s a bad one okay uh what about above Diamond

Avenger you know that one yeah what what color oh like pink we can just find like a netherite dimension just get like full netherite armor oo um I mean it’s the ne whatever water and at least it’s relatively peaceful yeah oh big hole don’t fall down oh gosh there’s bats in here that’s

Crazy yeah this Dimension got nothing yeah this Dimension sucks oh we should we should rate the dimensions chat like out of 10 that’s genius right diamonds but danger is like a six or seven cuz there’s diamonds but not 10 because there’s danger not one uh no zero it just instantly kills

You all right let’s go with like blow diamonds with danger yeah well we’ve circled it now so wait did I throw it in yeah oh okay it changed I a even watching stre I just chatting that’s fair um oh who looks like it’ll be laggy

AO beacons isn’t a good sign I mean it’s not lagging I mean oh oh don’t go that way moldy okay that’s enough of this Dimension why is this okay can we just get like an like something like an Overworld that’s not deadly please maybe this one okay toss it

In boom oh it turned blue that’s good that means done uh what is this I want to go up what I mean there’s there’s not Stone but there’s trees there’s a catch though there’s a cat I’m waiting for the catch oh it’s it’s very small tree Islands oh don’t

Mind the don’t mind the things it’s it’s silverfish blocks no no no oh is it oh my God the silverfish went for the ball oh I’m scared now I don’t know where it went it just teleported uhoh it might be in a library Dimension watch out is it in here all right that’s

Uh bottom left of diamonds but danger there you go lime green wow dream have meanings exactly chat this is all just a dream Oh Oh I thought that was lava for a second why is it raining acid I don’t know but there’s nothing good here what block is this just

Water is that water oh it is yellow water it’s like piss maybe swi that then oh there’s anman oh I ain’t looking into his eyes yeah I’m not sure if linking this up was a good idea go through it it’s fine top right oh wait no you can choose you can

Choose uh it’s a lot of books this one right next to this entrance we got this dink we do have an extra actually I don’t know if we have extra book and cool anymore I think we lost it oh it’s actually just like the tree thing but sand instead sand

Dimension oh wait there’s Bedrock what what where there’s like Bedrock down here what I guess what is our I guess I know we are at 68 so I don’t I don’t get out this bedrock I’m confused yeah there’s nothing here nothing here if we need sand we know where to go but sand

Yes I’m not going to read that message out loud cuz it is it says you if you read it I don’t get any reward for reading it the yellow ones are usually terrifying um yeah uh what there void down there don’t fall oh hey look my

CH oh look my Che with skeletons whoa okay wait what what’s that down there that a zombie oh he’s fine it’s fine he can’t reach us uh with SK not in the light the evil ones the evil ones evil ones evil ones the vexes oh no it came through it came through Oh

Shoot no where is it where is it no we’re going to have to kill it cuz we’re just going to get here those things are terrifying is it in this Dimension oh no we’re safe okay choose a bread we’re getting very unlucky we

Might go to one of the East do we have a booking coill in here no we don’t we just need one feather so if we can find a dimension with a chicken okay did you put one in yeah if we can find a chicken Dimension we can that’s good we can

Get this is back through the portal pointless hope the LA is not still here it is it is it is it is it is it is it is did it die no no it didn’t die it didn’t die it didn’t die it didn’t die I’m scared teleport

Teleport I want two HS I want to I need I am oh I don’t have any food no it’s fine it’s fine we’ll just die to reset our health okay did you choose last yeah let’s try like something back here where no one would think to

Check of course cuz that’s where all the yeah see purple that’s good this is a good portal chat We Know It uh is it going to send me through or what monsters live in here Spruce saplings this whatever that is is that bamboo oh this lava is Obsidian at least

That could be used for making more portals no no really uh oh I’m very what uh oh what it’s okay it’s okay I saved it let’s go oh did you almost get stuck oh wait the Ally I see just close your eyes and look the other way close your eyes and look

The other way those things are the things those things are from nightmares it didn’t send me through send me S me yes okay um go ahead Brad this one is risky light blue uh oh there’s a chest wait really that could be a bonus chest oh gas gas don’t

Break the portal don’t break the portal don’t break the portal back through the portal that was fun while lasted and then just look the other way and pray that you don’t get attacked by the Vex uhoh the portal broke it’s it’s fine just die and you’re good

Oh oh I think that was a SP bonus chest oh oh it’s in here the V is in there the f is in there I don’t know where it is supp attack me where it go don’t know oh I can hear it where is

It why is it I’m scared just go for just go this one’s good this one’s good have a feeling yeah Green Green is good uh wait mine C mine C with chest in it wait really where is it check inside free loot oh my God there is free loot yo

Yo there’s nothing useful in that I mean there’s torches dark biome there a a chest biome with name chests uh I ain’t complaining Golden Apple yo this is awesome yeah I know I got one uh okay this is it though it’s just this small little

Square yeah but it gave us free loot so we we have to write it like a solid seven that’s a seven that’s free stuff seven free stuff oh yeah cuz like uh diamonds is six but that has danger but this one’s literally just just a it’s not like regenerating

So you can’t really like yeah keep exploring for more loot so it’s not too useful yeah I guess oh where am I 7.5 they said damn okay uh I’ll find I’ll find a new one while we wait what that one is I got it all right oh oh i’ like a

Yellow yellow usually means warnings to oh uh this is very interesting and it’s playing very weird noises often uh uh honeyb I don’t know do we need that too useful though what even are we walking on there what is That’s supposed to be the water SL lava

Uhhuh we enter a portal chat you got to rate it out of 10 the dimension that we go to don’t run too much save your hunger bar I’m not too worried because we’re not bringing anything with us so that if we die it’s not a big deal because I

Don’t want to enter a dimension that just insta kills you again back to server list wow I went through the portal and took me to the server list one sec did be crash the server we killed it we killed the server oh no he actually broke it that thing broke

It a it wasn’t even a bad Dimension what I know can you reboot it yeah yeah the uh it’s not jaw file it’s the server literally closed so I don’t think that’s coming back what do you mean can’t just reboot it no I’m I’m like rebooting it but like it

Literally Ulta for itself from the PC it did not want to do that anymore oh no it’s got to it’s got to like load everything again this might take a minute uhoh oh wait no it’s loading preparing oh it’s done supposedly oh we’re in this one see you’re you’re in quicker than me

Oh oh this went back slightly far yeah don’t have the golden apples but it’s fine there a Vex oh wait that means that that means the Vex is there again it’s fine we don’t need the golden apples and do you know the the the dimmension the it

Wasn’t I don’t know see this why we got to label them okay uh it’s fine we got I’m going to make some I’m going to make a pickaxe so that when we go back to the cave we can get some resources so we got iron we literally just need some Stone and we

Can get Basics again all right uh uh yeah p pink Pink’s a good Dimension has to be usually bones netherite stairs wow they they really did that on purpose wow it’s actually just never right stairs oh wait there’s one of them them like teleport things for the end do you

Want to go into no oh wait oh watch the beacons are coming up oh oh can we can’t even turn the netherite stairs into the normal netherite no chat we’re not jumping all right I’m going get some of this so when we get back in I’ll go a don’t spam don’t

Spam I went into a different room those are the swagi stairs I’ve ever seen y all know that netherite stairs isn’t actually in the game right that’s exclusive to this version really yep they made that just just to piss us off all right all right uh here let’s make ourselves some tools

So I throw a new book in it by the way it’s like cyani particle color scary okay Brad come here I have some tools for you you do yeah where are you okay boom boom Oh hey our golden apple one Golden Apple isn’t it uh let’s see let’s let’s make ourselves

Both a shield then we should be pretty good jum and laa at heals to be honest I wouldn’t be surprised in this version if it did it’s just a bait free stuff yo okay we’re we’re we’re pretty good now uh we’re low on in the food department but we just got

Something I try not to die I wasted two iron on those Shields yeah oh it’s this one this is new but okay how about we if we had one feather we can go to an Easter egg Dimension and there’s one that he to give us resources so damn give us a

Chicken that one I don’t know I’m just at this oh green nope nothing here for us no no no no no no no no no no come back what okay so like they’re telling me that the lava heals so I’m going to debunk this and you answer my question I mean

You’re going to respawn with more Hearts than you had so see go for about 10 minut okay yep it’s all good mate you can watch us if you enjoy us thank you we need a food dimension this room’s not having us any luck there we go you got one yeah all

Right let’s go this is food over Dimension would be nice no we’re getting really unlucky yeah we need anything from here no holy what version is this this is the famous uh infinite sorry infinite Dimensions version wait did you throw one in no did you I have that no you

Did please be like full of diamonds and netherite and iron and everything uh oh oh beacons beacons beacons that’s not a good side it’s not a good side oh that’s M’s down there but I don’t think it’s worth going for it I’m probably going to leave my stuff

Okay maybe no no no I’m not I’ll leave my shield because that’s valuable but I’ll keep some tools on me in case I want to mine stuff like in case it’s some valuable blocks like iron they go I just got a book where are you I accidentally went back

In I got a book from the next floor up so this this must be good I cannot go in the portal okay there we go moldy you are objectively superior to se slay in every way thank you of course oh gosh that is awesome wait why are you come back to

The hub Dimension the library of okay is this the D yeah oh pink that’s very pink it says loading to rain for the first time oh oh no beacons oh got this one back in back in back in we’re getting super unlucky here if we really want we could go to

The diamonds but danger just to get like full diamond armor yeah let’s go to like a let’s go like it changed but the color didn’t so you and Brad are the entertainment Gods thank you oh thank you oh this is one of us ne ne netherite oh oh okay it’s marked this one

Down why is like the button sound like when you click a button on the game why is that the background of that one are you serious we found netherite okay okay uh let me just make a sign I believe it was this one let’s say netherite netherite let me try it again

Just to make sure sure oh see if the portal looks so it’s the same color I think it is all right yeah you go check I will yeah this is never right yep okay good we got netherite we got diamonds we just need iron moldy what is your favorite game if

I don’t say Geometry Dash will people hate me probably you’re fake I’m a fake GD YouTuber all right uh we got lucky with this one let’s go right next to it yeah that that’s totally how it works y oh gray oh why don’t we get iron well we have

Some iron but we don’t really need it at the moment okay not this Dimension n you don’t be really funny I stared at one in the eyes he lit just going to keep grabbing once that cor what is ligma oh no oh no he said it

Oh whoa whoa who big end magma magma blocks yeah okay they all mag just wait that isn’t void I thought that was a void Oh oh oh this looks promising oh lagy though it’s lagy I don’t know if it’s working yeah wait is it is it done lag oh yeah it’s done lagging I think oh no s tough this is strange I don’t think I got a free no I’m going back I don’t like

Lag uh oh there’s a zombie uhoh yep get back that one’s not good that one’s not good not for your PC or for our progression why is it not teleporting me yeah okay goodness i’ I’ve been in the pool for like 20 seconds now yeah it’s okay I

Think it broke no it’s fine it’s fine it just takes a minute nope did you make it out yeah I got out okay I can’t get where are you I’m still in the cave trying to get to the okay here we are yeah uh I’m just at this point we just got to

Find hope I think that was the same one that’s the same one no it’s not uh oh this is this is good this is good is it let me let me confirm oh this is good there monsters but it looks to be mostly Overworld except we’re just just clouds

At a really weird y level and there’s creepy skeletons but uh that’s promising yeah it’s just an Overworld pretty much oh my goodness there’s a skeleton in the cave I am at half a heart I’m just gonna oh yeah it t through it came after you I watched it it’s suicide oh

Shoot holy it P it ply it get in the corner get in the corner take its bow yo oh we didn’t get a bat that’s unfortunate so sad I got a collector’s item from that world I’m going to put it like probably that’s my collector’s that another one that was another

One think this sucks I’m just going to start taking other rooms I gave my tree like six bone me and it didn’t grow that’s just okay we’re getting a lot of nether Dimensions it feels like uh inter hello I mean does oh mine there very risky what is this what staircase is

This cheese staircase cheese staircase I don’t think this Dimension got much for us oh smoo Sandstone I mean there was chest yeah but M shaft chests they’re no good we’re getting super unlucky I like at least yeah where did I get like last one in here let’s go

Okay oh a bunch of iron oh well we found the iron Dimension that’s perfect wait uh the Ender Dragon back back to the portal back to the portal why is just Ender Dragon there been any good Dimensions yet yeah that one that we just went to was kind of good uh here let do iron but ender dragon iron but End Dragon I grab one I’m doing it boom did I throw it in yeah we have an iron Dimension we have a diamond dimension we

Have a netherite dimension all the good Dimensions have the worst mob block I know a I thought that was netherite for a second I was like yo what is this uh that’s water and you didn’t go in it to you oh mind sa oh is there safy go in the water what is

This oh well it would be if you landed in it correctly oh wait there’s nothing yes this is pointless oh there’s Redstone lamps down there I can hear something burning so uh let fire in this one all right I think we should try and get resources now yeah we don’t even need to get like iron armor we can just skip straight to the diamond phase right so let’s just ourselves a Weapon isn’t the iron pick yeah I’m going to go to the Diamond Dimension the diamond but danger Dimension I’m coming with let’s go and we’re going to get some diamonds for some diamond armor you have to be very careful bad about this one oh that one yeah this is

What was bad about them okay okay you just hold them off uh I’m going to go mine some diamonds hold them off nah I’m safe I’m not you’re about to die I am get my stuff I have diamonds oh my God you got sniped holy oh my God they shoot two

Arrows I think wait do they yeah oh I’m alive okay I have five Diamond pass me an iron pick and I’ll okay oh yeah that’s the bad part uh I didn’t get the pickax I tried to and they I’m in there just enter your inventory and run

In oh wait I got the picka I got it toss it to me take it oh no no no no no I’m running this way we’ll reach the B cap over there I hear the start silverfish what is this Dimension go away oh no no why is that two skeletons in the in

The in the room the SP oh no we got to protect the portal better okay I kill them both I’m going to turn this into bone meal and try and make my tree tree yeah I don’t think the trees can grow in this Dimension it’s so

Sad oh my goodness there’s Dar ships in the sky they they should have good loot right like end ships oh that is I got 22 diamonds I’m going to run back to the portal so we can make ourselves some better gear yeah I real I think we’re standing

On to lapes ear oh yeah we can enchant oh shoot there’s of course the skeletons in that Dimension there’s more in the spawn help all right we got uh what can’t we do with this many diamonds we can make iron we can make Armor can make better Tools my free will grow here come back here I got I got diamond armor for you did yep damn I would go to the netherite dimension but is it like even worth it like will that do any good uh never right would be good if we

Had the diamonds to break it which we do so i’ suggest just make a diamond pickaxe oh we need the how do we we need like uh this is we need what I’m trying to think what this is pre1 point 6 yeah so we can um yeah we don’t need no smithing

Upgrades thank goodness oh okay so can I just make a diamond pickaxe and go through make the the the thing that it uses to make a a smithing table oh you need iron not gold okay I got iron okay cool let’s go to the nether dimension yeah this is so

Stupid okay I do want to get uh more blocks would be nice isn’t there like a deadly Overworld but danger let’s go there just so we can get more blocks like wood and stuff is that what you like it is overwhelm with dangering maybe some food would be

Nice oh it’s day maybe the danger is only at night oh maybe this no no it’s not they’re not burning they’re not burning oh I’m almost dead eat that just want lots of blocks so that we can mine diamond with like peace in like a secured Area I got like a stack of wood that’s fine uh can we make like stew or something like oh yeah is that mushrooms anywh yeah lots of brown mushrooms but don’t need both types to Mi two I think so if only we went to that Village and got all the oh

My oh that went very well yeah where’ my stuff go did it go in the portal I think it went in the portal yeah cuz I don’t have it kill it you have a yeah use your axe I made myself a diamond it’s fine we got infinite

Diamonds y all my stuff is here that’s good at least I’m on full hunger that’s a actually a solution uh let’s go back to the Diamond Dimension Rod just spawn in and run the other way actually no we can probably go underground for uh no don’t go to dry underground

Underneath them things it’s a trap i r I went into it and died like a skeleton fell inside of it as I went into it ah run it’s fine peace I mean I don’t have a an iron pickaxe or anything but there’s iron in the chest

In the HB make an iron pickaxe and you can help mine them actually yeah there’s should be an iron pickaxe that’s already in the chest like already crafted oh there’s Alloys in here I forgot uh oh or vexes whatever they’re called the bad people with the the bad

People oh you’re getting shot from Left Right and Center I know they’re talking to me well that’s just Bullying no no no no no no no no no no for this Dimension would have liked diamond blocks instead no rest all right uh what diamond tools do you need uh I don’t know I made myself a pickaxe okay okay that’s good that’s good okay take

This Gear Up yes I would really like food I didn’t mean to get that can we go to the neite one H sure should we go to the never right one I mean we’ve got Diamond Pickaxes now so oh I didn’t throw in oh throw it

In I did now unless you pick it up if you read this say netherite we are going to find netherite uh yeah it’s up there we just got to dig up mine up to it hey oh don’t fall uh there’s giant zombies There’s giant zombies Giants yo that’s the risk in this

One if I read this if you read this change your YouTube name the M with a u yeah I’ll just rename my whole channel are you Mining okay I got enough you need mind like one block and you got oh I forgot you got nine this is so stupid I [Laughter] Know we’re this far in yet we don’t even have like a sustainable supply of food who needs that you can just kill yourself the ring in hunger all right so I want Feathers we get a water Dimension that’d be Nice Booken cool Dimension oh my whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa don’t go there don’t go in there don’t go in there don’t go in there in only puts you to half a heart does it yeah my God do not go There Might as well go into that One okay uh I only have half a heart so I’m just going to like eat the ga Sorry wow this is a very interesting one uh what is there just be very careful it’s all good way uh it’s actually just pink glass panes bunch of water and lava and plant pots and all of the flowers in this Dimension are the blue ones yeah I don’t think we need to go

There yeah and also the void is like right outside we just get like a chicken Dimension that would be nice yeah I’d imagine that was a a dimension with um supercharged creepers in now that we’ve seen Giants so yeah we got we got to be careful for that a better iron

Supply yeah way better oh let’s go to the ships wait what go to the ships you can find loot in them can you not like healing potions and stuff yeah yeah yeah obsidian that’s good we can make more portals Oh I thought I thought you were

A skeleton for a second I’m like oh gosh oh Wow discover it’s one of the or books that’s it is that could be in every single one no this healing here at least yeah here give me one of those who needs food when you just got heal potions I know what’s the next closest ship oh it’s actually just a jump

Away why did I not take four damage I just I guess I guess I’m better yeah you take one I take one yeah that’s just orders nothing else in these boots so point they’re fine healing potions are good yeah oh you just jumping across I want to get the dragon head you

Do yeah I do okay let’s go back all right yeah that’s the problem I’m not having food I can no longer run so now it not your yeah yeah how do you get into one of them like end pole things ones you can fly through but I wouldn’t do that you have

No clue where that’s going to take you yeah it might take me to haveen yeah that’s wishful thinking yeah oh I just TR like piss water again oh there is beacons in here but they don’t really I’m take more iron we can get things like buckets and Shields and

Whatnot also take more wood CU these are all wood blocks trying to get all the way back walking oh you already made like Bridges good I might just jump in the water cuz I have no clue where I’m going I know where did we even come from I know that we went

Up we climbed one of the things okay yeah that’s where we climbed from so let’s just well didn’t we like dig into the first ship portal the Portal’s over here got lots of iron good in that department you see me yeah okay good yeah yeah we need food oh my

God that dragon is so big Jesus oh wow thank you Isa remember for one month thank you out of all people it’s Isa you okay everyone gangs up on me now okay I see how it is thank you for the me for the extra month of membership

IA see oh there you go I apologize guys you should also apologize all right uh what we find like a melon Dimension melon Dimension that’ be good I’m going to go into this room and then I’m going to go up okay uh and then I’m going go to the Overworld no

Let’s go to do we have peaceful Dimensions iron but Ender Dragon no thanks what was this Dimension again uh like where did we get it from oh gosh I swear cuz I could write down iron I’m crafting the dimension I’m going in all right good luck oh it’s one that we’ve already got

Before or is it no it’s slightly different it was this one is block safe no way this this is the music they play in the Disney movies really what Thanks there should be like a potion of hunger regeneration yeah yeah yeah true or you should just be able drink the potion and it giv you hung Exactly okay is this one marked or is this one Landing uh well I will Mark it’s came from oh be careful oh back to the portal back to the portal back to the portal oh oh no it’s another kill your game one yes one just had a lag yeah no way

Yeah there’s lag there no darn way there’s lag okay while we’re here I’m going to go back to the surface with my now netherite armor oh my God the game is okay oh shoot no okay we’ll find a different way to the surface uh uh creeper up there yeah I’ll just mine a

Staircase is fine because on the surface uh we can get feathers and food oh and food yeah cuz there’s a village above us so that’s good oh yeah oh we’re at block 20 by the way this is going to go for a while all right sorry Chad if it’s dark we’ll hit

The surface eventually I want to try and get everything from the Multiverse but hello hello sir sir please please stop sir I’m going to go exploring do it say go to the surface almost keep going we’re at block 39 so yeah it’s like 60 ises the surface so we’re almost there yeah Love how we already have like like Lether Stuff we have lots of blocks from this oh yeah I’m that yeah I just wanted to stop by sounds good I love how mly has full netherite but a stone axe y the diamond you have a stone axe yeah I’m using that to M no I’m not mining with a stone

Axe with the netherite one what I say if you have a never right pickaxe you could do well there we go we’re free out here the oh he still next to the Village oh oh wow of course we died into a mountain mountain that’s why it took so

Long hello chat we are uh looking for food and we have found it good job us don’t ask about our current armor situation it’s very confusing I know this this game Mod’s very confusing how do you even beat it I don’t think it’s even possible well we

Could we can find like uh there are some Dimensions that generate the stronghold really yeah so that’s how we beat the game RNG here let’s take a nap in one of these actually I don’t know I don’t think so CU I don’t want to change my

Spawn point yeah just look for a chicken it’s fine we’re not going to get killed by like mobs or anything fine we literally have Never yeah find a bed and sleep in it I just stole this I busted into this man house and just kicked him out of his bed just so I can nap on it thanks man you know what just for that take a healing potion good day I’ll take

It ni okay uh why does the Ender why not the end why is the go he’s about to die or he been having fun up here yeah oh free food oh it’s not free but I’m taking it oh having food would be so nice oh gosh this is

Awesome I gave all my apples to the horse what I gave my apples to the horse you could have made golden apples horse is there a chicken one Emerald for six bread yo this guy’s the goat Hi man so yeah what I want you to

Do is I just want you to like see pigs I see horses but no chickens one of do you’re that villager in the H yeah want play modded Minecraft at 2.2 does not come maybe maybe I want to try doing chunk lock though that that one

Sounds fun well the one my like you got like a border around you and it’s like really small yeah and you got to buy each chunk yeah oh wait yeah carrots break all the on looking for feathers is there any way to get feathers that’s not from chickens chicken

Jockies uh what oh no I’m not going to question any uh I guess you could run around the thing the village to see if anyone’s going to sell feather oh oh chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken okay we got it we got it we got it we

Got it we got it Bang chicken chicken chicken kill all the chickens give me your feathers you are a very nice man thank you chickens for your sacrifice you’re going to help us on our cause I got seven feathers that is more than enough we don’t got to go to all the

Easter egg Dimensions uh we could use some ink sacks is there a river anywhere yeah there River next to the Village okay that’s good kill squids follow of squids okay good kill I’m literally like uh suffocated in a block it seems cuz it’s just floating insect that’s the chicken what extinct y

Okay oh yeah look at all these these bad boys okay yeah I have I have seven cows are probably good too because they give leather yeah also now is the fun oh I found the hole right now we’re going to get to the ones that the the developers hardcoded so they should be

Good yeah finally we can go back come back here if we need food and stuff so we’re doing we’re doing pretty good right now we got a bunch I got a bunch of heal potion I’m going to organize my inventory okay this is the the point in the game where I actually feel

Good good Andu uh yeah that might be a problem n it’s fine there was a creeper next to a all right how much ink stacks do you have uh nine no seven uh that’s enough all right yeah let’s head back down yeah I’m already at the bottom oh what yeah I I came

Back uh what do you do with that I have two Le now do it on Hardcore remember that Dimension that instantly killed us we could not do this on Hardcore yeah we would have been dead but after we made the pool which was great went through there’s lava that just Rains Down On

Us yeah I got a hot ones ad yo hot ones is cool they should invite me on one day if I get famous I kind of want to do that uh with other YouTubers meet up so I’m thinking I’m meeting up with we might meet up with SD and try in

California we can do like a hot ones challenge there ask each other questions okay give me your uh feathers just’s take everything that needs to be books Yeah we actually don’t need the don’t need the leather because we have enough books already we just need the booking CL so another okay Okay let’s make another chest yeah um wow oh yeah just I just stole it from kind of using it all right uh where to now what are the Easter egg Dimensions chat do you know any off the top of your head that are good that can help us please

Have we covered all the holes now no we haven’t these on there go did It y let me let me go to the Wiki all right chat let’s go to uh minecraft. Wiki because we’re not going to use fandom no more we’re going to go to the new one and searches is as hardcoded apparently I don’t think that has anything good in it though uh infinite Dimensions okay yeah here we go uh Easter egg dimensions

Chest colors the content Easter egg Dimensions just a sky just just like Sky Block let’s do holes this one looks like it has good stuff hes looks like it’s just an Overworld from the picture ah oh gosh not really um we’re in a hole all right here I brought water cuz I can’t prepared oh gosh um this is hey village Village village

Village no way it’s just holes random holes in the ground what a fantastic Dimension love how when you ring a bell you just scare the absolute heck out of every villager I know there’s no black no this is just wait is this is the same Overworld wait what

Wait is it yeah it’s the same Village oh my goodness this is like oh wait it is yeah this is the this is so weird what okay where’s our Hole uh we were in this one here gosh that’s so strange dang I don’t think we were in that uh we

Were in uh we swim like a tiny Block it’s over here it’s over here this entire chunk is gone wait why is that p no it’s over here it’s over here here it is here it is here it is oh thank God okay this doesn’t offer us too

Much I thought it just wouldn’t be a copy of our Overworld but with holes all right let’s take another booking pill what other Easter egg dimensions are there scrolling through to find the best one I am oh here’s a fun one uh what’s it called llama oh

No oh I can imagine what this one’s going to be what wow relax and enjoy i t him I don’t think I’ve ever seen that like thing before like that uh scarf he’s wearing theow for all of eternity how do you feel about this gu oh you can’t break

Out I thought you could break Out yeah mold oh there’s a chest a book oh nothing to solve Wow uhoh uhoh did you throw it in the portal no I didn’t do anything good I threw a slab in It I mean hey it fixed woohoo what the heck I I’m not even going to question it what the heck was that okay U there is a black light brand Bridges chest content content cont we need content content content are getting bored we’re going to content we in the content L watch this

Oh oh gosh well that’s good content what whatever we at yeah it’s at like worth 2,000 blocks out we’re not going to find no content That’s wow too Far Bridges or sponge those don’t have anything useful in them though do they no they’re just repeating Bridges and stuff how about isolation no cuz that’s probably literally just darkness and nothing there’s an eag this one oh it’s a super Flat why are you running Freedom Brad freedom freedom leaving a trail so that I can find my way back good point why is there an Easter egget like the end zero my God how far is it z z oh we’re going to run might want to put a block Down why are they telling us to dig down I’m not just down maybe Should have you found the most optimal way to go on x wait so it say x zero and that’s it right yeah 2 moldy has NE R and iron helmet don’t question It what are you doing I’m just making sure I’m going the right way cuz I’m like we are moving very slow should we really run to 2,000 yes 2,000 blocks for this joke and then 2,000 blocks back yep we’ve only run 400 I mean it’s too far back to go now I’m

Dy I thought running a th000 blocks was easy like how you said get a light we can’t just get an eltra we’re going to run 2,000 blocks just to see this Gag I’ve ran 6,000 toce cuz I died well this is going to be Great this is great I know this is the quality content that you guys subscribe for I got to go all right take care mate oh he had to go as soon as an ad play unfortunate he got he got a last dime off you before you Left am I even going to have enough food to last me this is the live stream of all time I know it’s the Long Walk Home yeah the Long Walk Home GD level it feels like it that level is so boring okay no I’m sorry I’m sorry someone put a lot effort

Into that level I should be more kind the Canadian one be more kind it’s funny if we just built our portal like near spawn all of this would have been fine oh this what happens Molly when we have to go 2,000 blocks way to find a

Village I got to go now all right take care GD reference of Minecraft true Elija will come in handy it would but we do not have that so we’re just going to run we’re dedicated we already ran this far I mean technically speaking I could

Cheat one in but uh that’s not what this not what this is about farewell why are you so far behind I I thought I I forgot to place a block so going back to place a few more oh my God imagine like blocks break in this Dimension blocky Place break

There you go I’ll put one down for Us this is all regular dirt so if we were to place like one grass would eventually the whole infinite Dimension become Grass Grass experiment block away we’re almost there I’m making the blocks qu enough I subscribed yo thank you means a lot we Subs I just wasted like a stack of

Cobblestone but it’s fine yeah at least we know the web we’re doing all this I don’t even think there’s anything good there just make sure you don’t try and sleep in the bed because it blows up yeah wait I just realized on on um on F3 it says bio Minecraft the void this Is I thought it was going to come in October I think we all thought 2.2 was going to come in October is that good Yeah oh my God 350 away thank God what is this don’t question you’re going to love It well I R out Blocks I wonder if I bought my tree into here or thing oh oh there’s a village house we got to wherever you told us to this is it chat this is it this is what you all been waiting for this is one of the dimensions in the Multiverse oh is a dog

Yo yo go away go away oh did the Villager actually walk in the house Su what’s down here oh we have infinite bookshelf generators these are trap chests I’m going to run cuz they going to blow up well it may have just been like that just so that they don’t like Connect wait these boooks are z z they’re not even like one zero anymore don’t press the home sweet home can we take that oh yeah that’s that’s an exclusive item this is a very fine item Minecraft F I’m taking up reading this yeah we’re taking the juke box you’ll be really

Funny I mean theoretically I should survive oh right I would survive make sure you put some blocks in front of you like Cobblestone oh do I fly up into the air yeah have a water bucket oh I didn’t get that one no I didn’t get that one either I didn’t get that

One just give right six is enough F wait wait wait what his dogs look like he has dogs doesn’t he sa for dogs Bob’s dog the cousin GM Bob’s dog Bob’s dog the dog C Dog get out of the way we’re going to blow up the house Bob got play M there you go you can sit and watch as Bob dies we sa Bob isn’t being saved no Bob will be up to whatever his AI tell them to do and I have a feeling Bob will not be lasting unfortunate oh Bob is a genius hey Bob come outside come inside

Real quick I’ve got a magic trick what’s he doing let’s investigate what Bob’s say CD place don’t this no this is talky Slaughter hose I could use some more cob go back in the house Bob not going be much of a house left if I get all

This Cobblestone oh mty I wanted to trap him in the house make sure he dies okay try not to Die do you know who I am let me just mine some wood real quick and uh craft it into planks okay uh I have uh 15 blocks to uh surround myself use uh just put just put Stone between you and the bed in your F Okay Bob’s house is gone now he’s going to sit here and watch it burn have fun bob all right that was fun B what are we doing we ran 2,000 blocks for that what are you doing nothing you didn’t kill the dogs did you no you would never do such a thing

No I didn’t Bob is just sitting there staring at his house it’s okay Bob oh he’s walking back towards it oh oh Bob’s on fire oh well Bob’s dead don’t bye Bob bye Bob you walk 2K blocks to destroy bomb’s house 2.5k actually yeah get it

Right well this is uh this was a very good life decision we made yeah how’s it going chat Q&A time M with only 12 viewers because we’re doing a a uh a Minecraft stream not GD stream I’m confused why do is when do you all think 2.2 is Gonna Come

Out do you think it’s being delayed again I swear if it gets delayed to turn November Christmas Christmas yes Christmas hello welcome to the stream we’re currently in the process of walking 25,000 blocks back to our portal because we thought it’d be fun to go to what was his name Bob Bob’s

House yeah Bob 31st True there’s no way people think it’s actually to come out like early in November cuz robtop is just robtop I realiz that guy called Nicholas Zan I don’t know I said the last name he’s got like the profile he’s got my profile picture but like zoomed in yo bradder that’s my copyright I’ll

I’ll I’ll I’ll take all your money I’ll copyright you strike you yeah good work that’s my yeah that was a joke by the way guys guys on Twitter guys on Twitter that was a j guys Guys it truly is a brad reference really maybe I should mine on my cobblestone on the way back oh please don’t I kind of want to see Bob’s house in the future in the future yeah we can go back if you know how to spell isolation in lowercase into

A booking qu and the booking pill into a portal then yes zoomed in Brad talks Chinese is what does zoomed out bread talk uh English unfortunately because that’s me and I speak English oh I lost it it’s a what is wrong with you why are you

Breaking them so I can get my stone back we need to we need to check on Bob sometime I thought you killed him oh no I killed his dogs oh listen I was on 7 XP now I’m on nine it was worth it what yeah let’s make sure we make it

Impossible for you to find your way back before you finish the Job Bob Rose a house and killed his dogs and now he’s got nowhere to live and no pets and BR you’re starting a John Wick origin story here what is Bob’s going to come through the never never portal while we not looking as we’re going through we’re just going to

See a massive speeding villager us oh that’ be hilarious okay we’re almost there yeah Bob Bob is alone he already was but at least he had dogs now he doesn’t even have that you don’t even have a house anymore either poor Bob Bob is a Bob is alone never be alone no no no I mean hey at least we’re about to get back it’s okay chat we’re almost there Bob is an unloaded chunk now I know this isn’t a GD video stream but should I beat jawbreaker by something alpha or dirt by X lapis I don’t know

The second one one but I do know jawbreaker and I think it’s a pretty cool level so you should go for it if you want to I’d say the second one because we’re in dirtland right now that makees sense Bob is an unloaded chunk pce Bob yeah oh my God we’re almost there

Well let’s see like do you want to die I just thought it’ be funny if you’re just running and then I turn around like Bob oh my God I’m reenacting what Bob’s going to do when we go to the portal I know we’re going to look behind

Us and just see Bob slopping us with a netherite sword also you should check out dirt by X slap is I’ll check it out sometime if I got time oh it’s turning night dang it I didn’t know this had night and day daylight cycle damn we’ve been in here for like

20 minutes that means she a oh I see the pole we’re free oh Freedom chat freedom freedom okay let’s never go to this Dimension again this is awful my heart deadlocked thank God for that all right back to the library of battle okay you have fun there uh I’m going to

Go for other Easter there are some that have like every block in the game oh really for example this is you know sky grid that is one of the Dimensions gallery oh hello okay who whoa don’t yeah no punching here this is it though the gallery has every block in including water log blocks in the game you need food there’s a melon block right there you need a water logged fence there one right there anything we got it

Here just have to find it o TNT piston Fire Emerald Emerald with fire on top of it cool wow is there anything in here we could like take I got a slime block Y there’s a diamond block over there over where all the way what are you sure that’s diamonds yep pretty darn sure oh yeah I see it sweet is there another one above above it and no this is so sad I was like we can get more diamond

Armor without having to you know go to the scary Dimension oh there’s another one there well chat how’s it going while we’re going diamond mining this is a really weird way to do it are we playing the April full snapshot yes we can do the 2021 April fo

Snapshot next that one makes it so where like you can only hold like one item in your inventory at a time you got to like craft things by like actually building it out it’s so weird it’s cool though dang there’s lots of diamond blocks okay so these will give us 18

That’s probably enough just to get a full set of netherite is a snake block an ant block there yeah let’s get out of here unless it’s a specific block you want I’m going back for the PO um made a mess with books here haven’t you uh yeah I forgot about that

Oops it’s fine it’s fine let’s make ourselves some stuff okay here there’s diamonds in the chest that you can use should you want to get a full sets are you decorating our chest yeah all right good work here we go chat no more complaining about we not having full netherite there we Go there you go yes we need a music disc now how much more we got four booking quills left let’s go to oh moldi the Nintendo we hasard dad for you the the official Nintendo Wii console as you can tell by the profile picture Nintendo we I have a dare for me

What kind of dare is this oh no it’s one of the ones where it only spawns at 00 are you Ser okay wait what is this a bad one yeah I’m not walking through it then I’m going to go find another book even walk it’s like air so you’ll have to

Like okay I found one 169 9067 boom go to the Nintendo Wii Dimension is that something we can do moldy uh uh yeah okay we got three more things we can do going to the ant Dimension H yeah okay one sec are you back in the library yes

Ant an wait please this might be one of them ones where it said z0 oh it is no why we really can’t do like a bunch of these then uh uh well so much for decorating I accidentally brought the picture and it went for the ball oops well n I’m

Okay as a matter of fact we have another decoration boom is there any Easter eggs in specific y’all want to see chat we got like two or three more goes there’s a black light Dimension where it just looks like the Overworld but pitch black sponge that all ask you for sponge

There’s nothing there but sponge sponges though chat you really want to see Sponge we only got two go left sponge okay okay oh I thought that was broken for a second this is what you asked for chat good job chat you’re uh careful you want to stay on Magic safe block heck

What all right hope you had fun chat we wasted one of our books we got one left all right Bridges they want Bridges there’s nothing here but Bridges though how do we be is there any of the acter egg Dimensions that spawn with an end uh with a stronghold a stronghold I don’t

Know but we’ll need ender eyes anyway yeah wait I wonder if when you get like an Ender eye and throw it in one of these Dimensions you think it’ll even fly what do you think it’ll take you rooms looks kind of fun is it just a m it could be let’s find out

Oh here it is Stronghold we are actually in the distance stronghold would spawn at too yeah only if we had an eye maybe the eye would have helped or maybe it’s just the stronghold but instead of a stronghold it’s going break walls Yep this is the dimension it’s

Just an over World separated by walls there supposed to be a door somewhere but I think it’s up at the surface but I’m sure a stronghold spawns in this one oh oh there’s a wall that way yeah there’s walls everywhere so let’s just get some eyes of

Enders by going yeah we can go into the diamond on minute Diamond one has SPS wait it has what the diamond one has Enderman spawns so you think all right let’s go there why is the diamonds one diamonds with danger right here oh yeah I’m

Go all right so uh on average if we want okay watch out for him it’s fine we got lots of he potions and stuff so we should be fine okay y let’s go after one of these guys I’m going to first of all I’m going to go up here so

That these guys can’t get me then what build the wall why that they can’t get us jump you are you are aware they can climb up here you are aware of that not anymore they’re stupid they won’t make that jump so now what’s the plan we just look

At an end and he comes in here and we kill I was thinking make some uh boats ah yeah good idea now watch this no I don’t do you I mean you do go okay Bo them I’m walking over here though I’m not going anywhere near the spawn

Why do skeletons have to spawn in this Dimension yeah can we not at least he’s not like hurting us now that uh oh yeah I forgot I have to pick my boat up after oh my God there’s a skeleton in it BR was chilling what no I got a

Pro yeah I got one to okay I thinking our best Str is oh there’s a gas I wasn’t expecting there to be a gas lie these skeletons I like very what the hell is it when I break my boat it spawns I am so well on

HP really do you have full netherite do you not nope I have half no M some diamonds in the Diamond Dimension true I need nine cuz I need a helmet and boots I really want to find the Portal as a matter of fact cuz I need to get out of here before I

Die yeah I lost I’m not going that way because there’s a bunch of beacons and I don’t want my game to die uh I’ll accidentally find the Portal I’m sure I found the portal I did not what do you mean you did not where did you go I don’t know

Vex vex is that’s a subtitle that is what Vex vexes write holes in the book I throw it uh yeah we did it’s just our Overworld but with holes I really don’t want to there because I’m worried it’ll just like destroy the stronghold I’m sure I’ll find the Portal eventually the

Coordinates oh yeah I don’t uh I’m at 2500 right now it’s around there I thought that’s what I thought it’s a 2737 and 144 27 37 oh my God I Ran So Far come on Enderman Show Yourself 23 oh well I’m definitely dead now oh oh the combat

Log where are you how far did you go all don’t know all I know is I have no hunger left I’m being chased 2737 I’m at 2630 I’m at 2660 where are you what’s your uh other one I’m at 140 yeah that’ be it then cuz I’m at

Fre well this is bad because there’s two vexes the left and right hand side of where I’m trying to R it okay I’m currently at 270 is z so I’m trying to Walk This Way oh effectes are after me no no no oh no oh no oh on the plus side I see

Them I think that one is not coming after you I cannot find any Enderman here wait what was it again uh 270 and like 140 fish okay so this way oh I see you get to the portal get to the portal where is it oh it’s why you

S I’m going to go back up for food wait oh shoot something followed me through there Mr skeleton I have my shield out I am protected okay I killed it I killed it I’m going to go back up to the surface for food oh no I saw an end behind I’m

That Dimension is so hard to get Enderman in thank God for that I got two Ender pears I I have four so that puts that five six wait we need BLS yeah we can find that uh how wait we can just make a normal never pole just go from it For I might get some more booking cles just so we can go back to like holes just I think it’s easier to get to the surface on yeah so I’ve taking this awful staircase okay there’s got to be some hay did we mine all the

Hay yeah yeah yeah then you can make a oh but you m it all in our Overworld nope well I cannot find any I mind all the carrots Apples and emeralds anyone want to trade for food You there you that good sir I don’t have a job oh my goodness is there any employed people in the area you sir thank you for the bread okay I got food now I just C it from some guy using some vill using emeralds I stole from his neighbor such a nice guy

See the next stream all right take care mate so how about you uh where could we find blazes why did I put my boat in the furnace and it’s going for very very long I am very confused you’re using you’re supposed to chop end with that yeah well I needed food so uh

Yeah don’t you have bread what don’t you have bread on you no I all when we were visiting Bob uh po took all my food you have a blaze rod Dimension you craft Blaze Rod like no can’t even craft blaze rods you have to kill for it so it’s like hi Bo hi

By I am byebye farewell but we are going to find the stronghold now we might get all the also uh a skeleton went through this portal at some point he could be anywhere where did you go I’m in this I’m trying the Enderman Dimension trying to kill Ender

Oh oh wait yeah I need a boat don’t I I don’t think we have any more wood it’s got be another dimension with end in it this one’s so bad the nether is better than this yeah uh they wait what was Overworld but danger again the over don’t day oh yeah diamonds of

Danger was the one we in now I guess we’re just going to have to RNG it again the they just tossing a random b boom let’s go oh fre chest oh my God there’s Ender like a bunch of them blue blue oh what the uh look look here look

Enderman oh you you looked at one you did not no you did I may have oh there’s pillagers also staring at us from over there okay uh I just realized that that guy killed himself uh trying to kill you that was fun okay good I’m coming back we’re g to get these

End yeah there’s three of them I mean there’s another there’s a bonus chest here if you want I man I took all the food out of it already uh yeah I wouldn’t go to that island that one’s look very hostile oh there’s a spider there yo spider yo come to

Us huh nice sh we could get the end to come to us but yeah mention wait I just I just realized something oh hello this spider the spider’s jumped off okay are you kidding me what he want what did you do he in the cave now who is end

Oh oh the the annoyed one yep good job I’m going to make a a boat I’m going to make I’m going to head I’m going to make another boat okay let’s see how many uh get moveing my food out get the blocks bam bam bam bam bam bam oh I think it

Was this one the iron blocks in that’s had stuff it yes uh what did I come here for again it’s for obsidian oh yeah and these boats have obsidian because with obsidian we can make an actual like straight up just legit nether Portal this will be fun all right chat We don’t even got no we don’t it’s just we’ll have to take out the towers manually that’s a Pillager oh I was like oh poor villager it just fell but no it’s a Pillager actually so I wish nothing but the worst for that thing oh I don’t like

Pillagers ah it’s stuck actually so yeah I’m going to laugh at it you can’t do anything wait there’s no more end in this Dimension though like I was but I find more I think it’s Lally just M3 that we it’s fine we can find them in the ne yeah I

Jumped I got uh I have three uh pears though now I have like five so that’s five six seven eight we want 12 ideally probably more so we need 15 where is 2.2 Geometry Dash I’m asking the same question oh I got enough you did I just got like a bunch

Of different wood I did no not enough I got enough obsidian I mean oh okay that’s good can you make the the in the the book version The Book Realm I don’t want to risk trying yeah F wait so are you in overw world right now you just in normal I’m in

Over okay you know what I’m going to let me try my look at another portal why not ion but Ender Dragon we safe iron blocks one though so yeah I’ll check what this one is oh there’s a never Forest one with pillagers in it even better oh no pillagers I don’t know

What this is ah there’s a creep creeper I heard a creeper hissing I’m like that’s not what I want to hear right now where was that gravel you found oh uh the gravel was literally just walk up there they literally fell down to us so oh did it yeah well it should have

Cuz I saw it it should be up there oh there’s a floating one right there yeah I guess that’s the one I tried to break and obviously I just didn’t fall for some reason okay I got it get back get back get back you stink get back or don’t okay have fun stinky

Loser oh favorite part of Minecraft oh yeah give me one you can do it two times quick okay I got it oh I got it the moment I give it to you oh you know what that’s I’m burning this one it doesn’t deserve to live do you have an iron

Here uh we have iron about there yeah gravel right here wow wow how inconvenient oh it’s lit right there did you get it okay I put it in oh okay now I have it put in here and let’s light this thing up uh sticks top 10 things you can’t okay

Sorry hello mod 1.20 is not a mod or 1.20 it is a snapshot I think for like the bees up no I don’t know for what it’s what snapshot it for but it’s a April Fool’s snapshot oh yeah let’s go just the regular nether I feel like T to somewhere

Random oh oh we actually could not have gotten a better spawn oh my God I mean the bad part is is it’s like kind of in the ceiling uh it’s fine we well here’s our blaze rods just got to get the pearls after this yeah we also

Got to find where the blazes are though so that’s fine that’s easy there’s a guaranteed two in per stronghold lucky I know we locked out is that un because the p portal wasn’t purple yeah this is a snapshot thing magic April thing wait when was this 2020 or 20 the 2020 April full

Snapshot yeah we should do the 2021 one next it makes it so you can like fly if you like pick up a chicken you can like pick up animals in it it’s really weird awesome saddle and Diamond horse armor yo I’m taking that yo hold horse armor yay that’s for my Invisible let’s try and find the Blazers they sound like they’re over there they’re over there they’re up there they’re up there I don’t want to bridge up to it just just go around I found the exit to the interior of it I can just watch out because I oh oh what my

God you got it it’s fine there you go yeah there’s two Blazers up here by the way get them then I got one did you no but my full D we got to find the bird spawner this is where they spawn they spawn on the outside part uh there a spawner

We got unlucky question Mar yeah not over here oh not good thing I bought loads and loads of food I found 13 grab in that other dimension oh yeah one sub to one second off to countdown true that’s it is wow how are we struggling to find

These I don’t know where are they supposed to be on the outside part which is where we are so it’s surprised that we can’t find you’ve already been that way by the way yeah but F elsewhere hi hog glim person oh he saw me oh there’s another Flo of it up here in

The ceiling Ah that’s probably where it will be oh there’s another floor oh I found it I found it I found it I found it and now we sit here and wait oh that was quick where shooting from I got one you got right at least six you probably want more yeah I think this supposed to like spawn faster or something you Oh there one like over there it spawn like in the wall is bro okay oh there’s another spawner there oh that L here literally just here wow this is literally perfect this is a speedr runner’s dream the fact we spawn right next to it too is kind of funny I

Know yeah now we go over here because these ones will respawn thank you yeah I know it’s literally all speed can ask for this one’s respawn I have yeah get any from that do you get anything nope more yeah I do I do are you sure we do also need ender

Pearls so are we going to take try our luck in the evil Dimension or uh I don’t know up I would not have been able to find that really remember nope wait what I didn’t come out the portal that we made I came out of the library one what I’m so confused

What this is so cursed okay it doesn’t look like to be there’s any Ender Enderman like biomes nearby so we’re probably going to have to oh wait we need a brewing stand no we don’t do we not to make the eyes is that not how it work we can do that in our

Inventory can you ni so how the hell do you make a iender then oh is it blaze powder uh yeah but we need more pearls first so let’s like go go back into the spooky Dimension to get them yeah we’ll go back into this one and then we’ll literally oh put it blaz

And that stuff more eyes yeah we need a wayo uh diamonds with danger is that the one with end yeah it is one sub I know I know exactly okay these guys are awesome uh uh oh that one just went for the pole hey watch this boom want to go in a

Boat want to go in a want to go in a boat ohoh I got no pearl from that one time for the part where I run around till they’re all off me bro is this boat going to break God damn you get that one guy behind you I no

He’s chill hey look at this I’m taking my man for a r what do you mean for a ride look you can get in the boat with them yeah but you got to kill him n he was a true guy he was a true homie ah the silver fish can go inside

Of the boat now you’re stuck now losers to go too far from yeah yeah I hate when they do that they’re not moving as soon as you put the boat down they run the other way hardcoded I swear run from boats imagine MO make putting things in boats not even

Like harder just more painful yeah oh my days God damn can I G this guy please go my boat no I’m I’m getting a bit sick of you thank God for that I’m got to go back over here by the way there’s a bunch of B CH Ser that oh no that’s an

Al oh yeah watch for those guys oh why is he flying toward oh just run and they can’t follow you forever hi everyone hello bro was laughing at me you want to die I’m definitely not kill him I think super uncky with my drop R right now hey budy that was a f

Bro did you get him this time no I am so unlucky damn get my boat pretty police just ask politely and they’ll just get in willingly yeah yeah they will open land and turn on cheats good idea I like the way you think okay sir don’t look I’m just going to murder your

Friend here and then I’ll then you can wow my rates suck okay okay sir sir please get in the boat sir thank you oh hey yo that one gave me one finally uh how many PRS do we have before this like eight I think eight

Okay have 9 10 11 12 how much Pearls do you have right now I have two I got three oh so that’ll put us at five we try and get like more than 12 we can get like 16 or something that Be why these skeletons man they’re so annoying why why are they the way that they are why is there now an alloy following me you do half a heart to me you think I care you’re just annoying lter on cheats not a good idea unless it

Was it wasn’t cuz I can much they just use the pumpo to cheat anyway uh I have four now how many do you have why is there a squid here what what yo I got another okay so that’s five now you’re taking my friend’s boat space broke boat space my friend he’s your

Friend he is he’s all of our he’s a homie a sh shoot it’s done of these guys okay I have uh these man’s hit boxes are so bad who would Mo Design This only like three hits you cannot hit them the vexes oh yeah I know I hit

Boxes you can only hit them in like the head make the hit boxes a little bit more forgiving no cuz you went into the Woodland’s mansion that’s bad Why why would you kill the skeletons they spawn silver fish quite annoying how much Pearls do you have uh five 18’s enough yeah let’s get out of here yeah yeah where was our Port over here okay I am done with this Dimension just get the elytra on top of

The ship no elytras aren’t ter oh hello so and they’re multiplying watch out why are they just breaking the blocks what wait is it when this skeleton shoots a block it breaks Hang On Let’s test it let’s test it’s not it’s a silver fish the silverfish breaks

The block y they go in it and they come uh silverfish all right so here’s the thing are we going to use the Overworld to go to the end or the another dimension uh oh there’s cision here the hell if they knock you off it’s over know okay uh here drop drop all

Your stuff in there you go I did yeah you got 18 PS and 10 oh my bone as well make all that into bone meal and hope that my tree grows all right here uh we don’t even have a dimension that spawns within stronghold so just go back to the to our

Special special special place all right uh take anything you want cuz we might never see this place again there some diamonds there make oh yeah have full diamond already uh yeah we might need block take some of those wood then yeah I did and I’m going to CFT it

Into noral all right head back to our cave G squid game one I thought about doing GD squid game when that was so popular honestly I kind of wish I did cool oh my God BR invincibility all right uh let’s go back to the Overworld and get more food uh where

Is where’s the staircase right here oh I got so many arrows in me oh my goodness I know arrows just in my face would y’all be interested in a JD squid game video Even though game so old I think it would be interesting a Qui and cool and right

Stronghold and throw it in a portal you might get stronghold I mean you’re not wrong it might get a stronghold if it was that easy yeah I might also get like a billion other things so all right let’s go ra this Village for our last the farmer better have been doing his

Job cuz he’s the only guy that seems to have a job in this entire Village I’m just going to raid more houses for emeralds and buy from him I Mr I’m going to steal all the wood from your House we should probably uh I’m one of the ones that been the most time awesome and of for is FEA this Iron Golem has been having a rough time I know I’m surprised he’s still alive oh there a cleric I don’t think so I mean there’s weed there oh I forgot moldy

What I trapped this guy oh he doesn’t have a job anymore come on you weren’t that far away from the village you know what you deserve death but I’m nice so I won’t give you death but I not only am I going to put

You in the hole I’m going to put a boat a boat inside of set hole so now you are Stu Wow have a good life hi hello hello chat hi like I don’t know plant more crops I can take yes good job just take the carrots uh yeah they got a bunch of

Those carrots wheat anything that’s like grown we have to like kill the the uh the crystals so we might need like a bow or something yeah I think we’ll just have to you know like swim up there or whatever yeah app a I don’t have a it no

You’re going to want to get that you know I’m going to do it what I’m I’m going to kill this guy no bad idea suppos to you’re supposed to build up get out of there what do you mean bad idea you probably don’t have that much HP left there we go is that

Enough yep exactly free thanks my friend waiting for this bro to trap to plant carrots and I just the carrots as he’s placing them and you know what I’m going to make his life even better I’m stealing his Water okay let’s throw one of these bad boys oh no don’t take the villager oh that stopped very quickly and it broke okay oh gosh this update plus mods would be cool oh yeah for sure please don’t be in the this that won’t break no no I was

Praying you we didn’t have to go to the Jungle but looks like we do I’d say just throw another one just before we get into the jungle just to make sure we have to go that way if it goes like to the left I will be very grateful it oh let’s go let’s

Go D trigonometry I do not know trigonometry if one of you in chat do that’s great you can do the math but I don’t think I’m Qualified this is going to be very obnoxious to get the thing back I’d say just climb the tallest tree and throw it that’s what I’m trying to do uh that’s probably the tallest tree from going to go through the jungle hopefully it’s not that long yeah okay we’ll watch out

Now why big big hole those people oh oh big hole yeah that’s what I said that’s what you said he s like people is in like creeper I was like oh looking at the chat yeah I’m looking at the chat it’s just we also have to focus on finding this Stronghold oh Melons I’m going to get them while we’re here just in case you never know you’re not wrong but really they you like the worst hunger yeah and I swear if we make it past this jungle and we throw it and it goes backwards I’m going to be furious

I’m going to be very Angry okay how big is this what is this jungle I think I see Freedom go that way I think I see Freedom over this way too good be an ocean please be an ocean exposed stronghold yes oh freedom freedom throw it we’re out in the water hey I got no

Boat oh thank goodness it’s not going forward and it broke wow we’re getting super unlucky I don’t have a boat take the have a crafting table oh wait no I’m don’t never mind I do ah I’m quicker than you now look for an ocean exposed one ice boting oh I wish we

Bo but they’re not long enough I no I’d say throw another one in a sec I’ll throw another one here turned a bit I think yeah it did did that uh I think I collected it yeah oh Creepy music is playing oh oh how did he get here I boed from the top and got like a massive speed boost and landed in front land over here just got to go around this Iceberg oh there a village y we get more food

Yeah I we can also for the P like there so I mean you can throw it here if you want still going that way and it didn’t break thank the Lord uh that way I guess what the village is over here to go want to go food I’ll just keep going find this

Thing sure oh there’s actually hay bals I’ll just break these and come back M all the hay bals and then come back I don’t think y’all want uh creepy music so let’s do uh non- creepy music like this one Adventure why is there a baby zombie please be ocean exposed please ocean

Exposed please exposed which way did you go I don’t remember no I know where I like I am I’m where I was but I don’t know what way we what way you went you not see the I went no cuz I wasn’t looking I ran off did you go left uh 3893 and

730 uh yeah okay so you went down this way then dang far away wait so free minus 730 right yeah something like that I there’s an ice biome and then you’ll go and you’ll find a desert all right keep an eye out chat it’s royalty free adventure music and it

Sounds good for once yes but I actually do pay for it though like it’s royaltyfree but I got to still pay a license to use it there’s not a desert but there was like a tiny little Sand Island sure yeah just yeah oh yeah there you go that’s

The desert did you go left or right when you came to the desert just keep going that direction gu go the direction I was going he can you log what log log off just skip today cuz it’s creepy monsters okay you can come back on oh desert temple okay

So I’m at 4267 and negative 900 oh wait negative 900 exactly y oh okay so you’re about that One oh that creeper helped me dang oh it’s one of these new ones with like no it’s not not mean the new ones what is this I think this is why is there a square on the front of this oh wait this isn’t the front that’s why this is the front over

Here okay 900 okay wa900 exactly you said right enchanted golden apple okay Oo gold buch more gold not good what your what’s your X coordin again like 4,000 oh I’m at 4,100 and then minus oh okay so you’re just a bit F yeah I see the t y am I be the game yes we are now we went to the Multiverse to get ourselves a

Bunch of netherite and now we’re just going to beat the game dang this is far I know where is this taking us I thought we already went far enough Out I got an enchanted CLE at least you do I found it in the desert thing Damn no guys don’t spam spamming is bad I will mute all the spammers because I am an evil you are an evil person pretty sure they were raiding you moly Oh I thought it was going backwards for a second I was like Yay nope this way oh just throw another one like every

250 blocks so the next one’s at like 475 jeez flower biome very difficult to Traverse so yes throw one just before the biome just to make sure this is the way top of the hill I don’t want to go inside the hill yeah yeah but if it goes inside the

Hill that means it’s that oh it is there oh landed on the tree okay I guess just go back down to the bottom and throw another one G yeah for Junk BS yeah okay so it’s it’s like he then this we throw a lot part yeah you got a water bucket

Right uh yeah I do but I’ll just use yours because that’s more it went down it went down this is the chunk this is the chunk okay uh we don’t have a shovel no no there’s a special coordinates you have to to mine it wasn’t a raid that you were

Going up by three unless the raid was three V play you never know but uh there there’s like an exact spot on the chunk you’re supposed to mine it’s either like 44 or like 14 14 I think it’s 44 or four in a chunk yeah in the chunk which would be

Here it’s this block next to and get ready to place your water bucket cuz like yeah so I believe if what I know that stronghold is correct look going to fall right into it y oh I see a skeletons oh there we go uh quite cool skeleton died ice theal stupidest

Part I love mazes is a pickaxe in there oh poor spider so the way is that after you go six rooms deep you go back to the start and go a different direction so well we didn’t really go six rooms deep I mean okay it’s not here

Six rooms like after that point your probability of finding it decreases uh isn’t there like secret rooms oh watch out watch out watch out watch out yeah there a sec Sil oh iron okay over okay go this way found it dang so easy usually I feel like it’s way too hard get in

Here oh wow it already gave us four eyes how gener you were all Overkill with the eyes dang all right set you spawn there we go oh wait yeah I can make bread real quick Bo all right he mold so how many uh stuff do we need we need one two three four so we need one two three four five six seven eight eight so okay don’t go in it yet wait this is the one in 10,000 ball

W okay don’t go in it uh dang I made a leftover High okay well why did it go that way bro yeah take uh those you can use them if you’re like falling and stuff just make sure it’s very difficult because if you throw it below you like you’ll fall

Faster than it so you throw it when you’re closer to the ground or something yeah but yeah if you’re like on top of the tower and need to get down you can throw one of those uh uh what else do we need put like in case we die let’s put like some Stone

And wood in there um you got lots of Blocks yeah uh Oak boat’s probably good idea to have because you can jump off Towers also stupid idea but here you go what I took all of them from the village we’re going to blow this guy I cannot do that well I guess it’s all me then no no

Speed Runners make it look easy I’ve tried once like 90% of the time either you blow yourself up or the dragon just breaks it before you do it like you have to do it it’s like almost a frame perfect timing it’s actually really hard I’ve done it Lads of times all right

Then you do you just make sure you don’t break all your stuff die uh all right I guess there’s nothing more to do other than just like do it yolo it yo YOLO okay we got to like jump in imagine if we jump in the dragon just

Doesn’t even spa okay I remember last time this broke so okay okay but first this version I believe it’s kind of broken so we might want to like jump first with none of our stuff just to make sure like it actually puts us in the like not in the

Void ah do you want to do the honors yeah yeah make sure you set your spawn in the bed yeah I have I think go I’ve right clicked it enough times take out Shield don’t forget that that’s valuable yeah Ian it’s only like half duration but one out of 110,000 portal that’s crazy

Uh on my bet W you’re really going to try and do that Hey listen if I pull it off it’s a lot quicker it would be nice to get this over with nice and quick uh water B here by not boat okay all right uh good luck what’s it look like uh it

Worked we’re on a floating platform uh nearer than ever well and do you see the obsidian pillars yes I see the obsidian pillars and there’s also an Ender Dragon HP bar of the top okay good jump off then why so unless you want to fight it

With nothing yeah I want to fight it with nothing I Still Smoking uh I did not yeah don’t forget your pearls and stuff yeah I put them all on the hiped Al phobia what okay I’ll spell it b r a d p h o b i A wow Brad phobia that’s the only a phobia that I’m afraid of you ready you got lots of blocks to build a bridge don’t don’t waste pearls getting to there because we’re going to want to uh like like in case we die we won’t have pearls right here I’ll leave like

Iack and a half I’ll leave one Pearl in this chest in case we die all right all right go let go oh I fell in the lava by the looks of it yeah it’s done it’s uh I don’t know why it’s oh there we go oh

Okay this is I’m not speed bridging I don’t know how to speed Bridge oh he’s right there Hi man make sure he doesn’t come for me cuz he can break building out of and will fall into the void and that will not be fun uh oh oh

Shoot I think I accidentally looked at a guy I didn’t mean to you got a boat right chop him in that yeah no I don’t actually water just place a water bucket below you all right so this is the fun part where we uh you know uh try to climb the

Towers have fun yeah yeah oh there he is remember they uh we might want to create an infinite water source actually so before you place your water I already placed it but hey I can pick it up once I’m done I’m in his thing I’m already dead okay well that

That’s that thank you end it’s fine your stuff is safe though so yeah cuz we want to make an infinite water source because uh it is totally possible that we just straight up Yeah we just yeah know that’s crazy I am out of blocks what the heck did I do I uh if this guy kills me I’m going to murder him he’s shooting at me again I swear why what did I do wrong huh what did I do I did

Nothing I’m just chill I a chill guy okay then you put that there do that oh yeah I might want to grab my Water make an Infinite Source right here what where are you behind you oh yeah yeah this is a it’s laging oh oh wow out of all the things the server could be lagging over it’s apparently this W the dragon does not like over here over here what do I do place your

Water in we infinite behind you no oh you shot again and I died to it oh my God why is he just constantly shooting and why is the server lagging so Hard I cannot get to that water all right whatever uh oh no the dragon’s broken again I think I think it’s just broken in the stage where it shoot angos so now it’s just going to shoot our when he falls out no it’s fine we just got to

Get all the things then we can reset it yeah I mean he hasn’t ped yet so usually I about Something I I literally may as well just take my neite armor off like that guys no point in me having it on God damn he just shoots me this lags in and I’m dead while it’s on it catches up like I even moved out the way of it Instantly if he shot at me again why are you shooting at me and only me like go go go for MDI did he shoot me he just went for Me the fear of long words is very scary it is quite the fear I’m afraid of Brad no such a sh I accidentally created an infinite water source at the top of that tower that isops good thing I think I don’t know wait what okay why did my that did a lot of

Damage I’m so confused what I didn’t create an infinite water source in fact I took the water it was a water bucket in my inventory and then I placed the water bucket and nothing happened the water disappeared and the water was still there it was fine the update where they made it so

The dragon can shoot at you was a dumb update yep cuz he just abuses his power yeah and it breaks Yep this man didn’t get a it’s just me Brad’s voice diate louder than mold’s I can change it if you want I just need to off this

Tower okay okay I’m go to this one okay whoa oh oh he’s he doesn’t like me I got that at least all right how we doing on the towers so how many of you got I got three so far I got three as well yeah yeah but I’m going after the

On no way congrats for I’m just watering up there but he can break water so yeah he can also apparently shoot his magic things inside of water which is really awesome really it doesn’t look like it’s broking and I need to heal otherwise I’m going to die so

Yeah oh my God this is awful this is actually awful when’s it going to break hard to tell which ones we’ve got got this One check this so I got four now how many are there in Total oh someone already got this one uh is that all of them I think we got them all if he deal damage and he’s not healing then we’ll know we got got it all yeah that’s if we can deal damage that’s if he perches which man is because it’s that funny thing is

Happening again yay yay why are they why are the Enderman angry at him what did he do I think he’s like an abusive figure oh oh no no no no apparently now they hate me cuz I I did something wrong in brackets I didn’t and now he’s

Shooting at me so I need to move out the way all right so how’ we fix this last time did we just reboot the server yeah we rebooted the server and he he perched like instantly all right want to reboot it yeah yep was too loud let’s turn down a bit I

Didn’t I didn’t I didn’t do anything what a music change I know it’s awesome I love this playlist all right so we’re gonna wait for Brad to reboot the server because this Dragon doesn’t want to purge and reing it might fix it yes Hello hello welome to the stream everyone get hyped the sub count went up by one true we should have H what it’s it’s okay let’s go go go go go go go go go go go here we go go go go Advent oh oh wait the end are all

Neutral again oh that’s awesome uh where’s the guy aha got he’s very he’s very high up in the air god damn here we go go go go come down Dragon when you see him flick that’s when he’s going down oh no he’s just oh you’re a horrible person oh my God

Again bro leave me alone bro bro wants something come on it’s right here in the middle buddy middle middle middle middle middle middle middle middle n is he shooting at me again bro leave me alone it can take like a few minutes from the perch I believe

So oh my God shoot I made one more time I swear to God I will murder this man can’t be under asting mold’s MC capabilities every time I do a Minecraft stream I’m like it’ll just be for like an hour but then 4 hours later we’re here trying to beat the dragon

Yeah uh I don’t like the way that the particles are kind of spreading towards me okay I’m free I kind of wanted to let me oh wait I think he’s going in is he yeah he is he is he is he is he is oh it didn’t right click oh kill

Youself I got I got it I got it I got it Oh okay okay watch out watch out watch out watch out yeah yeah yeah okay that’s good we did a quarter Health just a few more times how fun hey I mean hey if he comes down instantly again very grateful if he doesn’t I’ll oh my goodness thought you were going to set

Your spawn or something I’m like don’t do that watch out watch out no he nuked the place he not nuked he put his thing there oh wait yeah I forgot I have blocks I’m done you want to come down I have a bed for you you want to come down sleep want

To sleep bro oh you want to come down you were feeling very tired flying is a lot of work your wings need to rest hey hey hey hey hey the magic like spread or something oh he’s going he’s going in he’s going in he’s going in he’s going

In oh my goodness I’m getting the heck out of here okay do it do it do it do it you’re probably going to die nope yeah you hit me again oh my God I mean at least he did some damage I mean listen I forgot I I I got

To put my water bucket in my inventory and I died I flew you flew that look hilarious on stream i k you it’s fine I did like loads of D it’s fine can you do that again as long as he doesn’t Fireball near my uh near my

Stuff I’m fine listen where’s my stuff uhoh oh yeah I’m dead again oh I’m not wait which direction did I fly won be help me oh shoot this is a problem because what’s a problem never mind I got it I just like it flung like this

Oh yeah M I kind of forgot which direction I flew in uh it was I know where it is just where are you it was towards it’s on the side that your bed is your other bed that you didn’t detonate oh no that wasn’t my bed that I

Was meant to detonate I was trying to get that I was trying to get elevated to that block by using a bed yeah but that’s the direction that you flew oh so I flew in that direction then so I flew forwards I cannot get this man yeah it was over there

Somewhere all right sorry Dragon uh I can’t really get to to kill you so you’re just going to be chilling there for a bit oh okay no he’s gone oh I found my stuff hi end okay this time uh if I do fly hey I will be alive because I now have

My pearls and my water and my inventory now I know I’m not really meant to be flying cuz that’s not really how you do it but uh yeah I could not tell us uh oh my bed’s up there yeah I said I set up another one for you so you

Can go flying again just make sure you place water I if the guy comes down God we didn’t get much damage on the other time because he wouldn’t let me in but it’s fine oh he’s coming that did no damage I told you it’s like a frame perfect timing I

Know I tried to get him whilst he was ping but well I tried to get him as soon as he stopped like when you meant to but I kind of kind of had PL I guess it’s very hard speed Runners make it look so easy I Know like when I was doing it like when I was like practicing it in Quad marks I got it like a few times but I didn’t I’m not like 100% at it you need an obsidian Block it’s funny cuz I had one of those

Too did you D yeah but I threw it cuz I’m like I don’t need it I don’t need yeah you do so you could the thing you stand below is it going to put one down God damn let me place a bed on top bro well then fine I’ll just place the

Second block God if it’s going to be so arrogant about it oh he’s ping okay well I can’t really do it properly didn’t okay yeah I definitely can’t do it properly he’s about to break it or something it’s fine it’s fine don’t oh shoot oh oh my did you do it yeah okay

Now how are we going to deal damage to this um Hi oh wait he’s he’s breathing on me don’t breathe on me oh let’s go we did it yo GG chat as I me my last carrot a 360 kill what has one HP no I wish I did now it’s fine it’s fine let’s get the egg and get out of

Here I have a torch theeg it’s here where yeah Oh c thatp it next Generation 360 Woo fantastic music accom all right let’s set up uh our outro song because this is is the outro the out the credits of the Outro I see the cl play a name yes H we reached a higher level now it can read our thoughts that doesn’t matter it thinks we are part of the game mly before you go one question yes go ahead ask away it was my Di and everything oh okay yeah okay

Whatever wow moldy wow really and consider out the credits already I’m watching the whole Thing music Away no using simbol lab I forget uh derivatives and stuff it’s been so long I’m a darn YouTuber I’m a darn YouTuber he’s just called Old YouTuber stupid guys no no no no no no no only some okay no but why is there one of these lands here well this is probably the

Weirdest I’ve ever beat the game yeah this just the weirdest completion probably we got like our pearls from some weird Dimension we got full netherite armor and stuff that was interesting 100 creat vid when I will do something with the levels soon do not worry well I’m going to do what every every

Person dreams are doing wow maybe to you know then fine I’ll drown in another way [Laughter] hey oh oh wait yeah there’s lava there where is it a no we did it I tried Chad I tried I got pearls I can play play with what did you do oh I spawned one of

These guys that’s a rare that’s like a small chance when you throw a PE you’re not allow to break the portal for all right bye chat spawn kill him yes okay bye

This video, titled ‘Exploring The Multiverse In Minecraft’, was uploaded by Moldy on 2023-11-07 01:21:47. It has garnered 2771 views and 177 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:43 or 14383 seconds.

Still no 2.2 so we’re playing Minecraft instead.

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Music provided by Epidemic Sound.

Game name and version as of uploading this video: ➠ Geometry Dash ➠ Version 2.11

Thanks for watching 8)

  • CraftyRohit’s Epic Minecraft Bathroom Build

    CraftyRohit's Epic Minecraft Bathroom Build The Bathroom in Minecraft: A Unique Build Hack When it comes to building in Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, players have pushed the limits of creativity within the game. One lesser-known build hack that has gained attention is the creation of a bathroom within Minecraft. Creating a Bathroom in Minecraft While the primary focus of Minecraft is often on survival, exploration, and building, some players enjoy adding realistic touches to their creations. Building a bathroom in Minecraft involves using various blocks and items to mimic a real-life bathroom setting. Players can include… Read More

  • Stuck in a Chunk: Minecraft Shenanigans!

    Stuck in a Chunk: Minecraft Shenanigans! Minecraft: Bloqué dans un Chunk – Épisode 5 Exploration et Enchantements Dans cet épisode de Minecraft, Tonnian se retrouve bloqué dans un Chunk, mais cela ne l’empêche pas de poursuivre ses aventures. Il se lance dans l’exploration des mines pour trouver des ressources précieuses. Après avoir pêché pendant un certain temps, Tonnian parvient enfin à obtenir un livre, essentiel pour la création d’une table d’enchantement. Il s’attelle alors à l’enchantement de son armure pour se préparer à de nouvelles rencontres et défis. Construction et Projets Futurs Tonnian envisage de construire une sphère magique en haut de son arbre géant,… Read More

  • Dreamy Miners: Minecraft Animation

    Dreamy Miners: Minecraft Animation The Quest for Miners in Minecraft Imagine delving deep into the pixelated world of Minecraft, eagerly searching for valuable diamonds in the dark recesses of a cave. Now, picture stumbling upon a humorous twist – instead of diamonds, you find yourself on a quest for miners! This unexpected turn of events adds a delightful element of surprise to your virtual adventure. Exploring the Depths As you navigate through the intricate tunnels and caverns of Minecraft, the thrill of discovery propels you forward. The dimly lit passageways hold the promise of hidden treasures, whether they be precious ores or unexpected… Read More

  • Conquering the Minoshroom Boss in Twilight Forest!

    Conquering the Minoshroom Boss in Twilight Forest! The Minoshroom: Conquering the Twilight Forest Boss in Minecraft Embark on an epic adventure in the Twilight Forest mod for Minecraft, where you will encounter the formidable Minoshroom. This boss, residing in a labyrinth, poses a challenge that players must overcome with only vanilla or Twilight Forest gears. Are you ready to face this mighty foe? Exploring the Twilight Forest The Twilight Forest mod offers a unique dimension filled with mysterious creatures, dungeons, and thrilling adventures. Prepare yourself for a journey like no other as you delve into the depths of this enchanting realm. Defeating the Minoshroom As you… Read More

  • Ultimate Trident Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21

    Ultimate Trident Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Exploring the Trident Bartering Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 and discover the wonders of the Trident Bartering Farm? This innovative farm, designed by the talented @tanbow, promises to revolutionize your gameplay experience by providing you with an abundance of Tridents like never before. With the potential to collect around 60 Tridents per hour, this farm is truly a game-changer for any Minecraft enthusiast. Materials Needed To construct this impressive Trident Bartering Farm, you will need a variety of materials, including: 1 sandstone About 128 glass blocks or… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we’re diving into the world of automatic sorting systems in Minecraft. If you’ve ever wanted to streamline your item organization process, this is the video for you. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to set up a full automatic sorting system in Minecraft, making item management a breeze. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking to optimize your storage system or a beginner eager to learn new tricks, this video has something for everyone. But why stop at just watching videos? Take your Minecraft experience to the next level… Read More

  • SchizoCraft: Mind-Bending Minecraft Mastery

    SchizoCraft: Mind-Bending Minecraft Mastery In the world of Minecraft, a new tale is spun, Of beating the game with voices, a challenge won. Schizophrenia and gaming, a unique blend, Proving that in any world, we can transcend. Crafting tools and armor, facing mobs with might, Exploring caves and villages, in the day and night. Encountering strange trades, and eerie sounds, Navigating through the unknown, where adventure abounds. With iron gear and arrows, the ender dragon awaits, A battle of wits and skill, at the end of the gates. Voices guiding the way, to victory’s sweet song, In the realm of Minecraft, where we… Read More

  • Unbeatable Iron Farm: 350+ Per Hour!

    Unbeatable Iron Farm: 350+ Per Hour! The Ultimate Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.21 Welcome to the ultimate guide on creating the best Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.21! This farm is designed to provide you with a whopping 350+ Iron per hour, making it one of the most efficient ways to gather this valuable resource while AFK in the early game. Farm Details Here are some key details about this incredible Iron Farm: Farm Performance: +350 to +400 Iron per hour! Farm Mode: Fully Automatic Versions: Compatible with Minecraft versions 1.16 to 1.21 Platforms: Java Edition supported, Bedrock Edition not tested Building Materials The materials required… Read More

  • Experience Real Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience Real Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Real Guns in Minecraft” by Professional Builder. While the video showcases some impressive redstone builds and strategies, it got us thinking – wouldn’t it be even more exciting to put those skills to the test in a live Minecraft server environment? That’s where Minewind comes in. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience that is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. Imagine taking your redstone expertise and professional building skills to a whole new level as… Read More

  • Frog Portal Prank in Minecraft PE

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  • Hot Minecraft Shorts: Memes & Gaming!

    Hot Minecraft Shorts: Memes & Gaming! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because he had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #memes #gaming Read More

  • Dukester’s Dragon Egg Heist

    Dukester's Dragon Egg Heist The Mysterious Case of the Stolen Dragon Egg in Minecraft One day in the vast world of Minecraft, a group of friends embarked on an epic adventure to defeat the Ender Dragon and claim its precious egg. Little did they know that their journey would take an unexpected turn when one of them decided to pull off a daring heist! The Quest for the Dragon Egg As the friends battled through the End, facing off against Endermen and dodging the dragon’s fiery breath, they finally emerged victorious. The Ender Dragon lay defeated, and the coveted egg was within their… Read More

  • Outrageous Pranks in Apartment 167

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  • King of Minecraft Reveals Insane 2024 Plans – LIVE Chat

    King of Minecraft Reveals Insane 2024 Plans - LIVE ChatVideo Information I just forgot that I do not have my volume [Music] up all right we’re going to be doing a Minecraft live stream today so we’re going to be doing it a little different a little different um so I made two sets of the exact same armor so I can go exploring in the nether I’m looking for [Music] bastions um I guess I could put the spare set in here bam let me make this a little organized and I think we might be doing a build project today maybe all right put that there half… Read More

  • Exploring Terrifying Minecraft Seeds with SDKInsaan

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  • 365 Days of Insane UwU Fun – You Won’t Believe What Happens!

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  • Unbelievable Nether Portal Design – Minecraft Tutorial

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  • INSANE BATTLE with Minecraft Server Founder!

    INSANE BATTLE with Minecraft Server Founder!Video Information This video, titled ‘So, I Fought Founder of this Minecraft Server…’, was uploaded by Furaexion on 2024-03-18 07:00:14. It has garnered 78 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Discord: furaexion_ Subscribe Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Tags Ignore! cpvp,vanilla pvp,minecraft,mcpvp,crystal pvp,sakurafx,sakura,new kb,old kb,minecraft pvp,1.19.2,1.19.4,1.20,1.20.1,1.20.2,ht1,t1,tier 1,tier 2,tier 3,lt1,ht2,lt2,ht3,lt3,tier list,minecraft tier list,tier fight,drain ficrystal pvp,cpvp,lt3,ht3,drdonut,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft crystal,mc crystal,mc cpvp,marlow,marlowww,ht1,tier 1,tier 2,tier 3,tier 4,tier 5,mc,mc pvp,minecraft vanilla,vanilla pvp,vanilla tier list,mc tier list,minecraft tier list,vtl,au,australia,best au,crystal montage,cpvp montage,minecraft montage,minecraft edit,minecraft elytra,end crystal,respawn anchor,anchor chain,minecraft elytra swap,1.19,1.19.4,new kbght,crystal montage,cpvp montage,vanilla montage,vanilla crystal pvp,mc… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Java Session 2- Fabulously Fabric Season 1🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Java Session 2- Fabulously Fabric Season 1🔥Video Information quick oh my God stay in no you’re not going to thank you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I had no we should just call this Sky hurricane Java world [ __ ] [ __ ] well that’s what everybody’s going to hear at the beginning of the stream hey everybody and uh welcome to another crazy session um we’re going to be going into the nether in this one hope yall are having a great evening and oh the nether is uh it’s going to be different so actually I made some different… Read More


    BROKEN Luxifeeeerr DESTROYS WARZONE 😱Video Information no p roto roto roto la consola est muy cagado estuvo muy cadoo loco [ __ ] mre iba corriendo bien tranquilo y le peg un [ __ ] brano en la espalda pued This video, titled ‘Pero estaba roto eh #gaming #memes #humor #clips #funny #twitch #gamer #warzone’, was uploaded by Luxifeeeerr on 2024-01-14 10:12:19. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. mas clips como estos en mi canal de twitch luxifeeeerr suscribanse y denle like pofa luxifeeeerr COD luxifeeeerr minecraft luxifeeeerr random luxifeeeerr minecraft luxifeeeerr… Read More

  • EPIC New Gun Shop Build for Contractor 😱 | Minecraft Survival Pt 4

    EPIC New Gun Shop Build for Contractor 😱 | Minecraft Survival Pt 4Video Information [संगीत] तो गाइस आप लोग कुछे गलत स चीज है ये मुझे उस बंदे ने दिया है जिसको अपनी गन स बनानी हो और हां गाइस मैं आपको बताना तो भूलेगा कि आज की इस वाली पड में हम लोग बनाने वाले हैं अपने लिए गन शॉप मतलब अपने लिए मतलब हम नहीं बनाने वाले हैं वो हमें दूसरे बंदे ने कांटेक्ट दिया है तो उसका हम कंप्लीट करने वाले हैं और वो हमें उसके बदले में देने वाला है बहुत सारे डायमंड्स तो अभी आधा सान मैंने उठा लिया आधा सान मेरे दोस्त में तो मैं जल्दी… Read More

  • Unlock ALL Amazing Circus Addons in Minecraft PE!

    Unlock ALL Amazing Circus Addons in Minecraft PE!Video Information This video, titled ‘EVERY The Amazing Digital Circus ADDON in (MINECRAFT PE) 4’, was uploaded by Skibidi Craft on 2024-01-14 02:00:22. It has garnered 4209 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:14 or 674 seconds. subscribe:) Read More

  • Voxelime SMP

    Voxelime SMPIntroducing our Minecraft Server – Voxelime SMP Tired of boring vanilla Minecraft? Dive into our vibrant server packed with epic features that’ll keep you entertained for hours! Powerful Anti-Cheat: Both Java & Bedrock players are protected by our well-tested anti-cheat system, ensuring fair gameplay. Goodbye, cheaters! Claim your lands: Secure your territory with our intuitive land claim system. Build, farm, and create without fear of griefing! X-Ray Outta Here: We’ve got clever systems to block X-ray, keeping resources hidden and exploration exciting! Server Shop: Our in-game shop area lets you buy and sell your items and earn or spend in… Read More

  • Prime SMP – PVP SMP

    Join Prime SMP for an Immersive Experience Enjoy watching your favorite SMP’s like Bliss and Lifesteal, but disappointed that you cannot join them? Look no further, featuring the Prime SMP! Combine both Bliss and Lifesteal with custom plugins and a custom resource pack for an immersive experience. Participate in frequent events to earn special items or improve the world. Whether you’re a regular player or a content creator, our first season welcomes you. Simply answer our questions when applying. Apply now for the Prime SMP: Read More

  • Magetown Network

    Magetown NetworkLooking for a thrilling survival Minecraft experience? Join the Magetown Network, where magic, challenges, and camaraderie await!Explore enchanting landscapes and discover hidden treasures.Face epic challenges and conquer dangerous creatures.Build magnificent structures and unleash your creativity.Harness the power of magic and embark on epic quests.Engage with a vibrant community of like-minded players.Features:Easy to create chest shopsA small but consistent communityVery stable performanceNo pay to win (no webstore)No game-breaking changesClaimsActive moderator teamNew game modes planned in the very near futureCommunity-driven modelPowered by donationsRegular streams of the serverEasy-to-contact moderator team in the event of griefing or hackingJoin us now and immerse yourself in… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Me IRL, but make it Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Me IRL, but make it Minecraft"Looks like this meme is mining for some laughs with a score of 26! Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥

    Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftlovegonewrong 😂🎮💔 Read More

  • Sabotaging a Pay-to-Win Minecraft Server

    Sabotaging a Pay-to-Win Minecraft Server Destroying a YouTuber’s Pay-to-win Minecraft Server Introduction In a recent video, zman1064, TheMisterEpic, ItzOwo, Sapire, and PeepMC teamed up to wreak havoc on LoverFella’s pay-to-win Minecraft server. The mission? Duping and crashing the server in epic fashion. Special thanks to Mr_Copyright for the chaos that ensued. Chapter I: Duping The team embarked on a journey to exploit the server by duping items. With a simple command, they managed to duplicate items and accumulate wealth rapidly. However, their actions did not go unnoticed, leading to bans and chaos within the server. The thrill of outsmarting the system added an element… Read More

  • SUPER OP 2024 Skyblock Server! 😱 | Minecraft 1.8 – 1.21

    SUPER OP 2024 Skyblock Server! 😱 | Minecraft 1.8 - 1.21Video Information all righty yo what is going on ladies and gentlemen magic here and guys we are playing Sky Block now boys and girls it has been a very very long time since I have made a video on this channel to be honest I don’t really have an excuse I just kind of quit Minecraft just lost interest honestly just didn’t enjoy content creation as much as I used to but I’m really happy to announce that you know I’m playing some Sky Block today uh it may be a ruring thing I’m not 100% sure yet but… Read More

  • Algorithm Secrets Unveiled

    Algorithm Secrets UnveiledVideo Information hello and welcome back to another battle Box video it has been like 10 days since I have last uploaded a video which y’all know the deal I want to fix my upload schedule I haven’t fixed my upload schedule schools hard I’m going to save you all the details you guys know the drill but I have actually finally got a chance to upload a video again because my team is actually rolling everybody right now I’m doing nothing maybe I should actually go and like there we go I did something but I actually went to… Read More

  • EPIC sythei Loka Montage – MUST SEE!

    EPIC sythei Loka Montage - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Loka Montage #1’, was uploaded by sythei on 2024-06-22 07:07:22. It has garnered 484 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:23 or 83 seconds. hi im bored Server: #loka #minecraft #pvp Tags (ignore): Fruitzilly, Stealthreflex_, Stealthreflecks, Xicz, BL4DeZ_, simplesyed, kolocc, Best Ht3, roist_, spawnplayer, blvckwlf, purxy_, nethpot,,, cartpvp montage, cart, cartpvp, npot, smp montage, smp #minecraftpvp #crystalpvp #minecraft Tags (Ignore) Azam Butterflied, Bqnny, Ceeew, Drew, Fronkey, Innaplicable, ItzRealMe, Juan_Clean, LoCr, Lurrn, Beanscord, Novi, Snyfort, Tqmen, TryH4rdd TwoHandsRevy UccDawg, Vexaay, iDexy, michaelcycle00, theo 404, InvisGhost, Netherite, Vizzzo, sword, ffa,… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT ACHIEVEMENTS!!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT ACHIEVEMENTS!!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘All Did This In Minecraft / MS MC / #shorts #minecraft #shortsminecraft’, was uploaded by MS MC on 2024-05-02 09:49:26. It has garnered 9969 views and 689 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. #minecraft #thankyou #minecraftbuilding #minecraftseeds #minecraftshorts #minecraftupdate #support #watch #youtubeshorts Read More

  • LOST in Minecraft?! 😱 Xobix FREAKS out! #shorts

    LOST in Minecraft?! 😱 Xobix FREAKS out! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘This one lost player in Minecraft… 🙄#shorts’, was uploaded by Xobix on 2024-01-14 11:00:24. It has garnered 974 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Discord Server: #shorts #short #minecraft #goofy #mlg #viral #goviral @Xobix07 Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Builds Secret Sheep Army?! #Minecraft

    Minecraft Pro Builds Secret Sheep Army?! #MinecraftVideo Information [Music] the This video, titled ‘JJ Minecraft domba domba kuring |#minecraft #jj #fypシ #GG’, was uploaded by Naoky_YGY on 2024-05-23 14:05:16. It has garnered 472 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets of the Bronytales Server Revealed | Must Watch Now!

    Secrets of the Bronytales Server Revealed | Must Watch Now!Video Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone how y’all doing hello D hello Nicholas what will I build today hell if I know I never really know what I’m doing going into these streams we’ll see hello Yumi hello Marx hello psychop petzel hello AER hello major quadrangle okay I’m going to chug some water before we really get started hello Phoebe hello horror Pony a that’s better that’s better I think my are my eyes too high hang on maybe they’re fine maybe they’re fine I felt like they were too high hello… Read More

  • Get Ready for Epic Minecraft Live Stream!

    Get Ready for Epic Minecraft Live Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Divine-Gamers Realm: Minecraft Survival Be there for DiscoDixon12’s live stream tomorrow 19:00 BST’, was uploaded by divine-gamers on 2024-06-13 19:37:50. It has garnered 263 views and 66 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Join me on my upcoming Minecraft Survival Live Stream as we embark on an incredible journey to build the ultimate XP Gold Farm! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this stream is packed with excitement, creativity, and non-stop action. Read More

  • EPIC Survival Adventure | Minecraft Series

    EPIC Survival Adventure | Minecraft SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starting A New World | Minecraft’, was uploaded by VensHandle on 2024-03-04 10:54:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. The Discord: Twitter: venhandle TikTok: VensHandle Cashapp: VensHandle (Cat PFP) … Read More

  • Gold Ingots Survival

    Gold Ingots SurvivalLifesteal Survival No land claims Clans Item Economy Dozens of Enhanced Weapons / Tools To Obtain In game events (Bloodmoon, King of the Hill, And More!) Read More

  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    ZynnCraft Minecraft Server Welcome to the ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6 Join ZynnCraft Minecraft server! Server IP: Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Vanilla+ Factions Non-Pay-to-Win Ability Item Join the discord: Discord Server Server Trailer: Watch Here A Non-Pay-to-Win Vanilla+ Factions experience Server Overview: Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server, where you can experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played! Our server focuses on maintaining the classic vanilla-plus experience while introducing some unique twists to keep the gameplay exciting and engaging. Now running on 1.20.6 and supporting Bedrock players! Join the discord: Discord Server Join us at:… Read More

  • ATM 9 – By Night Time Gaming

    ATM 9 - By Night Time Gamingthis is a WIP Public ATM9 server by Night Time Gaming all info on the port for this server is 25566Our goal here is to work hard to keep up a lag free server we offer the best rollback system EVER!discord and other info on site 🙂 – – LIVE MAP! find a place to start HD 3d views server has 24 cores and 64 GB RAM 24 dedicated :0 enjoy! home hosted 🙂 Im on discord 24/7 and can help solve problems quite fast 🙂 Read More