New Minecraft Update – Join Tess for Epic Adventures!

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They’re working on a bridge if you were here last time you will have seen the bridge they we working on and if you weren’t well you wouldn’t have unless you’re super psychic and then you would have as well um don’t know but we are working on a bridge let me put my chats

Next to each other so I can actually see yes I can see both my chats I can see you guys welcome into stream everyone we’re going to carry on with the bridge that I started to build yesterday so shall we go with that should we do that yes

The answer is yes everyone say yes everyone say yes hey alies welcome in River bioni see Alice has got me Al has got me hey meow how we doing Jay over on Twitch welcome into stream how you doing Jay oh we got a Bosley we’ve got a Bosley just here

Come to say hi as well you come to say hi to everyone are you joining in on stream today yeah you joining in NOP you’re just giving me your ball well that’s typical isn’t it of a dog do you want your [Laughter] pick oh yeah um Brian’s got my pickaxe and

Um and uh they sent me a message yesterday saying I still got your pick on me um so I may or may not have edited it and said um you like you still have to pick on me or something like that so I said see if I pick on brone you’ve

Seen it I’ve been told to that’s it is hey Jay how it doing okay oh my gosh everyone’s on their way in this is good this is good welcome into stream everyone hey Josh as well how are we doing right we’re building a bridge or we might build a bridge why

Don’t I have any inventory on me let me just why don’t I have inventory on me why do I have nothing on me where’s my elytra don’t say I left the world open and I ended up unal lived and I lost all my stuff oh my God guys I’ve done it again

I’ve done it again third elytra I must have left the stream open when I left yesterday when I left yesterday I I must have left the stream open and I wasn’t in a safe place I don’t have any of my stuff I’ve lost my elyra again what is this what am I

Doing how did I do that no that wasn’t even a silly death or anything that was just me being like spaghetti brained what am I doing my gosh no no all of my goods I was wearing all the armor and I had everything on me oh my gosh and I’ve obviously died

And it’s all despawned well luckily Bri only had my pickaxe so my silk touch pickaxe is safe everything else is gone um somebody like no one I don’t think Sparky’s here yet if Sparky joins don’t tell Sparky cuz Sparky gave me that elytra I’d already lost two sets of

Elytra he was kind enough to give me another I’ve only got two pieces of elytra left now we’ve been we’ve raided like all like well there there are obviously more but with raided loads of n cities and I’ve got two elytras left I know I know Jay I don’t even know

I don’t even know just don’t tell Sparky what am I doing well we’re going to need some equipment again aren’t we should I just get like stuff that I can trade from the villagers see what wonderful like I could get a pickaxes and stuff from them

And that my emeralds are in here aren’t they um see what they’ll give me I can’t believe I’ve done that can’t believe I must have just left it on like said goodbye to you guys and just stood there and left it on until my Xbox turned itself off and

Then obviously something’s coming and alive to me and everything’s despawned that’s the only thing I can think of cuz I got nothing on me so I did log out and log back in just in case it was a glitch but I I I think it’s

Just me being a banana I think um I think it’s just that I’m a banana no I don’t want wool I want weapons what weapons do we have uh what about that one oh they’re all a bit rubbish what about armor what about armor I mean

Should we just get any armor for now and we can why is it why will you not go on there it’s not going on the thing um just any for now I suppose any pickaxe as well really um what other armor have we got okay hat and trousers whatever they are

Feather falling three that’s probably a useful one actually so we just need a pickaxe and I don’t even know sword and stuff Tess what did I miss you missed me being an actual banana squishy brain strikes again right Jay oh my brain is squishier than a I don’t even know don’t even know

Oh oh it’s my husband coming through the back where’s the beIN uh they’re By the Thing by the what by the kitchen door do you want me to grab them quick why the yeah yeah oh be right back guys be right back you can’t hear me you can hear me now oh

My gosh it’s so cold out there Sor right it’s our our bins are collected tomorrow so Phil’s just got home so he’s just sorting them out for me thank you everyone for not disappearing what was I doing I was getting some tools wasn’t I cuz I lost everything don’t tell

Sparky um sorry T I’ll be back in 5 minutes that’s absolutely fine that’s weapons tools tools tools we got some more tall ones over here haven’t we what what tools have we got no that’s weapons we want tools oh my gosh where’s my brain I don’t even see what that was yeah tools

Here look oh my gosh I know what tools are I know what tools are ow Bosley don’t hurt me stop it are we out oh my gosh how much how expensive was all this stuff have I got enough for that I’ve only got 11 what was that pickaxe cost

23 oh my gosh we’re going to have to go back downstairs and get some more emeralds unless there was some more in the chest was there more was there just those eight there’s got to be more surely I bought like two and a half stacks up oh my

Gosh wow oh my gosh we’ve had some gifts clapped thank you so much for six roses and hands for the heart me that’s so kind yes right right let’s get these emeralds oh my gosh I can’t well I can believe that I just left my computer on and I ended up losing

Everything oh my gosh what am I even like I surprise myself sometimes it’s just like can anyone be that that crazy yes yes they can hey crafty how you doing it was great seeing you yesterday oh my gosh um I’ve just done epic squishy brain cuz yesterday when I ended stream I did

Not log out and I’ve lost everything I’ve been un alived while I wasn’t at my computer and lost everything cuz it’s all despawned right so we’ve just got some basic tools for now out Bosley what are we doing yes I know you’re there I do I do um actually should we get some

Bread as well oh some sort of food some sort of substenance substenance what do you got you’re going to give me some bread okay well we’ll just get a bunch of bread okay I’m good with that should I collect my XP probably not much point I’m going to end

Up unived anyway knowing me this is why we don’t do hardcore oh my my gosh why are you ignoring my question I didn’t what what was your question Roblox I not see your question it’s not come up your question has not come up that’s why your question is being ignored maybe

There was a word in it that um Tik Tok didn’t like and sometimes they they will like not show things there’s no sound as in you can hear can you hear me or is it just game sound is it game sound or um me sound can you hear me oh my

Gosh if you can’t hear me I’m just talking to myself right yes all all good all sound is good okay good evening m t good evening mad how we doing how are we doing right should we carry on building this bridge we might have to go mining to get some more

Stuff now I I think I’ve got some but I think we were getting low on Stone anyway and I had it mostly in my inventory and then of course I’ve lost everything cuz I’m clever like that oh I hear nothing I’ll have to restart the app okay okay we can hear

Okay that’s weird isn’t it that some of you can hear and some of you can’t how strange is that oh my gosh hands with all the gifts let me just thank you it just ding donged but a lot of the time it’s not ding- donging for me thank you

So much for the 2024’s the good game The Rose The Tick Tock the Fest crafty thank you for the heart me live thank you for the rose crafty thank you for 15 bracelets and live thank you for two roses that is so kind um did you build that house I did I

Did we have built those um they are oh we got some more Stone in here now that’s good they are um I’m going to change some into bricks as well um there it’s a chuda village or will be like a chuda slm medieval Port Town eventually um I’ll take you up the

Scaffold in a minute in a minute and I’ll show you let me just changeed some of these up to Bricks my dogs keeps jumping at me and I swear I’ve got so many bruises up my arm from when he’s doing it like I he he bullies me like I

I like the couple of weeks ago a week or so ago he actually drew blood on my arm jumping up scratching me to Pieces during the stream He’s a Bully stop linging it’s cuz my husband just came home and he’s putting the bins out and

He’s just like I want to go outside too why can’t I go outside I want all the attention so he does get a lot of attention that’s why he behaves the way he does H thank you for the tiny diny and for the baby fox right what are we

Doing other than me losing my brain which is standard for one of my streams really let’s be honest standard oh my gosh hi right um let’s go do have a look and then I just want to make some of these blocks into we’ll look quickly before it’s dark oh can I get down

Safely didn’t I get feather falling three on my boots I did that’s fine I can I’m like superwoman now you know this right where is the scaffolding I lost my bearings H right we we’ll go up here quickly I can’t fly anymore that is so annoying I’m going to have to get

Another set of elytra um we have we do have two more sets Okay so this is what our chuda village looks like so far so not very much um but I’m starting to do a bridge here that’s what we started last stream and that’s what I’m going to be continuing this

Stream um but yeah we we’ve got the town hall there which is like a village hall uh and this this Tuda house actually doesn’t have anything in it yet so Batman is sleeping in a bed okay okay I’m coming I’m coming I’m going to sleep I got my orders to sleep it’s

Sleepy time that’s amazing thank you so much it’s sleepy time time for the last sleepies right um I can’t believe I I left it on and lost everything I can believe I did that should we go up to the other bedroom I’ve actually got a bedroom on this

World any of you that have followed me for any time will know that I always just have a hole in the wall and that is my room but on this world you guys were like we had a spare piece of um area that wasn’t being used up here so you

Guys were like Tess make a make a little house so this is my little house it’s cute right but I got my flower there so yeah I got I got my own little house so first time for everything right cuz normally I just have a hole in the

Wall I build loads of other things like on the enchanted world there’s like this thing like a wooden building and people that have join that don’t know and they’re like wow is that a mansion I’m like no that’s not a mansion they’re like where do you live I’m like well I

Live in this hole in the wall but sometimes I go in this mushroom um they’re like well what’s the Mansion for it’s not a mansion it’s a barn for the animals uh Tess did you see my question I did not let me just

Look uh Tess do you know how old I am um 22 is that right I don’t know I think you were 22 I can’t remember uh what’s in the chests here everything this is my storage area so we’ve got wood um and then we’ve got all like the

Diamonds and emeralds and Nether right and all tasty stuff like that um what else have we got we got other ores and other ORS um bamboo and Scaffolding and such glass o sand and blockies and more blockies that I’ve took blockies from and more blockies and that one’s got nothing in and some

Blockies and some more blockies and yes what what just are you mad you look mad you look mad yep are you mad see you later hi bye hi bye see you oh hi bye I do know he’s mad he’s mad he’s madder than no I had my birthday does that mean you’re

23 I don’t know I don’t know hi crafty sent me hey Haley how you doing welcome to the stream you’re 23 okay see I don’t know people’s ages I mean I forgot to take myself out I was when I came on stream yesterday I forgot to close my game and I lost

Everything that’s why I don’t have very much is my is it in here why can’t I open that chest oh it is opening now I remember that correctly our Moss is here I need to make some Mossy blocks right so we’ve got that right um we’ve got our

Stone we’re going to need we got stone bricks I need undersight and gravel hopefully there’s undersight and gravel I lost so much I lost so many of the blocks and the andite took forever to mine oh um cuz I’m mad I can’t believe I did that I can’t

Believe I did that what am I talking about I completely can believe I did that um should we have a couple of scaffoldings on us as well right let’s sort our taskbar out to the blocks that we’re using okay that’s about right I think oh

My gosh my brain my brain guys what are you building tassy I am building a bridge because you know Love Can Build a Bridge and I am love Haley with the hand heart Haley’s love as well we’re all love um yes so I’m just putting the bones in at the

Moment so I’ve got one bit all the way down there um my dog is just being a grump does anyone want my dog can’t have him really he mine I love him but don’t tell him he’s being a grumpy Grump he’s being a pain oh yeah we

Needed we found out yesterday that you have to actually breathe in Minecraft that’s just a horrible horrible thing can’t believe that yeah we ended up un alive in cuz I stayed under the water too long please don’t say you lost all the undersight I got you I didn’t lose all of the

Undersight cuz I got some in my inventory now I’ll have your dog yeah everyone comes for Bosley no one comes to the stream for me everyone comes for Bosley everyone loves Bosley I don’t know about me oh my gosh the gifts Haley um thank

You for the be love and H thank you for the Rosa guys thank you so much that’s really kind we love both you guys yeah yeah love you Tess guys guys guys guys in um March March 24th I believe the one that’s the Sunday it’s either the 23rd or the 24th I

Believe it’s the 24th but you’d have to double check um I’m actually going to a live I’m going to be at Megacon which is also Tik Tock Fest as well it’s meacon SL talkfest at the NEC I’m going to go on the Sunday so if any of you want to go

Along as well you could come see me so that would be great just letting you all know so yeah if you all want to come see me you can but be nice be nice are Qui a Qui no I won’t cry really I got thick skin I

Got thick skin um where’s the undersight that was undersight I was just using ow ooh oh no we lost our bow and arrow oh bow and arrow was really good wasn’t it it had everything on Sparky in Sparky’s in don’t no telling Sparky don’t tell Sparky anything Sparky is

Over in YouTube No One say a word Sparky nothing happened you saw nothing you heard nothing nothing happened nothing nothing nothing nothing it’s all great sorry Tess but sorry Sparky but Tess lost your Ely Tre you gave her oh my gosh oh my gosh there we are I’ve been ratted out already thanks

Josh thanks WR it out already oh because I absolutely love your VI T also let him um oh my gosh wow the galaxy has just come up I was trying to read the thing but that that just popped up and I couldn’t see the text that’s so so

Pretty um also letting me name a dolphin in my world after you obviously everybody needs a pet in their world named Tess um any of you we’ve got Jay in the room as well Jay’s a streamer and Jay’s had uh several animals called Tess we won’t talk about the parrot though will

We I don’t even know test the parrot is no more test the parrot rip mhm the parrot I know I know R to the parrot I used to be oh my gosh that’s not the worst one though um one of my friends named a villager after me which was

Great until they uh it ended up zombified so they captured it so they could save it they let it out in the sunlight and it burned so on stream everyone saw Tess burn burn to a crisp that was the worst I couldn’t find a dog so I’m sorry

Yes uh how did you double your screen what do you mean double my screen what do you mean King what do you mean I don’t know what you mean by double have your picture and your thing your audio no I don’t know um guys in YouTube and twitch is there any game

Sound so you should oh maybe if I swim that’s loud isn’t it water noise it’s not as loud they did the update didn’t they and it got super loud can you hear game sound I think t Tik Tok has it but I think I it was gone on Tik Tok but it

Was working on Twitch and YouTube and then I changed some settings and it worked on Tik Tok but didn’t on Twitch and YouTube the dog’s going to carry on barking Phil comes near me Bosley gets jealous so you have to growl at Bosley that’s what he understands no there’s no

Game sound on YouTube and twitch okay Phil’s going to come sort that for you guys now I’m back T welcome back um villager should we see what the villagers got to offer us um if he’s got Birch we definitely need to screenshot it and send it to uh

Montz ah did he just fall in the water what is the Villager doing I’m not going to go down in the water at the moment cuz Phil’s got stuff over the screen I’m actually going to try and make my way back to the house um um and then I can also open

Chest which makes a louder noise but we know I’m safe cuz I totally didn’t leave my uh game open yesterday um and then go AFK and end up un alived and lose everything that Sparky gave me cuz that would never happen didn’t lose it all didn’t lose my very my third set of

Elytra just because I’m a banana that didn’t happen hey T saw you on Lou’s live yes Aviation welcome into stream I love Lou Lou is awesome L is like some streamers I like watching Minecraft um but lose the sort of streamer obviously she wasn’t playing Minecraft she’s the sort of streamer I

Like to watch just because she’s awesome really she’s just such a kind heart is that are you going to check okay I’m just going to open this and close it so F can Hear just because she’s awesome really she’s just such a kind heart is that are you going to check you’re lying on a warm bottle on your back and I’m scared it’s going to pop your back or the bottle like a hot water bottle uh much love to us have an amazing

Stream and a blessed day got to start my stream in a few see you take care Mr crafty thank you for drop dropping in it’s great to see you and uh thank you for the Galaxy that was really pretty um Can is it working thank you Phil isn’t Phil

Awesome I can one second guys I’m just muting okay I’m back sorry Phil was just talking to me the bottle are you sure are you sure you meant the bottle I’m just have a sip of coffee cuz coffee I run on coffee guys it’s how it works Phil is awesome Sparky says you’re

Awesome yeah yeah y yeah enthusiasm so so enthusiastic Phil I almost fell off my chair I don’t know hey T hey Grace how are we doing today how are you let’s go Mr CRA thank you for the baby fox James thank you so much for the rose right should we carry on building

We haven’t got much building done have we we’re just like talking away and uh which is great cuz I love talking to you guys but we really need to build some stuff and underwater I keep like not breathing that’s and that seems like a silly thing to do cuz you kind of need

To breathe in Minecraft we found that out yesterday it didn’t end well when we found out that we couldn’t breathe in Minecraft um yeah I don’t know do you have children I do I do have children um I don’t know I kind of have three but I kind of have

Five as well I have one I gave birth to two stepdaughters a dog and a husband I don’t know the does the dog and the husband count as a child I don’t know sometimes maybe not nice I love you darling am I mean to my husband am I mean to him

Guys we all love Phil don’t we we all love Phil I mean I do but then again I might be biased I don’t know probably a little bit a little bit oh have I been using gravel we haven’t got any gravel do we we do have gravel I haven’t got it on my

Uh taskar so I’ve not been using any let’s get the gravel out as well because uh well we want to use it right seems like a plan right we use we use all of our blocks Tess for how long you’re going to stream I don’t know

Exactly um how old are your kids the eldest two um that are my stepchildren I’m not technically well I suppose I mean I guess maybe technically but not really old enough to be their parents parent but I you know I brought um the eldest one up from when she was like six

So kind of um and they are 28 and 29 and my son is 17 he’s 18 in a couple a few weeks I can’t believe my child is going to be an adult that’s that’s really scary any of you that have got kids out there like how quick they grow

It’s so scary I think you’ll all agree um agree with that one any of you with children it’s just and it it gets like it doesn’t go slower the older they get the quicker that time goes it’s it’s insane it’s literally insane it’s insane how fast the time goes but isn’t it it

Gets worse the older they get as well it doesn’t slow down it it speeds up it’s like a weird Paradox I don’t even know don’t know what I’m talking you’re 19 and your life’s gone by fast oh my gosh 19 is very young your life has not gone by your life has only

Just begun you’ve got so much ahead of you and yeah make it good make it good whatever you do like do what you love and uh be you yeah that’s so true my son will be four in April and I can’t wrap my head it’s isn’t it it’s insane it just

Time it look like literally is gone I would say in the blink of an eye but don’t even know it does go by so quickly it really does I want to go traveling but scared of traveling alone what what did you say you were did

You say 18 or 19 did you say you were 19 um was it 19 you said I’m trying to look now and I can’t see the message for for the life of me 19 yeah um I mean I’d be scared to travel alone now and I’m 45 so there’s literally no

Shame in being scared to travel alone um you know so don’t like thinking about that but maybe maybe you can find someone to travel with a friend or a partner or something maybe um at some point so even if it’s not today might be something in the future T I’m sad

Because I’m I’m going to go to High night hi was that is that supposed to be night school or high school I’m not sure it’s like a blend of both it’s like a blend of high school and night school I thought I was reading it weird then but it’s height

School height school I don’t know is that for tall people because I wouldn’t know anything about being tall short you’re 14 but you want to travel around the world alone and that’s absolutely fine um I’ve got a friend that traveled around they did a lot of

It alone and then some um with a partner but yeah they had a fantastic time traveling around the world um yeah just just do it if that’s if that’s what you want to do do it and do it while you’re young cuz you’ll be able to experience more

Like when you get old it’s true your body goes your body goes it’s it’s not as fit as it used to be it it happens but when you’re young you can experience more like you could do all sort of crazy Mountain climbs and stuff like that experience life guys do it

Experience what you want to and you can experience whatever you want um so yeah just do it are you building the bridge I am I’m still building the bridge it’s going to take a while it’s going to be a few streams of building this bridge um

Definitely it’s not going to be a quick thing cuz I’d like it to look good and sometimes you know it takes a while it takes a while all good things you know Rome wasn’t built in a day I mean well I actually don’t know that because I wasn’t there when Rome

Was built it could have been built in a day but I’m told that it wasn’t um and nor is this bridge this bridge will not be built in a day but it is starting to look a lot better I think um we’re going to have archways we

Haven’t got the arches in yet uh I’m just getting the legs of the bridge in first if that makes sense um we’re getting the legs in first and we’ll uh yeah are you on Bedrock or Java yes Bedrock I’m playing Bedrock I’m on the Xbox so this is bedrock um

Can you get a turtle helmet because it helps you breathe underwater I I think I might have one somewhere did I not take it off to go somewhere scary that I thought I was probably going to lose it that sounds about right doesn’t it sounds like something that would would happen with

Me right I’ve just marked where that’s going to go in a second but I think the Sun is setting the sun’s setting it’s night time guys supposed to say hi school that’s what I thought it was that’s what I thought you were saying um and there’s Trident

There they had all sorts of armor there no I have a turtle hat I’m sure I have one somewhere um but where I don’t know free lullab yes everyone’s fallen asleep in stream now after I’ve sung them lullab hey Elsie how we doing welcome to

Stream um one high is great or like if after about 20 seconds because um for whatever reason um well not for whatever reason it is just a thing when you stream there’s a delay so when you you say hi to me it doesn’t actually what when I see it it doesn’t

Come streamed back to you when I say hi back for probably about somewhere between 20 and 40 seconds um so it takes a minute so if like you say something and I don’t reply straight away give it sort of like 30 seconds and then say it again because

Um yeah it’s it um It Takes a Minute sometimes um so yeah give it about 30 seconds and I am good also thank you I am good also right should we get back into this water and get this other one the next ones aren’t so deep so that’s that’s not too bad they’re

Here um and we’ve got like here that’s en totally how the song goes I don’t even know what song that is I I just made that one up but this totally how it goes just in case you were Wondering how long have you been playing Minecraft you’ve been playing since you were six I have not been playing since I was six because uh I wasn’t even game game consoles when I was six the the closest to a game console was uh maybe a Tamagotchi um but when I was young the

Game boy came out the handheld game boy had a completely green screen and it was just like Stickman Graphics that was that was the height of Technology when I was young um but yeah when actually we did we ended up when I was young getting the Master System I

Had a Sega Master System and I had a Sinkler Spectrum you guys probably don’t even know what I’m saying right now um some of you may are going to be old enough to know um what those are but some of you won’t you look 20 I’ll take

I’ll take 20 I’ll take 20 I’m 45 so a little bit older than 20 but I’ll definitely take 20 um and you can come back anytime you like um and uh yeah any time you want to compliment me I’m I’m up for that I’m you know we’re all good oh my

Gosh oh it’ be lovely to be 20 again wouldn’t it oh my gosh although some of you are younger than 20 so you’re not going to understand what I’m saying here hey William how you doing how are you doing over in YouTube are you good um sorry I just noticed your

Message there thank you for joining into stream um my dad had a Sega and my favorite memories were’re playing Sonic with my sister when we were like five or six yes yes we had Sonic I had Sonic oh good old Sonic um I have a full chest of stone here for

You yes thank you that should be enough I don’t know if we need more undersight because some silly person went off stream and left their you know lost their entire in inventory I don’t know who would be silly enough to do something like that like crazy silly

Right I can’t believe I did that I can’t believe I did that who Am I who am I trying to kid I can totally believe I did that you guys can believe I did that as well can’t you I know you can ah didn’t mean to do the green one I

Don’t think I want the green one up there I don’t want the green one I want the green ones lower down but not higher up and that’s way too high to have a Mossy one way too high I love Minecraft me and my brother are building a village with a thousand

Villagers really a thousand oh my gosh is your what device are you doing in on is it not lagging I mean I mean on the egg pire any of you that have watched me for a little while will know that I may or may not um totally didn’t didn’t have a

Problem on the egg pire with um owning dogs uh you guys said I needed an intervention and that I had a problem I disagree that there’s no such thing as a problem when it comes to owning dogs in Minecraft and I did not have a problem at all but I ended

Up uh every time I saw a dog taming them and uh until our game started to CRA uh lag uh it turns out on the Xbox series X in one area at one time you can have 161 dogs before your game starts to lag so

You you know you guys don’t have to try that out because I already have done it for you um 161 dogs if you have an Xbox series X in one area before your game starts to lag there you go and then after that it starts to lag and yeah I

Was told I had a dog problem when I when I had 161 dogs and we had to move them into separate areas so we had we we dotted these dogs all around um you’ve got an Xbox 3 360 AR is probably going to be less on that

Because of the amount the you know the thing can handle your device can handle um probably going to be less than 161 but maybe you should try it out and let us know on next stream how many dogs you can own before your game starts to lag on the

360 um definitely not a problem definitely not a Minecraft no no dog problem no Minecraft problem to didn’t get my statistics coming for 2023 um for the Xbox um turns out in 20123 on Xbox I may or may not have played more than 2,000 hours of Minecraft 2,000 hours oh my

Gosh there’s there’s no problems no Minecraft problem S no dog problems not at all um and in that time I played other games as well I don’t even know how I the timing how is there even that many hours oh no big deal I know over 2,000

Real hours in a year on Minecraft that’s that’s basically streaming for you guys and making content and stuff I need to get to make some content soon I’ve been very LAX with my content recently I know I have and you guys are welcome to shout

At me for not making any videos I have recorded a parody in October that I still haven’t I’ve recorded the soundtrack for it um but I still haven’t made the video to it um I started to record a video yesterday actually um but I haven’t put it out or made it or put

It out yet um but yeah feel free to shout at me for not giving you loads of cool parody content or hints and tips and tricks and all the other videos I do but most of you like my parodies cuz you’re weird yes I just called you all weird I

Totally just called my chat weird um chest is chest is chest is something chest is by the giant hole in the mountain oh my gosh there’s lots of big holes in the mountain but all right I’ll find it maybe or I’ll be like Brony where is this chest you’re talking

About it’s probably going to be the second one we all know it just don’t tell Bion it they can’t hear me it’s fine they don’t hear me because I’m whispering only you guys can hear me don’t worry I’m weird Tess you see my comment I didn’t

See your comment Wess was that it oh no test do you know maybe oh why my Xbox does not want to open sometimes I do not Tech wise I’m not a tech person I’m definitely not the right person to ask about technical things um yeah you the the well you can ask me

But the answer is not going to be correct a lot of the time um I mean I could say or maybe it needs a clean maybe it’s dust and it’s overheating they’re just random guesses I I I mean I don’t know for sure cuz I’m not a techy person I’ve always W

Like wanted to be more techy and I do try in some areas like it took me a while to learn how to edit videos but I did it in the end for a long long time you just had standard Tik Tok editing like the the ones that you can do on

There’s a hole there the ones that you can do on Tik Tok software and that was it that’s all you had um but you get proper editing now and everything I know it only took me uh it was when I uh went in hospital to have my gallbladder

Removed and I wasn’t able to do anything at all for a a a week or two and I was just so bored I was so bored and I was like right let’s learn this editing thing then shall we so I did see big smart big smart girl says Phil

Thank you Phil in a condescending in a condescending way obviously um you’ve got an Xbox 360 and a PlayStation 2 okay and which one do you prefer Xbox or Playstation when I was a kid I had a I had a PlayStation I had the first PlayStation the PlayStation one I

Haven’t had a PlayStation since then so I can’t really say but there’s the whole argument isn’t there Playstation or Xbox Playstation or Xbox everyone has has a a favorite between them is I suppose it’s like Coke and Pepsi isn’t it everyone has the Coke or Pepsi

Argument as well so uh let me know in chat are you team Coke or are you te team Pepsi don’t forget to do red sauce brown sauce red sauce brown sauce we’ll do red sauce brown sauce next you’re Pepsi Max RM you’re my type of person absolutely abolutely

Coke coke coke oh my gosh too many Cokes Pepsi all the way lemonade Jack of lemonade I’m I’m a Pepsi M but I’m coffee mostly coffee coffee coffee you like Dr Pepper okay do you know I bought some and I don’t know where it’s gone I

Bought some new Dr Pepper max type thing zero or something haven’t tried it so I don’t know what it was like it’s it’s not in my kitchen anymore so I’m in my son had it which is normally what happens when you got kids you go in the kitchen and it’s

Be can I say oooo I can say oooo but I’m a Minecraft player right and I’m old and people only really want to see like cutesy girls say oooo right because it’s not cut to see when an old person does it cuz oo no doesn’t work right so

Because I’m a Minecraft player I do my oo a bit different and H see a villager villager ooo H see perfect uh do you like l i do I do yes I really enjoy her music um in fact I have and I tried and I tried and I tried to get the lyrics

And it just they wouldn’t go I I I’ve been asked to do a l Del re parody Minecraft parody and I’ve tried and I couldn’t get the lyrics going right but I will keep trying um I was going to do it to Summertime um but we’ll see we’ll see how it goes

We’ll see how it goes I was I was really having issues getting the lyrics Right obviously there’s no right or wrong in the lyrics cuz I’m making them up myself but they just didn’t I don’t know is time is it actually time no I’m not time

Oh I was going to say that’s that’s gone quick not time what Summertime Sadness parody yes I was going to do a Summertime Sadness parody um I always do um Minecraft parodies of um sort of I suppose famous songs songs that most people know sometimes people are like Tess what song

Is this they haven’t got a clue because you know I’m that talented got clue what I’m singing that’s not good is it I but yeah um like most of the time you guys know I didn’t mean to use that one I meant to use Stone I’ve done that twice

Now did I drop into the water I didn’t get dropped into the water I want it in the water I don’t want it in the water there must be something in the water should we uh come out otherwise we’re going be stuck under there I know I must have collected it it’s not

Floating okay our bridge is starting to look more bridgy got so many more legs to do can I jump here I might be able to jump and do this one look obviously this is gravel so that’s not going to work but I could do that and that

And that and that and that folks back for that and and and and that uh we have the same name are you called test yes sunrise or Sunset H ooh that’s a difficult one I don’t I don’t have a preference over there those actually H I have a preference can you join my

World this is a private World um so this one you cannot but I sometimes do community streams where everyone can join so when I’m doing those streams you’re absolutely welcome to join it is on Bedrock because those on can’t do that those on um consoles can’t do Java but those on

Java on PCS and Max can do Bedrock so I try I do it on Bedrock cuz then everyone can join in winter or summer when I don’t know spring can I have spring I opt for spring hi Tess how are you Alex I’m good how are you welcome

Into stream how old am I I’m 45 so I’m old I’m I’m like you know Grandma style old well not quite well actually I suppose I could be a grandma at my age but I’m not I want to be I want to be it’s not fair it’s not a fair thing

Hello bosel hi hello Bosley come to say hi to everyone um gr Gran I wish I wish I was I wish I was I’d love to be um my youngest is going to be 18 in a few weeks and uh I miss having a little one

And spoiling a child and stuff so I wish it was uh hi Dora how are we doing I’m better building a bridge than you have you built a bridge before have you and you know what I I don’t really build Bridges and I didn’t have a clue

What I was going to be doing so we’re just kind of going for we’re just doing it we’re just doing it I think it’s coming out all right so far I’ve got an idea it’s going to look very different to how it looks now very different it’s

Not going to look how it looks now but um yeah I’ve got an idea of how it will look it’s just obviously getting there it takes a while doesn’t it you know when you build stuff it doesn’t just appear unfortunately and this is survival as well so we’re having

To mine all the bricks too um so I’m very grateful for my friends that come in and help um to do the mining as well because you know it’s it saves a lot of time for me um Brian’s just been off a second ago grabbing some stone for me

Which saves a lot of time with me having to go out then and M Stone myself um for this bridge so yeah hopefully we’ve got enough resources now I don’t want to over mine the resources um and waste time but you know it’s good to have a little bit creative or survival um

Survival survival I do prefer survival I do like creative in some circumstances Jade thank you for the flame Hearts I didn’t see them come in there so thank you so much I’ve just noticed them hopefully they haven’t you you didn’t do it too long ago um it didn’t ding-dong

Me sometimes it’s ding- donging and sometimes it is not um yeah I’m I’m going to say survival over creative but I do enjoy creative as well um so after building your Bridge can we see your base well the bridge is going to take longer but

You can have a look at what we’ve got so far in the village this is a Tuda o I totally meant to do that oh I see a name tag I see a name tag who’s that I was going to slap you off then I mean I totally wasn’t going to slap you

Off Sparky Sparks I would never do that um hi Sparky Fox no bear are you a bear or a fox and are you wearing penguin slippers because or snowman are they penguin or snowman snowman slippers snowman slippers I want some snowman slippers I want snowman slippers I’m going to go buy some snowman

Slippers I want snowman slippers our world th000 villagers only have 13 right so you got way to go yet lots of feeding them up um I’m just going to climb up here so you guys can see um what it’s like cuz for those of you that

Have just joined stream by the way we’ve almost hit our light goal we’re at 16,000 our light goal is 20 so thank you everybody for all those likes Tess guess who’s back today guess who’s back back again m is back tell a friend uh Tess I’m sorry I have to go

That’s perfectly fine burn take care have a good one and if you uh get some time you can always watch the stream later on YouTube for the part that you’ve missed if you want to see what we’re building but we’re building a bridge so it’s kind of just going to be

The same kind of going to be the same but you could just join for the conversation CU that’s always different right um also test before I go will you please sub to my YouTube channel I don’t know what your YouTube channel is but um don’t put it in chat here but if you’re

A member in the Discord you you can put it in the self promo area in the Discord um and uh yeah then like everybody in Discord if they choose to can sub to you or they could just not sub to you that’s what the self-promo

Area in at my Discord is about if you want to put your stuff in there you can and then it gives people the option doesn’t it um to uh if they want to or if they don’t um but yeah definitely do that and uh I’ll take a

Look right let’s let’s let’s go sleep oh there’s three of us in the world now look at that look how go that bridge is Big it’s going to be huge it’s going to be huge um yeah it’s great hello hello hey lady how we doing welcome into stream how are you

Doing how are you how are you diddling uh nice what type of style are you going for um Judah slm medieval Eevee thank you for the heart me and the 2024’s thank you so much it is chudah slm Medieval what do you think is the best villager um I’m going to say the

Librarian but um obviously there’s lots of different types of librarians so I’m going to say all the Librarians with the really tasty books um it depends on what I’m wanting at that time um obviously mending is always a nice one um Everyone likes a bit of mending I think we can all agree

On that one in stream um do you know I like all of the villagers mostly not so keen on the knit wids cuz they’re just kind of annoying and do nothing um so mostly the wandering Traders are kind of annoying as well but occasionally they’ll give you a trade

That is just like oh that’s cool uh but then mostly it’s just like really really you’re giving me that and you want all those emeralds for something ridiculous so yeah um but yeah favorite librarian worst is nitwit I think everyone’s probably the nitwit which is the one

That has the green coat and doesn’t nothing e uh easy emeralds without any work required yeah villagers um Farm Villages is best um that’s what this is this is our town hall but it’s also functional as a village hall it’s got all of our villages in and luckily we’ve got it all

Done I think we’ve got the all the trades that we kind of want mostly there could be a few trades that we’ll just use the enchantment table for and such but most of the trades that we want are already in there which is good because it’s changed recently hasn’t it so now

Um certain trades are only available in certain biomes I don’t like the fact that it’s raining you know what’s going to happen don’t you especially as I don’t have a bow and arrow anymore it’s going to happen you know they always come for me it’s raining and

A creeper is going to come up behind me and blow me up they they love blowing me up and I don’t know why cuz I’m nice and I’m sweet and I would never blow them up I would just shoot them with a bow and arrow instead shh I never said that you didn’t

Hear me I never said that I plan to make a trade hul soon but I need to try a few designs and create first okay lady but when you do um if you are on the latest version you won’t be able to get all the trades in one

Area they they uh updated it just recently and you can only get certain trades in certain areas so if you are on the latest version you just kind of need to be aware of that which is kind of frustrating um but yeah if you’re going for mending you

Need to go to a swamp for that one that’s one I’m asked quite often where do I get mending from now you want to take yourself to a swamp and uh yeah that’s the only place you can get mending now your old Trader Villages they will still work um so if

You built one um prior the last update then that will still work fine um that’s me right um certain trades in certain area yes yes um like I mean some of the updates um I’ve kind of you know at first thought ah and then after a little while

I’ve see I’ve sort of been like okay I get it now I get why they’ve done that but that is just I don’t think I’m ever going to like that one like At first I wasn’t I wasn’t keen on the update when you had to uh get your um blueprint to

Be able to do your netherite armor and stuff I wasn’t keen on that at first but actually making netherite uh stuff is really easy or was really easy it was way too easy I think so now it’s actually a challenge to you know navigate a Bastion and successfully get

Through it and stuff so I kind of get it and I like it now sort of sort of but um the Villager thing I no I don’t know if I’m ever going to like it it could always be a bit of a huh I don’t know heyo go away and I’m not actually

Saying Go away I’m not laughing at you and telling you to go away that is just your name so every time I’ve said that I’ve I’ve explained it haven’t it haven’t I cuz I feel mean saying it we need to change your name I’m going to have to give you a different

Name feel mean saying l away hi how we doing I’m just going to have a sip of my coffee guys um how are we doing how are we doing everyone welcoming everybody who’s coming recently um my hair’s all over but I mean it’s more frizzy again today less

Hagrid like Hagrid yesterday but I just look frizzy again today but yep it’s is what it is my hair is going to do what it’s going to do like occasionally I’ll wash it and it’ll go lovely and I’m just like woo look look at looks like I’m

Come out a salad and then the most of the time it’s just awful and even if you use all the products it looks awful um it is what it is right what are we making we’re making a bridge we are building a bridge uh across the river here

Um there are is way too much under sight there together that does not look right from a distance at all that’s so much better just changing that and I think we’re going to need to change a few on the top but I made all the top Parts out of stone um to start

With because um well basically cuz we just put the bones of the bridge in and worked out the spacing and everything of it uh light go oh yes guys we’re at 22,000 thank you for all those likes there you guys are awesome as always super super

Super kind for the likes let’s up the light goal shall we uh get those fingers working how are you how are you guys’ fingers how are they feeling should we go to 30 I reckon you can do that I reckon you can smash that not just do it

I reckon you can smash it out the park hey Liv how we doing welcome to stream welcome to stream you got your Taylor Swift folklore vinyl today oh nice do you know I haven’t I I like Taylor Swift and but I haven’t owned a Taylor Swift album since oh what was it

Called if you if you if you’re buying vinyls you’ll know all all the albums and my brain’s gone blank I do know it because I I got the album but I can’t remember it’s my brand bra is not remembering stuff 1989 that’s exactly the one that’s

Exactly the one well done see you know my brain better than I do yes I’ve got a 1989 on there um no no it’s not right oh that’s Sparky I thought that was thought that was a creeper then hey sparkles um Sparkles what no oh my gosh you were

Really going to trust me with that thank you for for elyan Rockets oh my gosh I’ve definitely got to remember to uh log out again today then I don’t I know I’ve got lra back woo I got wings look at my wings oh my gosh we got to dance we got

To dance for that thank you Sparky that dance is for you I am making a bridge yes yes Liv we’re making a bridge we are building a bridge cuz I am love and Love Can Build a Bridge so yeah I keep singing that song every time I think of that I think

Of that song so those of you that don’t know it is it’s an old song so it’s all right if you don’t know it so goes Love Can Build a br between your heart and mind Love Can Build a Bridge don’t you think it’s time or don’t you think it’s

Time sort of like that uh I’m so upset I almost got the w Are For Speed running world record actually how quick how quick we sure Speed Run I could probably get a world record for the slowest oh my gosh is that a thing guys we could definitely win

That your singing is going to needs a little improve my singing needs a lot of improvement oh Rockets Rockets we can fly we can fly guys we can fly we’ve got Rockets now we got lter again we can I’ve put them in there ah we can fly woohoo thank you Sparkles the former

Lra I totally am going to die and lose my fourth set oh my gosh we need to uh do another set of raiding in the uh nend cities don’t we I can’t believe I’ve done three sets of elytra now well I bet you guys can

Believe it but and two one was like just unfortunate but two were just through my stupidity really um remember when I created my first world and fell in the same hole at the time do I don’t oh my gosh that sounds like some would do I built a big hole in

Um the castle realm any of you that have been on the castle Realm why am I not flying see I’m so used to not having a lra now I forgot that I’m wearing it yeah so it was when um the Deep uh the caves and cliffs first came out and

All before that I was so used to the levels of where everything was I just you just dug down right low down and you would find everything you’d find diamonds of coal and iron and all of that and it would just all be there and everything and it was great but then

When they did the update it was all at different levels and I’m like what levels is everything at I didn’t have a clue so I was just like right and I did a big 20 by 20 hole and dug it all the way down to deep slate and I had a piece

Of paper and on this piece of paper I wrote down what OES were at what level and how many of the those OES oh was M mad total Madness but yeah whereas I could have just played and learned where they were rather than doing something

Like that or I could have done it on a creative world that would have been a bit more sensible but no I did it on a survival world because uh doing it on Creative is far too easy and why would I do anything the easy way guys why do it the easy way

When you can make it difficult on yourself right that’s totally a bad philosophy to have in life but it’s the one I normally go for not intentionally I’m just bad but it’s good it’s fine it’s all fine okay they pretty it’s a power move to do

It’s the way you did it right Hi D hey Lucy how we doing limpy welcome into stream how are you doing are you well I remember when I create my I’ve I’ve read that comment I’ve done that comment Ellie thank you for the heart me

Thank you so much why am I not ding donging why is my why is my game my uh Tik Tok not ding donging when I get a gift that is very frustrating guys please help me out if a gift comes in please shout in chat you know test

Dingdong so I know that I need to thank someone because like it’s not okay it’s not okay if I don’t thank you um and I would never not thank someone on purpose um I would always always say thank you um but it’s not ding donging all the time and that’s very frustrating to

Me yeah it very very much is frustrating so question mark what’s the question mark Abby what did you say I don’t see I don’t see 50 15 minutes something about 15 minutes I’m so upset I almost oh 15 minutes was your speed run wow that is quick that is very quick um

Did you do it on a specific seed um I do speed runs very often I’ve not done white last time I was given a seed to do but it wasn’t a good one um but I know for proper speed running people use specific seeds um but I haven’t tried

One on a on a specific pafic stream it’s snowing where you are do you know it started to try to snow here a little while ago so that would be cool to actually see um that would be cool yeah but yeah 15 minutes is awesome very very very

Impressive um I normally do just a a seed for like whatever seed we load in on and it normally takes 3 to three and a half hours for my speed runs so quite a lot longer getting you more andite thank you so much I appreciate that I like Anders

Sight undersight is good it’s my friend me andite with buddies um I totally totally meant to put that there then but I’m just going to remove it just for a second um should we start putting this this out we really only need stone stone bricks and and theight for this part though don’t

We someone’s in front of me but I can’t see um I will put some gravel there but it’s going to be very very hello hey Stone thanks thank you for the stone yay I love the snow but Penny’s normally Shield us okay so they like yeah when um when I

Grew up I lived in Bedford Che and uh when we used to have uh thunderstorms um because of the hills that were around us when we got a thunderstorm the thunderstorm would get trapped because it get be lower the storm would be lower than the hills and it would just bounce backwards and

Forwards between the hills and it would carry on and Carry On and carry on until it burnt itself out hours and hours they’d go but it was cool watching them I used to really enjoy watching them you just don’t get storms here like you like

I used to get where where I grew up but um in some respect X now that’s good cuz Bosley’s scared of them so he would not be happy with that at all so it’s kind of good for Bosley but um I’d like them again a bit I like them a bit Ah

D D D D Ah that’s another one I didn’t want to use that one but that’s okay it kind of looks okay it looks all right it looks sureesh it does it does it does um you live in darish so you just have the bottom it off to the shops be right

Back okay what you buying me what you buying me river is it something nice is it something nice lettuce okay I’ll take lettuce started a diet today guys no actually I’m looking forward to it because I I’m I did a lot of dieting last year as some of you will have seen

Um if you are members on my other um Tik Tok you will have seen maybe um so actually I’m I’m looking forward to getting back on track and everything yeah so it’s a bit bit crazy cuz I’ve never actually said oh I’m so looking forward to a diet before but actually I really

Am looking forward to dieting am I mad yes totally but um I feel so much better I found a monster spawner do you want the cords abolutely what sort of monster spawner is it we’ve got a mob farm so we don’t actually need it to turn into anything so you could

Just D destroy it actually it’s a zombie one my mob farm is amazing um and I’m not just saying it cuz it’s mine um it works really well it it’s like the the best one that you can get on Bedrock I’m going to go and say that

Yes I said it I said it cuz I can that’s how the song goes right you’re actually getting salad good good be healthy be healthy I’m being healthy you you’ve got to be healthy with me I’ve told brione I’m going to ring her at uh

In the middle of the night like cuz I’m hungry I’m hungry so I’m going to wake you up next week me and my bro are going to grind The Village thousand villagers to 50 to 100 if you just give them a ton of oh Food they’ll breed you’ll be asleep don’t worry I’ll

Wake you up I’ll wake you up it’s fine I’m totally going to Har I’m going to have to like you know harass you just because you’ve said that what are we doing today we are building a bridge uh in the Tuda World um after Christmas I said guys what do

We want to do do we want to come back on the Tuda world do we want to do this do we want to do that and everyone voted the Tuda world so we’re back here on this world doing the Jah build because I didn’t really mind so I just went with

Whatever you guys wanted to do um I’m going to drink my coffee while we wait for everyone to sleep um is there a reason to play Java over Bedrock or do you have any tips for growing a channel right I play Bedrock because I have an Xbox and um I do have

Java and I have tried to stream Java but it lagged but a lot of people stream Java and have no issues so there’s no difference in streaming Java to bedrock um and playwise there are some differences um stop running from me having more gifts oh sorry I’m sorry I’m Sorry Miss

Jackson woo for real okay should I stop being Sil I got arrows which bow is it has it got Infinity on mending mending have I taught you nothing I mean thank [Laughter] you it’s right that’s it I’m not not giving you gifts again not giving you

Gifts again no actually we can do with mending now really I I like Infinity cuz you don’t need many arrows but our um mobs um our XP farm SL mob farm is so good it’s so good I got so many arrows um yeah like I started off with several

Chests down and I had to build like 10 more layers of double chests down and it still wasn’t enough chest to collect all the loop it was crazy and after 5 hours we had 104 XP levels it’s insanely good and I I made it by accident so I should

Actually say I planned on making this awesome Farm but it was by accident um I made a creeper Farm uh and then uh when Xbox I don’t know if it was just bedrock in total or whether it was just Xbox they did an update and it was broken but

It wasn’t broken for long but it was at the point when I was making this creeper farm so it didn’t work and it started to spawn spiders um so I was like H I’ve got to change this Farm I’m going to just change it into a multi mob farm as it’s

Spawning spiders and creepers anyway and uh so it was kind of an accident that I made this Farm obviously I meant to make the mob farm but I was planning originally not making the mob and just doing a creeper farm so I adapted this creeper Farm into

A multim mob farm and it works really good like really good I’m going to have to put a video out a tutorial of it so you guys can make it in your worlds because it is so good it’s definitely like worth making absolutely 100% um like and I suppose people who make their

Own stuff will probably say that any anyway but but like there’s other Farms that I say no just make this person’s because mine works just as you know efficient or not even as efficient as this person so yeah um but I will tell you how it is and my mob Farm’s really

Good so make it do it do it now oh wait I haven’t posted the tutorial yet so you can’t do it now do it once I’ve posted the tutorial yes please you’d love to see the video yes yes I’ll get it I’ll have to get it

Done I’ll have to get a tutorial made of it it is a really good one um it’s for Bedrock you can probably make better ones on Java I don’t know I don’t know but I know um spawning spawn rates are better on uh Java than Bedrock so

Probably that one on Java would be good as well I don’t know I haven’t made it on Java to let you know but I can tell you on Bedrock it’s very good it’s good good good good it works well so it is Good hey Sparkles oh I am getting more gifts this going to have Infinity I knew it I was joking about the infinity oh my gosh look at that I got two bows now I’m spoiled for Choice those creepers aren’t getting me they’re still going to get me who am I who am I

Kidding we all know the creepers are still going to get me but at least I have a better defense than uh against them now the creepers always get me they love me creepers love me I don’t know why I don’t know why I’ve done nothing to them nothing I’m

Never mean to creepers I just hug them with my sword and they just really don’t like me I don’t know Why you going to fin we’re at 30k we’re at 30k yes you guys are awesome and when I said let’s up it to 30 and I know you guys will get there it’s completely right oh was completely right cuz you guys are awesome and that’s it that’s it you’re awesome

That’s all I’ve got to say about that that is all I’ve got to see let’s up it to 35 35 there we go we’re already at 31 oh maybe I should have upped it to 100 cuz guys we’re already at 31 up here from 30

To 35 and we’re already at 31 you guys are smashing those likes thank you so much everybody for the likes by the way um I’m always like I I say it all the time and I mean it I’m always amazed by the likes that we get um like especially

Sometimes the streams are very quiet and you guys still like blow the doors off with the likes like crazy amounts I don’t don’t even know how you do it sometimes you’re all like got no fingers I don’t know stubs stubby hands where you’ve got no fingers from the amounts of likes you’ve

Given I don’t know but you’re insane dingdong it ding donged yes SJ thank you for the tiny diny and yes it ding donged it ding- donged it hasn’t been ding-dong in hey limpy again welcome back how are we doing what’s the best way to get name tags um maybe

Villagers um villagers will give you name tags some of the Librarians um that’s an easy way if you’ve got do trades with them or um you can often find them in chests in like M shafts and well everywhere really all sorts of chests that you can find

About um like hidden about um may have them ah totally meant to do that um but yeah I suppose the easiest way would be the villagers we’ve got some uh Librarians over there that do name tags but we don’t actually have loads of name tags do we have a villager Hall yes Drago

Um weird question do not watch My Stream where I’m not going to tell you I’m not going to tell you you should know you should know it’s a secret it’s a secret it’s exactly where I am it’s the town hall our Village Hall our village trade Hall is also our town

Hall I leave this like that probably did that looks right so if you just come to where I am it’s literally where I am it’s in our town hall come see I didn’t see that uh come see the shuler’s present what my gosh sheepy sher’s what what where are you

Brone oh my gosh everyone’s messing me I have to close Minecraft cuz I’m on my phone ah I see present for you where where are you where are you are you uh hiding Batman Batman we all know I’m Batman though right you saw it didn’t you guys that

Stream where Bron at the end of the bridge where brone kept saying that she was Batman and I said no I’m Batman and then I did a stream and I was dressed in a Batman outfit just to prove I’m Batman I might have overshot the end of the bridge a little bit here

Whoa I’m going a bit quick should we slow down so I don’t go Splat um is there presence in here presence in here okay Stone and and theight yes Stone and undersight undersight and stone stone and undersight yes the seed that the world is on is snowy Village so that’s why we’re

Building it okay um I chose a snowy area for my Christmas build um but I chose this one specifically because of this mountain from over there I’m going to go to sleep and I’ll show you the mountain from over there it’s just perfect for what I’ve got like envisioned in my

Head um but it’s bedtime so we almost must go sleep shh baby sleeping baby is sleeping T we’re nearly at 40K already I put the light go at 35 you guys tricked me thank you so much so I definitely won’t be uping it to 40K because you’re

Going to be there before I even press the button to change the goal which I can’t see for some reason there we are there we are um my gosh guys you’re smashing the likes you crazy people no finger people no finger people that’s what you are

40K yes guys say how’s your day been it’s been good Danny how about yours I’ve upped the light go to 45 guys I’ve upped it to 45 Drago left Drago joined Drago left Drago joined Drago left Drago joined Drago’s got a dragon on his head hi hi totally didn’t see

That right this is what I mean about the area why I chose this area I’m just going to show you from over here cuz you have to see it from from a little bit of a distance so up by the cherry blossoms is always a good area

Um what you building in you need help I don’t need help with the building the whole lot of building on this world I am doing but um you can build your own stuff like far away if you want or you can gather lots and lots of resources

Which will help that would be helpful um yeah so uh here we’re doing a chuda slm medieval Port town and what kind of resources all of them every single resource you can think of um I don’t know exactly but ones that would look good as tudah houses so lots of

Stones um maybe some terracottas um and stuff like that so yeah you only have 4 minutes left on Tick Tock uh when’s the next stream um probably tomorrow I I not making schedules at the moment I did I did for a while um in 2022 between spring and Autumn I had a

Really good patch with my health so I started to make schedules and then I got bad with my health again and uh so I wasn’t here for a long time um I had weeks off and then at the start of 20 uh 23 I had a couple of

Months off um so I felt really bad that I let you guys down like I had this streaming schedule and I wasn’t sticking to it I wasn’t here so um what I did instead was um just said like I’m going to try and stream each day and if I’m

Here I’m here and if I’m not I’m not um and just just try so I I like I hope to be look at that view yes lady and this is why I chose this area I came across this area I was actually looking for a vid a village and I’d already

Decided where I was going to build but I came across this area and I was just like no this is it this is it um I found this area and I I I could just see a whole village like with port with a port that on the waterfront and the village

Coming up here and then it’s going to go up like that and then it’s going to go to a fort or a castle type build on the top like a massive um and that’s just it just screamed that at me when I I was there

Like I don’t know um any of you that are builders in um three roses yes free the we thank you so much for the Roses thank you so much that’s really kind you’re working on a speak uh build that speaks to you yes it just like sometimes build like areas that you see

And Minecraft just says this area needs that built there it just does and if you’re a build on Minecraft you’ll know what I mean by that you’ll just look at something and go I can see that I can see that um what are you up to we’re building a bridge that’s what we’re

Doing but I was just I was just uh gabbling away as I always do you know me guys oh well I totally overshot the bridge there didn’t I I’m never going to learn how to fly I believe I can fly or goost blat on the ground I believe [ __ ] touch the sky

And go Splat on the ground think about it every night and day spread my wings and fly away I believe I can S I usually associate blue and white with it with what oh what colors do you associate January okay colors oo there was a message and the chest as the start of

Stuff you got months ago huh I don’t know what they’re talking about like goal we’ve hit the like goal again guys I’m going to up it to 50 you guys are smashing the likes thank you so much we’re at 45,000 likes over in Tik Tok guys any of you that are watching in

Tik Tok thank you so much for those likes um yeah you’re just owning those likes today yes um where was I what was I doing I was in the middle of saying something oh colors for the months that’s what we were talking about um colors for the month colors for the months um

January I don’t know I don’t know I’ve never thought of associating colors with months January probably White it’s cold isn’t it oo like snow and stuff so yeah white probably the Librarians are downstairs why no Librarians there are they’re downstairs on the opposite side they’re not on the right they’re on the left

Going to the left or downstairs they’re in different area they’re all together most of them have been zombified well they all have been zombified but they’re starting to to get a little bit more expensive again but some of them are still like one um one Emerald per trade

So I love your accent thank you Hannah uh can I try out your realm do you know I wish I had time to Jo join everyone’s game but I just don’t um like to play for long periods but what I do do sometimes do do um yep um I do do um

But sometimes I will join people’s worlds and take a look around um I do that uh sometimes so to join it and stay on it and play and build is is a no because I just don’t have time and if I said yes to one person I’d have to say

Yes to every person um so for that reason no for that but to come and have a look at some point um I can definitely do that um so that one yeah probably I don’t see why not um at some point when I’m not busy but obviously i’ I do have a very

Busy life cuz I’ve got a house and I got a dog and I got a husband and I got a child and I got a job so um it’s all busy in the life of Tess so I do have lots of other responsibilities and then

I have to uh stream for you guys as well and it’s not just streaming guys I like I have to answer so many messages as well I mean I don’t have to but I do answer my messages any of you that have sent me a message that’s not just

General rubbish will know that you’ve had it answered sometimes they can take a while cuz I wait until I’ve got enough time to answer a bunch of them all at once um but yeah I I like to try and get back to all of you because you’re kind

Enough to send me a message so be rude just to ignore you right um so yeah um like I probably spend a few hours each week just answering your messages and stuff must do maybe even more um like there’s too much undersight there isn’t there too much undersight

Like let’s oo that one move that one and put Stone no that doesn’t look right let’s put see that’s the thing you got to stand back sometimes and look let’s put an and theight back there okay and let’s put the stone coming down an extra one here stone

Brick um and some gravel in the middle I think piece of gravel there let’s get the gravel is that gravel yeah I think piece of gravel there will look yeah that’s better texture I don’t know why it looked weird but it just did there’s three pieces of and theight there all

Together that looks weird as well just too much I like the texture in but sometimes like that’s too much of the andite together it’s bugging me um so I’m going to put a piece of gravel in the middle there too actually and I think that will look better from a distance

Okay right let’s go to sleep if I can fly I can fly look at that see that at me go I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky what time do you have my time oh it’s just gone seven I need to feed my

Dog I need to feed my dog he gets fed at 7 it’s 10 7 my poor dog is starved he’s 10 minutes late for his dinner guys um so yeah that’s that’s the time here I’m in England so why I’m coming all the way down here and

Not just flying out the window I don’t know but I am I I can fly okay our bridge is looking a lot better now it needs the archways bu building 50k yes guys 50,000 likes in Tik Tok yes so we need to do the Arches next

Time but because of the time I’ve it’s almost 2 hours um the stream which is the normal length 2 to 3 hours is the normal length of my time we’re not quite there but we are almost at 2 hours and my poor dog will be starved if I don’t

Go feed him so I’m going to call it for today I am actually going to go back into the house today though this is where I was yesterday this is where I ended stream and I left myself AFK there and lost everything you need gunpowder um there is much gun

Powder uh I got an AFK farm would you like me to show you where it is I’ll take you there before I feed the dog follow follow me follow down to the hollow and you guys can get to see the the mob farm then the awesome mob farm um have you got rockets

At the moment do you have rockets at the moment you do okay fly over that hill and there is a portal over here ah go through this portal oh my God hi Tess hey Logan how we doing I’m just going to go to the AFK farm and then I’ll probably go in the

House I need to remember not to be outside don’t I especially after Sparky’s giv me another set of elytra that would be bad come this way you’re going the wrong way nope tricker would it be funny if sheepy went into the lava I mean it wouldn’t but it kind of

Would at the same time I totally wouldn’t laugh what do you mean no it kind of would it kind of would kind of would try not to lose another I know I know and then if you follow me up to that contraction up there probably going to take two

Rockets three whoa three is too much three is overshot I’m so bad with the lro it’s ridiculous we need to go down a little bit no we don’t I mean test do you want to elytra I’ve got one on I’ve got one on but I do keep

Getting un alive this is our mob farm and it works really good as you can see there’s plenty of mobs in there already Yeah loads and loads of mobs but yeah I afked here and I got 104 levels and I as you can see there’s loads of chests cuz I had to add more added more storage yes there is Storage um I do this so in case of um Phantoms

Coming at night time but like you don’t even go I did it down to this level and that was just not not even close to enough chests and like can you see all the extra chests I added in because it’s just so efficient is ridiculous like it’s ridiculous I think

There’s gunpowder um here this bottom one yeah there’s loads in this bottom chest here sheepy so you can grab you can grab yourself some if you want what did you just throw off there if they’re blocks don’t throw blocks away blocks are like gold on this game all blocks what was that

Noise don’t know sounded like the dog but it sounded like the door opening and my dog can’t open the back door he can open the house the doors in the house but not my back door right I’m going to go AFK here cuz this is this is safe to

Little area to go AFK and nothing’s going to get me so I should have the thing but I will I will do a tutorial on the thing um at some point yeah he’s leaving for a takeaway it’s nearly 20 minutes past his dinner time he’s he’s like he’s he’s like

Saying my stomach thinks my float throat’s been slit Mom I’m starved I’m starved I’m starved so I’m going to go feed my dog and I will see you all tomorrow um thank you for being here as always and we’ll get some more done on the bridge so

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – come say hi :)’, was uploaded by Minecraft With Tess on 2024-01-09 08:12:09. It has garnered 99 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:58 or 6718 seconds.

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  • Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiant

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  • Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!

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  • We Escaped Water Barry’s Prison Run in Roblox😱

    We Escaped Water Barry's Prison Run in Roblox😱Video Information This video, titled ‘WE ESCAPED WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN IN ROBLOX (OBBY) 😱’, was uploaded by Ayush More on 2024-05-11 07:56:33. It has garnered 388127 views and 6374 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:01 or 1021 seconds. ROBLOX WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie Roblox Game Video Ayush More Roblox Techno Gamerz Proboiz 95 Frosty Loggy Shivang Mini Brookhaven 🔲 My ROBLOX Profile: ____________________________ 🎯 Subscribe to my other YT Channels: HORROR GAMEPLAY: @AyushMore2 ➤ REACTION Channel:… Read More

  • Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!

    Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!Video Information This video, titled ‘“Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilization!”’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Akshay on 2024-03-21 03:15:09. It has garnered 180 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:36 or 216 seconds. “Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilizatio Minecraft Village Exploration Adventure Gaming Community Build Survival Let’s Play Hidden Gems Secrets Mysteries Discoveries Enchanting Breathtaking Intricate Unique Captivating Stunning Visuals Fun Relaxing Minecraft Hardcore Challenge PojavLauncher Adventure Survival Gaming Series Hardcore Minecraft Gameplay Uncharted Minecraft Quest PojavLauncher Survival Guide Extreme Survival Minecraft Hardcore Journey… Read More

  • “INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥” #gaming #viral

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  • The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!

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  • Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft Streamer

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  • Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀

    Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀Video Information This video, titled ‘Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic ‎@GamerFleet  reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by NoteMiner on 2024-06-17 06:00:21. It has garnered 16967 views and 751 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic @GamerFleet reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts Hello Everyone 👋… Welcome🥳 to my channel ▶️. If you liked this video then make sure to hit the like 👍 button 😁… And to watch more such contents, do subscribe to my YouTube channel ❤♾️. 📢Credits:- @GamerFleet (Anshu Bisht)❤ I DON’T OWN THE MUSIC🎶 AND… Read More

  • Insane Singh 2.0 – Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shorts

    Insane Singh 2.0 - Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Crazy singh 2.0 on 2024-02-14 11:19:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house When a Minecraft spider gets into your house. And he’s also named Dave. Read More