Netherite Armor in Minecraft at Last (?)

Video Information

Good morning it is I the rare the rare child hating child hating Minecraft Youtuber alyso good morning smug and good morning Riot I hope you guys are doing well today I am back from the dead well Christmas well not really from Christmas celebrations it’s more like I don’t know

I’m I still think I’m sick but I am back I am back uh I’ll try to like stream more this week actually but yes I want to start like with something at least you know a bit relaxing quote unquote because uh yeah I kind of want to get the uh netherite armor

So we’re going to be raiding a piglin Bastion this time it’s going to be fun I guess yeah I reopened my realm the realm is back so yeah but I think it’s only I who will return but it’s fine and yeah I guess my schedule is I

Actually kind of yeah kind of different now but I guess yeah I guess let’s get started we try to get started so that you know we can uh we can get into the action and um yeah let’s go Yes who is back the Minecraft the Minecraft server is back it’s online it’s still the same as uh as I left it I’m not sure um I’m not sure if people you know some of the people that I allowed on the server has been playing in my absence but yeah it it’s

Back again we are we are so back now I’m going to trade with this uh villager that’s not it I will not proceed to trade yes see I saved this uh I saved this villager actually from um from being a zombie so I get discounts I get the discounts I sell

Them pumpkin for one Emerald it’s an amazing deal oh my God eat Minecraft yes hello T welcome to the stream um did you just wake up or have you been awake all this time cuz uh I’m going to try to prepare and go to the nether the Nether and

Yes and that doesn’t really narrow it down doesn’t it let just keep this load Stone maybe I should maybe I should do this like put a put a respawn anchor yeah I need to build more boats waiting for the stream did you miss something um no it just started so don’t

Worry about it riota oh my God your favorite game Minecraft do you guys want more Minecraft streams I guess I’m feeling the Minecraft again you know I’m feeling the Minecraft right now I just um yeah I just um want the relaxing you know relaxing Minecraft game play and we’re making it out

Of we’re making it out yeah see this is uh this is my weaboo Village I went wild I went wild like constructing all these after like I I saw the the cherry blossom biome see I got a I even got a fox statue yeah the weave Village see I even

Have an archery range here see I’m going to knce um it it has everything yeah how how I been I’m I was pretty sick I was pretty sick I spent Christmas I spent Christmas bed ridden yeah that would have been good there yeah but but it don’t I’m still sick actually but you

Know any day is Crea any day is Crea if I try enough Crea I can’t even I can’t even do the the the the Micky Moy the mocky voice yeah cuz I think yeah after after I finish yeah thank you yeah I will I’ll get better soon you beat Greta hell yeah

How was that how did the fight go what am I doing I’m just roaming around I beat the whole Reverb in fact hell yeah the whole Reverb Ensemble l oh the the black silence oh the yeah the one with Angela which part though were you able to get um

Past would you call it again oh right I’m so I was so stupid I actually I actually dropped my silk touch pickaxe yeah yeah yeah without without a guide yeah that is um that is the peak you know that is the Peak Library of ruena experience like you have experienced uh

Library of ruena raw at least h yeah Peak ruina experience beating it without a guide and you’re um you don’t read stuff yeah hell yeah that’s um that’s the peak Ru experience I just saw C realization and close the game and yeah yeah you can’t

Have to um you can’t have too much you know especially um especially when reading is is required you’re going to be reading a lot Mister you will be reading yeah by the way yeah I’m I’m so stupid I actually dropped my my silk touch pickaxe oh you watched it how was it

Yeah the secondhand PTSD tra my and guess yeah cuz the the thing is yeah when when we first you know when when I first beat um get a real realization it was before um yeah it it was right near the release and stuff like that so I didn’t have guides you

Know and and the thing is they didn’t Nerf the fights yet so well yeah it’s uh it’s Peak it’s Peak suffering you must not suffer as I have yeah big trauma like oh what does this do oh oh my my God oh my God she’s staggered now

And oh oh what what was that Angela Angela died well I guess you got to restart the thing now heart is hard kind of yeah someone make C realization on Minecraft you know if people can make darkest dungeon mods um project Moon darkest tension mods I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure someone can

Someone can where did I put the hole the hole that I that I used to actually dig about to the um to the top of the nether I forgot it’s been so long in Roblox Solutions I just saw yeah yeah I did I did I did but but you know it’s like just

The the the gifts the gifs you know what I mean but no I get it I get it the he does the Furioso thing you know it’s just that I don’t really you must gun them like I have Where did I put the hole I forgot I really forgot guys it’s been so long it’s been like um when was the last time I even played Minecraft DMC like PM game well if they ever get the budget I guess oh is it this one did I did I make

This hole no it’s a dead end right I am the storm that is Approaching this is going to be like isn’t it going to be funny if the entire stream is just me trying to find the hole that I dug oh like months ago wouldn’t that be funny okay that is that is going to be funny Peck YouTube It’s a warp Forest

Close to a NE oh no what if I used what if I used your old world seed oh no have you ever thought about that did you ever think did you I don’t know the seed anymore what if I know what if I know the seed what what if I’m the one who

Knows it it looks similar to one of my worlds yeah what if your worlds are the same what if everything is linked Where is the freaking hole ah yes 2: p.m stream hell yeah isn’t that nice Shel I’m now I’m now the best Minecraft Youtuber in the world I’m the best Minecraft Youtuber

Simply because I don’t like children did I go here this this the is this the place cuz I know that it’s supposed to be like um um I know it’s supposed to be higher it’s supposed to like go to the nether roof with the seeds yeah they made it

Into love Town it just fused together oh [ __ ] we don’t talk about that we don’t talk about it okay where is that where is the oh here oh my God I should probably Mark Mark this place holy crap it took me so long to like how many

Minutes oh yeah 15 minutes to find a hole guys peek to go far from your um are you playing in Java or Bedrock because if you’re playing in Bedrock you don’t really need to worry much about getting lost because you got like the coordinates and [ __ ] you know the coordinates that

Matter man I I should probably put like like an ice Trail here back when Sayan roses were a thing that’s pretty long warping with another P Trails yeah yeah I should have done that actually yeah you just go to the nether ceiling just go to the nether ceiling

And like go to the Bedrock ceiling and you’re going to like free travel yeah it’s very easy I’m actually I’m just lazy to do that right now damn yeah oh my God all all of these are not load unloaded holy crap that unloaded well re nether rack I guess free free free

Free this sounds dangerous this this looks dangerous we should probably like um close it you know the we should probably close it because um someone might fall and that someone will likely be mean yeah yeah yeah two portals nearby yet close enough far yet close enough oh

Yeah so you can get like a second portal it’s very funny wow watch me get bodied by the first um piglin brute that I that I encounter this is going to be so sad guys also it’s very funny that the piglins don’t actually mind you stealing

As long as they don’t see you stealing so you can you can apply the Skyrim the Skyrim logic of just covering yeah just covering the place where you actually loot stuff New Port let her solo yeah I was going to do this with Gan but Gan is like missing sadly long hallway with FG oh my God guys am I going to see Herobrine am I going to see Herobrine you guess I don’t want to see Herobrine guys guys I’m very scared of her

[Laughter] bro sorry I’m not do I sound unhinge do I sound unhinge um to you guys or am I just normal am I just being the usual self right now no yes just the usual self like any ruena player okay but did you didn’t you know guys that actually

UMO soono rated me as like the sanest project Moon YouTuber you guys didn’t know that t t said that I’m the sanest project Moon YouTuber in the world you didn’t yeah you should see you should see his uh his steer list you should see his steer list

He’s got a he’s got a teer list of project Moon YouTubers and how sane they are yeah that’s why I’m like the sest one I’m actually even more sane than G Chen so you know and by the way I’m totally normal D yeah I’m very normal what are you guys talking

About do you eat white sticks to keep that SP High what what are white sticks I don’t I don’t understand I I don’t I don’t know I don’t know you don’t listen to this mad man listening to him is like I don’t know what is definitely have ventalation by the way

IRL chromer IRL chromer yeah yeah I know I know I I was pretending not to understand the joke R so I can act uh innocent I can act say so you know so no it’s like no he not he hates chromer what what do you mean what do you mean

Oh it’s uh it’s th uh it’s thumer hi thumer he he rejoined once again now that the Ser uh server is oh he’s obsessed with Sinclair yeah that is true what’s a chomer you know the the one from Delta R Big Shot you big big shot you gotta be big shot yeah

Big pig shot is this the end of the T really or did I just okay yeah yeah yeah I’m already um yeah 1,500 okay blocks in the nether the presents have invaded my house if only they had shrs well that’s just how life is thumber we can’t really have um Shen all the

Time maybe your Shen is just in a different Castle you know that’s uh that’s just how it is H who’s hard who is hard what is h sounds to me that I must dist I can’t have sh better this start see we’re making out of the fog is coming the fog is coming

Guys planet from n that’s H H chel that’s uh that’s H you’re going to this store too why are you guys so weak just manifest ego you guys should manifest ego what are you why are you guys so weak I can’t have too sleepy for manifesting eego you know what

Understandable Fair very fair sleepiness is um yeah sleepiness is um a valid excuse I understand yeah simply simply drink I’m tired boss that’s how my computer feels when I don’t turn it off for like for like five days straight recap of what it needs to be

Done expand the temple make a giant fish tank I almost fell okay yeah yeah you you go do that I can’t sleep 6:24 p.m. understandable I sleep now I’m absolutely going to destroy my sleep schedule yeah well for me I already destroyed my sleeping schedule a long time ago and

It’s only now that I’m actually able to fix it a bit deep schedule the meds yeah you know what I I used to take serotonin back then to to like fall asleep but yeah you know why do I have to pay to like get some sleep

Huh like what is this uh what is this Stu capitalist hello hello Fox can close my eyes will you teach H what homemade and gine okay it’s it’s very easy um we’re still traversing this um we’re still traversing oh my God why is there a skeleton in my freaking tunnel can you not

[ __ ] uh the Minecraft thing is uh the Minecraft thing is going well just to play in the Ser yeah you just uh just two boosts you know it it’s required to be two boosts well eventually see the light of the tunnel guys we’ll get there I don’t like this oh you left that’s

Okay you know you got you got to do what you got to do say huh okay what some emotional things going on yeah yeah that’s understandable it can it can get a bit much sometimes Jesus you see this is why sometimes I kind of I kind of want to just um you

Know um like mod my own server it’s just that I I’m to yeah struggle to be in big servers oh yeah I’m going say if um if they didn’t make that server for um for me bunny ears J oh my God it’s a piglin I have I have the gold drip though I’ll be fun people scare you that’s a totally introverted thing to say hi my guy I’m part of your group I got the I got the bling it used to be I mean

This the server used to be really yeah I mean it was pretty small back then so like you know we we even used to have like karaoke Friday nights and then we just bullied Dr just to like read uh read some copy pastas mhm the server was small and then it

Wasn’t bu bu bu bu oh we’re almost near the end of the tunnel are of 99 x of five people so a lot of people can fit into the mod everyone is just yeah I did it okay oh my God I’m so smart my past self is so smart look at

That made it stairs amazing the peora one yeah why do you think why do you think bris has his exclusive peora Pier huh you’re going to AFK I sure don’t know we’re almost at the end of the tunnel though yeah we’re here we’re oh my God look at that they’re they’re riding on

Top of each other funny funny haha okay what what was where’s the thing oh you you want want to read a copy pasta okay I’ll take your word for that I will I will find something don’t you worry I’m 8 oh I’m going the opposite way of where I’m supposed to

Be W this is so uncomfortable yeah this is where I act accidentally dropped my my freaking my freaking silk touch pickaxe on the on the lava it is so funny guys laugh laugh it’s so funny guys uh 46 hey I was blasted Ro is it going H

Yeah we’re we’re almost um we’re trying to find a Bastion I’ve located one actually it’s just that I died when I uh when I tried like tackling a piglin a piglin brute my Redstone thing instead of walking in this tunnel what I don’t need it I can I can I can actually do

The it needs a lot of dynamite though that’s the problem right oh my God it’s cind the BR only one actually you can only break bed rock just one that’s how you sound like to me right now you freaking nerd Emoji why why is it not here why is it

Not there it’s supposed to be here the Bastion was supposed to be here yeah you’re the nerd Emoji right now Bedrock roof trouble is cringe yeah true true amen amen amen my God spitting facts got kill this thing or free pork give me the yeah give me the free

Pork now yeah actually you can destroy netk using a bug please consult the Minecraft edition Bedrock roof travel is very funny that’s all I can say did I can someone like play my past stream and tell me whether I realize that oh my God it’s the oh my God there’s two of

Them um someone cons my past self whether I actually traveled in the right direction or did I travel in the opposite direction because this is kind of your stream froze yes you see um you see those pigs I I wouldn’t I I would have been okay fighting them it’s just

That they knock you out like you are your own enemy oh the misery everybody wants to be my Enemy access to time machine So well that is so sad I know it’s supposed to be here like in uh like 7ga 750 wait you know what you know what I’m going to look at my I’m going to look at my coordinate yeah my coordinates save where is it yeah just tell me if uh

Just tell me if someone attacks me okay H where is my cordel I can’t see my coordinates where is it I actually put it on the mod chat because I’m I’m I’m smart like That I’m just crawling up I’m so stupid I don’t remember I really don’t remember like I don’t remember I don’t remember guys oh my God yeah we foror we for Gore whether this is even the the the right yeah oh okay I don’t hear I don’t hear any

Yeah how far was it how far back was it did I put it where is it where where is it did I just pass it huh oh the thing tried attacking me you guys didn’t tell me how dare all of you you guys didn’t tell me Alexa play everywhere at the end of Time you must be gone do you need do you need to sleep okay you take care you take care to I swear come here come here I’ve I’ve had enough I’ve had enough I will murder children okay yeah okay you take care there I I help I helped you

Guys give me the give me the things okay give me the meat I need the meat be gone be gone F actually if I if I uh how about this if I actually finish um raiding the if I finish raiding the Bastion early can I end the stream and then I’m

Going to I’m going to play like darkest dungeon too I want to play darkest dungeon too cuz there’s the new DLC I bought the new DLC it’s my Christmas gift for myself the maiden behind the slaughter if you want to but what do you guys want huh huh top

Me oh my God you you you you You misspelled pompo’s name cancelled thank you you get cancelled oh my I’m still looking at the coordinates by the way why do I not see it I swear to God if someone deleted if one of the mods actually deleted my freaking

Um if one of the mods actually deleted my my freaking coordinates I’m going to be so mad I’m going to be so upset did I pin the message no I didn’t pin the message I’m so stupid why did I not pin the message you didn’t stream Monster Hunter

For the entire week yeah because I’m sick I wanted to I wanted to stream Monster Hunter okay but that I was sick the entire week and like oh my God I can’t do I can’t do the thing I can’t fight um in big performance I’ll do that uh Thursday yeah Thursday

I’ll be I’ll be streaming Monster Hunter Thursday God where is it I’m I’m going insane I’m going I’m going to go insane it’s like this is all already I’m already looking at like messages from 6 months ago when was the last time I actually I actually streamed Minecraft when was the when was

The last time I forgot I I honestly forgot it’s gonna be so funny if I act accidentally accidentally deleted you know what what this oh they killed it oh are you not killing the the big one H who that was dangerous my guy that was really dangerous my guy you almost push

Me off a cliff so um death death death death Death and I’m using an a because it’s uh it will execute you death would be a shame yeah I it would be you know what I gave up I gave up and like uh you know what I can I can remedy this situation

Um I will remedy this something has invaded what something has invaded your mind there’s this creature called Shamy that keeps calling me St muin yes it’s just you it’s a Cognito hazard watch this oh my God I said this isn’t the one that I this isn’t the one that I actually have negative

1,100 really really okay you guys saw that right you guys know um um you guys didn’t see anything I did not type any commands um I legitimately found the Bastion on my own so you can’t you can’t tell me oh my [ __ ] god this guy hey free pork chop come

Here you’re a free pork chop to me oh wait I need nice good job now give me the pork CH you know what you can keep it did you guys know that I hate children huh I don’t use cheats I don’t that’s not a cheat that’s not a cheat it’s not

A cheat okay it’s not a cheat yeah you also dislike children good good that means uh you can be part of my community the the number one requirement the number one requirement in joining my community is to hate children so yeah May you’re in okay am I Aton

No can you not can you not my guy I’m not William Aton but I may be an afon you never know maybe that maybe maybe that’s my real name you know have you ever considered That maybe I’m maybe I’m afton’s daughter have you ever considered the possibility huh where’s the hole that I actually used oh yeah oh no they’re catching C ing on to me they’re catching on to me oh No they know father I have failed you father I forgive me I have failed I have failed to F uh to hide my identity freaking okay yeah I don’t even know my mom sorry my I I don’t know my mom damn I got a dig again holy Crap I got a dick again hey look another source of pork chop oh that’s two of them I don’t like them I don’t like fighting both of them so I’m amazing MLG there you go okay that’s just one now hey hey there nice aim idiot you got a nice aim there buddy

Okay 789 okay I should I I’ll just dig a new hole the moment I actually freaking um no the moment I start digging there’s freaking lava get the [ __ ] out my guy hi hi cool dog the moment I dug it’s like lava amazing what was that again okay negative

1,100 okay we’re going to get we’re going to get netherite armor today I promise you that that is uh that is Jesus Christ my guy a fire po no yeah yeah I would I should have carried actually I had I had some fire potions but like I I foro I foro to bring

Them should probably dig May probably take higher then if I still encounter like these things should probably take higher you can try and trade with big Lins I don’t have gold right now I don’t have the bling sadly but it’s fine you see um my main uh my

Only goal is to find uh a Bastion okay if I because if I actually find a Bastion beat it get a netherite um netherite armor having stack of gold on you all the time yeah because uh I keep my you know what why am I even trying actually

To keep like my stuff because the this server has keep inventory on holy [ __ ] [ __ ] PNG of gold helmet yeah I got I got it I got it I got the I got the PNG yeah see hell yeah I should probably not have done there hi hi

Ratking yeah actually I’m going to be opening up this real after I beat the Ender Dragon and got got myself an elytra a gold elmet of my character hey look free meal again I hate the nether especially Bedrock Edition why what’s up with the Nether on Bedrock I’m actually not uh familiar uh I I actually have like a a Bedrock Edition Minecraft as well it’s actually the first it’s actually the first um edition of Minecraft that I played but I’m not really I’m not really

Fond of it I didn’t really find it uh to my liking be for long just say good luck to those neite thank you just lags on me ah yeah of course it’s because you play it on switch see that’s the problem you play it on switch Minecraft is like freaking

Massive you know this computer this computer can run um can run Monster Hunter World in like um what you call that in like full HD with high uh High you know high quality texture pack without any problems and then there’s Minecraft oh I loaded too many chunks

Now my computer is going to lag haha yeah yeah I think I’m not even playing at the ult uh ultra high settings yeah I’m not playing at the ultra high settings as well you know how annoying that is like you wanted to play on the ultra ultra high

Settings ha too freaking bad too freaking bad because uh you’re not going to you’re not going to do that you’re not going to do that exact thing yeah we’re making it hell yeah no no no you didn’t you didn’t I I made some I made some miscalculations do we have any slime um

Check the check the chests I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure we have some slime pretty Sure you should check it you should check for slimes now we’ll need some heavy duty slime well the thing is um one of the what they call that one of the you know the the the block uh the chunk basically that’s uh that’s near the underground it’s actually it’s actually a a slime

Chunk there are slimes that spawn there sometimes and for some reason um for some reason they burn up they burn up on that Netherrack okay we’re almost close we’re almost close want to sing CH with you number one Victory Royale down I don’t I don’t know the lyrics I only I only

Um I only know chug jug with you because hatson hatson and M covered it I really want to jug with You fatal mistake found in the infinite The Forbidden technique you can just go with the um you can you can actually make uh what they call it again the the slime farm but you need to Nuke like uh you need uh go go and look for the oh I’m already pass it

I really want to Pistons like Pistons have SL stor you know you can set out on an adventure temper go set out on an adventure and just uh just look for a swamp it’s going to be really funny I can guarantee it manifest ego yes go manifest your ego I really want to with you where fortnite Gamers I don’t I don’t know the the lyrics oh hi hi hi hi do we have any Maps no we don’t we don’t you can you can do the you can do the map thing if you want to like just be the

Cartographer just be the Cartographer of this new world go on an adventure I’m glad that I did that ahead of time cool very based so it’s supposed to be here so where is it excuse me oh it’s because I’m like 100 10 and something blocks off hey my guy what’s up

Oh I’m a few hundred oh my God I’m a few hundred blocks off to the okay I was like oh where where is it it’s called [ __ ] in pants you miss gios yes same I miss G is is a very uh it’s a very funny

Guy yeah he’s not going to come back you got to you got to deal with the reality that he not coming back Gib us uh gibbus is gone now we got to move on with our lives oh look gold what happened to give us you know he’s

Not he’s pretty tired of being a mod he didn’t uh he didn’t feel um appreciated enough with the work that he’s done even though I always told him that I appreciate everything that he has done for the server you know I I really do like I’m not even

Joking he’s been there since uh since the beginning so like yeah very appreciate IAS is like one of the mods that I have okay 300 more blocks n just leave them Be drown jump scare did you not have uh were you just swimming around oh my God this this does look dangerous this looks a bit dangerous do it boen did it uh did it have the what they call it again the Trident because it’s really going to be funny if

Um if it had the trident I put a new forg on the Jeep I don’t even know the yeah all I know is it’s that guy with the with the the but okay we’re balling zombie villager you should have gotten the you should have gotten the the stuff

On the on the BR on the Alchemy Station why didn’t you get the stuff on the Alchemy Station not already it’s already full who’s the Pillager now oh did you get the the thing uh Gibb us is like yeah uh if you’re there in the uh just Gib us you know the

Hit YouTuber just Gib us got like how many subscribers does Gib us have now I forgot that it’s it’s almost 1K all that’s all I know my guy makes some um really good uh project mov Edits now he he set up all the bots on my server actually so you know the all the bots in the server he set it up and yeah it really help really help like um get my server going one of uh he even just volunteered for it actually volunteered to to make the

Server the server Bots I mean yeah the better c beina yeah I know right hey look nuggets labori Corporation reference I should have brought a crafting table why did I not bring a crafting table am I dumb are the night gibbers you’re the night gibbers whenever shabel is not too

Busy um impersonating me he impersonates gibbus oh there it is look at that huh very very funny I can actually survive the fall from this one see I’m so strong guys I just need to I just need to like make stairs up God I really hope this one has netherite

On it if it doesn’t have netherite on it I I swear to God I’m going to blame I’m going to blame chabel I’m going to blame chabel chabel is like the culprit for this one it’s Herobrine’s fault yeah that’s true gosh dang Herobrine why would he do this to my

Run this run this run is uh doomed because of him the peak Peak aysal architecture no swamps in our IM area yeah but then again we’re already like at like 3,000 we’re at 3,000 um X and Y coordinates see the safest the safest um way to get around the

Nether NE I ate it you ate it oh my God blurp yeah after I finish the the Ender Dragon I’m going to oh wait you know what um the thing is what I can do for the YouTube members and stuff if we if we end up you know Redstone machine yeah

I’m going to I’m going to make this bone thing my base now I’m going to I’m going to do this commit war crimes yeah I will soon I I I reached my destination I reach my destination this is the this is where I’m supposed to be I’m just going to build a base

Here huh oh [ __ ] gas see this is why I built uh I built this um this why I’m building this base because I I got a I got a gas yeah see the gests are the problem yeah we we literally commit war crimes for fun so don’t worry I’ll get to

It I should have gotten um some some wood blocks actually why did I not do that I claim I claim this Bastion as mine this Bastion is now my property this uh this Bassel um structure here is now is now my temple I have consecrated it SK

Skoodle yeah just cut down nether trees yeah I should have done that but [ __ ] off oh I literally can’t do that skill Issue that was one try baby one try you guys saw that that’s what I call um kill yeah you didn’t see what happened oh my God SMH are you even a true fan I’m kidding I’m kidding see I’m making this place pretty see it even has lights on it yeah thank

You see this Bassel is now my temple uh maybe I should like I didn’t I don’t have doors I’m so stupid you’re feeling the chat yeah it happens sometimes people domain expansion so what slime will be used for it’ll be use as a boring machine that’ll drill the

Nether are you like making the the carpet bombing things are you going to carpet bomb the nether I swear if this one has no netherite hey [ __ ] off I literally fell dumbass okay let’s uh let’s be let’s be cautious here just bore into The Nether like until Bedrock or something is that what

You plan to do yeah legalized nuclear bombs wait what is that is that a is that a piglin brute because if it’s a until we hit a bunch of ancient debris are you a piglin brute my guy oh you’re not you’re not a piglin brute you’re safe I won’t kill you

Does this place even have treasure the [ __ ] who hit me that’s a [ __ ] skeleton hi I’m not here to steal your treasure or anything swag missile Shadow wizard Money Gang we love gting spells this is sponsored by the shadow government you got to be Weir sney yeah yeah don’t watch me legalize nuclear

Bombs I say no all right if they mve the point it’s fine nice Magma Cream I have bones get out of here bones it literally has nothing this freaking these freaking piglins are poor what is this this a joke these piglins are poor as hell yeah I don’t know freaking Zoomers

And their Zoomer language he I’m my get is I don’t know okay oh look a big one SK video higher is uh the rler yet uh St Last Christmas I gave you my gift oh my God there’s so many of them oh my God they’re slowly approaching me

Yeah I know I know I I saw it it’s a freaking um I saw copy pasta so good H yeah you know what you’re right I should just dig a all in the wall and hope for the best maybe it’s just buried maybe it’s just buried somewhere you know like that no one’s

Here oh my God oh my God guys I found a load Stone load Stone get it wow that’s like the best thing that I have I have two load Stones now guys amazing I really I really love it when I find um when I find some trash pressure you know

Oh what you guys doing here can PM fans have significant others for your PM fan homework you’re a PM fan do you really expect you’re going to have like M MH I saw them I saw the the brutes time to snipe this guy to Oblivion easy easy

Clap the other one I’m going to I’m going to vat him the [ __ ] yeah don’t don’t challenge me into a b fight you will oh my God he ambushed me holy [ __ ] I almost died this is so sad I was going to Ambush him oh look guys a lot of a

Lot of crying obsidian and uh and a diamond shovel oh look guys I don’t have it doesn’t have a freaking it doesn’t have netherite [ __ ] This is truly sad what is this [ __ ] going to fail I’m now going to fill their yeah I’m going to fill their chests with netherite uh with with nether rack you look bone block this is the use the most useless Bastion I’ve ever in what is this do we get other

Chests can we get other chests please hi you have a significant others oh my God the first reason is me of course that’s so sweet of you sh why why why don’t you guys look the Philippines yet doesn’t Russia have nuks where’s the nukes huh why why why aren’t you nuking us

Yet we need it we need to be obliterated from the the map I’m so sick and tired of like trying to find work and [ __ ] yeah it’s the shitu you’ll you’ll hear you’ll hear him crying all the time such a baby [ __ ] you nothing that’s what I po

Don’t mess with me I will cry guys you have a serious lava problem oh dumb asses wow Fork you guys have a serious lava problem there I’m going to fix your place see I’m going to make it pretty see this this black stone uh it needs some it needs some um accentuations of

Red okay the [ __ ] oh it’s the huh stop play BM fan doing a charity yeah I got a the cutest Predator what did you get even lur what did you get what creature impossible you’re doing the Thanos meme right now impossible so the the entrance goes there [ __ ] off hi guy

Bye there so there might be still something there there might still be something there just found lava cool yeah no no thumer Lava is not cool it’s hot everyone laugh at my laugh at my joke please doesn’t work for PETA no I don’t no I don’t pet is like pet

I swear to God Ah good thing I have fire protection I was about to talk [ __ ] about p and yeah they they almost silenced me you guys saw that right can we all agree that Peta just tried silencing me I was about to talk [ __ ] yeah can you confirm if lava isn’t wet please

Thanks try it test it up I’m like trying to find where like hidden nooks and crannies but no okay now according to info around 5 years ago the Virginia branch is more interesting where is Virginia where’s V uh where’s uh which Virginia branch are we talking about is it like Thea Virginia

Branch are we talking about that what are we talking about hey look all of them [ __ ] excuse me hi my guys I’m one of you I got a I got a swag helmet I got a swag helmet don’t attack me please thank you holy [ __ ] you’re in fortnite didn’t

Realize a fortnite celebrities like in my in my stream right now holy [ __ ] living in 40° isn’t a joke yeah that is true the thing is I live in the mountains the the average temperature here is like around uh 27 for there doesn’t seem to be any Treasures here right

Now is that it is that it is that the only treasure here huh yeah I can see the problem here right now you have a serious lava problem what that’s not what I meant to do at all lava these nuts got them do the brutes respawn by the

Way so I think I haven’t searched that part yet I think maybe you’re schizophrenic you know that um schizophrenia is pretty common with men but when it does happen to like women when when women are actually schizophrenic it’s worse it’s much worse oh this is where I was so I need

To be on the other side then if that’s the case wow you’re so unique so unique you get getop Fria and you’re a woman oh my God what a revolutionary concept am all right um yeah I uh boo boo boo boo bo bo boo boo this is

[ __ ] they said that there should be like a hidden a hidden thing behind the yeah the the the thing those um chisled um pigin stuff maybe maybe I can actually go here women am I right am I you’re not a brute okay you’re not a brute I’m not going to kill

You he a a brute as well oh there you go one chest holy [ __ ] this might be it this might be it I’m not going to lie I think all of you are males no one no one in my no one in my stream actually is a

Woman oh I already visited this one I’m so dumb I already visited that chest yeah maybe I am schizophrenic I got no women Watchers my analytics told me so everyone here’s a guy okay I think where there really is nothing here lava is needed I really think there’s nothing here not water

Yeah to make obsidian yeah what did you what did you think what did you think no women SMH oh that he’s already he’s already here all this time actually uh this realm is the same one that I’ve been using to um on the other streams this is the same

Realm that I’m using for the other streams the one with G Chan like Gan is missing oh my [ __ ] God I think I might have seen another treasure box there see oh my God I’m so smart oh my God I’m so smart see I I

Knew it I knew it I knew it they were hiding their goodies you have Gan in your basement oh that’s why it’s not here hey look more crying obsidians and carrots this is the best day ever no it’s not it’s not the worst there it is there it is okay it’s the

Best day ever now it’s the best day ever [ __ ] finally oh my God finally finally I got it I got netherite I look more stuff so yeah I’m going to leave you guys with boats it’s mine now mine mine everything is mine mine mine mine mine mine

What 1.2 yeah you’re you’re going to love you’re going to love the 1.18 changes the caves are so much bigger they’re so so much more bigger hey guys um I got gold that I did not totally steal from you guys I’m GNA I’m going to trade I’m going to trade gold with

You I’m going to trade gold hey get the gold well the thing is yeah I I also like I also skipped a lot of um Minecraft versions actually yeah after 1.12 I did not come back until like 1.16 why you guys not trading with me all right yeah I forgot I forg I

Forgot m game Ru mob gripping true here they started playing one uh Minecraft in 1.8 oh wait 1. six I mean I started playing in 1.6 why are giving me useless stuff huh what are these useless stuff you guys are the worst I guess yeah you guys are the worst I hate

All of you you guys can go die okay um Thumper what’s your uh where are you right now are you in the nether or something are you in the nether blue balls nether portal Okay don’t move a muscle yes I have admin Powers okay I have successfully returned I I journeyed I journeyed long and hard just to just to get back to the Overworld I have I have returned I’m now in the yeah I’m now back in the Overworld all loser our loser reasonable argument

However you’re just saying that because yeah we have keep inventory on okay I only turned on I only turned on keep inventory because G CH kept on dying and if felt so annoyed he felt so annoyed that he loses all his stuff whenever he dies now what did we

Expect my dearest friend tell me when we shall make it so let me take your hand right over This for this moment wonder if should return to the ne that bler elves have rebelled against Santa again who who are the elves me when wife dead true boohoo my wife is dead I’m going to crossdress now I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to look like a woman now

Because my wife is dead you know what Bas based Roland Roland Is So based about no pay rise yeah just just kill them all no pay rise they’re complaining kill them all yeah yeah I know right Roland yeah yeah osma Roland you know Emerald Roland

You know yeah we get we get we get I get what you mean yes yes you see I’m willing to I’m willing to become a stand in um for Angelica for Roland so this is how you duplicate it how do you duplicate how do you duplicate the the thing um smithing smith

Thing holy [ __ ] really you need you need like five diamonds no wait seven diamonds to duplicate a smithing template amazing th and do box laundry saving B I don’t know I don’t know you you guys don’t ask me like that I don’t know what you guys are talking about Roland text them yeah

Okay see see see I don’t know pumer look at the look at the stream this is where the the potions of weakness are and the golden apple get it just get the Apple okay what the [ __ ] mik sucks really does my mic suck right now probably my internet secretly no it’s not secret

It’s not a secret Roland is a fanboy it’s just been hiding this full time my mouth is full I need Netherrack for that [ __ ] wa do I have right now all right I just need um if you’re a man and you sit and cross your legs yeah yeah what what does that

Mean you are are you gay or are you a Fano I don’t know I’ve seen men who are not um who are not gay nor a fanboy cross their legs so I don’t know what you’re talking about you are Shamy shy I am a Baran in search of Baran there’s grinder

Blur there’s a there’s grinder you can just uh you can just look at grinder where oh okay there you go I was about to complain you cross your legs any questions I see in my desate room NE so that’s one two okay that’s four five six so that’s uh 1 two 3 four

Five six okay I’m going to save one you know that a human that I have a human action figure based based you’re you’re a based man what’s in my head feel a little peculiar oh you’re asleep yeah you’re just sleepy you’re not a princess Gan is

The princess okay you got to you got to understand that Gan is the the Filipino uh the Filipino sleepy princess even I can’t be one but Jan is very um you know uh he effortlessly does it I need I need to like do um I need to like

Make yeah I need to make uh an Ender Chest Amir nice those are like collector figures now you can actually you can probably sell them for like a really high price you got to you got to Do the Hustle Man go drive for 8 hours where are you

Going where are you going why are you driving 8 hours instead of staying on my stream huh H life is not diable to the countryside and R they even have like a way to have internet when you’re uh in the countryside how do you remember those

Old game by looking water game where you press buttons to pump water to shoot Rings into the P to the pool to the pool oh get some sleep okay okay wait I got to go to my um I got to go to my my Japanese tower y actually guys I have a a

Japanese tower that I constructed last was it last stream did I did I construct the the Japanese tower last stream or not hey Thumper Thumper come here come here pumper okay you don’t want it okay I don’t know how to be Shel then who I am oh man’

You’re you’re you’re an impostor that’s just how it is just running for cover okay I’ll yeah I’ll uh I’ll sleep first I’ll meet you when iwake rings to the pole Game Boy yeah I know that I know that I play that as a kid I played that as a

Kid the the one with the pole yeah yeah yeah I played that I actually perfected it I was able to put all of the poles inside the in uh I was able to put the Rings inside the pole I mean that’s uh that’s what I wanted to

Say I did it I did the the pole thing okay yeah welcome to my crib this is my crib imposter yeah you see he’s doing the impostor thing just uh just being the usual him you know okay now it’s time for me to actually mine freaking um netherite hey look useless M okay

What did what was I going to do again we’re streaming earlier than usual yeah um because I I’ve adopted a healthier sleep schedule for some reason I I I somehow adopted a better sleeping schedule yeah oh you missed this one see see this amazing I got it yeah okay you saw

That I literally have dementia I forgot I forgot that you saw it I’m sorry it’s not your fault it’s my fault I I just keep on forgetting stuff yeah yeah you see I woke up at like I think I woke up at like 500 a.m. I slept I slept

At 11: p.m. I think I slept at 11 p.m. yeah I think I did killing yeah don’t tell problem it’s going to be upset and then Gregor is going to be upset why did you why why why did you guys do that why would you kill cockroaches huh the quote

% what did I say that yeah um wait wait I’ll just uh I’ll just do something yeah go go to the go to the um go to the Alchemy Lodge I’ll give you something I okay wait wait a bit Yeah you can you can get the the thingy you can get the

Thingy in case you need the here no problem no no no no I didn’t say anything like that yeah yeah that’s healthy 11:00 p.m. actually um if you guys sleep between um 10 um no uh if you sleep between 9 and 1 a.m. it’s uh it’s pretty healthy that

Sleeping schedule is pretty healthy because um the peak hours for your body to produce um to produce uh Whatchamacallit um serotonin is like 10 p.m. to 2: a.m. so it’s like yeah that’s the pink hours so you should you should be sleeping in between those times like

9:00 pm. a.m. to 1:00 a.m. like just to give your body like an hour so that it would uh it would go to like a deeper sleep and then you you get like a yeah you feel more rested and stuff which is you know it’s really

Funny and ironic to be honest because I know I know the way on you you know like how to actually like sleep better and stuff like that but I choose not to sometimes or my body chooses not to sleep because it’s uh it’s just quirky like that where are the obsidians where are

My obsidians having fatigue is simply a SC a skill issue that’s true yeah that’s true because you just sleep early that’s the thing you just have to sleep early where are my obsidians usually fall asleep at one because the other the Other yeah it’s skill is cuz yeah um I used to where is our dripstone I have no idea just yeah you just check everyone’s chests wrot the names moer Cil talk like it’s yeah you know what you got to coexist with your with your you know with your demons instead you know it’s

Hard to conquer your demons so might as well just freaking coexist with them right right yeah because I need to start blasting now yeah there you go obsidian oh my God finally I need to make an Ender Chest there you go don’t you turn your into shrimps now I can

Unfortunately okay I’m going to keep these now but I’ll just I’ll just get something to drink actually I’ll just get something to drink glub glub glub glub I just drank water the rabbit and I really need to go back to like I really need to go back to making that

Mod I’m too I’m too lazy to like cuz the most of the art is done and I think the whatch call it I need to put the nether right here yeah there’s like the the pre-combat dialogue and post combat dialogue already it’s for stream zoi combat Rabbits just zoai bunnies buns yet another legendary yeah that’s just how it is is the fix Alliance office that’s so funny gu the thing is um one of the one of the Cannons that I have for myself as like a fixer is that I’m yeah like I’m

The director of the Y section too South but uh the other Cannon is like I have this um I have this fixer office it’s called the Louis office cuz technically um I’m kind of based off um Alison Wonderland and I need more obsidian I need beds I need a lot of

Beds yeah the Crimson mirror yeah that’s the that’s the one yeah I actually have the I actually have the concept down for the Crimson mirror already it’s going to be a good um it’s going to be a fight where uh what they call that she basically um has kind of like a

Bit of queen of hatred ability you know where where when you get hit your resistance has dropped the Fatal or something like that yeah it’s kind of that’s kind of the fight it’s very funny it’s going to be a very funny fight oh more obsidian hell yeah LS no LS LS Carol the

Author friend it just a color name Violet Vendetta White you don’t really need to rhyme though it’s fine you don’t need to rhyme um you don’t need to rhyme the names if you want to be a color sh I need a I need oh my God I need a silk

Touch the cut scene would sh Just sh oh my God g hi hop on Minecraft babe hop on Minecraft yeah someone uh someone suggested before that I should um that I should go for Crimson Wonderland but the thing is um it’s not it’s not within the the color convention okay that’s fine don’t

Worry it’s not within the the convention of you know of color naming that’s why so like actually um you know you can’t uh you can’t have color names that are not um like objects or ideals and stuff I don’t know Among Us I need a new Sil touch

Pickaxe I foror I forar that I dropped my pickaxe in l I’m so dumb did you guys know the new the new color fixer his name is orange orange the orange orange oh my God it’s DB again ah stop griefing my freaking grass blocks you don’t don’t do it right uh Yeah the rose rose the rose rose oh my God yeah that’s fine we’re just vibing we’re just chilling we already got uh we already got what we needed we got the the template so it’s cool technically technically I can just yeah technically I can just so I can just end the stream

Soon but you know it requires rest are you going to rest you’re going to rest Th Fly Me to the Moon let me play Among the Stars I mean it’s up to you if you want to if you want to keep on playing now it’s not a black man come on can’t you see the skin is green it’s an orc I had to do it I had to do it to the

Orc why did you assume the green skin is a is a yeah it’s a black guy huh hm H oh my God big surprise all right you take care I am now alone once again you ripped his eyes up no yeah I need to go back to the Nether

And like get netherite and so you would join but me are you seeing the shadow people do you see the shadow people if I need to buy um I need to buy a a pickaxe dysfunctional PM community in YouTube yeah What do I do if must be bries into your house do you have um do you have weapons that can deal red damage yeah what oh my God why would you do that to their mother huh why would you do that to their mother you have a m B bat yeah that’s

Some yeah that’s that’s Zin weapons sorry you can’t really harm Mosby like that you need Alf level gear now sensor deals black damage come on haven’t you guys played the bomy corporation oh my God you guys are freaking noobs you can tame Mosby Maybe eats cockroaches yeah most

Likely most likely must be will eat some cockroaches Give me the give me the give me the yeah this one feed him cockroaches he it just gets big and then he adds like two more um two more stuff on his body and then he’ll start vomiting yeah that’s uh that’s what’s going to

Happen hi guy what are you doing oh you need watermelons M sorry only have four watermelons to remove the enchantment in this one because I need silk touch I need the silk touch why do I have normal diamond boots what happened what’s happening I I have no idea what’s happening

Happen why am I wearing normal diamond with efficiency for fire protection three what are these useless enchantments laser I’m a firing my laser you guys even know that yeah that freaking mean time to go down where’s my um Wool Wool do I have wool do I have wool do I not have

Wool time to cut the pink sheep it’s so sad that Steve Jobs died from Lima from hwma HMA who’s Steve JS H my balls yeah it’s hakma it’s so sad that hwma killed Steve Jobs can you like no can you like okay give me your yeah give me give me everything

13 I can only make like what four beds I need um I need a Shepherd I need a I need a wool guy on my on my Village they are silly yeah because I’m I’m just um I’m not really doing that uh anything that much seven is it enough though seven beds

Kind of Silling kind of quirky trying to play armor cord six but du to a bloatware called easy anti cheat I can’t play it anymore like why why can you not play it with um with the anti-che software please enlighten us if someone put cake on the freaking craf table

Bed got I only got seven beds this is so sad five beds ah oh the misery everybody wants to be my enemy share the sympathy everybody wants to be my enemy me me me me Merry Xmas Merry Christmas cre okay time to go oh wait I still have

Wool here okay five wool oh my God I can make one more bed okay I still have like I don’t know an hour maybe an hour yes uh what is your question post a song yeah yeah floor of art is like all forms of art you know uh whether it’s video or

Um video music anything it’s considered art they need to go down you your de great but once you turn there Awesome I’ll check it out later as well after I’m done with stream my first gay Crush for the men who are models for packaging and the men’s underwear you know what fair you know what Fair it’s like I remember when when I was a

Kid I think U my my mom you guys know Avon you know you guys know what Avon is you guys know um basically like you can actually sell like Aven products you know stuff like that like they’re um they’re mostly like women’s products and then you can become like an Avon

Lady and since you’re an Avan lady you get to sell some yeah you get to to sell some some stuff for women yeah yeah yeah so I you know I looked at the brochures and like you know I I see um like I see women in the yeah in the um Whatchamacallit the

Yeah I see women in like you know different clothing and stuff like that good job good job Rota yeah like um like I see women in like different clothes and stuff and then I was like oh my God they’re so pretty they’re so they’re so pretty and

Then I didn’t realize that I didn’t realize that I’m like attracted to them yeah yeah I didn’t realize that I was attracted to them until like a bit later in in my life like I just thought that they were that I was that it was like common to

Like you know like you know complement the the the clothes and stuff like that you know and then I realized that it was yeah that I was actually attracted to the you know to the the the models the the women models it’s very funny ah anyone

Here I kind of don’t remember the time that I definitely told myself that I actually like girls these people scare you yeah I’m sorry they’re like you know they’re kind of special most people get really scared of um yeah it’s a project Moon server you know you kind of it’s kind of

Expected that um we’re going to it’s going to happen I bet you we’re going to have like a watch along later and have a watch along um I was thinking we should watch like I I I I want to watch this movie it’s called Uh perfume it’s a it’s a Serial uh it’s

Like a a horror movie it’s like a serial killer movie but it’s set in like I think um 19th century France and it’s based off like a a real a real world uh serial killer can’t take horror no it’s not horror it’s like more of a slasher film

You know in a way unless you don’t like slasher films do you not like slasher films it’s okay it’s okay um it’s okay K it’s understandable you got to you got to do what you do you know another there 14 um Step yeah okay chunk border cuz actually guys layer 14 is

Where you you will find the most netherite and you need to be on the you need to be on the the thing got mine up this entire chunk yeah show is very pretty yeah I’m not even um you know it’s not even an argument how is pretty I am

Fire for those who dare to care for me you memories you I don’t know I think I I think I actually messed up the the lyrics already I’m going to clear out this entire chunk so I can get um yeah yeah ever since I like uh sh’s

Fight is like one of the most hype things that I’ve ever seen in like library of Arena it’s very hype like I did not even mind losing like multiple times to show it’s like it’s just hype you know holy [ __ ] cleared out this entire chunk now I can actually do this okay it’s

One one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 oh my God that’s so goofy did I actually okay nothing nothing again see this is how you effectively mine for netherite follow for more tips see there’s one already you see see this you see this

Guys this is speak efficiency and that’s one I need two more I need two more netherite um ancient debris I mean so this is um and this is the Triumph I think I think this is not the best place for It so let’s here 1 two 3 4 five six so that’s uh 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I wish I had more beds but this is how life is right now cisus just the sisifus oh there you go another one I okay we’re we’re making good time Going It kind of sucks though that I’m only like it seems like I’m just getting like batches of one netherite for some reason um ancient debris I mean but you know it might change this might be just uh you know an outcropping so never know it might be hiding behind the

Flames but I shouldn’t be here actually I should have been mining in the Soul Sand Valley why am I here why am I not mining in the Soul Sand Valley what these people might do to me understandable just uh just tell the mods if you feel uncomfortable

One 2 three four five 6 7 8 but I’m running out of beds 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 One shut up dog oh my God can you shut up can you shut up okay that’s one at least so I can actually make like one netherite in uh whose dog is that uh it’s the landlord’s dog oh okay cool yeah that’s still hell yeah yeah putting out the fire so um

There go getting the getting rid of the lava yeah see this is the only problem with like morning stream I yeah the the there’s going to be like noises all over I’m sorry I don’t think I have the funds for like um you know room P maybe blurp yeah

Blurp so with just with just seven beds I’m able to get one um one whole never right oh look another one you can’t hide from me oh oh my God it was lava that was lava deep thoughts of the deep okay so now the question is where did I come

From did I just no my way out Black Stone oh my God black stone I love Blackstone by the way I love using Blackstone um for my builds I used uh I actually built like a a cathedral on my on my old server with just black stone like lots

And lots of black stone and Nether Bricks it was very Gothic oh it’s there okay yeah it’s a base oh my God here we go freaking gravel oh why is it why is it dog thing lower okay so I can at least make like a netherite stored at at the very

Least and then I’ll make um what what should I make next Actually my God I really hope that some wither skeleton spawn did any wither skeletons spawn oh just blazes okay there who on Earth keeps digging these things and then it’s actually me it’s going to be really funny I just for her I just forgot that I actually do

This yeah why am I not mining here H H why am I not mining it’s probably me I probably dug this I just don’t remember now num m Black Stone my beloved yeah we all love Blackstone it’s very base see people just keep on digging holes here what the hell you don’t have any opinion on it’s because you don’t you don’t really play Minecraft that much maybe I don’t know not a game man talking about ropes why are you talking

About ropes okay I need to turn off the the thing now yeah need to turn off the chunk borders hang by their by their leg that’s not good you can actually get yeah like you know the the blood on your head it’s going to be it’s going to be pretty

Yeah if anyone donates $30 right now I’m going to make a netherite ho instead anyone super chats me $30 I’ll make a netherite ho it’s going to be some blood uh problems with your head if you if you get hanged by your leg okay don’t do it it’s not good this Nether

Um this means of travel to the nether is actually pretty um inefficient like I have to get out of this cave all the time whenever I return to the Surface I said yeah yeah he said nether yeah this nether yeah yeah that’s true this nether SMH going to get cancelled over NE gotta make my apology video with a UK now the toxic gossip train okay got Him film that apology video every day I imagine a future where I can be with you in my hand is a pend right up of me and you well my guy yeah I’m sorry everyone I have failed I have failed the morals the morals of uh of my channel and

Stuff I said never in such a way that it it can be misconstrued as something uh something else this is so sad s where are the gold one where are the gold bars where are the gold bar the gold bars ain’t here okay I think yeah probably next

Stream I’m going to do like I’m going to I’m I’m going to go for uh what they call that again the ancient the the monument yeah the server yeah see I can make time to time to make um netherite netherite store is it really I po a fake a fake apology uh

Okay sure what what what should I be apologizing about what should I be apologizing about uh what what should I be fake apologizing about so I can I can prepare it in advance so I can write like write a script so good at the game yeah okay I’ll do that

I don’t know though a lot of the a lot of the former server regulars are pretty much gone kind of sad but you know it’s fine where are the the things okay here ha right I forgot um um where did I put the Ender Chest can you leave

That yeah I mean they do leave for their own reasons I guess okay what what should we what should we make uh I can make uh this into um another another chest plate I can make this into a nether d a nether sword netherite sword or this one into like inclusive

Terminology I’m so I would like to apologize to all of the people that I I have offended by using um this term using fambo as a term yeah neite sword this um they this derogatory term called Fanboys I should have just called them Becky the Becky uh sounds like a it sounds like

Um more uh more of a more of a endearing name okay you know what I’m going to make a netherite sword whatever whatever is that is that a good one is that a good one blur did I did I do it right in the future uh I would like to

No I just got up actually I got up at like four um like I got up like 3 hours ago no 4 hours ago I mean it’s um yeah somehow somehow some way I was able to to like fix my sleeping schedule I don’t know how it happened maybe I’m um maybe

Walking what is my sleeping schedule uh it’s freestyle that’s the thing I don’t have a sleeping schedule it’s like I’m uh I’m a rapper I just freestyle my sleep schedule my my sometimes you know my sleep schedule will be like oh you know you you you deserve some the some

Big dose of uh serotonin tonight so I’m going to make you sleepy at around 9 p.m. I’ll make you sleepy at 9:00 p.m. so you can wake up at like 5:00 a.m. and stuff like that and then sometimes it will just go for like maybe you don’t need sleep for the

Next 3 days how about that how about you don’t sleep for 3 days it’s very funny out of all the things you could recognize me for you chose that one can you do backstroke sleep schedule I don’t know I don’t I’m not familiar with backstrokes actually um it’s weird

Because I my my dad used to actually um get me like swimming lessons when I was a kid but I uh I only know I only know the the standard one well whatever what how do you call the the standard yeah yeah yeah thank you you have a good day as

Well is it free style swimming I have no idea maybe I should play need this streamer overload again I kind of miss I kind of miss being am but I I’m not even like remember remember the needy streamer overload stream the very funny Stream what was I doing again all right I need pumpkins yeah like I want to I want to repeat them from the very beginning cuz my save file got Ned actually the the save file my save file got Ned like when I check my my save file in need streamer

Overload it’s all gone all of the progress that I made with um you know with the ones that I that I did you know the endings that I did and they’re all gone so um the thing is when when I when I streamed need streamer overload I wasn’t even doing like voice

Streams back then so you know wouldn’t it be funny if I did um voice streams with need streamer overload you Know hey hey yes okay level 30 yeah I love n streamer overload am just like me for for real for real can you fix her no I don’t think so nobody can fix Amy unfortunately just like me now but the music is so good Though boom bo So level 22 so I need to like remove some books actually so I’m going to remove maybe maybe like three or protection 24 you did it what did you do you found the keyword keyword for what or what oh my God it’s dep Strider useless useless dep Strider to get out of

Here I’m going to make food but taking a shower so good luck have fun thank you convert your guns nice I’m trying I’m trying to sleep I’m trying I’m trying to sleep but I can’t but I can’t when you all have G for yeah that’s try there too

So does that mean that I’ll actually get um you know what I’ll try it again goof okay Unbreaking three Unbreaking three now hey do you have any more of those Thanks I got a lot of um I got a lot of them now look at that I got a lot of um I got a lot of emeralds I should go to um Thumper base so I can actually get some more emeralds BR what it doesn’t work oh this is so sad

Rip why do I have two why do I have two why I have two steps so this is what I’m doing right now a villager trading so just I can get to level 30 and then try to keep on enchanting my [ __ ] because like I for Gore

Yeah I I I dropped my freaking pickaxe my silk touch pickaxe on lava like last stream you want to it’s so annoying ow yeah this is the sh Shrine apparently though I don’t see any anything shler related hey my guy my guy my sell me some sell me some emeralds thank you okay Bo I’ll just put a random magma block here cuz it’s funny Miss CH manage die die oh look at that netherite sword oh oh what was that you’re a zombie boom boom Two Shots Two Shots my guys I think maybe next stream should I just be like doing um like a

Construction like another building construction stream cuz I’m thinking of like converting this into like a port like a Japanese Port like this is the lighthouse there’s like there’s going to be like um a port here you know and then some stuff yeah probably some houses here like a fishing Village or something like

That and then I’m going to bring some of the villagers here maybe maybe I should just yeah bring some villagers I don’t know though like um when I’ll do Minecraft again cuz Wednesday it’s Wednesday I’m going to do Limas I will do limbus I will try the

You know what you know what if if I if I end up failing the the mirror dungeon run the hard one I’m going to oh look so many creepers if I fail to do the mirror dungeon I’m going to I’m just going to do Minecraft to

Cope with the fact that uh I I didn’t beat Mir D J the the hard one Okay papa bongi is in Mar dungeon tree hard he does blunt right what’s his um what’s his weakness again was it was it slashing I forgot it’s been a while it’s been a while since I saw Papa bangi Pierce okay and let I literally just forget everything I for

Four he just isn’t weak to anything but he he has endure against Pierce right no against the blunt is it blunt is it blunt is he injured to to blunt or ineffective I forgot already oh okay so yeah slash is still like the best damaging the best damaging uhac call it to

Him the best damaging damage type against him I don’t know I I’ve been seeing like people just doing Solo solo Otis on their um on their my form empty I swear any sinner any cner that has like um Dodge I feel like they have a potential for solo but even more so with

With Otis because of the the syn Otis because she just keeps on um yeah the uh increasing her increasing her coin power or yeah okay level 30 again but I I might be ending the stream like a bit soon actually I still need to do um some

Walks you know I need to walk around soon soon useless efficiency for that is so useless can you walk me around woof woof blurp P gay yeah you are you are you g isn’t it a factual thing to say very factual no way yeah I’m sorry that’s just that’s just how it

Is we can’t really uh it’s terminal we can’t treat it yeah it’s Sam J the the Catholics are going to the Catholics are going to get us that’s just how our life is now where is this guy hey I need you to sell me this my God I got two stacks

Already two stacks of um H oh someone still hasn’t finished their build here and and by someone I meant um pper hasn’t finish this build what is this oh it’s a it’s a glass maker yes block of amethyst oh maybe I should have been just mining on

The Nether um I should have been mining the quartz maybe I should be should be doing that m is the other thing that I was going to make is like um a storage Warehouse I’m going to put like a storage Warehouse here so that um you know we can put this

Is where we put the the watermelon yeah the watermelon and melon stuff yeah maybe I should do that next stream how long do you guys even want this stream to go for like you know like next stream this Minecraf thing I’m mine all day I M all Night as long as it goes I’m not sure Hey where’s my fishing rod where did I put my fishing rod actually forgot where where I put my fishing rod did I lose my fishing rod I’m I’m going to be so upset if I did because like that fishing rod is

Like the perfect fishing rod the most um the most perfect Perfection among Perfection cuz I can technically Just Fish to get back to level 30 maybe I should just fish ow fishing cuz I’m still debating by the way whether I should like stream or or just make gameplay videos of balers Gate

3 I’m not sure I kind of want I kind of want to stream it the same time I kind of want to kind of want to just you know go for um a normal playr I guess yes I’m Chiming haven’t you been never heard closing the goddamn door now it’s much better to fix these kinds of things with a sense of poison rationality I chiming haven’t you people ever heard of crossing the goddamn door now I think I might have lost my my fishing rod I’m

Sad now I am so sad now my fishing rod is gone how can I fish now I I want to do so many things you know but like time as always is a problem and well you know it’s very uh it’s pretty cold and stuff like

That fish up a new fishing rod simply simply get another one true yeah I think I just left it somewhere I forgot I forg forgot where I left it Yes bless the white box I I not yeah I left offering white box it’s not here where is it oh wait is it this one no it’s not this one it’s inferior and know what it will do it will do it’s an inferior version of my perfect fishing rod unfortunate

I think it’s the one that I actually Reserve just in case I lose my my primary fishing rod but I don’t even know why I actually lost my fishing rod in the first place P yeah my voice is still not good actually my voice still hasn’t fully recovered why am I sleepy again why am I literally just woke up like a few hours ago and I’m sleepy again H yeah do it refresh your thing already I need it

Oh my God refresh it you need the I need the the thing I need pumpkins I I need to sell you pumpkins oh my God this guy wow that’s a nice view nice view got there amazing okay riota yeah I’m actually yeah I’m actually going to end the stream soon as

Well so you know you’re not really going to miss much if you um yeah next stream okay I will see you next stream yeah understandable yeah did I not have Minecraft audio all this time amazing that’s good that’s good that is that and this is this H

Roland moment is your wife dead dead as well it’s okay you guys have a good day that’s for me I’m going to I’m going to walk for a bit I guess oh you need to take care of her done yeah you take care yeah for me I’m going to walk

Yeah I’ll see you later Bye

This video, titled ‘Alyssciel Plays Minecraft: NETHERITE ARMOR FINALLY (?)’, was uploaded by Alyssciel on 2023-12-27 02:27:09. It has garnered 151 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:17:04 or 11824 seconds.

So, I’m reopening the Realm because I’m getting the urge to play Minecraft again. I’ll also open this one for Guildmate+ YT members and my Discord Server Boosters with 2+ boosts. ======================================== #minecraft #alyssciel #mc #mojang

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  • Disco Ghast Blast: Minecraft’s Funky Delight!

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  • ModArchy

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  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

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  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

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  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More