“OMG! Creeper ONE-SHOT me!?” | RoninCraft (SMP Minecraft) – Part 4

Video Information

What’s up ladies and gentlemen we are back again for an official intro for once of uh the Minecraft series uh on the SMP Ronin craft so um I got a couple things that I got to situate you guys on uh before we get started I’ve actually

This is going to be the first episode where I have Clips prepared for you as we’re starting this episode uh so I ended up exploring a woodland mansion with the boys uh and then we ended up doing a Bastion which was very I died many times uh but I wanted to address

The elephant in the room you guys have probably noticed this I did talk about it a couple times uh but I’ve been really really struggling with trying to find out why the heck my videos have been recording so dark and I think I finally found a solution hopefully cuz

Especially especially in the warden area dude like basically my problem was that I’m recording in a very specific resolution and for whatever reason it just washes out all of the Blackness and no matter how much I brighten it up in editing there’s only so much I can do with a

Flat image like there’s no detail in the darkness backgrounds that I can brighten up so you guys have noticed like I I do heavy heavy heavy cuts when I’m in caves and not actually like carrying a torch around with me and stuff like that so uh

One thing that I ended up figuring out was that there is a gamma mod in the game I don’t like it though because the gamma mod basically makes it so that the game is completely 100% bright uh and torches you can no longer tell the difference between what’s a dark area

And what’s torches so I I don’t like it because I don’t like the lack of Spawn proofing uh you know I like being able to know oh mobs can spawn behind me I’m in a dangerous area instead of it just looking super duper bright so that was one issue

Uh and here were my two solutions I basically found out uh some different color coding with my video software that is better now hopefully um and then I also found that you can up the gamma in the game uh vanilla settings without even using the mod uh by going into the

Options uh text file with in the Minecraft folder and the gamma only goes up to a value of 5.0 which which is essentially going to end up being 500% brightness and just to give you guys a quick comparison uh this is the area that I’m using for testing so this is what it

Looked like and this is what we’ve got it looking like now so that’s why I really wanted to address it I know it’s a bit of a boring intro talking about all this crap um but just suffice to say it has been a Perpetual program problem that I’ve been continuously dealing with and

Trying desperately to find a solution so I think think we’re finally doing good I hope anyways to compensate for that long boring rant uh here’s me and the boys doing a mansion together the blood of my enemies the blood of my enemies cheater whoa I think that zombie piglin was looking at you

Nick did you aggro them or no no wait yeah were we supposed to turn I think this way yeah I missed the turn yeah I was wondering if I should go get out of the way man goodbye hunger I can hear you mashing the keyboard bro this is truly the most terrifying

Area right here with the magma slimes yeah jeez dude bro stop body blocking no don’t just suddenly stop in the middle it’s right behind you did you really just did you really build that huge Bridge across that biome like really yeah yeah this took so long yeah I can

Imagine okay back to my luckily not not a lot of stuff spawned around me though so I didn’t die bro don’t just stop him I’m not on the bridge there’s a difference bro cool you’re on the path even though it’s like covered fall into a pit of lava and we

Have to uh clear out uh a th000 blocks of lava to get your stuff just make sure that when you do drown you do it at the surface uh oh yeah anyone have bed yep I brought one yeah you got one okay good I see a portal yep that’s the

One why is it 3×3 cuz it looks cool I keep forgetting you can make like custom portals like that but use the nether to travel 7 km in there we go wow yeah and it just view po us next to it wait whose house is

This what oh is this a is this a mansion mansion bro oh yes it just everything looks so different in this resource pack okay uh hold up hold up hold up bed bed bed bed bed yeah bed boom got it you can only sleep at night

Awesome yeah so we can just break in here yeah yeah I mean the front door was oh I see are these beds I have no idea no uh fake carpet okay here we go boys it isn’t night time so um we’ll we’ll also split all the loot at the end

Of it so don’t worry about like the greed ow oh God he hurts so much oh I can’t block why why can’t I block oh he knocked you shield down for so long dude yeah holy crap also I think we should go upstairs at the last yeah uh I think there’s a

Vindicator on your right I’m sorry death one death one let’s go I I can’t do anything I’m sorry no I exploded I should oh Vindicator help he’s got his laay or his Vex whatever Vex is oh no oh yeah yeah yeah he’s right there he’s right there uh I guess your corpse fell

Downstairs oh no what okay who for some reason I got on fire nice someone hit me no I think you hit yourself oh no I fell down oh my God I fell down I can’t get up there to get my stuff oh my God it’s so no we got to we

Got okay we got to play smart we got to play smart I I died I lost my stuff again yeah I can my stuff’s right over there if he’s distracted oh my God this will no no no no no okay no okay yeah I’ll help you in a sec we we

Got to play it slow and play it crazy hold up hold up there we go uh here D I’m getting farmed thanks bro okay let’s see so yours is downstairs yeah mine felt that’s what’s killing me so much oh my Good awesome no I got you don’t worry here look we just got to play smart right oh this is a room that’s got a treasure chest by the way someone could check it there he is is is the magical I don’t know how is it

Called I can’t yeah kill it nice if you can move oh I didn’t realize his body blocking I just didn’t walk cut you they they deal four Hearts through here lure here oh God there’s another one I was blocking come on come on oh no please get stay away from me no

No no no please bro please please I did nothing wrong bro please bro please oh God is he still down there D just casually yeah yeah Nick he’s in the this dark room right here oh no I should have brought more blocks all right screw it I’m running

For my stuff okay I got him where’s my stuff it’s it’s here it’s here I got him okay I’m coming okay so how much damage do they actually deal I mean I’m not wearing a helmet so I don’t know I’m getting like two or three shot it it feels like way

More than nine for sure yeah they’re hitting real hard there’s just got a [ __ ] uh de you’re not geared up yeah where’s my oh oh you still need it okay it’s over here it’s over here I thought I thought you already had your stuff uh I think it was through here is this

Room oh this is a big boy chest room wait yeah it’s not in here it was um another oh was it chest room maybe right here D help oh there is’s a chest help okay thanks bro we chopped down one level where is it yeah I know I’m trying to see uh help

Turn turn around I’m trying oh God there’s you don’t have that there we go okay like dude there’s only so many places it could even be like what oh here is back up oh you found it oh my goodness that’s where surely this is it

Right this is bad oh my God he’s chasing me there’s another one there’s another one I just I don’t know D I thought it was here guys help um where I know dude I know help no like really help me oh D I found it I can’t get you found it yep

I’m going ow is oh it’s this one where is he what he up stairs oh he’s on the stairs okay there it is right there oh my God there’s a there’s a Vex inside there yeah I got him nice maybe the no helmet idea was a bad idea that’s okay I’m having

Fun I got think that helmet Helm it would make much a difference not on these guys like half of the heart new idea use bows I don’t even have I don’t even have yet oh no I lost track of you guys I think you’re upstairs wait how how was

This like magical dude called youer yeah I see another guy up here I think that’s suck okay oh there’s a bunch of those blue flying things that I forget the name of the Vex oh this one has Enchanted ax no not the not the Vex it’s the uh ones yeah yeah

Those oh neck there’s one here Vindicator I just got hit by seven and a half hearts which means this one is very dangerous please help I’m coming in behind you did you guys go back upstairs I see you all right what’s up you little freaks what do you mean

Upstairs we’re on the middle floor oh no oh yeah I’m in the middle of death he’s making an escape oh my God bro that was nuts oh it still ain’t even over bro okay someone please take him down please I don’t even know where you guys

Are I’m with a giant chicken now I went upstairs I wish I could ping somehow oh is this a are these a lays yeah they’re friendly what what spawned them why why are there friendly ones they were just uh spawned in those little prison cells

Oh like you can free them I see oh my God you Stupid they’re so freaking powerful oh my god I’ve never thought punch is useful until now can you come with me please yeah yeah yeah where’s your stuff someone yeah we’re coming yeah um this guy hits like full HP I know uh without armor yeah no but this one is Enchanted

So yeah oh this one help help me help I don’t even know where you guys went oh there you are oh thank you oh my God I’m potting up for this wait what are you doing D I’m upstairs with one of the evokers I’m having so much fun oh I killed

Him it’s not even like we’re not even getting good loot out of this unless you guys found stuff yeah I I have yet to find anything oh okay killing those vindicators is rewarding why what does it do I found only one valuable chest I have two TS of undying on toems I forgot

They Dro right yeah but to be honest I don’t think this these are that valuable I mean we’re dying a lot here you should just equip it right now actually yeah honestly okay hey what’s up did you get the treasure in this room upstairs no this is actually the

Original room I stole uh bookshelves from up here I don’t know if there’s chests yeah there’s some chests got to got to take some armor trim shelves oh is it the Vex one yeah nice I also have Vex we can duplicate those toilet anything in here no no

Marx uh enchanted book with silk touch not bad not great so touch book yeah that’s very good I guess so yeah I need more of Those stealing books yeah me too oh my God okay um is that really it whoa H was that Kaboom okay yeah that’s it I had a lead actually nice I need that for my horse sweet yeah I cuz I don’t got slime blocks really that’s it no way there’s still more downstairs

Right I don’t think so is there anything inside the chicken there probably is honestly it’s just very bad generated uh mention it sometimes happens a mhm but we have those flying something guys which means oh do they stay with you are they yours now uh yeah they work if you give them

Items they will pick up uh yeah they try to go and get the other item for you or something yeah if you give yeah if you give them him like coal for example he will pick up the coal from the ground and he will give it to you

Yeah how do you get them to follow you though can you just lead them he he just he just follows you I think they just follow you now yeah the Mansion was obviously okay we ended up getting some stuff out of it you know I mean at the

Very least I got a lead for jabas now so that’s cool um a couple other things I wanted to mention just very briefly I moved my enchanter from up here down into the new basement oh look at this it’s all fancy I finally got a grindstone set up this is just a fresh

Fresh set of uh diamond boots you know it’s it’s it’s coming along I can do level 30 en chant but I mean why would I ever do that um but more importantly we ended up going to an even deadlier place because on the way back from the Woodland mansion um Nick ended up

Noticing that there was a Bastion nearby and unfortunately it was like 4 in the morning for him so he went to bed but me D and Zuck ended up going in there and um that place sucked oh my God there is a lot of them care dude how was it yeah how how

Much did he hit uh two hearts with one swing okay so not as bad as the vindicators yeah these ones don’t have Enchanted axes they do I don’t like how I don’t like how tight this corridors is okay let’s see yeah just grab everything we’ll we’ll split it after just grab it

All wait how did you just grab everything at once I have mod for that oh it’s like a different inventory thing oh I didn’t know that was a client side thing that mod yeah grabbing everything I want it’s actually it’s actually better you can also have automatic

Sorter yeah I well we were trying to get that before on the server and it didn’t work but because it’s for client it’s just mod mod for client M mhm uh oh there’s a guy send it to you like that idiot yeah so I guess you

You take care of them cuz I don’t have any bow or Crow I’m trying they keep running away also be sure to not hit any Zombie Pigmen Nah if you hit him it’s fine we live life on the edge bro oh I hear you you scum hello

World going he’s going to kill me no well right no oh my God I’m back at spawn gross I I see your stuff it’s here yeah I know but there was that pig guy there yeah but oh I see I see yeah don’t don’t go in there and lure him cuz he

Might be there you pack you picked up some of my stuff okay yeah sorry see that’s what I mean like I don’t know how you have my pants I think oh okay um did you have anything else or was that it uh 50 Netherrack yeah I don’t care about that

Also did you go for did you go for chests that are on different I I got two chests that were on that floor I just came from anything good the crying obsidian and the pig step basically can you uh you got blocks oh my guys do have not really

Seven dirt do you have gold no yeah because we can lure them off from us if if you throw gold they will just stop chasing us oh I forgot about that yeah shoot that would be useful um thisd safe path I took down

Yeah if I I need blocks man uhoh oh no I hope those are zombies oh what yeah those are zombies water doesn’t work in the nether right no hold on I got to I got to get some Netherrack yeah actually I should just dig out some of this stuff and use it as

Building blocks yeah that’s what I’m doing okay here we go boys defitely me here we go oh he’s so angry at me right now dude he wants my soul can you uh D where are you I see zck uh I’m right next to him he’s next

To me okay can you see under me is there anything on that bridge uh uh yeah yeah there is a axe guy hold on I’m SN and sword guy goodbye nice okay now you’re oh never mind wait no no no now you’re safe yeah now you can jump

Or can you I already did yeah you can okay oh my God that magma down there I know are uh yeah there is a magma spawner oh fantastic so we have to destroy this one as soon as possible hello the Pigman going uh how do I get down I guess

Just like this I guess yeah oh he tried actually I’m going to try dropping down from here hello wait do piglins also die in lava I think they do right yes yeah so that potion would be really useful you know you could just jump into the lava and be

Happy that nothing oh boy that’s a lot of magn slimes killing us snipe them oh I see that it’s your turn there’s a spawner there I know yeah get out of here wait we can actually get to it yeah I’m I’m I’m here kind of I’m getting tactical right now oh my

God bro going T yeah just let me take my tactical flashlight right also oh hello does does anyone have a pickaxe that I could take any kind of pickaxe I have only four no no sorry a dur I only have one yeah I only got my pick so I’m

Slowly getting to this if you guys could somehow I grow these magmas uh I can destroy the I can destroy where is it oh I see it okay it’s underneath oh you got it nice is there uh is there an another one over on this side no no there is only

One and now I’m just going to hide and observe what you do guys because I don’t have pickax anymore yeah I’m just going to start sniping them there’s so many wait are you under me d uh I don’t know where you are is that you building oh I’m right next to you

Just on the other side of the wall interesting yes oh okay uh s look up look up the left I know I’m trying to get all this crap as soon as possible yeah I there’s just guy with the crossbow looking at you okay hey okay I didn’t even get to look at it

Yeah uh crying obsidian grab that gold little bit of ancient debris oh yeah there’s a ton of gold we could grab there yeah that crossbow guy yes please there we go hey he’s got a friend right there too you see him uh where uh he did yeah oh I think

All these slimes are small enough right yes uh I I mean every slime uh deals damage I think I think so I think when they’re small enough they don’t yeah I’m pretty sure the tiny ones don’t damage uh but there’s a medium one right here I’m trying to get rid

Of um here let me shoot magma was the one that actually dealt damage when oh even when it’s a baby I think so magma was just so weird to fight let’s find out come here little guy I might be wrong they’re like hopping at me but not doing

Damage is he even touching you yeah it was come on guys they’re so cute oh my god oh they’re going to get so mad at me nothing okay okay good to know I’m just going to yeah build up yeah I’m trying to make it a little

Safer so there are two more axe guys and one oh my God there’s so much gold here too bad Gold’s useless we can use it for pigin trading yeah if we ever get that going okay well that place sucked that was awesome yeah at least we got some good stuff out

Of it so yeah we’ve got you know a lot more iron and gold going on as far as our uh or is concern I’m still really really suffering with Diamonds though uh and then if we check my big boy chest we do have some Vex trims from the Woodland

Mansion we got one of these which okay cool and more importantly we do have a smithing template and some netherite so we could actually bump up one piece of armor uh to full netherite but we don’t have a good enough XP farm or any armor that’s worth upgrading to netherite in

The first place so I’m not too concerned about it the other thing too that I I didn’t even know about these smithing templates uh but basically there is a crafting recipe to make a duplicate so if I type in smithing you can see uh this is a requirement now to upgrade our

Diamond armor into netherite so it would be more cost effective for me to get a couple of them thankfully it’s only Netherrack but it is a lot of diamonds so hopefully the gamma is going to help me uh when it comes to farming diamonds because my game has also been

Extremely dark and so I’ve very very much struggled with finding diamonds down in the depths uh the reason why so many other people I mentioned this once before but why so many others uh will often see diamonds long before I do is everybody’s using shaders like complimentary shaders which is a very

Very nice Shader that I’ve used in the past I’m not using it right now uh but it makes ore glow I’m not saying I won’t use that the shaders or anything it’s not like I don’t want to it’s just I’ve kind of been too lazy to do it and I’ve been

Kind of shying away from it so anyways uh I’m going to hop into a cave and we’ll see if we can get some stuff a little more under control today cuz uh my armor sure did take a beating unfortunately I should probably fix this uh but my goal today is diamonds I need

To get my diamonds under control because even if I look here I do not have enough uh to create more of those netherite upgrade things and uh more importantly I barely have enough diamonds to create new gear I I’ve slowly been working on getting my gear up uh by enchanting new

Gear and then combining it with others and so on and so forth and I actually got a really really good silk touch pick here so it’s got Unbreaking three and efficiency 3 I mean that’s good for me it’s not great but it’s good for me uh

So what I’m thinking is since this is probably going to end up being my pick that’ll have fortune on it I’m thinking that we’re going to take the silk touch pick and from now on I’m going to start mining the raw block because I don’t really need the diamond per

Se uh it’s more so that I need the diamond block and then when we can get Fortune that’ll make a huge difference for our output so another thing I kind of wanted to uh take the opportunity to discuss with you guys like see see how much brighter this is with the gamma I

Don’t know if I like it because it’s so bright that torches don’t even serve a purpose um but I can actually use the mod to bring the gamma back down to default which is going to look something more like this this is this is what the

Game look like by default so I’m just going to air on the side of caution uh I’m going to put that to 300 gamma for the time being and then I’m only going to know in editing uh just how bright or how dark it all is uh but I wanted to

You know take the chance to kind of talk with you guys a bit more seriously um you’ll notice that the single player Series has kind of gone on Hiatus since the second episode um in all honesty I didn’t expect to have as much fun on the

Multiplayer as I have been and I mean Frankly Speaking like I just I’m a very social person and so I have just naturally been having so much more fun on the multiplayer series not only just in terms of my advancement but also just uh you know being able to play with

Everybody and even even seeing everybody in chat right now like I don’t know what they’re what’s going on with them I don’t know what’s happening but it just makes it a lot better and more exciting you know okay here’s an actual dark cave so let’s bring the gamma up to 500 so

That it’s not awful for you guys torches do still serve a purpose though so I can at least do that anyways I got to stop being distracted by all of the iron because I need to stay on point I need to get diamond and unfortunately it doesn’t look like we

Generated anything super cool or interesting I can kind of cheat with the map a little bit here uh and see what’s going on but unfor fortunately it doesn’t seem like there’s much so I might just have to start digging down oh hang on a minute oh this is bedrock isn’t it oh

Okay so we’re actually too deep interesting okay uh that’s the thing is with this resource pack like I oh there’s a cave straight to the South with this resource pack I have a really hard time um you know because I don’t know what all the blocks look like yet

But but either way I mean I could do strip mining but I don’t want to oh hey we actually ended up uh I’ve been in here before this is where we adventured once before see see how much brighter it is like I like it and I don’t because I I I don’t

Know I feel like there’s there’s a fine line with the with the darkness in this game uh that I don’t you know I don’t want to like shy away too Too Much from the authenticity of normal Darkness but then at the same time like certain areas are just super bright and then other

Areas are not this is weirdly bad generation okay see now it’s now it’s much darker so now it actually serves a purpose again anyways I’m I’m just going to dig to the next mine over oh my God okay maybe strip mining is actually good oh no silk touch silk touch

Okay okay oh that was uh I wasted a little bit but whatever man there we go oh oh I dug so deep and then it just ended up being another area I’ve already been oh God I don’t even know where I am anymore man like these caves just keep

On going they’re beautiful but they also just keep on going so uh I think I think it would have been better if I just went to the m shaft that was over by vals cuz then at least that would have been an area that was kind of unexplored okay here’s here’s an area

There’s diamonds right there actually and right in front of me too that’s not even what I meant to do hey bro yeah get out of here you too dude I’m trying to I want the goodies you stay away from my stuff see like at least this is a lot more

Reasy I was about to not use my uh silk touch again what the did he literally just get changed 2 seconds ago like what happened where did he get oh no his buddy came here wo okay doesn’t matter if I’m in full well not almost full diamond these guys still

Hurt okay I need I need to actually like prioritize eating come on Mouse wheel my mouse is dying oh my God the other thing too is the server is getting steadily a bit more laggy it’s not like noticeably bad or anything like that it’s just here and there I’ll I’ll feel

It hey dum dum yeah thanks idiot okay now give me a break please I need to use my silk touch baby and that’s it a single Diamond you know what it was worth it lapis could be good but my goal right now is Diamond nothing else just Diamond okay oh

Hello villager zombie weirdo okay hey dude yeah come here yeah get lost scum where’d that IR one go oh hello I should probably be getting Redstone it is good XP after all but that’s okay let’s let’s stay on point aha see it was a good thing that I

Dug into here I was actually trying to just be cautious of that spider that I heard hey bro oh my God even more don’t mind if I do thank you very much there’s so freaking many of them dude okay lapis is good to have because I’m going to need it for enchants down

The line see what I mean it’s so nice now that I can actually like see what’s going on you know what I don’t need that as a priority um bro really get lost is that something there no no oh I thought that might have been a spawner or something something important aha Target

Spotted this thing is so useful dude I love it oh more diamonds okay thank God for the gamma like the default gamma change okay cool but uh at the same time kill that one come on stop that jerk oh baby okay these guys are serious business if

I don’t take care of them properly oh boy okay okay my mouse wheel seems to be dying today of all days oh boy oh please I’m trying to manage my inventory blow up nice okay give me more no that’s it okay yeah the primary goal again Diamond

That is that is what I need desperately right now ooh nice particles beautiful hi dum dum ow you idiot what are you even shooting at oh my God that is that is the worst I’ve ever seen the lag actually please don’t kill me server please

Uh I’m going to Rel log okay now it seems to be okay not great okay no it’s it’s really bad so someone’s someone’s definitely doing something on the server side maybe it’ll iron itself out we’ll see oh maybe yeah maybe they just ended up going through a portal or something

Cuz that seems to cause issues I don’t know that’s the worst it’s ever been for me though I’ve never really seen anything other than that it seems to be better now oh more Diamond let’s freaking go dude what a hole what a hole yeah you can come down

Here but the water’s going to keep you at Bay dumb dumb get in you stupid bat got him let’s do that get rid of the lava just in case I fall down there oh no okay the server is still dying but we’re finding so much freaking d diamond

This is beautiful I don’t like that there’s only like one block at a time sometimes and thankfully we have the grave mod so if I do die it’s not the end of the world it would still suck oh my God I got a zombie Fisherman’s head well that’s funny please don’t

Lag he one shot me what happened [Laughter] there oh he kind guess cuz it was a point blank explosion that stupid Archer he knocked him right into me [Applause] oh oh that’s going to take that’s going to suck okay uh yeah sure you know what I’m

Going to break my rule I’m going to wear a helmet Ju Just just for now just for now uh where did I go I think it was over here Hello don’t do it that guy’s got an enchanted boat oh my God they all have Enchanted bows why is this so deadly there’s random diamonds right there that means I didn’t go this way oh I don’t like it okay I should mine these I don’t

Care like the fortune yeah big deal I oh I should have got blocks too I’m going to mine for blocks yeah come here you scumbag come on no come around skellies are so deadly dude hey that’s my diamonds you get away away from those those are mine dang

It I’m having so much trouble oh my death is actually nearby okay not too bad oh there’s my torches okay uh I’m going to get blocks in my hot bar in case is that my corpse yes it is hello spider yeah come on come here idiot okay

Uh so I was using my other Diamond booties but uh come On yep that’s what I thought was going to happen and and he’s got my gear are you freaking kidding me stupid grave mod bro are you serious get out of get off my gear oh no don’t start lagging now at least he doesn’t have my sword or like anything super important

For that regard well I mean he does don’t you go into my gear uh okay shield first pick armor up get rid of this stupid helmet cuz I don’t care okay okay uh situation a little bit under control but I still desperately need to get it more under control uh

Chest at least I’ve got the diamond so that’s the important thing I’ll sort all this out in a minute cuz I do not want to deal with you I mean I do want to deal with him but what I meant is uh get him out of

The way so I didn’t have to fight him I like C mode it is a lot of fun okay I don’t need this crap don’t need the tough uh I am going to grab this though because I always like having a crafting table and then I can carry the

Wood with me just in case okay just big breath there’s my diamonds to compensate me for uh that that was such a fast death oh no you don’t idiot no no no okay where was that uh where was that M shaft I guess it was up top like higher up oh my

God this just keeps happening okay so uh that’s default gamma this is with the mod’s like super brightness level five six 7 eight diamonds holy crap okay strip mining may be the way to go uh but yeah this is with the maxed out gamma which I don’t want to use too

Often cuz it as you can see this is how dark normally is so I can’t I can’t tell like that enemies can spawn on me you know what I mean I hear you you scum where are you oh there you are okay it does look

Light up here but that could just be oh no there is something here all right let’s bring that up to our usual 500 at least right and let’s rock and roll okay good very manageable very manageable yeah come get me come down here this is

Uh I did not expect you to even be able to get in there you stupid little spider hey zerts come chill oh my shield is breaking hard get out of here God food need so much freaking food oh he destroyed the lapis actually it doesn’t look like it

Was destroyed it’s still here oh okay okay what is that guy over there look at him with his full gold armor oh my god dude really stop okay food priority I really got to remember food is a priority because I need to actually like get my

Uh get my regen going oh man this is so intense I love it uh let’s get rid of the steak cuz that doesn’t matter to me same with the spider eye and the Deep slate if this isn’t deep slate anyway hello stupid you are a very big boy

I should also really be focusing on my crits cuz it would make M spawner sounds like a spider one unfortunately but maybe we can find some goodies why do I keep finding spider spawners I don’t want a spider spawner is this close to my base no it’s not my

Base is way over here GH do I even bother marking it oh my God okay let’s grab all that we can right prioritize okay so we actually have a server side mod that allows us to craft Saddles and iron axe is no big deal cat another copy I could trade it I

Don’t know beetroot seeds I’m not finding too much of but I know we can just make more so that’s that’s not really that good of a find it’s not bad I like the diamond horse armor because it’s actually quite expensive we do have a crafting recipe for it but

It’s a lot of diamonds so I will grab that honestly um oh you know it would be nice oh if if we could break that down for diamonds that would be really dope come to think of it I should also probably get rid of all of this iron set

Cuz I I can always always make another backup set hello stupid Okay yeah those crits make a huge difference that’s like one less hit so I should really try doing that more often if I can that’s backwards I think problem is I don’t have the timing down o oh looks like we got lucky Big Boy cave oh heck yeah hello my

Beauty you will soon be mine I kind of want to take a peek over here but this looks like bad generation M shaft M shaft okay worth it why do you why do you taunt me like this oh he really wanted to be spotted didn’t he hey dum dum look at

Me yeah come here I’m honestly shocked he didn’t teleport immediately usually they do oh nothing okay I’m going to the m shaft hopefully we got lucky with this one cuz uh most of the M shafts that I’ve seen have either been already dealt with or uh Frankly Speaking hello uh have been pretty

Bad oh no oh no don’t start lagging now please whoa okay this is a pretty good one uh I’m going to kind of skim through here and I’ll let you guys know when I find good stuff uh-oh you know what cave spider spawner how about that

Okay I’d rather just not even deal with it also is it just me like I remember M shafts being so much better for ore like really I I barely find anything in these now it’s it’s like the only thing that you’re trying to go for is the chests

And you got to kind of just get really lucky to find those in the first place you know which I never do whoa that’s weird oh hello get out of here with your enchanted bow you stupid idiot okay I see you don’t worry I know that’s there

Uh this generation though I just don’t know whether or not it’s even worth going through this m shaft cuz Frankly Speaking most of the stuff in here has been well what stuff oh boy oh god oh this is bad oh ah I should have water bucketed that

But that was uh I barely had any time to react woo oh I’m just trying to look at stuff get him zombie yeah stupid skeleton dude there’s so many it’s like an actual zombie invasion why are there so many of them I almost looked at that Enderman okay

Uh let’s just kind of move as a priority and keep your keep your eyes peeled for diamonds boys even though oh did I see something blue and shiny yes I did hello beautiful garbage oh my God I wasn’t keeping track of you God I need a better sword come on you’ll never take

Me alive there’s so many dude what is this there’s leg just so many they just keep coming maybe there’s a zombie spawner nearby uh you know what tactical TCT tactics idiots ah just give me some breathing room here okay okay if I go over there yeah there’s a there’s a Skelly

And then two spiders I got to deal with let’s go let’s do it I don’t know where those zerts came from but maybe oh Lord parkour oh Enderman get out of here bro I want to be your friend but no there goes my shield ow

Okay okay I think it may be time for a tactical Retreat uh there is a baby zombie down there normal zombie whatever I don’t care but that looks like it might be a shaft M shaft no I don’t think so okay you know what let’s see where we end

Up where am I I see a creeper right there deep oh my God this is actually up on that hill is where we came out uh with pastel and weas when we were at the deep dark and got the shriekers from the warden so we’re actually pretty close by oh hey I

Actually see somebody over there that might be pastel ah yes I thought you were a pastel what are you up to man oh nice yeah I guess he’s not using his mic right now that’s okay maybe maybe pastel is at home cuz I need I need to wind down after all that like

That was intense like as soon as that creeper just killed me suddenly it was real like it was like oh I can die even though even though I had uh you know have all my diamond on me it was a lot of fun though holy crap

I like I like this game on hard mode ah yes gaming hello I got a friend hm oh my God I was about to left click found where’d you find it uh I was on the way back from the skeleton farm and oh did you set it up

Where that was no I was looking over it it because I saw um spackle was on the map moving towards I was just like uhoh I didn’t realize without blast protection like even with this diamond armor I got one shot by a creeper yeah I got projectile protection

On my chest plate yeah I got projectile and stuff but I don’t got blast which I really should ohoo boy okay so couple hours later I really shouldn’t have stayed up this late it’s like 5: in the morning freaking Minecraft oh me and pastel were very

Very busy uh we finally set up a uh one of those skeleton spawners that we uh saw a little while back and uh I got to 30 levels so very very epic because now I should be able to get this uh pick Fortune 2 it’s not fortune

3 but Frankly Speaking I don’t want to spend any more time grinding this so I’ll just get the fortune to we’ll call it a hey whoa there he is okay well that was uh very worth it it doesn’t have fortune 3 but it’s got Fortune 2 efficiency four and breaking

Three take it yeah I’ll take it oh my God yeah I’ve been caving for a long time I just I cuz so to be fair the reason why I’m doing this is because I mean now obviously we can start gain level 30 enchants but I got

The uh the thing to upgrade armor to netherite and it cost a like eight diamonds to [Applause] duplicate so this way we’ll at least be able to get a bunch of those that thing that thing’s new to me how how’s it work it’s like um do you know the templates

At all or no no it’s basically a little key card that is now required uh like you you put like diamond the key card and netherite to bump it up to netherite armor yikes yeah which is fine uh but the key card itself is like so rare you

Can duplicate them though so you just like craft it put diamonds around it and then like another block with it so it’s like eight diamonds to duplicate but I mean if you don’t duplicate it well go find another one yeah exactly and they’re from bastions and stuff like

That the armor trims I was looking into them cuz D was showing me some of them and they’re cool like I got a Vex one which kind of makes a line down the front like a robe but um there’s one from the uh wardens City and that one

Looked the best but it’s like really rare so hopefully we can find a deep City at one point anyways there we go beautiful full stack of diamonds are you going to use that Vex St um I don’t know if you are no no problem but you can you know what cuz I’m going

To I’m fairly picky with it and I got my resource pack I do have a second one of those I’m just curious how it looks yeah I’m curious what can all be used on it I think just different ores provide different colors okay let’s see what this level 30 enchant will

Be if we used like netherite for example that V would become the Highlight so you could do like gold for example and get like a gold V on your chest oh I see yeah it’s just the diamond armor just makes it look bad fire aspect I don’t know if that’s worth it

Uh otherwise diamond boots protection four about aw what about the book might have feather falling yeah it might I guess I’ll take the risk cuz why not protection four baby let’s go come on give me some good stuff just protection four wow garbage that’s still protection four

Yeah I wonder if I can combine it with my booties that I already got uh if you have levels let me know how much it takes I have a few uh enchantment 7even not bad and then it’ll be so it’ll replace the projectile protection but at least I’ll

Get feather falling two you want to get feather falling four or feather in in general experience level 22 is where you’re aiming so there’s a 44.4% chance wait what I’m I’m looking at like enchantment table probabilities oh okay there we go I got a bunch of those upgrade things and oh

That cost me a lot but it’ll be worth um yeah either way protection boots are good enough I only have one d uh Ingot but yes my Yeezys I can upgrade but I’m going to have to put some serious uh serious grinding towards levels and crap to get some armor that’s

Worthwhile and tools that are worthwhile onom I need to poke on here during the week and get my own netherite yeah I mean the problem is I don’t have any nether right like itself but yeah

This video, titled ‘I Got ONE-SHOT by a Creeper!? (didn’t see that coming) | RoninCraft (SMP Minecraft) – Part 4’, was uploaded by Scyushi on 2023-12-23 01:10:57. It has garnered 217 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:39 or 3879 seconds.

🍣 Members Watch Videos Early https://youtube.com/scyushi/join ➡️ Minecraft Part 1 Playthrough https://youtu.be/8vDYOyWbFHI ➡️ RONINCRAFT PLAYLIST https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlLJMVn-BoXvmd-z1lD73bpXxGMZiAV1a ➡️ MINECRAFT (2023) PLAYLIST https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlLJMVn-BoXtJ15K6-SWlMko-aSTR99_B

📺 ABOUT THIS VIDEO 📺 What’s up Samurai? Thanks for watching my Let’s Play about Minecraft! This is my RoninCraft server, inspired by HermitCraft.. except I’m the only YouTuber. ✏️ I went caving with some of our members and ended up finding a Warden in the deep dark, so naturally I stole every shreiker I could.

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    EPIC PIXELMON MINECRAFT LIVE NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘PIXELMON MINECRAFT STREAMMMM’, was uploaded by chickensink1 on 2024-06-13 07:11:15. It has garnered 44236 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:17 or 6557 seconds. PIXELMON MINECRAFT STREAMMMM Read More

  • “Moye Moye’s Shocking Encounter in Xmartter! 😱🔥” #shorts #viral

    "Moye Moye's Shocking Encounter in Xmartter! 😱🔥" #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘What This Happened With Moye Moye 🤯😈#shorts #viral #minecraft #trending’, was uploaded by Xmartter on 2024-01-26 18:40:35. It has garnered 2469 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. What This Happened With Moye Moye 🤯😈#shorts #viral #minecraft #trending moye moye,moye moye song,moye moye meaning,moye moye trending,moye moye memes,song moye moye,moye moye funny,moye moye tiktok,moye moye tiktok song,moye moye ki,moye moye moye,moye moye meme,moye moye viral,moye moye context ki?,moye moye song lyrics,explaining the ‘moye moye’ phenomena and the memes,moye moye song bangla lyrics,what is moye moye,what are friends with… Read More

  • Peep Craft SMP

    Peep Craft SMPA fun Survival Multiplayer (SMP) experience with economy, custom enchants, spawners, and crates. Explore, build, enchant, and pvp with other players. Features – Economy – Spawners – Custom Enchants – Crates – SMP – Chunk Claiming – Chunk Loaders – Ranks – Auto sell, claim etc. chests peepcraft.playit.gg Read More

  • RezzCraft SMP 1.21 Java & Bedrock Survival

    Welcome to RezzCraft Minecraft Server! If you’re seeking a peaceful and welcoming Minecraft community, look no further. Our server is now updated to 1.21.1 and supports both Java and Bedrock editions. We offer a selection of plugins to enhance your gameplay experience without taking away from the vanilla feel. Server Features: 1.21.1 Support: Play on both Java and Bedrock versions. Enhanced Vanilla Mechanics: Enjoy quality-of-life improvements like /sethome and /tpa. Grief Prevention: Claim your land with a golden shovel. Leveling System: Unlock perks and commands as you progress. Advanced Farming: Visit the community farm at spawn for automatic crop replanting…. Read More

  • Crafty Crime in Minecraft: Kemal’s Killer Kerem Capers

    Crafty Crime in Minecraft: Kemal's Killer Kerem Capers In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Evil mafia Kemal, a story untold. Kerem Commissioner, on a mission so bold, But tragedy strikes, a story so cold. The evil mafia strikes, Kemal’s deadly hand, Kerem Commissioner falls, in the sand. A twist in the plot, a fate so grand, In the world of Minecraft, where stories expand. Akademi Craft, the storyteller supreme, Crafting tales in rhymes, like a dream. Subscribe and like, join the team, In the world of Minecraft, where stories gleam. Imaginary characters, in a world so vast, Minecraft adventures, built to last. Join the fun,… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft

    Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • Villager’s Daring Decision

    Villager's Daring Decision The World of Minecraft Villagers: A Fascinating Journey Exploring the Minecraft Universe Step into the enchanting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. From building magnificent structures to battling fearsome creatures, players immerse themselves in a virtual realm unlike any other. The Quirky Villagers of Minecraft Among the diverse inhabitants of Minecraft are the lovable villagers. These quirky characters add a unique charm to the game, with their distinct personalities and trading abilities. Players can interact with villagers, trade resources, and even embark on quests to aid them in their daily lives…. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Redstone Tutorial with Arch Mage Jade

    EPIC Minecraft Redstone Tutorial with Arch Mage JadeVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Minecraft ] Working on redstone and explaining bits and bobs’, was uploaded by Jade the Arch Mage on 2024-05-24 19:39:35. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:34 or 8014 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/jadethearchmage https://twitter.com/JadeTheArchMage Read More

  • Deadly Virus Threatens Your Minecraft World

    Deadly Virus Threatens Your Minecraft WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Evil Virus Will Destroy Your Minecraft World..’, was uploaded by RageElixir – Minecraft on 2024-07-31 16:00:21. It has garnered 99928 views and 1992 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:13 or 4093 seconds. This Evil Virus Will Destroy Your Minecraft World.. Subscribe if you ENJOYED the video! ❤️ #Minecraft #RageElixir Read More

  • BioGamerYT Survives 100 Days in Terrifying Minecraft Mod!

    BioGamerYT Survives 100 Days in Terrifying Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in the Scariest Mod in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by BiogamerYT on 2024-09-07 08:30:07. It has garnered 667 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:33 or 3333 seconds. I Survived 100 Days in the Scariest Mod in Minecraft! ➡️ Intro – In this video, I landed in Minecraft’s Most Scariest World to find the answers for the killings of Other Survivors and you will see how I fight with the Monster called: Man from the Fog… ➡️If you enjoyed the video, be sure to Like, Share & Subscribe… Read More

  • Summoning Chaos in Minecraft as Evoker! #epic #shorts

    Summoning Chaos in Minecraft as Evoker! #epic #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But I’m An Evoker… #gameplay #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Vortex Virtos on 2024-04-22 01:03:59. It has garnered 11473 views and 362 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Minecraft, But I’m An Evoker… #gameplay #minecraft #shorts Minecraft, But I’m An Evoker… #gameplay #minecraft #shorts minecraft mod for minecraft minecraft video game minecraft video game how to build a house in minecraft minecraft modern house in minecraft minecraft house tutorial minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft cartoon minecraft minecraft gameplay minecraft minecraft house build minecraft build tutorial minecraft minecraft new videos minecraft… Read More


    🔥ULTIMATE GAMER PLAYS HILARIOUS MINECRAFT MINIGAMES🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘fun with subscribers||funny Minecraft minigames #minecraft’, was uploaded by THE ALL TYPE GAMER on 2024-04-28 03:36:51. It has garnered 28 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:10:21 or 4221 seconds. fun with subscribers||funny Minecraft minigames #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments 🔥 #shorts #minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Moments 🔥 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft moments💀#shorts #minecraft #edits’, was uploaded by Turbo Gamers mine on 2024-08-30 08:42:51. It has garnered 339 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Bro is cooked☠️☠️. #minecraft #trollface #short tags) minecraft, minecraft education, minecraft 0.14.3 texture pack, yaka man minecraft, yogiart gaming minecraft, you need to authenticate to microsoft services minecraft, yandere minecraft, minecraft zoo, minecraft 0 to 100 days, minecraft 0 iq moments, yes smarty pie minecraft, minecraft 0 mod v 100 mods, minecraft 0.15.10, 0 minecraft logic, 0 minecraft videos, $07 minecraft, minecraft 100 days… Read More


    "INSANE MEGA FIGHTER ESCAPE!" #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘normal escape in minecraft💀 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MEGA FIGHTER on 2024-05-23 09:30:12. It has garnered 10266 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. normal escape in minecraft💀 #shorts #minecraft Your queries:- minecraft minecraft elemental flash 100 days in minecraft minecraft mod minecraft flash minecraft 100 days minecraft gameplay minecraft multiplayer minecraft zombie helicopter gaming greene aj gaming realistic minecraft – a normal day minecraftdays bad day minecraft calvin minecraft minecraft in ohio minecraft 100 days 100 days minecraft minecraft mine craft minecraft farm minecrafty minecraft short minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Build: Modern Cliff House in Minecraft – Part 3 by Xsarion

    Insane Build: Modern Cliff House in Minecraft - Part 3 by XsarionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – How to Build: Modern Cliff House – Part 3’, was uploaded by Xsarion Plays on 2024-05-05 07:31:49. It has garnered 1920 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:04 or 1744 seconds. 👍 Leave a LIKE on this video for more! ✅ Subscribe for more! ► https://bit.ly/3POUv79 🎥 Watch the final build showcase ► https://youtu.be/PTR5aF19zC8 Part 1 ► https://youtu.be/eLnfvK0XWi4 Part 2 ► https://youtu.be/QrsLIlcVqtw Part 4 ► https://youtu.be/udfie7fMyro Part 5 ► https://youtu.be/3bzmdXwdGis ● Discord: https://discord.gg/f4ztysnnS9 ● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xsarionplays/ ● X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/XsarionPlaysMC —————————————————- The house can be easily built in both Java… Read More