NEW GTA RP Debut | xChocoBars & BigChadGuys Minecraft!

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Ollie welcome back welcome back Oliver is back home welcome welcome back Oli Oli hello let’s see where are my liked Videos Hello good afternoon everyone chippy chippy choa choa dooby dooby daa daa magico me dooby dooby boom boom boom boom hello thank you so much brenley Carmen thank you so much for the sub thank you thank you thank you welcome small world oh yes well welcome welcome good morning

XY Z CBC thank you for the sub welcome welcome my hair yes yesterday I didn’t stream I had a filming thing um my call time was at 8:30 a.m. so I woke up at like 6:30 a.m. that day and when I got home I had no energy so I didn’t stream

Yesterday but I kept my hair they did my hair all curly there man for the wi Carmen I had a friend um named Carmen in elementary school she was a year younger than me but I loved her cuz her older brother I think his name was

Ryan he was in my class but it was just so cute seeing like siblings a year apart just like be at school together I don’t know and she was so she was so cute and sweet I hope she’s doing well hello good afternoon we’re killing the ender

Dragon today by the way in Minecraft and then at 400 p.m. we’re going to head I’m going to make my GT RP character wandering Patron thank for the 28 months thank you so that is the plan today yeah what were you filming I don’t know

If I’m allowed to tell you guys so I’m not going to tell you guys what I was filming okay let me launch my game because that thing takes a while uh instances play I have seen Steve’s um picture I told him he could use it and so he

Did yes he has even uglier pictures of me actually surprisingly cuz you know me ugly I’m kidding um but yeah he has a lot of them actually he really captures my uh not so flattering side you love my hair color oh thank you I want to dye it again but like darker

Right now it’s much lighter oh I should join this grd oh [ __ ] hello good afternoon everybody hello hello my game is turning on but it takes a while cuz of all the mods yep cool I got to update iy okay what are we doing today uh Minecraft we’re gonna fight the Ender

Dragon and then at 400 p.m. we are uh doing GT RP uh ta 50 than the four months welcome back to Tito Army when you’re happy I’m happy thank you Jedi Bob 42 they the five months deasis they the 64 months and rer they the 13 months welcome back

Thank you it is 12:32 p.m. mhm seline’s doing rp2 me Seline Ryan and Eva your characters names we don’t know yet we’re going to create our characters at 4 p.m. also thank you Carmen oh my game loaded yes a thank you I’m glad you like the overlay okay my game has loaded

Perfect is this where I put my Minecraft thing my God where am I oh my God I forgot I was on my way to um Ryan’s Ryan had like a waypoint yes I forgot I was on my way there I should go there what mod pack is this uh this is

Um oh you know what the bot already answered you thank God sorry my I’m I’m just waking up my brain’s a little slow right now Char man for the win all right so I am still in the nether trying to get to that place Ryan that you you put the dot on

Um so I’m going to I’m going to try to try to get there before we do the end okay I found be hard to kill the dragon ending found the what hard the end thing oh what’s that you have to aim between two of the blocks like the little like

Line in between the two blocks of those ceiling specifically at the line in the ceiling you said like the line between two different blocks yeah yeah yeah that’s what the corner right I didn’t my go to comfort food on a bad day probably like oh [ __ ] I’m hungry in the game ah

I’m taking damage cuz I’m hungry I’m going to go pick people up probably Japanese Curry the nether portal or nether roof pick up Jan and take her to the to the TP uh the MTP yeah there I think I have the I have the Waypoint remember oh yeah yeah you

Just you can take it from there to go to the oh my God wait I’m almost at the nether home portal wait where is I’m almost there okay I’ll drive you over yes how did I get there yeah I love Japanese Curry it’s so yummy oh man where’s the staircase out

Chippy chippy cha choa chippy chippy cha choa Dy da da magic me dooby dooby boom bo okay I’m here at the portal the nether portal on my way ever since I read Janet’s tweet it’s been stuck in my head tippy tippy cha cha I didn’t even know sauno said it

It’s just all over my Tik Tok everyone was talking about sauno uh he said that chippy chippy Choppa Choppa all right SEL I wouldn’t expect you to know Ryan it’s okay yeah I know what that is I yeah yeah it isn’t even sauno though I got it from Tik Tok oh what

Yeah oh I see oh Steve uh you know just another day for Steven suptic I see oh my God I just found like three ancient debris side by side what lucky yeah that’s the luckiest I’ve ever been in when it comes to Ancient deas debras Ancient debras I was mining yesterday

And I only got six yeah LED on yesterday yeah for a [ __ ] that was very short lived I got on to play and then I got whisked away for valow that’s how it is now it I didn’t even know you could fly this thing in the nether mhm it’s just hard

Because of all the floating stuff I’m trying to get to uh I’m trying to get to this like pink dot on the map cuz Ryan has a portal there I put too much salt on my broccoli oh oh no you could add more broccoli or water it down oh feel like

Water would work I’m not really sure if more broccoli would work so when I do anything with happy Saturday is my music too loud I’m using you too so it’s a little bit different for the sound thing Ryan what’s the best equipment in this mod that you found so far is it the

Metal okay I’m going to lower it that one’s really good it’s like 5% wait that is so helpful thank you wait how come you’re using that one because it adds speed and it’s more fun oh okay but the the metal one is is tougher I want celestium yeah and and it’s pink

Oh yeah but you got to find Star right which is kind of hard okay I turn it down a bit is in the over world you can find an Overworld but it’s in the end it’s a lot more common but we weren’t in the end so don’t turn around oh my God

We get hit by that don’t turn around are you guys there uh we’re 700 blocks away oh you guys didn’t touched the waist one yet I touched it but I’m picking up selini oh I put a l stone under it too just in case you mess up and need more ender

Pearls excuse me what hello I’m to you we’re going to kill the end but I need to get out of here first I’m trying to get to this pink dot if you’re wondering what I’m doing and is giving me a ride while also clearing my inventory oh what happened here why are

There floating blocks um I don’t know heal my pickaxe I need go high Hell Fire mantle oh my God oh my God [ __ ] oh my God isn’t this oh my God don’t turn around doesn’t this thing break with one hit no uh maybe perfect Drive and we’re here this little giant weird

Rock thingy this bulb yeah and then the Way’s right there oh all right use your Stu hey where are you taking Seline uh we’re right under the spawner so you just need build up oh you’re taking her to the I thought you were taking her to the

Uh The Fortress oh the end portal I should take someone to the end portal huh where I don’t know if they’ve been there yet oh yeah you should you should you should bring them there no don’t leave me oh so long where do you want to

Go the end portal oh we have to go home for that oh really you should touch the wasone while you’re here though I touched it are you at the pink portal where are you where did you bring her we went to Ryan uh wither spawners

Oh it’s all the way up there you just need the RO the roof I’m going to that pink area do you remember that one time when you were on and I was on and I was like I’m going to go here and then there oh yeah land this here and I’m going to

Slash home okay when you’re talking about your ghost streams did you wake up at 3:00 no I haven’t since then luckily until now I’m finding so much debris you’re right Ryan you see Ryan said if you mine far like many blocks away from our spawn you get more I think about a

Thousand and I’m actually finding so much more I don’t know why but it happens so you just like picked a direction went like a th blocks M to and then start mining yeah yeah ni you ready to go to the end portal yeah EA what are you

Doing TR to figure out what armor to craft but I know want I want the celestial one too you can get it especially if we’re going to the end uh Star right is way more common there okay the rate of it dropping is like I think in the Overworld is like 1 un

Alanium oh I just got really lucky how’ you get lucky you just went C [ __ ] scruffles just looking around scruffles no I have a new new buff now who’s your buff safer who’s safer I don’t know well send the M away no they’re lurking they’re they

Can’t even here oh making like a pass they were I think even luck here wow stuffles you hear that you should just come here come here and give me luck Shuff is my uh ancient debris buff oh so there’s different different different dudes I see I

See and there’s one I have an enchanting buff and that person’s name is trapped and they’re literally trapped here whenever I what God yeah you trapped different BFFs for different people they’re trapped so to the end I yeah do you have the way point coordinate um

H ker 16 than for the 26 months welcome back to T Army when you’re happy I’m happy and scoop save the 30 months thank you just in case I didn’t thank you but thank you so much yeah Um infinite drill train Ryan has so many Buffs oh man the wind is wind is strong here I love listening to your streams while I’m doing work and stuff please tell me if you would like anything like quieter or louder too my sound is like wait have you guys been one day

I’ll be happy with how my sound is there’s like chippy chippy chaa chaa doy doy daa daa maik me doy doy boom boom boom boom Temple probably I have learned the proper lyrics that’s been I thought it was Magic Pony Ryan’s up yeah no I was just saying

You’ve been everywhere Ryan yeah I was like oh no I can’t I can’t mess this up again close like 10K blocks within oh is it 10K blocks away no it’s still 2K blocks oh yeah I’ve probably been there yeah there’s Pokemon in so it’s like stardew Valley meets Pokemon yeah

That’s what this game is like I need something that makes it so I don’t take fall damage bunny slippers or a backpack I have obsessions thank for the 18 months welcome back to Tito Army when you’re happy I’m happy thank you dude your name is I have obsessions I have an obsession

With the CH chippy chippy Choppa choa cat thing so but can’t farting protect you from oh my God I’m almost there thank God yeah whoa what’s that up there is that a lush cave oh I think my chunks are loading in slowly I see the Lush cave here how did

We end up here I don’t know but we are so close oh my godland we found it Island it is a sky island I thought my chunks were loading slow wait there’s Sky Island I am finally here Ryan where is the portal at the yellow

Thing um what you mean you know the pink one the oh in the nether yeah yeah okay let me go there it was called pipe I see you you see me oh oh do I go up or down oh up okay coming coming okay this is kind of I see it thank

You now I’ll go to the end portal or wait let me go home I don’t know if they’re there yeah oh yeah there going to be there I’m just going to quickly put stuff away you’re going to have to swim under and then dig down it’s winter Ryan um that’s a lot of

Breath it was winter when I got on don’t worry so who was on yesterday not me turns out it keeps going even if no one’s on oh oh are you sure yeah I asked cuz I was curious I was like why is it summer no one was on

I’m going to [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s happening I’m going to die again gooy gooy [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] gooy [ __ ] gooy gooy [ __ ] I’m going to die again I’m going to die again I’m going to die to these ocean creepers again oh my God oh my God oh my God oh

My God oh my God goodbye 07s where are they I killed him I killed them I killed them I killed them oh my God oh my God oh my God I hate these o ocean Creepers with all my life they’re like almost as bad as the Thrashers oh hey

Eva what up dog have you hit have you touched the thing no but when you leave can you bring me uh I think that is a job before dude why do these exist it’s big G why do they exist and why do they keep Spa spawning dude I’m traumatized by these ocean creepers Jen Jen can you see me I don’t see you yeah uh not your head but I see your body wait why are you so fast riding what what are you in like water

What what is this crazy it’s a trinket I have you don’t look real what do you mean at least like goomies outfit makes sense you just look wacky oh damn she said you look wacky he’s got a leprechaun hat with Wolverine claws and bunny slippers and a

Jar out his Bel oh sorry I didn’t I couldn’t hear youor I see your shoes not judged wait press F5 you could see what you look like actually if you want to know cuz I oh my God I look weird I don’t like like if you would like completely supposed to dig down

There’s just so much to dig not and I don’t have much breath well you could just go straight down here where there’s already a hole right here that’s the hole that I was digging it’s not dug all the way I’ll dig it okay yes please I can’t hold my breath like

You oh my God kill it don’t die she is not having a good time you guys are doing a bad job babysitting her honestly kind of what is going on a dolphin jacked my plane stuff what oh I found it it’s okay that’s so funny a dolphin

Wood how you how’ you find this place they really are huh you just some ender pearls oh they really are yeah you I hate Dolphins yeah I hate Dolphins pick me up oh yeah get Eva get Eva okay me Serv here again she’s a pro fly

Back at it again [ __ ] here back at it again what’s up guys what’s up guys it’s here what’s up guys it’s go back at again with another tutorial what what was that fortnite clip a fortnite clip another day another oh we love fortnite we love

Fortnite I’m at home Eva or are you in the nether I’m here um I you look like a clown see what the flip that’s not nice I’m here to pick you up what the Fick I can’t see you even did you drink a potion of invisibility no I just twink it oh I

Can’t even see a name on the mini map oh yeah Seline screams it’s already begun she’s so scared already all right Eva but you never finished your sentence you’re going to what huh what I didn’t say nothing hey why you no sell is it cuz I didn’t sleep

Arino man I hate how windy it is here also what do you mean Ryan tries so hard you made an airplane it goes super fast give me I have an in thought of pressing alt okay um don’t where’ you go oh my God you said and then don’t

Eva you’re going to give her a heart attack I turn around she’s gone I see why are you pressing all anyway for like what for fun oh it’s an intrusive thought I see just like how when I go down the stairs if it’s too many stairs I want to throw myself off

The stairs oh just me see you don’t ever just like your brain just doesn’t tell you like what if you just like you know no but looking over Cliffs and rails I’ve definitely thought about wor that explains a lot go what no no no there’s a story behind it oh you kid um

Oh Ryan oh keeping up with Trends that’s so funny Ryan has no idea about any Trends but I like always tell him about it like the Tik Tok stuff I realized I could just skip class if I girl dinner girl dinner down the stairs he learned that from me two three steps and

Be like oh God I have to go to the infirmary oh I can’t make it to violin practice you know I can relate to that yeah I used to hate Jud so I would think maybe in the parking lot a car will hit me oh my God I have to go because who’s

Going to be like oh yeah you have to go to practice after you got hit by a car you know oh my God hash relatable yeah I didn’t know you learned Judo I was going to say that I did Judo my whole life Wow as you can see we all didn’t know

That yes why would you true why would we that’ be now we all know though now we all know and don’t tell anyone it’s a secret I don’t want anyone to know noted mhm um anyway yeah Judo sucks it’s boring all right Eva we’re 700 blocks

Away get you won’t do it my gold is different than gold gold did she do it she did Eva it’s not the same kind of oh did she actually do it what happened again Eva is like throwing herself down the freaking stairs basically I don’t want to pick Eva up

Anymore yeah just leave her yeah damn my five star rating on my taxi service it can only go up no you have an fat tip fall damage really I feel like if you had a customer like Eva she would give you like a big tip and five

Star what did you say Ryan do you guys all have anti like fall damage no nope I’ve got nothing oh he’s got fire resist I’m going to sit under an umbrella and what do you mean I gave you trinkets all right Eva it’s right under here yeah just got to dig straight

Down but do I press salt now yeah you can press salt now this is the time you can I don’t know if I’ll live through much Ryan wait I can’t breathe underwater I’ve got I don’t even have prop four on my things like I don’t know

If I can live through much oh you’ll be well maybe you should get prop four what up I’m not level 30 wa who is this oh is it it’s me well you can’t recognize me you’re headless [ __ ] you no you’re you’re invisible [ __ ] you no wait Eva what happened to you you’re

Invisible you’s been been grinding your character is invisible all I see are your clothes in your trinkets that’s unfortunate I think you um going get the update I would have been able to get on if I didn’t update wait do I jump was Eva’s like literal body

Invisible to you yeah no it wasn’t go right oh maybe she has an item there’s an item that makes you invisible yeah there must you must bear it’s like no one listens it’s fine it’s fine no hey it’s fine if they don’t listen you know

I listen what do I do now do I now jump in this in Portal there is no thank you J oh there’s lava I’m burning all right I’m on my way do you have water oh nice ring ring hello it’s so nice to log on to Twitch

And she live today guys be careful you guys are so sweet stop it I’m going to ooooo wow you made this jump I can’t make this oh my God [ __ ] your place is so pretty thank you you thank you I oh my God oh my God want to

Show the top floor cuz I chip chips and bits CH and a [ __ ] okay I’m here oh why is there water are we going in guys yeah I’m down we can’t go in for Ryan to get here oh yeah Ryan get in here who’s where what

The end portal oh you guys are there okay yeah yo what’s with the Water by the way uh we dug down ah wait how’d you get here I I I I already touched the portal before Oh you came here the normal way huh no we also had to dive down go go

Was my Uber driver oh oh is this where you guys Dove down this water right here oh probably yeah yeah this water for sure I I was also scared of dying it’s time sorry about that it’s time put the m in wait anyone got a bed here I got to sleep bedm bedm

Beded copium should we just got to live summon your Pokémon if you would oh yeah SA all the eyes this is so cool R yeah it looks so cool it does look super cool guys I contribute some of the eyes you’re welcome me too me too good job guys I contributed

Zero that looks so e went in oh she just went it looks like I’m in lava my God oh my God oh my God crouch crouch anyone got building blocks anyone got building blocks I got none oh I got hit I have building blocks I have building blocks okay don’t worry I don’t

Push yeah no pushing oh are you guys do you hear the bell ringing yeah I do hear the bell ringing I’m also I’m going to give you I’m going to give you some blocks to build just in case you guys need any people have magnet I’m going

Down guys I got this one though I see ores I’m going in to farming I’m scared why is yeah that’s what I’m saying oh there a castle St oh what is this what am I taking damage from sorry I accidentally took out my sword ra to us all right guys this might

Be harder than the usual Dragon because everything else has been difficult I hate that okay dude there’s floating fish I would recommend putay the umbrella no staying Under the Umbrella I have one uh guys the Enderman in this building looks weird I’m going to put a

Waystone back at the spawn for now okay everyone oh how’d you guys get upage here SEL I’m going to give you more blocks just in case everyone touch the rone back at spawn back at SP what what do you mean back at spawn the where where where the where the thingy was what

Thingy where where we came in where we came in from the little floating thing oh we have to go back there I can put it where you guys are yes please I got it don’t worry oh thank God nice oh my God what are these end who are they following

Ryan oh my God they look so funny where’s a w point take my hey this is kind of lit I did yeah oh okayy I don’t need it guys I can’t fight too close to you my R you look so cool when you’re doing that thank you I too think I look cool

Enemy Fight wait do you know how you look like oh what this I was kidding my head down where’s the dragon at oh we wait there’s a crystal what do we do I’ve never seen this Co do we hit the crystal maybe wait I love that this descending from the sky something’s

Happening there has to be a maybe we break these what is happening oh my God oh my God we break these wa I don’t know what’s happening we can’t break it oh my God I’m scared hold me Seline it’s being summoned it’s summoning summoning we have to break all

The things up there and down here that’s crazy wait did we make a was onone anyone anyone waist oh it’s summ put one down I put one down I put oh my God Star right can do have domaining expansion where Ryan that’s so easy to find here wait

Did someone do way stones I put one down but someone took it who took it Nami someone took it again no one took it what do you mean someone took it where is it I don’t know where it is I think it broke maybe it broke maybe you can’t

Put was Stones down in this maybe it exploded when the explosions were happening that’s so terrifying REM the entire roof it removed the entire roof yeah I do I do I do have another one oh hold on let’s s down a little first well thank God I moved to this side I might

Have been Kaboom I’m going up for some reason in this bottom um actually there is no some reason I know why I’m going up I’m just really scared Jan Jan make sure to retouch the wasisto what go what a go you rename it yeah Eva you have to rename it what

Do you want it to be call it uh never mind I’ll pick it back up no I got it I’m here I already got it though all right then end okay I got one of them nice don’t die cuz you don’t have a waypoint here oh oh

Wait why don’t okay you’re dead oh I see so that means I can’t come to the portal and then come back yeah she could yeah oh thank God oh thank God how did you get how did you get which one did you get one of the tow one of the towers

Yeah when you kill the uh Crystal it explodes yeah see range is good here and also I was standing in the gunk so run away after okay good coms yeah I don’t have exp but I can trade sticks that’s what the sticks are for um I’m going to assume your body’s

At this one I’m going to build up a staircase for you oh thank you that is so helpful I think it’s this one cuz this is the one where the dragon at uh do you see a lot of like nether thingy yeah I’m looking for that but there’s no Nether Bricks on any

Of oh that’s there’s one next to me oh okay that’s probably where Janet was doesn’t see where are you me um I’m UNC crouching I still don’t see wait you can’t oh I don’t have a netherrite pickaxe it’s this one yeah I think is this one right here oh oh yes it is

It is it is hello I am here so I did make some stairs yeah um sorry I was taking out the block oh you made stairs perfectly actually no and then it stopped there and then I just went YOLO oh um why can’t I put one here oh that

Work that’s it I’m bringing out the the airplane wrong um hold shift J J holy hold he’s mad holding he’s mad oh my God he looks so cool wa oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] god oh my om czy OMFG OMFG OMFG naked OMFG

I’m naked OMG she’s naked oh my God I see it s wait there’s more than one isn’t there cuz what who is that you know oh that’s [ __ ] oh my God wait how I see you floating Up Wait no that’s not good me who is that in that ship that is

Me it won’t even let me respawn oh that’s glitchy oh my God Janet the dragon do be flying around us oh it do be oh jeez oh jeez oh God I just fell you have bunny slippers though yeah yeah but I had to build up to get to those

Things oh Jad Are we almost there actually go up go up I have enough blocks at this point to go up yeah yeah yeah oh there we go oh nice okay thank you so much thank you so much oh my God okay we’re good do you need more blocks

No no no okay you gave me so many okay I wish I oh um Janet the Crystal’s back well uh one of them broke so that’s good why is there a blaze I hate that there’s Blaze I don’t know I think they’re spawning as we’re breaking things

Um well the Ender Dragon looks sick I much prefer him looking like that he looks sick yeah he looks cool oh how does the usual Ender Dragon look like Ryan you’re you’re so you’re so D you can’t be that much of a boomer no cuz he

Took some damage that’s why and you said you were happy about that he has Co yeah oh back to the umbrella umbrella Ella Ella maybe I need to come back where theck where my body is we almost broke all the things wait that’s the last one I think me okay I

Broke it okay I’m going to die again probably don’t die don’t die I did I did cuz I couldn’t see I got blinded but it’s okay it’s really easy to come back I’m happy to die for the team did it did it everything break I think so I don’t

Anything I did I died twice for this [ __ ] very good you died for the cause I died for the cause he’s got to land soon right wait oh I think he’s Landing now’s our chance oh wait no he’s not wait is there more oh there’s more Crystal not oh guys I

See there’s a lot more oh I don’t know how to live after I break it cuz um it’s a little intense oh they respawn yeah they I was going to say janets respawned no shot wait how is this how do we do this well that’s horrible we probably

Have to like kill three together maybe like at one going you guys yeah everyone has to participate why did I can’t keep doing where is Eva um why what do you mean why wh why are you wondering I mean I’ll participate now that I know that we have to I just oh no

No it’s cuz I don’t see you on the map oh I’m uh invisible remember uhhuh I’m invisible uhhuh what is she here G wait if you die and then you die again do your does your stuff get Reed Seline can I have some blocks

Please I died in the I thought I hit the ground but I didn’t wait Seline Wait no that’s Janet never mind RIS I ran out of blocks but I need yeah I’m also out of blocks I died like up on this freaking thing this fence any block thank you uh yeah some

Where are you go I’m right behind you I’m just invisible I’m holding bread wait why are you invisible cuz I’m scared oh you’re like fully well I dropped it it’s behind you okay how many are left I think you oh God oh my God I keep falling that’s so

Annoying my God my damage I’m taking so much damage oh my god it feels weird without farting oh okay all right there so many there’s the one I died at there’s one where is this just keep respawning how is this possible I don’t know but

There’s so many BL yeah we have to go faster we got to make like stairs is the Ender Dragon’s Breath spawning Blaze or where are these blades coming from I know I’m trying to take them out yeah I’m trying to kill them but I don’t have a ranged weapon so like walk up

This one’s gone okay which ones are we missing there’s one on me oh my god did I just did that one I swear oh maybe not that one respawn so fast maybe it’s like a order of things uh it’s better if you have a bow or something to shoot them from or with

I have no bow same trying to kill these Blaze for people I’m fireproof I’m okay trying to make stairs up so that we have easy access if it resp here I’ll start like taking out the ones underneath so we have blocks thank you oh I have a lot of

Blocks oh I have like one oh okay I can give you some more if you need like how fast are they they’re coming back pretty quickly huh they come back pretty fast dang oh as long as we’re all up there I think we can do it

Yeah oh I like the bridges the bridges are a good yeah you like that shooting WS oh I’m immune to fire so I’m okay I need to save you from the blaze though cuz you’re not that’s genius I’m going to oh okay yes if you could build

Bridges across once we get up it’ll be hella nice oh I’m just scared I don’t know what halfway dead too something how is he halfway dead I think I think taking out the crystals does damage to him yeah yeah yeah but then he heals because it

Respawns wait how many are left oh I see some oh I heard another boom I got one nice so you can’t shoot them anymore huh you be to shoot them um there’s somebody up there who’s oh Go’s got like Blaze and Phantoms on them you love

Me I have I have this bow but I have no arrows and it’s not like this is Enchanted damn it go I went the one you went and you’re the one a man okay EV yeah hey on the bright side I’m level 30 so I can finally enchant yeah I

Noticed they good that is the bright side oh there’s Dragon stuff up there don’t go up there I’m going to go back down I don’t want to push you gy man oh you [ __ ] Blaze screw you [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] kill the blaze but there’s like hella on

Me but I think it’s I have hella is that it okay I see it I um are they coming back we did it oh I lived this time oh my God I lived this time oh my God oh my God I killed one I killed one I think they’re

All dead I think yeah they’re all dead yeah y now we can kill him where is he is he supposed to land he’s above he really high Landing yeah you had to bait him it looks like he’s still Tethered to something ohare Spa oh man oh is he Landing you stupid ass

Blaze rods can someone go break that one where is it is it near me oh [ __ ] okay I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going there I’m going there oh the Thunder nice oh Ryan’s doing it Ryan go oh he ow ow ow ow got break the things I’m trying

There’s I can’t breathe I can’t Brea killing the BL God oh God where I get up oh there we go oh wait it’s dead already what the [ __ ] I’m so confused now it’s it’s oh my God oh my [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] oh broken mess him up he’s not

Tethered to anything he’s Tethered to something where is it where is it oh dude that’s so far okay coming where is it oh my God it’s like we’re playing Titan and that’s thunderstorms oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m going I’m

Going there’s much fire there’s so much fire there’s so much fire I’m panicking I’m panicking pic oh my [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] I got it oh I don’t got it I got it I got it I’m almost there I got it oh okay okay where is he he’s to

Another one wait what isible lightning is he always tell something food I think we just got to constantly be breaking it okay I’m going after him hopefully he lands soon oh my God oh my God oh my God guys I this thunder is stressing me out I am stressed I am

[ __ ] stressed oh my God oh my God are you guys killing that one over there I can get these these one two 2 three four I could get these four on my side going for one oh he’s ped he’s Landing is he he’s Landing go go go attack no he’s gone it’s painful

A I got struck by lightning Ow dude they just keep respawning feel was impossible oh it’s so loud he’s perched yeah I’m coming I’m smacking what I’m going to die to fall damage oh my God I almost oh my God my totem saved me wo oh I’m getting struck by lightning I

Got struck by lightning I don’t have any more totems how the [ __ ] are you guys hitting him when he’s perched like that I climbed up to the yo it’s even louder down here oh my how are you not getting eated I got yeated and I died I got

Eated this feels impossible no no no we got this we got this we’re almost there I just killed a crystal they two of where where are the other crystals get him to perch and I’ll be ready to like do hell damage okay you just got to get him to P it’s a fun

Fish he’s not te to anything he is he is oh he is he always is so freaking loud man I’m going I’m going up to that one I made a water thing my God I’m actually such a genius oh thank goodness peace and quiet wait water is genius yeah oh but I might

Drown oh I’m alive how do I get spe I got it wait he’s just chilling in the air is that lag or what do you see him wait where no I think he’s just like glitched maybe oh no yeah he’s glitched okay he’s back he’s coming back how do you XP with

Sticks uh you you traed to the Fletcher yes thank you you don’t need much to you only need like one level it’s really easy oh I see I’m messing him up you are messing him up mess him up he’s regening oh you got it so close here and

Then get these sticks my God I am Floating get the water already he’s so low oh my God oh my God where’ he go got to go back to my body for the millionth times where is he where is he I don’t know I don’t know I’m great we’re killing the ender dragon ow cheating I see him

Hiding he’s tethered can we kill him even though he’s tethered you think you could try so freaking loud I wonder why I got one shot I have full diamond I hit him oh something exploded we back yeah I’m like full I don’t know this [ __ ] is strong though I’ll tell you that

He’s low he’s low he’s low he’s low he’s done yay well done Summoners oh my God he dropped Ender Dragon what who wants it we can all share it it’ll be like our prize thing all where’s the egg though I need the egg I sacrificed my life like three

Times breaking those [ __ ] crystals for us to kill him oh there’s the egg can we take it again uh put a torch under it torch under it silk touch axe don’t you put a torch under the sand and then you break it I think it just

Broke it’s right here next to me oh I no yeah put a torch under it mhm oh what does this do again if you just so like you can have it in your inventory yeah respawn it maybe I don’t know oh then we break it right you have a

Torch under it yeah yeah yeah there we go yay yay that was kind of crazy thank you for making me has it I put it on oh it dropped an elytra oh nice but it’s at one durability oh that’s not nice you put mending on it I can yeah make it unbreakable

Too now we’re free all right so now we got to go now we go to the cities is a city to the city this end end end is kind of scary does there ever respawn again um if we put down the egg it does oh oh man it’s so nice without the

Lightning so we go on the TP we go home right yeah the center thing you just go home I will be back it it shows the credit I where’s the other way point here gy did you take it back or is it still here oh it’s all down here follow

Me follow following following following ah do have a kit knife okay are we keeping this here I we could okay yeah I think we should and then we bring another Waypoint in curled hair we did it what the why oh I can’t take out my sword when

I’m near you guys oh is that the thing that oh it is takes us to the end cities oh yeah does it have a portal in the middle mhm cuz sometimes oh it is it is that one nice ran we’re going to the in City okay

If you guys need blocks let me give you some I would love blocks I got a bunch one two three and then go if you need some one two what the [ __ ] ow I didn’t even look at it yeah no sometimes you get aggroed for no

Reason no no no the one with the giant mouth gets angry no matter yeah that one just gets angry no matter what what a little freak am I right right right right freak right you freak anyone got a lot of hi April I do nice oh you’re building up hey

Yo I am so [ __ ] scared there it is that’s so f um what a path I will build walls around it yes please thank you oh oh oh okay huh H okay maybe I just break that um what my guys I wasn’t thinking about you guys

Um I think about myself um okay uh don’t worry I can fix this yeah I’ll fix it for you guys oh don’t worry I got it boom okay and then I can like for scud this outwards and then wouldn’t it be easier to just do like a like this maybe and then we’re

Here oh yeah oh does that work oh yeah do you put in the ender portal or Ender Ender thing yeah you throw an end you just throw an ender pearl in it and then what happens it takes you to an island mhm oh I kind of broke it does that

Matter whoa you mean you kind of broke it like I I took the obsidian from it it’s back wait no no we can take the obsidian away as long as the portal block is still there oh yeah portal Block’s still there all right I’m ready

Jen oh why why was I getting hit by I’m scared someone else do it I’m [ __ ] SC oh wait oh oh my God what happened you you have to press shift when you TP it spawns at the very edge holy a spawn at the edge no matter what so you have to hold

Shift e I’m building I’m building that’s terrifying yeah this is so cool what is this can I can I can I find this yeah thought said oregano but it says I need a hoe for this oh it’s the the entry go you can get the inso

Know I’m kind of scared to fly earlier when I flew it just killed me out of nowhere it did kill you I did see that oh the music is so nice I had that [ __ ] turned off I think okay my bad I also have that [ __ ] turned off I think my bad

The ambient noise is cool though unless this isn’t from the game and this is from what is the star thing there’s a floating star G can I have food also oh I didn’t bring that much but I can give you my bread some my bread I would love that oh guys there’s these

Cool there things where are you like umbrella tree thing wait did you drop it oh my God why are you mad I trying but the thing is I have magnet oh um if I lose if I die in the void okay I’ll stve EV no no I dropped some I

Dropped some will I lose everything did you get it no I have no idea it up cuz I see the sticking to you Eva oh yeah what if we die in the void do we lose everything no no no no no your body floats oh but it’s like impossible it’s

So hard to get no the constant oh is doing the farting sound oh that’s how you do it okay you try you saw that your body floats already yeah and you you you you’ve gotten it with the water bucket yeah you water bucket down and then you pick it all up

I’m so scared my body I died to something random my body was just floating in the air what block is but you didn’t actually fall into the void what is that but the void I’m going to go check it out spawns your gravestone at the very like one block above the

Void oh Ender ore might as well sounds a little scary like what ispp CH across the island or something are you talking to me yeah um I was thinking about it oh I think you should do it oh thanks Eva why you built such a

Nice stairs what if we I don’t know if it reaches that em dense Emerald but it doesn’t Hur to try ancient emerald eyes oh no it just turns into water Jen Jen if I step on it yeah Jen Jen yeah right below us oh yeah I wanted to

Know what material this is and if you break it it it’s so it’s basically ice oh but it has a different name it says ancient Emerald ice wait I have a silk touch should we bring it back home nervous yeah try yeah try okayy what sorry

Ryan I’ll try later Jen Jen thank you Jenny the bean and thank you for the 3 months welcome back thank you what if am I do no did they finish the bridge okay no we’re not finished I’m watching you you’re not even Clos you’re like eight blocks away

Who I’m just flying around the Void yo I pressed my pinky find ship extra harder when I’m here too me too I need a break okay I got this you got this you got this this you got this go you got this you got this go go go go go go you got

This you got this go you got this you got this go you got this you got this go go go go go you finish the bridge yeah we did so I can’t fall off right oh my God G are you okay oh I was muted don’t worry you see

God I want this I want this I want this oh my God you’re okay Seline you’re okay I don’t know why she was saying it like that you’re okay you’re okay I want I want I want I want the fish here oh the Flying Fish I ran out of blocks no okay

I do I do it okay oh there hurt regular like pretty fish and Jellyfish here oh I see why you this is [ __ ] up I see why this is [ __ ] up I see I see I hate this yeah it looks like nothing I [ __ ] hate this so much oh you’re at the end

Wow wow that sucks what happen just building backwards you just don’t know what I’m going to give you more blocks if you need hold on let’s see you to be away from all the magnet people which is Ryan and go I’m gone I’m over here ranking

Over a little bit pleas so I lost one of my backpacks somehow did you drop it oh it’s in my other backpack thank God okay dropping blocks than you do you have food to drop also only some bread here you can have 10 I need to make myself that big that

You have the pink one thank you thank you thank you thank you what is this Pokemon oh Seline did you see come come look iron leaves that’s a Pokémon Seline oh yeah I will be capturing you iron leaves do you think that’s a good um fish wait yeah these fish oh these

Jellyfish oh yes and the and the Nish too oh God my pouch is the oh this is legendary amazing fight I see that’s a variant of a legendary I think cool is it verum yeah apparently it is oh anyone got any extra balls all I have

Are quick balls I have some Ultra Balls but um I don’t know how I’m going to throw it at you oh wait I can’t throw it at you hold on throw it at me I get the lily pads ow oh my God pois so much I think the jelly fish is Poisonously my God I’m getting a legendary I’m getting a legendary oh no it keeps escaping though fight but I’m scared of hurting in come here come here there’s more here look oh oh I’m scared of doing more damage please iron leaves be with me iron leaves please be with me oh there’s

Blue coral too I’ll get this Coral ow I’m going to go see what Jon’s up to she’s trying to catch the legendary iron leaves won’t come home oh do you see these little I have a master ball oh my God oh my God oh wait it’s I

Only have a few maybe I should keep these myself unless you want to trade master ball for a master ball yeah okay here’s my one Master Ball are you reading the book Ryan yeah there’s aot whole another like mod called better end thank you yeah like interesting I love this better end mod

This is so much better Co the end is so empty for how Grand it is yeah I’m not using it yet because I got it low and I want to see if that captures it [ __ ] never mind wait here Jen Jen try a timer ball since it’s been a while there you

Go oh Eva you’re in luck I have shears oh well I guess you could silk touch the coral huh thank you did it work I didn’t use my master ball yet cuz I’m scared I don’t have one at home just in case and then I could give you the master ball

Yet uh back oh it’s okay you can grind for it yeah the master ball is not too hard to pour I think I got six of them I think I’m going to use the master ball yeah you should the legendaries are pretty hard to cut another onear NE shell wait there’s another iron

Leaves here thank you thank you oh no geod dude Tyler won why oh there is a iron here I will pay you back goom and Eva no worries no need uh no I would like a master ball back well do well do oh there’s an iron Valiant what’s an iron vant oh that’s

Mine oh oh anyone got um uh uh you know what I don’t even know what the [ __ ] I’m saying are you guys getting these pretty leaves yeah I’m getting the pretty floor and everything oh my God are you going to get the mushroom leaves things too that the I also have

So this place is so pretty yeah like I oh my god do you see that white area wo oh my God even the lily pads are so pretty do we do we want Neon Cactus sure I I don’t know what it looks like it looks

Like I don’t know how to explained it I think like like ugly oh okay if ugly is the way you would describe it I don’t know if I want it okay I won’t get it wait better end is a great mod I say Tyler one my shiny Tyler one never yeah

This makes the end so much better are these I love this mod pack yeah it’s so great I can’t wait to try the other big CH manly Chad whatever it was manly Chad big manly Chad the one without Pokemon in it yeah yeah yeah yes marble I hear you no you don’t marble

Marby says no you don’t no you don’t what M what M what M actually I’m going to get it [ __ ] it cuz it looks like I they glow in the water I need to fix my they need to I need to fix my aquarium happy TV thank

You for the prime and yalin thank for the 34 months welcome back to Tito arm me you’re happy I’m happy Ryan where are you I’m finding you guys a city very good very it’s far like 2,000 blocks oh I hate that what apparently we need we had to do

Rituals what do you mean rituals there are some rituals it says external ritual wait and this this tree doesn’t give me yeah I got the legendary I um I need to go to my PC to bring it out but Chad do you know um let me get rid of my death

There must not be I mean it says wood so I thought they I would like to get rid of my death so it never happened um do you guys know uh which direction we should go uh to find find the the city is it North or South I remember someone telling me you

Have a higher chance if you go a certain direction but I forgot which way I just don’t have anything is it North you don’t have diamond armor ol Lex 11 months and and Jordan I got that for you guys you ay M there’s a a

Cat in my ear cat in your ear yeah marble is a real life baby like she will cry to be held she cries when she wakes up and she doesn’t see me she’s just like a real life child Prim aren’t you a happy mother oh there’s another iron

Leaf yeah guess they not rare down here I guess it’s not rare have you ever tried to bite your cat’s cheek no bite’s cheek I bite cl’s cheek and ear I munched on Marble’s cheek with my lips and and how was it do you recommend

So cute yeah I recommend how was it I see I recommend 10 out of 10 experience baton come here you just munch on them with your lips get munched I feel like batons for is so long yeah I think I would um it would be stuck in my mouth yeah wait Eva

Yeah yeah what Ry and I found Yellowstone yesterday oh oh so Yellow Stone exist exist wait do you guys see that star-shaped Island do you see it it’s like southeast of us what is that are you sure this iron Leaf [ __ ] is a legendary like why do

Really have to waste Master it’s a variant it’s a variant I don’t think it’s legendary so it means it’s a different form of a legendary wait do you guys see that perfectly starshaped Island um help me J where are you help me please Jen I have no idea where you

Are no stay back stay back what is happening jenet where are you I I don’t know I heal I heal now oh they’re just pockets of stars why do they look like that oh [ __ ] I killed it oops oh there goes the variant oh is it these trees do these

Trees make a star shape Eva press slash to make your map larger why would you do that why would you do that you’re the southeast do you see the starshaped cutout I want to hide here forever what do you think that is oh it looks like a

Planet oh now it’s something else now what is that giant thing what I still see a star it looks like a planet I want to go there yeah I want to go there too I don’t I guess I kind of have blocks I have blocks well let me start let me start oh

Okay where’s everyone else that’s so weird I don’t even see you guys on the map like your names well you must I’m see her name oh that’s sh and is invisible yeah well oh I see where you guys are going to go the star thing uh um go and

I went North the n city didn’t have a ship so there’s no elytra here okay there’s no what a different elytra oh uh 3 87 thing for the two months thank you did you intentionally want to make this bridge diagonal as heck yeah okay I’m coming to you guys seleni

And I almost died out there by myself yeah it’s too scary out here um don’t judge the bridge when you get here I’ll do my best not to no promises diagonal I don’t know why oh I guess it makes sense it’s like the shortest direction Mm I think I don’t know why I feel like the star is going to be like a like a like like a like a hole like a tree oh it might be a giant tree oh yeah I see it but I’m down to going it what if it’s like a

Dungeon I’m getting like a queasy feeling in my thing right now yeah that’s how we all feel don’t worry Eva it is just the end stuff as the end always does tree is kind of pretty sh to p py p pythron what time did you have to go again uh 2 p.m. okay

Don’t what I have a timer set don’t where you going I have a Lobby okay God damn it you stupid Enderman I hate you I hate you I hate you he hates you the one with open mouths when they hit you they teleport you I know it’s so

Scary that’s how I almost died scary chpp CH Chii mag boom boppa magy doy boo boo bo boo love that dog I know yeah me too I can link it to you okay you ready but you want the meme version or you want the or I’ll give you both well I can’t listen to it now unless if it’s on

Spotify oh it’s on he doesn’t have his audio split I do for Spotify leave me alone you freak chippy chippy choa choa doy doy daa daa mag me doy doy boom boom boom boom let’s go guys oh I feel like a pinball yay we did it woo was just a

Tree yeah yeah but sure Lally there’s something in it what if we break the tree down what if we break it down and there’s something in it how look how pretty this in Lily is can’t you and do you see this where are you where are you

What am I looking at oh the lilies oh yeah I brought oh wait I didn’t and I I didn’t get these jelly fishies though do they hurt you kabo zawa oh you should get them how do you get them do I put them in the

Bucket come here ow they do they do hurt me I don’t Nar far that’s where why can’t I take out these shears if it’s in your backpack you have to take it out one by one I was just going to guess that I see yeah I learned that yesterday there goes my

Shear leave me alone we build up in this tree cuz this tree looks crazy think you could just walk up here walking would you fish like to come home with me this ship has no elytra maybe there’s different ways to get elytra here I guess so that’s so sad pretty what the

Flip would you fish like to call are you where we are [ __ ] yes no I left I made it sound like you had an option but you don’t have an option option you’re pink therefore you I’m not a pro Minecrafter so I might be building the staircases a little Slow I Ender pearled over oh these aren’t trees these fish are now coming home with Mah Mah where where’ they go oh I see where they are Country Country Village oh wow are there villagers to breed um I mean to see to breed stop it stop teleporting me oh there’s no one

Here it’s an empty Village oh there is eternium Ingot oh that’s moreit this Enderman has a backpack oh my game just started lagging like crazy yeah same oh oh my God I found elytra yay the end Villages do have them oh would you look at that would you look

At that would you would you what the hell I guess if you’re falling into the void the thing you could do is type slh true yeah if your APM is that fast I just have it from the last time I just pressed type and it’s up why is

There an angry end my hold shift hold it down everyone holding down my shift I killed them guys no I killed them oh thank God thank God indeed lapis kill it goom uses her Pokemon to fight for her a lot but my Pokemon just die are they low level I guess they must

Be oh [ __ ] oh my god oh there’s another one Eva protect us I hear it but I don’t see it oh you’ve killed it probably new idea whoa what are these floating things up here are we going up here to see what’s up here mhm just to see the world there might be

Nothing but yeah at the highest point oh Mossy growroom cap oh this is a giant mushroom mhm oh it’s not a tree that’s why you don’t get sappling yeah cuz it’s a [ __ ] mushroom clro oh my God careful guys please don’t push thank you very much please don’t

Push please don’t push please don’t push okay um um feel like Bic this is so pretty at the top wa this is so pretty I would love to live in a treehouse like this yeah o look at this fur this fur is blocking my vision can someone break this fur

Down where oh you need shars oh that’s why oh is that what you wanted yeah damn this is a tall ass tree it really is oh we’re here whoa wait guys there’s a like there’s like a biome up here what the heck like like like there’s like there’s I’m going

To put torches here so I remember where our hole was we’re like smack daddy in the middle of it a this is so cool I’m breaking these floating fungi oh yeah these look so cool F oh that oh it’s on Eva oh my God there’s so many mad at Eva

Right now Eva I’ll help thank you on there there’s a lot of um mouth open ones guys yeah there is I don’t like it I hear one oh oh oh um EV did you look at them um ready oh my God there’s one bite in my [ __ ]

Ass I really wish I had a looting sword so I could get ender pearls from these guys at least you can’t go and make eye contact with all of them wait this wasn’t the hole we came from or did it just grow oh it might have grown it what the [ __ ] it it

Had to have grown right cuz I swear we came from here it looks like something we C oh no no no we came from the left left left left side left side God oh my god I didn’t even look at them Selen even and I are going down

Yeah where did these all come from I didn’t even look at these guys I know they just I think like once a openmouth dude gets mad it feels like he like tells the others um there’s a one that has an axle oh my God this one’s like rid boss what the heck is

This why are you backing up why are you backing up that’s about to come it’s a very tight close fighting space I would hate to hit you oh my God I don’t think you can we can hit each other what that was so scary there surely there’s oh my god dude sometimes I

Double tap my w and it shoots me forward oh that’s a thing I guess so cuz sometimes I just get shock is it like a trinket you have um oh could it be a trinket something just peed meby everyone see you later bye bye goodbye um I got tpd randomly so I’m on

An island without no I’m just going to um use use my ender pearl oh oh hi yo I got tped onto another tree well that was stressful yeah I double tapped right now and it it did it oh I think it’s a trinket Jen Jen CU I

Don’t shoot forward it’s a very scary trinket um should we switch games oh are we doing GTA I don’t know I’m down I’m down for whatever we got to make our characters anyway yeah I does anyone remember how to do it by the way no I do okay

Perfect end Smith I’m I slashed home oh it feels so [ __ ] good to be home holy [ __ ] smithing oh my God oh my God it does I feel so relieved I’m Still oh that was a long day really was I love that I could sell these Netherrack every day and make so much money like that’s so awesome to me daily blush check o um I use The Hourglass and Dior hourglass and Dior can I put the fishes in your your

In your um aquarium aquarium yeah okay how’ you do it uh without it breaking or do I have to break it you to go from here oh sorry I was muted this way this way yeah you go up this way Jen Jen here from here here this is where we do all the

Maintenance maintenance y we have to clean the aquarium then we just toss them in there oops I lost that block oh wait how come I can’t reach oh oh sorry I think I broke the wrong break one here there we go did you guys try loging on yet nope

Oh I’ll do it after you’re done s me and don’t want to push you in okay jelly fish wow is it you Jen that had um something that that plays music something that plays oh yeah jukebox I have some discs oh yes yes it’s outside it’s by the garden wait Seline I

Want to also put uh can you open it I’m going to swim in there and put wow I love it by the garden Um ow IDE the jellyfish Eva jelly here our own fish tank whoa whoa dying SL audio you’re drowning now okay thanks box now look at it I put one in it looks so pretty oh [ __ ] will the jellyfish kill the fish I hope not it’s not as menacing here you want this yeah

Thanks I have one more yay s it’s finally climbing together where’d you get the fireworks you made it oh no Seline the regular fish and the other fish are fighting yeah some things don’t some things are not getting along yeah something just died and I don’t know

What it was yeah things died for sure I think a jellyfish died and I saw a fish die oh they’re fighting again can you study them which ones are fighting I’m trying to see I don’t understand sand I’m not a marine biologist fan to another way to get more um gun

Fire the Nemo the the mean end fish is killing all the regular Nemos no run Nemo run oh [ __ ] the inish is [ __ ] them up Seline I knew the B I knew these guys yeah I have listened to a heart in real life it’s not that it’s the C sound like it the

Jellyfish no no Seline huh oh Eva you put cactus in there oh my God oh my God it was Eva killing them oh my God they weren’t even killing each other Eva killed like half the fish oh my God Eva I can explain I didn’t

Know we lost all the red ones we can fix it we can fix it oh EV I was like it it looks so Random the way they’re dying that’s why I said oh no I realiz that’s so fun they were swimming up and down getting hit by the

Cactus guys she killed half our fish we lost like half the things we lost actually we lost 80% of the things we bought back no it’s so empty now she just laughs bro we lost all the red fish now I we have other things to do no we had

One ref fish right here we didn’t lose all of it no the glowing red ones oh yeah we did um it’s okay we can get it back we just we just got to get it back Jan Jan I want you to know there were like 10 jellyfish we have two

Now I we only have two glowing fish and half my tropical fish are dead oh that does break my heart Eva don’t worry about it don’t worry we can get hit back can you fix the roof man oh yeah okay well now I know Cactus does not work well in the

Aquarium where’ you even get that I got it from the O the lake in the end yeah I also but the cactus in the aquarium I did I just saw oh water oh water and then I thought it was okay not okay not okay well the glowing fish really look

Good in this aquarium actually yeah maybe we should only have glowing fish we should definitely get more of the glowing Fish well then do you want the dead bodies no okay classic Eva well I got the cactus like you asked for you want to see how it looks Now know how it looks L uh-huh it is really pretty ow ow ow I forgott I just uh definitely not for oh it’s a glowing Cactus that’s pretty cool this I yep that’s why you put it in there so um I didn’t finish this Eva I can’t help but notice that there’s still your moving boxes up here in the bedroom one if you come here and sleep the night away linky sleep the night away why are you standing on top of

Me instead of just sleeping oh my God I came all the way from the basement she’s literally next to the bed could have slept by the way could have slept I don’t like ruining my sleep schedule shiny shiny Teddy Ursa get it get it get it get it get it get

It get it get get get it girl break it break it to the Floor I like this music so much I have like 10 music I have 10 things playing in right now Eva I have the master ball whenever you’re ready to okay I’m just going to go see this Teddy Ursa it’s going to be green you want it

Nope you can take it oh I don’t really want it that much I don’t really want it at all 63 oh it’s like around here somewhere you see a Teddy your said anywhere cuz I don’t nope not at all 136 63 91 minutes here where are you guys they’re going to see

The teddy Ursa oh but we have to go back to the end anyway to collect the glowing fish yeah I don’t see this teder set anywhere Seline pick a number between 1 and 10 seven all right um Eva pick what a number between 1 and 10 three SEL here you

Go what happened to Janan why doesn’t Janan I got one she has one the number was eight according to chat wow W but if I find another I’ll give it to you and he will find another he really will he will find it I have no doubts that Ryan will find another cha

Cha doy doy boom boom boom bo it did not spot I want to pick up baton and make him dance it just lied to Us I don’t see a Teddy anywhere I think it’s on the trees the trees chippy chippy cha cha Dative 136 6391 right yeah this is like here I don’t see it my headphone model oh I don’t mind at all it is a Logitech Logitech G X2 I don’t know if the G is in it but it is Logitech Pro x2 in white I took it

From your things it’s um oh my helmet broke uh a cross necklace oh what does it do makes you invincible after taking some damage I liked make the fire one a lot oh and you don’t have that and then I you can use this end Seeker that one

Was good I’m going to keep it here you have it that one was bomb Blaze traveler what does this one do that one was a banger no have the falling thing too okay then protection four and Unbreaking three I need to put this together backpack is it called Blaze Trav The

Blaze one wait but the necklace was like hard to make from my the fire one yeah I took something that I didn’t have I forget oh hi up also the shiny Ted is a lie sometimes they just disappear really fast I’ve been chasing some sometimes and then it just like disappears it’s really

Sad I mean I shouldn’t have despawned this fast though well I couldn’t find it chippy chippy cha choa doy doy daaa magic me doy doy boom boom boom boom I’m so addicted yeah I mean should have spawned right here at your home maybe it’s underground oh like in the cave oh man

Could be but it spawn further than turn into sticks oh my God OMG perfect I checked both coordinates like XZ YX YZ I checked everything yeah it’s not there I’ll think dang it what nothing I didn’t do anything oh when you saying like that oh it’s quite a gas for having done

Nothing do something I think you definitely anyways we should get on GTA guys should we though Ryan loves Minecraft okay I’m down but should we what if we’re not even whitelisted oh yeah someone should definitely check that I checked earlier and it said not but then my account also said I was

What like my account on the site said whitelisted and then when I went to join it it said you’re not Whit listed oh but was able to right she’s been on before it I had been on before yeah on no pixel yeah oh yeah that might be the

Difference actually you bit these and it says pickles pickles says pickles Mr Pickles H but J Jan said everyone should be right listed also though no she said that’s what blow said yeah I went over to Mong one day I think Seline was there and he was like yeah you guys are wh

Listed by the way oh yeah yeah yeah do you say it very confidently I mean yeah I feel like he wouldn’t say it at all then right I mean I don’t know really know him so that’s up to you guys if I said that then confidently yeah it would mean jack [ __ ] you

Know jack [ __ ] are you saying what you say is Jack [ __ ] sometimes yeah oh oh that’s good to know I guess it’s good to know wait what did Eva say everything she says is Jack [ __ ] wait who has a dragon’s egg I want the

Dragon egg I have it why can I have it are you making the backpack oh the kitty chippy CH the program that I’m supposed to open oh yeah I don’t remember strength and regeneration I was going to make it but you know what that thing I’m supposed to open uh what do

You mean it oh wait something sorry I’m here Ryan where progr to open the I’ll put it outside of house oh 5m is it called 5m on Steam no 5m on your your launcher itself where’ you put it R oh oh it’s an app right wait how do I mine it do I

Just break it wait how does it work why does it keep teleporting your questions are giving me anxiety for some reason did I pick it what go what did we do oh we killed the Ender Dragon it was actually a really cool fight and then um and then what did

We do we I just w we explored a bit in the end found like jellyfish and glowing mushrooms [ __ ] play catch and now we’re home and I am trying to enchant everything oh where’ it go right here cuz I don’t have protection on any of

My armor what what is going on what how come I can’t get it how do I get it pick it up Eva I need EX on my stuff no it’s up here I don’t see it chippy chippy CH this this is a learning thing okay I

Dig mending two blocks below it and then put a uh torch underneath it no not that one NOP no you leave one block below it and then you dig the one below that block and then you put a torch underneath it and then you break the block so it falls on the

Torch mending oh y oh so dig the one below it torch it okay then you break it tada yay and now you know level four oh I remember what I couldn’t find Ryan the gleaming compound yeah that’s uh you got to go mining for that do you have any spe I

Might Ryan can you tell me what you have on like your uh armor is it just Unbreaking mending protection 4 for most of them yeah my helmet I have respiration and aqua affinity and then dep Strider on my uh boots shoes yeah okay um huh uh F how do I get dragon’s breath

You got to go and get dragon’s breath M it says I wouldn’t want to rob you of the fun but it says what you trying to make Eva a backpack but it says I need the righteous Relic what the righteous Relic oh wait maybe I’m clicking the

Wrong thing how the [ __ ] do I BR wait which backpack takes the end she’s trying to make that Dragon traveler backpack guys how do I um put down the the worker I have him in my hand by accident uh right click we could resummon the dragon yeah

We would have to resummon the dragon and you’d have to redo it that was so stressful I think that’s another day we do yeah but it’s possible and go was we need to get another egg oh how many eggs do we need right now I don’t know whoever wants to make a

Backpack I guess do I need can I use this egg and can we still summon it or do we need this egg to dup it I don’t think we need the egg okay thank God okay I don’t remember how to you don’t get an extra

Egg pretty sure then why would you do it again what’s wrong marble get evil Veil so Enderman oh really it’s good to have evil Veil or wait it says and Oh you mean envil uh allows the user to look at Enderman what about the one ones that

Chomp at you and where do I put it you thank you okay let me look for gleaming compound from Ryan’s trusty old chest oh the chomping ones they’re not in there where are they you have to mine for them Ryan whoa it’s a oh this is just a

Diamond waa you have like you’re using bpack as inventory slots oh Unbreaking Unbreaking and I need protection for on the bright side the one thing I did mine were magma blocks oh who toot out there it’s only marble and always marble what are you doing in

There oh me yeah oh I’m trying to uh enchant my stuff what stuff what’ you make um protection 4 oh yeah are you upgrading uh can I wear two necklaces to what upgrading to what yes but it’s really hard why is it hard look up um what is it

Called how do I turn this gleaming powder into gleaming compound look up empty AG glomeration that’s what you need to wear two of the same trinket empty yep it is a grind that’s why I needed the gleaming stuff but you can have a little I guess chpp

Chipp for parts Ryan yeah you’re doing it come back here so you want me to wear this y Johny but I think this invincibility necklace was shaving me and then I put no that’s way better now you have fire immunity and you have fall immunity if I put can I put this back

Ground oh nice you could just jump for Joy Jump for Joy Jump for Joy huh mhm where did I put the backpack upgrade things stick s me stick marble cops marble keeps putting her paw on my mouth I don’t know why she want you to bite her cheeks I guess she said

Hajim her I know she’s like don’t talk Hush Hush no more talking uh no I’m not sure what texture pack it’s called but it is um we’re just playing through a mod pack called um big Chad guys they oh I found one of them oh

Where oh my God that one oh do you need it yeah oh here I’ll make more this is a blank um upgrade that’s what I needed Ste a gas here Ste what Ste did you say that aloud or something thank you for the raid yeah I did you say

That welcome Raiders oh my God St do we have more chocolate chip cookies St if you ate all the chocolate chip cookies that’s why she raided me you better not have eaten it though he was talking about how he ate too many I might have been muted in wait if he ate 10 last night and we got a 13 Pack and I okay hold

On what a song what’s the song gen I only ate for like a Bop I think Steve ate all my cookies oh no oh no he wouldn’t do that he did can we go sleepies w w w w am my leging why can’t I sleep oh my God okay okay I’m going to

Sleep in the game and I’m going to go hunt for cookies and hope to God there is at least one more cookie in there St did you eat my cook I forgot how to upgrade your backpack how do you do it again oh smithing table that’s what it

Was you have the stuff for it yeah yeah made it iron and then I have to make a gold and then I have to make a diamond cookies cies there are two of them three of them what a pleasant surprise I knew Steve would have need

Them where are our smithing oh I see I found them see if gets to Live Another Day yes Ryan no Ryan and Steve have this like Bromance going on Steve could do no wrong in Ryan’s eyes did you guys just want me to dup some smithing templates so you guys

Don’t have to worry about it yes please J Lis thank you for giting a sub thank you yeah it’s some Next Level guy love or something or whatever disgusting kidding it’s sweet until they gang up on me is another right back pretty good that’s what I use then N

N Shoot why did I do that that wasn’t very POG champ of me I feel like yeah we’re starting GTA today I think um someone just needs to like have initiative and go open it really you think mine are better I’ll take it I have to go mbye Kelsey have a good

You know the trick go like this have a good oh he Co art thou okay whoever thou was that was Selen art thou okay I don’t think that sound like you at all oh she told you I’m just really happy about the cookies I’m sorry guys I’ll stop okay guys

Does this look like GTA RP to you huh all right guys oh we’re not Whit listed my what happened are you okay you good you good bro I think she banged her knee on something or her knee hurts because of old age oh like me hello mhm art thou okay what happened

Oh I rammed my knee on the other side of my chair and it like slid into like I don’t know like metal and leather or not leather like this like mesh and it like burned it hurt at the same time burned yeah I don’t know you it it well I also

Said it could be caused by old age but yeah she said you’re either you bang at me or you’re old okay guys problem yes I need the dragon’s breath like I need him breathe and I need to bottle it up yeah that’s what you’re supposed to do when you’re

Fighting the End Dragon oh [ __ ] why didn’t anyone say that I don’t know maybe some of us did um ran what did you have a cookie excuse me yeah he’s cooking the dragon breath so like you going to use that dragon’s breath yeah I was going to make

A backpack but I when you said you’re going to play GTA is it GTA RP oh yes GTA RP you can use some dragon breath oh thank God I didn’t I really didn’t want to go through that again but we’re going to have to anyway I see what you mean

Now I miss red so you should resummon it I think like right now resummon it now yeah why not well how do we dup it like if I I need this I actually don’t know how but I know there’s a way if there is

A will there is a way I should wait that no no you shouldn’t I’m confused why can’t it be upgraded this way what the wait why can’t I use this netherite tier upgrade H it won’t let me use this netherite tier upgrade for this backpack than you did you uh have the

Enough materials for it yeah I have the nether right tier upgrade oh it’s probably leather that goes here oh yes yes yes okay um I guess it can hold a bit more now you should make the little other backpack thingies where you can upgrade them too those are nice oh is

That the thing that I see you and Eva carrying around mhm o how do I do that maybe type backpack and then it’ll have this like different colored one the mod look really flat yeah I think so I put my oh I put my backpacks full of milk oh my God you’re just like Eva no I got the idea from oh did you milk it from her milk tank I did milk her milk tank oh my God I thought you said that was gross

Yeah well it had to be done true yeah n she never gets the mining fatigue yeah there’s actually a milk backpack you can wear I think dude I think a milk think is better more convenient yeah you think he’s horny I actually think he’s so horny how do I pick

It cuz he’s been meowing a lot at like nothing yeah it’s literally at nothing he’s just on the stairs who doesn’t wear a necklace me here Eva take this it’ll save you wait Eva do you want to use my backpack Oh no you’re using a backpack huh yeah this backpack will protect you

From fire damage if you need it here you go do I need to put my backpack down to pick it up can I just mine it I can mine it where the [ __ ] am I is stepen in heat I guess so that was weird he is he is a very confusing Man wait you should be able to spawn the Ender Dragon without the egg okay how do you spawn it you need four in crystals oh he’s 2 Glass Four Eyes of Ender and four gas tiar yeah I could do that oh you’ve been following me for for some time sayab hope drops

Another egg say rabby but then you can definitely get breath too yes I would make it for you for you to trade me the egg yeah but that’s how we’re going to get the you already had the egg yeah I do can I get death Strider on my boots

Chat and you got to get the breath anyway my 5m wouldn’t start yeah I had that issue and then it started once I tried again I’ve tried it like three times now really oh I see why why I think I was trying to make it run on administrator can I have dep Strider

And can I have um feather falling do you have a lot of Ender plal no I had no looting on my stuff so even though I killed a lot of Endermen I had I couldn’t loot any of them or I didn’t get anything where do I put this one oh I need more

Books I have to remake a helmet I have an idea get more ancient debris ancient debris is such a pain easy way to get exp and books perfect and I’ll keep these just in case yes oh yay um I wanted to make a netherite pickaxe right oh olly are you okay actually like

Buton what’s wrong with your brother wa look at him does anyone have blaze powder he’s so cute uh we should you should have some blaze rods you just uh take the Blaze Rod put it in a cing t and it extracts into oh thanks have chipp ch

Chaa dooby dooby boom bo boom boom chippy chippy cha cha doy doy but once we do get in we’d have to fix our our settings too oh where are you you in the nether oh I have the in crystals for you oh you’re in the nether

Oh my go we can summon we can summon the dragon oh yeah yeah do it wait you want me I don’t know how to do it okay I’ll Summit it so you know how to do it I I mean I could try to do it

Oh did you look it up yeah I just Googled it oh what does it say to do do we have to go back to the end yeah we have to go to the portal getting jiggly with it jiggly jiggly puff CH I’ll try it out good luck Soldier 07s okay let’s try

This chippy chippy cha chyy mag Bo boom I’ll be amazed if you guys can do it without Janet breaking the crystals over and over please don’t send me in again the [ __ ] do I do that I thought so much I know wait this end looks completely

Different from the other end what do you mean oh [ __ ] it I’m just going to try it two I don’t think so oh Olie oh that’s so sweet me hi sweet boys look at the orange boys Ryan did you find these armor with mending on it naturally what armor he is

Armor your armor prior the one you let me take it had like randomly only mending on it by that time it wasn’t that valuable though cuz we had a mending villager oh Teddy AA huh um it’s here Ryan did it yeah all right now kill it

Excuse me they’re so kill it EV what do you mean kill itag I got diamond armor oh wait really yeah really I don’t got Diamond wait you have to wait Eva you just need to make the breath right or you just need just capture the breath just get the breath oh

Okay welcome to the stream golden three you’re missing a villager huh I don’t know there’s a stand and a yes I noticed that nice you can nice what’s the end Veil know why but it was there I saw that too Seline I was like huh interesting missing one what happened to

All the trees I logged they’re all gone oh I didn’t know that was uh don’t worry Seline everything in there’s communal yeah I thought it was that’s why everything disappears in There more trees yeah yeah I also had random logs disappear crazy oh who did that but I refilled yours Ryan I refilled yours triple the mount oh I’ve seen it disappear many times oh well in my defense I died a lot but I took out the

Thing and so that’s what happens and I did use a lot of it during that time I will admit it was me but uh but do we kill the Eder Dred because of it so very true very true very true um so like trees don’t take that long okay [ __ ] it

I’ll figure it out what what um the the guy is not coming down so I have to at least get to some stage of points oh if you break a thingy mobbery it will um it will it will it the crystal it’ll have the thing breath oh

Okay oh oh thank you and you can just bottle it there mhm okay perfect took me a while to get there but we got there guys I think this game kind of like melts my brain but not in like a bad way like not to say that it definitely does

I call it Minecraft brain it feels like brain rot it’s no after I play too much Minecraft oh my God guys I’m so slow in League of Legends it’s an issue everything it’s so hard valerin not too bad but oh my God League of Legends I I’m a

Bot definitely not letting my kids if I ever have kids only play Minecraft because oh my God this is like the opposite of Sudoku oh yes I hope my kid wants to play sidoku I [ __ ] love sidoku I also love sidoku see that [ __ ] slaps I taught

Steve how to play soku he didn’t know how before up his alley that’s so That’s So Raven That’s So Steve not knowing how to play Sudoku yeah yeah but he loves it now I’m sure sure like he loves crossworth puzz um so Ryan you wouldn’t want pooku what’s up poke do oh you would oh oh there’s a Pok do poke oh

Oh oh yes I’ve heard of that yes uh you wouldn’t want the egg yours for yourself I would you got the egg I mean no if he kills it he gets the egg are you sure I’m I don’t know I’m not sure but I assume so there is

Literally a dragon in front of me I forgot what I was doing [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] this brain rot [ __ ] bad well I have six dragon breath if anyone needs get more how much more do I need I don’t know I mean I just need two so

If you guys need any I’ll get more just in case I love rals oh my God rals is like so awesome I’ll never forget routes from the other Pixelmon now we need music can I play music while I’m fighting this this one’s my favorite song we got it thank

You okay so what I was Doing not that I’ll tell you that much I was not doing that [ __ ] okay not good not Good I’m alive okay what I meant to do who’s that oh no is that you one of you guys oh no never mind are you what’s [Laughter] good [Laughter] um you good are you good no I just made 64 pressure plates why on I meant to make sticks oh oh my

God do wrong right oh my God okay um I think were there only two Fletchers no there’s more at the back oh oh there’s more at the I see I can finally make it what are you doing s I’m trying to upgrade oh nice for once finally for once I’m actually this is something I do

In the beginning and then I start doing the other things but that’s what I do yeah this one went the other Way I did it I made it made what let’s go my backpack oh y I think that backpack makes you fire immune and stuff right yeah does a lot it does a lot cool what does it do fire immune and um it says Magma’s cubes cubes backpack combined with squigs and it

Gives you strength and regeneration okay well I don’t know what squid does for I think squid lets you breathe underwater Oh No No Yeah like uh squid is water breathing and night vision wait that’s op so let you breathe underwater and let you swim lava and you regenerate and you get

Strength wow okay damn I want that I want that well the End Dragon kill the dragon again why did I upgrade this backpack to netherite EG that’s why I didn’t upgrade my BP for so long oh I you can still you can just um take Shear it just Shear it it’ll still

Be netherite oh it’ll give you the template back no wait what why would iar it then so you can upgrade it to that the better one yeah you need a standard backpack oh but I lose a netherite upgrade you’ll have it netherite oh I have a netherite backpack but not the

Blaze one exactly I see that’s what you’re saying I’m finally going to make the celestial whatever armor sh holy [ __ ] for the Wi chat is this how I make it and then it’ll go ah perfect guess we got to kill the dragon again yep it’s ugly as [ __ ] but it’s summoned right yep summoned I can help go back I me help back yeah I’ll probably need help okay

Breaking stuff at least I can fly now though so that should help wa can I upgrade my armor so I’m not like squishy yeah you probably should yeah how do I YIFY it I would love to YIFY this it’s so so ugly I’m going to need more than oh

God trying to figure out how to Alo Forge it is not cute it is not cute there so much to do here guys don’t you think we should um do GTA tomorrow at 11 we have a we literally pled bers skate you’re going to make me lose my

Mind I love that you still like I specifically City 11 is there a specific reason why you want to play boulder skate still well we never finished it oh that makes sense yeah poor Danny all right Platinum But Ryan we could be rping and making friends right now we can always do that n uh I’m going to do it without you if you don’t join wa I need CR cber what the heck is craber or it’s legendary drop St thing you trying to me the celestial Eng Seline are you

There okay why um cuz someone in my chat was like what about it takes two when are you guys going to play that and I just laughed because there’s just so many kid that people are waiting for me S to play it it doesn’t end that’s good

Content yeah it’s just funny a little overwhelming a Little we will we’ll play it I don’t know when but we will we will oh we will hopefully one of these days for sure H I want to make like an automated Cactus thing I should just automate it one day we will we will we will ah we will we will one

Day one of these days for sure no doubt okay when Selen gets back we should get off of Minecraft and play GTA because the sooner we get GTA played on SL done the sooner we could do our other game which is it takes two so do you want any movies to watch any

Food in the fridge uh maybe also I I will move my boxes when my basement’s done okay I was just kidding about it you can take your time oh thank God it’s like it takes me 3 months to unpack usually I know this Minecraft but it doesn’t change where are the um

Do you know where the uh smithing templates are for to upgrade the netherite I think put it in the chest for us which one is it cuz I’m looking at the chest where there’s other templates there’s like a coast armor trim and a Sentry armor trim we could have also um put it

In I see it okay oh nice okay how do you duplicate it oh I see now you had to just diamonds and nether perfect we have we should have a lot of diamonds we do I have another another stock I can also get more Stacks too I think we’re okay should be

Okay hey Ryan actually I can’t help you with the dragon because I’m solo it oh okay oh yeah you go do that you seem strong enough one two three four five six seven eight N9 10 I’ll hold 10 okay no almost I was very close though he was so

Low you got this and then I banged into a wall oh he was literally like three hits away oh wait how do I oh wait I can’t just go back yeah oh my God this is I wonder if his HP is still going to be low you

Think oh no he’s probably regening right now yeah it probably depends how okay okay I’m going back and City and I’ll just come home I’ll just come home right now then I just realized how am I going to get my stuff jet how did you get your

Stuff what do you mean when you died I yeah I go back to the end and then I that sh yeah bring blocks bring blocks portal okay ow I know there’s a grave but it’s just getting to it you know yeah you’re going to have to sell some

Sticks oh he’s still low he’s still okay this is doable oh um problem it seems that oh my okay I’m going to die again it seems like the Waypoint is gone what do you mean oh no I don’t know why I’m floating as long as you’re enjoying what

You’re playing I don’t care to enjoy oh that is what I like to hear where’s the Ender Dragon I don’t see him I don’t know he’s flying over there they sound like they’re having I’m soow oh my stuff is so high up oh I’m going

To die again I need to get my stuff oh wow the end TR so hard to kill why did I die so high up well time to play some more Minecraft music what is it wait pop it again oh are you guys okay what happened they’re fighting the

End right now wait Ryan I thought you immune to fire no I lost my stuff so I’m trying to build up to it I died in like the worst spot I’m going you experience kinetic energy and P did you crash into a tower um I don’t know I mean you must

Have crashed into a tower well I was already low cuz I was trying to like I was trying to solo it oh but then he was really low like couple hits away and then I I just I was really low I should I got greedy I’m going to

Be honest I feel like I’m the worst person for this cuz I don’t no you can do it you can do it Eva you’re strong you have the backpack now h i don’t got the I don’t got just distract them I have to go get my stuff and then we’ll

Kill it yeah yeah yeah uh I should have dist chance first I was so close I I got wings so I can’t hit him wait what I want to if I can get some bottle of enchants this will this should just level me up right oh my God another warts should be

Easy okay and then if I go in this little corner where is he now he’s one HP he’s like one hit away now kill it I’m trying it’s flying away from I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying where’s my B I don’t know where

He went oh why am I not going to exp hello oh you have to like break it yeah break it and then go in there to like get the oh I probably have a lot of it or the I the thing you have open is eating the EXP to heal your weapon or

Whatever oh that might be it too oh damn I forgot to put efficiency five on this before your stuff to ging yeah I am I need so much exp I’m glad I breeded them but I I wish I breeded more now I need more sck people you’re so sweet thank you so much

I ran out of blocks Oh I love this music okay let’s see I’m going to harvest Eva’s nether warts they’re quite much um the potion dude if you give him like 20 Nether Warts he gives you an emerald and I’m like I’m desperate for any trade right Now um he’s regenerating now Ryan I know but I have to heal first I’m very Low we have to break those things again that’s why I know but I don’t have enough blocks for it I’ll fly up and break them got to keep hting him fly I should borrow like Wings um I’m just going to do that I forgot to get to Yo guys can I borrow someone’s Wings you want to borrow my elytra I breaking them already can I borrow your wings oh yeah yeah yeah golden plush oh hi you’re here okay I’m going to give it to you I

Just want to make sure there’s No oh [ __ ] hell okay um he’s Landing here you go to kill him here yeah oh I do have quartzer Ryan’s exp Farm wait how do you um wear them is it is replace your chest plate yeah oh when you go to the EXP Farm can you can

You uh Waypoint link it to me like in the chat thank you thank oh we have it already oh that’s it oh I have it um wait uh wait Eva there might be we might be on a mod where it lets you replace something Sarah West 1556 thank you for

The sub thank you is there keep slot guys yeah uh where’s the cape slot for Eva’s sake uh to the right of the two spots to the far right I got it okay how do I use it to fly he’s dead fireworks oh he’s dead oh my God thank God

HP oh he’s dead he’s dead oh yeah he’s blowing up oh Ryan you’re so op well I did die I need you to be the distraction oh I was distraction right yeah I don’t think he drops another egg wait really well I don’t know what’s the

Point of him like killing him again and again I don’t know ow why is there always a zombie here kill it wait do we really not get another egg mother trucker wait I need a end portal here in the nether to to get to that one what or

A wayo thing right A Way Stone the point then what is the point I just Wast all the mats to defeat it and not get an egg well you have the backpack so it’s not like you got nothing I know but I would have like we should have got an

Egg but I guess you just there’s only one per dep Strider is here oh there is a depth Strider wait how do you guys was Stone around oh you can use the one in the Overworld hard to believe you see Olli cleaning oh yeah good cleaning ol it’s

Called under spawner thank God he does he is disgusting oh this one and then how do I get up there what are you trying to do okay so uh the other so two one one Dragon generates at the top of the exit portal one generates at the first Ender Dragon

When it’s defeated and the other one generates the second the Ender Dragon is defend uh defeated so your egg is at the exit portal ran what’s the exit portal Seline can you link me the thing I went to Ryan’s portal and it didn’t it’s not it’s not there

Also I don’t know how to fly um Ryan how do I get to the the thing what does that mean how do I get into the the the spawner like with the Pearl where what am I aiming at oh did you not go through when go took you I

She took me to the Waypoint underneath oh you have to spam pearls into like the top Top Line like the corner or something like that where’s the end portal um yeah I don’t I don’t think there’s any other egg that drops they really scammed us the Pearl under

Spawner what does it mean by spamming The Pearl Ryan I’m afraid to fall and die just build underneath yourself I guess swiming swiming in when days are hot and days are it would be on top of this I mean that’s where it was but I don’t think I’m

Trying to get to this thing but it takes forever maybe if I go under and swim well God why does it have to be so far it can only be one backpack there can only be one I guess so guys o what’s this place um Janet when you come here can

You bring a lot of nether rock o I’ll try I’m already in the nether so we will see oh I do have a backpack that prevents fall damage I totally forgot Quest stroke side suppos to be yet like I don’t see this thing is it the green

Stuff are you in the end or are you in the ne in the ne okay I might have misspoke but yeah I’m in the ne but I just don’t really understand what I’m aiming at let me up okay no oh I don’t know how to get up so

Annoying is there a hole in this beam I can’t tell chat there has to be a way okay I have an idea wait I’m so dumb wait I’m actually so dumb like so smart but so dumb at the same time like I don’t even know if I do this and then I do

This oh my God I’m a genius but also so dumb I don’t even I am actually so dumb I can confirm I am okay but am I so dumb for being being so self-aware I mean what is the point cuz I ended up here anyway okay whatever man

So annoying Ryan there’s not really like a clear path to the thing my God I hate swimming in here you just okay I’m going to go here there’s a big building you should see I don’t see this thing how you not burning oh it’s my um backpack

Um backpack is special it’s like the highest point I don’t know how to describe it I mean I I I get that it’s like the highest point but I don’t know how to do I just mine my way up there like yeah that’s you mine up and then you get to

The highest point and you spam that uh Pearl into that Corner 22 the N months thank you yeah I love my backpack it’s amazing what if I only have four pearls fres stroke side get more pears wait what yeah probably it’s that high up what do you

Mean I mean you might get it in your first try but it took me like I don’t know like 12 maybe I was aiming wrong I was like jumping it TR go down enough so that if I Bedrock no I hear you oh yeah I’m trying to figure my way

Up but I I I just don’t like I was trying to mine up I hear you farting yeah you go as high as you possibly can into the ceiling yep like you see how there’s little pockets no I don’t get to the very wait really like it

Should be like bedrock and you should see like some higher than lower but you got get you got to get to the highest point but like even if you have to throw a pearl in there ancient debris oh my god oh that’s what you mean okay I think

I understand what you mean now mhm you use the Pearl to get through the crevices of the Bedrock yeah to the highest point okay okay I get it and what is the highest point for this I don’t know all I see is bedrock mhm okay so just get to the

Highest Bedrock you can and start spamming into that top corner I’m going to suffocate oh oh my God okay I’m in the Bedrock mhm I’m at y 189 where did Eva go she was in the end um I’m here what’s up nothing I just haven’t heard you in a

While I’m trying to figure out um Ryan can you show me cuz I I don’t get it I don’t know how to get there like I don’t know if I can go back down I guess I could you want me to go re through the

Nether I I guess so I guess that’s where I’m stuck at I like utter confusion here the only way I can show you is like like it’s going to be the same thing as me telling you yeah but I I’m such a visual person like I don’t get what you mean

Like you have to throw pearls like if I’m looking at a block right now you have to throw pearls in the you see where like one block touches each other like in the corner the top corner like I wouldn’t even be able to show you that either way oh okay

Um I guess that’s the end of me not let me look at let me look at your I fell through no I was up there but then I fell right back through wait what you were up here yeah I was up here and then I moved and it made me fall through

I don’t know uh D month yeah but now I’m out of pearls H how can I give you pearls I don’t know how but at least you know what to do now yes I get it you glitched your way through yeah yeah yeah that’s what you’re supposed to do

But you got it though you figured it out I don’t have yeah I don’t have ender pearls I have some pearls in my um if you go to the my place it’s one of the backpacks on the wall okay home and then redo the entire process um don’t mind s don’t

Mind you have a gingerbread Golem mhm keep stalking me okay mining mining in the mining Pool okay are these your spare Trinket we have a villager hat that decreases the prices of villagers who what how do you how do you how do how does that he also has a lucky scarf that gives him extra mined block you can use it if you

Want what the hell the only one I really need still is the vampire one I’m I’m looking for the heart one too but I I don’t know where to find that actually I do know where I just can’t find it oh man I hate lava whoa did you find it it’s right here

This red one right here Seline oh this one thank you looking through all of them did you have fun uh yeah I was like reading through the things you it was very interesting okay I’m doing this I got this okay why do I hear I don’t did it with one spooky Noises you guys are you guys lagging nope weird for the win R 13 months welcome back thank you where’s that I okay we will get to this place chat how’ you even figure this out Ryan what going through the Bedrock like this oh that’s a thing that people do

Oh it’s like a known thing mhm I didn’t know about that interesting Jenna when you get here you’re going to be like huh yeah it’s scar cool no no you’ll get it you just need help help me right you just need a lot of s that’s all you’ll

Help me well you will help me oh oh oh my God I almost died how dude if I had died up here I actually would have cried that just means we play GTA sooner yeah I oh wait I didn’t ask my question yet huh I was going to say uh

What where do I look for the no pixel server on this 5m thing oh you don’t you just go on the no pixel website hit connect afterwards on the server list and then it automatically opens everything what SI M that’s how you it opened 5m and everything but then it just stopped for

Me once it opens 5m 5m launches and then it automatically connects you to the server oh what working for me if you load in and it says and it doesn’t do anything that just means you not listed yeah well it goes to like the servers and then that’s

It how do you find these spawners just spawners silk touch oh Youk touch spers touch them mhm bring them home then I don’t want to be here be where in the nether oh yeah why don’t you just bring it home then all right then you rebuild

It you it I ain’t trying to rebuild that why you love my craft I don’t like I don’t like building that oh it’s a baby villager here what is that creature oh my God there’s a reason for bu in the too but I don’t remember why apparently increased spawn rate yeah

Something like that that’s why I was told to do that Onyx is so OG mhm come join me on my team Onyx you’re one of the very few Pokemon that I know why do I hear an Ender but I don’t see an Enderman don’t die onyx it’s 2

Hp oh it has to be in the nether yeah but it’s so far from us oh [ __ ] like do you see how far I’m going like that [ __ ] is far oh you cursed let Gyarados oh yes I barely played the Pokemon version of this game but yes there is

Pokemon in this in this mod pack as well actually that looks like it’s um it’s dabbing from my angle well now it doesn’t but it did in my opinion running running running rning a block of gold don’t mind if I do when days are hot when days are cold

In the swimming pool breast stroke side stroke fancy diving Too oh I’m almost 30 oh in game and IRL I’m almost 30 in game and IRL there’s another portal there oh I see it now okay missing no you found missing number or something nope what that said no I don’t know ising no I don’t it’s the riot

Gauntlet Riot Gauntlet mhm what do you mean Riot Riot gaunlet that’s what it isi games mhm Project sometimes I’ll like capture a random ass Pokémon and people will be like wait this is Pokemon I never even do the Pokemon parts of this game shocks people numl Numa Numa Yay Numa Numa Numa Yay something something something how do I use the wings um firework do you equip it oh

It’s firework yeah I did so you jump and you hold space again oh you don’t need to use fireworks you can oh I mean that’s to propel yourself like oh I see I also see yeah the hell oh long live the queen okay I’m here to

I don’t know where the um I don’t know where the Waypoint is can someone come to where seleni is and show me where the Waypoint is please I think she’s AFK I has to ran cuz I don’t know sorry I’m back wait what oh can you show me

Where the Waypoint is to touch it I’m going to send you the quartz oh no I’m here oh oh you’re there yeah I’m here I just don’t know like wait I think I found it well once you go in the roof you’ll see it I see it yeah oh yay

You’re in the roof no she’s not in the roof she’s in the under one all right you’re going to have to glitch under spawner now you got to glitch through the roof J you have pearls no I’ll go home and get some yeah you need pearls it is a

Process it’s not bad it’s just a little confusing yeah it’s it’s fine once you see it it’s really confusing before you see it it is it’s a little confusing but okay it’s not too bad okay it was very confusing it was really confusing see but now that you know it’s not too bad

Yes now that I know it’s not bad but it was very confusing before I see okay I’m prepping myself to be confused yep man I hate going home because every time I’m home I’m like let’s put this in here let’s put this away let’s put this here guys what’s the

Max sharpness is it five wonder I think so Smite I don’t want Smite hello where did I put my helmet oh it’s right here yes marble boom bo boom what I just wanted to say hi just bite my face I just was saying hi she wakes up and she doesn’t see me

So she cries that’s love Yeah and Obsession So This is Love So This is Love Bo what song is this it’s a Tik Tok song a Disney song a Disney I mean mhm I forget is that Cinderella or what what is that from I don’t know Oh my God I I almost came back with no ender pearls I’ve done stuff like [Applause] that H there were pearls in my backpack this whole time [ __ ] is it funny I don’t think I’m even affecting the spawner on the opposite end you should be it’s not very big it’s

Not big enough space uh we said we were going to GTA at 4 all right so like where am I looking where do I like throw it you know what’s the you have to throw it in the top like where the two blocks connect you know like there’s a vertical one above you and then one in front of

You so get to the highest point and then you throw it in like the corner where they touch let’s see Seline how’ you get to the highest point I mined through the nether rock and Bedrock until I got to like y 189 and then it seemed like the

Entire floor was bedrock and then I aimed it at the corner where the two blocks are touching and you will glitch through in between the Bedrock throw another Pearl after so you can get past it that was a great description shiny Tyler one guys what I already got one of d

And once you start glitching through you’ll be suffocating Do Not freak out stay calm just throw another ender pearl stay calm don’t freak out throw ender pearl yeah that was a really good like explanation thank you okay so I know you’re explaining a ton but my little brain cannot uh cannot

Think or retain all that information take you step by step where are you we’re building up building up oh okay yeah I’m going to take this also when you’re trying to leave here make sure you’re level 31 and not 30 because then you’ll be one level below as you TP

Home got it I didn’t make that mistake but I feel like other people I didn’t take my vitamins today oh no I just realized I removed the wrong Waypoint oh well let’s hope I don’t die you removed a waypoint yeah the end spawner One cuz like the glowing thing was in the way well I uh okay so I just keep going up all the way till I see Bedrock all the way up even even in the Bedrock as high as you can go mhm you have to weave in between the

Bedrock okay cuz you’ll see like bedrock interwoven with Netherrack and you’ll see that you can go even higher through the Netherrack crevices and then I like it was like around like 189 is where I like threw the ender pearl this is great I didn’t know these

Guys gave coal though like this is they do I love I love coal do you yeah Co you check those chests you can take all of that yeah I was GNA oh these Stone swords are so useless I am 189 okay so I just look through the

Crevice at the very top as high as you can go right you’re looking up you want to throw them in the corner like in like the where they touch okay all three touch um I don’t think it has to be in the corner but I think I and then I just

Throw a bunch yep until you TP through okay if I die I die I need to get rid of this [ __ ] torch okay am I supposed to like um W key up as well no just throw the pearls I’m not staying up though think I

Should I how do I know if I’m doing this right or wrong like I mean I see me phasing through it I’m just not staying up you should be throwing another Pearl yeah I throw it fast yeah uhoh I’m down to my third my last three I don’t get

It did you get in what am I doing wrong I keep phasing through it I’m at of I mean you’re doing it I think you got to keep spamming yeah I tried to I wonder if it’s just a a mechanic difference I’m not sure throw it to two someone said Seline

Threw it to two not the three corners what’s the two corners this corner just thre to where two blocks were touching yeah the little line the little thin line where the two blocks touch I threw it in there oh I think I have to go back down wa where

Do you get like the most like craber stones um if you type it in into the thing you press e happy New Year click the top tabs it shows you where they spawn my ender pearl and if it doesn’t show you then you just kind of have to

Look around they’re all gone but usually it shows you like the biome and like the Y level and then press you you want it um Yeah I need to make us an oven and a baking station I wish I could just see the list of all the foods I can make okay slowly but oh there’s so many foods you can why not slash home cuz I don’t have the uh portal yeah you can make pizza can you

Make me yeah I can once I get this kitchen stuff set up but I need to level up and make my thing so I can feel ready to go on things without feeling like I’m under geared and just no I I did touch it cooking pot cooking pan oh crafting one I

Explain in a second I’m really nervous right now cuz if I die then I’m [ __ ] [ __ ] okay just checked what did you just check I have enough um I I keep farming but like I I keep farming for netherite but I I I have enough but I keep finding so

I can just keep going oh no please keep going because I need oh I got it okay um so basically you see do you see like I have enough for what I’m maybe it’s gone now but basically like there was this like color of light in my face so I went

Into M and I went to my way points and I took it off like I hit remove and it removed me touching it so I did touch it but because I removed it it like untouched it for some reason and so now I had to like retouch it just in case

But now I have it I hope I don’t know it was really scary but we’re good now I think um I’m here for Ender oh I I need to go like to the end to get ender pearls should also sleep I’m also trying to make money money money actually I could use

Man for the win money money uh Mr Tax thank you for the 30 months thank you welcome back welcome back oh milk and water make mozzarella oh do you guys have more pearls uh I took pearls does he have any more Seline mhm oh he did okay

Cool why can’t I extract the water I think it’s in the red backpack sick what I can extract milk but why can’t I extract the the water hello oh that was a glitch two Ryan you don’t have to do this but it would make it easier make a ladder put it under that Bedrock block to try to climb then ender pearl to the corner oh I’m I’m going to double check with them just to see if they agree um I like having

Vouches do you guys know if I put a ladder under the Bedrock block and then ender pearl in it’ll be easier I’ve never tried I don’t know I don’t know I think what made you think of that uh someone in my chat suggested it and I

Wanted to see if I don’t think you need to do that to be honest but I don’t know maybe you could try try it if it works you VIP them if they if they don’t then you ban them no I I was asking to see if there’s

Any vouches for it cuz I stopped listening to one person one guys yeah yeah one guys are dangerous as well yeah so I just like I’ll hear you out but I’m going to ask others if they did it too just in case just in case respiration three okay but I still need

Aqua Affinity and protection 4 I hate this thing don’t be sad if you’re sad that means you don’t understand the streamer struggle you have no idea how many times Fortune oneing protection someone has suggested the most atrocious wrong thing ever like Fortune three what is endail it can’t be bad I don’t

Know it can it has gotten me killed before chippy chippy choa choa dooby dooby da daa no pixel Dot yeah I did make quite a scary staircase but hey I made it for the next person yeah there are so many Chatters who are confidently wrong it’s

Bad they don’t even not even sorry about it sometimes okay where was was I was I like f okay actually no I I should keep going what are you doing Eva when I get the craber ores is it like that craer um how what is it for okay I’m

Sorry I don’t really understand okay make a ladder put it under that Bedrock block okay this you guys want to do a boss wait in GL I’m down okay okay climbing uh when are we doing it like is it any time soon but then if I throw the thing I

Can’t throw it here like I have to throw it here is here a good spot to throw it like this corner or does it have to be like actually in this corner I’m through I did it oh my God oh my God oh did you hit me what was that it’s my sword

Oh welcome the ladder worked wow VIP oh my God oh my God oh my God I was oh my God what happened they were hit standing on the open why was I why was I was just watching I did it anyway yeah you can

Farm them if you want yeah I want I want yeah go ahead go on me I don’t care yes come here yes very good here you go this is let’s come here spooky scary s skeleton spooky spooky skeletons and shivering down the spine o a hat yes you are not you’re not

Banned I’m going to kill them using their own stone sword Damn that’s metal that’s metal star smitten okay oh my God I got a cute little hat happy to be here everyone happy to be here yeah it’s the process all you got to do it is once though thank just got to do it man you gotta do

It you gotta do what you got to do you know what I mean what the do what you got to do what’s up here nothing I think this is how people make like nether portals to travel to people’s places mhm now you’re thinking well I just watched a lot of

Hermit craft cuz I I love Minecraft what’s hermit craft yeah what’s hermit craft it’s like an SMP oh hermit craft hermitcraft hermit hermit craft what is an SMP multiplayer right right what did you say Ry survival multiplayer so this is kind of SMP right yeah but when I

Multiplayer think of like like I don’t know something bigger that will last longer which POV um green and Mumbo and sometimes good times with are there already structures there or is are like nothing say ask that again sorry I don’t out when smps are made like a Minecraft S&P is made are

There already structures there or do people just make them I think it’s like vanilla right can be SMP it could be I think they I think even this is a s SMP right yeah but the thing that Janet mentioned is like a server full of people right

Yeah yeah like I’m guessing what J was talking about like a bunch of people that regularly play on this one server yeah they they last like quite long like Gran comes out with like I think it’s like 70 episodes plus 70 to 100 episodes for one SMP season and they call it like

Seasons oh what is they do they create that makes it last so long oh okay so the one I watch they like to like they have like a shopping area and you can buy more retail space with diamonds I didn’t watch the recent season though so

I don’t know if they still do that so people would buy that and then they also set up a thing where their shopping places they sell like certain mats and then like you just buy it with your diamonds or whatever they’re asking for and then you can also like talk to do that

Hm who feel like we tried to do that before in one of the servers I don’t know if we did it never worked out cuz I don’t remember ever trading anyone anything yeah I think like every time we play Minecraft what happens is like everyone becomes like super solo doo in

Farming solo Doo I mean they do a lot of solo stuff but sometimes like they’ll interact with each other and do pranks or like like there’s this one episod episode or episodes where grien made like a little tunnel hole and is grien a person yes oh a tunnel hole to Mumbo

Jumbo’s base and then he would send like letters Mumbo Jumbo’s also a person yes and I like watching good times with scar what’s that it’s another person oh and I like and scars cat jelly is in Minecraft yeah I guess farar plays uh in Minecrafts there’s an OT much about Minecraft I

Know I love Minecraft like you love Minecraft like even Beyond Minecraft you like Minecraft content I’m back yeah welcome back welcome back than too I’ve never watched Minecraft content ever other than um the build ones just like no talk I didn’t want to bring up jelly passing away to them it’s so

Sad I hugged my cat tight that day so popular I mean I I get why it’s such an amazing game me too I also get white like it is I love Eva there’s no way you know the thing that Janet’s talking about what no what do you know who like mumbo jumbo is

From uh Powerpuff guard no that’s Mojo Jojo no that’s the one oh thank you Ryan see even doesn’t know I was going to say there’s no way Eva do who the heck is Mojo mumbo jumbo who the heck is mumbo jumbo Mumble jumbo is really good with

Like Redstone I feel like and also like finds like the fun little prank thingies he does like solo content like that and grian I think is like the best builder like he makes the coolest builds in my opinion in my opinion just in my opinion

This is I am I am I I am I Amo I Amo I Amo I I am I I am okay okay okay okay okay guys I need to use my stack of diamonds I’m sorry if you need more I’ll mine more yeah he’s really creative I love watching

Everything he makes yeah I used I used one to duplicate the smithing templates that are in my backpack also I think this servers last a really long time because each Minecraft always has like a project they take on like a building one that like takes months to make it kind

Of reminds me of like when foolish made his Titan mhm oh they always make like the most insane bases the thing is there there would be incentive all by themselves like they come up with they don’t do tutorials there would be more incited to do that if you knew the server last

Diamond I got it guys I got the achievement sorry oh no good good job Eva thanks did you not have Diamond no I had diamonds I just never made Diamonds oh like you already were wearing it no no she wasn’t I’m not wearing diamond what were you wearing all right I’m out iron

What this whole time it’s cuz I tried to skip to go to Nether right so I had a stack of netherite but God you guys said that I had to make diamond first then neite [ __ ] it not going to make no Ryan loves Minecraft as much as she did

Everything backwards she started mining for ancient debris when she had iron armor before she Enchanted I would love that’s I would love to join an Pi or something I don’t even know and she wasn’t mining at the trunks it’s true it’s true I know and she was mining a

One by two now I know how play that’s awesome thanks Ryan I’m glad you think so yeah I think that’s cool of put his pearls back and unique and quirky oh my God I’m so quirky honestly Eva you are one of the quirkiest people I know um I don’t think that’s a good

Thing actually oh legs um I would like to say that you don’t want to be the quirkiest person that just means you’re weird no just means you’re quirky okay I just don’t know what quirky means then okay guys now that I have my diamond armor how much Like what enchantments is the best the my character on everything okay I character pixel yeah oh Pock identity creation a is it time is what time is it oh okay okay should we should we switch over now I’m down for whatever I’m down for what why

Brian cuz I feel like it’s going to take a long time you know oh yeah I used all my exp already ah sleep everyone you can sleep it just takes one person since and I in the nether MH okay I slep ni what’s Empire’s SMP so in the

Enchantment T I need to just get um proc four wait you could tour the hermitcraft worlds after they’re done with the seasons is that a question yeah it was a question oh yeah yeah what was the you want prop four okay prop four I thought you said prop

Five nope oh you there’s a dildo not uh not dildo uh oh oh I have a ditto I have a ditto I have I have I have a dildo I have a dildo so strong in imagine I she’s like there’s a dildo there’s a dildo there’s a um a poor ditto out

There it’s just like has no idea what silent for a little bit I love how everyone just shut up like where is she going with this dude how did jadden know she was talking about a ditto I had no idea what Evo was talking that is so

Funny wait guys is uh Pro blast prot protection I’m G make I can’t handle this I I production wait is blast protection the for the same thing as regular production for no why do you keep saying production oh I got it nice I only got protection for though

Okay do I need more lapis hey Brian someone used up all your lapis yeah weird huh we have a lot of lapis at home you should just bring ours over well I feel like the person who use it all should bring it oh well it wasn’t

Me oh okay so wasn’t it you then I literally just started using it definitely wasn’t me there should still be a few Stacks in there why did I get a cryptic eye what I just got a cryptic eye oh that’s a um that’s a lucky drop but like we don’t need that anymore

That’s for the portal okay wow you have two dragon heads mhm why does me Swinging my sword cause so much hunger I don’t understand oh that’s odd also guys we can tour um we can tour hermitcraft season 9 World apparently you can just download it I’m super down walk around yeah I

Want to tour it so like download it and it shows you everything they’ve built in their world yeah I guess we can like go into their world and like look I don’t know and is this like is this like hermit crab World thing is this popular

Like is this like a huge thing is that what age is a part of whose ages H Hab oh habam she in that uh I don’t know but I know Scott is or I think I don’t know if he’s in hermitcraft but I see Scott’s in um in

Other of gan’s videos I watch a lot of Minecraft by the way yeah I can yeah I had no idea you I had no idea this world even existed same okay I just saying I did definitely talk to Seline about me watching this before I know but I didn’t

Know it was called hermit craft that’s why I knew you watched like Minecraft content videos but I didn’t know like what it was called I love Minecraft what is the Minecraft content videos like are they playing Minecraft or is it like RP no they don’t RP but

They do play Minecraft and they like interact with each other and they always have something to do that day in the episode they’re like okay today we are doing this and completing this or doing that and it’s sick so sick sick Bro okay so after proc four what’s my next

Stat o what uh after p 4 what would I what what you what are you working on a diamond armor no no no like what what part are you are you on your chest or your legs all of them all of them have proc FL now okay well which one do you

Want to start on uh oh they are all different I’m breaking three and mending on everything yeah you want I’m breaking three and mending on everything but your helmet you’re also going to want respiration three and aqua affinity I don’t need that because my backpack well you still want aqua

Affinity unless your backpack also provides you with aqua affinity what’s aqua affinity it allows you to like mine underwater faster I would like aqua affinity I don’t got that okay so aqua affinity is on my helmet okay yes and then for your shoes you want depth Strider so you swim faster okay

You have a depth Strider uh villager too and you want feather falling four okay uh they falling for uh one at a time guys I I’ll start on my foot first because was the easiest to understand oh yeah I saw that um when I first joined Vault Hunters e million I think I’m

Saying his name wrong e girl or whatever um he was there and I was like oh my God but I just was so I’m not into Vault Hunters so that wasn’t my thing oh I have enough but grien has this other Series where it was like it

Was like called uh someone kidnapped a villager here all oh it’s like something secret life or something earlier oh we don’t know what happened to it yeah Maple has a mobile version but it’s not the same like it’s not crossplay it’s not the same as like

Um maple story Maple St we have did you guys use all the emerals to at home does that mean we could technically create like an s series of like what we’ve been doing but like making making it like a YouTube series by having more coordination on what we do together yeah

But that would probably have to go on a separate YouTube channel for Everyone by the way I guess like because we all stream it it’s like very uncoordinated and super individualistic uh Ora we just not coordinated yeah that I do think it’s a lot easier for them to

Do it cuz they’re YouTube and they don’t have spoilers you know what it like like Meta Meta people like people going in their chats being like they’re doing this right now to prank you know what I you know what I mean like you don’t get spoiled on someone’s plans whereas like

For streaming that’s a guarantee yeah and people can’t steal their content before they release it either yeah exactly people can’t steal their content yeah like other people like people can download your vods and just upload what you did that day like when I react to videos there are already people

Uploading like what ex the minut oh like random people like on YouTube oh I see I see yeah that is true so hermitcraft is different than like qsm and stuff like that for that reason I don’t know how they do it on them yeah qsm mostly streams is that the

One that like foolish foolish on oh Where’s our emeralds guys uh um I bring my emeralds to Ryan’s thing and I leave them there if I have extra just so other people can use it is it an emerald not Ryan’s chest yeah there is but I thought it was his but I guess I’ll just take

It yeah put mine’s in there yeah I literally leave my emeralds in there as well you can use it okay thanks you just have to mine the trees Eva around and then you have to just plant I’ve been cutting trees tired of it I’m so tired

Of it are you going to my other CH I don’t know where they leave it you can use that as well oh this one no wonder it feels like I’m losing wait that was my first time mm oh there’s a stack in here nice all going down well Ryan I want you

To know I’ve never used anything of yours without asking your permission and you’ve seen me take everything I openly take things and tell me about it no I do tell him I tell oh yeah you did tell them there’s never a time I take things without pelling

Um mending this one’s a 28 for this men oh 10 only 10 for this mender what is soul fire aspect too I don’t know but it doesn’t these bad Boys a [ __ ] end of backstab oh Ryan it’s just fire aspect but blue oh that sounds cool that does Sant books oh really wait that’s so [ __ ] this game is so cool okay mending so I need another sharpness is this thing of sweeping in uh can I use the

Books I don’t know whose books the are but do you have run what’s up what you need can I use these books yeah can I use your sharpness for War Book Ryan yeah this feels like I’m just slaving away fighting these I know it takes forever okay and then I need Unbreaking and

Mending all I’m just going to think that the books in here you are hi Ollie okay with I thought you were Stevie Olli here now yeah you can use it know by meowing there’s some extras s mending on all do you guys have Runing tablets n it’s a really random thing

That come here you finding chest and stuff come here come here let’s dance ready ready baby I miss that by the way Ry whatever happened to your uh sugar chyy you had like a bunch of sugar some probably mined it and didn’t plant it or I think May

Wi I feel like winter makes the most sense yeah either way I didn’t I didn’t touch it cuz I didn’t need it anymore you don’t you use I love you you no I just like go searching for n thank you for the 16 months welcome back to T me when you’re happy

I’m happy he is he’s so large oh yeah M team it is how do I know what are all the enchants I remember when TNA first came out all the girls were wearing it and I always wanted to wear but it was too expensive okay so

Aqua affinity on my hat corre now I can afford it that makes me happy on nice okay tippy tippy Un yes um the I don’t know the name of the song but it’s by a a little girl and she’s um Spanish it’s a Spanish song she’s so talented uh is it yeah I’m an adult and I have adult money three feels good Man it is I did want to grow up faster so that I could have grown up money for this reason R wel go on the sword again the name of the song oh it sounds like fire aspect Scooby Dooby dooo mending Scooby Dooby dooo where are you we don’t have a looting villager

Life’s good nth how are you Happy New Year we don’t have a looting villager I’m finally starting new job congratulations I hope you love your new job I hope they pay you well I hope you get promoted ASAP um Johan Su sa for the 16 months welcome back thank you congrat

Gratulations that’s nice to hear what is this giant sword you have Ryan it is which one C been hearing about the layoffs that’s been happening in like the tech world like twitch and Discord and where’d you get that one that one looks crazy probably more but those on

Like a chest yeah I’m trying to improve it makes me this one that I have is really good it’s doesn’t look very cool but it’s very good it’s a massive eyes not even upset anymore that I got laid off by stream oh my God you work with

Stream elements I have no idea oh my God congratulations you find runic tablets what lets you roll them to see if you can get a better one runic W you’re just playing a game a different game in Minecraft yeah and Shopify it’s fun so there’s no Unbreaking villager

There is or there’s no and there’s no there is no depth but there is an Unbreaking wait really I swear I saw a depth one oh nether of them are here I think it may have been that villager that’s missing okay so the Unbreaking one is

When you first walk into the uh room and it’s on the left not the left on the corner left but the left that they on the line I don’t even know enough the [ __ ] I’m saying it’s the left villager I’m sure that there is an one oh that’s

Scary cuz there should be one I’m almost 31 and I’ll be right there oh oh it’s cuz it’s it’s exited out okay I understand now I found it so it was there yeah it is there it just exited out Unbreaking is there but can you find

A death Strider one it’s on the other side of it other side of it so go to around the Corner it’s a Ed endville not in back staber that’s it it’s all there is okay but you could probably come and yeah I will no more I go and this [ __ ] restock though also I need to get more lapis from Ryan’s place oh not Ryan’s from our

Place to give Ryan oh I’ll bring it over okay oh nice that’ll be Nice chi chi chi chaa magic do doy boom boom boom ah I did you make your cats dance to it yet you should I made marble dance to it all the time very good Oliver also raping Rod okay coming in coming in coming in coming in okay oh wrong chest all right

I’m putting the lapis in this chest all right let me take a look here Fortune pleas how old are you guys making your characters how old are the people in no pixel oh this was a depth Strider he changed to backstabbing um are you are you doing no

Pixel right now no I just like on the character thing and I’m just like living staring at it I don’t know how old people will do it oh Denon here’s your wings back oh thank you oh it’s behind you it’s behind you it’s behind you the make it’s like

Hovering you oh there you go you got it okay so chiy chipp cha chaa yeah they were like flying away was so scary legs do my legs next perfect and then protection four okay maybe I can get depth Strider back on this guy could have sworn he was

One um what I’m going to do is I’m going to get a hey Ryan you got any slabs hey what kind just one slab doesn’t matter which I don’t know one SL some there was slabs in here oh yeah it’s all gone now okay I’ll just make it me make me

Make yeah I don’t know why we’re missing someone it’s freaky uh death Strider 3 goes onto your feet correct yes yes ma’am I think most people in our friend group are born in 1990s yes yeah we’re all like a 90 something yes correct true they said mang made her character

Born in 2001 and I said oh that’s a nice age to be [Laughter] I wonder if this is how all the people born in like 80 something felt when I was in college probably yeah dude when I was like young I tried to lie about my age to be older and

Now like younger forever oh my God like I wanted to be 16 forever I should I don’t want to be 16 I want it to be like 13 forever God no I I think 203 yeah I think 22 23 is a nice age yeah I agree like that because I have my

Freedom mhm actually no 25 will be good for the people who can drive so they can at least rent a car oh I forgot there’s a minimum age requirement yeah 25 25 that’s like a good yeah it’s a good age to be you have like all the Freedom hopefully your own Money I want to be younger though 25 suck so far I thought it would be so much better oh wait oh um something is draining my Hunger at a crazy Pace I don’t know if it’s me Swinging my sword around oh depth Strider perfect or 15 oh it’s feather

Falling four four okay four not five got it nice okay I’m slowly I’m slowly doing this do it I need to go home and get food because the mozzarella shall that I brought put it on the ground disappear we have a depth Strider now I rolled it

Than Jan yay thank you you’re so welcome so D sh goes on the foot oh [ __ ] oh my God yes oh my God imagine she took my book away that would be so sad I would cry right okay yes I’m level two I can’t do anything more what what what other stats

Do I need okay I’ll read it out loud helmet my helmet has protection for mending aqua affinity Unbreaking three my chest plate has Thors two production four mending Unbreaking three my leggings have protection four Unbreaking three mending sorry Eva can you start over I I just kept focusing on

Everything you were saying and it made me laugh and I didn’t hear a thing what did you say diamond helmet is a protection for mending aqua affinity Unbreaking three can you put can you pause after everything yes helmet protection for okay helmet mending Aqua fenity helment you don’t have I’m freaking

Three I’m 17 it’s so B being this I think your helmet’s good no like I think I think Seline is like one of the few people who like had a great teenage years I [ __ ] hated my teenage years I I was not you know how people

Like are like oh my God I loved High School like I missed those days but they were like popular okay like I [ __ ] I hate High School like like when she said oh I I wanted to be 16 13 forever I’m like those are like definitely my worst worst years I had

Braces oh my God I I like yeah I’m really thankful to be older for sure yeah dude between 13 and like 18 was pretty bad for me yeah and then at but then when I went to University I used that as like my like okay Fresh Start like I don’t know

Anyone like no one knows me like like it’s all good you know so I went there and I just like yeah reinvented myself and it was great because um in my high school it was like the school it’s like um when you lived in a certain District

In the suburbs you go to elementary school and the kids who live near there go to the same middle school and the same high school like everyone knows each other when you’re like in that thing so like I didn’t ever yeah anyways Fresh Start was just amazing for

Me yeah it was so and and I went to a big high school don’t get me wrong I went to a big high school but it was still yeah there is a much bigger world out there yeah the all Ender Chest this is cool I love being 21 plus even okay oh

[ __ ] oh [ __ ] I’ll make my own what are you making an owo Forge Forge oh wow you went to five different high schools you make that in the basement how is that experience is it daunting to like enter a school and not know anyone like I can’t

Imagine cuz cuz you know it’s not like where is everyone knows each other probably oh yeah High School is a short part of your life I think so okay [ __ ] it I’ll do it God after you’re out of college and after you’re out of school period That’s

That’s s can we finish my basement yes I just didn’t know what to do with it I think we’re whitelisted I haven’t tried yet I I’m like waiting for them to get on come speak to me when you’re ready what did I go to school for like University early childhood education yes

Okay what’s up nothing you just weren’t talking for a while oh I see h when are we going to play GTA I’m whenever let’s play soon guys yeah Monday Ryan can’t Monday we are going to play today whether you like it or not I think we should play today I want start

It today are you busy Monday yes well maybe I’ll see you guys there on Monday you know what you can join us later and be like yeah yeah day you know what Ryan it’s fine load in the game you know are you sure you’re Whit listed I’m

Not sure but I’m confident if Seline is are you not Whit list I should be because I tried to get in are you sure you’re doing it correctly Brian nope I don’t think you are doing it correctly I might not be cuz I’m the I was the

Last person to send in my info and I got wh L and you’re you also mentioned how your account is whitelisted yeah it’s supposed to what ideas do you guys have for characters are you guys going to be one of April’s siblings like mang did yesterday okay

So I have done very little slash at least some research about GTA and it’s mostly about rules because I just want to make sure I’m not meaing or doing something that is looked down upon and I heard it is easier to have a better backstory so basically if I am

Going in the game with Seline Eva and Ryan we should make our characters together and our characters should already know each other so we’re like a family/ friends who go in and move to Los Angeles okay that’s her back story as for lesli’s sibling that I will have to make another

Time I’m thinking of making it as well but it’ll be like a like a a different character because it wouldn’t make sense right now for me to do it yeah like I want multiple characters cuz if I go in with the other people it just doesn’t make

Sense so yeah that’s what I’m thinking so yeah um so yeah raw rabbit chyy dyy kittens I don’t think they would want to role play as my kittens I will be honest I don’t think that is something they want to do or sign up for wonder if there’s like a garbage can

Thing garbage or trash can I guess we just have to use there is a trash can cool the inventory trash can oh do we have an inventory trash can that’s cool yeah it’s on our top right I mean top left top left top left ah thank you my God this is Amazing my God I didn’t know that that was there either yay cool yeah chipp chippy CH chy doopy I got so many hats from all of that I wish there were more outfits there’s too many hats not enough outfits that’s true there’s a there’s way too many hats yeah I want more

Outfits chippy ch ch stuck in my hand let’s see maybe I’ll upgrade this box boom boom boom Boom got to catch them all perfect ch ch boom boom boom huh I think I’m going to take the initiative and say I want to play GTA today good job Eva thanks I will join you I think we should start soon yes yes yes we should and ran and Grandpa start with us

Too um I’ll you guys leave why are you so against playing today you’re just not in the mood it’s late but it’s only 4 that’s late it is late for Ryan let me see why to wake up so early yeah he W early what’s your favorite Disney

Channel movie oh hm can I say the Halloween Town series is that count I love the Halloween Town series every well not every I kind of stopped that tradition but where is the bosses a far it’s in the nether not far wow I do hate oh wait I have depth

Strider now that’s depth Strider again swimming in lava yeah oh no that won’t help you there you got to get make a wax gland all right wax I died to this boss so I was waiting for you guys cuz it’s kind of hard so you want us to be

Distractions oh just help kill it it’s fun it was fun ooh we don’t have no because it was difficult powder okay yeah I know me too Divine that and yeah I stuck in the suburbs oh I don’t think I’ve watched that one no not when would all of us were there

Okay this boss kind of tough at least last time I did it where’s seli is she here I don’t know doesn’t look like it chippy chippy cha choa doy doy daa daa mhm Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Shaka Laka Boom Shaka Laka so when I make cuz I only have 11 unattainable ores

Which which item do I go first like I only have 11 un taming ores right do we have any extra sea lanterns sry my yeah we do we have a bunch where is we should have four Stacks oh actually it might have it might be a Go’s place unless you put

It know where should put it like Ryan do I go for chest plate first for ores cuz I only have 11 like un oh I love the high school musicals too actually I love High yeah I mean it doesn’t matter you got to make all of it

Right but which one should I do first cuz I have to go you have to make all of it what Ian are you not going to make all of it I can make all of it I only got you 11 of them so confused like isn’t there like

An order I should go for like oh oh I mean I guess HSM I know it doesn’t really matteress all of it right um okay I don’t really get what you’re making what are you trying to make armor okay let’s say let’s say I don’t have a stack of let’s say I don’t

Have a stack of diamonds right place is so pretty oh my god oh sorry oh my God eight Diamonds oh my God I was speaking so I have to conserve those eight diamonds I have to choose which piece of armor to make first of course I’m going to make my

Diamond pickaxe I’m looking for a remaining diamonds well if you made a pickaxe that would be okay it was an example right not literally I have 11 of them so I literally don’t think it matters oh really it doesn’t yeah sea lanterns wait wait wait what what’s

Happening back I don’t know back uh okay maybe will know yeah maybe doesn’t matter okay how do I explain this okay Selen I have 20 diamonds right I can’t make my full set of armor I haven’t seen of armor should I make first uh most people pry out chest plate because it

Gives the most armor oh okay okay thanks what I was doing was I wanted to oh that was easy were you struggling it was a struggle yeah for me it was quite a struggle a big struggle got to breathe got to breathe okay I am hoping that if I do

This it’ll lag lag lag lag oh that’s the first one makes man’s lag what’s happening I don’t know ah yes I think I just didn’t have enough light all right back I got to get aqua affinity it was really easy to get oh yeah it’s yeah just make sure you check

Like the other slots don’t just check like a certain other slots like I got a couple on the first slot like she enchanted books so she was one three okay okay thank you chpp cha cha ah so addicting so addicting I need to listen to it now there’s just me too

Can you send it to me you want the meme version or the entire song uh I’ll take the entire song okay me oh I I mean you don’t have to do the same I’ll link both wait chat is this like weird looking I’ve never heard of it so okay I

Have an idea what if I do every other block I feel like this might be too much and then this one’s a full one oh my god did they link it there’s a 10hour version yeah my good holy you listen to the full one I think if you listen to the 10hour

One you’ll lose your mind can we listen to that okay that’s enough I love that song so much who what is that Ryan I don’t know it’s like one of those Shrine yeah it sounded like magic pony to me I don’t know what to do with this here Bey Beach CH

Cha chi chi cha cha can I borrow your silk touch yeah where are you home chi chi CH Mag there you go thank you I Enchanted it so thank you sweet darling no problem Oh Fortune Wait no that’s different like who made this little girl no no no like who like MiFi it you know oh like who combined it with this cat Ryan did you listen to it yet no can

I yeah wait oh I don’t know I listen to everything on stream how many blocks do you think okay if I do two and then this and then two and then this and then two and then this and then two and then this and then two then it’s

Even I also thought it was Magic Pony whoops do you have the righteous Relic what’s that a sword no I think Jan Jan has that ah no I don’t know that this you probably have it it’s a remember saying you had it silly gooy she snitched on

You uh I just wanted to upgrade it that’s it you wanted to what upgrade something about it oh yeah I don’t have that I swear I don’t have it you don’t you don’t have that one I swear I don’t oh do you want dragon wing said you had something else then is fun

Burpy okay one two three four one I don’t like it I’ll tell you that okay I walk in la la la la la yeah I don’t like it I don’t like how it looks maybe it’s better if I do that it looked fine all lit up I didn’t

Like it all lit up for for some reason it looked weird to me I have another idea though oh my God it must be this antidote trinket that’s draining my Hunger antidote I don’t know maybe it’s all these trinkets I’m wearing that’s like draining my Hunger pretty fres I don’t think trinkets drain

Hunger I don’t think so is me Swinging my sword around then just like cause it cause a lot of hunger fancy I know mining makes you hungry see this I want to see this she’s so pretty oh I do Like Bo my precious I love that oh yes I do I would like more show it to Sydney and she called her brain rot no she didn’t mean it I me she didn’t mean it chy chy the all I showed to Sydney last night and I was like Sydney you

Have to listen to this she’s like s this is straight a brain rot I was like I kept singing while we were playing valerin it’d be like me 1ev like five or something i’ be likey yeah that’s hpe you’re giving I don’t think this is my kind of song SEL what

Why I I don’t know if I like that Chi chiy who doesn’t have elytra I found another uh Eva Eva where are you Eva she would beb though EV EV I don’t know why I always want to say Eva in like a Eva Eva it’s just W from Wally yeah W’s

Just that influential Eva Eva um Power four chipp chipp cha cha Boom boom ADHD in a nutshell Charmed I don’t want Charmed on my shoes doesn’t hurt okay I like how these look on the SES now on thing I wonder what else see glow oh you you want to get oh yeah no I wouldn’t do that I thought you me came with it

They gave me protection three as a thing ohpp do the I’m down roer all right how can you guys get there it wasn’t even oh you can fly was yeah just fly Over we have elytra all right it’s in the um it’s in the nether hold Mhm I’m putting stuff away and I’ll be right there she she’s probably listening to the one that just keeps going just doesn’t stop how do you not like it Ryan it’s it’s okay I guess magic mey Bo think it once Ryan you heard hery ch ch sing ity

Jiggy boom boom boom boom I want you in my room together forever fine side eye pretty good decent we’re going to go to a boss yeah boss build what about EA we’re waiting for her is she she coming back right surely I hope I would think so tippy tippy want you in my

Room together forever I W to go boom boom boom in the toilet what marble don’t even think about it marble would you like to meet my handsome son Buton Bon oh baton too what did I say would you like to meet a big boy named Oli Big Boy marble has this thing where

Like she tries to like fish out the tea bags in my teacup and she’ll just take it out and she thinks the string yeah she thinks it’s like a puzzle it is so I come back to my desk after like 10 seconds and I I have once

Had like two teacups and both of the tea bags were just like outside of the teacup and on my desk good job you silly girl you I’m taking away this paper now what are you going to do huh cry here play with the paper um I love to buy SE oh [ __ ] they’re

After me to buy seeds how many oat seeds do I have I wonder one oh okay I should buy more maybe oh my God uhoh what’s up Ryan this hat is op what hat your villag your hat oh it makes the Emeralds cost like it went

From 20 to one oh well yeah feel free to use it Emerald wait a minute how could you not tell us that earlier Ryan no he didn’t use it yeah I didn’t I didn’t he didn’t even use it he just like left it in the chest I was like Ryan this thing

Makes things cheaper oh my God Ryan I didn’t need to buy anything why would I need to why would I use it jenet it makes it so it cost like eight emeralds one Emerald oh my God bought everything full price and then I found it okay I’m going to leave this hat in

The chest here so that yes do that very good wait why are there random prop for boots in this chest I found it I think what’s the max sharpness is it sharpness four oh five five okay I’m going to go back to hitting the Wither again oh they’ve been spawning wow what

Has the Wither Skeleton oh you went back yeah I wasn’t even here but they had spawned well I was there early oh that’s we need a Affinity do you think I could I need anything for my chest plate in leggings chat anyway let me know when you guys

Are ready to go do the boss okay um for my chest plate and my leggings is it just mending Unbreaking three protection 4 or can I add anything else I put on magnetic 3 but like it doesn’t work cuz my armor I don’t know I think it’s good

If you want to be uh magnet ized it’s up to you it’s up to you it is what does magnetizing mean so like items and stuff items and experience gets pulled towards you oh Cool did you just try to bite my finger to remove it from the cup marble oh oh oh marble she’s searching for the teab bag string Marble she’s like pawing at my cup searching for the string but it’s not there you silly girl you it’s become like her favorite toy taking sorry I just the tea out of my cups maybe she likes tea yeah I need I think I need to buy her some like mentally stimulating cat

Toys yes she’s like a puzzle solver and she loves it she’s just like Mama puzles marble oh my God I want to do a puzzle now you’re back Eva Eva Eva Eva Eva Eva Eva Eva Eva Eva Eva Eva EV Eva Eva Eva Eva EV Eva let’s go fight the

Boss okay Ryan did you put the magnetic on your chest plate or your legs no leggings f c did you put anything else on your chest plate or does it just have mending un breaking three th but I didn’t put it on it just came with it oh must be nice is

It Thorns is pretty optional like the damage is minimal and it only just wears down your armor faster is anything like uh dragon breath no not right now Chi chipp CH cha Mag oo leg Yeah Steve got howling Rays ooh I’m going to [ __ ] myself R sounds so good what’s that I know it’s Fried Chicken O Fried Chicken what up with us Skelly Wellies what you doing AFK over there sany playing with marble no I’m looking at GTA thing while trying to spawn these Withers are you customizing your character without us I’m not customizing I was like looking at the birthday and stuff oh but I’m trying to get to the

Customizing part cuz I know I’m going to take the longest I think I’m going to take a long time too I’m also going to take a very long time guys we should just start we said we would start an hour ago I felt bad leaving Ryan I know Ryan

Wants okay let’s go fight the boss with Ryan and then we’ll go okay okay okay okay no you don’t have to fight the boss we want to out of guilt oh Rebo 7 in the two mon says o I just want to say that I love it here oh I

Love here the chat the mods and Jan make the experience better that is so sweet thank you good that’s so cute so cute boss we go a dorbs wait wait wait wait wait wait where is this boss do I need we go to the end or somewhere in the end oh The Inferno

Nether oh the oh another oops I’m going to go home real quick actually where I put my karber ores every time you say karber my brain thinks of Apex mhm where is my craber orse I’m actually so confused right now where is my creeper orse creep ores I don’t know

I haven’t sto coming here since then love you guys you put away putting stuff Away I W to go okay I’m going to go to the end and see where this bab boy is through the portal Phantom them through the portal and then I’ll see which portal is closest okay so I go here mhm mhm nether roof under spawner Dungeon oh it’s near the UND spawner okay guys TP to the under spawner okay okay and then I see it it’s pink right Ryan it’s the pink one or pink it’s like a big building it should be this right or is this not it it’s a big circular did you what did

You call it again I I The Inferno boss thing oh never mind guys TP to dung if you guys have dung I do have dung okay go there go there okaying my backpack right now just full of stuff and then Inferno boss I found it where the [ __ ] is my that’s where it

Is what did you find my cbers oh great why is it like crossed out looking for a yellow thing yellow yellow um Chad do you know you have a way point no I don’t have I I mean like I have the Waypoint but not the Waypoint click next to it how do I

Activate it click where next to it yeah On’s not working for some reason oh maybe I have have to turn other things off to turn it on no what is turning I don’t understand Ryan I don’t know what’s up it’s not working what isn’t working

136 um the Waypoint when I save it it’s like it’s like grade out for me and I don’t know why why and I even turn it off and on Inferno boss oh you hit you’re there no I’m trying to get there using the Waypoint but the waypoint’s not oh it’s sent in

The oh it’s set in the Overworld why would it be in the over world oh that’s weird okay never mind that is weird it’s in the ne right yeah I wonder why it’s said in the Overworld okay scroll up up to Ryan’s his is right oh maybe cuz when he linked it I

Was in the Overworld when I saved it oh I also saved it in the Overworld shoot okay and then okay so yeah go to the UNP I’m going to wait till you get there cuzz like you know it’s just like down in nether just going to

Wait what do you mean we’re lost without [ __ ] it means that uh you may figure out different directions I’m confused don’t worry about it okay wasn’t even worried wasn’t even worried uh SL where’ you put all the smithing thingies the the enchanting table the enchanting book one oh you made some uh

YOLO make sure to duplicate uh don’t use up the last one oh yeah I can fly I don’t know how do I duplicate it uh diamond and Le diamond and diamond and Netherrack another R I keep forgetting you need one to duplicate how do I fly without using my

Fireworks put two in the St or do I have to use my fireworks what are you guys searching for we got it we got it but we were trying to get to the infernal boss all the um 55055 55 5 they for the N9 months thank

You and raging bll 21 they for the 29 months welcome back hello Keon okay I don’t know how to okay I’m coming how do you fly you need fireworks press space yeah I have fireworks um once you’re flying you use fireworks to like Propel yourself I think you pressed space double tap space

Okay I didn’t fly oh you got to hold it after you jump oh I’m going to sleep so that these Phantoms what she maybe I need Higher Ground oh yes you need to like fallish what how is quick ball failing I don’t know if I have enough blocks to be

High up oh I have red sand oh maybe I’ll just do this wait oh should have used a regular poke begin with oh you have to enter the fight I see okay this should be high enough I hope okay so double so w key double tap space or double tap space then W

Key um just jump and then press space again mhm while you’re in the air jump right I’m gonna borrow that template and it and then I’ll put it back what and to borrow a template duplicate it and then put it back okay I’m here Ryan touch the way Stone wait J so is

Dungeon faster or is the under spawner spawner another I can summon this again apparently you can but I don’t know how NE roof wait what it’s called nether double when you’re falling yeah I was like so in my head about it I was like what do I do did he

Go up oh what up what what I’m immune to fall damage right yep you should be and I turned my backpack on right yep you I hope So well if I die I die mhm YOLO she she oh hang up oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I wish I could um walk on lava are we supposed to be up there Ryan mhm and then I throw another star down I think but um another star yeah that’s how you summon it oh

JP I’m on my way slowly but surely I’m up here I don’t see you Ryan where are you I didn’t enchant my elytra so I kind of don’t want to use it oh [ __ ] safe mine doesn’t have mending on it oh my God yeah oh that’s true you didn’t enchant it

Yeah if you change it if you like uh upgrade it to like a nicer one it’s unbreakable wait you can upgrade it how yeah just click on the elytra and you can see different upgrades I have the dragon’s breath if anyone needs it it upgrades the elytra mhm down here up update

The you know how you get down there just jump down you told me to go up yeah you are you do have to go up but kind of Down oh yeah this is what I saw you do kind of well towards the end of it when I die like oh my God this was so much fun it really was CH that’s fun I should have flown at least this part oops well you’ll see if you have fun

With this you might not wow that would suck I think it’s pretty fun I think they should add more bosses I love bossing in Minecraft I also love puzzle rooms in Minecraft I only have one netherite piece so uh I might die alow I don’t have a single netherite armor piece oh

[ __ ] I only have um [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh you can ride those things right where did it go it was right here do I need a saddle to ride one of these get them from McDonald’s okay I had a theory with Steve that if you buy the 13 cookie tote big actually I’ll

Save my last cookie it’s the last one um they make it they have to make it fresh but cuz every time I get a cookie from them warm and oey gooey and fresh tasting and we ordered it again last night and it was ooey gooey fresh floor

But then Seline ordered hers and it it came cold oh you’re Underground now I’m scared to suggest it because I was like I didn’t fly the first time she was great she didn’t want to use her durability I actually just didn’t even think about it and then the second time I didn’t

Want to use it but I was already too low whoa oh this is endstone wow endstone in lava looks pretty are we there Ryan no oh I wonder if the howling Rays is here okay oh you got howling Rays okay I’m ready now to go yeah come uh I could I

Wayo to dong no no oh under spawner I don’t know if I have an under spawner yeah I don’t I know if you’ve ever been there see and if I haven’t what would be the next bus thing do you have pipe nope oh I have no no pipe what is

Pipe I have end port no end is not where we’re at should I just walk to you should I just go into Nether and walk to you guys yeah you might have wa do you have have your Electra yet nope no Electra I got you

One oh she has one she has one for you oh where are you I’m at home here wait where’d you go yeah I love chocolate chip cookies I heard Steve talking to the delivery driver yeah I know oh nice just fly on means it’ll be here sooning on it first Tipp Tipp well

You can turn it unbreakable you said right oh how do I turn it unbreakable oh with the dragon boom boom boom upgr yours to my phone which you do curious the purple one oh wait the cell dragon wings wa the cell one gives you more okay while they do that speed

Though Ryan what is this 5 m let me open my GTA I have exas I can just make others GT RP this is 20% rocket speed 8% speed and armor I’m here welcome welcome where’s the I’m above oh yeah yeah okay and then come through here let

Me go touch this way point oh yeah yeah Inferno boss let me just walk over to you guys and then I’m going to open GTA while I wait so do I click play [ __ ] how do I do this I have 5m open you go on no pixels website and

Then you press connect oh no pixels website how’d you find this place Ryan you just were wandering around the nether H yeah just just looked interesting so then I there was like a little note thing that kind of told you how to do it but kind have to like figure it out

Figure it out Tipp guys this is so far you guys are so far yeah it’s cuz you didn’t have the one of the way points Wait wait wait can you can you bring this down oh thank you that’s okay sounds like Jan Jan got her ping rais what huh I happy my chicken is here m chicken hen R sounds so good my god dude we we he ordered howling rage

Before but he got it in the in the oh my God I’m salivating he got it in the spice hot and it was so hot I was in tears now we got it in mild oh my God it’s still spicy but like doable oh my God thing

Is I just picked up someone’s ship but that’s okay that’s okay oh yes I did throw a bunch of blocks down hope I’m going the right way I’m going is it West I think Dave’s Hot chicken’s quality not it’s e sh went down a bit after it got like really hyped up like in 20 19 or 2018 it tasted so Good um I have a Q huh I think I have a queue oh that means it’s working oh oh never mind I’m in or am I in I wasn’t sure which one to connect to I just assumed it was the one that the didn’t have colors the what’s the is it the

What’s it called allow one allow yes okay the allow one yeah I like it this is what’s going on in my head as I eat chicken is your Hing raise good I love it I’m listening to chippy chippy as I eat it that’s ultimate Happiness I’m 2,000 blocks away did did you get your elytra maybe can fly over uh I need fireworks to fly well if you have a lot of height you can just use the momentum okay so as long as you have like verticality it’s pretty good I’m sorry for the brain raw um someone

Said I just saw your lethal company moment on a YouTube video I added the YouTube part I don’t know if it’s YouTube but on a video called best 200 moment in Lethal okay where is Eva have a good night sophisticated 2,500 blocks away I was hearing the song I haded McDonald’s at oh

Uh trying this song has been stuck in my head because of you okay you’re welcome you’re welcome no the the howand raised chicken slaps M their mac and cheese is pretty good unless I don’t know what this is looks like potato like a egg salad say slash

TPA I feel like I could do like a mukbang is so Good my game says it’s connect to the server potato salad and fried chicken and there’s a piece of bread with two pickles on it Grandma characters there is in GTA character customization yeah get off my lawn I don’t know how to do an old person

Voice okay I see it’s funny cuz you like waited like a few seconds for ation [ __ ] I don’t know how to do it R’s really good at doing one Ryan’s good at doing any impression yeah it’s just so funny that you like waited I know happy you found that funny you’re so

Funny you are pretty funny thanks guys oh sucks oh G oh G oh Jolly Be oh do you guys like mashed potatoes or french fries more o I think I like french fries more I don’t know I love french fries okay 2,300 blocks left I just feel like for mashed

Potatoes I could eat like a whole freaking bucket yep but for French fries like it’s hard to finish all of it I could do it I feel like I can eat more french fries than I can eat mashed potatoes really like yeah I so much what kind of french fries

Though I know like if it’s the wedges or the smiley faces like it’s a big difference true call it smiley faces yeah the smiley faces are op cute okay french fries are curly fries I think it depends on the mood cuz I really like curly fries too H or onion ring

M I love onion rings I’ve always wanted I think I love onions enough to like eat it like an apple I’ve never done it though but people can just do it do what eat eating an onion like an apple oh yeah I have you actually ever seen anyone do

That yeah that you know yeah oh like who doesn’t jod do it she eats it like a like an apple like a straight up onion oh maybe I guess don’t knock it till you try it I hope I’m not misremembering I also um seen uh North who is Kim

Kardashian’s daughter she ate it like that too oh you know what I actually seen that clip I’ve actually seen that clip randomly it’s a popular clip cuz she’s like someone’s asking her like oh do you know what your mom does or something and she’s like I forgot what

She said but she’s just eating an onion yeah oh yeah it was Jodie oh what happened but she actually enjoyed it I thought that was for a fear was it a fear pong thing oh guys I can’t fly anymore oh no my uh Electra is one durability oh [ __ ] I thought you were

Going to oh wait you didn’t enchant it no I didn’t it was going to take too long but honestly I regret it now we were talking about eating an onion like an apple oh and I was like I remember jod doing it have you ever done it before

Selen but I have heard Sean say multiple times he can definitely eat an onion like an apple a raw one yeah a ra one I want to try it like I love I love onions like I would do it too I think you could do it it I would

Try it too I think I would like spicy mhm yeah I love spicy but not hot like how and Ray’s hot spicy I’ll never forget it you guys actually Ryan the next time you’re here I want you to try the level hot I can’t do hot though damn it you’re self

Aware my friends are interesting well you know we’re a little quirky chiy chippy okay am I in the game yet oh what the [ __ ] no pixel whoa there’s these like turtles Ember tortoise you found the video I’ll link it I I’ll watch oh wait you need permission oh

Thank God oh my God you guys you guys typed that so [ __ ] F holy [ __ ] nope oh my God it’s the Steven one not that’s so funny it felt wrong to fully dive into I just like went in to like look at the options mhm K 1,900 blocks Left that’s so good oh my God I miss playing lethal brought your Plane honestly should go back and get it so good it’s probably faster honestly no I think it’s actually faster for her to get her played and walking through Lava yeah you’re walking through Lava yeah yeah I don’t think she’s taking the most efficient method yeah you go back go

Back for your plane and then L here be honest L I think I’m too invested okay see you in like 20 minutes but is there Way Stone in that Inferno boss thing mhm mhm me thinks you should pick me up in my plane if you find

Me what oh like go get her plane oh like I go back and grab your plane mhm um that is a possibility that is a possibility would do it for you yeah I mean I can go and do that otherwise 1,800 blocks left I’m almost theread almost she’s not going to get

There um let me break this plane it’s kind of like Pixelmon I feel like we could easily make like a top 50 clips of just you playing lethal aw thanks I um I love that game it’s so good I feel like I don’t stick around for Content enough I think I loot to

Much I don’t I don’t know looks important though yeah it’s joke though Eva you started from the home nether portal yeah yeah I’m full I’ve discovered every single biome in this [ __ ] place explain this title wait let me get it a tissue real quick is my title still

Chippy chippy choa choa this is so scary here let me explain it Aiden oh my God [ __ ] was right flying in here is so much harder than the Overworld when the nether yeah there’s just like islands and then like streams of lav which I’m assuming I can’t go through there’s like random

Pillars how did she do this Party well now you know what chippy chippy choa choa is boom boom boom boom it’s so good well I fig if I’m just like you’re going like direct path to Inferno boss yeah yeah the coordinates okay I’m sure I’ll see you on my mini map on the way let’s see

Where is my old video is it I’m 1,725 no I don’t want to listen to this I’m at X oh listen to this uh yeah what’s your cute music my ex is 821 yeah apparently s Sydney told Seline that that song was brain rot Z is 357 but I love

It I actually might block this lava off it’s bothering me I see you on the map Leen I see you pogers you’re not direct path I’m not you must have gone a little North okay how far below are you what your y my Y is 31 31 um this is a little

Rough uh I’m in lava but you can fly right above me me thinks it would have been a lot faster I think had we had you TP home and even if I were to fly the place to pick you up from home but I’m coming this is

Definitely the least efficient way to go on about it oh um oh my God now I can just run in here I know it’s just this lava is going to whoa what is that thing in front of you oh it’s a it’s a globe it’s a little Dome

Yeah you think I had stop burning yeah it’s low enough a parari sweat than for the 78 months thank you I have a story about bakari sweat in high school I had friends this is back when I also marijuana alal experiments oh there’s I had a lot of

Friends who smoke marijuana out of a bong oh losers can you we should probably and um yeah I can wait they I would always drink parari sweat maybe Ryan’s been here I don’t know Ryan have you been here and they swore by it and they said that like it helps with

Like you know after you smokeing you it just like hurts your throat no I don’t know we passed by it Eva was walking to it it’s like a giant Dome oh is there anything cool in it we didn’t really look through there were a lot of wither

Skeletons thanks for the tip we should try that I never tried it I was not one to hit the bonger for you SEL back then but there was no way you were going to make it you used to do that too is it true like so so what do

You mean I walked 1,800 does it actually help no you flew those that’s also true you didn’t not walk those back then no literally I do you know how old I am I have every right to say back then I am 29 back then I’m referring to like 16

Years old me that is over 10 years ago it’s definitely a back then moment for sure you said like you do it now oh no I didn’t oh it makes you more thirsty no but yeah no I don’t think of your elders like Ray and lesie hey leave them

Alone they’re not here to defend themselves we’re 600 blocks away guys if it makes you feel younger I’m 22 dude I hate that you are 22 and you’re so talented and create all these cool freaking things like what the [ __ ] yeah he literally created like all these widgets and stuff at

22 I created um I I also joined twitch at 18 Aiden oh yeah there’s another one of these the most I’ve done is embed like a cute little skin on my Neopets website and have it play music I don’t know and and myit what’s it called tumbler Ryan have

You been to a citadel yeah pretty sure Citadel daving Ryan farted no in real life ew no it’s a stinker everyone get down no D come here chill like okay where are you look how fast this sword can attack at the expense of this tortoise oh my god dude I’m getting hit by

Fire can’t see where I’m going with your giant umbrella behind what is that cool huh what is that blade why did you do that to it oh to the Tor the tortoise yeah oh cuz he’s tanky oh my God you just went crazy on him oh they’re [Applause]

Here so funny you sucked in her plane Parts oh never mind they’re in my inventory all right it’s time I hope this works cuz if not that’s a lot of time to we wasted but I’m 22 and all I can do is make good ramen and good

Cookies hey that’s pretty good yeah dude it picks up attack speed mhm yeah it was insane he beat up a tortoise like the tortoise it was just chilling there all right all right on um it’s very difficult I’ll play some epic music real quick hold on pause aren’t you

Strong enough nowan Attack on Titan theme song I’ll copy you J okay okay can you it okay let me make sure are we good uh yeah I’m ready now okay I made it really loud so I might not be able to hear you guys oh nothing happened we’re playing

This oh go go go go go go it ped fireworks I can’t tell what the monster is and what you guys are you guys better stay away from me I need to eat bread am I even doing damage yeah he’s going down oh my God he just burst blazes

Yep um I got new Range weapon I’ll handle the minions oh my God he’s got 700 HP ow ow what am I taking Damage [Laughter] yeah yeah guys ads are spawning ads are spawning I’ll get the ads DPS charts DPS charts he gets he get he has a phase two by the way phases he’s so easy though yeah easy I think it’s cuz we’re all immune to blaze yeah easy y run run wait why

Why where run avoid him avoid him I ran out oh you guys left you said run I guess you could do that I didn’t think about that oh what’s happening to me what is happening to me what’s happening run run I’m dead I told you to run I ran Ow well time to get exp and train ow that hurt like a mother trucker we just need one level yep and blocks you got blocks g& G oh oops and he’s dead yippe yep wait you did it without us well you just have to run oh yeah and Dodge those things yeah a

Jig salt block okay he got to drop some kind of crossbow you’re F that’s it um I forgot to bring blocks Ryan Ryan pick us up Ryan please build this up okay here stairs you farted in my face you look funny you look funny no you no I don’t have you seen

Yourself what do you mean Eva what happened oh my God I see I jump but I was blocked by uh by body blocked grave of rars want to try the crossbow so what dropped from it oh this XP here oh my god oh Oh that’s oh that’s delicious oh that’s

Soal I have spectral arrows what God hell yeah oh my godp this magenta glass with a purple terra cotta is really pretty oh my God I we got so many levels from that Holy wait who wants to try this this is pretty cool let’s see do

It I want to enchant I’m so scared of dying uh i’ rather not do it to you it dropped a feather too inity oh bitsy wait that looks actually so cool yeah it’s cool can I do it to you I don’t get what this does whoa there’s a jigsaw

Block I do it to you last stand power oh I forgot I don’t have to actually protection wait why did it come back to me oh capacity there you go it looks like it’s strong need aqua infinity anyhoo one inity perfect okay excent one of the bosses of what this

Floor no I guess this this pack I don’t know oh I’m sure there’s more I just don’t know where Poké oh my God that’s perfect thank you for reminding me do need to enchant it oh it’s probably the same theme as like armor and stuff I should

Do how come the Unbreaking guy isn’t giving Unbreaking anymore like like it’s like sold out yeah like forever he’s been sold out Forever Wait really yeah it’s been a while it’s making me a little nervous that he’s not resetting that is kind of odd they should reset that’s what I’m saying

Crossbows are kind of like not that great though huh why it takes you only shoots it shoots so slow I mean bows in general are kind of slow but you can get you can Enchanted to have faster uh draw or whatever oh Quick Draw

Yeah I get a higher level and it’s a lot quicker that was fun app the Villager needs to sleep to reset can they not sleep no they can’t sleep oh if they’re like behind their thing their stations oh do they have to cuz like the Fletchers don’t sleep yeah the Fletchers don’t sleep

True yeah this information maybe it’s different for books I don’t know yeah maybe my other assumption is that the thing the lect turn he has in front of his isn’t his and it’s someone else’s o that could be it but how did he get there I have no

Idea I don’t got a CL she’s got no clue yes marble I forgot what I was doing got your foot there why am I here where’d you go home okay here you don’t want to lay on the desk oh I remember what I needed to do I broke Ryan’s

Thing and I came back to make another right right right right I remember that I broke Ryan’s um Anvil so I got to make him a new one right right right right right right and Vil boom boom boom you still like level 80 something no I’m 34 now I 39 you

Spent them yeah I Enchanted all that Armor All Right hopefully he’ll never notice that it was gone he won’t even know it’s gone there’ll be a brand new one right there never know not even a single clue not even a single clue I tell you not even a

Single all right now what’s up with all this silly gooiness magnetic three on the leggings okay all right okay where’s his smithing table what’s back here here what the [ __ ] is this explain yourself right now what is this Ryan what what what is this oh this is how you make the better

Armor did you look into it and point of us having netherite Can it can it be with netherite yeah you can upgrade netherite into metal AR Metallum mhm hey yeah if you want to make it celestium though you keep it at Diamond I think yeah so that is the pink one

But oh [ __ ] I made my boots netherite why did I pick up Eva’s leather cap just now sorry for the win he used to have it I don’t want it a you still have it what is this curse why do you guys all have like magnetic

Stuff I don’t this now when you when you get celestium you lose the mag magnetism it’s kind of whack Pepsi Mi thank you for the Prime zaku thank you for the 98 months thank you that wasn’t mine oh why’ you say sorry I got I got gasl that I was on by myself

I didn’t gas light you now now now now Eva no no now now what’s your guys’ favorite weapon so far the game gave me a glaive and I’ve just been using it since I’ve been using a regular old diamond sword that I got from Ryan heag okay Mr tomatoes you me the Claymore

Claymore yes is it like a long sword yeah sounds Co are you using are you using the Claymore Ryan’s using something he found in a chest what’s uped it oh yeah I’m using uh the Twisted blade Twisted is that a there’s all kinds of unique items you can get RoR I

Don’t know how you say that just just type it in see it h I’m going to do the Claymore Claymore sounds cool ssy oh sorry was that too loud I’m sorry I was screaming I was screaming I did play a apologize please forgive me can I does it reach

Here okay now we do flag spend the night together together forever is that what you’re singing yeah I think Ryan got it stuck in my head right Ryan that you sing that that song yeah was it not you I think it was wow oh it I have so many hat

Bags can I like put this torch flow down and then oh I see py duck why are you here acting all shocked and [ __ ] like you’re on my property buddy move yeah yeah it’s spring and I’m planting my Seeds ah yes let me check my yes yes I’m just going to up upgrade my netherite pickaxe yes all right guys is it is it GTA time I’m down all right well then I’m going to get off of Minecraft as soon as I upgrade this I love the sound of upgrades it sounds

Like I’m leveling oh Tintin Yeah sounds so good favorite type of potato um h does can I say just those regular old ones that are like you know oh that kind of potato I thought you meant like other kind of potato like aren’t there different kind of potatoes you could buy but I forget all the

Names yeah the specific species of a potato yeah that’s what I thought they meant the species I love like crunching all of these oh yeah yukon gold or russet see I was going to say that is a hard question because I don’t cook and I actually don’t know the

Difference I don’t know the difference they’re both yellow I only know the difference of like um if you were to ask me about like the other kind uh sweet potato then I’d be like oh this I like roasted sweet potatoes though my mom used to roast

Them is roast the right word she just put it in the oven and then I would like I would peel it and eat it it’s so good man I kind of want to buy some now roast is Right H tastes so good okay oh no I can’t wear it as a cap

Anymore what the the wings yeah if you upgrade to the tell me if I need to move my webcam anywhere I was thinking what do you do with it it’s a chest plate oh it’s like a whole chest plate but yeah that’s not bad like what

Should my name be you know be bad either well you lose a little bit of armor oh but in return you get flying spe oh my God this is already so tough like the birthdays and everything also um all my enchantments are on my armor

Face cam is good there yay okay I’m for I’m just going to do like a 19 do you see the effects of well I don’t want to be 1994 cuz that’s what I am I’m going to do like 19 they don’t say anything don’t have anything only the

Pink one does there’s a couple that do I’m going to do a 2,000 baby what what’s it like you know a Zoomer the server is set in 2028 oh okay oh oh it says age 23 though oh it tells me my age I’m just going to do 2,000 is

There only one that equips it not one Monday I’ll do March 14 of them elytra no we’re not going to do kitten Neer we’re not doing the guy we’re doing forgetful mm yeah we’re doing forgetfulness crystalite elytra so like Dora yeah I not Dora what the [ __ ] um

What’s her name in I don’t know why it might just be in my head Las you just Las lasagna Rex think thee Dory yes Dory the regular yeah I tried the armored one but it’s just too slow I can’t tell if it’s slower but I think it

Is okay it I don’t want wings oh it’s definitely slower I don’t know why probably because it armor Dory bars in theory then shouldn’t the other one I was going to do like Doris like there’s another one that gives armor so the SL and that one’s hard to make you need

An infusion pedestal you got me ice Cream Best Day Ever pedestal how hard oh this isn’t too hard to make yeah that’s that was was in the book too that we were reading oh in the end the more end whatever so you have to make a oh Earl Gray from Van you have to make that

Pedestal and put a te ice cream you got SP so good mhm can I have some yeah it’s in some of these chests I was skeptical at first but yeah guys I’m on GTA I’m in the I mean I’m in the character selection character creation

So it works for you yeah it works for me what are we going to have the same last names or anything like that or no I’m also down is it easier to be related to make her last name Foos why and not even tell her that would be so

Troll if we didn’t even tell her but it people can have the same last name and not be related that is so [ __ ] funny or secretly related we just don’t tell her we just show up like it’s Grandma I’m your grandma she’ll be like what the [ __ ] she has a whole ass family

She whole ass family she didn’t know I mean I she did save a name for me so I I am going to be her sibling for another character we could be really later but I want to do the forgetful RP one guys my bow is crazy Ryan can I test it out on you

Fine can you oh no the water is no longer Frozen we don’t have like a battlefield um I’m in front of our house shoot me where are you wait we got to do it somewhere that’s um not here because I a dude I wish the ice was back make it back to Winter

Guys I don’t know if they’re ever going to play GTA RP and like I don’t know what to do right now cuz like I want to play but I have I feel guilty going on without them but I keep telling them that I’m on and they keep still playing Minecraft so

What do I do I can’t just like I can’t just like go on without them should I just make January foods for now what do I do I want to play but I can’t ditch them okay okay should I be how old is meang and lesie 1995

Okay I’m wondering if I should be like the youngest sibling 13 sister I ran away from home I have to go to school still is there even a school I’m skipping class okay I could be 18 and be like I as soon as I turned 18 I ran away from home

I ran away from home you’re right my birthday should be in January I I spill ice cream on my pants [ __ ] oh there’s a whole page for the tree thank you okay January Foo waking up soon I am joining the RP world I’m making my character first cuz they’re they’re

Addicted to um Minecraft right now so I’m making my lesie sibling character first um January 1st to remember my birthday I’m like 2005 actually 2006 is when I got my period sorry that was so TMI but that’s when I first got my ever my period ever [Laughter] so so we’re going to do

2006 I don’t know why it it was memorable okay ladies do you remember remember the year it like or like month when you got it like I remember that [ __ ] okay like I remember that [ __ ] um okay to be fair I remember it because you guys are going to be scared

Of me I got it on June 6th 2006 isn’t that scary oh yeah January but yeah I’ll just do January 1st actually we’ll do 10th 10 is calling me January 10th okay let me on are they still playing Minecraft what when I walk my things how am I still poisoned yeah they are like when I walk like things come out of the

We’ll make January food did I spell January right like naturally yeah what the sword I’m scared I did right okay good oh God jeez annoying oh my God jeez I’m so scared right now oh my god oh that’s why go had to like always take it off oh

[ __ ] oh my God okay Jesus she is jacked she is so jacked hello is she supposed to be this Jack what the oh I don’t want to be old dude this is just like this is just not okay like this is just not okay is all

I’m saying I feel like this is good for bosses that’s it just Janet just so you know you have to go with the first model for a custom character first model this one well okay time for GTA yay Y no you guys are you I’m doing it on Monday yes oh

Okay like I speciic do it tomorrow but what is this face skin thing do balers gate yeah we got balls tomorrow a I don’t get it what’s changing are you guys going to be playing GTA for a I mean b just for a while though Sunday tomorrow yeah I don’t

Know man for the wi right yeah probably click face on the right below PS all right GG’s everyone bye have fun goodbye oh I see goodbye um guys for character creation is there even like a like I don’t know what do you mean d why is character creation your character creating right J

J yeah yeah yeah but I uh it’s a lot why don’t we uh you know what I have an idea is lesie streaming or anything are you streaming oh she is oh never mind never mind yes you are okay I don’t want to bother her if she’s streaming let’s see where’s what about

Blousy oh he’s also streaming that’s fine with the help of twitch chat and the and we have each other we can do this you guys um I think the first rule they said was not to listen to Twitch chat not to listen to Twitch chat yeah didn’t they say

That uh I mean for like character customization it should be okay maybe because like there’s just so many options and and I feel like they have good insight for that but I get what they meant by not listening to Twitch chat like apparently Ray spent like

Three to four hours yeah po spent three hours on hers too who spent three hours Pokey what’ you say who’ you say Ray she said am on oh you on and Ray also spent a long time too oh I see see what the [ __ ] okay so with the faces

Apparently you just pick three and then you mix and matchx yep holy [ __ ] whatever that means D how what features get get get kept and what features don’t get kept I don’t know man okay I don’t know what is changing I don’t see it it’s a little crazy no um okay I

Know okay okay everything’s fine everything’s going be my God this is a little crazy I kind of want to go back on Minecraft what is this face mix thing oh my God you’re supposed to mix the faces but like it just like I don’t really get

It well I’mma tell you guys this I don’t like how it mixed how your face mixed no I don’t like it oh um what does a third mix mean like a god I look like an alien okay oh yeah what is a third Mick what the heck is that

Okay my character looks somewhat human trying to get the girly pop stuff you know where the girly Pops at trying to be a girly pop right now adding regular hair and eyebrows might help choose your facial features better oh true I wish they made it so like the

Skin and the faces were all together instead of making it like face one and okay let’s get you some brows on yes clean let’s see I use some eyebrows okay okay this looks like what hair color does may may young food have cuz I was thinking of having red

Hair because I’m related to April oh blue okay it would it would it be weird oh maybe I could do what’s yeah I should do purple oh [ __ ] that I should do purple to cuz blue and red equals purple your brother March Foo is green green oh so everybody just have

Different hair color huh okay hair guys why am I still bald I selected hair but it’s not it’s not there opacity Oh I thought this was for my facial hair oh it is for my facial hair though oh I’m just lagging Okay so like um why is this

Hair is my head too big for the hair or what’s wrong what’s going on here why do I have a bald spot oh there we go okay okay don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry okay bro what’s up with that um hello yo welcome back what is everyone doing trying to make my oh

Okay it’s pretty complicated but I’m understanding it what a process Though there are so many hairs wow well there’s actually so many hairs like it’s been so long since I played a game that had so many hair options it’s kind of nice I love it m no it’s not working for oh Les are so cute did not show this page on

Stream the character creation no this website oh I didn’t show the website yeah I didn’t show anything but character creation same okay I’m digging this kind of color I don’t really want to do something bright like this not really feeling that Vibe this one’s okay maybe I should do this one though

Uh we’ll figure it out I could do a second Color Jenny did you ever come up with your name oh are we doing the same last name or no um right now I’m character customizing January Foo and then I’m going to do the other one cuz I can’t think of a name for the other one is January foo’s

Um April’s sibling yeah I see she saved it for me that’s cute you’re April she’s April but what are you I’m January oh I see yeah who is uh February in March there is a March there is a May so no February if you guys want to

Be February oh February is a mom never mind there is a February then who’s May who’s June and July yeah and October or August October November December oh August is Dad oh Mong is M food oh February is Mom but no one is the mom yet so in August B oh God I’m

Nervous what do you know nervous about jumping in yeah it is a lot just just know that it doesn’t have to be perfect right away Some People Take 5 years to RP and even like get used to a lot of things I’m guessing like this is like what we

See in character customizing but I’m sure once we’re in the game there’s even more you know I’m not going to think about that part what just one thing out of time that’s very true I don’t know if I want to think about the more stuff you

Know I’m taking it one step at a time right now it is a lot hey bestie hello hello hi hello hello what’s not playing Minecraft what the flip is going on yeah we’re in the wrong car yeah we’re too lazy bye-bye we should probably

Swap M okay let’s go what do you want to swap to let’s go to mang’s Discord I don’t have that one could you invite yeah um also I’ll tell you in another one okay come um my last name is what the what Broden came up with oh what is it you

Guys wanted to copy it it’s a Dakota oh that’s cute oh yeah I remember I’m also using the name that broen gave me what name did broen give you Smitty star A I was going to name myself like Doris or some [ __ ] she already looks so cute soundsol really I don’t like how she looks at first I was like really against the name Smitty but then we kept saying it and it just like was so fun to say no

This is my first time GT RP being relate uh being related to someone is probably going to be harder wouldn’t that am I just looking at it differently I don’t Know oh G is above us now I know it’s so funny Chas said the call above us With does anyone have this hair chat I I definitely I definitely want a hair that not a lot of people have cuz I know there’s probably a lot of people who have hairs like this but okay how old are you guys cuz I don’t want to be too young and or too

Old to compar to you guys I did 2001 man for the win Miss F the five months welcome means you’re that’s not a bad age I’m might just do 2000s yeah this is so hard guys there’s a lot there’s is a lot it’s just like not the normal custom character customiz

Y I can’t tell if I hate the hair I think I just hate like her face I think and I’m going to change it now like I uh it’s making all the hairs look bad [ __ ] my God I just don’t know how to fix faces like how do you do

This am I doing it um what is this do oh my God no okay calm down you got this okay okay we’re getting somewhere I think I think oh my God this is so hard okay so I basically have to look at all these faces and pick out features that I like

From them and then click on it which is kind difficult 45 is a good face too I see it used quite a lot as a base the last one this one why do people use that one as a base I think I have that one used as

Face three I do so I do have that one so I should pick one more that’s different so I have this one and I have this one Um I’m gonna pick well let me just test that one out not bad okay what does the skin do is it just my skin tone yeah character customization is a little intense what the I mean she doesn’t look bad anymore oh my God beille thank you for

Giting a sub thank you oh yeah Will makeup fix it we going to the makeup we going in first color give her a cute little brown Shadow dare I say cute little brown Bish brownish Shadow oh she’s looking better already makeup God bless makeup are you going to going to do the

Iconic Foos heart Cheeks is that what all the um siblings have cuz I’m down yeah okay it’s a trademark okay um cheeks so what is the cheeks it’s a hearts how do I get the oh is it these Hearts no oh these and then they said it’s supposed to match my hair

Color that’s so cute and funny hold on I’m going to open a picture of April Fool oh okay I see it I see it okay hers is pretty opaque to the point where I feel like hers is at the max okay I don’t know how I feel about this hair color it’s giving

Um it’s giving bruised face I don’t want to have a bruised face maybe I’ll do pink maybe I’ll have pink hair maybe I’ll have pink hair instead maybe white could be cute I’m down actually let’s see hair Color oh oh for January because of the snow no that’s such a cute Idea a I love that okay we’ll do white oh for snow cuz I’m born in that’s so cute that’s genius it’s not Jan Jan fuse it’s January fuse okay we’ll do that um yeah the lur is cooking in character customization January is taken though right it’s saved by lesie yeah she’s GNA

She’s going to give it to me if it is taken um but it’s saved for me she’s so sweet uh Zab bear oh zabar are they for the Prime thank you oh yeah I should should I do white eyebrows um how is everyone doing I think I’m doing okay yeah you

Want to see my character mine is [ __ ] hideous guys let me show you mine I I think can you show me yours no I’m I’m looking at your guyses on on your stream oh wait your guys look so good what the [ __ ] oh my God I did good right yeah wait yours

Is yeah who yours is like a SIMS character oh my God I want to see look at like how did you get the [ __ ] eyes to look like that who mine or Janet’s yours I don’t know I was combining faces forever oh my God yours is so pretty oh my God what the

Heck dude s is so pretty oh guys I was combining faces forever okay I need to need to work on my face um I also saw that we chose the same eye color and same very similar hairstyle I’m going to change mine so don’t worry sine guys I’ve seen I’ve

Seen some people there’s like girl like there’s like 10 girl with the same hairstyle it’s just bound to happen it is bound to happen I do not I don’t want to H well I don’t want it to happen to I we’re going to like you know okay okay oh my God

Wait okay okay I’m going to redo mine you got I don’t know if I like the white eyebrows I’d actually rather it be like black or brown for some reason I don’t like that I like like this like that looks so much better I don’t like it

Matching I could make it lighter though instead of like super black I could do like a darker brown dark silver no I don’t like it I don’t want I want this no oh yeah January is like 18 like I’m I’m trying to be like 18 ran away can finally move into Los Angeles

Myself trying to piggy back off of my sisters um you know you know like take care of me oh right Los Santos sorry not Angeles Los Santos yeah I want to be the youngest so that I don’t have to role playay or name or a voice change enough

Like my voice my voice my natural voice gets [ __ ] on for sounding like I literally had a hate comment like yesterday someone being like Oh my God why do you sound like you’re 10 you’re so annoying and I was like okay and I might as well play to my flaws you

Know I’m going to just sound like how I sound but have a young age okay I like this hair actually as a younger sibling it’s giving it’s her okay she how do I get rid of these under eye big okay like no I mean honestly at 18 I

Also had under eye Bigs like this but I’m trying to make her look like you know really [ __ ] pretty cute is Jan going to be spoiled oh I hope I’m the most spoiled I want to be the most spoiled yes it’s this face something about this

Face is op I think oh my God I’m already cooking okay and then something is changing within the mouth when I do this and I don’t know what what is changing what the [ __ ] I don’t like these lips I’m surprised that people choose this I don’t think I like it very

Much they love the lips I like it’s just I must be mixing it so weirdly okay you know what okay I know what I need to do we’re just going to have to manually do this guys I think we got to manually do this um how do I fix these lips

Though is it like this oh something is wrong something is so wrong okay okay I’m going to go in here okay hopefully we can fix that let’s see Lip lip thickness these lips they bother me so much these lips oh my God what a horrible thing what of a horrible

Thing oh my God oh my God I forgot I was doing skin okay wait face three maybe we don’t do phase three I don’t know just going to click around click around okay that one’s pretty cute that one’s not bad guys what happened to her the lips something feels so

Wrong does she have an under bite what is that is it an under bite what something is [ __ ] wrong oh my God oh my God please I can’t I need to mix this uh um back up a bit no no no something is so wrong something is so wrong

Okay okay okay okay okay go back to this except go up expand okay okay okay I think I have to face mix up here no that did nothing for the lips Char man for the win it like it it yeah what is my face to is it this guy

Oh my God no I liked face two okay what about face one uh Jess wanted me to ask if she could play too huh I don’t mind yeah wait why are you asking us well I don’t know how to help her oh oh like setting up oh she’s going to

Need to get WID listed huh yeah is then she’s going to need to download everything mhm oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean I don’t mind also I can’t beautify my character bro I’m with you right now I’m literally with you right now okay okay no no no we got this

Okay like I’m getting closer and closer I feel like it’s the lips okay my lips are like I they’re like very um fishy do they need fillers no they don’t I don’t need I think I think they’re um I mean she looks great honestly she’s looking much

Better I don’t know what the [ __ ] I clicked or what happened but honestly she she looks like so much better than before wait can you show me okay I mean she’s still a work in progress I mean does she look like what seline’s is no no no seline’s is like is like beautiful

Mine is um I’m working on it I’m working on it I I feel like what do I feel like um my character looks like a myON Titan like a Titan can you share your screen I want to see this there’s my screen my character has side Birds wait I want to

See my character or oh I want to see Eva’s oh my God Eva yours is you did yours J you yours you’re cute no no I I could do better I feel like no no Jen J I’ll tell you the truth why are my sideburns like that you could do me

Better yeah I could do better like but you’re you’re far above me I’ll tell you that I am no I am Eva I don’t know what happened bro I think you’re know how to help the wrong faces you got to at least like don’t okay don’t grab a random face

And be like Oh I’m going to turn this into a pretty face you actually exactly what I was thinking no stop you have to like at least work with a face you like and then you like kind of mesh it with like what you think could you know add

Something to it okay you know what this feels like it feels like we’re playing Galactic telephone holy [ __ ] I hatic phone and I elephone and I just seline’s drawing her [ __ ] Picasso painting and I’m [ __ ] drawing nothing no no no someone said it looks like Rob Schneider does anyone know who that

Is okay it’s fine you know what it’s fine I will I don’t know I I need like the best plastic surgant in the world or something oh she looks kind when you guys get to the clothing part make sure like you pair your arms and your undershirt and your shirt and

Everything well together because your character will look exactly like it’s shown so if you’ve got like holes in your jacket or like it’s peeking through things that’s exactly what it’s going to look like so you have to like pair things together okay I how do you know

This I asked my chat and my chat was teaching me oh okay can you say that again yeah I agree I’ll get I’ll get to it when you get to it the clothing part yeah yeah yeah okay okay I got this we all got this we’re going to get through this together you

Guys I’m not going to lie this is a hardest character customizing I’ve ever had to do yours looks so good S I don’t think you need yours is literally Sims like I can’t even believe you made a character look like that in this like what I don’t like I don’t even I can’t

Even like Eva Eva I’m on the same vote As Eva I’m flabbergasted right now like like I didn’t think when I first went in I didn’t think a character could even look like that I was just like oh everyone’s character is going to be ugly and we’re just going to have to

Work with the graphics right SEL I know oh my God I don’t know and I’m like are we even playing the same game I don’t think we are when I look at sel’s it’s just like do you have mods enabled this is mod guys how did you make yours look so good

You know actually can’t believe how crazy the customizing gets if Ray took three to four hours and Pokey took three hours I’m going to take six hours yeah yeah yeah take your time oh my God I’m dead my God there’s like legit surgical gloves this is this is [ __ ] insane this is

[ __ ] insane oh my God holy crap this was a good laugh thanks guys I’m just gonna go back and look at your character here what a that’s good that makes me feel better You uh Eva you got this I believe in you remember my tips you have to work with what you like first I’m going to try I’m going to try my best it’s getting better like he doesn’t look mang did it in 10 minutes well it’s not a race okay it’s not a

Race some people are more talented than others I don’t know if that’s a big deal I think I think her complexion is so cute all I want is a hot character oh my God I think you need to restart the face before ooh I don’t remember if worse comes to worse you all

I can go on your thing and then make it for you no no no no no no I think I I would like but I wouldn’t want you to do that okay okay this is something I must do to myself but I will say if your

Character is like a 10 and I am like a three I would not be playing RP with you I will say that I will avoid you at all costs can you imagine me standing next to you just to kill myself in Game Stop dude my character is desperate in

Desperate need for eyelashes though like eyelashes would be a game changer right now if I could just find eyelashes please okay this is as bad this is this I can’t get any better than this I feel like for the mixing part The Sideburns are [ __ ] bothering me

Though how do I fix this you think you think Chad help me to make this why is I just hoping like some logical reason why I feel like people in chat would want me to help them make this artistes are just different huh is it hair textures oh thanks that’s an

Honor what happens if I put 20 or what is this why does mine look like this I don’t get it minus one which ones are the ey thank you is skin to matter like that’s only for my skin am my balding in the back I don’t know I didn’t mess it

With it enough or like I knew each and every element guys I see so you didn’t mess it with enough and your character looks like that guys how do I make my hair that’s just how the hair is that’s horrible don’t look at the back of my head

Good okay thank you it makes me feel better what what makes you feel better saying that we’re not too far off we are far off don’t even we are far off I will not let you make me feel insecure about my character she is looking better okay I’m a three and maybe you’re

A five I’m like a six okay a six I [ __ ] her nose up oh my God go back dude this just shows me I should never be a cosmetic surgeon what no actually cuz I I feel like I don’t I like you would have to like really have a good eye for these

Things yeah you just have to be an artist I can’t find the gosh darn eyelashes Seline I’m going to tell you this your character already looks like oo woo okay you don’t need you don’t need eyelashes thank you no she needs eyelashes it’s been bothering me from the very

Beginning I don’t even know what the changes are when I click these things what is happening January fo 166 okay I’m scared to touch the nose guys I feel like it’s fine like I shouldn’t touch it right okay oh what what what did you figure out

What is this do but they look kind of scary are these are only eyelashes in oh my God I see what this is now okay she looks so much more now oh my god oh yeah Eva is so funny look now she’s got lashes you see

Look oh my gosh she looks even better she’s got lashes dude dude you are not playing the same game as she isn’t my God bro how I just don’t understand there’s just no way dude I could be a plastic surgeon in this game you could yeah you really could like he looks amazing

Like oh I think these are the lashes dude these are she does she have like a pimple in the bottom middle of her lips uh I don’t know maybe oh you should uh maybe bring her to dermatologist or something oh yeah I should I should you know J

J what if you shouldn’t be a a surgeon then I feel like I should never I don’t know like never mind okay five as eyelashes are really pretty I’m filtering through the rest of them okay eyelashes five fiveash it yes I need I need to it now five where is it where is

It fiveash fiveash in clothing and you scroll down to decals and then it’s number 166 decal MH okay 166 mhm holy [ __ ] 166 yeah dude the character customizing goes a little crazy okay these are the prettiest why don’t they look pretty on me Seline yeah I was going to say I think

You have to like match it with your with your um you don’t look good on me either I think it has to work with your eyeballs so basically the way I character okay I’ll give you a big hint it’s not bad when I was character customizing I try to make sure things

Aren’t like floating like they look cohesive yeah so like he important that’s what I was kind of going for and then it kind of worked out okay but look at my character guys really quick and it looks like I look like those voodoo dolls like those voodoo doll stitching

Stitches or whatever oh to make them oh I see oh that’s what she means by six okay maybe I need eyebrows oh I know what Seline means no no no so when you click 166 you scroll down a bit more and then you’ll see like this other arrow thing you click on

Uhhuh um to the right right now it’s zero right so go to like yeah go to like six or something unless you already did that then my bad no no I didn’t do that oh okay what is this five looks the best on me I think five also looks the best

On yeah I think five are the best eyelashes it’s so much better holy [ __ ] yeah I think she went up to a four now though she has eyelashes oh these are earrings oh my God I can’t I can’t guys holy [ __ ] oh yeah the hair textures dude I don’t know what’s

Changing half the time how come I can’t change this this side of the hair though oh the chin okay wait what what does this do oh so I I have a question what was your eye squint um what’s a chin thck of the no it’s okay I have zero eyes

Squid oh no wonder you have anime eyes that makes a lot of sense as soon as you said that I put that [ __ ] all the way down too okay okay okay okay okay okay okay you’re on my second Monitor and I keep glancing okay Eva what will help you a

Lot also character C make sure you like turn her around and stuff yeah and like look from like the side oh my God I want Eva Eva’s character looks like this oh you can’t see but I did it on webcam [ __ ] hold on I have I need to alt tab she’s oh

Honestly wait oh I remember I was like what was I doing was on scarves and necklaces is this dud I think my lips are like uneven you i i k you not I swear to you I don’t even think that’s possible on the left is like smaller in the

Right I can’t I I don’t think that’s possible I wish I wish oh my God suspenders are kind of cute but I God can’t wear these oh my God guys I’m dying it’s too funny bags I got a bag are these like backpacks oh my God this is just a a

Vest what if you wear a mask the whole time um not a bad idea actually her eyes are too light do you think it’s too light oh Eva you’re doing it I know I feel like the gray eyes good it’s cuz I gave it eyebrows and I would I would light

Okay I would lighten the eyebrows a little bit cuz like you see they’re like so pigmented they’re like kind of like standing out too much you want to like lighten that with the opacity yeah yeah so see see so much better yeah oh my God that brought her

Up to another number holy [ __ ] they got the look like a Titan anymore this is playable now yeah wait wait uh do I need a bag honestly I’m going to I have this tip guys if your character looks good bald she’s going to look good with a

Hair I’m going to work with her bald I don’t know guys something keeps calling me back to this eye I know it’s extreme she kind of looks like she’s blind in some angles because like you know like when a lamb okay this is like back when I was in seventh grade and I

Like dissected a lamb’s eye and it had that cloudy looking like whiteness because it was blind in one eye anyways it like kind of but like at the same time it has a charm to it you know like I don’t know apparently everyone’s the same and I was like asking chat I was

Like wait I swear I’ve seen people be different high and they’re like oh it’s cuz the girls heels are different high like oh that’s funny I know the girls what number hair is this tall and short 149 okay let’s see yeah she looks cute without hair I

Still think her chin could oh she looks something about there’s like a DOT there or something I don’t know actually this helps me see wait I couldn’t see Fu nothing’s changing oh oh [ __ ] it’s changing I got no ankles it’s like I’m jerking it jerking her chin off what is this

Oh yeah what were you saying okay look at my look at my screen Jan Jen ready uh oh yes I see it God I thought that was me stop it leave for Eva oh my God Eva dude okay cuz I’m bald so when I looked at your screen I was

Like oh is this me oh you took my tip nice I did I did oh wa you’re fixing her your character looks so much better too thanks but still but we’re still not seline’s level still what the [ __ ] you can twist their noses that’s so scary oh maybe you twisted your

Eyebrows wait what’s wrong with my eyebrows why’d you say that oh I wait why did you say that I thought you said it was UN I said my lips you’re making me insecure okay my bad I think it’s the lighting guys oh my [ __ ] god

Um default nose oh my God I don’t know is it is it she cheeks yeah cheek wi is it straight cheek with I didn’t touch it I left it at the center in the middle this is middle but now I’m like is it it looks Twisted she needs a stronger chin what

Does that mean like wider like this or like I kind of like this this is like a clean look I feel like this is too much going going on with the pants a more defined jawline oh so jaw bone from the side profile oh but I don’t know how like I don’t

Like it’s still I don’t what do I do her nose Bridges really bad can we work on one thing please let’s focus on the chin first and then we’ll do the nose and then we’ll put lipstick on okay guys okay is it chin cleft okay what is chin

Cleft okay I have a weak chin IRL oh this just gives her like the Peter Griffin thing I don’t like chin cleft I’m going to keep it like this chin bone length needs a tad higher chin bone length there we go a tad okay so this is like I think that looks

Good but I swear that’s what I did I love the poor posture representation as well girly has Technic no that’s not what I want what does that mean Technic no you guys are making me insecure about things I haven’t even noticed how do I get rid of tech

Neck guys I’m not trying to represent Tech necks okay side profile oh my God I don’t get it they all look the same no matter what bald ass head yeah it’s just easier to see everything if I make her bald that’s why whatever I’m going to make her freaking lips all

Like okay I actually might oh my Jen Jan I just looked over and your character is so pretty that’s so nice of you let me look over at yours oh okay oh yeah your character is coming along oh yes yeah you’re looking great sweetie a thank you the heels give so much

Height it’s actually crazy I want to put my hair back on there’s like straight up PL platforms oh there’s different colors oh my God stop this one’s so cute too oh my God now that I have like a face that’s like decent I want to pick a hair that I

Really like oh this one’s cute too oh my God oh my God the hairs are looking so much better holy dude before I hated all the hairs now I feel like I can really like look oh my God a this one’s so younger sister don’t you guys think okay I think

I need to change her makeup though her makeup is too like her ey Shadows way way way way too dark okay I’m going to pick the and then go opacity like do I like heavy makeup or light makeup I feel like the heavy makeup brings out her eyes oh my God I don’t

Know I know didn’t this hair look like make her look so much younger like a little sister cuz like my lore is that I am April March and May’s youngest youngest sister like literally like youngest youngest baby like it made her look so much younger I just don’t know about the

Eyeliner or whatever I don’t know what to okay let me figure out the oh nope oh nope nope nope nope nope nope nope guys I think my character looks better bald I think you just have to find a hair that fits Eva stop it Eva you just have to find a

Hair that fits your character okay I don’t mean a color like you should change the hairstyle okay okay okay see like that looks so much better yeah see okay I’ll work with this no I don’t want to work this oh my God I don’t like it okay actually it’s not that

Bad I just look really not ducky Dakota like oh my gosh she’s so Cute I really like this hair for like a younger sibling you know holy [ __ ] I can’t guys I think I found the perfect younger sibling here for sure I don’t want her to have okay yes lip gloss yes okay I like the lip gloss the blush not so opaque that hey

Bestie lion uh 08 thank you for gifting a sub thank you what did I just see you do I swear I just saw you put like a [ __ ] Master [Laughter] Ye and the Black Ops God that’s so funny are there like no studs for Earrings every earring is oh oh who’s Kiki why did the why do people say keep saying that I look like Kiki earlier I don’t know I don’t know if I look like Kiki that person must be one hella interesting look oh my God there’s watches in this game oh Kiki’s the default

Face that was [ __ ] guys oh my God that’s a default face that appear here is only when there’s Leg okay all right what undertone do I want okay so I’m guessing this is way too white can I not tell time without a watch or is that like not is it not as like immersive as that cuz in like project Zid you need a watch

To like look at the time oh you have a phone right we’re not in a zombie apocalypse we’re in we’re not in we’re not in a zombie apocalypse okay I can’t decide if I want her to have lighter makeup or darker makeup e the lighter makeup

Okay oh yeah maybe I’ll do an outfit that might help me pick more oh [ __ ] hell holy [ __ ] how long have I been here for okay okay oh [ __ ] oh my God for the win oh my God what’s going on oh my God where are her arms oh my God guys

Okay okay okay um I would okay holy [ __ ] how do I change undershirts to two Okay undershirt to two oh oh what is this what the [ __ ] what is an arms gloves wait what the [ __ ] unders shirt to three not two okay three arms and gloves to 14 okay are you [Laughter]

Sure 15 ah okay all right cool okay okay okay okay okay crisis averted crisis averted okay so undershirt so like can I change oh I see what is that okay ah I get it now okay weird why are my nipples purple unless those aren’t my nipples I don’t know anyways oh my

Why AR they purple oh is that what the sensor color is why do I like that okay remember 35 35 35 I like that okay anyways 35 35 35 I just have to remember 35 what’s with her titties sticking out like this guys how do I fix that are

There are a lot of clothes just like missing fabric it’s the arms and gloves ah I see okay so if I like a shirt I can just fix the fix it with the arms and gloves okay got it yeah I was going to say why is it doing

That okay I feel like a hoodie like this this is also can be sibling Vibes you know like just a hoodie oh my God this whole like her boobies are just man CH for the win um jargo can you put like a tube toop under shirt oh it got spammed up JB

Z for the 20 months welcome back to Tito Army when you’re happy I’m happy thank you if you change second number it changes the design oh cool that’s cool wow imagine January fo’s looking for her sister looking like this I think my sister would have a heart attack just

Saying she would be like what the [ __ ] I know is is only fans a thing in um Los Santos oh this jacket is so cute oh what a cute tube top or not tube top ooh motorcycle oh I like this motorcycle jacket I could ride motorcycles this is some Grandma

Dress oh this shirt is so this okay guys I need help what’s up what’s up for the makeup part uhhuh how do I make my my ey Shadow lower like do you see something how like my eye shadow is like where my eyebrows are you should just okay the most you

Can do is only like go through the different um what is it 12 124 124 so you can’t like bring up the makeup or lower the makeup I think you should just click an entirely different eye makeup chat remember 124 I liked that one which one did you use

Um 35 and4 yes thank you thank you you guys are the best thank God guys every time her boops with the colors it throws me off I won’t lie it throws me off every time I never get used to it I like nine okay I’m ready and I know I can fix

It well I don’t want to go in without you guys dude we are so far behind like we are so far I’m like at least 30 minutes to an hour away wait if I press finish am I just going to spawn in well even if you do spawn in maybe

You can just like spawn out oh but then does your body just like sleep out there I don’t know well now that I have more time maybe I’ll just mess with the clothing a little more oh lowering the capacity does help okay messing with the clothing is such a

Pain I actually thought clothing was the most difficult part I am there’s there there’s just so much clothing yeah yeah I’m going to be honest Janet what up I looked at my character in your character again I’m waiting for you to roast me we still look like we’re playing a

Different game than oh yeah I’ve just accepted the fact that like there is nothing more I could do to get to her level and this is the best I can do yes and now I’m just doing my like I’m like happy enough with it for mine at

Least I actually really like how my character looks She’s So Cute it’s fine you don’t have to return no turn C no it’s fine me and you look like we’re so cute over you’re playing like pubg or something you know wait no wait no you guys do look really pretty I

Think it’s F coming from where you guys were well Janny I thought your character was fine to begin with but Eva’s like Eva’s character has had the biggest change out of all of them uh Eva your character was funny as [ __ ] 26 a clip of the

262 please chat I love this like tight leather look H it definitely takes away from her like cuteness though as like a as like um a younger sibling but it is I do like it is lesie here maybe I need blush lesie where are you hello lesie I have been here

Forever January food you like I’m I tried to make her look younger she has like a cute little like young hair look I’m like I’m I’m going to be so respectful to like all of you guys would be like oh my God I’m finally 18 could finally hang out with you guys

Don’t have to go to school dropped out of College I want to be just like You thank you oh F oh thank you are you done streaming I’m GNA be here a while Lesly I was joking earlier chat I was like um where was it there was like skin where like I’m completely complely naked and I was like imagine January Foo running around with her purple nipples

Out screaming for April Foo or may Foo or March Foo looking for my siblings fully naked I think she would have a heart attack I am in the picking outfit stage I’m done fiddling with the face and hair there are so many outfits like I’m looking at this scroll wield hello oh my

God Ashley k497 thank you for the sub and fried pickle thank you for the sub welcome Raiders oh thank you so much for the raid my big sister raided me thank you we’re finally going in hopefully I’m just character customizing right now depending on the outfit I’ll change

The like arms or whatever so her boobies aren’t out the goodlook clothes are at the very end well I don’t want to okay so I have this issue mentally where I I want to literally go through every every single option in case I find something in here

Like you know a uh what’s it called a diamond and a hay stack Hy Hy stack That’s The Vibes I’m getting right now like I can’t skip to the bottom I don’t know what I’m missing out on you know what could I be missing out on April food have you

Seen um Bernardo 9796 sa the 29 months thank you dude I know I like lowkey want it’s like an intrusive thought to spawn in fully naked for some reason but I won’t I won’t I won’t has anyone done that before that’s so wild to me

What does it mean when there’s an X just means like it’s not in it hello uh it’s Liza thank you for the Prime thank you bikini is okay oh my God these pajamas so I can’t spawn in naked like this is what you’re saying I see

Oh what a cute little top so so Co yeah there’s like a pink cat esque I so many options done the stupid clothing yet there’s people did say the ones at the very bottom are the prettier ones and it it is looking quite nice I will say yeah

Hello do you think I have too much blush what why you are laughing nothing nothing just it’s just um no I don’t think so do you think it’s a blush yeah she needs Zoomer outfit a placement if it’s what’s bothering you okay I’m doing my best to think of Zoomer outfit as you

Can tell I am not Zoomer Zoomers would wear something like this you’re right like I see Zoomers running around like this oh yeah the the um I agree oh April where is that April’s a Zoomer April April’s a Zoomer oh I have Seline and Eva in the call with me

Okay we have written down so many options um okay um shut the [ __ ] surely surely it’s saved right right guys yeah yeah yeah yeah what did you look at my character my game [ __ ] crashed okay I am making my character and I’m spotting in there’s just no way no it saves um it

Saves don’t worry as you go Mhm you’re positive no I at positive but I crashed too last time and it saved where I was though okay Janet It’s Gonna Save I I believe in its ability to save breathe through my nose out through my mouth okay I’m loading it up my fingers are crossed have a deep breaths

Everybody wait there’s a helmet with cat ears oh my God oh my God I’m going to throw oh it’s got really hot in my room all of a sudden it’s going to be okay doesn’t save oh they better be wrong oh they better be wrong try to relax they said try to Relax I’m headed oh it’s hot in here oh it’s hot here oh no I don’t want to change the hair I’m like so afraid of change oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m nous for you oh it’s taking so

Long it’s taking so long to load in okay okay okay J Jen listen if it doesn’t save you now know what exactly to do and how to do it better oh my God I don’t know what I did oh my God no okay okay it takes so long to load

I think I’ve been doing this for three hours that means three hours all gone no no no you got this it’ll work Seline can you help me with the makeup part yes like do you think my lip color needs to be darker well you kind of want to match

Your lip tone with your blush tone I don’t really know what you mean by darker but that’s it yeah no I can’t show the game this is dark I have to wait for me to get in game thank you for making me drink water me Michelle thank for the sub thank

You and Crown CES thank for the sub thank you yes please can someone please tell me hello at your character uh prence thank you fine if I keep giving you my preference she’s going to be my preference over your preference yeah someone’s linked me I can give you like objective takes on

What you want me to help you with but like I i’ rather not like override your opinion with mine okay I’m going I need to fix the blush oh my God someone wrote it’s a character role played by ex Cho oh my God they already added January

10th wait who is even doing this they’re doing this like right now yeah you should just hit finish before you they like added backstory already wait this is insane someone already started adding info to the Wikipedia holy moly like that’s so cool but at the same time

It kind of scares me no y work so fast are have you guys heard of the Chris Jenner thing the devil Works fast because Chris Jenner Works faster or harder RP frogs are wild I hope I will not piss you guys off I will try my best guys

Nate Rod five thank you for gifting five subs thank you I’m a really big Noob so I don’t know if it’s like good or bad to like bounce ideas off with chat maybe I don’t know cuz I was thinking um as a younger sister how what kind of

Young sister you know there’s all kinds of young sisters I would was thinking oh I don’t know if my character’s saved yet it’s loading cuz there’s like a lot to load it takes so long to load like I don’t know if anyone else takes a long

Time to load but mine takes a lot to load I see it’s like it reminds me of going into like a Minecraft like pack or something um okay I don’t know if I should be soon today or just like April’s like my biggest Idol big sister ever and I want

To be just like her and just like and maybe it’ll make her be like no like don’t be like me you know what if she’s like no like don’t get like sugar daddy like no I’ll take care like you know what if she’s like I don’t want you to

Go down the same SP as me I don’t know who knows no no no I don’t want to no I don’t want to be competitive with April or be jealous I’m I’m down to be bratty though like really spoiled in Brady I could be like give me money or stuff like

That I could do that like April could be my like big sister that gives me everything but I don’t want to be competitive to my big sister yeah wait um um April doesn’t give money well who knows April is a narcissist oh my God okay but what if I could change [Laughter]

Her I could change her her youngest most beautiful adorable loving oh my god dude my game is just like it says 5m stop working and everything oh my God what is going on it’s just breaking for me yeah she gave May Young Money what’s her um relationship with

Mayang is mayang like just like a neutral kind of sister or is she like Brady oh she’s a dgen gamer mayang stabbed her oh my God stop the meta wait is this meta I can’t tell if I’m breaking rules I just wanted isn’t this good to no cuz I’m going

Into I’m going into it cuz I just want to cuz they’re my siblings so I think it would be really bad if I didn’t know how they were maybe that’s what I was thinking I was so scared that I don’t know I’m really scared and I don’t want

So scared I’ve never I’ve never RPD before oh I mean I mean I won’t go in game and be like so I heard you stab or anything I just wanted to know the personality like I’m not going to go in game and go up to them be like I heard

You did this cuz then like I didn’t who am I going to hear that from you know so I won’t use any information I’ll spawn in and and I’ll look for her and once I do find her it’s just like hey I’m just thinking you know I’m worried I’m not very good at

RP I won’t use it in game I swear or I’ll try not to I’ll try I hope my game loads load yeah I restarted my 5m so it’s loading up again I like closed it and everything and then I went on the site and I clicked connect

But they told me not to show the connecting screen until I’m in game so that’s why I’m on full cam cuz I don’t want to leak anything I was warned not to show it I do have pryo it says downloading content manifest 10,000 KB clothing you can’t have it

Overlap uh no you uh you can have things overlap it just has to work with the outfit and also just like make sure if your arms are like sticking out if you’re if there’s like holes in your clothing it means the holes are going to show so you have to change your arms

There’s different Arms scroll down on the left side oh just not the website so I can show like my five yeah and then you see down yeah you see arms right there so you have to pair your arms with um the clothing so that like some parts are invisible and aren’t like peeking

Through the clothes and stuff oh I see mhm oh what does it look like I got fatter arms I have listened to April songs no it’s Eva oh okay okay I’ll show you what I see then I do have pry of it’s just my game is like really not

Doing well so I can show this oh okay yeah so it keeps going to this like connecting to server thing and it freaks me out and then the last time I did this it said it didn’t go in or work and I don’t know why I did this is like my second

Time restarting it I did I restarted it so I don’t want to restart it again or close out close everything and reopen it but I but but I did restart it twice before this sorry it’s just everyone keeps saying the same thing so I’m like I

Did he licks ala thank you for the sub thank you is this thing on it is starting I don’t know I don’t know if it is I’m just going to wait though cuz I did restart it I swear I did like that’s why I’ve been I’ve been this is my second time restarting

It h if this doesn’t work again okay so then okay so then I task manager how you fix the the feet like my feet sorry I just got back what happened uh how did I fix my feet close window control alt delete task manager okay it’s not open I don’t see

Any any of it open everything of about it is closed your character stuff save I’m still trying to load in I’m having difficulties oh no yeah okay um make sure your character is in line with it’s Clos don’t see it in my task manager it’s fuled I thought this was

Aligned going to the no pixel site closing tabs except for my music no I don’t know it too sporty and thuggy yeah I think it’s too sporty okay you know I think weing a call connecting like your character is not really like um I feel like open 5m

You’re right yeah I’m not starting five you you ended up going with like what you like oh my God I’m so sorry my game is freaking okay I did go with what I would like yeah yeah okay and then so what does that mean yeah you can’t do like well you can

Do personal preference if you want what do you mean no what if it is working oh okay oh why is there a statue twerking all right this is better I’ll do this one why are they why is the Statue is it is working okay hopefully it’s saved pause

Champ you’re loading in wait why though I didn’t finish character customizing or like I’m loading in my character customization you mean not I’m not loading like in the in Los Santos right character oh thank God oh thank God I hope it’s saved oh my God I hope it’s saved oh my God I

Pray it’s saved oh my God I don’t know what I’m going to do do I click somewhere I don’t see like a do I what do I do oh my God I think this is the perfect hair for the character okay I’m waiting yeah I just need to make it cohesive actually

Oh why does it look like that why does January Foods look like that why does January foood look like that I’m selecting it I selected it it’s selected I I’m not spawn it might just be log in bro I am not spawning in I know what spawn in means

So I just create a new one do I delete this can I spawn and then delete it spawn and then delete it okay but if it if I don’t look like oh hello oh yeah yeah she looks so much more of your character that you’re going

For yeah right okay good I I can’t do the blush like it’s still pissing me off I don’t know if it’s the color the placement I think it’s the color it’s just it’s not cohesive I don’t think it’s bad but it just doesn’t fit her well you want to try a different

Blush can you expand do I oh yeah like this what does she look like without blush guys my thing didn’t save go on without me I’m so sad for you J J go on none of it not even a little oh God hello okay J I still have like an

Hour left I think just kidding like maybe 30 minutes left 20 what what do you mean drink water there’s opacity of it chat has the numbers okay let’s do this okay got the PS it’s okay a lot of the character creation and why it took

So long someone said to use the first PS going through options or you know Seline do you know if you did the default first Peds when you loaded in or did you just pick default what Peds P DS oh yeah I did you you have to do the

First one otherwise you can’t character customize yeah oh okay okay all right it’s the wrong numbers they are spamming Clos numbers oh you know every time I went like for the second time in my character customizing I ended up liking it even better so maybe you’ll like yours even better than your first

One okay okay nobody panic we got this okay I’m panicking but it’s fine I’m panicking okay I don’t remember anything fudge okay maybe it’s my skin tone change my skin tone oh jeez oh jeez oh gez Louise okay no I think something’s wrong with the face is it the skin thing though God

I struggled the most face one and two is wrong okay which one is face one 45 first face equals zero what do you mean first face equals zero face 45 there’s no numbers here though like what is the 45 is it this oh

Zero one 2 three 4 five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 there’s just no way you guys couldn’t just say

It was the last one is all I’m saying there’s just no way there’s just no [ __ ] way you guys made me do that just now wait hello there just no way like why did you guys do that to me okay I see I see all right

Okay you know I’m just I think it’s duped listen I think what I got to do is spend another few hours on this you know 21 is face two trust my Subs more true okay zero one two three four 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 okay I could have sworn it was already there or you guys could have just said it was the one on the left is all I’m saying it’s all I’m say saying all right guys there’s definitely better ways to do this okay

Um is someone on the left yes thank you so much for that face one heads 45 skin 45 oh thank you you guys have the skin oh awesome awesome awesome awesome okay okay and then um face two heads 21 skin 45 Awesome Face three heads

27 oh okay so if this is 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 okay 27 and then skin 41 54 3 2 one um wait did I click it oh wait Janet are you entering as January Foos I’m going to yeah but or I’m I’m

Also going to make one with you guys but I started as January foood and I’m In Too Deep oh oh okay SK two this isn’t my face skin 245 now mix now it’s all good okay no reason January can’t be friends with them you had face two mixed down face

Two there is no face two is there or or this one confused she had face 133 and face 3 as 45 What but I have face one as 45 oh my chat is saying I could spawn in as January foods and and be like these are my friends that I made or have that we’re all moving to Los Santos together I I just feel like if you start

As January food you’re going to end up just staying as January but I think that’s fine I just I just yeah yeah okay okay what Seline said wait I yeah I could just still be friends I was going to make another one well I would have yeah I would have

Had time to make another if it did see me yeah my my thing disconnected uh so I don’t remember my settings and then my chat was telling me settings but they were giving me settings for lesie settings for some reason and not my old one oh so now I’m like lost oh no

So you guys could go on in first without me so you’re like back to the beginning I’m done no like literally back to the beginning like like like like look like I’m bald again no eyebrows nothing you don’t even remember which faces you make no I I like nope no

N there’s like face one skin one face two like I can’t there’s just no way I can remember all of this did you want to start sing okay okay I guess we start good luck out there soldiers okay J we’ll come and check out on you

And stuff no it’s fine this is just going like it’s tough I’m going to defit I’ll be here a while figuring this out see you see you soon oh God okay face one is apparently 33 Okay 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37

36 35 34 33 Okay face one is is 33 how come it’s not highlighted when I click it chat is it going to be okay if I do that how come there’s no highlight though why am I Bug something isn’t right chat are you sure these were the these were it skin one was 34 if you didn’t go through all the options on stream earlier some options will be default what do you mean by That yeah you guys can pull up the VOD okay I’m just going in myself to do it instead of chat I thought chat had the info but I don’t think so so I’m just going to go in and figure it out myself so I feel like I’m getting

Trolled I’m just sitting here like being tugged in all directions it’s kind of dizzying honestly okay Expand um hm think I like that maybe I just need like Um maybe I need eyebrows yeah think I did this last Time and Then I did which was the cute hair it was no I didn’t have space bus it Was um it was this one okay okay yeah one of the faces is making her look old one of them those pesky faces those ones which one are you is this one okay that made her look younger a little bit a SCH smidge um okay yeah this is

Good what what is changing when I mix this part I don’t really see much of a difference I see a difference when I do that there something there’s a face somewhere that always [ __ ] with the lips is it this I don’t know what it is but there

Is something that is [ __ ] with the lips and I don’t it’s always the lips it’s always the lips so I know it’s one of these okay I am G to find you I will find you I bet it’s this is it it’s not skin two what is the skin

Here um maybe I got to do this oh all of a sudden she looks older can I fix that maybe is it a skin mix nope go back go back okay I like this she’s like Smooth like a baby bottom whatever this is this makes her smooth like a baby baby’s

Bottom the lips are looking better when I do that okay I think I think we can I think this is fine now and then we fix the rest in face feet um wait let me make her bald real quick it’s easier to do it bald CU then

I get to like really get in there you know really like get in there okay um what is the peite again oh [ __ ] okay where is a peak L ring oh [ __ ] oh I see okay pretty good eyebrow death oh I remember depth depth you know that’s fine okay and

Then I think the higher the brows the more like cuz this is like RBF you know like she has RBF but if I do this she’s very like innocent you know okay and then bone width oh I remember this or do I okay okay jaw length huh oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] uh bone

Width bone length I see okay bone height I see chin CLE is this the Peter Griffin one yes yes it is okay I see um how are chins I’ve actually never studied like a face profile I’m just going to keep it middle um bone wit oh I remember

This I like it like that very hell you know uh lip thickness okay let’s have like plumpy wumpy wumpy wumpy Licious lippies okay the neck thing made me insecure someone said I had tech neck posture and so now I’m making my neck like a little bit skinnier I don’t know

I’m [ __ ] scared now I I don’t know what that meant um we’re going back with these eyes because to me I really like them it reminds me of like snow and I’m January so I really like it okay not bad it’s not exactly the same as what we did last

Time but she’s still pretty I just don’t remember anything unfortunately but she’s still pretty yeah she’s still so pretty surely surely um okay um makeup okay I did like a brown pretty sure I did like this kind of brown oh right sorry doing her makeup again okay and then let’s do the hearts

The iconic Hearts okay that’s good okay and then I did like a glossy Lick Lick glossy lip but I made it like this or what color did I do it that’s fine okay honestly I’m just not too picky anymore I’m getting desperate I just want to

Play um oh okay and then if I go uh right if I go down I could do the lashes so down down down dickles expand 160 166 and then I go down again and I go to Five yes there she is there she is

Okay honestly this is as far as we got I think um and then we we she’s back she’s pretty much back oh right right arms and gloves I did like this uh the six one I think oh wait which one did I do five I’m going to do 15 I think it was

15 okay does anyone remember um what numbers I I wanted I don’t know if anyone remembers but I I named like three outfit number 351 oh thank you okay 35 um an undershirt I wanted nothing okay I kind of like this look where she’s not wearing anything

Underneath but she has like this yellow jacket like I think that looks really cute okay or my other option is oh I could do the color I really like the yellow I’ll see though I’ll see I’ll see but there is something so bright and cute about the yellow to

Me yeah people said the best clothes are at the end I did take a look at all of them oh right I did this one okay for this one I’ll need different arms so I guess like I just click around click around and find out which AR

Um don’t forget to get a mask because you’ll need it what do you mean I’m going to need more contacts is it maybe not possible to have like face can face can glitch mask fixes it sorry what face can glitch mask fixes it what do you mean what do you

Mean oh masks fix face glitches got it it’s called Kiki face okay okay how do I get a mask can I get it in character C customization or do you mean like later it is in clothing options okay and I could just take it off I

Don’t think this shirt is there okay I’m just going to guess this shirt doesn’t have okay we’re we’re going to scrap this shirt like I give up up on that I don’t know what the [ __ ] is going on okay what’s the third what’s the third one I had 35

124 what was the last one chat I forget 262 thank you 262 oh yeah oh but it’s glitchy oh what a shame I did change my arms earlier oh okay I’ll change well okay let’s just decide now um chat vote cuz I don’t have a opinion 35 or

262 if we could get a poll going in chat that would be B bom AF cuz I love them both but those are my two favorites do we have a thing going on we do right I don’t see it for some reason hold on let me open my

Chat oh now we have it now we have it feel free to vote 35 or 262 I’ll show you 262 save it I don’t know can you save I oh yeah 262 is winning holy [ __ ] okay 262 it is okay um I I guess I’ll just do the arm part

So it’s not so glitchy oh there we go four or can I just do seven since it works yay okay 260 okay now for the pants okay um I am bergo the four months thank you oh I don’t think I look like Elsa at all Elsa has um very long

Hair what the [ __ ] why would I ever wear this skirts in undershirts oh the skirts are in undershirts undershirts oh why would they put that there oh I have to make sure I don’t have pants on how do I do that oh that’s what these panty thingies are for oh Oh uhuh uhhuh um 35 someone said okay If you vouch for 35 someone said I’ll C you it’s not even an option I can’t believe you guys honestly see what I mean I literally listen to one person it goes to [ __ ] like this all the time I don’t know

Why oh these are all the skirts that’s it um 35 in pants okay how do I um you know guys I’m so scared I’m going to [ __ ] DC again it’s glitching out how do I save I’m not touching anything until these things load bro undershirt 15 if 15 is not

Loading click finish I have to load into to save guys why did you guys think this these pants would look good on me okay I typed in the number but it’s not going away oh I typed in the wrong place maybe if I change the color oh

Can’t okay let’s just do this okay okay no more none no more chat I got to do this I will figure this out oh my God this underwear is so cute I can do this we got this I’m just looking for the One okay okay okay okay how do I make my shirt not um go into my stuff you can’t oh [ __ ] okay oh wow oh wow oh maybe this is cute oh these are cute okay um Arun thank you for the sub thank you I will find the one some of the

Something’s going to click okay something will click in one of these mark my words there’s just so many Options okay did any of these work out I just something thing about the leather doesn’t match black pants cuz the black pants are very like okay if you say yep going to DC and I DC I’m crossbanding you how dare you curse me yeah I think I need to change my

Jacket I don’t think the jacket fits with any pants can I do this well then it’s just so much leather huh jacket isn’t a good top for most outfits oh do people usually just wear like um I have such a girl crush on Janet you guys people just wear undershirts

Oh yeah my arms are sticking through Claire thank for the tier three and the 34 months and Mike F thank for the one year happy one year thank you you can always change outfits later in game okay I know you say this but I don’t want to

I want to go in the game now wearing the outfit I want I want to wear it now everyone keeps telling me I could just change it and change it but I don’t want to I want to go in already looking my best Char man for the

Win I like this with the pants it works too except my pants are clipping through the body a bit so I don’t know how to fix that um like this like Blends this looks like good I don’t know if I should do the yellow though how do I what do you mean arms

Clipping shorts would look good okay and shorts would be in undershirt I think okay the thing about oh there we go we’re back okay oh let me take the pants off first okay pants go to like underwear oh my God oh my God oh my God her

Coochie oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] wait a minute I’m clicking on things that aren’t there do you know what I mean like the things I’m clicking maybe I just write the number like 282 okay 282 is cute 281 280 279 278 oh that’s cute I love the slit in

The skirt I don’t know if it matches the top though 277 276 275 I like 278 I like the little the little slit in the skirt it’s so cute I have a skirt like that in real life actually [Laughter] H sometimes I look at stuff and I think of ideas like being barefoot Are the cute shoes at the very end like the rest of the stuff or what or what yes okay thank you everything cute oh cute I like that okay it’s a good option to think about good option good option I don’t really want to be tall tall oh cute oh never

Mind oh my God these are freaking um these get Hella Hall bro holy Crocs honestly I’m down to do this as pretty casual I’m down for like some sneaker action what are these called again Converse like a Converse it’s very like I’m 18 kind of thing maybe I should

Change the skirt someone said it looks like she’s clubbing and now I’m insecure but I’ve seen girls dress like this just to like go shopping you know copium the top is off oh maybe you’d like it more in this color 543 is cute 554 I’m like clicking numbers that people are suggesting but

I why is this so cute that’s cute oh my God this one’s so cute to me I probably shouldn’t and that’s so cute too it’s adorable right wasn’t that so cute chat right that makes her look young okay you guys agree with me okay let me take the skirt off

Then I like this I feel I feel I know this is just my character but I feel comfortable in I feel like I’m like IRL like I feel comfortable um do I need to change the arms or anything oh yeah probably okay let’s see arms and

Gloves um let’s see what can I do my underwear is showing okay figure it out it’s not seven I tried seven we just got to keep going down it might be the pants oh can it okay then I’ll do seven it’s the legs it’s the pants okay Um what do I do what do how do I fix that hello uh Tiger Lily too thank you for the sub and thank you for the sub thank you uhoh uhoh oh yay I wish it was like this like this but with like but with like the I like

These stockings you know what I mean but this is cute we’ll do this instead yay we did it okay cute cute cute I like the shoes do I need to add anything else okay I have the eyelashes done masks someone said bring a mask in

Just any and then I could take it off whenever I want grab a mask okay okay not me like you know 190 okay 190 190 what is that what mask is that okay thank you oh my God oh my no as soon as I thought we were done there’s earrings [ __ ] oh

No oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] okay okay we’ll just settle for whatever we see that’s like oh this is pretty you know and then we’ll move on we just settle we’ll just settle it won’t take a long time we’ll just click we like it we won’t check check the rest you know what

I mean just I mean that’s cute too okay I don’t know I don’t know no that makes no sense actually like what is that what the [ __ ] is that thing also how come I don’t see some of these okay I’m going to go all the way down Maybe oh oh oh it’s like on my head we were talking about 190 for leggings oh not this so then which one do I bring for this what the hell wait I could bring a m or I don’t understand what you guys mean by mask I could freaking smoke a

Cigarette oh man she’s going to kill me my sister is going to kill me oh no I Vape I’m a Zoomer that Vapes just any is fine okay wait so what’s wrong with these pants or I’m confused where am I going for 190 am I going to these pants 190 for these

Pants I don’t like them for the wi okay anyways I don’t like it okay oh [ __ ] H where was I uhoh uhoh What’s um is it 1:8 what was it earlier oh I liked this I’m just going to be happy with this oh and it changes color that’s cute I’ll just keep it

Simple is there anything with the vests that I need to check out what are these oh no I’m okay man for the win uh wait that’s [ __ ] cute I can add ribbons in my hair [ __ ] stop okay obviously these ribbons are not giving but I think it’s a like it could have

I just wish the placement was different for the ribbons a little bit guys I hate the mask I hate it okay we’ll keep the ribbons then I like the pink what the hell is this I don’t want it Nails oh how do I get to Nails the ribbons are floating oh they

Are a my God I like it though okay let’s see what we can do then I’m going to go and take the mask off for now remind me to do it later I had 223 okay 223 for my mask okay I wish it didn’t Float oh I think I don’t think there’s a single hair style that will go with this you guys I really don’t think so hiel this one’s cute I don’t know is it floating 152 kind of worked this is what I had initially it’s floating though this is floating float float float oh

It looks like this hair was this bow was meant to tie this back like like it clipped the front looks weird I guess cuz it’s over flowing it I can see why but yeah I wish it wasn’t oh oh cute a I just yeah there’s just so many ribbons but this one’s cute

Too but it just if you stare too long this one’s cute too I know is there a way I can make the ribbons less like I love the ribbons I just wish like like this one’s extra down here or something this ponytail is so cute bless you honey bless You 160 to is the only hair that goes with the ribbons are you confident you sound confident I know I love the ribbons it’s very coet and I love coet and if I’m going to be the youngest sister and I’m 18 I assume most girls that age also love coet

Okay it’s very younger sister Vibes I’m going to go through every single one to see if I can make it work okay I’m assuming all of these suck I don’t even think 162 worked with the ribbons personally like I don’t even even think this hairstyle is that great with

It yeah I’m younger than May I’m like baby baby sister are there other ribbons okay Clothing and then go to where did I get it did I get it through the bags no did I no it was vest or yeah vest where are the other ribbons oh yeah I say BS Differently no others okay maybe in hats where is hats 60 are nails I can’t tell oh in accessories Okay so festive Okay I don’t see ribons that’s okay well say bye-bye to the ribbons I want to give her like studs or something or small little Hoops oh my God are those airpods that’s so funny for the win uh Samurai Lee whistle thank for the 14 months thank you 13 is studs oh thank

You are there like little Hoops like small little Hoops like this but smaller I could Do that kids kids wear Crocs crosses or I could just have earbuds In no I like my top color I like red I don’t want to change that okay I’m going to do the airpods red is April well we’re siblings so deal with It colors are colors you know I can’t even see my bracelet so I’m just going to wear this hello um I think that’s good airpods in when I role play can I take my airpods out [ __ ] I’m kind of scared to go Nails R 60 invest

No oh I can’t take my air okay I don’t maybe I don’t do the airpods then I don’t really know how to role play with airpods and what if someone says like something about it what if I can’t role play back about it don’t talk to me about my

Airpods guys we don’t have to pit the siblings together you don’t have to say who’s more beautiful and who can wear what color I just we just siblings oh that’s so cute I love that idea yeah I’m listening to April foo’s music that’s so cute okay oh right right my mask okay

Okay go to clothing go to masks okay someone says nail polish is 60 invest but if I do that then then I lose my think I’m I’m not gonna have nails okay all done we’re going in finalize my character Yay okay okay Eva Seline yes hi EV okay I have guilt so please tell me truthfully would you want me to remake another character and be like Doris and spawn in with you guys or do you guys want to be friends with January fuss um uh which character did you make

First January Foo I want you to go that character okay we are January fman okay why do you have Gil um because I know we had a whole plan of something else and then my game crashed so then I didn’t get to play and so now I feel bad I I’m

Not playing my actual character either right now oh awesome I accient I I have so much to tell you but it’s okay don’t worry about it okay for now okay okay okay bye okay bye I’m scared okay I’m so scared okay how do I

Take my mask off I’m okay this part am I allowed to ask chat for help like controls and stuff or like okay okay here we go okay okay here we go okay slash mm0 okay take off mask okay now how do I talk in game V

There’s no metag gaming okay chat do not tell me where people are and stuff like that that is meta gaming I will not go there don’t you [ __ ] dare okay push to talk is n okay testing fix my mic oh how do I fix my mic oh okay settings okay settings

Uh voice chat voice chat enabled wait how come it says off oh on okay system voice chat volume all good I think microphone enabled on voice activated push to talk right is push to talk the best do people push the talk or do they char for the win yes okay voice

Chat volume up oh is it not oh okay is do they usually do like okay I’m going to do like I don’t know how loud to make it but I don’t want to make it Max just in case so I’ll do oh they do 50 okay okay we’ll do this we’ll do this

Cuz I’m kind of deff and I’m always louder anyway okay microphone volume I’ll put mine a 50 okay J Jan Oh yes let me know when you you you um move in okay okay okay okay I’m doing my uh voice settings right now okay perfect make sure um you have the

One that Fades out of when you alt tab your chat should be able to help you with that one chat oh sfx might be too loud okay thank you I’ll do that okay audio okay do is there a save button do I need to save anything or it auto saves

I’m so I don’t see an apply so I’m just going to go to something else uh and if you have any webcam recommendations like where to put my webcam let me know too uh Advan options Advanced Graphics Advanced Graphics uh what do I do lower sfx volume wait what where is

That middle left is good for webcam right oh my God okay middle middle left okay this way okay um go to graphics and texture budget okay Graphics graphics and then I go to texure Bud where scroll Down my god I think I’m going crazy I don’t see texture budget Long Shadows high resolution Shadows High detail streaming while flying select then scroll Graphics click on graphics and then click this to scroll down you have to click on it okay I’m clicking down double click Graphics I see

Okay okay and then what do I do for this ex 70 to 80 okay how do I know what’s like 80 90 80 70 I’ll do 60 then okay that’s good okay cool motion blur strength zero please I get so motion sick voice range toggle key bindings oh key bindings for push to

Talk okay pause is p z is to zoom vus I’m not going to remember any of this who the [ __ ] is Michael and Franken Trevor what okay Um not here oh where do I go for push to talk 5m go to 5m go to 5m 5m okay GTA online not 5m oh okay okay push to talk is my n button okay okay N I could do that can do mouse button um okay I’ll do okay actually maybe I should

Cancel never mind this is fine now go to 5m remember to eat IRL ing game what do you mean remember to eat okay everything’s good now what did Eva mean by the um what did Eva mean by uh fading what’s the fading thing both audio mute audio on Focus loss okay

Audio and then mute audio on Focus loss off and then 5m oh [ __ ] what do you mean by 5m Whisper normal and yell what where do I get to there how do I get to the 5m thing or in key bindings okay key bindings what um and then 5m you guys

Said and then what do I do key bind 5m scroll down okay scrolling down what am I looking for player and then prox imity chat bottom voice player voice bottom voice player voice bottom voice player voice bottom voice player voice voice where the [ __ ] am I voice

Z z is default there you go okay what do I do with this now keep it at Z all right all right so y’all maybe go through this just to keep it oh maybe you guys just wanted to see what it was now test it out can I hear myself

Hello hello how do I bottom left will be yellow I don’t see yellow but I see white I have to P IRL first and then I’ll do it oh my God I’m so stressed got it you’re are you in jet okay oh my God oh my God I

Was so much oh my God okay Janet oh oh [ __ ] sorry sorry I was peeing yes oh yes um I’m at the apartments here to pick you up oh okay give me one second one second um okay mama’s name okay okay okay uh can you tell me your apartment

Number bro not right now Eva give me one second okay this is is meta by the way this is meta but just give me a second I’m reading lore right now let me just let me just read L um okay um I have okay sorry I’m reading the lore about everyone because

Lesie wrote me like this cute little thing um okay okay Eva um yeah we’re supposed to just like naturally run into each other got it naturally guys I don’t even know how to open uh uh uh um um okay walking I’m just walking walking just walking wait what room was I

In try to stand thank you for the Prime thank you I don’t know how to check my phone how do I set up my phone I’m it says on my phone okay use item Jesus my freaking God Okay give item Okay twatter post how do I go back on my phone home picture I don’t know how to take a picture okay K use item picture enter one screenshot P what the [ __ ] is going on chat what did you make me do what is p ah how do I take a selfie

Though oh I literally take a screenshot IRL Oh okay I hope I didn’t blink okay P oh my God oh my God oh my I have to imager it oh my God that is so complicated okay [ __ ] that okay we’re just going to do it later oh my God in the bottom pocket left what do

You mean okay P is for phone okay p hold holy holy [ __ ] I’m intimidated I don’t want to go out the [ __ ] door okay okay I got this oh my God I got this oh my God I got this oh my God I’m so

Scared oh my God I’m so scared oh my God I’m so scared oh my God you guys I’m so I can’t do this I’m so scared I don’t know if my mic is working I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know okay okay okay okay I hope my push to talk is

Working hello hi oh my God is that you Jer who are you you don’t remember you like I don’t even know name where we were in a house party and you came SMY SMY SM oh do you remember Jerry she has like really bad Bo at that party

What what the [ __ ] did you just say do you know who my sister is no I don’t but I just well you’ll meet her let’s go find her you better watch your mouth you guys are friends yes well a long time ago we’ve met each other we moved here together

Yeah I’m here to find my sister who’s your sister you might have heard of her April fools nope oh yeah I know April fools no April Fool really she used to yeah she used to own uh Pixel Perfect don’t know what that is it used to be

The old camera shop who is this guy he’s funny cameras don’t don’t phones have cameras why the [ __ ] camer Polaroid cameras well we’ yes and we’re very new so um um well you know what the we’re new to town but we’re not that new like we know how to navigate like if you

Wanted us to do anything just pay us like you want us to vote we will go vote I’m going to [ __ ] this [ __ ] up I’m G to [ __ ] this [ __ ] up this is going to be so bad oh my God this is so bad I will give

You money to oh purchase food uh however simultaneously let me show you guys the new city hall and where you could vote for me Max young dab thoroughbread I vot my friend told me to thank you uh come on let’s go let’s go guys this let go getting votes can’t believe it okay

We’re doing fine we’re doing great no problem can come do we have for him uh where is let me just get in this car yeah I could do this yes I could we’ll do a quick little whatever shotgun you always want you want shotgun okay fine oh oh you

[ __ ] I’m just kidding psych psych you can take the front seat well uh hey I really appreciate you guys honestly I I didn’t I didn’t think you would agree [ __ ] God I’m [ __ ] sweating well I’m just happy we’re not walking my God so you guys know each

Other from way back or is it just you and the yeah since high school you just moved to the city together oh you picked an interesting time to move back the econom is in shambles the government collapsed everything’s terrible in theory oh my God am I not talking

Normally care about any of that seat Bel seat Bel uh what do you guys give it to me straight okay I’m running for mayor but I used to be a pretty big [ __ ] back in the day on these streets okay yeah that’s what volume’s low okay okay volume okay higher oh my

God oh my God oh my God oh my God maybe maybe one day you’ll you’ll find out who I was maybe not oh my God oh my God uh that said oh my god oh are you guys uh criminally minded perhaps um um I I wouldn’t say ducky and I are you

Sound low oh I would never do about you January are you what are you up to these days you a filthy crimer no I just want to find my sister and um I just want to see what she’s been up to cuz I’ve been in school

For the past few years and I haven’t seen her since she moved here what’ you major in I dropped out a word I think Jerry majors in being a cison what is that what is that it’s where like they have profound love for a sibling oh what you want you want to

[ __ ] your sister no no that’s exactly what I think she wants to do no no she want admit it but she want admit it I’m not sure why is this like some anime sh no no I love my sister but not like that stop that you see this dog right here yeah is

That yours oh so cute hi it might have BCE or be careful I don’t know you don’t know that thing the thing might be R stop writing my Lord Eva a lot of people yes usually I see are you uh you feeling a little Daisy DA right now I I feel a

Little slow yeah yeah yeah that’s normal than my normal no no I don’t want to have sex with my sister oh oh my God they the voting polls are upstairs I am Max young Thad they’re upstairs to the right Mae Max Max in quotations young dab thorough bread that’s my

Youngb youngb before I vote for you can I have some money please hope you’re the only Max you know to buy food and stuff I gave you money oh mhm how do where would that your K musle I think it’s inck um I don’t think you gave me money

I give you like 49 bucks you scammed us no man I gave her money I think you should give her money again just in case I think you should give me some more money just in case and I promise I’ll for you listen up you go vat I’ll take

You to ATM on the way out boom ATM for what okay for money for her I’ll do that no Charlie man Chad for the win okay okay CH where do I go up the stairs okay okay he better not scam me this guy better not scam me no talking at the boots okay

Liber libertarian Catholic dude we know nothing about this guy he better give me more more money what if I say I voted but I didn’t vote and then I’ll figure out if he’s actually legit and then hello hello I think we should tell him to give you another $100 yes I agree yes

Let’s do that Max Max Max Max Max young Dad I think he’s waiting for us out here oh you kept your word perfect I’m a man on my word that’s that’s an important thing to remember and that’s why you’re in a wi mayor yes uh by the way woman of my word

Also uh white hair lady what was your name again oh hello January nice to meet you Max okay I got I got something that wor that’s worth 250 bucks for you how about that okay what uh check this [ __ ] out boom oh thank you what do you give me J let

Me a knife he he gave you a knife M dang what are you do with a knife give that back jenry it’s not good to do that don’t tell me what’s good or not to do I just turned 18 I could do whatever I want nice that’s the kind of

Independence we like to see okay fine J or you could use it yeah you can just spread butter on bread with it you know it’s got It’s a multi-use tool have you used this knife before is it sanitary uh I have not stabbed anyone with that Knife yet

Oh yeah well you can’t anymore since it’s mine yeah it’s your KNE you’ve inherited it good work did it um back to the apartment or what I’d like to explore more of los Santos since I just moved here go to the apartment because I have my car jry oh you have a

Car it’s probably a rental it is a rental sorry fine you can have it sorry it’s okay we’ll zoom on down sorryy sometimes does off and she doesn’t remember where she walks Sor oh my God is it bad if I accidentally laugh in game oh my God you

First wasn’t watching where I was walking I sometimes Let It Out by accident oh yeah yeah okay okay all right you guys want some [ __ ] tips since you’re new to Los Santos okay settings uh audio okay the police department has recently hired a bunch of people um so when you’re driving around

And [ __ ] be careful uh because they are they are handing out speeding tickets like a [ __ ] right now basically whenever get to like a four-way like this look left okay it’s at the max otherwise you might catch a ticket uh like me yeah I noticed you drive really fast

Yeah I got I got a I got a Need for Speed I’m not going to lie girls I like to go fast that but I do wish you didy the laws are you a law-abiding citizen ma’am I’m not I just like to do the right thing she is

She definitely is well uh you know me too wink I like you Max you’re funny think we’re going to get along quite well I agree thanks for coming we’re not getting along with any need because it’s we’re not seeing him after this January do you still like motorcycles

Are you still into it wow trying to find one but you know I’m broke we just moved well now that I have a knife maybe we can uh well how else are we going to make money what that’s what Max said no no let’s let’s let’s not use do

You mind handing that to me no it’s mine I can’t give a gift to someone else you’re not guys I love you oh thank you thank you all right let in the car and start driving we need to go shopping girls you guys can you hear me I’m

Whispering does this am I Whispering does it sound like I’m whispering hello uh yes okay perfect I didn’t actually vote for him y what’s up you didn’t vote for him no why what are some out um um Bella M thank you toan thank for the three months thank you this is

Your try to stand thank you for the sub thank you Jor you can take the front seat you’re so sweet Smitty oh baton you’re ruining my RP stop yelling back can you move out of the way for a sec oh yes sorry go all right get is literally ruining my [ __ ] RP right now please don’t meow hopefully we make it out alive we’ll be fine um so you have places like

Courthouse uh you do not want to go to the courthouse yeah you guys have already been there you guys are good yeah um PLO you have all the shops and stores your gas turn don’t worry no ker I I got this is 10o turn 10 point turn yeah point turn guys who’s

Calling what’s up how old are you again um I was born 200000 told I see I see I no I do not I set up uh times for uh like meetings and stuff um hey yes this guy is creepy oh we should drive off okay we’ll drive off

That guy was a bit creepy huh I think I’m on theong okay so um here I [ __ ] well what do you guys want to know about first she’s oh um jenor do you need to go to a clothing store or anything is there anything you want to

See h no I just want to find my sister but other than that oh I just want to explore Los Santos since we moved in here today this is It’s usually this is pretty late usually for April we’re sitting in the middle of an [Laughter] intersection oh you’re so silly

Ducky uh guys okay I’ll be honest I just renewed my license I can tell definitely been a while guys let’s go get some food no ducky I’m hungry to eat what is the best place to eat Papa U-turn yeah you want me to U-turn yeah okay this is not a U-turn what is

What is your name back sitting back there I forgot to ask Sor his name is kery kermy nice to meet you hello uh make a left right here January I we moved in I stepped out of my apartment ducky socked me in the face and then kermy helped us get to a

Hospital oh that’s so nice of you kermy not very nice of you ducky okay so you’re going to make a right not surprised um guys what’s happening on the right side Who he’s gonna tell to keep moving sorry man hi what seems to be the issue no no no nothing we’re just at a red light oh oh no no no okay pull pull over to the right up here behind his the for all right the restaurant’s behind us

Oh okay how do I lock my car El that was so scary cops scared me go oh nice is this restaurant people yes this is this is senior buns this is like where you’re going to get your highest quality food right now or you can go to like 247 or

Gas stations and they’ll have F there do they have any um vegan options they’re vegan yeah I know that about you oh great imagine this is like a fast food Burger Joint I mean I’m sure they have vegan options yeah oh beautiful Decor this place is

Fancy I got to get on the drink machine now oh okay go ahead and swipe these workers are weird it’s your birthday okay one that’ll make it happy I don’t know why they brought us to eat here there better be a the f I maybe the foodish just really good all

Right I think it’s we’re about it’s about our turn to order soon wait who’s paying uh let’s try to get ker to pay he’s like way older than us oh okay um kery I think we all figure out our wallets Monday uh yeah no you can’t uh you can’t get me

Like you did the other guy ker I will pay you back my sister she’s very rich no she’s she’s not what do you mean what happened I know can I she I assure you I assure you my sister has always had an eye for money nice it should be in your pocket

It’s not okay fine I’ll just starve okay K me is that what you want for me to start right there money on the ground right there did you goodness yeah I just saw this in book on the floor is that yours can I sit the money go I’ll try and see you

Tomorrow Noles two waters no ice sorry we were ahead of you in line you want to just share something yeah okay let’s get like a I don’t know a burger or something hey how we doing hello hello uh do you guys have anything vegan uh no we got burgers and we got

Fries and we got soda so I mean I could put like some lettuce on a burger I mean on like a you know like some bread and give that’s just not what a good vegan option would be because the Buns itself yeah is bad all

Right well I can give you like you know like that’s not true I love bread hor for you well me is even worse for you I’m pretty sure bread is vegan is bread not vegan nope Bread’s not vegan why is it why not it is it is vegan actually um

Made from yeah it’s vegan I’ll have some bread and some fries what about you ducky um I’ll have the burger um you guys take credit card we do okay perfect I think that guy in the back is going to pay yes okay yes you want comos or you like I have no

Problem paying um I soda any soda give me the lowest calorie one please get get whatever you want I don’t care uh really okay yeah so nice um you I got it I got it I’m getting it I’m getting it take care get the order you can do it please taking an order

Ginger calm the [ __ ] down Jesus Christ can’t do it look at him what is [ __ ] happen taking an order up yo get rested did you order for me ducky oh no got hey your order number is oh thank you so much what was your name

Again oh nice to meet you s I’m January January food jary January are you April’s sister or C I am do you know April yes I’m like I’m I managed her fan club oh my gosh my sister has a fan club she’s so cool I can’t wait to see my big sister

City awesome well I hope to see you around thank you so much for lunch you stay over there your F be ready soon thanks some bro no I’m going to go back there can you unlock the gate I got to talk to peut someone yeah de ass January Fizz oh nice

To meet you Malone I used to be on the same record label as oh my gosh I love her sisters I’m actually listening to her music right now you see my airpods oh nice yeah yeah I like her music a lot I’m literally like her biggest fan

Make my God my God I have stressed I’m literally leaving after this water I’m leaving after this water you guys are such a stressful crew to work with oh my God is my food here yet how long how much longer for the food by the way sorry I’m starving shouldn’t be very long

Okay okay um I think I’m extroverted I think I’m naive and I trust everyone I’m naive and I trust everyone oh oh thank you so much Daphne I’ll let my sister know uh that you say hi yeah for sure thank you thank you so much all right guys here’s the

Food um I see no food I need somebody on drinks though okay you need to go it’s going to be in the Box you put on the ground well are you going to get it com no I’m vegan that’s for ducky come on is my f on

Theor why it’s for ducky I don’t want it maybe he’s going to show you how to [ __ ] not waste food and put on the table jenry it’s not a waste you’re not going to eat it you’re so wasteful you’re the wasteful one it’s on the floor why would we eat something that

Touched the floor you don’t know how like when the last time they the floors fine how do I are how did you Flex that muscle is your pocket so your K muscle and then you can pick up up off the ground and then if you put it in one of your top five

Pockets the pockets that are labeled 125 you just hold that that number pocket you’ll put in your hand and you can hand it to somebody oh wait how do you look at your pockets muscle andilo five no I’m eating meat oh my God don’t laugh at me ducky

Es Escape your mind I’m sorry I was so I need to stop eating meat I’m vegan oh my gosh protein it’s okay what are you doing don’t don’t let the M get to you man it’s okay J J are you going to help me okay we didn’t see anything how do

You how do you throw up how do you throw up how do you throw up how do you throw up chat I want to go throw up well that was are you okay guys she’s not speaking to me I think she may have been broken throw

Throw up throw up throw up throw up come on now puke puke me isting puke oh no throw throw up she’s speechless now Spiderman oh oh my God January it’s not okay we could I’m going to just stand on this side to cover your your booty okay J can you can you

Please you throwing it up oh no honey I’m just no no she’s not she just had a moment guys look away please yeah someone’s taking a picture of You hey [ __ ] happen guys like don’t judge how do I stand up how do I stand are you done throwing up sweetie how do I throw it’s okay J no nobody’s looking no everyone’s looking don’t lie to her we got to get out of here please have a fantastic day the dead homies

Thank you are you okay okay I think I think I feel better I think I just need to wash it down okay maybe we should go home and rest a bit open container drink this am I drinking it okay oh my God oh my God oh my God I I

Haven’t eaten meat in like 5 years and I don’t know what you were thinking shoving that down your mouth I I don’t know I don’t know I was just so hungry it’s okay it happens we didn’t see anything yeah we can just blink kermy for bringing us here anyways you’re

Right but if anything I think we need to fix your throwing up position well it’s not like I could control my body when I’m feeling sick you’re right you’re right am I taking you back to your apartment uh yes please ker me okay so how do people end up making oh

My God I feel like I want to throw up in real life oh my God you can be a sanitation worker you can be a group six driver you can do lumberjacking oh uh oh my God odd jobs like I’m I’m a judge’s personal assistant oh where do

We find the losers to Swindle money from uh you know just watch him leave the apartment okay that’s good to know are there jobs that don’t require much physical labor escape to cancel eating thank you oh my God I was panicked I just ate it

All you could be a driver oh no Smitty cannot be a driver she will fall asleep at the wheel yeah maybe maybe if I drove something that wasn’t you know a box we should probably get you up and you doing to think I need a shower okay we can wait for you outside

Your apartment thank you do you live in Building A or B I wonder what this is all right I wouldn’t touch brown bags outside they can have drugs that was odd you guys it was just a bunch of sketchy outfits um maybe we should throw that

Away maybe you should wash your hands um K can you click check your mail it um has your apartment number and everything oh oh yeah mine’s B22 I keep forgetting espe because we just moved here it’s hard how do I click it B2 I’m B apartment that means I’m next

Door yeah we’re in the other building oh okay I’m going to are you not in this building yes I do can can I walk you guys to your apartment so I know where you my place for a bit yeah can I shower at your place is that okay awesome

Honestly if you want you can also move in I have so much space wow and you just moved in yeah I think Smitty wants something what’s wrong Smitty just reminding you I did throw up all over my dress so bu it’s okay and I don’t think you’re wearing a dress

Remember you pun me in the face right here oh I do remember oh this is where we live oh yes this is where we live oh my God it you know me punching you I just it’s still something I wish you would forget I don’t think I’ll forget

That one for a while SMY are you also going to come up to my place you can also go to your place um what floor are you and what I’m right here actually oh let’s just stay here then I don’t want to climb any more stairs two Yep this is

It right make yourself at home guys um you said your apartment nowhere to sit yeah I was just saying that just so I could convince you guys to come over can you show did you need help showering just like when we were kids yeah just like when we’re

Kids I’m okay I’d like some privacy please is there no door I see um we won’t look so don’t worry um how do I take my how much money do you have Smitty Hello play shower Audio Oh my God where’s my phone okay that’s thank I’m wash I know the water did you take a peek at here Jerry’s taking a peek at you no she totally did honestly one of us just took up on her though she was not

Answering I don’t know I don’t want her to think I’m peeking on her cuz she was saying like she wants privacy e cancel is it EC okay ah all done are you good now yes oh nice maybe we should go um hit up a nightclub tonight oh that sounds so much

Fun I’m so down I I have a fake ID too so it’s perfect wait uh we can just go to a club that’s 18 plus oh but don’t you want to drink um I’ll I’ll feel I’ll see what I feel like when we get there it’s January F shut

Up um ducky have a door isn’t it this way ducky oh it is that way oops shut up PL get out of here I don’t can you can someone GPS um me to the club though oh do you guys know how do you uh I did set up my phone

Yes let me be on your Metro guys we should take the transit system transit system but I have a car fine you’re so spoiled ducky you know what got to use your resources jary oh my God I don’t know I don’t know what to do we’ll figure it out in the

Car I don’t have I don’t have your guys’s number on my phone oh yeah I forgot oh my God cute y got a new phone okay I’ll go out first okay okay what’s your phone number 420 4 53 4505 oh that’s pretty easy to remember when made you change your number

Ducky U just you know moving into a new city thought I’ll just freshly start especially with my crazy ex texting me nonstop ew he’s still messaging es you yes I don’t know why he’s obsessed with you I know January what was your number again

Um is it the same one you had in high school no no no it changed it’s uh 420 okay 086 3161 okay uh what’s yours Smitty all right um 42312 wait when did I get $149 you deleted me ducky no I just never added you because I was lazy oh my

Gosh what Smitty I did not put your phone number in I’m so sorry it’s okay yep perfect thank you and then text back this is January submit did you guys get my texts yeah awesome did I drop my ID oh my god did I

No no no isn’t this my ID oh I locked the door sorry about that use item January F oh okay I see why are you pulling at your ID that your real one yeah I lost my fake ID I wonder if there’s a place to get a fake one here

January was at that party but she’s born in 2006 yeah I think I think her sister snuck her in or something yeah J you at my high school party how did you sneak in did your sister like like bring you in or something yeah she’s an awesome big

Sister I see I did not know you were this young you know oh well what equip it nothing nothing um guys I don’t know where I’m going if you guys want to GPS me that’ be great oh my God I don’t know how to oh I’m it’s 2029 in

Game what I actually no that’s so insane for me to ask it says 2024 though God damn these lights are taking forever can I just rent it guys no no no I can’t there you go oh Lord okay that’s confusing I don’t know how old I am in

2020 wait how old am I um I I think it’s called Vanilla Unicorn here 18 oh I’m still okay I I think so okay uh where’s that we can just check I’m looking at the GPS and there’s like a symbol with a heal oh I’m 23 okay oh

Oh I can drink I need water can you just put it in my GPS I’m so perched uh how do I do that uh I don’t know figure it out Jer can you help her aren’t you supposed to be like I can direct you yeah you can

Direct me that works okay um oh wait you’re going to oh yeah I think you did didn’t you you oh did I can you can you see that’s how do I GPS the destination oh great yeah it’s literally on screen right here Escape I’m so glad I was getting

Tired I’m talking too much M for map yeah wait Escape take a nap while we get there take a car nap oh oh oh oh good job Smitty I see it on on the uh the GPS screen right yeah the G screen oh she’s probably knocked out

Already oh I made sure to get this rental car cuz it came with the GPS system I can’t believe you just moved it um what no nothing I think I’ve just it’s just been a long day of moving and and I thought I saw a car fall from the sky

But I honestly I’m slow I must have blinked you must have blinked there’s no way that happened no way oh I’m just going to run that light I didn’t I think it’s too late for me to stop no well um I hope there are no cops around yep it’s only legal illegal if

You get caught right we’re almost there maybe we should wake up Smitty right now no let’s let’s wake her up once we fully get there oh this is a sketchy area what is it okay I need find parking spot though I don’t want my car to get towed

Right here oh nice oh um why are we the only cars parked at this club Club no maybe they don’t open today oh no Smitty wake up are we here yeah we’re here come on it’s a Saturday night and there’s no one parked here oh maybe this isn’t in

The club or something where are we oh oh I think Smitty saying something what’s wrong I think the entrance is is where this way yeah I don’t know I’m going to be honest none of this seems like night Clubby yeah this is scary you guys good thing I have the knife that

Max gave me maybe I should vote for him actually nice oh it’s been broken into oh my gosh this is so scary um um this is the wrong nightclub have I’ve never I’ve never been to this kind of nightclub before not you’re young but I’m kind of curious aren’t you

I am too let’s just go in and check it out honestly maybe we can get a job here too whoa whoa I am not working here okay oh the interest is oh look someone’s going in oh yeah freak oh Fu GH down here excuse me excuse me

That guy is a c a ghost town in here oh what happened do you guys know have anything going on I’m bored as [ __ ] um if you have money if you have money we could uh we could hang what does that even mean what do you mean we just don’t have money so

There’s not much we can do without money you know what would we do with money what is there to do this is our first day here I’ll I’ll three of you yeah my name is January what is your name [ __ ] Stars aligned for the three of you to have a day together that’s

Crazy my name is Dre Dre deor uh you can call me Dre deat to if you can’t roll your RS your de deor I got this Dre de Tori oh T Tori Now give me 50 bucks please what in the hell you that broke God

Damn what we are pretty br oh sorry I I’m TI uh my name is Smitty hi Smitty what did you say your name you can just call me Dre that works Dre yeah his name is unpronouncable just call him Dre okay well I mean other people seem to do fine but you know

Anyways so what is there to do around here uh well there’s I don’t know that’s what I’m trying to figure out no one’s saying [ __ ] on the twatters I have an idea why don’t you give us a show I love that idea get up on there

Dre how do we sit show doing what you know on the pole get up there come on I haven’t been trained to work to work like That1 Dances all oh cuz I have Spider-Man to the favorite um clap come sit next to me I’m so excited I’m so um you’re so excited are you are you a monk ducky monk why are you sitting like that um I can see up your skirt ducky o

I’m wearing shorts I’m wearing shorts don’t be silly Jen um okay how do I sit chat how do I sit how do I sit e okay fine I’ll change positions placed emotes F1 F1 emotes placed emot Saturday Smitty Saturday wake up sit sorry what sit chair sit drunk oh

Shoot oh this is bad this is bad am I on it I’m make a short sweet oh shoot I think I’m just going to stand I’m very excited for this woo let’s go Trey okay um oh hey hey hey hey is this how they do it

Hey song all right the rest gonna cost you let’s go y throw nothing at me you could keep going we love a free show we love a free show lie but it just don’t happen in the city you feel me okay now for real though whose first day is it here like

Actual or y’all just it’s all our first days we moved in uh we came from the same Suburban City and now we’re here in Los Santos just turn 18 so you know Freedom you can’t say that in here oh well no one ID us so whatever yeah because it’s a ghost town but

Still I better be safe than sorry you know um Smitty you can fall asleep she’s zoning out she’s zoning out so tired make okay let’s uh let’s go head out then back to with this help who’s the brokest one what are you doing in there making it rain on Smitty look it

Got her up oh oh wow okay let’s go here you go Smitty oh oh thank you oh got any more of that Dre yeah why do you favor Smitty cuz you know I like the The Humble quiet type personally oh I’m humble I’m just not quiet am I quiet

Oh I’m saving up to to start a business anyway so that’s the biggest thing well there he goes all right are there any more um clubs to go to there were other bars just a word of advice uh y’all on the South Side three women alone be careful out here you’re

Going to get robbed oh no oh thank God I don’t have money true you that might make him mad actually oh oh that scares B let hurry up and get out of here guys oh my god get in the car hurry hurry hurry guys thank you you guys really want to

Get stabbed right now like can you take any longer sorry I think January was just waiting for me yeah be patient okay where should we go I don’t want to get stabbed what do you mean GPS us I GPS oh nice midy okay we’ll wake you up when we

Get there go take a nap okay yeah I you did good thanks check Twitter for parties oh okay um okay p and then Twitter and then there’s like no cars and it’s all red are you [ __ ] kidding me just move City sucks just move to Los Santos dead nightclub terrible traffic going on

Tonight winky guys I was just about to fall asleep but then I saw there’s deer heads on these traffic lights um yeah I wonder why oh that’s so cute maybe they didn’t have time to take down the Christmas decorations oh honestly I’m just going to run these lights like Christmas

Are people responding how do I check my responses oh oh I’ll see the RT oh cool oh okay so what do you guys think about the city so far oh my gosh you scared me sorry wait what what did you say how do I take this

Go away go away what do you guys think about the city so far it’s a little boring that first Club sucked I hope we find a new one oh that guy has a nice car are you to get out hey oh it’s a grandma hey Grandma nice car I think she’s a local Oh that’s definitely a local yeah I think it’s a local Fu God move it grandma wow she I wonder what she does for a living yeah her car looked nice I don’t know but she needs to learn how to drive or hire someone to drive oh this one looks like it has

People I need to find Park oh yeah this place is popping do you think I can park maybe oh yeah there’s meters yes okay give me a sec um all these cars look broken into um okay wait um I hope I they don’t break into mine I’m a little worried did you lock

The car come on guys let’s go GH I hate cigarettes oh my God it’s a ghost town here oh here come to the bar and [ __ ] you know what’s up what do you mean we are in here oh what a minut a ghost down we’re in here you know a men what you

Talking about we’re lit I mean it’s still ghost town like there’s only one of look at the all this empty table Yeah but we’re like 15 20 minutes early and we are the lest people that you’re ever going to see okay so it doesn’t even matter all right what’s your name for

What yeah what’s your name my name Daniel bfast what’s your name my name is January Foo January Foos nice to meet you señora behind me sh what’s your name I’m ducky ducky ducky Just Ducky okay what about the other SE P back and forth and [ __ ] I

Just got here my name is Zeno oh my God I think I think I spoke to before maybe oh my God she’s so attractive oh my God where’s uh DNE are we going to be here for a b God U honestly I believe so I think we should go looks

Boring well he said he said we’re early oh we’re early yeah okay well fine I’ll take a SE um let’s just grab I heard my name someone say my name any music coming out here oh my gosh I should totally DJ hey Jerry you should check what are

You doing up there I’m going to DJ oh okay I’m checking Twitter I think there’s like a party going on or something in like a few all right I’m going to play my sister’s songs what’s Alt ey has songs too what is what old [Applause] me hey it’s your girl April I’m so sorry it took me so long to get on a track I’ve just been so busy [Applause] doing Hey can I on it I I don’t got Czy January’s tired of DJing that’s exhausting it is hot up here are you doing okay Okay here oh thank you so much here was EX exhausting hey Drew Drew it’s Dre Dre my bad close enough I shake my ass for you you called me Drew that’s crazy yeah Dre yeah Kai oh I mean Cal that just means his booty ass shaking wasn’t good

Enough for me to remember ah yeah it didn’t leave an imprint he did shake it for like only two seconds I know I don’t know why he’s so entitled because y’all didn’t pay me nothing I would have kept shaking well we don’t have money and we already told you

That well I mean men never listen currency how do we make money E I think we should work at like a burger drink tomorrow the burger place we went to where January through up I can’t ever show my face there again plus I’m still vegan and I’m never going going into that store

Again okay honestly that’s fair considering the everything that you did on the floor people better not have taken pictures of me I don’t think anybody did okay good you know we’ve been in the city for a bit and I haven’t seen a single stop bike oh like a motorcycle or like a bike

I’ve been wanting a motorcycle but I I haven’t seen a single one of them wonder where they are we can look around for it yeah let’s see if there’s any job apps on the phone let me see okay job center no no no no all right hello everyone while we’re waiting for a

Little peep to peep up let’s get some beats flowing shall we let’s go let’s go let’s go was that the DJ so hello everybody in case you don’t know me my name is soti I’m just doing a little bit of DJing before and then I’ll be performing I’m mainly a singer but I

Just also am a bit of a filler Queen when it comes to this city so when there’s a gap in your entertainment look no further than me I will fill all your holes please do no pickles only tacles all six of them any hole is a go that’s what I’m

Saying okay F1 emotes and then dances okay okay Okay forever gosh what is this song called big toe forever I’m a big it’s called big Toe got theam light show hey glad you guys can make the party oh hi DNE see yeah you can suggest my first time makes me laugh this is horrible that’s so bad it just makes me [Laughter] Laugh what is am I supposed to be holding a drink hey y please rwi so we get this party bum then people know that there’s actually a party going on and I’m not lying to them real um thank you real true retweeting if RT RT thank you

So much you know what maybe I’m just supposed to be bad at dancing I’m tired no you’re not push come come I’m gonna go sit Mind Over M yeah he’s oh Pump It Up remember this [ __ ] Pump It Dr oh [ __ ] hang on I think the exed I’m sure we’ll find out hey hey hey hey these are old bangers oh [ __ ] it really is why you’ve seen me sit like this like three times oh my God this is a [ __ ] right here perfect freaking time for me to

Learn how are they pumping it pump oh my God what is that what are they pumping what number is that pump it with us come on pump it h all right um 1436 what’s it like a non-metal way to ask for a thing there’s shot

There you know if I was in charge there wouldn’t be a c CET but that’s another thing all right I’m going to attempt the pump it’s my first time doing this move please don’t laugh at me puming pumping yeah just got to think about pumping this is not pumping oh [ __ ] okay

[ __ ] that I don’t think this is pumping I’m sorry it’s fine hate you guys I [ __ ] hate you guys chat chat crazy you guys [ __ ] lied to me I did [ __ ] Pump It do you see that I [ __ ] did that you guys okay oh my God

No it’s not eum you guys lied to Me oh that was exhausting I’m also going to sit I hate you guys I hate you guys I hate you guys I hate you guys oh is there STS hey there you go get a pumping I see you I see you back there oh my God oh my God

Oh my God you guys I I wanted to just pump like this and you guys maybe go like why oh my God I can’t even oh no I think uh we should start like at a job I can’t even right now I hate you guys oh prim’s got moves

Whoa that guy is fast my soul you know the gritty oh my God real true tax season how y’all doing how you doing you know what we should have done you guys we should have gone shopping and bought clubbing fits for this oh we should have we’ll just do that next time

Y’all ready to hear some real rap [ __ ] I’m about to perform for y’all oh are you the main DJ I’m not a DJ I’m a rapper I’mma perform my song for y’all okay oh [ __ ] okay my name LOL okay lollipop my name is January nice to meet you I was born in

January oh me too hence January I like it I like it I have a a sister named May young and she’s born in May and a sister named April Foo and her birthday’s in April so it runs in our family goes You Hell Yeah well yeah I’m going

Just do my new song I performed uh I I I recorded today so what did you say y’all let me know if you like it if you don’t like it give me some feedback maybe all right IAL love to hear it oh yeah hell yeah

I’mma ask uh D what time I go home ears off we just waiting on a few more People y’all looking good tonight though oh thank you I was a little insecure about it yeah no problem problem yeah you sir um how do I like cut it down I don’t know like blush thank you like I need to learn all these emotes there’s so much to learn

Honestly whenever you want to Go’s just wait minutes Expressions yeah yeah you can tell like you want to start when the song is over whenever want let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go why do all these Faces there sh all right you know what I’ll do that later I want to sit withar that look perect to me okay F1 placed emote sit go around arrows rotate I mean no mouse wheel rotating God knows where WD can see up my [ __ ] skirt so let’s not do this

Cancel okay is from Connecticut I thought from going to just sit like this F1 emot sit Escape did I hear your name is January ma’am oh oh yes sister oh nice to meet you Tanner how do you know my sister she’s a friend of mine oh yeah everyone knows my sister

Honestly she’s awesome I can’t wait to see her I just moved I turned 18 and uh decided not to go to university and I just want to be near my sister just going do you uh do you know what she’s been up to okay she just hey what’s up

Yo oh hi Daphne Tanner was just telling me that um that he’s friends with my sister April she has so many friends yeah I mean she yeah she’s pretty cool oh by the way since you’re new and everything um send me a text I’m in the Yellow

Pages if that’s easier for you or do you want me to show it to you that [ __ ] banging oh [ __ ] me yeah I’m in theow PES as well if Yow okay got it thank you nice to meet you guys oh [ __ ] okay oh I see that’s what this is Yellow

Pages wait sorry I wasn’t paying attention I saw some jobs there you are I think I’m probably going to head out guys honestly I’m pretty sleepy Too I this club is just boring us then get up and perform yourself make it entertaining I think they heard us City yeah I think you’re yelling [ __ ] yeah you’re yelling damn this guy’s gas the coolest one on the Block if you didn’t want anyone to hear your opinion don’t

Yeah I see Bandit I’m GNA put it on the ground am I not yelling what’s yelling then I’m so confused were we yelling I guess I was but whatever she didn’t have to be such a [ __ ] what a [ __ ] I know like holy [ __ ] she even one performing she’s Projecting oh I hope your car didn’t get broken into oh no oh no car looks okay is the only one that didn’t get broken oh yeah wait yeah is hello anyways I’ll be telling my sister about that [ __ ] who was that again was it the [ __ ] chick

Yeah the [ __ ] chick I remember her what a [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God I feel so bad I’m I was wondering we should stop by somewhere I have such a girl crush on Janet you guys no I can’t eat eat anything anymore I’m so full and sick from eating meat

Today um the tier three sub in the 15 months thank you ducky yes do we I’m going the have to give this car back be honest sometimes try it works I assume I just rented out my eyes itchy tomorrow I’m just going have to write another car I’m just going to run

These lights I think you should say [ __ ] it and just run all the lights like I I don’t think there’s going to be any cops around here nice almost ran into that local uh oh yes I did enjoy it I just um want to uh I want to learn all the emotes

I think emotes is going to play such a huge part of rping because for me I anyways I like to express myself so I I want to go to back to our rooms yeah I thought we were headed back to the apartment oh can you guys GPS me

There oh I think we’re in K Town right now oh wait I think our can hop bar it please teach me oh so we’re almost home then I think so I can drive someone somewhere see if I can remember my way back uh lesie writes them down on another screen oh that’s

Genius okay I might do that then I do want to go home and be in my room and oh yeah let’s avoid that cop area that sounds bad oh we’re home we at home is that a guy perched outside oh yeah it is that’s so creepy there’s no parking spots guys you know

I think this is good enough it isn’t your fault oh you know what you fit right in oh but I can’t get out um I think you should just climb in the back seat how do I flex that muscle so I think you flex your

F1 and then like it should be like the seats that goes in the back oh thank you ni crawling you crawled perfect thank you thank you I definitely flashed like everyone um hey what are you doing up there hanging out everyone throws their trash up here so like I’m the guy they

Hired like come clean the trash up here oh sa up there Phil see the fell they there was four mask and a sen your buns box thanks Mom love you too out here Mom are you coming over me and smitties uh sure I do want to like practice in the

Mirror some things you know just some muscles and workout my facials and stuff cuz I just got Botox so it’s feeling a little tight yeah I was wondering why you looked a bit different I just need to move my face around a bit kind of just want to decompress to be honest oh

Holy okay in the mirror one I ACD locked you out okay all okay let’s see okay what are the Expressions okay angry honestly guys FL um do some like I didn’t fully unpack yet everything I think I left some mask and things look through them I kind of want to throw

Them out drag them to the bottom oh I see what you mean okay what does happy look like though oh happy’s so cute okay oh what do you guys think about the town um I love it so far you know I just had a rough day really tired wasn’t really

Myself well do you think you love it though because your sister’s here I think it’s cuz I just know my sister’s here and honestly she had so many friends did you guys see that my sister is so cool I can’t wait for you guys to see her I think someone called her broke

Though no he’s probably jealous she has a lot of jealous haters I always knew she was always getting into fights with people oh when do you have plans to meet your sister not yet no I don’t even know if she’s uh she knows I’m here I think she thinks I’m still at school

No I guess you’re going to surprise her huh yeah guys I am so tired do you see one of my eyes are barely open um look at me J yeah can you sit down I can’t see it can you look at me now oh no what

Happened do you want to go to the doctor and see oh no I’m okay just closing my eyes for a bit felt good oh okay oh it’s fixed you’re good okay um maybe it was like the botox I don’t know okay sometimes they put some weird like

Formula in their own bone talk stuff and fillers yeah uh are you guys tired at all are you going to sleep anytime soon or yeah I just want to practice my walk for a bit can you guys tell me if this walk would impress my sister sure oh

Um you look that was hideous I would slow okay okay what’s the impression you want to give what about this hey sis how you doing sis I can’t seriously like that Mission please do not embarrass us like that try okay maybe should do something a bit more

Cutesy or okay sassy okay what about like this oh um that could work right Smitty or you think she should hey April I think you would creep your sister out like that maybe you would try a different walk I know there’s a lot of ways to be oh

Um I’m just kidding with you guys okay mhm what do you think about this I like this one this is my favorite walk so far this one will impress her sister it’ll impress her okay awesome I think I’ll be super happy what the freak was that okay F

What do you look like super happy um oh uh January yes those are a lot of Expressions but I don’t know if you look what about this of them oh I can’t I can’t look at this I’m just kidding you guys okay I would just look super joyful like this like Hey

April I think it’s good okay maybe you should do a little dance you do you guys want to head out again I’m like really getting hungry oh you want to eat before you sleep I think I’m going to sleep okay are you sure yeah can we have a

Sleepover by the way yeah tonight awesome okay I’m just going to sleep here then I can uh turn the lights off and we can all head to bed then how do I sleep can sleep Flor tsunamis in 8 minutes okay we should get off how do I

Sleep is it like emotes and then sleep oh e sleep don’t yeah yeah I think we tomorrow we should get something better we’ll work towards it we can be roommates and pit maybe we can also like buy a bigger place maybe we pull our money together I’m down all right I’m I’m head

I’m going to bed now good night guys okay good night run well f8 to quit Okay and then I do what quit oh perfect that was fun I feel like we made an enemy I am really sad that’s that’s someone got mad oh my God I don’t like

Conflict IRL um that was fun I feel like I could do better though I hope I do better in the future um my favorite part was the vegan burger thing that was [ __ ] up that I was eating the burger um other than that I just like I was so

Afraid to like interact with people cuz I just like didn’t I was just so scared and didn’t know but I’m going to study I’m actually so into it that I’m going to study um um oh yeah you guys can join the Discord too you could post your favorite Clips

If you want to um I’m going to study up for sure that was a lot of fun thank you guys so much for watching January foo’s first day I can’t wait to see my little sis or my big sister oh my God not little I really am tired though it’s so hot in

Here um um I wonder if Seline and Eva are getting off yeah it’s a real cat oh I want to see me I want to see everyone honestly Wiki is up and running wait I’m still developing myself though no she’s not going to beat me up is she I don’t even

Know it’s going to be a shock though I hope like whatever happens we’ll see yay okay let me get my actual chat open yeah I’m just going to build the thing yeah I’m going to end I’ve been live for 10 hours hours a okay 10 hours my God I’m sweating well honestly

I was already live for like six hours before I started GTA I did GTA well and majority of it was like making my character okay um thank you I’m actually going to go down the GTA RP thing and see who I want to raid Um oh who was uh snoody the girl that got a little well I know she was rping but it would make me feel hella happy to ra one of them am I streaming tomorrow uh it’s oh hello I I am I’m playing balder’s gate hold on I’m gonna say bye to chat

Real quick okay um oh my God I’m stressed all of a sudden uh uh sui okay people said Tanner too I don’t okay she wasn’t rping though I think cuz the other person insulted the effort to actually go set oh like she was actually no she’s rping

Surely she surely rping guys it’s all RP you can’t say that she wasn’t it’s RP all right see you guys tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. you guys can’t take it seriously shely we’re new we don’t know etiquette chat gets parasocial occasionally moners all right bye guys tell them January or

Wait can I say January food is that

This video, titled ‘January Fooze Makes Her Debut in GTA RP NoPixel 4.0 🤩 | More BigChadGuys Minecraft Day 4 🐲’, was uploaded by xChocoBars VODs on 2024-01-23 03:00:37. It has garnered 4906 views and 156 likes. The duration of the video is 10:31:01 or 37861 seconds.

Original broadcast: January 13, 2024.

↓ Timestamps and Socials below ↓

00:00:00 Just Chatting 00:05:55 Minecraft with chobo, itsRyanHiga, starsmitten & vGumiho 05:33:34 Grand Theft Auto V 07:14:50 Just Chatting 07:26:23 Grand Theft Auto V 10:25:46 Just Chatting


#xChocoBars #JanetRose #JanetRosee

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    Join Minewind: Where Starter Houses Become Epic Builds! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to enhance your building skills and create stunning structures in the world of Minecraft? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building talents. Imagine taking the skills you learned from tutorials like “How To Build A Starter House In Minecraft” and applying them in a dynamic multiplayer environment. On Minewind, you can collaborate with other players, participate in building competitions, and explore a vast world filled with unique creations. Join us at Minewind Minecraft… Read More

  • Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

    Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Kak Ros (Upin & Ipin) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Kak Ros from the beloved Upin & Ipin series! Join the fun and explore the magical world of Minecraft with these exciting portals. Donation Opportunities Support the creators and their endeavors by donating through Saweria. Every contribution helps in bringing more amazing content to life! Community Engagement Connect with like-minded gamers and fans on Discord. Share tips, tricks, and experiences while immersing yourself in the Minecraft universe. Customize Your Experience Personalize your Minecraft gameplay with the UzeMing skin. Stand out in the virtual world… Read More

  • Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft

    Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft The Mystery of the Nether Fortress in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey through the vast world of Minecraft as our protagonist stumbles upon a mysterious Nether Fortress. Join in on the adventure as we uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic structure. Exploring the Unknown As our brave explorer delves deeper into the Nether, they come across the imposing Nether Fortress. Towering spires and dark corridors beckon, promising untold treasures and dangers. Armed with only their wits and a trusty pickaxe, our hero ventures forth. Unraveling the Secrets Within the fortress, our adventurer encounters a labyrinth of twisting… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Epic Amusement Park Build

    Minecraft's Epic Amusement Park Build The Deadliest Ferris Wheel in Minecraft Building a Deadly Carnival In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one player decided to take things up a notch by creating the deadliest Ferris wheel ever seen. The goal? To challenge server mates to ride for their lives or face certain death. Creating the Ferris Wheel The player, armed with a vision and a knack for redstone contraptions, set out to build a fully automated Ferris wheel. By utilizing flying machine technology, inspired by Il mango’s design, they were able to construct a working Ferris wheel that players could… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating YouTube video featuring a Minecraft mod set in a Viking theme. The lyrics of the song in the video paint a vivid picture of adventure, glory, and epic battles in Valhalla. As you immerse yourself in the world of Vikings and epic sagas, why not bring that same sense of adventure to your Minecraft gameplay? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server, where you can create your own epic tales, forge alliances, and engage in thrilling battles. Just… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Create Mod Windmill

    Ultimate Guide: Create Mod Windmill Building a Windmill in Minecraft with Create Mod In this Minecraft video, Ubu demonstrates how to build a windmill using the Create mod as part of a 30-day build challenge. The windmill is designed to produce bread and is powered by a series of intricate mechanical components. Setting Up the Foundation To begin the construction, Ubu replaces Moss blocks with grass blocks and lays out the initial framework using gearboxes, mechanical bearings, water wheels, water, stone, oak planks, and plows. The plows are used to mark out a circular area for the windmill’s operation. Constructing the Windmill After setting… Read More

  • Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore!

    Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, no room for pains. With animations funny and bright, He crafts a world of pure delight. Children’s eyes wide, watching in awe, As Fangkuaixuan’s tales they draw. From jumping off buildings to forgotten kids, His rhymes bring light to what he bids. In the eyes of elders, children see, A world of wonder, pure and free. But Fangkuaixuan knows the truth, In Minecraft, there’s no need for proof. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Crafting stories that truly shine. For in the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • Minecraft: Command Block Tutorial

    Minecraft: Command Block Tutorial How to Get Command Block in Minecraft In Minecraft, the command block is a powerful tool that allows players to execute commands in the game. While obtaining a command block may seem daunting, it is actually quite simple with the right steps. Here’s a guide on how to get a command block in Minecraft: Enabling Cheats To get a command block in Minecraft, you first need to have cheats or commands enabled in your world. If you are playing in Creative mode, cheats are likely already enabled. However, if you are in Survival mode, you will need to enable… Read More

  • Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked!

    Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, We dive into servers, where adventures thrive. From phone to bedrock, the best ones we seek, With Ali Mpe as our guide, we’re never meek. Join the channel, for gifts and for fun, With updates and news, we’re never done. From Java to Bedrock, the comparison is clear, With Bedwars and Hardcore, we have no fear. 100 days of Minecraft, a challenge so grand, But with Ali Mpe, we’ll make a stand. Minecraft but… the possibilities are vast, With tutorials and SMP, the fun will last. So come along, to… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “From trash to treasure: ugly blocks in skilled hands”

    Minecraft Memes - "From trash to treasure: ugly blocks in skilled hands"Looks like the builder in Minecraft has some serious fashion sense – even when it comes to choosing blocks! Read More

  • Limber Labrash Mines Mischief: Sin of Suspicion EP.4

    Limber Labrash Mines Mischief: Sin of Suspicion EP.4 Labloush, the Minecraft news reporter, with a twist, Bringing updates in rhymes, never to miss. In Sin of Suspicion EP.4, Labrasi takes the lead, Shutting down the Mafia’s money printing greed. Labloush, with eyes sharp and keen, Describing each move, in a rhyming scene. Labrasi’s mission, to end the Mafia’s reign, With interrogation and twists, in the game’s domain. Labloush, the narrator, with a playful tone, Engaging the crowd, never alone. Crafting Minecraft news, with a grin and a spin, In every update, let the rhymes begin. Labloush, the favorite news reporter, in the gaming land, Spinning rhymes that… Read More

  • Trap Escapes Through Minecraft History #hotAF

    Trap Escapes Through Minecraft History #hotAF “Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 10: panicking and running in circles. Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 20: calmly strategizing and building a staircase to freedom. Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 50: calling my grandkids for help because I can’t figure out how to jump.” Read More

  • EPIC Funny Moments in English Class!

    EPIC Funny Moments in English Class! Minecraft: Hilarious Moments in English Class!【方块轩】 Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one creator stands out for his humor and joy-sparking animations. 方块轩, the mastermind behind a series of entertaining Minecraft animations, brings laughter and fun to his audience. Let’s delve into some of the hilarious moments captured in English class! English Class Shenanigans In a typical English class scenario, 方块轩 finds himself in a predicament when asked to translate a word on the blackboard. The banter between classmates adds a touch of comedy as they navigate through words like “banana” and engage in… Read More

  • Herobrine SMP 2.0: Food Farm Shenanigans

    Herobrine SMP 2.0: Food Farm Shenanigans Welcome to Herobrine SMP 2.0 Season 1 Episode 1: Making a Food Farm! Shadow Striker, also known as Chirag, is back with another exciting episode of Herobrine SMP 2.0. In this episode, he dives into the world of Minecraft to create a food farm that will sustain him on his adventures. Let’s join him on this thrilling journey! Setting Up the Farm As the sun rises in the Minecraft world, Shadow Striker wastes no time in getting to work. He starts by clearing a patch of land near his base to make room for his food farm. Using his… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PvP Godz – Rate my skills now! ⚔️

    EPIC Minecraft PvP Godz - Rate my skills now! ⚔️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥rate my skills Minecraft pvp! ⚔️’, was uploaded by Godz on 2024-06-19 16:16:02. It has garnered 31 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:44 or 1244 seconds. 🔥 **Welcome to [Godz]** 🔥 🎮 **About Me:** Hey there, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! I’m [Your Name]and I’m passionate about all things blocky and pixelated. On this channel, you’ll find epic adventures, creative builds, survival challenges, and more. Whether you’re a seasoned miner or a newbie to the Overworld, there’s something here for everyone. 🌟 **What to Expect:** – **Let’s Play Series: * Join me… Read More

  • Beware: Do NOT Let it Catch You!

    Beware: Do NOT Let it Catch You!Video Information man that’s another successful store trip my brother I’m saying now is the party at show crib or mind you know what I’m saying we about to turn up ain’t that right M don’t we hosting mush done made mushroom soups for the whole gang let’s go they starting to grow on me I’m really enjoying the mushroom soups nowadays man y’all getting into it y’all get into it come on guys walking is healthy let’s walk the rest of the way home and then we’ll be solid oh so we going to your crib to party that’s… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft WATER vs LAVA Challenge 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft WATER vs LAVA Challenge 🔥Video Information and done our new house is completed oh this house is ugly well it’s much better than the old one Grazy it’s not my fault that you burned it down well I’m sorry I just wanted to put all my cakes in the outfit at once now they’re all burned wait what’s going on you put the house down again Gracie no it’s not me it’s a fire girl what are you doing stop buing our house down we just built this terrible news the ele mental Army is going to come here to destroy everything I need… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Satisfying

    Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art SatisfyingVideo Information [Music] watch my let me This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,594’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 01:17:12. It has garnered 1932 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,594 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes… Read More

  • INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWalt

    INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWaltVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft server mode:vee craft server (Modded)’, was uploaded by jon dewalt on 2024-04-05 00:50:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at Read More

  • OMG!! Is My Inner Demon Noi Finally Revealed?!? #aphmau

    OMG!! Is My Inner Demon Noi Finally Revealed?!? #aphmauVideo Information This video, titled ‘#short Is this My Inner Demon Noi coming out??? #aphmau #minecraft #roleplay’, was uploaded by Ori_Moon on 2024-03-31 14:36:00. It has garnered 44 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Fruit Circus in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Fruit Circus in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘New Digital Circus ADDON in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Fruit Clips on 2024-05-28 12:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this video, I will show mod in my Minecraft world. If you’re interested in minecraft, then you’ll love this video! This mod lets you … Read More

  • EPIC April Fools Minecraft pranks by DonPianta55

    EPIC April Fools Minecraft pranks by DonPianta55Video Information This video, titled ‘April Fools Day Minecraft #minecraft #youtubegaming #shorts’, was uploaded by DonPianta55 on 2024-04-02 23:48:38. It has garnered 1621 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:43 or 10003 seconds. Become a part of Don’s Crew⬇️ Join the Discord Read More

  • Loser Baby Gets Groomed by Duke Rancid?!

    Loser Baby Gets Groomed by Duke Rancid?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Groomer Baby — Hazbin Hotel Loser Baby Parody’, was uploaded by Duke Rancid on 2024-06-17 13:28:45. It has garnered 27 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:52 or 172 seconds. My friend and I spent way longer on this than we honestly should have. We were originally gonna do a Minecraft parody and then I was like, wait I have an idea. Read More

  • DreamZone

    DreamZonegreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfv Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP – Java 1.20.4 – Age 18+ – Whitelist – Hermitcraft-like – LGBTQ+ Friendly – Community-focused – 5+ Years Running!

    Project Nebula ✨ Project Nebula ✨ Hey! Thanks for checking out Project Nebula! ▶ Nebula Photo Album! ▶ Dynmap ▶ Discord ▶ About Us & Values Project Nebula is a community-driven Minecraft server focused on creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all players. We value diversity, transparency, respect, and commitment to the Vanilla Minecraft experience. ▶ What’s new on Project Nebula? 1.21 update coming soon! Successful Emu Freedom Fest event Opening of the Cobblestonewall Inn ▶ Applications If you’re interested in joining our server, apply through our Discord channel. We have a thorough whitelist process to ensure a friendly… Read More

  • Island PVP

    Island PVPCreate your island and upgrade to become the island top!You can use a boat to stalk your enemies with stealth!Or take them head-on when they least expect it!If you leave your chests unlocked, they can be raided! So make sure to strategically build your storage area! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not a Noob: logged 1287 hrs in Minecraft

    “1287 hours in Minecraft? That’s just the warm-up! Ain’t nobody got time for a score of 9, we’re aiming for a perfect 10, baby!” Read More

  • Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft!

    Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft! In this Minecraft world, where creativity thrives, We’re crafting pet houses, where each pet thrives. From dog houses to cat houses, we’ve got it all, Creating cozy homes, big or small. Dug Bunk Bed, a cozy spot for your pup, Parrot House, where they can chirp and sup. An Aquarium for fish to swim and play, Cat House for your feline friend to stay. Rabbit House, a snug spot for your bunny, Each design unique, nothing runny. So grab your blocks and start to build, Let your creativity be fulfilled. With shaders and textures, the world comes alive, In… Read More

  • Minecraft Hack: Trollin’ & Rollin’ #lit #trollface

    Minecraft Hack: Trollin' & Rollin' #lit #trollface When you try to hack in Minecraft but all you end up doing is trolling yourself with that troll face meme. Maybe stick to playing the game legit next time! #minecraftfail #trolledbytrollface Read More

  • Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack

    Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack The World of Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition offers players the opportunity to delve into infinite worlds and unleash their creativity. Whether you prefer building magnificent castles or surviving against dangerous mobs, this game has something for everyone. Game Modes In creative mode, players have unlimited resources to construct their dream structures. On the other hand, survival mode challenges players to mine resources, craft weapons, and fend off mobs to survive. The choice is yours! Marketplace and Customization Explore the marketplace to discover unique maps, skins, and texture packs created by talented individuals. Slash commands allow you to… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mods – Must Try Now! 🤯

    Insane Minecraft Mods - Must Try Now! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 34 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Month ! (1.21, 1.20.1)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-07-03 11:00:33. It has garnered 43176 views and 1883 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:38 or 1838 seconds. TOP 34 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Month ! (1.21, 1.20.1) 00:00 -Create: Protection Pixel 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) 01:42 -Blood Mages [More Magic Series] 1.20.1 (Fabric) 02:51 -Druids [More Magic Series] 1.20.1 (Fabric) 03:58 -Integrated Villages 1.20.1 (Forge and Fabric) 05:07 -Remapped 1.21 (Fabric) 06:05 -Just Enough Guns 1.20.1 —— 1.18.2 (Forge)… Read More

  • Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!

    Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Real GHOST 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part-9 )’, was uploaded by CRK ki duniya on 2024-02-16 13:09:44. It has garnered 1283 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:31 or 931 seconds. MINECRAFT MOST SCARY ( SEEDS ) 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2

    EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘This is a family friendly channel (Hardcore S23-Ep.2)’, was uploaded by Castmann Gaming on 2024-05-08 19:25:21. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:10 or 550 seconds. Look forward to Minecraft hardcore episodes on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2pm EST!🎉 Minecraft Hardcore Series Rules: The Masons try their best to make the best Minecraft world possible without dying. They must delete the world and start a new season if either dies even ONCE. Every season is played on a randomly generated bedrock edition world on hard difficulty with… Read More

  • Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!

    Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!Video Information This video, titled ‘there is an echo in the cave’, was uploaded by M3m3~Chan on 2024-04-12 14:48:56. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:15 or 315 seconds. minecraft beta 1.8.1 Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶

    🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶Video Information This video, titled ‘Cold Hand Strafes 🥶🤚’, was uploaded by Arrwie on 2024-06-13 18:25:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This Minecraft Montage is Another Level… that person was ht3 !!! (dont take the title seriously) !!! Thanks for watching and i hope … Read More

  • Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viral

    Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine kill mei mei in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meimei’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-02-24 01:30:07. It has garnered 837 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine kill mei mei in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meimei #wife #devilface #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I… Read More

  • From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!

    From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with the Minecolonies Mod Cliffs Style’, was uploaded by monster2mermaid on 2024-05-17 11:53:42. It has garnered 61 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:28 or 11068 seconds. – Greetings from Two Towns – Children arrive in Rosa Ouro and one of the family homes gets the living areas furnished. In Prasino; taking some time to solve a building problem on a coastal house and planning for a retail pottery store in town. Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #Shorts

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || viral minecraft hacks #short #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Spidey_Gaming on 2024-02-16 02:02:50. It has garnered 3241 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || minecraft hacks and tricks || viral minecraft hacks MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. @AnshuBisht @GamerFleet @YesSmartyPie @TechnoGamerzOfficial @ezio18rip #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS @ANSHUBISHT @GAMERFLEET @YESSMARTY PIE @TECHNOGAMERZOFFICIAL @EZIO18RIP MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. 1. testing viral minecraft hacks 2. minecraft hacks… Read More

  • Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed – MUST WATCH!!

    Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Có Thể Bạn Chưa Biết Bí Ẩn Này Trong Minecraft Creepypasta/ Tấm Bản Bí Ẩn Hãy Xem Đến Cuối Video Nhé’, was uploaded by Mkay MC on 2024-04-10 05:03:42. It has garnered 14151 views and 345 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Hello Hello Everyone I’m Mkay Chan You May Not Know In Minecraft You May Not Know This Mystery In Minecraft Creepypasta #minecraft #creepypasta #shortsfeed #shorts #creepypastaminecraft #minecraftcreepypasta #viralvideo #gaming #nubigamer #creepypasta #mcpe #minecraftshorts #viralvideo #dotmc #gaming #bigsharkofficial #shortsfeed #subscribe #gaming #bigsharkofficial #viralminecraftshort herobrine,minecraft herobrine,herobrine minecraft,help herobrine shorts,epic herobrine,herobrine… Read More