Nugget City ep 70- Playing with viewers on all platforms!

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What is up what is up uh let me set up some things guys and I will be live what is up guys um all right first of all what I gotta go to This all right click this just give me 1 second finally dude it only been like six days guys we’re good we’re good just give me a second what’s up guys hey what’s up Eric welcome to stream dude Jordan Roberts uh nogs welcome Daman what’s up dude uh we are just

Uh there we go let’s get that up uh give me one second guys I’m sorry I got to set up where’s the Titanic uh it’s in the uh dining room area uh that’s where it’s at right now what is up everybody uh Blaze welcome to the stream dude got a

Uh Cass today I’d imagine you metant cat um nice dude yeah let’s yeah guys make sure to join the Discord guys uh open browser oh there we go I can have YouTube chat up like that this whole time for real that’s actually so much better how

Do I like sorry guys I just discovered something I didn’t know how do I like oh dude that is so much better for for a chat what’s up guys what’s up salty welcome dude uh 6 days yes I know it’s been six days guys I am sorry man I

Am sorry what’s up swept why is the chat uh broken uh what do you mean it is the chat is a little bit no the chat’s perfectly fine it’s right there uh my new capture card and new mic arrived just need a laptop let’s go dude can’t wait for the Damian streams man

That’s going to be fun dude I’ll be there for sure um is the music too loud guys do I need to turn down the music a little bit or is it fine I’ll turn it down just a little bit so I can hear myself what’s up guys I miss you guys

Man I uploaded a video yesterday um I think it’s doing really well right now the click-through rate’s good hopefully it glows big I spent like 30 plus hours editing it with Roman um he was there in chat uh he was kind of like we kept going through and stuff like things I

Could change uh so you know it took a little bit but uh we did it and now it’s up guys I hope you guys did enjoy it uh I tried my hardest on it but uh wait there’s music yeah dude the you guys can’t hear

It you guys can’t hear the music at all uh the video was good thank you so much man I appreciate that guys uh so anyway let’s get into the uh the game man let’s get into the game it’s been a little bit man uh y vid was a banger and I know

Bangers you know what I mean uh let’s make a copy of this world right here I think it’s this world at least no no no it’s this one right 16 no we had to go back I remember now yeah let’s uh I think this is the right one let’s

Go to nugget City uh 70 nugget City multiplayer there we go all right just make sure everything’s all right I I’ll be right back never mind I don’t have to be right back my phone’s right here I can pull up chat on this uh that’s how I like to have it

I like to have chat on my phone as well just up next to it uh there we go oh I have an update all right guys uh you guys should be able to get in SL set max players 30 there you guys go man I did miss you

Guys man uh I can’t believe it’s episode 70 right dude that’s crazy welcome everybody uh so we had a little setback we had a little setback man uh which is not fun uh but with everybody’s work today guys I’m sure we can catch up even

Better and uh yeah I still have I got to go back and work on the hill dude I am so sad about that man I have to go back work on the hill a little bit yeah uh we have some pretty nice houses here by the way is this just a copied

House by the way I think this is Freddy’s house just copied over here I’m not sure but I think it is dude it’s been a while I haven’t played like video games since I was editing dude it’s like literally wake up edit go like go to sleep for the past

Five days so this feels a little weird right now oh that’s not what I wanted uh what’s up Jordan Roberts I’m going to do some uh redesign to the Panera uh a chance to start over yeah exactly dude let’s yeah man don’t delete yeah yeah yeah you’re good dude I’m just doing some

Things uh nuget I could be in the next vid I got recording software and a good mic if you’re even doing one um I’m probably not dude my next videos are going to be uh pretty much just like oh my get this car out of here get this car

Out of here there we go um yeah so my next video is going to be about uh nugget City like some things and stuff it’s it’s confusing but uh yeah I’m not going to do another challenge video for a while man um that’s kind of like the only one I’m

Going to do for like probably this whole year uh the next ones are going to be pretty simple videos that have a lot of uh has a big chance of going big on them uh yo can I join on my other account uh name is yeah I got you dude

Salty don’t do you have like a new account every day I feel like feel like like you do uh ma ma a AA ma uh isn’t that the person that like just joined the Discord Server uh what’s your Gamertag uh I’ll give it to you in just one sec man let me get this guy’s uh username I can’t even find the message uh uh where’s that message at dude like I am I going blind Jordan Freddy Mythic XD okay there we go salty

Henry uh one two three four five six 78 yep there you go dude I got you my username is right here guys uh I wonder if if waffle is going to join today I feel bad dude uh he like lost a skyscraper man you guys think you guys

Have a bad he literally like lost a skyscraper dude I felt so bad bro like I still do feel bad like it’s crazy dude but I am happy to be live again man I miss you guys dude I really do I’ll join in a sec all right dude I

Got you uh yeah this is my username you guys can pause take a screenshot uh do what you have to yes there’s no lag yeah dude I think that was the main problem why is like no chat popping Up there we go please let me join yeah dude you can join in man uh what’s your username dude by the way guys you guys aren in the Discord uh make sure to join the Discord oh my goodness I forgot to put it on subscriber only mode that

Sucks uh give me a second guys f11 Escape uh pop this Open studio I completely forgot guys we are one sub Away by the way for 4,800 subscribers man that is crazy then we’re only 200 Subs away dude from uh from 5K man content Live Details customization there we go that’s why

Chat was not working too well all right all right guys we’re good uh few criticism Prett recent video I’ll let you know them post stream I already know D I saw your hateful comment in my general chat that I did honestly it’s not really the fact that like you could

Like critique my like editing or anything like that or like the style of the video it’s more the fact that you didn’t even leave like a good thing with the like negative you know like I already seen it I also already applied to it you know what I mean it’s more like

Cuz I like when people like tell me what I did wrong but like it’s the fact that you didn’t really like give me anything I did right either you know what I mean I don’t know man you should read it back cuz it seemed pretty hateful um I was very sick yesterday I

Was throwing up but I feel better well that’s good man I I’m glad you feel better but yeah like you didn’t even like tell me what I did really good with it either hey what’s up Roman welcome to the stream dude by the way Roman has the

Golden Nugget guys he has been a member for 12 months dude it’s it’s Freddy you’re much fine L in the general was good uh video but yeah but you see you didn’t say that you know you kind of just dissed the video in general chat dude today I

Woke up read that and was like well today’s going to be a good day you know it’s not like the most fun thing to wake up and read my bad if you wasn’t intentional yeah I did it’s all good man I I forgive you but it’s just like you know you got to

Like just watch how you word things dude uh my username is yeah let me get you in here dude add friend retext got you dude uh it didn’t say that you added me uh I could try it again uh make sure you have me added bro yeah I’m getting in here dude I’m

Getting in here no need to spam uh A therey good go bro I got you in here man uh make sure to add me or else the world won’t pop up under friends tab hi again nugget what’s up dude Coro Coro I like that username um Eric production uh I can’t join even though I have you added it

Says that your friends are not playing Minecraft right now really uh try to restart your Minecraft man that could be the issue I know I have to do that sometimes uh also send your username in chat um let me make sure that I have you added

Henry I got that right one two 3 four five six seven eight yeah dude I have you as a friend this is you right uh make sure you have me added back dude add this username right here yeah I was editing alongside Roman man for like literally like wake up dude

Wasn’t it like 8:00 a.m. you know we wake up we joined VC some days it would be like 10:00 a.m. but mainly it would be like 9 or 8 and stuff um and I would literally just join VC with him and we would just get to work dude

Yeah like I said dude I do like like when you guys tell me what I could approve on and stuff like that cuz I do take that into like consideration a lot because you know you don’t get better unless you know what you did wrong um

But it’s just like when you give me everything I did wrong but not really tell me what I did right that I find disrespectful you know what I mean that’s all man but other than that dude it’s all good uh let me give this new person a

Plot of land to build a house on we’re still learning for better yeah yeah definitely dude uh is that your username uh let me add you man there you go dude I got you added man uh if that is your username make sure you add me back right here or else

The road will not pop up to your friends list hi hello I do not read Minecraft chat guys too much so make sure to type in regular chat uh for me to actually uh get you uh Damian joined what’s up Damen I’ll definitely help you out Damian if

You need it uh later with that let me give this person a nice um the numbers are wrong that’s how you that’s how you put him man Henry I can scroll up again 1 two 3 four five oh why is it weird like that three four five 7 six

78 but even when I put it in this way it doesn’t pop up dude make sure you got your thing down man spider one yeah let me make sure I have you addited uh Spider one one one22 man let make sure that’s right Spider 11122 Man yeah dude make sure you have

The right username that you put in chat I have been forgotten no you haven’t man no you haven’t I just haven’t seen you around at least I don’t think so H you might have you might have been forgotten by me there’s a lot of people that come and go dud

Honestly uh let’s see here uh let me give this guy a plot of Land teleport who let me get uh this is where you’re going to build your house at man build house here for yourself there you go man Um OK and then let me give this plot of land right here to this guy let’s get this guy a plot of land here uh to me here you go I like your skin uh yeah build a house here good there we go um oh by the way in is my friend so

I’m showing him around it’s all good dud let him build a house first though dude um but yeah make sure he’s in like uh oh yeah he’s obviously in the chat um yeah flip as long as he doesn’t grief did I don’t mind um good chill Uh have you addited on Playstation uh I’m on PC dude I don’t it’s it’s Microsoft man um whatever your Microsoft username is dude let me know what that Is feel like the music’s just too loud for me there we go all right uh whose friend is this did I is this my friend is this um is this fogy I I remember is this like Fogie with a different username no oh never mind you guys had the same

Skin okay uh hi what’s up Leah what’s up Leah Try all right let me get let me try that out man add friend H Doon let me make sure I have this right HD Alton one one that worked there you go dude see now make sure you have me added here and you should be able to join in dude uh

What’s up Braxton welcome to the stream man hope you’re having a good day bro Roman are you still uh editing right Now blazing join yeah guys I don’t have too much lag man I think we got rid of the problem with all the lag man it was those frames dude those paintings so I rather redo this hill and have to live like with lag every stream I’m like so happy about

That now yeah it does kind of suck that like uh we lost a lot especially uh waffle I hope waffle joins it I kind I miss seeing him around dude uh can you add snap spere and yeah dude I got you are those your uh friends make sure to have them like

In the chat or have something you know I can’t even click on his profile dude I think he doesn’t allow like friends or something like I can’t click on Damian either for some reason so I can’t add him right now so I type in his username but he’s

Not in chat so I’m probably not yo what’s up Seb welcome dude uh hi uh FR link uh what’s your Discord uh mods can we put the Discord in the chat please uh there should also be a link in my description but I think it’s it’s

Expired so like I don’t think it works I had to change it for the video thank you uh Freddy for the Discord link guys if you guys are not in the Discord guys make sure to join the the Discord uh the Link’s right there uh it’s also in your

Chat uh make sure to click it man join the Discord if you guys are not in the Discord already dude today’s a good day man today is a good day I love nugget City Roman I love you man and also nug good City loves you too

Even though you don’t join it’s it still loves you more like budget City all right buddy um did Roman ever reply to me asking if he’s editing uh oh he never did he just kind of put the ey emoji how many people we got in here guys we

Got a quite a big uh chunk of people a new day for uh n good City for real man I can’t believe I’m still working on this hill like of course we got like that set back back to like the hill right here like it couldn’t have happened like after today’s stream you

Know it happened like after I got done with the hill lucky I didn’t do like all the top of it man that would have sucked hey what’s up Waffle I was just talking about it man I just talking about you I was like I miss waffle

Man dude so waffle you weren’t here um but we had a setback dude uh this is the turning point for lag for real yeah dude um we had a setback uh last stream that I did on nugget City on basically the item frames crashed the world that you finish your skyscrapers

On dude and uh now everybody got set back to episode 67 um so yeah man it’s uh everybody’s just kind of redoing what they already did uh so yeah I am sorry about that I know you got your your one black skyscraper up and stuff like that you

Probably did more my friend just subscribed okay uh yeah can you tell them to join chat or something dude uh that way I can like add them uh waffles hard just broke I felt it bro like break like I felt it dude like when it happened man I all I could

Think about was like waffles like Skyscraper that was interiored and stuff just gone like my heart broke that’s how bad it was dang all that’s fine yeah dude I’m sorry every look at this hill dude I got set back now I’m redoing the hill

Again they put me back on uh we doing VC today uh maybe maybe not I’m not sure dude I think today I’m going to just do it solo um especially for the fact that every time when we do a VC uh Freddy and Ed uh DT like to

Normally join and fight or just talk crap and stuff and I really don’t feel like having that today um so yeah hey what’s up pers welcome to stream man hey uh well hey I never lost stuff because I haven’t been here hey there you go man that’s an up huh it’s like an

Up just don’t invite them true I could just do that yeah I really don’t have the patience for him today oh man dude you know it’s going to be a good stream today CU I have like the the the white light coming in dude like you

Know it’s going to be a good stream dude like when I got like the bright light on my face and you know what I mean like looking all looking all stunned you know what I mean like look at me look at me B like come on come on you

Know I’m over here glowing you know what I mean I’m over here glowing you guys know I’m beautiful man come on no I’m having a good day man yeah what’s up goof the goofy what’s up goofy man how you doing dude rizzler dude the rizzler for real

Uh my PC is about to come in dude let’s go man I’m excited for you to get it dude what just happened I just showed my Riz off dude and uh let me join that’s good if it let you join bro this place is haunted bro dude like dude my chair like started

Moving back bro it’s doing it again what dude dude my D I’m telling you dude today like the ceiling part like in my kitchen like went up and stuff and I saw it dude this place is haunted man I’m telling you I know this place is haunted yo what’s up hey what’s up

Portal welcome to the stream man all right guys I’m going to teleport around make sure everybody’s doing their jobs stuff like that who is this oh he’s like a doctor almost uh Dash I do not have you added uh I don’t know which friend you are or from oh he

Probably did he just leave no wait what why can’t I see him in the oh he’s right here I don’t think I yeah I don’t have you added whose friend are you um what I was and Fred only noticed me but when I changed to this account you noticed me like what

Yeah I don’t know man uh this guy’s just AFK I’ll give him a plot of land just while he gets his answer up uh guys make sure you add like a backyard or something to your build by the way this house looks really nice I don’t know when is going to get done

Though gu is nice maybe we do something like that that looks pretty nice uh I’m just trying to add like some backyard so when I add trees it’s not like all back here you know this is looking nice that start of the house this house actually goes hard man I like

That uh hi again hey what’s up kro aren’t you just purple on a different account what’s up croak yeah yo what’s up Seb welcome to stream guys let’s make sure to like the stream guys let’s get it up to 70 likes Today VC is so lonely now dang dude I’m sorry man I would join but I’m kind of live you know what I mean kind of kind of streaming you know kind of got a stream going on hi twitch stream let’s go man how’s that going for you dude how’s your whole twitch streams

Going man I never streamed on Twitch I do have a Twitch account I normally just like follow people that like put their like twitch in like self-promotion or something like that cuz I don’t use that account so it’s kind of like a free follower you know I’m barely on Twitch

Like ever I used to watch MCC a lot and then like I stopped that’s the only reason why I really have a Twitch account um but yeah after that kind of like got boring for me stuff um so on pink is a normal thing but um kind of a big deal

Uh nugget would it be possible for you to clear the old Panera is if fine it’s fine if you can or don’t like clear it like restart from fresh Panera but I like how it looks why would you want to get rid of your Panera oh you’re like redesigning it redesigning it

Huh I mean yeah I guess I can if you really want me to I can also I can always copy and paste it somewhere else without having to do that uh at least I would have to like try I mean if you want it gone dude I could I could do

It I’ll do it for you if you want um yeah I’ll do it slash fill oh nice slash fill air yeah let me try this all right nice okay all right Buddy all right well we’ll count that as another Gra for the books I do have to go back in past streams I’ll remember the name I’ll actually add the name now I got to go get the other names that I had in the book for the past other

Streams man um I got to find moments that’s your friend yeah man teach them the rules man any friend that you guys have guys it will look bad on you like if they’re just griefing man nugget do you mind if I help you with the hill I’m not really feeling like

Building much today yeah dude of course man yeah of course you can help me with the hill dude I just need it filled up dude honestly the top just fill it all with grass dude that’s all I need like everything here dude just fill it up

With grass I’ll see if I want to like bring it up a little bit more later but for now dude I just want to uh I just want to have it like you know how it is but by the way I think our world’s pretty rare by the way guys I

Was going on to like other people’s worlds and I was so shocked when it was like negative numbers instead of like like this like I think our our world is like actually pretty rare now you know what I mean like look at that like our ground level is level four when now the

New one’s negative like 60 something right so would that consider this world like rare to have uh anyways hi and by time to do weird stuff on uh tiers of Kingdom stream so what is that game dude I never even heard about that game before sounds interesting definitely sounds interesting oh that’s

Wild 100% yeah dude uh yeah dude so would that make my world like rare or something CU I started in 2021 so I’d imagine it makes it a little rare yeah today’s really going to be me going around helping people guys to kind of make up for you know having that happen

Um besides Freddy Freddy you could do your own thing today you also have friends that are helping you right now so like I don’t really need to um very rare nice dude that’s good I’m going to sell this world on eBay for like 30 bucks ah nugget has it out for me for

Real now you have friends on the world today that are helping you out so I don’t really need to I like Damian I have to help Damian out later um I feel bad like his like thing was like his walls were done and all

That now he has like to do it all over again so I do feel bad then I’m going to help waffle uh probably next stream or something like that uh help him build his skyscrapers back stuff like that I do want to help out a little

Bit um with that because I do feel bad all right there we go change of plans what happened what makes 1.7 worlds rare cuz like the ground level my this cord like right there the four you see how like if I mine down you know like yeah so that’s uh

That’s what makes my world rare in my opinion uh nugget after stream could you uh accept my friend uh yeah dude what’s what’s your friend’s uh username dude uh so I can just accept him now uh but make sure he’s in live stream or something just tell him the rules as

Well if he is joining today um for uh hang on guys I’ll be right back all right I guess my bad I’m back all right we got him and this book let me I I’ll make sure to add the other names Al stream uh and stuff

Uh dang I really said my name I us what’s up dude what’s up Chase YT welcome to the stream dude hope you’re having a good day man I’m going to join you awesome dude guys let’s get the stream up to 70 likes today guys we’re at 27 likes guys

We can do it man let’s get up to 70 likes today chat there we go guys if we hit 70 likes I’ll be streaming for an extra hour just want you guys to know that whenever we hit the goal of likes now for streams I will be streaming for a extra

Hour um so guys let’s get to 70 likes so we can get another hour on here uh Hey nugget could I get a plot for a camping area a camping area we don’t really have a thing for that right now like not a forest at some point we

Will have a forest though for that sort of stuff like camping I’ve had a great day uh me and my friends are building our own City and it’s been going great and the only reason we are building it because of you so thank you hey that’s

Awesome dude make sure to like stream it or something man try to do like what I do man because I feel like you know like this is such like a great idea man I would love to see other people doing it I know distinct started his own city um

He he said he didn’t get the idea off of me but I’m going to just take the credit for it but uh uh but yeah guys um yeah definitely man you guys should definitely make videos about it and stuff like that and put in like self-promotion on the

Discord server I would love the check out you guys of cities um definitely man uh can build a water uh Tower uh yeah I can give you a plot for a water tower and stuff like that he definitely did for real definitely oh yeah definitely man he definitely did oh water

Tower let’s have a water tower like honestly what if we have like a water tower like right here on this corner that’ be a bad idea no honestly let’s yeah let’s have him build a water tower here f b to me here you go dude

You can build a water tower dude I like your stab bro got that get that uh that mall cop stash you know Z okay yeah so just build your water tower here man um yeah just clear out the trees so if like you could do that you can build your water tower

Right here a little thing you know like little you know uh there’s a lot of space out near me it’s all good dude uh craft also craft welcome to the world dude I didn’t even see you were in here dude how did I miss you dude yeah you’re building your train thing oh

Dude yeah this be Forest right here or something dude you’re practically building your own city right here like like you are pretty much just building your own city right at this point I like it I like what I like I like this so much over here dude like what you’re doing Man yeah I like this a lot dude about my uh Home Depot is I keep I kept messing up the entrance of it so it took me so long just figure it out just for our world to lose two episodes worth of work I know bro it sucks man but I actually

Really like this right here dude I wasn’t too sure at the start but dude once we have buildings or like things over here dude this is going to look beautiful man that be like a whole new like home area or whatever I love it daily streaming uh

Yeah definitely I’m going to try dude I’ve got pretty much my sleep schedule all together um so that’s good um yeah so I should be able to daily stream I should be able to I plan on starting a city but I have no friends to build with dude you got to like stream

It or something man you know gting a lot of like friends that way you know can I join or are you full dude I’m not full man you can join what’s your username bro also mods if we can get the Discord link one more time in the chat I know

Freddy put it right there but if you guys are not in it make sure to join the Discord guys because uh I’m active there you also get notifications when I’m live meet awesome people guys so yeah guys make sure to join the Discord uh we are currently at 336

Members I’ll see you guys have friends uh Jordan I can just focus on my own right now uh nuget can I have help uh expanding the uh line at least to platform as Building train line takes so um yeah it could probably help I know uh

Waffle is helping me out with the hill so I can take a quick little break here and go help you out uh if you need it so you need this I I’m confused I’ll just kind of follow your lead with it I’m guessing you need

Like just to go out here it does feel nice over here dude to just have like empty land bro hey uh guys can we get a slash kill at these things please whatever these things are called again can we get a slash kill on those I would appreciate that so much

I’m already uh either okay nice dud let me uh try both see if I can get you in here Chaz Chaz hash hasht I don’t think I need to put is that yeah I’m going to just try I don’t think I need a hashtag 5899 Chaz let’s get you in here bro

Right there man this is my username make sure you have me added so my account or like my thing pops up um could you extend the train oh yeah dude I got you bro yeah man I got you man oh that tastes a little bit

Huh I like this way of train tracks by the way man done let’s go dude bro it’s crazy how everyone started making cities because of nugget because I remember some months ago making my own uh one with friends and I Came Upon This Channel and getting inspiration but I

Appreciate that man guys I hope I do inspire you guys um um for a while there I feel like nobody was making like any cities man I don’t know if it was just me but I had like like for a while there nobody was making cities I didn’t see any cities on

YouTube besides like green something green city um and some like City tutorials but I haven’t seen like anybody like live stream cities and building it with viewers plus what makes this so good is that your guys’ builds are protected because we have systems set up man that a lot of streamers don’t have

Um as you guys see has the TNT alert you know dude I love the sound of anvils bro it is such a w sound I here we go I seen that uh dang it’s weird joining us by the way don’t question uh my skin I recently switch to

Xbox Steve is great okay dude Steve is awesome I seen that it was on my for you page yeah dude why does the city look like a real City cuz dude it’s it’s kind of like inspired to be that way you know we get rid of like builds that aren’t really city likee

Um and one day after episode 100 I think I’m I’m going to send out the download link for the city as we go on you know then at episode 200 I’ll send out that download link you know so everybody can have like their own little copy

Um yeah I think after episode 100 I’ll send out the the uh download link in the Discord or something because I can actually export this to a file now because I’m on PC so it’s really nice uh I actually think there’s uh one another channel that streams like this

And is making a city but I forgot the name dang dude I’d love to meet him or or her if it’s a woman doing it um dude this is nice man D I love the way these look like the tracks dude it’s so nice and then like

One day you’re going to see like skyscrapers right here come coming into the city bro like this is awesome man this is wild bigger than it is in videos yeah dude oh yeah dude um You probably seen the first year dude we’re almost closing into year three now of

The city man like on July 21st it will be three years um and with how I’m making videos now I might actually make a three-year video I wasn’t planning to um after I got done with the two-year video um but honestly dud I might if we hit day 100 for that I

Could do like uh you know like the whole Minecraft trend of like day 100 and I can tell what we did in each episode you know so technically everybody here if you guys like make something your build will be on that video and stuff like that which is

Really cool uh so everybody kind of gets their little shout out you know what I mean like episode one we did this this this episode two we did this episode three Griefers episode you know I’ll put on that like really cool like voice you know that’s like really nice to

Hear um hopping on one minute all right Joshy I got you dude Joshy do not make trains today we have so many over there dude I actually need to start getting rid of some just to like make space there so no train making today please my Walmart and Home Depot dude

Definitely man you’re Walmart Home Depot about to get a shout out man about to get a shout out uh can I be on the day uh 100 VI uh yeah probably man if we take some screenshots or something like I’ll do some like group screenshots on day 100

Uh so basically stream 100 um I’ll definitely take a big hey what’s up dude oh I like the little creeper Master you got dude that’s sick Bro I love that man uh let me um get you a plot of land to build a house oned uh get your house

Started on here then after you guys build a house you guys can go free in the city and build like a skyscraper or something but I do uh do ask you guys to do that dude this is sick man I like the use of like these trees over here I like

This a lot actually definitely need to texture this up but like after that dude bro this is going to look so cool so cool dude all right uh I think you forgot the grab yeah I’ll I’ll uh cop not I’ll fill that in dude I’ll do that man

Uh let me get this gravel down yeah I’ll just slash Phil slash pH oh my God there we go all the way over here right here boom there you go dude uh let me go give him a plot to build a house and then I’ll be right back to help you out

Dude Josh we joining left I’m just exploring right now little yeah dude you’re good you can check out the city a bit dude uh I am just going to give you a plot of land though for your House D this skycraper looks nice man I don’t know who started this uh I have to get rid of this skyscraper today that’s for sure I wonder if he’s ever going to join back to finish us I think I’m gonna take over on this skyscraper right

Here um I think I’m gonna take over on that to uh 1989 uh British R Cod all right dude hey man go for it man that area looks really nice dude it looks so like cozy over there I don’t know how to describe it it looks really good though what you’re making

Man um here’s the water tower um it’s starting to make Let’s uh let’s go over gotta go eat sushi bro love you guys hey love you Roman man uh I’ll uh catch you later I imagine you’d be done with sushi and come back before I’m done

With the stream especially if we H 70 likes guys if we do hit 70 likes I will be live for another extra hour guys we are currently at 30 we’re nearly there by nearly I mean like we’re almost like halfway there uh all right uh here’s your plot

Of land dude to build us a house Chase there you go man if you guys do have friends that like uh Minecraft and building houses or you know just building cities in general um definitely invite them uh to the Discord server or invite them to stream uh they are all welcomed

Here uh so we can always be one big happy city building family you know what I mean speaking of which I got to there we go uh is that World Trade Center no this I just call this double skyscraper uh CU they’re connected uh right there they’re connected from the uh food floor

Whatever lunch room um but yeah that’s what I call them I made these here some people like to think that they are but they’re really not that is the Chrysler Building now um all right let me teleport over let me go check out what everybody’s up to let’s give everybody some time here

What are junior how’s your Panera look at oh yeah I still have to help you destroy this dude I completely forgot man after we got that Griefer let me um help you out here slash Phil there we go air all right let me help you out a

Little bit hey Cory can I get rid of two of my trains um two my trains oh wait where’s that at two of my trains I only have about five on the map one of them is by the theme park two of them are near the the station two more

Of them are at the RR Crossing do not get rid of the brown train and the light blue train and the gray train all right dude I got you uh I’ll go check them out here in a bit I am trying to help people out right now with their builds dude

Currently what do you mean can’t place blocks out of this world all right that’s a little bit too far all right d uh oh kind of got accidentally got rid of this guy’s thing there we go I did uh I’ll help out a little bit more

After this I’ll uh come back over there I’m GNA help out I got to teleport around a little bit oh yeah I’ll remove some of your trains later dude uh right now I’m just checking out what everybody’s doing Damian I know what you’re doing Freddy how’s your college

Coming along dude I know you got some friends now helping you out looking good dude you got the walls up but is it still going to beat po school I don’t know there you go see you guys later all right see you Roman thank you so much

For stopping by man much love dude love that man such a good guy um let’s uh yeah let’s teleport around here waffle how’s the hill coming along oh you’re just filling it in right now looking good dude I like how this hill looks man so happy it turned out all right

Now we just have to add trees and stuff up here dude I think we’re going to try to make some palm trees and stuff as we get closer to like the beach I feel like over here is going to be like Spruce like all the way through there but once

We get closer we’ll do like a little extra Hill you know what I mean like a little bit of extra Hill once we get up closer then we’ll add like some palm trees over there uh nugget read last uh more’ small small uh isn’t the double skyscraper based off of the uh

Tower and no dude honestly I can’t remember I can’t remember what kind of gave me the inspiration for it like that I think I just started building and it just kind of turned out to look like this I think I built one I think it was

This one or no it was this one and I was like you know what what if we just copy and paste it over to the side and we’ll add like that that’s kind of like how that happened also it looks really cool from like down here like I think this looks super sick

Um especially like this road right here that’s like perfectly lined up with the clock tower over here you know I’m trying to make this a school as well so if anybody ever has free time and like wants to do like the inside of this to make it a school go for it

Um but yeah that’s kind of like the idea for that 39 car CU train uh not right now Joshy I would work on your skyscrapers I don’t know if you got them done over in that area but that’s what I would do for you hello oh yeah this is is this ma by

The way MAA Freddy is that who that is uh craft open fire what’s open fire up to what you doing open fire oh yeah you got to redo the outside of this it looking good dude this is looking really nice I wonder if DT is going to join

Man dude Minecraft St goes hot hard man what’s uh Shug doing Shug what are you up to man oh this is nice oh this is this house dude this is sick man I love that house so much man your house is looking really good uh speaking of houses let’s

See how this guy’s house is coming along back what’s up dude or girl my bad uh this is nice too this looks like one of those like starter houses dude like I would build back in the day I love this so much dude has a little porch right

Here dude this is sick Bro I like this man so far so good dude loving it keep it up man let’s uh head over to Waffle you’re just doing this looking good man looking good oh dude that’s sick man you’re just basically doing it like Legos like the big green plate of

Legos how’s your water tower coming oh wow I’m excited to see how that turns out uh let’s go back over to craft let me help you out craft here I hope be out over here craft I do want to take a break from the main city there we go

There we go this is nice man looking good dude looking good uh read my last two if it didn’t be if you didn’t before uh yeah nug uh is my friend M she’s one of my Builder friends on FD okay dude nice man well I’m happy to have

Her I hope she’s having a good one uh uh so I imagine this just goes out to these here I think we’re going to start getting rid of these um over here I kind of want to build something here I don’t really like know what I guess I’ll start texturing this road up

A bit I guess goodbye then uh did you say something I didn’t read uh if you ever see what I typed Coro Coro Coro I don’t see anything that you typed man can you uh type it again might have not went through yeah sorry if I missed your message Man

Guys once again if we hit 70 likes on the stream sorry I nuget my wifei went out dude it’s all good man welcome back dude welcome back Jordan can you help me with uh my texture the sidewalk I don’t feel like doing that again for like the fourth

Time yeah dude I got you I hope you out man let me just uh help out uh craft over here because I really like what’s going on right here I really want to be a part of it hey Junior’s back dude the road is so nice dude when it’s not lagging

Man feels so good bro hey look at Leah joined welcome Leah welcome to n good City once again um you’re really good at doing curves by the way craft like that’s like really good uh we do have to add like a sign or something that says like curved Road or something right here

Um I feel like over here could actually have like uh I am probably going to go uh I’m probably going to go tonight as it is getting late and I am going somewhere tomorrow I hope everyone uh finishes the builds they do also nugget if you want

You can delete the white building that is there won’t be in over the weekend and probably not in the week so see you when I do all right dude I got you man well I hope you enjoy where you’re going tomorrow man I will catch you when you

Come back dude hope you have a good one Man there we go what’s up swep oh you’re adding the X’s nice all right let’s um I think I’m going to stop texturing right there then uh yeah I guess I could get rid of this white building I’m actually going to like extend this out cuz I’m sure that’s

What he would want like out to here I least start it uh also nugget the white building I am the building with the sign saying please delete on the inside outside all right I got you dude I got you man I almost want this to be like a

Different housing area and stuff like that you know at least add some buildings here or we can add like to be all Forest that could work too I guess hey Cory can you help me uh get rid of my old house so I can build a new

One please uh you could just build a new house you don’t have to get rid of your old one man I could just give you a plot for a new house uh master oh my goodness what’s up BR welcome to the stream man make sure to leave a like

Um good to see are you hopping on today uh yeah sure all right dude let’s go man you can probably help Damian out with uh his thing um no the lag is starting yeah the lag is kind of starting up well it kind of went away now it was like there for a

Second for me now it’s kind of gone hope it’s kind of coming back over here there we go that was good BR is breaking my stuff or BRS is being rude to me I’m gonna work on my own thing dang dude y you kind of real for that yeah I’m just over here working down over here now dude I don’t know what I’m going to make this place over

Here I mean craft is definitely going to help out stuff like that cuz this is like kind of his area but like I don’t know if he wants us to be like a housing area or like what sort of area he wants us to like become you know what I

Mean feel like this should be more of like housing stuff like that you know some like really nice houses down over here or something you know I guess we’ll see you later look send this right out one two three four we’ll just do something like that I think that’s wait

Size either way we have to get rid of it anyway uh my house is coming along nicely let’s go dude I’m excited to see it again slill a there we go I swear if it says like blocks around of the world that that makes me so

Mad uh if he saw my DM then yeah but he didn’t saw no yeah I got some pretty nice people up in here man only had one Griefer today so far which is nice you know it’s a good day when that happens man when it’s just one Griefer dude nothing else

Uh that area would have been two to three for Flor houses oh watching on my phone before I sleep I remember watching uh but not in the game other the B2 to three floor houses SL Apartments so you want this area to be over here like housing and stuff like

That like is that what you’re going for cuz I I could see this being like a nice Like Houses like down here like some nice nice houses you know right outside the city or something we could definitely like add like a little Hill or something you

Know um I guess we’ll see but uh yeah I guess we’ll see what it comes out to be if it have if it yeah housing area all right this could be like a new housing area that’d be pretty nice some like nice houses dude where they all kind of match and

Stuff like that you know TP to my statue all right dude give me a sec Bros what do you plan on working on that’s why I had the trees so uh so it makes it more n uh natural uh but train in yeah dude uh this could lead out to

Like an airport as well over here dude this could be like an airport area as well you know what I mean like that would be pretty cool uh tonight I think I’m working on my next video I think I’m scripting up my next video uh so next week we can have a new

Video out which I’ll be streaming and also editing on the same day so like the only reason why I was gone for so long was just making that one video right there inside of durburger oh you’re doing the inside of your durburger let’s go dude finally dude

Finally yeah we’ll add this like area make it look all nice and we’ll start adding people over here to build like houses and stuff like that like people that know how to build like really nice houses like I want this area to be nice dude I think that would be pretty cool

I was just about to tell over to this all right let’s see how your house is coming along dude oh looking good man looking good dude I like it I like it hey Cory I fixed the wall so you don’t have to all right nice

Dude I appreciate that see what BR is up oh nice dude looking good man looking good let’s see how Damian’s doing hello Damian I’ll start working on my own building again like probably not next episode but next episode after that so episode 72 I also have to ask Eddie to remake uh

To make the thumbnails I okay nugget I finished finish the hill I’m going to go now because I don’t know what to build and like I said I’m not feeling like building all right dude yeah man uh that’s cool man I uh I hope you get your motivation back

To build or something man in the next episode I’ll uh I’ll catch you later then dude uh are you going to still be in chat are you gonna like just go go like out of here there we go uh I might be in chat but I may have to

Go eat soon all right dude that’s all good you’re fine Hey hi dude hey what’s up Jay Jo what’s up Jo welcome to stream man hope you’re having a good day bro if you’re not in the Discord make sure to join the Discord dude if you want to join in uh if you don’t want to dude that’s all

Good by the way this this is looking nice dude this is huge by the way this is going to be one big Panera Bread man or is this like a supermarket or something dude I would hope this is like a supermarket and not up in airor at this

Point dude like Jesus this thing is massive man hope this like a Walmart or something making uh uh do unpaid work for me in Two Worlds now dang dude little thing How you doing bro looking good man looking good oh by the way uh Freddy are you ever going to like get Poppy on here to see her building she hasn’t seen it like since I made it oh Walmart what is this what is this I am never seen

This what is this dude who’s building this this is like cool it’s like the Wonka place right welcome to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate dude this is like so cool like it definitely like doesn’t fit but it’s so cool I mean I’ll probably keep it anyway it’s cool whether you like change

It up or something uh I also have to add some names to the to the signs here let me uh get some names in here if you guys are in the Discord I’m putting your name in the in the uh thing right now uh let’s see who do we get in today we

Have ma we have purple perks we have Elvis hey let’s go dude Elvis uh let me get other people that joined here we got or I’ll just do trans uh who else is here yeah guys if you want your name in here uh make sure to join the Discord

D I also have to make up for the names that I lost here Caden there we go Seb XT LBP I’m too rich to pay hey Cory can I build just one more train for all time sake uh sure just build one more man uh there we go all right uh that should

Be everybody there we go so nobody can break them there we go all right uh Mods make sure to give people in the Discord server rolls as well goodbye uh see you next stream all right dude I’ll see you man see you in the next one dude

I think I might have to destroy this building here give this plot up to somebody else if they don’t finish that up uh just before I go any tips on streaming uh set your bit rate up to six uh 6,000 I think it is uh for 1080p uh be nice you know show

Positivity to people you know um if you’re doing City streams don’t give Second Chances uh yeah I mean just just enjoy what you’re doing man uh and stick to your Niche all right so like if you got like PE I was really tired and I went

To all right we’ll keep it for next stream it’s so real um yeah uh stick to your Niche dude if you’re doing Minecraft man don’t try to switch it up halfway through you know what I mean like stick to it dude uh because that’s what I was

Trying to do for a while there I was trying to like do multi like different like stuff that wasn’t like Minecraft inclusive uh and yeah it just doesn’t go well so yeah definitely just try to stick to like what you do man and have fun doing

It my brother keep bothering me oh did well I always give out RS yeah I did guys make sure leave a like on the stream if we hit 70 likes today um we uh or I I will stream for an extra hour um if we hit 70 likes by the way

Why is my camera like down it should be like up like that oh it’s cuz like I slouch down sometimes when I stream stuff like that but this is how it should be there we go there we go uh yeah we are at 33 likes uh I’ve been watching for about 10

Minutes now and I already know you’re going to become big one day keep up on that uh and good evening good morning good night please raid yeah dude thank you so much J uh thank you I have built up to 677 subscribers from my pling videos so hopefully streaming Works dude

Definitely man dude just stick to it man daily streaming helps man I’m telling you also uh when you’re streaming dude you see how I put like a little like poll in my chat I don’t know if you guys get that unless you have like like over

A th000 subscribers I don’t know if you have that uh but always it’s kind of like put like hey have you like to stream or stuff that um that helps so much with like people like oh yeah I should probably like to stream or you know do something like that also turn on

Subscriber only mode trust me it helps um yeah dude you’ll kill it man also thank you so much J for like the positive message Man absolutely love it man I hope I do make it one day man uh definitely trying to post out more videos dude uh so hopefully those take off I

Actually uploaded a video yesterday um that I think is really good man I think I did really well on that uh any objections over we calling the UN ftu fany Town University dude absolutely not man go for it man call your University what you want to call it

Dude it doesn’t have to be nugget City uh University goodbye uh next stream will be tomorrow yes next stream will be tomorrow dude definitely same time 4 o’clock uh p.m. central Time if you guys are in the Discord server I’ll definitely keep you updated if anything changes which I don’t think anything will

Change uh but you never know things happen but yeah tomorrow should be another stream and the next day and the next day and the next day and the next day uh but yeah man I’ll catch you later man thanks for stopping by uh hey Cory where

Is the train yard I pinky swear I’m not going to build another train I just want to see uh it’s so keep going past those skyscrapers over there if you keep going down that way you’ll see it man uh keep going past those yeah dude definitely I me if you

Want to like call your why am I in uh you’re probably a griefer I could check the griefer but I think you griefed if I remember correctly uh I think the stream’s reset so your name’s not in here uh yeah you’re you’re probably in the griefer book dude that’s most likely

Why uh anybody remember why he’s in visitor I can’t remember the reason he probably pulled out TNT or something yeah I’m not sure sure uh any anybody remember I remember that username I know that username I just don’t remember why you’re inv visitor I think you griefed if you’re inv visitor or

Something uh I might name it ftu and it be known as the University of uh Waverly Waverly uh Which is less uh direct advertisement Etc uh Waverly being the main town all right did yeah dude do it man I do not mind you do it uh what’s your username in chat uh

Yeah what is your username in chat man uh there’s a city named uh Waverly in Iowa oh nice dude BRB all right Daman there we go I think I’m GNA just chill on the hill for now make sure this is all good this has

To go out this way this has to go out this way this has to go this way has to go this way uh same with across the street let’s go this way this and this there we go uh not to dox myself but the name uh

Comes from a street we live near it’s uh that me and my friends live here oh nice dude it’s pretty nice name though for a town can’t even lie there we go now I got to do this side honestly I could just do the slash fill like replace command but I like to

Do it this way satisfying I guess uh I came over from a distinct stream and I remember joining and building a house all right I’ll let you chill but if I go in past streams and stuff and find you uh stuff griefing or something man uh you know you’re pretty much done but

Uh for now dude build a house uh make sure you have your house here uh here you go man uh there you go dude build your house here uh just pretend there’s like another road that goes out this way uh so you basically have that much like room dude to

Like build a house or something for yourself uh it might have just been a misunderstanding probably why you have visitor uh you can only get put in visitor if you griefed of some sort yeah so I’m not sure dude but because I don’t really know what he did um

There you go then build your house here thanks I already got one um okay uh I still think you should build a house though unless you want to start in like a skyscraper something something different you can do that as well there we go just bring these

Up uh well I got to go see you tomorrow all right dude I’ll see you man have a good day today uh there we go there we go all right we got this road pretty much added up to the top uh this is is pretty the Hill’s pretty much like done

We just got to add like the trees now like off to the sides here I want to make like an extra Hill like over here like once the because this this world’s like going to curve kind of go down and over this way uh down there is going to be like the

Beach I kind of want to add like an extra Hill or of some sort and like put like nugget wood or something like that like the Hollywood sign but like nugget wood that would be pretty cool might turn my building into a shopping center with the paner on the side dude you

Definitely should man that is such like a big area dude like you should definitely make that like a shopping center or something man cuz like I like how it looks it’s just really big dude it’s like massive man also it fig fig your parking lot a lot

Better you can’t even like get through those it’s actually kind of cool yeah dude you should definitely make this like a shopping center or some sort I like it it’s kind of like the size of one too what is this what the heck is this dude SW what are you

Making uh episode 69 69 Memorial oh it’s like a little memorial thing for like the little okay I see what you’re doing there you should definitely add like a building here or something dude to like make this look a lot better cuz this looks like really bad when it’s just by

Itself should definitely had like a little building or something a skyscraper of sort that would make it look a lot better oh these are cool never seen these ones before actually really neat I’m going to extend this road out I think this Road’s going to head

Out back here to the pork chop Park Parker’s going through a little something right now so I imagine he’s not going to join today to do any building um hang on guys I’ll be right back got to go on the be right back screen all right I’m back guys hi

Uh I might turn my building into trap Center what do you mean you never seen it that’s my legit light style what do you mean bro what what do you mean uh is chat working by the way is the chat box working over here can we get some uh typers in chat

Real quick guys I got to test something out if this chat box is even working right now or as of right now cuz I haven’t seen like anything pop up there if you guys have oh oh my God I thought stream delay was like that far back dude that was weird

Dude I was like oh my goodness cuz on my screen it just went to the B right back screen oh my goodness bro brother wait is there like nine people on a Friday uh people are busy on the weekend some days also we had like a lot of

People at the beginning so honestly W stream I don’t really care how many people are watching dude I’m not complaining wait what that’s my That’s My Style sty dude you can’t own a style all right dude you can’t just own a style oh you know what I should do I

Should just copy this road back here and then just add it up I don’t know why I’m doing so much that’s what I should be doing why is it so the you mean the shopping center that he’s making but it’s w since no like dude it

Is a w what do you mean that’s legitimately the style I showed you when I made my first R yeah but you can’t really own a style you know what I mean like anybody does that you know what I mean like that’s kind of like me saying

With with that sort of can I bet can I buy the style for six slash uh Slash give shift ATS structure _ block that’s like me saying like remember the roads before this dude like that’s like me saying I own that style like I don’t own that style you know what I

Mean I just kind of made that you know how big is this road I think that’s the exact size yeah 15 one uh 40 that works save uh T save all right my road style is unique yeah I guess it’s all right you know it’s all right no I’m just messing with you

Dude it would be all it would be better if you did the roads actually though like you you didn’t do the H like the housing roads or you know people’s parking lots like you said you would kind of see myself doing that myself you

Know I kind of see me doing it right now you know load load I’m back what’s up dude am I late dude you know you’re not late bro you’re good also if we hit 70 likes guys I’m doing an extra hour on this live stream you are a big complainer to be fair

There we go look at that now we got this beautiful Road Fredy needs to do my Walmart parking lot what what no for real no I’ll probably do your parking lot for you I’m a massive complainer yeah perfectionist all right let’s go down here so I can

Start adding the road here who is building this gas station I’m so glad I is here I love them so much I’m I’m happy you guys are here too you know Uh I’m back uh but not playing I’m going watch for a bit before I go to bed all right dude that’s cool that’s always nice I think I’m gonna get rid of this build Here oh I kind of don’t want to get rid of that s load uh yeah I could just replace that load T load load t load uh nugget the question do you like the did you like the stream yeah dude it like kind of like reminds people

To do it you know that’s what I like about it by the way if you guys haven’t seen the video yet guys that I posted yesterday make sure to go check it out guys just go to videos uh and go watch you guys I would appreciate it

Um actually today been moving by really slow like it’s weird how slow today’s been like moving like I feel like I was like watching Tik toks for like an hour and stuff but like it was like only like 20 minutes it was crazy I was like okay

Well today’s stream is going to be slower um but I like it man I I missed you guys what time is it for you right now it is currently almost 6:00 pm. almost 6: p.m. there we go we’ll do something like that then like right here we can have

Them like kind of cross over isn’t there like a way that you can like turn these like is there like a rotation button load t uh water block remove block speed rotate 90 degrees 180 ah dude I’m learning bro I am learning guys I’m getting too powerful man I’m learning too much

Man it’s crazy dude dude literally dude oh my God yeah I’m learning I’m learning load there we go then we’ll have this go like this this I’m getting too powerful man um bro I’m 3 minutes away from the 13th nice dude I’m not learning I got to see how they did the roads

Though like back here oh this is wrong that there we go uh what is happening one minute or what do you mean I don’t know nothing’s happening all right now right here load T go down to rotate I need oh I got to like add it this way there we we go load

T rotate 90 degrees load there we go let me just kind of fix this up dude look at that man not me learning dude this is crazy I’ll be working for a server in no time man uh all right there we go nice man D my home D is actually

Turning out good of course it is dude happy 13th for me at least is it actually oh no it’s not yet almost yeah this turning out good man oh wow that’s interesting like the way that looks dude that looks really cool there we go there we go all

Right load sh T and then we’re going to rotate 90 degrees and load dude if this perfectly like lines up that’d be crazy dude uh uh load T rotate 90 Dees load load T rotating 90 degrees load there we go let me just add this uh while I finished my house I’m going to build something uh British uh fish and chip shop oh when I finish my house I’m build something yeah dude that sounds cool dude dude it’d be kind of

Cool to have like a pier and stuff like that like kind of you know like in GTA 5 how they have that pier and stuff like if we build like one of those you know what I mean and we can have like different things on there like

A ferris wheel as well I feel like that’s kind of like my idea for the beach as well if we could do that I could degrade that in somehow I feel like I feel like that could work out really well also look really cool I think we’re have this road at some point

Head out towards that way and connect with that road that’s all the way down there then we can also have it like connect to other things as well oh I got to go connect that to like the other place dude my ears are like itching for some reason uh can I place

A oh you guys are talking to good uh there we go oh I know what it is it’s my hair there we go my hair is getting too long right there I had to like put it behind my ear almost that’s what it was my hair was like getting my ear it was

Like tickling my ear all right let’s go down here add this right here load oh let’s just back it up load it right here load T rotate 90 Dees load there we go we can just fix this up here make this look all nice that there we go dude

And we got all this plot of land for like different buildings and stuff like that whole bunch of different things man that’s progress you know what I mean can you copy paste my building up for me uh up yeah I got you uh should I attempt to attempt it next stream yeah dude

Definitely I mean I had to build the beach first um but after that definitely uh salty what is your username are you open fire no I don’t think you’re open fire who are you so salty in the game are you actually like is your username salty oh yeah of course it

Is what building this oh you want this to go taller all right did yeah I could do that for you you should definitely add like some pipes or something up here uh but other than that dude looking good uh is this the right area right

Here like do I have to get like anything else other than that on each floor like does it just have to go up one I need need to know some things like this does that the floor included no it needs to go down one right here all right uh

Save structure name so we’re going to do let’s do 50 50 that way let’s do six up I think it’s six right six until the next floor or like that six up uh 30 that way there we go all right save as T actually let’s save this as R

Save then we’re going to head up to this floor right here I think this is how this is going to work load R all right so if that’s the floor going to add that right there load R let me just make sure that works that’s good all right load

R let me just make sure that’s all right everything’s looking good one floor one floor all right I got you dude load R if you guys are just joining the stream make sure to leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you are new

Also make sure to join the Discord if we can get a Discord Link in the chat for these new people we are trying to hit 400 uh members in there uh so you could help out a lot also get your name added to the sign sign area

R if we do hit 70 likes I will be streaming for an extra hour all right I think that’s good man right there I don’t think you need it any higher than that dude I think that is perfectly fine at that point that’s pretty much Overkill yeah you definitely need to add

Some pipes or something like this there you go man let me check out how this looks from down here looks good dude looks good man I do need to finish this or I might just get rid of this one I think there’s a couple buildings over here I do have to get rid

Of I think it’s going to be this music shop probably and like this build right here that I have um maybe maybe not let’s see how this looks oh this actually looks kind of nice like if this gets finished dude this might actually be pretty cool uh

The Eminem for all the cats uh nugget World 2018 Travis scoot Dr Dre Dre ther Michael Jack no nuggies fruy bites back oh my this actually goes hard actually I’m not going to get rid of this building it’s actually kind of cool so you walk into the fish shop and

The guy or girl says all right mate what would you like you say then they shout and scream at each other then you ask for salt and they give you a whole bag of Sal on the what I don’t get it dude this building is still like definitely my favorite man

You know people said that they hated the floor texturing and I said I don’t care no good I sent a pick on Discord of my City’s map oh let me go check that out dude let me go look in general right now real quick okay that looks good dude looking good

Dude looking good man looking good is BR still in the world no he left looks nice man let me go see what uh BRZ did to the durburger what is that what in the world is this that actually looks sick let’s see the inside that he did for the deburger looking good

Man had a couple registers that oh wow it’s actually pretty cool all right we got that let me get these for the road down here um average a for people in UK I guess uh all right all right there we go all right got that let’s go over here add

These down here like that Hill’s to keep going and stuff like that all the way till you finally have it go up or go lower there we go like I said guys if we hit 70 likes I will be streaming for an extra hour by the way you hit 4.8k subscribers let’s

Go only 200 away to um to uh 5K so that’s going to be nice uh that is awesome if you guys have not liked the stream make sure to leave a like gotta go now goodbye all right dude thank you so much Chase for joining in I will see you tomorrow what is

This you are building dilding dude you are building a thing man this is looking good though man I’m excited to see how this looks once it’s done in like 20 episodes you are building dude dude you make you make the Home Depot look so small now with that

Building Damon you’re going to have to step it up in size man you’re going to have to make this go a little bit back dude you got nothing back here anyway yeah guys make sure to join the Discord if you do have it I would appreciate that

Yeah dude he’s making your Home Depot look bad but I think I’m going to have uh to make it bigger yeah definitely I’m a hard worker yeah had it bigger before yeah you definitely need to make this Home Depot a little bit bigger man you got to

Compete man you got to compete you can’t have this across the street and then yours you know you got to show them who the boss is dude can have them have the bigger building I mean definitely don’t make this too big but you know hey hey maybe maybe Damian you

Might have a better interior though you know he can make the outside as big as he wants but you might have a better interior than him you know what I mean kind of like the school battle you know like how craft has the his school you know yeah you know

Uh what’s his name um Freddy’s texturing his building and all that but you know craft might have him beat on the whole you know interior work you know so you never know dude and he has a working Bell that goes you know so that’s already a w in my

Book and I have to tier is one of my specialties I’m hearing now I suck inters no you don’t man I’ve seen bad Interiors bro and you’re not one of them your Panera had a really nice interior in my opinion there we go all right there we go

I’m sure daman’s really happy that I’m doing this for him dude he did not want to do this uh texturing at all I know that for a fact I think he might need to like almost push his building back he needs at least a bigger parking lot like maybe

Back here you can have one and thank you so much yeah you’re good dude there we go all right uh wait is this big enough yeah dude that’s that’s pretty good I think that’s a good size want to come do my texturing as well n I’m good man oh

Wow dude you finally got your walls done look at you man bber all right looking good dude I mean it looks all right I mean there’s not really much detail to the outside it’s more of a you know brick wall at the moment but you know

Oh I know what it is it’s my face oh he still has it dang it w w reported to the mods I am the mods hey daman’s a mod too man bro I want to get rid of this building so bad but I don’t know what I

Would place here instead dude I do like to keep like original buildings to like see how I improved on building which I didn’t build this I mean I didn’t build this but you know whoever did I mean I’m sure they they build a lot better now what are you eating I’m eating

Fries I really had a taste for like some McDonald’s fries that’s what I’m eating right now like strictly only the fries like I do not I didn’t get anything else I just got the fries and like a monster probably not the best like you know thing to eat especially when I want

To lose like 100 pounds but uh it works uh chip not uh chip um waffle needs to build an inside to this place man I see he got like the bottom floors done he just needs to build like one of these floors and go up with that but Le

He has some sort of an inside I’m happy about that for Sure help come out here and do that this is nice different offices I wonder what uh I think I’m going to join Roman stream today or I’m probably going to edit I’ll probably be editing but I’ll see wow this is a scary staircase bro there’s like no lights dude there is no lights

In here what is this this the kitchen area I mean whatever at least that has at least it has a interior what dude there’s like a hole here on each floor this what I mean guys like when you guys want me to like you know copy and paste your building up

Guys make sure you guys have like you know something here like look at this guys laziness this is the ones that I copied up after I’m pretty sure yeah guys just make sure you when I copy and paste you’re building up you guys have lights or something

Inside I’m I forgot the lights yeah it’s all good dude sorry it’s all good man uh just add them back like when you get the chance here just go through your build and like add lights or something it’s all good man you know what sounds lazy you know what that sounds lazy mess

Oh my goodness I like the like little like thing you did here I like how this looks I like how you did this Damian this is good oh man dude I’m so excited like to hit 5K but I I really want to hit like like

100k by the end of this year dude I really do and with these videos man I hope I can do you like formula uh one like racing not really I’m not a big race fan to be honest with you uh would I be able to join on Sunday

If you accept my friend request my name is yeah dude of course you can man you can join anytime you want uh I mean well I’m live at least that is net GNA pull luga sub speedrun oh my goodness man Elvis yeah dud I typed in your name man oh

Guitar there you go I got you yeah I think I got you man uh make sure you add me back my username is right here uh but if that wasn’t you make sure you give me the right username so I can add you for oh working on the gas station now taking

A break from shopping center were you building this gas station was this you oh it was you okay I was like who is building this gas station like it looks so good I was like who’s building that right now oh my goodness I need to stretch dude guys be right right

Back all right guys I had a wonderful sh I I encourage all of you guys to take a stretch real quick man get off your chair or whatever you’re sitting down just get a nice stretching man you know what I mean yeah definitely what dude how does swep have op still oh it’s

Because we went back in time sweat how’s your memorial thing going oh this looks nice is like is it going to be like a park or something I’m confused I like this though I do like that oh it’s like a oh dude it’s like donuts man that’s actually so sick

Bro this is actually so cool stretch whenever you can the flexibility of a tree is crazy it’s a memorial trail you’re my favorite YouTubers thanks so much man I appreciate that so it’s going to get a bit bigger all right dude it’s all good as long as it looks good in Amber I

Really don’t mind yo a lot of people don’t know this but like I absolutely hate eating on camera like something about it just isn’t right to me like I absolutely hate eating on camera I don’t even have like a reason why I just don’t like it I don’t know if

Anybody else like has that problem if you guys stream or something but dude I absolutely hate it so much QT Quick Trip yo this gas station is huge bro I mean I like it but I definitely got to get rid of this building here I think something like that there we go

Uh all right how many likes are we at guys guys we’re at 36 likes if you guys haven’t liked the stream make sure to leave a like uh also share it with your friends that would be amazing I’m checking something out right quick guys uh Elvis uh because uh I don’t know if

You’re in uh the chat right now um but you were uh banned from the Discord server for being under the age of 13 which is discord’s requirement and stuff um I can get my server taken down for having you in there under that age I mean you’re free to watch the streams

Dude I do appreciate you for trying to join in though man um but yeah I can get my server taken down so it has nothing to do uh anything against you man but um yeah dude I can get my server taken down all right let me get of this

Daman I almost think you should like bring this up more like I feel like it’s too short right here you know I feel like these should be like taller a little bit maybe it’s just me I don’t know I haven’t been inside a Home Depot too much I absolutely love this so

Much lir loo Leo Donuts loo Donuts it’s pretty cool it’s pretty nice right here man looks good dude uh guys make sure you have your parking lots the same color right here man sure you guys have this right um yeah if you want dude you can like um

You can have this push back a bit more like have this area like right here be your parking lot then have like your dut shop like right here I feel like that would look pretty cool bull bunching uh last summer me and my grandma drove ours to Branson oh nice

Dude uh about when when did I go to California like in November or something uh me and my dad we took a road trip from Indiana uh all the way uh down to California we kind of like from Indiana we kind of like made like a uh like this

Like then we kind of like went through like Texas and all that then we kind of like you know came up it was pretty cool I haven’t been through Texas since I was like really young um so that was always fun yeah I love road trips man the gas

Station food dude that hits man there we go I got to go nugget but there’s a chance I’ll join back later see you all right dude I got you you live pretty close to me though oh nice dude 7 11 Pizza Lio no dude we didn’t even hit up a 7-Eleven

The only time I went to 7-Eleven was when I was in California to get a soda and it was like four bucks dude it was crazy 7-Eleven Pizza 7-Eleven Pizza goes hard bro I used to be in uh Lego um Lego uh I don’t know it was like

Something Lego it was like something in like Elementary School it used to be in it we used to have like these tournaments or something um Lego robotics it was called yeah and I remember like my lunch we got like I think I got like 711 pizza or something like

That bottle or like too weird like a normal bottle like you know it was like Dr Pepper I think even though I don’t I don’t even know why I got Dr Pepper I don’t really drink too much Dr Pepper it was just like really good looking so yeah yeah dud I was like

Dang like I was actually shocked dude when they told me like how much it was going to be like all right I mean I had to show them my motion you know what I mean I had to I had to whip out the money a little bit

Man I couldn’t be like n that’s too much you know I had to show all my head money you know what I mean I started whipping out the hundreds no I’m joking I L had like five bucks on me I was like all right here you go uh can underscore

Now I’m going build a house all right dude you can do that sounds good dude go ahead man I’ll give you a plot land if you need it really can’t place blocks outside of world really you do that to me really dude oh my goodness bro I hate this so

Much there you go is that even the right that’s not even the right block what gray oh it’s gray concrete nice y I don’t know why I thought he was saying gray uncore conrete what oh now I got to do replace ah cyan uncore ter there we

Go here replace really dude this is so like frustrating because it’s like it’s not even outside of the world mojing needs to fix this all right right I guess I’ll start from this back corner slash fill concrete uh what’s up young nugget I’m a fan can I join your city M my name

Is yeah dude of course let me uh invite you here dude I’ll give you a plot land to build your first house uh then after that you could build a skyscraper or whatever you would like dude7 there you go man uh make sure you add me my username

Is right here you can stop take a screenshot if you want there we go probably be like out of world right here yeah I thought so thanks bro love you from Florida oh dude let’s go man nice dude uh if you’re not in the Discord server uh make sure to join the Discord

Server uh Hurst um if mods you guys can put the Discord Link in the uh chat that would be amazing there we go that’s not what I wanted I didn’t know that’s what it does I didn’t know they picked that up as Stone uh Ola what’s up dude what’s up Juliano

Welcome to stream man hope you’re having a good day dude luckily nugget pays me right nugget uh yeah 20K a stream that’s how much I pay my mods and by 20K I mean zero literally zero dollars they technically you know once I do start paying they technically earning

About like I would say five pennies a stream basically you know because then at like some point I’ll probably just pay them like back pay or something if I ever have enough money where I can actually like pay everybody and stuff and like keep paying them after I start making actual money

From this definitely man there we go all right we got this all filled up into a different color there so it matches um let me slash fill air on this for him real quick slash while I’m still doing like fills there we go

Uh we need a mod of a of the month day that’d be crazy no because I wouldn’t want to put other mods down you know what I mean that’d be like cool but then I also don’t want people to get like upset you know what I mean there we go there we go

All right dud I got your old uh Panera Bread like out of here too kind time uh what’s up Leah welcome hey what’s up Cosmic banana what’s up welcome to the Stream all Freddy what you guys up to you just lighting this place up all right for me

Too yeah you’re doing the the the dut shop thanks man no problem dude can you give me a plot of land for a house uh yeah I got you man dude my hair is looking so fresh today dude like I put gel in it today as

Well um cuz I wasn’t doing that uh but dude like after doing it bro bro it looks so nice now like it looks like shiny I should have been doing that for like ever I know I was supposed to but like I didn’t um because I never like I never

Like the feel of gel like that but like the gel I have like is actually really good I’ll give you this plot of land here uh for your house technically because didn’t use it uh Teleport uh blue blue first you need to build a house oh I like your skin dude yo I something about these skins look so cool dude I love like the little you know like the ripped jeans like that is so sick dude I actually like that like

Mine is just so why you just so shil your Skin’s good uh build house here build your house here and welcome there you go dude uh all right let me get you uh salty over here to build your house there you go dude you can build your house right here

Um yeah it’s pretty nice house house is looking good too all right uh the main part of my Home Depot is done just got to add a few things on the exterior and then I will begin working on the interior let’s go dude I’m excited man just I see how it looks

Once it’s like done you know what I mean man guys we’re so close to 40 likes make sure to share the stream if you guys have friends that also like Minecraft there we go uh garden section is on point Damian is he making like a garden sectioning like our garden section right

Now because I’m confused like I haven’t been inside a Home Depot for a while oh is this like the gardening section is that what this is I feel like the trucks that like you know like with this should be in the back right shouldn’t like the storage be

Right here like have trucks basically unload like storage like back here or something like right here would be really nice you know they can come in through like right here through the back and have like all this space for like semis and stuff to like unload right

Here I feel like that would be a lot better idea have like the front actually parking or like the side as well I need to start my own business that’s what I need I need like nugget Incorporated oh def need to fill this spot up with trees right

Here yeah I’m definitely going to do this SL f with that I kind of want to head over to the spawn building I kind of want to see like I don’t know it’s been a while since I actually been like in this area right here like actually look around

Stuff I kind of just like fly over it I forget the beauty of this area man this is like awesome oh I got to redo these I forgot I got to add these back stuff I’ll do it uh yes sure I’ll do that thanks for the idea yeah you’re D you’re good dude

You know you’re good like bro imagine like spawning into the City and like this is what you see like this is like sick man if I spawned here dude and like seen this on like a stream as real dude i’ be invested it is crazy how big this is

Like getting man I love it so much this world has definitely gotten huge almost three years in July so I mean I three years on a world is a lot of time man especially the fact that we’ve been like kind of daily doing this

You know like I know I kind of took a stop there but definitely going to start learning how to manage my times like waking up especially because I got my sleep schedule like under control and you guys can tell that I got under control cuz look at my eyes there’s no

More like I mean there’s a little bit of a tint but like they’re like gone now dude like I was looking in the mirror I was like dang finally I don’t have them no more I don’t have the dark spots underneath my eyes like I got

Punched like it is so nice to like wake wake up at like 9 910 in the morning and be like uh all right time to get my day started you know me or like sometimes 8: in the morning stuff you know like it is so nice dude super nice

Dude by the way you guys want to uh actually no I don’t want to turn off the light I have my LEDs on but this light is so good like the camera like just only picks up the light from there like you can’t even tell like there’s LED

Lights at all like cuz I have my LED lights on so if it looks like I have nothing on unless I turn off the turn off the main light I got to make this road come out this way oh dude this is looking nice dude W gas station I think you might

Need to make like this sign right here this thing right here go up a little bit taller but other than that dude I think this looks nice dude I like this so far man and we’re definitely going to get rid of this building here as

Well um I I don’t know if we should move the car somewhere maybe we could put it get like this car in front of like the Home Depot or something but I want to keep these cars because these look really nice yeah this is supposed to be a car dealership or

Something uh finally finished the exterior of the Willis for the second time oh nice dude good stuff man I’m happy that you finally like got it done what’s up Cosmic oh man yeah dude this is going really well I definitely need to start building more

Houses though I feel like I feel like I should like start building some houses as well episode 70 dude we are so close to episode 100 man it is crazy bro I also like maybe I should build a house honestly I haven’t built one for a while maybe I got like better techniques

To building a house you know what I mean I haven’t by the way chat I do not build houses like l i can like I can tell you guys like how to build a skyscraper but like dude building a house to me is like so difficult especially making like a

Nice modern house like I my houses consist of like logs like let me show you what my house looks like this is like my style of building houses which is literally like the first house over here in the housing area is my house this is also another one I

Built this is how I build my houses like it’s not bad but it’s not really good either you know I definitely know to do roofs a little bit better but like this is another one see they’re all kind of like the same style I mean they’re not the best but

This was the first house I’ve ever made on the city right here here but um yeah man wow that looks insane dude imagine coming into the city from this way man and like this is the view you see this is sick bro hey what’s up Parker I was talking

About you earlier I was like Parker’s going through something right now man so he’s probably not going to join in and do his stuff today I’m I’m not gonna be a dead let’s go dude yeah dude I I mean congratulations you know like congratulations on not being a

Father right now Stu dude just be careful next time man you know what I mean dude just be careful man but I am happy that you know it came out uh negative man good job dude oh All right uh I’m going to work on my Park I won’t be on the stream though I’m I’m on call with my girl all right dude hey that’s cool man hey tell her to join bro tell her what’s up man keep having to fix my camera because I start leaning down stuff like

That uh so I found out I need to buy more memory uh for my PC uh or storage I mean memory storage yeah um so I had to buy that I had to get a new mouse my scroll wheel is like messed up you see like when I try to like go

Through my inventory you see how it kind of like jolts back I gota like get a new mouse and stuff like that I’m trying to get like four terabytes of memory on or storage on my PC and also I have to buy uh be quiet fans as well um so it’s like

The upgrades I’m getting for my PC bro uh yeah this looks nice though right here oh this looks good dude Damian you’re really good at this man I mean what it is all right I think I’m going to have this road go out then it can like connect to the other road down

There this is pretty pretty nice right here noas City memorial trail and he hunting comb the signs dude yeah dude this is nice man this season Memorial a teral uh incident had occurred in this very spot there was a glitch that made players crash that mean that mean that episode

69 was forever a glitch and no way to save it live episode 68 69 yeah I did it was also it wasn’t really like right there it was like right here but who really cares you know looks pretty good though kind of like that the whole park thing yeah this world’s getting huge

Man getting really big dude I don’t want to destroy Exotics building but exotic doesn’t really join that much and it it’s just kind of taking up space right here especially with this building here as well I mean I don’t want to get rid of this I think this is actually a

Really nice building it doesn’t have any floors yet but I could see it turning out to be really good um I kind of like that it takes up this little back space here I don’t know who even started it yeah I got to get rid of this

Building here this building only has a couple floors inside of it but I like it I like the outside of this how this is starting to look I don’t know what elevators go up or down but are they behind oh no it’s a staircase definitely need some elevators

But that’s a nice design building though I got to say I definitely do like that design and of course you got Damian’s casino right here do you ever think you will get uh cars in the world or will it not work um I had cars at one point but

Then it kind of glitched out the world and stuff like that so once I find like a good mod to add for cars dude 100% dude I want cars so bad in this world like pre-made cars you know like that would be just so Cool all right yeah that would be really cool man to have like cars Daman do you need help with anything like can I help you with something like I’m kind of like not doing much here can I help you with anything can you extend the Home Depot got you bro out this

Way like this if you guys are just joining the stream make sure to leave a like uh also join the Discord uh we’re trying to hit 400 Discord members 350 really as of right now but we’re our main goal is to hit 400 members on our Discord saver

Man so if you guys would like to help out with that make sure to uh but Tech really cool if you could uh add it sometime okay that’s I thought uh the reasons you didn’t have it because people would just drive around and not build um yeah I mean that also could

Happen but like honestly like if that’s the case then it’s okay because it’s just a city man I I you know people don’t always have to build every episode you know sometimes people just want to fly around just check out builds get inspiration for their next build or just help other

People out that’s kind of like what I did today like I don’t want to build anything as right now uh until episode 72 um that’s when I’m going to start my next skyscraper I think and finish it that day uh but yeah I want to uh I want

To help this like people out that lost their builds because of the crash um of the server or the world so yeah that’s what I’m doing today man and tomorrow I’m going to help waffle out with his skyscrapers um cuz he lost like three of them I think uh which suck

Dud also uh Freddy you still have to send me the uh the download link for the running mod you know like how your character runs in your city and like flies and stuff like that I still would love that so much for this city man if

You are willing to uh give me that that would be amazing dude the Chrysler Building from over here looks so sick dude all those skycrapers over there look awesome just remind me uh post stream got you bro yeah definitely want to add that into this city dude like that would make

This 10 times better um this wall here 23 4 736 air there we go yeah so this is going to be like storage back here like this added part back here like that’s where like the trucks can unload their you know whatever stuff at we can like basically like make this

Platform like rise up uh and yeah hope you guys are having a good day by the way man I think this stream is going really well we only had one Griefer which is awesome how you doing man what is this how’d you make the text like that that’s really

Cool I might make one house I think I I think that should be my goal today is just to build one house you know uh so the person that started this house isn’t joining back so I think I’m going to get rid of it um or hasn’t

Joined back to build here so I think I’m going to get rid of it open up the plot for other people that want to build here um so of just having to chill I do like the way that he kind of like went about this is also a really nice house really cool

For there we go nugget trust to uh progress I got you bro there we go see I’m over here helping people out man look at that dude look at me helping out around here there we go I think that works hey what’s up it’s uh I’ve been in chat for a good 15

Minutes uh and this is the only thing I’ve said well welcome dude um welcome man are you gonna uh join in and try to uh do some of your uh news station dude this is a nice little house as well right here I love this house it’s just been

Like that for a while now same with this one this one I might get rid of I mean it’s just like the outside looks pretty bad yeah I might have to get rid of this house here um get rid of this treehouse at some point other than that everything

Else kind of looks all right this is a good plot for a house as well uh it’s right next to DT’s house I got to get rid of this uh Among Us statue at some point probably I’ll do that like next episode or something off stream I go around to string things uh

This another thing house plot house plot house plot here or house plot definitely I got to get rid of this house here I think I think I’m going to get rid of this corner house uh we should be good how’s the entrance I think it looks really good

Dude dude at some point I got to like finish these up man I gotta finish this one and uh this one up dude it’s been chilling like that for a while I also have to finish these two I have some like really like quite a bit of like unfinish

Builds to be honest now looking at them I do have quite a bit hey blue join back let’s go dude I got to check something on my phone real quick so one weird thing about YouTube dude it’s like whenever I go live my clickthrough rate on the other like like

My clickthrough rate on like the video goes like down it’s weird I know Roman tested it out like a while ago but yeah it’s a little strange all right uh can I help on what to put it inside can I get help on what to put inside of

My building um you could look up like pictures of like the inside of it I think there’s like a I think there’s photos of the inside of it I might be able to uh help out a little bit let me go over to you dude uh dude honestly add offices dude

Honestly like that’s probably your best go man like just add offices I can copy and paste it up until we get to like this point dude just build the the bottom floor where there’s like a desk and all that you know what I mean um makes like

Some details on the outside or something like that I can copy and paste it up after you get done with this floor the lobby floor add an elevator like back here or something uh make sure this is like the floor level right here and add offices and stuff like that and then I

Can help you out and copy and paste it up for you I’ll do that for you man uh I feel bad for uh him dude the skyscraper was like up here stuff like that it’s good oh the Chun chunky cheese dude I forgot about this we got to move

That over to like where Damian’s at at some point the chunky cheese bro goes hard I can’t even lie chunky cheese goes hard dude oh my nugget want a VC I’m chill kind of mood so I won’t be insulting you or nothing it’s all good dude like I

Said today when I started a stream dude I said I’m not VC with anybody today I really don’t feel up to like V seeing with any mods at all okay will you do sort of office interior uh I could probably help later on yeah I could probably help you dude I have time

To can someone uh Cory someone tried to grief my roller coas did you not get a notification no I didn’t get no notification bro who was it who tried to grief your roller coaster oh dude what happened did like somebody like add this extra layer right here something isn’t this the drop

Off spot I’m confused bro oh Parker by the way we had a reset by the way remember um maybe you did something and like now it reset back to like this oh this looks horrible oh this looks so bad I tried doing something cool and it turned out to look look just so

Bad yes I logged in and destroyed covered Parts up instead of oh I think that’s sarcasm my fault no I didn’t get no notification dud looks good Man I like this man want me to fill floor what block okay white terracotta got you bro yeah I knew it was one word there we go all right let’s oh you know what we should do a never mind it doesn’t matter because it’s all

Grass there we go now let me get this side here slash oh wow that’s caps uh Slash fill there we go I hope it looks good I don’t know what other block to use I think it looks good I think it depends on like what like stuff is in where you

Know read last uh I am I also banned yeah I know I know I seen it dude I have hair from my cats on my mic I’m like getting hit in the face with it Um this pretty nice uh isn’t Home Depot floor usually gray uh I mean you could be a special Home Depot bro you could be like you be like the cooler Home Depot you know what I mean here hey what’s up uh the new little Club welcome dude welcome to the stream

Man nice to see you dude there we go there we go man not so shabby uh nugget Square nugget City dude we do need to make like a Time Square area at some point uh which we will we we will build a Time Square at some

Point Man by the way you see how like thin it looks like when you look at this way like how thin the Chrysler Building looks that’s so funny um yeah we’ll build like a Time Square at some point dude uh right now we’re just working at this area over

Here with all the food and stuff like that food area marketplaces and whatnot uh then uh yeah then we could probably build like a Time Square somewhere dut shop is done for real let me go check this out D yeah that looks sick though I can’t even lie your dut shop looks

Awesome let me see how it looks from up close though that’s the real question all right you got a nice little I like the texturing that you did oh this looks nice I mean I think you got a little lazy with the tables let’s try to

Do something like this man what if we grab like some dark with like some a little bit of like a brown wool we can do something like this maybe I think this would look a lot better don’t you you like that a lot better is that good um all right let me

Get a that looks good dude I like this I like this a lot man good stuff dude definitely going to stay I think you should change the color though try to texture it up and match this I like it though can you change the floor nugget bit sorry for the inconvenience do you

Want it gray then I mean yeah I guess I can sure uh let me get that for you I’ll tell you what I’ll do let’s do this me get right here slash you want gray right slash fill 353 697 cycore Terata replace whitecore ter there we go then we’ll go down here light gray how’s that is that good I feel like that’s pretty good looks good uh yeah that’s good all right nice who banned me on Discord server uh what were your what was your username uh Hey

Nugget I just subbed looking for people to play Minecraft with how do I join all you got to do is just drop your Microsoft username your Microsoft username is normally the username that you have in the game right here when you load into the world and then I can

Invite you dude and you can uh join in also if you want to join the Discord uh we’re trying to get up to 400 members we are currently at 335 members on the Discord dude and you can make some new friends there as well uh people are always super lovely you

Get announcements on what I’m doing and all that there um yeah dude definitely uh you can join in nugget fan 07 uh it’s because uh you um you’re underage dude uh if you’re under the age of uh 13 uh we can’t have you in the server or else I could

Personally like uh I could personally like get my server taken down uh especially the fact that you openly said that you were younger than 13 on my Discord server I can’t have that uh yeah you have to be older than 13 dude um now it would have been fine

If you didn’t state that you were underage like then I have nothing to do with that I didn’t know um but because you did I literally have to ban you or else my server can get taken down for or uh people could report it and

Like get it taken down for the fact that I have like underage people in the server under the age of 13 uh so yeah d yeah but you didn’t do anything wrong man really you did nothing wrong man you’re good dude it’s just yeah you’re not 13 so

Yeah once you’re 13 dude uh you can join back Oh I didn’t even notice this dude oh this is cool I didn’t even notice that somebody did this with this dude it’s like it’s under construction right here that’s like really cool that’s such like that’s such good detail into it’s like a city that’s like awesome

Bro next time say you’re 26 and you’ll be able to oh my goodness try uh Mr Peanut wild all right dude Mr P let me see if he spelled it any way different no you didn’t peanut wild there we go uh I think that’s you there you go dude I got you added

Make sure to add me right here this this my username so my world shows up uh under friends you can take a moment to screenshot it uh if you want but yeah dude bet uh make sure to join the Discord as well guys also we passed 42

Likes if we do get up to 7 just so you guys know um just so you guys know we will be streaming for an extra hour there we go how big is uh nugget City uh really big dude like huge bro you want to see hear my PC roar I can show

You how big it is dude let me go down to chunks this is how big nugget city is dude let’s see if my chunks can load everything in back there yeah it’s absolutely massive bro I’m just watching edit this edit what you’re making an edit or something for like Tik

Tok yeah I could show you how big it is dude it is massive bro my frames bro my frames yeah I’m see if I can load up the whole world want to hear my PC Roar hey what’s up Roman Roman when are you going live bro when are you going live man yeah

This how big nugget city is currently it all started with that little building right hang on it all started with that little building right there dude now we got all this yeah dude it’s massive man it is absolutely gigantic I think I add you actually my PC really is even that

Loud bro I think it’s cuz I cleared like all my files out after I got done editing that video because like each person’s POV was like three hours long yeah when you go on live bro yeah but this is how big um nugget city is most builds interiored uh I’d

Like to say the city is about like I’d say like 80% fully interiored 80 80 90 Mojang needs to fix it yeah for real bro yeah dude I some point like it’s going to be to the point where I my chunks can’t even load everything in

Dude and that’s going to get crazy but yeah this is how big it is right now man um I don’t know if it’s just me from like up here I don’t know if it’s just me and like I just want more but I feel like this is really small you know what I

Mean like maybe I just want more but to me this feels just super small but like it really isn’t video chunks there we go yeah that’s how big this city is though uh why doesn’t my elevator work uh let me go help you out with that first let me go check out how

Freddy’s doing how are you guys doing oh wow okay it is coming along dude it is definitely coming along guess we’ll have to see man how it looks once it’s done design opinions nug it looks like crap no I’m joking it looks all right I mean you know I still think crafts school

Right now isn’t for the win it’s kind of dark in here you know what I mean can you try inviting me uh you shouldn’t need an invite as long as you have me added dude uh right here just add this username it should show that I’m

Online also like yeah I have so many friends it would take me 10 years to find you like literally 10 years it will be time to end stream by the time I uh get to your name dude uh send your usern one more time just so I can double check

That I have it right what is this what is this car what is this dude what oh my goodness dude this car ain’t no way man this car is crazy also need to get rid of this car as well both these cars got to go what’s up swep swep welcome back I’m

Back I’m leave in 23 minutes though for my uh though for my stream till 10 all right dude nice man well that’s actually fine because I end stream in like 20 minutes uh because I hit the 4 Hour Mark so I have to start script writing for my next video

Um so yeah that’s gonna be fun Goofy ah car hey guys don’t make fun of his car man it’s okay it’s okay I do have to replace all this though with like a different color block so I’ll probably do that next stream um it’s Mr Peanut wild capital m capital

P CAP okay no period gotcha invite add friend Mr panut Wild Friends friend yeah I have you added dude is that your profile right there Mr Peanut Wild is that your profile just make sure you have me added dude I have you as a friend just make

Sure you have me added add this username right here and stuff and your friends and I should pop up just make sure man that’s me yeah dude make sure you add me back that’s all you have to do and then you should be able to join and

I my world should come under uh friends stuff like that why is this like that whoa oh that’s why because it okay never mind I see uh yeah I got to get like all these roads to be cut let me who are you going to uh build next

What what are you going to build next live uh next live I’m helping people out again uh preferably I want to help waffle with his skyscraper cuz he lost it during the uh crashing eror thing uh that happened on episode 69 uh that’s kind of like what I want to do graycor conrete

Replace Stone all right there we go look at how easy that is man it all fixed up dude I’ll texture it later there we go get that there let’s get it for right here as well there we go you know what let’s do it over here too

Man oh it’s outside dang it I thought I could get it thank goodness it’s not that Hill yeah I know I finally I I’m done with the hill again um now I just got to build the beach behind it once I get the chance to stuff like that which

We’ll probably start on episode 72 I want to have it done by episode like 90 I want to have the beach done uh where it’s just like ocean for like a while all the way out through there um it’s kind of my guy idea for that but yeah dude looking good man looking

Good I’m trying to look for other like parking lots that need to have this happen to it I think I found one yeah oh right here needs to be changed up as well there we go uh replay replace Stone there we go did I mess this up or was it like already

Like I don’t know oh I messed it up there we go uh ocean until any ship up here yeah I feel like I kind of want to build like a couple like cruise ships dude cruise ships dude like oh my goodness dude imagine building a cruise ship on nugget

City dude like that would take forever dude a fully interiored cruise ship that would be for like episode like 200 bro like a special like 24-hour stream or something dude building that that would be insane building a cruise ship man I couldn’t even imagine building a cruise

Ship right now that just sounds so long dude a cruise ship build dude I mean it would be sick to have but oh my goodness dude think might have time that would take I would probably watch a tutorial to be honest I don’t think I would build that myself but to have an

Interior though I don’t think there’s any tutorials that would have an interior we’d have to build it all right there we go we got that filled up that’s nice I have to go over at some point and like detail them uh all right nugget it’s time for me to get off now I

Had a lot of fun good thing I fixed up everything I did from the past two episode it’s been fun bye everyone see you dude the MS uh Poseidon uh yeah yeah yeah I could also do that thanks Damien for uh stopping in today uh did Roman go live or something is

That why you’re leaving is that why you’re dipping out oh he’s not even live yet you’re just leaving to leave wow surprised he should be going live though soon oh peanut join there we go nice dude welcome to the city dude I didn’t even notice you joined I’ll give you a

Plot of land to work on oh Roman did just go live that’s why daman’s leaving I was like what is he’s not even live yet he just went live all right guys um let’s see here what do you mean uh all right guys I think I’m gonna personally end stream guys here

Uh I think I’m going to uh go raid Roman probably I help him out out a little bit with that let me go over here oh no I alt tabbed that sucks dude did I like ruin everybody slash um TP shift at a to at s

Oh did that like get rid of everybody oh no it didn’t nice okay I was so scared guys all right uh guys I think I’m going to end stream I’m going to uh transfer everybody over to Roman stream and stuff uh we can go uh raid him or something

Guys let’s go uh raid this guy uh let me uh content live me customize uh redirect add control V oh he doesn’t even allow it man dang never mind uh we’ll just uh raate him from my thing uh all right guys I’m gonna be ending stream here uh thank you

Guys all so much for joining in we’re gonna go raid this guy uh let me open up the chat here guys uh go raid this guy nugget raid in his chat uh here you guys go guys go raid that guy and I will see you guys all in next

One thank you guys all so much for joining in go raate them nugget raid I’ll see you guys all later bye peace everybody love you all

This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – Minecraft Nugget City ep 70! Playing with viewers – xbox/playstation/mobile/PC’, was uploaded by Nugget on 2024-01-13 14:44:32. It has garnered 435 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:33 or 13233 seconds.

In todays stream ill be Playing Nugget City with subscribers! Make sure to like and subscribe if you’re new.

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  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

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  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More