Morrin J Goes Crazy: Tipsy Phasmo to Minecraft & Fortnite!

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Well somebody ask that damn Phone Answer that damn and we’re live don’t have background music This Time donkey you’re a donkey donkey hello Sarah hello mermaid’s logic bethanne hello all right which one you guys want to do first little tangle wood yeah warm up that’s a good idea yeah yeah instead of water do

Beer she just said it so you have to do it we just start a stream Series where it’s Rashida says and I just do whatever you tell me to oh no oh no no that sounds fun it does sound fun no it doesn’t Randy don’t encourage

Her I mean no means no but I would do a lot of it probably let’s go you just do a vlog Rashida decides my day I don’t think anyone would enjoy that well at least Megan and mermaids would ry’s computer’s slow Randy Randy whoa whoa all right Breakers in the garage yeah

Heard Keith Birch oh we’re on professional fair warning oh oh jeez okay what a warm up sorry I didn’t realize let’s [ __ ] go think that’s funny dude I forgot that um I got this confused with lethal company cuz I was like oh I got to save my flashlight battery no I

Don’t breaker’s on open what hello Uma did one of you open open the door to the nursery no I went right for garage voodoo doll in the garage I got boned in the basement hell yeah it’s not looking like it’s the garage oh temp’s going down right here yep I see my breath

Okay Randy got kicked off it’s just us oh no you got a picture the leave we did just start I did yeah don’t we like lose points or money or something if we leave hello dis my nailer I think only if we die right oh my God where’s the door

I heard a door open okay it’s definitely the laundry room okay yeah it’s definitely in here stay if you want yeah why not dude I hear the doors I don’t see it hello Wolfie or wolf well I I know we went over this but I I can’t remember which one it

Was I keep seeing my breath out here but yeah it’s definitely going up out here and in here it goes down okay hello you got rid of the Smoothie hey wolf okay I thought it was wolf cuz it like Wolfie is would be with a ey or an

Ie I I know we went over it light Flickering hello oh my God you clipped through the wall and that was terrifying uhoh did did you see which door moov this time uh I did not the lights have been flickering though get the ghost drunk yeah I’m going to do a Spirit Box heard put down the flashlight grab a

Camera and another dots oh that’s so cute oh wow that was quick hell yeah I got that uh text to speech on is that what it’s called in this game oh yeah yeah yeah hell yeah helps if I turn it on E it’s um so the ghost like it’s shape you can

See it if it walks through the dots just pretty lit you have tomorrow off stay up what sheita said just turning lights off opening a lot of doors I don’t see any gorbs instant footprint oh never mind I do see a gorb no UV Central all right so we have Spirit Box and

Gorbs mhm no UV so far no freezing dis my nail art you know that monkey movie was horrible don’t watch it unless you want to be depressed for like ever don’t watch it says we got EMF says we got EMF I think we could we

Got EMF not like five but it says we got evidence but I never heard it go off oh it’s not checked off for me oh that’s weird yeah now you’re good uh Spirit Box you like talk to through it and the ghost can use different radio stations to piece together

Sentences to like answer you I’m going to go Place uh handle in there yeah yeah I didn’t really watch matap Pat but I am worried about like the wave yeah it’s pretty lit this Pac colada is dangerous cuz I can’t taste the liquor in it and I

Finished already half of it and I just made this drink Jerry hello open that LE the door open oh it’s so close to freezing we got freezing nice you’re all right Randy you’re calling shout all you want dear all right so it’s an on it could

Still be a mimic right but yeah what do you need for mimik UV UV I did not get any UV but that one’s I know hard so we might have to go back in there and like check the doors when it’s opening it I’m happy to send it and collect Randy me

Too let’s do that Nah bad girls only nice hell yeah all right Randy you should be able to use the same code to join in oh we forgot to collect the bone oopsie no I I got I thought I got the bone o whiskey Dr Pepper I’m not a big whiskey but anything with Dr

Pepper yeah this my nail art drink with wolf Flashlight I’m not telling anyone to drink ALC alcohol if they’re uncomfortable drinking alcohol do you want to add your flash lights and then I’ll add the rest of the stuffs I can add everything up to you I can only do it if you tell me to so there we go

Randy can you hear me yes keeps making me Dr peppermint is that actually good cuz I do love peppermint but I don’t know about mint and Dr Pepper together actually mermaid’s logic it’s the death penalty if you don’t do what Rashida says so just saying on that note if anyone asks I

Suggested we watch Shrek one on Friday not project n what the heck I would much rather watch Shrek and not wanted to kill myself you know I thought it was going to be a wholesome movie about a smart monkey that’s what I thought too dude that’s what the synopsis made it sound like

Yeah it it’s not it’s really not uh I apologize if I get booted again I’m really trying that’s okay fam jeez I haven’t had enough booze to like make me not sleepy yet if I only drink a little bit I get sleepy dude be the weather I don’t know what’s going

On that’s true Sarah all right let’s see if this works I’m fighting for my life every day today especially yeah drink only if you want to and if you’re over the age you should be in your Country or Province does each Canadian province have a different drinking age or is it all 19 in Canada no it goes back and forth from 19 to 18 interesting so a lot of people in like Ottawa will cross the border into Quebec to drink if they’re 18

Nice yeah I went as soon as I turned 19 I went to Canada it’s it’s 21 here so Anthony Birch Breakers in the garage it looks like it says Hollow breaker on thank you yell hello it’s 11 Celsius in here I got boned in the boys room I think

Maybe it’s the master somewhere here I’ll pick it up this time you got a picture hello Leah hell yeah it’s like 11 in here suming Circle in the basement heard I still have to finish reading the Cat book it was my suggestion but I haven’t finished it

It’s like 12 down here you got a pick of this already I did it’s 11 did Randy get kicked again uhoh Rand It I think so oh No not in the basement I’m not getting EMF anywh where oh might be here oh em hell yeah for definitely going up there it’s in the living room what yeah how did it might be bleeding through the wall okay it threw a cup yeah temp’s dropping real quick

Damn come on like two more degrees dude dude now I want ice cream it does sound like the most amazing ice cream see you guys Ottawa is like five hours away from me but I could pop over to like Toronto real quick not getting freezing hell yeah yeah yeah ice cream

Chat I’m going to do Spirit Box um all right I’m going to do salt okay Gio it’s never too cold for ice cream yeah dumpster Meetup for the for ice cream I’m 100% an ice cream girly what’s it name uh I believe Anthony yeah okay Anthony Birch Anthony are you in

Here do you want us to leave Anthony pario oh dude I should try that I think I have maple syrup there’s so much there’s like two feet of snow outside nothing on the spirit blocks yeah oh I hear it EMF so some oh it threw a coffee cup another one UV

Where’ you get UV right here see you grab a photo yeah can you hold it lower how’s that oh no it’s like hold on I oh I’ll go get more I think it’s just straight up it has to be real maple syrup you can’t just use like shitty nasty corn syrup Maple maple

Syrup that’s not maple syrup maybe I should hold the UV when I take the picture can I do that yeah here there’s the dots oh there it is there it is did that count yes it did nice so we have UV ah no freezing yet hello Jessica oh yeah for all the kitties dude exactly wolf uh oh I’m out of drink Gio you should play fasma with us hello hello I’m going to look for gorbs heard gorbs yeah I saw them an OB obak what would uh it could also be the

Mimic too then right but we would have needed Spirit Box um I think the mimic doesn’t have EMF 5 got it yeah o do you want to go yeah I think we got it hell yeah good us being Pros nice high Five hello poly Anarchy hell yeah was this what we had laugh last time I think we had I think we had an on Rio I don’t remember thought it was an 01 you might be right you’re probably right all right let’s see if Randy’s able to get back

In I’m going to mix myself another drink CU I already finished it Jake oh my it’s Like uh 12 oz cup but most of it was pineapple juice So um I’m like 30 minutes from Canada we are D that was satisfying yeah I was hoping it would be um yeah I could be there in like half an hour Jake it’s not too late to play sorry what what’s the closest uh Canadian town that you’re

From Clifton Hill is that a town I don’t know if that’s a town that’s where we all go I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that place I guess [ __ ] Falls then yeah [ __ ] Falls it’s like like closest that’s where we would cross either the Rainbow Bridge or the Peace

Bridge have you ever been on the boat in the ponchos yes uh made of the Mist on our side that’s fun yeah I’ve also done the Cave of the Winds too yeah kind of like a write a passage when you live here Western New York yeah and Fort eie is another one we

Close to yeah hello welcome back oh to fight whatever wavelength that my internet is riding on right now it’s the ghost yeah no I never went on the boat ride well well Leah he is known to fart wait you never went on the boat ride nope we how we were in the same

Troop did we I never did that I know I went with Girl Scouts too as well as with my family I don’t know I was sick a lot maybe I missed it yeah Sarah hell yeah yeah Sarah and Jake got to join one of you this [ __ ] [Laughter] Anty you’re funny minin thanks oh man I want some mac and cheese again yeah girl do you did you only buy the one box no I bought the the little cups so I think I have like one or two left it’s microwave ones but apparently there’s going to be

Like a lawsuit out with craft mac and cheese why uh they don’t clean out the like Vats the mixer Vats and there’s like for 19 days and like five days you start getting like serious cases of mold cuz there’s just a bunch of batter stuck to the

Bats if it’s craft Leah don’t don’t eat it yeah like multiple species of mold it was on Tik Tok but um I don’t so I can’t verify the truth of it uh garage for the thing but is it really windy by you right now yeah it

[ __ ] windy dude I drove out to buy booze in this I shouldn’t have well that one’s closed we had to drive uh down near like the beer project oh it’s the Cheetos one you’re good I’ll go get the breaker I hardly even know her there like a blue light in here it’s

Weird yeah again fact check at first I did not I heard that this employee was going to file for lawsuit but um it could be just defamation you never know breaker on yeah we I’m living that poor life doing off brand mac and cheese it’s not in the

Garage also I need not craft cuz I have celiacs yeah you shouldn’t do that I hear a sinkle the basement dirty water in the bathroom downstairs uh it’s B B is in [ __ ] uh oh take a picture I got it okay I yed a camera

Too don’t I can’t tell if it’s in here or not the temp’s not going up but it’s not going down going down in the laundry room though yep laundry room this is our room okay oh yeah EMF is that a five two okay no it’s a two oh it just yoked something I

Don’t know where though I think it was this cup hi it’s in the downstairs laundry room yeah I am feeling this now hello when I the B button I can hear you like in game but not um Walky I got fix okay you might have to change your keybinds no freezing yet

Just thr that down I need figure out where to hide in this [ __ ] I think in the garage Heard Randy you might want to leave the house hello what Marin are you on keyboard yes what is your Global push to talk B for [ __ ] oh we got a handprint that’s the radio like the uh Walky yeah did you can you keep shining I didn’t take a yeah is this in

A good spot it’s not even on I think it’s probably gone now I got it that’s weird um did you guys take a picture of the phone the I did not I don’t where’s the stop it stop it did you get Spirit Box I did do we not

Yet we have UV and Spirit Box um I normally have Annie’s mac and cheese there’s Al hello [ __ ] no God damn it so rude who died door’s open okay damn that an aggressive hun go so fast uh oh Marin’s here with us yeah I’m feeling it now Mr Crabs so

Shout out to uh oh yeah ho C this [ __ ] Kenny chestney um I don’t remember uh for Blue Chair Bay coconut rum oh Jake you’re so right [ __ ] even think of that it’s there if you want to take it later but yeah try that blue chair Blue Chair Bay coconut R that’s

Pretty pretty delightful did we put down a we didn’t found the ghost room did we I just threw that in there with some yeah uh pineapple juice we need AAL uh yeah we do need to put a journal in there but um we should wait for

Sanity to go up I think yeah I’m not going yet just oh we should ask Marin if she heard its footsteps I don’t remember where are you at um I’m right here oh she’s here computer so clipboard for clipboard no dog yes was it normal speed yes okay he give us that Beach

I’d have to go back and watch it belly rubs well [ __ ] rub its belly what are you doing okay I’ll go in uh you should stay out here you want me to take the other thing the oh yeah you can take that if you want let me listen back to when I

Died godamn it sorry if you get double audio we have UV and Spirit Box Randy can you put a oh you’re already in hell yeah Jess hello [ __ ] sorry I can’t tell the yeah I can’t tell [ __ ] oh babies I want I want a cat up here whenever oh cool whenever I have

Like we need dots in there too at least two drinks I think at least two or three um that’s when I start just wanting my cat below 50 now it could hunt wanting to cry cuz I want my cats but my cats can’t be up here cuz I have poisonous plants

Just which is sad Uhoh oh we took Bean out like outside in the snow for her first time um she did well but she was definitely like freaked out it was probably way too cold too um it was for like 2 minutes at most maybe not even um no I love my plants they were my

Quarantine babies before I got cats but she did surprisingly well on her harness with her little leash she didn’t really understand like me pulling the leash to get her to move places but she was good about letting us know when she wanted to go back inside and we

Obviously like listened to her and let her back in immediately so didn’t force her to do it I did not toss her I set her down like on the driveway where it was uh the snow was plowed and let her walk about and she chose to walk into the like deeper

Snow she did start to like shiver so we brought her inside and we dried her off warmed her up cuddled with her gave her a bunch of treats too low on the ground well it was but I put another one so she did very well for her first time out

Side I did kept telling her that like your ancestors would survive in the Siberian Forest you know you to put some it wasn’t too long ago that like your family was out in the snow you might want to she is lovely stay out here I’ll just

Run yeah I didn’t want to take Simon because he’s kind of a brat so Randy can attest let me do this pictures like look at that look at that sweet baby angel oh just my nail art that’s the best thanks Wolf like look at her she’s perfect and then there’s there’s

Simon um I didn’t get any pictures today cuz she really wasn’t out there too long I know Simon does look normal in some pictures but we will be taking her out again maybe when it’s a little bit warmer excuse me who me uh oh hello Rashida anyone oh [ __ ] where is

She hi oh no she’s broken wait oh are you dead Okay um yeah I’m dead got me do we get any other evidence F not yet it did throw a lot of stuff and touch a lot of doors so I was kind of thinking a phantom not a phantom a

Poltergeist I’m GNA have to look hold on oh it could be a phantom though cuz it drops sanity pretty quick but I never saw it well I saw it when it killed me but not before that there’s no Ouija board either I did not see any ghing I think

It might be a pure guys because I know ghost riding can be kind of iffy otherwise it’s the mimic the mimic dude I don’t think we ever got freezing though yeah we are Sarah I guess I could wait and see need a snack the other one was the M thanks P

Anarchy oh no it was all my stuff too [ __ ] dude I’m sorry and the stuff that wasn’t my stuff was your stuff no did you guys see ghost riding at all uh no I didn’t no no no freezing T what’s the mic then it would have to have thoughts right no

No does she know how to check the ghost tab I don’t know should I go back in there and try to do [ __ ] or should I just no don’t want me to go back well what do we think it is oh you’re saying no I don’t know yes I’m saying no

Yes go back in you’re saying no no don’t go back in we establish dog yes right well go make me mac and cheese I want mac and cheese I’m gonna I don’t even know what she do we think it’s the moment I I don’t know um hello

No or do you think it’s the Phantom the gluten kind oh yeah I’ll send that to you Sarah no ghost writing yet no ghost writing and no think it’s and the crucifix didn’t work so it might have been in the wrong room do you think it could have been in that bathroom

Then no maybe or the kitchen see the temps went up in the kitchen so I think it’s either the guys I don’t know what to do I don’t know either ran I’m just going to say polter guys we can get out of here wait hold on I’m struggling Ghosties polter GH yes you think it’s a poter wait wait maybe we should cross off okay let’s cross off some things and see what happens all right Sarah’s going to join us I cross off ghost riding and that rules out Poltergeist guys why is somebody answer cuz we don’t know you said you

Didn’t you didn’t get freezing you said no so that wouldn’t be the mimic uh so maybe the Phantom say Phantom yeah yeah no no no no no no no no no don’t what the heck Phantom are you guys able to see ghost writing if you walked in there no

No I can try seeing if some head ghost ring no no I meant it wasn’t there Randy I went and looked that’s okay oh no scared to go back in now don’t go in I’m going in no don’t go in what do you want me to do just circle something Circle

Something all right I don’t know what to pick you guys are giv now now I’m [ __ ] with her see if you did like is dog yes I thought that’s what we said yes okay so do I see tole something I really don’t know yes yes what are we cing go through the options

Randy what the no not not okay guys is it is it a minute guys help me bro if you keep saying no what the [ __ ] do you want me to do cuz it’s a option Randy clipboards no yeah I know that say the other one say the other one

Feel like she crossed it off uh we think it’s a phantom a bro I asked this before I said yeah I didn’t know Randy we’re we’re not very good at this game Randy okay that’s what I’m picking what is this oh yeah look at look at my boy look at

Him look at the cat he’s suntanning on a Sunday afternoon such a good boy we’re leaving we’re warning so handsome hey yo you did good ranit guys I asked the question I know cuz we didn’t know sorry we were trying to figure it out yeah that’s why I threw the second

Clipboard in there CU I wasn’t sure hello hello there’s a Simon hello there’s a Simon can I sit up this next game eat something totally so XO go go eat girl bye bye bye is Jake home he is but he is taking a shower

What the [ __ ] Jake I know I told them I told them not to and just a plate very rude what the [ __ ] Jake boom man yeah it’s all the farting yeah I know wash it all off yeah I got to wash the gas off yeah he does have fuzzy little

Britches it’s a good boy you guys are twins oh yeah we are [ __ ] can’t sit with us is still in don’t tell Simon but Sabina is my favorite too no I kicked her I asked her what her favorite simply in The Logical video was okay oh I have crackers downstairs

That’s what I want something easy I don’t feel like making Fooda is a really good lady he’s a little cudd man he is really cuddly but he’s an [ __ ] a lot more of the time yeah he’s vicious sah oh yeah Sarah you got to you got to tell the class

Something no I don’t I don’t wait it’s not what I think it is about Jacob right no it definitely is I know what definitely is I have to tell y’all that it was really Jacob who farted and he’s not owning us no Sarah Sarah ah he’s not even here to defend himself

He’s taking a shower it was not me I beg to differ no one can prove me wrong though no one besides yeah exactly you did not bring up You jokes on you I don’t know the words all Aboard It’s definitely add a tune but that’s Fine so where’s the apology Sarah I played the song I feel like I have to do it with Jacob here well go bring bring the like mic to the shower I don’t even want to know what what yeah he’s probably far he’s probably farting in there and it’s a hot

Steamy mess I’m not going to go into the that’s hot fart chamber he said sauna he said Spa vibes Hell yeah you got to do it don’t get B don’t Don’t tell b so Sarah you got to sing gossip train to the uh to um YMCA on ukulele oh my God I don’t even know how that would how that would work hold on all the toxic gossip train all aboard

The toxic gossip train Sarah really farted then she blamed it on Jake you can know that she is a fake it was Gio’s idea I’m just going to say that there’s no need to tell lies I said Sarah you kind of made Jake cry as said Sarah your fart was really Rancid Oh no I’m not allowed to drink anymore guys I think you need to drink a little more actually Sarah um I’ve had a ukulele since like college col oh my gosh I’m basically drunk right now too because I’ve worked all day yeah you’re just out of it gone tired drunkness

Yeah oh man that was so funny since like I graduated high school so like 2017 had ukulele I say yeah videos playing delet it have a box on your head why she has black [ __ ] rude singing the pledge allegiance oh my God you have that yeah you were like swearing weird

S yeah she clipp me off too wasn’t that at like Morgan’s house or something no it was your house you had a sewing box on your head oh yeah oh no remember I okay now yeah now I definitely remember that and 2012 damn logic C College oh my God Jesus

O fun times is Jake done showering yet how long does this man need to shower he deing why what is it with men and taking super long showers all his farts exactly he wants to marinated yeah I graduated high school in 2017 so did Randy hell yeah 99 baby H yeah I was

Four four years old damn no we were five ran it oh sorry sometimes five yeah well you would be wait yeah you would be five I would be floor de baby oh oh my gosh you guys are trying to do math right now yeah it’s not too hard

College it’s the Western New York accent accent you guys like in 2000 99 1999 oh 1999 yeah I want those Crackers I’m turning 30 I’m turning 30 turning 30 turning 30 turning 30 turning 30 turning 30 turning 30 oh my God Rashida Savage doesn’t matter how old I am people still think I’m a baby when he was 27 my Grandad fought in Vietnam when I

Was 27 in people C me more I swear I built a bird house with my mom oh [ __ ] I feel like think she’s my mom how am I 30 dude she fun of last time we went out cuz I got carded at the bar it was so funny like we knew it was

Coming shut up we went to the casino on and um they stopped me because they thought I was 15 and I was like I am older than her oh dude today uh my first experience I did not get carded at the liquor store so I mean maybe they recognized you no

This is the the new one that just got built never been in there the guy was really nice that place is pretty Swanky but is it huge it’s pretty big yeah it looked big yeah let’s go I do love Bo Burnham I used to have that entire album inside memorized as well as

Happy I loved that dude rashita you it’s so weird when you stop getting carded I feel old I get mammed in places oh hell no that’s just disrespectful I mean like it makes sense like if it’s a southern person but like in the North I had a [ __ ] teenager at like a local

Grocery store [ __ ] M me like I can help you now ma’am like what [ __ ] I also don’t remember 911 thank you very much I don’t I was like where are we diapers bridge view it’s in the garage okay the garage it’s in the garage they recognize you well I go to

The same one cuz it’s like two seconds from my house like a two-minute walking I don’t have a drinking problem yeah oh they played the piano oh is this the room I think so no temp’s going up let me get the breaker oh maybe it’s in the then no breaker on I’m boned

What nice foric is this the room no the room I don’t think so the temps went up in there temps are going up here they’re going down in here just double check yeah it’s going up out here okay this is our room oh my God it’s moving it it’s upstairs stairs oh

Yeah yeah yeah it is is just trying to get some chores before heard I’m going to drop my flashlight I’m going to take dots maybe I want to do Spirit box with you WEA hey could you fix the camera no I’m not in there yeah I have so many chores I have

To do it keeps playing the piano it’s it’s still shaking in that the [ __ ] I I know is your mom is your mom snor I also didn’t get Spirit box but I could try again later I think I see orbs yeah I see no freezing yet heard yes um isopropyl

Alcohol is better than rubbing alcohol I got a handr on the door we got UV is it hunting just an event not hunting give me it there’s the difference oh I do like mortar’s assistant but wasn’t there like a controversy but you saw the UV handprint yes I saw the UV hand

Gotcha uh isopropyl did you gra camera is that rubbing alcohol yes I thought um rubbing alcohol and isopropyl alcohol was different I could be wrong seeing my breath a Dollar Tree smells like incest in here boys in near mac and cheese o I love some like fresh cracked black

Pepper but like a lot of it so that makes it spicy is can you Che no freezing mf3 it’s not freezing oh that does sound good what’s your goto hot sauce wolf I cuz I live in Buffalo I’m a Frank’s Hot Sauce gal youas I don’t know what she said

Say no one was on the camera a bunch of people oh Frank’s sorry Frank’s Hot Sauce that’s the buffalo hot sauce if you want good [ __ ] chicken wings use Frank’s hot sauce and if you don’t want it super hot just melt it down with butter and that’s all it [ __ ] is

Buffalo sauce is butter and Frank’s Hot Sauce I don’t want to hear none of that buffalo sauce [ __ ] that ain’t a thingu half sauce have to check that out I’m always down to try like new hot sauces just a two All right I’m going to sounds so I know right I’m going to turn the lights off let’s go watch from the yeah to see if it starts yeah oh nice it 10 times can I what uh I think you could reuse the matches 10 but yeah that’s definitely gorbs should I move the

Dot we have more to the wall oh I have like multiple angles angles Valentina and shalua you’re spying on the ghost oh it opened the door I don’t want that to happen I make chicken buffalo chicken mac and cheese Buffalo Mac for all the time it’s favorite so we do you make

Like aour which you use a bash base but you had in cheddar instead of like um you had parmesan if you want Alfredo oh that was dots for sure really yep we got a Banshee we can check on the parabolic to see the sound real quick too um

Cuz it could be a mimic oh am I low yeah you’re 50 gotcha but yeah we use a a bamal like mouret sauce no Randy is my best friend though and I’ve known her forever yeah but according to everybody else s s is the same person and we’re married

Yes um but yeah so you take the mor sauce base you add in a little bit extra like cheddar a little extra Ms to make it like pulley and then um I didn’t like that and then blue cheese crumbles cuz blue cheese is what you need if you want buffalo stuff not

[ __ ] Ranch I like Ranch only Hidden Valley but I like Ranch as much as the next person but if you’re trying to do Buffalo [ __ ] do not put Ranch on your [ __ ] wing or in your buffalo [ __ ] I’m still mad at Keith that he was like oh I did a

Buffalo hot sauce with ranch flavors no Keith that’s not right it’s blue cheese not [ __ ] yeah oh R yeah see I do like a drizzle oh cute okay I do like a drizzle of hot sauce over the top when it’s finished like when I’m plating it and then I use a chicken

Fingers Beyonce popcorn chicken sorry are you able to hear it what I heard uh Whispers it was like whispered in your ear yeah sweet nothing I think we would have needed freezing whis ear Hey little mama let me whisper you yeah I think we’re good to say

Banshee freezing yeah okay you guys got Banshee circled no offense to the ranch lovers but I I disagree not not it makes me well you would just hate Ranch I love ranch I put that on salads I dip like veggies in it um you will never catch me dead putting

It on a [ __ ] chicken wing wait no you would catch me dead before you catch me putting that on a [ __ ] chicken wing is it a it’s a not buffo thing yeah yeah oh I can upgrade the photo camera oh that’s just weird let me put my stuff on or do you guys

Want upgraded stuff be fancy I just got the new uh like level you’re level 56 Bach I’ll take my stuff off since you got that good good hey you probably would have been that level too if you had if it wasn’t for Tyler if it wasn’t for men boo

Men oh no how dare I know right WEA weha WEA all right while you’re adding that I’m going to go grab my crackers okay and not Tyler I have the best real crackers I’ll Be nice they were massive grapes dude yeah I like grapes like when you like freeze them and stuff they like I don’t know it’s such a nice little treat especially when it’s hot Yes Man all these comes in clutch that’s all I got to say good grapes where did you get them from

Aldi okay nice we have like one Aldi in all of Arizona I think unless they just added more or something pretty I don’t think all these went down there yeah no it wasn’t for the longest time I think uh I would I would like watch like people or whatever like on

YouTube and they would be like vloggers and they would like talk about all these and I’m like what is that and then like we ended up getting one yeah yeah it’s pretty cheap yeah you get they have boxes yeah it is pretty cheap yeah like getting food there compared to like

Walmart but yeah and it’s like good quality too it’s not like it’s not cheap food as in like e gross food but it’s like inexpensive yeah yeah yeah get your crackers munch on some ASMR crackes punch punch she’s gonna be a little rat just like little nibbles here and there yes

Rash is going crazy that’s great oh what level am I 24 not can’t level anything up so it’s so expensive to level stuff up too I like to like I don’t know like I still haven’t leveled up I could level up the head gear but I don’t ever use it

So I I don’t even spend my money on that and then I don’t think I’ve leveled up my um thermometer well yeah I haven’t leveled up my thermometer because I like the old one compared to the the new one where you have to like hold it oh I see

Yeah but like the flashlight upgraded like we needen you going to share some with us eat all the crackers are you gonna play Jake are you going to play Boulders gate maren was asking and I was like oh you’re taking a show and then yeah yeah do that’s up to

You hurry up and turn on your computer so you can get in on this action ghost action yeah Jake finally got out of the the shower after hot boxing the shower with his farts oh my God sorry that’s it’s GNA become such a joke my

Bad yeah I think he’s G to get on but if he’s taking forever we could just start comes back I don’t know man can’t the crack so do you guys not work if it’s like two snowy I would think so right yeah I’ve had it happen before yeah because it’s like dangerous

Basically to drive on yeah really you can’t see I probably F tomorrow at least for me we’ll see I guess damn that’s what oh what what are you talking oh I seen rash said that some she knew someone who had to go in skis feel like that’s super Canadian

Yeah damn it would take me forever to get to work I know imagine you didn’t know how to ski or you didn’t even own skis I don’t I don’t I don’t well I live in Arizona and it’s a desert here here so I don’t own skis either but still I got

Boop that’s about it a sled sled to work I don’t think that would work I don’t think so unless it’s all downhill or something it’s definitely not I probably like sled myself into a canal be fun oh oh God you just like stuck in the middle of the

Road just like sitting there like come on sled attached to somebody’s car maybe have me drag me to work be fine here out we put skis on the car and we ski it’ll be fine be like a snowmobile but bigger perfect all right who did it who

Farted it oh Jake came out of the restroom it was him oh okay I told him I told him to hurry up and get on good sorry I had to feed the cats okay it’s me lo siento oh yeah were you talking about my cats doing that

Randy what are you talking about my cats I was never talking about your cats thought someone said like pull the the cats can pull it oh I was talking about I can sled my way to work oh yeah close if you can’t drive the roads are not bad no I didn’t think they

Were I don’t think it’s supposed to snow like it was supposed to Ben freed his cats at 9 my time I feed mine at 10: my time 10 in the morning 10 at night and then they freef feed on kibble you could probably take a snowmobile here to be honest I said we

Should put the the skis on the car be like a big snowmobile that would go fantastic just get a tank y wouldn’t it just slip though I don’t know oh I got my Mac and Cheese by the way nice and my crackers I didn’t forget the crackers who was going to say what

About uh he’s in his Room oh I’m sorry what were you drinking uh so it’s Blue Chair Bay coconut rum and pineapple juice so it’s like a panina colada it it’s really good I love rum I also have um some spiced captain and vanilla Cokes hell yeah that sounds so good yeah what is Jake

Doing telling him to hurry up this boy takes his time and everything and I’m impatient as [ __ ] so is it just you two that lives in the house no okay well put on tell just throw on a [ __ ] robe honestly oh my God no this

This this guy is not good with even just like like getting out of the the the like out of the restroom um without a t-shirt on like even if we did live by ourselves like he’s just like yeah we should get him a moooo oh my God oh my God honestly I

Think he would love that dude they’re so cozy you got to get him that ebony are screwed [ __ ] stop dude it’s his birthday coming up this week oh hell yeah is he turning 46 turning 36 what 46 oh 46 yeah yeah oh my God hello hello hello the 46y old happy birthday

No thank y’all thank you guys it’s on Wednesday yeah for real not like your mom’s never seen you naked what wait what who do you think changed your diapers dude my mama yeah she’s seen that Tic Tac before hell yeah shrimp gang you already know

Oh oh no it’s not a flex it is a flex it is a flex you got to lower their expectations oh yeah and then it’s a plus surprise my expectations are never High hell yeah Ramen ginger beer nice dude I have so much ginger beer left got make you got to drink

It mac and cheese dude oh yeah sorry Jake is not is not 46 I’m just being an [ __ ] he he acts like it sometimes though he be acting really old old school I’m like whoa relax I’m supposed to be older than you dude and you’re acting like a grandpa not Grandpa

Talk oh Sarah should I get out the ukulele are you ready oh God did you watch that Jake no he was taking a shower still I think the [ __ ] Richard I got paid to poop today H hell yeah hell yeah boss makes a dollar I make a dime

That’s why I poop on company time ex except my parents probably make less than me so don’t own your own business righton who is standing right in front of my face person it was a ranit jake I’ll wait oh wait we don’t have things hold on there we

Go wait it was supposed to be my stuff someone their stuff on there they’re fine they’re watching sports ball sorry I’m eating crackers now their names are Tim and Lisa where am I oh my God oh my God money is fake that is true money is just a concept dude it’s

Just paper that’s all it is MHM I mean actually it’s not paper but you know yeah it’s a fabric it’s composed of 25% linen and 75% cotton why did I choose here I don’t know thought you just wanted to YOLO it we’re on profes too got I take a spooky dookie oh

No I still want to know which one Ben thinks is which you know See my breath in the food chat has anyone gotten boned yet no I quackers yeah I think you can hide in there so I might be able to do that Polly Sorry I’m definitely going to be munching during here Rashida that’s [ __ ] for real dude that’s the worst oh we got dots dots nice oh hello are you here are you with us are you angry are you friendly are you gay I’m gay the ghost is gay guys welcome to the

Community we got Spirit Box hello Deanna oh my crap haer broke bro is that slender man what the [ __ ] is Slender Man doing here guys why is Slender here what the [ __ ] y don’t see that see what right this oh what the heck it’s Slender Man

Hey yo holy the heck speaking of being gay hey yo you can’t tell me it wasn’t like mainly the like the gays that love Slender Man cuz I was obsessed with Slender Man not like obsessed s like the people like that got murdered but yeah little Morin loved these games just saying you’re

Not slendy man DLC M it’s still probably tooly I don’t swear dude that’s [ __ ] for real well yeah like aarian gay vampire I put one down oh I I should look for the bone I should grab a flashlight There I I am clear I’m here I’m clear and I want to go home here I’m queer and I’m trying to get boned I’m only half though like a quart maybe three quarters you know it’s got to be there so use the motion sensor can hide in the yellow

Tent dude why you got to remind me of ice cream I was literally just at the store too that’s a pen it’s not a bone bro did someone get the bone no I’ll look for it I looked every tent I just throw that marshmallow stick it threw a marshmallow it’s probably a

Wraith oh just walked through the dots again Sarah Baker Sarah back oh hi Sarah no it’s probably a wraith dots Spirit Box bro I don’t know where the bone is hell yeah sounds about right the really [ __ ] yeah this is little tiny that’s a toothbrush oh oh girl that’s a

Toothbrush he [ __ ] me with a toothbrush hell yeah Pierce them ears dude to put it in the wise words of Eugene from try guys um sexy is sexy just going to stand out here Rashida if you’re getting gay Tik toks then you’re not straight I hate to tell you I’m right

Here I also did not find the bone we didn’t get B this time I love you Jean damn D oh well yeah that would be crazy if you did have it installed and that was on your for you page there’s a reason welcome back I’ve some ready for you that’s my second drink

Down I’m feeling it now Mr Krabs are you feeling it now feeling it now Mr warm what’ you say Randy like how do we upgrade our stuff no it’s like oh nice oh you can’t oh what I can’t that’s you should be able to yeah

I can oh you can she can she could oh she’s able to it’s okay my bad I’m sorry it’s okay Jake also worked 10 hours today he’s very tired ready up Jake level up Step Brothers when that reminded me of Step Brothers when he was like what’s

Your name pan pan Pam pan Pam pan Pam pan you’re saying pan well I’m not going to call him dad there’s so much room for activities we got Missy Elliot here oh hell yeah Missy Elliot that’s be Elliot Missy Elliot yeah ghost name you’re never too old for Tik

Tac my dad just started do using it and he loves it he’s like 57 yeah I got my parents Tik too what did you say that Tic Tac how do you open no it’s a fake oh okay yeah he’s on um fart talk boat talk train talk breakers on thank you

Sorry I just sneezed I can’t this isn’t lethal company just imagine I’m twerking twerk drop it like Drop Like inro I got and the door SW open upstairs or downstairs downstairs to right over here I got boned yeah got yeah do it is fart talk um it’s a bunch of farts compilations normally

Yeah okay okay it’s going Down I’m yelling ghosty oh yeah let’s get a pick of that poop damn get in 4k hell yeah it’s uh Jake’s favorite Tik Tock Jake’s also on that fart talk hell yeah do you guys get the rat talk or the the roach talk I’m on rats talk do you see the Chicago

Rat nope look up the Rat Hole yeah uh fingerprints UV over here on the door hell yeah do you guys have a camera that’s right there nice I just put one down I have one in there oh dude I love Kesha are you looking at the Rat Hole hell yeah that’s in the

Drainage Dylan Hollis no it’s like a rat hole in the pavement it’s in Chicago oh like money and stuff over I oh the cake guy oh I know the cake guy nor am I getting freezing temps that’s hilarious like the P yeah should she was saying you’re standing in her

Sorry about the shot it does kind of look like a squirrel I agree especially like the weight to it but you never know what the rats dude rats are massive what massive rats did you get the the Rat Hole the Rat Hole yeah what the heck is that well now

You’re going to get it because you just said it out loud and Tik tok’s always listening so I don’t know what that means you will you will I’ll send it to you same Sarah just done like zero hello Hannah are you here are you angry are you with us are you

Here who are you what’s your name do you want us to leave are you angry do you want a chalupa $5 foot long a Whopper what’s your favorite hot sauce would you fart on a live stream no no Spirit Box come on [ __ ] show me that spooky have I ever had a chalupa

No do I know what it is yes no the live fart was a couple streams ago this is the right room guys yes it could possibly have switched you never know got Freez theath then yes any orbs yeah Jake fart it Jerry Jerry no salt

Either I miss the school yeah no no live fart yeah there’s still time I did just eat dairy so you never know no I think that dods is probably not in the best place let me grab this yeah we looking for ghost farts oh [ __ ] is it hunting I

Think it’s hunting it’s a ghost event freaking out man those shs are getting to you man she came from over here damn we need to capture a photo of the GH damn that would been the perfect time do you find the cursed object at all no what

Possibly oh in this room no no no as Mor if she found the curse object oh my mic was off I did not oh no oh 32 is freezing do you got the uh thermometer oh I got a slight EMF the Sal oh yeah oh yeah

It’s it’s going even lower in here the temperature it’s like below freezing it’s stepping in the salt over here I’ll move this Stu I could try Spirit Box in there yeah I wish I was Canadian I don’t want to be here anymore welcome Hannah that’s nasty mermaid’s logic that’s way too cold

Give me it give me it I can’t see with the [ __ ] flashlight on there we go oh it’s really cold no that’d be weird yeah it’s like 14 degrees in here what’s that a Hu normally it’s probably a Hu with how cold it is I would love to be up there

We even just Toronto got CS in the oh hell yeah sorry in theing room ghost ORS guys I see the ghost or ni I do all right I got the cards I just want ice cream you have aing yeah I was going to go in that closet there

Okay uhoh oh there was the fool where are you guys no she’s it depends on what she got I got the fool I was really up against my microphone which would be my fault s that’s one of my nicknames so you’re not wrong do you not being hunted hi Mar you got a photo camera yeah okay okay I’m going to oh I’m going to die see dang it you didn’t have that photo

Damn it let you mind if you give me the photo camera I’ll go take a pick real quick do for the cause where are you I got it I think that’s it hell yeah hell yeah oh thank you it started running faster towards you when you talk Jake a photo I can’t hear

You H yeah oh my gosh Beast hell yeah do we know what it is HTO oh it’s h we got we need one more photo two three more photos Dam so what was the other evidence uh ultraviolet Freez freezing temp yeah yeah hell yeah more did you guys take a

Photo of the hold on yeah let’s see I did should we do more salt then or I could put I think both of the crucifixes are in there or Fire Light I can put salt down if you want to um I think you should stay in take some medicine yeah oh

Yeah I’ll go in there too um Sal I have salt I could proba there to hand it the tarot cards oh yeah yeah you guys got it did you guys find bone yeah she found bone okay okay cool where’s that break it’s back here it’s on turn light oh there you

Go yeah we all change our names to our first name and bendo last name uhoh it’s not hunting though I didn’t I think she didn’t like those Fe picks I took of her got upset oh you got all the photos nice yeah did you at least pay

Her for the we were we were supposed to pay her no wonder why she’s so upset damn damn dude to to be fungus too good night just my nail art good night good night good night sweet dreams all righty I’m G send it you guys have it marked yep okay cool

What a it’s a freaking mimic bro we got MIM but but you guys didn’t get Spirit Box though it must have been the wrong room I I didn’t in the other room too though that’s I had tried it but it was when we were all in there but you guys

Didn’t have your lights on I think she’s got to be she got hell yeah wolf damn I think it’s because I forgot to pay your rent yeah rent money that’s why we’ve got that I need another drink good night Danna thanks for joining I got the the

NFL giant handle of Captain Morgan so it has um it looks like a tin can but it’s a cup with sports ball teams on it oh but it’s got the bills and that’s the only team that matters and the sticker on the bottom is hollow very nice very nice great success oh

Sorry I forgot plastic probably doesn’t sound too C unless you like like ASMR guys you’re going to be asting oh my God ASMR Marin bartender Marin bartender ew Stanley disgusting what am I 12 Stan Lee like the creators of no oh my God Marvel yeah Amazing Spider-Man Marvel Mar let’s

Go literally is a can I wonder what if this is a custom can smells like can it is real Holo actually here I’ll post it in my Discord use the link above to hang out bleed Dale more like all I heard was it smells like can smells like can it does he messaging

Me can who Sorry Hannah yeah the Rat Hole rashita R hole sorry Rich hell yeah you smell the can from here smell my can from here what oh no can smell smells like metal also that is a here my nails is a queen’s curse in honor of the retiring Shades um man yeah I’m sad you

What almost on Smarties not the smarties I had white chocolate ones left where’s the breaker think I know it smells like pennies ands why we’re at bleed stale oh my God hell yeah Hey Jake what’s my favorite no logical video no oh my God wait did he leave oh my God what the

That’s not what I was going to do but okay oh my god well he can’t join now I know that’s your man’s you chose that I’mma stick Bes side oh God ah I can’t open this bottle I pick my nails which is why I have

To S eating oh this rum smells so good that’s liquor no oh that’s liquor I got I got it from the mall that’s a li it was at the like a is that your mom snoring Randy what is your mom snoring no thought I heard Bruth why is the room

Like okay Ramen Cokes yo ring Cokes hell yeah okay yeah Jake Jake just like a man false accusation victim blaming just like a man would I didn’t grab a straw he needed to Bar off oh no no I was going to ask okay Sarah what’s up would you rather

Fight a baby goat or a matter baby what I would I rather fight would you rather fight a baby goat or a matter baby a mad I don’t know what a matter baby is wait wait would you rather fight a matter baby or a baby goat

Say a a mat what’s a matter nothing sugar the matter with you oh oh oh as a yes as opposed to an antimatter baby see I like white chocolate Smarties well yeah regular chocolate kills you little B straight to jail hello you a weak kid what that joke was not

Weak I love that joke looking for a bone oh good time hello Jen welcome oh oh oh oh in the World turnning inside out yeah your cats are nuts I’m also nuts I’m sorry let me turn my mic down a little bit I’m sorry guys I’m a lot I don’t know what to mix my drink with I found a spoon the bone is in the add

Her I did not get my ice cream CU I am not leaving the house it’s too late and too cold I definitely put way too much liquor oh man I can’t I don’t know if I can choose so Custard flavor which is is different like not hard ice cream what do

What I you keep cutting out what are you saying what are you saying camera yes you keep cutting out and now you’re like muffled you muffled you’re muffled Oh where was it I got four but I didn’t see it I got four as well in this bathroom where was it what the [ __ ] I think it’s in this hallway cuz the temperature is going down here it could be yeah did y’all get a picture of the

Bone no no I was saying camera got it I’ve got one yeah it’s going it’s going down here all right here I’m going to leave the EMF here yeah I’ll go get the bone okay Jason hello all right so sorry my favorite Custard flavor is vanilla but

With rainbow sprinkles mm cuz I’m an adult uh and then hard ice cream [ __ ] that’s that’s tough aover of mint chip I love strawberry but only if it has like real strawberries in it not just like flavored strawberry um chocolate hard ice cream is really Good [ __ ] is this phone it’s just it’s just just an event okay yeah hell yeah Sarah um normally my go-to though is like Panda paws I think it’s hunting is hunting it’s I’m dead I got a picture though worth it I didn’t know where to hide o That’s lior oh my

God I play Jake moose tracks this I don’t want to say sorry to him she I know but she could still hear us when we’re the walk oh that’s funny we have moose tracks too but we’re really close to you guys oh my God hello is the door open

Yeah I’ll go take a picture of my body yeah we have a local um ice cream company called Parry ice cream they make really good [ __ ] and they do panda Paws and then tops is a local grocery chain and they do Buffalo tracks so yeah Jake you were just supposed to be

Here period I wasn’t I was going to ask you the matter baby joke thank you very much did it just start a is Randy dead no 16 nice what are you cheating on oh are you talking about like the cross word oh I do like cross cross wordss

Nothing sugar what’s the matter with you dude it’s a good joke okay it’s a good joke okay okay if you don’t like that one um new one I just heard not new but like one I just heard um I spent all my money on pasta all I had left was a penne she’s

[Laughter] dead Gio you love it hi oh my God I just got in here dude I didn’t know it didn’t hunt me though it it started it right as you walked in Gio you love it I can’t do emotes my own emotes um you have to have like a certain threshold of like

Followers or um members maybe I’m so sorry I’m not doing that dude it didn’t say it whispered my ear though like it whispered in the microphone but I didn’t do it fudge tracks or did it just whisper in my actual ear what’s your joke Sarah hi ranet we

Died I know no I don’t you guys are good I don’t want to this is for chilling J chilling like Ben I do not take this seriously in any sort of fashion I just like hanging out with you guys it’s all what’s the difference between peanut

Butter and jam uh I can’t peanut butter my dick in your ass is it that one or my peanut butter and my dick and your mom mom my God what um I have a very crude father so so clipboard can be yes and clipboard can be no clipboard clipboard yes what’s

Yes no okay okay the blue clipboard is yes both black clipboard is no the ones that haven’t been oh [ __ ] you guys don’t have it so left is yes right is no okay uh do you guys want to leave and guess wait what oh Richard’s getting on

Minecraft what was what yeah he is uh left is yes right is no okay yeah my dad is do you guys want me to go back in there and try are you guys going on the chickpea server don’t go back yes okay oh so let’s see put it up there

Rash for evidence I don’t have anything yeah same I went and I checked freezing temperatures it was still at 5 um when it stepped in the salt I didn’t see any UV uh I don’t even think dots is up there I could put that in another camera

I guess or even just look at the camera right now maybe a r you let me just see yeah I don’t see any dots in there what about orbs um oh one of my my favorite jokes is one that my boyfriend tells like that’s he

Didn’t come up with a joke he heard it from somebody else to be Fair Randy already knows what I’m talking about um what’s the difference between a lentil and a chickpea I’ve never had a lentil on my face hey yo I hate it um yes

So I am Sarah I figured out how to add in Richard so he’s in the basement making art oh The Sims yeah and the Sims I might only have a rounds sleep yeah sleepy where is Sarah in there oh Spirit Box oh at least I got that picture of it look at

That Yes actually I took away the candles cuz the p is silent Mrs ghol p is silent let’s see Roman Cokes have no business being this good oh that’s like a hi Randy you got any fun funny jokes Randy I don’t know i’ have think about okay get back to me

Uhoh that is also very good Sarah see I’m not normally a fan of like Cherry but Cherry Coke is a totally different thing emf2 emf2 so I got emf2 I don’t think it’s going to be EMF and I also didn’t get uh Spirit Box and temperature was like at like above

Zero yeah it’s like in between zero and five so like three I guess I’m a Vanilla Coke normally G Whoa what’ Che go was that a five five five oh I see dots I dot no it’s out of five sarah sarah sarah yeah oh Randy left uhoh cherries are cute I like real cherries though no my ball sorry it totally just burped can you guys let me know if you

Seen EMF left is yes right is no where are you hey come back basketball means I don’t know no basketball hi my name is ter I got a basketball game tomorrow yes it was EMF okay yes I just didn’t see the right em I had two in there

Yeah it stepped in the Sal it can’t be a wrath do you guys have a guess as to what it is there’s only three we could choose from I think it’s a Ru I’m going go down the list do you guys think it’s a Ru yeah it’s kind of aggressive I feel

Like it’s a ra too that’s what I thought let’s just go with Raichu what else do we need for that though just to be could be an Oni I don’t really know oh cherry wine sounds so good we would need Corps I did we get Corps seen any maybe it’s an Oni then

Glo be Dot so it’s definitely not a a gorio so it’s either an Oni or Ru it could be an Oni should I check for orbs or do you want to just leave say yes for leave no for check stay in check St check okay I it might be an Oni

Cuz the goria would you would only see it through the camera right on a video camera and we saw it not there and it did give a lot well it gave like two or three events but that’s a lot when you’re just doing oh sorry professional so it might be an

On cheer wi it’s a soda that up Cherry Soda what the hell gross that sounds like it tastes like medicine they turned on the lights uh let’s see I don’t see gorbs I kind of don’t want to go in there you want to leave is that a yes

Uh not leave or should I go in there no leave sure or should I check for something else yeah let me see what else there is to check I think it’s an Oni changing my my hypothesis is it like does it taste like NyQuil though like Cherry medicine oh no

Did Randy leave oh no poor thing okay let’s go we’ll we’ll just pick right you let I picked Onie sure you it’s a 50/50 okay okay Hannah I don’t I don’t like drinking medicine what’s the point oh [ __ ] I I was trying to tell you

Man I my bad my bad you’re good I it’s hard to communicate with just a clipboard so yeah [ __ ] Jake who is this man look who came crawling back I worst I think our line got disconnected I don’t know what happened yeah [ __ ] right I don’t know something must have happened that wasn’t

Even funny I mean it was a little funny but let me try again Hey Jake I think what’s up what’s your favorite simply n logical video hell yeah hey sorry if you were waiting long were you gone for a long time not super long hi Jake Jake don’t do that don’t do that

That wasn’t funny it wasn’t funny to me okay he’ll stop now it’s funny cuz we’re not in a game I did it yeah that’s Hilarious cherry and do okay I would try it then if it wasn’t like straight up just like a cherry soda that’d be kind of gross you know it is it is damn yeah Jason why is you lying to Meer Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason oh I didn’t like it you know I’ll

Have when I go down to visit Tyler’s parents in Virginia yeah I will try that I can’t guar I know oh snap I’m not artificial cherrying or like just cherries oh Jake can join back in I’m done harassing him now better I I’ll mess I’m at that point where I’ve drank

Enough that I have to pee so bad oh oh no Richard he’s in the gaming channel Richard rard sorry I think Jake’s favorite uh Holo Taco nail polish is um one Co black black and then also the glow-in-the-dark Taco yeah I knew those I knew that one

Mhm mhm yeah he’s basic no I’m just kidding I love those though they’re very what the [ __ ] Jacob I just um am lazy and I’d have to go downstairs to go to the bathroom that does not sound fun Sarah for real meni is the best the LI it said it won’t let him

Join for some reason oh is it cuz I kicked him I don’t know it he just joined right now on the N I think so I wonder if there’s an update or something cuz when I was playing my camera was shaking like like if like my

Vision was blurry in the game it was weird that is weird yeah I know my whole like steam had to update damn it it’s prob it’s probably Jake is broken I can start a new l I would he said it’s not letting me I think I left too many times

Jak welcome back I’ve got some jobs ready for you I’ve gathered a list of other Hunters asking for help sorry no for real that time it wasn’t letting me join yeah I think it’s cuz I kicked you it’s okay I’m back we’re back hello okay I’ll

Stop leaving I thought it was funny at the first I thought it was funny the first yeah not when wearing a game not when wearing a [ __ ] game this is life or death this is a game you think this is a game you think this is a [ __ ]

Game this is not a this life or death it’s either life or you’re dead oh so where we going in I’m down forever Wherever Whenever However Jason I can’t spell UTI without you and I hell yeah no straight to jail Jason hell yeah straight to talk about a banger joke hell d

That’s a good pickup line if you don’t use that I’m stealing it I’m going use that on J I don’t know oh no not the UTI oh not the urinary track infection where we go um Pi okay hell yeah okay y yeah so you want some to

Drink you need a drink yeah you want some no I I I want some but I no at the same time I don’t cuz it makes me sleepy drinking makes me sleepy you got to have more than just one um that’s why I’m on my third now I made

Myself drink some water and eat some f yeah I feel like I’m already sh I was gonna saying oh I was gonna say I’m already not a night person so I feel like uh like if I drink it’s G to get me like super [ __ ] up and and tired

Yeah you know Ben’s right there’s not enough jumping in this game oh we’re here honestly Leslie I love that song poly Anarchy let’s [ __ ] go where’s the breaker don’t y in the let’s go on the wall where the door at so this s should D my balls I have a camera sah breaker’s on where’s the bone over there I’m coming lady why does it look like that

Fe see my breath in here oh the temperature is going down temp’s dropping in the garage Ed oh no I can’t do the jump King I don’t hate myself that much know I more than my Lamborghini okay yeah fast yeah just sitting in myage drinking a martini my Lamborghini yeah

After this one I’ll go to the bathroom this might be my last game okay did you guys find a cursed object no I didn’t look really either okay I have a Spirit Box I can do that for couldn’t be my house oh we got tarot cards in the living room coming ghost Trading

H yeah I’m going read it During let me know what the ghosty said Okay just threw [ __ ] at me oh what did it throw paint brush oh it blew out the candles five it’s at a five EMF five M5 yes damn holy too Batman no freezing hell feet pictures hell yeah feet all the way damn stepping everywhere she a run she’s a

Track got a little fungus on that toe huh guys we have all three star photos we just need one more [ __ ] yeah there’s a crucifix oh no I have the crucifix okay well if he steps in this got it we could take a photo of that hell yeah

Guys yeah banana bread at work dude hell yeah hell it’s so close to freezing but it’s not it’s a Ming um we have to escape the ghost during a hunt and repel it with incest hello we have to escape the ghost during a hunt and repel it with

Incest we can do tarot cards and get the challenges hi we can do these last two challenges do you think you’re up for a jake hell yeah redeem yourself rself last game okay no problem you got this we got I’m stand out here do you have to do it in the room or

Can you do it wherever oh you can do it whever wait was there freaking temperature no UV you ready Jake yeah the tower that’s not good Jake what’s up okay it’s you let’s go the tower again that’s not good Wheel of Fortune oh the fool lot of the towers the moon Wheel of

Fortune hell yeah I love to light theree so you could see a little and probably go to Jake let it chase you when it starts a hunt and then use the incest when it’s like right next to you it’ll stop it I got this death here we go

Cross off oh damn it it didn’t work it crossed off not the first one door’s open I don’t think es we did it oh oh no it didn’t oh wait we did it we did it it did it did did it did perfect game perfect game hell yeah

[ __ ] go let’s [ __ ] go hell yeah Selena would be so proud hell honestly everyone Circle Ming yep let’s [ __ ] go let’s [ __ ] go let’s go watch it be a mimic oh no hell yeah [ __ ] yeah oh hell yeah hell yeah what up my name name’s

Trey I’m 9 years old and I got a basketball game tomorrow oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] throw a b an incest hell yeah let’s go okay I think that’s a perfect way to end that on it’s only it’s not even midnight yet I might game more I’m going has to be

Responsible what’s that like understandable I have no basketball game tomorrow not bye bye so is there any games you guys want to play what do we got good on Minecraft I’d get on Minecraft is Gio on Minecraft too you guys are inside of each other hell it’s not even midnight

Dude on I want to be tall I want to Tower over all the people mine and I want to be tall s in taller it’s my Revolution do you have overcook no no oh my God everybody wants to be play G I have one arms you got games on your phone let me

See what else I have we could get on Minecraft too oh yeah we have jackp don’t oh that’s what she meant I was like oh she’s going to put a Jack In The Box I mean go off Queen oh yeah we have to do Mario Party at some point dude we have

To why are you standing like that up to you guys yeah what’s that stance hell yeah am going more I do have town of Salem but but it um I we tried playing it and there was literally nobody on so we couldn’t we couldn’t play at all it’s like I’m

Like I don’t even know what I’m doing what’s up to you guys good night Sarah oh no mining qu back hell yeah Jack in the Box hell yeah stimulus hell yeah some people are are J chilling they’re uh lurkers breaking bed hell yeah Jack In The Crack what said that crack in the

Jack that’s what she be like Jack and the quack Jack the quack hell yeah I what you up for Wolf dude dude it’s like all 33% right now oh my God all of them are 33% the that’s it that means I just stop streaming and do whatever I yeah

Basically it’s a a decis hello fifth option we got simming and [ __ ] baby sorry I’m here guys wants by my boat it’s Arthur he’s going to be the deciding factor fck he’s going to pick one arm cooked [Laughter] watch okay actually oh [ __ ] actually I should be asking Rashida what I should be doing doing oh yeah so she just still listening are you talking about that black cat memes where they edit it to look like uh different animals and [ __ ] well yes and no I’m seeing it because of the guy but I seen those

Memes too they’re pretty funny it didn’t work hell yeah I got one Dam oh [ __ ] let’s go hell yeah arur we’re all poor I don’t know what you want man H I got one of them hell yeah that’s good enough I love that cat Salo there we go so you got you got

To do oh how did they stay I had to throw it at the right time oh I think you have to be like not on the other Stu on CES it has to be aat surface let me see oh well go ahead do it one at a time like wait and

Then do it again don’t do it Too think dit is a good is a good word I don’t care about being inappropriate as you can tell by the stream exactly I don’t even know this is one time oh yeah hell yeah I need to screenshot this it’s fun hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah can I get a

Hell yeah the one H hell yeah oh hell yeah oh hell yeah is it just L sushi that tracks hell yeah oh [ __ ] once in a lifetime chance right there it stayed holy cow there’s another one yeah oh yeah I had to pee oh yeah should do that should do

That oh I almost did it damn can’t put that down can’t put that down oh [ __ ] C that down oh I got one okay okay let’s see if I can do this damn it do do we know what the V I can’t I’m too focused on ring TOs oh I got

One hell yeah oh oh snap she got two got a twofer oh oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] hell yeah oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] throw a ball Julian oh [ __ ] I got mad skills bro hell yeah oh that’s lier oh man simming is winning you guys want me to be alone by myself I’m at 69 views but you guys didn’t think about it I have to ask Rashida what I can do so ohash said St singing

And in the morning I’m Waking waffles oh snap I did that but withs nice all right sorry guys um I have to go with what what Rashida says what does rash say uh Rashida says I have to mine and craft Mac so but Shea did not go to bed she’s playing

Minecraft so we got to play Minecraft y’all but you know what um next stream I do I will play The Sims for sure and eventually we will get to the like other games too so like the one armed cook and Jack and the box too I’ll do um Sims next stream and

Then Jack In The Box and then one armed cook so we’ll do some Minecraft are you guys going to get on Minecraft yeah I kind of want to play fortnite but I’ll get on Minecraft okay fornite fortnite fortnite creep you know there’s not enough twerking in fork

Knife for real or giddying there should be more gites gidy should be be free yeah every member should get it well jokes on you wolf there is I got a FIV hell yeah Oh you mean a Minecraft server holy [ __ ] Jake oh hell yeah damn there’s not one I thought you meant a

Discord do that exist oh my God all right I’m g go bye I’ll see yall later hey hey Moren what just favorite Simply Now logical video your mother all right I’ll see you tomor it won’t break oh no he broke the game he broke it oh dude feel that

Wolf oh my God look at it what how is it how huh all right Sarah all what’s your favorite simply nail logical video Jason welcome back got some jobs ready for you um I’m cheersing up my drink like it’s uh simply in that one meme but it’s actually Leonardo DiCaprio from that one

Movie you know if you want to go through that dedication you can Gio oh my God they’re all equal again J you could just vote on all of them I am not an Aries actually I am I’m a Virgo the best sign like Jenna herself and what Eugene Lee Yang says was the

Best uh star sign even though he is not a Virgo he’s a Capricorn so Virgo’s best sign just saying oh hell yeah not just because of Jenna uh this so I’m going to launch it but I’m going to XOXO go piss girl Hell yeah Jason we can’t be the same person no wolf why is this that’s not my character there it is there it is find out what chat they’re talking in I am in bed oh hey hello hello hell sleep yeah she works tomorrow I know she does I have to go to work

Know I don’t have to go to work but I’m going to stop by there guys how do I change the camera view what how do you do that uh F5 oh yeah oh thank you problem wait who’s a Virgo me Bach no no I know you are but like what like people

Are saying Virgo triplets oh yeah Jason and Leah Jason and Leah yeah yeah Jon oh my gosh there’s a lot of Earth signs up in here hell yeah a go Earth signs hell Virgo’s the best sign dude they must [ __ ] hate me that’s Leo no what are you oh yeah Richard’s a [ __ ]

Cancer that’s what [ __ ] cancer please me nasty you know how I know cuz I know Randy’s sign she’s a cancer but she’s more like a moon leaning cancer cuz she’s like the least emotional person Richard is a Richard has crabs yes hell yeah he’s got crabs are you still streaming Marin

Maybe BL you was that a no we laughing did you say yes to still streaming yes Richard yeah Richard you got to be careful be hell yeah I don’t know who isn’t sleeping probably Richard not me literally the game yeah Gio’s trying to sleep in real life it doesn’t seem like

You’re trying too hard I I begged him to come on I said get your ass on the [ __ ] Minecraft server Gio do do you do you have something you want to tell the class was was I supposed to say something to the class no don’t don’t

Say anything uh oh they have nothing I don’t I don’t know I don’t know what you’re talking about he he created fortnite not fortnite Sarah had something to say to the class I don’t know what y already said her piece yeah oh did you oh I missed it she

Saying I need to watch it just everybody’s got to repeat themselves what what did you say s are we doing the end right now that’s what I said get the I’m just K it’s too late for the end y’all could do it that takes like five minutes the path’s already

There maybe it takes you five minutes Giovani I haven’t been on in a while I’m not in the for the end I know I’m just kidding we’re not really going to do the end dude we actually could though we I I feel like I just kind of want to get it

Done cuz it’s months the end more like beginning No I don’t think I don’t I think you’re putting like I think you think we’re more like what’s the word um more like I think you think we know what we’re doing huh and we don’t I yes me neither speak for yourself Giovani you could probably do it in five minut I

Believe in you like I kind of would almost want to watch instead of actually doing it myself okay yeah no it’s if you provide the resources y’all can go through my chest and use whatever you want if you’re going to fight the dragon hell yeah [ __ ]

Yeah are we going to do this they they better be enchanted oh I mean you’ll have to craft the armor yourself but there’s enough Gio I got the ukulele if you got to say something I want to know what Sarah said before I say anything I said I’m not

Saying [ __ ] I’m not I’m not apologizing for anything Jesus nobody’s asking you apologize no no no I I’ll tell the story so a few months ago a few mon I was playing with and um Sarah was playing with Moren on stream and I jokingly asked or told Jake

That he should go make uh like a fart sound next to Sarah’s mik but obviously like as a joke like not to actually do it it’s just like a funny thought right oh so Jake being a nice person didn’t actually do it you have was just like a funny thought you

Know a few days ago when Jake is playing with Morin on the stream and and I’m separately just talking to Sarah and I’m like hey you remember when I told Jake he should go do that you should go do that but to him but don’t actually do it you know but

Did not say he did not say but don’t actually do it I said don’t do it I did say when when I was doing the fart noises so poor Jake was singing YMCA while weating company and then Sarah went and parted on the mic hell yeah my

Mou with the mouth with the mouth yeah sorry I’m in bad I should not be yeah that’s honestly hilarious so I am sorry for having really funny ideas it’s all in good fun it’s okay Gio you missed my wonderful song though I’m sure it was wonderful um see

Put a Anders side down if you have it and the rest of the I only have I only have one oh all right I gotta go back mining I’m just saying I’m not sorry I would do it again because it’s funny it’s [ __ ] hilarious I laughed a little too hard at

It Sarah you don’t have to go far I said Sarah you’re breaking his heart I said Sarah you can just hold it in or you can go to the [Laughter] bathroom there’s another verse because I have I don’t remember what I sang earlier I have no idea it was

Great oh sorry guys I’m I’m playing it definitely way too close CL I have my headphones on so I can’t hear it so I can’t tell how loud it is so basically Gio a while ago told Jake to go fart on the mic on Sarah oh yeah

During live stream and then the inent yeah they didn’t hear mermaid’s logic couldn’t hear we’re repeating yeah and um then Gio Rec ly told Sarah to go fart on Jake’s uh mic during this stream and blame it on him so he Bamboozled both of them like the

Evil Genius he is to do it but it’d be funny you didn’t say don’t do it I 100% said don’t do it it was probably in parentheses and I didn’t read it right even though you were forget that Jake was singing YMCA I know Happ that was

Yeah YMC after yeah I’m g go over there and kill your camels whoa whoa is never the not online wait wait I’ll join you Sarah wait for me rude rude that’s that’s not Happ that’s so rud I won’t do that I just wanted to scare him a little I’m gonna

XOXO I’ll be right back BRB okay wait she using the restroom is she finally using the restroom good for how long has it been it’s been like this whole stream should I just wait in the tower Richard uh if you want to I’m not forcing you to St trap me in the

Tower grab you he also hit me earlier oh no Richard right all right totally out of contact I don’t think I want you on my side anymore Richard I’m sorry it’s out of Conta yeah because she kept literally walking in front of me every single second she

Had well what about in the minds Richard in the minds you came for me and then you hit me you literally walked in front of me right so that’s your story every time you every time you got hit by me is because you tell it to the judge Richard

You saw me shooting my bow at the creeper down below and you walked in front of me what are we Jason thank you thank you like someone understands me someone gets it Gio knew I was gonna do it he knew I I I don’t [ __ ]

Around if he didn’t want do it I didn’t think you would do it to him if if he didn’t want me to do it why bring it up CU it’s funny idea but like the thought of it it thought of but what’s funnier the thought of it

Or actually doing it both can be true I’m a woman of action Gio you can’t maybe maybe I should have farted on stream hell yeah oh God now he’s got to fart just to I don’t even know and it’s gonna be a real one too it’s not gonna be a fake one

Oh my gosh and you’re gonna talk on your mic and be like what’s that smell oh no oh God hell yeah you’re only that that would only yeah you you would be shooting yourself in the foot because that’s your mic that you have to put your face towards whoa I guess

I’ll get the pink guy I guess I’m just kidding the pink eyy yeah I’ll get the pink guy I guess oh God what’s the consequences of farting on a mic don’t go to sleep tonight say might fart on your pillow Jesus what the [ __ ] I’m just

Kidding God a bad one but it was a I know I yoke I yoke are you guys going to go to sleep are you guys able to sleep we’re like 20 stories high right now oh yeah also Mar but she wouldn’t go to sleep I want to be 20 stories high hell yeah

[ __ ] now I’m about to go get high oh yeah rashita place the blocks faster well okay yo you’re in my way you walked in front of me Richard oh now it’s me walking in front of you okay well this you actually did it that’s the difference I’m out of stone so it’s it’s

Up to you um okay well how many three more I’m going to place anday and Cobblestone you have regular Stone can just place where I’m not placing I have regular Stone okay sure I only have 21 more1 oh that’s not going to work but I have a lot of

Cobblestone I also have decent Cobblestone I fell into the two more layers two more layers camels sound like they’re growling dude holy cow get away from my camels Jake no I’m next to my C that’s the one that you gave us oh D anything I love the camels what are

You talking about territorial oh no Richard get my stuff Richard my inventory is full oh my God I literally have what is even the point of you uhoh what I’m hurt I I live to live I’m I’m I don’t know I’m a Richard I guess that’s the point you you gonna

Go cry now maybe maybe later you know what I’m gonna go down there just to take your experience oh oh [ __ ] wait you guys are building that Tower oh down yeah and I fell off the top off of it that’s fun it was not fun it hurt do you guys play on here

Often feel like I haven’t played yeah it is kind of been a while hey Richard I dare you to C the top oh my God you want me to jump off no I dare you to curve the top I can’t hear you I dare you to curve the top top oh

Yeah you’re weird I did actually make a pis statue once it was kind of funny hell yeah oh my God it was ginormous um I’m sure that’s what they all say it had to be because then I couldn’t really put a c do it got to get that curve I said young man

Sorry well for arnia hell yeah Oh I thought you were GNA kill yourself oh my God she Oh I thought you fell that was was I wearing a helmet before uh I don’t think so maybe but you did take a lot of damage so it probably broke it’s raining cats and dogs hell

Yeah look at that texture you want the you want the cat or the dog for the lunch today Jacob Jesus Christ that’s a really bad Jacob that’s hilarious sorry all right okay okay that was too far aren’t you like Filipino I am Filipino H yeah it still doesn’t make it okay I

Know it makes it somewhat acceptable no I don’t think you get to decide Mr Porter you go whatever if he wants to make jokes like that he can I call I call myself a spck every once in a while oh my gosh ouch when I was shoveling up the driveway

Today I was like you gotta go check out my [ __ ] work dude oh oh my goodness delete me from this conversation I’m so sorry not that Shaquille O’Neal who did that shout out to Shaq oh hell yeah what the hell fail back just ch oh no I’m out of dark oak dang

It Jerry bar hello hello hello that was a long pee M oh no I was catching up on what I missed and double-checking sounds and stuff I could have taken longer cuz Sabine wanted to cuddle but she’s so precious she is she’s my little lady oh Jason the whale Get Low hell

Yeah now I know what I remember that video dude uh we all doing this chat here if I if I go and hop on would y’all do the Dragon no oh de let’s [ __ ] go yeah I would oh hell yeah I just need to know

It’s a yeah no I don’t think I would I would not hell I’m feeling a warm spot no hello I feel like I feel like I’m still learning the the controls for this now like cuz I I haven’t played in so long dang yeah yeah I don’t know if I’m ready mentally always

Gay would you do the dragon I do it left oh yeah tell me when it’s daytime oh I we can sleep yeah I’m sleeping I was sleeping hold on I’m sleeping and peeping who’s not sleeping Richard just always got to assume that

It’s me I I I see how it is am I wrong no oh no that’s what I [ __ ] thought cuz I’m gay man I don’t know why else would I put up the gay flag I’m only like half maybe three quarters gay on my dad’s side at least a

Little bit dad’s I’m pretty straight unfortunately I’m sorry like to say the same we hate to see it yeah hat to be a little key every once in a while although Richard the gays think otherwise for you yes they do dude the same with Jacob yeah dude I attract them

Like crazy it’s pretty bad I don’t know why we’re just some dudes I just don’t don’t know just some good looking dudes I just exist is it daytime yet oh oh no sorry yes giovan are you down to do the dragon are you have know so I think I’m just going

To stay in bed and I’m okay with that that’s okay what okay I don’t know how to break this to your mermaid’s logic how do you I forgot all the controls I told that whole story hell yeah it was funny you’re funny well I didn’t want to mention it cuz we’re live

Yeah probably shouldn’t that’s fine yeah we from New York it’s no sorry were you going to bring more wood to the tower I planted a bunch of trees next to the tower oh so you’re saying you want me to collect the wood no we can both collect the

Wood I’ll stay up here you can collect the wood get wood oh okay what good are you oh well I’m just afraid of falling Rich you want to see something no I I would but I don’t know where you are I’m off to I think I’m behind you

Now maybe depending how much way you’re pointing oh yeah sh yeah you just got to jump over here or jump onto a tree I’m good thanks no that Spruce Wood is looking pretty nice I need to GR me see I’m probably only going to need

One of these trees I’m going to keep the rest what do you mean where did I learn about homosexuals F kind of question is that what the what does that even mean what is that one me where the [ __ ] did you are are you gay or why are you gay why

Are they take the PO they eat the poooo you are G oh [Laughter] no I mean have you looked at a woman like do you blame me damn have you looked at a man do you blame men no they they yeah I like the one I have to be fair men are gross they don’t even know how to clean

Their own butts where’ you learn about homosexuals confusion why is this one Kansas and this one not Aras America is I love that Tic Tac hly that’s a good one I miss not Tik Tac Vine I miss Vine yeah Jason can stay and maybe Richard Gio can stay Jake what can can stay

He it depends and if you leave the chicken for me to cut again again Sho you disappeared yeah something popped up on my computer I had to exit uhoh sexy bot oh I wish you’re sus it’s the wrong your it’s apostrophe r e yeah you are you’re s you’re a sussy sussy

Baka yeah Mera you kind of smell like AA did you say Aaron Jagger the guy from Attack on Titan yeah that’s the sound it’s a a um from a vtuber right I have no idea you kind of smell like A sorry I don’t have B setup I me fancy like Ben b or simply are you done with the tower now Richard Tower yeah for the height okay for 10 cents a day you too could save a lot how much do you have Any we’re use I need to set up are you coming back up a water flow system system you want me to go back up you’re going be down here any things from my spawner like XP farm up to a sorting system like Felix had I need an ass automatic sorting

System I wish I had an ass you can you can get one on spare ass anyone got any spare ass so you see how I have the things on the side here lemon those all the way up oh dude I do love lemon spritzer I pulled it out I

Was trying to look for my um but we’re going to we’re going to be alternating through them how we did throughout the whole thing live the but with just Cobblestone and andite because we don’t I don’t have the time to smell okay I don’t know what that’s supposed

To mean you like jazz how gay are you bro since how gay are you since why are you gay who says I’m gay have you [Applause] gay I was just looking through that person’s chat history and I’m like oh okay no sorry I didn’t explain I on top

Of the block that you’re building up a little uh a little entertaining yeah just let it happen I don’t care I think it’s funny I like it’s oh it’s so cute you’re trying sweetie so cute yeah what the [ __ ] is the green that’s being full charge yes full charge thank you um

Yeah I love all of the electric Hollows they’re so good okay Hydro power gorgeous um hot water pink gorgeous um I wanted to literally I wanted to do a gradient with lemon spritzer and full charge but I couldn’t find my full charge cuz I don’t know how to put things back where they

Belong oh my [ __ ] god you’re going to build that all the way up to the wood okay got it the the chaotic side of me kind of want it cuz you know how Christine mentioned she originally thought about retiring 20 Shades total MH yeah I do now I would literally SOB

Yeah but the chaotic side of me kind of just wants to know what they would have been yeah I want like the full report right back need some more material um I still haven’t watched that stream I need to though but like like I understand she’s got to make room for

New stuff but there’s so many like good ones I mean I own I own everything hell yeah that’s awesome I uh I don’t necessarily need more but I would like the chance to get through these ones that I have yeah and I just I haven’t had that chance

Yet ah why is that not working what’s that mean I’m assuming it’s something homophobic oh no oh wait that’s not my armor chest in the Arm what the heck someone Google translate that I’m curious I just did it’s do you live alone or with a fool or are you a Fool what does that even mean alone or with a fool or you a fool with him I’m a damn fool no uh we actually all live together and we’re all in a relation yeah we’re a couple poly yeah yeah hell yeah yeah we take turns yeah yeah know it’s just like

We’re really about sharing and you know sharing caring we really took that to heart I share with only the men oh my God just kidding women are not allowed no it’s kidding oh no I’m just kidding I’m just kidding I’m just kidding oh okay Gio how do you ban us yeah

Oh no since how straight are you who’s not sleeping it’s not me I left that’s me I can leave rega well there’s one more all right I I was laughing at mermaid’s logic yeah well with her fools live with fools too your mother’s a fool

A damn fool for not having your dad pull out go mine a more freaking Cobblestone it’s daytime hell yeah thank you my illness may be chronic but this ass is Iconic I guess how straight can I be if mermaids logic and I just had a baby together what are you guys naming

It interesting that you would ask the dad who did none of the work to name the kid I have a coworker that their dad named their sister uh first name Sarah middle name sausage [ __ ] yeah actually so her name is actually Sarah sausage that’s [ __ ] dope legally um

She did change it though I don’t I don’t blame her I do not speak Arabic speak sign language French um English oop hey I’m lesbian I thought you were marid hell yeah I I said that uh their sister should change their name to Vienna or polish or polish yeah Polish sausage Basa

Hell yeah dude I love gasa I don’t know what that is you don’t know what kbass is no it’s like polar sausage oh summer sausage too there’s that yeah she could be summer sausage I mean Vienna like honestly that’s kind of a nice name yeah it’s

Cute [ __ ] oh oh my God all my chickens are coming out look at all those chickens what are you doing Patty and Link oh yeah this is too chill Oh no you’re gon to go to sleep I want to play something I’m I’m putting some texture on the the farm or whatever that we were building cuz I seen that uh that Richard and rash were like having some texture pack going on over

There and I was like the farm just looks so uniform and I know Farms or little Barn houses aren’t really like that yeah okay we were just putting different blocks down CU Richard said it was easier to count oh it looked like it was like intentional like a pattern it is

Intentional technically it is called texturing yeah I know some Arab countries I didn’t see what your earlier question was oh name five of their bands I mean five of their songs palid I mean and not the popular one both sides have their issues but one is kind of taking it too [ __ ]

Far and the governments are all failing us and the world is descending into chaos the world is Aire scaffolding Richard were you the one telling me about scaffolding ing yeah scaffolding is an amazing dude I [ __ ] love the Scaffolding in Minecraft it is amazing I was I don’t

Know how to go down them oh uh you crouch oh you crouch okay I’m with the G for you’re yeah oh hell yeah oh hell yeah do you guys ever watch shark boy and lava girl that looks good all the time oh my God you’re still here

Yeah I remember getting a Happy Meal and getting the Lava Girl in it I love oh what yeah I wanted shark boy but it was okay you wanted oh myam dream I love that song Mr Electric send him to the principal and have him Expelled electricity I mean the least kids could do was pronounce his last name right like [ __ ] rude little white kids not pronouncing that name right oh no he has to pronounce your names right on the [ __ ] roll call dude not me like hello now supporting kids what

The [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that’s so funny that’s so funny oh my IP address is 1 2 3 4 5 6 89 um my IP address is unavailable because I use nordvpn to the sponsor of today’s live stream go to big money for 15% off of plan big money

Hell yeah I’m kind of disappointed in you morine what I thought you would have gone with expressvpn not no I actually went with Norton um that I just like internet comment etiquette beine that’s your homework you have to go watch Shark Boy and Lava Girl no but I do agree with my mermaid’s

Logic that Spy Kids is better oh for sure the first Spy Kids is a lot sky high is the best dude Sky High hell yeah oh Sky High yeah big money Salvia dude h hell yeah bro banana bread at work dude hell yeah hell yeah I saw someone made like um

Like a friendship necklace with like the letters but for the entire thing and it was so long it was very long that’s what she said I was going to say that but I didn’t want to say it cuz I say it too much big money Brit it is not fasmo

Um we had an epic win perfect game and we decided to end and then we got on to Minecraft Minecraft Widow we Minecraft so I’m sorry for the false advertising actually can I think I can adjust that let me change that are you still Tipsy Marin uh not really these aren’t as

Strong as my badas bro why you screaming in chat dude out of andite again God dang it y need a chip shout shout oh hell yeah hold on hold on you guys this we do without come on I’m talking to you all righty bro all right you guys need to see this

Hell yeah where are you guys at we’re at Richard’s new tower oh no what skin are you you see me can you see me I need to up we’re all Talking to You Can’t Always Get What You Want What is is that a Shrek mask hell yeah check it out oh no not the Shrek get out my swamp donkey I can use my wood sry oh yeah am I saying it wrong wait I need to show you guys where are you all at is it supposed to be like P

Pina I’m going to go to bed Richard how do you say PE coladas is it is it the like silent y p no p p i was probably saying panina colada cuz I’m lazy and white extremely White what is skin color I was gonna say didn’t you just

Like admonish a bunch of white kids and Shark Boy and Lava Girl for not saying the teacher’s name correctly yeah we suck we’re like a majority of the world’s problems I hate us too no I didn’t say that oh well like I mean I am yeah fresh fish stand

Interesting uh where are you at say I need to show you this I’m on top of the world I’m on top of the um what is this called I’m on top of your mom I’m just kidding oh my bro what writing into Arabic I’m I’m on top of

The what sorry go ahead no I was just going to say it’s morning if anyone needs okay thanks R oh you’re on top of the barn yeah well not anymore but yeah yeah and I would like to make a lot of it I’m still I’m young oh my gosh

SW gr up in a very small town just a small town girl oh no sorry living in a lonely world GI Gio what did you say I don’t know I don’t know Gi Oh my God what did you say what did you say bro no seriously what did you say dude

Step the [ __ ] up Kyle hello [ __ ] is that excuse me what woman woman’s Instagram I can’t copy them on my phone yeah Dam it’s not as funny if I say it well put it in the Discord oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah thanks GI help this white lady

Out oh Jason said it Jason said it Jason oh my [ __ ] god really Bonnie The Savage I mean I doubt he’s a fan of any of this and just clicked on this to be toxic so I doubt he knows it I know I know but that’s what’s funny that’s fair

You I literally don’t care about this person so Gio you can do whatever you want oh yeah you just have to ask Rashida for per please be careful you’re walking front of me again oh no that’s what he says it’s not true you oh my gosh

I’m I’m stand here in the corner you can mine you’re going to stand in the corner Blair Witch style hell yeah I used to be terrified of that movie when I was little oh yeah that’s fair oh no Richard flooded us Lally here just dying out with my friends

M I’m playing with my friends mama I got all the and sight here um got to go the new pocket Richard trapped me whole guys whoa that I feel like it depends on what language you’re learning it from like if you’re Chinese learning English or Chinese learning Arabic

Compared to like Russian or French learning English or learning Arabic it’s all very dependent especially on like what characters you recognize more CU each most languages uses use um different characters as well as um different tonalities and different grammar Styles get [ __ ] wrecked I know some things not you guys

Want to see what I look like in in game go to Morin’s Discord I post it in the chat oh with your Shrek I got hell yeah I got to see it I’m out of food Richard can I have yours oh my God why is it so massive you want

My what why is it m the head is ginormous I feel like it’s more yellow like it’s much more I’m going to check my chest first he should right then again languages are all just a concept string of sounds formed together pass down through generations in order to convey our

Thoughts everything is just a concept if you think about it Morgan are you high I mean me Marin oh Morin oh my God I’m so Sorry no Morgan’s not a bad person to be mistaken for she’s the best mod yeah at least she gets Awards [Laughter] giovan She’s I was mistaken for Morgan just the other day felt nice I mistaked you for Paulina the other day cuz I thought you were the one talking about the

Rosa oh that’s right but you were just talking about it with us cuz we didn’t know what it well you didn’t know what it was I need to make some I haven’t made had some in a long [ __ ] time I makes any chomping on the babies I want fresh bread I want

Fun B yes I thinky has closed on Mondays a my mom makes a honey oat bread oo what do you normally eat with it just like plane or um tuna sandwiches are really good on it we’ll make it into French toast bread pudding but I don’t like bread pudding so um

Why yeah but I love stuffing which is a very strange thing yeah yeah I like Savory soggy Savory yeah um stuffing is pretty good though yeah sometimes I’ll just like fresh with some honey on it or like jam and toast that’s my jam my lady

Jam whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey yo it’s from Pitch Perfect I don’t understand what they were I don’t get it I I know what you’re referencing Marin I don’t how old were you when that movie came out like 13 me I don’t know when did the movie come

Out it’s a good question I think it was a I think it was a 2012 movie yeah I was in Middle School because we started in Acappella group no because of the movie mhm cute like my choir teacher who was a [ __ ] troll she’s a [ __ ] [ __ ] not like she’ll ever find

This she a [ __ ] [ __ ] Randy would also attest she was horrible so [ __ ] mean um some people should just not teach children just saying for real yeah if anyone needs arrows or like bows to repair their bows I you know that’s fair it’s it’s kind of

Cringey if you’re not a child and now it’s just kind of like Camp Shark Boy and love the girl oh yeah yeah Pitch Perfect yeah I yeah I was in Middle School still a young not too young cuz I’m not getting parted anymore people call me ma’am but hell

No I don’t have enough money to run for any sort of office you got to have daddy’s money got to have that eighth fridge money but you can oh hell that one I will tell her to her face actually now when I’m older actually I probably

Wouldn’t I would like to know what made her such a raging [ __ ] you know oh my God you know something had to be going on that made what did she do no there’s no such thing as like a True Villain um well the only reason I got

Into the like my Middle School Musical was because I cleaned out her closet for her what the hell that’s rude yeah uh there was like this thing called like Uptown Girls which is like a girls only choir that was audition only and she told Randy

Like oh stop by my class like after my class and you can audition Randy did and she wasn’t there twice this happened and then she went there and then she was like oh why why are you here she’s like to audition you told me to come here and

She’s like I don’t remember that and then never let her audition for it that’s rude dude and then in the musical that she let me be in when I was in eighth grade um she put me in a see-through costume and had me figure out the undergarments really what the hell as an

Eighth grader Richard check it out out yeah pick it out dude yo Richard go to sleep whoa look at that summer home for your fridges money exactly Jason oh yeah oh [ __ ] for legal reasons that it’s a joke that’s funny did you ban him or did he

Just like leave did he get you sleep with your unicorn I was going to say you don’t have it displayed in chat cuz I just kept timing him out for like 10 seconds oh really oh yeah I love you you’re [ __ ] hilarious I know I know that’s what I’ve been saying we know

This you got to be funny to be a bentendo [Laughter] can you tell me when it’s morning Jason you’re Celiac right there you go it’s morning Celiac top all the morning thank you wait what does it look like when I have oh it goes away that’s lame oops can only have

Boots These Boots Will Made for Walking all right we’re adding a new block our thingo no more blocks Richard we’re adding a new block my Game just crashed when you said that good so I don’t know if you can but um Oreo is releasing a gluten-free golden

Oreo I can’t do the gluten-free oros because there’s oat flour that’s not um certified gluten-free so there’s still like some bases gluten in it yeah and I get sick it’s like cool like a one in 10 chance that I get sick but there’s still the chance I get sick which is not

Fun and I wish I could have them but if you can have them Golden Oreos come and see to a bodega near you oh yeah I haven’t seen any of them like locally I at the store bless you bless you to help out the glutenfree people did you um

Um Jason did you find the oh power why did you do that oh no you didn’t see dude Richard took the scaffolding away he took the scaffolding away while I was stepping on that’s murder Richard M I got to go straight to jail we need to make a

Prison telling you guys I’m sorry go to jail shush shush don’t shush me you know what you done I hit the bottom block cuz I looked up and at first she wasn’t on it and then I hit the bottom block and I look up and she’s

Falling out of the sky you’re so mean Richard I’m sorry rega that was I you have any of my stuff Richard I think I have a couple of your stuff [ __ ] Richard classic Richard what else did you where are my Frost Walker boots Richard you might did you not did you

Pick them up cuz I don’t have any boots I don’t have any boots Richard Richard Richard you owe me Frost Walker boots unbelievable say look look at me wait Rashid are you back at spawn no I’m in Richard’s tiny house oh how are you impaled by a drown there’s

You saw so many things in the water unless you just died again I just died again Richard it’s your fault Richard I turn around you keep dying whose fault do you think that is Richard well that’s second time it was me I think she got Trident

Mhm pretty sure that was you can you get my stuff please I’m gonna I’m gonna kill this guy for you I don’t have any space in my inv to grab your stuff I’ll go get it if I can go over there I think it’ll still be there if

He’s close by it it’ll despawn so somebody needs to grab it is it near the tower is already back get okay but I’m probably going to die again wor I got you need to help her though I don’t believe you Richard because it does despawn pretty quickly

Come on rashita don’t be that way you know Richard Rashida would never take the scaffolding out from under you in your mind uh I mean I don’t believe that I believe that oroo there you go don’t be [ __ ] rude oops that chest oh crap I think the chest is mine

Oops people are dying I think that’s it oh you don’t see anything else in the water do you uh nope I could see nope I don’t see nothing well where’s you Richard F in the chat for my Frost Walker boots please I can I should be able to get a villager to trade

That do you is that an enchantment that they have I don’t think I’ve seen it before okay it’s rarer but it’s possible F go in the inventory you dumb [ __ ] rude Richard I’m tired hell yeah Arthur I hear a zombie somewhere zie I think it’s inside the building get more storage oh there’s a few of them oh I may or may not have found your stuff oh be careful be careful yeah be

Careful hold on hold on hold on try to grab all that stuff where’d you go get all that stuff right there my Frost Walker boots hell yeah did you find him yeah one of the zombies H yeah yes yes to had them God thank you Jacob you have my

Enchanted helmet yes there you go thank you problem I think I accidentally gave you my chest plate do you mind if I grab that for you yeah iron does m yeah iron iron I Chu the boots figure out how to drop here you go thank you thank

You oh I have a oh yeah with the looking at she hit the she hit theor Richard I’mma take one of these Spruce Wood bagg pants and the re with the straps straps turn around and get that big booty smack hey she hit theor she hit theor next thing you know

Got calling my name I can’t I can’t take it Anymore that’s me with this booster oh have your pickax oh no oh I bmed myself in the [ __ ] head all right we’re going down I’m yelling Timber you better move that was just perfectly timed to us in hello what hello oh I’m just stupid I’m just a [ __ ] idiot sorry you’re not D don’t say that about yourself not the br br Broski Britney broki yeah as well no no Dennis the Menace oh yeah marinus the

Menace his name is Denis and he’s a menace yeah I am in the freak chamber I never had Uggs they were too expensive I yeah what they like 200 or something like that they’re so expensive you did like real sheep skin like e only buy like skins in first like second hand I

Wanted to see your new appearance oh oh yeah yeah here yeah yeah oh who hold on hold on let me hell yeah there we go banana bread work hell yeah paying taxes hell no skunks a poor simply oh no she’s sick scky poo dum dum I forgot about that we should have

Called that dude a dumb Dum oh whoops I need to go to sleep go sleep got l this alcohol is starting to taste like bring my cats upstairs uhoh will you not be able to walk up and down the steps no there’s poisonous plants in

Here oh no Tower is going to look so cool when it’s done wait wait to to them though right like not to actual humans or actual humans too um some of them yes interesting like if you El do you need to do Richard uh right now we’re

Just kind of adding detail but I’m GNA take a break from it because kind of getting bored of building yeah I think I’m going to get off getting uh right now Ramen CES oh yeah I’m tired yeah she was saying about her eye rash nothing else but that’s up to her disclosure it’s

Going to look cool though look [ __ ] SI I think it looks cool now oh yeah like yeah it does going to have a pointy roof EXC you should take a screenshot of it what I said I want to play one round of fortnite do at least

I’ join you in that at least one yeah take a screenshot like it is now hell yeah let’s go I’m not GI come on at one the living room is cold my room is warm oh that sucks yeah so you’re going to watch us [ __ ] beef it yeah on the

Sideline um what’s the temp there right now like 10 like freezing temps oh no where are we at right now oh my God twinsies what is that in normal people units 10 that’ be like negative something um like negative 14 uh like -2 okay that’s about as cold as it is

Yeah but here right now it’s 12 I posted it in cuz it’s really windy so it’s like21 is the feel outside for you oh yeah yeah the feel is colder yeah yeah um as far as I know Ben should be streaming tomorrow oh I’m so excited for The Last of Us streams to

Start I want to play that game Rich your mom playing I can’t hear you new bling they’re scheduled already I think okay this looks he can those the blocks I just told you they’re going to be uh towards the top okay we can do that next time yeah we’re making

Uh little archways I put stairs there we got to fill those in how we’ve been building it up you need a door we don’t need a door I I don’t know what kind of staircase I’m doing on the inside yet uh it’s probably more than like going to be

A spiral you’re going to build a staircase on the inside without a door well there will be a door by the time the staircase is going to be started okay why you got you got any door ideas in the wall they’re back just just a hole in the wall that’s

Funny Jake are you gonna play with us yeah hold on we get um nothing we get bullied why you bully me for being bul why you bully me I’m gonna get off and watch them play fortnite St is as stupid does who’s playing fortnite stupid does as stupid is everyone Else hello Richard it’s clean we got coupons for hummus hell yeah we I wish we got hummus coupons sick he sends us a pie uh in an envelope every six months you got an extra spot for fortnite or no yeah on we got one more spot God doesn’t exist he’s also just a

Concept if you choose to be religious you can I don’t give a [ __ ] but I don’t try to push my own religion onto anybody else because that’s rude and that’s not what the Lord intended I’m supposed to find your way you one of you stream to Discord

Yes or actually Jake’s better you should Jake or Sarah you should stre it you guys are better at this oh no I’m not good at I’m still getting used to the Keys man hold on hold on you do really well though nah yeah you do feel like people ruin religions I

Respect the core of all religions and that’s what I more so support is love respect and enjoy everybody you know don’t don’t be a [ __ ] [ __ ] don’t push ideals that you created around your religion onto other people just because that’s the version that suits you the most there’s many different versions of

God but it all goes down to loving your neighbor loving each other not being an [ __ ] ultimately so don’t be a [ __ ] prick cuz it’s not going to get you anywhere in life and ultimately it’s not going to make you feel better about yourself as much as you’re [ __ ] insecure about yourself

And insecure about your doubts and your own religion too it ain’t G to help you uh I don’t know some SWAT not the claps hell yeah someone needs to change it to trios got we got to change it to trios oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah good night

Jason good night Jason good night thanks for hanging out I seeing you dude Jon Jon Richard are you on yeah I’m loading the game hell yeah I heard God is a woman God is a Woman by arola Grande [Laughter] har who’s doing the sound bights I think Gio Gio is that you

Unless it’s Jak no that’s not me stop snitching oh no I figured it was you yeah pickles the eel eels are such cool creatures my dentist has one uh banana eel in his office I don’t agree with how small the tank is but it’s such a cool animal they

Feed him with really long Chopsticks which is really cool if you get to see that they’re just gorgeous creatures the way they move like through the water is insane yeah yeah that happens no e why we’re good come on cuz you’re toxic and probably like 13

Right does your mom even know you’re on this computer let’s go H yeah get permission that’s a nice d I like your tiger Richie did you get the uh battle pass yeah H yeah I’m waiting to get up in levels but I think I am going to get it

Like oh you got stinky cat W dude is it Duke yeah Duke Nook comes he’s yelling at me you said get off the game it’s time to come cuddle h oh yeah just do one game at least s comes Richard you’re my friend neverna give you since Richard it’s

Taking so long I am Rick Rolling y’all all right I forgot that I even had the ready up okay oh no it happens poly Anarchy I love your cat’s names so [ __ ] cute right I [ __ ] love cats such precious babies wait hold we’re going to be over at the

Restaurant you can measure my hand wait why are you going to be there I got to get some pay subs for this thing um where we uh class do you feel like it’s a little too close yeah looks like it’s Grand glacier I’d be down I don’t that’s so cute that is a

Really good name dropping I’m not they’re so [ __ ] cute Richard oh yeah he has that that that glitch that’s slow connection oh wait still you’ve had that since you downloaded this dude well first it wasn’t that bad at least I was able to jump like kind of with you guys at first but

Then now it’s just like I have to wait till the bus reaches the other side of the map I would reinstall it yeah I would reinstall your game so [ __ ] cute we have one other team dropping yep I’m near one somebody oh hello they’re coming up right behind me hello

Candy give me that shotgun oops mean to do that I got two on me oh I got two I’m down damn dude it was like one shot deleted I got deleted that’s for sure where’s other person right there right here right here right here they’re going to try to revive I’m sorry I’m

Really low they’re going to get Sarah the third person’s on Sarah there’s there’s two people there yeah it’s a full team oh yeah Richard is supposed to be here I thought we were playing trios for a second my bad oh no I think we need to land where Richard

Lands yeah yeah which is like towards the end let me see if I could get your I your card I just need to get some heals get out of there I got it Richard I’m gonna die they’re focusing on the boss e yeah [ __ ] I think this dude couldn’t hit me because how

Nice uhoh you’re good you’re good oh so close we got sandwiched y’all yeah no that’s their teammate oh it is yeah that was their teammate let us say that we got sandwiched oh sorry we got sandwiched my bad rip Richard’s still alive oh hello oh that’s such a cute

Skin can you don’t have a are you in the like or bendo or did you just Happ an upon this oh she I cut out for a second there me yeah you like cut out uhoh are you in a the simply nailogical hello taco or bendo fam or did you just happen upon

This ice person Is okay that’s not a problem thanks for popping in for a sec have a good night or day I wonder if they revived that person you knocked they probably did yeah probably Reviving oh I saw you [ __ ] I’m GNA be going after you oh get out of there run raer yeah they see

It oh no I think they’re chasing yeah I think they good there’s a reboot van right there and then where is the g wagon oh she’s over there she hell [Laughter] yeah I would to get Mor’s card first before it expires that’s where I’m heading okay

Cool I don’t have your guys’s cards no well technically they’re already in the inventory but yeah I picked up I think you should have Jake’s already yeah Menin uh picked up mine I think yeah I don’t know if I did it says two SA or Simon Richard’s a Simon Stan that’s his

Man oh I see people on top of that building right there I love both of them see if I get deleted see if you get deleted people are try hards yeah oh snow plows are going by yeah it’s like inside there you go right in the center

Desk uhoh oh no yep they already exactly where you were at rip RP and peace get in the truck yeah it’s okay I got deleted that’s okay bud who said that oh no Richard ow ohow oh my God she [ __ ] dead okay I’m at the point where I know

When I get up from this chair it’s going to be be rough oh no that is rough you know like when you’re at a party and you don’t really feel it but then you go to the like the bathroom and you’re looking at yourself in the mirror yes that’s where I’m

At not really like a party like a bar I’ve been to bars I’ve never been to a party really don’t go out much uh where we should land at the end very end let’s land there what’s everyone’s favorite drink um my go-to cuz it’s easy is ramen Coke I love Long

Islands and panina colados I like anos yeah but like you too I like the uh good ramen Coke yeah I don’t like mix drinks it’s really fruity really I can’t tast alcohol other than that I just drink it straight up so I like whiskey or any dark liquor damn I can’t have

Whiskey I know you also drink straight vodka I have something wrong with that I love titos oh my God Tios is so good for a while I was doing sorry what were you saying Jake oh sorry I said tosinos hell yeah also yes but for a while I was

Doing um oh my God guys I’m on the bus Peach SNS with a white crayon and peach juice and soda water yeah that was really good that’s what we were drinking for a while at home people are Landing with you guys and that’ll get you [ __ ] up real quick especially

If you don’t want to taste it which you would probably like Richie lately I’ve been buying um Sunny D released like vodka seltzers oh my God it just tastes like Sunny D it’s so [ __ ] good I don’t have anything I love Sunny be tastes like childood w

Oh Sunny D reminds me of that scene at the beginning of Juno yeah the orangs and [ __ ] run with the orange juice yeah orange ju CU she’s trying to pee for the third time dude I love that movie so much and I love Michael Sarah yeah and Elliot Paige [ __ ] amazing amazing

Actors sorry there’s my I like go over those people what’s that thing that uh rain Wilson says that ain’t no ET a sketch oh yeah this’s this is one doodle that can’t be undid it dude that oh my God iconic literally iconic you caring I was dead now got one person

Nice wait did somebody come through the door I keep saying footsteps I think he’s on top I think they’re Bots yeah I think they’re above us oh he’s on me it is a bot got him H yeah I wish I was into wine I was saying that

Today like it seems fun to be into wine but I just I can’t do it man you’re a Wine Drinker yeah I don’t drink all that often I do like to fancy cocktails every now and again you got that ju know I wish I got the berries cuddle Richard Richard

Cuddle okay ready um oh like hard ciders Rashida yeah yeah okay that’s all I got Rashida knows where it’s at hell yeah Giovani is a white mom I do like the Hops that it gives you after the berries not wine sorry I could use somebody shooting over here

Something oh oh they’re knocked don’t drink and drive folks Sarah don’t drive and drink Sarah damn y all got did I hit you again see this is why you don’t drink and drive you hit a cat oh my God stop I will literally cry there’s footsteps around me bro oh

They’re over there oh there’s a guy behind me a they literally one shot all I did was lit literally stole my kill butor it’s okay he’s widly quiding across the fortnite lobby right now who’s this volt I hear a ton of chests oh there’s a vault that’s

Why the here I’m unlocking it oh yeah oh my God rash I forgot that happened that was so cute oh my God kids are funny sometimes I normally hate them but everybody hold together oh you’re good morine you guys come down here real quick I got some more berries berries and

Creen did you find my g g g I Still Haven’t Found Me berries but I found these H yeah what is making all that Ruckus Sarah is making a Ruckus oh [ __ ] [ __ ] Jak damn it damn I’m knocked from what did you do that yourself yes I ran into it I have

This shield and it does knock back damage and then it hit the stupid I forget what do you need a med kit yeah BR do have bandaids what a fail uh where we heading circle’s probably going to be down here is my guess oh you’re good yeah I’m good thank you thank

You upper right hell go go go go where we going oh sorry the purple or the blue marker okay there’s no boost on this one Sarah you’re so [ __ ] fast bro fast as [ __ ] boy fast as [ __ ] boy this is how I Drive in real life too just kidding this truck is so Slow I don’t even know this song uhoh Oh I ran out of gas and got no gas in it I know what’s wrong with it ain’t got no gas in it rashita what’s your go to uh cider brand and like Flavor normally an Angry Orchard

Gal I was trying to look up what it’s called cuz it’s like a Swedish word um it’s called recorder Li no don’t buy them all don’t buy them all I need to buy two at least I’m pretty sure it’s artificially flavored and you can get it at any

Grocery store up here but it’s really good oh dude I’ve had that the imported stuff I love that [ __ ] uh they just got it at the local like beer store that Tyler works at I really like the strawberry lime and the passion fruit o I’ve only seen the uh wild

Berries I didn’t know they had other flavors yeah they do they’re [ __ ] amazing I like that the strawberry is like it tastes like real strawberries it doesn’t have that super artificial like candy strawberries okay I if I find it I’ll pick it up okay I uh also really like uh

Pear flavored ciders and I see that they have one o so I might grab that too yeah do they have anry Orchard in Canada or I never know like what’s like a local thing or not is that a cider yes yes a hard cider I think I’ve seen

It like I’ve seen it at the beer store maybe or maybe just something that looks like it it’s pretty good I put it on my stream but it’s pretty dope they have a blueberry Rosé flavor that sounds interesting I didn’t know that I do like the Rosé and they pear is

Really good if you like pear ciders shout out to all the pears yeah and the strawberry one is also very good I’m a strawberry Gale obviously like the standard ones are good too but if you like pear ones they’re the tits that one’s like one of my brother’s

Favorites uhoh a chicken oh I see them chicken and they’re over there now are you are you pushing them they’re kind of spaced out we might be able to pick them off if anyone has any extra like like finds any extra medkits let me know cuz I should probably carry

Some I don’t need any but I will I wish I had a sniper Jake you’re 107 right now damn Gina Gio where are you at um I don’t want to talk about it like 260 no we don’t talk about BR we don’t talk abouto no no no we don’t Talk but it was our fortnite day oh man I got to sleep so I’m going to leave y’all and Y have a good time you have a nice sleep good luck with your works thank you bye bye oh I’m all late oh no fire that’s okay sry I got a little distract

I know what I would was thinking of before I’ve had this cider from Coffin Ridge coffin I think it’s called forbidden okay um but it has the same like warped haunted tree imagery got it on the can said coffin Ridge or Bridge Ridge okay with an

R I have to try that stuff out I didn’t like it though but you could try it if you want to oh yeah bought it because of the can yeah oh that’s a Canadian one okay I’ll look that up because they might have it up here since we’re pretty close to you guys Do they have any snipers they didn’t huh uh they had one and I picked it up oh okay never mind that’s go at least one of you guys have [ __ ] Richard do we do Island guys want to or no we can try yeah feel like every time we go

You’re good ply good night feine good night good night guys nice dude uh there’s a rift right over here I’m going take it I’m going to take the zip oh Richard there’s here nice another team no there’s nobody up here oh cool [ __ ] yeah concrete a par a Paras cider I do

Really like is by Thornbury Thor um I don’t know if you have that in New York It’s Thorn and then Berry like being buried alive hell yeah bued alive h no if I have heyo that looks kind of familiar we might I just have them open in tab so

I’ll have to check them out later I Tyler keep an eye out for me yeah keep us updated I want a full review on stream yes ma’ oh no is there a bench here yeah P it yeah down here got it thank you down in uh Richard’s basement uhoh

We need to go in this direction okay shooting behind or see shooting behind us somewhere I see that too yeah it’s like down there do you have extra shotgun ammo sure you need some oh yeah they just got killed right oops not the whole yeah oh we got to go

Yeah okay yes we do there’s a thing right here I’m launching do we we going purple uh yeah sure oh I did not make that oh I see them where are they shooting from dang it uh I got one oh he did oh crap I almost fell off oh

Jeez oh yep they’re inside somewhere they’re AI oh oh never mind never mind jeez I need to get in there God anxiety through the roof Jesus Christm make it open open away no getting out of there Christ the Naruto I have a med kit yeah I need his Med kit I need it real quick I’m more of a high noon gal than a truly G is there people over there yeah over there there in that somewhere your

AI is shooting them I just don’t know oh I see them they’re right outside that little fence oh we’re still in storm circles so that’s good yeah I’m going to just get inside the building just let them come to us I almost died or I could have died roof’s

Open uhoh guys I dropped my gun oh no dude the AI keeps opening the door there we go wait do you need that sniper yes take that the BL one the one I’m holding yes oh the one that you okay okay 110 on it hell yeah reloading got him

110 got him that one’s knocked another one in the bushes damn hell yeah bushes oh somebody got some got KN go push that real got him you Jesus Christ I ping people hell yeah need to reload LEL up M frozen fruit in them dude the tits uh there’s a big gold

Beer you guys good who’s shooting uh AI it’s shooting the the [ __ ] okay we got um medallions incoming I’m going to retreat back to the house oh we got to move actually let’s get to Circle first got to go in that direction bro I got [ __ ]

Guns I got one good gun but I’ve got blue but I would prefer something better than that sure all your weapons are reloaded yes thank you oh okay then hell yeah they must have died in they were far away they were like really far away is there to we can’t end like that

That was too easy I feel like could end like that though how was that Gio Oh’s asleep is he though yeah well I don’t know he probably isn’t not Jake dancing up there hell yeah they’re going to get Rick Rolled oh no toxic yeah yeah

Oh that took you a little while to ready up weird I got to pee again I think you have time though cuz we’re going to uh land at the yeah towards the end I feel like I’m kind of wobbly right now though oh you know what I’m going to go for

It I’m going Rush be eating something the jam is I’m eating hell yeah I like pretzels and Fe I like chocolate covered pretzels hell yeah that’s my like tonight that’s rude shooting me right in the face what the Saka Saka and crowd is jumping Richard so how are you liking

Fortnite so far fortnite’s fun I should probably play it on my cons more than all yeah what do you play on go to no like console wise like what do you play on oh PS4 hell yeah was a classic classy glassy here yeah we’re going to go to classic

Court oh oh me see me and oh no where you Landing saying in the back oh no I’m I’m tied I don’t know where to go well I guess I’m not going to come here I don’t know I already landed girl it’s too late there somebody hello

Hello where oh you guys are over there Richard why are you so far away you’re honestly the closest person to no why can’t oh my god get another gun besides that gun Jesus Christ there’s one there’s two nice I have nothing but heals you need heals got the heals how

Many I had them you know dude my heart is racing found one found one what down one guy what down one you should probably go to them say yeah there’s some minis right there and then you can just buy a 50 p in the vending machine I’m

Leaving okay wait I need a car broom broom M’s car e oh I love Sakura Jake what’s up I hear footsteps Richie footsteps everywhere man it was a llama so tempting oh yeah that car crashed you guys still see footsteps no the boss oh Richard you low dude super far

Away uhoh they’re getting him they’re shooting him get over there [ __ ] you [ __ ] you bloody bloody [ __ ] you bloody [ __ ] you Squad eliminated oh word hell yeah GG’s my dude someone shooting me [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] love that love that amazing Perfection you’re back at lavish yeah I it doesn’t matter I’m already

Done they’re they’re toxic I oh I do love saki sake is it saki or sake I have no idea Jake you should stay with your people he’s good go get say how much look I’m going go give Richard some backup g go get some more loot Croy they have a a soera flavor

Dude I just realized I have a crown here I got an idea are you staying over there I’m slowly making my way towards you making my way down home okay I got the card time to Go rid around your ass FNA get shot Siler that’s a grenade launcher wait can you oh jump out real quick and then jump back in okay okay let’s go to the reboot van there’s one like right right there to the right my whip oh sorry sorry oh I

Didn’t know I was driving your whip I’m stuck oh it’s this okay okay okay I need bro now I’m really far away you’re good you’re Gucci sake like donke okay that’s what I thought it was sake but I’ve heard people pronounce it saki which I wasn’t sure I’m being

Targeted what that’s what Ben’s got to release some donke there you go somebody’s running up on us what vehicle there’s some of these slabs right here for you guys you should come get them there’s four of them you get like at least say I’ve got uh minis if

You want first yeah wait wait wait don’t don’t hit them yet okay I give you some minis oh there you are thank you yeah thank you uh Richard you should get over here wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I know I’m starting him oh okay okay you’re good

You’re good let’s go go to town on those things he yeah Fu boys we go back and get revenge get revenge I mean there’s some minis here I’m an idiot there’s minis here what happened where did you go I lost my shotty dude wait did did you want that

[ __ ] yeah well I hear different pronunciation ation and I never know what’s wrong no I don’t want that gun I’m sorry I was just saying I can’t find my I dropped my shotgun somewhere just giving out free ammo know where how much do I have left a lot okay

I got a I got to have another Ramen Coke guys hell yeah I think this is my like sixth drink dang nice even brok does it take you a little bit to get drunk or does it take you a lot to get drunk I’ll get like Tipsy I’ve never been um

Like drunk before I’m definitely very careful about it and I like drink water frequently and make sure I eat that’s good say mallan is like right here like right on us there’s a car they’re probably coming from lavish so that’s the direction we can expect them from yeah here they come

They’re coming way there’s footsteps right here we need to get ready for this okay or just jump that’s fine freaking mounted bro these are the people that killed me yeah they’re and danced on me yep they danced on me just like that love it oh damn yeah they’re pretty

Ah yeah it takes me about like six you know they’re not dancing right now so not yet I mean the one was one definitely was but I’m G to call here because it’s 27 yeah you’re not doing anything Richie I have to go to the the restaurant in the morning why in the

Morning is that’s when your mom’s going to be there you think my mom’s going to be there in the morning you said be there at 12 that’s not the morning that’s technically the morning for me well for you yeah going I return the lobby um yeah no she’s probably There she gets there yeah around 1200 and then she meets my grandma for lunch at like 1 maybe 2 oh that one’s strong uhoh well I’ll see you tomorrow then Richie you sure will so somebody answer that goddamn Richie I need the Banana Phone what you say Mar I need the Banana

Phone why look at it if you go to fortnite I think it’s SL redeem and then type in banana here I could send it to you I thought I hold on I could try to send it to you got all the X-Men ones I do like

Gambit hold on let me find this oh no why is running man called Old School oh this one I just did that one it’s right here superhero Landing nice I’ve had that it’s so OG one I think these Roman Cokes are giving me a heartburn oh oh yeah it is MLK day

Tomorrow oh my God guys I really want to buy the mom’s spaghetti backpack that’s [ __ ] hilarious I will say I was obsessed with Eminem when I was younger look I’m a white Kitty now oh yeah nice looks like Bean a bean all righty I’m going get off too it was

Fun all right tell me that’s not the same obviously the eyes are different good night good night good night I just dropped something no all righty yeah this is how you guys get it bye bye thank you good night richo good night Richard good night GI

And sleep thanks for helping me with the tower not thank you for making me fall to my death dude there will be rash there will be many more accidents to come yeah is that a threat I’m going to make sure you get in them Richard I’m I don’t know what it is I’m

Prone to hurting myself and ones around me I sent it thank you I’ll check that outy avocado Hey Jake what’s your favorite uh simply nailogical video the one where they’re opening mail and then Damn by Richard what what’s your favorite simply nail logical video uh never heard did you just say never heard of her to be fair my favorite logical videos when they’re opening fan mail and they stick on that um thing on bendo’s forehead the suction cup yeah yes what are you doing

Tomorrow Richard I have told you about them so much so much she’s the nail lady that I tell you about I know I know who they are you just said never heard of her never been Uber before I never met you trying to play baldi’s gate tomorrow she left dude Baldi she left

Like a while ago yeah she dipped oh okay never mind it’s just us three Bud yeah I mean I love you guys yeah sure in spirit he does yeah I might do a solo Oh that one ended horribly so damn damn stream I’m going to play Boulders you’re GNA what in my stream

Huh have you have you hopped on at all Jake like hopped on it like yeah like hopped on oh wa never mind you have played B you played a bunch of he I was watching you play the one day oh rashita says she’ll play tomorrow you’re good you’re good I’m gonna be skating

Tomorrow oh dude I just cracked my neck so hell yeah jelly sometimes I’m like did I just break my neck yeah I’ve been there that’s scary Richard mermaids logic and m g says good night Rich oh good night Richard Richard rch Rancher I should figure out where I’m dropping [ __ ] Peterc oh yeah yeah Richard tell po Anarchy good night I thought I did good night night not all of them Richard good evening uhoh oh I dropped too soon I [ __ ] misclicked here Richard you could watch me fail at Boulders game I can’t watch people play games because especially games that I’ve

Played I just feel like you got to go this way you missed this oh see I appreciate that I want to make sure I get everything that’s a nice Bing I like that b listen to me well yeah cuz it’s you Ruder you K oh you killed all of them

Yeah I made the wolf eat herself it was pretty sweet B fun I convinced I don’t know why I convinced the whole pack to go attack the people inside the thing and then they turned on me after they killed them oh no and I was like oh you’re really going to just

Try and sit here and [ __ ] on me and then I just hello rashita you’re muted dead you go this guy rugan oh perception oh okay I know these people did you get this Mission yeah it’s the stronghold but I don’t think I could lockpick it right then and there like there honestly if

You were to open it you would fail the mission yeah so it’s honestly up to you if you just want to pick the whole chest up by itself and bring it over or just open it take the stuff and save the painter guy later well there is someone

Here [ __ ] that dude’s paintings are actually worth a lot of money so he becomes pretty profitable later on uh what’s his name again or whatever yeah I’m not good with names I can just tell you that he’s a painter guy he’s in a cave with bunch of Bandits I got to leave it’s

Like look at these journals you reach level five yet not yet I’m like Peter tottering on level five yeah you already and you already did the goblin camp and all that stuff Goblin yeah yeah I did that already yeah I only did it with three people is pretty insane that was pretty

Insane did you do with I did it with lasel Shadow heart and that’s it oh you didn’t say hson no I haven’t hson was in the the goblin Camp he was stuck in the cell you had was then you could have had Alon on your team

Too yeah I haven’t I haven’t I mean I have him but he’s not not uhoh Hello that was someone leaving I think it was Rashida no I came back on to watch balers gate oh sh just I want go to the secret ruins but I know I’ll die like instantly oh

Hello my crash somehow what is this dude it is fortnite they’re that’s lier oh my God yeah don’t don’t Mor don’t do do what no going up Chuck it’s it’ll end not oh no I’ve never drank that much where I threw up okay that’s good no I definitely know

Like I’m not that drunk right now yeah I mean I don’t know my limit cuz I’ve never been to that you know I don’t push myself that far that’s good but I will spill my drink on myself that’s what I will do he’s definitely done that a couple times okay

Richard I don’t need your sass oh no I was just letting you know that I know that you’ve done it a couple times okay to be fair I do that sober so it’s just worse when you’re drunk now I’m sticky and not in a fun way we didn’t even know

That we’re gonna kill Peter again she just just lurking in the background with her mic muted oh damn it I hate I’m watching Boulders gate yeah serious business it is serious really is H yeah oh she’s got a key are you munching is that why you’re

Muted why do I do do that to myself all right looks like I’m no it’s just cuz uh my cat like angsty right now your cat oh my God is he being a little baby oh talk to the cow dude he’s so [ __ ] cute I love your cat dead no not

That one the one inside oh okay no I don’t have I would kill for your cat let see oh it’s something’s blocking me such a precious little angel he just opened the door that’s crazy I didn’t know he could do that he’s a smart boy I really love cats he can uh give

High fives I know it’s so cute I [ __ ] love your cat it’s not too bad to 10 oh three Jesus get [ __ ] wrecked bro I know that’s a kind of a cheap kill but get [ __ ] wrecked one more one more come on hell yeah still counts yeah yeah on fire hell

Yeah I do not take [ __ ] now Bing down directly damn we can peel those off oh that’s good 12 oh yeah GG’s no re oh no is it like aroused e oh hell yeah what what’s aroused this ax the strange ax yeah in the Druid Camp yeah it’s in the it’s a frighten

Dox how do I get in here I need to do something here oh Richard are you munching yep what you eat gluten- free pretzels pretzels mm you say glutenfree ones yep where’s mine where’s yours mhm you don’t get n what you know that’s my favorite drunk snack I’m not mean to

You of course it is if I wasn’t mean to you it means I wouldn’t like you oh yeah it’s a tough love Bud damn that was quick he gave me that key quick oops oops didn’t I mean to do that someone’s on the train I’m about to

Die I actually have an extra bag so if I can buy I’ll bring it for you no that’s you don’t have to I won’t be drunk by then Richard yes help I’m dead oh I got 69th though it’s okay it’s the funny number 69 hell yeah nice thank

You rash poly Anarchy agrees that your cat is the cutest oh you saw it never mind he is very handsome he is such a handsome little boy little man he looks like he’s got a little tux on he does that’s awesome he’s just a Dapper little gentleman what a distinguished

Jan Jason Siberian makes we want more Siberians I did it I want like one of each color Siberian eventually if I had that kind of money I would now I got to go all the way over Dam I never figured out where I’m dropping all right we’ll try it again snoody steps unas

I’ll actually land there this time that’s funny that reminds me of uh what you call it that one movie Wild Wild West or something like that no not the Wild Wild West no he he can’t smoke he is an old man so it might be harder to break that habit you

Know what remember TR see the Wild Wild West uh the unomas unas it’s yeah it’s not it’s called like uh what it’s called what Jackie Chan and uh Owen wi oh yeah I [ __ ] love jackiechan like a ragd man mix be a big cat get down here

Get sorry the crunch is so real on these pretz yeah that’s why they’re the [ __ ] tits bro carlac on my team I love carlac yeah she’s a badass she says [ __ ] a lot and I like that it’s funny she’s so cute though like if if you romance her for real she’s so

Cute she like gets so excited which is adorable I love it she just wants love like just beyond that it let’s do that I have switch to an how do I get there man that sucks hell yeah can I have a bite Richard sure hell yeah where you live

Kind what kind of are they Arizona Arizona all I don’t know how to say that Mar what kind of pretzels are these sniders there it is that’s the word sers a nice but gluten-free ones oh that’s cool she does look like Elizabeth Banks in the best [ __ ] way I love Elizabeth

Banks Jesus it’s too close like a young Elizabeth Banks I feel like oh it’s at the goblin Camp e Goblin this dick you oh my God got him jeez the right for real I agree with have you guys been down here in the well yes it’s a spider done should I go

In there or no not now yeah there’s a boss I mean you’re almost level five he probably could take it if he played his cards right but it is a difficult fight you get a you get a really full robe from the spider if you kill it feel like you should definitely have

Aarion in your party before you go in I love aarion you don’t like his all girl squad I know right no it’s just it’s just um like if he can sneak around he’ll avoid a most of the fight or at least most of it too early honestly you just got to stay off

The spider webs and you won’t alert the bugs but that’s honestly how you get around is walking across the spider web Bridges there are a spider Walker boot somewhere in there why don’t I remember do you guys just light them on fire cuz you could burn them I believe yeah but they can

Teleport he asked if you could just burn the webs yeah oh yeah say to go here to talk to the leader really hope it’s in here have you been to the under uh not yet I’m saving that I know you saw like you saw a big like oneeyed monster

Or something yeah I die every time it’s level five I think the reason I never saw that is cuz I didn’t go through the side entrance I think you were going through a door on the side right yeah a door did you go the to the opposite side stairs

The the cell they had houseon in oh I know where you are yeah right now the stairs of Jason from the ones Dr on yeah up there and then uh it’ll be to the door the door yeah go through that little Hall over there the cells are at

I don’t know if hon will still be here since you killed all the Goblins he’s he’s in my team he’s at my Camp right now oh you didn’t have to set him free to get to him or did you not accept him to be on your team when you went to go

Kill all the Goblins here uh well he was on my team but he was just a bear and I had already four people I believe oh all right all right then don’t worry about going over this way okay sorry oh you’re good yeah right now he’s just chilling

My C I accidentally hit on him once before yeah I don’t really have him in my party either he’s more of a part Camp member my solo game consists of like just barbarians hell yeah well that’s a lie I got a St in there but yeah this is the under dark

Area I’ll show you guys real quick okay that way how I got to the underd dark the first try is you know you know that well that you were talking about earlier that I told you the spiders are yeah there’s a hole you can jump down and if you have feather falling

On you can get to the underd dark to jumping into that hole nice thly turn on all these C so I could see that’s the easiest puzzle in the world right there yeah I got it in my first try it was pretty crazy and I guess too

[ __ ] did you meet the mushroom people yet those guys are cool oh not yet dialog I’m going to shave my face oh I need to probably should in real life yeah yeah I’m kind of Scruffy right now are you going to keep the mustache me I I sure

Am you’re going to keep stash hell yeah I could never M if you also tell me no on the mustache I will shave the mustache off I’ve already been told no about by four other people women don’t like mustaches well I don’t know what it looks like on you but I’m just saying

Marin did describe it as a dirt stash so’s mean to me no I’m honest yes cuz I love you freaking mean to me to but she covers it up with it’s from the heart it is I wouldn’t lie to you that’s that’s more mean I I think I

Can pull off the mustache all right leave me alone out of your beard the mustache Marin out of his beard and his mustache the mustache is way better I think you should get rid of the beard that doesn’t exist I don’t think a solo mustache is a good

Idea I feel like Richie could pull it off it kind of gives a n Montoya like he’s just got to say like you killed my father prepared to die you know you you killed my the bad you’ve seen Princess Bride I don’t I can’t even use this poly

Anarchy wants to know if your facial hair keeps you warm in this weather no no really me yeah not for me either I mean he keeps keeps my upper lip toasty some of these guys hold these weapons I think the one thing I hated the most is when it’s like super C out

And then my nose runs my [ __ ] mustache freezes yeah is your mustache made of Tears how does it freeze dude how they not know I was dumb ass I was thinking you know that um sweater that SpongeBob made for Squidward out of his tears that’s what I’m

Picturing all right y about to die well don’t do that well poly Anarchy says you should shave it but we can only do what Rashida says so I I I don’t have an informed opinion I I uh I’m GNA recuse myself sh tomorrow so I’ll send a picture I started

They got allise mermaid’s logic wants to know how old you are Richard 25 25 dang youngers you’re going to be 26 this year yeah yeah a one ey monster what thee of the beholder no no that’s what your mom calls me got him one monster Dam it surpress surprise surprise

Surprise you can trap this thing in something and use it later you can oh no yeah my buddy did it I have no idea how he did it he we were fighting the one God in the second EG W and he threw it like FL is that thing the [ __ ] are you shooting

At don’t I that thing will delete you yep it’s going to do it anyway oops a no what the [ __ ] I like it eyeball it’s very pretty a that was Jack [ __ ] yo so finished my drinks so I’m going to keep playing that’s [ __ ] that was [ __ ] that right there

[ __ ] dude this this like the best I’ve played maybe I should drink more when I play fortnite oh what just like shot its own teammate oh no surprise surprise I’m reaching a point where the drinks are starting to taste like sing musical albums oh that Aur you cut that ax are starting to

Taste like albums like I should start singing musical albums oh okay oh you don’t have shatter no get up Shadow heart P it down to the sacks took my turn do you also hord SC oh my God I can’t talk hord Scrolls yes I have a [ __ ] load dude like

A lot is that a place you should would mind being serated all your inventory space oh dude I would I need that whose turn is it oh R do you still have youred I do it’s right behind me and it’s case has own dedicated Leah wants a lullaby a

Lullaby she’s trying to go back to sleep [ __ ] I mean I haven’t really played in like forever I just picked it up yesterday the first time in like a year damn where’s my thumb piano at about to die in the first three seconds has a song called I’m Bad at fortnite [Laughter]

A oh no I’m banging everyone hey yo who am I banging I’ll I’ll bang everyone I’m I identify as a threat I’m just stay right here actually that’s my identification oh I didn’t even see him oh can’t even hit a [ __ ] shot I can’t even hit the [ __ ]

Shot where’ he go I know there just somebody in this house just want to uncover the map finish my drink it’s like that ain’t going to happen Dam posted a picture of my Colima you have a Colima Yeah you guys got any requests I take requests mainly no musles and Taylor Swift like sing what’s that um song from Hamilton [ __ ] which one there’s a lot um trying to remember oh it’s called satisfied I love satisfied of course I can sing that ah he danced on me

[ __ ] let me just make sure that it’s okay with Tyler is that your cola this thing is almost dead are you guys going to jam together I think I have to move the mic back pretty dude I might do this holy hell thumbs dude turn my I freaking did it holy [ __ ] oh

Yeah Skyler I’m ly Manuel Miranda Eliza do that no no Thees Sais Dre not a strike me as a woman who has never been STIs why that’s my H uh ly Manuel Miranda impression don’t know yourself you’re like me you’re never satisfied is that right I barely know how to play bluebirds on Libo my name is Angelica Skyler Alexander Hamilton no No just you way so so so this is what it feels like to match with with someone that you love what the hell is the catch it’s the feeling of freedom of seen the light spend Franklin with the key and the kite you see it right conver conversation is two minutes maybe three

Minutes everything was in total agreement it’s a dream it’s a bit of a dance it’s a bit of a posture it’s a bit of a stance it’s a bit of a flirt but I might give him a chance I asked about his family did you see his answer his

Hand started fidgeting he looked as scans he’s penty liy sne by the seat of his pants handsome boy does he know in Peach Buzz cuz he can’t even grow it I want to take him far away from this place and I turn to see my sister’s face and she is helpless

And is heless and her are Hel truths the exact time she’s hitting notes that her mic doesn’t want to pick up so she keeps cutting in and out yeah sorry where are you taking me I’m about to change your life and by all means lead the way number one I’m a girl in my only is

To Father no the one who social for one I’m the oldest and the wittiest and the gossip and New York ciest and CEST Alexander’s Penn Elizabeth Skyler Skyler my Sister Yeah did Jordan send you the pictures of the duck food that she made no dude that [ __ ] looks so good I I was like wow I can post it in the food thing sure 30 Health 20 Health oh that’s person thought it was a bot cuz they’re so bad might be a

Bot that was surprisingly easy damn there I posted in the Food her presentation is spoton and I love it super Pretty Got what what I’m dead look at itand oh wow Jesus Christ that’s beautiful right was like I can almost taste the food All right I’m getting off I’m going to go to go get read and lay down righty good night Richie bye bye night Richard by I want to see Hamilton again I love that [Laughter] show Yeah I want to see it so bad I love that show damn it they’re all I’m a little sick of Lynn but I would see it like in person with like like I appreciate everything that he’s done but it’s just become a quite bit too much for for me personally

24hour stream let’s go I’m not doing that um it’s GNA be quite a long stream but I shotgun yeah I take your quests let me know I just really like singing it’s just fun that fo steps yes yeah I dude how do they not grab this shotgun no next God damn it My whole for you page on Tik Tok has been full of Mean Girls stuff is the new movie that came out D they’re all right there [ __ ] mainly stupid with love I didn’t know there was a new Mean Girls movie not it’s a movie Musical and

Uh they kind of [ __ ] up both the movie and the musical Dam it they tried to appeal too much to like j z and they they should have just went with the songs from the [ __ ] musical I don’t know why they keep trying to change it

They take out songs and then they like do rearrangements for the songs that don’t [ __ ] work and that make the actresses and actors sound like [ __ ] like if you listen to like the main track that’s an issue is stupid with love which is a really [ __ ] good song from the

Musical but if you listen to the way that the composers arranged it for the movie it’s [ __ ] up and it makes her sound horrible like it’s so much more a beat and like a fun song compared to what they did in the movie it just like very lackluster and very um boring

Honestly so when did the the movie come out uh this past weekend so I definitely recommend if you’re going to see it listen to the Broadway tracks first I’m gonna go see it still obviously but yeah I’ll need to find a slime tutorial yeah there’s bound to be a ton

That is really popular if you do get a chance to see that live I definitely recommend it we got to see it when I was touring through our city through Buffalo so I have seasoned tickets at our local Peter with my mama and it’s like I love it sorry go ahead it’s like

Genuinely funny and like just a really good show I’m sorry continue I just don’t know anything about the uh I don’t know Canadian theater scene yeah like I know um I think is it Stratford has something happening there um but I’ve never been I did direct a play in high school

That was supposed to shown at the uh sear drama Festival but I think they canell it that year I never actually got to present it that sucks what uh show is it um it was a play called delicatessan that was written for the Sears Festival in

1995 h yeah um it’s about two robbers who rob a deli and then halfway through the robbery they realize that they’re on stage dude that sounds so fun yeah and they can see the audience um but no one else in the deli can dude that sounds [ __ ]

Amazing it was pretty cool I can send you the script yeah totally that sounds awesome I went to theater I really wish you went to theater College yeah I have an Associates in theater and Randy has a theater you said that you got a a music degree of some

Kind uh just theader degree like General theader oh okay I got my Varsity letter in high school in music I’ve done some like Shakespeare I’ve done a lot of Musicals my favorite play that I was in was juvie by jome MCD [ __ ] yes dude Jake really likes that play he really sorry yeah hell yeah sorry I just finally won this part in Boulder’s Gate yeah that that play was super what’s it about um it’s about a

Bunch of kids that get sent through the like juvenile facilities for various um crimes that they’ve committed and they’re like stories and they each get like a separate monologue and stuff and it’s really good and I got to be the lead and the costume designer for

It whoa look at this camp and that was really fun and I I love that show so much we did a like series deep dive and that was a a lot of fun doing like all the dramaturgy for it and uh we said it in like

1985 so I got to do like costumes for 1985 era which was just so [ __ ] fun yeah it was really good I played if you ever like look up the script for it I played pinky she’s um like a drug dealer and uh she sells like drugs laced with

[ __ ] that gets some people killed and she’s kind of like an ass whole person but it was really fun to play that and there’s a record you cut out oh there’s a recording yeah somewhere in that col do you have it no I wish I also barely have any photos from it because

We got like professional air quotes because it was a student photos done of it so I don’t really have any photos of the work that I did like the costuming on that show mhm get [ __ ] wrecked [ __ ] dude I think Jake’s trying to hit on sorry I’m just I’m just talking to

Her I haven’t really like talked to her at all so it’s like my first time really is your character ever I have no idea honestly dude that game was so going so well going so well I got oh no bed that’s not fornite for me that was like one of my best games

Dude dude I’ve never hit sniper shots like that why don’t I play Drunk more I’m really good it’s a dangerous road yeah I ain’t going sleepy here’s some cats look at the cats love the cats I should probably go to bed it’s like 3:15 here which Rashida means it’s 3:15 for you

Too I got up at like noon I mean same because I stayed up till and I don’t have work tomorrow also same same I do have plans nice me too at noon interesting oh too bad Richer’s not here there’s hen right there to be honest I’m pretty sure Richard likes carlac carlac

Yeah where that go I split that good night Megan good night Meg Megan oh it’s in the other that’s why something good here I hope Megan says good luck Jake thank you appreciate that hell yeah hell yeah is that pack there it is hopefully there’s no cut scenes No parasites no

Nothing regular thank you gosh righty a lot holy cow let’s see level three necromancy spell NE hell yeah wounding Ray Ray of fear for enter targets hell yeah to this people over here all right I think it’s just says there’s nine people watching but as far just Polly

And Megan have a good night guys um the lurkers that are watching thank you for watching um not sure when I’ll stream next but I’ll do a Sim stream as well as a Jack box for you guys yeah hell so have a good night guys thank you bye Bye well somebody answer that damn Phone Well somebody answer That Yeah

This video, titled ‘Tipsy Phasmo now minecraft now fortnite with trolls’, was uploaded by Morrin J on 2024-01-15 08:49:53. It has garnered 293 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 06:38:24 or 23904 seconds.

we back bb

  • Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round

    Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters BONUS REMATCH Join Dream in his latest Minecraft adventure, the BONUS REMATCH of Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters! This thrilling and unscripted video brings together Dream and three hunters in an intense chase through the Minecraft world. The Minecraft Manhunt Series Dream has dubbed this series “Minecraft Manhunt,” where he faces off against multiple hunters instead of the usual one or two. In this video, the hunters include Daybroken, Harvey, and Galaxy, each bringing their unique strategies to stop Dream from completing the game. A New Challenge This time, the challenge involves Minecraft version 1.20,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

    Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations Minecraft Mob Transformations: Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft Creatures 🌟 Welcome to Villager’s Craft! In this video, we delve into the captivating realm of Minecraft mob transformations. Have you ever pondered under what circumstances a Zombie Villager can revert to a regular Villager or how other mobs evolve in the game? 🤔 From morph mods to in-game transformations, we’re exploring all the ways Minecraft creatures can undergo changes. Exploring Minecraft 1.21 and Beyond 🚀 In this video, we’re immersing ourselves in the world of Minecraft 1.21! We’re delving into everything from constructing the ultimate Iron Golem Farm 🛠️ to… Read More

  • Pranks & Shenanigans: PondFairyVods Variety

    Pranks & Shenanigans: PondFairyVods Variety Minecraft Puzzle Map Adventure with Pond and Majikz Embark on a Mind-Bending Journey Join Pond and Majikz in their thrilling Minecraft adventure as they tackle the challenges of the Variety Puzzle Map. Dive into a world where logic, creativity, and teamwork are essential to overcome obstacles and progress through the game. Unraveling the Mysteries In the Variety Puzzle Map, players are faced with a series of intricate puzzles that test their problem-solving skills. From navigating mazes to deciphering cryptic codes, every step brings them closer to unraveling the mysteries hidden within the map. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work Pond… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video showcasing a working Minecraft item duplication glitch with over 2.6 million downloads. While the video itself is quite intriguing, it got us thinking – why not take your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a dynamic and exciting Minecraft server like Minewind? Minewind offers a unique and immersive gameplay experience that will keep you hooked for hours on end. With a thriving community of players from all around the world, you’ll never run out of adventures to embark on… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Wild Ride

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Wild Ride In the world of Minecraft, anything can occur, From monsters to explosions, chaos to endure. Each episode brings surprises, adventures to find, With challenges at every turn, testing the mind. Subscribe to see what’s next, in this wild ride, Leave a thumbs up if you’re on this Minecraft tide. Share your thoughts in the comments, what should I face? In this game of twists and turns, in this virtual space. Join me on this journey, through blocks and through caves, In this world of creativity, where anything saves. Minecraft, the game that never fails to excite, With each new… Read More

  • Unveiling the Origins of Demons and Magicians

    Unveiling the Origins of Demons and Magicians The Origin of Demons and Magicians in Minecraft Unveiling the Mysteries of Minecraft In the captivating world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, the latest episode titled "Origin of Demons and Magicians" takes players on a thrilling adventure. This Minecraft animation, accompanied by an enchanting soundtrack, delves into the origins of two powerful entities – demons and magicians. Exploring the Depths of Minecraft Lore The episode introduces viewers to a rich tapestry of lore, shedding light on the origins of demons and magicians within the Minecraft universe. As players navigate through this immersive storyline, they uncover the secrets… Read More

  • Minecraft AI: Lord of the Rings Adventures

    Minecraft AI: Lord of the Rings Adventures Embark on an Epic Journey Through Middle-Earth in Minecraft! Experience the magic of Middle-Earth like never before as you delve into the AI-created world of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ within Minecraft. This incredible video takes you on a breathtaking adventure through iconic locations from the beloved fantasy series, meticulously recreated with stunning detail in the blocky universe of Minecraft. Explore the Shire, Rivendell, and Mordor Step foot into the peaceful and picturesque Shire, home to the hobbits and their cozy hobbit-holes. Wander through the lush green fields, marvel at the quaint village of Hobbiton, and immerse yourself in… Read More

  • Sneaky DIY: Godly Sharingan Mod, Teleported! v0.2.6

    Sneaky DIY: Godly Sharingan Mod, Teleported! v0.2.6 Minecraft Mod Update: Narutoto Ninja World The latest update for the Minecraft mod Narutoto Ninja World brings exciting changes and additions to the game. Players can now experience a whole new level of gameplay with these enhancements. Let’s dive into the details of what this update has to offer! Eye Transformations and Quick Commands One of the significant changes in this update is the transformation of the eyes’ appearance, no longer appearing as helmets. Additionally, players can now utilize quick commands when selecting ninja scrolls, adding a new level of convenience to the game. Sharingan Adjustments and New Abilities… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Parkour Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Parkour Adventures! Are you a fan of parkour in Minecraft? Do you enjoy watching videos of skilled players navigating challenging obstacles and showcasing their agility? If so, you need to join Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a vibrant community of players who love all things Minecraft, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience. From epic PvP battles to creative building competitions, there is never a dull moment on this server. Join now and immerse yourself in a world of endless possibilities. Explore new biomes, conquer challenging parkour courses, and make new friends along the way. The IP address for Minewind… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend! I Fooled My Friend with PRIME in Minecraft! Join the Beem Team as they embark on a hilarious Minecraft adventure! In this episode, Matthew Beem (aka MBeem10 aka Matthew Beem Gaming) pranks his friend using custom Prime mods. The result? An intense and laughter-filled gaming experience that you won’t want to miss! Pranking with Prime Mods The Beem Team takes Minecraft to a whole new level by incorporating custom Prime mods into their gameplay. These mods add a unique twist to the game, allowing for unexpected surprises and plenty of entertainment. Watch as Matthew Beem uses these mods to… Read More

  • Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise!

    Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise! In the world of Minecraft, a giant mushroom grew, Secretly raised by a player, a sight so new. With zombies and plants, a battle ensued, In the realm of gaming, where fun is pursued. Subscribe to Z_Phragmites for more gaming delight, Updates on Plants vs Zombies, a thrilling sight. With each video, a new adventure takes flight, In the world of gaming, where dreams ignite. Read More

  • Villager’s Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme

    Villager's Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme Surprising Villager Logic: "I’ll trade you 20 emeralds for a piece of rotten flesh!" Oi Oi Oi Sleep Reaction: villager falls asleep standing up Minecraft logic at its finest! #shorts #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Maizen’s 3D House INSIDE Mikey’s HAND?! (Minecraft)

    Maizen's 3D House INSIDE Mikey's HAND?! (Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Maizen 3D on 2024-06-13 18:10:50. It has garnered 2698 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:25 or 2305 seconds. How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!

    EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ TV on 2024-02-15 12:01:44. It has garnered 4691 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:26 or 926 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of… Read More

  • EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!

    EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arceus FF gaming is live!minecraft survival island’, was uploaded by Arceus FF gaming on 2024-06-23 18:38:42. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:37 or 2557 seconds. Iam not a youtuber but we will try #videos #games @arceus ff gaming Read More

  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

    Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ketakutan Yang Ada – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 25 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Rolfeey on 2024-08-28 02:25:38. It has garnered 12145 views and 815 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:49 or 4009 seconds. Support the stream: ➽ Description !! Command Night bot !spec !donate !discord ➽Read Sekuyyy ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ And Dont Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Video !! See Ya ➽Help Me Reach 100,000 subs!! : / rolfeey​ ➽Discord : / discord ➽Contact Me : Instagram: / rolfeey2 Twitter : / yourstar_2 Discord : Rolfeey 📧Business Email… Read More

  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – 💵TRADE HaYaRy – ✅VK GROUP – ✅TWITCH –… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

  • Minecraft Build Hacks – EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!

    Minecraft Build Hacks - EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build Hacks Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20 [ Part 1 ] #minecraft #shorts #shortsvideo #mcpe #build’, was uploaded by Creyou Playz on 2024-03-23 11:30:11. It has garnered 10142 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #minecraft #short #trending #minecraftjava #mcpehindi #minecraftshorts #youtubeshortsr #youtubeshortsr #shorts #shortvideo #shortvideo #subscribe #shortsvideo #shortsvideo #status #shortsfeed #song #share #sad #music #meme #motivational #naruto #mobilelegends #m#youtubeshortsr #makeup #asmr #anime #art #attitude #army #animals #amazing #alightmotion #alightmotion #ajjubhai #minecraft top shaders 1.19 #minecraft #roblox #cake recipe #chainsaw man #chod video #cubecraft #evident #eystreem #famous water park #football… Read More