Ms Vixen – Late Night Building | Insane Tips & Subscribers!

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What up chat hello oh my God the zombies are so loud in the game turn this down what’s up froggy puff hello more Minecraft yes sir hopefully everything works what’s up Andy from Twitter what up demise on YouTube what up what up what up what up logic Sharky

Uh James uh Peter from on Twitter um Fenris oh cool look oh thank you I just was like I’m not going to do anything crazy just put on a hoodie a hoodie and chill um thank you tall Rock 35 for the 41 months hope everybody’s having a good

Day oh [ __ ] it’s not even showing my trying to show uh the wrong game or the wrong uh console there it is this one there we go hi crispy what’s up warer what’s up jar hi electron good to see you how’s everybody doing I wish we could have a white

Christmas and uh New Zealand yeah it’s weird that it must be like I can’t I can’t even imagine like being in an area that it’s like summertime what’s up Jamie welcome to those that are on Twitter I I don’t know like if you if you’re trying to watch and you can’t

Type anything I don’t know how to change the setting to for not allowing just verified users on there to chat with me but if you are on Twitter and you’re trying to talk to me what’s up John uh if you are trying to talk to me and

Everything and you like like to um chat go to my twitch or my YouTube It’s the Miss Vixen on YouTube t h msv ixen or missor Vixen on uh twitch which is msor v iix n so I apologize to those that are like on Twitter I noticed that a few of you

Joined and that’s that’s cool I’m so glad I can actually stream on uh Twitter or X whatever it called now you’re good hell yeah you can talk in here okay what’s up big mouth I wasn’t sure if you were able to yeah I’m on Twitch Youtube kick and Twitter join the YouTube

Crew yeah electron is usually on uh on YouTube I see like Jackie and electron in there usually talking what’s up uh Zen uh Prime hello hope everybody’s having a great night you’re on Kick what’s up Enoch hello oh it’s you said that on Twitter oh okay what’s up dragon

Josh you send you you tend to jump on YouTube check it out gotcha what’s up uh was it Vlog hello welcome to the stream oh [ __ ] what a fun night was on uh Mario Kart huh Mario Kart was so fun oh no I just did that on on

Accident this is the earliest this is actually quite late this is pretty damn late all we go our inventory system in the works shooting up what’s up Reed it’s always fun yeah I’m sure torturing me you can’t hear the game I turned it down make sure it’s working I’ll turn it

Up got it it’s working I from Puerto Rico hello hi arm of God what’s up Sean you’re from the land of snakes and spiders yeah no thank you no thank you all right hopefully that’s better yeah if you guys are new and all that stuff be sure to hit the follow

Button welcome to my uh notification crew I’m guessing welcome welcome welcome um so hopefully you don’t have any audio issues I don’t know what happened last night but I rebooted the PC check the drivers seemed like everything was up to date so I don’t know another eight hours on the same project

Joke yeah that’s usually what happens for giant projects all right we’re going to put the subblocks in the inventory system made oh nice that’s awesome Reed good [ __ ] did Mike ever build that Snowman no never I think he thoroughly hates the Snowman we should build one for him where is his

House we can build a giant snowman in his house like have it going through the roof and his head is like sticking out of his house out of out of the roof bye Josh’s what’s up uh Leo leoi and Katie on Twitter and Shadow what up Twitter

Peeps big house Builder I like to do both I’d like to do both the M it’s fun it’s up on top is it the TNT did he choose that one did he choose Evan’s old house I might try to put like giant uh snowman all over his

House oh it’s that one next to oh yeah we can do something with that oh yeah I I know exactly where he is in okay yeah we can we can giant build a giant snowman we’ll put all of the resources we tear down in a box like but

Make a giant snowman in his house and have the head sticking up uh through the Top I’ll be like this is what happens when you don’t want to build a snowman with me more wieners it’s got to be it’s got how about how about a snowman with a giant [Laughter] wiener compromise right is a good compromise deal who’s on the server these days well

Right now it’s just Robbie Josh and [Laughter] I the snow schlong it be it it be it it will be a giant snowman with a big penis uh but yeah the people are in the server it’s uh there’s crash that joins she’s my di bro any of my mods are allowed to

Join oh what happened ragen 60 months tier 2 what up what up salt hi Garrett got to make the pp offline so twitch doesn’t get mad no it’s fine I know they won’t get mad I made a giant penis on my uh penis boat on raft remember my giant uh raft with

The huge balls for engines what’s up Zachary C Clark on Twitter what’s up I you know I don’t think twitch and we’ve been naked on uh the uh Conan server I mean we just literally let the titty titties fly so I think it’s okay yeah we’ll just say it’s art right

That’s the that’s the that’s the thing you say these days right oh no no it’s art no why are you mad at my art you know we’ll just pull that card right that’ll be good it’s art it’s the god of it’s the Frozen God of [Laughter] fertility right we’ll do weit that’s that’s

Good it’s it’s the frosty version of fertility the god of fertility I don’t know trying to think of excuses man what the [ __ ] I don’t know I’m just thr out ideas how you doing sharp yeah CL like claim it’s art yeah it’s art all of you got to back you got

To you guys got to back me up though I can’t I can’t be the only one saying oh yeah this is Art you know you got to be like oh yeah that love that art I would have put it on my wall like and then then maybe we will be

Like yeah that’s see people were even willing to buy my art we I don’t know Robbie I’m just trying to think of stupid [ __ ] yeah they said in game we’ll have no issue cuz it’s still part of the game and literally like in Conan you pick

Like out your titty size and your and your peee size you’re guy know yeah we love Frosty wieners yeah see see I I got to appease the masses right everybody wants to see the frosty penises um Mom and Dad if you’re you’re watching right now I’m sorry

So right now we’re putting sub blocks in here yeah we can uh so Robbie in order to do that we’re going to need a lot of snow if you have a project and you want to start a project like that we have to get

Snow for 20 cheers I have my we I have some weed in the front but I wasn’t going to smoke right now I was going to wait for a little bit hi Itachi good to see you yeah it’s good to see everyone hopefully everybody’s having a good day

Sorry it’s so late but just let me know it’s a we’re talking about building a snowman and and then uh jar was like or penises and I was like well why not a giant snowman with a with a big penis but we want to put it in Mike’s uh house

I plan to get baked on Christmas yay good [ __ ] I can do that hell yeah or instead of like maybe we’ll put it on top of his house how about it’s a giant snowman on top of his I can do that I’m pretty I can make yeah I can do

That how about we cuz I don’t want to break anything down we can put it on top of his house like a Hu like the size of his house will be the this the you know width of it I can do that we don’t have to you

Don’t have to destroy anything I don’t want to destroy anything but it’ be funny if you add to it and then this way we can make the Snowman of a big peeee on top of his house I was thinking about like making him have a big pee peee but it comes out

Of his door you know like what Ian you know what I mean like you have his nose and you have his you know midsection on the roof and then but in the house would be this bottom part with the giant penis going out of his door but we can do it

On top of his house have I decided uh a name for the Snowman we’ll call him Mike no wait it would have to be be a tiny pee PE snowman if it was Mike um I don’t know we’ll have to we might give uh jar the the task of naming the

Snowman because he’s really good with names hold on put my subblocks in here make the penis look like he’s doing Mike’s house that would be tough I look okay guys you guys are getting really like like look I I’m not a pro Builder okay I’m still in the I I think I think

I think a giant snowman sitting on top of his house with a big pee PE will be good what’s up confused duck a dick on a house it’d be literally a dick in the dick in a box if it was if we put it in the house it’s a trans snow person

No okay jar okay you need to calm down okay okay you calm down okay oh Lord hi MJ Big Boy fault for IDE it’ll be all your fault for ideas but once we get once we figure out like we got to get a [ __ ] ton of snow Yeah Ronda [Laughter] boner oh

God what’s up Marlin schlong dong Davis oh Jesus it’s a brand new naughty name what’s up Shug Roa oh like Roa Ro Roa boner oh God oh God you can blame us uh we will blew the scape goats that’s fine yeah well no are you kidding me I want to I

Want to be a part of this too I I don’t care if I’m blamed for it’s Mike you know anything to do with uh trolling mic I’m I’m game that’s your nickname back in college heyo go Garrett go Garrett go Garrett you can always make the pp uh the corn cob

Pipe or this moment um we’ll figure we’ll figure out something it’s it’s just going to it’s not going to be a crazy build but we will put something on top of Mike’s building I really think it would be really funny to put like a giant snowman on top of his house and

And then we’ll just I’ll put a sign on there saying this is what happens when you don’t build a snowman with me and then leave it at that when he shows up oh my God I have an idea but it’s a lot more work oh

God I already got enough work to do I still I got to make this inventory system and then I got a the farm to work on what is it Dil I want to know so if you guys are wondering what I’m doing this is the inventory system

I’ve been working on I have not looked at any tutorial like I looked at Brian’s build and kind of just looked at it and was like okay this is how I know how stuff works so I was like okay maybe I just do it the way

He did but in in a giant form and here we are so right now I’m putting subblocks so then when I go and put the the specific item I in I can actually it’ll sort that specific item down those to those crates down below um so sorry I’m just kind of

I’m R help Brian’s working a lot he doesn’t play games with me anymore hi Jeffy uh your nickname in college is never never attended gotcha gotcha okay how you doing Gamers good to see you erection I just got that device that a good one build m a hot

Girl and a bottle of peanut butter whisky uh but the bottle has a hole in it and the girl and the girl doesn’t what a vut my high school nickname was uh fava like Rod fava from s you really R named far oh my

God I don’t want a large Farva I want a goddamn leader of cola I love that [ __ ] movie dude it’s one of my favorite movies what’s up uh Swale MC what up what’s up Lowdown good to see you guys you you’re from Hong honover Island BC okay okay know these ideas are pretty

Crazy I had the mustache and haircut before I even knew about the movie that’s awesome one of my old friends his name was Butters and we that’s his nickname like uh cuz his last name is buttery which is really funny so they called him Butters throughout uh like I think middle school

And high school he was one of my like good friends when I was living in North Carolina but what was really funny is the fact that he was he is literally the adult version of butters on South Park and he grew up kind of like the way

Butters did with his parents being like super strict and all that stuff and he’s like oh okay like he acted like that he acted like Butters is a kid and he was Butters before Butters was Butters and he has like that blonde little hair with a little like it’s curly he looks like

He’s like Butters and so we always call there’s like literally like cuz he’ll do stupid [ __ ] too when he gets drunk and stuff so there’s a picture of him we’re partying and everything doing Manina and like friends of ours hel H him so he’s running through the house and doing

Vanina and he was completely hammered drunk and then somebody held him like said hold still and took a picture doing Vina that’s Butters what’s up VOR literally the old adult version of butters on South Park 100% am I enjoying lethal company no this is Minecraft oh did he release a is that

Video live or something it’s a bowo I don’t even know if it was live or not yeah that was that was hell they only invite me you know just so they can get away with sexist jokes and that’s fine you know got a friend was he nickname me was

He but was he Butters before Butters was Butters in South Park or is he named named after Butters in South Park see like I said my Butters was Butters before Butters even existed South Park didn’t even exist and he was Butters what’s up Travis I’m thinking of upgrading uh

Thinking of upgrading my laptop to a desktop yeah get it well if you want to play games and stuff I would say desktop by far you know you love sexist jokes I do too I figured you know whenever we like say you know us girls we are very sexist as

Well to guys it’s like you know let them let them swing back you know I’m not the type of girl that’s going to be like I’m offended how dare you say that to me you know I’m not going to do that uh this is is a inventory sorting

Sorting system so this is all the stuff that’s going on uh above these uh those giant uh chest down below so this is all sorting um I I do need I need I do need somebody to let me know like that’s a genius at at mcraft I have a question but but this

Is it’s for down here it’s sorting all of those items you got it from South Park okay ni salty so after got you I Spa I can’t Can’t Believe It’s Not Butters so I I made this without like really any um any uh type of tutorial I just kind

Of like all right I’m going to make a piping system i’ I made like a like a iron farm and stuff so I started wa making that and I was like all right I need an iron farm and cuz I’m going to need a lot of hoppers for everything I’m

Going to be doing so we started making an iron farm and here it is I I was like I’ll make this you know my my way of making an iron farm so we have two of these and so way I did it but you know like when you make an iron

Farm underneath it there’s so many like there’s just a huge gap of nothing right so I was like well why don’t I make an inventory system underneath the iron farm as long as the chests are about you know 14 Stacks High because it has to be

14 blocks from where the the Golems fall from to the lava so I was like well there’s that giant gap of nothingness that when they’re falling into the lava you got nothing as long as I you know make you know stack the chest up high and everything we can make a giant

Inventory system system so I’m like the type of person that likes to compact things I don’t like to I like everything to be efficient and like everything is like used like a spacewise so I did that with here so it’s it’s actually a um iron farm two

Iron Farms with a an inventory system underneath it cuz I was like I want to have something like that so all of the villagers and zombies are in here running around what’s up snap uh and then up here is where the Golems spawn problem is they’re kind of

Spawning outside and so I got to fix that some of them spawn outside so I have to kind of like I’m sorry ow I’m sorry buddy but for the most part they stay in there Robbie’s been helping me with the zombie wrangling and getting them in

There and then uh Gathering like uh like getting iron and Hoppers made for me and chests cuz you need an obscene amount of chests ow [ __ ] so I have to kill the ones that right here because we have an asylum yeah it took about two weeks um but and it’s not creative mode

Either so but this uh area in here this isn’t a Asylum so you just go and I made this when the guys were on the server so this is the Asylum where you can do I I named a bunch of the people that are in chat that are super like

Generous so if you do like a lot of gift subbing or gift memberships or if you and oh look wait a minute how how the [ __ ] wait how did how did three of you get in one room on wait wait a minute wait a minute raining

Moonlight you ho get out of that room they had a kid together Gro and raiding Moonlight had a kid together and their kid their kid doesn’t have like a spot to sleep and they’re both in the how the [ __ ] did raiding Moonlight get in there huh

Anyways like I was saying I uh put the I named the villagers after people that have been super generous in the chat so we have starcat Gro raing Moonlight cold Dragon there’s toast Delaney I got uh Cody uh King Martian snowstorm we got Captain Oblivion that one guy we got Dan the

Man uh I don’t know herbo we got uh Grim Shadow got Nick Rangers Mayhem blurry almond original Starbuck and dead Berry like there’s a bunch of other other ones too I have named but if you can choose on what uh character you want to be cuz we we have

To visit these guys to get like we trade uh em emeralds so you see them quite a bit what’s up Julian what’s up B Asha hello uh I don’t do that kind of stuff uh kits I I’m not I don’t I don’t relay messages or anything like that you’re going to have to send them like unbanned request or something and if you don’t get unbanned then that’s not my place what’s up

Elijah but yeah this is uh the Asylum so when the guys like the the Asylum was lagging the server big time the previous one well uh so they decided to like they were going to move this Asylum into the sky so they did but when I ended up

Getting it it duplicated it instead of actually um putting it up in the sky so uh we now have two asylums two of these places but what we’re going to do is make put that towards the beach and it’s going to be aaban it’s going to

There’s the oce is right over there so what I want to do is make this a giant like Lighthouse kind of thing with like flames on top I know it doesn’t have like asand doesn’t have that but I want to make it look like asan but I want it

To be also a lighthouse too so then when you’re far away you can like know where home is so yeah so yeah this is the the 100K server so Josh and everybody’s been building on here I’m kind of adding to it they got Mike and got Josh building over here

Ying oh sweet he’s building that hell yeah nice uh but this is Mike’s house over here so I think what we’ll do oh yeah I can make the the width of this all the way around yeah this is going to be tough cuz it’s kind of lopsided oh yeah we don’t have to

Destroy anything I can make the we just got to get a lot of snow and I can build a giant Circle and then we’ll just yeah this is Mike’s house right here oh this will be great make the giant snowman like and then just gradually go up high and then

Put okay which way should we have the pp like this way or I think we’re going to have to have it pointing this way if it’s going to be a giant dick you know no I’m not going to destroy it we’re we’re going to put a giant snowman with a giant penis on

Him big carrot penis facing this way it’s just the trees are kind of the way you know oh yeah there’s uh nolz nuts there’s Evan’s house there’s uh Delirious’s uh sheep there’s racing cat’s place this is the the server have the wiener in the sky no

Balls put in head there’s already uh uh balls over there giant balls over there plan it all over no I’m just doing this place we can we can figure out something for Mike’s house but if Robbie if you get a [ __ ] ton of snow we can I’ll I can

Start making the the circle for this it’s going to be tough actually shouldn’t be too hard cuz I can just do it on the top part and then go all the way around snow is not going to melt is it or do we have to make uh concrete yeah we’re pre preserving the

Houses just give to me a giant carrot for a penis I don’t think it will the snow will melt right looks nice out here I like like it what I might do is like put um the like the inventory system Just Junk and stuff like that have maybe a

Pipe that goes right up here or something PP pointing North towards Evans is that North I don’t know which way is North what up Ying you’re also a little on the Spectrum I think majority of people are it’s not a bad thing at all uh I had somebody in here like try

To say like he’s like I don’t know if it was a compliment or I when somebody calls me autistic I never find that as an offensive thing cuz I’ve noticed like my brother um Michael he’s he’s old he’s the oldest in my family he’s autistic but he’s [ __ ] smart like those people

Like there’s some some kids or like some adults like with autism and [ __ ] like are super smart they’re just awkward because they’re just super smart you know they just socially different I never like I never ever like when people were like oh you have autism like thank

You you know I met some really cool people that have autism they’re actually very smart it just depends on like where you are in the Spectrum you know I’m not autistic but I’m a magnet for people with Autism I would to be surprised if I have it I am socially awkward I’ve always

Found it very difficult for me to be in uh in like group settings and stuff like with anxiety and everything growing up like I’ve and and uh so I mean I never find it like everybody’s different you know so so if somebody calls you autistic never ever feel offended by it because

There’s really there’s Geniuses out there that are autistic I’m sure that even Einstein was probably autistic usually the Geniuses are outside is scary it is only way snow will melt in Minecraft is if you put it a light source near it but if you are no light okay got it

Dragon Josh okay so we can have the snow Okay yeah I see my brother is autistic and my guy can solve math better than I can ever yeah Einstein said only retards will rule the Earth in the future well I mean yeah I mean like look at our previous president I mean he’s definitely you know [ __ ]

So that is true and he was president Cody Lee blind and severely autistic one America’s Got Talent uh playing piano and singing yep yep nice Ying I love these talks we have yeah no I’m good I’m glad you you do because like it’s like like I’ve said don’t ever

Feel like everybody’s different nobody’s normal you know I don’t I don’t even know the definition of normal you know you know I feel like everybody is just like on the spectrum because we’re all different nobody is normal hi violent hello you’re normal Robbie shut the [ __ ] up no you’re [Laughter] not ah normal

Wow of weirdos all I know is that I want to be stupid Rich one day I’m stupid so I’m halfway there I’m not on Spectrum I have Infinity what is normal exactly that’s why I’m like nobody you can’t really Define normal normal so we’re all weird in our own ways you

Know yeah so any of the normal people in chat were Banning you because you know cuz we’re not normal and everybody can’t be normal right we don’t we don’t want normies in here hey Gro you in raing Moonlight shacked up and had a kid I don’t know how the [ __ ] raing

Moonlight got into your place but you what’s up Tanga he’s all shacked up when you had a kid there’s grod normophosphatemic no normies no Norm’s allowed look at this God damn it I’m a [ __ ] no I think no I don’t think you’re a [ __ ] but sure as hell freaking raiding Moonlight is look

At this [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] look at you too you’re all I don’t even know how raiding Moonlight got in there cuz there’s Gates and oh look at this [ __ ] all right you you need to get get in there you need to get to get out

Raiding Moonlight you ho get out of it no okay there go your kid is escape there’s grod okay you guys need to separate okay well whoa whoa whoa wait a minute how wait no wait you come back you get back into your no uhoh I need to take this [Applause] bed you’re

Not hold up you’re in the wrong room where where did the bed go there it is no no come come back go back wait that’s is this reading Hey where’s the name tag wait a minute maybe your name tag came off what the [ __ ] wait you’re regular you’re

Normy okay I guess I’ll put the name name tag on you you use bread oh we got we use the horny carrots where are my horny carrots in the chat F this [ __ ] I’m [Laughter] out he knows the safety word all right chat where are my horny carrots in the chat

What’s up trainer Mystic where is happening raiding Moonlight and gr going about to you know Brown Chi brown cow see usually you have to pay for this kind of show you know and we’ll get Reed on this Reed you ready for this wait you’re not Reed oh

There is Reed there’s Reed I was like you’re not Reed you already got a friend in there for free [Applause] take it take the carrots there you go Reed there’s there’s some carrots for your friend wait snowstorm in here where’s snowstorm now we’ll get snowstorm there snowstorm [Applause] all right

Snowstorms there’s Garrett there’s snowstorm there you go snowstorm there you go there you go you take the carrots you take the carrots yeah you’re welcome enjoy I give you guys steak but you guys don’t eat meat there you go Martian here you go no no get back get back in what are

You doing where you going you get back here little [ __ ] what’s up uh Jacob all right we got Captain Oblivion we’ll give you some carrots there you go give you some carrots Garrett there you go there we go got got the carrots it’s going okay hang on let’s see if there’s [Applause]

Any you guys you guys you guys having fun over here what’s going on oh I think I have an idea why is it it’s not working there you go I lay out lay out the carpet there you go there yeah yeah jail house no this is the insane insane

Asylum see notice the padded rooms yummy why I’m not looking I don’t know what Reed is doing with that like villager but but come on you know you want it uh I built this Asylum no I built this ran built his miniature uh inventory system and then I made a bigger like

Version of it but no I built I built this part okay come on they’re talking to each other talking to each other and yeah come on a they looked into each other’s eyes but nope nope I am going to be replacing the the concrete on the bottom underneath with

Uh with white white concrete is instead of stone so like all of this is going to be cuz I want to make the the top part look like with all white I want it to be all white they’re shy I guess they don’t like people staring at them while

They’re trying to have sex you know they don’t like people watching I guess um but yeah I built all that um um I built my bong which is down here my first bong that I ever did it’s got to be bong Boardwalk which I want other people to like possibly build other

Bongs like down there cuz it’s just going to be a giant Boardwalk with a bunch of different bongs but that’s the bong I built that was my first like build I didn’t use any tutorials anything like that and then underneath it is an aquarium so like underneath where it’s there’s the water usually

Sits in a bong it’s it’s going to be bubbling a little bit like it’s a like you’re taking a hit and then uh but it’s also an aquarium underneath and then it’s an elevator that goes up to there into the farm area which I’m going to have that whole Farm area remember

From the last server where you push a button and it just like sweeps the water all over the the crops and then it goes down to the inventory system that’s what I want to do um in this in this eventually no it’s going to be a it’s going to be a pot

Shop it’s where I’m going to sell all the pot so whenever we get like mods and stuff it’s I’m going to have I’m going to have uh shaders and all that stuff and mods and this but right now this is just the server that I finally got from

Like the guys so I’m like kind of this it doesn’t look extrav it right now but right now at least we have the server but there’ll be mods in here for like hopefully for weed and stuff and then I want to like um have a little uh shop in

There and then in here I want to have like a bunch of different apartments so then when people like subs or or or actually be members if they want to have like one of the houses in here they can they can go in here and have a house and

Chill what oh my God he’s still in oh God run he’s still here Tero what’s up Tero gr he’s still here your kid still here he’s been here since the beginning he’s been in this boat with a chicken oh God oh my God there’s so many iron golems in

Here he’s been in here for like ever but yeah this is somebody’s house like if somebody wants to build in here like have their house like they can have one of these apartments and just put their yeah he’s been down there the whole time what’s up Rose Martin

Hello I don’t know what the chicken is doing but whatever but somebody can like claim this house and make it their own temporary house like this one is Ying’s so Ying has this house so he made this one his his living quarters so he made it

All himself and stuff oh Lord he went down okay you just got to be careful about crisscrossing on other people’s places okay so you got to you got to be careful cuz you might be underneath another apartment Ying just try not to be under somebody else’s like apartment

Um but then here’s the yeah so if you ever want any of these houses feel free I would please dig straight down don’t dig like off to the side and be underneath other people’s Apartments you know what I mean so dropped a follow I appreciate it Rose Martin thank you somebody’s hoarding them

There I can we got to we got to got to take care of that though y all must have fallen I’m guessing they fell from the top or something do I I stream daily I stream about maybe four or five days a week not every single day but some days I don’t

Like there’s Tech difficulties and sometimes I don’t stream cuz it’s just like it’s frustrating and I’m just like I don’t like last time the Audio I don’t even know what was going on but the audio was bad we go yeah this is the bong board Boardwalk

Um it’ll be a bong border what the [ __ ] how many Jesus I want to guess there’s probably some there’s even uh I got a Apartments even under here if you’re ever interested so you go underneath there’s even apart it looks like it’s raining but there’s little

Apartments in here too you can you can decorate yourselves but you literally underwater it’ll be a bunch of fish underneath it goes out to a cave and down there is where Brian’s uh thing his his puddle but I’m I’m trying to make this like a really intricate like Cave

System well I’m collecting I didn’t know that Iron Golems would survive underwater yeah like it’s weird isn’t it there’s Ying there’s a Ying so yeah and then this uh Farm that’s up here all the cows and stuff are going to be moved all these are

Going to be gone um and they will be down in the underneath the inventory system I think I am going to make like a double decker uh inventory system so there’ll be probably something either above or below I don’t know yet but I want it to be where I can have

A section for just like ore and like um you know like Stone and and uh sand and glass all that [ __ ] and then you have the food section so it’ll be like the slaughterhouse area where where cooked meat will be traveling through the inventory and filling up um uh the chest as

Well building Zion from The Matrix yeah well something like that that’s a good reference iron to be fair when the server opens up to members I’ll be off towards the desert in the yeah I think you mentioned that before um yeah the whole opening it up

To members and stuff will happen um like I said I just have to we have to figure out a better way uh for people to spawn in because like this section this area is pretty full like over there Josh is over there Ying is below Mike is near

This area AR uh Robbie’s in this area Seth is in this area so it’s like and then Reed is across the way so I just don’t want people to you know cross over on each other’s like builds so like this mountain this this Cliff like this cave this is mine like

This I I’m building a lot um but yeah like we got to figure out a way for we can have others uh on the server but spawn in different places like but still close enough away if they build like a ra rail car or get on a boat they can literally find me

I don’t think so demise it has to be Java you need to put put spawn or area protection on the yeah it’ll be an area protection I’m going to ask like if I can have an area like in in this area that only white listers can destroy

Stuff like if I put you on a list of white listers then you can like destroy things in in this particular area like in this cave um uh because my white listers I’m I trust because they’re the people that are my personal friends they’re long-term like Subs have been in my

Channel for years or like they’ve played with me in games in Pre in the past and we were chill like you know for example like crash um so yeah yeah would play in this server we we’re in uh oh sorry so you play games right uh I play like new world is

Another game in MMO I play um I can play Survival type games I I was my channel my my channels I was more known for Call of Duty um I was number one in the world for Call of Duty World at War back in 08

And 09 and then I just carried on with Call of Duty for years and then Call of Duty just became terrible and I didn’t like the way I was becoming and being super like competitive and I didn’t like I didn’t like myself on that

Um the way I was acting the way I was treating like my friends and stuff like getting too competitive so I I stopped playing Cod and just went to these types of games that’s how I me you Black Ops yeah Black Ops 2 is probably one of the games I was

Uh most known for that’s when we had thousands of people watching cuz we did the um the win streak kill we made an 892 win streak and kill confirmed and then we ended up uh I guess that was like the the what is it Moab Queen back in the

Back in Modern Warfare 3 days back in the day hardcore yeah it was fun going to join the Discord and get update on your upcoming yeah well I mean like I don’t I just usually just hit the notification if there’s a way to it notifies you when I go live Rose that’s

Probably the best way to do it um sometimes I tweet it out I go live on Twitter so I don’t think anymore I have to even tweet out I’m just like I’m live and you can watch me on Twitter um you can I have uh I don’t

Have any commands on Kick so I know you’re on Kick but I do have an Instagram I do have a Twitter uh it’s I think it’s the same on Kick as on Twitter it’s Miss Ms _ Vixen on Twitter um it’s the same on uh twitch

And then YouTube is the Miss Vixen t h Ms vixn I appreciate it I appreciate I have emotes and everything on Twitch uh on YouTube I will have some other stuff too um like I said when when the time comes and we open the server up uh to it’ll be

To members only not Subs on Twitch because I’m trying to convert people away from twitch going kind of go to YouTube because I get more from YouTube than I do on Twitch anymore so um if you he’s starting snowballs um so I’ve been like trying to get people to like if they become

Members on YouTube they’ll they they’ll get into the server it’s just we have to figure out a spawn point where like say five people join one part of the map like when they when they join in and they are establishing their area uh the spawn will go to a different section

But say that you die and whatnot you’ll you’ll go back to your original you’ll start where you originally started from in the beginning you know when you die if you don’t if you haven’t made your bed but I don’t know how to set that up

I have to talk to Nick about that cuz I like I said I don’t want people to stack on top of each other when it comes to to this need more if it’s just this uh yeah we’re going to need a lot more a lot more uh personally uh personally go with

The promote more than I don’t want to join like I I kind of don’t want to have a what the [ __ ] I don’t I kind of I’m not trying to push my my kick just because um one of my friends is well was the director of Partnerships for twitch and and the way

That kick allows you to do a lot of copyright stuff and like do some illegal copyright stuff that it might like it’s not it’s I just don’t want to be a part of that when when you know it blows up when kit goes down so that’s why I’m sticking with twitch and YouTube

Because uh it’s it’s more protected you know and plus to be honest I I really like I’ve noticed like the community on Kick there’s they have a lot they have some questionable people that they have on their uh their uh that they promote and push on on their main page so I

Personally am not trying to it I I mostly am just streaming on Kick just because there’s like a a new fan b or a new view base a viewership there that you know if they’re curious they can come over to Twitch or come over to YouTube and stuff like that what’s what’s up

Hannah So but with I like I’m a partner and I have a partnership with like YouTube and with twitch so I have more emotes on Twitch YouTube I just started maybe like a couple what months ago like but I’ve always had a YouTube channel I just never streamed on it I would put my

Videos from twitch onto YouTube but now it’s like now that we’re allowed to stream on multiple different platforms it’s like why not you know might as well no I can’t Hannah but you know I can’t test out a mod currently playing this kick chat seems more toxic well I mean

Like look who they promote I mean you got what’s his name um that Aiden Ross guy like holy [ __ ] I swear he’s like [Laughter] wow like wow in a very shocked like way I’m like that that person is there is the face of that company oh

God I’m sorry that people are so jealous of me but I can’t help it that I’m popular I Too Tall well I even noticed like with with twitch too like twitch doesn’t know how to like it’s funny like they twitch promotes all these like big streamers and stuff like that gets some

Like contracts like sets them up for like front page [ __ ] and then a lot of them just like leave they’re like peace out [ __ ] I’m out like it’s so weird that twitch chooses these like a lot of these content creators that are just like nah I’m leaving you know like

Literally even though they’re getting like front page [ __ ] and all that stuff it’s like dude you know I get it though because it’s for the money they’re there for the money which I don’t blame him because it is a business but it’s just it’s really funny considering like how

Twitch chooses they’re the people that they promote it’s like you think that they would like choose people that were you know like the likes of you know and really promote and push like the likes of like to toe and like those people because they’ve been with twitch for

Like ever even me like I’ve been with with twitch I’ve been with twitch like since the beginning before even twitch was twitch but they never really like they they helped me out like in the very beginning and then once all the all the ogs got laid off or moved on to other

Places the new peeps at twitch just like seem like they’re just like it’s more corporate they’re more like who gives a [ __ ] about the people that have been there since the beginning we’re only going to focus on the popular people that have you know like I still bring in

A steady income for twitch and everything like that I may not bring thousands of dollars but I wasn’t ever going to leave twitch and move to a different place until I like realize that twitch just doesn’t give a [ __ ] about me anymore you know so when you have that feeling constantly and you

Always get that like kind of like response from twitch constantly you’re just like I you obviously don’t give a [ __ ] about me why am I going to make money for you you know and continue so that’s why I push people to tip streamers anymore is because twitch just

Does doesn’t care about their content creators anymore they only care about the like the 0.1% of the people that are that are at the top tier stuff they don’t give a [ __ ] about the people that have been there since the beginning which is sad but it was it was bound to

Happen anyways considering like I even mentioned this like once uh Amazon bought twitch I’m like prepare for it to go downhill and it did Big Time but after it’s just like when people I just don’t like all the people that I cared about that worked at twitch

Pretty much are gone the only two people that are still there that I know and that are really good peeps is Crystal and Amber but those are the only two people they have nothing to do with the partner or streaming side of twitch crystal is in charge of the of twitchcon

And like uh organizing you know actual events where an Amber I think is in charge of their merch I believe so people that were there like you know DJ weat and all those guys that actually really cared and pushed and really like spoke for his content creators and for the community they’re

Gone they’re gone which is a bummer cuz they’re the ones that were that made twitch amazing it’s because Amazon’s twitch they just I know that’s what I was just saying is like when I said that when Amazon bought twitch I even I mentioned said that here it goes it’s going to go

Downhill wait what happened what was twitch before twitch was Justin TV but it is what it is you know you kind of have to just roll with it I’m just glad you’re able to like uh stream on different multiple different platforms because I do have a Twitter I even have

Facebook I was think think about doing my Facebook and then also um Instagram and Tik Tok but I haven’t fully set those up yet what happened to Justin uh he retired I’ve met him multiple times in the past I think I’ve even smoked weed with him

Y i’ve smoked weed with a COO of twitch back in the day with DJ wheat you used to like hang out with them and we just weedd smoke weed and hang out those was the great days of twitch all right to this this day like

There was a time okay so we were it was at PS and I used to hook up like some of the staff members there with weed because I live in Washington so whenever they went to Pax I was like I got you guys covered there one there’s one event

That I remember and it was a DJ weat and this the greatest memory I have of of of him and it was it was a bunch of like I think it was like 10 10 or 12 of us in one bathroom Okay so some hotels you can’t open the windows

And stuff but there’s a way where you go into the bathroom and you you put like a towel at the base of the door to keep the smoke from going out and all that stuff and then we had a whole bunch of people and you turn on the fan and you

Just go in there and you HotBox the room well I remember like my the best best like memory I have of DJ wheat was him standing in the bathtub area like there was a ton of people in that bathroom just passing the joint around and a

Bunch of bowls around and I remember DJ we standing inside the bathtub and uh having a bowl in his mouth like to smoke a bowl and in the carb he had a joint in the carb of the of the of the bulll and that’s where he he was just

Smoking it up in there I remember that and he’s like hold on guys I got this and just and so it light up in the in the bull part and then the joint was also going too and I remember that I remember like after that it was it was

We were smoking it was called the yeti and I remember him saying oh my God this is the best [ __ ] I’ve ever had I was like yeah so uh that was my favorite like event with uh I will never forget that event that was just that was amazing

When it was just when twitch was small like very like the ogs hung out together like there the community was smaller the the staffers hung out with all of the like everyone like the staff would hang out with everyone not just the popular people they would hang out with everyone

And that’s what made it super awesome when twitch back with twitch back then it was like 2016 2015 were the best probably times with twitch for sure what’s up Alec I miss those days now you remember that when you were high no you can remember things too you

Don’t full you don’t go completely just you don’t completely just forget stuff but yeah twitch was awesome back in the day like when the when the staff like cared you know like they really cared about us and they really like hung out with us it was fun and they they cared they

Understood like loyalty and everything like that like like they tried to help out people that were been there from the beginning and stuff so and I I miss that whole personal like them actually dming you to find out like how you’re doing instead of getting a a generic automated

[ __ ] email regarding you know an issue that you may have with your settings or something like that now it’s all like it’s just an automated message that you get sent and you’re just like in a queue for with another robot do I like smoking weed I

Do then Amazon came in and started yeah Amazon ruined everything I think what was it 2018 they laid off all the a lot of the ogs a lot lot of OG’s they laid them all off that was terrible but she lies she hates weed it is what it

Is you why then that isn’t weed demise you were there was something else in your in your weed then that’s not weed doesn’t make you want to do stuff like that the thing about marijuana is mostly like it makes me want not not want to do

Anything it just makes you want to chill the [ __ ] out unless you get paranoid you know but it doesn’t that’s something that you would do when you’re drunk like call people you know you call your exboyfriend or girlfriend when you’re drunk and I hate you [ __ ] like you like you have

Those I might have been yeah so that’s yeah that’s not a that is not a high effect high effect yeah you have shortterm memory loss but when you’re high you don’t hear about like people you know smoking weed and going out driving [ __ ] no I don’t want to [ __ ]

Drive when I’m like hi no way nobody wants to go anywhere when you’re baited you want to call in delivery all right when you’re drunk that’s when you make stupid ass decisions like I am Invincible look at me I’m numb like you slap your face all that

[ __ ] so drunk people will make stupid ass DEC decisions like like that and drink and drive and that’s where you see all those accidents when you’re high you don’t want to go anywhere all right you don’t want to go anywhere you don’t want to do anything you want to get delivery

And sit on the couch and watch Grandma’s Boy okay you don’t want to do anything no way in hell am I I’m like uhuh that requires me to walk out that door start my car and drive you some no I don’t want to do that that’s too much work it’s too much

Work well you high and order that second yep exactly I think the best convers conversation I had though when high is about DC I don’t know what DC is I talk about aliens when I’m like [Laughter] hi speaking of hi let me go grab my my

Uh my bone and I’ll get in Discord hang on yo I’m going to go grabb my bong and I’ll smoke a bowl uh only un wait use M blade what says otherwise wait who who’s that if you don’t like weed TW each their own all right it’s legal in my

State and if you don’t like it you’re weird CR old VG what do you mean old VG first time I got high was a buddy’s play to watch watch hockey fights and for three solid hour hours I was I was like I don’t think it’s Working Man

Meanwhile I was eating everything in the fridge you love Grandma’s Boy it’s one of my favorite movies yeah oh DC DC Superhero Stu got you I’m a smoker not a drinker yeah I used to drink a lot I used to drink a lot like a lot and then I didn’t like

The way like I felt like like [ __ ] I would have hangovers for multiple days after and then I was like this is not worth it I don’t even [ __ ] remember what League of Legends League of Legend I don’t even know I character I am right now I think I’m this character oh

The you’re going to bed logic okay you have a good night oh wait wait Garrett’s going toight going to bed I’m an idiot good night carrot love your face man why others get per band what do you mean for for what when I’m high I always feel like I’m living another person’s

Life I’m having an out of Body Experience yeah I’ll have like a a couple shots here and there but I’m not like going out of my way to get alcohol anymore like it’ll be a like I haven’t drank I drank that last time was like a week and a half ago a week ago and that

Was the most I’ve had in a while I wasn’t even drunk I was starting to slur a little bit I had 10 shots but I was fine I was like what the [ __ ] is wrong like I don’t feel I got up I would stand a walk

Around and I was like I feel just fine I feel good but I didn’t have a hangover the next day I chugged a lot of water every time I got up I went and drank some water but yeah I don’t I don’t like drinking usually I’m a smoker by Far I got my my weed hold on one second I’m going to uh money bag show on where is the there we go to break yeah there we go all right cheers night Garrett cheers Garrett we right back I’m going to drink some water got to get water what’s up MCAT wait who oh there there’s a there’s a lot no go further go further like I think I know where you’re at if you go past down there you see a

Giant Warehouse go to the right of it along the beach and then you’ll hit a snow um biome there’s there’s like polar bears and all that [ __ ] over there it looks like it I don’t know it’s a giant Warehouse there but if you go to the right of it and follow the beach

You’ll hit a snow biome what happens when you I just chill like Jacob it’s not anymore there’s not much of a difference I sometimes get quiet and just focus on building but um or I talk about random [ __ ] but it’s nothing I don’t do anything crazy weed doesn’t make you crazy or

Anything like that just chills you out usually and happy weed okay need sck they there [Applause] Jesus holy crap Indiana Jones Secret hangers what do you mean I can’t do like certain games when I’m high when it comes to like you know Minecraft or anything building I like it because it like help

You be creative oh [ __ ] you guys couldn’t hear um Discord there you go so which way tell me to go left of the warehouse oh wait right oh God I go back in the other direction I was like wait I had to visualize it or it’s right it’s

Right sorry you’ll hit some gravel and then you’ll hit sand along the beach and then it’ll be snow hell yeah you think about Pineapple Express great movie um anything about weed the movie is great I love that movie um we red rle oh there’s even orange okay um Christ there’s another Homer sson

Head Underwater I don’t I don’t there’s a lot of them you’ll find a bunch I ran into like five you’re just random I’m just like what the [ __ ] what why do I fall in one little hole okay it’s a redstone clock for yeah it’s uh this is an inventory sorting system

I’m just trying to clean it up a little bit any thoughts on foreign films I love Korean films like squid games is amazing not going to lie I thought you said porn films oh my God yes that too a porn film also good you know oh this a

Vill yeah there’s going to be Village there I just go in there and see if they have anything in their chests I’m like oo anything special normally it’s a no but one can only hope oh oh God don’t worry I’m hey potatoes oh God I’m already lost [ __ ] uh

Oh I’m got to remember your coordinates mcraft I never do that I’ve learned I just didn’t like out I either do that or or put torches behind me while I’m running follow the lights home that doesn’t help me a lot of the time either all right demise thank you

For so much for stopping by I do appreciate it you guys are new to the stream be sure to hit that follow button if you’re on Twitch absolutely free if you’re on YouTube subscribe absolutely free there uh I don’t know what kick it calls it but follow on there too I think

It’s free I hope it is better be and then Twitter if you’re over there you know like I do have those other channels twitch has a bunch of emotes if you Subs if you subscribe which is 499 or if you’re on YouTube um that’s new new I will be adding emotes on there

Eventually but as of right now there isn’t any but if you want to become a member on YouTube uh that’s available and then um and eventually members will be able to join this Minecraft server I can’t guarantee it’ll be like near where I’m at but it’ll be like relatively in the

Vicinity like you’ll be where Robbie is right now like that far away you know I’m build and then you can travel to the caves like where I’m at and so on so we’re trying to we just have to figure all that out first because I

Don’t want to like I said I don’t want to hinder on people’s builds and stuff like that follow over here and and it’s free okay gotcha gotcha gotcha electron so it is called follow over on Kick as well man they really copied twitch man holy

[ __ ] yeah you can join the Discord too I do have a Discord people tend to hang out from time to time in there you guys are more than welcome to use it if you’re chilling on like Minecraft or if you’re playing playing like a different game I think we have like valheim we

Also have a server on valheim if you’re ever interested have a Conan Exile server and all that [ __ ] so if you guys are ever interested in that um feel free and I think it’s uh Subs but I’m not sure I think we opened it up for I’m not sure

Though D I feel like I’m going circles I am I keep talking to chat and get distracted like [ __ ] cave yeah put down but I keep doing circles oh here we go so much no okay there we go fu wait a second there yeah I kind of figured it it has like the

Same uh layout I don’t mind like it’s you know whatever they can fight about it I don’t give a [ __ ] it just makes it easier for me to kind of like go back and forth if I wanted to there an unfinished [ __ ] portal over here yeah there’s I think somebody

Was building over there at one point but I just don’t know who keep forgetting my shovel is about to die don’t break it you don’t have to do the enchantments again I got a lot of levels I’ll be able to do but he you set up traps it’s funny well

We’re trying to we’re going to be building a snowman pretty soon right now Robbie’s Gathering a lot of snow oh you [ __ ] skeleton you almost knocked me in the [ __ ] lava you little Bastard so what I’m going to do this might be a multi- multi-leveled inventory area like I might have this whole area be trees like wood and ore and then below will be meats and everything because we’ll have the herds down below and the stables and then above I’ll make another

Section um but it’ll be Shorter for uh like the grain potatoes carrots all the food and this way it’ll be much like way easier to find stuff I just got to figure out how to make like a subcategory category with with it when it comes to like the stairs or the slabs I don’t know how to do

That uh he’s not in this this is the I just took over the server we still have all the Builds on here from the from the guys um we also can’t have like direct lights on the on the Snowman outside so we might like I’ll put them back Josh but I

Might have to move some of the lights wait what happened so the snow that Robbie is bringing back um so if it’s direct light with like a torch or like any type of Lights it’ll melt the snow so where you building it at uh um I

Don’t know if Mike is still in my chat so hold hold on I’ll I’ll type it in the open chat in this in this room yeah what’s up Ronaldo oh I appreciate it thank you yeah no he’s not in this thank God he only gets to torture me in uh lethal company and

Phasmophobia and and sometimes power wash but it’s a it’s just a different kind of torture what’s a bizarre Joker my God there’s so many chests this is awesome though oh no oh [ __ ] uhoh what’s oh no oh [ __ ] okay I never I got really scared for a

Second be like my I’ll never die I set down my shulker box to get snow and store it and I couldn’t find it almost real bad real bad I need blue eyes what he break oh I don’t know he broke his Sher box but he

Found it I didn’t no almost lost it he almost lost it I looked in my inventory in there and it was gone I was like oh [ __ ] oh God and then I turn around just sitting by the portal I tend to throw things and then I lose it like

[ __ ] loyalty on it I know I think one of the villagers upstairs is a has that is a loyalty but I I think it’s I think it’s raiding Moonlight but since raiding Moonlight is such a big hoe as a villager um I name I put disloyal disloyalty villager oh is that

Why on there yeah this that’s what I thought why does it say disloyalty when it’s loyalty yeah whatever freaking Ho poor grod at least Robin’s alive uh I think this is is this vanilla yeah this is vanilla right yeah yeah yeah there isn’t any mods just yet there will be

I think Nick said he has to upgrade the OptiFine or some or some [ __ ] like that yeah I didn’t get updated before yeah so I think we got to do that and then it should I want to get shaders and stuff like that and then start getting mods in

Here vanilla with uh some plug plugins yeah okay so the fun Parts fun the fun part I don’t know what fun oh boy I move this efficiency for how I missed you this one I did fix okay this one I’m probably going to have to fix as well I don’t think I have

That since I now know how to condense it I’ve been condens ing everything uh is it one or two oh what am I doing that was right okay we good all right so this one is fixed as well no the [ __ ] all right we’re back in business 1 seconds to fill my

Inventory yeah there a lot of snow there okay sweet all right we got that I need to put that Go all right oh did I miss that one uhoh [ __ ] there we go okay oh God I’m I can’t do any too much no I don’t want to kill my shovel yeah don’t do it don’t don’t do it I come back I heal I make cows down hell yeah oh really okay just

Don’t what open oh God yeah we can do that I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to make the the part uh carrot so but we’ll put that and then I’ll put a little Greenery on it to make it look like an actual carrot won’t look weird with with the those

Things hey B how doing made Curry tonight and it’s delicious ooh this sounds good you guys are hoarding snow in here give it to me you don’t deserve it this all works I might put subblocks in all of them just to at least be able to have a few of

These items actually slip by and store yeah I’m going to do that need regular no this is supposed to be oh never mind wait okay snow and need regular ice this isn’t right okay going to make dinner for the kids and might hop on for hell yeah sweet okay we’ll be on here

Here I’m putting sub blocks in all of these just grab one is it no o I’m going to clog these other ones so then this way I can just replace the subblock and then I can start storing ice sand now oops yeah I’m making a giant uh sorting inventory area

Warehouse so right now I’m just trying to put these subblocks in here for now uh and then gradually organize the items as I go but I want to at least have um items pass through so it gets to the the back so like the stone and all

That stuff can get sorted properly um but they have to bypass these Hoppers and I don’t want them to drop down in these uh chests so I have to fill up the item Hopper inventory huh whose placees this all right Sean have a great night oh this crashes

Okay oh you found crash’s Place mhm nice it’s by the big ice area oh hell yeah Ice Mountain Glacier I guess okay this sword is so nice yes it is sometimes it gets you in trouble though all right later low down thank you for joining Discord you have a great night H don’t

Die no dying only dying nice combat oh yeah are you what games are you going to be Playing probably that okay jeez all right I got to make another anvil what’s up Dante mostly just I got not oh nice combat hell yeah I have fun with that um okay let’s try Anvil me get a couple iron blocks ah a [ __ ] no damn it it’s okay we can

Wait no such thing wait we can get the other electrical area sorted all the amount of Hoppers holy [ __ ] you’re telling me yeah I’m trying to just you want me to put the uh the the thing uh the thing an open chest well in the in a

Chest I guess somewhere there wh it’s easy to find it put it in the chest where you have in that blue area yeah that’s fine anywh is fine hell yeah Dam that’s all the Hoppers right there Jesus Christ still got to do this

Row I know right oh and then I got to do the side oh Jesus cheer up dude Che up dude it’s Christmas uh Quon 818 what up thank you so much for the five gifted Subs oh those are bit oh those are big bits Qui-Gon with a thousand Bitties okay

You’re taking up all of the space up there huh show me youry and then twitch gave me 100 bits on top see you guys should give bits because you know twitch is throwing out some bits on top of that great Odin’s Raven oh go great Odin’s Raven thank You guys are crazy EAS thank you thank you so much how you doing Qui-Gon thank you again for uh donating to charity and all that stuff during Brian’s streams it was really nice of you hell yeah okay we’re going to have to wait check it out drop

It I’m going to put a sign on here say drop your [ __ ] I’ll just sort yeah well it’s just twitch like doing that it’s an automated thing oh [ __ ] yeah so many cows oh Lord oh [ __ ] I hit a villager on accident wo ow [ __ ]

Got to kill some Golems as much as I don’t want to I got I have to yeah there’s a little bonus for some reason and I found out that uh content creators get 100% of the bits so bits and tips but mostly bits because or mostly tips I mean because that that’s

One less thing it goes through new girl okay oh [ __ ] my brother’s freaking out what the [ __ ] what the that scared the [ __ ] out of me what oh little bit lag going on right now oh [ __ ] whoa eat it uh recommendations for a horror movie oh I mean I guess what what scares

You you know it’s different for everyone so I don’t like shark so like if I’m in the open ocean I hate that feeling and then something going to swallow you and eat you and stuff like that it’s just no yeah what’s up dark Phoenix you got a

Sub from uh Quon that’s awesome he’s not on tonight or else I’m going to give my money to uh for taxes yeah taxes oh [ __ ] I hate tax season this sucks how you doing techno good to see you how that all going okay so oh we need to make a charcoal

Area oh we need to make sub blocks that’s right we we’re waiting for the iron ah it’s filling up but we’re going to get uh glow stone and stuff like that for for the area thank you so much for all of the Santa Claus [ __ ] thank you crispy holy

Santa Claus [ __ ] thank you so much thank you crispy for giving a sub to techno is this a huge automated Farm uh this is a uh a in sorting system inventory so you put your items in in here like like eventually you’re going to be able to put whatever you want

Inside of this and it’ll go right through here here and then zip all the way up in these pipes up there cross going across here and then it starts uh it goes into this first sorting wait is it this one which one which one it’s that one right

It goes in there and then it uh passes through all these Hoppers and then it sorts um your item and then it trickles down all the way to the first uh chest on the bottom so you can literally just have it put items in there and it’ll just sort for you and

Fall into the right uh box and all you have to do is go in the warehouse and go to the bottom box so it’s this is like my own like like I I’ve went by Brian’s little uh inventory system in there I looked at it

I was like okay I kind of understand how it goes and then previously I did a um I did uh a little bit of like the piping and all that stuff kind of got that all situated and understand understood how to do that and then like the lifts and

Then the drops crispy thank you 2,000 Bitties yay thank you oh those are big bits thank you thank you crispy so uh this is inventory so so right now I’m just kind of like putting all the items in sorting them uh filling in the blanks and then trying to make everything symmetrical like

Every single uh dispenser is the same like this isn’t right I got to fix that and then uh and then putting the items into The Hoppers of like which one it’ll sort so I have this row done with the stone Cobblestone and stuff so you put the glass in here and The Hoppers

And it programs it to to where only glass can fall in there and so I have the pipes going behind there it zigzags all the way through and then it goes in here and then it drops it drops down and then uh it goes behind

The um it’s going to go all the way across all the way down and then it goes all the way over here in the back behind all that and then I’m going to have it cut across over on that side and go all the way behind there and then go into this

Section kind of go all the way in a circle problem is I don’t know how I’m going to do this I mean I could it yeah I don’t know how I’m going to do this snowballs uh yeah I got fig I have to figure out how I’m going to do this I

Might have the piping system having I might have to put it inside the actual Circle in here which is fine which I could it would actually wouldn’t look bad I just have to be careful or I’m going to fall in lava and then it’s going to Loop down I

Might have it like go directly across over there and then do a full circle and then it goes uh probably either up or down I might have it uh go [ __ ] I might have it go down I don’t know I cuz I feel like above I want to put maybe

The the sorting system like this will be all for like you know um like uh gold iron copper uh trees wood all that stuff will be this main warehouse but I think I want below underne under NE will be another set just kind of like this like this warehouse but one uh below

Underneath um and that’ll be cuz the cattle and sheep and pigs are going to be below and then I can have an automated system like when they’re getting cooked that they drop down and go and just store uh in the food section so I think I might put underneath here a food

Section and then above no food section no meat section below and then a food section above but like over in that that area not directly above here because that would be foolish with the with the zombie with the iron golem Farm I don’t know but right now it’s all about like

Labeling and trying to figure out where I want to put stuff so right now we’re kind of waiting on The Hoppers being made from the iron farm and then I also have to fix that but I think I’ll it’ll be fixed once I get the um inventory inventory system made on

The top because in this way the Iron Golems won’t be able to spawn anywhere except for right into the this this um the water because it’ll be like a giant Basin there won’t be anywhere above to that it’ll spawn that’s a funky amount of yeah so that’s why I’m going to have to do it that way but it’s at least we I mean like I said this is I’ve never I didn’t use a tutorial I used a like for

Maybe like a little bit of the the electrical part to kind of just figure out the basic of it basics of it but um the iron farm I just took the concept from before when I used it um and then uh made it a a big big version of it and then um

Also just kind of conformed it into an inventory system on top of it but I want it to be like if I like go out into the world explore I come back I can just drop off all my stuff into that chest and then be like all right I’m

Done you know like I can and then it sorts itself just makes things so much easier because I don’t know about you but a lot of the time I’m sitting there trying to organize stuff more than anything I rather just be able to go and build my [ __ ] and just throw all my

Items into a box and have it sort itself and I’m just like I don’t have to deal with it anymore I know where it is just follow the signs so yeah if you put your stuff in that box it just goes into the inventory system but right now I’m just trying to

Get everything sorted and you’re doing it without mods respect yeah I am and without creative mode and all that stuff either so but luckily got feather falling four you guys need to calm down you need calm down okay calm down Fine what’s up Ice Flower you’re back welcome back Minecraft what the

[ __ ] all right let’s see what we can make we can make full iron blocks I think it’s three where’s the what the [ __ ] what what was that like Robie all right [ __ ] there we go I thought it was like a it was in my game I was like uhoh

All right this is going to be that’s that’s irritating did you die yeah oh no but did you lose like did you lose lose it everything uh I probably not but my levels I was at 49 oh [ __ ] what this the place right it was just by on the other side [ __ ] I

Can’t even get up there to go the other way oh no I don’t think so it’s the other one pretty sure okay now I’m sad you’re sad I was your I he’s fine he’s just working I don’t know I actually don’t know what he’s doing I landed in

Water and then it shot me up in the air and launched forward and I hit a mountain and died oh God you might have said same thing and Y both well not same you guys die a lot yeah we take risks sorry we’re not

Hey man I did too okay I do I ventured further than you bro like you just went over there I told you where to go you didn’t Venture that far I actually did at one point okay well you know what [ __ ] you okay that’s very

Nice that’s it you you you know what you find your own way you know over there I have okay all right raiding Moonlight what’s up ho you’re you’re your uh villager is a big hoe I don’t know how you did it but you were managed to get into uh freaking

Grod’s uh cubicle or his room and and lived there for a while I don’t know how the [ __ ] he got in there considering there’s a wall and Gates and all that [ __ ] there um where the [ __ ] I don’t know how you did it ow and your kid you and gr your your

Kid is still alive too Robin he’s down in the he’s still sitting in the boat in the little boat with a chicken you can’t contain the hoe yeah go in there and you had you guys had a kid um Yeah I uh I’m pissed uhoh you lose all your [ __ ] I don’t know where it’s at oh no I’m uninstall Minecraft I did you go with all your good [ __ ] uh not all of it oh I found it okay oh my God I was about to punch my monitor so

Hard I went from 49 to 7 oh God it sucks that was about right know breathe I don’t want to you’re like no well oh oh my little boat boy yeah he’s he’s there Robin he’s still there I was like he’s still here he’s got a chicken just chilling with the

Chicken it was funny that chicken was in the water got in the boat made a friend least he’s not alone do you think a full box of snow blocks will be enough or I should I get more too uh it should be enough it should be

Enough okay I I’m like three stacks away okay I don’t [ __ ] trust the sword I don’t want it anymore first time I died from The Sword actually no second got to go in here uh you died the same way I died holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] why is this in here okay

Okay did you make a Discover right yeah this stuff random stuff being thrown in here uh oh I have to go through each Hopper to figure out like where certain things are that reminds me oh no I had uh the chests that are like on that wall that you don’t have

Hoppers to yet with the saplings I was like oh they’re good I could put these in there and filter I put like 17 in there and all went to the same one I looked through every single one and I found them I’m like oh my God I’m not doing that again

Yeah it’s I’m I’m putting on all the subblocks in here right now so it doesn’t go into those Hoppers anymore it just clogs them and they’ll just pass by but I need to put a a chest in the very end or else it’s just going to I don’t know what’s going to happen

To them do they disappear like I don’t know where they go so okay uh what’s the lowest temp lowest what is the lowest up there where you live at uh I mean it gets pretty cold here it go it freezes I think the lowest probably like 20 25 somewhere around that area freezes

[ __ ] Minnesota on the other hand Minnesota Minnesota is like negative freaking 20 no thank you the first time I ever went there negative 20 I was like I don’t want it like nope bone chili cold walked out of the airport and I lost my breath just takes your takes

Your breath away like oh God not not in a way that I was expecting was just like took one breath and it was just dry in my throat I’m like oh my I had to walk back in I’m like I can talk every time I walk into work people

Ask me like how can you wear shorts I just give them the same answer cuz I’m fat [ __ ] is this is I’m fat I’m not fat fat but I’m like insulated okay I’ll even get some like flat snow so that way it’s you can have a platform yeah and make it look

Good okay ooh that mean it work oh wait did you break something no no no I think I think I fixed everything I think I can actually put the andesite and I’ll travel through all of these I just got to make sure the electrical and the disp

Oh no I have to connect these couple of these uh spots here the pipes [ __ ] dispensers oh I got to make dispensers yay are you having yeah it’s just the tedious part cuz now now it’s like rinse and repeat when it comes to making these uh electrical things I’m making it

Compact it’s looking good though Minnesota is just Canada and American disguise honestly that’s true that’s valid that is valid mhm I agree except Canada’s Oreos are better oh didn’t know that yeah they they use real sugar we don’t use sugar oh those bastards so it’s two I I remember a

[ __ ] ah [ __ ] titties come on man jump jump around jump around so we got this so it goes one above it oh dang it I needed more red so I need to make need gravel okay electron good night so much sow H I need Soul Sand there Soul Sand over here grab this sand up here actually there should be sand below oh wait but we need the gravel well gravel should be below as well I mean I never mind actually no I I can grab some gravel I think I’m I’m

Literally right next to the inventory I’m I think I got it it’s all good about to say cuz I’m right next to all this gravel that I was trying not to get when I was getting snow oh I mean like if you want to get gravel yeah I mean

You always need it everybody makes dye and concrete and stuff like that thank God you chase but why is there a bunch of chicken [ __ ] gra it and then there’s sand one of these what the [ __ ] gravel on that that’s not right okay interesting h H there’s no okay

Got a lot of gravel nice and a lot of John too what uh yeah in the other other spare room it’s on the floor I won’t look he’s wrapping Christmas presents I might peek no oh that’s not I mean no I wouldn’t would ow oh God that was a drown holy [ __ ]

That’s [ __ ] out of me some of the noises are creepy as [ __ ] in this game out of how you doing Peter it’s 1 a.m. why you up so late because I’m an adult and I can choose what time I want to go to bed and I don’t want to go to bed

Early it’s only 11: anyways for me I won’t look oh don’t go outside or the garage just don’t go anywhere sit right here put it in your room then just don’t just don’t go anywhere just don’t just put it in put it in your room if anything no okay

No where the [ __ ] no we’re not doing this again [ __ ] is it my brother’s weird you’re weird I am weird I know but my brother’s weirder he’s pretty strange did was was that a delayed reaction no when this oh someone else said it no somebody said so am I so I was like

Yeah I thought you were responding to me I’m like uh that was a little bit crash sweet Avengers King Dynasty has already been has been retitled Avengers 5 for now oh [ __ ] wait was the was um what’s his face the guy that’s playing King was he found guilty or something yes yes yep

Oo watch that on news earlier Damn I like the way he portrayed him though yeah I did too he did a very good job with King sucks he was fired by damn I missed that damn that sucks so he was a good King that means they might bring in Dr Doom he I’m fine with Dr Doom being

The the villain am I [ __ ] lost yeah going the opposite who’s the other guy is it P Diddy or something like that going through stuff too now is it P Diddy or something like that I don’t remember there’s a bunch of [ __ ] going on I just haven’t been keeping up

On it people are stupid people are stupid play stupid games when stupid prizes that’s what I say they have a chance to move towards the Dr Doom thing and just get rid of Kang for now like you can put that on the back burner until you get that [ __ ] all

Fixed but they now have still an opening they haven’t really put too much into the whole King as a villain kind of thing as a main villain so hopefully they do Dr Doom or if like they choose the what if series and stuff like that remember the uh

Ultron that is going through all of that all through the multiverses and [ __ ] that would be really cool too oh huh Ying I found another one you want to fight it no I’m good I don’t know where he’s at he’s somewhere what know you know he’s a spider on there what you’re saying

Something oh know I forgot about Dr Doom oh yeah I’m hoping that Dr Doom now becomes the villain because I was saying like with the whole Marvel stuff that’s going on they haven’t like fully EST like they they’ve already made a few series of like Kang being the the main villain

With Loki and everything but they haven’t made like an Avengers you know I think feel like that’s when it solidifies you know as this is the villain of the Avengers for this phase so they I feel like they still have a chance at bringing in the main villain

Still so if they bring in Kang or not King but bring in Dr Doom I think it would be okay it’ be it’ be an okay transition it won’t be like totally like unfinished story with King you can bring it back but you can just like you got to fix [ __ ] so

Yeah true Loki did open up a lot of variant timelines that Marvel can use yeah exactly so I feel like they could bring in and plus they they’re you going to bring in mutants and all that stuff with X-Men so it’s like why not you know along with you know fantastic and stuff

Read something that secret invasion was led by Dr Doom yeah like that that people were expecting like possibly Dr Doom being in with the with the announcement especially when um kazinski was in that scene and all that stuff but I’m happy they’re going to finally do Fantastic 4 like a one that

Goes that’s Canon to into the main Marvel story line it will be funny that when they have all those nods to the other ones I wonder if uh Jessica Alba will be in one of them just to come back like she was hot she still is hot so it would

Be really funny if they bring her back it’s like one of the variants in in the actual Fantastic 4 from the other ones and then you bring back like freaking Chris Evans he’s like he’s not he’s no longer Captain America he’s back at you know is uh was a Johnny

Storm that would be so [ __ ] funny and the thing is is like it can be it can go along with the the what if series and stuff too cuz like there’s a whole bunch of variants like you see in the what if series like if uh you know

Uh Peter um from Guardians of the Galaxy was you know uh tala you know like kind of kind of thing like it was just all these different characters being different you know superheroes like it’ be it’s a possibility you know like somehow instead of Captain America he’s you know Johnny

Storm meets up with the remaining Avengers and be like cap yeah that’d be funny what if they actually did that that would be funny and then they had met they meet up him and uh Captain America now Captain yeah what the [ __ ] you look familiar why do you look familiar you look super

Familiar that’ be really funny it’s possible with all the what if series and stuff I can’t wait for that to come out that’s going to be awesome the new season yep the new season and what if I love that that series all those all the episodes are

Great I think my favorite one though I think is the the zombie one be interesting in what they use for that you do that for Star Wars they already had a hint of it yeah they had a hint of it that’s for sure I don’t want to spoil anything

Though got you got to watch Rebels I guess to really get the full feel of of the Star Wars stuff that’s going on is with Ahsoka which reminds me I need to actually watch that sometime I’m dead again no I’m not oh oh [ __ ] 22nd yeah see that didn’t make sense that was

A higher fall that was way higher than the last time yep SPO I’m on uh YouTube and twitch now yeah and I agree he still has America’s ass yep I [Laughter] agree you’re such a girl oh my god I’ve been watching uh the uh Reacher with um what’s his name Allan something he

Played Thad Castle in Blue Mountain State which which is an amazing show but my God that that man is chiseled I was like how is he not a superhero holy [ __ ] so Nate’s like yeah you’re going to really like the show and then when it when it showed a scene of him changing

His shirt I’m like you are correct like this is an awesome show um you don’t like change Spa sorry oh he was he played Hawk and DC Titans oh no he needs to be a Marvel Superhero he should be Adam the perfect being should have been that guy

Which show is I want to watch it for the story uh it’s the Reacher on Amazon it’s an amazing show crash you’re going to love it you play hyperon and Marvel yeah he’s it’s it’s a good show it’s really it’s really good too I just

You know I just you don’t like it for other reasons too oh my God wait did wait wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute did I just hear oh my God raiding Moonlight and gr had a baby Ara oh my God Gro you’re going to have to pay child

Support where the [ __ ] am I what the [ __ ] are you somewhere off to bed all right good night uh Sean how you doing Mr gaming uh can I get World War Scarlet the witch and the black widow or a couple yeah I agree that’ll be great I see the pap dinosaur

Te how was recording long tired I got to ask Nick about the OptiFine oh like is it is it is it him that has to all all the OptiFine how does that work okay so Nick has to do that no no no go into it you download the OptiFine gives you a Java file put it in your plugins

Folder well can you show me that well I didn’t know that I needed to do that you know what you could do what so they invented this thing I I know but I don’t want to follow it because I’ll I will download a virus okay you’re going

To do it now oh you’re going to do it now and I can put shaders on okay I’m I was disconnecting you okay I was going to okay damn she to come up and said why I was just asking a question you could have just said I could work on it later said

You had to work on it now okay so with the game uh instance you mods So in theory I think what you can do is uh go here go here is it oh my God is this him telling you about optify where’s the OptiFine are available inst here there no OptiFine

And if you need not sure if BR configured opine or sh no I didn’t touch no haven’t done it that’s okay all right let me see I am home oh that’s s jar Okay thank you the angel in black for the membership thank you what version of Minecraft is it 1.2.4 R that’s Iris that’s something Irish uh okay Irish install a jar so yeah it gives you Java file the jar and in theory you can just put it into the

Mods folder I think that’s what I was I think that still works that sound right to anyone you you you’re dumb we don’t know no not them okay I’m just putting that on you I don’t want it like God damn talk to the chat so if you get the iris installer

Which I’m sure is a Shader pack thing you can just install the jar file into or just put it into the mods folder okay exactly that’s what I’m saying what exactly what I’m saying is this your server I just say your name on it okay so let me see options video Settings I think I still need the other thing no yeah let me read what Nick said and if you need Shader pack the [ __ ] is Irish shaders IR Shader I’ll just run it ah you have to run it Irish install the Minecraft install pause the jar into the folder for you uh

I’m actually I’ll see what it did C no I think put it into my do not why would it put it there I don’t know what the folder is going to be called what’s this thing irisha Irish installer uh so in my app data in roaming it made an a DOT

Iris Iris installer folder then there’s a raar file in there a zip file sodium and mods I just take the mods folder out of there and put it into the mods folder in the folder for the instance of Minecraft that would make sense to me sodium fabric does that sound right I

Think it is that would make sense now I’m hoping yeah I’m looking forly I would take this mods folder I would copy files and then I get out of here go back to roaming. Minecraft oh Irish reserved is here oh bro yeah so maybe I can do this instance folder. Minecraft mods

And it won’t let me paste of course it won’t filming installer I’ve never used Iris so I don’t know what I’m looking for it needs to be an app that roing minecraftmods it is in there so I installed it there but I I didn’t know

If I needed to have the same J files in the zip of Iris sodium and have that in the mods folder because Len is using uh multi MC so it’s playing a different instance of java so I’m worried if you install that that to the Minecraft so

Like the base do Minecraft of the computer the game is playing a different instance so I don’t know if those mod folders need to be in the instance of her multi MC that’s why I’m confused I want to because it if you open up vanilla basic Minecraft on the

Computer then yes it would work that way because she’s using multi MC I’m worried it’s launching a different instance of Minecraft because there’s mods folder in that instance folder so I’m getting a little bit confused pretty so pretty so big let me see what it does when I launch It you can put them in both I think I’ve put them in both installed it in dust in like app dat roaming Minecraft and I think I then put the jar files in the zip in the mods folder of the instance an update for fast is a world that is

Available anything she she no options video setting my puppy see I don’t know what I’m looking for credits and attribution credits license lies yeah I don’t know what the [ __ ] I need to be looking you guys can’t see the gameplay but I’m looking advancements nope nope nope nope

See this is what this is the [ __ ] that I need why did Nick not why did Nick not say do this and put this here God dang it that [ __ ] dang it right I’m going to have to launch that again I’m stupid I’m stupid oh [ __ ] me sorry everyone I’m trying to figure

This out okay so Iris installer I’m going to run it again 1.2.4 installation type irus install installation directory do Minecraft and install done okay now if I go app data and find. Minecraft I think it’s because it’s got another folder in there as Irish installer Irish installer and then

Minecraft and then there’s Irish reserved oh lovely thank you now I need sorry guys in the Discord I’m going to mute Stan yeah I think it needs all these things yeah it needs all these folders here no it’s fine on no still there no

Music oh my God you said is the music on I said no is the music on no and then no you said is I said is music gone you’re like No And so I was like oh I heard is your music on I didn’t hear it gone on gone not much of a

Different oh my God I got it it yeah it’s quiet look it’s on music isn’t it No sorry guys this is going to be very boring oops shut up God damn is there buzzing in her microphone Jack can you hear like when I’m talking can you hear a buzzing can’t tell okay if I keep talking and you listen clearly are you able to hear

Any fizzling it’s clear you don’t hear any little that is a big n okay so I can yeah well as long as you guys can’t hear that’s fine uh all right this video is very boring uh we’re just going to have to it’s eight minutes this is downloading Iris

Okay so this is Iris and sodium so this guy does both whereas this thing downloads both by the way I don’t think you can hear what I’m listening to so don’t worry if I’m just mumbling to myself Mhm and MMC loader mods where the [ __ ] is that where the [ __ ] is loader mods okay slow the [ __ ] down bud version settings settings no where in multi MC is that menu version resource packs loader mods wow no that just launches the game I po sorry I can’t even see the chat loader

Mods view mods no of course this guy’s using is he using Linux or is this m i don’t need the loader mods I can just go to the mods folder so what this guy has is a directory is if that is installed to do Minecraft is is doing local and

Then share the [ __ ] oh with other PCS on the oh [ __ ] and a instance instance fold ER please be the right one multi MC instances ah God I might just get nicked to [ __ ] do this dog [ __ ] D instant D Minecraft [ __ ] am I doing yeah that’s right then mods mods folder and then I have Iris in there and sodium okay where the [ __ ] is this kid’s goddamn thing he’s got like a different menu uh where the [ __ ] Minecraft Java where is okay I’m

Opening chat just in case someone is yelling Set where was that video here put you okay all right he’s on a two version of Minecraft multi MC great [ __ ] so yeah what he also I think on Mac or Linux doesn’t look normal he’s got chromium yeah anyway okay so shut up Brian figure this

Out so we have the right stuff in the mods folder now if this is just a case of Shader pack maybe I can just go into the game complimentary Shad all downloaded a no don’t start I’m not even do don’t rush me don’t rush me I was just asking

Don’t rush me holy [ __ ] that [ __ ] is assum she just pissed me off already Shader Pike Okay so I don’t know where this [ __ ] is using he’s doing some stuff that I can’t find and I come be doing it so I think I just load up the game and

Go to thank you thank you chap okay so I’ll just go options resource pack uh we don’t have shaders video I just realized I just realized the [ __ ] does optify work God dang it Resource Pike wouldn’t work mother of [ __ ] of my tits why can this [ __ ] just not [ __ ] be simple man why why why why did I have to come upstairs and say hi oh hi can you install this I’ve never done that before in my life hey tomorrow could we maybe try and

Get this to work now doing now no you can’t where in okay anyone know where so if you watch that video of how to install Iris for Minecraft 1.8 at 1.8.2 and then at like 3 minutes 23 he’s talking about like it was at this moment that he knew he [ __ ] up

He’s kind like this menu in multi MC console window not really poppies do me a favor shut the [ __ ] up is it our console window settings help folders folders instance folder Central mods folder Central mods folder no that’s lader mod anyone have idea I’d rather try install this than

Have deal with blue screen problems what blue screen problems does anyone have any [ __ ] idea um uh change icon launch launch launch offline edit notes view mods few worlds instance folder download the RS from the official website done select the desired Minecraft version done make sure the name of the foldo matches Minecraft’s

Profile location on the computer click install and open the I’m pretty sure I did that open the Minecraft launcher which is already a problem because we use a multi MC for the launcher uh select the new Irish profile run the installer and choose the install with

Sodium not with a custom loader see I’m there thinking you just take the jar files put it into the mods folder here’s my vote you just keep [ __ ] playing till Nick’s awake this [ __ ] annoying I think that’s the way to do it because I’m just going to end up pulling

My hair out you should only download OptiFine from official website never from anywhere else fine what this guy said 1.2 move both to the multi MC mods folder launch launch the instance I did so I launched the so everything here’s the thing I think when so when you do the

Install and you go to the the base app data go to roaming and then the base. Minecraft okay so when you run the installer it also has these three folders installed in the do Minecraft folder it’s essential that has a Json file in there uh Iris reserved folder and it has the

Two jar files in there for rsmc and sodium and then there’s another folder versions so I think these three folders need to work with the Json files so I think these also might need to be copied and put into the instance folder in Minecraft edit instance in instance

Folder do Minecraft of this instance and then paste it in there replace I hope I did not [ __ ] that up let’s launch it let’s launch and see if that does anything different nothing looks different resource packs video settings nothing looks different at all because here’s the thing I don’t know

What the [ __ ] I’m looking for I don’t know I don’t know what would look different how the [ __ ] would you know if iris is installed not a fat no that was still there anything about Iris nope CV no no OptiFine like zoom in thing literally a blind man installing

Things he had no [ __ ] idea what he’s doing yeah yeah not not an aution not an idea no clue no [ __ ] clue Lads okay well if I leak any information it’s on you Lenny uh where do I game play top okay this is what we’re working with

All right let’s get rid of the game okay yeah so download the installer here’s the installer we’re going to run it okay you’re going to see this pick the version Irish install directory is going to go into do Minecraft on the computer that should Target the base Minecraft not multi MC okay

Install that has installed now if I go into do Minecraft no that’s multi MC he one sec one sec Ryan’s talking chat all right one sec one sec so when you go into do Minecraft you see these folders are here essential that’s a Json file that I don’t know if it corresponds

To this this from Iris and this from Iris so I don’t know if these are needed for these in multi MC already checked SSD is installed good health no same h don’t give a [ __ ] about your thing I love you all help me I want to go to

Bed it will enable the wait wait wa wait essenti is not yeah you can dump everything from the install in the inst M folder oh okay I’ll show you what I did I want to go to bed Lads mods not mods see look I have three jar files in

There installer can go but Irish MC is in there and sodium is in there you know you know so the every the jar files for the mods folder are in the multi MC instance but this has in the do Minecraft I copied this into there do

They not need to be there [ __ ] see what I mean corn mods no just mods right you can take those other folders if you want they may be necessary exactly what does that mean you can take you can take those they may be necessary so I did if he’s talking about

The ones that I did three these three Essentials here that’s the Json file Irish reserved is here no no I don’t I don’t think so and then versions is here so those three folders are in both so they are there no Minecraft why is there no else in the do

Minecraft Nick I think Nick’s asleep I don’t know well if I don’t get this to work I’ll just get Nick to fix it and he just wants to get the Shader packs working of course there shaders I’ve never used any ideas before I give up and go to bed night Peter thank you

Bro no don’t wake him don’t wake him s relax don’t wake him wait this what I’m saying just leave it for tonight yeah and so install Uh so I have that yeah I think I think just leave for now cuz it’s just going to make me lose my [ __ ] I have one more idea one more installation directory no no no no no what the [ __ ] am I doing what did I pick where the [ __ ] did I send that

Uh [ __ ] here oh it’s in downloads multi MC what no what what where the [ __ ] is the D Minecraft for multi oh [ __ ] [ __ ] would you just do this would you just go downloads and select MMC I’m why is multi MC and down I’ll [ __ ] know I’ll [ __ ]

Know I don’t know where I don’t know you’re doing what my dad does you’re spinning out words that that makes no sense no no no no no the the root directory like in apata is there a multi MC in here I don’t know dude I [ __ ] know is

It run from downloads I can’t imagine why it would be but if it is it’s launching from phas F yeah okay well that doesn’t help that doesn’t help me okay well okay let me just launch this multi MC should be probably reinstalled correctly no I don’t think installs work with just copy and

Paste I don’t think so no this ain’t working yeah it’s not unall to the proper location so I say just play for now the night you would I think in the multi MC settings you can do that but I don’t know and I don’t want to [ __ ] with it and then next

You know you can’t even play the game and then you get mad no disrespect I’m not trying to be as smartass but that could happen it’s not even worth the risk I’d rather do it tomorrow offline huh yeah I know I probably installed it wrong I probably just or else it was I

Thought it was already there I thought multi MC was already on the computer anyway it doesn’t matter doesn’t matter um just get on a call with Nick and then just say why is this here do this move it here what where am I going no there’s no shaders there no it’s

Installed wrong it’s installed wrong huh I don’t know you can you can listen to them I’m just I’m not going to risk it I don’t I don’t want to be the one responsible for it not working and then you can’t stream you just wait till tomorrow and we’ll fix

It it’s just the best way to do it it’s not even worth it you do another voice yes I will yes e will right good night everyone I’m sorry tried I’m so exhausted I’ve been up I’ve had what three three hours sleep I was

Up to 4 yesterday and I woke up at 7 cuz I heard you and Janice oh I’m tired night night everyone sorry I couldn’t get it to work I must be it must be either install in the wrong location needs a dump Minecraft thing in like in like the

Sea and I thought oh [ __ ] I so tired one lot of hair that’s unfortunate oh back in Discord okay hello hello H we went to all good oh I got a resource pack work with shaders yeah we’ll get that though it’ll look really cool does the gravel sorting

Work uh not yet no okay yeah I have a bunch I didn’t have to finish the PIP piping Mhm hours Watch okay need a lot of Hoppers almost done with this row though good another row Done now we need more grab some glass work on the pipes I blame Mike Jesus it scared me I’m beer thank you scared the [ __ ] out of me thank you for the membership woo all right I’ll feel better Dragon Josh have a good night get some sleep dude drink a lot of

Water scared the [ __ ] out of me holy [ __ ] need another dispenser oh [ __ ] where did I put the Bows Oh no Bitties and titties holy [ __ ] Bitties and titties thank you Dragon Josh for the 45 bits have a good night good be scared thanks man now I’m awake

Oh I appreciate it thank youly Santa Claus [ __ ] ring Moonlight $50 oh [ __ ] oh no it’s a spicy [ __ ] Bean oh okay I guess somebody somebody’s Christmas present is going to go towards thanks great Moonlight thank youy Bean here we go habanero oh my God it scared me for a

Second you want one Brian do you like one another $50 for my fry you don’t are you sure I would say another 50 and do a h Arrow I don’t think Carolina Reaper would be good is habanero not like lower it’s one one step lower than the Carolina Reaper what the [ __ ]

Yeah still pretty bad another $50 you give it a spin what for you or for me no for me I’ll do for you okay another 50 there he’ll do it another 50 that way I might get oh God which is the lowest one h and Sriracha Carolina Reaper really bad Bri it’s just

Bad yeah another yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yeah I’m white I’m white holy Santa Claus [ __ ] okay there it is better get me a prey no I I did already get you a prey give me another one wait you you want to spin it want to spin it or

You jalapeno no jalapeno alapo you saw you saw Alo green one yep there that’s a fair deal want why you want to use me here thank you two oh thank you Jonathan is that fatality yeah thank you Jonathan okay I don’t need okay this might only be jalapeno but you have to remember I’m Irish we have stew and potatoes it takes your breath away go in the back of your throat just stay there oh are my little support dog oh Tak your breath

Away jalapeno I love the seeds on a pizza jalapeno seed but the green part the pepper it’s up that face is it [Laughter] Yeah Merry Christmas every Merry Christmas thanks Fality okay I’m going to go pack no you don’t want Bo oh B are you how was your stream dude yeah enjoy the New Year’s as well good to see you hi [Laughter] steampunk you for the 78 month steampunk cheer up dude it’s Christmas cheer up dude it’s Christmas hi puppy

Yeah Brian’s uh got a friend’s wedding he’s going to and then he’s just going to spend uh Christmas over in Ireland we’re going to have a party over here though we’re going to have a full house just sucks he’s not going to be here but I be like um I’m Sorry so I’m having my uh I’m having my parents um come over and then we’re gonna have uh Christmas here and um my dad and then Janice will be here and Nate and Josh will be here and then I think I think our contractor David will be here too and his wife

Himim so it’s going to be fun is his wife bring any special dessert she might I told her she’s more than welcome too say I want uh I went to Scotland this summer I lived over there hell yeah oh man I would love to go to Scotland that’s

Sick been to all over iseland but never to Scot next party El yeah I have a few people here it’ll be fun more turkey turkey wish show played the finals uh and chess I don’t know how to play chess I know how to play checkers I don’t know how to play chess I don’t how to play chess I know the

Basics of like like what how the moves are supposed but like I’m not I’m not I can’t no way I get my ass be I can play checkers but no no unironically I learned that in my science class really yeah interesting we always get the work done they bring out the chest

Board somebody else yeah it’s too complicated it’s like you have to have a big brain I don’t have a big brain I have a small brain okay this is coming from the person who’s says I’m a genius so it’s a joke okay which which which way I don’t shut

Up okay doesn’t matter you don’t shut [Laughter] up been trying to learn this year yeah I can’t there’s no way I smoke too much [Laughter] weed yeah just not happenings move forward but they can only attack diagonal no way uh-uh I’ll be like dude we’re playing [Laughter]

Chess I straight up like no I think we’re parking is it your move or mine yeah I’d run out of time you know like cuz there’s there’s a time limit right oh yeah competitive yeah no way 20 minutes one move that’s I think she me Yi yeah Yi I think I inhaled little piece of like dog fur Andrew thank you for the 23 months hello meow meow meow meow meow hello I don’t know why my dog Texas speech isn’t working hang on I’m try to fix it get away from go under the table I don’t

Know you seen the real life Minecraft one I have on the wall there what you seen the real life Minecraft light or no I have not what do you have on the wall there in the game talking about the torch oh no I haven’t seen that no there’s a

Minecraft torch light oh damn that’s insane that’s cool I didn’t know they made that kind of stuff I think they have like uh what is it different kind of ores you can buy they like lights really that’s sick yeah it was great until he broke it dang it

Kids I agree damn kid you can use as a [ __ ] weapon that thing was like heavy duty I owned one when I was younger eventually just broke so that sucks some I you get my brother my little brother Justin [ __ ] a wax on my with that [ __ ] hurts oh [ __ ] what was

That what happened then I heard a weird ass noise and I don’t like that Um all right good night Jonathan thank you again thank you again dude appreciate you coming by always an honor guys don’t know who fatality is you’re you’re you’re living under a rock just saying just just Google the name okay just just Google a lot of things things make sure you follow

Them under a rock wait is that still a term or is that an old lady thing now is that an old person thing now yeah that’s an old person thing oh no what is it really an old person thing no I just like I just like to call you old [ __ ]

You but it is oh God it’s definitely no God please no no a long time no no get with times lady I’m I’m trying I got Janice around I just she translates for me and it’s nice I at least got like 16 years of wiggle room for translation and then the next Generation

You know when it gets really bad and Janice can’t understand then we have just Justin is seven right now so we got plenty of time and then he can translate so then we’re covered we’re covered and then by that time uh when he grows up I’ll be dead so it won’t [ __ ] [Laughter]

Matter yeah I like the optimism you know I’ll be super old so whatever at that point so I I don’t know what Janice is going to do like she’s kind of screwed she might have to rely on like her kids or something or I don’t know or my kids

Or something I don’t know but you know I’m covered whatever what hey it’s just reality okay I’m not going to live forever no way [ __ ] that I don’t think if even there there was a way to live forever I would do it I don’t know I mean all my friends

Just kind of leave family yeah that’s true I don’t know like I I’d like to see the progression of things I feel like I would try to we are de progressing yeah I know that’s where it’s like I’m kind of curious on where things are going to end up you know it’s like

Uh it’s see how dumb we get here’s a sneak PE we’re all going to die I don’t know why are you here raing Moonlight I don’t know yeah he’s there just the process is Ni oh you got his stuff oh oh this is a step okay raining Moonlight your your gifts

Arrived uh the matching pair for l oh no what’s the what is oh God these onesies FL Jacks Are they what and then oh we even got little socks what wait what are these are these socks I think they’re little Jingle Bells Oh my God we’re going to be so

Gay oh look it’s p we got to be so happy hey happy it’s got we got peanut butter like a chew toy you happy oh look I got Arian Sansa down here like hello hello what are these I don’t know these are colors for the dogs are they oh they

Are oh my god oh they are yeah there’s three of them yep oh oh my God that’s going to be oh my God going be [ __ ] cute C all the noise all the time Ching shing shing shing she has one on you got a fat neck jingle f yeah

Hi jingle fls oh that’s cute as [ __ ] D they’re so cute give you a guys B but you’ll wear that for Christmas this hi we’ll take them off for now this one they’re so cute thank you I’ll be able to hear them like when your family come over have these

Yeah these are great these are great oh yeah thank you hell yeah they love the toys like there’s so many toys in the yard like we have to go out there and we collect them and then we have to wash them there’s so many toys so Bening goes AP [ __ ] take it take

It thank you raiding Moonlight thank you so much always gives the best gifts I still have the bread pillow behind me and I still have use the fleece blankets and stuff so that dope hi good girl good jingled or what what going on hi Bing that was cool jingle

Flo just wish benen would stop peeing everywhere that’s the only thing just if you just stop smacking my table what you doing the doggy yeah peanut butter did you drop you go outside oh okay more more presents for the doggies oh God this was on Len’s wish list but it

Was what what what on Earth sorry but wouldn’t allow for me to send okay okay with the holidays upon us I thought I’d spread some love to you Len and the matching or and the pups I couldn’t resist giving you to matching pjss and a couple things for the dogs

Too from raiding Moonlight oh thank You oh my [Laughter] God oh God I last in all this relationship the dogs then Brian I’m [ __ ] no no no no no no it is it’s definitely you number one then dogs than me in where to rain Moonlight well no I’m inan like what do you mean for I

Thought Moonlight here I’m dogs dogs actually goes dogs then dogs 100% here you go binging he’s like mine oh my God a Dr Pepper going is he already he’s going CRA yeah he’s back there you see him [Laughter] youer we got a Dr Pepper how about one

Of you girls there you go there you go s oh god there you go Ben he’s like mine what’s this okay okay are you you’re not skinny puppy yeah you’re fat fat dog oh is this an ashtray what is this wait a minute what is this is it an

Ashtray the book it’s an ash tray right yeah hell yeah oh that’s nice you can that is an asay asay right I like it regardless it’s [ __ ] cool it’s a planter oh a [Laughter] planter and then we got matching PJs thank you those are my ones yep

These are yours and this one’s mine mine mine large I’m going to go put these on now you are yeah I’ll down I’ll wear them tomorrow I was going to wear tomorrow you’re here one more night wearing tomorrow I want to change it tomorrow you’re here one more night

You streaming tomorrow yeah we’ll wear him tomorrow no we wear him tomorrow on stream I’m going to go now I’m going to go back to my PO Box stuff and see if there’s any more stuff for the dogs and Len because [ __ ] Brian okay I did get

These much yeah you did get those and you know the happy dogs some [ __ ] I good thing I heard the Jingle Bells and I talk to myself I’m not going to be here for Christmas day so I might as well check what this is l l l l

L I love this though hell yeah I’m going to actually use it as an as trans nice little little book they love you I think hey man you know dog the dogs getting spoiled is always awesome can’t go wrong in with the dogs thank you raing Moonlight thank you so

Much the butts have flaps oh God they have butt flaps oh my God Brian’s going to take advantage of that just ass going to hang out I’m just oh Lord [ __ ] chilly in here is [ __ ] ass out uhoh what happened uh-oh oh there some [ __ ] what what happened now the [ __ ] on

Left that’s nice to lene Terrorizer Miss Vixen this is a what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that’s nice that’s nice I like that it’s a good I’m going there collecting [ __ ] I’m just that awesome Bab you know oh that is for you it’s for

Me give me that W I don’t know who got this B weed like you oh my [Laughter] God they really like you wow really really that’s a big fan right there this is going to be a very merry Christmas for me all right have have fun in Ireland

Babe oh my God she really oh my god dude I didn’t even I didn’t was this on your wish list no are you sure yes was this on your wish list was that on the wish list oh my God have a Merry Christmas it’s that one time of the year

They got the porn up going off oh my God take your wild ride to electrifying climax with the exclusive power boost mode now deliver a thrilling 10c burst she’s used to that intense of vibration at the Press of a button it’s the secret Edge that will put your orgasm over the

Top wow uh Len I hope you’ll enjoy me being away Merry Christmas and thank you so much guys for using my PO Box to send my girlfriend a [ __ ] Vibra mer I like sausages all go [ __ ] Yourself this is great who sent it I don’t even know is there a [Laughter] note was shockingly what shockingly they decided not to put their name on they didn’t put their name on it in a turn of events un big this little [ __ ] bag decided not to put his name on

Merry Christmas filthy animal Chistmas and a happy New Year we’ll you say that’s raiding Moonlight as well I think Len is going to be like you know what babe you can parents watch my stream oh no oh my God that’s how are you Jo how are you Joseph look at

That how are you Joel good morning to you now Joel she doesn’t answer your calls now you know where she is look how it’s called wild ride now Len I bought a fresh set of dou a all right full of dou a batteries I don’t think it takes AAA cuz it has intensity

Boost power mode so you can use the JX and the Jurell Merry Christmas I’m in trouble wow that’s that’s something all right Jesus oh God it takes D batteries it’s D batteries Brian of course it’s D oh my God I was not expecting that I wasn’t either wow oh my Lord

Nobody expects a dick in a box that’s great well whoever whoever did that that was that’s funny now that’s [Laughter] funny that’s that is funny so this is going to sound weird oh no this going to sound weird if I visit don’t let me near that thing I will

Throw it somewhere and it will get stuck to a place you can it’ll be under under your pillow no I I will throw it and it’ll be stuck somewhere we can’t get oh quit unplugging my mouse cuz Ally did the same [ __ ] oh God stop allly

Threw one at me and I threw it back at her and I got it stuck on a wall that was like really high up and she couldn’t reach it oh God and then she labeled me a professional dildo [Laughter] thrower my visit don’t ever never do that launch that [ __ ] ceiling fan it’s

Hilarious to theing fan blade spinning [Laughter] around oh I cannot believe somebody did that it has a suction cup on I can believe it put it on someone’s car put it on someone’s car yeah oh my God put it in Brian’s suitcase oh yeah ni do right on top right on

Top oh my God that would be funny that would be pretty Funny that’s [ __ ] Wild cannot believe somebody actually did that that’s amazing YouTube would like that in a [Laughter] video I’m clipping it that’s for sure AR you okay we don’t need you guys fighting over the cappuccino okay all right Arya stop lay down stop taunting hate that she does that she always taunts

The everyone else and they get in dog little fights and you guys hurt each other and you start limping for a little bit because you guys are fighting hard for me to feel sorry for you are you considering you do it to yourself that’s what my my [ __ ]

Nephew does that was like God dang it I warned you he’ll he’ll just walk up to me and be like you can’t catch me I’m like and then he’ll like run up and punch me I’m like I’m one more time all right [ __ ] get upun ground

Kids I like the it’s funny watching the videos of when the mom pulls something out of the oven and they’re like hot like don’t touch the bottom it’s hot and the kid constantly constantly go and grab it by the bottom and the mom is like it’s hot like start screaming at

The like don’t touch the bottom and then they like oh yeah okay what’s up Swifty God I love those like the mom just like oh my kid is just stupid oh God especially when they’re teenagers y that came out of me have any suggestions uh I can enjoy and I tried

Watching oh I don’t know I don’t watch any Minecraft series I just play the game only time I watch anything like Minecraft stuff on YouTube is when I need to like learn how to build something you’re going to go lay down all right beish God that was amazing I can’t

Believe I somebody sent that [ __ ] it’s just never a dull moment yeah it would been way funnier if it was like a candy cane team I think he just hilarious that just got one someone’s brave enough to do that that’s funny to see how much that [ __ ] thing I

Know I’m like G to look that [ __ ] up like damn it’s proba expensive I got to delete the search history on Amazon though recommended because you previewed [ __ ] oh no dude I got that [ __ ] because [ __ ] Nate sent that one [ __ ] video or that one streamer and I just keep getting big on

Mytch sure sure you and blame it on that uh-huh well I mean they did update their P they did update it see I knew it I go different that not there we go hopefully this will prevent the Iron Golems from spawning in here how are the P they’re good they got

A bunch of toys from raing Moonlight they’re loving it all passed out with their toys designated toys ARA’s got the cappuccino I think Sans is sleeping with the with the Dr Pepper right now behind me literally like laying within her heads on the Dr Pepper and then I think benjin has got the

Thing I think he’s got a toy my cat he’s he’s a narcoleptic all he does is sleep really that’s all he does he [ __ ] he [ __ ] he sleeps with his eyes open that’s creepy yeah he just like he just sits there and his eyes are just wide open that be a little creepy

F he sounds like an old man sleeping like an old ass man sleeping a loud ass snore he is a very sweet boy though very sweet the little [ __ ] sometimes they very yeah we need a freaking bows yeah left them down here we go oh Cobblestone that’s not going to work I

Need more Cobblestone than That okay once we get that we’ll be able to okay Cobblestone hey Robin did you ever Mark that uh area where you found another overl nope whoa um in like a weird Coliseum looking thing that’s all I know oh why’d you find it no I haven’t found anything like I just been in my hole of cont that SP I did just kind of

Make a weird face when you said I’m like um yeah I’ve been my whole day you know just need a couple more dispensers and then Redstone Dust I can buy some some quartz way too [ __ ] what I was trying to look it up to see the price of that [ __ ] I wanted

To see how much the [ __ ] money was spent on that yeah they’re [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m telling you there’s so many on the [ __ ] on Amazon you can’t even like [ __ ] find it I’d have to get like the actual name of the company and oh you’re talking about the dildo you’re

Talking about you’re talking about Villers in Minecraft I’m like yeah they’re [ __ ] but yeah that Y no you’re the [ __ ] someone actually spent money to send that too that’s funny yeah it’s yeah I’ll look it up I’ll find out I’ll find out that is hilarious browsing history he wants one

Yeah I think I think that’s the I think that’s the hidden thing is if I wanted one I would buy it that’s why you’re trying to find out like how much it is you know see how much SP because that’s probably I’m going to guess like 45 bucks that’s my

Guess you want the used one what the f hey maybe it’s on discount who knows e he wants that one specifically no oops I didn’t mean to do that you like the size of it it’s not used it’s not called uh it’s not used it’s called refurbished oh God oh my

God starting to get on Mike’s level [ __ ] you guys [ __ ] you Guys what the [ __ ] second hand giggity e God should drop some [ __ ] off Uhoh God you guys are weird oh [ __ ] yeah we’re weird y you guys are weird you you’re the one that has a [Laughter] dildo God what you talking about you haven’t added a cart yet oh my God it will never he didn’t he he added it to cart but

It’s not it’s not I will take a screenshot of my cart right now there’s nothing in my cart the last thing that was in my cart was a wallet for my dad prison wallet no an actual Wallet I was to be his christm but I can’t afford it cuz I’m stupid I’m about to pull a mic [ __ ] you guys I’m about to pull a mic and say I need to take a break and then go to sleep that sounds like me the past two

Weekends oh [ __ ] no he literally said I need to take a break and then fell asleep did not come back yep at all even it was streaming he left it he left the scam up oh my God luckily he was on the break screen so there was nothing yeah

Happening definitely was hilarious I was wondering too I’m like I wonder if he’s going to come back for for a little bit that I was like I think he’ll come back after it passed about like an hour I’m like I don’t think so I don’t think so you were

Right I think he ended his stream like maybe an hour or two after you had gotten up oh really okay yeah I knew it I was just like H he’s not going to make it he’s he’s he’s asleep no way then I’m like yeah you was probably

Stretching his back out then the next day yeah I fell asleep on the on my bed stretching my back out like oh yeah yep call knew it this will be for whatever maintenance is that glow stone I see time is that 1:00 man I’m flies wish watch my neph for like four hours

In the morning so can’t wait to get harassed by freaking seveny [Laughter] old I’ll probably have hook up the switch and play [ __ ] Smash Bros against him or some [ __ ] you’re like suck it kid suck it just beat him is he good at it I have no idea uh

Oh the only thing I’ve seen him play is Roblox and fortnite so I have no idea does he get either one of those games I don’t know oh you don’t pay attention I don’t pay attention to that those games anymore Roblox I don’t even care at all

Yeah but fortnite I watched and it was like yeah in my head I’m like I would [ __ ] on [Laughter] him looky I’m not playing kid youed what he farted who who farted who farted did it was a little bit ago oh no you did oh you did earlier what’s up

Nate oh the sound alert I was like what God was like what another one another big part I’m I’m hoping for your sounds to break when parts are playing and do what Nate happen to Nate God it was so funny wait what Nate was playing valerant one night

And people were redeeming sound and the sound alers like broke and kept replaying them over and over and over no it was for like almost an hour and a half and it was just far stting clapping and it was a just a bunch of random [ __ ] it was hilarious oh

God should have highlighted that part I had a clip on my PC for a long time but I think I had I lost it with the SSD crashed but God it was great up Jcap I literally went to bed and I just kept hearing things going off and I just kept laughing so I said [ __ ] it I’m going to stay on it’s done mate was irritated by it at first two and then he just started laughing he’s like God [ __ ] damn it

And then out of nowhere he would die and then all he hears like an Applause start laughing like [ __ ] you guys oh it’s great I don’t think I’m ever going to forget that [ __ ] that was hilarious never seen it do that before then white no [ __ ] there okay so I

Need I got ice and then that shoots out gets three three spaces [ __ ] keep forgetting have this where I can walk around yeah it be better if I’m able to walk around just in case [ __ ] breaks um that’s one one two three and then Soul Sand

It shouldn’t matter if like I have the bricks if I have concrete it still passes through the Hoppers right no I can’t because it has to slide never mind never mind never mind never mind never mind that work though you heading to works so wait are you off tonight neat he’s never on

Ever never ever even a b hey Pepper stop it are you you’re off today right yeah you who else oh my God he as high as a kite he’s got to be he’s definitely not at work yeah are you off are you like not working today it’s like are you currently

Sitting on the couch are you just chilling yeah you’re off with us okay still need gold nuggets or no um Gold Anything is good okay I just went to the ne I got a bunch of gold nuggets and qu need them okay the [ __ ] are you watching

What see him see him head oh God hey you confuse me sometimes Robie W what the [ __ ] yeah what are you watching what did he say just it’s in the chat I mean I don’t want to say it out loud like what the weirdo s like what the

[ __ ] that doesn’t make it any better oh my God what the [ __ ] I’ve never seen I’ve seen that show I’ve never seen what you’re talking about on it it’s funny glow yeah that’s fine anything is fine glowstone will be good like uh nice walls glow stone in the walls no I’m I’m

Good I don’t I don’t need to see oh God you don’t want to see you very curious on that about that yeah I mean you’re not fooling anyone all right are you sure you don’t want to see it I’m going to go take a [Laughter] Break this will be okay go up there I kind of want to have it to where you can walk through the sides but I don’t know one thing at a time it was three then Soul Sand boom um building an IM sorting system big weirdo up Joshua rber huh

I’ll walk in there I’ll go in there in five minutes five minutes going to the garage my presents in there I’m going to go look it’s a giant dild though that’s so awkward it wouldn’t surprise me oh my God but my dad is probably like oh my God turn it

Off turn off the turn off the freaking TV it’s it right yeah does it go again okay hang on you’re not a ninja all right sneaking your shoes are loud you’re loud okay go okay so goes like that okay so it’s oh no oh my God C okay and and okay oh

Brother don’t even know anymore I was just laughing at Nate’s [ __ ] respon glad you know that glad you know that oh [ __ ] yeah that was a sentence M right yeah we’re getting it has this two three and then it’s four wide right yeah three and then four wide I messed that up two 3 four two three and then here wait no it needs to be one closer it’s right um dang it need more cement Le trucker okay that always put these down oops see no what’s up uh huh there’s a chest in the area just outside of the exit of

Where you usually go to storage area yeah it’s surrounded by torches and it has its SN okay we’ll probably work on that tomorrow cuz since it is getting late I just wanted to get the pipes sorted so then I can actually start getting uh throwing stuff in

Here being a going to be a pain in the ass leave it like that so you can actually jump up here looks kind of trashy but whatever huh that’s your pain in the mhm I don’t mind it it’s a this is a good project once it’s done it’s going to look really

Cool what’s up frogs yeah it was very uh eventful that’s for sure how so oh you know nothing much you know just not going to repeat it just in case I you know my parents are watching now my dad has been watching my streams more often I’m like oh

Great hope he missed this one I hope he misses this one I hope he’s in bed he’s like I had a really rough day today I don’t want to go on her stream so hopefully that happened get my levels back 41 more levels need more water than that I guess I didn’t [ __ ]

Son of a okay man I’m hungry again [ __ ] you’re hungry m need a couple more cement blocks dang it okay and we need help and we need water buckets this is going to be it’s going to be fun going to be fun fun now we just need to get uh make some

More cement white cement and get orange cement then get this whole area all done this other section it’s going to look good though it’s going to look good [ __ ] I’m singing I’m in a store I’m singing I’m in a store and I’m singing Happy Chef singing in the North Pole you

51 whole months no it’s not we sing all the time no it’s note when we make toys oh thank you I hope all is well with you too Happy Chef good to see you your uh timeline has been making me hungry the damn food You’ been even making holy [ __ ] so

Good a lot of white cement align this yeah we’re almost done with this part of the warehouse and then it’s going to be the sides which it should be pretty easy and then I’m going to put a crate at the end a couple crates at the end that’ll have all the

Excess stuff that I need to make spots for and then this way it’ll kind of filter through everything oh at least I won’t have uh things passing through Hoppers that aren’t designed yet so then I don’t have to search through all the Hy poppers I got subblocks on a bunch of

Them at least for the most part yeah Robbie hey I paid my punishment the last time I did it all right it took me a little bit but I did it’s okay we we it’s all should be fixed I think it is oh no actually rightor when you no not

That I don’t think it’s I don’t think it’s quite connected is it connected right let’s see if it zigzags hello okay so let’s see I think it connects over here all right so that’s on this one’s on shooting out water is this going into okay so it is

Going into those Hoppers those are assigned this one is done this one is done this one is done main one okay that one isn’t no water being pushed out of this one I need to make so that one I need to adjust that’s that’s easy and then the other side

Though is where the we’re lacking so it’s this one got this one done this one’s done we’re here so we just need to do one more dispenser two and this is three we just three more oh this one is actually done this dispenser is actually done and it goes

Down and then it’ll shoot all the way down over here which I might like have cuz the stables and everything are like right here I can have water flowing up into this pipe right here and it’ll just meet up and then catch the current to go

Into this whole thing and then what I might do is have um the pipes do a complete cycle a circle and then this way it’ll constantly be circling even the I could maybe even the excess one just be constantly in there but it might be too make the server laggy cuz it’ll

Just be constant like items in there they swirling around there’s no end but I might do that eventually just once I get all of the items all um in this inventory all all sorted yeah so the pipes let go all the way down in here and then what I’ll do is

I’ll put I think the where the pandas and like the there’s going to be sheep and is straight down this section so I can just have the pipes yet and then whenever I make another section I can disconnect it to the pipe up here it’ll be nice having this uh

Smaller piping system on the outside it’ll be easier for me to uh connect things from different parts of the map just to go to the one this one circular one uh inventory system so I can connect this to like say you know Bakery down near the Aquarium if I wanted to

Good get long pipe but it would work yeah this is going to be the PES going up this is going to catch down here it’ll drop down from the top and then just the current will take take hold and it’ll just shoot down there oh hell yeah good good good oh

Man but we’re getting there on this huh oh boy oh boy I’m getting there going to look sick this okay I need to put need Iron’s more important there we go Okay what’s up bro what’s up um I’m gradually getting those ingots and then see there is one you little I’m going to fix this eventually stop spawning over here huh the H what what what oh what I don’t know wee he mad you mad bro oh yep he’s

Mad I think uh Gro and uh raiding Moonlight had two kids there’s two kids in there you guys you guys are just baby [ __ ] mhm a lot of action going on in that part of this of the Asylum whoa now where is it he gone you hoe raing Moonlight you big old old

Ho ho big hoe between you re and grod like a you guys are weird I think reading Moonlight has had half of the kids in that in that uh Asylum probably I wouldn’t be surprised yeah you don’t even need carrots works yeah oh [ __ ] there’s ones is that stuck on

Top of there uh on here oh [ __ ] no no no a well that sucks what’ you do my EG accidentally got water on the Redstone Dust down below the iron uh Farm Dang it why you do that yes I just felt like it okay challenge you just wanted to redo it yeah oh just way fixed yay okay so why what happened why okay now it’s actually shooting out the iron okay that’s going okay we might have a lot of iron coming through

So let’s check this just in case I want to check this one too seems like everything is going okay here okay all right we’re solid this side is solid okay okay that one’s working there we go all right that one is working too sweet damn that’s still shooting out iron oh my

Lord oh damn uh not right now dude I am actually going to be hopping off here pretty soon so if you join the Discord you’re more than welcome to share it yeah there’s no spots I think for the Roses so I should make a spot for the Roses

Temporarily so this is already going through it loops around right it looping around that is looping in so I can put a spot there okay not there but this one okay this one has a sub block but we’re going to put hopefully Rose is in there should pass through all

Right problem is that doesn’t have water in it oh wait do I did I grab no ah ah there it goes okay there they go just going to catch into there oh wait it’s blocked I think [ __ ] think there was something blocking it yeah right there um a [ __ ] damn

It so I have it blocked on accident um okay so it should flow right into there and then Redstone Dust Peter and there we go and that should flow flow that in to there and then it flows out and then we should be should be fine cuz there should

Shouldn’t anything there shouldn’t be anything else that goes into the Where The Roses are going to go after the Roses nothing I have I have subblocks on everything okay sweet so we got a spot for the roses and that’ll make some more dye so Flows In The Iron gets picked

Up and then the Roses come out out yep there they are sweet yay it’s working roses roses gold nuggets that that pretty soon it’ll be glass but I still have to get those all sorted but those are done holy [ __ ] it’s still still Iron’s still coming out of that thing holy

Hell oo how many Hoppers see holy [ __ ] oh my God this is amazing there was a clog and I unclogged it probably why it was so slow yeah this is amazing exy excy I need the irony hell [ __ ] yeah that’s a lot good [ __ ] and it’s rolling in wonder if it’s still

Ticking yep still going through oh man Hoppers are amazing okay I can actually align these you Jingle be that Alpha R for the five months thank you [ __ ] yeah dude thank you oh we got it we got a lot lot of Hoppers we got to we’re going to have we’re going to need more but that made a big dent [ __ ] zombes beating me with a mushro [ __ ]

Off oh just a few more okay close close close Jesus still filling up four more glad that doesn’t do any damage to your base or anything that would suck yeah flying into [ __ ] and it’s damaging your stuff than boom got that row done five to spare let’s see can we I

Think these are all got that back row done ooh did we get it done for this side oh let me see over here if we got it done on this side I’m going to be oh no never mind okay we got to do the back of this now one more row I

Think uh jcap no it’s PC it’s Java PR sweet got a little bit more okay finally done like spitting out stuff more sugar uh oh I think it stopped shooting it out yep dang it okay well that mean that was that was a lot we just have that final row at least for

Now we’re going to continue to get Hoppers that’s or make uh Hoppers and everything cuz oh we’re going to need them you got nine more so it’s back here green fart all right then we’ll work on the pipes uh for that side and then it’s going to we’ll put the

Chest along here I might extend these chests down here all the way to the end because it’s going to cross and then I’m G to make this whole section chest and then make that um I don’t know I might cover that and just put hidden chest up there so this will be

Like really high shelves maybe yeah got enough space so it’s a lot of walking room and then extend so this so the Stables are right below so this is here so if I have it Loop that is right there so the pipes are along the edge here so if I have it

Go straight Down I can make this whole row that’s above right here into like another inventory section but only for for like meats and everything cuz there’s going to be herds down here which I’m going to carve into down here over here will be the panda area cuz that’s going to be near

The jungle and I want that to be like part of its like environment with a waterfall and then over here will be like probably sheep and cows and then I’ll make a cooker over here a slaughter house area and then that’ll feed into to the inventory which is right above it and then

Uh yeah and if people want certain meats or Foods it’ll be all the stuff down there where the inventory is for now where Brian made his I’m going to make that into a giant furnace area so it just be a ton of furnaces for people that are wanting to smelt things

Um yeah that’ll be cool and then I got to redo the Farms to where you can push a button and then I’ll just Harvest everything and then we just go right into this inventory section yay it’s going to be like super efficient going to take a lot of time but it’ll be

Good all right but GG’s guys in the Discord I’ll I’ll catch you all I’ll catch you guys later all righty night good night good night all right chat was fun was eventful good to see you alkaline if you guys are new to the channel be sure to hit the follow button

On Twitch and kick um and if you’re on YouTube be sure to subscribe so I do appreciate you guys coming out um we got a little bit done we’re working on it stuff’s starting to get sorted so it’s pretty cool but I’ll catch you all later good night GG’s

This video, titled ‘Late Night Building | !tip !sub’, was uploaded by Ms Vixen on 2023-12-19 10:22:34. It has garnered 993 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 05:14:49 or 18889 seconds.

Minecraft building and Christmas Vibes

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    Minecraft Madness - Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!Video Information hey what is going on everyone it’s me sumu we’re back again if you are new here you don’t know what’s going on this is me playing Minecraft we’ve been uh playing this quite a lot actually and this is our little Mud House little mud Shack but welcome to the stream hope you guys are having a good time good day good night and all that other good stuff if you guys like this content make sure you hit that like And subscribe and also be sure to check out the links that I have posted in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Stream – You won’t believe what happens!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Stream - You won't believe what happens!Video Information what is good hey what is good y’ we are back we are so back with another flipping Minecraft building stream me uh sure we’re live make sure we’re good on all platforms here I think we’re good I think we good Y what is good y’all what is good what is good what is good how we doing Richard Sanchez what’s good airsoft kid what good B over what good Emily VR what’s good rcky what good how we the flip are we doing yo yo we are doing a Minecraft build stream guys all right y’all… Read More

  • Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & More

    Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & MoreVideo Information hey guys which Minecraft food item is the best it has to be the Notch Apple because it makes you nigh Invincible for a short period of time well you are technically correct Sonic however Notch apples are super rare and not easy to find Fair Point Rick maybe I should downgrade to normal golden apples since those are craftable I think steak is a really good food item because it restores a lot of hunger bars I like steak as well because I can make crabby patties with them well all this food talk reminded me about… Read More

  • “EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral” | MR_CHAMAN

    "EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral" | MR_CHAMANVideo Information This video, titled ‘I am Back 🥰,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN’, was uploaded by MR_CHAMAN on 2024-02-26 09:33:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I am Back ,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN #short #yt … Read More

  • WeeklySMP

    WeeklySMPA beginning Survival SMP server. Join our Discord server for more information as well We are searching for good moderators and players to have fun with. Read More

  • MasterRealm Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.1 Land Claim Discord Slimefun Custom Items Crossplay

    MasterRealm | Semi-Vanilla | SMP | 1.20.1 | Land Claim | Discord | Slimefun | Custom Items | Crossplay Welcome to Master Realm! Master Realm is a Survival 1.20.1 Minecraft server with a balance between vanilla and modded gameplay. Experience new features like Coin Economy, Slimefun, Custom Items, Land Claims, Seasons, Custom World, Custom Roles, and Crossplay. Key Features: Coin Economy Slimefun Custom Items / Enchants Land Claims / No Grief Seasons Custom World Custom Roles / Ranks Crossplay Community and Discord: Join our welcoming community and Discord server to connect with players, share moments, and stay updated on events… Read More

  • Elesta

    ElestaThis server has been a project child of mine for some time now, ready to start introducing some people to the world of Elesta. Looking to build a community of people that enjoy playing minecraft and enjoy smiliar things as me to foster a bigger community. It is whitelisted momentarily as we look toward entering the next update and waiting for plugins to get updated. Feel free to add my discord to communicate with me in a more timely fashion: Rascal1001 OR you can message me here.Feel free to send me your MC username:Your total time playing MC:and a fun… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Git gud, noob – can’t craft a pickaxe!”

    Maybe because you keep trying to use feathers and dirt instead of actual materials? Read More

  • Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition

    Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition “Why did the creeper break up with the enderman? Because he couldn’t handle the long distance relationship!” Read More

  • DO NOT DRINK TABLE WATER in Minecraft!

    DO NOT DRINK TABLE WATER in Minecraft! Minecraft: The Quirky World of 方块轩 方块轩, a creator in the Minecraft realm, brings a unique blend of humor and creativity to the gaming community. With a focus on child-friendly content, 方块轩’s channel offers a daily dose of original videos that are sure to bring a smile to your face. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of 方块轩 and explore some of the hilarious moments and quirky elements that make his content so engaging. Unconventional Humor and Memorable Moments In the world of 方块轩, nothing is quite as it seems. From the cautionary tale of not drinking the water… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Build: Blaze Trap & Ruins Excavation!

    EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Build: Blaze Trap & Ruins Excavation! Minecraft 1.21 Preparation: Excavating Journey Ruins and Crafting a Blaze Trap Lantern Exciting Adventures in Minecraft Survival Meikyan embarks on another thrilling Minecraft survival journey in the Java edition, normal mode. With a focus on creating a stylish world, she delves into the world of exploration and survival with a touch of elegance. Catering to both newcomers and younger audiences, Meikyan aims to provide an enjoyable experience for all. Exploring Journey Ruins Venturing into the ruins of a journey, Meikyan uncovers hidden treasures and mysteries. As she digs deeper into the ruins, she encounters fascinating artifacts and structures, adding… Read More

  • EPIC Hogwarts LIVE Tour Build Progress!

    EPIC Hogwarts LIVE Tour Build Progress!Video Information [Music] hello and welcome I’m Prof and Prof gaming and uh this is a live uh tour of the Hogwarts build so far uh hopefully um you’ll enjoy what you see uh so please ask away ask any questions I’m here to well I’m here to answer it okay uh so first off um uh if you’ve been watching the series you’ll be aware that the first thing we built was the boat house and uh volume down a bit there we go um and here it is uh took a bit of planning in the planning phase… Read More