OMG! Bertha’s INSANE entrance to Craftmas SMP

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Ah so we’re here on craftmas SMP so I think the first thing to do oh I just missed the sign head into the tavern young traveler to collect the goods okay let’s let’s go in here let’s see what we got hi Elfie and snowella H those names

Seem awfully familiar let me take one of these let’s see what we’ve got inside some starter materials I will take them all thank you very much uh let’s just organize this a little bit and okay looks like we are here with a few of the people that are online right now I can

See this house over here which honestly looks really cool I like the look of that don’t know who lives there I’m just wondering where I should live oh okay let’s have a look at what this says flat area to be used for shop SL Community you can build your home anywhere

Surrounding the flat area be kind and have fun oh perfect uh let’s have a little look so I don’t know where I want to live maybe it could be cute to live on the mountain actually oh somebody already built a staircase up there okay well that’s even better ooh there’s a

House over here as well okay I don’t know whether to live up this mountain or this mountain let’s go have a little look how far is it up this mountain cuz I still want to be able to see the town I don’t know whether this will be a

Little too high up oh my oh my God what the heck oh my gosh why is this wolf killing me the heck leave me alone darling so this is where the land would be flat I guess and you can’t really see spawn unless I built here okay well

That’s a possibility let’s have a little look and see if there’s anywhere better first though oh I am I freezing am I like freezing to death question oh gosh hold on hold on a little second because I think I might be freezing to death um well oh I am freezing to to

Death okay well this isn’t good but I kind of like this area yes I’m going to live here I’ve decided but I think I need to go back down to that campfire so that I don’t ultimately freeze so let’s quickly head down there now oh my gosh I’m literally seconds away from

Hypothermia if I go by this campfire will I yes okay so what we’re going to have to do I think is build a campfire first and foremost and let’s see if there’s any warm armor that we can wear B padded chain mail chest plate H from

The frosti mod let’s have a look o cloak of Frosty become isolate how do you oh you can’t craft that I wonder how you get that TFT of oselot foot I’m not killing a cat how do you get any of this actually oh oh oh so you upgrade it okay

So I am going to have to get either wur or polar be fur and then I can make these and then we can make that okay okay that’s interesting we better get on that quite soon I suppose because it is very freezing out here I mean look at

The world it’s full of freaking snow okay so I’ve just set my home to be here so that I can go off and explore and try and find some caves because I’m going to need a lot of coal if I want a lot of campfires and that to me sounds like a

Priority oh my gosh a sled oh it’s a bit slow oh it it builds it builds uh momentum as you go down the hill okay we’ll have to have a we’ll have to have a Leed race soon hello no one’s here but this is a very cute Igloo I like it okay

Let’s go and have a little look there’s a cave right here someone’s already been in there okay no problem that wolf is trying to kill me okay huge problem there’s nothing down there I’m sorry wolf but I am going to kill you because I need your fur you didn’t even drop any

Heck it’s going to be so hard to see anything because of all the freaking snow the snow is everywhere I mean it is only a light drizzle of snow right now but oh my gosh it’s going to be crazy at some point I bet uh okay I’m going to

Grab this iron actually whilst I’m here one wow Cole yes we’ll be taking you thank you very much oh look at that I got an achievement how wonderful Christmas achievement well not really Christmasy but uh still nonetheless it’s an achievement now zombies please can you shut the heck up let’s try and find

An actual cave I’m going to freeze again we should have started out with a campfire or something oh God no why is it why is it taking so long to kill him is it cuz I’m freezing do I have like weakness or something oh I do I have weakness when

I’m freezing okay let’s let’s quickly go back here and uh we’ll warm ourselves up again because it’s a little too cold for my liking okay let’s try and find an urgent cave oh has anyone been over here is this a cave no no oh my gosh I got to

Find one as quick as I can I do always love a couple a couple glowberries I I will have to admit but it’s iron that I want Iron ooh oh oh oh on shoot the creeper shoot the creeper oh no shoot it shoot the creeper I want a music disc

Please do I still have weakness no oh okay well that happened oh my gosh an AEL OD all oh gosh a skeleton okay no Iron by the looks of it this is not oh okay oh wait what’s that quartz ore why do I want quartz that’s stupid

I’ go to the nether if I wanted freaking Barts uh o okay can you just leave thank you my goodness oh gosh oh gosh I’m going to go home that was close I’m just going to go see if uh my friend knives has any spare iron actually because that would be very

Useful and a lot easier than going in those freaking caves hey maybe she’ll feel sympathy for me with my uh Arrow outfit right now knives let’s see actually if she has a o she does oh wait you can’t use oh perfect okay let’s let’s just have a little look actually

Iron knives uh doesn’t look like it oh she got a she got some books wow some glass okay well good for her I’m going to use this iron on a pickaxe and a chest plate and hopefully it keeps me a little bit warmer than right now because right now it is

Freezing and I really honestly need to build myself a little home but up there is where I’m going to build I think it’s nice I think it’s got a nice little view of everyone let’s make the chest plate that on Lovely Do we have the show me

Your skin mod yes okay so this mod here as you turn armor off so you can still see my gorgeous little little skit and then we will make a I have no wood of course I have no wood does Knives have any wood why does Knives have this many

Sh you know what not going to ask knives I’m stealing some sticks hope you don’t mind this might not even be knives’ house I don’t know okay and let’s just shove everything we don’t need right now into this backpack so I’m going to actually you know what maybe it’ be best

For me to go up here and just kind of uh chop down some of this wood since I’m going to be living up here anyway so it just makes the most sense you know oh I left my colon knives’ furnace and I need that desperately to keep warm although

Do torches work oh I think they do keep me warm actually okay that’s good to know but I still do want a campfire because I think there’s a reason why people have been using campfires and not torches now let’s try and make our way up this mountain okay oh my gosh you you

Guys don’t even want to know how long that took me to get up that is ridiculous but let’s chop down some trees oh thank goodness it’s that tree chopping mod I don’t have to chop it all down oh Rejoice oh my oh God that was a

Lot of snow this is so realistic okay right no that’s what we need to do we need to make oh gosh I didn’t mean to do that we need to make a oh my gosh a cute crafting table why can’t I use this can I not use it if I’m freezing the heck

Did those crafting tables not work oh that was weird let’s try and quickly make a campfire what do you need for that again stick I just need another stick and then I can make one right oh yes okay so let’s put this down just up

Here uh we’ll put it right here okay and now I can uh get warm and try not to burn myself in the process but uh yeah let’s let’s get as warm as possible and let’s clear out some of this snow go I’ve never seen this much snow in

Minecraft before in my entire life honestly let’s make some chests oh the cute little Christmas present chest that’s adorable uh let’s just put these here for now we’ll keep the snow because you never know if snow is important to have on this server or not so oh my gosh

Oh my gosh I need you how do you oh I think you need berries right I don’t have any berries right now so right now guys what I’m doing is I’m just shoveling out a bunch of snow I want to make kind of like a flat piece of

Oh well that’s one way of doing it not the way I anticipated but way nonetheless but I want to flatten out my area a little so that I have some space to build since I’m probably going to build on this part here so that I can

Still Overlook the area but for that I’m going to need to do quite a lot of terraforming so I’ll be back once I’ve done that okay so I think this will be enough space for now really I just want to make a home as quick as possible that

I can just get inside and keep warm oh hey birday hi knives you here I was wondering if you had any spare iron armor for your darling truly I have so much actually um oh my gosh please I only have an iron chest plate right now

And I am freezing to death I have leggings boots and a head oh that is perfect thank you thank you I am now full of iron ah I do have shown me your skin on so that you can’t see well now you can oh now I see it you well I

Actually have full diamond right now do we have a snowplow on the server if not can we hire one because I am sick of the snow well this is a Christmas SNP so unfortunately this is what comes with the territory but but but but but but it

Might take a little more work but you can actually plow the snow yourself see oh my gosh I can go on you watching you watching well what you’re doing right now darling is you are kind of uh putting paths everywhere yeah see guess what the the snow won’t go on the path oh

Okay that is useful actually and just you know after you’re done building what you want to build you’ll just have to replace oh did you not sleep no never I don’t have my bed with me I’m sleeping I’m sleeping why are you going after me

I went to sleep last night get him boys no but this is the only way I found uh around right I see this situ sitation okay got it got it um have you found any cool things yet on your travels I have actually so many things so many iron I

Have so much iron and I have a juke box oh I wish I had a juke box look it you can have one oh thank you I wish I had iron um oh if only I have you can have some oh Wait looks around you can have them oh thank you now I can make iron tools yay all you have to do is wish and you’ll receive it are you Santa maybe well you do have the beard I don’t have a beard at 5:00 shadow showing darling there’s no Shadow

You liar well this is my area this is where I I will be residing on top of this mountain oo I want to build a cute little cozy home but and I think you should and well my thing is I need dark o um yeah that’s what I was doing oh oh gosh

Nice oh dear okay well uh seems like the dark o Gods got to her faster than I could it’s a shame I don’t know what happy birthday oh my God I thought the server was restarting but it it just kicked me out it was just you yeah you

Were mid talking about the dark oak I thought the gods had got to you no um so yes I was searching I went West quite a few miles did not find anything so I will now be going south can I come sure okay let’s goood uh yes you might want

To put some stairs going up here like Ethan did no I I know right listen I get it um I have just logged on there about 20 minutes ago so not really had time to do that yet okay just just as a you know

Um yeah I mean you can just you know you know you can just don’t if I die before we even make it to my house I will be blowing up houses oh not again so knives and I found some dark oat and we took a lot of it and

Then on the way home we decided to stop by our friend Ethan’s house to see what he’s getting up to all right Bera lead the way bye Ethan bye Ethan we’ll be back I’m going in this way anyway for a cow she’s right here oh half a heart half a

Heart you almost killed Bera called me a cow I should have killed her NOA what’s the what’s the matter the world’s canot I’m ruining christas what first I log into the server completely alone there’s nobody around me it’s knowing I’m freezing cold I’m on top of this giant

Christmas tree oh yeah on top of the tree oh my my friends aren’t even here to help me and I can’t get down it’s just crazy oh are you still on the tree I’m still on the tree man no look at um and I’m in creative mode so I can’t

Even play the game right so weird you’re going to have to yep mhm now I’m really stuck you probably should have jumped while you that creative um you’re saying I should jump oh my knives in order to get down from the tree yes I’ll do it no NOA

NOA oh my gosh no food no tools nothing and I’m freezing cold take tree down just take it down no no take it all come in here come in here come in here it’s warm in here come Come come on let’s get you a drink snowella get me a drink right now they’re YouTubers they don’t know how to do anything oh there’s some eggnog up here no should we have a little a little tiple Nova you too come on Nova it’s Christmas waiting for some customers ooh

Froy pink eggnog all right let’s try it cheers waiting for some customers and no one came oh oh knives throwing that on the floor the heck KN is a little tipsy NOA um just just to let you know something’s wrong here getting an aura I’m just going to take a seat right

Quick she’s failing I don’t I don’t like it I’m I’m getting this Aura from from this top floor what do you mean what type of Aura hold my hand you guys one of each hand both of you one hand okay clear your thoughts clear your mind

Listen to the sound of my voice there’s something wrong in this cabin there’s something they’re not telling us you hear the cold wind whistling through the top of the the the cabin mhm it’s not the wind it’s it’s a voice it’s a voice

I hear it no no no no no no no no I hear it it’s it’s saying help me oh my God oh my God too something wrong happened here there it is again I had it they’re telling me they’re telling me to out what happened to

Me oh God I hope they breath don’t stay cuz and doesn’t and do okay okay okay um not hearing that so what what do you see I see the person they’re trapped in the snow globe talk to us little buddy talk to us help me oh my gosh they killed me and trapped

Me in the snow glob oh my oh my gosh who did find out okay like how what right if you if you know then just freaking tell us like Le just tell us um well I guess we’re solving a mystery this Christmas how fun oh okay interesting and congrat

Congratulations for getting an upgrade so after that crazy incident I don’t know what you want to call it I started building my house the first thing I did was build these stairs due to the complaint from nine then I started building the front of my house I wasn’t

Too sure what to go for I knew I wanted to do a cozy cottage core kind of christmy vibe but these planks just weren’t cutting it so I went in with stone Cobblestone and stone bricks just to kind of texture the walls and make it a little bit more diverse

Then I started building the walls around the back as we all know business is in the front and party is always in the back and then I started to build up the rest of the walls you know the vibe the roof was pretty easy normally I go for

Quite a complex roof this time I wanted to stay simple on the inside I did this kind of log plank pattern and this is the final build now this is just my starter house I’m planning to extend it eventually but I hope you guys like it I

Think it’s quite cute good morning go I just raided a village I managed to get quite a good few things I got this villager house which makes it so that villagers uh trade things for super duper cheap however I am about to freeze once again so let’s heat ourselves up

And I thought today we could go on a little Expedition into the wild to try and find some glorious goodies so if you would care to join me that would be wonderful oh this is someone’s house oh we’re right back at spawn okay well I’m going to head this way I guess that

That’s the village that I just went to I think I got everything is this the same Village hold on hold on one second yes it is so I think we’re going to head this way and I’d also really like to get that fur armor today I found out you get

It when you have wolves playing with each other so if I put these two together come on guys play fight please no you’re going the wrong way this way you guys going to play fight or am I just going to have to force you both to

Be next to each other oh well that was not supposed to happen right you two please well I guess not I am keeping my eye on you both though I hope you know now what the heck are you and what are you doing here you didn’t even drop

Anything please is this a village oh okay another Village very close to the other one perfect is this a village or or is this a deadly Zone actually because to me this doesn’t look like a place I would like to be or should be oh

Oh oh gosh I should I should wear boots okay yep oh I’m freezing I’ve never Frozen yet can I not oh okay come on please oh my gosh I’m so cold dude not right now I beg is it oh is it cuz I’m St oh it’s cuz of him it’s because of

This guy cuz he’s like a frozen thing oh my gosh hold on oh my goodness this isn’t good this is not good at all I fear oh please ah the thing is I have weakness so I can’t even really hit him and Mining fatigue really right now oh there’s

Loads of them can I yeah yeah we’re just going to do that so I don’t perish to death it’s true I don’t want to perish all right let’s trying and get back out here and kill these guys can I just go in here please it

Might be a little bit warmer in here o and I’ll take this as well for some bread all right I’m just going to leave this place uh it’s a little too creepy for my liking oh oh now is this a village oh my goodness there’s so many

Of them what if there’s some goodies in here like oh nothing really oh my gosh I don’t want that the fur that I need I need that fur oh gosh oh my goodness please don’t follow me up here thank you very much let’s keep ourselves warm real

Quick oh my goodness I got a I got a sharpness five book and I got some of the tough that’s what we need to craft the armor so that’s perfect I’m going to make this my mission today to get all of the toughs that we need okay what’s up

Here is there anything up here more chests okay a diamond block uh thank you very much more fur I wonder if I missed any fur from downstairs oh a horn what’s this sound like oh that one’s quite terrifying honestly oh oh oh oh I wasn’t ready for this oh oh my

Gosh oh my goodness I was not ready for that at all oh why am I not why can’t I cool down I mean warm up not cool down oh my gosh I could do with a I could do with something let me oh do I have any

Wood two pieces really so I can’t make a diamond chest plate like I wanted to make I guess we just got to try and fight this guy huh come here oh oh but it’s okay oh my gosh no no no no no sir please please please please please

Please I have no blocks oh gosh oh goodness uh do I have any blocks at all gravel okay we we’ll we’ll make do with with this I think I can kill him though I know don’t have a lot but he was getting he I was managing to get him

Down quite a bit he just moves so fast okay so and now I run now I oh my gosh what are these what are these what are these oh no oh my gosh okay uh let’s sleep and let’s try this again in the morning now listen I know I have none of

My stuff and I know I’m getting very easily distracted but it would be a shame to not go in here right like I’ve got to just at least have a little look it doesn’t look intimidating it looks like oh and there’s see and there’s a crafting table and a cake like hello I’m

Also going to get this bed and take the crafting table yes please thank you ooh and these candles actually cuz I want some candles okay I wish I could take the cake unfortunately I can’t is there really nothing else in here wait what if this is someone’s house and I just

Ransacked it I think it’ll be fine okay let’s go back to our death over here so I need to run past these guys as fast as I freaking can oh I didn’t oh I did that to my darn self oh I did it to my darn

Self I’m dead I’m so dead yep yep okay this time uh H ooh okay there is some bread in here that I didn’t take so okay let’s let’s try this again I’m not going to get distracted this time I’m not going to go up that staircase this time

Either oh I hear a cat I hear a cat is that my cat milk Glo oh Kitty there’s some killer wolves around I think you need saving it’s Peppa oh Peppe I wish I could take you but I can’t right now pep be careful I’ll I’ll try and find you

Again soon I’m I’m getting cold again we still have 250 blocks will I ever make it out of this treacherous land probably hopefully well I’m not going home until I do okay we’re back we’re going to run in okay okay I got my useless materials back Co cool what we need the most

Though is up here oh my gosh it’s all the way at the top okay okay all right I feel a little bit more let’s uh oh uh uh uh oh gosh oh gosh quick quick quick quick quick quick berther quick oh my gosh okay I think yeah okay right oh my

Gosh I need to stop panicking right woo now why does it sound like that I do not like the sound of that right let’s try and get back up oh it’s these guys oh there’s so many of them please oh there you are there you are oh

He he Unleashed more of these beasts on me let’s uh let’s get our health back up oh dear okay let’s get our health back up and unfreeze ourselves and then we can I think finish him off honestly you die you die oh no oh no oh quick oh okay

Let’s let’s let’s unfreeze ourselves again and eat I hate the noises thing come here die oh it’s all these beasts keep spawning them all look they are they trying to eat me is that what they’re trying to do sir please I know I’m delicious but please die you die you

Die and actually before you can freeze me let me get my hearts back off come on so close oh yes I got him oh what did I get what did I just get a frost wand what am I a witch what does this do should I try it

Downstairs on the on the villages or whatever they’re called let’s try it are they stuck they can’t move oh my gosh that is wonderful but they can still hit me that’s not so wonderful and it looks so cool oh my gosh am I a frost witch oh leave me

Alone oh you know know what we’re out of here oh not that way though wait was that one of those pack snowball knives has been one in one of these okay any fur no okay we’re out of here sir goodbye let’s just uh let’s just let’s just oh ooh oh

Please right you guys listen I’m not trying to fight you I’m I am trying to leave oh please don’t die Bera please don’t die again H where’s my torches oh I’m I’m falling oh yeah honestly I deserve that to be honest I got a bit greedy I could have

Just left I did get a little bit greedy it’s true so let’s try and find ourselves again and I’ll I’ll uh meet up with you when if I find anything else listen I’m getting my stuff and I’m leaving goodbye so I wonder now I can definitely make boots oh I should have

Made can I but let’s just test this and you can combine it okay perfect so I’m going to put on these boots oh they look kind of cute and we will see if if they take durability because Let’s test it actually I don’t think they do really

They don’t okay that’s amazing so I wonder if we can put enchantments on this probably but hopefully now I shouldn’t be as chilly uh let’s take refuge in this Igloo for the night cuz I’m freezing and I don’t want to deal with Mobs so let’s just sleep here oh

Okay I’m going to take this okay let’s see we can test right now if we can put armor oh it does take durability okay can we put enchantment we can okay I’m going to put the feather falling on there I’m going to make a sharpness

Sword I think uh let’s just take a piece of wood I hope you don’t mind whoever owns this Igloo we’re going to make a diamond sword and some Diamond legs and let’s do oh I don’t have enough okay well we’ll just save that there for now

But that’s good to know that’s good to know I forgot to take the freaking Anvil what’s this whatever it is it goes down quite ways okay let’s get our torches out and let’s warm up a sec whilst we’re here O Okay a chest any goodies inside

Ooh ooh okay and I’ll take all this happily thank thank you let’s keep the golden apples out actually superstitious hat applies an extra level of looting to kill entities okay and some other stuff which is quite cool well let’s put this hat on oh it looks a bit uh I mean it

Looks great uh let’s see this is oh ooh didn’t want that to happen if I’m being 100% honest this is cool though oh my gosh I got a snowman hat oh my gosh I love it it’s so cute amazing okay and I got two so I can give

One of them to a friend I’m going to have him here next to me actually it’s kind of obtrusive so maybe not oh this is what I’ve been after oh my gosh you guys if I smelt this which I will do right this second I can have unlimited

Food forever so I don’t need any of this food anymore uh I guess I’ll keep it just in case someone else wants it but oh that is perfect oh my gosh I’ve never been happy let me show you how this works so and I keep the steak it’s just

On like a little cool down and I don’t have to have any food on me except the steak oh my gosh what a dream but even though this is amazing and I’m so happy that I got this I still want to find some of that fur cuz I want a full set

Of fur armor so I can constantly be warm so the mission is not over quite yet okay so after all that exploring I did manage to get quite a lot of goodies and in the end I managed to find one more piece of wolfer that was just dropped as

I was walking past some walls I guess they were playing which is how you get the fur organically so I’m going to go back up to my house and we’re going to check everything that I got okay so let’s just dump everything in here including everything from in here okay

So this is all the cool stuff I ended up getting including the night vision goggles and and I’m actually going to make right now a fur hood and if we quickly just change the show your skin oh that’s adorable oh my gosh oh I love

That oh that’s so cute so now we have half of the armor that we need to be fully warm all the time uh I still really want to get complete set of fair armor so I say we head this direction now since we went this way let’s see if

We can find some more polar bear Galore oh I really really hope that these guys drop some I can’t remember something right here oh my gosh and there’s more oh my gosh they’re play fighting oh I’m sorry I’m sorry guys uh just continue play fighting yep that’s brilliant thank

You guys oh my gosh is there any more over here hey sorry I know you guys don’t like me getting close to your babies but I am afraid I am going to have to bring them right next to each other okay yep yep yep yep yep I know I

Know listen listen I get it I I I know you don’t want me to take you away from your babies but it is important to me that they fight come on you two fight fight uh how much did I get nine I can make a chest plate let’s do that uh like

This fur cloak oh let’s see what this looks like oh this is magnificent oh I look Majestic oh this is gorgeous yes let’s see if they’ve scrapped a little more so I can get a couple more pieces of fur Okay we have 60 I think that’s

Going to be enough for NOA knives and some spare for me in case I need it so that’s wonderful thank you guys you did a wonderful job and let’s make the armor for knives and for Nova so two of those two of those two of those and two of

Those and we still have 35 left over which is perfect in case we need SP SP two darling knives B Christmas came early birth and we will put one of each in here like so okay I just had to show you this real quick why is there 65 dark

O Glocks right here oh and now it’s now I can’t that’s so weird I had to show you I’m going to gather a bunch of materials and then I’ll be back and we’ll decorate the house together okay so I’ve got a bunch of things that I

Want to decorate the house with so if we come inside just ignore all the animals please uh they are just temporarily here we will be moving them soon so I’m just going to grab everything that I got so I think we should start first with the kitchen um it’s probably going to be

Best to do the kitchen like here maybe so we’ll put the sink there one there one there please fox out of my freaking way did we put the fridge I only got one half of a fridge are you serious well we have one half of a

Fridge I guess I guess it’s fine and then we can put a second half of the fridge there have some bars but I don’t have like a kitchen island or anything so for now we we could just put one here yeah that’ll be fine for now and what

Else do I have so I have curtains I want to put up like this oh I only needed one per one that’s great cow thank you okay that’s wonderful o let’s put one up here let’s get rid of the sign I don’t know who that oh look at that oh that’s

Wonderful o I love this it’s so Christmasy and then let’s get our sofa so I’m thinking for the sofa we could put it kind of like maybe horse please maybe like here and then another one that’s going to be too close to the door though okay so maybe we’ll just have a

Two-seater sofa unless no see that’s too that’s too cramp okay well that’ll be fine for now we’ll put this here eventually I want to make a TV to put on here we have the Chisel and bits mod so it means that that I can put to make my

Own stuff so I’m going to put a TV there eventually I kind of want to do table and chairs here okay cute and for now we can just put a lamp on there oh that’s lovely and maybe a lamp back here and oh this is what we have that we could put

Down like excuse me there no this needs to be like there yes and now it’s like one of those sofas uh don’t know what they’re called L-shaped sofas I I think what would tie this together very nicely would be some very light so let’s go ahead and put those up maybe back here

Let’s organize them in a random pattern like this oh so pretty oh I love it and then finally I want to put some of these outside so like one uh where would I put them could I put one there would that look weird yeah I feel like that would

Look weird h no I think that’s that’s okay so maybe there and there and we can put some flowers in here oh I think that looks really cute and I think next time we’ll grab some more decorative items let’s see what we’ll have on our journey

We’ve also got to get ready in time for Christmas I’ve got to start thinking of what I’m going to get these people so let me know if you have any ideas Merry Christmas guys

This video, titled ‘Brrrrtha Has Arrived: Craftmas SMP’, was uploaded by Bertha on 2023-12-01 16:00:49. It has garnered 656 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:13 or 2233 seconds.

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#Christmas #Minecraft

  • Caught! – Minecraft Prank

    Caught! - Minecraft Prank Exploring the Thrilling World of Minecraft with EmirhanCTN Embrace the excitement as EmirhanCTN delves into the captivating realm of Minecraft, where adventure, mystery, and suspense await at every turn. Join EmirhanCTN and his friends on a journey filled with thrilling escapades, heart-pounding challenges, and spine-tingling moments. Unveiling the Mysterious World of Minecraft Step into the enchanting world of Minecraft, where EmirhanCTN and his companions navigate through a landscape teeming with wonders and dangers. From daring escapes to chilling encounters, each episode promises an adrenaline-pumping experience that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. Embracing the Thrills of Minecraft… Read More

  • Water Pit Wonders: Time Travel with Minecraft

    Water Pit Wonders: Time Travel with Minecraft In ancient times, I traveled with Minecraft in hand, Dug a water pit, infinite water at my command. Block by block, I built my world so grand, Every adventure, every challenge, I withstand. With each update, new features to explore, In this pixelated world, I always want more. From crafting to mining, my skills I hone, In this virtual realm, I am never alone. So join me in this journey, let’s play and create, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no need to wait. Dig deep, build high, let your imagination fly, With Minecraft by your side, reach for the sky. Read More

  • 25 Must-Try Minecraft 1.21 Seeds for Epic Adventures!

    25 Must-Try Minecraft 1.21 Seeds for Epic Adventures! Exploring the Top 25 Minecraft Seeds for the 1.21 Tricky Trials Update! Embark on a thrilling adventure with the latest Minecraft Seeds that promise to elevate your gaming experience to new heights. These 25 exceptional seeds have been carefully curated for the 1.21 Tricky Trials update, ensuring a fresh and exciting journey every time you play. Discover the Diverse Worlds of Minecraft From sprawling landscapes to hidden treasures, each seed offers a unique setting for players to explore. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, these seeds will captivate your imagination and keep you… Read More

  • Live Minecraft Survivor Series

    Live Minecraft Survivor Series Welcome to Sink or Swim: A New Minecraft Survivor Series with a LIVE Twist! Applications are now open for Sink or Swim, a thrilling livestreamed Minecraft series inspired by the popular show Survivor. In this unique twist, the audience has the power to influence the game as players compete in Survivor-inspired Minecraft minigames. What to Expect: Players will experience classic Survivor elements such as team collaboration, thrilling eliminations, immunity mechanics, and competitive challenges. The audience will be able to make waves in real-time by playing along on Twitch and Discord, adding an exciting interactive element to the gameplay. How… Read More

  • Armor Patterns Galore: Crafting Survival’s Core!

    Armor Patterns Galore: Crafting Survival's Core! In this episode, we’re crafting armor patterns so fine, With cherry wood and Sniffers, it’s a design divine. The Optimistic Survival Series, full of fun and delight, Bringing Minecraft updates to your screen, shining bright. Check out the website for more gaming bliss, And Patreon for early access, don’t miss. Follow on Instagram for a peek behind the scenes, Or email for questions, comments, or memes. So long, Minecraft 1.20, you’ve been a blast, But now it’s time for new adventures to be cast. Stay tuned for more rhymes, more laughs, more fun, In the world of Minecraft, where… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Rainbow Tower: Climbing Challenge!

    Minecraft's Rainbow Tower: Climbing Challenge! In the Aquaverse, we faced the Rainbow Tower Challenge, Ten floors of obstacles, each one a new balance. From hidden buttons to arrow puzzles galore, We conquered them all, with laughter and more. Squidward needed protection, zombies at his door, We shot them down, protecting him for sure. In the maze of paintings, we found our way, Navigating through, not a moment to delay. Riding Striders, battling Skeletons in the lava’s glow, Teamwork prevailed, our victory did show. But our reward was TNT, not what we expected, Blowing up the tower, our exit perfected. So thank you for watching,… Read More

  • Insane Super Mario 64 Vita Mods: Sonic, Kirby, Wario + More

    Insane Super Mario 64 Vita Mods: Sonic, Kirby, Wario + More The Ultimate Super Mario 64 PS Vita Mods Showcase Today, we delve into the exciting world of Super Mario 64 mods for the PS Vita. Zealous Chuck has compiled an impressive array of mods that promise to breathe new life into this classic game. Let’s explore the highlights of this showcase! Super Mario 64 Mods Galore From Super Kirby 64 to Super Sonic 64, the variety of mods on display is truly impressive. Each mod brings a unique twist to the beloved Mario universe, offering players a fresh and exciting gaming experience. The Analogs Enhancer Plugin further enhances gameplay,… Read More

  • Summon Wither Storm in Minecraft PE

    Summon Wither Storm in Minecraft PE Unleashing the Power of the Wither Storm in Minecraft Pocket Edition Are you ready to take your Minecraft Pocket Edition experience to the next level? The Wither Storm is a formidable adversary that can bring a new level of challenge and excitement to your gameplay. In this guide, we will show you how to summon the Wither Storm in Minecraft Pocket Edition, also known as MCPE, in all versions. Obtaining Wither Skulls Before you can summon the Wither Storm, you must first gather three Wither Skulls. These rare items are dropped by Wither Skeletons in the Nether. To increase… Read More

  • Top 10 Tricky Minecraft 1.21 Seeds!

    Top 10 Tricky Minecraft 1.21 Seeds! Exploring the Top 10 Minecraft 1.21 Trial Chamber Seeds! Embark on a thrilling adventure with the top 10 best new trial chamber seeds for Minecraft 1.21 in both Java and Bedrock editions. The Tricky Trials Update introduces exciting trial chambers at spawn, offering players a unique and challenging gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and discover these captivating seeds! Seed 10: Cliff Mansion Seed Seed ID: 8823677569925680079 Begin your journey with the Cliff Mansion Seed, where you’ll encounter a majestic mansion perched atop a cliff. Explore the intricate chambers within the mansion and uncover hidden treasures… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Replay Mod!

    Ultimate Minecraft PE Replay Mod! The Exciting World of Minecraft Replay Mod for PE Are you a Minecraft Pocket Edition player looking to enhance your gameplay experience? Look no further than the Minecraft Replay Mod for PE! This mod brings a whole new level of excitement and creativity to your Minecraft adventures. Let’s dive into the world of this amazing mod and discover all it has to offer. What is the Minecraft Replay Mod for PE? The Minecraft Replay Mod for PE is a fantastic tool that allows players to record, replay, and share their gameplay experiences. Whether you want to capture epic battles,… Read More

  • “Shocking: Pillager Attacks Baby Villager in Minecraft! 🚨” #viral

    "Shocking: Pillager Attacks Baby Villager in Minecraft! 🚨" #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘pillager don’t attack on baby villager in Minecraft 🐯#minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by Nishu jaat Deswal on 2024-05-19 01:30:14. It has garnered 10427 views and 210 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. pillager don’t attack on baby villager in Minecraft 🐯#minecraft #shorts #viral#dankmeme #follow #game #minecraftmeme #art #shitpost #dailymemes #gta #games #minecrafter #minecraftonly #like #explorepage #instagram #cringe #playstation #minecraftdaily #minecraftserver #mcpe #videogames #minecrafthouse #spicymemes #comedy #offensive #fortnitememes #minecraftideas #minecraftxbox #explore #minecrafts #love#minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes… Read More

  • Soni PlayzZ reveals ULTIMATE SMP app! 🌟

    Soni PlayzZ reveals ULTIMATE SMP app! 🌟Video Information This video, titled ‘Best APPLICATION for Dynasty smp ✨ by a girl ✌️@RsKPlayZ @ItsGreekyBoy’, was uploaded by Soni PlayzZ on 2024-05-12 07:04:17. It has garnered 492 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Best APPLICATION for Dynasty smp ✨ by a girl ✌️‎@RsKPlayZ  ‎@ItsGreekyBoy  . Minecraft application by agirl ✨✌️ I am new in this journy so support like and subscribe ❤️ . owner -@RsKPlayZ @ItsGreekyBoy . co owner- @GamerzEra100 . hastags – #daynastysmp #applicationfordynastysmp #rskplayz #itsgreekyboy #dynastysmpapplication . tags 🔑 Minecraft SMP applications application for lapata smp dynastyamp application video… Read More


    INSANE TOILET SKIBIDI PRANKS - MINTOON CRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘COMPILATION SKIBIDI TOILET: DANGERS BEHIND CHEERFUL 😱 – MINTOON CRAFT’, was uploaded by MINTOON CRAFT on 2024-03-21 09:45:02. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:14 or 434 seconds. COMPILATION SKIBIDI TOILET: DANGERS BEHIND CHEERFUL 😱 – MINTOON CRAFT MONSTERSCHOOL #MINECRAFT #MINTOONCRAFT Don’t forget Subcribe, like, comment and subcribe guys…!!! Welcome to the official “MINTOON CRAFT” channel! Dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft animations and Monster School adventures with us. Join us as we embark on epic journeys, explore new realms, and face thrilling challenges in… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bed Wars Gameplay #176!

    Insane Minecraft Bed Wars Gameplay #176!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BED WARS #176’, was uploaded by LuisKly on 2024-04-03 15:00:21. It has garnered 437 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. MINECRAFT BED WARS SIGMA # HYPIXEL HYLEX MUSH #bedwars #hypixel #minecraft Read More

  • “EPIC: Тапок пропал в Minecraft! 🔥” #clickbait

    "EPIC: Тапок пропал в Minecraft! 🔥" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Этот тапок улетел от меня в майнкрафте!🔥#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Firma on 2024-02-19 10:33:26. It has garnered 10875 views and 662 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • Sakuna tries insane anime mod in Minecraft PE 😱🔥

    Sakuna tries insane anime mod in Minecraft PE 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘I try anime mod in Minecraft PE 😱😳💯 can it’s #minecraft #minecraft_pe #anime’, was uploaded by Sakuna gaming101 on 2024-04-21 11:43:51. It has garnered 108 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:31 or 1951 seconds. Read More

  • Kraken Network

    Kraken NetworkKraken Network is a server that has various Survival game modes such as Regular Survival, Enhanced Survival, Skyblock with lots more survival type game modes to come soon! Read More

  • Second Sky SMP – Semi-Vanilla, SMP, Whitelist, 1.20.4, New, Community

    Welcome to Second Sky SMP! Second Sky is a brand new public SMP focused on community, creativity, and storytelling. Similar to the Hermitcraft style, we offer a space for players to make friends, create big projects, and participate in group events. What We Offer: A player-driven community Building opportunities for individuals and groups Trust-based economy No world resets Interactive elements like wars Plugins: Coreprotect for anti-griefing Proximity Voice Chat Squaremap for live online mapping Player Heads and Armour Statues Book Note: We are on Java Edition only! To join, comment your Discord username below or add Jhrangers#4332 and send a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Blue and packed ice: Infinite Weight!

    Minecraft Memes - Blue and packed ice: Infinite Weight!Looks like we’ve found the secret to creating a black hole in Minecraft – just stack enough blue ice and packed ice together! Read More

  • Hogalalla’s Hero: Himlands Saved Me!

    Hogalalla's Hero: Himlands Saved Me! In the land of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, HIMLANDS is the place where adventure arrives. With Pennybrine leading the way, full of charm, Crafting stories and rhymes, causing no harm. In episode 2, the mystery unfolds, Hogalalla’s power, a tale to be told. The light shines bright, in the depths of the game, As Pennybrine explores, never the same. Join the journey, with each twist and turn, In the world of HIMLANDS, there’s always more to learn. So grab your pickaxe, and your sword so keen, For in this realm of Minecraft, the adventure’s unseen. Read More

  • Diamond Golem DESTROYS All Golems! 😂💎 #minecraft #meme

    Diamond Golem DESTROYS All Golems! 😂💎 #minecraft #meme I guess you could say the Diamond Golem really rocks in this battle! #punsfordays Read More

  • Surviving 200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore J’ai Survécu 200 jours sur Minecraft HARDCORE Embark on an epic journey through the first 200 days of a hardcore Minecraft survival adventure in this thrilling video. From the early struggles to the depths of the underworld, every moment is filled with excitement and challenges. Join the adventure by subscribing and hitting the notification bell to stay updated! Surviving the Unknown From gathering essential resources to building shelter and fending off dangerous mobs, the first days in Minecraft are crucial for survival. Our protagonist navigates through the wilderness, facing the unknown with courage and determination. Each day brings new… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Rare Police Hat in RDR2

    Ultimate Guide: Rare Police Hat in RDR2 Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game developed by Mojang Studios, has captured the hearts of millions worldwide with its endless possibilities for creativity and adventure. Players are immersed in a blocky, pixelated world where they can build, explore, and survive in various environments. Exploring the Vast World of Minecraft In Minecraft, players can explore vast landscapes filled with mountains, forests, oceans, and caves. They can mine resources such as wood, stone, and ores to craft tools, build structures, and survive against hostile creatures like zombies, skeletons, and creepers. Building and Crafting One of the key… Read More

  • Sweaty Kids RAGE in MC Skywars Trolling Montage #2

    Sweaty Kids RAGE in MC Skywars Trolling Montage #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MC Skywars Trolling Montage #2 – Lets Play – Funny Moments – SWEATY RAGING KIDS VEINS ALMOST EXPLODE’, was uploaded by SoupyDoup on 2024-04-30 04:28:50. It has garnered 17 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:01 or 661 seconds. Minecraft Sweaty kids getting trapped and trolled on Hypixel Skywars. EYEBALLS POPPING OUT OF SOCKETS! VEINS BURSTING THROUGH NECK! RAGERS Subscribe for more episodes Let me know what else you guys would like to see IGN: souperheromc Server: Music: Zedd – Find You ft. Matthew Koma & Miriam Bryant AK x… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Statue

    Terrifying Minecraft StatueVideo Information This video, titled ‘this statue is more scary than caves #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by burning potato on 2024-03-26 02:48:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Dronio Steals Friend’s Diamonds in Block Prison! 😱 #minecraftsurvival

    Dronio Steals Friend's Diamonds in Block Prison! 😱 #minecraftsurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘В Minecraft украдешь алмазы друга – в блоковой тюрьме. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-09 15:00:14. It has garnered 3103 views and 340 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Discovering Creepy Abandoned Minecraft Worlds

    Discovering Creepy Abandoned Minecraft WorldsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring Weird and Empty minecraft servers’, was uploaded by 617semaj on 2024-01-12 08:16:56. It has garnered 29 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:31 or 9571 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at Read More

  • Insane new Halloween PvP area in Minecraft Smp

    Insane new Halloween PvP area in Minecraft SmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘ñew pvp area in Halloween smp #minecraft #gaming #gameplay #shorts’, was uploaded by Yh_gamer_01 on 2024-05-29 13:02:44. It has garnered 45 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Power Moves in Monster School

    Unbelievable Power Moves in Monster SchoolVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Skibidi Toilet và SpeakerMan Làm Chủ Sức Mạnh -Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Queen TV Girls on 2024-01-10 08:58:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. monsterschool #minecraft #animation Monster School : Skibidi Toilet and SpeakerMan Master the Power -Minecraft Animation. Read More

  • Join Paul2Craft for a wild Minecraft party!

    Join Paul2Craft for a wild Minecraft party!Video Information ah da haben wir doch Audio Freunde auch sorry ich laber hier seit 5 Minuten und und keiner keiner sagt dass die Audio aus ist na sollt auch merken Leute was geht willkommen hier zum ersten Livestream auf Youtube seit 6 Monaten mit im großen change sind wir zurück ja mit Videos Shorts und Streams hier auf Youtube Videos und Shorts B suboptimal aber vor allem Streams ja einmal im Monat bin ich ab sofort offiziell wieder live schön dass so viele da sind was geht was geht Hex herrafterat play TV TZ oder real Henry willkommen Stream… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mods Guide & FREE Download!

    Ultimate Minecraft Mods Guide & FREE Download!Video Information hello and welcome to all toy reviews so hello uh parents Minecrafters Gamers whatever you want to call yourself today it’s your pal o and today we’re going to be doing some uh something a little bit different there’s no toys around this time of year it’s always like a quiet period so of and I’ve rediscovered Minecraft I don’t know about you guys but it seems like every 4 to 6 months I kind of like feel like playing Minecraft again so I boot it up and I I have a lot of fun and suddenly like… Read More

  • DOMINATE NOOBS on Hypixel with Grotex!

    DOMINATE NOOBS on Hypixel with Grotex!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to destroy noobs on Hypixel!’, was uploaded by Grotex on 2024-03-23 06:08:47. It has garnered 304 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin pack: in the middle above Mouse: Bloody A70 Keyboard: Redragon K552 red switches Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz… Read More


    Endermine.deErstmal Danke für das zahlreiche Feedback, ich habe die Beschreibung noch mal kräftig überarbeitet/Neugeschrieben. Und ja, ich werde wirklich MC-Accounts vergeben, hab ein paar auf Lager. Read More

  • Robo’s World SMP Whitelist Semi-Vanilla Java Bedrock 1.20.4

    Welcome to Robo’s World! Join our small, whitelisted community for a semi-vanilla SMP experience without map resets. Robo’s World is inspired by Hermitcraft SMP, focusing on collaboration and no stealing or griefing. Come play in survival mode with like-minded players who love vanilla Minecraft. Apply on Discord today to join the fun! Discord Link Read More


    Sphinx | PLUS13-VOICE-CHAT-REQUIRED-ORIGINS-LORE-SMP.+* Sphinx *+.SPHINX IS A PLUS13-VOICE-CHAT-REQUIRED-ORIGINS-LORE-SMPHello there stranger. I’m Fox, one of the two owners of Sphinx.Underneath this message, you can read a few facts about the server and decide if it sounds like something for you. If it does, please use the Discord link below :)The player base is mostly between 15 to 21.The server is mostly active around the weekend.There are normally around 2-6 players on worksday online, and 15 to full, around the weekend.This isn’t a lore server, however, we encourage player lore.If joining; you’re required to be able to use voice chats.The server uses proximity-voice-chat in-game…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Beginner base flexin’ in Minecraft”

    “Looks like I should’ve gone with the ‘Build a dirt hut’ tutorial instead of trying to recreate the Taj Mahal in my first go at Minecraft.” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 25/100 Quest

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 25/100 Quest In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Boom_CRAFT brings explosions in every episode’s vibes. With 100 videos planned, each one a delight, Subscribe and hit the bell, to keep them in sight. In video number 25, the action takes flight, With builds and explosions, a true Minecraft sight. So join the fun, in this creative land, With Boom_CRAFT leading the way, hand in hand. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Short, Sweet, and Hilarious!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Short, Sweet, and Hilarious! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #gamerhumor Read More

  • Zombie vs Plant: Ultimate Minecraft Tutorial

    Zombie vs Plant: Ultimate Minecraft Tutorial Embark on an Epic Minecraft Journey with AI-Generated Tutorial Video! Experience the magic of Minecraft like never before with our groundbreaking tutorial video! Utilizing cutting-edge AI technology, this video seamlessly integrates real-life clips with in-game footage to offer a truly immersive learning experience. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, our comprehensive tutorial covers everything from basic survival skills to advanced building techniques. Real-Life Clips Enhancing Gameplay Understanding Witness the beauty of Minecraft unfold as our AI-generated video guides you through the fundamental aspects of gameplay. From gathering essential resources to constructing intricate structures, each step is illustrated… Read More

  • Ultimate Mob Armor: 50k+ Combinations!

    Ultimate Mob Armor: 50k+ Combinations! Minecraft Marketplace Map Review: MOB ARMOR [DX] By LOGDOTZIP Introduction MOB ARMOR [DX] By LOGDOTZIP is a Minecraft Marketplace map that offers over 50,000 armor combinations for players to explore. Priced at 830 mine coins, this map promises an exciting adventure filled with unique and powerful armors. Exploring the Map Upon entering the map, players are greeted with a captivating environment, setting the stage for the epic quest ahead. The map features a variety of armor sets, each with its own special abilities and designs. From the menacing Spider Armor to the fiery Blaze Armor, players have the opportunity… Read More