MossLogic vs. Grave Intentions: Minecraft Death Match!

Video Information

Hey everybody Moss logic here and welcome to another uh episode of the Minecraft uh challenge uh creater challenge yeah so if you haven’t seen the last video that I just put out I did this uh same challenge which is called grave intentions uh in Java and now

We’re going to do it in uh Bedrock so let’s go ahead and uh get this started and what what it is is we need to uh see how many different unique ways we can uh die so and that means um actually you know they have to be uh unique otherwise it

It it doesn’t count so just dying a bunch of times you you don’t get any score so you only get uh a score for each unique death so anyways we got a bed and we need to go ahead and start this uh timer this is part of uh alam’s

Uh pack on a previous one and just kind of reused it um no we don’t need at we need to set the time and then hard mode and that should put us into survival with a 15minute timer perfect so we have 15 minutes to see how many deaths we

Could get and I saw something behind me earlier when I was kind of doing my intro so what I want to do here first is is um get my health down as uh as far as uh we can without um actually dying oh uh good double that’s a bonus um this

Takes a little while because then then you got to you got to wait for your hunger bar to go down one so that way you don’t regen oh and another double I’m becoming a pro at this uh let’s see I think one more ought to do it oops uh

We don’t want want a soft Landing we want to okay there we go perfect okay so as you can see this is called uh punch the Bees home and have them kill you um it’s a great game and where am I oh oh no this is not even like spawn

Spawn so I don’t know how I ended up here but okay um you know uh oh well we just roll with it um let’s go ahead and um get a couple other deaths out of the way and um H there’s uh some water over here let’s um just go ahead and see if

We could get so this one uh this takes kind of the longest um hang on a second I was kind of distracted um you know what actually I see a village so let’s head over there we can get a bed there that way um what happened uh uh previously doesn’t um happen

Again okay so we’re at one death and that’ll make two okay so there’s two from oh I forgot I was going to get a bed okay well um okay we’ll go for that later let’s just get these slow deaths out of the way um this one so there’s um

Two um kind of uh High um fall damage so the one is falling from a high place and this one that I’m doing right now that takes like forever in a day unless you have happen to have a cactus um or um one of those uh prickly bushes or some

Other means to bring your hearts down um this one is uh hit the ground too hard so so these will actually be so this will be number uh three so um that it takes forever though but once we get this out of the way um we’re freeing clear okay perfect

So now we have three we’ll go ahead and make our way over to this Village I have a few ideas and um and that’s okay if we take some damage along the way usually at Villages um you have uh iron um Golems you know those and they Mash your face

Very quickly so I’m hoping for that I’m going to check this um River here for drown um we also can check for uh magma uh blocks Cube whatever they’re called um and I could just drown right now there’s a a drown actually so there’s um two drown deaths actually you could get

Killed by a drown but then the drown with I call them um poked drown uh they could impel you with their uh with their with their Poké stick so um that didn’t sound right uh that I what is that called a a trident oh lava perfect okay let’s hurry

Up and find I was oh um I actually um want this okay so and uh you’re you’re probably going to be like you’re you’re insane why do you why do you want a sword you will you will see you’ll you’ll see I’m I’m going to go ahead and

Put that sword there now I just need a bed um and then there’s an iron golem I believe up on top there that I saw so um let’s go ahead and there’s no door to that house or did I did I did I not oh whatever I just I’m just I don’t know

Why I’m checking the chest I already got the sword um there we go that’s what we need right there b okay all right so um let’s put this near that chest and um I’ll kind of make that um a thing um for now there there it is okay

Perfect all right now let’s go get this Iron Golem um if we could get to him he’s got to be uh somewhere to there he is let me give you a flower perfect that’s a good one because that’s fast if only the rest of the

Deaths uh could be that fast um now this one’s going to take a little bit of time cuz I don’t have a uh tool um to break this but this is a good opportunity and now I I could jump into it but if you do that you miss another opportunity and

That is to die by fire cuz that lava is going to spread like right here and and catch things on fire and that is actually um another death I I’m actually losing count so what I’m going to have to do is go back during editing and

Count these so you will be seeing a tally um when I actually am doing this so um so you’ll be able to count along but I think we’re doing pretty good we’re a little bit behind but if we could get lucky um then this will be

Fantastic so I know there’s a drown in here cuz I saw him on the way when I was swimming and let’s just um take care of another death okay so we’ll go ahead and uh bury ourselves here with sand um I need to go down one more so I have a

Place to place the sand perfect and unfortunately this one takes a little bit but not quite as long as that whole jumping thing that just took way too long so okay now that we got that out of the way we could also drown in the water um or just let a drown um

Mash our face in so we’ll let him there we go okay and hopefully we can find um the poked drown I’m going to check over here real quick um I was hoping I’d be able to make a run for the snowy Hills and um possibly get a snow death

And maybe um a death by a stray uh kind of a good thing about um straddling a couple biomes um but they’re a little bit far away so that might not happen um the other thing I thought I’m like man if I could find a one wondering trador I can punch his llama

Um no such luck so far though and I don’t think we’re going to see one but um you never know um we’re not in Ocean so no no dolphin death this time um but lookie here Magma Cube lovely lovely magma uh block Cube thing block

So okay and now we could just drown but uh did you see what I saw I don’t know if you all saw that but that was a stalagmite um nope just checking real quick um I kind of don’t want to drown but it is a death that I need so if I if

I do drown not a big deal but I want to double check yep there it is um let’s see maybe if I could uh get a breath on here and I could punch that thing out and no okay that’s okay um that’s a drown uh not a drown but a drowned ad

Death okay can you get out of the hole idiot um okay let’s um actually looks like there’s a um little bit shorter way over there I don’t have to um swim to so but I can use the magma block to get air while I try to punch this uh stag bite

So and and then I’ll show you a really uh a really awesome death uh this this is some lucky stuff right here um why oh okay let we can um oh I think I’m punching the block underneath okay hang on let’s get some air okay um I need to punch more at the

The base of it yeah this should take care of that and then I might need to grab some a again or as long as I can get up in time then that’s fine if I take a little damage obviously it doesn’t really matter let’s see where I

Got it all right um yeah I’ll get a little bit of air just to make sure I get up okay I don’t want to I don’t want to lose um oh man I don’t want to lose uh this the lag Mite cuz uh this is yet another uh death that’s that’s some

Lucky stuff right there um that I I I don’t even know how how to explain uh my fortune cuz uh check this out yes this is called jump on a stalagmite stalagmite parkour yeah there we go impaled on a stag Mite okay so now um let’s see if we can find

Um is there another drown here um okay NOP same guys all right uh we’ll come back to that uh maybe oh maybe over here actually um uh okay oh H this that Bedrock bug so goofy it’s like you come up uh you’re above the water but you’re still

Drowning okay um zombies oh that’s fine um go ahead uh Feast upon my uh flesh thanks okay let’s um oh oh look at this witch ah yes witch come uh yeah can you man you know I swear I used to have the biggest trouble with witches uh before but um let’s see

There we go okay killed by witch magic um man um I can’t wait to see the uh the tally of this thing cuz I know we’re going to get a couple here we’re we’re probably going to get a skeleton that shouldn’t be too hard um yeah can you shoot me at least I

Thought man if I can get end oh the spider got me man if I can get an Enderman that would be fantastic too which you’ve already had your turn I would just want okay I just want to get H hit by a skeleton and a and a skeleton only thank

You um oh man and she had to be right here of course um okay enough of that noise um okay I want to find a spider and um okay so that didn’t count cuz that was uh a duplicate death I want to see if I could get that uh sword

Back let’s see okay and if I’m lucky enough um I don’t okay good creeper so that’ll be another one we’ll come back to him in a minute um I just want this spider here this is this has turned out to be really good okay check this out um

Why okay well oh oh lucky um okay unfortunately he didn’t throw his Trident but he’s right over here um oh we’re going to get our second uh drown death so this one you’ll see why it’s Unique because instead of being uh just killed by a drown you’re impaled to

Death by a drown so it actually is a different death um creeper fantastic come here creeper Let’s uh have a party uh yeah that was uh great so let’s uh we need to be uh okay we need to actually get killed by a spider um and um if we can find a zombie

Villager um super fantastic I’m thinking what if I eat this uh zombie flesh no I don’t need you again nope you’re old uh old news um I was think can I get hungry by eating oh look at that um we are about to get a zombie villager check this out man we still

Have a minute left um do the kids um oh nope okay now we’re a little bit uh okay little bit man I wonder if I if I can get a spider death um did I already get a spider death actually I think I missed the spider

Death I think I killed it and and tried to eat its eye and nothing happened I thought I thought I would die by poison um there’s a spider okay and okay zombie villager see so that actually not the same as a zombie okay so I’m trying to remember

What deaths we have left to do we only have um well coming up here 15 seconds um was there um did I do a spider I know I tried to eat the spider eye that didn’t work out the way I planned it um so I thought for sure I get poisoned to

Death um but looks like the challenge is over but I I think that was a good run um I’m going to have to uh uh tally my score by looking back at this video but um you don’t have to wait for that because I’ve already um edited it and um

You know um the tally right now so uh the spoiler alert anyways um I hope you enjoyed this video and uh you know we’ll uh see you next time bye-bye everybody

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creator Challenge 33: Time to die with Grave Intentions!’, was uploaded by MossLogic on 2023-12-12 12:00:25. It has garnered 53 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:11 or 1031 seconds.

Challenge 33: Grave Intentions Challenge, Bedrock Edition

Back to Bedrock and I think we turned out a good score! This was my favorite challenge and was a lot of fun! If you haven’t checked out the last video where I try the challenge on Java, check it out… Also, you can view my Minecraft Creator Challenger Series…

GOAL: The goal is to die in as many different ways as possible before the moon is right above your head. The person with the most unique deaths wins!

RULES: Create a brand new survival world with cheats on.

Game Difficulty: Hard

No map mods. Zoom is allowed.

Starter Items: 1 bed

If using a datapack, just create the world with the settings above and go.

If playing without,

1) Create the world with the settings above.

2) Give yourself a bed.

3) Set your gamemode to Survival.

4) Set gametime to day (/time set day)

Time is up when the moon is right above your head (14,000 ticks).

The person with the most unique deaths wins!

Challenge ends: January 7th-ish ________________________________________________________________

Music: Chopin’s Marche Funebre, performed by Mosslogic

#minecraftjava #minecraft #minecraftchallenge #minecraftdeath

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    Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: Prison Escape Challenge in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizen & Mikey | Friends on 2024-05-28 07:50:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. We have a competition again! Today we will find out which of us is the better prison builder! After construction, we have a … Read More

  • Bowser’s Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT Shorts

    Bowser's Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT ShortsVideo Information 我的车不再有用了。你对他做了什么? 我只在上面放了一点熔岩,但 你为什么要这么做呢?因为它看起来 很漂亮。你疯了。就像我的 车加了熔岩后看起来会更好一样。 This video, titled ‘EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts’, was uploaded by NICO2DSCRAFT on 2024-06-06 20:30:01. It has garnered 10794 views and 411 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #nico2ds #Nico2dscraft Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥

    🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥Video Information huh [Music] [Music] okay oh no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no yeah This video, titled ‘Conquering the Nether dimension in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by 👇TAP THE LINK👇 on 2024-03-13 05:41:12. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More


    🤑 SENORGIRAFFE: INSANE QUICK RICHES SOTW (OP) 🤑Video Information yo what is up guys my name is Senor giraffe and we are here again for a brand new prison series on giraffe. lucky. net now this is the third season on minlucky and they have added quite a few things one of the biggest things is payout so I know a lot of you guys when you grinded did want to possibly get rewarded and they’ve added that if we type SL lb or leaderboards you will see they have highest ranks top blocks mind top tokens top gems top rubies all this stuff right here and… Read More

  • Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340

    Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340Video Information so hallo und herzlich willkommen zu diesem Stream ich h es geht euch allen gut und heute bin ich natürlich wieder für euch live am 15.062024 um 11:13 uh und 49 Sekunden herzlich willkommen hi FIS the bubble hi Lias und hi Lucky Juno herzlich Willkommen an Euch alle drei schön dass Ihr da seid ich hoffe es geht euch gut zu spät kann man das nicht nennen weil am Ende haben wir zwar 11 Uhr ausgemacht ja aber das heißt nicht dass es so fix ist kann ich mitspielen du kannst mitspielen ja du müsstest halt auf… Read More

  • 🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #Hindi

    🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #HindiVideo Information तो गाइस आ गया [संगीत] मैं लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे गेमर लो लाइक लाइक कर दो लाइक कर दो जल्दी जल्दी यो किंग इज बैक अबे कौन है किंग हेलो लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे नए हो तो चैनल पर सब्सक्राइब मार दो अ डिकोड जा रहा रुद्र गेमिंग वाटी आय ओपी गेमर आय बहुत सारे मड आ रहे स्म [संगीत] में लाइक करके आ जाओ स्काई लेजेंड गेमिंग एफफ लाइक करो इतने सारे मोड्स ज्यादा ही हो रहा है मेरा शंकर किंग कौन से एमपी अबे एसएमपी बोलो एसएमपी हमारा न्यू डार्क एसम पी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!

    Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!Video Information make your friend spell run or he officially SP no no cuz you thought you thought I a had brck n now hit me hit him let let him hit him go go got aim my zombie [ __ ] it though bro it’s your life wake up hell no no wait no it’s it’s becoming day now it’s coming day now you already know Chop Chop N Chill Out oh my God CH am I am I crazy am I crazy at the game you know what am I crazy at the game chat look how fast… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaislive

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaisliveVideo Information start here guys hello hello hello yo yo Queen blink y Parky Arts yo PG PGG gamer hello black hello hello hello black sorry hello hello MC yeah 1 12.1 ID I what I don’t okay guys okay noise yes guys noise hello yes hello G magnet good thing hello [Music] [Music] 355 I I please create your own SMP with subscribe zes nice nice unsit oh zes zie please oh but hello 69 level guys how are you 95 what are you doing thank you thank you live and I’m so must [Music] out out to message… Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Any money we generate goes completely to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? 🌍 Stability: Our server, up and lagless since June 2020, will never reset its massive 35,000×35,000 map! 🚫 Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is what we promise to sustain. 🎁 Giving Back: Excess donations support various charities and giveaways. 🌈 Inclusivity: Hate speech isn’t tolerated here, any and all are welcome here as ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL. 🤖… Read More

  • RESET! DynastyCraft – 1.12.2 Modded Medieval

    RESET! DynastyCraft - 1.12.2 Modded MedievalDynastyCraft – Modded 1:135 Earth Factions set in the Dark AgesServer Modpack: Server: our Dynasty Tree: Read More